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Events Analysis

This document has for objec�ve to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the actual
func�oning of the Official IKBF Interna�onal Events, their frequency and their dura�on.

This will be the first step of the process to address the following points:
- Dura�on of the compe��on cycle
- Place of Interna�onal OPEN types of compe��ons

Na�onal Federa�ons will be invited to add elements to feed the analysis of Na�onal Federa�ons
in order to take the best decision regarding these two elements.

In the second step of the process, the following points will be addressed:
- OIIE rules (dura�on of compe��ons, par�cipa�on rules for teams and players, condi�ons
under which compe��ons are organized…)

Advantages & Disadvantages of 3-year compe��on cycle

Following the 2019 World Cup, it has been decided to change from a 2-year compe��on cycle to
a 3-year compe��on cycle. Even if the pandemic postponed the beginning of the next cycle, it
will have been happening between the years 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Gave a year of pause to Na�onal Federa�ons in regards of Managing Na�onal Teams
Gave a beter prepara�on �me for Na�onal Teams

Has excluded Canada from having the same number of OIIE as other Na�onal Federa�ons
Leaves a year with no Na�onal Team compe��on (might be problem for Belgium federa�on)

Type of compe��ons (cycle 2022-2024)

Year #1
2022 – World CLUB Championship and World OPEN Championship (Czechia)
At first, the CLUB championship had for objec�ve to allow teams made from clubs of a same
country, this objec�ve was finally le� aside because of the number of par�cipa�ng teams. Even
if, most of the teams were made from players coming from a same country, others weren’t.

Year #2
2023 – European Cup & Interna�onal OPEN (Spain) & Asian Cup & Asian OPEN (South Korea)
Both con�nental events happened on the same year making of it a very intense and demanding
year for the IKBF in terms of financial and human resources. Luckily, the two events didn’t
happen at the same dates.

Year #3
2024 – World Cup & Interna�onal OPEN (South Korea)
Even if the exact nature of the parallel compe��on is s�ll to be determined, the last year of the
compe��on cycle will go as planed.

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

Advantages & Disadvantages of having Interna�onal OPEN organized in parallel of Major Events

During the mee�ng that happened during the 2023 European Cup, some federa�ons have
expressed their reserves about the fact that Interna�onal OPEN compe��ons were organized in
parallel of Major OIIE.

More par�cipants
More spectators
Less expensive compe��ons (more teams & players to split the costs)
Beter usage of the rented facili�es
A possibility for poten�al IKBF members to par�cipate
A step for future Major Events par�cipa�ng teams
Development of Interna�onal referees

Image of a sport that is not professional (men�oned in the 2023 European Cup mee�ng)
Referees are too solicited because of the extra charge of work it represents
Compe��on supervisors are too solicited because of the extra charge of work it represents
More par�cipants not regrouped in Na�onal Federa�ons means more communica�on work from
the organizers (for OPEN teams)

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

Details of previous compe��ons
Iden�fica�on of criteria

Level of Athletes

Par�cipants prac�cing Kin-Ball on a more or less regular basis and atending tournaments on a
sporadic basis

Par�cipants prac�cing Kin-Ball on a weekly basis and par�cipa�ng in a regular club ac�vity, a
league or a championship. Might have par�cipated in OIIE in the past or developing their skills to
eventually join the next level.

Par�cipants prac�cing Kin-Ball on a “more-than-once-a-week” basis, par�cipa�ng in regular club
ac�vity and in a league or a championship. Par�cipa�ng in Na�onal Teams training ac�vi�es and
interna�onal compe��ons (OIIE).


Short: 1 or 2 days
Medium: 3 or 4 days
Long: >4 days


Official IKBF Interna�onal Events:

This event category regroups all events for which the IKBF is providing support by sending a
compe��on supervisor and paying for the transport of referees (some) to ensure the proper on-
going of the compe��on and for which the IKBF will support the organizing commitee in order
to reach the standards established by the “OIIE rules” document. It includes: World Cups,
Con�nental Cups, Interna�onal Opens (and all its varia�on) and Junior Interna�onal

Major Event:
This event category regroups all compe��ons that are targe�ng the Elite level of athletes. For
this type of events, the IKBF will be providing support by sending a compe��on supervisor and is
paying for the transport of referees (all) to ensure the proper on-going of the compe��on. Also,
the IKBF will support the organizing commitee in order to reach the standards established by
the “OIIE rules” as well as the “specifica�on document”. These events are the World Cups and
the Con�nental Cups (Asian and European).

Minor Event:
This event category regroups all compe��on that are targe�ng the Compe��ve level of athletes.
For this type of events, the IKBF will be providing support by sending a compe��on supervisor
and might be paying to send referees to ensure the proper on-going of the compe��on. Also,
the IKBF will support the organizing commitee to reach the standards established by the “OIIE
rules”. These events are the Interna�onal Opens (and its varia�ons) and Junior Interna�onal
IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle
OPEN type compe��ons
(Interna�onal OPEN, World CLUB Championship, World OPEN Championship, Na�onal or
Con�nental OPEN)

Origin of the compe��on type:

The idea of organizing a mixed gender team interna�onal compe��on came from a past
organiza�on called the Associa�on of European Kin-Ball Players which organized in 2012 a
friendly compe��on in Portugal with teams coming from Portugal, France and Spain. The idea
was then submited to the IKBF to make it a more official compe��on.

