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"feminism Theoess This Scheel of ) of maleand ferale-- She Says Hat wormants a female ts born hap awoman is createcl, In other words, Onet sey rs -glederminecl_a¢-bivth Aut oncs gender Is created by cultural norms. This. Society who olecigles phat women are Wweakn- » phan men and Mowerbil rather than women. |p Setulal polibes » teqem coined by Mille enpple haf? ower yelahions In Soctely = Such Poway oliffers fram Society fo anofler« far Millell, waren must break Such belitfs and esteblich Pheiv Social convenlvon which 1s olePmeol by females not by Pe males Ta His Case Pheg will have volce- a Beky [yieday 1 oleseribes the awahering of femineg and Says Has "A werian bas-gob dodo able to Say and not fo feel gully " Wwho am Zand Whak do L wank oud of jhe? Elaine Showalter — | She js leading Voice ob Paminish Cridecise throug hou the late 19f05-£ lane Aided Pininist movement inko three phates ~ G Frrninine phasel|Etr0—1380) Phe writers of Hhis Phase accepk Phe olomrance of pates.ard wrote wsolee phe names of men [ike bhavloe Bronhe> Leoyge Eliar etc. @ feminist Phase 880-17 32) aaying Phis fhose warmer wridevs Succerdeol —in—clyamafizirg Pe plights af the slighted woman by depedding Phe Cite| Heater! of Ferale. trradage gh He harcle of ules. . G Amale phate (190~preod)- They fesected Phe Soctal Construction. thab were Prominent of uring He tet fwo Phases of Semnigm. Dunyg this Phase» Perirash c¥ibres Ay to develop a-Parkiculay female uroladarding of the Lemale thporrintg marb- To do such Phpge, Lemimsh.»cribie say tab Ih 15 peceaary fo_jrclidle._the uncon el misegyng in telly, yaisogynyi= Ferm ured by Showalter sae to desvibe male hatred of Woman. Shetalter beleves Phat female wribers were oebberately prelude From the hbrny Canon by ynale. wybers» Tr-her- essay “ Toward a feminist poles’ She Coined whabis So-cabley gyndcribsclim - Cypocsilicismna perm Coined by Showalter that. ‘sed bo Consfruch 0 female framecoworkfor_anelysing ulomen's Isheralure fo —clevelop new pnaclels based on the—<}ucly of. Pemale ef perience father thon fo aelop] male _ynadels «— Cy necribicsem provider Fou \-—teaclele— Hab adldrecs the nabave— of womens wribrg—O- Hotegeet— 6 Hee lnguishe @ the leap ne Q- fhe Culm SN 5s Se oo : _ Present clay —crifselsm : | Some—cridies Categersee—feminich—Critiasm into. A uy Giaups — 0 Atglo—Amurcan—Peminisrs—— at —| poss sdrwchuvalis4 —eriassp— 1 = (Ala terja. ftp Pe mip ping — + O Posh madern—fergntim | _whileobhershvidle—femmnisn— into oe Grows, @p Amarcon feminism ~enphasires the Phyicallegualby befuewn man ard weman ,yefectny the assumphen-thad woman ts physientty Weak ancl _paspive ee ask fo oleal_ePualy with ON ee So —} —~— @-Radieal_ ov Cul farql feminism! = asserps Piers in Personally cand biolag cally ay —oltfeyeal Hanmer. Culfaral_cvibies ésumeol fab woman is biolegcalty ancl inherenply me Siirder ar! gentler» Zh Lhe eyes of —Culbural_feminish,woman's_ways are bedber ban mete E00 feriinism:- assumes Ha —falstarhal Socely is new andl the original —_Condbion of the Sociedy was Mapvlarchel-- Tor eccberniem s Pabylarthal Sacieliesaveoledermieg) —to—wamten, children ard pabute while pat flarche)Seciebes protect woman ard_naluyes Material fers rise, avms_ghe _p rmprove Phe material condition of woran hy. unbarcening, than of bradsbora! Female tasks Suchat Cooking avel othe yet Prasibsifes 2 SG Parvatiss Feminism - group of Feminists cribies whe Calls for — Sppayahon From men fofally er Payhally. Separabsts assume tha women must frst see themsiues in adifteren way ard! Separaitse themselves From men Such Separatsan they Suggest 1s the Pirsh dep to achieang Personal Growth ard troli viduahidy- @ Posh Coloma) femtnisn phatloccninc Patriarchal syskm