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Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction and Acute Management Strategies

Article in Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry · December 2016

DOI: 10.2174/1871525714666161216100553

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3 authors, including:

Miha Tibaut Daniel Petrovič

General Hospital Murska Sobota University of Ljubljana


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Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 14, 150-159

ISSN: 1871-5257
eISSN: 1875-6182

& Hematological Agents
Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction and Acute Management Strate-
gies The journal for current and in-depth reviews
on Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents

Miha Tibaut1, Dušan Mekiš2 and Daniel Petrovič3,*

Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

General Hospital Rakičan, Murska Sobota, Slovenia; 2Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Man-
agement, University Medical Centre Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia and 3Institute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Abstract: On an annual basis, 13.2% of all deaths are attributable to coronary artery disease (CAD),
which makes CAD - with 7.4 million deaths – the leading cause of death in the world. In this review, we
ARTICLE HISTORY discuss current knowledge in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis with its progression to stable CAD
and its destabilization and complication with thrombus formation – myocardial infarction (MI). Next,
Received: October 23, 2016
Revised: November 29, 2016 we describe mechanisms of myocardial cell death in MI, the ischemia-reperfusion injury, left-
Accepted: December 05, 2016 ventricular remodeling and complications of MI. Furthermore, we add acute management strategies
DOI: concentrating on medical therapy, a decision on the reperfusion strategy, timing and cardiac protection
10.2174/18715257146661612161005 by ischemic preconditioning, post-conditioning and remote ischemic conditioning.

Keywords: Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, management, medical therapy, myocardial conditioning, myocardial in-
farction, pathophysiology.

INTRODUCTION Stable CAD is generally characterized by episodes of re-

versible myocardial demand/supply mismatch, related to
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is characterized by an
ischemia or hypoxia, which are usually inducible by exer-
atherosclerotic process taking place on the coronary vascula- cise, emotion or other types of stress and are commonly as-
ture. The first signs of atherosclerosis can be noticed in in- sociated with transient chest discomfort [2]. Stable CAD can
fants, followed by a regression in childhood, reappearance in
manifest itself due to plaque-related obstruction of coronary
puberty and progression over time [1]. Asymptomatic dis- arteries, their spasms, microvascular dysfunction or left ven-
ease can become symptomatic anytime with angina, exer- tricular dysfunction [2].
tional or at rest, myocardial infarction (MI) or sudden death.
MI is defined as myocardial cell death due to prolonged
The incidence and prevalence of CAD are difficult to as- ischemia. Clinically, the term MI is used when there is evi-
sess as different definitions are used and due to its detection
dence of myocardial necrosis in a clinical setting, consistent
only upon symptom appearance. The prevalence of angina with acute myocardial ischemia and with a rise in cardiac
increases with age and is higher in middle-aged females than troponin [6]. We distinguish between two types of MI on
males. It seems like mortality from CAD is decreasing; how-
which clinical decision-making is based: STEMI and
ever, prevalence is not, undoubtedly as a result of better sur- NSTEMI. In contrast to NSTEMI patients, patients with
vival [2]. On an annual basis, 13.2% of all deaths are at- STEMI are referred to immediate reperfusion treatment
tributed to CAD, which makes CAD – with 7.4 million
strategies. Furthermore, MI is classified into 5 types depend-
deaths – the leading cause of death in the world [3]. In de- ing on its pathophysiology, clinics and prognostics [6]:
veloped countries, the incidence of MI has been decreasing
in the last couple of years, and so is the incidence of ST-  Type I: Spontaneous MI:
segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. o Atherosclerotic plaque disturbance resulting in
In European countries, it occurs in approximately thrombus formation and decreased myocardial blood
66/100000/year. Nonetheless, the incidence of non-ST- flow or distal platelet emboli with ensuing myocyte
segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients necrosis
is slightly increasing (132/100000/year) [4, 5].
 Type II: MI secondary to an ischemic imbalance:
o Imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and/or
*Address correspondence to this author at the Institute of Histology and demand due to other conditions (not CAD), e.g. coro-
Embryology, Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana, Korytkova 2,
1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia; Tel +386 1 543 7367; Fax + 386 1 543 7361; nary endothelial dysfunction, coronary artery spasm,
E-mail: coronary embolism, tachy-/brady-arrhythmias, heart

1875-6182/16 $58.00+.00 © 2016 Bentham Science Publishers

Myocardial Infarction and Treatment Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 151

