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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
Directions (1-8): Read the following passage Although Asia's third-largest economy was
carefully and answer the questions below. predicted to grow at a faster pace this fiscal year
India's factory activity grew at its weakest pace in than previously thought, according to a Reuters
seven months in March as renewed lockdowns to poll published last week, a significant majority of
curtail a resurgence in COVID-19 cases economists said a surge in corona virus cases
_______________ (a) domestic demand and was the biggest risk to the outlook. After a year-
output, a private survey showed, forcing firms to long spree of job cuts, factories intensified the
cut headcount again. Last week, the government rate of layoffs to its strongest in six months in
advised states to try and control the rapid spread March. Both input and output prices increased at
of the virus. Tighter restrictions on activity a slower pace last month, signaling overall
suggest factories could be in for a tough April. inflation that accelerated to a three-month high in
The Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' February might ease and stay within the Reserve
Index, compiled by IHS Markit, declined to a Bank of India's inflation target of 2-6 per cent.
seven-month low of 55.4 last month from That would help the central bank maintain its
February's 57.5, but remained above the 50-level accommodative policy stance to support
separating growth from contraction for an eighth economic growth but optimism about the year
straight month. ahead waned. "(While predictions that the
Despite foreign orders growing at a faster pace in vaccination programme will (a)/ dragged
March, a sub-index tracking overall demand sentiment to a seven-month low (b)/ year ahead
declined to its lowest since August 2020. Output meant that business confidence remained
also grew at its weakest pace in seven months. positive(c)/, curb the disease and underpin output
"Survey participants indicated that demand growth in the (d)/ growing uncertainty over the
growth was constrained by the escalation of the near-term outlook due to a rise in COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic, while the rise in input cases (e))," De Lima said.
buying was curtailed by an intensification of cost 1. Why did the author say that “factories could be
pressures," said Pollyanna De Lima, economics in for a tough April”?
associate director at IHS Markit. "With COVID-19 a. Factories could be in for a tough April because
restrictions expanded and lockdown measures re- they are unable to meet the targeted demand due
introduced in many states, Indian manufacturers to the surge in number of corona cases.
look set to experience a challenging month in b. Because the government is forcing firms to
April." increase the headcount again in the factories.

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
c. Because India's factory activity grew at its 4. Which of the following will be the suitable title
weakest pace in seven months in the month of for the passage?
March a. Factory Activity Slows To Seven-Month Low
d. By seeing the restrictions imposed by the On Renewed COVID-19 Lockdowns
government due to the resurgence of covid-19. b. Seven-Month conditions of factories-
e. None of the above. Resurgence of Covid-19
c. Impact of Resurgence of Covid-19 on Labour
2. What is the reason behind the declining sub- d. How Asia's third-largest economy will cope with
index in spite of growing orders in March? the Resurgence of Covid-19
a. Output grew at its weakest pace in seven e. None of the above
b. Demand growth was restrained by the 5. Which of the following is the most similar to the
expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic word “spree”?
c. Increase in input buying was abridged by an a. Hustle
intensification of cost pressures b. Splurge
d. Both A and B c. Swindle
e. Both B and C d. Torpor
e. None of the above
3. What according to the author is the biggest risk
to the outlook? 6. Which of the following words will fit in the blank
a.Input and output prices increased at a slower (a)?
pace last month, signaling overall inflation that a. Quenched
accelerated to a three-month high in February b. Rekindled
b. Due to surge in corona virus cases, prediction c. Demeaned
to grow at a faster pace of Asia's third-largest d. Suspected
economy might go wrong. e. Dampened
c. Despite foreign orders growing at a faster pace
in March, a sub-index tracking overall demand 7. In the below question a sentence is divided into
declined to its lowest five parts and these parts may or may be in their
d. Because factories intensified the rate of layoffs proper sequence. You are required to arrange
to its strongest in six months in March them in proper sequence in order to make the
e. None of the above sentence contextually correct.

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
While predictions that the vaccination programme 2007-08 financial crisis seriously dented the
will (a)/ dragged sentiment to a seven-month low economies of many nations, and the recovery has
(b)/ year ahead meant that business confidence been slow, or sporadic. Since then, a succession
remained positive(c)/, curb the disease and of unrelated crises have heralded forebodings of
underpin output growth in the (d)/ growing still graver damage not only to the economy but
uncertainty over the near-term outlook due to a also to the body politic and people everywhere.
rise in COVID-19 cases (e) The COVID-19 pandemic provided the backdrop
a. abecd for dire predictions of this kind. Its impact has
b. adceb been far reaching, which has included an
c. adecb economic tsunami, upheavals and dislocation
d. aecbd affecting every sphere of human activity, an
e. abdce accompanying health crisis which has not spared
any nation, and the fostering of a crisis mentality.
8. Which of the following can’t be inferred from The fact that the novel coronavirus pandemic
the above passage? shows few signs of abating is aggravating this
a. Asia's fourth-largest economy was predicted to crisis atmosphere.
grow at a faster pace this fiscal year Several other negative trends are simultaneously
b. After a year-long spree of job cuts, factories present. A churn in the post-1945 Westphalian
have not intensified the rate of layoffs to its order is only too evident. Across different
strongest in six months in March. continents, we are again witness to a series of
c. The Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing political and strategic crises. Disinformation and
Managers' Index, compiled by IHS Markit, distortions caused by an overload of fake
declined to a seven-month low of 54.4 last month information are creating an impression that the
from February's 57.5 world is facing a systemic and multidimensional
d. None of the above crisis, the consequences of which are
e. All of the above unpredictable.
The combination of circumstances is exposing the
Directions (9-25): Read the following paragraph fragility of today’s party-based democracies,
and answer the questions based on the given leading to questions about their ability to deal with
information. newer problems. As crisis upon crisis plagues
The 21st century is host to a multitudinouscrisis nations and countries, anger is becoming a
impacting different sectors. For instance, the dominant aspect. The situation demands a great

