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Submitted by: SK.


ID: 2311123030
Course Initial: PSY101
Section: 30
Submitted to: FARIEA BAKUL
UNIT 1: Introduction to Psychology

From this unit, I have started my Psychology course. First of all, I experienced how science and

psychology are interrelated to each other then I learnt about the fields, subfields and different

scopes of Psychology. The actual meaning and a review of the whole Psychology part is reflected

here. Mostly, major 5 perspectives of Psychology snatched the focus in this unit.

UNIT 2: Human Behavior, Brain & Body

This unit is mainly about the nervous system and the function of different parts of brain and

body. There is an elaborative description of neurons, what is the structure? What are the features?

Here I experienced the relation between human behavior and the functions that are originated

inside the brain. As I am from science background, I totally understood all the topics and co-

relate. We can say this unit is combination of biology and psychology, we can say bio-

psychology as I also found functions of nervous system, endocrine system and definition of new

brain and old brain etc.

UNIT 3: Sensation & Perception

This unit is kind of tricky to understand but if we can grab the fun of it we will enjoy. I have

enjoyed a lot. ‘World full of perceptions and the body full of sensations’, that’s the moto of

this unit. If I go through the unit again, firstly, there is a touch of description how we can sense

the world then comes the ‘Gestalts laws of organization’- where we can learn how tiny pieces

of information comes to a meaningful whole within the best simple way, I personally have fun

when the perceptual illusions are discussed, always amazed to know the mystery.
UNIT 4: Social Psychology

This unit is about how we behave socially in our daily life, how behavior can be affected by the

social activities. The first topic of this unit is about attitudes and different kind of attitudes

influences the behavior. I loved the technique part of gaining group compliance, foot-in-the-door

technique, door-in-the-face, that’s not all, not-so-free sample etc. and I like the way it highlights

positive and negative social behaviors.

UNIT 5: Learning

How learning can change the psychological behavior of anyone in short period or for a long

period ? this is stated in this chapter. IVAN PAVLOV’s experiment discussed step by step where

we can notice the impact of classical conditioning on animals. After a brief discussion of

classical conditioning there is a mention of operant conditioning too. In this unit we learn about

how we can change behavior by the specific and the perfect learning or conditioning.

UNIT 6: Memory

In this unit, we learn how information goes from sensory memory to long term memories and

how we forget memories of the past. We can also learn how working memory works and

elaborate form of long term memory modules. From this unit , we experience why we forget

some information from the past and why we know many information from the past for a long

UNIT 7: Intelligence

From this unit we learn about how to solve problems with brain-storming and how to think

rationally. We also learn many theories of intelligence specifically like fluid intelligence,

crystalized intelligence, G-factor etc. from this unit I understand the scale of intelligence

according to the age and also there are many types of exams going on to assess the intelligence

of people like GRE, Cultural-Fair IQ test etc. In conclusion, from this chapter I had an

experience of how to measure intelligence and the varieties of intelligence.

UNIT 8: Motivation & Emotion

In our day-to-day life we need some hope or energy to do some work, this is called motivation

that drives us to complete our needs. On the other hand, Emotion is a kind of feelings that

sometimes influences our behavior in both ways. Here we can learn the Maslow’s Hierarchy of

ordering motivational needs in a pyramid structure. This unit also reflects how to understand

emotion and how to control it in a good way.

UNIT 9: Lifespan Development and Stages

In this unit we can observe how a life learns and changes behavior stage by stage of life. We can

also gather a complete parenting learning and also be aware of those parenting style that hampers

the life of a child. Here also added Piaget’s theory or chart of cognitive development of a child

where we can observe the development of sense growing inside a baby. In the end shortly

described the view of Vygotsky on cognitive development as well.

UNIT 10: Personality

In this unit, unique personalities are described under a common roof called Big Five Model or

OCEAN. It also added the most famous SIGMUND FREUD’s psychodynamic approach of

personality, where we learn most of the functions are controlled by our unconscious mind. Here

we know about the term psychosexual and how different stages change the behavior of a child’s

personality. SIGMUND FREUD specially focused on the phallic stage and introduces Oedipus

conflict where we learnt how a child become jealous of same sex parent. Later, theory of Electra

complex also described shortly.

UNIT 11: Health Psychology

This unit reflects the work of a branch of psychology named ‘Health Psychology’. Here we learn

about the nature of stresses, influences of stresses. The theory of SELYE named ‘General

Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)’ is described briefly. In the end, we can learn how to cop up with

the stresses as well.

UNIT 12: Psychological Disorders

It is mainly focuses on various kind of disorders in our life like anxiety disorders, Somatoform

disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Dissociative disorders etc. one of the main topic is

SCHIZOPHRENIA and types of it where we observe the severe distortion of reality. It also

added delusions and hallucinations where we learn the differences of them.

UNIT 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Here we also experience the FREUD’s theory helps how to use psychodynamic approach in

therapy of disorders which are mentioned in previous unit. And also, there are mentioned

humanistic approach, cognitive approach and interpersonal approach as well. Here we can learn

how to give therapy to the disorders like group, family or personally as well.

Deep Description about Lifespan Development and Stages

This unit is my favorite personally, because from this unit we can learn about the whole

development of a child’s behavior from the day one to the end. And the role of parents or the one

who is attached to the child is immense that what reflects here the most. And here we observe

and compare with our daily life as well. And we observe how a person can be attached to a child

more than his or her father or mother by the goslings experiment of LORENZ. And we also

experience the parenting style described by Piaget according to the age. Here we learn how

prenatal environment affects a child’s life as well.

Personality description

In this chapter we observe how SIGMUND FREUD observes the personality where he describes
personality in three parts ID, ego , super ego. He also mentioned ego is the rational solution of
both super ego and ID. In this chapter, we also observe the differences between introversion and
extroversion. Then we enter into the psychosexual stages of FREUD’S theory, where he focuses
on the phallic stage where he discovers Oedipus conflict or complex where a child grows
jealousy of the same sex parent in him/her. Following this, CARL JUNG proposes the Electra
Complex as well where we observe the same for the girls specially.

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