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Field Experience

Observing A Social Studies Classroom

CEC Standards & In Class Observations

Standards: In Class Connection:

3.2: Beginning special education professionals understand and use general

and specialized content knowledge for teaching across curricular content
areas to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities.

Standard 3:
The students presented their videos they made about their learning in class.
Curricular Content
This is great for students who are uncomfortable presenting in class but still
need to practice their presentation skills. The students can also show their
learning through images, text and short form videos in their larger
presentation, catering to students who may struggle expressing themselves
through written word or speaking.

4.1: Beginning special education professionals select and use technically

sound and formal and informal assessments that minimize bias.

Standard 4:
The teacher used multiple forms of assessment to test his students’ learning.
The video was taken as a summative assessment. While the students watched
each others’ presentations, they filled out a worksheet. This worksheet was
taken as a formative assessment.

5.1: Beginning special education professionals consider individual abilities,

interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the
selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for

Standard 5: individuals with exceptionalities.

Planning and The interest of individual students was taken into consideration as students
Strategies got to pick their groups to work with and their presentation/research topic.
The presentation itself was also very open for what it could be. This meant
that students could be creative in their production of the video and
presentation of their chosen information.
Classroom Floorplan

Other Information:
Utilization of Equipment:

Students used their Chromebooks and phones to produce the videos. Free
software was used to produce the videos and the teacher gave the students in-
depth explanations how to cut the videos together.

Observable Materials and Usage

The projector was used to play the student’s videos on the screen. Each student
also had an online worksheet to fill out.


If students were given extreme anxiety, they were allowed to exit the room while
the video played. If students were unable to navigate the technology required to
create the videos, they were allowed to present verbally to the class.

Class Discussion:

The teacher would ensure the students understood the topic presented by the
students. After the students were done presenting, the group would field
questions and the teacher would cover the main points which he wanted the
class to know.

Learning Target and Success Criteria:

The learning target was for students to submit their presentation videos and be
able to explain the stories behind the top monopoly holders during the
industrial period.
Students demonstrated their learning through both the video they submitted
and the worksheet they filled out while listening to other groups. Their
knowledge would also be tested later in the unit assessment.

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