Portfolio A6

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YEAR: 2023
First text: Write a paragraph describing the effects of the pandemic.

The pandemic was definitely one of the worse times for us. In just a couple of months, our lives changed
completely; because we had never been too much time in our houses, I remember rarely did I go outside
during this period, and I felt stressed about that new lifestyle.

Do you know what the effects of the pandemic were? In addition to the effects on public health
systems and the brake on world economies, the pandemic also affected many other areas of our lives. For
example, education; since schools had to close to avoid infections, children began to receive virtual
classes; with this, education began to be a huge new challenge, very out of control. Many kids couldn’t
access an internet connection to be able to do their classes; consequently, when returning to school, kids
didn’t have the knowledge that they should.

Besides, Covid-19 had a strong impact on mental health because quarantine caused more than one:
sadness, anxiety, or even depression, and; unfortunately, it caused many people to commit suicide.

To conclude, I want to say what I learned from this situation; I think the most important learning was
to appreciate more the things that I have and deeply enjoy every small and simple thing; like, face-to-face
classes at school or university, a job, going out, a family visit with parents or friends, or even a simple

Second text: Write a paragraph expressing wishes about the present, past and
future regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although it may not seem like it, three years have passed since the pandemic began; I remember that we
only saw on the news the number of people infected, the number of dead, or how to prevent infections.
When the only thing that we wanted was to get out healthy of that terrible situation.

As soon as vaccines arrived, our lives slowly began to get back to normal. What we started to see on the
news are the wars between Russia and Ukraine; where clearly, the pandemic had ceased to be a
priority, or marches in Lima against the government, where thousands of people were already without
masks; and, I have to say that, even I have stopped to use it.

After passing the pandemic, it seemed that we didn't remember what our lives had been like in 2020. I
hope we become more aware of what we have already been through. In despite of the number of infected
has decreased, it doesn't mean there couldn't be a rebound or even another worse pandemic; only we have
the power to prevent this, so we must continue to take care of ourselves.

I wish my family and I could continue to stay healthy in the future and enjoy a good life without any

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