failure, anemia, respiratory failure, hypotension, hy- is intraplaque hemorrhage from neovessels spreading from
pertension, renal failure or major procedures the vasa vasorum. On the intravascular side, fibroatheromas
 Type III: Myocardial infarction resulting in death when are covered with a fibrous cap, consisting mostly of colla-
biomarker values are unavailable gen-rich fibrotic tissue that is secreted by modulated synthet-
ic-type SMCs replacing contractile SMCs due to local modu-
 Type IVa: Myocardial infarction related to percutaneous lators. Additionally, fibroatheromas consist of microscopic
coronary intervention (PCI) intra- and extracellular calcifications, facilitated by osteogen-
 Type IVb: Myocardial infarction related to stent throm- ic SMCs. Calcification volumes vary and can encompass
bosis most of the plaque [1].
 Type V: Myocardial infarction related to coronary artery While fibroatheromas consist of fibrous and lipid tissue, fi-
bypass grafting (CABG) brous plaques lack a lipid-rich core. Its formation is not yet
fully understood. A different type of lesions are complicated
ATHEROSCLEROSIS plaques, defined by the presence of an occlusive or non-
occlusive thrombus. A thrombus can complicate intermediate
Atherosclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory, fibro- or advanced lesions and is a direct consequence of plaque rup-
proliferative disease of the intima of large and medium-sized ture (fibrous cap rupture – microscopic evidence of rupture) or
arteries. It encompasses many pathophysiological mecha- plaque erosion (no microscopic evidence of rupture) [1].
nisms: retention and modification of lipoproteins, recruit-
ment of monocytes and T-lymphocytes, and the accumula- STABLE CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE
tion of excessive fibrous tissue [1]. The development and
progression of atherosclerosis depends on many risk factors, With aging, plaques can progress and grow to become so
including male gender, hypertension, diabetes, sedentary capacious that coronary artery lumen is reduced beyond the
lifestyle, smoking, elevated cholesterol, and genetic poly- critical point at which blood flow to cardiomyocytes is not
morphisms [7]. sufficient, exposing them to anaerobic environment and
causing ischemia to set in. With the onset of ischemia, stable
Development of Atherosclerosis angina pectoris develops. Conversely, certain plaques do not
reduce lumen/flow significantly and therefore do not cause
In places with low shear stress (outer walls of vessel symptoms. The severity of flow obstruction depends on
branch points, vascular curvatures), the intima is thickened plaque size, vasospasms and a phenomenon called arterial
presumably as a physiological adaptation. The subendotheli- remodeling, consisting of two instances, positive and nega-
al proteoglycan-rich layer and a deeper musculoelastic layer tive remodeling [10]. Positive or expansive remodeling is
with elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells (SMC) start to thought to be partly a consequence of homeostatic responses
form. The so-called intimal thickenings are atherosclerosis- of the adjacent preserved vessel wall to maintain normal
prone regions [1]. shear stress. Another theory suggests that it is predominantly
Apo B-containing lipoproteins (e.g. LDL) accumulate in a pathophysiologic process in which proteolytic enzymes
the proteoglycan-rich layer. Fat droplets are then subject to degrade the media and the external elastic membrane which
enzyme and oxidative radical modification and, when oxi- consequently expands [10]. Non-stenotic plaque is clinically
dized, act as proinflammatory mediators that induce the syn- silent and cannot be seen on angiography. Therefore, it can
only be managed by conservative therapy [11]. Negative or
thesis of endothelial adhesion molecules and chemokines
constrictive remodeling has not been studied in detail, but is
which, in turn, stimulate the recruitment of monocyte-
thought to be a consequence of plaque rupture followed by
derived macrophages [8]. Macrophages phagocyte oxidized
healing [10]. Stenotic lesions cause angina pectoris and are
LDL particles, giving them the appearance of foam cells.
managed not only with drug therapy, but often also call for
Other cells that accumulate excess lipids are SMCs which
revascularization therapy. In affected individuals, plaques
contribute to the total intimal foam cell population [9]. Foam
with positive and negative remodeling often coexist. Moreo-
cells amass in the thickened intima and form yellow fatty
ver, they usually lie in between those extremes [11].
streaks. Fatty streaks are a harmless and fully reversible
stage of atherosclerosis present in infants during the first 6 Flow though coronary arteries is limited when there is more
months of life [1]. than an 80% reduction in the luminal area or more than a 50%
reduction in diameter as seen on coronary angiography. In low-
When lipoproteins are further accumulated in fatty
er grade stenosis, only flow reserve is decreased. In stable
streaks, lipid pools start to form under the layer of foam
CAD, plaques progress gradually in with the above mentioned
cells, but no disruption of vascular intimal structure is seen.
process of atherosclerosis, sometimes complicated by plaque
In coronary arteries, these so-called intermediate lesions are
ruptures that are, in the vast majority, clinically silent, causing
apparent by 20 to 30 years of age [1].
non-occlusive thrombus formation. Many complicated plaques
An irreversible turning point in the process of atheroscle- have several plaque rupture sites. The non-occlusive thrombus
rosis is the progression of intermediate lesions to more ad- is partly removed by natural lysis; the remaining part is then
vanced lesions, e.g. fibroatheromas. A necrotic, lipid-rich covered with natural heparinoids to neutralize the thrombo-
core is formed by the degradation of the extracellular matrix, genicity of the exposed collagen. After 36 hours, SMCs mi-
death of local SMCs and apoptosis of foam cells promoting grate to this area and cover the surface with newly produced
lipid accumulation. Serum lipoproteins are thought to be a connective tissue, restoring plaque integrity. With the restora-
major lipid source in advanced lesions. Another lipid source tion of the fibrous cap (thickening), the affected plaque in-
152 Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 Tibaut et al.