Following this realiza�on, the IKBF suggested to the Czech Kin-Ball organizing the 2014 European
Cup to integrate a compe��on for lower-level players in order to maximize the use of the
Facili�es and increase the number of par�cipants to the event. Following this success, the
Spanish Federa�on decided to apply the same concept for the 2015 World Cup.

In 2016, the Czech Federa�on made an official proposi�on during the Rule Revision Process to
add a mixed gender category to World Cups and Con�nental Cups. The proposi�on has been
rejected by votes but since the European Federa�ons decided not to organize a European Cup on
that year because of the needed resources to travel to Japan for the 2017 World Cup, a first
edi�on uniquely dedicated to this category.

Level of Athletes: Compe��on

Dura�on: Short, Medium & Long
Number of edi�ons: 11

2014 Czechia (parallel to European Cup) – Medium

11 teams (Canada, Finland, Norway, France, Belgium, Czechia, Austria, Denmark) – 1 category

2015 Spain (parallel to World Cup) – Long

23 teams (Canada, France, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, US-Brazil-Canada-
France-Austria) – 2 categories

2016 Czechia – Medium

13 teams (Canada, Spain, Czechia, Belgium, France, Slovakia, Austria) – 1 category

2016 Japan (parallel to Asian Cup) – Short

2017 Japan (parallel to World Cup) – Short

30 teams (Japan, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Canada) – 2 categories

2018 Slovakia (parallel to European Cup) – Medium

21 teams (Spain, Denmark, Slovakia, China, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Japan, Korea,
Germany, Canada) – 2 categories

2018 China (parallel to Asian Cup) – Short

14 teams (China, Macau-China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan) – 1 category

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

2019 France (parallel to World Cup) – Long
30 teams (Canada, France, Belgium, Japan, Switzerland, Germany) – 2 categories

2022 Czechia – Medium

30 teams (Canada, France, Belgium, Hong Kong, Slovakia, Czechia, Denmark, Spain, Germany) – 3

2023 Spain (parallel to European Cup) – Medium

19 teams (France, Spain, Czechia, Canada, Germany) – 2 categories

2023 South Korea (parallel to Asian Cup) – Short

10 teams (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong) – 1 category

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

Con�nental Cups (Asian & European Cups)

Origin of the compe��on type:

The first European Cup was organized in 2003 between teams of France and Belgium
Federa�ons. The idea was to ignite the event while wai�ng for the next Edi�on of the World Cup
that would be organized in Europea (2005 in Belgium). It was also organized with the objec�ve of
allowing teams from the two par�cipa�ng countries to increase their level of play during an
official compe��on that was under the authority of the freshly created IKBF.

The first Asian Cup was organized in Japan 2016 with similar objec�ves as the European Cup was.
Inspired by the results of the 2011 Pan-Atlan�c Cup that was organized following the cancela�on
of the 2011 World Cup in Japan because of the unfortunate events that happened in March

Level of Athletes: Elite

Dura�on: Medium
Number of edi�ons: 10 (7 European Cups – 3 Asian Cups)

2003 (par�al informa�on)

2008 Germany – Medium (par�al informa�on)

9 teams (France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Denmark)

2010 France – Medium

12 teams (France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland)

2012 Switzerland – Medium

8 teams (France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland)

2014 Czechia – Medium

13 teams (France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovakia, Austria, Czechia)

2016 Japan – Short

10 teams (Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore)

2018 Slovakia – Medium

15 teams (France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovakia, Austria, Czechia, Germany)

2018 China – Short

12 teams (Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Macau-China)

2023 Spain – Medium

14 teams (Spain, France, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland)

2023 South Korea – Short

12 teams (South Korea, China, Japan, Macau, Chinese-Taipei, Hong Kong)

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

World Cups

Origin of the compe��on type:

The idea of organizing a first Kin-Ball World Cup came a�er the sport, which was growing fast
and successfully in Quebec, Canada at the end of the 90’s, has been introduced in Japan,
Belgium and United States. In line with the objec�ve of growing the sport to the level of major
interna�onal sports, the IKBF which was created in the preceding year was in charge of
coordina�ng the organiza�on of the event with the freshly created Canadian Federa�on (Kin-Ball
Canada) and the very well-established Provincial Quebec Federa�ons.

The second edi�on has seen new federa�ons joining the compe��on followed by the third that
was organized out of Canada for the first �me.

Level of Athletes: Elite

Dura�on: Long
Number of edi�ons: 10 (3 in Canada, 2 France, 2 Belgium, 2 Spain, 1 Japan)

2001 Canada (par�al informa�on)

6 par�cipa�ng teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium)

2002 Canada (par�al informa�on)

8 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France)

2005 Belgium (par�al informa�on)

10 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany)

2007 Spain
13 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark)

2009 Canada
14 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland)

2011 France
15 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland)

2013 Belgium
19 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia,
China, South Korea)

2015 Spain
21 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia, China, South
Korea, Slovakia, Austria)

2017 Japan
22 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia, China, South
Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore)

2019 France
22 teams (Canada, Japan, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia,
China, South Korea, Hong Kong)

IKBF Event Analysis – 2025-2027 compe��on cycle

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