estoblished by white males Bef object fo use te derm roman belicung tab such sage olefines female by only Hew Sef. po matter Pour many Subcategory an ch theary ‘cribes wit) held - Trey alt Pave pure main aims. First aliscovery ard Sel€-tdenbibedien- and Phewold. Mitel wopld)i» Bey also rejecpeal te! tha} feminise, Women are on a fourney foy self- Seconch. Phey Ky-40 urdlastard theiy satiety Fermin) cris WY thetrv best fo change the belek Hat women is tnfertor are Subordinate fo men. They sqy that Woman jf as equal as maynard both Share fhe same rghs- a Foranism bbe its goal +s fo clestiey the Prachhoral Values land gender oles. However, Poms criucs befieve Phat dLiscyiminajion against women Sdn ehisp fi Focay maltfert aspeds of fee Femnnisds cribetim Hof Aries be hightglhs the way tn whith women ave oppressed eo suppressed arch peprased- It also rejects phe privileged positon of, | males: tn Pabytarchaf Sociely anol Calls boy SeX equartty- oY, Tes Tk fecerd SK 6a Shed Disclosure. Hunan Rugits Careers may be compensated by course providers Types of Feminism: The Four Waves Feminism is one of the oldest movements in global history. There's no single definton, but feminism bolts ‘down to ending gender discrimination and bringing about gender equalty. Within this goa, there are many types of feminism. Instead of deserbing them insolation from each other, feminism can be divided imo "waves, “The wave metaphor is the most common explanation for ferninism's movements, though i's not without flaws, Itcan oversimplify a complicated history of values, ideas, and people that are often in conflict with ‘each other. With this simplification, one might think feminism’ history isa straightforward arc. The reality is much messier. There are many sub-movements building on (and fighting with) each other. That being said, the wave metaphor is @ useful starting point. It doesn't tell the whole story, but it helps outline it There are four waves The first wave ‘The fst wave in the late 19th-century was not the frst appearance of feminist ideas, but was the fist real polical movement or te Wester werld. In 1792, Mary Wolstonecraft published the revolutionary AX Glotton oft Fights of Woman 1848, bout 200 women metin a church. They came up wth 12 resolutions asking for specific rights, such as the right to vote. Reproductive rights: also became an important isu for eatly feminist. Mier years of feminist activism, Congress finaly passed the 18th amendmentin 1920 and gave women the vote. This was almost 30 years ater New Zealand became the first country where women could vote First-wave feminism had a fairly simple goal: have society recognize that women are humans, not property, While the leaders of 1st-wave feminism were abolitionists, their focus was on white women's rights. This exclusion would haunt feminism for years to come. The second wave ‘Second.wave feminism took place in the 1960s and 70s. It built onfrstawave feminism and challenged what womens role in socety shouldbe. Inspired by he Civil Right's movement and protests against the Vietnam War, activists focused on the institutions that held women back. This meant taking a closer look ‘at why women were oppressed. Traditional gender and family roles were questioned, Queer theory became more established, There were major victories inthis era including the Equal Pay Act of 1983, Roe v. Wade in 1973, and other Supreme Court cases, ee See eee rece og a et eee etrcraae heer eee eo ee eee es oo th The third wave . ‘Thanks tothe institutional victories of second-wave feminism, women enjoyed more rights and power {Qoing into the 1980. They were able to tink about other aspects oftheir identity, welcoming individuality and rebelion. This was an era of reclaiming, Important cultural