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Chapter/Unit: ANS PHARMACOLOGY Questions Year and

1. Parasympathetic system
Muscarinic receptors
2. Physostigmine is preferred over anti cholinestrase for belladona poisonin8 3-2
3. physostignmine in atropine poisning 2014-2
A. Atropine poisning 2016-2
s.Physostigmine 2012-2
Anti cholinergics
6. Classify antimuscarinic drugs. Describe mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects
of Atropine 2020-8
7. Therapeutic use of antimuscarinic drugs 2020-5
8. Classify anticholinergic drugs ? Write adverse affects and uses of anticholinergic agents 2015-6
9. Two vesico selective anticholinergic drugs 2011 -1
Sympathetic system
1. alpha 1 agonist 2010-
Antl adrenergics
2. Classify adrenergic blocking agents. Describe their important actions and use in
2018 -8
|3. Classify B adrenergic receptor antagonuist.Enumerate therapeutic use and 2017-
adverseeffects of B blockers
4. Why beta blockers are contraindicated in asthma patients 2015-2
S. Classifry Bblockers. Write mechanism of action, therapeutic use adverse effects
6. Therapeutic uses of propanolol 2021- 5
7. Timolol
3. organophosphate poisoning
Management of organophosphate
1 Oximes poisoning 2021--5
2. 2016-5-2
3. Pralidoxime in organophosphate poisoning 2014-
4. Enumerate cholinergic drugs. How would you treat a case of organophosphate 2012-6
compound poisoning
S. Describe in brief the drug treatment of organophosphate poisoning 20122-4
1. Treatment of open angle glaucoma 2021- -5
2. Pharmacotherapy of glaucoma 2019-5
3. Discuss in short treatment of glaucomna 2018-3-5
4Timolol in the treatment of ch ronic simple glaucoma 2017 -3
S. Acute congestive glaucoma 2013-1
.6. indication and pharmacological basis of use of atropine in ophthalmological conditions
Drugs used in acute congestive glaucoma.Describe any one of them
2012 4
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
1. Terazosin in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia 20177-3
2. Tamsulosin in benign hypertrophy of prostate 2014-
3. Benign prostatic hyperplaisa 2013--1
4. Use of prazosin in B.P.H 2010-2
Myasthenia gravis
1. Enumerate cholinergic drugs. Write complete treatment of myasthenia gravis 2013- -6
2Two drugs for the management of myasthenia gravis 2011 -1
s. Treatment of myasthenia gravis 2021- 5
4. Neostigmine is preferred over physostig.mine in treatment of mysthenia gravis 2013-2
Random questions
. Adrenaline in anaphylatic shock 2016-5-2
2. Adrenaline in anaphylactic shock 3-2
B. Dopamine receptor agoniSts 013 -1
4. Dale vasomotor reversal 2012-2
5. Disadvantages of chronic use of nasal decongestant 2022-2
Chapter/Unit: CNS PHARMACOLOGY Questions Yearand
1. Sedatives and hypnotics
1. Advantage if benzodiazepines as sedatives over barbiturates 2020-5
2. Classiry sedatives and hypnotics. Discuss in detail the mechanism of actionn, 2018-3-5
3. Indications contraindications and adverse effects of benzodiazepines
4. Mode of action of barbiturates as sedatives 2015-2
5. Bezodiazepine are preferred over barbiturates as sedative hypnotics 2011-4
6. Enumerate benzodiazepines. Describe mechanism ofaction and therapeutic uses 2010-5
7. Thiopentene sodiumn_ 20122-2
2 Opioids
1. Naloxone 2014-2
2. Two opioid receptor antagonist 2012-
S. opioid receptor 2012 -2
4. u receptor antagonist 2010-1
S.Opioid receptor 2021 -5
6. Two pure opioid receptor antagonist. Write one therapeutic use and one adverse effect 2022-2
7.Morphine is used in the treatment of pulmonary edema 2013
8. Use of morphine 2013-2
1. Combination of leva dopa and carbidopa in parkinsonism 2015-2
2. levodopa 2018--3
3. Enumerate the drugs used in parkinsonism. Write pharmacological actions, adverse 2014-6
and various drug combinations of levdopa useful in parkinsonismn
Benztropine is preferred over leva dopa in the treatment of drug induced parkinsonism 2013-2
S. carbidopa is combined with levodopa 2013-3-2
6. Benzhexol and not the levodopa is used dor management of haloperidol induced 2011-1-2
Carbidopa is combined with leva dopa in parkinsonism 2016- -2

