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Option 2
(iii) The coming five years of Warner Music and Yack Studio will be propelled by current
practice. This paper will examine the strategies of major music company and indie […]

Over the past few years, Warner Music has has employed various market approaches to
promote music. Warner Music (In 2022, for example, Warner Music) released launched the
“Future is Now” program to support 8 eight new generation singers, such as including
household names like MC Cheung Tin Fu, Byejack, and Nancy Kwai… they have who
demonstrate different styles of music and creativity. According to Smith (1994), every
listeners of new generations embraces popular songs of the era and is are especially attracted
to those that resonate with them and contribute to self-expression. “Future is Now” is a
generational change, breaking that serves to break away from the previous rulesnorms. New
songs released by the program are connected to Generation Z with the internal world of vent
and expression, at the same time demonstratinges a unique vision and creativity. Warner
Music would support them the artists substantially, with financial such as a large-scale
advertising in Hong Kong MTR Sstation. From time to time, “Warner Gochan Go Chan”, an
Instagram page dedicated to fan bases of artists represented by Warner Music, release reels
and post about the artists on social mediapublish updates frequently. According to Instagram,
they join the social media from since 2019 to precent. They promote their artists or songs
through digital platforms in a localized and interesting way to attract younger generation with
diverse strategies. For example, they will post footages the behind the scenes of music video
productions. According to Salo (2019) social Social media is indeed effective in creates
creating a sense of community, promotes promoting user-generated content, and allows for
allowing two-way interaction (Salo, 2019);, and these makes a variety of music-related
content easily accessible. Therefore, interacting with the audience through social media can
increase the exposure or audience base of an artist or song.
Meanwhile, Yack studio Studio, as an indie music label, has different practice maintains
access to the Hong Kong music community in a different manner. Novel Fergus, for instance,
worked in collaboration with a major singer Jason Chan. According toIn a TNL 特稿 Special
Issue (2022), Yack manager, Dai$hinex, manager of Yack, explains that a their strategy to
boost hip hop's popularity is to through working with major musicians and artists. Yack
Studio choose to utilize the popularity of major singer resources manners, while maintaining
upkeeping their to his musical features. Moreover, Yack Studio actively participate in
different music festivals. , including They join Clockenflap, Ear Up Music Festival and
TONE Music Festival in just 2023. AVELLA Avella (2018) points out that creative
autonomy, the indie music labels participating in the festival showed a high degree of
freedom in their approach to artistic quality as the first creative force. Participating in music
festivals is one of the ways of promoting Hip Hop to a wider audience and enhance their
positionpresence. Their production revolves around social Hong Kong issues in Hong Kong.
According to Team (2022) introduction of the album《梟》The coin image on the new
album is a red pocket from Novel Fergus to Hip Hop. MV《江湖》has added a lot of Hong
Kong's unique “gong wu” elements like recover a debt, drug trafficking, pornography, accent
of Shutuo and a sad Cantonese Opera female voice… , among others. These effectively
Connecting connect with the century-long triad culture in Hong Kong, linking Hong Kong
people's views on triad societies and depicting the lives of Hong Kong's gangsters.

In the next five years, I believe The popular music scene in Hong Kong popular music will be
anticipate more songs with different diversity in styles. Major record companies may still
going to be dominate in mainstream and to be more focused on star-making. For example,
Warner's new artist, Nancy Kwai, is honored as a fairy with her sweet looks, and a white,
and blonde hair. Her MV "LOOK IN TO MY EYES" is shot from the boyfriend's point of
view. HoweverOn the other hand, indie music labels will forge an audience base more
favored by among the young people. Because of the , as more music festivals will continue
featuring features more indie artists and they focus on as well as the messages the songs
convey. Easier to Through such connection with the, audience. They will find and discover
their identitiesy in the songs as an impact of indie music development. Thus, enhancing the
impact on the audience.

(iv) This paper will explore younger singer from major music company and young indie
group’ s songs released in 2023-2024. According to Census and statistics department (2023)
the youth referred to in this story is the gender-neutral population aged 15-34. The following
describes how the creativity of Hong Kong's younger music practitioners in bringing
effectively boosts creativity diversity to in Hong Kong's music industry and attracting public

According to 2023 最熱門歌曲 (2023), Six of Keung To's songs have reached the top six of
the charts. According to YouTube comments are cited that “Every song of Keung To will
bring some meaning to everyone.” Audience Listeners view interpret “Dark Moon” in that as
everyone has a dark side and is at risk of easy to lose yourselflosing themselves. Through the
songs, audience they are reminded the importance themselves to stay true to their
beginningsthemselves. “Dummy”, though by Keung To, audience view “It's a self-
deprecating songon face level, but he feels that it's rather is both self-reflective and self-
affirming.” Through these two songs, most of the audience recognized that Keung To has
been growing up and is a young person with a strong heart. This shows that Keung To's
works have a high degree of connectivity with the audience. As, Since With Universal Music
is being a major music company. Therefore, he has the support of a professional team. His
music videos have more rich elements and even convey a cinematic feel. In addition, the
popular new music economy industry leans strongly to art like a service industry. For
example, audience of the Keung To concert in 2023, the publish review not only on the songs
but also major distribution routines and the atmosphere, among other elements. The audience
will include these reviews of the concert instead of just caring about the songs.

The Low Mays, as an indie band established in 2015, consist of which is six -members band
and is regarded as a symbol of Hong Kong's underground music scene. They release songs by
YouTube and which are promotion mainly promoted on Instagram. Instead, rRecord labels
were released even before they started the company. It is a Such process of disintermediation
allows the band to that he can express hie feelingsentiments to the audience directly. In
addition, as they are amateur artists, they successfully reach out directly to previously
unreachable audiences through their creative online presence and the underground music
community. Therefore, they get can gain a direct impression of the audience's preferences.
They can break out from the standardized products of major record companies and present
aspirations directly. Since they use YouTube or and social media to release their songs,
audiences from all over the world will can be exposed to their works. Fans are also more
likely to express their views to them seamlessly. Such as, fans and The Low Mays can have ,
as demonstrated by the direct interaction of the fans and the band in through social media

In conclusion, Whether whether the songs are from the younger generation supported by
major music companies, or a song produced by a young indie group. A, audiences can express
themselves more easily and they have more indulge in their particular choices in listening to a
particular style of song.

Apple Music 上的 2023 百大熱門歌曲:港澳. (2023, November 14). Apple Music - 網頁播

放器. https://music.apple.com/hk/playlist/2023-%E7%99%BE



Avella, G. (2018). Not (just) for the money: Motivations behind the start-up of music festivals

and the management challenge of balancing the needs of art and profit in cultural

industries: A qualitative study of small-sized niche festivals in Kristiansand. The

organizerspoint of view (Master's thesis, Universitetet i Agder; University of Agder).

Census and statistics department. (2023). 2021 Population Census. Www.censtatd.gov.hk.


HK01. (2019). 香港 01|hk01.com 倡議型媒體. 香港 01. https://www.hk01.com/

Salo, M. O.-I. (2019). Selling and marketing music through digital platforms as an

independent musician. Www.theseus.fi. https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/169495

Smith, T. W. (1994). Generational differences in musical preferences. Popular Music and

Society, 18(2), 43–59. https://doi.org/10.1080/03007769408591554

Team, E. (2022). YACK STUDIO 最新廠牌以及新成員正式公佈. Complex.


TNL 特稿. (2022, December 30). 專訪香港 hip hop 廠牌 Yack Studio:立足地下,向主流

挑機. The News Lens 關鍵評論網. https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/hk-2022-


2023 最熱門歌曲. (2023). Spotify.


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