creases in size and contracts by healing SMCs – negative re- other hand, a thrombus can expand the plaque from within
modeling. For this reason, plaque progression is often not line- and, in extreme cases, cause is complete disintegration [12].
ar, but phasic [1, 11, 12].
Plaque Vulnerability
Only 14% of occlusions leading to MI develop on high-
In the vast majority of cases, MI and unstable angina are grade stenoses (more than 70% in diameter) and more than
caused by the formation of thrombus on ruptured or eroded two thirds of MI occur on non-obstructive lesions (<50% in
plaque with or without simultaneous vasospasm [12]. The diameter) [13]. Therefore, the severity of stenoses on angi-
thrombus causing unstable angina and NSTEMI is usually non- ography does not define the extent of one’s risk for the de-
occlusive and dynamic, whereas on the other hand, an occlusive velopment of MI, whereas on the other hand, an important
and persistent thrombus is found in STEMI patients. Other rarer risk factor is the number of vulnerable plaques. Vulnerable
causes of acute coronary syndromes are spasms, emboli, sponta- plaques are prone to rupture. Rupture tends to occur where
neous coronary artery dissection, vasculitis, cocaine abuse, trau- the fibrous cap is the thinnest, usually on the cap margin –
ma and compressions of the coronary artery by myocardial shoulder region. Only in the minority of cases we can identi-
bridges (fragments of myocardium crossing on top of the coro- fy a mechanical trigger, which causes an escalation of forces
nary artery causing obstruction with physiological contraction). on the fibrous cap and precipitates rupture. Some examples
Plaque rupture is the major cause of thrombosis in coro- of triggers are: extreme physical activity, severe emotional
nary vasculature and is more frequent in men [1]. When stress, sexual activity, drug abuse, cold exposure, and acute
plaque ruptures, the fibrous cap tears and exposes the highly infections. Triggers only determine the exact timing of MI,
thrombogenic lipid core to blood. The lipid core contains a in the majority of cases plaque rupture would occur anyway
tissue factor, collagens and lipid microcrystals, all of which in the next couple of days due to plaque morphology [1].
accelerate thrombosis, which starts in the plaque itself and Rupture-prone plaques (Table 1) are characterized by a
extends intraluminally. When there is no sign of fibrous cap thin fibrous cap, of less than 65 μm [14]. Nowadays, such
rupture, term plaque erosion is used. In plaque erosion, sub- plaques can be detected by modern intravascular imaging
endothelial tissue, such as the basal membrane, is exposed to devices, such as intravascular ultrasound, or more precisely
blood, and the thrombus that forms is therefore adherent to by means of optical coherence tomography. Plaque infiltra-
the plaque surface. The underlying mechanism of both pro- tion by macrophages and lymphocytes and the subsequent
cesses is an enhanced vascular inflammatory activity within production of inflammatory mediators cause apoptosis of
the plaque itself. Macrophages within the plaque are highly SMCs, which are the main source of fibrous cap fibers. Mac-
activated, causing endothelial and SMC cell inhibition and rophages also excrete proteolytic enzymes, such as plasmin-
death by apoptosis, secretion of a wide range of metallopro- ogen activators and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),
teinases degrading the connective tissue matrix including which are capable of degrading almost all extracellular com-
collagen. Apoptosis of endothelial tissue with lysis of adhe- ponents including the fibrous cap. As a result of these two
sion proteins are basis of endothelial erosion. Apoptosis of mechanisms, the fibrous cap weakens over time. The exact
SMCs with fibrous cap lysis, on the other hand, causes endo- time frame of this occurrence is not yet known [1, 12].
thelial rupture [1, 12]. Metalloproteinase secretion by mac-
rophages is upregulated by inflammatory cytokines. Plaque The presence and size of the lipid-rich core is also related
rupture/erosion is therefore seen as an auto-destructive pro- to plaque vulnerability. A larger lipid-rich core means great-
cess related to the inflammation [12]. er tensile forces to the overlying fibrous cap and higher
amounts of prothrombotic particles, its expansion can also
The development of thrombus and its extent is highly varia- erode the cap from below, predisposing it to rupture [1, 12].
ble and depends on: local flow disturbances, blood coagulability
and thrombogenicity of the exposed tissue – the Virchow triad Rupture-prone plaques tend to develop on luminal sites
[1]. The most important factor in plaque rupture seems to be the with positive remodeling; they have a higher rating of neo-
thrombogenicity of the expelled tissue; however, in plaque ero- vascularization, adventitial inflammation and a higher tissue
sion, the exposed tissue is not as thrombogenic as the lipid core factor content. Plaque size does not seem to play an im-
or particles containing the tissue factor, thus the main mechanism portant role by itself; nonetheless, bigger plaques have a big-
is probably the disturbance in systemic and local thrombogenic ger lipid-rich core and less fibrosis. As mentioned above, the
factors. The thrombus may progress rapidly or can develop over severity of stenosis does not confer a greater risk of MI.
the course of days, with intermittent flow disturbances due to Even if the thrombus severely occludes the stenotic segment,
dynamic processes: thrombosis, thrombolysis with or without it usually does not result in MI; in that case collateral circu-
vasospasms. Furthermore, as thrombus starts to form, blood con- lation is sufficiently developed [1].
tinues to flow through the plaque washing away tissue factor-rich
debris resulting in microembolisation. Microembolisation may Molecular Mechanisms of Plaque Disruption
also occur with PCI. Microemboli then obstruct small coronary On a microanatomic level, four different mechanisms can
arteries in the size range of 50-100 μm distal to the plaque and precipitate ACS [15]. Plaque rupture is the most common
prevent myocardial perfusion despite the potential recanalization cause, followed by superficial erosion, erosion around calci-
of the culprit artery [1, 12]. um nodules, or intraplaque hemorrhage. The extent of
A thrombus can form predominantly intraluminally or in- thrombosis on a molecular level depends on the balance be-
side the plaque. A large occlusive thrombotic mass can form tween procoagulant/anticoagulant factors, profibrinolyt-
on a small ruptured plaque on the one hand, whereas on the ic/antifibrinolytic factors and local regulatory factors at the
Myocardial Infarction and Treatment Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 153

