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Subtractionof 4-Digit Numbers(without borrowing)

Example 1: SubtractIN4213
from 8763.
Solution: Th H T
8 7 6 3 Step 1: Subtract number from
. The biggersmaller
4 2 1 3 the ones. number
which the
3 - 3 = 0 is subtracted is called
The smaller number
Th H is subtracted is called
87 6 3 Step 2: Subtract
the tens. For example, if you
4 2 1 3 subtract 6342 from
6- 1= 5 9078, then 9078 is the
5 0 minuend and 6342 is the
IN subtrahend.
Th H T

6 3 Step 3: Subtract
the hundreds.
4 2 1 3 7-2=5
5 5 0

Th H T O
Step 4: Subtract the thousands.
8 7 6 8- 4 = 4
4 2 1 3

4 5 5

So, 8763 4213 = 4550.

In other words, the difference between 8763 and 4213 is 4550.


NI Mathematic
1. Solve the following.
Th H Th H Th H
(a) (b) 9 7 1
5 4 3 6 6 9 2 4

2 1 4 3 4 5 7 2 4 1

TTh H T Th H T oTh H T
(d) (e) (f)
7 4 3 6 7 6 1 1 6
5 1 2 4 4 3 1 4 1)
2. Subtract the following subtrahends from the minuends.
331 2
(a) 8412 from 9657 (b) 2362 from 6789
(c) 4651 from 7985 (d) 1212 from 5396
Subtraction of 4-Digit Numbers (with borrowing)
Example 2: Subtrct 4687 from 6524.
Solution: Th H T
6 5 ly 14 Step 1: Subtract the ones. But 4 is smaller than
7. So, 7 cannot be subtracted from 4.
4 6 8 7 Borrow 1 ten from the tens place and
add it to 4 ones.
10 ones + 4 ones = 14 ones
14 is biggerthan 7, so nowwe can subtract
14 -7=7
Th H T
11 Step 2: Subtract the remaining tens. 8 being
6 's2 '4 bigger than 1 cannot be subtracted.
Borrow 1 hundred from the hundreds
4 6 8 7
place and add it to 1 ten.
3 7
10 tens + 1ten = 11tens
11is bigger than8, so now we can subtract
11 -8=3
Th H T
14 11 Step 3: Subtract the remaining hundreds. 6being
bigger than 4 cannot be subtracted.
Borrow 1thousand from the thousanas
Mathematics 4 6 8 7 place and add it to 4 hundreds.
8 3 7 10hundreds + 4 hundreds = 14 hundreo)
we can s
14 is bigger than 6, so now
14 -6= 8

10 hundreds + 1 hundred = 11
11 is bigger than 9, so now wer
11 -9= 2
Th H T
11 9 Step 4:Subtract the remaining thousands
5 -3 =2
3 9 2 6
2 2 7

So, 6205 - 3926= 2279.

Example 4: Subtract 4718 from 7320.
Solution: Th H
Mental Maths
Solve mentally.
4 7 1 8 (a) 8050 -6005 =?
2 6 2 (b) 9009- 5005 =?

So, 7320 - 4718 = 2602.

A Challenge!
Th H T O
8 1 5
Find the mistake in this
problem. 6 0 5 5


1. Subtract the numbers.
Th T Th H T Th H 0
(a) 8 5 3 (b) (c)
6 3 4 1 8 1 3
5 6 9 4 1 8 7 3 5 7 2

Th H T
Th H
w Th H T
(e) (f) 8 9 5
(d) 2 3 1 7 4 2 6
4 9 3 7
1 8 2 6 6 5 9

2. Find the difference between 6872 and 3214.
3. Subtract the following.
(b) 2986 from 5717 (c) 2310 from 6349
(a) 3988 from 5666
(d) 4340 from 8175 (e) 4692 from 7041 (f) 3976 from 8104

Subtraction Facts
Let's revise the subtraction facts by taking bigger numbers.
smaller number.
1. Abigger number cannot be subtracted from a
For example, 4782 - 9632 is not possible.
is the number itself.
2. When O is subtracted from a number, the answer
answer is 0.
3. When a number is subtracted from itself, the
4. When 1is subtracted from a number, the answer is its
For example, 2499 - 1= 2498
5. The order of numbers in subtraction cannot be
For example, 8324 4637 = 3687, 4637 - 8324 #3687

Checking Subtraction
1o Check subtraction, add the difference between twO numbers to the subtrahend
get the minuend.
check your answer.
Example 5: Subtract 2346 from 6879 and
Solution: Th H T
Th H
+ Minuend 4 5 3 3
6 8 7 9 +Difference
+ Subtrahend + 2 3 4 6 t- Subtrahend Mathema
2 3 4 6
4 5 3 3 + Difference 6 8 7 9 -Minuend

So, our subtraction is correct.


