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How K changes in the AOK. What is needed for K to change in the AOK?
- Science can’t be wrong, it has to change, and it changes forever
- K in the natural sciences is contested all the time through the process of peer review. Its
life cycle goes through being a theory in one’s mind then become a paper, and then that
paper being checked and reviewed by experts in that field of natural sciences

The roles of scientists (plural) in the creation of K in the NS. The role of custodians of K (e.g. The
Lancet) in terms of access to and dissemination of K.
- Custodians play the direct role in the dissemination of knowledge, journalists bare sole
responsibility of keeping science true
- The main way that knowledge is created is through the scientific method
- Depends on our definition of scientists, if they are the people who actually discover the
knowledge through experiments and through testing, then they are the discoverers /
creators of the initial knowledge before it goes through the process of peer review, the
process of peer review is then further creation / changing of knowledge according to the
perspectives of other scientists.

What happens when scientists disagree?

- When scientists disagree, they usually start a debate. What a debate is, is a method of
comparing knowledge in an attempt to make one knowledge more factual and truthful
than the other. When scientists disagree, it means that their perspectives are different
enough for their knowledge to be different, when this happens, we usually see one of
two outcomes where scientists disagree and then one scientist becomes the “winner” in
the sense that his knowledge turns out to be correct that the other party in the
disagreement or both parties compare their knowledge and come to a conclusion of
combining both knowledges to come to a ‘agreement’ where both knowledges will be
used to come to a more accurate piece of knowledge, what I just described here is the
process of peer review, where peers try to disprove knowledge and they either are
successful in a sense that they manage to alter / affect the original knowledge in a
(hopefully) positive way or they fail and therefore further prove that the original
knowledge is factual and is trustworthy because it has not yet been disproven.

The role of a (not the) scientific process/method and peer review in K

- Scientific methods and peer review are in place to help achieve the specific type of
knowledge that scientists want for science in the sense that it should be factual,
objective and without biases. Therefore, the role of scientific methods and peer review
is the tools / rules by which scientists agree to create knowledge (assuming creation is
the whole process which also includes the editing of knowledge to make it closer to
what scientists want as a final result

Henrietta Lacks
Immortal cells, before people were trying to conduct experiments, she doesn’t die,
helped scientists practice unethical stuff on them, a lot of companies profited of this, Lacks
family got none of this money

Who owns scientific knowledge? Is that even the right question?

- Knowledge should be everyones, not only one person should be able to claim it and
profit of of it.

Mistrust of science and scientists is rife in the world. What can you find in the article that
supports or refutes that? Does the scientific community have a responsibilitiy in this regard?
- Scientists need to be more open

Are there any ethical constraints you can see in this article that should be considered in the
production/use of K in the natural sciences.

Pluto Article

How does/can K change in the AOK Or what is needed for it to change

- Finding can change the knowledge of years of time.

What happens in the AOK when there are competing theories

- Competing theories – tug of war, each people try to prove each other wrong
- One gets proven wrong, or both theories are proven wrong

What is the role of technology in the creation of K in the NS?

- Technology allows us to find evidence, and prove the theories with like new telescopes
- Computer simulations, tool for scientists to find evidence, to test their thesis

Who has access to the technology? Think in terms of the restriction of access in the creation of

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