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Michelle Beckett

EDU 201

Professor Saladino


Personal Philosophy of Education

“Why become a teacher?” is what many people have asked me growing up. There has

been one answer that immediately pops into my head when I get asked that question. Because I

love working with kids. Although there are many complications that come with the job like

underfunded schools as well as underpaid staff. Still, I truly love being able to watch students

grow and adore the fact that I had something to do with it. The reason for my passion would

simply be because I am an older sister who had to care for my younger siblings growing up.

Being an older sister has taught me many things in preparation for this job like learning to

become a leader, it has taught me patience, responsibility, and it has made me an understanding


After years of training for this profession, I can confidently sat that every teacher has

their own way of teaching. They each have their own philosophy. Throughout my time in school,

I could never decide what is one way I want to be. So, my philosophy would be a combination of

both transmission and construction. I believe that just like how every teacher has their own way

of teaching, every student has their own way of learning. Therefore, a teacher should have

different methods or strategies to connect to their students needs. Education has changed so

much all though out history and it still is. Laws and strategies that have been created in the past

has been able to set standards and expectations for teachers. It has allowed me to become more

self-aware with this profession.

As I have previously mentioned, every teacher has their own ways of teaching or running

their classroom to run smoothly. For me, some strategies I will implement for my classroom

would be to teach students responsibility, self-awareness, and to be open-minded. I believe that

teaching students’ responsibility as well as self-awareness would help with their learning,

behavior, and assessment by setting high expectations in my class. Teaching students to become

more open-minded towards things would not only help them see the world, but also more of it!

This would help with student diversity as it would help students feel that they can be themselves

in my class.

There are many qualities that I still need to be able to feel ready in becoming a teacher.

Some specific qualities would be to be able to deal with difficult parents and improve my

behavior management skills. I could take classes on behavior management. Some other qualities

would be to also finish up on getting associate degree then start working on my bachelors.

However, after getting my associate degree, I would be able to get my substitute license and

practice teaching grades K-12 before getting my bachelors to decide what grade level I want to

teach. After achieving my degrees, I plan on residing to Washington state where I plan on

teaching until I retire.

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