level of the arterial wall. It is now widely accepted that in- of which is once again augmented by inflammation. Another
flammation in common initiating pathway in development of possible mechanism for plaque erosion is endothelial cell
ACS [15]. The immunoinflammatory system can balance the death by apoptosis [15]. Since inflammatory mediators can
process in either way. CD4+ T-lymphocytes, natural killer promote or inhibit the rate of apoptosis, an exact mechanism
cells, natural killer T-cells and macrophages with expression is not yet clear, nonetheless it was suggested that
of toll-like receptor 4 (and downstream signaling through CD4+/CD28-KIR2DS2+ lyse endothelial cells in patients
Myd-88) promote inflammation and therefore atherogenesis. with unstable angina [16].
On the other hand, a fully functional spleen, B cells, com-
plement 3 and regulatory T-lymphocytes (CD4+/CD25+) Erosion from Calcium Nodules
were found to inhibit atherogenesis. The overall process
probably depends on the complex interaction and balance Plaque calcium content is, as collagen content, dependent
between all of these individual components [16]. on the balance between its synthesis and degradation. Mac-
rophages express enzymes involved in bone resorption, and
Table 1. Characteristics of rupture-prone plaques [1]. higher calcium content plaques consequently exhibit a lower
rate of macrophage infiltration. Calcium nodules as small as
Fragile Fibrous Cap 10 μm cause local flow disturbances, affecting biomechani-
cal properties of the plaque. Next, erosion takes place, fol-
Thin (<65 Μm) lowed by thrombosis [15].
Macrophage Infiltration with Inflammation
Intraplaque Hemorrhage
Low SMC Number
Intraplaque hemorrhage can cause rapid plaque expan-
Large Lipid Rich Core sion and ACS, nevertheless that is rarely the case. In most
cases, intraplaque hemorrhages lead to progressive stepwise
Hemorrhage into The Core occlusion of coronary arteries. Firstly, neovessels develop
Expansive Remodeling under the influence of many growth factors and angiogenic
proteins that are excessively present in lesions. Plaque hem-
Neovascularization orrhages develop with repeated neovessel rupture [15].
Adventitial Inflammation
High Tissue Factor Content
After the onset of thrombosis, cardiomyocytes die rapidly
due to a number of factors: hypoxia and energy depletion in
Plaque Rupture the absence of aerobic reserve (supply-demand mismatch),
reoxygenation, acidosis, oxidative stress and cytokine stimu-
In plaque rupture, the fibrous cap breaks and exposes its lation [17]. After the first 30-45 seconds, diastolic and sys-
contents to blood flow. The fibrous cap retains its integrity if tolic dysfunction sets in, followed by the appearance of elec-
the balance between collagen synthesis and degradation is trocardiographic changes. The first necrotic cells are seen
maintained. This balance is threatened by the infiltration of after 30 to 40 minutes of flow deprivation; from there on
shoulder regions of the plaque with dendritic cells which se- cells die exponentially. If no reperfusion is achieved either
crete T-lymphocyte-recruiting chemokines. T-lymphocytes by PCI or pharmacologic thrombolysis in 6 hours, almost all
migrate into the plaque where they are activated through the of the non-perfused myocardium is affected by necrosis [17].
antigen presentation from the dendritic cells, resulting in inter- Myocardium is affected in the wavefront pattern – initially,
feron-γ (IFN-γ) and TNF-α (potent inflammatory cytokines) myocardial damage affects the endocardial region and grad-
secretion. This process results in the reduction of SMCs activi- ually progresses to the epicardial region [18].
ty and survival, and it also activates macrophages. Collagen
synthesis by plaque SMCs is therefore almost halted. SMCs’ Due to a lack of anaerobic metabolic pathways, the myo-
ability to repair the fibrous cap is therefore reduced. To contin- cardium is very susceptible to ischemia, which therefore causes
ue, the number of SMCs directly correlate with collagen quan- rapid intramyocardial ATP depletion. Still, a complete deple-
tity. Proinflammatory cytokines promote apoptosis of SMCs, tion of ATP usually takes 40–60 min. On the other hand, con-
thus diminishing their numbers. Another important aspect in tractile arrest occurs after several minutes and cellular swelling
this balance is increased collagen degradation. MMPs in rup- with intracellular changes in microstructure start as quickly as
ture-prone plaques are overexpressed and more active, again as 15 minutes after the onset of ischemia. These events are trig-
a consequence of proinflammatory mediators. In order for col- gered by the accumulation of H+ as a side product of ATP deg-
lagen digestion to take place, MMPs’ activity must overpower radation. Low pH inactivates troponin C (disabling contrac-
the activity of tissue inhibitors of MMPs. [15, 16]. tion), causes influx of Na+ (swelling), and gradual loss of ATP
results in inactivation of Ca2+ ATPases (Ca2+ buildup and acti-
Superficial Plaque Erosion vation of apoptosis or oncosis). All processes occur within
minutes, but progress gradually because the acidic environment
Molecular mechanisms of superficial plaque erosion are slows down all pathways [19].
not well researched. They are speculated to be a result of
degradation of type IV collagen connecting endothelial cells Cardiomyocyte death occurs either by oncotic or apoptotic
to the basal membrane with MMPs. Interstitial MMPs are pathways. The exact ratio of contribution of each of the two is
activated by endothelial cells’ surface MMPs, the expression not yet known. Oncosis is activated by events rapidly rising in-
154 Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 Tibaut et al.

