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^f)£ ^cconti Iclritton,











A Dictionary, Hindustani and English, accompanied by a reverse part, English and

HindQstani, has hitherto been a desideratum in this country. It must be obvious to every one
that the student of a foreign language, desirous of speaking and writing, as well as reading
it, should have not only the words of such foreign language explained in his own, but also
the words of his own tongue rendered into that foreign language 3 and that any Dictionary
confined merely to one department is essentially defective.
Thirty years' experience in teaching the Hindustani language has convinced me that
this deficiency, added to the exorbitant prices charged for Hindiistam Dictionaries, has
greatly impeded learners. I have therefore endeavoured to remove this impediment by com-
piling aDictionary of the principal colloquial language of India at once copious, portable,
and of a moderate price. These objects have been attained by using a small but clear and
tlistinct letter-press ; by employing the Roman character wherever it answered the purpose
better than the Oriental ; and by excluding every thing not practically usefiil. By these
means I have been enabled in the following work to comprise in a single volume, of con-
venient dimensions, both parts of a complete Hindustani and Hindi Dictionary, including,
at the same time, not only more words, but more information really useful to the student,
than will be found in any Dictionary of the language hitherto published.
" It is proper that I should here give a brief account of the sources to which I am
indebted for the materials of this Dictionary, and of the mode in which I have compiled both
its parts. The basis of the first part is the ^Dictionary, Hindoostanee and Emjlish' in
2 vols. 4to., published by William Hunter, M.D., Calcutta, 1808. Upon this foundation I
have superadded at least fifteen thousand words and phrases from the following sources :
1st. A vast number of useful words, both Urdii and Hindi, from the eccentric, but copious
vocabulai'y appended to Dr. Gilchrist's 'Hindee Moral Preceptor,' 8vo. London, 1821.
2ndly, A^\ the useful words and phrases occurring in Gladwin's '■Dictionary of Mahomedan
Law and Bengal Revenue Terms,' 4to., Calcutta, 1797. 3rdly, A gi-eat number of new
words from 'A Glossary of Indian Terms,' Svo., Agra, 1845, by H. M. Elliot, Esq.,
Bengal Civil Service. 4thly, Many Persian and Arabic words (which occur in Hindustani),
from Professv")r Johnson's last edition of Richardson's ^Persian and Arabic Di/:tionary.*
5thly, Several thousands of Hindi words from Dr. Adam's ^ Hindi Dictionary,' 2nd edition,
8vo., Calcutta. 6thly, From the Vocabulary accompanying the 'Prem Sajar,' 4to., Cal-
cutta, 1825, I have extracted all such words as were not found in Hunter's Dictionary,

1846, I have
7thly From Thompson's 'HirKTi and English Dictionary; royal 8vo,, Delhi,
to be found in any of the sources above
culled many pure Hindi or Sanskrit words not
in their proper places all the words occurrmg m the
mentioned. 8thly, I have inserted
at Madras, 1824 ; also many words
Appendix to the 'Dukhnee Umvari Soheilee,' printed
the materials collected
from the ' Qanoon e islam; by Dr. Herklots, London, 1832. To
and^ significations
from all the foregoing sources I have added numerous words, phrases,
of my experience in teaching the language. "*
that I have met with in the course
spared on the part
In preparing this Second Edition, neither toil nor expense has been
woi^ of the kind
of the author and publishers, in order to render it the most complete
The improve ments and enlargem ents now effected are the
ever offered to the public.
following , , 1 HT mi
Adam and Mr. Thomson
First. All the words contained in the Hindi Dictionaries of Dr.
By this means the student
have, in this edition, been incorporated each in its proper place.
Dictionary, any production
i. now enabled, for the first time, to read by the aid of one si.gle
that may fall in his way, whether UrdQ or Hindi. ,^ _ .
in the Persian and Devanag ar,
Secondly. All Sanskrit and Hindi words are given both
with those peculiar to the
characters; while words from the Arabic and Persian, together
only. This enables the student at a glance to
Dakhan, are given in the Persian character
Indian or Hindu, from those which are Exotic or
distinguish the words which are purely
Musalman. , -„ . /> .i r^ r .-
Pei-sian text of the Gulistan
Thirdly. I have inserted all the words contained in the this Diction ary
Gramma r and
of Sa'di, so as to enable the learner, by the aid of my Persian
e examina tion in Persian .
alone, to qualify himself for passing the requisit
Binning, Esq., of the
Founhly. To my friend and quondam pupil, Robert B. M. peculiar to the
I am indebte d for numerou s words and phrases
Madras Civil Service,
many interesting explanations and
corrupt dialect of the Dakhan, or South India ; besides
appeared in any Dictionary
definitions of words purely HindQstani, that have never before
in justice to Mr. Binning, marked
of the language. These, when of some length, I have,
and pleasure in thus pubhcly acknowledging
with his name or initials ; and I feel both pride
an's kind and disinterested services. At his
how much I have been benefited by that gentlem
edition was, some yeavs ago, forwarded to him
own request an interleaved copy of the first
that the same was in due time returned to me, well filled
in India ; and the result has been formation.
with sound and valuable in o •*• u
Rieu, of the British
Fifthly. I have also to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Charles
g the work for the
Museum, for his able and hearty co-operation throughout, both in preparin
they were issued in the course of pnnnng.
press, and also in correcting the proof sheets as
with a view to improve , or, more correctl y speaking , to complete , his knowledge
Dr Rieu
the following important
of the language, has, within the last four or five years, read
the '' Guli Bakawan;'
works; v{z.mVvdu-ihe"Akhlaki Hindi;' the " Khirad-Afroz;'
he '^ Baital Pachlfi;'
the <'Am,ishi Mahfii;' and the " IkkrvRnu-s-Safd', and in Himli-t
the ^^ Singlmsan BattuV' and the " Prm Sagar: ' He used an interleaved copy of the
word not already
first edition of this Dictionary; and marked down in its proper place every
e of words and phrases has been collected
included in that work, by which means a multitud
of lexicogr aphers, myself among the number.
that had hitherto escaped the notice

* Preface to tlie First Edition, 1848.


Lastly. I have to acknowledge my obligations to the valuable work recently published

by Pi'ofessor H. H. Wilson, Libranan to the Easf-India Company, &c. &c., entitled
"A Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of useful word" occurring in Official Docu-
ments^ relating to the Administration of the Government of British India.'" From that
work I have here inserted all such words as are Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Sanskrit, or
Hindi. Many of them never before appeared in any Dictionary, and a vast number of
others may be met Avith in Dictionaries that have not attached to them the significations
they bear in official documents. All such significations I have carefully added where they
were wanted ; and when the explanations were too long for insertion in full, I have referred
the student to Professor Wilson's work for further information.
I have been enabled to save a vast deal of space by making a free and legitimate use of
the Roman character, according lo a fixed system — that of Sir William Jones. The economy
of this plan will be seen at once by a reference to the words ,^5ol aiikh, " the eye;" Ji c?,7,
" the heart ;" ^^ gul, " a rose," or to the numerous compounds under the particles ^J, hi',
U na, and ^) la, &c. ; where I have, in one column, given as much matter as the great
quarto Dictionaries furnish in four or five. This has been effected by rejecting the Oriental
type, which has enabled me to use a much smaller Roman type after the first line of every
article. The use of the Roman character in all phrases and compounds, &c. originating
from the leading word, as, for example, under >^^\ ahkh, &c., is just as unerring as if the
Persian and Devanagarl characters accompanied it throughout. Every Roman letter has its cor
responding symbol in either of the Oriental characters ; hence there can be no difficulty or
uncertainty in converting any word written in the former into either of the latter. If the
reader has the least doubt on this score, he has merely to cast his eye over the following
1st. A Table shewing the correspondence of the vowels in the Persian, Roman, and
Devanagarl characters :—
Persian. Koman. Devanagarl. Persian. Roman. Devanagarl Persian. Roman. Devanagarl.
\ a ^ ab ^^ <iJ bad W^
is ^
^ji5 din f^
us T^ CL^ but ^Tl
^ ^
T a ^ (^_j*
as ^m O'J bat WTW

0 ^ ok ^^rr
y** so ^

y j^
« ^ ud ^
■J3 ta Ifo>
au ^ J
aur ^T
y nau "^
ji e
'^i ^
ek ^oB
^, be \
^' ' %
\S\ ikh %T^ i&^ si ^

ai ^ aisa ^W ^ hai 1 i

Let it be remembered, that in all Oriental words a is to be sounded short, as in " happy,"
" America ;"— ^, short, as in " fit," " fin ;"—u, short, as in " put," " push ;"— a, long, as in
" war," " water ;"— o, long, as in " pole," " mole ;"— m, long, as in " rule ;"— au, like our ou
in "sound," or the German mi in "haus," a house; — e, like our ea in "bear," or the
French e in de, only longer in quantity ;— i, long, as in the words " police," " machine ;"
and — ai, like our i in fire," " fine," or the German ai in " Kaiser," a Caesar or emperor.
The anomalous Sanskiit vowel ^ri is expressed in the Persian character merely byj (re with

a kasra) and in the Roman character by ri, sounded as ri in " rill," " rip," &c. The Arabic
termination L is represented in the Roman character by a or a, according as its sound is short
or long.

2ndly, A Table shewing the agreement of the consonants, Persian, Roman, and Deva-
nagari —

Persian. Roman. Devanagari. Persian. Roman. Devanagari. Persian. Roman. DevanagarL

(--'-^ h ^ a d ?
hh TR dh V
t '?
P J d ^
t tr

V ^i
a IT
'^. •^J ^ f
dh ^ &c.
o -^ t H <^ ^
th ]) r ^ k
J hh
LJ-^ t Z r ^
th Z Z 0

c^ s ^ «»1 J zh
^ ^ J I

^ r
^ sh (jh
-^^ ch
chh ^ lA s T(

h ? z ^
C u**
t hh ^
t W

The Arabic consonant c is represented in the Roman character by an apostrophe, thus,
^ 51
iXjO ha'd. This can never lead into U
error, as the apostrophe is never used (in the Oriental

words) for any other purpose. The symbol /^am^a of the Persian character is indicated by
a similar mark (,) at the bottom of the line, and the imperceptible 8 /t at the end of Persian
words is represented by the short vowel a, as may be seen in the word 5.i.yi fa,ida " gain
or advantage." The nasal sound of the letter ^ is indicated in the Roman character

by n, and in Devanagarl by the mark * above tlie letter with which it is connected : thus,
-jljfcj wahan "^T " there ;" U— jJ^ liarisna ^^ " to laugh." The terminations an, im tiny
denote the Arabic nmatioriy and the w denotes the Persian . which in some words is not
sounded, as in khwah, "bSyf, Lastly, the m indicates the short sound ofj in a few Persian
words, as dy>- khud.
3rd. A Table for converting the Devanagarl characters into the corresponding Persian
and Roman characters :— ^\

Ist.— INITIAL '^

^ ^J ^
% ^ ^ «5l^ * ^
^ 1/

\ T \ \ y J
a a XT i t u u ri 0 az 0»T au
1? T8


^ ^ n 2nd.- ^ 7 7 ^
< ^ r 4 U ^
-^i </^ U

k hk 9 n cAA i w < ^ dh
-^ ch •4^
M TT ^ ? V ^ 4^
1 ^ ^
U V r J J
jb^ '
n t tk d n
(—6 .» bh ??i r ^ ^
dh OT ^

J 'V jh
70 sh s h
f^^ kh

^ ^ ^ ph ^ ^
had bad 6i<^ hud bud
^ % ^ ^
4 li-O

brid bed bnid bod baud ba


It may be observed, that the Devanagarl letter ^ has sometimes the sound of a
cerebral r ; in which case it is marked with a dot beneath, thus ?, and corresponds with
j orj in the Persian character ; as, ^|T bara, " great," \v ; and in like manner S dh with a
dot beneath becomes ^j rh, as in ^T^T "old age," bUjJ burhapa. The various nasals of
the Devanagarl are represented in the Persian character by the letter ^ , which will be

found sufficient for all useful purposes. The letter ^ is generally represented by (^ ; but

sometimes by (v» ; and the letter ^ is more frequently ^ than (^. The compound ^^
is generally represented by ^a- cM or ^hh, more rarely by ^Jti /««/?, its proper sound.
The compound ^ is represented by (_^; as, ^r^ agya (ajna), \J\ : its real sound is that of
f/n in the French words champagne, li/jne, &c.
It appears, then, that the Devanagari alphabet may be represented with tolernble
exactness in the Persian character; but the converse does not hold, as the Persi-Arabic
alphabet has fourteen letters which have no exact counterpart in the Devanagari. The plan
adopted in this case is to represent the letters in question by such Nagarl letters as approxi-
mate nearest to them in sound, which in printed books are generally distinguished with a dot
underneath ; thus.

t t J i t

J t_itfi
1^ C
^ ^&c. ^lb H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f

L>9 " Hindee Story-teller," an attempt

In some printed books, for instance in Dr. Gilchrist's
has been made to form distinct Devanagari letters for the various forms of the Persian and
Arabic z, which, it will be observed, are all represented by »r ; but in reality the object is
not worth the labour. In the first place, the Hindus, U^ who alone use the Devanagari
character, are sparing in the use of Persian or Arabic wonls, to one or otlier of which the
various forms of the letter z belong; and secondly, such words as they have in the course of
centuries adopted have become naturalized, or rather corrupted, so as to suit the elements of
the Nagarl ; thus, (jy«^^ is generally written and sounded ^ifsrfO hdjin. The letter c
is generally represented'in Nagari by employing the vowel with which it is connected, in the
initial form, with a dot under it: as, .^jO W^ ba'd; J^ 2[^ 'Urn; yfi' T^ 'umr. This
method is sufficient for practical use; but it is by no means satisfactory, as maybe seen in the
monosyllable ^^, which in Persian and Arabic is sounded ha'd (the a uttered from the
bottom of the throat) ; but according to the rules of the Devanagari alphabet it makes ha ad.
In fact, the Hindiis seem to view the letter c as a vowel, and not as a consonant, Avhich it
really is.
In the compilation of the Second Part, my principal authority is Dr. Gilchrist's
" Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee," 2 vols. 4to. with Appendices, Calcutta, 1798,
reprinted, &c. Edinburgh, 1810, in one volume, 4to. The merits of this work have
amply appreciated by Hindustani scholars for more than half a century. The first orientalist
of the present day speaks of it as " a work of great merit and labour : the collection of
Hindiistani synonyma for every word is singularly full, and peculiarly adapted to a language
which varying in the use of words though not in structure, in every province abounds with
is in
synonjonous terms, each of local and restricted employment. The whole (edition 1810)
in its compilation which alone is indicative of no ordinary
the Roman character, a singularity
myself of
industry and perseverance." Such being the case, I have, as a general rule, availed
all the words occurring in Dr. Gilchrist's Dictionary, subject, however, to a strict course of
correction. In Dr. Gilchrist's early days, the Hindustani language was in a manner
unformed, and its orthography unsettled : hence, in a multitude of words he gives the long
tt (oo) instead of the short w, and vice versa. I have throughout endeavoured to follow as

my guides on this head the standard writers of the language, such as Mir Amman, in the
" Bdgh 0 Bahar ;" Ikram 'AIT, in the " Ikhrvanu-s-snfa," &;c. fcc. To the very copious
collection furnished by Dr. Gilchrist, I have added several thousands of Persian and Arabic
words (known to be used in Urdu) from the "Dictionary, English, Persian, and Arabic,"
by Dr. Wilkins, London, 1810, 4to. From Adam's "Dictionary, English and Hindtiicee,"
I have extracted many pure Hindi words which escaped the notice of Dr. Gilchrist. I have
also found many useful words and phrases in the "Dictionary, English, Bangall, and Hin-
dustani," of P. S. D'Rozario, Calcutta, 1837, 8vo. Lastly, I have added numerous
synonymous and expressive words and phrases which my own experience has supplied.
It will probably be thought that the Second Part of this Dictionary errs on the side of
excess ; but I have deemed it the safer course to run the risk of inserting a superfluous or
even a vulgar word, rather than omit one that could by possibility occur in writing or
conversation. It must be recollected that the Hindustani is, in more senses than one, a
vulgar tongue, and that it abounds in a class of words, for the eschewing of which the great
Dr. Johnson is said to have been once complimented by some elderly lady, to whom the
polite lexicographer replied, " Yes, Madam, I have omitted all such words, but I find that
you have been looking for them."
In Part First, compound words are generally to be found under the first or leading
member of the compound ; at the same time, it is proper to observe that the Hindustani
language is capable of admitting or forming thousands of compounds not to be found in any
dictionary: hence, the learner should bear in mind the more general rules of composition, as
laid down in any good grammar of the language. The same remark applies with regard to
the rules for derivation, particularly those relating to the formation of causal verbs and
abstract nouns.
The few contractions used throughout the work are the following : The letters a, p, s, at
the end of many definitions, denote that the word is fi-om the Arabic, Persian, or Sanskrit
respectively ; the letter h distinguishes such words as are aboriginal or purely Indian ;
and d such as are peculiar to the Deccan (dakhan) : the few words marked t and g are of
Tartarian and Greek origin respectively. The other contractions are, m. denoting the
masculine gender ; f. feminine ; a. an active or transitive verb ; and n. a verb neuter. The
letter v. imports vide, and pi. the plural number.
In Part Second, and occasionally in Part First, the following contractions are used in
the foi-mafion of compound verbs : k, for karna (or the Persian kardan), " to make ;"
h, for ho7}a, "to be, to become;" j, for jana, " to go, to be;" r, for rakhna, "to keep, to
have ;" d, for dena, " to give ;" I, for lena, " to take ;" d, for ddlna, " to throw;" and b, for
bandhna, " to bind." These, with the exception of the first two, are chiefly used in the
formation of intensives, and consequently they have then laid aside their own primitive
signification. As a general rule, compound words have their parts or members separated by
a hyphen, thus, dil-nishin, tan-durust, sar-gardan, &c. Such compounds, when transferred
into the Oriental characters, are optionally written entire as one word, or distinct as two.
The short i, denoting the Persian izafat, is indifferently written either as the last letter ot
the governing word, or separately between the two words, as dardi sar or dard i sar, the
sense being abundantly obvious either way, as no Persian word ends in the short i except
it be in a state of construction with the substantive or adjective following.
I have avoided cross references, which are very embarrassing to the learner, retaining
only those in which tne word referred to is either close at hand, or is attended by a long
explanation which it would be needless to repeat.

Some good-natured friends have occasionally expressed to me their regret that the
Second Part of the work had not been given in the Persian character. Had it been so, I
must either, in the first place, have added the pronunciation in Roman characters to each
word (otherwise the work would be utterly useless), and this would have increased its size to
at least six times what it now is ; or, in the second place, omitting the Roman character, I
must have given all the vowel marks and other orthographical symbols, which would have
extended it to at least ten times its actual bulk, without possessing one single advantage over
what it now has.*
In conclusion, I have only to add, that amidst such a mass of small letters, it will not
seem surprising that an occasional error of the press should occur. I trust, however, that
the number of such errors is small ; and I am confident that the generous, the learned, and
the experienced (and it is only their good opinion I am ambitious to obtain) will not deny
me their kind indulgence.

* Two lines of even the smallest Oriental types in this country would occupy at least as much space as
five lines of the Roman character used in Part II. of this work. If the vowel-points, &c. be used, the
spaces between the lines must be nearly doubled : hence the truth of the above remark will be obvious to those
at all conversant with Oriental typography.

58, Burton C'rescewt,
January, 1857.

\ alif, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet; b,M ^^TTTTT ubdrnd, a. to set at liberty, s.
in numeration it counts one. ^ a or a-lcdra, the
first elementary sound in the Sanskrit alphabet ; bjbl T^RtTT ubdrnd,^. tokeep in reserve, h,
it is a name of God, or Vishnu. As an inseparable
particle prefixed to a word, it signifies negation or pri-
uiJb\ ^^T«fr a-bdk, dumb, speechless, s.
vation ; as, a-dharm, injustice, or irreligion, from
dliarm, justice, &c. It is akin to the alpha privativum US b^ '3^o{i*TT ubdknd, a. to vomit, reject, h.
of the Greek, the in of the Latin, or the tin of the Ger-
man and English. As in Greek, it becomes an before U)b\ '^^^TTT nbdlnd, a. to boil, to make
boil. h. [sian year. p.
a vowel, as an-anta, endless, or without end.

t—^l W^ ab, now, pj-esently, just now, a lit-

^jbl dbdn, m. the eighth month of the Per-
tle while ago; by adding Ted, ke, k'l, it forms an ad- bb\ T^Tvn ubdnd, a. to sow, to plant, h.
jective, as ab-kd zamdna, the present time. h.
j_^bl dj)d,t, belonging to or descending from
1^^ ^ lb, thus, as, in like manner. 5. one's ancestors, paternal, a.
(^\ ab (contract, from y\), a father. Tii \ db i bdrdn, m. rain-water, p.
Hindustani, the plural is of most frequent occur-
rence, as in dbd 0 ajddd, fathers and grandfathers,
ancestors, a.
t/jb L-^l db-bdzi,
swimming, p. f. play or sport in water;
c-^l ab, m. water, splendour, elegance, dig- auL^ C_->1 dbi basta, m. ice, glass, p.
nity, lustre (in gems), temper (of steel, &c.), edge,
sharpness (of a sword, &c.). The word ab in Persian (^jjj^ ^f^%oR a-bibeh, m. want of discri-
is used in a great many metaphoric and idiomatic mination abibeki,
; indiscreet ; abibekatd, folly. *.
expressions, p.
" fields,( SiC.
j\ p.dbpdahi, f. sprinkling water oa
b\ iba, m. denial ; iba-k, to refuse, deny. a.
bl aba, fathers (pi. of c-j\ o*"^^* q* v.). a. L-.'blJ! db-tdb, f. splendour; also a& 0 tab. p.
^_)JJb^ abdbtlf m, a swallow, a. ( a':.>\ ab-tab, presently ; ab-tab h, to be in a
dying state, to be all over with one. h.
iJi^s-K^] ibahatff. permitting, giving liberty, a.
io\^\ dbtdba, m. an ewer; generally written
iibl abaci, cultivated, peopled, pleasant; full dftdba, and sometimes dftdwa. p.
of buildings and inhabitants ; used in composition in
the sense of city or ville, as aklar-dbdd, the city of \s^\ ibiidd, f. beginning, commencement,
exordium, a.
Akbar, or (as the Americans would say) Akbar-ville,
the city of Agra. p.
's^dl>\ ibfidd.an, in the beginning, at first, in
the first place, a.
jj^iibl abadan, synonymous with abad. p.
i^iibl abad am, f. a habitation, a cultivated, (^^Sl}\ ibtizdl, m. vileness, meanness, servi-
tude ;carelessness in preserving any thing, a.
populous, pleasant place ; population, cultivation,
abundance. In Hindustani it is seldom used except Ji>\ ubtar, wortliless, spoiled, wanton, dis-
in poetry, dbddi being the common expression, p.
solute ;abtar'i, worthlessness. a.
O i.jj lib I abad-beshl, f. first assessment of ^L-jj^ ibtisdm, m. cheerfulness, a smile, a.
" newly-settled or cultivated land. p. <j}Zi\ ab-tah, till ... now, ... ^ yet, up
jOtibl abad-har, the original or first settler
on waste land. p. f^^X^\ ab-talah,
to the present time, as
'JjS lib! abad Jiarnd, a. to build, cultivate, {^J^'lA ab-talag,
make a place habitable and populous, p.
yet, still, notwithstand-
'^libl 'STFTIVT dbddhd, f. segment of the base iner. h.
^CJ^ Jo\ ab-to ri,
of a triangle, s.
^^bi dbddi, synonymous with dbdddni. p. '^';:>\*^^
i^j'y ibtild, suffering, misfortune, a.
( 2 )
m. gladness, alacrity, cheer- 8 »i- L-^T ah-khura, m. a narrow-mouthed
fulness, ibtihaj,
^_l^^ a. vessel for drinking out of, a cup for drinking water, p.

^^li\ ^5Rfl1( ah-ta,vi,ti\\ now, till this time. h. tij\ a&arf, m. eternity, without end. a.
^j<l>\ ^(WH ab-tch, from this time, hence, h. \Sj\ fl6a(/«n, eternally, for ever; never, a.

^JJJ^ ^^TJT ithtan, m. a detergent substance .bi_->T ab-dar, m. the person intrusted with
tor rubbing on the body; a cosmetic: also u6a/, or the' charge of water for drinking, adj. polished, of a
xihft, or uhtaiiS, same as uptayi, q. v. A. good water (as gems), well tempered (as steel), p.
Ui^i uhatna, a. to rub on the body the cos- ^l»-)bi— jT db-dar-khana, m. a repository of
metic tibtan or vptan. h. drinking-water, p.
4:\ ^^ abja, m. the nymphaa or lotus ;
^the moon ; a conch ; a species of tree. «, ^j\si\ db-dd}-l, f. sharpness (of a sword, &c.);
"polish (of gems); office of aJrfar. p.
j_tf,ls» L-->Ta&?-ja?i, m. running water,a stream, J >^
c.\d^\ ibdd\ m. the production of something
"rivulet, tears flowing, p. a. new. a. [0°^ thing for another, o.
:^\ abjad, m. the alphabet ; a mode of reck-
oning numbers bv the letters of the alphabet ; the first J\jj\ ibdrd, m. change, exchange, substituting
letter counting one, the second two, &c., accordin g to
their ancient arrangement.— Vide Persian Grammar, J\s>\ abddl, m. a religious person, devotee,
enthusiast, abdall, of or relating to a devotee; an
p. 23, or Hindustani Grammar, p. 20. a.
epithet assumed by Ah.mad, the founder of the late
Afghan dynasty, a. [ah o dana. p.
who is learn-
^J\^S:ingii\ abjad-
his alphabet a. p. , m. one
, khfpan
^bu->T db-ddna, m. food and drink : also
^i ab-jo, f. a rivulet or streamlet, p.
C^uj>ii)\^'\ db-dasf, m. washing the hands
^^L_^T ab-josh, m. gravy, soup. p. (particularly after any unclean action), p.

^j^ c-.'T abijo,e, f.the water of a rivulet, p. abi danddn,

lish of theS\ teeth;
,.j\s>i^<> m. sharpness and po-
debility, p.
^.\ ^^^ «-Z;acA, that which has not escaped, h.
fi!S^\ W^ a-badh, sacred, inviolable, s.
.l<i\ ^f^^tt a-bichar, m. want of conside-
ration, injustice, s. ^^^ ^^M or^r^f^ a-budh or a-buddhi, stu-
pid, ignorant ; also s. f. ignorance, s.
^.U3 ora-bichat'i , m. a-bkliarin, f. an unjust
"man woman, or a man or woman destitute of consi- \Sbdj\ ^^VT abdhd, f. a segment of the base
deration or reflection, s. [intelligent. .
ofa triangle. 5.
\31m»- <— .jT ab-charhana, a. to whet or polish
one's sword, &c. p. h. [tears, p. ^oUJ&^^ '?rwfl»n«T a-buddhimdn, stupid, un-
C^^S>\ '3IT^ abdhut, m. a kind of fuhh
^L»- i_^T abi chashm, m. water of the eye, or devotee. This class are worshippers of Shiva,t.
±.s^f.^^ ab-chashi, f. giving drink to a child fem. abdhulni. s. [not to be slain, inviolable,
'^r'the first time (generally about six months of age)
preparatory to weaning him. p. jfc^^ ^RTfl a-badhya, not deserving death,

J^\ '>nr^-Mcj> a-bichal, motionless, unmoved, ^^\ abadi, eternal, without end. a.
unshaken, resolute, firm. s. s.
b^\ ^fwOT a-bidyd, f. ignorance,
\.±^\ ^T2R:T abchhara, f. a female dancer
I3y6 iS>,sA db-dTida hond, to shed tears. pJu
in'the court of Indra; also a;)c/i/fam and (7/)5aro, q.v. i
,>\ abr, m. a cloud, abri siydh, a black cloud.
Jp. i_^T hbi haram, forbidden water, i.e. abri *~ V
Jhallz. a thick cloud, abri azur, J without
a cloud [rain. p.
' wine ; insincere or hypocritical tears, p. a.
C^w-^ (— -jT abi hasrat, m. water of desire, j\ ^T^t; abar, now, at present. /^.
WUhTappe'tite, longing, p. a. [immortality, p. a. \,i\ ^T^TTT ab7-d, m. the outer fold of a double
OLs» (--'T abi hayat, m. the water of life, ; disting
ten also abra,
garment h. from astar, the lining.
q. v.uished

^J^y-s- L^T abi haiwan, m. water of life ; .b\ abrdr (pi. of J^), just men, holy, pious,
fabulous' fountain so called, p. a. ibrar, victory superiority, a.
dutiful (to parents),
i5J)\i^ (_^T ab-khana, m. a repository of water,
, (same as
h. , a. to keep in reserve
a reservoir; a cellar, p. [lations. a. \i]j>\ vhrdnd
Ij^y abMiira (pi. ofjUl), m. vapours, ^\j\ Ibrdh hn, the patriarch Abraham.
t, a water melon or cu- of a pious sovereign that for-
cumber, p. ab-Mas
C„.^^ (_->T ^brrihlm Adham, name
merly reigned at Balkh. a.

^i- c-.^T abi Mizr, water of immortality ; ^ji\ abrad, colder, most or very cold. a.
inspired knowledge, p. a.
{,^j>\ abras, leprous, a.
Jitf^ abhAal, very or more avaricious, a.
J^\ abrah or ti)^^ abrah, m. talc, mica. a.
j^ l-jT Rb-hhp; I m. victuals, food and
13^\ -g-^-^ iibarnd, n. to be kept in reserve,
0,^ VT ab-M.Vrd,) «liin^ ; fortune, p. to remain over. /(.
( 3 ) J

^^j>^ abra7ijan,)a. bracelet, an ankle orna- jlijt taract, p.

ab-shdr, m. f. a waterfall, cascade, ca-
i^:dj>\ ab7'a7ijin,) ment of gold or silver, p.
(,_j*>U*»> L-^l dh-shinds, the lead-man, or per-
yj>\ ahru, f. the eye-brow,
maml, a. to frown, J^ par girih
son who takes the soundings in a ship, a pilot, p.

• jI ahru, f. honour, character, renown, ele- jy*»i^\ a&^s/i07•,m. brackish or saltwater, p.

gance ;the name of a poet, abru-utdrna. a. to disho- 8j^*** L--'! dh-shorn or dbi-shora, m. water
nour, disgrace, dbru-bar-bdd-dend, a. to lose one's cooled artificially by means of a solution of salt-
own character, or destroy that of another, dbru-deiii, petre ;iced sherbet, p.
a. to bestow honour or reputation on an_v one, or to
surrender or lose one's own. dbru-rez, a calumniator. yy^\ dbshold (Dakh.), name as dbshora. p.
dbru-rezi, f. slander, calumny, dhril-kariu, a. to treat
ijXxZj\ a-biskeh or ^x^\ abilihck, m.
with respect, dbru-leni, a. to take away one's cha-
racter or reputation, p. sprinkling-water, which the Hindus (after pronouncing
certain prayers over it) use for cleansing their per-
^S^j>\ ab-1'mvan, ni. a very fine kind of mus- sons, and other utensils used In sacrifice, holy water;
lin or gauze, which when spread out on the grass is accession to a throne, inauguration, v. abhishek. s.
said to have been scarce!}' visible. The art of manu-
f jcturing this stuff is now lost. p. jUa^^ abmr (pi. of .^a)), views, looks ; per-
ception, understanding, a.
Jid^j>\a-hirodh, m. quietness, tranquillity, s.
Jua^l ibtdl, m. abolition, act of destroying
j^^iij j\ ^^^f^"fT^ a-JtVofZ/tJ/2i,1 quiet, tran- or annihilating, refuting, a. [vain, &c. a.
^^i^i^jiS ^^Ttvt a-birodhi, J qui!, x. (JJoJ^ abtol, com p. more vain or fruitless, very
i j\ ahra, ra. the outside of a garment; same
as abrd. p. [jewels, &c. s, liUol ab'dd
tions, a. (pi. of iXO), distances, divarica-
^^J^\ abarhan {vide Mr^O> ™* ornaments, S»i\ aVad, more distant, very far. a. ^taie. p. a.
(_sy3 abr'i, clouded, -variegated, abri hughaz,
kind of thjck and shining paper clouded, (from C^jLs- u-^t dbi ^aslwat, wine, seme7i geni-
p. UbJ ibhd, m. confirmation, establishment, pre-
servation, rendering permanent, a.
r>..y,^ ab-rez, a pot for sprinkling water, such
as a gardener's ; used also in baths for pouring \vater OJ^ ab-hd, ab-he, and ab-ki, of or belonging
over the body. p. [ing silk. p. to the present time, from ab. k.
Jt^,j^\ abreshavi (also abresknni), m. sevv- .00 1 dh-Itdr, m. a distiller (particularly of
ift^.j^^ abreshml, silken, made of silk. p. spirituous liquors); a water-carrier, a sprinkler; a
wiiienicrchaut,or seller of spirituous liquors ; a drinker
of wine. p.
^^\ ibrih, m. an ewer, a water-pot. a.
♦JjfciiV^a&ar-c?Aa6ar',coarse,rough, common. //. ^_$•.K^1 dh-kdri, f. the business of a di<til]i?r;
rt-venue derived from a duty levied on distilleries,
,](—-> a6i-2;ar, water of gold; white wine. p. also on houses for the sale of spirituous liquors,
eating-houses, houses of entertainment, k.c.
J^jL-.'l abi zulal, m. pure limpid water. j).a.
U\x>\ ■g'T'fi'TiTT ubhdnd, a. to cause one to
(j«j3 ^^51 a-bas, powerless, without choice. 5. vomit, h. ['"o- ''•
JL-j1 abaal, m. a vineyard, a garden. ^;.
;_^Kj^ ^'^oRT^ vbhd'i, f. the act of vomit-
ajLol abif!ia, pregnant (a woman), with d>ioWf^^ a-bikt, hidden, unintelligible, s.
young fan animal), new-born (a child). The forms
dbist. dbistan, and dbistdn are given in Gilchrist, p. lH^ iS^xi\ m^wrftHK a-bifit ganit, f.
arithmetic of unknown quantities ; algebra, s.
^^^i\ nhisfagl, also dbistani, &*. f. preg-
•• nancy, p. [clothes, s.
act ofdh-hask,
drawing ora carrying
drawer water,
of water
p. ; db-
f^j^\ ^T^^^ a-basan, naked, without
U5o\ ^^oJmTT iibaknd, n. to vomit, h,
/^^M^^ ^fw^H
dif er nt, s. a-bisan, without desire, in-
3S L-^\ dbi-kausar, m. nectar. 2^- ^'
U-«j\ '3'^^^T ubasna, n. to rot, putrefy, h. JLxx^^ ^^^ abkeshl, without fruit,
(^ju,\t^\ ^f^wnr or ^f^Tgra a-bis7vas, m. barren (tree). «.
want of confidence, distrustfulness. 5. [trustful. 5.
.^iXj \ dh-guzdr, a ford, a ferry ; an express. ^;.
i^*»\y^\ a-bis7vasi,abismdsin, abisndsini,Ai?i-
GU-j^ ubsdna, a. to cause to rot. h. y's^\ nb-guzar, acanal orchannel forwater. p.
,,,»>^ I— '\ ab-sonSX . ,. . ^f I >l dbi garrriy warm water, a hot-bath. j).
^'' ' >from this time. h. CL^J^S L^\ dbi goshi, soup, gravy, broth, p.
^j» ^\ ab-se, J
j&»^ u-^l dbi gohar, water of pearls, pure
..li ig^^ ab-se dur, is an expression of those limpid water, p.
whov alter describing a past misfortune, pray to be
preserved from a repetition of it ; q. d. Far be it
from us ! h. p. ji^ i^\ dh-g~ir, a receptacle
B 2 for water, a
pool, pond, ditch ; a weaver's brush, p.
tf^! ( 4 )

&lxC>\ abghia, m. a mirror, looking-glass, ^1 ubu, m. father ; the word is frequently

a drinking-glass ; wine ; a diamond, p. used as the first member of a man's name or epithet,
tlius, ahu-l-bashar . the father of the human race, Adam.
J->^ ^T^c5 a-&aZ, weak, without strength or abu-bakr, the father-in-law and first successor to Mu-
power s. hammad, abu-turab, 'All, the son-in-law of Muham-
mad, abu-l-fazi, the name of the secretary to the
^\ ^R^ a-hala, f. w^ak, powerless; a Emperor Akbar, abu-jahl, the name of an uncle of
woman, s. Muhammad, noted for his stubbornness, abu hiiraira,
one of the companions of Muhammad, abu-'ali shia,
L^.^\ "-eKcsSTm a-balapa, m. weakness, a celebrated sage and physician, commonly known in
frailty. «. [to arrive, a. Christendom as Avicenna. abu -fawaris, the ass, lit.
the father of horsemen, abu-bakr, the name of an
^!ib\ ihlagh, m. conveying, sending, causing ^^^his Gulistan.
atabak prince to whom Sa'di dedicated
abu-nasr, the name of the minister of the last men-
U^^ T^^TPTT ublana, a. to cause to boil, tioned prince, a.
(bv the hands of another) ; to boil any thing so as to
be" fit to eat ; to cook. h. [lity. s. L—^'^i abivab (|)1. of c— 'b), doors, pntes,
chapters, sections ; in the revenue language of India
{j^\ ^^qH^ a-hala,i, f. weakness, debi- the word means almost any kind of cesses, imposts,
and charges levied bj- the officials of government, a.
I ^\ piebald, black and white,
dblah,a. party-
I coloured, [starling, a. ,^y>^ ^ra'SR. a-bujh, stupid, without under-
standing, s. [comprehensible, h.
lab^ ablala, m. a bird of the maina kind, a
\^^\ ^rw^rSJ a-bujha, not understood, in-
L-*Jo^ '^rf^^ a-hllamh, m. quickness, di-
ligence, s. ,.fcJ^^ W^X>ia-bodh, m. ignorance, stupidity.
adj. ignorant, stupid ; puzzled, perplexed. «.
Ub\ g^^iTT uhalna, n. to boil orbubble up. //.
B-x^iii>d»J^ ^^TM>\n( a-bodh-f]umya,\\i\com-
-t^jI afcZ?'/; (also aZ;/Mc/«), sugar-candy, p. *JUjbi>o^ W^\r3fhl a-bodhartiya, j pre-
«.bl abila, m. a blister, p. [pox, a bubo. p. hensible, unintelligible, s. «

tl^y f-sSS\ abila/i farang, m. the French Jy\ ^Rt^ a-bol, silent, h. [to silence, h.
^^bl ahlah, foolish, silly, ignorant, bashful, a. '^^\ ^^toJT a-bold, disposed or accustomed
^_j)j\ ablahi, f. folly, silliness, a. j6\ti J ^\ db 0 doTia, water and grain, food
and drink, p. [mate. p. a.
^h} ^R^'t
tinuous line.abaU,
s. f. a row, a range, a con-
I^j L^\ db 0 han-d, f. atmosphere, air, cli-
jJjI ^RqT^ a-ball, weak, powerless, s. ^1 'erftr abhi, a particle denoting priority
in time or place, prefixed to Sanskrit words, s.
^_^pjJo\ /^/t5, the devil, Satan, a.
^\ ^ ibh or ibha, m. an elephant, ibha-
f^A ilm, m. a son, a child ; ibnu-s-sabil, a son pdlak, the keeper of an elephant. *,
of the road, a traveller ; ihnu-l-gharaz, a selfish per-
son ; ibnu-l-ghaib. one of whom little is known, a l^T ^m a6/m,f. light, splendour, beauty, s.
parvenu, a.
.[^\ ^WTT a-bhdr, light, of little weight, s.
\j^\ abna, (pi. of ^^^)sons; people," tribes, a. AajI "g^X uhhdr, m. swelling, tumefaction,
(^^yjljJ^ ^rfV^TH a-binas, ra. safety, s.
plumpness, h.
^yrt^-L).! a-bhiasi, safe, entire, free from loss. .«• \!).l^\ 7>TR^T ubhdnid, a. to raise up, to
excite, tc^persuade, to plump up. A. [steal, h.
CL^y"^ j^\ ibn-ul-n-alit, a time-server, a. UvIajI ■g^TTJTT ubhdrnd, a. to take away, to
ij^Jc.. A^\ abna,i jins, pi. companions, com-
rades, equals; those of the same rank, quality, or
species, n. abnd,e dahr, or abnd.e rozgar, sons of tlie ^j^^I^jT ■^vnw dl/hds, "1m. a preface, a
time, contemporaries, a. p. (^l^M '^im^ abhdsh, J preamble, an in-
Hi^>\ ^fWr^ a-bindu, without point or dot. s, troduction, &c. s. [misfortune, ill-luck. 3.

l3o L_-'"1 obi nuTira, m. quicksilver, j)- «• ilf^^\ ^!TvnTT u-bhdg, also a-bhdgya, m.
I^Ia^^ ■^^Tl'TT a-bhdfjd, also a-bhdgint and
i^j^Jj\ abnus, m. ebony, p.
a-bhdg't, unfortunate, destitute. *.
^jjJjI abnusi, made of ebony, p.
Jl^\ ^m^ ubliuly m. a cloud, h.
^^ ^^ri^ abn'i, f. the earth, world, s. m\^\ ibhdrn, m. the thumb; suspicion, am-
^ (_j 1 ab-noi, m. the straight tube of a biguitycovered,
; concealed, unknown, a.
■■ hiilla, on which the chillam ia fixed. ;j. lil^\ TiTRT wfcAana, a- to alarm, disturb, h.
'x:>\ ^f^rm a-binai, m.
ness. s.
wantonness, pert-j.
[tulant. A^\ ^W^ a-bhd,o, m. absence, non-exist-
he gliar mrn, kyd
eiice, want ; as in this proverb, raja
4Jl.»jkJo^ ^fT57^W a-hinit, wanton, pert, pe- mothjon kd abhd,ol Is there a want of pearls ia the
raja's house? *.
c )

jJU^J^ ^»T^T^ ahhihad, m. act of kissing ^^\ ^fmifT abhimat, consented to, ap-
an^ obeisance ; also an in-
the feet or of worshipping, ^ proved of, clioscn, agreed, accepted, s.
sult. «. [as ahhihad. s.
l::X^\ ^f>?HTT7JT abhbnatatd or abhiviattd,
f. desire, love. s.
^^l2^s^>\ ^vrm^, ahhibadan, m. the same
CJ^^\ ^firvTiT abhibhufa, subdued, do- ,^x»^\ ^f^R^ abhimuJih, present, before, s.
mineered over. 5.
\^^^\ '3Tf>TR^Tn (ibli imuJthatd, {. Tpresence,
f^\jX^\ ^5rf>Tfrni abkiprayj m. sentiment, in- proximity, s.
"tention, ci ^
port of aopinion,
book, &c.design,
«. wish, purpose ; the main pur- y^\ ^f»T'^'^ nbhinav, new, quite new. s.
tL*5A^ ^f»Tf»r!T abhijit, m. the 21st vah- i^^^\ ^fk^T?^ abhivdd, m. abusive lan-
shatra, or lunar asterism ; the 8th mtihurt, or division guage, s. [stration. s.
of the day. s. [spell causing death or disease. 5.
^^t5\^l ^f>T^T^VT abhivddan, m. bow, t^yo-
jUfft^' ^f>?^n: abhichar, m. a charm or C^»4t^\ ^>??r a-bhut, non-existent, s.
jj\^t>4j\ "SlfiTtrR abhidhan, m. a dictionary. ^^1 ^>TT»T o-bhoj, also a-bhojya, unfit to
Strictly s{)eaking, it denotes a list of the substantives
^eat, not eatable, s. [fasting, s.
of the Sanskrit language, such as the " Amara Ko-
sha," &c. s.
i^j4^\ ^i^Viff a-hhoji, not having eaten,
j^\ ^>? nhhra, m. the sky, a cloud. .*.•.
jewellery, ^T>T^'^
finery, s. ubhmhan, m. ornaments,
(Commonly written in the Per-
\^\ ^HTT ubhrd, unladen (as a cart or sian characters as follows) :
boat). /(. [till it run over, h,
^J^^^,\ abhnlihan, m. ]e\\e\s, orndiXnents. s.
\3^^\ 7HTT*n ubkrana, a. to fill a vessel
k.L/^4^^ se^>ftT
sed, s. a-bhog, unfit for use, unpos-
(-iJ^^ ^MW abhrak, m. talc, mica. s.

ijA>^ nbhrqh'i, made of talc or mica. s. f^y^^ W' ab-hun, hitherto, yet. h.
^j^\ ^>rOT a-hharam, without respect, s. jc^^ ^Wt ab-hi, even now, just now. h.
jj^l ^>n7r abharan, m. jewels, orna- /k^\ 'SWTJ a-bhay, without fear, fearless. .<?.
ments, decoration ; also abharan, with the initial vowel
short, s. le^^ '^'>>m ubhaya, both (used in Sanskrit
phrases.) [yellow mjTobalan. *.
b^l T>Tir«n uhharna, n. to overflow, h.
^Ji^^ ^>?tiT chhayd, f. name of a flower, the
{^j^\ ^WH abhas, little, few. s.
;_>*)lji^^ ^«IT5T ablnjds, m. practice, medi-
D,U»^^ ^fiT^f^oRT abhisarika, also abhi- tation, study, the frequent repetition of a thing in
sari and abhisarini, f. fa woman) going to an assigna- order to fix it on the memory, s.
tion with her lover, a lewd woman, s.
>»iU^\ ^vura^ abhydsi, studious, practis-
CL>SiL^\ ^fnf^^ abhishikta, installed, bap- •• ing, repeating, s.
tized, anointed to office, enthroned, s.
CL^^\y^\ ^W\m[ abhydgat, m. a guest, a
cjlLLi4j\ ^f»TW abhishek, m. bathing, visitor; arrived, s.
anointing, royal unction ; a religious ceremony con-
sisting in sprinkling a person with the water of the
Ganges, s. j<-x^l ^Mxnr? abJioya-patra,'\ m. assurance
^j^j-»^\ '^^T^T^T^ abhaya-ddn, \ of safety or
ijfA^l "^Wef! nbJtaJt, m. a bear. h.
Ci)^^A^\ ^^mTToB abkaya-vdh,) protection,
CL/S^\ ^>7f^ a-b/iohii, f. disregard, want an amnesty, s. [unalarmed. s,
of desire, indifference, unbelief, s.
{JL*}i^i\ ^iftTT a-bliita, fearless, undaunted,
jjV^li^l a-bhaktiman, unbelieving, indiffe-
rent to. s. vJIaJl^^ 'SW^frT a-bhtti, f. fearlessness. 5.
(_j*»^L^V ^fiT^Tf^ abh Hash, m. and abhilasha,
f. wish, desire ; (generally written ahhildkh). s. uL*— Ax^l ^W^f^^Tif abhipsit, "| loved, wish-
<il<,.»v(^;\ '^>Tt? abhishta, J ed for. «.
^^S»^^^\ ^f>Tc5T^l' abhilashi, wishing, de- ^^\ abhlch (dakh.), same as ablii, now,
" siring, longing for. s. [sire. s. ^ just now

^':^^\ ablulahh or abhilakha, m. wish, de- »io^^ ^M^ «.JAec?,1 united, fastened toge-
(jl^\ ^f>TH7*T ahhiman, m. pride, haugh- ^J^^ ^>^ brated, s. a-bhew,) ther, known, cele-
tiness, self-conceit, s.

J^-a foster-son. ^rfHHTH4'^ abhimana-putra, m. ji^\ ^>TtT dbhh', m. a cow-herd. s.
s. [arrogance, s.
^3l abi, of or belonging to water, aquatic,
bilv^\ ^♦TOT'^nrr abhimanatd, f. pride, watery, moist, humid, p.
j3l-»^\ abhbnani or abhimdnya, proud, ^j,\ ^% abe, an interjection of vocation
conceited. «.
" ■ expressive of scorn, as Sirrah ! h.
( 6 ) *)l

^\ ah'i, now (sometimes used for ab-hi). h. ^m^'JTT

\j>j\i\ pate, vpdrna, a. to root up, extir-
eradicate, s.
'cL>\x>\ ahyRtdistichs,
of OJo), houses, (and
more usual) a.
J>^ {^j^^} "^^^ Upas, m. a fast, hunger, s.
jUM ah-yar, m. a waterer, a sprinkler, p. I**>b3 ^^TOT npasa, hungry, one who fasts, s.
(jjw-»b\ ■^xj'raeR upasah, a worshipper, a
^jJ^iA ah-yari, f. irrio;ation ; a kind of thin servant. «.
" linen cloth ; a species of dove, j).

^i\ a-bij, grain that does not

Wi^ s. ger- \.:^\i\ •^trtTl^T upasana, f. reverence, wor-
^minate. [^bl«- '• ship, attendance ; v. to reverence, s.

jj\ ^^T a-her, f. delay; late, unseason- ^b3 TtTT^ M;?asl, serving, worshipping, s.
y.i\ ^S^X. ahir, m. red powder used at tlie &ju*>b\ ^m^ upaxya, worthy of reverence, s.
'"hoU Saturnalia, s. [shining, s
&> Jjb\ "SlTiraxi apaskraya, helpless, desti-
[^%J\ ahyaz, white, very splendid or tute, without shelter, s.
c->^ ^Ti fli^rt, a Sanskri t particle ; prefixed
uL)b3 ^tiToif «-;K"Jd, raw, unripe, undressed, s.
■■to words it denotes inferiority, privation, separation. San- UAfb3 ■g'^n^HT'I upakhyan, m. an old
It is much used in compound words from thecase in
skrit, as apddan, m. taking away, the ablative story, a^egend. s. Paying. «.
of the eve;
grammar ; apang, m. the outer corner
apahhasha. f. the vulgar tongue ; also applied tocal the ,.Aji5b3 3^c5'*' upalartibh, m. abuse; de-
lanc-uage of foreigners ; apabhansh, f. ungrammati
language ; apnchay, m. loss, diminution ; apashabd, ^i\ •^^^ apart, m. emission of wind
m. vulgarisms, slang; apakrisM, worthless, little, (backwards), s.
apakanna, m. a bad action, misconduct ; apamntyu, bb\ T^T^ vpana, a. to create, produce,
f. sudden death, dying without any disease ; apavad, m.a
censure, blame ; apavddi, censorious ; apaharta, m. earn, adopt, contrive. /(.
robber, a thief; apaharan, m. seizings. forcibly, carry- apang, m. the outer corner of
ing off; apahnav, m. concealment, \jjjb\ ^m^
the eve, a sectarial mark on the forehead ; adj. maimed,
(^\ -^Ti npa, a Sanskrit p-.irticle, denoting crippled,
wink. s. apdng-darshan, m. a side glance, a
leer, a
vcda, the orsuh-veda
'Vicinity, or ce
resemblan in an
minor inferior degree, as upa-
•\>\ "^^TR w??a,o, m. remedy, redress, s.
cJT "m^ np, pron. self, yourself, usedperson
"stead of the personal pronoun of the second Ii. ^^^S\ •<!Sim:^a-pavan, defiling, polluting. 5.
by an inferior when addressing his superior. >bi ^tiT^Tl apahaj, lazy, cripple ; a per-
lJT ^^ ap, ra. water, s. ^ son who never visits any one. s. [preparation, s.

bT ^TTT apa, f. an elder sister ; self. h. t^b\ •^r^r^ vpae, m. renoedy, plan, scheme,
uJ.A'^^m a-^?a;?, guiltless, without crime, s. ^\i\ "^mTJ opaya, injurious, destructive, s.
cJT (-J\ ap-ap, m. selfishness, egotism, h. ^b\ •jm'ft ?/7>a?/i, contriving, remedying, s.
s. ■ ''1. m. complai fannt,accuser,accu-s.
lib) "^VT^ a-patr, unfit, unworthy, tiio\ ^q^^ apabad,
s. l" ">-«-"'»^»-
bb3 ^TT^T^ apadan, m. taking away;
the ablative case in grammar. ».
(j:!\*i\ -^srci^J^ apahadi, ra. a complainant,
. \db\ ■^tji;^!^ upadan, m. cause, motive, s. /jo\ 'STtlf^-^T a-pabitr or a-pavitr, impure,s.
unclean, s. [ness. impurity,
^iibi ^^T^I iipadh, f violence, injury, in-
justice, s. bjool ^Trfw^TTI a-paUtrata, f. uncloan-
^:i\i\ ^tjif^ r,;)a(/A7',m. ame,virtuou s reflection; a/ja&ff.s also ^y\A\^ apaba-
s. (^3 ^^^^ independent,
deception, disguise ; a nickna sh'y'a, absolute, s.

J6;bb\ ^^vfi npndhi, violent, unjust, s. .jX>\ "^tr^^ vpahaii, m. a grove, an arti-
spiritual ' ficially planted wood or garden, s.
^;>U^b\ ^^vm^ upMhymj, m. a
- preceptor. .■; UjI^jo) 'SIXUTT^T apabhasha, f low, vulgar,
or obscene language. «.
bUfciib3 -^tfTUlTtrT ?/j9ac/%53/a,1f.aninstruc- f±j>j±p\ ^^TfH^ apabhranshf^m. common
^3b8>:>b3 ^x?T^J^^'^ upadhyayi, > tress, the *^jo3 'Snw^ apahhansh, J or vulgar
^tJTUn^'t s.npadhyam,)
^b^ preceptor, wife of a «.
spiritual language, ungrammatical speech.
s. Libbj\ -^xixn-iT^ ?<papa/a^,m. a great crime,
.b3 ^TJTi: a-lHir, boundless, excessive, sucK as the killing of a cov^. atheism, &c. s.
JS\ ipRr, thyme, wild marjoram, C>~^\ 7T?"qfrT upapati, m. a gallant, one
gained, s. s.
acqui red, who keeps a woman to whom he is not married,
0=-jb3 ^TTTf^lT W7?5r;'^ apatti, f.
C>.>T ^TXTff or ^^fa) "pat a"^
^^>-jbiing, s. -^t^T^^ vparjan,m. acquiring, gain- calamity, misfortune. n;,a«-/ta/, m. time of distress. .
( )

CJ^\ ^TI npta, true, trustworthy, s. C^\i)Si\

mineral, i.
U2)adliatu, m. a sort of
(Jl*?3 ^^^ apati, f. disgrace, dishonour. 5.
;j«^.tiO.\ ^^<?^ upades,
j> m. advice, counsel,
ll>.l ^TTHT o^^i'a, f. quotient, an equation of exhortation, admonition, s. [adviser, s.
a degree, s.

i^->^\ "^mfR upatap, ni. sickness, pain, ^^y^,>y>\ "^tj^f^^ upadesin, advising, an
heat. i. [spring, childless, s. ^^j^^Si) Tq^^«. vpadesi and upadesah, ra.
an adviser.
jO^ ^^^ iil^o ^tj"^oF a-putr, without off-
I3,yb3 ^^fiTWrTT a-patimita, an unchaste j\ ^niT apai-, another, a second, opposite, s.
woman, a courtesan, s.
j>\ T^X upar (also gtjfc upari), over,
above, .s. [non-acqujsition. s.
^'\}\ ^TTZf a-path, m. a wrong path, error, s.
4Jl.oU>3 ^infrr a-^irdpti, f. non-attainment,
i^^} ^TT^q a-pathya, indigestible, s.
^p\ '^'TW a-patya, m. offspring, race. s. b'L)3 ^THTT uprdtd, m. the west. c?.
iJl^^\j>\ ^TiTiTfiTrT
vincible, s. a-pa7'djit, unerring, in-
uJo\ WlflTTn a-jmtiya, "1 faithless, trea-
!.Lii\ ^tjffnjTTT a-patiyara,j cherous. s. 1:.'>-L>3 ^''Tnf'TfrT a-pardjUd, f. the name
<-lLo.\ ^XTJ a-patu, awkward, uncouth, s. of a twining shrub ; called also koyal, or kmvwd-thenti,
crow's-beak. C'litoria ternatea. s.
clJuoJ ^^"TTolf a-patah, one whose hands
and feet are become useless, paralytic, h. i^\^) ^^T»ni u-pardjay, m, victory, s.
ijj^y T^«T uptan, ^m. a paste for scour- r^^s^]j>}cent. *. ^■'ITT'^'T a-pardchm, modern, re-
^^^} "3"'IT»n iiptana,)
bathing, h.
ing the skin when
^i^\j^) ^tjnv aparddh, m. crime, fault. *•.
^^*^} ■g'MSHI upathna, n. to be tired, or to j^fcii\j3 ^snmftriT aparddkinAa. criminal,
be sick of a business, h. [the chorus, h.
^liU)^ ^trnvft
•• an offender, s. aparddht, J a sinner,
^\ ^THT W7^«;, f- the burthen of a song,
\S^sf\ ■^^nTT'TT upjdna, a. to produce, to JL5J '3'TIT^ iiprdl, over, above, d.
make to grow, h,
^L>3 ^HTcS uprdld, m. aid, assistance.
J ^IrsT^ ^tTSrra Mj;ja,u, fertile, productive. ^. uprald karnd, a. to take one's part, to protect, stickleh.
for. h. [wards,
CL^^\ T^fWtf upajit, produced, propa-
gated. «. [exertion, s. Ca3U\ ■g'URr vprdnt, after which, or after-
^J^ssr} ^^Tir!T«T upajatan, m. preparation, ^jL)J
"wrangling, ■3'in^t)
h. ujyrdivari, quarrelsome,
(^s:'^^ ^''nro apajas, ra. infamy, disgrace, s.
\jic>\.i\ ^Tj^T^ apardhna, m. the third
^^'^r^^ ^Ti»l^
tunate, s. apajasi, infamous, unfor- pahar; afternoon, s.

l;sr\ gTnT»n vpnjna, n. to spring up, to 14^3 ^^WT

want of a-prabhd,
splendour, s.
f. darkness, dulness,
grow, to proceed, h.
^bfromJ^ established a-jyaripdii, f. deviation
^^jsT] custom, s.
f, livelihood, npafiviho, also s. ^'HWt^^
means of living,

^jyxcsr} "^x^^^i vjjajtvt, dependent, living c->\3j\ ^Tnn^ a-pratdp, m. want of acute-
by or on. s. ' ness] of power, or of fortune, s.
■"•'unfortunate, s.
j^J\ ■^'T^r upachdr, m.*. service, remedy, jjl3^\ ^IHTT^^ a-pratdpi, blunt, powerless,
practice of physic, usage.
\stSij3ji\ ^Tlf^^VT a-pratihandhd, m. an
^sf^ ^"T^ a-puchh, without a tail. 5. undisputed inheritance, s.
Ia:^»\ ■^■q^an a-puchha, f. name of a[waste,
of tree. s. \^^iy>\ 'SJPfirST a-jyratisMhd, f. want of
le^v^ ^tr^ apachaya, m. loss, detriment, respectability, i. '\a-pratyalcsh,ci.\.) s.

SS\ ^ntl^ dpad, or \d^\ ^Jl^ dpadd, f. ^Ji5o^J ^ini^ a-prataksh, secret (properly
misfortune, calamity, apad-grasta, involved in ca- \^ji\ ; secrecy, a-prath
custom ^um s. d, f. deviation from
lamity, s.
\si\ ^^^ upnda, f. a meeting, a present
made at an interview. *. CUfij) ^IliT^lT a-pratit, without credit, s.
fidence ^Tnr'tiT
" ±^j>\ 't a-praf
or of credit,
ifi, «.f. want of con-
jjt.v3 "^^^5^ vpadrav, m. a portent; [vour.vio-s.
lent, injury, s.
( iiio3p.\ "^Vm^ a-pratyahsha, invisible,
ij^^y ^^^ vpadunsh, m relish, fla-
( 8 )
^j3^3 ^nrm^ a-jiratyay, m. distrust, unbe- ^ji\ ■g'tR^ uparnd, n. to be rooted Dut,
to be pulled out ; to be skinned, h.
"lief. s.
J>^ [trustful, s.

fv^j^} ^THi'ITl' a-pratyayi, doubtful, rais- I3'b\ '^mi^Hi aparnd, n. to come to hand. d.
S^s^J>} ^W^T!I5 a-prachand, without dig- ^j<0.1 ^T'TO apas, pron. recip. therjist^lves,
nity, not strong, s. [trial or proof, s. one another; hence kindred, brotherhood, fellowship.
apas men rahnd is applied to signify adultery, 4:c. h.
l^sO^ ^TTft^T a-parichchha, f. want of
^\j6ii^3 ^nniT^ a-pradhan, little, mean, [j^} '^VM upas, f.
faction, rottenness, h. stink, stalcness, putre-
powerless, subordinate, not chief. 5.
(^j*>r>) ^^^ apars, m. the state of a Hindu j^c/Lm-O.^ '3'^W^ vpastri, f. a concuhine. .■;.
after bathing previous to worship or to eating, during ,4A*-^3 TTW npasth, m. f. the organ of
which it is unlawful for him to touch any one. Le- generation of males or females, s.
prosy, from Arab, abras. iiparas, m. a kind of red
chalk ; bitumen ; a subordinate flavour. <JlA^i-o\ ■gTTfpTrT vpasthit, ready, present,
at hand, arrived. *.
liLoJ^ ^TR^T^ a-prasdd, ni. disapprobation,
disfavour, s. \^*o\ ^m<T (ipsard, f. a female dancer in
the court of Indra. s.
j_^iiLrt j3 ^inn^ a-prasadi, that which is iU\^\ TR^^ upasarfja, m. a particle or
'not presented to the Deity, s. preposition ; a portent or natural phenomenon. «.
fi>S^S\ "5TTrftrg a-prasiddh, unknown, hid-
den, not celebrated, s. jl»*iO\ ^^Wl^ apasmdr, m. the epilepsy, s.
LL»^.\ TR^HT upasna, n. to become musty,
i2j***j{} ■^iro^ a-prasanna, disagreeable, dis- to rot. h.
satisfied, s. [nate. s.
,>,y>^) ^nro^ apasavi/a, m. the right side
(^j>} ^^^ apurush, impotent, effemi- (or half) of the body ; adj. opposite, contrary, s.
(^Oj\ ^IToin^ a-j)rakash, m. that which
is hidden or obscure, s. JL>i\Zj\
connected ^^'^\l\^^ upashdstra,
with or derived ni. scienros
from the shastra. *.

(-iL*S^3 ^IHF? a-prakat, unmanifested, not vJl>oLl.)\ 4i'il5ll?iT upashdnta, calm, pacified,
apparent. 5. appeased, s. [or tranquil, s.
^.^ TT^C^T vfarJa, superficial, the outside ^\zJ\ ^M^IMI iipashdnti, one who is calm
of a cloth or raiment (opposed to the lining), h.
i^xJ^>\ ^H^f'^ apashabd, m. wind broken
ij^j>} ^UHM a-praman, without proof, un- backward? ; a disagreeable sound, s.
true, s. [tic, without authority, s.
^_-.ti.".>\ ^T^PuUri a-pvahpit, without flow( rs
(.dJblv.^ ^innftlloir a-pramdnik, unauthen- (a tree or phmt), that does not bear flowers, not in
flower, s. pean. s.
*x>U..>3 ^WT^FI ft-2;/-«»ian?/a, want of proof
or of authority, s. [finite. *. i.lLJLi\ "Zf^ apasht, hidden, secret; a-pusht,
•b *j\ ^titmr a-param-par, boundless, in-
omen or^'75n*''7 opashakun,
portent, also apasakun. m.
s. any unlucky
CL^kj} ^^ft^TT a-parimit, unmeasured,
unlimited, i.
^■''■}} ■g't^pT «j;a.s'AaTO,m. patience,calmness. «.
13 jj ■g'tiiiTn u/;«rn(7, m. a scarf, a covering, k. (.db^ 'SI'Tap a-jyak, or Vim^ a-paA/j, unripe, s.

,_^\.3 (_^^j~>^ ^RT^T^ TTT;^^ 7iparn-d,l tar- J^ l_j1 ^ETmoJTTlT ap-kdj, "1 attending to
wa,i, f. furfeit, mort de chien, cholera morbus, h.
|^^^c_j| ^TtI«M»(1 one's
dp-kdji,j own
;_>. jI ^TQ"^^ ap-rup, m. self, self-formed, " business, attending to one's own affairs, s.
the Deity. Dakh. str.inge, wonderful, rare. h.
j6^} ^»J<*R opnhdr, m. a hindrance, detri-
ment, injury. 5.
^tii»^3 ■^'^^■^ iipdrodh, ra. partiality, sup-
port, favour, kindness, s. .Kjt\ TiToFTT upalidr, m, favour, kindness,
protection, s. [ing- *•
\^^S\ 4M<MT vpraimchd, m. a towel or
clotii for wiping the b)dy. adj. superficial, h.
(C,K^3 ^^ToETTf) upahdri, beneficent, aid-
^^.^lPy ^H^*? a-pravin, unskilful ; apra- LiJ,\^.\ ^Tj^ToF upakdrak, m. a friend, a
vlna'td, f want of skill or of experience. ,«. protector, s.
^^J>} "^fom CL-priy, hated, disliked, un- \l\i\ ^HoRffT a-p.ilitd, f. immaturity, s.
'friendly. *. [dislike. «. ^io\ ^grj"^? opakrishta, bad, inferior.
C^„y>\ ^Pftfir a-prit'i, f. enmity, hatred,
w5o^3 ^snnft^ a parVialid, f. want of trial ^.^j\ '5tt"3iH np'ihram, m. deliberate com-
or pi oof, an insufficient trial of any thing, s. ^ mencement of an undertaking ; a stratagem, s.

^__J>\ "SlffR a-p/-6'?/i, ID. want of love, enmity, 'BTToii^ apaharm, m. a meui or un-
' hatred, s. '^^\
worthy action, s.
tib^ ( 9 )

{^^\ "^^^TM
of royalty ; moans, npaharan,
materials, s. m. the insignia UU.).\ ^rSTTTT apnana, a. to make a thing one's
own, to convert to one's own use. /;. [kindred, h.

(J^^>)out '^'^^
lLo.U)^ ^TTT^nT opndyat, f. family relations,
assistance 'i-paksh,
or protection,without
s. wings, with-
self. ^iJm ojxihpd
Used only or apampn,
in the accusative, m, bachaiui,
as apanpa one's
i^JjjLi} ^STtfof.^TT apakalang, m. an indelible
di.-^grace. s. to guard or protect one's self. h.

CL^ki\ ■g'TJJTTT vpagat, promised, agreed, s. ,^i\ ^4^ a-patith, ^3 «.

m. a wrong road, or
bad road, a devious track ; heresy.
ij^} '^'Tir^
or animal vpngrah, m.s. a prisoner,
in confinement, a man
" his way, ^TT^
devious, a-panth'i, one who has lost
heretical, a heretic.
jjii\ ^^JlH upagavi, m. agreement, promise,
,^>J^>\ T^fil^^ npanis/iad, m. sacred texts or
' approach, s. [cious stone, a jewel, s. extracts from the Vedas. s.
^y>\ ■g^ tipal, ra. a rock, a stone; a pre-
ullJo.l ^T'llf^oir dpanih, m. an emerald, s.
ibj ■grjTT vpld, m.acakeofdriedcowdung. h.
\^Js^\ ^^"^ «.
m. wicked,
a kind of musical
void of merit, s.
«^T '^nSTT^ apldv, w. bathing, ablution, s.
over. '^vf^Jt
s. iipalijjtaf plastered, smeared ^j^^ ^mpi apunya, m. uncharitableness ;

C^.l i^\ T^Ti upanaya, "1 m. the initiation

m. an ^'R^TT a;?/M^, bathed,5. sprinkled (upon);
initiated householder. ;j^Jo3 "^i^K^K^K^ upanayan^) of the three first
classes of Hindus ; investiture vi'ith a peculiar thread
or cord worn over the left shoulder. Vide Wilson, s.
^) ^^^ttT upalnjj, '\ impudent, immo-
ifijpi' ^tl^TWt apalajji,) dest, shameless. 5. juJo3 ■^''TtHT upanetra, m. spectacles, glasses
for the eye. s,
IsH' ^tf^WI ctpalajjd, f. impudence, shame-
lessness. s. [omen or bad sign. s. ,juoJ ^TjTpi apunya, m. uncharitableness. s.

^J^[f^v\ ^^^W^ apalachchhan, m. a bad ^\^^^^^^^^^apavdd, m. complaint, reproach,

accusation, s. [accuser, s.
/^j^-s^' ^^q5^^ vpalachhan (properly npa-
lakshan), m. a figure of speech, an elliptical expres- {J'^'^y>} ^^'^T^^ apavddi, m. a com plainer,
sion, a synecdoche. *.
(_)*»1^J ^^^T^ vpavdx, m. fasting, a fast. s.
U^jsH ^^^^^T apalachchhrmd, ~1 of a bad ^^ji\^i\ "^W^VSi ujjavdsi, m. one who fasts. 5.
^^.srH^ ^xj^^Wt apalachdiharii,) omen, or Ll^»^J^iT(Ti'/-;^M/,childless; undutiful (child), s.
" of suspicious appearance, unlucky, s.
Jj3 ^5r^ aplav, m. bathing, ablution, s. JyJ ^tlf^^ a-pavitra, unclean, defiled, s.
filth, ^trf^^fTT
s. a-pavitratd, f. uncleanness,
A^\ ^Tj^^ iipri, f. smaller kind of cakes of
•• cow-dung. h.
cL>»)3 aput, pure, unadulterated, d.
L— ub3 ■?^^"T i<7?o/ep,m.smearing,plastering. s.
Lil»-^3 '^T^air apiijak, ungodly, irreligious.*.
^^3 "^tr^^^ vpalepan, m. act of smearing,
plastering with cow-dung. «. &Jk»-*^3 ^Tliir apvjya, that which is not
worshipped, or not a proper object of worship, s.
U?3 "^VMI vpavia, f. comparison, simile, that
thing to which another is likened, s. [last. s. bii»^.\ TTT^^rr iipavidyd, f. profane science,
^1^3 ^^t upayndn, m. simile, &c. as the (opposed to sacred). J.

^^1*^1 ^SHTRT'T opamdn, m. disgrace, an af- '^j^\ ^niT^ a-purh, new, unheard of, ad-
front. «. [graced, s mirable, uncommon, remarkable, s. [ardly. s.

«JLb's^.\ ^Tjinf^rl apamdnit, degraded, dis- {^jy>} 'Sl'ft^M a-paurush, unmanly, cow-
jil»j3 ^VlT'jfl' apamanl, or ^nWRI apa- ci^*)3 ^STCR^ apavarg, m. liberation, deli-
" vianya, disgraced, abased, s. [likeness, s. verance, emancipation. *.

tJl*^.^ '^tjf'Rfk upamiti, f. resemblance, i^)y>\ ^^^ a-purn, m. a fraction ; adj. not
full, incomplete, apurn-kdl, premature, untimely, s.
iX}-*>} ^tji?!^ apavirityu, f. an unnatural
or untimely death. ». l;6jO.^ ^m^nn a-pu7'natd, f. incompleteness. .<?.
^^i\ ^T^^ ctjxm, proD. reeip. self. A. j0.y\ TR^^'T upavarnan, m. a minute
description, s. [ralleled, eminent, unheard of. s.
^>\ ^''^ dpanna, afflicted, gained or ac-
quired ;one who comes to another for shelter, s. 8,.y\ ^'"5^ a-purva, unprecedented, unpa-
U)3 ^Sirn apnd, m. "I pron. of or belonging i^^y ^trf%^ vpavi.fh, m. a narcotic, s.
^i\ '^jft opm, f. J to self, aprii gd,ond, ^^3 "^TJ^^ upavan, ra. a grove, an artifi-
" to sing one's own praises, to egotize. h. cially-planted wood- «<
y; ( 10 )

CJi ^ it, or ita, here, hither, TF ut, ox

thread, "grrn^cT
s. upavlt, m. the brahminical
uta, there, thither, ^fw iti, a word usually
written at the end of books, letters, &c., denoting
iJ0»^3 "gq^j^ vpaved, ra. the Piiranas, &c. q.d. that it is finished, like the Persian expressions, tamdm
depending on, or derived (springing from) the Veda. s.
shud, ziydda chi, &c. 5.
{^j^'^^\ ■g'xi^^ ii^fl/ms, m.laughler,fun,ppoit.5, C^\ WTiT at, m. custard apple. Annona
Uj^^J ^i|i<.HT aphrand, a, to feed one so squamosa, h.
that his belly swell ; met. to give one (money, &c ) to
the utmost extent of his desire. Also used in a 151 ^nirirt/a, or ^nn atd, m. father; a custard
neuter sense, h. apple. Annona squamosa, p. h.
{j\j^} WTSTlt aphra.,1, f. gluttony, a surfeit, h. 01 or jl3\ ^Wl ltd, or i^Al^ itdl, now. at
present, d.
^j-^) ^tj^flTT apahartd, m. a robber, a plun-
derer, s. [ing. purloining. ^1 ^^ ittd, this much or many. /*.
^1 TW\ uitd, that much or many. h.
y^j ^M^l.Ur apaharan, m. act of plunder-
13^1 'SfiST'TT apharna, n. to swell out (the i^X^\S\ atdbah, m. (q, d. dtdheg, the lord
belly) ; to gormandize, to eat to satiety ; to become father), a master, teacher, a title given to kings or
very rich. h. prime-ministers ; name of a family who occupied the
throne of Persia from A. D. 1148 to 1264; Sa'di d -
b^^3 ^tJifTl^T aphariya, f. a subdivision of dicates his Gulistan to a prince of this family, p.
the caste or tribe called dbhir or ahir, q. v. h.
jv31 TiTR utdr, ra. descent. ^itd.r-dend, \o
i_y4i^ ^m^ a-phal, fruitless, barren, s. bring down ; met. to disgrace, dishonour, h.

'^^) '^rqrf^rfT a-phalit, not in fruit, s. ^131 ■gUTTT; cast-off

utdrd,or m. answer;
devotion second-hand. h.ransom, self-
U^3 ^tfi%TTT a-phalitd, f. barrenness, non-
productiveness, s.
^j.\j) '^dlW utdran, f. a fragment descent,
disgrace. /*.
^-ij^3 ^^nll uphannd, n. to boil over. /t.
^Jo\ ^rfK^T utdrna, a. to bring down ; to
^>^J^q^^«paAwav,m.denial,concealraent.s. tear off, cut off, or break off (a portion of any thing),
utdre hue, pi. engaged with desperate resolution in
T ^ _ ,_ \ \. opium, h. any enterprise (metaDhor taken from cavalry, ■who
dismount to figlit on 5iot, with a determination to
j»J^.I "^TmH aplnm,J conquer or die), h. [stances, d.
i^j^) ^'^'T a-/;/<m,vvithout foam. s. [stinate. s. VJ.131 uidrnd, a. to act according to circum-
\xyx^\ W^?!3T aphenda, self-conceited, ol).
^J15\ atdlih, m. a private tutor, atdliki, pri-
^-i) ^^ ape, same as dp, self. a;;e son vate tuition, education, t. [on the back, h
•• ape, of one's own accord, spontaneously, h
^J0\ TfTR utdn (also utidn), supine, lying
jO\ ^^IK. a-pir, without pain. s.
li^l dflMT utdnd, proud, conceitv?d; also
(jijo3 ^xi^ apayash, m. infam v, disgrace, s. supine. See chit. d. [despatch, h.
fJ^y>y ^^WR[ft apaijashi, infamous, unfortu- Jjl^l ^rll'^oJ utdrval, f. quickness, sp^ed.
•• nat'e. s. [qualified, s.
Cl^^} "^vm^ vpayiihta, worthy, fit, proper, ^_jl31 ■gTHWoST uidivld, m. 1 swift, quick,
(Jj^l Tin^^ iitdrcU, f. J speedy, h.
li^SCo.l ^q"^ apekshd, f. expectation, hope. s.
^Jl..-:.vo\ apehshit, expected, waited for, hoped (_^\31 "^TTT^ atdfi,
dances gratis, h.
m. one who sings and
for. 7/ [adj. expecting, waiting for.

uiLi.^.\ ^■^sF apehshak, m. an expectant ; ^.131 ^T^l;f^^ dttdyin,'\ m. a felon, thief,

i.$ooj W^"^ apekshl, expecting, hoping; ^J)3\ 'Ulrfl^l dttdiji, J murderer, in-
•• an expectant. cendiary, s.

s. \i}>\ ^rfrf^TT. atihdr, very frequent, s.

,^^.\ '^^^ apehh, invisible, unseen,
U5a^3 "^^ "3^^ upekhd, or upekshd, f. fljJl aiba (j)l. of x^ or «^\5) followers,
trick, fraud, stratagem. «.
dependants.a. ilbd' and ittihd', following, obeying,
(jo3 ^tihr «_/n«, light, lean. 5.
(-J>j^>\ ^tflv^^H cqnnas, m. dryness of the \:3oj\ ^fiR^ atibaktd, m. a great talker.
nose, want of smell, a cold. s. a babbler, j.

^»jo\ ■^tpffT^ iqjayoffi, useful, suitable, s. JjJ\ ^f?RQ5 fli^iaZ, very powerful, s.
.*^1 ^fwmT atibhdr, m. a very great or
" den
•• ^^
jo3 liquor. a-peya,
5. unfit to drink, forbid- excessive burden, s.

C^\ ^F ati, a particle denoting excess, Jja3\ mfif^atibel, frequently, very often, s.
used in compounds, as ati-pdn, m. a drunkard, or one
who drinks to excess; a/«-;;«rafcra77i, very powerful, s. (— ajT ^TTTT^ aifl^, m. sunshine, sunbeams, s.
C 11 )
C->U31 '3"SrnT vfpat, m. violence, injustice, j6jc>d\^\ T^Tfv«fiR nltarddhihar, m. an
injury. «. inheritance. ,v. • [an heir, s,
(■dbLJl^firtTTrTofi atipatah, m. a heinous sin, .>f. ijjjOJfcii^^ ■^'^T'ftniT^ utiarddhihdri, m.
^oLj\ ^fcT'TTfroBi' alipatahi, one wlio com- ^i>dj\yi\ "ZW^^
last half (of a book, uiiar-drdh,
&c.) s. the second or
mits a verj' great or heinous sin. s.

j^3Lj\ ■g'rtrRrcT ■^^TT^T^ Jjj\

utiaras/idrha, f. the
eradicating, s. utfatan, m. plucking out, twenty -first lunar mansion,
lib-'-u; s.

(^tiL51 TPTT^'^T nf'padan, m. producing, s. iJ^\y>\ Atrdk (plur. of ^J>), a Tartar or

Turcoman, a.
^J^\ ^f(T''?TTr atlpan, m. a drunkard; exces-
cessive drinking, inebriety, s. \>\J>\ yrt<|V|T ut)-dnd, a. to boil Over; to take
down, to pull down (by the hands of a third person :
iJL^^\'^t(tf^ titpatti, utpatt, f. birth, origin, s, to do it one's self is titurnd). h.
a>Jj>\ T^TT vtfapta, anxious, excited, s.
\i\y>\ ^HTT'?TT
to act itrdnd, a.
with affectation ; toto act
givein one's self airr-,
an unnatural or
unusual manner, h.
\^Sij^\ ■3'rH^T ufpreksha, f. indifference,
carelessness ; illustration (in poetry, &c.). s.
(jj\y\ ■^^^FTT
where fish throng to. uttardrvan,
/*. m. a place
jJ.-5\ ■^'T'IqS utpah m. a species of the lotus
flower. «.
\i>\3\ '7^11^1 uttardha, of or belonging to
the nortli. s. [wanton, h.
(j^\ '37^^ utpann, produced, gained; s. ra.
produce, s. [a guest. «•
\j>\j3\ H^'m itrdyd, affected, playful,
r^\ ^firf^ atitha or atithi, m. a stranger,
I3y&^_j'\y) ^TI^ ^tJTT utrd,i-hona, to be
thankful or grateful, d.
\^\ ^?Rn a-tathd, powerless, without au-
thority. «.
^.^y\ TW^ni'T vttardyan, m. northing;
the six months from Magh, when the sun is north of
ftA^liJI ^^^fWT^ atithya, \ hospitable, at-
the equator, s.
guest, ^Tfrf^ atitheya,)
s. tentive
[acrid ; very pungent,to s.a s:>,i^\^3\ "TWTW^TT^ vttar-hhddrapad, m.
a mansion of the moon (the twenty-seventh), s.
^^iLSalJ^ ^fiTift^ aiitihshna, sharp, hot, or
Jb y^ 'Slircm^ s. otarpdl,
uncultivated m. land that is left
/is^ ^fcTiTTilI. atijagar, m, the black cur-
lew; adj. verj' wakeful, restless, s.
Cl^l'p\ ^nrf^lT a-tarpit, dissatisfied, s.
ilJ^s.^\ ^fjI»ft»T atijofj, very worthy, s.
Cl^:> 3\ ^nnr a-tripta, restless, uneasy, s.
^.^J•^^\ ^f(T»fl% aiijirna, very old, decayed, s.

jl^\ 'SlfiT'^R atichar, m. the rapid motion ^jL\^__ji\ •^KX.m^'^i

" twelfth lunar mansion, s.vttar-phalfjum,
f. the
of a planet from one sign to another, s.
lilsc*^ ittihatl, m. union, concord, intimate ^^y\ 'ST'^vi atran, m. name of a climbing
plant used in medicine, (Cynanitum extensura). d.
friendship, a. [berality. «.

fJ^S>\ ^fw^iT atidan, m. munificence, li- ^^J>\ "^IfJyi ntran, f. a fragment, any thing
taken off from the body ; cast clothes, rin se utran-
l\Si\ ^IT^^ atiddh, m. great heat, violent hond, to be freed from debt. /«.
inflammation, s. [culty or distress, s.
Uo\ TfT^Tn utarnd, n. to come down from
CL^^j<S>\ ^fj<;niT atidargat, f. great diffi- pass over; to go off"; to become in-
sipid ;to fallto in value or in dignity, nasha utrii, his
a height;
jSCijwV^ ^ffT^'Cofit. atidushkar, very difficult, s. intoxication is gone off", h.

.j^"il ^frft^ atidur, m. a great distance, 0^jy\ TrT^n^ utarwdnd, a. to cause to

afar oft", s be brought down, or lowered, h.

(^^^'>\ ^[T^ atidoslu m, a great fault, s. s. r and

y\ T^l. nftai; m. an answer; the north. ji^y\ T^W^u
ther; arejoind a reply inm.law.furthe
er tottar,
Adj. posterior, subsequent. «.
\Lf^j>\ ^flRVr atiicg, m. consumption, s.
y\ W^ atra, here, in this place, s.
J4^. L^^ ^"^tBqS ifrl-phol, m. an electuary
airs ; composed of myrobalan with coriander-seed and
^l. iiar,
y\playful, coquettish, other, self
gay; one's
giving different, honey, d. [another, d.
low", vile. Uar-lok, people of low caste, s. over
ji\ -^WS uftar, placing one thing
yT^TTlT aC^'/", iZJ'ieved, sick, perplexed, x. ^fnHTt atisdr, m. dysentc-ry, diar-
■^■^TT nftaid,
\y\nortli-wind. «. northern, northerly; f- rhoea, atisarakl. and atisdrt, dysenteric, afllicted with
dysenter;-. s
( 1-2 )

l\*JS\ drUl^ iit>ah, m. joy, gladness, plea- 8ji(jtj\ atish-hada, m. a furnace, grate,
sure ;perseverance, s. U«3\ chimney ; the temple of fire-worshippers ; name of a
recent biographical work in the Persian language, p
ijj'j^\ crating ;a"^WliJ utmrg,
rule or precept,
abandoning, conse-
_2J*ui->! dtish-mizdj, fiery-tempered, p. a,
a>rs.*u*o\ ^f?TH^^ atisanchaya,
great accumulation, s.
ni, a hoard, Lilb (jl> I dtish-nak, fiery, hot. p.

y^\ T?W? vtsav, ni. rejoicing, public de- i^^ ^fif^!Platishay,excessWe\y,yery much.s.
monstrations ofjoy. s. [simum. ».
i^^ ^fWt at si, f. flax (linum usitatis-
ij^\ atisht, "1 fiery, hot, irascible, chole-
^jyLi\ dtishln,} ric. a^iVii o,ina, a burning JJ^
J^ I atixk or atash, f. fire, flame. ^. lens. a/;«/j?M at, red wine; hot tears, atishtn gold,
a bomb-shell, p.
Zijwi\ (ji->l utish-afraza, m. a rocket. ^.
CL^yLA ^■ftr^fhr atishlt, excessively cold. s.
Jj il ,^J \ atish-afroz, kindling fire, fuel. p.
( i\tei>\ ittisaf, m. description, qualification,
fire. ^J^l
«. atish-afgan, casting or throwing excellence, praise, a.
jba3\ ittisal, m. conjunction, adhesion, union,
\\Si\ (jt3l atish-anddz, casting out fire. p. attachment, neighbourhood, contiguity, a.
JjlOI (j^^' atish-angez, kindling, spreading ^Ui)^ ittifak, m. equality; friendship, union,
or stirring fire ; an incendiary, a seditious man. p.
concord, similacrity of disposition ; chance, fortune,
.b ,ji3l atish-bar, flaming, fiery, raining accident, lot, success, incident, opportunity; proba-
fire ; a fire-lock, tinder-box. p. bility, ittifd'k-lc, to unite. iitifdJc-h, to happen, to be
agreed, ittifak-se, accidentally, jointly, conjunctly, a.
jb /pJI atish-baz, m. a maker of fireworks ;
dtish-bdzt, f. a display of fireworks, p. Ki\s3\ ittifakan, accidentally, by chance, a.

5.b(j£3l atisli-para, m. a spark, a lighted Oli'U5\

coal ; a beautiful person ; an exciter of quarrels, successes, ittifakdt
occurrences, (pi.
eventsof Jia!)^),
a. accidents;
quarrelsome, p.
jU«M»- /%^\ ittifaki Jiasana, m. unexpected
LL**oJ i^>\ atish-parast, m. a worshipper good fortune ; agreeable accidents, a.
of fire, a guebre, of the sect of the magi ; atish-parastl,
fire-worshipping, p. ^la!J\ ittifaki, accidental, concurring, a.

&.>U- fLi \ atish-khana, m. a fire-temple ; ULJ\ ittihd, m. avoiding, shunning, abstain-

park of artillery, p. ing (from vice) ; piety, abstinence, a.
j\y>- ^JtJl atish-khwm; m. a fire-eater, a bird L-ilaJ\ ittikdf, restrainwg one's senses; pray-
so called (in Hind. Chakor). A variety of Tetrao ing and fasting, as in the month of Ramazan. a.
rufus, Linn., a salamander, p.
ljjij\ atkii/d (pi. of jib), religious men, de-
^\ii jj£.i I atish-dan, m. a hearth, a fire- vote s the
; abstemious ; those who fear God. a.
place, a chafing-dish. p.
LdJol^TToF t7M/f, so much, this much. h.
jy, (j£J \ atish-rez, pouring out fire ; an
incendiary or exciter of quarrels, p. ^\ ^frToRT atihd, much, excessively, h.

^lij (jij! atish-zadagi, f. afire (i.e. houses, (Cj\^ \ dtkdri, a caste of silkweavers in the
- &c. on fire, accidentally or by design), p, Dakhan. d. [time «,

uJ lA'' athh-zan, or &^ (ji->' aiish-zana, JK!>1 ^rfrT«irrc5 ati-kdl, m. delay, a long
m. tinder, touchwood, any thing combustible ; a tin-
der-box, with flint and steel ; atish-zant, or dtish- ^JL^Jx3\ <Jr*F utJinshta, good, excellent.
zanagl, the act of striking fire. p. utkrishta-hhum, m. a good soil. s.

^^\'Z^^>\ Fiiisliisidn, f. the region of fire, a ^Y^i\ <Jp*^ vlhal, a nnme of the province
place where fire abounds (hence applied to a hot fire of Urlsu, vulgarly called Orissa. s.
of cannon or smaU-arms in battle) ; a large fire ; a fu-
neral pile. p. lAij.^a>\ dr°ii4J4T uikanthd, f. regrettinp-,
longing for any thing, s. [great, x.
x.x^ y^J^\ dtish-tab', of a fierce or fiery dis-
position, p.a. [cano. p. l!I.>X3\ ^finrffT atigati, very much, very
f^\LsjL^\ dtish-Jishdn, scattering fire, a vol- ^>\ 'STfT^ a-tid, unweighed; that cannot
be weighed, s.
f^'i ^jij \ dtish-jigan, fire-dispersing, p.
eil ■'':.> I dtishali, f. the venereal disease, p. J3\ ^snr^ a-tal, the name of one of the
Cy>^\ ^ff^T^ atishakta, very powerful. seven les patalas
, s. or infernal regions ; literally, bottom-
atishakti, f. great power, atishaktata, £ heroic valour,
prowess, i ^^ ^ricjl utld (v. utdwald), swift, quick, h.
( 13 )

^\ TWH uttam, great, principal, first chief, yi '^^ ?//fM, ni. plaits of cloth ; mar-har
the best, uttam-purush, an excellent man. s. >ff\
uttu baiidyd u.tke ta,'in, he beat him to a mummj ;
lit. that his body was marked like the plaits in cloth. A. I
3 \ SNirW atvia, m. self, soul, life, body ;
much used in the composition of Hindu! words, as y^ ^HT it(ui, same as itna, this much. h.

dtma-ndml, self-evident ; dtma-pdlak, self-cherishing,
selfish ; dtma-ghat, self-murder, s. yl "5rrw vatu,
ernes , h. f. a female teacher, a go-
3\ atamm, more or most perfect (from tamm,
' perfect, complete), a. j\^\ \j^\K itivar, m. Sunday, s.
V \ ■^IrWI at ma, f. the soul ; the body ; the i^\^\ ^fw^T^ ativas, m. a rigid fast observed
heart ; the understanding, s. on certain occasions, s. [poison. *.
*l»]Jl itmam, perfection, accomplishment, (^y^ ^sf?rf%? ativish, m. an antidote to
completion, a. [ledge, s.
Lijy\ ^firf^^ ativisha, f. a tree whose
^i^>^\ ^rrw^^ atma-hvddhi, f. selt-know- bark is used in dyeing, s.

kinsman, 1 ^fW<sl»^
i. atma-handhu, m. struction.
one's owns. (jy^ ^rft^ a-tol, un weighed, h.
JiijA^l ^TcTwHl atma-hodh, m. spiritual in- uV ' ^^t^ ^'^"''' 1 f• a female teacher, a
CiiiL^ 1 atma-palak, self-cherisher, selfish. 5. ij^^ 1 -^iirtTn atunj t^j governess, k.
^\ ^nf ath, m. the beginning, commence-
^>►)!self; ^ifw»r atmaj, springing from one's ment, an indeclinable particle, denoting now, here
m. a son. s.
goes, &c. s.
\^ \ ^TTWITT at7na-ja, f. a daughter, s. \^>\ ^^ atha (for a-thah), deep, unfathom-
^_SJ>j.^*^\ ^ni^re^l? atma-sandeh, m. inter- able, out of man's depth. J. [thing up. «.
nal doubt. «. [restraint, s.
j^^.l^l "^fViim uthapan, m. act of raising a
^juu^»5 1 ^lrH«i|H atma-sanyam, m. self- (j*»lj51 3^W^^ itihas, m. a story, fable ;
historj', tradition, atihds, m. excessive laughter, s.
(JLaSC^vI wrw^lfli atma-shakti, f. inherent
power, s. [praise, s. >,l^il ittUiam, m. suspicion, censure ; in law,
I^^JJL»!)1 ^irH^I^T^ atma-shlagha, f. self- a charge, an imputation, a.

tdivl ^TfrRoK dtmik, belonging to self, jjl^\ TTTHT utthan, m. rising up, awaking
own. s. [ness. s. from sleep ; effort, exertion, utthan ekudashi, or de-
vothdn, the 11th of the shukl-paksh, of kdrtik, when
ll^C^) I ^fsTefiwr atmlkata, f. identity, same- Vishnu awakes from sleep ; during the months that
he sleeps it is unlawful to marry, s. [able. s.
CLjI^.C_^ 1 ^TUT^IT atma-ghat, m. self-
murder, dtmaglidtak and dtmaghdtt, one who commits 8l^\ ^T'JTf a-thah, m. an abys?, unfathom-
. suicide, s, [ledge, s.
j^'.^-^^ ^'^^* athaiin, f. a place where peo-
^\J,^\ '5?lr*Js|IT'JT atma-gyan, m. self-know- ple meet to converse and amuse themselves, s.

^ljL»JI ^IrH^Tift a^ma-na?n7, self-evident. 5. CL*^^ ••Hpyd a-thit, unstable, unsteady. .»t.
I3.ii»*.)| 'WIWR^rT atma-vidya, f. spiritual
knowledge, s. ^J>J^^ Vedas, s. ■»5?^^Hf), athaihan,
one of the (properly
name of^^R^^
^^y^ ^rr?Rf^^^ aima-vikrayi, one who (^•j^\ ^T^i'tJ atharvvan, m. a Brahman
*"" sells himself as a slave, s. [self. s. versed in the Atharvan Veda, s.
iJL>^ I ^IrHf^TT utma-hit, beneficial to one's tillJ^ "Sr^ra a-thah, unwearied, insensible
Li-^v^ I ^srrfir^mT atma-hatyd, f. self-destruc- of fatigue, h.
tion, suicide, s. [selfish. *.
(V43\ ^^I^ a-thaJ, unstable, unsteady, wa-
&jl»j1 "^nfifn^ or "Witff^^ atmiya or atrntya, own, vering land
; farmed or rented, s.
f^>\ ^fHT n-lan, Kamdev, the god of love
among the Hindus. S. ^)^\ T^^ lithla, shallow, shelving, s.
^RT initna, as much
the mean time. as
h. this, this much ; 13^)^\
over, or(to
be overset,uthldfia,
s. a. to cause to turn

\-LJ^ '3T*n urna, as much as that, that much. h. l, over-

(Jl>Oi W!{n( atant (properly atyanta), very turned, upset, ^"^
J^Y J4^^ ^^
topsy-turvy, h,iithal-putha
much, e.\ceeding. *.
Ui43\ 4Vj<jSt<T uthalnd, m. to turn over, to
uili. I ^ificK atanJi, 1 m. fear, pain, affliction; upset (of itself) ; uthalnd puthalnd, to be overset, h.
S3\ ^nifn
"^nJCT cifang,
afang, JJ pomp, dignity, show. .<f.
U^J^ ^vjmi athmand, sunset, the west. *•-
i^Mi\ T^'T uttuu'j, high, lofty. 5. Ua!>^ ^tr^ .'??/(,, 't?a, or, or even. s.
( 14 ) y
fj,\ %fH iti (vide iJl^\ iti), a word usually ^^'^TTT otkana, a. to prevent, to hin-
written at the end of a letter, book, &c., signifying der, to stop, to restrain, to detain, to challenge aa a
sentrj-. /;.
that it is finished ; as the Latin Finis, &c. s.
{J,\ ^rrt all, much, verj. j^\'^i<^mathdn\ or atka,o,\ m. prevention,
UjiSJl 'il i cti I cj riT citkdwa 7id, J arrest, stop,
Ci\j3\ ^finf^ ityndi, et CEetera, and so forth, s. a challenge, h.
.Ljj\ (^TTRTT) a^Iftar, frequently, very often, s.
^j«JjXJl <j cages' iitakkarlaix, precipitate,
b^Ja>\ ^TT^^T atibakta, a great talker, a rash, acting without consideration, h.
babbler, s. [of game. A. ^jx)i -sjioft^ atkal, f. guess, conjecture,
lJ^>.^J,\ ^TTf'TTTft atipati, f. name of a kind judgment, opinion; quantity, size, atkal-hdz, a good
guesser, an appraiser, atkal-pachcliu, m. one who
lL»Ji>1 'iJrtlrt rt^I^ m. an ascetic, or devotee guesses at a venture, or without the slightest grounds;
adv. by guess, at random, atkal-malkal. name of a
among Hindus, s. kind of play among children something like our "guess
e:.^\ ^ffhr atlt, gone by, elapsed, expired. if you can." h.
atit-kdl, m. (in gran).) the past or preterite tense, s. UiC>^ 'STToR^Tn athnhia, a. to guess, to con-
jecture, tojudge, to thin-k. h.
dj^jo\ -^ ril r< rf« atirikta, much, excessive, s. CflJ^Cii-)^ ^<r<*Hi<* atak-matak, amorous
dalliance, fond tricks and gestures, d.
&c.). vl'irnn,
s. worn, cast off (clothes,
UC^\ '.aficdfjT atuknd, n. to be stopped, to
i^j^^ T^^ iittirna, arrived, rescued, s. be restrained, to be prevented, to adhere, cease, rest,
remain. /;.
(j«Jtsl ^TT^^ET a/is m. the name of a root used
in medicine, s. (3:^4^^ ■^i^cj' atkhel, wanton, playful, h.
tiljjl ^Wcfi i^e^j so much, this much. h. ^l*^Ci^ "^iXS^ ntkheli, f. wantonness, an
affected (also a graceful) pace or mode of walking, h.
(^ju\^\ ifihas (same as itihas), m. a history,
story, fable, s. (Jj^ ^Z^ termined
h. fixed, of de-

cL>! af (dakh.), eight. Properly ^' t, q. v. J.>\ ^(Z^ atam, m. a heap, pile, or mass. h.
ut ■^kl 5fa, m. flour, meal, any ground
grain; when sifted, the finer flour, called maida, is »fV^ '^^ atambai', a crowd of people, a
separated from the coarser meal, called suji. h. tribe, d. (plur, of ata). h.

ui "^[Zl fita, m. an upper room, or story, h. i^'i\ WTJf oUni, a balcony, an upper room;
\j\^\^\ vlli-MiH^l at-athara, perplexed, ^Jo^ ^T^TT atnd, n. to be contained, to be
distressed, d. [room. h. filled ; as, kua at-gaya, the well is filled up ; also to fill
up (actively), h.
ijj^^ ^4i<i atd?-l, f. a thatched upper
i^k^\ ■gin'JT utayiffon, the name of a river
J13'\ near Go.aliar, the name of a plant. /;.
grass, ^T7T^
corn, &c.), a-tal,
a heapf. (of
a baggage,
stack, a&c.),rick
q. d. (of
moveable, h.
(J^^ ^7^^ atnl, f. the horn of a bow. s.
^Ul ^JT^ atald, m. a lieap, furniture, h.
y>\ dto (for ajfAo/i), the eight, the entire eight. fZ.
Dj\j\ ^^ifoi'+l attuHhd, an upper chamber, li.
CLf\y^iJL>\y\ •^Hi^Mi^i'iM ativdt-khatnrtt,
f. the state of a person who in great affliction remains
U^^J)U)lj'l W7JTJ=rT3^ ^HT dtdmafi ho7ia, to bedridden, atlticdti-khatwafi lend, to be confined to
be utterly destroyed, or undone, h. [disorderly, h. bed by severe sickness, h.
\JJS[1k>\ ^T^'TTtl atpatdiuj, poor, wicked, (j^yii dtrvdn (for athivdn), the eighth, d.
^djLj\ ^7*^(fiJll atpatdnffi, wickedness, L--J^1 wit^ atob, m. nature, constitution,
•• absurdity, h. essence, power, d. [inexhaustible. «.

,c4^^ 'HZM/I atpathi,^ thoughtless, incon- iJL)y\ ^T7? a-tut, not liable to be broken,

^uj'l '5I7^I7t otpafi, J siderate, irregular, f. being bed-

"' unstudied. /«. iji^f ijy^^ &c). khatrvdtt,
ridden, (v.atwdt,athwatl-
»-I1a3^ WZZ atat, coarse, strong cloth, h.
C^y^ ^rjt«F a-tok, unrestrained, uninter-
.dXi\ ^rjoR atak, f. prevention, bar, ob- rupted, without hindrance, unquestioned, h.
stacle, name of a river, the Attock. h,
Jy1 ^7t^ a-tol, unpolished (stones or
oo'\ 'H^ohT; also
ablution a?/ia, m. ina which
the pot vesselvictuals
for performing
are dressed jewels), and hence when applied to persons it de-
for the public, at the door of the temple of Jagaunath ; notes rude, unmannerly. " A rough diamond." h.
part, aground, stopped, hindered. /;. s.
j_jy\ ^TTt atvi, f. forest, wilderness,
( 15 )

^T '^SUS (ith, *T
eight; ath nth hiisu rond, to
shed floods of tears, to weep exceedingly, dth pahar,
after any^TT^K
other, aathrvdra,
week . h. m. the eighth day
perpetually ; lit. durinfi; the whole oi<rht watches of
day and nig;ht. dth-paharl, one who is constantly on ^^^j^ \ 5TTT^T"//twara,the eighth; (from ath).h.
duty, an eight-watch man. dtli khamhd, a canopy sup-
ported byeight posts, h, Ki\^\ TcRT^n utkwdnd, a. to cause to be
raised up. i. [dred and eight, h,
\^\ attha, the eioht at cards, d.
j^yy^\ ^TtKT^ athotar-sau, one liun-
lead into1^3' \ '3'7Tf^TRT
error, cause to err. utha-hithand,
d. a. to
b^^'\ "3^^ idhwahjd, that which rises or
ffoes awav.
^,.^..'uol^\ ■37T%3^ uthu-haitht, f. act of
"frequently les nesrising
. /(. and sitting down, inconstancy, rest- JL^^'\ '^Jf^i; athJiattar, seventy-eight, h.
|.*u\^\ ^3^1^^ athe,dssi, (for aihaai),
5.^31 '3T3K^ nthdrah, eighteen, athdrahmah, eighty-eight, h.
also athdrwdn, the eighteenth, k.
yl*^^\ athednaw \(for othdnarve) ninety-
i-jl^\ "^TTT^^ athdst, eighty-eight, h.
(_^yl^'\ atJiednawe) eight, h. [pushed, s.
^J^i\ TSTiT uthdn, m. an area, or court-
f. act of appearing, arising, h. jj.^'^ "5?^ a-thel, immoveable, not to be
jXf^A athehatiar, (for athhattar), seventy-
\Jl^'\ TJT^ uthdnd, a. to lift or raise up;
to contract debts or purchase on credit, to drive away, eight,
to exhibit, iithd-d, to abolish, to do away with. h.
^\ ^jt attl, f. a hank or bundle of thread;
j__^yl^1 ^JTrfW nthdnawrve, or athduwe, "a cant word for a turban, h.
ninety-eight, h.
j^\ mzx ater, f. the name of a town. h.
fjj^^ ^7R^ athdwan, fifty-eight. /*.
^^, .j6\ ^^^'«1 ateran, ra. a skein or bundle
(j«J_l^'\ ^7T^^h. athd,i!i, (also athdwis) of thread, a reel ; the lounge or circle in the manege, h.
I3.x>1 ^^'TITT aternd, a. to make up thread
derer, one I'JT^jftTT
who pilfers, iithd,i-(jivd,
h. p. m. a plun- into skeins, to reel ; to lounge a horse h.

^xj^j\ T^Z vth-baith, f. restlessness ; a i^JuJ^ ^JoS a-tek, without support, h.

kind of exercise, uth-baith lagnd, n. to be uneasy in CLJ\3\ osdx, household furniture, wealth,
mind. h.
goods, money, slaves, cattle, &c. a.

^j»Jli^'^ ^<rfn^^ atktdlis, forty-eight, h. tlAAjJ^Lt^o^ asds-ul-bait,'\ household furiii-

Ji^\ WSW^ athattar, se\enty-e\ght. h. to\j\ asdsa, j ture. a.

^j«jui^\ ^JTT'^^ athfls, thirty-eight, h. jUl dsdr, (pi. of y\), signs, marks, traces,
vestiges ; histories, traditions, memorable events, the
0^L*^\ ^5^T athsatk, sixty-eight, h. traditions of iMuhanimad ; a weight of one sir, nearly
two pounds avoirdupois, a.
j^y^' ! WT^^'^'JT^
octangular, s. dtk-lwni, eight-cornered,
[tonness. s. ^'o^ asdm'i, m, a a.defendant in a lawsuit ;
•• a culprit, a criminal
^yi^i^\ '^Z'^W^ athheU, f. playfulness, wan- Cl^[x'>\ /.that, m. f. confirmation, affirmation,
proof, certain knowledge ; Dr. Hunter says that its
^y^\'WZ'^ (ithal, m. bathing (of the bride and gender in Hindi (when used in composition) depends
bridegroom together, the third day after marriage), h. on that of the object (or word following), as, isbuti
Ky:k^\ ^T^T^T itJddnd, a. to walk affectedly miul(l(i,dkhjd; isbdti taknrkl; but this is a well-known
rule in the language. — Vide Hind. Gram, gender of
or coquettishly, to express tenderness or kindness by comp. words, a.
gestures, h.
3\ amr, m. a mark, sign, effect, impression.
(^jti\^^\ "WZHJ'^ otJunds, m. land constantly asar-pazlr susceptive of impression, effective, a.
ploughed (for sugar-cane) from the month of asdrh to
the month mdgJi, both inclusive, s. ^ysLi\ ashal, very heavy, heavier, h.
\J3\ asnd, m. the middle, interstice, interval ;
ljk.«^'> \ ^JZ^'^I dtJimand, the west, in -op- as asnd-i-rdh, in the middle of the road, /. e. during the
position to agmand the east. s.
journey ; a fold or plait, a.
\j^'\ TT^T uthnd, n. to rise up ; to go away. h. Ji.plj3\ isnd-\i-<ha); the twelve, in reference
to the twelve Imams, a.
jjja^i\ "TJTqJ uthangal, out of order, with-
out manner, dull, heavy, stupid, d. j)3\ asir, m. aether; adj. marked, chosen, a.
^x^\ TS^^ uthangan, m. a prop, or ^\ ashn, m. a liar, sinner, criminal, a.
support, h. [ness. See. h.
_\ ^suf aj, m. a goat ; (also the same as dj)
^'L^'\ ^T^T^t atluvdfi, (vide at/vdt), sick- to-day, now s.
( 10 ) /^
— I WF»T cij, to-da^. aj-hal, to-day or to- Jfci^»-1 WT^V djudh (properly dyudK), m.
morrow, soon, in a few days, aj kal-k., or aj leal a weapon, «. [rant, clownish, h,
hatana, to procrastinate, h.
3j>-^ TrTf fijadd, inconsiderate, rash, igno-
Wl ^T5TT (ija, m. a paternal grandfather, h.
p-i ojr, ni. retribution, reward of good or
bad actions, hire, fare. a.
j>"\ WSTT aja, f. a she-goat. s.
L_.i>l>-\ ijah, m. (in law) the first proposal js>-\ WS{T. a-jar, ever young, not liable to
made in a contract &c. hy one of the contracting decay or old age. s.
parties, a. j»-\ ^srf^T^ ajir, m. an area or court, s.
jJIa^'v^^ ijabat, f. consent, approbation, a. \js-\ ijrd, m. performance, execution, ijrd-k,
to perform, to put in practice, a.
OW\ ^nfTTT a-Ja^, expelled from one's
caste, s. [his caste, s. *L>.I ajrdm, (pi. of ^f^) bodies, a.
5U.\ ^»rnft a-jati, m. a man who has lost C^j>-\ ujrnt, f, reward, wages, hire. a.
8.U-\ ijara, (also-W-^ f/a?-), m. a farm; a pri- U^^ y»iiWl itjarnd, n. to become desolate, h.
vilege, or income of variable amount sold or let for a
fixed sum. ijara-ddr, m. a farmer of land or of reve- \j)jj>'\ T3r5^T«n ujarn-and, a. to cause to be
nue, one that has purchased the labour of another ; the laid waste (by the hands of a third person), h.
holder of a monopoly, ijdrn-ddri, farming or contract-
ing for rent or revenue, ijarddrl-pattd, ijdr-pattd and \y>-\ ajzd (p\. of J?- q. v.), parts, portions;
ijdr-ndma, a lease, any document under which a lease sections of the kurdii, of which there are thirty, a.
or farm is held. a. [hemp. h.
^J^^\ ^rSTH a-jas, infamous, di«;repulable. s.
jW\ ^3IT3 ajar, m. canvas, cloth made of
iiL<»>-^ aj.sdd (pi. of tXu^bodies, a.
j'l>-\ TsTTf ujdr,
doned, ujdr-k, deserted,
a. to raze desolate,
to the ground, h. aban- AW— s>-i ojsdm (pi. of j»*

Uj'W) CL-^\ ^'SI^ a-Jukt \ f. violence, oppres-

desolate"^Wri^ vjarna,
; to injure, to exposea.to to
loss,lay waste,
as main to
ne iera
kyd vjdrd, in what respect have I injured you I h. Cl^^\ ^M*\n a-jnrjat,) sion, compulsion;
adj. unfit, s.
(jj*ls«-\ TWfJ^ujdru, m. a spoiler, destroj'er. h.
(JlXs-I ^iTTrl ajgut, surprising, wonderful, s.
%^\\s>-\ ijdzat, f. commands, orders, permis-
sion, leave, dispensation, sanction, ijdzat-khwdh. a »XJ>-^ ^HFTT '^'jfj^^y "!• ^ dragon, a kind of
petitioner, one who asks leave or permission, ijdznt- large snake, the boa-constrictor ; lit. the goat-eater. *.
ndma, m. any written order or permission, a.
^y:>■\ njal, f. death; delay, a stated time,
jiU-\ <J»n'Il.
brated, h. ujagar, splendid, gaudy; cele- respite, period for the payment of a debt, ajal-ras'tda
or ajal-girifta, seized by fate, on tlie point of death, in
a situation that leaves no hopes of life, djil, (in law)
^V^ T3n^ itjdla, ra. light, splendour. procrastimtion, or sufTeiiiig such an interval to elapse
iijdle ka idid, the planet Venus, h. as to render complaint inadmissible, like our statute
of limitations, a.
\Ji\s>'\ '3"iTTQ5'»TT iijahia, a. to cleanse, to po-
lish (metals or jewels), h. [brightness. /;. ^^y>'^ ajall, comp. more glorious, a.
^U-\ ^JHIcft^ t(jdli, f. light, splendour, glare, f^\ TtS!^ yjjal, clean, pure, shining;
blown, expanded s.
(j/«'o-'. ^nnfToS ajamil, the name of a great ^L>-\ ^«lc^1 ujld, clear, bright, white, light, x.
sinner and penitent, s. [cent. h.
(_j»j^L>-^ ijlds, f. act of sitting, especially of
j^W\ ^jTR a-jdn, ignorant, simple, inno- a court of justice like our word sessions, ijldsi kdmil,
a full court, a. [mean people, a.
(J^^ <r»TTT ujdn, m. the direction, or part,
of a river which is opposite to the course of the stream ; u-i^)>»-^ cjldf, (pi. of u-al>-) wretches, tyrants,
up the river, k.
I J^U-^ ijldl, m. the bestowing or acknowledg-
\3Wl ^rnTTRT d-jana, n. to come suddenly. ing of greatness, respect, a. [to brighten. ».
to befall, to happen, to come. h. [city. h.
\j^k»-l TaT^TTT ujldnd, a. to cause to cleanse
(jl»-\ ^"WTJft a-jdni, f. ignorance, simpli-
«Jl4="^ "^iJifoStT vjjalit, pure, clean, clear, s.
d.**-^ ^fjTfT a-jit, unsubdued, unconquered,
invinci!)le. ■ \^\ TS{^m ujalnd, n. to become clean,
to shine, to be bright, s.
e^«»i=-\ ijfimd', ra. act of assembling or ga-
tnering together ; conjunction (in astronomy), a, &L>.\ ajilla,{\i\. of Jai:>)glorious,illustrious. a.
L,~f\^jj>-\ ijtindb,m. abstinence, continence a «l^\ ijmd', m. act of assembling, an as-
sembly, senate, council, court of justice, a crowd, a
«iL^\ ijtihdd, m. care, effort, diligence ; car collection, amount, the whole, ijmd'-i ummat, m. gene-
rying on war against infidels, a. [a ral assembly of the people, unanimous consent, ijma't
sahdbat, the unanimous authority of the companion*
«>\tX>\ ajddd, (pi. of 3c».) ancestors, forefathers. of the prophet on a point of law. a.
r ( 17 )

jjl^»-i ijmal, m. an abstract, ahiidfrernent, (J-Y?'^ "j^^"h moie ignorant, very ignorant, a.
compendious account, synopsis, summary; also applied
to joint occupancy or possession. ui^^ '3'»*Bi^^ uj/ialua, n. to flow, or be
poured from one vessel into another. It is also used in
jjlv?-^ ijmall, abridged, compendiolis; in law a transitive sense, like vjlidhui, q. v. h.
ii denotes what is held in common (as an estate) undi-
vided, unpartitioned. ijmali vial^all, an undivided j^\ ^»T? ojhu, to-day even, presently. //.
estate, a.
Oy^^ ^1^^ a-jhol, of steady pace (epithet
of ah elephant). /;.
^j;-;xv>-^ ajmain, (pi. of Jj»-^) the whole, a.
^y^\ ajmal, conip. more beautiful, perfect, a. (j^=^^ ^nri oj-hun, yet, hitherto, even
yet, this very day. h.
dy^>-\ ^^TS"^^ (ijmud, 1 m. parsley. (^^;m/«
,^>-\ ^ift aji, an interjection to call, or
^ii^*»-l ^n^ft^ ajmoda,) involucratum, "bespeak attention. In Bengal it is always addressed
Roxb,), common carraway {Carum Carui), a kind of to an inferior, or in cases of great intimacy ; but in the
lovage {Ligusticum Ajowan). p. s. western provinces, often to a superior as a term of
respect. It.
f^^ (^fir«T) ajin, rn. tlie hide of tin niitp-
lope, lion, tiger, &c., on vyhich the religious students ^^\ ^SHrftl a-jai or ajai/a, unsuccessful, sub-
sit or sleep, i. [tels, kinds, sorts, species, a. "dued, not victorious, m. defeat, s.

(^jn\^\ ajnas, (pi. of (j»i»-) goods and chat- 'a^^l ^»T^fWo(iT njihiha, f. livelihood, sub-
sistence, means or mode of living, s.
t.^!>-\ ojnab, 1 foreign, strange, unknown
iJl^J^\ ^lf\lt a-j'if, invincible, unsubdued. 5.
^jjk»-\ ajjiah'i,} person, a.
dAJUkl>\ ajnahiyat, f. strangeness, the cir- (^y^Cl^xs-^ ^il'itT^^ a-jit-havna,m. leprosy
a bad kind), s.
cumstance or state of being a foreigner, a. [s.
^J(as»-\ aj'itrin, ra. a corruption of our word
(Jk?-^ ^»I»R a-ja?ima, unborn, and unbegotten.
tXA>-l ajt/ad, very best, good, excellent, a.
&ss>-\ ajinna or ajinnat, (pi. of (j;u^), vm-
br^'os. a. [gusticum &c. (v. ajwdyan). h. j^\ ({j^'\ ni. a slave, ajir-i-mnslitarik, a
general or common hireling, a.
jj^^\ ^r3T^T»T ojjvcin, seed of the Ajowan 11- ^Jis>-^ 'STiftltr a-jinm, m. indigestion, sur-
feit, flatulence, adj. undecayed, unimpaired, s
\3^^\ '3"ir^T7IT ttjicana, a. to order a person
to pour from one vessel into another. /*.
i^y>-\ 7^»T ".ii^^'^j I"- the name of a city
^1^5^^ ^tITHT^ ajrvai/an, f. the seed of a and province, of old the residence of Vikraviaditi/a or
plant of the dill kind (Ligusticum Ajowan). A kind of Bikraiiuljit. s.
aniseed, ajwdijani khurdsanl, henbane, h.
^xs-^ ^sfNr a-jl.Wf lifeless, deprived of life. s.
i\}\y>-\ ^"W^X^^ ajwa,mi,i'. a kind of caudle, f/.
yh^^ '^TTsfN's. «/iw, m. livelihood, profession,
C^-y>-\ ^"iftw (i-jof, without splendour, dull. s.
\^^\ "^l^ZX a-jutha, untouched, untasted o^>-\ ^TsFf'^fkoFT ajlv/ha, f. subsistence,
(victuals), h. means of supporting life (v. ajlbikd). s.

8.^1 ajura, in. hire, wages, fare, ajura-dar, '^\ T^ nchcha, high, lofty, (for unc/ia), s.
m. a labourer for hire (whether paid bj' the day, or
for completing a given work), a. U-' ^'^ncha (for achchha), good, excellent, h.
(<-.k>-^ a)auri, f. advance?, particulnrly to iiLJ;>-\ ■^■^im*! vchapat,m. taking up goods
agricultural labourers, h. [rare. h. on credit ; also, the goods so takeu up ; money bor-
rowed, h.
j'y>-\ ^Tift? "-Jt^.'S without joining, matchless, cL»l»^\ ■^^^'J uchat, sorrowful, dejected, sepa-
(J»>-\ ^^^ njjwal, clean, bright; blown, rate. uch(7t-h, to be tired, to be disgusted, h.
expanded, s.
,.3\s''\ T^T7«T uchchaian, m. the act of vex-
C^%:>'\ JJys^f^W vjjwalit, pure, clean, clear, s. w »
ing, or rendering sorrowful, s.
U^\ ■g'T^oSriT
diance, ujjrvalta, f. splendour,
s. ra-s
lJ6'*cs-\ T^TTHT vchatna (act. of uchatna),
to separate, &c. h. [paration. h.
^^\ ajauli, f. perquisite of the lower castes
"from the threshing-floor, h. (3'U-\ T^Zt richafi, f. sorrow, vexation, se-
.^^\ T^T: iichchar, m. pronunciation, utter-
i^^^ ^"^'ajoii, hithertho, as yet, to this day. h.
one vessel■3'i*?jT^«n
into another,vjhahia,
h. a. to pour from s*^ ^T^R achar or ^^TT arhai; m. man-
ner of life, common practice, rule of conduct, reli-
•]^\ (^>*R.f or "grss^) yjjhar, ignorant, illi- gious observance dchar-varjit, irregular, out of rule,
terate, clownish, h. [spy- ^• out of caste, s. [pickles, h.
Ux^\ ?*K«ir«n ujhakna, a. to observe, to V>\ ^r^T, ^irr^TT ackar, al'^o achnr, m.
u^ ( 18 )
0.l>-\ ^^Tftw nchcharit, pronounced, ut- U;^i
tered, s. n. to '3^T«!T
separateor(as'^Wty{\ ticharna
the skin or flesh,
from the uchcharnd.
&c) ; to
speak, to pronounce ; to be uttered, pronounced, h.
77jV>-^ acharaj (for ^T^T^ achan/a), m. an in-
structor inmatters of religion ; a learned pandit, s. lLX>^\ ^T^tT uchrang, m. a moth. h.
'*^i <J'^g|!T iichakhd, m.4^a thief, a pick-pocket,
^jjl^l ^T^T<OT acharan,m. manner of life, a swindler ; (inWestern India)swindling,theft. uchakka-
religious observance. *'. [utterance, s, pand, m, robbery, theft /*. [up. h,
^^W\ ^WTT«T tichcharan, m. pronunciation, blSj>-^ ^^eRTTTT iichkdna, a. to lift, or raise
\3,l.»-\ <J^K??T iicJicharna, a. to pronounce, to ^_5jX5>"i ^T^ojn^ achhart, f. wantonness, lasci-
utter, s. viousness, wickedness, h.

(_fjWl '^T^T^ achari, a strict observer of l^J**^^ ^^^ a-chakshu,h\\nd, f. spectacles, s.

religious ceremonies, s. [ceptress. s.

bjls^l ^^T^ acharya, f. a spiritual pre- ^x>-^ 'Srf^'^a-c/iiA'Aaw, rough, unpolished, s.

Vlx.>-\ g^eptTI uchaknd, n. to rise, be raised,
(^bjl*-! ^rr^^T^ acharyayii, f. the wife of or lifted ; to leap, bound, spring up. ichalmd, to grin,
an acharya or religious instructor, s. to shew the teeth, as a dog. h. [pick-pocket. A,
!0\»-\ WT^T'^ acharya, m. an instructor iS^-^ ^^'5^ vchakki, f. a female thief or
(especially in matters of religion), the fouader of a
religious sect. s. {^^^ ^T^C? a-chal, immoveable (either from
strength or weakness) ; an aged person ; ra. a moua-
fj^\ ■g^TT vchchan, f. height, elevation, s. tain. lul-achal, the blue mountain near JBalasore. s.
blss-\ ^T^T^T aclutiiu, a. to wash the mouth ^Jo^^ ^T^^T a-chald, f. the earth, supposed
after eating ; to drink, h. to be immoveable as the centre of the universe, s.

\>\s>A "g^TTT ucliana, a. to lift up a burden, ^'^h>-\ ^-^c^MT uchldrtd, a. to order a person
to raise, elevate, exalt, hoist up. /(. to separate (one thing from another), h.
<^iJ^ls>-^ ^^»T^oir achanchak,\ suddenly, Ul*-^ ^'^■^T uchalna, n. to separate or be
separated, h.
tibl.>-\ 'ST^^ojT achanak, J unawares,
unexpectedly, h, \^y.^>-\ ^3T^»Tr achambhd, also achambd, m.
a wonderful thing, astonishment, cause of astonish-
\3\.>-\ "T^rm uchaiva, m. raving or talking ment. adj. rare, wonderful, h.
incoherently, as in one's sleep ; the night mare. h.
,J-o>-\ ^^tj^ achpal, com.l restless, playful, i^r*^^^ -^N^'TT dchaman, m. act of rincing
the mouth, sipping a little water out of the hand and
spitting it out again ; a ceremony performed before
^>*-! ^'^tIq5T achjjald, m. > inconstant,wan- eating, s. [quence. *.
ji*»-^ ^^T?^^ achpali, f. J ton, brisk ,* ob- (^^^ ^^*T a-chin, without note or conse-
"stin ate, unruly, h.
l^jjjs-^ ^'^>?T achambhd, or achambd, m. a
iJL^'^k^\ ^^ti^T^ ach2)aldhat,\f. restless- wonder, marvel ; adj. strange, wonderful, h.
^^1 ^T^TT^'t achpali, J ness, play- cl*>.2^^ ^f^^T a-chint, thoughtless, rash. s.
fulness, vivacity', inconstancy, h.
Ijju>-1 ^fMill a-chinid, f. disregard, absence
of thought.
CLa.> \ 'g'f^tT ucliit, proper, becoming, s.
cLw»-^ "W^H a-chchut, ra. a name of Vishnu |l-ci=».^ ^T^^^ a-chanchal, fixed, unmoved,
or of God, (q.
immortal, s. d. •which breaketh not) ; incorruptible, firm, inactive, s.
SJc>-\ ■'H-jg a-chahd, gentle, not passionate, s.
Ui>-\ 4-4 ti\ uchchta, f. height, s.
, 'i\t^ ^-MdiH^ achwdnt, f. caudle (v. achh-
liU*-^ ^^TTT^T achtdna or achidnd-pachtdnd, waul), h. [marksman, a dead shot. h.
(v. achhiana), to regret, to repent, h. s.
uL).^ ^"^^ a-chuk, unerring; hence, a good
jjL^^ W^TTT a-chatur, stupid, inactive, s.
Kyx^ T^7*n nchatnd, n. to separate, or be ^s>-\ ^"^ achh, m. a die, cubic or oblong j
the spots on dice, achhi, m. the eye. *.
separated (as plaster from a wall) ; to slip, slide, re-
bound (as a sword striking obliquely a hard body), to
be broken or interrupted (sleep), h. 4==-\ ^"^ ichhu, f. sugar-cane. s.
\^s>-\ ^^T achchhd, good, excellent, righteous,
j^\ Sm< a-cha?', immoveable, inanimate, s. healthy, achchhd hand, to recover, achchhd-k, to cure.
achchlid-hignd, to become, beseem, to be pleasing.
r- jx"^ or — r^^ W^sT or ^Spg^^ acharj or
acharch, m. wonder, admiration, astonishment, adj. achchhe se ^achchhd, best of all. s.
astonishing, h.
\^^ ^'^T ichchhd,f. will, wish, desire, ichchhd-
and abundant to the utmost
hhrjav, food agreeable
custom, dcharan, m, manner
practice, institute, religiousofobserv-
life, desire, s. [ments ; a covering, cloak, &c. ».
ance, s.
j^iiU.'s-T ^n^T^«T dchchddan, m. cloth, gar-
( 19 )

4^^ a. to throw up a
jjl^d-^ T^CT^TrTT xichhalna,
tiling (as a ball, &c.) and catch it in tlie hand. /;. \i^^=^\ ^'SlTT a-chhuid, intangible (victuals
dressi-d for saints, &c.), inviolable /(.
^l4i>-^ XTSTTiT achhan, not strained, impure, h. (j4>^^^ ^T35llf(H achchhodrin, m. the chase,
hunting. ,5.
^jijl^r.-\ ^T^t^ achhansh, m. a degree of
latitude or longitude, s.
(_^^4:»-^ ^'^f^^^or "^"^if^Wt nchchhauhim,
sl^j*-! '5«an^ uchchhah, m. joy, gladness, h. " foot,
(pTO[)er\y akshaiilti:i7),
G5,610 f. a complete
horse, 21,870 chariots, army of 109,350
and 2J,870 ele-
(—ofJ l^A^j*-^
latitude, "W^iTTT
s. achh-hhag, m. a degree phants, s.

C1a4j»-1 ^^TcT or ^^IT achhat, or ahshai, f. i^jf^>-^

"achhai ^'^TJ
hriksh, or
an ^^'i? achhai,
undecayable tree, imperishable.
achhai- lo/c, m.
infallible, indelible; m. whole or unbroken rice used heaven, the imperishable world, s.
in oblations, achhat tilak, f. the ceremony of putting
a few grains of rice on the forehead of an image when t^x^.>-!
abuse, s. 'WT'^ dchhep, m. reproof, sarcasm,
a Idressed, or of a Brahman when invited to an enter-
tainment, s.
Iju^^ ^^miT achhaitd, f. durability, im-
perishableuess. s. [cellent. h.
CLi^s>-\ ^^aiTT achliat, remaining, existing, h.
tjiv^^s-^ ^T^ dchhen, alj. plur. good, ex-
the eye. ■^fejfTRT
s. achhi-tara, f. the pupil of
(Jl^^rs-^ ^'^IT n-chet, Ottt of mind, or eenses,
senseless, thoughtless, s.
paclihtdna, m. to repent, regret, s. h. C.A.:»-\ '^^trcCtf a-cJiyi(t, firm, fixed, ste;idy ; im-
.^.5-\ ^f^T ftclikir, ra. the thrush, a complaint perishable, eternal ; m. a name of Vishnu or God. s.
to which ciiildren are liable. /(.
IJL>-1 ^'sjI'rTT a-cli'itd, unwished for ; not
painted (paper, &c.) h.
j4^^ ^^3^ or ^'^T; achchhar or ahshar, m.
a letter of the alphabet, s. [sugar-cane. s. liLrj-^ ^'q^^T uchelnd, a. to separate one
thing from another, h.
(w^^j^^ ^^^ ichhu-ras, m. the juice of the
tj^j5«-\ '??^^rt-c//am,"neasy, uncomfortable, s.
'3;4-?'^ ^^"IT uchharna, to leap or bound, to
spring (a fountain), to fly up. h. -,\ Ilk, an exclamation expressing pain : it i^
often reiterated, iih, uh. a. [iiMd, singly, a.
J>j^.^5^\ ^^TT^ tichhrnnti, f. orthography;
"a mode of playing on a stringed instrument so as tj C)\s-\ dhdd (pi. of i3^^), cai'dinal numbers;
express the words of a song. h.
L^OtiU-^ nhddis (pi. ofti^.Jo-), f. traditions,
(_?;^5^\ ^^5T^ or ^^aR^ achchhari, scientific ; particularly traditions or sayings of Muhammad, as
writing an elegant hand ; lettered, s [up. d. constituting the basis of the sunnat or traditional law ;
lit. news. a.
liv^^\ uchharna, same ns \ij^\ to be rooted
id?W\ ihdtn, f. surroundinfj, inclosure ; be-
.l*e4>-^ ^^^^ iclt'tu-sdr, m. molasses, raw sieging (generally means the thing surrounded or in-
sugar, s. [of victuals ; leavings, s. closed, as a park, he.) a.
\^.jo\ ahabh, adj. comp. more beloved, a
cLoi-^^\ "^f^? uchchhisht, m. the remainder
friend, most lovely, amiable, a.
U^l^_2^ 1 ^;^^,^^ oR ichchhak or iclichuk,\\h\i-
ing, desirous, s. [sugar-cane (Saccharum munja). s, i_^L»-\ ahhdb (pi. of c-»-f»-), friends, a.
jjK^:s-\ ^■^foim^ ichhu-hclnd, m. a species of j'j<>\ iJiiirdz, m. abstinence, regimen; ab-
staining from improper actions of any kind ; for-
^r?-(J^'7^^ ^"^'^'^"^'^'7^''" ""' "• ^^ become en- bearance, controlling the passions, a.
raged, d. [ther to throw up any thing, h.
^]j<>.\ ihtirah, m. strong desire, burning, n.
l3!i^^>-\ '^'S^c^HI iichhidna, a. to order ano- Jlf^\ ihtirdm, m. act of honouring, paying
Ui^s^^ ^'3^^T uchhalnd, n. to leap or bound, attention, treating with respect, a.
to spring up (as water in a fountain), h.
u-'L*i>-^ i/itisdh, m. making up accounts;
superintendenceof police, censorship; superintendence
jX»^=>l ^■^TRrft k'hhu-mafi, f. the name of a of weights and measures in a city or market, a.
"river in Bengal, the Issamutty.
je-fJ^4^^ ^^1^ ickhumehi, adj. diabetic, s. ^j,1.mJ[3»\ il/tisdln, m. the superintendant cr
clerk of the market, a.
(^^^\ 3[«5^ ichchhan, m. seeing, sight. *•.
A^>-\ ihtishdm, m. having many follower.-;,
j^;^^^ '7fa[^
destroyed, h. uchchhinn, ruined, laid waste, &c. ; pomp, retinue, magnificence, a.

\i^r».\ 'STtSTTT oclihna, also dchhna, n. to be, j'^xs-\ ihtiJidi\ in its iiler;;! sense signifies tlio
to remain, d. laj'ing up of any thing; and in the language of tlio
law, the purchasing of grain, or otlier ncccsraries <.t
(^j*i^^^*-^ "^^l^ uchchhwds, m. breath, breath- life, and keeping them up. with a view of enhancing
ing; hops, expectation; division of a book. s. the price, a.

j3^^^^ ^"St^Tfrt ackhwani, f. caudle, h. f»^A»-l ihtildm, \\\. noctiiriial nollmion. a.

z^\ C 20 )
JWcfci ihtimal, m. act of bearing or support- ^,^s>-\ ahkam (pi. of ^is^), orders, commands,
ing; doubt, unccrtaint}' ; probability, il^timal-h, to he decrees or decisions (of the government or of a judge).
^ probable, ihtimal-/:, to doubt, to impute, a. al}kdm-iidma, written orders, a.
yK^xs^\ ihthnalan, probably, very likely, a.
^^y^\ ahhanii, one who is ordered or ap-
^y^^x>■\ ihthnaU, probable, conjectural, a. ■■ zamlndar
pointed by a.the ruling powers: such is the ahkaml
— .l-ia-^ ihth/rij, m. necessity, w;. nt, occasion,
need ; plur. ihtiijujat, requisite things, wants, a. |A=- 1 ahltam, stronger, firmer, more stable, a.
1?LI=»\ ihtiyat, caution, circumspection, fore- S^\ ahmad, comp. more or most commend-
sight, scrupulousness ; iiitiydt se or ihtiyatan, carefully, able, or praiseworthy; the name of Muhammad and
cautiously, a. [mares, a. others, ahmad-mahmud, a term applied in law to two
persons who have combined to defraud a third, a.
jlrs?" ahjdr (plur. of ^s?"), stones; brood (^S^\ ahinadi, of or belonging to Ahmad;
ti>s-l ahad, unity, one, an individual, ahadu- name of a gold coin. a.
t-tarafain or akadu-l-mutnkhdsiyiiniii.m law, denotes one
of the two parties concerned in a suit. iy^\s^\ (ihinndahad, name of a city in Gujrat,
and of another in the Dakkhan ; the latter called also
L^it^ft-^ ihdas, m. act of making or producing ahimad-nagar. a, p.
any thing new ; a novelty, a rare invention, a.
i_^Ss>'\ a/iodl, a species of military corps (in j^\ ahinar, red, gold, barbarous, a.
" India), a. Jj^J^U/zwia;^, a blockhead, most foolish, akmak
CL^ Ss-\ahadti/at ff.umty, concord, alliance, a. ktdum {d.), a fool. a.

yj>'\ ahrcir (pi. of %•), the noble, the free f^}3j^\ ahmalapan, m. folly, stupidity, a.h.
bom. a. [fire. a. aJUL?"! ahmahana, foolishly, stupidly ; figu-
/j^\ ihrali, m. act of burning, or setting on ratively, itis applied to money which an 'amil \a
revenue, to a.pay, p. to make good the deficiency of the
j»\^i ihrcim, m. act of forbidding or inter-
dicting; determination or resolution. At a certain
distance from Mecca the pilgrims interdict themselves ^^ £<*'\ ahnak-pan, foily, stupidity (same as
ahviakdpan). a. h,
from all worldly enjoyments, &c. : here their resolution
is fixed to complete the pilgrimage, and hence the
word means the resolution or intention then formed. iiL^\ ahmnli, f. folly, stupidity, a.
It also signifies a mean dress, worn by pilgrims on
visiting Mecca or Medina ; also, the act of putting on J^^\ a/pval, m. condition, circumstances,
such a dress ; also the period of the pilgrimage, ihram events, occurrences, state, account ; a report of the
particulars of an affair, or of the condition of a thing
bdndhna, to make one's vows as a pilgrim, a.
or person, ahwdl batldiid, to state one's condition.
^Us»-^ ahzan (pi. of m/^), grievances, sor- ahwdl-purs or -pursdn, one who inquires after ano-
rows, a. ther's health, ahwdl-pursl, incjuiry after health, cir-
cumstances, &c. a. [double, a.
^^U-»-\ ihmn, m. benevolence, benevolent ac-
tions, beneficence, benefits, favour, courtesy, kindness. {jy'\ ainval, squinting, one who sees objects
ihsdn-k, to oblige, a. [rnanill, gratitude, a.
Lo-1 a/iya (pi. of (_^), living things, ihya,
tyx^l.«-*-\ ilisan-mand, obliged, grateful, ihmn- m. act of giving life, saving, preserving, ihyd-l-mawdt,
lit. reviving of the dead, applied to the process of
j^,*«r»-\ ahmv, better, more beautiful, more ex- bringing waste land into cultivation, a.
cellent, more agreeable, ahaan-alldhu, may God be
gracious, ahsnuta, bravo, well done. a. l3'wc>-\ nhyanan, sometimes, now and then,
Lij>-\ ahslia (pi. of l.i.5>-), the contents of the from time to time ; in the event, in case, should, a.
thorax or chest, a,
^\ akJi, a brother ; ukh, inter, sound of cough-
l»l-iLs»-\ ahshcim (pi. of ^.i.s»-), servants, re- ing; n^-rtAi, an exclamation of joy. a.
tinue; a kind of militia or armed police, ahshdm
daftar, the muster-roll of militia, &c. ahshdm- i/aflar-
\s-\ alihhha, an exclamation of surprise, a.
ddr, the militia accountant. a/zs/iam-Jr/.c^'^Jr, an assign-
ment of revenue for the support of irregular troops or jUi-^ ahhjtai- (pi. 'if j<>-), news, a newspnpf^r.
local militia, a. akhhdr-nawls, a writer of news, an appointed intelli-
gencer, such as " our own correspondent." ikldidr.
Lias>-\ ihsa, numbering, reckoning, la-ihsa, m. act of giving intelligence or information, a,
innumerable, bej'ond calculation, o. (.^>aj»\ akhhas,very impure or contemptible, a.
^l^,a=>-l ihsan, restraining, circumscribing, a.
•^J>-\ aMpakh,tel igence, p. m- understanding, wisdom, in-
jLoj"-^ ihzar, m. act of making to appear, or
of calling, a summons, a. [scr\ang. a.
Llo-WM'jf- a sister; adj. similar, congeninl. a.
JlS'\ ahakk, comp. more proper, more dc-
' finishing,ikhfitam,
a. m. completion, fulfihucnt,
3lS»-^ ihliok, m. act of proving or establish-
ing the truth of a doctrine, restoring to riglits, admi-
nistration ofjustice, a. aMtar, m. a star, constellation ; u:<)o.l
as»\ ohhar, moi c or most contemptible (;i self- fortune, good omen, horoscope, akhlar-shiimdr, an
humili.itory expression), a. horoscope, p.
astrologer, akhfai-shuiudr l, the calculation ot oiu- s
( 21 ) \^
^ ?^^?/a', m. invention, inventing, ilis- | (^>a>j»-l iMiIax, m, afR'Ction, friendship, lovo.
covering, fancying, a, ikhlds-Zc or nikhnd, toPRtcem, &c. ikhjds-mand, afll'c-
tiouate, friendly, a friend, ikhlusiiiaiidi, fritnidliuosB,
afl'ection, sincerity, a.
jLaI^j-^ ikhtimr, m. abridgment, act of con-
tracting, reducing, curtailing, a. [tion. a. ioy^) nhhlcit (pi. of laii*), the liuinours of
(.jo'wo::^^ ihhiixdx, m. peculiarity, appropria- the body of man a.and animals. akhlilH arba'a, the four

\sCs>-\ ihhl'tja,
covering, a. m. act of hiding, concealing, ^J>s*i al'hlah, m. (pi. of Jtf»-), dispofiition,
the good properties of mankind; ethics, morals, a.
l3^bi-\ ikhtildt, m. friendship, intercourse,
conversation; act of mixing; mixture, confusion, a. J^-L?^ M^7;iy?«/ao, a kind of stew. d.
> ;!ibj>-\ ihhtildf, m. difference of opinion, j^l^i ihhwan, ^ (plur. of ~\), brutlici-.s,
opposition, discord, disagreement, misunderstanding C^ys-y ihhwat, J friends, fom])uuioiJs.
between friends, coolness ; pi. ikhtildfdt. a. ikhwiitii zamdn, cotemporaries. a.

ij'yCs>-\ ihhtddl, ra. interruption, obstacle, a. jy>- 1 akhor or aljhir, f. lefuse, offals ; .'i
stable ; waste grass of the stable, p.
^U^►I dklita, also aTihta, (literally, castrated)
a gelding, akhta-murgli. a capon, p. ^^ I akhon, master, lord, preceptor, d.
jOuJ>-\ ihhtlydr, m. authority, power, will, i.j^ I akhun, 1
choice, option, election, ijchiiydr men hovd, to be in . -r _ , - _ , ?■ ni. tutor, preceptor, p.
the power of, or dependant on. ikhtii/dr-k, to approve of, i\5j.5-i ak/iund,}
to adopt, to choose, ikhliiju^-itdma. m. a power of at-
torney, a. iSy^\ akhaivl, brotherly, fraternal, a.
;_^ljy5>-l ihhtiydj-l, f. approbation, choice, au- Ia=^! akhya (foi'^^-^), m. a little biothcr. a.
thority, power; adj. in one's power; subject to elec-
tion, at one's disposal, ikhfii/drl sulh, in law, an op- jUi-l aJihyar
cel ent, a. (pi. of ^^^), the good, the ex-
tional compromise, ikhtii/drt-zabhi, the killing of an
animal for food by cutting its throat, as is done by
Jews and Moslems, a.
(_JIa5«-I ajihyaft, a brotlicr or sister, by the
"same mother but different fathers, a.
k^s>-\ aMz, f. objection, cavil, hostility ; taking,
seizing, intercepting, akhz-k, to seize, assume, accept, a. j^\ akJnr, last; ni. the end, accomplishment,
completion. akJuiar, better, best. a.
y>-\ dhjiit'i the last; m. the end, issue; adv. at
last, finally, dkhir-ul-amr or dkhiri kdr, at the end, i^i-1 aMiran, at last, in the end. a.
fiually, at last, dkhiri shab, the end of the night, before
dawn, dkhiri sal, the end of the revenue year. a.
lil "Sr^ ud (same as '3'U ut), above, over. a.
— .^i-1 ihhrdj, m. expulsion, turning out of o\ "^^ ad (same as ddk or adh), half. .v.
possession, eviction; expense or disbursement; pi.
ikhrdjdt (corrupted akharjdt), expenses, disbursements ; li! "^^ ad, or W[f^adi, m. beginning; the
allowance for expenses, ikhrdjdti aurang, expenses first, originally: as a termination to a Sanskrit word
incurred in the manufacture, storing, and transporting it denotes " et cetera." s.
of salt and other goods, a.
bl ada, f. blandislnnents, coquetry; discharge,
C^J>'\ dhhirat, f. futurity, a future state; the payment, performance ; voice, add-lc, to liquidate,
world to come, iu opposition to diinyd, the present to pay. (idd-bandl, the fixing a period for the per-
world, a. formance of a contract, or payment by instalments.
add-fahvi, one who understands by signs, a. p.
ipj>-\ dhliirasluai last, finally, after all. a.]).
dj<^^\ ^i^ClZakkrot, m. awalnut. (The fruit Iiil "^"[^cidci, m. giiigoi-in tlie tuidried state. .<.
of the Aleurites triloba is also so called.) h. L.-'liii adab, m. (pi. of l— -Jii^) etiquette, de-
voirs, ceremonies, politeness, forms of address in wri ti ng
(_^.s- I dhhjr'i, last, late, of or belonging to the and speaking, salutation, respects, a.
end, final or ultimate, dkhiri hisdb kharch. adjustment
of revenue at the end of the year, dkhiri nikds, final C^\c>\ adat, f. a particle, in grammar; a tool
settlement of an account, a. or utensil, a.

f^..^\ djihiriii, last or latest comers; poste- (Obl "g^W iidaf.ta,m. I ho acute accent, a nigh
rity, dkhirln tiarf. a decree of fate, dkhirln dam, the sharp tone ; gift, donation, a kind of musical instru-
last breath, a. [mean. a. ment, alarge drum. s. [beloved, s.
f^j^\ akJiasSf n»ore avaricious, meaner, or very \jlii' '^T'^ udafta, liberal, generous, dearly
^_joi»l a kit ass, t i<»re Of j>fteial,more excellent, a, IJliil ^^rTl a-ddia, also a-ddiii, avaricious,
stingy, s.
Ia=>-\ ikhfd, corcealmerl *ilmi ikJifa, the art
of rendering
killer, one'sil self
or .^neas imis'lle,a. like Jack the giant-
(yartliafx jbl ^^^JX^uddr, liberal, generous, munificent. .<.
\5,bl ?<^mTT uddrtd, f. liberality, generosity,
jji,fti.\ aliJtfash, one \vli( has weak eyes, one muuiliconce. s.
who sees better ty .liglit thv) by day. a.
{^jJ\i^\ ■g'^fRT iftld)^, dejected, indifferent, sor-
j^' akh(jai\ m. live asliCKj a spark of fire. p. rowful m.
; loueliuess ; (iu agriculture) a sickl}' crop. s.
( 22 )
l*»bl ^TOT udasa,ro . a cord worn as a shoulder isj^"^ adatri, hanging ; infirm, d.
belt. d.
^j;^iJJii\ ,il
i. e. a son ^^fTr|»Tj*i
of aditi. s. aditi-nandan, m. a deity,
jt«*b^ y?{l^ ndasi, f. dejection, sorrow,
' solitude, loneliness; m. a classs. oi fakirs or devotees; yii1 ^Tf?[r^ dditwa, m. priority, prece-
adj. lonely, retired, dejected, dence, s. [same as adityahar. *,
i^x**i\^\ T^^fhr udcisin, m. one who is com- j^_jjL>iiI ^f^^TT dditya-rcar, m. Sunday,
who from the •world,
has neither friend whose
nor foe family
; a classis iuojl ■'iilfc^W dditya,m. the sun, etc. ^eeddit.s.
of mendicants of the Panjab, an hermit, a misan-
thrope, a stoical, indifferent person, an umpire. *. Jl»-tb\ idkJialf m. entering, introducing, a.
&S3Lb^ adama-llah, may God preserve (him ^liii^ 'g^ftl udadhi, m. the ocean, s.
&c.) a.
jiil WT^^ ddar, m. respect, regard, act of
treating with attention and deference, politeness.
^J^^^\ ■g'^TT udan, m. one of the five vital airs, adar-mdn, reverence and honour, s.
that which rises up the throat and passes into the
head. s.
jiilan "T^ udar, m. the belly. TJ udra^ m.
offer, (dakh) udar, that way ; adar, this way.
^^[M ^T^TJT adan, m. taking, receipt, ac-
ceptance, dddn-praddn m. giving and taking, s. ]jiil wr^T ddra, f. the name of the sixth
lunar mansion (probably a Orionis) ; the beginning
C^>\i^\ ^ITT^'^rr ad-ant, adj. from first to of the rainy season, s. [in another, a.
last, from beginning to end ; m. the beginning and
the end. s.
_.^jii\ idrdj, m. act of inserting one thing
(3b^ ^^T?ft a-dani, avaricious, stingy, s.
j\.ii\ idrdr, m. involuntary discharge of
urine ; hard rain, liberality, a.
^b\ adam, (pi. of ^li^) low, mean, or
contemptible people, a. a.
(_/jJj;ii idTart, a pension, allowance,
cLJ&b\ "^^^7 iidahat, 1 f. brown colour, uiJ\.4i\ idrah, m. understanding comprehen-
sion, a.
(^\Ci\ "^«fr^ uda,t J brownness. s.
i^\^^ ■<J^^l'^V ndardmay, m. diarrhoea, dy-
^^Ja^S\ ■g'^T^TTf ndaharan, m. an example, a "sentery. *. [worm. *.
simile, a comparison, an opposite argument ; one of
the five modes of logical reasoning, s. K^Li J\jil^ J<uii'? udardvesht, m. the tape-
)^.i^(^\^\ odd,e dain m. payment of debt. a. — Lj.jii\ "T^rf^^^ udar-pimrh, glutton,
voracious, one who devours every thing, one who haa
I ^S\ adab, m. act of preserving the boun- the devil for his belly, s.
daries of every thing ; good-breeding, politeness,
respect, urbanity, polite literature, adah-k, to respect, (V-* li^ a-dris for ^TT^ a-drishya, \ invi-
to behave politely, a. [ruin. a.
a-darsan or a-darshan,) sible,
jbii^ idhar, f. misfortune, ill-luck, adversity,
J&;iytil T^[^ udbodh, m. recollection the re- unseen;
Lj.O^ ^^Tin adarsd, m. a kind of very fine
cognising of any thing, s. muslin ; a kind of sweetmeat, h.
i£^ adhich, among, in the midst, d.
(^jCi\ W^ a-darsh, 1 invisible,
C^^i^\ ^^« adhhut, wonderful, admirable ; cL*.i*,ii\ '^THT? a-drisht, J m. un
m. surprise, astonishment, s. danger, fortune, fate. s.

^Jd\ T^ vdbliav, m, act of being born, of (jiJ!«,ii I ^n<^^ m. a mirror ; a commentary,

original manuscript ; a copy, a sign. s.
springing up (as plants from seed), birth, produc-
tion, s. [names of Vishnu. «.
(^viijii^ ^^■^T a-durshan, m. disappearance;
(JiJ.ii 1 ^if^Tj^^ adi-purush, m. one of the adj. invisible, s.
C^^\ ^f^fiT aditi, f the proper name of the (^li^ ^TJoir adrah, m. ginger in an undried
mother of the gods. s. state (Amomum-zinziber). s.
OiiT adit (for "mf^m alifj/a^, m. a deity in
general ; a deity of a particular class. The adityas are ^j'^\ ^^cjii adraln, f. a kind of sweetmeat, h.
li in number, and are forms of the sun as distinct in Jy\T^^.r/aWZ ]p^t.be]Hed, fat, cor-
each month ; the sun. dditya-bdr, Sunday, adit is also ^jO\ T^ft^ ndarin
met with in the same sense as ddik, et caetera. s. ^ ^^^^^^^ ^
iJ-'ii^ ■g'f^lT vdit, risen (as the sun), dis- t^^^\ "3"^^ udar I
tinguished, shining (as valour, &.C.). s. J [honour, t.

C^O^ ^^^a-dattii, not given. In Hindu law ^^UjtiT ^T^<:H[VT ddar-mdn, m. respect and
it is applied to an illegal donation, consequently void
and resumable. s.
^jd\ ■g'^fCTift udarini, f. a pregnant woman, s.
Ki^,\ ^T^^ a-dattd, not given in marriage lj,d\ ^i\t a-droh, m. mildness, moderation,
(a female), s. the absence of tyranny, s.
( 23 )
a.I,p.m. I
,0^ ddam-Mmr, or
j^Jbj.ii^ ^^^1 a-drohl, innocuous, mild. s.
devouring, a cannibal.
i_/jii\ <J?^l} udari, f. enlargement of the ab-
\jcd\ ^^JRT (ul-maru,
.M m.
domen from dropsy or flatulency, adj. abdominal, s, half dead. A.
i^j^jii\ idris,
prophet Enoch, a
the Arabian name for the
^^i:t ad-mar'i
yn, f. J r
: ^'
\j<d\ adavird, breathless, dead. (Z.
tii-oi)ii\ "Blf^? a-disht, m. misfortune, fate. s.
tilj^til udam-zdd or ddam-zdda, descended
\f'd\ iddi'd, m. the act of demanding one's
right or just claims, a. of Adam ; s. man, mankind, p,

ajkC-ii^ ad'iya (pi. of l^ii), salutations, con- jSj»iil ddam-(jar, humane, benevolent. j9.
gratulations, compliments, prayers, blessings, a.

jilc-ti\ idghavi, m. duplication of a letter by ^j>^<illence, p. ddavi-gari, f. humanity, benevo-

* tashdid ; coalescence of letters (in Arabic construc-
tion), a. [difficult, a.
\y6i^\ '^'?^W^ ad-mu,d, m. half-dead. h.
^i^\ adaltli, more or very subtle, absti-use or jj«Ji ddnii, a descendant of Adam ; a
&^ii\ adakcha, m. a cover, a wrapper. ]). human being (man or woman), individual, people, a.

(-iJii\ "S"^ udali, m. water, s. C*x«iil ddniiyat, f. humanity, civility;

uiiiil adik, (for ^fVoF adhik), more, much. d. admii/at-Jc, to behave with humanity, ddmlyat pa-
karnd, to become civilized, ddmlyat sikhldnd or ad-
(^lil ^nf^ adih, relating to the beginning ; mlyat men land, to civilize, ddmlyat uth-jdrid, to be-
come savage, ferocious, and frantic, a,
(in comp.) and all the rest, et ctetera. s. [cause, s.
^o (OtiT ^rrf^TT'II adikdran, m. a primary 1^1^^ ^f^«T a-din, m, an unlucky day. s.
Uiil adnd, inferior, little, low, mean, a person
l^ti\ ^(Js||-«(| adakcha, m. a cloth for of no consequence, a.
carrying things in ; a covering. See adakcha.
jl3ii^ adantar, also adantari (same as adatri),
^J^iil '^^fl^oST ad'khild, 1 half open, half pendulous, &c. d.
*:^^i^\ ^^^t^ ad-kholdyj blown (flower, tiJiil ^^^ a-dand or ^T^ a-divand, quiet,
&c.). h. tranquil, free from strife. «.
jOii\ "^^K udfjdr, m. vomiting ; sound, s. tijtil ^^5 adand, unpunished, m. impunity, s.
cLoii\ <J'(ji1' ndgat, vomited, cast up. s. ijJii^ adna, see adnd, little, &c. a.
IjJot^^ adgadrd, m. fruit fully formed, but jiil ^ift ac?aw, at first, in the beginning, s.
unripe, d. [stake), h.
0|jj\ adandt (pi. of 0^j\), particles in
\SbyS\ ^Tf^l ad-garhd, half driven (as a grammar, a. [act of revolving, a.
jJL<ol^j\ -^pf^TT iidghdtit, done with effort,
exerted ; opened, s. j^jii'i adwdr (pi. of.jii), revolutions; idwdr,
^\^ii\ '^T7'5T udghdtan, m. the rope and ^j\jti\ ^^^TtT adwdn, "1 f. braces for
bucket of a well, a leathern bucket for drawing wa- ^^^jii^ ^^^TXR adwdyan,} tightening the
ter ; an instrument for opening, a key, etc. s. tape of a bedstead, /j.

JtX* Jii\ '5l^Qi4J«^c^ adl-badl, 1 exchange, ^^jii^ '^^^T^ udvdha, m. marriage, s.

^^^4i\ ^i^^R?fQ5T adldh-adld, \ alteration. Oj;il ^^H adot, without splendour, s.

tJ'V(J'^^ "^"^^^^"^ adU-badll,] adl-hadli-h, &Jj;i^ ^fl'il'^il a-dwitiya, peerless, matchless,

"to unequalled ; onlj', without a second. *
alsoex'change, to swop
adld-badli-k or barter;
and adl to confuse,
kd badl-k. h. displace;

«3ii\ adilla, (pi. of JjJ<i) proofs, indications, a. Lfjj'^^ ^^TT^ aduuri, f. a kind of food eaten
by Hindus. /(. [lium. $,
j^\ ddavi, Adam, the first man ; also, a
man in the abstract, a. (J^jii^ ^^^q5 uduhhal, m. a gum resin, bdel-
*ii\ '3'f^ uddim, m. endeavour, exertion, ^^j4i\
s. perplexed, dejected,
profession, trade, calling, employment, s.
«iV*ii\ d4*<^ udmdd, m. lewdness, wanton- y_j45\ adwan, very mean, or wretched, a.
nes , s.
strife. "^[^^^a-dwand
5., quiet, tranquil, free froms.
^J|^\<L^ '^^i{X^ udmadi f. a paroxysm of lust ;
adj. wanton, lewd. s. OJ.jii^ ^ITT a-dmait, peerless, matchless, un-
jJwoti^ ddy*; udumhar, m. the glomerous fig- (ji,^.jii\ 'STIT^ a-dwesh, 1 harmless, not ma-
tree, or gular-tree {Ficus glomerata). s. sect of brah-
f^J^„^i^\ "^^^ a-dweshi,} licious. s.
( 24 ) (jJifcil
vf^.jiii T17T vclveg, m. {)er(iiibation (espe- o^.-^iii ^Vy^ adh-pakka, half ripe, s.
cially from pain), consternation, anxiety, perplexitjr,
exertion, care ; the fruit of the Areca catechu, betel- CL^d\ T^K tiddhat, rude, arrogant, ill-be-
nut, s.
haved ;m. a king's wrestler, s.
j^OjiJil cTl^ uclvegi, perph;xed, anxious, i^JiSbi^\ adhatri (v. adatri), pendulous, &c.
"perturbed, agitated.
jSii^\''^S[Xrt.adhar, low, inferior, vile, m. the lip,
the lower lip ; pudendum muliebre. «.
iO.jii^ ndn-iya (pi. of ^^iS), medicines, a.
^u\ ^X[(uihi, a particle denotinfj superiority; jSbd\ ^T>J^ ridhar, m. empty space, the space
upon, over, above (the reverse of the particle apa). s. between heaven and earth; adj suspended, separate,
at a distance ; in the middle, h.
Jfcol W^ adha, down, downwards (the re-
verse of the particle ut). s. jfciil ^>n; idhar, here, hither, this way. idhar
udhar, about, around, up and down, here and there, ft.
^d\ ^nj cidh, in composition denotes half; as,
adii-mu.a, half dead. s. _^^1tu^ udhar, there, thither, that way. h.
^Li\ '^ifv adhi, m. mental af^ony, anxiety; \jt;2)\ "^VU vdhra, opened, undone, unrolled
expectation, calamity ; a pledge, pawn ; location, fix- (as the seam in a garment, or thread which was rolled
ing, site, &c. ; engagement. *. up in a clue), h.
— Usiil ^VTT»T adhi-raj, supreme ruler, s.
USuil "^JXHadha, half (in comp. adh,adh, ad), fi.
jlfciil ^nVlX.adhar,^ m. food, aliment, vic- AAs-ysiil ^ifvim^ adhirajya, m. empire, su-
preme sway. s.
.laol '3TVTT! adJiar, J tiials, nourishment, h.
jfi>ti\ J6ii\ ^Vtmr idhar-ndhar, this way and
jlfctil '3'irRor TVTR uddhar or udhar, m. debt that, on all sides, all around. /*.
(especially not bearing interest), loan, trust ; deduc-
tion, discharge, deliverance, raising up from any place 0^«c\^ii\ ^muirjT adJiaramrit, m. the mois-
or state, s. ture or nectar of the lips. s.
jUfctil ^IxnT^adJiar, m. a patron, supporter, one ^,Jtd\ adlia rpand,m. {for adher-pana) middle
on whom dependence is placed for assistance ; com- age, manhood, d, [a sort of cloth, h,
prehension, location ; a dike, a canal ; a basin round
the foot of a tree. s.
\**ijSt,^\ w^"^ adharsa,Tn. a half-piece of cloth,
(L^A/Cjlfciil ^^f^oP adharmik, 'l unjust, un- *,fciil ^>IH a-dharm, m. injustice, impiety ;
sin, crime ; adj. unjust, impious, adharm-chdri, un-
edl-Cjlfct.^! wr^^"^ adharmih,} righteous, righteous, wicked, s. [crime. A.
wicked. *. [rate, to discharge, s.
ll^.^^\ ^V^^?rT adharm-pana, m. injustice,
X>\ii^\ "^y^^Ty^ o>v '7^TT^ tidhcirna, a. to libe-
l:i«jfcii\ ^V^HT «(//m7-ma<d,f.unrighteousness.s.
^jj\!i(^\ '^Tm'^ cidhurl (in compos.), an eater;
as, dudh-ddhdrt, one who lives on milk, h, ^xL^jii::^^ "^"^jf^ ndharmishth, very wicked. 5.
^,&j\ «.
^T-liff a-dharmi, unjust, sinful, cri-
^^^Xt*i\ii>^\ ^nn«lfl'l adha-sisi, ~\ f. pain af-
j--ju«»'jbiil 'OTVT^^ arZ/m-sisi, J fecting the
"half of the head, hemicrania. «. jlbd^^jjibd\ ad/iare-adhar, separate, aside, d.
^Ijfcii^ ^rn"^ adhnn, m. oils, unguents, h. 0'.>ii\ udharna
ravel, d. (see udherna), to undo, un-
U&til ^tjT»T adhan, m. pregnancy, concep-
tion ;a ceremony performed previous to conception ulAiSii^ '^rfVoir adhih, more, greater, abundant,
as conducive to it ; a pledge, a deposit, a surety, s, excessive, additional, augmented, adhak, a half, a part
(less in use than ddhd or ddh). s.
tiblfcijl ^TVTftT«S adhanik, m. a ceremony
performed after cohabitation to procure or favour uLlifcii^ 7i[oh' uddhak, ra. asthma; act of crasp-
conception, s. [duce in equal shares, s, ing or panting ; plethora in the vessels of the head ;
headache, indigestion, s.
(^ULfcii^ "^xc^Zf^adh-bataft, f. division of pro-
.^l)\ '^rfVoSTT! adhikar, m. possession, extent
jvfcii^ ^V^ adh-bar, in the middle, h. of dominion, a kingdom ; the bearing of royal insignia,
authority, rule, privilege, inheritance, s.
V|'.Cfiiiil adli-bagra, half cleaned (as rice from
the husks), d. [pared, h.
reign ruler, autocrat, an owner, one possessing autho-
Ijusfcii^ ^>I^'?ri adh-bana, half-made, half-pre- rity (absolute or derived), right, title, or privilege;
^^^d\ ^VTt^ adh-bich, in the middle, h. one empowered, s. [increase, s,
l_-^;i\ ^f^ adhipa, m. king, master, or lJKfi>ii\ ^VcFT«TT adhikana, a. to augment, to
ruler s.
^Ki^li^ ^rfVelTF^ adhikn,!, f. increase, aug-
jb^ii^ »!IVIMI«I adh-pa,o, half a quarter, k. " mentation, abundance, supremacy. «.
CL^,^iii\ ^Vltf adhpat, properly ^f\mfifadhi- ^L5jfc4i\ ^VeF^n^ adh-hapaU, f. a pain af-
pati, m. prince, commander, raja. s. •• fecting half the head; a nut of Areca, shaped like a
hemisphere (probably from two kernels being con-
ii.^L^d\ ^rrftjIW a<^/i?/;a<?/fl,m.sovereignty,go- tained in one shell) : to such a nut the virtue is as-
vcrumeiit ; lurdship. s. cribed ofcuring the disease of the same name. «.
LdJlfcJ>l ( 25 )

^Jxjbi! "s^fyrsfiWi adhihia, f. excess, addition, s. i^y>iil "Snit^ adhauri, f. half a hide (of a
thick strong kind), h.
Ijs^ti^ ^>l'^WT adh-hachcha, m. adh-hachchi,
'{. half ripe; a kind of soil in Sfeharanpur, h, ^Icjfciil ^nfl^^ adho-mukh, with the head |
doivnwards (a posture used in the tapnsi/fi or austere
\j^^i^\ ^V«IJ^m adh-kachra, m. adh-kachrt, devotion of the Hindus) ; drooping the head (from
f. half dressed (victuals), h.
grid or shame), headlong, inverted, turned upside
down. s.
S^i^\ ^Vofi^ adh-hur, m. half the tax, or duty
of any kind, the other half being remitted, adh-kari,
^jy>i3l '^nnr^ adhwan, half of any \
f. an "instalment of eight anas in the rupee, s. j>:> thing, h.
(0,xfcii\ "^fxc^ adhikritjXn. asupcrintendant, I3y&*il ^vf^l^ adhivinna, f. a superseded
an inspector of receipts and disbursements, an auditor wife. «.
of public accounts, s.
il3^iil adhondd, half and half, nisfa-nisfi. d.
^^S'i>i^\ ^rfVjeFH adhiharma, m. §nperinten- uilil^.^siil
' dence, supervision, government adhikarma-krtt, m. ^fTl^fVfSF adhivedanik, m.
u supervisor, s. [title, right, s. dowry or alimony given to a wife who is superseded
by a second marriage, s.
^^xail ^fy^^m adhikaran, m. superiority,
(C^jfci) ">nv<*0 adh-hari, f. an instalment of j_^*it ^Tift addJii, f, half of a damri (a
eiglit anas in the rupee, or half the government im- small coin) ; half a piece of cloth. /;.
post, h. [pronounced, h-
\^i^\ W\VJ(\ adhya, division of produce be-
Iji^iil ^VcT^ adh-haha, half spoken, lialf tween two parties in equal shares, one furnishing the
seed and the other the labour. //.
»JLxj^^il ^Tf*T^ adhihya, m. excess, an over-
plus, abundance, s. Ld),>li^ti) ^a?TXI^ or ^TiqT^oF adhyapuk or
udlnjdpak, m. a teacher, one who instructs in the
IjixO&ii^ adh-gadra, half ripe (fruit, &c.). d. sacred books, s.
jifi>i^\ adham, a dark or dusky horse, a.
^^^i\i£i^\ '^^m^•^ adhyapan, m. instructing,
^^d\ ^VH adham, mean, vile, wretched, con- teaching the sacred books, s.
' temptible. s.
jb^iil ^^jtfTT. adhiyar, m. a man who passes
j«fc^l^t>\ ^VH'raH
mean or base. s. adhamadham, extremely half his time in one village and hlf in another: of
such a one it is said, adhiyar karid Iiai, "he acts as
;_jM'^ii\ ^f^^'m adJiimas, m. an iiitercalarj' adhiyar." /;.
month, which happens once in three years, when two
lunations occur within one solar month, s. — Hind. j_5^Ufcj! ^finrnjt adhiyari, {. a half-share, h,
IJUfinil ^^£IR^ or wfv^T^ adhyana or adhi'
jvoUfeiil ^fVHT^ adhimans, m, fleshy ex- ydnd, a. to halve, to divide, h.
crescence ofthe eye, cancer of the eye. s.
i^^lA^iil ^iqm adhyaya, m, section, chapter, .v.
K^iil ^nrro adh-mara, 1
.^Si; iil adlryachh, for "^vc^^ adhyaksh, m. a
^^~»iitil ^T.^'C^ adh-maran, > half dead, i, master, superintendant, &:c. ; a man of rank, s,
\y^Ci\ 'CrvTJ^^T adh-mu,a, J
^j<4>iil ^tjt^C a-dhir, confused, perplexed,
^^^\ ^^^ ailhan, m. water set to boil for hastj% precipitate, irresolute, impatient, unsteady-, s.
the dressing of victuals, h.
13^ ii ^iftTfTT a-dJdrata, f. impatience, per- '
^si^ ^V«T a-dhan, poor, destitute, s.
confusion, haste,
s. precipitation, fickleness, unsteadiness,
vjiljj&iil Wivf^^ adhunik, recent, modern,
belonging to the present time. s.
-._^iil ^ifhiiT a-dhiraj, m. perplexity, dis-
liCj^jl '^vffTofi'iTT adhunilita, f. recentness, traction, unsteadiness ; adj. perplexed, distracted, un-
the being modern novelty. «. steady, impatient, feeble, irresolute ; also a-dhairj. s.
tf^iiiiil W^A (idhang, m. palsy affecting half
the body, hemiplegia, s, W^iil ^qTrin a-dhhjd, 1 perplexed, dis-
iXisti\ 'grvTft adhangi, palsied, paralytic, s. ^^9-j<fiiiil ^vll^ a-dhtrji,} traded. ^r^^T
a-dhairjd, m. instability, want of firmness, s.
(J^iil ^V^ a-dhanl, poor, indigent, s.
b^jl TVTTIT udherna, to undo. See udhernd.
j'^ytiil ^V^T5 adh-Tvar, half (generally ap- JjJfc4il ^Vf ot/Zie/', middle-aged ; just past the
plied to pieces of cloth) ; a half-web. h. prime of life (applied most frequently to women), h.

cloth, k.^Vltn; adhotar, f. a fine kind of j'jkfcol '3>I'5 udher, m. unravelling, unweav-
ing, udher-hun, perplexity. /(.
\}^tbd\ ^^l\ adhura, half ready, unfinished,
half dressed; immature (a foetus), adhurd-jana, to \J>>%iiii^\'^T^'^adhcr-paiia, m. the middle
miocarry (a female), h. period of lifo, njauliood; mature age. U.
26 Ui)

lSj>fcii) ^\jT?rr, tidherna, \ to undo, iin- ^d\ adim, goats' leather perfumed, which
they bring from Arabia. Pers. the face. a.
^yvjJSiil ^i}^%T. udhernann,} ravel. //.
ul*Jo.(il ^rr?RT adyant, first and last, begin-
.»-i^til ^nfhiER adhishn-ar, m. an emperor, to end.ning and s.end ; adj. from first to last, from beginning
a king paramount, s.
iLii^d\ ^«i^ adhyahsh m. a master, lord, euo.ol udina, Friday, p.
governor, superintendant. s.
O^iil ^reftcT a-dyot, without splendour.
^^£)Jfcii)ment^Jnflfr^ adhyagni, property or settle- udyot, m. light, lustre.
given to a wife when superseded by a new
marriage on the part of the husband: it is given (_5'ii5 (_^iil ade-n'ade,n\. procrastination, ade-
during the marriage ceremony, over the nuptial fire. s. wadc-k, to put off, to evade, to shuffle, d.
^J6 J ^Vq5T of///e/«, m. half apaisa (a small
coin), amounting to l'2i ddm.i or 4 damrls. h. ijj^li^\ rance,
"g^ITcontinued udyocj,
endeavour,m. s.
exertion, perseve-s,

^J^|^^ ^rv^*^ adlieU, f. half a 7vpi ', also iS^P^ TEnift udyogi, active, laborious, per-
"a kind of measure used for corn; also half a gold
mohur. /;. [half-share, h.
^.^1 "g^yt udayl, prosperous, flourishing, s.
\jLj64il ^TVf^^T adhcJiya, a proprietor of a
\3\ ^ITfT adda, m. a stand or station where
porters See. wait to be hired ; a stall, booth, shop. Sec
j^iil ^nfbr or
or ^yi^^ obedient, or
(idh'm do-
^TvlW humble, ddda-dar, a palkl bearer or dak runner, v. Wilson. A
adlun, submissive, obsequious,
cile, dependent, s.
jiiljOl ^r3TT3^ adar-udar, ra. a ditch and
tj^vi'i^ ^sraH a dhynni for adhyayan) in. study, the mound of earth thrown up from it, forming tht
application, especially of the sacred books, s. boundary of a field, h.

IjJkjJ&iil ^mlrTTn or ^«nvt^T?rr adhinata,'\t sub- j^'6 \ ^rr3¥^ adamhar, m. charge sounded
by musical instruments ; commencement ; pride, ar-
4_^ljajJbL>T ^"vft-JriTTt, adhinata,i, J mis- rogance anger,
; passion ; happiness, pleasure. *.
ss, servility, dependence,
sionrobedience, obsequiousne
slavery. «.
CJ>« j>\ TTT udup, m. a raft, a float, s.

j_^jJ&iil 'Snft^ adhini, f. obsequiousness, ser- J.iil -^Jdlc? a-dol, immoveable, unshaken, h.
"vility, submission; petition. «.
Liijtil "^Z^adhak, m. a measure of capa-
ijCi\ T^TI 2«% or Mf%fl, m. dawn, sunri=e, city (for dry measure), about 750 of our cubic inches, h.
in opposition
the east, from
"ascent ; mountain to asta, the west, the
eastern behind which tlie sun is supposed (il iz or lil iza, when, lo, behold, azd, vexa-
to rise; light, splendour ; prosperity, ndaij-h. to rise tion, injury, a.
(as the sun), uday-asta tak tumhara raj ho, may your
sway extend from the east to the west. s. jliil oznr or azar, name of one of the Chal-
dean months, nearly corresponding to our March ;
(^lil 'Snir adya, first initial. 5. [pity. s. dzdri, vernal, a,

biil ^^^n a-daya, unfeeling, destitute of ^\:i\aza.ii,f.the summons to prayers,generally

proclaimed from the minars or towers of a mosque, a.
C^****btil "^^^ vduycista, from sun-rise to
gun-set, from east to west. s. ijiijil uzbak (fern, uzbahfi), an Uzbek, or
one of the Tartar tribe so called, p.
J^d] adyan,
rites or
(pi. ofa. ^^.^), religions, religious
jil aziir,
father m. ;fire;
(Terah) the ninth name
thesolar of Abraham's
month, p.
^^biil "g^TR udyan, m. a royal pleasure-
ground, s. ^^ ,(il azarin m. camomile flower, ox-eye. p.
y^„:i\ ad'ib, m. a teacher; adj. courteous, a. (j'^iil izariy ra. obedience, submission ; con-
.s. fidence, belief, a.
tl»JO.^^ T^ uddtpta, illuminated,
aji) azulm, or azuka, m. food, nourishment. /j.
j^.iil T^V:^ ndcVipan, adj. exciting,a luminous inflam-
ing, as passion ; m. blazing, glowing, of
body. i. .\^jl
izkdr, azhar, (pi. praising
remembering, of ^'S) praises
(God), a. of God.
C^>^\ "^JiK udyat, m. a section, a chapter;
di- Ui'iil azhiya, (pi. of ^^^j) people of pene-
adj. raised, held up; active, persevering, labouring
[trace, s.
ligently and incessantly, s. tration and understanding ;'the acute, the ingenious, a.
Jol azall, base, most vile, abject, a.
^,p\ -3^ uddesh, m. a scope, a vestige, a
^il iz)i or azn, m. permission ; dismission.
5jiL>.:iT ^^ adesh, m. an order, a command ; azin, chanting the Tcur.dn ; hearing, a.
a salutation of Jogis ; in grammar, a substitute, s.
w_j jl azuha or azuka, ra. food. p.
tib.ii! ad'ik, (same as adik or adhik),more. d.
^.li^ T?m udyam, m. strenuous exertion, per- ^Ifci! az,han (pi. of ^jJfi), geniuses, intel-
severance, labour ; calling, trade. «. lects, capacities, a.
( 27 )
CL»J'il afiyat, f. wanton injury, oppression, lS<<\j\ aruvi-gdh, also aram-gdh,i. a resting-
distress, vexation, a. place, a bedchamber, firdaii.i-drdmgdii, resting in para-
dise, an epithet applied to Muliaviviad Slidh of Delhi, p.
J I ar^ (t. of dn-ardan) brin^ thou ; used in
com p. ; as, bar-dr, fruit-bringing, fertile, p. iy«y ardmil, (pi. of i^^), widows ; dis-
tressed, poor, in want of victuals (females), a.
J I ^TR «r, f. a goad, a kind of ladle; the ar-
tilicial spur of a game cock, h,
j_^^l drdrtn, a lover of ease, idle, slothful, p.
j\ ar, if; (contraction for jil agai-). p. l>S*^\j\ drdmida, (also dramlda), at ease,
j\ TC ur, m. the breast, ur-l. to embrace, to tranquil. /;.

caress, ■g^ uru, f. the upper part of the thigh;

\i\^ '5?tTin arrdnd, n. to produce a continued
adj. large, great, ample, ^f^ art, a foe. s, sound, as a mill (imitated from the sound), h.

j\ ^T^fln/, (sameasjjl), and, more, again. /*. {j^}j\ drdyish, f. embellishment, ornament,
equipage, preparation, dressing; in dakh. artificial
flowers, trees, &c., made of talk and tinsel, d.
^Jtjard, m, a saw; a shoemaker's knife h.or
; the name of a district, Arrah in Shahabad.
^j^ ^rf arb, one hundred millions, arh-
\j\ ardy or drd,e, in composition, denotes kliarh, innumerable, s.
adorning; as, ja/ia/i-aro, world-adorning, p.
i_-^bjl arhdb (pi. of i--^), possessors, lords,
eoijl ardba, m. a wheeled carriage, gun-car- masters, arhdhijdh, possessed of dignity, arhdhi-
riage, &c., a cart. p. siiMan, eloquent persons, poets, arbdbi-nishdt, dancers
and musicians, arhdhi-himmat, men of high spirit.
C-'M ^TrrffT drati, m. an enemy, s. arhdb't-mdl, officers of the treasury, arbdbi shar', law-
officers, arbdbi ma'nt, spiritual persons, h.
\>\j\ ^XlZf arrdtd, m. a loud and prolonged (^bj\ v<^ioji arhdk, low, vilej adv. at first,
sound (as from the discharge of artillery, or the fall formeily. s.
of a building), h.

t^jWM drd-jdri, f. (for dnd-jdnd), coming ^S -WMc^ arhud, one hundred millions, s.
and going, d. [(a country), s.
\j>J\ "Wl^TJ urbard, f. fertile land or soil. s.
QtX>X\ ^XX^'SR a-rdjak, destitute of a king, 130,1 ^STT^T'^TT arbardnd, n. to hurry, to be
C-JiSU ira(/a/,^m.desire,inclination,wish,pur- confused, perplexed, agitated, h,
2(i^j\ irdda, J pose, design,plan,intentlon. a. (C-«^l T§^ urbasi, name of an apsard, or
female dancer in the court of Indra ; an ornament
f^Oy'A ^TtTVT drddhan, m. worship, ado- ■worn on the breast, s. i
ration, supplication ; accomplishment, gratifying, s.

Ujbti^jl 'gTR'HRT (or '5K1VHT) drddhnd, a. to x^y arba , four, (also arbu'a). a.
worship, to adore, to serve, to accomplish ; f. service, jj^.l arbaun and ^JiJOJ^ arba,in, forty, a.
worship, adoration, s.
^y>^ ^T^ drbal, f. age, duration of life. s.
iijkifttiVl ^TTTMT drddhya, worshipful, vene-
rable ;name of a class of brahmans. s. [base. a. (XxJjl ^T,fV»5 arbind, m. the lotus {nymphwa
nelumbo). s.
(Ji^U a7-az?7(pl.of (Jii,^),lowest, meanest, most
^U ^TTTTTT ardrd, ra. marks of nails left after Lil^j\^Ao!>a7'&/m/i!,m. a8on,achild,apupil. s.
scratching, h. [going, d. (^.j' ^^^ nrpan, m. an offering, the making
{j\\^ drdzdri, f. thoroughfare, coming and an offering ; delivering, entrusting, arpan-k, to pre-
sent an offering, to deliver, entrust, arpan- ndma, m. a
deed of gift, especially to a temple or idol. s. [s.
\^j[^ ardzil, lowest. See ardzil. a.
11? . I ^fn?T»n arajjnd, a. to piesent an offering.
^Cu*)Vl drdsfagi, f. dressing, preparation,
"getting into order, regularity, ornament, p. C->jl urat, (corruption for arth, q. v.). d.
^^pL»sV| drdslun (r. drd or drdy^, to adorn, p. C-Jjl ^njjK or ^^ drat and drta, grieved,
tres , s. disturbed, confounded, drti, f. pain, dis-
93m>\j\ drdsta, prepared, dresse<], adorned,
embellished, regular, decked out. p. [tions of land. a.
0' I ^TTSn drid, m. a ceremony attending
^tfM arcLzi, (pl'Of(^^\) lands, detached por- marriage. When the bridegroom first comes to the
house of the bride he is received by her relations, who
C1*;U irakat, f. spilling, pouring forth, piss- present to him, and move circularly round his head, a
ing, a. [grove, s. platter, painted and divided into several compart-
ments in
: the middle of it is a lamp made of flour, fill-
(•M ^TTOT dram, m. a pleasure-garden, a ed with ghi, and having several wicks lighted, h.
^j\ dram, m. ease, rest, health, relief, re- )o\j3j\ irtibdt, m. friendship, connection, a.
' pose, drum-k, to rest, to repose, drdm-pdnd, to reco-
ver, drdm-talab, idle, slothful, a lover of ease, uidm- Jl^l irtihdl, ra. death; act of marching or
giiiflan, to become quiet, to take it easy. p. travelling, a.

( 28 )
^^|^^3.l i?7zaW, m. apostasy,recantation; refus- Ui»^l ^"^tTT arjana, to gain, gather, to ac-
ing, opposing, a. [a distinguishing mark. a. quire, s.
^l-~5.l irti.sam, m. plan, painting', writing; ^^^r^j^ ^T^fR.TT arajkna, n. to be ravelled or
Tj (as thread or hair ; met. the heart) ; to be
LiJjl irtisha, accepting a bribe, (a judge) ; bound (as in fetters) ; a. to quarrel without a Cause,
or unreasonably. A.
bribery, corruption, a.

(_j*iUoj! irtias, 1 m. tremor, trembling, tre- -^jl ^5I^f^ aruchi, f. sickness at stomach ;
nausea ; aversion, dislike, want of appetite, disgust.
(^U5jl irtCash,) pidation. a.
'^X'^ ardii, m. cha, j light, splendour.
flame, «.
clflj.) irtlfa , m. elevation, exaltation, ascent,
lieight, grandeur prosperity, a. ^^y W%r archa, ~[ f. devotion, adoration ;
^n^T ai an image, s.
<— ->o>Jjl ri-t'thab, m. perpetration or commis- L^A^l 'itf-qft archit, worshipped, adored, s.
sion (of a crime) ; commencement or undertaking of
an enterprise, a.
uLU-jI ■^^ojr a/rAa/i;, adj. worshipping; m. a
worshipper, an adorer, s.
*j^j' ^TW^T artala, m. a patron, protector, h.
u^i ^^^T arcJiniiu, a. to worship, to adore,
^ij> "^TTT urtu^ m. crimpling, plaits (as of to honour, to treat with ceremony ; f. worship,
clothes), urtu-gar, a crimpler or plaiter. h. homage. *.

&^'^^ar^/i,m.iiitPi'pretation,definition, mean- aWjI arham (pi. of ^j), wombs, matrices;

in;:!:, signification, sense, acceptation; intention, de- relations by the mother's side, uterine kindred, a.
sij;n ; request, begging ; riches ; cause, sake, tapusydrtli,
for devotion's sake, for devotional purposes, s. j^ji arham, more or very merciful, arham-
' -ur-rahimhi,
tribute ofGod.the most
a. merciful of the merciful, an at-
C^^^j\ ^%iT arthat, videlicet, namely, s.
jj^5jl irtihdn, m. act of receiving any article ^Uc- ^J U-jl irJiha,e 'inan, m. act of loosening
as a pledge ; a hostage, a. ['"g- *• the reins ; unruliness. a.

y^{^j] ^^T^xtl, arthantar, m. another mean- (ijl '^t urd, 1 m. a kind of vetch (^dolicho»
^d>*n ^y "ST^ftrf^ ariha-nddhi, f. success, .s. ^^J\ T0 urdh,] pilusus). h.
dj\ ard, ra. flour, meal, ard, anger, rage. p.
^>jj\^ ,^>j\ ^§5IT^ artha-shastra, m *be
science which teaches how to obtain things, as friends, ^i^^. ''^j' ^^%n*n Urddbegnl, i. an armcd fe-
money, or any other object, s. male for attending the ladies of a royal harem. A.
(_e^Ji ^^ arthi, supplicating, desirous, hav- ^j**liijl ^^^ ardds, f. representation, offer-
ing an object to accomplish, self-interested, designing ; ing to a deity. A. [^mcal. A.
ju. a petitioner. 5.
IjltSji ^tr^ arddwd, m. coarsely-ground
^-^1 ^nfr art hi, f. a bier. h. LHw^ii.) urdihihisht, name of one of the
Persian months, April, p,
U^jl ^nffm arthlya, m. a protege, client,
person recommended ; a client, agent, broker, h.
jdj\ TJ urdra, m. an otter, s.
^_5-5j1 ^rrort drtl, f. a ceremony performed jiiji wrj arf^ra, wet, moist, damp. s.
in adoration of the gods, by moving circularly round
the head of the image a platter containing a burning |,ii,l ^T"5;T drdrd, f. name of the sixth lunar
lamp with several wicks, s. mansion ; same as ddra. s.

*-li)l irs, heritage, inheritance, a. ^jiijl '^■^eirs. drdrak, ra. ginger in the uii-
dried state,
—ji ai-j, worth, respect, honour, p. ^j<-i»4i.l ardshir, name of several of the Persian
kings ; Artaxerxes. p.
^jl ^TT5Tor^^ «'■«/, a/;;, respectable, reve
rential, honourable, s, [tuting. a.
jiiji Urdu, m. an army, a camp; a market,
urduyi mu'alla, the royal camp or army (generally
c'>^.l irja , changing, returning, or substi- means the city of Difili or Shdhjahdndbdd ; and nrdu,i
^^■^^ arjal, a horse with one white fore mu'alld ki zabdn, the court language). This term is
very commonly applied to the Hindustani language as
foot ; a large or tall man. a. [py, blessed, p. spoken by the Musalman population of India proper. /.
Sx.^s^j\ arj-mand, beloved, dear, noble; hap- ^ti,! ^% arddka, the half of any thing, s.
JbLiJ TT^I urdh, m. (the same as urd), a kind
i^r^j^ ^'^•T arjan, m. act of gathering toge- of vetch. /).
ther ;acquisition, s. I .^i t c
» .£_ . , /• 1 • ^:LJ'\±>Jb'^.\ ^Ti'iTT'T ardha-hhdq, m. a half.
^j_js^ii ^^^ arjtm, m. the name or a hero in . ^" ^ ^ ''
tiie MahhhlmraU^hi, third son of Pandu; the name of j<:i^»:iJWW^^ardha-chandraym.?^ CrCSCent,
u tree {Tcijintialia alata glcbra). s. a half-moon, a semi-circle, s.
Jtij\ ( 29 ) V
fci^Vfciiji ^^T^ ardhang, m. half the body, y '«v«gi nrsaifa, m. guess, conjecture,
palsy affectiiij;- one side, or half the bod}', upper or valuation, appraisem ent; a mediator, a broker; a
lower, hemiplciiHi. s, monthly treasury account of receipts and disburse-
ments made up from the daily entries, (irsatla-navis,
j_^.iUi5jl '3r|[T^ ardhanyi, a person afflicted the clerk who keeps the monthly accounts. //.
"with the above disease ; f. a wife. s. ,4i-»jl arsath, m. a monthly account (of re-
venue), h.
j^^j^dy ^^-q"^s. arddha-chandra,m. a crescent,
a half moon.
^j«jk)Uak«*^l a7-htataris,'\ the Grecian philo-
J^J'^'^J ^^TTtI ardha-ratra, f. midnight. *•. ^ia-»j\ aristu, J sopher Aristotle, g.
i.lAfcti,l "rVT urdhang (also urdhag), ni. a
disease occasioned by the mounting of wind upwards ; j^>**»jl
name or arslan,
epithet of aseveral
lion ;Persian
a man's surnan)e ;
tlatulency. s. kings, t.

Lf'^y urdi, f. the first month in autumn, p. ^^j\ irsi, f. the axle of a wheel, d.
"active. s.
^_^jl ^OTT^ arasi, weak, lazy, indolent, in-
J'li,' arzdl (properly
the vulgar (p\. of i^iij), little,
the refuse meanthing),
of any (people)
a. ;

Ji^i arzal, most mean, vile, ignoble, a. ^_^1 ^^or^^

"particularly applied to a (irs'i,
mirror f.ona the
minor (buth.
oljj! ararana, n. to scream out. d.
jy arz, m. price, value; quantity; esteem, "eyesL^'^*^ ^^^^^^T«?">2/e-«rt/«a,
; with eyes as if just awake, h.
with weak
veneration ; honour, arz-i-hazar, price current, mar-
ket price, arz-i-irsal, invoice, particulars of the des- *i^j ' -WK***
flavour or spirit,arasya,
s. m. insijiidity, want of
patch of treasure, &c. p.

Jjl aruz or aruzz, also urz, m. rice. a. ^^MiJ\ ir!>had, m. command, order. It is fre-
quently used by an inferior as a respectful interroga-
jjljjl arzalt (pi. of ^J .), riches, possessions, a. tion, intlie sense of " What is your will or pleasure '." a.
^jij .1 arzan, cheap, abundant. 7?.
0*^.0^' '^^'T^
ing (throwing «?■•••'/'■
a little j""-*//,
water m. head
on the jiartial
with bath-
jj,ijjl arzaiii, f. cheapness ; abundance of ])ro- hand), sprinkling, aspersion; act of touching, s.
visions. arzdni-rakhna, or (p.) aizdiil dushtan, to pre-
sent, give gratuitously. J9. ciLo-jjl ■^ft:^ arisht, m. garlick, the nlnib tree
{inclia azad-dirachta); a crow; good fortune; mis-
fortune, sign of death. *.
Jjjji (i)'zaJi (corruptly for azrah), blue, azure,
"i-erulean ; having cat's eyes. ar*rtit-c/(a.s7;7«, blue-eyed iXwi,! ar.sJiud, more or most upriojit, most tena-
cat-eyed. a.
cious of the right way ; a person who explains orders,
yj ,\ arzan, m. millet-seed ; (Hind, china), p. commands, Sec, particularly of the deity, a
j]j\ arzii, f. wish, desire ; hope, want, dis- (.>sjl arz, f. the earth; a portion of land;
tress, p. [longing, p. pi. arazi, lands, a.

iij»<jj.t arzu-mand, also arzu-hash, desirous, ^J^y arzi, terrestrial, earthly, mundane, a.
^_/^^>l«J : . 1 arzumandl or arzu-hashi, f. eager jUa,! arial (pi. of ,J.l?j rati), ni. a measure
desire, wishing, anxictj'. p. of weight so called (about a pound), a.
(J"HJj' a7Ti</aM, to be worth ; to suit. p. {^y^y urghcmun {Op';avov)^ ni. an organ, g.
y>\S arzlz, f. tin, base or light money, p. (jl?^' flrrzifl?ra?«, m. a plant whose flowers
and fruit p.are of a beautiful red {arbor Judaec) ; a red
>,tX>j} arzhnng, m. the house and gallery of
Mtinl, a celebrated painter, p.

i„^} '^Tm (i-ras, without Juice, saj)lcps, taste- ij> j^J ar|jfia7i-a?«i, of a red colour, p.
less, dull, flat (as a composition), s. jlSjl irfah, m. enjoyment of peace an<l the
pleasures of tranquillity ; bestowing affluence, comfort-
(^_^.\ ^r^^ arus, m. name of a medicinal ing, cherishing, a.
phint or tree {juslicia adhatoda and gandarussa). s.

(_^I '^K^ aias, m. weakness, laziness, in- {^ji-'ij^ larly abigoted

arfaz, ShTa.
an obstinate
a. heretic, particu-
activit}-. s.
(^_>»»,1 iih or irs (v. irst), an axletree. d. *'j\ arfa', more or most high, sublime, a.
JvSjl irlam, m. act of writing, a.
J^-«j.1 irml, m. mission; act of sending, espe-
cially a writing, letter, &c. : in revenue language it (jl3.\ iirhan, m. jaundice ; mildew, a.
denotes monthly collections of rents, &c., forwarded
to head- quarters by the subordinate revenue autho- Li'.l ■^fi ark, m. the sun ; name of a j)Iant
rities, inal-nuina, m. an invoice of goods or rents, &:c., (calafroptis glgantea) swallow-wort. s.
forwarded as above, a.
i^j\ '^TT^ofT dniJi, m. a drug brought tVom
(_j*jJ.;j*i,\ ^fm'^ars-pars, m. partial bathing the hills, of cooling properties. .■;.
(throwing a very little water on the head with one's ci->0.\ ^SIToin? arhdt, name of a city in the
hand, instead of bathing), spi inkling or aspersion ; act
of toucl'.ins. *• j\iL':/i<ii.' : Arcot. h.
( 30 )
dead. p.
^^^y ''S<«hT7t arliafi, m. a pilot. It is sup- ^J^0^^^ aramtdagan, (pi.) those at rest; the
■'posed they ^ot this name from the only pilots for-
merly, in this part of the world, being in the service
of the Nawwub of Arkat, which seems very probable ^J^i^J I ararriidan, to be at rest, to repose, p,
(Gilchrist's Naval Vocabulary) ; adj. belonging to Ar- 8jjui,| rt/Y/7/iifto, quiet, at ease. p.
kat. arkati rupixja, an Arcot rupee, h.

^^^^0.1 ^■^T^H arhmhman, m. a crystal {^J^ '^'^'^arniii,

a dark red colour, m..s. the sun ; the dawn of day ;
lens, a ruby. s.

jjO^I arhan, (pi. of (^j), pillars, arhani ^1 ^^<ljjl arna, or arna hhai/isa, m. a wild
daulat, nobles, grandees; lit. pillars of state, a. JJ'
buffalo ; cow-dung found spontaneously dried in the
fcrests (used as fuel by the native apothecaries in the
^J^^J\ ^^t^T arhans, m. a digit or twelfth f I eparation of medicines), h.
of the sun's disc. m. ^j ^^T arna, } , . •,
,• 7 Yn. to stop, hesitate, h.
CLSj\ ^^\Kih arakta, red, blood-red. s. ^j\ ^TCHl arna,}
<^LSj\ '^T^SZ arkat,h. f. vigilance, activity, cle- (_5bjl ^TUTT^
verness, ingenuity, the dawn, a darknrima'i,
red colour,f. the
s. dawn, colour of

i>)'^j^ ^^r«J*l ark-din, m. a solar day. s. t_>^^\ arnub, m. a hare, a rabbit, a.

CUl^l ^TTftlfTT a-rakshit, unprotected, unde- lSij\ arinda oraranda, m. a porter, carrier, p.
fended, s. [of the sun. s.
Ji!kx« (jiJ.) ^Ikmil^c^ ark-mandal, m. the disc tjjjl ^TIJ? nrnvd, m. tlie tree from which
castor-(.il is made [liichius vulgaris orPalma Christi). s.

t3^^l *^aMMc$ arkopal, m. the sun-stone, a (_f (!)0 (1 ^ms^ ara7i(fi,f. the fruit of the Ricinus
ruby ; a crystal lens. *. 'vulgaris or Palma Christi; a sort of fire-work. »•.
(^ .J ul3il ^r#^ ark'Varsk, m. a solar year. .9. ^j\ '^^[^ armtv, m. the sea, the ocean, s.
t-L^l "grn wra^r, m. a snake, urag-sthan, m. J^ Jj^ ^^Tin^cb" nritnopal, ni. a ruby. s.
the infernal regions, s.
{ji^^j\ance of^^Tjft^
the dawn. arunodoy,
s. m. the first appear-
iT,! ^m arga, separate, apart, on one side. s.
\^^ij\ ^JLJll^n argana, a. to separate, to put ijj\ '^TWt arm, f. a female wild buffalo, h.
on one side ; n. to be separated, s.
^'>S ^nrrPl amvya,
« anya-sahhd, m. a aforest,
f. a forest court, a wilderness.
court for a community
ij^j^ ^?7TT^ arga,i, f. being silent, s. of hermits, dranija-shashlhi.i. a religious ceremony
observed by women, s.
^ 1I ^TTTt»TT argaja, m. the name of a per-
fume, of a yellowish colour, compounded of several J\jj\ arivah (])l. of—jjj), souls, spirits, a.
ingredients, h. [garments, &c.) h. L-->j J I ^nfti? drop, m. a transmutation, a
change, s.
i^J ^T:T3ft argaj'i, dyed with argaja, (as lLo, .1 wrrtfTW aropH, deposited, intrusted;
ASil ^^•q^ argani, m. a rope stretched for transformed, changed into, feigned, s.
"drying clothes or similar purposes ; a wooden rod, or
bamboo, stretched horizontally, has the same name. h. (Ojj! ^T^t^m ctropan, m. planting, s.
<^} ^■^ argha^ m. libation, an oblation
of eight ingredients offered to a god or a brfihman ;
Itjjl "3^ urn-ard, f. fertile soil, yielding
every kind of crop; land in general, s.
act of pouring out water in honour of a deity, tlie sun,
moon, &c., while performing their worship, s.
Jt'-j» A ^T^ drnrh, mounted on a horse or
s. else, elevated, viegli-arurh, seated on a
1^1 '51^ argJia, m. !i vesj^el shaped like a
boat, used by the Hindus in their devotions, for per-
forming libation, s. c.jj\ arogh, m. belch, eructation, p.
'^j^ y <<3iT urld, adj. bithermost, of this side. h. <lf> } ^TttT a-7-og, "1 healthy, free from sick-
All ira77i, m. name of a fabulous garden in
Arabia, paradise, a. [inclination, p. tJiJ^ 'SrttJft a-rogi,} ness. s.
(jU)i arman, m. desire, wish, longing, hope, 8^*j\ ^R^ drogya, m. health, freedom
'from sickness; adj. healthy,(prop.a-ro^ya or a-ro^M7d).«.
^j^<J^ arman'i, desirous, hopeful, p. (jjj\ ^R^ to arivofi, m. the first cuttings of corn,
presented the household gods. h. [nelumbo). s.
^y^^-mm aravibh,m. beginning, prologue. s.
i]}*,^ aramzad, desirous, without resource, d. ^jj\ •^T.?^^ arwind, ra. lotus {nymphcea
llkfcjj. ,T ^T^V*n drundknd, a. to strangle.
curiosity, pre-
piece of money,m.p. rarity,
^J^J^ sent ;a armnghan, kaulh-rirundhan, m. strangulation, h.

^^j\ arvian or irman, Armenia, annani, ^fcjjT ^ro^W un'!>nn, m. rising, the grow-
also irmanl or arman'nja, an Armenian, h. ing of new shoots ; aiceut, staircase, ladder, s.
V ( 31 ) ^

iSjj^ ^IT^ flrn-I, f. a species of arum, the (^•Vi'i arari, f. the measure of a field ori-
root of which is used in food (called also ghoyan ginally established in a lease or grant to which the
or ghui/an, and in Bengal, kachn. Arum colocasia). h. occupant appeals in preference
ment or adjustment. /;. to an actual measure-

^jj\ W^ aru,i, f. (corruptly for aruchi),

sickaess at stomach, arising from pregnancy, h. ^\j\ "grr^ 2<ra/f,capableof flying, fledged. A.
lj\ arra, f. a saw. arra-hai^h, a sawyer. UjUr,-' ura-marna, to rob, to steal, d.
arm sir par clialand, to oppress any one, to comrnit
violence, sir par arre dial gaye tan bin maddr maddr, ^j'j 1 ^si*i uran, f. act of flying, h.
he has incurred punishment and disgrace, yet has not
reformed his manners, p. o|j'l "grnn urana, a. to cause to fly ; to
spend extravagantly, dissipate, blow away, disperse,
8,1 'STR: ara (for ara), m. a saw, &c. h. filch, entice, urdnd pufdnd, to squander. /*.

JL^j\ "STtf? arhat, m. an engine for raising oUm ^^Frr arana, a. to make to stop ; to
water; the same as rrt/ia<. h. fasten one thing to another ; m. the name of a tune. It.

jSbj\ ^^^ arhar, f. a species of ipuhe (Ct/tisus

cajan) ; called also ta.ar. h, j4^*1j ' ^T^^ ; uranchhv,
ap earingfraud, deceit, a m. flying
deceitful away, ;dis-
stratagem en-
gine, h. [rasol. h,
\:ibj\ ^X^-^ urihna, m. reproach, reproof, h.
C^j\ ^t^ arhanf, m. a sugat, or follower j_^)ji ^^ift a rani, f. a large fan or pa-
of the doctrines of Buddh. s.
j travagant
\j\ "3^135 ura,v,From
m. a spendthrift,
urdnd. h.
an ex
^Jj\ Wf^ ara,t, f the root o( Ani7n colocasia :
"a goad at the end of a whip. /(. [an a^^l- ''• ^J \j\ ara^i (for (_/ lisj'U two and a half. d.
^J\ ^mtll an, f a small saw, a hand saw, Jbj\ arbal, a very
tended relative. J, distant relative, a pre-
^J^ m are, a disrespectful mode of calling
or address ; fern. arl. s.
y>j\ "^iMi arbar, m. words without mean-
ing; adj. uneven, rugged, arhar bahid, a. to speak
^j\ arl, yes, yea verily, p. [kind. h. inconsiderately, or without meaning ; to rave, to talk
absurdly, //. [tions. h.
GjT 'Sn^T arlf/a, m. a plant of the gourd
cf-^ijJ}'^ ^STT^TfT arbar ang, m. foolish ac-
t_^ .\ "3^^ or ^"t^
cation, deception, ureb h.or areb, f. compli-
m. guilt, (XJ^JJ'l ^T^'pft arbarungi, inconsiderate, h.
^J^,J\ arebale, stratagem, deception, d. ^^jJj1 '^T^^'^ arhand, m. a cloth worn by
Hindus, passing from the waist, between the thighs,
ti^.l ^fir a-7'iti, f. ill-manners, impolite- and fastened behind, h.
ness, incivility, ill-breeding, s.
l^jjjl WJ^TT arbanga, crooked, uneven, h.
(j,^jj\ are-re, alas, woe's me., d. c— >i,1 ■3"f^ uraf, m. a laft, a float, .s.
^0 .T ^m arya, of a good family, respectable,
venerable, s. t->;^ i_>|1 ^f^ «K^ arap-jharap, need,
necessity, arap-jharap men hand, to be hard up. k.
vT ^rnr ar, f. a screen, shelter; a kind of
ladle used in sugar manufactories; protection; a (j^jJGji artalis, foi'ty-eight (for athtalh). h.
protector ; an horizontal line drawn h. across the fore- tdliJjl urtak, m. housing of a saddle, d.
head ;prevention, stop, hindrance,
^yl ^^HqST artala, m. protection, shelter, h.
'j\ ar, m. stop, hindrance ; hence the boun-
dary of a field &c. df-glr, a strip of sward encom- {^^ij\ ariuk, m. hindrance; adj. erring,
pas ing afield, h. astray, d.
fi ar, f. contention, objection, fault, contra-
h. obstinacy. ar-Jc,
horse, riety,
to stop, to be obstinate (as a {j^j\ arfis, (hr ath-tis) thirty-e\ght. h.
^4Jj\ ^RT) arthl 1 m. a broker, agent,
•M ^li? ari, m. a bird, the Sarali (tardus
ginginianus). s. U^j\ ^Tf3^ arthya J or salesman ; one
who conducts business on commission for a principal
at a distance ; a banker who grants and accepts bills
\j\ ara, oblique, crooked, across, transverse; on other bankers or correspondents. /;.
ra. a prop, a shelter ; a large saw, a shoemaker's knife, h.
tdl*-\\ urchak, a thief, robber, d.
\j^p\j\ ara-dena, to abandon, give up. d.
jU\ arar, (also urar) m. outhouse s for cattle, \A^j\ T3^^"Jn ur-chalna, n. to walk with a
stately or affected gait. h.
of the mdhwa ; also
harvest floor for the blossoms
the steep bank of a pond or river, h.
^^!>-J\ archan or archin, light, uneasy.
archani, f. lightness, d.
\j\j\ ^rfT31 arara, ra. high steep banks, of a
river or tank. h. d.
ij\ urud, black grain, a kind of pulse,
( 32 )

^^^x>\yj\ unlabegant (for urdahegam), f. an

"armed female, d. \J\ ijj'l ^^T aru,a, obstinate, perverse, mulish, h,

Ijbji ardarva, mashed grain mixed with a j'jjji ter,

SHitJlf ar-war,
adj. stopping, h. f. a prop ; obstacle; shel-
littlj oil and water given to horses, d.
ijj'i urud, m. a kind of vetch, black grain, d.
\<!>Jij'l ardanda, m. stop, impediment ; a
bolt, a bar (of a door &c.); a yoke for oxen; adj. J?J ""^Se*" oruita, m. a medicinal plant
athwart, awry. d. [horses, d. (justicia adhevatoda and ganderussa).

tL^3ij'\ ardang, m. the rheumatism in 0**J?jvO^J?jbourho d. It. '^'fi'^^^'9 ciTos-paros, m. neigh-

jJJM urdn, (for urdu) a camp, &c. d.
Jbj\ ^n^ arh, f. a kind of fish. k.
CAiijS arzat, a villain ; base-born. d.
^j\ arh, in the dakhani dialect this word
U\yj-\ ararana, m. to lament aloud, to denotes alternate, or an interval of a unit between
shriek, d. two measures of time or space ; as i/nk roz urh, every
alternate day. yak kos arh, every alternate kos. d.
{j^j^ Js*« wra.s, m. the common bug. h.
cause '^dlHI
to clothe,nrlinna,
s. a. to put on clothes, to
sloth. arsata,
<f. and ^Xutj\, arsatagi f. laziness,

^Imj^'i arsath (for ath-sath) sixty-eight, rf. {^ ^J6Ji -stei^ arha,t, two and a half; when
used with a noun of number, twice and a half the ag-
^^^\jOj\ ur-zamini, a counter security, or a gregate number ; f. a full gallop, h.
"suiety for a surety, mutual responsibility, h. a.
CL^j\ '^T^lTof '!j<i;H arhat, arhnt, f. agency,
commission, sale by commission, brokerage, h.
s.'x:>-\i^\ ur-fdkhta, a fool, a simpleton, d.
li*J^'' cimA, a surname, epithet, title, d. ♦^XJ&j-l Jd<*m^ urhak-par, a broacii, a tilt. A.
of aarha,
Madras a fanam.
small brass
d. coin, the eight part ^^ijiXs>j\ ■^oF^FTTTT urhah-h, n. to seek, or
cry for an absent person (applied only to a child), h.
Giji ar-hurna, n. to stop, to hinder, h.
UWbj") TJeRTTT urhahna, n. to l)e overset.
urhak-par, overset, a tilt. h.
<_ ,'— 3j\ ar-kasb, m. following a trade (a
Hindu) different from that of one's ancestors, d. a. uJ&j'i "^drjl
clad or covered,}ii'hna,n.
s. to put on clothes, to be
i^> (j*«ij'^ argas-bargas, m. lumber, worth-
less things, d. [firmament, s. f^J^St>j\ <rgJlrl Mr/mw^yraM, m. any thing placed
imder a vessel to prevent it from upsetting; a prop,
(.,S^j1 ^^Tf5l urgan, pi. the stars ; the stary support, h,
(»-.>l/ol-l /irmap, m. measure more than the
standard, d. J^i6j1 'H'd^^ arhwal, m. a day-labourer, h.

f^^j\ armdn, m. deposit, pledge, security, f^. lijibjl "g^ViTT iirhmina, m. clothing, h.
JlJa/o^\ ri_r7?w_f(yaZ, silly, indiscreet, foolish, d. (jsj'l "^13 M arlnjd, weallhy, rich, opulent, s.

,.,vl "Sr^ adj. flying, on the wing. 5. VjJ6j-l '3'§^T nrhuiya, a wearer or putter on of
an}' dress, h.
bj l.'^TJn urna, n. to fly ; to soar, h,
a half^~t"=IT arhaiya,
sers ; also a measurem. ofa the
weight of tuo and
same capacity. )i.
\3v\ (samed. as urhna), to cover one's
t:i be clad.
^JJ\ "W^ arl, m. a protector, supporter, a
liv\ ^iisnT arna, n. to stop, to hesitate, to be small saw or knife, h. [mode. h.
restive (a horse), h.
^JJ\ ^rrrt arl, f. a tune, a kind of musical
\3'M wr?HT apia, to afford shelter, to prop,
to support, h. ^1(^1 ^J or '^^Tin are-ana, or are- ana^
to screen or shelter ; to be protected, h. [i-ih. h,
,.,^l3y\ ■^'^TT^ tir-tmgan, f. a flying serpent
or dragon, s. (b^'l ^■f'UcS avy^h obstinate, perver--e, mul-
kL^"\ ^tT «.''<^"/7> f- ^ manufacturing town ; AJ>\\ wt^ arench ov'^i^arainch,nhoorainsh,
a warehouse wlu-re goods are sold wholesale; tlie f. enmity. /(.
place or depCit where goods of any kind arc manu-
factured, whether a town or not. ml Id aranj, an in- Jl aZf from, by, than, with, out of. p.
digo factory.
\^>\\ ^tJIT toranga, in. a mode of wrestling j\ az, f. avarice, p.
with feet ; an obstacle, h.
who azad,
shaves free, solitary
his heard, ; a and
eyelashes, kind eyebrows,
of fol'ir,
y;\ ^T^ arv, m. a peach, uru, much given vows chastity, but considers himself exempt trom all
to venery (a male animal), as a stallion Sec. kept for till' ceremonial observances of his religion. azud-
procreation, d. A-rtrwf/, a. to mannn.it ; sot at liberty. /;.
y \J\
( - as
^J^i^J\ azadagan (pi. of ozcida), tliose free \iOj\ a»w«, trying, trial (used in corap.). p.
from worldly tares, religious men. p.

f^^\\ a~adagi, I f. independence, release, f^\^Ji\ azmdn ('pi. of ^^loj), times, seasons, a.
UU]| aznidnd,a. to try, to prove, to examine,
t^iljl azudi, J manumission, freedom. j;. to touch gold, &c. on the touchstone, h.
8i|j I azada, free, &c. v. azad. p.
{J^\^j\^dz7ndi/;sh, If- ^"'i^ P'oo^j exami-
;'J I uzar, m. sickness, disorder, di^ense; (J^y^j^ azwudaglj nation t in revenue
trouble, affliction, outrage, injury; used in composi-
tion IS dil-dzar, injuring or outraging the heart, p. * language, it denotes an estimate of the crop while in
the field
crop. p. orby -mutasaddl
an officer of government, dzmdyi.-h-
gnmashta , the ofliccr who estimates tt>C
jKi izdr, f. drawers, trousers, izar-hond, m.
the string with which drawers are tied, izdr-handi
ri.s7//i7, connection through a wife; petticoat interest. /j.
i^j\ azm'ma (pi. of ^^^U)), times, seasons, a.
Si.^.l a.dr-dih, one who gives trouble or (jii^l dzmudan (r. dzmd), to try, test. p.
injury, dzar-dihl, f. the act of troubling, p.
t^jij I dzdri, a sick person, a patient, p. 5iy«jl dzmuda, tried, proved, examined;
dzmuda-kdr, experienced in business, p.
«Jhl izrt/a, m. removal, abolition; (in gram-
mar) the elision of a letter or vowel-point from a wives, azn-dj
^^j\ a. (pi. of -jj or &?-jjj), spouses,
word. a.

^^1 j\ az-dn, thence, therefore, az-dni, belong- jjjVjjl

on all dzu-hdzTi
four sides, d. (for ds-pds), all around,
ing to. az-an-jd ki, for as much as. p.

ji'S az-har, by rote, by heart, by memory, p. Wjj' azuka or dzuka, m. food. p.

{j^j>'^ az-hord,e 1 on account of, for the sake iSj^j^j^ oz-hor-dare, of all sorts and kinds, p.
ji^\\ az-hahri J of. p.
jij\ azhdai', ")
Jjl az-pd,to fall
lit. into
on one's feet, p.az-pd da?'
^ ^'•^-
UjijM azhdarhd, r* ^ ^""'-^ '"''P^''
dmadan, or trouble,

Jj>-Jji izdihdm, m. a crowd, u concourse, a, azhd ahd, J ^°"- P'

U^Ji>i)*\ azhdhdt, m. bell-metal, azhdhdtt, of
J^J^ a 2C?ar, worthy, proper, suitable ; some- or relating to bell-metal, s,
times improperly used for azhdar, a dragon, q. v. p,
{^\ is and us, inflections ofy'ih and wuh,r\.w.h.
^_5.2>j\ nzdar'i, f. worthiness, fitness, j). {^^ '^fff asi, m. a sword, a scimitar, s.
Ckip'^ izdiydd, m. increase, addition, a.
t^\ ^"^ a.m, m. life, breath ; the five vital
tS^jj^ dziirdagi, f. vexation, affliction, dis- breaths or airs of the bodj' ; reflection, thought, or
the heart as the seat of it ; affection, s.
" pleasure, sorrow, grief, p,
^^^^\\ dzurdan (r. dzdr), to vex, to grieve, p. ^^ 1 ^TO as, or Lj I WT^ dsd, f hope, depen-
dence, confidence, trust, reliance, as, added to words,
53, jI dzurda, afflicteil, sad, dispirited, sor- signifies inclination, and dsd, possessed of that incli-
rowful, vexed, displeased, weary. dzurda-Jchdfir. or nation, as from tlie root pt, drink, piyds, thirst, and
azurda-dil, grieved in heart ; vexed, offended, dis- piydsa, thirsty, s.
gusted, p. [beryl, a.
U*>| dad (in coni|)o^ition), like, resemblin"-;
^jjl ozra.^, blue, blue-eyed ; pure, limpid j soothing, tranquillizing, p,

«.jT dzarm, modesty, mildness, p. x^Lnl asdbV (pi. of c^Jurt^), weeks, a

^j . j\ az-ru,e, by reason of, in conse- sijL**\ asdtha (pi. of (ilju**\), teachers, a
quence of. p.
b3',\ azuha or dzuha, ra. food, nourishment, p. ^\^\ ^FT^ a-sdth, addicted to evil com-
pany, s. [an unknown person. «.
(.dhy Ld)j^ uzak-tuzak, m. pomp, splendour;
the habits or fashions of a king; the king's seal. t. i^^lw*\ ^Wi^a-uitln, an upstart, a stranger,
J;\ azal, f. eternity vvilhout beginning, a. J^3L*»\ W^Vi or ^TOT^ a-sddh, evil-minded,
thievish ; lazy, without desire or energy, s.
i^\\ azallat, f. injustice, injury (suffefed
without power of redress), oppression ; straits, famine, >3U*»\ ^^rni a-sddhu, unrighteous, immoral,
scarcity. — Hunter. N.B. This word not in any Persian wicked, s.
or Arabic Dictionary to which we have had access, a.
Ijki6.il**>! ^^nilTT fi-sddhiitd, f. wickedness, s.
^'\ azaTi, eternal without beginning, or from
"M. eternity, a [nity- «• es.jj&iU*»\ ^^rwi a-sddhyi, weak, powerless;
lII^j3j\ azaUyat, f. existence from all eter- impossible, incurable, s.
( 31 )
j\**ii ^^U. a-sar, sapless, pithless ; vain, un- 1 asb, m. a horse (properly i_ ,.-.»< g v ) jf
profitable hollow
; (like a reed) ; foolish, weak of <— -»u**Ji asbdbf m. (pi. ofc— *Ju*») causes ; goods
understanding, i. [style, vestibule, h.
and chattels, furniture, tools, apparatus, baggage, a,
Vl*n>\ "^inTT uxara, m. a porch, portico, peri- \:>\x^\ a.sbdt (pi. of iaJuo), the tribes of Israel, a.
\3.L*>\ '3^rR«n iisarna, a. to remove, put out J^JjjJi asbah, past times, days of yore; most
of place, h. excellent, surpassing, o,
^j\*ji\ ^RT? asarli, m. the name of a Hindu
solar month, during which the sun is in Gemini ; the e^A*J^ usbu', m. a week (from *ju<» seven), a,
first month of the rainy season, and consequently of
cultivation, s.
&x^x**»\ 'WW'T a-sabkya, rude, unfit for society,
unpolite. s.

^ylwJ^ ^TTirt asarlii, f. the full moon in t— . «>**^ aap, a horse, p.

"asdrh, also the harvest of asdj-h. s.
C^\^\ ispdt, m. steel of a tough kind. h.
^j»»l**»\ fl.sa.s-, f. foundation ; a pedestal, a.
(-)** vD**' ^I^MKI ds-pds, m. vicinity, cir-
^^\aJi\ "3^1^ ?<sa.s-, m. breath, breathing, h. cumference adv.
; all around, on all sides, h.
\j^^^\ imm^W u.sdsna, n. to breathe, h. i^-***! '«» itH<^ dspad, m. place, footing, rank. s.
tJL*S-\j*»\ a-sd'at, f. an unlucky moment, h. a.
j!..i^^ «-7>ar, upon this, hereupon, us-pui-j
,^\-mj\ ^rai^ a-sdkh, without credit or re- thereupon, h.
putation, h.
^_^j^^ ^IFI^ osparsi, palpable, tangible.
0^5l*»>n ^^ ^a-sdkhdty^in the ab- "The word is properly spnrsi, to which the ali/{a) is
prefixed, to avoid the meeting of two quiescent conso*
C^\j^[*n\ J "-J a-mkshdt,) sence of. s. nants in the beginning of a word, which cannot Im
pronounced by the Persians and Arabs ; a-spami, in-
^g^\t*>'\ ^m^ or ^Fref' a-sdkhi, m. a false tangible (by prefixing the priv. a to sparsi), s.
•witness, one whose evidence or testimony is inadmis-
sible, s. asakhya, ra. a want of testimony ; adj. -with- &XiJJiijX>ji] ^HT^I'tfl^ d-sparshamyay^impare,
out credit or reputation, s,
BJ^^ijMji] '^W^T^
be touched, s.
a-spt-ishya, J not to
J4U0I dsdm, name of a province, Assam, h.
^j«\*ii\ les , s. ^WH^ a-sdmarthy weak, power- ^^yCJ^\ isparmul, m. name of a plant said to
be an antidote to the bite of a snake {Aristolochim
Indica). h.
^ImJ^ asdmi (pi. of j***»^), names ; (for j_^0^)
a defendant (in a lawsuit) ; a tenant, renter, client ; a Ifc^^i ^FTl^T isprihd, f. inclination, desire, a.
person, or individual ; f. office, place, appointment, cli-w-***! SHmF a-spashta, indistinct, s.
substitution of one person to do the duty of another;
ex. ham apni asdnii par fulane ho rakli jdtc liaiii, Heave
Buch a one in charge of my duty. a. ^^^k^\tain hpaghul, m. seed
(Plaiilago psyllium ?). p. of fleawort or plan-
,^j^l*»»\ asdmt-wdr, including all the names tiLMil aspak, f. bridge of a musical instru-
applied to revenue settlements made with the pro- ment ;a little horse, p.
prietors indetail, a. liJjLwjl isjmnd, m. a seed of the henna plant,
burnt at marriages, to drive away evil spirits. In like
jjU>J 1 dsdn, easy, convenient, commodious, p. manner it is burnt some days after a child is born,
particularly at the door, to prevent demons, &c., from
X>\jJi\ "3in«n usdnd, a. to winnow, h. entering.
it. p. It is often mixed on these occasions with
K>\u»\ dVl^l usdnnd, a. to boil, to cause to mustard-seed, and hence has been confounded with
boil._ h.
^ImsI dsdriiy If. facility, easiness; ha- j^l^-«j| Ispahan, or ^jlji**Jl isfahdn, the capi-
tal'of Persia (till very recently), p.
OjoUjI dsdjiiyat,} dsdnl, easily, p.
^j-jO^^l ds-pis (v. ds-pds), all around, d.
^J^ij\jji\ "^imm^n^ a-sdvadkdn, careless, in- *-1a**>I ^TJnr a-snt (for asafya,q.Y.), unholy,
advertent, s.
ungodly, non-existent, untrue, false, s.
^J^^\^*'^\ ^W^ or ^^'^rft asdwari, dsdwari, «J1**j1 ^^ ast or as<fl,setting (as the sun, &c.).
f. name of a rdgini or musical mode ; a kind of pigeon ; ast-h. to set (the sun), s.
a kind of cotton cloth. *.
VL*»I T^T ustd, m. a barber, h.
JjLol isd/val, m. a pursuivant, t.
^>-lJk**»l 'HWl^c? astdchal, the name of n
lI1.0jI*»j| ^^'R^ dsdwanf, expectant, de- mountain in the west, behind which the sun is sup-
pendent, s. [pitiful, h. posed to set. s.
CJ^^^\ '^W^'^ a-sdwant, fearful, unquiet, 5\ju*j| istdd, standing, erect, p.
{J^\*^\ dsui/lsh, f rest, ease, tranquillity, re- iljL«»l iistdd, m. a teacher, a preceptor, a chief
pose, quiet, indulgence, enjoyment, p. in a department; adj. skilful, competent, a.
( 3.3 )

j-olju*»i istadagt, f. firmness ; resistance, p. htihhdra, n\. judging from omens ;

augury, a.
lS^3*t»\ istada, standiii<j^, set up, erected ;
hence, a pole, ensign-stafl", &c., particularly a prop for 6jl^
Jjc^*** istikhddm, m. employing, making
supporting the door of a teut, not the tent-pole. p. use of the labour of another; asking or getting em-
ployment, a. [extracting, a.
^i\ju*»l usitad'i, f. teaching ; adj. masterly (as
"workmanship, &c.). p.
^\^^ ?ii?/^?ay,m. expulsion; drawingforth,
ilL*»\ ustaz (the same as ustad), master, &c. j).
L_-jlsii^*** istihhfaf, m. despising, holding in
j\jL*»^ istar, a weight of 4j miskals or Gj contempt or in small esteem, a,
drams, a,

J^j««IjL«>\ istambol, also istanbol and islam- ^_^^J^^*** istikhlds, m. desiring to liberate;
bol, the city of Constantinople, p. liberty ; freedom, a.

^Umj! astan, 1 m. a threshold; a fakirs i^y^ ustuTihrvdn, m. a bone, kernel of tlie

date fruit, &c. ustukhwan-band, a splint or fillet for
ajljurtl as<ana,J residence, astan-hos, one tying up a broken bone. p.
who pays a visit to a superior, astdn-bosi, f. paying
a respectful visit, p. O-oltijL**! istidamat, f. assiduity; wishing to
be quiet, permanent, steady, eternal, perpetual,
i\skL*»\ istibdad, m. absolute dominion, des- everlasting, a.
potism insisting
; upon a thing being done. o.
Cl*3UL**i isthldnat, desiring to borrow : in its
\.>juj»\ istibra, m. cleansing; washing one's
hands of a business, or desiring to be freed from it ; a
common acceptation it signifies contracting debt ia
woman after being divorced from her husband, waiting behalf either of one's self or of another, a,
a certain time (three months according to Muham- ciJijiia-il istidrdh, m. comprehending, under-
madan law), to ascertain whether she is pregnant or
not, before she can contract another marriage, a. standingreaching,
; overtaking, obtaining, a.

^jxxu»\ isiabrah,m. green colour; silk, cloth, ^i^Ju*»l isiid'a, f. request, desire, invitation,
or satin, whose colour seems to change agreeably to supplication, petition, a.
the light it is seen in (particularly green silk), a.
J^i^I***) istidlul, m. asking proofs, arguments,
d*«wVUMjl ^TFTSireT astabyast, dispersed, scat- or reasons ; demonstration, a.
tered, confused, perplexed, s.
jCM»1^J^as<ro, m. a missile weapon, a weapon
a hymn.astut
s. (for stuti), f. praise ; an in general, astra-vidya or astra-ved, the military
science, astra-hin, unarmed. ».
jliL*»^ istitar, m. act of concealing, a.
JLJ astar, m. a mule, istar, a harrow, p.
JIqjjLmjI istlRhdl, m. heaviness, trouble, im-
portunity, a. jw»l astar, m. lining, astar-hdri, plastering, p.
\jXLh\ istisna, m. exception, distinction, a. V^l ustura, m. a razor (for 8/u**l q. v.). p.
cIa^^j^ istijabat, f. accepting, consenting ;
hearing or receiving a petition, o. [menses, a. |_^1 TFITT ustard, m. a barber, h.
<Jl*j>l;o*»] istirdhat, f. ease, rest ; sleep ; re-
etol^^ istihaza, m. immoderate flux of the pose ;tranquillity, a.
aJI^*"' istihala, undergoing a change ; being
impossible or absurd, a.
^1^1 JiWd wsfaran,gratis,free,for nothing, h.
pU.Jw»\ istirjd% m. returning (to God);
U-.>Ia^^' istihbab, m. contracting friendship ; having recourse to God during affliction ; repeating
an action, the performance of which is meritorious,
but the omission of which is not criminal ; work of the sentence (from the hir'dn), " Verily we are of God,
supererogation, a. and to Him we return." a.

ibjwjl istirddd, m. demanding restitution

Ojl:^^ istijazat, f. asking leave, begging of any thing, whether given, deposited in trust, or
permission, a.
taken without consent; repelling, driving, forcing
back, istirdadi nilam, reversal of a public sale. a.
jjL,^^' istihsan, m. approving, praising,
taking or considering as a favour, a.
alacrity, a, f. desire to please,
loJo*»l ness,istirzd,
jLo^***' istihzar,
before, m.a. calling, citing to appear,
ij)jj*t\ astarak, m. storax. g.
.la^*-*' istihkar, m. despising, vilifying, scorn-
ing, treating with contempt, o,
ijijt) ustura, m. a razor. This is one of the
numerous old Persian words still preserved in Hindu-
slft^^ istiMah, m. demanding justice ; stani although thev have become obsolete m the ori-is
ginal The modern name in Persian for a razor
merit ; ability ; in law it denotes a claim of right pre- " tl^i dallaki" (note by Binning), p. [man. s.
ferred byothers, to the subject of a sale, a,

^K^*** istihkdm, ra. confirmation, firmness, ^Ji^] ^J^ istrl or istirl (for stri), f. a wo-
' strength, a. [an oath. a.
with ing-ir
m. smooth istr'i-
on, istri-tvdla,
»_J^)^^^ isiihldf, causing to swear, exacting ' karna,l a.
j_yC*** ironisti't,
^to ; to smooth an iron,
one who irons linen, h.
( ^r, )
t^ljCMJuiMi isth'ail, m. desiring hnppiness; being l«l^iL*»l isiiJJtdm, m. inquiring, inqnisitivfy
fortunate ; considering any thing as a happy presage ; ness ; asking for explanation, desiring informatiof
conceiving well of any thing, a. l^arfi istijliiim, an interrogative particle, a.
\fl,jy^jk**>l isfi.tJid, m. the dropsy ; istiHlnyi-
z'lTfld, tlie anasarca ; istiskd,i-tahlt, tympany, a.
j_^l^AJL»l istifkdmi, ^interrogative (a tcrv,^
«il*^.iju*>l isttslihad, m. taking evidence ; sum-
axcI^^LmI istifha.miya,j used in grammar), a.
moning witnesses; bringing testimony or proof; »jliL*»I istilidla, m. requiring one to cancel
falling a martyr to religion, a. an agreement, a.
ftU*3u**>l istisna, m. a requisition of work- LlA/cliju*>l isfihdmat, f. rectitude, integrity;
manship, forced labour, pressing into service, a.
residence ; firmness, constancy, a.
tation, a. istiswab, m. approving ; consul- (JLqjuoI ixlihhdl, m. futurity; the ceremony
of receiving a visitor m the open air by advancing to
tII>S-uaX*o) istita'at, f, power, possibility ; meet him ; encountering, meeting, a.
dependence, submitting to. a.
jV^JaL*»l istizliar, m. imploring assistance; l^aJL*>i istih'd, m. reasoning from induction, a.
remembering, calling to memory, a.
jipijurtl istih'dr, confirming, ratifying, a.
8jUJk*«»l istiara, m. borrowing ; using a word
l<AflJL*>l ?A'<i;^sa,curiosity,strictinvestigation.a.
metaphorically ; a metaphor, isti'ara-karna, a. to be-
seech, to beg earnestly, a, Jlliu**il istikldl, m. intrepidity, resolution,
perseverance, vigour ; absolute power, perpetuitj. a.
cl>ol«ju*»l isti'anat, f. asking assistance, im-
ploring help ; assistance, protection, a.
^^)Ju*»>l /.s<?7Ja/i,f.confirmingin possession, a.
(jljsf^'^l istijal, m. hastening, accelerating, uiiju** I^Tf^r«lf '7.s/j7f,a believcr,pious,faithful ..?.
ordering one to make haste, despatching anj' business
soon ; wishing to make haste, a.
•Uxjuul istikbdr, m. pride, presumption, a.
diJtxL*>l isti'ddd,a, f. ability, means, capacity,
merit, readiness, i\^1m»\ istik/dh, f. aversion, reluctance, a.
uUJLjI istrfd, m. asking forgiveness ; de- u»?l.».Vj[»*>l iMihshaf, wishing any thing to be
precating, a. [Giring promotion, a. made manifest or laid open, a,

^Aa*>I isti'ld, m. superiority, exaltation ; de- Jl»xju*»l vitikmdlj completion, bringing \o

perfection ; wishing any thing finished, or completed, a.
JI»j«JCm»i isti'mdl, m. custom, daily practice,
use. isti'mal-k., to use. a. j*U)uL«»l istihdni, ra. necessity, rendering ne-
ces ary, a.
^Uxaa*»] isttmdli, fit for practical use,
"used ( m. fine rice. a. elju*»\ isiimd', m. hearing, listening (to mu-
^6liju*»! istif/hdm, m. asking for help; de- sic, &c., particularly); tidings, report, rumour, that
manding justice, complaining, a. which is heard ; in law it denotes hearsay evidence, or
indirect testimony, receivable only in particular caseH
i^tjM)] istighrdh, m. great admiration, and under certain restrictions, a.
amazement, wonder, a.
t;^l»L*>^ istimdlat, f. encouragement ; com-
^LiJUi*! istighrdh., being drowned, immerged fort, consolation, a.
in thought, drowned in sleep, engrossed, wholly em-
ployed, &c. a. ,^\^'\^\ ^^rf^
m. the trunk of a or
tree^^S»? astamhk
; column, or pillar.
pile, post, istamhh,*.
\sMMi\ istighfdr, m. begging mercy, craving
grace, deprecating, a. cVjiL»Jk**»^ iaiimia, m. enjoying, reaping tlie
fruits of, being delighted ; celebrating the solemni-
^d)LaijL*Jl asfaghjiridldh, I entreat forgive- ties of the festival of Mecca ; enjoyment of a woman, a.
ness of God (or God forgive me ! an expression signi-
fying negation), a. i>\s^Ljj>\ istimddd, f. begging assistance, a.
Uxjum) idi::lvd, independent (in pnint of j)-»jL»*»^ istimrdr, perseverance, continuation ;
fortune), contented ; m. content, independence, a. in law it signifies a rent not liable to alteration.
islimrdr-ddr, the holder of a perpetual lease, a.
S^IojLm*! istifdda, m. seeking for gain ; profit,
advantage, a, [learned man. a. ^^^.^LJ>\ istimrdri, perpetual, permanent.
hflju*»l istiftd, m. consulting (a lawyer or istimrnri jam', fixed or perpetual assessment of rent.
istimrdri jot, a fixed or permanent tenure, istimrdri
ci^aJL**! istifrdgh, m. vomiting, belching, a. mdl-gitzdri, permanent or perpetual revenue, ixlim-
rdrlpattd, a perpetual lease of a farm, istimrdri pattd-
,^*«ijLw>l istifsdr, m. asking an explanation ; ddr, thea. holder of a lease of lands at a permanent
searching for information, inquiry, interroj!;;itiou.
hlifmr-knrnd, a. to inquire, to interrogate, to den)auJ
an explanation, a. —\\^Lm»\ istimzdj, asking an opinion ; senich-
,. ^^...^JiiMi] i;:fifsdrT, f. the statement of a pros- ing out one's purpose or intentions, a.
ecutor suhioct to investigation, a. i\Sxu*\ istindd, leaning or resting upon, a.
( 37 )

)o\y\l^\ istimhat, m. deducting, extracting, (_.i»\«AJuMi istVab, m. asking in a prcstnl, tak-

inforeiicc. a. ing (the whole), a.
ls:\K«,\ isfinja, m. pissing; purification after \.ftxlfc»' i.sflfa, III. s;i I isfying completely ; pay-
u natural evacuation, a. ing or receiving the whole of what is due; renoun-
cing, relinquishing; retiring from business or ollicial
iUJuual istinsJidk, m. throwing water into duties, vacating or resigning a situation, a.
the nostrils, when performing the Wazii ; suuifing up
tlie air or odours, <Scc. a. iJaJuul istUd, m. predominance, conquest, a
lyL»*>\ istiwa, parallel, equal; kkatti-istimd, iy^ilMt] htildd, m law, signifies a claim made
tlie P'^uator. a. by a man having a child born to him of a female
slave, wliich child he acknowledges, as of his own be-
.\,"m\ ustuwdr, powerful, strong, firm; get ing, a.
brave, resolute, solid, p.
^j^A*»| dstin, f. a sleeve; dstiii kd samp, a
^jSJmA ustuwan, f. strength; resolution, of^
domestic enem}', an enemy who wears the mask ^
firmness, stability, p. friendship, p. [sympathy, a.

