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Consent Form for Virtual Meetings

As a part of our offer we deliver some of our interventions virtually. Our virtual meetings
and live online support sessions will have the same purpose as the ones we conduct in
person. This consent form will detail how these video/conference calls and online sessions
will work, what we will do to protect you and/or your child, and what we expect you to do
to keep your child safe online. This consent form supplements the Action for Children
service consent form and the Keeping your Information Safe and Secure Leaflet privacy

How they will work

You will be sent an invitation from the service with details of the meeting (date and time)
along with a link that you will use to join the session. Please do not share this link with
anyone else or use anyone else’s account to join the session. This is to protect your data and
the data of others. Please RSVP to the email invite so we know if your child is coming or

There will be no audio or video recordings taken during any virtual meeting, but written
notes may be taken, and a written record will be kept as per face to face meetings.

What we will do
 For group meetings there will be two staff members present throughout the
video/conference call - both staff members will stay on the call until all children
have ‘logged off’.
 For 1:1 meetings, there will be one staff member to one child or young person.
 Staff members will hold a current disclosure certificate (DBS, PVG, Access NI) as
required for their role.
 Staff will not contact you or your child using this online tool outside of pre-arranged
meetings - if staff need to contact you, they will follow normal contact procedures.
 Staff will make sure everything they use is age-appropriate - staff will check any links
or videos they may direct your child to.
 Staff will use appropriate language/ behaviour throughout the call.
 Staff will ensure they are in a location that will not be overheard or interrupted by

What we ask of you

 Access to the platform is made through the parent/carers email account unless your
child meets the age restrictions.
 That you or your child are appropriately dressed (fully dressed in clothing that covers
top and bottom half of the body).
 Consider whether an appropriate adult needs to be nearby.
 Only people needed for the call should be present (e.g. the young person and a
parent) and any interruptions from others should be prevented as far as possible.
 All members of the household must be aware that the call is taking place and make
sure they use appropriate language and behaviour when part of the call.
 Due to the confidentiality of other group members young people and families should
not record in group sessions. If the record button is pressed it alerts the facilitators
and the other group members. If this happens the group will be immediately be
paused at this point and the recording ended and whoever has recorded will be
removed from the group and contacted separately.
 If you need to contact someone at Action for Children for any reason outside of the
pre-arranged virtual meetings, you should follow normal contact procedures – our
office number is 01782 977877 and email is

Parent/Carers of Children - 12 and under

 Make sure an appropriate adult (parent or carer) will ‘drop off’ the child at the
virtual meeting like you would at a regular meeting. This will give staff a chance to
talk with you at the beginning if they need to and so that they know there is an
appropriate adult nearby if the child needs.
 The adult should make sure your child has ‘logged off’ the call correctly and signed
out before turning off any devices.

Virtual Meetings Consent:

Through attending a virtual Meeting with Action for Children Staffordshire Emotional
Wellbeing Service you are consenting to the following:

 I give permission for myself and my child to be part of Action for Children virtual
 I have read and agree to my part in the above requirements.
 I understand that if Action for Children think my child is unsafe, they may have
to share information with other services to keep my child safe.

If you change your mind or would like to withdraw consent you can contact your local
service. Alternatively, you can contact the Data Protection Officer to withdraw consent by
emailing or writing to Data Protection Officer,
Action for Children, 3 The Boulevard, Ascot Road, Watford, WD18 8AG.

To find out more about your information rights or make a complaint visit

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