tracellular calcium ion concentration or because of a dysfunction and cardiac output. Patients therefore present with the triad
of the mitochondria’s respiratory chain which decreases ATP of hypotension, clear lung fields, and elevated jugular ve-
production. Water and ions enter cardiomyocytes which uncon- nous pressure. Besides timely reperfusion, treatment consists
trollably swell and burst. Apoptosis, on the other hand, is a well- of rapid fluid administration and use of inotropes to normal-
controlled process of death occurring mainly in the histological ize LV preload and cardiac output. Nitrates and morphine
border zone of the MI [17, 19]. should be avoided as they often cause drastic hypotension
Cell death initiates a surge of neutrophil and monocyte in- [20].
vasion causing acute exudative inflammation. Inflammation Peri-infarction pericarditis typically occurs in the first few
activates fibroblasts and endothelial cells, developing vascular- days after MI and is characterized by pericardial friction rub and
ized granulation tissue in place of dead cardiomyocytes with slow regression of ST-segment elevations. It is usually a conse-
the aim of tissue repair (24 hours to 7 days after occlusion). quence of larger MI and is self-limiting, rarely requiring anti-
Rate apoptosis in the border zone is enhanced with the purpose inflammatory therapy with aspirin and colchicine. Pericardial
of containing granulation tissue inside the infarcted area. The effusion itself, on the other hand, is quite common, occurring in
inflammatory reaction gradually resolves, granulation tissue up to one third of patients, but is mostly asymptomatic and re-
matures into collagenous scar and inflammatory cells, fibro- solves spontaneously. When symptoms are present, pericardial
blasts and endothelial cells in the infarcted area undergo apop- tamponade should be excluded. In contrast, postcardiac injury
tosis. After 7 days – or a few weeks in the case of the previous- syndrome (PCIS) develops weeks to months after MI or other
ly affected myocardium, only acellular scar tissue persists. Fur- cardiac insult and is thought to be an immune-mediated process.
thermore, due to its inability to contract, it can lead to compen- In contrast to peri-infarction pericarditis, it is characterized by
satory remodeling of heart chambers [17]. fever, pleuritic chest pain, pericardial friction rub and sometimes
pulmonary infiltrates or effusions. It usually responds well to
ACUTE MECHANICAL COMPLICATIONS OF MI treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
AND LEFT VENTRICULAR (LV) REMODELING or in refractory cases to steroids or colchicine [22].
When inflammation in the infarcted area is not sufficiently ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION INJURY
contained, the infarcted area is vast, or there is excessive ven-
tricular wall stress, the infarcted area expands with consequent Even though timely reperfusion of the culprit artery dra-
low tensile strength scar formation. Before the scar is absolute matically improves the outcomes of patients with acute cor-
(in the first days to a few weeks after MI) complications can onary syndromes, the procedure is often less effective than
occur with acute or subacute left ventricular free wall rupture, expected even if implemented in a timely manner. This is
ventricular septal rupture, acute mitral regurgitation, right ven- due to the reperfusion injury. When the infarcted area is
tricular infarction, formation of LV wall aneurysm and heart reperfused, all substrates essential for ATP generation are
failure. On the other hand, neurohumural factors, cytokines, again available and extracellular pH is promptly normalized.
oxidative stress and wall stress contribute to LV remodeling An extreme H+ gradient is generated across the membrane
through non-infarct related hypertrophy or dilatation and to activating the Na+/H+ exchanger causing massive Na+ influx.
pericardial complications (e.g. peri-infarction pericarditis, peri- Subsequently, the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is activated overload-
cardial effusion, postcardiac injury (Dressler's) syndrome). The ing cells with Ca2+. Because of the normalization of pH, in-
incidence of all complications is now (reperfusion era) much tracellular processes are again accelerated. The sudden re-
lower than before [20-22]. covery of aerobic metabolism boosts the mitochondrial res-
piratory chain resulting in ROS overload and consequent
Left ventricular free wall rupture is almost always fatal,
oxidative damage to all cellular structures [19]. ROS over-
non-fatal instances are usually due to existing pericardial
load also stimulates the opening of the mitochondrial perme-
adhesions (e.g. after cardiac surgery). Death occurs basically
ability transition pore (MPTP), a mega-channel in the inner
because of instantaneous pericardial tamponade. 50% of in-
mitochondrial membrane which, when opened for extended
stances of free wall rupture occur within the first 5 days after
periods, dissipates the inner mitochondrial membrane poten-
MI and within 2 weeks in more than 90% of cases. If the
tial, mitochondria swell and rupture [23, 24]. Another mech-
ventricular wall ruptures on the intraventricular septum, left
anism of reperfusion injury is a contraction band necrosis, a
to right shunt occurs, often resulting in cardiogenic shock
direct consequence of contractile machinery activation with
and immediate surgical treatment is considered most suc-
Ca2+ overload and consequential hypercontraction with myo-
cessful. Nevertheless, mortality remains high [20].
cyte rupture [25]. All these events, together with increased
Acute mitral regurgitation is usually a complication of in- inflammation, result in accelerated myocardial damage by
ferior infarction that includes the posteromedial papillary apoptosis and oncosis, which reaches its top 30 minutes after
muscle. It can result from a complete or partial papillary reperfusion and ameliorates after 1 hour with Ca2+ reuptake
muscle rupture, its dysfunction, chordal rupture or can be a by sarcoplasmic reticulum [19].
result of LV dilatation. Clinically significant are those mod-
erate to severe or severe, which present with cardiogenic ACUTE MANAGEMENT AND MEDICAL THERAPY
shock often resulting in death if not recognized in timely OF MI
manner and surgically treated [20].
Right ventricular infarction complicates up to half of in- Initial Therapy upon Diagnosis
ferior MI. The right ventricle is a low pressure system, if Patients should primarily be managed according to the
infarcted it quickly dilates causing a rapid fall in LV preload ALS algorithm (ABCDE) [26]. Upon diagnosis, manage-
Myocardial Infarction and Treatment Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 155