C^^I^Lm\ ^U^H asiavyast, dispersed, con- (_j>JUjijL«' hthids, m. familiarity, intimacy,

fused, scattered, s.
^■xL*t\ ^^7T a-satya, false ; a-satya-hddi, one
who speaks falsehood, s.
0^'j^\ ^fwi asthi, m. a bone, aathi-hhang, a
fracture; a plant of supposed efficacy in fractures (cissus
quadraiii^ni/nris). asthi-bhcd, fracturing a bone, asihi- ^s^"l ^^TiPT a-sajjan, unfit, untrue, im-
proper ; not respectable, or of good family. *.
parijar, m. a skeleton, astlil-slinkh, m. dryness and
decay of the bones, asthi-saiidlii, f. uniting of a
broken bone. s.
Us^l TftrSf^ usijnd, n. to boil, to simmer. A.
^-u*! •»:<«'«r a-such, foul, impure, a-suchi, f.
l^L**! ^nwr astha, f. prop, stay, place or impurity, pollution, s.
means of abiding ; effort, pains, care, s,

^l^Ju«»\ ^PTR astlidn (for sthdn), m. place, jjVs^l is,kdk, m. (a man's name) Isaac, a.
abode, residence, s. [ing, not fixed, s. i^***\ asad, m. a lion, the sign or constellation
Leo (in astronomy), a.
.jl^ju*»l ^WT^ a-sthdivar, moveable, mov-
j^jLm/ wf^J^ a-sthir, restless, unsteady, un- i«J«*»' is-duni, directly, this moment, h. p.
stable, uncertain. «.
Jbs^\ ^ftn a-skldha, not effected, invalid,
false, unripe, incomplete, s.
j.^**»l ^fi^IiC ■i^thir (for sthir), steady, firm. s.
0.^jkM>l ^ftviliTT a-sthiratd, f. unsteadiness, in- ^i^yMi\ '^'^'S a-suddha, wrong, impure, inaccu-
rate, mistaken. «.
stability, fickleness. *. [steadiness, s.
I3.^i**>l ^WjiTT isthiratd, f. rest, tranquillity, t*n\ ^smx. <i><iir, and 'Snw^ dsur, a demon ;
the (7.i«r« reside at the south pole: they are considerctl
\ljX*»^ isti/izd, in. derision, laughing at, a demons of the first order, and in constant hostility with
the Gods, dsur, a form of marriage in which the
joke, jest, scorn, a.
bridegroom gives to the bride, her father, and paternal
kinsmen, as much as he can afford, s.
,J.^ju*»^ ^Wq5 a.'.7//aZ(fors</taZ),m.place,home,
fixed residence, dry or firm ground, isthal, a place or
stand of a /a/cir. s. y*i\ '31Q' o.57'rt, m. a corner; hair; blood; a
tear, asri, f. ten millions, s.
^iiJ^k.^-J\ istihldk, m. ruining, destroying,
consuming ; wishing death or ruin to any one. a. \jt**\ "WT^T dnrd, m. hope, dependence, defen(;o,
reliance, retreat, shelter, abode, house ; ambush, con-
^jy-..f^Ln\ istihldl, m. appearing of the new cealment, shade, hiding-place, s.
moon ; the noise made by a child at its birth, a.
jLm*^ asrdr, (pi. of J***), secrets, confidential
O^^Ju*»1 ^fipRTT asthiwat, bony, osseous, s. concerns, isrdr, act of concealing ; also, divulging or
communicating a secret, a.
l3y6(JLA>**l ast-hond, n. to set (as the sun, &c.). a.
( jUa*»\ i-sraf, m. prodigality, dissipation,
le^^ axtfii, m. a bone. (See asthi). s. abuse of wealth ; ruin, extravagance, a.
^j^^\ ^^^'^ a-sthairj, m. instability, un- m. the name of an anLTcl
steadmess. s. ,JjjL«»^ isrdfil,
who will sound the last trumpet at the resurrection :
a seraph, a.
^J^\ 'SIH^ft a-satyi, untrue, a liar. s.
^j^ date, (for aL-JsI) easy, gently, softly, p. ^yxi\j^\ i'<rd,il,ofIsrael. haniisi'd,t l, the Israel
ites, or children Israel, a. [diction. .
^jM\-^'WK\a-s<(H,di bad or unchaste woman.
" a-satya, untrue, false ; m. untruth, t. sb^T ^nftrtT^ dsirbdd, ra. blessing, bene-

j_5^UjuL-»1 ^^TRI^T^ a-sutya-hddi, a teller of Cj>juA ^mfwn dsrit,'] one who relies on au-
lies, a liar. s. ^jm\ 'm^^dsarlu, ) other; a protege, s.
JLaja->\ istisdl, m. destroying, eradicating, U:^\ ^^srST a-sraddkd, f. want of faith (;r.
pullitijj up by the roots, extirpating, a. confidence, unbelief, t.

8 ) ^'.
*;**>! ^rr^nr asram, m. abode, re?idpnoe; class cILa^T ^rr^iiT or ^^fiiT, ashat or ashnt, f.
' of mankind, or religious order, whereof the Hindus drowsiness, laziness, tardiness, s.
reckon four, viz. the Brahmachdri, who devotes his
life to religious exercises, austerity, and celibacy. CSjjA ^STTET^ asakta, addicted, devoted to ;
2nd. Grihl, who lives in the world, and rears a family.
3rd. Vanaprastha, who retires from the world with hia intent upon; fascinated, enamoured, diligent, zea-
lously active ; trusting to, confiding in ; eternal, s.
family, and passes his life in devotion in the forest
4th Bhikshu, or Bhichchhu, who lives on alms. *. cIaCm! ^rraf^ asakti, f. attachment to one
Jjuo-*»^ asarmel, \ m. the Aristolachia In- object or pursuit, diligence, application, s.

Jjjj^l asarvel, J dira, a plant supposed 13'>:3C*»1 '^Itj^HNI ashatana, or ashatanu, n

to be of great efficacy in curing snake bites, v. to be lazy. h.
isparmul. d. [protected. «.
ij^'***\ ^raiH^ or VI ♦ami, askafi or askati
^^j**»l "^THTTII or ^^K^iJ a-saran, helpless, un- "drowsy, lazy, remiss, h,

\iju»\ ,dJ!>Mt\ iskandar, Alexander, ishandar i

from, "3^r^»n
recede, usarna,
h. n. to retreat, shrink
rumJ, Alexander of Greece, or Alexander the Great, a.
^j'*>\ isrinj, m. minium, cinnabar, p. fcjMt>Jx**») iskandari, of or relating to Alex-
ander, a.
J j**»i ^^ asru (or asrii), m. a tear. s.
(<y*>t ^^T;^ asuri, belonging to the dsurs, &^ ,JJ5s*«»\ w/^an<?anya,Alexandria in Egypt, o.
demoniacal, diabolical ; a division of medicine, surgery ;
curing by cutting with instruments, applying the ^liJiC-jl ishandh (for shandh, q.v.), a sec-
cautery-, &c. s. [of demons. ». tion or portion of a poem, a division of a book. $.

bl^^ 1 ^l^Onim asuri-maya, f. deception ^^x**>l ^?T^ a-sukh, m. sorrow, pain, rest-
lessness, uneasiness, afiliction. »,
iJLaIjuA ^TOTT asrait, hopeful, trusting, con-
(^V-.-> I ^ftr^ asikh, m. benediction, admo-
nition, instruction. «. [flicted, unhappy, a.
iOj**i\ larrenT asraya, m. a refuge, asylum. 8.
A^"'^ ^inT^a^ a-sukhi, restless, uneasy, af-
cILcl**»\ ^%¥ a-sishta, rude, indecent, ill-be-
haved ;profligate, irregular, s.
j^^l ^KTHT a-sugan, m. bad omen. h.
;J.iiVi»ol istahal, m. a stable, a. St)JLC*»l ^^Jiim asgandh or isgandh, m. the
_ jla**»l is-tarah or is-iarah-se, in this man- name of a plant used TiiQd\cin&Wy {physalis flexuosa). $.
ner, thus, us-tarah, in that manner, h. n, J--jl mt^ usal, form, figure, usal pasaljana,
to be agitated, tossed, to get into confusion. /;.
i^''Lkun\ usturlab, m. an astrolabe, g.
^L*>1 isla, consolation, comforting; causing to
OI.m'q'Um*^ ustukusat, (pi. of usUihus) ele- forget, a. [fathers, a,
ments, principles, ustuhtsati ullldus, Euclid's Ele-
ments of Geometry, g.
( J^Ju*»l aslaf (pi. of u.flL«»), ancestors, fore-
(^j ^_j5>-_jiafc»> I list ukhudus, French lavender, g. ^^L*il islam, m. the religion of Muhammad,
iXx-il as ad, more happy, most happy, a. orthodoxy (according to Muhammadans). a.
}su>i\ asjar (pi. ofjfl**i) books, volumes; (pi.
of safar) voyages or travels, adventures, a. Jy^^L*»l 'ulam-bul
Constantinople. /.
(for istdmbol), the city of
--\ila-^l ijtfdnaj, m. spinach, p.
^^^Lol islanii, ^faithful, orthodox, a fol-
^^Su^t\ asfal, inferior, the lowest, a, ^jy<i>**»i ialamlya,) lower of the Muhani-
ASLui\ isfa7ij, m. a sponge; a yeast dumpling.//. madan religion, a.

jbi^ifl***! isfandiyar, the son of Gisldasb, of U ls>- ^y^, ,3^ I 'TTrgrTff^lTRT usal-pasa l-jana^
n. to be agitatated, to be tossed, to get into confusion, h,
the first dynasty of Persian kings, p.
(^^L*il uslub or asluh, ni. manner, mode,
^\.Jun\ Isfahan, Ispalidii, the capital of method, order, arrangement, uslub-dar, symmetrical,
Persian 'Irak (ths ancient Parthia). a. of fair proportions, a.
ia'^i***! islat, m. ca' Viigone to fall ; miscarry- j^t**] ism, m. name; a noun or substantive in
ing ;taking away ; dying (cattle) ; procuring an ab- grammar, ismi htifltam, an interrogative pronoun.
ortion, a.
ismi ishura, a demonstrative pronoun, ismi tanklr, au
.iiA*«j^ is-hadar,t\\\s much, to this extent, h.a. indefinite pronoun. iiwj_;amiVf, a primitive noun, ismi
a'zam, the Almighty name, one of the ninety-nine
JjkH^\ islfil, m. a squill, a wild onion, g. attributes of the Divinity, the utterance of which is
an irresistible spell over demons, ismijaldll, the glo-
oK**»\ ishat, f. pacifying, soothing, si- rious name (of God), ismi jins, a generic name, ismi
lencing, a. kdliya, present participle, ismi 'adad, a numeral ad-
\yL**i\ T^TRT ushana, a. to light a fire or jective, ismi fa' il, a noun of agency, the nominative
case, ismi viaj'ul, the past or passive participle, iswi
candle ; to excite, to instigate, h. si/at, a noun of quality, an adjective, a.
( 80 )

U-.1 asma (pi. of ^1) names. as}na,r. Iiu.via ^^T ^^Tf dmn, m. the inside or under part
or asma.e
God, «» names or epithets of
a. 'uzma, theWiety-nine J** of the thigh ; a stool, a scat; a small farpct on which
tlie Hindus sit at prayer ; seat, post-iire, attitude, sit-
ting (particularly the attitudes used by Jogis in their
U*«.T asuina or dsma, heaven ; adj. liigli. ;>. devotional exercises, of wl\ich they enumerate eighty-
four) ; the withers of an elephant, tlie part where the
i_l-;U**»l ^^nniT a-samapta, unfinished, in- driver sits, dsan tale fiiid, to come undorsubjection.
complete, a-samapti, f. incompleteness, s. dsanjornd, to sit on the liams. asan dulnd, spoken of
a holy man, who, perceiving by supernatural intelli-
Av-,1 as^mar (pi. of^;v-»), stories, evening en-
tertainments. a. gence that some one in distress lias called on him, in-
terposes inhis behalf, dsan sc dsan jornd, to sit close
in contact with another person, dsan lagdnd, to sit
JapIv-*^ w/rta'l/,
Ishmael, son the name
of Abraham, a. of a prophet; obstinately in a given posture, till one's request l>e
obtained, dsan vidrnd, to sit (particularly in an atti-

^U**>\ ^TOHl^ a-saman, different, unlike, un- tirralytude

on practised by the s. Jogis); to retain one's seat
equal, s.
^\-»**>l 4<M*HT«T a-samman, m. disrespect, dis- ^^T ^Tf^^
in which
dsin, m. the sixth Hindu month,
the moon is full near the stars in the head
grace, s. of Aries ^ September — October), s.
^^\v-»T asman, m. the sky, the firmament,
heaven, the celestial orb. asman far Jcadam rakhna, to f^j*>i\ ^T^ff dscvi, also asa7i, m. the name of a
tree on which the tasar silkworm feeds. {Terminalia
give one's self airs, to aspire, to be vain, asman parse
khainchna, to be proud, to affect greatness, asman alata tormeiitosa). s. [named tree. ».
eirna, to fall from the clouds, is applied, particularly
by women, to signify an acquisition that has been made ^^1 ^^TT asan, m. eating : also the last-
suddenly and unexpectedly, without labour or care,
and the value of which is inconsiderable, p. U**»\ "g"^^! tisnd, boiled (from usanna, q.v.). h.
i\Lj\ aandd (jil. of 4>ju*»), grants, and law-
awning, )V^
^JJ^JJ p. amaii-gir't, f. a canopy or papers in general, documents, isndd, an allegation ou
the authority of another, a.

^\^ axmani, heavenly, celestial; azure,

t_jU«i1 isndf, m. a snipe, apparently a cor-
"cerulean, sky-coloured, dsmanl t'lr, &c., an arrow, &c. ruption ofthe English word. d.
shot in the air. asmdn'i farmanl, provision against m-
juries arising from calamitous seasons, &c.on the part
of a zamhi-ddr, p. ^^U***\ asndn, m. bathing (see ashndn). s.
bU#*>\ sj<;IMI nsndnd, a. to cause to boil. h.
^^♦.M-* b ^\ ism ba musamma, worthy of the
whose name is expressive of its qua-
iJlJLiJ^\'^Vl\V a-sa)itushta, discontented, dh-
"name (itlities, bears),
a, p. pleased, dissatished. s,

^i^Xv^l "^W^ a-samladdh, not joined, un-

,^jya»j\ ^^?f a-santohh, or ^HItVr asan-
con ected. 3, tosh, m. discontent, displeasure, s.

.^I^,,>1 '3TO>?^ a-sambhav, uncommon, incon- ^y4^^ ^W^TJ a-sanjog (or a-sanyog), m.
iistent, unlikely. «. [perfect, s. want of opportunity, s.

, , f.«^ ^«^ a-sampiinia, incomplete, im. iju-)^ ^'ff^I'I u-sanshaya, undoubted, s.

C-»-M*»' ^^naRlT a-sammat, dissentient, averse, iJkA^Jj-jl ^^^T a-sankhya, countless, innu-
contrary, a-sammati, f. dissent, dislike, t. merable, s. C^a'i- *•
0^vy*\ isynriti (see smriii), f. the Hindu CJil^*»\ "^^JTTil a-sangat, absurd, improper,
^(Wfi( a-sviriti, f. want of memory, forget-
law. «.
fulness. s. j^UJ^l ^%HT»T a-sanmd7i, m. disrespect, .s.
t:i^,*iA**^^!TO7*TlT «-««»' w«^dissentient,differiiig
^^v*>l ^^»T"§ a-samarth f weak, powerless, from, averse, contrary. ».
unable, incompetent, s.
^ZJ^\ TlSWI nsannd, n. to boil, to simmer, h.
oblivion, ^WUS
^^J'^ s. a-smaran, m. forgetfulness, A**)l 'Sn^HTt dsani, f. a small carpet, &c. on
"which the Hindus sit at prayer, s. [tunity. s.
Jji*v-*^ isma'll, Ishmael, from whom the
Arabs claim descent. (Same as Isma'il.) a. \jJJiy^\ ^?i^iT a-mnyog, m. want of oppor-
C^^Cl^**i\ '^T^M'rilil dsamantat, adv. all
round, on every side, wholly, altogether. «. *juu*»i ^^ a-sneh, harsh, unkind ; m. un-
kindness, want of affection, s.
ij-:<i^ ^^H^fl a-samanjas, m. doubt,sus- Y**\ ^ng asTva, m. a horse. «•
pense, suspicion ; unconformity, disparity, difference, s.
^«*T ^ira^ dsav, m. a kind of intoxicating
,^j^^ ism-wdr, entry in statements according liquor, distilled from sugar or molasses, rum. «.
to the order of persons' names, a. p.
ti-fA ^(^^^ a-mmay, unseasonable, out of il^T ^T^T^ dsrvdd, m. savour, relish. *.
time, ; ra.
i. a time of misfortune, distress, an improper jl^l asn-dr, m. cavalry ,a horsem an ; mounted,
a carriage, a ship.&c. p.
riding on any thing, as a horse,
( 40 )

as7varurk,mounted on horse- ^^;i^^ W^n^ a-sahnn, impatient, not bearing

^Jjj\yj^\-^rw^ s. £with battle-axes. p. with, unable to endure. *.
ji] aaI^i ^raf*^^ a-saAam?/<7,'l intolerable, un-
i^Jy^'^ asivari, f. riding ; ya mode of warfare
s^^^ ^H^ asahya, j bearable. «.
(j.>\*«)l ^^H cwvas, m. completion, cessa-
tion comfort,
; encouragement, consolation, s.
^c*M^ ^SWt assi, eighty, h.
\aM^y*»\ is-waste, on this account, us-maste,
"on that account, h. a. [ng'y- *• i^\ '3'^ use, him, that, &c. ^ ise, this, to
"this, or him, &c h,
l^^l 'Sl^EJ^T a-sohha, slripelr'?s, ill-made,
j_^j' ...I (foi ^^/^/.s/),m.asword,scimetar. »,
C^..y*i^ ^''^^rT aswa-pati, m. master of (^^1 ^TWT asai, m. meaning, intention, aim;
horses, a title used by some of the Hindu rajas, s.
scope, theme, subject ; an asylum, abode, or retrect. «.
^^'*i\ 'H^rVI asrvatth, m. the sacred fig-tree ;
(Ficus religiosa). s. U-j! asiya,
stone, p. f. a mill, asiya-sang, a mill-
-,^1 ^nftiT asoj, ra. the sixth solar month, s.
ej^juwl asiyana, m. a whetstone, p.
,^y*>^ Wfl^a-sujh, invisible, incorporeal, h.
u-*Juol (v.st/^ (or asih), m. a misfortune (ge-
^yj\ ^Wt^ a-soch, not contrivable, tliat nerally means such misfortunes as are the conseqaeooe
which cannot be effected by reflection or study ; not of the shadow of a demon having fallen on one, and
to be regretted, h. so forth), trouble, calamity, damage, p.
As-^j**] ^fh^; a-saucha, m. social or legal U^^*** TfrtiT^ usijnd, ^ a. to Ijoil (food,
uncleanness, as from the death of a relation, Sac. s.
U^^^^str**^ T^'hBTn ufijhnd,) &c.). h.
jcj^^«j^ ^TTt^ll a-sochi, careless, indifferent,
"unconcerned, h. U^ a-6icAa,un irrigated (same zsa-sincha). x.
i^yn\ astvad, black, or blackest, powerful, a. ^jw»l asir, ni. a prisoner, a captive, asir i ab
^i^y**\ asudagi, f. quiet, peace, content, p. 0 gil, attached to one's native soil. a.

j^i5»*m\ amdan, (r. asa), to be at rest. p. j(^\ '3lrtl w.«r, f. a grass, the root whereof is
sweet-scented, and used for making tatfis {andropogom
muricattim). s.
8ii^! asuda, full, glutted, satiated, saturated ;
quiet, satisfied, tranquil, at ease, contented, aiilda-
kliatir, or dsuda flil, or asuda-hul, full, replete; con- i 'jjy*! ^«15l^ or v^ml^i^ asirbdd or dsirhnd^
tented, in easy circumstances, dsuda, in a figurative m. blessing, benediction, salutation, s.
sense means dead and buried, hence plur. dsudagan,
the tranquil ones, i. e. the dead. p. {jt-***^ as'ii'i, f. imprisonment, captivity, a.
(-»A**»I ^nrl^ or "«m1« dns or asis, f. bless-
j!>^yji\ '?n^tVt asaudha, m. legal arrest. /». ing ;return of compliment from a (Hindu) superior. *.
^^««»^i ^^^|lc$I asma-sald, f. a stable, s. L-ju*»\ ^fi1f{| usha, m. a pillow, a cushion,
CLk:y*»\ is-ir!aktf now, at present, us-wahf, head of a bed. /*.
then, at that time. h. a.
(AJu-j^ ^^a-5esA,withoutremainder,entire. s.
i^^\ ^^«K a-sok, (for asJioka), m. ease,
tranquillity, cherfulness; a kind of tree(/o)if s/a asoca). s. Uju*»1 "Sl^HT a-s'imd, unbounded, unlimited, .v.
i(-^jL«ji a^iwcr, amazed, astonished, sar-dsima,
cL/^\ ^nftT «-so<7, m. ease, tranquillity; bewildere i in the head, astounded, p.
a tree called also Deva-daru ( Uvaria longifolia). s.

\^^My*>\ ^T^rnWT aswa-fjandha, m. llie name ^^y^a*^^ ^nrt^ dnn, seated, sitting, s.
of a plant {physaUs flexuosd). s.
^ra^*^ a-sihchd, not watered, not iiri-
fSy**^ "^^tn^ a-sofji, at ease, unmolested, a. gated (a field, he.). ■■<.
^j».«*! W^i ason, this year. h. l^vi^^^ql a-i^evd, ^ m. disobedience, inat-
i^«i\ ^f^'?ft asirini, f. the name of the fir>t tention. s.
"lunar mansion, of the form of a horse's liead (the three ^^^^\^^^r^^a-sel•an,j
stars in the head of Aries), s. [der. *. '0»JL-i' •3^T?n "■«?""?««,«• to throw out the water
from boiled rice, h,
b_y*»\ ^?rin asuya, f. detraction, malice, slan-
(^\ ush, interj. fie, &c. (vide vf). d.
J^v.^1 is,ltal, m. loosening, opening, purging,
flux. a. [intolerable. «.
(_jiT a.s/i, f. meat, victual-, viands, soup, broth,
or water-gruel,
^(^\ ^fl^ijl a-sahajj OT a-sahij , insufferable, a. to ashi-jaii,
gruel, pottage,
ash-vakana, combine barley-water
in any design ; to conspire,
or contrive any against
thing p. another, asli-mal, a por-
ij^**ji as,hal, more or most easy. a. ridge-stick, apestle,
U.T ( 41 )

1^1 ^T^n asha, f. hope, desire; dependence, y^lZt\ ishtilidr, m. publication, divulging,
reliance, trust, asha-prupta, successful, possessinj); the fame, rumour, report, renown, ishiihdr-numa, a writ-
desired object, ashd-bandh, m. confidence, trust, ex- ten or printed proclamation or public notice, a.
pectation, ashd-hhang, disappointment, ushd-ivant,
expectant, hopeful, dshd-hin, desponding, despair- ^X*»l di^lit'i, f. peace, concord, reconciliation,
"agreement, convention, confederacy ; amour, intrigue. p.
Lil '3^ lisha, m. early morning, dawn, day- ^IjoL«»\ ishtiydJiy
clination, a. m. wish, desire, strong in-
break (also ushd-kal), f, the ■wife of Anirudha. s.
OjUjI isharatj^f. a sign, command, signal, ciL*wj\ ^ ishta, desired, wished, approved ;
worshipped, reverenced ; cherished, beloved ; m. a god,
SjLll ishara, J hint, ism-i-ishdra, a de- a deity, whatever is worshipped ; an object, the thing
monstrative pronoun, a. wished for ; a beloved person, s.

Ji*M\^\w^l[T^ a-shdstra, unlawful, illegal, irre- c-A*I*\ ^T? asht or aslita, eight, ashta-prahar,
gular, a-shdstriya, contrary to law, inconsistent with incessant, the whole day and night, ashta-mangdl, m.
the rules of science, s. ahorse with a white face, mil, breast, and hoofs; a
collection of eight luck}' things to be assembled on
^'j\J^\ ^RTS" or '^rniTB", ashdrh or dsharh, m. certain occasions, as a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water-
jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp. *.
the third solar month, (see ,J&^"U*»l). S.
iijli«»\ ^FF^^ ashtd-dash, eighteen, s.
iJbjU»l ^^T^ ashdrhi, f. day of the full
"moon in Ashdrh. s. ciLu^lJL^\ ^ K I^|1 fiT ashtdshtii, eighty-eight, s.
JJlt\ dshdm, drink, (in comp.) drinking, as ijJoM^S "SIFT^ ashtdng, m. eight parts of man ;
shardh-dshdm, wine-drinker, p. adj. of, or with eight members, ashtdng prandm,\iro-
stration in salutation or adoration, so as to touch the
j^JjucLmj! dyhdmulati, to drink, to quaff, p. ground with the eight principal parts of man, viz.
with the hands, feet, thighs, breast, eyes, head, words,
iJLa>\^\ ^^r^tfta-shdnt, restless, anxious, unre- and mind. s.
signed. a-shdnti, f. anxiety, restlessness, s.
Lll^.iJjljLi»^ ^^;2\f^:'S!ihl ashtd-vinshati, twenty-
jCjjLlI ^r^TT^ ushawari, f. a rdgim or mu- eight, s, [fifty-eight, s.
sical mode ; a kind of pigeon ; a sort of cotton cloth, s.
tIU>jU*l ^^IKtl ashdwant, fearful, unquiet, cHa^I^- cLuS*\ 'STF^^f^nr ashta-panchdshat,
pitiful, s. 41 lix^l %WK\ishtatd, f desirableness,reverfnce. *•.
—U^^ as/i?;oA, (pi. of ^Jy2*) bodies, objects, a. fjj*t\ ^F(TT uhtatnr, dearer, more desired, s.
.^Jui*] ^5HTa-s/<M6/i, unfavourable, unpleasant, Lll.*ji»^y clAi*»\ ^FH^nT a fkta-irins/j at, thirty-
inauspicious, evil ; m. misfortune, distress, s. eight, s.
^juoi»\ ^FirR ishtatam, best beloved, dearest,
\j\lL\ ds}itd7i-d,')m. an ewer &c., same as most desired, s. [r'mshat, forty-eight, s.
BjlJk^T dslddii-a,) dftdba or dbtuba, q. v. p.
i\xk^\ hhtibdh, m. doubt, ambiguity, •"-^liuV^ ^-^^"^ ^"S^f^jft^llashta-chativd-
scruple, a. C^\ib^Zt\ ^FVTTT a.shtadlidtu, m. the eight
metals, said to be gold, silver, copper, brass, tin, bell-
jJ&ljjLi>l ishtibdht, suspicious, doubtful, a. metal, lead, and iron, asht-dluitij, f. a mixed metal, a
compound of eight metals, s.
i\^j^\ ishtiddd, m. confirming, strengthen-
ing, increasing in violence, a, jXi*l TZ us/itra, m. a camel, s.
j!Jm\ ushtiir, m. a camel, p. IL-»LiiA-i»I ^y«wfrT ashta-saptati, sevcnty-
" eight, s.
\jiZ»\ ishtird, m. buying, selling, commerce, a.
fi)d^^^jJ*)\ ^■pftjf^ ashta-siddhi, m. the eight
i^^Ji^\ ishtirdk, m. partnership, a. siddlds, the name of a superior order of beings, a per-
sonification ofthe powers and laws of nature ; when
Jl*!Li»\ ishtiul, ra. burning, inflaming, light- thev are subjected to the will by holiness and auste-
in"- a fire or candle ; fomenting,iiistigating a quarrel, a. rities, whatever the fancy desires, may, it is said, he
obtained ; universal sovereignty may be aciiuired, and
t^\\\^"yU\ ishtidlak, (dimin. of last word). implicit obedience to any command enforced ; the
ishtVdlak dend, to foment (quarrels), to encourage to magnitude, weight, or levity of the body may be in-
bad actions, to abet. a. [study, a. creased or diminished at will, and the body be trans-
ported in an instant to any part of the universe, s.
JliLi»\ ishtighdl,m. occupation, employment,
einrht. .s. '^fF'Tfl? ashta-shashthi, sixty-
;'JijL^\ islitihdk, m. derivation of one name
from another, a.
JX^^ ushiulum, celerity, violence, injustice ;
[firm. p.
r:'^l ^FR ashtam, the eighth, s.
1 ^Fsrt oshtavn, f. the eighth day of the
Jljoi*! ishtimdl, m. comprehension, contain- "moon. janmdshlamT, the eighth of Bhadra Krishva
ng. 0. paksh, the birthday of Krishna, s.

V^\Zt\ hhtiha, f. hunger, appetite, a. Cj> oJuijl ^^s'^'^f^ashia-7uuaat},\ih\^'.ty-eu^[^^.s

( 42 )

{jf^_^l ^T^nfh^ a-shariri,

jtt*»y incorporeal. $.
J^^ ashjar (pi. of^),>^trees, a.
Jlt\ 'sr^rf^ a-shuchi, impure, unclean (cere- (j-«»l -^Hif^i^ ashiSf f. blessing, benediction. «.
^monialty); f. impurity, s.
ungoverned; under the dominion of evil habits arising
^ys^\ ^^'t^ a.shcharj (for dshcharT/a), m. from a neglected education ; rude, barbarous, s.
amazement, astonishment, surprise ; adj. astonishing,
wonderful, dshcharjyatd, f. wonderfulness, astonish- \xJji\ asliar (pi. of jcm*), verses, poems, a,
ment.,^ a. ft [people, a.
(JliiSjl ashghal (pi. of ,JjLi»), employments,
i^ja\sP^^ ashhMs (pi. of {.ja^), persons, occupations, cares, ishghdl, being employed, o.
liJjl ashaJd, more or most vehement, severe,
^lftji»l ashfak (pi. of ^i^*), kindnesses, fa-
strong, violent, excessive, a, vours, ishfak, compassion, tenderness, a.
^yZ>\ ^"^ a-slmddh, impure, inaccurate, sSsutt\ as/ii^ifa, wretched, miserable, distressed,
wrong, a-shuddhatd, f. inaccuracy, impurity. *. distracted, uneasy, disturbed, ashufta-hal, distressed
in condition, dshtifta-khutir or dshufta-dil, atilicted in
\jJ6 Jk^^ ■'«<Mr^^l a-shuddhiya, one who speaks mind, dshufta-mu, with dishevelled hair, dshnfta-sar,
or reads wrong, s, or, -dimagh, or, -tab', distracted in head or brain, p.
-2») asharr, vicious, malignant, atrocious (or "easiness, p.
^^jJlZ»] ashuftagi, f. misery, distraction, un
more vicious, &c.). a,

j^\ ^rar ashra, m. a tear. s. fJisiZA a5/i?(/i!an,todisturb,to be confounded, p.

L^T '5!nr^ ashra, ^ m. cheating, fraud, cir- ^^-^I ashuk, gum-ammoniac, p.
4_/J»T ^ra^ ashrayj cumvention ; proxi- factors, o.
UiLi»| ashkiya (pi. of ^3^), thieves, male-
"mity ; a retreat, abode, a house ; a means of defence;
having recourse to protection or refuge ; trust, re- LiLl) ashk, m. a tear, tears, ashh-bar, mourn-
liance, hope ; a patron, a protector, s.
ing, shedding tears, ashk-hdrl, f. weeping, p.
C^h)j^\ ashrabat, drinks prohibited by the
Muhammadan law, such as wines, &c. a. j\5w»l ashhar, ' apparent, clear, public,
,IXm*1 aslihara,

^]^1 as/<rar
criminal, (pi. (people)
seditious ofy^), a.
(people), wicked, wretched, ];^'
5jVX«il "^'""a?"'
ushkura, j' known, revealed, p.
tJ||P») ashraf (pi. of i— i?^), nobles, gran- ^y.^\ ashhal (pi. of ^Ji-i»), appearances,
dees, gentlemen, men of high extraction. In Kohil- figures, shapes, semblances, forms, a.
kund.Oude, and Benares, the term is applied to a class
of cultivators who claim certain privileges, a. Jlx^l iskhdl, m. difficulty, ambiguity, su.^-
picion, painfulness. a. [lude, to wheedle, d.
•l-ijl ishrdk, m. splendour, beauty, lustre,
lit. the rising of the sun. a. ijJK^I ishkdlnd, to deceive, to tempt, to de-
•* culties. ishhdli,
^Kji»l a. one who excites doubts or diffi-
^'Lia\ ishraM, eastern, oriental, uhraki-
"-namaz, morning prayer, a. [partnership, a.
eiJ^jji»\ ishrdk, m. participating, entering into ul*^T^r[^Il««-^'/<«^'^«.^«^n^>^ttached,addicted.:
able, powerful. dshakti, f. attachment, fonduesa ;
i^JLi \ ^if'ilif dshrit (see dsrit), a person pro- power, might, s.
tected, Sec. a. powerless, unable.
tJl*5d\ SH^f^ a-shuhfa,
a-shakti, f. impotence, weakness, s. [rant. s.
\i>ij^\ ^r^rgr a-shraddkd, f. aversion, con-
tempt, disgust, loathing, distrust, disbelief, a. C^JL^\ ^f^f^tT a-shihshit, untaught, igno-
c_j-l>\ ashrof, more noble ; m. a gentleman, m. portent, evil
^^51^1 ^^(r«R a-shuhun, 1
a person of noble or genteel birth, a nobleman, ashraf -
ul makhlukdt, the most excellent of created beings, man- I ^^^1 ^Hgl^ng a-shugun, > omen, ashahuni
kind. a«/ira/-M/ 6i/arf, the finest of regions, a.
(oX^i 'grgPM a-shugun,} or a-shugunt,
jjuji»l ashraf I, f. a gold coin so called. The portentous, boding evil luck. s.
"Calcutta ashraf I, is about \l. lis. 8rf., and the gold of s.
it is better than English standard gold, by five shil- sjX^\ ^^![^ a-shahya,\mposs\h\e.
lings in the ounce, or about one-sixteenth. By the
Regulations of May 1733, it should weigh 190-894 grains J^l ashall, having a disjointed, withered, or
paralj-tic hand. o. [distich. «.
troy weight, generally called by Europeans, " a gold
more "(vide miihr). The gold more of Bengal iswortli i^^J^\ '^r^leS ashloh or ish/ok, m. verse,
IG rupees, that of Madras and Bombay 15 rupees, p.
IaSoIiSjI ^ratlT ashlehhd or ashleshd, m. the
|,»w^l \*\^H ashram, m. (same as dsram), name of the ninth lunar mansion (five stars near the
abode, &c. &c. (v. dsram). s. [less. s. southern claw of Cancer), s.
(^j^l ^r^n^J a-sharan, without shelter, help- Vv^l T«ITT ushmdy f. warmth ; wrath, s.
i^J^\ "STT^nr dxhray, m. same as dshrd, q. v. ishmdm, m. diffusing odour, shedding
perfume; giving to a quiescent consonant a slight
L!l*^<il fid^I'^iT dshrait, hopeful, trusting, con- sound of zamma or kasra, but so as not to lengthen the
ent, s. syllable, or make one syllable more. a.
Jm\ ( 43 )

lJU«*' <ji4{ril ushmata, f. heat, warmth, s. ^^\

\^y*»\ "STfT^fft ashwini, f. the name of the first
lunar mansion (see aswini). s.
i^j.^\ ^5^0 ashmari, f. the stone or gravel
(the disease) ; strangury, s.
j'j^j*»^ '^n^TR ashwa-rdr, m. a horseman, s.
,J-^^ ashmal, more or most perfect, complete,
surpassing, transcendant. a. ^_^\ ^■'^ifsT
mansion. .5. ashrca-yuj, f. the first
^^\ T^n ushna, hot, warm, pungent, acrid ; «il^l ishhdd, m. taking to witness, bringing
ni. heat, warmth, s.
ib\.^\ askhdd (pi. of iXfclii*), witnesses (such
lo^^ ^n[F*T ashan, m. eating food ; also ^TT^nT as have been present) ; eye-witnesses, a.
dshan, the asan tree, on which the tasar silk-worm
feeds {Teriuinalia alata tomentosa). s. «._>.^^ ashhah, white, ash-coloured, a.
Um^I aslina, an acquaintance, lover, friend; i^^\ ashhadu, I testify, I declare, a.
ashnd-parast, friendly, p.
\j^\ -JM^T uakanna, n. to boil. h. ^^^W.'!///mr,moreormostcelebratt'd; known. a.
iJ^\ ^T^n? d.'<haya, m. meaning, intention,
^^U^\ ^Tjrnr ashnan, m. bathing, s. "aim; an object of desire; theme, subject; shelter;
the mind. s.
{_f'swl a:<h7id,t, f. friendship, acquaintnnce.
dshnd,i-k, a. to unite, to associate. dshnd,i lagnd. n. to Iju^j^ aaliyd (pi. of j.ii»), things, effects, a.
become intimate, to be united in friendship, p.
eoliUJil ashnayana, in a friendly manner. ^^. j^lju*»' dshiydfi, m. a bird's nest. jy.
sj\jJ^\ dshiydna,.
Vjiu^\ TmrfTT m^hnala, f. heat, warmth. *.
CL^xZi\ ^rnp^flT dshiti, eighty, s.
tilLijl ^^rU u-shmika, fearless, undaunted,
secure, s,
jxi^\'^'^ffTiiisiriry{'.ii fragrant root (ifgrass,called
in Persian ^as {Andropogon muricalum). s.
\j>j^\ "^TTSfTlfT ashanka, f. fear, apprehension,
awe, danger ; doubt, uncertainty, s. [dem. s. libjbi* I ^sn^fhtr^ a.</iI/'-iafZ, 1 m. bless-
^JLxxZ»\ '3'mrtM ushnuh, m. a turban, a dia- nediction, s.
^^a-j JL^I ^I^fV^-'I'JT dshir-vachun,) ing, be-
J^'^ '^'^ a^hwo, m. a horse, s.
Jbv..\»ji>\ 41HJI^d ashwarurh, mounted on a (jtA^l iH^fM a-shesh, boundlps;^, endless, all. s.
horse; m. a horseman, s.
(jSjbi*! ^n^fl^
benediction, i. ^T^I^T dshh^i, f. blessing,
l^jn\^M»\ »H1^1^ asliiras, m. completion, ces-
sation, comfort, s. j^\^\ asdghir (pi. oi jk^\), little, mean, coa-
{^J*t\ ashoh or axlnih, m. tumult, ckimour; temptible, low, poor (people), a.
inflammation of the eyes ; terror ; misfortune ; storm, iJlJi\jo\ isdlat or asdlat, firmness, integrity,
tempest ; an impostor ; in comp. exciting, p. ^ solidity of judgment; genuineness, a.
l^^^ '^r^ft^TT a-shobhd, f.ugliness ; adj. shape- Xiii\jo\ (isaldtmj, radically, originally, alto-
less, ugly. s. gether, absolutely, in proper person, a.

»Jlo^\ 'Higyfrf ashn-a-pati, m. a person of L-->Ui^\ ashdh, (pi. of t_-*>-l'^), grandees,

rank, attended by horsemen ; a horseman, s. lords, masters, companions, apostles, friends. In com-
men, &c.position, isignifies
t asMbi kihur
and of ; as, ashdbi
ashdbi guzhi,'Urn,
(Ficus "^"^St^ashwatiha,
religiosa). s, m. the holy fig-tree' friends and coinpauions of ^luliamniad. ashdbi kahf,
the (seven) sle('i)ers of tlie cave, fiimed in oriental ro-
-.^^^^^ a-shoch, m. content, tranquillity, mance, a. [ing. a.
absence of care. a-sJiauch, m. impurity ; mourning, s.
\sto\ isddr, m. producing, appearing, issu-
':^^JmJ^\ '^TOTflT^T ashjva-shdld, f. a stable, s.
yj>o\ isidr, persevering, obstinacy, a.
i^J^\ ^^epo-s/ioZr, at ease, unmolested ; in.
ease, tranquillity ; a plant {Jonesia asokd). s. i_il^^ isrdf, m. expenditure, waste, prodi-
gality, isrdf-k, a. to squander, &c. a.
\i>6J^J^\ ^rsSPT^n ashwa-gandlia, f, a plant
{Phy sails flcxuosa). s.
iUlxol istibdgh, m. dipping, baptism, a.

^i^xc^\ ^vjJ^v as/iirn-medh, m. the actual or ^\y^^\ istibdghi, one who baptizes. Yahya
emblematic sacrifice of a horse, an ancient religious Istibdghj, John the Baptist, o.
ceremony among the Hiiulus. This sacrifice is one of
the highest order, and, when performed a hundred JjAxo^ ?s/n^;/7 (vulgarly tf.;!/«&tf/),m.a stable.fl,
times, entitles the sacrificerto the doniinicm oi sivarga
or paradise. It appears to have been originally typical ;
the horse and other animals being simply bound during j^ sepolis. istoMsir,
p. the ancient name of Pcr-
the performance of certain ceremonies : the actual
sacrifice is an introduction of a later period, s.
[^'^JkuoS usturldh, f. an astrolabe, g.
^yi>l 'gifiUH dsliwin, in. ilie sixth Hindu ^'^^^\ isiildh, f a phrase, idiom, general
mouth (September — October). «. ^ acceptation ; a figure in rhetoric, a.
( 44 ) ci^S
OW^kk^l istilahat (pl.)> iJioms, phrases, ^^J)\ azla, (pi. of ^-o) districts; sides (of
forms of speech, a. a square, &c.) ; ribs ; convexities ; arches, a,
^a-iUx^l istilaJn, technical, metaphorical, K^L>S^\ ha at, f. subjection, obsequiousness,
' conventional, o. reverence, worshipping, obedience, submission, o.
yuo\ asghar, less, least, smallest ; the minor JjaJu^i aialik, m. preceptor, a guardian or
term in a logical proposition, a. ^splnosd). a. governor. atdliJci, instruction, p.
i— 0^7) a5fl/j m. the caper tree (^Capparis
Ulsi aiihha, (pi. of v».^ajd?), physicians, a.
K.juo\ asaf, the name of a man, considered to
have been Solomon's wazir. dsaf-ra,e, prudent as afaf.
(_jU3i atraf (pi. of (_-i;l>), sides, environs,
asaf-ud-daula, the dsaf of the state ; a title generally confines, skirts, districts ; all around, a.
applied to a wazir. a.
\sL>o\ asfar (pi. of jio), ciphers, a. \^^,{Jj^^ itri-phal^ 1 m. a kind of electuary ;
tiol asfar, yellow, saffron-coloured, a. ^}si>Jh\ itri-fal, J vide itri-phal.
\sua\ itfa, extinction, putting out (a fire), a.
' j^l^i^l Isfahan, m. Ispahan, till recently the
capital of Persia, p.
^ysua^ atfal, (pi. of Jil>), Children, family, a.
jj-oi asl, f. lineage ; origin, root ; foun-
c>J9i ittila, f. manifesting, informing, de-
dation ;a capital, principal sum, stock in trade, asl-ns-
sus, m. liquorice, a. claring, investigating, knowledge, information, ittii
la'-k., to acquaint, inform, iff i/a'-«a wo, a written de.
^Loi aslan or asla, by no means, never, not claration, or notice in writing ; a summons or citation.
at all. ailan mutlakan, absolutely never, by no maimer itfild'-mand, informed, acquainted, a.
of means, a.
^^U^^ itldk, m. setting at liberty; divorcing;
-.^Lfii islahj f. amendment, cure, correction, a. freedom, disengagedness ; in law, the office and re-
cords of summonses, also fees thereon, a.
Jm\ aslah, best, most correct, a.
y*»>y^^Uo! itlah'TiaviSj m. the officer who
^_^\ asU, pure, of a noble family, noble, keeps
upon. the
a. p.register of Bummonscs and of the fees thcre^
"essential, radical, original; a registered village, a.
j^ nsnviyn, deaf; a surd number in arith- fjJ^s] flf;Za'{,m. satin. fltZasi, of or resembling
satin, made of satin, a.
' root
mctic,of opposite
a surd, a.of muntiJc. jasr-i asamm, the square
cU1j\ itma, strong desire, longing for. a.
(— iKx>o\ amaf (pi. of u-flxc), sorts, kinds,
varieties, a. [reputations, o. ^Ijo^l itmlnan, m. tranquillity, content,
mind. a.repose, rest, quiet, itmlndni ]{]idtir, peace ol
CJ>\yo\ aswat, (pi. of O^) voices, sounds,
J^ol usTil, (pi. of J^\) cause.*!, roots ; a L.-'Ul?! atnab (pi. of «-^>ii») tent ropes, a.
mood or tone. a.

j^\ as,har{\)\. oij^o), near relations, agene- j^^l aiwar,

(pi. of.^) manners, behaviour,
khush-atwdr, well bred. a.
ral term for all relations by marriage within the degree
in which marriage is prohibited, a.
J^l atrcal, very long or tall, prolix, a.
J^l as'il, well-l)orn, X^\ athar (pi. of Jftlia), the pure, itjitir,
maid-servant who is free, noble, genuine; f a
in opposition to laimdl, a
female purchased slave, a. purifying, purification, a.
C^\^\ izafat, f. addition, an adjunct, an J^\ azlam, more or most oppressive, a.
epithet ; it is in grammar applied to the short vowel
kasra, between two Persian nouns in the formation of j^\ izhar, m. demonstration ; revealing.
the genitive case, or on the addition of an adjective. publication, evincing, a.
Jfulati izafat, the genitive case. a.
morethe apparent,
clear, than
very clearer az-
$j^\ izafa, m. addition, junction, augmen- harii azhar,
j^\ mill ash-sltamsi, sun. a.
tation, attribute, a.
OiVff-\ i'adat, (alsi) fada), f. rej)t'tition, re-
^\Jh^\ iztiruh, m. agitation, perturbation, vising ;visiting the sick. a.
restlessness, anguish, trouble, chagrin, a.
jjljkff-l I tali, liberation, manumission, a.
^^Aj^OfoS iztirhbi, f. haste, impatience, a. CJAs\
a, f. help, aid, succour, favour,
yj:^\ iztirar, m. 1 violence, constraint, agi-
jLi&l i'tihar, m. belief, faith, confidence ;
^^j\yx>o\ iztirari, f J tation. a. respect, esteem, veneration, reliance, i'tibdr rakknd,
or i'tibai-k., to give credit to, to believe, a.
wJIjUjI az'af, double, iz'af, act of doubling,
duplication, a. (impotent, a. ^5jUi5-\ i'tibari, trusty, confidential, o.
*— a>»va\ azaf, very helpless or weak, mo-t J)'^J:>jS'\ z tidal, m. evenness, equilibrium ;
temperateness ; rectitude, temperature, moderation, a.
c-^l ( 45 ^\ )
alR, \ \S\

uama, itizarj
m. a letterm.of an excuse,a. apology,
apology, ftizar-
\\^\ •>,- r s"P'"enie, hjo^h, the Most Hirrh. a.
{jj\Sis\ itizari, one who apologizes, a. J^ff-1 a 1(1, J ' ' ^ ' o
jtys] tliim, m. proclaiming, indicating, an- >
i^\JiS'\ tiiraz, f. refusing assent, objecting, nouncing; a warrant, notification, a.
discussion ; criticism, animadversion, displeasure, op-
position, a. [who objects, a. ^j^i ildn, m. publishing, divulging, a.
ijl^lji'^^ itirazl, f. displeasure, anger; one j^\ a lam., most knowing or wise. a.

( iyjis^ ttiraf, m. confession, acknowledg- 1^1 a'ma, for ^^\, blind, ignorant, a.
ment, avowal, a.
action, tmal,
conduct, applying,
a. a'lndl, (pi. of J-^)
)lj*^^ i'tizaz, excelling, overcoming, a.
(JUic-i itizal, secession, dissent ; abdicating J^l a'via, blind, ignorant; a desert, a.
or withdrawing from office, a. [sin. a.
^^Ufrl a''ydn (pi. of {^S-), eyes; grandees,
nobles, a'l/ani ffazrat, courtiers, a.
^uoi^i ttisam, preserving one's self from
tiliiJkC'l ztihnd, m. confidence, faith, trust, \S'\ ac/ha, a master, lord ; an arja. t. [agaric.^.
belief, a.
^^^S^jl^-l aghdrihun (a-^apiKov) common
^liVoiff-i ttihadi, one who has faith &c., or
in whom faith is placed, a. jIp-I dghdz, m. beginning, commencement.
dghdz-k., to begin, p.
<__JOJkff-\ I'iihnf,
passion from m. motives,
religious restraining, eurbitig
as in Lent; one's
continuing Jj[^\ ^ghrak, submersion : in rhetoric it signi-
in the mosque (particularly at Mecca), a. fies excessive praise or censure, a.
C^-^isA itimad, m. fiith, confidence; hope, ejjLS-\ aghinhta, mixed, macerated, polluted. ^>.
dependence, reliance, a.
^^\ dghil an(also
mountain, aghil)
enclosure for asheep
sheep-cote in a
&c. in a plain.
4_^^l-»;^l i'iimadi, one in wliom confirlence is
placed, a trustworthy person, a. aghal. a bar or bolt. p.
lilff-i itina, taking pains, anxiety, care. a. /i'^\ if/hi ah, m. difficult to be understood,
abstruse ; an obstacle, a.
jlsP ijaz, m. disappointment; a miracle;
wonder, amazement, astonishment, surprise. Vjfni J^l
masiJfd.i, miraculous cure, equalling the wonderful for the a^ldl
neck. a.(pi. of J^), yokes or chains
cures of the Messiah, a.
A^^ ighldm, m. inflaming with desire, pro-
i»^l a jam, a barbarian, a rustic : the term ' voking to venery ; sodomy, a.
' is strictly employed to one who does not speak pure
Arabic, but it generally denotes a Persian, a. ^Jl^I agldub, superior, stronger ; adv. most
likely, for the most part, aghlab hai, it is most likely,
\^\ add (pl.ofjJ*^), foes, enemies, a. it generally happens, a.
i^\£'\ irdb, m. a vowel, the using of the ii^\^\ ughabimh, a kinjj of Turkestan, de-
vowel-points. A'rdb, the wandering Arabs of the scended ofthe great Jingis Khan. t.
desert, a.
As-\ aphU,d. f. the bolt of a door;
same as
^J\^\ a rain, an Arab of the desert, a.
^\j^\ tiaj, crippling, or making lame. a. i^^jo'^S ighmdz, m. dis-;imulation, supercili-
ousnes Ogling,
; coquetry, a.
(^IjC-l trdz, flying from, aversion, i'ruz-h., ^oUs-1
to turn away from any thing with abhorrence, a. "proud. &c.ighndzl,
a. one who is supercilious,
«_^\jff-l araf, ra. purgatory : according to the
Musalmans it is a kind of neutral space between Ijuff-l agkniyd (pi. of ^^), the rich. a.
heaven and hell. The poet Sa'di sa^'s that " to those
in heaven A'raf would seem hell, but the hellites \^\
a. to?Vz^?m,ni.
seduce, to seduction,
lead astray, temptation,
a. ighwd-k.,
would call A'raf paradise."
-^jC-^ a raj, cripple from birlli. a. (^^cT aghpah, f. an embrace ; the bosom, p.
j\l&\ izdz, m. respect, attention, a. j\^\ aghynr, (pL of^), strangers, foreigners,
unknown persons, rivals, a.

»lff-t a'izza (pi. oflJjP'),

or people), verya.
or dear (persons [sinews, a,
(J^UpI oghyar'i, f. strangeness, rivalry, a.
U-^Lap\ a'sdh, (pi. of ;_*-a^) nerves, tendons, 'i\ uf, fye.\
, ruined, a,
])ooh! for shame ! alasto !«/-/(.,
to disapprove of, to lament, uf ho-jdnd,
LoP-l aza, (pi. of^joP-) mcniheis of the body.
a'zd.e fanasul, organs of generation. a'za,e ra,tsa, the
vital parts, as the heart, brain, &c. o. (_jT a/, the sun ; the musk-deer. p.
(O^T afat, (pi. of C-^T) calamities, evilii,
j^asA a'zam, greatest, or very great, a. misfortunes dangers, o.
( 46 )
\js\ afzd or afzd,ey (r. of afzudan), increas-
&jii\i1 afrighina (pi. of ^^Uit), the people of ing (used in comp.) p. [ing. p.
Afghdnisiun, the Afghan race. a.

of jil), horizons, quarters of • ^>\y\ afzdyhh, f. act of increasing or adJ-

j\sT afdk (pi,
the heaven, the world or universe, regions, a.
S\^J^Ui\ afzd'yanda, that which increases, p.
CJi^\ ifafiat, f. ^ convalescence, recovery tijjii afzud, m. increase, addition, abun-
&i\i\ ifaha, m. J from a swoon, &c. a. dance ;adj. more. p.

j^jalJl afa7ii7i (pi, of ^^y>i\), branches, a. j^iijjii afzudagi, f. increase, addition, p.

lIJT afat, f. misfortune, wretchedness, cala- (jii^jlii afzudan (r. afzd), to increase, p.
afat-zada, involved in mis-
fortune, a, afat-rastda or
jjjlj\ afzun,p. more, manifold, greater, much,
(—.jUiT dftdh, ra. the sun, sunshine, dftab-
parast, a worshipper of the sun, dftah-parasti, f. the ,j,5ji\ afzuni, f. increase, enlargement, p.
worship of the sun, aftab-gtr, a parasol, p.
&31-<J\ afsdna, m. a tale, fiction, story, ro-
wlii^ aftdba, m. an ewer, a water-pot, p. mance, afsdna-gn, m. a romance-teller. afsana-go,t, f.
the profession of a story-teller, p.
^IxiT aftabl, f. a parasol of a particular
■■ form ; a target studded with gold, p'
j^\ afsar, m, f, a crown, diadem, p.
jjii.*-i\ afsurdan, to wither, to flag. p. j
^JS\3J\ ufiudagi, f. a fall, the act of falling, p.
Jjiilii^ uftddan, to fall, to happen. ^^y^\ afsurdagt, f. dejection, melancholy, i
" lowness or depression of spirits, p.
83ljL*t uftdda, fallen, prostrated, pi. nftdda-
gan, the fallen, the unfortunate, p. 5iiw-J\ afsurda, dejected, dispirited, melan-
choly, low-spirited. afsurda-lcMtir, depressed, displ-
^J3^\ vftdn, falling?, aftdn o Khezdny falling rite'l, afflicted afsurda-dil, faint-hearted, low-spirited,
and ge'tting up, met., with great difficulty, p. dejected, p.
^jliil aftdwd, m. an ewer (v, aftdba). p. (j'UJo-J^ afsantin (a-^ivdiov), wormwood, g.
j^^ iftikhdr, m. glory, honour, elegance,
gracefulness, a. [tation. a, (^j^y^\ af'os, m. vexation, sorrow, concern;
interj. ah! alas! afaos-k. ot afsos-hhdnd, to express
sorrow or regret, p.
\Ji}\ iftird, f. calumny, slander, false impu-
Jii!-\ji\ afrdTihtan (r, afrdz), to raise aloft, to ^^y^\ afsun, m. incantation, verses used in
extol, a. [numbers, single ones. a. spells or enchantments, fascination, sorcery, afxun-k.,
a. to enchant, to use spells and incantations, p.
Ci\J\ afrdd (pi. of i5;i), individuals, singular
jL*>jjj— il afsun-sdz,)m. an enchanter.one who
^\j\ ifrdd, m. withdrawing from society, a. X ..njfM afun-gar, ) uses spells, a sorcerer.
afsun-sdzl or afsun-gari, f. enchantment, witchcraft, p.
'\j)\ afrdz, exalting (used in composition), p.
c-.>\jwj»^Ji afrdsiydb, name of an ancient ])rince liil ifshd, m. divulging, publishing, a.
of Turan, one of the heroes of the Slidlaidma, ulti- j^Lli^ afslidn, dispersing, scattering, (used
mately slain by RuEtam, p.
chiefly in composition; ■ds,gHl-a/shdn, strewing roses;
zar-afshdn kdghaz, paper sprinkled with gold), p.
^\j!\ ifrdt, m. excess, superfluity, ifrdti-
akhh'it and ifrdti k^in, plethora, a. ^Si\zJ\ afshdndan, to scatter, disperse, p.
^^ il afranji, a Frank, or native of Europe, a /^^\ afhdrd, f. dispersion, sprinkling ; scat-
"crusader, a. [mined, p. tered over ; as, afshdni kughaz, paper sprinkled over
with gold dust. p.
ijc»-« jil afrokhta, set on fire, kindled, ilhi-
la.LiS afshurda, squeezed, filtered, p.
burn, il afrokhtan
to kindle, p. (r.af-oz'), to[composition.)
set on fire, to
p. iJLi\ ufihii7-a {for db-sho7-a,q.v.), [correctly,
sherbet, d.
'.mjs\ afroz, inflaming, enlightening (used in
>o.j! afsah, very eloquent, speaking very
j^i^j^dfrlda-gdr, m. the Creator, p.
jj,iji\ dfridan (r. dfrin), to create, p. JUai^ afzdl, (pi. of ,J*ai), graces, favours,
virtues, ifzdl, benefiting, making to excel, a.
8iiJ iT dfrida, created, a created being, p. (Lai\ afzal, ^ ,,
^ i\ dfiin, bravo! well done! (in comp.) J ^ "^ '
Jix>As\ (fzaltar,) >more or most excellent, a
creating, &sjahdn-dfrin, creator of the world; m. the
Creator, dfrln-k., a. to praise, to applaud, p. Cij.Ajo.i\ ofzaIlyat,exce\\eT)ce,prc-emincnce.a.
i.jo,M dfrinish, f. the creation, p. jVki^ iftdr, m. breaking a fast. iftdr-h.,ii. to
break one's fast in the evening after fasting all day
as the Musalmans do in the month of Rai/iaziiii. a.
J jjjji i~ ufnxLanda, creating ; the Creator, p.
( 47 )
<_5' jllajl iftdri, tlmt which is proper for fast- (JvASi ikbdl, m. prosperity, good fortune, feli-
breaking, a. fessioncity;
of acccptnnce
judgmentof a bond
a. or bill. iJcbal-ila'wd. con-
;Jl*i\ afal, (pi. of Jw»J), actions, conduct, n. iXA^JUil iklnil-tnnnd, prosperous, ot good for-
tune, ikbdl-maiidl, f prosperity, good fortune, a p.
^jis] oft (properly
"pent. a.
J^i ({f'o.), m. a sur-
^^^^XJi ihtihds, m. borrowing (fire from
another) ; acquiring, procuring, gaining ; asking, beg-
^J^\ afghnn, lamentation: interj. alas! p. ging ;quotation, a. [to imitate. (J.
f^\*h\ afghan, the name
who inhabit the country to the N. W. of Lahore,
of a race of people itXJLJi iktidd, imitating, following. d^^ iklidd-/t-,
called also Patlians : they are supposed or rather they jl^iXji iktiddr, m. power, authority ; excel-
themselves pretend, to be of Jewish extraction, a. lence, dignity, a.
(j,^^ afghani, of or relating to the Afghaiw,
^u-jLs' iktiadm, m. division, partition, a.
the Afgjuin language, a.
jLajLa\ ihtisdr, m. abbreviation, abridgment,
^\ tifh, m. the horizon; a tract or region restriction; determining or fixing the bounds of
of the earth ; (poet) the world, a. anj' thing; failing, wasting, a,
ySki\ afhar (pi. o^Si), thoughts, meditations, Ual^ii iktizd, claim, requisition, demand, n.
opinions, counsels, a.
j^si\ ih/diii, m. intrepidity, resolution, firm-
}Sj\ afijar, wounded ; m. a sore (on the back ness, spirit; endeavour, effort, diligence, attention,
of a horse, &c.) y. [position, p. care, ihidm-namudan, to approach, a.
fj^SJ^ ofgan, overthrowing, (used in com- {^si\ uhdas, very holy, or most sacred, a.
jj;\jjti\ afgnndan, to throw down, to cast. p. S^ ikrar, m. promise, agreement, assurance,
attestation; confession, confirmation ; in the language
ld^iXi\ afganda, overthrown, cast forth, af- of the law it means the notification or avowal of the
gandagt, f. act of overthrowing, p.
right of another upon one's self, iltrar-k., a. to pro-
mise, tkrdr-ndma, m. written agreement, indenture,
(y>^l ijias,xx\.. bankruptcy, penury, poverty, bond, contract, a deed of assent or acknowledgment
want ; sometimes written iflasi. a. [Arabs), a.
in general, ikrari 'dmm, a public acknowledgment,
declaration, or confession ; a will or testament, ikrdr-
jj^^t aflatun, Plato, (so called by the ddnapatra, a conditional deed of gift. a.
til^^ ajiak (pi. of ciiii), the heaven'^, hea- (_5jiJ»l ih'dri, a. one who assents, acknowledges
venlj' spheres, a. [or heavenly spheres, a. or confesses,

^^1 ajlain, celestial, relating to the heavens

^^»^^iJ^/\ ikrdri-asarrii, m. a prisoner who
"pleads guilty, a.
—\^\ (^;//ra/(p!.of— .y),armies,crowds. afivaji-
kahira, a victorious army, afwiji-shalydtin, a host of
devils, met. a multitude of children, a. ^^J^
rank, akrdn
&c.). a,(pi. of ^^.^), equals (in ago,
8^y\ nf>vak(jA. of sy), m. mouths; f. doubt-
ful news ; fame, report, a. u->j5^ ahrah, most near, more near. o.

^1 J^ afwahi, famed, reported,noisedabout.fl. bj^ fli^r//;a (pi. of (.->>V)> kindred, fiieufls,

allies, a. [ments. a.
j^\ afitn, f. opium, h,
\j>\^\ aksdt (pi. of la— 5*), portions, insial-
\ aflmc
Sr t| "m.'l an
eater of opium;
^L«Ji ahsam (pi. of j***^), various kinds, of
every sort. a.
'^^.^ V (fig-) a sot. h.
^^1 aflml, m. J \^aJ\ aksa, 'I extreme, very or most distant,
^^^\ ofyun,f. opium. The inspissated juice J,.woJl ahsaj extremely, a. [of land. a.
of the Papaver somnifcrum. a.
ellajl ii^fa', cutting, dividing, an assignment
ijy^\ ofyv-m, an opium-eater, a.
jjji akall, less or least, very little, a.
^\ ai^a, m. master ; owner, p. [dred. a.
t_.^y>i akarih (pi. of 4„_*J Jj), relatives, kin- jbjjil ahkal-bdr, the Indian shot-plant
{Cuuna Indica), a beautiful flower. The word seemi
LjVJ\ akakiya, the acacia; also the expressed to be a corruption of some Arabic term. (Binning) d.
juice of its fruit, g. (_AiJf\ aUqf, m. a Muhammadan whoforsome
eJvJl ihala, the cancelling of a sale, on con- adequate cause has omitted circumcision, but is not
thereby disqualified from giving evidence in court, a.
dition of furnishing an equivalent for the original
price of the article ; breaking a contract, a. j,Ai\ ihtim, m. climate, country; according to

or geographers,
countries" there are
which occupy a fourth aKil'im
seven part '• climates
of the world,
^\ai ahdlim, (pi. of (•^Aj*), climes, regions, a.
CL"«^\ ikdmaf, f resting, staying, abode, resi- called the rub'i maskfin "inhabited fourth part." The
other three quarters of the globe are supposed to be
dence, dwelling, a.
utterlv uninb:ibit.iMi\ (Binning). "-.
( 48 )

^^\yi\ ahi-rd, (pi. of Jy), words, sayings, tiljO**^'

** from heaven, ^T^T^^^')
revelation, s. dhds-n-ani, f. a voice
agreements, promisea. a.

Jy^ alwain (pi. of *y), tribes, nations, a. jrf*»o^ ^^SFT'Ft't ikasi, eighty-one. h.
^-jD I ^RTT^ dhdsi, aerial, celestial, afmo-
tijT 'SncF o/j(DakhanT, agf), m. curled flow- •• spheric. (7/i(7i7"-/;a/7(«, cerulean, azure, s. \_akas).
ered frijrantic swallowort (Asdepias giga7ifea), cele-
brated among native practitioners for its many me- ^ji 0 \ ^T'^T^I aJtash, m. the sky (same as
dicinal qualities ; a sprout of sugar-cane. s.
Jo\ ^^q5 or »K1<*1^ a-hal (or nhal), m. a
LdJ^ ifi (for (-dbj) one (chiefly used in com- famine, a general scarcity ; unseasonableness, extre-
pound expressions as) ik lauta, single, s. mity, pinch; adj. unseasonable, untimely, premature.
%\ ?7Jm,sin(jle,inconi parable, supeie.xcellent; a-kal-brlshii, untimely rain akal-phal, a fruit pro-
duced out of season, i.
m. an earring of a single pearl ; an ornament worn
on the wrist, often hollow, containing perfume; a ^y6\ akiiul, a glutton, an enormous eater, a.
champion, who serves alone, without being attached
to anj' corps, s. U)ol "a<*|Qj»ii ulidlna, a. to boil water. /*.
^\ nhha, m. a father ; a dear or intimate friend ;
f an elder sister, d. j^\ '^^^ a-ham, unprofitable, fruitless, a.
\-iio^l ->ii|c(ii^1 ahdnhsha, f. wish desire, ex-
Ji\ akabir (pi. o^jiS\ or jXiS) the great or pectation purpose,
; intention. *.
grandees ; people of rank, akabir o asaghir, high and
low, rich and poor. a. Ok-lioKl 'SrrafTf^ dkanhshit, desirous ; de-
sired, expected, s.
0m6\ ^oirnT f'-^/nj, m. los«, detriment; hurt,
injury, prejudice ; uselessness. s.
jtiJoo I ^ioiii«j')asking,
•• hope, expecting; dhdnhsh'i, desirous,
inquiring, full of
s. [one. K
^^\ ^«itT"STt a-Jiaji, useless (animal, thing,
"or person) ; a retarder. s. {^y^\ 5oFT»T^ ikdnarcwe or ikdnive, nineiy-
.^\ WlWr^akar /oj»'^ ^«liHH i/tdwan, fifty-one. h.
ance, aspect, shape,(corruptly altar'),
statue, likeness ; hint,m.sign,
the letter ^. S. j\^\ ik-hdr (for ek bar), one time. h.p.

Ji\ a-har, 1 useless, of no avail (pro- jii\ akbnr, very great; a man's name. a.
j^y Kjo\ fl/f&ar-aZ-ra,?,^ presumptive evidence
C-No^ a-karat,} perly a-karafli). d.
convict, o.akharl-rd^i, J sufficiently strong to
^.o^ ^SIMlJyt a-harath, unprofitable, fruitless,
yielding no return, vain. h.
(C^i^ ahharl, of or relating to the Emperor
Akbar ; name of a sweetmeat ; also of a gold coin
adv. "^ooi*.Jl!l a-haran,
causelessly, m. absence
groundlessly. s. of cause; worth a guinea and a half of our money, a.
^j*i^ \ ^ni<«(^r akds or akds, m. the sky, the l^f^l ikpechd, head-ornament, h.p.
lirmament, the heavens; space; air; the fifth
element of the Hindus, more subtle than air, atlier. CL.iS\ ToRiT or "grf^i ukat or ukti, f. speech, what
dkds-hdni, f revelation, a voice from heaven, s.
is spoken, language ; contrivance, invention, ukat ha-
nund, to make up a story, to invent, contrive, iikat L,
C^j>(^j»X\ »i<l<*I^J=^rw dhds-britti, f. subsis- to discover, to find out. s.
tence not derived from any certain funds, or depend-
ing on any particular person; living from hand to C^'^\'^^ uJda, spoken, used in law documents
mouth, s. for " aforesaid, above named." *.

tX^L_>^^ 1 ^rrafTSf!^^ dkds-hritti, one whose \J\'J^\ "TofTrlT^ uktdrna, a. to promote, to

" subsistence is fortuitous, s. forward, h.

JjO(^_>*joT 'srram^cJ dhds-hel,ti\\e air-creeper • S:S\ "^ofiTTTC uktdru, an instigator, promoter./t.

Cusciita reflexa?) : it has no root or leaves, but grows
on the tops of trees s. ijMjJb^l ^'^^'t^ iktdlis, forty-one. h.
Uljk^\ "ToR'rTT^T ukidnd, n. to fret, to be me-
t^j^O" '^ I ^^^^'JT nJids-pawan, m. a vege- lancholy or dejected; to be out of humour with, U>
table growing on other trees ; air-plant or dodder.
[Cusciita reflcxn). s. be tired of, to tire. h.
(— jLJk^l iktisdb, m. gain, acquisition, a.
b.i t_>»»0 \ ^TcRT^I^^^T dkas-cBi/a, m. a lamp
which the Hindus hang aloft on a bamboo in the
month of Kartik, a beacon (in Dakh., Akas-dlwa). s. \stjS\ ihtifd, f. sufficiency, contentment, ik-
tifd-k., to content one's self; to stop short, a.
t^P^ 0*»^^ '5TToin^^^ dhdx-muhln, m. a
"devotee of the Saiva sect : his devotion consists in hold- Ciili^ ^oinnii/^-faA.staring with a fixed look. s.
ing his face u|i to the sun, so that, after some time, it
is difficult for him to hold it in the natural position. «. ^\ ^SR^ a-kath, 1 not to be spoken,

J the
JJxi(^_^o 1 ^o|(T'5IH^^ akas-mandal, m. &J:^\ WSR^ a-hathy a, J unfit to be men-
atmosphere, the celestial sphere, s. ;
tioned unutterab le, obscene s. {grandifiord).

j«i^(_>*»o! ^T^T^nfN dhds-nim, m. a plant ^JS\ aha, f. the agati tree {^schynomum
" growing on the turn trees (a kind of Enidindron) s.
{j^\ 3^oinrt^ iht'is, thirty-one.
49 ) ^
cL^l (
c:^\ Tflirj ukat, contrivance, invention, h. \<c^\ ^^§T a-karmd, idle, unoccupied, s.
Ul!e\ Tof^^ ufitntia. a. to dig up slowly a ull«^\ ^ra^oS a-harviak, intransitive (in
thing which is buried in the ground ; to extract a
secret gradually and artfully ; to pump, h, gram.), s.
,JiA*jii ^^HURiT a-harmanya, useless, unpro-
^\ T«B7*n vkatnd, to be dug up,&c. (neut. fitable, good for nothing. «.
form of uktand ; a. to dig up). /*.
\^\ X^3KZ\ ikatha, 1 together, in one j_^i\ ^^»flf a-harnii, a wretch, sinner, s
^^^\S\ T^lZXmkthan, \ and the same ^^f:^ vfofc<{/T a-karnt, inconsistent,
unsuitable, not proper to be done. «.
\jy^jS,\ J^iiijj ihthaura,) place, united, s.
JOj^l akrot, m. (for C.jjji^\), a walnut. «.
X\ aksar, most, many, much ; adv. often,
usually, for the most part, generally, aksar-aukat, JJj"^ ^IF ^^"*"''> "0* cruel, mild, humane,
often, frequently, generally, a.
gentle, s.
i'i,Xi\ ahsariya, for the most part, chiefly, a. j^\ «i«iis fl/far, f. crookedness, strut, pride,
<^ . . conceit, airs, h,
CL^ \ fefifTjr ik-chit, of one mind, unani- V-5i WcFTI a^.ra, stiff, affected, h.
iDous, without wavering. «.

\JVf\ ■Hdk'i\*i\aIirdnd,a.to distress, to impede, h.

to nile ^'<iT
s. <M*«S ik-chhat raj-k., jbjpl W^^TT^ ahar-bdz, an affected person,
a fop, ness,
a swaggerer,
h.p. akaf-hdzi, swaggering, foppish-
j^^ ^rmt, a-har, duty-free, exempt from duty. s.
S\ ^T3|5T akar, f. aborigines; mine, quarry, ,jr^\9\ ^<A^<i\\akar-hd,i, f. the cramp, h.
source; multitude, s.

y\ "SXJW^akar, f. the den of a lion or tiger; jXj ji\ akar-pa/iar, "1 m. stateliness, af-
Cconjunct. pari, from and), having come. h. jx) j^^ akar-tuhar, > fected airs, pride,
\S^ V!jc|ii.| aky-d, dear, oostly ; f. a kind of <ikj^J^\ohram-takram,j haughtiness, h.
grass 80 called, a kind of vetch, h.
Ijpl ^eS^'TI aharnd, n. to writhe, to ache, to
^\S\ akrdm, (pi. of aS), favours, kindnesses, cramp, to be cramped, to become stiff or distorted, as
obligations; honour, respect, a. one's limbs ; to strut affectedly, h.
M^S\ ikram, m. honouring, complimenting, j^\ ToR|r tthru, m. the posture of sitting on
treating with attention and ceremony, a. the hams with the soles of the feet on the ground.
iiK-ru baithnd, to sit on the heels with the knees up-
wards, h.
l\j'^.\ ikrah, a.f. horror, aversion, abhorrence,
jji^l ^«irT ahru, affected, proud, conceited, h.
ft)li\ ^oirrnn ahardya, f. ground not pro-
perly cleaned for receiving the seed. «. CLoJil ^eKfiT ahrait, an affected person, a
swaggerer, a fop. h.
O;^ ^oFfir akriti, f. shape, figure ; like-
ness, image; the body; species, s. X^\ i/tsar, (v. yak-sdr), similar; of the
same sort. h. [to trim (a lamp), h,
3y. \ ^opfgn ^i./;rj7rm,inartificial,not made.«. \3L»i\ TeS^TtTT uksdnd, a. to excite, to rouse,
(_jiiT ^n^ aharsh, m. attraction, fascina- ,4jL.?^\ idkm ihsath, sixty-one. h.
tion a; magnet, a loadstone ; spasnu s.
p. (Jor yaksar'), single, in a body, all at
CL^^J'\ '5ST«irf§'rI dkarshit, 1 attracted,
(JL<i»j^T ^fTeJi? dkrishta, J drawn, s. OU—^^ ^oKPTTlT a-hasmdt (lit. without a
wherefore), immediately, accidentnlly, extempore, un-
i^^f\ ^oRMsR dkarshah, m. a magnet, a expectedly, unawares, abruptly, s.
lo; dstone, any thing which attracts ; adj. attractive,
magnetic (also cikarshik). Uu«i\ ^^ofc^t^T ukasnn, n. to be excited, moved;
to try to move. h.

^J^J>'\ ^TeF^
traction, s, uharshan, m. drawing, at- t^\ aksi, f. a tree, the leaves and pods of
akti. are
q. V.eaten as vegetables ; probably the same as
t^J>^ ^I<*mT dharshi, attractive, s.
^^^\ -^cli^^ a-liarhas, soft, not hard. s. Jk*»i^ a.-s'ir, alfht'iny, chemistry; the philo-
sopher's stone (or rather a calx of quicksilver used
^^\ akram, very kind, merciful, a. in transmuting metals to gold), an elixir, dust, filings a.

jtj,\ ^o|f^ a-harm or a-7jarma, m. bad action, ij^\ ^'^ aJ.'s/ia, m. a die, cubic or oblong;
sin, vice, wickedness, s. the spots on dice, aksha-hhag, m. a degree of latitude. «
^^1 ^STraST akram, m. ascending, superiority ; (jiil ^f^ nf.xlii, m. the eye. ahshi-tdrd, f.
surpassing, surmounting; invasion, a seizing, s. the pupil of the eye. s. K
( 50 )

ijjJSl 'STofr^s^HT a-kuliva, of no family, ple-

^i\ TSJ i/ishii, f. sugar-cane, ihshu-ras, beian, oflow extraction ; ignoble, f. akulint. s,
in. the juice of the sugar-cane, ikshn-sar, m. molasses,
{saccharitm munja)
raw sugar, ikshu-kand, m. a species of sugar-cane
ikshu-mehi, diabetic, s.
J'-»>l i/tmal, m. perfection, accomplishing, a.
^y^\ ahmal, perfect, very complete, entire,
jiJUii ^^^ ahshansh, m. a degree of la- full. a.
titude or longitude, s.
O^^ "Slohfuirf a-hampit, firm, unshaken, s.
\ZjJ:S\ ^^rT a-hshat, infallible, indelible;
remaining, continuing, m. whole grains of rice used Cl^^^^TWf^'mfa-Jtampit, shaken, tremhVm^.s.
in religious ceremonies, fried grain, akskaf-tilak, f.
the ceremony of putting a few grains of rice on the 1^^^ \ ^TeFT^ ahampan, m. shaking, trem-
forehead of an idol when addressed, or of a Brahman
bling, s.
■when invited to an entertainment, s.
*-^^ ahnali, born blind, a.
tS\ 'W^ ahshar, m. a letter of the alphabet.
aksharl, lettered, writing a good hand, s
(^ \ ^T«R' ahan, grass and weeds collected
from a ploughed field, h. [confines, sides, a.
fj*^^ ^^HfTt ihslmmati, f. name of a river (__iljo\a/fHa/'(pl. of(— o»), environs, borders,
" in Bengal, the Issamutty. s. (.i!ii*i\ ^cdlidch a-hantak, free from thorns, s.
'^J^\ ^'^tffwt akshauhinl, f. an army ^j^ wfcjr^^ a-hinchmi, poor, needy, desti-
"(see achchhauhinl). s. tute, akbichan, m. poverty. «.
^i^\ ^spt a-kshay, imperishable, iindecay- ^^yi^^ aknun, now, at present, p.
"able. akshayatd, f. imperishableness. akshay-hriksh,
m. an undecavable tree, akshay-lok, m. the imperish- jS\ ^TcrH nlior, f. a bribe; coaxing (a cow
able world, 's. [abuse, s. that has lost her calf, that she maj- be tractable), h.
5_ ^t.'^.CT ^T^TJ dkshep, m. reproof, sarcasm, ij\S\ ^«pV^ akori, one who receives a biibe. h.
A^\ ahl, m. food ; eating. aJd-o-skurb, meat J^\ ahid (same as J^^), a glutton, &c. o.
and drink, eating and drinking, a.
^^ \ ^H\'*(i) (ihtif, confounded, perplexed, A^\ ^oTt^S ohol, m. a plant, the oil of which
is used in enchantments {Alangium hexapctalum). $.
confused, distressed, chiefly used in compound words, s.
^T 'STToJTcST «A'/a, fleet, swift ; peevish, h. S>^\ ^r3r?[ «^n'aw<Z,m.swallowwort (Asclepias
gigaritca). h.
'^\ ^ch'cjiT 'Vt7a, alone, single, (v. iklauta). h. Ia3 I ^n^T ahha, m. a riddle, a sieve; a bng
(_f^1 ^«Fc5T^ ihla,i, f. loneliness ; name of an filled with grain, of which two are carried by a bul-
".-irticle of dress, h. lock ;a pair of grain-bags used as a pannier, h.
\>*^\ ^oFon'Tl aJiulana, n. to be agitated, to j>^\ "^^Tf uhJinr, f. rooting up, extirpation, h.
be distracted, to be confused, to be out of order, to
tire, to weary, to be astonished. /;. [made. *. \j^\ ^^T3T ahhara, m. a jmlaestra, or place
for wrestling, a scene ; any jdace of assembly; court,
«-1ajJ^1 '51'^f^TiT a-halpit, not artificial, not
circus. Indr ku ukhdra. Indra's court, h.
(J1»K I ^ojrfl^SrT akulit, agitated, distracted, s.
\>j^^\'^'^(T^\iihharna, a. to root up, to eradi-
ViK 1 ^ToF^fTT ahulata, f. agitation, distress. 5. cate, dislocate, h. [eradicates, h.

^1 Teff^'TT nhalnu, n. the intransitive of jjl^i^ "^WlJ^tihharu, m. i)ne who digs up or

tikalnii, to boil, be boiling, h.
J'i^\ '3'^^ vhhal, m. act of vomiting ; an
j^\ ^oiiTc5»0 a-hulini, f. a woman of a emetic, ukhdl-pukhdl (also ukhdl tvahhdt), m. cholera-
morbus, vomiting violently, h.
"low caste or family ; adj. bad, base (woman), h.
Ki^\^\ <5^lc^«HI ukhalna, a. to vomit, h.
\3^\ 5^<*c^rtl ildauta, "1 single, solitary,
Uj\jk^\ -^ilcimmii] akhu-pashan, m. a kind

J T •*HI<*c*'t
\jo»Kl 5^<*c|^fd1 iklaunta, J alone, s. of mineral, a loadstone, s,
ahVi, f. motion, agitation (par-
ticularly ofa carriage), h. Clj^\'^nW(f or "^fWH ah hat, akhaf,m. (same as
(ikshal), tions, whole
s. or unbroken rice, emploj-ed in obla-
..}^\ ^Toirctrra a-kalyan, ominous, unpropi-
tious ; disconsolate, uncomfortable, s.
J<^>:\ ^WWt ihhattar, seventy-one. h.
yjj^)^\ ■Joir^Tnft uklesari, of or relating to the
town of Uklcsar, famed for its paper manufacture, h. j^X^\
sdkh, '^^TTNi ahhtV), h.the 18th day o^ Bui-
a Hindu festival,

Aj^\ J^^ ihrilu-l-juhal, m. (the crown of li^i^ ^'^ ihhuttd, together, in one placf^. h.
tho mountain), an herb smelling like frankincense,
nisemary. a. Ua^\ TI?13«T1 uhhatnd, n. to trip, to stumble, h.

CiJjJl jjji^\ ihTihi-l-malih, m. (the king's j^\

wild -m^fX
beast, dhhar
h. (v. ^\), m. the den of u
crown), melilot. a.
J^ ( 51 )
enraged ; as meil baton se us-par dg parti hat, he is en-
j^^ ^^T akhar, plenty, abundance, d. \rr
raged at my words, dg dtnd, a. to apply the fire, to
burn a Hindu corpse, dg sulgdiid, a. to inflame, to
U-^^\ ^^^ a-kharh, tall, long, large, s. excite sedition, to foment a quarrel clandestinely, dg-
karnd, a. to make any thing exceedingly warm ; to
C^ji^il ^^^ althrot, m. a walnut ; the fruit excite envy or anger (used among women), dg lagdiid,
of the aleurites triloba, h. to set fire to, to inflame; to enrage, to raise disturb-
ance, dg lagdke pdm le dauriid, a. to play tricks, to
j^\ ^^'5barous,«/Ji«r, undisciplined (soldier), bar- deceive ; to jjreteiKl to appease a quarrel which one
uncouth, ugly. h. has purposely excited, dg lagnd, n. to take fire, to be
enraged, to be very hungry, dg lagc par biUl kd mut
\j^\ ^W^ akhra, rude, ill-shaped, akhrd dltiuidlitid or mdngnd, a. to put off", to delay, or excuse
hhff.L an ill-formed piece of writing, h. one's self on vain pretences (the literal translation,
though highly expressive, would sound somewhat
v\j^\ ^^TI*TT uhhrana, a. (same as ukhdrna), mustv). dg lene ko and, n. to come to get fire, is spoken
of a friend who goes to visit another, and leaves him
pluck up, eradicate, h.
men dg jaliid,
khl kl men pdn'i ddlnd,or a.ghair
or lutnd, see dg bujhand.
ki dg dg
^j^' '3^f «n ukhapia, n. (intr. of ukhdrna), a. to bring reproach upon, to accuse, to suller for
to be rooted up, plucked up, raised up ; to slip out (as anotlier. dg mrn lotnd, n. to be afflicted with grief or
a bone, &c.). ukliarnd pulchapid, to be plucked or melancholy, dg hond, n. to be enraged ; or, as the
rooted up. /;. [whole, all, every, y.
vulgate hath it, " to flare up." s.
(J4^^ "^W^ or y( fy qJ' a-lihal or a-khil, the <Lf \ d(j, m. DakhanT, for dk, q.v.
;J4>^ '37^ uhhal, ") m. & f. a wooden mor- o 1 "WJU d(jd, m. the front, the space in front
of a house ; the fore part of a turban, dgd lend, to
j_J^l '^■'^^ uhhti, J tar for pounding rice take the lead, or precede. «.
"or other grain, s.

^-♦4^1 -s^jiMTi iikhmaj (for T'lTiT uahmaj), I3jil^„-ilf T ^m\ yf\-^ oR»n dgd-pichhd-k.
n. to hesitate, to waver, boggle, demur, to prevaricate, h.
^ gnats, flies, musquitoes, 8tc., insects produced by
heat. s. [whole, s. >iilSt "^"HTV or '^mVHa-gadh or dgddh, bottoni-
less, unfathomable, agddhatd, f. Extreme depth, un-
fathomability. s.
S^'i\'^S(^J^ a-khand, unbroken, entire, the
O^j^l ^yHtJ^W a-khandit, unbroken, con- JS I WRTT dgdr, m. a house, s.
tinuous ;unrefuted. s.
j^\ ^TTC ngdr, avarice, covetousness. d,
cL^j^n 'Srr'St? ahhot, m. the walnut tree. h. i}S\ ^TTT^ igdrahy eleven, igdrahwdn, the
ic^^ "^Wl akhai, evei'histing, not liable to eleventh, s. [advance, s.
tree. s. akhal-har or akhai-bfikh, the undecayable
i^j^\ ^TTTTt dgdri, f. money, &c., paid in
U^l ^^m ahhyd, f. name, appellation, s. U-l^l ^nTT3T agdrd, m. the name of a plant
said to cure the bite of venomous reptiles (Achyrantket
Ol^Ai 1 ^TP^inTT dhhydt, said, spoken ; deno- aspera). Same as chirchird. h.
minated, named, s.
(_ir]-o\ ^PTTTt agdri, before, forward, further
C^\s^\ "^C^axm a-hhydt, unknown, obscure, s. on ; f the ropes with which a horse's feet are tied ;
the front, tlie fore-part, agdrl mdrnd, to attack in
cilAj^T ^TT^ dkhet, m. (v. dhei-), the chase, front, to defeat a hostile army in pitched battle, agdri
hunting, pursuing ; terror, fright, s. pichhdfl lagdnd, to confine (particularly a horse). A,
ciiju^ 1 ^l^f^oR dkhetik, m. a hound. 5. (^_j*»lSl agds (v. dkds), the sky, &c. d.
UvA^^ "^^pn ukhernd, a. to eradicate, to ^j»o \ ^ni^l agdsl, m. f. a turban ; a terrace
pluck up, root up. k. [pluck up. h. "in front of an upper room ; the cry of a kite. h.
Jl^l TTi^ ugdl, m. that which is spit out
K>\»'j>^^\ ■3^^'gT*n ukherwand, a. to cause to after chewing any thing (particularly betel leaf), dp
\jS\ ^'^xtt ohaiyd, m. one of the sacks or kd ugdl mcrd adhdr, your worship's leavings are my
nourishment, i.e. you are my support and benefactor, h.
baskets of a pannier, h,

C^jS\ ^off'^f^ a-ktrti, f. infamy, disgrace, s. ^j^j3lS 1 7nT5J^r*T ugdl-ddn, m. a spit-box. h.

" fiiture,^PTTO^
*. dgdvii, coming, about to come ;
jjmjlS'i ^;^^ ikkls, twenty-one. h.
^)u^\ ^^q5T ahcid, alone, single, solitary, h.
lili\ 4J|MI ugdnd, a. to raise, cause to grow. 5.
lJJjk/1 "^r^^fn ukebid, a. to turn up. h.
jl^\ ^mil agd,u, adv. before, in front, dgd.ii^
eljT ^jx dg, f. fire; dg nthdnd, a. to rai.se jd/id, to advance in order to meet a person coming on
disturbance, to enrage, to provoke. 5^ bag-h, to be a visit ; m. an advance of money, s.
hotly enraged, ag bujhand, a. to extinguish ; to ap-
pease atumult, to pacify a quarrel, to still resentment. »\il dgdh, informed of, acquainted with, in-
ag barasnd, n. to rain firu (api)lied to the e.xtreme heat p. [to accumulate, s.
of the sun. or to a hot fire of cannon or musketry in telligent,
battle), dg barnd, n. to be enraged ; to be very angry. Ufcl^I "STTT^'IT ugdJmd, a.
ag bharkand, a. to inflame, dg bliaknd and ag plidnknd, E 2to collect, to gather,
m. to speak idle words, to boast, dg papid, n. to be
^\^T again, f. intelligence, wariness, p.
\fl ( ^2 )

^\r 1 TJTT^t xnjahi, f. usury ; the triult- of ^3jr^ %-^">*> ^' fire-cotton, i. e. tinder, d.
agra, m.h. the city of Agra ; also called
"lending money on interest of one fourth, the paj'nient
of which is receiveil by instalments, h. Akbar-abad.
ijL>^\ ari-hoi, ii steamboat. The latter part of if I vfiy^ agrah, m. favour; seizing, sur-
this term is English, the former signifies *' fire." h. passing, surmounting; power, ability. *,
(A word like this can hardly with propriety be in-
serted in a Dictionary; but it is now so commonly
used, that it may be considered a naturalized Hindu- (^'•^^
stani term.) Binniug. month Iof the
^TXT^nrin agrahayan,
Hindu year (November— m. the firsts.

tHAjoI^rm a-fjupta, unhidden, unconcealed, s. ^^'-fc/T ^TTOfnnift agrahmjani, f. the dny of

full moen in the month Agrahayan ; a constellation of
Ca^I T^lfT rigat, growing, spnnging up ;
production, h. three stars, the first of which is'Orionis, figured by an
antelope's head ; hence also mrig-shiras. s.
tJiA\ ^TifiT a-fjatl, dishonoured, disgraced,
without character ; one whose funeral ceremonies are 4^1 ^nrt fl^a/i, If. the colour of the
not performed ; f. distress, disgrace, inconvenience, y^Wnfl,*!! agariya,} wood of aloes, s.
damnation, condemnation, s.

Ci^\ 'SfTTTT (if/at, come, arrived, s. {j^ I wNiO agari, m. a manufacturer of salt.A.
j<il ^H^T; agattar, coming, arriving, s, j^l agar (for akar, q. v.), strut, pride, d.
jJ^l ^Tnftar/ii (for ,Ji^'), the agati tree. s. yp I ^HTTT agra, m. an ear of corn or rice
which luas been blighted, h.
v-IaS^' ^IT7 (t{j('ti ™- ^ butcher's stall, h.
Uo^i ^TTITT atjatnd, a. to collect or assemble. j^-Opl ^ny^TI agnr-hagar, m. trifling em-
ployment, or talk; trifles, trash; adj. promiscuous,
ngatna, a. to revile, to give abusive language, h, composed of odds and ends. h. [lamp, d,

jil '^ffar, if, though, although, when. p. l3L-j\ vgsana, to snuff a candle, to trim a
O...M ^nfgr agasti (for agasii/a), m. a sage
S\ ^nr^ aga?; ") m. wood of aloes, a kind celebrated in Hindu mvthology : he is represented of
j^\ "STT^ aguru, J of fragrant wood, agal- short stature, and to have bi-en born in a water-jar ;
lochura (Aquillaria agallocha) : anotliertree which pro- he is famed for having swallowed the ocean when it
duces bdellium {Amyrh agallocha) ; the sisu tree (Dal- had given him otfence. At his command the Vindlivc
bergia sisoo) ; light, not heavy, s.
J cruel,
TtX ugi-a,
m. wrath, anger; adj. wrathful,
mountain prostrated itself, and so remains. Name'of
a tree {JEichynomene grand'tflora) ; name of a star (di-
nnpus). s. [tribe of raj-pufs. Ii.

S\ ^PET agra, m. the forepart of a thing ; jl^JuJ^l ^nw<=Ili. agastwdr, name of a sm;ill
adj. prior, first, agra-gami, preceding ; m. forerun- Ji I dgal, before, in front, agal, m. a bar
ner, agra-gras, m. the first morsel, agra-sar, m. a or bolt. d.
guide ; adj. preceding, s.

S \ ^TTR agar, m. a salt-pit. h. ^^ ^n^ a/jln, prior, preceding, form^^r, tl:e

foremost, the first, the chief, the best ; ancestor, an-
cient; other, second, next. h.
\S\ "^TH ugra, angry, cruel, wrathful, s.
j\^\ agrar, m. a village inhabited entirely by Co!i)iT ^TT55T^ agaldnf, up to the neck. .<?.
Brahmans; the quarter of a town or village occupied
by Brahmans. d. [sel. s. \j}^\ "grToJ^T ugoJna, a. to spit out, to vomit ;
met. to refund property surreptitiously obtained, s.
{^j>i\J^\ aggras (for a^ra-^ras),m.the first mor- S\ WTTT dgam, m. futurity ; a Hindu scrip-
(^jt>\S\ ^nn'W agras, \m. victuals offered ture dictated by Mahadeva; a shastra containing
spells and incantations ; a shastra or work on sacred
jj**»^\ »3iri'H^ agrasan,} in oblations, sa- science ; (in law) a voucher or document, agam-bamlli-
crifices, &c. to the gods. s. nd, to determine the future, to foretell, ugam-jdni
or agnm-gnijani, having the skill of foreknowing, pro-
iu>-S\ ogarchi, although, though, p. gnosticator. dgam-bidi/a, f. the art or science of fore-
telling, dgam-bakid, foreteller, predictor ; Shiva, one
j^y>^ ^UH< agra-sar, m. he who goes first, a who tells the doctrines of dgam. s.
leader, a chief, s.
jS^ '^^^ a-gam, for '^Jf^ a-gamya, impas-
_y*i,b\ ^RTff^ agra-xoch, m. providence, sable, imper-s'ious, bottomless, deep, unfordable, unac-
foresight, precaution, forethought, s. complishable, incomprehensible, unattainable. «.

^^!>-yMj>\ ^^nft^ iigra-sochl, provident, en- S\ T^JT uguin, m. growing, becoming, d.

■■ dued with foresight, s.
i^\ wrnHH dgamaii, ra. coming, arriving,
jji\ agru, a species of bird, the thrush, d. proceeding. *•
^Vil ^ITT^qST agar-rvala, a race of mer- U-^1 ->!IIMH^ dgmand, m. the ad vn need
chants, of the Vais tribe (from Agroha, a place to the guard; adj. adventurous, venturesome; for^':l^d,
west ofDihli). h. early (as fruit), s. .
63 ) ^

^^ \ ^\'\*(\ agamt, m. one who foretells the j>^\ Wnt agaur, m. an advance of rent. h.
•• future, s.
j<f\ ^idt (igor, 1 m. one who watches
&x»i\ ^m<WT a-gamya, deep ; impassable, inac- TTf agoriyd,)

cessible, impenetrable, impervious. *. \jy^ ^T'ftfnn agoriyd,] over the crops, &c.
agor-hata,l, a division of the crop after reaping. A.
^^ ^Oh (i(]ni (vulg. agin), m. fire; the south-
east ;(in Hindu mythology) god of fire, and regent of ^j>f\ vi*ri<.fiT agorndfUL. to watch, to guard, h.
the south-east quarter; also the name of one of the
Purnnas ; the fire of the stomach, the digestive fa- Vj^y^ vimV<mi agoriyd, m. watchman, or
culty, appetite, agni-hdn, m. arrow of fire, a rocket. guard, (v. agor). h.
agni-prastar, m. fire-stone, flint, agni-parikshd, f. the
fiery ordeal, by a heated iron or boiling oil, or passing Sjyl ^m a-gHrh, easy, manifest, evident.
through fire, agni-sanskdr, m. funeral ceremonies, as agurh-bhu.n, open, honest, candid s,
burning a dead body, or any ceremony performed with
consecrated fire, agni-garbha or agni-mani, m. the sun- iJjS\ ^jft^a^on or^jfWa/7on,in advance,
stone, a fabulous gem, supposed to contain solar beforehand, h. r^ ^
heat. s.
Uy \ ^ift^^ agolnd, a. to watch (v. agor-
^^\ ^Hpiltf ngin, m. the name of a bird ; sort
of lark. h. i^^\
cut up^rfn*^ agaund,
for seed. s. the top of the sugar-cane
^^\ ^Ul^ a-gufif unskilful, ineffectual, void
of good qualities ; m. a defect, a fault, s. ^j^\ ^jfWt agauni, f. the going or sending
"forward to meet and receive a visitant with honour.
Ui\ 7T*n ugna, n. to grow, to spring (as agaunt-k., to advance to meet the bridegroom at a
plants) ; to rise (as the moon), ugte hi jaljdnd, to be wedding, or a visitant on the road. h.
withered as soon as it springs up, is applied to a hope
or expectation which is blasted in the bud. h. ^\ W^ agh, m. sin, guilt, wickedness, s.
,^\ dgah (for dgdh), mformed, wa.ry. p.
j^lxi^\ ^Pm^I^ agni-han, m. a kind of fiery
missile, a rocket *. cij^Sl wmz a-ghdt, m. land held in perpe-
tuity and not alienable, s.
J \^^^\ ^f'H^N agin-ba,o (or agni-ha,o), f.
the farcy, in horses ; an eruptive disease in men ; ery- j\^\ »S1VT<: aghd?- (v. agar), avarice, d.
sipelas, s. [counted, s.
j\^\ 'stiMK dglidr, m. sacred food, which
kZ^ I >\ 'Binfisnr a-ganit, innumerable, not Hindus place before an idol ; ghl, or clarified butter, h.

jjAii I agandan, to fill, to cram. p. t^l^\ "SlTJTTft aghdrl, aflfected with avarice, h.
cdij^\ ^fr tT«ir agnik, m. an insect of a scarlet ]f^\ ^TlTfT aghdrd, m. name of a plant said
colour, the lady-bird, s, to cure the bite of venomous reptiles, h.
^3y^\ ^frr^Vff agni-hotri, m. a Brahman ^j"l^\ Tmr^ ughdrnd, a. to discover, to un.
who maintains a perpetual fire in his house. «.
veil, to pull ofi". h. [or uuveili. h.
^\ agnl, f. (see KtUn agni), fire, &c. s. Jj^^ T«n^ ughdru, m. one who discovers,
^\ '«IT'T dgu, forward, before ; heretofore, h. U^i I ^HTRT aghdnd, a. to surfeit, to satiate ;
n. to surfeit, to be satiated; adj. satiated; rich,
\^\ ^T^ agwa, foremost ; m., also agu,a, a affluent, k.
guide, a forerunner, harbinger; one who adjusts a
marriage, h. ij^^ WMl^ oghd,i, f. satiety, surfeit, h.
\^ VPim agwa, also agu,a, m. a pommel, h. bj^ii ^Msni ugharnd, n. to be uncovered,
opened, pulled off. h.
y^\ ^V[^^ agrvdr, a portion of corn set apart
for village servants, like the customary "sharping fj*^^ ^rnni agkmay, sinful, s.
corn " in England, h,
^^\ ^T^ aghan, m. the name of the eighth
U'\^\ ^TRHT agwdra, m. the front, the fore- Hindu month (during which the sun is in Scorpio, and
part ;the space in front of a house, k. the moon is full near Orion's head (November — De-
cember), i. [grass, h.
^-*lj^\ ^T^^ agwd-st, the body of the
"ploughshare, h. [binger (see agwa). h.
L?** V t:;4^^ ^ftR ^H aghin-ghds, in. lemon
^\^\ ^1<iII«fl agwdni, m. a guide, har- tiul*l^S\ ^nnTT^nS agh-ndskak, adj. puri-
fying, freeing from sin. s.
^\^\ "^^rm^ ogwdht,\f. burning, confla-
ij^' "fl'I^Hl aghani, relating to aghan; the
^\j^^ ^'RT^ agn-d,t, J gration (of a city, " weather,
produce of s.
that month, aghani /asl, the cold harvests.
forest, Sic), h. [ship. s.

(J^^^ ^PT^T^ agwdyl, f. guidance, leader- j^\ ^"^ft^ aghor, m. a name of Shiva ; adj.
y>-^^ ysnft^l. a-gochar, imperceptible, unseen, ,^^,j^\ ^nft^'i'^ aghor-panth,
invisible ; m. the Invisible, Supreme. *. cular religious order among Hindus, s.m. a parti-
( 54 )

Jl al, f. children, progeny, descendants, off-

^ijjj.j.A^^ ^rrflTti^ ajkorpajitht,'\u3edsah- spring, race, dynasty. N.B. dl is commonly used to
ijjy4^ ^t't acjhori, J stantive- express a race or family by the mother's side ; in con-
^\ side. (Binnmg).tradistinction to auldd,
a. a race &c. by the father's
"ly, professing aghorpanth,
dicants, who eat an order
every thing, however filthy, men-
of religious even
human carcasses ; hence, a grosa or filthy feeder, s.
J 1 ^snf^ ali, f. a female friend, a damsel, s.
ijs%^\ ^TJfW ofjhort, covetous, greedy, d.
^1^ ala, m. a small recess in a pillar or
^^1 dffakt, f. (v. again), information, &c. j). for holding a lamp, &c. ; adj. wet ; running (as
a sore) ; land saturated with (rain) water ; a basin or
f] 'ST't age, before, beyond, more, a^o, al- hole dug at the root of a tree. h.
"readj, in future, formerly, forwards, onwards ; hence,
or henceforth, rather, sooner, age dhar-lend, to get *^\ ^WT ilia, m. a wart. h.
before, to outstrip, to surpass, to pass (as a horse in a
race), dge-and, to come forward ; to return, to revert ; ^\ tlla, besides, except, otherwise, unless, if
a. to hasten, to accelerate, age-land, to bring forward, not ; sometimes a superfluous negative na is added to
to advance, s. this particle, a.

^\ age ! O thou ! (applied to a female), d. <— >^ I ^T^m or ^^TT aldp, (corruptly aldp),
f. prelude to singing ; m. intercourse, conversation,
\^\ ^1W( or '^r^n agya, agya (or agnya),f. com- association ; enumeration of the questions in an arith-
mand, order, dgyd-patr, m. an edict, a written order. metical or algebraic sum. s.
agyd-hhang, m. disobedience, insubordination, dgyd-
kdr, or dgyd-Jcdrl, obedient, executing orders, i. ^b^l dld-pdld, m. the leaves of trees, d.
Ui\ ^^'^\ agaiya, a disease which affects the t^jUvC-J^I ^n^STCRTCt dlap-chdri, f. the act
rice plant, which thereby is parched up. h. of tuning the voice previous to singing, s.
\^\ ^fJTTT agiya, m. the name of a bird
(Alaitda Aggia, Buck.), s. \'iS^\ ^^T^TTT aldpnd or vhc^imtii dldpna, to
tune the voice, to run over the different notes previous
JlJujU^l ^rnn^fTIcS agya-baital, m. a demon to singing, to catch the proper key, to sing, to tune. «.
who rules over fire, h,
O^l dldt, n. (pi. of lL*51), tools, instru-
CJ^\ ^^mr u-gyat or a-gnyata, unknown, ments, utensils, apparatus, a.
inexperienced, ignorant, simple, agnydta-jatthand or ''cloth, d.
-yauwand, f. a full-grown girl, arrived at maturity, and ^y^\ aldtunl, vague, undetermined, d.
surprised at the symptoms which then appear, not
knowing to what to attribute her sensations, s. U».^\ ildchd, m. a kind of silk and thread
ij\^\ ^TTTRt agyari, f. kindling the fire at
the time of devotion (by Hindus), lu (C->-^^ ^(jJlMI ildclii, f. large cardamunis.
" ildch'i-hdhtnd, to distribute cardamums, a kind of mar-
i^jt»^\^\ agya-ghas, m. lemon grass, d. riage or wedding ceremony. Udchl-pandu, a kind of
wild fruit, ildclu-hondd or -dora, capsule of carda-
j^ljo^ rantvvyn a-gyan s.or a-gnyan, witless, igno-
;m. ignorance,
mums. ildchi-ddne, a kind of sweetmeat. A.

lij^^ ^55R^ idctrnd, a. to cause to sleep, h.

\>^\ ^TtTT^ agyana, a. to burn vessels of
metal for the purpose of cleaning them. h. c^\ uldgh, m. an owl. t.
^^Tl'T'T a-gymi-fan,
jj^.jjjUs^rance , of igno-«.
s.state [pidity. 'Ci\ uldk,f. a kind of small boat. p.

lIiU^\ '3?'5T«T1TT a-gyanata, f. ignorance, stu- iJJ^\ alakl f. (pi. of U0\),questions,problem3 ;

" misfortunes, a. [to one side. $.
^^bkSi '31^71^ a-gyani, ignorant, unwise. «.
UJ'^^ T^Tl^T uldlnd, a. to over.^ct, to layover
^jp^ agefi, f. a chafing-dish, or brazier; also 2^ I a^awi (pi. of J\),cares,griefs,misfortunes. a.
"a flower-pot. d.
^l«^\ al-amdn, m. mercy, quarter; calling
l>j^\ '^fTHT: agaira, m. the first
crop, presented to the zamindar. h.
sheaf of the for quarter in battle, a. [Claudian). I.

(yj^ I agin, full (used in comp.). p. ^jl«^\ aldvidn, a German (Lat. Alemanni,
^aH ^r?r a-gya, idiot, stupid, ignorant. *, ^J^T ^^^ dldn, m. the post to which an
elephant is tied, or the rope that ties him. s.
J^ al, the, the Arabic definite article (vide
Hind. Gram, page 18). a. -j^\
kdna.al-dn, now,
now £fs the present
formerly ; just as time, al-dnas kama
heretofore, usual,
(J\ ^fc5 ali,Ta. a large black bee, a scorpion, as formerly, a.
an Indian cuckoo {cuciilus indicus), a crow, spirituous
liquor, s. \j^\ ^^T»n alland, n. to bawl, to scream, to
^Jl tsn^ cil, f. the name of a tree, from the squeak, h.
root of which a red colour is extracted for staining \ii\ Hand, m. race, family, kindred, nldnd^
leather, dyeing silk, &c. {Morinda ciirifolia) ; m. yel- act of what is vulgarly called "throwing up in one's
low orpimeut. h. -^ teeth," or " reminding one of former services."
( 55 )

U^l aUnwghd or altamghd, m. aTurkish word,

J *> ^^nr ald,o, 1 m. a bonfire, flame, a signifying the red patent, the impression of the impe-
ij^i ^WT^T allarva, > blaze: it also denotes a 4^
rial seal adixcd to grants itc. being in red ink. It
is a grant of land under the royal seal, conveying the
iyi\ VHc^q: alawa, J fireplace, especially ap- property to the first jjroprietor and liis heirs, in per-
plied to a hole in the front of the shade where the petuity, and escheating to government only in default
paraphernalia of the Muharrani show are deposited, of issue, or forfeited by dolin()uency. It also denotes
a kind of tax levied on travellers. Among the Turks
and in which a fire is lighted every evening during the It signifies a stamp on gold or silver plate, to certify
festival, h.
Its being oft. standard purity. See further, Wilaon'a
Ufc^\ ■g'^^tTT idahna, m. reproach, chiding,
complaint, h.
^j^\ ^Q5fTtf> aliani, f. the rope round the
as in of an elephant, in which the driver puts his feet,
\^ji\ B^^T^TTr ilayacha, m. (v. ilacha), a kind stirrups. /(.
of cloth woven of silk and thread, s.
IjJOl iltiwd, hanging back, procia.xlinutinir,
deferring, a. [meat, &c. h.
L5'» ..^^
s- ^^rm^ ild,echi or ilayachin, f.
large cardamums. *. V^^ «(?VT w/iAa, m. translation (ofadocu-
^jSjVI dldyhh, f. filth, pollution, p. i.-'^JkJl iltihdh, m. burning, heat. a.

JljJ 1 ^T^WT^ albdl, m. a circular basin round ^^y^\ ^^f^RT ulatlmd, n. to undulate, to be
agitated (as the ocean by storms), h,
the root of a tree for the purpose of watering it. s.
l»VxJk)\ iltiydm, allaying, soothing, curing, a.
cujJl al-batta, certainly, indeed, verily, a.
cIaJ^ ^^7 ulat, m. act of upsetting or over-
jj31 alhurz, a celebrated mountain in Hama- turning, h.
dan, in Persia, famous among tlie fire-worshippers, p. liJi ^^3T ulta, reversed, turned back; re-
verse, contrary, opposite; m. pease-pudding, a kind of
^Ia^\ ^i55>T^ fl/6/<e/a,) artless, simple, inno- pudding made of the meal of any pulse. tdld-puUd,
topsy-turvy, higgledy-piggledy, all in confusion. /(.
^)j^^ W^'^ alheld, J cent; m. a fop, a
beau, albeli, a belle, a coquette, albel-pan, or alhel- bliJl ■gri^JTI'JTT ultana, a. to turn upside down,
;:)a««, foppishness, frivolity, airs and blandishments, h. pervert, overset, overturn, thwart, h.

t_Jl ^r^tl (ilj), little, small, few, short, alpatd, l3Ub 131a]\ ■^qS^T^T tT553T«TT ultdna imltdnd, a.
f. smallness, minuteness, insignificance, alpdhdr, mo- to reverse, modify ; to interchange, h.
derate, abstemious ; m. moderation, alpdhdn, mode-
rate, alpdijn, short-lived ; young, alp-btiddlii, ignorant, cLJ..).ciJ\ ■g'oSTti^T ulat pulat, higgledy-pig-
silly, aiji-bal, feeble, of little strength, alp-prabhdo, gledy, topsy-turvy; f. confusion; interchange; decep-
insignificant, of little weight, alp-pramdn, of little tion, imposition, h. [flower. A.
authority, alp-pramdnalc, credulous, resting on little
evidence ; of little weight, alp-shakti, weak, feeble. JyXji]\ T^7^^^ ulat-hahwal, ni. name of a
alp-mdtr, a little only ; a short time, a few moments, s.
l^\ '3^7«Tr iilatna, a. to pervert, to subvert,
LiLjJ\ vlpat, m. name of a stroke in sword- to thwart, to overturn, to reply ; n. to be reversed.
play ; a reflex or inverted blow. d. uldt-jdnd, (Dakh.), to be proud, h.
\>\^xi\ ulthana, a. (same as ultana), to per-
^^jjJ\ alpin, m. (vide aJfln, &c.), a pin. d. vert, upset, &c. h.
lI1.*)| dlatj f. a tool, an instrument, appara- cLJ^, ^J^3\ uldth-palat (v. nlat-palat). h.
ratus ; the running rigging of a ship ; a rope (in the
lingo of Indian seamen), membrmn virile ; veretrum U^^ ulathna (v. ulapid), to turn, «&c. ulthc-
animalium. a. pd.on, on returning, ulthd mar, a reverse blow or back
stroke, ulthi taJcrir, a perverted speech or declaration.
Ij3\ ^01711 or ^T^rTT oltd or dltd, m. cotton ultJii samajli, a perverse or absurd idea. h.
strongly impregnated with the dye of lac, ready to be
used for dyeing, &c., principally used by the Hindu c^4- al-ju! interj. nsed in complaining of
women to stain their feet red. s. hunger ; lit. the hunger ! a.
(^_jm\jj3\ iltihds, being obscure, ambiguity,
Ul^' ■^qJSBJ'JTT uljhdnd, a. to entangle; to
perplexity, " double entendre." a. ravel or entwist (as thread), to involve, to embroil. A.

\^^ iltijd, f. a request ; flying to in cases of jl^' "T^ssn tiljhUyO, m. entangleuient, j)er-
necessity; a petition, refuge, protection, illijd-burdan, plexity. h.
to seek refuge, a.
UU- 4:^^-4^' ■3-Q5*H.3Qj*!».»r^ itlajh-pulajh-j.^
^Ui3\ iltizam, m. being necessary, expedient, n. (see ulajhnd, to be entangled, &c.). A.
being assiduous, taking on one's self. a.
Olaj3\ iltifdt, f. friendsiiip, kindness, obli- of being"g^v^^
^4:f uljlicin,
entangled, f. involution,
the state
gation, courtesy, respect ; (in rhetoric) an apostrophe.a.

^_)*jlj3^ iltimds, m. f. beseeching, petitioning, U44: '^'^Wj^ulaj/ina or iltijhna,n. to be en-

tangled, to be involved in a quarrel or difliculties ; to
supplicating, prayer, request, a. quarrel, to debate, h.

( 56 )
ed5&-Ja«5^ aPazamatu-lillahi, ^reai is God, an
\yx^^ ^cT^ idjhera or iljhera, m. the state ejaculation expressive of surprise, fear, denial, &c. . a.
of beirg entangled (see uljhan). h.
jU3^ ilghdr or alghdr, m. rapine, devastation,
Ijk2s5^ g-gS^fTT ulachnd, a. to throw out the as during the inroad of a hostile army ; the forced
water from any thing ; to drain, h. march of an army through a district, p.
^' {^y^^ al-gharaz, in short, upon the whole, in
— l^' ilhah, importunity, urgent solicitation.a. a word, finally, a.
S^ ?77mc?, impiety, heresy, idolatry ; atheism, 8j«i3\ alghuza, m. a whistle, pipe; or small
unbelief, (as to the Musalman faith), a. flageolet, p.
A.0U:' al-hasil, in short, in fine. a. Li-J^jJiJ^ al-ghiyd?, m. complaint, complaining,
demanding justice, interj. alas ! help ! a.
;l^' ilhal:,m. addition, junction, coupling, a.
u.>jjj\ al-ghaih, that which is hidden, secret,
J'jt' al-hal, now, at present; just now. a. or mysterious, al-^aib 'ind alldhi, God knows what
is hidden, a.
^^^^ ilhan, m. note,
an air in music,
sound, modulation, tune,
all^an (pi. of lahn), musical notes, u-fli^ alf, a thousand, alif, the first letter of
melodies, a. the Arabic or Persian alphabet, a.
\si>\ alfn, m. a kind of dress worn by fnhirs,
ji^ ahhazar, ! a. as
ware !have a care(used an interjection) be- like a shirt without sleeves, and open at the sides, a,
)b\i^\ alfdz m. ([)1. of iai3), words, articulate
V'»Q<J' al-hafiz, (lit. the Protector), interj. sounds, terms, a.
God preserve us ! a.
^L^\ alif-he or alif-bd-td, f. the alphabet.^,
al-hak or al-Tiakh, true, right ; in truth,
verily, the truth is. a. tll.*i3\ ulfnt, f. friendship, affection, attach-
ment, kindness, familiarity, intimacy, a.
^d5 s^ j^al-hamclu-lillahi, God be praised ! a. jiflJI dlufta, astonished, frantic, insane, p.
y\ alihh, (a contraction of lJ>A ^\) used SiiJJ ^Ji^^ vlfati-banda, attached from friend-
in the sense of " et caetera, and so on." a. ship (aslave or servant), a. p.
JfSVifc alkhalaJi, f. a coat, vest, garment, a. ^\ alfi, f. see lft)l alfd (cloth, &c.) covered
13\JJ1 aldana, to scream out, to shriek, d. "with marks like the letter allf. a.

^J\ 4t^lA\ ularna, n. to lie down, to rest. h. Ufl)l aljindt, f. a pin, (so called in Dak-
hani): the word is appa-
'•^\ alar, imperfect, not grown up. d. aJjinni,
rently Portuguese.
jbj!\ ^T^JT^^ alar-halar, f. trifling talk or
employment, h. lii)\ iVn, m. throwing down, flinging. illu,e
hnjar. throwing a stone, an offence prohibited by the
j^ji\ ilzam, m. blame, reproach ; conviction, a. Muhainmadan law, whereby the person throwing a
stone at any article was compelled to purchase it. a.
^J^\ ^S^^ nr ^rr^TH alas, alas m. laziness,
U->^W/Z/.a/) (pi. of c_>gl), m. titles, honorary
drowsiness, sloth ; adj. lazy, slothful, drowsy, a.
names ; forms of address, &m;., in letters, a.
\3LJ1 ^(JJ'^lHI alsand, n. to be drowsy, to
e.jaSi}\ al-hissn, in short, in one word. a.
dose, to slacken, s,
Cd)J^ ^(^<*JC alah, f. a lock of hair. s.
LiLA-J\ ^■(j5«<f alosat or alasta, s. or alastd-gi
or alrMti f. apathy, sloth, indolence,
(.dU\ alah, aside, apart, d.
j,^LJ\ al-mldtn, farewell, peace or safety be KJI TS5T ulhd, f. a fiiebrand ; a meteor,
' upon thee ! a, [guages. a. flame, fire. s. [curls.
»JuJ^ ahina (pi. of ^^^), tongues, lan-
J.Ki^ ^Qjt*-Rf^ alahdvali, f. a row of side
euuJl ^1^511 dlasya, m. laziness, adj. lazy.
(see nlas). s. [slothful, s,
(ji^^ ^T^"^ alahsh,'\ invisible, unseen : a
^^l \ '^55^ or WI^J^ dlas7/i, dlasi, drowsy, j^\ ^H^^ alahh, J form of salutation
among a class of medicants. 1.
ic^\ '31^5^ al-'^'iy f- linseed. (Linum usitatis- a-laJiskan, m. a bad sign or ill
"simam. h. [perior. t. omen. ^^T^ra
f^j^\ s. [fated, t
iji^\ ulash or ulush, m. the leavings of a su- V /;,yl ^^Jiepft a-laksham, unfortunate, ill-
i_jVlaJ^ altdf m. (pi. of u-fliaJ), kindnesses, jT^l allian, stuttering, pronouncing badly. </.
favours, a.
ijJJ>^l-^(jchH'tiI alak-nandd, f. a stream that
jjj«J\ al-'abd, a form of counter-signature by
a subordinate clerk or officer ; lit. the slave or servant.a
runs from the Himalaya mountains, and falls intp
the Ganges near Srinagar. s.
^\ ( 57 ) ^\

-^1 ^^^ a-lalih (same as a-lahsli), unseen, jl^XkJl alaithhdr, the treble notes in music, c?.
unlocked at. *. [Saiva sect. s.
tf-^l ^^n (ihivg, f. side, way, corner, in-
^13,,^5jI alahh-ndmt, m. a mendicant of the trenchments ; is alatig, this side. h.

cL^ 1 ^^T (f-Za^, separate, distinct, a-latj a-lay, lL^JJi '3^1 oi- ■^qTJP ulung or alang, naked, s.
or alag-talag, separately, s, lLXxJ I «A'/^7, iiitrencliment, trenches, p.
UiJl 'ScJJJIl alc/d, separate, apart, distinct, free,
loose, unconfined ; m. a sandal, s. ^J^ I ^if^'g'^ dlingan, s.
bracing, m. the [overleap,
act of em-h.
UlXJl ^^JHHI algdnd, a. to separate, to put
one side, ulgana, to cause to leap over. s. VJXJJl '^^IT'JTT ulangd, n. to bound over, to
jJXjJ !T^TT^ rt/a?<^«i,f.(v.a/fl(7?ii),a line,&c. A.
(J l^Jl 'S^SnT^ algal,, f. separation, s.
(^4^5^ TW^^ iillanghan, m. the transgressing
ciLJ^Jl nUjat, act of leaping over. s. of a rule or custom ; transgression, s.
UJ^H alngnd, n. to be separated or disjoined.
jcCjJI "^jf-^"^ dlingi, adj. embracing, s.
ulagna, n. to spring or bound over. s.

i^^^ ^c5T«ft alagnl, f. a line for hanging ^ 1 ^^or^Tf? dlu,m. an esculent root (^Aj-ujii
campaniilatum), a potato ; Rat-alit, a yam. dlii,e Shakar-
"clothes on. h.
plum, abutsweet potato,
in India &c. is
the word fih'i, in Persian,
taken to signifysignifies
a potato.a
U-^51 ahjojd, m. (see alghuza) a pipe, &c. p. It is singular that this vegetable is named by the Per-
Ui5\ ^5yQ5*n ulalnd, n. to be overset, or laid sians and Arabs, as by the French, " ground apple," vi/..
over to one side. //. Persian,plums, !,lbi zaiiniii,
dried prunes. Arab, tuffdh-ul-ardh.
( Binning), p. ulu,i biikjiun'i,
adJl allah, m. God ; the Supreme Being.
^\ dlo, a portion of unripe corn. h.
allahu akbar, God is great ! an exclamation of sur-
prise, resignation, &c. allah, alldh ! Oh wonderful !
excellent ! allah-billah-taUah, I swear most solemnly, ^\a T^^uUii,
fool. s. m. an owl; met. a stupid fellow,
is.n. a.

Jti\ ^c5ii (dam, sticks set up for the support of ^\ "^jtlu, "1 f.akindofgrass(*So<:'fAanm
creeping plants (like our vines, &c.). h, \^\'^^Juln-dJ cyUndricum, Willden). h.
A \ alam, m. pain, grief, affliction, a. «.l_jJl alwdh (pi. of -^), tablets,planks,&c. a.
Jl ^^H alam, enough, abundance; able,
J)j)T ^Tc?i^Icg dhval, ra. a basin for water
round the root of a tree. *.
adequate, or equal to. s.
^XJi\alfna.ri,f.a chest of drawers, a bookcase; v«^y I ulu-l-amr, men possessed of command
(the word is of European origin : for example, the old or authority (vide ulu). a.
English term is " almarie ;" and the Scotch word
" awmrie," or " aumrie," is in common use to this
day), h. J\ji\ abcdn (pi. of ^^^), colours, sorts, kinds ;
adj. of various sorts and colours, a.
^_^lji olmax, m. a diamond, ahnds-tardsh, t—J^I ^oft^ alop, concealed, defaced, retind,
m. diamond-dust ; adj. cut into angles (as glass), p.
run out, destroyed ; apparent, alop-ho-j., n. to vanisli. s.
^*»ljl almdsi, cut into facets (like a diamond).
" almasi-rang, of a diamond colour; m. a bright clear
white colour, p. ^^j^l-^^xnT ullu-pan, m. folly, stupidity, s.
Uo.^l '^T^^TRT alopnd, a. to conceal, to hide
f^jX^ 1 WI^^TT alamhan, m. dependence ; a sup- one's self; m. to lie bid, to be concealed, s.
port, protector, s.
ev».^l alucha, a kind of small plum. j).
J^ Jl allam-ghallam, m. trifling talk or busi-
ness ;toying ; vanity, idle excuse, p.
li^T rdud (v. dluda), soiled, &c. p.
uii^ll T^«ir uhnuh, m. a firebrand, burning
wood, charcoal, s. i^j»i\d^\ ullu-dds, 1 stupid as an owl, a fool
ijjM»\^>ji\ ullu-ddsri,) or simpleton, s.
uiJU^l alam-ndk, full of pain orsorrrow. a. p.
aJJ&JO' al-minnatu lilldhi (God be praised!), pb^l al-midd', adieu! fare tliee well ! a.
an ejaculation expressive of surprise, fear, denial, &c. a.
fji^'\ dludagi, f. contamination, stain, foul-
"ness, defilement, p.
8Jk-JI abudira, m. (v. almdrV), a press, &c.
xj I dlunj, a sort of wild plum, a sloe. p.
^^:>f\ cdudan, to stain, defile, pollute, p.
\jjjjl ulandnd, a. (v. ulendnd), to pour out a S^^T dluda, soiled, stained, smeared or <Ie- p.
liquid, h. filed ; overwhelmed, immerged, loaded with.
•KjJl ^^5«iIR alanlidr, m. ornament or jewel ; (Ji^l ulush, m. (see ulash), leavings, t.
rhetoric, ornate composition in prose, s.
t_i^5l uBf, thousands (pi. of «-ill). a.
Oj5a5l'3l^^lTrt/«/i/.ri7rt,adorned,decorated.s. ^^)\ T^«li uluk, m. an owl (samcas w//ii). s
( 58 )

*— oJ 1 iHI<3i| alep, m. liniment, plaster. $.

tiJ^T ^\^^ alok, m. sight, looking; light;
flattery, panegyric. *.
T ^^^ ■^'^^HttT
to bale. h. ulichnd, a. to throw up water,
^J^^^\ ^^\Twsfi a-laukik, unpopular, not ,cur-s.
rent, supernatural, s. [visibility
*-^-^^l Wcjiltl dti-rang, m. a colour ex-
tracted from the dl tree {Morinda citrifolia). h.p.
^^1 m-^-^im a-lokan, m. disappearance, in-
(jiJOl ^^^ iUshf m. a fish, the hilsa or sable
looking, 'ai<j1oh^
s. alokan, ra. sight, seeing, {Clupea alosa). s.
vjiij^Jl ^?^o|r atik, in. falsehood, untruth, any
J4^I ■^•^^^ulukhal, m. bdellium, a gummy thing displeasing or disagreeable ; adj. false, un-
mortar for cleaning rice. s.
substance ; a wooden pleasing. s. [elating torment, a.
,^l^j)T ^^JTT5 alu-(jachh, ra. the potato
tree ; the tapioca shrub, h. ' alim, painful, 'azdbi aliyrif an excru-
I3jjjj| ^^57^1 ulendndf a. to pour water, h.
J^I ?T55^ alol, f. gambol (generally applied
to a horse); adj. steady, s.
a\ ^Jf am, m. a mango (fruit of the Mangi-
fera Indica), provisions, victuals (undressed) ; sickuew,
J^ J^l 'Si^ft^ofiQlftcS alol-ha lol, f. gambols, disease; adj. raw, undressed, unripe, s.
wantonness, playsomeness (of young animals), h.
a\ umm, f. a mother, a. [ever. a.
^^1 'gt^S^T
insipid, s. or '^^"^ a-lond, fresh,[madan.
not salt,
Ul ammd, but, moreover, nevertheless, how-
^^\ alwand or alwand, a mountain in Ha- Ul ^mn ammd, f. a mother, s,
C>aJ&^1 ululuijat,'} deity, divinity, the divine jl*«iUi| ^IHlfrinrc drndtisdr, m. dysentery, s.

ftAfc^l iduhiya, J essence, a.
iS.>\<\ ^JTHT aindtya, m. a minister, coun-
«J I ala, m. (see alat), tool, &c. a. sellor, s. farrows at. p.
iJI «7a/t (v. &J3I), God, the Supreme Being, a. _Ul dmdj, m. a mark or butt to shoot
1^)1 WTe^ a//m, the name of a Hindu soldier jjiiitel dmddagi, f. readiness, alertness, p.
and poet, from whom a species of poetry takes its
name. h.
StiUl diiidda, prepared, ready, alert, p.
Jt\^\ ilham, inspiration, revelation, a.
jUt dmdr, cocalculation,
unt-bo k or register, p. investigation; an ac-
Ul^l W^^'^T
cheerful, h. alhana, n. to rejoice, to be
[unskilful, h. C->jl«l imdrat, f. dominion, authority; a
district under the government of an amir. a.
■•^11 ^r^^ alhar, young, untaught (animal),
ll^l 'g'^^rji vlahna, m. complaint, accusa-
dj\<\ amdrid,(p\. of dj<\) beardless youths, a.
tion ;reproof, chiding, ulahnd dend, to reproach, com- 8.U1 amvidra, domineering, imperious, a.
plain, abuse ; n. to grow, to vegetate, h.
^\ ilahi, divine, the Divine Being; used as ;j*iU)t dmds, m. swelling,
to effect a swelling, p.
dmds-k, to swell,
"an intcrj., O God ! Name of an aera instituted by Akbar.
ildli / iras,the standard yard measure of forty -one fingers, (^j*»U)\ ammds, the conjunction of the sun and
instituted by Akbar. a. [musical mode. h. moon, the days about new moon, d,
U^5l "'S «^m alhaiya, f. name of a ragni or
f^^\ amdkin (pi. of jjK/«), mansions, ha-
\Z>>\y.p\ ildhii/at, divine things or studies; bitations, places, a.
metaphysics, theology, a.
JU\ imdla, m. [\\\. inclining) a change of
Cl^pl ilaJayat, f. divinity, the godhead, a. vowels in pronunciation as kitlb for kitdb (a book), o.
^\ ^T^ a^, a land measure, equivalent to j^\ imam, m. a priest, a leader in religions
"four hlsls ; adj. of or belonging to the al tree. h. matters, patriarch, prelate, chief; a large bead in a
rosary, which remains fixed in the hand, and is not
^'[ "^'{^ all, f. damsel, female friend ; m. a turned over in counting (called by the Hindus Su-
merit). a.
"scorpion, s. [of the lotus, s.
jJl ^qSI all, m. a large black bee, enamoured \j\xa^ imdmbdrd, m. (also imdmban, f.) a
kind of temple in which the festival of the Muharram
is celebrated : it is generally a square building with a
'^1 7/(7, up to, until, ilq-al-an, up to the pre- cupola on the top. h.
sent time. a.
L1axU\ imd?nat, f. tlie office of an imam. a.
lJT ^n^ alai, m. a house, an abode, s.

VaJT j^lo^Ul imdin-zdmin {or-zdmini), m. the

ras. '^f^'m
h. aliya, name of a tribe of banjd-
protecting Imam, or one's guardian saint, imdm-zu-
min kd ruplya, a piece of coin dedicated to Imam Zd'
Ublj3\ 'H^m^^^n alahjd-halaiya, f. sacrifice, rain : it is fastened on the arm of a person about to
victim ; lighted wisps, with which the Hindus divert leave home as a charm for averting evil : if in want
themselves at the season of the Devvali. A, he may spend it, not otherwise, a.
u\ ( r/J )

^V«i imami, \ of or relating to an imam, '^f*^ ^rfWrs. ambika,f. a name of the goddess

fijL«W imam'if/a
followers of 'AH. a.J an epithet assumed by llie ^yy^^ambofi, f. a species of sorrel {Oxalis
cornicuUita). d. [less. h.
^jUl aman, f. grace, mercy, security, safety,
protection; as an Interj. it denotes, " quarter ! spare
me ! " and is geuerall}' sounded dman. a.
J^fol vi«lc?» nmbol (for an-&oZ), silent, r^peech-

(J provisions
I* I ->5||HI^ a?na>ma,s. m. raw rice or grain ;
undressed, ^.j4f*^ ^Wtsf ambhoj, m. the lotus, s.
Uf«l ^iw^ (mbiy d,f. a. smaU unripe mango. .<?.
i^\<\'Wn^ am7ndn{same as amm(i),a mother, s. iJL*>c\ ummat, f. people, a religious sect, peo-
into. •im\f\\
J. amana, n. to be contained, to go ple of the same belief, a.
iJL^\ ^fkir a-mit, unmeasured, undefined, s.
«J1ajU1 omannt, f. deposit, charge, any thing
given in trust ; faith, religion, amanat-dar, a trustee, &S1 dmmnt, one of the ten kinds of wounds
or depositary; adj. faithful, honest, amdnat-dar't, f. compensated by a fijie. a,
guardianship, agenc3% trust, charge ; faithfulness.
amdnat-raklitni, a. to consign or deposit, avifiiiat-daftar, {j^^^ hntihdn, m. examination, proof, trial,
a registry-office, amunat-jdrl, assignments of revenue. experiment; temptation, a.
amdnat-mahiil, an estate, amdnat-ndma, a deed of trust
or deposit, a. o\<Si^\ imtiddd, m. protraction, prolono-ation
^Z^\<\ amanafi, ^.gooAs &c. given in charge, a. prorogation, extension ; adj. protracted, a.
y^\ imtild, m. repletion, indigestion, a.
jaJjU\ -^HMhIiI a-mananiya, incredible, not
fit to be believed, s. [without pride, humble, s. cUioi hntiim, m. restraint, prohibition, a.
ijy<\ W!{V^ a-maiii, incredulous, inattentive;
jj/ol timmafi, m. a believer in, or follower of,
^U\ amam, f. security ; trust, charge, de- - any particular sect, a,
"posit ; adj. (applied to land) tliat which is in charge of Juuu)' imtiydz, m. discrimination, sepanition,
a collector on the part of government (in opposition
to ijdra, that which is farmed), a. distinction; pre-eminence ; good breeding, imtiydz k.,
a. to discriminate ; to treat with distinction, a.
&joU\ ^RT^i a-manya (see amananiya), in-
credible, not worthy of being believed. *. (J'j^xUa imtiydzi, having the quality of dis-
criminating, worthy of distinction, a.
LiL>jU\ ^nTRTaTOa?f«f, m. the inspissated juice
of the mango (v. amot). k. cLvol "^ff^Za-mit, indelible, undefaceil. jj.
Jli«l amsaZ (pi. of ^J.A^), examples, similes,
(^_j^.U\ ^fTR^ amawas, ~\ f. the conjunc-
equals, fables, parables, a.
auuMjlel ^H'R^ amdvasya, > tion of sun and
^>*».'.xl ^!RT^^^ amdvasl, J moon, the day l)^' amjad, very or most glorious, a.
"of new moon. s.
i^ omji, f compulsory service, d.
i,..^ ^rS amb, m. a mango, a mango tree.
ambu, m. water, s.
jj^ ••HH-^'C amchur, ra. paiings of the
mango, dried in the sun. s,
Ix<i1 '^^r ambd, f. a mother, (same as ammdj. s.
ii««l dmad, f. arrival, income, dmad-dwad
Ob*! ^T¥nT dm-ldt, m. a swelling, which
or dmad o raft, f. access and egress, dmad-sliiid or
comes without pain and goes off as easily, even without dmad o shud, intercourse, thoroughfare, p.
medicine, a w indy tumour, s.
d\S^\ imddd, f. act of assisting, aidin<j, or
(C,U<^ ^iTR.'t amhdr'i, f. a canopy, a litter abetting ; succour, help ; extending, a.
"used on an elephant or camel, p.
ul*f<^ '5T^W ambat, sour, acid or acrid, s. (jti-«l dmadan, (r. o or dy) to come. //.
l3'Ja*l ^gnPTT ambatdnd, n. to grow sour, iji^\ dnidani^ f. the season in which any
to be acidulated, s. [neliimbo). s.
■"merchandise generall)' arrives; perquisites; anj
thing gained over and above ; ways and means ; in-
^*\ -HHH aiiibuj, m. the lotus (^Nymjjhcea come, revenue ; import, p.
j>^\ ^ITT; amhar, m. clothes, apparel; the I3'j««i ^J!Tr«n vmddnd, also umdd-d., a. to
sky or atmosphere ; a perfume (ambergris), s, cause to overflow, to flood, h.

jf«l ^mR dmbar,f. ambergris (v. ^anbai'). a. \>Sk\ "g^^^T umadnd, i\. to overflow ; to let
i^^j^<\ ^m.T%ambard,l, f. a mango grove, s. fall (as tears), to shed, to swell and increase or prevail
(like a river, clouds, an army, the heari, Sac), h.
W-^l ■^■^^1 ambarchd, m. an ornamental wci amr, m. an order, command; an affair,
transaction ; (in gram.) the imperative mood, amr-ba-
^'*.^jkxi^spring ^¥ff ambaxhih, m. awoman,
man bythe off- yad, lit. " your business is in your own hands," which
of a Brfihman and a Vaisya occupa- uttered by a husband and agreed to by a wife, const!
tion a physician, s. tutes an irreversible divorce, a.
( 60 )

yet amir, one who orders, a commander, ^J^^ ummax, resolution, firmness, strength, d.
nJior. n. l_indica). s. (^Um/c1 ImxaJi, m. parsimony; abstinence; a
j<\ ^ira ann-a, m. the mango tree (^Manrjifcra medicine taken to prolong pleasure; scarcity, want. a.

yo^ ^HTT n-vinr, undying, immortal, lonjj- jL-/c^ imsal (for t/'i-scil), this year. p.
lived, perennial, everlasting; a god. Amaru Sinha,
the name of a Sanskrit lexicographer, s. U*-*i ^♦i*i»iT iimasna, n. to rot, to putrefy, k.

\jiti\ ^WT or ^nru amrd, m. name of a fruit ; ^Ji-cl ^\T*\4 amish, m. flesh, food, enjoyment;
hog-plum {Spondias mangiferd). s. object of enjojinent, a pleasing object ».
\jt\ umara (pi. of^^^), nobles, grandees; a «---*-i-«i imshah (for ih-shah), to-night, p.
noble Cgenerall}-), but more especially applied to those
of a Muhammadan court, a. [eases, a.
^JyL^ "6(1*191^ am-shul, m. the cholic, pain
arising from indigestion. $.
^^U«^ omraz (pi. of (_>»/»), sicknesses, dis-
jUx*^ amsa7'(p\. ofj*a>«), cities, large cities, a.
^jL«^ ^^^W(0 a-marcin-uti, f. the celestial
"city of Inilra. s. [mangoes, s. i^Uaxil imza,i, despatching, transmitting, a.
^^j^\ ^UTT^ amra,i, f. a tope or grove of yai (j^^ imani nazr, looking attentively,
jjxyil "STR^^ nmiir-hi'l, m. an epidendron, contemplating, a. [son. *.
or parasitical plant similar to the misletoe. s.
a, J per-
<^Xc\ ^TRcir amvli, such a one, a certain
iVv*^ '^mX''J^(im(n- pad, m. ilie st:ite of an im- uil»JbiiK*^ ^^ToBTTRoin amha-dhavi1ia,\xti.ir\-
iiiortal; immortality. ,s.
(XvfcJ!\Xx^ ^Hc|il<fHeti1 omha-dhamk
C^jK,\ ^nrw a-mrit, m. the water of life, trilling; a person of little estimation, h.
nectar ; an antidote ; any thing sweet ; water ; wine ;
a guava ; immortality, final emancipation. ;.
jjO-cl imkan, m. posMbility; contingent ex-
.. , r 'SRTin amaWa 1 . ,. istence (in opposition to wujub, necessity, or necessary
existence), a.
LV' "! . r ' • immortality, s,
t amr'itta J
^Ijl>-«\ ^^r1<IM amrit-han, m. a variety of j_^o-«^ imkarii, potential, possible, a.
the l:cla, or plantain, s.
«a^>-«^ 41M4^ a-muhhya, inferior, ordinary, s.
^yo^ ^rmrt or ^rrrft amriti or imriti, f. a
^y*\ amah m. hope, expectation, a.
"small vessel for drinking out of; a kind of sweet-
meat; akind of cloth ; adj. nectarious. /*.
^y<\ ^H^ amal, m. intoxication, amah jins,
intoxicating liquors or drugs, h.
iSls*--*^ 'UHlMI^ a-marjad, 'If. indignity ,dis-
\jW^^ ■'HH^IdT a-marjada, J honour. 5. ^Jx\ »ij><5 ami or amla, acid; sour. s.
i^j<\ amrad, beardless, handsome (a youth), a. ,_)^^ ^*T^ a-mal, bright, pure, clean, clear, s.
J-«\ amurz, act of pardoning or forgiving ; ^^ imla, m. orthography ; writing correctly;
dmurx-gdr, he who pardons ; an epithet of God. p.
completing, filling up. ivild-dan, one who writes cor-
{^]j<\ (iniurzhh, f. pardon, grace, forgive- rectly, imld-natvls, the same. o.
nepp of sins (b}' the Deity), p.
^1 ■•HIMc^l am In. m. the emblic myrohalan
(^_j^wtl aiii-ras, inspissated juice of the mango (Phyllanthus emblica). s.
(see tniirit). s.
ti)^\ amlak (pi. of till*), possessions, pro-
(^J^ycl ^TRiT mnarsli, m. anger ; wrath ; envy,
i 111 patience of another's success; peevishness, s.
perties (generall}' applied to laud), a.

^^j<\ •^HI^T^ amar-luh, m. heaven, the ^j^\'^»5rnTam/a«,m. globe amaranth (jGom-

rifiioii of the immortals, s. phrena globosa) ; adj. clean, clear. «.

O'j ^\ ~^ms^n amrut, m. a guava. {Pi^y- tiJ^\ imlah, m. possession, property; land
dii'in pi/riferiim). s. held, rent free. a.
i^»jo\ amrud, m. a pear; also a guava. f.
(_J^. ^H^M^T'
a kind amal-patti,
of stitching, h.
f. the hem of
Jj/°^ "wro^- (for in-raz), to-day. imroz-farda,
to-day or to-morrow, j. e. soon, imroz farda-k., a. to
put off, to procrastinate, p. Ui«^ ^'^in aynlata, f. sourness, acidity, s.
^_o J jk\ amr o nahl, m. commands and pro- (^_)*i\lLe\ ^JI'qJ d I'fl amaltds, m. Cassiajistula. h.
"hibitions, orders and counter-orders, commanding and Klxl ^nft^sFT amlikd, f. the tamarind tree. s.
countermanding ; hence, sovereigntj', authority, a.

\^\i.j«\ ^^v;^ a-maryada, f. disrespect, indig- ^J^l ^^^^g5q a-malin, clean, pure. s.
nity. (Same as a-marjadd.) s.
^i/«^ ^'^ or ^*5 /rtifi or imli, m. the tama-
lijjb^i ^WTjif^oR a-»ja7'i/arZ?7.", disrespected, s. ■■ rind-tree {Tamarindus Jndica) and its fruit. *.
r ( 61 )

jtio\ umam (pi. of tl*^^), nations, sects, tribes, jyc\ amoz, taught; used in comp., as dait-
herds, a. [difference, stoicism, s. cm\tamed (bird),
dmoz, tauglit by the hand, p.
Wo^ ^HTrTT a-mnmfo, f. disinterestedness, in- '^yi\ ^Jlhl a-mogh, productive, fruitful,
effectual, infallible, s.
j^**l «ti**«^ (iman, m. winter rice-crop. h.
^^\ iinm, ni. security, safety. amn-ama?i,m. fjy<\ ^^\^ a-mol, invaluable, above juice, s.
quarter, crying out for quarter, amn o aindii, in safety
and security, a. 0^<\ ^*[3S a-mul, destitute of root or origin, s.
d^y«\ umumaty f. the condition of being a
lx«l amanna, yea, verily; lit. we believe, a. mother, maternity, a.
\^\jj»\^\ ^ittit^i^t amna-samna, m. opposi- j_^\ ^nft ami, f. the water of life ; nectar, s.
tion, confronting. /*.
j_j<l ^TH'T amaya, m. sickness, disease, s.
\3Jwo\ 3h3^T umahdna, n. (see iimadna'), to ^\ ummi, uneducated, unable to read or
overrtow, abound, to swell, to increase, to be poured out.
umand timand kar rotid, to weep violently, h. " write ; unknown, unacquainted, a. [riij-puls. h.
X>S^\ grflI»TT umahdna, n. to be proud, con- U^^^ Wrft^ amethiya, name of a tribe of
ceited, d. s3J^\ amekhta, mixed, mingled, j).

s<xJLxi<t\ 1 r a-manushya, "1 unmanly. ^JiJ^*\

mingle, p.amekhtan, (r. amez), to mix, to
«jk^xl«\ J "* I n-manukhya, J amanush-
yatn, unmanliness, inhumanity. *. Sijc\ ummaid or ummed, f. hope, expectation,
dependence, trust ; (in Hind.) pregnancy. HiniiKiiil-se
i.lXi«\ '3"»t'T nmang, f. transport, excessive hond, to be pregnant. ?w»«rt/(/-ii'(7r, hopeful, expect-
joy, exultation, ambition, h, ing ; an expectant, a dependant, a candidate, iiwmtiid-
wan, f. expectation, expectancy, dependence, p.
,J-Cl«^ vhh^'qS a-mangal, m. a-disaster, a cala-
mity; an evil omen, ill luck; adj. inauspicious, un- i^SSftA'^^XXiu-niedhya, m. faeces,excr( meiit;
lucky, s. [joy. /i. adj. impure, s.
.JLiCxc^ THT^ umangna, n. to advance with ^_5•^'«^ ummedi, an expectant ; adj. hojiefnl,
sanguine, p.
,^i«i 4H'Tt umangt, sanguine, desirous, am-
"" bilious, h. j^\ amir, m. a nolilcmnn, a finindee ; an onst-
ern title nearly answering to Lord, am'ir ul nmard or
amiri kablr. Lord of lords, a title given by eastern
i_fy>'A«\ '^R'ft'ft'T a-manojog, m. inatten- princes to their ministers, &:c. amlr-wdr or amirdnd,
tion, a-fnnnojogi, inattentive, s.
like a noble, am'ir-zada or aniir-zdd'i, nobly born ;
amiru-l-bahr, a commander by sea (hence admiral).
C^joJkAe^ ■sjH'd'ftil a-manonity disapproved ; amirul-mumimn, commander of the (true) believers, a
reprobate, s. [pleasing, s. title assumed by the Caliphs, a.
jto J^\ '^Wift^ a-manohar, disagreeable, dis- (_^^i umlri, f. a principality, an earldom,
the dignity or office of an amir. a.
(Jl^uu*' amniyat, security, repose, a place
of safety, a. [to face. h. LjL_xl amez, mixture; (in compos.) mixed,
mixing, fraught
friendship, p. with, as mihr-dmez, fraught with
^'.**> ^<\ ^PJ^fC anme-samne, opposite, face
Ui*l ^TRfrm amaniya, f. land on which
^jjj^l awes/sA, mingling, mixing ; f. mirth-
the winter crop of rice is sown. h. fulness, sociabilitj', bonhomie, p.
Cj\yc\ amwat (pi. of «J1/J^), the dead. a. ^jryc\ amvi, a commissioner, a trustee, an um-
CL^\y<\ wnr^TH amvat, m. constipation or pire, an investigator, an arbitrator ; a supervisor or
officer employed by government to examine and regu-
torpor of the bowels with flatulence and intume- late the state of the revenues of a district, amtn-
scence, the wind being supposed to be chiefly affected.*. daftar, an ofiice for auditing the amlns. a.

^\yc\ amn-aj (pi. of — yi), billows, &c. a. {^jy«^ amin, amen, so l)e it. a.
( y>L/o\ ^H^T^ araavaSy the new moon. .«. ^JiJ^>^ amini, f. the office of ariiin ; trust,
" guardianship ; security, secure, a.
J\yi^ omH-a/(pl.of JU), riches, wealth, goods
and chattels, personal propertj'. a. [learn, p. (J\ ^«T on, a negative prefix of the same
effect as our mi or in, as an-dekhd, unseen. In words
^Jj^>■y«l amoihian, (r. amoz) to teach; to purely Sanskrit it is prefixed only to those beginning
with a vowel, as an-ayita, endless; but in Hindi it is
used indiscriminately before words beginning with
iCis-yc\ amo'khta, learnt, taught, trained, p. vowels or consonants, as an-ddar, disrespect, nii parlid,
tiyoT ^TW^ amof?, m. fragrance ; pleasure, s. unread, &c. $. [weapon. $.

.j<\ vmur (pi. ofj*\), business, things, affairs, ^J\ ^srfijr ani, m. the edge or point of a sharj)
actions ; commanding, ordering, a.
^^ ^R anu, after (in time, place, and rank),
Oj ye^ "^wlf a-murti, formless, unembodied. s. according to, in imitation o£ t.
A ( e2 )

f^ ■ an, that ; he, she, or it. p. Ulj 13 1 a?m2?/a-a«aw, constantly,

every minute,
incessantlj'. a.
^J\ an, f. time, hour, minute, a.
jol31 ^rfT^R an-akar, shapeless, s.
^^\ '^TTJT an (for
der, command, s. ^PT), other (for ^Hl^ll), or-
j_^ol3 1 ■'i(ltit<*'TOt ana-ham, f. turning a deaf
(jl ^TR an,f. a (Graceful attitude, an affected "ear, overlooking, winking at, purposely neg .Acting.
gait ; aflectation, pride, p. dnd-kdnd-d., to pretend ignorance, to ignore, h.

(j! ^rT«T an, f. dignity, honour; modesty, bash- \xi\^K>\ ^tfrgsTfrr anakranta, f. a sort of
fulness ; adv. on oath, an-mun se, respectfully, ho- prickly nightshade {Solarium jacquini). s.
nourably, h. [applied to boiled rice), s
sj^\j\ ^nTTT^s. an-agamya, unapproachable,
f^\ ^{^ ann, m. food, victuals, (particularly
^ these,
in andthose,
'3'«T them
un (pronouns in the oblique j«l3i anam, mortal?, the world, demons,genii. a.
tL*<bl anamat (per metathesin for amanai),
^>^ ^T^ anna, m. the husband of a nurse. It. deposit, trust, &c. a. [fingers, o.

\3l '^Tmana, n. to come, to be, to become, h. (3xil31 ancunil (pi. of *U^1), fingers, tips of the
l^I '3TT?fT««a, m. the sixteenth part of a rupT; (J 13! anan, those, anah-ki, those who. p.
a measure of land equal to sixteen rusis. In most In-
dian dialects the term and is conventionally used to (^^U13\ ananas, m. (v. anannas), the pine-
denote the fraction ^g ; thus a man is said to have a apple. Port.
four ana share in a mercantile house, which means
that he is entitled to one-fourth of the profits, dnd- lL*jo13\ anamyat, f. egotism, boasting, arro-
kara, m. a fee of one and in the rupl. h.
gance, a.
131 ana, delay, opportunity ; a seasonable hour. \SbXi\ '^iw^^x.an-ahar, m. abstinence, starva-
innd, as to us, verily we (used only in Arabic phrases).o. tion, an-ulidn, adj. fasting, s. [easy. *.
jJIajVJI inabat, f. penitence, repentance, con- (_>*)bl3\ ^TTfTTrW hn-ayas, m. ease, facility ; adj.
version, return to the true faith, a.
\.^^>\ anah or inah, a kind of grape, the egg-
yXA ^nnjT an-aiur, healthy, vigorous, s. plant, a.
^W ^tIT^ a-nath, without a husband, with- I WSf ahh or amh, m. a mango (v. ani), $.
out a protector, without chief or sovereign ; helpless,
an orplian. andthi-batijar, m unclaimed land, lands A '^m\» amhu, m. water. 5.
without an owner, s. [pronounced ndj). s.
uol 'srai amha, f. a mother (same as ammo), s.
— U\ ^rfTiT ana), m. corn, grain (incorrectly
jlJo\ amhar,m. magazines, heaps, a stock, p.
jWlil ^^^R an-achar, m. improper con-
duct, neglect of religious observance; adj. immoral, <_^U31 amhari, f. a canopy; a litter or how-
dah used on an elephant or camel, p.
ill-behaved, an-dchdrl, immoral, indecorous. 6-.
«JlAi>-U\ ^HTp^fT anachit, suddenly, unex- \ji'U31 ^^TT amhdra, ra. ^the esculent plant
pectedly, andchltl or andchitl, f. ignorance, thought-
les nes , d. tjj'ljo' #^T^ anihafi, f. J hibiscus, com-
monly called the Eozelle {Hibiscus cannabinus). h.
tiUWrt-ac/ for '^^f^an-oc?/,without beginning, jljjl amhaz, m. a partner, an associate. ;?.
eternal, andd-banjar, land that has been waste from
time immemorial, dnad-hhuml, land transferred by
mortgage, anddi-twa, m. eternit}'. s.
(_jjljjl ambazi, partnership, association, p.
jiil31 ^f^T^^ an-adar, m. affront, disrespect, s. j^Vjo\ amban, a kind of soft goat-skin leather;
a purse, a clothes-bag, wallet, p.
X>\ andr, m. a pomegranate ; it also denotes
a kind of firework, p. ^b^j! ^T«l^JTan-/>a«,f- spirit, proper pride. A.
Clojl ^rew ambat, sour, acid. h.
(^.jb\ ^HTR'^'T ancirpan, m. silliness, clum-
siness, inexpertness, ignorance, h. I3ljjj\ '^rarn^ ambatdna, n. to be acidulated, h.
wlii.lil anar-dana, m. a species of millet, so ^jjl 'fr^Tf ambiij, m. the lotus (^Nymphcea
called from its resemblance to the seed of the pome- nelumbo), s.
granate, p. [nate. p.
{jXi\ aitari, of or resembling the pomegra- jXi\ ^^ ambar (v. »*«^), sky; clothes, h.
jX>\ ambar, m. (corruption of jAa^), am-
ij S>\ ^♦nrt awan, "I unskilful, clumsy, inex- ber, &;c. a.
^JKK>\'^^^'i\ anarijj pert; s. a novice, a i^]jX>^ ^rerr^ ambara,l, f. a mango grove, s.
bungler, h,
1jL-j31 imbisdt,f. gladness, joy, delight, cheer-
^-*li\ ^TfT^fT^ unasi, seventy-nine. s. fulness, recreation, mirth, a,

<jbi^\i\ ^"^^ an-ashya, indestructible, s. Ka31 ^feoRT (see Kj-«^), the goddess Parvatl. s.
( G3 )

,Jjo\ anibil, a kind of pottage, d. ^j^.(jl ^ITJTtt?St, n. lo happen. /*.

jljuo^ ^^T^'TH' an-hona,o,
sension, niisuudorstanding. h, in. disconl, dis- jjj^i^'
rank, a ^TJ^
row. s. amipurVff. order, method, u

ii6sx>\ ^R^^ anuhandln, conncctod witli, Uiax^l "^rf^^ an-apeksha, f. disregard, care-
"attached, s. lessness, indiiTerence. S. [iiifT. s,
J_jjj\ ^^«f^Q5 or 'iT^^ im-hol or am-hol, 4SCui\ 'STiT^ (i7i-apekh, disregarding,unlice(l-
speechless. /^. [course. /).
C.*^! "^-[^ ant, f. entrails, gut, tripe. u?it
»^^ amhoh, a crowd, multitude, mob, con-
d.ont'i, n. to he afflicted with the coming down of the
&jl)\ nmha, m. a mango (see a?rt). ^), rectum, ant girm'i, n. to void white glutinous stools. «.

jl^i\ a«Ma,o,1 m. cultivating or taking pos- C>3\ "^anf, m. end, comi)letion ; perdition,
destruction; mind, heart, boundary, limit; adj. final,
^^\ anhhan, J session of land, enjoying ultimate; adv. after all, at last; (foraj«<an in,"within.
propert}'. d. anl-Lo, in the end, at the last. s.

(jji^j^jki^ ^7lf>?Q5TR a7i-ahhilash, m. indiffe- CL^\wifcmf, m. intelligence, news, account, h.

rence, absence of desire, an-ahhilasht, indifferent, s
C-o\ ^TfcT anaf, elsewhere, somewhere else. s.
j^\ '31'JW^ anuhhav or mmhhcm, m. com- CL*>\ ^WrT nnnat, high, tall, unnati, f. in-
prehension in the mind, judgment, conjecture, ex-
perience, result, consequence, s. [guessed, s. crease, prosperity, rising, s.
O^^t ^VTvm anuhlnit, experienced, felt, t— >\Jo\ ^^TTT^ anutap, m. repentance, regret,
remorse, (irmlfipt, penitent, s.
_^^\ ^TWTiT amhhoj, m. the \otns(^Ni/mj}Iicea
'iteliwibo). s.
\yli\ ^'^RT anutara, m. a satellite, s.
d/j^x)^ anhhog (v. anhhayO), possession &c. 5.
^j^i^\x>\ "^^rTT^^ tintaUs, thirty-nine. h.
ic^^ avihi, that which grows spontane- ip^ ^'tTiT aniaj, m. a Shudra, or man of low
■"ously. d caste, s.
Uf)\ ambhja (pi. of ^e^), prophets, a.
t_^li^ ??2/?'M a/;, m. selection, picking;
ing extracts from books ; election, choice, a. mak-
Ux>\ '#f^TTTamZ'?'yo,f. asmall unripe mango./*.
y^\ WHX antur, within, between, amono-st;
IjfcljOjj^ ^'?[fTin^Ta?i-?; /?/«/( a, unmarried, s. without, except ; on one side, out of the way ; m. in-
\i>C>x>^^ ^^VT an-hedha, unbored, unper- terval, intermission ; period, term; hole, rent; a cor-
forated. «. ner, side, quarter of the heavens; distance, space*
heart; a pause, a stop; difference; opportune time*
^JUo\ anihlh, m. a still, an alembic, a. the midst ; the heart, the supreme soul ; adj other
similar, antar-bhdo, internal or inVierent nature, an-
^OJu)^ avihihar, a sailor, pilot, d. tar-hhut, in tlie midst. antar-jdml, pervading the
inward parts, acquainted with the heart (the Deity).
cfJoLJ\ ^■^'TnToir onvpcifnJi, m. a heinous of- antar-jdt, inborn, innate, antar dusht, internally bad]
fence short of a capital crime, s, wicked, avtar-dwdr, a private door within a house.
anfar-gati, f. emotions of the heart, inward sensations*
jjb^\ ^■JT^TT'T anu-pdn, m. a vehicle ; (in adj. forgotten, anfar-manas, sad, perplexed, antar-
medicine) any thing in which a medicine is mixed, to vatni, a pregnant woman, s.
facilitate the taking of it ; or which is swallowed after
the medicine, s. [drink, s. j5l>\ ^^ antar, f. the entrails, bowels, viscera, s.

^ib^\ ^^tn»fl" ann-pam, m. victuals and J^\ ^"^WKanuttar, unable to answer, without
reply? s. [out. *.
ijjujol '^TtTHrXi an-apatya, childless, without ]ji>\ ^»fl<i aniara, central ; near; adv. with-
progenj'. s.
^jLjoI ^rflTT^ an-aparadh, m. innocence ; al ^»?TT;t antara, m. a verse, any verse of
adj. innocent, sinless, anaparadhl, innocent, s. a song, except the first, k.

{^\y>.i^ CL^}j6\ "^nfXmTi antarajmtt (for nntnra-

ceremony, •^^'AW\\'^ anna-praaan,
the first feeding m. afood
of children with kindmadeof pafi/a), pregnant, with child, with young (any animal), s.
of grain, s.
L— o^^ '^'^TfJiXi antar a-tap, f. an intermittent
ujJo\ amj)orna, n. to come to hand. d. fever, a tertian ague. s. [space, s,

lfcj-!>\'3I«r'JH'Trtw-pflf;7«a,illiterate,uninformed.«. {j]j6\ 'ST^fTTToS antaral, central ; m. included

e:,-^JLjo\ "^^tilTF^nT an-upasthit, not ready,
not present, s,
iX^J«:i\ 'SHfT^ antarbed, \ f. the region of

(Jail ^vjTT^ unupal, m. a second (of time), s. ^^CixiJb^ "^nif^;^ antarhedi,) Kanauj be-
tween the rivers Ganga and Jamuna, commonly called
the Du,ab. s. [screen, c.
i^r^\ ^f'TTTTOT a-nipun, unskilled, s.
l)jj^.^j\ ^^^^T, f. satiety ; name of a god- t!LOyj\ 4{f|<M<! antar~])at, m. a curtain, a
dess, the Ceres gf the Hindus, s. OJo\ ^»ilftlT antarit, inward, internal. «.
( 64 )

^Jj\^Jx>\ a7ifarjal,m.ast\c\i u?>ed in wrestling.^?. ^Jj\ VH<Kl9f antyaj, I m. a Shudra,

^W ,x>\ ^RT^Tft ontarjaml, acquainted with
•• the heart, an epithet of Krishna, s. A*^^ •«nsi»H antya-janma, J a man of the
lowest cast, antya-janmanl, f. a woman of the same
cast «.
^».j'j^\ '3fT»fffT^ antarichh,\m. the sky. the
ifSjX>\ ment,^sntTftr^ aniariksh, J air, the firma- ^^j-Jp^ T^nft^ Jtntu, twenty-nine. s.
^_^^^JuL>^ ^5r»?r^nft antevasi, m. a disciple, a
pupil residing vrith his teacher, s
^J^i^Jx>\ tTrTVTiT antardhan, "I m. disap-
j^\jJ6i5y3\ "^hnflTJT antardhyan,) pearance, ^^^jlo\ ^nPI^lir antya-varna, m. f. a man or
concealment, antardhydn-hona, to disappear, s. woman of the Shudra cast. s.
til JoT ^Tf*g«B antrih, visceral, relating to the
bowels, s. ajuL)^ ■»ilfHtt| a-nitya, not permanent, fleeting,
perishable, anityatd, f. frailness, transient existence.
iG^Jij^ ^TfT^^I antarganrja, m. a kind of a-nitya-datta or a-nitya-dattaka, that which is tempo-
water-plant bearing a white flower, s. [friend, s. rarily' granted ; a son adopted for a certain term. «.
cLol ^TRP a«/, f. a knot; envy. h.
ijj!>j)j\y!(^irx:^ antarang, m. a relative, a near
U3^ ^npTan/a,ni. a ball, marhle. unta-gharj
ijj)^\ ^Ht antr'i, f. entrail (v. antri). s. m. a billiard-room. h.
b Jlo\ ^ri fl.^jl nntriya, m. intermittent, an in-
termitting fever, s. cHa^-IJo^ ^Jlidir^lri anta-chity unlucky, whose
fortune is exhausted (a term of abuse), h.
u^ Jo^ ^TRrd^ antartp, m. a promontory.
kumuri antarlp. Cape Comorin. s.
^JJy^^J3^ ^TTPToFn^
which cattle antakon,
are tied neck and heels, f. h.
a cord with
^Jo! '5I^Ti'i5 (mtarichh, ^ ra. the sky ;
(ji^ jj^ ^^^ antaiihsh, J adv. in the ulJ^>**»iJLo^ ^IIIdfUlK dnt-sant, f. partnership;
intrigue, h.
out of sight, s. antar'iksh, heavenly, celestial; m.
air; firmament,
lJa3^ '4<(!dHI (intna, n. to he contained, to be
filled up (a well or tank, &c.). h.
(j'-ji^^ 'gry?t,^fl6, or ^^ ««/7i or antrtX en-
"trail, intestine, bowel, put. antriydn jahia, to be very UoJ I ^ll!(!HI antnd, a. to fill (a well or tank),
hungry, ar.tr'i ka hal kholiia, a. to eat a bellyful after to come or go into, to reach, h.
starving, mifriyan hd huwa-ltah pnrhvd, n. to be very
hungry (the belly saying there is but one God), autri-
ynn men ag lagnd, to be very hungry, s. \j\yj\ ■H'Hm\r\\ antrcana, a. to make contain,
to cram into, to cause to be filled, h.
.liJo\ intixhar, m. confusion, want of regu-
larity ; dispersion, explanation, o. Ij^l^^ >XI!<ic:&MI avthldna, a. to twist, to
j]ajj\ intizur, m. 1 looking out (for any writhe
to walk : affectedly,
n. to swagger,
h.to strut, to give one's self airs,
[lation. h.
^CjUaj3\ intizari, f.J person), expectation.
intizdrl-k., a. to expect, to look out for. a.
^^1 >«<|<i<tl anth't, f. stone of fruit ; coagu-
^\iaj3\ intizam, m. disposition, regularity, /i^^ '?n!7^ dntfuui, f. a tick (the louse that
» order arrangement ; the dispensation of Providence "attacks dogs, &c.). s.
or fate. a. [stumbling, a
^\ ^nW^ dntl, f. a handful ; a bundle of
^\ja>\ intiash, recovering one's self after ■■ grass, S:c. , a small faggot ; a skein of thread, a hank. h.
,.,buj\ unxaydni, 1 , , ,. , p
t'iIJ>\ iniifa', m. profit, advantage, a. tJ -^. • "^ Vthetwo lesticies, earsj&c. a.
fj3jj\ intikal, m. transporting, travelling; j^jujj\ unmyaini, I
transferring, circulation (of currency) ; departure, de- J\ ^v<»T anuj, younger, junior, s.
cease, dying, a.

*\iix>^ intilam, m. revenge, retaliation, rnti- l;tf 1 an-jd, there, az dn-jd, thence, p.
^ tam-Z., to retaliate, c [hour of death, s. A:a-\ fnijdm, m. end, termination ; accident,
^\^CL^\^'^<*H^ ^nt-kal, m. dying moments, vexation ; in comp. ending, &c. p.

.,ioj\ ^TTfT. (* i^in antaliaran, or antah-haran, UlsS\ ^Tjnim a?ijdmd,hdrren (land) in which
or anfaskaran, m. heart, mind, understanding. «. nothing will grow. k. [conclude, p.

Jj^ ^f^nr aniim, final, ultimate. .«. ^jjL*lfl2\ anjdrnldan, to terminate, to finish,
&jJ^ ^^: (in corap. same as nnfar). antah- ^^l;^l^^WR««-ja«, unwitting, unintentional,
unknowing, ignorant; m. a stranger, anjdn-li., to
pdtt, included, antah-sharir, m. the internal and spi- assume the stranger, to pretend ignorance of a person
ritual part of man, conscience, soul, antah-karan, m. or thing, s.
the understanding, heart, will, conscience, soul. s.
adj. K>\d\ ^TTSTT'TT an-jd.-id, unknown, a stranger ;
\^\ intihci, f. end, termination, summit; s. h.
finished, completed, prohibited, [ments. a. ignorant, anjdne, ignorantly, unwittingly,

j>b3J>\ ^TmT'.xh: atitafi-pur, m. the inner apart- jl^jf\ an-jdni, f. ignorance, negligence, h.
Co ) jji
^ (
t/Ls21 anjd,t, a mongrel or hybrid animal, d. j L>**^^ T^^re unchas, forty-nine. s.
jU^\ anjabar or injihar, name of a plant L>*'V^ T^T?T tuichas, f. height, elevation, k.
from which a drink is prepared for obstinate colds, jjlj^l uhckan, height, elevation, d.
spitting of blood, &c. p. [honey, s.
olai\ T^T^T unchdna, a. to raise, to take up. 3.
f^j*^\ avjabin (Arabic form of angahin),
J \ji\ irmn nhckdyu, m. 1
\j:f\ anjara or injara, m. a nettle, j).
i^j>^\ ^Tpi^ or '^r{'3T^ an-jas, m. infamy, s. at, f
_t unch-ah.
*i -t i . t^TfJ '''^'^',°"'s.
^:^\ (injal, m. (v. ^^^), two handfuls, &c.
{. \ ^
^J^f^ ^^T^
d^ifclii^ ^Tj^TfU7icha,i,
(T an-chdhat, not desired, s.
jj.di\ 'STrf'ST^ or ^I^jTI^J ann-jal, m. viciuuls
and drink ; Pers. ah o ddna or dh-ddna. s.
(-1a^' '^'ijf'^l[ an-chit, unaware, sudden; adv.
vW\ 'SR^^ anjJa, m. two handfulsi, as much suddenly. /(. [jng. s.
as can be held in both hands open; the junction of
the two hands to form the shape of a boat ; Scottice, <-^^^ ^Rf'^TT an-ucliit, improper, unbecom-
a goupen, s.
^1 ^nr"^^ anuchar, m. a companion, a fol-
-vsil ^fr»I^T ri7i-jala, unburnt, unscorched. s. lower, an attendant, anucharl, i. a female companion, s.
},^\ W^f^ (injli f. (same as anjla), it also
j^\ ^\^T. dnchar, 1 m. the hem of a clo;ik
"denotes a modi of salutation by carrying the two
hands joined (as above) to the forehead, s.
the ^'^n
end of aanchrd,
veil, shawl,J &c.or veil
s. ; a border at
^^\ anjum (pi. of f»si)» stars, constellations, a.
)lv^\ hijimad, m. stale of congealing or tj-^\ ^^^ anchal, I m. breast (of a woman
congelation, a.
(J>^l "W^^^
the hem an ehorIIveil
of a cloak J, J; orlaefescen^
a borderof a veil animal);
or shawl, s,
^♦si^ mtjuman, f. an assembly, meeting,
company, banquet, p. ^ssi^ ^^^T ancldd, m. the hem of a cloak,
&c., a sheet, used among Jogis s.
..yd\ ^T^»T anjmt,^ m. a collyrium, an oint-
(jUafil dn-chun an, »'ven as, just as. p.
^:d\ W^[^
lashes with aan']anj J ment and
view to blacken applied
the eye-
JOjj^i T^»lft^ viich-nlch, ups and downs of
^^y^\'^'^'^ anjan, m. a kind of grass, much life, vicissitude, high and low, particulars, s.
used (in the upper provinces) as food for cattle. /(.

\j^\ "^^iT^anjana, unborn; m. an inferior ^\ ^1"^ dnchu, m. the raspberry, hdld dncitu,
kind of rice. h. the hill bramble, h.
sJi-\ a/i-cA?, that which, whatsoever, p.
anjan. ^T^rfT
s. dnjiia, a. to tinge the eyes with
^<\ ^f«T^CT on-ichchhd, f. indifference, ab-
sense of desire, s.
\^\ ^^^a?27«a, n. to be tinged with anjan-,
f. the mother of Hanumaa ; a lizard. *.
^^ii \ ^tT^qST an-chhlld, unlicked, rude;
^^\ ^r^rf^R anjan-sar, m. collyrium. s. unparcd (as fruit, &c.). h.

liTiffl 'ST^f^oPT anjanika, f. a kind of newt , e*-:*** , .ai\ unchl sirhi charhnd, to
or lizard, s.
to mount a high ladder, i.e. to obtain a high rank. d.

^j{.^\ the eyelids, anjanhar'i,

stithe) on ^^«T^Ttt h. f. a stye (or 'a-»j^l anckend, m. valuation or estimate of
growing crops : it is also called kan-kut, q. v. d.
^:d\ W^r(\ anjatii, f. a woman perfumed
( 'i\.^\ inhirdf (in Dakh. also in/iirafi), de-
" and
with laxative.
sandal, &c. a medicinal plant used as a sedative flection, inversion, change ; met. to prove a turncoat j
recantation, deviation from the meridian, chiefly ap-
plied to the bearing of the temple of Mecca ; declina-
^1 "^'{"^ anju 'I m. a tear; (see y>^A tion of a heavenly body ; a disease, defect, distemper, a.
•^'1 ^TSJi, anjhu, j ansu), h. jLo^^ i/thisdr, m. surrounding, encircling, a.
ji^\ ^I^T: anjir, m. a fig. p. ( jlaii\ inhhifdf, m. levity, lightness, a.
Jjkai\ injiU m.the New Testament, Gospel, g. ^Jis-\si\
throw down.anddhhtan
p. (r. anddz), to cast, to
-fT ^H anch, f. heat, flame of a fire (not of
a candle), glare, blaze ; (in Dakh.) ashes of cow-dung./j. Ki^\si\ anddhJita* cast away, thrown, j).

\^\ Ir^T uhcha, high, lofty (for uiicha). h. j\s>\ anddr, a narrative, story, tale, fiction, jy.
\^\ ancha, m. the post for letters, a stage or \Syi\ ^^RT inddrd, ra. a large well built of
station on the road, d. solid masonry. //.
\\Si\ andaz, jol
1 m. valuation, ^uess ; weigh-
^jj<^y^ ^"5^ indr'i, \ f. the senses (internal
i\\^\ anddzoj iiig, measurement; time ijj^^ ^*^ indriya, J ande.xternal), orgiins
i-i music ; mode, manner ; (in comp.) throwing, as of action and perception (those of action are the hand,
bari-ancldz, a tiiTOwer of lightning, a matcinockman. the foot, the voice, the organ of generation and the
anddz-pattl, f. an estimate of the value of a growing organ of excretion; those of i
ooperception, the mind, the
crop. p. eye, tlie ear, the nose, the tongue, and tlia skiuy;
the privities, membrui/i virile, veretrum animalium.
*\iV\ anddm, m. body, stature, figure, an-
' ddmi-nihanl, pudendum muUeris. p. indr'i jullub, a diuretic medicine, indriya-gydn, m. the
faculty of perception, sense, consciousness, s.
ji^\ andar, within, inside, inwardly, j).
moon. s.s^T^^^T indu-rehha, f. a digit of the
jtiJl ^?5 indra, m. the king of the Devntas,
the regent of the visible heaven ; the thunderer.
indra-dwdrlashl, the )2th day of the month Bhadra, e}^S>\ mdifd\ m. warding off, repelling, a.
a festival in honour of Indra. s.
Ci)^J' andnk, little, sratll,
small portion or number, p.
^ew. andaJfi, f. a
j^^ ^f«T5 a-nidr, awake, sleepless. 5.
\jSi\ indira, f. the goddess of wealth, s. jO^\ nndalidv, m. ^ darkness, obscurity ;
— ^.tjj^ indirdj, m. becoming extinct(a family) ;
being folded together, insertion, a. (_5j0^il andohdr'i, f. J adj. dark. d.
^^1 nndJa (for atidhld q. v.), blind, dark. d.
Indra. 5. t^^J^"^ indrasan, m. the tlironc of ijl/cj.il liidimdl, m. recovering, getting well
of a wound, a.

jj,|.j3\ ^to'^ or ^"5r''T^ iiulrcini, f. the wife f^S>\ "^sTfT^H (uiudiii, every day, daily, s.
of Indra ; the name of a medicine or plant (Vitcx ne-
giindo). s. jiX)! ^IT^ andu, m. the chain or rope with
which the feet of elephants are tied up. s.
dJjl)'^ ?«^//'a?i"a?i (v. ?wJ?-a?/an) d.
t^}jy>^ t^^J^^ hulraijun^ f. colocynth, wild jljjjl ^^^^^ induTvdr, ni. the day of the
gourd ; a fruit of beautiful appearance, but bitter taste moon, ilonda}'. s.
{Cucumis colocynthh): hence a beautiful but worthless
person is called indrdyaii kd phal, the fruit of i»-
&j^jS>\ andohhta, acquired, gained ; m.
drdyan. s. gain, acquisition, p. [crusted, p.
•Sb^,i\>\ ^^f^yi indra-hadhu, f. name of an iij^\ andud (in comp.), besmeared, en-
insect (a species ofacarus, of a scarlet colour like vel-
vet) ;the wife of Indra. s. jjjjl ^'5^ indur, m. a rat, mou^e. s.
^iuatA.sA \^m^ indra-prastha, one of the Jjjji andoz, in comp. gaining, acquiring, p.
names of ancient Dihli s.
\^^S>\ ^iT^^rTT andolnd, n. to swing, s.
l:.y&jj.>,jj^ ^T^lltf^fTT indra-jjrohitd, f. the
asterism Pusliya. s. [dra. s. 8jjj\ andoh, m. grirf, anxiety, trouble; a»-
doh-gln, full of grief, sad, afflicted, p.
lSAJ'^^ ^"^yO indra-puri, f. the city of In- JbS>\ ^ST^ and/i, m. darkness ; adj. blind.
andh-tdnias, m. great darkness, s.
jl»-jtio\ ^'5'TT^ indra-jdl, m. deception,
clie;iting, juggling: trick or stratagem in war. i7i- l*.vl ""^S^ aiidlia, ;i(lj. blind, dark, andha
drajdll,real. $. m. a conjuror, juggler; adj. deceptive, un- dliund, blind, blindly, andhd dhiind rnnd, to weep ex-
cessively, anillid dliund Intdnd, to squander, spend
extravagantly, andhd ku,d or andhd-kup, m. a well
j>-jl5o1 ^»t1^"M or ^»5»fT indra-jau, m. name filled up with rubbish, andhd-kharch (Dakh.), prodi-
of a medicinal seed that grows on the plant kard,ijd. gality, extravagance, s.
q. V. ; (^Sparrow's tongue, Nerium antidysentericuin). s.
Ijlftijj^ andhdrd, dark, obscure, d.
j.jjl andaraz, m. last will ; last advice, pre- ^\tb^J>\ andhdriy f. darkness, obscurity,
cepts, or admonitions, p.
cloudiness ; a blind over a horse's eyes. d.
\*n.^\ W^7^\ an-darsd, m. a kind of fried
sweetmeats, a kind of cloth (see adarsd). h. Ij^oo^ "^^rn andhata, f. blindness, s,
L^XbSi\ ^^oF andhali, m. a blind man ; a
^x>jdj\ ^j^yft'^ indra-iiil, m. a sapphire. 5. man's name ; adj. blind, s.
ijt^>jd^\ ,Ki>iV\ ^V«liR andhahdr, m. darkness, s.
emerald, s. ^^■q^^oR indra-mlak, m. an
\.%3bSi\ andhahdrd, m.1 darkness, obscurity,
j\jjiiJ\ (uularKdr (Joy andaruri)y/\i\\\n. d.
^jJ^Xi\ (tndhakdri, f.J cloudiness- s.
^^j .liol aridarun, within, inner apartments,
interior, p. '^^j\
blind, ^"P^T
s. andhld (see \^Si\ andha.),
iOjjS>\ nndaruna, internal, relating to the in-
side, p.
j^)!^a>.iJl 'ST'^V^TiiFf andhldpan, m. blind-
ness; intellectual blindu-S3; acting as if one were
blind, h.
j3«jJo' andarunl, internal, intrinsic, p.
^\ ( 07 )

(^fe_\i^ i^JTl indhnn, in. fire-wood. s. (^\jS)] ancliva,i, f. a swelled testicle, d.

^a3^ '3I^y«T an-dhon, m. wealth, both in i^',SS\ ^^ iiidu,i^ f. a liead or crown orna-
grain and coin, properly anna-dltan. s. ment ;also a cushion, v. indu.d. h.
bJj^^.^3l W?lf|[tiT«r<-f//iO?/o,unwashed,unclean. s. \JS^,'**ijS>\ ande-scfoid, to bring forth young;
j^jjl and/n, f. storm, hurricane, tempest; a to keep one's own house, | kt znnll, applied
to one who is raw and inexperien ced, d.
' (larkeninfT
gage keenlyorin louring of the h.
a bad action, sky. dndln-h.,
[darkness,to en-s.
^y>Si\ "3?^^ andel, oviparous; pregnant
\j\>^:yi\ ^f?UTrPCT andh'njara, blind, dark; m. (bird). /;.
.AfcuV>\ ^^T avdher, m. darkness, raiafortiine, llb>i\ "g^cSHT nndclnd, a. to pour water, h.
calamity, injustice, tumult, andher-lc, to tyrannize,
oppress, h. \SbS\J\ ^^TITWT anmadhci, f. the T7th lunar
iii;.i!sion, designated by a row of oblations; stars in
Lilira. .V.
\jX^Si\ '^^TJ andltcra, dark; m. darkness.
(See andhiydra). andhcri-kotlnl, f. dark room ; the
belly ; the womb. h. '^^Ixj' ^^^TT anurdcj, ni. aifection, love. s.
i^x?)tiJ\ ^^?^ andhen, f. darkness, a blind \^\J>\ '^^i,|J|»ti anurdgnd, n. to be in love
for a horse, i". ■^ ''!'• '■'■ [loving, caressing. ».
tj^5;^\ ^TT"\ftH (ut-adlnn, independent, s. O JU^ ^X:T7ft anurdgi, making friendship,
(j::.5p.;l andesh, thinking, contriving; used
in conip. as bad-andvsh q. v. p.
^yi\ "^Wi cin-artli, unmeaning, [restrained
surd, improper, j.
fruitless, ab-s.
uLlLl.ij.iXil andesh-7iak or andcRh-mand, ^i^jA ^f^"^ a-nlruddha, uiiobstrucfed, nn-
thoughtful, anxious, p. [anxiety, p.
{,j**j>\ ^^TM an-ras, m. want of flavour or
^\jJl:>S>\ andeskndkl or andesh-mandl, f. enjoyment; disgust, nauseousness ; coolnesa distaste,
misunderstanding between friends, s.
is^ij.L^J) andesha, m. thought, meditation, sus-
picion, care, concern, andesha-k., to reflect, to hesi- {,j*i)i^ ^WT^ ann-ras, m. chyle, s.
tate, to fear. p.
jj,<j3i ^fVfJTQS a-nirmal, dirty, foul. s.
6-XAsZ.i,\>\ andesha-mund, full of anxiety, j;.
^^Ji\ ^frfaS^ a-nirnay, va. uncertainty. «.
i^.Sx<\.L.iS>\ aJidesha-mandif anxiousness,
"concern, p. f^y^^ ^"^Wi an-rim, unindebted, s.
^^SxLi_s>\ a lulcshldan, to consider to reflect, p. L->jyI "^"^^Xis. anitrnp, like, conformable; m.
l^Jo.iJl Slfj^^T an-(lekhd, not yet seen, undis-
covered, invisible, h.
Xi^'iJ>\ ■^fJT^^^'T a-nirvachamyo,') not fit
Jol ^3(!3 and (vulgarly 3JI d/id or dnr), m.
Falma Clnisti {Ricinus vulgaris), h. ^jj] "^fTi^"^ a-nirvachya, j to be
spoken, indetinable. s. [ness. «.
Si\ ^^ aud, m. an egg; a testicle, and-kos
or aiul-kosli, a hernia or rupture, s. ^i^jj>] ^■R'TtV anurodh, m. service, obiiging-
Si 1 ^T?!3 or sAX^i and or d:lr, m. a testicle, CL^„ji\ '^T^l^fT
the scrotum; semen genitale. s. behaviour, s. an-rit, f. unmannerliness, ill-

\si\ "^J^l andd (also dndd), m. an egg. s. j>\ "^W^ dnr, m. a testicle (v. and).
_,3J\ '5?3J3'iT jU-il inzdl, m. emission, sending down;
a bird. s. onduj (lit. egg-born), oviparous, emissio seminis. a,

lj'<3o\ andrd or dndra, m. an e^g. <f. C^^j\i\ anzarut, m. sarcocolla; (gum-resin,

said to be from Penaa mucronata). a, p.
ojol ^^^oRT andhu, m. an egg; also used for
aMa, a pannier, or rather one of the bags forming \j)j3l viziwd, retiring into a corner or cell (a
a pannier, h. recluse), a. [thing. /(.

^Ji^'Si\ (j«.> 1 ^^ dhs, f. the fibrous part of any

the testicles^?|3a^^
; rupture,and-kosh,
hernia, s. m. the scrotum,
U)jol undalnd, a. to pour out water, &c. d. (j«3\ ins, men, mankind, the human race. a.
I*)j3\ andalna, to consider, to determine or t^i\ tim, m. friendshij), love, afl^ection, so-
settle, d. ciety, companionship, a.
^J.J\w^ am or WSltansh, m. a part, division,
jJiJl ^T^a«(/M, having large testicles, dndu share, right, possession ; a degree of a circle ; a frac-
bail, a bull. In Dakhanl it is said to mean a bull with tion, the immerator of a fraction ; essence. an.ia-
one testicle, s.
patra, a deed setting forth the shares of a property
between the members of a Hindu family, ansa iidra,
\^Xi\ ^^^'^IT indilyd, m. a head cushion for one who takes a share of an estate; a co-heir or
carrying a burden on. h. joint sharer. Sic. *.
( 68 )
«»^LJ^ ansab (pi. of t— *--3), generations, I jUa)^ inxaf, m. decision (of a cause); equity,
families, a. justice. jnsa/-<a?a6, one who seeks for justice, a.
jl*«J\ ^'^^IR anusar, alike, according to ; ^Ujio^I insiram, m. completion, end. a.
m. conformity to usage, anusarl, adj. following, ac-
cording with or to. s. \s\xjaJi\ inzibat, f. being bound or determined,
j^LxJl insan, m. man, mankind, a. restraint ; self-control, a. [printed, a.
cIaIx)^ intiba, being impressed or stamped,
iM*3L*.3l ^a^^ a/^.fart'f or anshanfha, m. a sub-
division, ashare of a share, s.
jUa3^ anzar (pi. of Jai), looks, eyes. a.
^l-«3l insam, of or belonging to humanity,
•• peculiar to man, human, a. ^IjOi ifi am, m. a present, a gift, inam-i-
(J1ajJL-3\ ivsamyai, f. humanity, human ikram, an honourable gift. in'Sm-ka-paisd, prize money.
kindness; affability, a. in'ami altamghd, a grant under the royal seal, in'dmi
Mnutigo, an assignment of rent-free land to a village
L^-^^ ansab, advisable, most proper, a. accountant, an'dm, gifts, a.
O^lxi^ inamat, f. a gift, a benefaction; an
dA*«3\ anasat, f. intimacy, use, cheerfulness, o.
assignment of rent-free land. a.
,^jLn3I TJT'I^ unsdth, fifty-nine. s. (^j*»Kjo! inihas, m. being turned upside down ;
reflexion (from a mirror),repercussion,reverberation.a.
(C,li&4>(j«J\ ^^TVT3& amdhari, successful ; (in
theology) incarnating, s. .Ii3^ anfar (pi. of ji>), individuals, persons,
soldiers, servants, a. [rits. a.
\>yji\ ^nr^^'TT anusarna, n. to follow a per-
son, to follow on some previous circumstance, s. ;j*jlflii anfaa (pi. of ^j^), breathings, spi-
t^X-'A ^f^rsfi aras«A, a partner; a proprietor, s. *^*' anjthhn, m. rennet, leaven; a substance
tending to produce fermentation ; a term in medicine.
p^f^\ ^nrftn^ fl7i-s/M,unlearned,unfaught. s. (The word is apparently a corruption of the Arabic
infal}at). d.
l44^***^\ ^R^nrvRJ aw-.sa7w;7m,notunderstood./i.
Jl«afl3! iiifiml, m. decision, termination (of a
\lJ>\ '^'t{W^ an-suna, unheard,disregarded. h. cause) ; division, separation, settling, infitdl-k., to
settle, to decide (corruptly iiifsdll). a.
^jlfctiJk*«3\^^TfnVR anusandhan, m. inquiry,
investigation, s. ^Ji\J^s6\ injial, m. shame,confusion,modcsty. a.
\>S ^J^^\ ^^^^ ^l.f{\anmni-h., a. to pretend {^\^\ inUbaz, m. detention, constipation, a.
not' to hear what is spoken ; to disregard, h. *l**aJl rnJtisain, m. division, dividing, a.
y*^\ ^^ aiiau, m. a tear, aihu bkar-lana,
to have the eyes filled with tears, s. l.iaH3\ inhiza, m. the expiration of iiny term;
adj. elapsed, ended, fulfilled, accomplished, finished,
yy^\ 'Sr^^TT nnuswara, m. the nasal dot or completed, a.
character in Devanagari. s.
eUaiiil inkiia, m. being broken, cut off, cessa-
&^^\y^] ^im'\W,
of land, twenty answama,
of which m. a h.measure
make a pilwdnsa. tion, failure, separation, adjustment, a.
L-^^JjiJl hikilab, m. revolution, vicissitude,
^^»-j(j«il ms 0 jinn, m. men and spirits, a.
alteration, change, inversion, transposition, a.
j<-o\ ^^^ or ^^ ansii or aitshl, a pai-tner, iiUfli\ inJfii/ad, m. fidelity, submission, obe-
sharer, co-heir. s. [taught, s.
dience, compliance, a.
^^JU.^^ ^flttl<?fi an-sikha, uninstructed, lui-
{jru—Ji imsiyain (for tiyniyaini), the two iJJil ^i'm ank, ^m.aletterofthealpha-
testicles, a. uDol ^f. or '^ onh,) l)et; a figure, a num-
ber (in contradistinction to suti or sunnd, a dot or
Lij\ inslia, writing, composition, elegance of cypher) ; the stamp on coins, plate, &c. ank-kdr, m. an
style, the belles lettres. insha-parddzi, f. writing, let- assayer ; a mark (on cloth, pointing out the price) ; the
ter-writ ng, a. flank or part above the hip ; embrace, the bosom ; (for
ang) a share, portion, dnk-ddr, a sharer, i.
^lx!><iiJl li;o\ in-sha allahu iaala, if God the
" most High willeth; Deo volente. a. ciJoT cinah, m. a kettle-drum, a kind of large
drum beaten only at one end. s.
jK31 i7ikar, denial, refusal, disavowal, a.
^i.li\ ^(fi\W[ an-ishtha, f. unstedfastness, un-
steadiness, s. [forbidden, s. 13K3\ ^oRT^ anhana, a. to cause to value,
^S^\ ^frff^ an-ishiddha, unprohibited, un- to prize, to examine (as cloth), to approve of. s.

jLoL>\ amar (pi. of^^b), assistants, friends jK3^^«FR«n/«'a,o,ni.valuation,appraisement,/t.

(of Muhammad), applied to the inhabitants of Medina
who first embraced the Islam religion, a. ^cjjjijT
of rents.
ank-bandi, f. an adjustment
{jXtoA ansari, a tribe of lluhammadan <^CA ^foRiT ankit, marked, spotted, paged,
-.Shaikhs, BUTppoBed to have come originally fromMedina a. counted- *•
*JX>\ 69 ) viJbT

iJLSj\ ^^1R an-uht, not told ; m. a trope, s. ij'^i anhora, m. a large hook, a kind of
grapnel, d.
\jSj\ ankatta.,^m. a bank, a prop or support,
&jXi\ nnliiifa, J a dam or embankment in a {jy-j\ vitiojKjj anw/fS/, coinciding, favourable,
river ; a lock. d. conformable, acting in concert with. aniikulaU'i, f coin-
cidence, concert, concord, anukulya, m. assistance,
patronage, s.
^\ anhar, more or most wicked, very offen-
sive, displeasing or detestable, a. W(j! dn-ki, he or she who, that which, p.
j\}\ ^t^T ahkar (for altar), having come. s.
4x3T^^ di'ihh, f the eye. dnhh-anjanl, f. a
stye on the e3'clids. ankh util, to have an inflammation
j\i\ "^Wl. ankur, ^m. the first spront from ot the eyes, to be blear-eyed, dnkh barhdnd, to steal
^\ ^oRTT ahkura,) a seed (after planting), away privately and unseen, dnkh badaliia, to withdraw
a shoot, a plantlet, a germ. s. one's favour or affection from any one. dnkh bardhar
iia kar saknd, (not to be able to look stedfastly in an-
other's face), to be ashamed, dnkh baud kar lent, to
^^\ ^TaW anvkiam, m. order, method, suc- turn from another, to treat one with neglect ; to die.
cession, series, s.
dnkh bharke dekhnd, to look till one's curiosity is fully
satisfied, dnkli bhar Idnd, to have eyes full of tears, to
^^\ W?Rt atikri, f. a kind of vetch (^Ficia be ready to cry. djikh pasdrnd, (obsolete) to open one's
sativa) ; wet grain ; a roung sprout, s. eyes, to stare, to be wise and prudent, to discriminate,
to discern, to be judicious, dnkh pathrdni. (from jmt-
thar, a stone), to become dim (the eyes) from long ex-
(^j*^\ ^lofiO drlkrl,') f. (also ankrl), the pectation, dnkh pharaknl, to feel a pulsation in the eve,
considered as an omen of some desirable event, as ilie
v^'xi! ^i«B'3^ ankri,} barb of an arrow;
a circle, a hook, tenter, catch ; a tendril, a cirrhus ; meeting of friends, is men ddhnl dnkhjon phaj-kl, dil men
shdd hu,d ki i/ih shitgiin achchhd hai. On this, feeling a
a fishing-hook. It. pulsation in the right eye, he (R.ijaDushmanta) rejoiced
in his heart, conceiving it to be a favourable omen.
^j-X)! an-has, that person, whosoever, &;c. ^. Sakuntald Ndtak: (a pulsation in the right ej-e of a
man, or the left of a woman, is a favourable omen, the
reverse disastrous), dnkh phutnl, to be blind, dnkh
j^^l<*X)| '3n«IW, '^^^, ^oTS ahhas, ankas, or phuti, plr ga,i, the eye is lost, and the pain is gone
ankus, m. the iron with which elephants are driven,
a goad, (inkus mama, to bring to obedience, to reduce (spoken of a contention, which has ceased by the object
to submission. Some European writers (probably the of it being lost to both parties), dnkh-phord, m. a
midge, that flies into the eyes at night, dnkh phonii,
King of Oude's cockney barber) have corrupted the to make blind ; to expect or watch in vain, dnkh
word into "hawkuss" or "horkuss," vid. Lib of Enter-
taining Knowledge, vol. The Elephant, p. 15. s phernl, to shew aversion after friendship (see dnkh
mornl). dnkh pher lend, to turn away the eyes fas from
.L«>j\ iiihJmr (corruptly inlmari), m. being grief, displeasure, &c.). dnkh phaildnd (see dnkh ja-
routed, humility, want of courage, despondency, a. sdrnd). dnkh thandi karnl, to have consolation by
meeting friends, to be glad, dnkh jorni, to look sted-
(_-5U->m)\ inkimf, m. being eclipsed (the sun ).fl. fastly (inelegant), dnkh jhnpakna, (to have eyelids
joined, to move them quickly), to fear, dnkh churdnl,
(_jli;X>\ inkishof, detection, disclosure, a. (to steal eyes), not to attend to, to avert eyes through
shame, dislike, &c., to avoid the sight of any one. dnkh
1^^^ ^T^^ or ^eifTfrt atiksl or uhhufi, f. a charhdni, to be angry ; to be intoxicated, dnkh charhnd,
" hook, a tenter, s. to have eyes marked by debauch, dnkh charnkdn'i, to
make the eyes dance (to roll one's ej-es) in anger, or ^
(jtio^ ^r|j5I or ^t^rjfl n7iliiish or ankush, same as a blandishment, dnkh chhipdni {to hide one's eyes) I
to be ashamed of an improper act. dnkh chir ch'n I
as ankas, an elephant's goad. s. dekhnd, and dnkh chhke dekhnd, to look with great at- I
tention and deep meditation ; with anger, ankh ddbni, ]
^Ji^^\ ^^RcJi aiihak, ra. an accountant, arith- (to shut one's eyes), to forbid by signs, aukh dikhdnl i
metic an, s.
or dikhldnl. (to shew one's eyes), to frighten, to restrain, |
to brow-beat, dnkh dekhke kiiclili karna, to do any I
lx»5o^ '^'W3(^m avuhamjoa, f. tenderness, pity. s. thing after consulting the inclination of another, dnkh i
dabdabdni, to fill the eyes with tears, dnkh dhaknl, \
U5o\ ^W^TT ahhna, n. to be valued, })rized, (obsolete, to have eyes shut); to die ; to be ashamed. '
examined, approved of; a. to mark, page a book, dis- dnkh rakhn'i, to love, to entertain friendship ; to have
tinguisji a thing by some mark. s. hope ; to discern, dnkh surkh karnt, to be angry, dnkh \
se dekhke kiichh-k., to do any thing knowingly and witli i
\ij^>\ ^T«fi»n auhna,a. to mark, to page, to reflection, dnkh se girnd (to fall from eyes), to become [
contemptible, dnkh senkni, to contemplate the beauty ■
write numbers ; to value, to examine, to approve of. s. of any one. dnkh kisl se roshan-k., (to obtain a look
from any one), to meet (visit) a friend or person of rank.
^y^^ ^SW^TX. anhivar, f. an embrace, the dnkh kisl kt dekhnl (to look at one's eyes), to receive j
bosom, ankwdr hharna, to embrace, s. education in any one's company, ankh khataknl, tohnve j
pain in the eyes, ankh kholnd (see dnkh pasdrnd)^ dnkh \
garm karn'i (see dnkh setiknl). dnkh ghuraknd, to look !
C^»$^^\ brated^T^^F? anna-hitt,
byHindus on m. a festival
the day following cele-
the Dewall, at with anger, dnkh taran't, to wink as a hint, to com- I
by offering a large quantity of meats to the god. s. municate a secret by signs, dnkh larni, to encounter !
the eyes of another; to meet with one's lover uncx- j
pectedly. dnkh lagdnl, to contract friendship or affec- ;
b^.tiJJ^ '^^f^ST (utka-vidya, f. arithmetic, s. tion for an^' one, to fall in love, dnkh mdrni, to wink ; j
to stop any one by a sign ; to make amorous signs with i
.S^\ '5T^ anhur, ^ the eyes, dnkh michawtval, m. dnkh michaull, f. blind- I
/•I _ _ rm. a sprout. 5. man's bufr(Pers. i«r)«(7/HnA-)- dnkh mildni (to exchiin<re t
.yoi T^n anliui a, J looks), to contract friendship, dnkh viiliii, to look 1
( 70 )
ett'dfastly. ankh minch jand, to die, to perish, dnkli
niurnl (see diikh phernl). ankh mundke ek chiz ka ikh- ^^SiJS.i\ angandanA to reckon, compute,
tiydr-k., to choose or accept precipitately or inconsis-
^j'xZ>\k>\ angashfan, J suppose, imagine, p.
tently, ankh miindm (see dnkh band kar len'i). ankh
mundaurd, m. biiiiaman s buff, dnkh na rakhn'i (not to ^10 1 ^VTJTT'fl' anugami, following, conse-
have eyes, not to look) to have no hope or expectation ;
to be mentally blind, dnkh nam karnd (see dnkh bhar "quent upon, devoted to, imitating, s.
land), to have the eyes full of tears, dnkhon par baithnu
(^j-aX!)^ angahln, m. honey (Arab. anjalnn).p,
(to sit on ej'es), to be beloved, to sit or cause to sit on
a very elevated place ; to become dignified, dnkhon
kd giildbt karnd (to have the redness of tlie eyes), is iJL^'>\ ^■^mrT anugat, m.
a to.follower, adj.
gone after, dependent on, attached s.
applied to a look of intoxication or wantonness, dnkhon
men dnd, to intoxicate (applied especialh* to winej. CL>'t>\ 2^f^ ingit, m. hint, sign, gesture;
unklton vien jihirnd, to be always present in one's eyes, motion ; inquiry, research, s,
to be ever in one's mind, dnkhon meii pen lend, to be
at ease, secure, &c. dnkhon men charb'i chhdnd, to be s-iS^>\ fingaddiya, ra. a man who carries
wilfully blind, to pretend from jirido not to know one's money or jewels concealed in his quilted clothes, h.
old acquaintance, dnkhon men khdk ddlnd (lit. to throw
dust in one's eyes) ; to commend or puff wares of an ^J^^j\ ^W^T^ angraji, f. yawning (v. aji-
inferior quality ; to pilfer or snatch away any thing
quickly and privately, dnkhon men kliuraknd, to be grd,T). h.
seen with envy and dislike, dnkhon men ghar karnd, \^'iJj\ ^Vi^M^ angarhha, m. a coat, gown,
to be beloved or esteemed ; to persist in one's own jacket, doublet, an upper garment, s.
erroneous opinions, dnkhon men rat kdtnd or lejdnd, to
pass the night awake, dnkheii-ivdld, ra. {\\t. "a.m?m.
1>Ji>\ '^TFRTf (inugrah, m. favour, kindness,
with eyes "), a spy, an inspector, one of the secret po- indulgence, s.
lice, dnkhen dekhnu, to study one's temper or inclina-
tion ;to behave respectfully' towards another, dnkhen
j_5^i\ ^n^ angurt (same as angidi), f. a
excesspillof karni,anger, to s.change the colour of the face from finger, a finger's breadth. «. [England.
y>X>\ angrez or ingrez (vulg. angrcj, &;c.),
CJi\^fS\ an-hhat, m. dislike, aversion, d.
Jl^xil ^r?rWT^ anuhhal, m. a creek, s. i^jt.Sy^ angrezl, English, the English lan-
guage (the term is of Portuguese origin).
\i\^i\ ^TfJ^TfT or '^^RT ankhana, n. to be
angry or displeased, to be peevish or fretful, h. \^jC:>\ WTXi"^ angrlhlta, ni. a vest, coat, &c.
(v. angarkhd. s.
,V^1 ^rara ankha,u, m. valuation (by the
eye without measurement) of a growing crop. s. \^\j^\ ^{^^'S}'^ angrana, n. to yawn, to stretch
the limbs), to oscitate. h.

I. the eye, a glance ^VjCA ^^|T^ or W^-<.\\cmgra,l or angiri,!, f.

/. . stretching the limbs, yawning, &c. h,
"-^ • • ' of the eye. ••> 5vX3l W^^TS an-garh, ^ unwrought, un-
U^.>^ ^fs^IIT ankliiya,] [lars or beams, a.
lj&v.Ci) ^7nTg"T an-garha,) formed; imedu-
eated, unlicked, unfinished, unset (as a ring or jewel),
^^^xi\ anklian, m. the space between two pil-
angarhl bdt, inconsistent or ill-arranged speech, h.
^J^^,^>\ wfelt anhhiyan, f. the eyes, amo-
rous glances, s. tiLcilC3\ a7igushf, f. a finger, angushti-harrat
ddnton men rakhnd, to bite the finger, or place it be-
Lf^>l ^TT aiuj, a demand on each head of tween the teeth to express surprise, p.
cattle for pasture, an agistment, h.
^J3J^)^ angushlan, \ m. a ring (particu-
Lf^>T ^T^ 7tn.rj,'\m. the body, a limb, ang ioVjLi.C^ angimhtdna,} lurly the one worn on
LlXi^ ^^ anr/a,} ho lagna, to be firm or the thumb) ; a thimble, p.
confirmed ; to have effect ; a member, portion, anga-
nydsa, act of touching different parts of the body as a t^.'izS.>\ angushtari, f. a ring, particularly
religious exercise. «. one
thumb,worn p.on the finger, not applied to that on the
t,f,^3\ ^^T\ (inuQ or anucja, ra. a follower, a
servant; adj. following, succeeding. ». \^CL^ZJ^i\ angusht-iiuma, one who is pointed
at, famous (in a good or bad sense, but in ladia most
\^i\ ^T^T aiKja, in. a coat or upper-garment, frequently' in a bad one), notorious. angHsht-numd,l,
act of pointing out with the finger, p.
a long tunic worn alike by the Hindus and Musal-
nians : the former tie it on the left, the latter on the
right breast, s. ^'SJlCA ^I^ angxii^htha, m. the thumb, s.
S^i\ ^^T ancja, f. a nurse, a maid whose busi- ^y^>^ ^I'c? '»'' "^W^
thumb, a finger, s.
ungal or angul, m. the
ness it is to hold, watch, and amuse a child, h.
(^lJL*l»^.>^ iiiglisiaa or anglistan, England, p.
\^\ ^^K angdr, "1 m. embers, sparks ;
jJX3\ '^1^^,'^'W^,'^^^ ungll, (ivgR, ovan-
\j\C>\ 'STl^TTT angara, J wrath, rage; a fire- "gnll, f. a finger, a finger's breadth, pair kl uvgU, a toe.
brand, fire, a spark, a bit of fire, angdr or angdron )falnni kl ungll, foi'j-finger. Inch ki unglt, middle-finger.
par lotnd, to be highly enraged, particularly from jea- lean ungll, little linger, ungll kd nok, tip of the fiuger.
lousy, angdr kd k'lrd, m. a salamander, h. imgll kdtnd, to be astonished, s.
XCi\ 'sa^lfc angari, f. a small fire-pan. s. iJL^yi^)\ ^^^ ^/«7/f'f,f.ni>i)ea ranee, person. /*.
j^_^Jk)LCi\ anyVis or inglis, English,
\ ( 71 UxJl
the term ^r^-m angiya, f. m. bodice, stays, h.
is generally applied to an^invalided soldier.
\if.A ^^?rT anugija, f. order, coram;! nd. s.
t^^OT ^T^fTf^ ang-7)ian, f. yawning,
st retelling the body (a dog, &c.). h. t-IL»Ai>^l '31^ aw^c/, f. appearance, person, fu
j^^vC)! ^7fTTH*l anwjaman, m. (the going aftei) ^Ax6^ angefi, f. (v. agcfi) a flower-pot. d.
api)lied to the ceremony of burning a Hindu widow
who has lieard of her husband's death when from
home. s. (.y^-^^' ^Tgrt h.or ^pftj^ angethi or ang'ith'i,
"{. a chafing-dish.

^^'\ ^^'T ungan, m. dozing, drowsiness (from

opium 8a;.) ; greasing a wheel to set it asleep, i.e. to (jJ^^^l
up. p. angckhtan (r. angez,) to excite, stir
prevent creaking, h,
yiJ^>\ angez, exciting ; (used in comp.) as
^^Ci\ '^T^tf angartj'lm. (also angna) a yard, fitna-avgez, strife-exciting, p.
space Wfi^\ angna,
adjoining J area,s.
to a house, court, inclosed b^Ji angeznd, a. to sufFtr, to experience,
to bear, to excite, p. h.
\^>\ ^TTfn^ an-gina, uncounted, number-
less, angina maliina, the eighth month of a woman's jOJ^^i ^'l^cfiR nngikar, m. agreement, pro-
pregnancy. /;. [(same as angan). s. mise, acquiescence,
_ avowal, reception, accepting,
agreeing to. atig'tkdr-k., to accept, agree to. s.
^ \jX.')\ ^^^TT^ angyia,i, f. a yard, area, &c.
C^jyJi)] ^Tft'Sfiif anglkrit, agreed, promised. s.
CL^'y^>\ ^^Ol^fT or '^TpTflinr an-ghiat or
an-ganit, uncounted, bej-ond calculation, s. (J->i ^ftr^ anil, f. wind, breath, air. a-.
iX>^\ ^^fiTTJIrT^ an-ginti, uncounted, count- ^1 ^«T^ anal, f. fire, a flamf, a plant {Plu7n-
"less, numberless, s. bago zey tunica and rosea), s.
ij^i\ T^iTt ungni, f. drowsiness, &c. (v- W>1 inna-ma, for, surely not, only. a.
"ungan). h. \.^\ ^ftn^n anhna, m. a superhuman faculty;
^i\ angu, in front, before, preceding, d. the subtle and invisible state, assumable by austere
devotion, s.

W^\ ^■^TTU angwara, the proprietor of /(.a

small portion of a village; mutual aid in tillage. (iU3i ^^T^?««??m(/,ra. madness, extravagances.
i4il»31 T»TT?[T unmada, mad, insane, s.
iJL>^Ci\ '^'^tZ angot, f. appearance, person
(same as ariget). h. f^^\ WHffTST aJiuman, ra. inference, logical
conclusion, reasoning, s.
\^^i\ ^rrji angutha, m. thumb, angutha
dikhdna, an attitude used by women in blandishment,
as a token of prohibition, to brave, defy, &c. angutlm ^\.»jl ^•arriT unman, m. a measure of size or
chttmnd, to Hatter, s. [the finger, i. quantity, s.
uL1o\v1 ^l"?rJTTf^cfi anumanik, inferable, sub-
^-^'^X3^ ^JT<J^ angutlil, f. a ring worn on ject to inference, probable, specious. .?.
l^^^;\ ^tV2(T angochha, m. a cloth which LL'^i' ^^JTfw anumati,i. order or command,
Hindus fasten round their waists when bathing, and
afterwards wipe themselves with ; a towel, a hand- cousc'it, permission, s.
kerchief, h. C^^\ T3i^ unmatO mad, insane, crazy ;
j^>^ angur, m. a grape; granulations in a i^\ "5^??^ tmmad, J drunk, Ins^tful, furious;
healing sore, angur hannd or liond, to become sound salacious, immaltatd, f. insanity, intoxication, s.
and healthy (applied to a wound), p.
r^j^\ "Sf^JR^ anumaran, m. dying with (a
\)^\ ^^KT cingora, m. a midge, a gnat. h. husband),
widow, s. or following in death, applied to a Hindu
(j\S.y\ angin'i, of or belonging to the grape, p. ^^\ ?W^ vnmukh, looking upwards, .s.
jOj^i ^JTlft^ angauriya,va.. a ploughman ;
also, allowing the use of a plough instead of paying (Jv»i^'^ftJT^a?2Wi7,discordant,heterogeneous.5.
wages in money or kind. /(.
5J^3\ anguza, m. assafoetida. p. f^Y^\ "^W^ animan, m. the same as ariima.
\j,^\ W^^^^ anmana, thotightful, agitated,
\^>itC>\ WtjIttt «??^a?/M^a, perquisites from the regretting, sad, troubled in mind, sickly, dissatisfied, s.
threshing-floor to the Brahman, Guru, &c. h.
c!jU^\ anmanat, doubt, perplexity. </.
&f.i\ ciii-gah (for aii-gah) then, at that time. j).
lili^i a'/unanana, a. to perplex, d.
^Ci I ^ tT"^ an-agh, blameless, free from guilt, s.
^^^.^\ ^TfiflcJ an-mol. invaluable, beyond
■;^i\ anghar, d. stupid, ignorant, anghar-pan,
ra. stupidity, price, s
(jtjL^\ "^^ nnmesh m. winking, twinkling
^J^i\ '^^ angi, corporeal, bodily, s. of the eyelids, i.
( 72 )

JjkV^ ^^^ an-mel, heterogeneous; dis- cly 1 amca (pi. of ty)/ sorts, kinds, varie-
cordant, s.
ties; adj. various,
and kinds, a. diverse, anwc'i' o aksam, all sorts
/^' ^T^^ anan, m. face, visage, mouth, f.
order, s.

L--fy \ *'^H anup, incomparable, best, rare ;
m. a watery or moist soQ. s.
Ijol ^TtfT anna (for ana), n. to come.
Ijj' WTTT a7)?m, a. to bring. «. ^^byl '4J.^yi»f
wherewith anupdn,
to swallow medicine,m. s.a fluid vehicle
h. kind of male nurse, the nurse's Oy\ ^fRTT anvit, connected with, possessed
of, fraught with. s. 4^1
(^_^UJ^ ^nr^re anannas, m. a pine-apple, h.
cL»y^ ^»i=lj ann-at, m. a ring furnished with
^*>UJ^ annnna^i, made like a pine-apple. A. little balls, worn on the great toe. h.
OJLJ^ ^»T»!T orw-aw^, adj. boundless, endless, l^y! com on, h. anuthd, rare, wonderful, un-
eternal, infinite ; m. a name of the serpent that sup-
ports the earth ; a name of the god Yishnu ; name of
several plants ; a cord with fourteen knots, which the j^lj&iiyl ^fT^>n«T an-avadhan, careless, inat-
Hindus tie on their arm on the fourteenth day of tentive ;also an-avadlidnatd, f. carelessness, inadver-
Bhadon, Shuklpaksh, which is sacred to Vishnu, and tence, indifference, a.
called Anant Chaudas or Chaturdashi. anantatu, f
eternity, anant-rashi, f infinite quantity, anant-rup, .yl anrva?', splendid, shining, resplendent, a.
multiform, anant-vdt, m. rigidity or paralysis of the
muscles of the face and neck. s.
(jjy\ anrcar'i, name of a Persian poet. p.
^uukJj! W^!{>^nn-aniya, infinite, endless ; m. in- V^L*»y\ 4<r{e<^I an-avasthd, unstable, un-
finity, eternity, s. steady incontinent
; ; f. instability, absence of fixed
state ; uncertainty ; incontinence, s.
s'^\ '^J^/f^ anand (or anavd), m. pleasure,
delight ; case, tranquillity', content ; God, Supreme y**y>^ ^r*nnrc a-navasar, busy, having no
Spirit, atiand-may, blissful, s.
ableness.; inopportune
leisure s. ; m. want of leisure, unseascn-
i—^ciJ^l ^^fr^ anandtt, overjoyed, de-
lighted, s.
\^ ^\'^^\Tm,'W^'^anoliha or anauhhd, rare,
0 1^-61 ^f^rf'S^ff a-nindit, unreproachable. s. wonderful, uncommon (generally applied to man). A.
\Ss^i\ ^«Tttf7n anandata, f. joy, delight, s. Jji\ •^■^^^anival, m. the after-birth,?ecundines.
anual-iiid, the navel-string of a new-bom infant, h,
liJj tJ-li 1 »iJM»4<*»< dnand-kand, source of joy;
an epithet of Krishna, s.
"^^"l ^i^ilcjl dihvald, m. a fniit so called,
kind of myrobalans {Phyllanthus emblica). h.
t_5'_Ol ^T'T^ ««a?w^, delighted, rejoiced, s.
[j^^ W^a'n-ansa,m. one who lias no share ; jL*»^y^ ano'dsdr, m. a sort of brimstone 80
excluded from a share (of an inheritance) on account called, s. [new-bom infant. *.
of some legal flaw. s.
J'bJyT dhn-al-ndl, ra. the navel-string of a
i^X^l "^^Tfan-ang, m. (literally, bodiless), the
god Kama, the Hindu Cupid, s. anumdn s.(v. anumdii), inference, logi-
^^Uy\cal conclusion,
i6>\ ^T^ caml, a female nurse, h.
I3yl ^ffl'^ a-nond, without salt. s.
ylor ^^]^anv\ m. the glutinous whitish niatler
mucus voided by people aflSicted with a tenesmus, s. isii dim (v. dnd), the 16th part of a rupee, k,
»3i ^Vj (inu or anu, m. an aton) ; adj. ^>\ ^T^ unh and ^^ ink, oblique plural forms
atomic, minute, s. of the pronouns wuh and yih. fV^ide Gram.) L
\^\ ^^^T iiiUivd, m.the place where men stand ^J^ ^tTT nnrai, or nnvnya, m. i-ace, lineage ;
when throwing the bokd, or water-bucket, h. interpretation; making out the natural order or con-
nexion of poetical style, s.
ii^.^l 'SlTf^T^ anuvdd, m repetition; answer. 5.
f^Li^^\ search,
s.m. inquiry,
[tive. re-*.
^jd\^'>\ nent,
^^^^ anvrddl, s.
a defendant, oppo-a.
^ij.yl anvcsin, searching, inquisi-
}ji\ unn-cir (pi. of.y), lights, rays of light,
X^\ anluir (pi. of^), rivers, streamlets, a.
0;ly\ ^f^lftTT a-nivdrit, unchecked, un- X^\ T?5R unhdr, f. mode, appearance;
op osed, s. adj. like, similar, s.
I— lyl ^'^nn ariKasa, old, stale, seasoned j
m. a handful of corn or grass cut in reaping, h. ^^V^l ^31^1^ nnhdn, m. bathing, washing, h.
U*«ily! ^cTTOVIT anivd^nd, a. to season (a new U^J\ ^^RT au/idnd, a. to bathe, to wash, h,
earthen vessel, by letting water remain in it some an hit, unfriendly, hostile ; hos-
tiinej, to rinse, h. C^>\ ^«Tf^
tility, s.
( 73 )

j^^ ^J'l^^C unliaitar, six'y nine, /i, J I '3R ava, a Sanskrit prefix denoting nega-
tion, disrespect, or dispersion; from, down from, off. *.
Jt\^^ inliidam, m. perdition, act of abolish-
ing, externnination, demolition, ^^ a, Ijl ^T^ cnvd, m. a potter's kiln ; a furnace, h.
.Kj^i\ ^"^^^t; nn-ahanhar, rn. absence of ^^ ij 1 ^T^rft divdti, f. the coming of an army,
pride, humility. nn-dJiaiikdrl, liumble. *.
"the approach of a friend; the season in which mer-
Ul»^\ ^'^TT^ anhwmia, a. to wash, to chandize isexpected to arrive; advance; rumour, ti-
dings, h.
bathe, to cause to be bathed or washed, s.

^^yf^\ ^f«T^f dnihaun, aor. first pers. sing, of i^U-ljl ^^TSn^ dwd-jd,t, f. coming and
anna, to bring (obsolete form), h,
going, intercourse, dancing attendance upon one. !jT h.

*"?■ j' ^"=il'«M a-vdc/rya, dumb, speechless. .•-.

jl^i^^ ^'■^^^'PC
mising, improbable,un-honkar,
h. hopeless, unpro-
j^'j^ awdhhir (pi. of js» I), extremes, endn;
the last ten days of a lunar month, a.
li^j^ '^?^^T an-hona, impossible, not to be. h.
^\ ^Trr,"^lft!I ani, ani, m. f , or'^1^ a)n, f. the ^^iti'jl atvdddii (see a/;a(/a?i), dwelling, &c. d.
point of a spear, or of an arrow, the stem or prow of
a boat, &c. s. j_^b^j\ an-dddrii (v. j_^bb\) d. [crop. h.
^\ W^ anm, f. a nurse or female attendant jiji T^K uwdr, ploughing up a standing
' on a cl'.ikl. h.
jijl ^^T^awdVff. delay ; injuslice,tyranny.s./).
^Ui^ ^^Ttra-?/?/a,e or a-nyaya,m.. injustice, '^'ryj^ awdrija,
&5-.UI awdrija, , m., a ,diary, a rough, note-
"outrage; a complaint of injustice, s. [lawless. *.
i^^\ ^'^ixfi' a-mjay'i, unjust, unequitable, ^,-_ awarcha,
_ ) book or account-book. JO.
ljj.^j;il ^^^^^%^ anya-jmrva,s. f. a woman who
has been previously married,
(Sjij I dwdragt, f. vagrancy, profligacy, p.
CL^^y^ ^ri^TT a-u'iti, f. injustice, impropriety, 8.\jl divdra, vagabond, wanderer, dtrdra-h.,
rudeness, impolicy, unniannerliness. s.
n. to wander, to be distressed, to be oppressed, to be
j\joi ^^iT^ anyatra, elsewhere, s. miserable, dwdra-k., a. to harass, to expel, p.

l^jkjo^ ^'^^ anyatha, otherwise, in a different ji^] dwdz, f. sound, voice, report, fame, echo,
manner; inaccurately; adj. contrary, s. a whisper, sentence, dwdz-utlidiid, to raise the voice,
to spread a report, aivdz par kun rakhnd, to hear,
to listen, dwdz parnd, to be reported, dwdz baithnd,
^tiJo\ ■g'tft^ nn'ida, unshut (eye), sleepless;
expanded (as a flower), s, to be suppressed (the voice) from hoarseness or
otherwise, dwdz-bailhd, hoarse, p.
^\ anyar, very bright, most luminous, a.
\\\j 1 dwdzd, \ m. report, fame, rumour ; con-
(j*«x>\ '3'tftw unis, nineteen, h. st \j! dwdza,) versation, loud talking, p.
^j«.j6i ariis or anis-jalis, m. a companion, a.
^y,,^\ anlmn, m. aniseed, g. (,_>*» ^jl ^T^T^ dwdii, m. a house, a habitation, s.
tiJuJ^ ^^oF an-eh, much, many, abundant. 1x«j1j\ aivdsit (pi. of ia«jj\), middles, the pe-
riod of a lunar month between the tenth and twentieth
anelc-alxdr, multiform. anek-iTip, multiform, of various
kinds, of variable mind, anek-lcfil, adv. a long time. days. a. [ley (v. supl. Gloss), h.
anek gotrd, oue who is a member of more than one
eotrd, or family, anek-vidh, various, of many kinds, ^*>\j\ ^^Tirt aivdsi, unripe corn, chiefly bar-
in different ways. s.
fj^^j\ Wim^mi^ d7vdga'ma7i,^m. coming and
i^ijol ^■q^foiffft anikinl, f. an army ; a cer-
" tain force, one tenth of an dkshauhint. s. ^jjS^^jl ^'RTT^^
migration. *. dwdgavan, J going, tians-
y^£jol "»!TJMJft^ anya-gotrUf of another race or ^y\^\ "^S^"^ awdl, m.an inclosed space formed
lineage, s.
by a cluster of peasants' houses, h.
auol ^nil anya, other, different, anya-janam., A^jl dwdtn,m. loan, debt; colour, p.
ra. another birth, regeneration, anya-manas, fickle,
versatile, s.
(jIjI dmm (pi. of (jT), times, seasons, a.
ajj^jjl ^^"aj anyonya, reciprocal, mutual, s. ^^ib\jl ^T^Tf«T dn-dhan, m. calling, summons,
a respectful invitation, s.
jUjJl ^T^R aneyar, m. the time allotted
for agricultural labour in the hot season, from sun- ^J\^\ ^^T^ awd,i, f. approach, advance; a
rise till noon. s.
"saddle cloth adorned with fringes, &c.; a kind of
pickaxe, h.
»\ au, conj. and (more com. aui-). h.
j\ o (in Per«, and Dakh.) third pron. he, ij \_^\ ^TRT^ dtrd,i, | f. rumour, mention,
she, it; the vocative interj. O!
(Jl^T ^^TRTrft dn-dt'i, J tidings, report, h.
V ( 74 )

.\jy ^■^'HTTl or ^m^ avatar or auiar, w.

^yA^\ mva'il (pi. of Jj^), m. commence- birth, descent; incarnation of the deity (the Hindus
ment?, ttc. ; 'he first ten days of a lunar month, which, reckon the following ten of the god Vishnu: — 1st.
consisting of thirty days nearly, is divided into three mtitsya, a fish ; Cnd. kachchhapa, a tortoise ; 3rd. varaha,
decades, ist. audjl, 2nd. atviisit, and 3rd. owakhir. a.
a boar; 'Uh. nri-s'tngha, a man-lion; 5th. vdmana, a
dwarf; Gth. parasfiuidma ; Ith.rdma; Sth. halardma :
(^bj^ mihnsli, m. a rake, a dissolute fellow ; 9th. buddha ; 10th. k(dkl): a pious or distinguished
a mixed crowd of all nations and all sorts of people, person in the language of flattery is also called an
but especially of the meanest ; the mob, the canaille. avatar, or incarnation of the deity; a tilth, or sacred
aubdsli-h., to become depraved or dissolute, aubdshdna, place ; translation ; crossing, s.
like a rake, dissolute, p.
^.\5jl utaran, m. stripping off, act of dis-
^ijbj^ auhasln, m. rnkisluiess, dissoluteness, mounting, d.
"attending at games and spectacles, p.
bj\3jl ntarna, a. same as 13. Ij^ uiarna. d.
IjJbj^ uhalnd, a. same as l>3b^ iihalna. d.
(Jjljj\ utawal, m. same as ^jl!>\ q. v. d,
cLo.^ '^^Z or "^^Z ubat, cmhat, impassable,
steep, inaccessible, s. lja!j\3j^ utawal-jmnu, m. haste, urgency, d.
j>^\ utar, m. an answer (v. uttar). d.
IjJjj^ uhalna, siime as lib\ uhaliia. d.
\j^jl ^TfTTTTT or ^TTTT^T avatama or autarna,
^j\ ^i? ithh, m. oppressive heat, languor n. to descend, especially as an incarnation of the
brought on bj' the effect of heat. h. deity, s.

&j^l^^,\ ^f^WTi^T 'i-ri})liuJ!jfi (in law lan- I3yj\ utarna, n. same as I3j3\ ntarna. d.
guage), indivisible (as property, etc.). s.
(3jl -sii^inl awati, f. approach, advance, the
season in which merchandise is expected, ft.
iJL^i^\ ^IH7 aiihiiuU steej), impassable. 5.

cI-A^jT '^fT^wf^ anhJialit, 1 f. a civil re- (JLL- >ji 'HlrtJ** ofsuk, ') m. anxiety, per-
or awhhaJiti, I ception or \>,K^j\ ^l^J^ autsuhya, J turl)ation, re-
gret ;eagerness, impatience, s. [or many. k.
CLa^^^] ^RHHIT or ^TTW^fir | salutation,
t^-bj\ WtfTTcF or •gRfffoR otik or utik, that much,
aicbhof/at or airhhagati, J welcome,
courteousness. ft. (^J)3j\ ^p+M autkarsh, m. excellence, s.
U3j\ ■gJHrn ft.or "sftrTrfT ^tt/id or otna, that mucli
or many.
Ij^j^ '^^H'JTT uhkva, n. to be agitated or op-
pressed with heat ; to be angry or dissatisfied, h.
<._^j\ Wt^ (>]), f. ornameni, beauty, elegance, Li->j^ "^tZ Of, f. protection, shade, shelter,
partition, screen, ot-k., to conceal, to screen, ot-h., to
grace, brightness, polish, h. [upatna). d. be concealed, s.

liJJ 5^ upatna, n. to exceed, &c. (same as UJ61 \>j\ "^Zlota, m. a partition-wall, or screen, h.
Ia^j\ upajnu, 11. to grow, &c. (v. Uas^i \i\jj\ antdim, a. to make hot, cause to boil. d.
u]/(ijiid). d. i^OljOcL> .1 '^Z'^ZT^' ut-patang, poor, helpless,
destitute, ft.
_tf j\ ^ti^ opchl, m. an armed man, armed
"with weapons ; a man armed in mail, opchi-khdna, a
guardhouse or post of armed men. ft. ^J[!x>_<JL>j\ '3^Z'^ZT^ ut-patdmji, one who
"speaks inconsiderately, without preparation, ft.
j^.j\ "gim; ?ij.'(ir, above, on, up, upon, upwards, LL^ii?.cL»j^ ■y5i<!M<!^* ut-patamij, m. absurdity,
over, outside, past, top. upar-se, from above, iufdn nonsense, what is without meaning or foundation ; adj.
iipar se chald guyd, the storm has passed over. s. poor, helpless, destitute, in disorder, it-pafangi, the
same as utputdngi. ft.
^..).j\ iiparla, upper, superficial ; ni. the sur-
face or outside, s. [strange, s. (^3j\ ^tZ*^ aiitan, boiling, eva|)ori:tion by
boiling ; m. a knife used for cutting tobacco, h.
jCj^j\ ^'T^ upari, upper or external; foreign, \x>t\ ^T2"?n otnd, a. to defend, screen, shelter;
to tlirunib, to sepfirate the seed from cotton; to catch
C^jl ^■^Trf II Jit or "Jirr ut, m. one who dies as a ball. ft.
without leaving issue ; an unmarried man ; (in HindQ
phraseology) a stupid person, a blockhead, ft. {x>,\ ^7rIT anhid, n. to boil (as milk), to
C-'.^ WtrT o^ overplus, surplus ; abatement; evaporate over fire ; to consume with rage or vexa-
tion ;a. to burn, to parch, or dry. ft.
convalesence, recovering from sickness, ft.

Vjj\much."grrTTft. o)' '^fTI w^a or ota, so much, that ^^\ "^Z 0th, m. the lij). s.
V3l.^^'.^ uthana, a. same as liV^^i utluind. d.
iiVij^ r/zr/arf (pi. of 4\Jj), pegs, props; met. Ijl^j l^ . "3131^=1 <5 HI uthd-bithdnd, a. to ex-
chiefs, nobles (being the props of the state), a cite, to stir up, to urge. ft.

j\S^\ uiar, m. (for ntar) descent, reduction \.,^(_^^l^3j^

of robber, who^SJ^T^^^T
i>luiiders byviha,i-(fird,
day; they arem.commonly
a kind
in price ; ebb tide, or low water. followers of an army (same as uthd,i-glrd, q. v.). ft.
^j\ ( 75 )

\iifj\ ^^ odd, wet, moist, damp. h.

U^y utiaia, m. same as U^i'l vthna. d.
_j\ axijf m. height, summit, the top; dignity, JJ of a brown colour, h.
liijl'gj^T udd, m. brown,
sky. a. p. promotion, auj ifahik, the zenith of the Obj^ ^l(^TW (uiddt, white, white colour, s.

I3j'l»-j\ vjarna, same as IJj'V^ vjarna. d. eOjUjl '^r^TX^ auddrya, m. munificence, li-
berality. 4'. [liness. *.
jWj^ f/ycf/, "1 (for jU-1 ?{/«/, &c.) bright, &-«ibj\ ^^T^ auddsya, m. solitude, lone-
^l:>-ji vjala,) luminous. iZ.
^J^^\ ^^T^ auddn, m. gratis, what is given
over and above, or without purchase ; to boot. «.
rf. n. (v. l)j^^ ujarna), to be
(Ji^bjl -^i^J^Z tiddhat,') f. brownness of co-
(^:>-j\ Wt*Pff o/os, ni. light, splendour; mani-
; vitality (especially in the foetus), s. i^bjl "35^1^ udd,i, J lour. h.

^&-j\ ojal (v. ojhal), privacy, shelter, &c. h. _)!i)v^i3.\ ■g^^f^oSR ud-bild,o, m. an otter, s.
^JL)J\ Wl^^ odan, m. boiled rice, s,
^^j^ itjol,\ (for«/yflZand ?(;7a), clear, bright,
^j^jl ^1^^0f/a?/I, f. a Y>\ant(Sidacordifuliu).s.
^*-j^ ujld,j pure, &c. d.
>ii,l ^^V an-adh, f. the name of ayodhya,
l>i^jl ujalna (for ujalna), to shine, &c. d. vulg. Oude. ai'rt(f/« or avadhi, agreement, promise,
time, boundary, s.
,^j^ ^)i?J, q;7i, m. entrails, stomach, guts. h.
^dj\ ^^fv avadhi, m. limit, term, period;
l^;s-jl ^fhffJJ ojha, m. a diviner, a wizard, a (used adverbially iu comp.), as far as, as long as. s.
magician (probably from examining the entrails of a
victim like the lioman " aruspex"). h. ^lijl^^fv avdki (^forahdlii),m. the ocean, s.
Ai^li.^ udhdr, m. (same as udhdr) debt &c. d.
j^*-jl ^*!i,^ or •gTTfli? ojhar oraiijlinr,^. thrust,
push; in Dakh. jT/V/ar denotes awkward, clumsy, h.
(^'(^lij^ ^^nn^ ai-flr//«a7J, cautious, attentive;
ra. caution, attention. «.
jj^s^jl '^n^s;^ ojlial, f. privncy, retirement;
adj. private, hid. ojhal-k., to conceal, screen, ojlial-h., JSiijl ^iWr: ndhar, thither, thitherwards, on
to be concealed, h. the other side. h.

^iij! ^T5J 22r//;a7?/, m. noise; impudence; re-

j^y ^^^^'^Wa-vkluir, m. want of judgment bellion, disturbance, uproar, h.
or consideration, injustice, s.

C^\»-^\ 'Slf^^Tftrf a-vic/idrit, ill-judged, not ^♦;^liJl ^\TJft I'/r/Z/ami, making noise; impu-
investigated, unconsidered, s. "dent; rebellious, h.

^d»\ "gi^ft udlio, the name of a friend and

^l^jl ^f^"^"^ a-vichdn, m. 'I destitute of companion of Krishna, s.
jj,.l>-jl '^f^'^XJU^ a-v ichuriiilyf. J conside- avadltut, m. a kind of reli-
ratiou, unjust, s. Ojis^^' ^^MTT
gious mendicant, s.
iJL:^y\ W^? auchat, ^ siuldenly, unexpect- 0*^tij^ iSTTgiT avadhut or aiidhuf, large,
uils-j^ ^iNofT auchah,} edly. h. gigantic; frightful as to form. s.
Jtii.l ^rtV odlie, Jidj. possessing a right or
^yi>~^\ ^f^^^ a-vkhal, motionless, unmoved,
firm. s. "title to ; m. a proprietor, supreme ruler, s.
\JvJ&J«l vdhernd (same as znl/ierna q. v.). d.
,4=>-jl ^tSt (luchh, ni- name of a root fiora
which an orange colour is extracted {Morinda citri-
folia). h. &jJSiij I'^^tq i-vadltya, not fi 1 1 o be slaughl ercd.s.

