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The New Jersey case was initially After the surgery I noticed that my
treated as a missing person’s case no arm had started to atrophy. For example, it
connection was made between the fire teens was much thinner than my left arm, and I
“disappearance”. ln the decades since, any could barely lift a three pound weight.
clues have been all but obliterated. The site 3. Based on how the word “atrophy” is
of the fire is now a housing complex and used in the passage, what does it
additional case were reported lost in a mean?
courthouse flood. A. Increasing
1. ln line 2, the word obliterated is B. Rise
closest in meaning to… C. Moving
A. Eliminated D. Downgrade
B. Conserved E. Development
C. Fresh
D. Scattered In reality, though, stars are always
E. Prevented moving, but because of the tremendous
distances between stars themselves and
Mammals, on the other hand, are from stars to Earth, the changes are barely
warm-blooded, meaning that they generate perceptible here. An example of a rather
their own body heat and are thus more fast-moving star demonstrates why this
tolerant of temperature extremes. Birds and misconception prevails, it takes
mammals, because they are warm blooded, approximately 200 years for a relatively
move more swiftly and have greater rapid star like Bernard’s star to move a
physical endurance than reptiles. distance in the skies equal to the diameter
of the earth’s moon. When the apparently
2. The word “generate” in line 1 is
negligible movement of the stars is
closest in meaning to…
contrasted with the movement of the
A. Produce
planets, the stars are seemingly unmoving.
B. Distribute
C. Making 4. The word “perceptible” in line 2 have
D. Tolerate synonym with?
E. Finding A. Noticeable
B. Enjoyable
C. Lovable E. Dark
D. Astonishing
E. Manageable Whereas literature in the first half of
the eighteenth century in America had been
Despite its widespread use in largely religious and moral in tone, by the
industry, carbon tetrachloride has been latter half of the century the revolutionary
banned for home use. In the past, carbon fervor that was coming to life in the
tetrachloride was a common ingredient in colonies began to be reflected in the
cleaning compounds that were used literature of the time, which in turn served
throughout the home, but it was found to be to further influence the population.
dangerous: when heated, it changes into a Although not all writers of this period
poisonous gas that can cause severe illness supported the Revolution, the two bests-
and even death if it is inhaled. Because of known and most influential writers, Ben
this dangerous characteristic, the United Franklin and Thomas Paine, were both
States revoked permission for the home use strongly supportive of that cause.
of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United 7. The word “fervor” in line 2 is closest
States has taken similar action with various in meaning to…
other chemical compounds. A. Peace
5. The word “revoked” in line 4 could B. Spirit
most easily be replaced by… C. Shaking
A. Gave D. Shy
B. Instituted E. Introvert
C. Granted
D. Took away Human anatomy is the scientific
E. Take off study of the body’s structures. Some of
these structures are very small and can only
Objects like the sun are so luminous that is be observed and analyzed with the
difficult to look directly at them. assistance of a microscope. Other larger
structures can readily be seen, manipulated,
6. What is the meaning of luminous?
measured, and weighed. The word
A. Light
“anatomy” comes from a Greek root that
B. Massive
means “to cut apart”. Human anatomy was
C. Tiny
first studied by observing the exterior of the
D. Big
body and observing the wounds of soldiers
and other injuries. Later, physicians were Planck’s constant. It is now recognized as
allowed to dissect bodies of the dead to one of the fundamental constant of the
augment their knowledge. When a body is world.
dissected, its structures are cut apart in Planck announced his finding in
order to observe their physical attributes 1900, but it was years before the full
and their relationships to one another. consequences of his revolutionary quantum
Dissection is still used in medical schools, theory were recognized. Throughout his
anatomy courses, and in pathology labs. life, Planck made significant contributions
to optics, thermodynamics and statistical
8. The word “augment” is closest in
mechanics, physical chemistry, and other
meaning to…
fields. In 1930, He was elected president of
A. Prove
the Kaiser Wilhelm society, which was
B. Increase
renamed the Max II. Though deeply
C. Validate
opposed to the fascist regime of Adolf
D. Spread
Hitler, Planck remained in Germany
E. Decrease
throughout the war. He died in Gottingen

Planck introduced an idea that led to on October 4, 1947.

