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Chapter 14 IDEA Log

Students with physical disabilities must fight through their own physical limitations and also to
be accepted by others. Prevention can occur in a safe pregnancy and no abuse in young children.
Academic achievement will range widely due to the spectrum of disorders included in this

Areas of need

-may try to hide disability

-may have shame and guilt about their limitations


-may act independently

Important points to remember during transition planning:

-Some students may have no issue going out and working in a physical location, however,
considering online programs may be best for those uncomfortable or unable to travel or move

Prevalence rate: 1% of school aged population

Syndromes associated with the disability category

-neuromotor impairments

-cerebral palsy

-seizure disorder

-Spina Bifida

-Muscular Dystrophy

-Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


-Cystic Fibrosis

-Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

2 adaptations that can support the student:

-some students may require a prosthesis. It is good to have multiple ways a student can do the
activity if it is a physical activity.

-extra time to travel between classes

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