\a>-.\ ^"?fl ochha, adj. light, of little conse- (_C(ijl ^ST^^ d,odi, name of a tribe oi' jdts. h.
quence; mean, base or low-born; absurd, trifling; bi.l "^^^ a-vidyd, f. ignorance, s.
fruitless, oclilid hona, n. to want. /j.
<i,P^ ^^^'^ avadlcli, the name of a tribe of
a. same as U>'v^\ uch- Gujerati Brahmans. s.
halna, q. v nchhcdna,
U5l^j\ d.
(-,.>_i>jl <n;f/<?.9,l m. a strnnge or foieign
tjL^j\ vchhat, retirement, retreat, d.
\j.\^j] vchhalnd, n. (for U\^^ uchhalnd, \m)^^\ cudesd, > country. aiKlcs'i, a stranger,
q.v.). d. bm»^j\ audesa,} a foreigner. •>-■.
i5l^s>._j^ "Sic^TQJn^ uclihalnl,^. the multiplica- \^'6^\ aitdliangd, improper, out of place, d.
■■ lion table, h. j^\ ^Tlo/-, f. origin, boundary, limit; w;iy,
side (ward), us or, that way. or tubdhud, to be con-
^•S ■g'.H' vfl, m. an otter, s. stant to, to protect (for ever), h.
( 76 )

J-5 ako, but ; adj. m ore,

jj\ ^V^rmr, conj. and, '^«i_jjj' '3?^^ avnrodh, m. the seraglio of
other ; our ek, another, separate, distinct, else, aur ahindrance,
palace, theobstruction,
queen's apartment; a place, a covering;
vah'ih to, and (if) not then, and in that case then.
aur hi, quite different, extraordinary, h.
»^'^jjj^ ^f^roVfir-r/rof/^, absence of contention,
jj! aicar, in compos, bearing, liaving; as, quietness, avirodhl, m. artVorfA/n?, f. quiet, tranquil, s.
zor-awar, powerful, having force, p.
i>^, j^ aiirad (pi. of ^j), daily lessons (of the i^jy ^^ ori, a protector, partial ; f. the
eaves of a house ; bank of a pond or rivulet to the
Kur.riu), commemorations, devotional exercises, a. water's edge. h. ^J'
;Vj^ (uii-nk
or book. a. (pi. of (Jjj), leaves of a tree ij'ji ^VtT ord, m. a basket, pannier. Ji.

i^yjj^ vl^s^i o/'flw, m. a shield, target, h.

j'^.j! ^Tf^VTR arirhha,o, m. a developing,
manifestation, becoming visible, s.
oj'jl ornd, a to ward off a blow : it is also
used for orhna, to put on dress, &c. d.
O^^j jl wrf^HH avirbhut, unfolded, mani-
fested, appeared, s.
l3^-jl urnd, n. (sameasUj'l urnd) to fly. Seed.
C->,jl '^VTK avrit, enclosed, surrounded, s. ij,jj^ o-in f. (v. orhni), a veil, &c. «/.
C*>jjl W^f^avrifti,^. order, method; a re- Ujfcvjl ^rtT«TT orhnd, a. to put on (dress); m.
petition ofthe same thing, a resolution, s.
sheet, cloak, or mantle, li.
&p-jjl aivarja, v. &»-)'jT a day-book, &c.^.
ic^j^^ ^frpT^ orhn'i, f. a smaller sheet; a
\j>j jT '^^f T divarda, f. the allotted period of veil or woman's cloak, h.
one's life-time. s.
(ji^jj\ atvardan (r.ar or awar), to bring, to (_fj'j^ ^^^ '^.on, f. a kind of basket (used
relate or record, p. in a sugar-mill. h.

J5ii..| divarda, that which is brought or \iJ^^^J t\ uri-mdrnd, to dive, to plunge, d.

carried, awarfia-nawts, m. a writer or registrar of jljjl aiizdr (pi. ofjjj), m. the rigging an<l
accounts as delivered, p. implements of a ship or boat; asylums; loads;
weapons, tools, apparatus, a.
^li, jl "gilr urdh or urddh, superior, above.
urdh-baliu, with arms aloft (n posture of Jogis). s. (jK jl auzdn{^\. of^Jj), vvejghts,measures.«.
ai-Jb^j .^ ^^^'^J^ urddh-pund, a perpendicular l^jtiy ^^ OS, f. dew. OS par jam, to full iit
line delineated on the forehead by the vaishiiavas or value, to be less ih demand than formerly, us, old
worshippers of Vishnu, s. form of the oblique pron. tis, him, her, &c. //.
ijl^y^^j»\ ^rt^ff* aurdh-dehih, obse- JtUjj,\ usdrn, m.^^mhozo. The nameseemsto
quies ;whatever is given ot performed in remem-
brance ofthe dead. s. be a corruption of the Arabic or Persian name 'usar/i,e
ruuaiid (Extract of rhubarb), which this gum, from itu
'ub.^ii, .1 ■^IfT^T urddh-retd, a kind of ascetic yellow colour, was supposed to be. — (Binning.) h.
or rishl, one who lives in perpetual chastity, s,
yl**)j\ ^WT^ ausdn, m. sensation, sense ;
courage; presence of mind. h.
jj«3^-«J64i,j\ "gif Wt^ itrdh-mhs, m. a gasp, deep
iuspiration. s.
jj^-«jij\ ^^^T'Jf avasdn, m. the end ; conclu-
O^'j j' ^^'^ avrcis, a legitimate child, i.e. by sion ;completion ; death ; boundary, limit, s.
a wife of the same tribe, s.
a medicine. ^ft^^
/(. os-harg, m. the name of
0**J^^ ^_W)«\ auras chauras, all around;
breadth and length ; m. neighbourhood, d. 4ilju*>j^ ustdd, preceptor, master (v. ustdd). p.
to. .^ ^ffr^n ormd,m. the name of a particular
\:5>**>i\ ^^hJAl a-vastutd, f. insubstantialitv,
kind of sewing, stitching together two breadths, h.
unreality, s.
UJ J ' ^R^^5i-«ra«, m. a shield, a covering, s. \/>V..>j^ ^sraWI ova-sthd, f. State, condition
ui^j.i aurang, m. a throne; places where (frequently used in an unfavourable sense) ; any par-
ticular state varying with the progress of time, as
goods are manufactured for sale. p.
youth, ago, ^c. «.
^^* ^^S>s^\ Aurang-zeb, name of one of the _li-*».l ^R^^ aii-asthl, one of ihe subdi-
Mogul emperors, who died A.D. 1707. p.
"vision of Kanaujiya Brahmans. s. [heedless, h.
,cJ^. jcL^jl aurang-zehi, m. a kind of cloth ^**».l ^^'^ ausuch, without consideration,
" so called, p.

&\I^<^J^.^\ aurang-shdh'i, m. a kind of silk j*Mm\ m-mx. or ^TTT avasar or ausar, m.

"so called, p. [fire. s. time, leisure, occasion, vacation, opportunity, s.
.uim\ '^^TI. osar, f. a heifer, h.
Jjlj^jl ^'ril'^r^ aurvdiwl, m. submarine
n )
J^\ ( ^jl

j**>y usar (same as ushar, q. v.), barren cuJji auza' (pi. of **oj), breeding, behaviour,
(land), s. politeness, address, manners, &:c. a.

L**>j^ ^^T^ oxra, m, turn, vicissitude, osra- 2;Cjl oghra, m. a kind of dish, flummery, a
osrl, by turns, alternately, h. kind of sick-man's gruel, vulgarly called " conji ". p.

i2'>^3^ M.s"fl?'a//i, f. a chameleon, d. Cjyjjl nv'lat (pi. of CaJ>j), times, circum-

stances. atiMt-ba-sarl, f pastime, amusement, employ-
la**iji nuxat, middle, intervening; m. the ment, aiihit-ba-sar or -ba-sarljc, to spend one's time. u.
iniiidle, medium, interval ; mediocrity, moderation, a.
CL^^y uJfiyat, f. an ounce of silver, or a
^iiAjjjl aitsah, midmost,middling, moderate.a. silver coin of that weight, value between six and seven
shillings, a.
U-«jjl ^T5ET»TT ausna, n. to become musty, to
rot, to putrify. h. [him, her, &c. d. uDjl ^^^a;ya/(,m. insurance or assurance. /i.
j.«»j\ use (old form of the ace. pron. use), ciJjl ^^ uk, m. a house, a dwelling; an
asylum, a refuge ; sickness at the stomach, incliiiiition
j^t^ ^\^l. auser, m. anxiety, solicitude, h. to vomit ; a draught of water from the hollow of the
hand. h.
Ivm^jojjJ ^?ft^T osisa, m. the head of a bedj
a pillow, a cushion, h. tiJj^ "g?^ uk, f, error, slip, mistake, h.
(^j\ ^1^ y.v//, f. dew (same as os). h. (^Ojl ^^<*i^f ava-kash, m. leisure, ojipoi-tu-
nity, interval, space. 5.
Jojl ^^T^ aukal, "I untimely, out of soa-
(^y ^f^'R a-vhh, anti-venomous, not poi-
sonous, s. [the son of Kama-deva. s. ^^^\ '^'m'^ aukati,} son; a child boni
"before its time (properly ava-kdl, &c.). *.
\uiy "35'm2i^/?a,nameof the wifeof Aniruddha,
^jOj I ^T^oRm a,okaii or avakdn, straw and
tiiA^ijl "^f^M avhht, possessed (by a demon grain heaped up. k,
&c.), engrossed (by a feeling), s.
CLiSj] ukat (same as xtht or M/i^a),speech,&c. J.
,^A«*jl 'Wt? oslith, m. the lip, especially the
upper, oshtli-rog, m. a morbid affection of the lips. 5. (J»jl aukal, restless, uneasy, aukal-behal,
very restless, d.
jff^^-uljjl "wIkI oshthl, f. a creeper bearing a
"red VJOj\ ^ofi^ okna, or <J>"<*'HI ukjia, n. to vomit, h.
dis, flower, to whichmonodelpha).
or momordka the lip is compared
s. {bryonia gran-
lAij\ <Ji**iiT uktia, ri. to miss, to err, to trip,
to mistake, h. [cinarum). s.
fSbS^y ^T'RV aushadli (also auhhadJb), f, me-
dicine, drug, herb, mineral, cure, remedy, physic, an-
tidote, s. -^ij^ "^iIS nkhfi. sugar-cane (Sacchartim offi-
li^-l^jl ukhorna, a. (for lij'l^l uhhdrna), to
^tiJjj\ ^'Vtrr>J. W^^, or ^i^vt oshadhi, root up, &c. d. [canes, s.
"ansha/ilii, or nusliadltl (also nnhhndlu), f. an annual plant
or deciduous herb, ausliailhli/a, medicinal, an ingre-
dient of a medicine ; materia mcdica. s. i^j^^j^ '^^T'Jt uhhdn, f. a field of sugar-
^l^^\ uk/idl, m. an emetic, ukhal-jullab,
j^jl cholera morbus, d.
soil. ushar, barren (land), a spot with

ciLJL.i»j^ ^sff^ avashisht, left, remaining, s. UJl^ij\ ukhalnd, a. (for ulihdlna), to vomit, d.
^S^y aukhadh, f. (for a?<.s7mc?/t), medicines.
ij^j^ '^^JS ushan, m. black pepper, s.
^j^\y^j\ ^f^T^T^ a-vish7vas, m. distrust, un- ^\.^^\ ■gnSTTI'T ukk-ra), the day on which the
planting of the sugar-cane commences, generally at-
tended with some festive ceremonies. /(.
tinl, f. belief suspicion, a-vishwas'i,
distrustful, unbelieving, m. a-vishwdsin,
s. a-vishwa-

(Jv^^j \ Wl'^fst'^ d,okhal

claimed from waste, h. or dvakhal, land re-
(jSjuSj.I ^^^'Et avashesh, m. rrsidue, remnant,
surplus, a-vishesh, ra. a want of distinction ; adj. in-
discrim nate, s. t^^^j\ ^t^cjl okhH, f. a wooden mortar, s.

Ldl>u^j\ "^W^TJ^ aoashiju/t,'] necessary, indis- ^iAi.\ ^^oF^ ainkesht, barren, s.

»j^A "^^^ n-vaslt/i/a, > pensahle, inevi- jlS.l ^ITT^ aiifjdh, deep, unfathomable, s.
i^i^j^-^^'^TSRa-vasln/aJt,} table, actual;
certainly, necessarily, absolutely, positively, really. 8\ijt ^ST^iTT? avngdh, "1 m. bathing, ab-
nvasl^yaktu or avashyaktd, necessity', s. (^l^.l ^^nr^^ ava(jdhan,) lution. s.
. '[jOj] aiisaf (pi. of *_i^j), praises, com- CAi,\ ^^TTiT avagat, known, understood.
mendations, endowments, ausdf-i hamida, noble pro-
perties, praiseworthy qualifications, a. avagati, f. knowledge. *.

^j\ ausiya (pi. of ^3), preceptors, guar- J>^\ ogar,\m. a kind of pottage or gruel (cor-
dians, executors, administrators, a. ruption of o^m, q. v.). d.
i.ij^i iS3

( 73
JiTj'^ ^^J^ arwY/Mn or '^STttth avgun, *. m.
blemish, vies, defect, demerit, worthlessness.
^)ji u'u, prefi.xed to an Arabic noun denot(?s
possessed of, endowed with. a. [seen. s.
USji uijna, n. (Jor vgna), to fjrow, gprout «-^-^j' '^T^rf^nr avalokit,^ Jain saint; adj.
up, &c. d. [position, s.
^^Sy^\ ^^cfr^^
inspection, s. avalokan, ra. view, sight,
(_f;Sj^ ^Rnrjfi augitni, vicioii?, cfabad dis-
^j\ "^^ lection, s. ogh, m. multitude, aggregate, col- TJ ' '^^^f^'J^T avalokna, a. to see,to look. s.

tii^j^ Wnr? aughat, steep, inaccessible, h. ^^^|\ "^^^avaR, or ^TRf^ arali (vul^- «?//?),
" f. a row ; a line ; a series, a lineage. d,oli, f. mode of
estimating the produce of land. s.
v^jl auglinr,
discre t, d. awkward, unpleasant, in-
J^^jl aula, better, best, most proper, ulq, the
first, &.C. (fem. of ait'wa/). a.
j^jl ^1^ avg'i, f. a whip like a waggoner's,
"in length ^oiit seven cubits, used in training horses ; jj^l uli, possessfil of, endowed with, ufi-l-
an ornamental edging of superior country shoes (pe-
culiar to Delhi), h. [regard, s. "ajyiijjia, winged animals. ult-rUm, possessed of science.
ull-l-absur, wise, prudent, tdi-l'axm, resolute, a.
USji ^^^(7rfl<7ya, f. contempt, despite, dis-
(jjl idl'i, f. a chisel, a carpenter's tool. d.
wicked, 'vJq'ilrf avag'ii, blame,
vile ; m. reproach, detested,
s. reproached, i^y oil, m.
" hostage, h. (same as ol), personal security,

(jji aroral, first, best, principal ; (fui' aula)

proper, fit; m. beginning; adv. at first, a. jjj! UjOle, m. twins, (also a,ole-ja,ole). d.
(Jjl ^<^ ol, m. name of a vegetable, of which jjj i '^■R^l afiVi, f a mode of estimatingcrops,
the root is eaten [J rum campanulatum, Roxh.) ; a host-
"the produce h.of one biswd is measured, thence the rest
age or personal securitj' for a debt. h.
^_j\ 'sTtcrii ola, m. h:iil; the name of a sweet- Ijk5j\ aulhja (pi. of (Jj), friends, companions
meat, old lipjdnCi, to become cold, jon sir miinddyd ton
ole pare. I liad no sooner got my head shaved, than a (particularly of the prophets); the apostles, the saints,
shower of hail came on (spoken of one who has just the holy, aidiyd-i-alluh, friends of God ; in law it
signifies the next of kin, or other person entitled to
engaged in an enterprise which turns out unfortu- exact retaliation (v. wall), a.
nate), h.
d^j3«' aivfvafujai, f. priority, pre-eminence,
^ji r/w/a (for a?//«) better, preferable, arvrva- excellence, superiority, a.
lan, in the first place, firstly, a.

ti^j\ aiilad, f (j)l. of i^Jj), children, descen- j^jJjl aula tar, better, best. a. p.
dants, progeny, offspring, a.
(J^WjJjl aule cha,ole, a twin, twins, d.
UJilji a,olaniya, a tribe of jats so called, h.
(_^ji nwivalin
(pi.), the first, former, ancient.
o dkhirhi, the ancients and the modems, m,
- house, ^st^ift
h. old, f. (v. o>-l), the eaves of a
^j\ ^JT orn, the mystic name of the Deity
\jjij\ ulatna ^for vlatna, ^ prefacing all the prayers and most of the writings of
li^j\ uluthna) and ulatlam,) the Hindus; it is said to imply the Indian Triad
or Trinity', Braluna, Vishnu, Sniva. s.
i^^j^^y ^ic4*sj*a omen. s. Of e\'\\ omen,
; a badaulachhaTiy
fortunatem. »j\ W^^ avam, low, vile, inferior, s.
(j«/ej^ umas, m. (for umas), resolution, &c. d.
U^sjl vlachlina (for ulachhna). d.
l3ti.JL«j^ umandna, m. (for umandna), to be
^^C3j^ ^^^'^m avalahshan, ^ of inauspi- proud, &:c. d.

omen ; ^H^'ST milahhan,
m. a bad omen. s. J cious or evil ^jl "^isfi" iimi, f. an ear of corn (half ripe), h.
i^%\ "^HU or "35^ un, f. wool, gadar ani un hon
j>^^Jj^ ■^"^^cti^'^l ol-hohi, f. the vegetable baithi chare kapds, "1 bought the sheep for (furnisli-
"commonly called knolcole. b.
ing) wool, and she is eating up the cotton" (spoken of
any thing done by way of economy which turns out in
L^jJjl ^r=r^i[ avalamh, m. asylum, protec- the end very expensive), s.
tion; adj. depending, hanging down. s. [gence. s.
u-»i5j^ '^f^I^^ a-vilamh, m. quickness, dili- jjjl un (for iji un), oblique pi. ofrvuh, he,&c. d.
(jjl ^IT una, less, defective, minus ; prefixed
C-o.JJj^ tious,
'^f^'^f^ a-vilamhif,
ara-lambit, alighting, quick, protected,
descending; expedi- to a Sanskrit numeral it denotes "one less;" thus.
cherished, s. una-trinshat, one less thirty, twenty-nine. So una ■
irinslialiim, the twenty-ninth ; hence the modern forms
li_vlj\ ulindna, n. (for ulindna), to be poured in Hindustani, untls, twenty-nine ; unchuUs, thirty-
out, S.C d. nine, &:c. s.

J.^ Ti^ vluy "If. a kind of grass used in (jj' a,ou, m. fseculent matter, mucus, d.
Vj^ ■5<^^ idv,a,)
cylindricum). h. thatching {Saccharuni ^jjl '^J^^ arvan, m. coming, approach, ar-
[ rival, s.
( w )
^^,1 1^,1 'W:^^ ^T=1'T awan-awan, f. tidings lifi>;3>*>j\ ^lH|fn aundhnd, n. to lower (as the
of arrival. «. [come. s.
tljl sky. /(.
13.1 ^l^'JTT aivana (old formofdwfl), ii. to lAJji ^fjT anndd, or ^TI ondd, d(>ep. h.
lijl '3r?rr una, m. a kind of sword, a scimitar, a Ub_Js3jl uiid('hid,r\.{Jov uudelnd),to ponr ont.d.
knife, &:c., worn down by grinding. //.
,^l.-0.i unsdth,^
(^\>m\^^f^'il\3il a-riiiaxh, exception from loss, K • I_ ' K'or unsath), fifty-nine. d.
safety, a-vindshi, safe, entire, free from loss, ever- ,^-«.>jl unmth, J . J' J
last'ng. s.
^-^y ?l«.s'«M, one less a hundred, ninety-nine. rf.
^'JJj\ ^^fcf oBT avantilia,'\i'. llic name of a city, jOJj I ^ft^R onhdr, m. the mysterious syllable
om. ,5. [son.)
^^1 ^^(ft avauti, J Ujjain, anciently
■ Ujjayini. s. (AX>ji mv'inrjiUi, a mode of torture, (v. Wil-
(-.aJOjl untis, Daklianlfor 7<»/7.s-, twenfy-ninc
UxOjl uiujim, n. (for TairjliiHt), to doze. ^'Z.
iJUij^ ■^ Taif, in. a camel; Dakh. ovt (for
lionth), the lip. ft. ,^^_3jl "diTi ««////, f. nodding, sleepiness, h.

.Ia> eLOjl "^2 oRTRT vnt-J/ntara, m. name of (__^l^LJjl ■^i'm^ unrjIiFis, ^ f. drowsiness, nod-
a thistle
tus, Roxb.).of which
h. camels are fond (Eschinops ech'ma- i_5l^xij\ "^^^ nn(jlid,i, J ding, slee])ines.5,
drooping (especially from opium), k,
llio.l aiihfnn, n. (same as autnd), to boil. h.
ll^x.3. 1 "^^ unrj/ind, n. to nod from sleepi-
jxlojl "^^ Ttntni, f. a female camel, h. ness, to doze, to droop h.
^Jo.l ^ft7 o»//*, m. tlie lip (com. hontli). s. ^xijl 'SSTT^^ iiinxp, f. silence, dumbness, h.
<jy^ j^ ■^JTpft uiijari or vnjari, f. a small heap *^m\ wt^l (iin'dd, djOidd, or a,o/da, m.
of corn set apart (by Musalinfins) iu harvest-time in (same as dmia), the emblic myrobalan (plajllanlhtu
the name of some saint, h.
emhlica). auhld-sdr, m. a sort of brimstone.
2j\ "^ unch, I high, tall, lofty, steep, ^^=-!i}J.l auhldj.iuidd, a twin, twins, d.
l^.l '^-M! uncha, J loud. w?ir//-7?<rA, upsand
downs, inequality; vicissitudes in fortune, Stc. uncha ^_jl M/mw. (sa;ne as ^^^'^ vnhon), those,
them (also Tinil and «ho!j). d.
bol bolnc'i, to S])eak with pride, uiiclid aiint/d, to be hard
of hearing:, iinchd-kdm, f. deafness, uiiclic bol kd
munh nlclid, the proud ones are degraded, s.
^^y.l WlT^divatiaui'i, n. (Braj.) to come. A.
(^yiVsiji unclias (for unchds), forty-nine. d. JC^jl nnhattar (for unhnttar), sixty-nine. <Z.
^^.1 uhliuh, an interjection, denoting re-
^l^jl "gj^ra uhchaii, f, elevation,height, fusal or negation, d.
(^Iji.^ "^^T^T ur'ichdn, m.
eminence, exal- (j^j\ ■^* even
that manner, uiihih (for wonhin), exactly in
so. /(.
jjijl *-MR unclidjO, m. tation, tallness,
c1j»^1^ . ^"ai^^^M/ic/m/ia^f 3.1 "gR!rtor'3r?ft «/n, woollen, made of wool. a.
steepness, s.
ijl u-ne (same as ^j**»\ tis-ne), he, by
^^.\ '^^^ uncha,!,, f.
him, &c. d. [want of submission. «.
^J«J,i'J^,l unchdUs (for uncJidlis), thirty-
nine, rf. jj\ ^f^'^n-iv/iny, m. pertness, wantonness,
I3lsi.l "ai^RT unchdnd, a. to raise, elevate, .s-. iy ij\ ^Rr?rT^^ aune-paune, partially,
more or less; on occasion, h.
j.).l a?;?wf? or dwnnd, m. a pan, a vessel. ;?.
AJ>.1 ^f^^ n-vindu, without point or dot. s.
jl^jT '^n^^K dwanchdr, "1 ihe future,
J&_v>.\ '^V owf///, m. the cord with which \\jSt 3,T ^n^^f TTT dn-ane-hdrd, J that which
is about to come. s.
rafters or frames for thatching on are pulled into their
place, and fastened till the roof is finished, h.
ing, acting
lIajOjI ^f^rfhr n-vin'il, misbehavwoman,
improperly, s.
a-vinlld, f. an unchaste
'J^w\i,^ ^Nt (tundha or '^flHjT ondhd, upside
down, overturned, anndhd-hakht, m. misfortune, ad-
verse fortune, aundhl-pt'shdnl, short-sighted, unfor-
tunate. wniJhd letnd, n. to lie on one's face. h. j_5iil_jjl ^^^T^ a-vlvdd'i, Jiot di.«putalious. .^.
Ulfc^i.l ^HjT^T aundhdna, a. to turn upside til^jj^ '5lf^^^ a-virek, m. want of
nation, indiscretion, avivekal etncss, incon-
d, f. indiscreerate.
down, to reverse, to overturn, to spill, h. siderate ness. avivckt, indiscre et, inconsid «.
( 80 )

^j\ W^ uh, m. reasoning,

^jl logic, s. (^Ijfc) 'SJ^ ahah, interj. do not, no, nay. h.
8_j ! awa, m. a brick-kiln ; a forge, p. C>3lfci ihdnat, f. contempt, disdain, enmity,
affront, insult, o.
^fcjl ^srt^ oho, interj. heigho ! alas! h.
UbUUbl ^TfTfT ahahdhd, interj. used in
t^-j! '3i^ u,t, interj. Oh ! oh fye! h. praise ;sure, s. also expressive of surprise, pain, or plea-

CloA^j^ ■'K<=mf?I a-vijcfpti, f. the not diffusing

itself; not pervading, s. [posed, s.
jjlfj&l ^1^1^ dhhdn, m. a call, imitation, sum-
mons, s. [venom of a snake, t,
(J^bjl '5I«m«FQ5 a-vyahul, calm, firm, com-
^Jki^jT awekhtan (r. awez), to hang by, to (jj^t»^^ ^ff^H ahi-j)hen, m. the saliva or
cling to, to be suspended, p. C^k] ^f^ a-hif, an un-friend, enemy ; en-
mity, want of affection; adj. hostile, prejudicial.
aua^jl awekhfa, suspended, pendulous, p. ahit-kdri, inimical, acting unkindly, ahit-mand, ini-
mical, hating, s.
jji ^%?: a/i-er or aver (for a-bef), delay,
lateness, &c. s. (Jl^fc 1 ^TlTjT dhiit and ^JT^flT dhuti, m. offering,
oblations with fire to the deities ; a burnt-oflfering. *.
^.jl ^^n a-vv-a, f. a childless widow, .v.
\Sxi\ ihtidn, being directed in the right way
J^.jl arvez or arvezan (in comp.) suspending, (spiritually), a.
adhering. dwez-Jc, a. to hang, to suspend. /).
A^St\ ihtimdm, f. diligence, solicitude,
8j.J.jT dweza, m. an ear-ring, drops or pendants anxiety, care ; inspection, superintendence ; a sub-
worn in the ears as ornaments, p. division ofa province, a.

ijjosj^jl an-eza-hand, an ear-ring. p. jU^l^fc^ ilithndm-ddr, m. a superintondant

of the revenues, &c. of an ihtimdm or district, a. p.
C^.^\ ^^^ a-vyahta, adj. indistinct, xm-
apparent, invisible ; m. the Supreme Being, or Uni- ^\^\ iktimdmi, m. a curator or manager, a.
versal Spirit ; the soul, nature, temperament, s.
eL*fi>T ^T^ dhat, f. sound, noise, clack, h.
1^j[a*»^_j! ^^^^sn a-vyavasthd, irregular, s.
CLKAy'j*^*\ ^^T^fWiT a-vyavasthit, not regu- ^\ mT^ahar, name of a tribe of rdj-puts. h.
lated, undisciplined, not put in order, s.
jJfcT ^I?T: ciliar, ^ a small pond, a salt-pit,
^ ,1 '^'^Tl U'V/jaya, m. an indeclinable word, ^JJb\ "m^^ dliuri,) a drain, a trough for
"a particle ; moanious, s. name of Vishnu ; adj. economical, parsi- watering cattle, s.

»T ah, f. sigh; interj. alas! dh hharnd, a. ^la-^T ^TfT»n^ dhar-jdhar, f. coming

and going. //. ifnl. s.
to sigh. o;;«_/f7«-/.-a/(, a heartrending sigh, aid jigar-
soz, a heartburning sigh, ahl-sard, a cold or sorrow- C^^ji>\ ^^f^lT a-hnrshit, unhappy, sorrow-
ful sigh, dh-kliainchnl, f. heaving a sigh. p.
i\ uh, interj. Oh ! ah ! hah ! p. ^J^^\ ahrimdn, m. the spirit or principle of
evil (among tlie fire worshippers), p.
>1 '5if^ ahi, m. a serpent, a snake, s. \JjSi\ T^T^T uliarnd, n. to subside (a swelling
or inundation, h.
M ^^ ill (for yik), this, ih-hdl, m. this life.
ih-lok, the present world, ihi, this very, iht-than,
here, in this very place, h. ^jijyfcl '^T^f^f?? ahar-nishi, day and night, s.
Jb\ W[f^ dhi (Braj.), i?, exists, h. ijk\ W^V. ahra, m. a reservoir for collecting
rain-water to water the fields ; fuel made of cow-
dung, s.
b&l ^n^T a/io, alas! woe's me! bravo! well
done ! d.
fj^\ ^^rt ahr'i, f. a small pond (v. dhar). h.
jljbl "^^K iihar, m. a covering, a cover of a
litter or palki for women, h i^-i-Jfcl dhisfagl (or dhastagi), f. slowness,
" delay ; gentleness, softness, p.
\ib\ ^^T. ahdr, m. starch, glue, paste, h.
&>-J&T dirisfa (or dhastn), gently, slowly ;
,\ib\ ^T^TT dhdr (vulg. ahdr), m. aliment, softly, tenderly, dhista-raw, slow paced, p.
food, victuals, s.
easily, dhhte
p. (vulg. dMe), gently, slowly,
; \J,Ul ^I^n»TT ahdrnd,a. to paste, to starch, h.
^Vvjb^ ahdrt (pi. of J>fc\), inhabitants, common (.dUT ahah, ni. quicklime, cement, plaster:
it also denotes an abwdh, or cesk upon lime, dhaki
" people, ahali mawdli, the people at large, rich and
poor. a. tafta, quicklime, p.

( 61 )

jj-fi>^ ahl, in. people, master ; (in coinp.) at- ySsSb) ^r^'^x.nhankdr, m. egotism, arrogance,
^ ii/ldli, people of God,
tached to, possessed of, &:c., as>ahl haughtiness, pride. «.
dervises, Jafchs. alili ijtihdd, qualified jurists, altli
khirad, people of wisdom, aldi bait, famil^y (/.<>. wife
and children), but generally means the family of the ^fjlS.;^) ■•a^^'lO ahaiifidri,') haughty, arro-
Prophet. alili ^idufr, possessed of rights, or of just C^j^\ '5Tf51T ahanhrit, J gant, proud,
claims, ahli-ilil, dervises, liberal, brave, generous. i an egotist. *•.
ahli-zaiilt, addicted to pleasure, a voluptuary, alili
rozgar, skilful, knowing the world, alili zcimdn, time- cL.<Afcl aliuf.'g, m. design, purpose; sound,
eervers. ahli zamhi, an inhabitant of the earth, alili music,
melody ;p.one of the Persian tunes or modulations in
zultd, pious, devout, ahli siuivat, the followers of the
traditional as well as the written law : the Sunui sect
in opposition to that of the Shl'as. ahli shar', a legis- ^^^\ dha/n, ^ made of iron, dhanln-payija,
lator, alawyer, one who obeys and observes the law
of the Prophet, ahli safd, possessor of purity ; a siifi ; j^^xi^l dhanin,} iron-handed or iron-fisted,
a voluptuary, ahli shindkht, men oi inteWigence. ahli strong, powerful, p.
td'at, faithful, obedient to God. ahli tubXa, one who
does not observe the precepts of Muhammad . ahli y&l ditu, m. a deer; a vicr, defect, fault. dJiTt-
tarlfc, an observer of the laws of Miiliamm<id. ahli bara, m. a fawn, dhu-chashm, having eyes like those
zarf, noble, ahli 'irfdn, learned, ahli 'akl, wise, ahli of acatching
of deer, dhu-gir,
deer. p.a deer catcher, a/m-u jr J, the act
'Urn, scientific, ahli fazl, virtuous, ahli kdr, a work-
man, a clerk, ahli kitdb, a learned man ; a person of
any religion revealed and contained in books (the y&l ^^ alio, interj. O! holla! sign of the
Musulmans allow that the Jews and Christians are vocative, wonderful ! h.
ahli kildb, whereas the Hindus are considered as ido-
laters), ahli kaiam, liberal, generous, ahli mnjlis,
an assistant, a member of (genteel) societj', a courtier. J>\j^\'^%n^ aho-rdtra, ad v. day and night. 5.
ahli-masdrif, a proprietor. ahli-:iia'dsh, the holder of
a rent-free tenure. ahli ma'rifat, possessed of the f^^\ ^T^T^,5. dhri'dn , m. summons, respectful
knowledge of God. ahli mainab, a minister, a person
in office, ahli nasrat, colleagues, coadjutors, ahli
^1 ^r^ ahe, interj. O ! sign of the vocative, s,
nifdk, infidels, enemies. There is no limit to com-
pounds of this sort : two more I may here add — ahli
saif, a military man ; ahli kalam, a civilian, o. ^\ '^^ iln (ibr ?/?'Ai),this very, ulii (Jor wuh'i),
"that very. h. [tive. *
(J^! ^^^ a//a/, m. freshness of soil. h.
(.ilxiJsl ^^"rP? a-hetiih, crireless, without mo-
^1 ^TT^qST ahla or ilda, m. inundation, de-
luge, flood, overflow, h. [festivity, s. 'vAJkiii ^^^ nh'itd or a'nta, a person nppoinlcd
to watch the grain when ripe, and see that the dues
li^l ^IgTSf ahlad, ni. joy, gladness, mirth, are paid ere it be removed, h.
Oi^Ul WT^^ ahlddit, joyful, glad, merry. T«.J!>'. ^'^"^ aiiir, m. a particular caste in India,
(_iJ^^ ilihtk, ra. destroying, ruining, a. whose bufincss is to attend on cows ; a cowherd. For
a full account of this tribe v. Wilson's Glossary, s.
j^\ ^rr^^T ahlo, inundation, flood, &c. h.
y^\ W^ iilicr, f. prey, game, hunting, aheim,
^^\ ^'?^oiri/taZo^,m.thi8 present world, s. f. a plant {Asparagus racemosiis) h.
Uifc\ nldiyn, f. a wife. .vira,e ahliya, the wo-
men's apartments, hence " seraglio." ^j^\ ^r^Tyj nh~iran,^f. a woman of the
\^\ ^STf^fT ahali/a, wife of Gotam, and jji^Hjfcl ^T^imft alnrni, V caste of ahirs ; a
daughter of Brahma : one of the Apsaras. h.
^^jj-Jfcl ^'5^Tt ali'vi, J cowherd's wife. h.
{JL*^\Sb\ ahlii/at, f. worth, worthiness, excel-
lence ;possession, a. [tant business, a. (^^1 ^S^^ ahcrt, "1 m. a sportsman, a
'oj*Jfc! ^ST^firm alteriiid,} hunter, a fowler, h.
^\ ahamrn, important, ahammi kdr, impor-
^\ ai, interj. O ! the vocative particle, p.
Jb\ ^^ alutm, pron. T. ahavi-mati, spiritual
' ignorance ; conceit, self-love. s. t_cl IJ e, interj. O ! a respectful particle of
address, s.
jUfisl ihniTd, m. ^ negligence, indolence, in-
y'^\ ill ii; all, f.J attention, delay, care- (_$• 1 ^rr^a,i, f. coming, arrival, s.
•• lessness. a.
t^l ^rra djiii, f age. hin-d,e mama is a phra=e
^! ^li ahan, don't, not, no, nay. h. apparently connected with diju : it signifies, " to die
before one's allotted time," or " in spite of fate." s.
i^\ cthan, vn. iron, dhan-ruhd, m. a load-
stone, dhan-gar, an ironsmith or blacksmith, dhari- bj di/d, an interrogative particle, whether or
gari, the trade of an ironsmith. p. not ? interj. ho ! hark you ! p.
LJjfc\ ^ff^ a-hinsd, f. harnilesi^iiesa, s.
bT'5rrir['"//ya,f. female attendant on children. A.
L^A^Jjal ^ff^ToB n-hiiisak, harmless, inno-
cuous, s. ObT dt/dt (pi. of CLJ\), signs, marks ;
sentences of the Acr.an, a.
i.d)ji)T ^^cS ahiiiJi, m. the constant or daily
ceremonies of religion, dail}- ivork ; adj. daily, diurnal. :bj ahjdz, name of a flivourite slave in the
dhitiki, adj. of or belonging to a day. f. household of Mahmud of Ghazni.
G t.

w ( 82 )

(^j*j'<jj ^T^TT at/a'^, m. fatigue, weariness, s. jlijj har, presenting, offering, a.

cbl {ijjCLjjh, m. a cup, a drinking vessel, 'p. L-^Wi ijhh, m. rendering necessary ; (in
logic) affirmation (opposite to privation) ; (in i\[usal
jjbj ai/al (for yal), f. a horse's mane, the man law) the first proposiil made by one of the parties
in negotiating or concluding a bargain, a.
lock between a horse's ears. p. h
Ll^lbi iyalat, f. dominion, government, a. u^} ijcid, m.a. invention ; invented,
to invent, ijad-k., a.
A>} ai)jam. (pi. of ^y.), days, times; season,
■weather, a. J*-*:' ]jaz,&c.).abridging, curtailing, epitomizing
(a book, a.
j^bl ahjavn, durable, for a length of time. a.
J6.VJ ^nni (iyudh, m. a weapon in general, s.
I3bl ^TTTTF a-yana, ignorant; m. a fool. a.
IjjJ iba, making a sign with the finger for any (^j'^>} %^^ 'idrish, thus, such, like this. *•.
one to approach {imd denotes a similar sign to signify jfiitW^ tv^ Idhar (v. idhar), here, hither, s.
departure.) a.
ii^\ tza, f. pjiin, trouble, vexation, distress,
affliction. Izu-dih or tzd-rasdn, one who gives annoy-
suddenly, unexpect- ance, &e. ; a regular bore. a.
^ .Aff-ljO^aiha-ghaihi,
-- . I . _ . _ I edly, all at once. d. L_..'ljjJ erah, m. tlio keel of a ship or boat. </.
^Xip-^y aibu-ghaihu,}
(-1*^.1 ^triT ayut, ten thousand, a myriad, s. j-f^Vj^!^ TTT^T crapher, m. 1 exchange, inter-
C~>->\ ^n^W ayat, long, large, wide ; m. the ^jjy^\j>\ "^J^xf^ h.erapheri, i.)
ing attendance, change; danc-
sunshine, sunbeam, s.

*JL^>\ ^HT^^ ayatta, docile, tractable, ayat- ^\j>\ had, f. citing, adducing, bringing (a
tatd, f. docility, tractableness. s. - charge). Irdd-k. to impute blame, o.
d>^.l ayat, f. a sign, mark; a sentence of the (jlyj Iran, Persia. Iran wa iuran, Persia and
hir,('ni, contained between (signs) semicolons, or stops Tartary, or Persia and Transoxiana. a.
nearl}' equivalent thereto, dyat-i mutluh, a stop (in
gram.), only used in the Jcur,an, nearly equal to a
comma, a. {ji^j h-nnl, of or relating to Persia ; a Per-
sian; a man of the Shi'a sect. p.
^} "^HJ eta or ^TTT ita, so much, this much
(Dakh. now, at present), a.
C^j\j>\ ^TTTiT airavat,
chief elephant, a. the name of Indra's
jjll5\ ifhl (for ital), now, at present, d.
lijll^^J FfTT^rTT e(a,ota, on this account, for ,J,j\j>} ^T^lfts. airavati, f. the Ravi river in
the Panjab.
this reason, s. [only this. s.

3\^i^\'^\ TJHH'Ml^' etaivan-viatra, thus much, .Jj^T

- 'Sn^t^
\, 5yurbal,\[ i. age, lifetime, s.
b^j| WmfT ciyurda, J
account, Tl'ri'^
s, etad-arth, therefore, on thath.
[acting affectedly,
J<>) ^TTT. itar (v. ifrdna), affectation ; adj. l^OJ ^iIt Irhha, "1 f. emulation, envy, spite.
y^j^\ ^^T iraha, J h'shalu, envious, s.
<.ill)3 vfU'SS eiik, this much or many. h.
S^iJ)\ ^t;?!3 wand, m. or erandi, f. the castor-
{ i"^) liilaf, m. familiarity, friendship, so- oil plant (Palma Christ} or Ricinus covtmunis). s.
ciety, connection, company, correspondence, a.
(_^jA IJTCt en,//. iiiterj.
for females.
O! a vocative particle
Ol etam, m. a large lever for raising water,
commonly called a pasotta. d.

U.^.1 '^1{'^'\ et7ia or itna, so much. h. ^j^^j^j>\ eiJ-pheiz, f.exchaiige,barter,&c./i.

j^yi->] mmTX. etrvar (v. iiivar), m. Sunday, s. 'jA ITS er or ed, f striking with the heel,
spurring, a sort of spur, &c. for urging on a horse.
(^/.lyO^ eirvart, m. a man confined fur debt, er mdrnd, to spur. h.
who avails himself of the Christian sabbath for ap-
pearing abroad, s. ^'•\>} T?pKT erha, a large he^goat trained for
fighting; a kind of fireworks, h.
iS"'?. ^.(_s^. 1 a,eti-pa,eti, low down. d.
Sj>\ VUX^ergnj, ni. a medicinal plant used
elLoJ it, f. (same as Int), a brick, s. for the cure of ring-worms, s.
UJo3 citna, n. to be pulled, dragged, d.
(_^-;jl ^rt er'i, f. the heel, ert dehho (look
^Jo\ ^ith, i-everenccd, desired, &c.(v.is//to). .s, 'at
the your
of anlook
evil ateye.home,/;. a phrase used to obviate
^^.1 iti, f. a spear or lance ; the cat in boy's
"play. Itl-ddndu, the ball and crooked stick in the
game of chaugan. (/. stowed forGod.'
y^\ Izid, of God, ilivino,
the love tzidt, p. iJi:y thing be-
( «3 )
. miitli, (Dakh.) agreeing, imanimous. ek is fi-equentl5
{j-'j} ^^ Is, 1 God, LT*?
a lord, master, su- united with the following word in writing, as ekilin or
ekroz, one day. ihdnm, in one instant, ek dd, or ek-
i^J^} ^ zsh,j premte ; a name of Shiva, s. ddh, one half, some few. vk bar, once upon a time.
ek-bdrgl, ekd ek, or ekd ekl, all at once, suddenly, ek
(^«o| ^T^nr ayasu, ni. command, order, h. dast or ek kalam or ek-lakht, altogether, entirely, ut-
another. terly, ek iia
«. ck, either, one or other, ck digar, one
ij-*>.l Wftrw ayu.?, f. age, lifetime, s.
1-^3 $3!n aisa, like this, after this manner, (^3\i^' <.'<*! c^^r chadash, eleven, s.
sometimes joined to other words, as mard-n'isa, like a
man ; aisd tahd or aisa waisci, so so, indifFereut, in- j_^3 vJ ;?^iT^^ ehcidashi, f the eleventh day
dif er ntly. / . " of the lunar fortnight, s,

^jL-jI ^^'''T isan or tshan, a name of S/iioa. ^JJ^^^\ TT^TfytrfiT ehadhipaii, m. sole and
Jsa)i-I;on, the north-east. h. absolute monarch, aikddhipatija, m. absolute sove-
reignty, s.
U^J ^f?nn isiia, f. lordship, supremacy, s,
jolx>j 5?^^R e/ia/.'a/-, alike, uniform, s.
,^^\1^\ istadagi, f. erection, stability, p.
^ji,itt.^j v:^^\^^ ehdhsh, one-eyed, blind of one
^ilw)j Istadan (r. is^), to stand, to be erect ; eye ; m. a crow. 4-.
to stay. p. [raise up. p.
^_J9^\ ^^ToR^ ehdhl, solitary, alone, s.
»olJL*)3 istada, erected, set up. Istada-k., to
Ji^\ T^Wf^ ehdgra, intent, fixed on one ob-
ij—*^.i Isul, m. a winged white ant. d. ject, undisturbed, ekdgratd, f. close attention, s.

^^\ "^IHTf ayasii, m. order, command, h. Coo^.l TToBTiH ehdiif, aside, apart, alone, so-
litary, uninhabited, s.
jj_j*«j) Tj^* nison, this year. h.
y>^\ ehdnaw or ekdnauive (for ikana^ve),
i^^\'^^ aise, 1 adv. thus; m. this man- ninetj'-one. d.
ijn*^) ^H aisenj ner. h.
(jjoo.i didtvan (for ihdivaii), fifty-one, d.
l^.i f^^n isha,f. the beam or pole of a plough, .'?. CilfcooJ ^^if^cF aikdhik, quotidian. 5.
(jLioj ejj/m/i (pi. of o), they, those, p. t/ool TFWrf c]td,i, f. unanimity, unity; so-
litude, loneliness, s.
(jliLjJ ^^T«T ufian, m. a name of Skiva',
light, splendour, tshdn kon, m. north-east, s,
j_^, -fKj»,\ ^ojrnjofi'^ ehd-eld, all at once. s.
v----'->3 ^mr ei/ta^ adv, a little, somewhat, ,<t. ^^^:s-Iax^J ZFoR^T^ eh-hdchht, distribution of
any tax or cess levied upon all lands at an equal rate. h.
'uLL)i ff^nn zshita, f, 1 supremacy, one
S^xiol f^f^W hhitwa, 7n.) of the eight at- (-IL*S^^j5oJ ^oF>T3i ek-hhald , worshipping one
tributes otGod. s. deitj'. ch-bhakti, of one faith, believing in one deity, s,
jy^\ ^^T. hhnm?-, m. riiler,lord ; God ; a name ,_^j^3 ^«R'?l*rt ek-painl, f, a faithful wife,
o{ " one devoted to her husband, s.
otherof of
Kum-dev, ofDnrgd,
the Suklis Lakshm'i,
or female Saraswati,OT
energies of the
deities. Islnvar-ddhlti, subject to God. ishwarddhhiatd, (^jiia^3
subjection to God. tsliwar-drddhnd, f. worship of firm ally. ^'Jf'''^
s. ek-2iahsha, m. an associate, a
God. ishwar-bhdo, m. the diviuQ^nature. s.
C^\ ^^^ a-yaht or a-yuhta, unfit, im-
\^jyLi} ^"di.'rn i^hivcu-ata, f. divine nature ; proper ;m. violence, oppression, s.
divinity, the godliead. s.
lixjl ^j^wTT ehid, f, unity, union, equality, s.
sJ.^LjJ ^J^tq aishwanja, m, grandeur, pomp,
state, supreniac}', sway; the divine faculties of omni- J^Jk^J IJoFiTTS ek-tdl, m. harmony, unison,
presence, omnipotence, invisibility, &c, s. adjustment of song, dance and music, s.
Uo^J aizan, even, also; again; the same;
likewise, moreover, a. (j«\3li5oi ektdlts (for ikidlis), forty-one, d.
\SL>\ ifd, m. performing a promise, paying, ^ljkx^\ ^sFrTfTT ek-tdn, closely attentive, in-
satisfying, ifd-k., to make good. a. tent on one object; m. musical unison, s.
<^^^} ek, one; frequently used like the article JijJ\ TlW^ekatr or chatra, together, in one
a or an. with us, as ek mard, a man, &c. ; it is also
used in forming compound adjectives in imitation of place, s.
tlie Persian, as ek-dil or ek-chit, of one mind, deter- \Ji!io\ ^'Sfrsn ekatrd, 1 ra, a sura total; in-
mined, resolute, ek-zr.hdn, of one speech, or of the
same mind or sentiments, ek-se din na rahne, is ap- ijjSo\ ^olpgr ekatra, J terest of one percent
plied to a change of condition, most commonly from per month ; adv. together, in one place, s.
good to evil, but sometimes the reverse, ek kl das
siindn'i, j»».^JiS^i\ TJoBTTOW^ ekatrd-j/vdr, m. a tertinn
replies to in reply
many ten (words)
words, for one in
especially (spoken
giving ofabuse),
one who
ek ague or fever, s.
( 1 ) ^..\

l^lioj T?ohVji el.iitha or ehtha, \ togetlicr, j-4 •• ck^'a'tai' (for ikhaltar), seventy-one. d.
l^jkJoJ TJ^TT. ^^?T ehtlia orehattJid,} collected ^ U4>j| ehhatta (for ehatha), collected, in one
01. a small boat, rowed bj one oar. ekthd-k., a. to place, &c, d.
gather, to collect, s.
l/i^.' ^^T^TT ehahra, single, solitary, alone, s.
t-iliSoJ TJch2<* ili-tah, m. a fixed look, stare, s.
i_^\r^} dicain (for ihasi), eighty-one. d.
CLass^' ^ohMrf eh-chkt, intent on, absorbed
in one thing; of one mind, agreeing, s. i/y y.'^.' ck'Cinawe (for iAa«a«"e),ninety-one.rf,
)jioJ 7r=IiT^ ekada, once, once iij)on a time. s. (^j-JvSj*) clnx (for ik'i.<), tvventy-one. d.
(_^.i^5oj ^op^ ek-drish, one-eyed. 5. *— ^i^.' f^sii ehaik, singly, (me by one. ,«.

,^5Cjj ^:> Ci)o3 Tl'^^'M^^ ek-diihh-snh.h, sym-

pathizing, sharing joy and sorrow, s.
>-i>o.i eJic'a
tary. (1. (for aheld or ilield), alone, soli-

^i»lio\ ;^orof^ eA-?"a">/<i, f. a heap, a crowd, s. es-^l ^^ aihya, m. oneness, sameness ; an

aggregate, a total, s.
«_j>.^3 TT^'^^ eJi-nip, like, sinoilar. s. ^^^>^} ^JTTTJ nigun,x\\. unskilfuhiess, stupidity. .<t.
I-JO.I ^^frm elisFi, 1
(J^J ijiy il, ujji/nl and ayijnl, a deer, hart,
j^-»Jo3 ^^Wlt. cksar, > similar, identical, h. wild goat of the mountains, a.
^\^^\ wsawr^ ehm7i,j ^J.>,| t'/, f. a d.gold or silver bracelet woiii by
males only.
^jZX:>\ WW^TfJS ck-sharan, one only refuj^c,
applied to a deity. *•. ^\1 Vj^ eld, f. small cardamums, the seeds of
Electeria cardamomum or Alpinia cardamomum. s.
JSvUoJ 5?<*5lO^ ek-sharh', of one body or
blood, s. [eye. yj} lid (lit.) swearing; in law, a vow to
abstain from having carnal knowledge of a wife for
j^-i.x^3 I^VJJiy ihshany m. sight, seeing; the four months, the fulfilment of which is equivalent to
a divorce, a.
t^J^ftioj eh-fardi, 1 land producing only one
\jaJiSo\ ek-fasU, J crop annually, p. j^\ aildr or j'^3 dUdr, on this side. d.
ijr^'' elilu, m. an ambassador, agent, at-
tiiSol "torney, envoy, elch'i-panii, m. or elrln >iail, f. office
. / r^oiToif e/^aft,"]
, ,
r alone, solitary, s. or dignity of ambassador, ambassadorship, agency.
Jio\ ^sa^ died J elchl-garl-k , a. to act the ambassador, ice. ; to act for
another. /.
{^oSo\ ^^ofiT^ ch-}ial, ni. one or the saiiie
time. ek-kdUn, coeval, simultaneous, contemporary, s. .libi ilr/Jidr or el aha?' (for ihjlidr q.v.), the
forced march of an army through a country, t.
^r^s>-OvjiJo3 ^ojfJH^ eJi-rjaclih'i, f. a canoe
hollowed out of one single trunk of a tree. s. ,Jjkab3a'///M?7,m. abusive language, olscenity./f.
^\ elavi or Vam, m. an auction or public sale.
^^jl*kSC^3 lJciiJil*<lUJ
town or village. *. eh-(jiam~in, [preceptor,
of ihp snmes. elam-dalnd, to sell by auction, d.

j.ii-ibj ^oRTT^ ek-fjuru, a pupil of the same \^\ ^^T^T ehvd,, ra. aloes, h.

\3^1Sol F^^tneA-^fl?/^a, only-begotten (son). v. LbJ 'dyd, Eiias or Eli ; Jerusalem, a.

aJ^3,_^.^ eli-eldlldh (for Id ildha illd-alluk),
^jjyG^ <JoFf=fI elwtra, a sura total, h. there is but one God. d.
^j.yol Voir^^ ek varvn, of one caste, of one
colour; m. an unknown quantity (in algebra), s. .\^jkb\ aileivdr or ailctvar, on this side. d.

jJ,j»5oj TTeSTcfiriT f. e/i-varni, beating time by \^\ Imd, m. sign, nod, wink (indicating de-
parture) emblem,
; sjinptom. a.
" flapping
a Castanet, the s.hands, an instrument which beats time,
^'..^3 inidn, w. faith, belief, conscience, reli-
ijl>»5o3 ^opfr^T ekaviiisha, the twenty-first. 5. gion, imdii-ddr, faithful, true. Imdn-ddrl, f. fidelity,
truth, imdii-ldnd, to believe, imdn-k., to be on oath. a.
\J^.jLiS.>\ T^ohlf^^lfri ekavimhati,ivieniY-one.s. " faith, a.
(jlv?.^ imdn'i, faithful, of the (Musahnaii)
.4S0J ^^ Vih, f. sugar cane (sarne as uhh).
According to the author of the Araishi Mahfil, the
J.»jJ ^JT^ aiml'i, name of a tribe or caste, h.
ukh in is
thatpronounced 'ikh in the &c.
of Oude, Lakhnau, province
s. of Dihii,, and
^^\ Tm^ eman, m. a musical mode. s.
s^\ ai-hi, alas that, pity that. ;;.
^\ aiman, more or most happy, fortunate, o.
-.\j^\ ^^Xri'lf ihh-raj, the day on which the
planting of the sugar-cane commences, generally i^^\ emin(for aram),secure,safe,void of care. p.
attended with festive ceremonies, h.
i^\ avnarii or eminiff.securhy , protection, a.
85 ) u->

i^\ airna (for a,immo, pi. of J^], Imams,

tj^'j (^' a/-wa,i, 1 interj. alas I alas! woe is
Saints), m. land given as a reward or* favour by the
king, at a very low rent, a fief (when no rent is paid, »|jj^i ai-fvdh, J me ! p.
it is called ld-]chaiaj) ; a grant of land, SiC., to the
people who attend at the tomb of a saint, aima-dur, S-'y.' «'y«^^ m. the patriarch Job. a.
one who holds aima land, a feoffee, aima maiiza', a J^j^.' ^5%^ ayurbal,^f. age, lifetime, du-
village given as a charitable endowment to learned or
religious persons, a.
(^J In (Pers.), this, these, ain (Arab.), <^\)^} "^n^T ayurda, J ration of life. s.
where ? in (Dakh.), shewing, or exhibiting the teeth. jy>} ^Tf emar, m. a flock of goats, h.
i^y>\ ^^ft'TT a-yogya, unfit, improper, s.
cLa^3 t*3 hit, f. a brick, int-gari, brickwork.
Int-wdla, a brickmaker* s.
IJkASyj ^^ftTTlin a-yogyata, f. want of fitness.*.
^-JU^.i J^ ainta, m. a snail, h.
^^1 Vl^^m evam, thus, so, even so. s.
blJuoj ^Tnn Intaya, ra. a kind of dove. h.
d>>\ ^TT ai/a, m. receipt, gain, profit, h.
{jjoXkA ^T«FT^ int-har'i, f. brickwork, h. eoj oj/a (v. ayat), a verse of the kur,an. a.
j^ibj aintan, m. the strings or bands of a
spinning wheel, d, r^\ %^ ill, (for y//i), this, he, she, it. h.
UaJo3 ^^7^withaihtna,
be racked spasms; n. to twist,
to walk or moveto stiffly,
writhe, h. to ^J^^\ ^^ ihan (for ynhah), here, in this
place, /i. [sent world ; worldly, mundane, s.
^j^i^ ainttn, f. pride, peevishness, d. uLi^.>J ^'f^oF aihik, of this place; of this pre-
^jo^ aintu, proud, peevish ; stately, aintu- Ijuol 'SlT'^trTT ayita, prepared, ready. .?.
pana, stateliness. d,
,^^\ ITJ ainth, f. a coil, twist, convolution, ^^\ a,in, m. regulation, law, rules (common
tightening ; strut. Inth (Dakh.) for Int, q. v. law ; the laws delivered by Muhammad are called xhar',
those established by princes d,hi); institute, custom,
manner, p. [ferior. d,
lil^ijoj aintha.7ia, a. to twist, &c. (in a tran-
sitive sense), h.
'jjkjob ^^j^ 1 a,inti-pa,inti, low, under, in-
l^^^ijoj ?J7«7T«/'«//'«a,a.to
to cramp, to twist ; to strut, to tifrhten;
stalk, to walkn. aflectedly./i.
to writhe,
^^^li^jol a,in-dan, m. one skilled in the law;
but it generally signifies a man who practises on the
Aji ^^ niricli (also inch and ainchii), m. re- simplicity of people by his knowledge of law, hence,
^ serve, security, attraction. «7«c/(-/f//a/«rA,quarrelling.A. a pettifogger, a rogue, p.

l.i^-1 "jT^^Tto aivclma waj] a,ina, m. a mirror, lookin<:j-<rlass ; the

to attract, pull. /(. (or mclina) , a. to draw, kneepan. d,ina,e isJcandari, a celebrated mirror said to
have been made by Aristotle, and placed on the sum-
(.iUU- mit of a tower built by Alexander the Great at hia
gler, a .l^j^\ TJ'^flir^oF
magician; aindra-jalih,
adj. of or relating to magic, m.illusory.^.
a j'lifj-
newly-built city of Alexandria, p.
mouse, ^t;
h. indur, ra. (also indu?'), a rat ; a j^iivvJuol a,i>m-(lar, m. the mirror-holder, an
officer at eastern courts ; met. a mendicant, djnaddri,
i^x>\ ayanda, in future, futurity, p. f. the office of holding the mirror, p.

SjJjjSiiJjj ayanda-ravanda (pi. ayanda-ra- jj^tiiUJO ! a,ina-ddn, m. the case ofa mirror. ]).
wandagdn), one who is passing to and fro. p.
jU*>&ajj1 a,ma-i>a^,
sdzi, the trade m. a mirror-maker,
of mirror-making, p. d'lna-
^^jJoj ^ymmdhan, ra. firewood, s. [about. /;.
13jJj3 ^?!T»1T nindna, n. to strut, to stalk J«J&JkJoI a,ma-faroz, or djinn-afroz, or a.,ina-
zidd,e, m. an instrument for polishing mirrors, p.
whichf'T^ lndhu,a,
a burden m. on
is carried a roll or round
the head ; a padfold
on (Jv^iijol d,ina-mahall, m. an apartment of
the top of the head for supporting a water-jar. h. which the walls are covered with mirrors (in eastern
uiJjo3 ^nah, lo! behold! there for you. p. palaces), p. a.

Xh\ f^nr. ingur, m. red lead, minium, p.

yoj inu or ino, this, these, d. (-.^ he, the second letter of the Arabic alpha-
bet. It is sounded like our b, and in numeration by
yi\ "^ eva, even so, verily, indeed, s. ahjad it counts two. It is often prefixed to Persian
O ! ^am ai/ti, also ayu, f. age, lifetime, s. and Arabic words with the sense of by, to, for, ice. In
Arabic phrases it is always united to the noun it go-
i}^\ ^K: aiivara, m. a cow-shed (in a verns, and sounded bi. In Persian it is sounded ba,
jungle), h. and may be united to its noun, or it may be written
separately with the weak or imperceptible h. a. p.
^j^yj ahvan, m. a hall, a gallery, a portico,
applied generally to a royal palace, p. u^ "^ ba, is the corresponding Devanagari
letter, and in words from the Sanskrit it is frequentlv
UifriioJ ^^ftan ayodliya, f. the name of the substituted for v, as bardha for vardha. It stands for
coiiTitry and city of which Rfima was sovereign ; the baruiia, the god of water : it may also denote the aun,
^jreseut Iciugdom of OuJe. s the ocean, or water in general, h. s.

( 86 )

J "Wf ba (for '^T va), coiij. or, either, s. Ob ^TtT bat,f. speech, language, vrord ; ac-
count, subject, question, cause, bat bdndhnd, a. to so-
-> bn, with, by, possessed of (in opposition to phisticate, toprevaricate, bdt barlidud, a. to prolong a
he, without, deprived of) ; frequently used as first contest, but bigdnd, a. to mar a plot, to spoil, bat
member in composition, as in bd-dhru, honourably, handtid, a. to make up a story, to make excuses, bdt
respectably. bd-ittiJdJc, with unity, harmoniously. pdnd, a. to accomplish one's wishes, to effect one's pur-
bd-(isar, effectively, hd-ikhlds, sincere, bd-adah, in pose, bdt phernd, a. to equivocate, bdt pJienJntd, a. to
accordance with good manners, bd-dn-ki, notwith- jeer, to mock, to speak at (but not to), bdt tdlnd, a. to
standing that, bd-imdn, faithful, religious, bd-tadblr, put off, to excuse one's self, bdt chaldnd, a. to con-
prudent, with deliberation, bd-tamiz, discreet, judi- verse, to start a subject, but chit, f. conversation, chit-
cious, bd-khabar, intelligent, bd-hayd, modest, bd- chat, bdt-dhardnd, a. to persist in making excuses, toput
shu'fir, wise, intelligent,
bd muruwat, humane, bdbd-kd'ida, accordingdelicious.
maza, tasteful, to rule. off, to evade, bdt ddlnd, a. to throw away one's words,
to ask in vain, bdt rakhnd, a. to assist, to agree, to com-
bd wasf or bd wujud, notwithstanding, bd waz', re- ply, bdt rahnd, n. to make good one's words, to be ful
spectful y, bdtvafd, sincere, faithful, p. filled or accomplished (declarations), to succeed, to
overcome, to get the better in arguments, to be ac
L-.'b bab, m. a chapter, section, or any divi- cepted, to preserve perfect, bdt kd batakkar-k.; to mul
sion of a book ; a door; subject, head, affair, business, tiply words, talk much on little, bdt kdtnd, a. to inter
point, matter, reason, manner, mode, species, method, rupt. bdt kd jdn,\ns\\OT\.. bdt kdn ko lend, a. to accept,
sort ; bdbu-t-taubat, the door of repentance. In reve- agree to. bdt kursl-nisliln-h., to be approved of (an
nue language ahead of accounts, a tax, a cess (vide affair or proposal ).bdt ko plna, a. to have patience, hdt-k.,
the pi. abivdb). bdb-wdr and bdb-i/dft, classified, items a. to converse, to talk,
entered (as fields, &c.) under their proper heads. orders, commands not toexpected
speak, bdt
to bek'l obeyed,
bdt, unmeaning
bdt ki
bdb-wdri, f. classification, a. bdt men, in an instant, bdt garhnd, n. to speak to the
purpose, to (speak so that one's words) have effect or
j\j '^TW{ babn, m. father, sir ; in Bengal it is make impression, bat ghat-k., to determine, settle.
a very common term for boy, girl, child, or any young bdt lagdiid, to calumniate, bdt mdrnd, to turn off, to
person, bdbd-jdn, dear father, or dear child, h. evade, to divert (a discourse, &c.). bdt man men basnd,
n. to recollect, remember, bdt men kiichh-k., to perform
d*^b babat, f. account, liead, article, item ; a business in a v.ord, i. e. in a short time, to lose no
business, affair, matter ; on account of. This term, time in doing an}' thing, bdt men girdnd, a. to floor (the
with its compounds, is much employed in revenue ac opponent) in argument, bdtensundiid, a. to abase, to
counts ; as, bdbat-ivdr, according to entry, bdbtit-wdrl, speak harshly, bdlen sunnd, a. to receive abuse or harsh
f. an}' thing which is registered or entered in a general reproof, s. [tism. *■
statement of accounts. bdbat-yaft, the particular
items of any charge, bdbalt, any cess or item of re C->b ^TW hat,m. pain in the joints, rheunia-
venue : the Persian pi. bdbatdn is also used in the
sense of " sundries," miscellaneous items, a. ^b>-^^,bb batan khani, talkative, d.
j>\j 'Wl'SfX babar, ni. a kind of sweetmeat; a ^^.ijb ba-itttfdk or bi-ittifak, with one con-
species of grass (v. beb), h. sent, harmoniously, a. [Etawah. h,
(_c>-yA.> ^W^ bnbarchi (for barvarchi), m. (_^b Trfff''^ bat in, iinme of a tract of land in
"a cook. bUbarrln-khdna, a cook's shop or kitchen,
vulgarly called bobberchy-cnnner by the non-reading ^>yb ^■ff^'t hdluin, "1 conversable, enter-
Europeans, male and female, p.
Ui^b ^Trff«TTlT batuniya,) taining, talkative,
chatty ; a talkative, entertaining, conversable person, h.
long and ^'Rfc^T
uncut, d.habanyahf a head of hair,
^b wnrt had, f. a candle, a wick ; a tent or
J;'^ biibiil, Bahe,l or the city of Bahvlon. a. "bougie put into a wound to keep it open, .s.
^\i ^^^\w^ babni, f. a snake's hole. h. (-L>b ^T7 bat, f. a road, highway, hat sciru,
^A^ "^JtJ among
bahu, in. a child; a prince; a traveller, a wa3'farer; ma weight, or measure of
a title Hindus equivalent to our master,
Mr. or weight, whether of stone or iin^tal. bdt-chhdp, the stamp
Squire, and it is now as common as the latter terms on weights and measures to guarantee their being ge
are among us. h. [Ion, Babel, a. nuine. bdt-chhdpi, fee for stamping weights, k.c. «.
Jyb habul (siimeas babul), the city of Baby- bb ^TTT batd, m. a share, portion, d.
^j»jb ^FtY baboh, for the sake of. d. Kjb ■^ifToJiT bdtika, m. a villa, s.
»— >^-J'— ^ babuna, m. camomile; wild ivy bob '^TZ^ batvd (also hathna), a. to share,
[Richards), p.
to portion out or divide ; to spin, to twist, d,
t^b ^T^ bop, m. father. bap-h.,i\. to consider
as a fatb.er. hdp-re or bdp-merd (my father !), interj. ^'b "^Z^ bdtl, f. a habitation, dwelling-house,
an exclania'ion expressive of surprise, grief, &c. h. "home; a garden-house, s. [other, h.

U^J^>b WTtffTT^irr
word hr.s hnjd'.ona,
been recently m, hnptism
introduced (this
into the Indian (_s*^'4^L_s*^ ^T2^'^ ba.te-[//idte, somewhere or
dialects by the Christian Missionaries, g. 3\ b ha-arar, with effect, effective, p. a.
,jb •^■\^baprau,\ j • , _b ^TsT hdj, without, in the absence of. d.
Y\ _ f helpless, poor, destitute. /i.
y-j>\> Wi^Tl bapra,) -.b bdj, m. a tax, duty, toll, import, &c.; tri-
^b "WTTCB baph, f. steam, vapour, s- bute, originally, that taken by one king from another.
bdj-ddr or bdj-glr, a tax-gatherer, or collector of tri-
^.)b ^T^ bapi, f. a large oblong pond or bute or revenue, bdj-guzdr, one who pays taxes,
"pool, commonly called a tank. s. duties, &c. p.
( 87 )

Wb ^tTT baja, m. a musical instrument; So bdd (for bun-dd,ibbprecative form of budan,

music. l)(ija-hajaiHar, or -hajattar, a band of music, i. to be ;)tual,may it be, or
(also bddd). p. may it continue or be perpe-

clangor of^Tin^Wr I (i/d-gajd,
various musical in. tin?s. sound or
instruments, tib "qi^ bdd or vdd, m. accusation ; assertion,
asseveration, affirmation ; a claim or plea ; rheuma-
l.».b ^T»RT hajrd, m. a kind of grain so called; tism, hdd-k., a. to argue. «.
Indian corn (Holctts spicaiiis). h.
jbb ^R bdddr, a large house, granary
i^js-^:) WIW^ bajrl, f. same as haji'd only of raised on piles, h.
"a smaller kind. h. [instruments. «.
^\(ib bdddm, m. an almond, also an Indian
— l^— b ^TSinTiT bdj-gaj,m. sound of musical fruit
laj's. resembling
p. the almond, the catapang of the Ma-
jiX»-b haj-glr, one who receives or collects
taxes, &c. p. s^\^\j bdddma, the aurelia or silkworm in its
nymphean state ; a kind of silk; a dress made of rags
(^»-b ^TiPT hajan,m. pl.musical instruments, h. sewn together, worn by Jakirs. p.
Ix^b ^T»T^ hajna, n. to sound (as a musical
instrument) ; to be published ; a. to play, strike up or ^liib baddm'i, almond-coloured ; almond-
perform on an instrument, h. " shaped; a kind of eunuch; a kind of dish of which
almonds form a main ingredient, p.
U-b^^b ^Trnr^Tin bdjan-baja, m. pi. musi-
cal instruments. /;. ibobb ^I^IH'^'T^ bdddnubdd, m. altercation,
dispute, &c. i. [tic)- P- a.
cjfPuc>-b ^iI^T;t bdjantari, f. a tax formerly
exacted from musicians and dancing-girls, h. JJb^b bdd-bdhi, f. subtraction (in arithme-
y»-\j ^TiT bciju, m. a kind of ornament for the
arm. h. ^!^bib bdd-bdn, m. a sail ; a vessel in which a
lamp is placed for protection from the wind. p.
&>-b &q;fl, m. (v. &a;a), a musical instrument.s. bib bdd-pd, having feet like the wind, fleet,
swift (horse), p.
jc^b ^sfl' bdjl, m. a horse, s.
l^k-b ^Wl bdchd or vdchd, f speech, affirma- i0.li-4ib bdd-khaya, m. the rupture, p.
tion, agreement, promise or pledge, s.
,y.-:>b bdd-M.or, m. a disease in horses, from
■which the hair falls off. p. [pitis). p.
ciU-b ^^oiT bdchak or vdchak, speaker ; (in
grammar) an explanatory particle. *.
l^5b bdd-hhord, a scald head {Tinea ca-
,^b '^T'Sf bdchh, f. selection ; the corner of
the lip; adj. useless; in revenue language, it denotes jib ^T bddar, a cloud, (v. bddal). h.
the proportionate rate or division either of lands or lia- .lib -^T^bddur, m. a flying fox ; a bat
bilities attached to them, bdchh-bardr, an adjustment
of liabilities, &,c. s. [animal), s.
an orange, a kind of
l^b ^Ti[T bdchhd, a calf (or young of any j^jib bddranj, -
i^jib bddrang, f citron, a species of
,J..^b '^TS^ bdchhal, a tribe of rdj-puts
about 'Al'igarh, &c. h [lect. /(. bdd-
balm. ranjp.buya
^^'>j:)\ ibddranf
or bddrang boija,large
fin,\ Arabian balm, r,
cucumbe mountain
b^^b '^'S^^T bacJihnd, a. to choose, to se-
ovj^b ^T"^ bdchya or vdchya, ni. a sentence a-io.iib bdd-resha, m. a whirl, a circular piece
(in grammar); adj. speakable, fit to speak, s. of wood at the end of a spindle ; the round piece of
wood at the upper end of a tent-pole, p.
'i»-b hdhJici, m. (for &>-b q. v.) a tortoise, p.
&J> .lib bddrhja, m. a ventilator suspended to
f^y> hd-Jiliabar, careful, intelligent, j). roof of a house, to increase the circulation of air,
the drive
and away flies, p.
(^jc»-b bd\htan (r. bdz) to play, to sport -svilh;
to endanger, p. sUiib bddshdh, m. a king, a sovereign : this
a.jtf>-b hdJihta, played, lost (by play), p. is an Arab corruption of the Persian word pddi-
shdh.q.v. p. [of a king. p.
&>-b bdliha, m. a tortoise or turtle, p. ibli-b^ib bddshdhdna, kingly, in the manner
ib J'7/.', f. wind. bdcl-se bdt-k., to go very ment, p. bddshdhat, f. a kingdom, govern-
quickl^v, to be very swift, hudi tund, f. a stormy wind. cI^U»ib
bad-paima or hdd-raftdr, swift as the wind (general!}'
applied to a horse), bddi samuni, f. a hot pestilential
wind, bdd-sanj, idly speculative, vain ; one who builds son, a
castles in the air. biidi shurin, f. a fair wind, a favour- prince, jb
5i|:8U» bddshdh-zd a princess, a p.king's
dt, -zdda,
able wind, bddi farwig, St. Anthony's fire (the pox '.).
bdd-farosh, a musician or minstrel, literally a seller of J&U.ib bddshdhl, f. royalty, sovereignty;
winil. bddi mnliMlif, i. a contrary wind, bddi sabd,i. the
morning breeze, a zephvr. bddi murdd, f. a fair wind ; "adj. royal, belonging to a king, bddshdhl sanad, a
in revenue language it denotes a remission on account royal tenure, or grant of laud rent-free, p
of deficient produce, p. «^ib bddshah (same as badshdh),&V\\\g,kc.p.
( 88 )
/jtijb bad-hash, m. a fan, a ventilator; a Jj WIT. bar, 1 m. perquisite of the ahlr or
punkah; bellows, p.
I Vo ^n har-a,) cow-her 1 in milk, generally
i5^:>b lad-gird, a whirlwind, p. the milk of every eighth day. h.

Jiib TI^ irtf/«/, in. a cloud, h. \X> bard, m. wind, air, atmosphere, d.
1 badla,^^
^ib ^it^^T tar//a,^ m. gold or silver thread, ^5,ii]jb Tm^ bdrddari (v. bdrah), f. a
summer-house, h.
aJiib ^^: j: hacUa,)
bddla,} brocade, &c. h.
\xju*»ljb '^^ifHTT bdrdsingd, m. a stag (^Cer-
^^b ^T^^ badali, silver cloth ; cloudiness. A. vus elaphus). h.

A>b badam (for baddm), an almond ; spi-

tion of the"^TJW^
consonantsbdrdhhart, f. the combina-
(in the Devanagari) with the
ceries. p. [snake's bite. p.
vowel symbols, h.
S^iib bdd-muhra, m. an antidote for a
(j^b bdrdn, m. rain, the rainy season, p.
^liitjb bddinjdn, the egg plant. 7?.
l»Jiib bdd-numa, va. a weathercock, p. jjljb bdrdiii, f. a great coat, or cloak for
keeping off the rain ; unirrigated land, i.e. land de-
»iib iaf?a, m. wine, spirits, bdda-parasf, ad- pending on the natural rains of the season, p.
dicted to wne. hada-kash, wine-drawer, hdda-nosh, sl.b cTTUl Idrdh, m. a hoar, a hog; the
or hada-gusar, a wine-bibber, p. third incarnation of Vishnu, s.
^lib ^tl ^^afZA, a lesser division of an estate;
a plain, a desert. ^. (cJ&ljb ^TTT^ ia/'o/a, f. land ; adj. relati:ig
to bardh, the third incarnation, h. s.
^lib ^V bddh, m. prohibition, hindrance;
a chord, a string, s jbjb bdr-bdr, repeatedly, often (also bd7-a?n-
bar), bdr-barl-k., to procrastinate, delay, p.
Ifc^jb ^T>n Iddhd, f. pain, anguish, s.
C^i:ib ^TftUT balfiit, obstructed, impeded, ^ bOjb ^<'f<JI^ bdr-batd,i, f. division of
pained, tormented. «. j the crops by sheaves or shocks, before the corn u
' trodden out. h.
Ciljs^b ^T^ZSfibddkak, one who internipts,&c.s.
j>j\> bdrbar, burden-bearing (ox or ass), p.
^lib ^[Viflbddhan, m. pain, act of obstruct-
ing or opposing, s. ^^J>\>
bearer, bdr-barddr,
p. m. a porter, a burden-
^j l»5'^b bdd-ha)cd,i, f. fruitlessness, useless-
ness ; waste, p. ^.l^j .b bdr-barddrl, f. expenses of travel-
ling, coolie-hire, carriage-hire, means of conveyance, p.
e.jj^iSj'W^bddhya, what ought to bestopped.s.
^_5iib bodi, flatulent, troubled with wind. p. _jb Trfc»I bdrij {i'or vdrija), m. the lotus.
bdrija nayan, having eyes like the flower of the lotua. s.
;_/jb ^T^ badi (for vddl), an accuser, a iOU-.b bdrjdt, an oppressive custom, forcing
plaintiff, an enemy, badi chor, an inveterate thief. *. the natives to buy goods above the market price, p.
(_^:)b bddl, beginner, an author, a. ^U-.b bdrjd,e, a custom of forcing people
j^biib bddiydn (also bddiyanu), sweet fennel; to buy goods at an exorbitant price ; likewise, a free
anise seed. «. grant of a spot of ground made by the zamindars and
landholders to any of their relatives, the rents of
aopb bddli/a, m. a bowl, cup, glass (but ge- which, to prevent a loss to the donor, are assessed
nerall\- made of brass or bell-metal), p. upon the rest of his possessions, p.
joib bdiVyn, m. a desert, a wilderness, a. (,_->'j>..b bar (hap, a kind of cloth, d.
iyo\s-X> bdri-khdss, m. private hall of au-
»(i)b '^TZ bddh, f. stubble, h. dience, p. [mind. p. a.
Ujfc<ib ^IdHl bddhnd, a. to cut, to shear, h.
iaU-jb bdri khdtir, load or distress of
^ib ia^/i?t, the juice of grapes, slightly ajli- -b hdr-kkdna, m. a warehouse, p.
boiled, a.

jb bar, m. load ; time, once ; a court, a tri- \Ss^X> bdri-'khidd. Great God. ;;.
bunal, sitting of a sovL-reign to give audience ; repeti-
tion; fruit; leave, permission, admission; pregnancy. iijb ^rrft:^ Idrld m. (for varid), a cloud, s.
bdr-dftr, loaded, full of fruit ; pregnant, bar-deaa, to
load ; to give charge ; to impose, to give trouble, to ajo bdrid, cold, frigid ; established, a.
encumber ; to give admission, to give leave. ka,i bar
karke, after several times or turns, p. jjb bdriz, a term in arithmetic, the sum total
or gross amount, p.
jb ^TT bar, f. time, occasion, delay ; verge,
edge; a girl not exceeding sixteen; m. day of the (_)i.b Idriith, f. rain ; a shower of rain. p.
week; door; water; child; hair; prohibition, ob-
stacle, bar lagdna, to delay, to hesitate, s. Jji,b iar-/-'am,m. public hallofaudience.j[;.a.
J ( 89 ;

l_fjb bdri, tour, turn, bdrt-ddr, an attendant

varid). ^ft:«F
h. hdr/li, ni. rain (for v'drih or who waits in turn with others, hdrl kl tap, an inter-
mittent fever, p.
»^\<^jO barak-aUah (God prosper you), a
phrase expressive of admiratiou. a. «— ^bjb />ar-/yai, admitted at court or into com-
pany ;one who has the entree, p.
(J^'^j^^ har-ha^h, lit. " burdeu-beariiifi;," ap-
plied to elephants, carts, porters, &c. p. ijf^.j^ bdrydln, f, admittance at court or into
company ; having the entree, p.
1-^'ij^ lace,
hargah or &S.b har-gali-i-Mias,
place of audieiKC. hargah, f. a private
^Si\> bdridan, to rain, to shower, p.
privy-council chamber. b(irgdh-i.-'am, public court,
where every bod^' is admitted, p.
CfJ-^.b bdr'ih, fine, slender, minute, subtile.
i^j^ bdrafjt or bdrf/i (used in comp.), time, hdrlk-hhi, intelligent, penetrating, quick of apprehen-
"or turn. sion. hdiJ/c-miydii. slender-waisted. p.
fJ^iib harfjir, m. a liorseniari (soldier) •who iJ^.j->. bdriki, f sublilty ; miuuteneijs. p.
does not find his own horse ; a beast of burthen, p.
jb "^TTl hdr, f. edge; name of a place near
(jjb "WT^ bui-an
prohibiting, (i'ov; an
preventing raron),
elephant. ni. «.forbidding, Mungir; a fence, a hedge ; a line ('of soldiers) ; a mar-
gin, bdr-pnkrdnd, to urge on, to instruct, bar jhdriid
and bar iirdnd, a. to fire a volley, bdr-bandliiid, a. to
\j.b "^R^T banm, n. to leave off, to sepa- inclose a field with thorns, bur-raklind, -cli'inid, or
rate, to quit ; a. to forbid, to prohibit, s. -chirwdnd. a. to sharpen bdr-dend, or -dilivdnu, a. to
sharpen, to grind, excite, to instigate, h.
I3jb ^T'JTT barna, a. to light, to kindle, h.
yfo ^V^ hdrd,m. an inclosure ; alms, charity. /(.
J^Jo '^TtWTT hdrambar (for bdr-bdr), often,
repeatedly, h.
jjb m^ bdrav, ^ m. submarine
&jj,l) "^tm bdrnmba, m. ftuit of mangoes,
revenue derived from mango groves, h. J.31jjb ^Tf^^^ bdravdnalj fire. s.

>ti0.b bdrandagty f. rain, raining, p. •fcj'b ^T^crease, h. bdrh, f. a flood; promotion, in-
SjJ.b barandfi, that which rains or showers.^.
(3 lb sTT^^ bdriaii, f. spirituous liquors, s. Uj6j'b ^^^ bdrhnd, "In. (o increase, go on,
^jLfej'b ^T^^ hdrhnau,} advance, rise, swell;
jXichild,^^ s, bm'u, f. sand (vide bdlu) ; in. a to be promoted, to amount, lengthen. A,

!6j-b ^^'^ hdr/li, f. usurious profit or inte-

ijb ftarw (for 6a7'M^),f. gunpowder, saltpetre.^;. "rest taken on grain; interest in kind paid upon seed
^Ij lb bdrn'd/i (for bdrahwdii), the twelfth, h. grain. /(.
(_o'b ^T?t bdrl, a kitchen-garden; a house
C-'jjb bdrut,' f. saltpetre ; gunpowder, p. with the garden, orchard, &c., attached to it ; also
«5jjb bdrud, cotton (see bdri). s. [knives. Sic), h.

S.b oTTTl? bdrah, land next to or surrounding bj=b ^TfTm bdriyd, m. a whetter (of swords,
a village, h.
jb bdz, m. a female falcon, a hawk, bdz-ddr,
8.b '^TT^ bdrah, twelve, bdrah-darl, f. a m. a falconer, bdz-ddrl, f. the charge of hawks, keep-
summerhouse (q.d. with twelve doors), bdrah bat hona, ing falcons, a.
n. to become a vagabond, to be ruined or harassed, h.
»jb bdra, for the sake of, in behalf of, as in jb bdz, adv. again, once more, bdz-dnd, n. to
decline, to leave off; to refuse, to reject, to desist.
the phrase dar bara,e man, in my behalf; (in conip.) bdz raklnid, a. to hold back, to prevent, to forbid, bdz-
turn, time ; as, du-bdra, twice, over again, p. rahnd, n. to decline, to reject, to leave off; to refuse;
b&jb bdr-fid, often, repeatedly, p. (in comp.) it denotes a player ; as, sliairanj-bdz, a
chess-player; huK-}:a-bdz, a. jugg\er. p.
bCi***8jb ^TT^f^TT bdrah-singd, m. lit. 'a jUb bdzdr, m. a market : according to Glad-
twelve-tiner ;" a stag with horns of twelve branches win it denotes a constant and establisied market, in
i^Cervus elaphus). h.
contradistinction to hut, an occasional cue. p.
[^X> bare, once, one time ; it is used by some
authors in the sense of at last, at length, lastly, p. jCjUb bdzdri, belonging to a market ; market
people, common people, bdzdri bdt, krw or vulgar
jCjb bdri, m. a name of the Deity, the language ; patois ; Billingsgate, p.
Creator, bdrl ta'dld, the most high God. a.
(jTjb ^TCf bdri, f. a garden, an orchard, a house ; (jjjjjb bdz-pura, "I ni. reiterated inquiry J
a window ; an ornament worn in the ear and nose ; tion, p.
fJL^ ^\>bdz-hhn-dst ,) minute investiga-
a young girl not exceeding sixteen, a.
(_c ,b ^^ hdii, m. the name of a caste of
Hindus whose business it is to sell torches and leaves j^jk^jb bdz-pasin, hist, hindmost, p.
which are used as platters : the same CESte occasionally
act as barbers. /*. ^lS^,jb chant, bdzar(,dn
adealer in the (for bdzdrfjdn),
market, p. m. a mer-
( 90 ) clj

(jiL^b ^^^ bd.mk, 1m. the name of the

^3^j'>? bazargani, f. merchandise, traffic,
trade commerce, p.
j_jX<*>b '^T^'^ bd.mJd,} serpent which sup-
jjiiijl'^ haz-kardan, to throw open (a door), p. " whirl
ports the
the universe,
mountain and whichin was
Maudar used asthea ocean
churning string for
the amrit, &c. s. [{Feiia basilica), g.
C-^jb. haz-gasht or haz-gashta, returned,
retreat ?ii. p. JjA-ib bdmlik, f. the great vein in the arm

jj^jjlj /)a^:-^Mrt, preposterous, upside down. 7;. (_|***jb ^T^Tft bdsmatt, f. a fragrant kind of
" rice, also of millet, h. [plate, dish, 8ic. h.
.ji^jb haz-gir, a falconer; a chronologist, or
historia q ; (for hdj-gir), a collector of revenue, p. (^/*»b '^JT(^ bdsun, m. a basin, goblet, pot,
U*4ib ^WJTT ba^nd or vdsand, f. desire, incli-
Jiiijb hazanda, playin<]f, a player ; a kind of nation, s.
pigeon (vide fchirad-afroz). p.
l>**>b wnTTTT bdsnd or ^TO»n vdsand, a. to
jjb hazi'., m. the arm (plur. hazu,an) ; the scent, to perfume, s,
fold of a door ; the side of a bedstead ; a friend, a com-
panion; one who repeats the chorus of the 7«ars?;/o ;
an acconipanier in a song, bdzii dend, a. to assist, to (^^b ^T^stale;
"to make bdsi,to stale,
vomit, fusty,
h. perfumed. bds'i-/i.,
help, to support, p.
j<*>b ^^ bd.-ii or vdsl, an inhabitant; (used
JJJjjjb bazu-band, m. an ornament worn on "in comp.),i.
woods, as ban-bdsl, or vana-vdsi, inhabitant of the
[_alnrs. h.
the arm, a bracelet or au armlet, p.

^j'\> hazl, f. play, sport; a game, a stake at jjlju*»b wrfwiT'JT bdxit/dn, name of a tribe of
play, hdzi khdnd, to lose, to be cast ; to be cheated. ^^b bush,&Vd\, stop, be patient; (in comp.)
bdzi pdnd, to be victorious, prosperous, bdzi-lagdnd, it denotesp. being, staying, as shab-bash, staying for a
to wager, bdz'i lejdnd, to win, to excel, p.
(Jl>i'o ;b haz-yaft, resumption of any thing, bSjb bdslid, m. a kind of falcon, a hawk, p,
the act of resuming alienated lands or property of any
kind. p. [a toy, plaything, p.
4i->**b bdshad, it may be, perhaps, p.

&^jb bazicha, f. fun, play, sport; wagering; IxCijb ^T'^frfHT bd^hgiyd, crops being
choked and destroyed b}' weeds, h.
(jti.J'jb bazidan, tospon,to play ; to gamble./?. !5iiJu*»b bdshanda,dn inhabifant,a dweller, p.
5o^J•Jb hazi-gah, f. a place for exhibiling <w»b bdsha, m. a hawK (same as bdshd). p.
feats of activity ; a theatre, p.
(^x.Lb bdshin, a female falcon, p.
.Jo ;b hazlgar, m. a tumbler, one who exhi- ?-ob bdsira, sight, the sense of seeing, a.
bits feats of activity, p.
(Jji>b bdtil, false, vain ; absurd, futile, igno-
rant ;abolished, a.
t^X>,'\> bazignran,'^?. a tumbling-woman,
^.£> ;b bazlgarin, J an actress. ]>. J^b bdt'di, f. vanity, folly, absurdity, a.
^^b bdtin, m. the inward part, the heart;
^^yGjb lazigar'i, f, the [bmyd,
tumbling, &c. p.
art of juggling,s.
a perfumer, adj. internal, hidden, concealed, a.

(^jti\> '^W ba.t, f. smell, scent, odour, bas- ^Ijb bdt'mi, intrinsic, internal, a.
L^^ff-b bd'is, cause, account, occasion, induce-
(;_j*>b m^ hdx, 'Vm. abode, ri'sidence, lodg- ment ;author, producer ; prep, by means or by rea-
Uob ^^^^hc^s(l,} ing,ti'mpor;iry residence, s. son of. a.
ab bdgh, m. a garden, orchard, grove, bdghi
jj'wjjb ha-a.scmi, with facility, easily, p.
sabz dikhdnd or -dikhldnd, to excite desire and ex-
yXui[i hasfaa (in Persian), ancient, p;ist: in pectation bydeceitful promises, bdgh-bdgh-hond. or
hnjdnd, n. to be delighted, to rejoice greatly, p.
the south of India it is used corruptly for ba'd az an,
after, afterwards, p. d.
Ols-b Z^a^a/, pl.gardens,groves,orchards. p.
-/JxMi^ • ^TW ^\ /;a^•??/, site orfoundationofa house..'?.
jX^,l^b bdghdyati, fit for garden cultivation ;
" f. fruit raised in a garden ; tax levied on gardens, h.
,^,jk«jb sT^fS" haxath, sixty -two. h.
^Ijk^b bdgh-bdn, m. a gardener, p.
^S^\> ^^'^^ hamdev (j)roperly vasudeva),
name of Krishna, the son of Vasudeva. s.
^jbc-b bagh-bdni, f. gardening, p.
j*ii\>_ ^J^K bdsar (for vasar), m. a d;)y. s. ft^b bdghcha, ra. a small garden, orchard,
&c. p. [tumour, a wen. p.
^j*ii~> bd>!il or bdsun, f. (v. bdhsn), a flute,
pipe, Sic. s. 8^b bdghira, m. an indolent swelling or

j**>b hcisik, tall, lofty (palm-tree), a. ij\zs\i bdghshdi, f. a walk in a garden, d

( 01 )
(_Cj^S-v J>a^-hari, f. garden cultivation, bu- id/b bag (Dakh. fur 4^b), a tiger, bag hn
siness ofa gardener, p.
pattha, a tiger's cub. [dros.-,. h.
^\^b ba^-ivala j'ym. a gardener, the owner ob <s)|j|| bajd, m. ay^ vestment; honorary
^j'jg'b bciijJinun, J ot" a garden. p.Ii. j_j3ob TTT^T. bagdor, f. a long rein witli
wliich horses are led. //.
l^b hoghha, pi. gardens, orchards, p.
j^b bagln. a mutineer, traitor, rebel, a. jj->. ^T^^ /v7//r//-, ni. a hedge of thorns or twigs;
name of a tract of country belonging io the rdj-puls. h.
(N^^b hajlncha, a little garden {y.haghcha). p.
tji\ib ^TT?!t bdgri, a native of Bagar. 'V.
( ndn-hdf.
jb ^^o/",a weaver
(in conip.) weaving or woven. /.■/'-
of lace, zarl-hdf, a gold-lace weaver ;
a kind of cloth interwoven with gold p. o^b '^vm hagam, m. any cultivated spot. //.
,.X^b bagnakli., the claws of a tiger set in
d«ib hhft, web, weaving, tissue, texture, p. silver and worn round the neck by a string as a charm
AJkib hafto, woven; in. a kind of clotli; a against sundry evils. .V kind of weapon made of steel,
colour in pigeons ; buttons woven like mohair ; (in resembling huge claws, and fitting upon the hands.
comp.) it denotes woven, wrought, as xar-6a//a, wrouglit ■With chief,
ratta this instrument tlie celebrated
is said to have Sevajee,
murdered the the Mah-
in gold, embroidered, p.
governor of Bijapur, while embracing him under pre-
i>\^b ba-ifrat, in abundance, copiously, p. a. tence of friendship. (Binning), d.
X^rb hafanda or bajinda, a weaver, p. ^Sb ■^T'^ Jmgli, ~\ in. a tiger, bagh-bahri, f.
jib bahir, abounding in wealth and know- l^ib ■^T'^ Ldg/td,) tiger and goat, a kind of
ledge, one who is deeply learned, a. children's play, akin to our "fox and geese", s.
j_^b»-.;b baliir-hhan'i, f. a kind of bread or jXl^^b ^■^^^ hdgliambar, in. a tiger's skin. s.
■■ cake mixed with butter and milk. Dr. Gilchrist stig- ^ASb ^^^:^^ baghan,\
gests, in his Vocabulary, that this kind of cake took
its name from some nobleman called BuJcir-khiin, as .;, _ ff. a tigre.ss. a.
our word sandwich is said to be so named after Lord
Sandwich, a. j_^^b 6rT"^^T baghni,)
^^:•b baiiia, 1 , ic^^^ WT'^ hcigJu, f. a bubo. It.
,..,' bahila,
_ ib ^FT^ hagi, a horseman, a rider, s.
&bo Jy m. a bean, a pea, a potherb, a.
Jb ^T^ bdl, f. a girl not arrived at the age
^b laJii, remnant, remainder, balance, ar-
of maturitv ; m. a child under five years old ; adj. in-
"rears; adj. permanent, durable, eternal, hdlcl-ddr, fantine, childish ; ignorant, uniustructed. s.
owing a balance; a revenue defaulter. baM-ralnid, n.
to remain, to be left, to be saved, a. [rears, a.
(Jb WT^ bdl, m. hair; a child, bdl bihd iia
clli^bib bahiyat, remainders, balances, ar- ho.e (let not the hair be bent or disordered), a mode
of inculcatinif extraordinary care, hdl-bdl, hair by
(»i3b bak, m. fear, apprehension, p. hair, evorv hair, bdl bdudlil kauri mdrud, to shoot at,
not to miss ; to act with great care, not to mistake, s.
L^Jb ^T^ bnk or rah, m. languaoje, dialect,
speech ; in the language of revenue officers it is used Jb bdl, m. a wing, bdl-ddr, winged, p.
to denote a verbal estimate of the produce without
measuring the field, .s. Jb ^T^ bdl, f. an ear of corn ; a crack in a cup
8y b bahira, an unblemished virgin, a. or glass ; m. the thread on which sugar is cr^-stallized.
bdl-ddr, a cracked vessel (of china, glass, Jcc). h.

^jib '^J<*^ bakri, f. a cow advanced about Jb Tf^y bdln, m. a drug commonly called
"five months in pregnancy (also a small buffalo), h. ela-bdluk s.
(-*ib ^TojTS bakas, m. a bush of which charcoal
is made for the manufacture of gunpowder (Jiisticia Jb bdl, m. heart; power, a.
adhafnda). s. [hakild). h.
"ilb &o/rt, above, up ; m. top. bdld-baidnd, or
^b '^ToF^T balda, m. a bean, a potherb (v. -dend, a. to baulk, to circumvent, to dupe; to put off,
to disappoint, to prevaricate, bdld-bdld, deceitfully,
tijk^b 'WToF'^ brihand, a portion of the crop, fraudulently ; secretly, bald dast, superior, p.
about two-fifths, paid as rent by the cultivators to the
zamindars. /;. ^b '^I^ Jidld, m. a kind of grub wiiich eiits
the young plants of wheat or barley when about six
,Aj^b '^^T balihar, ')m. name of a drug inches high. It.
AA^b "^TW^ baJilialJ used as a ferment; a not arrived at I'le
house, an inolosure , several houses contained within ^b ^T^ bald, f a girl
one indosure ; an area or court-yard. h. age of maturity; a medicinal and fragrant plant, of the
roots of which tntfi^i are made {Andrupagon miiriaitinn),
&j^b ^T^ huhya (for vdft I/a), m. (in gram.) a
commonly called by Europeans "cus-cuss "; m. an
sentence ; speech, a word. s. earring; a male child, a boy, bald chdnd, the new
moon. s. [that laps over the thigh, p.
»^J*b ■SfTT bag, f. a rein, a bridle, bhg-morna,
to turn the reins : it is applied to the drying up of the y!i)b bdldbar,m. part of the angarkhd (q.v.)
small-pox : when the pustules begin to blacken and
dry up, they say sltld or mdtd ne bag muri. hdg hath 6X>'^ bdld-band, in. part of the native dress,
se chhu'.nd, the power of choice to be lost to any one. h. a kind of turban ; a coat of a particular kind, p.
( 92
^b C/Jl^\> bdlisht, f. a span ; a pillow, p.
^l^'^b ^^'Fift^T hula-hhola, -aCij.s. innocent, h.
artless, as a diikl ; m. an artless child,
Ojj wKaJb bi-z-zarurai (also bi-z-zarura),
necessarily, perforce, a.
^^.^b fancy ^T^tR hala-pan, in. childh ood, in-
;also bojhood. s.
^j-5o(Jb bi-l'aks,
the contrary to that. thea. reverse, us he bi-l'aks,
(^^.:i)b hala-jWKh, m. a coverlet, quilt, p.
«3b bdligh, m. a youth just arrived at the age
L-*J!i)b ■qi^'flti halatap, m. the rays of the
rising sun. s. of maturity ; adj. of age ; fem. baligha, marriageable, a.

jlij!i)b bi-i-ittifah, lit. by agreement, by (^^b hi-l-farz, trranfed tliat, on the sup-
chance, a. [(an estate, &:c.). /;. position or condition that. a.

J^w»9-^b bi-l-ijmal, in the whole, in the lump jj«xfllb bi-l-jTl, in fact, actually; now, for the
present moment ; in short ; in the mean tune. a.
iiJW!i)b W1<j>l^i^ hala-chand , the new moon. s.
&j'i-^b bald-khana, m. an upper room, an t^<afl!b bi-l-liasd, on purpose, a.
upper story, a balcony, p. O JiJb hi-l-liumat, by the strength, or
power of. a. [name of a drug (v. balu). s.
C*^ii^b hala-dagt, superior, high-handed, p.
udllb '^^^ hdlah, m. a young child, bdluh,
^ili^b bala-gashfi, an inspector of police, p.
Kib TI^^ hdlhd or bdlakd, m. a young fol-
^^b balan, hairs of the head, the hair col- lower or disciple of ajogt or sanyasi. s.
lectively, balan bhard, full of hair, bristly, d.
KSb TT^sfiT hdluhd, f sand, gravel, s.
^^xZ^ii'o bala-nishin, seated aloft, superior, p.
\^K2b ^^cSTTTT hcduhdgar,m. a sort offish. .<?.
C-«-->.j!Jb hold 0 past, above and below, i.e. p.
the heavens above and the earth beneath, ^Klb TT^ otfTTJJ /vaZw/;a//ia?/,sandy, gravelly ..«.
Jil\j bdla,!, s. a horse led for show ; any
j^^Wb ^o5«f»''f hdlalqjnn, 1 m. childhood,
'extra tax; adj. external, superficial, p.
bji^b Tfci''*'^^' hdlahpand, r boyhood; in-
^jcjilb bdm:i maze (pi.), m. superficial or »»i5ob ^Ic^etiH hdlakatrva, J fancy, child-
hollow pleasures, p.
ishness. 4. together, a.
tl^ib^/'^)b hdld,tydft, f. perquisites, p. JiJb hi-l-kvll (or bi-l-hdViya), totally, al-
^Jb bdlhachche, pi. children, s. p.
iA^ob "qr^ejfhr /ya/wAiJ/cr, childish, infantine, s.
"lijJb hi-l-havdn, with the tips of the fingers;
•'momtrari digitis." a. Jb^Jb ^l^iflmcS hdl-gopdl, offspring, s.
tfj_j4jjb ^l^iTtn hdl-hhog, m. an offering &ilb hi-lldit (or hi-lldhi), by God. bi-lldhi-
to Krishna, presL^nted early in the morning, s.
Vazlm, by the High God ! a.
^. Jb hdlpur, m. iidoption of better habits ; Jb ^^ hdlam, m. a lover, or beloved per-
' hi'il I ar nikalnd. to turn over a new leaf; to flourish or son ; a husband ; a kind of cloth, balam hhtra, m. a
prosper; to betray one's evil disposition, to begin sort of cucumber, in season in the rains (a variety of
wicked pranks, to show the cloven hoof. p. Cucumis sativus). h. [son), a.

j^,Jb hdl-pan,xi\. (v. hdldiyan), iMAhoo^^kc. s. Axioajb Z)z-/-wwAi'a'a, a kind of tenure, (v. Wil-
jjTj-aiJb bi-t-iasnh, distinctly, explicitly, a. bJb ^55*n bdlnd, a. to light, to kindle (v.
bdrnd). h.
jy Jb Tt^lftf hdl-tor, m. a pimple, a sore. ;iJ3b ^Tc5»^ hdland, name of a tribe inha-
s^^ hi-ljinnla, in short, to conclude, a. biting the southern parts of Mirzapur. h.
name of »^b hulungu, a species of citron, p.
'j^Jo ^T^"S[f hdl-chhar, f. the
a medicine or perfume, k. [happily, a. " wini. s.
^b ^f^Jtf) hdlini, f. the constellation a»-
j.^^-^ bil-M.a^f, •" a good manner, well,
«Jb Tl^ bdlu, f. sand, gravel, s.
L-^^JyJb hi-z-zdt or bi-z-zdti, naturally, ori-
ginally, bi-zatilii, in its nature or essence, a. Jj Jb bdlu-burd, land covered with a depo-
sit of sand after an inundation ; also, a remission of
revenue on that account, s. p.
^ lr dj "^j-m. lapis lazuli, s.
Ub ^T^STTIT bd
^, _''
Cl^^»^Jb "sn^m^^
sacrificial thread hdlopavlt,
; a cloth covering the a child's
m. privities (of
, f. a very young children), s.
jiolj Jb -^T^TT^ bdl-vdnd
willow, or one who lost her husband when she was
very young, s. (C.s-Jb TIcS'^^ hdluchari, a kind of silk
cloth manufactured in Baluchar, near Murshidabad. A.
^b bdlish, m. a pillow, a cushion. jJ.
Jb ( 93 )
\sjb hi-J-v'ofa, in truth, in reality, a. ^j J bail, keeper or guardian ; (used in comp.)
as dar-han, a door-keeper, bagh-ban, a gardener, p.
uiJ^lb ^^o|r laluJi, 111. a sort of poison. .<;.
bb TITTT band, m. hahit, profession; a kind
jj'j "Wr^ halt, f. a female-child; car rinp; of weapon ; fashion in dress, peculiar to individuals,
worn in the ear, passing through the centre of it : it or bodies taken individually (so regimentals m.\v be
also signifit's an ear of corn. s. called band
veil, to be the woof to(in
ready, be weaving');
In the Dakhani dialect it denotes the basin or metal
(Jb TF^t baFi, m. name of a monkey, the
son of ludra, killed by Kama. s. bucket of a pacotta, or lever for raising water, h.

J tidkllj) halidafft, f. vegetation, p. bb ^T^ band, a. to open or spread out.

C-'bb ^T?TTW bdndt, f. broad-cloth, h.

O^JfcSwVA^b haltda hond, n. to vegetate, p. h.

^Jbb ^T^TH^ bdadti, woollen, made of
broadcloth, h.
(jijJb '^T^'t^ hoRsh, m. pain in making wa-
ter, from gravel, &c. s.
jjbb bdfidh (v. bdijdii), the left hand or side. s.
^iSLilX^ hi-l-yalin, assureilh-^, certainly, a.
t— A^b "^m bdiiib, m. (also bdmb-andhu,d), an
j^^b halin, f. a pillow, a cushion, p. eel, snake (see ham), h.

w,3'.j «il<r4 hdlt/a, m. childhood, infancy, s. ^>^jb j^b ^ cTTeB bail bdh-h., to prate idly,
to tattle foolishly, h.
euJ'o '^^^ hdleyd, 1m. name
C£j'/^>J>jJb ■^T^TR^ToJT hdleyashah,} of a plant j_^4.bb ^m^rt bdvibhiii,^
Siphonmntlius Lidica). s.
^i.^ijb cs-jjii^ hdiiibha,i, >f. a snake's hole. k.
Xi ^^^ bam, f. an eel (Ophidh/m simach, Jj-j^-ob "^Vt^ hdmhlil, J
Buch.); m. the left (side) ; an enemy, s.

^Ij hdvi, 111. an upper story, a terrace ; the ^3^I-o^.^b ^T"?riIFI

of an i.uchorite hhia-praxfh,
or hermit (see asrani). m.
s. the state
morning dawn. p.
tii^^b ^t? J'dnt, ra. share, distribution ; a
mO bain, m. a fathom, a measure of six feet, weight (i. e. the standard by which things are
or three and a half cubits, d. weighed) ; food given to a cow while milking her. s.

clX>ulj '^rW^'T ham-cmg, m. the left side. s. IJob WTTT bdiitd, m. portion, share, s.

j^^^x«b ^T^^ hamhlii, 'N.^^LiLob ^\z^Z bdnt-chont, share, distri-

f. a snake's hole. 5. bution, s.
^x^l>. tyi^T^'t bamhhm,, Vxiib Vf7^T bdntnd, 1 a.toshare, todistribute,
«i^tVeb bamddd or bdmdadan, f. morning,
davni, Aurora ; adv. in the morning, p. ll^b 'S[iZ'^lbdnthnd,) to divide, participate,
disiiose of. Also bdnUlend, the same. s.
^«b ^TRtT bdman (for rcumina), a dwarf.
one of the incarnations of Vishnu, s.
^bfellow, ^riiTT
h. bdnjar, (land) lying waste or
i^-> baman, ni. a Brahman, d.
^^■J ^s?r, bdnjh (Dakh. bdnj), barren (ap-
,.^i*b bamanh,. plicable tofemales, also to land or soil. s.

i^Cj^ 'WWJf?^ hdman-hatti, f. name of a sjjsij ^TfW55T bdnijya, m. trade, commerce,

merchandise, s.
"plant {Ovuda verticeUala, Roxh.). h.
j^^b qi+'^ri bdmlian, m. a Brahman, s. U'Si'b ^'I'^JTl bdnchvd, a. to read ; m. Dakh.
hdnfh'.id (for bachna); n. to escape, to be saved, s.
ij^^ "^T''?^t bam Inn, f a stve on the eye-
" lids; a species of lizard, h. l^'b '^T'^J bdnchhdy f. wish, desire, s.
j_^^Jj ^T»?*T^ bdmlini f. (for bdJimani), the CI^jiib'^Tf^nT/^anc/i/iiY, desired, longed for. s.
" wife of a Brahman ; name of a medicinal herb. s. ^y^b TP^T bdndu, the name of a place in
^^b cTT'l /^art, r. temper, quality, manners; Bandel-khand. h.
m. a rocket used in battle; the boar or swell of the
\s>[^ rjjTxrj j)andd (for ban dd),m. kind of plant
tide; a kind of rope made of munj. h.
wiiich grows on trees {epidendrum, particularly tessel-
latum, Roxh.). s.
^b ^T!T 1'O.n or rrt«, ui. an arrow; the name
of an asur, son of Raja Bali. s.
jliij^b WT^^TC bdii-ddr, a rocket-thrower, h.p.
-^b /;o'j, m. name of n tree (Guilandina .job ^r^'JC yf/JiJo?-, ~1 m. (for bandar), an
morivi^a), whose seeds are called Tiahh-ul-hiin, bennut,
or according to some, Bakain (Melia stniipervirens) ; \jS>\j ■^l^^bdndrd,) ape, a monkey, s.
that which yields benjamin or benzoin {Slyrax beji-
zoe); a tree the leaves and flowers of which are sweet- jij>>,''b '^•p^^i^ bdndarni,'^ f. a female ape or
Bcented, called by the Persians bcd-mashk. p. ^j^bb ^T*^ ha.ndn, J monkey, s.
94 ) jb
IJtJJb handiia (ibr band/ma), a. to tie, to iJJ^'i, Idng, f. sound, voice, cry ; the voice
of tlie 7>iii,azzin calling Muliamynndans to prayer; the
stop, &c. s. [finement, imprisonment, s.
crowing of a cock. bCing-mdrnCi , a. to cry out, to call.
bdng-dena (or in Pers. -burddsi'itiin, or -ilddan), a. to call
^job '^TV la.'uUi, m. an embankment ; ccn-
neral, p. lo prayer. bdii;j't subh, the call to morn-
ing prayer, bdngi namdx, the call to prayers in ge-
^^^i>^b ^iWcjrfrrn ia.'ifZ/tc/^o/I, name of a
"tribe inhabiting part of Bandel-khand. h.
\X3b '^TTTT bdn<jd, m. raw cotton (v. IJniga). h.
Uj&iiJb ^TV^ baiidkna, £. to tie ; to shut ; to
stop water, to embank ; to bind, to fasten ; to invent, jtAi ■q'iJTT
lands, h. hangar, m. high ground or up-
to contrive, to .stop, to pack, to aim, to build, to put,
to settle .?.
&>.3b hdiujo, m. a pppci(>'5 of cotton produced
^Ubjjb ^ttrr hahdhnu, m. a mode of dyeing-, exclusively in the Dacca district, and indispensably ne-
in which the cloth is tied in different places to pre- lin, p. cessary, though not otherwise of superior quality, to
vent the parts tied from receiving the dye ; slander, form the stripes of some of the liue.st kinds of mus-
plot, plan ; a kind of silli cloth ; a kind of parrot, h.
^Gb ^l^nl hdngi, f. a pattern, muster, h.
ys.^3b man, '^tH
afriend, hdndhav,
s. m. a relative, a kins-
_j3b bdnu, f. a lady, a woman of rank. p.
tJ-i3b ^\^^ hand'i, f. a female slave, handi
ka beta, obedient, submissive. In the Dakhanl dia- lyb '^T'^PSfT bdnu,d, m. the name of a water-
lect. irt/irfJ-Zwrfaw, " slave ;;irls and utensils," the im-
pediments, appropriately so called, of an army on
march; the families, baggage, Sec. of the Sipabis. h. ^)yb '^t^ bdhrvdh, the left hand or side. s.
Iwjyb qfT^THT hdnusd, m.
\job '^X^ handa, in. a bird without tail ; ra kind o f cloth, h.
a serpent \%hich has lost its tail ; adj. tail-less, docked, s. j.«»yb ^Tnft hdnusi,
^3Jb 'Wtrt handi, f. a cudgel ; a kind of i, f.J
k_f y V ^Ma bdnau'we or bdimrve, ninety-two. h.
dress; misfortune, calamity, h.
^b ■q'Ti^ bdhh, f. the arm from the shoulder
yb '«jH< bariar (for vanar), ni. a monkey- s. to the elbow; guarantee, protector, or security (as
when a person trusts himself in the power of an ene-
(p)b my, a third person being his bdiih, who eng.ages to
about ^TlS b''im,used
ten feet, m. toa m?asure
a measure
ditches, of
or return him to his house or fort in security), bdnh-
excavations in g;'neral (a cube of one hdni: is called a biili, strong in the arm. bdiih pakurrd or galtnd, a. to
ehaukd). bans par charhnd, n. to be branded with protect, bdhh dend, a. to assist (s';;.' bdiu dead), bdnh
infamy, s. tutiid, to be destitute of friends or protectors, s.

b«3b '^^^ hdnsa, m. th 5 bridge of the no.se; iob bdna (ior hand), m. dress, uniform, &c. s.
the channel through which the seeds descend in a
drilling-machine, h. (j^ji^b ^if^^ hdnhiydn, m. a patron, s.
(_^b bdjii,?L liuildiT, an architect, a composer,
a caste who 'sjnT^^ bdns-phor,
work or deal in bamboos,m. the
s. name of author, founder, a.
f. a flute, fife, pipe;
^jf\^ Wi"^or manufacture
bdn'i, f. the; ashes
price; the
for ofa a work;
tjp-jb ^;Rr^ hdnsi ~ a kind of noxious
a fabric
earth with which potters sometimes ornament their

^jj^\j '^^rt hdhsur'i, i\'eed in arable land ;

vessels ; the thread with which cloth is woven ; a weight
l«Jb '^T^^ bdhsU, equal to 80 rupees, h.
;i purse; adj. made
Jj-Jb ^^\^^ bansl, ij^\i "m^ bdn'i. f. speech, language; name
'of bamboo. " of the goddess of eloquence, Saraswali. s.
tilJb "^^ hank, f. an ornajnent (half-circle) (jy^b TI^T^'ft hdniboni, f. the price of
worn on the arms ; a kind of dagger having a curved weaving h.
blade ; an exercise with the daj.ger ; a settee. /(.
. O^b bdn'i-hdr, an architect ; a composer, an
cdiJb '^oF banh, m. a crook, curvature, t>end- author, beginner ; an instigator, p.
ing ; a reach or turning of a river ; fault, offence,
wickedness, s.
^J^^,^ hdni-kari, f. architecture ; compo-
sition ;commencing a business ; instigation, p.
Kib '^eRT Z)o/(^a, m. a fop, al>oau, a coxcomb;
a buck, a bravo, a bully ; a bent trumpet or bugle ; f. jb TPsft bd,o, f. wind. hd,o sarnd, n. to be
name of a river ; adj. crooked, f )ppish. h.
discharged backwards (wind). bd,o bdndhnd, to prevail
.»».KJ>b '^o^'^T hankd-chur , m. a fop, cox- over an adversary b}' flatter)' or invective without ar-
gument. bd,o-klid/u, to live in pleasure and enjoyment ;
comb, &c. /( to court one's
existence, s. inspirations ; to protract a miserable
Vl>,uiiib '^'■gf'T^ bdnh-pai tn, m. a kind of
fencing with (wooden) dagger and cutlass, h. jb ^T^ bd,o or ^T^ hdv, f. the pox, a bubo. h.
-^uilob qrtofT^^ bnnk-pnn, m. foppishness ; \j\> ^^ bawd (v. hdbd), father, bdrvd-jdn^,
debauchery; disorderly conduct, h. dear father. cU
( 95 ) ^\,

^^'ju ^T^T hmvari, the left hand or side. s. ■ ^I bdlni or '^f bah, f. an arm. s.
{^j»Xxi^\i WrsftsTTTTH ha,o-hatas, f. calamity, »b hah, f. virilit\-, niauliood ; coitus. ]).
niisfortiiiic, particularly such as is believed to result
from the evil iiiriueuce of a demon (sec ds'ib). h. Ufcb ^T^T hdhU, a water-course, channel, h.
U^^ i^j^j^ h(i,o l/urri-Jihal, of no intrinsic ^3^^ ^'I^^T bdhu-bhushd, f. an armlet,
value ; lit. a skin full of wind. tl. an ornament worn round the upper arm. s.

uiA^^jb "^mtvir^ hu.o-hhuh, la prattler, tri- j*^ . ^T?»T />(/// w;, m. sesamum growing wild
or spontaneously, s.
tjj.4>_jb '^^"\*R«?r Iia,o-j/iah,J fling talker, h. \sSi\j ^T?^T bdhiidd, f. the name of a river
Ujb '^T^fTT Z;«,o/a,1 ni. a flag or banner; a said to rise in the Himalaya mountains : probably tho
modern Behut, the classical Hydaspes. s.
^3j\) '^J^ZJ ha, at a, J sail ; a sort of armlet
worn by women, s.
_^b ^T^T bdha?^ or ^^^f^ bdhir, without^
tijs-jb ha-wu)v(l, notwithstanding. ha-ivu- foreign, s.
judidnki, notwithstanding that. p.
^b bdhir, superior, excellent; open, public, a.
jjb havar,m.. belief, faith, confidence, truth,
credit; adj. true, credible, bdwar-k. , to credit, bd- \^b '^T'^TT bdhard or bdharu, the man wiio
war-h., to be creiible. p. stands at the well to upset the w ater from the leathern
bucket or cliaras, q. v. Ii,
,.b '^T'^ Z*a/<y//', m. a kind of sweetmeats, h.
0^60 bdJiir-hd, from without, strange, bdh/r-
K.b '^^^T hd,0)-d or hdward, mad, crazy. .«. kd sdhib dijd, khabar dljo; "a strange gentleman is
,.,=.-,, b bdrvarchin, 1 f. a cookmaid or female arrived, give notice ;" an exclamation used by the
darwiins or gatekeepers in Calcutt i on the arrival of
^>-.^\> bdwarchini,) cook. t. h. a stranger, to give notice to the family within. In my
time the above sentence was pronounced (by the non-
^-5^jjb hdirarchi, m. a cook, hdwarcln- reading gentry), " Barker sawb aya, cover tlie Jew !" s.
"khdva, m. a kitchen, cook-house. " This word seems to ijibb ^ffTf bdhiruh, m. the left side (in
be one of those old Persian or Turkish terms, of which
sword exercise. Sec), s.
several are now preserved in the Hindustani, which
are no lonp:er used by or known to the Turks and
Persians. The term implies " confidential person," as ijj^^
outward, «JI5<.^
s. bdhari, a foreigner, a stranger;
a cook unquestionably should be, particularly in the
East, where life is so frequently attempted by poison." bii&b ^T?^ hdludijd, m. ^ j)lenty, ahun-
(Binning), t. [art. t. p,
(_^ S<.\s>-.m\j huivarcliifjari, f. the culinary U^ifeb ^T?"^frT hahulijatd, f.J dance, quan-
tity, s. [one with another. /).
^_f .jb "^T^ft^ ha,07i, name of a tribe of va-
grants to the west of Delhi, h. ^b /;o/tc/?»,,togetlier,mutually. bd-hfwi-d'/fjur,
(^♦fcb ^T?T^ hdlivum, a Brahman, s.
. ba,07'i,
_ \/"I. a well, pit. a.
iSjy^ ^rSTTfT ha,on,J ^^i^i^b m^'^'^ hdhynan-hatfi, f. name of
"a plant [Ovifda verticillata). s.
J^jb ^Tqf^oS hd,o-sul, m. the cholic. s. (j:^b 'WTlfjO bdhtnani, wife of a Brahman ;
"a Brfdimaness; adj. of or relating to a Brahman.
i_a»«j b ha-wa-if, yet, notwithstanding, jj. a. bdlimanl badakh, the didkwd or Brahmany duck.
bdhmanl clill, the Brfdimany kite, v. sarur. s.
\j.b hd-iv(ifd, faithful, trusty, p. a.
bul^b '^T^'^TT hdhmanetd, son of a Biah-
L^b ^T^^ bdwag, m. seed-time (same as nian ; a jouug Brahman, s.
hd,oni). h. [tulency. s.
J^fcb ^T??Tc5 bdhu-mul, m. the armpit, s.
^)^jb ^T^jf^^T bd,o-goId, m. the cholic; fla-
(^fiib '^T'5^ hdhan, m. a carriage, s.
^_jb ^Tsl^T l>~i,c!!d or bdrcald, mad, ci-azy. s.
It. bdhan, ra. fallow land (root of
^jb ^FT'^rl^^ /;(7,o/i, f. a large well into which
"people descend to get water; the drag (thing or ani- bjsb on^^fTT hdhnd, a. to plough, to till ; to
mal) with which hawks, dogs. &c., are taught to hunt ;
a trick. hd,oU (lend, a. to initiate, h. shoot or discharge a weapon ; to comb the hair. h.

^ii.^8b '^T'5'mi hdhu-ijuddh, m. close fight,

ba5jb TI^^'^TT
defect in horses. bd,olena, m. the name
/(. of a personal struggle ; boxing, wrestling, s.

^^jb ^^^ bcin-an (for vdtnana), dwarfish, (J b qrT^ta,i, f. mistress, lady (among Mah-
diminutive; m. the fifth incarnation of Vishnu, s. rattas) ; a dancing-girl, bd'i-jl, the mother bawd ; the
old abbess ; " la bonne." h.
^jb «ri^^ ?^««-«», fifty-two. h. ■^i.awan). s. j_jb ^TI? bd,e or ^T^ bd,!, f. flatulency ; rheu-
matism. bd,i pachnl, to be mortified, to be depressed,
b.b '^RTTT hn,Gna or bmvand, dwarfish (see to die away. bd,l men bharaknd, to prate foolishly.
jjjb "an"^^^ bdjOn'i, f. seed-time, sowing, lu bd,i sanid (see bd,u saniu). s.
( 96 )
j^bb ^^T^i haijan, left (not right) ; m. the (^ji^ habariy leonine or tigerish ; canine,
baas part in music, the bass sound (particularly of
the tabla, dholuk, and palchawaj, which are played upon
by the left hand), biii/fiii panw pfijnd, to acknowledge
the cunning of an artful person, s. i^j^ "^^W^ habu7i,^ f. the name of a tree of
j^jo ^^ babur, Hhe mimosa kind. (There
c-'-^b WIT^ lai/ab, apart, separate, strange,
distinct, ijih but bSynb hai, this is another thing; this ^Jy^i "<^^<^ babul, J are several species : the
is a horse of another colour, h. [quarter, h. commonest is the Arabica, Rox.) ; the acacia tree. The
babi'd produces also a valuable gum, and its bark,
being a powerful astringent, is used in tanning by
i,^b 'Wmw bciyah or ha,ih, m. the north-west chamdrs, q. v. s. [of fondness, h.
a medicinal "^irKCn
seed. s. ba,e-birang, in. name of \^> sj'^ell baburva, m. a child, a boy (a term
«5ob hay ad, it is fit, or necessary, hayacl- j^JO '^W babhrv, large, great, tawny, &c. ;
shdyad, as it should be. p. bald-headed through disease; m. a large ichneumon;
the name of a sage ; a tawny or brown colour. 4.
{j^.\> '^i^ ha,'is, twenty-two. h.
\ t,\^\) '^>^'^'\ buhhuhsha, f. hunger, s.
«IL-^b hayista, that which is becoming or re-
quisite, necessary, p. (J1*,."..x^jl> '^^f^ bubhukshit, hungry, s.
^-^b Tr^;^^ ha,isi, f. the royal army, be- ic^ ^>r?rt babhnl, f. (see bamhifi), a stye
"cause composed of the troops of the twenty-two suhas " on the e\-elids, a lizard, h.
or provinces then constituting the Mogul empire ; a
command of 22,000 men. bd,lsi tutnd, to attack with ^^ f^^^ bibharv (for vibhav), m. substance,
one's whole lorce. h. wealth ; power, grandeur, s.
«^b ba,i or bayi, a seller, a merchant, a.
^.jJ ^ babai, m. the seed of a sweet-scented
K)b ha,iha, ^ t 7 "herb (Ocymum pilosum, Roxh.)\ name of a bird. «.
" * _ . _ /■ I. a woman, a wire. a. -.ja '^^ babbi, f. a kiss. /i.
SS}-> ha-iku,)
v,jii^ <4<si4|) babesi, f. the piles. A.

bayan, m. sweetmeat, &c., which buM-jJJ W^ftnn babesiya or barvesiya, talking

^,b wnR
is distributed to friends in marriage feasts, or in com- nonsense ; m. a catamite. A.
memoration ofa success, s.
1^,1 ,t^> pif^oh' bibek, m. 'I discrimination, dis-
^J\J ba,vi (v. ba,ori), a large well. d. bkiojo fV^epFTT^Jfte^a^a, fJ cretion, sense. «.
^^b ba-ln, along with this, although, p.
^ouo fsr^gK^ bibeld, discreet, prudent, s.
ba,lni, a basket
f. show. in which
" snakes '^T^^
fjb, are carried about for h.
b»fiibj ^qi^T^l bapa hona, to be raised, esta-
V^b TT^T ba,'ihd, m. rheumatism, h. blished, pitched, h.
ilf) f^r^T^ bibad (for vivad), m. quarrel,
contest, h. a.'::'! bupt or bapat, hidden, secret, d.
f. calamity, misfortune,
5b^ ba-bad, lit. to the wind, cast away. p. f^T?% bipatti, > ■ u- c
ijii^ fwWf^ bibadi (for vivadi), a disputant, danger, miscbiei. ».
plaintiff, s. [marriage, s.
i\x> f^m^ bibah (for vivah), m. matrimony, JO fwn hipr (for viprd), a man of the sacer-
dotal caste, a Brahman. «.
"^^T. babar,
h. m. one who crops the manes of
^wO ^iTO bapura, helpless, distressed, h.
jj bobar, m. a lion, a tiger, bi-bar (imper.
of burdan), bear or carry thou. p. b JJ fr^TI'JTI biparnd, a. to attack, to assault. A.

ig=rj^. ifi^^KJh \ni. {{or barvarchl), a cook; Cl^>.j^ f^lMOrf bi-parit, contrary, opposite ;
f. mischief, ruin. s.
**j5»-jj babarchi,} so babarji-'khana, a cook-
"house or kitchen, p. [dissension, ft. (V^ f'sTqgS ft^^aZ, m. a measure of time, a se-
cond, or (as some say) one-sixth of a second, s.
^jk^i\^jJ '^f^iA^dbabra-hheri, f. quarrelling,
^ jj f^^l^iLf bibaran (for vivaran), m. inter- share. T^IP
/j«JwJ 5. bapahs, m. patrimony, a father's
pretation, explanation. «. [colour. *.
^orJ^ f^R^ bibarn (for vivarna), faded in (i*-^ ^^^'t bapauti or bapoti, f. paternal
" estate, patrimony, heritage. /;. [bath. 5.
b.^ efci^ril babruta, m. a clown, lout,
bumpkin, a clumsy youug man. h. V-4^ TiRITJ baphard, m. vapour, vapour-
ijM =1^0 i«Z)rI, f. cropped hair, tresses; b;A^ IrtfiT;^ bipharnd, n. to be perverse,
refractory, cross, irritated, obstinate, pert, s.
'the act of cropping (particularly the manes of horses), h.

( 97 )

^_^■■rr^ fr^ biphai (for vrihaspati), in. ^jji^. fmiTM hitaniH. (lor ciiaran), m. giving;
'I'liursday. h. charity, alms, a donation, s.

^^AJ ^^(rt hapnitl, f. patoinal estate. ."!. l3j,io fVflT'TT bitarnd, a. to bestow, to grant, .v.
l*«jj WrOT batsd, m. a kind of rice. h.
CL'O fmfbit or fq^ i/i'/' (for tJ/7<), m. wealth,
substance, ability, power, means, s.
(J— ij ^W^ J^ kind, loving, s.
batsal (for vatsal),
Cl^> ^7T but. 111. a hazard table; a blow with
the list. h. C>Jo «rcToF baiah, f. (v. uiilaj), a duck, j^-

d>o but, ni. an idol (hence, figuratively, a SjioJ hut-hada, an idol temple, a pagoda. /).
beloved woman ; a darling). biU-parast, an id<ilater
but-parastl, idolatry, but-tardsh, a maker of idols, p- j^XJo ^VT'^5 batahhar, loquacious, talkative, li.
CL^i bat, m. a line drawn to distinguish se- l.^xij
sible. ■^TToR'^T
h. hat-hahd, loquacious, conver-
parate names in a catalogue, or articles in an account, p.
\JLj^ ^TrT hat, m. the worm which is so destruc- ^\S^h 'sriToir^R bat-hahd,o, m. "1 loquacity,
tive to shipping {Teredo); contraction of bat, a word
(used in composition), as bat-bdhaii, external, foreign. ic^S^'^ cT'rlofi'?^ bat-hahi, f. J conversi-
bleness, discourse, dialogues, h.
bat-barhCiyO, m. prolixity, talkativeness, chicaner^',
wrangle, bat-hand, an orator, a sophist, bat-kahdo, Ki'^'xi ^iT(?T?JT hatldnd, a. to shew, to explain,
m. talk, conversation. Contraction of but, wind, used
in composition, as bat-sonhd-k., a. to ventilate, h, to point out, to teach, to inform, h
JhJbbittam-bittum, bit by bit, gradually, d.
li^ f%^T hitia, m. a ?pan, a hand's breadth, li.
Ijo ^WI hiitta, in. overreaching, fraud, trick, Ijkjj iTrnn bitnd (see bitnd), n. to pass,elapse. .?.
take in. buttd-dend, to overreach, h.
i^'xx) ha-tang, lit. in straitness. ha-tang and
IJO '^iTT batd, m. a bamboo latli ; a thin slip or /iojirt, to be in great distress, p. [dung. h.
of bamboo ; an oblong stone on which powders are
levigated, h.
1 yj f«rinT;T bitaard, m. a heap of dried cow-
(iX^ ^fTTT^ butarad, a name given to an extra (j-.^AJ ^Hrd batauri, f. a flatulent or oede-
cess upon the cultivator, h. matous swelling, h.

(_j^ljo haturi, f. a species of chana

f. a kind^in^ batas, i. wind,
of sweetmeats, air.
sugarcakes. *.batas-phen'i, [j^ji'> ^rTT^
(q. v.) ; a small kind of grain, h.
IwjIjo '^T¥f or '^HT^ bat am, m. a kind of
sweetmeats, sugarcakes (of a spongy texture, q d. filled
with air) ; a bubble tilled with water, h. f^j^ ^?rtI»T iwioran,"! gathering or collect-
^J^'x:> ^rI^^«T
time of harvest, batolan,)
h.ing the grain in thea.
[a nun.
\JjljJ batdslia, m. (svebatdsd),a bubble,&c. h.
^^\l> ^WT^ batcm, place of assemblage of J^jo ia/u/, f. a virgin averse to matrimony,
cattle at night in an open field, h.
J»jO ^TT^^ batoli, f. buffoonery, /i.
Oljio '^T»TT batdnd, a. to point, to shew, to
explain, to teach ; to appear; m. an upper turban ; a
small bracelet of metal, ./j.
(jyj ^rlTt batunt, a tattler, an idle talker, h.
(j.yjo ^W^«T batwon, the preparation of land
bljo fmi'm^ bit ana, a. to pass (time), to spend, s. for the reception of the seed. h.
j^^> ^7TT«n bvtdnd, a. to extinguish, h. \^> fTTT bithd, f. pain ; afiliction. s.
I3,ljj ^rrR«TT buta,ond,^
13 Aajo f^'^rr^^ bithdrnd, a. to cause to scat-
^jujo^jIjo batdnl mmfcz"', m. the shaddock. //. ter, to cause to sprinkle, h.
^ili^^ bnf-khana, an idol temple, p.
ij\^i^. f^^rrd bithdri, f. cleansing the warp. h.
»Jo mn. batar, Innd in a state fit for the
plough, h. li^jAjL) f%^ro«n bithrdnd, a. to scatter, to
sprinkle, h.
jh batar or hattar, worse, very bad (con-
tracted from bad-tar), p. hitharnd, or f^'qT^T hithurnd,
n. to bef^^^
I3.^i.j scattered, to be sprinkled, h.
jjj batar, curtailed (animal) ; destitute of
good qualities (see abtar). a. \^ •^^m\ bathu,d, m. name of a kind of
^ greens ( Chenopodhm album) ;inalso a kind of weed which
^i^JjUaj i'^'^l^'f^hitrd-bandi
a kind of settlement, h.
(v. bila-bandi), grows with the spring crops the vicinity of water, h.

Ij^l) ^Pqxn hathhjd, a heap of dried cow-

(^Ui) but-tardsh, an idol-maker, a statuary .p. dung, h.
lilji^ ^TTTTTn batrdnd, a. to converse, talk. s. s.
j> ^jf\ hafi, f. a word, speech,
( 98 )

f^ «r^ batti, f. a candle; a wick; a match ; i^^xJb ^?STT bathharn, m. a weight to weigh
U^ or hatkhara). h.
with (also written halkara
" a tent or bougie ; a stick (of sealing-wax), s.
^ hutti, f. provision for a journey, hiitti (j^jJo cinal
salt. s. hit-lavan, m. a kind of medi-
lekar chaudlilr dhundna, to go in earnest
$' search (of any
thing), d. ' [high. h.
Vjuo f%f^^ bittii/d, m. a dwarf, i.e. a span j^y.jj
vessel in'^7^^t batluhi,
which Hindus dress or
food. h.f. a bi-ass

ulo ^frii4I»ti hatiyana, a. to speak, to talk, jWJL) ^7JTR bat-mcir, a highwayman, bat-
to say, to converse, h. mdrl, highway robbery, h. [pulse, t.
(JIaaJo OnhIiT hitit, passed, gone, elapsed, s. (_>*»Ujo f^JJTra bitvias, m. a coarse species of

(^juo '^^fN hattis, thirty-two. h. \r^^ ^j^JTU bat-mogra, m. the double jas-
mine iJasminum zamh^). h.
w»AJo '^^t^ battisa, m. a medicine composed
of thirty-two ingredients, usually given to mares after ^^ ^7^ batna, a, to twist, to form by con-
foaling, h, volution (as ropes); to divide, share; to gain, make
profit ; n. to be divided, to be twisted ; m. an instru-
ment with which ropes are twisted, h.
jt-*J^ '^W^^ haithi, f. any aggregate, con-
"sistingof thirty
dikhana, a. to -two
shew parts, hence, toa set
the teeth, of teeth,
laugh hatt'is't,
; to scoff or ^i^ ^tPtTT hataniya,
a shareholder, h.
m. jiroprietor of a bat,
make faces at any one. h.

cLjO ^Z hat, m. name of a tree { Ficus Indica) ; \yi^ '^T^ hatu,a or hatnm, m. a purse, a small
bag, generally used for holding betel-nut, &c. ; a brass
a single caiir'i, s. vessel in wich Hindus dress their food, h,

«-iLo "^Z hat, m. tripe; twist; a wrinkle or \yj> f^^ bitwd, m. a son. h.
fold of the abdomen ; (in comp.) contracted for hat, a
road, as hat-par, a highwayman. In Dakli. a weight
made of metal or hard stone to weigh with (v. 6a/- j\yj "^Z^JX. hatn-ar (also batrvaV), a tax ga-
kliara). h. therer who collects a tax levied in kind; a custom's or
police officer stationed on the road for collecting
transit duties, h.
cLo "^Z bat, m. ^a partition, division: in
^_^\^^'WZ^%hata,^,f.j revenue language, di- y^ ^7^RT hatwara, m. a share, the parti-
vision of the crop between tlie cultivator and zamin- tion or division of lands, division of a crop in shares, h.
dar. batd,i-dar, a cultivator who shares his crop with
the zamindar. h. 13*^ '^7^'TT batwand, a. to cause to twist,
&c. /(. [resort, h.
IjL) '^^ batta, m. deficiency ; exchange or dis-
count defect,
; blemish, injury, offence ; a ball (of wood jyk> '^Z\X hator, m. a gathering, a crowd, a
or stone) ; a box in which gems arc kept, hattc-haz, a
juggler, a trickster, halte-biixi, f. juggling, trickery, \j^ f%7TTT bitaurd, m. a heap of the cakes
of dried cow-dung. h.
subterfuge, hattd dhdr and hatld dlifil, level, even. k.

jljj WZ\T^ hutcir, name of a tribe of Guja7-s, (jjj-i^ '^7t^*I batoran, gathering or h.heaping
grain in one place at the time of harvest,
q. v. /*. [lusion. Sac. (v. sattd-hattd). h.
liujUj halta-satta, m. a kind of armour, col- Ujjjo ^TTiT^ batornd, a. to gather up, to col-
lect, to purse, to accumulate (in Dakh. hatolnd). h.
li IJO f^Z['^bttana, a. to scatter, to sprinkle, h. kJj^^ f^TT^ hitauri, f. a tax on shopkee[)eis
\J\JO bataaaAm. a pea, called in UrAZxjViutar &:c. in a village, h. [&:c. d,

&Sljb batana,] (q. v.). d. ^].Jo hatolan (v. batoran), gathering grain,
l3iJo frrt^ bitond, a. to scatter, to sprinkle ;
J\jL> ^ZX^hnta,u, m. a traveller ; (in Dakh.)
a highwayman, s. [ropes, &c. (v. hat), h. m. a son (see h'liwd). h.

(_|'Jo m\\ hata,i, f. hire paid for twisting J&^ '^31^ batohi, ra. a traveller, wayfarer, s.
c_^^ fwZ'^ hitap, a tree, a twig. s. «Jl)_ W^ batta, an extraordinary allowance
paid the military when on field duty. Also, the agio
allowance, or rate of expenditure, between rupees of
jOlU^ WTTTT hatpcu'Am. highwayman, vil- different species, h.
jbcLo WT^Tf batpar,] lain, footpad, h.
^jl^ "WTm bathdn, pasture grounds, h.
ijjbjJLo "^ZmJ^ batpari, '\ f. highway rob- Ul^ fW3T»TT bithdnd, a. to cause to sit down,
to set, settle, h.
i^j^.^^ '^Zm'ii bat-pan,} bing. /*.
ijb battahh, m. a duck (v. uilla^). h. ufA^JO f^ToF bithak, m. an ant hill. k.
Ij^^jb f^J^"^! bithldnd, to cause to be seat-
13;^ '^7T:'5TT haturna, to be collected together. /*. ed, to make one sit down. h.

ijj^ "WZ"^ bapri, f. a small cup. h. U^> '^f^^T hithnd, n. (for baitlina), io&ii. h.
( i)o )

o^jj 'SfTHT batlnin, n. to enter: (in j)al<li.) C^l^lVsi ^TsTTtTTiT bdjr-cujlidt, (lightning-
to be twisted, plaited, or woven together, as ropes. /;. struck , any sudden calamity, especially if viewed as a
judgment from heaven, s.
herb, '^^^T
h hathu,d or hathuica, a kind of
^A^s2 cTsI^^J bajnr-battu,m. name of a fruil;
a large kind of seed, of which necklaces are made. h.
^'i^ WZ\ hatha'i, f. the art of making; gold
'"thread, also hala,i. h. [spirits, h.
^. m. tol);icco. h.
LL^il^^;rf T??Hm bajar-bhdng,
" This appears to luive bejn the first name given to the
weed, which was introduced into India, as is supposed,
tc'^->'^'^'^batti, f. a candle; a still for distilling in the time of Jehanghire. It has now been superseded
U)V 'N'fr^T bitii/a, f. a daughter, s. by the European name — see tambdicu." (Binning.)
\jji> '^Z'm hati/a, f. a silken cord adorned with
three fringes, which women use to tie their hair be- ciAJkij,:s! ^^JoR'^J' bajr Jilt, m. (lit. "lightning-
hind, h. [alley ; a small measure of weight, h. insect"), a species of the armadillo, called by natu-
ralists Pangolin or Manis ; and sometimes " the scaly
'oJo ^f^tn hiitiya, f. a narrow passage, an ant-eater". — It is termed in the Dakhni dialect khanld-
mditjd. (Binning), s.
jb _-J4> '^7TiT iwi'/e-io,:', m. a juggler, hatte-
hail, f. performance of a juggler, slight of hand. h. p. ^^S>^,
nifia. s.^'3'^ bajrang, in. a title of Hanu-
jjjj ^ZT^ hater, m. f. a kind of quail (^Perclix
olivacea. Bach), s. |.C>^ ^^^ hajranrn, f. a kind of tllak, or
"mark, made on a Hindu's forehead with red lead. h.
f^j^^yh '^Z^ bates, m. a passnge, pathway, h.
.^iijjo sj^rSj hatenth, m. the proprietor or ij^, bajra, m. a pleasure-boat (v. bajrd). h.
liolder of a share (same as bataniyd), h. uSj^. fkwt biji-i, f. (v. bijU), lightning, s.
Isi ba-jFi, in place, all right, proper, true, ac- J^ ba-jiiz, besides, except, p.
curate, becoming, fit. p.
.1^ fw»ITC hijar, m. a bull, a stallion, h. ^\sl i^'S^'^^bijU,^. lightning; athnnder-bolt./i.
U^ WtT^ hajiiTi, n. to he sounded (a bell or
Ld3l:s! '^TlTeR bajak, m. a kind of serpent, h. gong Sjc.) ; das baje, ten have sounded, i.e. it is ten
o'clock; to be famous ; m. a rupee (used among
^l^ f^»n^T bijala, seedy, turned to seed, brokers), h.
abounding in seed. s.
Uii ^aT*TT buJ7id, m. a cloth used by men-
l3^)l5I ^IITqS'RT ha-ja-lana (in Pers. ba-ja struous women, a pessary, h.
dwardan,), a. to perform, to obey, to execute, to ac-
complish, ph.
. Usi f^TTTTT bijud, m. a fan, a punkah, s.
(^Isl /;(c//«.7, to the heart, soul, or life, ba-jan
dnuulan, to be in imminent danger or distiess. ha-jdn j'i'i-^. bajantar, m. (v. bajantrV), d.
ravjldan, to be vexed to the soul. p. jC.Jkisi W5T^^ bajantri, m. one who plays
upon musical instruments ; f. a tax on musicians and
Ijli? ^'iTT'TT bajmia, a. to sound, to play upon
an instrument of music ; to perform, to execute, h.
female dancers, bajantri-mahall, m. the quarter inha-
bited by musicians ; a brothel, h.
lilii biijdiia (for bvjhdnu q. v.), to extin- imJ^ ba-J //!■<, in kind, in some sort. p. a.
guish, &c. h.
(clf: ^»TTt bqjanl or bajtii, f. quarrel, fight ;
y^W bu-jd,e, in place of, by way of. p. "uproar, a row. h.
cJ ^^. f^^\\ bijd,i, f. a poi'tion of seed corn ^ hiju (also biju bd,ord), m. (v. beju), an
which the poorer classes are allowed to take from the animal that feeds on dead carcases, the Indian
field, h. [ment for the arm ; a bracelet, h,
badger ; (some say the ichneumon), Ursus Indicus. h.
p^>Ul f^'STT^ bijdyath, m. a kind of orna- Ki\ysi ^tT'^IHI bajwdnd, a. to cause to sound,
U^^^ ^r'StTsn'TT baj-hajdnd, n. to effervesce to cause to play on an instrument, h.
with noise in putrefying, h.
liv»^ Wiftf 'TT bajonid, a. to sti-ike, smite, d.
^pLsi bujattar, \ax. (for fto/'an^n, &c. q. v.) cLJ^ f^jftn bijof/ (forvijog), m. separation,
ijy^ bajattari,} a musician, &c. s. absence (especially of lovers) ; adj. parted, separate, s.
\3y&t\Si ha-jidd-hond, n. to be importunate,
to insist upon any thing ; to tempt, to urge (a per- ^S*^. f^'ft'ft bijogi, wretched, one who is se-
son), a.h. "parated (from his beloved, &c.). s.

"W^ bajr
; adj.(for
hard,vajr), m. usa thunder-bolt;
bajr pare par, &c., may light-a ^f: ^*KJ bajltd, m. marshy soil. h.
ning fall on him, Sic. ; this is used in cursing any bnjhdrat, adjustment of ac-
body. s. Ojl^s: ^<K.Krr
counts. / .

^vft 'WWO hajvd, ni. a boat for travelling in, a \Jl^a2 ^flJJTfT bujhdnd, a. to extinguish, to
put out ; to damp orh2
pleasure boat (of a larger kind, q. d. heavy or hard),
depress one's courage, to quench
commonly called " budge-row ". h. one'.s thirst, as piyds bujhdnd. h.
( 100 )

L-l^ •^SRj'^TT hujkand a. (ciuis. of hujhna), 4jreflect,

.^ T^^T^'tTT bichdnid,
a. to toconsider, to
to investigate, to comprehend, think, to ap-
to explain, to infuse into the mind, to demonstrate,' prehend, toconceive, s. [helpless, p.
to push as with argument, to persuade, to cause to
believe, to take to. h.
8^1^ biclidra (for be-chdra), without resource,
bl^ =r*K][^ hqj/iana, a. (also bajhan^and
or b(ijhd,ona), to entangle, to ensnare (as game), to *^ V^ ^^^T^ bichdrya, fit for consideration, s.
entrap, h. [again, h.
jjUl f^^^") bichdli, f. straw, h.
J.A-^4^ byjhbnjhmi'al, m. a liddle, guess
wlii '^^T^T bachdnd, a. to save, to preserve,
2;^ W^T!T hiijahra, m. a vessel for warm to reserve, to protect ; to save, to spare ; to defend, to
water, h. guard,
musical toinstrument
conceal, to h.leave, (for bajana), to sound u
\3K^ f^*RoRT«n hijhhand, a. to frighten, to
scare, to alarm, h. j^ ^'^T^ bacJid,o or bachdv, m. safety, pro-
tection ;e,=cape, deliverance h.
'-^S: f^Hi«h«1 1 hijJiahnd, n. to be alarmed,
to be startled. /(. ^J^. 'sr'^^^Z>ac/i-pan,m. childhood, infancy.//.
8U!^S; f^^RiTT^ bijhgah, a scarecrow, h. j^.wonderful,
f%f^^ s. bichitr (for vichitra), various ;
1*4^ ^*K«n huj/md, n. to be extinguished, to be
put out (as fire, a lamp), to be quenched (thirst), to be (S^ "g'^'fT^ ?yac/<ij, f. remainder; surplus, rc-
dejected (the spirits), h. " sidue ; end, conclusion, h.
13^ f^^^TTT bichctrnd, to detail, bichar
lj^.fi '^irfjtTT hajhna, to be ensnared, to be bichar kar hubid, to speak in full detail. /(.
caught (as game) ; to stick, h.
blchah, disappointment ; fright,
cLj^^ '^SKW? bajhwat, a stalk with eor. h.
\jj^^ ^^THT bvjhonta, an abstract account
of a village proprietary, h. l3Ks2 f^^eRT*n birlihdnd, a. to baulk, to dis-
ap oint, tobreak one's promise, (in Dakh.) to frighten,
to terrify or threaten, h.
\j6^^ f^*^^^T bijhonhja, name of a tribe
of raj-puts in Jaunpiir. h. [burthen, h.
b^:^ '^^ojnHT backhand, small (generally ap-
{Jjk^ ^'^i^S bujkail, laden ; beast, &e., of plied to shoos and clothes) ; m. a dancing boy. h.

si f^^ /;yai (for t'yo?/a),m. triumph, bijai- ,3^^ ^'^oirR^ bachhdni, f a girl adopted by
"dasaml, the victorious tenth ; the tenth of dsin Sliulcl " an old prostitute, p. [children, &c. h.
Paksh ; the anniversary of Rama's victory over Ravana.*.
J>^_ ^^o|r^ hack-hack (generally kach-bach),
VasJ f^firnn bfjiya or hijayd, m. Iienip, bhang
{Cannabis sativa). s. Uxsl f^^sr^l^hirhahnd, n. to i)e disappointed,
baulked ; to sprain ; to run away, to retreat ; to with-
j\Sk:s~ "^Wi^Zbiiji-ddr, an agricultural servant draw a consent » hich has been given, (in Dakh.) to
who takes corn as a recompense for his labour. /;, start, to be afraid, h.

jj^ f^ifTi) htj'ifji (for r[jayi), vanquisher, con- ViSi^ f^^W^ bk-h.hannd, m. an ornament
queror, s. worn in the anterior lobe of the ears. h.

^ f^ },]ch (for h'lchy in the midst, among, s, ^jlG; lachfu/dn or hackchagdn, children,
young one's (Pers. pi. o{ bachcha). p.
^ ^^ bach or vach^ f. orris root. s. iOl^ hachchaijdna, fit for children ; in a
^ '^'^ biich, an inferior tribe o{ rdj-jmis va cliildish manner, bachehagani, f. a child's toy or play-
the district of Jaunpur. h. thing, p. [tribe. It.

\^ •^r^ bacha or ^raT bnchchd, m. a child; [XS'f. ^*f*1rft bach-gutt, name of a rdj-put
a young animal, hachchc wall murghl. the hen with
her chickens; the constellation of the Pleiades, p. ^S^. bachckarfi f. infancy, childhood, p.

bl^ 'sr'^ITtJT bachdpd, m. safety, escape, deli- IIU2 fr^^^ b'lckahid, n. to break one's pro-
verance, h. mise, to slip, to infringe, to turn, to bend. s.
•Isi f^'^TT bichar (for vichdr), m. contriv- lX»s2 f^^H'^TT hickamnd, a. to tease or torment
ance, consideration, reflection, judjjment, opinion, one witli questions, h.
thought, will. s.
^^ ^^^ h/iciinn, m. speech, talk, discourse.
V'>^ bichdrd (for be-chdrd), helpless. ^9. word ; promise, agreement, baclian band kar lend or
bandh k., to bind by promise, bachan band, or bandli,
Li^jlil f^^TT?T bicharat (for vichdrat), pait. Itond, to promise, to be agreed upon, bachan pdhid, to
reflecting, thinki ig. 5. abide by a promise, bachan forna, a. to bieak one's
word, bachan chhornd, to break one's promise, bachan
dend, a. to promise, to agree, bachan ddlnd, a. to
(O.l^ I^^TfCtT />/(■//« -vi (for vkhdrli), judged, question, to ask, to inquire, baclian lend, to receive n.
considered, matured, s.
promise, baclian mdnid, to conclude an agre^'ment.
bachan mdnnd, to obey, bachan nlhhand, to abide by a
cL)jl5: f^'^TT^ bichdrak, an inspector, in- oue's word.bachan
s. hdr'nd, to promise, to agree, to give
vestigator, judge. «. promise,
{ 101 )

IVjCl sf^JTT biir/iiia, n. u^

to he snved or spiinMl,
l?4^ ^^^ bi('hhu,a, m. a sort of dagger;
to I'scapc, to remain uiiexpetuled. biicli-rahiiti, to a small stiletto
ornament worn with
on thea curved or serpentine blade ; an
toes. /*.
avoid, to take care against. //.

cL/lJ.5i '^^^^^JT htic/iiia(/,uimw of a vetzeiitMo \?4?^ tV^^T'JTT bichhwdnd, a. to cause to

poiso'ii. s. [espoused, s. spread. /(.
lOiij^^ ^^»R[W bachan-datta, betrothed, ^■j4^ f^T^f^ bnhhornd, a. to separate, h.
Usi- h'Chu,a, 111. name of a plant, d. J-?
^3^' ^^■^'TT bichhaund or fTSttll hichhond,
m. bedding, carpeting, h.
j3l^ IV^^rft hichwuni, 1 ni. one who in-
U3^^ f^"^f^^ bichaulii/a, Herpeses, a me- ^i^f ^^TTT baehhontd, m. distribution of
an aggregate sura on several individuals, h.
{^^. fk^^% bichma,i, J diator, an um-
pire, an arbitrator ; an agent or ambassador, s. S^^ ftreft^ bichhoh, \m. separation, ab-
&5; bachcfta, m. the young of any animal, an ^^^ f^STt^T bichhohdj sence. h.
infant, a child, bachcha-ddn, m. the womb, baclihe-
wfili murgin, f. the hen and chickens ; a name given to ^3^^' bichhu,l, f. a ring or ornament worn
the Pleiades, p. on women's toea. d.

0^. "^^bachh, oiA^^ 'Sf^bachha, m. a calf.s. (_5-6^ ^^ ^cchhl, a female young animal.^.
13'^^ 'f%'Srf^ bichchata, m. a stinguig- ^^ ^f^TT buchldyd (diminutive of buchht),
nettle {Urtica kilerrupta). h. f. a female calf, h,

Ibimet.Ia^ r<s|^| ^'r{\ bichha-dena, a. to spread;

to knock down, to drub, to floor, h. IJtt^^. ^^^ bachherd, m. a colt. h.
r^^ ^^TT bachherd,.
Ul^ f%^^T bichhand, a. to spread ; m. a
bed, bedding, carpet. (Dakh. bichhanan). h.
i.Mk^ bachcha-ddn, m. the womb. v. i^Jt:^. ^^ bachheri,'\
» j* *•
' controvertist,
\jA^, "^Wn bachhrd, m. a calf. h. bichhrd (-i^l^ lbahhds,
^Jyx^i a greaterij
^^ bachh disputer,
(Dakh.) separation. arguer. a.

I3lj^ 'Nr'SfCRT bichhurdnd, a. to cause to be jls! bilidr (pi. of jrfl), seas, gulfs, &c. a.
separated, to separate or sunder (actively), s.
Jl:s: ba-hdl, happy, flourishing, prosperous ;
clJfcl^^^i bichhta'dhut, f. separation, act of reinstated (as in service) ; restoration to a former con-
separating. Also bichharahat. s. dition, or continuing in the present state, p. a.

I!)n..^^ f^'Snt'TT bichhiirnd or f%'5T?TT bichharnd, jJUsi ba-lidli adj. of or relating to a former
to be separated, or set apart, to slide, to slip, to turn state; f. restoration to a former state or con-
awaj the face. *. dition, ha-hai'i sanad, a grant restoring a person to
the possession of something that he has been deprived
j^ii '^"Sf^ bachhru, m. a calf or colt. s. of, or confirming to him what he at present enjoys, p.

U'^^ •f%'?[Tr bkhhard, m. ^separating, se- «.L^ baJis, f. argument, discussion, alterca-
C-j|j^ii f%^TlT bichhardt,Lj paration, part- tion, controversy, discussion, bahs-k., to dispute, a.
ing asunder, s.
^isiU^ hahm-bohfi, f. controversy, discus-
'oK'^jS; fw'2["5T'Jn hichhardnd, a. to cause to be "sion, argumentation, a.
separated ; to part or divide (actively), s.
Ijdsi: bahasnd,a. to argue, to dispute; totalk. a.
jk^ f^"^T[Wt bichhurdyO, m. act of parting tissS ba-hadd, or sS^^^, ba-hadde ki, to such
or separating, separation, s. [away. s.
a degree that ; so that. p.
(-iLiJ6Vv^^ bhhJirdliat, fem. separation, turning
•^ bah', m. a sea, a gulf, a bay ; f. metre
uv4:sl f<4rfd*il bichhurnd or f^dd'HT birhhar- in prosody ; a fleet, a.
■na, n. to be separated, to turn away. s.
(^1.^ buhrdu,a. m. the ci'isis of any disease (as
fever, ^c).
y-^, ■^■3 J liiuhhru, m. a colt, a calf. s.
Ui^jS: f^"2[Q5'!TT hichhalnd, n. to be separated ; i^y^, bahri, maritime, naval ; (for bahrY)^ a
to slip, to slide ; to slip out of place, to sprain; to turn kind of falcon, a.
away the face. /(.
(.^y^. buhrain, lit. the two seas, generally
Ul^ f^^fJIT b/clihua, n. to be spread, h. applied to the Mediterranean and the Euxine : it also
applies to the two waters, viz. tlij fresh and the salt. a.
tfy^J^^ "^^gTrPT bachchh-ndg , m. name of a
vegetable poison, s. t ,*<»^ lahfisb ov ha-ha sbe 1:1, accoruing tu,
in acv'ordance, in sucli a way that. p. a.
^^ ^^ b'lchchlni, "1 m. a scorpion, the sign ■»:sl ba-haJ;h or hahakki, on account of; in
the case of. p. a.
L^s£ f3J'?y^5^hicIlllU,d,) Scorpio, s.
ijX^A ( 102 )
C^\jJ^ hnkhxhii/at, name of a division of
J^ la-lmltm or bn-hiihmi, under the com- the Jaunpur district, p,
' mandof; by dint of. p. a. [lutiou. p.
i^SxiS- bajththidan, to bestow ; to forgive, p.
J^ Z;zM, (for i«-/«7," let alone,") pardon, abso-
4)]^^^ la-hamd Illahi, by the grace of God, i^fij^'^. bahhslii-gari, f. office of general, p.
God be praised that. a.
Jsssi buhhJ, m. parsimony, stinginess, ava-
ij^^ buliaira, a small sea or inland lake. a. rice, sparingness. a. [sition. p. a.
j\^, bukhar, m. steam, mist, fog ; glowing I J^iis: ba-khildf, on the contrary, in oppo-
heat from the ground, or such as is felt in a fever; va-
pour, exhalation, huldiar-nikalnd, n. to break out (as iji^i^. ba-hhubi, in perfection, thoroughly, p.
an eruption on the skin), hulduir dil mm rakhnd, a. to
entertain enmity or malice in the heart, a. i^isi ba-hhud, lit. to or into self, ba-hhid ana,
\\-si buMiara, name of a town and country ; to come to one's self or one's senses, p.
the ancient Bactria. p. j»isi bahhur, m.perfume,odour,frankincense. a.
^jU: buMari, of or relating to Bukhara, a ij>*y^. ba-khushi, with pleasure ; joyfully, p.
native of Bukhara, p.
.ji(l ba-Mair, in welfare, well, good. p. a.
CL^. baljlit, m. fortune, prosperity, luck, fe-
licity. 6aM^«M""■. fortunate. inM<-'-"J?'. lucky, for-
jiJA, bakJn>', ni- report, news, intelligence, d.
tunate, bakht-bdzl. f. trying one's fortune, bakht (Jjkitf buhlnl, a miser, a niggard, a.
jalnd.to lose one's luck, to become unfortunate. haMit- lAitf btiMili, f. stinginess, niggardliness, a.
blddr, one whose fortune is wide awake, a prosperous
person. hakhf-hari:'isJita, unfortunate. b(iMit-]<hufta,
one whose fortune is asleep, unlucky, p. &jkj^ baM.^ya, m. a kind of stitching; quilt-
ing, sewing very thick and strong, p.
CJ^. buMt, m.1 a quick-paced camel (gene-
Si bad, evil, bad; much used in the formation
^^ biihhfi, f. J rally used to ride on, and not of compounds ; as, bad-akhtar, of an unlucky star,
" for burthens), a. unfortunate. bad-ahhIdTr, of bad habits, bad-uslub,
ill-shaped, ill-made ; of evil conduct, bad-asl or bad-
\xs^. ha liJiti/jar, fovtai)\\te,\-)rospero\is. bakhti- v.tiV, low-born, bad-ativdr, iil-inannered. badaf,dl,
ydr'i, f. prosperity, good fortune, p. of evil deeds, bad i'tihld, mistrustful, bad-andcsh,
inimical, evil-minded. bad-d,hi, of ill manners, ob-
serving no religious precept.s. bad-bdthi, internally
\^, bahjLi'o.,')
iJihra, Jj m. ance.
share, portion, lot, allow- evil, bad-hdkhl, uuluckj', unfortunate, bad-bar, evil-
s.^, bakhra, j*' minded or disposed, irtrf-iii. foetid ; f. stink, bad-parhez
^^ haMri, 1 , not controlling one's inclinations and passions; in
temperate had-chdli, of bad conduct, bad-chasfim,
"^ . >■ partner, sharer, ji. malignant, envious, coveting other men's goods, par-
CL<>./^. baMrait,) ticularly \\ives. bdd-lidl, in bad circumstances, ill-
conditioned, bnd-hawdss, senseless, stupified. bad-
ft.'^J)aljh^h, m. gift, donation ; pay; pardon khisdl or bad-khasl'it, of a bad disposition, bad-khatf,
writing ill. bad-khtilk, of evil nature, ill-disposed.
or forgiveness ; share, portion, lot. baldish deju'i, to bad-kho, of bad habits, bad-khwdli, wishing evil, bad-
give, to bestow ; in eomp. it denotes giving, bestow-
ing, forgiving, as samar-bakh'<fi, productive of fruit, dn'd, f. curse, bad-dil, suspicious, bad-dintdgh, dis-
tdj-bakhsh, bestowing a diadem, p. satisfied, displeased with every thing, bad-daul, ill-
shaped, ungraceful, bad-zdt, low-born, of bad breed,
Ul^ic hahxha)ia, a. to cause to give; to procure wicked, vicious, bad-zihn, stupid, slow of apprehen-
pardon for another, p. sion, bad-rdli, wicked, sinful. bad-rikdb, ill-paced
(a horse), also difficult to mount, bad-rag, of a ha.d
vein, ill-natured, malevolent, bad-rang, bad colour,
(^liL^ baML'^hci,i!t}i, f.afavour,forgiveness.;). bad kind, bad-rau, ill-paced (a horse), bad-zahdn,
indecent speaker, abuser; f. indecent language, abuse.
^ji,.^^ haJihi^lnxli, f. a gift, gratuity, bahh-
sliish-ndma, a deed of gift. p. bdd-zabdiil, f. abuse, bad-zcb, ungraceful, bad-.td'at,
f. an unlucky moment, bad-saj, ungraceful, ill-looking.
\j^.^ baJfJii^h.na, a. to give, to bestow, to grant, bad-sirisht, of a bad composition, ill natured. bad-
to spare, to pardon or forgive, p. sara )ijdm, oi d had end. bad-sigdl, malevoleat. bad-
stddk, unfavourably inclined, maltreating, bad-sirat,
ill-tempered, of bad disposition. iarf-.v/zo/rZ, ill-shaped,
e^\>i^,baM.sh-na7na, m. a deed of gift, p, ill-looking, bad-shugun, of evil omen, inauspicious.
bad-surat, ugly, ill-conditioned. bad-tarll; m. bad
(^y'%id baJiJishandofn, f. libei'ality, gene- habit (in a religious sense), bad-ilnat, malevolent,
"rosity; forgiveness, p. iniquitous, bad-tinati, f. malevolence, iniquity, bad-
zavn, suspicious. bad-ahd, faithless, treacherous.
StiO'^i-^ baMshanda^ he who bestows ; God, iiad-ji'l, m. evil deeds ; of bad habits (particu-
the forgiver. p. [forgiver. p. h. hirly in a religious sense). bad-fiirjdm, of evil
end" or issue, malignant, bad-kdr or bad-kirddr, sin-
ful; a malefactor, had-gumdn, suspicious, bad-go,
V-^t2>"''^ //aM-'>'^'^'*'^'^''^' "^- thebestower,the slanderous, bad-guhar, of bad origin. bad-l<igum,
hard-mouthed (a horse), not obedient to the reins.
^&l bakli^ln, m. (lit. the giver), a pay- bad-mast, dead drunk. bad-maza, of bad taste, un-
"msiRter; a general, commander-in-chief. biiJchshlul- savory, bad-mnzagi, unsavoriness, tastelessness; cool-
mnntdHk, a title or rank, equivalent to commander-in- ness 'between friends, bad-mizdj, of evil temper
cliief. balthsIu-Midiia, m. tlie pay-office ; the general's hnd-muzanna. suspicious, bad-ma'd.sli, of a bad pro-
o'fii'e. hnlchshiydni a'zajn,the supreme commanders, p. lession, of an infamous trade, badmu'dmala, of unfair
1^^ ( 103 ) J-V
ilfaling, roffnish. had -mihrJ, f. di^ohligingncKS, un-
&ijS> bdddrla or Jiridrahi, rn. a fellow-tra-
kindiii'Bs. bdd-ndin, infamous, caliiniiik)us. had-iidin'i, veller; a convoy, or guard on the road
t". infamy. Inid-iinsaf, of a bad race or breed ; a bas-
tard. hnd-tinsiJi, unlortunatc. buil->i<iziir, ill-looUinjj;. ordered to be taken with a certain medicine; anything(as water
gruel with salts i; a vehiele (in medicine— .see anupaii);
bnd-im't, tripping (a horse), bad-iiiniid or hud naiinld, also a charge (of one per cent.) formerlv le\ied as the
ungraceful, inelegant, h'id-iiilidd, ill-disposed, of bad
expense for keeping the highways and riVers free from
intention, bad-tmtz', ill-disposed or ill-behaved. b<id- robbers, badrahi lamb, an iiivou-e of goods sent ; also
hnxiit, of bad digestion. Ixid-liai ,nt, ill-formed, mis-
shapen. btid-i/Hiiiii, evil-omeued, uiipropitious N.B — • transit duty. p. [le-n thousand dirhams. p.
All the preceding adjectives may form abstract sub-
stantives bythe addition of /, as had-alMuVi, depravity 5j^ bddni, m. a bag of money ; a weight of
of morals, bad-uslub'i , malformation, &c. p.
north '^'p hadri,«. a place of {)ilgnmage in the
of India.
lSJ. "^l^bcul, f. a bubojOr swelling of the gland.//.
S> f^^hid, f. a little pit into which children in ij^iV f^^tt bidn, f a mixture of metals so
play endeavour to throw balls or marbles, k. "called; a kind of tutenag inlaid with silver, (so called
from Bidar, the name of a city and province), used ftir
>^^ ^^f^ bndi, f. the wane of the moon ; the kukkas, &c. /;.
dark half of the lunar month, from full moon to new
moon. i'. •—l/^.oj^ '^^'^'T^'^badfl-pafral,-, m. asori of
perfume, a leaf. s.
IJJ f^^T bkla, f. dismission ; taking leave,
farewell, adieu, hidd-k , to bid farewell, to dismiss, s.
'^.^J^ ^^^'ttfi^T
the blue sephalica bndr'i-phuld,
or nyctanthes. s. f. a plant,
'tiJ hida, f. l)eginniiig, commencement, a.
^k30 T(^ bada, predestined, fated, h. ^^4f"4f,'^ ^^T^'Sf^ badr i-c /ill a da, f a kind
of perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish ; a tree, a
species of the .^i.! !/;;/( i/s. s.
t^sAs^ '^^T^^ bada-badi, with emulation or
rivalship, contentiously. h.
J^t-fj'V ^?^^^ badrl-shail, m. a part of
the Himalaya range, and a celebrated place of pilgrim-
tearing,f^^TT'T hklaran
breaking, severing,(for vklaran),
rending, m. act s.of
or dividing, age, the Badrinath of modern travellers ; or a town and
temple on the west bank of the Alaknanda river in
O.^tio f^TfTT bldarna, a. to teai-, to rend. s. the province of Shrlnagar. s.
iiJ ba-dast, in hand, or into hand, j^-
(_^^Jo '^^w't baddmi, f. a species of rice. h.
^^lio bad-dn (for ba-dn), lit. by that; thereby, jyi.mS> ba-dastur, according to custom j as
thence, p. [congratulation, &c. usual, in the usual manner, p.

\a>\s> baddhd, m. (v. badhdwd), a song of i^**»^ ^?f^^T badsald, ra. a hog-sty. h.
i\s> baddhat, f. an unexpected accident, a. Cl^S'Si bid' at, f. violence, oppression, wrong j
schism, heresy, blasphemy, a.
\JJt\si iV^T^'Jn bklahna, a. to turn the plough j^i^ bid^ati, a tyrant, oppressor, a.
over a field, after the seed is come up, and also to
plough innnediatel}' after sowing, for the purpose of ^Si badak (same as bat), a duck. d.
covering the seed ; to harrow, k.
iJL>-i\^ or &J'3'^ baddyat, commencement, a. CJj^ ba-dikhat, with toil or difficulty, j). a.
\J^Si ^^:^;^^'\badaknd, n. to move, be moved, h.
«^JJ0 badd,i (pi. of ^JO,;^^),wonders,rarities.a.
Ji\> badal, m. exchange, substitution ; reta-
U-l) JJ '^^T'^TT bad-bdclid,
dulent bach or division, h. m. a false or frau- liation ;prep, for, on account of. badal lend, a. to
exchange, to take in exchange, badali 7ndl, m. price,
liJJJ ^ir^ btidbud, m. a bubble. /*. barter, badal-mushahara, m. stipend given in money
or kind to public or private servants, a.
UltJO^ ^^TTT budbuddnd, a. to mutter, to
grumble, h. {}si '^'^ baddal, or W^ badal, m. cloud, h.
CJSi f^f^ biditf known, famed, renowned, s. Ji^ ba-dil, with the heart, heartily, sincerely.
ba dil ojdn, with heart and soul. p.
ysi badtar, worse, inferior, very bad. p. y'^ ??^ badld, m. exchange, lieu, stead,
j-J.^ badakh, m. a duck (for batakK). d. a substitute, recompense, revenge, requital. badld
lend, a. to alter, to revenge, badle, in exchange, in
(^Lii^tiJ badahhshdn, name of a region near return for. o. [of the English word. d.
the source of the Oxus, famous for its rubies, &c. p. yS^ budld, ra. a bottle, probably a corruption
.S> badr, m. the full moon. a.
^^i3^ bad-ldm (for bad-7idm), infamous, of
jS^ ba-dar (to ihe door, or at the door), with- bad repute, d.
out, out. ba-dar-vaw7sl, writing off objectional items
of an account; auditiugortaxingan overcharged bill. jo. XiySi '^^^'RT badldtid, a. to cause to alter;
to change, to put one thing for another, a.
\jSi ^'r^ badrd, m. a cloud, cloudiness, s. t^^wU ^^^55T^Z;a^/a,i, f price of exchange, a.
_ .L^J bn-darj, by insertion, per invoice, p. a.
\jisi '^^^^T badalnd, a. to change, to alter, a.
&?-,jJ ba-daraja, in, or to a degree, p. a.
^Jsi ^^^ o. badB, f. cloudiness; a small bit
"of cloud,
j«jj(3J badar-rju, f. a drain, a sewer, p.
J^ ( 104 )

iT-^ ^(^^ hacin, f. exchanore; relief (of ^liJ f^ bidhu (for v'idhii), m. the moon. s.
"watches, ^c): a substitute ; a person or thing taken ; ^s:>
^5lj6JO f^vlrtT bidhata (for vklhata), m. he
representation or exchange of some other person or
thing, a. who has predestined, i. e. the deity Brahma, provi-
dence, s [precept, direction, s.
]s^ InidU, f. a small bottle (v, hudla). d.
jjlj&.iJ f^VT«T bidhan, m. couinioii practice,
^o^iJ ^^ hadmi (for vadan), m. the moutli,
the countenance, s, J^^>3J T3T^q5 baddhavjuli, putting the
hands joined to the forehead, saluting respectfully, s.
j^JJ hadan, m. the body, badan phal-jana,
n. to be covered with an eruption of pustules, a, i.lifcjj ■^VTTT bddJiaiva, m. a soni; in congra-
tulation ;presents, &c., carried to the house of a wo-
\3s) ^^ hcidna, a. to wajier, to stake at play, man on the sixth or fortieth day after childbirth, h.
to settle, to predestinate, to take (as witness), to obey,
to acknowledge, to agree, not to refuse, h.
(O.l^jj f^in^ bidhnicat, f. perforation, h.

Xi^ badna,m. (for &a(//ma),a kind of i)ot. h. j_jlfc.3J ^Vl^ bfidha.,1, f (same as badJuuca),
a song, presents, &c. h. [g^nt. *.
jjiio hndni, f a pipkin of a small size. d.
C-'^^J^LJO ^f^>TiT bnddhi-bhrit, wise, intelli-
• o
jitio ^vr't hadni, a contract by which the
" borrower gives a bond at high interest, and as a fur- j^i^ hudh-bar,
nesday, s. m. the day of Budh, Wed-
ther security to the lender, he assigns his crops valued
far below the market price, h. CL^Si ^jfTjiT budhit, known, understood, s.

^j^S> hadan'i, of or relating to the body. a. \j,.,5^J&i\5

■ • ^VrPT
~^ biidli-'ian, m. a wise man. s.
jtV badu, infamous, bado (for ba-o), in or
to him, &c. p. j^lP Tf>R badliir, deaf, badhirta, f. deaf-
ness, s. [execution, place of slaughter. *.
»S> badu, a tribe of Arabs so called, a.
\^'i..,,tt,.\s ^vivjiH badlia- sthan, m. place of
^,'.^ f^n^T hldivan (for vidrvan), learned, s.
vjilfi^ ?Vs|f biidhak, m. a slaughterer, a
,^ builuh, an invocation, suppo^pn to pos- killer, s.
sess great power over the invisible world. It has no
meaning that I ever heard, but some suppose it to be uiij6.3J TfU5F hadidh, a huntsman, sportsman,
tlie name of a certain deceased saint. The word is fowler, killer, slayer, s.
often written as a charm, and inlaid in letters of gold
on sword-blades, &ic., to ensure their eflficiencj'. a. ^V^S^'^f^^V!^ huddhiman ,in.^ wise, sensi-
(Binnino-). [to laugh at, to ridicule, h.
iJL^^i>^^ 'WfS'TTT huddliimat, m. \ ble, learn-
'o,_5 JO f^^TrTt bhlorna, a. to screw ; to mock, ' known, ^f^Htf^
fj^'^ bnddhhiuiU, f J ed, famed^
13)^30 f%^tT«TT bidornd, a. to laugh at. h.
CJ^S^ ha-daulat,hy means of, through, p. a. UjfctJJ ^V^ bad/i7ia (iiho bidlina), a. to smite,
to kill ; n. to be wounded, s.
j^jjJ bidun, without, deprived of. a.
J6JO -q^ &arf/i,m. killing, slaying, badh-dand, lls&JO 'snfrrr badhna, m. a kind of pot, with
a spout to it, a vessel for drinking water from. *.
m. capital punishment, hadh-kamyn, f. desire to kill.
badh-kanhsh'i, wishing death, badh-^than, m. or badh- Ky^Si fwv»n bidhna, n. to be pierced ; m. a
sthcd'i, f. a place of slaughter or execution, s. name of Brahma (see bidhata). s.
^wVJ ^U baddha, bound, tied; checked, sup-
fixed, withheld.
pressed;has iafZrf/(a-«/»"A-/e, young, a pupil tioJ^LiJ bi-dihand {^'\ei them graiit"), a su-
whose hair not been shaved, bnddlia-shiklia, f. a perscription ofassent by the emperor on a petition
pungent root, a kind of garlic, baddha-kop, one who for an assignment ol revenue, p.
baddha-mul, fast or firmly
rooted, ors. suppresses wrath,
wife ;'^V budhu,wife,
a woman, f. lady
a daughter-in-law,
(same as bahu). s. son's
^S> ■^ h!dh (for vidhi), f. a sacred pre-
cept, rule, common practice, precept, direction ; name Li>iX) f^VTf hidhnva or bidhwa(Jorvidhava),
of Brahma; manner. bidhi-bat,{foT vidhi-vat),accoTii- f. widow, bidliaivd, m. the Deity, s.
ing to rule, law, or precept. *.
of a Hindu deity lU*'^ '^^Vihudh-n-dr, m. Wednesday,
J ^ • S3 s.
,fcJO WT| hudh, vrt. name
corresponding to the Odin or Woden of the Saxons, fj^»^^^ "srf^TfT buddhirvd/i, 1 wise, know-
and re<^ent of the planet Mercury ; the planet Mer-
cury; Wednesday; a wise man, a sage. s. \ ing, intelli-
jj^fc.^^ ^f^Trft bitddhiwatl,
JbS^ WEbiicUlha, m. a wise or learned man, a i:6»i&^ T5-<^ buddhi)vanta,J gent. s.
sage ^ a deified teacher, especially of the Bauddha sect ;
tho ninth avatar or incarnation of Vishnu, and the m. instrument
,^\i,^S^ '^^m'^ bndhopaya,
apparent founder of Buddhism, s.
.^. - , "or means of putting to death, s.
j>Si -^^ buddhi, f. sense, knowledge, under- | ^y^^ f^S^H hidhwaiis (for vidhrvans), m.
stantUn-. buddhi-hm, senseless, s. , death, annihilation, demolition, s.
{ 103 ; \j

of :i whule'^V^^T
race. badha-vamh,
s. xn. theslaugliter

ij^ft J& J.J ^%^t^ huddhi-hm, ignorant, silly, a loVsi an old woman.
/^-indep ».
fool, biidi/lii-liimild, f. ignorance, folly, s. ^h^b bi-zat
udi-hi,l,of itself, endently, by its
own essence, personally, a.
i^^ "^^ 'xiddi'ilji. an ornament worn round j^ bazr, m. seed, bazr gar, a sower, a. p.
"the neck, hanging; adown
hind and before belt, to the waist,
a sash, a pairand crossing h.
of braces, be-
JS^ bad, m. expense, gift, a portion, a.
Lfcjj ^fVTTT hudhiya, f. a bullock, or any *)3^ bida, m. a garment for daily use of
castrated animal, h.
which no care is taken, a.

of intellect ''^■^ir»^i| btiddhmdriya,
or perception, m. anear,organ
as the miud, eye, nose> eisi bada, ra. a jest, raillery, pleasantry, a.
tongue and skin. s.
j> ^ bar, f. Pudenda Joe?ni?ice, vulva, h.
iui&Jj '^iq ftaf///^Cir,<losei'vingdeath,condenined
to death, badhyatd, f. fitness to be killed, hadhya- j> 'm. bar or var, excellent ; m. bridegroom,
blittmi, f. or hadhya-sthdn, ni. a place of public exe- a son in law ; a boon, a blessing, a choice, a good ; the
cution, s. Indian iig-tree; f. Asparagus racemo.ms; conj. but
moreover, even, bar-dal, giver of a choice or bless-
i^S> badi, f. badness, wickedness, p.
ing. 0-.
4_^^J "^^ hadi, f. the dark half ofs. the lunar
month, from full moon to new moon. j> ^ bar, m. breadth (of cloth), h.
y.^ f^?rT hidya (for vidya), f. science, know-
ji bar, f. bosom, bar-mama and bar-hank na,
to boast; fruit, produce, result; prep, on or upon.
ledge, intellect, s. bar-dud, Pers. bar-dmadan, to succeed, bar-ldnd, Pers!
bar-dwardan, to accomplish, to bring to a successful
.fcib.ij fs:fU'^l_hid)/dd/uir, m. a Vidyadhara, issue, bar-anddkhtan, to ovei-throw, to vanquish,
a species of dancers that perform before the assembled p.
deities in liidra's paradise. «
j> ^^ barr, f. a wasp. h.
,__^^b J>J f^STT'ff hhlyarlhi (for vidyarthT), ji barr, m. land, barran wa bahran, by land
m. a seeker after knowledge, a student, s. and sea. birr, a fox-cub. a.
j^ljbjJ iTToTT^TfT hU/yajvaii (for vidyawari),
scientific, h^arned. s. [foreign country. *. y '^T Z*am, m. cakes made of pulse-meal
and fried in butter or ghi ; adj. large, great (for iara). ,s.
iT*.'.-^? f^'^51 bides (for videsh), abroad, a
y ^ burn, bad, vfov<e. hura manna, a. to
j.«*)_Jj fW^^ bidesi, of another country, a take amiss or ill, as an affront, to be affronted or dis-
" traveller, a foreigner, s. pleased, bura lagiid, n. to be unpleasant. /(.
X)>^ badt, rare, Strange, wonderful, cuiious. a.
]j^ "^Xl barra, m. a kind of rope ui^ed in a
i^.Si badin (for ba-ln), to, for, or in thi>, p. village game on the 14th of the light half of Ku,ar.
V. Wilson, h.
s^,S^ ba(hlui,m. an extempore, an impromptu,
impetuosity, any thing done inconsiderately, au unex- ^j> f^\j birr a, m. gi-am and barley sown in
pected event ; an axiom, a, the same field, h.

ic^..i^ badihi, unpi-emeditated ; apparent, a.

^j> ^tr burra, m. the interior cavity of any
thing, the belly of a drum. d.
\jv^ '^fT bada (see bam), great, large, s.
Ijj budda, old, aged ; an old man. d. ji\ji barabar, abreast, even, level, like, plain,
uniform, smooth, up to, opposite, equal, exact, accu-
bU.) buddapa, \ rate, alike, straight, barabar and, to overtake, bard.
'' .■.: ■ ■ ,_ fm. old ao;e, SL'uility. d. iar-/f., to smooth, to compose, bardbar-hoiid, to ter-
j^ijo buddapan,)
minate, to al'.ow, to suit. p. [kind. h.
lijlJyj f^Tre*n hidania, a. to drive away, to
turn away ; to efface, s. J^j>\j> f^U^R birra barar, m. collection in
(^.^._0 biidpun, also budpana, m. old age. d. tj^^ barahitri, (^quality ; competition, ri-
valry, hardbari-k., to vie with, to compete with. p.
\itiSi '^^T buddha, aged, old ; an old man.
huddltd khahlsa, an old sinner fa term of ridicule or CJ>\y> ciT.T'iT barat, f. the company and atten-
reproach), huddhu-khanlc, an old fellow, s. dants at a marriage-feast ; the marriage procession, s.
bU3j buddhapa, 1
C^\j> bai'ut, f. a commission, a warrant, as-
1 •••• , ,,,- .I-m. old age, srnility. s. signment, letter,
a a draught, a.
^^Ast^ buddhapan,} " ^
CL>\j> barat, f. the 14th day of the month
\^h>'Sj ^TTfTT^T
the Ganges, where itbudh-f/nnr/a,
has shifted its the old h.bed of
stream, Sha'bdn, whicTi is appropriated to the commemoration
of ancestors ; this is generally called shabi-bardt,^i.\. p.a.
Ufci!^^ '^T^T(T badlrii/a, m. a dispa«f> affectino*
sugar-cane, Indian corn, &c., which prevents the head ^j}ji '^Tl'irt baraii, m. an attendant at a mar-
from shootinff. h. riage procession, s.
y ( k;o )
cl^^ J fV^TT Z;//a/, in. tlie ernbodii (1 ;-])irit, 13V f^r^T hirana, strange, foreign; belong-
name of a king. s. ing to another, of or relating to another, h.
l4J^-> '^TI7T Ixiratha, m. a washernui!). 5. 13 L) f%T]RT birana, a. to mock, to jeer or
jibe, to taunt, h.
li:>-\^ f^TJsnn hirajna, n. to be conspicuous
or splemiid, to enjoy one's self, to live iu liealtii, ease, ^\j> ^T^TRT bar-ana, n. to succeed, to re-
content, and independence, s. main at a distance, to keep aloof, to abstain, p. h.
,d\j> hiiradar or biradar, m. brother, hira- j^^ij^ bar-andaz, destroying, upsetting, p.
dar-prinvar, kind to friends and relations, harddar-
Ichwtiiiditgl, profession of fraternal affection, p.
^y>^j> f^X\'^'^ biranawe, ninety -two. s.
iolj^'y haradarana, like a brother, becoming i(«->|y. ^^ burahs, m. the Rhododendron. //,
a brother, p.

Siiljjii^jJ haradar-zada, a nephew, p. J IjJ ^T^T^ or "TO^ bar-a,o, abstinence, p. h.

i^jj^ji baramard, f. ^ calcuhuing, estima-
^.i^J jiil J haradar-zadi, a niece, p.
8J,j\j bararvarda, m. j ting, considering be-
t^.ii^^ hnrodari, f. rehitioiiship, brotherhood; fore hand what may be necessarj' for a feast, Sec. ba-
adj. brotherly, fraternal, p. rdward-k., a. to strike out (of a muster-roll) ; to calcu-
late, to estimate, to carry to account, p.
i::)\j> burada, m. filings, saw-dust. p.
y^^j> f^^'^T b/rd,ona, a. to vex, to mock. //.
.\j> barar, lit. that which brings up, or to
pass, barar-i-kar, successful accomplishment of an i\j> "mj"^ barah (for varah), m. a boar; the
third avatar or incarnation of the deity (among the
affair ; taxation in general, p. Hindus). 5.
M J "^TJTJ barara, f. a thong, a rope (parti-
cularly ofa swing). /*. ei-Jblj '^tr^ barrahatff. chattering, prating,
t^,l J ^Ttt baran, m. a shareholder paying ranting, talking incoherently in one's sleep. A.
his proportion of the barar taxation, p. i-r^\;^ "ar^nil
the priest caste brahman, a Brahman,
among the Hindus, s. a roan of
:\j> haraz, m. stool, motion, excrement; fight-
ing (especially in single combat), a. t^-*^ji "afT^ra't braJmutfit, f. wife of a Brah-
"man, a female of the Brahman caste, s.
(^^]y^l]W burus, anger, rage; adj. angry, Vjul»JfcKj 1^?J^Tr brahmaneta, ro. a young
vexed, displeased, d. Brahman. .?.
^-*b I^T^ bira^n, eighty-two. s.
&jlx^L> "wr^Xrm brahmani/a, m. the Brahman
sect, Brahnianism ; the state or quality of a Brahman.*.
isxiun^ ji &ar-a.s7«?//'!;a, excited, distracted, p.
«iVii^ J bar-uftad, fallen oflT, dwindled away.;?. A»i&Uj Wl^ bralimya, m. the worship or ve-
neration of Brahmans ; astonishment, hriihmija-mu-
&ii»,."l J har-afrokhta, set on fire, inflamed. 77. liurt, the dawn of day, from two to four gharls before
sun rise. s. [cane. h.
5^ J bitrah, the horse or Pegasus on which
Muhammad went one night from Jerusalem to heaven, ijt^j> WK\'^ bnrahi, a smallspecies of sugar-
and thence returned to Mecca. N.B. Our lexicogra-
phers, Richardson, and after him Hunter and sundry (_f V^ "TO^ burdyi, f. mischief, badness, evil.
others, will have it that this spirited quadruped was burd'i par h.ulhiid, or kamar bdndhnd, to resolve on
an ass ; on what authority I know not. a. mischief,

"^J barrah, flashing, shining, brilliant, a. y^^ji bara,e, for the sake of, on account of.
" bard,e khur o posh, " for the purpose of food and cloth-
^\j harrali, f. brilliancy, splendour, a. ing"— a kind of settlement of property on a person for
life, not transferable, p.
m\j> f%TJH /;?70TO, uneasy, unquiet, agitated, s. 1^ \j> bard,i, f. name of a species of grain, d,
uVcTj bnr-amad, f, lit. upcoming: issue, ex- bv barciyd (pi. of &^v), creatures, people,
e; (more particularly of bribery), nobles, a.
accusation, bar-dmad hond, to ascend, appear, come
forth, p. tib.^ bar-bad, thrown away, given to the
wind, destroyed, laid waste, ruined, bar-bdd-k., or bar.
is-^J bar-amada, m. a verandah, balcony j bdd-d., to cast away, to misapply, to lavish or squander.
bar-bdd-h., to be squandered, p.
issue, expenditure, disbursement, p.
^.^xiTj bar-aynadi, an accuser, p. <lLOj> barbat, m. a sort of bean. d.
L> J burburd m. (for bidbuld), a bubble, h.
^\j baran, time, turn, vicissitude, d.
(_?r^y '^T^T^ bnrbari, f. a large kind of goat
^\j> burran, sharp, cutting, cleaving, p. (from Barbary). '*.

\i\j '^T3C]RT bnrrana, a. to talk in one's sleep, yj^j> '^^H barbae m. strength, vigour,
or in a ddiriuin. h. prowess, br.avery. i.
^J ( 107 )
laV bartidt, a species of lute or harp. g.
^j> ciesf^Tl^
of Panicuin). h. name of a plant (a spe-
i^j^ ^TWfll harhan, a north wind. h.
^)yJ ^R^^T hur-bola, scurrilous, abusive, h. landsf^lfcT^
^j> birth/a, a tenant who holds h.his
on a fixed unalterable annual assessment,

ju-^jy WT>Th?^T harhhasiya, or ^T>?f?rin bur- jAj."iJj barr-titar, m. the Indian

monly called rock partridge, h. grouse, com-
hhasUja, affected, an old person who affects the man-
ners of youth, h.
OV bar-pa, on foot, erected, established ; ^j> "3»T bni] (or burj), m. a cable, a hirge
track rope, (a small one being called gun), h.
bar-pd-Jc, Pers. har-pd-dashfan, a. to pitch, to raise, to
set onmainfoot, excite; h,bar-pel hond or rahnd, to he or re- —ji bvrj, m. a bastion, a tower ; a sign of
established, the zodiac, a constellation, a.

C^ji "SW brat, "mjf barat, or '^t bart, m. a

fast, a vow, a meritorious act, rite, or penance ; use; ^.i "S^braj, m. a nnmc of a district, con-
taining the several villages of Mathura, Gokul, Brin-
part, flaming, blazing, s. davan, &c., about 1 08 miles in circumference, celebrated
as the land where Krishna passed his youthful days.
Cj>j> f%K birt, a right, custom, privilege, h. braj-hdsl, an inhabitant of jBmj, an armed attendant.
braj-bhushd or bhdkha, the dialect of Hindi spoken in
Oo ^CT barat, a disease which affects rice the district of Brnj, s.
crops ; tached
a leathern
to the bucketgirth
of aorwell.
largeh.cable ; the rope at-
Wy bar-ja, in place, true, accurate, right, p.
C^j> ^fw briti, m. a proxy in the performance kind of ^C»rfrrqT
lja»-y snake, h.
barjatiya, m. an innocent
of religious duty. s.
C^ i stf^ hritti (corruptly bart), f. a stipend,
a pension, income, estate, means of livelihood, s. [Jfrrt ^^ burjari, f. a term of abuse ap-
" plied to a woman, such as brimstone, strumpet, Sjc. h.
3 J ^t:hT hartci, that which has been used. h.
&!L^j> barjasta, right, proper, opportune,
p. [hibit. h.
0.> iw^jbirta,n]. purpose, substance, power..'?. exact, a propos, prompt,

0-) fsTTT h-ita, m. a grout generally of land U^ "^T;-iTi=n barajna, a. to forbid, to pro-
to a religious person, or to a tenant on certain stipu- cL^s-y ■sf^'i^n 6ar-Jo<7,marriageabIe (a girl)..s.
lations. /(.

1313 o ^ITRT bariaiia, a. to distribute, to cause ^»o bur'fi, f. a small towera. or turret (the
"cutwater to the pier of a bridge),
to be used; m. old clothes, h.

C>6'oy mil^ brUtant or britant, m. account, Us-y f^f»nn

of aliirs,
birjiya, one of the subdivisions
q. v. h.
narration, story ; intelligence or news; circumstance,
mode. s.
^j^^y^Tj^ birjis, the planet Jupiter, p.
oC-oOy ^WTiT^WC britant-patiar,
cord of a decision given by a panchdyet. s,
the re-
^y> barchahh, m. (v.&arcMa,&c.),a spear, p,
,5J bariar, higher; exellent, superior, p. ^^J f^T.'^^ birchan, m. a kind of fluur made
from the fruit of the her tree {Rhamnus jujuha). h.
^ yj bartari, f. eminence, superiority, p.
4.>y "tw brkhckh (for ^^ vriksha), m. a
tree in general, a plant, s.
ij^yi TCW^ bartush, land sown with sugar-
cane after a rice crop. h.
^>- J ^-^T barchha, m. "la (long, slender)
.X^ji '^WHT^ bartaman, the present tense in ^>o W^ barchhi, f. J spear, a javelin.
grammar; existent, present; commenced or set in. s. barchhi-barddr, a spearman,
"barchha, barchhe, or h.

J J ^-^rf oi' ^^XJf^ bartan, m. a dish, plate, idX^^ji f^i:fS[«fi birchhik, m. (for vrischik), a
&c., utensils, vessel, bason, h. [fleet, h. s.
scorpion ; the sign of the zodiac so called,
\j3j '^^'(T'^T baratna, a. to consider, to re- Cl^kA^^ji ^W barchait, m. a spearman, h.
U>,J '^^^^ bartna, a. to use. h.
^j) barclii, f. a spear, (v. barchhi). h.
pj TGT^t baratm or bartanl, f. ortho-
"graphy. h. [of jungles. //. "^j> bar-halili, for a certainty, rightful, p. a.
^j -^jyi baratJi, land situated in the midst ^j> barkh or birkh, little, few, some. p.
e3,i brita, m. (v. briia), a grant of land,&c. h. O^Vi-y barhMst, f. recalling or removing
from office, going away; a breaking up of a court of
justice, p.
l^j '^^T britha, or "3^ bratha (for vritha), bar-khastan, lit. to rise up ; met. to
abortive, vain, in vain. s.
go away, to cease, p.
JLj Wrrt brati, m. one who fasts ; adj. en-
_i^ J> bar-Ml'^af, on the contrary, p. a.
** gaged in the performance of a vow or penance, s.
i enjoyment, j ( 1^*8 )
(5.^^ hir-khird, siiccfss, p. ijiiji bardi (for bardiy), the papyrus, a.
j\jj»i>-.j htirhhu-dar, hnppy, enjoying long uLo.ii^ '^t^rT bardait, a panegyrist, a bard. h.
life, prospeiitv (male children are so called, q. d. en-
jo3'inf? the fruits of life), p. ^_^.'^J> '^T^'^ bardaihi, f. compensation for
" pasture-ground, h, U^j>
iP'j^ harhhe, a little, few, somewhat, p.
\6y> '^tST barda, m.1 any kind of sandy, light,
^i>-y barkhiya, the father of Asaf, q.v. a.
lSSj> "^jit bardi, f. j or stony soil. h.
dj> ^T^ burad, m. a bullock, a bull. s.
i^j^ ^5 bt/rd, m. lit. carrying off, a term used \jji "^TJ barra, m. a rope, a cable, h.
at chess «hen only the king (on one side) remains on jj> barz, m. a sown field, agriculture, p.
tiie board : it is a species of victory, but not so credi-
table as checkmate, p. [gyric. h. <i'\j> barzakJi, m. interval, bar, partition ; in-
terval between death and resurrection, purgatory, a.
^J) f^Jj^ birad, m. fame, reputation, pane-
jjJJ barzan, m. a mansion ; a street, espe-
iV bard, m. cold, frigidity, frosty weather. cially alarge and spacious one, a quarter of a town. p.
hiird, a kind of striped cloth, btird i yamant, striped
cloth of Yaman, or Arabia Felix, a. (^jtiji ^ bris (for vrisha), m. a bull ; the
sign or constellation Taurus, s.
}^j> "^^R bardar, wide broadcloth, h. p.
X^ji bai-dar, l<earei- (in comp.); as sonte-bar- i^j^j> 'WtJT baras, m. a year ; rain, raining. 5.
ddr, stick bearer, &£C. huTcJce-harddr (or more com- (^w^ '^T^ bai'aa, m. an intoxicating drug
monly htMa-bnrddr), the servant who takes care of made of opium, h. [barshd). s.
the hookah, or the luxurious qui hy pipe. p.
^j> "^T^ bursa, m. tlie rainy season (see
^J^^Ji /jar-<Za/-i, act of bearing, means of car-
riage or conveyance, p.
C^\jj»ji '^^T^( or '^^TTI barsat, rain in gene-
ral ;f. the rainy season, the rains, s.
(JlA-Cijiiiy bar-daalit, f. endurance, patience ;
stores, supplies, harddsht khdna, a temporary store-
house, p. j_^l**»jJ ^§T1T^ or '^^rft barsatl,
a disorder in horses ; the iarcy ; adj. f. the name
relating of
to rain.
NAvii^J J bar-daahta, raised up, elevated, p. harsdtifasl, the rain crop, or what is sown during the
rains, h.
^jb J WT;^T'?r bar-dan (for vara-dan), m. a IjJImjO ^^'HTf^^ barsaliya, a servant en-
wedding-gift to a bride from her betrothed ; the
answer to a prayer addressed to God, or to a saint, s. service, gaged h.
in cultivation who contracts for one year's
\>^j> burdbar, foibeariiig, mild, patient, jj.
*l**» J barsam, m. the pleurisy ; an inflam-
^_^jbiV burdban, patience, forbearance. ]). mation of the diaphragm, p.
joxJM burdmand, productive, fruitful, p. UImoJ ^^TrTT bar-sand, a. to shower down ; to
^iV burdan (r. bar), to bear, to carry, p. cause to rain ; to winnow grain, s.

cL^iip birdang\^. a missile weapon shaped jl«*iJ> ^§T35 b'urm,u, raining, rainy season, h.
^-j«iO brhpati
" Thursday. «.
(for brihaspatl), m. Jupiter ;
^'>^j> birdang'i,) like a swDrd-blade, and
thrownof with
horn, or other
hand, and hard
much substance.
resembles Ittheis
di^ J ^ftjoF brischik (or vrishchik), m. a
" boomerang " of New South Wales. (Binning.) d.
scorpion ; the sign Scorpio, s.
BJi>'ji^ji bar-dokhfa, sewed ; fixed or nailed
upon. p. ^Ju\X**).J ^(.U'lKM baras-fjdnth, f. liter.illy,
" the year-knot ;" the ceremony of tying a knot on
S^V harda, m. and f a slave, barda-faroxk, the anniversary birthday of a child : hence it comes to
a slave-merchant, hurda (in comp.) denotes bearing denote a birtliday, anniversary, s.
or possessing, as ndm-hurda, named or having a name,
the gentleman aforesaid, li. ^^Ji '^«T barsun, ui. rain, or raining. *.
lJu*o WT^TT barasnd, n. to rain, to be wet. s.
^^r> "^V^ baradh, ra. a bullock, s.
J&iiJ ^¥ briddlui, old, aged. s.
Uu^y f^T:^^ b'lrasna, n. to stay, to remain, h.
fib,i'^'^ briddhi, f. vegetation, increase, s. ij^y*>j^ nual,^T^^T^
s. barasTvdn, anniversary, an-

itj>y 'N'^1' b'lruddlia, opposite, opposed to

against, contrary. S. [to be bulled, h. biiyixO ^T:^fcpn barsodiyd, a servant en-
gaged by the year. The word is also written bar-
U\j6.i J TCTT'^TT bardhana, a. to cause the cow soliyd and barsaliya. h, [or rent. a.

\ja>.i J '^i:4'?IT bnradhna, a. to cover or bull ^jj*^j> "^^^rt barsaufi, f. an annual tax
a cow. li.
vwk) J '^'^barn, m. annual ceremony in cou.-
"memoration of deceased relations, s.
^iijJ "m^ bard'i, f. a drove of cattle loaded, s.

{j^ ^^ hatsh (v. ?)aras), m. rain ; a year. .«. CUijf f^oFfT b'lrhnt, in. a kind of ascetics
who ii.ive relincpiished the world; adj. wearied, dis
gusted with llie world, ascetic, s.
{^j> "^ hrlsli (for vrishn), in. a l)ull ; tlio
sign or constellation Taurus, s. [noss. p.
\^^j% ^8J brilish or vrihshu, m, a tree. x.
(^.J huriixli, {'. cuttiiio-, clra vln;^- ; sharp- ^ji.Xxi»jJ burliaxlndun, to pull up, extract. p.
l,«i»J "^§1 horttha, or ^^T harJiha (for vtirsha),
f. tlie rains, the third season (of the six), from the y<''-j> '^T^'^^^ biirhald, an inferior clan of
l;)th oi Aslidih to the 15th of Bhrulu, raiu. s )dj-puU. It.

CL^X^iji ^'TT^rT iKusYd-, l)!irli!ia-, or viirsha-

f^SXij> bar-/tandun, to root up, to eradicate, p.
r/tu, f. the r^.iiiv season, s. ai»> bir/ui, 111. a pond, a small well, the basin
of a fountain, a.
f^^{Zij> "^MT"5ITfs. hars/iaslian, m. yearly pay
or siib.^istcnee.
^ji =r^ brihh, m. a tree (same as brihsh). s.
Joljljj '^It«FT^ barsha-, harkhh-, or vorshd-
kill, ni. the rainy season, s.
^io ^q b(trhh (for varsha), m. rain. .v.
Ul^o ^RT^ bfirshdnd, a. to cause to rain, \^>j\ "^^T&c.^^Ts. barkhd, f. (see barsha), i-ainy
to sliower down ; to rain. s.

«l.^.j '^§r3i burshdji, 1 . . (^«jI^V ^^\'^^barkhasan, m. yearly pay. .s-,

?. -p' ^ _ I part, raining, s. ^jL^V '^''^^'irikliabh {Jov Irish abh), a bull. s.
jl^S J •^W'r3i harhha.u,}
)-^yZiJ ^WH hrhhabh (for vrishabJia), a bull. .s. \jk^>p ^T;^«n barakhnd
rain. a.
(v. barasna), to

*Xio bir/.'ilifa, fried, broiled. />.

<Lfj> "^n barg, m. an assembly of people of
one class, a multitude of similar things ; a class of let-
ij»,«j^ ^q'^oS bfirsh-kdl
rainj season, the rains,
or varsh-hdl, [sary.
m. thes, ters of the same organ, as the dentals, palatines, Hnc. ;
the square of a number, s.
f^\^p if^^TJJ bnrshwdn, annual, anniver-
ci)y barq, m. a leaf; knapsack containing
provisions or necessaries for a journey; a kind of
"or ront. ^^^xft
//. bursliauri, f. an annual tax musical ratus,iustrument,
p. melody ; a kind of warlike appa-
(,^joj> b/irrix. m. the leprosy, more especially
the white-spotted or scaly leprosy, a.
^j> "^Xjn bargd, m. a rafter, h.
<_^ A? J h/ir-taruf, aside, apart ; dismissed (as iJL^iji mjlfi bargat, m. the Indian fig-tree
a plaint) ; also as a subst., discharge ; dismissal from [FicHs Indka). h.
■office, bar-taraf-k., a. to dismiss, to discharge, to turn
off. h(ir-i(iraf-hona, n. to be dismissed, discharged, or
turned off. p. a. TiS>jUi bar-guz'ula, chosen, selected, p.
C';f;,,Cs bar-gashtagi, retrocession, apo-
jjjlsjj bar-tarfi, f. dismission, discharge, jy.a. ■■ Stacy, p. [apostatized, rebelled, p.
lySs-ji bar-'ahs, on the contiary ,in spiteof.^j.a. dlzSji bar-gashta, changed, turned away,
LI>-co ba-raghhat, with avidity, eagerly, p. a.
^§ji ^Xjm bargan, partition, a share. /*.
deceive, harghaldnna
to wheedle, &c. (for
h. wai-ghalanna), a. to ^j> ^Jffbargt, the Marhdtds are so called, s.

(_jjj bdvf, m. f. ice, snow, hm'f-parward, (J-J;^ ^TJ\'^bargel,m.nn ortolan (^Alauda). h.

sherbet, &c. cooled in ice. p.
^jJ '^R^T burld, in. a wasp. h.
f\j> barf I, f. a kind of sweetmeat; adj. iced, ^)J fw^^T bhid, scarce, uncommon, rare,
"or cooled by means of ice. p, wonderful ; delicate, fine, thin. s.
^•j> barh, f. lightning. ba?']i-andaz (lit. lo^ birmd, m. name of a plant (Trichosa)i-
throwing lightning), a matchlockman ; also a watch- thes incisa). d. [worked with a string. //
man, guard, or escort, a. p.
yjiji bur-lardr, firm, fixed, established. /;. a. l^ ^flT barvid, m. a kind of gimlet or borer,
13L.J ^^TTTT barmdnd, a. to bore. h.
«j'j btirha, m. a dress, or kind of veil cover-
in"- the whole body from head to foot, with eye-holes
to it. burka'-posh, one who wears a bnrka'. a. \j',«y f^T:iTT^T
to reduce birmdiid,
to obedience a. to s.stop; to tame,
; to allure,
LiJ J> ^o|r brik, m. a wolf (properly vrika). s.
Ot> J harahdt (()!. of C*^), f. blessings, jUpf%;cm^/>/"/-wm,M, laming, tamcd,alhi red. .v.
auspiciousness. bd-barokat, fortunate, prosperous ; iJL>\^^) f^H^Z birm-hhdt, a subdivision of
fortunate in every undertaking, and communicating the blidt (or bard) tribe, h.
good fortune to every thing one is concerned in ; pro-
ductive of advantage and success, a. ^y^ji bar-muhal, one who is appointed to
the charge of a district, p. a.
C^j> harahat, f. a blessing, abundance, pro-
sperity, auspiciousness ; an inherent prosperity which *:^j> '^T^^^ tflrma/a, public, conspicuous. //.
produces success or abundance, a.
\'x<j> f^I?T'?n biramnd, n. to stop, to remain. «.
{ 110

&oJ binna, m. (v. birma) nnmeof a plant, d. ^j^ ^*lHT barna na or bar-anna, a. to describe,
l^/V «r'^fT barmha, the people of Ava are so praise. 4-.
called, vulgarly the Burmese, h. i3y
an "^^
made forbarani, f. anor eye-lash,
cultivation manufacture, baru'i,
jiy^y; 'W^HX. harmhotarihr'SC^C^V^brahma-
hotra), a free grant given to Brahmans for religious
purposes, s. c3;^ ^^•''^ birni, f. a wasp ; a small grain. //.
j_y ^n baro, name of a high jungle-grass.
(OT? ^<5^ barun (for varuna), m. the p;od of baru, the kalam or reed used in writing; a tube, con-
water ; name of a tree {Cratceva tapia, or Capparis duit, or Canal, h.
trifoUata). s. [even, but even, rather, s.

^^J^ ^t or W^ baran, conj. moreover, and i_j.^ f^"^^ birn-a, m. a plant, a tree; the
labourer employed at the basket used in raising water
for the purpose of irrigation, h.
(^y Wff harna, or WT«T baran, m. colour ;
a class or caste ; one of the four tribes among Hindus,
viz. 1. hrdhmnna, 1. cliuatrii/a, or kshatriya, 3. vaishya, uy, "W^J barn-d, f. name of a ragiiiT in mu-
A.shudra; a letter of an alphabet ; praise, description; sic, by which deer and serpents are said to be tamed.
fresh earth carried into hollows by means of water. baril/t, a soil consisting of sand and clay. h.
baran-k., to hire a priest for the performance of a sacri-
fice or of any religious ceremony, s. _y^y>. '^T^Xbarwdr,
engaged name
in cleansing and of rice.
selling a classh. of people
13j '^^T barana, a small river near Be-
nares, s. \{CratcBva tapia). s. i))jy f^i:^!^ bimdlii, f. an orchard, bh-
wdhi-k., a to make an orcliard ; to inclose with a
\3j> '^T»TT barna, m. name of a fruit-tree hedge, h.
\jj '^x.'^ barna, n. to burn, to be burnt, h.
<^^jS\^y> "^T^rkVK^ barn'd,elt, name of a class
^ji '^^•TT barna, a. to marry, s. of hereditary chauki-ddrs, or watchmen, near the Se-
walik hills, h. [^bardbar.) p
Oy barna, m, a youth ; adj. young, barna
j>^j> barobar, even, breast to breast. (See
wa p'lr, the young and the aged. p.
i»^j J f%^^ bi-rup, disfigured, ugly, birup h..
^Jujliy '^^TCfl^^ barnar-matti, f. coloured to be disgraced, s.
"soil of two kinds, one tinged with yellow, the other
with yellow and white, h. LJ-J^y banlf, f. whiskers, moustaches, p.
^ ji biranj (or birinj), m. rice ; brass, ^y. C->j J '^T^^W banvat, f. a kind of snake, h.
^j\:^J birinjdri, a grain-merchant, a camp-
follower (with gram, &c.), a suttler. p. iC^JJ^ "^^^^ harothi, name of a tribe of
"ahtrs, in the Mynpur districts, (v. ah'ir). h.
L^^i^j^ hirinj-phal, 1m. name of a species ^jj^ W^^ barwat, m. a tumour in the
belly, h. [washerman ; a vestibule, h.
J^^fiy biri7ij-phul,j of rice. h.
ic^j^ birinjl, made of brass, brazen, p. l^jy ^^3T barothd or ^0<JI barauthu, m. a
^ J fMrf^ birinchi, or "Nrf^ biranchi (for TT^j^
tjirinchi or virancha — see bidhdta), Brahma, the Deity, s. celestial&«;■«; (pi. particularly
signs, more ot ■jT^), those
bastions, towers,a.
of the zodiac

^.i '^brind (for vrinda), ra. a heap, a mul- Oiijj^ burudat, f. coldness, chilliness, a.
titude, aquantity, an aggregation, s.
^JSiSj .J f^^V birodh (for virodh), m. quarrel,
1tj3 J> W^ brinda, f. a sacred plant, commonly enmity, contrariety, opposition, s.
called tuls'i (Ocymum saiictum.or sacred basil : this shrub
is said to be a female metamorphosed), s.
j^J&iijJ f^^'ift birodhi, quarrelsome, s.
^^liJJ ^551=^ brrnda-ban, the forest of \Z^^j> bar-ivaht, in time, a la honne heure,
Brhidd in the vicinity of Mathurd, celebrated as the seasonably, opportunely, p. a, [absence. 3,
scene of tulsi
forest of youngtrees,
s. sports with the Gopls ; a

iS>yi baranda, bearing, a bearer, p. 'dJ'^ji f^rfJT birog (for virog), m. separation,
e; -J J^ f^lfTTnT birogan, m. sickness from the
absence of a beloved object ; adj. f. separated, dis-
.$ll*»>j.,r? ^5§¥«IvC barn-sanhar, m. a person of
a tribe originating in the intercourse of a man of tressed from separation. «.
one tribe with a woman of another. «.

uiJJ y ba-rang, in kind, in the mode or iS^ji, fwdnt birogi, a separated or distressed
manner, p. "lover; adj. separated, s. [(soil), p.
AIaoj J bo-rumand, fortunate, happy ; fertile
^Icj^,..) ■^HTqJT barn-mala, f. an alphabet, s.
^. J birun (for beru7i), also burun, without,
outside, external, p.
^ J '^^fT or '^T«T*T barnan (for varnan'), m.
description, recital, explanation ; praise, harnan-k., to
extol, to praise ; to describe, to explain. «. \j6(^3. J <sl<)»*n baraundhd, m. cotton-land. h.
( 111 )
l^3j J '^^ haronhha, in. a species of sugar- jifiiji bar-ham, ronfused, entangled, spoiled;
cane witli long thin joints, h. angry, vexed, sullen, bnr-ham durliam, entangled, con-
fused, topsy-turvy, bcirliam-zuti, an exciter of (luarrels,
8j .J ^^fl^ barroh, a name given to tlic nplinids an embroiler. hiir-luim-zdnl, embroiling, putting a stop
i)n tlu' riglit banks of tlio Jumna, banva, m. the name to, interfering, preventing,
lit. to strike together, p. har-ham-zadan, to emhcoW;
of a bird that feeds on lish. //.

L^jj^ ^^3 harwe, a kind of measure or ca- Iv^J "3^ bra/rmd, m. (see vidhatci), the
dence in language, h. Deity in
fied, s. the character of Creator, or matter personi-
8J f^Z^ hiiah, m. separation, absence (espe-
cially that of lovers), s. (_5•(^l♦J^p WSrr^ brahmadaya , m. any grant
or perquisite bestowed on a Brahman, s.
ij> f^\l hirra, m. grain and bailey sown to-
gether in the same field, h.
Si\^y) "airniJ brahmancl, m. the top of the
head ; the mundane egg (of the Hindus) ; the globe,
1>j> bara, also harra, a lamb, a kid or fawn ; the world. s.
the sign Aries, ba-rah, on the road; provisions for
a jourue}'. p. JLjA^j '{sl^l^ hrahvmxtra, m. a fabulous
weapon, said to be the gift of Brahma. «.
^ji ^T^T barha, m. a channel for tlie passage
of water from a well to a field, or from one field to
another ; a field where cows feed ; a rope or string, s. h. ^^t*i\^j>
suited to "^^IT^nr brahmasan,s.
devout meditation, m. a posture
^^^ hurha, wicked, bad. h.
Oj|«l»J&p sii\\^^ brahmawartta, m. the coun-
f^^T bii-ha, m. separation, parting, ab- try to the north-west of Delhi, lying between the
sence (especially of lovers), a kind of song peculiar to rivers Saraswati and Drishadwati. s. [^mc'istra). s.
washermen, s. h.
i^j> burhdn, m. demonstration, proof, a. jjlju^o ■^^RT'JT brahma-ban (same as brnh-

Olfcy r<4l.^MI birhana, m. land in which cu- f^X^f^j^ ^^•^lf<l!.fi' brahma-charim, f. a wo-
man leading a life of continence, s.
jinarj herbs are produced, h.
(J^ji harha,l (v. barha ji), m. a carpenter, h. ^j\^^ji "grST^ltit brahmtt-chari, a religions
student, a Brahman, from the time of his investiture
by the sacerdotal thread till he becomes a house-
C^.,,..>j) '<s|^wflT brihaspati (for i-rihaspati), a holder; a person who continues with his spiritual
name of the spiritual preceptor of tlie Devatas, cor- teacher studying the Veda, a pandit, an ascetic. By
responding to the Thor of the Nortlimen, and the Ju- the tantras, this name is assigned to persons whose
piter of the ancient Greeks and Romans ; the planet chief virtue is the observance of continence, and it
Jupiter ; Thursday, s. is assumed by many religious vagabonds ; the life
led b}' a young
holder, s. Brahman before he becomes a house-
.\j>l..>>fcjJ "^^^fnWtKbrihaspafi-bar, m. Thurs-
day ;Dies Jovis. s.
6^,^^ji ^S^^^^^^ braluna-charija or brahmn-
J&j^ "g^ brahm or Brahma, m. God ; the charj,
chart, the
s. profession or way of life of a Brahma-
all-pervading, the divine cause and essence of the
world, from which all things are supposed to pro-
ceed, and to which the^' return ; spirit, the very soul. Jbi^j^ji ^^4.*y brahma-randhra , m. the
brahm-astra, a fabled weapon which deals infal- aperture at the crown of the head. s.
lible destruction to those against whom it is dis-
charged. 6r«A;Ha-ft/io;, leediug of Brahmans. brahma-
ptitra, m. a kind of poison; the Burampooter river; a uiJ^i.^,^ "S^T^oF brahna-hh, ra. the world
of Brahma, the regions above, s.
place of pilgrimage, probably the source of the stream.
braliirui-putri, f. the Saraswati river, braliina-tatwa, m.
the true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, brahnia-twa, ij-^ji "^wnr
Brahman, brahman,
or one m. a Hindu
of the sacerdotal caste, s.priest, a
ra. Godhead. bralana-janiiKi, m. second or tspiritual
birth, investiture. braluna-dura, m. the mulberry
{Morus Iiid'ica) brnhma-durbJu'i, i. a plant {Ltuii.sticum
lJk=-^jk-.»* ,J sr3ITrr>Tt»nTT h raltmana-bhojana, f.
ajwaen). bralima-daud, m. a curse, an anathema. distribution of food to Brahmans. s.
brahma-daitya. an apparition, Satan, ghost, bralnna
rakshas, a kind of ghost or demon, bialima-rutri, a
night of Brahma, comprehending lUOi) yiigas or ages ^■^ J "^^^raft brahmani, wife of a Brahman ;
of the gods, said to be equal to •216,0(Jo,UUO ages of adj. of or relating to a Brahman, s. [man. ».
mortals, bralima-iwarup, ot the nature or essence of
the Godhead, hralimasesli, the leavings of Brahmans. 'Juwl^o fT^^TT brahtnaneia, son of a Brali-
brahina-shdsaii, m. an edict or grant, kc. addressed to
Brahmans. brahiim-gi/a, ra. one who has spiritual dSi.^^,> TC^m brahvia-hat>j/i, in.t]\f murder
wisdom. briihu/a-gi/aii, m. spiritual wisdom, divine of a Brrdiman.- s.
knowledge, bralmta-lcl:, m. a division of the universe,
the eternal residence of the spirits of the pious. ..»Ji>w» harhami, confusion, siillenness. ]i.
brahma-iilrwan, m. absorption into the Supreme Be-
ing, brahma-vdd/, m. a follower of the Vedanta system
of philosoph}', one who maintains all things are ^ji V^V^'^ blrha7i or biralian, (a womiin)
spirit ; an expounder of the Vedas. bral<mct-liati/u, suffering the pangs of love from the absence of l.er
the murder of a Brahman; sacrilege, bralima-hatijara, lover, a female lover whose beloved one is absent, t
(fem. I), one who is guilty of the murder of a
Brahman, i. ^jj&.j harahnn(ji, f. nakedness, p.

( 112 )

ajjbJ horliana or havahnn, naked, harahna- *^V biireshim (for ^^, j\), silk. p.
pd, barefooted, p. [separation, &c. s.
i^,.j> '^R«T
leaf, or baram,
rather f. a of(female)
cultivator betel, h. seller of betel
^,i hirnhn'i, f. (v. birhan), sickness from
"^ji f^I^ birht (for viraJn), m. suffering the (^V ba7Vi, on high, higher, sublime, p.
' pangs of love, separate from one's love. «.
J&^ W^ barhi, m. a peacock, s. li^V '^T^^T barehtci, land of the third qua-
litj- ; also a plot of land on which sugar-cane has been
lately grown, h.
\^j> f^T.f^T3J birhiya, amorous, sensual j suf-
fering the pangs of love, s. '•j) sf^ bar, m. the large Bencral fig-tree {Finis
Bengalensm), also called the baniyan tree. s.
^ barhela,_ "1 ., , ,hog. ."5.
MTi. a wild V =1^ bar (contraction oibnra), great, large,
y^y W^^^T barhela,) (used in comp.) as hnr-bold, a noisy talkative person.
bar-bhaku,d, a blockhead, bar-petd, big-bellied ; a great
^^.i ^ bari, f. quicklime; a dish made of
eater; greedy, avaricious, h.
"pulse; a wedding garment, or wedding gifts in gene-
ral, carried in procession ; it also denotv^s the marriage
ceremony and wedding day; adj. strong, powerful, s. J^ '^ bur, f. Vulva fceminea. h.
;jy han, acquitted, free, clear, ban-dnshtan, \'p '^Tl b'rrci, large, great, old, senior, prin-
"to exenijit ; fin demand
law) a defendant released by connected
the plain- cipal ;it is often used adverbially in the sense of
tiff from the against him. baiil, " very, exceedingly." bard bkd,o, money borrowed at
with land in opposition to water, a. a verv high interest, bnrd miijuii, a form of address to
an elderly person — venerable or honoured Sir bard-k.,
a. to enlarge, to exalt or promote; to extinguish, to
t^ji bare (i'oY hare), \\i\-<i^t; however, p.
put out (a lamp, &c. — to use the direct phrase is
i_$j> ^rf bur?-t, f. sowing hy dropping seed esteemed unlucky), bard rasta pn/cariid, to enter on
floni the hand into the furrow, instead of sowing broad- the long journey, to die. bare pet wdld hond, to be
cast or with the drill, h. patient, s. [ment. h.

i,ov'^barai,n\.i\s e\\e¥oi\)v\.e\ •Iaj \'-b ^^'sy^r\:^bara-hha,o,2i kind of appraise-

<J^ a cultivator of betel, h.
.\jo ^T^Tt baryar or ^fc^im: bariyar, bVj"^ Wrnn barapd, \ai. grandeur,dignity.
strong, violent; hence, rich or fertile (soil). «.
(^^V'.y WTT^^
ness. barapan,) ' elevation,
Ii. [with grain great-h.
or merchandise,
\\>j> '^XTiTU baryara or 'q'ft'JTTn bnriyara,
Btrong, violent ; m. a medicinal herb so called, s. VKo f%Tr? birdr, f. a drove of bullocks laden
^bv Z^/nyaw, fried, roasted, broiled, parched, 13\%0 '^Tf'TT biirdnct, a. to cause to sink. h.
grilled, hirydn sdJchtan, to fry. p.
b J fwftriT biriyan, f. time, space of time. h. \3l;J '^TRT bardna, a. to speak in a dream or
in delirium, to talk incoherently in one's sleep, h.
lib J biryani, f. name of a dish made of flesh
" and rice. p. jVv.) barcio (for barha,o), m. increase, &c. h.

<_|b J ^ft'TT^ bnriya,i, f. boast, exultation, s. J^V•.■J 6ara/il,")m. a carpenter: thisisaDak-

Ui> J ^t^ baretha, ra. a washerman, h. J/^Vb bard,i, J ha nl corruption of &arAa,i. /«.

i^J^y> WT7?I barethan,?. a washerwoman, h. ^\ji ^fT^ burd,i, f. greatness; boasting, ba-
ra,f./f., to extol ; to boast, to vaunt ; to magnify, ha-
rd,t-dend, to honour, s.
^ j> WT»I I arejf 1 m. garden for the cul-
\jg J W^»TT bareja, \ tivation of the be- 'jy'i «ld<4j barbar, f. muttering; the light-
headed talk of a person in a delirium, s
s^ j> '^^^ bareja, J tel. h. k.-)-.'-) ^T^rei burburd (v. bidbuld), m. a
\^j> f=r^»n biryd, m. Galbanum. s. bubble, d.

"owl. ' h. ^T^^rt

^j'js-'tjji bur'i-churi, f. the screech KA'p/j^ '^T^Tl^T burbardnd, a. to mutter, to
chatter nonsense, to talk light-headedly, h,
^iV.jJ buridan, to cut, clip, cleave, p.
iS>>> bur'ida, cut, clipped; a field cut by LLf\yji barbardt, 'jf. muttering in one's
stealth by a cultivator, p. iJL^\jy'^ harbardhat,> sleep, as in a fit of
\^ J ^tn barera, m. a wasp. h.
^H^'j^ bnrbard,t, J delirium, s.
,i j> ).) .) birez-birez, overcome by, and yield- b»3«) '^^f^TTT barbariyd, m. a chatterer, a
mutterer. k.
ing to misfortune, or to an enemy, p.
lH*-;^ ^^ ba/ls, m. a year (v. baras). s. i^.-':.> '^^^^ inirpan, 1m. greatness, gran-
IJO.O "^^v^T barpandj deur, superiority,
(jj'^'lji '^Xf^ baresir'i, a tribe of inferior adult state. /*.
raj-puts. h.
( 113 )

^j^ f^fTTT hiria, m.^ purpose or object; {j^jj> ^T?^ 01 Wii^^ barhal, m. a sweet ana
acid fruit of yellowish red, and nearly round. It.
(JjV f%f Jft I'irtt, f. J power, ability, kis
birte par ttittd pdnll for wliat purpose do you call for
hot water ? a proverbial expression applied to a man barluij).
(^j> ^^ s. barhan, f. a carpenter's wife (see
who has not done his matrimonial duty over night. /(.
UfcvJ <s)cHi barhna, n. to incroaso, to go on,
(JV hartl, f. (for harhti), increase, advauce- to proceed, to exaggerate, to grow, to rise, to swell, to
ment, success, promotion, s. [cal. h. be promoted, s. Ibarhtd).

'^y>-j> ^T^^ hurchod, m. a scoundrel, ras- d^j^j^ M<si\ barhant, f. increase, &c. (v.
"rb burur, m. a basket-maker or a mat- (_^JfcjJ ^^»ft barhnl, f. a broom ; advance made
maker d. [thing falling, d. for cultivation, or manufacture, or contract, h.

<^V '^eR lurak (also huruK), noise of any ly&jJ '^g'^TT biirhwa, old, advanced in years, s.

o^ '^ToST harha (same as bara), large; elder y^'ji "^'dXAX barhotar, m. ]^interest ; pro-
(brother or son), h. [cylinder of masonry, h.
'-C/y^V 'Tf^'TTT barhotari, f.j fit, advantage,
increase. /;. [^puts near Benares, h.
(^b^$^j,3 ^?oinTT*! harkuyan., a well without a
^^j> ^ •!>':> ^^foSm barholiya, a branch of raj-
■■ i^'SWtbirklff. (v. hirar), a drove of bul-
locks, &c. h. f^j> ^^ bar In, profits (same as barhotari). h.
t-ii-o^ "Wprz bar-gat, the Bengal fig-tree. s.
j»-yj^ ^f^''^ bar-fjujar, one of the thirty- ^j^ '^T^ burka,i, m. a carpenter, s.
six royal races of raj -puts. h. J&jj
,^-^ -^
'^^ bur hi, \>■ I. an old woman, h.
aV "^"2^ buram, the noise of water, d. Uj&j^ '^Tc'm burhiya, J

^V '^T»n barna (for barhna), n. to enter. A. IxJ&'b '^fein barhiyd, name of a kind of sugar-
millstone extracted from the Chunar quarries ; a spe-
Ijjj '^X^ hapcttyf. a mare; the nymph As- cies of pulse ; a grain measure of one sir. h.
■wini or the asterism designated by a horse's head. s.
lii>y'^fSTU barhiyd, high-priced, costly; name
lir^Jj^ '^T^fTfT barrvagni, m. submarine fire. s. of a small clan of raj-puts, h,
'^r^^3p- ^T^*'^ barwamiikh, m. submarine lAi>'^ W^^ barhaiyd, name of a species of
fire ; the infernal regions. 5. pulse ; also a grain measure of about one sir. barbed,
a species of sugar-millstone from the quarries of
^^jiv^ «Id<^Hc<5 barn'd/wl,m. submarine fire; Chunar. //.
in mythology, a being consisting of flame, but with
the head of a mare who sprang from the thighs of b jjfc'.o ^ftTTT barheriyd, one of the sub-
TJrwa, and was received by the Ocean, s. divisions ofthe chamdr caste, h. [swine, h.

j_^.V.) •«fJ^frtZ?a.ro^i,f.progression,advancing. d. ^J^J^V ^^T or '^^^T bar held, m. a wild

'y^jjj MS"^} barunhha, m. a kind of sugar- (_^V biirri, sowing seed by dropping it by
cane with long joints. //. 'the hand into the furrow, d. Ibari). s.
blfcj^ ^Ttm bur /tap a, m. old age. h. {jji ^Ti ban, f. a dish made of pulse (see
(_^'i) bari, f. a fireball made of charcoal for
I3^vfc%0 «l<il(3JT'57T barha lana, a. to bring fur- the hulJca (also called the gul). d.
ward, to lead on (an army), k.
l3Vfc^ sfdird barhana, a. to increase ; to My^
lengthen ; to make advance ; to raise, to promote ; to fertile\>;'i>
/;. bariyd bhum, a rich and
extinguish; to shut up (a shop); to remove the table-
cloth and eatables, &.c. s.
11)^ L^j^. '^'k'ff^ bare miydfi, m. an old man ;
great sir, addressed to an old man. h.
J W-b ^RT^ barlia,o, m. advancement, pro-
longation, increase, promotion, s.
Ill* MJ^"'^ ^T^t ^ fj^oTrTT baryaun mm
^^to associate
milnd, with elders, to be grown up. d.
Ijlfc'b 'WTf^T barhatva, m. population ; excite-
ment, flattery, s.
Ji buz, m. a he-goat, buz-dil, a coward, p.
^JJlJ^p barha>van,a round cake of cow-dung \> bazz, m. fine linen, a.
used as a charm against the effect of the evil e^'e. h.
U>. bazd, name of a species of bird. h.
^j(v.[i>j^ barha'i,
harhu,6). s. f. advancement, increase, &c,
J\j> bazdr, m. (for bdzdr, q. v.) a market, p.
ju*^Aibjj TpHV burh-bhas, one who affects in jUj bazzdz, a cloth-merchant, mercer, a.
old age the manners of youth, h.
\:\\> bazzdzd (also bazzdza and bazzdzistdn)^
the cloth market, a. p.
UjbjJ WSKl barhia, m. 'I increase, overplus,
(XfcvJ ifdril barJitl, f. J promotion, advance- ^j^^ bazzdzl, f. trade of mercer, haber-
dashery, the business of a draper, a. p.
( 114 )

^o V bazan (for bad az-an), afterwards, after. ;/. ^L^ f^OTTf kc).
fish, onions, blsdn,h. f. an offensive smell (as of
jbjj huzhaz, a kind of spice, m;ice, nutmeg. ^>.
.^V>-j V buzurjmihr, the famous
};? minister of
(jU-J ba-san, like, resembling. ;;.
Nausliirwan, king of Persia, who lived in the sixth uU*J '^^rfT basana, a. to people, to colonise,
centurj of our ara. p. to bring
build into&c.).
(a city, cultivation,
s. to settle (a country), to

lLtTJ l5. btizvrg, a grandee, a great man ; a saint;

an elder, an ancestor; adj. great, venerable, p. ol*-^ 'R'^vn bisdnd (for bisnhnd), a. to pur-
chase ;(for bisidnd) to cause to forget, to mislead. It.
fj'^jji huzurgan
saints, sages, p.
(pi.), grandees ; doctors, ^S>[^ f^TSiV bisdndh, f. evil odour,astiiik. h.

jolSjO buzm-gana, like a grandee,&c., nobly. ^;. (_f^jU-J '^RTT^rt basdwari, f. ground-rent,
rent paid by villagers who do not occupy any of the
village lands, h.
84iUSjl> buzurg-zdda, of a noble race. ]).
8u«^ f^lfCT^ bkdh, f. purchase, buying, h.
jJU*>(.f/j V> &M2^2ir^-sa/,aged,stricken in years.^?.
Uft>L»J r<4«l^*it blsdhnd, a. to buy, to pur-
{JiS^ •— ^jj^ buzurg-manish, noble-minded. }). chase, h.

j^yjj> huzurgwar, ancestor, saint, sage. p. j^V«<»J fV«l$»I blmhan, \ f. stink, fetid-
^J^yj}^ buzurgrcari, f. grandeur, reverence, JJ^L-J f^^\f^'^bisdhind,) ness. h.
highness, nobility, p.
\jJ4U-J fVwff^/>?sa/imrfa, fetid, stinking, h.
ijjj> buzurgi, f. grandeur, exaltation, great-
"ness ; reverence, respectability, p.
^Sx>\^ f^m'in bisayandh or bisa,endh, f. a
stink, h. [dwelling, h,
«5\pO huzghala, m. a kid, a young goat, p.
(^_>*>b(i*>^ '^^nrra bas-bds, m. a house, a
aJj hazla, m. a jest, a bon mot. a.
* -^ basbd-m, m. mnce, the envelope of the
Jt]i bazm, f. assembly, company, especiall}
at a feast or entertainment, p. ba-sabub, by reason of, on account
j»\> ha-zor, by main force, on compulsion, p, of. p. a. [our " Puss, Puss." h.

i\> baza, m. a sin, a crime, baza-hdr, a cri- U^ LT^ bis-bis, the call made to a cat, like
minal, a sinner, p. 13L-JU-J f^^f^r^T^ bisbisdnd, n. to yield a
sound as in the fermentation of putrefying vegetable
or of vinous liquors, h.
^jtiJ'W9bas,m. opportunity, advantage, power,
authority, bas-and, to be obtained, to come into one's
power, bas-k., a. to overpower, to bring to submis- d.»«>«.> bast (in comp. — for basta), bound,
sion, s. shut, frozen, bist (for hlsf), twenty, p.

^ju^ f^ij bis (for vish), m. venom, poison of (,L*.»> ^^ bast or bastu (for vastu), f. thing,
reptiles (aconitum ferox), &c. ; met. it is sometimes matter, substance; chattels, things, baggage, hunit,
applied to bitter things, bis-dltar, a snake, s. inhabited, cultivated (land), s.

