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Analysis for Question 1:

- 75% of respondents have not heard about illegal dumping, indicating a lack of
awareness within the community.
- 25% of respondents have heard about illegal dumping, suggesting some level of
awareness among a minority of individuals.
Analysis for Question 2:
- 50% of respondents are aware of the health hazards associated with illegal
dumping, indicating a moderate level of understanding within the community.
- 50% of respondents are either not aware or unsure about the health risks,
highlighting the need for more information and education on this issue.

Analysis for Question 3:

- 75% of respondents do not live or work near illegal dumping sites, suggesting
that a majority of the community may not be directly affected by immediate
exposure to dumping activities.
- 25% of respondents either live or work near illegal dumping sites or are unsure,
indicating a significant portion of the community may be at risk of exposure to
health and safety hazards.
Analysis for Question 4:
- 100% of respondents have not experienced health issues related to illegal
dumping or are unsure if they have.
- This suggests that while there may not be immediate health impacts experienced
by respondents, there could still be potential risks within the community that need
to be addressed.
Analysis for Question 5:

- 100% of respondents believe that stricter enforcement measures are necessary to
prevent illegal dumping, indicating strong support for proactive measures to
address the issue.
- This high level of agreement suggests that the community recognizes the
importance of enforcement in mitigating the health and safety risks associated with
illegal dumping.
Recommendations Based on Findings:
 Education and Awareness Campaigns:
Start educational initiatives to increase public knowledge of the dangers unlawful
dumping has to one's health and safety as well as the significance of appropriate
trash disposal methods.
 Community Engagement
Encourage community engagement by holding seminars, workshops, and clean-up
campaigns. This will enable locals to take legal action against unlawful dumping
and safeguard the environment and public health.
 Enhanced Surveillance and Monitoring
Put in place surveillance systems and routinely check on known disposal locations
to more successfully identify and discourage illicit dumping activity.
 Collaboration with Authorities
To guarantee prompt action and enforcement against those who commit unlawful
dumping, enhance cooperation with law enforcement and municipal authorities.
 Investment in Waste Management Infrastructure
Provide funds to upgrade the infrastructure for managing garbage, such as
recycling centers and appropriate disposal locations, in order to encourage
sustainable waste management techniques and offer workable substitutes for illicit


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