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Effects of neglect by parents on academic performance among secondary school

students in Kitui-west sub county Kitui count Kenya.


The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of neglect by parents on
academic performance among secondary school students in kitui west sub county
kitui county Kenya. Studies have clearly showed the negative impact on students
neglect by parents at psychological levels. Many studies have focused on
identifying risk and protective factors occurring at all levels of the ecosystem.

Taking into account that maltreatment is a global phenomenon; the research is

going to investigate the types of student neglect by parents, the causes and the
effects of each type of student neglect on academic performance. The researcher
is going to use survey method to carry out the research. The targeted population
is learners and teachers in a number of day secondary schools and education
officers in kitui west Sub County in kitui county Kenya.

The researcher will use purpose sampling technique to come up with sample size.
Data will be collected using interview schedules, for students, questionnaires for
teachers and observation schedule by the researcher. Data will be analyzed in
form of tables, percentages and graphs and recommendations made. The major
findings will be noted and conclusions made.



Chapter one contains background information, statement of the problem,

purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions/hypothesis,
significance/rationale/justification of the study, limitations of the study and
definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the study

Students neglect by parents is defined as the maltreatment related to failure to
provide appropriate necessities or care needed by the student at their age.
Unlike physical abuse, students neglect by parents is usually typed by an ongoing
pattern of inadequate care by parents and is readily observed by individual close
conduct with the student.

Maltreatment/neglect occurs when a parent or care giver or other person legally

responsible for the care harms or places a student in imminent danger of harm by
failing to exercise the minimum degree of care in providing the student with any
of the following: Food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care when needed.
By National child abuse and neglect data system (NCANDS)

Students suffer from parental neglect in united state than physical and sexual
abuse combined according to NCANDS. During 2005, 62.8 percent of victims
experienced neglect. 16.6 percent were physically abused, 9.3 percent were
sexually abused and 11.3 percent were the other types of abuses. In spite of all
this neglect has received significantly high altitude than physical and sexually

In India the situation is worse in that hundreds of millions are trapped by caste
and discrimination and by the cycle of poverty and lack of education. These
students endure some of the worst experiences than anywhere else in the world.
In Kenya, students neglect by parents is the frequent form of abuse. Students are
frequently absent from school, being in streets and dirty. Others drop out of
school looking for jobs to cater for their young siblings leading to child labor.
Student neglect by parents may not be deliberate. Sometimes a care giver
becomes physically or mentally unable to care for them such as in untreated
depression or anxiety. Other times alcohol or drug abuse may seriously impair
judgment and ability to keep a student safe. This entirely sum up to a neglected

Kitui west Sub County is one of the affected areas with student neglect by parents
as a form of student abuse. Most of the students are abandoned by parents
staying in almost broken families that fail to access basic services like provision of
food, clothing, shelter, poor sanitation and education among others. Student
neglect by parents is prevalent in secondary schools. The students go to school
without the necessary personal items leading to some stealing from other or

stealing money to go and by items leading to disturbance and also poor
performance due to psychological torture and fear of being identified. They also
opt to stay away from school to avoid shame. Absenteeism leads to poor
performance. Some other students engage in immorality to get money to cater
for their personal needs which may lead to contracting STDs. Others engage in
gung stealing and drug abuse.

Student also keeps on begging from others since they do not have their
necessities. Students who are neglected by parents or care givers show
troublesome, disruptive behavior or are withdrawn and passive, others are shy
lacking confidence and therefore cannot perform academically. Due to these
reasons this research project aims at establishing the types of students neglect by
parents, causes of students neglect by parents and the effects of each type of
student neglect by parents on academic performance in kitui west Sub County in
kitui county Kenya.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The main issue is to research on the effects of neglect by parents on academic

performance among secondary school students in kitui west sub county kitui
county Kenya. Students neglect by parents is maltreatment related to failure to
provide the basic needs of student. Due to neglect by parents students tend to
develop behaviors which lead to poor performance in academics like being
withdrawn, passive, stealing, absenteeism and cheating. This research aims at
determining the types of students neglect by parents, the causes of neglect and
the effects of students neglect on academic performance.