touchstones include Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues. the Guerilla Gis, and punk roek ot gris. Many women more freely expressed their sexualiy in how they spoke, dressed, and acted. This Sometimes bewildered 2nd-wave feminists, many 1 and minkmovernents swirled around in this lof whom had resisted tradtional femininity. While many ideat time, the one “rule” was that there weren' rules, A woman should choose how she lived her Ife, ‘Third-wave feminism also became more conscious of race. Kimberle Crenshaw, a gender and cntical- race scholar, coined the phrase “intersectionalt"in 1989. The term refers to how different kinds of oppression — ike those based on gender and race — intersect with each other. While mainstream fist and lected racial disparities within gender. the Third wave second-wave feminism had largely ignored or ne paid more attention. The phrase “third-wave feminism” was coined in 1992 by Rebecca Walker, a 23- year old Black bisexual woman. When the internet became more commonplace, it was even easier to hear perspectives and ideas from feminists around the world, Feminism was expanding. The fourth wave ‘Some people think we're stil in the third wave of feminism since the fourth wave isn't so much of a shift 2a the continued growth of the movement. However, with the MeToo movement and a resurgence of attacks on women’s nights, many believe we're living in a new wave. Social media activism has propelled the movement frmly into the technological age. It builds on the third wave's emphasis on inclusivity and asks hard questions about what empowerment, equality, and freedom really mean. Fourth-wave feminism continues to reckon with intersectionality. Critics of ‘white feminism,” which ignores the unique struggles of women of color, expose how non-white feminists and ideas have been — and continue to be ~ suppressed. Trans rights are a big part of the conversation, too, Feminism has often been an unwelcoming and hostile place for trans women and others who reject the gender binary. Many {ourth.wave feminists are working to combat this exclusion. As with every wave before it (and any wave that comes after it), the fourth wave is complex. It encompasses many movements that both complement {and clash with each other. This tension is unavoidable. While some types of feminism can have harmful impacts, having a variety of voices makes feminism more inclusive and successful Ce JL* js j= J» Js Sponsored links ‘You may also like ‘What re Human Rights ies? neq. equal An planer 10 Ci Rights Quote That Made istry tam tan { m4 G Mar vism Ol Whol Aarvism offers? LT) 0h fur a compiohensive, Positive View of Jamon Iife-ard hid, Suggespag dew pumarity Con Save Hail From a rreantgless hfeof, Kokpronan asl dlespalys Tf ains pa chatge the wedditew of UP ard. waher the world a beber place fo Me sn. Historical cLevelopment- | Marts hoe evnereged 05a hterary Peary 10 turn $} Plourtched as 9. Playmate view of dishiyHal—of fered the warking c hises an_oppurhinty fo Change heir world ard fives. If represotte both 2 Philenplycal syskm ard. _a—plan of achon 40 charge fhe Views of _ Soctefys 5 2st : | OL. Fram where des. Marts Pheay febus. tts fastened what it ids aim? = ait : Marts Pheay as its Yorty dn Phe ritokertn. condry uty. 0§ the German Socal cyipe Kay] Maryan! is Friend fredyich Aagels be a liberty Pheory, Matton cbves yh oLevelopp unl Phe fuccniseth Comber sand ite aim tbo Preus~ an the Study of the yeladenchip Jotun the Gafilalis}_ard the working Chsy (Prolefarial) « | Of thet wes fhe Cape belef-of- Maritim presobl in The Gorman Teleagy avel The LommeyiitAorideste 2 4 Tn Hose uo works Mart ard Asghs preset Phe obealechical.. _— Materioton asacore behtfe of Martin . x Dialechcaff Natepalisa:-_A term [Used