the quantum theory, which became the 9. The word “revolutionary” as used in
foundation of twentieth century physics. In line 9, means…
December 1900, Planck worked out an A. Dangerous
equation that described the distribution of B. Extremist
radiation accurately over the range of low C. Momentous
to high frequencies. He had developed a D. Militarist
theory which depended on a model of E. Impossible
matter that seemed very strange at the time. 10. The word “emission” as used in line 4
The model required the emission of means…
electromagnetic radiation in small chunks A. Giving off
or particles. These particles were later B. Holding on to
called quantum. The energy associated with C. Throwing away
each quantum is measured by multiplying D. Taking back
the frequency of the radiation, v, by a E. Taking on
universal constant, h. Thus, energy, or E,
equals hv. The constant, h, is known as
Although U.S. pharmaceutical drug Among the countries that participated
and vaccine trials are often conducted in drug and vaccine trials, high-income
internationally, a new study reveals countries such as Canada and European
“substantial gaps” between where these nations gained approval faster and at higher
U.S. approved products are tested and rates, while lower-income countries took
where they become available to patients. longer to gain access, if they did so at all.
After undergoing trials abroad, new African countries, such as Kenya and South
medicines and vaccines approved for use in Africa, had the lowest access of any region,
the United States are often unavailable in followed by nations in the Middle East.
the countries where clinical trials were International research participation allows
hosted, a Yale University led study U.S. patients to benefit from new
published on Wednesday in the Journal of medications, according to the report, but
the American Medical Association found. “not often mentioned is that clinical
The study suggests that some drug research research supporting U.S. medicine and
in the U.S. is misaligned with a “bedrock” vaccine approvals has been globalized and
principle of research ethics – that the is largely conducted in other countries,
“benefits and burdens of1research should increasingly lower income countries.”
be shared equitably by the people affected The report notes that these trials have
by it.” the potential to benefit both the U.S. and
Five years after the drugs had been other countries involved internationally,
approved in the U.S., just 15% were “yet, for this to be true, the other countries
approved in all of the countries where would need to have access to the
clinical trials had been hosted, the study investigational products ultimately
found. Researchers surveyed 34 U.S. approved for marketing,” the report says.
pharmaceutical company sponsored drugs The findings come as low and middle
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug income countries are pushing wealthy
Administration in 2012 and 2014 in areas countries to temporarily suspend patent
such as infectious diseases and neurology, protections for COVID-19 vaccines,
among others, based on almost 900 trials making them more easily accessible
performed in 70 countries. Of those globally. In the U.S., the Biden
countries, 7% received market access to the administration on Wednesday announced its
drugs tested within their borders within one public support for the waiver idea, along
year of FDA approval, while 31% gained with French President Emmanuel Macron,
access within five years. while other world leaders praised the move.
11. The word “trials” in paragraph 1 is E. Raw
closest in meaning to…
A. Experiments The government has proposed raising
B. Ordeals VAT from 10 percent to 15 percent to help
C. Adjudications fund county’s future health needs. The
D. Services proposed tax rise will only exacerbate
E. Offers financial problems for low income earners.
Low income earners are already among the
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a most affected by high taxes. People’s lobby
pointed snout, powerful limbs and a groups are already protesting against this
muscular tail. They use their keen sense of increase.
smell to locate decaying animal remains 13. The word “exacerbate” has the similar
from several miles away. They also hunt
meaning to…
other lizards as well as large mammals and A. Decrease
are sometimes cannibalistic. The Komodo B. Weaken
dragon’s teeth are almost completely C. Provide
covered by its gums. When it feeds, the D. Worsen
gum bleed, creating an ideal culture for E. Better
virulent bacteria. The bacteria live in the
Komodo dragons saliva causes septicemia, It has been noted that, traditionally,
or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon courts have granted divorces on fault
will bite its prey, then follow it until the grounds: one spouse is deemed to be at fault
animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard in causing the divorce. More and more
species is threatened by hunting, loss of today, however, divorces are being granted
prey species and habitat loss. on a no-fault basis.
12. “They use their keen sense of smell to Proponents of no-fault divorce argue
locate decaying animal remains from that when a marriage fails, it is rarely the
several miles away.” What is the case that one marriage partner is completely
synonym of the bolded word? to blame and the other blameless. A failed
A. Dead marriage is much more often the result of
B. Rotten mistakes by both partners.
C. Poisoned
D. Buried
14. The word “Proponents” in line 4 is species – Homo sapiens. The miniature
closest in meaning to which of the size of the one skull that has been
following? uncovered could be the result of Down
A. Recipients syndrome.
B. Enemies (3) Now, the most comprehensive analysis
C. Guider yet suggests the hobbits were, in fact,
D. Follower descended from a mystery ancestor that
E. Advocates lived in Africa over 2 million years
ago. Some members of this ancestral
(1) The identity of the mysterious Homo group remained in Africa and evolved
floresiensis, known as ‘the hobbit’, has into Homo habilis – the first makers of
once again been turned on its head. stone tools. The others moved out of
