4 Pyroclastic

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Extrusive Rocks
Volcanic Rock
Siklus Batuan
Ring of Fire
Indonesia Ring of Fire
Sumatara - Jawa Subdustion
(Quarter )

Sumatera Subduction

Jawa Subduction
Batuan volcanic Quarternary
cukup mendominasi
pelamparan geologi pulau
jawa , Sumatera dan jalur

Bagaimana dengan
volcanic umur tua ?
Type volcano eruption

Deferent of volcano material

Gunung api Toba,
Meletus menyisakan
Kawah Toba
Gunung Banten Purba Gunung Sunda Purba
Volcanic Material

Lava Flows
 Basaltic lavas are more fluid
 Type of lava :
 Pahoehoe lawa
 Aa Lava

 One to 5 % of magma by weight
 Mainly water vapor and carbon dioxide

Pyroclastic Material
Name given to particles produced in volcanic eruptions
The fragments ejected during eruption range in size :
very fine ( ash ) to very coarse
Pillow lava

Lava bantal karangsambung

Aliran lava
Bagian bawah dan atas lebih cepat membeku
sedang bagian tengah masih mengalir
Singkapan breksi volkanik
Volcanic neck
Gn Patenggeng pinggir Tol Pdalarang
Demension of volcanc material

• Glassy: smooth, glassy; indicates very rapid cooling; typical example is obsidian
• Aphanitic: fine; individual grains not visible to the naked eye; indicates rapid cooling; examples
are rhyolite and basalt
• Phaneritic: individual grains visible visible to the naked eye; indicates slow cooling
• Pegmatitic: coarse; very large grains, often over 2 cm; indicates very slow cooling
• Porphyritic: contains crystals of varying sizes; formed via two-stage cooling whereby large crystals
form slowly at depth and fine crystals form quickly at the surface
• Vesicular: porous, filled with cavities; develops when gas bubbles exsolve as magma rises to lower
pressures (at higher pressures, the bubbles are kept in solution), and the lava then solidifies around
these bubbles
• Pumice: vesicular rock of felsic composition
• Scoria: vesicular rock of mafic composition; compared to pumice, typically darker in color and
denser, with thicker walls and larger vesicles
• Poikilitic: larger crystals contain small pieces of other minerals within them; typically indicates long
cooling periods, allowing time for materials to diffuse into the center of the crystal
• Tuff: rock made of consolidated volcanic ash, often
formed by falls
• Breccia: in a volcanic context, poorly-sorted rock with
angular lithic fragments embedded in an ash matrix;
typically formed when an eruption causes the volcanic
cone to collapse
• Ignimbrite: poorly sorted mixture of ash, lapilli, and
lithic fragments deposited by a pyroclastic flow; can be
layered with ash settling on top of coarser material (see
figure below for more details); may contain elongated
flow structures called fiamme
Batuan breksi vulkanik,
terbentuk karena proses ekstrusi magma
melalui letusan gunung merapi eksplosif.
What is Tuff? Tuff is an igneous rock that forms from the
products of an explosive volcanic eruption. In these
eruptions, the volcano blasts rock, ash, magma

Tuff is relatively soft and porous rock that made of ash and
other sediments from volcanic vents that has solidified into the
rock. After following ejection and deposition, the ash is
compacted into a solid rock in a process called consolidation.
Rock that contains greater that 50% percent tuff is considered
tuffaceous. It can be classified as either sedimentary or
igneous rock. They are usually studied in the context of igneous
petrology, although they are sometimes described using
sedimentological terms.
Magma Composition

Rhyolitic tuff Andesitic tuff

Tuff is generally classified according to nature In color, they are red or brown; their scoriae fragments are of all
of the volcanic rock of which it consists. Rhyolite sizes from huge blocks down to minute granular dust. The cavities
tuffs contain pumiceus, glassy fragments and are filled with many secondary minerals, such
small scoriae with quartz, alkali feldspar, biotite, as calcite, chlorite, quartz, epidote, or chalcedony; in microscopic
etc. The broken pumice is clear and isotropic, sections, though, the nature of the original lava can nearly always
and very small particles commonly have be made out from the shapes and properties of the little crystals
crescentic, sickle-shaped, or biconcave which occur in the decomposed glassy base.
outlines, showing that they are produced by
the shattering of a vesicular glass, sometimes
described as ash-structure Basaltic tuff
Basaltic tuffs are also of widespread occurrence both in districts
where volcanoes are now active and in lands where eruptions
have long since ended. They are black, dark green, or red in
Trachyte tuff colour; vary greatly in coarseness, some being full of round
Trachyte tuffs contain little or no quartz, but spongy bombs a foot or more in diameter; and being often
much sanidine or anorthoclase and sometimes submarine, may contain shale, sandstone, grit, and other
oligoclase feldspar, with sedimentary material, and are occasionally fossiliferous.
occasional biotite, augite, and hornblende. In
weathering, they often change to soft red or
yellow clay-stones, rich in kaolin with secondary Ultramafic tuff
quartz. Ultramafic tuffs are extremely rare; their characteristic is the
abundance of olivine or serpentine and the scarcity or absence
of feldspar and quartz. Rare occurrences may include unusual
surface deposits of maars of kimberlites of the diamond-fields of
southern Africa and other regions. The principal rock of kimberlite
is a dark bluish-green, serpentine-rich breccia (blue-ground)
which when thoroughly oxidized and weathered becomes a
friable brown or yellow mass (the “yellow-ground”).
Tuff Classification
Breksi Laharic
Tuff ngarai Sianok
Volcano stratigrafi

Tidak sepenuhnya
mengikuti kaidah
kaidah straigrafi
Profil singkapan vollkanik
Batuan volcanik
Geothermal area
Volcanic rock geology map
Volcanic Hydrogeology

Area volcanic dan jenis

batuan volcanic sangat
berperan dalam
konfigurasi hidrogeologi
wilayah tersebut
Pasir volkanik Merapi
Batuan Zeolite

Pasir kucing
Batu apung
Pasir volkanik untuk bahan batako
Barupasir Malang
Batu Obsidian
Batu Andesit
Bekas wilayah pertambangan
Breksi tuff dijadikan daerah wisata
di Jogyakarata

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