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Effat University

Spring 2024
GISL125 (1)

GISL125 (1)

Ahmad Dannoui
Walaa Oudah

Spring 2024 Research paper

Effat University
Spring 2024
GISL125 (1)

Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi

- Abstract:
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi, or Saladin as he is commonly known, stands out as a
remarkable figure in Islamic history.
This paper talks about his life, from his humble beginning to his rise as a leader
during the Crusades.
Through studying Salah ad-Din's background, military campaigns, governance, and
lasting impact, we gain insight into his significant contributions to the medieval
Islamic world.

- Introduction:
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi's story is one of resilience and leadership.
Born in 1137 in Tikrit, Iraq, he rose to prominence during the Crusades, a pivotal
period in Islamic history. Despite facing numerous challenges, Salah ad-Din's
dedication to his faith and people propelled him forward.

- Early life and background:

Salah ad-Din's upbringing was steeped in Islamic traditions.
Raised in a Sunni Muslim family, he received an education encompassing
theology, law, and military strategy.
His formative years instilled in him values of honor, duty, and piety.
Effat University
Spring 2024
GISL125 (1)
- Rise of power:
Salah ad-Din's journey to power began with his service in the Zengid dynasty's
His exceptional leadership skills quickly earned him recognition and
advancement. In 1169, he seized control of Egypt, laying the groundwork for his
own dynasty.

- Military campaigns:
Salah ad-Din's military campaigns against the Crusaders are well-documented.
His most notable victory came in 1187 with the recapture of Jerusalem at the
Battle of Hattin.
His honorable treatment of adversaries earned him respect, showcasing his
commitment to Islamic principles even in the heat of battle.

- Governance and Administration:

As a ruler, Salah ad-Din implemented reforms aimed at improving governance
and fostering prosperity. He centralized administration, reformed taxation, and
invested in public works projects. His dedication to justice earned him the
admiration of his subjects.

- Legacy:
Salah ad-Din's legacy extends beyond his military conquests. His reputation as a
just ruler and noble warrior endures to this day. His efforts to unite the Islamic
world against external threats laid a foundation for future generations to build
Effat University
Spring 2024
GISL125 (1)
- Conclusion:
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi's life serves as an inspiration for leaders and individuals
alike. His unwavering commitment to justice and his people embodies the ideals of
integrity and courage. Through studying Salah ad-Din's life, we gain insight inti
the complexities of medieval Islamic history and the enduring struggle for

- References:
-Maalouf, Amin. "The Crusades Through Arab Eyes." Vintage, 1989.
-Eddé, Anne-Marie. "Saladin." Harvard University Press, 2011.
-Lane-Poole, Stanley. "Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem." Gorgias Press LLC, 2002.
-Cahen, Claude. "The Formation of the Muslim State." Kegan Paul International, 1987.
-Ibn Shaddad, Bahā' al-Dīn. "The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin." Ashgate
Publishing, 2002

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