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A Write-up on VUCA World-Bridge Construction

Strategic Management

MBA 2022-24

Submitted by:

Khushi Patel-020
Rohan Nair-039
Virrajsinh Raj-054
Vishvajitsinh Raj-056
Vivek Nair-057
Ayush Jakhad-66
Muskan Patidar-137

Under the Guidance of,

Ms. Garima Mishra

Assistant Professor
Faculty of General

18th November – 2023

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About the Activity

Bridge Building Activity: Fostering Collaboration and Strategic Thinking

The primary goal of this activity is to promote teamwork, strategic thinking, and creativity among
students. Additionally, it serves as a practical application to understand the principles of Strategic

Materials Needed:
 Scale
 Newspaper
 Fevicol (or any adhesive)
 Tape
 Straws
 Sticks
 Empty plastic bottles


1.Team Formation:
 Divide students into teams of 8 members each.
 Ensure a diverse mix of skills and personalities within each team.

2.Material Gathering:
 Provide a variety of materials for each team.
 Emphasize the importance of cost efficiency in material selection.

Design Parameters:
Teams are tasked with designing and building a bridge with the following specifications:
 Length: 2 feet

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 Height: 4 inches

Strategic Considerations: - To encourage strategic thinking, teams must consider:

1.Material Selection:
 Type of material used for structural components.
 Balancing cost and durability.

2.Bridge Design:
 Shape of the bridge for optimal strength.
 Distributing the weight effectively.

Activity Timeline:

1.Planning Phase:
 Allocate time for teams to discuss and plan their bridge design.
 Encourage communication and collaborative decision-making.

2.Building Phase:
 Teams construct their bridges using the allotted materials.
 Emphasize adherence to design parameters.

 Each team presents their bridge design, explaining the rationale behind their choices.
 Highlight the application of strategic management principles.

4.Testing Phase:
 Bridges are tested to determine their weight-bearing capacity.
 Ensure fairness in testing conditions.

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Evaluation Criteria:
Teams are judged based on:

 Weight Support: - Ability of the bridge to support weight.

 Creativity: -Innovation and uniqueness in design.
 Strategic Decision-Making: - Application of strategic management concepts in the bridge-
building process.

Winner Determination: - The team with the bridge that can support the most weight while
demonstrating creativity and strategic thinking will be declared the winner.

Debrief: Conduct a debrief session to discuss lessons learned, challenges faced, and insights
gained from the activity. Relate these insights to principles of Strategic Management, reinforcing
the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

This comprehensive bridge-building activity not only fosters teamwork but also integrates strategic
thinking and practical problem-solving skills.

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Introduction to VUCA

VUCA is an acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It is a
term that is often used to describe the business environment today. VUCA conditions are
characterized by rapid and unpredictable change, making it difficult for businesses to plan for the

 Volatility refers to the rapid and often unexpected changes that can occur in the business
environment. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as economic
downturns, technological advancements, or changes in consumer behavior.
 Uncertainty refers to the lack of information or knowledge about the future. This can make
it difficult for businesses to make decisions, as they do not know what the consequences
of their actions will be.
 Complexity refers to the interconnectedness of the business environment. This means that
businesses are no longer isolated entities, but are instead part of a complex network of
relationships. This makes it difficult for businesses to understand and manage their risks.
 Ambiguity refers to the lack of clarity or meaning. This can make it difficult for businesses
to make decisions, as they do not know what the right course of action is.

VUCA conditions can create a number of challenges for businesses, including:

 Difficulty in making decisions: In the face of uncertainty and ambiguity, it can be difficult for
businesses to make decisions that will lead to success.
 Increased risk: VUCA conditions can increase the risk of businesses making bad
decisions, which can lead to financial losses and even bankruptcy.

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 Reduced employee morale: VUCA conditions can lead to reduced employee morale, as
employees may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.
 Difficulty in attracting and retaining talent: VUCA conditions can make it difficult for
businesses to attract and retain top talent, as employees may be reluctant to work for companies
that are facing uncertainty and risk.

