Terborgh 2015 Toward A Trophic Theory of Species Diversity

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Toward a trophic theory of species diversity

John W. Terborgh1
Center for Tropical Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708
Edited by Simon A. Levin, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved August 10, 2015 (received for review February 6, 2015)

Efforts to understand the ecological regulation of species diversity via bottom-up approaches have failed to yield a consensus theory. Theories
based on the alternative of top-down regulation have fared better. Paine’s discovery of keystone predation demonstrated that the regulation
of diversity via top-down forcing could be simple, strong, and direct, yet ecologists have persistently failed to perceive generality in Paine’s
result. Removing top predators destabilizes many systems and drives transitions to radically distinct alternative states. These transitions
typically involve community reorganization and loss of diversity, implying that top-down forcing is crucial to diversity maintenance. Contrary
to the expectations of bottom-up theories, many terrestrial herbivores and mesopredators are capable of sustained order-of-magnitude
population increases following release from predation, negating the assumption that populations of primary consumers are resource limited
and at or near carrying capacity. Predation sensu lato (to include Janzen–Connell mortality agents) has been shown to promote diversity in a
wide range of ecosystems, including rocky intertidal shelves, coral reefs, the nearshore ocean, streams, lakes, temperate and tropical forests,
and arctic tundra. The compelling variety of these ecosystems suggests that top-down forcing plays a universal role in regulating diversity. This
conclusion is further supported by studies showing that the reduction or absence of predation leads to diversity loss and, in the more dramatic
cases, to catastrophic regime change. Here, I expand on the thesis that diversity is maintained by the interaction between predation and
competition, such that strong top-down forcing reduces competition, allowing coexistence.

carrying capacity | interspecific competition | predation | species diversity | trophic cascades

Understanding the regulation of species di- that other explanations appear unnecessary. The concept of carrying capacity focused
versity has been a central goal of ecology However, after countless proposals put for- attention on limiting resources and led to an
since the time of Darwin and Wallace. Myriad ward over many decades, a satisfying answer early emphasis on primary productivity and
theories have been proposed, but none has yet to the simple question of “Why are there so energy transfer up the trophic ladder (28–30).
achieved general acceptance. If one considers many species?” has remained elusive. Given this background, it was easy to reason
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theories that have enjoyed some prominence The formalization of bottom-up thinking by analogy that all higher trophic levels
in the literature, they are an extraordinarily began with the seminal work of Lotka (12) would also be resource limited, an idea that
diverse lot (Table 1). Several are nonmecha- and Volterra (13), who independently formu-
persists to this day among some ecologists.
nistic, that is, they operate through no iden- lated the concept of population regulation via
In the discussion that follows, I shall
tified biological process. Other models of resource limitation as embodied in the con-
develop the thesis that it is the interaction
coexistence are built upon the potential cept of carrying capacity. Although the con-
for differential exploitation of heterogene- cept of carrying capacity is so intuitive as to between competition and predation that regu-
ity in space and time. Some of the most seem self-evident, it has the fatal weakness of lates species diversity in ecological space/time.
prominent efforts to understand diversity defying empirical substantiation in wild pop- The role of evolution in generating diversity is
are derived from the original Lotka–Volterra ulations of plants or animals. Carrying capac- not under consideration here. I shall begin by
(L-V) model and have been framed in the ity has thus evolved into a scientific ghost— examining the features and assumptions of the
bottom-up context of resource limitation something everyone thinks is important but basic bottom-up (resource centric) model as
and carrying capacity. Finally, there are that no one has ever seen. espoused by Lotka, Volterra, MacArthur, and
models that emphasize top-down processes Lotka, a prodigious generator of ideas, was, others. Next will follow a section on predation
and interactions between top-down and with Volterra, also the originator of compe- and diversity, which leads into a discussion of
bottom-up processes. Bottom-up forcing tition theory, but carrying capacity remained the competition–predation trade-off. A simple
determines the energy flow available to a a central feature of the theory as devised graphical model summarizes current evidence.
community or ecosystem, whereas top- by both authors, requiring that interactions Birds and trees will be emphasized as well-stud-
down forces determine how that energy between competitors be indirect, that is, ied representatives of producer and consumer
flow is distributed among trophic levels mediated through resources, rather than
trophic levels.
(25). Any theory of species diversity that directly through what is euphemistically called
rests solely on bottom-up or top-down “interference.” In addition, Lotka (26) was the
Author contributions: J.W.T. wrote the paper.
forces is therefore in conflict with this un- first to understand the complexity of preda-
The author declares no conflict of interest.
disputed reality. tor–prey interactions, showing that the inter-
Nevertheless, the influence of bottom-up action could lead, depending on the choice of This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

