Lecture 5 Individualism and Democracy

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Individualism, Socialism and Democracy

1. Individualism

2. Socialism

3. Democracy
1. Individualism
1) According to John Locke, human individuals are born with
natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Natural rights
are gifts from God. These three rights cannot be given
away. They are inalienable
2) Individuals are prior to society and the state. Individuals
enter into a contract with each other to establish a
government for the sake of order and security. Entering a
contract means giving away the natural right to
sovereignty. This is the social contract theory of the state
2. Socialism
1) Individuals are born as members of a human
community or society. Karl Marx: “The human
essence is no abstraction inherent in each single
individual. In its reality, it is the ensemble of
social relations”
2) Society is prior to individuals. Individuals cannot
survive alone as individuals. Individuals realize
their values by contributing to the wellbeing of
the society
Karl Marx
3. Democracy
1) Definitions
2) The core value
3) Two basic principles
3.1 Definitions
A. Athenian democracy: the word
"democracy" (Greek: dēmokratia)
combines the elements dêmos ("people")
and krátos ("force" or "power"), and thus
means literally “people have power" or
“rule of the people”
Athenian Democracy
3.1 Definitions
B. American democracy:
“Government of the
people, by the people,
and for the people”
(Abraham Lincoln)
3.1 Definitions
C. Representative democracy: A state is democratic when it
allows free formulation of political preferences through the
use of basic freedoms of association, information, and
communication, for the purpose of free competition
between political leaders to validate their claims to rule at
regular intervals by nonviolent means without excluding
any effective office from competition nor any members of
political community to express their preferences (Juan
Juan Linz
3.2 The core value of democracy
A. Procedural democracy: The core value of
democracy is institutionalized or structured elite
B. Substantive democracy: The core value of
democracy is truly serving the people’s interests.
Government responsiveness is the core value of
3.3 Basic principles of procedural democracy

A. Real elite competition

B. Genuine popular participation
3.3.A Real elite competition

a. All major offices are open to competition

b. There must be more than one candidate for
each position
c. There must be real differences between
d. Candidates must have chances to compete
3.3.B Genuine popular participation

a. All citizens have the right and freedom to

b. Citizens have the desire and the adequate cultural
qualifications to participate: (1) participatory; (2)
willing to compromise; (3) conscious of rights of
all individuals and groups; (4) accept majority rule;
(5) tolerant of dissenters; (6) believe in the rule of
law: (7) uphold the division of religion and politics
Topic for discussion
Given the defining characteristics of democracy,
do you think Hong Kong has ever been a
democracy? Do you think Hong Kong can ever
become a full-fledged democracy? Why or why

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