fo] refer ff, phe fare a Mf 4 whiff Marh ofd Arges / asso [Consdoupfess dics it fe rermites Spel Whe deminer fonscwsnfes’ » Tn fthy 1 pay Shep and comePhy r ] ] |¢ Diohclical—Mafatolym'sa- fam uted 1s-pefer te qe tate VBP 2 FM AD which Mart apd Arglee asses!" Con$tiousreas olacs sat clokanine —bifetlife cletermines —Concewastees Dn 0bheteutordlty Our eeas-ard— —Goneeplyobouf uy ehvec— are fashianed I1_eveylday—cliscourse— in the larguge— Saf reel life anal. nop letived Pam any spirrtiatYeably.» The basso — Weebly 14 pratedal red spittual» Tn such obelecheas—materiabsdcodthsy. thee conarnie ricane2f Peadusbis Chase Ton aa = - Sf Diet Polthcal + elucr bora}. em anol religious heleps ubichembudbes a Sociely'c. sdealegy Hab is Contraled ond by He clomindSaciq) Clase ar Hhe boupgeotise.- Bi — LConbyoling the bse» dhe bongecise. Leleiniak Stil) sir uchere— ard thus Conbyolsardoppreces_the_lwokyg clae-ov-Ploleda tate — OI uchat is e/nfach-2f Capitalist Lyshem-accarchyg fo Mayh-0——-> _The-Capttaepsyctem leads fo. great classes Clach-ovdl.cbbvrcled a sate bouygeotsieard_warkigy Class Te shif- from Pascal @ — Systems which Bheactepepan viet based on Inperifed!wealt ard shabus Info _a-Copitalish Syplem baseelor_ Phe ouncidnp +f — Prive: properly Teasle-4o-g real Sectol—cleshrucpionr- Td hese pe a_yochcal Chopge $14 octal Ta wy -Worale ard Helps = Of Aealion— Phe-airn of ieee | + According 40 Marty the ulfinete g.oatof Sotiely polacyeodh its Pighes —cfage the Luathey Paradhisey 1M which bebe benevolert seif| —Yule-enit bees fab lishedle Ak gy Ot Howe caer —Capitalot ot boulgeaisie—ensleved Me a class on hak 1s the Solufan-oacadlng fo Alert ard Angles. Ba Here hook" Te Communtsh Mand fide.” “Aor tare! Ang she costae Phat Capitalist ovhourgeoisie have Suctesfaly enslaved Be piolehnat Pareugh ecaramc.Policiesard. pradiden of goco!s » 4y clorsnay Phe means of produshon, Phase group oleferpine the /1Pe- of Ac prolbane. The Selufion!= The Ptolefartap_ much Yevolf a rol ship bhe hougeotste - of ids econemi ard fahiiea) Power aro! Place he ounersp of atf + _ packs properly. the farcle of Phe goverment rho uttl ferry. dspbut He Pesple Weal. OD lufak —tdleat ate presented by Mary1n—Hs-wark Das hapitale ¥ Dp Hays hooks, Mary Says Yhat-Auman Hishey ard Yelapronship. eo ave cheleymived by econo ConeltHons-« For Mart, clue fo. ceraratisig- Posessing.econaime PowseyarelgaimegSocia}orol—Poltcal- frye, the ‘Dourgeoisie will Convo) - Pheir Socseby - Ebenpuatly, Phis upper-class Will Control Phe chscource ard! _émpose Phery—belétft--2 Values,-ard — cay} fo cleve fop- Auivsoleaggy- The Upper claceyasa yeculky wit] force wie Jclealagy on Fhe. Ptolelantat Tn Such system Phe vith ws ll — became —vicher ard the —poov Will betewe Paorer-enal. mare oppressed 4 Soy _Pav-May ty the beurgeciste—wi)iss}-onolefendhag. Hay _@- sidleslagy ati} gives —phem pew aval Conkrol They wAll_Cancerou sly — Healt he working dog fo_acceppHherySidoflon anol nevey fund of a change» This with leaal_ towihad 11 S0-calteel_felsetounsctourness.- 4 FalseConsclouspwes!-0-ferm uscelhy ar! Lory to-olestrthe how phe Conslousness—of phe Working class techeped are! conbclieal by hourgeoiste +The bauspesisie creeks.» fa lee —Censciousnece fer the proletenes, thy olefnitg what x4 preane fo be- wor hing. class tndiradud.. Tora h Such Shategy-» the upp Chee dapirefer the Secia) scruchise-— x, GQ] Hew Jo pioltatto} Peele urdy— fhe bourgeoitieCatrol 2 ap Working -urdyriseroble coochhon, Hhe working clases Pril_-do_chapge these Sipuahonarol fai] o-be—a.uaye off He oppression are! etal jabtac olone by Copitubeh. Asaresull, they Peel Plog matted arel_alteroted Thy ate betty Sysfemed by Capes fo-olo- dary. Jobs only. Tey ate. Dettg—a berated From. eae othoy yh .Q) -Whad-Marydinks about