CENG352L LIU Report Template Spring (23-24)

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School of Engineering

Department of Computer and communication engineering

CENG352L—Digital Logic Circuits Lab
Section ID: E

Report ID: 2

Title: 555 Timer In Astable Mode

Submitted by: Rami Al Khatib

Lab Instructor: Dr Khaled Khatib

Date: 6/4/2024
Department of Computer and Communication Engineering
Report 2
Spring (23-24)
6 April 2024, 8:00 AM

(Very important: Copied or Late report results on a zero)
The Report includes seven sections that are related to three performance indicators
satisfying one program outcome.
I. Develop (10 pts):
a. Objectives
b. Description
II. Formulation (30 pts): this section shows the plan that the student will select during
the implementation of the experiment
III. Consideration of Relevant Key (10 pts): this section is divided into:
a. Fixed/ Manipulated Variable subsection: that should include the variables that
affect the whole system.
b. Formula subsection: that should include the equations that are related to the
IV. Implementation (30 pts): it should be done in the lab and it’s divided into:
a. Proteus simulation
b. Hardware implementation
V. Interpretation (10 pts): the student should discuss the obtained results of both
simulation and hardware implementation.
VI. Comparison (5 pts): to link the relevant keys to the interpretation of the hardware and
software results, a comparison should be done to differentiate between the three
assets and to check the occurrence of the error and its percentage in the experiment.
VII. Conclusion (5 pts): it should include the own decision, recommendations or
comments of the student, real life application and the advantages/ disadvantages of
the experiment
I. Develop (10 pts):
a. Objectives (5 pts)

- Understand the basic operation of a 555 timer in astable mode.

-Design and build a circuit using 555 timer in astable mode.

-Investigate the effect of changing the values of resistors and capacitors on the
output waveform.

-Explore practical applications of astable mode circuits , such as frequency generators

and pulse width modulation.

b. Description (5 pts)

- The 555 timer is a versatile integrated circuit that can be used in various configurations,
including as an astable multi-vibrator.

- In astable mode, the 555 timer continuously switches between high and low output states,
creating a square wave signal.

- This mode have the ability to adjust the frequency and duty cycle of the output signal.

- The 555 timer in astable mode offers flexibility and precision in electronic circuit design.

II. Formulation (30 pts):

a. Data Collection (Plan/ Procedure): (30pts)

1) Set up the circuit : build the 555 timer circuit in astable mode.

2) Calculate the component value and measure the actual value

3) Connect the power supply and turn on the circuit

4) Measure output frequency by using oscilloscope

5) Measure the duty cycle of the output waveform

6) Use multimeter to measure the voltage levels at different points in the circuit.
III. Consideration of Relevant Key (10 pts):
a. Fixed/ Manipulated Variable: (5pts)
- LEDs (affect the high and low parts of signal)

- NE 555 ic

- Capacitor 1000 uF, 10nF

- resistors ( 220 ohm, 1 Kohm, 470 ohm )

- wires

- Breadboard

b. Formula: (5pts)

F = 1.44/(R1+2R2)C
=> T = 1/F

==> T(ON) = 0.693 ( R1+R2 ) C

T(OFF) = 0.693 (R2) C

IF we want T(ON) = 1.018s and T (OFF) = 0.693s

with Capacitor 1000uF, So by this formulas :

R1 = 470 ohm

R2 = 1 Kohm
IV. Implementation (30 pts during the lab presentation):
a. Screenshot of the simulated schematic (5 pts)

Fig 1.1 : Figure represent the simulation of 555 timer with astable mode.

b. Picture of the Hardware Connections (25 pts)

Fig 1.2 : Figure represent the hardware connection of 555 timer in astable mode
V. Interpretation (10 pts):
a. Simulation Results: (5pts)

Fig 1.3 : Figure represent the output wave form.

b. Hardware Implementation Results: (5pts)

The duty cycle = T(ON) / T

=1.018 / 1.712 = 0.594

The led on in 1.018 s and off in 0.694 s

VI. Comparison: (5 pts)

In schematic part we can see the square waveform with V = 5V and duty cycle 0.594

but by the hardware part we can see the time on and off of the led.

VII. Conclusion: (5 pts)

 The astable mode of the 555 timer is a useful and versatile mode of operation.
 The frequency and duty cycle of the output can be adjusted by varying the values of
resistors and capacitors.
 The 555 timer in astable mode is used to generate square wave signals.
 The 555 timer in astable mode is a reliable and cost effective solution for generating
precise timing shifting.

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