Anti depressant
1. Tricyclic antidepressant aruES 2018-3
2. SSRI are not given with tri cyclic antidepressant OL4-2
3. Advantages of SSRI over Tri cyclic antidepressant 2022-
4. Classify antidepressant drugs. What are the advantages of fluoxetine over imipramine 2011
S. Imipramine 2012
6. Fluoxetine 2014 4-2
7. Bipolar depression 2013-1
Sezures and epepY
1. sodium valproate in the treatmentof epilepsy 2013-2
2. Enumerate drugs used in seizure disorders .Write mechanism of action, adverse affect 2013-6
and therapeutic use of sodium valproate
3. Caebmazepine 2010-1.5
4.Carbamazepine 2012-2
1.Olanzapine 2016-2 2
2. Olazapine in the treatment of schizophrenia 2013-2
1. Sumatriptan 2016-2
2. Sumatriptan in migraine 2013-2
Addiction and substance abuse disorder
1.Pharmacotherapy of alcoholism 2013-1
2.Disulphiram in alcohol dependance 2013-2
Random questions
Lorazepam in the treatment of insomnia 20173 3
2. Enumerate typical antipsychotic drugs . What are their advantages 2012-4
3. Two drugs acting by blocking T-Ca current in thalamic neurons 2022- -2
Chapter/Unit: GENERAL PHARMACoLOGY Questions Year and
1. Pharmacodynamics
1. Write a short note on bioavailability. Mention factors affecting bioavaila bility 2019-5
2. Hepatic first pass effect 2011--2
3. Define redistribution of drugs with an example 2022 2
4. Describe brief about significance of plasma half life and plasma protein binding -4

S. Protein binding of drugs 2016--2

6. Phase-ll drug metabolism 2021 -3
7.what is hoffman elimination, give one examples 2022-2
8. Zero order kinetics of drug elimination 2021-
9.Describe zero order and first order kinetics and their importance 2018-
|10. 2ero order kinetics 2013- 2
11. Two diferences between zero order and first order kinetics 2022-
12. Plasma half life 2012-2
2. Therapeutic index
. Therapeutic index 2021-3
2. Therapeutic index 2016-2
Therapeutic window phenomenon, explain with examples 2022-2

1.G protein coupled receptor 2019-3

2. G protein coupled receptor 2015-2
B.G protein coupled receptors 2014-
4. G protein coupled receptor 2013-2
1. Tachyphylaxis 2010-2
2. Tachyphylaxis 2012-2
3. Tachyphylaxls 2013- 2

4. Drug tolerance
Drug tolerance
5. Teratogenicity
1. Teratogenicity 2011- -2
2. Teratogenicity 2014 2
6. Routes of drug administration
1. Advantage of oral route of drug administration 2020 -5
. Subingual route of drug administration
3. Describe route of drug admission giving merits and demerits with suitable examples 2010-5
7. Prodrug
Prodrug 2020-3
2. Why pro drugs are used 20152
8. Receptors
1. lon channel receptor 2013-
2. Definition of receptor 2012- 1
3. Receptors 2022-
1. Physicloglcal antagonism 2013-2
2. Physiological antagonism 2010
2017 3
3. Physiological antagonism
4. pharmacological antagonism
2011- 2
5. irreversible type of competitive antagonist