HheLadlay +f Peapleg— ¢- Mal believed Hap-Hhe-histery-2f- Pople ls hasan the pods dtoyy Loh goods aroh Sacral. yeouonsh P-- He-aolds Aa} _ovy-Plate1n Socteby ano uy wrteme yon -Le fermineg oy Qnsetosness oy WhO we Yeally ater aa] ) Ol What J, derary theo appjoach is apphtable fe inkrpe) a te¥4 According fa Ahavy P # TF was the fad oral Agporrea) approach Hat 1s uscel by a Aanody critter Jo interpred a ferp This appronch suggals Phat Phe anh enc Should Place lo He fAluuirg = Oo Plate a work in ite istortcal sebing - @ Payng attention 40. Phe authart like» @ The hme perteo in which He work was written « GQ The Cathural piiheu of both He ter} ard He auter. la adds anethey Pond QD The ecanomte prears of Produchen - Ts ‘process clederwine he} Pests Should! be published s when ater Shodd be published or How a tert is be csfyibuped. (All Phe pPrevias. pein} Yequire—trdlasforlyg walach ferces damyoted at Phe Hea fexp Ip wien 0 Seing tnferprobed» Sey the Martich Crk Should —inveshgete Phe-aufhors fife, the He af the tex, Phe ie yelabwonshigy ard the Charechoys 1m dhe work as well as Phe feadeyse | Assumphons : Martin is Hot primarly a Uiteeny Henry Hat can be use! fo subersprel, Perk indo itis a cubbral theory wsed 4 charge He worl! of flies Oppressed pesple- 4 We muh Sfop tiypng fo bird ansune fey Our queshort ohepredry only an“eligion or Philesephy -We Shall sfard bokug fev amnwers by clamirrg al_aspeebs of our fife and Culfure. By exammry oar be hefe-ard values / we wil) bscovey fhad if te our Culral ar! Socral Grycumsfaner flab determine uho We are. for Mavtise, Nolag ensds in Wsolabion . Loeaydheg 1s rnterre|aped ard ens} s ine dyrame yelohinshparith vanely of Socta Forees- Re 4 Wher wwe ekamine cay Satily, Ue cbtaver Phed ite shrucbute is batt on Clase Conbhet. Those who clominate- Phe means of Pradubiorz Control Social structure They jmpose theiy own teleabeges. _hy_eplosding Sacral — anol legal tnstibatjons pr Hey benfils Dey —Conbro). Phe larg (ondiions— cof wayKing class by- Jivstay Phas Selaes-and een Phen est Hime Tey. ' Conbyo| wwhap Sebefe are cceels—acephble- »whah valureare fobe hold — last what [anu be Leste $$$ eh Mase-cla Lhe Capes clatiafe He utething chase A — By Contyolling the peanc_off Prodan ard Aasipgpobiical Paser Shey ~ = np tray —hegenang-ard-idedgy onthe working class..Uphnowengly.y He _.working class fired Phemelver_Happedin_an_ecanomic system tha deddes— — pow. auch rianey they cave-o- when They will fake Vacabens, how Phey ust Spere!-theiy-Aime and ever ‘heh beleif2- Hey Shusld achppb. ol what je He Solulon_fobProlelaniads) — { They ynus be -awaye of Hhes Sidithraa ane flab Pay ave net __| free agents mnduin Hey gre Conholed by Phase bouggeoisie— They muse be upifeal—poreJe Phe oppression ole hy pase—upper cats: People + 4 The houpgeoise alka conbele_lideralere ard. preerharyHang chet (oe “| att Bene —peealyg y———————<$ $$ Fagnenlelient ——a-Hetr developed by —Klavits)_cridcs_ fs deterige, PAE c _ Peagmantd nature sp Sothely— Caused. by —workers— dedach meu vem had bey produc ard fram eathobbet 2 toe se ™ Passvan, Pioneer of? .Martisea a O PleKhanoyhe is canctotoverl as. She fourbr— off Fell AMartism.._ He argues Fhap arp Sesh Seve § _fotieky when Ape. Ncpehiep ~comad c.ref- and Societal Concer stnteysec» SH Phe writer wriusp havea Sectat Lonten ta bie workte @ Lenin’. Lar bymLbewhne turd belame-Parh-of the cannon | Cause of ane ity legreat Seciat Demeoyotie mechanism @ Lean Trotsky “Asatte amt Labbe ido conboluglsat. the a feurdeun off Méaytirt literary critielcm «be says Phat Licawey wash, need not Jo be yevslubionagy» He behevel Hod nehfy, force all Poets toute about only factory | ok Yevall against Caftteliy, —1s-absurd O ) Daag eerg laa Aecml and bis follaorad Abend aol small Some Saga