ment of MI and unstable angina should simultaneously focus patients over 75 years of age, below 60 kg or history of
on hemodynamic stabilization, relieving the pain (angina TIA/stroke should not receive prasugrel, whereas on the oth-
pectoris), decreasing myocardial oxygen consumption (by er hand, ticagrelor is contraindicated in patients with history
decreasing heart rate, blood pressure, preload or myocardial of intracranial hemorrhages, and caution is advised in pa-
contractility), increasing myocardial oxygen supply (by ad- tients with bradycardia (increased incidence of asymptomatic
ministration of oxygen or through coronary vasodilation) and ventricular pauses) [4, 27, 31].
initiating antithrombotic therapy [4].  In STEMI patients with planed PCI, pretreatment with a
Oxygen loading dose of 180 mg of ticagrelor or 60 mg of prasug-
rel or 600 mg of clopidogrel should be given, bearing in
Oxygen supplementation should be initiated in patients mind the contraindications. The choice of P2Y12 antago-
with arterial oxygen saturation below 94% (or <88% if
nists should always be guided by local protocols or by
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is present) to consultation with a PCI center. When thrombolysis is
achieve normoxia. Hyperoxia should be avoided since it planned, newer P2Y12 antagonists should be avoided as
causes coronary artery vasoconstriction, increases early my-
there no data in this setting, and clopidogrel should be
ocardial injury and infarct size [27, 28]. used instead (300 mg loading dose up to an age of 75 and
Nitrates 75 mg without loading dose if >75 years of age) [27].
In the absence of hypotension (systolic blood pressure  In NSTE-ACS with planed PCI, pretreatment with a
< 90 mmHg) and signs of right ventricular infarction (up to loading dose of 180 mg of ticagrelor or 300 mg of
40% of inferior STEMI), patients should be given nitrates, clopidogrel should be given taking into account their
namely nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually every 5 minutes up contraindications [4, 27]. Before coronary anatomy is
to three times [27] with the intention of increasing coronary known and patients are not proceeding to PCI, prasugrel
blood flow by decreasing preload. This can also alleviate should not be given in NSTE-ACS situations, since it
angina. In monitored patients, intravenous nitroglycerin can was shown to increase major bleeding events without re-
be used as continuous infusion. Before nitrates are given, ducing thrombotic events. Ticagrelor and clopidogrel
one has to make sure the patient did not take phosphodiester- were not investigated in regard to the timing of the treat-
ase-5 inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil) in last the 24-48 hours, since ment, nonetheless they are recommended soon after di-
combined with nitrates they can cause severe hypotension. agnosis, regardless of the management strategy [4, 27,
 If conservative management is preferred, prompt initia-
If pain persists, intravenous (i.v.) morphine of 3 to 5 mg tion of DAPT is warranted, preferably with ticagrelor in
may be given and repeated every few minutes [27] until the the absence of contraindications in STEMI or NSTE-
patient is pain-free. Morphine diminishes sympathetic stimu- ACS patients [4].
lation caused by pain and anxiety, and therefore reduces my-
ocardial oxygen consumption. Generally, morphine should Anticoagulation Therapy
be used only in patients with extreme pain as it was shown to After initiation of DAPT, anticoagulants should also be
reduce the antiplatelet effect of P2Y12 receptor blockers, pre- given. Anticoagulation in adjunct to DAPT was shown to
sumably through slowing intestinal absorption [27-30]. reduce ischemic events. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) (ini-
Antithrombotic Therapy tial bolus 70–100 U/kg when no glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa
inhibitor is planned or 50–60 U/kg when the use of GP
Antiplatelet Therapy IIb/IIIa inhibitors is expected is mainly used in patients re-
Patients should chew non–enteric-coated aspirin (150 to quiring immediate PCI [32]. Recent studies suggest that
300 mg) which blocks further platelet aggregation as a cen- enoxaparin (0.5 mg/kg i.v. followed by s.c. treatment [32])
tral pathophysiologic mechanism of MI after plaque disrup- may be preferred over UFH since it was shown to reduce
tion. Also, i.v. preparation of 150 mg can be given if the pa- MACE. Fondaparinux is considered the safest and as effec-
tient is unable to take medications orally [27, 29]. tive as others, and is therefore preferred if there is no imme-
diate PCI planned, whereas on the other hand, in the context
Additional inhibition of platelet aggregation is achieved of primary PCI, it was associated with potential harm and is
by P2Y12 receptor antagonists, normally stimulated by ADP. therefore not recommended. Alternative to all three, bival-
Clopidogrel and prasugrel are irreversible, whereas ticagrelor irudin (0.1 mg/kg i.v. bolus followed by an infusion of 0.25
is a reversible P2Y12 inhibitor. Prasugrel and ticagrelor have mg/kg/h) may be used. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition is
a more rapid and consistent action, while clopidogrel is usually used in peri-procedural settings as there is no differ-
known to have hypo- and hyper-responders. Dual antiplatelet ence in ischemic events if given pre-procedurally and no
therapy (DAPT) with clopidogrel therapy has been shown to increased risk of bleeding [32, 33].
reduce ischemic events compared to aspirin alone. Studies
comparing clopidogrel to prasugrel or ticagrelor found a sig- Reperfusion Strategy
nificant MACE reduction (due to reduction in MI) with pra- The timing of invasive strategy depends on the risk of
sugrel and ticagrelor and superiority in mortality reduction complications (Table 2) [4]. In STEMI and very high risk
with ticagrelor, making an allowance for higher bleeding NSTE-ACS patients, reperfusion should be initiated as soon as
risks with both drugs. Prasugrel has also been shown to have possible in less than 120 min if the time from symptom onset is
lowest incidences of in-stent thromboses and has had a great less than 12 hours. Reperfusion can be achieved by percutane-
benefit in T2DM patients. Because of a higher bleeding risk,
156 Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 Tibaut et al.

