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Bayron Naaman Pérez

Response to Douthat, R., (2024, February 24th), ‘‘should we fear the woke A.I.?’’
The New York Times Newspaper. Retrieve from:

Currently, humans have learned to rely on artificial intelligence, which helps them

solve problems and make their lives easier. We are getting closer to a world where computers

are dominating, and scientists think that they will continue to be the ones who direct humans

and tell them what is true or false. The article presented in the famous newspaper New York

Times poses the question, Should we fear the woke of A.I.? The author presents his argument

about the development of a new A.I. resource, in which many irregularities were found by

users who started using it. This response will talk about the most important ideas about the

article, some criticisms, and at the end there will be some suggestion for how the article could

have been structured.

The article was written by Ross Duothat an American author who shows some

disadvantages about the newest tool created by Google called Gemini, which has not fulfilled

the expectations of many users. He argues that new technologies can be manipulated by their

creators and display information that has been programmed, which does not necessarily mean

that it is accurate information. The writer also says that this new invention can generate

biases among certain groups of people, which can contribute to the development or

reinforcement of prejudices. In addition, the results have demonstrated how fallible machines

using artificial intelligence can be, and the information found in the Gemini app was not very

accurate. The author emphasizes how dangerous it could be to give complete control to this

type of intelligence and the potentially dangerous weapon it could become if not used

correctly. In contrast, the architects of this technology say that they imagine building
something divine, solving things we haven't even imagined, and becoming our masters or our


Bayron Naaman Pérez

Despite the article presented a lot of debate among readers, it managed to capture their

attention with thoughtful question and an excellent comparison of the topic with science

fiction and the reality of our world. The author should have presented some comments from

the user who used the app. The audience for the article is adults who are interested in the

development of artificial intelligence, and their vocabulary level is advanced, allowing them

to appreciate different concepts that may not be known to people. The structure has short

paragraphs, but it explains a chronological way the main ideas of the topic. These ideas are

supported and connected between each paragraphs, and it closes by sharing a thoughtful and

understandable phrase for readers.

The article contains vocabulary and phrases that could have been easier in a simpler

language to be understood by novice readers. Longer paragraphs could have been elaborated

with more supporting ideas. Examples could also have been added to support the impact of

the topic on society. Also the author could have shown some results found in the use of this

resource and how it can affect the path to our future. The article could have presented not

only the disadvantages but also those advantages from which we can take advantage.

This work has exposed the aspects from some users who have noticed the fragility and

irregularities that can be found in new technologies based on A.I. This response summarized

the important aspects of the article. It provided some criticisms and considerations about the

way it was written, and some suggestions were made on how it could have been improved for

better understanding. Different points of view were taken in relation to artificial intelligence

and the essay showed the concern of many and the interest of others who want to benefit

Douthat,R., (2024, February 24th), ‘‘Should we fear the woke A.I.?’’,The New York



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