used by formatim~ They belated Hat adesailf analysis of. Symbols, images ate of bey. fiberary ceviteswithn the tex. oalel YeVeal class Con lich anche Ydose the obivect relabsonsh: A Wehueer He base ar! the supashuchure. Reflection Terry developed by Marhip Cries 4s explain dhe elahoasiphetueen the base rel supersturduye. Ips Pheery-suggede Hap the base or econanic shuchure of society elitiehly a bfcps ary deferminesSocit}y values.» Polbical, eolucabiarel a rol. Segal sash butpans Trobe werds-s Phe supeshruchuteshheds.or-pusror Phe-base- x Lukacs ard otbers ty to emphasize fhe negehuc effec of Capsbalism— suchas alierahon. tar those. Ab veblechanistss Hera is port of Bsuperirucsve ovoldifecdly rebhehy the ecanome base. ae 4 ey = 1 Trase cides feleve Phat by close Heady far Phe pert thes Con Yevtes) He yeatly of Ve deb ord Abe aabarts ted tre — Qlous. Alplu sseve-he—dicagtee with fhe hasic-assamppeenof — Phe sefiechan Pheoyy hich suggesds Phot the superstructure cliteeH id — reflects the hase. He- Phas beings whibts 0 tattal” Ptoduchisn theasy” —Jn_which he Suggers that itecatuce Nop _necettarly. _Yelateol pa Ho 7 —_fapersérehare » In his works" Fi MaLt! ard Bealing Capitals b e— asserts Hat Phe Suyperstru pute corr and olaes_inbluence— a Higa spumplieg — ae ©The — clam nat Aegepmany- ay_preuaileg toleslegy Shape fhe ay a thhudes—of People Paraugh—the- provers of indexpellajcon-or hailing. phe subject ee = x Liber Pellatianc= perm —Jours Alp bussertused ts. vefur}o— phe _prcess—in which fhe clayinanthegemany form fhe atliludes off _ People—in the saciedy Such proces is useel by the supeushauelure — fo shape phe ~soledegy of fhe base — — - 4 Though the olennrant class Can_use pililaty or Police lo veptess— pre _workirg ass fo Keep ite olemirante rol aelaefe achieve py tn fevPeHation, Yop tp mare Prequenlly uses Vae_jelealygical state. — apparatus. = ig AWhese Was mucho biessea!wifh fhe iolea of tolealgy arel he —_wanded fo evplan how workere were unable to liberate themcelves from —clegraslee! watkirg Corelsdens- Thus he Cordhielted wha 11 6 Called "a pparafuses’ fateber fo hous Caf tals Sociefies chmirate. _ Prroug,—solelagy» Then, je formulated 140 SeAs of -appapebise— (DB Reptessiue Sate Appparaduses—or ssp —_____| za) Lileslogscal Slade Ablarapacsay- TAs y -2- ° O frepresive Sfate Apfefoluns’» lpreseae Police, army arel 5 other pilifary otganatapions-- Dhey. are Polideal -antiues thab ace. cb Comprised of the slate. They paintin pole by farce ard wees fo Suffoy) Caprtalis! — Chas by — thos ——Sfvucharess BA Byost deree We be | 9 Tcbebogica Shite Apparalusee'~ Prey iniole eoluaharal istitubenss — Pe lglous-Snshbutions, Mats teclias feats» They operate lees Bee na comparsan_fo PS Ay - Tntdead fey —ate_much Cantorneal th’ by —- ——loleslagy » Trey tserh to prahe each irdwidue! Know Ais posedede ae atest tat Nabe fd 9 = Phu i Albjustter, 22S As— operate ptimarly by force. anol Seterdarily by idlealgy, where ISAs PAmarily use pdealgy Phen use farce He say when thetei5_anly one, RIA, thee is numereus- Ts. us at However, Phe olennnent closs's hegenuay sneer jp wit lena +0 phe Hstonlte making of aHlertahie Aegemories which will be ina compebbon with oh Ae clominert hegemony for ge Head Ta case of Paley phe polry of Aoilitg He subfecl , anata hegemmy will fea teste ard. fords to. Yevoledion. Such evolution Octave only Ip fhe learhing ~ class. Peeple, wtite Hes own _Iiperahuve Compose -theiyoun susic anol Palit Heir oun art _ Mey Could beso, Hey wi esfeblish an aHerrafe Hegemony to _____\chatterye the bouygocisie’s. hegemony -$ Ths. yeusdatjon will tab. occur p gunsot blrcdshed Sup Progharlishe expression of their Social Copyplete ata Ape re ns i GO Previe Machetes.c= A formac spubeat of Althascr— and spat in French