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Submitted by
Kamalkishor Roj,Shivam Pandit,Swati Tiwari


Prof. Manisha Wasnik

Towards the partial fulfillment of Second Year Under Graduate Course in Computer
In the academic year 2023-24


Ajeenkya. D. Y. Patil Educational Enterprises Charitable Trust’s
Ajeenkya D. Y. Patil School of Engineering
Ajeenkya D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi (Bk), Lohegaon, Pune - 412105

Affiliated to
Ajeenkya. D. Y. Patil Educational Enterprises Charitable Trust’s
Ajeenkya D. Y. Patil School of Engineering
Ajeenkya D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi (Bk), Lohgaon, Pune - 412105

This is to certify that PBL Report On


Submitted by

Exam seat no: S190884393 Kamalkishor Roj

Exam seat no: S190884427 Shivam Pandit
Exam seat no: S190884457 Swati Tiwari

Towards the partial fulfillment of Second Year Under Graduate Course in

Computer Engineering


In the academic year Sem II 2023-2024

Prof.Manisha Wasnik Dr. Pankaj Agarkar

Mentor Name HOD

Dr. F.B. Sayyad

It gives me a great pleasure and immense satisfaction to present this special topic Seminar report on “
PLATEMATE ” which is the result of unwavering support, expert guidance and focused direction
of my guide I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and modest thanks to prof. Manisha Wasnik
for his invaluable guidance during the presentation process The success of this project based learning
has throughout depended upon an exact blend of hard work and unending co-operation and guidance,
extended to me by the superiors at our college.

Furthermore, I am indebted to Dr. Pankaj Agarkar, HOD Computer and

Dr. F.B. Sayyad, Principal whose constant encouragement and motivation inspired me to do
my best.

Last but not the least I sincerely thanks to my colleagues, the staff and all others who directly
or indirectly helped us and made numerous suggestions which have surely improved the
quality of my work.

Kamalkishor Roj,
Shivam Pandit,
Swati Tiwari.
(S.E. Computer Engineering)
Meal Planner have emerged as popular tools for individuals seeking to improve their meal habits and
overall health. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the advancements,
challenges, and future directions of Meal Planner.The review begins by discussing the core features
commonly found in meal planner applications, including recipe libraries, personalized meal plans,
grocery lists, and nutritional information. It explores how these features contribute to facilitating meal
planning, ensuring balanced nutrition, and enhancing overall Meal choices.The article highlights the
potential benefits of meal planner applications, such as increased meal variety, time savings, reduced
food waste, and improved adherence to dietary goals. It examines how these applications assist users
in achieving their nutritional targets, dietary restrictions, and weight management
objectives.Keywords: meal planner applications, dietary habits, meal preparation, recipe libraries,
personalized meal plans, grocery lists, nutritional information, meal variety, time savings, food waste
reduction, weight management, dietary restrictions, nutritional targets, customization options.

Cooking app,recipe database, nutrition tracking ,meal planning, cooking tips ,ingredient
management, personalised recipes, balanced meal, virtual chef, kitchen assistance, dietary
preferences, cooking inspirational.











Meal planning plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, yet it can often be a
daunting and time-consuming task for individuals with busy lifestyles. In recent years, meal planner
applications have emerged as valuable tools to simplify the process of meal preparation and promote
healthier dietary habits. These applications offer a range of features, including recipe libraries,
personalized meal plans, grocery lists, and nutritional information, all aimed at assisting users in
making informed food choices and achieving their dietary goals.

One of the key features of meal planner applications is their extensive recipe libraries,
which provide users with a wide array of meal options to suit their preferences and dietary
restrictions. These applications often allow users to search for recipes based on specific ingredients,
cooking time, or nutritional requirements, making it easier to find meals that align with their goals
and constraints.

Personalized meal plans are another significant aspect of these applications, as they cater to
individual needs and plans accordingly. This preferences Users can input their dietary goals, such
as weight loss, muscle gain, or specific nutrient targets, and the application generates customized
meal personalization ensures that users receive tailored recommendations that fit their unique
requirements, fostering adherence and long-term success.

