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Mechanical systems I

Chapter 4

Position Analysis
All figures taken from Design of Machinery, 3rd ed. Robert Norton 2003

4.0 Introduction

• The design engineer must ensure that the proposed mechanism or machine
will not fail under its operating conditions. Thus the stresses in the materials
must be kept well below the allowable levels.

• A principle goal of kinematics analysis is to determine the accelerations of all

moving parts in the assembly. Using Newton’s law we can determine forces.

• In order to calculate the accelerations, we must first find the positions of all
the links or elements in the mechanism for each increment of input motion,
and then differentiate the position equations versus time to find velocities,
and then differentiate again to obtain the expressions for acceleration

• This chapter will focus on the position analysis of mechanical systems

4.1 Coordinate Systems

• Global Coordinate System: Also known as Absolute coordinate system.

Abbreviated as GCS and denoted as X, Y

o Attached to Mother Earth

o Attached to another ground plane such as frame of automobile

• Local Coordinate System : Attached to a link at some point of interest (pin joint, a
center of gravity, or a line of centers of a link)

there are 2 types of local coordinate systems:

o Local Nonrotating Coordinate System (LNCS, denoted as x, y)

o Local Rotating Coordinate System (LRCS, denoted as x’, y’)

4.2 Position and Displacement
• Position: the position of a point in the plane can be defined
by the use of position vector as shown in the figure below.
(Figure 4-1)
o The polar form provides the magnitude and the angle of the vector
o The Cartesian form provides the X and Y components of the vector

4.2 Position and Displacement
• Position
Using the Pythagorean
Eq (4.0a)
Using Trigonometry:

Coordinate Transformation:

Eq (4.0b)

4.2 Position and Displacement
• Displacement of a point is the change in its position and can be
defined as the straight-line distance between the initial and final
position of a point which has moved in the reference frame

4.2 Position and Displacement
Position difference: one
body in two successive positions • Two cases

Relative position: Two

bodies simultaneously in
separate positions

Eq (4.1a)

Eq (4.1b)

4.3 Translation, Rotation and Complex motion
Translation: All points on
the body have the same
Translation can be
curvilinear or rectilinear

Rotation: Different points

in the body undergo
different displacements and
thus there is a displacement
difference between any 2
points chosen.

4.3 Translation, Rotation and Complex motion
Complex motion = Translation + Rotation

Eq (4.1c)

Eq (4.1d)

4.5 Algebric position analysis of linkages
• Complex numbers are used to represent vectors
Polar form Cartesian form
𝑅@ < 𝜃 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑖 + 𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑗
𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝜃 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑖 + 𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑗
Euler identity: 𝑒 ±𝑗𝜃 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 ± 𝑗𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
𝑑𝑒 𝑗𝜃
= 𝑗𝑒 𝑗𝜃

4.5 Algebric position analysis of linkages
Complex numbers

The Vector Loop Equation for a Fourbar
• Notation used
Links length
a = length of link 2 ( input link)
b = length of link 3 ( coupler link)
c = length of link 4 ( output link)
d = length of link 1 ( ground link)

O2 is the pivot at link 2

O4 is the pivot at link 4

(X,Y) is the global coordinate system, such as X axis is directed

from O2 to O4.
Angles are measured with respect to X axis Counterclockwise 12
The Vector Loop Equation for a Fourbar Linkage
• Writethe vector
 loop equation:
R2  R3  R4  R1  0
(Positive from tail to tip)
• Substitute with complex vectors
aei 2  bei 3  cei 4  dei1  0

• The direction of the position vectors are chosen so as to define their angles where
we desire them to be measured

• The angle of a vector is always measured at its root (tail), not at its head from X
axis CCW

• (x,y) is a local nonrotating coordinates system

Analytical Position Analysis
• Given: link lengths a, b, c and d, 1, 2
• Find: the unknown angles 3 and 4

Analytical Position Analysis
 Vector loop equation for a fourbar linkage

o Position vector
   
R2  R3  R4  R1  0

o Substitute with complex vectors

aei 2  bei 3  cei 4  dei1  0

Given =0
To be determine

o Substituting Euler equivalents

a(cos  2  jsin  2 )  b(cos 3  jsin 3 )  c(cos  4  jsin  4 )  d (cos 1  jsin 1 )  0