thinking has been pervasive in ecology for parameter values, to a stable state, damped This article is part of the special series of PNAS 100th Anniversary
articles to commemorate exceptional research published in PNAS
nearly a century and has colored our views of oscillations, or to a stable limit cycle—ideas
over the last century. See the companion article “Analytical Note
many issues, including the regulation of that are today presented in every introductory on Certain Rhythmic Relations in Organic Systems” on page 410 in
species diversity. The control of ecosystem ecology text. In an elegant but less well-known issue 7 of volume 6 and see Anniversary Profile on page 9493 in
structure and function via primary produc- work (27), he defined the geometry of prey issue 31 of volume 112.
tivity seems simple, direct, and so obvious capture by a pursuit predator. 1
Email: manu@duke.edu.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1501070112 PNAS | September 15, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 37 | 11415–11422

Table 1. Some theories of species diversity A further obstacle to implementing the
Theory Author, date Ref(s). theory is that, in nature, any two species either
coexist or occupy different habitats. Thus,
even if the relevant K values and α values
Broken stick MacArthur, 1957 1
could be measured with precision, there re-
Log normal Preston, 1962 2
Log series Whittaker, 1965 3
mains the insurmountable dilemma that sus-
Neutral theory Hubbell, 1979, 2001 4, 5 pected competitors can only legitimately be
Heterogeneity compared where they coexist, so that the
Intermediate disturbance Connell, 1978 6 threshold value of K/α that results in exclu-
Lottery competition Chesson and Warner, 1981 7 sion can never be determined.
Spatial heterogeneity Tilman and Pacala, 1993 8 Bottom-up diversity theory rests on a
Dispersal limitation Tilman, 1994 9 series of assumptions and propositions that
Winner by forfeit Hurtt and Pacala, 1995 10 have more often been taken on faith than
Individual variation Clark, 2010 11 empirically verified. I shall now briefly re-
Bottom-up view and comment on these features of
Resource competition Lotka, 1925 12 the theory.
Resource competition Volterra, 1926 13
Limiting similarity Hutchinson, 1959 14 High Levels of Coexistence Can Only Occur
Habitat complexity MacArthur and MacArthur, 1961 15
Under Restricted Conditions. Most solu-
Immigration vs. extinction MacArthur and Wilson, 1967 16
Resource gradients Tilman, 1982 17
tions of the basic L-V and derivative models
Productivity Brown, 2014 18 predict exclusion, not coexistence. A large
theoretical literature has explored modifica-
Keystone predation Paine, 1966 19 tions of the L-V model in quest of variants
Escape in space Janzen, 1970 20 that are more permissive of coexistence. In
Escape in space Connell, 1971 21 general, such models allow broad coexistence
Predation/competition Menge and Sutherland, 1976 22 only under restricted conditions (35).
Pathogens Givnish, 1999 23 High diversities, amounting to hundreds
Predation/competition Chesson and Kuang, 2008 24 or even thousands of species of vertebrates/
invertebrates/plants are found in all humid
tropical continental areas, a fact that seems to
Bottom-Up Theory and Interspecific There have been many attempts to con- conflict with the idea that broad coexistence
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Competition struct tests of this basic bottom-up theory, can occur only under restricted conditions.
The bottom-up approach to understanding but these tests have not yielded convincing
species diversity is epitomized by the work of results for the compelling reason that the Interspecific Competition Is Assumed to
Robert MacArthur and his colleagues (31). required parameters cannot readily be mea- be Indirect and Symmetrical. Interspecific
The basic idea is that overlap in the exploi- sured in the field. In principle, whether the competition is assumed to be indirect and
tation of limiting resources will result either interaction between two species leads to co- symmetrical, indirect in the sense that in-
teractions are mediated through a shared
in the coexistence of competing populations existence or exclusion depends on the relative
value of terms, K and α , where K is the limiting resource, and symmetrical in the
or the spatial exclusion of one by the other, i i,j i
carrying capacity of the ith species and α is sense that, under some conditions, species A
depending on the values of their respective i,j
wins and, under others, B wins. The model
carrying capacities and competition coeffi- the effect of an individual of species j on the
predicts abrupt replacements on environ-
cients. It is assumed that each population rate of increase of species i. (Carrying capacity mental gradients as relative values of K and α
draws its diet from a spectrum of resources. is defined here as the population density of a change with environmental conditions. Be-
species that can be supported by the available
Examples are prey for predators, fruit size havioral interactions are not involved.
resource supply, absent sources of mortality
for frugivores, seed size and hardness for Studies of species replacements on envi-
other than resource limitation.) First, there is
seed predators, and leaf nitrogen or tannin ronmental gradients have been the classical
no accepted means of estimating the carrying
content for herbivores. MacArthur’s mod- approach to studying this issue. Early evi-
capacity of populations in nature, and second,
els incorporate the Gauseian maxim that the respective α values are based on overlap in dence was circumstantial (i.e., abutting, non-
no two species can occupy the same niche, resource use, which, for any two species, can overlapping ranges), but did not distinguish
complemented by the concept of limiting vary greatly from place to place, season to between hypotheses (36, 37). Accumulated
similarity (14, 32), which supposes that co- season and year to year. Moreover, and cru- evidence shows unequivocally that spatial
segregation, at least in vertebrates, is main-
existing species possess sufficient trait dif- cially for this discussion, resource overlap
tained by asymmetric interactions enforced
ferences to reduce overlap on shared major feeds back strongly on population growth
through direct aggression and dominance
resource axes. MacArthur’s models (31, 33, only at population densities near Ki. The (38–42). Intraspecific and interspecific com-
34) presume bell-shaped (normal) resource empirical reality is that neither K values nor petition among vertebrates is often man-
utilization functions on continuous resource α values can be measured in the field with ifested as aggression, including dominance,
axes and endeavor to quantify the minimum adequate precision for parameterizing the displacement from food sources, and/or ter-
difference between means in the utilization model. Therefore, the ratios, K/α, are subject ritoriality. Strong interspecific aggression
curves of competing species sufficient to to such large errors of estimation that com- is typically directed at a small number of
confer stable coexistence (35). parisons between species are meaningless. target species in diverse communities (40).

