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Bajji mixture

It sounds so simple to eat bajji mixture outside but eating alone on the is the central objective of this

Valli was brought up by a middle class family like a kondapalli doll 🎎 which means she is given almost
attention care and love by her family but the most important thing to be observed here is that we can’t
place a doll anywhere and everywhere because we don’t want it to be snapped and we all want to flaunt
it before every one , like wise there were psychological boundaries that were set by her family around

She was told constantly by her family to not be alone or go alone to anywhere because her family was so
scared about her surroundings but Valli always wants to spread her wings and be fearless about
anything , she tried to convince her family at each and every possible occasion but she was always
ignored. After ages when Valli finally got her job she anyhow convinced them and moved out to
unknown City.

Then she started exploring her self, her thoughts and everything but she observed that no matter how
hard she tried she couldn’t step out of her room alone she always needed someone to accompany her.
She has all her insecurities which were stopping her to go out alone. Some of her insecurities were what
if something happens to me and what if people misunderstand me , what if people judge me for my
dress face or any physical feature and what if she was caught by some known person. She started
fighting her battle inside and her best friend who can see clearly through her alsed her about her
concerns Valli then opened up infront of her friend

Her friend thought it for couple of days and found a solution to it she called Valli and told her she was
craving the BAJJI MIXTURE and added that she couldn’t go because of her leg sprain Valli couldn’t deny
her because this is the first time ever her friend asked to bring something and was also taken aback
because of her insecurities but her friend motivated her and gave her mask and scarf then Valli
somehow managed to her bajji mixture but her friend didn’t even share a spoon with Valli purposely
and she continuously admired the taste of it for a week and made sure Valli will definitely crave for it

She waited for the day when Valli finally said that she was craving BAJJI MIXTURE and told her she
couldn’t’ accompany her as she was having a stomachache she then pushed Valli out of their room and
asked her to eat there and come otherwise as she will also crave for it and this could create a problem
in her stomach. This time she didn’t give Valli any mask or scarf Valli was left with no option but to go
and eat there

As she is approaching the stall her heart started beating fast and her nervousness is at the peak but she
somehow managed to go and order as soon as she ordered other batch of 5 people came and also
ordered Valli got her pack but was very worried to eat then and there at the same time she also got
anxiety by seeing that gang and she drenched in her sweat but after sometime she observed that the
gang not even cared her existence and were enjoying themselves that kind of gave her some assurance
to keep her insecurities aside and cherist the taste of it.

When valli came out to her room and thanked her friend for helping her, her friend replied that you
don’t get someone everytime, sometimes to come out of your insecurities you brain is all you need and
you need to train it such that it becomes your best friend and help you overcome all your insecurities,
fear and everything.

Bajji mixture
Eating bajji mixture outside sounds so simple, but eating alone is the central objective of this story.
Valli was brought up by a middle class family like a kondapalli doll �� which means she is given almost
attention care and love by her family but the most important thing to be observed here is that we can’t
place a doll anywhere and everywhere because we don’t want it to
be snapped and we all want to flaunt it before every one, like wise there were psychological boundaries
that were set by her family around her.
She was told constantly by her family to not be alone or go anywhere alone because her family was
scared about her surroundings, but Valli always wanted to spread her wings and be
fearless about anything. She tried to convince her family on each and every possible occasion,
but she was always ignored. After ages, when Valli finally got her job, she anyhow convinced them
and moved out to an unknown city.
Then she started exploring her self, her thoughts and everything but she observed that no matter how
hard she tried she couldn’t step out of her room alone she always needed someone to accompany
her. She had all her insecurities, which were stopping her from going out alone. Her insecurities
included: what if something bad happens to me, what if people misunderstand me, what if people judge
me because of my dress, face, or any other physical feature, and what if she was caught by a known
person. She started fighting her battle inside and her best friend who can see clearly through
her asked her about her concerns Valli then opened up in front of her friend.
Her friend thought it for couple of days and found a solution to it she called Valli and told her she
was craving the BAJJI MIXTURE and added that she couldn’t go because of her leg sprain She couldn’t
deny her because this was the first time ever her friend asked her to bring something and was also taken
aback because of her insecurities, but her friend motivated her and gave her a mask and scarf. Then Valli
somehow managed to get her bajji mixture but her friend didn’t even share a spoon with Valli.
She continuously admired the taste of it for a week and made sure Valli would definitely crave for it.
She waited for the day when Valli finally said that she was craving BAJJI MIXTURE
and told her she couldn’t accompany her as she was having a stomachache. She then pushed Valli out of
their room and asked her to eat there and come back otherwise as she
would also crave for it and this could create a problem in her stomach. This time she didn’t
give Valli any mask or scarf. Valli was left with no option but to go and eat there.
As she is approaching the stall her heart started beating fast and her nervousness is at the peak but she
somehow managed to go and order as soon as she ordered other batch of 5 people came and also
ordered Valli got her pack but was very worried to eat then and there at the same time
she also got anxiety by seeing that gang and she drenched in her sweat but after sometime she observed
that the gang not even cared her existence and were enjoying themselves that kind of gave her some
assurance to keep her insecurities aside and cherist the taste of it.
When valli came out of her room and thanked her friend for helping her, her friend replied
that you don’t get someone every time. Sometimes to come out of your insecurities,
your brain is all you need and you need to train it such
that it becomes your best friend and helps you overcome all your insecurities, fear, and everything.

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