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Design & Development of Direct Bioethanol Fuel

Cell of Manual and Automatic Draining &

Replenishment using Arduino Microcontroller
Cristian Jay P. Gamboa#1, Renato M. Lizardo III#2, Alvin C. Romero#3, Aaron Jay Ricardo S. Silva#4,
Jesus M. Martinez#5, Dr. Allan N. Soriano#6
,School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
Mapúa University
Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
aims to conduct efficacy test using manual control to
Abstract- The purpose of this thesis is to design a direct ethanol determine its capacity, and compare its relationship
fuel system able to harness electricity from mixture of bioethanol
and water. Using the concept of electrochemical reaction where between the percentage content bioethanol to pH level, liquid
the reactions are placed at the MEA (Membrane Electrode level and the voltage and current generated; and to determine
Assembly) which consists of anode, cathode and the membrane. the percent content of bioethanol needed to obtain constant
The output is DC voltage through the stack of the fuel cell where
output voltage using automatic control of the valves of the
it is connected in series. The Arduino microcontroller will be the
one measuring the voltage, current, and the water level and will storage tank to the fuel cell tank to charge a battery and
control the servo motor. Through capacity test using manual powering common low-power gadgets or lighting.
control, the capacity was determined, and its relationship
between the percentage content bioethanol was compare liquid The coverage of this study will focus on the design
level and the voltage and current generated; and to determine the and construction of a fuel cell that can convert the mixture of
percent content of bioethanol needed to obtain constant output water and different percent content of bioethanol with and
voltage using automatic control of the servo motor. The data without automatic control. Thus, this study will not cover the
measured in the Arduino microcontroller was displayed through fermentation of the yields and searching for other sources that
LCD screen.
can produce higher percent content. The study is also limited
Keywords – Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell, Electrochemical Reaction, to produce only voltage outputs enough to charge batteries and
Membrane Electrode Assembly, Bioethanol, Microcontroller powering common low-power gadget and lightning as we
found out there is no intensive research method yet of
I. INTRODUCTION increasing the output values of the fuel cell.

The demand for the technology on renewable source

of electricity is now increasing as many of these are now being
in research and development which will improved to sustain
electrical energy. As these alternative sources of energy are
discovered it should be efficient and environment friendly. In
addition, there is also increase in consumption on portable
devices however it has it has limited period of operation due to
energy storage limits. One of the things that can harness
renewable energy in the form of electrical energy is using Fuel
Cells. Fuel Cells are devices that convert chemical energy
from a fuel into electrical energy without combustion. One
type of this is Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells or DEFCs in which it
is a device that will convert mixture of water and derived
ethanol into electrical energy. Usage of Bioethanol is
sustainable and as classified as a renewable source as it can be
produced from agricultural byproducts through fermentation.
Fig. 1 Methodology Flow Process

The study aims to design and develop a Direct Bioethanol Fig. 1 displays the process that the study will follow. It
Fuel Cell comprising of Manual and Automatic Draining & will start on the design of the fuel cell where it should be
Replenishment using Arduino Microcontroller. Specifically, it capable in producing electricity from the inserted bioethanol.
Thus, the researcher must gather the most suitable material for
the anode and the cathode in which it can provide high Fig. 3 shows the design for exhaustion and intake
efficiency in converting to electricity. The researcher must Gases which, where small holes are shown which is required
also take in consideration the design of between plates to to reduce spillage in the flow. Also, it includes the intake of
adjust necessary for the intake and exhaust of gases, ethanol the mixture of the Water and Bioethanol and the drain for the
and water. Next up will be the Development of Program Water. Two acrylic plates together with the holes for the
Algorithm on Arduino Microcontroller connected to the screws are included to secure the two plates together. The
sensors to monitor the voltage of the Fuel Cell and the booster output of the fuel cell is connected to each of the cathode
voltage, mixture level and servo motor which will be used to where the positive terminal is connected and the anode is the
control the flow between the storage tanks and the waste tank negative terminal.
where the water is drained. Initialization of the Direct
Bioethanol Fuel Cell System is done by manually controlling
the valves to charge the battery connected to the Fuel Cell in
order for the battery to store electricity. The Modification and
Calibration is conducted on the program of the microcontroller
to make the measurement accurate and to stabilize the system.
A Final test will be conducted by measuring the needed
parameters from the sensors to the Arduino microcontroller.
And lastly, the Gathering of Data will be extracted from the Fig. 3 Fuel Cell
microcontroller which is displayed for the Statistical Analysis
to determine if the objective is achieved. The aim of this study B. Setup for the Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell
is to design a fuel cell that can produce electricity from the
bioethanol mixture. It includes the construction of a fuel cell
consisting of automatic refilling which can provide constant
output DC voltage. The materials and procedures done for the
Fuel Cell system will be discussed here. It will also be
discussed in this chapter the valves, Arduino and other
materials used to construct the DEFC system on how it can
make the output stable together with the key processes for its
operation, its implementation, the test that will be conducted
and its measurements. The hands-on usage of bioethanol will
systematically be presented in chartered results.
Fig. 4 Setup for the Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell

A. Design & Construction of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell This figure shows the setup for direct bioethanol fuel
System cell. (1) The storage tank contains the trial mixture of the
The figure below shows how the fuel cell will bioethanol and water; (2) then it flows through a tube and is
convert mixture of ethanol and water into electrical energy. Its connected to an ethanol container where the fuel cell is
Catalyst in the Anode and the Cathode will be Platinum based, directly connected. In between will be a servo motor where the
having a membrane in the middle. The figure shows how the flow is controlled which will depend on the output of the fuel
water and ethanol is consumed by the Anode and the Protons cells; (3) the output of the fuel cell is connected to the
(H+) is transported by the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) rechargeable battery where it will be charged. Also, the
to the Cathode in which will react to the Oxygen that will Arduino UNO is connected for measuring the voltage and its
produce water. Electrons are generated from Anode to current. When the Arduino microcontroller measured a
Cathode thus producing the current. voltage that is below the threshold voltage, it will switch the
servo motor 2 on to drain for 5 sec; (4) then a Voltage Booster
that is connected to the battery will boost up the voltage that is
coming from the battery up to 5V and above and connects it to
the (5) load; and lastly, (6) the tank where the waste mixture
of bioethanol and water will flow is specified.

C. System Development and Prototyping

Fig. 2 Chemical Reaction Inside the Fuel Cell

Fig. 5 A.) Arduino Uno B.) Rechargeable Battery C.) Voltage Booster of the storage tank is measured simultaneously in an interval
During the development of the prototype, the group of 5 minutes. These data that are processed by the Arduino
used one Arduino Uno microcontroller, LCD 4x20 Screen, connected to the LCD screen which are tabulated and graphed
Voltage Booster, Push Button Switch, Toggle Switch, Rocker for statistical analysis.
Switch, USB Cable and two Rechargeable Battery N1-CD.
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller that operates at 5V, has 14 III. PROCEDURES
digital I/O and 6 analog input pins, a USB connection, and a
reset button. The Arduino software were used to program and The determination of the suitable percent content of
in coding the microcontroller with the group desired system bioethanol and/or water level suitable are obtained in the most
program flow and algorithm to operate the transmittal efficient terms of generating voltage and current, where
information coming from the input devices like ultrasonic different trials are conducted regarding on content percentage
sensor, floater sensor, push button, switches, batteries and of the bioethanol. The mixture is layed in the storage tank that
ethanol fuel cells and also to control the output data that will will be transported to the container where the fuel cell is
show on the LCD screen. The two rechargeable batteries N1- connected. Different percentage content of the bioethanol is
CD were used as an electricity storage that is coming from the placed in the storage tank and two types of test were made,
fuel cells while the voltage booster will boost up the electricity wherein the first part is the automatic control deferred and the
to reach the desired 5V output. second part is with the automatic control. The voltage output,
current generated and the water level is measured
D. Testing and Data Gathering Procedure simultaneously measured in an interval of 5 minutes. The data
An experimental set-up was created to test the gathering ceases when the voltage generated is nearly zero.
function and voltage output of the prototype if it will The Arduino microcontroller is connected to the computer
accomplish the objectives. The prototype is composed of two which will be linked to the LCD screen where the data for
tanks which are the storage tank and waste tank, an ultrasonic acquisition is shown and this data will be needed for
sensor and floater sensor to detect the volume of the mixture tabulation and statistical analysis.
in the tank and to control the flow of mixture in the prototype
two ervo motors was installed, three fuel cells that will convert IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the mixture to electricity, rechargeable batteries that serves as
electricity storage, voltage booster to boost up the voltage to a For the first part of the testing, the servo motor is
minimum of 5V and Arduino microcontroller to control the manually controlled and two different percent content of
servo motors and measure the voltage and current. To bioethanol is inserted in the bioethanol tank.
determine the suitable percent content of bioethanol and/or
water level suitable to obtain the most efficient in terms of Table I
Capacity Test at 10% Bioethanol mixture at Manual Control
generating voltage and current, the researchers conducted
different trials which are 10% and 15% of bioethanol mixture.

