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Hi, my name is Yatharth Vyas and I am from rossett highschool and i think exams

arent the best way to assess a students potential.

Exams often focus on a narrow range of skills and knowledge, and they may not
capture an optimal understanding of a subject. Students may fly through in areas
that are not adequately assessed through traditional exams.

Important exams can create significant stress and pressure, and even potentially
reduce the ability of students to perform at their best. This stress may not
accurately reflect a student's true capabilities or understanding of a subject.

However, Some people argue that exams focus on memorization over deep
understanding. Students may focus on memorization to perform well on exams, rather
than truly grasping the concepts.

Exams may not effectively measure creativity and critical thinking skills, which
are essential in real-world problem-solving ie. creating a presentation to present.
These skills are often better assessed through projects

Exams may bring down students with different learning styles or those who face
external challenges for example dyselxia. Some argue that exams contribute to
educational inequality.

The pressure to perform well on exams may also lead to cheating.

While these problems highlight potential issues with exams, it's important to note
that assessments and tests are necessary in education to evaluate students'
progress and understanding. The main thing is to strike a balance and use a variety
of assessment methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of students'

In conclusion, exams do add some benefit to the students capabilities in handling

pressure and perform well under pressure but from my point of view it adds
unnecessary pressure to the students and doesnt assess the right skills needed for
the real world which will help them advance throughout their field.

Q. Are there better ways to assess skills that are more relevant to future
professional or personal success?

A. Yes i think some ways are projects and presentations which are more used in the
higher form of work to present work to peers

Q.How well do exams capture and evaluate creativity and critical thinking skills?

A. Personally i dont believe they actually do since everything that is tested is

your writing and problem solving skills within a particular question

Thanks for joining me on this journey about why exams may or may not be pointless.

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