Despite the challenges, there are a number of things that businesses can do to thrive in a
VUCA environment, including:

 Develop a clear vision and strategy: Businesses need to have a clear vision for their future
and a strategy for achieving it. This will help them to make decisions that are aligned with
their long-term goals.
 Be agile and adaptable: Businesses need to be able to adapt to change quickly. This means
being willing to experiment with new ideas and being comfortable with failure.
 Empower employees: Businesses need to empower their employees to make decisions and
take risks. This will help them to innovate and respond quickly to change.
 Build strong relationships: Businesses need to build strong relationships with their
customers, partners, and suppliers. This will help them to weather storms and emerge
stronger in the long run.

VUCA conditions are not going away, so it is important for businesses to learn to thrive in this
environment. By developing a clear vision, being agile and adaptable, empowering employees,
and building strong relationships, businesses can overcome the challenges of VUCA and achieve

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To relate the VUCA framework to Bridge Construction Activities
1. Volatility: Bridge construction projects can experience volatility due to rapidly changing
environmental conditions, such as unexpected weather events, floods, or earthquakes. These
factors can impact construction schedules and safety. Project managers and engineers must be
prepared to adapt to these changing conditions, potentially revising plans and safety protocols as
2. Uncertainty: Uncertainty is inherent in bridge construction, as it involves numerous variables
that are difficult to predict with absolute certainty. These uncertainties include soil stability,
material properties, and future traffic loads. Project teams need to conduct thorough risk
assessments, implement robust quality control measures, and have contingency plans in place to
address unforeseen issues and changes.
3. Complexity: Bridge construction is a complex endeavor that involves intricate engineering
designs, precise material specifications, and intricate logistics. The coordination of various
stakeholders, from engineers and contractors to government agencies and local communities, adds
to the complexity. Effective project management and communication are essential to navigate this
complexity and ensure that all aspects of the project proceed smoothly.
4. Ambiguity: Ambiguity in bridge construction may arise from evolving regulatory requirements,
changing design specifications, or conflicting project objectives. Project teams need to address
these ambiguities by maintaining clear communication channels, seeking clarifications, and
making informed decisions based on the best available information. Documentation and regular
updates are essential to reduce ambiguity and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

In summary, applying the VUCA framework to bridge construction activities involves recognizing
and addressing the inherent challenges and uncertainties in the construction process. It emphasizes
the need for adaptability, risk management, clear communication, and contingency planning to
ensure the successful completion of bridge projects in a constantly changing and complex

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Learning Outcomes

 Leadership - Leading self and others when the way ahead is unclear or not easy.

 Team Collaboration- Working with others to share and build ideas Taking risks with
contribution, being open to challenge, and being prepared to challenge other’s thinking.

 Resilience and VUCA world-Application of resilience to sustain effort in the face of

ambiguity, uncertainty and demanding situations.

 Mindset Change and Commitment- Recognition of new ways of working, agile thinking
and taking responsibility for work that fits into a larger picture.

 Critical Thinking- Development of intellectual scrutiny and courage, and the agility to
move between for example, slow and quick brain thinking, or analytical and intuitive.

 Resource Management: Building the bridge with limited resources emphasized the
efficient allocation of resources, a key aspect of strategic management. Participants learned
to make the most of available materials, mirroring the optimization of resources in business

 Risk Management: Some decisions made during the bridge-building activity may not
have worked, illustrating the concept of risk. Strategic management involves evaluating
risks and making informed choices to minimize negative outcomes and maximize

 Time Management: The activity had time constraints, teaching participants to manage
their time effectively. Time management is critical in strategic management, as it ensures
that plans and initiatives are executed efficiently.

 Problem-Solving - Participants encountered challenges during the activity and had to think
critically to find solutions. In strategic management, the ability to analyze complex
problems and devise innovative solutions is essential for strategic decision-making.

 Effective Communication: The activity highlighted the importance of clear and open
communication within a team. In strategic management, effective communication is
essential for conveying the strategic vision, ensuring alignment, and achieving
organizational goals.

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