1.3 Justification of the study

These are general aims of carrying out a certain research study. The study is
aimed at finding out the types of students neglect by parents, causes of students
neglect and effects of students neglect by parents on academic
performance .Teachers are going to use the findings of the study to come up with
strategies to overcome students neglect by parent .School board of management
is going to use the findings to come up with ways to reduce students neglect by
parents .The findings are going to enlighten parents on issues of students neglect,
they will start providing the basic necessities. Students are going to have enough

food to eat and they will stop stealing or begging from others .Absenteeism and
dropout is going to be minimal leading to good performance .The community is
going to benefit because students are community members and knowing the
effects of students neglect by parents on academic performance will lead to
minimizing it hence eliminating immoral behaviors. Lastly the nation is going to
get involved in taking intervention measures on students neglect by parents
leading to education for all students hence building a health nation with man
power and human capital.

1.4 Objectives of the study

The study is going to be guided by general and specific objectives.

1.4.1 General objective

This study is aimed at finding out effects of neglect by parents on academic

performance among secondary school students in kitui west sub county kitui
county Kenya.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:

1. To find out the types of students neglect by parents in kitui west sub county
kitui county Kenya.
2. To find out the causes of each type of students neglect by parents in kitui
west sub county kitui county Kenya.
3. To find out the effects of each type of students neglect by parents on
academic performance in kitui west sub county kitui county Kenya

1.4.3 Research questions

1. What are the types of students neglect by parents in kitui west sub county
kitui county Kenya?
2. What are the causes of the types of students neglect by parents in Kitui
West sub county Kitui county Kenya?
3. What are the effects of each type of students neglect by parents in Kitui
West sub county Kitui County Kenya?
1.4 Significance of the study

Refers to importance or benefits of undertaking research study. The

importance is that if student neglect by parents is stopped students are going
to have enough basic necessities. Absenteeism from school is going to be over
or minimal. Drug abuse leading to other misconducts will minimize. Parents
are going to be enlightened on issues of students neglect and the effects it has
on academic performance. The community is also going to benefit because
students are community members and future leaders. Stopping students
neglect by parents is going to lead to elimination of poor performance and
good performance enhanced. Lastly the government is going to be involved in
controlling educational neglect in order to build a healthy nation with man
power and human capital.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study is going to cover a section of a number of day secondary schools in

kitui west sub county kitui county Kenya. The study will focus on finding out
effects of students neglect by parents on academic performance in kitui west
sub county kitui county Kenya. The study will aim at finding out the types of
students neglect by parents leading to poor academic performance, the causes
of students neglect by parents on academic performance and effects of each
type of students neglect by parents on academic performance in kitui west sub
county kitui county Kenya. The study will be limited to a specific time frame
and geographical location and will not address other areas outside kitui west
sub county kitui county Kenya.

1.6 Limitation

The study will only focus on one sub county, kitui west Sub County and
therefore the findings may not be generalizable to other areas. Secondly the
study will only find out the effects of students neglect by parents on academic
performance in the stated region. Finally the study will be limited by the
resources available including financial constraints such as funds for travelling
to these secondary schools, purchasing materials and browsing the website.

Time is also another factor since the researcher is to perform the normal daily


Student – someone who is studying in secondary school in Kitui west sub

county Kitui county Kenya.

Neglect – Failure to care and provide for the needs of a student.

Performance – Production of acceptable results by student in secondary school

in Kitui West sub county Kitui County Kenya.

Purposive sampling technique - A technique in which the person conducting

the research relies on their judgment to choose members who will be part of
the study.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter will comment on what other researchers have already said about
the effects of students neglect by parents on academic performance. The
researcher will conclude and fill the gaps that this research intends to fill.

2.2 Review of previous research opinions

There are other theorists who researched about the effects of student neglect
by parents on academic performance.

2.3 Walberg’s theory of academic performance of students

Walberg’s theory of academic achievement posits that psychological

characteristics of individual students and their immediate psychological
environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral and
attitudinal) (Reynolds and Walberg 1992)

Walberg states that academic productivity depends on the personal structure
(ability, development, motivation) teaching (both the amount of information
taught and its clarity) and the environment where the student lives and carries
out his activities (home, classroom, peer groups outside the classroom and
inside and mass media).

2.4 McClelland theory

McClelland human motivational theory on academic performance to neglected

students states that every person has one of three main driving motivators:
the need for achievement, affiliation and power. These motivators are not
inherent we develop them through our culture and life experiences. Therefore
for a neglected student by parent it’s hard to perform because of the negative
life experience that he or she goes through.

Constructivism theory of Perkins 1991

Constructivism learning has developed as a compelling approach to teaching.

According to Vygotsky learning occurs through interactions with the
environment, knowledge is actively constructed by learners as they are trying
to make sense of their experiences (Perkins 1991).

