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UE UE See Task N° 6. parts of speech within them. t\'They doula have signed tha r is a sweet boy. x 3. You must have SSme fun, 4, Itold the neighbour on the third floor the story of my lite, 5. The mess in his bedroom has gotten worse lately, 6. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. eck, x £ Ehay 7. The nice and cute git! lives in Washington now, ‘8. Did you know about it? 9. Steven's car has cost a lot of money. 10. }Task N° 7. Classify the following sentences. Her father never forgave her. Ne 1. I can't promise you anything right now. — Jem 2. He promised that he would be good. _ cwswir (Dare 3. She could never again be the same because of him Scan. ~ 4. She changed because he had hurt her badly. — corn phen x 5. He left her and she felt she had no reason to live, — Corn) = 6. Erika has been living in the States since last year_. 7. We've lived here since we got married, — Covnipase! 8. The homeless boy was so smart and nice. —~ 8. You can accept it or you can reject it for life Cove .* ‘The kids hated school but they were good students. — Ce My neighbours were rich but mean people. —~ Cpe — 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17, 18. 19. 20. Do you want tea or coffee? — Sint’ When the children found out about the truth, they decided to speak to their Parents: They couldn't pass the ‘subject since they had problems understanding it. ~ All her children looked like her. ) You will do,tlike your father said. — POSSESSIVE Determiner function: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Pronominal function: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs => DEMONSTRATIVE this, these, that, those > RELATIVE who, whom, whose, which, that, zero relfile pronoun | => INTERROGATIVE who, whom, whose, which, what > INDEFINITE everyone, everything, everybody, each, every, all, both, no one, nothing, nobody, none, -neither, no, someone, somebody, something, some, anyone, anybody, anything, either, any, half, somewhere zc OPEN CLASS something is called. It is the name that we give to people, what someone ‘em. E.g.: Mary, winner, courage, car, etc. A NOUN tells us Wives in order to identify th things, qualities, ALEXICAL VERB (see page 15) . ‘An ADJECTIVE describes the person, thing, place, elc. which a noun or pronoun refers to. It can provide information about quality, size, age, temperature, shape, colour, origin, etc. E.g.: © Quality: You have such a nice car! OYdod * Size: My room is not very big. TOQUE ie, + Age: My grandma received an antique vase for her birthday. Q,0L0.0L,, * Temperature: Penguins live in cold regions. Kberyurg Que « Shape: I’ like to buy a round table.” ‘Gytorou — | - Crewe) * Colour: This isn’t my sweater. Mine is pink. * Origin: John has a Japanese watch. Oxigew ‘An ADVERB usually provides information about the action of the sentence by modifying the verb. It tells us how, when, or where something happens. Adverbs, however, can modify adjectives and other adverbs. E.g.: ~ He speaks quickly. ~ He works very much. ~ Your English is very good. CLOSED CLASS The ARTICLE is a type of word that shows whether you are referring to a particular thing or to a general example of something. There are three types of Articles: the definite “the”, the indefinite ‘a’! ‘an’, and the zero article 0. E.g.: ~ I've just seen the woman | hate, ~ I've just seen a very strange woman outside. ~ @ Women are considered to be the strong sex nowadays. ee arene Rar ewer So 0 eee nMroduceién a la Gramatica Inglesa FACULTAD DE FILOSOFIA Y LETRAS: PARTS OF SPEECH + The sentence: it represents the highest level in the hierarchy. There are three types of sentences: > Simple sentence: it consists of only one clause, E.g,: ‘Jane bought her father a present, » Compound sentence: it consists of two or more Independent clauses linked bya coordinating conjunction. E. e "Jane saved money. and she bought her father a present. > Complex sentence: it is made up of a main clause and sul Clauses linked to the main one by means of a subordinating conj bordinate or dependent junction. E.g.: > Although Jane saved moneys, she couldn't buy her father a present. ‘As regards the linguistic unit called “word”, we may say that it falls into two categories: * Open class * Closed class The open classes of words are constantly changing in the language and thus admit and sume are Rew members. These words are also called “lexical’ or “content” Words and are the subject of discussion in dictionaries, The closed classes of words, on the other hand, are relativel closed classes of words, ly fixed and unchanging in the language. They are also called “grammati ical’, “function” or “structure” words. The open class includes: * nouns * lexical verbs * adjectives * adverbs The closed class includes: * articles * pronouns * prepositions * auxiliary verbs * numerals * interjections * conjunctions * quantifiers and multipliers UNIT N° 1: PARTS Ur orceen yh a ee ee eee It comprises a set of regulations that describe the language system. Abranch of Linguistics, ‘a science that involves the scientific study of language and how it works. It is concemed with the study of two main areas: ‘+Morphology. It studies the internal structure of words, of how words are formed out of morphemes. ‘Syntax, It studies how words are combined to form phrases, clauses and sentences. in the English language there is a grammatical hierarchy made up of five, grammatical units. These units are: «The morpheme: itis the minimal unit of language with meaning, It may be a word or part of it. Eg: unhappy, happy, useless. : © The wor is a part of speech formed out of morphemes. E.g.: woman, typical, beautifully. - «The phrase: Generally, it is a group of words. The phrase is defined by its “head word”. Thus we have the following phrases: Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Genitive Phrase and Prepositional Phrase. E.g.: the unhappy woman (Noun Phrase). Sometimes, the phrase may consist of only one word. E.g.: she (Noun Phrase) © The clause: it is a group of phrases. It hi nN * The clause: tis 2 group of as atleast one\NF) and ond\VP)\ E..: The unhappy

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