Idea Log - Deaf

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IDEA LOG – Students who are deaf or hard of hearing

Deafness is a unique disability due to the community surrounding it. Some people who are
deaf consider themselves to be a part of the Deaf community. Others would rather be spoken to
in person first language. There is a difference between deaf and hard of hearing. There is a
certain loudness that if a child cannot hear at this decibel, are considered deaf. Being hard of
hearing means one has a hearing impairment and usually has enough residual hearing.
Congenitally deaf means that the person is born deaf and adventitiously deaf is when the person
loses hearing later in life.

Areas of need:

-(sometimes) translator

-clear communication

-multiple forms of media for learning


-many have a strong bond with their community

-different viewpoints/perspectives

Important points to remember during transition planning

-remember that students who are deaf or hard of hearing may struggle making friends

-not everyone can sign

Prevalence rate: 0.1% school aged children

Syndromes associated with the disability category:

-DDON Syndrome
-Alport Syndrome

-Treacher Collins Syndrome

Adaptations that can support the student:

-allowing for grouping to give students opportunities to advance socially

-including visual cues

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