Reading Response Stem Cards-1st Edition

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Compare & Contrast Write or place your sticky note here!

Readers can identify similarities and differences between

characters, texts and events.
² ___ (character/person) is similar to/different than
___ (character/person) because…
² ___ (event) is similar to/different than ___ (event)
² ___ (book) is similar to/different than ___ (book)
² This reminds me of... This is different than...
² ___ is like... ___ is not like...
Miss P’s Style ©2017

Compare & Contrast Write or place your sticky note here!

Readers can identify similarities and differences between

characters, texts and events.
² ___ (character/person) is similar to/different than
___ (character/person) because…
² ___ (event) is similar to/different than ___ (event)
² ___ (book) is similar to/different than ___ (book)
² This reminds me of... This is different than...
² ___ is like... ___ is not like...
Miss P’s Style ©2017

Compare & Contrast Write or place your sticky note here!

Readers can identify similarities and differences between

characters, texts and events.
² ___ (character/person) is similar to/different than
___ (character/person) because…
² ___ (event) is similar to/different than ___ (event)
² ___ (book) is similar to/different than ___ (book)
² This reminds me of... This is different than...
² ___ is like... ___ is not like...
Miss P’s Style ©2017

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