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Salem Bilingual Christian School

Sara Giron

Edwin Flores



Outline of the history of languages and
a essay about the space and time limits

Study of space and times limits......................3

I.The bible has his own way to explain the history of languages.
A. The tower of Babel, is a story in the book of genesis and explain why the worlds people
speaks different language.
1. God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower, to avoid a second
flood, God brought into existence multiple languages.
2. Humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another so they could
not finish the tower.
B. Did the tower of Babel exist?
1. There is no historical evidence to suggest that the Tower of Babel ever existed. It may
have been based on an ancient tower called Bab-ilu, but that too was destroyed long ago.
2. Some people say that the Tower of Babel was Babylon but they have no proof of this.

II. Science way to see history language is by evolution of communication

A. Some scholars suppose the development of primitive language-like systems (protolanguage)
was in the era of Homo habilis.
1. The bulge of Broca's area, essential for speech, is visible in a model of the brain of H.
habilis, indicating that the species may have been capable of rudimentary speech.
2. Since Homo habilis did not write anything, we do not know how it communicated.
However, there are some clues we can examine. The skull of Homo habilis indicates that
it had a larger brain than that of its pre-Homo ancestors, and some researchers believe
that this brain may have been capable of limited linguistic abilities.
B.The data indicate that Homo erectus could have already spoken a pre-modern language.
1. Homo erectus communicated much like modern humans did: making different sounds
with their lips and tongue, through gestures and movements, and through body language
features such as facial expressions.
2. The same species developed Acheulean tool-making and showed signs of a symbolic and
aesthetic mind approximately half a million years ago.
III. Language in modern era.
A. Language is now the main tool of communication and expression.
1.The role of languages has become more significant in modern days, contributing to the
rise of language learning.
2. It is the way by which people communicate with one another, build relationships,
and create a sense of community. There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the
world today, and each is unique in a number of ways.
B. The english origin one of the most important language.
1.Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the “Father of the English Language” for his
contributions to forming the English language.
2. The origins of the English language lie – surprise, surprise – in today's England and
the arrival of Anglo-Saxon tribes from Central Europe to the British Isles in 400 AD.
Their language, now known as “Old English”, was soon adopted as the common
language of this relatively remote corner of Europe.


In this study, we embark on a captivating journey to probe the fundamental limits that govern the
vast expanse of space and the relentless march of time. Delving into the realms of physics,
cosmology and philosophy, we aim to reveal the mysteries that define the very structure of our
From subatomic particles to the incomprehensible expanses of the cosmos, we seek to understand
the limitations that dictate the behavior of matter, energy, and the very laws of nature. In this short
investigation, we explain these phenomena that were already explained previously but with my own

Study of space and times limits

Time and space are the fabric of our existence, but they confine us within their immutable
boundaries, shaping our experiences and perceptions. The limitations imposed by time and space
define the parameters of our lives, influencing our actions and aspirations.

In the realm of time, we are incessantly bound by its relentless advance. Time governs the rhythm
of our lives, dictating the fleeting moments we cherish and the inevitable passing of events. From
the cradle to the grave, we are subject to its unyielding control, constantly reminding us of our
mortality. Every decision we make is limited by the finite nature of time, forcing us to prioritize and
allocate our resources wisely. In the Bible it points out to us multiple times that life is something
temporary and hevel, which is a Hebrew word that means vanity or weakness.(Bible, ecclesiastes
chapter 3.)

In other words, space delineates the limits within which we maneuver and exist. Whether we are
confined within the walls of a room or traversing vast expanses of land and sky, we are always
confined by spatial limitations. Our movements are restricted by the physical limitations of the
world around us, which shapes our interactions and encounters with others.

However, within these limits there is the opportunity for exploration and discovery. Despite the
limitations imposed by time and space, human ingenuity has driven us to transcend those
boundaries, venturing into the unknown realms of the cosmos and delving into the depths of history.
Through scientific research and technological advances, we have gained insight into the mysteries
of the universe and unraveled the complexities of time itself. Several scientists like Einstein tried to
explain the universe and its transgressions of time, such as the black wormhole.(Morris,1998)

Einstein's research on black wormholes is a fascinating topic in theoretical physics and cosmology.
Although Einstein was not the first to propose the idea of wormholes, his theory of general
relativity provided the mathematical framework necessary to explore these strange structures.

Wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, are hypothetical connections in space-time that
could allow interstellar or even intergalactic travel. According to the theory, a wormhole would
consist of two mouths connected by a tunnel or throat. One mouth could be in our universe, while
the other would be in a distant place in space-time, possibly in another region of the universe or in a
parallel universe. (Einstein,1935.)

In the great tapestry of existence, time and space serve as limitations and conduits for human
endeavor. While they may limit our reach and influence, they also provide the canvas on which to
paint the story of our lives. It is through our efforts to transcend these limitations that we discover
the limitless possibilities that lie beyond, forever expanding the limits of our understanding and


Time and space are fundamental aspects of human existence that limit and empower us. While they
impose limitations on our actions and aspirations, they also provide the canvas on which we paint
the story of our lives. Through exploration, discovery and innovation, humans have continually
sought to transcend the limitations of time and space, discovering new frontiers of knowledge and
understanding. As we navigate the complexities of existence, we are reminded of the limitless
potential that lies beyond the limits of time and space.

Einstein, A., & Rosen, N. (1935). The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity.
Physical Review, 48(2), 73-77. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.48.73
Morris, M. S., Thorne, K. S., & Yurtsever, U. (1988). Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak
Energy Condition. Physical Review Letters, 61(13), 1446-1449. DOI:
Being and Time: An Interesting Book You Probably Shouldn’t Read
April, 2020
Scott Dutfield, Nola Taylor Tillman, Meghan Bartels
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