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It is with very great pleasure that I write this recommendation for xxxxxxxxx whom I have known in

an advisory capacity for the past nine months. He has told me of his wishes to expand his knowledge
in the field of Materials Science and Engineering in which he has actively involved himself in
research. I hope that my view will help your admissions committee make a positive decision in his
application to your prestigious university.

His research bent of mind became obvious when he worked on the development of Crystal Graph
Convolutional Neural Networks models for high-throughput prediction of material properties as an
intern under my supervision. He undertook this highly ambitious research project with enthusiasm,
confidence and professionalism.

I was surprised to see how much work he put into this project. He tried to get the best possible
synergies between collaborating teams, working tirelessly on his new model that predicted properties
for inorganic materials using physics-based deep-learning techniques. It required a lot from him and
it showed when you watched him diligently perform tasks at hand. Even though he faced challenges
in improving efficiency due to the scarcity of data for many properties, he continued persistently with
other methods to overcome them. He was motivated to work on this project because of his
fascination with the idea that by accelerating material development we can extend many fields,
especially electronics and renewable energy. During his second scientific undertaking, he worked on
developing a model to predict the voltage of materials based on structural and bonding

Using deep learning for this project helped him understand what goes behind these black boxes so
that any modified models perform better. He explored the domain particularly well to come up with
the idea of introducing global variables for accurately predicting voltage and high-throughput
screening of materials. His interest in the fields of Solid-state physics, Electronic materials,
Electrochemistry and Computational Techniques came particularly useful as he was able to provide
valuable insights at crucial junctures of the project. This project, like its previous one, would
accelerate the pace of materials discovery of energy storage materials for supporting renewable
energy transition. Such undertaking of application-based projects, with equal impetus on the quality
of research and novelty being developed, speak volumes about his academic virtues.

His work ethic has impressed me, and his unrelenting quest for knowledge tells me that he will only
improve his performance in the master’s journey. Campuses all over America have very diverse
student bodies--a sign of healthy academia where people from every walk of life are welcome to
learn together as equals under one roof. In xxxxxxxxx , I see a person who has always struck a
proportioned balance with his social and academic life. Almost invariably, during our group
meetings, I would find him earnestly communicating and helping his peers, co-interns, and lab
associates. This led me to the belief that he can carry himself well with peers and he possesses the
ability to extend help whenever presented with the opportunity to do so.

In conclusion, I believe that xxxxxxxxx is just the kind of student who would fit into the category of
student you would like to feature in your research group. He ticks almost every box in the
qualifications of an ideal student. I have enjoyed working with this gifted young person. I strongly
recommend him to the MS program in the Department of Material Science & Engineering at
University of California, Los Angeles. I do this wholeheartedly and without any reservation. I am
sure that he would be an asset to your institution. His perseverance, diligence and citizenship
qualities would add significantly to your already impressive campus.
MIT Academic LOR Sample and Critique from Admission Office

It is a great pleasure for me to recommend David for admission to MIT. He is one of the most
extraordinary students I have encountered in 20 years of teaching. I taught David A.P. Calculus
last year as a tenth grader, and he was one of the very top students in an extremely able group
of mostly seniors. He has a high aptitude for math and was very much involved in his work,
applying himself with persistence and dedication and often going beyond the regular class

David’s abiding interest, however, is computer science. He has developed a series of “strands”
for use in providing computerized drill and review in the basic skills and techniques of algebra
and arithmetic and has recently adapted these to other subjects. David’s work in this area has
been so original and significant that he has published a paper on it and delivered several lectures
to professionals in other parts of the country. This is a phenomenal accomplishment for anyone,
especially a young man in rural Arkansas. It is also worth noting that both last year and this
year David taught computer programming to a tenth-grade class of mine for two weeks. He
took over completely, preparing lectures, assignments, and tests with great care and thought.
His lectures were clear and well organized, and it was obvious that he had expended a great
deal of effort to make the course the success that it was.