^i«J bas, enough; plenty ; very, a great ni.iny. UL-J ba.std, m. tlie cloth in which a bundle
bas-k., a. to stop, to seiEe, to put an end to. az has is tied up ; a bundle, a parcel, p.
ki, inasmuch as, whereas p.
»;,ljL-j bustdk/i, impudent, rash, audaciou-^. p.
\jMi basd, much, \eyy. basa-buzurg, very
ili*-^ f^^TT^ bistdr, m. abundance, prolixity,
great, very noble, basd auTcdt, generallj-, mostly, fre- diffusion, s.
quently, p. [estate, a.
CA*^ bisat (for bisdt), f. means, capital stock, b.lxwJ f^HR^ blstdrnd, a. to spread out,
to extend, to diffuse, s.
j_^L*<J bisati (for bisdtl), one who sells every
kind of thing, a pedlar, a haberdasher, a. ^XL^ f^Wi"^ bistdii, ample, diffuse, s.
X^ r^flK bisdr, loan of seed upon the stipu- jj\jL-J
garden, bustdn
p. (for bustdti), m. a flower-
lation ofample repayment after harvest, h.
i^^^i'-^ busfdnl, relating to a flower-garden, p.
IJ.L-J f^«i<»tT bisdrnd, a. to forget, x.
&c.J bistar,
ji— p. in. bt'Jding, carpeting; a bed,
\>\^ bimt, f. bedding, carpeting, bisnti sJm-
traiij, aneral;
chess-board, h'lsdii &c.
means, capital, stock, bdzi, a.a play-board in ge- jjL-J 'q^ baslar (for tv/.s/r«),clotli, garments, s.
^^3\^ /;/.v«,i,adealer,pedIar,a liaberdashcr. a. LjL-J "^531 basfrd, m. the name of a plant
{Callicarpa Americana), h.
V^L-J f^^S^^^bisakha, f. the name of the lOth \JL^ bistarn, a bed, &c., peculiar to falurx ;
mansion of llie moon. s.
the abode of a /aHr. p. [stipatiou. ^J.

ij.>^i 'N'^qS hu-ul, great, lofty, extensive, s. .S-i-'^. hastagi, f. binding, contraction, con-
( 115 )

^jpL*^ bastan (r. band), to bind, shut. p. j^^^ ('mUHlK bhmdr, m. the name of abash, k.
i^L^ bantam, f. a cloth for binding together J-»— J bismil, sacrificed (any animal), bismil-
k., to sacrifice an animal, a.
" bundles of paper, books, ink-8tands, &c. p.
JJOjLIa— J» bast-0-band, an agreement, set- <i)Ji^**J bismilldh, in the name of God : this
tlement, p. phrase is generally used by good Musalmana in the
beginning of all actions, written works, Sw:. ; hence
L?^ fr^ bistu,l, j ytti a.
bismilldh-k., to begin, to commence,
, p.. - Vf. a lizard, h.
byL-J tropin hstu,tya,) \^ aili^*-j bismilldh-hu,d, said of a child
who has just commenced learning to read. a. h.
oj^ basia, m. cloth in which any thing is
folded up, a parcel, a bundle (see bastd), p. e^^j*^ basma, m. a collyrium, or tincture for
dyeing, p.
ij^ ^^ basil, f. an abode, a village, a
jco-«^ r=it»iM bismai (for vismaya), m. amaze-
" peopled place, population, s. "ment, astonishment, surprise, s.
t\^ htissad or busadd, coral and its root, p.
tJw-J fWS^ bisad, white, pure, clean, s. f^^
of "WW^ apparel,
clothes, basan, m.
s. a dress, a habit, a suit
lj6j«<*J ^^ff>n basudha, f. the world, the earth, s. ^J*^i f%^»T bisan, m. evil, fault; desire, lust. s.
j*^ ba-sar, at, or to, an end. ba-sar ana, to lx«-j '^'W^ basnd, n. to dwell, to abide, to be
come to an end ; to succeed, to get away from, ba-sar peopled, to be built (a city, town, &c.). s. [cloth, s.
jdria, to be finished, to pass away, ba-sar-k., to bring
to an end, to execute ; to pass (one's days), ba-sar \x^i "^^ basnd, m. cloth, a wrapper, pack-
le-jdnS, to finish, to execute, to acquit one's self of;
to outstrip, basar-hond, to be finished, to vie with or
rival, ba-sar dmadan, to excel, to be pre-eminent, ba- iJLOj^^j^f^Wmz buan-pat,^m. a habit of
sar burdan, to finish, ba-sar-shudan, to be finished, p.
^^.r^r^ sire,
f^^«T^ bisa7i-pan,j h.
[nu. de-s.
j***i f%JR bisai-f m. ^forgetfulness, obli-
CjLm-J ftraTT? bisrat, f.J vion. 5. S>,^j^ f^W^'^^ bisan-pad, a hymn to Vish-
I»L«^ r<N^m bis7'avi (for vi shram), m. piuise, CL*.x^) '^TH^T basant, f. the spring; one of the
rdgs or musical modes of the Hindus; the name of the
a stop, a point in writing ; rest, hisrdm lend, to rest, first of the six seasons, including from the 15th Pliagun
to pass the night (particularly used by wandering
fakirs), s. [to forget, to mislead, s. to the ISthBaisakh ; the small-pox (phrase peculiar to
the Bengalis), basant-phulnd, n. to put forth the blos-
soms of mustard plants, dnkhon men-basant-pliUlni, io
Xi\j^ f^WlJ^'\ bisrana, a. to forget, to cause dazzle, basant ki Idvabar knowledge of or care about
«Jl.*ilj-«o. f^sJIlMT bisrdnt (for vishr ant), rested, futurity, basant panchami, a Hindu festival on the 5th
of JLigh, formerly observed as the beginning of
reposed, bisrdnti, f. rest, repose, cessation from toil
or occupation, s. [finish, to pass. p.h. spring, s.
\3Uv^ ba-sar-Iejdna, a. to outstrip ; to jjx-O '^^nifl' basanfi, of yellow colour (this
" was Krishna's favourite colour), h.
Uj^ f^W^ bisarna, n. to forget, to be for-
got en, s. fi^ f^^*ft bism, m. a rake, a debauchee, a
li,*-.) f^Tt^^tTT bisurna, n. to sob. h. ' lecher ; adj. delicate, nice, showy in dress, h.

^,irs-.w«j ba-sar-0-cliaslim, with head and (^-w*> '^'^'T(\ basni, f. a purse, h.

eye, i. e. most carefully, heartily, p. y^the f^"^
world. biswa
5. (for vishwa), m. the universe,
^■,r> bant, diftusiveness, distension, a.
\y^_ f^^(\ biswd, m. the twentieth part (par-
f\s^ bisfdtaj, ^ m. a medicinal root, poly- ticularly ofa J?g/ia of ground), s.
j^y^, bisivdr, a mixture of spices, &c,, for
^^r'^i-w-j bisfa.,lj, J pody. a. making curry, d.
' A(p ij*.^ f^^^tfT.T bis-hhapra, m. the name (_c,l^*«J ^^T^ baswdrl, f. a bamboo-garden. /i.
of a medicinal plant (Trianthema pentandra) : it spreads
over the ground, and forms a circle of nearly a yard in
diameter, h. {^jj\y^^ f^'^T^ bisn-ds (for vishwds),
fidence, faith, sincerity, dependence, s.
m. con-

U>^^;j*0 f^^^^^T bn-hhoprd, m. the name eiw-oU-O f^^nri^: bisn-diisa, m.'l a fniction of
of an animal of the lizard kind, about a yard long, and
said to be venomous (Laccrta iguana), h. ^u.;U— ^ f%^RT^ bisv.dhst, f.J a. buwd. a.
C^t^ ^TIPTrT baujit or ba.^gat, f. residence,
homestead, site of a village residence, h. L>*^3 U^^ ^Wt^^ bas 0 bds, m. home, coun-
try, dwelling-place, residence, s.
L*^ basnict, m. staining (particularly men's \j>\y^ f^^S\^T3X. biswd-bardr, collecting by
beards) ; staining the legs (by the women) so as to the biswd, or twentieth of a bigha, q. v. h.
have the appearance of having light drawers on, where-
as they are in fact naked, p. ja-«-) q^V^ basaur, a bamboo-garden. A.
) :^
^ ( IIG

Uj ^«J fsj «^tlTfr?<;M;'wa, a, to cry slowly, to sob. A. C^{^ bashnxhat,f. cheerfulnrsp, alacrity, a.

l*.^^^ f^'^^ofWT bi.m'a-Jiarma, the artificer «-1a^ fW^ bishtjlm. a kind of ta\dliih-dar
of the gods; the Indian Vulcan. «.
>J1j,L:> f^ hixh.t, J or landholder whose of-
^^*-J ^HqST hasula, m. a kind of axe used by fice is in tlie i^ift of government, h
carpenters, an ad/.e. ^.
l^iLJ f^Wf bi>:/'ithd, f. ordure, s.
i^y*^ ^^cS^ hrisuli, f. an instrument for cut- jXi^ fsf^ btshti, f. rain. s.
" ting bricks, p.
C^sJL-i ba-shiddat, violently, forcibly, p. a.
8^*-^ f^^ bi.mia, m. the twentieth pnrt, par-
ticularly ofa i7^/;a of ground. ?«'.?wrt hardr, assessment JLi bashar, m. man, mankind, mortals, a.
by the biswa. biswa-dar, the holder of a share or
shares in a coparcenary village. /(.
f^j^> n^'SIlM bishrdm, m. rest, ease, pause, bish-
ram l.,to rest, to pass the night (particularly used by
^J■J\^ly ^ f^^^T^ bisiva-dari, a tenure of wandering fakirs^, s.
independent villages, h,
CLk>\j^ f^WiT bishrdnt, rested, reposed.
4jy<^ f^T^R' &zswl (for visAwi),worldly, belong- bishrdntl, f. rest, repose, s.
ing to the universe. s.
{jy^ f^^ buwi, f. alienation of land, on s^^jLi ba-sharte-ki, on the agreement that,
the payment of fines in advance, h. so that, on condition that. p. a,

\^ TW^'^I bis,ha, venomous (as reptiles), s. iJL> bashara (also bushara), m. countenance,
the outer skin or cuticle, a.
jj-^^ifq^-^-^bisahi-Ti, la buyer; a pur-
{jj^ bashar'i, human, relating to man. a.
Kj^--*.) f^^^'STT bisahn/,d,j chaser. Ii. iJLj^JLi &fl.s/»%fl^f.humanity,human nature.^.
■ <•-■,,< f^i4^0 f. a phlegmon or boil on the
hand ; a purchaser, h. SJkxij f^'^oFli: bish-kapra, m. a species ol
grass used in medicine {Trianthema peniandra). i.
^^ base, abundantly, much, many. p. \xx-^JL>_ f^TToir^T bishhanya, f. literally,
\j^ bhyar, many, much, very, abundant ; "Poison-damsel." A female who has been fed on
bisyari, abundance, superfluity, p. poisons from her infancy. Such damsels, it is said ,
were sent by former Indian princes as presents tn
lHaJu-J ^^v\^t basit, the head man of a vil- those whom they wished to destroy, as the poisonous
constitution of the young lady could immediately in-
lage, also called imikaddam, or pdtil. k. fect and kill an unwary lover. Ladies of this descri])-
tion are said to have existed before the days of Co-
Ju*J f^ftjTI^ bisiyar, venomous, poisonous, s. lumbus, and the importation of a new disease from the
new world ; otherwise the nature of their poisonous
Lju-o ^^TT basera, m. a time before evening
quality might be guessed at. (Binning), s.
when birds return to their nest ; a night's lodging ;
a bird's roost, a bird remaining on its roost, baserd-k., .t.) f^vm hixliam, unequalled (in a bad sense),
to roost, h. [dance, s. diilicult, bad, excessive, difficult of cure. *.
\jL*ju«J f^%^lnbisei(ia {^orvishes.hata),^.^h\in- ,^JL^ f^^^^X. bisham-jwar, m. a violent
kjuO bax'it,a. simple, uncompounded, ele- inflammatof}' fever, s.
f^J^ f^W bhhan (for Vishnu^, m. (in Hindii
a/C\^i ■^^oFiT baslkat, inhabited, peopled. //. mythology) the Deity in the character of preserver, s.

4$Ou«^ f^^"^ bisehh (for vishr^h), m. particular; a parti- s:>iJL:t f^'Sjl''^^ bishan-pad, m. a particular
cular circumstance ; adj. peculiar, special, song ill the name of Vishnu, h,
abundant ; adv. particularly, specially, s.
^)Uu*^ f^^T bisela, venomous, poisonous, .s, C^. -li^^^ f^Wirtrl his!t7i-prpf, land held rent-
free by religious persons, especially followers of
Anf.^ basim, affable, courteous, a. \j,uts. h. Vishnu; the term BishnoUar has the same siguili-
cation. s.

^^} f^^^i\ bisen, a powerful tribe of raj- y^ji_^JL> f^^i(\.'W^^X.

class of Brnhmaiis to whom has bisltn-jyrlt-ddr,
been assigned grantsa
IjbiiJJk-.^ ^VT basendha, fetid, stinking, h. of land in the name of Vishnu, h
jjju-.) ^^^ basend, an edible root found in
ponds, &c. ft. ^j^'JL> Psjun^l^ bishno,i or bishnawi, a wor-
shipper ofVishnu, name of a Hindu sect. s.
(j£^ f^ bish {{or visha),m. venom, poison, s. i^j fV^I^ bishnt, m. a rake, a lecher ; adj.
basharat, f. glad tidings, a. "delicate, nice, showy in dress, s.
,tj\lj bashara, m. a dream, a vision, a. l^.ij f^'^'i^T bishhd, venomous (as reptiles), s.

Sj^\Jl^ bashnhash, in good spirits, pleased, t." > fw^Tft bisha'i or bishay'i, sensual,
daUghted, cheerful, a. worldl}'. «.
( "7 ) ^

f^vn hiahnya, m. any object of seiisp ;
thingandperceptible hy the senses, as colour, smell,
S^ ba\l, after, afterwards, subsequent, a.
flavour, contrast ; an aflair, matter, s. 1^ bu'd, f, distance, remoteness, a.
jxij hashtr, a messenger of glad tidings, a. »ii*J ba'dahu, after which, then, however, a.
jJlL) f^fMq*, bishiyar, venomous, s. LJ^ f^az, ^
U^Uj ba'za, > some, certain ones. a.
(J^h*^ ik'^'^ bishesh,\ a. particular ciicum-
,^V>M.; f^%^bhhekh,j stance,8i,c.(y.bisekl!).s. jc.a*J ba'ze, J
iL-i.j fW^cH bishela, venomous. .«. ^_jO^ ba'zl, some, certain, sundry, ba'z'i
"bab, various or miscellaneous items, sundries, ba'z't
Ia.m.Xm..'* f%^^lTT bisheshatd, f. abundance. 5. kharcli,
of revenuemiscellaneous expenses,
derived from ba'z'i jam',
ottior sources than aggregate
the (Jus-
OjUa^ basarat, f. sight, seeing, perceiving, a. toms and Excise, ba'zl zamin, in official language,
denotes land exempted from the paj-ment of reve-
tXtoJ bn-md, by a hundred, used only in nue under various denominations, as altamghii, ui-
ma, &c. a.
Persian phrases, as ba-tad mll}nat, with a hundred toils
or exertions, p.
uIJjlJjO ba''lbak, the city Balbeck in Syria,
jtoi basar, m. seeing, discerning, vision, formerly Heliopolis. a. [of p. a.
sight, understanding, knowledge, a.
CLAjO^ ba-illat, by reason, or on account
1>j^ basra, the city commonly called Bas-
sorah, on the Persian Gulf. a.
t_->j^jJjO ba'alzabub, m. Beelzebub, a.
^3-A^ basal, f. an onion, a. {^y>^ ba-iwaz, in lieu, or instead of. p. a.
C^jytoi ba-surat, in the way or manner, p.a. ^^yo ba-aun, through the aid of. p.
ji^toJ basir, seeing (met. blind), a. i^JjjO bald, far, distant, absent, remote, ba^td
'aU se, foolish, absurd, far from wisdom, a.
O^JuaJ baslrat, f. sight, perception, circum-
spection, prudence, a, dOAjO bi-ainiki, himself or itself, in person, >
exactly, clearly, a.
i^*Kta} ba-figha, in the degree or mode. yj.a.
Xk> bughar, 1m. a breach in a wall ; a
'JLfSXjo.i biza'at, f. a.stock (in trade), capital ;
agency, commission, SjlJo bughar a,] gash, a deep wound, p.
\xi bat, m. a goose, a duck. a. C^^\ki bughawat, f. rebellion, opposition to,
Jlla^ battal, very foolish or vain ; false, a. and defection from, the rightful Imam ; violence, plun-
der, breach of law. a.
d^'uaJ batalat, folly, vanity, falsehood, a. liljoJo baghbaghana, a. to boast ; to bill or
Ja> batakh, ^ m. or f. (dimin. of bat), a duck coo as doves ; to low as a camel, d.

(.dllaJ batak,} or duckling ; a vessel formed fj!^ baghcha, m. a little garden, p.

in imitation of a duck. a.
\sJO bughda, m. a cleaver used by cooks or
jjh^ ba-tarz, in the mode or manner, j)- «• butchers, a knife, p.
(__iia^ ba-taraf, aside, apart, f. a. S\Sxi baghdad, the city of Bagdad, a.
^ Ja^ ba-tarik, by way of. p. a. (_^jJo bughdt, m. a kind of camel (of high
(jiJo) batsh, power, severity, sternness, a. cost), p. \_sewajn). p.
^JlaJ bad, m. rendering vain, abortive, of no ^j-i—^ bnghra, m. macaroni (also called
effect, a.

^^^Ua^ butlan, abortivej m. falseness, vanity.a. ^_^JlJ bughz, m. malice, spite, revenge,
hatred, h.
(^ia> batn, m. tlie belly, womb, inside. baU (JjO baghal, f. the armpit ; embrace, baghal
nan ha'd hatnin, generation after generation, a.
jCind or ho-jdna, to go out of the way. baehal-men lena,
,yia) ba-taur, l)y way of, in manner of. p.a. to take in one's arms, to embrace, baghal baj dud, to be
highly pleased, to be in triumph ; to jeer, to jest.
^^^la^ batun, m. interior part; heart, mind; baghal sungna, to be penitent, to regret, baghal ganu-k. ,
adj. concealed, a. a. to embrace a woman, baghal men dahdnd, a. to gel
possession of another's goods by fraud, baghal gandh.
^a^ bail, slow, dilatory; tedious, a. stinking armpits, baghal-glr, an embracer in the Hin-
dustfini mode, baghal-ghi, f embracing, baghal-men-
^Jaa^ bittlkh, a melon, a musk melon, a, mdnid, to conceal ( under p.one's arms) baghal men mundi
ddlnd, to be ashamed,
j^Ua^ ba-zahir, ^ in appearance, exter- litlXio baghlana, to make way, to get out ol
.^^laJ ba-zuliur, J nally, ostensibly, p. a. the way. p. under the armpits, p.
o ba's, m. exciting motive, cause, a d^ii JJo baghul-hand, m. a kind of robe Jie
( 118 ) J 53

Ajo haghTu f. a disorder in camels, rubbing ^> bakd or buka,

menta ion, a. f. crying, a complaint, la-
the thigh against the belly; a purse ; a kind of dumb-
bell used in exercise, p. OoJ buJidt, a kind of sweetmeat, d.

liij'^ baghorda, m. a slap with the fists ; a J' jOJ HsfohK bikdr, m. the change of any thing
from its original state ; disease, s.
kind of short dagger, d. [ron. d.

^yo haghola (same as hagla), a crane, a he- .OJ ■^oiTlT; bakdr, amount or value of a crop
fixed by an appraiser by word of mouth, h.
^o haghi, tyranny, oppression; rebellion,
jOJ ba-kdr, of use, serviceable. ba~kar-
"insurrection; dmadan or -dnd, to be of use. p.
refractory, a. infraction of the laws. adj. rebellious,

\Ji-> ^oRTCr bakard, m. a forerunner, a har-

\iJO haghiya, "1 m. a small garden, an or- binger; traveller; intelligence forwarded by word of
mouth. U.
e^C^ hagJncha,) chard, a flower-garden, j).
C-JjOO bakdraf, f. virginity, maidenhood, a.
jxjo ha-ghair, without, except, besides, inde-
pendent of. p. a. [formed on the head. p. ^_j*>OJ f^oRnr bikds, shining, blooming; ex-
pansion, display; pleased, happy, delighted, s.
[SJ hafa, f. a kind of scales or dandruff
JKj RoSfToS bihdl, m. the afternoon, s.
j\si> hafler, fat, gross, bloated, d.
a}L> ba-hdm, agreeable to one's wish. p.
^^ hala, f. eternity, duration, remaining, a. \3aJ f^oFTiTT bikdnd (same as bihwdnd), to
sell, or to cause to be sold. h.
JLE_J hnltlal, a grain-merchant, a shop-
keeper, halckdln't, a shopkeeper's wife. a. jKj f^oF'nr bilidtO,
able, for sale. h. m. sale. I'vjohi* bihd,u, sale-
bliu balaya (pi. of SJ^^), remains, old ba-
lances of revenue, arrears, dues. hakdyd,e baki, ar- JjKj buhdn-nJ, m. a cupbearer, a steward;
rears on arrears, a. a head cook ; superintendant of the kitchen, p.

/^>^> hah-hah, foolish prattle, talkative, a. ijj^ bahdwall, relating to a bahdival, q. v.

f cooking materials, p.
e.sP^ bulicha, m. a small bundle of cloth, t
^,K.> '^oFr^»T bahdyan, f. the name of a tree
j;.^ ha-Jjadri, to the extent of. p. a. (Melia sempervirens). h.
LibwiA^ ^off^^ bak-bak, f. prattle, foolish
jh bnhar, m. a bull, baliar-'id, a festival talk, bak-bak-k., to prattle, to chatter, to gabble. «.
held in commemoration of Abraham's offering to sa-
crifice his son. Accordinc; to the Muhamviadans of
the Sunni sect, it was Isnui'il that Abraham was UKj.^
to chatter,'^^T^TeRT'^Tl
h. bahbakdnd, n. to prattle,
about to sacrifice ; those of Shi'a persuasion hold that
it was Isaac. It may be stated, however, that the ll^o ^HT bohtd, m. a speaker in general;
name of this son is not mentioned in the Kur,an. a.
adj. eloquent, loquacious, s.
ajk.6,^iL> ba-hasamlya, being on oath. p. a. (jilJkSo baJitdsh, name of a famous athlete, p.
a>«ib bulla, m. a house, a place, a. J5o baktar, m. iron armour, a coat of mail,
a cuirass, haktar-posli, a man clad in armour, p.
'iXh baUat or bahla, a potherb, bahlat-ul-
humakd, m. (the fool's herb) purslain. a. j_>JL5o baldan, m. an armourer, one who
makes coats of mail. p.
jfi.^ bnham, f. sappan wood {Ccasalpmia sap-
pan), a. i^LSi f^oFT bikat, difficult, terrible. 5.
ulij hWZ buhat,\ . ,
Jyb bukul (pi. of ^^^), plants, potherbs, a.
/ ^^71
uX) • ^ buktd, ■ J?-m. a claw. n.
Jyij ba-haul, according to the word of. p. a.
ijib baliiyat, remainder, balance, residue. C^J;^ha-ka!!rat,p\entifa[\y,inahundance.p.a.
balfiyatu-s saif, the remnant left by the sword, a.
uilj f%oir bih (for vrika), ra. a wolf. a. \^ buhchd,'] xn. a bundle, a wrapper, (v.
&^ bukchaj bukcha). t.
cLb '^r'^ bak, m. name of a bird that feeds on
fish {Ardea torra and putea, Buck.), bak-chdl, a slow c-dLAs-uiJo ^r«li*K."3F bak-jhak, f. prattle, foolish
walk or strut like that of the bird called bak. bak- talk. h.
dhydn-la;^dnd, to act with dissimulation, s.
. c^ W^fP^ bahchl, f. the name of a plant,
ciJj ^'^bah, f prattle, foolish talk, bah-jhak " the seed of which is used to cure itch (Conyza or Sena-
the same, bak-jhak k., to prattle, to chatter, to gabble. tula anthelniintica). s.
bak-lagni, talkativeness, garrulity, s.
io bilir, f. virginity, bikr-iornd, or hikr-
\5o "^^ buhhd, m handful. //.. phornd, a. to deflower, a.
( IID )

' ,V> ^eRTT J^

bakra, a he-fjoat.
\>(ird is often, but erroneously, applied to a ram).
(in Dakli. the
'^^ "^rS^^ baliold, m. a covering for the
head, as a piece of blanket SiC. used hy fakirs, h.

■KSo f^oRtK hikrar, 1 terrific, "gly, hi- i^y^ W^^ bakoli, name of a green cater-
pillar destructive of rice crops, h.
J^X> f%«irtI5r hihral,^ deous. s.
,^x) fV^ bihk (for vish), ra. poison, venom.
^ .So f^'^^hikram, m. great power or strength, hikh-dhar, a snake (lit. poison-holder), s.
prowess, lieroism ; act of overpowering, s.
,^ ^5^ bakh, the world, the universe, h.
da5»-U^ f^'jUHIwlrf bikramajit, the name
of a celebrated sovereign of Ujjain (for vikramaditija).s. l^XJ '^I3T bahhd, m. grass for pasturage, h.
^J>^^ "^«iiT? hnlii, f. a she-goat; m. or f. a J^^yj'^WX.balihar, m. la storehouse, a
goat (generally) ; (in Dakb. improperly applied to a (Cjl^So ^^rrt bakhari, f J granary, h.
sheep), s.

{jf^. Of jJO Mliri, f. a sale, a demand, s. ^jl^So ^^H bakhan, m. explanation, praise,
description, account, s.
U-5o '5r«iWT baksa, astringent, baksahat, Uol^So '^^T'^ bahhdnnd or bahhdn-h., a. to
astringency. h. praise, to commend ; to explain, to define, relate. *.
CL**-^ f^oFfffrT bikasit, expanded, blown (as j^ ^Wt bahhar (v. bahhar), a kind of
a flower), delighted, s. plough ; also, a house ; an inclosure ; a cattle shed, h
U-Jo f^oPfnTT b!has7ia, n. to blow or expand
as a flower, to be delighted, to smile, s. l3^^5o f^'IfTTl bikharnd, n. to be scattered, dis-
persed, or dishevelled ; to become angry, to be amazed
or confounded, h.
^^*^ W«PW'^ baksu,a, m. the tongue of a
buckle, h.
{Jj^f-i ^'^'^ bahhr'i, f. a cottage, a house, a
round granary of grass, reeds, and mud, raised on
^)ju-Xj ^o)i^;^"l baksailci, astringent, h.
piles, h.
(J^ "^oF^ bakul, m. name of a tree (3Iimu- bjAxJ ^^ftin bahhnyd, m. a householder. It.
sops elengi). s.

i)so fw«h"^ &/^a/, restless, uneasy, troubled. 5. ]j^ ^*^ f^msf M<i bikh-khaprd, m. a medicinal
plant (Trianthema pftandra). s.
iJO ^"^^ bakkal, I m. skin, rind, shell (of a \>.^ r^ f^m^\m.\ bikh-khoprd, m. a kind
of lizard about a yard long, and said to be venomous
"^^ ^«Rq5T &«^?a,J fruit), s. (Lacerta iguana), s.
U^)»io Wep^STSTT buklana, n. to talk incohe-
jt^ij f^iT bikham, odd (number); difficult, s.
rently to one's self, to act or talk foolishly, s.
jC^ buhm (pi. of j*^^), dumb, mute. a. jjU^ f^tJiTR bikhmdn, m. the name of a
medicine or poison, s.
Sa ^^ bakkam m. (v. Ji^), sappan or
red. vrood {Caesalpinia sappan). p. l^^xj ffM^l bikhhd, venomous (as reptiles), s.

\JX> ■^oRrff ift/i«a, n. to prate, jabber, s. fc^^ "^^ hakhuf.ihe side under the armpit, h.
Uio f^oFTTT bikna, n. to be sold, to sell (in an
^^x> i'^^^^ bikhai, m. any thing perceivabh'
intransitive sense, like the French " se vendre"). bik- "by the five senses; affair, matter, &c. (v. hishaya). '.
-jdnd. met. to be dependent on, to be obliged, s.
U^X) "^fl^^ bakliiyd, m. a kind of stitch,
^So ■<fcjir|'l buhm, f. a kind of digestive strong quilting, h. [quilt. //.
"powder, h.
IJU^xJ '^f5l^m»TT bakhiydnci, a. to stitch, to
ii\»^ '^cfi^Ti^ bahvcid, f. foolish talk. s.
XijX^i '^'^TyW bahhernd, a. to scatter, h.
(^::^S^ '^'Sfi^T^ bnkivddt, m. one who talks
foolishly, an idle talker, s. \jA^xj cT^^fT bakherd, m. wrangling, a tumult,
ixti\Sj ofoB^TO bakwas, f. talkativeness ; m. contention, dispute, uproar, h.
an incessant prattler, s. bjjk^So cf^ffin bahheriyd, quarrelsome, a
wrangler, h.
^^S^ f^cfr^^ bikwan, a subdivision of the
Gaurtagas (v. Wilson's Gloss.). /*. ^.A^ f^^?^ bihhayi, sensual, worldly, s.
li\^ f^oF^TTT bikirdnci, to cause to be sold. s.
ifi ^"^ bukki, f. a cloth brought over thi
\st\^ ^oF^rr^T hahvdha,TD.. 1 chatterer, an idle "shoulders under the armpits and tied behind; a hand-
ful, hiikki mania, to pass a cloth under the armpits
and tie it behind, h.
i^\y^ TolT^I^ bahvdhi, f.J talker, h.
jX> W^ bahJfi, talkative, a prater, s.
\J3^j 'qr<*l<iWT bukotnd, n. to lacerate with
nails, to scratch, to claw. h. (io f^^l bililfi, m. a partner (at play, &c.). h.
( 120 ) ^

bu*Jj f^iTTT«TT bigasna, n. to blow, to expand

Ijiio f^^JPin ft«/jiya.f.a clasp-knife, a penknife.^.
Jjio ^^ hahel, twine made from the root
of the dhak tree. h.
(a flower), &c. (v. bikasna). s.
^^j «|JI^I bogla, ^fV^ bogula, m. the name
of a bird, a white crane or heron, commonl)' called by
Ja5o W^?5 ?;a/ie^M, m. the root of a grass of Europeans " the paddy bird " {Ardea torra and putca,
which rope is made. fc. Buck.), bagla-bhagat, a hypocrite, h.

lL,0 ^it /^^'/7, m. name of a l)ird, a crane (same jl^jo «fJ|l4Rderbus , h. hugmar, m. a musketoon or blun-
as'bak). has-clud, f. walking slowly (like a crane);
(contracted for ba^jh) a tiger, hence hag chhanda lagna,
n to be stupified or petrified with fear, as one feels at Jb^jX^ f^''^ bigandh, f. stink, fostor. s
the sight of a tiger, s.
^^io ^TqST bagula, ra. a whirlwind, h.
\t> biir/rja, a fountain, jet d'eau. d. l^Jo f^iTfT bigha, m. a quantity of land con-
.16 ^T[R hagar, m. pasture-ground: it also taining twenty kaWias, or 120 feet square, h.
denotes forced labour for which no reward is given, ^j. .V^jo <!JHK baghar, m. the spices which are
mixed with food to give it relish ; seasoning, condi-
yX> bur/ara, m. a large hole or breach, p. ment. /(.
'o.'Xt "^rnrsTT hagarna, a. to throw away ; to
spread over. h.
I3jl^ ^^nT'TT bagharna, a. to sea.^on. h.
j_y^ f^T^rt bigahti, rent per bigha, fixed
jl6 f%TTT^ higar, m. injury, violation, diffe- "on lands, h. [vention, interruption, s.
rence, higar-k., a. to quarrel, to forfeit friendship.
bigar par and, n. to be ready to quarrel, h.
i^^j^^, f^'^TrT bighan, m. hindrance, stop, pre-
mar, to
\3j\X> fVlT'pTT higarna, a. to spoil, to friends, 'o^ "^rtm baghna, m. the teeth and nails of
damage ; to cause misunderstanding between h. a tiger which are hung round tlie neck of a child to
serve as a charm, s.
j)jl.6 f^TW^Jjigaru, m. a spoiler, violator. /*.
\j16 bi-pana or bi-gana, strange, foreign, un- ^j<*x^ ^Tf^^ bag-hafis, m. the name of a
bird, a grev goose, s.
known (for be-gana, q. v.). p.
V^4^ ^^'T^T bciglinaha, m. name of a medi-
^-CilG bi-ganagi, strangeness, &c. p. cinal herb with a fragrant root. s.
j^\xCi ^nmirt hag-pati, f. the side under the _^^ T^tft bright, f. a horse-fly. //.
•• armpit, h. [cranes, h.

^L^ ^11 Ml til bag-panti, f. a row or line of (J>A^^ ^^ baghel, m. the name of a tribe
clX f%TifiT bigati, f. badness, misdemeanor. s. of raj-puts I lit. tiger's whelps), h.
^)oi4^ ^qST baghela, m. a ruj-jmt of the
13*4^ ^n"^ bag-chhut, f. galloping. &fl^- baghel tribe ; also a tiger's whelp, s.
chut-daurnd, to set off at full gallop, h.

U\^ ^T^^ hagdana, a. to cause to return, U:^^

, .f. ^m^
.bagicha,] f- f. a little garden, o. /(.
to piit to the rout, h. [spoiled, h.
Xii^ti ^TT^T bagadna, n. to return, to be
^ji^ ^H^*^ bngeri, f. an ortolan. //.
tXi f^sCTf bigrah (for vigraha), m. quarrel, (Jj ^rc5 I'nl-, m. a coil, twist, convolution ;
strife, s. side, direction, bal-dar, crooked, tivisted, coiled,
convoluted, bal-dena, a. to twist, bal-khdnd, to be
^X> ^nT?t hagari, a species of rice, cultivated twisted, h.
chiefly in the province of Benares, h.
(Jj^cS b:d, m. power, strength ; semen virile;
^i\y> Xj> ^tKJ^ hagrendi, f. the name of a the elder brother of Krishna, Batu-Rama; (for ta//) the
kino- of PCildl, or the infernal regions ; a sacrifice, an
" plant (Jatropha curcas, Lin.), h.
offering. ft«/-6e, interj. bravo! bal-jdnd or bal-bal-jdnn,
'j^ "W^ bagar, m. a kind of rice. h. to be sacrificed, bal-dena or bal-karnd, to sacrifice, s.

\";^ ^TTT bagra, m. trouble; cheat, deceit. iW 'lyrgt' /»//', an oblation, a religious offeiinij; ;
baaru-k., to evade the payment of one's debts, or the presentation of food to all created beings ; one of the
performance of a promise, h. five great sacraments of Hindu religion : it consi.sts in
throwing a small parcel of the offering, ghi, rice, or
\3v.G f^M4»n bigarjia, n. to be spoiled, da- the like, into tiie open air at the back ot the house;
maged, or marred, to fail, to miscarry ; to quarrel, to an anim^.l fit f)r an oblation; a king and Daitya ;
disagree, to be enraged, h. also Mulid-baU, the virtuous sovereign of Malidbalipur,
tricked out of the dominions he had obtained over
i^'j^ f%T3^ bigri, f.h. spoil, damage, war, battle, earth and heaven by Vishnu, in the Vdman or dwarf
misunderstanding, Avatar, and left, in consideration of his merits, the
sovereignty of Patala, or the infernal regions, s.
^":^ ^TifSVJbagriya, m. a deceitful person, h.
Aj W^ hul, f. vulca fceminea. h.
b,-^ ^iroft^ bagsariya, a small clan of
^y> f^ hd, \
raj-puts in the Muradabad district! ; also of a brancli ,■ _ rm. a hole or burrow, s.
of Kana<ij Brahmans. h. yj f^c5T f'da,}
^ ( 121 )
>^ ^^T hald, m. an aquatic and medicinal Xj'yj 'RcJl'TT bildfid, a. to cause to vanish, to
plant (Sida rhombifoUa, rhomboidea, and cordifoUa). s. dissi])ato; to di.spose
vanish, to be lost. h. of ; to distribute ; n. to retire, to
^ bala, f. misfortune, calamity, accident,
venf)^eance, evil, or mischief, halil-zada, one who is 13>J f^WT^T bUldnd, to weep, whine, h.
struck with misfortune, huld-kash, one wlio suffers
under affliction, &:c. bald-garddn, tliat whicli averts i^i*^ f^c^T^ bUdnd, f. a span. //.
evil, bald-iias'ib, one of evil destiny, a. U5i;>^ sToilf^TTT bnldnchitd, f. a sort of viitd
y^ hila, without; hila taraddud, without he- or lute, calli'l also Rdma's lute. s.
sitation, b'lld tawalhcf, hastily, speedily, bild-ndgha,
unhesitatingly, without delay, a.
Oy^lj '^^if^lT ?^fl/a?i?yiY,strong,powerful..s'.
y^ "^Wl hnlla, m. a pole or boaf-hook. h. l^'o f^^T^ bild,o, m. a tom-cat. s.
^ fW^T billa, m. a male cat. s.
j^j ^q57^ hnld,o, any thing very cheaply pur-
y^ billa, m. a breast-plate or badpre as worn chased ;adj. dog cheap, h.
by peons, policemen, &c. : a tablet or flat piece of me-
tal ;also a string confining the hilt of a sword or dag- b^j* W^l^T buldwd, m. act of calling, h.
ger to the sheath, d.
jj^ fWoTT^f bildrvar (v. bild,o), a he-cat. s.
^ • '^WT
\> hullci, m. a bubble, h.
Jj^ f^^R^ bildwal, f. the name of a ra-
j)^ holahar, a kind of jacket, ^j. ginl in nuisic. h. [mons. h,

^Jj^ '^^TR'^ halabal, strong and weak. s. LiLJ^^ ^q5T^7 buldhaf, f. calling, call, suni-
\!xs^^'- '^J^'^m buIa-bheJ7ia,a. to [plaint,
send for,s. J6^ ^qJT^T baldhar, a low-caste servant, a
to invite, h. village guide or messenger, h.
<— >^ f^Q5T'7 bildp, m. lamentation, com- ^^ih ^oSTft baldhi, m. a worker in hides and
"leather (v. c7iaMar). h.
wail, i^^T^^I
s. bilapnd, n. to lament, to he-
cJlib f^QjT^ bild,r, f. a she-cat; a grater for
.Ki^b '^^TPBTT; balathdr, m. violence, op- ne, s.
scraping dicipompions, &c. bild,i-kand, m. name of a me-
pression, exaction ; (in law) the detention of a debtor
and violence exercised upon him to recover a debt. s.
{jih bald,e (same as bald), f. accident, mis-
tW^ ^{jTfrHaRT haldtmilid, f. a sort of sun- " fortune. hald,e boghma, trash, stuff, filth, matter, a.
tiower [Hcllotrojjiiim Indicum). s.
jjtib aj^lf^ balld,t, m. a kind of village ser-
(O^ '^^^}Z baldt, m. a sort of bean. h. " vaut, fordaries.
cutting wood and A.
preserving[ofthe village boun-h.
a medicine,
li^ bildd{\A.
provinces, of d^'),a.
territories, cities, towns, Lclothes.
i^ij"^ i^^\\<¥^ bild,i hand, m. the name
jiS^ balddiir, m. a nut used for marking iO,^ ^g5PI baldya, m. a plant (^Capparis
trifoliata). s.
j.ii^ bald-diir, averting an evil omen (lit.
'• far be the evil "). a. p.
batd.l lend, ^c5T^^^ bald,eu
to draw the hands overlend, or ^^T^^rlT
the head of anotlier
j^ f^c5TT: bildr or fwWR bdldr, ra. a male
cat. s. in token of taking all their misfortunes upon one's self,
a practice peculiar to females. /(. [its fruit, s.
(_>-^ r^cjjre bilds^m. pleasure, satisfaction, ( Jo Ph^H bilb (for viloa), m. the bel tree or
delight, s. [pleasure, s.
c-A?. ba-lab, nt the lip, or to the lip, applied
tj**"^ f^^Wi bildsi, voluptuous, addicted to
to one in great distress, when the soul is " come to
death,lip;"p. brdab-dnd, i.e. when he is on the point of
(^^ '^^'^T
mour, s. bedash, m. the phlegmatic hu-
c^ bulla , an enormous eater, a glutton, a. \io J..> ^r^^W bal-bakid, m. a person who
dies in a battle, &c., without doing any thing, s.
CL/^"^ baldghat, f. eloquence; maturity, a. bidbul, f. a nightingale: in India, a
^^ '^^ToF/(. bulak, m, an ornament worn in
the nose. shrike. The huminl bidbul and sultdn'i bidbul are two
very beautiful species of this little bird, wliich bear
^^ ^^ToFT buldhd, f. a sort of crane, h. no resemblance whatever to a nightingale ; neither is
the Persian biilbul at all like the English nightingale,
J^ bddl, the iinnie of the crier who an- but a rather smaller bird of the same genus. The
nounced to the people when Muhammad said prayers.a. husainl bidbul has a white body, wings, and tail, with a
black-crested head. The sultain bulbul has a reddish
!i)^ f^^TcST bddld (v. bilalld), foolish, sim- or chesnut body and wings, with black crest Both
ple. /(. species havep. very long tails like the bird of paradise.—
^J!i)^ ■5?c5Tc5T«TI &?//a-/a."a, a. to summon, h. ^b c(cJ>c<fj>T buUndd, m. a bubble, s.
cLi3^ "^^T^cff ljaldlah,m. the Caronda (Ca- (as
rissa carandas). s. 13 ^b ^^^^T«TT balbaldnd, n. to ferment
ith lUst ; to
sour milk, curds, &c.) ; to be inflamed w
0^ ^^"RT bidund,ii. to callj invite, bid. h. make a noise (a camel) from lust, h
c ) ^
13^Ld^ f^f^^T^T hilbilana, n. to he restless, JoVJj W^TT«J5 bal-rand,f, a widow who lost
to be tormented with pain, to complain from pain ; rz-Z Iier husband while very young, s.
to weep, to whine, whimper. /(.
,Ajl) WW*? halldhh, dear, beloved ; m. a mas- ^^> W^T^ bal-rahh, m. a person put in
ter, superintendant ; a favourite; a friend, s. charge of property under distraint for arrears of reve-
nue, s. [of Gilead. a.
OIaaI) W5?>n'?TT halhliaim, a. to allure. *•. (jL«b bolasafi, the balsam-tree, balsam, balm
.i^AjJj WcJiT^ hal-hhadra, m. a strongs robust 0> b 1V^^ bilnst, f. a span (v. bilishi). p.
man ; the name of Balarama, Krishna's elder brother, s.
bwJj f^^^TJ bilasna, n. to be pleased, to be
i:Lf^4>b W^HTT bal-bhug, taking possession by satisfied, to be delighted, s.
force of another's right, h. ,i^J.^Jb «r55«n^< bal.utndu7% name of a kind
A> W^^ bal-be, bravo! well done! k. of (sandy)
sand. k. soU in 'Azim-garh ; clay much mixed with
.!xjJo 'ar^^ bal-bir, the brave, the heroic ; an
epithet applied to the brothers Krishna and Balarama
(in the Prem-sagar). s. ^jlb bili'ih, "If. a span, the extent from the
iJLiJ^ bilisht, ) tip of the thumb to that of
JO Jo W^tTT? bal-tar, m. the male palm or the little finger when stretched, p.
todd}- tree {Borassits flabelliformis). h.
jUb bulbar, Bulgaria; Russia-leather, p.
.Kib W^FPR balat-har, any act of violence, *ib balgham, m. phlegm ; a running at the
as robbery, rape, &c. .5.
npse from cold. a.
.ykb sfoSfftT: bal-tor, ^m. a pimple, a sore, a
^»ib balghanii, phlegmatic, a.
jyl> ^T^TTT? ?*r/ /-/or, J small boil (supposed
to be cause'd
hair), s. by the breaking or pulling out of a ^ib half am m. or balfam ki takhti, a school-
boy's slate for writing or cj'phering. d.
U^b f^oST'TT bilatna, n. to become bad. li. (j.*Aab balkis, the name of the queen of
Sheba, according to the Musalmans. a.
\:^^- f%Q5^«n bilachna, to extract, to select, as
passages from books ; to pick, to cull. h. bowb/;r;Z/^fj»a,a.tobririg under one's own pos-
session or charge, d.
^\J^ ba-lihaz, with regard to. p. a.
udib bilk, a s[)ark. balki, but, moreover.
•b balkh, a famous city in Bactriana. balkhl, hilak, a minent
gift, eye. p.hilik, adhesiveness, buluk, a large pro-

belonging to, or made in Balkh.
c balad, a city, town ; a country,
jX> a. '^ILSSj =Jc?<»^ hnlhat, rent taken in advance, h.
jyb W^ balad, a bullock that carries a bur- i^^ 'H'^<JhZ\hcilhafi, f. name of a tax formerly
den ;a drove of cattle, bullocks, horned beasts, h. "exacted at the commencement of reaping, h.
,Ub hal-dar, crooked, twisted, coiled; ra. a bkCb W^einTr balahyia, a. to open ; to speak
species of wheaten cake. h. [tries, a. indistinctly from excessive joy or intoxication. $.

^\^ buldan (pi. of ^), cities, towns, coun- b^ r^(JJ<+H1 hUahna, n. to sob, to cry vio-
lently, as a child ; to long for, to desire eagerly, h.
(^^^ 'WfcS^T'T baU-dan, m. act of sacrificing iisb bdlhi, moreover, on the other hand ;
or offering a sacrifice to a deity, s. but, nay. p.
*i\jsb btiladana, m. a tax on laden oxen. h.
b^^5Jj fV^^ft'Tr hUhhuriya, name of a tribe
^Wo "W^T^ balda,u,
name of Balarama.
m. a bullock-driver
; a
[exaction, p.
of Kajputs, so called from Bilkhar in Oude. h.

\j.^xb f%^^^ bilaJ/Iina, a. to see, to look

^**.Ab hal-dasfi, f. unauthorised or oppressive at, perceive, behold; n. to be displeased. «.
2jJj balda, m. a city, a town. a. ijjh f^^T bilag, separate ; m. separation,
difference, bilag manna, n. to be displeased, angry,
offended, s.
^^'j&ci.b bahUJia,i, compensation for pastiire-
' ground, h.
blCb f^'^TWT^biUjanci, a. to separate, to part. .<?.
ij^ ^^^ bahFi, 1 a bullock-driver, or
b-vb tj-^f^TIT hrildii/ci,) one who loads bul- jUb f^^lR hihja,o, m. separation, parting, s.
ioc'ks. s. [Ba?arama, Krishna's elder brother, s. U^b W^JRT bilagna, n. to separate, to be se-
parated, to curdle, to turn (as milk), h.
^sh W^W baldev, a cow-herd; the name of
b^ W^T^T balgana, m. a sob; sobbing, s.
W;ib W^^T bal-deva, f. a medicinal plant
commonly called Trayuman. s. ^b f^^SWT bilalla, foolish, simple, silly, h.
Uo f^^^ Z>;7/-a,m. a he-cat; a kind of cloth, s. b^kb r<!fc4(»ST»n hilalana, n. to lament, h.
^^J> w^rrJT bala-rama, the elder brother of ,*b f^^^ bilam, m. delay, long stay. s.
' Krishna, s.
) ^b

"WWR hallnm, in. a sponr. hnllavi-hardar, ^^ ^^^1 balula, m. a bubble (of water). ».
a spearman ; adj. having a very large and broad
head. li. b^j f^^^ hilona, \ a. to churn (also
A> ^^ h(ihi7n, I 1 1. bjjb f^r^teliTT&?7owawa,J hilauna). s.
r _ Vm. a lover, a husband,1 s.
Cl^yj ^qS^tT balrvant, powerful, strong, s.
l3lJo f%c5HT^ hiJmana, a. to allure, to tan- ^^b balwand, powerful, strong, d.
talise. /'.
^>y^ ik^W^ Ulaungi,t a species of grass./i.
t_-*»b f^^ir hijinnh, m. delay, long stay. .«.
&b Z*a/rt/?, weak, silly, simple, ignorant, un-
UjlJj "N'cS^^T hilamhna, n. to stay, to tarry, skilful, a.
to delay, s. [long stay. *•.
,4fjj i^c4**r bilambh (for vilamhh), m. delay, &b billa m. (v. Z^tY/a), a badge, &c. d.

Ij^jk^b f^^vi«7T bilambhna, n. to stay, to j\^ f^^:^1X.b(di-ha)-,m. 1 sacrifice, lali-

tarry, delay, s.
i^l^b fw<3i^li} bcdi-liarij.) hai-l-jana, same
Uk^i; f^^3^^ bilamna, to delay, tarry ; to as hal-janii, to be sacrificed, s.
stop, remain, s. [flaccid, s.
lio^&b f%^^W^ bilah-band, m. settlement,
jj\j f^'^«T bali7i, shrivelled, wrinkled, flabby, regulation. /;.

lli^ "g'^TfT balna, n. to burn, to be burnt. Ji. t_f,\*->dJj f^^^sTtrfi bilah-ba7idi, an account of
c>j.b buhind, bio;h, elevated, exalted, sublime, the settlement of a district, specifying the name of
each mahall, the farmer of it, and the amount at which
tall, hiiland-paya, of high rank. buland-hausUa, am- it is let. h.
bitious, aspiring, buland-nazar, of exalted views, aspi-
ring, huland-himmat, ambitious, of lofty intention, p. \j^ ftr^^n bilhara. m. a kind of basket
c_f.^b &?</a»cn,f.height,elevation,exaltation.^;. (long leaf.
betel and narrow)
h. generally used for holding pans or

sXlb ^^f^^^ bal-nigrah, m. weakening, re-

ducing strength, s. [ascend, h, '^jic^ f^<?^T^ bilahi-i, f. a ladle for taking
out oil ; a small basket for holding betel leaf. h.
Uxxb f^^^^T bila7ig7ia, a. to climb, to
(^^^ ^^^ bal-Iicm, m. phlegm, s.
jJo ■f^^Tf't hihii, f. a stye or stithe, the dis-
order in the eyelids, h. ic<}'> '^^^ bcdlii, f. a fagot, h.
tJi^^b ^^TfttT bal-hm, weak, infirm, bal-
\^ '^'^Sm bahva, m. a tumult, riot, sedition, hlnafd, f. weakness, prostration, s.
mutiny, alarm, h.

\^ ^^^T balu,a or bahiiva, sandy, s. iX> W^ball, strong, powerful ; f. a wrinkle,

"skin shrivelled by age; the fold of the skin in stout
^Uj ^^^^T hal>rcda,\ persons upon the upper part of the belly, between the
, • rpoweriul, strong, s. ensiform cartilage and the navel, s.
^lyo ^^1^ haJivan, J
\31Jj ^^5^^ hulirana, a. to cause to be (Jj '^'^ baVi, any thing offered or sacrificed
to an idol, such as flowers, rice, goats, &c. s.
called or sent for h.

13*1^ '^qS^^T babvatta, f. strength, power, s. iX> 'W^H' balli, a climber, a vine. s.
jAj ^^ balli, f. a prop, a pole, a long wooden
jjb b'dhiur, m. a kind of stone, crystal; cut "stick to move or steer boats, balli-marnd, to steer, to
glass, a. [iiiff> ennobling, s.
push (a boat), h.
j^ti,ftb'^^^'i"TT5aZ-?.'a?Y/rf/mw.,adj. Strengthen- fX> fw^^ s.billi, f. a she-cat. bilti-lotaii, m.
" valerian,
I3..b ^c5^''TT halTunia, a. to scratch, to tear
(with nails), h,
^X> bale, yes, true, so, well, right, p.
(_/.Jo blUnurl, made of crystal or glass : the
forms hilorl, billaurln, and hilorin are also in use. a. UjJ Lb W^^T^'IT bajaiya. Una, to take or
invoke another's misfortunes on one's self (v. Uald.cn
laJo baJlut, m. an acorn, an oak, a chesnut- lend), h.
troe. a.
C^jkb baUyat, misfortune, calamity, a.
t^b bulTigh, ra. j puberty, adolescence,
sA> batid, stupid ; a dunce, a simpleton, a.
e>ii^Ji hidugjiat, f. Hhe attaining of amar-
v-*Ab ^^^ balesar, a subdivision of the
C^J^S-^b biduglnyat, f.J riageable age. a. GFiJar tribe, q.v. h.
UJjb fV^T«S»n bilohia, a. to see, to look at. 5. i.vb fc«/ifz^, eloquent, mature; copious, a.
( ^-24 )

^^lob fV^^t?'^ hiUl-Iot(in,m. va]er\an; so

named from its effect on cats, which are said to be so i^^i '^^nr baman (forU)vaman), m. vomit ; an
emetic, hamau-k. to vomit, to spew. s.
delighted with its fragrance, as to roll about in their
ecstasies, h.
1^^ baman, a Brahman, d.
aJjkb haleJn, m. the belleric rnyrobalan. p.
cs- fj^ baman'i, a female of the Brahman caste ;
" of or belonging to the Brahmanical sect. d.
\sxAi ^^^Tl hal enda ,in..Q. •mh'wXw'mdi; a ridge-
pole (of a cottage), h. [cottage), h. c— *>-^^ ba-mnjib, on accoiuit of, by reason
of, in conformity with. p. a. [^man), a Brahman. 5.
^JJkyA> ^iQJJjJ) balendt, f. a ridge-pole (of a
{^_j^^ ^'^'T hamhan, m. (for hahman or brah-
virile,^"^tis. hall/a, strong, vigorous ; m. semen
jy-i^ 'Wf^'^JWtT.
Gaur Rajputs, h. bamhangaur, a class of the
^ '^^ bam, f. a spring (of water) ; a fathom ;
a measuring-rod of 3^ cubits, h.
ij^ '^^rft bamham, light red soil. h.
^ '^^ &a/n, an interjection addressed to Shiva; Ui^ ^JTfftT^T bamhaniya, a subdivision of
much used by pilgrims to the temple of Baijnath or the Kachhl tribe, q. v. h.
Vaidyanalh. s.
Vuj>^») &a???7iane?a, m. a young Brahman, d.
j^ ham, f. a bass part in music; a bass or
lowest string or drum ; having the deepest tone ; deep I^AJL*^ '^jftTT bamitha, m. a term applied to
sound (as that of the large pipes of an organ, a anthills (also to a snake's hole) in Upper India, h,
drum), a. p.
ijj^ "^^f^ baviil, m. the name of a grass, h.
fj\^ f^TTTiT himan, m. the chariot or vehicle
of the gods (sometimes serving as a throne, and at fj,^ ^H ban, ni. cotton ; a crop of cotton, h.
others carrying them through tlie skies self-moving and
self-directed), s. ^ '^^ ban, f. a forest, a wood, ban-jharna,
-mama, or majharnd, a. to beat the forests, han-kanda
<— *^ f^¥ bimh, m. the name of a tree bearing and han-gonthd, cow-dung found in the forests, ban-
a red fruit [Momordica monadelpha or Byronia grandis).s. jdtrd,i. the pilgrimage through the 84 forests ofBraja. s.

c-Av? '^^ ahamh,

who owes balance m.to the
a revenue
state, h. defaulter, one fji bin, m. (contract, of ^^^), a son. a.
/^ bun, m. coffee before it is ground (for then
Ix^ hiunha,m. a pump (from the English), d. it takes a new name, Icahwa). a. an allowance of grain
yX^ bambu, m. a baml)00, the species of cane given to a day labourer, h.
so called. (This has not been borrowed from the
English, as some have supposed, but the English word ^ bun, f. basis, root, stem. p.
itself has been derived from the Hindu dialects of
Southern India), d.
^J> f^*\ bin, ") without, unless, bin jane, wiih-
ii^f»J bamhud, a disease in elephants, a kind Uj f%«n bind,] out knowing, unwittingly.
of ulceration of their lower extremities, d. bin mdre or bin tegh shahJd hand, to be slain without a
without (applied
cause, tos. lovers), bin mdre tauha-k., to fear
^^■%> humbi, f. the navel, d.
Ijo T?n^w«>m' bridegroom ; (part.of&a«wa),
^^■>^ "^^If^ bam tele, name of a raj-put tribe made, prepared, &c. ; land dressed and ready for the
"in the Dii,dh: they are of low repute, h. seed. h.
Jo^ bu-misl, like, resembling, p. a. Ijj bind, f. foundation, basis, a.
i^j^^ fca-??!2yrt;7'flc?,instantly,imraediateIy.j9.o. Uj ^^ bannd, n. to be made, to be prepared,
i^<S^ ba-rnadad, by aid of, by means of. p. a. to be mended or adjusted ; to chime, to agree, to fall
in with, to do, to answer, to serve, to be, to become, to
s^>j^ ba-viartaha,
tent, p.a. in a degree, to some ex- avail, to counterfeit, to succeed ; m. a bridegroom.
bann-ham'n/d, ready, finished, complete, entire, perfect.
baiid-lhannd, to be fully adorned, decked out. band-
(^j-*> hamri, interj. alas ! bamri mama, to chiind, dressed, decked out. band-rahnd, to remain
bewail the dead, in the Hindu fashion, namely, by waiting. /(.
uttering loud cries and slapping the mouth with the
hand at the same time. d. l!o bannd, m. a mason, a builder, a.
U.) ^^T bunnd, a. to weave, intertwine, h.
:sji^^ ba-ma'a or ha-ma'i, along with, p)- ^'
i_§-l*aii»^ ba-muhtaza,e, by the exaction of. Uo f^wr binnd, a. to knit; to weave; n. to be
I>a-miiktaza,e Za-c/;(7rZ, through sheer helplessness, p. a,
picked, h.
Ux.^ «fHo(irll bamakna, n. to swell, h. jjljo bind-bar, on account of, owing to. p.
^x.*J f^H^ bhiiukh (for vimuhh), having the ^j j'o^ bind-bar-in, therefore, with this view
face averted, turned from, averse. .?. [clean, s. or intent, p. [tribe of ra;-;)tti;i. h.

(J-^ ■f^'^^ hbnal (for vimal), free of filth, j^.U> ^^iPMiT binndphir, m. the name of a
'^^'^^ hamla, a hole from which water C^\x> "W^H bayidt, f. woollen cloth, broad-
up. /;. cloth, h.
( l'-^5 ) e
OlJo hanat (pi. of CLoo), daughters, hanati ir'e;^ ^'T^TTT baii'bhdntd, m. wild bain-
nahdt, the tender herbage, a. gan or egg-plant {Solamim melongena). s.

(^jijiJl laCi^lJO hnnatu-n-na^sli,

tion of the Great Bear, a. in. the constel- j_yAJo biiinbi, f. the navel, d.
j^AJJ hiivdn, f harvest crop ; a stack or heap
j^lb "^TTTrft hanaii, woollen, h. of grain ; (same as khirman, q. v.). d.
jiiUo hanadir (jt\. ofj;i,Jo), portt!, hni-hours. a, ,^1*^^ ?«TIT^ ban-prasth,m. a Hindu who
has reached the hermit stage of his existence, (v. us-
(j*»li^ fT«Tra i»"?ias, m. death, aiDiiliilation, .s. ram). s.
^XwiliJ ^TJT^TT^ hanaspattt or hand>(-patthl,
" f. forest leaves, i. I,i{J^ ^'f'l^T ban-panid, n. to succeed,
answer, to suit, to come to a conclusion, s.
JUj banafar, name of a tribe of Yadu-bansi
raj-puts in Oude. /j. C^ ^TTTT banat, m. lace; a riband studded
with spangles, h.
(^^Ijj bina-goch, the cavity at the lower
part of the ear. p. [bring, h. CIa^j bint or binat, a daughter, bintu-l-
'inab, wine, daughter of the grape, a.
b^ljj W«TTcM*1t bana-lana, n. to make and
^Ijo bii-itami, in the name of. j9. vjuo ■^ffTTTT
woman, s. banitd (for vaniia), f. a wife, a

liljo ^vn«TT banana, a. to do, to make, to fa-

bricate, to prepare, to build, to compose, to perform, L^ j^ of '^THRT^
"kind ban-tara,i,
plant {Liiffa). h. f. wild tard,i, a
to adjust, to adorn, to pluck (a fowl), to mend, to in-
vent, to rectify, to dress (victuals), to mock, to feign, h. b Jkjj ^^ciRmI bantariyd, m. a class of peo-
ple who formerly acted as wood-rangers in Gorak-
^\ ,.yi ■^'T^'nn ban-anci, n. to succeed (in life), pur. h. [solicitation, s.
to be fortunate, to prosper. Ji.

^yx>'^^^hana,o, ra. dressinor, preparing, deck-

1^^ r«r»dl bint'i, f. an apology, submission,
ing one's self; concord, understanding, reconciliation ; blJuo ij^Mi bantdnd, a. to share, distribute,
making up. band,o-k., to adorn, bedeck : in the Indian to participate, h. [shared, to distribute, h.
English the word is pronounced and written hunnotv,
and means a " cram," or " tough yarn," a purely made- X>\ykxi ^ZTr^n bantrvdnd, a. to cause to be
up story. /•*.
C->jlJo, f%^^fT bindwat, act of weaving, h. b^JLlj ^^trr ba7it7vaiyd,'\one who shares or
CI>J^Jo ^r^ bantait, J distributes ; a di-
Ci^jUo ^^'^7 hananmt, f. make, invention,h.
affectation, contrivance, fabrication, fiction sham, vider, distributer, h.
U^ib banthnd, n. to be braided or plaited, d.
(OjVjj f^'?n^7 bindwat, f. weaving, h.
i_f-jj\j>^ ^^^^ bandwari or band,ori, f. the AJ banj, henbane (Arab, form of cfJ^Jo). a.
act of };i-'tting ready, preparation, k. [pare. h.
Aj '^fw^ banij, m. a merchant, trader ; the
lijljj ^^T"?7lT hand,ond, a. to make, to pre- sixth of the astronomical periods called Karan, cor-
responding to the half of a lunar day. s.
^S^ f^'^^ hiiidjl, f weaving, h.
UU-blb ^»imi»!t'TI bandyd-jdnd, n. to be A-> ^ftj'T baiiij or ^r[»T banaj (for '^fJir5?T
making, to be in hand. h. hmujya), m. trade, traffic, merchandise, s.

(.dbljj fwHTiloir bindyah (for vindyaka), a \.l:i^ '^»T5nTT banjdrd, m. a grain-merchant ;

name of Ganesha. s. also a carrier of grain. The term hanjdrd or biriri-
jdrd is also applied to a distinct class of vagrants.
c— »i^ l^ir bimb or vimba, m. the name of a They are Hindus, but do not belong to any parti-
tree bearing a red fruit {Bryonia grandis, Lin., Momor- cular caste or part of the country. They live in
dica luunadelpha, Roxh.). s. tents, and travel about like gipsies, s.

UJc> '^T bambd, m. a well; a jet d'eau, the (j;\^ '^'^mXt banjdri, f. a kind of tent used
spout of a fountain, h. by banjaras; adj. half-boiled (grain), h

(^_^ljJo W^TWra ban-bda, m. one who dwells j^' ^^T^TT banjar, f. waste land ; land which
in the forest, a hermit, s. has not been cultivated for five years and upwards.
banjar-jadld. land brought into cultivation after lying
^wrtUl) ^^T^TO^ ban-bdfi, adj. dwelling in the some time fallow, banjar Ifad'im, land left fallow for
"forest ; f. life of a hermit, .s. some years, banjar-kaml, abatement of rent for fal-
i-iij^f^o|r&m&MA,red,fiery,flarae-coloured..<;. from lowthe
banjar h.khdriji jam', waste land excluded

j^bJO 'W^rf^'^T^ ban-bild,o, m. a wild cat. .s\ ^■^- '^^P^^^{^ banjin, lands close by a village ;
name of a weed about three feet high, which springs
^fjj bnmbu, the cane called bamboo, d. up among harvest crops, h.
t! ( 326 )
4^^ f%^^ hinjtm, m. sauce, condiments ; &i.>l^.l^x> band-'phanta, an account of the
particuiarl)' vegetables dressed with butter, &c. and shares of the liabilities of a village, p. It.
added to flesh or fish ; (in grammar) a consonant, j.
Jul^Jj cjt^'riT^ hand-tal or -taJ, damming up
i^y^^- '^'i^Z\ hnnjhotx, f. a medicine taken a water-course for the purpose of irrigation, h.
"to produce barrenness, h.
6.i^ ^ftffl^r hanijjja, m. trade, traffic, s. i—^U^^tf.. coutij,^
nt, p.a. hand-hisab, an abstract ac-
13Ui^ ^^^T haiichana, a. to make or hear
one read. 5. ^>ti>ij bandi jani, the act of allotting to
lands, cultivator
p. a. an equal portion of good and baii
13U^ banchana (for hachana), a. to save or
protect, d.
[tection. d. j<^ =1^^ bandar, m. a monkey, an ape. .«.
jl^ hnncha,o (for hacha,6), m. safety, pro- jtXJO bandar, m. a city, an emporium ; a
^^ '^tT^T: h(in-char, m. literally, ' wood- port, harbour, a trading town to which numbers of
goer"; any avild animal, such as a monkey, &c. : it foreign merchants resort, a mart or market, p.
also denotes forester or woodman, s.
l,iX>j '^'^^n handra, m. mistletoe (v. banda). s.
{jy^- '^'^^'^ hnnchari, a kindof high jungle-
grass, of which wild elephants are very fond. s.
that does not^'T^T^'iT bandar-hhat,
heal ; a running m. a s. sore
sore, an issue,
U^^ #^»TT hanchna, n. to be read orperused./i.
4^Jo hand, m. a fastening, a knot, a bandage; (?,ii.Jo '^^55^ bandar'i, f. a sort of chintz from
Machhli-bandar ; a sword from Raj bandar! ; name of
binding, literally or figuratively, as a tie, a cord ; . a grass used as fodder for cattle, h.
fetters, imprisonment ; an agreement, pledge, or pro-
mise ;a contract ; a regulation ; a dyke, mound, dam,
or embankment ; averse of a song consisting of two
or three couplets; belt, roll, string, joint, knuckle. i^j^ '^•^^ handri, "If. a female nion-
b.iXJo ^»5fnn handariya,) key. s.
band-khdna. m. a prison, band-band hti a, to restrain an
inundation with dykes, band-men-dnd, to become a
captive, band-rahnd, to be engaged in a business. ,Jju»»t3Jo bandi sel, a contract of sale. j). e.
hand-baithna, to succeed in an affair, band pnkarm'i, (^.Xx> handish, f. lit. tying, liindiiig, or
to object to the arguments of an opponent, hand-
men parnd, to become a captive, band-hand-pakarnd, making up ; preparing a false story, making up a false
to seize (as rheumatism, &c.) all one's joints, hand-k. account of a transaction, invention, contrivance ; ele-
or band-kar dend, a. to make fast, to shut or bar (a
door). In composition it denotes fastening, enchain- form a gancy
plot.(of style),
p. bandish-hdiidhnd, a, to contrive ; to
ing, or fixing, as na'l-band, a blacksmith, one who
fastens on horses' shoes, dev-band (epithet of an an- iiLi.i.iJo bind-lmshad , m. semen ciio emittens,
cient hero), the enchainer of demons. In Persian, morbo affectus. h. p. [slaves, p.
band denotes hope or wish ; also " a trick of fence,"
a stratagem, band-farmudan, to imprison, p. jjliiiJo handafjan (pi. of banda), servants,
<i>Jo hand, the limbs, members, d.
iS'^ bandaffi, f, slavery ; devotion ; scr-
lijo f^f^ hind, f. a spot, dot, mark ; the na- "vice, compliment, bandagi men J(huda.l-k.. to affect
sal dot anuswdra. s. authority wJiile in servitude, p. [rice. A.

\<SJ^ W^ bandd or WSl banda, m. mis- (jtiJo ^t^'t bandit, a species of Rohilcund
tletoe, akind of epidendron {Epidendron tesselloides, C^Sk sJj bandi muddat, a stated period for
Roxb.). s.
the settlement of an account, p. a. [bind, &c. d.
\<^i ^^5T bunda, m. a drop, point, a dot. s.
KidJ-i handna (for bandhna, q. v.), a. to
\sJ^^ hinda, m. a bundle, a sheaf, a faggot, d.
^jJo ^r^T banda, a grain-magazine above j^yiiJo '^'^^R handanwar, f. a wreath or
garland of leaves and flowers suspended across gate-
ground, h. ways on marriages or public festivals, s.
\,\sx> handara, m. a shore, or coast, d.
,^j-J_y i^ hand-nan;ls,a clerk,an accountant.j'j.
J\tXJO f%^55 hindal, f. a medicinal herb. h. ^ ji^jo bandu,a, m. a prisoner, a captive, ^j).
U^tiJo bandana (for bandhana), a. to cause
to be fastened, 5tc. d. iJL^A^i^ Sx> hand-o-bast, m. literally, " binding
and fastening" ; settlement, r?gulation, disposition,
arrangement; economy, management, government.
each share^'^WTl^
(_^lAJ;iJO band-bata,'i, /(.f. account of
of assessment in grain.
band-o basti dawSmi, permanent settlement, band-o-
basti ml 'dd or -■sar-sari, temporary or summary settle-
ment, band-o-basti vndk. the sum total of the reve
lIa-^^iV i^JO bond-ba>-dashi, an account of nue of a kingdom or province, p.
the share of an instalment to be paid by each vil-
lager, p. (^— Jjii«Jo band-o-bnsH,i. arranging, economy ;
- adj. of or relating to settlement, &:c. band-o-basii par-
wdna or satiad, patent, warrant, or deed of settlement.
{Jji^ i3JJ ^^^ri" band-hekri, f. statement band-o-basti sar-rishta-ddr, a revenue-officer attached
of the amount of each money instalment of a vil- to some courts in Bengal, p.
lage, p.h.
Ja> ( 127 )
Jl^tiJo ^^f^ handor, f. a female slave, h. Vx&til^ «j'«^r|i hand/ina, n. to be tied, to be
fastened ; to be continuous, to be kept, enclosed,
^j^Xx) handuh, f. a musket. (Whence comes formed, or tention, composed, baiidhl iniithl, an undisclosed in-
the word hawluk ? It is not known either to the s.
Turks or Porsians. Tlie nearest ap])roacli to it I have
ever heard is the African-Arabic term hiiiidiil/i/i/a, li- ufi-uVJJ f^'^Uin hind/ma, a. to sting, to bite ; n.
terall}' fignifying "Venetian," and formerly- applied to to be bored or pierced, s.
a cross-bow, but in recent times to a gun, as the de-
scendants of the Arabs in Egypt, Jlorocco, and Bar- ^UJ^^xiJ ^^^T^ni bandhanaJay, m. a prison.
bary obtained these weapons chiefly from Venice. —
Binning.) a.
^^ W^bondhu, ^5^ handhu, or T!=^r^ han-
dhava, a friend, kinsman, but especially a distant cog-
^.^jJJJ handuhclii, m. a musketeer, a. t. nate, subsequent in right of inheritance to tiie gentile
Sugutra: the bandliii is of three kinds, the kinsman
^J_Jt^jo Tf'^^J haiidol, m. the child of a slave, h. of the person himself, of his father, and of his mother ;
a flower (Paitapetcs phoenicea). s.
lj&j',iJJ '^T^T handuJia, m. a whirlwind, h.
^tiJo ^^ handh, m. a pledge, a deposit; m. f. \jliS'x> T^^l
bniidliKicu, handhu,d,
a prisoner, s. m. friend. '^^^
binding, tying, bandage, a tie, or fetter ; a bank, a
dyke, a mound for confining water ; a village boundary ; ^\^SJJ ^Jy^T^ handhwana, to cause to be
bondage, imprisonment, bandh vien papia or and, to bound ; to accuse, s.
become a captive, s.
^tiJL> ^^ handhu, m. a kinsman, a friend. (_>«'^AJj_ ^vq^nr
all around so handhwas,
as to retain the water, land
h, embanked
(v. bandhu). handhutn, f. a multitude of relations and
friends ; relationship, friendship, handlnitwa, ra. re- j^i^ handhur, m. purchase of grain in advance
lationship, friendship, bandhu-jan, a relation, a friend. of harvest, h.
baiidhu-datfa, given bra kinsman; m. the property
given to a bride bj' her relatives, bandhu-lun, friend- Ci)y6tia^ ^^o|i handhuk, m. a shrub bearing
less, relationless. 5.
a red flower {Fetitapctcs phoenicea) ; also applied to the
tSyi haiida, a slave, servant, hdnda-pnrwar, Ltura bandhu; a tree [Pentaptera tomentosa). ban-
cherisher of servants (a respectful expression used in dhuk-pushp, m. the blossom of the same tree. s.
addressing a superior, i.e. your honour). baiidn.e-
daiiiilh, the slave of (your) threshold, banda-zdda, uJ&L^i^ '^f^*l[^^hundl^iutt,ii.n embankment (v.
son of (your) slave, i.e. thine humble servant, banda- bandlidn). s.
nawdz, cherisher of servants or dependants, p.
liiSiiaJ ^■?an hand/ii/cl, f a childless woman ;
lisjjj handaha (pi.), servants, slaves, j). a barren cow; a perfume called laid. s.

(^,lfctXb '^■'W^f handhan, m. pension, a fi\(d

allowance to any one; raised earthen embankments
>sfctiJa ^'i^al handhej, m. ])arsimony ; sta-
for flooding lands; purchase of grain in advance of bility, steadiness, persistence, h.
harvest, s. [shut, k.c. s.
, c^j^ , Jb-VJJ vr^^R^'t hand hi viTith'i, f. an
U'.>.^JJ ^miqi handhaiict, a. to bind, fasten, undisclosed intention, h.

^^IjajJ; "W^^V^fi hinxHiain, m. one whose busi-

ness isto carrv stone or timber, &o., over his shoulder; AjJfcJJ^ 'WiVJ^handhya, bni'i'en, unfruitful ; de-
tained, confined, s.
a pensioner ; a gunner, an artilleryman, h.
i^Sx^ handi, f. a female slave or servant; m.
^\jfc.^jj 'ST'J^T^ ho7idI:a.'i, f. bond, binding, a prisoner, captive. bandl-khdna or bandi-griha, a
"fastening, s. prison-house. In law and revenue language band!
denotes agreement, arrangement; distribution, allow-
Ziyi JbS^ ^■'^nr^ handha-tantra, m. a com- ance deduction
; or charge : it is also the name of a cer-
plete army, or one with its four divisions of elephants, tain dry measure, p. «.
chariots, horse, and foot, v. chaturanga. s.
^j'^ '^'*^ baiidi, f. the name of an ornament
^s-^,}>jj ^"J^nfN handhu-jiv, m. a flower worn on the forehead ; a dress shorter than the Jfiuia ;
{Pentapetes phoenicea). s. m. name of a tribe called Bhdt, a bard. s.

JfcJoJ ^^^TC handlmi-, m. a flower (Pentapetes

{^Sx> f^'^
nasal dot b'mdi, s.f. a spot, dot, mark ; the
plicriiiccd) ; a drug, commonly called birang ; a drug
called risJiabh ; a crane. «.
b;X^ cff^'lT bundiya, f. a kind of sweetmeat ^
\jfciijj '^■J^ITl
tute, s. handlatra, f. a whore, a prosti- (like drops), s.

uiljfc^ W'^J^ }>nnd!iali, m. a pledge, a pawn; j^^^xbment ;a^'?2['t'3TTi

bard. //. bandi-jan, m. a kind of orna-*
binding, confinement, s.

^jbSlo ^^'i^fJT^^ Jxivdliaki, f. an luichaste Jfcj£;_ja> ^'^^'^^ landi-gr'iha, in. :i house foi'
"woman, a harlot ; a br.rrcn woman, s. ^_i^i^ ^^"(JT huvdela, a sjiurious tribe of
rdj-pilt.f, who give name to the province of Bundle
-^,3J0 ^^rf handhan, ni. fastening, bandage ; cund {Bundel-kliand). h. [sbner. .^-
obstacle, hinderance. band)iaii-rojju, f. any rope used
for tying, batidlian-granthi, ni. the kuot of a ligature, i. j^U.>^jj W5^^T*T banducan, a captive, a pii-
<JJLj ( 12« ; ^

\jjj ^TT banda, m. mistletoe, a kind of epi- \sl>^ ^*T«FIKT han-kandd, cow-dung found in
dendron. h. [sticks, or straw, SiC. «. a jungle or forest, and used for fuel. h.
\sl> hinda, m. a faggot, a bundle of firewood,
\j^^i '^^^T;T
has grown hanhharu,
during lands onh. which cotton
the past season,
\iX)J ^R!3T bundd, m. a kind of ornament worn
on the ears. //. [devil, h.
iyy^^j> ^'^^^^S ban-khand, m. a forest, s.
IfcjJvjj ^TffT bandoha, m. a whirlwind; a
ijiXx^f^i ^^"^^
of a celebrated forest inban-khandi,
India, h. m. the name
t^jJo ^3^ bandi, f. short robe, a short fall
jama. h. tlXo bang, f. hemp (Canabis sativa) ; an in-
toxicating potion made from the leaves of hemp. p.
^JJJ handi, f. a cart or carriage of any kind,
called by Europeans in the Carnatic "a bandy." d. t-lXb'^^ bavg, f. calx of tin, given internally
as an aphrodisiac ; name of Bangala (Bengal). «.
(jjl^ ii^^ banderi, f. a ridge-pole, the
ridge of a house, h, IXJj bingd, crooked, awry, distorted, d.

y^ ^*RT banra, m. a bridegroom. A. l.Cjj ^^T banfjd, m. a joint of bamboo root;

a kind of soil ; well-water slightly brackish, h.
<_jy^ '^*nrt baiiri, f. a bride, /t.
*^\Cx> "^^T^bongdla, the province of Bengal.
luJj ^^ &c/;}.s- (for vansha), m. a descendant, hatigull, m. bangalin, f. an inhabitant of Bengal, i.
offspring ; race, lineage, family ; a bamboo, s.
»l£b binujdh, f baggage, luggage; the tentp,
LJo ^W /)a?isa, a species of grass which grows stores, furniture, &c., of an army. p.
in rice-fields : it is used as fodder for cattle, h.
trade. J. ^ftrj'^^ bantg-bhao, m. traffic,
^j'w*JJ ^5IR^ bansawali, f. a genealogy, s.
l1aJu.Jj ba-nubat, with regard to, concern- ij-'lCxi ^^rt bavgrl, f. an ornament worn on
ing, p.a.
the wrist (properly of glass), a bangle or bracelet made
^^L<Jo ban-saldmu f. a fee exacted by the of glass or lac. A.
" xammdar from the cultivator for permission to collect K^ ^^«RT bangkd, an aquatic beetle that
the juice of the forest date- trees, s. a, eats rice-plants, h.
i^j-^^ ly^ ^^^^"T bans-lochan, m. the
manna or sugar of the bamboo (it has been found by Ua^ t^,^ '^^^T^sfz^[ hang-katiyd, a species of
analysis to contain much siliceous earth), s. solanum resembling a thistle (not of any use), h.

Iju-jo i^VT^nn binasnd, n. to peiish, to be- iC^jj W^«Ii'^ banghi, a species of rice culti-
come spoiled, s. vated in Benares, h.

^.«Jo ^^ or ^tT^ bann, f. (for vaiishi) a ^Xjo ^^^T hangld, m. kind of thatched
"flute; a fishing-hook; a kind of wheat with blackish house,
ears ; in comp. of the race or lineage, bansl-bat, m. a sort ofcommonly
betel-leaf called by Europeans
so called, h. a "bungalow";
the fig-tree under which Krishna was accustomed to
play the lute. s. ^oiCxJ '^^f^T bangliyd, name of a species of
aJLJiy.) banafsha, f. a violet. ^). rice. h. [iu forests, h.

dijj 'tofi bank, m. a bending, a curvature; I^jO »^^ ^'jpT^7PT(^o?i-^«?/«.^/<«,co w-d ungfound
reach of a river, s.
X.i> "^"^ bang'i, f a humming-top. h.
(^j'Kjo ^IJT'^ banJtd,i, f. a bending, a curva-
ture, the reach or bend of a river, s. fjCjj bang. p.m. one who intoxicates himself
"with bangi,

jl^.uiU^ ^riIT<*M'^ banik-piitra, m. the son of a

merchant, a young merchant, banik-piitri, a young JUJ^\ ^^»n^ bati-mdl, f. a garland of va-
woman of the Baniya tribe, s. [merce. s. rious flowers (usually those of the tiilsi) reaching to
the feet. s.
J.xij^i^j^ '^fT!J'3fmiiba7iik-]}ath, m. traffic, com-
^IJo T^JTT^S^ ban-'indh, one who wears a
USCjo ^oFTT banktd, the crop on the field ir- "ban-mal; an epithet of AV«5/n_ a. *.
recoverably spoiled, h.
-,3'^J ^^iT'PT'R ban-mdims, m. a man of the
j[5oJ ^^oK^ han-hati or ban-hatti, fa fee paid woods, a wild man ; an oran-utang. s.
"for cutting timber ; the right obtained by clearing a
jungle and bringing it under cultivation. /(. IjjJ. bannd, Irinnd, bvvnd. v. vl).
LuSo..) ^ofi'^TIT ban-kataiyd, m. name of a ^.^yj ^v\^T^ banndri, m. one of the names
of KrisTjna. s.
* prickly plant (v. hang-katiyd). h.
Ssi ^rTcRT: bankar, spontaneous produce of tvi^*ij -qirgTTI ban-vds, m. separated from
jungle .or forest land, such as gums, honey, &c. ; also one's family, living in a wood ; met. disinherited (a
revenue from woods and forests, h. [ropes, h. sou), s. [made or formed. It.

ij«^ ^^oF^ banhast, grass used in n,aking l3Lj^ '^Tj'^T'?!! baiiicdnd, a. to cause to be

jxi ( 129 )

^'^y-i ^'!\'m\ba7iwd,i, f. price paid for making ^^.l^b

wife of '^f«T'n^tT baniydyan
a baniya (a trader), h. or baniya,in, f.
any thing, h. [weaving, h.
^j Lj..) fw«T^T| binrva,t, f. price paid for i^y^i^ '^'i^^i\ hanefi or^^^t banaiti, f. a torch
lighted at both ends and wliirled round so as to form
a double circle of lire. h.
\^J\^y> '^'•ftW'^ hanotsarg, m. a ceremony
performed in honour of a newly-planted orchard : it
somewhat resembles a marriage ceremony, (v. Wil-
^jj^ ^•ift'iT hnnij, m. trade, traffic, s.
son's Glossary), s.
t^AJ.^ '^^'^oir banik, m. a merchant, a trader, s.
J yj '^t; })ahwar, m. f. a creeper, vine. s.
^^^ ^%^T baneld or ^^^ banaild, wild, of
b i^i^ fV^TrftTTT hinauriya, m. name of an the forest, j.
herb used as fodder for cattle, h.

^yo ftrnlcjM hhuinla, m. the seed of the cot- j_^^ ^'n'^ banaim, f. wife of a baniya. h.
ton-tree (itis said to be very fattening food for cattle).
binaula chdbnd, a. to say unpleasant things, h. J'^joj '^■q^TI^ banimdl, a subdivision of the
Bhang'i caste. A.

jjyj r^tft^s'l hmauli, f. hail (of a smaller _j^ ftS (for ^\), fitther; possessed of ; gene-
"kind), h. rally used in composition with another word, as bu-l-
0^ rw*it<{l binaund, a. to adore, to venerate, 'ajab, father vel ous, a. of wonder, or possessed of wonder, mar-
to revere, to laud. s.

js3yo ^^ banrvand, m. a creeper, a vine. h. ^ bo or bu, f. smell, odour, bu-kash, one who
inhales the scent or odour of any substance, p.
byj ^jT^TT banwaiyd, m. maker, manufac-
turer, h. [household furniture, p. ^ «n Ao (root of feo?ia), sowing, cultivation, h.
WO buna or bunna, m. basis, root, domestic?, jj^mindar
'^ bau, the fee or perquisite of the za-
whenever a daughter of any cultivator in his
village is married, h.
l^ ^^ banha, m. a conjurer, h.
j\f(j^ ^ftf^TT banihdr, a labourer whose ser- \^i '^^^ bu,d, f. sister ; also an aunt by the
father's side. h.
vices are paid in bannl, or in kind. h.
^1^ bawrvdb, a janitor or porter, a.
jjU^; '^rf^TT'l banhiydn, m. a bridegroom. A.
lii^y '^^T^ bawddd, h.ra. a kind of herb, some-
what like turmeric,
l^ '^*^T^ banhd'i,
/(. f. a female conjuror, an

j^, f%»T^ binahar, m. a gatherer of cotton. /<. u^ ^i»aKi bo,ard, m. seedtime, sowing, h.
&n.u»\^ ba-wdsita, by reason, because of. p.a,
^> ^"^ bam, f. a bride, h.
j(f**^^ bawdsir (pi. of j^l)), the piles or
^x> ^^'^ bam, f. a small forest ; a wood. 5. hemorrhoids, a.
^ fcfflU binoy (for vinaya), m. humility,
{^jny^\ y> bu-l-hawas, desirous ; m, a block-
" humble entreaty, courtesy, good-nature, j. head, a wavering, fickle person. hu-l-J!,awasl, f. whim,
caprice, a.
^ bam (pi. of i^\), son=. bam-ddavi, sons
" of Adam ;raelitesmen.
,a 6anl isrd.il, children of Israel, Is- \>\ ^ '^^'RT bo,dnd, a. to cause to sow ; n.
(from bu, smell), to stink, to emit a smell, h.

^j> '^^ bamii, a portion of grain givon to a jUj f^'^T^ bhvdh, m. marriage, s.
" labourer as a remuneration for his services. /(.
lJ^^y WTTfT bawdhd, pocky, affected with
lues venerea, h.
IjuJ '^fxjnn or ^fn'MI baviyd (also banyd), m. a
shopkeeper, a merchant (usually a corn-chandler), a
Hindu money-changer : in Calcutta this term is ap- jj' 1^ ^T^ bajvu,i, f. a kibe, or chap on the
plied to the Hindu partner or cash-keeper of a Euro- foot, a chilblain, s. [seedtime, h.
pean firm. s.
iSljkJJ bunydd, f. foundation, base, orij>in. (^ \^ ^^T^ bod,i, f. sowing, the act of sowing;
bunyad dalnd, to lay the foundation, to found (a i^*> ^fW^oZ>,thesovvingofgrain by the drill./i.
city, &c.). p.

\isj^\xxi ^Tn<*<!il banaiyd-handd, m. cow- '^jy ^t^ bobd, m. goods and chattels, pro-
dung dried for fuel (not made up), h.
perty ;a bundle, h.
jjl^y bubak, m. an old simpleton, d.
^^Ijjj ^firit baniydn or banyan, m. a trader, •J»J T^ b7d)fi, a sister; (in the west of In-
a merchant (v. baniya). p. -7- >•c^ c ^
dia) a lady (for blbi) ; a favourite concubine, or one
jjlxJJ bunydn, f. foundation, basis, a. of superior rank. h.
( 130 )

li>y ^m huta, m. strength, power, ability, h. ^y ^^T bocha,m. a kind of sedan, a cliair-
palkl. h. [out ears. h.
\iy> hota, m. a young camel, p. J^
CfKio bufdi (for buyutat), m. account of v^^ ^"^ &Mf Aa, m. buchl, f. ear-ci'opt, with-
household expense, a. |;^y ioc/tra, chipped or notched on the edge. A.
^l!>y butatl, relating to household expense, a. v'^ ^^»TT buchnd, n. to sit in a confined
posture, to crouch, h.

y^^ '^TT botu, m. a he-goat. A.

jl^y ^W^ Z>a?<cAAar,^f.drivingrani,wind
ajy ?;M^a, rn. a crucible, melting-pot; a bush,
a shrub, p. J'l4-=~j^ ^^n bauchhdr,} and rain. A
i^y> bud, f. existence, being ; a dwelling, bud
^jrya: ^y bautl-zamln (corruptly -jamln), 0 bash, residence, dwelling, p.
land held by the owner of a village in his own poss'is •
sion to give out to the peasants for cultivation, h.p.
liiy '^t^ boda, weak, faint-hearted, low-
jUfjy bufimar, a heron, p. spirited ; m. a buffalo ; (in Dakh.) boddkdgkaz, blot-
ting paper, h.
cL>y W7 &M.^, m. a kind of pulse, chick-pea liiy bodd, m. the nave of a wheel, d.
(Cicer arietinum). h.
j^Jy bo-ddr or fca-tZa/-, fragrant, scented ; m. a
kind of leather so called, p.
Cl^y ^|7 bot, the finger, finger's breadth, h.
Oy ^TT buta,m. a flower, particularly worked (^biSy
on cloth, or painted on paper, &c.; a bush, a shrub. residence, bud-bash,
abode, p. f. existence, subsistence;
bute-dar, a flowered (cloth), biltd-hidd, applied to de-
scribe the small stature and exquisite proportion of a ,i5y ^^^ boda?; a place to stand on for those
beloved person, h. who raise water from a well. /(.

ij^ "^Zt but'i, f. drugs ; flowei-s or sprigs (on ^;>jj ^^^ bodlZjf. a simple woman, trollop;
"muslin), sprigs of a plant, h.
a man.who /(.lives with a be-nawd fakir, and dresses
t^^ '^Z\ bot'i, f. a morsel (or lump) of meat. h.
«Lr*-0 ba-wajh or ba-wajhe-M, in a way; in jjtij.) budan (root buw or bash), to be. p.
such a way that. p. a. ,J&.iy ^V bodh, m. understanding, know-
ledge, s.
i^^i "^^ bujh, f. understanding, comprehen-
sion, bfijh-ke, wittinglj'. s, >iy ^y bodh, m. a security. A.
Jtiiy ^U bauddha, m. a Buddhist. 5.
.4?-y '^*R. ^X'Jfi'} \rn. a load, weight, ballast
l^y ^VRT bqjha,) of a boat or ship, bojh U&jy "^ins. boddhd, ingenious, intelligent,
s nsiblo.
pakarnd, to affect a new delicac}' or consequence, to
give one's self airs (it is generally spoken in raillery).
bojh sir par hona, applied to a task, the [lerformance
uilit^o qftV^ bodhah, m. a teacher, s.
of which is become indispensable: in agricultural lan-
guage the bojh or load comprises about live ditokas of ^liy '^V'! bodhan, m.1 knowledge, teach-
corn (v. dhokd). h.
5. ing; awakening,
fc^y} ^^^^ buji/a-bujhi, f. a game among
"children : one of them is blindfolded, and must guess
which of the others touches him. s. [tion. s. U^iiy '^>RT bodhnd, a. to wheedle, s.
\3»i hudd, old, aged; m. an old man. budi, f.
jc>l^y 1!?^^ ?rry7;a,i, f. teaching, instruc- an old woman, d.

^l^s-y '^"^SRI^ hojha'i, f. hiding (a cargo), h. ^J^.ii^ hjid-])an (also bud-pand), m. old age. d.
(_5lJ0^:»-j^ TtSfT^TT^ bojh-bata,i, f. a mode lft)iiy bucjlid, m. an old man ; adj. aged. A.
of division by stacks or bundles of mowed corn. h.
\^yht'6»j> ^^Avj budh-gangd, the old bed of
(J^s-y ^*R,^ bojhal, loaded, laden, heavy. A. the Gauges below Hastinapur, &c. h.

,J»^y bu-jahl (v. abu-jahl), adj. foolish, a. y> -^X /jo?-, deep; m. studs of gold or silver. A.

li^y '^*K.'^T bujhna, a. to understand, to ^t: /v^r,

jy}kd-luddu, barren
a sort
(land); f. chaff, husk, bur-
of sweetmeat made with the husk of
make out or comprehend ; to think, biijh-h'nd (at
cards), to settle the account of gain and loss. s. grain! The confectioners avow the inipositicn, and
cry out to passengers, "You'll repent if you eat it. or
U^=-y ^t*R»TT bojhnci, a. to load; to scnld or regret times
your tasting laddu,
called bur-kd it." Hence great make
when they men aarepractice
parch rice. It.
of encouraging their dependants to hope, but do no-
thing for them at last. The term also means any i)er-
J-j^y ^^^ bojliel, loaded, biird.-neJ. h. son or thing which is fair without and foul Mitliiii, or
that promises well but turns out bad; a well-looking.
•^y) '^\^ bucli, m. an alligator, h. but stupid fellow, h.
( 131 ) ciJy

"^rj bura, J^^
rn. a coarse kind ofA. sugar j ij^\)^ biizU(jari, f. brewing (of buza) p.
powder; redeemable mortgage.
i^jy> bUzna, also bozna and boznvin, m. a
\jy> ^tTT bora, m. a canvass baor (particularly monkey, an ape. p.
for holding about two maunds of rice), a sack ; a kind
of bean like French beaus {Dolichos calsavg). h. ij^} boza, m. the name of a bird {Ibis denu-
data ? Bitch.) ; a kind of beer (v. buza). p.
\jy> wiT\ bma-a, m. mad, insane, h.
B^.j^ buzina, an ape, monkey, p.
bV^ tHTim fcawm-T^a, ^m. madness, state
{,jt*y> bos (in compos.) kissing, saluting, p.
(j^}j^. ^^TT'T'T baura-pan,) of insanity, h. CL*n\M»y> ba-Tvasatat, by means of. p. a.
13V^ ortXHT baurana, n. to be mad, to mad-
den, h. ^['Jjji^ bostan or bustan, m. a pleasure-gar-
den ; name of a celebrated work by the Persian poet
jj^j^ burani, f. a kind of food, consisting and moralist Sa'di. p.
of the fruit of the egg-plant (Baingan) fried in sour
milk. p. ju.i J 0*>^ bos 0 kinar, m. kissing and toy-
ing; dalliance, p.
^\j^ ^^T^T bauraha, mad, insane, h.
au*»y bosa, m. a kiss, bosa-baz^, f. kissing
^'^.j^ bor-bachcha, m. a leopard, d. and toying, bosa-dend or lend, to kiss. p.
(JJ-J' bura^ or baurak, m. borax, a. i^t»y^ bpsi, kissing, used in com p. as hadavi-
bosi, kissing the feet, i.e. obeisance, p.
b.y burna, a. to shew, to scatter about, d.
jj^ WtTt boro, m. rainbow; marsh rice(Elliot ^tiuj*«^ bostdan, to kiss, embrace, v.
Gloss.); the name of a kind of rice which is cut in
March (Hunter), boro fasl, the season of cutting this 8i3Jui>^^ bosida, stale, rotten, bosidagl, f. rot-
rice. h. [Jcalam for writing, p. ten es also
; part, having kissed, p.
jjti buru or boru, a tube, pipe; a reed or c »J bofjh, a wrapper, a pouch, bogh-band, m.
the cloth in which any thing (particularly a saddle) is
S.y bura, horax; nitre for soldeiinor. p. wrapped up. p.
Ij^ bora, m. redeemable mortgage; a sack \S'yi boghra, m. a dish made of boiled meat,
for holding rice. h.
flour, &c. boghra nikdlnd, to be well beaten ; some-
\^j^ ^TfT baxirha, mad, insane, h. what akin to our phrase " having his gruel." p.
l^y boghma, m. trumpery, trifles, scraps,
lS)^. ^t<Ct bauri, f. mad, an insane woman, h. rags, &c., the stores of a wallet; ugly and fat
b,*^ boriya or buriya, m. a kind of mat. bu- (woman), p.
rixjd-haf, a mat maker, p. {catsang). h.
"jy} bah, ra. a trumpet, clarion, a.
U'y W^yr bora, m. a kind of bean {Dolichos CL^^ ba-wakt, at the time, in the time. jj.a.
..j»Ji50 &M-i^aZrtmM»,m. a chameleon, (hence)
V|*y bora, deaf, dull of hearing, d. any thing of various hues ; adj. various, wonderful, a.
I3w«ji'y ^HTTIT
to die by drowning,bur-mama,
h. n. to be drowned, &by bokla or buMa, m. potherb, a.

bj'O '^TJn borna, a. to cause to dive. h. i.^j> sion"^ buk, h.land

of a river, recovered by the reces-
Uji^ ^'TT burna, i\. to dive; to drown, to be eiJ*^ ^"toF boh, m. a he-goat, a ram, a tup. s.
immerged, to dip. h
^y> ^oRT bu.ha, m. powder ; small pearls, h.
'jbyO ^r^ burha, m. an old man; adj. old,
aged, burhd-drha, aged, of mature years. /*. ^O ^rt«fiT boha, m. a basket, pail, or leather
bag for throwing water to a higher elevation, h.
bljbjV '^Tf'tn burhapa, also burha-jmn, m.
old age. /«.
IjKy ■^oHTTT buhara, land (previously reco-
vered as buk, q. v.l, but rendered useless by a deposit
in the^T^
end fcM'i, f. a point
of a staff, h. of a spear; a spike of sand. h.

bj^ ^f|nn buriya, m. a diver. ^. \S^ WfW^ bohra, m. a he-goat. s.

jy> boz, m. cream-coloured (a horse), p, {jyyi «ftoF^ bohrl, f. a she-goat. s.
\j^ buza (vulgarly bozo), m. beer, buze- j^y) bohar, m. a he-goat (big-bearded), d.
Ichdna. a beer-shop, a " boozing-ken ;" the latter term U^^> ^«fi»TT bUhna, a. to powder, to grind, to
is probably a corruption of buze-khdna, introduced
into Europe by the gypsies, p. reduce to powder, h.

f^W huzaxjar, m. a brewer, a maker of or e^ y> boha, m. a basketk2or leather bag used
dealer in the stuff called buxd. p. for raising water. /'.

( 132 )

lioy ^7^ fc?mJ, good, well, excellent ; high

Jy ^^55 hoi, m. myrrh, s.
soaring (generally applied to kites), h.
Jy ^c5 ^ol, m. speech, talk, conversation;
words of a song. h.
"spotted, d.
j^jjy bundahi, f. a spot, bundah'i-ddr,
J»j JflM^ m. urine, haul-dan, a chamber-
pot, haul-gdh, the urethra, a. Ijj^ W^ hnndd, m. a large drop, hundd-
hdudJ, small and interrupted dropping of ram.
^y "^c5T haula, toothless, /i.
(^S>^ ^^ hundi, f. drops of rain ; name of
*^y> ^^ ioZa, m. a verbal agreement be- a place ; a kind of sweetmeat in the form of drops. $.
tween two parties, h. [tion. h.

'iricjil^lcjil hold-chaU, f, conversa- ^.^^J '«I»<^<J5I bundeld, name of a tribe of

^W'^y rdj-puts, who give name to the province of Bundlecund
(i.e. Bundel-khand). h.
b^y bauldna (v. haurdna), n. to be mad.
ioZana (Dakh. for hulana, q. v.). A. 3j^ '^f? hatmd, m. a creeper, a vine. h.
\jJo ?>o»(fa, m. a eapsule,or pod of cotton,&c./i.
^bj^^ '^Icii^lciM bol-bdld, m. a kind of bene-
diction, bol-hald hond, to prosper, h. [mon. d.
jjj»j '^^TC&«w«W£?aA',m.a whirlwind,a devil./t.
\j^ Jy hol-hhejna, a. to send for, to sum- U jjy ^dHI haundnd, n. to entwine (creepers
or vines) h.
\j3y ^^STTT fcoi^a, m. the faculty of speech ;
soul, life. h.
^joy ^rtpft hondi, f. the germ of a plant after
tlie flower is shed. h.
JWJ,^ ^ft^^cJ hol-chdl, f. conversation. /;.
\:iji Tt^^ holnd, n. to speak ; to sound, to Ub3Jy "^atTJX^baundiydndjn. to twine; to
emit sc.und ; to tell, to say. bol utlina, to speak out, run irregularly or in a crooked direction, with turn-
to exclaim, hoi chdlnd, to converse, speak together. ings and windings, h.
bole so holnd, to speak repeatedly, h.
LC>^ ^r^ hTmgd or hongd, a stack of straw,
a heap of chaff, h.
share toW^^TT
(j-^j^ h. making ovei one's own
^1^ ^^ haunl, f. female dwarf, s.
holansi, the holder of another's i3y «h'51^ lonl, f. the season of sowing, s.
"share orWtc5^
^^y inheritance ; an adopted heir. h.
Ifc^ ^^ banhd, pocky (v. ban-dhd). h.
Jo ^cjt hmd'i, f. settlement direct with the ,_^bbo ^y^T^ hauhd,i, f. afflicted with vene-
"peasant ; also a kind of assessment, h. real disease (a woman), h.
Jy ^T^ hoVi, f. speech, dialect, langunge; lji»j TffTT bohrd, m. a class of bankers or
"conversation, talk. JoR-A:., to jeer, to jest. A. money-lenders so called, h.

J^AJ' 3y ^^1<ft5l1 buU-thoU, f. jeering, ^o «ft?'ft bohn'i, f. the money received for
" the first sale in the morningby shopkeepers and huck-
"speaking a« but not to a person, holi tholl sundnd or sters :no credit is allowed, nothing but ready money
tndrnd, to reproach, to blame. A.
being received on such occasions, h.
^y Jam, m. iiii owl ; land, ground, soil. p. biiyb^ ^t^Vf?^ bohodiyd, m. a man who
works with a borrowed plough, or with a spade, he
^y hovi, m. ^weeping, wailing, lamenta- (having no plough of his own), h.
ijyo^ bomn, f.J tion ; interj. alas! d.
(^^ ^ bu,l, a word used to frighten chil-
V3y ^rt^I feowa, a. to sow, to plant, s. dren, a goDlin, or still more nearly, " bogie." h.
\j^^^hn7rnn, m. a dwarf; the fifth avatar,
or incarnation of Vishnu, s. ^:>-\^^_$'J> ofl^'ll'St
be realized on bo'i-bdchh,
cultivation, h. assessment
[lie fallow. to

cIa}*^ '^T7 ?*y«f, m. a stalk. //. J>,^ ^ttR hogar, land that is never allowed to
lILo^j ^TP Zjmh?, m. a kind of pul.-e when
\^%i'^^ljbaKeid, sowing, seedtime, h.
green (Cicer arietinum); the plant of hunt; adj. little
compact and firm (epithet applied to a pony : some- b-^y '^^^^bavenyd, a catamite, sodomite;
times used substantively), h. [hunt, q. v. h. one who talks nonsense, a babbler, h.

j^^cLoo hunt puldw, m. a ptdaw made of Ijo^ ^'t^^ bo,iyu, m. a small basket, h.
(iLJj^ ^rtp hont, a finger (same as anguT). d. ^^Sxiy> bu,idun, to diffuse fragrance, p.
Jy> hunj, mould, raustiness. hunj-hhard, very ^ H bha,ihe aspirate form of the letter (_^ '%.s.h.
musty, d. eJ ba, prep, by, with, in ; generally joined
iVO ^t^ bund, f. drop, bund hi bund {shardb, to the word it governs, and then the imperceptible /* it
dropped, as ba-wajh or ha-wajhe, in such a manner, f,
understood), very strong wine ; doubly-distilled spi-
rits, &c. s. ^ '^? hahu, much, many, large, great, s.

{ 133 ) ^

^ hih, good, better, hih or hihi, a quince, p. \s>jd\^m^rj;'^bhadra-pada,{.a name common

to the '2Uth and 27th lunar asterisms, distinguished by
\^ baha,n\. price, value. haha,e khun, blood- the epithets prior and subsequent, or purva and uttar. s.
money (paid to the relations of a person slain). hahd,e
kii,il\i). a tax raised in order to defray the expense of
honorary dresses. baha,e kaghaz, an allowance for
^5jiil^ ba/tadiiri, f. bravery, gallantry, p.
olUce paper, red tape, &c. h.
jjjjl^^ *n^T bhadun, m. name of the fifth
pl.^ WT^T. hhahar, name of a large forest at solar month, August — September (in which the full
moon is near Purvabhadrapada). s.
the foot of the Sevalic hills, h.
i^yjiil^ HT^trt bhudomvi, of or relating to
fc^^ "^^^ hhahhi, f. a brother's wife. h. the month hltiidun ; the autumnal crop. s.
^\^ HT^ hhahi, future, about to be, pre-
destined, s. Ib^iil^ ^f T^tTT Z<a/<a-f/t'wa, a. (lit. to set afloat),
to demolish, to destroy, to ruin, to impoverish, to de
^.l^ >?ri5 bhdpk, f. steam, vapour, s. prive of felicity or fortune, s.

^^'^ ^'^*"''' '"• ^'version, amuse-of

sport, place
condition ; ' jVment; name of a province,
or laha-bnha biltura-sthal,
Ij^.l^j to wander ;baJmphirnR
phirna, n.^^ftR^^ to be in a distressed
to be intoxicated, s. amusement, s.

U^>1^ >?T'RRT bhaphrm, a. to conceive, to jljj bahdr, f. spring; beauty, elegance, de-
guess, to comprehend, h. light, baharistan, m. a place adorned with tlie blos-
soms of spring; name of a Persian book by Jaml. p.
■^^ HTIT bhat, advances to ploughmen
without any interest, h. jl^j «TT bhdr, m. a load, weight, fagot, gra-
C^l^ HTW bhat, m. boiled rice, food. a\ vity, a weight of gold equal to 2000 palas. s.

\3l^ HTrTT bhata, m. an extra allowance to X^ HIT bhdr, out, without (v. bdliar); adj.
troops on service, commonly called batta. h. external, outside, d.

cL>l^ m7 bhdt, m. a bard, a minstrel ; a ge- \j^ HTTT bhdrd, m. a load, burthen, s,
nealogist orfamily bard ; name of a tribe, h,
ul)V? b^hdrdn, the spring season, p.
female HTTiT
h the wife [the
of ebb
a bard,
tide, k,a >?K^^ bhdr-briksh, ni. a fragrant
substance, commonly called kdksht considered vari-
ously as a vegetable or mineral product, s.
'^'l^ m^T bhdtlid, m. a current or stream,
CLjX^ HTCT bhdrat or bkdratu, 111. the heroic
-^"l^ >i{JZ\ bhat/n, f. bellows, s.
poem whichof contains
m. name the account
one of the of Yudhhhthir's
nine divisions war :;
of the world
jtf^'l^ >ir\Zih. bhdth'i, f. down the river, with
••the current, India proper, so called from Bharata, the son of
Dushyanta, whose patrimony it was. s.
down the mf^TI^S
river, with bhdthiydl,
the stream, m,
h. down, below,
Vj^ HT^ bhdrjd, f. a wife; wives of the
Rags, or deities presiding over the Hindu musical
modes, bhdrjdtwa, the condition of a wife, bharjatik
•^ . ff. flight, runnmg oft. h. m. a henpecked husband, s,
>Tr5T'? blinjc
(^^W *rriI«T bitajan, m. a plate, a dish, &c. ; -p.^jii.1^ HT^¥T»T bhdradwdj, m. a skylark. s.
(in arithmetic) division, s. jjl:;**».Lj ba/idristdn, abode of spring, or of
lx>'l^ JTrinn bkdjnd, n. to flee, run away. h. beauty ; name of a Persian work by the poet Jami. p.

U»-\^ HTiT'TT bhdj/ia, a. to fry. s. f^j\i '^^TCy{ hnluiran, f. sweepings, h.

j_»-^^ VrTSr'i' bhaji, f. greens, s. 13.V^ ^fTT»n bultdrnd, a. to sweep, to ga-
ther, h.
,_.»-l^ ^TTsft />Aa;i,f. portion or share of food. h.
(i.Lj ■<T^K«l'l buhdi-m, f. a broom, abesom. h.
aJL>-\^ >Tr5?r b/idjya, divisible, to be portioned ;
m. a portion, a share, an inheritance ; (in arithmetic) ,jLj W^Uss buhdru, m. a sweeper, h.
the dividend, s.
jI.jW HK^? bhdr-wdh (also bhara-vdhik),
j*-W bhdchar, a large earthen pot or jar. d. m. a porter, a bearer of burthens, s.
jtiLj bahddur, brave, bold, valiant, courage-
^jXi^ ^T^ buhdrlf f. a broom, a besom, h.
ous, invincible ; m. a hero, a champion, knight ; a
title bestowed on military officers. "It is often accom- ^_^'^ vnt^^//an,heavy; of importance (met.);
panied with the word jang, war ; thus, bahddur jang,
invincible in war. The English (that is to say, Indian- "big, weighty, fat, large; valuable; patient, steady,
grave ; strong, thick, troublesome ; m. a porter, car-
English) language has adopted this word : a " bahau- rier of burthens, hlidn-bharkam, grave, sedate. _ bhdrl
der" indicates a martinet, or proud and haughty patthar chumkar chhornd, to withdraw from a difficult
mortal dressed in a little brief authority " (Binning. )p. or impracticable undertaking, s.

j^l^^ vrrj bhadi-a, \m. the fifth solar ij,j\i bii/idrl, vernal, relating to spring, p.
JJ ,.il^ *T^1^ bhadra-pad,) month (see bhd- {Jj^, f^?T^ bihdri, sportive ; a name of
dun). s. Krishna; name of a Hindi poet «
l>jl^ >Tr^ hharya, f. lit. a wife or married ^'-^ >TTiTTr bhdgnd, n. to flee, to run away. h.
■woman ; a musical mode ; the wife of a Rag or deity ^
presiding over a musical mode, s ^l^; vial >?TJT"fT^ hhdgnar,
soil on the banks of the name
Jumna, of h.a rich allu-
J 4? *^ hhar, m. a furnace, kiln (particu-
larl}' for frying grain), s. ,^y^ Hrfn^
co-heiress, bhdgini,
a sister, s. fcm. of bhdg'iy partner,
j\^ HT5 hhar, m. the price of forniration.
bhdr-l-hand, a. to live on the wages of prostitution *-^li^ ^nftr^T bhdgineya, m. a sister's son. s.
(applied not to the woman but to her dependants). /(.
y^ H7T bhdgu, a deserter, a runaway, h.
\'f^ niTI hhara,
recompense. /;. m. hire, settled fare, rent;
j'jil^^ HT^T^T. bhdgwdr, held upon a joint
tenure or share (land), h. [sperous. *,
.«il^ >TnTT bhasur, m. a husband's elder
brother ; a species of costus {Costus speciosus). s. jjiyl^ HPTTR bhdgawdn, fortunate, pro-
j^^ *TT^iT bhashar, resplendent, shining ; Ojil^j HT^RIT bhdgavat, ra. name of one
m. the sun ; name of a Hindu astronomer, author of of the purdnas, s.
the Siddhdnta Shironiani and other works, s.
\j^\^ HTiftTT bhdgord, a runaway, a coward. /i.
U**jI^ HTOtTT bhasna, n. to be known, to
appear. «. j_^l^ wpf\ bhagi, ra. a partner, sharer, par-
ticipator, aco-heir ; also a share or portion, bhagi-
ddr, a sharer, a partner, adj. prosperous, s.
j^jj»\:^ >^'^X bhcisivar, shining, radiant ; m.
the sun, a day; Costus speciosus. s. {hhnJchd), s.
^)^j6 l^ vrTT^^ bhdgirathyXQ.. name of a pious
IjLI^^ )TT^T bhasha, f. a dialect, &c. (same as king
heaven,whoses. austerities brought the river Ganges from
lII^I^ mf^TT bhashit, spoken, said. s.

«JI-«l^ >?T35 hhakta, "1 m. a follovver, a de- ic^j^^

"Ganges (so called from tlieblidgirathi,
HT^'H^ f. the river
pious monarch aforesaid). «.
uil^^l^ vnf^iofi bhaktik,) pendant,aretainer.s.
^xSl^ >TT^ bhagel, a deserter, a runaway ;
desertion, flight, h.
j-*.il^j HToF^'t bhaksl, f. a kiln. s.
l^l^ mi3T bhakha, f. speech, dialect, lan- (ji^-^l^ iTPTT^T'JT bluigyarvdn, ^ fortunate,
guage, s.
CLo^aI^I^ HFXRTjT bhdggawant, J rich. *.
U^^.^ >TT^^ bhakhna, a. to speak, to call. s.
&J^^; >Trni bhdgya, m. fortune, destiny. <;.
k-l/l.^ fw^n'^?/m5r,m.name of a rag in music, h.
^^;Jt^l^ i. hhdgya-hin, poor,wretched,
tdJ^y^i >TTT bhcifj, m. fortune, destiny; share,
lot; tax, duty; share in kind; a degree, the 360th part
of a circle ; a fraction, blidg jdgnd, to be fortunate. Jl^j >Tr^ &/ia/, f. the ])oint of an arrow. A.
bhug-batd,i, apportionment of the shares of a crop.
bhdg-ddr, a sliarer. s. Jl^ >TT^ bkdl, m. a tribe of raj-puts. h.
Jl^ HTq5 Z)/m/, f. the forehead ; fortune. 5.
<Lf[^\S\^ VfirnvnTl bhaga-bhag, m. running
away, flight, h. [fort, consolation, d- J'.^ >TT^ hhdl, m. a bear. 5.
1*>*jj^lL/1^ vnTTHxt^ bhag-bharosa, com- "^^4?
long), Z?Aa/a,
s. m. a spear (about seven
away. h. iTTiTSnTF bhag-jand, n. to run Ldb^'v^ *'Tq5T'^ bhdldnk, m. a sort of fish,
commonly called the rohi {Cyprinus roliita) ; a sort of
jr^ m^lf bhagar, f. flight, a general emi- potherb, s.
gration, escape from immediate danger, h.
m. a bear. s.
\^\i f^TJTTT bihdgard, m. (v. bihdg). h. uiU'^ m^^ bhdluk,"

J5\4^ «TJT^ bhdgal, trick, afl^ectation. h. Ull^ >n^^T bhdlnd, a. to see, to perceive, to
look, to contemplate, h.
cloth from WT^'^rt bhdgalpun,
Bhagalpur made of silk and m.cotton,
a kind
h. of
*^^y\^ bhdlu-liold, m. a hyena, or, as some
jjil^ WTJT^l bhdgali, false, mock, imita- sa}', a hybrid animal between a wolf and a jackal, d.

"tion. h. [pocrisy. h. C^^ man, s^%H bhdlaii, m. a pikeman, a spear-

UJil^ iTTTf^^ bhdgaliyd, f. imposture, hy-
^J^^LS^^:) ^TJTHT*T bhdgmdn, fortunate. *■. ^J>o\^ HTfJTff bhdmin, angry, passionate, s.

j,V.J.^ HTTtHT»rt bhdgmdnl, f. good for- (^l^ >?lfiT^feAami/ii,f. a passionate woman, s.

tune, s.
^J^ JTR bhdnu, m. the sun. s.
( 1:3.) ) \^.
jjl^ hhan, f. (for bahin, q.v.), a sister, d. \jCi\^ bhangrd,\ m. one who is addicted to
(j^^ f^^R hihan, m. morrow, morning, h. ^ul^ bliaiKji, J the use of i/ia/z^y. s.
I3I4J »TT^T hhana, a. to please, to suit, to fit, Vj<Ol^J HTT^T hhdii//<'.rd,n\. a seller of hhdnr/. s.
to be approved of. h.
jJ*j^^-> HT^RTft bhdn-matl, m. a female jug-
OLj "^'PTT hahaiia, a. to make flow, to set " gler, an actress, s. [handsome, a.
artoat, to launch, s. [time), h.
L?'*(J^ HT^Htft bhdnumafi, adj. f. beautiful.
UO f^^THT Jiihatm, n. to spend or pass (tlie ll)l^j HT^TfT bhdnnd, a. to turn (on a lathe),
\3Lj bahaiid [i'ov bah ana), m. pretence, &c. ;;. to put into ('ircular motion, to twist, wave, brandish;
to break, destroy, h.
dA^l^^ HTTT bhant or HtfcT bhanti, f. manner,
mode, method, kind, sort. /(. [sorts, h. _^l^J i?T"?T bhdnu, m. the sun. .v.
Ll^il^ C-ol^.> bhant-bhdnt, various, of many jlyl^ HT^'^R bhd/mifdr, m. Sunday, s.
cLol^ vn7 bhant, m. a medicinal plant (C/e- jyl^ >?t^ bhdhwar, ^f. revolution, circu-
rodendron hifartunatum, Lin. ; Volkameria infortimafa,
Roxh.). s. [inelongena. s. i_^yl^
phinid, toHT^T.'^
circle; bhdhmri,)
to be sacrificed, lalion.
s. bhdhwri
IBl^ >H\Z\ hhanta, m.the egg-plant {Solanuvi
^5yl^j bhanoli, f. a sort of bread. rL
^l^. HtiT bhdrij, f. twist, s. ^^^^ ^_ ajl.^ bahdna, m. pretence, evasion, contriv-
ance, excuse, pretext. ^.
IsSl^ iTlliTT bhdnja, m. a nephew, a sister's
Ijo^Va) Htsf^ bha7i,jnd,a. to put into circular ^l^.>_ f^^^ bihdne, early, soon. h.
motion, to twist, to turn on a lathe, to wave, to bran-
dish, s. [daughter, s. ^\^> ^\^ blid,o, m. price, value, rate; friend-
ship, h.
^ail^ >TTtT)' bhdnji, f. a niece, a sister's jl^j HT^ bhdm,m. state or condition of being;
natural state, disposition, nature; meaning, purpose;
^-^l^ HT'sfl' bhdnji, f. interruption, hinder- sentiment, passion; will, notion, idea; living, being,
"ance; tale-bearing. hhanjl-Vhor, m. an interrupter, a existence, thing; choice, liking; blandishment; ges-
tale-bearer. bhdnjJ khCind, a. to give a malicious piece
of intelligence, hlidnjl-dend or -mdrnd, a. to interrupt, ticulaation, acting, pantomime, expressing a meaning
to put a stop to, to break in upon, h, by signs ; a sudden idea or emotion of mind, bhdto-
batdnd, to gesticulate, s.
I W^Ia.^ iTT^T^RT bhdn-chdra, sisterhood,
state or relationship of sister, d. jl^ ^T^ bahd,o, m. flowing, a flood, s.
jJIa^ >Tr?!f bkdnd, m. a mimic, an actor ; Cl^jl^ Hlf^iT bhdvit, animated, inspired;
a small earthen pot : stock, capital, s. thoughtful, anxious, apprehensive, alarmed, s.

\ jjU) HT?!3T bhdndd, m. a large earthen pot ; l^jl^.) Hl^WT bhd,otd, amiable, dear, beloved, h.
estate, equipage,
racter. 5. bhdndd-phutnd, n. to lose one's cha- _.jl^ Hl^'ST bhdwaj, f. a brothers wife, also
the wife of a wife's brother, s.
.IjJIaj >n?^K bhdndar, Ira. also bhfi-nddr-
i^jl^ HT^'SR bhdwak, m. the external expres-
)j\XA±) HT?!3TTT bhdnddrd,) hhana, a store, sion of amatory sentiments ; a friend, a lover, s.
a place where household goods are kept, a storehouse, s.
Ld3jl^ JTlffop bhdnnh, natural, innate, senti-
(^/.^il^ vrT5(!2T^ bhdnddn, m. a house-stew- mental, relating to feeling, s.
"ard, a treasurer, purveyor, s. [mimic, s. Jjl^^ *?T^^ bhd,ori or bhdwaU, f. rent paid
,.,'S3\±> >nfl!3'JT hhdndin, f. an actress, or female "in kind to a za??i?«rff7;-, distribution of crop between
the zamlnddr and cultivator. hhdMl-kJiil, land recently
brought into cultivation. bhd,ori-pd, land long culti-
I) toJO^-JpJ >?T?!3'JTT ■<•or HTf'q[T hhdndnd, a. to abuse,
calumniate. vated, h. [cerning, in respect to. h.

x^JoVaj WTfW') hhnndniti, f. mimickry, buf- ^jl^^ ^RTJ bhdwn or bhd,on, regarding, coii-
" foonery ; a female mimic, an actress, s. o.l^ >fr^^T bhdvand or bhd,ond, f. merit.d
j>Xi\^i ^\i\l.hhdndh;m. the Indian fig-tree. .«;. perception, recollection, the present consciousness oi
past ideas or perceptions ; imagination ; religious and
,^^J bhanx (for bd/h q. v.), m. a bamboo, d. abstract meditation ; looking about, observing, invest!
gating; consideration; apprehension, contemplation,
j_^«jl4^ bhdim (for bdnsi q. v.), f. a flute, thougiit, doubt, fear, concern, s.
••&c. d. [shrub, /i.
O.l^ ^^•\;^'^'\bIui,o^^do\•bhdlvnd,n.iO}^\e^^^e. h.
^.^Iaj i^T^Ti' hlidnhari, f. name of a
witc. HTW^
»j*4.5 s. bhdwah, f. a younger brother's
IjSoi^ ^TcSTT bhdnhrd, m. a fop, a parasite, /i.
.,1^1a^ Vi'm hhdiifj, f. liemp { Cannabis sati- i_fjl^^ HT^'i' bJidiv'i, 1 future, what is about
vtts), of which an intoxicating potion is made. s. j.l^ '^V^%^ hhdn:a,i,} to be, predestined, s.
^ ( 136 ;

tdl.^^ >Woir bhabhafi, f. sudden bursting

i^>.^^X^ H'f^ hhun-en, pnstpos. masc. in the sen- forth of flame ; forcible expulsion of water from a
timent, perception, mind, notion ; in one's eyes, in fountain or pipe; smell arising suddenly. /*.
sight, near, before, &c. h. [to be. s.
iO .1^ >n^ hhacya, wliat must, will, or ouf^jht
Ux^A^j vrvTiiMn bhabhaknd, n. to simmer, to
bubble ; to emit steam, to boil. h.
^Lj baha,im (pi. of iWJ^), beasts, animals,
wild beasts, hahd.imt, beastl3', brutal, a. (J.^^ VR'ifQ!; bhubbhal, fat, corpulent, h.
O^^j^ >T>TiT bhabhut, f. ashes of cow-dung,
^^-^ f^^T\bihd,i,f.a spirit supposed to tease which ascetics or jogis rub over their bodies. *.
"infants, whispering alternate!}' sad and pleasing things
in their ears, which is the cause of their laughing and o^^^ >W^ bhabhukd, m. blaze, flame, ex-
crying in their sleep or waking, h. plosion ;adj. red (as a coal): this is sometimes applied
,S^^ vrr^ bha,i, m. brother, also a friend or to the splendour of a beloved person's countenance;
adj. splendid, beautiful, h.
"comrade. bha,t-ans, a\so hhd.t-pansl eoid bha,i-^issa,the
share or portion of a brother, s. ^U^ >Tmi:T bhnpdrd, ^ m. steam, vapour,

v^b^l^ VTlfTRP b/ia,t-hant, m. fraternal 'jO-^ H^ejiHr bkuphdrd,} exhalation, s.

community ; a term applied to a village owned by
brothers, or descendiuits from one common stock, h. J^^ W^"^ Ixi h i/-putro , having many children;
m. a tree (Echites scholaris). s.
;,Z^^\^_ vn^U l)ha,z bat (or bha,,l-vat), like
a brother, fraternal «. uJj<x^ '^'?'^'^^ bahu-putri, f. a plant (J..v/>a-
ruiius raceniosiis). s,
(^ t'v^^ >?t|5'5 hha.^ /)a«r/,m. brotherhood,
brothers, friends, relations; also bha.l-bandt. s. J<J^ H^^-i bahu-patra, m. talc. s.

(jjit^ W?'^^ bahu-patri, f. a drug (^Trigo-

\.W il^ W^^ra bhd,l-chara,m.'\ brother- nella fanum grtecum). s.
Z)Aa,I-c//a/i, fj hood,
fmteriiity. ^ s. vnf^njt
^^j^J^'^ ^^^^^ W?'"C17 bahu-patu, very clever, s.

^jo'43 m%^ blia'iti, terrible, awful, h. ij>j^ T^t^'dT bahu-pariiij f. a medicinal

" \)\a.nt(Tiigo>ifllaf(enHm,gr<ccum). «.
^j^- ^r?^^^ 6a//«-fcac/iara, plural (in gram-
mar), s. sljj.j^
streams, i^i^q-NI^
s. bahu-pravdh, flowing in many
C^^jJ^-i HWfT bhahvTit, ashes of cow-dung. s.
U5C^ >7trc|i^T bhfipaknd (same as bhabhaknd),
K^x) >?^«ST bhnb/id, m. an alembic; a kind to simmer, boil, &:c. d.
of driiiking-vessel with a large mouth, s.
^y^^ JTtftl^ST bkapold, m. a blister, d.
U^aAJ il'sr^'HT bhahhand, a. to kindle, to
light; to provoke, to exasperate, to enrage; to spur a ^.l^AAj iTtfiTTT bhuphdrd, m. steam, vapour. s.
horse. /(.
(V^^ ^^ifi^ b'lhu-phal, fertile, fruitful; m.
U£v^ «T5RT hhabnhnd, n. to be enraged, to the Kaduiiil) tree {Nauclea cudamba). bahu-pkall, adj.
rush 'on with rage; to catch fire; to run with great f. fertile; f. tlio opposite-leaved lig-tree. s.
rapidity (a horse), to bubble (as boiling water), to roar,
to grumble, h.
ir^^ f^^ bilipliai, m. Thursday. .«.
h. (Jl^y) T?Tr bahut, much, many, more, most;
^J^i~^> >T^^ bhabh'i, f. threat,
bahut yar bona, to become more intimate than for-
J.jL^.j fN'f^^ bihbal, agitated, alarmed, over- merly, s. [sonry. s.
solf. come
s. with fear or agitation, unable to restrain one's
CL'^ ftrf^ bidtti, f. a wall of earth or ma-
C^^^^ bhabut,^^ ashes of cow dung (vide b^ ^^TTT buhtd, running (water), bahte

bhabuttj bhabhut. s. piiiil men hath dhond, to pay attention to one's friends,
(3^f^ or attend to one's own duty or alFairs while the oppor-
tunity is favourable; to make hay while the sun
J^x^ bih-bud, m. 1 health, vigour, goodness, shines, h.

^.5^^ bih-budl,t\ welfare, p. Uaj >T^ bhuttd, m. Indian corn or maize,

see bhuttd. h.
\y^ g|^fT bahhahd, flowing, gliding along;
brave, bold ; public, notorious, h, [fortunate, s. liAj bh(iitd,m. a pair of bellows, d.
aaCIajuj ^?>1T7^ bahu-hh.dfjija, f. bahii-bhdgyd, Olllp W?!?!!! bahutdt, f. excess, abundance, s.
^aAJ >THT <)!• ^T^rHT bhabhJiar, m. solicitude, Xi^> HcTR bhatdr, m. a husband, s.
alarm, hlinbhar bhabhar pariid, n. to be alarmed, to
be frightened, s. jjlljj buhtdn, m. calumny, aspersion, false
accusation, buhtdn bdndhnd, to calumniate, a.
\J\.<^i.A.} ^^T^"^ hhabhrdnd, a. to swell (par-
ticularly the face), to entertain doubts, h. U&l::^ >TjTT^?>/i«/a/<a, devilish, peevish, fierce.s,
li..4>^^ >?)R^ bhabharnd, n. to be solicitous, ^Ij^ ^^ifl^ri buhutdyat f. abundance,
to be alarmed, to be frightened. /(. plenty, multitude, s.
J^ ( 137 )

Ji,^ Inhiar, good, excellent, well, better, j). *^^ HT^ bhatula,m. a kind of bread made
from the Hour of the arher and other sorts of p^lse. /(.
J^ W^WT; hahattar, seventy-two. h.
jL^ ^|r^ bohuti-a, in many ways or places, s. ^Uo^'' i^Z'^nx.hhatndgar, a tribe oi'Kdt/aths.k.
^jJ^^ f>TJ^ bhhni, f. a nipple, h.
^<|^LJ bihtari, f. superior excellence, welfare. /i,
jl^ W^ bhatu, interj. O sister ! h.
U^J^ iihtarin, best, superior, p,
Jyi^) HJ^^TC bhatolar, lands allotted to bhuU
or bards ; also lands given to Brahmans. h.
U*»cl*^ "^^^ bnhut-sd, a great deal, very
much. /(. ^ [a demon. $.
A.'|'^J> bJiuttd, in. Indiancorn, any large bunch. /i.
UJ^ >TlT7n hhtUna, ra. a small devil, an imp,
l^j\^ iTTT hhattha, m. a furnace, kiln, oven. h.
^^^ >^HrC\ bhiitni, f. wife of an imp; a fe-

" male demon, s. -^A^ H^ bhntthi, or WZ\ bhathi, f. a small
"fire-place, a kind of furnace ; a liquor-shop, distillery.
^^^:l,J W?TT^ bahu-trvahh, m. the Bhoj or bhatthi-ddi; one who keeps a spirit-shop. h.
birch-tree. js.

iy^-^ ^?r^ bahutiva,m. plurality, multitude, jlii^^'^J >TT1^TT^ bltatthi-d7rr, a person

manufactures and sells spirituous liquors, h.
abundance, s.
\\x^^ ^ftlTTU b/irithit/drd, m. (or bhathi-
iC^ vr3": hluitta, m. an extra allowance for t/dri, f.) a sutler, an innkeeper; one who prepares
troops when marching; batta. h. victuals for travellers in a sard. h.
^■^^^ WtT^bhutnha, devilish, peevish, fierce, s.
^ business
iljk^i^J vifjxiK'I'^ bhdthii/drpan,
of a bhatlihjdrd. h.
m. the
OU:^ MfiniT»TT hhutrt/anu, n. to be like a
devil. J.
dJli-jlj^^J iTf^^K^TT
inn, a caravanserai. /J.
bhathiydi--khuna, an
Irii^^^^iTn'^WI &/za<i;a,m.neph(.\v, brother's son.*.
ij.^^^- i^rftafl' bJtdilji, f. niece, brother's ^jjU^A^ Kf^lf^^ bjiaihiydrin,'\^. a female
•• daughter, s.
(_^^U^jk^ irfj^T-d hliatliiyan, J sutler, h.
1^^ ^HTT bahiitera, ypvv much. s.
JL^A^^ ^fjT^T^ bhathnjdl, with the current,
lLvAJ '^Zblifit, f. misfortune, curse; an oven, i.e. down the river, and not witii the flood tide ; m. a
a furnace, a kiln, bhat parnd, n. to be cursed, to be kind of vinruyn, or elegiac verses sung in praise of
Hasan antl Hnsain. h.
uul'ortunate, to be lost (lit. to fall into the kiln). Ii.
tJi/.^ WZ hli'it, m. a warrior, hero, soldier; UljL^jk^ HfrmJTT bhathiyaiiu , n. to go down
a barbarian or outcast of a particular tribe, s. the river ; to ebb (the tide), h.
cIIaAj >T5 blicilt, m. a learned man, a philo-
sopher ;a title of Maharattha Brahmans. s. ij^ H^ bhatfi, i'. a furnace, a kiln, an oven,
"a still ; name of a raj-put tribe, h.

/). bhatta, a ploughman's wages in

kind. H^
Ij^J ' i'^ '^Z% bhata,l, f. praise from a poet
"(bhdt). h [(in Bundlecund. h.
U^ W^ bhutta, m. Indian corn (Zea mays); Ua^ ^f^TIT bhatiyd, the poorest kind of land
any large bunch, the head or ear of corn ripened, h.
IjUi^ i?f<jijllj blintiydrd, m. (same as bhatln~
'J^^ bhatta, m. a pair of bellows, d. yard), a sutler, an innkeeper, h.
_ .WIa^ iTJT^l^ bhattacharj m. (for bhai-
irichSrya), the most learned of the learned; a title ij>.\^A^ >TfTmT^'iT bhatiydrpan (see bhathi-
given to the Kanaiiji^'a Brahmans : it is also applied yarpan). h.
to one who teaches any branch of Sanskrit literature, s. jj .^.J^J Hf^irrfiR bhatiydrin,^ f a female
KjLaj >TTojiT biKitha, astray, wandeiing. h. (^j\.y^\ ^rf^TI^ bhatiydri, J sutler. A.
UKaAJ >Tdo»iT^T hJiathana, a. to baulk, to mis- UUJ(^ ^f^T^T bhattiydnd, the country of
lead, to deceive, to scare, to cause to wander, to lead the bhatfi rajputs. h.
astray. /;.
^-^ Wlf i/t'(;, m. the arm above the eUiovv ;
(_f'Jocl^ VlZWZJ%bhat-J:atd,i, ^ f the name one of the shorter sides of a right-angled triangle (i.e.
the perpendicular or the base.) s.
\jlOcL<4J vrZ^Z'^T bhat-hntaii/a,j oi^ a prickly
plant {Solaninn Jacqttini, Willd.). h. Us-4^ WITT hhii'm, f the arm above the elbow, s.
b Xa^j viTefiftaT bhat-hariyd, a class of infe- \jls^^ ^^tTT'^T hah-jdnd or wff'IT^T ba/ii-
rior rajputs. h. jdnd, n. to flow, to go or swim with the stream; to be
ruined, to be destroyed, h.
UsTjJaj >?7oS'Jn b/iataJmd, n. to wander about ;
to go astray, to miss the right path. /(. 01^^^ >T»n*n bJuijdnd, a. to cause to flee. h.
.«X!»AJ HT^^ bhat-gdur, a subdivision of the I3lsr6^ f^TiTTTTT bh>jdi)d, a. to cnu-e to be wet,
Gaur raj-pilts, q.v. h. to wet, to moisten ; to cause to send. h.
ti.4J c ;

d-AsTt. buhjat, f. jiiy, pleasure, gladness, n^i^S^ bih-dana, m. quince seeds, used as a
clieerfulness, alacrity, beauty, grace, excellence, a. demulcent in certain complaints, p.

CL^^^ HaTrT bhajdt, serving, waiting upon; ^i^> H^^^ bhadahar, grain cut when only
enjoying carnally, s. [away. s. half ripe. h.

13U-^^ ^rftnTT^T hkaji-jana, n. to flee, to run ii^)j^j *^'^^? bhad-bhad, m. sound made by
the fall of a fruit, or walking of a person, &c. A.
(^isr^^ >T5nT hhajan, m. adoration, worship-
U1^J>^ Vf^>J^'\'*{J bhad-bhadmia, m. cutting
ping, a hyinn ; enjoying carnally, hkajan-k., a. to grain when only half ripe ; shaking fruit from a tree. A.
sing; to say prayers, to worship, s.
I::p4^ HjT'TT hJutjna, a. to worship, to count U^Js^J^ >T^>??fT^ bhad-bhadana, a. to make
a sound by striking two bodies together; to strike
one's beads, to adore, s. repeatedly ; to shake fruit from a tree. h.
^xsr^- >T1T'T7 hhajna, n. to flee, to run away. h.
i^L>S>\:>^^ >T^»T^Tf7 bhad-bhaddhat,f. sound
U:sr6^ >TiT^ hhujna, m. parched or scorched made by the fall of fruits. A.
grain. 5.
jS^ W^ hhadra, happy, prosperous, lucky;
LiXl:s-6^ ^WW bhujang, \ m. prosperity', happiness ; a fragrant grass (Cyperus) ;
,-, ■ . . *T»n^
^^ ". rm. a serpent. 5. a wagtail, s.
J^^- hliujangam,)
^)^> H'"5[T bhadra, m. name of a bird, a lark. s.
^Js'xsrt^- WtT^ bliujanga, m. a kind of shrike,
commonly called "the king crow" (Laniiis cmrii- \jS^ ^"^T bhadrn, f. an unlucky moment;
lescens). bliiijan^e urdnd, to Ije in great distress and the 2nd, 7th, and 12th days of the lunar month. 5.
poverty ; to spread false reports, h.
^^S^i >T"5TToir bhadrarah, m. one of the IS
uiijki^4^ VT-JT^fNr bhajnik, m. a singer ; an minor dwipas, or divisions of the world, s.
adorer, s. [sent. h.
\jLsr4^ fiTTlTr»TI bhijwana, a. to cause to be ^^«*Kt3^ H"^^^ bhddrasan, m. a throne, a
peculiar posture of meditation used by devotees; the
legs bent and crossed underneath, and turned so as to
Lsr€^ ^TfrT^T bhtiji'/a (same as bhaj'i), f. bring the aiK les in contact with the perineum, whilst
the soles of the feet are held close to the sides s.
greens, h.
^i vj^ bhucli, barbarous, ignorant. A. ^^1j^\^ ^^ITT'^ bhfidfashca, m. one of the four
muhd-dwlpas into which the known world is divided,
or one of the nine kluuidas or smaller divisions of the
Ciijsr^^ vt'^r%hhachah, alarmed, aghast, start- continent : in either case it is the east division, s.
ing bkachak rahnd, to be amazed or astonished at a
sudden and unexpected event, s.
IJOks:^^ >T^oJiT»TT bhachkana, a. to amaze, to (jSy^^ ^"^WUJJ bhadrd-karan,m.AiAv'\un:.s.
strike with astonishment, h. \si,S^ ^'^''^T bhadra-padd, f. name of the
26th and 27th lunar asterisms. s.
U\^-4^ il'^oirfn bliachahna, n. to be asto- Kiy>,S^ H^ti^T bhadra-parnd, f. a shrub
nished or amazed, h. [eating, s.
(^Pivdcria fcetida). s.
(^^sro. w^^ bkachan (for bhakshan), m. food,
^i^ ,iX^. Vf^;Vj^bhadrri-pai-ifi, f. a tree ( Gjtie-
U-sT^- W^trr bhuchampa, m. a kind of tree " Una arborea) ; a shrub {Pcederia foetida). s.
{K(empferin rotunda); also a species of fireworks re-
sembling the flower of that tree. s. y^J"^ H^r^^ bhadra-jau, m. the seed of the
Echites or Wrightea antidijsenterica. s.
i^GsTC • >T^^ bhuchavg, m. nanu,' of a bird
[Laiiiiis cteriilcscoi^). h. j"»i>-j;i^ *T'5;=^'? bhadra-chuVf m. a sort of
euphorbia (Euphorbia tirucalli). s.
^■s^^- H'3 hhachh (for bhaJisJi), eatable, s. j\i^jS^ tr^^^J^ bhadra-ddru, m. a sort of pine
{Pinus devadaru). s,
til^^ iT'^oF bhachchhak (for bhakshak), a
gormandizer, a devourer. s. i^ILJ^jS^ '^'W^'2bnhu-drishta,\
Cii^^s^^ fvi^Tofi bJikhchhuh, m. a beggar, s. a la, ', f experienced, s.
^^**J'\^ '^'?^W bahu-darshl,)
U^s^^ >T^^T bhachhna,2i. to eat,totake food. 5. t^jA^ ^^^"^ bhadrak, beautiful, pleasing ; re-
spectable,worthy ; lucky, fortunate ; m. or f. advantage,
" eater, s. >T2fl' bhachchh'i or bhaksh'i, m. an
produce ; nature, genius, reason ; beauty, goodness,
pleasantness; m. a sort oi grass {Cyperus perteyittis) ;
a sort of pine (Pinus devadaru). s.
•^4^ ^^ &/iacZ, f. a slap ; a crash, h.
\s^> >T^ bhaddci, stupid, senseless, dull. h. ^OiiyAJ ^r^oBTl^rt bhadi'-kdli, f. one of the
"names of a Hindu goddess; a fragrant grass (Cyperus
Li3\^^ H^oF bhddak, m. a crash, the noise pertenuis or rotundus). s.
made by any thing falling ; as, bhad or hliaddk se gir
pard, it fell with a crash. A. Kfci>Ji.ii>A> >T'5PTf^«RT bhadi'a-gandhihd, f. a
leaved variety). (Asclepias pseudosarsa, the narrow-
plant *.
\^!j.^j 'iJ^I'^T bhadakUf ra. a sound or noise, h.
^ ( 1^^ )

iJL1jL-«.,3s^ X^si^dB hhadra-mustah, m. a \j^ H^ bharta, m. a panic, fauj men

fragrant grass (Ci/pents pertenuis). s. [cord'tfolia. s. bharrd para, the army was seized with a panic, h.
\j^ >m bhara, full, overflowing, s.
w '»^i^'f\ hhadrocln'i, f. a plant {Sida
lJjj'^'^ ^ jj''=< ?i1 hhadra-ivalti, f. Arabian ^^
]^ ^TfTT bahrd, or '^f^Tl Jbahird, ''eaf. h.
"jasmine {Jasminum zamhac); the large Bengal creeper m. brother.
(Gaertnera racemosa). s,
^\j^.} >?TTn bhrdtd,'
\^^jS^ ^T^^^^T hhadr-hona, n. to be clean J>\j^ >JT7T bhrdtri,
or purified by shaving one's head aud beard after
mourning, or in a holy place, s. ^y[}^ *n^^ bhrdtrik, j fraternal, bro-
*^^^4> >rRl^ bhrdtriya, J therly. s.
{Jji^ ^T^ft hhadri, m. an astrologer; a
palmister. s.
3jJ^ W^TTC bahrdru, m. an upstart, a
stranger, h.
OjtX^^ ^^f^^ hhadra-yav, m. the seed of the
Echites or Wrightea antidysenterica. s. »\j^ bahrdm, the planet Mai> ; luime of
several kings of Persia; Varanes. p.
^^sts^r> '^^r'.f'Vi^bahu-dugdlnha,f. a plant
yielding a caustic, milky juice (euphorbia of various
sorts), s. [sugar-cane. h. J^j^ iJTHT bhrdmar, m. epilepsy, s.

jljii.^j ^T^cJT'JC hhadivoi', land prepared for j_5yci^ >rrR6' bhrdmaii, epileptic. 5.
\>,^S^ >T^^fT7n hhadawriya, name of a tribe Ldu^,^ >?T5T^ bhrdmak, w. a cheat, a rogue, s.
oiraj-pids. h. [bad. s.
^l;4v ^"^^'TT bhurdnd, a. to wheedle, /i.
(^jS^i '^?^'^ bahu-dosh, full of faults, very
cause ^1^^*^
to return, ^<^fi-^''^fi"-i
h. a. to bring back, to
'ut-VJ '^'?Vf bahudha.'mmany ways, sorts, &c.;
usually, often, s.
uL^ ^r^ <i t1 1 baliirdna, a. to divert, toamuse.A.
\jts^j "^^VT baJidhU, f. pain, distress, obstruc-
tion, hindrance, prevention, s. 13]^J ^TIl'RT bhardnd, a. to fill, to cause to fill ;
to cover (a mare), s. [blundering, erring, s.
d^lfi>j^ ^VTTfT bahudhagat, dispersed,
scattered, s. CL^^'-ti >rniiT bhrdnta, whirled, revolved;
j^fcti^j '^?VJT baliu-dhan, wealthy, rich. s. CIjoL^j iJlf^ bhrdnti,£. error, ignorance; re-
volving, wandering, s. [a wanderer, s.
{^S^:i vi^^ bhada,i, the produce of the month
Bluidon. s. Ijol..^ >JT»frT hlirdntd, one who is gone astray,
J.— j.XjJ >T^^^ bhadesal, 1 ill-shaped, ugly, (jl»jo\^,.^ >irTfViTHT«T blirdntimdn, adj. erring,
^— .)_u3s^ >T^^ET^ bhadesala,} awkward, h. wandering s.
\'^^> V2T bliadd or Wf\ bhara, a kind of ri^rass ^Jb\,^ HT^ bhrdntl, f. erring, wandering. «.
used for fodder, h. [{v. dakaut). h.
*— -'j\r^ >TTT^ bhardwat, f act of filling;
b.ii^j VT^ftm bhadariya, m. name of a tribe any thing in which they fill any substance, s.
j^ bahar, f. a fleet, bahri, on account of Xi\^j^ >n>TU!3 bharblidnd, m. name of a
ba-har, in everj- (this is used only in phrases from the
Persian), a. p. prickly poppy {Argemone Mexicana). h.

j^ >n,bhar, full ; as much as, as far as ; all, >j^j^ >n>T^T bhurbhurd, dry and in a state
every, size, bulk, whole, up to. bhar mdkdur or vmlc- of powder, h.
dur-bhar, to the best of one's power, 'umr-bhnr, all
lifetime. It is sometimes used in composition, witliout
or sprinkle^^TRT
^l)4ir^ sugar or salt upon meat. h.a. to throw
expressing any meaning, unless it is " a," as ser-hliar,
a ser ; bans bhar, (the height or length of) a bamboo ;
kos bhar, a kos, whereas hltar kos would mean a full \j>]j^j^ iTJWU^ bharbhardnd,2i. to swell and
kos, &c. s. be glossy (particularly the face, as in fever), s.
j^ bhir (also blur), m. a species of insect, a
wasp, a bee, (perhaps from the Sanskrit bhrhig, q. v.) ijj^j^ >n>T^ bharbhari, f. a swelling, a sore.
bhurbhuri, a light sandy soil. h.
(i) ts.B. — This word occurs repeatedly in the Ikhwdnu-s-
safa, pages 113 to 116. h.
'jb^ >TT:tn«n blmr-pdnd, a. to be paid, to
,o ^^ buhur or =r?fc bahuri, as:ain. h. receive the full amount ; met. is expressed when a
person is disappointed ; as, main ve bhar piiya, 1 am
j^> HI, blictr, name of one of the aboriginal paid ; or still more idiomatic, "I am paid with a wit-
races of India. /;. nes ." h.
.O ^T^balur, out, without, baliir ana, n. to
<_5- bj^^ *TTin^ bhar-])d,l, f. a receipt in full. k.
issue, to come out. bahir-desh, remote or foreign
country, bahir-mukh, the neglect of any moral or re- ^y^j^
ligious duty ; adj. impious, s. the bhar HTT^ff^T
tribe, h. bharpatwd, a subdivision of
( 140 )

J^ 0^ >T^^T bliarha, m. slaked lime. h.

J3^.-J^. ^^^ bhar-pur, "| overflowing, Uoj^ >Ti:o|iT\fTT bharkmia, a. to slake (lime).
bhar-puran,j chokeful,
brimful. ^*,Ui*ll
^^Jy>,J^■> hhirkana, a. to cast, throw, dart. p.

(Wii^-A^ HT:^7t bhar-pefi, pot-bellied, h. j_^Jo^ ^f^ bhrihufi,J^-f. the eyebrow, a

"frown, a contraction of the brows, s.
the son *TT1T
C^j^,\ Rama's of brother;
bharat, and i_0^>^^
of Dushyanta, all India.
bharat khand, m. one of the nine divisions of the world, how, p. a ba-har kaif, by any means, any-
between Lanka and Sumeru, i.e. India from Ceylon
to Tartary ; also the amount of revenue paid by an
individual or party, s. ^—(j^ ^ ^^P9^} the name of a celebrated
Muni. s. [Bhrigu, a tribe of rn/-/)«<«. h.
lH-J,^,^ >T# hhart, or ^TTjT bharat, m. a mixed
nictal composed of copper and lead ; the name of a ,_5«**>^^ ^'i4«1 bhrigu-barm, descended of
bird (a species of lark); the full amount of rent paid
b\' a person, h. [bourer. *. Aj^. ^^ bhraniy or >?TjR bharam, m. error,
mistake, doubt, suspicion, apprehension, perplexity ;
blunder, slip. s.
C^j^ ^ bhrit, m. a servant, a hired la-
Oj4^ "^Hhhriti.,?. wages,hire, maintenance. s. fij^ '^f^ bhrami,^. error, blunder, mistake, s.
OjAA >T#T bharta,m. a cherisher, supporter, a Jtj^> HTTTi/mraTO,m.credit,character. bhoram
husband, s.
ganwdna, n. to lose character, s.
\ij^ VTWT hharta, or wfl blivrta, m. vege-
tables boiled or fried and broken or pressed in the ^;4^ ^TTHT^T bharmana, a. to excite by
hand. s. [f reproach, abuse, s. throwing out temptation ; to deceive ; to perplex, to
alarm. /(. [round, roving, erring.
^S^ij^i HrRin hliartsna, m. threat, menace; lLvc^ ^mj( hhramat, adj. whirling, going
,J»^C1.J .AJ }iharat-hul, a tribe of Brahmans so
called. It. j^j^ >i^X. bhramar, m. a large black bee ;
vertigo, epilepsy, s.
(_>i. , • lOj^. W^IT^^ bhnrai-varxh, m. India
(so called from Bharata, son of Dushyanta, its first -^f^j^ '**^<.«<jf hahar-muhh,
monarch), s. [a slave, s. or violation of any moral or religiousm.dutythe neglect«.
; impious.

ij}j^^ >TW bhritya, m. an attendant, servant, {j^j^ HTT!! bhraman, m. whirling, going
round ; walking, roaming. ».
J^^^J tiJl(f hhai-tlj. completion; filling; load-
" in"-, cargo ; vulgarly used for promotion, hhartik., ij^j^ >^ hin-om'i or >TT'Tt bharml, apprehen-
to recruit, s. [in the metal called bliart. h
"sive, doubtful, scrupulous, whirling, going round. ».
^j^ >ffwm bhartiya, m. a brazier, a worker ^)a*^ >T^*fi^ bhurm'ila, ambiguous, doubt-
ful, confounded, scrupulous, h.
'ajj^ vrm bhritya, f. hire, wages, s.
wo>^J >TW 5//nV?/a,m. a dependant, a servant, .v. ^^j^. ^T^XIT or >n:«T bharan, to, up to (same as
tak). bharan, m. cherishing, maintaining, rearing,
'oU-^ )TT*(l«fT bhar-ja?ia, n. to be filled; to the act of filling, paying in full. h. [door, h,
be lined (a bitch) ; to be broken-winded (a horse from
severe exercise), h. IJj^J fv<*.HI bhirna, to be open or ajar (a

^s-j^ H^tT bharjan, m. fiying, boiling, s. y>j^ r^^<H! biharna, n. to rejoice, to take
pleasure; a. to enjoy, to delight, s.
iob^^^ t/mr-f/an(?,^ galloping at full speed. l3jAJ >TTiiT bhiirna, a. to fill, load, satisfy,
bhar-dand phenhna, to perform, discharge (a debt) ; to undergo, to suffer, to
sAcj^i hhar-dand,} daub; n. to abound, to be filled, to heal (a wound), h.
go at full speed, d,
„^,L> ^^ VTTiniT bharadwaj, m. a skylark. .<t. 13«4^ >nr»n blmma, act of filling or complet-
ing ;to give property in repayment of a debt : it also
Ja- ..^ ha-har-hal, by every means, somehow denotes the vessel that receives th^ expressed juice
or other, a. p. of the sugar cane. h. [back. /(.

['iJ>.bj^i >7T^^ hhar-dena, a. to pay ; to darn;

to fill ; to reimburse, h. ^t^ ^TT^T bahurna, n. to return, to come
CLJ^A> *I^ blira.sht, fallen, lost, depraved, (jii,^ >j^ bhrahsh, m. falling, declining. 5.
debased, polluted, abominable, vicious, dissolute.
bhrashf-k., a. to pollute, to seduce, bhrasht-hond, n. to \^S>j^ «^ bhring,ix\. a large bee, enamoured
of the lotus, the humble bee. s.
be polluted ; to calcine, bhrasltta-rdjya, deposed, de-
prived of a kingdom. -.1 i^^j^ >T^TT3T bhring-raj, m. name of a
tiLJo^J vrw bhrishta, fried, s. [case. p. a. kind of shrike {Lan'ius Malaharicus) ; name of a medi-
cinal herb or spreading shrub (Eclipta prostrata, Lin.
CJ^.yOj^ ba-hnr surat, in every aspect, or Verbesiiia prostrata, or Verbesina scandens, Roxb.). s.

.,ii»^ ha-hfir iaiir, by every means, by any (JJlLJjAJ W^«fi bhringak, m. a bird, a sort of
means, somehow or other, p. a. shrike {Lanius Malabaricus). t
) J4?
lJ^t^. ^'^ blirhu/l, f. a kind of wasp (/^5pa bj^ bhanja (for bhara), full, filled, d.
" iolitaria), a liu-ge black bee, a humble bee. hhringi-
jthal, m. the hog pl'.un. s. j^ bhir, m. a species of insect, a wasp. h.

iS-^jt'- ^^^^ hahu-rangi, of many colours, ^^.j-i^ *^^W bharait;

m. a tenant, a lessee, h.
"met. fickle, unsteady, s.
(J^j^ ^TW\ bharaitl,^
ij>jA? ^^'^^ bharm, f. weft, woof. s.
furrows, ^^^
i. bahii-relihd, m. pi. wrinkles,
• Xj^ >TT?D^ hJiorani, f. the name of the second
" lunar mansion (three stars in Mused), figured by the
pudendum viuliebre. s. [or load. s. J^J K^ Mfl.r, m. a large boat, a lighter, h.
^Uj^^ >T^T«TT hharnana, a. to cause to fill •/AJ MT bhiir, f, a hole through which water
runs out. h.
i^,^i^^ , .^ H>T^ hhru-hha7}{f, ra. a frown. >«.
V'^ >TTT hkara, a kind of grass, v. bhadd. h.
I— ->« ^ ^Td hahu-rup, adj. multiform; m.
mimicry. «. b'i^jfWrRT bkirand, a. to join, to place close
to, to close in battle (armies) ; to cause to fight, h.
bjj^ "^ji^m hahu-rupa , m. a cliamelion. .?.
(_^rv^ ^*T^ bhird,!, f. the closing of two
^j >^ ^gttVl^ hahu-rupi, !m. an actor, a armies in battle, h.

VjOj^ ^g^fj^'fll bahu-rvpiya,j mimic, a per- lil)^'=^ Wp^-STmbhar-hhardnd, to Ratter, h.

son assuming various characters and disguises. *.

ftx>»-^ «f^^u; hahu-rupya, m. mimicry, s. bj^ji^ HT^rfrm bha>-!)Iiariyd, simple, can-

did, without guile, h.
^^^J^, **^rt1 hharaxiti, f. a release in full. A. W^«^'"i^-' >T^1TT bharbhunjd, m. a man who
parches grain ; name of a caste of Hindus whose occu-
Uj ,^^ >TTtJT bharota, m. a load of grass or pation isto parch grain, s.
haj-. h.
^^yj-Jr> ^T^HsTT bharbhunjan, f. a woman
U*»j ^ hOvI bha)-um, m. hope, dependence, ■who parches grain. «.
faith, confidence, hharosd k., to hope, to rely. s.
b ,i4J HTfdT bharariyd, m. a conjuror, h.
juijj^i M\\^ bharosau (Braj. for bharosa),
hope, trust, &c. s. Vv^ bharard, m. the beleric myrobalan. d.

UJLTf^ '^^^ bahuroh, again, a second time. /;. ,jImj=^ >73flrt^ bharasdfin, m. v. bhdr. h.
^^j^> HTn bhrun, m. pregnancy ; a fcEtus, a LdJ^' ^TJofT bharah, f. splendour, blaze, flasli,
child, blirun-fiatya, f. murder of the foetus, causing show : perturbation, agitation, alarm, starting (in
abortion, s.
animals}, h.
Ojj^ Hm^TT bharanna, m. a load of wood. h. IJ^^ >TT«RTJTI hharlidnd, a. to frighten, to
8,^ bahra, m. property, fortune; quota, scare ; to blow up into flame, h.
share, portion ; profit, gain, advantage, hahra-ntand or
bahia-tcar, or hahra-andoz, fortunate, prosperous, pro- \^'-^. bJinrhal, a large door or gate. d.
fitable, bahra-maudi, f. prosperity, p.
^„^ H^ bharl, f. the weight of one sicca Ui"^ >7d<#qT bharaknd, a. to start, to shrink,
to be scared, to be alarmed, to be blown up into a
rupi, or one tola. s. flame. Ii. [coy. h.
(_c^J >T^ bhare, a grass which grows in the
jungles, used for thatching and making tatties, h. AjS'-lLi vrjoRoS bharkel, wild, untamed, shy,

^Ijk/v,^ >TToJi^c5T bharklld, splendid, glitter-

\Jy(> fr^T^
certain bihr'i,
sum, an f. a subscription
assessment, quota, share, toh, raise a
ing, h.
^jy^, «r^Cl buhrl, f. fried or parched barley, h. \j'-:^^fwp{\ bhirnd, n. to close (as two ar-
mies), to come together, to be joined, to shoulder, to
^?^ sJ^T^ bahri, f. a falcon, female hawk join, to be placed together, touching each other; to
{Faico calidus, Lath.), bahrl-bacha, the male of the be continuous, h.
same species. It.
i^JJi'-:^ KT^ bhurang, simple, undesigning,
silly, artless, having the quality of telling secrets
^jj^, HT^ bhaj-a,i, f. a kind of cess or tax. h. without reserve, h.
\j>j^ W^fr'n bahriyd, a stranger, s.
U_jv^ *^,^T bJiaru.d, m. a pimp, one who
l)_p ^^ftTf bahuriyd, f. a daiishter-in-law. .s. lives on what a prostitute earns, h.

b,,^^ ^itm bhuriyd, land watered by irri-

ition. h. i_|^.vAJ HT^T^ bharu,d.'i or bharn-d,i, f. p in-
"derisra, pimping; the wvg^s of prostitution. /».
( 142 )

I^JU^ ^^tl blaiserd, m. a place where

Ijbj'^ f>T^ bhirha, m. Ja^.wolf. 5.
^^Ji-4^ ^^^T bhusela corn or chaff is

^ 'V u- >Ttw'^
, x>v/.^ • bharaiti,} 2;^x»»^ ^F^TT hhusehra, kept. s.
(«(),^ H^ &/iMS, m. bran, husk, chaff, hhus
branches, '^^T^
s. bahu-shahh, having many
an assignment on chaff), i. e. an assign-
ment from(lit.
par hardt whence nothing can be obtained, s.
C^IL^ bihisht, f. Paradise, bihishfi, of or
^j^^i >TH hhas, m. ashes, cinders, s. belonging to Paradise ; m. a water-carrier, p.
^j«4^ f>Tfl hhis, the edible root of the lotus, jw^j ^?5r^ bnhu-shatru, having many ene-
mies, s. [woman, h.
OL-^j >T^T^T bhasana, a. to launch, to set
afloat, s. [carrying grain, h. (J>ii^^ f^Y^ bhishtal, f. a foolish or stupid
f^.\..^.) VTHT^^ bhomman, a tax on boats
\j^^^ Hf^RT bhashird, f. a sort of beet (Beta
soft, Bengaleiisis). s.
L*^ (j-*^ vr^>T«T bhas-bhasci, weak,
flabby fas meat). /«. [ragus). s.
(jii^j '^?o|r bahvh, m. a plant (Aschpias (ji-
'.jL-.j.j W?'TWT bahu-mia, f. a plant (aspa- gantca). s.
^I^;1J H^fw^ bhas-tihka, m. a steak, chop,
[mows veneris, s. (^j-jK^J bhiJid?-!, m. a beggar, a mendicant, d.
or collon. A.
J^.). WFojtTqS bahu-kdl, m. a long time. s.
ci.— 4^ H^^ bliasad, f. jnidcndnm muUebre ;
lio^ H^ofrnn ba/ihdnd, a. to baulk, to disap-
^-^ K^TT bhusra, m. a kind of inferior point, to mislead, to deceive, h.
wheat.'' /i [snake). £?.
l1a5^ W^bhakt, m. an adorer, one who has
U.K--.4f J^TfT^TTTTT bhushama, n. to hiss (as a devoted himself to a religious life, a votary, zealot ;
a Hindu performer, a dancer, a player, adj. attached,
SjK-u-^ ^T?pFTT bhuskara, m. the breathing
devoted, pious ; desirous, hhahta-raj, lord of the de-
or hissing of a snake, rf. [down. A vout, God. hhakta-ta, devotedness, attachment to- «.

\lC^ ^WW!^ bhasaJina, n. to fall, to drop l!L*$^^ >Tf^ bhakti, f. persuasion, religion,
Ju-*^.). »T7T^ /;/««.>-;iZ (same as blmxera). s. faith, attachment, desire, s.

UL-4J f>TW^?TT bhimlna, m. to be dazzled Cl*^^ vrg; hhiihta, eaten, eating, s.

(the sight), h.
iljkx^.) >T^T^ bhahta,t, f. faith, devotedness. s.
hhasma or H^m bhasavi, f. ashes. faithful,
^«4^ HW
hhasmn-sndn, art of smearing the body with the ashes ;^l»j^^ >?f%;Tn«7 bhahtimdn, m. ■ devoted,
of cow-dung. s. ious.
(JIa^^ >Tf^JTW bhahtimat, m.
CiU-4^ >TW?ir bhasmah, m. a disease of the
eyes, thickening of the membranes and indistinctness
of vision ; morbid appetite, s. j_^*:3r^^ vif^Wrrt bhahtimati, f.

l^j^^^j iT^m^T bhaxma-garbha, f. the sistc

tree, or a variety of it {Dalhergia sisu). s. L,i^; tToir^T bhuksd, name of a forest tribe of
(JIaA^^-A^ vnH'fT bhasmant, m. ashes, s. raj -puts. h.
.--S^ >T^r?ft bhaksi, f. a dungeon, a dark
0/\.-»-* 4.> >T^*fNi7T bhasm'idtrit, reduced to "room in which revenue defaulters (in native states)
ashes>alcined. s. [cining. s. are confined, h.

<' ^^^^ >T^ir^Nf^^ bhasmi-karan, m. cal- [zS^i f*JW bhikshd, f. begging ; alms. 5.
lju-4^ VTH^T bhasnu, n. to float, s. j>\i\L^ f)T2n^TRr bhiMid-pdtra, ra. a beg-
gar's bowl, a wallet for collecting alms. s.
li*-^ "^^^HTT hahasna, forlii^, q. v. a.
y^ W??T bahii-su, f. the mother of many ulA>ii^^ ^f^ bhahshit, eaten, s.
children, s.
CiLiiT^:* ^W!' bhakshak, gluttonous, vora-
cious a; feeder, an eater, s.
ijjy'^i W^TJ" blmmuri, f.l the place in a s.
q£^^> fW^oF hikshuk, m. a beggar,
^_j«*^ >T^^T bkusaula, ra.J dwelling-house
for keeping straw, &c. *.
^^.isr^^ vr^Tir bhokshan, m. eating, s.
ljJv-*A^ ^tft^ljl bhiisaunda, m. a hole, a ca- sjlzS^
eaten, s. iT'^rrft^ bhakshanvja, eatable, to be
vity, a place to put chaff in. <

( 143 ) %

^iA^j >TTq^ hhahht, m. an eat(M-. 5. ^J^ >7T7i hlutgna, torn, broken ; defeated, s.
AxiXl^ >T^ hhakshyn, eatable, .s'. llC^ Wr^ bhagna (also bhcgind), ni. a
brother, s.
UC->. ^fotr^ hahakna, n. to be baulkfd,
{^_yt^^i HT7TT5T bhagnds, disappointed, s.
to be liisappointed, to be deceived, to stray, to be in-
toxicated. / . j.ia.C^^ >?n^T bhagandar or bhugaiidar, m.
a fistula (/;; aiio). s.
uiJujX.^ ^?<*;i«io|i hahu-hnntah, r^. a |)riekly
plant [Hedijmrum alhagi); the marshy date tree. .s. JbjyxLf^ W?'T'=*I bahu-gandh, m. olibanum. s.
l^»x^ >Tor^T hhakii,a, foolish, stupid, h. Ij&^ICj W?TVr bahu-gandhd, f. Arabian
jasmine, i. [sister. *.
VSUyC^ VT^^lTfl hhahu,ana, n. to be stupi-
fied. //. [stuff, to eat. h. ^J^ Hfint bhagini, or >im{i bhagifi, f. a
lju*iy^ Ho|ftW«TT hhaliOsna, a. to devour, to Saj vi7Tr bliagqu, m. a deserter, a runaway, h.
jCjl^x^J fn^rrt hliihkari, m. a beggar, .s.
^J^^^ Hn^^ bhagwdn, adorable, divine;
m. the Deity, the Supreme Being, s.
i^j^^^ f>TTST^ hluhhri, f. an unfilled grain;
a shrivelled grain, h.
(j^^.^ irn^T Jdiagirdn, m. cloth dyed with
U^5^.) H^nT hJiahlma, a. to eat, to devour. .s\ gent, a kind of red colour or ochre, h.

cL-^ ^T ^/"^i7, f- vuloa; prosperity, su- UU.^ ^TTTl'Tr//. hhagivdiid, a. to cause to flee
or run away.
preme power, s.
\X^} \JT7U h/a/rjgo, simple, foolish, h. CJi^t^i >TiT^rr bhugarvat, divine, glorious;
the Deity, the Most High. h. [serter. /(.
Ul.^J >nn^ hhagana, a. to drive off, to put
to tiifjllt. /(. \-:>Xi:^ >Tjft^ bhagord, m, a runaway, a de-
\i\^> f>?JlT^ hhigdnci, a. to wet. moisten, h. li^.^.) f^TTTT^T bhigond, a. to wet, to steep, h.
tl^X^^ ^rniT blun/rif, m. (for hluihi, q. v.), a CJ>^t^i HJR^ bliaganrint, divine, glorious,
religious mendicant, bhngat-k., to disu:uise. hhagat- illustrious ; the Deity, the Most High. s.
kheliid, n. to be disguised, to act (a pI.U'), to mimic.
bhagat-hona, n. to be initiated as a devotee; to be
affiliated to a religious order. This is peculiar to the l^jj.^. >^TTT^T b/ta/jo/ihd, m. the reddish co-
low tribes. The initiation consists in putting a neck- lour extracted from gen'c ; a kind of ochre, k.
lace of beads round the neck and niarlving a circle on
the forehead ; after which the initiated person is ^j^^ Hiftr^l bhagirath, m. a king whoses.
bound to refrain from the use of spirituous liquors austerities brought the river Ganga from heaven,
and rtesh, &c. s.
Jjj.C^ >ntc5 bhagel, f. overthrow, defeat; m.
\JLC^ HTTIT hharjta, name of a tribe of aliirs, a runaway, a deserter, h.
q. V. h. [requite, to cause to enjoy, s.
J-tf? ^^^ irt/<«^ f- a two-wheeled car (for
riding in, not for baggage), coach, carriage, h.
Ki\jS^i HTTTT'qil hhugtand, a. to distribute, to
^_^VlC^^ >T7T71T^ hhagata,i, f. satictity, life of J^ H^
well-mo unted; cavalier, well,
m. a good,
bhal, s. bhal-ghorii/d,
a devotee, s.

^l»lC^J '^xmi'W^ hhugaividn,^\ to enjoy, de- Ja) >Tc5 /'/'"^ ni. side, direction, sir kebhcd,
serving punishment, s. head-foremost, h.

r^ >T/1((tf bh(igtan,f. wife of a Bhagat ; J,,,.) ^?c5 ^a/««/, much, many. 5.

(ironically) a lewd woman, a prostitute, a whore, h.
'^ ^-^hhald, good, excellent, benevolent,
UlC^.) HTTT'^T hhugntna, a. to ''iiioy, to suffer, kmd, healthy, virtuous, righteous, sound |^ strange,
to receive the reward of virtue or punishment of a wonderful, admirable, comical, droll, bhala tldmhm.
crime, s. a person of respectability, a gentleman ; (iron.) a sDly
fellow, bhald changd, in good order, perfect, m
UjLCa.? ^rrffirm hhagtiyd, m. a dancing boy. h. health, bhala mdnnd, to take well. «.

^\tAi H^^ hliagal, m. affectation, hypo- %r> ^f^ bahdd, f. barren (generally ap-
crisy, trick, deception, hhagal nihalnd, a. to play a cattle),
pliedoftothe baliuld (in S. India), the dark fort-
trick, to pretend poverty. /(. night lunar month, h.
Xx^A^^\ iTiT^n'^^T H'ogli-gahnd, m. false Cj^^ >j^T3 bhuldt, f. forgetfulness.
jewels, trinkets. Ii. \3^),A.> W^T^T bJnddnd, a. to cause to forget ;
to mislead, to deceive, to fascinate, to
ljk\.C^j ^mf^m hhagUya, m. ti'ick, cheat, ini- to inveTgle,
coax. h.
iniposture ; impostor, h.
\J!iLj ^^^rnk////«//a,a. to divert, to amuse.//.
^X^^ '^;^T[J^ hahu- gun, m.\many times; hav-
l,!i)^ W^ITT hhiddn-d. m. deception, fraud,
qualities, s. many good a clieat, h.deceit,
trick, bhuluic.'i data, a. to deceive, to play a
( 144 ) ^^

&j.5^^j ^?HV*i| Z)a/iu-mJiZ?/a, costly, precious. <.

^Jm':^ fiigr^i l)hilawan,'\m. a nut used for
^^,^4^ fil'^ST^^ f'hild/mn,) markincr clothes, " wandering, s.
1^^^-^ wvt hham't, f. revolution, whirling ;
&c., commonly called Malacca bean {Semicarpus ana-
cardium). s.
^J^^> >TR^t bhumi/an, m. landholder, s.
ij":^ vr^l^bhala,!, f. goodness, welfare. Ii.
^^j ^f^^ bahin,'^'^Tl or fta^aw f. a sister, s.
Ihal-pnn, "i. goodness, ex-
cellenca >T^1^
^.^r>}^ h. ^^^_ fi^ bhinn or bhinna, separate, diflFerent,
other, apart, fin arithm.) a fraction, bhinn bhinn, va-
rious, severally, s.
^Is-\J4^J4J >T^c5^»TT^T hhal-hhal ujalR,
broad day-light, d.
f^^ f^'^ bi/ian or bihin, m. a seed. h.
^jtf J^j> vi^^'t hhal-puchchht, f. a plant Vx^ ^?^T bfihnd, n. to flow, to glide ; to float;
"{Hedysarum lagojiodioides). s. to blow. s. [broiled, h.
lyi^ c|^cj>H haludatn-a, ni. abundance, s.
\x^'*J^ blui)ina,n. to be fried, dried, parched:
U-J^^ >?^^^T bhulasna, n. to be singed,
1311^ f>T?n'TT bhinndna, n. to have a singing
scorched^ 7;. liear- *•
in the e.irs, to be giddy; to sound (as shot, and brass
uiJd^J >TW^ feAflWa^ or >IW^ bhalluk, m. a
pots, Sec ). h.
Ki^^ vr^^ hhalha, m. a gold patch fixed on 13'j^.^ >TWTHT bh.unndnd, a. to fry, paich, &c. h.
the nose-ring ; a kind of bamboo ; dawn of day. h.

bhalUka, f. marking nut. s. f^TT^^Ts.^

j^r^fi^^vision of fractions, bhinn-bhag-har, m. di-
Ki^J ^fw^

, v-JU)j4^ VT^RT'JT^ bhal-mamis, courteous,

polite, humane, s. bhanand, n.f»TTTfvi^(f
Ulik^jo^ {T a fly),
to buzz (as to hum dnd
bh'inbhin bee),bham-
(as a or h.

C^LJ-cJ^^ >Tc5^^^Tf hhal-mansat, f. hu- (JLJfclii^jJ^j fvj-^fimjfZ b/ii?ibhindhnt, f. buzz,

*. [ture, benevoleace. s. hum (of bees), h.
f. good-na- \^^ja^j >?»>T^ bhamb/tu,d, an ascetic or
i^^d^ >T^iTWt bhal-vumsi, /aA:tr who is pressed by hunger to rob. h.
li^ ^^^T h. bahalna, n. to be diverted, to
be amnscd.
\'>j»^^x^ ^VTiXyU bhamborni, la. to bite (and
tiJ A^ ^If^ bhalluh, m. a bear. s. \jj»^^x)^ /^^T[T^hh(imbhornd,j mumble as
a dog), to worry, h.
J^ halilul or fca/</o/, a virtuous prince ; a
l£^4^ '^'^ bhambherd,\ , ,^ „ ,
a man's name famed in Orien-
joker, one who like
tal anecdotes, our ;Joe
smiles Jliller. a. - . .^_. M. a butterflv. h.
Lfy'i'Hi^ >r=i"ri bliambcrt, J
ir^y^ fW^sVsft bhiluunji, f. the seed of the Cl^i^ Hfnnr bhamt, sounded, uttered, s.
"bhilawdn. s. [glove, p.

U>^.^ >TTJST blinntd, a ploughman's wages in

aij.^. hahla, m. a privy purse, a falconer's kind ; the egg-plant {Solanum melongena). h.
^^i(i ^?^ bahU, f. a tw»)-wheeled car (for m. a sort of
■ riding in, not for baggage), a coach, a carriage, h. {^j^\y!x^ f>??12^^ blunt trds,

m. a liuutsraan, a pulse. /(.

\A^> ^■5%Tn bahaliya,
kind of retainer armed with bow and arrows, h. (^j*i\^J^ HT^W bhanticds, m. the name of a
grain, the fruit of the ko,t, or water-lily. h.
^jJ^ ^^'^ hahUm, ilanie of a small tribe
of Muhammadans near Mirat and Dasna. h. l^'? vHtT bitunjd, m. parched grain, /t.

baJiarn, together, one with another, one 01:^^- >T^«n bharijdnd, a. to change (mo-
against another, haham ana, to be procured, acquired. ney), s. [ing- «•
baham pahunchana, a. to get, to acquire, to procure.
haha7n pahunchnd, to be procured, p. [rence. s. C-ii^^ >T^TT bhanjat, adj. breaking, destroy-

.\^ ^'^K'R bahu-man, m. respect, reve- udl:^"'- >T^o|r bhanjak, adj. who or what
breaks, severs, s.
^JJ^*^> HIWT^ hhambheri, f. a butterfly, /t.
:^^:* >T^7T bhanjan, destroying, breaking,
Uj.^ >TJRT bhamna, a. to revolve, s. demolishing, separating, afflicting; m. breaking, &c. s.
Vjljo*^. ma^^^TT bahmaneta, a young Brah-
n. 7i. Jvl^.) >T;p bhund, ra. a mimic, jester, buffoon.
actor ; confusion, spoiling, bhand-hona, n. to be de-
Oj^^. W?nff bahu-murti, multiform, s. stroyed, spoiled, h.

s. Sx,.> f^f ?!3 bihand, land cut up by a torrent, h.

J^^^ W?J?^ bahu-mul, many-rooted,
145 ) ^
Cir4^ (

'3a^-' ^r^JT bhanda, m. a large eailliou pot. jjX.i^j ^^W'T bhangan, f. the wife of a huldl-
Iiltaiidd phnuia, n. to be disclosed (a secret), s. J(hnr, q. v. /i. [bhang. «.
jLu^j >T?STX; bhanddr, m. a place whore cr^-*4^ >T^f^ bhangan, f. a female drinker of
household goods are kept, a storehouse. «.
Mj>1a^ iT^nSTTT hhandara, m. a feast of jogh, UXi^. H^^T bha?ignd, f. a kind of fish. A.
sanyduls, &c. h. ^^pjC>4^ fH^THTj^ bhinna-gunan, m. multipli-
cation of fractions, s.
(^j'jl Ja^ >T?!3K^ hhandarl, m. a house-steward,
one who has charge of the storehouse, a treasurer, s.
Jt^kx^ ftr^jft^ bhhma-gotra, m. one not be-
jU*»Ja^ >4<js*iiT bhandsdr, If. the provision longing to the same family, s.

^J\jmSS^ "m^:^^ bhand-sdl,) which is pre- \>^^'x^ H^tftTTr bhangoriyd, name of [tiou.
a tribes.
viously reserved for _vears. s. of tagds, q. V. /j.

jjLijJ^ VT^SS^TqS^ lihandsati, m. one who (j4^*4^ fH^TpT bhinna-ghan, m. cube of a frac-
"reserves provision for years, s.
"hatul-lxhnrs. h.
t_dJiX>^ ^4!3o)i bluuiduk, m. a wagtail. 5. (_^^. ^^ bhang'i, m. a caste of sweepers, or
ll^^>^> >n^^ biiundll, f. a kind of worm j^i^ ^T"^^ bhayigi, m. a drinker of bhang ;
' covered with hair, the palmer-worm. h. "f. fraction, division ; fraud, trick, s.

\^SJ.^ >T4Iif 5jl /;/(«;?(/a?/?('a, m. satire, ribaldry. 5. L^-<^. ^TW^ bahnngi, f. a bamboo stick with
"ropes hanging from each end, for slinging baggage ta
^Jjilvj^> >T7^^ bhnndoU,, f. two or more jars ■which is carried on the shoulder. hahai}g'i-hardar or
"borne one over the other, d. bahangi wald, m. the man who curries the bahangl. s.

i^Ja^ fvT?p|t bfiindi, f. the name of a vege- \^^^> ^W^ bhangerd, m. one who sells
table {Hibiscus escideiitus). h. bhang, s. [sells bhang, g.

&3li>- (^SJ-^ f^l^Wrm bhinde-Tihana. m. the ^,jj.Cj^ ^^l'^ bhangeran, f. a woman who
room appropriated to the apparatus of the Ipikka. h.
!i)a.Ci^ ^l^T bhangeld, m. coarse hempen
\jySJ>Ai Kl^fw bhander^yd,^ clotli ; also a sack or pannier made from the fibres of
, .. ' >T?!3^
^.cisx^ ^ bkandela,'_ J)-m. an actor, s. the bhang-plant, s.

Oy^^ f>T^^ &/tm?ja-i?a^,divided, scattered. «.

^^iXi^ H^^ri bliandelan, f. an actress, s.
j'^_^^ f»^i?^ bhinnodar, m. a half-brother,
.L-Js^ fif^^ hhinsdr, m. dawn of day. h. a brother not by the same mother, s.
L***^ K^fftT bhansard, a subdivision of the
ahir tribe, h. j^'i^ iw^^X hihnaur, f. a seed-plot, nurse-
ry (for plants), h.
VL-i^J "ikw^ bhansnd, n. to float, h. .y^^ >T^ hhanwar, m. a whirlpool, eddy;
CJ^**t ^JJ^ fW^'HolifcJiT bhinna-sanhallt, m. a large black bee, a creeper, s,
addition of fractions, s.
]jyy^, HWTT bhanwrd, m. a large bee ; a
tiyo^ >TJtro|r bhanah or f^^'m bhinak, f. a low climbing plant, creeper, s.
sound ; a rumour, report ; hum of insects, s.

i-iii^ f>TW«fi bhinnah, m. a heterodox sec- jAijy^ H5j<*<«!j1 bhanwar-kaU, f. a kind of

tary, a seceder, a Bauddha or Buddhist, s. " halter (for horses or dogs, &c.). h. "In South India this
word denotes a swivel." (Binning.)
l.jia^ fWrfcRrlT bhiniiknd, n. to buzz as a fly ;
to be covered with flies, to swarm, h. \L/j^y^ f»T^n bhmna-varg, m. square of a
fraction, s.
cLX^J >r^' bluing, f. hemp (v. bhang), s.
t-LJy*^ imj\ bhanwag, a small class of I'dj-
lL^^ ^W bhang, m. breaking, destruction, puts, h. [m. substraction of fractions, s.
defeat, sporting ; adj. broicen, torn, defeated, s.
Ixi^ >T^ bliangd, f. hemp, name of a species dAliy.jj^^ f>T^^TTo|f%iT binna-vyavakalit
of bird ; also name of a species of insect, h,
i^^^i^ '^1:^''^^ hahno,t, m. a brother-in-law
a sister's husband. 5. [sister's husband, j.
^V^^ ^'^^^ bhangdn, m. a sort of fish {Cy-
prinus hauggana). h. [bird. 5. y^Jk^ ^'f^ bahne,u (same as bahno,i), a
—^jcL^J^: ♦T^^IT bhang-rdj, m. name of a j_^
" moneW^^^
y, h. buhni, f. handsel, first sale, earnest-
!-j5okA^ ^■^TT bhangra, m. the name of an herb
{Edipta or i'erbcsina prostrata). s jJaI^ 4^^yi1 bahaneli, f. an adopted sister, s.
( 140 )

•>f^' '^? hnhu, f. claiiobter-in-law, son's wife : c;-^^^>^ ^nRT^Irf bhut-iiashan, m. mark-
a wife. ,?. ing-nut plant ( Semicarpjcs .^
avacardium); the Eleocarpus
^^^'^- "■
[ogress, s.
y^i >jf hhnu, m. fear, dread, terror, s.
1^3^ ^Tl^ hhutni, f. a she-demon, an
^i V( hhu, f. the earth, the woi'ld ; place,
site, land or soil. s.
^fT^ra bliut-rax, m. beleric niy-
{Tcnuitudia belerica). s.
j4? H^ hhav, m. being, existence ; the world ;
name of Mahadeva. hhava-sdgar, the ocean or world
of existence, s. [sphere, s. Lr-jj^'^4:'
(Trophis aspera)^?T^ i/'y?-t5r?7es/m,
; Bignonia Indica. s. m. a tree
^i >T^ hliuva, m. heaven, ether, sky, atmo-
'^^^^^^4:* ^[TTf^f^trr
lepsy, possession bJmt-vthrijjri,
by evil spirits, s. f. epi-
'_^J W^ hlm,a, f. father's sister ; a worm,
caterpillar, h. ^.yj?4-^.
destinj'. ^f^lT^HT
s. bhavitavyaia, f. futuritv,
S^^ ^'^in^ hahu,ar, 1 m. name of a fi'uit
kJ^-3 ^'*4:' ^^^ bnt-vesht, f. a species of
J 1^ '^TT^ hahiivar, j ( Corclia myxd). s. "Nebari (N;/cta>il/ies tiisils). s. [become. 5.
j3^^^ H^ift hhan-ain, f. Parvafi or Durfja, *^.y^ *'^'T^ bhavitavya, wliat is to be, or
Mahadeva's wife, name of a Hindu j^oddess, the pa-
troness ofthose miscreants called thags. s.
ij^4^ *^T1T^ bliot'i, f. labour, work. h.
^^J^.^J >Tvr^ hhubkal, m. hot ashes, h. j^t^.54:' H>rft?R bhofihar, a labourer. A.
t—Jj^^ >7tj &//2/^;, m. a king, a sovereign, s. '--^>i:' *J? ''^"V, '^^"J ii'i'etentive of water. A.

^.^> vft'TT bliopa, m. a kind oi falur, a ma- *— ^^4-? *^''^ '''^'^'^ 1 m- a country, pro-
gician, s. [raja. s.
^^^.•4^ ^Zr^'bhotmujJ bably Bootan. «.
Jb^^^ >Ttn^ hhu-j)al, \n. a landlord, a king,
.s. bhotlya, m. an inhabitant of
^b^j VTHTqS'^ bhu-pall, f. name of a rcKjini. s.
^.^4^ vfhr /;//o;, m. eating, feast; name of a
Cl^.^^ ^"^fw bhu-2niti,m. a king, sovereign. .«. raja celebrated in the Sintrhrisfm bai'a't, a sovereign of
O^j^J ^TfT /;/<?l^ been, become ; existing; pn>i ; Ujjain, who is supposed to have flourished about the
end of the tenth century: he was a celebrated patron
m. a demon, a goblin ; a malignant spirit haunting of learned men, and the nine gems or poets are often
cemeteries, lurking in trees, animating carcases, and ascribed to bis era; a country, PatnaandBhagalpore. s.
deluding or devouring human beings; tlie preterite
tense in grammar; one of the elements, which among
the Hindus are five in number: viz. 1st, the earth ; ^^^-^4:* ^^T5rr| hJiaii-ja,'i,f. a brother's wife. .s-.
2nd, the water; 3rd, the fire; -Ith, the air; 5th, space
or ether, bhiit honCi, to be distracted with rage. In J^.-K' 3^- *^'T^a. bli(>j-j)ur, name of a country
near Clihapra.
law it denotes the real fact or state of the case. «.

C->^.^ ^TfT bahuf, much, many (same as Jxi—^^y Jftifti'^ !)/inj-pafra or bhojpnftar, m.
bahui). d. the bark of a tree, said to be a kind of birch, used
in making long tubes or pipes for the luiHa. s.
b^^j H^rTT hlioia, blunt, obtuse, h.
Llui^^^ if[ll'^Z blioj-hat, m. the country of
\^Kiy^ ^TiTTrWT bhutatma, m. body, vital prin- Bhoj. tlio present Bhoj pore, or the vicinity of Patna
ciple, cause of life. s. [dance, d. and Bliagalpore. s.

liVi^^ bliutad, much, many; excess, abun- jj>^4^ ''^imbliojoji, m. eating, food, victuals.
jb^^J HWlft bhutari, m. assafoetida. s. bhnjan-Jc, to eat. bhnjan-'kharch. table expenses, s.

ciLi-Jj'jb^^j >nrrf^? bhutavishta, possessed by ^'i^t^^ ^IT^ bhu-jii7}}bii,f.

of the Yaikunta (Flacoiirtia sapida).wheat;
s. the fruit
a devil, s. [a devil, s.
CL^J^»^ Wm^ bhu-jantu, m.an earth-worm. s.
(jL>jb^^ trffT^"^ bhntavesh, m. possession by
b=^C-^^^J ^TrliTTT bhut-jata, f. Indian spike- ioia-^^.* Hlrf^fti bhojanri/a, 1 tobeeaten,edi-
nard (Valeriana jalamnnsi). s.
^s.J^J^J> 'iV'=m hhojya, J ble; m. food. .v.
jls^O^^Ji. >Tff^T^K bhut-sanchar, m. pos-
session byevil spirits. 5. i^*^> "^^T"^ hJiaiiji, f. a brother's wife. s.

t.ib^^j >^rr«S &/««<;//.■, relatingtoevil spirits.s. ^i^-t^^i >T^^ hhujel, m. a species of bird. a".
lIX^,^^ H^^oir lihonchah (inelegant), aghast. 5.
(^^(O «^J vnT^TCI bhut-fjan, m. a class of sprites
or goblins, s.
jb^^j vfP^lX. bliuiiar, m. a hog. .9.
^yx))C^^> >?Hip*n bhut-fjandJia, f. Blura, a
sort of perfume, s, [trial globe, s. ^bjL.;^^ H^Tif bhu-ilan, :n. a grant of land or
of the revenue thereof, bhu-ddna-patra, a deed of
grant of land, &c. s.
^"3^^^ >Tff^ bhu-tal, m. the earth, the teins-
( 1^7 )
^i^^ JTty^ hhu-dhar, m. a mountain, s. J''**i^^
wheat. H?!n
Ii. bhusra, an inferior kind of
^j^^^. >T^ h/tu-dev, m. a Bralnnan. s.
J^J^- ^'^^ bhu-chohra, in. the equinoctial (_^'^^{^ ^^^ bhu-stvarnl, m. a Inndlord,
line. s. [number (in grammar;, s. "a landholder, s. [5«mera. i.
'-L/,^**>^^ *J^n bhu-,warg, m. the mountain
f^rrytc^ ^?^M*T hahu-vaclian, m. the plural
^ J.-P T?f^ hnhu-vidh, various, multiform,
of many kinds, s. •^
iJjy**^ bhusaur?, '] an apartment in a house
&^_5**>_j^ bhusaula, > where^ straw, &c., is
83j,^^ iT^T hhuda, a light or sandy soil. h. \j^x*My^ bkusehrci, J kept. h.
j^ vrtT; Mor, f. dawn of day. hhor-hona, n.
to be iinished, to be terminated, h. i^y^ ^T^ fc/tTm, f. chaff, bran. s.
.«^ >n: bhur, f. charity given to poor people, <— A»'^^J ijfRfT hhushit, adorned, arrayed, s.
alms, hhiir-hdntnd, a. to g:ive alms to a numerous
assembly of the poor; a spring, fountain, h. C/**-?^ >TtI?!I /;/iM.s-/m??, m. ornament, embellish-
ment, jewel, s.
j^^ ^ft hJiuri or hhur, much, many. s.
iu^j^ ^TfTOT bhavishya, ^ future, about
\y^ Vr^T bhura, fair, auburn, or brownish (as
hair), h. [ing. h. dAX^jf^^ Hf^tiiff J/iav«5A?/«^,j to be. s.
\j^ >TrtT bhora, simple, artless, undesign- KiS^C^xZiy^ >Tf^U|ric|^I bhavJshi/at-raJda,m.
one who foretells the future, a prophet. «.
Vy^ *^TT bhura, land belonging to a village
furthest from the inhabitants, h.
udJ^^ ^ bhuk, hunger, desire, d.
t.^.^ ■^■^rrftf/Aora, m. a shopkeeper or monied j 9^ ^T^ bhitka, 1 hungry, destitute, de-
man in a village, who makes advances to or on account
of the cultivators, h, jp_j^ WSirS bliuhar,} sirous of. d.
i^^S^^ *J^^> bhu-kadamb, m. a plant
Jii^.— .*^ "^ii^^ hhurj-patra,m. the Bhoj-patr, {Ligusticum ajwaen). s.
a tree growing in the snowy mountains, a kind of
birch ; the bark is used for writing on, and for making ij^y^ >ftc}W bhokaf!, m. a wizard, a sorcerer,
liukla snakes, s. [illustrious, s,
a magician h.
^\jfc3.»^^ >?ftVTH«T bhuri-dhaman, splendid, L— A*-^'' Hejrui bhu-himp, m. an earthquake, s^
'^^J'^ >Tft^TH bhurl-lahh, very profitable, ^i^ >TW bhukh, f. hunger, appetite, bhu-
m. great gain. s. klion munid, to starve, s.
CiiJJja^J H^jfop bitur-loh, m. the earth, s. l^j^^ VTT^ bhukha, himgry, starving, s.
M (Heliolropium
k<i},i\ blni-nmcli,
Indicum). s.f. a sort of sun- ll)-^^^^ WI'JT bhuhhan,m. ornaments, jewels. 5.
U^^ >t1T3«TT bhokhna, a. to bark (see
,j^ "^^t^ bahoro, a kind of sloping path- hhaunkna). s.
way for bullocks drawing water from a well. /*.
cfj'»^.5 ^TT bhog, m. enjoyment ; the food
^S^,y,.i '^'^X^^ bahu-ruiifri, many-coloured, offered to an idol ; pleasure, satisfaction; possession;
"changeable (v. bahuravg'i). s. eating, victuals ; (in arithm.) the numerator of a frac-
tion, bliog-handhak, a bond granting the use of a
ijj^ ^Tt bhu/i, liglit sandy soil, h. pledged article, bliog-ddr, one in the possession or
enjoyment of any property, bhog-ldbh, usufruct in
aj .»^ sf^'g'^ff bahu-vrilii, m. name of a class lieu of interest, bhog-k., to enjoy, to suffer. «.
of compound words used as attributive ; as, bahu-mdl,
having many necklaces, s. lL4a-> *t\jt bhog, m. abuse, rudeness, h.
y.AJ >T? bhur, f. sandy ground, soil in which ISaAJ >flTiT bhoga, m. fraud, trick, deceit, il-
much sand is mixed, h. lusion, deception, imposition, treacherj', roguery,
cheat, h.
^.^.A.) H^T^t bhururi, corn still remaining in jlsT^il^.^.) >Tt1Tf>ToFK bhogadhihar, m. the
the ear after the process of treading, h.
possessor of the usufruct of mortgaged or pledged
Jj»^,' >Tf^ bhural or hVs^ bhoral, m. talc, property, s. [gage. v. bhog. h.
mica. h.
C^fi>;iaA^.^J> vf^Tl^"?ll"5fi bho(j-bandhaJi, a mort-
i^j^^i ^TS hhu.% ^ m. husk of corn, chaff,
^y^^^> >TiT^ bhugal,m. ashes, embers of a fire. h.
l**j^^ vjm bhusa,j straw, s.
U^^^ vftiT*n bhogna, n. to enjoy, to suffer, to
live stoically, to take pain and pleasure as they come. «.
Lj»^ Hi^ bhosa,
valde magna, s.
m. (also bhosrl f.), F'ulrah.
[carrying grain,
bhu-gol, m. the n terrestrial globe,
the earth,Wtl^s.
.,.l*»».4) >ra'^»T bhumivan, a tax on boats
( 148 )

3J^^±i wrnt^ bhogotra, a grant of revenue (3j^i*^r" ^i^TT^irt bhumii/drvatt, an insur-

^ an individual, especially
for the use or enjoyment ^of gent chief, s.
a Brahman or religious person, s.
i»AJ ^)jfi bhogt, jovial, jolly; the person ]^^^ ifliftTT bhoinira, f. coral, h.
"who enjo_vs or jwssesses anything; one who pursues f^^ '^ bhann, or Wlf bhon, f. the eyebrow.
pleasure, vian bhoi^i harm daridri, by nature fond of bhaun-terhl-karul, a. to browbeat, to look angrily, rais-
pleasure, but condemned by fate to poverty, s. ing tlie eyebrows, to frown, to scowl. hhau,eh tannl,
to knit the eyebrows. 5.
Ia^»^ vftfT^in bhof/hii/d, a small basket in
which the sower carries his seed. h.
^J^, *TT*T bhawan, m. a house, a habitation,
scite, spot, a temple, s.
juf .^J >ftni hhogya, that which may be en-
joyed or possessed, s. U.^ >J^»T bhuiran, m. a world ; water; hea-
ven ; man, mankind. 5.
J54.) >?^ hhul, f. forgetfulne^s, an error,
mistake, blunder, h. u^^ >n^ bhaund, n. to revolve, s.
*^^. >Tt^ i/«o/a, siniple,artless,iin(lesigning. h. 'JjAJ >T^ bhunnn, to parch, &o., see UJ^^ .
Lr.-<*jjA> VT^Tf%^TTT hhula-hisra, 1 missing ;__^\3»^ ^It'Tlfl bhauvds,m. a large and strong
\lAA;'i)»A.) ^J^WZ"^! bhHla-bhatka,} the road, post to ^^Uic•a thfv fasten elephants, h.
generally a person who calls on another in consequence
of some accident.&c, not intentionally, to pay a visit./*. ^ji»'j»^ H^^lf^nrt bkavaiidshini, f. the Sarjii
" river, which flows from the Himalaya into the Gog-
b!)),^ bhiilaaa {ior bhulana),io mislead,&c./t.
,A>13^.AJ JTtcST'JTr^ bitola-natli, m. a name of gra. s.
Mahadeva. h.
{jj' j*^ >T^T bhu-ndg ,10.. an earth-worm. .<.

U5^ >T^tn bhulna, n. to forget, to err, to (_^0»^ bhatiiia,'i, m. brother-in-law, sister's

husband, d.
mistake, to blunder; to miss, to omit, to stray, to be
forgotten, h. [ofmankmd. s. j_ylAJ^t^J VT*TI^ bhuh-blid ,1, a man invested
by a proprietor with a portion of land, which lie must
tiJ^^ ^T^rtcF bhu-lok, m. the earth, region not dispose of to others. /*.

^»AJ. Jftoft blioVi, f. innocent, artless, bhult- c-0»^ nfq />/<ow7J,^m.ahorn,a windinstru-
' bdten, innocent prattle, h. •jo.^ >n^ bhomjm,) ment. A.
^.^ JjfjT bhumi or bhum, f. land, soil : the UJJ^J HlNn bhonihd, V, ,
^ earth, place, scite ; the base of any figure in geometry, s. ^'^Z^- ^^^ V blunt, obtuse. /«.
bhaum,m. the planet Mars, bhmm- KIVll^l bhonthrnj
bar, >^
^^ m. Tuesday, s. l^^j^
^»A^ >fg»ift bhavayiti, a house surrounded
^__^^-iita(bhomp,m.Sihorn,kc.(vMonp).h. " by a dead wall. A. [an earthquake, t.

>«^J ^mf bhumij, (lit. earth-born) a caste

s. ^{Premvd herbacea). s.
^}^^^±> nt^JIcii bhauh-chdl also bhun-chul, m.
^ of low Hindus,
Li»-(j^ ^T^wn bhm-chawpd, m. the name
of a plant (Kampferia rotunda), t.
^— *^(*J^- if^^l bhumi-jambu, f. a tree
LiLls^**^ Hf^T^ ^r^ bhumi- champ ah, m. a ^.Si%^ H^T^ bhvndari, land given rent-free
to village servants. A. [pose upon. d.
plant {Koempferia rotunda) s. [chief, s.
bhumik, m. a landholder ; a OtiJkA^ *fl»^*rf bhondtid, a. to deceive, to im-
ijXc^:> vHtToR
.;i3«A) wtzbhondii, silly, quiet, mild, artle.*.',
e^w.^ >Tfir5fi'RI bhumi-kamp, m. an earth-
simple, /i. (In Dakh.) deceitful, artful. [ugly. h.
quake, s.
-c*^ Wt bhiiml, f. the earth ; ground, land, \s>^A> >tNt bhondd, ill-shaped, useless, bad,
"soil bhuml-ddr, a landholder, a headman or chief.
bhumi-ddha, being burnt or reduced to earth (a
[trial. *.
Vsi^^ T^fSlbahondd orbahaunda,hn(l given
corpse), s. rent-free to the village chaukidar or watchman,
^»A^ >^lft bhaiwii, adj. f. earthly, terres- \jJ.JO»Aj >np^"n bhund-paira, unlucky, ill-
omened, ii.
Vlo^ >Tf*nn hhumiya, a landlord, proprietor
of the soil. h.
ijj^*^> ^4I2rt bhJindnri, f. a small |)atch of
J^jk/fljAJ iT»nrn55 bhumyal, a resident, native "cultivation alloted rent-free to village servants, h.
of a place, also one's native countrj'. d. bA)»A> ><rnj^l lilnindii/d, m. one who culti-
vates with a borrowed plough or hand instrument, h.
Jlx«»4^. >Tf»nn^ ?)//riW7?/a/, proficient, accom-
plished, "d. [plundering, h. i.AJ vfTt bhaunr (v. bhanwar), m. a wliirl-
OjU«t^ vrfinn^H bhumiyawat, f. a general
pool. s.
^ ( 140 ) ^

li^^ ♦^^ bhaunra, m. a lai-fre hpo, or rather ^^ ; ^?Tt»T

^ seed bahu-vlj, having many or much
beetle, enamoured of the lotus. In Dakh. a whirlpool, m. the custard-apple {Annona squamosa), s.
an abyss, s. [lar. «.
»Aa- J.^f ^9^^^ bahu-vtrjya, m. belleric
IJ.^ ^fXJ bhaunra, m. a cavern, vault, cel- niyrob: Ian {Termmalia hellerica). s.

fj^^^ H^«S^ hhaunr-hali, f. a kind of

"halter (for horses or dogs). In Dakh. a swivel, h, f^>.^> *TTr»T bkuyan,'\ m. a chief, holding by
i^>.»,^> wft bhuyi J military service ; head-
ij:j>y^ >^W />Afl?«h7, f. feathered hiiir; name "man of a village, h.
of a defect in horses, s. ^bhaunra). s.

jCj3j^. >^^ hhaunri, f. a female bee (vide (r)^.j4^ *^* bhujV'i,

of caterpillar coveredf. the
with earth, ground
hair and ; a kindto
plants, flowers and trees, s.
to turn. s.^ffCmHI hh aurlriy ana y-d. to. whirl,
Uis^^/j^^ vi^V^uil bhuytn-cham^m, ni. a kind
U-J^^ HW hhunsa, m. chaff, bran, hhunsa- of fireworks, like a flower-pot (resembling that com-
jins, all kinds of grain in husk. //. [n. to bark. h. monly called andr). s.

\x^^ '*fiWf{J hhauhsna, or H?lrjT bhunstia, U j^ii^/^^.)_ H|[^'Ttn bhu,ln-dagdhd, gifts at

marriages and funerals, s. [quake, *.
ij^^ bhunsi, f. damp, mouldiness. d.
tdb^^ >rNi bhoiik, m. a stab, a thrust. /*. uj^i^^/^^. *Tli^^ bhu,in-dol, m. an earth-
jJUJJ/.^^ ^rl^JHoS^ bhuyin-mdU, a low caste of
j_^>«^ "^^^ WtNhhI^ bhonka-bhonhi, f. "Hindus engaged in the vilest offices, h.
"stabbing and thrusting, /i.
ljJ^3^^ ^T*fT bhonkra, very fat. A. A^Jo/,^ *|t^T?! bhu,in-har, a tribe of Hindus
settled in Gorackpur, &c. h.
(j«5o^^ Wfeli^ bhonkas, m. a wizard who
preys upon children (or men or women), till he brings f_f\^/.^ bhu,ln-hari, land let at a low rent
them to the grave, h. [to talk foolishly, h. to military retainers> h. [again, repeatedly, s.

VySjj^ HTo|»r|l hhaunkna, n. to bark ; (met.) iO^^^yj^^ >nfMTlt bhuyobhuya, again and
UxJ^ ^7^*11 bhonknd, a. to thrust, to drive H^A^ H^ bhavya, prosperous, fit, happy.
(as a nail), h. [pent, s. bhuya, again, afterwards, s.

*^^3^ ^T'^ bltuwang, m. a snake, a ser- J^ >?^TJrr bhahra?id, n. to shiver, to

tremble, to totter, to stagger, k.

4_flO^^ WTT|^ bhunga,i,'\ f. a kind of tax on ^.^ bihl, a quince, bihl-ddna, ni. quince-
^jX^^ ^Jl^ bhunga,i, J forest produce :
"seed ; (from the adj. bih, good), goodness, welfare, p.
"(in Bijpur, &c.). h. [vern, a cellar, s.
K^Xij^J WY^nCT bhon-ghara, m. a vault, a ca- f^^ >T^ bhai, m. fear, terror, s.
U3^^ H^ bhunna, a. to parch, to grill, to ,c^ ^ bhl, conj. also, too, even, and. h.
broil, to toast, to roast, to iuilame, to fry. h.
^-^J vrf , fem. of bhayd, was, became, s.
i_^»^ nf^re bhu-nmh, m. a species of gen-
tian, commonly called cheraita {Geiitiana cherayta). s, jc-^ ■^'^^ bain, f. a book, not stitched at the
"sides, but at the ends; a register, book of accounts, a
Ai .yj^? vTM^^ohQl^ bhauihcar-kaU, f. a kind ledger, bahi-khdld or bahl-khasra, a day-book, balii-
patwdrl, the village accountant's register, hahhmahd-
" of halter (for horses or dogs), h.
jan, a merchant's or banker's book. /*.
^y^i ^T^ bhonh, f. the eyebrow, s. Vjk^ ^Tn bhaiyd, m. brother, comrade, s.
X^^^ H^K bhunhar, name of a tribe of \x^ Hxn bhayd, was, became ; past tense of
Hindus, h. [raneous dwelling, h.
an obsolete verb " to be, to become." s.
\jAJ^ >T?KT bhunhara, m. a kind of subter-
cLobU^ ^^TRHP bhaiyd-bd?it, brotherhood,
tjJ»A) >Tf^T bhuniya, m. the headman of a fraternity, h.
village, h,
bU^j H^^ bhoiydpd, 1m. brotherhood,
I.Ui »^ ^TTf bhumjara, m. a cellar, cavern, d. lIo.U^ ^TTTfT bhaiydpat,} friendship (also
bkaydpd, bhaydpat). s.
caterpillar h. the earth, a kind of
hhu,ln). f.
*^*(seebhuiifin, yU^j >TTmni bhaydtur, terrified, astounded,
distracted with fear. s.
ij^ ^fl\bho,i or ^bhu,i, m. a chair-porter,
' a p'llkipeanbearer
ladies) ; a(generally
white cat. pronounced
h. " boy "[teller.
by Euro-*. \Xs-^\i.^i ^in'^KT bhaiyd-chdrd, also hkuiyd-
churi, a community of brethren, or of people from
one stock, h.
b^ >T%xn bhawaiya, m. a dancer, a story-
( 150 )
U*J «Tff^T hahhjar, lands at a distance l^^"*- ^^ bh'ija, wet, moist, h.
from the village, h.
^4t^' >?'5»'?TT bhejnd,
to utter, ejaculate. /;,
a. to send; to transmit,
OjImJ >irTiTW^/'''>/a/'^a, frightened, afraid, s. jW.
li^:^^ >n»r^T bhijnd, n. to be wet. h.
iy^\ir^> ^W^I i//ai-a«s, division of property
or interests among brothers, s. CitJ^^ ^^^^ or vr^^^ bhaichah, alarmed,
aghast, starting, s.
(.ibU^ ^T^TfsF bhayanah,^ terrific, fright-
U^?:o^ ^rt'^rfT bhichnd, a. to squeeze, to com-
13 vL^J ^xiTcif^T bluiyawanu,) fill, s- press, to crush, h.
,U^^ b/i.j/a,u, ni. marriage, espousals. <Z. tiJ^J H^ bhed, m. secrecy, my«tery; diffe-
rence, kind, sort ; disunion, disagreement, bhed-h-iia,
tiLajj^J ^7 bhaibat, 1 paying and receiving
a. to spy, to pry s.
dence, to sound, into, to work one's self into[ful.
lil^j^ M^T^ bhaiwadj on the footing of one
of a fraternity-, /i. [rifled, s.
^^ji^^^^'H'^^^bhai-darshi, fearful, fright-
C-^A^iJ^^ ^T^H^ff bhay-blnta, frightened, ter- •— ^^^ H^oR bhedak, a l>reaker, one who
breaks or divides, a mischief-maker, s.
^^j^ ^^ bhaipanst,']ihe sharesof abro- Ssx^ ^^oRX. bhcd-har, separating, causing
" .ais4^ SffW"^ bhaihisslj therhood, espc- disunion, s.
'cially in the lands of a village or township, h. Ui Ja^J H^fsfrm bhedahii/d, m. a scout, a spy. s.
<-^.4? H'tff bhtt, f. a wall (or breadth of a
•wall), mound, embankment^ the vestige of an old jJjL^ >TZ blu'du, m. one who possesses an-
other's secret, a confidant, s.
the meanochhe
house, is like saud ki{i.bhit,
a wall of balu
Id pr~it,jon e. unstable), s. of
the friendship

j^tio^ vr^ b/iedl, "I intelligent; m. a

alarmed, ^'^TT bhit
bhlti, or alarm,
f. fear, bhita, s.terrified, afraid, bi^o^ ^^J bhediyd, J scout, a confidant. *.

CL^x^ '^VK bhlti, f. fear, apprehension, s. ^_^Ja^ H^ bhedi, m. the ratan. h.

eo>j.^ vns bhedya, Vhatever ought to be
l::ji^ ^TTT bhaitd, m. a stunted crop. h. kept secret, worthy of secrecy, s.

Ja^^ W^TIT bh'ttar, within, inside, s. J^^^. >n: blier, f. a kind of pipe, a musical in-
bhitari, inward, inside, in- " strument, a kettle-drum. s.
j^jIa^ H^in:^
ternal. 5.
j^ Wtl^ bhh'U, t\ a timid woman; a plant
(Asparagus racemosus) ; a sort of prickly nightshade. ».
'Ojju^ ^T^TTfciT bhitariya, m. an inmate, the
people who live in a house, not strangers, domestic ;
men who preside at a temple ; those among the guests
at a wedding-feast who eat in company with the rela- j^^ ^^ bahir, "|f. the baggage accompany-
tives of the bride : those who partake of the feast jx,^ ^'^ts balur,} ing an army ; also the lines
without are called hahariyd. s. near a camp where the wives and families of the
soldiers live. h.
^xi^ ^f er.W bahetu, m. a vagabond, vagrant, a
wande; s. \j<.^ ^f^T baherd, the beleric myrubalan. h.
i_f}j<^> ^TJl^ bhairdri, f. the name of a
i^j^'i-i-^ of a housebh'itauri
for tiie ^siteHttfiTt , ground-r
by a stranger, s.
ent paid llaginT. s.
.aAJ ^^ bliaJrar or bhairaca, formidable
vJLa.i^ H7 bhet, f. meeting, interview ; a pre- horrible ; m. hatred, abhorrence, a name of Shiva, but
sent (to a superior), hhet-hakra, a present made to a more especially au inferior manifestation of the deity
newlv-appointed governor by the villagers. bhrt-pa!ra, ei"-ht of which are reckoned, and severally termed
a deed of gift on the above occasion, bhit, the mound Asitani'-a, Ruru, Chanda, Krodh, Unmatta, Kupati Bi-
of a tank'
bouse, li.or anilicial pond; the, vestige of an old shan, and Sanghar, all alluding to terrific properties of
mind or body ; the name ol a river ; a kind of rag ia
music, s.
\jJ^ HTTT hluta, m. an old hoiise. a former
residen ■ ■ i provided some vestige remain), h.

^^Xi^> Ki^ hhetan, to meet, act of meeting, h. ^JUh^ ^^^'''^ Z'a/<i;-o-iM«a, the baggage-
accompanying an armj'. h
VxuA-'' >?J^T bhetnd, n. to meet, to join ; to name of a rag,
bhairoii, m. the
^^yJ^ ^Vtmode,
arrive ; to make a present (to a superior), h. or musical sung at dawc in autumn, represented
by Mahadera with the Ganges flowing from the hair of
^xx^> i(Z bi'ietu, m.^a stalk, stem. &/tifI, same his head, and this rag or musical deity issues from.
Mahddeva's mouth . (vide Gilchrist's Gram. 4to. p. 276):
^1>^ -^fi bhefij.j asbhit,q.v. h. a name of Mahddeva s.

" ^ ^»I Ihej, rent, an instalment, bhej-ba-
"the wife^^^
(-?J>!h-- of Bkairon s. the name of a rdghn.
rag.i, f.
rar, name h. of a kind of complex tenure (v. Wilson's
"ci'es of HTt
ijj<^> falcon,bhcvl,
s. m. a piper, bhairl, a spe-
\irJ^ Wi{J bitejd, m. the brain, h.
( 151 ) >-^
^.j(^ «?%^T haherya, name of a clan of raj- "^ki^^ vr^Tclothes
marking bhela, m. a kind of nut, s.used for
piits in Jiiunpur and Chunar. h. (Semirarpus (inacardium).

jX^ W^ bliif, f. multitude, crowil, mob ; ii l3'^***iJ^4:'

(in coinage, ^^^q5
ice). Ii. bhelsel,m. alloy of metal
press of work, trouble, difficulty, h.
(_^a^ H^ bheli, f. a lump of coarse sugar (or
'jx^> iTf hher, m. a ram ; f. a sheep, ewe. s. -giir), generally consisting of five or six sirs. /(.
yx^ W^"^ bfihir, m. baggage, &c. of an army UIa^j W^Pc^MI ia//e//?/a,m. a fowler; the iiauie
a camp-follower of any kind. h. of a tribe of Hindus, h. [terror, s.
]jX^ '^^T haliera, m. the name of a fruit (♦^ ^^ fdnin, fearful, terrible ; m. horror,
(the heleric myrohalan ; Terviinalia helerica, Roxb.). s-
\jX^ >TfT m. a ram, Dakh. a wolf, hhira, [♦^^^ ^^^ hhlin, or i/<ma,"l the nameofoneof
crowded, throng, h. ::^'*^*x^>'^^^'^bhim.-sen,} the five Pandu
princes, the second brother oi Judhislithlr or Yndliish-
ftxiyvA,^ hlnr-hduga, m. the rabbU^ of camp thira. s. [ed. s.
followers, the " impedimenta" of an army on march, d-
{zy*^^ >T1WT^ bhayaman, frightened, alanii-
f^jx^ tude. /(.H'^^T^ bhir-hhar, f. a crowd, multi-
iS^C"^ ^ThTHtT) Z'/zi/M-At'/ii, f. a kind of cam-
phire. h.
\j^'x^ ir'J'JTT hlierna, a. to shut, to close, h. ^_^-».A^ ifift bhainii, f. the eleventh day of the
iJ%^ >T^^T h/ieri, f. a sheep, an ewe. *•. ■■ bright half of the month of Magh. s.

bjjk^ >?f^T hheriya, m. a wolf. hJieriya (j^ bihin, best, most excellent. .«.
dhasan. m. a multitude crowded to{>ether like sheep (j^4^ >T bheti, the earth, the ground ; the bleat-
in a pen, the act of following the example of another, i. ing of sheep, bhen-bhen-k., to bleat as sheep h.
(j»A^ >T'^ hhes m. (for bhesh), appearance, lix^^ >TqT bhena, f. a sister, h.
assumed likeness, counterfeit dress, semblance, bhis
(for bhlsha), the edible root of the lotus plant, s. ^^4^ *T^'TTlaw.bhinci, wet; m. sister's husband,
brotlier-in U
jj'v^L*»|C-^ *T^WI«T bhaya-sthdii, m. seat or
part exposed to peril or hurt. s. CL/.'xx^i vrYif bhiht, f. a wall (v. blfit). s.
<JLo.x^ ^Z bhent,^. interview ; visit; preseiit.
^jis*^ >T^ bhesh, m. (same as bhes), appear- hhent-vudakut, f. a meeting, h. [sit. A.
ance, &c. s. [kind of fennel {Nigella Indica). s.
-ia^ >T^»I bheshaj, m. a remedy, drug; a UaJu^> "hT«TT bhentna, n. to meet with; to vi-
uVJa^ bhend, m. a kind of reed or aquatic
plant {/Eachjinomenc paludosa ), from the stem of which,
^A^J >rhJT bhish'ina, horrible, fearful ; m. resembling pitli, being exceedingl}' light, are made a
horror, s.
variety of articles. Being a non-conductor of heat, this
substance is admirably' adapted for making hats, covers
^^^ Wft'B[?!I hhishan, horrible, formidable; for wine-bottles which have been cooled with ice or
m. horror ; the olibanum tree {Boswellia thurifera). s. saltpetre, &c. The article commonly called " rice pa-
per" is nothing more than this substance cut in very
tdJU^ ^ bhek, m. a toad, a frog. .v. thin plates. The plant is also named slwld q. v.
(Binning), d. [in Urdu, rdmtura,!, q. v.). d.
lIL^ bhlh, m. (for bhzhh), begging, &c. d.
i_>J>jj^j bhendl,f. name of a vegetable (called
LdJjK>^ i^^TofiKoR bhaya-harak, terrifying,
frightening, s. i^j.jxx^i "^re bhains, f. a female buffalo, s.
(_c,K.v^^ blakari, m. a mendicant, d. L-Jjk^ *H^T bhamsa, m. a male buffalo, s.

,^xx^ H^ bhekh, m. (for bhesh) disguise, as- lil jL*.Ja^^ ""iraTi^T^ bhaima-dad, '\ m. a
tiliilju*.JkJ>.^^^ftT^^^ bhahisiya-dad,} kind
sumed appearance, dress, &c., semblance, blwkh-dhar't, of ringw\)rm. s.
adj. putting on a disguise, assuming an appearance, s.
r^,^ *^^ bhikh, f. begging, charity, alms. s. ^lio^^-ja^j hhnhisonda, a tax or cess for the
privilege of grazing buffaloes, h.
^1^ ^^^ bheki, f. the female of the frog,
.XJjL^ ^^^''l?^ bhayanhar, terrible, terrific, s.
"or a small frog; a kind of creeper {Hydrocotyle Asia-
tica). s.
IXJuk.^ WW bhenga, squint-eyed. h.
ijX*^ HTT^n bhvjua, or »ftn»lT hhlhgna, n. to
be wet. rdt-bhlgnd, applied to the niglit passing in \^'xx,^ hhihffna, n. (v. bhlgna), to be wet. h.
mirth and musical entertainment, h. »A.^ iT^ bhev, m. a state, condition; iunate
Ax^ vft^ hhll, m. the name of a wild race property, nature, s. [was or became, h
cf mountaineers dwelling especially along the course yij^ M^I> hhtn/au or bhayo (Braj.for bhui/d),
of the Narmada or N'erbudda, and subsisting chieHy
by plunder, s. til^.^ bhuiirdd (v. bhaibat), paying, &c. lb.
( 152 ) ^
ugliness, imperfection, be-jawdb, unable to answer,
jA!<^ ^^ft^ hJnhar, name of a tribe, euppo'^fd he-chdragl, f. necessity, helplessness, be-clidra. without
to be the aborigines of Rohilcund, Upper Du,ab. ^■ choice, without remedy, helpless, poor, be-cbdl and
be-chdlt. unprincipled ; f misdemeanour, ill-beliaviour.
•^.MJ ^ or >ni? hhaihu, f. sister-iri-Iavv, be-cJiird^, lampless, desolated, childless, be chashm,
eyeless. be-cbfin, unparalleled, incomparable. he-
voungfer brother's wife. s. chain, restless, uneasy', be-hdsil, fruitless, wiihout re-
sult, be-hdl, ill-circumstanced, he-hijdh or be-hijuhdna,
j<^ '*^bha,i, feni. of hhaya, was, became, h. unveiled, openly, immodest, ht-hadd, boundless, be-
hurmat, disgraced, sensible, senseless, be-hurmnt't, f disgrace, immoderate,
be-hisdb, countless, be-hi.is, in-
^x «i"^ hi, a vocative particle used in speakinfj inconsistent, be-hikmat, unskilful. be-1iand^s, beside
to women ; contraction of 67-6;, a lady, mistress ; coiij.
(for hlfi) also, even. h. one's self, out of one's senses, be hai/d, shameless,
immodest, impudent, be-khdr. without thorns; with-
out anxiety, without fear or solicitude, be-khdn o
j3 ^ 6e, a vocative particle, u«ed contemptu- man, without hou.se or hall, destitute, he-khdtja, m.
(lit. without a testicle) a eunuch, he-khabar, inciiutious,
ously, as "you rascal," "you sirrah." b. imprudent ; unwitting, unintentional, be-khubri, f.
imprudence, heedlessness, be-kharch, without (money
^-> be, a privative particle or preposition, de- for) expenditure. he-Jchirad, without understanding,
stupid, be-khar o khdwind, without a master, without
noting in the Persian Language " without," " void of." an owner, be-khatar and be-khiira, free from danger,
When prefixed to nouns, it forms compound adjec-
tives, corresponding with our words of the same kind safe, be-khwdb, sleepless, be-khwdbl. f. sleeplessness.
beginning with in. uii, im, ir. &c.. or such as end with be-khwdhish, without inclination or spirit; without
less. All these compound adjectives may again be- pursuit, object, or hobby-horse, be-khud, beside on-'.;
come abstract nouns by the addition of?, as be-adab, self, enraptured, be-khudi f. ecstasy, rapture, bc-
unmannerly, rude, be-adah-l, uamannerliness, rude- hhur 0 khwdb. without inclination to eat or sleep, rest-
ness. It is impossible to jjive a complete list of these, less. he-]<iiwesh, friendless, he ddkhil, dismissed, set
as the employing of tlii'in has no limit but the taste aside, not admitted (a claim), be-ddd, unjust, not
or caprice of the writer. The following list will be doing justice, lawless, be-ddd-gar, m. an oppressor.
found useful in the meantime ;— he-db, without water be-dddi, f. injustice, lawlessness, be-ddilit, careless,
inattentive, negligent, he-ddshtl, f. carelessness, in-
bf'-i/liffiJc. temper,
discordant, dignity, &c ) union,
without bc-ubri'i, be-asar,
without attention (particularly not taking care of cattle), be-
effect, bt'-rijal, lit. without or in spite of fate, untimely ddgh. spotless, be-ddna. seedless (fruit). be-dakhl.
(deatli). hc-ihtiijat, incautious, improvident, impru- ejected, he-dakhl-kunid, a. to exclude, be-dard, piti-
dent. 6('-?M^;!/or, without choice, in spite of one's self. less, unfeeling, be-dirang, without del.iy. be-dareph,
be-ailab, rude, presumptuous, impudent be-adabi, rude- undeniable, incontestable, readily ack\io\>ledged ; un-
ness, presumptuousness. be-aram (vulg. bham). rest- sparing, ungrudfiing, liberal, not refusing, he-dast
less, sick, be-asbab, having no effects, bf-'i tihar, not o pd, (having neither hands nor feet) helpless, without
trustworthy be-i'/iddl, uneven, be-i'lilad, incredulous. power or authority, h.'-dastur, ill-bred, unusual, bc-
be-iltifat, regardless, be-tilfaf, unsocial, averse to at- da'wa, free from cl.iims ; (in law) one who relincjuishes
tachment or friendsliip. he-imtii/riz, undistinguishing, his claim or suit. be-da'icd patra, a deed acknow-
ill-bred, rude, unmannerly, bt-intilu't, endless, bound- ledging the abaiidonnier.t of a claim or suit, be-dil,
less, infinite, be-anddxu, immoderate, be-iiisc'if, un- heartless, dispirited, melancholy, dejected, sad. be-
just, be-anidd, chUdless. be-lmdti. without conscience, dili, f. dejection, heartlessnes.s. bedam, breathless.
without religion, be-bd'is, without reason. be-bdJc, be-damdgh, ill-tenipcrcd, impatient, irritable, easily
complete, without arrears, paid up in full, be-bdll, provoked,incurable. be-dumdgk'i, f. bad temper,
f. completion, be-hdk, fearless, be-hdl o par, withoiit dawd, be-daulat, destitute,irritability,
unfortunate. be-
power, he-bad, without blemish, be-badal. incompa- he-dhnrnk or be-dharkd, without fear or hesitation, be-
rable, inestimable, be-bnr, fruitless, barren, be-barg o dos, innocent, faultless (little used), be-dahshat. fear-
bar, fruitless, barren, poor, be-bas, without power, less, br-dai/d, unfeeling, be-diydnat, irreligious, un-
without authority or command ; helpless, be-basar, just, hr-diii. without religion, be-daitl, shapeless; un-
■without sight (generally applied to the mind,) sense- educated, ill-bred, bc-dlmh, ill-shaped, be-dhang, un-
less, undiscerning. he-bnJcd, frail, perishable, not eter- educated, ill-mannered, ill-bred, he-zaiik, having no
nal, be-bal, without power, weak ; wretched, poor. relish or desire for. be-rdh, unprincipled, dissolute.
he-band o bast, unarranged, without order, unsettled be-rabt, contrary to rule, be-nihm, merciless, be-raza,
fas a country). 6i'-6«H!/o'f, groundless, unfoun^ied. be- without leave, be-ru. shameless inhuman, be-roz,
hahd, beyond price, invaluable, be-balidr, out of season. unfortunate, be-rozl, destitute of daii\' bread, unfor-
he-bahra, portionless, unfortunate, be-pdi/dn, bound- tunate, be-rok-tok, without let or hindrance, be-rii/d,
less. 6e-;M)t?(7, unveiled, immodest. 6i'-;)a''i<'c7, fearless, without guile, he-rath o riip't, without guile or deceit.
without reflection, careless. be-parwd,i, f. thought- be-rish, beardless (a youth), be-rcsha. without fibre.
lessness, carelessness, independence, tranquillity, in- he-zabdn, dumb, speechless (applied to the brute
difference be-par o bdl, weak, utterly helpless, be- creation), be-zar, without money or the means of get-
parhez, incontinent, be-parhezl, f. incontinence, be- ting it, helpless, be-zar khirld, (taking or getting)
phdb, shapeless, be-ph; having no spiritual guide, vi- without purchase, be-zan o farzand, without wife or
cious, be-ph; cruel, pitiless, unfeeling, be- tab, faint, children, be-zawdl, unchangeable, imperishable, be-
restless. 6c-/(7s7r, of no effect. be-ta,/rmmul, rnsh be- znr, weak, impotent, fe-zahra. without bile, patient,
tdl. out of time fin nuisic); ill-timed, bc-tdn, out of forbearing ; indefatigable ; shameless, be-zeb o zhial,
tune, he-tahdslid. inconsiderate. br-taalluJc, without ugly and awkward, inelegant in dress and person, be-
connections, independent. be-tal:^ly, innocent, blame- zln, unsaddled, he-sdkhta, plain, undisguised, artless.
less, not guilty, acquitted, bf-takalliif, without cere- be-sdjchtagl, artlessness. be-sdz, unaccoutred, without
mony, bc-tanunind, content, be-tam'iz, silh', indiscreet. apparatus, tools, &:c. be-sdz o sdmdn, without appa-
?)t'-/n»'q;j(//;, inattentive, unkind, be-tosha, unprovided, ratus, besabnb, witliout reason, he-satrl, impudence,
destitute fa traveller). he-tawaJiht', hopeless, without barefacedness. bc-saj, shapeless, ill-made, be-sukhan,
expectation. be-tah, bottomless. he-thanr-thihdne, taciturn, he-sndh, senseless, beside one's self; enrap-
groundless be-snhdt, unstable, be-samar, fruitless, of tured ; entranced ; in a faint. be-sar, unequalled,
no result, be-tadhir, incautious, unwitting, inconsi^ peerless be-siut. stupid, be-iar o pd, without head or
derate, be-jd, ill-placed, ill-timed, inaccurate be-jdda, foot, utterly helpless, be-sar o sdmdn, without apparatus,
variegated coral, be-jdn, lifeless, faint; valiant, brave.
helpless, be-sallka, inexpert, without method. be-s'U,
be-jdn It., to deprive of life, to slay. be-jur,at, cowariWw shameless. 6e-*//fl/(;(f, without evidence. be-sharaf,yiith-
bf-jurm, innocent, faultless. 6e-J/r77), without blemish, out honour or dignity, bs-sharm, shameless, impudeut,
spotless (a je«el). be jigar, cowardly', bejamdli, f. immodest ftt'-s/iu'iv;-, ignorant, a blockhead, be-shafkat,

( l-->3 )
harsh, unkind, unmerciful, bc-shahk o shtihh or bt'-shakh
0 rath, certain, doubtless, indubitable, be-shtimdr. count- loti) •^X(T buya,
measure grain, a person
h. appointed in bazars
loss, numberless, much, be-sabr, impatient, restless, bc-
tal/ih, ill-advised, headstrong. 6c-2ai(, wanton, irragular,
unrestrained, be-zaht-raht, without order or connection. Ijj ^TTT Jtaya, or ^xn hahjh, m. the name ot
the little bird that learns to fetch and carry, &c., and
be-tiihit, beyond the power of endurance, he-ldhit'i, that the Hindus teach to snatch the ornamental patch
non-endurance, weakness. hi--tali', destitute of good
fortune, unlucky, be-tarah, ill-mannered, uncivil, be- or wafer from the foreheads of their mistresses (Le.ria
Iiidica) ; an assizer, biyd, m. seed.
tnlab, uncalled for, unsought, be-iam', free from greedi-
ness, disinterested, be-taur, ill-mannered, be-'ibrat,
unwarned by example, unawed. be-'izznt, without ho- ^bljj bayahan, or hiydban, m. a desert, a
nour or dignity, disgraced, be-akl, stupid, senseless. wilderness, baijabdn-gard or -natvard, one who tra-
be-'adl, unjust, lawless be-'aib, faultless, without verses the desert, a wanderer, baydbdni Jaids, the
wilderness of Jerusalem, p.
blemish, ftfr-^ui/n^ boundless, be-ghil o fThash,-vi\t\\oxiit
trouble or anxiet}-. be ^haraz, independent, disin-
terested, indifferent, bc-^iim, without an.xiety. he- ^b^wO bayabanl, of or belonging to the wil-
ghaiir, without consideration, be-gkairat, wanton, im- derness or desert, p.
pudent, infamous, rude, he-ghairalt, f. disgrace, &c.
be-/d,ida, profitless, useless, vain, befkr, contented, Ijol-J hiya biya, come, come ; a mode of
tlioughtless, tranquil, be-fahmhi, stupid, slow in com- calling pigeons, falcons, &c. p.
prehending, be-faiz, unprofitable, possessing but not
bestowing (as a learned man who does not communi- jbljj ^mTTTl byapar, business, affair, s.
cate his knowledge, or a rich man from whose wealth
uo person receives advantage), be-ldbu, without re- j_^.bljo yiiqRl bydpari, a man of business
straint, out of one's power, secure against surprise or in general , a dealer, a trader. 4.
attack, be-kd'ida. unarranged, irregular, without order
or rule, be-kadr, of no importance, worthless, be- Ijobo ^m^ bydpnd, n. to provide, occupy,
kardr, restless, unsettled, variable, inconstant, be-
kardrt, f. restlessness, fluctu.ition, variableness, insta- to effect, tofluence. .1 operate, to work, to act, to affect or in-
bility, bc-hisiir, faultless, innocent, without fail, com-
pletely, entireU'. 6c-A-a/rt'j,untinned (a pot,&c ). be-hiiil, V^V>.jO_ hyfithd (v. bydhd), inurriod. d.
faithless, perfidious, be-kii/d.f, inconceivable, contrary to
the common order of things, incomprehensible, im-
mense, be-kaid, unrestrained; irregular, be-kdj, or _ljo_ ^n»T %«/', m- interest; deliiy. liydj-
be-kdr, useless, unemployed, be-kdni, frustrated, dis- khor, one who takes interest, a usurer, h.
appointed, be-kardn, immense, infinite, boundless.
be-kas, friendless. be-k(is/, destitution, be-kafan, un- — .ljo_ 'sqi'T hyaj, m. pretence, pre'tcxt. ,s.
shrouded. be-kal, restless, out of order. be-kalJ, un-
easiness, be-kam o least, witliout decrease or diminu-
y>-\x>^ ^sT hydju, m. the principiil, or ca-
tion, all rigVt, accurate, be-iidli, untimely, unseason- pital sum put out tp interest, h.
able, be-gumdn, without suspicion, doubtless, be-gundh,
innocent, faultless. be-ghdt, inaccessible, (a river) Jb^\j^_ ^TXJ hyddh, m. a hunter, fowler, s.
without sti'ps or a quay to it. be-ldj, impudent, shame-
less, be-lihdz. inattentive, undistinguishing, ill-bred, ^O^wJ ^ffV byddhi, m. sickness, ailment,
unmannerly, be-lutf, unkind, ungracious, be-lagdm, pain, anguish, disease, s.
unbridled, licentious. he-lagd,o, unconnected, inac-
cessible, candid, categorical, without reserve, be-mdn, \^S'x> '^n^ hyndhd, m. a fowler, hunter, s.
disgraced, disliononrable, dishonoured, be-mdnand,
iucomparabli,', unparalleled, bf-mdi/n. without means ^J^te.V i>gqTfq?//y7^//;/V,gick. grieved, paiiiod.jj.
of sub?iptenco, poor, indigent, bc-m'nd!, incomparable, "hunter, s.
unequ:;lled. be-mulidsab<i, without calculation, at a ^fctiVo, ^TVt byddhi, ill, sick ; m. a fowler,
venture, be-viiihdlid, without resprct, unceremonious.
be-mahnU, out of place, improper. Iw-nmniwivat, un-
kind, cruel. be-maza, tasteless, insipid. bema'ni,
foolish, idle, vain, utnneaning, absurd, be-makdur, jlo ^TTR boydr, f. wind, air. //.
without authority' ; without resource, miserable, poor. j^oj biydr {\m^eT.o? divardan)j bring thou. p.
be-maii, spiritless, bc-viinnat, independent, unwilling
to incur obligation, he-vutjib, without cause, without j\^ Tt'STC ln,ar, m. a hole (of a snake, rat,
reason, he-i/ujuki' out of place, unapt, unseasonable, &c.). s.
inopportune, inconvenient, be-mihr, unfriendl3", un-
kind, be-ndm, without character or reputation, be- s.
vdm o nishdu, without name or character, be-nnsib, ^X->. ^r^ hydrth, vain, of no effect,
unfortunate, be-nazir, incomparable, be-namak, in-
sipid ;saltless ; ugly, ordinary, be-nang o vdmus, with- lJj-^J f^TJlT^ biydri,f^m^ bi,drl, f supper, h.
out name or character, be-nawd, indigent; m. a kind
of f/a/u'cs/i who shaves his eyebrows and beard, be- j\j, ■^'Nl^ b'i,ar, seed-bed ; evening, h.
7iawd,l begging, mendicancy. be-nilidjint, endless,
without bound or limit be-iiiijdz, without want, an j\I>. bydzm. (for bydj, q.v.) interest, &c. d.
epithet of God, the Almighty. be-wdris, without
heirs. he-ivdris-mdl, property that escheats to the {^j*Ai~i, "stimbyds, the name of h mn7ii or sage,
government in default of heirs. Iic-wdlt, witliout pro- who is said to have compiled the VedoJt, the Bhdgamt
tector, be-tvajh, without cause or reason, be-watan, Purdna and the Mahdbhurnta (properly vydsa), also
without liome or native country, an exile, bc-wafd, the founder of the VedaiUa philosophy, s.
faithless, ungrateful, be-wafd,!, f. infidelity, faithless-
ness, /le-tt'rt^/, out of seasi)n, untimely, ili-tinied bi- pre-
wakr, or be-ivakdr, without fame or character, dis- (^_>-ljo. fw^ biydx, land cultivated and
honourable. /)e-u'iikrif. ignorant, inexpert, stupid, br- " two.
pared for being sown in the following year. //.
hamdl. without compeer, unequalled, unrivalled, be
himinat, unambitious, humble, miserly, vile, slothful, ^^^jO. -^m-^ baydsl, bydn or be,dxi, eighty-
la7.v. indolent, bc-huvar, unskilled. be-hnpgd:ii, un-
timely, fc' /^o.?//, stupilied, senseless,
rc.i&on, purpose, or motive, p.
hc-lutli, without i>iLo /)r;?/(7^, f whiteness; a common-place
book, a blank book. a.
( 154 )
j^Uj ■•ariefiX'D' JlXo mfl'^ betdl or ^?TT^ baited, name of
karaii, m. f;;aniinar. hyakaran,
s. or <i|Ioh'<itr haiya-
a demon supposed to occupy dead bodies, s.
^1 .^ i-ll.*jo_ bait-ul-hardm, m. (sacred house),
^j-Vk>_ ^TiT'SfiJjrj baiyakaran,
^ the temple of Mecca, a.
^S\^.>_ =tTT'^T;<!j^ hydkaranl, or m. riagi";
n. t.s.milia- ti).^ (Jl>kjO bait-ul-k/i/ild, in. a necessary office,
%^TonT^^ h:iiyakarani,
a privy, a.
^JsUj <^|<*(Ji' byuhul, restless, agitated (in jS^iCL^,^ bait-iis-.sahar, m. hell. a.
iiiiud), perplexL'd. s,
jjU^ljO CM 1 <a*i 1 5T hyahhyaii, in. explanation, s. i^jZ^\CL^,
eminence, the baH-ush-xInirdJ',
highest mansion of athe mansion
heavenly of
body (in
astrology), a.
^ljj_ ^in^T h( j/ala, or ^T^TT hoiyala, flatu-
lent ; also heavy or indigestible (esculents). 5. ^x^\CL^i^\ buitu-s-saricnn, an idol temple, a.
r^-^^ 'V/"^" or f^lITf? hiyaln, in. supper, /i. &J,llCl*Ji^. bnif-itlldh, ni. (the house of God),
the temple of Mecca, a.
^J-AKJJ^ ^^t;^^^ he,a.ris, or W^T^^^ bayallti,
forty-two. A. JlJ^vJl^jO, bait-ul Vidl, m. lit. the treasure-
house ; the public treasury' or exchequer, into which
jjU^ bayan, rn. explanation, relation, bayan- payments on various accounts are made, and according
k., a to explain, to unfold, to relate, baydn-wdr, ex- to the sources from which they are derived, applicable
plicitly; adj. clear, evident, a. to the support of different classes of persons; an
escheat, property that falls to the crown in failure of
^U.>_ '=m'T/,y':v/^, or%xn'?I, ]iaitjan, ni. birth, act heirs ; met. an unfortunate fellow, (v. Wilson's Glos-
of parturition, char-bi/an-gd.e, a cow that has calved sarv.) a. [or city of Jerusalem, a.
four times, ek-bydn jdiuak, having produced two
calves at a birth, s. (_>»>iMiJl«-II.*x). b(iit-nl-imihudd(ix, the temple
JLo_ %tTT. 1 etra or betar, a cane or willow.
uljo 'an»TT byann,or^TJ[T{[ baiyana, to be de-
livered ofyoung (applied ©nly to brute animals). *. hetra-band'i, an allowance for mats or wicker Trorks
for packing goods, s.p.
uI^oVaJ ^[^T byant (see byaii), birth, &c. s.
\^> %7IT.T h(i:tard, f. dry ginger, s.
l\^> W{'^, liyali or f^m^ bii/ah. in. marringc. baitarni, f. a river, according
b/dh-rachdiid, to celebrate a marriage, hi/dh k., to LiJ^- ^^^
marry, bi/dh-ldiid, a. to take in marriage, to bring to the Hindus, which is to be crossed by the dead on
home a wife, to marry, s. their way into the w orld of spirits, like the Styx of
the ancients ; a river in Orissa. s.
\J^''JO ^EfY^ bydha, f^'m^ biydlia, m.^ mar-
«Jl/>^5ouo. ^fhrWcT b'lt-lihet, land cultivated
liiLo ^mf fIT hyahtd, fw^\'^l^biyd/ltd,i'. j v'ud. by forced labour. /(.
bydhdjfnid, n. to be married (a man), bydlu-jdnd, to be
married (a woman), s. ^jjJ Z)«?7m/, unlucky ; vicious (an abbrevi-
ation of bait-idmdl). a.
lL/js- jIx>. «iTl'5''ftJT bynh-jof/, marriageable, s.
t^X^. he-ton, impersonal, he-tan mdl, an
Ufc',>J^^ ^^«n. byhhnd f^^T^^T, biydhnd, n. escheat; propert}' devolving on the state from want of
to be delivered of young (animal) ; a. to marry (i. e. legal claimants, p.
to i;ive or take in marriage), s.
UjoJ W^»n blind, n. to pass, elapse (iis time);
to occur, come to pass. s. [elapsed, s.
(^J^'JO, ein^«T bydhan, f^r^TfJT biydhun, m.
marrying, marriage, s.
Ci^il^ ■stnrtw byatit (for vyat'it), piissed
k.iJ^»-^i)U^ ^^Tj'jftT bydhdu-juy, fit for «iLoo, "^Z bit, f. dung of any animal ; a fac-
marriage, marriageable. *. [quisite. h.
titious salt containing sulphur, s.
^_jljL)_ %^T^ buiyd,i, f. a weigliman's per- iJl^» "^tz Jnt, a kind of agistment, an allow-
J^\■>',>.'^'^TR hydydm, ra. labour, exertion, ex- ance per head of cattle, paid to the cowherd, h.
ercising, practising, s.
\jjo "^ZT hetd, ni. a son, a child, a boy. hetd
t aa.>, «rW /^t'/', f. name of a grass from whijli kar-lend, to adopt a son. h.
a twine is made : it is also used iu thatching, s.
l^AAJ T^7«TT b'ltnd, a. to spill, to scatter, h.
t tx> "^ baib, afar off, at a distance, h.
^x> WZ bctli, sandy unju-oductive soil, bith,
^(J, WtW^ bib'i, f. a lady (vulgarly a wife), h. f. the dung of birds, ba'ith. value of the government
share of produce, the amount settled on land. h.
jUj..) ^xrnc baipdr, m. traffic, merchandise, s.
'.^JuJ '^TT h'ltlid, m. an annular cu~hion put
^.Ujo^ %mT^ boipdfi, m. a merchant, a on the head for carrying a pot of water, h.
trader. s.
l^Aj;^ %7T bnithd, m. a paddle, h.
CL^x> bait, f. a couplet (in poetry) ; an edifice, a. to cause to sit
b^jUjj ^TfJTT haithdnd,
house, temple, ba'it-bandl, f. poetry, verse-making, a. down. A.
CL*J;.>. ^li let, f. a cane, ratan (^Calamus ru- 13.1^J ^^TC^ baithdrnd,
tang). s. UJl^JuO %31^^T baithdlnn,
( 155 )
uibsi i^j^

J^Juo 'WS'^'^haitha,o,
situation. /(. m. position, allocation, ij^"^-
grain W*B[Tr hcjhurd,]i. m. a mixed crop, generally
and barley.