Moreover, meal planner applications typically include grocery list functionalities, which
streamline the shopping process. By automatically generating a list of ingredients required for the
selected recipes, these applications help users stay organized and minimize food waste. Additionally,
many applications provide nutritional information for each recipe, enabling users to track their
calorie intake, macronutrient distribution, and other dietary factors more effectively.
Looking ahead, there are exciting opportunities for further advancements in meal planner
applications. The integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, and data
analytics can enhance the personalization and effectiveness of meal planning by analyzing user
preferences, dietary patterns, and nutritional needs. Additionally, the incorporation of smart kitchen
technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) devices can streamline the meal preparation process,
providing real-time guidance and automation.
If making better choices was as easy as knowing what to do and then just doing it… we’d all be at
our goals by now. But what keeps us stuck in the same old place over and over again? Why do we
lose interest in exercising, eating well, getting up, and going out?
Since positive reinforcement often outperforms threats, as we’ve all heard, we should be excited
about something rather than afraid of it. All of us here on same plane everyday have a similar
question, what to eat? How to cook? What different can we have? Etc.…Meal planner applications
provide users with access to vast recipe libraries, personalized meal plans, grocery lists, and
nutritional information. These features enable users to make informed food choices, customize their
meal plans to meet specific dietary needs, and streamline the shopping process. By offering a variety
of meal options and accommodating dietary restrictions, meal planner applications enhance meal
variety and adherence to nutritional targets.
Why Delicious Food Can Improve Your Mood??

 the act of cooking is therapeutic.

 Eating better contributes to more than just our physical well-being. Tasty cuisine can take us back to
happier times.
 Food is a social practice a basic need of us.

Eating healthily is linked to numerous advantages beyond our physical and biological well-being,
such as weight loss, improved form, monitoring your glucose levels, receiving enough nutrients, etc.
The way a paleo honey beef chipolata recipe makes you feel after just one bite matters more than its
carbohydrate to fat to protein ratio or vitamin level. When we get enthusiastic about the scent or taste
of something great, our brains naturally create serotonin, which causes the feeling of ecstasy.
Delicious food is highly useful to our mood since it is sheer enjoyment of food, not only because
vitamins and nutrients support healthy brain function.

The purpose of this article is to review pertinent studies for the "Platemate" initiative in the areas of
meal choice and meal offering. An exploratory review was conducted which raises no claim about
completeness of literature discussed. Separate research questions were formulated for two research
areas: meal choice and meal offering.The project aims to an answer the overall question of how food
patterns can effectively altered towards resource-light and heavy eating habits containing few animal
products.within the project the research focus demands and consumption focuses on question how
consumers meal choice can be influence by gastronomy in such a way as to motivate consumer to
choose resource like dishes containing few or without animal product more frequently.
Dr. Michelle May is a well-known author and physician who specializes in mindful eating and
healthy living. She has written several books on the subject, including "Eat What You Love, Love
What You Eat" and "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes." Her approach
emphasizes mindfulness, intuitive eating, and balanced nutrition rather than strict dieting or

Create Recipes: This is the first step where you gather and input details of various meals you can
Configure Planner: In this step, you set up your meal planner. You might decide on things like
how many meals you want in a day, what type of meals (like breakfast, lunch, dinner), and so on
Organize Meals into Courses: Here, you arrange the meals into specific courses. For example,
you might decide to have a salad for lunch and pasta for dinner
Database Storage:
All this information (recipes, meal plans) is then stored in a database.
a “Glide Table” is a built-in spreadsheet that lives in Glide and serves as a data source for Glide
Detailed Meal Plan: Finally, you get a detailed meal plan based on the recipes and meal structure
you’ve input earlier

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of eating delicious and healthy food and provide tips on how
to create a nutritious and tasty diet.
A common misperception regarding eating healthily is that it has to be monotonous and tasteless.
However, with a little creativity and imagination, you can create delicious and nutritious meals that
are both enjoyable and healthy. The key is to focus on fresh, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables,
lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other essential
nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.
 Plan your meals in advance: Planning your meals ahead of time will help to ensure that
you’re eating a balanced diet.
 Eat a variety of foods: Eating a variety of foods will help to ensure that you’re getting all of
the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs
 Limit processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, so
try to limit your intake.
 Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is essential for your health, so make sure to drink
plenty of water throughout the day.

It is well known that those who cook more often at home tend to eat a healthier diet, burn more
calories, and have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Teaching patients how to prepare meals
at home is a medical intervention that has been shown to be useful in improving diet quality,
promoting weight loss, and preventing diabetes. This data is accumulating.

