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P1: Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

P2: Hello! I'm good, thank you. And you?
Jelow A iam guud, thenkiu. End yiu?
P1: I'm good too, thanks for asking. I'm [name] and I'm in Brazil. Where
are you all from?
P3: Hi everyone, nice to meet you. I'm [name] and I'm in Chile.
P2: I'm Lesly, from Colombia.
A iam Lesly, froom colombia.
P4: Nice to be here. I'm [name] and I'm from Peru.
P5: Hi everyone, I'm [name] and I'm in Argentina.
P4: It's wonderful to connect with people from so many places! Could you
tell us a bit about yourselves?
P2: Sure, I'm [age] years old and I work as a nurse.
Shur, a iam tuenty Fay yers old end ay work es a nurs
P1: I'm [age] years old and I'm a lawyer.
P3: I'm [age] years old and I work as a doctor.
P5: I'm also [age] years old and I work as an engineer.
P4: Funny, I'm also a doctor! Seems like we have a lot in common.
P3: That's true! What a coincidence.

P1: Who do they live with? I live with my parents and my brother
P2: I live with my grandparents, their names are Rosa and
Ay lif whit may gruandparents, their neims are Rosa end
P5: I live with my parents and my pet.
P4: I live with my mother and my sister, their names are Carla and Andrea.
P3: I live alone and with my kitten, her name is Mina.
P2: Great! I also see that we are very young.
Greit! A iam ols sii ta wi are very Yong
P1: That's right, I feel very proud for having met our goals.
P4: It hasn't been easy, but it was possible.

P5: Well, guys, it's been great getting to know you all. Hope we get to chat
again soon!
P4: Definitely, see you at the next meeting.
P3: Goodbye everyone, take care.
P1: See you! Have a great day.
P2: Goodbye, until next time.
Goodbye, until next time.

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