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;11-14 Hod.

Opakování gramatická cviceni a komunikace

minulý cas prubehový
- i was swimming for two hours
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were
minulý cas prostý
ukonceny dej v minulosti
i worked in a factory
he/she/it was worked in a factory
we worked in a factory
you worked in a factory
they worked in a factory

20th october
15-17 hod
1)minulý cas - cvicení
2)pouziti urciteho a neurciteho clenu
3)konverzace - Feelings

1)i have BEEN in a theater

i have became a king
i my broken my leg
i begun to write the letter last summer
i bitten my lip
he has brougth his pet to school
i built my house
i burnt my fingers while cooking
i bought a popsticle a our local shop
i could do it but i havent done it
i cought a shiny pokemon
i been chosen to make a presentation about our school
i came to the gym but nobody was there
my pc costed 500 pound five years ago
i cut my finger
i drew a dragon on a pice of paper
i drunk the whole bottle of milk in 1 minute
i drove my friend to the park so he can walk his dog
i ate the whole fridge on the weekend
i fallen in the pot hole
i felt something on my o
i fought a dragon
i found my friends phone at the mall
i flew to london last week
i got my new phone last week
i given present to my friend

date of born-
my name is david lang and i live i a small house in village named brezovice near
horice in podkrkonosi
i have been bor on saturday morning 2008
i have ben born in jicin
i have small sister now she is 4 years old and her name is eliska
i have older brother named tomas and he is 30 now and he works in a milk factor
i went to primary school named komenskeho in horice v podkrkonosi

16th of November
Our republic
1kde ziju - i live in czech republic
2pocet obyv. - czech republic has 10,88 mil. people
3kde leží - our republic lies in the center of evrope and our capical city is
4systém usporadaní - we are democratic republic and our system is parlament
5nas prezident - our prezident is petr pavel
6historické budovy - we have a lot of historical buildings in our country like
národní divadlo or usedlost cibulka
7narodní prirodn parky - we have a lot of national parks too like narodní park
sumava or narodní park podyjí

hod 31 - 33
a life without pine
the states of eu

hod 34-36
poslech textu s porozumenim

hod 37 - 39
11th of july
my christmas holyday
when my christmas holydays started i went to Pilsen
and i met my gorlfriend there.
we went to her place and i unpacked my languages there,
then we went to the center of pilsen to see the markets there and i bought
traditional VOŠOUCH there
then we went home and we chilled at her home until the christmas
we gave eachother presents and i went home where i unpacked my presents from my
the rest of my christmas i was lazy so i was at home the whole time :)
Thats the end of my christmas holidays

40 - 42 hod
Předpřítomný čas vyjadřuje minulý děj který se odehrával v neručité době v
minulosti a má vztah k přítomnosti (nasledek nebo zdělení které je ted aktuální)
Always - vždy
often - často
never - nikdy
already - už
just - právě
ever - někdy
not yet - ještě ne
before - dřive
once - jednou
now - ted
tvoříme ho pomocí to have a minulého příčestí
3.tvar sloveso u nepravidlených, u pravidelných
when i was young i have worked at a cotton plantation till now.
i have learned mandarin chinese
i have spilled my coffee yesterday at 11:29 pm and i still havent cleaned my shirt

Maturita skills

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