David’s personal qualities are as impressive as his intellectual accomplishments. An extremely

kind, sensitive and sensible boy, he has had a difficult family situation for a few years now. He
provides emotional support to his mother through her battle with cancer without allowing the
situation to undermine his own stability and accomplishments. He has exhausted all that we
have to offer him in this small community, and the maturity that he has demonstrated leads me
to believe him capable of entering college a year early, as he now plans to do. I sincerely hope
that you will be able to offer him a place in MIT’s freshman class.

Critique: Excellent! This recommendation is filled with comments from someone who clearly
knows this student well. We get a clear sense for not only David’s intellectual capacities, but
also emotional maturity. His genuine love for computer programming comes through in this
teacher’s description. We also realize that he is pushing academic boundaries in his community
and making opportunities for himself—a trait that is especially important for a candidate
seeking college admissions a year early.
During high school, I tried making batteries with fruits like lemons to light an LED. These experiments would often
fail because of insufficient power. This led me to try making a cell using multiple fruits connected in series. I also
experimented with different anode materials like magnesium from a tape recorder, aluminium foil, iron nails etc. I
was keen to maximise the output without needing to use more lemons, which introduced me to the fundamental
theories of electrochemistry. I learnt about the electrochemical series and energy storage devices like batteries
and capacitors. I was fascinated to see how changes in electrode, electrolyte chemistry and surface area affected
the performance of these devices. Using this new knowledge, I performed the same experiment using brined fruits,
replaced the electrodes with copper and magnesium, and achieved a much-higher potential.

When it was time for me to pick a direction to continue my education, it was clear to me that my interest in
electrochemistry and materials would have to be realised in my undergraduate major. In light of deep-rooted
interest, I decided to pursue undergraduate study in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from xxxxx, an
institute that is placed among the best in this field in India.

During my undergraduate study in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, I underwent rigorous coursework in
Solid-State Physics, Physical metallurgy, Ceramics, Composites and Polymers. Due to my interest in
electrochemistry and batteries, I took electives in Energy storage Technology and Hydrogen-Fuel cells. To
supplement these college courses, I attended online courses in Materials processing and development,
Nanotechnology and Functional Ceramics, Material Data Science and Informatics, Molecular Spectroscopy, Neural
Networks, and Deep Learning. Together, these courses form the sound foundation that informs my decision to
progress my career toward materials for energy.

My competence in problem-solving has been demonstrated by my participation and success in industry-organised

engineering competitions. In the New Generation Ideation Contest (NGIC) 2020 organised by Hindustan
Petroleum, I presented a novel approach for utilising low-value ferrous slag as silicon anode in Li-ion batteries.
The presented approach used molten salt electrolysis and sol-gel method to extract dissolved silicon in slag and
was awarded a top-10 position among 350 participating teams. At the Caterpillar Industrial Problem Challenge in
IIT Madras, my team was awarded 2nd position for proposing small scale landfill waste converters using fuel cells.
This approach used thermodynamic calculations to compute the efficiency of Landfill Gas fuel cells and moulded
a cost-efficient path that maximised energy output.

In the summer of my 2nd year, I was fortunate to work under the guidance of Dr. xxx at the National University of
Singapore (NUS). I was tasked with designing the reactor for the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials using
computational modelling of energy-mass transport and the mechanism of chemical reactions. The understanding
that I gathered from this experience gave me the ability to accurately identify the parameters that need to be
tweaked to make carbon dioxide reduction more efficient and controllable. During the process of identifying
materials for the reactor, I came across silicon obtained via molten salt electrolysis used as an alternative anode
for Li-ion batteries.

My interest in alternate anodes for Li-ion batteries led me to initiate computational research into coated silicon
nanotube and nanowire studies. In this study, I identified parameters affecting these anode materials during the
lithiation/de-lithiation cycle. Results revealed that coating thickness and lithium concentration are the dominant
factors influencing tensile strength and ductility in silicon nanostructures. I presented these findings at the
International Conference for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2021 and published the xxxx. I am in the process
of drafting the final paper for this study. The project gave me the opportunity to understand the underlying
mechanisms of lithiation-delithiation cycles in electrodes and the electrochemical properties of nanomaterials. The
software used also enabled me to explore statistical mechanics.

