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INSTRUCTIONS: Write down the responses requested directly in the file. There is a total of
two scenarios in this exercise. After the completion of the exercise, submit the file in Microsoft
Word by using “Last Name, First Name-Exercise #3” as the file name.


In order to strengthen its image in potential students’ minds, the College of Business
would like to know which advertising appeal, emotional vs. rational, is more effective in creating
a higher level of recognition in the students’ minds.

1. What is the independent variable?

- The independent variable is the type of advertising appeal, emotional or rational.
2. What is the dependent variable?
- The dependent variable is the level of recognition in the student’s mind.
3. What is the treatment?
- The different types of advertising appeal, emotional or rational.
4. What is the treatment effect?
- The treatment effect would be being able to determine whether emotional or rational
appeals would increase the level of recognition in the mind for the College of Business.


In marketing, what service-contact-personnel wears has been demonstrated to influence

customers in general. Specifically, many empirical studies support that the appropriateness of
service-contact-personnel dress directly influences customer affect, customer expectations of
service quality, and purchase intention. In addition, the appropriateness of service-contact-
personnel dress indirectly influences purchase intention through customer affect and customer
expectations of service quality.

1. What is the independent variable?

- The appropriateness of service-contact-personnel dress.
2. What are the dependent variables?
- The dependent variables are customer affect, customer expectations of service quality,
and purchase intention.
3. What is the treatment?
- The way the service-contact-personnel dress.
4. What is the treatment effect?
- The treatment effect is how the treatment effects the dependent variable. The treatment
effect would be how the attire of the service-contact personnel effected the customer,
their expectation of service quality, and their purchase intention. If they had a good
effect, the customer most likely went through with a purchase. If the service employee
did not make a good impression or was dressed badly, they most likely would not have
made the sale.

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