11416 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1501070112 Terborgh

Aggression serves to ensure access to patchy Wittmann et al. (48) investigated the habitat same habitat on the nearby mainland (54).
resources and to skew the burden of re- occurrences of 658 tree species found in These densities were sustained for 16 y until
source scarcity toward subordinate species Brazilian varzea (floodplain) habitat and the project ended, so they were not simply an
and low-ranking or nonbreeding conspe- found that only 10% were restricted to varzea. ephemeral aberration of island isolation (50).
cifics. Other contexts in which asymmetric Thus, tropical birds and trees, at least in Seeing these results, one cannot avoid the
interactions prevail in ecology are succes- Amazonia, are habitat generalists, not spe- conclusion that K for generalist herbivores in
sion and patch dynamics. cialists, as predicted by the NCH. These Venezuelan dry forest is far greater than
results definitively refute the NCH and sup- suggested by the densities of the same species
The Niche Compression Hypothesis port a diametrically opposite interpretation, in mainland habitats supporting predators.
Predicts Low α- and High β-Diversity in namely, that interspecific competition in spe- These results also speak to the issue of in-
Tropical Environments. Predictions of the cies-rich tropical habitats is weak, not strong, terspecific competition as it might operate in
bottom-up competition model pertain to as assumed by MacArthur and many others. the three guilds of species. Release from
small numbers of species, rarely more than competition cannot explain density over-
two or three, so say little about community- Under the Bottom-Up Model, Strong compensation. One species might increase
level diversity. MacArthur (43) proposed Competitive Interactions Occur Only at at the expense of another or all others, but
that the species-level theory could be scaled Densities Near K (Carrying Capacity). The all guild members would not be expected to
up to the community level via what he central role of K in bottom-up theory pre- increase in concert. That can only happen
termed the “niche compression hypothesis” sents an awkward dilemma in that, empiri- if, as already concluded, K is a much greater
(NCH). The concept is most fully expoun- cally, K is a phantom quantity. It can be density than one measures in mainland hab-
ded in The Theory of Island Biogeography determined for a given species under con- itats. Again, the increase of all members of
(16) in the context of comparing temperate trolled conditions in a laboratory, but it is these diverse guilds implies that interspecific
and tropical diversity. Given an order-of- rarely, if ever, determined for a wild pop- competition in the “normal” circumstances of
magnitude increase in species numbers in ulation. To illustrate why, just think of what the mainland environment must be weak.
the tropics, MacArthur felt that competition would be entailed in revealing the magnitude
would force ecologically related species into of K in a wild context: it would be necessary Predation. Predation is not incorporated
different habitats, because limiting similarity to impose rigorous control over competitors, into the basic L-V model of interspecific
would impose hard limits on the compres- predators, parasites, pathogens, and hiccups competition, but has been incorporated in
sion of dietary niches. The emergent pre- in the weather (49). Absent such controls, it modern elaborations of the theory, typically
diction was that the α-diversity of tropical has simply been assumed that populations in in the context of density dependence and
habitats should not be substantially greater nature are at or near K. This was always what demographic proximity to K. The dramatic
than of temperate habitats and that the I assumed myself until I became acquainted consequences of releasing vertebrates and
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“extra” species in tropical environments with an archipelago of predator-free islands some invertebrates from predation on Lago
would have to be accommodated via finer in Lago Guri, a vast, 4,300-km2 hydroelectric Guri islands brings me to my main point,
habitat subdivision, or β-diversity (43, 44). impoundment in Venezuela. which is that predation, not competition,
Data adequate to testing the idea did not Flooding of the Caroní Valley in 1986 regulates the densities of most species (other
appear for many years. Robinson and Ter- created hundreds of land bridge islands, iso- than top carnivores and some others, as
borgh (45) found that approximately two- lated fragments of a formerly intact tropical noted below) to levels far below K. It follows
thirds of the ±300 land bird species found in dry forest landscape. Because predators typi- that, if populations subsist at densities far
a heterogeneous tropical landscape co-occur cally need more space to maintain their pop- below K, competition between them must be
in the matrix habitat, terra firme (upland) ulations than their prey, area contraction weak to negligible. Parenthetically, one must
forest, indicating high α-diversity and low during flooding selectively eliminated preda- make an exception here for species with
β-diversity. This was further confirmed tors of vertebrates from all but the larger is- evolved social mechanisms or morphological
through the comprehensive mapping of lands (50). Small islands in the 1- to 10-ha size adaptations for thwarting predation—e.g.,
avian territories in a 100-ha tract of classes, many of them several kilometers from many primates, flocking birds, migratory
Amazonian lowland forest (46). When the the mainland, were left without predators of herd-forming ungulates, toxic and/or apose-
mapped territories of territorial species were vertebrates but a diversity of primary and matic species, etc. (58, 59).
superimposed, as many as 150 species were secondary consumers in three guilds (preda-
found to overlap at a point—the narrowest tors of invertebrates, granivores, and generalist Top-Down Regulation of Diversity: A
definition of α-diversity. In addition, this herbivores). Table 2 shows that the mem- Counterpoint to Bottom-Up
total did not include as many as 50 non- bers of these guilds increased in density by I now come to the crucial question of whether
territorial species present in the community. roughly an order-of-magnitude in the absence predation can regulate diversity. The answer is
The combined total of around 200 territo- of predators, dramatically illustrating the definitively yes, as Paine (19) showed with the
rial and nonterritorial species represents an enigmatic phenomenon of “density overcom- removal of the starfish Pisaster from the rocky
α-diversity 5–10 times greater than that found pensation” (57). The term refers to a sit- intertidal zone of Tatoosh Island in Wash-
in temperate bird communities. uation commonly observed on small islands ington State, United States. Predator removal
These findings with birds are strongly where the combined density of species repre- unleashed a dominant competitor, the mussel,
supported by data on the tree community in senting a particular guild or taxon exceeds that Mytilus californicus, to increase in abundance
the same heterogeneous landscape in Peru. observed on the adjacent mainland, notwith- and monopolize available space, displacing a
Pitman et al. (47) showed that ≥75% of the standing reduced insular species numbers. number of chitons, limpets, and barnacles
tree species in this landscape occur in ≥1 The combined density of generalist herbi- with a concomitant sharp reduction in di-
major habitat (upland forest, floodplain for- vores, for example, on small Lago Guri islands versity. In regulating the abundances of several
est, swamp, succession). In a parallel result, was more than 10 times greater than in the prey species through its preference for the

Terborgh PNAS | September 15, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 37 | 11417