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
deal of introspection followed by conscious chapter, but this is unlikely to be the case.(I) We
action. Finding an optimal combination of may, hence, need to deal with this new reality,
authoritarian, populist and democratic trends, to which puts greater reliance on authoritarian
ensure the material well-being of the majority and methods rather then on democratic means.
achieving economic development is, however, not 9. Which of the following repercussions of the
easy. Concerns are that it could lend itself to the fake information have been mentioned in the
rise of new political oligarchies, masquerading in given passage?
the garb a. The extent of falsehoods indulged in by
of defenders of democracy, and the creation of individuals has degraded the entire system.
new elites professedly seeking to defend b. The recent spate of disclosures confronts us
democracy. with an unpleasant reality that excesses of
Recent trends within the country tend to buttress decline in police mores.
such concerns. For instance, elections have of c. This has created an impression that the world
late become a kind of a no-holds-barred battle for is facing a systemic and multidimensional crisis
power, irrespective of whether it is being held in a with unpredictable consequences.
large State, a medium-sized State or even a d. It has led to virtual collapse of systems of
Union Territory. Levels of electioneering governance in many States.
increasingly lend themselves to abuse, rather e. None of these.
than a highlighting of issues or policies.
Innuendoes and personal remarks dominate 10. Which of the following is not among the
political debates. Money power is all too evident, concerns while finding a right combination of the
and violence is the leitmotif in many segments. various forms of government?
The most threatened aspect is the concept of fair a. The new political oligarchies could be
and free elections. Concerns whether the verdict simulated in the garb of defenders of democracy.
reflects the true will of the electorate are, hence, b. Several new elites professedly seeking to
bound to persist long after the results are in. defend democracy might be created.
Even if an argument is put forward that many of c. It is no longer enough to merely define good
today’s excesses do not reflect long-term reality, policing or what kind of a relationship the
it is difficult to believe that the situation would community should have with the police.
return to the previous normal. Also, that this is d. It could lend itself to the rise of new political
merely a dark chapter that will soon be forgotten. oligarchies.
If this were true, it could be treated as a closed e. None is incorrect.

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
11. Which of the following impacts of COVID-19 c. Establishing another blue-ribbon committee to
pandemic has not been mentioned in the undertake a thorough overhaul of the health care
passage? system.
a. There has been a great economic imbalance. d. It has led to a common mentality of crisis which
b. Each and every aspect of human activity has has followed the health crisis.
been distorted. e. All are correct.

1. Answer: D 3. Answer: B
If you go through the passage carefully, you will It is stated in third paragraph-
find the answer in first passage Although Asia's third-largest economy was
India's factory activity grew at its weakest pace in predicted to grow at a faster pace this fiscal year
seven months in March as renewed lockdowns to than previously thought, according to a Reuters
curtail a resurgence in COVID-19 cases poll published last week, a significant majority of
dampened domestic demand and output, a economists said a surge in corona virus cases
private survey showed, forcing firms to cut was the biggest risk to the outlook.
headcount again. Last week, the government
advised states to try and control the rapid spread 4. Answer: A
of the virus. Tighter restrictions on activity The most suitable title for the passage is Factory
suggest factories could be in for a tough April. Activity Slows To Seven-Month Low On Renewed
COVID-19 Lockdowns because passage is all
2. Answer: E about slowing down of factories only due to the
It is clearly mentioned in second paragraph- wake of covid-19
Despite foreign orders growing at a faster pace in
March, a sub-index tracking overall demand 5. Answer: B
declined to its lowest since August 2020. Output Most similar word for spree is splurge
also grew at its weakest pace in seven months. Spree- a spell or sustained period of unrestrained
"Survey participants indicated that demand activity of a particular kind
growth was constrained by the escalation of the Hustle- excited and often showy or disorderly
COVID-19 pandemic, while the rise in input speed
buying was curtailed by an intensification of cost Torpor- lack of interest or concern

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Reading Comprehension for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 2
Swindle- an instance of the use of dishonest information are creating an impression that the
methods to acquire something of value world is facing a systemic and multidimensional
crisis, the consequences of which are
6. Answer: E unpredictable.” Referring to the quoted text, the
The most suitable word for the blank is statement given in option (c) is the correct answer
dampened which means make less strong or choice.
intense, deaden
Rekindled- to bring back to life, practice, or 10. Answer: B
activity Refer to the fourth paragraph- “Concerns are that
Quenched- to put a complete end to it could lend itself to the rise of new political
oligarchies, masquerading in the garb of
7. Answer: B defenders of democracy, and the creation of new
Correct sentence after rearrangement elites professedly seeking to defend democracy.”
While predictions that the vaccination programme Among the given sentences, only (b) cannot find
will curb the disease and underpin output growth any reference in the paragraph. Hence, option (b)
in the year ahead meant that business confidence is the correct answer.
remained positive, growing uncertainty over the
near-term outlook due to a rise in COVID-19 11. Answer: C
cases dragged sentiment to a seven-month low. Refer to the second paragraph- “Its impact has
been far reaching, which has included an
8. Answer: E economic tsunami, upheavals and dislocation
None of statement is correct in the context of the affecting every sphere of human activity, an
passage accompanying health crisis which has not spared
any nation, and the fostering of a crisis mentality.”
9. Answer: C Among the given sentences, only (c) cannot find
Refer to the third paragraph- “Disinformation and any reference in the paragraph. Hence, option (c)
distortions caused by an overload of fake is the correct answer.

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