1. Subtract and check your answer. I

Th H T Check Th H T
w Check
8 8 7 4 (b) 3 2 4

3 2 1 6 7 2 8

Th H T Check Th H T Check
(c) 8 6 6 8 (d) 7 N
6 5 2
4 5 7 4 2 3 0

2. Subtract and check your answer.

(a) 4875 from 6987 (b) 6097 from 7518
(c) 4754 from 6923 (d) 3186 from 4521
3. Find the missing digits. IN 5
Th H T Th H Th H T
(a) 4 6 ? 3
(b) ? 8 ? 6
(c) 8 3 4

1 5 0 3 5 1 ? 2 ? 6
7 4 4 7 4 3 4 3 5

Th H 5
T N Th H T Th H
(d) 9 2 0
(e) ? 4
(f) 9 4
7 3 ?
3 ? 2 ? 5 1 2 7 3

3 4 4 4 3 5 3 1

4. Fill in the blanks.

Mathematics (a) 1212-0 = (b) 4799- 1 =
(c) 8088 - 8088 (d) 9999 - 1 =

Estimating Differences
To estimate the difference, round off the minuend and subtrahend to the neares
10, 100, 1000 and subtract.
Framing Word Problems
For a given subtraction fact, we frame word problems in the same manner as we do
for an addition fact.
Example 13: Frame 3 word problems for 35 - 15 =?
Solution: Word problems for this fact can be as follows:
1. Rahul has 35 chocolates. He gives 15 chocolates to his friends. How
many is he left with?
2. In a class, there are 35 students. On a certain day, 15 students of the
class were absent. How many students were present that day?
3. Christopher invited 35 friends to his birthday party. 15 of them were
girls. How many boys did he invite?


1. Subtract the following using estimation to the nearest 100 and compare with
the actual value.
(a) 3742 from 6483 (b) 5216 from 8479
(c) 2807 from 5731 (d) 1775 from 3120
2. Solve the following word problems.
(a) A shopkeeper had 8500 kg of rice. He sold 6550 kg. Howmuch rice is he left
(b) Mrs Sharma had 8450 in her account. She withdrew 5050 from it. How
much money is there in her account now?
(c) Aschool has 2125 students. The school decides to distribute chocolates to
them. They have 1950 chocolates. How many more chocolates do they need
so that each student gets a chocolate?
(d) When Rahul and Sameer stand together on the weighing scale, they weigh
150 kg. Rahul's weight is 89 kg. How much does Sameer weigh?
(e) Honey purchased a watch and a dinner set for 6840. If the cost of the watch s
4650, what is the cost of the dinner set?
3. Frame a word problem for each of the following.
(a) 796 -231 =? (b) 8953 - 3475 =? (c) 5661 - 4829 =?

1. Subtract the numbers.
(a) 6823 from 9954 (b) 2897 from 7106
(c) 6172 from 8243 (d) 1244 from 2075

2. Subtract and check your answer.
(a) 4925 from 8073 (b) 8009 from 9432
(c) 3791 from 7246 (d) 1999 from 3075
3. Find the missing digits.
Th H T Th H T
(a) 8 7 4 ? (b) 1 2
? 2 ? 1 5 ? 4
5 1 1 3 6

4. If you add 2350 to a number, your answer willbe 6128. What is the number?
5. Humaira had a good collection of 4175 seashells. She gave 1015 seashells to
her cousin. How many is she left with?
6. Match the columns.
Column A Column B

(a) 100 taken away from 8196 () 5084

(b) 8726 - 3010 (ii) 9999

(c) 9999 0 (iii) 5716

(d) 6084 - 1000 (iv) 8096


1. Simplify the following.

(a) 3261 + 5482- 2975 (b) 12068 + 9132 - 7499
(c) 15306 + 21171 - 13918 (d) 28475 - 15193 + 6221
2. Solve the following word problems.
(a) 4117 students registered themselves for adrawing competition. Out of them,
1050 students are of Class Iand 1792 students are of Class Il. The rest of the
students are from Class IlI. How many students of Class lll have registered Mathemati
for the competition?
(b) Vini had 9753 pebbles. She gave 4507 to Kini, 3715 to Noni and 500 to Honey.
How many pebbles does she have now?


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