2.5 student neglect

Student neglect is a form of teacher conduct in schools that result in serious

physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation and serious risk of
harm. (Schonberg 2020). Student neglect is inappropriate action by an
incompetent person that results in serious physical or emotional harm or
abuse that may affect the academic performance of the student (Bland et . Al
2018). Student neglect is failure to meet a child’s emotional needs, including
love or responding to a child’s emotions (Brennan et. at 2021). Student neglect
can be seen as a form of mistreatment of students (Berlian et. al 2019).
Student neglect by parents as emphasized is a form of child abuse by not
fulfilling or ignoring their basic needs. In turn such student neglect by parent
decreases the quality of learning experience and scrape the educational
mission (Buery Joyner et. at2019).Several studies reported that student
neglect by parent is a form of abuse and abandonment(Ivan off and
Hottel2013;Pridehghan et at 2015; Altan et at 2020).Almost one out of five

students suffer from physical and emotional neglect leading to depression
(Fenkelhor et al2013).Student neglect by parents can be divided into active
(intentional) and passive (unintentional) neglect. NCANDS defined neglect as a
type of maltreatment that refers to the failure by the parent or caregiver to
provide needed age appropriate care although financially able to do so or
offered financial or other means to do (USDHH2007).

These theories demonstrate the importance of finding out the effects of

student neglect by parent on academic performance in Kitui west sub county
Kitui county Kenya. Neglect can bring about experiences that can lead a
student to be affected in his or her academic performance.

2.6 conceptual frame work

Dependent variable_ Academic performance

Independent variables

1. Types of students neglect by parent in kitui west Sub County

2. Causes of student neglect by parents in kitui west Sub County

3. Effects of each type of student neglect on academic performance in kitui

West sub county kitui county Kenya.

Independent variable Dependent variable

Parental neglect of Effects on students.
Poverty  Academic
 Types of students performance
Parental attitude
neglect by parents.
 Causes of students Domestic violence
neglect by parents.




In this chapter the researcher will show the research design, location of the
study, target population, sample techniques used and sample size. It will also
look at the research instruments used and data analysis.

3.1Research design

Research design implies to methods employed in collecting data in research

work. (Albert Bandura 1973). The researcher will use Descriptive survey since
it is convenient in collecting a lot of data in large number within a short period
of time. Data will be collected from school teachers using questionnaires,
interview schedules for students and observation schedule for the researcher.

3.2Location of the study

The location of the study will be day secondary schools in kitui west sub
County Kitui County.

3.3Target population

Target population refers to the group to be studied in a research (Albert

Bandura 1973). The population under the study is 300 students, 15 teachers
and 3 Education officers making a total of 318 respondents.

3.4Sampling techniques and sample size

3.4.1 sampling techniques

It refers to methods used to pick the sample from the population. The
researcher will use purposive sampling technique to select subjects for the
study. In this technique the researcher will select only individuals who will be
likely to give the information required and in this case the teachers, students
and education officers.

3.4.2 Sample size

The researcher will use Taro Yamane formula (Yamane 1973)

n = N/1+Ne2

n = 318/1+318*(0.05)2

n = n 177

Where n = Sample size

N = Population size

e = Error (0.05) reliability level 95%

3.5Research instrument

The research will use questionnaires, interview schedules and observation

schedules to gather information from the schools. The questionnaires will be
designed for teachers, interview schedules for the students and the
observation schedule for the researcher.

3.6Data collection procedure

To collect field data, the researcher will first design the questionnaires, the
interview schedules and observation schedules, ensuring that they are clear,
concise and relevant to the research objectives and questions. The researcher
will conduct field observation and gather information on the types of student
neglect by parents, causes of student neglect by parents and the intervention
measures to curb student neglect by parents.

3.7Data analysis

The data collected will be analyzed and interpreted following categories of

the types with the highest effects on academic performance.

3.8 Ethical consideration

Before conducting the study, the researcher will seek approval from both the
national commission for science technology and innovation (NACOSTI) and
Lukenya University. The protection of rights and privacy of the participants will

be utmost importance during the data collection process. The study will
explicitly state its goals and objectives and obtain the respondents consent
into participating in the study, and the researcher will present the findings
without any form of bias.


 A.Kadushin,(1988, 156) Neglect in families.

 Albert Bandura, (1973) Social learning analysis G.George publishers.
 Everlyn Grayson,(2000) “The consequences of physical and emotional
 John W.Santrok (1986). Eighth edition 344, 462 NCANDS.
 Mundia A, (1993) Modern Education psychology for teachers in
secondary schools. Triton publishers. Nairobi. Kenya.
 National centre on child abuse and neglect 60-61 Washington DC.


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