New research suggests the tiny Africa about 2 million years ago –
hominin evolved from an unknown before H. erectus did – and arrived in
ancestor that was the first to ever Flores at least 700,000 years ago.
venture out of Africa. Remains of the (4) “The ancestor would have gradually
extinct species were first discovered on changed, becoming H. floresiensis, as it
the island of Flores in Indonesia just spread through south and south- east
over a decade ago, but there is still Asia then arrived in Flores,” says Colin
fierce debate about where they came Groves at the Australian National
from. University, who co-authored the study.
(2) The dominant idea has been that H. His team constructed the hobbit’s
floresiensis was descended from the family tree by carefully comparing
larger Homo erectus, an extinct human skull, jaw, teeth, arm, leg and shoulder
species that once occupied Asia. fossils with other Homo species and
Proponents believe ancestors of H. more primitive ancestors. Previous
erectus were the first humans to stray research had only focused on skull and
out of Africa about 1.8 million years jaw characteristics. They found that H.
ago. After members of the big-bodied floresiensis was far more closely
group had reached Flores, they related to H. habilis than to H. erectus
gradually shrank to just 1-metre tall, or H. sapiens, suggesting it came from
for the island lacked resources. Another an ancient lineage and shared a
possibility is that the hobbits were common ancestor with H. habilis. This
simply short members of our own
is reinforced by its more primitive, (2) The measurement was taken by an
diminutive body type. automatic weather station at a remote
(5) The hobbit’s ancestors probably site named Klinck close to the summit
became extinct across Asia when of the Greenland Ice Sheet — the
bigger, more complex human species second largest body of ice in the world
like H. erectus and H. sapiens later — on December 22, 1991, according to
emerged from Africa, Groves says. H. an assessment published in the
floresiensis was probably only able to Quarterly Journal of the Royal
survive in Flores for as long as it did Meteorological Society.
because of its isolation, he says. (3) The fact that record has only just been
There’s no fossil evidence to indicate uncovered three decades after the
that H. erectus ever made it to the measurement was taken is the result of
island. Meanwhile, H. floresiensis an investigation by "climate detectives"
appears to have died out after H. from the WMO Archive of Weather
sapiens left Africa 60,000 years ago and Climate Extremes.
and pushed into Asia. It is possible that (4) These climate historians analyse and
a clash between the two species spelled verify long overlooked meteorological
the end of the mysterious Indonesian data, occasionally uncovering new
hobbits. records, as was the case with the
15. The word “shrank” in the third weather station at Klinck.
sentence of paragraph 2 means… (5) The station—which was located at an
A. Became bigger altitude of nearly 10,200 feet—
B. Became more narrow operated in the early 1990s, before the
C. Became taller WMO began evaluating global weather
D. Became shorter extremes. WMO researchers confirmed
E. Became thinner the new record after tracking down the
scientists who were once in charge of
(1) The World Meteorological the weather station—from the the
Organization (WMO) has recognized a University of Wisconsin-Madison—
temperature reading of -69.6 degrees and conducting an analysis of the
Celsius from 30 years ago as the lowest scientific equipment and observation
ever recorded in the Northern practices used, as well as weather
Hemisphere. conditions in December 1991.
(6) The lowest temperature ever recorded based task that involved squeezing a device
on Earth was a reading of -89.2 C (- to move the cursor to various on-screen
128.6 F) measured at the Vostok locations. Their performance was measured
weather station in Antarctica on July on speed and accuracy. All three groups
21, 1983. were given an initial training session on the
16. What does the word “remote” mean? task. The control group stopped after that
A. Central first training session while the second group
B. Left repeated the exact same session six hours
C. Right later — which is the amount of time
D. Close scientific literature suggests it takes to
E. Distant consolidate a memory. The final group
17. What the antonym of word completed a second training session, but the
“occasionally”? task was slightly modified to require
A. Sometimes squeezing the device at a different pressure
B. Irregular to move the mouse cursor correctly.
C. Frequently Finally, each group returned to take a
D. Dominantly test where they tried to complete the
E. Rarely original task. According to researchers, the
group who had a training session on a
Repetition is the diet and exercise of modified version of the task showed almost
music mastery. It’s unsexy and at times twice as much improvement as the group
quite boring, but there are no shortcuts. who repeated the exact same training
However, there is no shortage of various session when compared to the control
schools of thought on just what kind of participants.
repetition is most worthwhile. A brand new What researchers were looking to test
study out of Johns Hopkins University is the concept of reconsolidation.
might make a case that slight variation Consolidation of memory refers to the
mixed into practice regimen can help process of how short-term experiences are
musicians learn a tricky passage or strengthened and stored through recall to
technical skill faster than just simply become long-term memories.
repeating the same thing over and over. Reconsolidation is similar except that when
In an experiment, researchers divided those memories are recalled, they are
86 participants into three groups. All three modified and updated with new information
groups were asked to complete a computer- — like having to perform a task in a
slightly different way. The experiment
shows that reconsolidating memories
through variation might lead to faster
learning of a task than just consolidating
through repeating the exact same task,
however, Celnik also said that changing the
task up too much will hurt this process.