10. Random questions:

1. Pharmacogenetics 2017-3
2. Advantages of new WHO ORS formula 2017-3
3.Pharmacodynamics 2015-
2015 2
A Drugs obtained from plant sources
S. Bizarre reaction
6. Phases of clinical trials 2010-
7. Prescription 2011-
8. Two rationale fixed dose combination
Chapter/Unit : REPRODUCTIVE PHARMACOLOGY Questions Yearand
Emergency contraceptive 2015-2
2.Progestin only contraceptives 20133-2
3. Two contraindication for oral contraceptives 2012-1
4. Precaution with oral contraceptives 2012-2
Cassity female contraception.bescribe mechanism ofaction combined
of pill 2011-5
D.Oral contraceptives 2010-1.SS
.why oestrogen and progesterone are mixed in oral contraceptive pills 2022 2
8.Centchroman 2016-2
9. Selective estrogen receptor modulators 2013-
10. Progestin is used with estrogen for hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal 2013-2
11. Mifepristone 2013-2

2. Parturition
Oxytocin is preferred over ergometrine for uterine inertia 2014-2
|2. Oxytocin is preferred over ergometrine for induction of l.abour 2013 2
3. Ergometrine in post partum haemorrhage 2013-
Write difference between oxytocin and ergometrine 2012- 4
5. Two indications when oxytocin should not be used for induction of labour 2011-1
Clomiphene in the treatment of infertility - 3
|2. Clomifene citrate 2012-2
Random question
L Why sex hormones are contrairndicted during pregnancy 2015-5-2

1. Skin pharmacology
1, keratolytics 2014-2
2. Melanizing agents 2013-2
3. Psoralen 2013-2
4. Treatment of acne vulgaris 2012-2
5. Melanizing agents 2016-2
2. Local anaesthetics
1. Give pharmacological basis of use of local anaesthetics 2018-5
Enumerate local anaesthetics. Write mechanism of action, adverse effects and
therapeutic 2016-6
2. uses of lignocaine 2011-1
Tworeason forcombination of adrenaline with lignocaine
3. Neuromuscular relaxants
1. Describe peripherally acting neuromuscular relaxants.Mention therapeutic uses
andmanagement of their poisoning 2010-10
2. A 24 years old man is brought to the hospital with complaints of unconsciousness
sustained contractions of all the body muscles followed by periods of muscle
contractionalternating with periods of relaxations lasting 1-2 minutes
a) classify the drugs that can be prescribed to this patient
b) write mechanism and adverse effect of any one such drug 2019-8
3. Write the differences between non depolarising and depolarising neuro muscular
blockers. Enumerate therapeutic use and adverse effect of non depolarising
neuromuscularblockers 2019-5
4. Dantrolene 2015-2
5. Dantrolene 2012-2
6. Atracurium 2013-2
7. D-tubocuraine causes hypotension 2014-2
Pre anaesthetic medication
1.Pre anaesthetic medication 2012-2
|2. Preanaestheticmedication 2022-5
5. Xylo/lignocaine
1. Two reason why adrenaline is mixed with xylocaine in infiltartion anaesthesia 2022-2
|2. 2xylocaine 2010-1.5
6. Random questions
1. Spinal anaesthesia 2019-3
|2. Intravenous anaesthetic drugs 2018-3
3. Second gas effect 2010-2
|4. Two use of centrally acting muscle relaxant 2022-2
5.Neuroleptanalgesia 2012-2
Chapter/Unit: ENDOCRINE PHARMACOLOGY Questions Year and
1. Insulin and diabetes mellitus
.Classifty insulin preparations and discusstheir therapeutic usesand adverse effects 2021-8
2.Classify anti diabetic drugs,Enumerate therapeutic uses adverse effect of insulin 2017-8
3. Enumerate types of insulin preparations and insulin analogues. Write treatment of 2016-6
diabetic ketoacidosis
a.Clasify oral antidiabetic drugs. Write mechanism of actions, adverseaffectsand 2014-6
indications for metformin
5. Metformin 2020-3
6. Alpha glucosidase inhibitor 2013 1
7. DPP-4 inhibitor 2013-2
8. Metformin in type ll diabetes melitus 2013-2
9.Insulin resistance 2013-2
10. Two enzymatic inhibitor used in management of diabetes mellitus 2011 1
11. what is human insulin ? Write advantages over other insulin 2022-2
12. Therapeutic uses of insulin 2020-3
13. Insulin 2010-1
14. Two sulphonyl urea drugs 2012-1
15. Chlorthiazide in diabetes insipidus 2015-3
16. Chlorthiazide in diabetes insipidus 2012-2
17. Why beta blocker is not a drug of choice in diabetes 2015-2
18. Propanololis avoidedin diabetes mellitus 2013-2
2. Thyroid gland and thyroxine
1. Enumerate anti thyroid drugs. Breifly mention the mechanism of action of iodine in 2020-8
" "

