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trN t\ ' t t\ t I \ t. t rt ., ..
9. 22.29.34.
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You need to cat s()r-nclirts to grow well and stay healthy.
Your body also st()rcs lirts lilr extra energy, and to keep
you warm in wintcr. Somc types of meat and fish have a
lot of fats. Dairy products, like butter and cheese,have
fats, too.You can also get fats from plant products like
nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Be careful - too many
fats can make you fat!

Your body needsvitamins ro stay healthy and fight
diseases. Vitamin A keepsyour skin healthy.Youcan get
vitamin A from orange fruits and vegetableslike carrots
or pumpkins. Dark green vegetables,like spinach,have
lots of vitamin A, too. Dairy products give you vitamin B
for healthy blood.You can also get vitamin B from meat,
fish, and eggs.Vitamin C helps your body fight diseases.
You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges
and lemons. 'tr*

Your body also needsminerals.You need calcium for
strong bones and healthy teeth. Dairy products, like
milk and yogurt, are good sourcesof calcium.You also
need iron for healthy blood.You can get iron from red
meat and eggs,or from vegetableslike broccoli and
spinach.Salt is also an important mineral, but be
careful!Too much salty food is bad for you.
You need to cat s()r-nclirts to grow well and stay healthy.
Your body also st()rcs lirts lilr extra energy, and to keep
you warm in wintcr. Somc types of meat and fish have a
lot of fats. Dairy products, like butter and cheese,have
fats, too.You can also get fats from plant products like
nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Be careful - too many
fats can make you fat!

Your body needsvitamins ro stay healthy and fight
diseases. Vitamin A keepsyour skin healthy.Youcan get
vitamin A from orange fruits and vegetableslike carrots
or pumpkins. Dark green vegetables,like spinach,have
lots of vitamin A, too. Dairy products give you vitamin B
for healthy blood.You can also get vitamin B from meat,
fish, and eggs.Vitamin C helps your body fight diseases.
You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges
and lemons. 'tr*

