Answers of Week10 Exam

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Answers of Week10 EXAM



Q1: Give the suitable term for each statement in the following:

1- They are keys to a successful recovery, (tested backups and regular recovery)
2- They are great alternatives to several more drastic traditional recovery
techniques. (The new Flashback recovery techniques)
3- This level of Flashback allows you to view old row data based on a point in time
or an SCN.(Flashback Query)
4- It mainly uses flashback logs to retrieve older versions of the data
blocks(Flashback Database)
5- A database is by default created in (no archivelog mode)


Q2: Choose the correct word for each sentence in the following.

1- all of Flashback techniques rely on undo data stored in the (undo, data, read only)
2- It Allows you to view old row data based on a point in time or an SCN(Query,
Versions Query, Transaction Query) of Flashback.
3- The Flashback Drop feature uses the (redo log files, Recycle Bin, archive files) to
restore a dropped table.
4- it also relies, to a much smaller extent, on archived redo logs (database, query,
table) of flashback.
5- Flashback Database mainly uses flashback logs to retrieve older versions of the
(data files, data blocks, redo log files)
Q3: Correct the wrong sentences

1- A database is by default created in archive log mode. (no archive log)

2- when you drop a table, Oracle gets rid of it immediately. (doesn’t get rid)
3- It can also provide an audit history of changes, effectively with performing any
DML activity. ( without performing)
4- Database recovery is a rather easy topic(rather complex)
5- The new Flashback recovery techniques are great alternatives to several more
drastic traditional recovery techniques. (true)

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