Martin. Tn bis Ate cor A Throb biberaes — a producer’ he chaleyge Phe frach bare _uny_of erly, opel} He goes against Foymalisa uihs Consider He feth as isslafed+ Bechual ently be veadsolescribeal ard avalyited Phagh He Dethools. olf Mtesmey Cribvcisme fe cleclas that Yeadhyy 1s... productive. Proceas Hof preoluce ol: Lhevent Lneatiings. ratonly One. There is agep-bebueen—why Heredas-arel Phe cribs Say-about the mearsey ot the fet} Mat the wash sdselh 1s. Neaggage i t The tet meaty Lartel only the one explained dy Cvsties ~ whah >) “phe authuw means fo say 1s abhperon. Har whed Phey tite» Lach erp has oli Marah toledagses- tab ate difhent Prom there of Hheadbe- _imielh- Ln -erder to Prd Pese—soledigies » Macher —cuggesh— being 4 Adfenttue-Peading- coined by Machercy 42 cleseribe—a type ob Veding | pad —feveale Phe_mub)sple—toleahgres ofrabry ping ven tev}. These : —ydeslygies obfen wot k olsrectly agatrcp upab— Phe wifey as{ameS doy a - 4 (1) Pagmond Wllemss (a bop tingke. Collate aad. Saciety Noe ~ _—Shoux phe velebrosbip-_beduccen—jolechgy avd —cllbure. He Sagesbs. Prd —jolealagy, 2 Cuthual ard. Sacral Htfidaheny ae Inveved 17 Gmpley — ~__ seyies of yelatonshis thad Shape are clevelap each other Fer Jira _Callareordsarp Aghlyabfoct the etperience of afiecson. In ~ evmyalay life. Jt a 4 allure) Studies!= fhe Perm _rofrs fo He —tvark of ob hdaary — Phennste + Philasa fhees ard criptes who S4udytheworks-of Subaltorn — writers suchas Abvicans » Australians > Habive American» usomen 0b who are suppressek ord Yeprestal by Phey. lant nord —curp Judes «dy. ~ ppprepeot Phe urdeysfarding of _Yealiby, Society anal Pryforal_Se1f—wobh- abe Antonio Gramse! | | He asserts tab a compley —relabrenship occurs bedween the, bourgeoisie ar Csupushuctary) anol the base. Fav him, these bourgeoisie adop) whet It Socallesl Aegemany In orley do ental ano! dopnpate Phe proletay wt. 4 Hegerony!~ a term Cones by Granses yeto ds Phe asumplsenc, Values and meanings Ahad Shape phe smesnieg Ord Aehine vealby fy the maprily of Pepe in aguen. culture. ¥ Gramsci suggeds Had decause Phe bourgeatsic clomirafe te cecopamic base 9 musics Ideabte av} ard So, Hhey gain the egteomurt of Phe working class. As aresulty the prolefartot wtf SPonfeneously aclop) phe Values ond beliths of the Sourgeotsie - tor Aim, Ais. cherphon Playcal by 4, Aourgecitie, makes phe praliarice lose Phy own Interest ard. dlesve art accept Phe clomirance ab, of the Supousdructaye- So, Alerature be comes 0 too! fr Phe Privileged class used, p> Jinprase Phew Meskgies on phe base - | » Pest Colonialism Fhaxy, — } © a) Whel polity tase Coletta Palau fo- carl other bastion. peaph? + Those Coloni2ees aclojop tehat 1—S0 called hegemany fa Conbrol Cabal pesple by toppssing Phen our lasr.arol_policies-» Arnarg Phese. policies, olan 2eu2 use" Silence’ live quiely: pork» quily aro Hynk qu ly. The message Phey elt fa Lather” i Had "be quities oleny- snarl land al)--twill be tell” 1 #4, SAIL, rueny wriders 7 rides ae psbe quite aad they yesist. ste | hegemony » They clared-fo-speat ard Chattuge. fhe ofosninent..Cullares al @ Phe clichates Hes cultures apply leetegs, Phinker earl cribes Vi he. _\Teni_mMayrison, Alre. Walkee, Ga brsel_C- Marquet, -S Pivak-s Eohuend| Sid» Fanon and. dudes Buble dy Per beshs.