After my 3rd year, I worked under Dr. xxxat the University of Toronto (UofT) to create a new Crystal Graph
Convolutional Neural Networks model to accelerate material discovery. The algorithm was extended to battery
materials with changes to identify the relationship between capacity, volume and vacant space in lattice structures.
These experiences were instrumental in motivating me to research further in the field.

In order to reach the summit of industry-scale energy materials, it is necessary for me first to receive an education
that focuses on the research of energy materials. The state-of-the-art research conducted at xxxxxx institutes in
electrochemical energy storage and computational material science attracts me the most. The research that I
performed at NUS and UofT was made possible by their latest computational facilities, which are developed in
tandem with the facilities used by scientists performing cutting-edge research in computational materials science.
At MESC+, I wish to utilise equipment of the same calibre, furthermore under a collaborative and research-oriented
environment available in but a few universities across the world.

Prof. xxxxxx (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) work on multiscale modelling and artificial intelligence for battery
manufacturing fascinates me. My experience with coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics (MD), Monte Carlo (MC)
and Discrete Element Method (DEM) from my previous projects helps me relate to his current project, "ARTISTIC".
Also, I am familiar with the application of machine learning relevant to his ongoing projects to optimise electrode
processing. Similarly, Prof. xxxx (Université Paul Sabatier) research on Mxenes and other multivalent electrodes
align closely with my interest in developing high energy and power density electrochemical devices. His work on
exfoliation and delamination techniques to synthesise two-dimensional MXenes from molten salts is interesting. I
believe my experience studying molten salt nanomaterial synthesis and nanostructured ceramics can supplement
Prof. Patrice Simon's research in MXene based supercapacitors and batteries. I would be very obliged to work as
a Research Assistant under (but not limited to) Prof. xxxx and Prof. xxxx.

At xxxx, my peer group came from diverse backgrounds. I often sought advice and mentorship from my college
alumni, each of them having taken different career directions. My exposure to this diversity was foundational in
helping me understand problem statements across disciplines. I am confident of the diverse environment that I will
be part of during my graduate studies in Europe, and I am sure that this environment will enable me to tackle an
array of problems with ease considering that my peer group will consist of individuals that come from diverse
academic and social backgrounds. With the European Union leading the way to carbon neutrality by 2050, batteries
and other energy devices have a key role to play. This opens a large number of opportunities and resources to
conduct research and contribute to the field. Initiatives like BIG-MAP and ARTISTIC which are part of the Battery
2030+ roadmap fit my research interests in the field. In addition, established companies transitioning towards clean
energy and the rise of various startups will provide me with the opportunity to transfer my expertise to real-world
products to tackle climate change.

Interaction with Prof. xxx (Drexel University) made me realise the immensity of upcoming advancements in the
renewable energy sector and learn about the xxxx program that trains students to lead the transition. The program
provides the opportunity to gain experience with industry leaders such as Bosch, Umicore, Renault, Total, E4V,
SAFT and Solvay. Being face-to-face with industry-defining researchers in Europe will enable me to understand
the challenges in the global scale implementation of renewable energy. The knowledge and experience that I will
thus gain will help me perform my part in accelerating the utilisation of renewable energy among underserved
sections of the community.

These factors inform my decision to apply abroad for higher education, especially to xxxx in materials for energy
storage and conversion. Because of the persistence and dedication that I have thoroughly demonstrated
throughout my academic and scientific explorations, I am confident of my capability to complete the advanced
academic work that will be part of my graduate studies in Europe. My future goal is to engineer and help mass-
produce industry-scale renewable energy products. I am enthusiastic about working in the energy industry and
using my knowledge of computational engineering and advanced scientific research to identify ideal precursors
and parameters for the widespread implementation of Li-ion batteries. More specifically, my goal is to work for a
battery company as an engineer cum scientist or an R&D engineer.
This is an example Statement of Objectives of a student who successfully enrolled
in graduate school at MIT in CSAIL.