4.5 Algebraic Position Analysis of linkages
o This equation can be separated into real and imaginary

Real a cos  2  b cos 3  c cos  4  d  0

Imaginary a sin  2  b sin 3  c sin  4  0

 Solution for 4

• Isolate 3 b cos 3  a cos  2  c cos  4  d

b sin 3  a sin  2  c sin  4

• Square both sides of equations and add them
b 2 (cos 2   sin 2  )  (  a sin   c sin  ) 2  (  a cos   c cos   d ) 2
3 3 2 4 2 4

b 2  a 2  c 2  d 2  2ad cos  2  2cd cos  4  2ac(sin  2 sin  4  cos  2 cos  4 )

Analytical Position Analysis
• To simplify, constants are define in terms of the constant link length

K1 
K2 
d a 2  b2  c2  d 2
K3 
a c 2ac

and  K1 cos  4  K 2 cos  2  K 3  cos  2 cos  4  sin  2 sin  4

• Substituting the identity cos( 2   4 )  cos  2 cos  4  sin  2 sin  4

• Freudenstein's equation K1 cos  4  K 2 cos  2  K 3  cos( 2   4 )

• Using the half angle identities

   
2 tan  4  1  tan 2  4 
sin  4   2 cos  4   2
   
1  tan 2  4  1  tan 2  4 
 2  2

Analytical Position Analysis
• Simplified form
   
 A tan 2  4   B tan  4   C  0
 2  2
A  cos  2  K1  K 2 cos  2  K 3
B  2sin  2
C  K1  ( K 2  1) cos  2  K 3
• The equation is quadratic and the solution is
  B  B 2  4 AC 
 B  B  4 AC
  41,2  2 arctan  
tan  4   
2A  2A 
Note :
• If 𝐵2 − 4𝐴𝐶 < 0 => complex conjugate solution) => the link lengths chosen are not capable
of connection
• The solution will usually be real and unequal => there are two values of 4
•:for crossed configuration of link
•for open configuration of link
Analytical Position Analysis
 Two configurations : Open or Cross
It depends on the assemblage during construction of the linkage
And the right answer depends on the configuration shown

A 3
2 d 4

O2 O4
Analytical Position Analysis
Solution for 3
First case
• If 4 is calculated the angle 3 can be
determined using one of the following equation

b cos 3  a cos  2  c cos  4  d

b sin 3  a sin  2  c sin  4

Analytical Position Analysis
 Solution for 3:
second case ( if 4 is not calculated)
• Isolate 4
c cos  4  a cos  2  b cos 3  d
c sin  4  a sin  2  b sin 3
• Square and add
K1 cos 3  K 4 cos  2  K 5  cos  2 cos 3  sin  2 sin 3

K4 
d c2  d 2  a 2  b2
K5 
b 2ab

   
 D tan 2  3   E tan  3   F  0
2 2 D  cos  2  K1  K 4 cos  2  K 5
E  2sin  2
F  K1  ( K 4  1) cos  2  K 5 21
4.5 Algebraic Position Analysis of linkages
• The solution :
  E  E 2  4 DF 
3  2 arctan  
1,2  2D 
 
 If the solution is complex conjugate, the link lengths chosen are not capable of

 The solution will usually be real and unequal

2 possible solutions :

 For open configuration

 For Crossed configuration

Problem 4.7 ( example on analytical position analysis of pinjointed fourbar linkage)

The link lengths and the value of 2 for some fourbar linkages are defined in
Table P4-1.

1. For row a, find all possible solutions (both open and crossed) for angles
3 and 4 using the vector loop method.

Problem 4.7 Solution

1. Determine the values of the constant needed for finding 4

d A  cos  2  K1  K 2 cos  2  K 3  0.7113

K1  1

K2 
 0.6667 B  2sin  2  1
a 2  b2  c2  d 2 C  K1  ( K 2  1) cos  2  K 3  3.5566
K3  3
• Values of 4 for open and crossed circuit

  B  B 2  4 AC 
Open   41  2 arctan    477.286  117.286 (360 )
 2A 
 

  B  B 2  4 AC 
Crossed   42  2 arctan    216.34
 2A 
 

• Values of 3 for open and crossed circuit, we can use below

b sin 3  a sin  2  c sin  4

• Determine the values of the constant needed for finding if 4is not calculated
K4   0.8571 D  cos  2  K1  K 4 cos  2  K 5  1.6774
E  2sin  2  1
c2  d 2  a 2  b2
K5   0.2857 F  K1  ( K 4  1) cos  2  K 5  2.5906
• Values of 3 for open and crossed circuit
  E  E 2  4 DF 
Open  31  2 arctan    448.837  88.837
 2D 
 
  E  E 2  4 DF 
Crossed  32  2 arctan    244.789
 2D 
 


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