^_f l^juo baithd,i, f. seating, allaying, d, ^4^' ^*TvTT hljhnd, a. to tear up the earth
with the hoofs (a bull) ; to push, to shove, to shoulder, h.
ufl^uj %73S hnithuk, f. la seat, a place where

Dl^Vjo %3^T b/i/ii'ilid, m. J people meet to sit ^54^' ^*fi)f?Pn

pt'its in Jaunpur. h. h'ljhoniifd, a tribe of rdj-
and converse, a bench ; also, the act or state of sitting,
sitting; a kind of exercise, h.
y^^^=^- ^t^^T
rdj/ull.-i in b'ljhcn/d,
the district name i.
of Gorackpur. of a clan of
O^V^Lo "^JcJTJTT haithland, a. to cause to sit. //.
■^- cflifl' Inji, f. h.
;erra iciiiiiumon).
a weasel, a [Uydu,
mongoose (F'i-
shiil. q. v, d.
^^^x> 'WS^ heihmi. m. the envelope in which
cloth purchased is folded up, to which the purchaser
is entitled ; pack-cloth, j. j^i0' f^ij'^ar, m. a species of tree called, in
%<yr|T hditiutd, to sit, to be idle; to ^ '^t^ hirh, in, into, among, in the midst,
ride (on a horse) ; to visit a person in grief for the between, during; m. middle, centre; difference;
purpose of condolence ; to sit in dharnd, q. v. ; to sub- quarrel, hostility, hlch-parnd. n. to differ, to raise a
side or abate ; to perch (as a bird), h. quarrel between, blch H ungll, f. the middle finger.
bichon blcli, the very middle, h. [traffic, d.
jj^_j^"jo ^^^ haithwdn, flat. h.
j^^bl^- herha-bachi, f buying and selling,
^_tL> "^Zt heti, f. a daughter, a dam«el. h. -
^ the middle,
^'^. d. ^
T^'^TqfN hich-d-h'ich, the middle, in
^ Wt»T hij, m. seed ; Spenna (jenitale (virl
ant vmlieris). s. [rest. s.
1>J^- he-chdra, heljtless, wretched ; pi. be-
chdragdn. bechdragt, helplessness, s.
<3sl^i^l^.'^ sfllTT^T^l^ hijdbarkhand, m. a fo-
jVsi.^ cft-qP^^T^ bich-bichd,o, m. mediation,
j^' '^'IR htjdr, seedy, abounding in seedi s. interposition, arbitration. blch-bicltd,o-k., to mediate,
to interpose, h.
(_5"^ '^^T^ lnjd,i, f. a perquisite of a certain
allowance of seed-grain, k.
];-^- 'nT^I hlchrd, m. a bed for growing
plants to be transplanted, h.
j^- '^\l[X. hijar, soil in which the cerealia are
generally grown, h.
li^- '^^tH bcrhnd, a. to sell, to dispose of. h.
dl^- ^fl"3Tsfi hijah, m. a ticket tied to goods, <j}'^^' ^rt^^^»T^ btch7vdni,\m. an umpire, an
or on bags (of grain, &c.), to mark their contents,
price, &c. ; a list, an invoice, s. (j^)^- W\^m%blchn'd,t J arbitrator, a mid-
" die-man. h. [tent pitched without a pole. p.
jS^sT^- «fiiT<!<i^ hij-h'idd, advance of seed and
fi)od to agriculturists, h. iO_j^' be-chobn m. (lit. poleless), a kind of
tlAAxfi;- ^jTlftirfr hija-ganit, name of an an- ^4^- ^'2^T bichhd,^ m. a scorpion; the sign
cient. Ilindfi work on algebra, s.
^4^- ''rt^ b'lchhu,] Scorpio, s.
^J^- %ftT^T haij'dd, a species of black pulse, h. •^ beljJi, f. root ; origin, foundation, belth-
X*^' '^^»TRT^%-?war, failure of germination, h. lian, an extirpator, a judge (as extirpating thieves) ;
also, a thief (as destroying the subjects), p.
Ia^- sftiT'JTT bijnd, m. a kind of fan. hejnd Sx> %^ baid, m. a physician, a man of the
(Dakh. for blicjnd), to send. s. medical caste, s.
f£}^- W^^ htrijatiti, f. a flag or standard; Sx> ^ bed (for vedn), m. the name of the
" the standard of Vhhmi. s. Hindu scriptures (namely, 1st, r/?, -nd, sdnia, 3rd,
yajiish, 4th, ntJiarva), which are believed to have beea
^lo|_^J^- %iriTtTr^T baijanfi-mdld, f. a neck- revealed by Brahma, and arranged in the present order
lace worn by Vishnu in his several forms. It was be- by a sage
faith, s. called Vyusa or Veda-vyusa; met. certainty,
lieved to be composed of the following jewels pro-
duced from the five elements: viz. tlie sapphire from
earth, the pearl from water, the ruby from fire, the S^ bed,, a willow; ratan. bed-bdf, one who
topaz from air, and the diamond from space or ether, s. works on ratans, a basket-maker, bfd-bdp, weaving
with ratans (as the bottoms of chairs and the panels of
_j^- T5T beju, ni. the name nf an aniniMl ihnt doors or windows), bcd-mushk, musk-willow, cele-
feeds on carcasses (Ursus Indicus, Shaw; Indian brated for its fragrance, p.
badger. Pennant), h.
Sx> bid, a street or lane. d.
j^^- ^'i^Tl. hyicdr, pcirquisites of the lower
classes, consisting of a portion of seed-corn from the
ySxi beddv, awake, beddr-bahJjt , fortunate.
field. //. bfddr-dil, alert, watchful, quick of apprehension, be-
ddr-dili, f. alertness, quickness of apprehension, p.
C^^- he-jot, untilled (as land) a farm that t_jj\sxi
awake, beddri,
p. f. wakefulness, state of being
is given up \>y the cultivators, p. h.
l^s^- %*5J bejlid, m. a butt, or mark for Cl«il-VJJ %^nT beddnt (for veddnta), m. tlie
archers, s. name of a particular Hindu philosophical system, s.
( 156 ) vjo

^\Sx> *(i^I»ift bedanii, m. oik^ who is con- w|^ ^mn hniraga, m. a small crooked stick,
' virsant in the beJunt school of philosophy. *. which a Ba'irdgi places under his armpit to lean upon
as he sits. s. [also the same aa bairagd. s.
tL.0i>5jO W^^ bcddng, a class of studies or
sciences, subservient to the Vedas. s.
C:r U^ ^TTTT hairagan, f. a female hairagl ;
t^U-J %^^ haida,i, f. practice of physic, s.
^1^ Wnnt bairagi, austere, recluse; m.
J Sx> ^^ hldar, a sort of rake or harrow "the religious ascetic who abandons terrestrial objects,
thoughts, passions ; a kind of wandering fakir, who
worked by oxen. h. practises certain austerities, s, \j^g)' *•
J<^Sxi bedastar, the castor beaver, p.
euS^jO sj*j<*( bairagya, m. penance (v. Z^fl/-
JjviJJ baidah, the pawn at chess, a.
bj^ <!|<i»ii berana, m. a grove of &er trees. A.
ulJ^yjO ^f^oR baid'ih, m. a reader of the Veda,
a Brahman well versed in the Vedas. s.
ij>.ji:i bii-bain, f. a man's own wife. /t.
cL) Jou ^^oii baidak, m. the practice or science small in-
^_^Jf^ ^ftr^^^ bir-bahutfi, 1 f. a
of physic, s.
oSx> sffcHohi bcdiJ/a, f. an altar, platform, s. fJ^yi(>jXi "^tl^^wit bir-bahTjti, J sect with a back
"of a bright red colour; the scarlet or lady-fly, com-
iJlJi^jO he-dalat (for be-daulat), unlucky, c^. monly called the " Rain insect," as it makes its ap-
pearance when the first rains have fallen. It is covered
with a down}' exterior resembling velvet, and of a
^Sx> ^^ bedan, | scarlet colour, h. [peat«dly. *.
,. ^ /"f. pain, sickness, ache. s.
bc>.JJ ^T^T bedna,}
^.j^. ^WT ber-bar, often, frequently, re-
IjuNjo =|<^"sJ| bedwa, m. a reader of the Vedas. s. ^ji^^'^f^J^b'iriaS. heroism, valour, prowess, s.
J6J.X) ^ Z^tr/A, m. bore, crack, hole. s. «. jrf ^rhil birj, ni. power, strength ; seed ;
sperma gcitilale. s,
UwVjo qf^VT bldJia, settlement, arrangement. /i.
i-dJjfi'i^JO eRToir he-dliarak, I fearless, without jjijJO bitirah, m. a banner, ensign, colours. j9.
^jjo %T^ hairahh, m. a banner, ensign, co-
D-.'ft>;^ %vr3oRT be-dhorha, J doubt, p. h. lour (corrupted from bairak). k.
Ukfc^^Jl^ =rV^T bedhna, a. to pierce, to per- {jjit^ WT^tU buirun, f. a female enemy, s.
forate, s.
. a borer, one wlio ^^yjj cfti:'?! b'lran, m. a brother, h.
, Jfcw^JO -^^ bed/n,
^jti sft^I!! Inraji (also biranahhar), a kind of
UibtiJO sffvm bedliiya^ perforates pearls tough grass spreading over uncultivated lands, h,
gems, &:c. «.
(^j.ja beritii, out, outside, bei-un-jat, coun-
ijf^AJ ^^ /;c(^/i, f. an altar, a platform, s. try, breci.
try in opposition
p. to town, berun-jdll, rustic, coun-
\Xi> "^Trr bicfa, m. a mound, a cluster of i^.xi ^x^ hcii, f. the \rceof Zizypliii.yiijuba. s.
movitids. h.

(_c.jo ^T^ i<'?7, f. a betel leaf made up with

jjo "^^ //?/•, m. a hero ; a brother; adj. brave, s. .s()ices, &ic. ; the colour which adheres to the lips from
Clewing betel, s.
"^Kland.hir, /i. f. a sister; a tusk; pasturage,
jj- .JO '^\^ b'lri, f. a betel-leaf made np with
jX> ^\ Inr, m. a jewel worn in the ear; in 'spices, &c. ; the colour which adheres to the lips from
the Deilii and Sagar territory it denotes pasturage, h. cliewing betel; a composition, which beiug rubbed on
the teeth, stains their interstices of a reddish colour, h.
.jkJ %X hair, m. enmity, revenge. bair-L, a.
to revenge, s. tjoo ^'^bairi, m. an enemy, an adversary, .v.
.JO W^ ber, m. the name of a fruit (^Zizyphux <\.>jjo 'W^§ birya (forvirya), m. valour, &c. .v.
jvjuba), also the name of the tree; jujubes; time, vi- ]^,fXi beriz, ni. sum total, the entire revenue of
cis itudedelay,
; while ; the lotus of tlie ancients, s. a farm ; also a government tax. h.
^ '^tn bira, m. a betel-leaf made up, &c. 'jxi T? ber, m. an
inclose a field, h. inclosure. ber handi-h., to
(see b'lfd), a quid of tobacco, a cheroot or cigar. 5.
]_jO '^t^T hiia, m. (same as hiran) a brother, h. Sji^ %^ bera, m. a raft, a float; the raft which
}jj> berar, a village registrar or accountant, d. is floated by the Muhammadans in honour of kkivdja-
]chizr. Besides the anniversary berd offered to propi-
tiate him, hundreds of smaller ones with lamps may
4^ bairak (for bairak), a bannci, a stan-
dard, p. be seen on Thursdays of the month Bhddun particu-
larly, which are offered by the Muhammadans to this
c^rJ^^ ''J^ %rTO^ ba.h-ahheri,{. quarrelling.//. saiiit. berd bdndlind, a. to collect a crowd, berd ju'ir-k.
or higdnd, to relieve from distress, to remove difficul-
ties, to help one through a business (lit. to ferry over
I ')y^^ ^rm haira/j or biiiragya,\n. penance, a raft), berd klu kd pdr hand, to be propitious, to
dcv(.-tiou, the act of leaving the pleasures of the world.*. succeed : in Dakh. it denotes a fence or inclosure. 4.
( 157 )
]ji^ ^rtrr Inm, m. a Jbetel-leaf
made up with i>J.\^x) ^«(* baisah, a spot in a jungle to
which cattle are sent out to graze : the term is also
a preparation of the areca nut, spices, and chanam.
bira tithand, a. to undertake a business, bird dftlnii, applied to an old and worn-out animal, h.
a. to propose a premium for tlie performance of a task
(the expressions orif^inate in a custom that prevailed '^•^x.} baisah (t'orbait/iuh), a seat, sitting, d,
of throwinf» a bird of betel into tlie midst of an assem- 'u^L«jo baisluna, a. to cause to sit, to set. d.
bly, in token of proposal to any person to undertake
some dillicult affair then requisite to be performed, ^^;— AJ ^^^ besan, m. the flour or meal of
and the person who took up the betel bound himself pulse, particularly of chuna (Cicer arktinum): the same
to perform the business in question), h. is used as a substitute /or soap h,

'%> "^tSJ h'lra, ni. a thon^ tied to the hilt of UwA> b/iisna,n.[fovbai(hnd)tos\t, to remain, d.
a sword by which it is retained in the scabbard, a
sword-knot. h. jciJ — jL> ^^T.baisandar, m. tire, or its deiiy. s.
Ijtvjo %5T berha, m. paling, railing, inclosure;
adj. bent, crooked, h. j^'yL-.>;
"peameal. W^rtrt
/;. besnuufi, f. a cake [caste.
made of 4-.

Ujfc^o <s{(Jffl berhtia, a. to inclose with a fence, ^J'^.^ %^nft baisnt, f. a female of the Bais
to pound (cattle, &c.) ; to drive away cattle (as in " besan.
^_^— h.
AJ ^H^ besaiii, made or mixed with
a foray), h.

<^-.'jo %itt ben, f. iron fastenings to the legs 1^—JO ^^T beitn'd, f. a courtesan, a prostitute, s.
of crimipals or of quadrupeds ; the baskets used to
irrigate fields with, birt, a small parcel of betel nut lj-1^—JO %^RT2T baisicdrd, m. the residence of
(v. bird), h. [Hindus, dimin. of berd. h. Bais, the nativity of Bais, q. v. h.

b-;jo ^f^TF berlya, m. the name of a caste of (W-.JJ ^"i^ bh'i, f. twenty ; a score, a measure
IjL) bez, in com p. diffusing, dispersing, j), "of grain ; also a land measure equal to 20 nalis. *.
L~J^ ^^tn besyd, f. a prostitute, a harlot, a
j^JjO bezar, displeased, angry, out of humour; courtesan. *.
(vul.) sick. p. [pleasure, p.
^jijo besh, more; good, proper, well, excel-
^hjo bezari, f. anger, bad humour, dis- lent, elegant, delightful, besli-kardr, trustworthy, besh-
{^j^ ^^ bais, m. the third of the four Hindu bahd or besh-klmat, of great value, costly, precious, p.
castes, whose especial duties are apiculture and trade ; Lijo besi'id, m. a forest, jungle (v. bebku). p.
a name of a tribe of raj-puis, giving its name to the
province of Baisicdrd, in Oude : a prince of that tribe
(jijoJ^(jijO besh-az-besh, a great deal. j).
formerly reigned at Dundia-kherd. His dominions,
which extended over a great part of the province of jjuLo healttur, better, more, exceeding, gc ne-
Oude, on the north bank of the Ganges, are still rally, for the most part, s
■called Baisu'drd. s.
jjJLxi %W^, %^nr /'"^Vi/mj/, relating to Vishnu.
/}<*jo ^Hl bis, twenty, bais (for ray as), age. s. m. a kind of mendicant, a follower of Vishnu, s.

I— JL) "^hn bhd, m. a score ; a dog which has

twenty nails, s. ^yxLjJ lower of=m!l«ft
Vishnu, baishnav'i or btshnan,
baishnavottar, lands granteda fol-
free to the worshippers of Vishnu, especially those of
^U.JO %^^ baisahh, m. the first solar the mendicant order, s.
month of the HindGs, the full moon of which is near
Vishdkha (four stars in Libra and Scorpio); April — ^(jSjo besh 0 ham, more or less; not much,
May. 5. a moderate quantity, p.

Pw-^ %HT^ bnisahha or %^T^ baishahha, eJLiJ besha, m. a forest, a jungle ; a desert, p.
m. a crutch ; a club armed with iron; a club conse-
crated in the month of Baisdkh. s.
iJLx> besh'i, f. excess, surplus, increase, in-
^-^L«;^> %^T^ baisahlii, growing in the "creased assessment, beshi jam', increase of revenue
on that of last year, beshi zamin, increase in the lands
"month o{ Biiisdkh ; f. a large kind of myrobalan or ci- under cultivation, p.
tron fruit ; the day of full moon in the month Baisdkh. s.
, JJI.-.JJ %Tn^ baisandu, sedentary, idle. h. (_^>aO haiz, m. a mark fixed to public wjitings
by the magistrate or any principal officer, a.
«Jl>kM<jO, h'lst, twenty, a score, p. Lflua baizd, m. the sun ; whireness. j/tidi I
(^yLjO be-sutu?}, of no foundation, insigni- baizd dikhdnd, a. to distinguish one's self in any work
ficant, besitun or blslun, name of a celebrated moun- (an allusion taken from the luminous hand of Moses). a.
tain in Persia, p. &3l«aJO baizdna, m. the perquisite of the ma-
gistrate, &:c for marking public papers, a.
.>^jl) ^"hn; Inmr, glentiings left in the field
for the lower orders to gather, h. [nose. h.
^.UajO b'lizdivi, f. the author of a book, con-
J— JL) ^TTT J'Csar, f. the small ring worn in the
taining acommentary on the 'kur,dn. a.
L--JO %5TT besara, f. a kind of falcon, the f^yo^ bnizaii'l, fishioned in the ^llape of an
female or hen bird of the species called dhoti, q. v. egg. khatti-baizawt,
(Falco ni-uii. h. character, in which m.
lliea curved
form oftails
the Persian Xcsia'lJli:
of the letters are
segments of an oval ; opposed to khatt i djiubi, in
\jM^ %?rO be-sura, out of tune. h. which they are portions ot a circle, a.
u^ ( 158 )

*-aA^ baiza, m. an egcr, a testicle, a. j*Cjl>

begam, f. a lady, a queen : women of
rank are called begams (pi. hegamdt). t.
jUoA) haitar, a horse-doctor, a.
WCxJ begmd, f. (dimin. of begam) a young
XA^ ftai' or bV, f. buying and selling ; com. lady of rank. t.
merce, selling. bai'-Jc, to sell, bai' bi-l-wafa, a con-
ditional sale, depending on the tinal decision of the
seller; also a pawn or pledge, bai' bi-I luafd-dar, a. e;^. ^"T baigan,
num melongena). h. m. the egg-plant (Sola-
person having the use of an article conditionally sold
to him in acquittance of a debt, bai'-nama, a deed of
."alo bai' patta, a lease or sub-lease obtained by pur-
ij^^ %'T^ baigcaiti, f. a sort of wood. s.
chase, bai' suhdiu, a sale by order of government. (jA^ begtii, f. the wife of a beg. t.
hai' taljlh, a temporary sale, bai'-ddr, a purchaser,
a possessor by purchase, a.
^H^ Wtm higha, m. a measure of land con-
eo^-xAJ hai'ana, m. earnest-money, a. sisting in Bengal of 20 kaWidx or 120 feet square, or
IbOU square yards, which is nearly ^ of an English
y'^\iy)0^> haibil-wafa-dar, a person having acre ; in the Upper Provinces it is nearly g of an acre.
the possession and usufruct of a property on its condi- bigha dam, settlement of revenue at so' much per bi-
tional sale to him. p. gha. bigha-dam, rate levied per blgha.
u record of the measurement of lands in bigha-daftari,
a district, s.
13.> Cl^jiJO baiat-k., a. to become a disciple
of some saint, a. h. ^Cx> •s{if\begl, quick, swift, speedily, s.
Jo^ ^ bail, m. a bull, an ox; met. a block-
j^ii.xjj bai'dar, a proprietor by purchase, a.p. head (in which last sense the Scotch say, " a stof'j. s.
LdA}J "^Nf hlk, m. (same as bik), a wolf. s.
(J^ ^^ bi'l, m. the name of a fruit {Cra-
Ok^ ^Iciii fnka, crooked, awry ; injured, da- taya or /Ugle marmelos). bel or belt, f. a creeper,
maged, (v.bdl.) h. climber, tendril (of a vine); descendants, oflfspring. s.

JowO %ojn5J baikal, m. afternoon, s. J.AJ '^ bel, m. the name of a flower {Jas-
utmost zambac).
wish, h bel-phalne, to attain one's precise or
<x> bekattar, rufBanly, brutal, cruel, d.
(Jj^J bel, a spade, hoe, mattock ; a spot in
ijtS.x> bekas, destitute,
adj. helpless, ali'ind ofh. grass
p. used for fodder; which the receiving-pans are placed, where sugar is
manufactured ; a creeper, a tendril, a pole for direct-
ing a boat ; a well. p.
fC^*^ be-kasi, f. destitution, forlornness. jj.
>AJ ^^T hela, f. a while, a time. s.
,^Ju>^*J %oiniI3 baikunth, m. a name o? Vishnu;
the heaven or parad'se of Vishnu. This name was y^ ^^ belu, f. name of a shrub (Jasminum
also applied in the time of Ja'fir Khan to a kind of zambac) ; a cup; an instrument of music resemblincra
pit, in which revenue defaulters were confined until
they paid the demands against them : in this sense it fiddle, h. *•
was evidently used ironically on the part of the J^usal- y^ bela, m. a bag of money carried in the
raans in ridicule of the Hindus, s.
hand of a person of rank for distribution among the
poor, belu-barddr, one of the retinue of a great man,
,^Co "^ behh, m. a habit, dress, garb. s. who scatters money among the populace. beld-]c^rch,
expenditure in alms-giving, p.
cL^xjJ %^7 baikhat, a sale, selling, h.
ijJ.iJ Wl beg, m. celerity, haste, rapidity ; ^^ ^^T baila, m. a species of bird. h.
adv. quickly, soon ; dung. s.
^y J^ ^^T hclbutu, m. a shrub, bush,
tL^i^ beg, a Mughal title corresponding with or creeper ; flowers (on cloth), h.
lord, master, <S:c. t. U^ helcha, 1
«i Jlu belchnh,
, , , , Y m. a small spade, a hoe,
iGo b'lga (v. biha), awry, crooked, d. .'■' I a small mattock, p.
j^'f.x) %nR baigar, a name of the Kharwar &sr^ belcha, J
tribe, h.
}S.x> ^TTT. hegcir, m. a person forced to work jl.x'jo beldar, m. a pioneer ; a class of Hin-
with or without pay. begdr paharnd, to press one into dus employed in digging, p.
service, p.
jj jujo bailJ/an, name of a city in Armenia
near the Caspian, p.
i^XCyi wnrtfl' begari, f. the act of pressing
or forcing to work, begdri lend, a. to take forcibly or Lilbo belah, f. a small mattock ; the iron
press, with or without paying for. begdrl-pakrela, m.
a pressed man ; one compelled to work. p. point of an arrow, p. [zier. h,

^Cl£jO bsganagi, f. strangeness, shyness. ;?. |.\lx) %^o|ft belki, m. a cattle-breeder, a gra-
eolGo begana, strange, not domestic, foreign, f^x> "^^"^ belan, m. a rolling-pin. s.
unknown ; m. a stranger, a foreigner, p. UljJ %^^ helna, m. a rolling-pin; a. to
spread out, to laminate, s.
■•.-.Gl) bcgar,\a. gold-tinsel; tinfoil; varnish, d.
( 1-^0 )
(_^^ %c5«ft bcltini, m. a branch ; a small lIUx.^ ^Z bent, |m. a handle of an axe, hoe
lolliiip^-pin. /(. Ua^ ^Z( bai/ita,) &c. h.
_ji>J ^q5 hclu, m. act of rolliivj^. h. ^-^ bin) (for blj), m. seed, grain, d.
^xi "^^f he-lau, dispirited, licai-lU'ss. ]}. h. ^y^ \»nfl bainjni, purple (the colour of
"the Solatium melongcint). h.
^xi W^ bell, f. a crocpor, cliiuljer; teiidiil
(of a vine), s. ^O b'v'ich (for b'tclt), in the midst, d.
^x> h'lm, m. foar, torror, droad, danp;cr. ]t. ^^^ ^^TT benchna, a. to sell, bench-dalnaf
to sell off. h.
\^x> "^im htma, m. insurance; also tlie rate
of insuraiK'c, or the per-centage paid for tliat pur- Sx^} 'sftv^ bind, m. a reed, a rii<h. h.
pose, h. \sxxi %^ baindn, m. i\ mark on the fore- ^.■
ul^l^o ^TTTTT hema/, f. a stcninothor. heniat- head^ as a preparative of devotion among tlie Hindus.
blitij, a brother lioni of a dilTerent mother by the same b/>ii/(i, a kind of rope made of grass or fibres of the
arliar plant. //.
father (a lKilf-l)rotlior by tlio father's side). *■.
lifi>_WJ T^^^T bindhna, a. to liore. *•.
j>'-*x^ ^HT^ Ixtiniatra, in. a brother boi'n of a
different mother by the same father, s. U;suW> ^^TTT bendhna,n. to plait, to braid, h

X^ himar, sick, indisposed, biinar-hliana, t^^i^J %t^ btiindl, f. an ornamental circlet

m. an hospital, p. made with a coloured earth or unguent on the fore-
head and between the eyebrows ; an ornament worn
by women on the forehead, h.
j^iJ.Ujo h'lmar-dar,
person, a nurse, p.
an attendant on [sick.
a sick
'<iLj ^)^|^ binda, m. a roll of paper; a kind
tJjltijl^Jk^ hitiiai'-darl., attendance on the of rope made of grass, or the fibres of the arliar plant, h.

(_^,1.»JJ Jiiinhri, f. sickness, illness, p. \sl.^ H^^ bencla, crooked; met, absurd, h.

\'iSi.\xx^ 5j<!dHT hendhna, a. to plait, to l)raid. s.

jjl»jj ^'RT I'lmaii (v. himu), m. insurance, h.
i_5-JJ.-0 eTfl' baiudi, act of throwing up water
^jO "^f^ /ym, f. a kind of stringed musical in- from a pond or reservoir with a basket, for the purpose
strument, liaving' a long narrow body, and a large dried of irrigation. /(. [plaited) behind, (a tail;. *.
calabash at either end to concentrate the sound. It is
strung witli steel wires. 5. {jSxx> "^'Zt bindl, f. tlie hair twisted (or
^^ ^TJT hen, ^irr henu,ov ^^ bain, f. a flute, i_^-*i-0
tribe. '^^Brt
}i. baiu.-Ci, a .^-ubdi vision of the Gujar
pipe, fife. s.

^jo %VT boiii, ni. f. a word, speech. *'. ^jii^ b'liush, f. seeing, discernment, p.
^^jj bail/an, m. explanation, interpretation. '•^-^^ ^^ o'" "^^ ^^''^fj) ™- (for vyanga), a
baiyin, clear, evident, manifest, a. frog, puddock, toad. s. [casm. s.

f^x) bill, see thou (r. of didan) ; in conip. see- ijJJx^j ■^IT byanfj, m. (for vyangya), sar-
ing, as 'alum-bin, vi'orld-seeing, an epithet applied to
CL»-Cj>^^ %W^ bciigat, seed given to an indigent
tlie sun. p. peasant at tlie time of sowing, to be repaid with in-
terest in harvest. /(. {laniim melongena). It.
^^x\ bam, among, between, interval, a.
\xx> W»Tr baina, m. sweetmeats, cakes, &c. dis- (^xJ^ "W^rT baimjan, m. the egg-plant (/So-
tributed at marriages. *. [forehead, h. ^J^'x>.> "■^iTift balnyani, purple (the colour of
the Solanum melongena). h.
UjkJ %^ baina, m. an ornament worn on the
lj&i_jJL^ ^r^Tfl benaiidlia, the country between
Allahabad and Sarwar. h.
\xxi hina, clear-sighted, discerning, j)-
Ujo ^t^t bona, m. a fan ; the name of a grass, 'x^ ^7(t beni, f. the hair twisted behind, .v.
Jchas-khas (^Andropogon muricatum). s. bi/n, f. the nose, blni-bunda, one
whose nose is cut
p. off (a common mode of punishment
l-->IJl*j he-nap, unmeasured, unsurveyed. bc- in the East),
iHip led paitd, a lease guaranteeing that the average
rates of land remain as before, p. h.
^it?. bena, f. a widow, j)-
o'»*> be>va-pa, 1
(_>-'okAJ b'cna,i, f. sight, vision, p. state or situation of widow-
,.,jo,.^ hain-bain, betwixt and between, so ^ ^ ' liood. p. h.
so, passable, tolerable, middling, a. 2^}}^ befva-pan,
^ jj^ hewciji,
JCia^ bv'ifna, a. to cut (clothes), d. ,1^ beivar, account, explanation, d.
^ c 100 ) ^\i

j^l^J ojqM heiraii, m. the vehicle or self- (in^ ^^ bchan, a nursery for rice plants;
moving car of a Hindu deitj-; a (Hindu) bier. s. h'lhan seed. /;. [(of cotton), h.
.u^ Wt^n:l>^opar,m. trade,traffic, business. .^. W"^ ^f?-;)! hf'hhina, m. a comber, a carder
^jjjy^ ^m<fl' byopari, or '^^''inrt he,opari jy^^^^ ^'ITT behncnir, m. a nursery for rice
(same as baipdr'i), a merchant. «. plants, h.
O^ Z/?i?/w«; (pi. of (JUj), houses, a.
I {^'^y^c^ be-hudagi, f. absurdit}-, frivolity J9.
C^^ btwat, fit (of a suit of clothes, &c.). d.
Sti*^-^ be-hudn, absurd, idle, vain, fruitless,
Ol!>^AJ bvyutaf (additional plural of bui/ut, unprofitable, be-huda-go, a babbler, p.
pi. of bait, a house) : the term is used in several senses,
as outhouse, house-expense, liouse-tax, Sm;. a. (^j^o be-hosh, senseless, insane, p.
j^ ^n byora, or %^TT beora also by,nura, ^^^^^^ he-hoshi, f. senselessness, insanity, p.
m. difference, distinction ; account, explanation, his-
tory, detail of circumstances, an account of particulars, ^^^x^JuJ b'lhin, better, best, swift-paced, p.
or detailed account (in book-keeping), h.
i^.y~> '^^^ hyiii, m. expense, expenditure, s.
jIJuJ-^ ^^^^TT beore-wai-, explicitly, dis- [xxi %5Tr haiya (v. {x> baya), the name of a
tinctly, h. [of lovers, s.
little bird. s. [diture. s.
i^^J^A^ r«J«ri'l biyog, m. separation (generally
jV^jUk^ ^nr^R byayhdr, m. expense, exj)en-
^i^ f%wft hiyugi, m. a lover suffering the
■" pain of absence, s. C'ing out clothes, h.
CLki^ ^TTT byont, m. shape, the act of cut-
oi)^ ^ra'TI byontna, a. to cut or shape
clothes, h.

lX)jjkf ^iTT hyonga, m. the instrument with ^-'' pe, the third letter of the Per.^ian an<l
which leather is scraped and cleaned, hijonga phird IlindOstani alphabets. It does not occur in the lan-
nah'in, &c.).
child, his hideh.has not been curried j'et (said of a spoilt guage or al|)liabet
is substituted of in
for it tlie such
and thewords
as orareb
adopted into the Arabic language : thus, /arsi for paisJ,
and badshdh for pddshdh. In reckoning by ahjad, pe is
^^njo ^iffift byony'i, f. (see byonga). h. the same as &c, viz. two.
8jjj bewa, f. a widow, j;.
.Ijfc^o ^f^^TT byohcir, or ?^^, be,ohar, m. i—-' 'T/w, Hi. the concsjiondiiig Sanskrit letter
in that l.inguage denotes the wind ; .^olus. the god of
profession, calling, negociation, transaction, money- the wind; a nourisher or protector; act of drinking:
lendinp:, custom, s.
as a termination (in Sanskrit words) it denotes support
ing, cnerishing, holding, also drinking ; as from bhu,
^^jo '^^y^hj/iihar, OT'44il.be,oha?'fm. a loan. s. the earth, bhupa, a king ; lit. the earth-protector, s.

^^ '^ft^TT hyohara, or b tn pa, a masculine termination added to

H i ndustau I substantives or adjectives to denote abstract
%^?"n be,ohara, a trader, a mo- quality ; as, burhdpd, old age, from bujrhd, old. h.
bji>^j "^."^ftj^f hyoha?-iy a, or ney-lender. s. l> pa, m. the leg, the feel ; pa, ba-zanjir,
W^^fTjn be,ohariya, having the foot in chains, fettered, pd dar rikdb, foot
in stirrup, ready, alert, pd-shikasta, broken-footed,
^j»ri^ bervi or bervi-zan, a widow, p. infirm, reduced ; in comp. (as the root of pd.tdan) it
denotes permanency, continuation ; as, kam-pd, of
^^ ^ Z>e/t, m. a hole, a perforation, s. short duration, transitory ; der-pd, permanent, p.
i>\x> hehuda (for be-huda), foolish, stupid, J^jj^b j)a unddz, m. a carpet spread at the en-
silly, p. trance of a room, on which the feet are cieansed. p.

L,jo W^TT behra,') m. grass kept for pas- S^'^„pd-bnnd, m. a rope with which the fore-
8.^ ^^tt behra,) turage. h. feet of a horse
married, p. are tied, pd-band liond, n. met. to be

imfjiri^. "^t^ heliri, f. a subscription, instal-

ment, hehr'i-harar, collection on shares of the revenue (^_y>yb pd-box, kissing the feet, i.e. adoring,
in kind, behri-bandi, an allowance for repairing roads, worshipping, revering, pd-hos hond, n. to worship, to
&c. behrl-dar, the holder of a belirl. h. reverence, to adore, to pay respect, p.

j<jk.> %^ behar or blhar, uneven, abrupt, ^M^\j>^ pa-bosi, i\ worship, reverence, adora-
rugged, waste land, land full of ravines, h. "tion. pd-bosi-k., a. to worship, to reverence, p.
jji^jL), bekush (for be-hosh), senseless, p. i_->b '^^'^ pop, m. a crime, a sin, a fault, s.
^JO behld, m. a bag of money carried by
great men to be distributed in charity when travelling, bb m'TT papa, m. a weevil, an insect bred in
&C. beldd-barddr, the carrier of the behld (v. beld). h. rice ; also a father (v. bdbd). h.
L-^b ( IGl )
w'^.^. 'TrmWT
bate, h. papdtma, m. a sinner, a repro- tl^^ ^TfcT/w//, m. a master, lord, husband, a-.
l^b 'TTcTr^mia, m. a leaf; adj. preserved, pro-
^i^u^J TTT^^fS pap-buddhi, evil-minded, tected, s. [dais, &c. p,
■wicked, s. [gallant. «.
wbb pd-tdhu, m. a sock ; the straps of sati-
Cl*^.C-*l>. 'mxmfw pap-pati, m. a paramour, a
(Jbb THrrr^ pdtdl, m. regions (according to
(_jij^,i_-^b '^X^:^'^
fication ofall sin. s. pap-purusli, m. a personi- the Hindus) under the earth, or towards the south
pole, inhabited by a serpentine race ; infernal regions,
hell; a port of apparatus for calcining and subliming
^^L-^b tjfq'q^ pap-chell, f. a plant coin- metals, formed of two earthen pots, the upper one in-
"nionly called Aknidhi {Cissampelos hexandra). s. verted over the lower, and the two joined together by
their necks with cement, and placed in a hole contain-
^i».t5L-^b m^r^^jT pap-darshl, malevolent, ing fire. s. [and debts of an estate, h.p.
"looking at faults, s.
^ft5ax)b pdt-handl, a statement of the assets
f^^ji ^\i,'^\'V<^^'^ pap-drishwan, conscious
of guilt, knowing an act to be wicked. *.
<>^->^ ^fWH
bled, s. pdtit, lowered, depressed, hum-
J,b intj^ y;ay;ar, a fertile soil. h.
t^JjjUj^b ^m^)3T^^a^^-ro*7, m. a disease consi- j!>b T^r^ pdtr or pdtra, m. a vessel in general,
dered as the punishment of sin in a former life ; small- a plate, a cup, a jar, &c. ; a leaf; a receptacle of any
pox, leprosy, s, kind; what liolds or supports; adj. worthy, able,
eligible, fit, capable, s. [rishcs. s.
^'A^ TTT'Tf papar or papar, m. a thin crisp J>b TJTH pdtri, who or what protects or nou-
cake made of anj' grain, papaf belna, to undergo great
labour or pain. s. [latifolia Roxb.). s.
jjb •qi'^ pdttra, m. a preservative from sin,
]j^.b ^TTfT paprd,m.a kind ofplant((7«/Y/6'/iva a preserver, a saviour, s.

jl^^Vob ^m'S'lWll. pdprdkhdr (in Dakh. pd- y^ "TTTR pdta?' or ^]'^pdtur, f. a prostitute,
parkhar), m. ashes of the plantain tree (Miisa paradi- a dancing-girl ; adj. weak, lean. pa<«r-&ax, a whore-
siaca), used instead of salt for seasoning the cakes monger, h.
called papar. s. [sin.
-^b T,TTT?Tfj?K pap-sammit, equal in ly-i^P^tar, m. a moth, a butterfly,
^,'>.MV>b mfx['S pdpishtha, very wicked, s. ^y "?• "^"^"^ J>atratd, f. capacity, fitness. VIH^KJ
pdtritd, m. a plant (Ocymum pilosum). t.
jSL-->b xjT^aR pdp-kar, wicked, abandoned, s.
Ijyb m^m pdttratd, f. the quality of a pre-
0^(--->b qni^jT J^ap-ArjY, 1 sinful, wicked; servative from sin. «.
b,^L-->b XfiJi'^^j pdp-ka7^td, J a sinner, s.
jjyb pdtarni, f. (of pdtar), a butterfly. cL
8^c— >b "mTCr? pdp-grah, m. any ill-omened
aspect of the stars, as the conjunction of the sun or ^y\^ ^TTrftTn pdturiyd., a whoremonger, h.
Budh with the moon in its last quarter. Rahu ; Saturn ;
Jlars. s. Ld35b TiXxT^ pdtak, m. sin, crime, vice. s.

^^^(—i i^b 'TTmi pdp-ghna, removing sin. *. Cibb tniT^ pdiuk, m. an aquatic animal of
LILA/«t— ^b ''imnfK jjdp-mati, of a corrupt mind, a large size ; figuratively the water-elephant. //.
depraved. $. [sin. s.
tibb mf(T«jr pdiik, ra. the Gangetic porpoise, s.
«J^XsL-->b Tn^il^ pdp-mukta, freed from
I^Jb mrT^^T pdtakwd, m. a messenger, s.
^b qifTT^ papin,]
^ . . _ a female deimquent, sin-
^b TTTTRt papnl, \ ••IP &c. *. (^->b'mira^7>a/(/Ai, criminal, wicked. 5.
- _ ^. _ ner, crimmai,
or r;]f^^ papim,} [destroying. «. -iJ^ mfricil patih, f. a small earthen pot
used by religious mendicants. *.
j^i>b>--^b xjT^tti^n pdp-ndshi, purifying, sin-
(^^S^. pd-posli , f. a slipper, jy, J^^b trni^^ pdtanjal, m. the Yog system
of philosophy, .s. [/,'.ar). *.
|.-^'o intft pdpi, m. a sinner, criminal, s. ■ ^b 'mm.pdthar, m. a stone (same as pnt-
LA.) "^if^mi j^dpiyd, the castor-oil tree. h. U^b ^\'^r\} pdthnd, a. to make up cow-dung
S(.iL)b pd-piydda, on font, walking, ji?. into cakes for fuel. h.

Ob ■qiff ;;a^, m. fallins'; sin, wickedness; auix^b iTT'^^ pdtheya, m. provender, provi-
a leaf ; an ornament worn in the upper part of the sions for a journey. *. [leaf. $
ear ; a draft or cheque on a banker, patun a-lagnd,
applied to trees, indicates the fall of their leaves in
^^b trnft pdft, f. a letter, note, epistle ; a
is ; met. ititis signifies
exhausted: that one's
often applied power exhausted
to patience or ability
by the scorn of a beloved person, or to a destitute con J.Jb pdflla (also pdt'da), a kind of wiue-
dition from adverse fortune, s. mouthed saucepan used by confectioners, p.

( 102 )

river) TJJZ
; tow pat, m. signifies
; it also breadtha (of
note cloth or of toa , K^J'b
or obligation Tn7ffcfiT;)a//iiAa,f.a
precatorius). s. small shrub (.lftr/f«
paj' a sum of money for one's own account on an ap-
pointed day. It is often usual to accept these pats j\fc^\j TfTZWR. path-mar, a courier or mes-
from creditable persons, in payment of the arrears of senger, sent from place to place, h.
the zamhiddrs or renters, h.

<Jlj>\i,Vi\Z pat. III. silk; a millstone; a ihrone, ijij^.^^^iWm^O

bird (Gracula religiosa).pdth-manchar'i,
s. f. a small
a seat; a board, shutter, plank, flap; a plauk on which
■washermen beat clothes, the leaf of a door. s. (j^^v ^'*'T pathan, m. lecturing, teaching. .«.
cL^b fat, m. a bed or plot in a garden or
field, s, [men beat clothes, s. (_5^b.
pathak) "m^ pafJn,
; a plant m. a zelanica)
(Plumbago teacher ; f.(the samegoatas;
a young
a kind offish, s.
ub XJTTT pata, m. a plank on which washer-
^^^Jk^'b xn^^
rus boalis"); pdthln,
a public reader m. a sort onofthefish
or lecturer (Silii-s.
j3^jC.>b 'mJTT'fl' pat-rant, f. the queen, the
principal wife of a raja. «.
&>^"b m^pdthya, adj. to be read or studied.*.
^(Ji^b mWeW pdt-hrim or pdt-Jiiram, m. a jJ>b tnzt 7>a/I, f. the side pieces of a bedstead ;
silkworm, s.
"a kind of mat ; a board on which children learn to
write ; divisions of the hair which is combed towards
^b JJIZ^ pdtal, m. rose-colour or pink. s. the two sides and parted by a line iu the middle ; a
kind of sweetmeat ; m. a sort of fish, described as
^b ^TTTcST pdtala, f. the trumpet Hower having many teeth, s. [radish; sandal, h.
{Bignonia suaveolens). s.
^b V1Z\\ pdtlr, m. a pungent root, a sort of
JOjJJb TTT^f^sn^ patali-put7'a, m. the name ei^U-b pd-jdrna, m. trousers, long drawers, p.
of a city, supposed to be the ancient Palibothra and
the modern Patna. s.
(_ys-b pdji, mean, base, pdj'i-parast, a patro-
jj.^,^"b mj^jlti^ pdtulopal, m. a ruby. s. "niser of mean upstarts, pajl-mizaj,
position, p. [of of the
a in.-an
base. dis-
jOb TTT^^T. patamhar, m. silk cloth, silk
garment, s. ajb^-b pdjiynnci, meanly, in the manner
ll>^>-b pdji-pdnd, m. meanness, baseness, p.
j^'b m^fi patan, f, a roof; ra. name of a city,
commonly called Patna; old inflect, plur. of pa/, a mill- _U<^&.b
stone (for paton). h. souled. p. a.pdji-i7iizdj, mean-spirited, base-

^j'b tnf2*T
as having pdtin,
many teeth, m. s. a sort offish described
b TJT^ pdch, a sort of gem, emerald, h.

Uib ■qfTTT j)at/ia, a. to roof, to cover, to ijLXs--\i VT^TSfi pdchak, digestive, tonic; m. a
shut ; to lill, to irrigate, to water, to pay ; to overstock ; cook; the bile which assists in digestion ; a digestive,
to accumulate, to pile, to fill up. h. a stomachic, a solvent, s.

•3b TJIT^ pdtor, clever, sharp, dexterous ; m. CiX>-b pdchak, m. cow-dung dried for fuel. ;;.
cleverness, talent, eloquence, s.
,Jj>-b m-«(^ pdchal, whatever promotes di-
liiJy b Xjrjf^cJT jjdtavik, cunning, crafty, frau- gestion, s.
dulent ;clever, dexterous, s, [ferryman, h. ^^b qWt{ pdchan, digestive, suppurative;
m. a medicinal preparation, an infusion of various
^y b ^TT^ pdtuni or m({T*fl pdtauni, m. a drugs, chiefly carminatives or gentle stimuli, given to
bring the vitiated humours to maturity, a diet-drink,
,^b y\\Z path, m. a lesson, reading; studying a digestive (v. pachak). s.
the Yedas or sacred writings, s.
uiJJo-b TH'^oii pdchanak, m. borax, s.
\^b 'mrry^a Aa,m. a young animal full grown
(generally expressive of a goat or elephant) ; a youth ^^»-b m^^ pdchanl, f. a sort of myrobalan
or young wrestler, h. [Tcnninalia rhebula). s.

^l^'b 'TTrnr pnthdn, m. bdellium, x. «*-b pdcha, m. (sheep's foot), foot. p.

•^ >^b ^7H pdth-bhu, f. a place where the .^rs-b "^^ pdchh,
inoculation, h. m. the act of inoculating,
Vedas are read or studied, s.

iJl>^b Tnfjff pat hit, instructed, taught, s. U^;>-b TJTSRT pdchhnd, a. to inoculate, h.

^^:s-b tnl? pdchhe, Rafter, afterwards, be-

^U*» ^'b a TJT55ITc5T
a school, college, s.path-sold or pdth-shdld, f.
ti;i4-^^ - ^^^ pdchhen,
of (v. plchhe). s. ) hind, in the absence
j^Ui^'b TTr3^%^ pdth-shdlini, f. a small
" bird {Gracula religiosa). s. lib tn^ pud, m. the foot ; a foot, a quarter ;
the foot or line of a stanza ; emission of vrind down-
'^^b TfTS^ /)athah, in. he tlint gives lessons, wards, pad-mdrnd, to emit wind backwards, s.
a teacher, a professor; a lecturer, a public reader of
the sac-red writings, or a Pandit who declares what js^i.bb
stanza, vy^xk
s. pdddrddha, m. half a line of a
u the law; a spiritual preceptor; a title of Brahmaus. «.
( 103 )
^^bb m^ra»T padasan, m. a foot-stool. 5. j^u*»ib pddshdht, f. royalty j adj. of or be-
(jibb padask, ^ m. revenge, retaliation ; "longing to a king, royal, p. [feet. ».
dash, 'I m.
LlU.i>Ub padasht,}
mdasht,) recompense, retribution,
re li^^iib tn^^l^ pdd-shabd, m. the sound of
reward, p. [toe. s. <i^^^b THcf^ft^ pdd-shoth, m. swelling of
the feet, gout. s.
,^xiX3bb m<^*18 padangushth, m. the great
KxijC.i\ib Tn^TWfeoJTT paddnffushthika, f. an c^Jb ■qi^oir pdduh, who or what goes on
foot, or with feet. s.
ornament or ring worn on the great toe. *.
o^b trr^oirr pddukd, f a shoe, a slipper, s.
^ybb m^T*ft»T pdda-non, m. black salt, pre-
pared bymelting common salt with a small proportion (^iji$:ib Tn<<*<r<* pdd-katak, ra. an orna-
of myrobalans : it contains sulphur, h. ment for the feet or toes. *,
Cl^bb mt^lt^ff paddhat, kicked, trodden, ^j^fc^ib i||(<t|^l!J pdd-grnhan, m. respectful
touched b}' the foot. s. [for the feet. s. obeisance, touching the feet of a superior. *.
u-Jib ^\^^ pddap, ra. a footstool, a cushion jJo^ib Ml«JJiri[dl, pdd-gandir, m. morbid en-
largement ofthe legs and feet. i.
bijb m^ pdd-pd, f. a shoe, a slipper, s.
f^\^Jd\>, trr^nafl^^ pdd-prakshdlan, m. ^l^iib 'm^TTR^
of one's wits. /(. pdd-ghdbrd, frightened out
washing the feet. s.

*b^.iib xjT^iTOTTT pdd-prandm, m. bowing to J^iib tn^R^ pdd-mul, m. the heel. s.

the feet, prostration. «. biib tn^tTT pddnd, to emit wind (backwards), s.
b&jU-'iib TTT^^^T pddap-ruhd, f. a creeping jib f^Z j)ddu, f. a shoe. s.
or parasite plant, s.
t:iJiijib TTT^^^ j)ddodaky m. water for the
jbb^iib tji^IT^R pdd-jrrahdr, m. a kick. s. feet, especially that in which the feet of a Brahman
have been washed, s. [farer, *.
Jjtib trr^^ pdd-tal, m. the sole of the foot ;
adv. under the feet. s. [fourth caste, s. LiJjib xn^W^ pddvik, m. a traveller, a way-
«j.>b TJT^ pddoj, m. a sudra, a man of the tdlJtjiib tiTrfT^oF pdd-valmik, m. morbid
enlargement of the legs and feet. s.
ajkbWib tn^-«jmv*i pdd-chdpalya, m. heat-
ing or shuffling with the feet. s. b&ib IJTVT j)ddhd, m. a schoolmaster. 5.
jls»-iib in^^^ pdd-chdr, on foot. s. ciJ,lii(ib ^Tcf^TToF pdd-hdrak, m. one who
takes or steals with his feet. *.
^j\\».ib m^^Rt pdd-chdri, m. a footman, a
foot soldier, s.
cl*fcib "TT^^ pad-hat, trodden on, kicked,
struck with the feet. h.
.yis-iib vj^T^pdd-chatwar, m. the religious
fig-tree (Flcus religiosa). s. [feet, a chilblain. *.
(^^j^Jbib Xi}'^-^^ pad-harsh, m. tingling of the
feet, caused by pressure upon the crural nerves, s.
(Cjbiib 'm^^Tft pdd-dd7'i, f. a chap in the
jVd^Jpd-da7'd:z, contented, tranquil, at ease. p. (_j'ib Vfj^ pddi, footed, having feet; m. a
footed aquatic animal, an amphibious animal. *.
V^^\.ib m"flcFT 3T pddrd-klrd. the ant lion, (^ib tn^ pddl, rice in the husks, h.
an insect which constructs a hole in the ground as a
trap for ants, on which it feeds. /(. joib VJfX pddya, m. water for washing the
feet. 5. [vessel for washing the feet. s.
^^fcj5.;>b 'm^fTtl'IT pdd-rohan, m. the Indian
fig-tree. s.
j!>biopb, (Tl^i|T'4 pddya-pdtra, m. a metal
{Cjiib padri, m. a Christian priest of any de-
nomination (the word was introduced into India by U<i"b iJTCT jyaiAa, m. a hog-deer (v. parka), s.
the Portuguese).
"a river, rj]^
h. pddhl, f. the act of crossing
Jbjib pddzalir, m. the name of a medicine,
espeller of poison {Bexoar stone), p.
jb xnT pdr, m. the opposite bank or shore ;
Cjj^x-j2ib xrr^^i pdd-sphot, m. kibe, chil- adv. over, across, on the other side, through, pdr-k.,
blain, an ulcer in the foot. *. to ferry over, to cross ; to finish ; to perforate ; to re-
lieve ;to carry off. pdr-hu-jand, to escape; to at-
l^ibiiib Tn?f^^T pdd-shdhhd, f. a toe. s. tain refuge. «. [man. d.
»U*3b padshdh, a king, a sovereign (same lb pdr-d, m. a sentinel or sentry ; a watch-
as bddshdh). pddslidh-zdda, a prince, pddshdh-zddi,
a princess, p. [a king ; kingly, p. |,b trrn pdrd, m. quicksilver, mercury; f. a
river, said to flow from the Pariyatr mountains, a por-
blfi»'oi»ib pddshdhdtid, fit for, or worthy of tion of the Vindhj-a chain, pdre-kd kafur, caloaiel. s.
d*ibbi*5b jmdshdhat, f. sovereign power, jbUj V(\TmK pdrapdr, w. the two banks of
royalty, p. a river, s.
y ( 164 )

j«>)jb ^\K\'^Kvcira:<hary m. a name of the poet ;_>>0)b

Vyasa ; the rules of Vyasa for the conduct of the stone ; ax?TT^ paras,
touchstone m. ; adj.
for gems the Persian.
mendicant orders, s.
^j^.l> pans or paix, m. Persia, p.
f^J^SXi^ mn^flft parashart, m. the religious
mendicant, who, having passed through the three U»j,b parsa, abstemious, chaste, watchful ; a
stages of student, householder, and ascetic, leads a holy man, a devotee, p.
vagrant life, and subsists upon alms. 6.
(JL»ijb pdr-salythe year before; last year. p.
\\^l THRT^t jmrawar, om hotii sides (of a
river) ; m. limit (of sea) ; sea, ocean, s. j_^'v*»».b
holiness, parsa'i,
p. f. chastity, purity, abstinence,

Ci^j^.b "TTTn^TT pararvat, m. a sort of ebony

{Diospyros ghitinosa). s. j^^(^jtt\i^VlT.^m^JJ.pdras-pat(har, 1m. the
J-^.;__>»>,b iTIT^qW^J pdras-patfhalj philo-
t3-jl)^v '•'T^^^fff) pardivatl, f. a river in the
** peninsula ; the fruit of the Annona reticulata ; a form sopher's stone. The paras patthar, according to Hindu
of song peculiar to the cowherds, s. legends, was a stone which, on touching any metal,
immediately converted it into gold. It was found in
ancient times by a grasscutter, who, accidentally
^\\i TUJ:\iiT!f parayan, m. totality, complete- touching it with his scythe, was astonished to find that
ness ;the act of reading a Purdn continually, without
expressing its meaning, s. implement turned into gold. It then found its way
into the hands of the raja of that part of the country,
tiJoKb T^RniftrjcIi parayanik, m. a lecturer, who one day, in a fit of generosity, presented this in-
a reader of the Puranas. s. valuable stone to a Brahman. The Brahman, not know-
ing the virtue of the gift, and being displeased at receiv-
ing a present apparently so worthless, threw the stone
jOjl^b "mftin^
sort of costus parUihavya,
(Custus speciosus). i. m. a drug, a into the Nerbudda. When he was informed of what he
h;id done, struck with shame and remorse, he | lunged
into the river in order to recover it if possible, but the
jiX^jb ^Tft>T5 pari'bhndra, m. the coral tree water was so deep, that he could not reach the bottom.
{Erythrina fulgens) ; the nimb tree ; a sort of pine
(Pinus devadaru); the surul ; also a sort of pine (Pinus That part of the Nerbudda is said to be unfathomable,
longifolia). s. hence, unfortunately, no man has, ever since, found
the stone aforesaid (Binning), s.
3\>\}T(lfxjll'^pa)-ipatra, m. name of a moun-
tain, apparently the central or western portion of the iJ.AJO,(_^b TIR^t^^i?^ pdras-pipal, m. the
Vindhya chain, which skirts the province of Mahva. s. name of a tree {Hibiscus populneoides, Roxb.) ; also the
tulip tree. a.
cdi^Ju? .jb TUfmff'^^ p(iripanthilt,m.a robber, iJLLujb TrFTftroir pdrsik, m. Persian, s.
a thief, a highwaj'man. s.
^*j.b pdrsi, m. a Persian, the Persian lan-
U^i'i .b forehead
on the Tnf^lTWIwhere
the hair is f. a trinket
parted. *. worn guage ;a follower of Zoroaster ; a fire- worshipper, p.
(.i)a*Ai,b MK^Icii pdrsik, m. (siime as pursi),
tjJu;»^b xiTlTritfMoh'
giving satisfaction paritoxhik,
; m. a reward, gratuity. gratifying,
*. Persian, the kingdom of Persia; a Persian horse, &c. a.
ftji^^.b TiTq^ parthahya, m. severalty, in- tiwijib mft]^ pdrishad, m. a spectator, a per-
dividuality, difference, s. son present at an assembly, s.

j^ijb TJif^of parthiv, earthen, terrestrial ; ^«*.b ^TT?rW pdrshuv, m. the son of a Sudra
ruling the eartJi ; m. a king ; an earthen vessel. *.
woman by a Brahman ; a son by another's wife, an
adulterine ; an iron weapon, f.
OU-jb tniriTTfl parijat,m. a tree that grows
in paradise: the coral tree {Erythrina fulgens). t. ^^}o_ trr^ pdrsdnva, near, proximate, by the
side of; m. a side, flank, s.
terer, s. tntilTftloir j)ar-jayik, m. an adul-
(i/l^j-i^b Trn&>TTT pdrshwa-lhdg, m. the
a^.b parcha, m. fragment, piece, scrap ; side, flank, s.
cloth, web, a piece of cloth, p.
5)b tTTT^ parncl, m. quicksilver, s. J^yljb TlT?y5T^*. parshwa-shul, m. spasm of
the chest, stiuh.

8Js>-j]:>\lVlT.^T^ par-darjya, m. adultery, s. ui3^.b mf5joff pdrshwik, lateral; m. a par-

tisan, a sidesiium, a companion, s. [aide. k.
tii.bjb ^R^fCoR par-darik,m.an adulterer.*.
C^^^iiijb tiT5|TT«T pdrslnra-fjat, close to, be-
(j^^iyb mi.^'g^ ;)ar-<Zri.s7in'an,long-sighted,
far-seeing, wise, *. [a country, part of Orissa. «. uJljL^jb TTlT^fNr pdrsink, same as pdrsik,
Persian, &c. s.
dJiiiJijb 'TTT^TIJeR par-d(mdak, m. name of
tili^.iijb. trfT^f^IoS par-desh ih ,foreign,abroad ; djuijb Tn^TI pdnishya, m. aloe -wood or
m. a traveller, a foreigner, s. agallochum : in law, this term denotes harshness or
violence, danda-parushya, assault and battery, vak-
| belonging pdrushya, slander, calumny, libel, s.
^^.A}^, ^K^^^ par-deshi, f.
c<jJL>pX> icjK^^ par-deshya, m. J to another t^jb xni^ pdrak, what purifies, protects,
country ; m. a traveller, one gone to another country; cherishes ; what enables one to cross (a river) or go
a foreigner, s. through the world, *.
( 1G5 )
m. an Ijjb xn^^T parwa (same as salM, q. v.). rf.
JL^^J^^ TnClcM^O pnrihrinJisJn,
"ascetic, one wlio lives in devout contemplation. *. \j6j'b TTT^ pcirJut, in. a hog-deer {Cervus
s. porcimis). h.
fK^^\>. ^JKWt parkhi, ni. un examiner,
crossin g, going over or J^Jb 'm?^ par/a, f. crossing a river (when
(iiJ^b XITTJT /;ara^,
bej'ond the world, s. "travelling on it) ; a young buffalo, a calf. h.
o* »\ p.
cJ>Si.. ^TniT par-f/nt, crossed, gone over; •fcjb pa-i'ahr, f. bezoar stone,
pure, holy ; a Jin, or Jain, deified teacher, s. i^jJo_ m^ pus, m. a rope, a noose (v. pash). s.
m. name of a plant (Buj-
Jjb "qTr^S paral, Bignonia of. s. pas, near, about, at, in the posses-
^_)*ib siontn^
nonia chelonoide.i or suaveolens, Roxh.). s.

tiJl^^lj b inft^fsir^ parilauMk, belonging

to the next world, s.
(vjb pas, m. watch, guard, defence; a space
of about three hours (the same as pahr, q. v.), obser-
wishes, vance,
p. preservation, pas i }chdtjr, attention to (one's)
uli^.U,b qTTHTf^^ jmrmarthik, preferable,
best, most desirable, s.
l**>b xiTHT p^tsa, m. a die (pi. pdse, dice), the
_ Ji.«,b TTTt«T^ parampai'j, m. trndilioniil long dice with which chattpar is played); a throw of
dice. s. [tinel ; a shepherd, protector, p.
instruction, tradition, continuous order or succession, s.
^lju*ib pas-ban, m. a watchman, guard, sen-
desh, ^.^9-_
^JJi.> ;^b nalMKmm
m. traditio m?^ s. paramparjopa-
instruction, j,bu**b pdsbdnl, f. watch, guard, protection,
keeping, p.
m. a cloud ; eating or drink-
^^Sj.ing after a paran,
fast. s.
^jbl-ib pasidn, former, of yore. p.
&jb.b "Tlf^^in^ pari nay a, in. |)roperty re- (_c,^,Nu^bj?as-c?an,f.watching,guardianship.p.
ceived at the time of marriage by a woman, s.
^^'iMiO^pa-sang, m. a weight or make-weight,
b,b int'TT parna, a. to finish, to perform, s. an equipoise, a balance, p.
b.b TTT^»n parna, m. breaking a fast. s.
^*»b xn^
■■ the k>gs
JJas'i, f. a net ; as. rope with which
of a horse are bound,
.lj.b "CTR^K parrvar, on both sides (of a
. river) ; quite through, through and through, s. «J'.^ xjT^f't pdsi, m. a fowler ; one whose
" business is to make tadi or tdri (so named from the
Ojjb Tntw parvat, m. a tree called the large rope round his leg when he climbs the tar tree). «.
nimb {Melia sempervirens). s.
>jjb pdsi (from j;a.s), a watchman ; (ours were
5jjb TU^lf\ paryvaft, f. daughter oi parwat, "called " watchy," from " watch," in my young days), p.
"a mountain, q.d. mountain-born ; the goddess Durgd,
the wife of 5/!ii;a ; the olibanum tree {Bosivellia thu- (_ji»b pash,{\n comp.) scattering,sprinkling.;?.
rifera) ; another tree {Celtis orientalis). s.
(>i>b TJT^ pash, m. a fetter, chain, tie; the
s, s.
jlJj jb TTRTf^^l^Srya/Iycr, adj. mountainou string for fastening tame animals, the net or noose for
n, m. the genera l funera l catching birds, deer, &c. ; a noose, a weapon of com -
, b Tnl?!I parva bat. s.
ceremony to be offered to all the manes at the double
or junction of the sun and moon, at which U»b tn^ pdshd, m. a die, a throw of dice. *\
oblations to the ancestors are offered, s.
,.A^b TimiUI pdshdn, m. a stone, s.
S.b para, ra. a strap, a slip, a piece, a bit ;
m. a
plra-doz, m. a patcher; a tent-maker, or &c. one who ap-
p. j_j^,^i^Uib TJTmX!]M^ pdshdn-hhedi,
plies the leather parts in tents, screens, "plant {Plectanthus scutellaroides). s.

(jjb "TT^ pari, f. time, tour, turn. s. ^ ^^ ^b THT^nr i?a5A-&arf6?Aa,noosed, snared,d.

caught, bound, s. [vered.
ybjb inftTTR pariyatra, m. name of a
mountain (same as paripdtra). s. , shi-
(^b(^b pdsh-pdsh, broken to pieces
.^b ,b Tnrt?5 parindra, m. a lion ; a large ^i^JOfjib "m^'^ pash-handh, m. a noose, a
snare, a halter, a net. *.
snake {boa), s.
parina LlA^b -qifW jJa'^'''i^ tied, fettered, bound, s.
&l)jb parina, ancient, past, elapsed,
&JW;^b tipgrw pdsh-clmtya, adj. behind,
daftar, an ancient record, p.
being behind, subsequent ; western, s.
jb tjT? par, f, a scaffold, s.
l"b TITTT para, m. a quarter of a town, ward ; ciU.b Tn^rsR pdshak, m. a die, particularly
the oblong die used to play chaupar. s. [feet. h.
(in Dakh.) a calf. h.
\k>vb pdr-parna, to sustain an injury, to elLiib XJT^^ pdshak, m. an ornament for
receive a blow. d. hereti c, an
jj^b xn^IU ;)5s/ian<;^, l"^- *
bjb Wp{\ parna, a. to let fall ; to collect J impostor, a secta-
h. ^lji»b T?m^ ;95.</«awc?I,
laip-black ; (Dakh.) to finish, to acccomplish. Buddhist.
"rian. a Jaina, a Bauddha or *.
( 166 ) Jb
ui»b pashna or pashina, m. the heel. p. j^b pdJii, f. purity, cleansing, pdhilend, a. to
shave or pluck hair from parts concealed, p.
w j^b pa-shoya, m. feet-washing. /?.
j^i»b pas^n, f. diffusion, scattering. ^. ^^^b pdktzafji, f. cleanliness, purit\% neat-
"ness. p. [innocent, of pure conduct, p.
^Ib "<TT^^ pasht, m. one armed with a net SjAib pdktza, clean, pure, neat, pdldza-rau,
or noose, s.

j^^Xw^jb pdshtdan, to sprinkle, to scatter. 7?. AA^b XJT^? pdhya, m. Bitlahan, a medicinal
salt, impregnated with iron ; nitre, saltpetre, s.
ei)b pah, pure, clean, upright, pak-hurdan,
to carry clean off. pdk-sokhtan. to burn or be burnt cL/b 1JTJT j)dg, f. a turban ; syrup ; a poll-lax
utterly, p. [confection. «. formerly levied on all males over twelve years of
age. «. \^Marltattas) a stud. h.
tiJb Tn«F j>a'^, m. an electuary medicine, a
«b THTn pdgd, m. a troop of horse ; (among
jb^b pak-laz, undefiled (generally applied
to the mind), p. [mind, h- ^^,vnn^ pdgur, m. act of chewing the cud;
rumination, h. [to ruminate, h.
(_^'jkib pah-hazt, f. purity (generally of
J-^.Ui)b TnofiTfi^J pah-phal, ra. the Caronda b\3^b ^in^l^n pdgurdtid, a. to chew the cud,
(Carissa carondus). s.
<J^b "TTT^
(a word P^9^h
peculiar ^- ^ ^"^0^
to Bengal, idiot, madman
and vulgarly sounded
j^btiib pak-ddman, chaste, pure. p.
^<]jiS\>_ pdk-ddmunt, f. chastity, purity, p. pogle). h.
JbTn^7?«/,m,f. shelter; asnil; asmalltent;
j^fiJLilb m<5R^^*T pdk-ranjan, ni. the leaf la3'ers of straw, leaves, &c., between which unripe
of the Laurus cassia, s, mangoes are ripened ; a dyke or dam ; crown lands
kept in the hands of government, h.
• )(^b pdk-rau, upright in conduct, p.
^b MT^I paid, m. frost, hoar frost, snow ;
vi^b m^'j pdkar, "I the citron-leaved trust, charge ; cherishing, protecting, fostering; a heap
of earth made by children to separate the two parties
bjib "TTepff^ pdkariyd,} Indian fig-tree in a game called kabaddt ; leaves of a tree named
{Ficus venosa). h. jharberi (a species of Zizyphus) pald-papia, n. to snow.
pale-parna, to fall within the power of another, s.
J(i^j4jl3b pak-zdda, a washerman, d.
^l^jLwitiJb V!\wW(V^pdk-sthdn,m. a kitchen, s. (^^b m^l^r pdldxh, green ; belonging to the
palas tree, made of its wood ; m. green colour, s.
^y>*jJu*>uLJb 'qrora'3^ pdh-sanrsi, f. a table-
"vice, a bench-vice (jsl^^jii^b t|Tc^|^(l^4{3 pdldnh-hhrmd, m. a
strument wliich was(this is a modern
introduced name for the/;.in
by Europeans). country in India, the western part of Behar. s.

^bijuLJb "TToir^TQn pdk-shdld, ra. a kitchen, s. /^^b Ml^'MM pd-ldgan, m. obeisance per-
formed by embracing the feet ; reverence, respect, ve-
auiL^b xrr^ pdkshya, belonging to a side or neration, s.
party, s. [unpolluted, a. p.
«_JboLiJb pdk-sdf, pure, clean, undefiled, jj^lb pdldn, m. pack-saddles, dorsers. p.

(jlouiJb pdk-sdf I, f. purity, sanctity, p. LHJb "^tf^iH pdlit, cherished, nourished. 5.

ii^^\i_pdldyish, f. filtration, percolation, p.
;J^b TTToF^J pdkal, producing maturity, sup-
purative m.
; Costus speciosus. s. Ji)b pd-laghz, a slip of the foot, a stumble ;
met. error, ruin. p.
(jSb mdipQ^ pdkali, m. a plant (Bauhinia
Candida), s. [_{Cucumis usitatissimus). s. uiJJb XTToSoir pdlak, one who protects, nou-
rishes, &c. m. a kind of green (a species of spinach) ;
^©b TTTojr^ 2}dhali, f. a sort of cucumber a bedstead, s.

\jS\j_'qjW![\ pdknd, n. to boil in syrup, s. tdJOb '^'^i^ pdlik or pdlaJi, m. a cherisher,

a protector, a guardian, a watchman, a preserver, pa-
l^^b XfT^T pdkhd, m. a shed, any small build- lak-putr, adopted son. pdlak-beta, a boy who has been
ing leaning against the wall of a yard or area. h. bought of his parents, hence a slave, s.
^\^^.\j TrminS pdkhdn or jidsh an, m. a stone, s. &»».tjii,Jb m:^'3fiW^ pdlak-juhl, f. name of
.^$^b Tn'^x.pdkha?', f. an ironk. armour for the " aRoxh.)
h. tree {Justicia nasuta, also Ixora undulata
defence of a horse or elephant,

OOk^b TJT^?!5 pdkhand or Tni^?!5 pdxhand, m. ^Ob tji<J5oFrl pd-lakri, f. blocks of wood
wickedness, deceit, hj'pocrisy, heresy, a heretic, a hete- placed under the feet of a bed to raise it (it is the cus-
rodox Hindu, adopting the erxterior marks of the tom to have two such blocks ready to raise the head
classes, but not respecting the ordinances of the Vedas.s. of a bed, to give it a sloping position), h.

L5.!kl^b "mws^ pdkhaiid't or XfmT^ pdshandi^ Ij^Jb Tn^oFTT pdlakrd, m. a child adopted
deceitful, hypocritical, heretical, wicked, s. as a son. palakrl, an adopted daughter, h.
^^b ^JTcJcfi^ paJhi, f. a litter, a sedan, com jJlob TiTW pdni, f. a line (of writing); a rank
of siiUliors, a row. s.
monly called by Europeans palankeen, pdlki-sawdr,
one who rides in a pdlkl. pdlk'i-vixhln , entitled to be j<ib Titrn: pdntar, m. a desert field, s.
carried in a pi'ilkl (formerly this privilege was granted
to individuals by a king or viceroy), h. ^!ob TJTr^ pdnth, m. a traveller, s.
ii^^b ^^m palan, m. bringing up, rearing, u"^.
breeding, s. j_^b. ^Jlfi pdnti, f. a row. a.
js^b mW^y-'a«;ar, m. the ribs, the side; aside
^5b qicjSWI pallia, a. to bring up, to breed, or quarter (synon. with iaraf). s.
to educate ; to guard, to protect ; m. a cradle, s.
ciJJb inf^^ pdlind, m. a sort of jasmine ^b tit'«r;K'/«r//,five; (in Dakh.)an emerald, s.
(Ja-imitium pubescens). s. Jls^b xija^io^ paiichdl, belonging to the coun-
try of Panchrd ; m. the sovereign of Panc.lial ; the com-
j^tSoJl) T^f^fH^ pa.li7id/n, f, a plant commonly pany or association of five trades, viz. carpenter, weaver,
barber, washerman, and shoemaker, s.
"called teorl (Convolvulus turpetlium) the black sort. s.
ciAjJb moSf; palink, m. olibanum tree (^Bos- LibU^,=w>b q'w^JT^ 7^a«c/t chhaidnk, a toll
wcllia thurifera); a sort of beet-root {Beta Bengalensls) ; of five chhatdnks (q. v.) in a rupVs worth of rice or
a hawk. s.
paddy, established in large cities to defray the expense
of inspectors of weighmen, stationed in the bazars,
(_^b JP^S^ palotiki, If. incense, the gum &c. to prevent fraud in the weight and measure of
commodities sold therein, h.
UxiJb moS^I pdlankyd,) or resin of the
olibanum. s.
^ji^aib xji-q^ pdnchrvdn, the fifth. 5.
cL^i^b j)a-lahang, m. a tether, a halter, p. jc-^b pdnchi, f. a kiud of weed growing in
"tanks and pools, d.
/Jy. Mlc?l pdU, whoor what nourishes or pro-
"tects ; m. a cowherd ; f. a battle between birds ; a place ^jl^b
where birds fight ; a covering of a pot. h. betel andm'i^^m pd7i-ddn,m.
its apparatus. «. p. a box for holding
jJb pdlez, f. a melon-field, p. job in^ pdndUf pale or yellowish white; m
Ub xn*n pdvid, f. cutaneous eruption, herpes, pale or yellowish white colour ; name of an ancient
scab, s, king of India, and nominal father of the five Pandava
princes; f. a plant commonly called Mashani {Glycine
debilis). s.
jteb tnnrft pdmdri, m. sulphur, s.
jl/cb pd-mdl, 1 trodden under foot,ruined, ^^^J^b xn^iJH ])dndu-bhum, m. a country
with a light-coloured soil. «.
JU4_^b pd,e-indl,i devastated, p.
jiiS>[i mi^^'^ pdndu-putra,m. son of Paudu,
^JUb pd-ind!i, 1 ruin, devastation, p.
either of the Pfmdava princes, s. [ing. »•

"^l«j_^b pd,e-mdU, (^iikib tnftprtT't pdndifi, f. scholarship, learn-

♦*b Vl^m^pdmar, adj. wicked,vile, base ; stu-
pid, idiot, fool. s. [lour. p. jiiib tn^pr; pdndar or "mi^Xjydndur, pale or
yellowish white ; ra. pale or yellowish white colour.
pdndar, the many flowered jasmine, pdndur, the white
(_^;^.,«b ])d-7nardi, f. strength ; resolution, va- leprosy ; vitiligo, s. [cane. s.
(_jycbxn5RTft;>omarI,f.siIken clothes, silk dress; ^ji^^b xniTT pdndrd, m. a species of sugar-
the wife of a man of inferior caste, h.
K-^^ -J^ib m^Tjf^^ pdndar-pushpikd, f.
^b TJJW^ pnman, diseased with herpes, s, a plant commonly called sitald (perhaps Phrynium
dicholomum). s.
^b Xfi"^ pdn, m. act of drinking; drink in
general ; betel leaf (leaves of Piper betel) ; (in Dakli.) ^.i.jjb VVf^XI^ pdndur-drum, ra. a plant
a leaf (of any plant in general ). pmi uthdnd or pun {Echitcs antidyscnlevicd). s.
lend (to accept or take the betel leaf), to consent, to
agree, s.
U^Jwib. "qi^^^Trr pdndu-sharliord, f. light-
coloured gravel {disease), s.
(^b trrftn pdnif m. the hand. s.
bb Tn«Tr pdnd, a. to get, to acquire, to find, Ax,$S>\i_ X(\^^^^f!^|;^ pdndu-kambal, m. a kind
to enjoy, to suffer, to overtake, to reach, to accept, to of stone, limestone or marble, s.
obtain ; m. a plant growing in stagnant water, s.
toJj^ib T^J^g^m pdndu-l07nd, f. a plant (Gly-
cine debilis). s. [opal, a pale soil. *.
-tf4?tj^ "^W^^ 2^ani-hhuj , m. theglomerous
fig-tree. (Ficus glomerata). s. Kjj-clib tn?I?'?f%^ pdndu-mrittikd, f. the
u-ob xn^^^amji), sin,crirae (j.pdpy, also agony, Ll/bjjb MHJit^TiT pdndu-ndg, m. a plant
anguish, torture, h. {Rotleria lincturia). s.
y bj^b qi^lMH pM-pdtra, m. a glass, a drink- J J.ib xrn^ pdndav or pandava, a descendant
ing vessel, s. of king Pandu, but more especially his five sons dii-
^Jb Tnxftjjampi, wicked, criminal, sinful, h. bhdrata. s. in the great wars detailed in the Malta-
( ifis )
^^.jjvJb xn;^T(j!j pandu-varna, adj. wliite; m.
whiteness, s.
avoid another, pdnw pkaildkar sovn, 'lit. to slee] with
legs extended) is applied to signify that a person is in
perfect content and security- pdniv phalldnd, to insist,
be obstinate, pdnw phuk phuk rakhnd, to do anything
Li.>b ^JTmfxi ndun-a, m. a liglit-colnnred soil; carefully, pdnw prtnd, to stamp with impatience.
a mixed soil of clay and sand. s. pdnw tale vialnd, to give one pain, to annoy, pdniv-
tornd, to desist from visiting any person ; also to visit
o',!>Jb tlT?!3 puncje,'] m. a title of Biahraans, one very often ; to be tired, pdnw mhit rakhnd, to per-
severe firmly in a resolution. punu)/n;nann,to stand firm-
^p'j m?^ pahre, J a priest, a teacher. 5. ly, print/; c/ia/-;;«7ia, to totter, to become unstable, pdnw
ii^y)\i^panzdah,Mieen. panzdahii?n,Mteenih.p. dho dho
feet are plnd washed) (lit. expresses
to drink theperfect
water confidence,
with which one's
ddlnd, to prepare for and commence an undertaking.
^j«3b XfT^ pans, m. manure, a dunghill, pans pdnw d'S'td, to slip, pdnw ragarnd, to go about foolishly
hojdnd, n. to rot, to become mellow (land), s. and uiipro;itablv; to h' in the agonies of death, pdnw
zamin par na thakarnd ia used to indicate excessive joy.
jj«.)b Tjm pahsu, f. a rib, the rib bones, s. pdnw-sond, to be numbed, to sleep (the foot), pdnw .se
pdnw bdndltnd to watch one close, pdnw se pdnw
Li'j vn^ pahsa, m. (lit. a throw), a die (v. bhirdnd, to be near, pdnw Jcd,tm-k., to occupy a fi.ted
pd6d) h. habitation ; to adopt a new resolution, pdnw ha
Uo--Vj>. x([W^ pansna, a. to manure, h. anguthd, m. the great toe. pdnw kdmpnd or tharthardnd,
to fear to attempt any thing, pdnwkisl kd ukhdrnd,to
»-Jb Tlf^7>a«5rt?/,^five hundred, pahsu, a move any person from his place, from his intention or
resolution, pdiiiv kUi kdgale men ddlnd. to convict one
.^b xn^ pnmai, J rib bone. «. by his own arguments, pdnw k'l ungli, f. or pdnw kd
anguthd, m. a toe. pdnw gdrnd, to plant one's feet, to
" straw,
-jb Tlt^ stand immoveable, pdnw li'Snd, to make obeisance.
h. ;;a/i.sl, a net for carrying grass or pdnw nikdlnd. to exceed one's proper limits; to with-
draw from an undertaking; to be a rinwrleader in a
(j£jb TnT pahshv, m. manure. «. criminal action, dale pdnw and, to come gently and
unperceived as a spy. t.

^.(jl'>b tti^^xr? priiishu-putra, m. a pot-herb

(Chenop'iiium ulhum). s. lS3 'j'^'^A.'^'^X^Z^ paiuv-rofi, f. akind of loaf. h.
^ijb TriT»r7)a^«/i'/;, m. salt extracted from V, •>b ^TTfT pau/vra, m. a cloth or carpel
soil, rock or fossil salt. s. spread for great personages to walk on. h.
K.i-3b TrtToRT pdil<hulia, f. a fragrant plant
(^,yb TltWl' paiioh (for paimon, pi. of pahw),
(Pandnnus odoratissim-t;). s. [phuret of iron. s. the feet ; the first nun, being nasal, is generally omitted
in writing, and a hamza substituted, as pd,on. h.
(!«.***» K-iJb ^TT^^tNi ])anshukasis, ra. sul-
JJLib tit^^ panyhul, m. a kind of tree (C/- ^*)b W!^ ])anhar, m. a kind of reed. h.
salpinia honducella). s. [quagmire, s. ^h/m^ paid, m. water; lustre, &c. ; sperm ;
Ldbb TJToP2j«/i/i, m. fi hog, mire, mud, slough, " pdni bharnd, to confess inferiority, pdyil parnd, n. to
rain, pdni pi pi kosnd to curse excessively (i.e. till the
throat being dry must be moistened by drinking), pdni
C.*$ob ti* ?F .u'lltta, linear, in line or row. s. jdnd, n. to be afflicted with the /uor alhus ; to be dis-
(.f^b Tf\Tf pan//, mud left by inundations ; gracedto
; shed tears, pdni chalnd, n to be afflicted with
alluvial soil. h. the fluor albiis. pdni d., to offer a libation of water to
satisfy the manes of a deceased person after the corpse
has been burnt, pdni se patld-k.. to abas!), put to
^Vb T^tTT panrja, m. culinary salt, obtained shame pdui kd bulbuld (a bubble of water) indicates
from the sea-sand, as by the process in use on the sea- instability; pdni-k., a. to abash; to facilitate, pdni-
coast of Bengal, h. marnd, n' to dry up, to be evaporated; to exhibit signs
confirming a suspicion, pdni mdrnd, or pdni tornd, to
draw, in nautical phrase ; as, yih jahdz kitna pdni
j^j^^b "mfTtpx^TSpani-fp-ahan, ni. marring'^', mdrtd (or tortd) hai I " What is the draught of this ship ?
the junction of ihu hands of the bride and bridegroom.
pditi-grahanlk, matrimonial, s. How much does she draw I" pdni men dg lagdna, to
revive a contention which had subsided ; pani na-
mdngnd, to be slain with a single stroke (of the sword
^l^S jjb trrftn'TIl'^ &c.), and die instantly, s.
one wedded according flTto jrini-grihita,
the ritual, s. f. a brido,
uLlU'^b TTr^^nToSoB panijamalak, m. a
(^b inftnf^ panini, ni. a mvni and inspin^d fruit {Flacourtia cataphracta). s.
grammarian, s. [the grammarian, s

s.jXi^Of^xiWrf^po.nin'iyri, belonging to Panini jjrt^b "fvmri pa/iy ni, f. the foot of a bed. s.
AJb ^Tsft"!; pa»'u/fi , drinkable, to be drunk, s.
ob Tj'^ paiiw, m. leg, f(vit. pahw iitarna, to
be di.>located (the foot). p«)i;(! tiihdnd or ckaldiid, to ^ ^juio. wJb ^ff^^J^SH paniyorprkhthnj , m
quickly, pdiiw urdna, to interfere unprofitably in any an aquatic plant (Pistia stratioites). s.
one's alfairs. pdnw harhdnu, to take the lead among
one's equals ; to desist from one's former courses. ulil^-c &Jb TTI^'^^^ paniya-rmihih, m. a
pdim hhar-jdnd, numbness of the feet, sleeping of the plant {Serratula anthelmintica). s. [otter, t.
feet, pdnw-pdniv or pdnon-punon, on foot, pdniv par
pdniv rakhnd, to imitate oradopt the conduct of another;
to walk in the steps of another; to sit at ease, to sit ^yC'i s-ob Kl'IrlTiiTl*^ pamya-nahiila, m an
cross-legged, pdnw-parnd, to entreat submissively.
ponw pakarnd, to beseech submissively; to prevent jb TTR j;r7,o, m. a quarter, fourth part. «.
oi;c :rom going, pdnw ptijnd, to honour another; to
Ci^jb ^Tf^tTj,ay?7, purified, s.
( ifio ) <^^^
the first stage of a journey (it is usual to make one
short stage at fhe commencement of a journey, and
there to wait a few days to collect every thing neces-
the present at thefeerate
of aof 1;diiun-iro((\.\.), allowed rupees,
four anas per hundred by go- sary). pd,e-jd»ia, drawers, trousers. fjd,e hisdb Idiid,
to settle accounts. pd,e-ddm, m. a gin, a springe, a
on the net revenue of each district, to defraj- the ex-
penses of tlic cstablislunent. h. snare, a noose, pd.e-zanj'ir, (chained by the leg; met.
encumbered wit ii a family', pd.c-zili, m. a loop or slip-
knot tied to the legs of falcons, &c. ; a stapL-. pd,exeb,
{J,>^\.'^[mf\ pa,otl, f. wliat one gets, gain, in- a female ornament, worn round the ankles. pd,e lujind,
come ;pa,utt, a kind of lamp. h.
n. to make obeisance by embracing the feet (a token
Jbjjb pa,o-zahr, the bezoar stone, d. of respect paid by the Hindus to Brfdimans). pn,f-vidl,
trampled on, ruined, utterly subdued. pd,c-mdl-k., to
(^_j*»jb tn^^ faivas, m. the rainy season, s. trample on, to destroy, to lay waste, to ravage. pd,e-
vidll, f. destruction, ravage, ruin, occasioned by an army
dJjb Vi[^'3R vawah, purifier, purificatory ; or cattle overrunning and trampling fields, tkc. ; pd,e-
m. fire ; a saint, a person purified by religious abstrac- viardi, f. courage, resolution, p.
tion ; a tree riie wood of which is used to procure fire
by attritioii ( Premiia spinosa); lead woTt{Phimbi!i;u zey-
bb paya, m. the foot of a bedstead, &c. p.
hinicu); nvirking-nut plant {Semicarpuxayiiicaiyniim. s.
L-,>bb payab,
m. a ford. p. fordable, within man's depth ;
"^3^1 'TT^^T y;a,o/a, m. a quarter of any coin,
as of a rupee, &c. s.
ij\>}^, payabi, f. quality of being fordable. p.
^l«j'> '^■\■^^^l■r{ pawamun, purificatory, s.
^bb payan, m. "1 end, extremity; comple-
^jb TTR^ pawan, sacreil, holy, purifying ; (3 bb pa?/aw^, f. J tion. p.
m. water ; penance, purification by acts of austerity :
the eleocarpus seed; a kind of grass [Costiis). s.
LJ^y*;^^.. pa,e-posIi, a shoe, a slippei'. p.
j^j^b tj\^ pa,on (pi. oi'pd), feet. pa,on par ^^bj^j'^b pa,e-taha, m. a sock, a sandal, j).
tesha vidr-lcnd, to hit one's own feet with the adze, i.e-
to occasion one's own failure. pd,on dhul, calamitj', ^Job fJ^TJZ pcii/ath, m. a scaffold, h.
misfortune, h. [shell, s.
iSo«W b pn^e jama, m. drawers, trousers, p.
1^^^ ^^^;^'\ '^T^'^ZiS^f^ pawan-dhrvani, a conch iOii^ \jpa,e-hlmna,m. a necessary, a privy, p.
bjb TTTcjTiT paivna, a. to get, to obtain, &c.
(see puna) ; m. a plant growing in stagnant water, s. j\i^^ b pa,e-da7;
manent, p. firm, steady, durable, per-
^>jb xci^i 2J(t.)vi, who or what purifies, s.
OU&b Tji^TTT pahat, m. the mulberry tree lJj^-!:^. ^^ pa,e-dari, permanency, stability, p.
{Morus Indica). h. lJj^. ^. P«,^' ^ f' foundation, basis, d.
j^lfcU tTTfT^ pahan,\m. a stone ; the head- [j^>}j^. xim^ pat/as, made of milk or water ;
m. an oblation of miik, rice, and sugar, s.
^^\i,'^\'^ pahan, J man of a village. 5. l^b pai/iz, the autumnal season, p.
jjjbb tn^^ pahal, the ceremony of initiation
into the Sikh religion and community, h. T*'i^. b. pa,e-zahr, the bezoar stone. j>.
uiAjb TnfTToR payih, m. a messenger, harbin-
^^b'TTlT^ paJiun, m. a guest, s.
ger ;a foot-soldier, s.
Ujb'*> ''TTF*n/)a/«/na, m. a ij-uest ; son-in-law. s.
jO(_5 b pa,e-kar, a person who purchases
^Ai^b ■STll'^^ pahiitn, f. a female guest, s. goods from the manufacturer to sell to the merchant;
ytb T(T? paitu, m. a person, individual, h. a non-resident labourer hired to cultivate land. p.

^b TTl?^ polii (also jmhi-amviT), vn. a non- (*>0(_^ \>^ pa,e-kaslif, (land) let out to non-
resident resident tenants ; pd,e-kdsht zamln, laud cultivated by
. cultivator, pdh'i-kasht, cultivation by non-
residents, hp. peasants not residing upon the spot. p.

,^A>_ tTTT? p~t,P, m. a peasant residing in one i\>.>^ b;?a,e-^a//, m. rank, dignity ; a stable, p.
village, and cultivating land belonging to another vil-
lage, h.
J,^b Tn^^ payal or "Tifxi^ P^I/'h ^^'■"' of foot,
steady, easy paced (elephant) ; f. au ornament for the
jj'^b TT^ 7;a,z, "If- a coin, the fourth part feet ; a bamboo ladder, p.

^^/b irf^ pa'iii,) of an ana. .<t. U^L$ ^. po,,e-vial, subdued, trampled under
foot. p. [tion. p.
^Jf\i TJ\\ 'pa,!,It", pins used by weavers to
j^/b TTT^ pu,in, J wind off the warp fi-nm ; ^lo f^ b pa,e-malt, devastation, deslruc-
the word pilj is frequently used for pdhi, q.v. a non-
resident, &c. /(. jy>i^ b pa,e-?M02:, m. a kind of pigeons, j^'
^_5'»'j' pn.e. m. loot, le'i, the foot or stand of a j^ b pajin, low, lower, under, the lower
"fable, chair, &c. ;w,p-6aH(Z (tied by the leg), met. en- part. p.
cumbered with a family. pa,c bdl-l, remainder, balance
in hand, pa c-takht< m- the royal residence, or place of i^l b "^r^ pa,ih, f. pins used by weavers to
general residence of the royal family. pd,e-turdb, m. wind off the warp from. h.
C 170 )

KJjk-O. fi^xftfoJcirT 7?//^I/iVia, f. the common small

LlJob. infqw /;«//■'« ^ 1 f". the foot of a bed, red ant. s.
^xjob TTT^lft pai/anfi, }■ the side towards the
lIIo. 'mi put, f. good name, honour, clmracter. g,
i^. ^.'':(^lii pa,intl, J feet. s.
ii>. ^. pa,in.i, f. inferiority, louiiess. p. O^. 'TrT pat or Trfff pati, m. a lord, master,
husband, pati, m. a leaf. s.
i^^Jpayanda, firm, permanent, p.
lHa?. V^^ patti, m. a company, a platoon, con-
a^b pay a, m. a step, deo[ree ; rank, dio:nity ; sisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horse, and
the foot of a table, chair, Stc. ; the foundations of a five foot. I.
building, p.
(JIa^. fmt pit or f^T^ pitt, m. bile, gall. s.
Lob. puy'iz, autumn ; met. old age. p.
CL^. ^(T put, m. a hell to which the childless
J^'tjf^'^pabitr, undefiled, nice, clean ; m. are said to be condemned, s.
the Brahmanical cord. pa6i7ra-/a, f. purity, holiness, s.

\j5jO ttN'TT pahitra, m. a Brahmitnical thread ; li>. fmn pita, ni. a father, s.
beads; a knotted piece of A'ils/ia Ijo fiT^ pitta, m. bile, the gall-bladder ; met.
a string
grass religious ceremonies of the Hindus, f.
holy basil (Ocymum sanctum); a river a little to the anger, emotion of mind, pitta marna, to subside
north-west of Hardwar, the Ptibar ; the i'2th of the (auger), pitti nikalnd, to chastise, s.
light fortnight of Sbrawan, a festival in honour of
Vishnu. ;;. Ub "Tin patd, m. a sign, mark, symptom,
hint, direction, address (or place where one is directed),
ijjLi, V^^ pahitri, f. a ring oi Kusha grass a label; a book of instructions and regi.liitions for
(Poa cijiiosuroidfs), or of gold, silver, or copper, worn rent collectors, pata-rakhna or -lagana, to seek for,
on the ring-finger and fore-finger by Hindus during to endeavour to find out. h.
religious worshij). s.
V**>U fqTn^/>//>a5a,f. thirst. pipasit,pipdsan, 1*0 "mn pattd, m. a leaf; a trinket, pattd
OT pipa.sn. th'TSty. s. hotu't, to run away, to flee. s. [uer. «.
lio fx^ujTt pippata, f. a kind of sweetmeat, s. \^ljb. Mrilotit patdhd, f. a standard, flag, ban-

(^_j*)Uj-..) vaparmas, the shaddock or pampel- s. patuhi, m. an ensign, a standard-

" bearer, MriTajft
inase (CI tries decitmamis). d.
Vv^ TTTT paprci, m. a crust, a scale, s. JIjO. "TWT^ ym/a/ or Mrll^JS patidl, m. (in
Hindu mythology) the infernal regions, or a place
ij'''.f_^. 'T'TTt piipfi, f- a scab, a scale, scurf; under the" earth (v. piilal). s.
diiii cukes of bread; scales formed by the drying up
of moist earth, s. wc'jb. flirt IH^ pild-maha, a paternal gnind-
father ; a name of Brahma, the great father of all. s.
CL^bv.O. f^-gT^wn pajniya-katAt a kind
.,^Jobv-J. xcqf^\W^ papriyd-kath,) of white- _y«'jO fUril*!^ y;/<ama/<2, a father's mother .«•■.
coloured kath (ex. of Mimosa catechu), h. jj^Jo. fqHiy^ pitdmbar, m. a silk cloth of a
yellow colour, a dress worn by Krishia. s.
^."■•-^. 'TTTt^T paprild, scurfy, scabby, s.
^^VjO. tniT| ptitd,i, the act of plastering,
^yx>f^^^^pippal, m. the holy fig-tree {Ficus price paid for plastering, p.
religiosa). s.
dJJjO. fqmc^ati pippalak, m. a nipple, s. Ci-'j^O/qfTT^lT ;;</)' /fc'•fl^ m. chastity, modesty. s.
Ij jjj '^Tt^'SH^ patibratd, f. chaste (woman), s.
^ ftpxj^t pippali, f. long pepper (in Dakh.
"jnpU). pippall-mul, m. the root of long pepper, s. VbbCL^i^ fxTlT'TTT^ pit-pdprd, m. name of a
medicinal plant {Oldenlandia biflora). s.
^ -qxr^ paprn, f. the eyelash, h.
\3\j^. tfTfRT pcipota, f. the eyelid, s. patpiti, the grass warbler, a
" small "mrnrrft
^jS>, bird. h. [vial deposits, h.
V^ X(Tw^ papihd, 1 m. a sparrow-hawk
vJo. UrtMJ patpar, land susceptible of allu-
\AXf^xiq\%T])!ipiha,j {Falco nisus), h.
j^j-vJo. qri^T^ patpafi, surface of soft land
o plpp'i, the dregs or lees of any thing "caiced by sunshine after rain. h.
"when poured out or drained, d.
UU^.lIO. "TfirinWT pati'prdnd, f. a faithful
wife. s. [infantry. «.
IxO. "qq^n papaiyd, m. a kind of child's
whistle ; name of a tree and of its fruit (the Papaw
tree ; Carica papaya), h. C»5oJ.C*.>. TTf^qPs patti-pankti, f. a line of

S^A f^^^"^ pipitakl, f. the 12th of the Ll«jb. TrffTiT ;;aiiV, abject, fnlh n, guilty, aban-
doned, s.
"mouth Yaisakh, when giving away water is an act of
merit, s. [ant. s.
L^JJoAi. fqTt^^ pipilak, m. a large black ^^jbClOo. qfrirtMNH patit-pdwan, purifying
the guilty (an epithet of the Deity). *.
( 171 )

l^yxi, T^frirtf padttva, m. the conjugal stutc. .s. ^jX>jJ^_ fm^Tr\'^ pitri-tirth, m. Gaya, the city
so called, whore the performance of funeral sacrifices
j^ CL^i, fq^UT jntt-jivar, m. bilious fever, s. jH efficacious ; the })art be-
is thought to be peculiarly
tween tlie middle linger and the thumb, sacred to the
manes, s.
j^C^., "triT«R.f pat-jhar, without leaves; f.
the fall of the leaf, autumn, pat-jhar hond, to lose its
leaves in autumn (a tree); met. to decaj- (a person fJS^ji^. f^'if'^ pifri-jag, m. obsequial rites. .<
from age). /;.
^■^J^. M'^it^ putra-jli', m. a tree, from tiie
fruit of which necklaces are made, of supposed pro-
t^J^LLO TnTVK.Tt pat-jharl, f. autumn, h.
lific efficacy (Xiiitila piitraugiva). s.
^^yCL^l TTrif^'^ pat-din
always, constantly, s.
or pati-dhi, daily,
(jlj^. fxriT^TiT
of deceased pitri-ddn,
ancestors, s. m. gift in honour
JJ T^ patra or "T^^ paftar. m. a leaf; the
leaf of the Laurus cassia ; the leaf of a book, gold
leaf, &c. ; a sheet or plate of metal, a letter, epistle ; i^^jj*^^ "T^T^^
ing a page, patra-ru7ijan,
illuminating, gilding. *. m. embellish-
a deed. s.
^,l^x-j^ fxjri*iijlrr pitri-sthufi, m. a guardian,
jjo IT^ ^;?<?7' or piitra, m. a son, a child, s. a protector ; the abode of the manes, s.

jjo ftTTTT pitar, m. (pi.) fiithert., ancestors, s. \Miy*ijX>_ fqins^T pitri-swasd, f. an aunt,
father's sister, s.
Jb_ Tjfw 7J/7ri (same as pita), a father (this
form is used in compound words), s.
fibre of "T^f^TT
a leaf, s, patra-shird, f. the vein or
\S:>/tfWl pntrcifTU. an almanac; an ephemeris. s.
Ji<yijZijli_ ftTTnjnir pitri-shrdddha, m. the ob-
iJJjLjLj. "T^T|; pntrank, m. page, paging, s. sequial ceremony of a father, s.
iJ^\jJ^.WWr^'P'Jt rang, m. red sanders (Ptero-
carpiis sniif(iliniis) ; red or sappan wood {Ctesalpinia sap- (_^fjwi*jJO. ti'^'i|5Bi^ s.
(Sahinia cucullata). puira-shren'i, f.[sequia!.
a plants.
pati) ; the Bliojpatr, a tree so called ; a kind of birch, s.
(-dJJo. f^rTofT pi/rik, pait'Mi.il, uncestral, ob-
^_s \ Jo fiTfRT^ pltrd,i, m. a kinsman, a pater-
n;il relation from three generations, s. ^Ji->. ^f^ofil putrikd, f. a daiigliter; a doll.
putrikd-jviira, m. the son of a daughter, appointed to
1^ \^_ fm{TJ% pit ra, I, f. vertligris, sub-acetate raise issue fiir the father, s. [a letter, s
of copper, s.
Oji) Tjf^cj;! Udtrihd, f. a leaf, a pa^e, a writing,
>jjjj!o. Tlfrl'^''^ pitri-handJiu, m. a remote or
cognate kinsman by the father's side. s. _,jOjjJ. fsjWef.T^ /Jj7rj-^a?;;,m.ob.'^eqiiialrites. s.

C^^^JiS) ftr^nf^ i^itri-hluikti, f. filial duty Ia*o^JO. ''I'^^TT^T put7-a-J{dmi/d, f. wish, or

to a father, s. [fered to the manes. $. affection for, progeny, s,

.,».»^p. ftTHiftWT pitri-hhojan, m. food of- fkSy^.. f^HeRH piiri-karmy m. 1 obsequial

Jb Jo. fmif'mf pitri-pitri, b^I>. fTTHf^PIT pitri-kriyd, f. J rites, s.

father, s. [am.father,
a paternal grand-s.
euphorbia, "iT^JTTl
s. patra-gujHa, m. a species of
CL^\j>.Jy>.f'l'i^'^ pitp-p>'apta, received from
iSji^.. fTlHTf pitri-grih, m. burial-ground, s,
»«j^. Jo.
mother. f^fTirH
«. pitri-prasu, f. a father's
r^\p. fT'tTTlIT
genitors, the sonspifri-gan,
of the Rishism.or Prajapatis.
a class of a. pro-
^_AuiJ. Jo. Tj^Tjai pati-a-pushp, m. a red sort
of basil {Oc'jmimi pilosiim). s.
utlil^Spo filrl'yidoF plfrl-ghdtcik, a son who
is hostile to his father ; a parricide, s.
uiJuJi-^. p. "q^^^Tojr patra-pushpak, m. a kind
of birch from the bark of which hukka snakes are
made. s. l^^]JjJ_f^tf'^t^ipitr^-loh,m.\he world or sphere
of the manes : it is variously situated, but principallj
f^J:S^\l:>_fmr^^ pitri-pakshaA m. the first or in the Blnnar region, or mid-heaven. ,s.
.1^ Jo. fTTrTHff^ pitri-mandir, m. the pater-
^\ijx>, f^Tfim^ pitar-pakh, J dark fortnight
of the lunar month Asin. s. [from son to son. s. nal mansion ; a cemetery. *.

j^. J^. Jo. Tj'g"'^TNr putra-pautrm, descended \^=li.!o. ir?^r^<*I patra-ndrikd, f. the fibre
or vein of a leaf. .«.
^^ J.i). fiTiTlT^Trr pitri-tarpan, m. the part of t,f ^Jo. T^f ^ patrang, m. red sanders [Ptero-
the hand between the middle finger and the thumb,
sacred to the manes ; gifts in honour of deceased rela- carpus saniilanus). s. [
tives, distributed at the shraddhas or funeral ceremo-
nies the
; act of throwing water out of the right hand at ICJJo. Tj-fffj^^T patringd, m. name of a bird, {
the flycatcher {Merops viridis). h. |
seasons of ablution, by way of oft'ering to the manes. «.
,^^jb. .Jo. fTnrCt pit arau, m. (dual), ihe two pa- !
moon onftrFfufiz?
which slie pltri-tithi,
rises invisible. m. *. day of new rents, s. !
( 172 ^uO

a tree ^_5>^. Mt\*i\ patma,t, sowing fresh sugar cane

(Cassia escidenta).
s. J^.-
patropasliar, after cutting the old. h.

j^jj^i^. W^M pntrorna, m.a plant (^Bignonia

indica). s. (j^. "^IW^ patan, m. the act of falling, s.
(^JO TTf tT puttan, m. act of ordering goods
{^;J^\. ^^W'^'T from a manufacturer, h.
jilace where dead pifri-van, in. a *. cemetery ; a
bodies are burnt.

i^.^Jy^. f^^^ pifrivya, ra. a paternal uncle, s. (^^. Mtir| pattan, m. a city, town ; chiefly
used in comp., as srirang-pattan Seringapatam. «.
f^j^\ fTHf "n pitri-han, m. a parricide, s.
{jji^. Vr^ put ft, f. a daughter, patrl, a note, ^f^z^ijhpatanjam'i hharch, a monthly
an epistle. *. treasur}' account, specifying the receipts and disburse-
month, ments
h. arranged
p. under the different heads for each
iJiif'-^Jh^ ^^fi? putreshti, f. a sacrifice per-
formed for obtaining cliildren. s.
i.iXlJJ."'T7r^ jaafaw^r, m. sappan wood. h.
b J> "tJirfTTn patariya or TJrtfcm pahiriya, f.
a prostitute, p i/'/r///(7-fcax, a whoremonger. A. Lf-^xO. ^(Jli^' patang,\n\. a moth ; a (child's)
^xG,x)fTr?Iir?y7?/.W-?/«/7Z/(a!,m. obsequial rites, g. iXlio. Vifm piitariga, J paper kite; the sun. s.
l£idO. Tlri^'l paftingd, m. a spark, patangd
CLK^^Xutd^i^Tjf^'H'^fifpatti-sanghatifi'. a bodys. hond, to go rapidly about a business, h.
of troops, s. [band.

\^x^'>'^?i(^'m pati-xeva, f. devotion to a hus- {JJ^. '^^ patni, f. a wife. j)(^tni-bhdg, divi-
»X?. tTTToRT pathct, ra. a girdle, a sash, ^arl- sion of property among a man's widows. *.
patlca, a gold sash granted by the Peshwa as a badge
of honour to his officers, h. p. ^i>. 'TWJTt pattani, commissioned, manufac-
tured by order, h.
iS^\ "mi^ patuhi, f. a small pot, a pan. h.
[jjk> "m^T patauwd, m. a leaf. t.
(^,^^1) fw^Hpitia-ghna, antibilious s.
j^yLi T|dc|IC patrvdr,
atwdl,]\ f. a rudder or helm. h.
ij^l fWWffi pitta-ghm, f. a plant (3feni-
spermum glabrum). s.

^^jJ. "Tfrf^'^ pat/i-ghn, f. the murderess of Oj^l>. "qflT^lT ;>a<^-i'ra^ m. chastity. $.

" woman
her husband
will be; atreacherous
line on theto hand indicatings. that a
her husband, \j)j^l'qi-^lii[1
ful wife. s. 2)0-tivratd, f. a chaste and faith-
A3j) fl^"^ paitul, f. a plnte or trencher formed
of leaves, s. b jyL> TTirft^T paturiyd, f. a prostitute, h.

A'il f^^"^ pitial, bilious; m. brass; the ^jjyL^. s. patwanti, f. a wife devoted
to her
hhojpiitr, or birch tree, of which the bark is used for
writing m on. s. [lean, meagre, delicate, h.

'^'S^_'mr^ P'liJci, fine, thill (clolh or liquids); 8yO. VHX^ patoh. If. daughter-in-law, son's
!ik>^. THT^T j}iifla, m. an image, effigy, idol. s. y6_jjL> V^ patohu,) wife. s.

!iU.> f^'^^T piltala, f. a plant {Jussieua ^)^ •qyjj)ath, m. a road, path, highway, .f.
repens). s.
Mj^,^_ "Tf^^H pathi-drum, m. a sort oikhyar
o!l^. fTTcT^T^T pitlana or ftT^^T^T pittlatia, {Miviosa alba). «.
n. to be contaminated with verdigris (as food, espe-
cially of an acid quality, kept in copper vessels), s. .AjO XTPm patthar, m. a stone ; patthar-hdzi,
f. throwing stones, playing with stones, patthar pant
tJ^"^. ""ITT^T^ patla,i, f. thiimess, fineness, hojand, the molting of a stony heart ; a difficult task
meagrencss. h. [m. an image, an idol. s. to be f.icilitated. jxitthur pasijnd, to be softened or
Kii^. TQWf^'iSrt pittUha or wf^^TT pnftnliha, melted (a stony heart), patthar par rakhnd, to
chhdt't being
be patient bv compulsion, or from without
tijb TTn^ patio, m. tlic dead leaves fallen remed}'. paiUiar sd phcnk mama, to reply rashl}-,
from a tree ; the leaves cut from the culm of a reed without understanding the meaning of one's question.
(Saccharum spuntaneum), and used for thatching, s. patthar se sirplwpm or mama, to teach or instmct a fooL
patthar huna, to be heavy ; to be stable, to stand still ;
ko rjj{^ puili, f the pupil of the eye; aw to be unmerciful, s.

image, puppet, idol, doll ; the frog of a horse-hoof.

putU-ka-tara-k., to honour or esteem as the apple of UljAV. ^^^T"JTTpfl^/<'a«a, n. to become hard
the eye. s. (a boil); to be petrified, s.
AI?. f'TrS:^ pittali, brazen, made of brass, s. *\j^\ XT?qTT^ pathard,o, act of stoning, s.
\jL»JO. TifffiRT patimhara, f. a bride choosing y-A> j±L> xir^TSr^ pattliar-phorf m. a wood-
her husband ; a pungent seed [Nigflla indka). s. pecker (Picus). h.
73 ) cLo

\j>'j^^ mm.'^ZI pallhar-chata, m. name of li^^ '^^Zl pata, m. a foil, a wooden scimitar for
a kind of preens; a skin-flint; name of a serpent; cudijelling with ; a board on which Hindus sit, whilst
name of a iish ; adj. one attached to his own house, eating their niealr or performing religious ceremonies.
■\vlio remains there even in distress, h. pale-idz, a fencer, a cudgel-player ; met. a coquette,
wanton, h.a strumpet ; paid katiid, a. to discharge from
.m».,^y MfVJV-^^, fotihar-chur, m. riiniie of a
plant {Plectratitlms aromaticut, Roxh.). s.
li>. TTJT ;?.v/'a, m. :i Icrk of hair; a dog-collar;
^l^ijAlO. MVj<e)iQ5i pathar-hala, m. a firelock. 5. n:mie of harness; f an ornament for the forehead.
pattd (vrdnd, to flee, to run away. h.
uSj^H W^ltt pathrt, f. the flint of a nnisket ;
a gizzard ; grit, gravel ; stone in the bladder. «. IJO. TTJT patta, m. a deed, ])articuliirly a title-
deed to land ; a p:rant or lease, specifying the quantity
'^.j^j'l '^^J^C\'^^ pcthrila, stony (as soil), s. of land possessed by each tenant, and the amount of
rent with which it is charged, patta ddr, one who
cli^jb. TjfTZioF pathik, ni. a passenger, a tra- holds his lands by a written engagement putld dali-
vel er, s.
sdla, a lease for ten years, pattd jandjdt. leases granted
,^jj trfsHT pathiTiy m. a division of hell. s. to tenants individually, pattd ta'allul-. a dependent
lease, pattd thtkd, a deed assigning land for fanning
on certain conditions. *.
V-Aio. "'^nn fnlhya, f. yellow myrobalan
(Teiminalia cheiuld). t.
Ub pntta, m. an ant-hill, a snake's hole.
(Snakes are usually to be found in old ant-hills, where
&x^^ X[^ pa thy a, proper, fit, suitable, agree- the ground is burrowed in every direction to a con-
ing with (chiefly with respect to diet), s. siderable extent — B.) d.

^i V^ piitfi, f. a leaf; hemp, of whicli an

uL^Va^^ing, or tTTTTJ potapat, m. the sound of beat-
" intoxicating potion is made ; the hem of cloth ; (for of the falling of drops of rain. s.
pati, q.v.), a husband, lord, or master, s.

X?. xrt ;)Cf?a?, straw or grass thrown over a jli) TJilxj^ paiapar, m. name of a fruit, h.
" field to protect the fresh planted roots from the sun. s. UVjIaJ* tr^T TTTIT^T paita turana, n. to run
\jp. TifnTn patiya, f. a written opinion given away. h. [cracker, a squib, n.
by Pandits on a point of Hindu law ; a letter, a small Ls-Uo putahla, m. (properly putaha) a
note. s. [brother. *.

yyh ftrjTTT pitara, m. a large basket, a port-

Vp fj^Xd pitiya, a. paternal uncle, father's
manteau, square boxes much used by persons tra-
VU:^. xrfiTTITO pntiyara, m. belief, confidence, velling. A couple of them are slung by ropes to
dependence. *. either end of a bamboo, called a bahangi, and tlius
carried by a man who runs alongside of the palan-
liljO -qfTTTrnn ^?o^»i/ana, a. to confide in, to quin.—(B). d. [{\-.aghorl). .t.
trust, to depend on, believe. *. [land. h.
LI^jQ. T?lf;W pafxt, m. uncultivated, waste jj\h fqrrs pitaru, m. an order of mendicants
t/.U.J ftfTIi:^ pitari, f. a small basket, a port-
occa- "manteau, a hamper, a pannier. «. [in rice, &c. s.
^^'C-^ip ,. yitt'it-kamt, f. a decrease,
"sioned by lai.i'.s being left uncultivated, h.p.
ijXj> ffJZTXt piiii'i, f. a weevil, an insect breil
^jjp. wirt i)afiri, f. a kind of mat. s.
ijj\jj TTTTcF patdk, m. a crash, explosion,
report of artillery ; a kind cf bird. h.
Jju^. TTH^^ pat'il, thin, fine. h.
Jjji:.) pafd, m. a match for a lamp, a link- \^li) "TTTeirr pdtafid, \ m. a squib, cracker,
stock, a candle-wick , pat'il soz, f. the stand or support
of a lamp, p. l^ljb Tfzwith. patdhhd,) fireworks; f. a flag,
a banner,
^::) Wi^ST patlla, m. a pan, a pot. h.
(^.51L patfdan, m. a regiment, a battalion.
«Jjp jmiila (v. patil), a match, &c. ;;. (The Urdu version of the English word is paltan). d
tlLi^. "fJZ pat, m. a shutter, the valve of a fold- \j'l). VZV^ patand, a. to irrigate, to water ;
ing-do r a; sound ; adj. upside down, overturned, h.
to place the beams on the roof of a house; to pay
liL^ '^Z pnt, m. the sound resulting from the in water,; to h.prepare a chaukd w ith cow-dung dissolvcii
falling or beating of any thing, s.
patdw, irrigating, flooding a[}'^S-
<jL^\ VZ pat, m. cloth, coarse cloth or can- jU^. VZl^ bouse with tiles, &c. h. *•
vas, a checkered cloth on which chess &c. may be roofing a
played. *. [gent, sharp, s.
evA'^^. ^'^^'^ P<>Vp(^ti f- <'i6 sound of beat-
kjL> try patu, clever, dexteious, skilful, dili- ljuJ6. fqjftlfTin pitpitiyd, adj. combing or
carding (wool, cotton, S:c.). h.
ciL.; Tj^ patt, m. wove silk ; a ])Uint {Cor-
chorus vlilorius) from the fibres of which, called jute, a llO) ffZWf vatutd, f. ^exportnes^adroitness;
coarpe sackcloth and cordage are prepared ; a royal
grant or order written on copper, stone, kc. x. lyji,'q7mpatuttva,m.) eloquence, s.
^JLj>,t(z pvt,m. a menstruum, solvent, flux. s.
ij,i::C^.iJ^l^%iatt-(Jc'v'i,i'-'^ principal queen.,v.

( 174 )
yb T|^<| patra, m. a plank to sit on, a plank (__)ioL;JO fi|,J4'l5J pitunkdsh, m. a species of
on which a washerman beats clothes ; unripe g^ain pike [Esox scolopax). s.
{Cicer arietinum). patrd Icar dena, a. to deprive one of
his power or strength, to convict an adversary and
leave him without reply, h. ^OJJo. finr'^ofiT' pHankdki, f. colocynth. s.
j3^j«JLo q<j<i«i^ pat-rdni, f. a queen who is ^JJ^.. "^Z"^ pattii, m. a ferryman, h.
installed or consecrated along with the king. s.
{^, ^Tt pattant, commissioned goods, or
" goods made to order, h. [purpet. «.
<lJj>jji>. ^i<.^ patt-rang, m. a plant used in
dye'iug {Ccesalpinia sapfan). t. jjb. TJZ puttu, m. a kind of woollen cloth,

Ljfjh. '^zC\ patri, f. a tile. 5. 1^6 '^ZW[ patu,d or patrcd, m. a man who
strings pearls, a braider, a maker of fringe and tape. s.
{jy^. "^Z^ patri, ^ f. a plank to write on ; the
(_^vi5. '^ZT\ patri,) vanes of a Venetian win- \^\ "qj^d patrvd, irrigation,
land artificially watered, h.p.
dow ;a firm seat on horseback ; a narrow slip or plank
of wood. h.
\^h TT7?n patu,d, m. tow made from the
Hibisctis cminahinus. h
l-ii. "^TTT patra, m. a plank, &c., see patra.
JLjcLo. MifJI^ pat-sal, m. a coll( ge, a read- j'^y^.'^Z^XTipotJvdr, ^m. one who keeps
ing-ro m, aschool-house, s.
a land-steward: patwdy'i,}
he keeps the accounts
accounts ofofthelands,
(^y^, '^T^'T pat-san, m. a plant, h. realized in liis village or department, and accounts for
them to his superior. The patudrl is also employed
clJliJo. "T^^eR patt-shalt, in. a sort of pot- on the part of the husbandman, to keep an account of
herb {Corchorus capsularis). s. [of the teeth, s.
his receipts and disbursements, and no village i'jwitli-
'^^^. fygoh pittak, m. the tartar or excretion out one of these, k. [to water, h.

»^. '^?efi| patha, m. a cloth worn round the ^\yi, "TTTRT putn-dnd, a. to provide money j
waist, a girdle, zari patha, the golden girdle, an en-
sign conferred by the Peshwd on generals who are in- <^y)^., "TTiT patui, m. "1 vigour, virility, acti-
vested with authority immediately by him. pafka \i%hvzfn patutd, f. J vify, skill, s.
handltnd, to determine on, or prepare for any act.
patkd-pakapid, a. to hinder, to obstruct, i.
f^yy^. ffttlfm patotan, m. roofing with planks
or boards, transom, h.
UWKi>. M<!Qhl9lMT patliajdna, n. to fall from
one's rank or estimation, h. o^. fJZWf j)(iiuhd, m. a cloth worn round the
OjKjO. TiT^^tfr patkdrna,\a.. to dash against waist, a girdle, paiukd bdndlmd, a. to determine on or
prepare for5. any act. patukd pakapid, to hinder, to
\J^^TTZ'^}'^ patkdnd, J any thing, to
throw on the ground with violence ; to knock, h.
^jhfl^^ pataunl, m. a ferryman, h.
to fall down. Ti.f. a knock, a full ; pathan Ijjbjji^. xiTlH^^ patohhjd, m. an owl. h.

^^1^. ^7<*flT patahnd, a. to dash against any Xi^yJ^pcittrigar,m.('v.patu,d),iihra\der,kc. It.

thing, to throw on the ground with violence, to knock ; ^h yjZ path, 1m. a young full-grown ani-
n. to crackle (as wood in the fire), to sputter, to fret. k.
l,^. tizi patthd,} mal, a youth, a wrestler;
a sinew, a tendon ; a plant with long leaves, a.
ljL),ii|^xJ6 T4(j<*»i't ^^^;a//mni-(/(?na, a. to dash
on the ground, to throw against any thing with vio- iJ.>. TI^ patta, a lease, &c. {pattd). h.
lence, h. [the ground, &c. (same as last), h.
^i). VZ\putthd, m. the buttock, the hip (of
u^ti^^i). yjofi^^^T pathi-dend, a. to dash on an animal) /).
^yL>_ ilfj^c^ pcittil, m. a plant (^Ccpsalpiriia
bonduccelld). s. ^^^OTTZT^pathdn, name of a race or dynasty
that reigned in Delhi ; also an Jfghdn race settled in
Rohilcund. h.
J&iSyi), '<7%^ViI pattilodJira, m. a tree, the
bark of which is used as an astringent ; the red species
of the lodh {Symplocos raeemosa). s. 131^. fizm^ pathdnd or pit hdndA a. to send,
'oj^Jb. q^*iT pathaund, J to des-
fvT^. ''^^*J patan, m. roofing, h.
patch, h.
^^h/^^^ pattan, m. the name of a city. k. C-'^A^.xrfeTT ;ja//«7, read. Studied; recited, h.
^Jo xr^?T pattan, act of ordering goods from
a manufacturer. A. jb&jb. Mg<^R patta-ddr, a leaseholder, h.

Ujb, VZ^^ patnd, n. to be paid, to be pro- ^^j^. '^Z^ pathan, m. reading, reciting, h.
cured, to fill, to be watered, to be covered, to be roofed, ^-^-4^. "^f^W^ pathingd, shelter, refuge, d.
&c. ; m. name of a city in Behar. h.
l>^. TTftrin pdthiyd, f. a young full-grown
Uo^ fJTTTr pitnd, n. to be beaten, h. animal, generally applied to kids, fowls, &c. h.
«^. ( 175 )

liftieth. ^"^rnr pachas,

\^;^.''J7m pathah/a, part, sent, despatched, h. fifty, jjachdsrvdn, the
j_jO "^^ patti, f. plaster; a b;uidao-e, a fillet ;
quarter ; ofa written
a place ;order,
the side pieces orof patent,
the framea of
charter, i^^- "^I^T^ pachdsi, eighty-five. 5.
statement, or invoice ; documents of any kind ; laths of ^'?; ^^'"TT pachdnd, a. to digest ; to cause to
split bamboo ; spokes of a wheel ; a row ; a kind of sweet- rot ; to rot, to ferment, s.
meat; divisions of the hair which is combed tow;irds Tfive. s.
the two sides, and divided by a line in tlie middle.
pattl pakarke hilte rakitd.exyiTessea excessive weakness ^J ^^^.'^^^'^ pachdnawwc ,pachdnwe,n\\ie[y-
and laziness, pattl tornd, to be bedrid, pattl se pattl
mildnd, expresses the most intimate proximity. «. J^^ ^'^^^ p(ichd,o, m. digestion, s.

jJO putft, a basket for catching fish. d. ^^^^^'^ P"ch-pach,m. the noise made by
walking in damp places ; adj. soft or plashy, as soil, or
rotten vegetable matter and mud. h.
ui). "Tfrm pat it/a, f. a slate or slab of stone, s.
<-l*AO Tj^ patait, m. a cudgel-player, h. W6v.- fxT^ftr^T pic/ip/chd, soft, flaccid, moisf,
flabb.v, watery, h. [to be wet ; to sweat. //.
y^ij^. pattt-dar, a patentee; a person who
holds a tenure by pattl ; one who has a share in a co- ul^......v "q^rq^TrfT pachpachdnd,n. to be damp,
parcenary village or estate, patfi-durl, a coparcenary
tenure, h. p. [grass eaten by elephants, h. UJ^ ""T^^^ pachpan, fifty-five. h.
1^x16 THTT patera, ra. papyrus ; a kind of long ^^^^ ^^TTT^ pachtand, n. to regret, repent ;
to grudge, to grieve, k.
jJjlO. 'q5<j5 patel, m, cudgelling ; sovereignty;
a title among the Kunbl tribe ; a title of Marhattas, J^^ "T^TTR pachtd,o, 1m. penit(?nce, rc-
the headman of a village, patel ddlnd, a. to interrupt,
to throw obstacles in the way of a business ; to beat. h. J^ "T^WT^T pachtdwd,) pentance, conceni,
grief li. [cloth, h.
^aJ JlZ^f p'ltela or "fJZ^ pataild, ni. a kind
of large and flat-bottomed boat used for merchandise ^^^^. ^Wt%xn pachtoliyd, m. a kind of
on the Ganges; u log or beam used to roll or harrow
ground. Ii. [to beat. h. ^.^i-^ f^W7 pichchat, m. inflammation of the
eyes, ophthalmia, s.
ULjO tfj)^^ patilnd, a. to exact, to subdue,
J^ murnd,
"T^JTa. topachchar, f. a towedge,
tease, to harass, distress, pachchar-
^iJ^, '^Z^ pateli, f. a flat-bottomed boat. h.
Uj^J^. "^Z^^I p'lttma, m. the planks on which
cloth is spread for printing, s. '-ii^ ffr^"^ pichuh, m. a plant (F'angueria
spinosa). «. [large nail. d.
Uax), •qr^'JTT patvid or pataina, m. the name
of a bird, the green fly-catcher [Merops viridis). h. }j0v pdchj-d, m. a kind of wedge, a spike or
jl^jub. pnttlnidr, according to shares or assess- 0**_;55 puchras, m. a kind of bronze, a com-
ments (v.pattl). h. p. [shipping, s. position ofiron and other metals, d.
bljtf TCSfVn pujdpd, m. the apparatus of wor- a.3£ frr^"^ pichukkd, m. a squirt, h.
UW Tr5n*n pujdtid, a. to fill, to accomplish ;
]j9>^ ^'^W^X.I piichhdfd, m. (same as puchard)
to cause to worship, h. a thin coat of clay, sponge of a gun. puchkdrd phervd,
to whitewash a wall. h. [syringe, h,
tjljsi pajdwd (v. pajdwa) a brick-kiln. j).
^/^Kac ftr^^TT^t pichkdri, f. a squirt, a
\3«l|tf tiifH<iT pujawana, a. to cause to wor-
ship. ,s. [kiln. p. UKai fxr^ohltTT pkhhdnd, a. to squeeze, to
press together, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to burst, h.
»j\jtf pajdwa, ra. (corrupt, oi pazdwa),^ brick-
UxjC fxr^W^T pichaknd, n. to be squeezed ;
.^ pajar, distillation, dripping ; also a foun- to be shrivelled, h.
tain, jet d'eau. d.
\>.^ pajarnd, to drop, ooze, distil, d, 14x3^ V^Wl pnchkhd,i.six days from shrdvana
to rnrntl, on which days several kinds of work are
U\»jC TnnTVTi ptijwdnd, to cause to worship^ unlawful, s. [or divisions (a house), h.
to cause to fill or complete, s.
U^Xa^ TT^^tTT pachkhajid, having five parts
U^atf "TiTfT pajaurd, low, mean, shabby, h.
(J-^ 'f'T^^ pirhul, the tamarisk tree ; a plant
v_^i<i r^^pn']eb,^. an ornament for thefeet.p. {Barringtonia acutangula) ; the diver or water-crow. s.
pichu, m. a sort of leprosy, s.
l^^ W^'^Snaspaciilard,
or strings, a necklace, consisting
&c. (v. panchof lard),
five rows
UJ\iiJVai "T^T^T^^T pacha dalna, n. to digest, larl, f. a necklace consisting of five strings, /j,
to rot. s.

\jU: "T^TT piichaia, m. a thin coat of clay IJ^Jj^ 'T^oft'TT pachlond, m. :i nuHlicine com-
for la^•ing ou a wall ; the sponge of a gun. puchard posed of five kinds of salt, s,
ph-erna, to sponge a gun. puchard litnid, to lay a thin
coat of clay on the walls of a house ; to whitewash a Xa'^'fi l|-c|U4-«|| pnchampachd, f. a species of
wall. h. curcuma {Curcuma zanthorkizon). h
( 1-^6 ) u^
^^s^^ J^v,-^'^ pachmafiaUa, consisting of Uj^aC Xl^^rfT pachhariid, n. to fall, to tum-
five stories, rooms, or apartments (a house), h.
i>y*£'- f'H'=tHt pkhu-viard, \m. the nimb tree >4.^ fxi^^
h. ' (inpickhld,
ble! recent hindermost, last ; mo-
dern, opp. to ancient), pichhle panw hatna
i^ss: fif^JT^ pichu-mandjj (^Melia azad- to witlidraw from one's agreement, h.
dinihltta). s.

.■?. !iX^^ fTTfe«5T pklichhild, f. the silk cotton

(Jjys^ tj^iT^ pacfwiel, mixed, confused. tree {Bojiihax hepfaphyllimi) ; a. potherb {Basella rubra
^^ TT^Tf pachan, what cooks or matures, &c. s. and lucidaj ; a timber tree {Dalbergia sisu), an esculent
root [Arum Indicum). s.
\j^ V«HT pachna, n. to be digested; to rot;
to take pains, to labour, to be consumed, s. (/-^'iJ^-^ f^J^i^SW%})ich}ial-pd,i, f an ugly
or frightful woman, one who is a satire upon the sex,
.ijsxsi fq^^ pichand or f^f^^:J^pichind, m. the an ogress, h.
belly, i.
^^J^r?? f'T^^'^l pichchhal-dala, f. the ju-
\^cU;tf ftl^feoin fichandika, f. the instep, s. jube (Zizj/pliiis JHJi(ba). s. [pJ"o- ^•

J3a3^ fq-Mr<r3Q5 pickandil or f^rNftlJ^ pi- {J^^ f'T^c^d pichhalan, m. sliding, slip-
chindll, h'l'-r, bellied, corpulent, s.
^Ji^■^^. piclthahm, next, second, again, d.
iy^ '^'^KTJ pnchotara, m. a duty of five
per cent, on merchandise (v. panchatara). s. Ul^::^ f'^^;^^^ pichhalnd, n. to slip, to slide, s.
K^^ "T^"^T pncliuha, m. a squirt, a syringe, h. fr^^,
west, "^nSH
s. or "Tf^T pachchhhn ,

(_^fU^ TR^^ pachKa,i,'\J. an intoxicating UajS ViW^ pachlind, m. the act of sjcarifying
^j^<i "q^^ jyachrvi, J drink made from (tattooing) ; inoculating ; a scarificator (name of instru-
ment), h. [ing. K
rice. h. [of a tank. A.

• e^; fT^T pichor, garden-ground &;c. in rear ^j^^. 'Tif'JT^ pachhrii, f. scarifying (tattoo-
(iy^ "T'^^ pachaunl, f. the stomach. 5. l^.-< TT^^T pachhrva, f. western wind. s.

^4;^ '^'^ pachh or "^^ pf>^<h, ni. confirmation, ^I'U^sC fwS^TTl piclihrvdrd, m. 'I rear, rear-
protection, defence; partiality; a feather; a fortnight,
or division of the month, i. «->j".5456 derm^^'^^f
ost tlie
; back3^yard
;;?>/<of^?r an, f JA. wards, hin-
a house.
,4^ fw^ pichchh, m. the tail of a peacock,
a tail in general, h, (^^y^^ f^'^'^'^ pichhivdn,
tail. h. [m. tailed,
back of ahaving
house. «.a
^^ traf puchchh, f. a tail. s. (O^j^ f^^nr pichhut, afterwards, behind j
.1^ TT?[R j?.'/c/iAa/-,m. asking,investigation. //.
jl^si xr^^rs pachhar, f. a fall, throwing down ; \)y^^ fRcJKT j^/c/t/taMm,^ m. a cloth or sheet
the act of winnowing, pachhar khdna, to fall down ; V"^^j£ fMrOil pichhaurd,) worn round the
to suffer pain. s. waist, or throi
thrown carelessly over the head, a tablecloth, h-

\J'j[as£- M^\i^'l P" ch harna, a. to throw down, ^j^^ f^T^r^ pichh(jn)i,\f. a small cloth,
to abase, to conquer, to upset, h.
kerchief, f^T^fTt
h. pkkhauri,} &c. ; a head-
,^VIa^ ft^TTt pichhan, f. the rear; the
hinder part of an animal ; the ropes by which a horse's
hind legs are tied ; adv. in the rear, behind, pichharl
^j>4^ ^^
mdrna, to attack in rear. h. [of the sun. s. I3j'j4ag
a basket "MtitiHl
used for pachhornd,
this purpose, a.
h. to winnow with

U^ "T?[t pachhah, m. the west, the setting i^jy^^ pachhori, f. a sheet, cloth, &c. d.
\jl43i frsn^ pichhanna, a. to know, to be b^s^ ■q'^W'TT puchhwaiya, m. an inquirer,
acquainted with, to recognise, h. interrogator, s.

\3-fi, ,>b^5^ fnchh pa,on hona, to retreat,

fall back, withdraw, d.
(_c4j? "'na;^ pachchht, m. an ally, an assistant,
"an advocate, patron; a bird. s.

U^jAii xr^W\'^ p'lchhiana, n. to regret, to re-

J V.4f6 Vifwil'^ pachhiydw,i. a westerly wind. «.
pent of, to feel vexed, s. O..";^^ ftr^iT pichhet, m. the back of a house ;
LU^ ^il^Tm pachhtdrra, m. regret, concern, a yard or compound behind a house ».
grief, contrition, repentance, s.
(C^ '"T?ft pachchi, adherent, joined ; (mot.
f^^ TTWW^pfichhattar, seventy-five. "in music) in unison, /ioc/jc' t-A-ari, f. mosaic ; patchij g
or darning of damaged cloth, pachchi hona, n. to he
K%^ fTTfsfW5RT pichchhit iha, f. the sisu stuck together as with glue: to be in unison; to be
{Dalbergia sisu). s. [overcome, h. strongly attached by love. h.

UWj^js M^dsiRT pachhar-Jdna, n. to be U**.;^ "^T^Tl ijachhf twenty-five. s.

( 177 )
^-^jkjfi 'T'^'^^ paclusi, f. a game, so called, ^'^.- ^'^^rt pad-chyut, fallen from dig-
played with cowries instead of dice. It is so named nity, disgraced, s.
from the highest throw, which is twenty-five. s.
jdf.\ pnda?' (in Hind, pldar), a father, pidar-
^ pakli, interj. Oil ! bravo ! well done ! pikh, mhajl, a representative father,
b^-> or one who has adopt-
get away ! begone ! p. ed a son. p. [bottom, beneath, d.
jVac paMal f. (for pakhal), a large leather juV^. padar (same as tah, q. v.), fold, &c. ;
bag for carrying water, generally on bullocks, s.
*^];'H Pfidarana, paternallj, like a father, p.
are laidpukMit'h
{_Sy^ f- cakes
over dishes when (or to bread)
table, and under '^Jj'H podrud, leave, dismissal, farewell ;
which the meat is kept warm ; cakes embued with cla- padn'id-k., to bid adieu, p.
rified butter, from being laid over certain greasy dishes,
as dopiydza, &c. These cakes are very soft and savoury, (^j>^,pada7-t, paternal, fatherly, p.
whence mama pukhtariyan khdna, to eat cakes of this
description prepared by his mother, is applied to a ^JiJSi,f^^^ pidri, f. a tomtit, h.
person accustomed to luxury and incapable of labour uiJtiJ. TT^ pndak, m. an ornament of the
or fatigue, p. [of the world, p.
neck ; (in Dakh.) a flat plate of gold or other metal ;
badge. *.
if^^ JJukhtagi, dressing, ripeness, experience
j^pCi^ puhhtan (r. paz), to cook, to bake ; ^iiX). Ht^jw pad-kram, m, step, pace. s.
met. to concoct in the mind, or imagine, to entertain AiX). '^^^ padam or V^ padma, m. the lotus
an idea. p.
(Nelumbium speciosum, (i'illd. or Primus cerasm) : it is
often confounded with the water-lily {Nymphtra) ; ten
&ii^ pukhta, dressed (as victuals); ripe; sly, billions, according to the Slidstr, or one thousand bil-
knowing, experienced (in the world), wise ; built of lions,dinancesaccording
oiAkbar.to thes. Dastur-ul-'amal or the royal or-
cut or polished stones (a house), pukhta karnd, to
make strong. pukhta-kiirl. sound workmanship.
pukhta-mizdj, of mature disposition, experienced, p. ^«iiJ. ■'Rn padma, f. the goddess of riches,
Lakshmi ; a small tree {Hibiscus mutabilis). s.
(j£^ pakhsh, trodden, expanded, withered, p.
ci.>l«ii.> inrnr padmat, m. a sort of cassia
i\). fl^ pad, m. the foot; footstep ; rank, cha-
(Cassia tora). s.
racter; (ingram.) a word; place, station; a foot or a
line in a stanza ; (in law) a head, title, or topic of legal ^j**»[<S>, inrnnf padmasan, m. a posture in
or judicial proceedings, s. religious meditation, sitting with the thighs crossed,
Lo fV!^J pidda, m. a species of small bird. h. one hand resting on the left thigh, the otlier held up
with the thumb upon the heart, the eyes directed to
the tip of the nose ; a seat made in the shape of a lotus, s.
iJL^^^^Si, 'fj^jfmfv^ padabhishiktaf anoint-
ed or installed in rank or office, s. .y^Si, M9\<^i. padmdkar, m. a large deep
pond, in which the lotus does or may grow. s.
O^ti^. 'tJ^TT padat or padati, m. a footman,
a foot-soldier, a pedestrian ; a pawn (in chess), s. C^m[KSi, llilNri pndmawat, name of a cele-
L£jL>liiJ.tI^TfWoF/>arfa<i^, a peon, a footman or brated princess, whose adventures are related in a ro-
mance entitled Padwciwutl. s.
foot-soldier ; a pawn (in chess), s.
^JjlciW. XRn^rr^2?«c?/?/a?ra/i, f. the wife of the
^^^. TT^'^ padartk, m. a thing, substance, sage Jaratkdm ; the main stream of the Ganges be-
a good, a blessing ; a raritj' ; a delicacy, or exquisite tween the Kasimbazar river and the sea. s.
food ; the meaning of a word ; a category or predica-
ment in logic, of which seven are maintainei, viz.
substance, quality, action, identity, variety, relation, Si^^Si.'^^i^'i pcdm.a-pat7-a, m. a sort of costua
and nonentity, s. {Coslus speciosus). s. [{^IVebera corymhosa). s.

i,_^!),\^^\ M^MUif podma-pushp, m. a shrub

offering "Tc^TE^
of curds,padargh
honey, &c. (for padarghya'),
to a guest or Brahman, ans.
^.U.*kiJ THT^TfC'irt padma-charhii, f. a
(__j**liV. 'T^nr padas, f. inclination to break small tree {Hibiscus mutabilis). s.
wind backwards, flatulency. *.
,.j^.^^^_ TI^l?[^«T padma-darshav , m. the
^,>*»\iiJ_ "T^WI pndasa, m. one who is inclined resin of the Pinus longifoUa. $.
to break wind ; adj. flatulent, s.
i^l.^iiJ. Tj^ftVl padma-rag, m. a ruby. s.
.^ijt\:^_, "T^ra*? padasan, m. a footstool, s.
iJXcA:;. r;-^fm padma k, m. a kind of leprosy, s.
V3^JJ. "T^'Jn padana, a. to cause to break wind,
(met.) to frighten, or to put to flight, s. ^JU^^^A^. XRHiiT? padma-hashth, m. a fra-
grant wood, used as a cooling and tonic medicine. #.
v-iJu^ti.^.'^I^'l; padank, ra. footmark, vestige, s.
,3^-5. M<^«('^ padbi, f. title, titular name, sur- ^JiiC^^ Tjiniit
"birch tree.
padmah'i, m. the Bhojpatra or
The b.irk is used for writing upon, wrap-
name, patronymic ; rank, character ; a path. *. ping shawls, &c s.

^^j^^S>. V^^H^mpad-hhanjan, m. explanation ^,4SC«*iX). TT^^ padma-miikht, f. a sort of

of obscure wjids; etymology, i. prickly nightshade, s.
178 )
r ( 1^.

^-oiW. "Win^t padmaiii or TJ^^^nfi padmhn, f. a M ^'^ pura, m. a large village, town ; (in
"description of women,
classes into which the most
womankind excellent
is divided of the
by the four
Hindus comp.) apartment ; as, ran-purd, the women's apart-
ment, s. [troops); a rank, file, or row. a-.
(the names of the other three are chitrini, sankhini,
and hastinl). s, \y>. "mi para, m. a company; a body (of
JiyO'^l 'T^tWt prtdmoitar, m. safflower. s. iub|j). Mi^<^ prabalya, m. power, vigour,
predominance, s. [eminence. *.
i^ij m MSi.xr^mTS'Sfi pcidma-varnah , m.a species
of cost us (Cost us speciosus). s. ^y.,. UT^T^ prabhava, m. superiority, pre-
lij^J. "'I^T padtia, 1 having a propensity for
^^y., "TTM^ purahhav, m. discomfiting,
coming, s. over-s.
jSy_ "'IW paddu, ?■ breaking wind back-
Ijjii^. "T^fT padora,] wards; met. acoward.s. O^^J^. "TTlTJTrT p'trabhut, defeated, over-
<^iij t>J. "T^^oF pridodah, m. washed,
water in CL-^^ji, ITITI prriptu or parapat, in. inrome,
the feet of a Brahman have been and which
which produce, gain ; advantage, benefit; acquired, attained ;
it is a meritorious deed for inferiors to drink, s.
proper, right, s.

^j-jiV. 'T^^^ padn-t, f. rank, character, title, KZ^^ji'Wfif prapti , f. gain, income, advant:ige,
road, path (v. padbi). s. acquiring, obtaining, success, s.

KiXSiSi, "TVIT;^! padharna, n. to take leave, Ok^. V Hlf^nr prapit, procured, obtained, s.
to go away, to depart ; to arrive, s.
^J^\ji_ Tnirf^ prapidrtha, successful, having
^1>X^ fwrTT pidhan, m. a covering, a cover gained an object, s.
or concealment ; a lid ; a wrapper or cloak, s.
^^jU>0 HTVIR^ praptdoasar, opportune,
OJbiiO. "T^fir paddhat,^ f. a road, line, row ; seasonable, finding an occasion, s.
^i>S\ViWff\ paddhati,} manner, custom; a ^SiiJl^}ji_ Trni'?% prapia-biidditi, enlight-
" treatise ened, instructed ; recovering, becoming conscious. *.
lar name.on as. particular science ; ritual ; a title or titu-
(Jod>oU> in^T^T^ prdpta-lidl, fated, one
{J^y^. "'T^ paddi, f. an alley, a way. h. whose fated time has come ; opportune, s.
tiJiiJ pndid, open, public, clear, evident,
manifest, conspicuous, visible, p. ull>0 JH'TsR prdpak, adj. procuring, obtain-
ing, s.
iO^l xns padya, m. metre, verse.
l«i). tj^ pnda, m. the boundary of a field, h. i^}y. TH'TTJT prdpan, m. obtaining, s.
«,jol J uror p>'apya, attainable, obtainable, s.
»>,3j. paztr or pizir, (in com p.) doiintes
taking, receiving, admitting, being possessed of or OU'. wnr prat or Wlf, prdtah, m. morning,
endowed with ; as, zhiat-paztr, adorned, possessed of dawn of day. prdta-samai, prata-kdl, the same. *.
ornament ; sqfd-pazir, endowed with integrity, pure,
sincere, p.
OV. "TTTiT pardf, 1 f. a large plate (of
^^jidd paziraftan (r. pazir), to receive,
to accept ; to admit, to sustain, p. (Jlr?- "T^fTt paidti, J brass), h.
S^.i^i pizh-a, acceptable, agreeable, p. ui)jJo\j^. nrfiT'Ti^oli prdtijjadih,
form of a noun, without affixes. *.
m. the crude

j>. "^X. par, other, strange, foreign, distant. ^o jC.^I.> TTxnfrini pardt-priya, m. a kind of
par-des, abroad : conj. but, over, through, after, at, by, reed (Sacchanim spontaneum). s.
for, of; post-position, on, upon, notwithstaudiug. s.
J>Jlpra, prep, (in com}).) forth, for, forward, .iL) TnWT prdtar, adv. morning, dawn, prdtar-
off, away. s. bhojan, m. the morning meal. *.
Jl J VJMm purdtam, 1 ,, ,
j>_ par, m. a feather, a quill, wing, par-jahia r -;■• ^ I old, aged. s.
or ttipui, to be without power or ability, par-jharnd
or girdnd, to prepare to fly ; to get new feathers after
moulting, par nikdlnd, to display on acquiring power ^^\x>, 5TT(I*T purdtanj
those qualities which remained concealed in poverty LiU^ilp "HT^lfiT'F prdthamik, first, initial, s.
or a low station ; to shew the cloven foot. p.
&-^b in^HT prdthamya, in. firstness, pri-
j) tp^ paru, m. a knot or joint in a reed. s. ority', s. [dential ; m. a surety, s.
j\ pur, full, complete, loaded, charged ; used (-iijkjjlj ITTrTfini prdtyayik, trusty, confi-
(in corap.) as pur-nur, illustrious, lit. full of light, p.
l^'y "TTTTJ pnrdthd, m bread made with
j>. ^ pur, m. f. a city, town, pur-hcm or butter (or glii), and of several layers like a pie-crust, h.
pura-vdsl, a dweller in a city, a citizen, s.
IaIdW^J UT'TT'Tiin prd,}apatyd, f. giving away
\,\ "^n ward,
para, preps. (in comp.) back, back- the whole of one's property before entering upon the
reverse, over. life of an ascetic or mendicant, s.
( 179 ) U
«J^A»-i v>. Tn*n""T?I prajapatya, in. a form
marriage, the gift of a girl respectfully bj' her father
to her lover; a name of Allaliabad or Prayag; a sort
of '^by.- ^^^ pardrth, having another object or
sense ; designed by another ; m. for the sake of another.
pararth-vadl, officious, meddling, s.
of penance, eating once a day for three days in the
morning, once in the night for three da3's, subsisting
three days on food given as alms, and fasting three *-^j!;v ^^"^ prdrthit, asked begged, soli-
days more; a particular sacrifice performed before ap- '^i^^d. s. [soliciter. «.
pointing adaughter to raise issue in default of male
heirs ; the asterism Rohinl. ''^^jU 'n^ prdrthak, asking, an asker, a
iJL^\j>, tj^lflffT^^naJii, conquered, defeated, s. ^Pjy. UTWr prdrthnd, f. asking, petition,
I ^^ _ . , _ .
prayer, s.
^_^i^. TRTin parajat or parajaya, m. over-
throw, defeat, discomfiture, s. ^^j]A- ^^*^^^ prdrtlimya, to be asked or
begged ; m. the third or Dwapar age of the world, s
jjWa>-1^. TrrnrTHTO parajaiman, adj. over-
coming, conquering, surpassing, s. '^^'^JJ^.- ^^% pardrdhwa, m. a lack of lacks
of crores, or a number equal to half the term of Brah-
jl>-U> in^^ pidchar, contrary to rectitude, ma's life. s. [mencement. ».
deviating from the ordinary institutions and obser-
vances, s. [pupil, s. ,^j\j>, v(\<**1 prdrarnbh, m. beginning, com-
_..l.=^U). in^'§ prac/m?;;, m. a scholar, a 0*'lrv ^^^ pards, m. the name of a tree
tree. s. oakum, made of the bark of that
d^yUi, Xfjjf^jf pardchit, m. a fine or penance
imposed on religious occasions as the price of abso-
lution, atonement, expiation, s. (^j*>\j^, W^ prds, m. a bearded dart. s.

t^\;^, W^ prdchi, east, eastern; f. the {^jti\ji,'m!\Tj pram, dead, expired, s.

"east. s. [fence, a wall, a rampart, s.
il**»l^, TTRn?' prdsdd, ni. a temple, a palace, s.
jA^U). Tn^^ prdchir, m. a bound hedge, a
l1au»K^. 'T^'rer pardst, defeated, s.
jj^s^O 'Tn^'T pardchm or hi-«i1«T prdchln,
old, of former times, ancient; f. a broad hedge, a b^^^. ^ncTWr pardsutd, f. death, extinction;
fence, a wall. s. drowsiness, s. [piation. *.

{xy».^j>_ 3n"<l1«^1 prdchind, f. a plant (Cmaw- CLi^^\j> Ml^lfiyri prdschit, m. atonement, ex-
pelos hexandra). s.
(.iL*>0 TITOoir prdsak, m. a die, dice. 5.
(>iiUlJjkj>-! J irr^l«TW5i<* prdchlndmalak, m.
a fruit {Flacourtia cafaphracta). s. i^C^\j)j'^^f^'^ prdsangih, \nnate,\nherent.s.
JjI^. "TtTTT! jmrdshar, the father of the poet
a tree (JEgle marmelos). s. Vyasa. s. [dent. «.

biji-l^. RMl<1rfl jJ^'achlnatd, f. antiquity. .«. 0^wi)l J Tji^f^nr pardshrit, subject, depen-
eL,£«-L> W^ prdchya, eastern ; m. the eastern (<y^\j, tJCIT^ pardshari, m. a beggar, a wan-
country, south and east of the Saraswatt. *. dering mendicant, s.
jl^jiil^. HT5.>TR prddur-bhdo, m. appearance, (_Cj^L>. '^JX^S(^ pardshrai, dependent, relying
manifestation, s. [ambulation, s. upon another , m. dependence, s.

ajuolS li^. TT^'S^ prddakshivya, m. circum- \j>_j^\j)^ m\^ i\l pardshrayd , f.a parasite plant.5.
(^L) TTTTcli pardk, m. a religious obligation
^^lib sian parddan, m. a horse of the Per-
breed, s. [superiority, s. of an expiatory kind, fasting for twelve days and nights,
and keeping the mind attentive and organs subdued ;
&jJ'j6iiL) inVT^ prddhdnya, m. supremacy, a sacrificial sword, s.
.KfciL). TTtrftnim parddkikdr, m. another
(^1^. W^pvdh, before, prior, preceding ; east,
person's office or post, paradhikdr-charcha, f. ofEcious- eastern ; at dawn, early. *.
ness, interference with another's concerns. *.

(j^vJ&^U. "TUVt«T parddhin, in the power of J^^j>. TTT^TT prdhdr, m. an inclosure, a fence,
a surrounding wall elevated
anotlier, dependent, s. [dependence, s. on a mound particularly
a rampart, of earth, s.
\lijjbj\ji TfTJVt'^rK^ parddhmatdfL subjection,
s. eleventh\j),
^jCA^^ asterism.^m\s. prdk-ph
lunar Jn<^ih
alguni, f. the
LT^.^l)^, ^^^ prddesh, m. place, country,
^'jJ^IH- 'nff^^ prdd-vivdk, m. a judge,
a magistrate, s. [mordica charantia). s. j:;^\ji,vnifx!\prdktan, old,prior,form er. prdk-
; fate, destiny, s.
tan-karma, m. any act formerly done
}j>., ^TO^ pardvu, m. a kind of gourd {Mo-
o/i^. TT^ prdhrit, low, common, vulgar;
JfcJJ.b ■WJ^ prdrahdh, t fortune, lot, fate, natural ; belonging to the Prakriti, illusory, material
predestination, chance ; adj. begun, t. m. a dialect derived froma the
2 Sanskrit, s.
( 180 ) V
\L\^iCJ>^\y>. TTTf TWmi
y. prahrlt hhasha, f. a
popular dialect formed from the Sanskrit lanjjuage.
authority ;irWlftiroF
a president,pyamanik,
the chief of aadj.
man, one able to quote his authorities.
a learned
In the Sanskrit plays, the illiterate^ and generally the
females, speak Prakrit. The Prakrit and PCdi are
^^^^V^.TTHTTnT/z/T/wjoj/i/ajm. authority, proof.*.
very clearly iS'ansA'.r/^ corrupted , smoothed down, and
simplified. Some have maintained that, on the con-
trary, Sanskrit is merely a refinement on the former. L>^*j/? ^^^^^pfirdrnarsh, m. counsel, advice,
This is about as rational as saying that Latin was de- consideration, reflection, discrimination, judgment. «.
rived from the present Italian or Spanish, s.
'^yl;^- ^^^ «.HlV^T ])uram odii inm, m. coaxing,
,^r>,S^J^j>., WfWW^^ prakrit-prala!, m. the
** total dissolution of the world, s.
ul/?- 3^^ piiran or piirdna, m. the Hindu
mythological books, generally reckoned eighteen in
fever, s. prdkrit-jwar, in. com-
or usual HTsirrngT
jjs^O^lmon ^. number
f^isknu purdna). s. to Wilson's translation of the
(v. preface

j:aC^^\a HTfiirfi!^ prakrit-mitra, in. a na- i^ji WfJS pi'oii or jjfii'dn, m. bretith ; soul,
tural friend or ally. s. [valour, s. life ; sweetheart, mistress ; poetical talent or inspira-
tion ; a title of Brahma, the supreme spirit; an aspira-
tion in tlie articulation of letters. *■.
f,f\j>. "TO^W parakram, m. ability, power,
^CjS Kj MU^iWl pardkrami, bold, powerful, (^'j>. TITT^
expense ; m.)>oi-a>ntfi,
food suppliedadj. living at*. iinother's
by another.
"stout, s. [or time. s.
\>\y>, JTTTir purdndy old, ancient, a.
J^ijjy. "TTT^RTrcS prdh-lidl, m. former age
cL^^I;'. 'T^TJT p'irdg, m. the pollen or farina of ^■•y. MilHI pnrdnd, n. to run, to flee. .f. p.
a flower; fragrant powder used after bathing; the V. 1 .> TTOTT purdna. a. to fill, to make full ;
name of a mountain, s.
also (in Dakh.) to pierce, to bore, to string pearls, h.

tJL/0. JHTtvulg.pi'dg, m. the ancient name oi' UU5 fTITT»n plrd/id, n. to have j)ain. be pain-
Ildhdbdd, Allahabad, s.
ful. *. [fatal. *.
jV^^lL/U'. UTTHT^ prdg-hhd,o, m. prior exis-
tence ;superiority, excellence, s.
^jl^.l3|^5 THTrnT^TT^ prdndpahdi't, deadly,
jI^Ij TniJTR pra(j-ahhd,o, m. antecedent ^..^'iUfcti'JU TnTrrTfv^rzi
husband, as lord over life. s.prdnddkindth, m. a
privation, non-existence of a thing which may yet be ;
the non-possession of property which may yet be pos-
Besscd. s. LLoli^> U'TOTiT prdndnt, m. death, s.
iJliJbliL>. TJTOlf'rioh prdndntik, fatal, destruc-
fj:3^ys>^\j, UTTWtfim prdg-jyothh, m. a tive of life; m. murder, s.
country, Kdmrup, part of Assam, the scene of Brah-
ma's penance. *. [precursor, s. J^>K}\j) UTOTrnr prdndydm, ni. breathing in
^^^l1/L>. in^JTT'rt prdg-gdmi, going before, a a peculiar way through the nostrils during the mental
recitation of the names or attributes of some deity:
j4^jA^\ J inT^^I frdgalbhya, m. confidence, the Vaidyas close the right nostril with the thumb,
boldness, arrogance, s. and inhale through the left ; then they close both
nostrils, and finally open the right for exhalation, t.
Asi.i\jl pardgandagi, f. dispersion, defeat, p.
J^^^i^\'!.VlWW\^pfdn'hddh,m. extreme peril,
lSii\j>^pardgan(la, dispersed, scattered, p. fear of life. s. [another's cost. s.

b^U). WT^T pidgyd, f. knowledge, understand-

ing ;a clever woman. «. [dom, i. iir»-j^f^\f>. 'TH'^H^'ft j)a7-d7ina-b/iojl,\\v'u\(i; at
a husband, IJTXn'TfiT
s. prdn-patl, m. soul's lord,
S^i'Jljj. THsTr^ prdgyaln-a, m. learning, wis-
^^^\jl UTfrm^ prcujya-mdn, m. respect for
learned men. prdgya-mdnt, adj. respecting learned
V^xi-V.tjy TITIfrHfrT^ prdn-p)ratishthd,
the ceremony of imparting life to an idol. s.
men. s.
^ii.>jjL) ITPCJU^T prd.'i-pradd, f. a medieiiial
iu^U irni pragya, chief, principal, s. plant, commonly called riddhi. s. [end. *.
C*3U>. IITnT pidnf, m. edge, margin, border,
ftj^y in^ orJ"'dfjya,
a learned wise,s. clever ; m. apandit ;
clever man.
i^^^\ji,'aU!SW^P>'dn-(ydg, m. abandoning
i_rJW W^ P'ogyl, f- the wife of a Brahman ; life, dying, suicide. *.
a clover woman. *.
Iax)V. HI^(ST pardnthd, m. a kind of cake,
^\j\-qj}^ pardl,f. straw, stubble, s. paste, h.
Jt>x>}-\j>_ WW^ pardlahdh, f. fate, predestina- J-aib in^fc5 prnnjaU, f. putting the hands
tion, venture, chance. «. together to the forehead, a mark of respect. «.

iO_i>\>c\j>_VI\^[^ p)dmddya,m. a tree {Jintticia .Uiij^O HT^'VTTTn prdn-(lhdra7i, m. sus-

adhenatoda) ; madness, frenzy, intoxication, s. tenance, supporting life. s.
( 181 ) ^J,

LJ|^.TH,H<S! par ansa, f. the practice of me- biy xnn'n pnrdyd, strange, foreign, belong-
dicine, administering remedies. *. ing to another, s.
U**»mV irmj^RT pran-sawd, f. a wife, con-
sidered as equal to life. s. C^\j>. "mjvi:^ pardyatt, dependant, subject, s.
4f^\j piird,icha ({)!. of pdrcha, Gilch.)
,»JUuA) .Jp TTTORTOH pran-sanyam, m. a pecu- scraps, bits, &c. p.
liar religious exercise, suspending breatb. ».
tiii)j> lin!I«ir prdnak, m. an animal or sentient ^Zj>sf^-\j>_ TIT^ftjW prdyashchitt, m. expia-
being ; a plant (Celtis orientalis). 3. tion,
nance, s. penance. prdyashchitt-vidlii, f. rules for pe-

^♦31.) "mJjjmTfprdn-mai, endowed with breath ^1 J yjJJTinj j)ardyan, m. adherence to a pur-

or life, prdn-mai-kosh, m. one of the cases or recep- suit, attachment to, dependence on ; adj. adhering or
tacles of the soul, the vital or organic case s. attached to, depending upon. s. [deatli. *.

^13 (^Ip. ni^HN pran-nath, m. a husband, s. ti)"!^- 'H'l'tJr prdyun, m. death, vohintiiry
.00 U^. ITHJRT prdnant, m. a sort of colly- wU^ Trni prdya, adj. like, resetnblin<^ ; (in
comp.) m. fasting to death, as a religious act; quan-
tity, abundance. *.
jSJoL> m^Fffl prananti, f. sneezing;, hiccup, s.
u^jj rn."^ parb, m. gem, a flat diamond, h.
death, s.'HUI'ai*! prdn-vyai, m. loss of life,
i_V '^n:^ jxtrah, ra. a holiday, anniversary
feast, a sacred day. *. [travelling, journey. «.
i^J^(jj)y., Wi5it\0 prdn-hdn,'] deadly, mor- m. residing abroad,
y^ulr^- Wf*')'^^ prdn-har, J tal. s. (,j*>b^. TnTfl prabds,
fj)y>, Ullij) prdni, endowed with life, an ani- ^y^bj inn^ prahdsi, one who resides
mal, s. "abroad, a foreigner, stranger, traveller. ».

u5b,(jL>. in^PTRT prdn-ydtrdf f. support of ^^\>J)•^X ^\^\s. pur-hdsi, the inhabitants of a

city or tovm.
life, subsistence. *. [animals, s.

^ji?.,fj^j!, IJTjfW^T prani-plrd, f. cruelty to ^yOJ>,Tf^X^ pral)il,m.covd\. s.

i^Ojl parhurn, f. a species of tax assessed on
(j^l/^. TH^^ j)rdnesh, m. a husband, as so- " the cultivators of the loil. a.
vereign oflife. 8.
LIjoLj HT^II^T prdneshd, f. a wife. s. jVv. ^^^\^prabdh, m. tide, stream, s.

CL^^jl ^rtw parbat, m. a mountain, s.

^^(-ilr- WII^flTrn prdni-mdid, f. a mother, s.
«JlAfc(3^. WlWlTi^cf prdni-hit, favourable or ^j\ -q^fl^s. parbaii, m. a mountaineer, a high-
good for living beings. «.
^J^j] X(^Tf\ parbatl, f. |a production of
L-ijfc,^^^. UTiUir^fil prdnl-hinsd, f. doing
harm to a living creature, s. (j^.iJj^f-H-m parbatiyd,m.) the hills; a '
kind of pumpkin, s.
tii^j^. HT^ prdvat, m. barley. 5.
J&joy. TTWS prabuddha, wise, learned, s.
C->)j^> 'TTJsr^ pardvart, ra. reversal of a J^o."' Tfxi'S?! par-brahm, m. the supreme
sentence, pardvart-bijavahar, m. appeal (in law), s. being, s.
Oij^ i|4.|ci^ pardvritt, reversed (as a
judgment). [cloak, s. ^*0.) tTT^ par-baa, dependent, precarious,
depending on the will of another. «.
C^,j\jl Vjmf prdvrit, m. veil, a wrapper, a
te*^y>. T^T.^<jt par-bast, f. dependence, s.
C^jj\j>, TTRfw prdvritti, f. an inclosure, a
fence, a hedge, s. [about July and August, s. Jj.) "^n^^ par-bal or Tf^ pra-bal, predomi-
nant, superior, prevalent, violent. «.
(_ji;jL>. BT^ra prdvrish, f. the rainy season,
^jiJjXm^ par-bald or WC^ jrrabald, predo-
jX),l.i»,j\p. m^my^'l' prdvrishdyarii, f. cowach minant, &c. (v. par-bal). s. [periority. $.
" {Carpopogon pruriens). s.
sJyJ^jj\j> HrraiPT prdvrishenya, m. the Xa- ^J, T^'^m prabalatd, f. predominance, su-
rfamfc tree {Nauclea cadamha). s. [fulness. «.
^k\ljy KW^ pruhandh, m. a kind of song;
style, composition (of a discourse) ; continuou s appli-
&ju^.j|;> Wrhpi prdi'iuya, m. cleverness, skil- cation, uninterruptedness ; a connected discussion or
s\;^. ^^T^ purdh, f. flight, a general emi- narrative nati;on, s. prabandh-kalpna, f a fiction, a work of imagi-
gration ;m. the next day. s.
iv;^V- ^^^ pardhna, m. the afternoon, the TT^V prahodh,
»iyy. ness; m. vigilance, wakeful-
understanding, wisdom ; consciousness, awaking;
latter part of the day. «.
demonstration cousuhitiou, persuasion. «.

( 1S2 )

lj[fc(i*>.^ TR fviTT prabodliitay f. a species of the '•J^^?. in^WlTT prabinata, f. knowledge,

Atijagati melre. s.
skill.' s.
1^1^^ j\ "H^l"^ prabodhan, m. awakening, »— '^. ""n porp, m. a wheel chair, s.
arousing; instructing; persuasion, prejudice, s.
i^^y. "Tft'TT^ ]>(iripdti,
"arrangement, arithmetic, s.
f. order, method,
\^,j\ Tt^f prahha, f. splendour; lij^lit. s.
C^\^j>, U^nw prabhdt, m. dawn, Inol•nin^^ x. uiib^tion ;cleverness
; digestion, m.
s. maturity, perfec-
iS^^J- 'WTrft prabhatt, sung in a tune (or
'" rdgint), peculiar to morning, s. i^^.y.,
" volvulus "Tfr'TlfoJr^
turpethiim). paripdkim,
s. f. a drug {Con-
(j*»W^. TIHTH prubhas, m. a place of pil-
grimage inthe west of India, s. Ll*3bv. 'Tft'Tlf^ir 2)a7-ipdlit, protected, che-
rished, s. [cherishing, s.
\^\^j>_ '^ft.vu'^\ paribhdsha, f. a technical
term ; the interpretation of a grammatical rule of
Pauini ; (in medicine) prognosis ; abuse, ridicule, i. ^J^^y. "Tft'TT^rJT paripdlaji, m. protecting,
*^ljOj^. ufMrilH^ prapitdmnha, m. a paternal
J\^j\T(ii{\^SK.prablia-kar, m. the sun; the great-grandfather, s.
moon ; lit. the light maker, s.
j_.^'jk>^. TrfiTiTnT^ prapitdmahl, f. a pater-
cLail^j^. TivJTWtZ p?'abhd-Idt, f. the fire-fly. a-. " nal great grand-mother, s,
cL/l^ J "T^^rnT par-bhd(), m. excellence, sii- iJLi>,lTmZpnrpfit, m. a medicinal plant with
periorit}' ; good fortune ; residue, remainder. «. bitter leaves( Oldenlaudia hijlora or Gardenia latifoUa). «.

ti)^4lH- ^^^ prabJidn, m. light, radiance, s.

»jdiJLoy'fj^Z'^^p"rj)(it-dru7H, m. bdellium, s.
^^^'^j-> JI>n^»T 7'^«&/ia?y«?i, m. a tree (//y-
peranthera morunga). s. ^J^y\'^^7^
"of any pulse, paipat'i,
s. f. a thin crisp cake made
j^y>. WJm prab/iaWy m. power, strength, ii.> J XRTI^ /;^tr-parf,m. eminence, high station ;
influence.prosperity, felicity; majesty, dignity; spirit, s. final felicity, s.
jl^J xifT:HT^ pari-bhd,o, m. disrespect, con-
tempt, disgrace, s. U^J.y ''^^TX^ parpardndf n. to smart, h.
"""^V^^ TTCTITT^ piTpardhat, f. acrimony,
(JL^yf^ TX^ prahhuf, m. 1 ability, govern- smarting. /(. [or dependants of another. *.
lj^^>. TPTTTT parbhutd, f. J ment, liberty,
option, superiority, influence, legislation, s. ^^yy. W^^m^ 2)ar-pari(jrak, m. the family
\JLJLiy ms(2 pa7'-puskt, m. the Koliila or
C^j^j>__ ■UT>Ttf par-bhrit, cherished or nou- Indian cuckoo, s. [a parasite plant, a.
rished by a stranger, fostered, adopted ; ni. the Indian
cuckoo, which is supposed to leave its eggs in the nest
of the crow to be hatched \lLi y_ TTTTFI par-pvshtd, f. a harlot, a whore;
f. manner, kind ; \yjL.\J) xifcmsFTT paripushkard, f. a sort of
CJj^jI IliTfFT prnhhrit cucumber {Cucumis madraspatanus). s.
et cetera, others, rest (in comp.). s.
iS> y Tjftrj^ jmrijMihrva, cooked, mature;
flj^^j\ing about,
"Tft^W error,paribhram,
s. m. wandering,
[graded, deprived of. go-s. shrewd; digested. por/pnA-M;a/a, f. maturity ; perfec-
tion ;shrewdness ; digestion, s.
iJL^j^ijl "TfT^re parib/uasht, fallen, de-
CL^,':hy, feated,
ITT^Slf^ jrrapatdyit,
s. routed,
[uing away, de-s,
•^y. Tt^"^ prnblidw,
perior, powerful born, cause
; the operative produced ; su-
or immediate
origin of being. «.
^^.'^y. vm^}i\^ prapaldyan, m. flight, run-
^^jl 3^7, TW pz-abhu, m. commander, lord, te^.'^y. HM'^I^'^
"one who deserts prapaldyl,
his cause, s. m. a fugitive,
master, principal ; adj. strong, able, eternal, s.

c^j\ "Tft*?^ paribhav, m.$.

disrespect, iZA'^y.fifK.'Smparipluty immersed, inundated,
grace. [voted, dis-s. bathed, s. [inundation, s.

ClS^>*^,^ W!r*T^ prabhu-bhakt, faithful, de- ^yxffxsmpariplav,m. bathing, immersing,

cU^J .5 trft>TtJ7 paribhog, m. possession, enjoy- U^V KH^ p7'apunnd,f. a sort of grass (jEfe</?/-
ment, s. [enemy's country, s. sarnm alhaji). s. (Cassia tora). s.

f>^j\ "T^^tTr par-bhumi, f. a foreign or an ylby TR"JTTf prnpundr, m. a sojt of cassia

,:sx^j>,Ti^p?-ab}ied,m. kind, sort, difference, s. bandit, s.paripoTithl, m. an enemy,
"a robber, a"Tfci^Tt
(j-JOj^. Tl%^ prabea, m. admittance, accei^s. s.
i^^^^yifW^ prabexi, penetrating, entering, s. A.\y. H'T^ prapanch or m^^f^ porjjcnich, m.
fraud, cheat, imposition, deceit, treachery, art, artifice ;
{J^y TR\VJ pi-dhm, knowing, intelligent, ac- opposition
lusion. s. ; prolixity, copiousness in style ; error, il
complished, skilful, s.
83 ) c:^.

»-^^>^V. imn€(f prapanchit, erring, mistaken ; ^ojb^'. Hni<<u pra-taran, m. { fraud, cheating,
deceived, beguiled ; declared fully, treated at length, s.
^^^. RrtHlUT pra-tarna, f. J deceit, s.
^_y^H^^.lI'q^ prapanchtor MiLV'S'l parpancht,
insidious, fraudulent, artful, s.
j\j^3 trnTToS
measurement ofparfal,
a field. also
S./). partal-jai'ib, re-
13^V (| i^iTt ri 1 parpota, m. a great-grandson, h.
jjVJ^. im«T pratan, m. a disease, fainting,
j^yv VJm^ purpoii, f. a great-grand Jaugh- epilepsy. «.
' ter. h.
o^. V^A^'^ pratibimh, v\mpratibimhh,m.
yj^.-ji; wt\'A prapautra, m. a great-grandson. an image or picture, the reflection of an image or figure
prapautri, f. a great-granddaughter. *. from a mirror, s. [prohibition, obstacle, s.
StiJjLO Hffl'st'ir pratibmidh, m. interruption,
*--*?'^--7^- ^rfr^lf^TTr paripujU, served, wor-
shipped, adored, s. [adoring, s. (■iij&jjjJ^. HfiTsJ »M * jiratibandkah, one who
forbids, impedes, or interrupts ; m. an impediment. ».
fj^yvj^:- ^^^^'T^ paripujan, m. worshipping,
^j^.,j>.. Wuf'l<*l prapuriha, f. a prickly night- I^JJ^. Trfw^ praiiblia, f. understanding, in-
shade (Solaniim jacquini), s, [ful. *. tel ect ;sharpness ; light, splendour, s,

jl^x) J TlfcT>TR pratibha,o, m. corresponding

jj.^.>. m.M<^ prapurna or parpuran, brim- character or disposition, s. [vided. *.

content, "fft'J^
(^jy!,J>.. paripurna, full, complete, separated, di-
paripuniatd, f completion, satiety. «. i^^j^A TrftTf»?^ pratibhinn,
.AxJ.i irfiw pratihhn, m. a surety, s.
tib.JO^) .> lI''tt<i5*5«B prapaundarik, m. a
small herbaceous plant, used in medicine, and as a per-
fume, commonly called ptinderya. s. ic^r>. nfrT»n pratibhai, formidable, fear-
" ful ; m. fear. s.
,J,^V, inS^ praphitU, blown, as a flowrr ;
smiling, glad ; shining, prnphull-nayan, having full
^^^jt^^. TjfiM^^ pratibhedan, m. piercing,
penetratmg ; dividing, s.
or sparkling eyes, praphull-vadan, having a cheerful
smiling countenance, s.
^ji>L!>J ufir'^n^^ pz-atipadan, m. gift; ascer-
CLA^.A it Mif^ H praphullit, blossoming, in taining, determining, s.
blossom ; gay, lively, cheerful, s. jLoJ. irfrfMIc? pt'atipal, m. patronising, tui-
^u? J Vl.^3 parpaith, ra. a duplicate (of tion, fostering, rearing, breeding, cherishing, s.
a bill of exchange), h. tiUlJ J irfirmt^^ pratlpalak, m. cherisher,
patron, s. [rishing, &c. (v. pratipal). i.
(J^ r>. '^ft^55 paripel, m. a fragrant grass
(Cyperus rotundas), s. [a stratum, h. jJlx>J. nfw^TT^T pratipalan, m. act of che-
Op. TTtfT parat, m. a fold, ply, layer, crust, U)Uv. nfiT'^r^tTT pratipabia, a. to foster,
cherish, rear. s.
Oj>. ufw ;)/•«/?, Sansk. prep, (used in comp.)
it generally denotes repetition, continuity, retaliation,
or retribution, s.
CJ^j>. Wfrf^iT pratipat, f. the first day of
a lunar fortnight ; rank, consequence, s.

\5jiTTrinpar<a,m.areel (for winding thread).^. l1aj3j. llfinrfw pratipatti, f. fame, reputation ;

knowledge, ascertainment, s.
\!>y. xj^TTT porta, agreeable to, conformable
■with, purta, fully, completely, s. tXOJ TTfff'T^ pratipad, f. the first day of a
lunar fortnight ; adv. step by step, continually, s.
t_^l5j> partab, m. the lange of a musket,
arrow, &c. p.
y^j^ji^. TlfWTI^^ pratiprasav, m. precept for
tances, is forbidden. *.
an act'which, under other circums
t«^'vV. intTT pratap, m. splendour; courage,
glory, potency, prosperity, felicity. *. (jijOJ TTfrT^^ pratipvrush, adv. every
man, man by man. *.
u*>\5j>. "TftcTTT paritap, m. pain, anguish ; a
division of helL s. i^j>. Hfri^^ pratipa7m, known, certain, s.
i-*>\5j^. TTTrnra pratapas, m. the gigantic as- one i^.
d^^j llfcT^
who does homage, s, pujak
inF prati , m. a reverer,
clepias with white flowers, s.

^>Xij!iTfKV^prataj)an,m.2ihe\\. s. ^^l pntr ipujofferi exch

an, ngm.homag ange
(j=r ^A. ies,Tf^
of civilit mutua rever ence; e, s.

ij^^^'^y, UrilM«IM pratap-man, ^ glorious, \Aj3j requital,

i,-SffT(m^ pratiphal, ra. return,[melody. ,.
(3^j^- 'THTTT^ pratapi, J potent, .s. reraliltion. s.
Oj13j. UHlfTlf jora^an7, cheated, deceived. 5. Jj:iji, irfinn^ pratitai, m. a kind of air
ciJ.ljy. HflKah pralarah, m. a cheat, s. HftrftsTfT jjratijihva, f. the uvula or
soft .palate,
( 184 )

^^.-4^J tion,
irfrnfi'^'JTs.pratijivan, ^\i^j>^ T(ffiw^ pratishedh, prohibition, ex-
[repeatedly, m. resuscita-s,
meditating, ception, contradiction, s.

fjJi^f-A Tlfwf^^fnT pratichintan, m. thinking j^j>, irfcToirR pratihar, m. revenge, reta-

liation ;remedying, counteracting. *.
^a5' J TTtJT'Sf prirtachk, obvious, present, ap-
parent, public ; adv. before, in the presence, s. U^x)^^ HfiToff^T pratikanna, m. retaliation,
requital ; remedy, redress, s.
W^^J HffTWri 2J''C'iichhaija, f. an imagf,
a statue, a picture. «.
\^,^j>_ Trf^f^^ pratikriya, f. return, re-
quital ;remedying, counteracting. *.
j^1a5j>. nffT^fl pratidan, m. the return of
a deposit ; barter ; giving back, or in return for. a.
every moment.pratikshaJi,
«. adv. momen-
\^Siji,J(fK^^^ pratidisha, adv. everywhere,
all around, s.
Jj>3.> nfWoF^ pratikul, contrary, adverse,
inverted ; contradictory, perverse, a.
^^i}iS,>^T(fi(f^'^ pratidin, day after day, daily, s.
W^iJj TlfiT«*<jJr1l pratikTdata, f. opposition,
^lysiiJ.^ /HfwSen^ pratidhwan, m. 1 echo,reso- hostility. 5. [verberating. ».
j^y&t^JJ. irfiTStlf^ pratidhwani, f. J nance, s.
i^jdj)^^ TrfHT^'T pratigarjan, echoing, re-
jSI-V Hfrnj^ pratiratra, m. every night, s.
iS3j nfTHT^ prafigrahf m. proper dona-
<^^A- ^^^^^ pari tr an, m. preserving, pro- tion to Brahmans ; the acceptance of such a gift. «.
tecting, s. [ing. s.
Ol^JJ, TlfrTTITlT pratighat, xa. a return
f^j^yji. nflT^^T!! pratirakshan , m. preserv- blow, rebound; warding off a blow; preventing. ».
(— ^. ,JV. TrftT^^ pratirup, m. a picture, an
image, s. [impediment, s. (^l^^^. lTr«T^TrT«T pratighatan, m. killing,
shiughter. «. [tile, opposed to. s.
Jbii.yj. nffTCTV prntirodh, m. opposition,
^Jl^i^, irfcf^Tfrt prutighati, repelling, hos-
t..^:>^jij/!ifwC(^^ pratirodhak,\m. a thief,
l-ixJ^_ UfiTfn praligya or pratignya, f. an
&^.y J Tlfrr^TVt pratirodhi, J a robber, s. agreement, compact, stipulation, engagement, promise ;
(in logic) the proposition, the assertion to be proved.
l6i3Jj-Jp. "nfa^tr prathparddha, f. emula- pratlgyd-patrak, m. a bond, a written contract, s.
tion, rivalry, s, [emulous ; refractory, s.
OIjJCJj TSfff^TK pratigyat, promised, agreed,
&J>_x.-!5p TrffTFTS^ pratisparddhi, envious, admitted, asserted, s.'
j.J>ji_Hfimi,pratiMir, m. cicatrizing ; a form Jj;> m.rf5J partal, ra.f. the baggage of a
of incantation; a string worn round the hand at horseman, carried all on one bullock or tattii (a pony).
nuptials, s. partal ka tatlu, a pack-horse, a bat-horse, k.
\Lfy^j>^. irfTT^^ prdtisarg, m. the portion of
a Puran, which treats of the destruction and renova- (J3^. T(W^ pratalf m. one of the seven divi-
sions of the lower regions, s.
tion of the world; secondary creation by agents of one
Supreme Being. *.
^j>. "TCJT^T partala, m. a sword-belt. h.
loW^J), nfiTWI'T pratisyaya, m. catarrh, s.
,^xiX>j)^ irfff^jw? pratilambh, m. censure, re-
viling, abuse, s.
tJLJiSji^Tx'^ paritusht, pleased, delighted. 5.
^''t"-'':-|,> uffT? prathhth, famous, s. j»^y>, ^^f?('^t^
verse, inverted ; pratUom,
low, vile, base.left,s. not right ; re-
IaIIJ ,) nflT?! pratishtha, f. consecration of
a monument erected in honour of a deity, or of the 3 J pii'tam, the earth, the world, d.
image of a deity ; celebrity, renown ; endowment of
a temple; portioning a daughter; d f;)rm of metre, J'J>, TViim partam, greatest, supreme, s.
consisting of a etanz.-i of four lines of four syllables
each. 8.
^A irffT^ pratima, f. likeness, image, sta-
tue, picture, p. [monthly, a.
^\^L^ A TifTt^T^ p>'at)shtha7i,m. site, situa-
tion ;the capital of the early kings of the lunar dy- (^jJ^A Trfrnn^ pratimas, every month,
nasty, opposite to Allahabad ; the capital of Salivahau
in the Dakhin. s.
(jl»!).> XrfrWr'JT pratiman, m. resemblance,
image, picture, s. [of rot. ».
^_!V^V ■•':.'brV TjfrTf^rT; endowed
ated consecrated
; pratishthit, famous,
; situated, cele-s.
established, oLii^y. Trfir^'fR'liT pratimusMka, f. a kind
Jb^JL3j>_ nftffTl'S pratishidd/ia ,fovb\dden, pro- IjJy^, mrrTT pritnd, f. an army; a division
hibited', s. [or doubt, s. consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots, 729
^Jl3j Trfw^rifT pratishanha, f. constant fear horses, and 1215 foot. *.

^z3j) ufinjzn pratiihya, f. catarrh, s. <iliM Ttflfril^pratmad, ra. echo, reso.'iaucc. .v.
( ISO ;

J^6X>ji, Trftrf'Tf^ prati/ndhi, ni. a resem- J'^^A-lent ;m Y^

a ram. prithudar,
s. large-bellied, corpu-
blance, iniM^e ; a surety ; a substitute, s:
(jtklv. llfrrf«TZ(I prcithihlt, by night, every
night, s. ^^J.-TT^ P?:ifftn'l
earth, prithlvl-t al, m. or
surfaceprithiv'i, f. the
of the ground.
prilhwi,{. a pungent seed (Nigel/a Indica); a medi-
yA jifirtou or partav, m. light, tlie sun- cinal substance and condiment, Jliiigupalri, s.
beams, rays of light, enlightenment, p. [ply- •s.
_,\y^. nffT^T^ prativdch, f. an answer, a re- J^^^J,
of the ati/asli^^^prifhnl-bhar,
metre, s. m. a species
f_^i^\^j>^ Ufdm^l prat/vadi, m. a defendant,
a respondent, s. [neighbouring, s.
i^'^.i^^j^,'^'^^^ prithlvl-pai, Im. a
i^^yjl TrfirTTWt prativasi, a neighbour, '-^i/^'^H- ^^^^tT prithivl-pati, \king, a
«uu\y^. irfTTWT^ prativakya, m. a reply, an '^'^^^J^.-
reign lit. Y^^^TR
; cherisher or lordprithiv'iudthj
of the earth, s. sove-
answer, s. [echo, s

(iT?"^trv 'rf'f^^rT prativachan, m. a reply, an i^A ^c^ pritltl or plrthl, the earth, s.
;^yj "Tftift^ jmritosh, m. pleasure, de- '-^^■u54lr?- "^^^ prithi-pdl, -) king, sove-
light, s. l{Betula), s.
liyo TlfrTf^^ praticisha, f. a plant '^^cT^- ?^^T^ pritkt-ndthj reign ; lit.
cherisher or lord of the earth. *. [ground. //.
j_A<y^. '^fTIf^¥/?^a^^^■^/n&, m. a resemblance,
image, shadow, s. (3;^. "mirt parti, f. waste or uncultivated
l3yf> Hrf*!)^ prcitiim, f. pain shooting from *-^^^^''ilrv ^HTTf^ pratyadisht, removed,
set aside ; informed, warned ; declared, s.
" the rectum along the bowels. *.
iOJ V^Uil paritay around, all round. 5. LT^.-^^-^! H w i^^j pratijddexh, m. information,
apprising, warning, declaration, s.
f^j\ "^l^ prithu, m. the fifth monarch of tlie
solar dynast}' iu the second age ; the name of an an- Li>Uj^. HKll^lT pntfi/aslid, f. hope, expecta-
cient raja, son of Vena, raja of Bettur. He was mar- tion, desire, pralydslil, hoping, s.
ried to a form of the goddess Lakshmt, taught men to
cultivate the earth, &c. &c. ; f a pungent seed [Nigella
[ndica) ; a medicinal substance commonly called il/^jl 'TftfJnn puritydf), m. abandonment,
H'nigupatri. s. [morial custom, j. quitting, paritijdg'i, adj. abandoning, s.
\^j.^. inn pratliFt, f. fame, celebrity ; imme- jlfcljO^, T(mi'^T^prutydhdr,m. (in gi-am.) com-
bination oftwo or more letters of the alphabet to form
^__j»»13j uftT^T^ praiihas, m. a shrub. (iW a class of letters, s.
rium odorum). s. [declared. 4
04^. TTftnT prathit, famous, celebrated j y6^jl
kindnessHm'W^T. pratyupalmr,
or assistance, pratyitpakdri,m. adj.
a retui-n ot
a kindness, j.
d*.^ >_ Tffyj^pratkitijf. celebrity, notoriety, s.
<JL^j>, HfftlT prnf'it or "MCrilrT partit, famous,
JL^j>^. irffl'^W pratihat, disappointed, op- renowned ; f. faith, confidence, partit-k., to examine,
posed, obstructed ; overthrown, s. to believe, to trust, s.

iJl^J>_ UTT^fiT prafiti, f. knowledge, under-

<JL^jlT(f(!'^f'^ prat ihat i, f disappointment, a". standing; fame, notoriety, s.
animal, "Sf^r^K
s. prathuh, m. the young of any ^yxL})j> TiWi^ pratyiitpanna, reproduced,
regenerated ; multiplied ; m. the product of a multi-
til^i^. W^"^ prnthfih or M>«Joh' prithak, sepa- plication, s.
rate, apart. pr'Uhak-parm, f. a jilant (Hemioniles cnr-
difiiUa). prithak-twa, m. individuality, separateiiess.
prithah-twacha, f. a plant, commonly called Mfinn J-i^j>, TCm"^for pratyuttar,
of answer answer, s. m. a retort, or return
(ScU'.evhra xi i/li-niint). prithak krit. separated, sun-
dered, prithakkarai', m. separating, distinguishing, *-.
a seat as '^W^^T^
a mark of pratyutthdn,
respect *. m. rising from
WJ I (-£-^43 ,^. V^^JITWI prifluuf-atma, itidividual-
ised spirit, or th;it of an individual as detached from
the universal spirit, prit.'iag-gun, having distinct pro- i^^j^. ITfrt^^ prnfichi, f. the west quarter.
perties, piithag-vidh. various, diversified, s. " pratlchln or praiichya, western, s.

^■^j>. "JT^W p7'atJiam, first, in the first place. ^^^■S■^*^?. TIWri*l»f p/-a^?/?/f^(7r/7?i(77?, m. rising
. the first or lowest degree of punish- from a seat, going forth to meet any one. «.
pn jO->. Tili^^prutir, m. a shore or bank. s.
fC*^/ iniHl^, f^viHl, ■QTIh'^ pra tli m~i,pirthami, f^y.^jLj3y U1?I^»T«T pratyashman,m. red chalk.*.
■"or prithaml, f the world, earth, ground. «.
l-J*3 J Hfffff^ priitihinsa, f. retaliation, re- (-dljp.\ TUTCt^ proi'ik, contrary, adverse, re-
venge, i. versed ;m. a limb, a part. &

( 186 ) ^y.
clJuo J UTTeir pralyak, subsequent, uniform. '^^-^j^, M<r»iii parjit, conquered, subdued, s.
pratt/ak-parnJ or pratyak-pushpl, f. a plant {Achyrmilhes
aspera). pralyak-shrenl, f. a plant, commonly called fjr^j\ "^ITTnT parjatan,\
Danti ; a plant (Salvinia cucullata). s. ■ ,^ . fm. travelling, s.
ij^j^, ^»rJ^ parjatan,) °
jKxV. TTW'topn.TJm^iAa?', m. revenore, retalia- i^^j^,M
suite, r<,
s. »t 1 parijan, m. attendants, followers,
tion ;obviating, remedying, s.

CLSS.>J)_ ^OCiq^ parity alitf void, deprived of; uilis-^. "TWIf parjank, m. a bedstead, s.
abandoned, s. [reply, i.
fJ»^A 'T'R't parjani, s,f. a sort of curcuma
{Curcuma zanthorhizon).
lH-^^j^. ITiirr^ praiyukti, f. a rejoinder, a
(JLf^s-j>_ MK^'ii parjawat, m. quit-rent, ta.x. s.
i^S^jiTCtH'^pratyah.sh, perceptible, evident,
apparent. pratyaksh-darshan, m. an eye-witness.
pratyoksh-pramun, ocular or visible proof. *. CL^y>jlT('^3:f^ prajwalit, blazing, radiant, s.
ioL>- J 'Ti&ni parjyaya, m. order, arrange-
\jLXiJji_ T(V{'^\ pratihsha, f. regnrd to, consi- ment, series; manner, kind; opportunity; a series of
deration, expectation, pratlkshak, adj. expecting;
looking at. ptafikshan, m. looking to, considering; of synonjTns for one term. *.
expecting, pratlkshi, expecting, s.
^JL»-^ TTOTT parjyatan, m. wandering about,
roaming, s. [dary. I.
^«lxxV. TTiT^ pratyahi^h'i, adj. seeing, per- CpJua- J rji^iif parjyantf m. limit, term, boun-
"ceiving. pra/i/a/.-i/fi-irii, manifested, made visible, s.
^}j\ TTW^t pi-atyaha or ITiT^St j^'f^tyaham, (.iJlLa-J "'n^ parjyank, m. a bedstead. *.
every day, from day to day. *.

«J1^j3^_ n;i(Vfi pratyant, bordering, conti- ^J^*ny>^j>_clusion , end, con-t.

s.j m.fsistence.
^u\'m\J{ 'parjyavasaTi
guous, m. the country of Mlechhas or savages, s.
i^Jjj3.\ TfT^' pratyang, m. an organ of per- {jyi^jl T{l(^W^ prajivan, ra.WwQWhooA, sub-
ception ;adv. on the body, or the limbs severally, s.
^j>^ ftrfr^ pirich, a saucer. h>
JjJxjjJ irnHtii. prafyanantar, adv. next in
succession, s. l>^ X[4tiparchd, f. (v. parichha) trial, exami-
nation ;m. demonstration, proof. *.

<^\y)3.\ HH^ernrthrowing
fluxing metals; prot'ivap, m. calcining
one substance or
into another, ^j!. TJJ^^Jl^parcharm TC^nX.prachar, m. pub-
iidding anv thing to a medicine during or after decoc- lication, disclosure ; appearance ; custom, usage ; con-
tion ;a public calamity, a plague, s. duct ;currency. ». [an attendant, t.

{j^ks-jl qf<.-<4KcS parichaiah, m. a servant,

e^}^jy_ TJTfm pratyavaya, m. disappear-
ance, non-production, s. Ul>-y> trtriTT parchana, a. to introduce to a
person, to engage in conversation, s,
fjSi^ J'IJ7r'R7>ra/i/tlsA,ni.theinorning,dawn.5.
CL*»-j> parchat, mark, trace, effect, d.
cL/^j.). ■RfiT'''i^'T pratiyog, m. opposition,
contradiction ; co-operation, association, prati-yogitd, CL*c>~Ji Jif^ prachityTD. a species of metre- s.
f mutual co-operation ; opposition, pratiyngi, m. an
opponent ; a partner, an associate, a. [one. s. jjl^i~^ J qfi.fMrf parichit, known, acquamtea
with. s.
i^Xki3ji TTFioir pi-aiyeJi, each, every, one by
-jj.> Iliini praiyay or pratyayafm.heVief, j^j>. K'^prachur, much, many. s.
faith, trust, confidence, pratyayit, trusted, confidential. CL.)_>.-) MHTm prachnrit, pursued, practised
pratyayl, trusting, believing. *. (as an art), s.
j^\.»juJ^^ lTrTlM*n»l pratiyamariy adj. being U>j>o. trft^'t§T paricharjya, f. service, de-
believed or trusted, s. pendence veneration,
; worship, s.
_ j^. tTiT parj, f. name of a musical mode or Lil^o Ti^cBy;Mrc/iflA, f.deceit,trick,coaxing.^.
rdgin'i; a handle of a shield. fwr/War, basket-hilted C^irjO H^qSTT prachalat, prevailing, circu-
(scimitar). *.
lating, customary, prachalit, current, recognised (aa
Ip- 5 xr^T parja or inn praja, f. a subject, a a law), prachalan, m. being customary or current. «.
tenant, a renter ; people ; progeny, praja-dharm, m.
the duty of children or subjects, prajd-hit, good for ^j>, parcham, a flag, streamer, vane, tassel,
pennant, ensign, p.
cliildren or subjects ; kind to them. *.

CL^\>-j>. HWI'^fir praja-pat or praja-pati, m. IJl>-.) M<-^H( parachna, n. to be tried, intra-

a name of Brahma; the epithet common to ten divine duced, to be made acquainted, &c. t.
personages, who were first created by Brahma: a
<ii»-J. ITM^ />rGc/ta«<i,excessively hot or burn-
prince, lord of subjects; father; son-in-law, daughter's
husband; potter, s. [room. s. ing; intolerable; wrathful, passionate, raging, mighty,
tava). s. prachand-murti, m. a tree (Tapia cru-
^■f-^^J parja,e, f. custom, manner ; place,
C 187 )

^J>. "t^ parchau, m. examination, &c. (v. j \:ij>, parda (for parda), m. a veil, a screen,
parchd &c. ; adv. to-morrow, tlie day after to-morrow, p.
CL^s>'\dA pardakht, f. palronising. p.
CJd^»-j\ 11^^ pra-chodit, prescribed, di-
rected sent, pra-chodan, m. saying, enjoining, pre-
scribing; arule, a law ; sending, directing. (^^iS-^iiJ. pardakhtan (r. parddz), to finish,
to accomplish ; (hence) to leave off, to have done. p.

,j:iy>-jl U^'^f^'jft pra-chodim, f. a prickly \ii^ii.> "T^T^ pardada, m. a great-grandfather

" night-shade (Solatium jacquini). s.
by the father's side. h.
flour, meal, &c. j)archu
"^^f?^ h, m, f. the act of selling i_^i^\:>A '^^^^ pardadi, a great-grandmother
by the father's side. k.
\x>»s--ji •q^ftT'n parchuniya, m. a meal-mer-
chant, aseller of flour, h. [cloth, web. p. j^iiJ "TC^^ jmr-dar, f. another s wife. j;a7'-
ddr-gaman, m. adultery, s.
B'=^jl parcha, m. fragment, scrap, bit, rag, :^i^j>,pardaz, performing, finishing, &c.; (used
in comp,) as kdr-pardaz, effecting the business, p.
1^=-^^. q#[ parchha, m. self-grown paddy ; a
spindle for winding thread on ; adj. cleared up (as the
sky after rain), h. tJ^i^A U^y<^ pradan, m. gift, donation, s.
li\j..> pardana, a. to conceal, to keep behind
y^^j>. ^"^^ prichchha, f asking, question, s. a screen (inelegant), p.
l^s^.> ■qft'^fT parichchhd, f. examination. 5.
KiA»-^J pradachkina, '] . ( f. ffoinfj
^^f~j>. ^^t parchhan, 1 f. image \ju«>JJ prodahshrna, ) L round an
object to which respect is intended, with the right
^\yl^.s-o. xi^'mt parclihdnrvan, > {from hand always towards it (a religious or superstitious
^^^f-\A»~J Xf;%}\ pni'chha.,in, J shade or ceremony); circuit, circumambulation. This is pre-
rcfl'-ction), shadow, shade. parchhd,in apnl se bhdgna, cisely the ceremon}' called deasail, practised formerly
to be frightened at one's own shadow, s. among the Highlanders, and alluded to by Scott in
the " Chonicles of the Canongate." s.
c2-4^^J.5 y^ftfxSJt parichchhit, examined ; pro-
per name, grandson of Arjiina. s. ,u>J H^ pradur, m. a disease of women
(menorrhagia). s. [another, s,
iB^A "T^Ti purclilidth ov V;^C^ parclihatl,
" f. a small thatch thrown over mud walls, s.
LS^JJ'^Jv ^^^'^ par-drohi, tyrannizing over
^^s^J)_j)n7rh/i(itl, same as the last. d. i^^ji^p. 3I?f^^ pradurskan, m. shevving; ex-
plaining ;prophesying, pradarsliak, m. a teacher, an
S^s-A H^^ jyarchchhad, m. a wrapper, a expounder, a prophet, pradarshit, mentioned ; ex-
cover, s. [defect in another, s. plained, prophesied, s. [perty. «.

j>^^\ "TTfSf^ 2)ar-chhidra, m. a fault or ^0« .2)J TI^'5^ purdravya, m. another's pro-
(.i]lAj»-J Vt"^!^ prichchhah, m. an inquirer,
an investigator. *, ^jSiiV. lf?^ p-ac^/sAj'lf. intermediate point of
CiJj^) uf^oji pradik, J the compass, or half
i>y^P^A W^^^ prachchhann, covered, clothed ; quarter, s.
disguised, private, secret, concealed ; partial, not uni-
versal ;m. a private door, a lattice, a loop-hole. s. Ixiij^, pradakshina v. pradachkina.
^^i^JiJjjjZX^par-dukhfm.ihe pain of another.*.
i^^^y>, 'V^JS prichchhan, m. asking, in-
quir ng, s.
tj'^j^. pardcHji, f. a modest, chaste woman,
" one who confines herself to home. p.
U^j>-^. "TCSHT parnchhna, a. to move a lamp
or candle over the heads of a bride and bridegroom, to
drive away evil spirits, propitiate good ones, &c. ; to
^■«t>.> pardiJ7)ian, (for T(^9 pradyumiia)
Kama (or Cupid), son oiKrishna, was married to Rati. a.
kindle (a Are), h. [dressing, inviting, s.

\:.^s-.\ H'^i^lT prcichchha72d, f. asking, ad- ^li^ "q^rf parddan, m. wind downwards,
letting wind. s.
t>-.^i>-jJsion;^rfT;'®^ pari-c/thed,
section, chapter, s. m. segment, divi-
J^J"^- ^^^^ pur-dwar, m. a city gate. s.
^ir-j Tjf^vjTi paj'i-chai, m. acquaintance, LJ**J"^v ''^^ pradosh, m. evening, the first
part of the night ; fault, offence, defect, s.
"intimacy, pari-cheya, adj. to be known as an ac-
quaintance, s. [viated from. s.
0**^^. ^'f^^ m.
pa!--dosh-Jarllian, paj--dosh, m. another's
scandal, slander, s. fault.
C.^s^y>_ TT^iT pra-diyut, fallen from, de-
A-^jl U^^ prachelf m. a yellow, fragrant ^-ijjii.) ^X.W^pa7--dn-e.shi, hostile, inimical. s.
wood. s. [ful. p. a.
ii^y, parda, m. a curtain, a screen ; the sail of
.3.*0 pur-hazar, full of caution, very care- a ship ; a musical tone or melody, a key or mode (in
music) ; modesty, parda parda dekhnd, to pry or in-
^ji\i>..> parhhdxh, m. war, battle, conflict; quire secretly into any matter, parda pnrda-k., to do
commotion, disturbance, tumult ; violence, injury, op-
a thing secretly or privately, parda.e b'lni, tlie cartilage
pres ion severe
; inquisition, p. that separates the nostrils, parda-poshi, the act of
'^^• U^A

( 188 )
oonceaiing' a blemish, parda chhorni, to let fall a cur-
tain ;to lay aside concealment, parda-ddr, confiden- li ••^;^ iniT^ prasad, m. f;n'our, kindness, bless-
tial, pnrda-dar, a betrayer of secrets, pardn-dar'i, ing, propitiousness; viand, victuals, food that hag been
betraying of secrets. p(irda-raklmu, to give obscure oflered ritual
to guide.
the deities
5. ; leavings of a great man or spi-
hints, or relate a matter in such terms as only to be
understood by part of the hearers, parda fash, be-
traying secrets, parda h., to conceal, parda k'lsl kd ^.SiOIm*^ TnnV*T prasadhan, m. accomplish-
phdrnd or kholnd, to reveal the faults of another, parda- ing, effecting. prasddhak, one who accomplishes.
nish'in, remaining behuid the curtain, modest, parde prasddhil, accomplished, completed, s.
men silrdkh-k., spoicen of a woman who secretly indulges
in licentious practices, parda.e haft-rwig, lit. the veil
of seven colours, the world, worldly vicissitudes and ti^'^^/^- ^ftfTV«TpaWAa(//ta??,m. accomplish-
ing; determining, s. [monly called s((f(f/i«. *.
vanities, p. [disc of the sua. s.
^i^jl VXtS^ parhlhi, m. circumference; the j_^fciiLo^> UITTV^ prasadhani, f. a drug com-

c?'^^**^. ^I^^'t prasadi, offered to deities. 5.

(J "^v 'TVT'JT pftrdhan, or pradhan, m. na-
ture, the natural state of any thing, or the cause of j^j{. TT^R pramr, ! m. spreading, ex-
the material world; the Supreme God; chief, prin-
cipal ;the first companion of a king, his minister, his ^j^Im*^, X(^\i)Sprasaran,^ panding. prasarit,
eunuch, or confidant ; a courtier, a minister of state, stretched, expanded, prasdri, adj. spreading, expand-
a president, leader, chief pradhdn-td, f. excellence, ing s.
supremacy, pradhdn-dhdtu, m. semen virile, pradhdn-
mantrl, m. prime-minister, pradhdnottam, eminent, ju**^, p .■j-.sal, last year (jaa;xva/). p.
illustrious. $. [clothes, i.
*jU**^, pur-sala, aged, full of years, p.
(^•^^jl 'TfrVTrT paridhan, ni. a lower garment,
fjUttji p'irsan (v. purs), asking, inquiring ;
Aj^^jl "TT>nT s.par-dharm,
or business, m. another's duty condition, p. as afywdl-pursdn, inquiring after one'a
(used in comp.)

^^^0^5 '^T^^^ pnr-dhan, m. another's wealth. j^y>, 'mjm.p'iraspar,

para.ipardnumati, mutually,
f. mutual reciprocally.
concurrence or assent.
par-dhan-dswddan-sukh, m. feeding luxuriously at
another's expense, s. parasp'iropukdri, an ally, an associate. *.

^j-^y&J»^> ITSeiH 2)radhwa>ls, m. destruction, {JLA^XMij\ Tf^z prasphut, blown, expanded, s.

loss, pradhwansl, destroying, annihilating. «. CL^utp pnrast, (in comp.) adorer, worshipper;
as, khwid-parast, a worshipper of God ; but-parast, an
i,^l^j' IT^xr pradip, in. a lamp. s. idolater, worshipper of idols; dtash-parast, a worship-
per of fire, a guebre of the sect of Abraham, Zoroaster,
of a red H^'XpT pradtpa?i,
colour and m. a mineral
caustic nature. *. poison or the Magi : khud-parast, a worshipper or admirer of
himself, selfish or self-conceited- p.

{j^.'^j>. 'TC^^ pardes, m. a foreign country ; L-->lju«V, W^TC^ prastdb, m. mention, occasion,
adj. of another country, abroad. «.
opportunity, g.
^J^.^J\ ""TT^^ imr-desi, m. foreigner, a dLbl::**!^. VWlf^'^ prastnbik,']BUggestcd by
"stranger. «.
(^j^S.uij>T(Mlf^'^ prastavih,J previous men-
^jij.;i;.> ^^^ pradesh, m. a place in gene- tion, well timed, a-propos, opportune, seasonable. *.
ral, adistrict ; a foreign country, abroad. ».
Xi*t»y>parastar, m. :in adorer; a slave, p,
yi^^i^j>_ VJ^mn pur-devta, f. the tutelary deity
of a town. s. j^J^^ji T(^^rn prasta,o, m. opportunity, season;
eulogium. «. [ment, introduction. *.
iOiif'. U^^ pradeh, m. unguent, unction, s.
Ujli«j^ H^cTR^T prasta,otia, f. commence-
J -> TTX^ par-ru, m. a potherb (^Eclipta d*Vi«>j HHH prastut, celebrated, praised ;
prostrata''. s.
said, declared ; accomplished, done. ».
»j J jnirzn, m. a scrap (generally applied to
paper), piece, bit, rag, frippery, purze hoiid, to be J>^*^j>.V^^prastar, m. a sione; a jewel, s.
severely wounded in battle, p. [dividual, s.
(jiju-O parastish,
ship ing, p. f. devotion, act of wor-
(_^.> '^^^ purus or purush, m. a man, an in-
dji\i>- ^JL2utJ parastish-khana, m.l a place of
(_j*>^ '^T.'Pl paras, m. act of touching, a touch, s.
5li(AJk**i-) purastish-(/ah, f. J worship,
0**H P^^f''') ('" comp.) asking, inquiring, p. church, temple, mosque, p.
(^_^ J IT^^ pariis, m. the knot or joint of a 8,3oJuM J parastanda, a worshipper, p.
cane or reed. s.

\>M,y>, pursa, in. condolence, inquiring kindly ,^'w.j JfT^iJ prasth, expanding, spread ; m. a
measure of quantity, 48 double handfuls ; table-land
into one's condition, p. on the top of a mountain, prasth-pushp, m. a sort of
tuht, or basil, with small leaves, s.
^j>. "^T pursa, of a man's height, the e.x-
tent of a man's reach when extending the arms and j^.IaJLo J ITFTCnr 'prasthapan, m. sending
fingers (a fathom), s. away, mission, prasthdpit, sent, despatched, s
u^A c itsy )

,.Aaw<P H^T^r pruf^tlian, in. going lurth, J.jj^jijmrsuraTn (for M<3l<IHparas/tMrawia)

setting out, departure. the first of the three Rdmas, and the sixth incarnation
or avatar of Vishnu. He was the son of Jamadagui,
^^^xL^Ji, i)arasifidan, to worship, to adore, p. and was contemporary with Ddsharathn Rama. He is
called J(2?)iarfagni, and the deity descended In this form
^d^J>, Uftrg;rrfl.v/fZr//m,colehrated, renowned ; to destroy the Kshatriyas
come tyrannical. Rennkd,(or wife
'Chhatns), who were was
of Jamadngni, be-
adorned, ornamented, prasiddhi, f. fame, celebrity, s.
interrupted in bringing water from the river by Kdr-
5. tavlrjdrjuna, a prince of the Kshatriyas, who was
j\yMj.\ Xrer^ prasrav, m. urine. sporting in the water with his thousand wives, for
which Parashurdma' s father {Jamadagni) cursed him.
^-».vO. "'jf-C'^n? porisram. or parishram, m. fa- The Kshatriya prince killed Jamadagni, and Jamadagni
tigue, wouri'.iess. *. (the son of the latter) vowed not to leave a Kshatriya
on the face of the earth. He is said to have extirpated
^j^ J "Cfff^nRt;jan>rami, active, laborious, s. them twenty-one times, the women with child each
time producing a new race. They say there lias been
^^«>;; pnrsish, f. inquiry, asking (generally no Kshatriya since that period, those so called being
means asking after health, &c.). p. [shipping, s.
of spurious breed (or Varnasankars). s.
.K**> J. TiTi^TR purasJtar, m. honouring, wor-
i^y**A "T^' parson, the day before yesterday ;
constant ; the day after to-morrow, s,
CL^j>^ TT^^ prasakta, eternal,
obtained, attained ; attached to, devoted to ; adv. con- r^y^A TT^*I praxun, born, produced ; m. a
tinually. praaak'U f. adherence, attachment to. s. flower, a bud ; fruit. 3. [young, s,

^^C^j)^V;^f^^J prashandiha, f.\ purging,

(jy*j>j HV^ prasavl, adj. having or bearing
^.vjil*>,^.rhoea, s. TT^)^^7^ras/^«nri?an, m. J diar- Ajy^O piirm, m. condolence, kind inquiry, p.

sickle, "^tft^^
U«»»>. h. parsiya, m. a reaping-hook, a
tLo.U**>;.> ■'jfef'^TS parisamapta, finished,
completed, parisamdpti f. & parisamapan, m. entire,
s. [forgetting, s.
completion, ^Ujjlijyuj. parsiyawshan or parsiyawishariy
m. maiden-hair {Pteris lunulata). p.
C^j.,^J ir^'fH prasmriti, f. forgetfulness,
transi- ^liwjArtJ. pursidan, to ask, to inquire, p.
iJcOv-jj^. TTT^"'T(?p«»"asw?fl?7WfZ, m. the a.
tive or active form of a verb (in Gram.), parisiman, m. boundary,
^.^XK^ji^ TrfT^^HtT
extreme limit, s.
^^y-» J JC^ prasann or pramnna or parsan,
rejoiced, pleased ; gracious, kind, prasann hona, n. to irrt. ^51 jyfirnsh, m. a kind of gem. s.
acquiesce; to like, prasann-karna, to please, pra-
samiatd, f. favour, kindness, prasann-mukh orprasarm-
/ji J n^^ purtixh, m. a man, a male human
mtikhi, smiling, agreeabl e looking,
being; God, m.thea Supreme Being,as ■purus'.fi. aneestors.
U**0 parama, a. to worship, to adore, p. purushdrth, human object, the gratification of
desire, discharge of duty, &:c. ; adv. on account of man.
U**> J tfTTRT ptnrtxna, a. to touch, s. purusiiddhikdr, m. manly office _ or duty. purushd-
dham, m. an outcast, pnrushdshl, m. a rakshas, a can-
nibal, purushdyu, m. life of man. purushtd, i. jm-
^tjjjju-j J trni'9'^ par-mmhandh,rc\. relation rushtwa, m. manhood, manliness, valour, purush-
01 connection with another, par-samhandhi, related dweshl, m. purush-dweshinl, f. misanthropic, punish-
to another, belonging to another, s. [kindness, s. kdr, m. manly act, virility ; exertion, purush-mdtr,
IjjuAj J H^li^riT hvaaannata, f. acquiescence ; of the height'of a man. purushottam, m. an excellent
or superior man. purush-varjit, depopulated, s.

\^^ji, TI5iHT prasama, f. praise, eulogy, s. parush, m. liar^h and contumelinus

cy>j> ^^
speech, abuse; yellow Barleria ; a sort of tree (Xylo-
\x^<'i^r' trfi^^T parhanhJaja, f. complete
s. carpits granatiim). parush-bachan, m. parush-vdch, f
enumeration,parisankhyul, enumerated, panishokti, f harsh language, abuse, panishoktik, m.
an abuser, s. (resembling a hatchet. *.
kL^^Xj^_P Vi'^'^'pra)iun(i,m. association ; men-
, prasang na lagna, not to associate parashu, m. an offensive wiapon
•with. tion ;insertion
s. cAj^- ^^
ig a \^jl •^^^\: punmha, people of old, predeces-
yjtji, U^^ pmsav, m. the act of Ixarii sors, ancients, s. [viling. s,
flower, prasav-
chilli, s. bandhan, m. the foot-stalk of a leaf or
L-->Uj^. x^ft^TTi parixhap, m. cm-sing, re-
«*> J TIW prn.'^u, f. a mother. .<?. oUjO. ^T^n^ parahZid or prashdd, m. favour,
kindness food, &:c. (v. prasdd). s.
C^y^J TJWff p?-«Awi or "TT^IT parsut, m. a
flower fruitT tlie disease called j?uor albns or the ^jUo J t^^^^ pfinisharth, m. that which is
whites'- piirt. born, produced, prasavat, s.bearing. becoming a man, as vahmr, generosity, &c. s.
prasuti, f. bringing forth, birth ; offspring,
^,^'^> Tl^im^ prashasan, m. governing,
U^^.TTWr ?>/«-«. 'a. l''i "Oman who ruling, s.
prasauf i, Y has borne a
Jy^. TI^Tiff uloUlj,? TTjn^ prushanf, cilmed, tranquil-
"i)*A*> J UTT^nTt prasavanti, J child ; a puer- Hsed. prashdnti, f. calm, tranquillity, jyrashdntd'jnd,
"* peral woman, s. peaceful, composed in mind. s.
d^j\ ( 190 ) i^j,

2*^. I?^ (for TC^R) proshab, m. the act of —.0^ midHMfjmr-Jidj, m. the business or afFaira
of anothej. s.
bringing forth (young), prashab-hona, u. to be deli-
vered (of young), s. [discharged, paid. s.

^1^^^. ''lft3Iirp<^^'««'*wc?c?Afl, cleaned, purified ; ^_^0^. "m^fJWi par-kaji, attentive to the busi-
"ness or interest of others, serving others, beneficent, t,
jk^j^A "TTTTOUT parashuravi, see *Uy<0. s. J A- P^^-^^^t thick, coarse, fat ; efficient, well
executed p. [compasses (?. par gar), p.
uiLui>P. y^ jirisht, asked, inquired, s.
lii.) TTFT prashta, adj. asking, demanding ; J^A- j'<3J7'Aar, compasses, parharl, done with
a questioner, s. j^j>. TTsirR prakar, manner, method, kind,
sort. s.
,Axiy TTff prishtk, m. the back, the rear.
prishth-drishil, m. a bear (from looking behind him), s.
t/j v^. puf^o.rt, f. thickness, coarseness, p.
0^^j>. "H? prashth, a leader; prior, prece-
ding; chief, best, pros/i^/i!, the wife of a leader, s. i,,j^^y>. II«frrp pi^ahas or parkas, m. light,
daylight; adj. clear, apparent, s.
iSslifii**^. t|l,Ht4(^ pvrashchhad, m. a sort of ^yuO J prahaii, m. a discoverer, s.
grass [Sacchanim cyUndricum). s.
(^^ji TToFT^ prakush, m. light, daylight,
<Jl>3U»>y. "Tfi'MI'ii parishratit, wearied, ex- sunshine; expansion, diffusion, manifestation; adj.
hausted, parhhranti, f. fatigue, labour, s.
open, manifest, blown, expanded ; famous, celebrated
clear, apparent, prakdsahta, f. manifestation, lumi-
jtf*>]>. '^fr^R parishrani, m. labour, toil, fa- nousness. prakdshit, evident, manifest, promulgatea.
tigue, parishrami, laborious, s. pra/idshak, what irradiates, manifests ; an illuminator,
prakdshmdn, splendid, radiant, prakdshan, m. illumi-
<J1*...»2;^. IT^rer prashast, happy, well, right, nating, making manifest, prakasht, m. a discoverer, s.
good, excellent, prashasti, f. excellence, eminence,
eulogy, s,
*^Vv ^^^^'o/fl, m. a ppark ; pane oi" glass, p.
J yMJjmr-shu'ur, Wise; most sagacious, p.o. ijO^ "qi^ofciff pa7-han, m. a trunnion, h.
j^ji. t^PlMiR parishhar, m. splendour, de- IJo^^ XRcFT»n parhana, a. to accustom, to
coration initiation, purification, s. habituate, h. [excellence, happiness, s.

C^^J^j>_ TiftTU^iT parishhrit, adorned, em- JO^ TIoBT?J3 prahand, m. the stem of a tree ,
bellished; purified by initiatory rites. parishkrit-
bhumi, f. a ground prepared for a sacrifice, s. tL»xi^ II«iifTriT prakupit, enraged, incensed, s.
ij^j^, H^IH'«T prasham an, m. killing, slaugh- l^ji^. "qfx^^ parihatha, f. a tale, a story, s.
ter ;pacifying. 5.

m. a question, praskn- <.i^^. inB7 prakat, displayed, manifest, pra-

j^j^. irg" prashn, katit or prakatl-krit, manifested, made visible, t.
dut'i, f. a riddle, an enigma, s.
tiLi^. Tl^Z parhat, m. a heron, s.
tij^CiJ"^- ^^'*'^**^ prishniparnt, f. a plant
" {HemionHes cordifoUa ; Hedijsarum lagopodioides). s.
" (Ficus''i'^
i^J., pnrkkatl,
infectiosa). s. f. the waved-leaf 6g tree
l—l«io. Tfit^ prushansa, f. praise, applause,
flattery, s.
.0'!TofiT;>rrt^ar,m. aloe wood {agallochum).x.
j^*<-i^ J.TI^fR prashaman, m. praising, eulo- C^Sa inirfiT prahrh or prahriti, f. property,
gizing, prashansanlya, to be praised, praiseworthy, quality, nature ; the passive or material cause of the
prashansit, praised, s. l{Pistia siratioites). s. world ; a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme
KjJj J TTf^<*l prishnika, f. an aquatic plant Being in the creation, identified with Maya; a stanza
of four lines, each line containing twenty-one sylla-
bles ;temperament, predominance of one of the hu-
wu^l.^. mHi^I^hI*! parhhanhantya, adj. to mours, prakriti-taral, volatile, fickle, prakriti-stha,
natural, innate, i.
be doubted, to be apprehended, s. [stratioiles). s.

ij^jiTT^ prashm, f. an aquatic plant (Pistia ^^$j>, ^"IHT prahrit, made, accomplished, s.
Jbt>»^j> "Tfr^fW parhhodh, ra. cleansing, pu- prakarsh, m. (in gram.) the
; (a debt). *. [morrow, s. effect of 'Wcift
{^Sj>, the prefix pra upon roots, s.

(vjaj^ J m^vjH par-shwas, the day after to- ^jL*^Sj>. H^? prahrisht, chief, principal.
prakrishtatwa, m. eminence, s.
iJyJ^A tjfx^ft^ parhhosh, m. drying, evapo-
ration.' s. [pletion. s. ^Jj>_ prakram,s. m. proceeding, going,
f^J^J>,rjft^ parish esh, m. remai nder, com-
sary, most es- UfO. "qftsiin parikrama, f. act of going round
sential p.a. arur, very neces
j^yOji pur-z to the right, by way of adoration, circumambulation,
a superstitious ceremony (v. pradachhbia).
prihka, f. s.a gi-amineous plant (Tri-
rrssicorniculaia). ^Sj>.. ■RoFTXST praharan, m. topic, subject ;
paragraph,section; prologue, prelude; a book. *.

( 191 ) y^Jj^

^j'jX- ''^fti^i'T parikray, m. redeeming, p»r- ^^•Jtrjl

fl*W prafnrn, prornulgatcHi, pub-
; expanded ; m. a chaurt, a cow-tail used us a
chasijio- back. s. [signia. s. fan ; a chapter. <.
y.^j\. irfsnn prakriya, f. bearing royal in-
**ilr?- ]>'"'-ftrna, malicious, spiteful, p.
^Ji\JlSy>_ Tr«sji^4!T prakshalan, m. cleaning,
washing, prakslidlit, washed. *. *J:^^. "TT^f^'T parhtya, belonging to another.
parkhjd, f. another's wife or mistress, s.
CJ^Sy trfrf^ parikshit, a king, son of 4?"^. '^^T^pargachh, in. epidendron. k.
Abhimanyu, and grandson of Arjun. s. j^j^, pc'Of^r, f. a pair of conij)iisses. p.
j<xtSj>_ Tj^T^ par-kshetr, m. another's field, i^JoJ>.pargai'i, f. work done with compasses. ^j.
another's body, another's wife. s. '^j^y., flIT? prar/arh, niucli, excessive ; hard,
difficult ; hard, firm ; m. pain, privation, penance. *.
^jyLij> TT^'hri -jyrahshin, decayed, wasting, s.
KZ^xayi xrftj3fif%nT;5«H//«/y;?7,inade,invented. s. ^^ji pcyah,p.
■worthless, straw, rubbissh, any thing

(jiJj,^ ■qft.r^^f pariklisk, m. vexation, trouble, <^^j>, ITTT pragat or pargat, obvious, noto-
parifdisht. vexed, annoyed, s.
rious, public, manifest, s. [licity. s.
c_/^0 Iloiii-M jrrnJ/amp, m. shaking, trem-
bling, prakampaman, adj. shaking, trembling vio-
^^^yt ITT^iTT pragatata, f. visibility, pub-
lently, prakampan. id.; m. a hell. s.
Iaa^. imZ^T pragatna, n. to appear, be made
\ji^ V4^oii«1l pat'aJfna, n. to be habituated, to public, s. [assuming, s.
acquire a habit ; to inspect, examine, prove, try. s.
(^!t>j^j>_. TC^"^ pragrahan, m. taking, seizing,
<_-^^0. '!nirl''T prnfiop, m. irritation, provoca- '^A^j>, lTn?>T pragalbh, bold, ready, resolute,
tion, prakopit, irritated, prakopan, m. irritating,
provoking p. strong, pragalhhatd, f. energy, boldness ; power, s.

^'J/^X^ ^araA^,f. examination, trial, proof, ^J^J>,JIJ\^^pragaman, m.progress,advance. a\

inspection, s. [human being, s.
Ij^. parganat, j p].o{ pargaria (the last
form m;iv I)e called
'^J), "T^'^ purukh, m. a man (vir), a male pargowijat,
the pedantic p.or barbarous plural), used in revenue
V^^. 'H'^WK puruhha or Xf'^ purkhd, m. an
old man. s. [fort, &c. s.
j^liO. 2)a7-gnnaii, of or lelatitig to bai-oiiies.
^'>j^_. "^fXTSX puri/iha, f. a moat surrounding a parganatt-jam', the amount of the revenue received at
the head ofHce of the pargaiia from the several subdi-
Ul^i^. V|4^(<fHI pnrkhuna, a. to cause to exa- visions composing such pargana, after deducting the
mine, try, prove, or inspect, s. charges of collecting in each. pargaiidtl-kharch,
charges of a district to be deducted from the gross
^jjl^^..5'qT;'OT^»ft/;«/7i/iawani,f. examination; revenue. pargandtl-7tirkh, rates of valuation, &c. p.
assaying of coin, &c. s.
*j^. porgana, m. an inferior division of a
t_f^l^^J X(XW^p(Trklw~i, f. the price paid for country (less than a zil'), nearly equalling a barony;
examination, trial, proof, inspection ; the act of exa- the largest division of land in a. zamhiddri. piirgana-
mining s. ddr, m. the superior officer of a pargana ; lord of the
barony, pargana-wdr, according to district (settle-
ment, &c.).
^^ J U^T: prahhar, very hot or acrid, s.
U^^p MilNHI parahhna, a. to inspect, to exa- yj^. P'C'-go, talkative, loquacious, p.
mine, to prove, s.
i^.^j>_. TTJT^tnT pragopan, m. protection, pre-
^^O Ti:^^ purukhe or V^purJJie, m. (pi. servation. *. [tongue, i.
"of purklid), ancestry, ancestors. «. f^^^ij>_ pur-go^, f. loquacity, volubility of
^ J TI^;^ parhhi, m, a banker who exa-
eL*^i.^. tniz prnghnt or parghat, apparent,
" mines and proves money, s, clear. «.
C^\y^j>^ TT^qTH prokhyat or T^f^^TW pari-
l;li!/('if, famous, celebrated, prakhyati or parikhydti, ^^^^JTi'^Z^ praglinfi or 'm.V^1 parghdti, f.
fame n otoriety. s. "a mould in which silver or gold is cast, previous to
working it ; apparency, clearness, s.
Xi^ijiVjM"^ parhlmiya.y'Vm. an inspector,
\j^A ^likt^ parkhera, J examiner, prover, 1^;^^. ITW^ pt-aghan, m. a sort of bean
[Pliaseuhcx mungo). s.
especially of coins, s.
O^J Hoii^fw prnlnrti, f. fame, celebrity. IaS^. H'^T pragya, f. a clever woman ; under-
prakirtit, declared, explained ; celebrated, s. stan<ling, wisdom, pragydwdii, wise. s.
C-jUO. TT^W pragyaty known, understood,
^pari hirttan, m. telling, talk- notorious, s.
ing of,iV^-^
^^jfj boasting. *.
( 192 )

^Ubj^ IT^TJT ])ragyan, m. knowledge, wis-

dom ;adj. wise, learned, s. jifl}\. ""If^^fl. parampar, traditionary, heredi-
tary ;m. a great-great-grandson, s.
i_jjSj>^^ pat-gin, f. an ortolan (a species of
Alauda). p. ]j^j^.. "TT-RRTmunicationparampara,
from one to anotherf.intradition
succession;; series
e^j>. H^pragya, wise, learned. 5.
succession; race,
traditional. «. ^.
lineage. Upa;a;«parjH, hereditary,

^^. ''^'\ pf'rla, of tlie other side. h. CIa*^. "^MK pnr-mot, m. a differentopinion. s.
<_->^t^. H^T^s. pralap, m. unmeaning prattle;
discourse, CL^<j>, "TftfJTTT pnrimit, measured, regulated.
parimitdlidr or parimit-hhuj, eating moderately, tem-
^^jl TC^^ prnlobh, m. desire, cupidity. perate, s.
pralobhan, m. allurement, attraction. «.
cLA^.TrfniT^/aw/^, known, understood, proved;
metre, s. pratnildkshard, f. a species of the jagati
pround, H^^'T pralothan,
tossing, pralothit, m. rolling
adj. rolling, tossing,on s.the

^^■^, "TTJ^olf par-lok, heaven, paradise. 1^0 HH'H\ pramatha, f. yellow myrobalan
par-lok-gam, m. death, s. (Terminalia chebula). «. [abode of pain. *.

lS'j'.. ^qS'I parlai (for prnlayci), a general j_^l^jL«y) tWVn^ni pramatha,} ay, m. hell, or
"'destruction, such as at the flood or resurrection ; death,
dissolution, fainting, syncope ; (met.) vexation, fatigue, '^>^. Tm^pramad, mad, into.\icated, impas-
oppression, languor, disgust, s. [besmears, s. sioned ;m.
some woman,joy, s.delight, pramadd, f. a woman, a hand-
ijLXx^ji Tf^Xi'^ pi-olepak, whoor what anoints, tN^ Tfz^T[ pnirMidoyprainndit, pleased, glad. «.
j^jl Xfxn param, best, first, supreme; used in
comp. as, paramdtmd, m. the Supreme Being,the soul of ^lib.V/*.^. rjTjriU^ param-dham, m. paradise, s.
the universe, parnmadwait, m. pure unitarianism. pa-
ramdrth, m. superior aim, the best end ; virtue ; spiritual ^>^yi T(^'^ pramuhJi, chief, principal, best,
knowledge; the best sense, paramdrtht, sei^king the firs! ; m. a chief, a sage ; a tree used for dyeing (RoH-
best end, religious, paramdgati, translation to heaven, leiia tiiicturia).
mina ce, s. prumukli-twa, m. superiority, predo-
beatitude, paramdmi, m. an atom, the lowest measure
of weight, or time, paramdtni, n\. an oblation of rice
to progenitors, jinram-dnand. supreme pleasure, chief i^Ccji TmTT[ pramogn, immersed, drowned, s.
object of refuge, parnm-sati, f. eternal t'elicity. para-
vidijn, m. the longest period of life, param-rdj, m. a J,<^) TjftiRQj parimal or '^t?T^ parmal, fra-
supreme monarch, param-hniis, an ascetic, a religious grant; m. trituration of perfumes, jnid the scent aris-
man who has subdued all his senses, s, ing from it ; parched grain ofjo/tr or hdjru, q. v. {Hoi
cus sorgum and spicatun). s.
Mj>_punim or prum,, a lead and sounding-line
used on board ship (the word is borrowed from the jj^O irft;»^T'fI parimlan, soiled, stained ;
Portuguese prumo, plummet), prum-ddlnd, to heave withered, impaired, s.
the lead. h.
^,/0. ;«■/•?»«??, the yard of a sail (see (j\j;^.). h.
XiOji^W^ prama, f. true knowledge; conscious- L^JwsJ. Tlf^Jn^ parimand, slow, dull. s.
ness, perception, s.
^k^\3l«^_ HHirtw^: praniata-maha,m. a great- (J>3a*^, ''TftHT!3^ parimandal, m. a ball, a
a globp, a circle, paiimandaltd, f. rotundity, s.
grandfather on the mother's side ; f. pramdtdmahi. s.
^rrj^y TIJi^«T pramochan, m. liberating,
^^•<j>. TfJ{J^])ruina(l, m. inadvertence, cai-elcss- setting free, pramochani, a sort of cucumber. ».
ness, error, pramddi, heedless, inconsiderate, s.