Research in Robotics. I have been working in XX Lab since my second

Briefly introduce your semester in EECS at UC Berkeley. The lab focuses on artificial intelligence for
research experiences and personal robots in households. My work in the lab is in hierarchical task and motion
summarize your main
planning (TAMP), which seeks to unify two types of reasoning: logical and
geometric. Logical reasoning involves specifying the various actions a robot can
take within its environment, using an abstract representation. Geometric reasoning
considers constraints such as obstructing objects and reachability. Efficient
integration of these two types of reasoning, logical and geometric, is a major open
problem that our work seeks to address. Our approach allows robots to execute long
task sequences that require many individual arm and base motions (for which it is
infeasible to plan directly), such as doing laundry, picking an object out of clutter,
and setting a dinner table.
For each project, In my first few semesters, I worked on implementing our TAMP system. My main
contribution was building an interface between our planner and the robot's
clearly describe your
perception system, so that we could move beyond simulation and run real-world
research problem,
experiments on our lab's PR2 robot. I also helped implement the dinner table task,
specific contributions where the robot had to transport cups and bowls from one table to another using a
(be technical) and tray. In our experiments, the robot was able to plan for and execute long task
research outcomes to sequences with high success rates, a breakthrough in robot capabilities. The work
demonstrate your led to a conference publication at ICRA 2014.
knowledge in the field.
In real-world situations, there is often uncertainty about the environment a robot
interacts with; it does not have complete information about the state of the world.
Since the ICRA 2014 system did not address planning in these situations, I worked
with a graduate student and another undergraduate on a novel algorithm for TAMP
in belief space. Here, the exact locations of objects are unknown; instead, a
distribution over possible locations are maintained for each object. These
distributions constitute the robot's belief. The algorithm combines planning with
sensor-based detection of the environment; these detections improve the robot's
belief by reducing variance. My contributions included implementation of a Monte
Carlo approach to computing collisions in belief space and a randomized algorithm
for sampling robot trajectories used in motion planning. I also co-implemented the
detection algorithms. We were able to apply our belief space planner to challenging
experimental tasks, such as navigating a narrow corridor containing obstructions
with unknown locations and finding a key located in one of several possible
drawers. The work led to a conference publication at IROS 2015.
A core issue with TAMP systems is often their reliance on hand-coded
heuristics to guide search over various integrations. Both the ICRA 2014 system
and the IROS 2015 system use custom heuristics to select 1) which logical sequence
of actions to try planning for, and 2) how to sample collision-free robot trajectories
for the chosen sequence of actions. As a result, these systems did not easily
generalize or scale robustly to more challenging problems. I saw an opportunity
here to integrate machine learning into TAMP, in order to address these limitations.
Under the guidance of a graduate student, I took the lead on developing a
reinforcement learning approach to learn how to bias the search spaces. Compared
to the original system, my system significantly improved robustness and success
rate (e.g., 42% to 86% on a task of picking up a particular can from a cluttered table
containing 30 cans, a standard benchmark task). The work led to a first-author
workshop publication at MLPC in IROS 2015 and a first-author conference
submission to ICRA 2016.
Research in Natural Language Processing. I believe research at the
junction of natural language processing and robotics will be critical to bringing
robots into our everyday environment. This belief motivated me to work with
Professor XXX in natural language processing. Our project seeks to improve the
performance of neural machine translation systems, which use recurrent neural