Table 2. Hyperabundance of three guilds of consumers on predator-free islets in Lago Guri, principal predators hunt by stealth and am-
Venezuela bush, prey are taken as encountered in a
Guild, species Census method Population density, island/mainland Ref. perfectly density-dependent fashion (73). Prey
dynamics in these systems should thus display
the reciprocal behavior characteristic of ap-
Ameiva ameiva (lizard) No./hour of search to 17 51
Dendrobates leucomelas (frog) No./hour of search to 20 51
parent competition (74, 75).
Tarantula sp. No./hour of search to 6.3 51 The presence of species at intermediate
Birds Spot map, point count to 6 52 levels of food webs is predicted to weaken the
Granivore signal of predator removal, but the reality
Rodents (six spp.) No./100 trap nights to ≥30 53 can be more complicated. When released
Generalist herbivore from predation, omnivores can attain higher
Alouatta seniculus (howler monkey) Transect, direct count to ≥10 54 population densities than carnivores of
Geochelone carbonaria (tortoise) Mark, recapture 7 55 equivalent size through consuming plant
Iguana iguana (lizard) Dung counts ≥10 51
matter. Mesopredator release can thus have
Atta spp. (leaf-cutter ants) Transect, direct count to 100 56
catastrophic impacts on smaller animals,
including birds, lizards, frogs, and large ar-
thropods (76, 77). Mesopredators that prey on
dominant competitor, termed “keystone” pre- maintain populations. Top predators of the
a mix of smaller predators and herbivores can
dation, the effect of Pisaster on the diversity open ocean are even less tractable as ex-
have either positive or negative indirect effects
of prey was simple, strong, and direct, yet perimental subjects. Thus, few experiments
on plants, depending on the prey preferences
ecologists have persistently failed to per- have been conducted at appropriate scales. of the smaller predators (78). Thus, the tro-
ceive generality in Paine’s result and others In a notable exception, Henke and Bryant phic cascades caused by single species can
like it. (69) removed coyotes from replicate 5,000-ha have complex effects (79), whereas the con-
Keystone predation is a special case of the blocks in western Texas, United States, and sequences of community-level cascades are
much broader concept of the trophic cascade followed the impact on the rodent commu- more regular and predictable (25).
(60, 61). Research on trophic cascades has nity for 2 y. Within 9 mo of coyote removal, Herbivore release is a predictable response
gained momentum in recent years but we rodent species richness and diversity declined to relaxed top-down regulation (80). Lago
have yet to connect the dots between trophic in both shrubland and grassland habitats. Guri islets provide a compelling example.
cascades and a deeper understanding of how An initial rodent assemblage of 12 species Under the intense herbivory of hyperabun-
species diversity is regulated in nature. collapsed in the absence of coyotes to a dant howler monkeys, iguanas, and leaf-
Whereas bottom-up theories of resource single species, Dipodomys ordi, the largest cutter ants, sapling mortality exceeded re-
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limitation and limiting similarity have been member of the guild, suggesting behavioral cruitment in nearly every woody plant
refractive to definitive tests (62), the influ- dominance. Mesopredators [skunk (Me- species in the community, presaging a drastic
ence of top-down control can be tested ex- phitis mephitis), badger (Taxidea taxus), fox reduction in diversity (81). Hyperabundant
perimentally (see below). (Urocyon cinereogaster), bobcat (Felis rufus)], deer (Odocoileus hemonius, Odocoileus vir-
A signal feature of trophic cascades is that scarce to absent before coyote removal, in- giniana) have been documented to drive
adding or removing one trophic level (usually creased manyfold. equally drastic transformations of vegetation
the topmost) can trigger a state change in the Isolation of predator-free forest fragments in temperate North America (82, 83). Ex-
entire system (25, 63). Often one state is in a reservoir in Thailand had similar con- perimental removal of dominant kangaroo
dramatically more diverse than its alternative, sequences, as an initially diverse rodent as- rats (Dipodomys spp.) from exclosures led to
as in the Pisaster case. Another well-known semblage collapsed to a single species, Rattus the conversion of shrubland to grassland in
and widely accepted example is that of the tiomanicus, after 25 y (70). Prima facie evi- the Chihuahuan Desert, United States (84).
indirect control of kelp forests by sea ot- dence does not distinguish whether the rodent In addition, in Arctic Eurasia, small rodents,
ters (64). In the absence of sea otters, high- community collapsed as a consequence of re- principally voles, are capable of transforming
diversity kelp forests disappear and are source competition, interference competition, tundra vegetation when experimentally trans-
replaced by low-diversity “sea urchin barrens” or predation, but the probable answer lies in ferred to predator-free islands (85). Similarly,
(65). Equally definitive experiments have con- the scores of well-documented cases of pre- salt marshes (Spartina alterniflora) in the
firmed the operation of strong trophic cas- dation-driven extinctions of small vertebrates southeastern United States are reduced to
cades in streams (66, 67) and lakes (68), in (birds, reptiles, small mammals) on islands barrens by removing predators of the major
each case with consequences for diversity. following the invasion of Rattus spp. (71). herbivore, the snail, Littoraria irrorata (86).
The most direct way to test for the exis- Density-independent predation is another Food-limited herbivores have thus been found
tence of a “Paine effect” (intensification of feature of many models that departs from to drive alternative states in Arctic, temperate,
competition with resultant decrease in prey reality. Density-independent predation may and tropical ecosystems, lending support to
diversity in response to reduction in predation) be a workable approximation in low-diversity the likelihood that many ecosystems are vul-
in communities is to conduct appropriate communities, such as those of the Arctic, in nerable to catastrophic regime shifts in the
predator removal experiments. However, ex- which important predators are prey special- absence of predators.
periments analogous to Paine’s starfish re- ists, e.g., lynx (Lynx rufus), snowy owl (Nyc- Vertebrate herbivores like deer and ro-
moval from 16-m2 sections of intertidal habitat tea scandiacus). However, in the hyperdiverse dents operate on large spatial scales relative
are much more challenging to implement on ecosystems of the tropics, whether savanna or to the dimensions of individual plants, but
land where top predators like wolves (Canis forest, most predators take a wide range of invertebrates and other small organisms (e.
lupus) and cougars (Felis concolor) require prey and each prey is sought by many g., nematodes) often operate in a spatially
hundreds of square kilometers of habitat to predators (72). In tropical forests where the restricted manner. Janzen (20) and Connell

