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Лексика робоча

Block А.

1. I admit I enjoyed the novelty of it. Sort of felt like I was playing hooky.
2. Applicants must have a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude.
3. Please be prompt as Jules has another meeting at 4pm.
4. Customer service is slammed.
5. I`m happy to cover for Mike.
6. You nailed it!
7. Be there or be square.
8. Over the hump!
9. I`m so slammed next week. I`m sorry if you want to go, I`ll make it.
10. I was fixated on this tissue paper.
11. -You have got better things to do. -No, I need a diversion.
12. I`m not trying to brownnose you, but I`ve been in a business a long time and I`ve never run
across anyone quite like you.
13. I`m not just saying this because I screwed up this morning
14. I have to get some sleep. I`m pooped
15. - Thanks ace. -Calling me ace?
16. He bowed out so that I could do this.

Лексика загальна

Block B

1. No matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the nowhere-to-be thing hit me like a ton of
2. Come rain or shine I`m at my Starbucks at 7:15.
3. We got to do that again for sure but okay if we take a rain check?
4. The more I think about this idea, the more tremendous it is.
5. I`m not hip enough to live in Brooklyn
6. The antoinette dress is a major screw-up by the vendor.
7. Fire away!
8. I`m gonna ask you one of our more telling questions
9. I`m pretty psyched myself.
10. I like how you roll!
11. Don`t dawdle in any way, Just keep it moving.
12. I fell asleep in there. I just passed out.
13. I can`t tell you how much I hate that I jumped the gun
14. - Not good news.
- Oh, ok. Lay it on me.
15. I literally can`t thank you enough for what you just did. It was so above and beyond. And brave
and loyal.
16. You are not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you?
17. Let`s take that one(worry) off your plate

 I bust my ass for her
 I`m not trying to brownnose you, but I`ve been in a business a long time and I`ve never run
across anyone quite like you.
 Don`t screw around (don`t play fool)

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