networks for machine translation. A major limitation of these systems is that the
vocabulary size must be small due to expensive computation of a normalization
term. Thus, these systems typically only consider the top 30K to 100K most
frequent words in a training corpus, replacing the other words with an unknown
word symbol. This significantly reduces translation quality. We observed that
performance could be improved by compressing the training data into a smaller
symbol set using invertible Huffman codes, thus circumventing the vocabulary size
issue. I developed and ran evaluations for this system on my own. Against a
baseline, our approach yields improvements in translation quality of up to 1.7
BLEU points on English-French translation for a widely-used dataset. The work led
to a first-author conference publication at EMNLP 2015.
STEM Outreach. Doing impactful work to push the frontier in robotics is only
Demonstrate enthusiasm
one aspect of what I hope to accomplish in graduate school – I also want to place a
strong emphasis on outreach. Throughout my undergraduate years, two main
and commitment to
outreach experiences have strongly shaped my growth as a human, educator, and
outreach efforts in researcher: leading the Robot Learning Lab's outreach team and teaching/mentoring
STEM, through concrete students in computer science. For the past two semesters, I have been the lead of,
examples and point of contact for, my robotics lab's outreach efforts. This is a critical aspect
of our lab, as it represents the communication layer between the technical work we
do and the public, from children in elementary school to visiting investors to
journalists from Bloomberg. Typically, we show about 30 minutes of our PR2 robot
doing tasks such as folding a towel and tying a knot. Additionally, I have been a
Teaching Assistant for five semesters across three courses: artificial intelligence,
introductory computer science, and computer architecture. Next semester, I’m
excited to be a Teaching Assistant for the course on machine learning! Student
feedback on my teaching averages 4.7/5.0, leading me to receive a 2015 UC
Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, given to the top 10% of
Teaching Assistants across the university.
Future Work. I believe MIT would cater well to my aspirations because of
Show that you have the diverse strength of its faculty and students. Specifically, I would be excited to
done homework about work with Professors Leslie Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, and Russ Tedrake.
the school’s research As I have spent my undergraduate research career gaining a deep understanding of
strengths hierarchical planning, I would certainly be interested in continuing this line of work
in graduate school. I hope to integrate machine learning and natural language
processing into TAMP. The former is important to allow generalization beyond
narrowly specified problem domains; the latter is important because household
robots should be receptive to natural language commands. Professors Kaelbling and
Lozano-Pérez have done astounding work together in manipulation planning using
Addresses question in
TAMP methods, such as Hierarchical TAMP in the Now, the FFRob heuristic for
motion planning using relaxed plan graphs, and (more recently) hybrid backward-
prompt about the
forward planning. Continuing my proposed work in TAMP under their guidance
applicant’s particular would provide me a strong environment for pursuing my interests and advancing
interests and how my research. Another major benefit would be that I could bring the perspective and
MIT programs experience I have accrued from working on hierarchical planning at Berkeley to
support those MIT, allowing me to make connections and comparisons to methods I currently use.
In a more general sense, I am very excited by applications of machine
learning to AI in robotics, such as deep reinforcement learning. I am also very
interested in pursuing research in this area. Professor Tedrake’s work in
optimization-based control for locomotive robots with constrained dynamics is
particularly fascinating to me, as recently deep learning approaches have led to
breakthroughs in autonomously learned locomotive capabilities; I would be very
interested in contributing. After graduate school, I hope to work in an academic
Addresses question setting toward professorship.
about the long-term
professional goal.