Fig. 6 Direct Bioethanol Fuel Cell Prototype Setup

The mixture will be put in the storage tank which will

be transported to the container where the fuel cell is Tables I and II shows the data sheet of bioethanol content of
connected. Different content of percentage of the bioethanol both 10% and 15% to the process time, voltage & current of
will be situated in the storage tank and two types of test will fuel cell, voltage of the output booster, and water level at
be made where the first part is at manual control and the manual control. As the ethanol mixture of 10% content
second part is with the automatic control. Before testing, The bioethanol coming from the bioethanol tank enters by means
Fuel cell is initially charged for 15 minutes to increase the of a servo motor which is manually controlled, through the
efficiency. The voltage output and current generated of the storage tank, different trials will be made to deduce the
fuel cell, the voltage output of the booster, and the water level
voltage output and current generated of the mixture that can be
possibly made over time.
Table II
Capacity Test at 15% Bioethanol mixture at Manual Control

Fig. 9 Time vs Fuel Cell Current Output Comparison between 10% and 15%
bioethanol at Manual Control

To see more clearly the difference and comparison of

voltage output of booster and fuel cell, current generated and
liquid level, Fig. 7 to 10 shows the graph of the data gathered
in Tables I and II. Fig. 10 Time vs Water Level Comparison between 10% and 15% bioethanol
As can be seen in Fig. 7 and 10, the reading between at Manual Control
the voltage output in booster and water level when the Based from the data measured, as the time increases
bioethanol are in 10% (Blue) and 15% (Orange), the voltage it shows that the voltage of the fuel cell decreases from 3.21V
output is stable and equal. to 2.46V as well as the current generated. For the Water level
As can be seen in Fig. 8 and 9 the reading is since this is manual testing, there is minimal change in the
decreasing from the time that it started to charge the fuel cell level of the water in the tank. For the 15% bioethanol mixture,
until the last trial. But it can be noticed that the first voltage the measured data and the graph also shown that as the time
output has the higher output than others. increases the voltage of the fuel also decreases however by
comparison from the graph it showed that it has higher voltage
compared to the 10% bioethanol mixture.

For the second part of the initial testing, the valve is

automatic controlled by means of Arduino which is dependent
on regular replenish of fuel cell for every 30 mins.
Table III
Capacity Test at 15% Bioethanol mixture at Automatic Control

Fig. 7 Time vs Voltage Booster Output Comparison between 10% and 15%
bioethanol mixture at Manual Control

Fig. 8 Time vs Fuel Cell Voltage Output Comparison between 10% and 15%
bioethanol mixture at Manual Control
Table IV
Capacity Test at 10% Bioethanol mixture at Automatic Control

Fig. 13 Time vs Fuel Cell Current Output Comparison between 10% and 15%
bioethanol at Automatic Control