11418 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1501070112 Terborgh

(21) realized this long ago and proposed the Table 3. Some examples of superpredators
mechanism of escape in space as a top-down Superpredator Where introduced Impact Ref.
alternative to resource competition in high-
Peacock bass Lake Gatun, Panama Extirpation of native fish 95
diversity plant communities. A recent re-
Nile perch Lake Victoria, Africa Extirpation of native fish 96
surgence of interest in the Janzen-Connell
Fox, feral cat Australia Extirpation of native mammals 97
(J-C) mechanism is lending it strong ex- Stoat, rats New Zealand Extirpation of native birds 98
perimental support in both temperate (87, Humans, rats Pacific Islands Extirpation of native birds 99
88) and tropical forests (89–93). The J-C Brown tree snake Guam Extirpation of native birds 100
mechanism produces strong negative den- Burmese python Florida, United States Extirpation of native mammals 101
sity dependence at the seed and seedling Humans Global Extinction of megafauna 102
stages that favors less common species
over common ones. Both host-generalist and
host-restricted mortality agents kill propagules The Competition–Predation Trade-off: A that enhances β-diversity at the expense of
in a density-dependent fashion, but only host- Sliding Scale α-diversity. Concomitantly, density depen-
restricted agents cause the distance-dependent The superpredator phenomenon suggests dence is expected to be high in bottom-up–
mortality that underlies the diversity-promot- that communities of all kinds are genetically regulated systems exposed to low predation,
ing action of the J-C mechanism (91). Re- adapted and/or behaviorally adjusted to the and low in top-down–regulated systems.
sponsible mortality agents include arthropods historical predation regime, whether it be rel- The existence of trade-offs between pre-
and fungi and perhaps still unidentified soil atively strong or weak (104, 105). Learned or dation and competition has been investigated
organisms, but generally not vertebrates (90, innate antipredator tactics that are adequate to in terrestrial ecosystems with generally positive
92, 93). The J-C mechanism has recently been limit mortality from preexisting predators are results with respect to detecting effects of
found to promote diversity in coral reefs (94). inadequate to thwart a superpredator. Thus, it both, including significant interactions be-
How much wider its distribution in nature can be argued that somewhere between the tween them (108, 109). Predation pressure in
may be remains to be determined. competition-driven bottom-up world of zero
In sum, predation sensu lato (to include nature must vary between communities, but
predation and the doomsday ushered in by a the factors that lie behind this variation are
J-C mortality agents) has been unequivocally superpredator, there is a level of predation that
shown to promote diversity in a wide range of largely unexplored.
maximizes diversity (Fig. 1). The balance be- Within communities, the risk of predation
ecosystems, including rocky intertidal shelves, tween competition and predation determines
coral reefs, the nearshore ocean, salt marshes, varies widely among prey species, such that
the α-diversity of the matrix habitat in a species and individuals of lesser body mass are
streams, lakes, temperate and tropical forests,
landscape in relation to the regional species at greater risk (72). Both predators and prey
and Arctic tundra. Given the compelling
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pool. This is the crucial element of a trophic

