Business - The Sales Process

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The Sales Process

Business Motivation

Supplementing financial methods of motivation with non-financial methods of

motivation is important for a company like Sports Direct. Allowing managers to
delegate more responsibility and various tasks onto their employees may keep
them more motivated, as they will feel more important and integral to the
team. Feeling more like a part of the team is integral to keeping people
motivated according to Herzberg, as employees will complete their job more
effectively and to a higher standard if they are motivated to work, as opposed
to made to work. A higher quality of work will provide and overall better
experience for the shoppers at Sports Direct, as employees will be more
helpful to find, for example, the exact shoes that they want. This can help to
create customer loyalty, creating a steady income for Sports Direct as they
have returning customers, also increasing the reputation of the store.
However, this will only work if the financial methods of motivation are
properly in place and can support an individual employee. Allowing employees
raises in their wages through promotions and bonuses will help to motivate
them further, as they will be more inclined to work harder in order to get more
money. Through this, Sports Direct can help their employees feel more secure
in their job as the company is rewarding them for doing good work. Job
security is integral to an employee’s motivation, as it means they will work
harder at their job and become more productive. This means that shelves and
racks will be more stocked with clothes and customers have a larger selection
to choose from, improving their experience and again generating customer
loyalty, improving the reputation of the business.
It depends on the individual motivations of the employee and their stage in
life, a younger employee may be mainly motivated by finance as they wish to
have financial security in their lives, where as an employee in their late-20’s or
early 30’s may wish for additional perks in their job as they have already
settled down. Sports Directs’ managers must accommodate these needs and
examine each individual employee to work out which mixture of methods of
motivation will work best for each individual.
The Sales Process

Customer Interest

Ways to get customers engaged:

 Advertisement
 Sponsorship
 Product Trials
 Special Offers
 Challenges
Some businesses may attempt to build a relationship with customers.
Businesses such as Sports Direct may be beneficial to have a lot of customer
interaction, however a place such as McDonalds or a restaurant, it may be
annoying to have staff bothering you.

Viral Marketing:

Speed and Efficiency

How long the customer must wait and the service time. At businesses such as
McDonalds, you may not expect to wait 20 minutes for your order, annoying
the customer
The Sales Process

Post-Sales Service
You may expect lots of post-sales service after buying luxury items, such as
holidays, new cars and expensive furniture.

Customer Loyalty
It is beneficial to have loyal customers as it means repeat custom, allowing a
steady stream of revenue to come into the business.

Explain why the Sales Process is important:

The sales process is very important in order to get customers to come into your
business, buy products and then retain those customers.
First, you must get the customer interested in the business in the first place, if
the business does not have a welcoming environment and hasn’t been
advertised, then people are less likely to be interested in shopping there. If it
looks welcoming and has been advertised around town, then people are likely
to check it out.
Next is the speed and efficiency of the business. If customers feel as if their
time at the business isn’t valued and that the staff do not care about their jobs,
then they may become dissatisfied with the service and not go there again. At
a McDonalds branch, customers expect service under ~10 minutes due to it
being a popular fast food chain. However at a high class restaurant, customers
don’t expect extremely quick service as it may be a sign of bad quality staff and
Then comes customer engagement, if customers feel as if the staff are simply
ignoring them and don’t engage with them, they may feel unwelcome and not
go to the business again.

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