$o- Shaw dhe yee inpack of He. athad.. dlscasege ctr teColettited pesple- Tres ‘ efand Hse people by making fheon aware of He Calowiterr Abey. = They -were sposkug By He oppressed + Suppretied ard Stlenceel African LS Aan NetieAmenican are! athets. ao _ | What—cloes_Pesfcolentalism means? | Rebocs to} of Pheanestn-phi losophy anol Various oe do fi erayy analysis. Hat ave Concerned with |iperatere wvidfen 1M Fig lish 14 5 ue Pad were os Hill tutdler the Colonnaaiizabon of other counbnes fie _piany. proshateal studies, they etiduck — Iirabare Phat rcprcsirds __either—_Batish_or American Pont of View arel Camentyate on the. — weribhyg Prom Colon) ZeolCulkayes._ | ——a)-whaf js thes Jobo sh cob ene Q Ais /buwaimisoInveshgate what ge when two Cubes ch ard _one of Hem has amrahny Ideslegy ard Power ard Shows thse a5 Supurey Jodo other. TAis.aim 12 pp. fird ove how the coloniza reat the Cob zed and 9 is Phere any Yesisfance for Such HY exbimarh» sto ptcal—clevelop prea $$ $$ te rsp became Phe —Colanira- anal @ Drasghot the lgy. bishay-» he Wh pray Afiican- ard AsaryCape Cours became Colsiired._ During dhe 17? —contuyy , Great Bashir Shaws —itserpas the largesd Colon anole J —ymperlal —pdouer—1n Hae _world_uhosoon gob Con) .over Suarter-of the eS = = @1tuthad was. acsumphan_used by Brain fo Colonie abl = fp} Many Britih People o¥-generaly. _ phe Eatepeans— beheve that Hey. ; are Biolegieany superar Pe apy other fate» _pL-tupat- obttutes-wwesgusedby— Dictain to Colonize others —_ @ The bu ists Klee tha} they ate Super fo_others, gives them — — phe —frisvilageto—Cantral. _ardabuce—o there» They use 1 @-Polsical—ancl€tonertical _ clisceurse!=~ bean Phe~ Cheif tmpertabsh Powey ab Er Phe _lyth century, Bitain cariaped bese colores anol nates Phim Produce —.whafeuy they Tikes» Sa, toiing 14s Psd, 9ripasn-_Cypiole 4) ears Oh prodltton tthe Cab Counlnes Tig! wore Peried to werk, under 4 Seve corddtons which hefps_n-spradeg Slauney -arcl fiyeedl laby- _@ felighous chscouce!= Bribich Colnizce Justify —Hesv_etucl Hafner ay of phe Glonred by Invoking religlous— beliefs that those Aftican, — “ArnertcanardAstanuvere heathen” ard Phey—rustbe Chislianitede. kp Phen, at paces obey Phan white Weve _tnfonay_or ubhurean They [becivere-" eit obhens! Tay suae—Catted 0bfopspa— | x alfe bly: ferm used fo. Cal) Colom rted Me Pops feeha are excludeal fram positions of power ard Viewl 0s In fertayard-obifheverd _y De Colanizafroni~ “a Jes tused, in Pospcolanial'sm fo-clescvtbe —Creat_Bysdaint Slou)y — obisappeanng. _Palibical_» e¢enenicaly Sectel-ond Idedegica). condi, on itt Glonies a4 beginnng of prvcortbeett -Aurnfecth Continy.— 1 Wcwith Hhe grea) obvidle and Phe sdiuggh behucen Tacha ard) “Pakistan, witere rel oyiher were much concerned by the Social Polidica)o paral arel_econamicalCordshons_afberef phe of Colantahcmn — Works Pha} ave Vile fo Pah cabattaliim +— oO Black skin, whe Marske. by Fanon = @ The ture fired of Phe Sart’ by frviansn which he ghig hte the. Aebions or birory ofprsittenr of white versus. Bloch good Versus evil + o- 7 Tre Colonizey anal the Colonided” by Memnt, $ Aerk whieh wilh econ the toynersfane of? Passat tam | @ — @ Oficatalim by Eetward. Satolwpich ts pe In He fell_ob—Pecttalonrel—studkes. with the Pabhshieg of Phis Book Wester Societier -shrt to be aware about their Cruchibies @ The Lempte Write Bak. Thiary ard Prachice in fospColertal lr basant 4 Bill Asheroft- 5 Gareth CiifBthe ord Helen Tiffin. with the Pubheabon of Phe lash fun works, Phe Votes are rot of many Subellern Cultures would be sean este 10 ‘both Soctat and -Acadhvaie— a Yetiase “s > + Ace to-pteeal tia, pate colonialism iat Orrin sabe. duo branches: Qo Tie fish Views fostcolaniahinas a sed 4 of ollverse selbiohie Prot Posess no anitery. ga fdy = Homike Bhabha arch Aran so. Mapper a hk a Views Ps) Colriahsmiar a Se? of. ee SHap egies contend ve Aisery ~ Geluard Said. Barbara Harlow andl CC Spivak 4, This grup—also_can_he obviclel info Aue ones : a Those who beheve Pos{Colartahsn refute that Period a Ploy. she. , | Colanized. Counbyjes—gaired Pre Mdeprnclence - @ Wiese who yegprd Prkelorsatian as _yeferng fo the Secta\ and culae! Chhuk Brom the dime of Colonication fill the Present fime-

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