variety of these ecosystems, one can hardly take advantage of landscape heterogeneity to
theory of diversity.
doubt that top-down forcing plays a universal
Under zero predation (including lethal
role in regulating diversity. This conclusion is
parasitism and disease), bottom-up condi-
further supported by studies showing that the
tions prevail and consumer communities
reduction or absence of predation leads to
should be structured by competition for re-
diversity loss and, in the more dramatic cases,
to catastrophic regime change. sources (106). Low diversity should be the
If predation enhances diversity, there must norm, and species should mostly represent
be a limit to the trend, for intensifying pre- distinct functional groups (e.g., low genus to
dation indefinitely can lead to the elimina- species ratios). Increasing predation is expec-
tion of prey populations and diversity loss. ted to relax competition and create conditions
Predator-induced diversity loss has most permissive of greater diversity up to a postu-
dramatically been associated with the lated maximum representing the balance be-
introduction of “superpredators,” here tween predators and the antipredator tactics of
defined as novel top predators intentionally or prey. The introduction of a superpredator
inadvertently introduced to naïve ecosystems can upset the balance, resulting in over-
(Table 3). Introduction of superpredators can exploitation of prey, local extinctions, and
have devastating consequences through the reduced diversity.
swift elimination of many native species. Im- In hyperdiverse ecosystems, such as trop- Fig. 1. Trade-off between competition and predation
ical forests and coral reefs, highly diverse as regulators of species diversity. Under zero predation,
pacts of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus) on competition is postulated to be strong, favoring β- over
Lake Victoria cichlids and the brown tree predator guilds impose strong density- α-diversity via competitive exclusion. Intense (“normal”)
snake (Boiga irregularis) on the native birds dependent top-down forcing, reducing prey predation damps competitive interactions, increasing the
of Guam are textbook cases. The human- densities and lowering resistance to entry by fraction of the regional species pool that coexists as
members of the regional species pool with α-diversity up to an optimum level of predation. Introduction
induced extermination of megafauna around
of superpredators can result in supraoptimal predation,
the world is another (102, 103). Recently and resulting high α-diversity. One sees evidence decimation of prey populations, and diminished diversity
surprisingly, the fortuitous establishment of a of this in high species-to-genus ratios in such (dashed line). Interspecific and intraspecific density de-
superpredator (the Burmese python, Python communities (107). Conversely, communi- pendence is strong where competition is high and predation
molurus) in Florida, United States, has had ties of either plants or primary consumers low (at left) and decreases as the strength of predation in-
creases (toward the right). Density-dependent predation in-
an enormous impact, reducing populations that are exposed to little or no predation are creases from left to right. Reciprocal effects of predators on
of some prey species in Everglades National expected to experience strong competition competing prey species (“apparent competition”) is common
Park by 98% (101). resulting in spatial (rarely temporal) exclusion in nature but not fully captured by the model illustrated.

Terborgh PNAS | September 15, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 37 | 11419