ous coronary intervention (PCI), with a prompt initiation of patients without contraindications early after MI (in 24
fibrinolysis, or with a combination of both. When PCI can be hours) because of an observed relative risk reduction in mor-
performed within a time limit of 60–90 min, then direct tality in the first week and in-hospital. Beta-blockers are con-
transport to the PCI center is indicated. Diagnosis to balloon traindicated in heart failure (Killip class III or IV), high
time should be less than 120 min. Patients presenting to a non- grade aortic stenosis or other low-output state, bradycardia
PCI hospital with STEMI should be immediately transported to or heart block [27, 29, 30].
a PCI center, provided that treatment delays for primary PCI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI)
are less than 120 min. If transport times in a prehospital setting
are higher than 30-60 min, prehospital fibrinolysis is a superior Early oral introduction of ACEI in the first 24 hours of
method, but must be followed by PCI within 3-24 hours after MI reduces mortality regardless of the reperfusion strategy,
its initiation. [4, 27]. especially in patients with anterior infarction, pulmonary
High-risk NSTE-ACS patients require early PCI in the congestion or an LV ejection fraction of less than 40%. They
first 24 hours, since immediate PCI did not result in any ma- should not be given in presence of contraindications or if
systolic blood pressure is below 100 mmHg [27].
jor benefit, while longer times, on the other hand, were con-
nected with higher mortality rates. Intermediate risk patients Statins
and patients with positive non-invasive ischemia tests should
Statins are a recommended therapy in all ACS patients
be referred to coronary angiography in a 72-hour window. If
the patient does not meet any of the risk criteria in Table 2, it after the initial stabilization. Intensive statin therapy is rec-
is considered low-risk, and non-invasive tests are indicated ommended. According to ESC guidelines [4], the use of
statins that lower LDL for more than 50% is recommended,
prior to the decision on invasive management [4].
and according to ACCF/AHA guidelines [5], atorvastatin 80
Table 2. Risk groups in NSTE-ACS. Patients are classified to mg should be used. High intensity statin therapy significant-
the highest group in which they meet at least one cri- ly reduces cardiovascular death and MACE in the first
teria. (adopted from [4]) month after ACS. After two months, statin therapy should be
titrated to achieve target LDL levels in secondary prevention
Very-High-Risk Group (at least one criteria) [5, 30].
When target levels of LDL are not reached or there are
Hemodynamic instability or cardiogenic shock
also elevated triglycerides or lipoprotein(a), other lipid low-
Recurrent or ongoing chest pain refractory to medical treatment ering drugs (PCSK9 inhibitors, fibrates, ezetimibe, niacin or
Life-threatening arrhythmias or cardiac arrest others) may be needed.
Mechanical complications of MI Proton-Pump Inhibitors
Acute heart failure
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) should be initiated in all pa-
Recurrent dynamic ST-T wave changes, particularly with intermittent tients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy because of ACS,
ST-elevation regardless of their bleeding tendency or history of bleeding
High-Risk Group (at least one criteria)
[4, 34]. The use of PPIs in combination with clopidogrel may
reduce its antiplatelet effect through competitive inhibition
Rise or fall in cardiac troponin compatible with MI of CYP2C19; nevertheless, compliance of DAPT use with
Dynamic ST- or T-wave changes (symptomatic or silent) concomitant use of PPI is higher [34].
GRACE score >140
Myocardial Protection by Conditioning
Intermediate-Risk Group (at least one criteria)
With the purpose of minimizing ischemia-reperfusion in-
Diabetes mellitus jury, many researchers are investigating ways of protecting
Renal insufficiency
the myocardium after ACS to reduce infarct size. Depending
on the time frame and the site of intervention, three terms are
LVEF <40% or congestive heart failure used: ischemic preconditioning (IPC), postconditioning
Early post-infarction angina (POC) and remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC). Nowa-
Prior PCI days, the term conditioning refers to the intervention of in-
creasing the heart’s general ability to withstand ischemia.
Prior CABG
GRACE risk score >109 and <140 Ischemic Preconditioning

Low-Risk Group IPC is defined as a phenomenon where brief periods of

ischemia accompanied by reperfusion just before sustained
Any characteristics not mentioned above ischemia results in a delayed progression or reduction of
infarct size, despite an increase in the total ischemic period
[19]. Its positive effects are exerted through a delay in ATP
Beta Blockers consumption, reduction in oxygen consumption, retention of
Beta-blockers lower blood pressure, heart rate and myo- intracellular structures and a delay in cellular necrosis. Typi-
cardial contractility, therefore decreasing myocardial oxygen cally, it is experimentally achieved by applying several short
consumption. They should be administered universally in cycles (a few minutes) of ischemia followed by reperfusion
and finally sustained ischemia. IPC, performed through the
Myocardial Infarction and Treatment Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 157