the treatment of hyperthyroidism

2. Iodine is given before thyroidectomy in grave's disease 2016-2
3. Lugol's iodine is given 7-10 days prior to thyroidectomy 2013-2
4. Describe mechanism of action, advantages and contraindications of radioactive iodine 2011-3
5.Carbemazol 2010-1.5
6. Classify anti thyroid drugs. Write about mechanism of action, therapeuticuse and 2022 15
adverse effect of radio active iodine
7.propyl thiouracil versus carbimazole 2013-2
3. Glucocorticoids
Classify glucocorticoids, mention therapeutic use of glucocorticoids, enumrate adverse 2019-8
effects and contraindication of glucocorticoids
2. adverse effect of glucocorticoids 2017-3
3. Classify glucocorticoids ? Write adverse reactions of glucocorticoids 2015 6
4. Abrupt cessation of glucocorticoids after prolonged therapy is contraindicated 2013-2
5. Enumerate the glucocorticoids. Write mechanism of action and important therapeutic 2012-5
use of prednisolone
6. Methyl prednisolone 2013-2
7.Precaution and absolute contraindication of corticosteroid 2012-4
8. Neurological indications of corticosteroids 2011-1
9. Two anabolic steroids and their two disadvantages 2022-2
10.Two diffrences between hydroxicortisone and prednisolone 2022-2
4. Random questions
1. Two therapeutic use of calcitonin 2022-2
Chapter/unit: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Juestions Year and
|1. Two hypertensive drugs avoided during pregnancy. Mention reason for same 2022-2
2. Three Drugs used 1.V. for hypertensive emergency 2022-
Beta blocker
3. Classify beta blocker and discuss Mechanism of action of propanolol in lowering the blood 2015--8
pressure in hypertensive patient and enumerate the absolute contraindication of beta blocker
4. classify beta blocker use and side effects of propranolol
5. Beta blocker in hypertension
6. classify anti hypertensive drugs. Write mechanism of action and adverse reaction of beta
|7. classify drugs used in hypertension write mechanism of action of beta blocker in
hypertension 2010-8
|8. classify antihypertensive drug write mechanism of action of beta blocker in hypertension 2016-8
|9. Nebivolol in treatment of hypertension 2013-2
10. Beta blockers in hypertension 2011- 2.5
Calcium channel blockers
|11. Classify anti hypertensive drugs. Describe mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and
adverse effects of Calcium Channel Blockers 2018-8
12. Classify antihypertensive drug describe mechanism of action therapeutic uses an adverse 2020-
reaction of calcium channel blocker
|13.Ace inhibitor as antihypertensive 2014-
14. Diuretics as antihypertensive
|1. Prinzmetal angina treatment 2010- 2

2. Nitrates angina pectoris

classify anti-angina drugs discuss nitrites and their following heading a Jmechanism of action 2011-2
b) adverse drug reaction c) uses 2012-8

3. Acute attack of angina 2103-3

4. classify antianginal drugs 2013-5
.Write aaverse reaction and Uses ot nitrates
6. beta blocker in angina pectoris
. nitroglycerin as antianginal 2014-2
8. Mention different drugs used in Angina with their mechanism of action 2018-
9.Classify anti anginal drugs. Describe mechanism, action, therapeutic uses and adverse
reaction of beta blockers 2019 -8
10. Two drugsused in acute attack of classical angina Mention their method of administration 20222-2