^\<J XfTTfTfTt parrnnarih, m. the first pur- JyO K^^ pra7)iod, m. pleasure, delight. p?-a-
suit, the chief end, virtue, merit, s. [tuoua. «. modit or pramod'i, happy, delighted ; delighting, s.

i^j^jl "TTHl^ paramartln, reliLrious, vir- iyA V^t"^ pramoh, m. fascination ; fainting,
insensibility, s.
^^U^ TITf^ pro.man or jjarman, m. cause,
motive ; limit ; proof, attestation, verification, autho-
rity, instance, example; adj. actual, authentic, sub- (^ytf^.- ^'^^•T parimohan, m. fascinating,
beguiling, parimohl,
bewitching, s. m. parimohint, f. adj. fascinating,
etantial, real, parmdn-charhiid, to rise to a high rank
(the word is used sometimes as a man's name), pramd-
ndhhuo, m. absence of proof, pramdn-punish, m. an
umpire, an arbitrator, pramdm-kaian, establishing or jyLy<ji_ '^m'^Xparam-eshwar, m. the first and
admitting as authority or proof, s. [proportion, s. supreme Lord, God, the Almighty. ».

(jl/O. "TftHTO parimdn, m. dose, quantity ; ^y:_ ^^TJk^ parmew,'\m. a (venereal) clap;
ijL}o\>oJWnfJ!J,'^pramanih, proper, creditable ; affection, s.
6.^-tjlTl'k^prameh, J a gleet, any urinary
reverend; m. chairman of an assembly; (in Bengal)
a chief of a tribe among the inferior castes, pramd-
nikd, f. a species of the anuslitubh metre. *. f^yqj.'^ paront^.a-very quick time in music. A.
Mr'. Tf^pran, m. promise, resolution, vow. s.
high Tn^^
station, or m^Ti^param
heaven, beatitude, pacl,m.em'mei\ce,
j_^o J parriani, great-grandmother, h.
( 193 ) jy.
^.^Jl ^?i§ jjarn or puma, ra. a leaf, betel leaf; \J,j{. ''nsnf parjii, m. a tree (^Biitea frondosa) ;
the palas tree [Biifca frotidosa). parn-walU, f. the f. an aquatic plant {Pislia slratiotes) ; the leaf of the
same tree, pani-slialu, f. a hut of leaves, a hermitage. assafoetida(?). .?. [patron, s.
vant-latd, f. the betel plant, parn-nar, m. a man of
lo ves, an effigy stuffed with leaves, niaiie to represent Vr^. J^f^nn puraniya, m. an old man ; a
a person deceased whose bod}' cannot be found, s.
^ji ^'^'n, JT^TTF, TjifHin puraniya, purn-
j'jj. 1\W^ pninad, m. a disease of the ear, naiya, or purainiya, m. name of a district and town
a buzzing in the ear. *. in Bengal (vulg. Puorneah). h.

i^jJdjl '^W^T( pnrnasi, m. a sort of basil ( Ocy- {J^J, l^arniydn, m. a kind of fine painted
miim sa7ictitiii) with small leaves. ». silk (from China); also garments made of the same. p.

^_^'jy> TT^UT^ prauash, m. loss, destruction. ^j>., "^ parv, m. a festival, a holiday ; purv-
kdrt, a Brahman who performs ceremonies for hire
praiiuslu, destroying.
out of season, parv-gdml, a man who associates with
J\3^. TfJST^ or IRT^ pranal, mAd. conduit, his wife on festival days. s.

&51J^. TT<r|l(^l parnala, m. )■ a gutter, jj>, 5^ puru, m. name of the sixth monarch
of the lunar line ; the farina of a flower ; f. the name of
a river to the north-west of the Saraswati. *.
i^y., '^W^ or Tlffl^il pranaU, f. J a drain. *.
^\j.) TrfrTrrri! pannam, m. maturity, fulness,
'j^. parwd, f. care, concern, anxiety, vexa-
end, last stage; sequel, result, par indm-darshi, y/ho tion ; inclination, affection, concupiscence, desire ;
looks forward or to the end. s. rest, quiet, kuchh parwd nahln, (vulg. kuch-parwd-iu),
no matter, it is of no consequence, p.
*13.) UlirT^ or HtnT pratiam, aslo ^a7'na7?i, m.
salutation, bow, adoration, s,
\JJ>.'^^[ pu7-n'a, f. an easterly wind. s.
G'j.) Vl.H'HI par-nand, a great-grandfather ij^. mRsji pariwd, f. the first day of the
moon's increase or wane. *.
(by the mother's side), s. [sance. s.
i^\^j\ uftjnntT pra7iipdt, m. salutation, obei- 4>lj^. ^r<<^l<; parivdd, m. abuse, reproach,
accusation, parivddak or parivddi, an accuser, a plain
^,:uJ^. Trf^VriH pranipatan, m. saluting, tiff, a calumniator, s.
bowing. «. [obeisance. *.
J 'j^. M C<H iT, parhvdr, m. family, dependants.
lHa^.J. HIIifTj' ^rawa^?, f. salutation, reverence, pariwdr-td, f. subjection, dependence, s. [position, s.

■^>j>. "TTTiT parantu, but, however, on the (jj^jji H<^i<.<ir pravdran, m. prohibition, op-
other hand ; afterwards, also. «.
iJij^jA pa7rvdrl, fattened or fatted, p.
.Jo.> VJ^ parantra, subservient, dependent. *.
y^jl parndz, flying, flight, panvdz-karnd,
jo.> jjiirinid, m. a bird, parajid-ho-jdna, to n. to fly. parwdz-kundn, flying, on the wing, p,
move with great rapidity. |).
0*'Vri ^^'^T^ pa7-ivds, m. abiding, abode, n.
jiiip y<.^X furnndar, m. a sort of pepper
(Pi/er chavya). s. L)^^3ji M'=<<^ pravds, m. a foreign country
or residence, dwelling away from home, pravdsat, adj.
8iiJJ pa ran da, flying ; a bird, parande ha absent, dwelling abroad, pravdsan, m. sojourning
abroad, exile. »
quitena inaccessible,
nu'irrid kisijagah
p. tnen, is used to express a place
^^jji^pravasi, a foreigner, one from abroad;
(jli&iW^. TjftEnrnr pranidUdn, m. great effort, **one living away from home. *. [city. *.
stress ; profound meditation ; access, entrance. *.
j_^^j ►>. 5T."mt<l pui'-vdsi, adj. inhabiting a
JWlc^j^. "T^iTT^^ parn-machal, m. the Jlj ,^lids,'R^^
kamrangd, an acid fruit {Averrlwa carambola). s. in which pnrwdl, m. fall,
the eyelashes a disease
a stye orofstithe.
the eye-
yj^. TfW^ pranav, \ m. the mystical ^'j ,5 'y\K.'A\^ pni'ivdn, m. the y;iril(of a siiil);
parwdn chharhnd, to grow up (a phrase peculiar to
LiJyp. TTOTeS 2^^''^''^<^'^^^)J name of the women), h.
deity, s. [a hermitage, s.
Uij J Ti^HT pii)-7vdnd (caus. of purdiiu), to
Jy^_ Hinf<j5l parnotaj, m. a hut of leaves, cause to be filled, h,

jjp. pur-nur, illustrious, enlightened, p. OlaJlj .) par7cd)iajdt, m. (pi. o^ pnriudna),

orders ; passes, licenses, p. [mission, p.
^3^. TTO^ pranay, m. affection, regard ; ask-
" ing, solicitati on ; final emancipation ; trust, confidence ;
reverence, obeisance, pranayi, affectionate, kind, in-
iS-^\j-.. panvdnafju f. command, oider, per-
timate ;m. a husband or lover, s. io\my> pur7ranny m. a grant, or letter, under a
great seal, from any man of power to a dependant ; an
^j^. insft 7?/'««i, resolute, bold, determined, s. order, a pass, a licence, leave, connuand, a precept,
warrant ; a butterfly, a moth, parwdna kisl kd hond^
to be desperately in love with any one (an allusion to
tir?. T?"''"^. '"• a ferule, a tube, a thimble; the the moth and the candle), p.
" ramrnd-pipos of a musket ; a bugle or oblong bead. d. O

3ji ( 194 )

q. v.), tib.j .> TI^^^ pravarttah, inciting, stimula-

care, parivah
i\jj\ , f. (the same as -jvirn-a,
coucern, &c. p. [overflowing, s. ting; in. an instigator, s.

l\^j^,'^flj^T^pai-ivah, m. an inundation, an Ixs-jj^.

religious 'Tfr^^TT
mendicant, parivrajya,
s. f. the life of a
sL J TI^T^ ^wava/i, m, stream, current of a
river, s. j\SJ)jyji_
epithet ofparwardagar,
the Deity, p. m. the cherishtr ; an
Kfi>W. II«1 1r^+T ptravahika, f. diarrhoea, s.
f^^j^^,parwardan,io cherish, rear, foster, p.
^AtJparrva,!., one who stands in noed of, 85jj 0 pnnvardd, hred, reared, hrouglit up
necessitated, wanting, having occasion for. p. (used substantively') a slave, a protege, p.
\^[±>jJ'Vf^irTt\p7'avibhdg, ni. division, a (^jj J panrarish, f. breeding, fostering,
part. s. [titioned, shared, s. rearing, patronising, education, protection, p.

Cl^X^jj>, irf^^T^ /^ravifc^aA/, divided, pwr- iJL^jjy

cies of theTt'^'^f^
n.?///* metre. pravar-lalit,
«. m.[risher.
a spe-p.
;jL).^._5^^. Tn^T^^paro;?af^e5/i, m. pving ad-
vice, admonishing, s. [of others, beneficence, s. iiS>,»j>, pariraraiida, cherishing, the che-

J^.jjl ''iCm*K paropakar, m. the helping ^_j*j.

and jj ^'^h.^A'^piii'urnvaa^ihoion
second king of the lunar dynasty, s.of Buddha,
i^j^>.j nt, ^C\^<*
benefice \'^
hospitab le, paropa
s. kai'i, aiding otheis,
(_Cj«j^ partcart, f. education ; m. one who
educates ; (in comp.) cherishing, rearing, p.
CJ^A "T^iT pnrvat, m. a mountain, a hill.
parvat-ashray or parvat-vasl, living in the mountains.
parvat-hdlc, m. a. raven, parvath/a, mountainous; '^Jjj- ^^. P^'^t^'T^h able, clever, full grown ;
confident, bold, praurhl. f. enterprise, confident
m. a mountaineer, s. [of fish (Silurus pabda). s. exertion ; investigation, praurhu, a woman from 30
3-ears of age to 55. praurhatd, f. strength, firmness,
C^^jl ^IT parvit or TtIiT pnrvat, m. a kind breadth, s. [hood. ».

l\Jijj\ThWT^pfot-<aIi,m. effort, exertion ; sti- protsahak, 0**^?- ^^^ parox, m. vicinity, neighbour-
mulus, protsdhit, instigated, stimulated,
m. instigator, protsdlian, m. inciting, stimulating, i. U*»j^_ TTCtTTTs. paro'^a, ra. a dish whicii is sent
to a friend,
^j^^jivttlfi paranfi, land which is kept
" of cultivation for a short time, in order that the soil L$^3r':- /'"'■"■"•'"''^ ^- cherishing, patroni-itig :
may recover its strength, h. - especially applied to the cherishing of old servants
past work; care, protection, favour (probably a cor-
Tilrfinn ^?a^va%«
\ji>j .?. kin , ni.»a kind of pump- ruption ofthe Persian word parivarish). d.
. [gence. s.
^^j ►>. in^R pravumn, m. going or dwell-
^^jy. "TTtinT parojan, m. purpose, use, exi- ing abroad s.
bfciij y TJ^VT ^?Mroc?Aa, m. the family priest, s. Iju**.^ TT^V^RT paroxna, a. to take up dinner,
to distribute, serve up, to divide, s.
jjj.\ parn-cir, (in comp.) a patron, protector,
nourisher, cherisher; educated, cherished, ^ ghar'ib J^Ax«». y Tlf^f'V parv-sandhi, m. the full
parvuar, cherisher of the poor, sdya parwar, educated and change of the moon. s.
in the shade or at home ; soft, delicate, knowing little
of the world, p.
i^jA- ^^^^ pnrosi, m. a neighbour, h.
• ,> ^"J^^ parwar, ni. the name of a kind of U**i. •> m^^^T jxirosaiyd, m. a distributor of
gourd (Trichosanthes dioica, Roxb.). s. victuals to the guesta, one who serves up dinner, a
waiter, s. [dent. a-.
jj J Vf^T-pravar, m. offspring, race. s.
.. .5 Uf^ pvdvir, m. a yellow fragrant wood. s. ^,, .\ xnrT^T par-vash, subservient, depeii-

^sJ\j^j >.^T:?liT^^j)arivrajali,va. a religious ci^.^'oj J closed,irfcf^^

s. j)arivisht, surrounded, en-
mendicant, s.

KJiJ^j ,\Tlf^V prnrisht, enterc(\, ev^agei] in. s.

CJjjj>.TmW pravartta, engaged in, under-
; excitement, stimulus, s.
taking m.
,^i^j ^."^t^ pru^lith,\n. a sort of carp ( Ci/j>ri-
en- 7ms praiishis). pro.sIith-/.ada, f. the 26th and 27th
C^,^]^ Tm^pravritta, fixed, determined ; asterisms, containing the stars in the wing of Pegasus.
eaged in,'occupied,rance praritti, f activity , occupation, praushth-pad, m. the month Bhadr (August— Sept.).
active life ; perseve ; addiction to ; tidings, in- praiislitU-padJ, t. full moon in Bhadr. s.
telligencecontinu ous flow, stream ; Ujjain, or any
holy place ; (iu arith.) the multiplier, i-. s.
^^j..). tittx^ft paru.shn'i, f. a cockroach,
irfi:^ed, parivr
0,j;^. volved ;exchang itia, gone round, re-
s. ^ZJi»/. TT^ prolit, said, declared, s.
m. going or turning
C^^J^Jl•^?^^'^par!l•artta, requital (ji/^y.T hermit; invisible
ascetic, aA*'/!,
in. an T^^/^aro ; absent,
absence; (in
back, revolving ; exchange, ; the end of a
period of four ages, destruction of the world, s. gram.) past time or tense, s.
( 195 )

^j^-iij .5 ift'^Tff prokshan, m. killing animals L^^^. ^^ m. one who beats or

strikes, ir?l'^
s. prahari,
in sat'rifice, immolation, slauj^hter; sprinkling, with
water, &c. ; a text to bo recited when animals are
offered, prokshit, sprinkled ; killed, offered iu sacrifice.
(^slfc^. IT^T^ prahax, m. loud laughter, pra-
OU^i^ J irfw^frT pravikhyati, f. celebrity, hus'i, laughing aloud, causing laughter, s.
renown, s. [^dioica). s,
0*»^^. "Tfl'^Tf pftrihas, m. jest, joke, jeer;
mirth, pastime, parihds-vedl, m. a jester, a wag. s.
Jji^. '<TT^c5 parwal, m. a plant (Tricosanthes
A-a ^^^^ '^^^ji '^*SiA par-hit, friendly, benevolent ,
needle), tojv'rona or pearls),
string fas parona, a. toh. thread
to spit. good for another, s.

oOj ►>. ti^OiirekJ parv<i7iiltd, f. specks attended J^y>. IT^ prahar, ni. a watch of the day or
■with pain on the edge of the cornea of the eye. s. night ; a division of time, consisting of 8 gharis or
about 3 hours, s.
8j J T(W^ pravah, m. one of the seven Vayus
or winds, s. [of leather, h,
C^j^jl "W^^ praharshit or Tt^prahrisht,
delighted, very happy, s.
'J&j .5 Tftl^ paroha, m. a water-bucket made
^j^jSbJ U^ff Ttrt praharshhii, f. a species of
tlAft>j^. TJ^f^lT purohit (also iftf^iT prohit), " the atijagatl metre, a.
m. a priest who presides at the performance of reli-
gious ceremonies ; family priest, s.
^ojJ^. V^fl^pa, pariharan, m. seizing, taking;
leaving, abandoning, s.
jJ,Ia^j ►> Tlftf^Jn'^^
a purohit, or priest, q.v.^;?<ro/«'<a?n,
s. f. the wife of
UJ*^- ^^^CJIITsIif^ojrT jyraharan-kaliha, f.
^..fcj ►>. xj^iT parohan, m. carriage, vehicle, a species of the sarkarl metre, s.
instruments of transportation, s.
ISyJbj xrft^T;'^ pariliarna, a. to leave, to for-
sake, to abandon, to desert, to take away, clear off. *.
b J ..). ^^[m pvrwaiya, f. easterly wind. s.
^lib j^^. ^ft.=my parivyadh, m. a tree (Pte- {^J^j^.. H^t^ prdhari or tT^ft?TT pahriya, m.
a watchman, a sentinel, s.
rospermum acerifolia) ; a sort of reed growing in water
{Calamus fa.wiculatus). s.
j**»iji, ViT.l'^pi'ra-sar, one who goes first, a
leader, a preceder. s.
cILo.j^. V^ pravet, m. barley, s.
^^^^ft' J 1T?^«T prahasan, m. loud laughter,
U'^'-JL^v ^^^"T ^>a»'/rer/an, m. anguish, pain; mirth ; sarcasm, ridicule, irony, prahasat, adj. laugh-
marriage. «. [a chief, s.
ing heartily, s. [mine. s.

J J J U^'h: prav'ir, best, excellent ; m. a hero, ^Lu*j6p Tl^^nir^ prahasanfi, f. Arabian jas-
j«fc>_jy 11%^ proves or pravesh, m. entering, li^ J IT^T^ prahlad, m. pleasure, joy ; the
arriving, s.
name of Hiranyaksha's pious son, and regent of one
division of Piltal pra/iZadj^ rejoiced, delighted, s.
j^xi^.jj-^. Tifi:^tj pariveshtan, m. surround-
ing ;circumference, pariveshiit, enclosed, surrounded, \ii>ji parhez, m. abstinence, forbearance, con-
covered, s. [serving up food. s.
tinence, control of the passions, hadl-parhez, abstain-
ing from evil,
to abstain from parhez-k.,
; to observea. to control one's
a regimen, p. passions;
ij^.jj>^. ''tffi^TS pariveshan, m. surrounding;
^^ , J TI^^'tT praveshan, m. the entrance ; jl^ljjb J parhez-gar, one who controls hij
entering, praveshak, who enters ; m. an entry, s. passions, abstinent, temperate, p.

^iX^ , J TI%T5^ pravehshan, m. foreseeing. 4_^.l^ljkJ& J parhez-gari, f. abstinence, control

pravekshil, foreseen, pravekshyat, adj. foreseeing, s. of the passions, p.

A^ - J H^^ pravel, m. the yellow variety of ^^Jjjso. parhezi, fit for a person under a regi-
the kidney bean. s. men (also the same as parhez-gar, q. v.). p.

{^. V" P^''''^'^'^> ^' ^^^ Pleiades, p. ^^ii^ji. s. jjmAe/«"^a

riddle, II^fi^^T [prived by. ».a
, f.of,andeserted
^^ t J)_T(^\tS p7'avin, intelligent, skilful, wise. s.
{j^j>. '^ft^^ parihin, waned, faded ; de-
\1^^» j^JXWtwn pfdi'inata, i'. wisdom, intelli-
gence, skill, s. beyond,s. yonder, pare rahna, to
remain jjare,
ijji.vifi at a distance,
■ ^ . y. Tf^tsi pravenl or Tnfm praveni, f. the
" hair twisted and undecorated, as worn by women in
the absence of their husbands, s. ^jj>^ pari, f. a fairy, pari-paikar or parx-
" chihra, angelical, fairy-faced, p.
\^,\ Tl^yt. prahar, m. the act of beating,
a stroke s. LSjliyuft, f. fulness, completion, p.
town. s. pu7-i, f. (same as ;;Mr, &c.), a city,
}^j\ "Tftf R parihar, m. disrespect. 5.
C lOG )
^jji, flTTI -priya, m. beloved, dear; m. a hus- (_^jVfctV^ tn^Vn^ parldhdwi, m. the forty-
band, alover ; a sort of drug commonly called Riddhi. s. first year of the Indian cycle, s.

\>j>_ fjixn 'priya, m. beloved, dear, a sweetheart, '^j^j^.vfjjfpret-if. sent, directed, despatched. ,t.
he priye, nij dear ! ». cheeked, p. part-rukhiar, angelic, fairy-
(^_^b .> inn^ prayas, m. trouble, labour, de-
sire or pursuit of any object. «. [tidings. «. ^^j'-.j'.. «<<u preran^ va. the act of sending;
^44 -i/^- ^^1^ priyahhya, announcing good b^) TRrTT ^:>/"erKa, J command, s.
klAijl J(V\^ prayat/, m. the modern Alliilia- ^j^^Jf^pari-r^i,
plur. pari-ruydn.
a beautiful woman,
bad, a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence
of the Ganges and Jamuna, together with the supposed
subterraneous addition of the Saraswati, according to ii\j>,j^.pa7'i-zdd, fairy-born, i e. beaiitifdi. p.
the Hindu creed : in comp. it applies to several places
fairies, p. pan-siaii, m. the region of the
of reputed sanctity, as, Deva-prayag, Rudra-praydg,
Karna-prayag &c. s.
Jb ,^. ftr^^ priyal, m. a tree commonly ^^Cu-J^. ftr^^lf priya-aahh, m. a ti-ee {Mi-
mosa catechu.) s. [friend, a confidante, s.
called pii/dl I^Buchanania latifolia). s.
j_5^-*^V. futRl^l priya-suhln, f. a fumale
^„j>. "V^IJH prayan,m. going forth, depaifure; ^jiJJo*-^ .> fu^fl^^ priyn-sande^h., in. a
death, march, invasion, prayan-kdl, time of departure,
death, s. [ing kindly. «. tree bearing a fragrant flower (Mtchelia champaca) s.

j^^^jo^J. fifVi^'l^nj priya-bkashan,m. speak- uH/^- ^^'^ piirh/iy m. faeces, excrement, s.

CL^iA ITItt prit, kind, affectionate, beloved, ^j\jL>ji pareslidn, distressed, wretched, dis-
dear. m. delight, s. persed perplexed, dishevelled, ruined, pnrexhdn-hdl,
distressed in condition, pareshdn-kahnd. to talk fooL
ishl}-. p. [dispersion, destruction, p.
C' ^?. ^. ifJfiT pr'it or p?iti, f. love, friendship ;
the ^\L>j> pdrexhaiii, f. distress; perplexity;
adv. second
through ofkindness
the 27 ;astronomical
prlti-ddn, m. ayo^s. pr'iti-purvalc,
friendly present.
prlti-ddya, m. a gift of affection, pri^j-man, kind, affec-
tionate, s. ^iJLiJ V[Wpreshth, most or very dear. preshtlihf
f. a wife. s.

C- >>{. V^jyret or 'Tl.lT j^a^-ei adj. dead; m. a Lib ,j> fuH'Sfi pi-iynh, m. a tree {Naudea ca-
spirit of the dead, a ghost, pret-paksh, m. the dark ll niiba) ; another tree (Pentaptera tomentosa). s.
half of the month, piet-karm, m. funeral rites, pret-
grili, m. a cemetery, prtl-lok, m. the region of dis- j^io ,\ fjmwiX.priya-kdr, or ftlq <• tipriya hrit ,
embodied spirits, in which they remain one year, or kindly, doing good, a benefactor, s.
until the obsequies are completed, pret-nadl, f. the
river of hell. *• [3'arn). h.
CL^.j^.TfTi^proyullta, endowed with, possess-
ing; connected witli; compact. *. [proof. M.
Ijijj "q^rii pa7-eid, m. a reel (for winding
Liio »3. <7T!lvi;i pariltxha, f. examination, trial,
Xx>^J, f{(Tn(\ priyata, f. love, affection. ^.
J^ljl ilimiT. 2)riyatar, dearer, more beloved, s. LiiSv ^^ prekshd, f. seeing, viewing, ob-
serving, s.
^jl'jOimpiitam or ftnnffl priyataviydeur-
. est, jnost beloved ; m. a lover, a husband, j {Z.J:S>ji_T(^f^ parVtxhit, the name of the
grandson of Arjuna ; adj. examined, tried, proved, a.
i^j>. nil!? prayatna, m. continued effort,
exertion; act, action; caution, care, prayatna-wdn,
at. s.
j^. pf^W prekshit, seen, beheld, looked
[mines, &c. ».
active, zealous, persevering, s, [3'arn ). /(.
lio J y^XfC^ Jiaretna, a. to reel (thread or
tibiio P. ■'TC^?|e|» parVtsIiuJi, one who exa-
^Ji^..A HHT^ pretiii, a female pret or ghost,
examination, pfirihshan,
s. m. trial, sight.
[spectacle, experi-«.
" a ghostess. s. [testing (gold or silver), s,
\^^.> i^uCi^l for TI^^t'^T) pailchha, f. trying, a public show,
^^^-iio.j^. H^ITir prehshan, m.
Lii^^sV (xrtt'i[«fi for inft^^)
one H ho tests or examines, s.
parlchhali, w.
h. parekhd, m. repentance, regret,

i^^{^ji. parl-kJirmn, m. a magician, one

ttho " calls spirits from the vasty deep." p. \^y^..j\. ^i'^^ parehhd, f. (corrupted for pail-
Jcshd or parlchhd, &c.), trial, examination, search, g.
^^^^J 2)ar'i-dar, one who controls fairiiis ; Jt>,l TPi prem, m. love, friendship; prcm-
akso oae who is spell-bound bj' fairies, p.
sdgar, name of a well-knovn Hindi work so caDed.
wiiiih dt'Tails the Jiistory o( Krishna, s.
{J^j'^-jl fini^^ priya-darshan, h;iiidi*ean^.,
goi d-looking. ya. -A true {Mimusops kauki.) s.
r^^->^.j\ f^WKf!J pfiynmdn, i)eloved, affectio-
^sJJ^ 2)aridun, to i\\, to soar on the wiiig. p.

( 197 )

^jl^A^^, ftnrWT^oir priynm-lkavuh, be- uVf>. "TfT'^n parand, a. to put to sleep, to lay
come dear to. priyam-hhdvukta, f, amiability, be- down, to cause to repose; to cull, to gather, pluck. A.
coming beloved. *.
y -l Msn parciw, m. halting, resting, sleep-
ing; halting-place; camp, encampment; an army; a
j**^. j^. 'nnn; T^rew-^^rt?', affectionate, loving, s. crowd, assembly, h.

^|;LLt>^.^. Iwr^UlTF 'prem-rang-rata, co-

loured with the dye of love ; strongly in love, ena- J^ji "<s*<?'*n parpardna, n. to prattle, to
moured, s. \_{Datura). s. chatter ; to throb with pain (as the tongue from an
acid substance), parpaf-rahna, to chat, prattle, h.
lyc^jj)^^ 5^*^? pnrl-moh, m. the thorn apple uU-jo Ms>ii«n par-jdndy n. to lie down; to
cease, as the wind ; to repose ; to abate, h.
(^•ji 'W'^/""cwu, affectionate; a lover, s.
j^..j>^ ^^•T puren, f. the placenta ; the plant LyA^'Jv ^TT^JTt
*" thrown over mud parchhati,
walls, d. f. a small thatch
of the lotus, h.

K.L^j>^ fwr^ priyangu, m. a medicinal plant ^jj>. Mdl^^HI par-ralmd, n. to be utterly

and perfume, or fragrant seed ; panick seed (Panicum helpless, to be in a regular fix. d.
italicum). s. [moon. s.
Mji^param, m. a coarse kind of cotton cloth
V-J^- ^*^'*^ pariwd, f. the first day of the used for tents, &c. d. [immodesty, d,

^3^-ji ^^^^ parewa, m. a pigeon, h. {jj*y>,. "TfTiff par-margi, f. sharaelessness,

ii\^^ J H0"=CT<J parivad, m. reproof, censure,
abuse. *. [flatterer. *. ^j>. ''Ji'll parnd, n. to repose, to lie down ;
to fall ; to befall, to happen ; to encamp ; to drop ; to
be confined to bed by sickness, h.
^J'^^y>.j{. finnr^ priya-vadi, sweet spoken, a
\jji, parwd, m. a large boat; a ferry boat. d.
jV'T^ ^ ^ **' *■ parirvar, m. dependants, family,
retinue, s. [flow. j. ^Vtv ^^^"^HI pirwdnd, a. to cause to press,
squeeze, h.
l^y>JV[f^;^j^par1wah, m. inundation, over-
tils-y J IT^Vsnir prayojak, who or what L>**jH "ri^ paros, m. neighbourhood. *.
causes or induces any act; who or what deputes or ^^**»j|«^,TnVftnT7>aro5m,f. a female neiglibour. s.
appoints ; m. a founder or instituter of any ceremony ;
a legislator, s. (<***jjr^- '^^('^^ pO'Tosi, m. a male neighbour, s.
<-?jJrv ^T^ parroif
in autumn, h. a sort of sugar-cane sown
e^^-Tv W'^'TT
need, occasion prayojan,design
; intention, m. cause, motive,
; use, exigence.
prayojan-wdn, designing, purposing, prayojanl, neces-
sary, requisite. «. Ufcj^. x^parhd, read, learned, of much read-
ing, pafhd-guna, a learned, experienced man. *.
&x»-^_y>_ '^'^tl^ p^oyojya, m. capital, princi- lilfc'O L(«ir|i parhdnd, a. to teach to read, ta
pal ; a servant, a slave. ». [barter, s.
instruct, to teach to speak (or sing) as birds. «.
L^.o J ''nfN^ parlvartta, m. exchange,
jLy J fimcKifr 2)riya-varm,f. a creeping plant reading,MdHs. parhan,
^^jl f. reaciing, the act a..'
{Echiles frutfscens). s.
(^j^. 'Tfe'Ti^a/'/tm, f. a mullet, h.
{^jijjl pari-wash, fairy-like, angelic, p.
Ufcj^. 'M(j*1l parhnd, a. to read, to repeat, to
KLfy>.j{. inni prayog, m. occasion, cause, say, to speak,
reader, s. to quote or recite, pafhie-wSt&i m.
motive, object, result ; device, contrivance ; example,
comparison; act, action, prayo^j, having some object
in view, calculated for a particular purpose, s. <::.^^V, M<i»ri 'parhanty f. stady, reading; a
speltT s.
^ J Tix^ j;a?e/i, m. soup made of rice (v.
paletv). h. ^^jl&)> M^«(l«T( parhwdnd, a. to cause to be
taught reading (v. parhSnSy, h. [made. h.
^^j>Xfx^ pareh, ^m. land watered after
\AiJ, "^^"^ pareha, J ploughing, or flooded <^. "T^ pari, f. a skin with which a drum is
before the final ploughing and levelling of the ground. A.
'^ji- ^^ P^^f^i ^' ^ measure (v. pahndna.) d.
e^jl ftni priya, dear, beloved (see (jj>^)' b ',0 ■qfrcil puriydy f. a parcel (of physic, &c.),
a dose of medicine in powder. *.
iyi\A> j>. "Tti^T^ parihas, m. mirth, sport,
amusement, s. b ■••>. TrffTT pariyd, f. a female buffalo calf. h.

\''h tf^ pura, m. a large parcel (of physic, Ufc.jj'") "T^Xf^ pare-raJmd, n. to be in a
&c.). para, m. the boundary of a field, h. hopeless or desperate state, d,
Xi^Syp. ^jl^l^^ para-pana, a. to find, to get J.^ :> rj^^ paryul, f. sweepings. /*.
easily, h.
y ptiT or pnT, (in comp.) cooking, baking j
•b^p. V[^'^^ j)arapar, with reiterated strokes, s. iraiuiiii; or cjntriviug (in the mind), f.
( 198 ) ^,
'j^-'""^""''"' If., brick-ki j '— ^'■'■"■^ ^^fTSF pustnk, f. a book, a volume. «.
ln. p. aZ^^pista, m. a pistachio nut. jy.
urdagi, f. rottenness, faded
"state, ^. pazhm
p. ^j^^pasti, f. inferiority, lowness. p.

^^^i^). pazhmurdan, to wither, fade, decay, p. ^^j^y:L^,p{sta,lrang,m. pea-green, j).

liH.^i^^^pas-khurda, m. leavings (of food),
55-«^);?^2;A?7i?frc?a,withered,faded,drooping.p. dregs, offal, p.

^J^>_ pan, after, behind ; at length, then, there-

fore, finally, pas-anddz, savings, something laid up to J^,v:^K,pasar, f, grazing cattle at night. A.
provide for old age or want of employment ; labourers,
&c. call it vidya i tawakkul. p.
j^pisa r, m. a boy, a son, a child, plsar-
zdda,a. grandchild, pisarikhwdnda, an adopted son.
L.: "T^ pasa, m. two hamlfuls, as much as pisri akhydfi, a step-son, son of a wife by a former
can be held in both hands open (same as anjld, q. v.). s. husband, pisri-mutabannd, an adopted son. pisar-
khwdndagl, adoption of a son. p.
(_^L^. fisab or pishah (for peshnb), ni. the
act of pissing, urine, p.
^j^, '^VJyjJ pasarnd, n. to be spread, stretched
out, expanded, s.
_Lo. ftrei^ pisack (for ftr^n^ jrishack, q. v.)
m. a spectre, apparition, vision, a demon, s. JjlH- pos-rnu, or pas-raw, m. a follower ;
dependants; train, equipage, p.
|...>-l-J. fxi^'^ pisachi or f^mi"^^ pi'^ad^^n,
"t. a female spectre, an ogress, s. j^j-jjw-O.i^as-ra^i-i, f following; equipage, p.
\\^. ^(i^xj pasara, m. PX|);insioi), the act of ijj^. pisari, f boyhood, infancy, p.
spreading out. pasard-k., to procrastinate and find
obstacles to an easy matter. «. J^lx»J. pistol or pi-itid, a pistol, e.
(J^j^ir*?. pas ghaibat, in one s absence, p.
\S.L^. "TWtrTT pasanm, a. to spread ; to dis-
tend ;to stretch out, to expand, to open, s.
^U^. pas-had or -kadd, a dwarf (properly
past-kadd). p. a.
(C,l-^. "TiffTTt pasar'i, m. one who sells spices
(v. pansdrl). h.
(jii (j«J. pas-kash, m. recoil, retraction, p.
jjL*^. fl^^ pisan, m. meal, flour. 5.
l3L.i fri^T^T pisana, a. to reduce to meal, \3^L«J. i^mif^\*i\ pisldnd,a. to cause to grind, h.
flour, or powder ; to grind, s. A-*?. Tj^j^ push, f. a rib, the praecordia.
^o\^>, tj^T^ pasana, a. to skim ; to pour off " pasll pharaknl , a thrilling over the ribs, is applied to a
perception of the condition of an absent person, h.
superfluous water, s.
vivor, p. pas-mdnda,
5JJI/C(«J|. left behind, a sur-
(_^^L«^. Trar^ pasa,i, f. a kind of rice. h.
^JA^\ frnn^p/sajjf-pricepaid forgrinding.s.
li-*). filflfil pisnd, n. to be reduced to meal,
b^j«J. pa.s-;;a or pas-pa,e, silting cross-legged to be ground ; to be ruined, distressed ; (met.) to be
(like the Asiatics), p.
desperately in love. /*.

Jb^j«^. '^:^mT^ pasu-pal ^ m. lit. beast-feeder; iXL—J pasand, f. choice, approbation ; (in
or pasliu-pdl, ' a cowherd, a cow- comp.) agreeable to, pleasing, as dll-pasand, pleasing
the heart, pasand-h, to please, p.
LiJJb(j«^. xi5nn^«i> pasu- feeder, s.
palak or pn^liu-palah,, ^^tiJ^iXL-*). pasandldan, to approve of, to be
agreeable, p.
j^5L«J. 'M Sf"? \r$'^ pasu-])ala7i, the rearing and 8jJiiJ;-«o_ pasandida, chosen, approved of,
caste, s. of cattle, one of the duties of the Va'isya agreed to. p. [weight, he. p.
lCy»0. j)asangd, m. (the same as pdsang), a
b»lbb^j*0. pff.s-^a honn, n. to decline ; to fall
in the rear, to slink behind ; to retreat, to flee, to de-
sist from an attempt, p. h.
^—an^. animal,
'T^pasu s. or pashu, (see ;jl>.) m. a beast ;
*— ^y^LTv ^^^ pus put (for giyu-M pushyu-
putra), adopted son. pus-put k., to adopt as a son. s. y^l f^^ pisu or pissu, m. a flea. h.
lIa--.?. poi^t, below, low. past-Jitrat, of in-
ferior understanding, of a mean disposition, past- ij^ji^ j^.pas
varicate. o pesh,
p. prevaric m. lit. behind and be-
fore; evasion, ation, pas 0 pesh-k., a. to pre
hhnmar, unambitious, past 0 huland dekhnd, to con-
sider and take precautions against the vicissitudes of
fortune, pas-at, behind thee. p.
U*-^*-^ 'T^fTITTf pasujnd, a. to stitch, h.
I^^C^_ pixtan, m. the breasts, hubbies, p.
1^4—^. "T^^t pas,ln, f. a kind of wild rice,
bliL>-.J. '^^V'i^ past ana, n. to regret, repent, s. I "growing in shallow ponds, k.
( 199 )

zj-wi^. pnsij, provision ^xHo for

J a journey ; adj. l1*-1> pusht, f. ancestry, l)^^ a generation of pro-
ready, prepared, p. genitors the
; back ; a second, an assistant, pusht ba
pusht, generation by generation, pusht-pdnw, m. an
uiflainination or piilegmoa on the upper surface of the
\Ji^^.■'^W\W!\^ j>(i--'y>'(i, "• to perspire, to sweat, foot, pusht par kisl he rahnd, (lit. to be at tlie back of
to melt; to compassionate, s. one, or to back oncj to support steadily, pusht pundh,
an ally, a support, pusht kham, humpbacked, pushti
4jry««^. 2;«5i??, last, posteiior, modern, p. dast kisl par mdrnd or pushti pa vidr7u'i, to reject, to
abandon, pusht detia (in Fers. pusht-dddan), to flee,
ic^^^>, pasitn, modern, recent; pi. pasiiiiyan, run away (lit. turn one's back, " terga dare "). p.
the moderns, p.
^^. fT%rn pishitd, f. spikenard, s.
■■ • 'qfflHI
^vasina, ") m. perspiration,
y'-^l ing pusht d?-d, p.m. a load, burden for carry-
on the back.
^x-O, '^^^'^ pasew, sweat, s.
U&^A-^ '^^^'^'[ pasewhd, , o'.!^ pas/itdjid, to regret, repent. cL
jji-?. 'mipci'tliH, m. an animal, a beast; cattle. ^Sr^.,P<"^lifdwd, m. regret, remorse, d.
pashit-pdl, m. a herdsman, pashit-pdlan, m. tending or
rearing cattle, pashutu, f. paslmtiva, m. nature of an ^l=^***<. puslit-hhdr, m. an artificial hand of
with. p.
ivory, &c., set in a long handle to scratch the back
animal, bestiality, pashu-dharm, m. action or pro-
perty ofanimals ; promiscuous cohabitation, the marry-
ing of widows, pashu-rdj, m. a lion, paslm-rajju, ra.
a string for fastening cattle, pashu-roman, m. the uUll^. pushtak, a vice in horses, plunging and
hair of an animal, pashu-kriyd, f. copulation, pashit- kicking up behind, p.
gdyatri, f. a verse whispered into the ear of an animal
about to be sacrificed, s. y^.. pushtu, the Afghan language, p.
L.-'LiL). f^^l[\:^ pislidb (for peshdb),m. urine. ^^. iu^. pushta, m. a buttress, a prop ; a bank,
a quay ; a hill, an eminence ; heap, load, a bundle, p.
«^liL>. fxTSfn^ pishdch, m. a sprite, a fiend, a
river, p. pushta-handi, embankments of a
spectre ; an infernal imp or ghost, described as fierce
and malignant, pishdch-dru, m. a tree supposed to be
haunted by goblins (Trophis aspera). pishach-grasta,
possessed of a demon, a demoniac, pishdchni, f. a ^^^JLJ>,pushii,m. backing, alliance, aid; a prop;
female sprite, s. "the cover of a book, pushtl-bdn, an ally, a supporter-
pushtl-hdni, f. alliance, aid ; support, pushtl-k., to
assist, to support, to second, to back. p.
^jl^J Vm'^ pashan, m. a stone, a rock. s.
i,.^^^> xraj jnishp or pushpa, m. a flower, the ^-ii.*^. 5? P'tshfi nourished, fat ; restorative,
provocative, pushtdnga, fat. s,
menses ; the car of Kuvera ; specks on the eye, albugo.
/?«i-^^a/i/a/Z,f.presenting flowers held in both hands hol- ''^^JL-I ^fs ptishti/.nonr'ishing. pusht i-da,adj.
lowed, pushpa-path, m. the vulva, pushpa-pur, the city nourishing, pushti-dd, f. a plant (Physalis
of Pataliputra or Palibothra. pushpa-phal, m. elephant flexuosa).
food. m. any nutritive substance, a provocative
or wood-apple, pushpa-chdmar, m. a plant [Artemisia) ;
a fragrant plant {Pandanus odoratissimus) having a
■large bushy flower, pushpa-dant, m. the elephant of L-«JCiJ f^W^ pishtap, m. a world, a division
the north-west quarter, pushpa-ras, m. the honey of of the universe, s. [restorative power,
flowers, pushpa-rakta, ra. a shrub (Hibiscus phocniceus). s.
pushpa-renu, m. the farina of flowers, pushpa-rochan, uxij. TJFrTf piishtatd, f. fatness; invio-oration
m. a plant {Mesua ferrea). pushpa-sdr, m. the honey of
flowers, pushpa-samay, m. spring, pushpa-shdnya, \^xLi_ f^W^pishtak, m. a disease of the eyes,
flowerless. pushpa-karandak, m. Avanti or Ujjain,
or the grove in its vicinity, sacred to Mahadeva. opacity of the cornea, s. [cative. s.
pushpa- ketu, m. calx of brass, pushpa- kit, m. any in-
sect affecting flowers, pushpa-mds, m. spring, pushpa- (_5^i^. "^Xpushta,!, f. adj. restorative, provo-
vdii, f. a flower-garden, pushpa-wat, flowery, pushpa-
hln, flowerless. pushpa-hlnd, f. the glomerous fig-tree ; C^Ur*^. "q^TW pas/ichdt, after, afterward.-,
a woman whose menstruation has ceased, puslipi, behind ; westward, pashchdt-tdp, m. repentance. *.
flowering, s.
after, s. pashchim, west, western ; behind,
^siL^^. q bq I^ *f pushpdnjan, m. the calx of
brass, s.
o^. 'T^rsRJ pashukd, f. any small animal, s.
'"^//■■\ uH^if pushpit, flowered, in flower. j>^. TMil. pushkar, m. the sky, heaven ; a
pushpitd, f. a woman during menstruation, pushpitdgra,
f. a form of metre. «. lotus (Nelumbium speciosum or Nympheea nelumbu) ; a
drug (Costus speciosus) ; a place of pilgrimage called
Pokar in the province of AjniTr; one of the seven
t^) «M.> tTPTcF pushpak, m. calx of brass, the great dwlpas or divisions of the world ; a mountain in
car of Kuvera, god of riches ; specks on the eye ; a the same dwlpa ; a pond or lake, pushkar-mulak, m.
bracelet of jewels ; green vitriol, pushpakdsish, m. the the root of the costus speciosus. s.
green sulphate of iron. s.
i^J*^. M«>ohr*,Hl^ pushkarlni, f. a large pond,
oi-JL). TlfwjeST pushpihd, f. the tartar of the a lake. 5.
teeth ; the mucus of the glans penis or urethra, s.
^JliLJ xjtcRQS ;>«s/iA-a/, excellent, best ; much,
J^UiL.) "^giTT^^ pa^lni-palval, m. a fragrant many ; full, complete ; m. the mountalQ Meru ; the
grass [Cypeius rotundus). s
holy place, Puslik.ir. «.
tilij ( 200 ) A
jjixio pish-Itash (for pesh-kasK), a present, a 0\i,>. traFI^n pahand, a. to ripen ; to dress
tribute, p. victuals, to cook, to bake. s.

(JLi^. jmhkil, dung of sheep, deer, &c. p. i.f^K^. f^oR}^ pikdng, m. a small bird, called
also chdtakiya. s. r,
jjL>_ pashm, f. wool, hair (pubes ium maris
' turn focmhus). pashm par mama, to be perfectly con- 1^^^. f^J^T^'!^pikdnand,m. tlie spring season.
tented and independent, to despise, disregard, pnshm
samajhna, to despise, pashm va ukharnd, to suffer no- jK) "qWR pakdv; m. suppuration. pakd,u,
thinf? from the enmity of another, not a hair of the
head to be touched (spoken in great contempt of an suppurative, s.
adversary), p.
^J^_ "T^T^ pakd,i, f. dressing, ripeness, s.
<Ja,m.> pashmak, a kind of sweetmeat, p. Jfc;\x>^.
tree. s. fxT^iT^ pik-handhu , m. the mango
j_^vi*> pashmif 1
^aA>. fq<*«jm1 pih-bayani or fT^cftttf) pik-
{jy*^, poshmin, [-woollen, made of wool. p. baini, f. possessing a voice like the kokila. s.
mx^jLi pashniina, j
UJ^. ^nrq*T pakpan, m. ripeness ; cunnino-,
cleverness, expertness. s.
^^J^^.f'^'^ pishun, wicked, relentless, cruel;
vile, low; stupid, a fool ; m. a spy, an informer, pishun-
vakya or pishmi-vachan, m. evil speech, slander. $. J^l1*>J. M ^^^i^pakti-shul, m. inflammation
of the bowels, cholic. s,
U^ fq^^l pishuna, f. a gramineous plant
{Trigonella corniculata). s, (^fJJJiiio pahdandl, f. a footpath, d.

*i"^**H ^^^^"^ pixhatuj or pishangi, tawny, jXiTi^ pahar, f. the act of seizing, seizure,
capture; objection, difficulty, h.
brown, pishtangata, f. tawniness. s.

ti^-Li.^. pashang, a mattock, spade, hoe; also blpj "ToFTRT pakrdnd, a. to cause to be
caught, seized, or laid hold of; to deliver over or give
a man's name, the father of Afrdsiydb. p. in charge, h.

j\j-i^. pishtvaz, f. a gown, a female dress, p.

seizing, d.
f. proof, evidence;
iiJL>, pasha or pashsha, a gnat, a Hy, a mos-
quito, p. [hog-plum. s.
U^X) "qwp^T poharnd, a. to catch, to lay hold
of, to seize, to apprehend ; to object, h.
i.f^Jir^. "T^^Ttir^ pashu-haritahu f. tlie
ij^l "^^ paksh, m. half a lunation, a fort-
ji:^. pash'iz, a small piece of money, p. night; a partisan, a friend ; a side, a flank, pakshda^hdt,
j^Uxl^. pasheman, ashamed, abashed, dis- ni. palsy, hemipelgia. paksha-pdl, m. partisaiiship,
partiality, paksha-pdtl, in. a partisan, an adheient.
graced, penitent, p. [morse, j). paksha-pdtitd, f. adherence, friendship, pakshatd, f.
(jl^jJ^ pashemam, f. regret, penitence, re- the taking up a side, partiality, paksha-dhar, m. a par
tisan. s.
ijJ^i.'Vf'lpushya,m. the eighth lunar asterism,
comprising three stars, of which one is Cancer ; the f^j^. ^IW^ pahshi, m. pahshini, f. a biid.
monthPaus (Dec. — Jan.). pushya-piitr, an adopted son. s. pakshi-rdj, m. king of the birds, Garttda. pakshi-shdld,
f. a nest, an aviary, s.
lib. f>nir pih, f. name of a bird {Cuculus
the pik. ; s.the kokila. pik-hayan'i, having a voice like y^., ''^^T pahld, m. a sore between the toes
produced by moisture, h.
•^i^. f^^pihh, m. a young I'lephant. s. UX>. Moftii paknd, n. to be dressed or cooked •
(j^,y;^pahh, Iripe; boiled, to ripen ; to suppurate (as an inflammation, boil, &c.) ;
to turn grey (hairs), s.
S.> TT^T, tr^ paha or pahhaj dressed (op-
posite to raw) ; baked (as bricks), made of brick ; cun- yi.'^^pdJifva, ripe, cooked, mature, perfect ;
able, shrewd ; grey (the hair) ; digested, pakwdshay,
ning, knowing, pokkd-k., to establish a claim, or .-in m. the abdomen, the stomach, pakwa-krit, m. the nivib
agreement, or a proposition, so that no doubt or sub-
ject of dispute can remain; to build with bricks. tree, the leaves of which are used to induce suppu-
ration, s.
pakd-pakdyd, ready cooked, pakka-ghar, a house built
of baked bricks or stone, pakkd-chittha, an authenti-
cated, revised, or accredited account, pakkd-ser, a ser
of full and standard weight, s.
(j^y^, ^<*««H victuals
m. sweetmeats, pahn-dnfriedor intiai^
melted pahivdnna,
butter or oil,
cookery of any kind. s.
jK) M<«i<;;7//i;a7-, f. pukard, m. a cry a shout, h.
v\jl>JV:W^J'in pakTvd7id,a. to cause to be dressed
Uit5j\x>. ^WR.^*JX pyhar-dena, a. to proclaim or cooked ; to cause to ripen, e. [cooking, h.
publicly, to call. /;.
ij^^^. ^*^\\ pakn-d,t, f. price paid for
13,0J MofclHT puhdrnd, a. to call aloud, to
bawl out, to cry ; to call or summon, h.
]jy-l ^"^tp pnhord, m."] a kind of dish
j^i^i f^W(^ pihahsha, m. a vegetable and ^5j'^. "Te^Vrt pnkorl or !" made of peameal
perfume, conimonlj- called rochani. s. M<^ii pahauri, f. J s.
{ -201 ;

r^^.'^^ pohh (forrr^2^ahsha,(].v.),Tn. a pe- V^. TJH'^l pngha, m. (the same as paga), a
riod of fifteen days, fortnight, half a lunation ; two ; rope, tether. /(. [or steel, k.
assistance, protection. *. [of a bow. d.
Jl^XljTnn^ pnghdl, m. a kind of hard irou
\!>\^,X{W\Z} pakhata, m. the horn or corner bl.^ O TniTTn V'l/ihaija, m. a dealer in cloth,
V) .1^. "^?aTT«1T pakharna, a. to wash. s.
metals, &c. )/. \^
la large leather b >^X!>. ftj"^^T'?rry"y/ /Ja?ia, a. to melt, to fusej
^}\^^•^m^ pulihal, f. to soften (an angry or a hard person), to assuage. $,
^l^. "T^^T^T pahhala, m. J bafr for carry in-x
water usually double, and thrown over the back of a
bullock ; also a leathern bag for raising water from a J >^X) f^Vl<jR pighldw or pighld,o,m. i"usion..s.
well. s. ^Ul^JO fiT^^^T pighalna, n. to melt or be
melted, to be in fusion. *.
il^^l "^Wl"^"^ pakhati, ra. a water-carrier, s. W ji^; TjtjijT pnghuiyd, m. a trader in cloth,
iron, &c. h.
^A^/f;;^^ pahha7i (for pakhan),\ m. a
\jl4S0. TI^RT pahliana, J stone. 5.
\^.^^>, 'TfJTm pagiyd, f. a turban, h.

a timbrel, ^^"^
^^^^/^m h. P'llihawaj, f. a kind of drum, l)-?- "^^ p"l^ ni- «i moment ; the sixtieth part
of a gliari or daud (C^ pah are equal to one minute).
pal vu'irte, immediately, instantly, in the twinkling of
^s-jl^^. "m^TTWt j^akhdyvajl, m. one who an e\'e. pul munid, to wink, to move the eyelid, p.
"beats the paAr/ia(('fy ; a drummer. /(.
^y>.pul, m. a bridge, an embankment, a cause-
^L^. Tr^TT»T p'tfthrajf m. a topaz ; name of way, ptil-guzur, a bridge toll, pul handlmd, a. (to
a lunar mansion. /(. make a bridge) to limit ; to abound, p. .

^. tj^ paid, m. a spoon, ladle for taking

^Jj4 •• ""T^^TT po/iliraiita, m. a bit of gold out oil, &c. pula, m. a small bundle of plants or
or silver leaf covering a bJra or mouthful of betel, h- sticks. /(. [Aa;u;«(^;7/a, a bastard. A.
(j%'yi '^'^fZ\ pahhrl, f. a jietal, or flower- ^?. fWT pilld, m. a pup, a whelp, cub j
"leaf. h.
^TT^/'^^''^' ™" space, (iistance ; assistance;
\_j^. pakhtra or pnkhu,a, m. a side, wing, a border of cloths ; a sheet (generally applied to chintz
flank, gable end of a bouse, d. or shawl); a bag; labium vulvee; one shutter of a door.
Sec. ; border, margin. /*.
bj^C) tr^:jT palihota, m. a wing, fin of a
fish ; side or flank, d. [blade, s. ^. palld, m. one scale (or side of a pair of
scales). paUd-hCuidlnid, to enter the lists against an
m. the shoulder- enemy, palld-kush, partial, palld-kashi, partiality.
V|\^V TTWt^ pahhaura, pal I e par kisi ke dud, to assist, to favour, to side with
any one. patle-ddr, a porter who has bags to carry
jj^l "^IW^ pnkJierti, m. a bird. s. burdens, palle-ddrl, f. the business of a porter, p.

(j--^x>. 'T^^ 2)ahhes, m. mark, stamp, h. 4^^^. "T^l^ palcid, m. f. a Mahshns or demon,
lL^. VJ\ patj, m. the foot, pag pat tar hapw, male or female, s. [humour. 1.
to beat time with the foot, pag-dandl, f. by-path.
pagdandl-lend, to track, to trace. «. ..S"^. "TcSlf'T paldgni, m. the bile, the bilious
^. tPTT poga, m. a rope fastened round the (yj^ pnlds, m. very coarse cloth, p.
neck of a bullock, a tether, h. O**^" tf^T^ palds or pald.sk, m. a tree so
called, on which the lac insect feeds {Butea frondusa).
.\jO TjiiK pagcir, mud kneaded for building
palds pdprd. m. the seeds of the Butea frundosa, used
or plastering walls ; (in Dakh.) pay, salary, wages, s. in medicine, s.

ali!>, pafjah, f. dawn of day, morning, twi- .**j^O "T^^ poldiii, m. n;ime of a village
light, p.
in India.Plassey),
«. famous for one of our earlier victories
3l>\X^ pafjuhtar, f. early dawn of day. p-
li.ljtiicL^. "TnvrrTF png-dkama, n. to travel, (^'!h. TJcJl^ jxildsh, m. a tree (.see palds).
to depart, s. [chew the cud. //.
foetida. Mq&I^|14^ pnJdshdhli
i. [clinata ; theipipalds
, m.treeas^a-«.
oLD "qJKHT pngnrcina, n. to ruoiinHtc, to
uiJtji>^. ^c^l^(«F paldsliah, m. curcuma re-
^J'■'.t:)_ TITiT^ pagrl, f. a turban ; a species of
poll-tax (v. pag). pagri atakrta, to f e obstinate, to
ij**'^.. ^gSm'^ paldshi, f lac ; m. a gol)lin ;
persist or persevere, pagf'i chhapatna, a. to act falsely a sort of mimusops (/n. kauki). «.
01 treacherouslj'. h.
^^. TT'I<5I pafjlh, foolish (phrase pfculiar to (^i^^. 3n^ ])ldlisha, m. the fruit of the hi-
Bengal and tlie eastern parts of Hindustan), h. hiscus populneoides. s.

LlG. '^J^'^\ jx/gi/d, n. to be dipped in or co- .I'iV" '"tl^^ /w/«", a sp;ire of ground between
vered with syrup ; (met.) to be in love. s. j two occupied lots, left for future disposal, k.
( 202 )

(O^. P^fnn, 1 m. (corruption of" pcdaii), a

U^. palanci, J packsaddle. _p.
yj^^. '^^TU'^
tion, reaction,paltdw
rebound. or /(.
paltd,o. m. eAe contradic-

uaJlILo) V|<^<:<^tii jmlat-lend or paltddend, a.

13^5 "T^rq'T palana, a. to run away, to flee, to take in return, to revenge, to exact retribution, h
to escape, s. [ply with drink. 7i.
^^yb '^^Z^paltan, f. a battalion, a regiment, h
U^^ f^^T'^TT pildna, a. to cause to drink ; to
biib M^^r\\ palatndjW.io return, to turn back ;
13^^ ■'T^^T palanna, a. to saddle a horse or to retreat ; to overturn, to rebound ; to change. /(.
bullock, p.

S>'^> T?^?!? palandu, m. an onion, a. wj^v^j^^ "Tq??!

down on the miy{\
ground palthd-mdrna,
resting on the buttocks. n. A.
to sit
lLX>^>. ■'T^T^ paldng, m. the Gangetic por-
poise, .s je^.^cnT;^^///, that land which is cultivated for
every harvest, being never allowed to lie fallow, h.
•• 1 ■ ,_ fthatchinfr. h. b^iS-^- f^^J^^ j;//acAwa, n. to adhere. A.
J jA.> tj^T'^ painiv, m. J
5^b 3rr^ /i/ay. m. submersion, s. V-;b "q^fT pidrd, m. a scale, i.e. one side of a
pair of scales, h.
J^> piiIh,o (properly pildv), m. a kind of
dish made up of rice, spices, and flesh or fowl, hawd (_jvb fri^T^ pdfi, f. a kind of forced meat. /*.
kd j u!(i,n, a castle built in the air. " Lord B^Ton has cLj^w^J^. ;^i/.<ar, f. yellowness, yellow hue. d.
been laughed at b\' many an ' old Indian' for writinf^
this word 'pilaff,' makinn- it rhyme with 'quaff,' but )a\j**»^\i_ pul sirdt or pidi sirdt, m. the bridge,
the fact is, that his lordship's Anglified term comes over which Jfusalmans pass into paradise. — N. B. the
much nearer to the real word, which is Persian, than wicked are sure to fall thence into the bottomleM
our barbarous Indian corruption of it." p. (B.)
pit. p. a.
Oj^. ■'I^T^rlT paldjOnd, n. to flee, to nxn tJL^z\i_ pilinlit, polluted impure, unclean j
away. s. [away. «. (met.) f an adulteress, a strumpet, p.

f^^^l "T^^m^ faJdijamdn, adj. running uilb '^^S'3^ palah, f. the eyelid ; a moment;
j^.^> "TcTT'T^ palcn/an, in. flight, retreat. palak
to wink.(luryd,
p. m. clouds ; palak mama or -matkana, a.
pahli/iin-pdidyan, fugitive, s.
j^j' JJo (Jj. pul-bandi, f. an embankment, dykes C^l Mc^PeJirl pulkit, joyful, rejoiced, s.
or mounds raised to prevent inundations ; keeping a
bridge &c. in repair, also a tax levied for that p.urpose ; (ji-^ ?r5^ plaksha, m. waved-leaf fig-tree
sodomy, pul-bandi-k., to ravish, to violate, p. (Ficns hifectoria) ; another tree (Hibiscus paptiltteoides);
the holy fig-tree {Ficus religiosa) ; one of the seven
(JjA^. ^;///>/7, in. p('p|)(,'r. p. Dwlpas or divisions of the world. «.
^b fTT^flT^T pilpila or TJ^tl^T pulpuid,
soft, flabby, flaccid, /(. iS^l ^q5<*'1 pid/n, in. a sort of Kadamb
{Nauch'a cadainba). s.
l3^Vj;b ftr^fiT^'^n pilpiland, a. to soften, h.
(^.b qf^tf pidin, m. an island of alluvial
I3^)jl> TT^TJ^T^T p>ilpiilu)id, II. to fear, to formation, a small island or bank left in a river upon
dread; to take a morsel into the mouth, and from the the falling of waters, s.
want of teeth being unable to chew, to turn it about, h.
Ui> fTI^?IT pilnd, a. to attack, to assault; n.
<JL^'^yA>fT;^fc(^J'^ZpilpildIuit, f. softness, h. to be bruised, thrashed, trodden, pressed, ground, s.
clAj&^b '^^^^■^^[^^'Z py^p'ddhat, f. fear; the
act of turning about a morsel in the mouth, h. \A\ ff'^'^pdlnd, n. to be reared ; to be fatten-
ed, to thrive, s.
aA 3fiT I'/iif, 111. I lie piotractcd utterance of
a vowL'l, being three times the length of a short vowel, s. <yA\ '^f^:^ pidhul, m. a barbarian, an outcast,
one inhabiting mountains and forests, s.
\jjU \^j\. Tf-^'m 5RR^T (H Iso tr^Z:THn?TT) paltha
(or pal til a) VI a nid, n. to sit down on the ground resting \jjb 'Tf^^ nidindd, m. a bundle, a parcel, h.
on the buttocks, h. [the buttocks, fi.
i^jl' "T^W P'ildng, m. a bed (without cui-
tainsj, a bed.stead. palang-pnsh, m. a coverlet, a coun-
^^f^. "M^Vj'^ pcdtln, f a mode of sitting on terpane : this last compound is commonly called a
Ub. "T^TF p'dtu, It!, turn, stead, exchange, " palanipore" by Europeans, palang tin chur. "the bed
recompense, revenge, retaliation, h. and three(B.)thieves," p. the constellation called " Charles's

\JUi> "T^^kTI
convert, h.
paltdm, a. to cause to turn, to lL^\ pcdung, m. a tiger, a panther, a
leopard, palang-afgan, tiger killer, a fierce warrior, p.
lil^ilAl' 'T^TT ^T»n palta hhdna, a. to turn l1/Ji.> tlf^ygs, puling or vfw^- pidUnga, the
over Mead and heels ; to overturn, to be tilted, to re-
bound. /(. masculine gender, s.

^J^^shptil.d-lcDo^v.palat-L^fto revenge,&c.//. f^':XAlXt^'^-'f\ p.dcingri, f. a small bedstead, h.

( 203 ) Vsi
^X^?. jmlnngi, of or relating to a tiger, tiger- t^A) p'did or paVid, unclean, polluted, p.
" like, fierce, ferocious, p.
i^S^l palidi, {'. uncleanness, excrement, p.
^'' "^ plnr, m. a diver, a bird so called (Pe-
licanus fiisicollis) : waved-leaf fig-tree (Ficus infectorid) ; ji^ "'TqS^ pnl.e,o, m. soup , pounded rice or
a sort of grass (Cyperus rotundas) ; fragrant gras3 in flour put into soup to tliicken it. palev or pale, u, laud
general, s. watered after ploughing, h.

^ Ti^^ pallav, m. a sprout, a shoot, a branch l^jjb 5ftfT 2>^i/ia, f. 1 t^he spleen ; the organ,
■with the leaves attached, s.
j^aI) sfi^^ plihan, m. J or the disease of it ;
^. ^IW pallu, m. the hem of a garment, the enlargement of the mesenteric glands. «.
border of a garment. paUu-ddr, a garment with gold
or silver border, h. jl^jd) sft^rrir plilidri, m. the holy fig-tree
{Ficus relig/osa), deemed an enemy to spleen, h.
^\ fx?^ pllln, m. ^
nlu,a, J J^.;L^J jf^f :^'^ pHha-shat'ni,\m, a medicinal
^^.J^b 3r)^ pWia-ghna, J plant, com-
j^^l ^^^TT palwar, m. a kind of boat of 15 monly called RohinI or Jiohera,{Andersonia rohita/ca). s,
to 20 tons burden for carrying goods ; applied chiefly
to the slow heavy craft in the Sunderbuns : it is consi- India.''T^T6. jjufiipd, f. a river in tiie south of
dered to have come originally from Dacca, h,

t^j<^l "T^'^Tlft pabvart, m. a boatman, people ^^. tr^ pun, Tm: puna, or ^f^ piini, again,
belongmg to a boat or palwar. h. also, afterwards, puiia-puna or puna-punar , again and
again, repeatedly, s.
reared '^Iq5TI«TT palwana,
or nourished, s. a. to cause to be
^i vmpun (for X(J^pu7ii/a), m. virtue, virtuous
action, charity; (opposite to fault) ; merit, s.
l^'^.;' '^^Z^ pallautha or palautha, first-horn
(q. d. pahila uthd or p'ahld uthd). h. (^5 f^^ pi7i, m. a sound, noise, s.
t.i)^. t^^^oh pallavak, m. a kind of fi>h j5 ti?rr p(in^ ro. an aggregate number, con-
(Cypriiiiis denticulatus). s. sisting oftwenty grt«rfr« (q.v.), that is, eighty /raiu J*
(and sixteen pans make a kdhan); a vow; promise;
(J^. "^^^^ pnlwal, m. the name of a plant a bet, a wager, a stake at play: it is also used to de-
(Trichosanthes dioica, Roxb.). palwal-lati, the plant of note money in general ; wages, hire, price; business;
palwal). s. [tiou. s. an agreement, a stipulation or clause in an agreement;
(coiUr. oi pan), as, pan-batta, m. a betel-box. s.
^^> jr^'^ plavan, m. a deluge, an inunda-
&b palla, m. a side (as of scales), (v. pallet), p. /^. "R^ ]>un,
answering to thea English
teiiii illation affixed
terminations ship,tohood,
&c., as, larak-pan, childhood, bdlak-pan, boyhood, h.
&1^ pwZa, soft, tender ; hollow, d.
^i, pan, coiij. but, yet, for. d.
Vjb. fS(^ pliha, f. the spleen (v. priha). .•?.
lb '"5RT p'lnd, a terminalion added to words
'61^) '"J^fT^T pulhana, a. to persu ide. 5. to denote trade, state, or condition (also the same as
pan), asjauhari-pand, the trade of a jeweller, h.
r^n^.. fs^'^r plihan, m. the spleen. .■?.
U> TT^ punnd, a. to abuse, revile, h.
\jo^> xif^'^;|5T palhindd or palihnda, in.
U) TT^T paniid, m. a beverage; the upper
ijSJ^h xrf^fijs'^ palkindi or paUhndi, f. part of a shoe ; a termination answering to pan, q.v. /;.
a shelf upon which water-pots are placed, a place
where water is kept. h. Xxi tj^T pnnnd, m. an emerald ; a leaf. «.
jI^. fi?^'^ 2)ila,i, f. the spleen ; a disease li\ ftiwr Jjiniin, m. a cake of mustard-seed
remaining after the expression of the oil, which ia
"from enlargement or inflammation of the spleen, s.
given to ecus, &c., for food. s.
"with."^^ pall, f. a ladle used to take out oil Klb. "T'TTIT /^" //am, m. la drain or pipe by

\\ "q^ palli, f. a small village ; a house j_^-.U\ t?7fT^ pandri, t) which water runs off
■ from the roof of a house, a spout, s.
"lizard, h. [of a tree. h.

tj^l 'T^ pala,l, f. a young branch or spray LdJU) fxf^rsfi p'indk, ni. the bow of Shiva, a
musical instrument of one string shaped like a bow,
the trident of Shiva, s.
iZ^l pql'it (for prt/if/), polluted, unclean.^?.
C-oJ.) TJ^^ faRt, m. a ghost, spirit ol the
dead. h. ij^:. fT^Tojrt pindlii, f. a sort of vioi. s.
Ujkb. TT^rfT pallfd, m. a match (of a gun); a lL/U' Xf^jnpunndf/, m. a tree from the flowers
candle, /lalltd chdt-jdnd, to flash in the pan. p. of which a yellowish dye is prepared [liutleria line
tori'i). s.
^,^i>.b "T^^R palethan, m.
under and over bread when it is rolled, palethan
dry flour laid ^ilUo.TT^c^T/w/fa/a.m.] (see;;a?/d/7); a spout.
pakdiiti, to contrive the ruin of any one. palethan
uikCdiid, a. to beat severely, h. ^'uJ. ^^\^ p.nud'i, f. \ panaVi panid, to be
"very fat (a horse), s.
( 204 )

lill). "qrrr^ pnnana, ;i. to cause the milk to
come into the udder of auiiiials. /;.
j^- "T^T panjar, m. or puvjn, f. a rib. s. t
j^-- fM^< jr'mjar, ^ m. a cage ; a trap, pinjrd
jUl>. panah, f. shade, shelter ; protection ;
]j^-f^W^pinjid,) hond, n. to be or grow
lean. s.
inuji'nid, refuge, pona/i-rf/'/i, toa protector,
to seek protection, avoid; used panah kisi as
in comp. se
jahdn-jmnah, asy]um of the world, your Majesty, 'add- ^j4^:- MyO ponjnri, f. a rib. s.
lat-pandh, refuge of justice, your Worship, p.
tj\j*» A->. panj ml, ni. five years; a five-year
^ciTv "'HT^^T 7^fl«-^M//a, m. a betel-box. h. old (horse), p.
iSx> pumba, rn. cotton, pumha ha-gosh, deaf
(lit. having cotton in the ear), pumba-dahan, silent in ^^^
company, taciturn ; mealy-mouthed, pumba-doz, a
carder of cotton, p. xtJJLii^.- panj-shamba, Thursday, p.

U;^i>. "tHTH^ ptin-bhatta, m. a mixture of ^^^ ^.panj-'aib, very vicious (v. /JOTy). p.a.
water and boiled rice (for drinking), k.
^^•- mP^oiii panjilid, f. the register or journal
U^jJJ. rm^r^ pan bitatid, m. a betel-box. h. of Yama, the record of human actions. ».
^a.jj pumha,\, made of cotton, p. ^^.- Ph Pa cftT pinjihd, f. a roll of cotton from
which the thread is spun. #.
U'.JJO. TixrrTT pawpana or M*iMMI pcinpand, a.
to cause to flourish, to promote the prosperity of ano- *SUjsH panj-gdna, fivefold, p.
ther ;to refresh (little used), h.
f/os/ia,1 five-cornered,
&<LjJj«H panj-goshi pentan-
\JoJO "q^tpiT panapna, a. to commence in-
creasing in bulk (a man, tree, 8.'C.) ; to prosper, to fold. p. ?a, J gular, quintuple, five-
flourish, to thrive, to shoot, to be refreshed, restored. /(.
Lu^/ panj-gun't
U^uju^. fmf^WRT pinpinand, n. to twang, to aX^-{ ]>^nj-gapj, the five senses, the five
whiz. /;.
stated daily prayers enjoined on all good Miisulmans ;
the name of a collection of five treatises on Arabic
(Jl-isUjJo. fxnrfWF?? pipinuhat or TJH^^HI^J Grammar, p. [grass, used as a vessel, s.
pavpaiiahnt, f. the whizzing of an arrow or shot, h,

Lijo. ^T^W^ pantawd, m. a kind of sweet- i^' Pt^^^ P'm^^} P* ♦^"'o blades of Jmsa
meat, h.
^:<iv ^w7y//?», the fifth. ;;.

,^1 xp^ pa7ith, "I m. a road ; a sect, a reli- fj/r^-- PMyd piwjaw, m. a bow used for clean-
l^iio. TTT^n panthd,) gious order. 5. ing cotton, s.
{jf^^-- f^^^7y/?yw5A,m.lhe wax of the ear. s.
^AiJO. "W^ panthi, m. a traveller ; a sec-
"tary , a follower of any peculiar sect or master ; generally J^i^-pTT^^ pinjul, m. the wick of a lamp. *.
used in comp., as kahlr-panthl, a follower of Kab'ir. s. 5.^v panja, m. a claw, the bunch of fives ; a
^.V^ pioij, m. an aggregate, the whole, a sort of link or torch resembling the five fingers, which
^Tieap. s. is also caWe A panj -shdkha, a hand made of ivory, &c ,
to scratch the back, panja phenxl, to overcome, to
A.) pcinj, five, iiai/e ponj, of five years old. overpower, panja-k., a kind of wrestling wherein the
antagonists lock their fingers together, panja-kash,
male panj. of ten years old (these applied to horses m. an iron instrument rei-embling a hand, with which
only), parij 'aibi shai'i, very vicious (possessed of five wrestlers e.xercise themselves by locking their fingers
vices, i.e. robbery, adultery, gaming, drunkenness, into those of the instrument ; a kind of bread bearing
falsehood), panj-ayat, the five chapters of the htr dn, the marks of five fingers, p.
which are read during the mourning of a Musalm.in.
panj tani pdk. the five holy persons, i.e. Muh,ammad, y^AiH f^Ps*l RT pmjii/djd, m. one whose busi-
'Alt, Fdtima, Hasan, and Husain. p. siness is to beat and separate cotton, h.
•„^\^:- panjdb, m. the country inhabited by 'JL'^-.-i'^^liZ pinjct, m. the concrete rheum of
the Sikhs, so called from its being watered by five
rivers, p. the eyes. s.

iX\^v panjdbi, of or belonging to the Panjdb ; {^j^-f MylOpan/m, f. a medicine composed

of sugar, s.ghi, flour, &c., given to puerperal iromea;
" the language of the Sikhs, p.
y^i 'panjdrd, m. a cotton-carder, d. XJ T^ punch, five; ni.a council, an a'ssembly,
<JL>-zJy\ AJ>. panj angusht, m. cinq-foil. p. a meeting, a companj' ; arbitrators, panchddhyuy. m.
five readings or chapters ; f. the aggregate of five
chapters of the Shrl Bhdgavat, detailing the sports of
l\^:- panjdh, fifty, panjdhum, fiftieth, p.
Krishna with the Gop'ts. panchagni, m. five firet
amidst which a devotee performs penance, pancliiimla,
iJL*^v fiJ^Z pirijat, m. the concrete rheum of m. the aggregate of five acid plants, viz. the jujube,
the eyes. s. pomegranate, sorrel, spondias, and citron, panchang,
m. five modes of devotion: silent prayer, burnt offer-
jif^- frSIX pinjar, yellow, tawny, reddish ing, libation, bathing idols, and feeding Brahnians;
yellow; m. a bay or chesnut horse ; yellow orpiment. i. an almanac; reverence by extending the hands, bend-
C 205 )
Ing the knees and head, nnd in speeeh and look.
Itancl-hitndh, in. a fine equa) to the tilth part of any the samea domestic
khdngi, caste as settlement
the litigantofparties, paiirh'iynli'
family quarrels, &c.
thing lost or stolen, patich-bhadra, m. a horse with paiiclidyati-sarkdr, a court held by public authorit}'.

five auspicious marks ; a sauce of five ingredients. panchdyat-tidma, the written award of a court of arbi-
tration, s.
panch-bhiit, in. the five elements : earth, air, fire, water,
and ether («/«*,$). panch-hhutdtma, m. man as formed
of the five elements, panch-pdtra, m. five vessels ; an ^)**v tpfT^nrt panchayatl, f. (same as pan-
offering made in five vessels, paiich-pidn, m. the five " or
airs supposed to be in the body, paiich-parnl , f. a awardq. ofv.); also relationship,
a paiwhdyat court, affinity: the sentence
small shrub, panch-piriya, any person, Hindu or
other, who worships the five pirs or saints of the ^C£^.- tr^Tn panchata, f. death, dissolution of
Mtisalmdns ; a caste of hnldlkhors. panch-pnllav , m. the^five elements of the bod}', s.
the aggregate of five sprouts used in religious cere-
monies: viz. spondia, rose-apple, bel or marmelos, ^JUksr;- "T^Hr^ pancha-tahva, m. the five ele
citron, and wood-apple, panch-panchanakh, m. five ments or principles according to the Hindiis, viz. fire,
kinds of animals allowed to be killed and eaten : hare, earth, air, water, and ether or space ; the five essentials
of certain rites, s.
porcupine, alligator, rhinoceros, and tortoise, paitcha-
tapd m. an ascetic making penance between four fires
and the sun above, panch-tlrthi, f. five places of pil- Tf^^ panchafra, a fee or duty of five
grimage :Vishranti, Saukar, Naiinish, Prayag, and per cent, levied from a successful litigant. «.
Pushkar; bathing on the day of the equinox, paiicha-
ratna, m. five precious objects : as, gold, diamond,
^^•- 'M'y H panchatwa, m. death,dis8olutiou. s.
pearl, ruby, amethyst, pancha-sngandhak, m. five aro-
matic drugs : cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood,
and kakkola. pancha-sund, m. pi. five things b}' which (^_j*>iij^*
fifteenth, "^i^^
s. panchadas or panchadasli
[fold., the«.
animal life may be accidentally destroyed : the fire-
place, the slab on which condiments are ground, the
broom, the pestle and mortar, and the water-pot.
IfcwVr^- "T^VT panchadha, in five ways, five-
pancha-slidklid. m. the hand, pancha-karma, m. five ui3,s;H fJW^ pnnrhah, f. a bowstring ; adj.
actions of the body or modes of evacuation, panclia- five, relating to five, made of five, &.c. ; m. an aggre-
koshd, m. pi. the five sheathes supposed to invest the
soul. pancha-kol, five spices : pepper, ginger, &c. gate of five. s.
pancha-kon, m. a pentagon, panch-khand, consisting \j^s>^:-xi;^l^ panchali , tnxes levied by the za-
of five stories, panch-gun, five times, five-fold, puiicha- mhuldr.i, over and above the fixed revenue, h.
gavya, five articles derived from the cow: milk, curds,
ghi, urine, and dung, pancha-lakslian, m. a Purana,
comprehending five topics : the creation of worlds, ^^Xsf*^.-X(^W^pa7irhah/ian,i\\sopa7ichaJih(iiiai
consisting of five floors or stories (a house, &c.). «.
their destruction, the genealogies of gods and heroes,
the reigns of Manus, and the actions of their descen-
dants, pancha-loh, m. a compound of five rcetals : ji^jsfv TfT^'W^ /w/i-r/ifl^A?, f. a water-mill. s.
copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron, pancha-nu'isya, m. 6,>^^^:-V^JT^pnncha-gavya, m. five things
the koil or Indian cuckoo, pnncha-mul, m. the aggre- derived from the cow, as, milk, curds, &c. ».
gate of five roots: the bel, Premna longfolia, cassia,
Gilniena arborea, and the trumpet-flower, pnncha-
viuU, f. the aggregate of five smaller roots ; Hedysarum lltfH viy^^ panch-lara, consisting of five
t^angeticum, H. lagopodioides, Solanum melongena, rows or strings (a necklace. See.), h.
S. jacquini, and Tribulas lanuginosus. pancha-malid-
yagya, m. the five great sacraments of the Hindus, or *■* ^^55i^ pancldun, f. a necklace ol
five rows. s.
the worship of spirits, progenitors, gods, Vedas, and
mankind, by offerings of perfumes and flowers ; obse-
quial rites, oblations with fire, the study of the Vedas, Jt^l- "R^R pancham or panchama, the fifth ;
and hospitality, pancha-nad, m. the Punjab, or m. name of a rdg ; also of a siir, or musical note. s.
country of five rivers, pancha-nakh, m. any animal
having five toes, as the elephant, tortoise, tiger, &c. -♦s=^v M^H^ panchavn, also panchamih,L the
panchendriya, m. the five organs of sense, viz. eye, "fifth day of the moon. s.
ear, nose, tongue, and skin ; or those of action, as
hands, feet, windpijie, anus, and parts of generation, s.
sy^jsM q^rt"C panchoiara, m. a trani-it duty
of five per cent. ; a deduction from rent, &c., of five
AJ. VH-«<^ panach, f, a bowstring, s. per cent. ; a custom-house, a toll-house, s.
;_j.pIjJ&;>'v^v fJ^^TVcn%ponchadhi/a,h f. the ag- 1.,s:^vTI^^orXlH^tn pcnicli or a.m. an earthen
gregate ofthe five chapters of the Bhdgavat Parana, "v'essel with a narrow neck, and having a hole in the
comprising a detail of the sports of Krishna with the bottom. When filled with water and the inoiith
Gopis. s. stopped, no water flows from the hole below till tl.t
J '*H '^^c5 pnnchal, deceitful, cunning; m.
hand, or whatever stopped the mouth, be removed (ii
is used as an experiment to illustrate the doctrii>e of
a country in the north of India,
h. the horror vacui by the followers of Aristotle j. h.
Cm>jt\^:- T^^iXHji panchamrU, m. a kind of ^v V^panchon, m. associates, friends, s
sweetmeat made of five ingredients ; or the term may
be applied to the ingredients separately' ; and these .sH traf^^rfir panclia vinshati, five-
are said to be curdled milk, cream, ghi, honej', and and-twenty. s. [the twenty-fifth, s
sugar, s. fa lion. s.
^l- panchavinshatltam.
j^UH M4dH H panchanan,va.z. name o( Shiva; the tail of a
^l^.s^- xngT^rf pnnclihald, m
^^J^^.■ Tj^j^^ panchdrvan, fifty-five. h.
paper kite, s .
iJL^}}^i "T^^cT panchayat, f. a meeting of
any particular society, generally as a court of inquiry; ^-^.s;^- xn^ panchin, re. a bird. f.
a jury, an inquest, originally consisting of five mem- mora'
pand,p. m. advice, aditionition,
bers, panchayati-jat'i, an arbitration by persons of
( 200 )
\i^ pinda, young fruit just formed, d. (_5J,-3.JJ. pindrt
calf of the leg. also
h. d. <_5^^. pinfi, the leg, shin ;
Ai^^pindar (root of prndashtnn), m. thoufjhf,
imagination ; pride, self-opinion ; (in coinp.) imagin-
ysli^ f"Tf?!5^ pindila, f. a sort of cucumber
ing, &c. 'pandar, one who takes or listens to advice, p. (Ciicumis madraspatanus). s.
jlj jtXO. pa7idycmara, m. a fortnight, d.
i^^>, fmjdci'i pindll, f. the calf of the leg. h.
»jlO. M^^ic p'indrnh, fifteen, pandrahwa/i ^sii^pancju, fruit in general, d.
and pandrahw'in. the fifteenth, s. [wheedle, h.
U^^vjo 'RV^TTT pandJddna, a. to coax, to i^,jSxi_'m^T^ pandUri, f. the name of a bird
(Falco). h.
(lb Tnj3 pand, m. a catamite, a eunuch, s.
Jj3sJ.> f^^^ pindol, f. a kind of white earth
tO. "TT!? pandu, ni. the nnnie of a sovereio^n (used for whitewashing walls), pindoli, f. orts, leavings
of ancient Delhi, and nominal father of Yudhishthira of a meal. s.
and the other four Pdndava princes, s.
ijSJJ>_ f*iili\ pi 71 cli,f. the upper part of a Shiva-
iiSi, fm^ piiid, m. body, person ; biills mndc ling ; a lump of any thing that may be contained in the
of tlour or rice, and offered to the manes at a religious fist; a small clue or ball of string; a small alt.ir of
ceremony of Hindus: they are afterwards thrown into sand a cubit square, on which oblations are offered to
the river or given to cows, pitid parnd, to follow, to the manes of deceased persons ; the same as pind, balls
pursue, to be intent on. piiid chJiurand, to avoid, to made of rice, SiC., offered to the manes ; a long gourd
escape, piiid-puslip, m. the flower of the asuka tree (Cucurbita lagenaria); a sort of palm (Plicenix dacttjli-
(Jonesia asoco) ; the China rose ; a lotus ; a tiuwer fera); a flowering shrub (Tabcrno'montana coronaria,
( Taberncpmontana coronnria). plnd-piishpalc , m. a pot- flor. plen.) s.
herb {Chenopodium albuiii). pind-phald, f. a bitter
gourd, pind-tailak, m. incense, olibanum. piiid-ddn, (jJuo.jJj ftn^VrToF pindltak, m. a tree (Fau-
m. presentation of the obsequial cakes, pind-gos, m. gueriaspinosa) ; a shrub {Taberno'montana coronaria). s.
gum myrrh, pindmustd, f. a sort of grass {Ci/jicrus
perteniiis). pind-mul, ni. the carrot (Daucus carota). jS^hs.yi f^<^UT(X.pi7idltagar, m. a plant, a
pind-vlj, m. a flowering shrub [Oleander odorum). s. species of the Tabcrncemontana. s.
^AJJ. pivda, ni. body, person ; a lump of clay ; jOb3.^ ^f?!?^T^^ paiidiyayan, f. the wife of
a bundle or ball of string; balls of flour or rice (vide
pindj. s. a pi'i/ide, or priest, q.v. s.

\S3j>_ Tnj3T panda, ni. a minister or priest who Jxi Tj^n: punar or '^'^liX( pimaraya, again.
piinar-bku, f. a widow re married, punar-utthan, m. re-
presides at the temple of an idol ; f. wisdom, science, s. surection. pnnar-jannid, re-born, born again, punar-
j_^.lS.i>iljvi,), ftn^fvjojrrrt pindadhikari, m. ukta, repeated ; m. tautology, piinar-ukti, f. repetition.
punar-navd, f. hog-weed {Boerhavia diffusa-alata). a.
the superintendant of a funeral, usually the nearest
relation, to whom belongs the right of presenting the
funeral cake. s. \^flora). s. ^j^.b Jmw^ puTiarbaxu or puna iva. 'ill, m. thes.
seventh mansion of the moon ; Castor and Pollux,
j\sj^. fm^^X. pindar, m. a tree {Trewiu 7iudi-
(mJ,,) "<T'«T^ panas, ni. the bread-fruit tree
y\sJ^, f^?!3TTT pindara, m. a plunderer, pil- {Artocarpus inlegrifolia). s.
lager (among Marhatids). h.
l***jo. fJ't^'Wf pansa, insipid; f. a pustule, pus-
^\3^_ f^?!fTc5 pivdalu, m. name of a fruit tular and phlegmonoid inflammation of the skin. *.
{Tiewia midiflora, Lin.; Rottlera indica, Willd); an
esculent root, described as sweet, cooling, and diuretic; UjbjL--0. TJ^^f iTT panmrhata, f. dealing in
(in Dakh.) .yam, s. [coot, the diver, h,
spices &c. It.
Uj&.LJj. xh^IH.^51 pansar-hatta, m. a quar-
jj,AJJ. ti?J3'^^ pandubi, f. a waterfowl, the
ter where there are many druggists' shops, h.
*:L^3a^. xiftj57T pandit, m, a learned Brahman ;
adj. learned ; an honorary title signifying doctor or ijX^'i^. TT'JT^Kt pansaii, m. a druggist, a
philosopher. The pandits are the only men who un- dealer in groceries, spices, herbs, &c. h,
derstand the Sanskrit, the language in vihich the an-
cient writings of the Hindus are composed, s. (JL-I5 ■q'Tfwr^ pfl/?sa/, 1 m. a stand where
^L*Jj XT^^TT^ pansala, \ water is provided
jJ,l>cXl^. TlftSJTn^') pandituni, f. the wife of a
' pandit, s. [larship. s. ^*»b TiTj^^ pa7isalla, J for passengers, s.
^jf^ji^sl "fftlSTn^ pandita,i, f learning, scho- »,!L*i,) ^^^^^!S[ pujisijva, m. semen virile; viri-
ajli- Cj i>X). pan d it-Man a, va. (a corruption of lity. s.
handl-khdna) a prison, lock-up house, h. p.
f^j^>i TT^^'JT pnnxavan, m. a festival held on
(_db .^JO.Tj^zftoir p <<»(/«/ ■I/^ m. the elephant the mother's perceiving the first signs of a conception, s.
of the south-east quarter ; a sort of snake (ampMsbana) ;
a sort of leprosy ; a white lotus, s. i^^^^'xi tpf^^ panxo,iy f. a small boat so
called, vulg. panchway. h.
uLb ,J>JO. Tn^^hloir pundarvjali, m. a flower
{Hibiscus mutahilis) ; a drug commonly called punde (_5yA*-b "ivfnfih. panseri, f. a weight or measure
riijd. s. of five sers.

LdJja.> fU^'Sfi pi7iduk, m. a turtle-dove. s. ^^^^^i^ vift^ panshcldJma, m. the penis, s.

i^Juo ( 207 )

eLU^. "TH panlt, xn. miid, mire, clay, pnnk- ^_^y^^. "^r^TltZ^ pan-gotl, f. chicken-pox. k.
prabhd, f. the hell of mire, pank-dlrfim, rn. a division,
of hell, pank'sliiikli, {. a cockle. pank-kJr, m. a lap- y^fyfT^Vpmgura,\
wing, pank-grdh, m. the niiilcar, a marine monster. »i ;=*.. £ 1 . _,_ rm. a cradle, h.
pank-garak, m. a small fish {Macrognathus paiicalus). yy^. nrWcSl pingula,)
pank-vus, m. a crab. s.
viLv^xx) q^T^I7 pnnghat, m. a passage to a
river, a stair, a quay for drawing water, s.
;OJJ. TTHTT^Jrtw/i'a?', m. an aquatic plant (/-'W/-
Usneria, also Trapa hisphidsa). s.
Ji^-.- '^I*-' p"»gf'urd,^m. a cradle, same
V'-Sj^,^, tnTo(r"qTr 1)^/711111]) rci, m. soft cloth y^^'J^.'^T:^^ panghuldj as pingurd, kc. h.
■wetted and applied to a wound or sore. s. h.
<.^-^J^. ^f?J^ pun-ling, m. the male organ ;
the masculine gender. *,
i^J^, "^^ jmnktl, f. a line, a row; a stanza
of four linos often syllables each. s. *b. punam, religious merit, the reward of
merit in futurity, d.
S^.. "T^*? panhaj, m. a lotus, s.
^x). punini (v. hailr), the full moon. d.
jTj^, ''^^''^ panhrichar, m. an osprey. s.
jfi-i^. ^^Sf^ piinnakshatra, m. an asterism j\-»JL> TTTPTIT pa/imdr, a soil submerged so as
to be incapable of cultivation, s.
under which males are procreated, s.
y^^, pdnmalld, m. a betel garden, d.
,;/. f.'l jl^i) Vim^pf^nirdr ovpu/iivdr, m. the name of a
i^xli inni/ian-wa,_' m. )ra water hen. d. plant (Cimsia obi itsifolio) ; name of a raj-piit tribe s.
•4^- ^^ panhh, m. a feather, wing, s.
^yj. ^^^^.TJ pnnn-drd, ra. a story, tale, fable, h.
V^xio "T^ panhlia, m. a fan. s. \J'^{. ^T«T^ltT ptunvdrd, m. a plate or dish
made of leaves, s.
(_fj^'yj>>_'''l^^ pankhrl, f. a petal, flower-leaf./t.
cs4^- ^^ pnnhhi, f. a small flm ; a bird. .«. i^j'^'>^. T^TTT^ panwdri
f. a betel-j;'arden. s. or xj'^f^ix^ panwdnh.
^L^xi^ TI^ pctnliln, f. a kind of woollen cloth,
b ,'^jo. tj^iftin pahivdriyd, m. a baid, a
"which conies from the hill_v countries. /(.
U^xl) xif^xiT jxinhhiya, f. a small fan ; m. a IjUjo. t^^TST/wwwara, m. astory, fable, tale. h.
kind of f(ill r who fans every body ; a wicked man. f,
^j^^i, tjcm^ panwdri, f. a betel-garden, s.
(S^l f^'T'^'t phiJn (for plnak), f. intoxica- bjUx> ^^ff^T panrcdriyd, m. a bard, a
"tion from eating opium ; drowsiness, nodding, h. story-teller, /i.
ijiSS>, xj ^^pmilteruh, m. the Indian crane, s. 13\»JJ. TiTf^T^T p'inivdnd, a. to cause to be
cfjijo. fiT^ y^'W'/, tawny, ping-chakshu, m. a abused or reproached by another, h.
crab, peng-haplsha f. a cockroach. «. ^yO. q»ft^ panold, land watered after
ploughing, h. [repeatedly. $.
cL.Cb. 'T'^ pitngu, lame, a cripple, s.
&i) xrm puna, again (see jpwn). puna-puna,
cL^. ■'I^n panniKj, m. a serpent, s.
ICj. "T^T pfOKjci, lean, soft, delicate, s. {^_])inilid, wide, broad, spacious, p.
Wl^j.^. qr|j|i-MT pangdcha, m. a field covered Vl^.i "qiTl^KT pnnhdrd, m. a man who carries
and saturated with water, h. water in pots on his head. s.

(__j*>\£l>. ''T^^ parigas or fi|^|^| pingash, m. ^j .1.^1) tffl^Tf^'JT panhdi-in, "If. a woman who
name of a tish {Silurus sagittatus Buck or Pimelodius
jMiigasius). h. (Cjl^ m^Tlf^ p'inhdri, J carries water
on her head ; a faithless person, promise-breaker, s.
tllAioO. "T^TT pctngat, f. a row, or line. s. ^Ijj.^. pinlidn, secret, hidden, concealed, p.
\:^'i.i T\'^'{ pangiUa, f. deformity, lameness, s. \J\»^Ti'r\'^Tm pan/idnd, SL. to cause the milk ,
;J,Xjo.fTT^^/>/V.v/^//, m. art of measuring verses; to come into the udder of animals, h.
name of a fabulous being in the form of a serpent, to
whom a treatise on prosody is ascribed; adj. tawny, Ul^^. f^tf^MI pinhdnd, a. to dress, to put on
pale ; the lifty-lirst year of the Hindu cycle, s. (clothes), h.
^JXl). ^^^ pangitl, m. a iiorse of a glossy or
silverj- white colour, s.
^3!^. pinhani, f- concealment, secrecy, p.
lb. sj^ tttt; tfTn puna-jmnd, f. the Pumpun
^)j^ij ti^^T pinigla, bandy-legged, lame. s. river in Behar. 5.
K^LCj^fn^fi^Sein^j/wY/a/iAa, f. a sort of crane, s.
^..^. "iTiTfTT panhard, ra. la man or woman
^jj) -q^ pangu, (for pangu, q. v.), a crii)ple, ^^,j.^ T;jT{^ft^;^««/i«''«w, f.J carrying water
lame, &c s.
pots on the head. s.
( 208 )

^-^ xp{^ jjanhi, f. a slipper. 5. l?v ^^^T pauwa, m. a quarter ; a weight or

measure of a quarter of a ser. t.
^^'.^i ^Jrfig^T^ pa7ihiya,i, afflicted with the
Jliwr albuf. s. [slipper, s. ij^. ■'Tt^n po,a, m. a v<'ry young serpent ; a
nursling of any animal ; a plant, s.
^Jj^^j^ panhin, f. (tlie same as punhi), a
^x> TnPT puny a, m. virtue, a g^ood action ; l^v ^^^ />M,a, m. a pancake, s.
" fame ; adj. pure, holy, righteous, punyn-hhu, or puiiya- ^ 1^ pnwaj, mean people (pi. of pajV). p.
/i/iiimi, f. the holy land of the Hindus, bounded on the
north by the Himalaya, on the south by the Vindhya, _j aystory,
P^^^afo., m. narration or explanation of
and on the east and west by the sea; the mother of a d.
male chihL punija-phal, m. the reward of good actions.
piini/a-trin, m. white knsa grass, punya-ttrtka, m. a u'^^. "T^^ piin-al, f. straw (also po,ar). s.
holy shrine, punya-dar.ihaii, ni. the blue jay. punya-
.?///«»), m. a sacred place, /junya-i/ii/, virtuous, punya- o\^ ''ft^l^T po,ana, a. to warm by the sun
Icarma, pious, virtuous, punya-gandh, m. the charapak or the steam of water, to bask. s.
flower (Micfielia champaca). punya-lok, m. paradise.
puTii/a-wan, virtuous, pious, s. [of Patlidns. h.
c/^^^. 'T^T^ pawh,i, f. a chain fastened to
horses' legs to prevent their being stolen ; chains with
^^l "T^ panni, f. tinfoil ; m. name of a tribe which the legs of a criminal are fastened ; the leg of
a boot or stocking, s.
j_^^. fxi^ pinni, f. a kind of sweetmeat, h.
IxJo Vi^l{^\ paniya, m. water ; a water-snake, ^J.'^ Tjti pup, m. a cake. s.
or any thing living in water, s.
^b^ VMIqII
"or barley, pupal'i,
half-baked f. a cake
or fried, s. made of meal
Iju^ Ijimi pnnj/a (v. &*!>.), f. the commence-
ment of collection for the new year. s. j0.j>_ TTTT^ pupla, f. a sort of sweet cake,
fried. «. [out, toothless, h.
\..«!>UJO TnTTTITT punyatma, charitable, vir-
tuous, s.
y^..y>.. ''^Vi^^ po])la, one whose teeth aie fallen
rUJ..^ 'qf^TiTTT paniyara, inundated, s. ^>^ xfttj'q^ popnl, f. a wind instrument (of
(-iJ'aJ.^. fqjniieff pinyaJi, m. assafcetida. s. " music) made by children of the seeds of mango and
the leaves of tlie Borassus ; any wind instrument, h.
^UJO tjf^^Tn^T jmniyala, m. the name of a
fruit {Fldcourtia caiafracta). s, [water, s. \lx^_^_ ^Tttfi^HT po phdlna, also panpfnitiih,
to break forth as the daylight, to dawn, po-phaft, X.
daybreak, s.
iJLb ''jfjftnrrT paniyaua, a. to irrigatt", to
j_f fljib tj^niT^ puvya,l, f. a virtuous action, O^.). xftiT piot, f. a boat. s.
performed (according to those who hold the doctrine •"^y ^^ P^^y '"• "^^"r®. disposition, qualify;
of metempsj'chosis) in one state of existence, the re- glass beads ; an assessment on cultivated fields, h.
ward of which is received in a future transmigration ;
merit of an ancestor rewarded in the ^rsou of Lis
descendants. 5. O^^ ■qW put, m. a son ; the young of any
animal, put-zamhurd, m. a young moukey. s.
Cl^iS>_ tttOcT puriit, pure, clean, s.
Oy. TjfiT puti, f. purity, purilication. .«.
jxxi pu/ilr, m. cheese, panir-rn ay a, rennet, p.
Li-jy. "Tf^TT pavit, purified, cleansed, a".
jCyjib puniii, cheesy, or made of cheese, p. C->y f^^lT pivat, adj drinking, s.

ciJ^JuO tjvfi^cli panivah,'\i. a young flower- I3y. trtin potd, ra. grandson, son's son. x.
lSj*^. '^'ft^ panin, J tree. h. ^jy, potd, m. the scrotum, the testicle.^, p.
^^^i^ tiinft^Tt pxinyoday, m. good fortune, l»5\3*^ TTrilrMI putdtmd, m. a saint, an ascetic ;
as reward of the meritorious acts of a former life. s. a man of a cleanly person, or purified. «.

&J.JJ 't(J!n\ jvmyn, virtue, &c. (v. j^.) ; the first

day of the collections, vhen the head officer of govern- (_).^y, ■^TTTfiQ? put-phal, m. the jack-fruit, s.
ment in this department sits in state at the kachahri ^l^jjy. Tjfirqi^T pitti-phuld, f. a plant {Pso-
or office, and adjusts the amount of the revenue to be ralea coiilifulia). s.
collected in the ensuing year. s.
ikxxi TfTpi panya, m. any saleable article ; A^^y. "PflT^cS^ puti-phaU, f. a medicinal
' plant (Serratula anthelmlntica). s.
adj. saleable, vendible, panya-sula, a market. *.
2y)^ ''ftinT polaj, m. an animal that proilucfs
^ii Tj»ftlJT pan'i/td, m. a water-snake ; any young at once without the intervention of auy medium;
thing living in water, an aquatic animal, s. elephants and some other animals being supposed to
carry the young without the aid of an ovarium or
jj po (s^ame as par), on, upon, at. d. uterus, s. [son. .v.
_j'?.^ P'l", f. the one or ace on dice; a stand
where water is provided for passengers; an overflood- ^y. ''^hf paufra, (v. po:d), a grandson, son's
iiig of low lands in the rainy season, pau phaind, to j>,f' nf^^ pavit?- or pav lira, pure, clean, free
il.iwn (the morning), h. from sin, m. the brahmauical cord. s.
^ 209 ; ^y

\?^.- ^^^T pavitra, m. a knotted piece of Vyi^.'^fHTj] pctlyu, ni. a cloth worn at time
kusha grass used in purification, the brahmanical of bathing; the name of a plaything, h.
thread ; a string of silken beads, f. I10I3' Basil {Ocij-
miim sanctum) ; a river north-west of Haridwar, the <i^y. ^«4<}S piitijand, m. the musk-deer; an
Pahar ; the twelttli of the light fortnight of Shidwan, a insect with a fetid smell, the fetid bug. s.
festival in honour of Vishnu, s.
<-^y. "^ pot, f. a bundle, a bale, a package;
\Jiy>_ xftin:! potra, m. baby-cloths, clouts, h. a spout. /(.
^ 3^_^f^^nrf pavitiata, f. purity, sanctity, s. ^^•^
the tail of;»■/?',
a cow. m. h.name of a bone lying over
liJjj^, Tf[p:|bh pautrik, belonging to a son, or
a grandson, s, ^y. "^Zl pota, m.an unfledged bird ; the eye-
lid, the crop or craw (of birds) ; stomach ; the mucus
jCj5^_ tjip^ put?-}, f. a puppet, an image, s. of the nose, snot ; f. a woman having a beard, h.
4_o^ ^fr^ pavitri, f. a ring of kusha grass "abuse, h.
(Port cynosiiroides), or of gold, silver, or copper, worn on c_r-*^v 5^^ ])uthi, f. the anus, a term of
the ring-finger and fore-finder by Hindus during reli-
gious worship, (v. paviird). s. J£Jy xftZiT^ pot-gal, m. a reed {Arundo
tibialis) ; a sort of grass {Saccharum spontaneum). h.
(_/ Jy, "Pr^ s. pautri, a grand-daughter,
■ daughter,
>3'y. lilicjSI poild, m. a large bundle, h.
^y>. ^"^iTTI potra, m. baby-cloths, clouts, h.
{J^y>.j ^H^t potrl, f. the after-birth, h. i^^i ^'^ potli, ^f. a small bundle, a
\s^Xz3y>, r^ll'^ff^ -futi-sharija, f. the pole ^^.^tzf^^l potlikdj small packet, h.
or civet cat. 4'.
-4^y. "^ put/t, m. the buttock, the hip. h.
^.iJi'iy. ttfiioR imtik, l^iy tiTT puthd, m. the paper or pasteboard
pinia honducella). s, ra. grey bondue iOcesal- cover of a book ; (la Dakh.) potha, m. the stomach ; the
crop of a bird. s.
^jijKiy. tifH^rr? puti-kasktk, m. a sort of
pine {Pbtits devadaru). s. [shell. «. V^. ^'TT/>r/;a, f. devotion, worshipping, ve-
neration, homage to superiors ; idolatry or idol wor-
,^^^^Ttfj{oS\^'^ pTitika-mukh, m. a bivalve shipping (by Hindus), s
tjiiSioy. cerat''|fHoS^«F a vvorsnipper, an
ion ofthe ear. s.puti-karnak, m. fetid ul-
adorer, an idolater,
uil»-y. ^ani pujak,
^^0. "TlfoST puild, m. a puppet, an image, s. a priest having the charge of an idol temple, s.
LiJJoy, T^^fcJoF pauttalik, m. a worshipper CL>^y>_ x^Wt^pujit, adored, worshipped, pujat,
of idols, s.
adj. adoring, worshipping, s. [of adoration. *.
jV!> »^, TJiT^y^ jow^Zi, f. a small puppet ; the
^^U».y THTHT*! pujamdn, venerable, worthy
"apple of the eye. s.
U>»^. T^7\j poina, a. to plaster, to besmear, h. (iJ^^v ^^^ PHJ'^^) ^- 3ct of adoration, &c. s.
\jjy. ^Ufm puttio, f. name of a giantess, who lis-y. ^?rT pujnd, a. to adore, to venerate,
was killed by Krishna ; yellow myrobalan (Terminalia (but being a Hindu word it generally means) to idola-
cliebula) ; atropiiy and wasting in a child, ascribed to trize ; to elapse, as time ; to be accomplished, s.
the influence of the female fiend Putnd. s.
&JUc>-y. TTiHT^ pujariiya, worthy of adora-
«3y. pota (v. poia also fota), the scrotum, jj, tion ;right worshipful, s,
^y. ^^ pot ft f ni. glass beads, nature, &c. ^^l^^y ^JSprnr ^^w/yawaji, being reve-
(v. pot), h. renced or respected, s. [father-in-law. s.
l^y tftvr pof/ia, in. a large book especially &-»-y. V[^ pujya, venerable, adorable ; m. a
a manuscript book written on long separate leaves of
paper or palmyra connected by a string through the ».y. puch, absurd, obscene, inordinate, puch-
centre, s. [eyelids, s. go or puch-bdf, p.an obscene babbler, puch pa dar hawa,
i^'iy ^ViiW\ pothlil, f. red pimples on the
^r*-y '^ puchh, f. inquiry, investigation, s.
^^!>y. tft'^IcJT pothld, m. a porter's load, espe-
cial y of grain, h. jW^^yvery, d puchh-pichdr, investigation disco-
ig^^. ^^ pothl (also puthi), f. a book like
l^^ jl^y. vestigation,
"TSJT^'ST iniiuiry. spuchhd-pdchhd, m. in-*.
"polka, only of a smaller size. s.
^-^yiTt^ /;o//«, f. a clove of garlic. A.
^;^^.s^-o Tr"^Tr5 pucJih-pachh, f. inquiry, in
^ly>_ Tjtrrt 2>o^i, f. a grand-daughter, a son^s U^s^^> '^"S^'TT pTichhnd, a. to ask, to inquire ^
*' daughter ; f. the young (female) of any animal s. (in Dakh.j pochhnd, to wipe, to clean. «.
^yv ( 210 )

ur^'f'y 1^ puchh'i, f. the tail of a fish. s. complete, per-

UJ^- ^c^ purn-pdtr, m.or a '«TT<CfI^j2</-a//,
fect, purna full cup or vessel ; a vessel filled
-^^> puchi, an insect, d. with clothes or ornamentsj9. which are scrambled for by
the guests at a festival ; a vessel filled with 256 hand-
Oljir»-^> puchiyat, foolish prattle, p. fuls of rice given to the superintending priest at a re-
ligious ceremony, puraii poll, f. a kind of bread.
li^ pud, warp, web, cloth in the loom. p. punia-kam, satisfied, satiated, puma kitnihh, m. a ves-
sel filled with holy water, used at the consecration of
.bjSj^. pod-dar (for fota-dar), in. a person a king ; a full cup or jar. s.
whose business it is to assay coin, or examiiio whether
it is sterling or not ; an examiner of coin ; also a cash- UJ^- ^''^^ 7^"''""j adj. filling, completing ; m.
keeper, a clerk whose business is to reckon and exa- act of filling, making up ; multiplication ; a fragrant
mine money, p. grass {Cy penis rotundus). s,
Uii^. ^\^'\^ podna, m.^the name of a bird O-y Ti^nT puma, a. to weave (as a spider) ;
n. to be filled, chauk puma, to make chequers or
^3iij.> ''It^^ podni, f. J (Sylvia olivacea). h. squares, s.
J&ii^. itn^ paudh, ^ m. a young tree or plant (Jl^^jj^ ffWi^f^ purnahuti or purnalmt, f.
the oblation presented at the conclusion of a religious
l^i^. ''^VT paudha,) for transplantation, h. sacrifice ; the final oblation, the consummation. *.

^Ljb2>^. ■'H'VqST pnudhela, ground on which

plants are sown for transplantation, h. ^j^\ ^fi^TI pHiu'nnn, "qtfllWT
paurnhuitfOr Tfxi.Pij jiiii itaina, f. the day
&l),tij3 podtrw^ ni. mint {Mentha sativa). p.
c^^i2)jj\ "TinTRft purnaviasi /• of full
jyi ^^ P^^'> ^- ^''*^ space or interval between or TfnjWra^ paurnamafi,
two joints or articulations (in the body, or of a bam-
boo, sugar-cane, &c.). por-por, every joint, s.
j^u*iy.y 'PW=n^'^ punmican,
j^. pur (in Dakh. po?-), m. a son. p. i^jJ\^.y>^_ ^^TH^ pu7namas, m. a monthly sa-
jj^. tJT puj; a city, town, village; much used crifice offiTod on the day of full moon. s.
in comp., as Sultdn-pur, Sultan's town, Kingston, s. (i,y. Tj^^iJ^ puna, f. the cross threads in weav-
jy Ml*, paur, f. a gate, door; m. a fragrant ing a piece of cloth, s.
grass, h.
j.y. 'gf purva, m. the cast ; adj. first, prior,
exact, full, former, ancient, of yore; before, in front of. purva-
1).?- ^? p?/ra, entire, complete, bhyds, m. former practice or experience, piirva-parvat,
perfect, total, ripe, purd-k., a. to fill, to reimburse, m. the eastern mountain, from behind which the sun is
to fulfil, accomplish ; (in Dakh.) pora, m. a complete
set or assortment of any thing, s. supposed to rise, piirva-paksh, m. a proposition, the
first part of an argument ; the first half of a lunar
month, purva-dish or purva-dik, f. the eastern region.
Puranas in'UfinoR pain-an'ih,
; m. a Brahman well readhfinlonrring to the«.
the Purfmas. puma-desh, m. the eastern country, piirva-de/l, m. a
former body, a prior existence, purva-ratr, m. the
first part of the night, pilrva-saiidhyu, {.dav/n. purva-
t^^\y>._. ^T^ pu7-a,l, f. fulness, satisfaction, shail, m. the eastern mountain, purva-kdl, m. former
welfare, s. [adj. eastern; former, ancient, s. time, pui'va-kdlhi, ancient, purva-krit, done formerly,
in a prior existence, purva- gonad, f. the Nermada,
^^j^,tn^ purab or "f^ pwrha, m. the east; formerly called the Ganges. purva-laksJiofi, m. pro-
gnostic, s.
J6^ljj^> V^T^ purharddha, m. the former or
prior half. s. U,y. tJ^l pTava, m. a small village. 5.

\J,j^\. "^^f purhl, f. the name of a ragim, sung ^jjy. iTl^s-'MI poru.a, m. a joint or phalanx of
before evening; adj. eastern, from the east; a kind of the fingers ; a joint of a tamarind, s.
rice from the east of Bengal, s. [tion. d.
J.' .li'^.^^jjy f^^V^TJ^pHica-b/iadrapfjd, m.
Jj^j^^. pur-parna, to discharge an obliga- the 2('th lunar asterism. s. [the east. *.
Ojj^. ^fCfT jmrit, filled complete. 5. ,^X»^jlj.y ^^lf»TiT;?r purcabhimuk/i, facing
O^y. Tlf't purtt or pzirtti, f. fulness. .*?. 11 tb lunar asterism. s.
(.^'"ft'-'jjy ^^'^^'ft purra-jyhalguni, f. the
jij^\ Tj=ff jjurtii, adj. filling, com|)lcting. s.
J&^ij .y TTTT^ purvarddha, the first half. s.
«..^C*).y mT'^^ paurasah/ii/a, ni. fellow-
citizenship, s. l*|,'Lilljj^^ ■q^tTT'gl ]>urvas/iar/in, f the first
Aslidrlid, or '2ijtli lunar asterism, containing two st.irs,
one of which is Alpha Sagittarii. i.
(^j^y. ir^'R purush, m. man (see p>urush'). s.
<^jy\ "^^^ paurush, m. the height of a man J^jjy
caste ofxftT:^T^ ponval,
Hindus in Malwa. nam.'
h. of a mercantile
with both arms clevat mI ; virilit}- ; semen virilo. pnn-
rushta, i manhood, manliness, s.

of the day. *.
J^.- ^J?^ purak, adj. filling, completing. .<f
( 211 )
iiV.jil^jj^. tjfvnjjUt^I purva bhadrapada, f. iS^^v posit, m. one who intoxicates himselt
the first of two lunar asterisms called bhadrapada, the
" with infusion of poppy-heads ; (met.) a lazy Indolent
'26th of the whole, s. person, p.

(j^^^.Jj^.- ^^WfT^t purva-phalf/unl, f. the {^X^y!.- Po^^^'h leathern (garment); a fault,

blemish, postin-doz, a furrier, or maker of leathern
" first
conch,phalgunl, or eleventh
containing lunar
two stars, one asterism,
of which figured by s.a
is Leonis. garments, p.

T3)y^- ^^'' purvaj, born before, eldei-, born U**>^. sl«*ii posna, a. to breed, to rear, to
in the east, purva-ja, m.pl. ancestors, the deified pro- educate, to nourish, to tame. s.
genitors ofmankind, s.
0**y. 2^<^sh, (in comp.) covering, wearing, as
cii^J.^jij^. ■'^f^fi^oir j)aurva-dehik, belong- ^a-jooi/i, (covering the feet) shoes, slippers; sahz-posh,
ing to a former body or existence, s. clothed in green ; kulah-posh, wearing a hat or cap. p.

(^j.^'iT|oif;;2iri:rtA-, prior, before, preceding, s. O^y. ''''' i^w'*/t> m- the eighth mansion of the
moon, containing three stars in Cancer; the mulberry
v^Vj^. mer, y^f^oF
s. paurvik, prior, primary, for- {Moms Indica). s.
LJ*'^ ^^ posh, m. nourishing, cherishing, s.
?_S_Sjy^.- Y^TWT: pwr'yoiim', m. the north-east. s.
e^jjJbj.y) T^Ttf^ paurohilya, m. the office of (^y>. "^t^ pansh, m. the ninth Hindu solar
month (see pus), s.
family priest, s.
uiJli)^. poiyhah, f. vestments, dress, habit,
*^3)^i ^^ pio'Vi, of or belonging to the garments, especially costlj' ones. p. [(cloth), p.
eastern region, oriental ; f. name of a rdginl in music ;
a kind of rice from the east or Bengal, s.
i/l«»^. poshaln, fit for making garments
ijj^. "^^ port, f. a joint of bamboo, &c. ; a u_>^fc?. "i^T^ pa'uf:Iipa, flowery, floral, s.
stiff" strong kind of soil. s.
tiL^j.^. Tf|iiq<* paushpak, m. the oxide of
ijj^^ 'T^ purl, f. a kind of fresh cake, fried
in butter or ghl. s.
brass, used as a collyrium. s.

^-^^ Tn "O paushpi, f. a name of the city

t^jy-. "^t^ pauri, f. a gate, a door. 5. "of Pataliputra or PaUbothra. s.
bj^. tftn^m pauHya, m. a doorkeeper, a cdi-ui*^. if^fgoii paushtik, preservative, pro-
porter, s. [mood or ragirii. h. tective ;nutritive, s.
bj^. Tjftxn pwWj/a, f. the name of a musical fJL^^i poshish, f. dress, garments, vestment,
concealing, covering, p.
\jy>^xrs\ pura, m. a kind of cake made of pea-
meal, h.
Ldl^^.Tft^eB^josAaA, m.a nourisher.cherisher.s.
\st>j^/^^ panrha, wide, broad, extensive, h. fiSXi^ 4fui[fu^i paushkaririi, f. a large pond
^j>?. ** or reservoir, s. [fostering, cherishing, s.
firm. '^^
s. jmurhci or tft^ piorha, strong,
j^jii^ Tfl^^ poshan, m. bringing up, rearing,
<J^^^ji^.-^^% pa«.r/m,i or Vl31$^ porha,t, f. ILI^ xftquiT poshnci, a. to breed, rear, foster,
strength, firmness ; breadth. «. [sleep, h. cherish, tame. «.

Ui&j'^. '^t^^ pavrhna, n. to lie down, to |jI)0_ Tit^ paushl, day of full moon in the
"month paush or pus. s,
«^y ^^ J^^-^ ^^ ^^^ °'" P^".''*> ^ stiff strong
species of soil. h.
iS'^^^^. po.'ihulagi, f. concealment, p.
jy>^.puz, m. lip of a horse, p.
(j^jIj^. over. p. to conceal,
cover or veil
to hide, to
(^j^_. pozish, f. excuse, palliation, apology,
pretence, pretext, s.
iS^y^, po.shida, concealed, covered, p.
JUj^. j;us»mZ, m. a cord twisted tight round
a horse's &joSjy "iftsi poshi/a, adj. to be cherished.
him. p. lip or ear to enable the farrier to manage poshya-putra, m. an adopted son. poshya-varga, m. a
class of persons or objects to be cherished, as parents,
8j^.^M2'o,m. the lip (of a horse particularly), p. children, guests, and the sacred fire. s.
i^\y>. puzi, f. part of the ornamental accou- sj^^.. pokri, m. a blackguard, a low fellow.
trements ofa horse, p.
"pokri-Iog, low, vile people (quere. Is not this word of
French or English origin '.). d.
(,^y>. vm pus, m. the name of the ninth solar
month, the full moon of which is near pushya, the ,A^. •^^ pukh, m. the eighth mansion of tlie
eighth lunar asterism. s. s.
moon, comprising three stars in Cancer,
CL>>**>^>. posi, m. crust, skin, rind ; poppv j^^i, xft^T polihar, \m. a pond, a tank,
plant ; an infusion of the poppj' formerly much used
as a slow poison, post bar post, crust upon crust, or
\j^',>. ^'isRT 2^ohhara,J a lake. 5.
skin upcn skin, ;;.
U^^tftTTOTpoA/iwa (y.poshia), tobreed,&c.
( 212 )

vi-U^. tjTX pug, m. the betel-nut tree {Areca U^

fmifel or catechu) ; a heap, a quantity ; the fruit of the ^^y. "^mpaun, onequarter less (than any giver.
number) ; three quarters, paun tin, two and three-
faufel, the betel nut. pi'ig-phal, m. the areca-nut. s. quarters, s.
uiijjjS^. ^iRtT pug-rot, m. the marshy date- ^^y_ f'T^'^ pivan, adj. drinking, .v.
tree (Phoenix or elate paludosa). s.
(^j^.pun, m. a ferule or cap of metal ; mount-
<3Ja^> TTtT^ pogand, m. a boy from five to ing of a sword-hilt, walking-cane, &c. d,
fifteen years old. s.
uy. U\'\\ pond, a. to make bread ; to string
J»> pol, family, offspring ; a litter of cubs or (pearls), to thread (as a needle), h.
young of beast or bird. d.
u^. ^J^J paund or pond, m. a spoon with holes
in it like a colander, for skimming, &,c. h.
J^. Tft^S pol, a court-yard ; a gate ; a ward
or quarter of a town, having its own gateway, h.
J\3^> Tj^Hi^ pavandl, m. a kind of grain
y^, IJ^ST pula, m. a bundle of grass or straw. (Andropodon saccharatus). s.
pule tale guxrdn karna (lit. to live under a bundle of
straw), implies a very destitute condition, s. Uoy. "^tzi pontd, m. snot, &c. (v. potd). h.
^^. TflcJJI pola, m. soft, hollow, h. jc-^^5^. "^fzi pontJa, f. a kind of small fisli
(Cyprinus chyrsopareius. Buck.), s.
^'^^. poldd or pulad, m. steel in general; the
finest Damascus steel, which, with that of Kum, is i^y>. ''i'ft punjl, f. a capital in trade, stock,
esteemed the best in the East. p. "principal sum. s. [riving, d.

J^ ifto^^ polach (also polich), land con- <ji'y. paunch (for pahmcJi), f. arrival, ar-
stantly under cultivation, h.
\s^y> pminchid, n. to arrive, to come. d.
^'9?. 'ft^oir polak, m. strawbands at the end
of a staff, used with a charkhi to frighten and restrain ^aiy. Vi^punchh, f. a tail. s.
a furious elephant, a. [ton. h. jl^jiy Tf^T^punchhdr, tailed, having a tail. 5.
J^_ TJ^^ poll, f. a term of abuse, simple-
^^y tJ"^^ j;w«c/t/</a, a tail. s.
f}^->. poll, f. a honeycomb, d. ^j^^y>_ Ml'SJrf ponchhan, m. with
any which
thing any
awaj- after wiping ; a rag, &c. thing
J^. Vi^ pull, f. a small bundle of any grass is wiped. /(.
"or straw, &c. ; a small quantity of corn given at har- U^^ •>>, mYs5HT ponchhnd or q^.^! punchhnd,
vest to village officers and servants, s.
a. to wipe, to clean, to expunge, h.
J^ ^55^ pnidl, f. a gate, a door. h.
^>^J. ''iR'jl panndd, m. a kind of sugar-cane. .«.
U^, xftf^nn poliya or ''m^'IT pauliya, a gate- (.iJ .JiJO 4t^!3cP pavndrah, va. the pale straw-
ke per, janitor,
a h.
coloured species of sugar-cane ; a man of a mixed
vJ^, pidiya, the poolias are persons who pro- caste, from the Vaisya and female of the distiller
fess a species of Muhammadanism, extremely corrupted caste, whose business it is to boil sugar, s.
by the Indian superstitions. The Muhammadan Arabs
in India propagated their religion by buj'ing slaves,
to whom, after they had been circumcised, and in- i2^<^j^ ,Joy."'fi^^
one of the divisions of paundra-va
^«Tcentral India (Behar). *. m.
structed in their doctrine, they gave their freedom ;
the latter in time became a distinct people, inhabiting Ufc<!js>0 ''fi^^ paundhnd, a. (v. paurhna) to
the coast of India from Goa, round the peninsula to repose, lie down. li.
Madras : the}' go by the above name in Malabar, and
by that of Coolies on the Coromandel. d. «AJ jy "i^^qf pimnar-hhava, m. one of the
sons or heirs admitted by the old Hindu law, the son
ir^y>. pulichi, m. a degiaded race of men of a woman from a second marriage, s.
"who inhabit the
not permitted to forests of Malabar,
build huts, wliere they
but are obliged are
to make C^jy>^r^'^%pfiunar-ukta,m. tautology, s.
a kind of nest upon the trees : when they are pressed
by hunger they howl, to excite compassion from those j_^^^L«3y. ''rni^JT^ punsald,i, f. a thin roller,
passing : the charitable deposit some rice or other on which cotton is prepared for spinning, h.
food at the foot of a tree, and retire with all possible
haste, to give the famished wretch an opportunity of (j»*«3..>. xff^clrl pnun-savon, m. a religious
taking it without meeting with his benefactor, d. ceremony performed when signs of conception
appear, s. [navalis). h.
ljsC°^_ Xft*"^ pomcha, m. a shady kind of cloth,
a dress from Jayanagar. h. 1 Kiy TrhfiJ ponhd, m. the ship-worm {Teredo
^^y> TJ pun, m. a sound of the emission of i U5oy. trfo|f»rr ponknd, n. to be fluxed, h.
wind backwards, k.
Uj.^. T(fm pongd, m. a blockhead ; a sort of
drum ; a thin joint of bamboo ; adj. empty, fi.
j^^> ^^^ paun or X[^ pawan, f. air, wind.
pawan-byadhi, m. wind, as affected morbidl}', or rheu-
matism, &;c. paivan chakia, f. a windmill, pawan, m. re- \j^-'i^{. pungrd, m. a male child, a boy. d.
gent of the winds, and of the north-west quarter, pa-
f. flute, pipe ; a
played or
pipe pungt
vmn kaput, va. the sou of Pawan, i.e the ape Hanmndn. s.
"kind of^1^
iS^y). by the jugglers. /*
^3^. ( 213 )

y^. 'Q»n piittau, \f. the day of the new jV?-

long pf^fidr, m. a mountain,
and tedious niglits (especially
pahdr .<ti
of sorrow) /*.
W^^i ^*" piinon, J moon. s.
'j^^.'^JT }>ltdrd, torn, broken, split, rent. s.
^^^fiJ^> "fitr^
to thread porvanaunCBra}.
aneedle, for pond,
to make bread, &c. h. q.Y.),
]j\>. M^Jsi pahdrd, m. (in arithmetic) the
multiplication table : a story or fable, h.
eJ^i 'RT'T? Jidunah, m. a spoon with holes in
it like a colander, for skimming, &c. (see pauna). h.
^^^j^l- ^^^I'TT phdr hhdnd, a. to worry ;
to bite and gnaw. s. [ravenous beast, s.
fj^y> Tnift or insrt pum, f. rolls of cotton pre-
pared for spinning, h.
J^^O'^^- "''iT^'^T'ai phdr khd,u or -khd,o, m. a
jJ,y«n«T /^«M«e, prefixed to a number denotes wj'l^. TJiRtTT phdrnd, a. to tear, to rend ; to
a quarter less, as paune tin, a quarter less three, or two split ; to break ; to cleave (as wood), s.
and three-fourths, h.

^y X([i(\ pau7ii, a collective name for the ^^of orpahdrl,

'/jV^-tain ;adj. f. a hill, a small moun-
lower castes, such as barbers, shoemakers, 8tc. h, relating to the hills, pahafi bhang,
henbane, h.

^yt- YF^P"'^^^' ^' '■'^^ ^''^y ^^ ^'^^ "^^ moon. S. l^-l^ Xj^lf^^ pahdriyd, m. a mountaineer;
b^- ^^^ pamvd, m. a quarter ; a quarter of adj. belonging to the mountains, h.
a ser. h.
cL/l^; WT phd(j, m. red powder thrown over
iy>^ X(t^poh, f. dawn of day. h. one in the time of the Holi ; the act of throwing co-
loured powders in the Holi, the gambols of the Holi
sy, TiT^ paiih, in. a stand where water is kept (in Dakh.) the {arras phdk and phak-rd, are used. s.
ready for travellers, h.
jjil^. ifiPT'T phdgan or iBPpT phdgtin., (also
Ifcy, tjV^ pohd, the cattle of a village, per- phdlgun). the name of the eleventh month, the full
mitted to graze on waste land. h. moon of which is near^arvayy^/a/jirw^I. (Feb. — March), s.
|jij&^ T|^^^ pohdd, m. a young tree &c. h. Jl^ TST^ ])hdl, m. a ploughshare, s.
lifi>y TTl^tTT pohnd, a. to make bread, h. Jl^^ifiT^yjAa/, f a lump of betel-nut (Areca) ;
a step. h.
<-^^- ^^ J)ctvi, a dyke cut either to let water
in or out. h. L-5l^_ xjiTcSW phdlsd, m. name of a fruit
{Gnwia Asiatka). (in Dakh.) p/ia/wa, a shrike, h.
iS^^.."^^ poA f- \a kind of vegetable (5«-
by xftriT poyd, m. J sella alba vel rubra), h. (^rJl^.5 tjiT^nr phnlgnn, the eleventh month
(v. plidgun) ; a tree (Pentaptera arjuna). s.
/tJby ^^m^!^ puydlas, m. suppuration at the
joints, white swelling, s. [der, /(. ^t}\^_ W[^7(\ 2)haJg-uni, f. day of the full
" moon in the month Phalgun, on which the Holi festi-
val is celebrated ; a name common to the eleventh and
^^^^^^puiidan or po,tdan, to run, to wan- twelfth lunar asterisms, distinguished by the epithets
U?.t?. ^^n paverd, act of sowing seed by tlie
hand. h.
purvd and uttard. s.
lj3l^.;;/mZ//a, a. to spring, leap, jump. d.
U^y^.- ■^•T7J«3/flw,1 m. pus, matter, discharge,
J from an ulcer, s. d. f. a kind of small pillow, a child's
jO.y. Tmpuya,
iO%ij)oi/a orpuya,m.a, canter or h and-gallop.^?.
llol^. ta'^T^T phdmp7id, n. to swell, k.
(^a^iftf^ po,is, inter, ho ! hallo! (calling
to people in the road to get out of the way), have a
care. p. j^\^_WtSS phdmphor, m. a hole,an orifice, h.
tll^l^. TJiTiT pliant, m. a village register, h.
^^ Jfipha, the aspirate of the letter '^ pa.
of land.p/idntd, m. a branch of a tree, a neck
si^ "m pa, (for par), on, in, at ; conj. but, yet, d.
used chiefly in verse, k. [to grow luminous, h.

^0 Xf^pah, f. dawn ; pah-phatnd, n. to dawn, J^^_phdnj,a. noose, snare, &c. (v.phdndd). d.

i^jVaj Xf!(Z phdt, division of revenue, assess- l>:^l^^. phdnjnd, a. to chop, to score, d.
ment among the sharers in joint tenantry, h.
Si^^.'Wi^ phdnd, \m. a noose, a net; met.
i^\3\±>,WZ'^pl>dtak,m. a gate; a large shut-
ter ;an obstruction, impediment, a check ; the bar of a ^jjl^.). Tfii^ ;;/<a«rfa, J perplexity, difficulty, h.
court of justice, where the plaintiff and defendant take
their station ; a watchman in charge of a gate, phatak- \JS>y^>. W^^ phdndnd, to leap, jump, or
handl, imprisonment, safe custody, under lock and spring over ; to imprison, to tie, to ensnare or entrap. «.
key. h.
^J^j\ ^,W^ phdndl , f. a bundle ofSOorlOO
sugar-canes, s. C^c.). h.
ool^^ WZm plidtnd, n. to be torn j to be
broken, split, rent &c. ».
^j«il^. TfiW phdns, m. a splinter (of bamboo,
\U C 214 )

^j«3l^. Xfim plians, m. a noose ; an impedi

J^t^-c 5"^"*'^intophupltar,
or breathing any liquid, f. h.bubbling, blowing
LJ\^. TBTOT phansci, ment; (in Dakh.) a
die for playing, s. ^-^^.W^
ternal aunt,phvpphd,
h m. the husband of a pa-

U.M,.'>1^^^ Tfit^nrr
throttle, to choke ;pkamna, n. to
to be perplexed ; to noose ; to;
be impeded >-— 4Hv- 'i'^^^l phaphd, swelled; insipid, h.
to stick (as in mud), s.
j\x^^. ifiifcedK phvphhdr, f. the hissing of a
^-31^^ tfihrt plia/m, f. a noose, a loop. snake. /(. [snake), h.
"phdnsi parnd, n. to be hanged, phcinsl dena, a. to
strangle, to hang, phdnsi lagand, a. to kill one's self v^\i^x^. ifi4i«JiIHr phuphkdrnd, n. to hiss (a
by strangling, s.
.l.Gu«jl^. ifit^l '\ It. phansi-gar, 1 a strangler, (_fiiJ^^. Mtifif^l phaphundi or TSTJI^ pha-
phundl, f. mould (on fruit, bread, &c., from damp-
j^^y^j^f^iTl^phahsi-gar, J a sneaking ness), h. [ternal aunt. h.
sort of highwaymen, of recent notoriety under the
name of thags (vulg. thugs), who first strangle the un- ;4^4>. Wfi phuphu, m. the husband of a pa-
wary traveller, then take possession of his money, &:c. /;.
^j^Jl^> ifiifilc^l phapJiold, m. a blister, pha-
cibl^. Xfii^phank, f. a slice, or piece of fruit, h. phole phutiie, n. to be blistered ; (it is figuratively ap-
plied to the mind) ; hence it signifies to be afflicted.
phaphole dilke phonic, to satisf}- a revenge that has
j:^'>\^_mws phdnkar, ^ m. a fop, a vain long been rankling in one's breast, s.
V|5ol^, Tfiteim phankra,} silly fellow, h.
i^S>j^x^i ifiifi»<^1 phaphundi, f. mouldiness. //.
U5ol^. T^W^ phanhna, a. to chuck into the
mouth from the palm of the hand (grain, meal, &'c.) ; "father's
^j^ ^;«^.>. sister.
'UiUfft /(.
phuppht, f. a paternal aunt ;
to squander; (in Dakh.) to elapse (as time); to vanish
(as clouds, &c ). h. [fruit, h.
(__j«»L*>'^-j^i ififili'MraTTT phuphit/d-sds, f. the
^31^, ifiTcR^ phdnkl, f. a slice, or pieee of sister of a father-in-law. h.

r^^i TW^ 'phdnki, f. (in logic) an ohjec- j>^.*)i\x^^ "^^WlTWmi phuphii/d-susur or -^HTT
"tion. s. -snstir, m. the husband of a father-in-law's sister, s.
y^\ tRl^ pharo, m, a small quantity given \jX^x^ WfiHph iipherd, m. 1 descended from or
above the quantity purchased, to boot. h.
ojj^^. Xfi^vCf jj/?w;;/<e?i, f.J related through
a paternal aunt, phupherd hh(i,i, the son of a paterna.
jj^^^t^^J] phdivard or p/ia.,ord, m. a mat- aunt, phupherl bahiii, daughter of the same. h.
tock, a spade, a hoe. h.
lIa^. TRtT^^/m^jinterj. expressiveof contempt. ."».
i^'j*^^. WTft j)hd,ori, f. a crutcli on which
a.jngl leans ; a piece of wood, or staff, with a support j<^. phattar, m. a stone, phattar kd phul,
at each end, which is held in both hands and laid hori-
lichen, rackmoss. phattar bandl, stone work, masonry,
zontal y, inperforming the exercise of dand ; an in-
strument like a small rake or hoe for removing a paving, d.
horse's dung. h. d.
{jj<^. phattorl or phnttri, f. a flint,
\jbl^> W^ phdkd, m. a flock of cotton, wet
with 'atar, or scented water ; a plaster, a pledget, h.
.^^il^XfarssiX. phuthdr, arrogant, disdainful, s.
\A^,m^phuyd,\ cL>45. fmS j>hH, m. curse, malediction; adv.
"^* ^ nn. a plaster, a blister, k. fye ! phit-phif, curse on it ! fye upon it ! h.
BS\^,V!(l^lphdya,J [dress, h.
iJL^, TJU jjhiit, separated, odd, unpaired, h.
^..^K^.TJ^ plu'b, f. embellishment, orn.iuient,
VJv^;>. TJiTT phatd, m. a crack, phate men pd,on
\liA>. T^rTT phahid, pertinent, fitting, h. dend, to interfere in any thing. //.

xx±>_ TjmW^ phaht'i, f. ornament, conjecturing \Jlj(^5 fiBTr*TT phitdnd, a. to beat up and mix,
" what a person is by his dress, phahtl kahrtd, a. to say to froth, phutdnd (tr. of phutna), to increase, &c. //.
or conjecture by one's dress what sort of person, or of
what caste, he is. b. \y--vj^.|^;> ifi^q^rll phat parnd, n. to be pro-
UxxAi T55;qc|)«n phabaJind. n. to shoot forth duced plentifully ; to become fat suddenly ; to be con-
founded with too much business, asmdn phat parnd,
(as branches) ; to grow, sprout, h. [ment. h. n. to rain hard. h.

.Jk4> TJi?^ jyhaban, f. embellishment, orna- UIa^jo^. Ti3TB3T"?n phoiphatdnd, a. to shake

or flap the wings, as birds just going to fly ; to giv* a
Uaa^ Xfi^i;^ phahnd, n. to become, to fit. h. sound, an the shoes of a person walking, h.
^JuaA^^}^^^^a&^Za, becoming, fit, proper, h. uLIa^. tisZW phatah or TEfjcfi phatih, m.
crystal, h.
e_A^. Tjm phup, "T^ti 2)ahup, or J^^ puhap,
a flower (v. pushp). s. t^iU^. ftfif^efi phitik, a snare, net, cage. a.
U^. phupd, \ m. the husband of a paternal X^. f^oRK phhhdr, f. curse, malediction,
^^J phupu, ) aunt (v. j^hupphd^. h. removing something to a distance, h.
( --^15 ) M
ISjOo^. fifr^ohKHI phithania, a. to curse, h.
1^of watch
M?*.! ;jiahi'd,
a corporalm. and
a watch, a sentinel
six. pahre-wald, ; tour
a sentinel,
fj^„ Mi<!eh4. phutkaj; odd, unpaired ; sepa- watchman, guard, pahrd rfena, to watch, pahremen
ddliiii, to confine in a guard, pahre men pafnd, to be
rate, dispersed (as a horseman), h. confined in a guard, s.

{Jj>^, fmzf^'Ct, Tifii<*l\, or TRTWCt, phitkiri, \j\j^,Tf!t[Z[ p/iai'ratd, m. a piece of bamboo;

philkarl, or phatkarl, (in Diikli.) phatakri, f. alum, a sound made by the flying of a flag, or the breathing
saltpetre, s. of a horse, h.

\>. Mi^ohHI phatakna, a. to winnow; to

O**!;^/ "^^"^ pkfi>"''ds m. the name of a tree
dust, to shake or knock off any light tiling which (its leaves resemble those of the Cypress or of the Ta
slightly adheres, as crumbs from a table-cloth or dust marisk, and make a whistling noise in the wind, whence
from a table ; n. to be separated ; m. the tape in a the name), h.
pellet bow which strikes the ball. s.
J^.- f^l*TT jylurdnd, to cause to turn, to
whirl, to return, to change, to roll, to shift, to wan
(_^J^. "^"sft phatJtl, f. a fowler's net; a large der. /(.
sound ; ;a (in
rope tied saltpetre,
Dakh.) to a tree toalum.
/(. birds with its
13];^. "^^rW p/iarrdttd, n. to fly (as a flag), s.
,^^\ 'f!ZW\ phiitin, f. a blot, spot, stain ; uL^^. tr^TT*!! pahrdnd, also 2^(^fi'i'>'(ind, a. to
"adj. odd, not paired, h. cause to dress, to clothe, to dress, s,
Vaa^ lfi7«TT phafna, a. to be torn, split, rent ;
to be broken, burst, cracked ; (in Dakh.) to be paid off jAj^ifm^T'^ ]>/urdv or phird,o, m. turning,
or liquidated (a debt), s. a return, restitution, rotation, h.

Ux^. ^CfZWt phutna, n. to increase, to obtain jj.U^. '^f•^J^^^ 2>o/i^>> dtva7i, m. 1 vestments
advancement, d,

cijWl T^f^T^tft
on guests pufdrdwan'i,
at a wedding, f. j s. bestowed
dress, clothing,
jc-^^T ^X^^ phatl-ankhi, blear eyed. d.
^jl^r^- t|^Tr( pahchdn, f. acquaintance, cij Vvv f."''^^''^r'ft
rd,oni, a woman who dresses the or
pahirdivm Tr?TT^»ft
at a wedding,
knowledge, h. a tire-woman, s.
UJUrH tTf^rr^ pahchanna, a. to know, to
recognise, to distinguish or discriminate, to understand i^^^j^^f^^J^^phirdyi, i. act of returning. /*.
or percieve. h.
13^ .4> phir-parna, to be dissatisfied, d.
*4^ir^. 2>fi-iMk pkikh, the imitative sound
uttered by birds, d. \jU^^. Xfil.Mi<MT phiirphurdnd, n. to trem-
ble ;to wave (as hair in the wind), h.
\J\s^,S^, Tfr^JlT^j phadphadana, n. to fer-
ment (as sour milk, curds, 8m;.) ; to be inflamed with i/^^v pfnirphuri,/;.
"5^^^ palpitation. f. trembling,
lust (v. halbaliind). It. quivering, tremor,

Uiti^. i<n^oiitii jjhudakna, to jump, to leap, to lia^ .^ rji^ifiTT^ pharphand, m. deceit, trick,
wickedness, h. [treacherous, wicked, h.
hop (applied to small birds), to dance about in token
of delight, h. bi^i^^^. tfi<.if!r*ti^ I pharphand lyd, deceitful,
fS'^l ifi^^otO phudki, f. the name of a bird C^j^fcf^H ])hirat,m. rejected things; money
paid by a lewd woman to her paramour, h,
" (Certhia tula), k.
i^Jv^. phaddl, finally, at last ; hence, d. Ot^^ wt phurt, f. activity, alertness. 5.

j^. ''B^/^/'W, ti'ue, right, h. \X>\^,^^phiria hara, m, a whirlwind, d.

j4^. VtXpkuj'j', m. the noise of a bird, as a \jj6jl3-^. fTfi^WT T1«TT phirta rahnd, n. to wan-
partridge Or quail, suddenly taking wing, or of a small der, to perambulate, to walk about, h.
quantity of gunpowder exploding, h.
li^. fxRril i)Iiirti, returning, homeward-
j^, ftfR phir, again, then, afterwards, any " bound, phirtl kd hhdrd, the hire of a return boat,
more. h. carriage, &c. h.

j^.. V^ pahar, m. a division of time consist-

ing of seven and a ha.\{ gh arts ; or, more strictly speak- fJ>j^-c "^^ phiirfi, f. activity, quickness, s.
ing, the pahar is the fourth part of the natural da}- or ^)u5j^. tR^TqST 7;/n«7i/a,quick ,n imble, active, s.
night, and consequently it must vary in length from
six to nine gharls, according to the season of the year phir-Jd7id, to return, to re-
and the latitude of the locality. For example : in the liWj^. volt ;to fifii^m
be distorted; to warp. h.
province of Kashmir, in the north of India, the pahar
of the daj' at midsummer will be nearly nine gharls, [s--j^_W.'^ pharchd, m. fair weathe r; dis-
and that of the night about six, while at Cape Comorin, persion or clearing away (of a crowd of people, or of
in the extreme south, there is very little variation dur- clouds, &c.); a decision, definitive sentence, h.
ing the whole year (v. gharl). s.
lJls»-jA> TR^TJfr phaichand, a. to decide, to
j4?,'*fi^ pha7', m. a fruit ; a shield. « give a liual sentence or decree. It.
( 21G ) Lr4i
^^Tj^': "''J^T pJiarchha, m. fair weather (same ^J^J^.-
as pharrhd), adj. pure, honest ; fair (not cloudy). to wave, to""^fTSfTTT
twinkle, to pharphardnd, n. tomotion,
move with convulsive flutter,
pharchhdk.,9.. to clean, to settle, to sweep, pharchhd-h.,
to clear up, to become fair (the weather), h.
adj. swift, "^f^^T'^
quick, pharphariyd, m. flutterer;
h. [ing, &c. A.
'^^'^^Tj^.- 'ft<'ii«TT pharchhana, a. to clean, to
wipe, to settle, li.
~Hi "^^ pharak (v. pharak), f. flutter-
'^^) Tjj^W y;/iMr.sa, m. an axe, a hatchet, s. ^oj^_ tfi^etiifTT pharkand, a. to cause to
flutter, to cause convulsive motion in the muscles, &c. ;
(met.) to shew. h.
'--l'4v "^^^ pliarak, f. fluttering, palpitation ;
m. a shield, h. [to flutter. A.
^j^\ ^^«hHI pharaknd, n. to flutter, to
uo^5 if,<<miTii pharkand, a. to agitate, cause vibrate with convulsive, involuntary motion, as the
eyelids and other muscles ; to throb, to palpitate, to
^-*J;4v "*>*-«* 1' pharakna, n. to flutter, vibrate, writhe ("the shoulders), h.
to throb, to writhe. Sec. (v. pharakna). h.
L>J^\- ^^^ phirhi, f. a whirligig ; any thing i^L^\ "^^^ pharlfi, f. a coarse screen, h.
turning as on an axis ; a reel for thread, h.
sleep. ''^f^'H
/(. pahurnd, n. to lie down, rest,
^j^, ftfit^T phirnd, a. to turn, to return, to
walk about, to whirl, to wheel, to wander, to change- •^^j^\ Vif^^-I pharingd, f. a cricket, s.
to revolt, h.

y/f4 '^ff'n pharii/d, m. a pedlar, a retailer ;

^Jic^. 'TfT'TT paharnd or Trf^t»n pahirnd, a. ihe keeper of a gaming-house or dice table, h.
to put on clothes, to dress, to clothe one's self, to wear. s.
boil. ^V^
h. phurtyd, f. a sore, a pimple, a
{Jj^-, ftpff phirni, f. a whirligig, any thing
turuiny on an axis ; a whirlwind, h.
^J-4> phvn, a voice, sound, noise, d.
JjTv- ^^ pah'u, 1 ra. a watchman, a sen-
\ 3j'R- W^^/>a^?v/,a,J tinel {ahopahru,d).s. y '.*-4^. m^i<« phasdku, bad tobacco (inele-
gant), i .
wlj^J f^^TJTT phirwdnd, to cause to be ^'— 4> witiMi pkasdnd, a. to cause to stick
returned. It.
(as in mud, .Stc.) ; to catch, to entangle ; to cause to be
imprisoned, to squash, h,
t— 'j^. '^'^^ pharuvak, m. a betel-box. s.
t^JoL-^. phusdndl, f. mouldiness ; scum. d.
^J/^v '^^^ pharuhd, m. an instrument for
raking together, h.
_jL^) xmm p/iasdv or phasd,o, ra. sticking,
entanglement, h. [ing, stinking, h.
8^./?a/<r«,m. a watchman, sentinel, v./jfl/tra s.
ik^L^ Wrf^^ phusdhindd, adj. disgust-
^JJ^JbJ^ "qRfTT^ plmrhdri, f. horripilation, s.
^•"4v"-'4-v 'o^hihT phasphasd, flabby, loose,
\^j^>. W)<^<i pharahrd, 1m. a vane, a pen- not rigid, h. [per. i,
dried, s."^f^ pharahri,) dant; adj. half- bl...^ ;„..^> \^^ \^)i\^\ phus-phusdnd, n. to whis-
be ^LT^.
terrified, ftR^fWHTT
h. phis-phisdnd, n. to
4r/'4%- "'^ phai-l, f. a shield, a target. 5. whispering,
(_f;4'' ^^ phai'i, f. one of several fishes, h.

lJ;'^'^. "T^^ paha?i, 1 ra. a watchman, a sen- p/uisdicat, f. buzzing in

b^,J ^fdT pahrii/d,) tinel; a village ser-
vant and messenger, also employed to keep watch, s. j-~4v^r**4^- M>*'<-'fi*'< phusar- the ear. k.
phusar, m. J
b .^;> tfifcm phrn-ii/n, f. a kind of bordered
vestment, worn by Hindus; a contractor for reaping, h, '*-***4v "5^5^ phusJid,
slack (as a knot), h.
weak, without strength ;

J^.- "^ !>''(' !'f f- ^ gaming-house where dice bK— >^> mt(ofil"?fT phashd' d, a. to burst, to
are played; a place where goods are exposed for sale; split, to break ; to loosen or slacken, h.
the shafts or pole of a carriage, phajr-baz, m. a player
at dice, a gamester; a prater, a talkative fellow, phar-
tii*x.M.|^> phaskat, squatting in the oriental
bdz'i, {. gambling, playing at dice. k. fashion (vide chdr-zdnu). d.
{jj^}j^K phard-phari, f. war, battle, fight, d.
_J^— 4^. ifi'Hcfc^ phaskar, m. sitting on the
bVi^> xfiTTJIT phardnd, a. to cause to be torn, ground with legs extended, h.
split, or cleaved, h.
\jX^i_ \^iidf!^j phasaknd, n. to split, to burst,
^^j^.j^l pharphardt, 1 agitation, flutter, to break. /;. [slide, err. s
b^L~^.fT|W5rtn phiddad, a. to cause to slip^
ii^i-^]j^.'j^lpharphardhat,j disquietude, h.

'3!iL**^J>. if.^QSItTI phu.dana, a. to coax, to J4>. TK^ pital, m. fruit ; effect, result, ad
wheedle, to instigate, to entice, h. vantage, reward, equivalent ; the iron head of a spca
or arrow, &c.; ciiildren, progeny ; a blade (of a sword
&c.); a sort of fragrant berry and drug commonlv
J '^^.— ^^. ipfT^T"3i phnsla,u, in. a wheedler, in- called Av/Aw/i; a nutmeg; a ploughshare ; thequotien
stigator. phiis!('i,o, wheedling, coaxing, flattery, h. ol a sum. plml-ripeksha. f reg:ird to, or expectation of, I
consequences, phal-asin, living on fruits. plial-
i-lL»i>!i)w.^^. f^^^T^ phislahat, f. slipperiness ; aktaikslil, f. hope or expectation of good consequences.
a slip, an error, phusldhat, cajolery, seduction, s, plml-blwii-, m. enjoyment of reward or consequences ;
usufruct, phid-bhogi, who receives tlie profits, phal-
\s\xL^l phisal-banda, m. sliding down a pak, m. the ripening of fruit ; tlie fulness of conse-
smooth bank, a favourite sport with children, h. d. quences ;the Coronila. phal-pak-anld, f. an annua,
plant, dying after bearing fruit, pfial-piliia, a. to reap
the reward of (good or bad actions), plial-prapti, f. ob-
^Ji^^^i. "ftfi^^R phislun, m. act of slipping or taining the fruit or desired result, phal-trik or phal-
sliding; error, li. [to err; adj. slippery, s.
traij, m. three sorts of fruits collectively; the three
myrobalans collectively, phal-janak, producing fruit.
UL-^. fqj^^'JTT phisalna, n. to slip, to slide, phal-chamas, m. the bark of the Indian fig, ground and
\jO^L-^^. tfiHc^»T'?T phuslauniya, m. a eaten with curds by way of penance, phal-siddhi, f.
attaining an object, reaping the fruit of an act. phal-
wheedler, a coaxer. h. [slippery, h. sampad, or phal-sampat, f prosperity, success, phal-
shreshtha, m. (best of fruits) the mango, phal-kamtia,
l^i-w-^ fJSfl^^T phisalha, m. slipping; adj. f. desire of reward or consequences, phal-khandan, m!
j^^-*^. phasU (v. pasli), f. a rib, &c. d. disappoint
nirvritti, f. ing, phal-grahi,e adj.
final consequenc or result, fruit.' plinl-
Ix^.^ M)^ r| I phama, n. to be stuck (as in mud f. producingof fruits,
cessation or desired results, phaln'w.-itti
consequences, phal-hdni, f. loss of fruit , f!
or in a narrow passage) ; to be caught, to be impri- or profit, s.
soned, ensnared, entangled, involved ; to be impeded, h.
Ijlju-^) TfiflT^KT phasiyara, ra. a strangler, a (J^e "^ phal, form, shape, figure, d.
tUag (v. phansl-gar). h. J^'
(as a'^ phtdla,
flower), s. m. blown, opened, expanded
(^■^l fmsai phi<ih, interj. pish ! pshaw ! h.
/i^\ phalt, a sound, voice, noise, d. (Jfv ''^'^ pahal, m. a flock of cotton; begin-
ning, aggression ; the side of a rectangular figure. /;.
9^^. Xfi^ phakha, m. a small quantity of
parched grain to be chucked into the mouth. /*. %:i ^q5T ;j^////a (also "qf^^T pahild), first,
the first ; before, rather ; soon, pahle pahal, at flrst,
in the first instance, h, [ract. d.
o^'. pli.ikha {v.pluka), vapid, tasteless, &c. d.
U,<S..^> fcSoSK^T phikarna, a. to uncover the '^i,phuUd, m. a disease of the eye, a cata-
head, to unplait the hair of the head. /;. l,j*'y'^..'^f!^ST9phaIds, f. a leap, spring, bound;
m. a step, a stride, h.
\j^6>^fq!3fi\'^ phihand, a. to cause or teach to
throw, k.
]j****^.- "5^^T phtddsard, m. flattery, h.
Jr^^. Vt^j phakkar, m. wrangling, mutual I ^^^. "m^"^ phaldnd, a. to cause to produce, s.
abuse, raillery, phakkar-baz, an abuser, an indecent 13 ^i^. '^^jm pkuldnd, a. to cause to swell;
chatterer, h. [with rudeness, h. to fatten ; (met.) to make proud by flattery, s,

ij'lx^, TRefrrt phakri, f. the act of treating lLC)^^. ific^l^ phaldng, f, a stride, leap,
bound, h.
»^4^. Min^«lil phakkika, f. a sophism ; a trick,
illusion, fraud, s. [b^own into a flame, h. J^4^(J4^J. mc?q*f9«ic? phal-biijhaurval, m.
the name of a game (also called mankela), "think of
lix^. TSofiVjT phukna, to be inflated, to be a number, double it, add ten to it, take five from it, Src,
how much remains ?" " twenty-one :" " the number
Iji^. TfiW^T phuknd, m, a bladder, h.
was eight." h.
cL^^jJ.^. Tfi^^TtTT phal-bhoff, m. usufruct, re-
j_^S^. "1^^^ phulmt, f. blow-pipe ; a fire- ceiving the produce or profits of any thing, s.
lock or pistol, li.
\>J^i. X|i^T^T fihakorhjd, m. a fop, an ab- j^aI^^. T|i^''5T pkal pur, m. common citron
surd prattler, an indecent talker, h, [ity. /;. (Citrus medico), s.

(Obj^X^. tlfoRTf^TTr phahoriydt, f. absurd- ^jj^k^J^. iftc^MicJri!) phal-phaldrl, f. variety

of fruits or of dishes made of fruit, s.
lA^5 Tfifoinn phahiya, f. a slice, a piece of
fruit. /(. [&c.). h. C>\^. XfifcjSrf phalit, fruiiful, prolific. I^rf'
phalat, yielding fruit, profit, &:c. s.
CL^if^fxf^jf phihait,m. a thrower (of a spear, ^.lli^. Tfif^jTTT^ phnlitdrlh, m. a meaning
U^^^. TfiTfWT pha(/u,d, m. the same as holi ; implied though not expressed, s.
presents made during the holl holidays, s.
j-b J,^ i?;^WTf phal-tdr, m. the fruit-bearing
\j,^^,phvgnd, m. to swell, puff out, enlarge, d. tdr, the female palm. 5.
( 218 )

.. f. a kind of fire-
phuljha^fi, ^J'y>^. ing,
"RT^^TJT phalwan, fruitful,
work like aIR^SK^
^j^il fountain. *. s. fruit-bear-
[ing. $.

^>. -qi^^ phalud, |adj. yielding

c;^- blossoming, blow-
^j^^i^. TfiW^'T phulla-wan,
\3b J-4' tH^^TrTT phal-data, J fruit ; m. one (j^^i^^ pahalman or pahlawan, m. a hero, a
who rewards a benefactor, phalad, m a tree. 5. champion, a stout fellow, a wrestler, p.

jbj^- Tfi^^K phal-dar, fruitful, bearing ^\^i^, pahalwdni ov pahlawdni, f. heroism. J9.
fruit. Ii.'p.

i^<\s\a>, tJi^^TTrl phulla-daman, m. a species 0^)^> Mic^MH jjhal-wat, adj. fruit-bearing. 5.

of the /-//»;//'«/i metre, s.
l»!> J^. ihc^l^HI phalotta77id, f. the highest re-
\j>X^^. pholda, ^ m. the blade of a sword, ward, arising from sacred study, s.

\\i^ plinlrh, J knife, &c. d.

^^^. ^f^^TT pahilautd, first-born. h.
U^-Ia; fili^^HT 2)hilasna, n. (per metathesin, ijd^>_ TJi^ff^ phaloday, m. profit, result ;
for phisaliK'n, to slip. h. "happiness, s. [results, s.
(j£jii»!^> HiQil^J^ phaloddesh, m. regard to
Lili^. Tfi^'m ])haluh, m. a sliield; a bone; tlie
osfrontis; a plant (Mesua ferrca). s.
f_f,^i^,'Vf;^t^ ])hidauri,f. bread or cake made
Ki^?. Tfi^oFT j^/iwMa, inflated, puffed up; light; of fruit and pulse, and fried in gin or oil. s.
m. a blister ; an area or arena for wrestlers ; a kind of
cake or small loaf. s. ^yk^ljyahhiri, of or relating to a hero ; the
language of Persia in its transition from the Zand to
that now spoken, p. [beating, h.
13, Ki^. ific<5«hRH1 phidkai'na, n. to inflate, to
swell out, as a snake does his hood, to expand, s.
lAifcJ^) -qi^TU phul-hatthd, m. cudgelling,
^_j .Ki^.>. T^7^;of;iXi phnlkari, m. flowered cloth, s.
i^ic'- ^^ pahle or "Tf?^ pahile, at first, in
SS.^ Tji^o^l, phal-kar, a branch of revenue "the
side. first
h. place, soon, rather pahle par, on the other
arisinp; from the rent of orchards ; profits of an estate
arising from fruit-trees thereon, s.
i%^\ "m^ phali, m. a sort of fish, commonly
"called P/in/a,I. (Mijstus Jcapirat) ; fa shield; a medi-
i^^iJ^. TK^oBW phal-krishna, m. a small cinal plant, commonly called Priyaiigu. s.
fruit of a black colour {Carissa carandas). s.
f^' fW^ philFi, f. the leg. h.
<^!!^S^y^i^ Xf^^^a^^^^^ phal-IwshaJt, m. the A^ TR^ pladVi, f. a disorder in the eye, the
scrotum or testicles, s. • [nut tree. s.
tumbler; (in
of the ancock
ornament worn inpliulli
of a musket, the nose
hun, ; the
"^ {^■^,. '^'^'^ pli<d'heshar, m. the cocoa- star pagoda, a gold coin worth three and a half rupees,
or seven shillings sterling.
armed with a shield ; m. a sort offish caught in ponds,
commonly called Pltala,si {Mystus capirat). s. ^J.^^. "ifi^ ph(d'i, If. a cod, a pod (or the
\j}^,'q^^TJ\ p/udlya,) seed) of any legumi-
S^^>. nous plant, but particularly of peas ; aloop. phalhkash,
s. phulh'i, f. a cake or raised bread, m. a iiook for drawing the strings through the holes
by which the walls of a tent are laced to the top ; adj.
-Lw^. TfirTT phah/u, f. llie Ficus oppositifolia ; fruitful, prolific, i.
a river which is said to run underneath Gya ; a red
powder, usual))' of the root of wild ginger, coloured
^^jJ^. TfifcS'TRT jdialiydnd, n. to bear fruit, s.
with sappan-wood, and thrown over one another by
the Hindus at the Holi festival, s.
^j4^.. iW*^fl phalefuhd, f, the trumpet-
flower, (Big)ionia snaveolens). a.
^^l^^^'t^Jm p/ialgim,m. themontli Phakjun.
phalgiml, same as phdlgunt. s. [fruit, i. t_fjAl^J jdiideii, f. romping, playing, d.
^J.^^ TS^^ phalan, m. fructifying, bearing iSi^l ^^'^ phnlel, m. oil impregnated with
the essence of flowers by steeping them in it. s,
^j^'^. '^^»n phalna, n. to bear fruit ; to pro-
duce ;to be fortunate, s. »^1^ Tf!^ phalija, m. a bud, a flower, s.
^3ll^_T!!^fin pkalantd, fruitful, bearing fruit. «. (^^. Wn <>!' Tft^ phan, m. the hood of a snake ;
his expanded neck, phan nthand, a. to spread the hood,
lLAI^. phalang, f. a stride, leap, bound, d. as a snake, phan-dhar, phan-kar, phan-ivdn, a snake,
snake, s. m. a jewel supposed to be in the head of a
^lljJi. pahlu, m. the side; tlie wing of an army.
pahlu tihl-k., a. to refuse, to decline, to evade, p.
^j^_ pn/ian, m. width, breadth, ampleness ;
\>ji^.) ifirf-iJIT phalu,a., m. a knotted fringe, h. adj. wide, widely, extensive, p.
i^j^i^. ifi^RTT^ pJadwariAf. a flower-gar-
\j^>_ Xf^
castle of aphand,
ship. s. a snake's hood; the fore-
i-^j V'd V ^*^ ^ '^"^ phulrvafi, J den. s.
cr*i (

\X^, phimtid. ra. the silk lash of a whip. </.

(_^4v ^^'1*'^ phunin, f. a pimple, h.
\s^_ pa h7i a, hroad, wicfe, extensive, p.
\J-^f^x^\.'^^v:vj^ p}iamiijdt'd,'\m. a foot-pad
U^. TJ^^ po/ia}i7Hi or "Tf^WT pahinna, a. to j\Ja*-J^) TKH^iTR p/ia/isl-gdr, J who strangles
wear, to dress, to put on; m. dress, clothing, s. passengers or travellers : the term is more especially
applied to a well-known organized gang, called tliags
X>\xf^V;^'\'i{'[ paltnaxa, a. to clothe, cause to (vulg. lllllgs). s.
be dressed, s. [raiment, s.
^^l.Vr^ 27hanl{d, m. a handful (or rather
LljL^ "R^rTRl pahnan'a, m. dress, clothes, mouthful) of any thing eaten by being chucked into
the mouth, phanka mania, a. to eat by chucking into
the mouth, to chuck food into the mouth. /(.
j\jlo^<;///jfl/cd/','l ample, wide, broad, spa-
jjlxj^, paJinairar, J cious. p.
*Jt^. 'T^'^
tioites). s. palmikd, f. a plant (Pistia stra
^jf^\X(^_ pahna,i, w\dth, spaciousness, p.
\3U^ja^ iSHKiHRT pha72pho7iana, n. to hiss jiSJ.^.tS^T; pInmJid)',{. the hiss of a snake, s.
(as a snake) ; to spring up suddenly (as a fast-growing
plant) ; to move about briskly (as a playful child), s ^joS^i/qi'^jX.'^l p/ninkdnid, n. to hiss (as a
snake), s.
,^^^1 WR phamph, land that requires to be
left fallow for some time, h,
i^j^^l'^:^!'^ pfvntkan, f. hissing
phunkdri mdrnd, to hiss (a snake). .«.
of a snake.
^JL^^.- xj^^f^CSfil plumj l-putrika, f. a plant
(Salviiiia nicullata). s. ViC^ fTJjajinT phlnlind, n. to be thrown, s.

^^i VifychT phmtjiha, f. a plant, (Sipho- Jo^^Cl^.) Vififiy^^S phani-hhely m. a quail s.

natilhtis indica) : a species of Hcdysarum {H. alhdgi). s.
^S^X^ Tf{^ p ha nkl, f. same as 2)hanha., q. v.
til^rf^i TSfft!T»*fi,off phanijjhak, ni. a plant,
called also marua. s. JLjS^S^ iffijjcfi^U. phani-ke&hai', m. a plant
{Mesuaf erica.) s.
\^si^v TsftrfiSfKcjiT phanijjhoha, f, a plant,
commonly called Ram Duti, apparently a sort of basil
^-^*^."^fiWT'^' "^'TTT p/ian^a,m. a grasshopper, s.
with small leaves, s.
shrike, fifi^oii
s. phingak. m. the fork-tailed
^^\ "^W^ palnnich. m. arrival ; access, ad-
mit ancesagacity,
; penetration ; a receipt. /(. f^^S^^,phit77g7ii, f. a pimple or pustule, d.
o^^:v Vit^T pa/nttu-ha, m. the wrist, h. t^ /ts^ pliungi, f. a sprout, bud, the point
"of an ear of corn, &:c. h.
^^^<.i^^f^}t\i pa Intnchana, a. to send, to carry,
convey ; to cause, to occasion, to bring about. /(. iJJ-XJ^^i'tS^J^' phima/ig, f. top, summit, h.
u^Hv tj^'^tfr pahunchnd,!). to arrive, to reach, ^JL^^ i^pliv7ino, i\ penis pue7-ilis. h.
to come, to amount, to befall. /(.
^1^ "q^^ pahnav, m. the name of one of the
degraded Kshatriya races sentenced by Sagar to wear
Oi^fv '^^^'^'^Jl{^ pa/nmchn'dnd (caus. of y;ci- beards, s. [rain. /*.
himclnnia), to cause to be carried, conveyed, &c. /(.

^:^:-yrk^pahu)cIn, f an ornament worn j'-^'^i. W^T. phi/iihd/', f. the small drops of

"ou the wrist, a kind of bracelet. /;. d'eau. T^'^TTJ
Ij^Jk^.?. phujihdrd, m. a fountain, a jet
iti.J^. MJtt^l plicmda, m. a nuose, a net; per-
plexity, difficult}-, h. [to leap. h. ^i^ i|^r|^ j)ahuna,i, f. hospitality, s.
^\<:^^Xf?^J^'\ phandLmd, a. to cause to jump, ij^/tf!*^ plia7ii, ni. a serpent ; a wedge, s.
u^jj.^^ Xff^T^ phandld7id. a. to catch in a
snare, to entrap. //. ^J^^_'^r^ phunnl, ^ *". a tassel, a knot;
I3iij^: ifi^VjT phandvd, n. to be imprisoned. /(. {xyA.lx^'^TU phiinii/d,J penis pue/'ilis. h.
Ui^j*^^ M(»Tj»iT pinnidnd, m. a tassel. Ji. j^Z.x^^lXf^-^T.jjha/mhtvai'j^ m. the great
LT-*^- ]'1>('Wia!<, m. the jack fruit, also the
tree bearing the same. d. J S'xXX^i, tm^^ phanindra, J serpent Ananta, i.
\^>^i_Xf^'[plni,d, m. the husband of a fathers
uL-J.^.) Tf.^T^T plia7isdrid, a. to ensnare, to sister ; a lizard, h.
involve. /(.
y^i^^lW^ phuplid,^ m. an uncle, the hus-
J\^i^^i^^^'^T^pIla7if:^/v or j)Iiojlsa,o, m. en- of a father's
tanglement. Ji. [stick (v. phaitia). h. ,A>sister, h. phuphu, J band
»Ai t^

\j.^\^> WS"^ phci7i.<nd, n. to ho entangled, to V. an aunt, applied

o^^^^i "^.^^TITT p]i(nh'/cd7m (caus. of plia7l- ■ sister, h.
sa>id) to ci.use to be ensnared, strangled &c. /(.
^^l»^>_Wf^ phuphi, j otdy to a father's
the forty days of mourning, ph ul parna, n. to break out
to a (a fire), phdt baithnd, n. to be glad, phuljdiid, n. to
\rf^l^. 'Mi^iTT phupliera, of or relating swell, to be delighted ; A become fat phul-pattl, a
paternal aunt, phupherd-blidj, a cousin, son of a pater-
nal aunt. h. cockade ; a knot of ribands. pliHl jharnd n. to speak
eloquently; to fall from a lamp (drops of burning
cIj^^. tbT 7>/'w?, f- a kind of melon (^Cucumis oil), s.
momordica, Roxb.); a ripe cucumber bursting elasti-
cally (as the Cucumis utilatissimas, Roxb. and Momor- ^•^. TSt^T phola, m. a blister, h.
dica mixta. Roxb.); odd, unpaired ; difference of opinion; ^.
separation ; a flaw, phut parnd, to have disagreement, ^^■^. "''"^ phula, swelled, blossomed, phula
to arise (dissension), phut phut, or phiit /car mna, n. to na samdnd, not to be able to contain one's self from
■weep excessively, phut ralmd, n. to be broken ; to be delight, to be overjoyed, phuld-phald, flourishing, s.
dispersed ; to be unpaired, phut hand, n. to be divided
in opinion, s. [m. whey. s. 3^3^.- '♦>c;5i«J phulav or pkula,o, m. swelling, s.
\i^i_TSS\pliuta, broken, cracked, phula dudhj
j^4=r_j4^. "^SRjT? phul-jhar, ( (also phnl-
l^x^Ci-'j^. Mjif^^jKI phut-bikhera, confused,
dispersed, s. ^3^3^.- '^'^^^ phul-jhari, L chart), f. a
species of fireworks, h.
^j4^. "^fZ^ phutla, bad or false (coin), s.
j3^^. 'i^i*l«fl phul-kobi, f. cauliflower, h.
i^y^>. TST«T phutan, f. vvrangling, disagree-
ment, misunderstanding, s. UJ^^. TS^TTT phuhrn, n. to blossom, to blow ;
to be pleased, to be in health and spirits, ». e. to bloom ;
\x)^>_ \hm\ phiipia, n. to be broken ; to be to swell, to be inflated, phul-jdnd, n. to swell ; to be
dispersed, to be separated ; to be unpaired ; to burst ; to delighted, to be pleased ; to become fat. phul-uthnd,
be made public ; to arise (as a smell), or to burst forth, s. n. to be performed (a ceremony in honour of the
dead), s.
3^.- pl'-^t>iti, to get promotion, advance-
ment, d.
i^y^.- ^^ phuVi, f. a disorder in the eye, the
albugo ; ai'.j. flowered, having a flower. *.
i^i^\ 1"^ phuti, f. disagreement, disparity, s.
ic)3^i T?) phuh, m. a fop, an affected person,
^J"J''^v a rake, a swaggerer, d.
"iity. d. pf'^>''i^'^f f' extravagance, prodiga-

I '.^.) TRtfT fhora, m. a boil, a sore. h. i^P^3^\. ^^

any thing perforated or hollow. f. /*.a pipe,
pJtonph'i, a tube;
[{y . pdhunchnd).
\j*^>_'m'^ phaura, m.a mattock, spade, hoe. h. Vy^^,puhunchna or pnho/ichna, n.to arrive, h.
Uj'^A^. TRtJ^T pliurna, a. to break, to burst;
to disclose, to divulge, phor-k., to be wounded. «. \Ji\)j^. phundiia, m. {i'or phu7idna),a. tassel, d,
i-dJoj^ Woir plionk, f. the notch of an arrow;
(jfji'^l ""^T*^ P^^orni, f. explaining, &c. (v. adj. hollow, not solid (particularly jewels), h.
taujlh). h.
0**.j4^- ^^ phus, m. old, dry grass or straw. LiJoj^.). "qfeR pJiunh, f. act of blowing, a puff,
phus meii chingdrl ddlnd, to excite contention or strife. /;. a blast, phunk-phiink-ke punw dharnd, a. to act or
fire. s.
walk carefully and cautiously, phunk-dend, to set on
\juiy^_ Tf^n phusrd, 1 in. a rag, or bundle of
.^t^/qiWlXphuuhar^f. hissing (as a snake),
\'iut,^_ WS^ phusra,} rags. s. snorting, s. [snake), to snort, s.
i^y(^^.. '^fi'ft phusi, f. chaff, rubbish, s. 13,KJ«4.) iiioFR*n vhunharna, n. to hiss (as a
ui)*^^. tSloif jjhok, m. dregs, sediment; adj.
hollow, h. U5o.^.). i^<^Hr phunkna, a. to blow, to inflame,
set on fire. s.
iJLSj^_'^'WZj)ho/iat, m. an indigent person, h.
$^,, TSoF^ phukar, m. a fine sensible young j'y.j4v "'^^^ phunrva}-, [ f. small drizzling
fellovv. h. Scotch
j^t^J^i THf^TT phonhar, \ rain,
jii 5^-''. 'V^'W^ phokar , m. dross, refuse, trash. ]i. mist. h.
j_^j^^. "lii^ 7;/m«/«, J
l)^54'?. P^^^^o.1, empty, void. d.
Ui»4^. TfioF'TT phuknay to blow. s. \Xy>^> phiinli/ara, m. a jtt d'eau. h.
\s>t^lt^ phu/ia, m. an artificial pap or nip-
(J»A^. "m^ phul, m. a flower, a blossom ; boss, ple made of cotton, &c., by means of which milk is
stud, bunch of ribands, cockade ; a kind of bell metal; given to an infant when in want of its mother, h.
an attack or assault; the menses, of which children
are the fruit ; bones of a dead person, after the fleshy jU^^, H^TT phuhar (the same as phonhar),
parts are burned; lights or fire (seen at night); mist, &:c.
a swelling ; a ceremony performed among Musal-
mans in honour of a deceased person on the third day
after his deatli, on wliich occasion a portion of the ^3^:- ''fi^J^hy.har, undisciplined, uneducated;
stupid; obscene, foolish, rude (applied to women);
kur.dn is recited and flowers are placed on trays in the f. a bad housewife, a slut or slattern, h.
midst of the assembly, phul uthnd, to be performed
(the funeral ceremony above mentioned), to complete ^j>^. ih^i\ phuhrd, talking obscenely, h.
( 221 )

LiiXx^T^ pJah, f. the point of a scourge, h. i

ic^J^3^. ^^i^^ P^> '' 4*^ I'P" " > ^ m . s t u ]) id ity ,
^. ,)
Ix) ■ fc^4^. m^^MHI phvharpana obscenit}', \xx^. ift1<*i phlhd, weak, vapid, tasteless, in- [
folly, silliness, affectation. /(. sipid ; pale, sallow, light (in colour), h. I
u!y^> tfi^TTT phaildnd, a. to spread, to ex-
i^y^. 'm^ phu/il, f. small rain. h. pand, to diffuse, to widen, to publish, to proclaim, to
f^\^y^phui/an (also phujln), umaW rain. d. branch out. pdnw phaildnd, to insist, to be obstinate.
hdtli pliaihind, a. to beg. h.
j'«^_^ Tfi^K phuharj f. drizzling showers, h.
j>A^. ^^T^ phaildiv, m. spread, expansion,
Ul^^. lfi^<T«f| phahrana, a. to make fly (a diff"usion. extent; plenty, profusion (h\so phai!a,o). h.
banner), h. C&c.). h.
^j'^kk^, ^^^STmphaildwd, m. prolixity, h.
l>j^^ Tf^^Ty{\ ^ihaharna, n. to fly (as a banner,
I wiccHI phailnd, n. to be spread ; to b('
Ij^- Jtfipn pahii/d, m. a wheel (of a carriage, expanded ; to be diffused ; to become public, to spread
&C.). /i. abroad (as news, &c.). h.

Lr^.4?. pfi^p(^s, flabby, flaccid. «?. ^_^J^. 'T^^'t paheR, f, a riddle, an enigma, s.
t-,oaA) phipsa, \
(j^45, W{ phen, ^m. foam, froth. ^/ien,cuttle-
... '■■ " , , _ rm. the lights or lungs, d.
^j*J^. "ii^^l phend,} fish bone, supposed to be
the indurated foam of the sea s.
(_f v^^a^) TfiiR^ phephari, f. inability to move;
adv. again, afterwards, h.
UIju^ ^^TRTs.
n. to foam.
phu'md7id or ^i*n»TT[frothing,
iJL*s^ Tfis phet, f. the waist when bound
vith a belt. h. [band without a fringe, h. jjl^'ou.,^ Tfitn^^^i i«T j:>/<e«a3/aman,adj. foaming,
U-A^. "^iZI pheta, m. a small turban ; a waist-
k-lLoA^. XfZ phent oy'^'^ phaint, f. waist-band,
bi'It, fob. phent-bdndhnd, to get ready, to resolve, A.
Ijuj^. XfZ"^ phetna, a. to mi.^ by trituration, h.
j^ix^pher, m. turning, turn, return, change; iJGo^. 1S3T phenta orifiTT phaintd f. a small
meander, maze, curvature, twisting, coil, fold ; diffi- turban ; a waist-band ; a fob. h.
culty, distance; circumference; equivocation, am-
biguity ;adv. again, back, plier papiu, n. to differ. Ixi^i^-?. TSZ^ phentnd, a to mix, to beat (as
pher-phdr, alternate, pher phar-k., a to alternate, pher eggs, &c.), to triturate, h.
dend, a. to restore, give back, pher vien ddlnd, a. to
throw obstacles in the way of another. pher-Jchdnd, a. iJx^yT^ phenfi, f a skein (ofthread,&c,). k.
to wind (as a river) ; to go round about ; to meet with
perplexities, h. \isi^it^K iflWl t^T phtnehnd or phlnch-ddlnd, a,
to wash cliith, to rinse, to squeeze, h.
j^ XH^ pheru, m. a jackal, h.
(vJa.^^ TS^H phenus, m. beestings ; the first
^j^. "^V: pher a, m. turning, circuit ; a roll ; a milk of a cow, &c. after calving, s.
wooden frame with wliich lime, sand, &c. is measured.^.

]j(^. phera, m. a set or assortment (as a set iji}J^x^l'Tfl3f\p/ienk,

a. to throw away, to flyf. a throw, ci\9t.game
hawk after plienk-devd,
; to rush off
of chessmen, a dinner service, S:c.). d. on horseback at full speed, h.

forwards, phera-phi'i'i,
backwards and^TTR^
<-?Jt4vll^- walking
going and comingf.; returning,
^'xi^_Ti\'W[phinhd,{\.2}hlkd)]yd]e,d\m,kc, It.
alternating, h. [men. d. ,\^A).
thrown, Tfioh'R
h. phenkdn-, requiring to be
i^^/^\ pher-hoii, f. the paunch and abdo- ^JioaA.>/TBcji7n phenJmd, a. to throw, to fling,
^j(^. T^T^ pherna, a. to return, to invert, to to let fly (a hawk), to set off" (a horse) at full speed, h.
revert ; to turn away, to make to walk backwards and
forwards ; to bring or carry back, to shift ; to plaster, VvXlx^>. pJun'ujrd, lame, club-footed, d.
to stroke, fidth phernd, to caress, to fondle, sir par
hath phernd, a. to deceive by coaxing, h. ^yxy^x^'^ phenil, frothy, foamy; m. the
soap -plant ,Sapindus dettrgens) ; the fruit of the jujube ;
the fruit of the v<ingueria spinosa. s.
3Jt:^- '^^^pherav, fraudulent, crafty ; a rogue,
a cheat ; malicious, injurious, h.
tS-^'.- ^^i^'f^ pheni, f, a kind of sweetmeat, s.
i^j^^. ^S^ pheri, f. going round to the right
by way of adoration ; (v. parikramd) ; the knuckles, h. J, "f^ pi or ftR p}i/a,
"^ sweetheart a husband, beloved
s. ; m, a lovei-, a

^j^.:phen, f. a set or assortment (v. phera). d.

j3 pi f, fat, grease, tallow, p.
^S>_j<^\ vfiOr^K phert-dar, m. a vagabond, a ]j pen, m. the foot, the heel ; a nerve, tendon,
vagrant. /(. p.
'"'sinew, pai dud, n. to have a splint (a horse), pai-k., a,
to pursue, to seize, to be importunate, pai-d-pai, step
^Ijt-ij^^- ^<^^5JT j)Ae?-z 7vald, m. a pedlar, h. by step, successively. ?.
\jvjkA> phernd, a. to accomplish, perform ; to ^3 % ovvmpni, m. milk, any thing to drink;
jiay or liquidate a debt. d.
'"(postposition) on, upon, over, nevertheless, yet ; but, s.
( 222 )

i3 ''^ P'^i', f- a fault, vice, blemish, h. >-A^. TrfxT^T pipld, m^the point of a sword j
(in Dakh.) long pepper, h.
IjO. fxfTi;\p/t/a, beloved ; m. a husband, a lover,
sweetheart, h.
J^'^h^.- '^^^^'^ P^pid-mui; 1m. the root cf
JtiljO, ph/ada, m. a footman, a foot soldier ; (Jj^^?H '"T^^^T^^ ;>?/;Za- w5/, J the long pep-
per-tre , s.
a pawn at chess ; a species of foot soldiers emploj'ed as
servants or attendants : they are armed with swords
and targets, and sometimes carry matchloks. ptyada- C-»>^. "fjilf ]nf orxftfff;;!/?, f. love, affection, pit
pCi, on foot. p. kl pit rahe aitr mil kd mlt hath lage, let friendship con-
tinue, and the sweets of it will be obtained ; as an ad-
.Lo_ xa[XK. pyav or ^t\W phjar, m. f. love, jective, pit denotes jellow. s.
affection; name of a tree and its fruit. pydr-Ic, a. to \lx>_ tftifl pita, m. a father (for pita), d.
fondle, s.

jIjO THnr payar, a species of grass, h. jvo'oLo. "^ifti^*^ pitamha)-, m. a silk cloth of a
yeilow colour, a kind of dress (generally worn by
young Krishiia) ; vulg. a silk cloth, s.
\j[}J> "OTRT pi/ara ov fiTORT piyara, m. beloved ;
pydra jdnna, a. to esteem, s.
oLjuO. TttT'TT^T pit-pddd, f. a small bird, the
(j^ljk.) xtHTt pyhri or frnnt^ pii/ari, f. bi loved, myna (Tiinlus .•:alica). s.
pleasant, a sweetheart, h.
^.JU) Trfrf^'njff p'it-parm, f. a plant called
bichhati; a kind of nettle (Tragia involucrata). t.
Jul) piyn;, f. an onion, piyan, of or resem-
bling an onion, piyazl rang, m. a reddish colour, ^_>^.i>Io TftwTOT pit-puJip, m. a species of
crimson, p.
kaniikdrd ; a sort of Tabernce montana. s,
(_j*»Ia^ iqTH p3/a5 or fxpn^ p't/as, f. thirst.
pyiis bujhdna, a. to quench tliir?t. pyds lagna, n. to be ^xZ...'xi.\ xftiftrai^ pit-pushpi, f. yellow Bar-
thirsty, pyds mdrnd, a. to suffer thirst, pyds mama, leria. s.
n. applied to thirst which vanishes wiihoirt drinking, s.
J4-J0O, ''fhnji^ pit~phal, m. Trophis aspera. s.
1**jIa.> '^}'Wl pyasa or ftwi^T piyasa, m. thirst ; lJuJO_ illdril jfiiatd, f. yellowness, s.
adj. thirsty; pyase mama, n. to be very thirsty, s.

iXJJUdO ■'Tt'cTfnjJ pit-tund, m. the taylor-bird

^^jM\x>v:i\W\ or f'(mm'\ pya^i, f. a kind offish, s.
[Sylvia sutoria). s.
JljO fT^IT^ piyrd or 'oncS i^'i/Q^> f name of a
fruit {Cltirojtj'ia sapida, Roxb., Buchanania latifolia). s. (jtio^^- ir1rr"-«l?^«T p'lt-chandan,
species of sandal wood. s.
m. a yellow
J'jO. inn^ p^'l/'ol, %'m^ paiydl, or W^ pyiil, .\j>joJ "'frfT^T^ pit-ddru, m. a sort of pine
f. straw, dried grass, s.
[PiiiHS devadaiit; also Pirms longifolia). s.
*3ljO piyala or pyala, m. a fjlass, a cup ; a
priming pan fof a musket, &c.). piydla rtiwdla, food UuO_ ^HTT paitiirci, m. flourishing about be-
and drink (in the slang of debauchees), piydla bharnd, fore cudgelling, &c. h.
to be proud, ct>nceited. piydla hand (in the language
otfaMrs), to die. p. fyiJi^/^HXTi pit-raa, m. iViTVOJir\c. s.
(^^, p?3/a/I, f. a small cup or goblet, p.
(Jl^JLiyf\l[T^p~it-rfiht,m. a yellow-coloured
M'S>^payam, m. a message, news, advice, in- gem. s.
telligence, p. [phet. p. cdKIjO^TToir or ^f%eB pfiiirih, pafeinal, ances-
tral, hereditary ; inherited from a father, pailrik-
bhfani, f. fatherland, a paternal estate, s.
J^^.- p('yo,7)iba7', a message-bfarer, a pro-
^_ejK*^jJ>^_ piiyamhari, f. office of prophet, p. jL^ja.), tftiT^TX. pit-sdr, m. sandal ; a yellow
gem, topaz, a tree [Alangium hexapetalum). s.
jjIjO. 'tnn^
ture, .s. payan or ^^HT paiyan, m. depar- tdlji^ju^-jj "q^trFBT^sir p2^>J9/<fl?'^, m. a yellow
gem, topaz, s. [^tera). s,
bljk^^ fT7llT'!TT pryana or "OUTTT jtyana, a. to give
drink, to cause to drink ; to water or irrigate, s.
^y.zJ^i_ "tflrfl^T^ p'lt-ishFd, m. a tree (Pentap-
L— 'JJ T^t'^ ^Ji&, f. pus, matter, purulent run- uDJLo trf^cji pailtih, bilious, .s.
ning, s.
^^KjLoders, s. "q^TTsFl^ p'lt-kdshth, m. yellow San-
Oljua) tj^f^in^ ;;ii?^a» a, n. to suppurate, s.
cLa^IjojO irlf^'IT^ pihiyahat, f. suppura- i^i^^i. ^IfoFf^ pnt-^and, m. the carrot. 5.
tion, s.
t— ajO. ^;y9 (same as ^JiZ*), pus, matter, &c. d. Ui>^^iij;^_
creep_>r withTrhr'^'RT p'lt-f/hoshd,
yellow flowers, s. f. a sort of

La>. p'lpa, m. a pipe> barrel, cask. e. (J^. ""i^iT^ ^I^fl/, m. brass, s.

(Jxo. vflij^j pl2)al, m. a species of fig-tree ^^\ TrtfT^ ;>!//«, brazen, made of brass, f,
{Fiais religiosa) ; f. long pepper [Piper longiim). s.
^Ljo/^IT^T j?a/^«/'^, shallow. *■.
( 20.3 ) ^,

8y^. ^ ri 55V5 ptt-lohjca . yellow brass, queen's -^A^ ''Jts p'lth, f. the back, pith ha bans, the
metal, s. [a. sweetheart, a husband, s. spine, pith par hdth phcrnd, a. to encourage, to pat on
the back. pHh phernd, a. to turn one's back, to depart,
to flee, to leave, to withdraw, pith thiikrid, to encou-
(J»J^. ■'ftfl'T pitam, most beloved ; m. a lover,
rage, pith dend, n, {terga dare) to run away, to flee;
j<*^-^. <J1ri^< pitambar, m. (v. pitambar), a to turn, to shrink from, to veer; to turn away in dis-
silk cloth of a yellow colour; vulg. a silk cloth, s. pleasure, pith ke plehhe papid, to seek shelteV of any
one. pith ke plehhe ddl lend, to allbrd an asylum, to
I. -* A>■>..» Ju..?, TflriHW<*" pit-rnastah, m. a small protect, pith lagdiid, a. to throw down in wrestling.
bird (Lujria philippensis). s. [topaz, s. pith
a horse, n. to have s. a sore on the back (a horse); to

ij*'-iy\ tftniiftll plt-mani, m. a yellow gem, a -^ix^. "Tt7 jiith, I:^ a stool, a seat, a chair, s.
>sx»jkj0, vTri^^li pit-mtind, m. a gallinule. s.
'4-^^. ^ p'lith, m. a duplicate (of a bill of
exchange) ; entrance, admission, access, s.
(jjij^. "rhr*! p'ltan, m. the hog-plum (^Spondias
viagn'ifvra) ; a tree {Pentaptera tomentosa) • the waved-
leaf tig-tree. «. [mine. s.
,^xt^, J)c'th, a vilhige or small town; used in
conip. like the words pur, patlnn, dbdd, &c. d.
^-^^xLx\ "pftiTT^I^ pit-yuthl, f. yellow jas- l^Cx>, VZ\ petha, m. a kind of gourd, s.
ciLoo_ Tj^ p'.^ m. the belly ; pregnancy, tlie
womb ; the bore (of a gun, &c.) ; cavity, capacity, pet Vft.^. "^fSJflour,
rice and pttha,
s. m. a kind of food made of
and. n. to be purged, pet bdndhnd, a. to eat less than
one's appetite demands, pet hafhdnd, a. to eat vora- UJl^j;^. %Z^'^r[} paithalnd, a. to force in, to
ciously, to encroach on the share or rights of another. make penetrate, to thrust, to push in, to introduce, to
insinuate, s.
])et bhar, bellyful, pel hharnd, a. to till one's belly ;
to be satisfied, pet pdlnd, a. to be able to live decently ;
to be selfish, pet pdni hond, n. to be violently purged, ^J^ijO. ^ffr paithna,n. to rush in, to pene-
have watery stools, pet paknd, n. to burst w ith laughter. trate, to enter, to pervade, h.
pet-posu or pet-posu,d, glutton, pet ponclian, the last
child of a woman, pet phulnd, n. to burst with laughter.
\5_j^ju^, tftflKl pithauici, m. page of a book. s.
pet pith toek evince
batand, hond, n.extremeto be greatly emaciated,
weakness, pet p'ltli
to act submis- ^^^i>^. ^fzm pethiya, a market, a bazar, k.
sively, pf'/jari /ion(i, n. to be fluxed, to be purged, pet
jclnd, n. to be very hungry, pet chalnd or chhutnd, n. ell_5^4-)^..^-AAi Tftf7^TT?o5 pithiya thonh,
to be purged, have a diarrhcea. pet dikhdtid, a. to com- closely, s. or i.
plain of poverty and hunger, pet ddlnd, a. to procure
abortion, pet rakhdtid, a. to get with child, pet rahnd, ^_^. VlZ^peti, f. a belly-band ; a portmanteau ;
n. to be pregnant, pet se, pregnant, pet se hond, n. to
be pregnant, pet kd pdni na hihid. n. is applied to the "a large basket, a box, a tumbril; the thorax, chest.
petl larnd or mdrnd, a. to copulate, peti sharlk, a co-
steady motion of a horse, &c. which does not agitate parcener inland. s.
the rider, pet kd pardo, m. the omentum. ;;?< kdind,
a. to pinch one's belly, to starve one's self; (in Bengal) IaxJ. ''jfzm petiya,m. a pension, daily food. s.
to be griped, pet kd dukh deiid, a. to starve, pet ke
pdnw bdhir nikdlnd, to perpetrate villainy; to shew the ^,. ^ P'^'Vy f- a vow, a promise. jw,;/-A., a.
cloven foot, pet kl dg f. maternal affection ; hunger. to make a vow. h.
pet kl dg bujhdnd, to eat something, pet kl bdteii, f.
bosom secrets, pet girdnd, a. to cause an abortion.
pet girnd, n to miscarry (a female), pet gargardnd, n. ^Vci "^T^'Tf^T pi-jana, a. to drink to the
to have borborygmi. pet lag jdud, n. to be starving point of intoxication, to absorb ; to stifle one's passions ;
with hunger, pet lag rahnd, n. to be very hungry, pet to refrain from answering. /;.
mdrnd, a. to commit suicide, to stab one's self, pet ^,pech., m. twist, revolution, coil ; a screw ;
men paithnd, n. to worm one's self into the secrets of
another, to become intimate, pet men lend, to bear or perplexity, difliculty: deceit; complication, pech nihdnd,
put up with, to endure, pet ledll, f. pregniint, pet a. to suffer loss or distress, pech uklwrnd, n. to loose
harbardnd, n. to have a griping or inclination to stool, s. (the twist of any thing), pech bdndhnd, a. to grapple in
wrestling, pech parnd,n. to become diflScult or intricate,
Ijoo, t^3T pcta, f. a large basket, .s'. to occur as an obstacle, to be entangled, pech chalnd,
n. to prevail by stratagem, pech chunnd, a. to bind the
IjlijO. q<JI<T petara, m. a large basket, a port- twists of a turban with care, pech-ddr, twisted, coiled.
manteau, h. pech-dar-pech, coil within coil, entangled, pecli dend, a.
to circumvent, to deceive, to twist, &c. pech ddlnd, n.
y^XLl T?T(^ petarthu, 1 gluttonous, epicu- to throw obstacles in the way; (in playing with paper
kites) to entangle the string of an adversary's kite.
rean. s. pecli-k., a. to deceive, to trick, to complicate ; to seize
ir^j^.. ^y^ 2^e/a?-^/a,J in wrestling, to grapple, pecli khdnd, a. to be perple.K-
Lii^jo VZ^ pctak, m. a basket for holding ed, to fall into difTiculties, to sustain a loss, pech
clothes, &:c. s. khulnd, n. to be untwisted or unscrewed, pech khoind,
a. to untwist, to unscrew, pech lend, a. to fight paper
kites (each party endeavours to entangle and cut the
IxuO. "^Zm pitna, a. to beat, to thrash, to
dash, to strike, to knock, comminute, chhdti pitnd, to string of his adversary's kite) ; to meet, to embrace. /).
lament, repent, viunh pltna, to wrinkle one's mouth Aj Tfh( pnch, f. rice-water, rice-gruel (see
in anger, s.
pichli). Icolocasia. t.
^> ^T j)eiu, gluttonous, epicurean, s.
^_ ^ pechn, m. an esculent root (^Arum
U$'»ijj ^^T3T petauJilia, m. a looseness,
purging, flux, h. \^:- ^'qi ))echa, m. an owl. s.
( 224 )
^,1^' pechan, twisted, coiled, p. {Jfji^^pai dar pat, successively, repeatedly,
one after another, p.
^^lijjljsi;?- pechanidan, to cause to be coiled or
twisted, p.
^Jj'^-i VI <^'^ ]ndn, f. a tomtit, h.
'-r'^ ^.' p^^h-to-h, or pech o tab, m. restless- Jaa^. ^^q5 paidal, on foot ;^^m. infantry, s.
Ji -
ness, alarm, suspense, perplexity; folds, twisting, knots.
peck tab khdna, a. to suffer distress or anxiety, to be jiil ■'fN; pir, f. pain, sickness ; feeling, pity,
vexed, p. compassion, s.

f^J:^ peckish, f. inflection, contortion, writh- jX>, plr, m. Monday ; an old man ; a saint,
ing ;trouble, perplexity ; pain in the bowels, tenesmus, spiritual
the Sufis),guide,
p. piri tariTcat, a spiritual leader (among
gripes ; circumvention, contention, p.

til^-^oF pechak, m. an owl. s. jy\ %Xpair, m. the foot. h.

i^}0t pecJiak, f. a ball or clue of thread ; the Uj^. "'ftrr pira, yellow (v. ptld). h.
bottom on which thread is wound, p,
\ji^,paird, (in comp.) adorning, from,
Ij^'v 'ffi^'rn pichna, a. to tread under foot. h. ^^x»m\jX.'> pairdstan, to adorn, decorate, p.
_5^ ■'fNr plchu,m. the fruit of the capparis. h. ul3|^> ^XU^ pairdk, m. a swimmer, h.
/o'^^" P^chwdn, twisted (generally applied fS^ji^. ^I.I«fcl pairdkl, f. swimming, the art
to huTclca snakes), p. of swimming, a female swimmer, h.
<— ^\->j^. pech-0-tab, m. restlessness, alarm,
suspense, perplexity (v. pech-tab). p. ^^u^l p'lrdman, \m. a circuit, circumference,
^yc\ ^y") p'lrdmvn , } environs, adjacent places;
the skirt, lappet, or flap of a garment ; adv. about,
,^^:- "^^^plcfih, f. rice-water, or that in which around, p.
rice has been boiled, rice-gruel, slip-slop. h.
^Lx> piran, m. charity lands (bestowed on
l^^v TJ^hinder
m. the p'lchka,
part, (also pichhal
the rear and persecution,
; pursuit, plchhu)^ the poor in honour of a saint) ; also land planted for
the erection and preservation of a tomb over a Musal-
ahsence. pichhd-pher7ia, a. to leave.withdraw. p'ichhd-k., man saint or man of piety ; Pers. pi. old men, saints,
to sages, p.
to pursue,
pursue, to
to chase ; to recoil
importune, s. (a gun, &c.). p'lchhd lenii,
Ul jO/^TT«TT7'''^"'«''«>a.to make float or swim. h.
1^^^- "tft^^T pichhrva, m. the hinder part (of
a saddle particularly), s. [wards. «.
aJ^jO pirdna, elderly, like an old man ;
growing old ; belonging to, or connected with, or
C^y^jjii:.- ■'ft^Tf plchhut, rearwards, after- worth)' of, a saint, p.

-^^v t^^p'irh/ie or pichhen, after, behind. J\jX>,V[T!!m pairdw or paird,o, deep, or beyond
plchhe parnd, n. to dance attendance, to importune, to
dun, to persecute ; to be outstripped, piclihe ddlna, a to man's depth, where it is necessary to swim. h.
leave behind, to outstrip, pichhe lagnd, to pursue, to
set after, s. \j\jXi_pairdn-a, tillage, cultivation ; a garment,
clothing, (a corrupt form of pairdlian). d.
fji^joi:?.- pechidagi, being twisted, p.
(ry^W- poirdhan, m. a long robe, a kind of
loose vest ; a shirt or shift, p.
1^^:' piche (^for pichhe, q. v.) behind, &c. d.
^,;i-^- ^^AjXi
caste whoTltrf^
beat ap'ira,t,
kind of ni.
called of
dhol,a q.tribe
v. k,or
&:c.) in apech'idan,
reflective ortoneuter
twist sense,
or coil
p. (as a woi in
SiiJL^v pechida, twisted, coilod. p. i^AjX>_ ^TJ% paird,i, f. place of swimming,
or distance over which it is necessary to swim ; art of
swimming ; wages for teaching to swim, h,
JlS^^ paihhal, m. dung of birds, p.
ioLw. pirdt/a, m. an ornament, p.
VaJ^v ^T^^ peMna, m. a puppet-show ; a
plaything ; the artifices and pretences of a woman, h. l> JO. perpci, m. a large earthen vessel, d.

\.^'- pihjmra, m. a drunkard, a sot. d. Jb Jk> ;;zr-;;a/ (v. plrdn), a grant of land to
a plr, &c. p. s.
\,^j)aida, horn, created, produced, exhibit-
ed, discovered, manifest, evident, invented, paidd-k., jjj^JO. Jk3. pir-pattdri, f. an agate, d.
a. to discover, to produce, to find, to get, to earn, to
invent, to procure, paidd-wdr, m. produce of a field,
fruit, profit of trade, &c. paiiid-liond, to be born, to CJ'ji.lpirt (for pr'it, q.v.), love, friendship, d.
be created ; to be found, to be earned, to be produced, p. lilj^. pir-zdda, m. the son or disciple of a pir;
a mendicant, also a priest attached to a mosque, p.
U^.^>^ pciida,ish, f. birth, existence ; earn-
ings, production, profit, p.
(j.j\6j.lpaidawari, f. statement of the pro- iJhjjk) pir-zdla, 11-an aged woman, p.
duce of land. p. 0\)jt>,P'ir-^o,l,

{::i}ji'},P~ir-san, J
225 ) J^^
^. (
iHjAj^^ pir-maril, an old man. /;. \^.y>, ^^ paisa, m. the name ofa cnpjier coin
nearly e(}Uiil to our lialfpcnny; the sixty-fourth part
Ujjo TiX^n JJf'lfna, u. to swim, to float, h. ofa rupi : in common parlance it is used for money
in general (as we say " tlie dibs "or "the browns").
v3^_ peima^ a. to sow, to plant, d. paisa urdnd, a. to spend extravagantly'; to take tlie
money of another by theft or deceit, paisd pherphdr-k.,
^jX>_ T^ peru, m. a kind of bird, a turkey- a. to turn the penny, puisd diihovd, a. to sink money,
fowl, h, to lay out money without return, paisd duhnd. n. to
be sunk (money), paise son darbdr baiidnd (Uakh.), to
bribe, paisd khdvd, a. to spend extravagantly, to
jjX>^pai-7'au orjoai-rat'jfollowing, a follower.^. waste; to subsist by wages or the produce of labour;
to take bribes ; to embez/.le. pdise lagdnd, a. to lay
-.jyJO peroj, m. the turquoise {seefvroza). p. out or expend money, paise wdld, monied ; worth
one paisd. h.
jjjH P^^'O^f victory ; adj. victorious, p.
^ ^>—-^. '^FI^ pisach, m. an evil spirit that
^jjjiJi_2)ai-7'avi, f. following, pursuit, hunting haunts the places where dead bodies are burnt or
after, p. buried, s.
(Cjt). pin, f. old age, decrepitude, p. _L«*J0, ^[^^ paiscich, demoniac, diabolical ;
applied to a kind of unfair Hindu marriage, such as
<c^. trtt pairi, f. an ornament worn on the the violation of a girl when asleep or unconscious, s,
legs. h.
sion, h. paisdr, m. access, ability, admis-
jX^ ^ per, f. a tree, a plant ; trunk or stem
of a tree, per lagana, a. to plant trees, h.
(j-jliia— -O paisandazi, rich, wealthy, d.
jjO tjt^;;ir, f. pain, labour (in childbirth), s. UuJO, tj^HtTT jnsna, a. to grind, to triturate,
to bruise, to powder; to gnash (the teeth); m. the
j*> pair, noise of a blow, or knock, d. corn or grain for
to triturate, s. grinding, pis pds-k., to grind down,
^jjO Tj^ pera, ra. a kind of sweetmeat made
with curds; a globular mass of leaven prepared for Iju«j0 paima, n. to enter, to plunge in. d.
baking, s.
j3^-<**> tnif^*^^ payaswini, f. milch-cow. s.
)jx>^ mIsf pira, f. pain, sickness, anguish.
pird-kar, j^iving pain, afflicting, s. i^>. pest, aflTected with leprosy, p.
Ojjj fftfttf pifit, sick, afflicted, pained, s. U**-^. M^'^1 payasya, f. a shrub (Asclepias
rosea) ; a medicinal kind of moon-plant, s,
<.iJ>J, "q^TsF ptrak, what causes pain. s. (A>^. pesk, promoted, advanced, respected,
\JvjO. ^fsm perna, a. to press (oil by means of confided in, possessing influence ; ra. before, front ; the
vowel point *, called zamma by the Arabs, is named
a mill), to squeeze, to rack. s. pesh by the Persians and people of India ; (as a prep.)
before, in front of. pesh dmad, f. access, admittance.
jjjo, TTf peru, m. the belly, below the navel ; pesh-dnd, to come to pass, to h.appen, to await ; to
the pubes ; (for peru) a turkey-fowl. h. treat, to behave, to negotiate, pesh band, ni. the belt
\jbv*^. tftgl pirha, m. a stool, a seat. 5. that passes over a horse's breast to prevent the saddle's
slipping back, pesh bandi, f. foresight, timely prepa-
J&^jo \fcv-^. ''ft^^'9 pirha-handh, m. a pi-e- ration, pesh- I'm, prudent, wise. pesh-Maiiiia, m. a
tent or other baggage sent on before, pesh-dast, sur-
face or preliminary discourse to a book. *.
passing, one who excels, pesh-dastl, f. excelling, sur-
li'jt!. ^T^^ pirhi, f. a small stool ; a race or passing, pre-eminence, pre-excellence. pesh-ras, early
(fruit, grain, &:c.). pesh-raft, making impression, suc-
"series of generations, progenitors, or descendants. cessful, eflicient, effectual (generally applied to words
ptrhi ha ptrhl, for successive generations, s. that are attended to), pesh-rav, a precursor ; the ad-
vanced guard, pesh-ravi, f. act of preceding, prsh-
t.^VJO, ^'^ perl, f. a kind of sweetmeat made
with curds ; a kind of betel leaves ; the indigo plant
kabz, m. a kind of dagger, pesh-kadaml, f. alacrity,
alertness, activity, pesh-namdz, m. he that precedes
after being once cut ; the trunk of a tree. h.
in saying prayer, pesh-nihdd, m. custom, regulation,
habit, example, model, profession, pesh-giiiftan, to
(C^, ^'St pain, f. a ladder, a staircase, a flight adopt, select, p. [strangury, p.
of steps ; the inclined plane leading to a reservoir of
water, on which the oxen travel for the purpose of L->LiLO peshah, ni. urine, peshah-hmid, in.
drinking, or drawing water for irrigation, h.
1^A> %^^ paishach, demoniacal, belonging
.]lj paizar, f. a slipper, a shoe, paizara
paizarl, f. fighting, or mutual beating with slippers. to a pisach or goblin ; m. a mode of marriage, the
paizar-patti or -karl, act of beating with slippers. ravishment of a girl by her lover (v. paisdch). s.
paizar -khor, abject, mean, base (q.d. fit or deserving to
be beaten with slippers), paizar se, an expression of ,jf\L^l peshant, f. the forehead, the brow. p.
contempt signifying It concerns not or affects not nie,
I care not. paizar khand, a. to be beaten with
Ji^, pcsh-tar, before, prior, formerly, here-
slippers, h. tofore, peshtar az in, before now, h.-ieti fore , pesh az
aJKjO pezna, m. a sieve ; a riddle, p. dn ki or peshtar az an ki, before that, •' aniea quam." p.
j\CijO. pesh-kar, m. a ydeputy, agent, . B.^istant,
(j«>> pes, the leprosy p. a minister, a manager, .
( 2-20 )
eiXo paili, m. a messenger, a runner ; a watcli-
^JiLx]pcsJi-harl,f. deputy>Iiip. p.
man employed
lands, as a guard at night ; likewise a foot-
i^SCijO. pesh-IiaKh, m. a present, a tribute ; man orp.runner employed on the business of the
a fine, tribute, or quit-rent, paid to frovemmentas an
acknowledgment for any tenure. pesh-l^-(ishi bazar, a
tax upon stalls in a public market, peshkashl, of or j^^_^W\X.pa{kar, m.adealer,ag('nt,or broker;
relating to land held under a quit-rent. p. one who goes
hawker, h. about with goods for sale, a pedlar or
i[.C^^i. pesh-gah, f. a portico, p.
XjL^i, pesh/ji, f. nn advance; earnest-money j6>x> paihdr, war, battle, contest. 2>-
"given on confirming an agreement, &c. Scottice, " arles ^jKa> paihan, f. the head of an arrow or
penny." peshirJ-dar, a lender of money to enable a javeline ; also any pointed missile; (plur. of paik)
person to paj' in advance, p. armed militia or watchmen; also revenues of lands
for their maintenance, p,
^jLs> V[^m pesJian, m. reducing to powder;
a hand-mill, mullcr, any apparatus for grinding or j5uO jjaihar, m. face, countenanee, visage,
pounding; a plant, a sort of e«/)/iori)/a with three lobes, form, appearance; a portrait, alikeness: used in comp.
commonly called tckdntd-sij. s.
it denotes similitude, as koh-pailcar, like a mountain,
" instar montis." p,
_j^i rcmffi pesha7n, f. a stone slab on which
" condiments are ground with a muller. s, [ness. s. IjiCj Vt^i^ jjaihara, m. ] iron chains on a
&ja.i.jkJ ^7^paishiini/a, m. depravity, wicked-
\i>^i^}_^i^SS\ pai-karha, m. \ culprit's legs; or-
\j^l peshva, m. a leadei', a guide; a title of ^j5Cj %eSTt paikari, f. J namental rings
the Marhatta minister, p. worn on the ankles, s.

'\^x>, peshn-az, f. a gt)wn, a female dress, p. USoO. pikna, n. to be produced, to ripen, to

grow. d. [comedy. A.
^^AJLi^_ pcslntva'i, f. office of peskrva, the
honourable meeting and reception of a visitor, p. li^5ok) ^^'^ pchhna, m. play, farce, bham,

j^iJpeshmir (properU 2)esha)var), m. name U^xjk> "Jllsivn pchhna., a. to see, to behold, s.

of a country and city between the Indus and Kabul, h. Uj^Joo. ^^fJT^ pekhnii/a, m. a player, an
actor, h.
^.^.tjO peshaurt, f. a kind of slipper, made
in Peshaur ; a kind of rice. ;).
^oo ^wt p'lihi, ra. one who carries about a
&^i pcs/ia, w. trade, ])rofession ; custom, "imlJca for hire at a fair or in a camp. h.
habit, practice ; in comp. it denotes an agent or doer, j^. paiga.^hil, a collector of market dues;
asjaur-peaha, an oppressor, p.
" aabout
policeman who patrols
from station at night
to station, d. ; a guard who goes

.\js,^, pesha-mar,'^ ui. an artisan, craftsman »^ ^JT paiyu, xn. a sort of green-coloured
.jjCJO pesha-Tvar,} or artificer, p. stone (imported from Pegu). /*.
jLX)_pesIn, f. an advance; precedency, su-
j_y^. ptl, m. an elephant; the name of the
'" perior rank. p. [mansi). s. bishop at chess, pll-band, m. a term used at chess to
express that a bishop and two pawns mutually sup-
.i^> V:^ peshi, f. spikenard {Valeriana ata- port each other, h.
^jd^_,peyhvi, anterior, ancient, prior, former ; Ax> ^'^ pel, a shove, push, thrust, s.
m. the afternoon, p.

^\ysiJL^_. peshiniyan, (pi.) the ancients, p. ^yx\ ff\7? p'llu, m. a tree; see p'tlu. s.
•licJ. paighar, ra. a ditch, a furrow, p. J.JO. ^^ pail, n. prop, a sage, tlie promul-
gator ut' the Kig-Veda. s.
^lJa> palgham, m. a message, p.
J.JO ^ pel, \m. a testicle; fault, oppres-
xi\joLJ.\/olJu.> paighama-palffham'i, f. mutual ^)uL.^ ^^ pela,} sion ; a proj), a support, h.
"messages, mediation, correspondence, p.
ju«U-Jj)a/^a7)i-&a?', m. a prophet, a messen- !i)a> mT^I p'lia, yellow, s.
ger, an apostle, p. [prophet, p. tiUi. §^ paila, m. a vessel for measuring
^jjX*\kx\ paigham-hari, f. mission, office of a grain, h.
.^)uO pnilar, removed in time by a whole
y^lpaigham-har, m. the same as {paighavi- the year
har), a prophet, &c. p. after d. baras, the year before last, or
pailur A«
unit, next.

i^fjxjo^^paiglmmbaii, mission of a prophet.;;. m"^, ^^\^^ pilam, m. satin. Chin.

ijXxi ifNi pik, f. the juice of the betel-leaf ;_jf^)uo. tf\-^J% jnla,i, f. yellowness, s.
chewed and spit out. plk-dan, m. a vessel for holding
betal spittle ; (in Dakh.) m. ripened produce of a field ; ^JAi^. pil-han, m. an elephant driver or
crop, harvest, p. keeper ; one who has charge of elephants, p.
( 227 )
Jrt^. f. measuring;
jjljJu). pil-hani, f. the business of taking (^^•^W-?. pfiima,i,
care of elephant?, p. sure or survey the ni(>!i-
of Jl
^JL> l*-> ^;a hndfish ,
country ; measurem
measurement and allotment of lands.
\jJuO. jnlpd, afflicted with elephantiasis, p.
paimd.ish-ddr, a surveyor, pa'imajshi kampa.i, a trigo-
nometrical survey (by theodolite and compass), p.
Jb(J»J. ^^'^^^ J)el-pdl, pushing, shoving, s.
iO,lJjO. pil-pdija,m. (an elephant's foot, hence) j^^. pai/ambar, m. (the same as paighdm
a pillar, a column, p. [Pilpatj. p. bar), a prophet, &c. p.
j_jMjJjo_ pil-pde, name of a sage; vulg. {Jj^^, pcyamhari, f. the mission or office of
a prophet, prophecy, p. [lover. ».
{jj^, mT rt MUff pilu-parni, f. a plant {Bryo-
nia grandis). s. i^^l ^'Tt ;;ewi (for premi), affectionate, a
(jDlJ pil-tan, having a body like that of an (jO. 1? pain, or ij^u.) xi|f pa,in, m. a reservoir
of water, a rill. *.
elephant, gigantic, p. [ivory, p.

^^Si^^y^. j?;iZ-(^a/u/a?J, elephant's tooth CJ>1 ""^ P'^'h heavy, fat, corpulent, s.
jU> V[^pelar, 1 ^j;^^^ pen, m. an imitative sound, h.
a testicle, h.
\j^^. M<Jj!iV pel raj lo ^T paind, m. a goad ; adj. sharp, h.
*^^?. ^^«Ii ptlah, m. the Inrge black ant ; UjO ■'Tt^T jiind, a. to drink ; to smoke (to-
it is also the name of a pretty little bird called the bacco) ; m. act of drinking ; the dregs or refuse (of
oriole or mango-bird. [push. s. linseed, k.c.) ; the oil-cake. s.

UjUjJjO ^^HTT*TT pel mama, a. to shove, to ^IjjO. ^tfT^ST paindld, m. a gutter, a spout, s.

i'j^iyitlpil-inurgh, a turkey-fowl. p. *lja^ ^^^^ paiiidm, a division of a province

(like the Ridings of Yorkshire), /i.
^J^,l pailan, m. the first-born (child, Sec).
adv. first, foremost, in the first place, d. IJUjO ^»n«n paindndf a. to sharpen, h.
^-*^^. 1^5«n pehm, to shove, to puph ; to stuff, ^j«a51jujO xjtTT^?! paintdlis, forty-five. h.
to cram (particularly in coitu) ; to express, to squeeze l3lJLlx>. ^rilHT pentdnd or^TRl pamtdnd, m
out. s.
the foot of A bed, the side towards the feet, s,
(j<.ij JjO, pll-nishln, an elepliant rider, p.
^J4*yiyxi^'^;K\'^ paintts, thirty-five. s.
y^. ^'35' pilii, m- the name of a tree (^Salva- .^la.). "ti7 2)enth, f. a market, a mart, jjainth,
dora persica ; also in the Dakhin, Careya arhorea, Roxb.), a duplicate bill of exchange (v. peth). k.
also applied to all exotic trees; the blossom of the
Sacchariim sara ; an insect, s.
b^s^' ■'rt^'^n p'lnjnd, a. to clean cotton from
the seeds, h.
_5^. '*Tc5 pelu, a wrestler, an athlete, s.
.^. j)ailwa7', yonder, on that side {v. pare), d. ^J^- "^^nrr^ penjyn or ""tTSHft painjnl, f. little
j^Lo. pilarvar, a pedlar, a druggist, p. " bells fastened
dren, s, round the feet of pigeons and of chil-

ay^^pila, m. a silkworm, the silkworm's cone JJO. pencil (for pcch), twisting, &c. d.p.
or envelope, p.
Is::*^- 4^T painclid, m. return, retribution, a
... , ^s „ _ \rm. a testicle, h. loan, repayment of a loan. /*.
'J^^. ^'^T^ pelhra,)
(ko. tfiojl pili, f. a gold mohur. s. Ias:^- ""M'-<< r|T painchnd, a. to winnow, h.
A-J. paile, (for pahile), first, at first, d. \i^>S^„ ^»^ pcndd, rn. the bottom (of a vessel,
bos, pot, &c.), breach of a cannon, h.
^—'^^L^- ■'ftoS^Hhr piU-bhlt, the name of a
towTi in Rohilkhand. h. JjJi) ifN? p^nd, m. a roller, k.

. .jjlx) pailen-ar, yonder, on that side. d. >3sijO. '^?!3 pend or trP paind, f. pace, step ;
a rising ground, eminence, h.
^. ^ pem, m. love, friendship, s. IjsJJl). X[^j j)aindd, m. a road, liighwny, path.
\^\ paima, (in comp.) measuring, travers- paindd mdrnd, a. to stop a road, to rob in the road, s,
ing, p.
(jUa> pahndn, m. a promise, agreement, ij^'*^. ^^r[^ pinas,
cold, catarrh, s. m. a disease in the no.'^e,
treaty, confirmation, security, an oath, asseveration,
convention, compact, p. (^Ia) ifhTH ;n««.«, f. a kind of sedan or pdlki,
^3'.^. pahndna, m. a goblet ; a certain mea- a. kind of boat or barge, a pinnace. A.
sure for goods, dry or liquid, paimana 'umr hd hharnd,
a. ,4JLjj..).*^??7 ]}ainsath, sixty-five. s.
kill.to fill
/). up the measure of one's age, i.e. to die or j-«JjO. tft^^l pinasi, adj. having a cold. s.
" "' q2
( 228 )

t-illx). xftfToir p'vHiJi, f. intoxiciition and drow- •*jp tftir pihu, m. a flea. h.
siness from opium ; stupefaction. /;.
Ia' ^TT paiya, m. a wheel ; an allowance of
half an and on each rupi of revenue set apart for the
iJS^\ ^T pen!/, <'• 'lie exortion made by
people in a swing, when two persons keep the swing; patwarl, or village accountant, h,
in motion without assistance from bystanders ; m. the
name of a bird (Gracula chaitareah. Bitch.), h.
ic^?. ^ paihai (Braj), aorist of pawa-
'JjjO pen?ia, to clothe, put on (clothes), d. " naun, to get, acquire, h. [lover, s,
^juo tfhn p^yu, beloved, dear, m. husband,
^ji). Xf}i(t pe/ti or pa'bii, f. sharp (v. paind). h.
y^l fV3i pi,u or plw, adj. dear; m. a sweet- ^^jt*^iS^,,^:VS pey us or pty us, "Im. the food
heart, alover. «.
(_jijjjo TTT^ peyush or piyush , J of gods, a ra-
brosia, nectar ; the milk of a cow during the first
)^j;^, tft^T phva, f. water, drink, s. seven days after calving, s.

J&ii^-^. TJ^tVJijfai/odfuir, m. a woman's breast ; aujOinr^Jeya, m. water, milk, drink, s.

a sort of rush {Scirpus Icysoor) ; a fragrant grass (Cype-
rus rotiindus). s. [bone. s.
jjjt> V^ pe,i or "^pfi peyi, f a small basket,
uiJlfcii^. "infrfVlfllf payodhik, m. a cuttle-fish "a portmanteau, h.
jyy) Tnftr payor, m. the Ithayar {Mimosa
catechu), s. \cemosus). s.

^j^,' "jft^^ p'lvrt, i. a plant (^Asparagus ra- C^ id or te, the third letter of the Arabic and
(said to'T^^pewri,
i^j^.. f. athekind
be obtained from
of yellow colour
urine of a cow fed on the
the fourth of the Persian alphabet. In numeration by
flowers of Butea fronJosa, or, according to others, on abjad it stands for 400.
the leaves of the mango-tree). /(. O if ta, the corresponding letter of the De-
vanagari alphabet : it has various odd significations
L>**^iv '^'^^^^ P^iJ^ts or Vim peyTts, m the milk
of a cow for some days after calving, biestings. s. in Hindi, as, a thief; nectar ; an outcast or barbarian;
the flank ; a tail ; crossing ; a wicked man ; a tree. s.
■J^*n^_ paiwast, f. junction, connection, C-> fff ti,\
friendship, p. [tiguity. p. !y,1 in the Braj1 or old Hindi dialect is
^ m td, ] the inflect, of the third pors. pron.
ip****3i^- P^^^f^'^stagl, f. attachment ; con- , J her,
sing, him, theit inf
: the syllable ti also denotes three
^^ju»»^) paiwastan, (r. paiwand), to join, in a few compounds, as ti-biird, thrice ; a house with
unite, tie. p. three doors, h.
\i> td, to, until, so far as, even to, in ord?r
ejiMt^x\ paiwasta, joined ; adv. always, con-
that, to the end that, in such a manner that, td ba-
tinual y ; m. the year before last, paitvasta-abru,
whose eyebrows join above the nose. p. zist, while
much, life time,
till what remains,
when, tdto baka't, how many,
what length, how
td chnnd,
i^^. ?^^1 pewsi, f. the milk of a cow some how many, by how much, how long, td chand bar,
how often, or many times, td chimin, hitherto, tlius
"days after calving, s,
far. tdtdhdl,
life, till zist,
dami now, while
j'et, hitherto, td zandaji'i,
life remains, during
ta ktijd, how
^jiij^o xfxft'SnT' pciyoshni, f. a river that flows far. tdki, so that, to the end that, till, until, so long,
" from the Viudhya mountains, s. whither, td makdur, to the best of one's power ; ag
much as possible, td-ham, yet, nevertheless, td hanoz,
jS»jJ. '^ftw'^ pvvakkur or pewakkar, m. a yet, still, hitherto, till now. p.
tippler, a toper, h.
L.^\5 tab, f. power; heat; endurance, brook-
i^JajO; pairvand, m. junction, conjunction,
connection ; a relative or kindred ; a patch ; a graft ing; twisting; rage, fury; light, splendour; contor-
or bud. paiwand karl, f. patching, cobbling, p. tion, tab till't, f. an induration of the spleen attended
with or preceded by fever ; splenitis, ague-cake, tdb-
ddr, bright, luminous ; twisted. <a6-dena, a. to twist.
^S>^, VT^'^f^ payo-nidhi, m. the ocean. ,«. tab land, a. to be able to bear. p.
^^3»x> pnimandi, engraftod. pairvandi ber,
m. an engrafted ber {Zizyphus jiijuha). paiwandi much-
bl5 tdbd, m. a frying-pan (v. tdbd). p.
hen, f. the raustachios joining the beard, paiwandi
gudri, patched garments, p. j^\jI!> tdhdn, resplendent,splendid, glittering./).
Oj««A\ xpflWiT payo-vrat, m. living upon jjb\3 tdbdrii, f. splendour, light, p.
milk for a month as an expiation ; offering of milk to
Vishnu, s. ^\ Jj\j tab-dan, m. a lattice, a skylight ; a
window of coloured panes of glass : it is generally of
^_ p'lh, r. grease, tallow, p. carved wooden work, with small variegated panes in-
ej.) fiyq piya, dear, beloved. See piyd. serted in the open interstices, p.

A^. ''fi?^ pihar, m. kindred, relationship, jJvjl!) TTT^Tfftf tdhar-tor, successively, re-
mother's familj', h. peatedly, h. [mer p.
l^^^^ pui ham, thickly, close together, p. ..jll»*)\3 tdbistdn, m. the hot weather, sum-
t-^L) ( 229 )

15 /a/;?5/awi, resembling or appertaining i y!>\3 rmn^ ^a/'waw.l of this, that, him, her,
to summer, pleasant as the summer, p.
^^ crnTfft Idinl, J it. h.
^jij\5 iabish, f. heat ; brilliancy, splendour, p. " thereby,
(3*^ HTIT tate
h. or td-ten, from that, thence
l1a)>11»l-^\5 tab-tahat, f. power, ability. ^J. a.
*)0 ^afc/', dependent, subject, tnbi'-daj' (much Cl^u tdt, m. hemp ; tow or flax ; sackcloth :
used in Hindustan, though ungrammatical), depen- a very coarse kind of cloth made of hemp, commonly
dant, follower. tdbV-darl, allegiance, obedience, lide- called " gunny." d. [in the ear. s.
lity. tdbi'-k , a. to control, to subject, a. <^iAx>l3 ITTToE tdtnnk, m. an ornament worn
^^\5 tdbi'unAva. (pi. of *^15) followers, j3^l5 ta/ismr, m. penetration, passing through,
^J^Jo\5 idbi-in,} attendants; the term is ap- impression, a.
plied par excellence to those Musalman doctors who
followed the immediate as,h,db, or companions of the jol!) tdsir, f. penetration, passing through ;
prophet Mulf.ammad. a. an effect or impression (pi. tdslrdl, effects, 8ic.). a.
vi)\jk^\3 tdb-ndk, hot, passionate; brilliant./;. — .13 idj, m. a crown, a diadem ; a cap ; a
crest, the comb of a bird ; name of a suit in cards; the
^jJo\5 tdbandagi, f. brilliancy, light. /;. pack (ganjtfa) consi^s of eight suits {raiii^), euch con-
taining twelve circular cards, viz. a king or mlr, a
j"jjj\j tdbanda, shining, luminous, f. wazlr, and spots from one to ten : in every suit the
C^»^\3 tdbui, m. a coffin, a bier; the ark of mtr is the highest card, and the wazlr the second : tlie
suits are divided into two classes, I. Beshhar, in which,
the covenant, presented by God to Adam, and which after the mtr and wazlr, the highest numbers, from 10
(according to the Musalmdns) contained the portraits to 1, are most powerful; these are, 1.^5; (a cap),
of all the prophets. /aftS^-gar, a coffin-maker, a. 2. zar-i-sufaid (a silver coin, or the moon), 3. shamslur
Bj\i taba, m. a frying-pan, a skillet, p. (a scimitar), 4. ^ttldm (a slave or boy). II. Kambar, in
which the lowest numbers from I to 10 are most
4--i»\5 Trnr tap, m. warmth, heat ; fever ; met. powerful : these are, I. Jcimdsh (representing a loaf of
bread), 2. bardt (an oblong inscribed with characters
affliction of mind, distress, passion, tdp-tilll, f. (same representing a warrant or assignment), 3. chang (a
as tdb-tUli) induration of the spleen, &c. (under tab), harp), 4. zar-i-sur](h (gold coin, or the sun) ; the mtr
tap Viand, fever and shivering ; ague. s. of every suit is seated on a throne under a canopy, and
ti)bl5 iupdk, m. friendship, the anguish of the tvazlr on horseback; except that, of zar-i-surkh,
the mlr represents the sun, mounted on a tiger, and
love, solicitude of friendship, affection, p. the wazlr also rides a tiger ; otghuldm, the mir rides
on an elephant and the wazir on a bullock ; and of
tLO_\3 'iTiPMiT tdpit, inflamed ; distressed, chang, the wazlr is mounted on a camel, p.
pained, s. [does penance, an ascetic, s.
jjlitf-^lij tdj-bakhsh, a great king, an emperor,
1^.13 cTT'T^ tdpas, m. a devotee, one who one who gives away crowns, p. [crown, p.
(-iJl^.\3 iTmeh tdpak, m. fever, morbid heat ;
adj. burning, inflaming. *. [flaming, s. j^J>i>'l!> tdj-ddr, m. a king, one who wears a
,^\Ss>-\i tdj-ddri, f. royalty, sovereignty, p.
/^.\5 Hn*1 fdpan, m. the sun ; heating, in-
Uo.O HT^niT tdpnd, n. a. to bask in the sun, or ^_^jj»-_.l!> tdj-i-kharos, m. the cockVcomb
flower {Amaranthus, or Celosia). p.
ato fire,
heat. to warm
s. one's self at (or over) a fire, to warm,
j!>-\3 tdjir, a merchant, a trader, a
ij^ iTrrt tdp'i, f name of the Tdptt or Surdt j»s»-\j taj-war, m. a prince, a king. p.
river; a name of the Jumna river ; adj. oppressed by
heat, heated, s. ^jjy>-XS idj-wari, f. royalty, sovereignty, p.
(3\I> idpi, f. a bricklayer's trowel, d. ^15 tdkh, m. a veil ; firewood ; darkness, p.
&J^\3 HTQ? tdpya, m. a mineral substance, sul- tlA>-l!> tdkhf, f. assault, attack, incursion, in-
phuret of iron, procured from the Tapl river, s. vasion, tdkht-k., a. to assault, p.
O'o wnr tdt, m. father; hot, warm, heated. — ^jb C-o-b tdkht-tdrdj or tdhM o tdrdj, m.
tdta, venerable, respectable, s. assault and plunder, depredation, devastation. <aM'
13\3 HTiTT tdtd, m. hot, heating (food), s. 0 tdrdj-k., a. to ruin, depopulate, p.

jl!J\i> tdtdr, m. a Tartar, the Tartars, p. (^Jk5>-13 tdhhtan, to assault, to rush upon; to
invade, to plunder ; to gallop or run fast. p.
-yi.OVi) Hlr^iT ^a/7?ar;, )ra.object,purpose;
y^-fKi tu,akhkhu7-, m. delay; retarded, post-
iJ wj\5 irn^^ tdiparya, ) meaning, pur- poned, following, a.
port, explanation; the apprehension of an implied
wish or thought ; need, occasion, s, [time. i. jX^Ki tdWtt'y f- delay, procrastination, in;p^-
diment. tdmrl;., 2i.Xo As\&y, to 'postpone, a.
tiD\^\!> lTT^iTfc5«ir tdtkdUk, of that very
AJU TTTTT^ tdialA , «jL»!Jb\j ITT^rR tdddtmya, m. likeness, simi-
_,.. - fbot, warm. s. larity, s. [or it. &c. 5.

,jb cmTT tdt'i, J *A^,ii'o iTTJ^M iddrishya, such like, like liiiu
( 230 ) (^b
>,iilj tacVib, f. correction, chastisement,
amendment, erudition ; (in law) a notice or summons. ^^Jo tarili'i, f. darkness, obscurity, jy
tadib-k., a. to instruct, to correct, a.
jO fTR tar,m. the palmyra, or "toddy-tree."
Jo far, m. a thread ; a wire, the string of a tar ban, a grove or " tope " of palmyra trees. The In-
musical instrument; a note in music; dark, obscure, dian-English word "tope" is originally Tamul. Dr.
Gilchrist errs in stating that it does not belong to any
also darkness, obscurity, tdr-handhna, to continue or Indian language. — (Binning), tdr-palra (also tdla-
repeat an action without interruption, tar tutnd, n.
patra), the palm-leaf prepared for writing on ; a docu-
to be disjointed, to be separated, tari 'ankabut, spi- ment so written. (Borassus ftabdlifonuis). tdr-phal
der's web, cobweb, tar-kash, m. a wire-drawer, tdr- the gelatinous pulp of the palmyra, s.
kashl-k., a. to draw wires, /i.