Tables III and IV shows the relationship of the

bioethanol content to the process time, voltage, current, and
water level at automatic control. As the ethanol mixture of
10% and 15% content bioethanol coming from the storage
tank enters by means of a valve which is automatically Fig. 14 Time vs Water Level Output Comparison between 10% and 15%
controlled by Arduino microcontroller, through the ethanol bioethanol at Automatic Control
container, different trials will be made to deduce the voltage
Fig. 11 to 14 shows the characteristics of the voltage
output and current generated that can be possibly made over
output of the fuel cell, voltage booster, current generated and
water level during 10% and 15% bioethanol mixtures.
As can be seen in Fig. 11, the voltage output of the
booster is stable. It has the same voltage output of the booster
during manual mode.
As can be seen in Fig. 12, the voltage output of the
fuel cell decreases as the time increases. During 15 to 20
minutes it has the highest voltage drop.
As can be seen in Fig. 13, the graph in the current
generated during 10% and 15% bioethanol during automatic
mode is fluctuating. There are times that it is rising and falling
Fig. 11 Time vs Voltage Booster Output Comparison between 10% and 15% during the 20 trials.
bioethanol at Automatic Control As can be seen in Fig. 14, the graph in water level in
automatic mode is same during the trial of 10% and 15%


The researchers were able to design and construct a

fuel cell which can convert the mixture of water and different
percent content of bioethanol with and without automatic
control using an Arduino Microcontroller. The group were
able to construct a Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell where it can
convert a mixture of Bioethanol and Water. 3 sets of DEFC
Fig. 12 Time vs Fuel Cell Voltage Output Comparison between 10% and 15% fuel cell were made with out of 0.8V. To increase its voltage,
bioethanol at Automatic Control
it is connected in series and it is connected to a rechargeable
battery. The DC booster will be then increase the voltage of
the rechargeable battery to make an output voltage of 5V and
maintain its constant output.
The capacity was determined by comparing the
relationship between the effect of percentage content of the
bioethanol through voltage output of the fuel cell, the voltage nowadays and can be used to charge a battery and powering
output of the booster and the current generated. Based from low-power gadgets and lighting.
the result, it shows that as the time increases it shows that the
voltage of the fuel cell decreases as well as the current VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
generated at Manual Control. However, when at automatic
control it has a stable output voltage since over time the We would like to thank to the following people for
bioethanol is replenished. It was also observed that higher their effort of providing assistance in making this thesis
concentration of bioethanol mixture yields higher output possible.
voltage and current generated. First of all, we would like to express our deepest
By conducting the t-test it was used to compare the gratitude to the God Almighty for His giving support and
difference between Manual and Automatic control at different guidance that He shared through our friends, classmates and
percentage of Bioethanol. From the result of the t-test, it was family whom are instrumental in making this thesis possible.
shown that there is significance difference between the output Second, to Prof. Jesus M. Martinez Jr. for providing
voltage of the Fuel cell at Manual and Automatic at 15 % us his continuous guidance on the thesis from the very
bioethanol mixture. beginning until the end, for his patience, motivation, and
From the series of test conducted, it was determined sharing his vast knowledge and ideas in order to improve our
that the Automatic Control of Draining and Replenish of the research.
Direct Bioethanol Fuel Cell increases the efficiency and 15% Third, to Engr. Gorgonio C. Vallestero II, Engr.
Bioethanol mixture increases the output voltage and current in Esperanza E. Chua, and Engr. Janette C. Fausto for their
the charging a battery and powering common low-power insightful comments and recommendations which strives us to
gadgets or lighting. improve our research from various perspectives.
Fourth, to our respective parents and relatives for
VI. RECOMMENDATION their tireless support physically, mentally and financially in
order for us to overcome this challenge that made us a better
Even though the paper is successful in demonstrating person.
the concepts and functionality of the proposed system, a few And lastly to our friends, classmates and professors
problems and opportunities for improvement that are beyond for sharing their varying ideas that enabled the researchers to
the scope of this paper are noted. came up with what they were able to achieve through this
The system is still having problems in terms of the study.
accuracy of the readings specially when conducting several For this achievement, we give back all the glory and
trials on differing percentage content of the ethanol. It may praises to the omnipotent Father Almighty.
seem to make this situation be more precise by ensuring that
the structure of the whole system is well-built, like the tubes VII. REFERENCES
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