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Muhammad Tayyab Hassan

Persuasive Speech

Pakistan: An ideal tourist destination

General Purpose: To Persuade

Specific purpose: After the end of speech, the audience will agree that Pakistan is an ideal
tourist destination.

Thesis Statement: Pakistan suffers from negative media attention and if we look beyond
that Pakistan is an ideal country to visit.

Organizational pattern: Refutation.

Introduction: whenever you think about vacations, Pakistan might not be your last choice
or some of you might don’t even know about the county of Pakistan, or you might know of
Pakistan as a third world country with having nothing to do or a country not safe for tourism
due to history relating to terrorism.

But I’m here to bust all those myths and tell you why Pakistan is an amazing and ideal
tourist destination for tourists worldwide. Such as according to Forbes one of the coolest
places to visit in 2019 is Pakistan (Abel, 2019).

Sign post: Now let’s look at some of the points explaining why it’s an ideal destination for

I-Pakistan is a safe country for all the tourists.

A-Pakistan has had its struggles with the security conditions but with time the
condition of safety has drastically improved and it’s as safe as any other destination.
According to a study tourism is increasing in Pakistan and “The industry achieved a
strong growth rate of 23.5% in 2022” (Travel & Tourism in Pakistan, n.d ).

B- Problem always has not been that Pakistan is not safe, but it suffers from
negative attention that make it look like unsafe.

1- A case study of region of Chilas in north of Pakistan shows that the region
there is affected by the negative place image creating problems in tourism
(Sayira & Andrews, 2016).

2-Another example to show that how negatively things are portrayed is by

looking at this Hollywood movie “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” where it
shows a cafe in Lahore which is in shady conditions and extremist hang out
there, and in reality, it is one of the nicest places in Lahore. Again, giving an
example that how Pakistan suffers from negative portrayal and how far away
it is from reality.

Sign post: As we established that Pakistan is safe let's look at another factor that makes
Pakistan favourable for tourism.

II-Pakistan is one of the cheapest countries to live in the world.

A-In Pakistan you can spend a whole day within about 3-4 dollars. But if you are a
tourist most of time, they don’t accept money as they consider you your guests.
(Drew Binsky, 2019).

Sign post: let’s now look at the historical aspect of Pakistan.

III-Another thing that you can find in Pakistan is the history that dates to thousands of

A- Present day Pakistan is on the land that was part of the great Indus valley
civilization and have these ruins all over Pakistan such as in Harappa, Punjab which
date back to year 2600-1900 BC. (Valentine et al., 2015).

B-Also Pakistan has one of the oldest necropolises of world in province of Sindh
known as Makli necropolis with ruins that can be dated back to 14th century.
(UNESCO World Heritage Centre, n.d., para. 1).

Sign post: With history Pakistan also has a lot of diversity.

IV-In Pakistan Is a Diverse country regarding cultures and languages.

A- There are bout 70 languages spoken in Pakistan. (Syed & Bibi, 2021).

B-Pakistan has 5 provinces, and each province has its own culture, way of living,
Traditions, languages etc. So, you find great diversity in Pakistan.

Sign post : let's talk about the touristy places that you can visit in Pakistan.

V-Pakistan is filled with diverse scenic areas that makes it worth visiting.

A-In north you will find some of the tallest peaks of the world.

1-The second tallest peak in the World K2 is in Pakistan.

2-One of the attractions of the north is the formation of Attabad lake which
was result of a landslide blocking the river and forming the lake. (Li et al.,

3- There is a place in North of Pakistan where three of the tallest Mountain

Ranges i.e. The Himalayas, The Karakoram and The Hindukush Meet.

4- The KKH is the highest paved road in the world and in part of silk route.

B- Cities in Pakistan are full of life with history and Culture.

1- The architecture style varies from British colonial style to the

subcontinental Mughal style to Modern Architecture.

C-As we move towards south the landscape changes, and you find more desserts
and green fields to a long costal line.

1-Thar desert in Sindh province is the known as the most fertile desert and
then there is Cholistan that is barren.

2- Pakistan has a long coastline about 1365 km long and drive on the Makran
coastal Highway is one of the scenic drives.

3- Hingol national park in Baluchistan has many different type animals and
one of the holiest sites for Hindus known as the Hinglaj Mata mandir. (Ali &
Irfan, 2021).

4- Mud volcanoes are one of attraction as we drive on highway (Kassi et al.,


5- Also, you will see different structed on that are carved out naturally
because of winds such as princess of hope named by Angelina Jolie.

D-You will find all four types of weather in Pakistan.

Sing post: so, these are some of the points that make Pakistan a cool destination to visit.

Conclusion: so, let’s review the points that make it a cool destination to visit are safety,
affordability, history culture and natural views.

Showing that the real problem is the image and that it is a beautiful destination to visit, I
hope that you all are eager to visit Pakistan for you next vacation and I'm going there next
week, so if you want to visit the earliest do let me know.

Abel, A. (2019, January 8). The 10 coolest places to go in


Ali, C., & Irfan, M. (2021). Estimating the recreational value for the sustainability of Hingol

National Park in Pakistan. Environmental & Socio-Economic Studies, 9(2), 52–62.

Drew Binsky. (2019, April 5). How Cheap is Pakistan? (#1 Cheapest in World!) [Video].

Kassi, A. M., Khan, S. D., Bayraktar, H., & Kasi, A. K. (2013). Newly discovered mud

volcanoes in the Coastal Belt of Makran, Pakistan—tectonic implications. Arabian

Journal of Geosciences, 7(11), 4899–4909.

Li, Y., Yang, H., Qi, Y., Ye, W., Cao, G., & Wang, Y. (2024). Changes in the hydrological

characteristics of the Attabad Landslide-Dammed Lake on the Karakoram Highway.

Water, 16(5), 714.

Sayira, T., & Andrews, H. (2016). Impacts of crises and communication media on place
image: A case study of Chilas, Pakistan. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management,
5(4), 351–360.

Syed, N. A., & Bibi, S. (2021). The emergence of a new phonological feature in Pakistan
English. English Today, 38(4), 278–283.

Travel & Tourism in Pakistan. (n.d.). GlobalData Ltd.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (n.d.). Historical Monuments at Makli,


Valentine, B., Kamenov, G. D., Kenoyer, J. M., Shinde, V., Mushrif-Tripathy, V., Otárola

Castillo, E., & Krigbaum, J. (2015). Evidence for patterns of selective urban migration in the

Greater Indus Valley (2600-1900 BC): A lead and strontium isotope mortuary analysis.

PloS One, 10(4), e0123103.

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