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My name is Bilal Naseer. Born and raised in Saudi Arabia. My ethnicity is

from Azad Jammu & Kashmir which is a disputed region in the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan. The region is referred to as disputed because of being
cut into two parts and each being governed by a different country i.e. India
and Pakistan. My childhood was mostly spent in Saudi Arabia as my father
used to work there. Living in Saudi Arabia was a blessing that I didn’t
know I was bestowed with. No electricity shortages, no political instability,
no sudden outrageous inflation or anything like that. I used to study in the
Pakistan International School, Jeddah which was an only Pakistani institute
due to which I never really felt out of place. The Colony in Jeddah where
we used to live was also mostly populated by Pakistani nationals, which
also provided a friendly and a welcome environment. I studied till 6 th grade
there. My older brother was 5 years older than me, and it was about time
for him to start college. My father wanted him to graduate college from a
respectable institute. It's not like the college in Saudi Arabia were not of
good standards, it was just that they were too populated. As there were
only a few Pakistani national colleges only, people used to send their
children from other cities to schools and colleges by bus etc. So, with that
being said we decided to move back to Pakistan.
I had previously been to Pakistan a few times but only for the summer
holidays and in those vacations, we used to live in AJK. The weather used
to be very pleasant in AJK, so I never noticed the power outages etc. but
now we had rented a home in Islamabad and settled here. This was because
Islamabad is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan and my father though that
quality education would be ensured here. So, after spending a total of 11
years in Saudi Arabia I had moved to Pakistan. The first impression
arriving after a long time were great. Greeted my relatives, got to chat with
cousins and had a good time. I took admission in Pakturk International
School, Islamabad. My experience there was not very good because they
wanted to demote me one grade. The reason being that they used to teach
Turkish language from the 6th grade, and it was a compulsory subject. My
father and I somehow managed to talk them out of it and luckily, they
weren't that persuasive. So, there I was in a completely different
environment, about to start over. Flash forwards, the school was great. I
made a lot of friends, made a lot of memories but I didn’t know that even
this wouldn’t last long. After we had moved to Pakistan, two of my oldest
brothers stayed behind and took over my father’s business. Everything was
going smoothly until 2017. In that year, the businesses and jobs in Saudi
Arabia began to dry out. The Saudi government made some notable
changes in their policies which caused a lot of people to depart from Saudi
Arabia. So, we faced a financial crisis. My father was no longer able to
afford my school fees, which to be honest was pretty insane. So, I had to
look for another college. I was in my teenage years and who doesn’t like
the Cadet Colleges right? Everyone loves them. So, I decided to join Cadet
College AJK. The time I spent there was terrific and also horrific. The
amount of beating that person has to bear in Cadet College is no joke.
Anyways, the first year of my Cadet College was a very sad year for me. In
the year 2018, one of my brothers that were living in Saudi Arabia passed
away. It is one of the most memorable events that have ever occurred to
In short, I graduated from the Cadet College and started looking into
universities for admission. My father was disappointed as he had expected
me to go into the Armed Forces after spending five years in a Cadet
College. So, here I am after all that trying to survive Fast.

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