Kinects NaHCO3 SO2

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Kinetics of Sodium Bircarbonate-Sulfur Dioxide Reaction

Article in Chemical Engineering Science · August 1993

DOI: 10.1016/0009-2509(93)80032-L

18 1,997

2 authors, including:

Tim C. Keener
University of Cincinnati


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Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 48. No. 16. pp. 2859-2865,1993. CHlO%2509,93 S6.M + 0.00
Printed in Great Etritain. Q 1993 R@mon Rsa Ltd




Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and ‘Chemical Engineering Department, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, U.S.A.

(First received 21 April 1992; accepted in revised form 27 January 1993)

Abstmct-A parallel reaction path model has been developed to explain the reaction between sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO,) particles and sulfur dioxide (SO,) gas. This reaction is atypical compared to other
alkali and alkaline compounds with SOi in that the optimum reaction temperature occurs where thermal
decomposition of the parent particles is pronounced. The model accounts for the concomitant thermal
decomposition reaction which occurs at the temperatures where this reaction is industrially significant. The
subsequent reaction between the product of the thermal decomposition, micro-grains of sodium carbonate
(Na,CO,) and SO2 is considered in the reaction path by the use of a pore plugging model. The model has
been applied to published kinetic data for the NaHCOs-SO2 reaction in order to obtain the reaction rate
constants which are shielded from observation by the thermal decomposition reaction and the subsequent
reaction between Na,CO, and SOz. An expression for the reaction rate constant for the reaction of
NaHCO, with SO1 has been found and is of the form
k, = 2.2625 x 106e-*3*5’2/RT.
The model has been applied to conversion of the bicarbonate particles for up to 600s reaction time, with
good agreement with the data. This model can be used to predict the reactivity of NaHCOI with SO1 in
typical gas-solid reactors.


Recently passed provisions of the Clean Air Act decomposition of NaHCOj
Amendments (1990) will require extensive scrubbing The reaction between NaHCOJ and SOP is com-
of sulfur dioxide (SO,) from waste combustion gases. plicated and involves the interaction of two solids
The use of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO,) as a solid with the gas at the temperatures of interest. When
sorbent for the removal of SO2 has many attractive NaHCOj is exposed to flue gases at temperatures
features, including a high degree of conversion and between 120 and 175”C, thermal decomposition of the
process simplicity when coupled with a fabric filter. solid commences according to the reaction producing
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has the micro-grain structure of Na,COJ:
been studying dry sodium injection since 1977 and has
2NaHCO,(s) -, NaXO&) + CO&) + H,O(g) (1)
evaluated this material as a solid sorbent with full-
scale demonstration tests (Bland, 1990). The results of The temperature at which decomposition occurs will
their extensive testing indicate that 70-90% reduc- depend on the partial pressures of carbon dioxide and
tions of SOz may be obtained for subbituminous coals water vapor present, which arc generally well below
with a variety of sodium based sorbents, all of which equilibrium values at stack gas conditions (Church
contain a significant proportion of sodium bicarbon- and Dwight, 1982).
ate. The solid sodium carbonate formed in eq. (1) is
The influence of thermal decomposition of known to have a high specific surface area. The man-
NaHCO, to Na,COs (sodium carbonate) on the de- ner in which sodium bicarbonate decomposes (i.e. the
gree of reactivity with SO2 has been well established. gas temperature) has been shown to influence greatly
A variety of reports and studies (Bland, 1990; Carson, the degree of surface area production (Howatson,
1980; Erdos, 1989; Knight, 1977) indicate that the 1980; Knight, 1977; Stern, 1978) which would influ-
sodium sorbcnt has its greatest utilization for SO2 ence the reactivity of Na2COJ with S02.
scrubbing at gas temperatures between 120 and 175°C Thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate has
(250 and 350°F) when the initial material injected into been studied by a number of investigators. Hu et al.
the duct is sodium bicarbonate. A summary of the (1986) studied the thermal decomposition of 125/rm
results from a pilot plant scrubbing study is given in sodium bicarbonate particles in a thermal gravimetric
Fig. 1, which indicates the superiority of the use of analyzer. They assumed the reaction to be first order
NaHCOo as a sorbent over that of Na2C03. This with respect to the mass of unreacted bicarbonate.
difference in reactivity has been described as being the Their results indicated an activation energy of 24,370
result of an “activation” of the sodium compounds Cal/g mol. Subramanian et al. (1972) studied pul-
produced by the thermal decomposition of NaHCO, verized sodium bicarbonate particles (14-350 m)
(Erdos, 1989). mixed with alumina in a differential thermographic