Xi "rnfc tan,f. a key, clasping of the hands, s. jO "KTS tar, f. understanding, tar-haz, intelli-
gent, quick of apprehension, tdr-bdzl, quickness of
KO iTTTT taia, f. and m. a star; the apple of apprehension, h. p.
the eye ; n. pr. the name of the wife of Rdjd Bali,
tard-paih ov tdrd-mandal, m. the firmament, the starry
\Jo tara, m. a wink, &c. (v. ^amza). d.
sphere, tdre-ginnd, a. to count the stars, i.e. to get no uiJjl3 rfi^cti tarak, m. a reprover, punisher. .«.
sleep, s.
_,Vli> taraj, m. plunder, devastation, taraj, (Oj'^ WTTJT Ictrav, "1 m. beating, whipping;
k., to devastate, lay waste, spoil, p. IJ^'b riT!{«HT tarand,) admonition, reproof, pe-
nalty, punishment, tdrand-k., a. to reprove, punish, &c. s.
jlJO jl!) rTTT^R tar-patar, dispersed, &c. h.
I3j-'j TTTT^ tarnd (or tur-jdnd), a. to under-
U^j>jl!Jj\j tai--tar bolna, to speak in detail, or stand, conceive, to comprehend to guess, h.
circumstantially, d. [crimination. *.

^^Av\)^ cTT^in^ iartamya, m. distinction, dis- uliij'O TTTT|;,v.

in the ear. tdrank, m. an [of
vyjlj fnTffl^ m. a kind of sewing, or needle-
work, open work, pulling out some threads, &c. h. &j3j13 rTT'prt''^ tdnnya, reprovaI)le, worthy
<_^j''j TTFTt Idn, f. the juice of the palmyra-
tree, vulg. toddtf. tdri-ivdid, a man who climbs pal-
^X'i tarakh,
late, tdiakh kothe root lagdnd,
jib naih of theto tongue, the pa-
prattle much, d. myra-trees, and extracts thejuice therefrom, s.

uLklJ' TTTToR tarak, m. a protector, a preserver, s. (^jl3 TlTTt tan, f. hilt of a dagger. A.
tdJjl3 iarik, a deserter. tarilin-d-dv7iija, jli tdz (r. oi tdkhtari), running, race, assault.
abandoning the world, abstinent, sober, chaste ; m. an tax 0 tag, toil and labour, p.
anchorite, a hermit, a.
^Jo tdzarji, f. freshness, plumpness, fatness,
uiJjl!) tarak, m. the crown cf the head ; a ' "tenderness, greenness; pleasure, p.
hill, heap, head, top, summit, p. [star. s. i
^,Vi infTsfn tarika, f. the apple of the eye, a I ijo tdza, fresh; fat; young, grrcn, tender,
raw; happy, pleased, tdza-k., a. to renew, to refresh,
cii>.li inf^olf tarhih, m. a philosopher, a lo- to re-create, taza-kdr, one who renews, tdza-kdri, act
gician, asophist, tdrkikd, belonging to the science of of renewal, tdza-hond, n. to be in good case, to in-
reasoning, logical, s. crease, to riourish. tdza-bu-tdza, fresh and blooming.
tdza-dam, in. good spirits, hilarity, cheerfulness tdxxi-
f^yO ITTT'n taran, m. a raft, a float ; the art wdrid, new-comer, or, as nicknamed in India, "a
of freeing; salvation, deliverance ; one that exempts, griffin." p.
sets free, or delivers. tdran-tara?>, the saviour and the
saved (v. taran). s. ^J'^3 /a^7, Arabian ; the Arabic language;
Arabian (horse), tazi kutta, a greyhovind, tdziMiamit
l^j^ HKin or TTTTtIT tarna, a. to free, to rid, to dog-kennel. i>.
exempt from further transmigration, to absolve, to dJbjb tdziijdiui, ni. a whip, a scourge;
save. s.
tdziydtm-jaj-iid, -lagdnd, or -mdrnd, a. to apply the
{3jVJ Tnftrnl' tariin, f. a goddess peculiar to whip, to scourge, p.
the Jains ; a name of Durga ; m. a deliverer, s,
(^t3.^jl!) tdzidan, to run, to rush upon. ^>.
jjVi ITT^ iaru, m. the palate, s.
jjTjlS tail, f. darkness, obscurity, p. uLi^.jb
or one tdz'ik, one who
who speaks it withis ignorant
an Arabian ofaccent
idiom ; a colt of a mixed breed, or an Arabian colt
reared in another country, p.
key ;ITTtt tar'i, f.absence
abstraction, the clapping
of mind, ofabsorption
hands; ina
thought or devotion, s. i^j»iO "iTR? tax, m. the cards, a game at cards ;
(for tdsit, q.v.), brocade, cloth of gold. h. "The word tds
\3-'y j_^.l3 tare topiri, to act deceitfully, d. (Persian io/) is applied to the Indian playing-cards, in
contradistinction to ganjlfa.Xhe European pack. The
21SS tarihh, f. date, era; annals, history. Indian pack contains eight suits, each suit consisting,
tdrlkh-td-hijrat, the era of the hijra. tdrikh-wdr, of a king, a wazir or minister, and fen cards having
periodically, according to dates ; at stated times or various tigures represented on them, from one to tLii
dates, a, [blind, dim-sighted, p. in number." — (Binning.; [i:c. /i.
i.dX>Jo tajik, dark; obscurf. tarik-chashm, l^-i Ura tdsu (Braj.), him, her, it, or of him.
\i ( 231 )

■_B^r> ta,asst(f, m. brooding over affliction, ^j:J<xZ.y'S ialish pntri, f. name of a restrin-
^ pining, lamenting, grief, regret, a. {^I'lit plant; a fragrant stomachic {Flacourtia caia-
MuttKi ta,assufan, with u-
grief, or regret, a.
uiiJlj (TT^oF trddk, m. a bolt, a latch, s.
^V**>l!J uragfi tasu-kau, of him, her, it. h.
Jl) ta,atlii>n, in. melancholy, grief, torment, a.
(^_^'j,^j**lj ^a.s-7«as,destriiction,(v..<fa/?/5nas). d.
ul^^^-oj'^ rrrcS)*i«i»ii /a^?«a/i7m«a,m.thename
i^^ in^ ?as/t, m. cloth of gold, brocade, of a medicinal lierb {Barter ia longi/olia). h.
tinsel, gold foil. h. •
lKS tagh, m. the poplar ; the elm ; tamarisk; ^J^lJ' i
WTc^H^ s. trd-viuU, f. a plant.V(Curcu-
" ligo orcliioides).
a pomegranate ; an ensign-staff, h.
^^ eTT^ tdlu, m. the palate, the slit in the
^^IJ tagln, (properly j^^) rebellious, a. roof of the mouth ; adisorder in horses, thelampreys. *.
^^pLjl5 taftan, to shine ; to twist or spin ; to C-Ojpo fff^ToRr tdl-vrint, m. a fan. s.
turn away the face. p.
j_Jl^ ftlcisl tdri, f. a key ; clapping of the
euj\!> tafta, m. a kind of silk, taffeta ; a " hands ; a species of the mountain palm(Con//;/(« tuliera);
colour in pigeons and horses, glossy cream-colour, p. a plant {Flacourtia
is used to express ancataphracta).
ek bujdnd,
lidlh se bajvi
a. to
clap the hands, not in token of approbation, but cen-
"f twotaki, defective
different colours (horse),
; f. a kind having
of hat. t. the eyes
sure and ridicule, to hoot, to clap the hands in ridicule
of any one. tCdi mdrnd, a. to hoot, to damn (in a tliea-
ii)liJ in«F tail, f. a look, a glance; an aim, the trical sense) ; also to applaud, s.
act of aiming, point (of a dog), tdk bandhna, a. to i_fljJlj tdVif, f, composition, compiling; con-
covet, to point as a dog. tdk-rahna, n. to aspire, s. nectingreconciling
; or joining in friendship, a.
uyl3 tah, f. a vine, a creeper ; grasses, p. sSL^Ki idllJ/a, m. a list, catalogue, inventoiy
(corrup. of taTiTcd, q.v.). a.
^S\i%^ Wnirnrrolit taka-takl, f. miitual star-
ing, s. j^ tdviin, perfect, entire, complete, full. a.
l«l!> fflTr ta/nd,
tiJbtd)\5 •!n'WWT^tdk-bah,f. nick of time. /*. i ,~ _ ,_ rm. copper
\j^\j inWJTT tdkna, a. to stare at, to aim, to
peep, to see, to spy, to view, to look for. s. Kxol!) RTOT fnmbrd, m. a copper
s. colour (in
4\A^li) tahid, f. confirmation ; superintendence ; pigeons); a false stone resembling a ruby. s.
ascertaining, injunction. idkld-k.,a. to enjoin strictlj-, J»jk*l3 irra^ tamhid, m. hetel-leaf, tlie areca
to urge, to press, s. nut. X. [pulse {Ervum lens), s.
j^j'jji^l!) tdkldi, emphatic (In grammar), a. ilL/K J^folJ rrraoSTTT tdmhul-rdg, m. a kind of
<lf^ WPT tag, ^m. a thread, tag-tor, in.
^. jLjboO' ITT^^n^ tdmbul-wuUl, f. a small
"plant bearing
nuf, a caustic
leaf or{Piper betel), catechu,
which, with
li^ "ffTTT tdga,} lace. h. the areca chunam, &c.
o^C> 7rm«n tagnd, a. to thread, h. form the pan or betel of the Asiatics, s.

Jl3 7TTq5 tdl, m. a pond ; chime, time in mu- i^^^ WT^Q^ tdmbuU, f. betel (Piper betel)
sic ; slapping the hands together or against the arms "or its leaf ; ra. the pdti bearer ; a servant who prepares
and furnishes the pan. s. [copper, s.
previous to fighting ; the name of a musical instru
ment of bell-metal or brass (a kind of cymbal), played ^xs'-Jo TTR^hrt td7)i chvil, f. enamelled
with a stick ; name of a fruit and tree, the palm-tree
(BorassusflabelUforviis). <a/-6e-/a/, outoftune. tuldtnd,
to chime, to slap the hands before fighting, tdl vidriid ."^b' irns idnira, m. copper ; a coppery red ;
or -thoknd, a. to strike the hand against the arms pre- a dark red kind of sandal wood, tdmra-patl, m. a copper-
paratory to wrestling, s. plate, such as Hindu grants of land &c. are frequently
engraved upon, tdmra-parui, f. a river in Dekhan, and
^13 iTIcS'I tdld, m. a lock of a door ; a lid of a the district in its vicinity, tdmra-pushp, m. a kind it'
vessel &c. s. ebon\{Bau/nninvariegata) ; a plant(A'<;»iy)/(r!(i rotunda .
tdmr'a-pushpd. f. a trumpet Royter {Bignonia suavedens).
U-'^13 talah,^ m. an artificial pond, a reservoir tc'imra-piisbpl, f. Lythrum fnUicosum. tumra-phal, m.
Jlangiiim liexapctalum. tdmra-sdr, vn. a red kind of
y^Xi taldw, J of water, a tank. p. sandal {Pterospermum santolinum). tdmra-kdr, m. a cop-
persmith, tdmra-karn'i, i. the female elephant of the
U^i^\3 fTToTT^m tdldkhyd, f. a perfume, s. western quarter, tdmra-garhha, ni. blue vitriol, or sul-
phate of copper, tdmra-vriksha, m. a sort of sandal
wood, tamra-varni, f. the blossom of sesamum. tdmra-
J^'^ TTToS^T^
of gold worn inidl-patra,
the ear. s. m. a hollow cylinder walll, f. Bengal madder {Rubia manjith). tdmra-vij,
m. a kind of vetch, s.
jiyJl^ rilcjlMil/T tdl-parrii, f. a sort of anise
(Anethum panmorium). s.
tiJ^^lj TTT^Toir tamrdku,m. one of the eighteen
divisions of the known continent. *.
^vZ,yG flT^qi>M'eK tdl-pushpak, m. a medi- (__w;*^0 ITTK^^ tdyvrns, m. a lotus [Ngmphcea
ciual application to the eyes. s.
?jt7«m6o) ; copper; gold. t.
( 233 )

I(j3'j tanda, m. a caravan of merchandise

ciJwolJ' infTi«n tamrik, rn. a coppersmith, a carried on bullocks, mules, camels, &c. ; a large body
brazier, s.
security, d. iU
of travellers or traders travelling together for mutual

%j<G TTlf^^ tamrika.,'\t a copper vessel for

.jj\3 wnS"^ tandav, m. dancing, especially
ijyo^'S FWt ^a?nri, J marking time, a with violent gesticulation, and particularly applied to
"copper cup of
Bmall hole at prescribed
the bottom,capacity and perforated
answering the purposeby ofa the frantic dancing of the god Shiva and his votaries. «.
an hour glass : it is put into a vessel of water, the
water gradually filling it, and the sinking of the cup (i*<3'j ta,annus, m. acquaintance, a.
marks the time that has tlapsed. «.
ICJliJ TfiTT tanga, m. a small two-wheeled
k-o^J FnTTT tantra, m. a gem of inferior value, car (without covering, and on which one person only
of a copper colour, s. can sit): (in Dakh.; it means the rostrum or forepart
of a Hindu car, to which the bullocks are yoked.
(j.-«\3 trmn tamas, m. darkness, illusion, Idngd-sawdr, one who rides on a tdngd. h.
irascibility ; adj. partaking of or influenced by the
principle of inertness, ignorance, or mental darkness ; jjX_>l!> tanfjnl, m. a small tank or pond, d.
inert, stupid, ignorant, s. [dark. «. Uili) TTT^ tanna, a. to extend, to stretch, to
^--eO fn'Wt idmsl, irascible, vindictive, expand, to pull ; to knit (the eye-brows), tambu-
tdnnd, to pitch tents, s. [elder brother, h,
A«\i> in,ammul, mrditation, reflection ; pur-
•3\3 iri^ tan,u, m. a paternal uncle, father's
to reflect,pose. ta,ammul-k.,
a. a. to collect one's self; to consider,
(j,\j TTTtft tant, f. the warp of cloth (v. tana)
C^>Ju\i rTWf^ tam-lipt, f. a district in the " the price paid for weaving. *.
south of Bengal, Tamluk. s. (_3\j ta,anm, f. delay, procrastination, a.
^$1«Ij fllflc^cttt tamalhi, f. a plant {Flucour- c^ajoI!) tanh, f. the feminine gender, a.
" tia cataphracta). s. [of copper, s. j^ mm tan',m. heat ; passion, rage ; strength,
. *--x*\!> fTT^nSR tamesrcar, m. calx or scoiiae power; splendour, dignity; twist, coil, contortion,
taw dend, a. to twist ; to stroke the whiskers; to heat
(as iron). tdw-l<)tdnd or tdw peek kltdnd, n. to be
^^ITR^aH, m.f. anotein music, tone; stretch- lieated, to be angry, p. or s. [assay ; speed, h.
ing, tension, knitting (the eye-brows), tan torna, a. to
crack a joke ; to drop a word which shall excite quar- j'o 'im taic, m. a sheet of paper: proof, trial,
relling or induce conversation, to animadvert; to
strike up a tune. s.
elderin^ ^o,,u,h. m. a paternal uncle, father's
j^Vj tan, m. a species of vervain, d.
jjLl5 tan-an, m. retaliation, recompense ;
debt ; fine, mulct ; loan, tdwdn is used in opposition
Ul'i 7n»n tana, m. the warp, the threads that to Visas, and means the price paid for blood, tawm
are extended lengthwise upon a loom, tana-bdna-k.,
a. to fidget, to dance attendance, tdne idnnd, to wan- bdndlmd or lend, a. to fine, to mulct, tdwdn Ingdnd, a.
der here and there without profit, s. to amerce, p. [loan. p.
jlLli) tatvant, f. compensation ; debt; fine;
Xi^'-i HTJTT tana (for taivna), a. to heat,[uate.
twist, s.
0»\j TTF^'iT fan-ut, so much, so far, so many,
\>3Xi\i tana iarez (^ot JijfO^jtuo), unfortu- until, the correlative to ydwat. s.
UilSwrTI tamha (in Dakh. ^a»ifca/)m. copper. 13. 'J dHHI farviiu, a. to heat, to raise heat by
tdmhat-gar, a worker in copper, brass, &c., a plumb- blowing with a bellows ; to prove, to assay; to twist, s.
er, s. d. [the chase, d.
^j\3 tawll, f. explanation, elucidation, in-
terpretation, paraphrase, a. [plexity. p,
Ijjl'i tamha, food for a falcon or bird of
Vjxi^ wHtF tamhra, m. a copper-colour (in sis ta/i, f. a plait, fold, ply, multiplicity, per-
pigeonsj ; a false stone resembling a ruby. s.
„fe'j inf^ talil, pron. to him, her, it, or that. //.
Jja>l5 tambel, a tortoise, turtle, d.
j_^fi>'j rnf^rt tahiri, f. a kind of dish, viz.
rice boiled with iaW, which consists of pulse (P/irt.sfo^M
Ll*3ViJ "cTTiT tant, m. f. catgut, sinew, the string radiatus) pcoMnA in a wet state and mixed with ginger,
of a musicalfrom
understood instrument, tdnt bdj'i
tlie first word, tdntaiir rag bujlid,
bdndlmd, he
to put pepper, inc., and dried in small lumps, h.
to silence an idle talker, s.
J^i'j ta,ahliul, m. marrying, establishing a
<Jlo\3 KTiT taiit, m. a loom, a weaving appara- family, a.
tus ;also thread, fibre, &c. h,
ll>\!) TrilTT tania, m. a string (of camels, (^^\^ in^ ta,i, f. an aunt, paternal uncle's
wife, father's elder bi^other's wife; an earthen frying-
horses, &c.), a drove ; train, series, s.
pot. h.
j (Jjj6\j inft^rsjr tantrih, m. a scholar ; a fol- bl3 iTnn taya, m. a father's eldest brother. /*.
I lower of the doctrine taught by the Tantras. s. t— olj ta,ib, repenting, penitent, a.
1 jS''*J irtift tant'i, m. a weaver, s. 'J^iO fTT^rT tn,it, m. an amu'it, a charm. //.
r^\5 ( 233 ) JO

i^«>b ta,ld, f. aid, assistance; corroboration; JjAf> tahlaky a bundle or file of papers, a.
a written voucher in corroboration of a claim. id,id-
naw/s, an assistant clerk, a. [&c. a. (j-aIx) tablisy playing the devil, a.
C>lj«jl3 ia,tddt (pi. of t^JoO), helps, aids, **:^ /a&awr/m, m. a pistol, tabancha mdrnd, ^
a. to shoot with or fire a pistol. /. I
]j(S^ ta,erd, born of a father's elder brother.
ta,eta bha,i, m. or ta,ert bahin, f. a cousin, d, ^Jx^ tabanv'i, f. adoption (of a son, &c.). a.
Jim tab, then, at that time; afterwards. aSi tabah (for tabdh, q. v.), bad, wicked, &c.;;.
tab-tak, tab-tori, tab-ta,ln, or tab-lag, till then, up to
that time. s. LT' time,
j_5-^ H^T^ tab-hi, at that very tabhi-
'Vo, then, indeed. ra6-AI-«e, thence, thenceforth, s.
Xxi tnhdr, in. people, nation ; a tribe, family.
^J> l(^ taba! (in Dakh. i«/nc/i), exactly then. h.
shaliriydri 'all tabdr, a monarch of an illustrious house, p.
\Xp frfafRT tihard, thrice, or three times; m. CI^'nxajj tabi at, f. following, dependence, a.
a hall or room with three doors, s.
(.—A.) im tap, f. heat, warmth; m. the hot sea-
ui)j\jL> tahdrnh, blessing, being blessod. taha- son, summer ; prayer, adoration, devotion, penance, s.
raka, used in Arabic phrases, as alluhu tabdraka wa
i_-0 tap, f. a fever, tap utarjid, n. to go otf
ta'ald, God, he is, or may he be, blessed and exalted, a. (a fever), tap charhnd, n. to come on (a fever), tapi-
ij^*i tibara, thrice, three times (v. tibard). s. diiJc, f. a hectic fever, tapi ghib, f a tertian fever, tap-
kd mutjdnd, n. the breaking out of an eruption on the
jU5 tabdh, bad, wicked, depraved, abject, lips after a fever, tapi larza, m. an ague, tnjii miihrik,
m. an ardent or burning fever, tapi naitbat, f. inter-
spoiled, ruined, wretched, tabdh-hdl, ruined, p.
mittent fever, tap-khdid or tap-uchhll, f pimples on
^&lji> tabain, W wickedness, depravity, ruin, the face ; cutaneous eruption, p. [Jogi. a.
"wreck, perdition. frtA««iA-7((7«7, a. to be afflicted, tabdhi- U!> iTTr tofd, m. a worshipper, an asnetic, a
zada, ruined, afflicted, distressed, p.
Ijj ff^m tappd, m. division, district, parish, h.
f^>yf> tabdyun, difl'erence, contradiction, in-
y ; arithm.) incommensurability, o.
k^y^ fff'TTti' tipdr'i, f a fruit, commonly called
j^ tabahhur, m. profound learning, a. Cape gooseberry or Brazil cherry, h.

jSLji: tabakhtur, walking very stately, a. (.>»U!J Tnrnr tapdx, f. sunshine, the sun-
beams ;toil, labour, s.
(jkijj tabaddul, m. ^change, alteration, sub- (^LJ tapdk, m. affection, esteem, regard,
^Jjjjo tabdil, f. J stitution ; difference, love, zeal, ardour ; consternation, affliction, p.
transposition, tabdili makdn, migration, a.
^^lx> tapan, palpitating, growing hot. p.
jj tabar, m. a hatchet, an axe. tabar-barddr,
l3Ui> iT^«Tr tapdnd, a. to pour a libation, h.
an axe-bearer, a woodcutter, tabar-zan, a woodcutter,
a hatchet-man. tabar zhi, m. a horseman's battle-axe. p. 13Lj lTTrr«n tapdnd, a. to heat, to warm, to
make another person warm himself at the fire, or
c.J> tabarru', doing any thing voluntarily ; in the sun. *.
giving gratuitously, a.
ciJjj tabarruh, m. benediction, congratula-
b'a3 TTTRT tupdnd or topdnd, a. to have
buried, to cause to cover, h.
tion ;a portion of presents (or what is left of food pre-
sented to great men, &c.), given to their dependants, l1*-^ ITX tapta or ITTfT tapat, hot, warm, fer-
sacred relics, tabarrukan, by way of blessing. The
word is employed idiomatically in the sense of making vent, burning with heat, pain, or sorrow; tapti or
use of, or tasting any thing (used in a respectful sense) ; tapat, f. heat, tapta-krichrhhrfi, m a sort of penance,
for example : after the arrival of a visitor, the liukkd drinking hot water, milk, or glii, for three days. s.
is introduced : the host offers it to his guest, who i>3.i^ tap-Mnh, ni. breaking out on the lips
will probably say, awtval dp tabarruk farniaiyo, " Do after a fever, the thrush, p.
you. Sir, first make use of it." (Binning.) a.

ijj^ji^ tabar-gun, hollow-backed (a horse), p. j-^\it>j3 if'Ufi,^!^ taparihd,v, land cultivated

in small patches among the uncultiv.ited portions of
tJJ. jj tabrid, f. act of cooling, refreshing, a. an estate, k. [an acclivity, h.

j>ji^ tabrtz, the city of Tabriz or Tauriz, in ,_fjL) iTmO tapr'i, f a mound, a small heiglif,
Persia, p.
(-*J0 "irrs iapax, m. roligions austerity, pe-
ijy>.yp tabrtzl, belonging to Tabriz. Shams nance, self-denial ; the region inhabited by devotees
tabrlzi, name of a distinguished saint or sufi. p. after death ; virtue, duty: thus the tapas of a Br.1h-
man is sacred learning, of a Kshatriya, the protection
M'^x) tabassuvi, m. a smile, a. of subjects, is.c. s.

yo^ tabmmr, m. sight, distinct perception, (j^*«a!> inrf^tT tapas^ivin,^ ra. a devotee, a
attentive consideration, a. [subjection, a. (^^.-J rimsO tapuswi, J jogi. s.
vJ^ojoJ taViyat, f obedience, dependence, jj^«u!> tapaswini, f. a female devotee, s.
( 234 )

LTt- faj)asst,m. devotee,

j<-*JO TTtRft topas'i or rf^^^ (j4?''-— *^ TTP^T!! s.tat-chlian (for tat-kshan), at
that time, then.
"performer of austere devotion; adj. devout, ascetic- iu>
tapasimaclMl, f. the mango-tish {Polynermis paradisea).s-
j?L) ir^ tdtra, there, therein, in that case. s.
Iju--3 H^tRtlT tnpas7/n, f. austere devotion,
pra^-er, penance, mortification of self. Jt.
J^ fjrfwf'C tittiri or tittir, m. the francoline
partridge ; the name of a Muni, one of the early
io— JO Kfj^tajjasya, ui. the month Phalgun.s. teachers of the black Yajur-veda; the Yajur-veda. s.

{^JM tapish, f. affliction ; heat, warmth, p. K>\jCi ■fTcTTlfn tutruna, n. to lisp, to speak im-
perfectly as a child, h. [hittar, dispersed, h.
J^^ tapshi (v. tapasV), devotee, &c. s.
jOp TliWlX'^fKKtitar-hitar or fw^^fWC tiitar-
\jJLfc) tapashya (v. tapasya), austerity, &c. s.
reverend, (T^^T^TT
s. tatra-bharvat, venerable,
(.^-Lo tapah, m. favour, friendship ; a sledge-
hammer, p. [musket. /. (jT/iJ fTrl^ tatn, f. a playful or wanton girl. h.
(^.J WToF tupak, f. (for topaJi, q. v.), a
t^j6 tatari (for
Tartary. p.
tdtciri), of or relating to
^c-^ ••• tapakcJn, m. an officer formc^rly em-
ployed in the management of revenue affairs. Tlie uiJUki iiitah, the deck of a ship. d.
duties of this functionary are fully described in the
Ayeen Akbery. The etymology of the word seems JK:0 rir(il(^ tat-hal, at that time, then ; m.
to be doubtful.
prcsL'iit, time being, tat-kala-dhl, m. a man wise for
the time being, having presence of mind. s.
^Jlw TT'TofrJTT tapaltna, n. lo ihroh, to pal-
;>itate. tapaknd phore ha, the throbbing of a phlegmon "I patient, r
iir boil vhen coming to suppuration, h. {J^:5 fwfrTTS titihshu,
> ftrftrfWlT titikshit,
t, J signed, s.
j^.jj TT""?^ tdjyan, f. heat, ^lovv, fervour,
warmth ; m the sun ; a division of hell ; the hot sea- firflT^T titihsha, f. patience, resignation,
son ; mental distress, grief, s. endurance, s.
U;J frT?TT iapna, n. to I)e glorified ; to glow,
to frisk about ; to burn with pain or grief s. (^..iicj
Ml. timeITr^Tff
being, tat-Ji.shan,ni
s. that time, instantly ^

^j3 TT'Tifl fapni, f. the Godavari river. «. jjlj ffffrr^ //(•//, m. one of the seven harana
j^ii^j fr^t>nT tapodhan, m. a devotee, an or astronomical periods ; a sweetmeat made «f sesa-
ascetic, s. [India, or holy land. s. mum ground and baked with sugar 4.

cIj. »Jj TITfRZ' tapowot, m. a part of central 13 ^'i Hflc^RT tiillana, n. to lisp, to speak im-
perfectly as a child, h.
^-J WTI fapr>,m, a division of land smaller than
a pargtina. h.
jjij titl'i, f. (for titr'i) a butterfly. A.
_jo frtft tapi, m. a devotee, a worshipper, s. \x^ ffffiTlT titimba, m. obstacle, inapediment,
stratagem, h.
f^Sx^ iapiilan, to palpitate, tremble, «&c. ;
a^ tatrmma, m. an appendix, supplement,
(as a sub.) agitation, &c. tapidan-tvdr, in a troubled
condition, p. [at that time. s. continuation, remainder, balance, a.

Cl^i TTW t(/f, that, used in comp. as tat-hal, ^»x^ tat?mm,f. consummation, completion, a.
lii) fwTT^T tit)ia, m.l so many, that much or
CJ^'i TTWciple lat or WW s. tatt, ni. an element, prin-
(see taiwa).
^^ frTW^ titni, f. J many. <*7nc men, in so
CL^> flTcT tit, there, thither, that way. s. much time. J.
^JO IT'^ tatta, hot, warm, zealous, wrathful. .?. ^ TTr^ taiwa or iT^ tatt)va,w. truth, reality,
jljLl) tatar, m. (the same as tniar) a Tartar. ^>. primar}' principle, essence; tlie real nature of the
soul considered as one witli the divine spirit ; mind,
intellect; a tirst principle, an axiom; slow time in
AjJS "jTlTR tatar, f. embrocation, pouring of music ; a musical instrument, s.
warm water on a diseased part. A.

I3.llj WTTR'J^T tatania, a. to embrocate, h. ^J^x^yJ spired,

divine; m. tatwa-fjijan, one truth,
knowledge of divine who iss. in-
^'^ tittal, artful, decc^itful ; a knave or
cheat. tiltdU, deceitfuluess. d. ^i) finr titk or ■firfq tithi, f. a lunar day. s.
I3lli TTTn'^TT tatana, a. to warm, heat. s. ^ irH tath, true, right, perfect, s.
x,i.'jj tatahhu, m. imitation ; continuation. ,^ irm tutth, m. a collyrium extnicted from
tatahhu'-k., to search diligently, to explore, to examine; the amomum zanthorhiza; blue vitriol, sulphate of cop-
to follow, to imitate, a. [gent, adept, s. per, applied to the eyes. *.
»0 WTTC tdfpar, engaged, addicted to, dili- l^lS inn tatha, f. power, ability, might. A.
( 235 )
l^ ir^ tuiha, so, thus, and, thence, in that
C1*J^ tiijilbat,'ym. experiment, irial, proof,
manner, s. [less, s,
*0^ ^mi'i^a, J experience, a.ssa}', j)ri)ba-
L-^l^:5 iTJnftr tathapi, then even, neverthe- tiou. tajriba-kdr, expert, conversant in. tajrlba-kdrl.
f. experience, a. [in solitude, u-
«-lAM)l^"i "(T'^Trer tatltastu, be it so, yes. s. dy£ tujarnid, m. solitude ; celibacy ; living
(Jlol^i ff VITH rT
Buddlia, a divine tathagat,
teacher. «. m. a to the
[applied J^a/zi
eyes. ors. ijj^ frriTCt tijarl, f. a tertian fever or ague. s.
^^sil^ Wr^^nr tutthanjan, m. blue vitriol '^J^ iojrul, f. solitude, celibacy, separation ;
(properly, rendering solitary), a.
\;^^ jTcT^TT tutahra, ni.^ a vessel for warni- O-
i^jY-> K^X\ tatahrl, f.J ing water,a kettle. /<. tjjfj^ tajazzi, f. separating into small pieces,
analysis, a.
i^x^ fffiV^JI tithi-kshay, m. day of new (j«**.^ ^o/rt.'j.sM.?, ni. spying, exploring, search,
"moon. «.
inquiry, curiosity, inquisitiveness, espionage, tajai'
siis-lc, a. to pry into, to search diligently, a.
^j,-C6 HrT^ tuta,i, f. a vessel with a spout //.
viLo ifZtat, ui. bank ofa river, shore, a field, s. ^s;
earth,• tajaljul,
a. commotion, sinking into the
ciLo /af, fortifications of a city ; also the en-
virons or outskirts of a town. d. f^if tajalli, f. splendour, brilliancy, lustre,
lj& tattd, m. a screen ; vulg. tattah. d. "clearness ; pi. tajalUydt, lustres, illuminations, a.
,_}.vf tajanwiulf m. dignity, retinue, a.
bUi tutapa, m. helplessness, inability, d.
\j^ ■fT1T«n tajna, a. to abandon, to desert, to
^'ik.,,'oson, oneW7W
neithertatastha, m. a an
a friend nor foe. indifferent
«. per- quit, to leave, taj-d., to give up. s.
L--o>^ tajannub, withdrawing, ceasing, tajan-
UIaIo tat-fata7ia,a. to pain or vex greatly, rf, ntib-k., to refrain, or desist, or withdraw from. a.
Uj^JLi tithai'na, a. to urge on a horse by j^ju:f tdjnh, f. resemblance, analogy; equi-
uttering any sound, d. vocation ;punning to the e3e instead of the ear. taj-
Ucu) ^M/72a (for tutna), to be broken, to burst, d. ntsi khatti, writing words alike to the eye which are
pronounced diilerenfl}', according to the short vowel
employed ; a sort of equivoque in writing, as jxil pi/,
yxli tattu, \m. a pony, a sorry Lorse ofa and pul, in the following line from SaMtiii, maiiji c/ius/i-
1jjL> tattu,a,j small kind. d. mi 'dsliikdn de tor pal men pil ke pul, " the waves from
the eyes of lovers would instantly demolisli a bridge
jj,^^lJ tatwcaii, f. a female or mare pony. f/. by their shock." In the original manuscript, the three
words pal, pil, and pul. present to the eye the same
ill^jL) tatolna, m. to feel (with the hand), appearance, viz. pi, or pe and lam onl}-. a.
to grope, touch, d.
ji^ lajw'iz,considering,
examining; f. api)robution ; inquiring
contrivance, sentence, into,
^J> /fli/t or tilth, the crash made by the ment, trial, plan, permission, tajiviz-numa, a written
breaking of wood. d. decree, judgment, or resolution, a.
cIaJo taslis, f. trinity ; dividing into three
parts ; trine (the aspect of the planets), a. (^j>.^^ tdjiv'izi, tried, determined, a.
I 2.^.^:f tujwlf, f. hollowing, making con-
&aJL!> tamiya, m. dual (number), a, cave, a.

^ iTiT taj, f. the bay tree, or its bark (Laii- j^j^^ tajhlz, f. burial ; arranging, adorning,
rus cassia) ; (as a verbal root), abandoning-, forsaking, s. tajhizi lashkar-k., a. to raise an army. a.
bl^ TT^T^T iaclidnd. a. to parch, to scorch, h.
jlaS tujjar, ni. a merchant, (pi, ofys-^O pro-
perly, "merchants," but generally used as a singular U^ iT^lTT tachiut, n. to be heated, to parch, h.
noun in Hindustani), a.
k1L>\^ tijarat, f. trade, commerce, a. r^^ W^ iiichh, contemptible, despicable
worthless, void, empty. ,s.
i^j^ fl[W^tijdi'i,f. a tertain fever or ague. s.
y**^ tajdmr, boldness, intrepidity, a. • A^^ K^'J tuchcha-dru, m. the castor-oil
tree (as having no sap). *.
Jjla^ tajdwuz, m. diversity, departing or
deviating, offending, tajdwux-k., a. to err, to deviate, (Jj^^ TTT^eS tacJiJiLik (for taJishak), m. one
to stray, a. of the principal ndgas or serpents of Patala ; a snake
of a middle size and of a red colour, s.
jjjfcli^ tajdhul, m. jiretending ignorance, con-
nivance, apathy, indifference, a. i^^S- fff'^TT iichchhcin, (for tihskna) sharp,
virulent, bitter, severe, s.
iS^ tojaddud, m
id, m.1
renovation, renewal, a.
iV\,\^ tajdul ,f. J ^J^^^ tahdsht, excepting against (any mea-
"sure), by saying hrusha, "God forbid," by " no means." a.
( 236 )
u—ftJl^ tahaluf, conspirinfj, Icatjuiiin:; (in law) ^^ taJuiJiJiuJf, m. ascertainment, certain
the swe:iriiij? of both the plaintiff and tlie defendant, a. knowledge, verification, a.
j^^ talikir, f. despising, scorn, neglect, dis-
I, ftjlai' fa It a, if (p\. of ii>a^), rarities, curiosi-
ties ;presents, choice articles, a. dain. tahJclr-k., to despise, a.
CLj.^ ia/if, m. below, the inferior part ; Jj^a^ tahhik, f. ascertaining, investigation,
possession, taht-us-sard or sard, m. under the earth. trial, verification, exactness, precision; truth, cer-
faht-Hsh-shii,d', m. change of the moon, conjunction tainty ;adj. authentic, actual, real, indubitable, appa-
with the sun. tahiti-tasarruf or -farmdn or -hulcumat rent ;indeed ; pi, talpclkdt. a.
subjection, dominion, jurisdiction. tnht-lafzi,yerhs\\y,
literal translation, interlinear translation, tal^t men dj[ajfi:£ tahkikatia, according to truth, a.
land, a. to conquer, to subjugate, o.
^cufl^ tahkiki, sure, certain, confirmatory, a.
jj,ljks?t tahtani, (applied to letters or points in
dictionaries) small, short, under, a. jS^ tahahkum, m. commanding, ruling, do-
minion, power, authority ; usurping authority ; con-
j>^<^ tahzir, threatening, cautioning, a. demning, passing sentence, a.
^j£ taharruh, in. motion, movement, a.
^A^ tahliim, f. arbitration, authority, a.
j>.j£- tahrir,f. writingcorrectly; manumission;
l-JaI^ tahUf, exacting an oath. a.
adj. written,
ments, a. dated, iah^rlri uMidas, Euclid's Ele-
(JJU^ tahtil, m. digestion, concoction, solu-
{^jaij^ tahrts, f. stimulation, tahris karna, bility; making lawful, tdhl'il hand, n. to waste, to
a. to stimulate, to entice, to allure, a. consume, tahltl-karneivald, digestive, a.
u-ft?-^ tahrif, f. changing, inverting, trans- ,J^ tahnmrmd, m. patience, endHrance,ion'T-
posing letters, forming an anagram, cutting the point suffering, resignation, forbearance, truce, peace, meek-
of a hilarn obliquely; pi. tahinfCit, changes, anagrams, a. ness, humility, tahammnl-k., to endure, a.

Lib ,:^ tahr'ik, f. movement ; exciting desire, tX,A»^ tahm'ul, f. the utterance of the Arabic
temptation, commotion, encouragement, tahrlk derid,
a. to touch, to move, to affect, to encourage, ta^rik- phrase, " al ^amdii lilldhi," praise be to Go«l. p.
k., a. to tempt, to instigate, a. (J.x»^ tahnnl, f. burthcnino;, imposing a load
&^,^ tahrima, m. the commencement of on ; importuning, asking more than one's right. «.
prayer, when all worldly thoughts are forbidden, j^ tahaivwur, ra. haste, celerity ; anger, a.
assumption of a pilgrim's garb. a. [dolence. a,
f^i^ tahvll, f. trusts, charges, ca<b; return,
j^< tohnaavr, m. grieving, regretting; con- renovation ; change, transfer ; passing of the sun,
(j,*,-^ (-j,:^ tahs-rinhs, spoilt, broken, dispersed, moon,or a planet from one sign to another ; pi. tuhwtldi,
overthrown, destroyed, unfortunate (the last part is revolutions, &c. tahwtli tasarruf, embezzlement, a.
significant, the first redundant), a.
jltii?,^ tahiv'il-dar, m. a cash-keeper, a trea-
;j^— ^ tahsin, f. approbation, applause, accla- surer, a.p. [of cash-keeper, o, /».
mation, tahsm-k., to applaud, praise, a.
^J^^_^ tahrvil-ddrt, the oflSce or situation
(J-AiO^ ttihfil, f. collection (particularly re-
venues), italso denotes the district allotted to a collec- CL.'l'^ tahiyat, f. a salutation, congratulatio-
tor ;gain, acquisition, profit, attainment ; pi. tahslldt, prayer, benediction, a. [nishmeni. ...
collections, acquisitions ; districts, (vide Wiliou.) a.
ji^ tahaiyur, m. amazement, wonder, asto-
.IjJ^iA^ tcihfil-ddr, m. a collector, a tax-
gatherer ; an officer employed for a fixed salary to _,jli2 tahharu), lit. mutual disbursement; (in
collect the revenues of a district, a. the language of the law) a composition entered into
by some heirs for their share of the inheritance, in
jc.^ii,J-Mfi^ tahfil-dari, f office or rank of consideration of some specific thing, which for the
collector; collectorship, tax-gathering, a. time being excludes them from such inheritance, a.

UJuua^ tnh^'iJna, a. to collect, to gather a tax ; ^_J«a]li2 tdhhuhm, liberation, manumission, a.

hence, to oppress, to afflict, a.
u-ft^li2 takhaluf, m. opposition, enmity, a.
iJ^^AS^tuIifat (v. fyhfa), a rare gift f)r present.
CL*id taJiht, m. a throne. taiM haMit or
known book on medicine, " Rare gift of thein orthodox
written " ; a com-
Persian, but well-
tnltht n hakht, throne and fortune ; used as a form of
piled from a great variety of other works in Sanskrit,
benediction, particularly by women, to signify wedlock
Arabic, &c. — (^Binning.) a. and wealth, takht par baitlidhid. a. to enthrone, taldit
C->liS^ fuhfdjat (barbaric pi. of »^), rari- par baithiid, n. to reign, idjiht clihornd, a. to abdicate a
ties, curiosities, presents, o. throne takht-ddr,m.
takhti-rawdn, aVmg.throne,
m. a travelling takhtdar'i,so\'eTe\gnty.
a throne on which
the king is carried ; also a kind of sedan carried on
iJ-Sid tiihfag'i, f excellence, rarity, beauty, mules or camels, in which women commonly travel.
"neatness, elegance, a. takht se iitarna, a. to dethrone, takht nislidii, seating
on or bestowing thrones, tnhht nishlii, m. a king, a
6Si.d tnhfa, a curiosity; a present; adj. rare, prince, takht-nhlum, f accession to the throne, reign.
urconimon, excellent, admirable, nice, choice, beauti- takht yd takhta. either a throne or a bier (spoken on
ful, wonderful, odd, singular, ttihfa ma'jun, a wag. a. engaging in a desperate enterprise), p.
( 237 ) j^
{j^yijj2 takht-poshf a covered stage or plat- ^(^^ K^ tadFi, then/at that time. s.
form, p. [tropolis, seat of government, p.
j(j\Sitadalnr{\i\. ofjjJsi), deliberations, &c. a.
slXi^^ fukht-r/ah, f. the royal residence, nie-
,y>-tS> tadakhul,
trance, a. mutual insertion or en-
a1^ takhta, m. a plank, a board ; a stool ;
a bier; a sheet of paper, takhta hand! , f. wainscot.
takhta-gardan, thick, broad, and straight-necked (a ui3j!»X> tadartih, m. chastisement, retaliation;
horse), fafci/a-nard, m. backgammon, p. provision, preparation (particularly to obtain justice);
^xii takhti, f. a small plank ; a little hoard the instruments and means used to procure justice, na
writing, lawyers, witnesses, &c. ; remedy, precaution,
like a slate which children write on ; a signet of stone ; reparation, taddnik-k., a. to juovide against, to pre-
tlie breast ; a kind of amulet, p. pare, to oppose, to chastise, a.
<^j2. tdkhrlb, f. devastation, destruction,
razing or laying waste (a country, &c.). a. *JitiJ tadafu', repelling, resisting, a.

(_jax.ojS. tahhsis, f. particularity, peculiarity, jjii\> taddn, then, at that time. d.

appropriating, preserving for one's self. a. Oj^Si tadawul, m. tradition, a.
^j^AX>aj£ iakhsifi, special cess, not liable to
"<iivision. a. ijyi^ tadatvi, f. cure, remedying, a.
v_P»gii^ takhfify makino; light, liftinfj up ; ^^iX> tudbir, f. deliberation, counsel, opinion,
despising; abbreviating; abatement, relief, remission, advice; government, regulation, order; in the lan-
abridgment, decrease, diminution, decay, alleviation; guage of the law, it means a declaration of freedom
softening thepronunciatidn of letters, or changing one made to a slave, to be established after the master's
for 'MiotUi^r euplwniis death ; pi. tadhhdt, counsels, deliberations ; regula-
care ; relieving pain gratia,
or trouble,takhf'ifi
a. tasdV, banishing tions, tadbiri naltunat or tadLlri viamlukat , f. politics,
men, a.
administration of government, tadb'ivi ghizd, L regi-
^y^>^ tdkhulkhul, putting on or wearing the
ornament called Jchaljchal, q. v. a.
(^ja\j£ tahhallus, m. the titular name assumed ^jSi tadarw, m. a pheo-ant (to whose gnit
that of a mistress is compared), p.
b}' poets, as Sauda was the tdkhalluf of Mirzd Muham-
mad RafV, a. [maining behind, a.
i^j'^ f(I^l (i-dari, tiire<-dwored. s.
{..JiXid takkalbif, m. retiring, deferring, re- ■^j^ tadrij, f. gradation, scale, a.
,JJLi^ takhalluh m. disturbance, discord, dis- (j<yjjtij tadris, f. giving lectuies. a.
sension, interruption, a.
(^jaA£ tctkMis, release, freedom, a. (^jOJJ tadfin, m. I)urial, sepulture, a.
AJkli^ tahhUya. m. evacuating; privacy; JiliSi W^'iTT; tadananiai-f thereafter, s.
manumission (of a slave) ; divorce (of a wife), a.
\j\i>si fwvm tidhara, m. the name of a plant
jj^ tuMm. ni. seed; an ecg ; a te-^ticle; {Euphorbia antiquorum) ; the meeting of three streams
sperm, tnkhmi balangu. m. a seed of a cooling qua- (in Uakli. tidhdrl). s.
lity, fiikhmi bad, low bred, tukhmi ra'ihdn, m the
seed of Ocymum pilosum. tiikhm-rex, a Svi«er. tukhm- jitSi frHfC tidhar, thither, in that direction. A.
rezl, f. scattering seed, sowing. tiikhm-S'ikht. land in
which seed has not germinated, tulchni kdliu,m. seed ^^i&j3 W^«T tdddhan, miserly, niggardly, s.
ofletiuce (Lactucasativa). tukhmi katdii, m.liaseed. p.
(_^j3 init or ri(^^ tadht, at that very time,
s^ iukkina, m. indigestion, a. in that case. s.

jX^ takhmlr, f. fermentation, leavening, a. i^}^S> fddjhin, f. anointing, a.

[1k^ tohhminan, by guess, hypothetically, (^.>.iiJ tadaiyun, m. religiousness, sanctity, a.
by appraisement ; adv. nearly, about, a.
Vsi TTST tdda, m. an island. It.
sjj^^ takhmina, m. guess, appraisement,
conjecture, valuation, a. )J0 tidda (for ^/(/(/a), a grasshopper.a locust, d.
bJj2 takhna, m. the ankle or ankle-joint, h. f^\S3 WTTcF ludah, splendid, g:iudy. h.

(—fl^yg iakhrvlf, f. terrifying; threatening, a. ^ySi TT'JTefiT iadaha, m. noise of beating, h.

Jji2 takkaiyuh m. fancying, imagining, d/U.J il j|7T tadag, m. a tank, pond. h.
supposing; suspicion; pi. takhaiyuldt, suspicions, &c. a. \j\si ITTRT tadawa, m. a crash, crack, h.
^i£ takhaiyum, the pitching of a tent. a.
iddai/d, m. report, rumour (v.
Si -JC^ tad, then, at that time, afterward*, in
that case, therefore, so soon, tad-antar, after that,
after which, tad-bh'i, still, nevertheless, however, not- t^33 tidd'i, a troop of men. d.
withstanding, tad to, then, in that case, tad se, i_^3j33 tazabzub, agitation, commotion, a.
thence, since that time, tad-h'i, at that very time, in
that case only. s. J. j3 tazarw (v. tadarw), a pheasant, p.
ciJJJ ( 238 )

Oj^iSo tazhi7'at,'\xn. memory, remembrance ; (jIP Tnjr /rara, m, safety; protection deli-
verance ;a coat of mail, trdn-k., a. to free, to protect,
trdn-karta, a deliverer, s.
l^'SS tazfdra, J amemoir, billet, schedule,
obligation, handwriting; biographical memoirs, espe-
cially of poets, taxkiratan, by way of mention, memoir ^)j> WTTTF h, turrdnd,
murmur, n. to grudge, grumble,
or memorial, a.

jiSsi tazkir, f. masculine gender ; commemo- ^^y fflTTJTT tirdnd or (1<|*il tardnd, a. to cau.=e
ration, bringing to memory, mentioning, recording, to pass over or swim, to save. s. fcold water. '/.
admonishing, a.
\>\j> turd)id, rice boiled and kept overnight in
JjJ jj tazTil, f. abasement, depression, a.
'^S->y^''3iW^f^irdn-kartd, ra. a piotector, s,
i_jiAfci\J tazhtb, art of gilding, illumination
of mantiscripta. a. c^y ly f>TTT*T1 tirdnawTve or ffflT^ tirdnive,
ninety-three, s.
Ji tor, moist, wet, fresh, green, young, juicy; Bj\Ji turdna, m. modulation, harmony, voice,
a particle, by the adding of which, Persian adjectives song, melody, symphony, trill, shake, quaver; a kind
form their comparative degree ; as Wmh, good, fair ; of song. <ar«na-^arrfa2, composing songs, p.
khub-tar, better, fairer, jj.
^x\j> "^(mfi trdnl, m. a saviour, a protector, s.
j3 W^ta7' (for tale), underneath, below, h.
Ji W^ tarn, m. a tree in general, s. jIjJ fTIT'R tirdw orTlX.'R ^a?'a?r,m. swimming..*.
(^.ly tardrcish, f, distillation, dripping,
ji> f% t7-i, three (used only in composition), s. exudation, p.
U> filTT tird (for terd), they, thine, of thee. s.
(_5'.^J fordivi, "I certain extra prayers offered
Vi> iITT tard, the bottom of any thing, h.
]3 turd (for turd), to thee, or thee. p. ^,ly tardiv'ih,} up by the more devout
among the Moslems. These are alwaj'S performed
during the Ramazan fast, but pious persons often re-
i_->l.'i turdh, m. earth, ground, dust. a. peat them every morning, a.
(_j^ tui'dhi, earthen or earthly, a. 5\3 '^^ trdh or "^if^ trdhi, an exclamation
«__ji^ tardduf, m. succession ; adj. uninter- denoting mercy! pardon! trdhi-trdhi-k., a. humbly
to ask mercy ; to complain, to repent of a sin. trahi-
rupted, carrj'ing double (a horse), a. kdr, m. cry for merc^'. s.
j5y WIJT iardr, rapid, quick, h. ^^ly ITTT^ tard,i, f, a marsh, mead, meadow;
low ground flooded with water, ui)on which rice is
\j\3 fTTKl tarrdrd, m. rapidity. iarrdrd generally cultivated. tard,t kliewd, living in or near
bharna, to gallop, to rush on at full speed, h. water (a waterfowl, water spaniel. &c.). turd.i, a
species of cucumber, h. [a preserver, s.
jj\j tardzu, f. a scale, a balance, tardzu ho-
jdna, to hit right through (an arrow), p. h. ^J^\3 "^JtWlHJ trdi/amdn, adj. preserving,
(_j**ij5 flTTJTH tirds or 'WT^ trda, f. thirst, ihds /yU TTTT^ tatdfin, m. stars, constellations, s.
ana or lagna, a. to be thirsty, s.
i-^y 7T% tarb, f, a musical tone, h.
(^_>»>\y "^^ i7-ds, m. alarm, fear, dread, trds- uyy tiah, m. a radish (for turdh, q. v.)
dayi, terrifying, occasioning dread or alarm, s.
earth, &c. p. [confirmed three times, s.
-^ ,-'SfJim
„ .trdsd, _ \/-airaid,
r. ..terrined.
.„ , s. c-ila-by fTTT^^eli tirbdchah, m. an agreement
CmJ\j> -^rHTT trasit,) ^J^jJby tirbdntin, turpentine, g.
ij**^y> fiTTT^ tirdsi, eighty-three, s. Cloy tnrbat, f. a tomb, a sepulchre, a.
{j^\y tardsh, f. cutting, paring, shape, form,
tardsh dalnd, a. to pare off or away; (in comp.) cutting ^j^3 turbati, sepulchral, a.
or trimming ; as, Jcalam-tardsh, a penknife, p. J<i3 tar-ba-tar, completely wet. tar-ba-iar
hond, n. to drip with wet, (but generally) to be covered
(_^|i>- (^\^ tardsh khardsh, f, form, shape, with blood, p.
(particularly good) ; neatness of form. p.
tijy tarbacl or iurbud, m, a purgative Indian
UJjIj tardshnd (in Pers. tardsh'ulan), a. to root ; turbith (Convolvulus turpethum). p.
cut, to chip ; to shave ; to shape, to cut out. apiie
ta.in tardshnd, to be vain, to value or esteem one's self
above others, p. <^y tarbuj,\ (also tarbuza,ta7'buz,ktarbuza),
iJ^\3 tardsha, m, shaving, splinter, clip. p. \>3 tarbuz, p.J m. a water-melon (Curcui-bita
^\j> or Li)!j3 tardk &c., a crack, the noise of
any thing splitting or breaking, p. [lance, h. ICjL^J,) f^'W^ tribhangd or frTTif^T tlr-
bhangd, standing awry, or bending (properly with legs,
loins, and neck bent), s.
tjTp^ TRToirft tardkfi, f the beam of a ba-
jS^J tardkum, accumulation, heaping up. a. SsA> ,'i f^H^ tribhangi or fnx^i^^tirbhangi,
h. "ail epithet s.o^ Krishna; name of a species of poetical
fj^ KT\'^ tardn, ra. revenue, income.
r!/ ( 239 ) ^y

f^^y r-4'M«(H tri-hhuwan, m, the three worlds, (jmjJ\!>j!> tirtdUs (for tetdltx), forty-throe, d,
i.e. heaven, earth, and hell, the universe, tri-bhuwan-
tijagar, splendour of three worlds, tri-bhuivaii-suudiirl, 'j>ji 'ffwTT ^r/7?/ra, nimble, :iciive; flippant, k.
the beauty of the three worlds, a lady's uaine. s.
\Jiy HT7TTT fartard, m. a kind of dish. h.
CL*y)3 larhhfnt, f. education, iiisfiuption,
tuition, breeding-, correction, tarhiiinl pizlr, docile, jiy fffl^^ tartardtd, very greasy j drop-
tractable, tarbiyat-k., a. to educate, to instruct, s. ping witli moisture. /;.
XJoJ) tarhV, f. dividing into four, mnkinfj n v^yy fT^T^ tartardn a, to bluster, to boast, h.
quadrangular or square figure ; (in astrology) a quad-
rangular aspect of the stars, quadrature, a. Jiy ^'T^^'iTn^ iirtiidnd, n. to trickle, to
drop. /;.
ij^y f^^ tri-heifi or fiIT%Tlft iir-benl, f.
lit. three braids of hair, applied to the confluence of <lL*i>\y^ liAlMZ tartardhat, f. bluster, boast.A,
three rivers (v. trivenl). h,
L$j^j^ tiiriuri, f. a kind of horn or trumpet
\y3 "^(m trapa, f. an unchaste woman, trapa- of great length, generally used at funerals, commonly
randa, f, a whore, i. called the Coleroou horn, d,

tibjj f%TrRJ tri-pad, m. fever, or the demon «uoy If^Ui ^?.''ly^ o*" ti>'tii/a, the third, tri-
of fever.deseribed as having three feet and three heads. i. thja-jirakritl, f. the neuter gender, m. a eunuch, s.
ub -> ITTtfT^ turpdna, a. to stitch, to darn ; u_*jl)J tartib, f. arranfjement, dis|)osition,
to hem. h. order, method, tartib dciia, a. to put in order, k.c. a.

Ooy HTI tripta, pleased, satisfied, tripti, f. ^-Xi33 tariibi, orderly, methodical, a.
pleasure, satisfaction, triptdtmii, contented, s.
(JjJy tarfil, reciting with a clear voice, a. \s.
tiJVjoy f^iJaieS iri-patd/t, iii. the forehead
marked naturally with three horizontal lines. *.
ijj^.\l>? A^^^turtiphurti,\\?i'si\\y,(i\x\c\i\j.
^JO. J fftrg tri-poih, m. a place where three , *'t^ "^ truth f. loss, destruction, h.
roads meet. s. [pod. s
dS^y f^(WHf iri-jar/at (also trijag) the
43^.y fdlltj^ tlrpad or f^^ tri-pad, m. a tri- three worlds (v. trilok). s.

^^U>-j!> ta7Jumdn,m. a translator; (vulg.

\jiy>.^ f^^I^ iri-pad'i, f. a creeper
pedata) ; the girth of an elephant, s.
{Cissus called in the Levant), dragoman or drogaman. a.

J>3 f?rtiT tri-pur, f. a district of Bengal, the fj^\^>-Ji tarjumdni, f. office of interpreter, o.
modern Tippera. s. &-^j!) tarjama or tarjuma, m. translation,
i^ J jf^XS tarpan, m. a libation of water to interpretation, tarjama-navis, m. a translator, a.
the manes of deceased ancestors ; satisfaction, gratifi-
cation, satiety, s, i^j»'j> 'iT'T'T tarjan, m. w?-ath, anger, s.
^j=-3 ir^Tf tarjiini, f. the fore-finger, s.
j^iy ilfUm tirpan, fifty-three, s.
^■>-y tarjihj f. gaining a supfiiiirity, prefe-
i^.j^ ril.M<f turpan, a kind of stitch, h. i-ence, excellence, pre-eminence, tarj'thi bila murajjah,
unreasonable preference, tarj'il), rakhna, a. to excel, to
Uo.ji) TTTTJn turapnd, a. to sew (in a particular
surpass, o
manner), to stitch. /(.
tiJj*A:>-y tnrji -hand, a kind of stanza, in
^JOy frmSJ iri-pimd, m. three curved hori- which one line recurs at stated intervals, a. p.
zontal lines delineated on the forehead by the Shaivas
and Sliaktas, or the followers of Shiva and Shakti j^»A>y lT^"3i^=I*T taru-jiivan, m. the root of a
respectively, .s. tree. «.

\^y>.J> fWTifrfcSin tirpdulh/dov f^ifii^Tn tri- lA»-y flT^'ST tirch/id, crooked, ncioss, cross-
pauliyd, m. a building with three doors or arches, s.h. wise, bent, awry ; perverse ; affected, foolish, tirchha
dekhiid, a. to squint. tirchha laifiid, n. to strike
^)^.y ffRTfi^T titp/tald or f^JiJicjil triphald, obliquelv. tirchlii unkh-k., a. to look angrily, to cast
m. the name of a medicine composed of three kinds of unkind looks, ilrclihi nazar, leer, ogle, s.
myrobalan (v. iiri-phal). s. UIa^ J flTTST^T tircJihdad, a. to crook, to
UAiy jTTTKin taraphvd,u. to flutter, to trem- place in a transverse position ; to be perverse ; to be
affected, s.
ble, to palpitate, to writhe, wriggle, toss, jump, spring;
to be very desirous. /;. k-iL«4»-y ri^^i tarchhat, f. dregs, sediments. /<.
C^3 IT^ tU7-t or TTCiT turat, "1 instantly, ^\x^3 finf^nrRT tb-ckhiydnd, n. to edge, to
go obliquely (little used, the proper expression being
,\5y ^\^ iurtdiv, r quickly, di-
katrdnd). s. [ness, nien-y, lenity, h,
Li-J^Oy ^ri"5rf iurt phiirt, J rectly, pre- j^j> tarahhum, m. pity, compassion, kind-
sently, immediately, s.
Xiy ffl^WT tlrtd, trchle, threefold. /*. Us-o tarahJiiid, to M-arp, crack, split, d.
( -240 ) t^
j»A»-y tarklnnif f. abbreviation, contraction, Uy**y ^^^l^ <rwM/, m. a trident or three-
apocope (in grammar), a. pronged lance (the weapon borne by Jlahadeva). s.
ii^y taraddud, m. irresolution ; contrivance,
debating ; rejecting, hesitation, fluctuating, suspension
of judgment, anxious consideration, pi. taradduddt,
f^y**p fTOT tarso/i, the third day past or to
vening).(not h.including the present, i.e. two days intei>
as taraddudati dunyavl, attention to, or anxiety about,
worldly affairs, a.
^^Sx^*»Ji tarsidan, to fear, to dread, p.
CLajj»C)j> tar-dasi, expert, active, adroit, p. ^)-x»**p tan^il, f. sending, transmitting, a.
i^^J^ tardastl, f. activity, handiness,adroit- (,j^j> TTR tarsh, m. thirst, wish, desire, s.
" ness, expertness. p.
^j*>jj ^M/'.v/(, sour, harsh; ill-ternpered,crabbed.
{j^i^Jif^r^ irldash, m. a god, a deity, tri- tursh-ru, cj'nical, morose, surly, stern, hard-favoured,
dashahdr. m. god's food, amrit, or ambrosia, s. ugly, tursh-tab' or -viizdj, sour-tempered, harsh, p.

yi^ fy^^T tridald, f. a creeping plant (^Cis- \*t»J> nm tri.'ihh, f. thirst, desire; a plant
sus pedata). s. {Commeliiia salicifolia). trislid-want, thirsty, s.

(_^^j:>3 C-it^i^ tri-dandi, a Sliiva mendicant, ^j^\m»^ tursha,i, f. sourness, harshness, aci-
so called from his carrying as his symbol three slen- "dity. p. [late. p.
der staves, typical of his command over thoughts, words, \i\^3 lurshanu, to become sour, to acidu-
and actions, s.
Cl^Ztji wfRrT tarshit or rtfMcf trishit, thirsty, s.
{j^jiiji f^rfjn tri-dosh, m. effervescence of
the three humours, viz. phlegm, bile, and atrahUis. s. . (^»u<<J f%1?>T trhhtuhh, f. a sort of metre or
stanza consisting of three lines, c.
liJiij!) lardld, f. opposing, harji tardid, the
disjunctive conjunction ya, or. a. ^y tarashshvh,m. sweating, exuding; drip-
t»_JlJ,ii^ tardif, f. following, subjoining, a. ping, distilling ; a small rain. a.
{^f**y f-st^K^ tri-s/iuran, m. a sanctified
t^Vr^ 'f^l'^ tri-ratra, m. tliree nights collec- teacher
worlds. of*. the Jaina sect, the refuge of the three
tively, s. i

{^^ H"^ tars, m. compassion, mercy, tars ! ijJJij^y Tt^T^- iri-shring, m. a hill with
khdnd, to compassionate, to feel pity. h. three peaks ; a triangle. *.

(,_}*»j> Ct\<.*i tiras, indirectly, covertly ; crooked-

ly, awry ; a particle of abuse or depreciation. *. (_^-^^-i»j3 fr^T^ tri-shringt, m. a kind offish
" {Cyprinus denliculatits). s.
(_)*>j!> tars, m. fear, terror, p.
tdLi*y TT^'RIf turusJdia, m. incense ; name of
\***J> tarsa, m. one who is not a Musalman ; a country (perhaps Tfiran, now called Tnrkistan).
a Christian; an infidel, a pagan, a worshipper of fire, turuslikd, m. pi. its inhabitants, s.
a guebre. p.
(j^y l(k^ tarshan, m. thirst, thirsting ; it
jjl«jj!> tarsan, fearful, timid, afraid, p. is also used metaphoricallj'. s.
v\jMji TT^*TT tarsana, a. to cause to long, to Ijwjj tara.<ihna, n. to be cut or pared, p.
tantalize, teaze. s.
lj«i*y (fUill trishna,i. thirst; ambition, desire,
^jSMiJi fg^Tjig tri-suparna, m. a portion of avarice, trishnd-kshay, m. content, resignation, pa-
the Kig and Yajur Vedas. s, tience, s.

C^**)j> ■g^ trasta, timid, fearful, s. A-^y WW'T trishnaj, thirsty, longing for. s.
pj^'-ijMji fHT^ tirsath, sixty-three, s. \i\y^y iai-ash)vana, to cause to be cut. p.
j^^ji frt^^I^ tirashar, m. "1 disrespect, {jy*»Ji f^^v? trishul, m. a trident (the weapon
borne by Mahadeva). s
b X**y finft'gi'n tirashriya, f. J abuse, re-
proach, s. sJ^3 tarsha, a species of fruit, tursha, a kind
of sorrel, wild sorrel, p.
Cj>^suij> frrrWirf tirashrjt, reviled, abused, s.
^}-»*»J tarassul, m. doing (any thing) softly, ij*»y iurshl, f sourness, acidity, harshness.
or easily, a. " turshi-bddi, acid (or) flatulent (a medical term), p.
i\>e3 tarassud, m. expectation, hope. a.
y^^Ji T^XM'^J tarasna, n. to long, to desire
anxiously; to beg, to entreat, to supplicate, to pity. s. x^y^aJ tarsV, adorning with jewels or gold ;
an ornate style in pros 3 or verse, a.
(-d]U»*»p tars-nah, timid, cowardly, p.
t_AjLffo targhibff. exciting desire, temptation,
ufci^i-jj!) ffJTTan tri-sandhya, the three pe- stimulation, targhlb dend, a. to set a-gog, to tempt,
riods of the day, dawn, noon, and eve. s. to excite or induce, a.
( '-^41 )

w-^^P laraLLub, in. contemplating, expecting, \JPj> Hen^ tarkul, m. the fruit of the (dr
hopiug. a. tree [B^.rassns Jlubcll'ifurinis). s.

(J^ Hf^^ 1((r]('d, m. Cassia tora. s.

ijj> taraldi, f. piomotioii, prefenncnt ; in- {^.^ySy iTW^T^nii titrhidaxdh, m. a concave
shell or saucer in which the lower end of the spindle
taraklfiyatmakinfc proprress advances,
[jreferinunts, in learning,a. proficiency; pi. is iil.icod ami whirled round, s.

f^-y fff^Ti tarhin, m. a logician, a disputant,

^aVj tarl'ih, a. f. softening, thinning, dilution,
rarefaction, a follower of tlie Tarka-shdstra. s.

^Ji tarltm, f. writing, noting, marking, a. ^.IXiJSJi f^^^JSoli tri-hantali, ni. a sort of fish
{Sihirus), a plant {Riiella long'tfolia). .1.
ijjy turh, m. properly a Turk, which in Per-
sian takes many ottier meanings ; a soldier ; a Musal- ^J> lurhain, (lit.) a female Turk, a Turco-
man. turk sawdr, m. a horseman, cavalier. turk- female, p. In India the term denotes any Musalman
viizaj, savage or of a Tartarly disposition ; wicked, " man woman.
sly, depraved, a. p.
t-iJj tuih, m. abandoning, leaving, deserting. cL>_jiy ^^^^ i>''diut,m.n three-peaked moun-
tain; name of a mountain in the peninsula; sea salt
tark i atlah, disrespect, rudeness ; tark i dumjd, aban- prepared by evaporation, s. [vulva, s.
donment ofthe world and its vanities, a.

eiJj3 TRcIj taruh, f. a beam, a rafter, h. i^^lj^ f^^"W lii-Jion, m. a triangle ; the
a^y foriha or farihaf, m. the estate of a de-
^^ K^ tark, m. doubt, discussion; logic; ceased person, a bequest, a legacy, a.
a proposition (in logic), tarka-vidyd, f. the science of
reasoning, logic, s. l^^ TT'^T tarkha, rapid (a stream). /*.
dJy W^ tarhu, f. a spindle or distaff, an iron y^iji fflT:^ tirkhd (fur frishd), f. thirst ;
pin upon which the cotton is first drawn out. s. desire, s. [thirstj'. s.
oy f^lshT triha, f. a trinngiilar frame or bar Cl*i.l^iy tirkhdn'ant (for trishdwuiU^,
across the mouth of a well to support the rope of the
bucket, s.
^^.. -Jf. ->.,,_■. (-f- a trivet, h.
f^}^y'i(W(^farliari, f. esculent vegetables lb. }
L^3^y iHT^T tirtilninti,
ij**)'^u^_y f^opT^^^ trikdl-darsht, m. one iSj> Tl'lff tarh'i, f. an ornament for the eai
"who sees "made of the leaves of the iar tree ; m. a logician, a dis-
vine sage ;thea name
past, present,
of Buddha,and future;
s. a rishi or di- putant; same as ^ar/iiH, q. v. s.

eiaS Joy f^oFT^T? trikalagya, m. one who ic^y turh'i, m. a kind of horse; adj. of or
knows the past, present, and future; a name of "belonging to a TurcomTin or Tartar; the langua?:e
Buddha, s. spoken by the Turcomans, turki tamdni huj, spoilt,
destroyed, p.
i^j^ji If^fm^ tarku-pindt m. ^a ball of
c-*jkij3 <a?7^i/',f. composition, mixture, cemen',
make, form, mechanism, tarklh-k., a. to organize ; pi.
^^^^xx^3 K^fX\z\ tarhi-p'ith'i, f. J clay upon taiklbdt, mixtures, compositions, a.
■■ the lower end of the spindle to assist in giving it a
rotatorj' motion, s.
"artificial, tarktbl,
a. composed, mixed, artful,
CUiy '(Tf%'iT tarkit, doubtful, disputed, s.
jl5uiJj3 hirh-tdz, \ depredation, attack ; 1^-^ "fTOT turag, m. a horse, turag-hrah-
maclidryak, m. enforced celibacy, continence arising
^_5'j\3^.i).'i furk-tdzt, J feigned anger, p. merel3' from the absence of women, s.
<1LS3 T^Z iai-Ind, m. drawing out the cotton
upon the distaff or upon the wheel. «. [folia), s. O/y f^T^ Iri-garttd, m. a country in the
north-west division of India, apparently part of
iJLS3 f^cgfT trikat, m. a plant \RuelUa longi- Lahore, s. [a wanton, s.

cLa^j!) f^'^ triltatu, \a\. a mixture of dry ^iS^ f^'H'^ tri-gartta,f. a lascivious, woman,
3^J> fTTT'SRT tirhuta,) ginger, long peppei', ^y f=(7n!Jl tri-gtin, thrice, triple; possessing
and black pepper. «. the three gitrws or properties of beings; m. the aggre-
gate of those three properties s.
J^^y fl'IrTt iftrhvfi, f. a spindle or a distaff, s.
/V*>y tirhn.'<, bent, crooked, cornerwise, dia- ^y WUfi turagi, f. a plant (Ph^/salisflexuo-
"ia) ; m. a horseman, s.
gonally, d. [Turks, Transoxiana. p.
Jy (TT^ ta7'ul, capricious, changeable, fickle,
\';„,K'i turkistdn, thecouutry of the (eastern) inconstant, ticklish, volatile, unsteady, libidinous,
wanton, s. [nethermost, h.
li-^ji (ar/tfish, ni. a quiver, iarhash-hand,
wearing a quiver, p.
"ily TTT^T iarld, ni. a kind of bamboo ; uwir,
liLiy Trgr'^ITO tuihu-shdn, m. a small whet-
stone for .sharpening spindles. *.
^s- Jy fw^^R tri-Joclian, a name of M/jf'd-
deva or Sliiva. ;.

( 242
Oj', universe, the
ci) Jp* ff^flF tri-lok, m."] the ^y turunj, m. a citron, an orange, a.
taranjahin, m. manna (produced
ij^li fs^'^oR't ti-i-hln, f. J world asconsist- from the Hedysarum alhagi) : (by this name some call)
"ingof three distinct departments, i.e. heaven, earth, honey mixed with lime-juice, &c. p.
and the regions under the earth, triloki-ndth. Lord
ofthe universe, s. [tliree roads, s.
^^ji fTTjp turand or tarandi, f. a raft, a flont
fSX<J> f^HTnT tri-margi, f. the meeting of made of bamboos; the float of a fishing-line. i.
j^/O TTTTa^ iiirmati, f. the name of a hawk
i^j^y rt*tf*t trinas, grassy, made with grass. .<:•
" (Falco cyanellus, B. ;fasciatusB,; Tinnunculus duh'ms).h,
i^J^y fT^T trin.sha, the thirtieth, s.
JiSiCji f^flV tri-mcidhu, m. a portion of the
Rig- Veda ; a student of that portion, s. CL*''-..)Ji f^^nr trinshat, thirty, s.
L«y frTp^n tirmira, m. a spot of oil, &c. ^^S^y HT^ taravg, f. wa^e, emotion; be-
swimming on water ; an ocular spectrum, or spark ap- coming state and dignitj'; whim, conceit, caprice. 6.
pearing before the eye, from the internal state of that
organ, h.
lLX-Jj3 HT^ tuvang, m. a horse, s,

\i\yc3 frrfHTTTI tirmirayia, n. to vibrate, to i^->j> ^^ trang, m. f. the city of Haris-

chandra, suspended, it is supposed, in the air. s.
dazzle, to thrill, to shake; to sparkle as grease or oil
swimming on water, h.
^jytJLiji tarangahln, m. manna (v. taran-
cLJfcU*^ frtfATT^ tirmirahat, f. vibration, h. jahin). s.
i^j'>? ffi^HKi, tirmiri, f. darkness ; vertigo, s. ^J^y "frtTJT^ tiirangnt, f. a dragon-fly. h.
(j«/«P turmis, a kind of millet, lupine, Turkey ,_j^-3j> TRf^^^ taraiiginiy f. a river, s.
com. p. [three peaks, s.
jJCJy Kl.'%-\ tarangi, braggart, fantastical,
cLXo {-m<Jk'i tri-muhut, m. a mountain with "whimsical, s. \_flexuosa). t.

ic<^ turamni, f. an instrument for rasping iJ^J> 'n^W^ turangi, f. a plant {Physulis
"* cocoa-nuts. d.
jj>j> tarannum, m. a song, modulation, a.
KL,>jyc3 f^f^ tri-murti, f. trinity ; the three
principal Hindu deities, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; ^^^y TT'JRTI trina-vat, grass-like, good for
m. a Jaina saint, s. nothing. «. [(see taraiii). s.

i^y IfTM taran, m. a raft, a float; Suai-ga or ijy HXWt tin-(ini, f a ship, a vessel, a boat
paradise ; crossing over, passing ; escape, deliverance ; (iy
one who is delivered, s. wife. fft^TSft
*. tarunl, a young female;, a young

f^Ji "rTTSr irin or trina, m. gra.s^s. trmaia,i. the jji WT^ tarav, m. (v. tani) a tree. s.
state or property of grass, triu-jdtl, m. the vegetable
kingdom, trin-jamhh, graminivorous. Ir'ni-rdj, m. a .L-) 'A^\\ tarwar, f. a sword, scimitar (com.
palmj'ra-tree. trin-wat, like grass ; worthless, s. talwdr). s. [and frisky, p.

jj3 "JT^JH tarim, young, juvenile, adult; ni. a »jl!Jjj!J iuT' 0 tdza, new, fresh ; cheerful, fresh
young man ; a kind of plant {Achijranthes aspera '.). s.
jjjJ TTT^T tarwar, m. a large tree; also a
fjji fTTlftll iurani, m. the sun, a ray of light; shrub, a small species of cassia, s.
a float or raft ; f. a ship, a boat ; the succotrine aloe
{A. perfoliata) ; a plant {Hibiscus inutabiUs). s.
io'^y '^Tojrl trotaki, f. a RaginT, one ofthe
up iTTj^ iariia, n. to pass over, to be ferried ; "female jiersonifications of music, s.
to be saved, s.
i^jji ■'^^ tfuit, f. the beak of a bird; a kind
\3j fiTT«n ti?'na, n. to swim, to float, h. "of pike (Esox scolopax). s.

^,l3y ifl^^m'^'fl farund-pan, m. uiiolescence, ^jlC^jherb »3 f^TTTlfF

{Hilanrha trivrit-panii, f. a pot-
repens). s.
youth, puberty, s.
t^oiyUj fTjlinf^oRW irmdtriltef, m. a portion (.1/.J-J fjl'^rr tri-rargii, m. three human ob-
ofthe Yajur Veda; a follower of that branch of the jects, as, love, duty, and wealth ; three conditions of
Veda. s. a state, prosperity, evenness, and decay ; the three
qualities of nature, purity, blindness, and depravity. ,v.
^OJ "fTTrnfl trindgni, m. conflagration of i.jiX>.j3 f?W«F iri-varnak, m. a plant i^Ruel-
chaff; burning of a criminal wrapped up in straw. $.
Ua longifoVui). s. [swordsman, fencer, a.
{j^^Ji 7^^% taruna,i, f. adolescence, youth, b-.y irffrin tarwar ii/d, m. a sword; a
puberty, s. [rectly. s.
\jjj 3 fw&^l tiraunda, m. buoy, beacon, h.
Cl^J HXyS turant, instantly, quicklv, di-
hidden, fjT^f^lT
s. tirohit, covered, concealed,
Ooy TTT:^ tarant, m. a fog; a torrent of
rain ; the ocean, s.

f^y iTCnTt taranfi, f. a boat. s. fos.sLS yto f^^^'t

(_5AJ>j Vedas. s. wlio pro-
three of atheEraliraan
have readtr'i-ved'i,
( '^^ )
j\ji tariz, the pieces in a vestment that are
j^o_jj5 f^^"^ triven'i, f. tli<' ronHiiriioe of tlirce cut transversely or diagonally, p.
rivers, more especially applied to that of the Causes,
3J>the Saraswat! {under-
the Jamuna, and (as siijjposed) cL\.ij_y frilfF tri-yashti, m. a mediciiuil
ground) at llahabad, which last city is so called by
the Hindus, s. plant {Molhtgo peniaphylla). a.

ij'i tarn, m. cfiirden herb;!, pottage, greens, p. a^.y tar'iha

deceased person,(v. s.tariha), property left by a
C^lty firtiT iirhut, f. name of a district (vulg.
Thiioot).^ s. [grown in Tirhut. s.
^J>^ tarin, sign of the superlative degree in
Persian ; as khuh, fair. khUb-tarln, fairest, most fair. p.
l)uJ&r> f^tfrTiIT tirhut im, belonging to Tirlint,
>5jy iaratez, \m. garden cresses (Z-e- <y^J'> frPr^ tirend, "> m. the float of a fish-
uLhjosy taratezak,} pidium sativum), p. \i^^y i"^"^
floater (a buoy), tirendd,
h. ) ing-line, a float or
^,'j ^TjT^ turhi,'^,K..
^.■^_s. 1.7 h.
a trumpet, a clarion, (^dyji ■^''ft^'51 trayodash, m.^the thirteenth
ijj> "H"^ turi, J
^^^y^^'^'^'^^trayodashi,^.} (used only in
(_5^ rTC^ tara,i, f. a star. s. dates),as the 13thof the half lunation or lunar month, s.
i_0 in: tare (for tale), under, beneath, s. !Opy>ii %f^^ traividya, ra. a man versed
in the three Vedas, or possessing three sciences, s.
CjO frTC^ tiri, also ^TJ iroy, three, s.
iOj3 Tn^Ti turiya, m. the Divine Being, or
(_5y fTCt tori, f. a boat. s. Universal Spirit, s.
(_fy TTT^ iwri, f. a brush or fibrous stick used
bj- weavers to clean the woof; a painter's brush ; a (J, .'i "^Tit troyi, f. the three Vedas ; a plant
trumpet (see turhi). h. (Conyza
enjoined serratula).
by the three tray'i-dJiarma,
Vedas. s. m. duties or rites
{^^J> IT^ tura,i, f. the name of a kind of cu-
cumber {Cucumis acutavgidis, Roxh.). s. ji TT? tar, m. h.
tative sound, party, division, faction ; an imi-
(c3 tart, f. rpoisture ; water, in opposition to
jchushki, dry land ; wet lands applied to the cultivation
\j> fTST tard, m. an island, h.
of rice and other vegetables requiring much moisture ;
sugar, tart se, by water, p. \j'ji ifflfT tardrd, m. throwing water, h.
bo firft^TT firiyd or fg^T trijja, f. a woman, Xij\ji tardrnd, a. to rear up (a horse), d.
maid, female wife, tiriyd bed, the science of women, bljp tardea, m. sound of a blow, noise made
knowledge of woman, tiriyd cliarilr, m. female wiles. by striking, d.
tiriyd rdj, amazon country, petticoat government, s.
^\j> fTTFflFT tardhd, m. the sound of striking;
by H^TIT turaiya, f. a srar. s. adj. pretty, showy, gaudy, h, [lance, h.
^bj!> tiryak, m. in Persian denotes treacle
of Baghdad, esteemed an antidote against poison ; ^'•\i\ji iTilohsl tardkri, f. the beam of a ba-
(but in Hindustani always means) opium ; an antidote cL/Ii> WSm tardg, m. a pond, a tank deep
in general, a. enough for the growth of the lotus ; a trap for catch-
^..\s^b 3 ti}'yak fdrnk, m. the name of a ing deer. h.
medicine, an antidote to poison, a, bV]J "fTSTTTT iurdnd, a. to break, to cause to
be broken or changed (as money), h.
Ub J fVqTHT tri-ydma, f. the Yamuna or
Jumna river, s.
\j\ji W'^T^T tardrvd, m. show, ostentation,
Li\i«\>3 f^^lHcJf tri-ydmak, m. sin, as the vanitj'. h.
impeder of the three objects of life. s. bU'i ITfTn tardyd, m. foppishness, wearing
smart clothes, tardyd- ddr, m. one who dresses well,
^'b J ^//■^_ya/a or ^/r^a;^i,m. an opium-eater, a. and is particular in having fine and well-made clothes. A.

<-/y'-/y frn^f^ ti>'^ bii'^f dispersed, h. L-V IT^ tarap, f. haste, hurry ; outrageous-
ness, explosion, fury ; leap, jump. h.
jX>3 %tJX. troi-pur, m. the city of Tipperah
in Bengal, s. bbj!) nr^T^T tarpdnd, a. to put in great agi-
tation to
; cause to flutter, stumble, h.
C^>J> TTTW taret, m. a buoy. h.
\jiV WVrsi tarjoard, m. the noise of falling
\hji ^TTT tretd, f. the name of the second water, h.
Hindu yiig or aera, the silver nge (v. ytig). s,
iSjij^ K^^ft tarpafi, f. flutter, agitation, h.
j^bo.y ■ginf'T tretarjni, the three sacred fires
of the Hindus, s. iJOj!) rR"T^T tarnpnd, \n. to flutter, to pal-
U^._ip iTSTiFlT taraplmdj pitate ; to be very
\''';i3 "HTJT tarerd, m. the falling of water from desirous about any thing, to be agitated, to jump, to
a spout, or from any height, h. spring, to bound, to wriggle, to toss, h,
( 244 )

4^, vi TTfTfi taraph, f. perplexity, timidity, agi- {j^ "rHT tus, m. the husk of corn or rice. *.
tation. / .
ritfii.s. tusar, m. ice, frost, or snow (see
13Wp TTJihT'TT fa rphana, ?i.(s7ime as torpana),
to cause to flutter or agitate, h. v«u^ tasdtmih, m. reci|)rocal indulgence,
mutual kindness and forgiveness ; double meaning, a.
\3VjA>'-p 'fmfifT»n tarpharana, n. to flutter,
to palpitate, h. [fluttering, palpitation, h.
(^^j'jL-J tasann, f. similarity, sameness, efpia-
lity, neutrality, a. [carelessness, o.
C-^l}'4>ji TTdMiJl^d' larpharahut, f. act of ,JjbL<»^ tusahul, m. conniving at, pardoning ;
1*4^.ji ITTqi^ taraphna, m. (see tarapna). h.
A. ^A*^ fasbih, f. the act of praising God hj
^.yi ITftfton tarpila, hasty, hurrying.
repeating the sentence suhhan-alldh "glory be unto the
tartarann , n. to trickle, to
Ulv!>ji TnrTTTRT Lord;" a rosary, a chaplet of beads (not applied to a
drop, to patter, to hluster, to welter; to warp or crack Hindu rosary), tashlk-khdna, a chapel, tusb'ihkhwdn,
with noise (as a plank exposed to the sun), h. saying pra3'ers ; a person hired to pray for another, a
private lain, chaplain,
a. tasbih.khwdnt, the office of a chap-
CLji>\jyp HfcTTTf? tartarahat, f. the act of
dropping, h
jsC*^ tasakhkhur, m. ridicule ; subduing,
making tractable, a.
2,y> taru'kh-,'^ a cleft, fissure, crevice, split, or
/iy> tarali, J crack, d. j(-^^ tnshhxr, f. imprisoning, taking a strong
hold, subduing, captivating, taskhiri-kulub, captiva-
lyy tnras, m. a hyena, d. ting hearts, a.
\Siji iaralina(Aho tarakhna),n. to be cracked, ^juJi\,Ji iasdu, f. divided into six parts; a
to be split (see taraknd). p. sextile aspect of the stars, a.

^ji HTSFT tarha, m. dawn of day. iarhe, in jJS fr^T. tciMr, m. a shuttle ; a kind of coarse
the morning, early, h. silk, the produce of a particular worm {Bomhyx paphia)
that fet'ds on the asin (Tenninalia alatu glabra), &c «.
u\^ -5 ITTSfiT^ /ar/mwa, to cause to be cracked, h.
L--3 finTrr tisra, ^ m. third person,
\^'p HToIfvn tarakna, n. to be cracked, to be (-lo.L-J firoTT^TT thrayat,} an umpire, h.
split, h.
LL>\tV tT^T? turivat, breakage, fracture, h. j^^ tnsfir, writing, delineating, a.
^\>^''i}> ff^^HT furivana, a. to cause to break, to «-J tis', nine, tus , a ninth part. a.
cause to be devoured, h.
'i>\<xJ!) tisa mi,at, nine hundred (used in
dates of the hijra). a.
j^ji tarwar, name of a shrub (Cassia auricu-
lata), the bark of which is used in tanning, d. .x*J> W^X.tashar, m. a stealer, a thief, a robht-r,
a kind of potherb ( ^^c^/ica^o esculenta); a tree ( !«»-
iSVi^ji tiri-birl, mishmash, medley, d. giirria spinosa). taskaratd, if. thievishness, thieving, s.
tV.^ tazayrid, m. increase, augmenta tion, a.
i^f^ sionate woman,tashar'i,
H^tI' s. (. theft, robbery ; a pas-
Cih'i tuzuh, m. retinue, pomp ;
ordinance, institutes, t.
f^x^ inshln, f. consolation, comfort, paci-
fying, taskln dend, a. to appease, to pacify, to sootlie,
ijfy tazkiyn, m. purifying; in law it signi- to calm,
ting, toconsolatory,
assuage, task'm-bakhsh,
an anodyne, a. assuasive, mitiga-
fies a case in which a certain number of special wit-
nesses bear testimony to the competency of other wit- ^L~J WH^\ tasin, m. a vessel u«ed by the
nesses who are giving evidence in any cause ; the for- Hindus wherein to dress their victuals, h.
mer being denominated the Miiznkkis, or purgators. a.
A-Ju*J tosilsid, m. connecting like a chain,
JJj!) taznlzul, m. commotion, agitation, tre-
pidation an
; earthquake, a. association of ideas, infinite series, succession; flowing
as water, a. [rule. o.

^ .}) iazwij, taking unto one's self a wife. a. laLJJ tusalluU m. command, sway, absolute,
J. i> tazn'ir, f. imposture, fraud, deceit, stra- A^ tasalli, f. consolation, con)tbrt, solace.
tagem; deception, lie. a.
"tasain dend, a.a. to assure, to secure, to animate, to
^j3 tazela, m. a taz'i, or Arabian colt. p.
self, decora- ^aLJ (asUm, f. delivery, consignme nt ; re-
{^>y> tion, ornament, honour jewel, one's
f. dressing a. of another; a
commending to the care or protection
respectful mode of salutation which consists in lower-
^J*^') fim fix, infleof. tis-pnr
pton. orthat, ing; the right hand until the knuckles nearly touch the
tis vpnrdnt, moreover, tis-pe,which,
besides, Sic.
over ground, then gradually raising the body and lifting
and above, whereupon, moreover, yet, nevertheless, thj hand u> the crown of the head. This salutation is
then, after that, thereon, whereat, tis-pai-hhi, thereon,
nevertheless. /;. mo:e respectful than the konii.ih, q v. ; health, security
tasUm-'.. to give up with resignation ; to resign, sur-
render, cede ; to do homage ; pi. tasllmdt. laslimdt-
(j^ firs /;.•>• (for trisk), f. thirst, s. bajd L\vd, to make obeisances, a.
( 24b )

^-J tasma., m. a thong, a strap of leatlier. SiJ>J:^ t.:slnrid. r.consu'iiliilingjCorroborating;

tasma-kash. a. strangler, name of an orthographical mark placed over letters,
a ir.ute. tasma-bazi, a game (•*^ played by the lower
lasma khainchna, a. to stranfjle.
which denoles that they slioukl be doubled, a.
orders : it consists in coiling up a leather strap and
then inserting a pin, &c. This game may be seen m cj^ tasharru, ni. the ordinances of a pro-
our own country fairs, p. phet, particularly the laws of Muhammad; acting
«JL»-J tasmiya, m. nomination, gcivinp; a agreeably to those ordinances, a.

name to, pronouncing the formula " hism Illah." &c. a. ^j^ iaslirih, {'. auiitomy ; a skeleton or
^JxJi fasnmiuTf, m. the becoming a simnt anatomical preparation ; act of dissecting — ' a body ; ex-
(v. sunnl). a.
of anatomy, planation or declaration.
a. ' ilm-tU-tashrilt, tlie science

^AJLM.'i taxnhn, name of a fountain in paradise, a. j^j-ij idnhrVn, of or relating to anatomy, a.

O^ ffWlT tisut, m. name of a medicine, h.
^JojLi tashrif, f. honouring, exalting; in-
y3 h.
ni. a measure of nearly one vesting with atashnf
splendid robe, tnshr'ifi and
Jfabfd}, sublime
admiration, arzdnl farmdna, tashrif far-
indnd, mean only to go, or to come, tashrif lejdiid, to
^^\y^ ffT^i^ tiswahsi, the twentieth of a go, and tasltr'ifldnd, to come, i.e to honour with one's
biswansl, q.v. h. presence (never said of one's self, except by a king), o.

draft of ■J* !>.!"■) tashrik, becoming an associate or

JO,^ tasrv'id, f. making blackplan,; the
delineation, a.
a letter, &c., a rough copy, sketch, partner, a.
Ja^ tasjnl, rendering easy, facilitating, a. ij^i tushaffl, f. consolation ; becoming
(jS3 fiR tif'h, f. thirst ; wish, desire, s. calm (after anger), calmness, a.

(j£j ^f^ ttish, m. the husk or chaff of rice, &c. uiK-iJ taxhulikuk, m. doubting, a.
{Beleria myrohalan). s. [likeness, a.
\.'yz3 fllWT tisfind, f. thirst; temptation, s.p.
^^JL) iushabuh, m. similitude, resemblance, A.-i!J tashaitnuj, m. the cramp, convulsion,
jUJ jwnc tushar, m. frost, cold; thin rain,
mist ; ice or snow. s. ' spasm, a. [piercing walls, p.
(^jJiJ tashanh, m. an iron instrument for
yVUj ^
imm tushara, cold, frosty,
... s. r&c. a.

uJ^;^-io tasharif (pi. of OU^), honours. ^-ClZ3

ones. p.
tishnagdn (pi. of tishna), the thirsty

i)$Uo tashahvl, ni. mutual resemblance, a.

''liij thhnarji, f. thirst; temptation, p.
Jjlij TTRT;!^ tushanaJ, m. a conflagration of
chaff; a capital punishment; twisting dry straw round elzJ tisJma, thirsty. tishna,e khuti, blood-
the limbs of a criminal, and setting it on fire. s.
thirsty, tishna-k., a. to make thirsty ; (met.) to create
^.^jjij ^«.s/iM&fc«/i,m. resemblance, similitude, a. desire, to tempt, tishna-lab, of dry lips, thirsty, tishna-
labl, thirstiuess. p.
^.».t!> tashhih,f. a simile,comparison, allegory, *i ■••:■> tashfii, f. disparaging, slandering ;
metaphor. Aar^E tashbih, adverbs of similitude, a.
taunting, reproaching, a.
CL^ZJ lasht, m. a platter, a basin, a charger,
a salver, p. j>J^ tashtvlr, anguish, distress of mind. a. p.
CJLi TTf^ /«s/ii<, m. a subordinate deity, *)»iLJ tashrvlsh, confusion; distraction;
one of a class of thirty-six. s. a.
anxiety, grief, disquietude, alarm, apprehension,
CUiLiJ tashattut, m. dispersion, dissipation, a.
^i^ tasluthhud, m. making a profession of
religious sentiments ; avowing belief in the unity of
^jjILiJ iqn^ iashtarl, |f. a salver, a small the Deity and the mission oi Muhammad : tins is done
L> fT^nrrt tasktart,} plate, a saucer. A. by declaring (in Arabic), " I profess that there is no
god but God ; and 1 acknowledge that Muhammad
If? tushta, pleased, satisfied, iushti, f.
the apostle of God." a.
pleasure, content, tushtatd, f. delight, satisfaction. «•
j(^ faslili'ir, f. proclaiming, publishing;
as carrying
marking a criminal, public exposure such ass,
(^jA^ tashakhMMh ™- identifying, parti- ice. a.
cularizing, appropriation, a. a criminal through a city mounted on an

\xz3 fKT^J thhyd, f. \ f-iiil'l'c

^j^aJLssr^ tashkhj?, ^'- distinguishing perfectly niyro-
(a word much used b^ physicians, to denote their ^_.^..ti::.i fjumunT tixhyapushp,m.}
having ascertained the disorder of a patient, dtagnosu) ; t,
valuation; assessment, a. balan (JPhyllanthus emblica), or auspi-ious flower,

0>}>JLi tnxhaddud, m. seizing and holding i^'j tasIiaiyuML,^' ostentations pretence to,
firmly; adj. strong, robust; corroborated, confirmed, or display of, rank or dignity, a.
( 246 )

ftxtj tashaiyu, m. professing to be of the jyo^ tamwrcur, m. contemplation, meditatioii,

reflection, fancy, conception, preconception, appreben
Muhammadan sect called S)n,a, or a follower of 'Al'i^ sion. tasawwur-k., to imagine, a.

tashahju'-mazltab, heresy: the sect of ^/iPa, followers of
'All. The Turks, Arabs, and Tartars are generally
Sumns.and. consider themselves orthodox ; the Persians
I— oriyA> tasawwuf,m. the theology ofthe.5Ji/'i.<a.
mystics of the east ; mysticism, contemplation,
again are mostly SJil'as, and are viewed by the ortho-
dox as little better than so many of the wicked (v.
Slu'a). a. [dignity, a. yi.yoi tasritr, f. a picture, an image, taswir
banana or khainchna, a. to draw, &c. to paint, a,
^j^Li tashaiyun, m. displaying of state,
iiUA) tazadd, m. contiadiction, contrariety,
s.xz3 fTTBl tisliya, m. the eighth lunar man- absurdity, inconsistency, a. [cule. «.
sion, figured by an arrow, and containing three stars,
of which one is Cancri ; adj. auspicious, fortunate, s. L^AA^^ tazhik, f. mocking, derision, ridi-
i^\*ai tasaud, m. ascending, becoming dif-
ficult, a. [books, literary works, a.
fj*o^ tazarrii', m. supplication ; h.menting,
humbling one's self, submission, a.

v_i-JUi> ^asanz/'(pl.of c-%i*A)),compoBitions, iwAJoto-) tazif, doubling, duplication, a.

Ji^jLaJ tasawir (pi. ofj^.^>dJ), pictures, a. [jy%*sO tazniin, f. giving satisfaction for an
injur}' ; comprehending or including one thing in
^■^^^ tcisjiih, f. rectification, correction, ve- another ; inserting the verses of another in one's own
rifying, illustrating, attestation, a. poem; giving security; intrusting with another ; lend-
ing on interest ; putting in a purse or strong box.
^: tazmln-k., to insert the verses of another in one a own
tasjilha, m. muster (especially of ca- poem, making the one correspond with the other, o.
^ horses), dagh i tashlha, the office
.^valry in which the
horses employed in service are marked, a. *-Jy<i) tazy'i , f. spoiling, wasting, idling (aw;iy
time). /azyFauJaf, idling away time ; ennui, weariness, a.
c-tti^^ taSyhtf, f. making an error in writing ;
changing the diacritical points so as to alter the Vjlia!) tatabuh, m. similarity, congruity, ana-
pronunciation and meaning of a word. a. logy, coherence, cohesion, a.

^JiiuoiJ tasadduh, in. alms; giving alms (par- Jj^Ja!) tatawul, m. usurpation, oppression,
ticularly with a religious view) ; sacrificing, devoting. tyranny, conquest, rudeness, insolence, a.
tasadduh hoiia, to become a sacrifice, to become devo-
ted heart and soul to a beloved object, a. ^JuJaJ tailiih, f. comparing, likening: con-
fronting (astwo armies), a.
^.S^ tasd'i, f. the headache; trouble, per-
plexity pi.
; tasdVdt, troubles. tasdV-dih, troublesome, *iii) iaUdlu', aiising. tatalluu-sh -shams,
giving trouble, a. the rising of the sun. s.

^Sjoi tasdihff. verifying, attesting, acknow- e^W) taiaivivu, doing a good action whicli
ledging as true, appeal. tasdiTf-bild tasawwur, pre- one is not obliged to do, an act of supererogation, a.
sup osit on, a.
wJj-aJ tasamif, ni. possession, use; expendi- ^J^_^la5 tatnil, f. extending, lengthening, pro-
longing, stretching^out, prorogation, a.
ture, disposal, embezzlement, extravagance, tasarnif-
zamin or -zaminl, security for possesion (of a property).
tasarrvf-k. or -men land, a. to take or get possession of; j-^Ix> taihir, f. purification, purgation, sano-
tification. a. [injustice, injury, a.
pi. tasarrufdt, (in general acceptation for) the sum
total of expenses, supernatural powers (of hoi}' men), a. Jilo.) tazallum, m. groaning under oppression,

liy^ tasarrufi, t'. common provisions u-JjlaO laariif, ni. mutual acquaintance;
"given to dependants,
being what the master &c.
and (in
his opposition to Jchassa,
company eat), a. rule, fashion, custom ; handing or offering any thing
to another person (used in a respectful or polite
sense), a.
^woJ tasrih, f. evidence, manifestation, a.
^aUo taafi, mutual giving or surrender ; a
y^jiiyoi tasrtf, f. conjugation, declension, "silent kind of bargain, when the vendor hands over
inflection (Ingram.); changing, turning, converting, a. an article to the buyer, and the latter gives him the
price without speaking, a.
jjt^ai tasc/Jnt\ f. diminution, a diminutive
noun. a. u-*5^ ta'dkub, m. pursuit; persecuting;
alternate succession, following, a.
f^PfO> faiffii/a, m. punfyinp:, particularly the
mind from ill-will ; reconciling, reconciliation, purga- jUo ia'dl (lit. be exalted), tu'dl alldhu, or
tion, a.
ta'dl-ta'al .' interj. Good God! bravo! well done I a.
"Hi gh, a.
L.jaLa3 tasRb, f. crucifixion, a.
\^\f3 ta'dlq (used adjectively), the M<)^t
i^x^jo^ tasmim, f. resolve, determination, a.

ftX^ /a.';an?iM',artifice,<5peciousness,display. a. ^jjliO tadrvuii, m. assistance, conspiring, a

i.^ tab, m. labour, lassitude, weariness, a.
s_Qii'i^'j tasnif, f. invention, composition,
autliorsliip ; pi. <af)^7/a^ compositions, a. jXajO taabbud, being pious ; devotion, a.
t— wO
( 247 )
jOjO ta bir, f. explanation, interpretation (par- ^laxJ taazzum, m. magnificence, grandeur,
ticularly of dreams); attribute, finality; pi. ta'bhdt. pride, arrogance, a.
ta'blr-go, m. an interpreter of dreams, a.
^la*> iaztm, f. reverence, respect, honour ;
aJuuO ta'bi,a, ^i m. arranginjj^ (household fur- treating with ceremony and respect, honouring, gen-
AJUuO tahhja,} nitiire) ; drawing up (an tility, politeness, a.
army), training, exercising, a.
j^anJ taaffun, m. stii'.k, foetor. a.
L— *2S?^ taujjuh, m. wondering, admiration, C^^AjO ta'Jiyat, effacing ; adjusting, a.
astonishment, amaze, surprise, a. [pedition. a.
(— ^a*.) ta'alihib, m. pursuing, punishing, trac«
^Jo^^ ta'jil, f. agility, ii:ij;te, despatch, ex- ing (intelligence), a.

tiljjO ti'clad or tadad, m. number; compu- ;3.^ax> ta hid, causing to unite, joining, a.
tation, enumeration, a list or invoice, a.
j^^s.)0 tn'klr, f. wounding desperately, a.
iSiO taaddud, plurality, numbeiing, multi-
plying, a. ^SjO ta'ahhid,
informing, a. m. understanding, perceiving;

^JjO ta'addi, f. extortion, exorbitancy, op-

pression, wrong, injury, tyranny, violence, cruelty, a. Jjixj ta'alluh, m. relationship, connection, de-
pendence consideration,
; reflection ; commerce, cor-
jiijO ta'azziir, m. apology (pi. taaznirdt). a. respondence ;property, possession, appertaining ; a
manor, lordship, a lease in perpetuity, a subdivision
L ^.v'^«^ ta'zib, torture, punishment, a. ta'allitks.
of a zila' or a. count}', the latter consisting of several
oijO tazir, f. apologizing, subterfuge, ex-
cuse (little used), a,
C->laJjO ta* alluliat , pi. connections, concerns.
td'alltildti dunyawi, worldly concerns, a, [&c. a,
{^f>i ta'arruz, m. resisting, preventing, hin-
drance, obstacle, opposition, impediment, a.
Ol*^^^ ta'albihijat (pi. of iJi]t»o), lordships,
^joJ jO ta'rizy f. enlarging; making conspi-
cuous ; rendering obnoxious ; being ambiguous iu
speech, or hinting at a subject obscurely ; rendering in- j^iiiiJjO ta'alluh-dar, m. a landholder, the
tricate ;making writing illegible ; not dressing meat holder or proprietor of a ta'aUuTc. ta'alhik-ddrl, the
sufficiently ; opposing, objecting ; barter, exchange of tenure, office, or estate of a ta'alluJc-ddr. tcCalhik-ddrl
one commodity for another; statement of particulars haJck, the dues or rights of a ta'alluk-ddr. a. p.
of landed property, deposited in a collector's office, a. ssil^jO ta'allukUf m. connection, relationship ;
lordship, possession of land, fee, manor ; possessor of
^L>jjO ta'iif, f. praising; asserting; explain-
ing, description ; a table of rates of export and import an estate, a lord of a manor, landlord, feod'ee. ta'al-
duties, hence the European term " tarif." ta'nful- luTca,e jadid, new dependencies, ta' al Iiika.e kadim, o]d
majhid bil-majhiil, explaining in terms as little under- possessions. ia'aUuka,e zabar-dasti, an estate seized
stood as the thing intended to be explained, a. by main force, h.

i^.f^ ta'rlfi, commendable ; notable, a. jJAjO ta'allul, m. an excuse, pretext, refusal.

ta'allvli 'alii, a weak excuse, a. [study, o.
CL*iyO ta ziyat, f. condolence, lamentation ;
ta'ziyat-ndma, m. letter of condolence, a. JjO ta'aUum, m. learning, being taught;
OJx!> ta'zlr, f. punishment of a discretionary jJjO ta'alti, f.a, exalting one's self, appearing
kind, such as the law does not precisely specify, cor- "conspicuous,
rection, reproof, censure, reprimand, a.
jJjjO ta:il, f. removing or deposing from ^jA*> ta'tik, f. a kind of writing used by the
office, dismissal, a. Persians ; suspension ; delaying, a.

&i^\fi> taziya, m. condolence, comforting; a &Sj\»i tatikay m. an inventory, a list. a.

representation or model of the tomb of Hasan and
//usa(7?, which is thrown into the river at the anniversary JjJjtJ ta'Ul, f. causing one to make an excuse
of the muharravi. ta'zhja khdiia. m. the place of the occasioning ; changing one of the weak letters for
Ta'zii/a. ta'ziya-ddr or -glr, m. one who observes the another (in Arabic grammar) ; pi. taTildt. a.
mourning in the muharram. ta'ziya lend, a. to observe
the mourning during the muharram. a.
^jdjO fa'lhn, f. teaching, instruction, tuition ;
/iZ^ ta'as/ishuh, m. falling in love, making copying fine writing accurately ; pi. ta'Umdt. a.
love, ly.ing in love. a.
^j^ ta'ammuh, m. deepness; penetrating,
going deep into. a.
i_j>-ajO ta'assub, m. prejudice for or against,
I.e. prejudice or partiality, bigotry, superstition, a.
,ij^ tawld, propping up ; baptizing, a.
jJlajOlets orta'athd, m. idleness
other ornaments, a. ; having no brace-
jjyO tam'ir, f. rebuilding, repairing ; making
^J.jkiajO tatil, f. rendering useless; abandon- rdt, repairs,
a place &c. a.
habitable, productive, ana populous ; pi. ta'm'i
ing, neglecting; laying waste; vacation from school
or from office, ta'til la'i roz, a holiday, a sabbath (that
ol the Mtihammadans is Friday), a. ^x^ ta'm'il, causing to act, putting in inrea
(a decree, &c.). a.
( 248 )

«jL»30 tumhja, m. act of rendering blind ; an

change,tagjnr'i, f. discharge,
revolution, the statedismission,
of alteration
a. or
enigma ; concealing the meaning of a sentence or dis-
course (generally applied to a chronogram after the (Jkai>
manner of ahjml, q.v., -when the clause which should ji^i*^ taghyir (v. taghir), alteration &c. a.
give the date fails in accuracy, and the excess or de- L_AJ tuf, m. spittle, saliva ; a curse, p.
fect is obscurely indicated by another word ; ex. gr.
az hauzi lafif ah barddr, draw water from the pellucid i_A> Utf, m. vapour, steam, mist. p.
cistern. The letters in haiizi latlf make 913, from
which, subtracting those of at (1 + 2 = 3), we have j5»-'«aJ tafahhur, m. boasting, vaunt, a.
the date required, viz. 940. a,
^jli3 tnfaruTi, m. division, separation, a.
jj^aO /«'/(•%, m. liaving recourse to the Deity;
asking protection; a charm, an amulet; a structure ^ .li!) fafarik (pi. of e^jSO), intervals, divi-
of brick or stone-work over a grave, a. sions, instalments, a.

C^jlij tnfaivut, m. distance ; difference, dis-

/jp>.}fO tu'rvik, f. suspending, preventing, de- tinction, disparity ; distant, sepsirate, far away, remote,
laying, averting, a,
absent, tafiiwut bolna, a. to prevaricate, a.
S^ tauhhud, m. agreement, a promise or
pledge ; rent ; a lease, a contract, ta'ahhud-dar, the ^ jl£> ^fl/a?;-«/;,commensurability (in arith,).fl.
holder of an agreement or lease, a.
Jj'^ tufdwitl, m. (v. fo/anJ/i'M^), presage &c.a.
(jijjO tuaiyusli, m. rejoicing ; procuring a d^a.> tuft, heat, warmth ; adj. hot, warm. p.
livelihood by labour and industry, a.
^jjkxj taahjul, land held by a member of a ij^ taftagi, f. heat, ardour; anxiety. 2>
royal family, more especially applied to the Delhi fa- 6JSO tafta, hot, burning; quick-lime. p.
mily, a royal appanage, ta'aiyul shdhl, the royal do- J^i&ial) tafta-dil, grieved at heart, p.
mains (around Delhi), o.

,j^«^ taaiyun, m. manifesting, establishing, (jixlflj t'lfthhjf. examination, inrjuiry, search,

investigation, research, a.
appointingj, assigning, deputing ; UCahjunat, appoint-
ments, a. [tion. a.
jS^ tnfajjur,m.suppuT2ition. a.
(j^AxJ taifin or tain, f. appointing, deputa- (^ja^ tofahhus, m. investigation, inquiry,
search, disquisition, o. [gance. a.
..li^wAjO tay'inat, m. appointments, com-
mand, a garrison ; business, a.
jSfc tafaljhkhur, m. pride, boasting, arro-
^J'ojkA*) ta'yinafi, the object or business of an
*' appointment, &c. ; duty, service ; a detachment of • l^'i tafrakh, a blow, a slap. d.
troops, a guard ; any number of individuals nominated _.jfl!) tafarruj, m. recreation, amusement,
for some special duty. a. [one another, a.
relaxation of mind, contemplation of natural scenery.
-^lij taghabun, mutual deception, cheating tafarruj-gah, a place of recreation, a. [nient. a-

jlij tiighar, m. a tub, bucket, trough, pail, —jflj tafarruh, m. leisure, ease, refresh-
platter, p. [bucket, p.
ly^J^ tofarrus, m. intelligence, understand-
ij\io tdghaii, f. a small tub, trough, or ing j; udging from physiognomy, a.
^'Jo iaghaful, (sometimes taghafuli), m. i3js3 tafrika, m. division, sepaiation, disper-
negligence, inadvertency, being absorbed, as In sleep, sion ;distress, divorce. tafriJca-k., to separate, to dis-
tribute pi.
; tafarlk. a.
&c. tagkaful-slii'ar, careless, o.
pli> taghayur, m. differing from each other, lJ6 tofra, affected magnificence, pride, t.
discrepancy, a.
^Jo tafr'ih, f. rejoicing, exhilarating ;
B.>Si3 faghziya, m. food, nourishment, a. amusement, tafr'thi tab', ease of mind, cheerfulness,
hilarity, a.
c-*>^ taghrib, banishment, transportation ; S>^jS3 tafrid, f. retiring, leading a solitary
imprisonment, a. life (especially for the purpose of devotion), a.
t_JJo tagjinlliih, m. taking advantage, cheat-
lu^ Jb tafiis,i\ breaking, tearing in pieces, a.
ing, imposition, forgery, embezzlement, a.
^jJjO taghalluhl, f. adulteration, forgery, a. /y>.Jb tafrik, f. separation, division ; parti-
tion, participation; jealousy, misunderstanding; de-
&^ taghma, m. a mark which artists put on partment, tafrlk-k., a. to analyze. tafrll-iuima, a
deed settling the shares claimed by different parties, a.
their productions, device on a shield, a medal, p.
iSx^ii tafsida, burnt, warmed, heated,
(^ faghamil, f singing, cooing, celebrating chapped or cracked through heat. p.
" a mistress in verse, contentment, a. .v„,o!> tafsir, f. explanation, comraentiiry,
jiJc tnghtr, f alteration, change ; adj. changed, paraphrase, an interpretation of the htr.an. a.
discharged, dismissed, taghlr-k., a. to remove (from tVy^aSii taffil, f explanation, analysis ; sepa-
an office), to dismiss, to alter, a. [moval. a, ration, division ; detail or particulars of an account,
war, the like.detail,
in full /o/iH-A-.,
a. to explain at ^'ull length, laffd
jifO tughaiyur, m. change, alteration, re-
( 249 )
J.-ai> tafazzul, m. excelling ; deserving, a. j>.^sa~> fakdlr, f. fate, predestination, the Di-
vine decree, the ordination of Providence, a.
^*oSO taJzVi, f. disgrace, disrepute, a.
(j«J,tXa_) takdh, f. sanctity, purity, sancti-
jjjk/oij trtfzil, excellence, pre-eminence, ismi fication, sanctifying; magnifying, a.
tafztl, the comparative or superlative degree, a.
jt>,SS-^ takdlm, f. giving precedence, priority,
siio tqfakkud, m. kindness ; searching for precedence,
a thing lost, inquiring diligently, a. to put before,performance. taJcd'im-k.,
to give precedence to. a.a. to perform,
Sso tafahkur, m. reflecting, meditating ; co- '^J^ takarrub, propinquity, nearness, ap-
gitating, considering ; anxiety, a. proximationaccess
; ; association, a.
dSJo tnfn/il'iih, m. admiring; penitence; en- jj^ tukarrur, m. being established; confir-
joyment ofany thing, a. mation, ratification, approbation, a.
^iXlij tufafig, f. a musket (properly any tube
through which any thing is blown), tiifarigchl, a mus- *,^,ji-> tah'ib, m. recommendation, mention,
keteer, tufangi, musketry, tiring of muskets, p. occasion, conjunction, cause, pretence, motive, ap-
proaching, proximity, probability, takrlb-lc, a. to
^.jlflj tufnnnun, m. amusement, pastime, a. commend,
another, o.to prepare a person lor tlie reception of
^^£> tafawrculi, m. pretending to a supe-
riority over others ; doing any thing by degrees, a. u>^yL!) tahribnn, near to, about, nearly, a.
(J^fli) tafawTVul,m. presaging happily, taking j^.J^ ^a/^rir, f. confession ; relation, oration,
a good omen from a name, &c. a. recital, detail, narration, takrtr-k., to relate, a.

i^j£i>,^ tafiviz, f. resigning, committing to ,^^ »ft-> takris, f. congealing, cooling, a.

another, recommending, confiding to another; marry-
ing a wife without a fortune, a. png. a. *x«*ftJ takslm, f. division (in arithmetic); di-
viding, distributing, taksim-k , a. to distribute, tak-
jt.J:o tafahhum, m. understanding, conceiv- slm-dur, the divisor, takslm-hoiie hi rakiH, the dividend.
taksimijam', assessment upon the lands of a country, a.
jm^/Jo tafkim, f. teaching, instructing, a.
» fl^ft-? takashshiif, m. living poorly, being
jJjIH3 taTiobul, m. encountering, being drawn scantily fed and coarsely clothed, a.
up in mutual opposition, a.
jXjaS~> takfir, f. (lit. deficiency) f.iult, error,
^li^jL) takadum, m. being ancient ; in law, it crime, takfir-viand, guilty, criminal. takfii-wdr,
signifies such a distance of time as suffices to prevent blameable, criminal ; pi. taksirat, crimes, a.
punishment. It operates in a way similar to our JkiaiL) takth; f. distilling, dropping (particles
siatiitory limitations, a.
of urine), strangury, a.
^}sl1> talaruh, m. approaching one another;
Cm versification) name of a measure, a. xj^laiL) takti', f. the caesura or pause in read-
ing poetry ; scanning of verse ; dissection, o.
.*<iULJ tulaza, m. dunning, exacting, ur-
gency, importunity; exacting by means of a suit at c-^iaJ takalluh, m. conversion, change, trans-
law. takdzd,e shin, the customs or habits of different mutation, a.
ages, as of childhood, youth, manhood, &c. tdkdza,e
shadid, inexorable dunning, a.
t_>j;laJ takl'ib, m. conversion, change, a.
^J'\^a^SLJ ^a/eaza,!, importunate, solicitous, a. tioiaJ takl'id, f. imitation, counterfeiting,
forgery. taJcltd k., to ape, to imitate, a.
jloUL) takatur, m. distilling drop by drop ;
raining, a. ^.i-jJiL) takVidi, imitated, forged, false (as
stone, &c.), counterfeit (as a coin), a.
i^ff-laJ> takand, backwardness, dilatoriness. a.
i^^^JU tahawat, f. piety, abstinence, conti- (JjiJiL) taJiUI, f. diminishing, causing to look
nence, a. less, reduction, diminution, a.

^•laJ> takarfiy f. strengthening, assisting J^yL) takwa, m. piety, abstinence, the fear
(particularly tenants) ; vying, contending with ; of God. a/iZJ-teJitia, pious people, men of piety, a.
money advanced to cultivators at the time of sowing, a-,
i_iyL5 takaivn-l,, f. assisting (particularly
^_^><ij.iLJ taluihbuz, mutual surrender, or silent tenants by advances, remitting rents, Ac), a,
exchange of an article and its cost. a.
{^j^ss3 tahoddasaf lit. He is pure, or C-O.ylj' takwii/(it, f. corroboration, strength-
ening, establishing, confirming, confidence, strength,
holy." faladdasn wa ta'iilu, an epithet of the Deitj', assurance, comfort, reliance, trust, aid. a.
"He is Holy and Most High." tdkaddus, holiness,
sanctity, a.
aI^lJ ^«Z'7rm,f.making?traight,:idjusting; an
Ai>.flJ takaddum, m. priority, pre-eminence, a. almanack, ephemeris, calendar, a.
sxijiij takaddavia, final adjustment or audit ^3 luki, pious, devout; name of a cele-
«jf an ;iccount. a.
"brated Hindustrxni poet, /i^fta, piety, fyar of GoU. iX.
^ ( 250 )

SiSi3 takaiyud, m. attention, diligence, in- t— ii^ tahslf, rendering thick,conden9ation. a,

dustry, application ; superintending, overseeing, care,
assiduity ; pi. tahaiyuddt. a. i(^ takaddud, toil, labour; hardship, a.
joaJ tftliija, n). pious fraud or subterfuge, jJ>X> tahaddur, m. dregs, dulness, morose-
allowable in certain cases ; for instance, a Slii'a visit- ness. a.
ing Mecca as a pilgrim is allowed to practise tdklyn,
and call himself a Sunni. a. v.._A^tiij fahzib, f. accusing of falsehood, giv-
tib TT«S tnh, f DHft line of a poc-m ; a rhyme; ing the lie. takzlb-d., to give the lie. o.
a moment, tuk-ek, (or one moment, h. jX) ira« trtJert, m. buttermilk with a fourth
ijL15 TfeR ta/i, (postpos.) till, to, up to, while, part water, s.
toward, near to ; f. a scale, balance ; aim.
nd OT-lagdnd, to gaze, to stare, h.
cL>|;^ KWZ takrdt, m. a churning stick, J^ s.

^ fH"^ tihka, m. a small piece of flesh ; a yjj^ tahrdr, f. repetition, tautology; alterca-
steak, a slice ; a chop or collop. tikkd-hotj-k., to tear tion, contention, dispute ; the chorus or burden of a
to small pieces (a prey), h. song. a. [troublesome, argumentative, a,
\C> tukka, m. a sort of arrow blunt at the
ijy^ takrdri, adj. importuning, seizings
end ; a small hill or mountain ; an eminence. ;;.
j^x) taharrur, m. repeating, reiterating, per-
j^.OO tahdpu, also taka])u,'i, p.diligent search ; severing, repetition, a.
bustling about in all directions,
^.j*J tdhnm, f. honour, reverence, respect;
j^ ffTeSK ti-har, three ploughings. h.
treating with respect, honouring, a.
,J.i^oo fdJidsul, 111. indolence, negligence, care-
lessness, a. [of bamboos. «. t^^> ftiJiii, f. a flight or swarm (of birds or
insects), d.

f^fjXZS^ rTcpT'^'Vrt tukakshiri, f. the manna yJiJ takassur, m. being broken or shattered,
spent or debilitated ; carrying (figures in arithmetic);
distresses, tahdVif
a. (pi. of v_iAKJ), difficulties,
[ture. p. folding up the wings, as a bird when about to cease
from flight, a.
^J^ WWT^ iahan, m. motion, agitation, ges-
^_y-MX) takassuly m. sickness, indolence, a.
bKlJ Hcfrf^ tahand, a. to take aim. h.
.■w«.»> tahnr, f. breaking to pieces ; carrying
U>ii|^K'i (in Persian (figures in arithmetic) ; dividing so as to produce a
j*ih, to agitate, to brush off.^ji^jj^ij),
p. to shake, to fraction, a.
J-jB^i Idlidkid, m. negligence, remissness, a.
ySio tnkkash (cor. oitarkash), m. a quiver, jt.
.J.O tdhahhiiv, m. arrogance, haughtiness,
pride, insolence of office, a. ^)wJL5o fT'^f^TcST tahxha-shila, f. the name of
a city in Panjab (the Taxila of Ptolemy), s.

ijj>^ iahuhbur'i, f. haughtiness, a. cLJ^x!) H'SJoir tahshak, m. one of the Ndgas

^a5o tnJilnr, f. repeating the (Musulman) or serpents of the lower regions ; a snake of a middle
size and of a red colour. «.
cret'd, or only saying "AlldJiu akbar," "God is great,"
upon particular occasions, a.
f^ft^ frfVJfiir tihahan, pungent, hot; angry,
i,"A-^ ffT'^ lihta, bitter; fragrant; m. bitter- passionate ; sharp, acute, ardent, bitter, severe, s.
ness ;fragr.ince. tikta-hhadrnk, m. a kind of cucum-
ber Trinliomnthes
( diceca). tikta-patra, m. a ciicurbi- ^ZJ^i fTSfil takshati, m. a carpenter, s.
taceous plant {Momordica mixta). tikta-parwan, f. a
pothtM-b iHilanclia repens), a plant {Menispermum gla- ^-iio TTT!|Isft takshani, f. a carpenter's adze. s.
hrnm). tikta-tumh'i, f. a bitter gourd, tikta-duy'dhd, f.
a nic-dicinal kind of moon-plant, likla-ruli'niikd, f. a J.a5o fakafful, m. taking security ; becoming
medicinal plant, tikta-sdr, m. viimnsa catechu, tikta- security for another ; bail. a.
.?r7/i-, ni. a plant {Cappari.i trifoliata). tikta-gatidhd, f. a
pLuit (Lycopodium imbricatum). tikta-walU, f. a plant jjJi'yi tuhfir, f. covering, expiating a crime,
.llftris Injacinthoides). s.
doing penance or paying a mulct as atonement ; guil-
Ldi::xJ frl^eli fihfah, m. a kind of gourd tiness humbJing
; one's self before another (putting
the hand upon the breast, and inclining the head) ;
( Trichosanthes diceca) ; a sort of Gentian (G. cherayta). s. shewing distant respect; accusing one of impiety
(.iJOwiJo W^iTIoR fnk-tali, ni. the sound effect, h. calling him infidel, making one an unbeliever, a.

tiJOuLij fiffonfTToir tik-tiJi, f. a sound used in (j^vflSo talifln, f. putting on the winding-sheef,
laying in the coffin, &c., shrouding, sepulture, a.
driving a cart. h.
\^5o ffff^»oFT tildikd, f. a bitter gourd, h. I ^ 'ri^rf iuhhal, f. 1 , . , ,■ i -. /
v-/^ ^ }■ a kind of paper kite. /*=
jS^i fTcJi^T tuJdd, m.J
jl^ tuhi'ir, f augmenting, enlarging, increas-
ing, multiplying, a. ^)^ TTeF^T takld, m. a spindle, h.
( 251 ) '^
«..aK> takalluf, m. inconvenience, ceremony ; y>}S.3 tagapu, f. bustle, toil, labour; also tag
0 pu. p.
extravagance, profusion ; preparation, takalluf bar
taraf, waving ceremony, takalluf -niizaj, ceremonious ;
pi. takallufdt. takallufdti clarbdr. lit. extravagances of jiiLC) tagadati (v. tag-dau), fatigue, &c. ]>.
a court, expending much, takalluf at i rasml, ceremo-
nious attention, empty compliments, takallufdti maj- blCj THTRT tngana, a. to cause to be quilted,
lis, the ceremonies of society, etiquette, a. to get stitched together. /;.

Joo takalhim, in. conversation, a.

ing, &c.wv\
; act oftaga,i,
quilting.f. the
/(. price paid for quilt-
f}^ ricli^l tukli f. a paper kite (child's), h. <ii-Jl-> tagiit, gold or silver tinsel, d.
jJb>J f{o|i(^ tahn, f. a weaver's reel. h. jiitfX-) tag-dau (also tag o dau), f. fatigue,
'_Qt^^ tahl'tf, f. ceremony, imposition of a running about on business, or in search of employ-
burthen ; trouble, difficulty, molestation, distress, in- ment, p. [coronaria). s
couvenience. ailment, affliction, annoya.nce. takl/fdcnd,
a. to annoy, takllf-k., to take the trouble ; pi. takUfdt, y^ tPR tagar, m. a tree (Tahernoimontana
ceremonies, &c. a.
'^JyLi tagarg, m. hail, a hail storm, p.
&)l»5o takmila, in. perfection, completion, a.
jx_> tagar, a plate of metal ; any thin flat
ik^ tuhma, m, a button, a loop, an eye loop. piece of metal, d.
tukma,e jaib kholna, a. to open the purse, to loosen the
purse-strings, p. [fectioa, excellence, a. jS~i fKf^ tigma, hot, pungent ; shai ]> ; m.
heat, pungency, s. [threefold, s.
^^So iakmil, f. completing, finishing, per-
lixi TTofTtTT Tdhha, a. to observe, to aim at, (^;^ fffTrilT tignn, m. a tone in music ; adj.
to -vvatch ; n. to be looked at, or stared at. /(. llC) HV;^tagna,di. to quilt, to stitch together./*.
l^x!) TT^^T /«/fM,«, or takua, m. a spindle, h. U^ ftn«TT tiguna, threefold, triple, s.
ft'Ux!) TToF^^ fahivaln, f. watching, over- ^.^£3 tag-o-pu, search, inquiry, bustle, p.
"scein^, superintending,
a silversmith), h. looking sharp after (as after
jl'i^£j tag-o-taz, gallop, running, p.
j^ijtjLb tuh o dua, fiitigue, running about, p. (_^V^_j iTUal taghri, f. a girdle, a zone. h.
i^jy^ tahore, a small kettle-drum. d. ^^O HTi(\ tiigg'i, f. a strand or thread of a
"twist. ?j-<rtff^?, a thread of three strands, chau-taggh
■fireRVf^Tn tihonitja, three-cornered, of four strands ; a kind of fishing-line not used with a
triangular, s. rod. h.
iS3 tithha, m. (see tiiJthn), a bUiiit arrow, p. l3\jXJ taggdna, a. to cause to run or gallop. ;?.A.
&xi tahlia, a goat, taliha-rish, I)enrd on the UjjlCJ tagernd, to piirsue closely, to chase, d,
- chin only, like a goat, tikka, a slice, a bit. p.
(Jj rr?<5 tal, m. depth, bottom ; the place un-
jl,^xi Tf'mK.tukhar, m. (see tumr) ice, &c. .«^. derneath; the sole of the foot. Dakh. (for <a^e), under,
beneath, s.
[>y^i3 fw^R'TI tihhdnia, a. to confirm, to
prove, to establish by argument ; to trifallow, or plough (Jj TT^ fill, alike, like ; m. the brrndth of a
three times ; to inquire earnestly, h. field, tul halthnd, n. to be weighed against valuable
things which are to be given in alms ; to sit straight
^,\^j TT'I^T'JT ichJtan, m, a carpenter, s. and compact (as in a boat, which might be overset by
\^J\ ^5o f7T^T:Tofi'T^T tikhru-harna,
falknv, to plough three times, h.
a. to tri-
sitting uneven or carelessly), tul rahnd, n. to stand
front to lix)nt, or opposed, s.

(_^^^>-) fTTStl tdhJidri, f. scales of a baUiiiee. li. ^ fiT^ til, a plant heai'ing an oily seed
{Sesamum or ten fide): the seed of the sesamum ; a mole
on the face; a moment, an instant, tilon men tel aalnn
j^jio ■Hofitpft tah'vn, f. a small pillow. //. kalind (lit. to say there is no oil iu the seeds of sesa-
&jio tdhi/o, m. a pillow, 'dfalirs stand ; tlip mum), to say snow is black, to deny the most evident
reserve of an army, takija-ddr, h fakir, dervise. taki/a truth, to swear black is white, s.
dend, a.to receive respectfully, talnja-k., v.a. to support,
to encourage, faki/a ki.si par-k., a. to depend upon.
J3 tall, a hillock, a hill, a heap. a.
taki/a kaldm or suklutii-laki/a, m. a cant word intro- !l)o TTqJT tald, m. the sole of a shoe; the bot-
duced into one's conveisation vitliout any meaning
tom of any thing ; protection ; a leathern fence worn
iaki/a vlasdnd,
ise. p. a. to lean, takya-nislttn, a fak'tr, a der- by archers on the left arm. s.
!)j W^T tula, f. a balance, a pair of scales ;
ijj.3 tag, running, toiling, a gallop, p.
the seventh sign. Libra ; a measure or weight of gold
lL-^J TTH tog (same as tah, postpos.) up to, and silver, 100 pains, or al)0ut 145 ounces troy ; the iu t
till, &c. h. [tw'it- ''• of being weighed against gold or any kind of valuable
substance, which is afterwards given to the priests. *.
\XJ TTTitt ttuiqa, f. a strand or thread of a
!il3 tilld, ni. (for !i)vl?) the golden border of
IC) 7TJTT tugn, f. the manna of bamboos. A. a turb.iu. a. p.
^ ( 2o2 )
the berrv of t'ae (_i y^ nr^f^ tUd,l, f. a small frying-pan. h.
^c5 iuld-h'i
TTNi from j,
j^ !^ precitorius,
taken, s. which the jeweller's weight is
j*y> fiT^'^X.tHbar, m. a species of bird. />..
LiJo ,)^ W^rnnrt^T tnJa-pariksha, an ordeal (iwjab tidli'iSj f. cheating, fraud, fall:icv, ii;.-
posture ; mixture, confusion ; misrepresentation ; con-
by balance; the accused is accurately weighed, then cealing (the truth, the faults of goods on sale) ; {ailing
removed, and certain |iray'rs, \c. said ; tiien he is
weighed again, and if lighter than before it is an in- in proving one's allegations; a knave; covering, a.
fallilile sign of his innocence: if equal or heavier, he
is deemed guilty, s. »-IiA>Ai> W^'T? talpat, ruined, destroyed, more
especially crops by the trampling of cattle, h.
(^b!i^ rT^T^^ tula-flan, n. a gift of gold to
Brahmans equal in weight to the person of the donor, s. ^j^ TT^'T'TT talapnd, la. to flutter to pal-
Ul^j1> W^ifiHI talaphnd, J pitate, to be rest-
,_ilJ^ tilld-dam, f. a housewife or small bag les . /(.
for holding needles, thread, &c. a. p,
Ji^ WcJIrf^ taJaful, m. the region under •*IL*^^ ffi'^f^'^ td-picchat, m. a sweetmeat
tlie earth ; one of the seven divisions of hell. s. made of ground sesamum. s.

^_i«Jj fif^xp^ tilpanil, f. red sanders (^Pte-

^j"^ taldta, m. the east, downwards, d. rocarpns smitolinus). s.
j^ talar (v. tale), underneath, below, d.
VL**^ ta asnd, \a. to rub the palms of the ^^ fi^:^^^ til-pinj, \m. barren sesamum,
il-pej, J
IjJj^ talashnd,} hands, or the soles of the ^~jb frT^tl*! til-pej,
sJ^ frTc5^^ til-pinj,']J bearing no blossom,
feet. d. or yielding no oil.

^^J^ frfc^HnJM tuli-phala, f. the Simiil, or

i^_y*'!^ toldxli, f. search, study, inquiry. silk-cotton tree. s.
talashl, one who searches goods, &c. p.
^^Jj1> ricrSric^lHT tultuldna, n. to become soft
ij**^ talashl, f. annihilation ; dispersion, a. (from moisture), as a mud wall in the rains, as a sore
or boil when suppurating, or a fruit gutting ripe. h.
j^*^ tnlahnn, m. buffeting, dashing ; (i)ar- U^J-Ib If^W^Smt taltatand, n. to shake, h.
ticularly with reference to the waves of the ocean), a.

f^"^ talafi, f. compensation, recompense, a. iJjH^^ fif^^C^ til- tail, m. sesamum oil. s.
^J'!^ tnlahi, f. meeting, interview, reunion, a. iu^ taljiyat, a forced oi- wrong interpreta-
tion of the words of a contract, a.
iJL>S'^yS ■H^STflFtf? tulu-hoti, f. an ornament of
the feet or toes; a hundred millions, s.
Jj';^ Jj fk^^^^ til-chdn'li, f. mixture
composed of rice and sesamum seeds ; a mixture of
(^•i ^ Wc5l<*l5I tuld-liosh, m. a sort of or- black and grey hairs in the head. s. h.
deal by weighing the accused (v. tula j)a)ikslid). s.
\js-^yi fitcjTj^i til-cliatfd, m. a cockroach,
*^ tildni (pi. of ^1j), servants, ike. a. {B.'atln). s. h. [kind of sweetmeat s.
3-c^^ /a/a»i?^(pl.ofjJL»b),student«, scholars. a.
\^y3 tiland, m. a kind of song. p. ^.^s-^Jj fif^S'^T^ til-chur'i, f. the name of a
i\^fC^'^'^ialchu,a, a light soil above clay. h.
VJ^ TTc^HI tdlana, a. to cause to fry. h.
<-iL*^s^ TTcTSTT talchhat, f. dregs, refuse, scum,
'j^i rTcTRT fiddii,n,H. to cause to be weighed, s. sediment, offals, leavings, h.

j':)3 rToS'R (ala.iv (for tdldb), m. a tank, a

pond, reservoir of water, p. U^^ fTT^'5»n tilachhnd, a. to flutter, pal-
pitate, be restless. /;.
\^^i iulaifd, m. an advanced guard, forlorn
hope, a patrol or reconnoitering party, t. J3 talkh, bitter, acrimonious, rancid; mali-
cious, sorrowful. talkhrTi, morose, tnlkh-dchia darnel,
\*'"}3 T.'^mT t'ddird, ni. part of a Hindustani tares, talkh-kam, bitter to the palate. /rt/Wi k , to
carriage, which rests on the axle-tree arm, and sup- embitter, to aggravate, talkh go, plain-spoken, harsh.
ports the body of the carriage, s. lalJ^-mizdj, ill- tempered, p.

lused. W^'Si'T^
S. fcd-iipar, upside down, con- \&^ talMd, m. grain parched and poiitidcd,
and then mixed
blad er, p. up into a paste with water ; the gall-
C-^j^ ialdwat or talawat, f. meditation,
reading (particularly the ?i«-,(jn,as an act of religion), a. ^ talTiliu f. bilterness, malice, ninconr. p.
name of fTT^T^Tt
a pl.iin in thetildwri
vicinity or tila,or~i,
of Sirhind. f. the
abounding f^y^^ "fir^iT til-dhenu, f. sesamum made
in robbers . iience it is applied to any situation of up in the shape of a cow for the purpose ot being pre-
sented to the Brahmans. s.
danger. /'/
^^j^ 71551^ tala,on, low grounds, .s. (iiJo talazzuz, m. delight, pleasure, charms, a.
( 283 )

' \"b fKoJTT tiUira, ni.^. a necklace or any or- lP

(^JJ H^'^T tdlan, m. frying, fried ni> at. /i.
^<•.,\3 f(Tc5^ t'dan, f. J nnnient of tliroo Ub rr^TfT tdhid, a. to fi-y, or ii. to be fried, h.
strings //.
u^ W^TT tulitd, n. to be wei<rhed in a ba-
lance ; to bi- drawn up in array (as one army against
j<J^i 7T^^^ /?f/.si or tulusi, ['. tlie name of a anotiier). //. \_huigjrind, to aiiible. d.
"plant worshipped by tlie Hiniius, liol^' biisil (Ori/iiiiim
satirliim). Tids'i or TTdas'i, was a nyiii()li bflovcd by i^SXi tuUnifj, a kinil of pace in a horse, tu-
Krishna, but by him turned into tliis plant, tuh'i-dds,
name oi a. i;(>sri,'in and a celebrated Hindu poet, tiilsl ^^> fiT^"^! tilnnrja or t'diiuja, m. an inhabitant
duna, a gold ornament, tulsi kd hird, beads made of
the wood of the tuhl plant, s. of Tailang, in wliich the soldiers were fir.st clothed and
disciplined in the European manner; hence, a soldier, i
^JxZt^ frT^^oirrt til-shnhari, f. a kind of
sweetmeat made of sesame and sugar. *. \^ fil^^T /'7/t?^<7r7, ui.la kind of (child's)
^J^ ffT^W^ tihnnf,, f./ pupcr kite; the
^ QJab talaitiif, m. kindness, oblitjinfjness,
"Tininga or Telugu language, h.
blandishment, favour, talaftuf-k., to shew kindness, a.
c-ftJ-> talaf, m. rnin, destruction, loss ; pro- lyj fff^'^ tila,h (•!• tilird, m. a kind of sweet-
meat (eaten particularly by the Hindus when the sun
digality, consumption, expense, talafii-l mdl khalafu- enters Capricorn), s.
Fumr, the loss of riches is the prolongation of life.
/rt/^/'Ar., a. to waste, to consume, talaf-hond, n. to be \yO W;^:^! talu,a or H^^^ talira, m. the sole of
unfortunate, to meet with a loss. a. the foot, the heel, talivd chdtiid or talwe tide lid!h
dliarvd, a. to flatter, talwe salddne (lit. to stroke the
laab talaffuz, m. expnssion, pronunciation, soles of the feet) signifies excessive flattery, adulation.
utterance, a.
talwon se as la^ni (lit. burning in the soles of the
feet) implies excessive anger, s.
^Aflb talf'ik, collecting;; sewing together, a.
Iftli) tiUa, m. reprelieiision ; arriving at, meet- j'yj
s. talwar, f. (same as turrvdr^, a
ing with, falling upon, encountering in battle, a.
^j^iib talJiin, f. instructing, informing ; the u**»^jjj rfcJ^ni'TT tuhrnsfid, a. to wear out,
spoken in reference to the feet of an animal, which
admitting of a person into any order in society, and are worn by treading on hard rocky ground, h.
initiiiling him in its laws, &c. ; religious instruction,
funeral service. talJcln-k., a. to instruct, to inform, &**»i^b tabcdsa, m.comniotion, astonisiiment.^.
to teach, a.
cdlb frT^oF filak, m. the mark which HindQs U)^ tulrvdnd, \n. to have l)lisfered
make on their forehead with coloured earths or un- \>\s»-^A^ tulivd,e-jdnd,j feet from the lieat
guents ;a freckle, a mole, a natural mark on the body , of the sun. d.
a title (especially in comp.) implying pre-eminence ;
a commentary, a. \v^^ ftToftWRT tilottamd, f. name of an aj)sard
vjiii) tilak, f. a gown, a sleeveless robe. p. or dancing-girl in the court of Indra. s.

uiAJj TT^Soff inlak (v. tak), (postpos.) up to, cL>^\!) tilwnt, a kind of sweetmeat, d.
as far as, until, h.
i^i^y^ fff^T^»T tilaudan, m. a dish of milk,
rice, and sesamum. s.
oJo fn^oirT tilakd, spotted, freckled ; chief,
principal ; f. a kind of necklace, s. \j .^J W^^ft.^T talwariyd, f. a scimitar ; m.
a swordsman ; one armed with a scimitar, a sword-
ol> wf^oRT tiilika, f. a small bird, said to re-
semble the wagtail, s. player, s.
(^^13 tahiiomm, m. changing colours like a
oJj fr%o|fT tallikd, f. a key. s. chameleon ; fidgeting, restlessness, capriciousnoes. ta-
ciiJKiJ fTT^oRT^oif tilhdlak, m. a mole on the lawtvun-Uib' or -mizdj, capricious, whimsical, fretful.
talawwun-mizdji, f. capriciousuess, fickleness of dis-
body ; a man so marked, s. [mum. s.
position, a.
tiLiJo fff^onJ tilkat, m. the farina of sesa- \i^yO fll^f^T tilohhd, (spoken of a lamp)
sloped so that the oil may reach the wick. s.
cS*i (J.i fjT^oF? til-hut, m. the name of a sweet-
meat composed of pounded sesamum and sugar, s. It. 1^13 flT^^T tillid, oily. tilhd,i, oiliness. s.
i.LS^ TTqST talag (v. talalt), up to, until, h. J j.jj.i wf^^f talihru, inferior, next, below, one
ul:o acts at the command of another, s.
'o^Uo iT^JHqSTJTT talmnland, n. to be tanta-
lized, to grieve, to be agitated. U. (^ rT^ tall, f. the sole of a shoe ; tlie bottom
"of any thing ; beneath, under; impalpable powder, s.
ic^ flf^^'^ til-may, made of sesamum. s.
liojo ttihmz, m. a student, a scholar, dis- Jj'i flTW^ tillt, f the spleen or milt, tap tilU,
"{. disorder of the spleen, s.
ciple, pupil, a.
Aj iT^f t(de, l)elow, down, underneath, tale
.^x»b fiT^JHR til-mayur, no. a kind of pea-
cock, marked with spots resembling the seed of sesa- "upar, upside down ; tale
see clandestinely, confused,
kl zamlii talc
ii/iar tale deklnid,
lioni, is useda. to
nmni. s.
express great disturbance and confusion. *.
2-54 ;

^ TT^ tuU, f. a steelyard ; a fibroug stick or "*>j V TTHTf^^ ta77idlikd, f. a district in Ben-
brush used by -weavers for cleansing the wool ; a
gal, the modern Tamhik. s. [emollient s,
painter's brush, s.
IJj TT^TTT talahja, f. a small pond, s. ^_Jv 'fl'HT^ tamdli, f. a plant used as an
i»W> ^a/tta»i, entire, perfect, com pletr. tamdm-
jjl^l3 irctT^T*T tulija-jmn, m. drinking toge- <ar, wholly, completely, tamiim shud, it is finished.
ther, s. tamam-k., to perfect, to complete, to finish, tamiim
hand, n. to be finished, to die. a.
i^jJo W^rft talinl, f, a kind of beetle, the
" for
of which are This
used insect
for blistering, as aappearance
substitute j_^W> tamdvii, f. completion, totality, the
makes its whole ; brocade, cloth of gold, tissue, a.
chiefly during the rainy season, h.
13 W) n*ii»ii tuindnd, a. to cause to be carded, h.
sJS:) 'xi'^tidya, like, equal, s.
{j^\i t\*\},\tumd,~i, f. the price of carding, li.
\^ 'JT%?T
dove, h. talailia or tilaiha, m. a turtle-
lx»!5 TTifT tiimbd, m. a hollowed gourd ; the
rind of a gourd in which beggars carry water, &c. s.
*3 'K^fm)l or TTfTt taiiia, m. d;nkness, gloom ;
the third of the qualities incident to the state of hu- Ix,!) tambd, "1 ,
manity;the tama-gnn, or property of darkness, whence * . _ >-m. trousers, drawers, p.
proceed folly, ignorance, mental blindness, worldly
delusion, passion, anger, &:c. ; sorrow, grief, s. yUy) tamhan,}
^ tavim (for tarn ma), \t is complete, tamma- ^'o^ TT^Icfi fambdhu, m. tol)acco: the word,
l-kitcib, the book is finished ; finis, a. though of foreign origin, is now quite naturalized in
the language. /(.
^ mtum (2dpprs.pron.pl.), you. tiim-ap, J'-X»!) 'rraTcS' tnmhdiu, a brass vessel in which
you yourself, tutn-ho, to you. ttan-tanau, gen. pi. your, Hindus dress their food ; a small round brass pot for
of you. s. [one hundred Yojans long. «. water, d.
^ ftfik timi, m. a fabulous fish, said to be
^f»j 7ra tiimhu,m. a tent ; (in Dakh.) an eel. h.
^33l»!> tamasul, equal division of an estate, a.
(J^x».) l^^tamhol, m. the betel leaf, tambol
Wlv> tamacha, Ira. a slap, a box, a blow, a
dud, to bleed from the bridle (a horse's mouth), h.
&>.W> tamacha,] thump, a cuff. p. (J^x»J tfylfcjStf tambolin, a woman who sells
betel leaf ; a kind of tree. h.
\J\<\y>-\^ tainakhra mama, a. (inelegant)
to reproach in jest; to put on airs of consequence in
poverty, h. [amer. ^^^ rfyio^ tnmboti, m. a caste whose busi-
"ness is to sell betel leaf. h. [P'*y- ^.
_j^WJ tamakhu (Dakh. for tamaku), tobacco.
i_^^^«J tavibu-mncJdn, a species of !am-
(^iiUJ' tamadi,
(in law) f. perseverance
a limitation ; a lonij
as to time which bars time
a civil; ic^ f^ ^MwZ^i, f. a long goufd {Cucurhita
prosecution, a. " lagetiaria) ; a small hollow gourd ; the rind of a gourd
in which beggars carry water, &cc. ; a kind of pipe. s.
\X^ fumard ( for tumhara), your. d.
UxJ iTf^Tn iumbiyd or 'nf^T tumbhid, m. ?
{jc\^ tamaruz, m. feigning a disease, tama-
ruz-Jc., to feign sickness, to "sham Abram." a. pot. h.
iA*j\^ tamdsuhh, ra. effacing, transforming, iJL^ im^ tamat, desirous, longing, s.
metamorphosing, transmigration (of souls), a. iJL**J firf^ timit,vfet, moist ; steady, fixed, s.
\J*»\^ tamdshd, m. an entertainment, show, a *j^ tdinattii , m. enjoyment, delight, plea-
spectacle; sight, tamasha-lc, a. to see; to take a sure ;using, gaining, a.
walk ; to jeer, to jest, tamashd-bln, a sight-seer, rake,
epicure, ^ama^/ia- i7?; 7, f. luxury, libertinism ; some- 13UjUJ HHri^MI tamtamdnd, m. to grow red
times contracted into tamash, as tamash-bln. a rake, an
(in the face) ; to glow, to Sparkle, to twinkle, to flash, s.
epicure, a whoremaster. tamash-hln'i, f. raking,
whoring, a. [for holding a show. a.p. V3V»iv> iiw^ma?m, to dance in time to music, d.
8olj*>l^ tamdshd-gah, f. a spectacle, a place uLJsUjU^ HHr1HI^7 tavitavidhat^ f. the state
^^^^[J> tamd^hdji, m. a spectator, looker on ; of growing red (in the face), s. [yours, h.
a rake, an epicure, a.
yi^ TTITTT^ tumtanau (for tumhdrd), your
•^l»!J tamcihu, \ . . ,_,_.,
-^ , .. _ _ Hobacco (v. tambaku). h. J'JV timsal, resemblance, picture, a.
^^ tumdkhu, J
Jl«l> tcnnassul, m. imitating, resembling ;
»JWJ HTT^ tamdl,m. the name of a tree, noted
for the dark hue of its blossoms (Xanthocymus picto- appljing allegories, s.
rhts) ; the sectarial mark made with sandal, &c. s.
J.^ tamsll, f. comparison, oimilitude ; al-
tdUlvJ inri^S^ tamdlak, m. a potherb {3Iar- legorv, parable, prologue, an example; pi. tamsllat,
parables, &c. tamsll land, a. to allegorize, to speak in
silea dentata). s.
parables. tavisUan, allegorically. a.
4^As^ f am Jul, f. the glorification of God ; i^^y^ THTtTTTr 1omo-(jnn (v. tavi), m. the ■)rin-
hence, the hymn or pra3'er that is pronounced from the ciple of darkness, delusion, &c. s.
minarets an hour and a half before dawn. «.
--.^♦J tani.au/ruj, agitation (of waves, &c.) a.
»*i frrfH^ timrr, m. darkness, obscurity, s.
►»i tamar, m. a date, tainari-hind or tama- (jjr^^'^
legislator"fTmn tavw-(jJi)w,
Buddha; lit. destroyerm.of adarkness,
name ofs. the
ri-khun, f. a tamarind, a.
(J^«i tamviairiviil, f riches, becoming rich. a.
i^j^ tomarrud, tn. refractoriness, stiiI)born-
ness, disobedience, insolence, rebellion, a
tj^^ TWtf^Tft tavw-lipti, f. the district of
j^.iV tamarrudi, refractoriness, &c. d. Tamluk, in Bengal, s. [passion, fear, &c. s.

ij^^ fHW tamas, m. (v. tarn) darkness, s. C^j^y^ TTflT^'il tamo-vrit, overcome with rage,
U--«3 TTfJWT tamisj-a, f. a dark niolit, one ,^ TTT^ iinnh (for iinn), you. h.
during the wane of the moon ; m. the dark half of the
month from the full to the change, s. ]j-^-^ H^RT tumhdrd (2d pers.pron. gen. pi.),
j"our, yours, of you. /(.
J^"^ tamasMur, ni. buffoonery, a. i^^^ fTT^ tumhun (inflect, pi. of tum^you.h.
i^^^i tamassuh, m. a note of liand, bond,
obligation, receipt ; pi. tamassukc'it. a. Si^^ iamh'id, f. disposition, arrangement, set-
tlement, management, confirmation, preliminary, pre-
amble, preface, preparation, introduction, tuinhhl-k.,
^j,y^ imf^'^ tamasniiii, f. night, s. a. to dispose, &c. (pi. tamluddt). a.
ly^ ffff'TEt fimish, m. a kind of pumpkin
gourd, a water meion. s. (j^^ fn^ tuviJieh, you, or to you. h.
li^ tarn (/Id (v. ul-tamgl>a), stamp, mark, \x^ tannz, f. judgment, discernment, discre-
brand ; a species of tax ; royal charter, seal. t. tion, sense, harfi-tamtz, an adverb, a. [guished. a.

ulAv lUTeF tamak, f. vanity, arrogance, pride; Ixji tamuiyuz, m. being discerned, or distin-
f. growing red in the face. s.
^^ fan (1T«T for TTrT tami) m. f. the body, per-
oi-»3 iWeRT ta/nha, m. a stroke of the sun. h. son, tan-dsdnl, f. bodily ease, tan-parwart, f. luxury,
voluptuousness, tani-tanlid, alone, solitary, ian-dii-
r^^^ tamalilmn, possessing authority, a, rust, soimd in body, healthy, vigorous, tan-dnniiti,
f. health, vigour. tan-dih, a person of application.
UkX^ UTRcRrTT tamahna, n. to jri-ow red in the tan-d'ih'i, f. application, exertion, attention, tan-dcnd,
face ; to be enraged without cause, or to break out a. to payandattention,
into violence at a temperate and reasonable speech, h. desires be silent, tanp.o s.
man mdnid, [them,
to restrain
these, one'sh

fji finj tin (infl. pi. ofthecorrel. pr. so), whom,

el-'^^t^ tavikanat, f. dignity, authority, a.
{^xf^ tamkin, f. majesty, dignity, autliority, f^ H'^ ttinn, m. name of a tree, of which the
power, o. [beleric myxobalan. s. wood, resembling mahogany, is used for furniture;
f. the flower of the tree (used for dj'eing a yellow colour)
(Cediela toona, Roxh.) ; adj. tormented, vexed, injured,
^y^ fT*T5! tumul, m. tumult, combat, uproar ; cut, broken, s. [sit upright, s.
"A^ tamaUuh, m. cajoling, flattery, adulation, Ijj IT^T tannd, a. to stretch, to pull tight ; n. to
ceremony, a.
^^.^i-ljJ tand-Jihori (for tgnhd-hhori), solitary
tiLA*^ taml'ik, possessorship,
llk-ndma, a deed of transfer, a.
property, iam- living or enjoyment, d.
iU) ianddd, being dispersed, flight, a.
1^^ tumnn,m. brotherhood, connection, caste,
&c. ; bt-vy, crowd, troop, squadron (properly, ten thou-
sand) (see toiiian). Hunan bdndlind, a. to collect a body cjui tandzu', m. wrangling, strife, a.
of troops. tiLinan-ddr, the commander of a tuman.
tuman-ddrl, f. the command of a tuman. p. J.ljo tandzul, m. descent, decline (falling of
price, losing rank, &c.); leaping from ahorse in order
tx,!> tamannn, f request, wish, prayer, sup- to fight, a.
plication, petition, a.
(„^u.«U3 tandsuh, m. lesembling, relation, pro-,
lx»J fTT»TT tum-nd (for Uim-ho), to you, you. d. portion, a. [psj-chosis. s,
«^*^ tav)ancJia, m. a ])istol. p. v->U3 tanasuM, m- transmigration, metem-
J-Cl»!> ftrfirf^^ timingll, m. (r, timi) a fabu-
lous colossal fish, the father of the sea serpent, s. J^U'i tanasul, m. generation; uninterrupte d
descent through a series of generations,
jXiXl^ ftTfHf^^fTcU timingilgil, m. a fabu-
lous fish, larger than the preceding, s. ji\S> tanafur, flying from each other, retiring,
contending for pre-eminence (before a judge.) e.
jXv> tamanni, f. request, &c. (see tamanna). a.
^Uj tana f I, f. exf)elling, pui-suing, perse-
\y^ tamuz, name of a Syrian month (July), a. debt), has
(thata another performed any t'r:ing
as that ;hedenial
"cuting has paid a.
U3 ( 256 ) >
(je5^Jo tanhJiUz, contradiction ; (in law) the y-J tantu (same as LILoJ), a tnread, itc. s,
advancing of two incompatible claims to tiie same
prtipt.'rtj. a. Ui) tanta, \m. wrangling, altercation ; adj
^Ijo tnnahul, mutual communication, a. ,Jal> tantal,) heinous, tantalmarl, quarrel-
some, d. [^teort. s.
\3Uo rTWT^T fannana, n. to twang; to have a
sharp pricking pain from inflammation, h. iJSi ffUjs) tinti, f. a plant commonly called
jjlij tan-uirav, corpulent, stout, j). j»^ tanjhn, f. astrology ; act of predicting:
anj' thing from the aspect of the stars, a.
JjUi) tanawnl, m. eating, tanaroul-h., a. to
Cat. a. •AJ^ tanakknvhJL) m- clearing the throat,
hemming, hawking, a.
^Ij5 tanahi, f. finishing, completing, ar-
" riving at the end, or place of destination, a. 1>\^ tanhhvcih, f. wages, an assignment (on
\jjo tambd, m. a kind of drawers, very wide, the revenues) ; an order or draft for money, tiinkhwah-
ddr, one who receives salary, a holder of an order for
almost like petticoats, p. wages. tankhwdh-iJarl, f. receiving pay, service, p.
^'jjj ff^lcir tambahu, m. tobacco: the word, ^ ir^ tiind, m. the belly; f. the navel.
though of European or American origin, is now natu- tund^arimarj or -parimrij, m. a lazy man, passing his
ralized in the Indian tongues, h.
time in stroking his belly, s.
*5'jJ0 ri^l<4 tambalu, m. an earthen pot (for liJJ fwr^tivdu, m. a species of ebony from the
cooking), a pipkin, a small metal pot (of brass or tinned fruit of which a resin is obtained that is used for
iron), h.
caulking vessels (Dispyros glutinosa). s.
^jLjj tawhan, m. drawers, trousers, "p. iXJo tiind, active, hot, spirited, fierce, sharp,
^xsi Tre tanibu, m. a tent, pavilion, h. severe, acrid, tund-kho, warm, passionate, fretful.
tutid-raftar, fast-going, tund-zabuii, eloquent, talking
j^jjo tnmbur, 1m. a kind of Turkish guitar; rapidly. tund-mixdj, hot-headed, passiouate. tuiid
hond, n. to be angry, to be displeased, p.
V^itnmbura,} also a drum. a.
jjjj tandur or tundar (also tundur), m.
J^xO fT^Pt^ tambol, m. the betel leaf, tambol thunder ; the nightingale, p.
ana, n. to bleed from the bridle (a horse's mouth), s.
Vi3J«3 Hr^ tundra, f. lassitude, weariness, syn-
i^%y^ rI^tf55«T tambolin, f. a woman whose cope, tandrdlu, slothful, overcome with sleep or
business is to sell betel leaf; name of a tree. s. fatigue, s.

jJ^i "frel^ tamboU, m. name of a caste C1.mj»j<:>j3 ta7i-durust,sonud in body, healthy.;^.

'"whose business is to sell betel leaf. s.
»jkJo tanabbuh, m. bashfulncss, modesty; ad- ^jM»jSJ3 tmi-durusti, f. bodily health, p.
monition, advice ; animadversion, reproof, a. (_?ji.^jj TT^ s.tandri, f. sleepiness ; lassitude,
^jjj tanabbi, f. a beam, a rafter, d.
^i»>jj3 TT'^ToF^ tund-Jiupl, f. the navel, s.
Vjujo rl'fem tambiya, m. a pot. h. ^(3J3 f?Tn5<*l tindnJn, f. the resinous fruit of
ft^jai tamblh, f. admonition, correction, heat- "the ebony called tindu. s.
tug, punishment, tamblh-k. or -d., to chastise, a.
Jii^jo 7Tf;^/i<H</i7, having a prominent navel. .<.
CL^S TPiT tantu, m. a thread, off?j)riiig, race. a.
^tiJJ tanaddum, m. penitence, bashfulne&s,
(JI^ irf^iT <a?ii/, m. a weaver, s. modestj'. a.
JiU fT^ tantr or tantra, m. name of a Hindu ..i3J3 tandur, m. (see tanvr) an oven. a.
scripture ; charm, enchantment ; the term tantra is
also applied to a religious treatise teaching peculiar ^jSi3 tiindi, f. fierceness, acrimony, &c. j).
and mystical formula; or rites, for the worship of the
deities, or for the attainment of superhuman po\ver. jvjo tufid, "1 , . p ,
It is mostly in the form of a dialogue between Shiva J...
Djsjo,^tundha,) >a large piece or wood. a.,
and Durga, \> ho are the peculiar deities of the Tan-
tr'ikas ; demonstration, clear and right conclusion ; JjJOTnB^ tandul, m. rice (cleaned from the
raiment, vesture ; a medicament, a drug. s.
husk); any grain after threshing and winnowing; a
^JJ•^ Ifi^ tnntrl, m. a musician, s. vermifuge plant, s.

^ 'ii> ■firf'TfTt t'lntirt, m. the tamarind tree. s. Jjjo fliPFJ tandulu, f. a plant of which the
seeds are used as a vermifuge. 5.
vii-axUJo ■fTnToF^ tantu-Jiit, m. a silk-worm. s.
bUlJyJ IT^rnrrfn tantanana, n. to twang, to C.JJ3 tanazzu, in. quarrelling, wrangling, a.
tingle, h.
^}yyi tanazzul, m. descent, declining slowly,
liUlo" TT'tl'm^T tuntunanci, n, to sound, h. diminution ; condescending, a.

\SiS^ IRT'Jn?? tantajiahat, f. sharp prick- 8jJo tanazzuh, m. being pure, modest, free
ing pain, from inflammation, h. from vice or stain, a.
( 257 ) n
ta7tzil, f. revelation ; the hir,dn ; caus- ^^ K^Uoiga, m. a denomination of money,
equal to two pdisa. h.

ing (atraveller) to alight, receiving him hospitablj-. a.
eojjj tnnzih, f, piirifyinf;, cleansing, keeping j'-^^cfX^ W^^TJ tung-bhadra, m. arestiveele-
at a liistance from every thing unclean, tanziya, in. phnnt,
bhadr. ors. one in rut ; C a river in Mysore, the Turn-
inspiring with desire, a.
^JwJo fanassul, m. pedigree, genealogy, a.
^^ V»-lL^ tang-cha,i, f. tightness, closeness;
^*--j5 fati^tkh, abrogation, quashing (of a de- scarcity, distress, difiiculty ; stinginess, parsimony, p.
cision), a. [Christianity, a.
(J^ W^ tuvgi, f. a kind of basil (^Ocymum
^aJJ tnnassur, mutual help ; conversion to " gratissimum). s.

.Q...^l'> tanslf,
into two equal f. dividing
parts, a. in the middle or j_^ itnig'i, f. want ; a bag, a .sock, tangi-k.,
"a. to be parsimonious, to act the miser, p.
tjkiijo tanzir, f. resembling, beholding, a. bUxl> iangii/ana, to lighten ; to make a
horse gallop, h.
*Jajj tnnzlm, f. ordering, arranging; com-
posing verses ; threading pearls, o. 3LJj ifrJn^ ianmatra, that merely, s.

**J3 tana'um, happiness, enjoyment, a. yyi iHT tanu, m. (v. tan) the body. s.
JH*J>> tnn'lm, m. bestowing abundance ; say- «jJyo ¥^1X1 txinna-vaya, m, a tailor, s.
' ing. na'wj, yes, in confirmation (of a debt, &c.). a.
jSuJ tanaffur, m. aversion, disgust, a. jyki tanur or tannur, ra. an oven, a stove, a.
(j«iJO tanojfus, m. respiration, breathing, a. i^kincyyi tmiu mand or tano-mand, robust,
corpulent, p.
aJLj tanlfth, f. cleaning, poli.^hing ; deciding
j>.yy> tanrvlr, f. illumination, enlightening, a.
disputes, investigation, search, ascertaining, verifica-
tion of accounts, Sic. a,
j^,yj ta7iv'in, f. nunation, i.e. marking the
final letters with double vowel points, which gives
aofiJJ tanhiyii. in. cleaning (the bowels), them the additional syllable of an, in, or, un (vide
purging; winnowing grain, o. Hind. Gram. pp. 19, 20). a.
uiJjo iunoh or tunuh, slight, weak, delicate,
effeminate ; a thin cake or fritter, tunak-hnwass, sen-
eJ3 tana, m. a stalk, stock, trunk, stem. p.
sible, sensitive. tiinak-^awdssl, f. sense, sensibility. ^j3 tanha, alone, solitary, singular, unique ;
tunak-^arf, (lit a weak vessel), talebearer, tatler. tunak-
mizaj, whimsical, captious, peevish, fretful, p. private, apart ; only, single, p.
ijjkjj irTaF fomilt or W^Teli tnnah, little, small ; (_^.pLj3 tanhdji, f. loneliness, solitude, p.
adv. slif;litly, in a small degree, s.
0<x^ fir^ojrr tinka, m. a straw, a bit of the (p
" are"JR^
tied. tarn,
h. f. a string with which garments
stalk of grass, tiuka danton men lena, to make sub-
mission, confess inferiority or ask for quarter, tinke ^j3 fjT^ tiyml, f. a kind of lice. h.
chunue, (lit.) to pick straws, applied to oue who is
intoxicated, h.
^xi'W'*nta}iai/,m.ason; a male descendant, s.
jiioo tinhar, m. borax (in Dakh. tankai-). p.
jj3 fT'^ tarn, If. a daughter or female
'-Ax5 flT^ohrlT tinakna, n. to flutter, palpitate, ^MJWffTll ia/iagdj descendent. s.
to throb, h. [skin. *.
t— ?»xJ WJToFT tanu-hup, ni. a pore of the ''^^3 Tfff^Vfl taniyd, m. a kind of covering for
the waist, h.
^Cl> x{i\<^ tunki, f. a fine kind of bread or
"wafers, thin as muslin, s.
(^^^O tinnin, a large serpent, a dragon ; the
constellation Draco, a.
cL^ W^ tunr/, high, elevated ; ra. a tree
{Rottleria tinctoria) ; top, vertex, height, s. correlative particle ; introducing
y iftto,a
{^Jj3 tung,m. a vessel with a longand narrow the second clause of a conditional proposition, as jo tu
neck ; a body of ti-oops. p. dwega, to pdwegd. If thou wilt come, tlien shalt thou
receive ; an expletive, ornamental, or strengthening
uLXx3 tang, strait, tight, narrow ; wanting, the expression, as main to atu thd, par tisne due na
diyd, I was in fact coming, but he prevented me. i.
scarce, barren ; m a horse-belt, girth ; a bag, a sack,
hiilf a horse's, bullock's, or camel's load, a bell, tang-
and.n to be distressed, to be exhausted, to be dejected. y TT^ iau, then, in that case, moroever, that,
tang-c'iashm, miserly, niggard taug-hiil, poor, dis- also, for, yes, well, tau hhl, even then, still, neverthe-
tressed, straitened in circumstances. taiig-hdli, f. less, tau-'loii or taii-lag, then, in that case, till then, x
poverty, distress, narrow circumstances, tmig-dasf, poor,
distressed; miserly, tnng-da.stl, f. parsimony, poverty, y IT tu, pron. thou, tu-tii, sound of calling a
want, tang-dil, miserly, niggard, tang-dill, f niggard- dog. h.
liness, stinginess, parsimony. tang-du/ian, small-
mouthed ; an epithet of a sweetheart. ta»g-k., a. to iy t/nva, m. tin' iion plate on which bread is
distress ; to contract, tang-l., a. to tighten, to take in baked ; the part of a liukhi to which tobacco is fixed,
(a knot or buckle), p. or the tobacco itself ; an iron mirror, p.
y ( 258 )
y tarrjia, m. (v. taba) a frying-pan. tatvive \jby ift'in'n topana or 7rqT»n tupana, a. to
have buried, to cause to cover, h.
po k'l khilll hojia, to be restless, uneasy, d,
jL)^y tan-abi'
dants, a. (pi. of ^13), followers, depen- ^.^y top-chi, m. a conductor of artillery, a
" commissary of ordnance, a bombardier. (.
Ji\^ tatvatur, m. continuation, succession, a. 1^?.y iftTTI topra, m. a fly, a kind of pigeon, h.
^\y tawajnd, mutual extacies, rapture, a. Lil>y topak or tupah, f. a musket, t.
jly l^X. tUfUr, f. a kind of pulse {Cytisus Ij^.y (TlilrfT topna, to bury, to cover, h.
cajan). s.
(Port, ^topo"), a hat such as Eu-
^3y topiropeans
K'y 'fiRTTT^?-7i'ara,m.ahall with three doors. s. wear, top'i-wald, a " topi-man," an European
in general, port.
iSjiy tapjarud, m. unintentionally inserting
the sense of another in one's own poems ; correspond-
C>y tut, m. the mulberry tree. a.
ing by letter, a. [annals, chronicles, a. I3y iftlTT tot a, m. a male parrot ; the cock of
a matchlock, h.
j^j'y taivar'ihh (pi. of 2:J3), dates; historiesi
^^^ly fsT^nft tindsi, stale, three days old. s. \5y ITITT tutu, ^m. blue vitriol, tutty, sul-
j_^ij5 tiivasi, a small embroidered carpet, p. ^jSi^'Kt^ tutah,} phate of copper, s.
xo^y tan-azu, f. humility, attention, pre- ^y iftfT^ tutla, a stutterer, a stammerer ;
adj. lisping, h. [a child, h.
tended kindness, empty compliments. fawSzu'l-somar-
Tcand'i, false politeness, pretended kindness, empt^'com 13^y iftlTcSTTT totlana, n. to lisp, speak like
pliment, "Punicafides." tawuzii'k,to offer as a present, a.
/^y HTPT tutan, ni. chips, clippings, filings,
J^iy tan-qfuh, m. concord, agreement ; (in
arithmetic) the relation between two numbers which fragments, /i.
have a common divisor ; as 6 and 8, both divisible
by 2. a. iJoy ■ffhT^'t totna, a. to weave tape or riband, h.
iiJiy tcnadud, successive generations, a. (3y ift'H^
rot. A. <t»^i, f. (the female of tota), a par-
j_J^y tan-all, f. continuation, succession, a. (3y /o^i, f. a singing bird {Loxia rosea), p.
Jy tav.am or to7i\am, m. a twin. a.
Ju*y '^^ /m/o,i or tuta,i, f. n vessel with a
^Uiy tau,aman (iY tarvaman (dual), twins, a. "spout, h. [phate of copper, s.
boy irftrm tvtiya, ra. blue vitriol, tutty, sul-
^^'y tarcan, power, strength, ability ; strong,
able, powerful : (as an impers. verb) it is poBsible. p. Uy for«, m. loss, deficiency (for tonta), a
cartridge, d.
\3ly tawana, powerful, able ; strong, j)-
fjf\>\^ tan-ana,i, f. power, ability, p. bUy tutapa, m. helplessness. (^.
^JL^)\^ ia>vanistan(r.tarva7i),tohe ah]e,kc.p. Kjy WtToirT /o_?Aa, m. a charm, amulet, philter.s.
Jo^y tawangm', rich, powerful, p. bjy tutna, n. to break, be broken, &c. (v.
tuind). d.
^JS^\^ tawangari, f. opulence, power, p.
&:>.y Uucajjuh, f. turning towards, regarding,
^jiy "cT^^ tuwana, m. the name of a bird. h. attending to; kindness, favour, obligingness; pi ta-
wajjulidt, favours, &c. a.
(_^>iy ian-a,i, f. distress, misfortune, p.
^by tanbah, f. penitence, &c. (v. taubd). a. ajk:..y tmijlli, f. calling one's attention ; ex-
plaining, accounting for; adjustment of accounts;
Yj>^ TrtTST tubra (also tobrn or tobra), ni. assessment ; a description roll, taiijili-nawis, a keeper
of description-rolls, a. [cassia, s.
the bag out of whicli horses eat their corn, h,
b>.y R^ twacha, f. skin ; bark, rind ; woody
tiJoy toband, a kind of petticoat, d.
li-a-y tauJfid, f. unity, believing in the unity
]o3 tauba, m. penitence, conversion ; pro- of the Deity, a.
mising to sin no more, tauba-dhdr, f. the sound of
punishing, &c. a. (Cjiy todri, f. the seed of mallows, p.
^y taubihh, f. reproach, speaking harshly, n. 8iy tudn or toda, m. the butt, or mark, at
which arrows are shot ; a mound, a heap, a stac'' •
L-.'y top, t. a cannon, a gun. top-andaz, a niator, p.
toda,e ti'i/dn, accusing, charging with crime ; a calum-
cannonier. top-chaldna, -chnrna, -ddghna, -lagdnd, or
-vidnid, a. to cannonade, top-khdna, ni. a park of ar-
tillery, the place where cannon and artill ly stores *).Jiy taudV, h'ldd'mg adieu; dismissing,&c. a.
are kept, an arsenal (naval or military), t.
j^> rflv tor or wt^ tor, f. a kind of ptdse ; a
«---'•■> i(\^top, a wood, an orchard of palmet- net thrown over a woman's palki. tor (in the eastero
to**, or of cocoa-nut trees ; a tuft of trees, h. dialect), pron. second p. sing. gen. thy, thine. A.
( 259 )
j^ TTSR tuirar, m. the name of a tribe among u'jijy iftdejMi torivana
Rajputs, h.
jy or turwana,
cause to be broken or changed, as coin. ».
a. to

\j^ r^TT twara, f. haste, speed, hurry, s. i^'^Jj^ mT^T^ ortorwa,i

paid for breaking changingorcoin,
discount, f. s.priv,e
<0^y taurat(j. CL^,j^),\he Pentateuch, a.
{.'yji^ /m/vt;?, the name of the country to the S^y torn, the
matchlock, h. match of a gun. iora-d'dr,
[up to. s.a
north-east of Persia, {renerallj' called Tartary, Trans-
osiana, Turcomania, Turkistan. j). c£j'y Trtrt tori, f. mustard seed ; adv. till,
^jy^ turnnl, a native of Tiiran, a Tartar, j). Jy tuz, ornaments, trappings of a bow, saddle,
&c. ; the under bark of a tree used in Cashmlr for
0.y r«r<H tnmrit, swift, quick; speedily ; writing upon in lieu ol' paper; name of a town in
m. despatch, haste, s. Khuzistrm in Persia, toz (Dakh.), powder in medi-
cine ;dust. p. [at Tuz. s.
cL/,y imT\ ta-varga, m. the dental class of tjfjy tuzi, a kind of shawl-stuff manufactured
letters beginning with If. s.

jj.y nl«u toran, m. strings of flowers sus-

y'Oa*)y tos-dan, a cartridge-box. d.
pended across gateways on occasions of public festi- ii<*>y tawassut, m. mediation; introduction;
vals ;the ornamented arch of a door or gate. s. also a mediator or introducer, a.

j^y HTij turna, quick, swift, expeditious, s. fj'*^^ tawassul, m. conjunction, copulation;
introduction (to another person), a.
8jy fiV^ torah, m. a dish of various meats
presented to others by great men ; a nobleman, a mi- (^^y tavmn, ni. a horse; a young unbroken
nister ;pride, torah-bandl, f the sending out of trays horse ; a high-blooded noble steed, a war-horse ; a
of food as presents, torah-posh, m. a covering for dishes, plump horse ; a horse with a hard mouth, or un-
&c. /(. [pet. /(. manageable, p.

^^J^ Wtr^t iorhl (prop, turhi), m. a trum- Uu*»y tusnd, n. to fade, wither (a flower), d.
(^y Tn^ tosh, m. pleasure, joy. s.
t^y 'ifrt^ tori, f. a kind of cucumber. lu box, p.
(j^jJ»y tosh-dan, m. a pouch, a cartridge-
<-^y 3^*^ s./wnari, f. a kind of lentil {Cyti-
sus cajan).
cH^.y taiirit, f. the Old Testament, more <^^y toshah, f. a quilt, a mattress, toshah-
particularly the Pentateuch, a. icJiana, (same as tosha-Midna), ra. a wardrobe, a place
where furniture is kept. p.

Vy ift'? tor, m. the breach made by a gun, euLy tosha, m. provision, particularly of a
&c. ; the strength of a current ; whey, tor-phor, m. traveller, or those which are carried with the funeral
breaking, plain speaking, tor-tdr, m. breaking and of a deceased person, to support him during his jour-
destroying, plain speaking, tor-jor, cutting out (as ne}' to the other world ; viaticum, tosha-khdna, m. a
cloth by a tailor) ; arranging a speech, &c. tor-dena, wardrobe,ro m, p. a place where furniture is kept, a store-
a. to break to pieces, to spoil, tor-dalnd, a. to break
and destroy, to pull down, tor-k., to make a breach
(as a ball), tor-kasr, fractions (in arithmetic). tor-L, ^«iy taushiJi, f. a kind of acrostic, a.
a. to gather, to pluck (fruit); (for tor, q. v.) a net, &c. s.
(_Ax>oy tion, a. tauslf, f. description, commenda-
V.'y iftTI tura, m. scarcity, want; a purse,
a bag containing one thousand riip'ts ; the match of a
gun ; a bank, an island : a bar ; a ploughshare ; a piece *jo^ tait'ozzu, f. performing the ablution
of rope; an ornament like a chain, tore-ddr, a match- before praying ; arriving at the age of puberty, when
lock, h. [be broken or changed, as money, s. ablution must be performed, a.
IJUy fTTTRT forana or turana, a. to cause to ^->iy tauzih, f. publishing, illustrating, state-
ment of collections. Sec. a.
l^'y "KtSifl iorla or torta, m. a dried pod of
toj-i (q.v.) kept for seed. k. [on the wrist, /;.
jjj^i iTlicJS ^0/v//, ra. a large thick ring worn j^lsy tuwaitnn, m. fixing one's residence in
a foreign country ; taking up one's abode, a.
,lj>>ff-y toghdar, m. the bu-^tard, {otis). d.
J.-«Jjy TTtlc^H^ toral-mal, a man's name, a
statesman who flourished in Akbar's reign, h. ; perfecting, augmen-
jjiy tattflr, f. increase
tation ofrevenue, a.
13 Vy iTTT;^ turna, a. to break, tear, rend, de-
molish ;to grind (as grain) ; to change (as coin) ; to
pluck or gather (fruit, flowers) ; to reduce (in arith.). Jjiy the
the favour,f. grace,
wishes, taiifik, or completion of
guidance of God. one's
dam torm'i, a. to be at the point of death, roll topid,
a to eat the bread of idleness, tornd jornd expresses
absolute power over any thing. «. tawaltlur,
yy mildness, a. ni. respect, honour, modesty,
j_ij^3 torm, f. a claim (for debt, &c. ), dun- X5y tawnlthi, f request ; hope, desire,
" iiinf^.
trets. topu
d. dena or toj-tii lagdnd, to tighten, to dis- '■.vpectiition ; wish, trust, reliance, a,
( 260 )
jy wy generation, birth ;
(XJy tawUfl, f. procreating,
i^iUP tan-a'k'kvf, m. patience ; delay ; pro- assisting at a birth, a.
ion ; tediousness. a.
^y turn, a dry measure of twelve Arcot sersi
jj.'i tnul'ir, f. honouring, respecting, treating a conduit or channel, d.
■with ceremony, reverence, a.
Ld)^ ^^;^tivah, f. the bark of the bamboo; j^Uy toDuin, m. a myriad, 10,000 ; a sum of
bark in general, skin, twak-kshlra, f. the manna of money equal to 10,000 Arabic siher drachmas (which
the bamboo, twak-kandur, m. a sore or wound, s. are about one-third less than those of the Greeks ;
also, a sum equal to fifteen dollars and a half) ; dis-
\3,l^y ffofiTttn tukarna, a. to thou (French tricts into which a kingdom is divided, each being
tutoyer, from tu). s. supposed to furnish 10,000 fighting men; when, for
example, a province is put down for seven tomans, it
J5^3 tarvakhul, m. trust in God, reliance on, implies that such province must hold 70,000 men
faith in, or resignation to. the divine will or destiny, a. ready for the field on the requisition of the sovereign.
It also denotes a Persian gold coin, at present worth
about ten shillings. It was formerly worth from
Ja^ tavhil, keeping in custody, imprison- twenty- to twenty-five shillings, p.
ment, a. [taul-tal, weighing and measuring, s.

Jy T^ taul or f[^ tol,m. weight, weighing. (j^y nm'^ iumri, f. the snout of a crocodile,
alligator, &:c. /*.
Jy ITqJ iul, ra. (for tuhja), resembling. 5.
k-*yj Trt^rn to/nrd, m.~l a hollowed gourd {Cu-
^y ffr^ST tola, m. one rupl weight ; a deno-
mination ofweight, consisting of a number of mojiAa*, [j'-'-<^ TTiTfl tavin, L) curhita loffcnariu). s.
which varies in different parts of India, tola-diir, a
U*y TWJTT tJimnd, a. to card or arrange
weigiiman, one who weighs coins or goods in a mar-
ket. The standard tola, or sicca weight of Calcutta, (wool or cotton) with the finger, preparatory to comb-
is 12^ mashas, agreeably to the following troy.:—
Grainstable ing. /(.
4 panks = 1 rf/inra or grain . . •44916 U*y TTfiwI tumii/d, m. thread made of carded
4 dhdn = 1 rattt 1 -79666 cotton, in opposition to that made of that which has
8 rattt = 1 masha 14-37333 only been beaten (called akrd ru,l). h.
12^ mashas = 1 tola 179 -66666 s.
(^y wood of7T^^''^,m.
tlie fTOor a quiver;
which resembles mahogany, of is
mime and tree
a used
^y wt^T tauld, an intoxicating liquor made for furniture {Cedrvia tuna), s. [manner, h.
from the flowers of the Mahwa tree. h.

^y fanmlla, m. hope ; attachment, a. j^y BT' fiiii (Mnij. ifif i(iuii), so, in that
U'ile'i 11^^1«IT tauldna, a. to cause to be (^y W^»T fun II (c(»rrel. of jo ov j(iun), that,
weighed, s. that same. /(.
• > c^
VjO,i iNl tumhn, m. a hollowed gourd, the
^f'':^f>'^^\^iauld,t,f. the price of weighing.s.
&c. of
s. a gourd in which beggars carry their water,
vlJy imoalaty^a misfortune; a philter or
ftjyi tinvaln, J charm used by a wife to ^y ir^'t tumln, f. a small tumhn, q. v. ;
conciliate the affections of her husband, a. the snout of a crocodile, alligator, &c. *.
.iiy tan-ullud, m. birth, nativity ; adj. be- BTT titinhi, f. a kind of pipe (chiefly
gotten, born, generated, a. ^y
used by thee who exhibit snakes), s.
U5y fftcS'JIT tuliid or -^"^^ ianlna, a. to
weigh, to balance ; to confront (as two armies), taulnd lijV.l!>^y ■ifw*"^rT^ luh-tdn karnd, a. to dis-
nazron men, to estimate the worth of any one. s. pute, to wrangle, to abuse, h.

^Ijjy ■jT^rTT^ iul-nuU, f. a thick roll of liJy T^tond, f. a large belly, a pot-belly. 5.
"cotton, from which it is drawn out in spinning, s. ,\s>»'i 7f7,T^ tondar, \ , ... ,
^,, . .. ^. ,_,_ r pot-bellied, s.
fjA^^ B^^T^ tauhvd,i, f. the price of
weighing, s. tola), s. ^l^^y Tft^l'^tondala,] "
ij<^^ iff^ tohdi, f. the navel, h.
«5y ift?<5 tola, m. a denomination of weight (v.
&5y tuwala, misfortune, evil, tin-ala,^. charm, Jj.^iJy iff^^ tohdnil ^ pot-bellied, gor-bel-
amulet, philter, a.
^)o..V>y HYt^ tonduila,) lied, corpulent, s.

Jy W^sticktul'i,
f. a; a Steelyard;
or brush
a weaver's
painter's brush, or a fibrous U-Jy irN^ tmimnd, n. to be heated in the
sunshine, to be overcome with heat. h.
stick used as one; a rod dipped into crucibles to try
the contents, s.
used by tungd, m. a reed, a flag or rush. d.
Jy T^cSt taufi, f. |a vessel us
h. ^Gy tawangar, rich, wealthy; powerful, p.
a5y ifH^rtlT tauliyd, m.J Hindus. }
i_?^y tawungari, f. riches, wealth,
\:U^^i) tawliyat, f. appointing one as gover- ;
lence power, p. [even. .?.
nor, deputy, or superintendant ; trusteeship. tawU
yui ndma, deed of trusteeship, o. then
^j-^^ irt^ tonkin, at that instant,
cjy ( 2G1 ) W
^>y iJ*yV tunir, m. a quiver. 5.
jj\i fw^'H' tiharau, m.'^ youTy of you (in
jjy> T^X tvwar, m. a tribe of Rajputs; a bull i^V-^ ffTfR ti/idrc, m. [ the old Braj.
without horns ; a beardless man, a eunuch, h.
^j^ fWfTTt ti/uirl, f. J dialect), h.
8y ilVf^ tohi, to or for thee, thee. h.
tired, m^^\
h. thdlma, n. to fatigue, to be
jjfcj!) tuwahhum, m. suspicion, imagination, a.
^,fc^ rtf^ti tuhin, m. snow, ice, or frost, s. J^iJ ^JTf^ thai, m. a tray, a large dish. h.
y&jj i^l^^c/2/^M, ^then even, nevertheless, ^l^ ^q5T Ihdla, m the place at the root of a
tree for holding water; the excavation in which a
j^y 11^^ tauhi,} still, in that case only, tree is to be planted; a large flat dish. s.
at that very time. *.
f^^ VJIcjsl thdU, f. a salver, a ])l;iftcr, a flat
lJ^3^ W0 tu-lu, thou thyself, thou even. .s. dish, a tray,
water, s. a hole about the root of a tree for holding
J^y rft?^ tolii, pron. to or for thee, thee. h.
{j^i>y tauhin, f. enervating, relaxing, scoff- ^J^ fll^KjsT tihdri, a speciesof cotton pod. h.
ing, a.
ioji fft^ to^a, m. water. toya-pipj)aIi, f. a ^l^j' ^m thdm, 'Un. a post, a pillar,
plant (Jussieua repens). toya-prasadaii, m. the clear- ,^f«^"j 'enw thdmhh, J support, an obstacle, to
ing nut plant {Strychnos potatorum) -. the nut being ^V^5 VjlHHT thnmndnd, "la. to support ;
rubbed upon the inside of a water-jar occasions the
precipitation of the impurities of the water poured dvibhnd,) to shield, to
into it. toya-pushpl, f. trumpet flower, toya-da, m. a U^l^j 'enw»n til
protect, to shelter ; to prevent, to withhold ; to stop, to
fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus). toya-dhar, m. a pot- pull up (a horse), to bear, to assist, to resist. 5.
herb {Marsilia dentata). toya-l;dm, m. a sort of cane
(Calamus fascicnlatus). toya-krichchha, m. a sort of
penance, drinking nothing but w ater for a fixed period.
f^^\^i thdm']dn, (probably from thdmnd,
toya-walU, f. a kind of gourd (7l/o77<orrfica charantia). s. "to support" and jdngh, "the thigh ;" m. a kind of
sedan-chair commonly called a " Tonjohn ". h,
^ ^ tha, the aspirated form of O H ta. s. h.
«!> tah, f. fold, plait; the bottom, beneath. jjl^i "sn^f than, m. a piece of cloth ; a stiill
for cattle, a manger; a piece (of coin), as ek than
tah bdzdri, ground-rent of a stall in the market, tah ashrafi, one gold mohur. ihion than, the private parts
ba-tah, plait by plait, every fold, tah ba-tah-k., a. to of a male (lit. the three bits or parts), h.
pile one upon another, tah-band, m. a cloth worn
round the waist, and passing between the legs, tah ■ ^\^ fT?!place,
tdhdn,h. there, thither, tahdi'i iahd.:,
pech, m. a cap or cloth worn under the turban, tah- in each
Ichana, m. a cavern, a cellar, a room under ground, a
lower story, a vault, tah-darz, new. tah-degi, f the ul^ ^■?n thdnd, m. a station, a guard ; the
scrapings of a pot, the burnt part of victuals that inside of the lines of an army thdnd ddr (or thdiw-
sticks to the bottom of a pot. tah-dend, a. to tinge ddr) the officer in charge of a thdnd. s.
slightl}'. tah-kar rakho, (lit. fold and laj' it by, i.e.
keep it to yourself) is used to express the speaker's ol^ '^IT^T thdiui, m. a heap of bamboo?, h.
independence, or not wanting the thing spoken of.
tah vidrna, a disease of a horse from excessive tliirst,
affecting the flanks, tah-nishin hand, n. to subside, to
I3lj3 fC^'mtahdnd, a. to fold, to ply, to wrap.;;.
settle. <a^i 0 6oZa-A., a, to subvert, to overthrow, p. U^\^ ^WfTT ihdmhhnd, a. (v. thdmnd)
to support, &c. s.
&> tih, bottom, void, empty, p.
^CjljlJl^ thdnd-ddri, f. the office of a sta-
l^ "VJ tha (auxil. v. past t.), was. h. tion-master; adj.of or relating to such office, thdnd-
u-^^3 '^TT ihap, f. a tap, a pat, a slap, paw ; ddit
master,abwab,h.p.a cess for defraying the expense of station-
the sound of a small drum. h.

bl^i "^^T thajya, m. a mark of the paw ; lL-OI^ '^n^ thdng, f. a den of thieves, h.
gleanings of corn, &c. left on the field after harvest, k.
Xo'v^i ^TT^ thdngt or thdngi-ddr, in. a re-
Ib.^i) ^XTJfT thapna, a. to patch (as a wall ceiver of stolen goods, thdngl-ddrl, the receiving of
stolen goods, h.
with cow-dung) ; to tap ; f. a religious ceremony per-
formed at a certain season at Agra and in its vi-
thnonld, m. the mound about
cinity, s. the root ^^^
^)yl^ of a tree for holding water, h.

(J,\^ "^JVft thapi, f. the noise of tapping ; the aJl^ ■^iTfT titnnu, m. (see thd7}d) a station,
instrument with which potters beat their earth, cr
with which terraces are beaten, h. guard; pi. thdnajdt or thdiiahdt. thdna-ddr, a. sentinv],
guardian, h.
(3^^ 'srnft tJiciti, If. a trust, what is given jjl^!) >^7|^ thdnt, Stationary resident ; a p.r-
c-^^^-J '"IT "ill thdt/n,} in charge, s. nianent cultivator; a householder, master of the
house ; f. a den of thieves, h.
to'v^i that, state, dignity ; abundance, d.
^^jl^ tahdn-un, negligence, sloth, a.
j\^ ^X. fliar, m. a large dish, a truy. A. 15^.^5 ^^ thdh, f. boUoni, ford. s.
^ ( 262 ) J45

ijt\^ ^n^ tha/n, f. fordableness. ii. J^ firr'^TT ihirdnd, n. to settle (as liquor), s
^J''\^ fiT^t tihd,t, f. the third part; the cL>j|^ frT^'R^ tihrdwat, f. triplication, h.
"third part of a piece of cloth for making trousers, s. 13^ f^TTJ thiratd, f. firmness, stability, s.
jLJ fw^TTTT tihayat or tihd,et, m. a third
person ; a court of inquiry, three or four persons bj
whom any cause is arbitrated ; an arbitrator, s, j^j^ ^"TT! tharthar, adj. trembling, h.
Xy\j^j^ ^TT^rtPTT tliai'thardnd, n. to tremble,
^^^^\x^ tah-lidzdri, ground rent for a stall to quiver, to shiver, to shake ; a. to make tremble, h.
in a marlcet. p. [ed, propped, or plastered, h.
<^^\j^j^ ^K.my'^Z thdithardhatAttremnr,
UU^'i ■5nTT»n thupdnd, a. to cause to he support-
<^J^J^ ^R^nft tharthan, J shaking,
v^ ^STBTT thappar,\ra. a box, a slap, claw, trembling, quivering, h.
\jx^ ""ZnT^T thaprd, J cufF. h. ^j^j^> "^XSt^^l thartharnd, n. to tremble, to
i^J^ ^^{\ thapri, f. the clapping of hands. shake, to quiver, to shiver, h.
thaprl-bajand, a. to clap the hands, thapri marnd, a.
to damn, (in the theatrical sense) ; to hoot. h.
^j^ ftlToirm thiraknd, n, to s^et one's feet off
well in dancing, to dance with expressive action and
tiL^ ■^Ttnii thapak, m. a pat, a tap. h. gesture ; (in Dakh.) to hover (a bird. Sec), h,

])^'5 ^^TI h.fhaperd, m. a slap, a box, a clout ;

the scalp, ^ji3 t(tli-ru, m. the stuffing of a saddle, p.

J<i^ fff^W^ tihattar, seventy-three, h. Xi^jiij^ vjl.^n'JTT tharhardnd,\n. to tremble,

tili^ tahattith, m. being torn or worn out ^jS>j^ ^Ki^K^X tharharnd, J shake, h.
(as a veil, &c.) ; disgrace, dishonour, o. ^/w^ frT^ tiliare, thy, of thine, your. h.
l3jK::^ "^oirfT^T thutkdmd, a. to drive away *^S'^ "errf^^ thur-dild, adj. miserly, nar-
scornfully, h.
rowly, h.p. [destroyed, dispersed, h.
Ul^I^ '^HW^ thuthdnd, n. to frown, to scowl,
or pout, munk thutlmna, to make a wry face. h. i^j^^j^^ jT^TTT?^ tahas-nahn-'i, mined,
fJ^J>^ '^rq^t thuthni, f the mouth of a horse, ijiX^ yj^ thak, "1 m. clot, lump (congealed).
camel, &:c. s.
\^ 'T^ thahhd,} thahhe ke thahhe, con-
U^ thotd, {{or thathd), m. fun, jest, joking, d. gealed, thick, conglomerated, h.
K^ "^Toirr t/iakd, tired, weary, over-fatigued.
UC^'i thataknd, n. to stop, stagnate, rf. thakd-baklc'i, or thaka-pikka,
tracted, troubled, s. or thakd-phakkd,
[weary, dis-s.
Ulsr^"* thijand, a. to astonish, to congeal, d.
lio^ •^raFRT ihahdnd, a. to tire, to harass, to
Ula-^'j thaj-jdnd,n. to be fixed (the eyes). (/.
ti^^V"* tuhajjud, m. a form of prayer ?aid 13K^ "^TflfiT^T thulidnd, to cause to spit, to cause
during the night ; wakefulness; sleeping sound, a. to reproach, h. [less, astonished, s.

Vjk:ffo ihijnd, n. to be astonished ; to become <JLS^ ^oRTT /Aa/i//, wearied, stopped, motion-
senseless and motionless, to be congealed, d.
drenched, h. 'Vl«ir^5?r tltak thak, very wet,
i0^<^ tahajji, f. spelling, huruji-tahajjl, the
"letters of the alphabet, a. UK^c^^'J ■^cfiTJioiiT^ ///«/;-^/iwAawa, n.tospit
i6li»-&3 tah-kJidna, m. a cnve, grotto, cellar, on the mention of any disease, as a preservative against
vault, an apartment under ground, p. it, or as a caution against the influence of an evil
eye. h. [to fatigue, s.
i^,S^ tnhdld, f. terrifying, threatening^
menace, threat, a. ijkX^ v^cdHI thaknd, n. to be wearied, to tire,
ij^y^ thuddi, f. the chin ; parched grain. ^J^''\^f^
thaddi, the guard of a sword hilt. d. tible (q. d.^r«Jif7^
fit to be thukhd,i,
spit upon), f.
h. base, contemp-
^LC^ thitjld, m. a binding; a patch, d.
C_>J,iS.^ tahzd),i. purifying, adjusting, adui-n-
ing, edification. tahzlbi aJchldl; civilization, good
breeding, a. J.^'i ^Iq5 ;/m/, m. j)lace, firm or dry ground;
a lion's or tiger's den. thai- herd, m. place of abode
and means of attaining one's desires, thai-char, mov-
j^ ^R th(ir, m. a lion's or tiger's den. s. ing on land, terrestrial (an animal), s.
j^ f'UX. tkir, fixed, stable, settled. 5.
U^^li^ ^(^\if^\tif thal-thaldnd,^ n. to undu-
\j^ fn^n tihrd, triple, threefold, h.
^l;v^ frTfTT^ iihrdnd, a. to tertiate, to do O^J^J J^'i VJcjiViciioh^^ thai-
\ late, fluc-
J tuate (as a
(any thing for) the third time, to triple. /;.
thick or glutinous tluid), to shake (as the flabby flesli
of a fat man), h.
U!j^ "qtl^ tltarrdnd, n. to tremble, to shake. /;.
J4^ ( 263 ) ^
J4^(J4^ ^T^TT^S thul-thuly gently falling, or ^J^i^ ^T^q5T thancla, m. inflamed breast (of
a woman) name of an animal, s.
dropping (as water from a small height) (see chul-
chul). h. [tate. /i.
t_->^^ '^Xf Mo;>, m. an ornament at tlie end
^>*^J4^ ^Q^ciiin thalakna, n. to tremble, palpi- of the bamboo of a palki, he, head, topping. /*.

&x]l^ tahluha, m. ruin, perdition ; consterna- ji^ thopra,m. the jaw (same as jafc/t.ra). d.
tion, alarm ; pang, agony, a.
11)^^ ''ftTiTT thopna, a. to support, to prop ;
Ui^!) vrfoTTT thalii/a, f. a salver, a platter, a to plaster ; to pile, to heap. h.
flat dish, generally of brass, s.
jJjJl^J tahUl, f. acknowledging the true God, ij,^ ^^ thop'i, f. box, thump, h.
^^>^.> ^ftlTRT thopiyana, n. to trickle, h,
by repeating (in Arabic) the sentence, " La ilaha ilia
-Halm, wa imihammadim rastdii-llcihi," " there is no god
but God, and INIuhammad is God's apostle." a. ]ji^ ■^frffU
the head thotrd,
of a mallet bruised k.and spoiled, as
; toothless,
jt^ xnr tham,
m. a pillar, a post, a )j'>^ ^ if i\thutr a (for thuthra), the mouth, h.
L— *^.> ^^re ihamb,
prop or support ; any ^^^'i ^IT^T thotla, blunt, toothless. /*.
Iju^i "^rer thamha, thing that restrains. 5. ^^^ "vrt^ thoth, m. the mouth, s.
,4>,(^'> ^JT»T thambh, J l^^^ cine;an
without m.a point
the ;name of a empty
adj. hollow, medi- ;
01^ ■5jj^T^ thamanaf a. to stop, to restrain, toothless, thothi hat, f. word without meaning, h.
to quiet, i.
li^jL^ ^I»?tn thambhna, n. (see thavina). \j^y^ Y^ilTt thuthra, m. mouth, h.
«J1a^ fuhmat, f. suspicion of guilt ; accusa- ^^^^j 'vfi'?!^ thothla, blunt, not sharp. /*.
tion, charging one with a crime, tuhmat-lagand or U^^^ ■q'^RT iAwi/twa, m.1 the mouth of a
-dt'7id, or -karna, a. to belie, &c., to accuse one falsely, a.
(^^^ VJViril thuthni, f. J horse,came],&c.5.
iB^ tuhviati, suspicious; ignominious (in
Dakh.) a calumniator, a slanderer, a. j^^ tahawn'ur, m. intrepidity, daring ; plung-
ing inconsiderately into any business ; fury ; oppres-
sion, a,
]j^i "vrUTT tliamra, thick, corpulent, h.
ll»^ VfH«n thumna, ^ n. to stand still, to jj^ "^X. thor, 1 a little, small, scarce, sel-
Uo^ '^Iil«Tl thamhna, > stop, to cease, to \j^>'^t^ thora, > dom, some, less, thora
U^x»^ ^n*Tvn thambhna, ] be restrained, to \j^^> ''zflTI thora,) bahut, more or less.
thora, a little, thora tliord, a little, by degrees, thora
be supported, s. thora hoiid, n. to be ashamed, to shrink with shame.
thore se thord, very little, h.
^i ■^nr //to?/, m. udder, than-dar, an animal
with a large udder, or having an udder, s,
tree '^'^
before thor, m. from
it shoots the thespathe
stem. of
s. a plantain
f^ fcTf^ tihin, pron. plur. those very, them,
themselves, h.
c^i tahawivu , m. sickness at the stomach, a.
r^ Trf^'Jf Uihin, m. frost, snow ; ice. s. ^^ Tiftoir thok, m. amoimt, heap, ready
Jlj»i) tah-nal, m. the mounting at the upper money
dealer, ; h.share, portion, thok-ddr, m. a wholesale
end of a scabbard, p.
a/cli^ iahnama, a treaty of peace; a bill of td)^ TZjoif thiik, m. spittle ; the gossamer.
articles or items agreed upon by two parties, p. thuk chdtiid, to break one's promise thuk dend, a. to
leave, to give up. thuk lagdkar chhornd, a. to treat
with sovereign contempt, thuk lagdnd, a. to apply
U^jj^ ^ETYH^T thambhna, n. to stop, &c,,
V. thamna. s. spittle ( a term of abuse and of most indecent mean- |
ing). h.
3o^ thand, 1 coldness, coolness (met.) Ui j^ ^nii^ thiikna, a. to spit. h.
(-iJja^i thandah,) a refreshing sensation.
thand-kdld or thand-kdla, cold weather, cold season, d. (_J^^ thvTi, a kind of sweet dish. d.
^Lijk^p tah-nishan, inlaid, particularly iron i^j^ Hft tihun, three, all three, h.
with gold. p.
the end -viTr thianba,
of a lever a lumph. of earth put on
as a balance,
fj^ 'SHT^ thanl, f. the name of a blemish in
" horses, thuni (Dakh.) a column, a pillar, h. jj,^ 'srot or "^nft tliim'i, f 1 a post, pillar, co-
Cl^iJ^ tahniyat, f. congratulation, a. &J0^^ 'vjm thunya,m. J lumn. h.
jCj,--jaA3 '^nr^ ^//a?<esart, ^ m. Biah- J^.^ ^r^T: thohar or y^ fhuhar, m. the
name of a plant (Euphorbia neri folia, Roxb.). h.
5_5^.i.ja^ '^TTpgrt //(!rtwes/t7i'a?z, J mnn of
Thrme'^hwar, a famous shrine in Kurii-kshetra, near j^c-AJ "ST^'I iharra,h ni. a mason, a brick-
Kai'ual. s.
layer, an architect, s.
^ ( 264 ) ^

^^ X(^ tha,l, f. a heap of clothes, &c. h. J^ rftllT tltarf m. a partridge (Perdix

Francoliinis). tltar ke munh lanhhml, (lit. good fortune
^-,^ tihi (ill modern Persian tuhi), empty, proceeds from the mouth of the partridge, which is a
small bird ofUitle estimation), a saying used when a per-
"vain, pahlu tihi-k., a. to abstain, tihl-dast, empty- son of mean understanding is chosen to decide in mat-
banded, poor, tiht-dasti, poverty, tiht-dimagh, igno-
rant, empty-headed, p. ters of whicli lie is incompetent to judge, s.

^_J TT^ tuhi, thee, or to thee. h. y^ ^f^ taittir, in. a flock of piutridij:*'? ; a
francoline partridge, s. [a medicine, h.
jX.^ "^ftx. tliir, tranquil, calm, smooth, s.
t^j^ 'rftfnrt tit/i, f. a butterfly ; tlie name of
ioL^'i^oiR ihikar, ^ m. the duty of keeping LdJj JL> ^fa'rt'Tair taittinynh, m. a follower
lia^^fNRT^/'i/?m,J the village watch, of the Tittiri branch of the Yajur-veda. s.
taken by the villagers in turn. h. ft^.jjL) Wf^T^^tf taittiruja, relating to the
AJt»^ y^"^ IhegUff. 2i patch (on a garment).^. Tittiri branch of the Yajur-veda. s,
J-L) ^fw^ taitil, ID. one of the astronomical
^x^ 'q^T thaila, m. 1 a purse tied round
periods called Karans. s.
(Lt^J ^^ thaili, f. l- the waist ; a bag ;
UL^ ^fc-S^T thailiya, f.J the scrotum. //.. ^_^jujo ITfl^^ tetix, thirty-three, s.
^i ITsT tej, m. ardour, splendour, glory,
(J^ li"^' tahin, thither, there, in that saiue strength, energy ; sharpness, pungency, tejman or
place, in that very direction, h. tejwant, glorious, s. [night, s.
\XIaA) ^^T tkenga, m. a club, a stick, h.
^ iftlT t'lj, f. the third day of the lunar fort-
^j-a!) '^^ therva, m. a stone set in a ring. h.
l^ TT^'iTT fija, m. the third day after the death
of a relation, on which oblations are offered (used
»xJ tah'iya, m. preparation, provision, put- among Musalmans), also the offerings so made. s.
ting in order, a.
C->b.^ TTSTTfTT trj-j)at, m. cassia; the leaf of
^^ ■^Trt

the laurus cassia, s.

* merry.
theyi-th'eyi, f. merry-making. the,i the,l

k., than.
to makes.

/*. [with,
(jM^ rTlT^T tejas, m, splendour, lustre ; dig-
j3 ff proii. they, those ; postpos. from, by,
nity, strength, power ; aemen virile, tejas-kar, resto-
fl T( tai, so many, tai-ber, so often, h. rative, invigorating, tonic. *.

Ijo finn tiya, f. a woman, a wife. s. ^jy^-1^ HiT^l tcjas7vi, glorious, splendid, s.
ft^Lo h^ItM tyajya, fit to be forsaken, (jU^ TTiTRT^ tejman, \ glorious, illus-
avoided, s.
{JL*>^^ 'ff'ST^'iJ' tcjrvant, J trious. s.
\j3 taiyar (for j^^ii>), ready, prepared, fi-
nished, complete ; alert p. Vx^ W^'^J tyajna, a. to quit, to abandon, to
resign, s. [charum sara). s.
jj-jljki taiyarl, f i-eadiness, activity, &c. p. ufJajJi;* ^'Snfoir tejnak, m. a kind of reed (^Sac-
lL/Ix) iUTT ^?/a^, m> abdication, leaving,
1^^ ^Tfift tejni, f, a plant (Aletris hyacin-
abandonment, renouncing, tyag-d., to renounce, s.
" thoides). s. [(^Pothos qffici7ialis). f.
Usbo FTTT'TT tyagna, a. to leave, to abandon,
to desert, to forsake, to quit, to abdicate, s. 1^^ WII'^H^ tcjtcatl, f, an aromatic plant
,.^ju«j^/ ^sftJT?^ tejo-manth, m. a tree
j^^VjJ 'iirrfn«T <</%'», lleaving, relinquishing; (Premiia spinosa). s.
^1-3 wrft tyag'i, J m. a religious ascetic if^^ H'iftil'^ ft'/o-TOoy, luminous, glorious. 5.
'who renounces worWly objects, s.
jiljo fi!XtT'JT tiyane (also <i,a/ie), name of a <33i^ WWt^'t tejo-watt,
fruit resembling pepper, s.
f. a plant bearing a
small charge on revenue ; v. jot-jaribl. h.

jfX^ ^kt tai-ber, so many times, so often, h. i-)'^^ Tft'if^ tichhan, ardent, sharp, s.
h. JO Tft^ tlr, m. the bank of a river, the shore
^c^ IC^^ iepchi, f. a kind of stitch,
of the sea ; near, close at hand. s.
C.*0 H^ tlt,^. ,.^ t 1, t -1
_ ^bitter, pungent, hot, acml. 5. jX> tlr, m. an arrow; the planet Mercury;
^^ .."^ the fourth solar month of the Persian year (correspond-

IjjO fffTT ^('/"a, so much, that much. s. anddz,ing to an

Hindu Shravati
tlr-anddzi,or fSdiiwan);
archery,a beam,
punishment, in which the culprit is shot with arrows.
jj*jJIjLo •ffWT^^ ietdUs, forty-three, h. tir-partdb,i\iQ range of an arrow, bow- shot distance.
( 2G3 ) ^

lir cJialand,(licht
a. to and
ania^arrow. t7r-lchaT^''>tir-khi'ida.
fa ^'^^^ I <^\.j^,"^ A\T14\ ttxn-ail, the thirtieth, h.
of arrow J small head), ^\^
wounded by an arrow, tlr-ras. a bow-shot, tlie ranp;e ^--3 IT^^ tisi, f. flax (^Linum usitatmi-
aperture, loop-hole. _ g,
of an arrow. th--laish,aii<»-irrt)7, /7;--gar, "mum. s. [tor's, an fcdze. p.
m. a maker of arrows. f. arrow-makin tiri
naivak, m. an arrow discharged through a tube. j). >\^jj /es/ta, f. a kind of axe useil bv carpen-
\jiS ^TT tcra, of thee, thy, thine, h. i-O tegh,m. a scimitar, a sword, tejh ha (last,
sword in hand, tcgh-zan. a swordsman, te^i dallaki,
\j3 fira (Dakh. for ttr), an arrow, j). barber's
razor, p. sword, a cant term (in Persia} lor ustura, a
C*<1.),j3 Fk^f^ fir-hhuhtr, m. Tirhut, a
province in the east of central Hindustan, on the lix) tegha, \tn.. a short, broad scimitar, teglici-
north of Behar (now famed for its indigo), s,
&ijO tcgha,) numa, a sword like a scimitar.
^iji^ irt^ firth or t'lrath, m. pilgrimage (a tegha-hdz, a sword-player, a hero. p.
Hindu term), especially holy places along the course
of sacred streams, tirih-kdr, a holy personage, s. iaHjo taynTifiUz, watchfulness, vigilance, a.

-.\j ^j^ a-^Tm t'lrth-ra j, the city of Ilaha- ^^Hjo tayalihun, knowing for certain, prying
bad (vulg. Allahabad), s. into, ascertaining, a.

tirth-rajl, f. the city CL^3 jq^ tyahta, left, resigned, abandoned, s.

^_^ )j^^ Ht^n^
"of Benares. *.
^^AXjo iflc|i3 (ikath, m. posteriors, h.
^jX> whlT tira'j, an abstract of a long list of tSJS "ifta?!! fihshna or flhshan, hot, warm,
accounts, &c. (v. Wilson), h. [moon. s.
pungent, ardent ; zealous, active ; keen, intelligent ;
(„j^ji^ ff^^ temHj f. the thirteenth day of the angry, passionate ; sharp, penetrating ll/cslina-patra
or tikshna-phal, m. coriander, tlkshna-pushpa, m. cloves.
tlkshna-tail, m. resin ; the milky juice of the euphor-
(^yt^ ^^ terus, the third year past or to
come, year before last, or year after next. h. bia; spirituous liquor. i<A's/»ia-ra5,m. saltpetre, tlkahna-
shuk, m. barley, tlkshna-karman, active, zealous.
tjji^ tiragi, f. darkness, obscurity, p. tlkshna-kantak, m. thorn-apple {Datura metd). t/kshna-
kand, m. onion, tikshna-gandh, m. A.orunga hypcran-
thera ; the gum olibanum tree ; small cardamons.
j"«jX> tir-viar, a viper, a viper's teeth, j). tikshna-gandhd, f. mustard-seed ; orris root ; Pandanus
odoratissimus, s.
fjjXi "H^ tlrna, crossed, passed over; spread.
tlrna-pad'i, f. a plant {Curculigo orchioides). s. ,*xj6 rllefil. tlhur, f. a starchy substance ob-
tained from the root of the curcuma angustifoUa. h.
cross ^^«n
over. s.tairna or i'lrna, a. to swim, to
I^^CJ lC\Wi t'lkhd, pungent, hot; angry, pas-
; penetrating, s.
tjj3 WT^ terah, thirteen, terah-tezl, the first
thirteen days of the month io/ar, which are considered jA5oO Tft^T fihhur, f. a starchy substance ob-
to be unlucky, h.p. tained from the root of the cucurma angustifoUa, Roxb. h,

Ij3 tlra, dark, obscure, tira ahr, m. black

^^J ih.'^ t'lkhl,^. a sharp tone in music. .%•.
clouds. tira-baJcht, or -rozgar, unfortunate, tlra-rozi,
misfortune, adversity. tira-dil, blackhearted, ma- (Va^ Hq5 tel or TTqJ tail, m. oil. tail, storax,
licious ;m. an apostate, an outcast, tlra-rang, black, p. gum benzoin, incense, tel charhdnd, a. to anoint the
head, shoulders, hands, and feet of the bride and bride-
J^jJ^ terahRn, KTf t \ groom with oil mixed with turmeric, s.
*"^, -^ - , - ^ . Mhe thirteenth, h.
^jiyfc^ terahwan, HT^TJ ,Vj3 ■frl'Tc? tvjal,i. a suit of females' clothes, h.
\j6jjO terha, crooked, bent, awry, uneven, d. 0.^ J.O ff^^fCoin tail-chaurikd, f. a cock-
Jx> tez, sharp, pungent, acute, hot, strong, roach (an oil-stealer). s.
impetuous, violent, swift, tez-ab, m. nitrous acid, aqua- ^l**.ljo |:f^W^T taili-sdld, f. an oil-mill. s.
fortis, tez-pdt, m. the name of an aromatic leaf (Zae^-
rus cassia), tez-par, high-flying, swift-flying, tez- (.dlX^jw-j J^jJ ^qS^^OJoF tail-sphatik, m. a sort
raftdr or -raw, fast-going, tez-iab', quick of appre- of gum (amber '.). s.
hension. tez-'alcJ, oT-fahm, intelligent, quick of appre-
hension, tez-htdaiii, or -gdm, swift, active, quick, fast- tiL^5JdO W^oR^ tail-kitt, m. the oil cake,
going, tez-ndkhun, sharp-nailed. tez-nigdh, keen- made of the oily seed after expression. *.
sighted, p. \_viim) p.
31JulJ W^m^ tail-mdll, f. a wick, the
i^]j^} teznh, m. cress, cresses [Lepidium sati- "cotton of a lamp. i.
^j'j3 tez'i, f. sharpness, pungency, swiftness. ^?. ^J.j3 wf^"^ tclin, f. w ife of an oil-seller, s.
i^JJ t(\^ tis (for trinshai), thirty, s.
ijJJ.x> t^l' tailang, m. the modern Carna-
iwjj tain, a he-goat (especially one that is old tic. tailangd, an inhabitant of Tailang, a sepoy, s.
and rank) ; also a stag. a.
^.lx> flfoJcft tailini, f. the wick of a lamp. s.
L«J0 %^ taisd, like that, so, in that manner;
in like manner ; at the same moment h. ^\^ IC^^ tell or ^^^ taili, m. name of a caste
"whose business is to sell oil, an oilman, an oil griuder;
\^r3 rfl^T;! (h7-d, the third, t'lsre, thirdly. /*. adj. oily. s.
^ ( 266 )

J^ if^ tin, f. a bar ; leg, calf of the leg. h. Ijfcjj^"

sighted, (qiSlT tyondha
purblind, h. or 7T^rf*n ^eo/k/Zia,
UU irf^UeIii/a, m. n:imc of a colour, dark
bay. teliya-suraiig, light bay coloured, h. j'jfc^ TT^fTT te,ohar, m. a holyday, a fes-
oO fe7/i, fit'sliiicss, verdure, c?. &jO fiT^ tii/a or H^ tii/a, f. a woma n , a wife, s,

.I»j0 fimar, m. care, attention, regimen of ,^ "fff teh, m. wrath, rage, vehemence, h.
the sick ; infirmity, sickness, indisposition, affliction. /j. Ujj W^ tehd, m. stedfastness, firmnesp,
speaking with warmth, vehemence, peremptorinesa,
^♦>'i tayammuin, m. purifying before praj-er perseverance, h. [the ankles, h.
■with sand or dust, when water cannot be had. a.
.^jj fffT^e/m? ,f a female ornament worn round
\j^ WT^T 1em(in,m. wetting; moisture, danap,
a sauce or condiment, s. y^ tailni. 111. a small partridge ; adj. empty, p.
"diately. H^ h. tela, exactly then, instantly, imme-
^-»j3 ri»n1 fe7n7n,i\ a chimney, a fire-place. 5.
^jj^i^ tain, '2itd pers. pron. thou. A. (j..jajO H^ tc,h, twenty-three, h
(jO(used "itchiefly
ten, in pojitpos. from, by,
the Bhakha dialect).
with, in, ^jjo iftn"^ t'li/al, f a suit of female's clothes, h,
&JuO rfhl ti^a, f. a woman, wife. s.
(j^ fen, (Dakli. f• r tn.hi), to, up to. he ten.
is much used in this dialect in place of ko, as the sign
of the dat. and ace. cases, d.

(^j..)lT^ t(i,in (posipo*.), up to, to ; it is gene-

raJly used with the possessive apne, in the sense of
"self," as apr7e tajn, own self. h.
4jO rftrf tin, three ; tin rnhnl hanun, the rule (JL> T .^a, the fifth letter in the Hindustani
alphabet: its sound does not occur in the Arabic or
of three (in arithmetic), tin ihd)i, m. the private parts ;
Persian alphabets ; and it differs from that of te in
also the penis (only), tin terah, dispersed, scattered, s.
being formed bj' the forcible application of the tip of
the tongue to the roof of the mouth, instead of the
roots of the teeth, h.
jj<-Jl:JjO ^ri ri r<^l« tentciUs, forty-three., h.
tj-Xojki "Tinl^ taintis or ftrfNl tenfis, thirty- j^^ il'ii. tdbar, f. a small lake. h.
three, h. [pyros ebeiium or gluthiosa). s.
\j>^ tuhra, m. a water-pot. d.
• lijjj TTtJ Iciiilu, m. the name of a fruit (i>?Oi'-
t— -'u THT tap, f. a stroke with the fore-foot of
\^AJuo "it<^^h. tendu,a, m. a leopard • (i^L'/w
leopardus). a horse ; the sound of a horse's hoof in travelling ; a
frame made of bamboo, for catching fish. h.

jyiJl^'^T.tin'ar, m. a luinter, one who lives bO' z\'^^

bb' tapd, tfipa, m. a hen-coop. tdpd-to,i-k. or
by killing and selling game ; a fishernidn. s.
tapd-toiyd-k., \a. to trifle ; to grope, to rummage, h.
j^ ^a^^X. ten-ar, m. vertigo, giddiness ; coun-
tenance, physiognomy, h. i' i:: tapra,)
_ _ rm. a sort of boat or raft. d.
.yi^ fT^S i'lrra, much, excessive; hot, pun-
gent, thrri-vfdaiiciyf. excessive pain, the torments of y\!> tdpur, a sheet, a wrapper, &c. d.
damnation, s. [Bengal, s.
U).b Jiq'HT tdpnd, n. to paw with the fore-feet
|j«x> rl^'^T t'lvra, f a river in the east of (as a horse expecting his corn) ; to whore (low pbrase).Zi.
Xi\jyy> ^^rnn te,orana, n. to have a swim- •.^b TR tapu, m. an island, h.
ming in the head, to be faint, to stagger, to fall down
senseless from a blow. /;. cLjb Z\Z tat, m. canvas, sackcloth; hemp or
tow. tdt baf, m. a weaver of canvas, idt-bdfi, f. em-
(^jti.yio W^"^ tCyOras, m. the third year past broidery. /;. [juggling- f*-
or to come, the year before last, or the year after next. 5.
tib'b' ZIZ^ tdtah, fresh, new, recent; a charm,
>.jj) H'^'?^ tcorln,^ f a frown, teori char- jib ZlZi tdti, f. a screen, a matted shutter, h.
^jx.0 ^"3;^ teori, > hand, a. to frown.
jb ZJT. tar (v. tdl), evasion, &c. h.
(_^v^jo ^'^ri teon, J teori charhna, n. a b.b TTTTTT tdrjid, n. to evade, prevaricate, put
frown to come on. h.
off, postpone ; a. to drive out of the way, to move, to
ijj^J^ hI'^O tln-nri, f. the wife of a hunter, s. prevent, h.
^jyxS TO tijiin, Jixt tyoh, or WTf teon, so, in
like manner at the same time. h. t/jb "ZlVt tdr'i, f. distance, remoteness, h.
^yjj KT*T ien-an, m. a garden, a pleasure- ^jj'S Zlii tan, f. a small axe. k.
grouad ; play, sport s.
^b" tdha7i (v. tdughun) a kind of horse, d.
( 2G7 ) ^4
^3 taht (v. ,S^^), f. a venereal chancre; a UO'o TiJTTTT tdngnd, a. to hang up, to dangle,
natuta. basin or fountain inuiJaiirock. d. to hang by a string, S:c., not on a peg. h.

(JO" 7Tq5 tal, f. sInifP.inj:;, evasion, rejectincj a ^y^.>U" Zt^m tdm/han, m. a kind h. of horse, a
request ; f. a heap (of grain, &e.), a stack, a rick ; bald- pon}-. p'nighan-iiiand, like a tdnghan. p.
ness from age ; a turn or trick in wrestling, tfil-k.,
a. to put off; to heap, tdl indnia, a. to heap ; to turn ^J^J)V^ Zm") tang'i, f. a hatchet, /t.
the scale fraudulently in weighing. //.
ll)lj' ^THTT tdnnd, a. to stretcli, to pull. h.
^Ij TT^T tnla, m. evasion, &c. ; a rick, heap, J^ ZWT tabbar, m. family (v. tabdr). h.
stack ; a quagmire, decayed vegetable matter ; a piece
of stagnant water, tdlil-bdld baldnd, a. to put off, to »jj t bba, m. a rising ground, a height; a
drive away, to deceive, h. sand-bank or shoal (in the sea), d.
bl^Aj fTvrfJTT tibhdnd, a. to give a small daily
j_Jy'^u TT^TTt^ tala-toli, f. evasion, allowance, such as merely to save from starving, h.
j^'Jlj TT^^ tal-tol, m. \ prevarica- jl^Aj f^HT^ tihlidw, m. a small daily allow -
atice. //.
Jyvcjb' ^T^KTt^ }i.tal-matol, m.J
ting off, shuffling. tion, put-
tdi^jj'ping ;THoF
sound ttddiaJ/, f. theh.
of gurgling, sound of water
[a sound,drop-h.
U'o 7T^»n talna, a. to evade, to prevaricate;
to avert or put off; to drive out of the way, to ward c-aS 7^ ta]), m. spring, leap, bound; a drop;
off, to remove, to prevent, h.
[x> Tnn tappa, m. the post-ofRce; a raft, a
catamaran ; a relay of palanquin bearers ; the name of
^Jo' 7T^?a/i,f.a kind of musical ins)rument./i. a mode in music; the bound of a ball, &c. ; a sort of
\f^ tamlrra, m. a water-pot (v. tcihra). d. hook ; a jump, a bound lappa mdnid, a. to sew or
stitch with intervals ; to read in a desultorj- manner.
\Jlj' 7R«TT tanna, a. to stretch, to pull. h. tappd klidnd, a. to bound or ricochet (a shot). A.
ciL«3lj ZTZ tant, f. the crown of the head. h.
Ij6 7Tn tuqja, an island in a river. /;.
l^ijlj 7rJT tantha, powerful, strong, firm,
solid, h. (JljL)' tappdl, m. the post for letters ; a mail or
packet ; relays of runners or carriers, for the convey-
ance of letters or other things; the post-office, tappdli
(_^^\^Lib' . 7T7T^ ?anif/ia,i, f. solidity, h. or tappdlwdld, the postman, a runner or carrier of
letters, d.
^V> z\^ tanch, \ perverse, audacious,
liUJ TtTTiTT fapdiid, a. to cause to jump over,
V'i^lj CT^ITT tanchra.) troublesome, h.
to cause to leap, to make bound, h. [to cover, h.
horse, cow, tanchlia-marna,
&c. d. a. to hamstring
[form. h.a
Ki\x> TtTRT tvpdnd, a. to have buried, to cause

<!Jolj 7T? tund, f. a stage, a raised seat, plat- l3o.i— o' <2MM jHI tap-parnd, a. to thrust one's
self into other
interfere, h. people's concerns, to intermeddle, to
^JkiU TTTT tcmda, m. a venture (of goods) ; a
caravan or a large company of travelling merchants ;
name of a place in Oude ; the goods of a hanjdrd, q.v. h. X>\s^ t_-o TTtH'TI tap-jdnd, n. to jump over. h.
/cVjJ tipri, f. stocks (for the legs) ; a book-
t^JoU' 7t«ir tmik, m. a weight equal to four binder's press (v. shikanjd). d.
md.shas (see toid). s.
tdiiU sfoR tank, f. an iron pin ; a stitch ; sol- [juxi fz^^ tippas, f. pride, arrogance. /*.
der for uniting metals. /;. ei)j|j' Z^^^ tapok, f. pain, throbbing ; sound
made by d ropping. tapak parnd, a. to drip, tapak-navls,
OoU' Z\W{ tanhd, m. a stitch ; a tub made of m. one who reports erroneously what he pretends to
stones ; solder, tdijce lagdna, a. to stitch, to solder, h. have overheard, h.

y>VJ ZT^T. tahkur, m. a blackguard, a lecher, K-3* ZMohl tnphd, m. a drop of rain ; fruit fall-
a libertine, s. ing when ripe (particularly mangoes), a windfall, h.

Ux;''J TJoRtlT tahkna, a. to stitch, to cobble, h. K-ji I^^T fip'-d, m. a stain of any colour
applied by the finger ; the focus of a burning lens. A.
^xiU Tt^i'artM,a reservoir for water,atank./i.
iolj 7Tofit tanhi, f. a venereal chancre; a IJKJ>'
distil, TTToFT^T
h. toplidnd, a. to cause to drip, to
"square piece cut out of a melon to examine its quality./;.
^oU" Z\W\ ianJn, f. a chisel, s. USCj^" TTT^^T tapahnd, n. to drop when ripe;
cL,Olj' Zi'n tang, f. the leg. tmig uthdna, a. to to drip, to distil ; to throb, to palpitate. A.
copulate, tdng-dend, a. to hang up, to hang ; (lit. to
give the leg) to be a catamite. A. ^J 7XTort taj>hi, f. (diminutive of taphu) a
"small fapki pafnl 'aurat kl, to be wanton (a
^j'jCiKi tmign, f. the foot, the leg. d.
j^XJ'J ^JTR tdngan, m. (see tdnghan). h.. ^ f^apT tlppauy f. anuota-Io.i> Louuuent. s.
( 268 ) Jo
^-J> ftxqTft tippam, f. gloss, comment, s. w^^o <;<.<j<i»iT tartarana, a. to chatter, s.
\^. TT^TT tapna, a. to jump over. h. ijyy TTT^ tartari, f. chattering, s.
\j3 Z^ tatta, m. a screen, h. (Ji-O tarhhal, m. a contemptuous epithet for
V>\jj ZZV!{\ tatana, n. to be dried (vulgar), h. a woman, a low-priced trull, h.

^xij irfpr tittihh, m. a bird {Parrajacana fj'f? turm tui'm, noise made by frogs, d.
or goeiisis). s.
^j TOn '.(irna, n. to flinch, retire (v. talna). h.
\jL5J »-Ju TJ^fjTTT tatpunjiya or tutpunjiya, a j-^ ZWK.fu^ar, m. (v. tasar), a kind of silk. .«
man of broken fortune, a banki-upt. h. (-1,M..V ZTTSfi tasak, f. shooting pain, stitch,
jj3 Z^ tattar, m. a matted shutter, h. throb, h. [(actively) ; n. to shoot with pain. A.

ijjjo 7^ tattari, f. a lie, a falsehood ; a ket- l3o^" 3iroFT»n taskdna, a. to move or shake
" tie drum. s. {Tringa goensis). h. l-X-*J' T^cir^T tamhvd, n. to move, to shake ;
^jjo zfz^tat}ri,f. name of a bird, sandpiper to have pain ; to decline in quality, h.

^^'•;^J ZZZ\ tdtfi (also tattari), f. the crown UC-J 3^a|iHT tusahnd, n. to cry, to weep. h.
of the head ; a fence, a hedge, h.
'-^^ ZVCm t/isnd, n. to burst (as tight clothes,
or a pillow stuffed too full), to split, to crack, h.
Kx>' TToirj tatha, fresh, new, recent. Zi.
Kju TTcCT <MfAa (v. fof/itt), m. a charm, a ^^*-J Z^^ tasTve, m. tears, h.
superstitious remedy, h. L_lA3 Z^ tall, f. temper, nature, disposition, a
look, a stare, tak hdndhnd, a. to stare, tak lagdnu, a.
O.Kju' r<J<Jc*iRHT titkarna, a. to urge an ani-
mal by making the noise tiikdil, q. v. h. to expect, to long for. h.

i_fXoj fzZ^TT\ Uthari, f. the noise made by tjilj' Toli tuh, a little, tuk-eh, a little way. h-
"drawing the tongue
make horses, from the
&c. proceed, h. roof of the mouth, to
Kj ToJTT talid, m. a copper coin equal (in
northern India) to two paise ; money in general, h.
ajo ZZ tattu, m. a pony, a small horse, h.
OKi f^olilril tikdna, a. to retain, to fix in any
iJ,UJu ZZ^^^ tatwani, f. a pony mare. h. place, to stop, to billet, to lodge, to station, h.

vjji)' zft^S"?!! tatolna, a. to feel for, to grope, , *oo fToF735 t!hd,u, durable, stationary, h.
to search for by feeling with the hand, to touch, to
handle, h. [dus. h. .00 fToRT^ tilidm, m. stability, residence, h.
\:.^ tRrt tathiya, f. a flat dish used by Hin- (_5*Kj ZW\% tafid,'}, f. a tax, duty, collection,
x> 7^ tnt I, f. a screen, a matted shutter; imposition ; a cheap trull, h.
"a UL'cessary office; a frame for illumination, tatfi ^j^ f7oFf3«Ji^ tihtiki, f. a lizard, h.
bmidhiid, n. to draw up (men in a close rank), shikar
kl tnttl ki of, baithna, a. to do secretly ; to form an am- CkxJ ZWZWi taktakl, f. staring, fixed look.
buscade, h.
" taktakl-lagdiid or -hdndhnd, a. to fix one's looks on aa
\jj~ 'sfS'^'{tatiya,{. a screen, a matted slnitter./i. object, h. [footed stool, h.
-Aax.]) fz<^Z\ tihtlu, f. a teapoy or three-
\,i^ fZZ^'^XJ tatihra, m.\asnm\\)]\)er(^TriH-
^JJ^1> fZZt^ tatihrt.fj fja goensis); a ' J^d^ Z^^ tahka-deshi, m. a potherb
kind of rattle, tafilirl se dsmdn thama jd,('gd, wiU the " {Chenopodiiim album), s.
sky be sup|X)rted by the sandpiper? applied to a per-
son who undertakes an enterprise far above his
j5o" Z^ tahkar, f. shoving, pushing, shoul-
strength ; (this bird is said to sleep with its legs ex-
tended upwards, as if to prop the firmament), s. dering, knocking against, strikmg a blow, the knock-
ing of head to head, equality, ttikkar ptihdr se leiii, to
enter the lists against an antagonist of greatly superior
W T^T tuclicha, m. a rake, a blackguard, h. force, takkar kiidnd, n. to stumble; to be dashed
against any thing ; to meet with a loss or misfortune.
\^„tahhna,i, 1m.
1m. (prop.
(prop, tahia), the ankle takkar mdrnd, a. to knock against; met. to pray, from
their striking their heads on the ground ; to curse, h.
^ii? tdkhna,a, J joint, h.
\j>o fzSltidda, m.\ , .. , , io Z^X. tiilmr, "I m. a piece, a bit. tukrd-
....5 • •■ ' >-a locust; a grasshopper. «.
\jLjZ'^TltukrdJ purza, m. scrap'*, clip-
^33 fz^ tiddi, f. J jiingt, ^havings. tukar-gadd, one who begs for bita
of bread, kc. h.p.
.; Z^ tar, intoxicated ; inattentive, regard-
less, like one intoxicated, h. [a horse) ; stout, h.
\j>\jj> T5jna*lT takrdnd, a. to knock together
(particularly the heads of two people; to dash on something; to
\p Ttr tarrd, wicked, vicious
grope in a dark place or passage, h.
\jy TtTTfT tarrana, a. to chatter, s.
Jiji ZKZt tartar, f. chattering, s. irretentiv
^j^ tihai'i, ah. kind of soil which is
e of moisture,
( 2G9 ) ^

•iO" Cs^i tihliiir, f. a tliick loaf of bread. ^j^ TTT^ tngnrtid, ] n. to roll or be
takkar, resembl'uice, comparison, h.
\jj^£j' T^T^T Uigharna, \ rolled (intransi-
\\xJ)'ZW?\ tnhra, m. la bit, a portion, mor-
Ul^CJ' 7^^^ taghdhin,] tively). h.
is'i^ 'Z'Sfi'Tt tukn,f.i sel. /t.
n. to beft^tloS^
melted, totighuliia
rarefy. /«.or T^T^RT taghalna,
^j''>J> ftifr-t, f. a band, company, party.
" tukri-dar, a commander of a company. i(7iT'. the y^ 7WT /«//a, ni. impetus sive siirrnnsnn in
spreadinj-' hop-weed (Boerhavia diffusa), d.
coitii.ing of time.
/(. f. unprofitable employment, wast-
^_5 ■ .O firojr^^ ///.''•?, f, a wafer, &c. (v. tild'i). h.
l^J ToF^T ^?//j«a, a little, h. l>^ 2^T^ talana, a. to cause to disappear,
to cause to give way. h.

jL-xJ" ^cdfll^ fahal, f. a mint. taksFil

charhim, u. to be educated, taksdl bdhar, uneducated, «-— *Jj 7^"*? talfip, a bit, a piece, morsel, h.
unpolished, rude, unclassical. taksdl kd khotd, spoilt
in education, s. 13W Jj" 7^»TT?IT tnl-jana, n. to get out of tlis
way; to disappear, to vanish, h.
m. an officer, a
^L«x_3' ^ohflT^l tnhsnli, \\ master of the \j^ J-3 755T55T«TT
tantalize, h.
tal-malana, to totter ; to
mint. /;.Tofi^foS^ talisaliya,)
^ T^^T tabid, n. to give way, to shrink
^%o f?^^ tihri (also iihhali), f. a wafer, a from, to withdraw or retire from ; to disappear, h.
"small round cake ; an ornament worn on the forehead, \-^^ fz^"^ tlluji, m. a flatterer. //.
a spangle, h. [fix one's look. d.
\-f Jo Z^'^T talu,d, m. a man who watches
\1^P^JX^\3 tiihnnh delilina, a. to stare, to over a tdl, q. v. h.