All rights to original essay reserved by the author.

Ojaswita Pant
# ï
Internship Experience
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR) Nov’21
Winter Trainee, Guide: xxxx, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-IITR
• Cultivated human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (2D and 3D spheroid model) to investigate the dosage and

time-dependent variation of sodium arsenite-induced developmental neurotoxicity.

• Concluded the mitochondrial oxidative damage in CNS (depleted levels of ATP) is correlated with the carcinogenicity of

sodium-arsenite; Hands-on: Western Blot, immunocytochemistry, and chemical/drug-induced cytotoxicity analysis.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore May’21-Jul’21
Summer Intern, Guide: Dr.xxxxxx, Department of Chemistry, IIT Indore
• Studied the natural product chemistry for design and synthesis of nano-drug delivery systems to treat metastatic cancer;

Developed understanding of targeted strategies (enhanced bioavailability and specificity) over chemotherapy.
• Identified small-molecule (M.Wt.<1kDa, less hetero atoms and rotatable bonds, improved excretion) targeting inhibitors

for advanced carcinoma; Concluded with a presentation on the research paper ‘In Vivo Evaluation of Ligand
Targeted Drug Conjugates for Cancer Therapy’.
Laboratory of Translational Chemistry and Drug Discovery, University of Delhi Feb’21-Apr’21
Research Trainee, Guide: Dr. xxxx, Department of Chemistry, Miranda House
• Synthesized a series of novel hydroxyethylamine (HEA) based fluorinated therapeutics for the treatment of Malaria

(Plasmodium falciparum species); Purified the analogues using column chromatography, HPLC and characterized them
using spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis, IR, NMR, and Mass spectroscopy.
• Introduction of -CF3 , -SCF3 , -SF5 , -OCF3 side groups to the analogues improved the lipophilicity, metabolic stability,

and extended circulation time, thus increasing their targeting efficacy against malarial aspartic proteases.
Project Experience
Guide: Dr.xx, University of California, Davis Sept’21-Present
‘Targeted Drug Delivery System in the Treatment of Lung Cancer and its possible interaction with COVID-19’
• Identified the upregulated growth factor receptors (GFRs) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and COVID-19;

Proposed repurposing of existing lung cancer targeted therapies (specifically targeting these GFRs) to treat COVID-19.
• Conduct a systematic meta-analysis (data in PubMed, Embase, Medline, DrugBank from 2016-2021 and visualize it using

Tableau) based on popularity, effectivity, side effects, and accessibility of the proposed strategy in developing nations.
Guide: Dr.xx, Department of Chemistry, Miranda House Jun’21-Jul’21
‘Review: Synthesis, properties, and applications of alkaline earth metal titanate perovskite nanoparticles’
• Researched existing literature (from 2010-2021) to summarize the structure, properties, and characterization of MTiO3

(M=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) perovskite nanoparticles and its application in healthcare, cosmetics, and targeted drug delivery.
• Key finding: efficacy of green techniques (sonochemical, hydrothermal, molten salt) over the traditional methods (sol-gel,

co-precipitation) as a sustainable alternative to synthesizing MTiO3 perovskite nanoparticles.

Guide: Dr.xx, Springfest, IIT Kharagpur ‘Biomarkers in the May’21-Jun’21
Early Detection of Breast and Lung Cancer’
• Completed a review paper describing the advent in the use of biomarkers for the diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer

and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); communicated to Journal of Molecular Structure
• Identified molecular biomarkers (blood, serum, Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), plasma metabolites) as early drug

targets for therapeutic intervention to monitor cancer progression, and predict the chances of disease recurrence.
Miranda House, University of Delhi (NIRF Rank: 1) 2018 – 2021
B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry, CGPA-x/10 (summa cum laude) New Delhi, India
• Minor in Mathematics
• Relevant Courses: Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Modelling & Drug Design, Green

Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Biomolecules, Coordination Chemistry, Organometallics, Chemical Kinetics, Spectroscopy

La Martiniere Girls’ College 2017-2018
Grade 12, x% (Rank: 1/30) Lucknow, India
• Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, and English

La Martiniere Girls’ College 2015-2016

Grade 10, x% (Rank: 1/40) Lucknow, India
• Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Environmental Applications, English, and Hindi

Research Interests
• Organic Synthesis, Drug Design, Chemical Biology, Nanomedicine, Green Chemistry, Computational Chemistry
Laboratory Experience
• Recrystallization, thin layer chromatography, derivatization, gravimetric and qualitative semi-micro analysis of mixtures
• Titrations, spectroscopy, colorimetry, rotary evaporation, microwave synthesis, Western Blot, RT-PCR, flow cytometry
• UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-240 model), flash chromatography (Yamazen), SemiPrep HPLC (Gilson)
Honours and Awards
University of Delhi 2018-2021
1 Position, Paper Presentation
Molecular Modelling is Changing the Landscape of Drug Discovery