mentioned experiment, displayed benefits only in animal by balloon deflation. Recent studies found three conditions
models of ACS, since it cannot be used in patients with MI to be optimal for beneficial POC. First, the duration of index
by its very nature. Protection by IPC happens in two phases, ischemia has to be greater than 45 minutes, the POC proce-
early (< 3h) and late (24-72h). Early phase protection is dure should start in a few minutes after reperfusion (<5 min,
mainly attributed to the activation of ion channels, phos- optimal 10 s – 1 min) and it should be repeated several times
phorylation (activation) of existing enzymes or a rapid turn- with a total duration of several minutes (at least 3 cycles).
over or translocation of substances, whereas the late phase is With optimal conditions, studies showed a reduced infarct
attributable to the changed genetic expression of receptors, size, increased ejection fracture, restored postischemic con-
membrane channels, enzymes, chaperons or immunomodula- tractile function, decreased edema in the risk area and less
tors [17, 19, 23]. no-reflow phenomenon. It seems that most benefit is gained
Versatile mechanisms/agents have been reported to be in patients with anterior STEMI presenting with a complete-
more or less successfully influenced/used to mimic protec- ly occluded artery in which direct stenting is followed by an
tion by IPC [19, 23, 24, 35]. Mitochondria are the most im- upstream POC protocol [19, 24, 35, 36].
portant effector in conditioning pathways. Agonists like Pathophysiologically, upon reperfusion, intracellular pH
adenosine, bradykinin, opioids, acetylcholine, catechola- quickly recovers and causes Ca2+ overload and excessive
mines and oxygen radicals activate the protein kinase C ROS formation leading to reperfusion injury. POC is there-
(PKC) pathway, which seems to be the first convergent step fore achieved by preventing Ca2+ overload and inhibiting
in the cascade leading to the opening of mitochondrial ATP- ROS generation. Those protective pathways seem to con-
sensitive potassium (KATP) channel. The KATP channel is one verge on the mitochondria through the inhibition of MPTP
of the key mediators in IPC, its opening causes an increase in opening. Owing to those mechanisms, oxidative stress, pro-
ROS production which further activates PKC in a positive inflammatory cytokine release, proapoptotic pathways and
feedback loop. Low amounts of KATP channel-mediated ROS neutrophil function are attenuated. Mechanisms involved in
release can trigger cardioprotection by yet unknown mecha- POC have same effectors as in IPC, but differ since POC is
nisms. Mitochondria’s MPTP is another important mediator only effective in a strict timeframe [19, 35].
of IPC. Cardioprotection is exerted with the prevention of its
In studies, cardioprotection by POC was also elicited
opening upon reperfusion. It is hypostasized that with IPC, pharmacologically with adenosine, atrial-natriuretic peptide,
the activation of prosurvival pathways prevents MPTP open- erythropoietin, atorvastatin, metoprolol, GLP-1 analogs and
ing, secondly its opening can be inhibited by KATP-mediated
cyclosporine [23, 35, 36].
ROS production and, thirdly, oxidative stress with IPC is
diminished, therefore preventing MPTP opening. IPC also Studies on POC (interventional or pharmacological) were
attenuates increases in Na+ and Ca2+ and therefore in the cel- predominantly positive, nonetheless they have not yet been
lular volume load. Other molecules and structures thought to translated to clinical praxis since they were inconsistent in
be implicated in IPC through various pathways are connex- patient selection, cardioprotective therapy, patient comorbid-
in43, STAT3, hexokinase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, nitric ities, timing and study endpoints [23, 35, 36].
oxide though protein nitrosylation, sarcoplasmic reticulum Remote Ischemic pre-, per- and Postconditioning
and cytoskeleton. [19, 23, 24, 35].
Applying short episodes of ischemia and reperfusion in
In humans, IPC has been studied through unstable angi- the arm or leg using repeated blood-pressure cuff inflations
na, exercise-induced ischemia, coronary angioplasty and has been shown to exert cardioprotection. The main ad-
cardiac surgery. Studies investigating unstable angina found
vantage of remote ischemic conditioning is that intervention
smaller infarct sizes, which cannot only be attributed to IPC, does not need to be done on the heart itself. Because of its
but can also be a consequence of collateral flow and reperfu- noninvasive nature, it can also can be applied before the in-
sion rate. Repeated exercise stress tests in less than 60
dex event (preconditioning), during ischemia (percondition-
minutes showed improved performance by more than half ing) or after reperfusion (postconditioning). Exact mecha-
with oxygen consumption reduction in the second test, sug- nisms of remote ischemic conditioning remain unclear. In
gesting improved metabolic efficiency – IPC. A good exper-
recent years, this type of conditioning has become the most
imental human model for IPC is elective coronary angioplas- popular in elective PCI, with good results, except in trials
ty, where repeated balloon inflations are done, resulting in using propofol anesthesia, which seems to interfere in its
less subjective anginal pain and ECG ST changes in subse-
mechanism. Infarct size reduction has also been demonstrat-
quent occlusions. The role of IPC in the adaptation to ische- ed in patients with MI [24, 36].
mia has been proven by usage of specific antagonist of IPC
pathways [35]. CONCLUSION
Postconditioning To summarize, CAD is characterized by an atherosclerot-
The biggest downside to IPC is the need to apply thera- ic process taking place in the coronary vasculature. LDL
peutic intervention before an unpredictable ischemic event in molecules accumulate in the outer walls of vessel branch
MI patients takes place. Postconditioning (POC), on the oth- points in subendothelial spaces where they are oxidized. Ox-
er hand, in readily achievable after coronary intervention, idized LDL acts as a proinflammatory molecule attracting
cardiac surgery or cardiac transplantation. Most studies test- macrophages and further aggravating inflammation. Lesions
ing the concept of POC in humans were done during PCI. formed in this way progress over time from intimal thicken-
After reperfusion, several episodes of ischemia are elicited ing, fatty streaks and intermediate lesions to irreversible fi-
by angioplasty balloon inflations for short periods followed broatheromas. Fibroatheromas may importantly occlude cor-
158 Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 14, No. 3 Tibaut et al.

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attempt to minimize or diminish its effects, researchers ob- ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF Task Force for the Universal Definition of
served the conditioning phenomenon. Conditioning is ac- Myocardial Infarction; Authors/Task Force Members Chairpersons;
Thygesen, K.; Alpert, J.S.; White, H.D.; Biomarker Subcommittee;
complished by inducing cycles of ischemia-reperfusion ei- Jaffe, A.S.; Katus, H.A.; Apple, F.S.; Lindahl, B.; Morrow, D.A.;
ther on the remote organ (remote ischemic conditioning) or ECG Subcommittee; Chaitman, B.R.; Clemmensen, P.M.; Johan-
coronary vasculature itself. In contrast to preconditioning, son, P.; Hod, H.; Imaging Subcommittee; Underwood, R.; Bax, J.J.;
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duction. Large scale, well-established clinical trials are need- W.; Bassand, J.-P.; Menasche, P.; Ravkilde, J.; Trials & Registries
ed to incorporate POC in clinical praxis. Subcommittee; Ohman, E.M.; Antman, E.M.; Wallentin, L.C.;
Armstrong, P.W.; Simoons, M.L.; Heart Failure Subcommittee;
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Januzzi, J.L.; Nieminen, M.S.; Gheorghiade, M.; Filippatos, G.;
Epidemiology Subcommittee; Luepker, R.V.; Fortmann, S.P.; Ros-
The authors confirm that this article content has no con- amond, W.D.; Levy, D.; Wood, D.; Global Perspective Subcom-
flict of interest. mittee; Smith, S.C.; Hu, D.; Lopez-Sendon, J.-L.; Robertson, R.M.;
Weaver, D.; Tendera, M.; Bove, A.A.; Parkhomenko, A.N.; Vasi-
lieva, E.J.; Mendis, S.; ESC Committee for Practice Guide-
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ton, C.; Fagard, R.; Funck-Brentano, C.; Hasdai, D.; Hoes, A.;
Declared none. Kirchhof, P.; Knuuti, J.; Kolh, P.; McDonagh, T.; Moulin, C.;
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