CES 48:16-C 2859


analyzer. The measured activation energy from this gas has the following form (Erdos, 1989):
study was between 20,000 and 24,000 Cal/g mol.
2NaHCOJ + SO1 + 40, --, Na2S04
Keener et al. (1985) studied the thermal decomposi-
tion reaction of sodium bicarbonate particles ranging + 2COr + H20. (2)
in size from 51 to 140pm in a thin differential-bed
However, it has been assumed by previous researchers
reactor. The reaction was found to follow a first-order
that sodium bicarbonate does not react directly with
dependency with the remaining surface area of un-
SOz, but that the product of thermal decomposition,
reacted NaHCO, and could be well represented by
sodium carbonate, does. The generally accepted reac-
a shrinking core reaction model. The activation en-
tion scheme assumes that eq. (1) is followed by the
ergy for the reaction was determined to be 20,500
reaction between Na,CO, and SO?,
Cal/g mol.
Na,COJ + SO2 + ?O, + Na2S04 + CO1. (3)
It has been shown (Keener, 1982) that sodium bicar-
A limited amount of kinetic data concerning the bonate reacts directly with SO2 at temperatures below
reaction of NaHC03 and SO2 exist in the literature. which any detectable thermal decomposition was in-
No models for this reaction have been proposed be- itiated ( < 340°K). This gives rise to a multipath reac-
cause of the influence of thermal decomposition on tion scheme between SO2 and the two solids which
may be represented as follows:

2NaHC0, + 2C02 + H20 ---- path 1

2 3 + CO1 + Hz0 ---- path Id

[Micro-grain] (4)
~ + so2 (R) ----- path 2

Na2S03 + CO2
In this proposed reaction scheme, the sodium bicar-
the degree of sulfur uptake. Typical sulfation models bonate may either react directly with SO1 (path 1) or
do not account for porosity development due to ther- thermally decompose and form micro-grains of so-
mal decomposition, only pore closure resulting from dium carbonate via the parallel reaction path id.
Sodium carbonate may then react directly with SO*
The overall reaction of NaHCO, with SO2 in a flue to form the final product, which is sodium sulfite.
Sodium sulfite will then react with oxygen according
to the reaction
Na2S03 + fl, + Na$IO+ (5)
The overall reaction as expressed by eqs (4) and (5) is
the same as that given by eqs (l-(3) except that it is
arranged in a logical sequence of the individual reac-

In the overall development of the model, the so-
dium bicarbonate particle is considered to be nonpor-
ous having low specific surface area. As reaction pro-
gresses, a shrinking boundary of NaHCO, exists and
at the boundary, micro-grains of reaction products
ma&O3 and Na2S03 from paths 1 and Id of eq. (4)]
are produced, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Due to the low
Stoithiometric Ratio specific volume of the reaction products, these grains
MMO. 32”rn B n. Temp.=3007 d MMD=Z?um create large outside channels that provide easy mass
B.“. Tednpl25w
(1978 Data)
transfer within the grain region. Each micro-grain
MMD=52 urn
8.H. Temp=3Oo=F
6 H. Temp=ZSCfF
I MMD=42”rn
contains micro-pores providing a high specific surface

P area of the decomposed material. This model is a vari-

MMD=119urn B.H. Temp=MO’F MMD=o4”m
MMD-154urn B.H. Tem~=3oo‘F MMD=lO1um
MMD=lO3 urn E.H. Temp=JW MMD-180um ation of the crackling core model originally proposed
MMD-(93 urn 6.H. Temp-2WF MMD=t80um
by Park (1975).
Fig. 1. Results of a pilot plant dry scrubbing demonstration The total conversion of NaHCOj to Na,SOa is the
study using NaHCO, (Carson, 1980). summation of the fractional conversion of each com-
Kinetics of the sodium bicarbonat+sulfur dioxide reaction 2861

t seconds from the beginning of thermal decomposition

Freshly formed N&CO,

/ Exposure time (age) = 0

,/ Oldest Na$O,
. Exposure time (age) = t seconds

) NqCO, formed between

u and u+du seconds.
Exposure time (age) = t-u seconds.

Volume fraction = ‘$a (1 -IL! Z, )du

Micro-grains containing
/ Pore-plugging model applied
for each grain

Fig. 2. Shrinkingcore of NaHCO, and varying exposure times (or ages) of NazCOl in a pelletcomposed of

ponent reaction path as given by eq. (4). The fractional and the concentration of SO1:
conversion of path 1 and path 2 can be derived by the
separate reaction kinetics associated with each reac- (10)
tion path.
For reaction path 1 (the reaction of NaHCO, with or
SO*), a first-order reaction rate with respect to SO, is
assumed. Since the original NaHCO, pellet is non-
porous, the reaction should take place at the surface
” = 2k, C,, + kd'
of its unreacted core of NaHCO,. Therefore, The fraction of NazCOl formed between time u and
u + du is obtained by differentiating eq. (9) and multi-
= 2klCso,. (6) plying by the rate fraction of path Id:

The thermal decomposition reaction of NaHCOJ (12)

produces a product (Na2COp) with a higher density,
and thus produces micro porous grains with large The reaction of Na,CO, and SOz (path 2) has been
outside channels. This reaction is also assumed to shown to approach an asymptotic level with time and
take place at the surface of the unreacted core of to exhibit the behavior of other gas-solid reactions

NaHCOJ : where product deposits plug pore passages within the

micro-grains (Keener, 1982). A simplified semiempiri-
k cal pore plugging model has been shown to describe
[ this type of reaction behavior by assuming that the
Therefore, the fractional amount of NaHCOs which reaction rate approaches zero after a period of reac-
decomposes is attributed to path id and may be tion (Lee et al., 198 1). This model can be applied to the
expressed as Na,CO,-SO, reaction in the following manner:

p= kd Production rate of Na2SOs using pure Na2COB

2klCsc,, + kd' = k2Cso I e-f/rp (13)
After u of reaction, the total fraction of decomposition where
of NaHC03 as expressed by a shrinking unreacted
core model has been shown to occur according to the t is the period during which the reactant,
following formula (Levenspiel, 1972): Na,CO,, is exposed to SO,,
3 zc is the pore plugging time constant, s, and
X,(u) = 1 -
( >1- ;

where zB is the time for the complete decomposition of

kz is the reaction rate constant, SK’
The pore plugging time constant has been found to
NaHCOo, which is dependent on the pellet diameter be inversely proportional to the concentration of SO1

for reaction with sodium carbonate (Keener, 1982). The moles of Na,SO, produced by reaction path
We can express rP in terms of a pore plugging con- 1 can be obtained from the following expression:
stant, P*, as
P* NRl=$(1-;)‘](1-8). (18)
zp=-. (14)
C so2
Therefore, the total moles of Na2SOs produced will
Let us consider a partially reacted pellet which con- be the sum of eqs (16)(17 (18) or
tains an unreacted core of NaHCO,, as shown in Fig.
2. At the shrinking boundary of NaHCO,, both sulfa- NR,= NR, + N,c2. for t c Z*
tion reaction (path 1) and thermal decomposition (19)
(path Id) are taking place. The product of path id is NR, = NR~ + NRI_ + N,,, for t > zB
Na2COJ, which further reacts with SO2 according to We can express the total moles of NatSO produced
reaction path 2. The reaction rate of path 2 declines in terms of conversion of NaHC03 as follows:
exponentially with its exposure time to SO1 according
x = 2(Total moles of Na2SOJ produced) 2Ne,
to eq. (13). The shell region, shown in Fig. 2, has been R =-*
exposed to SO2 for z - us and the fraction, expressed (Initial moles of NaHCO,) PS
by eq. (12) is attributed to reaction path 2. Therefore,
the local production rate of Na2S03 attributed to
reaction path 2 may be found from eqs (12) and (13): The expression for conversion of NaHCO, to
Na2S03 can be written as
Local production rate of Na,SOa in the shell region
For t < zB:
= k2CS02 e-(f-Y)‘7p q%(u)du
x /&o,B A(t - rp + rpe-t’rn)

The overall production rate of Na,SOJ may be found

by integrating the above local reaction rate with re-
spect to I( between 0 and t. which is equivalent to
averaging between the core boundary and the pellet For t 2 TV:

Overall production rate of NaZSOS in the pellet
x, = 6kz Go,B A@ - Tp + 7&9 - - 7;

= k2CSOle-“-“““r [$ (1 - :>‘I du. (15)

In eq. (15), the current time, t, is the total time of the
reaction and the time difference, t - II, is a varying A=7,+($;+($)r: (23)
“age” of an incremental amount of Na&03, during
which the reactant was exposed to SO2 after its g++%
formation according to the reaction path Id.
The total moles of Na2SOs produced by reaction
path 2 may be calculated by integrating eq. (5) with
respect to the total reaction time and multiplying the
result by the pellet volume. Since reaction path 1 stops
when thermal decomposition is complete (t = ~a), eq.
(15) must be integrated over two different time per-
iods, before and after me, as follows: (26)
For t d zB:
It has been shown that NaHCOJ directly feacts
with SOa at temperatures above which thermal de-
composition has been found to commence (Keener,
e-(t’-u)/r~ dudt’ 1982). However, from eq. (4) it can be seen that rate
constant kl is intrinsically hidden from observation at
For t > 7#:
these temperatures. Therefore, it seems more prudent
to use eqs (21) and (22) to evaluate the constant kl by
the use of kinetic data,
Figures 3-5 are examples obtained where eqs (21)
x e-(“-Y)‘r~ dudt’ + (NR1_, at t = 7s). (17) and (22) were applied to published kinetic data for the
Kinetics of the sodium bicarbonatesulfur dioxide reaction 2863
Table 1. Values of model parmters llsed for simulation