• Chemistry in COVID-19 Era
• Climate Change and Natural Disasters
3rd Position, Poster Presentation
• Radioactivity: Nuclear Waste Management
• Sustainable Development Goal 6-Clean Water and Sanitation
La Martiniere Girls’ College 2016-2018
• Mrs. Farida Abraham Labour Durus Medal for effort and perseverance: For my tenure as the Vice Head Girl
• Dr. V.B.S Chauhan Medal and Shield: Best student in Chemistry in Grade 11 and 12
• Mrs. Swati Bishnoi Memorial Medal: Best student in Mathematics in Grade 11 and 12
• Dr. (Mrs.) Inderjeet Kaur Pahwa Medal: Best Student in a batch of 200+ students
Leadership Experience
Mridang, Indian Dance Society of Miranda House, University of Delhi 2018-2021
Logistics Head and Member
• Mentored 30+ students; Won 25+ group folk dance competitions nationally; Organized 15+ events including

Tarangini-annual classical and group folk dance competition, which witnessed 40+ participants from across India.
• Got recognized as one of the top 3 dance societies across the University of Delhi-a first since the society was established.

Science and Research Society, Miranda House, University of Delhi 2020-2021

Creative Head
• A peak pandemic initiative to popularize STEMM communication; Established a community of 50+ students from

different science departments to expose them to innovative and trending scientific research.
• Led a team of 10 members; Published 3 and edited 70+ articles on interdisciplinary sciences to be uploaded on the

society’s social media pages in just 1 year since its inception.

Rasayanika, Chemical Society of Miranda House, University of Delhi 2019-2020
Joint Secretary
• Organized the IUPAC Centenary Celebrations Seminar: To celebrate 100 years of IUPAC.
• Coordinated IUPAC Symposium on Bonding to Create Future Leaders in Sciences - Global Women Breakfast: An

international event held in conjunction with the U.N Day of Women and Girls in Science.
• Conducted 5+ events in 12 months with the participation of 10+ colleges across the University of Delhi.

La Martiniere Girls’ College 2017-2018

Vice Head Girl
• Led a council of 40+ students and handled the entire student wing, spearheading the school’s academic, annual, and

cultural events including the first-ever Farida Abraham Memorial National Debate and Quiz which witnessed the
participation of 12+ schools nationally.
Volunteering Experience
X, Fostering interdisciplinarity of Biology with other STEMM fields Scientific Sep’21-Present
Communications Coordinator
• Create content and implement effective digital marketing strategies to promote the E-learning platform; Conduct

interactive webinars and interviews with world-renowned scientists; Published 3 articles on the official website of
BioXspace; Formulated research projects focusing on healthcare and climate change.
X, Free access to education (NGO) HR and Jan’22-Present
Logistics Department
• Maintain records of 20+ academic departments; Review and recommend policies to improve the functioning of the

organization; Conduct new volunteer orientations, employee relations counselling, and administrative meetings.
Conferences Attended
Miranda House, University of Delhi 2018-2021
• IUPAC Symposium on ‘Empowering Diversity in Science’
• International Conference on ‘Chemistry-the catalyst for change’
• National Conclave on ‘Biodiversity for Everyone’s Life’
• National Webinar on ‘Learnings from the Corona Pandemic’
• Bridge Course in Laboratory Safety and Handling of Equipment
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India Jan’20
• International Summit on Women in STEM -‘Visualizing the Future: New Skylines’ - A 2-day summit that addressed

issues women in STEM face.

Udemy Dec’21-Present
• Cheminformatics and Medicinal Chemistry (completed)
• Nanotechnology: Introduction, Essentials, and Opportunities (completed)
• Introduction to Medical Imaging (completed)
• Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python (ongoing)

Languages: English (Professional, IELTS Band Score: xx), Hindi and Kashmiri (Native), Sanskrit
Technical: MS Office, ArgusLab, ChemSketch, ChemDraw, BioRender, Tableau
Soft: teamwork, scientific t emperament, a ll-rounder, l eadership, p rofessionalism, t ime m anagement, confidence
Hobbies: Indian classical (Kathak and Bharatanatyam) dance, badminton, embroidery, Mandala art, travelling

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