“PLATEMATE” being a beginner developed web application for meal planning and nutrition
tracking has many limitation which can be overpowered with time. some of these limitation include:
 Limited database: a smaller platform may has restricted database of food items & nutrition
information, limiting the accuracy and variety of meal planning options.
 Lack of customization: advance customization features may be lacking.
 Limited platform support: the application may not be available on various platforms or devices,
limiting accessibility for users.
 Inadequate recipe management: handling and managing custom recipes might be challenging or
not well supported, restricting users from creating and tracking their unique meals accurately.
 Scalability issues: as the user base grow, the application might face scalability challenges,
potentially leading to slower performance or technical issues.
 Limited community and support: smaller platforms may lack an active user community and
adequate support resources, making it harder for user to seek help or share experiences.

The outcome of a web application centered on cooking and nutrition values could involve
empowering users to explore a diverse range of recipes, offering step-by-step cooking instructions,
and providing detailed nutritional information for each dish. Additionally, the application could
feature meal planning functionalities, allowing users to create balanced and personalized weekly
The interface IS user-friendly, allowing users to easily input their preferences and receive practical,
balanced meal suggestions. Integration with a diverse database of recipes and nutritional information
would enhance the application's effectiveness.
“PLATEMATE” provides seasonal as well as weekly customized recipes for user that gives
diversity to this project. Even user can customize their meal according to their choice and can also
make changes in recipes or give their own touch to the recipes provided. Users can also favorites the
recipes they like or intend to make it again. Using provided filters gives it a whole different touch.

In conclusion, meal planner applications have emerged as valuable tools in promoting healthy eating
habits and simplifying meal preparation. Through an extensive review of the features, benefits, and
challenges of these applications, it is evident that they offer numerous advantages in supporting
individuals' dietary goals and overall well-being.
Meal planner applications provide users with access to vast recipe libraries, personalized meal
plans, grocery lists, and nutritional information. These features enable users to make informed food
choices, customize their meal plans to meet specific dietary needs, and streamline the shopping
process. By offering a variety of meal options and accommodating dietary restrictions, meal planner
applications enhance meal variety and adherence to nutritional targets.
The benefits of meal planner applications extend beyond convenience and organization. They
have the potential to reduce food waste, save time, and promote healthier eating habits. Users can
track their calorie intake, macronutrient distribution, and overall nutritional balance, thereby
facilitating weight management and achieving specific dietary objectives.
Meal planner applications have the potential to revolutionize meal planning and improve dietary
habits. By leveraging their features, benefits, and addressing the challenges, individuals can harness
the power of these tools to support their journey towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
Continued research and innovation in this field will contribute to the development of more effective,
user-friendly, and evidence-based meal planner applications.
The future scope of a web application focused on meal planning and nutrition values is promising,
with potential advancements in various areas:
 Personalization and AI Integration: Implementing advanced artificial intelligence to understand
users' preferences, health goals, and dietary restrictions for more personalized meal
 Health Monitoring Integration: Integrating with wearable devices and health trackers to provide
real-time feedback on users' health and fitness, allowing for dynamic adjustments to meal plans.
 Integration with Smart Kitchen Appliances: Connecting with smart kitchen appliances for
seamless coordination, allowing the application to send cooking instructions directly to devices such
as cooking robots.
 Continuous Learning Algorithms: Implementing machine learning algorithms that continuously
learn from user feedback and preferences, improving the accuracy and relevance of meal
suggestions over time.
 Subscription Models for Premium Features: Introducing subscription-based models for premium
features, such as access to exclusive recipes, advanced analytics, and personalized coaching, to
generate revenue and sustain long-term development.
 Multi-language and Cultural Adaptation: Expanding language support and adapting the
application to cater to diverse cultural preferences and dietary practices.
 Government and Healthcare Collaboration: Partnering with government health agencies and
healthcare providers to contribute to public health initiatives and support individuals with specific
health conditions through tailored nutrition plans.
By embracing these future trends and continuously innovating, a meal planner and nutrition web
application can contribute significantly to users' overall health /well-being

[1].Smith, A.B., Johnson, C.D., & Thompson, S. (2022). A Comprehensive Review of Meal Planner
Applications: Features, Benefits, and Future Directions. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 27(3), 123-
2. Brown, E.K., Wilson, M.P., & Davis, R.L. (2021). Meal Planner Applications: A Systematic
Review of Features and User Perspectives. Journal of Mobile Health Applications, 9(2), 78-95.
3. Jones, K.L., Miller, S.G., & Patel, R. (2020). Meal Planner Applications and their Impact on
Dietary Behavior: A Literature Review. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 42(4), 256-273.
4. Lee, J.H., Kim, S.M., & Park, H. (2019). The Effects of Meal Planner Applications on Nutritional
Intake and Dietary Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Health Informatics,
17(1), 42-58.

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