parameters Values

584 e- *0.000,RT 0.8

a(T) - b( 2”) + c(Z’) + d

o = 5.82 x 10-S(l/d,) + 9.2 x 10-s
b = 1.52 x lo-‘(l/d,) + 3.02 x lo-‘O
c = 1.21 x lo-“(l/d& - 2.565 x lo-”
d = - 7.66 x lO-3(l/d,) + 2.454 x 1O-4
[where d, is the particle diameter]
6.64 x IO-‘mol/cm’
0.0263 mol&m3

Fig. 4. Model predictions and data for 450 K [data reference

Keener (1982)].

Fig. 3. Model prediction and data for 394 K [data reference

Keener (1982)].

NaHCOs-SOa reaction. The values of the other kin-

etic expressions and constants are independently Fig. 5. Model predictions and data for 505 K [data reference
measured and are given in Table 1. These equations Keener (1982)].
were visually best fit to the data by adjusting the
reaction rate constant, k,, for the model predictions The values of kl obtained by the method described
and the data for the 87pm particles at each temper- above have been were plotted against reciprocal tem-
ature. The predictions for the other two particle sixes perature and the results are shown in Fig 6. The
were then obtained by making model predictions Arrhenius functional form of kl was obtained by lin-
based solely on a change in particle size, as indicated ear regression of the best fit values and is of the
by eq. (11). Owing to the nature of experimental and following form:
analytical techniques, the data show significant scat-
k, = 2.2625 x lo6 e-13.5’2’RT
tering. Nonetheless, the model is in general agreement
with the data except for the case shown in Fig. The best fit values are seen to deviate from a linear
3 (where the model predicts higher conversion for relationship at reaction temperatures above 505 K
smaller particle size while the data indicate otherwise) (450°F). This is attributed to particle sintering, which
and does indicate the anomalous behavior of the data has been reported (Stern, 1978) to occur in these
with respect to conversion as a function of temper- materials above this value but is not accounted for in
ature and particle size. The data indicate that in our present model. The value of the activation energy
general, smaller particle sizes do not necessarily result for this reaction (13,512 cal/mol) is greater than that
.in higher degrees of conversion at a given temper- found for reaction of SO2 with Na2C03 (7324
ature, as shewn in Figs 4 and 5. The model indicates cal/mol) (Keener, i982), indicating the high degree of
that the extent of conversion increases with particle temperature-sensitivity of this gas-solid reaction in
size at temperatures greater than 394K (250°F) and comparison to that of the decomposition solid prod-
that this effect is greatest at 450K (350°F). uct.

pore blockage of the resulting carbonate. The model

has been used in conjunction with published kinetic
data for this reaction in order to derive the reaction
rate constant as a function of temperature and the
activation energy for the reaction of NaHCOs with
SOz. The value of the activation energy, 13,512
cal/mol, indicates the high degree of temperature-
sensitivity of this reaction compared to reaction of
SO2 with other sodium cornpour&. This model can
be used to predict the behavior of these particles when
used as a sorbent for the removal of SO2 from stack

SOz concentration in the bulk gas, mol/cm’
reaction rate constant for the thermal de-
composition of NaHCO, to Na,COS,
mol/cm* s
reaction rate constant for the reaction of
NaHCO, with SO*, cm/s
reaction rate constant for the reaction of
Na2C03 with SOz, s-l
moles of NaHCO,, mol
moles of Na,SOS, mol
pore plugging constant, mol/cm3
thermal decomposition reaction front radial
position, cm
particle radius, cm
time of exposure of Na2C03 to SO*, s
total reaction time, s
conversion of NaHCO,
conversion to Na2SOa

Greek letters
B fractional amount of NaHC03 decom-
posing to Na#O, as given by eq. (8)
PB molar density of NaHCO,, mol/cm,
Fig. 7. Model predictions for conversion of 87~m particles rn time for the complete decomposition of
at 600s. NaHCO,, s
pore plugging time constant, s
differential fraction of formation of Na2C03
The value of this kinetic expression is that it allows
for the prediction of conversion values at longer reac-
tion time periods, such as one might need for use of
this sorbent with a fabric filter collector for control of Bland, V. V., 1990, Evaluation of dry sodium sorbent utiliz-
ation in combustion gas SO,/NO, reduction. GS-6850,
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505”K (450°F). At higher temperatures the model Church and Dwight Sodium Bicarbonate (Mun~ficfwer’s
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decomposition of the parent particles and the time for
. sulfur
- __dioxide
. simulated flue gas. Ph.D.
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