benefit their respective goals, often at a cost that our collective failure to understand competition and predation interact to regulate
to prey in foraging efficiency (59, 110). Prey how competition regulates diversity follows diversity (19, 126–129). Subsequent neglect of
calibrate the scale between energy maximiza- from our early seduction as students by the predation as a vital structuring force in nature
tion and time minimization in relation to the simple and compelling logic of the L-V was a casualty of the huge popularity of the
trade-off between perceived risk and energy model. Pervasive bottom-up thinking has Hutchison–MacArthur bottom-up tradition
acquisition. Intraspecific and/or interspecific blinded us to alternatives. abetted by the imposing logistical difficulties
competition exacerbates the relative scarcity of Bottom-up models rest on resource parti- inherent in the implementation of predator
food and compels greater risk taking. Even tioning in space/time through competition removal experiments. Widespread predator
invertebrate herbivores alter their habitat use or differential habitat selection, whereas top- persecution and fortuitous experiments like
in the presence of predators (111). Thus, the down models are built on trophic inter- the construction of Lago Guri, along with a
relative strengths of predation and competi- actions involving predators (including herbi- few controlled manipulations, have now given
tion are conditioned on local circumstances vore predation on plants) and pathogens. us a convincing body of evidence confirming
and therefore bound to vary within as well Both competition and predation are recog- that predator removal inexorably leads to
as between landscapes. Moreover, behavioral nized as essentially universal processes in
powerful cascading effects that include loss
interactions between predators and prey and natural communities (119), and when preda-
of biodiversity and transitions to alternative
between potential/actual competitors are fre- tor behavior includes prey switching and
ecosystem states.
quently conditional, adding a dimension of density-dependent predation, coexistence is
To conclude that competition structures
temporal heterogeneity to the complexity of favored (120, 121). Thus, one must wonder
why both bottom-up and top-down pro- hyperdiverse plant and animal communities,
the interactions (112).
cesses have not been included in all theories one would have to postulate that hundreds of
Reduced within-guild redundancy in pred-
of diversity. species all had more or less equivalent com-
ator guilds at higher latitudes coupled with
strong between-year climate variability driven I have examined the central features of petitive rank stably maintained over genera-
by the North Atlantic Oscillation and other resource-based diversity theory and found tions, and that these features of equality and
cycles (113) can allow prey to escape from that several are contradicted by empirical stability of outcomes were virtually ubiqui-
top-down regulation, leading to outbreaks evidence. High levels of diversity are wide- tous around the tropics in all manner of
of lemmings, voles, snowshoe hares, and spread throughout the continental tropics, communities and ecosystems. This is more or
other small mammals and invertebrates suggesting that the conditions for coexistence less what Hubbell (4, 5) proposed with neu-
(114, 115). Lower latitudes generally sup- are relaxed, not restricted. Broad coexistence, tral theory, but that has been challenged on a
port a greater diversity of predators capable such as is found in hyperdiverse tropical number of grounds and thoroughly refuted
of opportunistic prey switching. Outbreaks ecosystems, requires equalization of fitness, (130–135).
are consequently rare and cycles damped. so that no species can increase at the expense Both bottom-up and top-down processes
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Plant communities that experience no of others, and stabilization (negative density operate interactively in intact natural ecosys-
herbivory, as on some islands, must be struc- dependence), so that a species can increase tems. About this there is no argument. The
tured purely by competition and characteris- when reduced below its average abundance thesis presented here is that the interaction of
