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The team activity of building a bridge using straws, sticks, a scale, and newspaper can

provide valuable learning outcomes in the context of strategic management. Here are some
learning outcomes:

1. Adaptability to Change: Participants learned how to adapt to changing instructions and

team dynamics. In the world of strategic management, adaptability is crucial as businesses
often need to pivot or adjust their strategies in response to market changes or unexpected

2. Effective Communication: The activity highlighted the importance of clear and open
communication within a team. In strategic management, effective communication is
essential for conveying the strategic vision, ensuring alignment, and achieving
organizational goals.

3. Resource Management: Building the bridge with limited resources emphasized the
efficient allocation of resources, a key aspect of strategic management. Participants learned
to make the most of available materials, mirroring the optimization of resources in business

4. Team Collaboration: The activity required teamwork and collaboration to succeed.

Learning to work together effectively is a fundamental skill for strategic management, as it
involves coordinating efforts across various departments and individuals.

5. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Participants encountered challenges during the

activity and had to think critically to find solutions. In strategic management, the ability to
analyze complex problems and devise innovative solutions is essential for strategic decision-

6. Risk Management: Some decisions made during the bridge-building activity may not have
worked, illustrating the concept of risk. Strategic management involves evaluating risks and
making informed choices to minimize negative outcomes and maximize opportunities.

7. Time Management: The activity had time constraints, teaching participants to manage
their time effectively. Time management is critical in strategic management, as it ensures
that plans and initiatives are executed efficiently.
8. Leadership and Decision-Making: In the absence of clear instructions, some participants
took on leadership roles and made decisions. Strategic management often requires
leadership and decision-making, particularly when addressing uncertainties and ambiguity.

9. Goal Alignment: Building a bridge with a clear goal in mind reflected the importance of
aligning activities with overarching objectives. In strategic management, ensuring that all
actions contribute to the achievement of strategic goals is crucial.

10. Continuous Improvement: Participants may have revised their bridge design as they
encountered challenges. This reflects the concept of continuous improvement, a central
element of strategic management, where organizations regularly assess and refine their

11. Reflection and Learning from Failure: If any bridge designs failed, participants likely
learned from their mistakes. In strategic management, analyzing failures and learning from
them is vital for refining strategies and avoiding repeated errors.

These learning outcomes from the bridge-building activity can be applied to the strategic
management subject, helping students understand the importance of adaptability,
teamwork, resource optimization, problem-solving, and other key skills and concepts in the
field of strategic management.

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