Your body also needsminerals.You need calcium for
strong bones and healthy teeth. Dairy products, like
milk and yogurt, are good sourcesof calcium.You also
need iron for healthy blood.You can get iron from red
meat and eggs,or from vegetableslike broccoli and
spinach.Salt is also an important mineral, but be
careful!Too much salty food is bad for you.
GIossary ffi:lffi"#:il"Jl:
f:f":t1#,:ff[:::, meal whenpeoplesit downand eat food
melon a largefruit with green,ye[[ow,or
r a i se t o f ee da r r rll, r kt .<, r r co l a r t in r a t s
r a i si n a dr i e dq ra g lt .
orangeskin r ec i pe it t e I t sy o rrl r o wt o r ; o o ka d is h
ancestor someonein yourfamilywho lived dessert a sweetfood metal a hardmaterialmadefrom minerals refreshingwlrcrrit rnakcsyou feel lesshot
a lo n gt im e ago diet what you eat anddrinkregularly muscte a part of your bodythat you or [esstired
archaeologistsomeonewho studies dig to makea hole in the ground contractor retaxto moveyour bones respect somethirrg you feeIfor somebody
history,by tookingat ancientobjects digest you do this whenyou eat foodand natural somethingthat comesfrom nature; yo uad m i r e
artificiat not realor natural your bodyusesit it's not madeby people s ap t h e t i qu idi n a pl a nto r t r ee
bean the seedor seedpodof a climbing diseasea medicalproblemthat makesyotr net it's madeof stringor wire;it's usedto sauce a thick tiquidthat you eat with food
ptantthat we eat as a vegetable very sick catchfish savory(orsavoury)havinga tastethat is
berry @luralberries) a smat[fruit that energy we needenergyto moveandgrow, nutrient somethingthat we get fromfood salty,not sweet
growson bushesor trees and machinesneedenergyto work to live and grow seafood seaanimatsthat we caneat,for
b l e n d e r a m ac hinefor m i x in gtiqu id sand explorer a personwho travelsto new oil a fatty tiquidthat we usefor cooking;it example,fish andprawns
softfoods[ikefruitsor vegetabtes ptacesto discovernew things comesfrom plantsor animats seed the smat[,hardpartof a plant;a new
blood the red tiquidin yourbody field an areaof land wherewe grow crops onion a roundvegetablewith manythin ptantcan growfromthis
bone the hardpartof yourbodythat forms or keepanimals layersand a strongsmetl;peoplecry seedling a sma[[,youngplantthat grows
yoursketeton fingernail the thin, hard[ayeron the end ol whenthey cut it from a seed
bright strongandeasyto see(forcotors) yourfinger pan a containerusedfor cooking;it's often s he t t f i sha n a ni m a w I i t h a sh e llt h a t live s
broccoli a vegetablewith manylargegreen fire this is producedwhensomething madeof metal in water
or purpteflowerheads burns;it's very hot parade a pubticcelebration in the streets skin a thin layerthat coversthe outsideof
cabbage a vegetablewith large,green fresh not old (forfood) paste a soft,wet mixture a n a n im a o I r a pl an t
Ieaves garlic a vegetabte with a verystrongsmelt pasture an areaof land coveredwith grass; sour havinga taste[ikea lemonor a fruit
cart a smatl,light boxwith wheelsthat you andtaste;it breaksinto sma[[parts animalsfeedon it that is not readyto eat
pushor pu[[,oftenby hand gelatine it's usedin cookingto makea peach a round,soft fruit with red and source wheresomethingcomesfrom
cemetery a placeoutside,wherewe put tiquidthick yellowskin sow to olantseeds
the bodiesof deadpeoplein tombs grain the smalt,hardseedsof foodplants pick to take flowersor fruit from the ptant spice seedsor powderfrom ptantsthat we
cherry @luralcherries)a smalt,roundred like wheator rice or treewherethey aregrowing useto givetasteto food
fruit with a largeseed grow to get bigger pineapplea tropica[fruit that is hardand spinach a darkgreenvegetablewith big
chiti pepper a smatt,greenor red harvest the time of yearwhen cropsare roughoutsideandyeltowinside Ieaves
vegetablewhichgivesa hot, spicytaste ready plow (or plough) to dig a fietdor land squeezeto pressandget tiquidout of
coast the landbesidethe seaor ocean healthy not sick pod a [ong,thin casewith seedsinside so m e t h i ng
coconut a largefruit with mitkyjuicethat hole a spacein something pond a smatlareaof water sta[[ a tableor a smat[shopwith an open
w e ca ndr ink industry the productionof things, port a ptacewhereshipsarriveand leave frontwherepeoplesetlthings
corn a ptantthat is grownfor its grain,atso especialtyfrom factories from store to keepsomethingto uselater
catledmaize ingredient one of the foodsusedto make prawn a smatlwateranimalwith ten [egs; temperaturehow hot or cold somethingis
crop a plantthat we growin large it turnspinkwhen it's cooked t e m pt e a r el i g io us b ui t d in g
a di s h
quantities produce to growor makesomething t h ic k no t t hi n
irrigationsystem an artificiaIway of
crush to breakby pressingor squeezing protect to makesurethat someoneor tomb the placewherewe put the bodyof a
hard joke somethingyou sayor do that is funny somethingis not in danger de adoe r so n
curry a dishwith hot spices,ofteneaten pulp the soft,insidepartof somefruitsand turkey a [argebirdthat that we caneat
tay eggs to produceeggs(birds,insects,
with rice vegetables vegetable a plantor partof a plantthat we
andfish do this)
customer someonewho buyssomething pulses the seedsof someptantsthat we eat as food
lentil a small,roundputsethat can be
dairy product milk,andfoodsmade green,orange,or brown caneat,for exampte,lentilsand beans vendor a personwho se[[sthings,usually
from mitk pumpkin a [arge,roundvegetablewith in the street