tically support low diversity (106, 116). At the (122). Density-dependent predation is the bottom-down and top-down processes regu-
other extreme, where herbivores are present mechanism that provides both equalization lates species diversity in ecological space/time,
and predators absent, excessive herbivory can and stabilization when coupled with the ex- as depicted in Fig. 1.
transform vegetation from a competition- istence of prey refugia in a heterogeneous By considering the ecological regulation of
structured to a herbivore-structured state, also environment, or escape in space, in the case diversity as an interactive process involving
lacking in diversity, composed of resistant of plants (87, 123, 124). multiple trophic levels, many conclusions
and/or tolerant plant species, as seen on ex- Classical models assume that interspecific reached are opposite to those that emerge
perimentally manipulated islands in both competition is indirect and symmetrical, from classical competition theories. Nota-
tropical and arctic settings (81, 85). Again, this whereas available evidence suggests the con- bly, high α-diversity, assumed by bottom-up
suggests with respect to plant diversity that trary, i.e., that competitors interact directly models to imply the existence of strong
there is an optimum at intermediate levels of through aggression and that the interactions competition, is instead the consequence of
herbivory [reminiscent of Connell’s (6) in- are characteristically asymmetrical. The NCH
relaxed competitive interactions. β-Diversity
termediate disturbance hypothesis] at which predicts that speciose tropical faunas and
is a better indicator of competition at the
diversity is maximum (117). Communities floras should exhibit high β-diversity and
landscape scale. Islands, long thought to be
near this optimum would include a mix of only moderate α-diversity, whereas empirical
data from the Amazon reveal the opposite havens of diminished competition for birds
species possessing a wide range of plant de- and other animals, are here viewed instead as
fenses (106). However, much remains to be for both birds and trees: high α- and low
β-diversity. Finally, resource competition environments of low predation pressure and
learned about how uneven herbivore pressure,
depends on strong density dependence at weakened trophic cascades. Consequently,
as postulated for the “landscape of fear” (118),
population levels near K, whereas the den- interspecific competition in island faunas is
influences local variation in plant diversity
sities of many species in the wild appear to predicted to be greater than on correspond-
and species composition.
be as low as 0.1 K. ing mainlands. Finally, diversity gradients
Discussion and Conclusions By including top-down as well as bottom- accompany gradients in latitude, seasonality,
Now, more than 50 y after Hutchinson’s up forcing in the model, these contradictions rainfall, and elevation. Does the predation/
Santa Rosalia paper (14), ecologists have not disappear. The notion that predation regulates competition trade-off also vary in a system-
reached consensus on the manner and degree diversity is an old one in ecology, dating to the atic fashion along these environmental gra-
to which interspecific competition structures 1960s, if not before (125). In fact, a number of dients? Answering the question stands as an
plant and animal communities. I suggest authors explicitly proposed decades ago that important goal for future research.

11420 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1501070112 Terborgh

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I owe the ideas imparted here to La Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecno- anonymous reviewers for reading the manuscript and
50 y of experience in the primary forests of South America lógica (Venezuela) are thanked for authorizing our research providing much valued input. Financial support of the
and to my many students, collaborators, and assistants. year after year. I am grateful to James Estes, Robert Holt, MacArthur Foundation, Andrew Mellon Foundation, and
Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Peru) and Robert May, Robert Paine, Oswald Schmitz, and two National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.

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