18. The following have the same meaning

as “accuracy”, except…
A. Precision
B. Exactitude
C. Impreciseness
D. Veracity
E. Rigorousness
19. The phrase “this process” in
paragraph 4 refers to…
A. Reconsolidating memories
B. Consolidating by repeating the
same task
C. Making drastic alterations to the
D. Having a training session in a
E. Training with a music instructor
20. The synonym of “repetition” is…
A. Reiteration
B. Otiosity
C. End
D. Inactivity
E. Disconnect

1. Pada text telah disajikan kalimat yang 5. “Because of this dangerous

menjadi clue dari kata obliterated. characteristic, the United States
Pada kalimat sebelumnya yaitu, “any revoked permission for the home use
clues have been all” makna kalimat of carbon tetrachloride in 1970.”
tersebut ialah semua bukti sudah ada. Took away memiliki arti yang sama
Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa teks ini dengan revoke yaitu mencabut atau
merupakan contoh dari penggunaan membatalkan.
antonym text. Jadi jawaban yang tepat Jawaban D
adalah Eliminated yang memiliki arti 6. Luminous memiliki arti yang sama
dihilangkan. dengan light yaitu cahaya/bercahaya.
Jawaban A Jawaban A
2. “Meaning that they generate their 7. “By the latter half of the century the
own body heat and are thus more revolutionary fervor that was coming
tolerant of temperature extremes.” to life in the colonies began to be
Merupakan kunci jawaban untuk soal reflected in the literature of the time,
ini. Generate memiliki arti which in turn served to further
menghasilkan. Tipe teks ini merupkan influence the population.” kalimat
definisi. Jadi jawaban yang tepat tersebut menunjukan maksud dari
adalah A. kata fervor yang memiliki arti sama
Jawaban A dengan spirit.
3. Atrophy memiliki arti yang sama Jawaban B
dengan Downgrade. 8. Increase memiliki arti yang sama
Jawaban C dengan augment.
4. Perceptible memiliki arti yang sama Jawaban B
dengan noticable yang memiliki arti 9. Dalam hal ini revolutionary memiliki
mudah terlihat. Pilihan B memiliki arti yang hampir sama dengan
arti membujuk, C yaitu dibayangkan momentous, karena penemuan Planck
sementara D artinya mencengangkan. bersifat positif. Sedangkan pilihan
Jawaban A lain memiliki konotasi negatif.
Jawaban C
10. Giving off memiliki arti melepaskan yang berarti ‘menyusut’. Makna dari
memiliki kesamaan dengan emission. ‘menyusut’ adalah menjadi lebih
Jawaban A kecil, sehingga makna yang serupa
11. Opsi A merupakan jawaban yang dengan shrank adalah became
tepat. Experiments (percobaan/uji smaller/became shorter (menjadi
coba) memiliki makna yang sangat lebih kecil/menjadi lebih pendek).
dekat dengan kata trials di bacaan ini. Jawaban D
Jawaban A 16. Remote mempunyai persamaan arti
12. Sinonim dari kata Decaying = dengan Distant.
membusuk Jawaban D
Dead = mati 17. Antonim dari occasionally adakah
Rotten = membusuk frequently.
Poisoned = meracuni Jawaban C
Buried = mengubur 18. Opsi C (impreciseness) tepat karena
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah merupakan lawan kata dari accuracy
rotten. (ketepatan).
Jawaban B Jawaban C
13. Sinonim dari kata exacerbate adalah 19. Opsi A (mengkonsolidasikan kembali
worsen. ingatan) tepat karena sesuai dengan
Jawaban D frasa rujukan pada kalimat yang
14. Proponents memiliki sinonim yaitu sama.
advocates. Jawaban A
Jawaban E 20. Reiteration merupakan sinonim dari
15. Kata shrank berada di kalimat “After repetition.
members of the big-bodied group had Jawaban A
reached Flores, they gradually
shrank to just 1-metre tall, for the
island lacked resources.” (Setelah
anggota-anggota dari kelompok
bertubuh besar tiba di Flores, mereka
menyusut secara bertahap menjadi
hanya 1 meter karena pulau tersebut
kekurangan sumber daya.) Shrank
merupakan Verb 2 dari kata shrink

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