mango a tropicaIfruit that is yellowor red
delicate not strong,easyto break thick,orangeskin yard an areaoutside,usua[[ywith a watl
on the outsideandorangeon the inside
GIossary ffi:lffi"#:il"Jl:
f:f":t1#,:ff[:::, meal whenpeoplesit downand eat food
melon a largefruit with green,ye[[ow,or
rai se t o feedar r rll ,r kt.< ,r r col ar tinr at s
rai si n a dri edqragl t.
orangeskin r ecipe it t eI t syor rlr owto r; ooka dish
ancestor someonein yourfamilywho lived dessert a sweetfood metal a hardmaterialmadefrom minerals refreshingwlrcrrit rnakcsyou feel lesshot
a l o n gtim e ago diet what you eat anddrinkregularly muscte a part of your bodythat you or [esstired
archaeologistsomeonewho studies dig to makea hole in the ground contractor retaxto moveyour bones respect somethirrg you feeIfor somebody
history,by tookingat ancientobjects digest you do this whenyou eat foodand natural somethingthat comesfrom nature; youadm i re
artificiat not realor natural your bodyusesit it's not madeby people sap t he t i quidin a pl antor t r ee
bean the seedor seedpodof a climbing diseasea medicalproblemthat makesyotr net it's madeof stringor wire;it's usedto sauce a thick tiquidthat you eat with food
ptantthat we eat as a vegetable very sick catchfish savory(orsavoury)havinga tastethat is
berry @luralberries) a smat[fruit that energy we needenergyto moveandgrow, nutrient somethingthat we get fromfood salty,not sweet
growson bushesor trees and machinesneedenergyto work to live and grow seafood seaanimatsthat we caneat,for
b l e n d e r a m ac hinefor m i xingtiquidsand explorer a personwho travelsto new oil a fatty tiquidthat we usefor cooking;it example,fish andprawns
softfoods[ikefruitsor vegetabtes ptacesto discovernew things comesfrom plantsor animats seed the smat[,hardpartof a plant;a new
blood the red tiquidin yourbody field an areaof landwherewe grow crops onion a roundvegetablewith manythin ptantcan growfromthis
bone the hardpartof yourbodythat forms or keepanimals layersand a strongsmetl;peoplecry seedling a sma[[,youngplantthat grows
yoursketeton fingernail the thin, hard[ayeron the end ol whenthey cut it from a seed
bright strongandeasyto see(forcotors) yourfinger pan a containerusedfor cooking;it's often shett fi shan anim aIw it h a shellt hat lives
broccoli a vegetablewith manylargegreen fire this is producedwhensomething madeof metal in water
or purpteflowerheads burns;it's very hot parade a pubticcelebration in the streets skin a thin layerthat coversthe outsideof
cabbage a vegetablewith large,green fresh not old (forfood) paste a soft,wet mixture an ani m aIor a pl ant
Ieaves garlic a vegetabte with a verystrongsmelt pasture an areaof land coveredwith grass; sour havinga taste[ikea lemonor a fruit
cart a smatl,light boxwith wheelsthat you andtaste;it breaksinto sma[[parts animalsfeedon it that is not readyto eat
pushor pu[[,oftenby hand gelatine it's usedin cookingto makea peach a round,soft fruit with red and source wheresomethingcomesfrom
cemetery a placeoutside,wherewe put tiquidthick yellowskin sow to olantseeds
the bodiesof deadpeoplein tombs grain the smalt,hardseedsof foodplants pick to take flowersor fruit from the ptant spice seedsor powderfrom ptantsthat we
cherry @luralcherries)a smalt,roundred like wheator rice or treewherethey aregrowing useto givetasteto food
fruit with a largeseed grow to get bigger pineapplea tropica[fruit that is hardand spinach a darkgreenvegetablewith big
chiti pepper a smatt,greenor red harvest the time of yearwhen cropsare roughoutsideandyeltowinside Ieaves
vegetablewhichgivesa hot, spicytaste ready plow (or plough) to dig a fietdor land squeezeto pressandget tiquidout of
coast the landbesidethe seaor ocean healthy not sick pod a [ong,thin casewith seedsinside som et hi ng
coconut a largefruit with mitkyjuicethat hole a spacein something pond a smatlareaof water sta[[ a tableor a smat[shopwith an open
we ca nd r ink industry the productionof things, port a ptacewhereshipsarriveand leave frontwherepeoplesetlthings
corn a ptantthat is grownfor its grain,atso especialtyfrom factories from store to keepsomethingto uselater
catledmaize ingredient one of the foodsusedto make prawn a smatlwateranimalwith ten [egs; temperaturehow hot or cold somethingis
crop a plantthat we growin large it turnspinkwhen it's cooked t em pte a r eli gious bui t ding
a dish
quantities produce to growor makesomething t hick not thi n
irrigationsystem an artificiaIway of
crush to breakby pressingor squeezing protect to makesurethat someoneor tomb the placewherewe put the bodyof a
hard joke somethingyou sayor do that is funny somethingis not in danger deadoer son
curry a dishwith hot spices,ofteneaten pulp the soft,insidepartof somefruitsand turkey a [argebirdthat that we caneat
tay eggs to produceeggs(birds,insects,
with rice vegetables vegetable a plantor partof a plantthat we
andfish do this)
customer someonewho buyssomething pulses the seedsof someptantsthat we eat as food
lentil a small,roundputsethat can be
dairy product milk,andfoodsmade green,orange,or brown caneat,for exampte,lentilsand beans vendor a personwho se[[sthings,usually
from mitk pumpkin a [arge,roundvegetablewith in the street
mango a tropicaIfruit that is yellowor red
delicate not strong,easyto break thick,orangeskin yard an areaoutside,usua[[ywith a watl
on the outsideandorangeon the inside

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