Myocardial infarction
attack of myocardial infaretion
aspirin in myocardial intaretion 2016-12.5
B. describe the management
of acute myocardial infarction with refèrence to drugs to be given 2017-8
within initial 6 hour which are helpful in the reduction of mortalty give rational. drugs used
for secondary prophylaxis give rationale
4. Drug therapy of myocardial infaretion 2022-5
4 Shock
1. Alpha Blocker in shock 2013--2
P.Treatment of shock 2016-2.5
3. Dopamine in treatment of shock 2013-2
4. Dopamine in shock 2011-2.5
Congestive cardiac failure
. describe mechanism of action of vasodilator in congestive cardac lailure
Discuss the use of ACE inhibitors in Congestive Cardiac Failure 2018-5
.classiliy 2014-
. Digitalisdrugs used in congestive cardiac failure
in CCF 2012-2-2
S. Drugs used in CHF , Write mechanism of action, therapeutic use and adverse eaffects of 2022 - 15
6 Random question
.statins hypolipidemic agent 2010-2
P.digitalis induced cardiac arrhythmia 2013- 3
B.Morphine in acute left ventricular failure 2016 -2
A. Basis of use of qunidine and digoxin both in case of atrial fibrillation 2022-2
Chapter/Unit: DRUG INTERACTIONSs QuestionsS Year and
I. Rifampicin and oral contraceptive
.Rifampicin and oral contraceptive 2011--2
2. RitampiCin and oral contraceptive_ 2012-2
Spironolactone and ACE inhibitors
Spironolactonc and ACE inhibitors 2011-2
|2. ACE inhibitor and spironolactone 2012- 2-2
3. digitalis and chlorthiazide
|1. Digitalis not combined with chlorthiazide diuretic in CCF 2015-2
2. digitalis and chlorthiazide 2012-2
4. Random questions

Digitalis and spironoloactone 2020-

|2. Digitalis before quinidine administration 2020- -2
5. beta blocker and oral hypoglycaemic agent 2011 -2
|4. Trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole 2012--2
|5. aspirin and clopidogrel 2012--2
6. salbutamol and ambroxol 2012- 2
7. sullonamide and sulphonyl urea 2012- 2
8. Furosemide + spirono lactone 2017--2.5
9.amoxicillin+ cavulanic acid 2017- - 2.5
10. Nifedipine vs verapani 2017--3
I1. adrenaline along with local anaestheics 2021-3
|12. ACE inhibitor not combined with potassium sparing diuretic P015--2
Chapter/Unit: GIT PHARMACOLoGY Questions Year and

I. |Proton pump inhibitor
prolon pump inhibitors 2014-2
2. prolon pump inhibitor in hyperacidity syTmdrome 2013-2
Peptic ulcer
|1. Sucralfate in peptie ulcer 2011-2
|2. a five-year-old man diagnosed with acid peptic disease classify the therapeutic option availa ble for
|this patient based on its mechanism of action b) you decided to start tab ranitidine 300mg Hs. why did
you prefer ranitidine over cimetidine c) same patient reported to you after few days with complbined of
|headache what would you prefer aspirin or paracetamol justify your answer pO17--8
|3. Treatment of NSAIDs induced gastric ulcer 2022 -

4. Triple drug combination for treatment of H.pylori infection 2022 -2

Purgatives and laxatives
.Glycerine as purgative 2013--2
2. saline purgatives 2013-2
3. Lactulose in hepatiC Coma_ 2022-2
4 Anti emetic
1. domperidone as antiemetic |2012-2
2.ondansetron in radiation induced vomiting 2016--2.5
3. Basis of ondansetron in anticancer drug induced vomiting_ 2022 -2
5. Prokinetie drugs
metochlopropamide 2011-2
|2. prokinetic drugs 2016- 2.5
3.write diffrences between metoclopramide and domperidone 2020-5
4. Mention acute side effect of metchlorpramide and name the drug for its treatment 2022 -
Random questions
|. Atimotility drugs used in treatment of Diarrhoea 2022-2
Chapter/Unit: RESPIRATORY PHARMACOLOGY Ouestions Year and
.Antitussive agents
1. Anti tussive agents 2019- 3

