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Design Challenge Lesson Template

Designer(s)/Creator(s): Steve Raymundo

Intended Grade Level: High School Algebra

The Design Challenge Problem Statement: Pick a section on graphs in any chapter that you
are curious or want to expand on. Please understand that you will mainly want to touch the
graphing aspect of these functions whether it be a line, parabola, exponential, cube, square
root,etc. This is to test your knowledge about basic components of graphs. Explain how you
graph the function you are presenting on.There will be an examination on the function you have
chosen. This will be all shown by making a comic book on Pixton.

Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Understand the basic function you are working with and all key components from the
function and its graph.
Demonstrate your knowledge of graphing the function
Understand the slope, rate of change, vertex, and other key components of the function
Understand the power of the function and what the graph would do at each point on the
Demonstrate you know the meaning of key vocabulary like x,y-axis, ordered pair, origin,
vertex, etc.
Lesson for a 60-90 min Lesson (Break down the activity/design challenge into smaller steps):
Estimated amount Activity/Steps:
of time:

5 minutes Launch: This will be a recall on many of the functions that have
been worked with throughout the semester. It will be presented
with the example that has been created. The student will be given
the tools for them to begin the assignment. Will set them up in
groups so they can work as a team and collaborate.

50 minutes Explore: Once given all tools and resources for them to work
together they have to produce a Pixton in a creative form each
member of the class has to be in the Pixton and they have to hit
all the key points of the function they are working with. They have
the ability to ask me questions and other groups questions. They
can use books as well as notes they have taken and if needed
with pre approved information online.

20 minutes Summarize: students will present their Pixton comic strip in class.
They will state an application of the function and graphing I. The
real world. This presentation is to show the comic strip and share
some fun facts about the function they’ve chosen.

Assessment Plan: The student will take assessment of the key components of the
function itself and the graph of the function.

Link to a completed design challenge product

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