2. Anti tussive drugs 2013 2

3. Two antitussive agent from different class. Mention one adverse effect of each_ 2022-2
Mucolytie agent
1. Mucolytic agents 2014-2
2. Mucolytic drugs 2013-3
nhaled corticosteroids
1. Inhaled corticosteroids 2016-2.5
2.Advantages and disadvantages of inhaled steroids 2014- 2
3. Inhaled steroids 2020- 5
A.Inhaled glucocorticoids 2013-1
4. Bronchia asthma
1. Management of status asthmaticus KOL7-3
2.Leukotrienes antagonist used in asthma 2016- 2.5
B. Drugs used in prophylaxis of asthma 2013-2
4. Beclomethsone inhalation in bronchial asthma 2012 2
5. Ketotifen in asthma 2012-2
6. Acute attack of bronchia asthma 2010 2
7.Bronchodilators 2019-5
8. Misoprostol with aspirin in bronchial asthma |2012-2
9. Aspirin is contraindicated in bronchial asthma 2016 2
10. Why b blockers are conteindicated in asthma patients 2015 2
11. Bronchodilators 2022-5
12. Monoclonal antibodies used in bronchial asthma. Mention two adverse effect 2022-22
Random questions
1. Expectorants 2020-5

1. Immunospressant
1. Immunospressant 2011-2
2. Azathioprome 2011-2
3. Methotrexate 2012-2
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
1. Pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthiritis 2019-3
2. Methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis 2014-2
3. Gout
1.uricosuricdrugs 2022-2

Chapter/unit: HEMATOLOGICAL PHARMACOLOGY Ouestions Year and
I. Anemia
L. Describe in brief managementof iron deficiency anaemia in a patient with haemoglobin 10.5|
gm/dl, What are various factor which affect therapeutic outcome oral iron prescriptions are
prescribed to this patient 2017-5
2. Megaloblastic anaemia treatment 2013 2
|3. parentral iron therapy 2012 3
|4. Folic acid and vitamin b12 in megaloblastic anaemia 2010-2
5. Megaloblastic anaemia 2014-3
6. Twoiron prepration used by I.V. route.Mention precautionsintheiruse 2022-2
2. Anti coagulants
1. Low molecular weight heparin 2020-5
2. Classify anticoagulants and important drug interaction ofwarfarin 2019-5
3. low dose heparin 2012-3
Random question
1. Thrombolytic agents 2021-5
Chapter/Unit :RENAL PHARMACOLOGY Questions Year and
Osmotic Diuretics
1. OsmoticDiuretics 2020-3
2. Loop diuretics
1. Classify Diuretics and describe mechanism of action, side effect and uses of Furosemide 2021-8
2. Loop diuretics 2019-3
3. Furosamide 2015-2
4. Loop diuretics 2022-5
5.High Ceiling Diuretics
3. Thiazide diuretics
1. Thiazide diuretics 2013-3
4 Potassium sparing diuretics
1. Potassium sparing diuretics 2012-3
5. Random questionsS
|1. Name two ototoxic diuretics.Mention their clinical uses 2022-2

Chapter/Unit : VITAMINES Questions Yearand
. Vitamin C
1. Scurvy 2012-2
2. Vitamin C with oral iron tablets 2012-2
2. Vitamin D
1. Vitamin D 2019-3
2. Use of vitamin D 2018-3
|3. Vitamin D 2013-3
3. Vitamin B
1. Vitamin b6 pyridoxine 2011-2
2. Vitamin b12 and folic acid 2013-3
4. Random questions
1. Hypervitaminosis 2010-2
2. Fat soluble vitamins 2014-3
3. Vitamin K 2020-3

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