UvJ' ZW^ taltna, a. to stare at (v. iahna) ; n. ^l Z^ lalh, m. congrcssux, sonitus collisionis
to be sti tclicii. to be studded with gems or embroidery, h.
" ill cvitu. /a//e-na«wj, f. unprofitable employment, h.
UxJ) ftfahHI t'lhna, n. to stop, to remain in any IJj fzf^SW tiliyd, f. a young hen. h.
place, to be detained, h.
(J>^ fznfZH tiintim, m. a sound, tom-frrm
xf-S3 7«IiW[ tahu,a, m. a spindle, s. (vulg. tom-tom), a small drum, also the sound of euch
a drum. h. C'ght. h.
j»xj" fTc|?tT fifior-, m. a cataplasm, poultice, h. ol»A^ f2'»?f7'n'5TF//wJ,^ma»a, n. to give a faint
J A_3'
a drumZW\T. tahor, f.
(v. takord). h. a fillet, tap, the sound of l^-«J iamki, f. a small drum, a gong, tamld-
"pltnd, a to issue a proclamation, d.
ySJ ZW\T\ pihora, m. a fillip, a tap; a
very small unripe mango ; the sound of a drum. /;. ^y^ tdviil, the
considerable languao^e
part of Southern ofIndia,
the extending
Hindus offroma
Madras to Cape Comorin. It has been erroneously
U.»5o' 3c(ftT«TT takorna, a. to fominit. h.
called by Europeans " Malabars," although it is not
spoken or understood in Malabar, d. — (Binning).
UaJ 7<*1'^T tahauna, m. (see taha)a. copper
coin. h. \^ tumnd, a. to vex, irritate (v. chhernd). d.
UaSCj ZW^T tahhna, m. the ankle-joint, h. ^J> 7»T ta?i, m. twang; pride, conceit, vanity.
tan-tan, an imitative sound, like our " ding-dong," &c. //.
^o ToRt tahi, f. staring, fixed look ; aim. h.
U3" Z^^ tana, m. pudendum viuliehre,clitorh. Ji.
j^io iz^ tikh'i or tihi, f. a small loaf of UUi T*IT'»TT tandnd, a. to extend, stretch, s.
* interest
bread, ;tikkl lagdnd,
to earn a. to livelihood,
a scanty form a connection,
h. to make
UJj ZWi tfintd, m. wrangling, altercation
Iax-3 frf^rm tihiya, f. a small cake, a little squabble, h.
cake of charcoal for the huJcka ; a wafer, a bolus, h. 13'Cju3 TTE^TflT tuntundnd, a. to tune slowly, h.
CL^^y^ ^oFTT tahet or ToRlT tahuit,\\\ch, pos- A.'i Z^ tanch, miserly, hard, untractable. h,
» 7%Tr taketa, J sessed of
i\y^ tan-hhrcdh, (in law) an assignment, p.
ready money, a monied man. h.
SUi Z1^ tund, m. a hand or branch that has
XJ ZPX. tagar, m. borax," wanton play or been cut off. h.
sport; wandering of the mind, confusion, perplexity, h
\'Sj3 ZJ^ tundd, himdless, whose Imiidshave
been cut off, or one born without hands ; the knob in
|XJ T'RT tagra, squint-eyed. h.
the back part of a turban. tiiiKfe-ddi; a turban which
\>\Ji3 <rn^T*TT tagrana, 1 a. to roll or make has a knob in the hinder part. h.

\jL^£j 2:iJU»iT taghrana, \ roll (in a transi- ,_^Jji' ZJ^^iuNciTi, {. the navel ; adj. handles.'^.
IS^lkA^J <it<<jM*n tnghlana,} tive sense). ^. "tundiydn hdndhnd or charlu'md, or kasnu, a. to tie the
hands behind the back. It.
iXl> ( 270 )
1 j3jJ Z^d\ tandera (see tirenda), a float, h. by Ttn tota., m. loss, iijy
deficiency ; a cartridge;
a candle's end. h,
tillV 7»ioir tanak, f. a harsh sound, h.
(jiAl; 7U ?onA, m. a weitrht of four mdithas ; jjy i\i^ totrv, m. a kind of turtle-dove. h.
a sword, a sacrifici-al knife ; a hatchet or stone cutter's ^y Z\ZW\ totha, m. a charm, an amulet, a
chisel ; a spade, a hoe ; borax ; a kind of elephant or
wood apple, tank-pati, m. the master of the mint. philter, h.
tank shdld, f. a mint. s.
Uiy ZZ'iW tutna, n. to break, to be broken ; to
K:.3 7|fTor 7^ToFT/o?;/m, m. thejingle (of plates, break forth, to rush upon, to assault, s.
dishes, &c. h.
l-y TtTT tora, m. a ledge extending out from a
wall, to keep off the weather, without pillars, eaves, h.
jK.J" 7|JTT; tanlsar,
; f. ;the
wonder fame,twang (of s.a bow-
(_5Jy TtTt ton, f. the name of a musical mode
cdJoKj^V <J^'IH«F tankanak, m. the mulberry or rdgint. h.
{Moms indica). s.
,^*»y> ZW\ fust, f. a bud, a young flower, h.
U^' Telf^ tanJnia, n. to be stitched. A.
t^y 71o|> tok, f. hindrance, prevention; the
influence of an evil eye. h.
\3,^$JJ' 7|ft^vn tanhorna, n. to twang, /t.
tL/iJ* 7^ tanrj, m. the leg ; borax, h. cily Z'3f\ tuh, 1 m. a piece, a little, a particle,
VXii' T^ tunfja, m. scut, a short tail. h. D»j Z^^ ;ula,j an atom, a bit; a single beat
Sjj Tttt tanga, a large reedy kind of grass of a drum. h. \oi pattd. h.
growing on high ground [Saccharum procerum). h.
Vx>oy j^eRivigi loha-patta, a permanent lease
ySSi T^TT hntgar, f. pocking, nibbling fruit,
&c., more for amusement than from appetite. /;.
^^^^ ^<+|<ji(*1('oAa-/o/n,'lf. hindrance and
^J\fi)Xjj tinfjti/ujatia, a. to twang or sound a Li3b'(-i)y 7t«J)7Tojf fci/^-^a//, J prevention, h.
single string of a musical instrument, d.
\Sy> ZX^TH tnhra, m. a large basket (without
a lid) ; (in Dakh.) a broad shallow basket, a wicker
UU-lLXi3' 71=»nHT tang-jana, n, to hang, to boat covered with leather, for crossing a river, &:c.
be hung or suspended (also tangnd). h. tokid-dend, to beat another person at a game. h.

^^y TWt^ /«n^ri,|^ ^j^^ j^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ without

^_ i^fyi TIskO tohri, f. a small basket
a lid. h. [perience. d.
(j^jXjJ Tl'ft tangri,}
UCJ" T^^T tongna,n. to hang ( v. tang-jana). h. Uy itiJy toh har hohm, a. to speak from cx-
^tJS 7f^^ tcmgini, f. a plant (^Cissnmpelos b^' 7l<*WT tohm, a. to interrogate, to pre-
" hexandra). s. [parrot. /;. vent, to challenge, to accost, to envy; to look at with
an evil eye. h.
^ i^^ tuhiya, tiny, tuniya tola, a kind of
Uy Tt^ fo,a, f. act of feeling or groping, h. Jy ZX^ toJ, m. a company, a society ; a ham-
let, tol mdrnd, a. to dash one top against another
while in motion, h. [a town. h.
^^yVy ^^T7t^ to,a-to,l, f. searching, feel-
ing for, feeling (with the hand), h. ^y 7l^ tola,m. a quarter or particular part of
Vl)y tohnn, a. to hang, suspend, d. ^y TtcTf tola, m.1 a set of any thing, such as
(_->y 7t^ /o/?, m. a hat, a cap, a head, a cover, ^y Tf^ tori, f. J of chessmen, &c. ; a com-
a thimble ; bait ; a stitch, h. "plete assortment, h.
i3y tulgll, f. fun, jesting, joking, d.
by' TrtfT a ?o;)a,
helmet, cap (v. m.
pp). a covering
h. for the head, a
^y Z\^toli, f. a company, society, crowd. //.
\l\y topna, a. to hang, suspend, d.
^y 7H twn, m. trifles; an ornament; a
fl^ ^it^\ top'i, f. a bat. topi-n-ala, one who frame for pigeons to perch on. ium-tdm, m. a few tri-
wears a hat, or an animal with a comb, crest, &c. The fles ;an ornament, tum-dend, a. to push gently, h.
term was once used to express the Persian or Moghiil
troops, but it is now generally applied to Europeans, h. lUy THin tiinma, a. to push or jog gently,
to strike softly, so as to draw a person's notice, h.
(Oy ZZtvt, f. fracture, breaking; misunder-
standing or coolness between friends, harm, loss, defi- tun-h., a. cre-
ciencv; .'1 passage omitted in the writing of a book, pitumZ ventris
^y h. crepitus,
tnh, m.edere.
which is afterwards written in the margin, tid-panid,
n. to break in upon, to rush in, to be collected in crowds. Tt^T tana,
bya wedding m. enchantment, fascination ;
tiit-jdnd, n. to be broken ; to become ill, pine, tiit- song. h.
rahnd, n. to be distressed, to be weary, to be reduced
to poverty, to pine away ; to b(4 separated. ,s.
(^<bby TT'FrnrT'iTr tova-taman, m. "1 hocus -
oy TTl tuta, broken; m. want, deficiency, (jbby
" juggling- TT'JITTT^^
''• tona-tam, f. J pocus,
loss, failure, tutd-phutd, fragments, broken to pieces, s.
ay ( 271 )

\x>y^ '^fzi tonia, m. a cracker, a serpent in ^l^ TT^T //«a/a, disengaged, at leisure, h.
fireworks ; a joint of bamboo, Sc. ; a cartridge ; hand-
less //. (jV^ TT //mw, m. a place, station, residence, k,
i\^y^ ZTZi tonil, f. a spout, h. ^^l^ f/mn, a place for tying up an animal, d,

4_5'Joy z'i^ tundi, f. the navel ; a small ul^* thdnd, m.

station-m;ister place, h.station,
or keeper, thdvd-durf
branch or stump of a tree, broken at the end and leaf-
les , h.
^^Jol^ Z\'^^thdnthu, worthy of belief, trusty
cLXj^ 71 tuiuj, f. (v. tungar) peckin<^, &c. h. (vulgar) ; m. the report of a musket, h.

^L)lJlOy TTTTPft tunga-tangi, f. pecking f^j^\^ thd/h, coughing, a cough, d.

"and nibbling, h. L.Jil^ 7T^ thdhsd, m. stuffing, wadding of
IiCj*) Z'T^T tungna, a. to peck, to nibble, to a gun, &c. h.
chew straws, &c. for amusement ; to pick ; to piddle, h.
U**ol^' 7TO"?n thdiisna, a. to stuff, to cram, h,
^yy 7t«T^T tonwa, m. a kind of hawk (see Ijil^ TT^ thcinnn, a. to resolve, to determine,
tond). h.
to be intent on, to set one's heart on ; to settle, h.
^3y Tt^T tonha or ^^T taunha, m. a jup;-
gling man, a conjuror, h. yl^" 71'^ thdnw (also thd,on), f. a residence,
place, s.
f^A^^ Tt^^T^ tonha,i, f. a juggling woman, U^ 7WT thappd, m. an instrument for stamp-
a female conjuror. /*.
ing leather with, a die, a stamp, a printing t3'pe ;
8y Zt^ toll, watching secretly, espionage, h. printing, h.
^j 7 tha, the aspirated toi m of Cj 7 fa. s. h. U;*^ T^^T thapnd, a. to strike, to beat. h.
l^ 7T tha, m. a sound made by striking one cL»^ 77 thaty m. bank, shore, margin, s.
thing on another, h. ^j^^ ZZ thath, m. throng, crowd, h.
ci.>l^' TT?straw
which the //'«?, m. ; the
is laid fi'ame of
arrangement, thatch onh.
adjustment, l^ji^" 77T thatthd, m. fun, sport, joking, jest ;
name of" a place, ihattlie-bdz or thath d-mizdj, a jester,
a humorous person, a funny fellow; adj. jocular.
^Vl^' ZTZ thuth, m. State, h.dignity, equipage, thatthe-hdzi, f. jesting, sporting, joking, fun. thatthd-k.
pomp ; conveniency, plenty, or -mdrnd, to jest, to deride, h.
^^ 7T^ Uiar, m. determination ; snow, frost, h. m. beauty, freshness, or
1 tahtaha,)
talitah, "1
^'j-A^ Z\T[ thara, erect, straight, h. splendour, conspi-
cuous at a distance, h.
jsVl^V jra" tharh, steep, lofty, h.
W''\i3 \3l^j^^' 77T«TT thathdna, a. to strike, to beat ;
^ 7 :•TRT• ^
tharha, m.'\ . .
>■ erect, straight, h. to beat one's own head, &c., in token of vexation ; to
harass one's self. /*.
^^j^^- 31^ their hi, f J
Mlsbj.^ 7l'^ J?T tharhna,i\. to beerect,to stand. /i. j^i^ 77T thatthar, m. the frame made of
bamboo for thatching, shell of a house, h.
•ifcj'^-^j 5t<A tharhau, erect, standing, /i.
U«il.^ 7TW?fT thasnd, a. to stuff, to cram, to j^^' fZS'^ thit hiir {-dho thithir),f. numbness.
ram down. /;. torpor. /(.
thithrd or fTTTT thithura,
yi^ TToFT; thcihur, m. the divinity ; an idol ; 14^^'
numbed, fTTTT
benumbed, torpid, h.
a lord, master, chief (among rajputs) ; a landholder ;
a barber, thakur-bap, a grandfather, thdkur-md, a ijAiAJ 77TT thathrd, m. a fence, h.
grandmotlier. thdkur-sevd, lit. tlie service of an idol,
applied to a grant of revenue for the support of an idol IJL^A^' f73TT»n thitliurdnd, a. to benumb, to
temple, s. chill, h. [torpor. /-
^j^\S\^ ZV^TJ^ thakuram, 1 f. a goddess,
iJl,.v»W'Vj^V f77Xr57 thithrdhat, f. numbne.-s,
^J>\J^\^i Z['^P^^'^ thahurtnjan, } a lady, the 13^'^
thitharndfTfTTTTF, fTT^^T
or thithurnd, n. to or fTT^^T, benumbed,
be numbed, thithir/id,to
■wife or daughter of a tlidkur. k,

a thdkur.
thakura,i, rank or office of
h.' thatitri, f the frame of a matted
be chill, ZZ^
"screen, the frame (bamboo-work) of a thatched roof,
Cfj^/^ ^TofiMlO thakurhari, f. shell
son. ofh. a house; abler; a skeleton, a very thin per

idol temple.
fhdkur-d/vard, m.
fTJeK thithah, f. the state of standing
thithak-rahnd or -jdnd, n. to stop short, h.

^l^" TI3T thdld, m. I'a branch of atiee, &3. //, Ux^jk^' 7^cfi'TJT thatliahiid or r<i<}«lifll thithah-
nd, n. to stop, to stagnate, to stand amazed, to dt.-^
back in surprise, to shrink. U.
^^^" ZV^thati, f.J

( 272 )

uiS>^ fjetiiTTT thihana, m. residence, place, sta-

j%^^ ZZtT.th/jfhor, "|a banterer, a wag, a tion,abode, dwelling ; boundary, limit, thikana dhundh-
0»^^4J 73^^ fhaihol,} jester; adj. jocose, h. «a, a. to seek a residence, or employment, thikdna-k.,
a. to account, to search or trace an affair to its com-
(ly^i^^ TTt^^ thatholi, f. fun, humour, sport, mencement, thikdne lagdnd, a. to put to death, to kill,
"joking, h. to waylay, to make away, to assassinate; to establish,
to settle, to prove ; to find out one's residence, thikdne
]/4^ T3TT thathera, m. a brazier, a tink'^r, lagnd, n. to be killed, to die, to be put an end to. tin-
fhathere thathere Id badla,t, a bargain between two
people equally acute or knowing; diamond cut dia-
out one's residence, h.Jt^
land lagdnd, a. to establish, to settle, to prove; to find

mond ;the stalk of thejo.ar (Holcus sorgiim). h.

•-^iJ^Juil^J' ZWZ^difficulties
harassing labour, thak thak, m. f. h.
; a sound, hard work,
(^jc^i^^' ZZ^ orthatheri,
female brazier, tinker, h. f. a brazier's wife, a
OK^Jii^' Teir7oFT«n thahthaJidna, a. to pat,
tap, sound, h. [so called, a shallop, h.
^J^^ Z^TJ thachra, m. wrangling, quarrel-
ling, h. [tering, a chatterer, d.
i^^AX^" '<Jc|i/t 4 1 thak-thaun-a, f. a small boat
i^> ^ ihakh-thakh also thakh-thakhi, chat- Va^'uLI^J' T^KTf^^T /;. thak-thuhiya, m. a
stickler, a wrangler.
\S^ 731 thadda, m.theheakof a paper kite. h.
in a crowd, Tcp^^T
crowded, Ihahthela,
h. stuffed together
(_^(!^3 Z^ tliuddl, f. the chin ; parched grain;
thuddi pakarna, a. to flatter, to curry favour, h.
)^^ r<J<*<i thi/tra, m. a fragment of an earthen
j^ fZT thir, f. frost, coldness, h. vessel, a shard ; a vessel for carrying fire ; such as
fakirs use. h. [witli the toes. h.
\j^ 7^T tharra or 3^7 thara, f. a kind of wine
or spirituous liquor ; a kind of shoe worn by villagers, h- U^^i^' TojrTTin ?/"/A?a7«a, a. to kick or strike
(_/^Lx^ ^oirrr^ tkahura^, f. lordliness, nobi-
\j^ fzW^J tilira, m. a small vilhige. h. lity ;the
nity. A. state or rank of thdkur, q.v. godship, divi-
V.)^.^ f3TT'?n thirana, a. to cause to congeal, h.
daughter Z'WtVl'^
of a thdkur, thakurdyan,
a female divinityf.orthe
h. or
• '^\Xi 3n^ tha7'a,o, settlement, determina-
tion (properly thahrdd). h.
Kx^ ToFTI thuhrd,m.a bit, a piece (of bread), h.
jj^ ZTXfharar, 1m. snoring, tharakpar- UCp Z^ep^n tahahnd, n. to pain. A.
ti)^^ TToF t/uirak,) na, n. to snore, h.
^-^^ Tfoir^TT tuhuknd, n. to cry. /t.
\3^' fzT^^thirna, n. to freeze, to be chilled, h. i-LX^ TT //'o^, m. a robber, a cheat : the
ijj^ TtT thurrt, f. (see tharra) wine. h. term is more especially applied of late to the mis-
creants called phansigars, or stranglers. q.v. tliag-bidya
or -bdxi, f cunning, art, fraudulent dexterity. thag
b^^' 3frnT thariya, m. a kind of earthen land, a. to rob, to cheat, thag lend, a. to cheat, h.
l}uk'ka. h.
l3\X^i 7iTT*TT tltafjdnd, n. to be cheated ; a. to
(j^-' Z'^ thus, this, or tJms, an imitative sound, cheat, to deceive, h. [ing- '••
as of a musket ill charged, or flashing in the pan. h.

\^.i(^V <Jmi thassa, m. a mould or form into {_$^\t^i ZT[\\ tliagd,i, f. robbery, theft, cheut-
which plates of metal, &c. are beaten to take the form
of pastes of ornaments, &:c. ; a type in printing ; a ^^X^ zf^m thagin, f. a female thag. h.
stamp or impression on coins, &c. ; pride, vanity, h.
UiC^" jn^l tJiagnd, a. to cheat, to deceive. /(.
fi«^L~^ 7^1<!H thasa-t has, aWed; crowded. /i. i^ii^Z^T^i thagnlff.a female robber,or cheat./*.

6'u«^' 7WJTT thusana, a. to cause to stuff, h. ^jj^^Zift^ thagaur'i,^. cheating, robbing, /i.
c^I.M.^> ZW^ tliasah, f. state, dignity, h. jJX^ Z^thaga^i or ?/t«<7i, f. the practice of
"strangling, &:c. (v. .^/iag), cheating, robbing, h.
IJ^,.,..^') 7'^<9hr|| thusakna, a.peditutn ciere, svp- ^J^X^ Tfirm thagiyd, m. a cheater, a robber, h.
pedere , to weep (but not aloud), h.
U5w^V 7H<4i7TT thasakna, a. to break a piece j-jj 7^55 ?a/io/ (also tahal-takor), f. house-
off any vessel of earthenware, by knocking two vessels wifery, housekeeping, duty, service, task, bussiness,
work, job, use, drudgery, tahal-k., a. to serve, to
together, without completely destroying it. ti. drudge, taiial lagdni, u. to dauce attendance, li.

^iw^ Z'^'^thuskijf^.ventris crepitus surdus.h. \j^^-j Tf Q5T^T/«//mA«a,;i. to lead about, to cause

to walk backwards and forwards (as a horse or child) ;
KL^ TPi^l ^/i«<s?ia,n.to be stuffed, crammed, h. to make dance attendance, h.
^J-^ ZV^ thasrii, f. a rammer, h.
^•^^ 7^ tahak, f. pain in the joints, h. j^'CS^y^ 7^c57«'f^
&ic., the same tahal-takor,
as thaliul. h. f. housewifery,
^ ( 273 )

^-i^J T^^"?!! tahahia, n. to walk backwards L>*'j4-* ^^ t^^os, solid, firm, compact, h. \
and forwards, to take the air, to rove, to ramble, h.
u**^^ 'i\^'\ tliosd, m. the thumb presented in |
h. token of denial (a mode peculiar to women), h.
(_^P 7^q5«T^ tnhahn, f. a housewife,
\^y^ Z^'^'HTta/tlu/i, ni. a manager of house- ^^L*>^^' Tt^lt l/iosd,'i, f. solidity, firmness, h, j
hold concerns, a servant. /(.
U**ij^ Tt^fTT thosnd, a. to stuff", cram in ; to
stab. h. )
^j^^ Zt^ tahlu,t, f. a housewife, h.
o^-jJ ^^leni tahokd, m. a blow, a thump, h.
VjJi^" fT%^T tkiliya, f. a waterpot. h.
o^^ t/iakd, m. reproof, chiding, scolding, d.
LiU^' TJTcF thuviak, f. tlie act of wavinfj, or
walking with a "graceful, easy air. ihiimak-chdl, f. a dig- y^ ZV^X thokar, f. a blow, a stroke, a
nified pace, stately gait, graceful carriage, h. thump; tripping or striking the foot against any
thing, a kick, stumble ; a stumbling-block, thokar
\C»a3' TToRT thumhct, short, of low stature, h. klidnd, n. to trip, to stumble ; to meet with a loss or
misfortune ; to encounter obstacles or difficultiea.
UCa^' TToRtTT thumahna, n. to walk with thokar lagnd, n. to strike the foot against (a stumbling-
grace and stateliness, to strut, to walk with dignity, h. block or obstacle), h. [(as bad bread), h.
iS^^ "^^^ thumki, lazy ; f the playing of
\S^^ 7t"3JiTT thohrd, m. a fillip; adj. hard
"a paper kite, to keep it up wlien the wind is light, h,
^$^' Tt^'Jf thokan, m. act of beating, &c. h.
^3' Z^^tahna,xu.. a branch or large bough, h. U^^^ TfoF^ thok?id, a. to beat, to strike ; to
U^' 3^ taithanna, n. to be fixed, to be ascer- drive (as a stake), h.
ned, h.

ufJ^-l^ 7^«R thanak, m. a clinking noise. A. ^)^^' Tt^T thold, m. a cup for the food and
drink of a bird in a cage ; the knuckles, thold mariid
a. to strike with the knuckles, h.
to rattle, 7J!T^r(T
h. thajithanana, n. to jingle,
S^ 73!? thand, f. coldness, a ooM. It. h tahon, m. the voice of a new-born
child, zif

IjJL^' ZJ^ thnnda, cold ; free from weeds (a \3.^ fz^^J thiivnd, m. thekuee (see theTvnd).s.
soil), piandd parnd, n. to abate fanger, virilitj', or
wantonness), thandd-k., a. to make cold; to extin- ^J0ft^3' ZZ thuntJh
guish ;to comfort, to assuage, thandd hond. n. to be- tree broken off at the m.end a and
leafless a; branch of a
an amputated
come cold ; to be extinguished ; to be comforted, or hand. h. [bird. h.
pacified ; to rest ; to lose virility. kaU'jd tlmndd liond,
n. to be pleased, to be happy (by seeing a friend, son,
^j6^' zfz thoiith, f. the beak or bill of a
&c., after a long separation) ; to have one's revenge
gratified, h. l,^^' ZZl tliunthd, having the hand ampu-
; its branches lopped and leafless (a tree). A.
^^Asl^ ZJ^^thanda.i, f refrigerant (medi-
cine) ;the intoxicating drug made of bhang, h.
^^^ ^ ZZ\ thimtlii, f. stubble, h.
lI^Sj^ ZT^'^a thandah, "If. coldness, cool- ni. a 'eunuch,
IIa}^ ^frUT tlntnt
h. iyd, mutilated, lopped off";
(.iljbJiJ^ TUSoF thandhak,) ness. h-
\i>Sl^ 75J5T thandha (v. thandd), cold. h. U— 3.^' tlionsnd, a. to stuff" (see thosnd). d.
(C^l^Z^^ thandi, cold, thandt sans hhariu^ ljili«43" TJNfJn thonhnd, a. to knock, to ham-
a. to sigh., to heave a cold sigh. h. mer ;to drive (as a stake) ; to thrust with ihe finger,
to fillip, to drive, to beat, thonk-d., to hammer, to
knock, plth-thonknd, to pat on the back. h.
Lil^AJ 'fe^oJi thinak or ^'^T'lr thunuk, f. sob. h.
l3KiA3 T^ojrnTT thunhand, a. to cause to
knock, hammer, h. a finger orZMbeak,thong,
ufX3_j43' pecking, h. act of striking with
f. the
UCaV T5T«R«TI thanaJmd, n. to throb, to shoot
l^i.^7tnT.?Ao«^a,m. striking with the beak./i.
(as a pain) ; to jingle, tinkle, h.
'jl£i^' zf^'^thon(Jdnd,'\■,^.io peck,to strike
'j;51a!>' frrfoFT^T thinaknd or 3^o|j»n thunukndy
n. to sob. h.
IxLi^" Ztn^ thongnd, J with the beak. h.
UCa^' fr^'JTT thimjiid, short, dwarfish. %\^ 7?T^T thahdhd,on, thahdkvpeal,
m. a a succession
of loud sounds, explosi kl muldkdt. f. meet-
thingnd.'i, f. lowness of stature, h. ing with great demonstrations of friendship, h.
.^^ 7f »ft tuhrii, f. a branch, h.
\j}j^^.>toZ^Xrm thahrdnd, a. lo fix, settle, to
come a decision or determination, h.
'y^'^iXtliaiir,i'. place,n.residence;
the spot, thaur rahnd, adv. upon
to be murdered, to be
knocked down lifeless upon the spot. h. ,L^j Z^T^^ th(ihrd,o, m. settlement, fixture,
permanence; proof, h.
j^'TtT tJtor, f. beak, bill. h. \>j,.^ 7?T^T thaharnd, n. to stop, rest, remain,
h. stay, be determined, h. ^
i^j-y^ Z\^ thori, i'. the chin.
^ ( 274 )
jffA^ Z^l thaye, past tense o{ thannu, to fix,
j.K^' Z^ tha,i, f. (past tense of thmma), to re- resolve, &c. h.
" solve, fix, &c. h.

u-A>4'" Zt"^ //'V?, f- a kind of lamp. h. ««-ax) tHt /Tjj, f. a note of^ hand, a cheque;
drawing a card ; raising the voice in singing, the noting
^A^' 7T^ i'Ae/ji, f. a cork, a plug, stopper; of any thing ; f. the act of pressing, compressing.
"tfiep^ niiinJi men dena, n. to be silent, h. tip-tap, f ornament; the act of pressing or compress-
ing, tiplend, a. to draw a card. li.
,A^,^i ZZthetli, pure, <]^emiine ; coiitentious. k.
(f«J^ 7^ Mes, m. f. a knock, a blow, tripping i^j^iJ Zi^^ tlpn, f. wooden stocks or thimil)-
screws used for torture; an instrument in which ttie
against a stone, &c., a shove, a push, a thrust, /i. prepuce of a boy is fixed
tion of circumcision, h. when undergoing the opeia-
U-«Ji43'tion orT^^T
h, m. sneer, oblique reflec- UAJL> Tt'T'^T fipna, a. to press, to compress,
to grope, to feel, to squeeze, h.
U*-ji^" ZVIW thesna, a. to pierce; to knock
against ; to stuff,to cram,to ram in ; to eat ravenously./*. ^Ju3' ztZJ fita, f. lingula vulcfe mulierutn. h.
ij^ ZfZ^ fitri, f. the name of a medicine. //.
ciix^'>' 7o|i thek, f. a support, a prop; a large
sack filled with grain ; a portable granary, h. \yjo ZZ^\ tetiva, m. the head of a snake. Ji.
uiiv^V ^bsfr f/ii^, exact, even, accurate, com- Kx^ tikhna, n. to cry, as a partridge, d.
plete, just, fit, proper, reasonable, true, regular, right ;
(met.) parsimonious ; m. sum, addition, thlk and, to ijSj3 z\t\ ttdi, f. a locust, h.
fit, to suit, thikk.. a. to put to rights ; to correct ; to
beat ; to adjust, h-
j3 zix. fir, f a transverse piece in cloths, or a
D-»^^ojrT theha, m. a plug, a stopper, h. breadth cut diagonally, h.

JJ ZK. ter, f. tune ; voice, h.

»-43" tNrT tlaha, m. hire, fare, fixed price ;
work done b3' contract, a task. h. \f3 ZTJ tcra, m. a curtain ; squint-eyed, cock -
e^'ed. h,
ti)l^"Lil^.^ TtofTTToli thlk-thak, quite right,
right and tight, thlk-thdk-k., to set to rights,to adjust, h- l>^i 7t«TT terna, n. to bawl, to roar to, to call
loudly, to shout, to halloo ; to tune. h.
^jSa^' TtoJRT h.tliihra, m.
earthenware, a broken j)iece of
Vv-3" ZZ\ tcra, m. tlie trunk of a tree ; an in-
strument for twisting coarse thread or twine, tera hi-
ijS^j^i TNi^
earthenware th'ihri,
; mons veneris f.; the
a bioken
upper or piece of
moveable land, a. to be afflicted with the venereal diw>ase. a.
jaw of the cock of a musket. t/«/fr j-c//«7jno, a. to evince UfcvJi" TCT terlia, crooked, bent, terhd-bera,
madness, h
crooked, terhd-k., a. t<« bend, to crook, h.
ijXx^iS'X^ ^<*»<3n<* thlham-thih, exactly,
truly, rightly, quite right. //. (^^IjbjJ) ZTl%teHid,i, f. crookedness, h.
>jy Z^terln, f. pride, vanity, haughtiness;
Oo^'^XJ^ T^chHi^clil thilium-thikaj m. " perverseness. h.
abusL'. h.
{_fj*> ^irt tin, f. a locust (same as iidl). h.
^a^" Tojft theln, f. act of resting on the wa}' (t«Ji3 Tt^ tls, f. a throb, throbbing, a shoot-
(a porter carrying a load), theki lagdnd or dend, a. to
rest (a porter carrying a load), h. ing pain, th mdntd, n. to throb, h.
Ix-jO ^TT^T Hsnd, n. to palpitate, to throb, h.
^^Ji^ T^T thela, m. a push, a shove, thela-
fheli, f. shoving and shouldering, h, y^)j TW tesu, ni. the blossoms of the palas
Ulx^ .ioHI thehia, a. to shove, to push, to tree {Bnti'afrondosa); a kind of play. h.
move forward by pushing, h. L^aV ti'sicd, m. a tear (also taswd, q.v.). //.
Ub^ <Jc5«il thelana, ra. acting the buffoon, h.
eiJai" tNf fih, f. an ornament for the head and
neck, h.
^^JCu^" tious, ZZ
h. thenth, pure, genuine ; conten-
uiJuo' ^oF teh, f. a prop, pillar; a promise,
vow. tek rahnd, n. to lean upon. /'.
^.^Juo^' ZZ\ t/ientht, f. a cork, a plug ; a
ball of ear-wax ; a dhoti or cloth, reaching no further Kjl)" <rtofrf filtd, m. inoculation ; a mark made
than the knee. It. [a tool {pe7iis). h. on the forehead by Hindus ; a badge of sovereignty ;
an ornament worn on the forehead ; the nuptial };ifts.
Xt'xi.^^ ZT{\ thduja, m. a stick, a small club ; tlkd hlicjnd, a. to send the nuptial gifts, wliich are pre-
sented bythe relations of the bride to the bridegroom. Ii.
\Jc>-bl.Cja^" 7TrRT»T«n thenga-bnjna, a. to
spoil, destroy, h. KjJ <rtcST tlhd, f. a commentary or gloss. //.
\jf-x^^ ZTim thenr/na, short, dwarfish, h.
Kjj" tekd, m. trust, reliance, confidence, sup-
^jM-* ^"TT thnrva or 7T?rT the,iina, m. the
knee, the pastern (of a horsej. s. port, d.
,.Xx)" iehdn, m. a height, elevation, d.
uijjj ( 275 ; MU

^ T^rt tekar, ^
in. (also t'lhar, Sec.) a
;T tehra,] heiiiht, a rising ground ;
high lands of indifferent quality, h.

(Cj5oo" <fhR?t tikari, a small field of inferior c^ 5e or sa, 4th letter of the Arabic alphabet.
land. A.
It does not occur, strictly speaking, in ■word3 of Persian
or Indian origin. Its sound, among the Arabs, is that
V;5oJ tehra, m. a height, rising ground, d. of til in the English word thin, but the Persians and
Indians give it the sound of x. It is one of the radical
^,Cjo' 7«F«T /('/(rtw, m. a prop, support. /«. letters, never being employed in the formation of deri-
vatives and
; in the reckoning by abjad it stands for 500.
U^" T^FffT ft'/f??a, a. to support, to prop. h. When Persian words are introduced into Arabic
writings, this letter is sometimes used instead of te or
C^4^ T^%H tikait, invested with the ftka or sin, as Kays. Ulnars for Kayumart, and Taltmuras for Tah-
badge of sovereignty, s. viuras.

\Sx> TTTT fct/fa, m. a rising ground, h. l1aj13 sabit, firm, constant, durable, stable,
proved, confirmed, established, fixed, mhit rahnd, n. to
given/I/,in contempt).
f. a youngA. hen ; a woman adhere to a person, sdbit-kadam, immoveable, stable,
resolute, permanent, constant, sdbit-lc, to confirm, to
establish, to render durable, to prove by witness, o.
^)oo' Tti^n ?i/a, ^m. a rising ground, a ridge, ^Is»'C1a.)0 sahit-Mmnl, an armed retainer or
l^ijo'T^o;^ ttlhaj a low hill. A. sentinel, a. [high. a.
UbJ ^QiHT fe/wo, a. to remove. A.
u-aUu sahib, shining, splendid; sublime,
U^Ui i<^THT telu,a, m. a beam. A.
w^lS salh, the third; an umpire, arbitrator
^'a candle
7JT fe?n, f. snuffh.
or lamp. of a candle ; the flame
[ing- of
unprejudicedsdlis saldsa, m. a.trinity, sdlis hil-'kl^ir, an

^\j\«Jo 7*RrW tem-tam or ttm-tain, m. dress- &*U(^A5b salis-ndma, m. a deed of award, p.

Ai5\3 fidlisa, f. an arbitress, mediatrix, a.
breedifTT fert'7A. (mas.
of fowls of fe«2), a parr'cular
^^3 sdlisi, f. arbitration, mediation, a.
tJLojo' "tt ^e«f or Tlir tint, ni. the ripe fruit lIjOI!) sdlus, the Trinity, sdlusi akdas, the
of kar'il ; a speck on the eye. h, most holy Trinity, a.

^'iiop' "zzi tenia, m. a large ripe fruit oikaril; ^^U sdmin, the eighth, a.
a fizgig; speaking inconsiderately, h.
(j,h sdnl, m. "I second ; the second, smn vl-
jjSj3 JJT tentar, m. name of a fruit, h.
&J0IS mniya, f J hal, another time, fdn'i mu-
Idhaxa, re-inspection, revisal. sdniyan, secondly, in
\fy^^'zZ^ tehtu,a, m. [ing
windpipe, theh- tlie second place, a.
throat, h.
LL^ljO sahdt, m. permanency, stability, firm-
fXyio izi tenii, f. name of a fruit ; speak- ness, resolution, constancy, a.

articulate ten-ten,
jj^\j^3' irz sound, h. [nising. in-h.
an imitative sound, CJ^ sabt, f. stability, permanency, firmness;
sabt-k., a. to inscribe, to subscribe, to write, a.
tiljjJ "^eir tenk, f. shelter, support ; recog- 0^3 sabut or subut, m. firmness, stability,
permanency, confirmation by evidence, a.
LCjj6' Z^JJJ tengra, m. ^the name of a fish
\3 sard, opulent, rich ; m. the earth, a.
^JJiS^ "r^n?) temjr'i, f J (SUurus). s.
OjijS sanvat, f. wealth, multitude, a.
^X-X}3'z^ to^ffh f- teazing. h.
[>3 suraiyd, m. the Pleiades, a.
*^' 7fft fe«i, m. a particular breed of fowls;
" adj. tiny, small, h. cIaLo sa'lub, m. a fox (pi. sadlib). a.
»JL» Z^ teiv or te,o, f. habit, custom, h.
1«aV 7^ ?e;ya, m. calculation of nativity ; fjj^o^i^JijO sa'labi misr'i, m. salep (the inroot
"of a species of orchis, considered, particularly
habit, custom, h. East, to be a strong restorative and aphrodisiac), a.
iCj^jJ te,orl (v. te,ori), a frown, &e. A. Ji3 sujl, dregs, sediment, refuse, a.
iS^^ Z^^ tewhi, f. a prop, a pillar, h. ^1^153 sihdt (pi. of &JU), trusty friends, a.
CJ^SLj sahdlat, f. weight, heaviness, a.
l3»Jo' ^^T tewnd, a. to sharpen. /*.
JoJ siM, m. gravity, weight; indigestion,
\ji(X> Z^TJ tehra, m. a village, h. heavy load. a. [friend, a.
I ^Jv^JO T^^T tehlci, m. the customs of marriage. /j. «flj siha, m. confidence ; a confidant, a trusty
X 2
( -276 )
JjkSj stti^i^, heavy ; lazy, phlegmatic} indi- L-^W W^jab, m. muzzle for large cattle ; a
gestible, a. net for fruit ; a sort of grass. /*.

{Ju'^ mlaii, three, sula^, by three, a. LS^ ^W jabir, a despot, a tyrant, a.

^^ sulasi, triangular, any thing made up jL-j'vj>- juh-sdl and jdb-sdll (forjawdb-sarvdl,
&c.), conversation, reply, rejoinder, a.
"of three parts, triple ; (in gram.) triliteral. a.
t.tJ3 suls, m. the third part. a. j^W l(m^ jdhi, f. muzzle for small cattle. //.

j^ mmar, m. fruit; produce, advantage, pro- u-^W ifTRjdp, m. repeating inaudibly p-.m-
sages from the Slidstras, charms, names of a deity ;
fit; offspring, samar-hakhsh. productive of fruit, a.
silent meditation ; counting one's beads (a Hindu
term not applicable to Musalmans). s.
35^5 samra or samara, m. fruit ; profit, re-
ward, recompense ; offspring, a. cdo.U- H^^^japah,^m. one who counts his
j^ saman, m. price, value, a. (_^U- WT^./'^yn,
*to himself .». J beads, or who recites
f^j^ sumun or sumn, m. the eighth part. a.
a. ^^*»^\>- jdplusi, f. flattery, adulation (more
j^^xj samin, costly, precious, "commonly chaplusi). p.
U3 sand, f. praise, applause, eulogy, sana- jOU- fnn^ Japan, m. spending or passing
Ichwan, one who praises, sand-gustar, one who scatters away time. s.
praises, a.
U^ly satvdb,m. the future reward of virtue; ,J.^W jd])hal (v. jd,e-pkal), nutmeg, d.
a virtuous action, reward, premium, o. [stars, o. lI^W ini{ jdt, born, produced; a cliild, off-
spring jdt or jdli, f. kind, sort, cast, sect, tribe, class,
iZ^\^ sawabit (pi. of CaJU), m. the fixed birth, production, lineage, race, jdt-pdnt or jdt-pdiiti,
f. pedigree. jdt-bhd,l, a brother by caste, jdti-swa-
u,^y sauh, m. a robe, a vestment, a. bhdtv, m. specific or generic character or nature, jdti-
Jakshan, m. generic distinction or characteristic; mark
.y saur,n\. a bull ; the sign Taurus ; twilight, of tribe or caste. j(7<i-/(Jn, outcaste. s,
crepuscule ; the name of a mountain near Mecca, a.
U->IjO siya.h{\>\. of t— -'y), m. clothes, robes, a. Ufc. yS\»- sTTTTT TJ^"^ jdtd ruJind, to go away
entirely, to vrtnish. h.
ajjj saiyiha, f. a young woman who has con-
summated her marriage ;femina cujus periit virginitas. a. 3"^ TJ}-^ jdfni, 111. a pilgrim, wayfarer, s.
V3'^ '9)NI (for JlT^Jjdt7d), f. a moment (gene-
rally implies a fortunate moment) ; pilgrimage ; de
parture, march, journey ; a religious festival, especially
a procession of idols, a fair, jdtrd-karan, m. setting
forth on a march, s.
L^3\:^TUfT^jdtrik,] ., .
— jim or jim-i-tazi, the fifth letter of the .■f. ' _ I m. a piignm, a travel-
. .){»■ 1{T\ jatru, >
Arabic alphabet, the sixth in the Persian, and the ^ -, 1. l«r. s.
seventh in the Hindustani. It has the sound of _;' in
judge. In Arabic it is a radical letter. In enumera- ijj>\sr "^{V^jdtri, J
tion by abjad it stands for the number three. It is tiloV anTTolT ;«/«//, m. a mendicant ; astrolo-
sometimes used: 1st, for sh, as kdj for /r(7ji/i, would
that ! 2nd, for g (particularly in conformity to Arabic gical calculation of a nativity, s.
pronunciation), asfaranj iov farang, Europe ; 3rd, for
the final imperceptible he, asflrozaj tor fhoza, a tur- ^fC^\»- Wftf^^ jdl-/ia7'ma, m. a sacrificial
ceremony directed to be performed at the birth of a
quoise. Again, forj are used, 1 st, t as tdidt, for tdraj , child, s.
plunder; 2nd, zh, as kazhdum for kajdum, a scorpion ;
3rd,^, as akhslug for akhshij. contrary. In some rare
instances it is redundant, as debaj for debd, brocade. yl». ITTTT jdlu, a rdjput tribe in Karnal, of
whom many have now become Musalmiins. h.
^ »T ja, is tjie corresponding letter in the
Devanagarl alphabet. It is used for z, in such Arabic j_^W '^\l(\ jai'i, f. kind, tribe (same as jdt i);
the great-flowered jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum);
and Persian words as have found their way into the
Hind! dialect, thus, hdjirl for hdzirt, breakfast. In mace, nutmeg, jdtt-putr'i, f. mace, jdti-phal, m. nut-
meg (same ■dsjd.e-plial, (i.\.).jdtl-ras, m. gum myrrh, s.
many words borrowed from the Sanskrit, j is substi-
tuted for y, particularly in the dialects of Bengal, Tir- >tijjj'.>- HTFT^ jdtyandh, born blind, s.
hoot, &c. When added to a pure Sanskrit substantive
it denotes born, sprung, or produced from such sub-
stantive, as mtdaj, a bird, the .egg^bom. from anda ; sJi'^^ jTTTT /n/^6f,vvell-born, of good family, o
vdrij, the lotus, lit. sprung from water. cL>ls» miZ jdt, m. tbe name of a tribe among
the rdjjmts (for a full account of this celebrated clan,
W ja, f. a place. ja-ha-jR or hama-j'a, every- vide Wilson's Glossary), h.
wliere. ja-nishtn, m. a locum tenens, a (deputy, a
successor, vicegerent, p. jJjU- WVZf^ jdtU, m. f. a plant {Bignonia
suavcolcns). s. [tribe A.
jv in jd, the old inflected form of the reL
proii. jo or jaun, whom, which. A. ijU- l[XZ^jdtli, a subdivision of the gujaf
cL>l»- ( 277 )
yl>- ^fjzjotii, name of a rajput tribe, h. — jla- »nT»T jnraj, m. f. an adulterine, the
child of a woman by her paramour. *.
l^l*. »rnr^T jatuwa or ^\'^\jatu,a, a branch
of the chmiiilr tribe, q. v. h.
J;^- "^nx^ reginee).
strccmiaflos jaral, m.h. a kind of wood {Lager-
,^l»- l(TSjnt/i, m. the axis of an oil or sugar
mill which presses the grain or the canes ; a post placed
by Hiudijs in the centre of a tank to mark that its ^^J^ ^K^yjaran, m. fire-wood, fuel. s.
water has been dedicated to a deity, s. Oj^ HT^J jdrnd, la. to burn, to kindle,
j^l>-Ja.n, one who is kneeling, a. Ui^J'^ iTR^ja?-naMrt,J to inflame, to light, s.
tIlAS»-l»- ja-jat,f. the series of binary combi- JjW" •n^Ja/M, burning, inflaming, s.
nations of letters beginning with^/im, the first being
jlm alifoTJd, the second ^im le orjat, &c. a. ^jy^ jdrub, m. a broom, or the sweeper
who uses it jdruh-kash, m. sweeper. jarHb-kashi, i.
cil>-U> irnnif (for TJXW^^jajak, m. a Brahman the act or office of sweeping, p.
who presides at the performance of a religious cere-
mony, s. [or on the tabor, h. {^j-'^jdri, running, flowing, proceeding, cur-
rent, customary, in force (a law), jdrt-k., a. to begin,
ijiL>-l>- »rr5r«(r /'a/oA, m. a player on cymbals to set on foot, jdrl hond, n. to pass current, to be in
force, to proceed ; (as business) to tlow. jdrl rupaiya, a
^W '^'x{^ jnjam, f. a cloth thrown over current rupi, current coin in general, a.
the carpet to sit on. h.
(C,l»- jd}n, Indian millet (v.jo,dr). d.
i^^-U- xmrT jo^}a7i, m. the act of conducting
a sacrifice or causing its performance, s. w ,l»- jdriya, f. a maid-servant, a.
«ju>-U. ^^rr^ jaji/a, m. property or presents J-U- ifrs jar, m. the gums (of the teeth), h.
earned by officiating at sacrifices, s.
|j'l>- »rr3T
ter. 5. jdrd, m. cold, coldness ; the win-
jJ1a»-V '^\f^(lJ jachit, asked, begged, s.
di»-'^ an^oF (for tuW^B) jachak, m. a solici- i^''o- ^iid*] jdrl, f. a row of teeth, k.
ter ; a beggar ; a person who goes about singing for
charity, s. lOj^'^ "^^
rence, s. jdrya, coldness, apathy, indiffe-
U»-\j>. 'Sn^'Tf (for 'mWifj) jachna, a. to want, ^U- jdzam, f. a cloth thrown over a carpet
to need, to require, to implore, to solicit; f. asking,
begging, s. to sit on (same as jdj am), h.

S\i^\s>- ja-dad, f. a place, station, service, em- Aj^ jdzim, having the property of render-
ing the last letter of a word inert or not followed by a
ploj'ment, consignment, p. \_jada. q. v.). p. short vowel, a.
_5\j>- jadaj, m. a pathway, road (same as
(old form of pron.)froni
ji^s»- «n^ jadaiv (for TX[^ yadava), m. a (__^li». ^rni jd-su, whom or from which,
descendant of Yadu ; the lineage of Krishna as de- y^^s*- WTT jd-su,
scended from Yadu ; a name of Krishna, s. , whereby, h.
jil>- jadu, m. enchantment, conjuring, jug- f^i^Xkti\>- jdsundi (v. jasii?i) the shoe-flower, d.
gling, jadu-chalana, a. to practise incantations. jadU-
gar, ra. an enchanter, conjuror, juggler, magician. (^jttytM\»' jdsus, m. a spy, emissary, a.
jddu-garnt, f. a sorceress, jadu-garl, t magic, necro-
mancy, p. ^j*^**»W jdsusi, f. spying, espionage, jasu-
"si-k., a. to play the spy. a.
ji5l»- l[l^jado, m. one of the low castes in a
village, employed in menial offices, h. jjy*iU. jdsun, ^ a species of China rose j
(jj<il^ ^{^jadon, nameofa tribe of ra;^wfe. h. eT(JIib/ setts
^^y^}^ jd,exun,i
Syricus, or Hibiscus the shoe-Qow
sinensis). In Urdu it is called
'i^\>- jada, m. a pathway, a road, manner, garhal, and in Mindljawu or japd, q. v. (Binning.) d.
practice, the right road. a. [stupidity, s.

jo.i'^*. lU^jadya, m. coldness, apathy; folly, \il»- »n«rf./«^'''.'', a pledge, &c. (y. jdnkar). h.
\^Ci\s- jazih, alluring, attractive; drawing ^iWtribe, WJ^T
h. jdkhar, a subdivision of the jdt
(as a plaster), jdzib kaghaz, blotting-paper, a,
iJL^ ii\:>- jdzibat,\ attractmg ; charm, grace, j^AiU- tion of theiTT'H^'T jdkhan,
brickwork the k.wooden
of a well. founda-
aJ(il>. jaziba, J loveliness, a.
<Lf\»- iTFT jdfj, m. a religious sacrifice,
\s>- jar, m. neighbour, jari rnuldsik, a near vigils, i.
neighbour, jdrr, giving kasra to the last letter of a
word. h.arfi-jdrr, a particle which gives to the noun lL/^j>- Wn jdfju, m. one who watches, s.
a termination in kasra, or the short t. a.
^'-s» »nTT jdtjd, m. the name of a caste of
jW l[Xl^jdr, in. ii gallant, a pai'amour. s. Hindus (same as bhat, q. v.). h.
j^WnC jar, m. virulence, violence, h.
\i^U. jdt/d (for jo gait), a place, situation, d.
s ^ ( 278 )

(j'iiojlS*!>- ilTTR^ jaga-handi, f. drowsi- (•V «TTT jam, m. the rose-apple (JEugeni
ness, sleepiness, s. jambos, Sfc.) ; a watch of the day or night (v. pahr
dth-jdm, ever, perpetually, s.
lIL»SU- 3i|j(n jagat, f. waking, vigilance. «.
^«>" jam,m.the guava (Psidium pyriferurn). d
*~^^?'(^^ i^^''^:/^^ (for 5IMIriTi«flfw j%<i-
jyoti), possessed of or exerting miraculous power, s. uV*. jama, m. garments, clothes, p.
C->jbW ^nnf^jar/az-r/jf. waking, vigilance, s.
uUW »fTOT'?n7awafa,m.
husband, s. son-in-law, daughtei-^s
ij^W '^\*\<M jagaran, m. vigil, wakefulness,
sitting up at night (in a religious ceremony or prayer);
vespers, s. jJl/ol». aUt^lfT jamatri, m. a diiughter's hu —
band, a son-in-law; a husband, a lord or master; the
sunflower (Helianthus annuus). s.
(_?^l»- HTXrl' .;%?•«, f. coarse sugur, molasses,
refuse of sugar ; sugar of the palmyra tree. h. c_*j-«'j>' iT'reR' jdvibab, ni. the rose-apple,
the fruit, s.
USW aHT'TT /%«a, n. to be awake, to awake, s.
O^-cU- Wre^lT jdmhu-wat, m. a fabulous
*f^^ '^'^ jagu, wakeful, watchful. 5. bear, father-in-law to Krishna, s.

jS W 'SiTiT^ jagu, 1 f. place, situation (v. ja- (X«ls>- jctmid, styptic, isvii jdmid, concrete,
a noun not derived from any root, and from which no
^U. ii\i\^jdgah,j gah). h. word is derived, a.
joU- jagir, f. land given by government as
a reward for services, or as a fee ; a pension (in land), ^i^/ol>- jdma-ddr (v. jama), the keeper of a
are kept. jdmaddr-lchana,
p. the house where wardrobes
^'ao Ir-diir, m. the holder of a fee or jdgtr (v. Wilson), p.
ciAjL^U- ^f?«F jagyik, m. a sacrificer, the ^f.^4ixl>- jdma-ddrt, f. office of keeping the
institutor of a sacrifice. «.
wardrobes ; the guards or keepers (collectively), p.
eu^lsj. Hlf^^ jagiya, fit for sacrifice, /i.
^j,],^\>' jdmdani, f. a kind of cloth in which
(JW ;a/, forged, counterfeited (cor. for jal, the flowers are wove in, and not worked (generally
q.v.j. «. muslin) ; a kind of leather basket ; (applied to utensils
of metal, &c.) flowered, sculptured, or embossed, p.
Jlij. in^ .;a/, m. a net, a sash ; a window,
a lattice, an eyelet or loophole; magic, conjuring, su- ^^my^{s- '^]m^ jdmrul, m.the Malay or star-
pernatural deception. jCd-ddr, reticulated, jal-silalil, apple {Eugenia malaccensis). h,
f. a coat of mail, jdl-lakrl, f. valerian, s.
«/«'^ jdm't, completing, comprehending
^)W ITT^T./a/a, m. cobweb ; a net, a j)oHicle; collecting, jdm? nl hmndldt, most learned, skilled in
a jar ; a speck on the eye, a cataract. «. all sciences, containing the essence of all perfection;
all, wiiole, universal, collective ; f. a great mosque, tem-
ple, or cathedral, where the prayer called khiitba is
^jJls"j'aZ«>, one who sits; oneof acompany. a. repeated on Fridays. '• The mosque, and all its attached
<-dUU- TTrf^oir .;aZ//<, m. a spider; a fisher- buildings, generally comprising a caravansary ,an alms-
man ;a hunter using nets. s.
house, a school, k.c., is termed the jdmi', while the
,)W arrf^oli^ jaiiki, m. a cheat, a rogue, sanctuary or place of worship is called the maxjid." —
(Binning.) a.
conjuror or5. juggler ; one who employs nets for a
^«U- jdmgl, f. a salary ; a match ofa gun. p.
Jl>- "^V^ jalm, m. a low man, one of a de- j^ls- "SfRrf/amffr?, f. m. a fruit and tree so
' graded tribe ; adj. cruel, harsh; rash, inconsiderate, s. called (Calyptrantlies cari/ophyllifolia; also Eugenia
jamholana). s. [gulate fresh milk, rennet, h.
U3ls»- jalna, a. to burn, set on fire. d.
.J6<XiJW r({^''^JX jcilundhar, m. a country in /^W "^m^jdman, m. sour milk used to coa-
the north-west of India, perhaps the modern JalUn-
dliar. jdlandhara, an inhabitant of Jiilandhar. s. ^^^js- Hl^t^^ jdmhii, f. (for 3/amm), night. *•.

^W '^f'^T(\ jalhfi, f. a painting-room. s. ^/«W '^Tt^^r^jdmni, Grecian, Mahometan, or

their language, s.
^U- alT^ jaU, illusory, deceptive ; f. npt- (^jtiyc\s- jd7)ius, m. a buffalo (Arab, form of
"work ; the integument in which a fcetus is enveloped ; the Persian gdwmesh or gdmesh, q. v.). a.
a coil, caul; lattice, grate; an ox-muzzle, jdli parnd
expresses tlie hardening of the stone of a mango, s.
iZj^y^^"^ ^\HA*^ jdmawant, m. a fabulous
ljJl>. irrf^S^ j^l-'U^j 'II* ^ cheat, a rogue, bear ; father-in-law to Krishna, s.
a conjuror, s. [physician, s.
e^\»' jama, m. a garment, robe, vest, a flow-
(^j^^y^ jdlinus, Galen, the celebrated Greek ered sheet or shawl, a kind of chintz, jdma-khdna,
a wardrobe, jdma-ddni, f. portmanteau, jdma-zeb,
^W jam, m. a goblet, cup, glass, any vessel becoming one's clothes, jdma-wdr, fit to make clothes
for drinking out of, a bowl ; a mirror, jumi-jam or of. sufficient for a jama. p.
jdmi-jamsh'id, the mirror of Jamslud, in which he saw
whatever he wished, jdmi jahdn-mnud, a pharos, jdmi
lab It: z, a bumper, p. i^^ 1{\^ jdnn, f. a virtuous and respecta-
"b'e woman ; a 3i.stcr. s.
( 279 )

(/)l>- jdmi, name of a celebrated Persian VJ^V fi-«<«lT jdnchnd, a. to examine, to in.
poet ; adj. of or relating to a cup. p. quire into, to ascertain, to try, to prove, to asjiay. //.
^U- ;a«, f. m. life, soul spirit, mind ; a sweet- jr^W- aTToF^ jdnhar, m. money (or other
heart, jdn-afarln, animator, creator of life (an epithet pledge) left for a thing purchased, while it is carried
of God), ji'in-bdz, risking life, venturesome, daring. away to be finally approved, h.
jdii-bdzi, f. the risking of life in battle, or working at
any thing as if life depended on success, jdn-bdzi-k.,
a. to risk life in a business jdn-baJchsh, f. animator, be-
^U- ITT'R/art^a/-, m. the thigh and leg. s.
stower of life, forgiver of a capital crime, jdn-bakh^hi,
f.animation, vivification, pardon of a capital crime. (J^V 'TT^*^ j(ingal, ra. the francoline
partridge, s.
jdn bar hakic (or ba-hakk) tasUm-k., to expire,to give up
the ghost, jdn-bar bond, n. to survive, to outlive jdn
ba lab hand, n. to be at the point of death, jdn par and (J^V "^^"^ j^^9^h m. poison, venom, s.
OT parnd, n. to be exposed to imminent danger, jdn-
par khelnd, a. to run the hazard, jdn par naubat dni, JXjU- «TT^r^ jdngxdi, ^ m. a snake-
n. to be in imminent danger of life, jdn parnd, n. to i^JJ^V l[r^f^ jdngul likj J catcher, a
be refreshed, jdn-tardsli, weakening, jdn tasUm-k., man who
dealer in antidotes, a man v pretends chiefly oy
a. to resign one's life, jdn chhurdnd, n. to escape, to charms to cure the bite of sna
snakes, &c. s.
get rid of. jdn-ddr, life-posessing ; an animal (gene-
rally implies strength), powerful, active, jdn-supdr,
resigning one's life into the hands of another (an epi- ^CJW lfT^'f7f\ jdnguH, f. knowledge of poi-
thet of a lover), jdn-sitdn, life-destroying (as poison sons, of charms and antidotes ; a potherb (Luffa aci^'
or a snake, &c.). jdn-soz, heart-intlaming beloved. tangida). s.
jdn se mdriid, a. to kill, jdn-fishdn, ready to sacrifice
one's life for another, zealous, fervent, jdn-fishani, f. ,.^OU- l([Tijdngh, f. the thigh, s.
zeal, devotedness, extreme diligence, jdn-fishdnl-k., a.
to strain every nerve, jdn-kdh, life-reducing, pathetic, J^^U- 3iiM9' jdnghal, m. a kind of heron
"affecting, jdn kisi par dend, a. to love excessively ; to {Ardea Indica), s.
die, to fall a sacrifice, jdn-kandan, gasping in the ago-
nies of death, jdn-kandanl, anguish of soul, jdn-guddz, \x^Lj\»- sTtfrm jdnghiyd, m. a kind of
life-consuming, debilitating, jdn-mdrnd or khdnd, to breeches that do not cover the thigh, s.
overcome, to exhaust, to deject, to oppress, to vex, to
perplex, to plague, jdn men jdn dnd, n. to be satisfied, to ljjl:>- WR«TT ja/i«a, a. to know; to under-
life. comforted,
p. jdn-nisdr, devoted, sacrificing one's stand, tocomprehend ; to suppose, to trust, to believe, h.

^U- irnTjaw, m. a conjuror, an astrologer; ^jy^^- K\^^ jdnnauii (old form), (\. jdn-
nd) ; to know, understand, &c. h.
adj. knowing, wise, jdn biijhke, knowingly, purposely, s.
y V W^jdno, that is to say ; videlicet, un-
(oW" "TR jdnu, m. the knee, jdnu-phalak, derstand, suppose ; to wit, namely, h.
m. the knee-pan or patella, jdnu-sandhi, f. the knee-
joint, s. [the genii, a. ^yW jdn/vd. a belt, brahrainical thread, a
Hindu rosary, d. [ture. p,
^^S^" jdnn, m. a demon or devil, the race of
^W jdn (for jakdn), where, whither, d. j^\>- jdnivar, m. an animal, any living crea-
jjyU- l{\^t jdnaun (old form ofjdnd), to go,
\JU-- IfHI jdndy n. to go, to be, to pass, to move, &c. ; it is also used in the sense oijdno, q.v.,
reach, jdtd rahna, n. to be lost, to be missing, to disap- that is, suppose, &c. h. [away. h.
pear, to go away, to pass away entirely. «.
j^3l>- Wnr^TT jdnhar, adj. going, passing
jjbU- Ja/iaw, 1 handsome, lovely; a sweet-
eolJU- Ja«a«a,J heart, mistress, p. j^l?- "TT'T^ (for ^rnft) Jawl, m. an astrologer,
a fortune-teller. *.
<^.^ni\s- jdnib, f. part, side, jdnih-ddr, a sup-
porter, asecond, jdnib-ddrl, supporting, seconding, a. {j^jdiii, m. a lover, a friend ; adj. of or re-
lating to the life or soul, jdn'i dushman, an enemy de-
sirous of one's life. p.
i_f^y^(j^ jo.n-hujh-he, knowingly, pur-
posely, s. (^Isi^^W 'sn'JT ''5T •TSTT'f ,/a«e ayijdne, wittingly
fj;^\s»- jdnihain, (du. of (..jol*-), mutual, on or unwittingly. /'.
both sides, jdnibain se, reciprocally, alternately, a.
W-'^L^W' '^'T ^'TI Ja;i€ dend, a. to liberate, to
^ls:H^U- siMM^-qiti jdti-pahchdyi, m. an let go ; to excuse, to pass over (as a fault), jane do,
acquaintance, an intimate friend. 5. never mind, let alone, don't, h.
OvV^ aTTTTJart?, f. a wooden trough for rais- \jU- jdrvd, a kind of gruel or potage. d.
ing water, s. [standing, h.
OkiW iTRfl jdnat, adj. knowing, uiider-
jj\.V»- "^{T^ jdwdn, a twin, twins. 5.
C^.U- TTRTT jd/vat, as much as as many as,
bJW l{\injdntd, m. f. a stone mill for grind- as long as, until, s.
ing corn, a handmill of two stones one over the other;
a bellows, jdntd-kal, f. (same as jdnt) a wooden j_j3,l». liJ^"^ jdiratri or ITlfTWi jdiv it rl, f.
trough, s. [assa^-, proof h. mace, a kind of spice, s. [long as life. s.
€ 'S^'^ jd licit, in. trial, e.xamination, test,
j^ya-j^^ Tn^l5ll^^ jdcajjionn, for life, as

«5jls»- jdwid, i '^/\>- jd,e gdh, place, situation, p.

I eternal, perpetual, ever-
j^iijW jarviddn, lasting. J). j(^/^^ jd,e-(iir, lit. holding a place, perma-
t^\dj\s>- jatviddna , _ ment. nent;
p. pension, ja.e-^ir-rfar, a possessor of ja^fr land,
jd,e-glri, employed by holding a pension or consign
jil J. U.;a/y/r/am, eternity, the next world, p.
,3^/U- int^Ja,i/, land twice ploughed, h.
ui3.U- tTRcF or Tjm^ jdn-oh, in. the red co-
lour procured from the lac insect (v. altd). s. e-*:>- 1{'^ jahy when, at the lime when, jab-
tah, now and then, jab-tak, or -talah, or -tort, till
Uljl^ji.U. »il<^*i1>rrm javani hhasha,, the when, as long as. jab-jab, whenever, jab se, since.
language of the Javans{i. e. Greeks or Muhammadans), jab-ki, at the time when, when, jah-kd tab, at the
q. V. s. time when, at the proper moment, jab-kablu, or jab-
/iai/,u, whenever. ^'a/j-Zag-, till, when, jab-na-tab. now
and then, perpetually, jab-ht, at the very time when. s.
S>,»,\sr jdn-id, "1 always, eternal, everlast-
^^\jiJ>j\s»- jarviddn,) ing. p. \y>- "SJWljiihd (for yuvd), young, s.

V^'.i'^a, tribute, revenue, ^'uia, Saturday. /).

fj}sij'^ jdn-iddni, f. eternity, p-
jl*. jdh, f. dignity, rank, grandeur, jdh o j'-^ jabbdr, omnipotent; m. a conqueror;
a revenger ; a tall palm-tree; the constellation Orion, a.
jalal, dignity, grandeur, splendour, magnificence, p.
{J'i-^- jibdl (pi. of(Jj^)) mountains, a.
jl^ "^f^ jdhi (pron. in the dative case), to
whom, to whomsoever (Bhdshd). h. ^\j^ jabdn, timid, abject ; m. a coward, a.
^fcW jdhil ignorant, harbarou'^, brutal, a. i'^x»- jibdh (]i\ of 3^^J^), foreheads, a.
jU- jdhili, ignorance ; pag^mipm (vide ^jfrT aTTS^ jubaii*. (for yuvafi), f. a young
next word), a, woman, a damsel.

C-^iy*^ ^\jdhiliyyat, f. ignorance, folly, Mu- \sys>' »I^gI jubaddd, rigid, stiff, awkward, h.
hammadans use the term aJ/ydmi jdliiliyyat (days of
ignorance) to denote the times previous to the mani-
OLiJi:>- ir=f<:{»il jabadnd, n. to be filled, to be
festation ofIslam, or «hat they consider the true faith. folded, h. [vated in llohilkhand. h.
St. Paul uses a similar phrase with reference to the
days before the diffusion of Christianity (Acts xvii. 30). ^-JsiJ>- yf^J!^ jabdi, f. a species of rice culli-
— (Binning), a.
bjOc>. "^^f^Tfl jabaddiyd, ill-shaped, h.
^U>- tTT^ jdhi, f. the name of a flower y»- jabr, m. oppression, violence, strength,
" Jasminum
flower, s.grandiflorum); a fire-work resembling that force, power; the reduction of fractions to integrals.
jabr se, by violence, violently, jabr mtksdn, making
^^^ jd,e, f. a place (see ja). jd,e lash good a deficiency (as if two horses are to be given to
two persons, one to each; if they are not equally good,
place of residence. jd,e i'tirdz, the time or place of saddle and bridle are given with the worst), al-jahr
opposition. jd,e zarur, f. the necessary. jd,e-gham, iva l-viukdbala, algebra, a.
the place or time of grief. jd,e nisliln, a successor,
" locum tenens." jd,e namdz, a carpet for praying on. p. a.
)j^ jubran, oppressively, by violence,
^Jf'^^^^\jd,^,L2i daughter; particip.f. born. 5.
b'^ in^T jaya, parlicip. m. born ; m, a son; m. the archanjjel Ga-
f. a wife, one wedded according to the perfect ritual, s. (Jh^I/V?" jabrd'il, briel, a.
^.bl:>. snTITrfft jdyd-patt, m. du. husband
" and wife. s. [of spice, s. ^y>.j^ jabr'il,
C-.^ J j^ jabfuty omwpotence, dominion, hea-
^jjxi^\s^ ■STI^'T^ jdyapatrl, f. mace, a kind ven, the unity of God. 'alami jabrut, the highest oi
(J^t/^'^ 'HHif.c^" jd,e phal or jdya-phal, m, empyreal heaven, a.
nutmeg {Myristica tnoschata). t.
i^jys>r jabari, f. oppression, injury, a.
i]t\>/\»- jd,c-dad, f. an a=piii;nnient on land for
the maintenance of any establishment, such as troops, ^'•ltj>- il^TT jai/a, m. (y.jabha) the jaw. h.
&C. ; assets, funds ; employment, p.
i^)jj^;\is>' jabri-band, the lock-jaw. d.
Jjl>- jd,)Z. lawful, permitted, right, prop< r, JjL>- jabal, m, a mountain, a hill. a.
warrantable, authorized; m. a joist, a beam. j<i,iz ki,
possibly, it may be that, a. ClJjj>' jibillat, f, essence, quality, disj)osition,
temperament, constitution, creation, form. a.
'b'j>\s>- jdfiza, m. examination, reviewing,
confronting; benignity, a. [rdjputs. h. *yiijk>. jfl&a/A?iw, m. an aqiethyst. a. [ral. a.
(^^/l>- »T"n?^ j^,^s, a tribe of suraj-bansi Ajj>- jibilli, natural, innate, essential, in gene-
^»-«.jU- jd,esun, the shoe-flowei-, v.jasnii. d, (^>- jubun, m. pusillanimity, cowardice, a.
^aj'>- jd,)fa, a wound or stab, epch us i^ *A»- jvbba, m. a kind of long vest, respmbling
punishable by a fine. fi. a shirt ; a coat of mail. a.
( 281 )
\^ij>- »PTT johha, m. the jaw. h. jXk&- j'lthar, means of living; housewifery, d
IjIaas- fs{vr[TJ jibhdrd, abusive, talkative, h. (.dJ/i^ia- ITHTTTe)* jatu-])utrak, m. a man o.
piece, at chess or backgammon, s.
V:^A:>- l[^'^jabhrd, in. the jaw. h.
a. y»- '^'KX.jcitar, cultivated land. h. [cie. »
6.,^ jabha, m. the forehead,
^_^A*n^.ts- jahha-sd'i, beseeching, begging Jis>- H'=( jatru, m. the collar-bone, the ciavi-
earnestly (lit.rubbing one's forehead on the ground). a.;;.
hilkund. iT'^Ttft
h. Jfl/ra?«I, a tribe of jdts m Ro-
\.x^ys>- "^vm jahhiya, ugly, uncouth, h.
#jvx>- jcthtn, f. the forcheaci. jnhin-m,e or i-dlX»- IIH'^ jatuh, m. lac, assafcctida. s.
farsa.e, rubbing the forehead on the ground (in prayer
or supplication), p. oa»- ^{If'SfiT jatuhd, f. a plant commonly called
chakwat ; a bat. s. [subdued anger, s.
i„^/c- '^^jap, ni. silent repetition of the name
of God, muttering prayers, charms, &c., adoration, Jt:>^Sl>- f»T7T"^tV jit-krodh, out; who has
repeating m.thea bead-roll
parayan, "(to speak
man devoted in the mind),
to religious jap-
meditation. ^J^>■ »ITT^ , TJW^ jfitayi or X[^ jatnu, m. striv-
jap-iap, m devotion, adoration, jap-mal or -mala, f. a ing, exertion, perseverance, energy, carefulness, re-
rosary. «. [_kur (Cleome viscosa). s,
medy, care s.
l-=- Tf^T japd, f. the flower of the plant liur-
Ulb- f^lfrfj jitnd, m.'l how much soever, so
iJL^^- '^'m(j(tpat (old foiin of pres. part. from ij^ f^lf^n jitni, f. J much, as much as,
japnS), repeating internally or mentally the name of as many, jitne men, in as much (time; as. h.
God. s.
j^>,*Ujk>- jatnd,effi, also jatndifi and jatnd,-
U-»»- ini'TT jftpva, a. to count one's bends, to "engl, f. care, caution, d.
repeat the name of God internally, to recite the bead
roll ; (in Dakh.) to wait for, to expect. «.
^^^jJs" '^r»f^l"JT jattiawdn,'] persevering, dili-
C-'^lJis- '^J^'^'^ jatnaivat, J gent, making
^,yA9- •S{vr^japi)aun{Bvi\j i'orjop)ia,q.\'.). s. an exertion, s. [energetic. «.
^jj^-^ 'S{^\ll'ft japi-tapi, m. an adorer, s.
i^jks^ iIiT*Tt, '^'^ jatni, careful, perseveiing,
(J1a>- tTH orinr _;?/f, joined ; (in comp.) with,
possessed of; as dharm-jut, virtuous, s. frjujs- ■^rfffH? ja(anri/a, to be exerted or per-
severed, to be made as an eftbrt, .s.
CL*»- fmi jit, where, wheresoever (Biaj). s.
bl^Ls- aTi^T'TT jufirdna, a. to cause to be
d/J>- 'STK j'tf, f. manner, fashion, kind. s. joined or yoked, s.
tl**- »lfrT j(^ti or jat, f. a kind of musical
iJj^'-^ Hi'FC^jityvori, victorious, triumphant;
rhythm (generally sung at the holl). s. f. the city of Benares, s.

e-^s> T^ jnti (for ?/fl/»'), III. a sage whose l^i>- »I^T jathd, m. a company, band, party,
passions are under subjection ; a religious mendicant, class, jathd hdyidhiid, a. to form a party, s.
especially one of the Jaina sect, s,
CLt'S" WiT jntu, m. lac, a red dye analogous {^^ 1['^ jathd (for 2/athd), as, so, like, ac-
cording to. jathd-jog, or jatkd-jogya, in a proper j
to cochineal, s. manner, s. [truly, s. I

lis- tTHT ,p'td, m. the rope connecting the ^ A^i>- tHIT^ jatlidrth, in fact, exactly, I
irrigating basket with its handle, h.
^>- »Irrt or llrft ja/i, faithful to the marriage
\'i». f^J{\ jitd or fWr(\ jitta, whatever much, " bed (a man); a sage with subdued passions; religious
as much as, or (in the pi.) as many as. jittd-kl, for person, devotee ; a particular order of devotees, s.
all that, notwithstanding, h.
IaI>- f^tOi} jUyd, conquerable, vincible, s.
l»!Jli>- fiTfnWT jitdimd, self-subdued, void
of passion, s. bUis- irf^'JT^T jutiydnd, a. to beat one with
a shoe or sli pper (deemed an act of great degradation), h.
Vl>>- IfWW jafara,^ m. lineage, family, ge-
ijlJuis- ftr^oS' jilcJi, iis much as, as many as. //.
U^'Go- waiTI jitdra,} nealogy, a dynasty. //.
oll^ 3TirT»TT jatdnd, a. to caution, to n niind, t_^cXijI=- f*TH^^, f5Ttf?5r^orXnfft^TT,j/^e«J?i,
to warn, to admonish, to inform of, to proclaim, s. jifrn/h-ii/n, or jafcmlrii/a m. one who has completely
subdued his passions, a sage, an ascetic jitendriyd,
\j>\^ ftTrTT'^T jitdna, a. to cause to win or a<ij. having subduud the senses, jitemlriijatd, f. con-
conquer, h. tinence, subjugation of the senses, s.
\3ll»- ■STrTTTT iuidnd, to conglutinate; n. to be viLo- iff? jiitl, f. waved-leaf fig-tree (Ficus
joined, to yoke ; to be tilled, s. vawsa). s. [rajpfits. h.

f^fKi»- 'Wxl^\jutd,l, arable; f. tillage, s. LiL;s- "i^ jat, m. (the same as jdt), a class of
C 282
f. matted hair, as worn by
iu?- in jat, 'I Shiva ami liv ascetics; the
f^\^ »IiiHH(for 'm[W[i^)jajman ,m. an em-
ployer of priests at a sacrilice ; the person who insti-
is- ITTT jata,) tutes its performance and pays the expenses of it ; :»
lonff hairs occasionally clotted tojrether and brought customer, a person to whose custom BraiimaMs. bar-
over the head so as to project like a horn from the bers, and some others, have a legal claim (the heredi-
forehead, at other times allowed to fall carelessly tary Brahman or barber, &ic., of a village must be paid
over the shoulders ; the root of a tree, a fibrous root ; his fees, whether you choose to employ him or another
spiicenard. jatd dhdr'i, one whose hair is matted ; f. person), s.
the cock's-comb flower (Celosia cristata). s.
^l^s^ »(><*» Hl jajman't, f. the stipend paid
Us- ■STTT /a?a, m. (v. jat or jat) a tribe of by ajfijmtin, q.v. ; the wife of ajujman. s.
rfijputs, h.
..^s^ '5T«fi[. ; /;7;, m. an en^ag-ment,a battle, s.
Us- jutta, m. a span ; the space from the
tip of the tl\umb to the tip of the forefinger when U»-U J '..(^sf?" 3T*KJ"3' ^TSfJTT ,/»//' o,»< ba/na, n.
stretched, d. to sounil or strike up (as warlike instruments in
battle.) s.
C^»=-Ua- ITTT'sTIT jata-jut, f. the matted hair
of Shiva, rolled on his head. s. Iju^^^jS?" fli^f^Z'm j ijhutit/d, a low caste of
Kanaujivii Brahnians. h.
J*U»- IfZl^ jatal, adj. wearing clotted hair. s. js?" finri' j'ji or jijjt, a foster-mother ; a
"il'as- 1T7T^ jatala, f. spikenard. 5. "wet-nu:fe ; also a maid that takes care of children, h.

5Ti rHT^ jata-masiSI,

, 4jA»UU»- ^ f. Indian Usr?" fs^fsfrnjijiya, f a sister; a dug, breast, h.
^^^^Js- ^S\h\t(\ jata- ansi,
mansl J spikenard \sf^ jacha or jachcha, f. a woman in child-
" ( Valeriana jatamansi). s, birth and for forty days after ; a lying-in woman, p.

13'-A>- jT^lHl jutana, a. to conoclutinate. s. CJjIW?" lii'MIMri jachawat, f test, trial, exa-
mination, proof, h. [proved, h.
ajlj^s- lfZ\'^ /"fu'/'^j the name of a fabulous UsT?" '^•<m\ jachna, n. to be examined, tried,
bird mentioned in the story of Rdmachandra and Raoa-
»fi ; bdellium. »• 'jahim,-^ large hot fire, hell ; the damned. a.
iJL*^ "^fZKJntit, clotted, matted; set or ii>s- If^jad, as, while, wliilst, when, so soon,
studded with jewels; f. set work of jewels. «. at the time when, jad-tak, -talah, or -lag, till, until,
yet, whilst, as long as, wliile. jad na tad, constantly. *.
dLJiis- sTTeS jutak, m. f. the matted hair of
Shiva or of ascetics ; any knot or fillet of hair. «. 0^ jadd, m. a grandfather ; an ancestor ;
dignity, glory (of God), happiness, prosperity; pi.
AjU- "^fz^jatil, having matted or entangled ajddd. a.
hair; m. a lion; f. Indian spikenard; long pepper ;
orris-root. s. Ss>' jidd, m. trial, endeavour, effort, study.
jidd o jahd-k., a. to endeavour, to strive, jidd o kadd,
Jos- »r7^ jatul, m. a freckle, a mark. s. m. expostulation, endeavour, exertion, o.

s. iX>- T^jadu, m. (v. yadu) name of a cele-

^^Ji>■ sTfT'T ja?m, m. waved-leaf fig-tree.
brated family of which sprung Krishna, jadu-ndth, chief
UJU- 1^"!^ jatnci, a. to pilfer, steal, snatch, s. of the Yadus, an epithet of Krishna, s.

UuU- "STTJIT jutna, n. to close with, to engage ijj>- 7'"/5 (in Pers, jidd), separate, away,
in close fij^ht, to unite, to close, to join (as the edges absent, different, jiidd judd, various, oue by one,
of a wound), to staj', to wait. s. severally, jitddjudd kahnd, a. to particularize, p.

^>- l^fz^^jutim, adj. having clotted hair. s. J^A^ jidal, m. altercation, contest, jang o
jiddl, m. fighting and quarrelling, a.
ji'.^i=- ii{'^'!{\jitha)ii, f the wife of a jotk,
Jjlj>»- jadd/vil (pi. of Jjj>»-), lines, rivu-
q. v., i. e. the wife of a husband's elder brother, s. lets columns
; in a book, &c. a.
jA^is- WJT jathar, m. the belly, jathur-nud,
m. Cassia fistula, s. ^^A^ judci'i, f. separation, absence, j).
Sj^ls- liZTl jathara, hard, firm ; bound, tied. s. Utijbti^ '^i^'<i\Afi^'A\ jadbd-tadbd, m. unmcan-
ing expression ; so so. s.
J Ais- ■^ZTJ^ jatharcim, m. dropsy, s.
jiy^- jidba?; means uf subsistence; furnish-
ing, &c., of a house; stock in trade, and plenishing
(\3^>4i>- "SfZKXtl^ j iJtharanal in. the pangs of I If ;ixings. d.
hunger, s.

^^^i>- jathi, \m. a wrestler, a servant who , ^^.Jj,}^- '^'WSf\ iadu-haruii, of or belonging
to the family of Jadu or Yadu. s.
"-6Jj>s>- jethi,] fihampoos or kneads the limbs t_JAs- jadapi (for 'Jjflf'jjadi/api or yadpapi),
"after bathing, d.
though, although, notwithstanding. .».
^?r j"?.?.'i m« the body, the figure of the hu-
man body. a. (Cjjj>- judri, f. tlie small-pox. a.
J^ ( '^83 )

jadal, in. fighting, battle, encounter, i^\j>- jarad, m. a locust, a.

a. C'^"'^'')' "'
altercution. ljj,4iU- ■^T ^^T jura dena, a. to procure, h. j
Jj^ jadwdr, m. zedoary (Kcempferia r-^ numerous, a.
j^ _;a?7-«/-, warlike, valiant; ]
f. lines drawn in a book, as
Jj^ jadwal, J&c^ju**^ ItTJ-^-^jaiaMiidh, name of a hshn-
rulinff," or tocal tbR mar-in ; a rivulet ; a table, triya rc'ijd, sovereign of Magadha, father-in law to
an astronomi t^ible. jadwal-pattl or jadwnl-kash, a Kansa, and foe to Krishna, who was slain in single
rule, consisting of a card of pasteboard and threads combat by lihima. Jarasumlha-jit, Bhinia, the third
of the Panda princes, s.
which the paper is pressed, and thus becomes ruled,
^^tXs- jadtvalt, lined, ruled, a. 13L> l{K^:^^\jllrana, n. to be comforted, paci-
fied ;a. to procure, h.
,fc^s- -5^, •^juddh, m. battle, war, contest. 5.
r, liLs" 1^"^ jar an a, a. to burn; to kindle;
ji>^ f^yjTi Jldhnr, where, wherever, whithe to make jealous, s.
there, jidhar tl'Umr, whither, thither, -whithersoever,
everywhere, jidliar niwdn ndliar pdnl dhalta hat, where
is a declivity, thither Hows the water, applied m the \j^>\f>- '^T\^ja7-aTis,m. paroxysm of a fever. ■-■.
sense of "evil unites with evil," or "misfortunes j\y>- aRT^ ']iira,o, m. procurement, h.
never come single." s.

.^llj&j^ -QMvfijmlhishthh- (prop, yudhhh - ;■«</■ a wa?i, procurable, h. .s.

ciJJ^j^ tTTI^^ aii>i,m.
s. ic\^ l[TX!Ji)a- the womb, theuterus
thira), m. tlfe elder of the five Pandava princes,
^J^S»' "iryjniT jiidhman, adj.Capricorn, ^^5- lilX'^jarayuj, viviparous, born from
[constellation the womb. s.
warring, s!
^^ jadi, m. a kid, a he-goat; the sign or JU- jara,im (pi. of s^j>-), sins, crimes,
jarci,lm khaflfa, light or petty offences.
j_/^ judai, m. the polar star. a.
' offences.
jard,imi sangin, heinous offences, a.
(^Jo- jadd'i, ancestral, belonging to ances- infirm, de-
tors, paternal (estate, &c.). a. C^fr l{X.T{jarcit, old, ancient;
cayed. «.
\~^..^y=r ^(^f^ j('^^y(ipi {^or yadyapi), though, ^.»- lfT.lf\ jarafi, f. an old woman, s.
"although, s.

,^,^ jadid, new, modern, fresh, a.

"jb^ ^iftoS jartil, m. sesamum jTrowing
wild. s. ' [with old age. s.
rice. h.
^'ssrjadkan {v. jar han), aspects of lly
\3o- jvzam, m. leprosy, more especia the ^'ij^SJ^jf truth, m. skinniness, flesh flaccid
' black" or eating leprosy, the worst form ofa. the disease
(v. korh). Jiizdm-khdna, m. a lazaretto, l^^s- l{T:S^jartha, hard, solid ; cruel, harsh ;
old, decayed ; m. decrepitude s.
L-^io- jazb, m. allurement, attraction, ab-
a plaster), a. n. to be
jazb hmia, j9-p- Si^Tij rirjar, m. Indra's banner or em-
*absorbed, jazb-k., (as
sorption, drawing to attract or absorb, blem; an aquatic ^hint {Fallisneria) ; adj. old, infirm, s.

s.>'^ o. m. passion, rage, fury ; violent holes,jrold,^^"^
^Ifr ^^d, jarj
decaye s.
arVm, rugged, full of

.ics- jazr, m. origin, root ; the square root ^ mrlu a wound ; (in law) an offence
(m arithmetic) ; (for jazr) the ebb-tide a. the• ' person,
. ./
^ against a.
j~^ ^X.jar, f. a root; ra. a fever, s.
j>. jarr, m. drawing, dragging;vowel the base, bell (on a horse'sneck). a.
i^^^^ jaras, m.m.a the
knsra at X»ij»- jirsam, pleurisy, a.
foundation, foot of a mountain; the
the end of words ; (in law) dragging forth an offender
for public punishiueut. a. &5^ jura, m. a drop, one draught, n.
\j>' liX.Jjara, f. decrepitude, olds. ;ige; a tree h.
J^ jarkul, the whole extent, &c.
{Mimusops kauki) ; a female demon,
the h.name of a grass given
^j=r ^TTTn j'lrgR, &c.
as fodder to horses,
\j>- jurra, m. a kind of hawk. a.
^^fr jiirrab, m. a sock, stocking, a. m. the thing inani-
body of anyjirmi
^fr Prm, Jcamar. the
OUs- jur,af., f. courage, audacity, boldness, a globe; a
mate; flaw or crack,
body of the moon ; pi- ajram. a.
bravery, temerity, valour, a.
3\j>- W^TUTi jar at ur, isiHrm from old age. s. ^j»-jurm, m. a crime, fiiuU, sin.
_\j9- jarrdh, m. a surgeon, an anatomist, a. i.>Wfr jurmana or jar amRn a, (properly jarl-
mana), m. a fine, a penalty,
iJJ'S^yfr jarahat, f. a wound, a sore. a. ng. .v.
\^y^ ^-[jrimh'ia, f. g^il''"g' ya«ni
^\fr jarrahi, f. surgery ; adj. of or re- " mosa '.Mimosa octandni). s.
"lating to surgery, chirurgical. a
( 284 )

joj*- »n3!T or l^jyijaran, f. the act. of burning ; j*H»- "3RT"3I JardjU, set or studded with
m. cumin-seed ; a plant yielding a pungent seed (Ni- |
gella liidica) ; old age, becoming old and infirm, s. \ jewels. "Smx.jardrvar, If. warm clothes, win-
i^j»- ^T^ i'lrna, old, decayed, s. *!3N;55 jardwal, J ter dress, s.
^j>- "^[jyil jama, n. to burn, to be on fire. s.
\ij>- jirna, to dry up, to wither, d. i_fthe\j»- 'il'3T| ?«ra,t, f. price
act of setting jewels. *.
of setting jewels;

\jj9' m^H\ jurna, n. to be procured, or ob-

tained, to come to hand ; to be joined, s. K^^'^yr
&c. jf^r^i^i
h. ^' the price of joining,

fj^j=r "^V^ jurnawi (old form), n. to unite,

to be joined, h. [female, h. ^y>- jura J) ( Cor jhurap), a thicket, a brake, d. ■
\fjy>- W^^J juru,a or juruTva, f. a woman, a ''*>.'j»- ITf^jarper, f. root and branch, jar-
per se-ukhdrnd, a. to extirpate, h,
Sj»- juri'n, rn. a hawk, a falcon (also applied
to anj' male bird), p. [ewer. p. C^y>- sTfiif/rtr/Y, set or studded with jewels, s.
lj>- ]ari;!^ m. a jar, an earthen vessel, an I3j>- "STTiTf juratd, f. coldness, chilliness ;
apathy, stolidity ; iraraoveableness, stifTness, rigidity,
j_^js- jrt/i, valiant, intre])id. a. torpor, s.
bj»- f^f^TH jiriya, name of a species of rice i^.Syr ^df^y jar-kriya, dilatory, working
cultivated in Benares. /;.
slowly, s.
fA>^y>- jin/nv, tn. flowinff, runninrr ; flux (of
blood, urine, &c.) jirydni ah or jiryanl mazi. fliwr (J^ "5T¥«5 jand, m. a freckle, a mark. s.
alhus. jirydni shikm, d^'sentery. jirydni mani, gn-
norrhea simplex, gleet, a.
(.,^ JTTr^jaran, f. the act ofsetting jewels, s.
liv»- l{Tm janid. a. to strike, to shake off;
u-O^ iTi;^^ janb, f. a sort of wooden dart to join, to make adhere ; to stud, to set jewels, to fix. A.
with an iron point, jarib chaldnd, to throw the_;arii. h.
\jp>- ir^iUjurnd, n. to unite, to be joined, s.
e-O ,=► jdvih, f. a measuring-chiiin or rope ; f. the stale of being joined,
a land measure of 60 gaz square, or 3600 square gaz ;
]L>\y'.»- jurivdf, \i
a corn measure (of 384 madth, or about 768 lb.). ^'bj^ adhesion, d.
jarib-amTn ov jarib kash, m. a land-surveyor, jarib- jAyy>- jurivd,i,J
to cause to be
kashl, f. mensuration (of land), the office of a land- \jLj»- aTT^T^n jarwdna,
surveyor, a. set or studded with jewels, s.
'i-x>f>'jarita, m. brushwood, brambles. //.
cL>* jV IfWWZJormat, f. the trunk of a tree. h.
5A^ ,s- jarida, a re<rister, an account-book ;
adj. alone, separate, solitary, unattended (when tra- ^,j:>- HJ^i jarm, f. the name given to the
small shoots of the rice plant when it first springs
velling), unencumbered, a.
from the ground, h.
^^ iCt^J jurela (aho jar eld), m. a species \i>'-':s>- "W^ ji^rhd, in. twins, a pair. h.
of rice grown in Rohilkhund. h.
..Jt'-js" '^T^jarhan, m. a large species of
&3Uj P- jtirimdna, m. penalty, forfeit, fine. a. rice cropped at the end of the raiay season, h.
s^_j»- jailiiin, m. a crime, a fault ; also a fine^
mulct, or pecuniary punishment, a. (j'i^ ^nrt jor'i, f. tlie root of a medicinal
herb, jarl bull, f. medicinal herbs, drugs, s.
Vs- afj /r/r, f a root, origin, foundation ; m. b/i>- l[fvjjjarii/d, iii. a jeweller, one who
an inanimate body, a blockhead, jar kd bheJ, the na- sets jewels; a striker, s. [bles. A.
ture, quality, or essence (of a thing); adj. cold, chilly,
stolid, s.
Ubj»- m'iZl jantd, m. brushwood, bram-
\'js^ l^T jora, m. cold, frost, winter; stupi-
>- juz, besides, except, p.
dity, dulness, sluggishness ; f. cowach. s.
>- 1UZ, m. a pnrt, portion ; toot or a verse; a
section of the htr,dn ; (pi. ajzd). The holy book of the
cL>r's>- ^^z ji'rdt, ann(-xation, joining, h. Moslems consists of 1 1 I chapters called sura, (pi.
\3Vvp- "r^T^'r^J jv runn , a. to cause to join, to get suw(ir),lhe aggregate of which is divided into 30 sections,
niencUii ; to tear the hair in token of grief or vexation ; as above mentioned. Each of these sections is also sub-
to causL- to couple, h. divided into two portions, called hizb (pi. ahzdh)." —
Binning. A division of a book consisting of eight
OVv:>- "WST^jardnd, n. to be or feel cold. s. leaves ; ingredient, juz-band't, f. binding of a book.
jitz-ras, penitent, sagacious ; frugal, economical, juz-
^\y>- "iHT'JTT jardnd, a. to cause to stud, to rasl, f. frugality, economy, &c. juz o kidl, totally, en-
cause to set jewels, s.
m. a clotii in which
books aretirely, great and small,
wrapped up, a 'jiiz-ddn,
portfolio, jnz-gir, m. an in-
strument used for keeping a book open when reading or
^\y>- '^^^jardtv,m. 'I the act of set-
writing ; a portfolio, jnzi Id-yatajazzd.&n mdivisible
w>jV^ 'W^'^ jardwat, f. J ting jewels, s. atom, any thing too small to be divided, a.
( 285 ) ^^

bution ;compensation, reward,!ir

h^- jazn, f. retaliation, requital, return, retri-
search, justan
p. (r. ju or ju,('), to seek or

jii\jL}\\»' juza/i-alldh, niayGod reward tliee ! a. y>'iJL>...^^ just ju, \ f. searching, seek-
ji\y>- jaza,ir, m. (pi. of »^J»-), islands, a. j^ J (Jl *...■»• just 0 ju, J ing. p.
justa, sought for, searched, p
jjj\j>- ja2a,il, m. a large musket, a wall-
piece, swivel. jazd,il-anddz or jaz('i,ilchi {\a\g.jazaU- >'jnsra,]in. tin, pewter; (part, of 7«.v/rt?j),
cltl), one who fires a wall-piece, a. having sprang or leaped, p. h.
pl>- jizbiz, offended, displeased, j).
^_^— »■ Mtrt^ jasfi, made of tin or pewter, h.
'j>- jazr, m. the ebb-tide, the reflux of the sea; ti— :>- jasad, the body ; pi. ajsdd. a.
a term in arithmetic signifying duplification. jazr o
madd, the ebb and flow of the sea. a.
\s^^ "^"^^l jasudd, f. (v. jasodd). s.
^>- jiizm, m. decidinir, determining, resolv- C*>lfc4iw-*>- jis-dhdt, as, in the manner in
ing; amputation; the ortliographical chunicter jazm,
which is placed over a letter to shew that it is inert which, d. [(camel), a.
or has no vowel following it. a.
y*^ jisr, a bridge, jasr, a large strong
5>-;V<;?/y, subduing. jmz?v, a particle. jazu,a,
a part or portion, a.
ambitious, "Jl^"^^
s. jasas-hdm, desirous of glory,

^5j>- ji/znn, a little, in part, a few; p\. juz-

wiyat, parts, portions, particulars, a. >■ ^^lyi"^ jasas-har, conferring glory, f,

obis- juz,ryat or juziydt (pi. of w}?-), tri- ^IJIS'T*T jasas-wdn, \ famed, re-
fles, minutiffi. a. il^S^^ jasasrvi, J nowned. s.
ij>j>- jazh'a, m. an island, a peninsula, a. jis-ttirah, in which way, in whatever
manner, /i. a.
eo Is- jizya or jazi/n, m. a tribute, capitation [soever, h. a.
tax levied by the Musalmdns on their subjects of \_^l2.j^^ jis-tarnf, in which direction, vvhither-
another faith ; a poll-tax. a.
^A-:>> jism, m. body of any animated heintr.
ly^ W^ jds (for Tl^), m. name, character, jismi jamddt, mineral body, jismi jauhari, constitu-
celebrity, reputation, fame, splendour, praise, luck. tional parts, jismi halwdnt, animal body, jismi nabdti,
jas-apajas, m. good or bad, fame or infamy, s. vegetable body. a.

[j'^ f^'^ jia, infl. pron. (of_;o), that, what, j_3l.v— ?- jifi7ndnt, belonging to a body, cor-
who, whom, jls-tis, that which, whatever, some or poreal, material, carnal, a.
other, jis-jis, whichever, each of which, jis jagah,
where, wherever, jis-tarah, in what manner, accord- lI1-ooI**-j>- ji.smdniyat,^ f. materiality, corpo-
ing to, as. jis-taraf, wherever, jis-dam, when, while,
whilst. jh-%adr, to what degree, as, as much as, what- CI^x^^»- jismiyat, J reality, a.
ever, whatsoever, jis-kd, whose, of whom, jis-kd
klid.e uske dardn men dena, (Dalch.) explained by
namak-hardmi-k., to evince ingratitude, jh-kisl-kd, of j5*-**»- HWHift jasumati, "If the foster-mo-
whomever, jis-kisi-ko or jis ko, wliom, to whom. s. ^<y^s»- alfTlHrfl jasoviati, > iher of Arishna,
1}*^ jas (Dakh. forjad), pewter, d. \j^— j»- sT'ETt^T
Naiida. s. j'asot^a, J and the wife of
L-.».L,^ jamrat, f. boldness, presumption,
temerity, daring, intrepidity, a. Cl^lJ^*-*- jis-walit, at the time when. /*.
j} -try jimin or jumm, large-bodied, a.
famous, illustrious,
l1*-«L<*>- jasamat, \ f. corpulency, bulki- renowned, s.
■«V-rr^ jusnmi, J ness. a.
^_j^~s- l[i[\ jasi,
j,L-:>- lT^HC.7«.saftia?', a small tribe of ray- j,y^y jiisivi, corpulent, large-bodied, a.
puts in Matliura. h. cULs- liV jnshta, m. the crumbs or remnants
of a meat s. [shipped. *.
,^^.i....y 'STHTni jaspaf, 'I reputable, re-
^"■^ ITH^fiT 7«.s7?«ri, J nowned. s. ^oJL>- HWl jiishtd, served, obliged, wor-
«J1a-«»- jast, m. a leap, jump ; leaping, J&^Jz^ Ti^M jaahti-madhu, m. liquorice,
spring, jast-k. or mdrnd, a. to jump, S:c. just, seek- or the precatoriti
root of the abrus[boiled s, which is usp-'
ing, searching, p. lor it. s. pulse, pease soup. ..
(^SCls- a{M>°K jushkak, m. the water of
«JL«-~?- '^t^j^tst, \m. pewter, prince's me- ^
Vx.^-*- It^jjastd, J tal. h. jashn, m. a feast, a festival (chiefly
applied to royalty), jashni ivazn. the ceremony oi
\:L.^^ justd, m. power, strength (from ji/ssn). a. weighing tlie royal personage, p.

fJL^ jastan (r. jah), to spring, to leap. p. jashni, voluptuous, luxurious, p.

) ^
( 286

8JM>- ja'ha (also jabat), m. a quiver, a. C^y>-\f»- jagajot (for ^mWif^ jcgajyoti),
f. splendour, much light, s.
iX«5- jad, f. a ringlet, a lock of hair. a.
IJ>J>\X>- jatjh-harna, to stand, to settle, d.
.a*s>- jn'far, a man's name ; a river (large
or small), a. JV^ W\\^ j^'gal, two, a pair. s.
fj.in^' ja'fart, f. a kind of cupola; a sort of 'J^'v^ Hm^r^jugalna, a. to chew the cud. h.
"screen (the interstices
lattice-work; the purest ofkind
the frame being
of gold; the lozenged)
name of a; JU!». ITTn^t jiigall, f. the cud. h.
yellow flower (called also gul i ashrafl, Linum trigy-
iium). a. ^\L>- UTifin jiigana, a. to be careful of, to
keep with care ; to lend labour, i. e. to assist another
(a in his work, in expectation ot similar assistance here-
fj^jt^jal, "Ibase, forged or counterfeit after, h. [from sleep, s.
,Jjw- jaTiJ coin, &c.). ja'l-saz, a forger,
"a cheat. jal-sdzJ,
cument, a. forgery, ja'l-kaghaz, a forged do- ^\Xs- 'SjTijtjj jagana, a. to awaken, lo arouse
C.olCs- ^rm^ jngant, m. the end of an age,
Cl^oLws- jaliyat, forging, counterfeiting, a. destruction of the world, jugdnt-handhu, m. a real
friend, s.
&jJL»- jughrafiya, m. geography {"(eo)-
'^pacjiia). g. ^^Jjd\S^ ■STTRITT or VMHyi juganvjvn,
ages of ages, from age to age ; during successive ages. s.
i_fti»- jaff or jyjf, a troop or body of men ;
an old man ; any thing hollow, a. CIaxCs.- TUXmt jag-f,af, at one time, at once;
\k>- jrifa, f. oppression, violence, injury, in- together, conjointly, s.
justice, jafd-hdr, cr -pesha, or -ju, or -sM'dr, an op- ^.<jJ?- »TTWt jag-patt, m. a king ; q. d.
pressor, jdfd-kdrl, SfC, the act or habit of oppressing, p. " lord of the iniiverse. d,
Cl,^o-y ji/ft, m. evenness, parity, a pair, a U^^s- WTWil jj'gupsa, f. 1 censure, abu>e,
couple, a match, juft giriftari, to marry, p.
i^^^X^ WV^^ jugupsan, mj reviling, s.
»:Ji»- jnfta, bent, wrinkled; running to-
gether (the thrsads in cloth), p. lIa— Jk^ '^vf'^ j'igypsit, censurf-d, abused, g.
lilAijXft:?- jfifti khana, a. to copulate, to pair lL^»- ^f\K jagat, ni. the world ; a buttre.«s.
jagat-prdn, m air, wind, jagat-dukhi, a t3T.int. jagnt-
(as birds), p. h. kartd, m. the creator of the world, Brahma, jagiit-
knhay, m. destruction of the world, s.
Ji^ jafar, m. the art of making amulets or
charms, h. d*r»- IPVK jiigat, f. address, dexterity, con-
a. trivance, wit, a pun, art. jngat holnd, a. to pun. jugnt-
*^ j'^ff^ or j?/^a, a hoop ; a crowd, economy,
hdz, a punster, s. p. jugat-hdz'i, f. quibble, pun, witticism,
•i^^ jalijali, nonsensical talk, twaddle. ;;.
0>»- ifJlHT jfigtu, not sleeping, awake, s.
LiJ.s». '^ri^joh, m. when treasure, &c. is buried,
an animal (sometimes a man) is killed and buried with
it as a guard. This animal is called ^/a/f, and receives J>\^^ ^FTTT s.'^WPlT.jctgat-ujagar, enlightening
the world,
orders to allow no one else to take up the treasure, &c. ;
(met.) a miser, called alsojoA- kd gumdshta. s.
ji^ jaggatar (v. jfig), the world, universe, d.
SiJ}^ "WSfiT^^ jaJiar-bajid, tight, h. iB^ aTTfTt jiigofi, artful, clever, cunning;
OvS^ USSTi^} jahorva, a. to tiglitrn, to diaw " economical, facetious, punning, s.

"tight, as a knot ; to bind, to fasten, to tie, to pinion, h. (Sr*- '^{7TK\ jagatt, {. the earth, the world;
" mankind ; a sort of metre ; adj. moveable, transitorj'. s.
,l5o- "Si^ jakh (for yaksha), m. a fairy, an at-
tendant ofKuvera, the Indian Plutus (seejak). s.
J-ijiXs- '^T]'^l{'^j"gat'i-fal, m. the world, the
earth, sublunary things, s.
iA^ l[W^^j('Mim (for yakshain), f. a fairy,
U$o- jigain, clammy. jigata,i, clamminess, d.
" the fern, oijakh. s.
i,tfs>- W\jy(l (fo'" 'IT yiigo), m. a period, one l^^?" '^7\'^TW j(i( j i/ia, m. brass tinsel, very
of the four great Hindu periods or ages, the Sat or thin plates of brass used in decoration, h.
Krit, Treta, Dwapar, and Kali; a term used in the
game of chausar (the opposite of a blot, two or more Ki\t^^ jhjjigatw, n. to shine, to glitter, d.
men standing on the same square) ; a pair, jug phorvd
or phiitnd.a.. to cause a diffe.cnce between two friends, iJL-Sci^X^^ '^T\^i\\i^Z j(igjagahat, f. splendour,
to fail out. jiig-jjtg, constantly, eternally, s.
much light, glitter. /;.
^^J^ l['J\jog, m. the world, the universe.
jag-ha7ulhu, m. friend of the world, jag-jagat, m. the iS^'^ f»nf»Tn't jigj'ig^, f- a" fawniiig,
universe ; a feast, entertainment ; sacrifice, a religious "expressive of surpri.se and pleasure,
fawn or wheedle, jigjig'i-k., a. to
ceremony; jag ddhdr, support of the universe, God. s.

[^\ision {v.jfigah), a place; name of a di- wheedling, h. Jigjignja,
of the bhdt tribe, h.
dJ^ ( 287 ) >

jUiiLv-Cs- irn^mtjagad-adhar,m. air, wind; (^^^V ^*\^\jugmyi. glow-worm , an ornament

support of the universe. *. worn round the neck
oil is extracted, h. ; also a small grain from which

IjO^^ tTT^T jngadaviba, f. mother of the

world ; s.an epithet of a Hindu goddess, wife of Maha- jyLxkS^ Hi r| vjiXjagneshwar (v.jageshrvar). s.
&Ai.S>- TT^ ja;/fn/a, m. a sacrifice or religious
ceremony in which oblations are presented, s.
(^UjjX^ "Wnfl^TT^ jagad-nina:^h, m. de-
struction ofthe world, the expiration of a Kalpa. s.
C!-'AJ.>jX=- l{'jf\'^^\i( j'lgojxilnf , m. seejagyo-
(jij.jjta. ifTT^'t^ /r///rti-Ii7t, ra. lord of the uni-
verse, Vishnu or Shiva, s.
1^parzt. M'\^ jdgah, f. place, station, quarter,
jk'>- ipjxjaga?', ra. armour, coat of mail. s. room, vacancy, stead, jagah chhurnd, a to leave a
blank, h.
jXs- jigar, ra. tlie life, YitiiN, heart, mind.
.//g'rtr-i/Dirf, the bowels or entrails; met. a son. jigar- jY^ 'FTfT jnghar, m. wakefulness (occn-
«oj, tormenting, j'gar-jigar digar-digar, mine is mine, sioned by apprehension of disease) ; coughing at nighrt,
and 3'ours is yours, or every one knows where his own vigils, vespers, s. [hips and loins. *.
shoe pinches, jigar-afgrir or -chdk or -figar, heart-
broken, jigar-tafta, heart-burnt (as in love or fever). ^^>■^><>■ »i*4«i jaghan, ra. vtons veneris \ tlie
jigar-kharush, heart-rending, jigar khitr or j'g'tr khzvdr,
a mischievous enchanter, supposed to be able to steal Ui,^X5^ rfTfiZfj jaghanyd, m. a siidra or man of
the liver of any person by incantations, jigar-doz, the fourtli caste, s. [vile, base, s,
heart-piercing. jigar-sokhfn< burnt in the heart (from
love or sorrow), jigtir kadi, anxiety or uneasiness and
trouble of mind. ^■/;r«/--s-,y.?//a, (lit.) lobe of the liver;
Kil^^ inr^j'igfiftnya, last; hindmost, low;
met. a child or beloved object, p.
j^iLsx>- 'S[T{^ixj^g<^''f'»'nr (aUo jagneshwar or
^^J^ jiqnr'i, belo'itxiirj to the liver or heart ; jaggisar),
and Shiva, m. s.god of the universe, a name of Fixhnu
m. indelible stain 'al'ik ijtgnrl,
or mark canielion.
; natural jigari da^h,
spot ; inconsolable
grief, p. \^\jf»- fw^THJigyofd, f. asking, inquiring. .<.

^JX>- aPT^ or ^Tf^j^i^a/,") two, a pair? ^s5»|Js=>- fwi^f^'^ j /gt-jigi, f. an e.xclama-

jX>- JfTTT or Tlji^ ji/gnm, J brace, s. "tion expressive of surprise and pleasure. /;.
l.ia>o- firnl m jiglshd, f. emulation, wish to
\f^X>- irnnm ingmaga, glittering, brilliant, h. overcome, s.
Ki\^i^s>- ^T\t{TX\7{\ jagmagana, n. to glitter, h.
(JLJ&I.CA" 'TT^J'TT^ jagmagahat, f. glitter, C^^yS^'Sf^
ficial cord worn by the first nvit,
V^lljagyop castes of Hindus,
ra. the jagyo-
splendour, m.uch light, great brilliancy, h. pavili, m. a man invested with the sacred cord. s.
liivs- l{T(r[\ jagjia^ n. to be awake, to awake, s.
»jkX»- ^ jagya, m. a sacrifice. jagya-hhTivri^
f. place prepared for sacrifice, jagyu-pdtra, m. a sa
^i'jL^ ITIWI'T jagan-nath, rii. lord of the
universe ; a form of Vishnu, known to Europeans crificial vessel, jagi/a-purush, m. a name of f'ishiiu.
as Juggernaut: "the great temple of this deity is jagya-pasu, m. a horse ; any animal offered in sacrifice.
situated on the coast of Orissa, and tlie great annual jagija-sthdn. m. a place of sacrifice, jagya siddlii, f.
feast, called ralh jafrd, is there held in the month performance of a sacrifice; obtaining the objects of a
sacrifice, jagya-sutra, m. the sacrificial cord worn by
of Juh', when the huge car of the idol is brought the three first classes of Hindus, jngya-shdld, f. a
forth from the temple. Formerly pilgrims were wont
to cast themselves under the wheels of the car in place of sacrifice, jagya-karma, m. a sacrificial act or
order to be crushed to deatli as a meritorious exit from ceremony, s.
this world, ensuring happiness in the ne.xt, but this
horrible practice has been prohibited by the British iS.»- Tjf^^ jagiya, j)roper for or suitable to a
Governjnent." — Binning, s. sacrifice, jagiya-des, f the country of the Hindus,
that in whicli their rites are in force : properly, the
LuU.^ fi[^TWl jlgi/asa, f. a wish to be inform- country in which the black deer or antelope is native. .«.
ed, an inquir\'. investigation, s. (J.3- pdi, f a housing or covering for an
&ju*>H^ flC^r[^ jignds^a , fit to lie known or elephant, bullock, &c. a.
inquired into. s.
A=^ "T^ ;'"?, in. deceit, cheating, a trick, jul-
bdz, a knave, a cheat, jul-bdzl, f. knavery, h.p.
j<-JuuJo- IT'T^'^^ jagan-hansi, a tribe of
"Brahman zamindars in Falihpur. h, Jr^ jT^ jr?7, m. water; frigidity (physical
or moral); also name of a jungle shrub; adj. cold,
.J^*«JjCs- TX^^^ jag?ia-sut ra , ^ m. (v.vpa- stuiiid, apathetic. jal-pac)ich!u, f. water-fowl, jal-jal,
full of water, wet. jal-thal, ground half covered with
«JLo,y.^J^»- Xl^V^\H jugnupavit, J nayaii)
the sacrificial cord or thread worn bj- the three first water, marshy ground, jal-kr'ird, sporting or playing
classes of Hindus, s. in the water. jal-clia<\ any creature that moves in
water, an aquatic animal, s.

^it>- "^Ty^ jugnu, m. the fire-fly {Lamfyris). A>. jdll, great, glorious, eminent, jdlla
(3rd pers. sing.), is eminent. jaUajaldlu-hu, eminent
neck. '^rx'^jugnun, a jewel worn about the
/i. is His glory ;.7(i//rt iA«H?/-/(?(, eminent is His majesti
— phrases applied only to God. a.
( 288 )

0^)j>- 3^(^|ri7 jaldnd, a. to burn, to kindle,

^)^ jila, f. splendour, lustre, brightness ; ena- to inflame, to light ; to make one jealous, s.
mel; scouring, polishing; emigration, jila-lar, a po-
%- a. to abandon one's
lisher, scourer, jild watan-k.,
country, to exile one's self, jild watarii, banishment, U^)^ f»T^nfT j//ana, a. to give life to, to re-
expulsion. Jild wataii liond, to become an exile, a. cover any thing almost dead ; to foster, to patronise.
jild-dend, to revive or bring to life (the dead), s.
i)^ 'W^jcil<i or jalia, m. a lake, a mass of
water, tank or reservoir, s.
^y^'^^ afc^l^dc*
water-course jaldnchal,
or channel; ra. a natural
a plant {Vallisneria). s.
L-.'^U- juUab, m. a purge; q. d. drawing
(from jalaha, he drew), and in this sense it is gene- ^*^Ls- l^\^jald,u,ncX of burning, a burner, s.
rally used in India. Freytag, on the authority of Go-
lius, gives it, in his Arabic Lexicon, as unconnected i^^y^ jaldrvafi (a corruption of jild-rvatan,
Yi'ith jnlaba, and describes it as a mixture of water and q. v.), emigration, h,
syrup (perfumed with rose-water), as if derived from
the Pers. gul, a rose, and db, water, julldh-kd tel, ^^j^L>- If^T^^l jaldtvan, f. firewood, s.
castor-oil. a.
8i)o>- juidh, "I m. a weaver, of the Muham-
^^U- '^'^T^'^ jala-hala, 1 heated, scorch- \jb^L>- juldJtd, > madan religion ; met. a
U^^)j>- »Tc51*'^T ja/a-i/mna,J ed, burnt up;
fretful, passionate, hot-tempered, h.
aA:>- julah, J fool, a blockhead, juldh'
ddrlii, i. a short round beard, such as julahs usually
wear. h.
\>^^ jaJapa, envy, anger, rage, spite, ja-
Idpd-khur, an envious person, d.
^jf'^ jidd,i (Dakh. for jiddli, q. v.). juld,i-
4^^^- jallad, m. an executioner; (and hence, wdri, the ward inhabited by weavers, d.
as an adj.) cruel, hard-nearted (q. d. one who exco-
riates;from J .i/(i, the skin J. jallddifalak, the planet a female
Mars. a.
" weaver, jvld/im,
^^J^ d. a weavers's wife, or [water. $.

Cl^'d':)^ jnladat, f. activity, agility, strength. liJ^Oc- »lc4^<«l< jal-hudbud, m. a bubble of

jalddat-dsdr, or -shi'i.r, brave, valorous, a.
i<*^j^^ 'l<?5<^1 jal-hrahmi, f. a pother!)
.^jtti^^* '^'^'[XfTX Jaladhdr, in. a pond, a lake, " [Hilancl.a repens). s. [fire. ».
a reservoir, s. [cruelty, villainy, a.
^y*^ '5T^'^^./«/-6a/, burnt up, consumed witii
^^^)v>- jnllad'i, f. the office ofiin executioner;
^syy^ "Sj^^"^ jal-bandhu, m. a fish. .<t.
\.ii.^U- 1{^\\[ jalardra, wet, charged with
moisture, s. (^ii^ JJjJjs- '5TQ5^'5^reF jal-bandhak, m. a dam,
a dike, rocks and stones impeding a current, .s.
^y^ *T^T^^ jnlarnav, m. a deluge, a great
flood ; the rainy season ; the sea of fresh water, s.
t^s>' 1^^ jal-bhu, m. a cloud; an aquatic
plant (Commelina salici/olia or bengalensis). s.
L**^k:>- tI^T^ /Vv/a.^a,a pool of water, a tank. s.
, ^j^s" IT^^f't jal-bain, f. swimming, strik-
ij***^ '^{^\^'0i jcdashay, m. a pond, a lake, "ing with tlie arms and legs in the water, s.
"a reservoir ; the ocean ; a fragrant grass {Jiidropogon »— *V »r5T jalp, m. dissension, wrangling ;
muricaturu;; adj. stupid, dull, cold. s.
prate, babble, s. [much and foolislily. .s.
.\^^L&- '^(^|c(iK. jalakar, m. appearance of ui3\J.5» 1{'^J'3S jalpdkjjn. a chatterer, talking
water, s. [cat. s
^Uo- l{^Vmjalpdn, m. drinking (of water),
^i ^U- sT^T^ jalakhu, m. an otter or water-
eating, taking light food between meals, a luncheon, s.
J^^ jolal, m. dignity, state, majesty, gran- ^jf^A^- aT^^n^ jalpd,l, f. the Eleocarpus
deur, splendour, power, a. U^!)- <^-
serratus ; an olive, h.
{JL^"^^ jalcdat, f. dignity, &;c. (same as ja^ A-aL=- -jT^fum^jj^ jal-pippali, f. an aquatic
\^^ ^<^Moftf jaldluha, ^ "plant (Commelina salici/olia, &c.). s.

oy^X»- '5T(5I<JV'*1 jalaloka,) C.»jA»- IT^^fH jal-pati, m. Varuna, the loid

of waters, s.
J^Jj>- jaldli, glorious, illustrious ; it also de-
"notes an sra reckoned from the time of Jaldl-itd-dhi, \^^ --^j-J^ W^I^^T jal-prishthaja, f. an
Malik Shah, son of Alp Arslau, of the Saljuk dy- aquatic plant {Pistia stratiotes). s.
nasty of Persia, commencing at the vernal eijuinox
A. D. 1079. a. [reddish ears. a.
aj jI=- If^fTra jal-priya, in. the chatak (Cu-
\jJ^L>- jaldlii/d, a fine species of wheat wiih culus melaiioleucos) ; a fish. s.

sJ"!^ jaldli yn, m. a person who worships the

more terrible attributes of the Deity; the followers ^)-x^jJc- ^^rrm^
resembling the pepper plant, al,s. a herb somewhat
of Saiyid Jaldl Bukhdri ; a kind of pigeon, a.
udJo.lDs- l\^-j{lf'T3f! jal-tdp)/i,\m. the hilsa
oa<^J^ jT^rf^oin jaldmhikd, f. a well. s.
J'iLs- W^l[T^ j(il-idl, J or sable fish
^_^'^ 't^^l^'^jaldma7/, full of water, wet. s. {Clupea alosa). s.

( 289 ) ^
t^j>[J>- »T<?iH<.y1 jal-taranjt, f. name of j_j^LA»- Hc<i^n^ jaha,t (lit. sleeping on the
■"a musical instrument (v. next word), s, water), an epitliet of Vishnu, when, after the destruc-
tion of the universe, he alone of all beings remaina
floating on the water, on a leaf of the haf, or Ficus In-
\^Js3'i^y»- '^^TiX.'^' jdl-iarang,
glasses or liarmonicon ; playing on ni. the musical
glasses or china dica, or on the great .snake, s.
bowls by rubbing the edges ; a brass vessel in which
water is' put, and the edges are beaten with two sticks. «.
laria lr>- 'W^'V^jahut,
mcdinvnsh). s. f. a guinea-worm (^Fi-
^jyj^ IT^fTT^ jal-tarangi (v. jul-
" taraiig). s. ^jaA>- ilcjiHO^ jal-suchif m. a fish, a sort of
pike (Esox scolopax) ; the Gangetic porpoise ; an aqua-
jj^l^ 'IqI'^55 jal-thal, m. ground half co- tic plant (Tiupa bispinosa) ; f. a leech, s.
vered with water, marshy ground, s.
(j.x«A»- l{^^^ jal-seni, f. sleeping in water
J>- lT^l{Jalaj, m. a fish ; a lotus; a shell. 5. by way of mortification ; a fish. s. [state, a.
W^ 'T^'TT jnija, f. a plant, a sort of Bassia «*J*- jalsa, m. posture, situation, seat, post,
growing in or near the water; adj. water-born,
aquatic, s.
^_^^ '^^^S^jal-shay,
" the water (see ^'a/ia,l). s. m. Vishnu sleeping on
^J*s^ '!Qr5T^ja/;flZa, indignantjOutrageous. A.
I aii>- jalof, m. a miser ; mean, base, despi-
li^Lsr?" nantaf5r3T5n*TT ja//a/ana, n. to be indig- cable ;pi. ajlaf, mean wretches, a.
, h.
Kif lff^:W( jaliJi a or 1^'SSljaluka, f. a leech, s.
t-ilAis^Lsii?' ^1 Q& si Qi I^'<2 jal-jalahat, f. indigna-
tion, rage, passion, anger, h.
ti)Ki:>- 'iT^oFTeF jal-kak, m. the "diver or
water-crow. s. [phant. s.
'—■*-?' (J^ 'TS'fl'ff jal-jantu, m. an aquatic (jtxJM*- sT^airrS jal-kanhsha, m. an ele-
animal (a porpoise, shark, &c.). s.
c-i>i^i>- »l<5 dtifvi jal'hapi, m. the water-ape or
Kju:si^ HQ&>!'d«hl jal-jantuha, f. a leech, s. Gangetic porpoise, s.
j^-lJ?" "Tc^^^ jal-char, m. aquatic, moving
in water (as birds, but not fish), h. Si»- ^^'^T.jalkar, the assessed,
ries, or the revenue thereon produce ofs. the fishe-
«^1>- jald, expeditious, quick, brisk, fast, cL»U5a5». T|cJir<*<l3 jal-kirat, m. a shark ; a
hasty, fierce, jald-baz, expeditious, fleet, hasty, jald- large alligator. «. [boling in the water, bathing. $.
6aj«, f. haste. _;a/d-raw, swift of motion. Jald-Jcadam,
fleet, jald-viizaj, passionate, p.
\y>S^s>- l['^'^'S\ jal-krlra, f. sporting or gam-
li^jild, f. the skin, leather; the binding of
a book ; a volume, book, jild-k., to bind a book. ^SS\»- l{^'^wi\ jal-kuJikuti, f. the black-
jild-gar, m. a bookbinder, a. "headed gull. «. [a diver. *.
liJ^ '^^jalad, m. a cloud; a fragrant grass •pS^y>- "^^"^"^jal kukkar, m. a waterfowl;
(Cyperus rotundus). s,
j_}XixL>- 'a1c4<*«tlQ5 jal-Jmntal, m. an aquatic
jj^^jl*- ai <^<^ I^"r^jal-dashan, m. the sdl tree plant (FalHsneria). s.
{Shorea rohusta). s.
ii)CuxL>- vf ^oKlld'ci; jal-hantak, m. an aquatic
fi>i^S»- '^'^ixt Jala-dhi, m. the ocean. 5. plant {Trapa bispinosa), a crocodile, s.
\.lj&ii):>- STqSVRT jal-dhara, m. a stream or
current of water. *. ^^xi»- '^[^'cfiKci jal-fiupl, f. a whirlpool; a
pond, a spring, a well. s.
Jb;iJj>- l{^SVT.jal-dhar, m. a cloud; the ocean ;
jal-Jtunna, m. the Gangetic
a grass {Cyperus rotundus). s. porpoise.^5J«ir§
^jy^ «. l_{Fallisneria), s.
^jd^ jaldi, f. quickness, rashness; (in
ij^^>-ip^ ^f^W^ jal-kesh, m. an aquatic plant
'Dakh.)jalde, quickly, speedily, p.
y^JXs*- jalag (for jab-lag or jab-talak), until, d.
«_-*/e jJl*- If^ivsjal-dimb, m. a bivalve shelL s.
Ji^!^ sTqPT^ jal-gulm, ra. a whirlpool ; a
* turtle, a tortoise ; a pond, a lake. s.
crane, ir^T^
s. jal-ranj, m. the vak, a kind of
^(J?- '^C^S^mjal-lata, f. a wave, a billow. $.
tdi3J»- 'STcSTl; jal-rank, m. a kind of crane,
feeding on small fish and haunting swamps. *. J^ jalam (ior jnnani), birth, birthright. *.
Ld3jji>- 1{^T^ jal-ranku, m. a gallinule. s. jU-jU J.»- ^^'^^[^iJtjal-marjar, m. an otter, a.
\Lfj^^ s. jal-marg, m. a drain
aT^Hlh or issue
ifAs-jih, m. a companion, a. from a pond.
\^A>- julasa (pi. of (^_;«jJ>:>-), companions, a. ^Ji\^s- aT^nr''^ jal-manns, m. a waterman,
a mermaid, the water-kelpie, a sinall species of mon-
j^jkli5>-LJi:>- jaha hhaflln, f. the sitting key, s. [insect, t.
" down of the khnflb or reader of the hir/m, between
tlie reading of the first and second hhutba, q. v. a. ^^J^S.^ l{'^J^^'Sfr[ j'll-viaJishiha, f. a water
) fr
( 290
^ •f. a leech, s.
Jj>>.J:>- 'STcS'H^cJ jalviairdal, m. a kind of o^Ls- ^<^dh\ jalohd or jalauha,^
tarantula or large spider, the bite of which is said to
be fatal, s. (j«j^Jj>- "W^tWS jalaukas, J
8^i:>- jabva or jiliva, m. splendour, lustre ;
(Oj^U?- '^'^^f^ jal-murti ,va.. Shiva, of whom the bridal bed or ornaments, jalwa-gar, splendid,
one form is water, implying his omnipresence . s.
conspicuous, jalwa-gan, f. conspicuity, splendour ;
blandishments, affectation, a.
ijf^ 'ic^H*! jalmai, watery ; m. flood, inun-
"dation. s. [vexation, s. byj>- af^l^T /V/Z/wcf/?/a, m. a burner, s.
ij^ '^'^'fjjalan, m. burning, heat ; passion, Jt)Si^^y>■ J{^rS(^jal-vt/adh,m. a. kind offish,
UL>- IJ'^fJ^jalna, n. to burn, to be kindled; a sort of pike. s.
met. to be enraged, jal-iithnd, n. to break out fas fire).
jal-hujhnd, n. to brand, to burn to ashes, jal-paknd, n. •^^ '^f^'^jalah, m. a small piece of water, a
to be in a passion, to rage, jale par 7ion lagdnd (to lake or pond ; a summer-house s,
throw salt on a burn), to triumph over, to insult, s,
6^ jidah, m. (w.julali) a weaver, &c. p.
lii?- '^'^'^ julna, to meet, {a be united, h.
jliU- ;?//nar (Arab, form oigulnai-), the pome- ^__j^\^)js- Ij^'^TVjal-hds, m. cuttle-fisli bone,
considered as the indurated foam of the sea. «.
granate flower, a. p.

jiiJis- "^^"^ jaland ar, 1m. the dropsy, ,^^i>-^'fl/?, plain, apparent ; large, plain (hand-
writing), fasli jail, a season before the commence-
jfc^ijj*- 1^^^^ jaland har, j ascites ; lit. that ment of the rains, in which a crop of rice is cut a.
which has water ; hence it is applied to flat alluvial
land, as the Jalandar dti.db. s.
y*- '^f^'^^ jalii/d, m. a fisherman, s.
fiiXi}^ 'Sf^f^fv jal-nidhi, m. the ocean, s. u..*jJj>- jaleb, m. attendants, equipage, suit
(cor. fromjilau). a.
Sy^ 'ST^sf'T^ jal-ni7-gam, m. a drain, a
watercourse ; a pipe along a wall for carrying off
water ; a waterfall, s. (_^11?l_ajJj>- jaleb-tax, m. the goglet in which
water is cooled with nitre, a.
■ Kjl;>- '»T^'^'^^ jal-nahul, m. an otter, s. ^pjjJj>- jaJehi, f. belonging to the retinue, a.
Ajkils" ii^pift^^jal-mU, f. vallisneria. s.
(cJkjJ^ "W^a^jalebl, f.a kind of sweetmeats, h.
(•JuJ^*- l{'^'^(\^jahlivl,m.. thenameof a drug;
lit. the water-n'nn {Herpestes monniera), a bitter herb \3^X)^y '"C^ ^T^^ •Tt^ ^nTHT jale par non
which grows on the banks of tanks, &c. s. lagdnd, to triumph over, to insult (lit. to throw salt
on one who is burned), h.

^ jilau, f. a rein (of a horse's bridle) ; re-

tinue, court, equipage, jilau-ddr, attendant, jilau- L^^i^?' li:^'^[mjalechchhai/d,{'. a plant (^e-
liotropum indicum) s.
lihdna, an area, vestibule, porch, antechamber, a.

\^s*- jilwa, m. the meeting of the bride and ^i**Jj>- jaRx, m. a companion, a.
bridegroom (in presence of tlie relations). jiluK' kd ,JlA»- tT^t^Tt; jaleshtvar, m. Varuna, the
git, m. epitlialamhmi. a.
god of water ; the ocean, s.
Ijljjjs- '^^'^}'!i\jaln.a}ia, a. (causal o^jalana)
to cause to be burnt or set on fire. s. JjlIjs- jfilil, grrat, glorious, illustrious, jalilu-
l-ladr, august, illustrious, a.
C^^ jalwatovjihvat, f. splendour, lustre, a.
jju^^ "^^^"^ jal-1/anfra, m. a water-work,
i^J^*JjAs" 'ST^Vwn jalotsarg, a kind of cere- a machine for raising water, jal-yantra-grih, m. a
mony (v. banotsarg). s, house erected in the midst of water, or subterraneous
apartments constructed on the bank of a river, for re-
{j*i\^=^^^ '5T^Y^T^ jalochchhn-as, m. a tiring to in the hot season ; a summer-house, a.
drain or channel carrying off an excess of water, s.
fire. s.
Tr^*ViT jalendhan, m. submarine
.liJs- '5T^^ jrt/oc/ar, m. dropsy, s.
(.dl^.jj^ sI^^f^oR jal-vrishcJiik, m. a ^A^ jalew, m. attendants, equipage, suit. a.
prawn or shrimp (water-scorpion), s.
j^ jam., name of an ancient king of Persia,
^^■^^ »rcJ^ jodorgi, f. a leech, s. famed for his pomp and magnificence, f.
*s» l^jain (for V[r{ yamd), adj. twin, fellow,
one of a pair; m. the Pluto of the Hindus; he is re-
^_>K.^W julu&, m. accession (to a throne) ; gent of the world below, or of the realms of death,
the reign or sera of a monarch, a. and judge of departed souls, jam-dut, the messenger
of death, of the same import as the Arabic term ma-
ij^^ julusi, of or during the reign (of a laku-l-maut. jam dirjd, m. a candle or illumination
"king, &c.). jtdSsi tonid, m. a light cartridge, a. sacred to Pluto, lighted on the 1 3th of Kartik, krishn
paksh, i. e. three days before the Dewdlt. s.
^j^»- H-^f^T^ jal-vishuv, m. the autumnal
equinox, close of the annual rains, s. *=" f^ jim, like, as, in such manner as. h.
( 291 ) ^iJU=

^ jamrn, a mu]t\lw\e. jammi ghafir, a vast

*-f^t^ i|T^^xJ^ jambhh-i,'\m. the lime or
multitude, including the high and the low. a. j<fv?- »reftT.7rt////^M-, J citron; a kind
of basil witli small leaves, s. [a dagger, js.
til^ jamad, m. a stone or fossil, jamadat,
minerals, fossils, a.
U^vr jambiijd (for janbii/a), a kind of weapon,
(_f4il»>- jamadq or jumad a, name of the fifth
and sixth Muhammadaa lunar months, a. ^J*^ "^{^Tii jampat'i, (m. dual) husband and
"wife. s. [perpetually, h.
i}j'^^(^^^^jamada-l-arvrval,\ the ^rstjama- ^fr »nnT»T jam-jam, always, constantly,
tUj^^L^^W jamadq-l'ula, J da, the fifth iX«P- jamd, m. congelation, connection, a.
month of the lunar year of the Musalmans : it con-
tains thirty days. s. (JS;^v?- 'fl^'rq^ jamadagju, name of Para-
surdma's father. *. [senger. s.
,^^^\^i\^ jamMa-s-sarii,^ the second or
js«- iSJ^slv?- jamdda-l-akhirj latter jamdd a, Oji^V?- W{^ jam-dut, m. death's mes-
the sixth lunar month of the Musalmans, consisting j^S^ 'SJHyfT.jamdharf^m. a dagger (lit.
of twenty-nine days. a.
jJStVs- 1{^V!^ jamdhar,} death-bearer); "a
cVv?- jima, f. coitus, concubitus. a, large dagger resembling a katdr, but having a kind of
basket hilt protecting the hand." — (Binning.) s.
vJL*5'l*:>' jama at, f. a crowd, a party, an as-
tion, a. sembly, atroop, meeting, society, senate, congrega- _j,v^ '5THTT3T jamardj, the king of death,
the Hindu Pluto {v. jam), s.

JU?- jamal, m. beauty, elegance, a. lII>-m-*:>- jamast, f. a kind of blue stone or

mineral substance, supposed to be a specific againat
u\rjW>- ^HI^jfl7T jamdl-gotd, in. the name fainting and palpitation of the heart, d.
of a purgative nut (Jatropha curcas : croton triglium). h.
^jS-v?" jammash, a species of bird of chase, d.
^[^ jamdli, m. a kind of musk melon (red- SxL^ jamskid (v. jam), name of a cele-
fleshed) ; adj. amiable (the Deity), s. brated Persian king, the founder of Persepolis. a.
Olv?- f^Tffl^ jiffiand, a. to feed, to entertain, s.
x^ jam'', f. aaccumulation,
lection, congregation,
assembly, conjunction, col-
amount, sum total,
UU»- ITTnTT jamdnd, a. to collect ; to sum
up ; to coagulate, to freeze or make ice ; to congeal ; ■whole revenue generall}', amount assessed, plural
to pace in the manege, h. number,f. accounts
handl, jam' -and,oforthe
-dmadan, to settlement
revenues, assemble, ofjam'-
•>l»>- 'snn^ jama,o, m. a crowd or multi- revenues, jam'-jhartl, a periodical account, jam'-
tude, collection, accumulation ; coagulation, h. Jcharch, debit and credit, cash account, jam'-ddr, m.
a native officer of the army so called; the head of any
body, as guides, /ia/A-aras, &c. jaOT'-Zc, to collect, jam'-
cL> jlv?- '3THT=r7 jamdwat, f. coagulation, ag- liond or -shudan, to be collected or assembled, jam'-
glutination, congelation, a. dari, the business or rank of a jam'ddr. jam' o-kharch,
m. account of receipt and disbursement, account cur-
U-^t^lv?- jamd,ord, m. an assembly, a crowd, rent, jam' 0 kharcli-k., a. to make up or balance an
a collection ; place of assembling, d. account, jam' wdsil-bdkl, an account stating payments
periodically due, with the amount received and the
\Jj&lv>- MH\^t\ljamdhnd, to gape, to yawn. s. arrears, a.

j^ftl**- "^(m^ jamdhi, gaping or yawning, s. OUv?" jam^dt (pi. of Jv?-),

lections, a. additions,
[Thursday, col-
a. h.
j^ii\^ jamdhir (pi. ofj^^v?-), nations, king-
doms ;states, republics, a. Affi^s^jum'a-rdt^v.jum'a), Friday eve, i.e.
^^A.^ »nTT^ jama, I, m. a son-in-law. s.
jXt»>- jtcm'gi, f. the weekly allowance to
\_,'%y «T^ jambu, f. a fruit-tree, the rose- "schoolboys, paid on a Friday; also presents given on
a Friday by schoolboys to their preceptor, a.
apple [Eugenia jambu). s.
^JUv>- 1T¥T^ jambdl, m. an aquatic plant ««v>- juma, m. Friday (on which day Musal-
mans assemble to pray at the great mosque), a.
(^Vallisneria). s. [_[Pandanus odoratissimus), s.
^Uv>- ^TirfoST jambdld, m. a fragrant plant C^\.dJi^ jum'a-7'dt, f. Thursday (q. d. eve of
Friday), a. h.
«.«A>jiie-*v?- ^^wIh jambu-dwip, m. one of
the puranic divisions of the earth, the central one, in- C.AAXV?- jamaiyat or jam'iyat, f. collection ;
cluding Hindustan, or the known world, s. wealth; recollection, reflection, jam'aiyat-i-hhptir,
peace of mind, a,
Cd)jL»s^ »nSofi jamhuh, m. a jackal; a low
man ; the rose-apple, s. jSS'j^ jammi ghafir, m. a great multituda a.
^x^ jambu (v. jambu). d. til^ "^Pf^ jamak, f. the state of succeeding
J^f»^ *T^qJ jambul, m. a fragrant plant or going on well. h.
{Pandanus odoratissimus) ; the rose-apple, s. »TT5R or T^mmjamak, twin, fellow, on«
u 2
( 292 ) U^
of a pair; m. repeating of a word in different signifi-
cations (inrhetoric), s. O^^jW?- "^(kufi jume-rat,i. (hr jurn'e-rdt OT
_;Mni'a-ra<), Thursday, a.h.
liKv?- 'T'T^T^T jamhana, a. to adjust, to go *>♦»- jami, the whole, all ; universal, ja-
on well, to settle ; to assemble, to crowd together. /(.
mfan, altogether ; universally, a.
Iji^ 'S^'3fi'7{} JamaJma, n. to succeed, to go Lll>^*f»>- janiiat, f. a concourse, an assembly,
on well, to fit dukan jamln, buyers and sellers are a multitude, o.
collected in the shop, lara.ijumkl, tbe fight was joined.
majlis jamk'i, the assembly is full, miikaddama javikd,
the cause is begun to be debated. /(. ^y^^jamll, beautiful, elegant (Jem.jamila). a„
^j^C^ jcwihura, m. a kind of covering for the /^r?- '5r»T Ja«, m. a person, individual, man-
head and shoulders, worn during rainy weather : it kind in
: comp. it denotes plurality, as strl-jan, women, s.
is made of reeds or palm leaves plaited, d.
i^ ^t? janu, m. birth, engenderment. s.
iJL^^K^ '^[^^V[Zjam(/hat,m.cro•wd,mu\tltnde.s. fj»- tT'T jun, m. time. h.
^Jv>- '^^^^jamal, m. a pair, a brace, s. 1^ flTT j/?j, (infl. pi. ofrel. pron.) whom,
^y^ jamal, a camel ; a kind of fish. a. what ; (a negative particle) no, not ; (a prohibitive par-
ticle) don't, h.
^y^ jumal, (pi. of »iv>-, q- v.) the whole
sum ; liisabijiimal, the reckoning by abjad. a. tir?" ^^nr j'M, ni. a deified saint, according to
the heretical sect of Jin and Budh. s.
jilv>- jumla(ji, f. the totality, the whole, j).
^j»- jimi, m. a genius, spirit, demon, a.
di^ jumla, m. the whole sum, aggregate, to- U»- sTin jana, a person, individual ; (part.
tal; a sentence. /4-_;«7n?a, upon the whole, minjumla
or az dnjiniila, from or out of the whole, a. pass, oijannd) born, a son. s,
Ia>- sT^T janwo, n. to produce young, to be
1^^ jamun, coagulation, congelation ; curds, delivered of a child ; to be bom. s.
jelly ; rennet or acid employed for curdling milk. d.
L^\!y»- janah, f. side, brink, margin ; majesty,
\1^ l^'tj} jamuna, f. {iov yamuna) name of highness, excellency; vestibule, threshold, jandbi'alt,
a well-known river, the Jumna; (in mythology) twin your majesty, your or his excellency, a.
sister of Yuma. s.

Vx^ l[f{mjamna,nAo germinate, to grow. s. dj-i^Cyst- janabat, f. pollution, loss ofsperma.a,

(.iJoU^ ^^oF jnapak (or gydpak), m. an
Uv>- 'TH^T jamu'a, n. to he coagulated or instructor, s.
frozen ; to be collected, to adhere, to stick t to pace in
the manege, h.
^^.U>' "^Jt^ jnapan (or gyapaii), m. act of
Kitjx^ ^H^i\ jamnauta, 1m. a certain causing to know, instruction, s.

\jj»iv>- 'Wi'^t^Z^ljdtnnautiya,) considera- OlJc>- ^mr jnata (or gyala), known, under-
tion given to one who becomes security for another, stood, jndli, a father, a kinsman. «.
generally five per cent, on the amount, h.
OVi*- jannat, (pi. of &Jj>-), gardens. _;m?«a<
\^^^ 'ST'ft^T jamo,a, indigo planted before (pi. of jinn), genii, demons, a.
the rains, and irrigated by artificial means, h,
Ol»-lJ^ aTrTTiTTlT jana-jat, man by man,
iJLfy^ "^f^ jamuwat or jamu,at, the foun- one by one (person). 7j.
dation of a well, or the festive ceremony held on the
occasion of laying the foundation of a well. h. _U>- jinah or janah, f. a pinion, wing. a.

lIA**- 'Sr^}J\ jamoff, transfer of liabilities by i\\Jc>- jntiaza, m. a bier, a hearse, a funeral.
mutual consent, a conditional mortgage, h. jandza rawdn, (met ) a horse, a. [hall. s.

.\,^y^ 'SIjffT^TT jamog-dar, a person who ,_f^U>- li^TZfTf j an as lira y , m. a temporary

lends a landed proprietor a sum of money, and re-
covers that money from the cultivators. /*. cli>- janagli, a contract, a bargain. jtinar/Ji,
a stirrup-leather, saddle-cloth, surcingle, p.
Iji^v?- 'rTtn«!T jamognu, a. to ascertain, h.
UUv>- HW^'^ jamhana, n. to gape, to yawn. s. jjVl>- jinan, (pi. of *ii-) gardens (planted
with trees), the regions of paradise, a.
^S^\c*^ 'HH^I^ jamha,i, f. gaping, yawning.
^^Ijo- ^T!{jnan (v. gyan), m. knowledge, s.
"jamhd.t lend, a. to gape, to yawn. s.
liljo- sHTRT jawana, a. to deliver, to bring to
.y,^ jumhur, universal, all ; m. high heaps
of sand ; a republic, populace, community, a. bed ; to inform, to remind, to tell, to warn (little use<d>
jatdnd being substituted for it) ; m. midwifery, s.
^^ IT'Jrt jaynvii, a species of tree or plant
"so called, h. ulJaJlls- aT'?TTfnfoF janantik, m. secret com-
munication, whispering, speaking aside, s.
'jLv>- 'l^'n jamaiya, a kind of grass (in the
province of Delhi) ; Thursday, h. jlis- immjanaw or jana,o, m. a signal, h.
203 )
u^ c .L^

jyjc*' janan-ar, m. an animal, d. >j^^

s. jantrana, m. pain, anguish*
(^*U:>- iniTf jana,l, f. a midwife. jana,i
sadka, alms given at the birth of a child, s. LSy^ 'i'«1 or ti^kA) jantn, m. an instrument
for drawing wire ; a conjuror, a juggler, a wizard ;
&)U>- or iJL^\Jc>' jinhyat, f. any prohibited act f. an almanack, a register, more especially the Inilian
committed upon the person or property, such as mur- Army and Civil List, connnonly called " the Gentry-
der, maiming, k.c. a. book." s.

\ -'y jamb, a side, a part, a tract of country, a. Ljy^ »ir«4-:tT janitri, f. a mother, s.
^>i:>'^"t^WM6, defiled, polluted, a. j^,.^xUx=«- ^fiu jantu-(jhna, m. a vermifuge, s.
\^!x»- janiba, m. support, seconding; counte- !iJal>- IPW^ jaritula, f. a grass (^Saccharum
spontatieitm). s.
nancing, assistance, partiality, a.
j^ljJk*. juviban, trembling, stirring, moving, ^Jj^ jannat I, reVdUng to paradise, heavenly, o.
(root oijumhumdan) in comp. causing to move or stir,
shaking (actively.) p. [spring, d. Jl:^?" aT^T^ j^nif^h m- trouble, difficulty,
plague, embarrassment, misfortune. «.
ls^-u'^ _7flw-^ac/*c/<e (al-aulad), family, ofF- J^-ii^ »T^q5 jatijal, m. a swivel, a large
musket. /(.
^i.xys>- jumbish,^. agitation, motion, gesture. /:>.
^J^^M»■'S(^'^ iavibuh,^ . , , jj^-^ "^{W^ janjaH, m. one who molests ;
,• • ^. _ /-in. a jackal, s. "a gun mounted on a camel or elephant, s.
^yjc^ 'T^ jambu, j
beast, »r*T3rrfRT
s. p. ja7i-jann-ar,[castor
m. man
beaver, andd,
L— o,.i»XL>- ^^;^'fj jmnbudl]) for *T«iltI jaju-
bu-dtvip, m. one of the seven parts of the world, s.
Ss»- jimd, a medicinal substance found in the
,^j<^jjc>- l[vvf\'^ jambhhl, f. a fruit of the KjJks- "^^y^jandra, m. a pitchfork, a kind of
lime kind. s.
rake used in the north-west provinces, fi.
tc*J^ jambl (properly jatnbiy), lateral, a.
\j}jiSl>- Ip^i'^W j>i >idaul/i/tt, name of a small
j^4\-ja»- jumbidan,to be moved or agitated, p. clan of idjputs in Banda. h.

jui»- JflwzHr, the lime tree and fruit (Citrus ij^ n^<^jan-i-av,
of human voices. «. m. noise, clamour, sound
medico.), s.
&juJo- jambiya, a kind of side weapon, a \^i»- j^ns, f. genus, kind, species, sort, fa-
mily, race ; goods, merchandise, move;ibles, grain,
large dagger -worn at the side. a. commodities, produce, jinst basilar, mank:i)d, gcniii
cI^AJk»- l[^jantUy m. an animal, a beast, s. humamim. jinxi kdmil, first-rate crops, jhiy'i adiq, an
inferior article, jinsi a' la, or 'all, any article of the
l1*A9- l^fr{l{janitf produced, born. s. best quality, a.

{JL^J-»- jannaf, f. paradise, heaven, jfi 7771 at ti-l- C^yJic>- ju7isruti (v. jaii-s/ti'uti), news, kc. s.
bilad, the paradise of regions, an epithet applied (very
jij^'xy jinsivar, a distinct statement rehitive
questionably) to Bengal, jannat i 'adan, f. the garden to crops, jiiiswdr jam'bandl, a detailed statement of
of Eden. Johzw// 7H«i<'n, the paradise of rest, jannati the rents levied upon each kind of crop. p.
ni'm or na'im, the garden of pleasure, jannat-makan or
-nasib or rad-aramgdh,
ise, a. one whose abode or portion is pa-
f^j\yJx>- jinsrvaj'i, separately, distinctly, ji.
jinsi, in kind, in goods (paid, &c.). a.
j>- janat, birth, being born. d.
i^ .\...\y jlrmyat, homogeneousness, same-
Iaj.»- ITinjaTiia, m. an instrument for draw- ness, or similarity of kind. a.
ing wire, s,
\ja:>- l{fmn juTiita, m. a father, a parent. 5. C-jJLj^ If^'^fli jati-shi-iiti, f. news, tidings,
report, s.
\jas«- »T«Tin Janata, f. mankind a number of ULdais"- janihjcDia, m. the herb nentian. a.
men. s.
im'^jaimkjto wit, though, although, h.
Xxjc- '^*^\Xjantar, m. an amulet, a charm. .9.
aT^«If janak, m. a father; name of a
\jljjc" aT»flMT jantana, n. to be squeezed,
kino-, sovereign of Mithila, and father of S'llu. s.
pressed, h.
K>s- ^rft^clil jajiika, m. a pun, double en-
Aajjjc>- ^rHMi^ jantu-phal, m. glomerous tendre." h.
fig-tree {Ficiis glomeraia). s.
.i.LdiJo- "^-i^W^janah-jytti', m. the mcfropolis
Jxys*- '3T«^ or Xp^ jantr, m. an instrument, an oi raja Janak, Slld's fiither, in the district of Tirhut. s.
engine; a musical instrument; an amulet; jug,c;lin,fj;
an observatory; a dial ; an astrological or magic dia- i^Jjst. af^ ji/iif/, f. L'ujotion, im[)ulse; ;• vo-
gram. jantr-mai>tr. iii. juggling, conjuring, enchant- lume containing sevenil books; m. f a potherb (Cuii-
ing by figures und iucantations. s. voh'idiis argentctis). h.
t^Xb- ( 294 ^
spoiled from its birth, originally bad. janmad ox
tfX^ j(ing, m. battle, war, combat, fight. janma-ddtd, a father, janam-din, ra. birthday, janam-
jang-azmuda, a veteran ; warlike, brave, jang-awar, rogi, valetu-dinarian. janma-sthdn, birthplace, native
a champion, a hero, jang-awardan, to fight, to stand land. ja?ima-ki!, m. Vishnu, the bolt or stay of life.
the brunt of battle, jang-jo, contentious, litigious. janam-Iagan, f. the moment of birth, horoscope, s.
jang ojadal, m. battle, conflict, brawl, squabble, alter-
cation, jangi zargari, a goldsmith's quarrel : the term \'A.^^ IJ^I'flT jatimana, a. to beget ; to make
is applied to a collusive dispute between two parties vegetate, s.
iu order to defraud a third, p.
jii\^y>- '^'mT^nx janmantar, m. regeneration,
JuJ^s- jaufjal, ni. verdigris (v. zangar). p. another birth, another state of existence, janman-
tartya, acquired in a former birth, s.
il/«lXj^ janga-mushti, f. boxing, p. h.
,J&ii^l»I»- ir^T^ jan7nandha, born blind, s.
l€^ jangah, f. the field of battle (q. d. ja7ig
gdli). p. [jured. s. (^■^J^ »T»*I*T janman, m. birth, janmin, an
animal, a living being, s.
C^»- aff^lT jungit, outcast, deserted, in- ^-!^J^ 'T'TTITT janamna, n. to be born. s.
\j^j^ vixn jangra, m. the haulm or stalk of y^y^^ ^T^fftW^ ja7imotsav, m. a festival
autumnal crops, h.
held on the anniversary of Krishna's birthday, s.

,Jxl>- '5T^^ jcf^O^h ^^}' desert, waste ; m. t^Parikshit,

tgt*^ '5T^»ni
s. janmejai, the son of raja
a forest, a wood, a jungle, jangal-hurl, f. act of clear-
ing woodlands, jangal pliirnd or -jdnd, n. (lit. to walk
in, or go to, the wood) ; to ease one's self. s. (^jis- Hiff{ janan, m. birth, production; fa-
mily, race. s. [delivered. «.
"^tjsf If^^jjangla, wild, untamed ; m. name
of a rdgini, or musical mode ; woody country, forest, s. ^-^ WI*nj«w?2a, n. to produce young, to be
&lxl»- jangla, a coppice or thicket; a kind of ^Jk>- IT'TWH janangam, m. a Chandal, a
flowered cloth ; a medley of tunes, s. a man of a degraded tribe, s.

\^^ »T^Qrt jangli, wild, savage ; a barba- ^jx:>- 1{T{7(\ janav'i, f. a mother, the actual
" mother of a child, in contradistinction to a stepmother;
"rian, boor, clown. jangU-dm, wild mango, jangll- tenderness, compassion, s.
bdddm, wild almond, jangli billl, f. a wild cat. jan-
gli piydz, sqmWs {Eri/thronium Indicum), jangli-champd,
the red jasmine, jangli singhard, m. hermodactyl. .!>- 'Snft jano, m. the brahraanical thread
javgU-sarv, wild cypress, jangli-kabud, the bustard. iy.janew); adv. like as, as. s. [port. i.
'jangU-kanwdr, hill aloe, jangli-kawwd, m. a raven. .?. ii^^i»- '^'t\^^\^ j<in-vud, m. news, rumour, rc-
rxi.». "STW'T jangam, m. a kind oi falir,
has matted hair, and rings a bell. h.
who U*»^y.»- l\^^{^Tn jarirvam, m. the place at the
bride's house
received, s. where the bridegroom and his train are
S^ "W^ jangam, removeable, moveable,
in motion ; a mendicant, s.
ijS^^yy»- jannm,i, a son-in-law. d.
^Cjo- ftif^ ji^9^th Bengal madder {Ruhia (^ycs- janub, m. the south, a.
manjith). s.
^J,yy»- januh'i (f. janubiya), southern, a.
\,^ris- if^ jangha, f. the thigh, the leg. s. ^ J&byk»- i\i\t^-^TT[!i janoddharan, m. fame,
glory, s. [a demoniac, a,
\\^t::>. •sr^jXJ janghara, the name of a large
and turbulent tribe of rdjputs. h, (j^irs- janun, m. madness, insanity, phrensy;
!l^Xjb- iT^cJT janghala, name of a rate or rj^j^ janon, probably, perhaps, d.
clause in a lease. /(.
^X^x>- jaTiuni, mfid, insane; passionate, a.
^^ jangi, m. a combatant, a warrior ; adj. .L>j>- ^{'J^^TX.junhd?', m. a kind of grain (com-
"of or relating to war, warlike, martial, military, quar- prising many species, of which Indian corn is one), h.
relsome, p.
jLJks- ifi^^TT. ja?ihdr, ^ man by man, every
Ai-lj;Cl:>- jang'iz J/han, n. the name of one of
those atrocious scourges of the human race, vulgarly
j_^-f'v..^is- tT^T? jan-hd,i,
called " renowned conquerors." He was of Tartar or
Moghul origin, and born in A.D. 1154. p. i^A.^^xs>- W'^T^ jun-hd,l, f. the moonlight, h.
(^^Ijjs-or '^'^^'Sf! javlok, m. one of the seven u^A>- 'STr^xrr junaaiya,
/o/fax divisions of the world: the region inhabited
by pious men after their decease, s. j.^ janhar, a branch of the Gujar tribe, h.
A»- afwr janam or jnnvia, ra. birth ; me- lJj^^ ^^^ jww/iri, f. a kind of grain, s.
* tempsychosis of the Hindus ; life, existence. Jan-
mdshtami, the eighth day of the dark half of Bhadra, ^x>-jinni or jinniy, a jinn, a demon or spirit, a.
being the anniversary of the birthday of Kri.shna.
janam-bhftm or jamna-bhTimi, &\iO janam bhum, f. birth- \»- If-^ jaTil, f a maid-servant; daughter-
place, jamna- or janam-patrl, f. horoscope, nativity. " in-law; a woman in general; a mother; birth, pro-
janwa-patrt k'l bidl/i. milna, to meet one's fate, to re- duction; (in Dakh.) a fainting fit to which lying-ia
ceive one's destined award, janara-jald, burned or women are subject, s.
^ ( 295 ) \yr
\ju>- 1^^ jam/a, f. the friend of a mother; ij}^ jaivabi, m. a respondent; a kind of
the relation or companion of a bride, a bridesmaid, s. bill of exchange the price of which is not paid till no
tice is received of the bills having been paid ; the cho-
CLaxJ^ janihat, a she camel entrusted to a rus, especially in repeating a mursiya or elegy, jawdbi
person to bring provisions on. a. sawdll, m. a mediator, an ambassador, an ageut, an
attorney, a.
C«Ju^ 1^^ jnnet,^ the company and atten-
dants at a wedding, s.
c— AuCLM^ janm-piathp, m. the China-rose. *.
)joc>- l{^T^jnnera, a tall species of millet, h. cl^Ls* wmz iu,at, 1
iLa:>- jnnela, a window, d. ::, "^ ■ ._ )■ m. a yoke. s.
^\^^ W^TZju,ath,J
Q^^Ok>- janin, foetus, embryo, a.
ii\^ jawwad, liberal, beneficent, a.
»jji:>. '^{^'^javc,o, janew or '^r\^ jane,u, m.
the brahmanical thread ; a flaw in a jewel, h. ii\y>- jaivad, m. civet ; probably a corruption
of the Arabic zubdd. d.
l.jki^- '5r^^ /fl7/ewa, f. the name of a fragrant
grass (rf(76-grass, Agrostis linearis), h. j\y>- jawar,m. neighbourhood, propinquity, a.
2UA»- '^'^janya, m. a father; the friend or jU^ Tft^K 70,a?' or sJTt./n'a?*, f. the name of
companion of a bridegroom, s. a grain, Indian corn {Holcus sorgum, sorgian vulgaris) ;
flood-tide; also jawdr. jo,dr-bdtd, the flood-tide and
eux>- jinriiya, a female jinrii, q.v. a. ebb-tide, jiiwdr or jawdr, a species of millet, jiiwdr,
m. large maize, h.
^ "^jo, if, that, as, when; rel. pron. who,
which, what, jo-jo, wnoever. _;o-c/J2, what, whatever,
or -soever, jo kiiclih, whatever or whatsoever, jo Ico.i, \J^^ '^'mX.ljff/rara, m. large maize, jan-ara,
m. Indian com ; as much land as can be ploughed by a
whoever, jo ki, though, although, whichever, h.
pair of bullocks, h.
^"^jau, if, that, when, jau-lon, as long as. h.
i^_yij\^ jaivaras, m.1 a stomachic medicine,
y>- jo or ju, a river, a brook, a rivixlet ; in
comp. seeking, as jang-jo, one who seeks battle or {^j\y>-
'awdrish jan-arish,
(q. v. ) a. p. f. j the Arabic form of
strife, p.

*>• "3^. 'T'^ or T«r jazi, m. barley (Horrfemn i^j^y>- W^T^ jri,ai'i, l{y{V^ jiiMrl.
hexastichon) ■. the measure of a barley-corn, equal to jiiwdrl.m. a gambler ; a thread stretched over orthe »mrt
six mustard-seeds ; the mark between the joints of the ol a musical instrument, beneath the cords, whereby
fingers, juu-jau hisub lend, a. to take a strict account. the sound is said to be improved, h.
jau-farosh i gandum-mimd, one who sells only barley,
while he exhibits wheat ; a cheat, a hypocrite, s. p. ^J^y>■l['^J'^jan'an,f. great millet (v.jajvar
and jdrl). h.
•>• '^ ; M (y-ji), lord! master! sir! h.
\^ tTTT jaji-a, m. a clove of garlic ; a kind j\^ jawaz, a wooden mortar; a sugar-mill ;
of stitch in needlework, jawe-ddr, sewed in a parti- an oil-mill. p. [priety, a.
cular manner ; (in Dakh.) a kind of grub or worm. /;.
"Sts^ jaivaz, m. permission, lawfulness, pro-
\y>-' l[m jawa, m. mark in the joints of the tJl^jl^s- jawaziyat, legality, allowability, a.
fingers ; name of a flower {Hibiscus rosa sinensis), s.
\ fy>' IT^ .;",a or inr juwa, m. a yoke of {„j**^y>- *m\«ja7i-ax, 1 m. a prickly bush on
a carriage or plough ; a die, dice ; a game, gambling.
ju,d khelnd, a. to play dice, to gamble. ju,e kJidna, a l«>^_j=>- li'^l'm jaRasa.J which cattle and ca-
mels browse, and of which tattls are made {His dys arum
gambling house. jH.e-bdz, a gambler, s. alhagi). s.
\y>- W^juva (for^TyJiya), young, a young
man, or one of the virile age. s. j^'i\^ "W^WJK jawcih]iar,\\dime of a medi-
cine ;an impure species of saltpetre, s.
iw^U:>- jairah, m. an answer, any thing an-
swering to another jaivabi bd sawab.m. a proper an- \J^^ jarvTval, one who travels about much.
swer ;an answer full of sound sense, jawdb bald, a jiwdl (pi. of Jul), walls or parapets (of wells), a.
kind of benediction (i. e. may your advice prevail).
jawub-ddr or jawdb-dih, a respondent or surety; adj. jj^^ juival, a bag, sack ; the halfofa (horse)
responsible, accountable, amenable, jawdb dend, a. to load ; the human body ; deceit, fraud, p.
be accountable for, to be amenable or responsible, to
reply ; to discharge, to dismiss one from his oflSce (in ^Ijjs- iJT^ jivala, f. flame, fire, jwala-jihva,
Bengal the English language has been enriched with flame-tongued, a name of Agni, or fire. s.
an additional verb from this source ; hence, when a
lady rejects a swain
inconsolable gentleman's matrimonial
is said to overtures, the'
have been yawaierf). ja- ^)\^ ^I^^T jairaJa, m. grain mi.^ed wilh
barley, as food for cattle, s.
wdb sawdl, (corruptedl}' jdb-sdl), m. altercation, con-
versation, jawdb satvdll, ra. replj', rejoinder, jawdbi
leaf I, m. a definitive answer, jawdb ndma, m. a writ- ,^^'ili\y»' ^^l^T^ jn-ala-nu(}{h, 1 f. a vol-
ing fixed to the winding-sheet, on the breast of a good
Musalman deceased, which it is intended that Munkir ^^Xo^'^ H^'^JJ^WiJirald-muhhi,) cano, a
and Nakir (q. v.) should read, in case the poor soul
should be too much flurried to answer their questions. ' place where inflammable
soil ; especially gases to
one near Balkh, break forth
wliich from the
raddi jawdb or jawdbu-l-jawdb, m. reply, rejoinder, a.
are made from Hindust.'m. s.
I ( 296 )

ij^^ »l«fl<j0 jawali, f. mixed wheat ; gram

"mixed with barley as food for cattle, h.
^^»fhn ,7*0^5, 1 m. a ploughman, a hus-
jbcs-iTlrtn. jotdr, > bandman, a cultivator
y)y>- jawan, young, youthful ; m. a youth,
lad, man, adult, jawan-bakht, of blooming prospects. U>^ "sftfjrm jofiya,) of land, tilling his own
jaivan^an or -pana, m. youth, jawani salih, m. a fine ground, s.
j'outh. — N. B. The term jawan agrees more nearly
with theLatiu "juvenis" than with our word "youth."/). ^j^'^yr \t\<^C jtit-khora, lone who
ul^ nHm«TT J?wa«a, a. (v.jimana) to cause ^j^ij^^
to live, to vivify, to feed, to foster, s. beaten with "»J^ti»nsf\c jutan-hhpraj
slippers ; adj. has been
infamous, degraded, h.

\.ljy<>(i\^ JaTvana-marg,f. death in the bloom {J^yr '^^'^ jawatrl, f. mace; the nutmeg, s.
of youth, jawdna-marg mama, n. to die prematurely, p. i^yr no»ftf^ joti-''h, m. astrology, astro-
my, s.
^^IJi^ jawanan, (Pers. pi.) youths, young
men, heroes, p. [cally. p.
{^J^yf '^^^^an jothhl,
an astrologer, astronomer,relating
s. to astrology;
K>^\y>' jarvanana, bravely, gallantly, heroi-
\u^]y>- jawansa, m. {y.jawasa). s. }yr 'i^rt'* jaxitiih (v. yautuTi), a nup-
tial present, dower.
^'yr '^4\±i.jan'aiikur, m. the young shoots
of barley presented by Brahmans to their disciples at ^•^yr '^fW3S joiih, "|m. astrology, astro-
the feast of Nauratr. s.
'^y?- »ftfw^ jotikhj nomy. jotik-bidya,
i>j^\y>- jawan-mard, brave, generous, manly; the astronomical (or rather astrological) science, t.
m. a fine young fellow, a brave fellow, a hero. p.
ji^i^ ~^^n<-"*l<i
pers ;infamous jut-khora, beaten with slip-
(v. jut-khora).
(ji^jj\^ jarmn-viardi, f. generosity, manli-
ness, heroism, p,
,_j^G^ Wl ^n h\fi jotikhi,
jotikfn,^\\ m . an astrologer,
^^^^ jarvani, f. youth, adolescence ; season
of youth : the term is nearly equivalent to what we f^yr »nfire|i^ joHld,
jotihi, JJ an astronomer. .?.
call, "coming of age ". p. [ajwaen). s. {J^yr ^HH\<i\ jotman, splendid, bright, s.
(j,^y^ ^4\^'\ jarvani, f. a plant (Ligusticum {^yr M\t{^ jotan, m. ploughing; a plough-
man, s. [till. $.
(j,^y^ jarvani, f. a daughter's husband, d.
Jt>\^ jawahir, m. a jewel, essence, gem: it UJ^ 'SftTnTT jotna, a. to yoke ; to plough,
is, strictly speaking, the plural of jauhar, but in the
f^y>- ini or TT^jiith, ra. a flock, herd ; a mul-
Hindustani it is used singular!}'; hence the extra pi. titude of birds ; a company {v.jatha). s.
form jawdhirdt, jewels, gems, Stc. a.

ioli-jit'^ jawahir-khana, the jewel office, a jJl^j>- '5nn^ juthali, also jutheli, land
storehouse for jewels, a.p. [jewels, a. p. " bearing two harvests annually. /;.

jUOjJb'^ jarvahir-nigar, ornamented with J y^y^ ses e'Sfmr

d in common, j?l^/t/i"ay,
h. corporate, joint, pos-
fj:Jt\y*- jawahiri, a jeweller,dealer in jewels, a.
ir^yr ''^ jutlii, f a sort of jasmine (^Jas-
t5-^ij>- 'iT^\^ja.wa,l, m. a son-in-law. s. " miniim auriculatum). s.

^^>^ "^^Ajohan or i^w{jauban, m. youth, ij,y>- W^ jutl, f. a shoe, a slipper, juil-khor,

puberty; (met) breast, bubby. jobati-watt or -matt, beaten with slippers ; mean, abject, juti-paizar, f. a
adj. f. at the age of puberty, fit to be married, s. scuffle, jutl-kdrl or jiiti-mdr, act of beating with
^m^y>- 11^ jyp, m. a sacrificial post to which slippers, h.
the victim is bound ; a trophy ; a column erected in ij)yr *ftfft jotl, f. the string which suspends
honour of a victory, s. the scale of a balance ; the string which goes round
the neck of a bullock to fasten the yoke. h.
J^)j»- 4l<4l{ic^ jau-phal, m. a medicinal plant
{Wrightea antidysenterica). s.
f^^»- "^rmrtorT^mrijuvatlyf. a young woman,
O^ ^Kjot, f. cultivation, cultivated land ; one from sixteen to thirty ; a damsel, s.
tenure of a cultivator, also rent paid by the culti-
vator, jot-ddr, a husbandman, one wno has a tenure, h. VjO^ \i\CAH}jotiyd, a ploughman (see jo^a). A.

C^yr '^^ jot or »ftf(Tjo<^ {ior jyoti), f. bril- Jlx>^

located jMi/cil, a class
in the tract of hereditary
under the Siwalik
liancy, lustre; the sunbeams; the flame of a candle or
hills, h. [in the course of one year. h.
lamp ; vision, jot-man, luminous, bright, joti-sarup,
luminous (an epithet of God), s.
^\^y>- sffiTlri jutiyan, land bearing two croj)s
\ijs»- "^Tn jota, the point of the beam of the
plough on which the drag rests, h.
self-resplendent, *!!< (t^ijoti-swa
ijiy ^ anfri epithet /"wp ,1s,u m in o u s,
of the Deity,
Oy^- ^fn juta, m. a shoe, a slipper : collec-
tively, it means the " pair of rfioes " or slippers : it cL>^ "^^ jot, m. a fellow, peer, one of a
alec denotes the rope connecting the irrigating basket pair, a match ; equal, even, not odd. jot bandhnd, m.
with the handle, h. to pair. h.
( 297 )

C^^ ^ pit, m. the matted hair of Shiva ; i^j^

the clotted hair of an ascetic, s. hara, a"Tls'i./ora?;,
joiner, h. m. solder; rennet, joran-

^y^y>■ '^{fzm^h. jutiyal (v. harrva,eli), a kind

of watchman, ^jy>- 'TfT^TT jornd, a. to join, to mend, to
patch ; to add together ; to reckon, to add up ; to get
or rather to save and scrape a fortune, &c., to fabricate,
fj>-^ »ft3r7 or '^m'^jojnn (for yojaii), m. a to cement, It.to solder, to unite, to tie, to invent, to
measure of four kos ; joining, union ; the Supreme
Being, the soul of the world. *.
(jljj^ jorirdn, f. a companion, helpmate.con-
U^»-^ Wi^yHjujhna, n. to fight; to be killed sort, wife. d. [pond. s.
in battle, jujh-marna, to die fighting, s.
<^J^ »ris1 jon, f a pair, a couple; a small
iS^j>- '»n"'«l •fl ja u-cha lii, f. a mixed crop of
" barley and chana. h. [beneficence, a. Lfj'yr "^T^ j^r^, f» an ague; a small bundle
of sugar-cane (v. Wilson's Glossary), h.
dy>- jud,m. a present, liberality, munificence,
ijy^.jyr 1 s1*i k1 jurvnciri, f. land in actual
d^«>^ jaudat, f.ingenuity,intelligence,quick- possession, h.
ness of apprehension, benignity, a.
jy^ .7"^~> Tn. a nut; nutmeg, jauzu-l-miiml,
U&(>^ af^ or Tft^ jodd/id, m. a warrior, a the thorn-apple, a. [Orion, a.
hero, a brave fellow, s. [ry. s.
l)^ jnn~d, m. the sign Gemini; also
^^^.Ifcii^ "iTlVIM H jodJi apan, m . heroism, brave- {^y*^ "5nTor'^^72ls,m. broth (La t.;«s), pease-
i^^y>- sfhR or tt1>R jodhan, ra. fighting, soup, boiled.
been pease-porridge ; the water in which pulse has
battle. *.

(^^yf- ^^t>f\jodhi, m. a warrior, s. J^j»- jattsah, a palace ; a lofty edifice, a.

jy*- ja.ur,m. violence, oppression, jaur-pesha, (_^^ Wt^ijosi or'^t^josht, m. an astrologer,
an oppressor, a tyrant, a. "an astronomer, s. [Hindus, h.

jf>- ^ST.jn:ar, m. a fever, jyvai'-na^hnk, anti- ^_^y^ in^ josi, m. the name of a tribe of
febrile, febrifuge, s. [<^cgo esculenta). s. D**y^ josh, m. heat ; ebullition ; passion ;
lust. iosh-l(harosli, m. anger, passion, rage. ios)ii Ihun.
l^'.^ "^TX^'iJ j irarapaha, f. a plant (3Iedi- m. ebullition of the blood (the name of a disease), p.

_\j^ ^^T»T or ^-^JX^jiiva-raj, m. a king's

son, the heir apparent, appointed to the empire. *.
(,j»>^ "^mjush, broth (^seejus). s.
^^y^^ joshctn, boiling, foaming (as waves).p.
aa»-ij»». 'H^mttf juva-7-aj)/a, m. the dignity of 2Ail-i*^ joshdnda, m. a decoction, p.
heir apparent and associate in the throne, s,

^\j^ a^^lfM jn-aragni, m. feverish heat, iJL*i*>y>- '^tfWifjoshit, f. a woman, s.

the hot parox_vsm of fever, s. ^jij-j»*- joshish, f. heat, ebullition ; violent
desire, fervour, emotion, p. [mail. p.
j.^ sft^./o/ii, f. a wife, a woman, h.
i^j^y>- jnimJian, m. a cuirass, armour, coat of
y^jy^ W^ jn'ari, febrile, feverish. 5.
^y^ »ft3 jor, m. junction, connexion; joints, tj**^ "riWI joshi, m. an astrologer, a low
joining, a patch, a seam, society, jor-dena, a. to cast "caste of Brahmans employed in casting nativities, s.
up, to add the sum. jor-tor, m. contrivance, mecha- ^^\XMiy>- joslndan, to boil, to foam ; met. to
nism, joining, jor-jar, m. savings, collecting by small be enraged, p.
quantities, scraping together, h.
cff ju', f. hunger, appetite, juu-l-bahar or
'jy>- W^ jur, cold ; m. coldness, the cold, h, ju'u-l-kalb, voracious, gluttonous, a.
\jy>- WT[jura, m. cold ; the hair done up in a (__9^ jdiif. m. the interior cavify (of any
knot behind ; the hinder part of a turban ; a rope of
grass {v.jrnia). h. thing ; hence a drum called miijawwaf). a.

\'jy>- »ft^,;om,m. joining, connexion; a pair, ^^ janh, m. a troop or body of men. jauhi
a couple ; a pair of shoes ; a suit (of clothes) ; alchymy ; jattJc, in troops, a.
a rope of twisted grass made to support a round-bot-
tomed jar. k. Ld)»»- "^^ jok, f. a leech, v.jonk. s.
\j^ {'^4i\ jivrd, ^y>- TfoSJ jukd, f a louse, s.
beloved ; annual wagesm.to life, soul; &c.sweetheart,
washermen, k.
^yf jokfid (Jot johhnd), to weigh, d.
(^^V-»». »f^31^ jord,t, f. the act or profession i,^^y>- jau-hob, half-pounded, coarsely
of joining, &c. ; price of joining, h. ground (q. d. reduced to particles like barleycorns), p.

ijfj'y^ '^tJK^jorti, f. calculation, reckoning, h.

4$"^ l^^johh, f weight, weighing, h.
fJ'jJy^ Jor-z/ar^i, f. a companion, consort; .1^^ xr^^JX javakhdr, m. saltpetre, nitre,
wife. d.
nitrate of potash, s.
udJ, ( a)8 ;

jokha,h f. a weighman's bijs- "^ifnm jogiy a, m. name of a colour; f.

perquisite, aft^T^
iJ^\^^ h. the name of a rag'mi or musical mode ; a kind GA
*A^*s- "^W^jokhim, f. a risk, venture, peril, pigeon, h. u^
achievement, enterprise, jokhim uthdnd, n.to run the
hazard, to venture, h. \'i^yr ^VttTTT jogyata, f. fitness, ability. .<;.
y^^s>- ^^^T['W^ jogeRar,~\m. a devotee, an
tg-^yr "^fwfi jokhiml, m. one who risks, h.
\j^y>- "^WiUjohhna, a. to weigh, h. ;JLi^y>- l^n'^ jogesh, J adorer, s.
^.^»!> iftyY johhon, f. a risk, venture; .yL^y- "^TX^x. anjogeshwar,
Shiva; a devotee, m. a s.name of
adorer ; a magician,
danger, harm, damage, h.
ijjy*- *ftTT or ^^ jog, m. junction, union, s^y>' "^TTf or "^t^jogya, accomplished, fit,
capable, s.
meeting ; fitting ; a fortunate moment, opportunity ;
penance, devotion ; spiritual worship, or union with
the Supreme Being by means of abstract contempla- Uj*- W^ j'>i''0-l, m. flame, blaze, light, s.
tion certain
; divisions of a great circle, measured upon
the ecliptic (see Asiat. Res. vol. ix. p. HGS) ; propriety, ijy if^ Jul, 1m. guile, fraud, deceit, jold
fitness; adj. possible, capable, fit. In comp. it answers
to our termination able, in the sense of fitness, as bar- '^y afl^jl Jold,) dend, a. to deceive, jold
OTJuld, a land measure of sixteen blsis. h.
jog, marriageable (lit. fit for a husband), s.

i^y>- WtT jo(7, the name of the person upon i^y^ jauldn, moving, Springing, wandering.
whom a draft or bill of exchange is dravra. h. jaulan-gdh, f. a place for (militarj') exercise, a play-
ground, jauldn-gari, f. galloping fast, fleetness. p.
\^y>- -i^mjogd (for yogya), fit, proper, able,
capable, adequate, advisable, apposite, s. ' ^2yiy^ jnn-dldn, walking round; motion,
agitation, a.
jv»UAjl^y>- ^iW^^W^ jogahhyas, m. life and
practice of a devotee, penance, austerity, s. ijf'^y- joldni, f. strength of mind (or body),
quickness of apprehension ; fleetness. p.
f^j*M^y>- Ti\T\\m\ jogdsan, m. the position in
which the devotee
meditation, s. sits to perform the^'oo- or religious i*!sy^ joldh, also juldha, juldhty and jula,i,
a weaver (v. juldh). [fire. «.
cLa^y>. ijlJiMg jog-patt, m. a cloth drawn lHaHo- Sjfcjrt j/valit, burnt, consumed by
round the lower extremities of a squatting ascetic, s.

\Z^^s>- WTttjugaf^f. manner, mode; skill, Oo»»- 5fc:J't*| jivalkd, f. flame. 5.

cleverness ; a pun, or double nieaning. jugat-bdz, a ^^J^yr 'O^T jau-lag (for jab-lag), until,
punster, or rather one who is lond of uttering double as long as. /(. [or fire. s.
meanings, _;■«ga^6o^^, punning, s.p.
^•jsr "^^IfT jogta (for ?/o,7?/afa),f.suitableness, ^^y^ W^"^ jffcilan, burning, blazing; Agni
capability, ability, fitness, s. [&c. /(. 8^y>- »n^T jola or jula, a tract of land con-
taining sixteen blsls. h.
(^yr ^if^jugatl (v. jugaft), artful, clever,
x(tT{Mn,'m s.jog-sevd, f. practising reli-
Vy^y*-gious abstractio ilyT" "^t^jol'i, m.acompanion,a playfellow, h.
iSj^y>' jolida, scattered, confused, p.
\>\Jy>- W^Tmim or ^TTHTm jog-maya, f. a
deceptive power which jog i.? are supposed to possess, a dJit>J>jcy>- T(^WVCl jau-madhya, m. a form of pe-
power of assuming various forms, s, nance, diminishing the food daily during the dark fort-
night.fasting on the new moon, and gradually augment-
ing the food till the full moon. f.
^yr '^fWf\jogin, f. a female (ofC»^«jo^i,
devotee, s.
ascita). s.

eiJ.U^*»- t^^jfr^ jognavik,m. a fish {Silu- i^y^ »rf joi'i, as, when, jon-ton, as before,
" in statu quo ;" in some way. jon ton karke, in any
way, by any means, as it could be done, jon kd ton,
^.^^ify*- ^^f'^'^ jog-nidra, f. light sleep, unaltered, "in statu quo." h.
wakefulness. .■!.
i^y- at jun, f. a louse, jun-munhd, smooth-
^yr ift^H^ jogni or "sftfJIrT^, '^n^joginl,
" f. a class of female deities attendant on the goddess
faced, hypocritical (lit. with a small mouth), h.
bebl, a female fiend or sprite ; in astrology, spirits
governing periods of good and ill luck. s. ^y>- '^t^jaun, (rel.pro.) he \vho,that which, h.
^\J^^ ^TRT^ jog-vdhi, m. a menstruum (j^ »niiw?i or "^t^jaun, m. time. h.
" or medium ^y>- tR*T or T^'^^'^jaran (for yarana), m. a
silver, .s. for mixing medicines ; f. alkali ; quick- Greek, or a Musalman ; the country Ionia or Greece ;
a courser, a fleet horse, s.
^yr "^tnt or "^h^jogt, m. a Hindu ascetic;
"a magician, a conjuror ; a caste of Hindus who are ^y>- W^ jon or sftftr, 'ftftr joni, m. f. pn-
commonly weavers. (The people of this caste do not dendum mulieris. jaun, ra. jaimi, f. belonging to the
burn, but bury their dead, and the women are some- womb or place of origin, uterine ; connected by fe
male alliance, s.
times buried alive with their husband's corpse), s.
u^ C 299 )
u^ IpTT jwm, m. a rope of prass; a ring of ^-^h^^ janharat (pi. o{ jauhar), gems,
jewels, &c. a.
twisted (^rass laid under a round-bottomed jar to pre-
vent itfrom oversetting, h.
i^jSjby^ jauharifard, m. an indivisible atom ;
(met.) a person unrivalled or unequalled, a.
jU^ ~^t\\i^ jaunar, f.s. a feast, entertainment;
land ready for the seed.
^j^3^ jauhai-i,
adj. essential, a.
m. a jeweller, a lapidary ;
(jl3^ 5rn^T55 .;«?/?««/, land in constant cul-
tivation, or cultivated alternately for spring and
autumn crops, h. J^J^ ^^.pihar or »fh5j ;o/mr, m. pits filled
with water at the bottom of mountains ; a large pond
i^Jjj^ jauntari, mace (spice so called), d. or lake. h. [for. /,.

^^^y>■ 5iff-«0 jaunchi, a kind of disease in ^^ ^^^"^ johna, a. to expect, to look out
" barley or wheat, the ears producing no grain, h.
{^y^ 'J^iS/iij f. jasmine (Jasminum auri-
iJj^yf »m!3T^ jaundri,^ f. the name of a ■■;i//a<(<?n); a kind of fireworks. *. \_puts, h.
ijSiy>- "^1^ jaundi, > grain (ju,a7- or ^^ 'ftf^T johiya, name of a tribe of raj-

{jj>fr "^"^{^ junri, J jo,ar, Holcush. {J^^ WN jo,e ovjoya, f. a wife, s,

sorgiim). h. [vants in kind.
{j^y=r jo,e or ju,e, f. a rivulet, a brook, p.
^y^ 'Sn^ jaurlra, payment of village ser- (_?^^>- l^ju,z, an insect destructive to certain
Ui*^ V^*" HrCT >^T^ jaunra-hhaimrd, in. re- crops, h.
tirement, privacy. \.
V^ j^y^, 1 one who searches for ; an
ijjjy>- 'Sn'oir jottk, f. a leech. jo7ik lagana, ^jV.^?- joydn, > inquirer ; a seeker, joyanda
a. to apply leeches, s. [means, h.
IS^i^^joyanda,] ydhando, lit. the seeker (is
S>yf 'fNf^ jonkar, in any way, by any a) finder, i.e. search and you shall find. p. \_ju,d). s.p.

liisi^:». '^Wmjaunkna,d,. to rail, to scold, h. jljLj^ ju,e-bdz, a dice player, a gambler (v.
ullCJj>. »f^oir jongak, m. aloe wood or
agallochum. h. ^jSx>y>- jOfidan, to seek, to search, p.
(^.y^ jauwin, made of barley (bread), p.
lL^(0^ TflffffQ5^.;om-Zin<7, m. the clitoris, s.
^»- ^jha, the aspirate form of ^ "^jo. s.h.
I**»l3jj^ iflfrfUnn /ow^-wasa, f. the upper part
of the vulva, or the union of the labia, s. V^resemble
"^^joJid, f. the
a plant,
those of kadamb. thes. flowers of which
when. h.irt"^' joninn, as soon as, the moment bl^ WJi'Wlj/idhd, m. a leathern pot for mea-
suring oil, g}it, &c. h.
{**.->j^y>- ^r^^I jonyarsa, m. an affection of
the vulva, menorrhagia or prolapsus uteri, s. t^l^>- W^T.j/tabar, f. marshy land on which
water lies, and which produces rice. h.
\j^ li^ juna, m. a yoke. s.
(--'l^ jlidp (for jhdnj)), a matted shutter, h.
C->j^>- '^'mifjowat,
oi juwanaun). h. looking,seeing(pres.part.
bl^>- VRJtn jhdpd, m. a narrow-mouthed
basket, h.
liL?^ ^^^j/a?/?;aw,m. youth, manhood, jau-
van-darp. m. pride of youth, rashness, conceit, jauvan- \s>\^ jliapnd (for jhdnp7ia), to cover, &c. h.
dasd, i. the period of youth, jauvan-wdii, m., jaiwan-
vat'i, f. youthful, s. [see. /(. C^V^ ji/idf, duties on manufactures, a.

(J^JJ^ Tft^^f.yo«^'a?««w?z (Braj.), to look, to Cijl^ WrS jhdf, m. an arbour, a bower, a

place overgrown with creepers, a thicket, s.
ly^ l{^ juk, m. a yoke. s.
lfc»»- flTdfTj/f/^a, f. tongue (seejihva). s. \j'l^ *Rj31,y7/a.?a, f. jasmine, s.
j^y>- jauhar, m. a gem, jewel, pearl ; bright, Kjo'I^s-
s. f.a plant (^Flacourtia
glittering ; skill, knowledge ; matter, substance, essence
(distinguished from accident) ; virtue, worth, merit ; -.\^ jahaj (for jahdz), a ship. a.
blackish marks in the steel of well-tempered scimitars.
jauhar-ddr, a scimitar marked vi\\hjauliar. a. l^»-l^»- WpiWajhajha, m. an intoxicating mix-
J&»>. johar or juhar, name given to an act ture, made with bhang or hemp. h.
of desperation peculiar to the Hindiis. When in a .^a-l^ ^WTCjhdjhar, m. cymbals or bells
siege the men find themselves unable to resist their for the ankles, s. [grow, h
assailants, as a last resource they destroy all their
wives and children within the place ; then, sword in
til^s- VfiJ5 jhdd, land on vvhich jungly bushes
hand, they desperately meet the foe, and fight to the
last. johar-Ic, a. to kill one's self, to commit suicide, p. d{^ jihad, m. war (especially that which is
waged by Musalmans against infidels or idolaters). A
;>ys. -^t^l^ johar, a large pond or lake; in-
undated land. h.
(il^ jhdd, (in Dakh.) a tree in general, d.
( 300 ) ^
\3[^ mjlJjfiadd, land which remains under ^^
ranee, johdlat,
a. f. brutality, barbarism, igno
water during the rains; a swamp, h.

J^ ^'^y^Jitftar, -
f. Hindu ^*salutation, obei- y^=" ^lJiJ^SJ.jhdlar, f. a fringe, jhdlar-ddr,
sance, h. having a fringe, mounted with a fringe h.

(Jj^ W^jfiaii, m. a pitcher with a long 1/^^ ^^T.ljhdl) d,m. a spring (of water). /<.
neck and a spout to it, an ewer ; (for jhari) forest,
wood, underwood, k.
•-£r''6?' Wf^V^jhdlri, f. cymbals, h.
j^ ^fjfiar, in. bushes, brambles, bush, ^^^ *R.lc?1T.;/m/rta, a. to season (pickles);
shrub, underwood ; a kind of fireworks ; a lustre or to polish, to clean (plate) ; to solder, h.
chandelier, tlie same as pan-shakha, q. v. ; a purge;
continued rain, jhiir bandlmd, to rain without ceasing.
jhar-pahdr, digression, jhar-phunk. f. juggling, con- (•^r?- *KJ^ jlinm, a large instrument in the
shape of a hoc used for excavating earth in well-sink-
juring, hocus pocus (particularly to cure the bite of a ^^S- ''• [burnt to cinder, h.
snake or a disease), jhar-jhatak, f. swee-pmg. jhar-jhan-
khdr, m. brambles a purge, jhar-jhur, f. sweepings ; ^^4?" ^^fiJ^^ jhdmd, m. pumice-stone, bricks
perquisites ; a thicket, jhdr-ka-namak, potass, impure
carbonate of potass, jhdr-khand, full of brambles, &c. j^-^ ^ffiP^T. jhdmai^ m. a small whetstone,
used chiefly by housewifes for sharpening their spin-
jhdr ; the forest the southern
general ; 'as•' In
a tree ofin Baijnath. India
words darakht, dles, needles, &c. s. [fied brick, s.
per, gdchh, &c. do in the north" — (Binning), h.
*-^^^4?' *?y "* jhdmak, m. a burnt or vitri-
|j'^*- 'Wpjfio.rd, m. a stool, purge, jhdrd-
jhapfe-jdnd, n. to go to the necessary. jhdrd-Jhapid Ut?" ./"/'«'«, m. the world, jahdn juhdn,
lena, a. to search. dukdn-jlidrd,m. sweeping of a much, many, jahdn-djirin, the creator of the world.
(druggist's) shop, compound medicine, jhdrd phinid jahdn-hdn, a sovereign, jahdn-bhi, world-seeing, the
OT jhdra jhutkd phirnd, a. to walk among the bushes, Almighty ; a traveller, jahdn-paridh, asylum of the
which means to go to the necessary, jhafd dend, n. to
submit to search, h. world, (addressed to kings) your majesty, sire, jahdn-
/<56, warming the world (the sun). Ja//on-«o^, world-
inflaming, jahdn-gir, world-grasping; name of a
^r>j^ ^'^\^1jfidr-dend, ^a. to sweep Great Mogul, the contemporary of James the First.
uJl jjl^ VfjJ d S I^^jfi ar-ddln a, J out or away, jahdn-ddr, ruler of the world, world-possessor, a king.
to brush, to clear away. h. jahdn-ddri, f sovereign power, jahdti-dlda, one who
has seen the world, experienced, jahdn-gard, m. a
&c.). p. jahdn-vumd, world-exhibiting (a lofty tower,
•^^^j ■4?' *KTf^?!3 jhar-khandf adj. bushy ;
m. a forest, the forest oi Baijnath. s.

i:i!p^ *K.TT^ jhdran, f. sweepings ; a coarse cr^V?"

'T?T.;«/'<7rt, where, wheresoever, in the
which, jahdn tahdh, wherever, where, there
cloth for wiping furniture, a dishclout. h. here and tliero. jahdn tahdn phimd, n. to straggle, to
wander, jahdn-jah'in, wherever, jahdii kd tahdn
v3j"l^ 'Sfiysm jhdrnd, a. to sweep, to brush, to everywhere, in the iiine place as before, jahdn kahin,
shift, to clean ; to strain, knock off, dash, flap ; to strike wherever, jahdn tak, as far as. jahdii se, whence h.
fire (as with a flint), to beat (bushes Stc). jlidr-pacfihor-
kar dekhnd, to test, try, examine, jliariid pinlnkiid, to «--ol^ ^i^ j/idinp, m. a matted slintter ;
exorcise, to repeat spells, jhdr dead, a. to brush, to (in Dakh.) a large cage or inclosure of wicker-work
clear away, jhdr ddlud, to sweep out or away. h. for keeping fowls, &c. s.

•"^ij"^^ ^istt jhdr ant, entirely, h. vi^^l^s- ^'t'tfj Jhdmpnd,a. to cover, to shut. h.
3j^^ VBT? j//tar«, m. f. a broom, a sweeper t-Sol^s- W!Z jhdnt, f. the hair of the private
by caste and occupation; a comet, j'dru-kash or
-barddr, m. a sweeper ; the caste of Midi khor, q. v. h. parts ; puhcs. h.
r^\^ ni^WjI'aiijh, f. anger, passion, pet,
C5j'^»- wood,
SKJ^ jf'dn,
brushwood, f. forest,
bush, brake, shrub. wood,
It. under- rage; stillness, dreariness; impatience (in a horse
expecting his corn), h.
JV?" jahdz, m. a sliip; the tree of a camel's ^ail^s- ^^y^jhnnjh, f. cymbals, s.
saddle ; a portion in the disposal of the wife ; funeral
apparatus ; vulva, pudenda mulieris. jahdz par, aboard.
jahdz-shikam, f. shipwreck, a. ^^[^ ^mjjlidnjhd, m. the name of an in-
sect, caterpillar, cabbage-worm, li,
(Jj^T- jahdzi, m. a sailor; f a kind of sci-
mitar; adj. naval, nautical, a. <JL*^\^ «fi.i*R7 jhdnjhat, m. wrangling,
squabbling, quarrelling, s.
^J^\^». WiW^jhdka?l, |f. a kind of milk-
^_^sil^ VKJ*^ j/idtijhi, f. a kind of play
{^j^l^s* HiJW^jhdkan,} pail. h. " (children in the month of dsin go about at night, danc-
ing, begging, and carrying on their heads earthen
^^*^ WP\ jhdg, m. foam, froth (of the pots perforated on all sides, within which lamps are
ocean), scum. h. kept burning), h. [rious. h,

J^s- ^"^jhdl, m. sharpness, heat, fieryness U^sil^*. ^Hrf^'fiOT jhdnjinyd, passionate, fu-
(as of pepper) ; acrimony ; a large basket ; joining or
soldering of metals, h. ^Si\^ jahdndan, to cause to leap ; to urge
on (a horse), p. [eagernese. h,
u\»- juhkul (|)1. of ij^^)) ignorant (peo-
ple), fools, simpletons, a. l-«Jl^»- *l^^ jhd/isd, m. love, lust, desire;
^ ( 301 ) iJIaAs

„ l^i?- VIriNRT j/'o«s«a, a. to debauch, to L--^?- Wfjhap, a trice, quick ; quickly. jAap-
seduce, to wlieedle, to coax ; to be inclined, to be agog, jhap-khdnd, n. to be overset (a paper kite
to be intent or set on, to covet, s. in quickly,
'sc, Hying), h.

cIjIm^ fl5?n7 jhapdt, f. quickness, h.

_j— il^ ^■^jliansu,m. a flatterer, a seducer, h.
&^[^:>- ^ITil jli ansa or jhansd, m. an assess- " hurry. /(. «E?TR»?ft jhnjid-jhajn, f. haste,
ment formed by general estimate without regular j^^^U^
data. h. [deer, tlock of birds, &c. h.
;^_^L^ WPJT( jhapas, f. a shower, h.
diV-^^ W^jhanh, f. a peep; m. a herd of
{x^\x^ dulentW^Tf^f l:^^jhapds^l/a, deceitful, frau-
ijjul^ W^-TH^ jahanah, m. s. the period of the , h.
on of the world,
total destructi

jhanha-jhonlfi, U\jk^ WJlTmjhapcmd, n. to take a nap. h.

^.^s-KJl^s- *KJ^{nV!6f^
'^f. p'eeping. li. [underwood, li. cLa4» WPlZJhnpat, f. a snatch, a spring (as
of a tiger). _;Vja;w.«- ^ena, a. to snatch, to seize, h.
J^jl^s-^^ ///a/;/.-«r, ra. bushes, brambles,
Wjr^ jhapattd, m. assault, sudden
UCl^s- -s^-^yjhankna, a. to peep, to spy. h. attack ; the spring of a tiger ; a snatch, jhapattd mdrnd,
a. to snatch, h.
of deer. h.
^\^ wm jhanhh, m. a kind
jCJI^s- VRTTft jhahgi, a kind of bramble UJL^ Vfi?T7«lT jhapatnd, n. to snatch, to
"and brushwood, h- spring, to attack suddenly, to pounce upon, to fly at. h.

j^\=r jahan-fjir, (lit.) the seizer of the til^ WJT^jhapak, f. act of fanning, wink
ing, &c. h.
" world'; (met.) a sovereign; alsosuccessor
the son and of one of
the nameot Akbar. p.
the Great Moguls,
^^ WJl^jhapkd, m. a snatch, spring (v.
^jjL>^^^ jahaii-fjiri, f. the name of a sort jhapkT), a pufF or gust of wind. a.
"of y, t:p. adj. of or
relating to Jahangir; royal,
twinkle,- ^TJiWm
\3Kji4s h.
J jhapkand, a. to wink, to

^yl^ Vfjj^T jhanwa, |m. pumice-stone ;

VjjC^ »R?T3pn jhapakna, n. to fan, to move
Uil^s- 5. jhahwa h,) bricks burnt to wink. h. (a fan) ; to spring (as a tiger) ; to snatch ; to
cinders. to"and fro

lyl^ ^fij^RJ jhamvra, black, dusky, h. ^i^ss. WJ^jfiophi, f. a snatch, a spring (as
"of a tiger), drowsiness, wink, twinkle, h.
iyl^j^ m^W^ jhahivh, f. a wink, coquetry ;
"hot wind, jhanwl't-bdz, a coquette, jhdnwll lend, a. rinse, - h. VRrq^^ jhapldna, a. to wash, to
to ogle. h.

Jl^s- jahani, worldly, a human being, p. iJL^M^ jhapet, ^Dakhani forms of j/ia/?a?,
[jjuj^jhajjetnd,} &c. q.v. d.
Vjjl.^ people,
" worldly p. , pi. mortals, creatures,
(JU^ jihat, f. account, cause, reason ; side,
^vijJVij^ jahamdan, to impel, to cause to leap, surface, form, manner, mode. a.
to put to the gallop (a horse), p.
^JU^WZJhat, quick, quickness, jhnt-se or
.A^ Wj:^jlia,u or W^jliawu, m. name of j/ifl^a/, quickly, hastily, s. [bush. «.
the tamarisk-tree, called also in Persian shora-gaz,
from Its growing in marshy ground {Tamarix Indica or ^^s- f^jhati, m. a small tree, a shrub, a
Divica), (.in Arabic) asl. s.
(j>jI% =- ^H7TOj/ifl/as,m. flap, h.clap, a shower
.,U=- ^^^Ti jhdwar, flat or low land flooded of rain blown with a strong wind.
by the rains, same as j/ia6ar. h.
assert falsely,
Ul%s- *B7r^^j/iw?5/?ia,a. toto prove
^/l^s - «Hjt^ jhd,m, f. shadow ; a freckle or to nretend; to prove to be false,
one in the
black mark on the face (not a mole), h. wrong; to pollute victuals by touchi
ng them .&c,
h. ing, munha- munhjh.,-
U^=- *R1T jhabba, ni. a tassel, munhjh utdlnd , a.a to
tdlndU. to give man
eat the lie before his face. h.

with long hair hastily, s.

\jx^ flJ^TT jhabrd, h.covered
(the ears of animals),
ciA).iiL4r *K7^ j/i«.H^«.^ q^'cl^ly'
insta ntly. 5.
Vfi^^^T jhahkRnd, a. to astonish, h. <JL^ Wftfa jhatiti, quickly,
jKx^ f. twitch, stitc h, toss,
,lfj ^ VR?^ jhatak, h.
haired throw, jerk, shake,
or jhabbu,a, long-bough
V^'y^ ^^(^■^ jhabu,acurved of
, bending as the
tree. orh.d'ogs) ; bent,
^1±^ W?-3f!J jhatka, that whic h is beheaded
n jerk ; (in Dakh.)
oT^orn to pieces; torn by a sudde
k. jkatka karna. a. to
^^*- ^S^jhabhl, f. trappings, TshX, a Sen jerk Jr knockft.
steal, to pilfer ; to make haste,
an or-
(y^? -t.Wf^-h.^\jhabiijn, m. the name of
uamer shake, h.
li\^^ ^WT^T j/ia.^fea«a, a. to
«^?- ( 302 )
H».^<*HI jhatakna, a. to touse, to
^^4?" 5*^^^ jhurnd J^
n. to wither, to fade
shake, pull, jerk ; n. to Shake, to become lean, jliatak (from grief), to pine. h.
lena, a. to snatch, h. [to belie, to falsify, h.
^Jj^ *^^^ jharuTvd or *K^^ jharu,d, m. a
b^,^:>- *RJ^RT jhutldna, ahojhuthldna, a. nutritious kind of grass resembling panik. h.
UJi^ jhattHi, n. to become thin, to diminish ;
to argue, to dispute, s. ^3j^ dow, ^i^^JJ/tarokhd,
(in Dakh.) jharuka, the m.
same.a lattice,
h. a win-

^^^ WSV^STjj jhuthdlnd, |to falsify, &c. {Jj^ W^jhuri, f. a wrinkle (of the body), h.
b>^^ Hvic^MT jhuthld)id,J (same as jhu- 'blight, h.
(Jj^ fifi^jhiri, f. a cricket ; withered wheat,
talnd, q. v.) [rdjputs in the upper Duab. h.
^^^^?' *Sf<JMl«lT jhatiyand, a small dan of
^^j^ ^^f^ jhuriydnd, a. to weed; to
wipe clean, and plaster a house, &c. h.
U^^?" jh'ijnd, n. to become lean, to pine. d.
-4^^ ^ffi^jhajh, m. a long beard, h. j^ m^^jhar, f. heavy rain j the heat from a
fire ; m. a kind of lock. h.
^4^^^ W^jltajha, a violent wind with rain. h.
J4»- ^jhur, m. a bush, a bramble, h.
j^sf^'^ *^»*5.'^ jhajjhar, m. a goglet. h. li>V^ «!vfTin jhardtd, m. the close of the
^j^^'^ WytiX"^ I jhajharka, 'l m. early dawn fruit season. /;. [hurry, s.
^^^^^ v?J>h,c^<*l jhajhalkd,i before it is
easy to distinguish objects, s. j^^j^ >n.si*n,s jhard-jhar, hastily, in a

c?;4^F^^ W^fiJ^jhajhri, a window, alattice. h. ^j^\j^>- m^T^ jhardk, "] m. speed, haste,
o]j4>- W^\Wljfiardhd,j hurry, jhardk-jha'
<^X^^'^ IWRolT jhrjhak, f. start, h. rdk, in great haste, h.
13^sr^?" fififfiofii^T jhijhkand, n. to start, fi. l^Sl^^ ^iJi^Wlj/iardkhd, m. a skylight, h.
OjK^js:^?' ^ffrfftofnT."^ jhajhkdnia, a. to brow- I3|v4s>- VS^TTT jhardnd, a. to get swept ; to
beat, to speak snappishly, h. cause to be exorcised, h.
\JS.^"^^ fsfiffijafi^jhijhaknd, aho jhttjhaknd, K>\jij^ ^i^i^mj^ljharhardnd, n. to burn, to
n. to start, to feel the sensation of the limbs being be all in flames, h.
asleep, or as if pins and needles were striking into
them. h. [meat. h.
J-J^- • !^
jii^'Wr ^s^<. jhar-her, ' m, ' "] a wild
^^^^ ber-tree,
'^^'^ viilfRj^ jkajhld, m. a kind of sweet- iJji^J^ W^jhar-bei'l, f. Y j^j^j,^^ (^zizxj
0^2?^^ ^^^'Sfijjhajhalkd (y.jhajharkd).h.
iXjj>- jihd or juhd, m. struggle, endeavour, W^jhar-bel, P'"^J''Ma). L
f. Jfieryness
i— *j^s>- *fi[TT jharap, f. heat, (as of
exertion, effort, diligence, care, application, assiduity, a.
pepper), acrimony, contention, h.
j^ jihar, m. a female oblation, jhar, speak-
ing loud enough to be heard by the company, a. L^j^ wo jhurup,
d, d. brushwood, bushes, under-
j^ *KT jhar, f. heavy rain, the heat from a
fire, jhar-harnd, to burn furiously, to be all in flames, h. jj,j^bj^ ^l^iqiH^^vf) jharpd-jharjn, f.
fighting (particularly birds), sparring, h.
{^jy>j^ jharheri (y.jharbe?-), the jujube, h. ob V^ Mi^d H H I jharpdnd, a. to fight (cocks
or other birds) ; to make to spar or contend. A.
L^^'Aar/'a,ra.aspring,a fountain,a jet d'eau.c?.
U^ ,^ «KTTfi«n jharaphnd, n. to spar, to Ujj^
contend, >h,^M*il
h. jharapnd, a. to spar, fight,
fight (as cocks, &c.), to contend, h.

y^j^ *E.T*K!^ jhai-jhar, m. a goglet. h. Oj'4»- jAam<, falling ofF,&c (y.jharan). d.

j^j^ iw^^fs^ jhir-jhir, running in a slen- \x^fj,j^ jhar tl,-lend, to take an account, to
der stream (water, &c.). h. search, to rummage ; to examine, d.

\j^j^ f^TCf^i-CJ jhir-jhird, yer J thin. s. lL>\j.^j^ jhirjkirdt, chiding, scolding.

jharjhardl, flapping, shaking, h.
\j\j^j^>- fm^f(fi^Tr{J jhirjhirdnd, n. to
trickle, to rill, to flow in a small stream, s.
enraged, to rail, to storm, jhirjhirdnd
fiW^W^'m h.
, n. to be
iJLa*,As«- *R;WJ jhurmat, m. a multitude,
crowd, assembly, ball; a battle, conflict; a shawl
twisted round the head. h. \j\j^»-'j^
to shake, to Wj^dHvi
jerk. h.I^\ jharjhardnd, a. to flap,

XiMoj^ jhurmutdnd, n. to fade, decay, d. uLJj^ fw^jhirah, threat, augury, jerk. h.

b^ W^'mjharnd, m. a skimmer ; a spring,
a cascade ; n. to spring, to flow ; to fall off (as fruit i^j^^j^ *K?eBTW»,i<*1 jharhd-jharki also
.eaves, &c., from the tree), h. ki,
jhirkd-jhir f. mutual wrangling, h.
( 303 )
Ui v^ WW^fi^ljharalma or fihdofc r| \jhirakna ^*-^
*fi3^^ jhakhnd, n. to rave, to chatter,
also jliirkund, a. to browbeat, to speak snappishly, to to weep. h.
threaten, to jerk. h.
i^J^^ W^ jhakt, passionate, wrathful, h.
S V^ W^^^jltarJd or fUt^^jhirhl^f. rebuff,
i_^4^ W^jhahhl, m. one who talks to him-
"snappishness, frowning, jerk, repercussion, h. "self ; a prater, an idle talker. //.
KiXxjc'j^ jhurmutaiia, n. to wither, to fade. d. VC^ ^i^jU jhagd, m. cloth; an upper gar-
ment or vest, a coat, a gown. h.
i^'r^ ^'BkfH jharan, f. the act of falling off
(as fruit from the tree) ; snuff, h.
y^ WVSJhagar, m. a kind of hawk. h.
I3j^ «K^T jharnd, n. to fall off (as fruit
from the tree) ; to emit, to drop, to fall, to pour, to 15^4?" ^'isi jhagrd, m. wrangling, quarrel-
shake, to strain, to be sounded (the naubat), to be dis- ling, squabble, strife, jhagfd pakarnd, a. to engage
charged (avolley), h. in another's quarrel, jhagfd-ragrd, ra. squabbling and
wrangling, h. [gHng. h.
^'Jj4^ ^iB!2^T^ jharwana, to cause to be
swept, h. \i\^^s>- VK'I^HT jhagrdnd, a. to set a-wran-
\i>jj^ W^tWijharota, m. the end of the sea- iJ>^J^^ Wl^l^^S^ jfiagralin, f. 1 quarrel-
son (of fruit, &c.) ; adj. going out of season, h. y>\j^^
tentious. ^i^i^VSr^jhagrdlu,
h. m. isome,con-
(_jy^»- fJi^jhari, f. continued rain, showers,
wet weather ; perquisites ; procession in honour of a IHC^ W^V^ jhagarnd, a. to wrangle, to
saint, &c. h. quarrel, to cavil, to squabble, h. [shirt, h,
til^ «l»oir jhak, f. passion, emotion, jhak-
mdrna, a. to act fruitlessly, or absurdly, to talk non- ^)^^^ WT^T jhagula, m. a child's frock or
sense, jhak 7nargl, f. the acting fruitlessly or absurdly, (J-^ *K3j7iaZ, f. passion, anger, jealousy;
talking nonsense, prattling. /;. the heat from a fire, jhil {y.jhll), a morass, &c. A.

tdi,^K^ VKofiTflJ.air jhaha-jhak, shining, ^y^(»' jahl, m.ignorance,irreligion, stupidity, a.

glittering with gold and silver, &c., brocade, h.
^J^>- fliWT jhulld, m. a shirt, or vest that
\3\x^ WWl*U jhiihdim, a. to cause to stoop, covers the body from the shoulder downwards, h.
to tilt, to bend downwards ; to nod, or make nod. h,
"H^^ juhald, (pi. of J^fcU-) ignorant people, a,
• Ok^»- fJoRT^ jhukdw or jhukdjO, m. the slate .y^^,^ *R.c<M«rl^ jhaldbor, splendid, shining,
of being bent downwards, h. [ding. /;. glittering with jewels; f. splendour, s.
Cl-»«K^ >li,«fcN3 jhukdwat, f. stooping, nod- (J^?-^?" ^Qn*K.^ jhaldjhal, hmiinous, re-
splendentf.; splendour, glitter, s.
, ^JJ^^^JiX^ W^SI^X\ jha}i-jho7-l, f. scram-
bling and wrangling, snatching, h. ,^^»- VKJ^JTT jhaldr, m. a thicket, a copse,
underwood, h.

\jf^ W^S^ jhakr'i, f. a milkpail (or \3^Xa5- VK;55T«TT jhvldnd, a. to swing, to shove
vessel), h. a swing in which others are, to rock (a cradle) ; to
dangle, to hang ; to make another (as a dun) dance
jx^ W^ jhakhar, m. a squall, a storm, a after one. h.
tempest, a " Nor-wester." s.
13^^s- W^'^\jhaldna, a. to repair, to solder, h.
IjkX^ VKoUt^t jhaknd, a. to rave, to chatter,
to reflect, to lament, h. J.^4.^ ^(^W^ jhuljhal, m. glare, glitter, h,
Ui^ W^rfT jhuknd, n. to nod, to bow, to U^^^^?" mj^^^'m jhaljhaldna, n. to glit-
ter ;to be in a passion ; to throb, to ache, to smart, h.
stoop, to be bent downwards as the bough of a tree,
to be tilted ; to be angry, to be perplexed, h.
ciLJfc^^^i^?' W^ffij^l'^Z jfwljhaldhat (contr.
jhaljhaldt), f. glitter, splendour ; smarting, h.
tP^^ VReR7ftJ/tw/mi,f. affliction, suffering, h.
.•X^»- ^►RoiftT jhahor, f. loss, misfortune, is i^X^AT jhil-Mdna, jail-house, d.
be-ardml se bahut jhakor pd,i, this illness has reduced
him much. h. [squall, a gust. h. '^^^■^'"^^^Hf. a fold, wrinkle,
\j^i^ m^TJjhaJiord, m. raining, a shower, a
bU.^ ^R^y^RT jhulsdnd, a. to cause to
\j.j5<^ VKolf^Tl*n jhaltornd, a. to drive, as singe, h. [to singe, h.
wind and rain in a squall, to shake, h.
lJJ.ii(«A^ VK^^^ jJiulas-dend, a. to sear,
(^^j^^ VRoRItT^ jhakornaun (Braj), v.
jhakoma. h. [the water, h. jdnd, n. »K;^^'RT
Ijwi^ jhvlasnd or h.W^V^'n'ljhulai
to be singed, scorched,

\}^^ Mtdb\^ jhakol, f. the act of shaking in i-iii^:*- W^'m jliuJuh, f. brightness, glitter,
glare, refulgence ; reflection of light, jhuluk, droir-
U)^^^> ^(RoFt^RT jhakolnd, a. to shake, h. siness, slumber, h.
Jd^ ( 304 )
U^ of birds, a swarm ot
j*4»- jhammar, a flight
.. i/i ., „_ fvn. a blister, h. flies, &e. d.
C:->M4*- m^if!(Z jhalhat,)
jKi45- ^m^^WlX. jhalkci)^, m. bricrhtness, light, j^^j*^ *TJHT*K?7T jhamnr-jhamar, drop by
splendour, h. [to make bright, to burnish, h. drop (a kind of small rain) It.

^^4^ ''f^'^'lfjhalkand, a. to cause to shine, ^JX^^ W^^^jhaviak, f. glitter, splendour, h.

b\^:>- *K;5^TJn jhulkana, a. to scorch, to \v»(^-*- >fillc(i1 jharnha, m. splendour, reful-
gence ;the clash or clatter of metallic substances, h.
singe (as the small feathers of a plucked fowl), h.
uXj^ *Ri5^^T jhalahna, n. to shine, to 0^4?" ^^'^\ jhuvihd, m. the boll-shaped pen-
glare, h. dant of an ear-ring ; the wain, Ursa Major ; a bunch of
flowers or fruit ; name of a flower {Gloriosa snperba). h,

i^f^^ ^^"^^ jhalB, f. a glance, h. I3\x»^ fftftofH^ jhamkdna,A.to cause to shine,

to make glitter, to cause to dance, h,
VO^s- fl^mjhilga, m. the netted bottom of
a bed or couch when worn out and separated; adj.
a couch or bed is said to be jhilga when the bottom Vvx»^ HiiH<*'TT jhamakra, m. splendour,
is worn out or broken, h, beauty, h. [dance, h.

jjs^*- f*?Jj^H jhilam, f. armour, a coat of \m^^^ W^^fC^[ jhamakna, n. to glitter ; to

mail ; the vizor of a helmet, jhildm ka top, an iron
helmet. //. [crowd, &c. (v. jhiirmat). h. [f-*^ 'ffijil^ jhamki, f. glare, lustre, bril-
"liancy. h. [madan sect so called, a.
<JL>.^\^»- Wxfitii jhuhnat, m. a multitude,
fc*.^ jahml (^properly jahmli/at) a Muham-
iJ-J^?" ^^fft^sf^ jhilmil, m. a kind of gauze;
a shutter, a Venetian blind h. (;;4»- Wf\jhun, f. a slight resemblance, h.
'j^.^:>- fWc? r*ic? I jhilmila, thin, sparkling, h. 1^;^ f^jhan, ra. the sound of platters, or
any vessel of metal, striking against one another, clash
of arms, as swords, &c. h. [whom. h.
O^J^>- late, as thefsfR^c^fHciiU'l jhilmildna,
flame of a candle or as water,n. toto twinkle,
to scintillate, h. i-rc^ f'Tf^ jihin, inflect, pron. what, who,
^_^-»i^»- jhihnilt, a kind of cloth so called, d- (^jic^ If^ jahnu, m. the name of a king or
saint, jahnu-tanyd, f. (Jahnu's daughter) a name of
-^4?" '^ri>^\jhalnd, a. to fan, to move to and the Ganges : Jahnu having drunk up its waters, and
fro (as a fan) ; n. to be soldered or repaired, h. then released them at the intercession of the god, is
considered the parent of the stream, s.
^^^^4^ ^ffi^'^l jhulnd, n. to swing, to dangle, h.
uL^-J^*- jhilang, of first rate quality, applied cHaJl^ ^f^l^jhiinty m. a shrub, a bush. s.
to cloth, &c. d. (^j^*- fiftj^ jhintl, f. a shrub {^Barleria
"cristata). s. [tribe, q.v. h.
^>^^'^?' ff^i^!^ jhilanga, ra. a kind of soldier,
also same as jhilga, q. v. h. j^^ jlunja7', a subdivision of the gujar
ij>'^ jhalrn, f. a sieve {ghirhdl). d. 3^^'^ jkivjoti, name of a musical mode. d.
jj^j^»- Mi^\ jhulwan, m. a wreath or gar- ^<^^ jhinjur (also jhinjur), the morning
land of flowers, h. [nd, q.v. twilight, or dawn of day. d.

vil^J^ W^'^V^ jhalwana, Q.. causal of jhal- Kij^'^^ jkinjorna, to gnaw, to pull asunder
with the teeth, as a dog he. does flesh, d.
(^4?" ^'^^^ jhilR, f. a cricket, s. 1^4?" t^WJ^jhanjhd, f. wind, wind and rain,
a gale ; raining in large drops ; a sharp clanging
^^ f^t^ jhiili, f. a thin skin, a pellicle; sound, jangling, s.
' dines)
the membrane
; the caul in[omentum),
which the foetus
h. is enveloped (^secun- ^Jjl^o^ m?^fi{^ jhanjhdnil ahojhanjhd-
wat, ni. wind with rain, a high wind in the rainy sea-
j_^^ jhulli, a fold or wrinkle, plaits in cloth, d. son, a typhoon or tempest frequent in the south-west
monsoon, s. [perplexity, incumbrance, h.
A^ jahU, lazy ; passionate, a. CL*^^^ W^ j/ianjhat, m. wrangling;
^^ Uft?- *RJRT*H?^,77«fl?wa-j^am,raining heavily, ij-^s^^ ^fS^ft^ jhavjhati, perplexing, h.
and during the whole day. h.

ol»^ ^i^{\'3S\ jhamaha, m. a heavy shower; {_fj^^^ V!J>«TiT^ J//a/?;Art, f. a lattice, h.

quickness, haste, h.
jK4^4?' ^ffi^iofnX.jhn^jhJidr, f. clinking, tink-
^As^f,^ ffi^W^ jhani-jham, heavy continued ling, ringing, s.
rain (v. jlmmd-jham). h. ^.i^U:^4?' «B>Vfi;55T«Tr jhunjhland, n. to be
\Jl»4:s:^^ VniWrin«TT jhamjhamdnd, n. to peevish or fretful, to be petulant or irritable, to rage,
to storm, h. fness, rage, fury. A-
shine, to glitter, to sparkle ; (in Biikh.) jhumjhumdiid,
to smart or feel (pain as after a blow), &c. li. «JLJ6 ^J^tii^?' W>W^T^jhunjhldhat,f. peevish'
iir4r ( 805
iP: 3^
Vftffftr^ j/ui)t-jhan, m. an iiulistiiict jXtf^" jnha7mam,m. hell; (ycAenwa, according
noise like the jangling of metal ornaments, a ringing, to the Musalnians Jahannam, is divided into seveo
a rattling, s. portions, appropiiated severally to wicked Moslems,
Christians, Jews, Sabxans, Gebrs, idolaters, and
hypocrites, a. [infernal, a.
rattle, h.¥i^Vf)f)xrT7 jliunjJmna, m. a child's
L5*^t^ jnhaTinarai, hellish, belonging to hell ;
^-*^:f^^ Wi^T j^i"njhana, peevish, fretful. It. 11)^^4?" *S?T^Tj/ian,t'a/i, m. a kind of rice. h.
Uli^i^^ lifevfjTrRT jhanjhanana (also jhun- ^^jM?" '^t^V^jhoTirodnd, n. to tan (in the
jhnnana), n. to tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to ring, to sun) ; a. to wash the feet by rubbing jVoiniiJan, q.v. //.
rattle, s.
''HM?' ^^iii^^i jhin-haddd, raw-boned, s,
ciLJbll^^i^^ VRS^vTr?? jhanjhanahat, f.
peevishness ; clinking, tinkling, h. 1^^ f^r^ ji/ivd, f. the tongue, jihvd-sivdd,
m. licking, lapping, jihva-mal, m. the fur of the
jhunjhuni, f. little bells tongue, s.
^J^^^ W^^i^
" worn on the feet /;. \^^ ^^T;7ia/ywa,m. a tree( Tamarix Indica)
with the tender branches of which baskets are made
(^;^^ f*S3fsfit»T^ jhinjhhn, f the tingling
(same as jhaji); a large basket (without a cover),
" sensation felt when a lirab is asleep, h. made from the twigs of the tree so called, i.
Uj'»^^^ jhinjhorna, a. to break with the ^^4?" ^?*^ J^^^P^h ™- a pile of mangoes or
teeth, as a dog does a bone, &c. (v. jhinjornS). d. other fruit, h.

Vjksio?" ^^fifJjT jhanjiya,

the lower Duab. /(.
a species of ser in cLf^^ ^^ yVtM/, 1 false, untrue; m. a lie, a
^i^>- WSJIinth,} falsehood, jhut-sach, mis-
tio^^- *T^ jliund, m. crowd, swarm, flock ; representation, jhut-sach lagdnd, to misrepresent, to
the buzzing noise of a crowd ; a clump of trees, jhund calumniate, jhuth-muth, false, untrue, falsely, s.
ke jhund. dense crowds, h.
^?' ^^^ J^'^'-t^i \m. liar, false; leavings
^Jok^a- VRJ^ jlianda or MiM\ jhunda, m. a
banner, a flag, an ensign, a streamer. A. K^iy^'^-^ifi^l jhuthd,) of food, offal, refuse;
(among Hindus) that which has touched food and U
J jo^ VK?!3 jhandu, petals or foliage of a thereby defiled, jhuthd chdtnd, a. to eat leavings, to
tree, &c. ; a iock of hair. h. be very
common wretched,
civility, jhuth'i
s. na puchhnd, a. to refuse even

^jJJ^ W^a^S^ jhanclula, with thick, hand-

some foliage (a tree) ; with a fine head of hair (a UJlj"^^ jhutdlnd, to prove false, d.
child), h. {^S^^^ jfiutha7i, 1 land yielding a
(_5Ja^ >h.4!J*i jhundi, f, a bush, thicket, ^y>\x^^^ jhuthiya,il, J double crop. h.
jungle, a tuft of grass. yAaHcJI, a banner, a flag- staff, h.
,^y^ Wf^jhojh, m. a nest ; the stomach ;
a pendulous belly, h.
"^iij^s- »RT!TcF or Vfi^fRT jhanak, 1 f. ringing,
l^^^ VS^^jhojhd, m. the stomach ; name
jKa4>- ^iJiy{^fiJT.jha7ika7', J tinkling^ of an inferior class of Musalmans in the Du,ab, &c.,
clinking ; clank, tingle, rattle, s.
chiefly converts from Hinduism, h.
\3.\iA^ >KW«fcK«TT jhankdrnd, a. to ring, to
make sound, h. jj^y^ *^«K;^.;7t
which camels beastsa feed.
and horned of grass on
kind /*.

j'oo^ W^l jhaiikdry a tree without leaves, h. dyf^ juhud or jahud (Jor yahud), a jew. a.y
UC:^7- *K?!Tcir*n or ^RTTSIRT jhanahnd, a. to h.
tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to ring. s. |j^^ JB^ j^wra, withered,
\y^^ *K^ jhord, the stalk of a leguminous
^ASJ>^ jkanakwd,l, acute rheumatism, d. plant (such as motli, q. v.), used as fodder. //.
\i>.^=- flj^rff jhuriid, a. to pound, to grind ;
U'V^xi^ *K;OT5T,;7ta?jMara,1
ra, J m.a antreeelkwithout
; also to shake fruit from the tree ; n. to pine. h.
Vf^xx^s- ^iMIil jhankha,
leaves, h. •jy^ -i^-^jhaur, f. squabbling ; sounding all
the strings of a musical instrument at once. /;.
1, n. to be hor-
j^^ m'SJhur,m. a bush, a bramble, jhur-
^^Aa^oAs- 't^tT^'^ jh({nkh7iaun,} ror-struck, jhdr, a thicket, h.
to have the hair stand on end, to shudder, to rave,
to chatter, to lament. /(. U*i.^3- f^-\ jhu.sd, m. mizzling rain.

I^i4»- WPJ jhangd, m. an upper garment or Ilahabad. WT^

1^^^ h jhus'i, f name of a town near [
vest ; a coat, a gown, h,
eiJ^^a. *r)oFj7(o/.-, f. a jolt, push, shove, a purf, |
jhingur, m. a cockroach, d. a gust of wind ; a bunch, a cluster of grapes, &c. h. j
( 306 )

9^s- *^oRT jhoha, ^m.

r a blow, a contact, Ui^4*- WTZJ jlionta, m. also jhonti, f. the
collision ; a s"^*' ^ blast, a breeze, jhoka bd.okd, a hair on the back part of the head ; the motion of a
current of wind. h.
swing, lejhuntd
nce, h. to 54
dend, a. c. r cue's head with vio-
\jS^^»- v^'^'^TJhohna, a. to cast, to throw, d.
Ji>^^ ^i^!J!X. jhuniar, ^ f. ground that pro-
1^^^^ fl^oR''^ jhohand, the spot on which
the jhonkiyd (q. v.) stands, h. duces two crops
j^j^ Vfi^ jhunthar,)
yearly, h, [than, f. leavings, b
J»^?- Ti^^ jhol, m. puckering or wrinkling
(as ill-made clothes) ; a litter, brood, farrow, hatch, a
birth, h.

J*^=- ^^ i^'w^j f- hody-clothes of cattle, i^y^ ^i^Z^ jhonti, f. (v.jhonid) thehair,&c.

housings ; a bag, a wallet, a knapsack ; a swing. A.
,^j^ *fij^ jhunjh, m. a bird's nest. h.
{^^i<=-jf'hjd, extremely ignorant, a.
J.^^^ «fevR55j/m/y7(aZ,f. petulance,peevish-
ness, rage. h.
^•A»- 'i^'^jhola, tn. a stroke of the sun ; the
palsy; a knapsack, a wallet ; a bleak cold wind which
affects the wheat crop. h. jj^^ W^ jhund, a heap, crowd ; an asso-
ciation, h. [in a coparcenary village, h.
^»^ VR;^! jhula, m. a swing, tlie rope on
■which people swing ; (in Dakh.) a cradle, h. ^^jj^^>- fl»c(t jhuhdi, a lot or parcel of land
^JSi^^ *ii.Tt jhundi, f. a bush, a clump of
U5^^ 'i^'^ljliubia, n. to swing (for exercise) ; grass, the amount due from each sharer in a hhaiya
to swing, to dangle, to hang, to oscillate ; tn. a kind of
chdid estate, h. [fruit, h.
poem h.

^U-(^»^ Wi^'^r^'^l j/iulan-jatra, a Hindu \ji^^ 'f^tn j/ionrd, m. a bunch, a cluster (of
festival kept about new moon in August, in honour of
Krishna and his mistress Radha. Idols representing ip^^ >0CI jhaunrd, tawny, h.
these personages are placed in a chair suspended from
the roof of the temple or house, and swung to and fro, L«J^^ *!^^ jhaunsd, greatly burnt or
while offerings of fruits, &c., are presented. The scorched, h.
brahmins are feasted, and love songs of the most inde-
licate description chanted all night. This festival (^J6»^ «fgf«ir jhonh, f. a shove or push in
is usually celebrated for five days and nights. — swinging ; the impulse of a squall or sudden blast of
(Binning.) s. wind, jhonk dend, a. to set fire to (particularly
straw, &:c.) ; to throw dust, &:c. ; to throw away (the
i^f^ *Rtc5* j^if^^^i a ^olJ wind which affects lives of men uselessly), jhonk khdnd, n. to roll, h,
wheat by drying up the ears. h.
^J»A>- W^jhidi, f. a cloth or sheet made ijXij^o-- jhonh (Jor jonk), a leech, d.
"into a fan for winnowing grain when there is no wind ; U5o»^ Vfilf^RtfT jhohknd, a. to cast, to push,
a hammock or swinging cot. h. to throw, to toss, to cast fuel (into an oven). //.

fj^^ "f^^jhoU, f. a wallet, a sack, h. \jSj^^ HitTf"**!! jlionhiijd, the man who keeps
^Vajs- W^ jhum, m. abundance of foliage ; up the fire when sugar is boiling, h.
waving, undulating. jliTim-jhum, m. gathering of the
clouds, jliiimd-jhum, repeated attack, h. \X3»^»- WTXljhuiujd, m. bramble, brushwood. //..
Aa^.^ W^^fB^jf'^imj/ial, anger,fury, storm- \j^^^ jhunmnd (v. jhumnd), to wave, &c. h.
ing. /*. [(met.) a battle, an engagement, h.
Ijj^^ jhonuii/d, a division of the Kurmi
tribe. /(.
tiLc*^ m^'^ jhumah, f. un assembly, a ball;
Ko.As- VRi^oFT jhumJta, m. the bell-slmped lte»A>- *K5T jhuhd, a large stack of bdjra
pendant of an ear-ring; the constellation of the Bear, or Holciis sorghitrn, amounting to from ten to twenty
also (Wkejiiumkd, q. v.), the Gloriosa superha, a beau-
tiful flower growing wild in India, h. hojh or loads, h.
Ix^i" jahez, m.a portion, whatever a wifecarries
iCc»A»- wPi"^ j^tumln, f. a kind of ear-ring with her to her husband's house, paraphernalia, a.
"(see jhumhn). ''.
i^'^A^r *^^ jhisi, m. a shower, h.
vX«»A»- VRJR'Jn j/iumnd, n. to wave, to move n. to grieve, to
the head up and down, to slumber, to move loose, to
gather (the clouds), h. [of muslin. It. S^ ^-^fi'^l jhVnid,
be vexed, to la-
Ufcl*- ifiwjl )hu)ta, m. a ripe cocoa-nut, a kind I^XJ;^ Wi^f{T jhihhnd. ment, to think
vjO^A^- *iyfTTT jliompa, m. a bunch of fruit ;
a cloth with eyelets which covers the whole body ; a of any thing with sorrow, to recommend any thing
spike, h. seriouslj'. s.
\jx>^^ «^7TT jhovipray m.1 a small hovel, J-x^ Vf^jhilji. a shallow lake or morass, h.
{J^y^ l^hlft j/iomprijf.) a cottage, a \j^x^ jhelnd, to brush off; to waft away ;
hut, chiefly made up of bamboo; a thatched roof or to fan ; to swing gently, jhel-lend, to grasp ; to f(ild
shed. s. in the arms. d.
( 807 )
K^ jahim (nho jalnvi), hell, or rather that ^ "^ strijy^i f- a mother ; the earth j a bow-
subdivision of it which is allotted to idolators. a. ng, s.

ever. 'T?^*
(i?J^ /*. jahin, in whatever place, where- bu^ Hfvm'l jli/ana, ^ a. to vivify, to restore
(;;y^f.*- imi'^jydnaun,} to life, to foster, s.
L--a>. ja<7;, f. the hreast, the heart ; the hreast
VJO^ W^ jhtna,) or collar of a garment, a.

UixJjL^ v^oRtn jV/inAwa, same Sisjhikna, q. v. «--*A!». if^jeb (also jaib),f. a pocket, jeh-katra,
m. a pickpocket, jaibi khdsa, a privy purse, p.
\XlJ^ *bJHiT jhtnga, f. shrimp, a prawn ; m.
(Cucumis acutangulus, Lin.; Liiffaacutangula, Roxb.). h. t— .A^ jib (v. jibh), the tongue, jib-ulatna,
to express clearly, jll-chhilni, a tongue-scraper, d.
iJLa,(jj^ ^i^V[Z jhingat, m. a steersman, h.
Xo^?- ^VJ. jhlngur, m. the name of an in- \>fA>- "^ifw^ j'lbiha, f. pension, livelihood, s.
sect, a cricket, h. '^f^T "Wi^jibh, f. the tongue, jibh barhana,
n. to be loquacious and abusive ; to pursue pleasures
^- jft _7i, m. life, soul, spirit, ji uthana, a. beyond one's reach, jibh pakarnd, a. to silence, to
"to withdraw one'ssuddenly
or desire, interrupt one's discourse ; to criticise minutely, jlhh-
have the mind (on any j'lthing),
a-jdnd, ji
jhukdnd, to pretend to wealth falsely, jibh chdtnd, a.
burd'k., a. to vomit, to have a nausea; to be displeased. to long after or covet unattainable enjoyment, jibh
ji barhdnd, n. to be moderately desirous, ji bikharnd, chaldnd, n. to boast beyond one's ability, jibh ddbke
n. to faint, ji bhar-jdnd, n. to be at ease and con- bat kahnd, a. to speak with reserve, jibh kdtnd, a. to
tented, jibhar-dnd, n. to be touched with compassion forbid by signs ; (from the Persian) to grant the re-
or seized with grief, ji bahldnd, a. to amuse one's quest of a petitioner; to be struck with terror or asto-
self; to dissipate reflection, ji pdnd, a. to understand nishment, jibh nikdlnd, to put out the tongue (met.)
one's temper ; n. to be highly pleased, to escape from to be extremely fatigued, thirsty, s.
misfortune, ji pani-k., a. to harass, to tease, to plague,
to perplex, ji par kisi ke chalnd, a. to obey one. ji I^l^x»». cisftHTO
ous, s. jlbhdra, plain-spoken, loqua-
par khelnd, to run the hazard (see jdn par kheltid), ji
pasijnd, -pighalnd, or -pighal-jdnd, n. to be compas-
sionate, tofeel affection, ji pakrd jdnd, n. to be sorry. ■ g.^JOL'v *f^^ jlbhi, f. an instrument for
ji phat-jdnd, n. to be broken-hearted, ji phir-jdnd,
n. to be contented ; to be satiated or disgusted, ji cleaning the tongue ; a bit of a bridle, jibhi-machhi, a
sole fish. s. [^e/;!, of the pocket, h.p.
jaldnd, a. to befriend; to plague, to perplex, jijalnd,
to be vexed or troubled in mind, ji chdhnd,a.. to de-
sire, jichhipdnd or -churdnd, a. to do a work care- iSir!" P^h of or relating to the tongue, lingual.
lessly or lazily, to neglect, ji chaldnd, a. to act bravely.
ji chalnd, to desire, ji ddn-k,, a. to grant life, to par- ^;j<fx>- f^Wtjai-ber, as many times,as often as. s.
don a capital crime, ji dhafaknd, n. to have a palpi-
tation ofthe heart, ji dub jdnd, a. to fnint. ji rakhnd, J^-jk>- inrTT^ or ^MltJ jaipdl, m. a king, a
n. to be easily pleased ; to please, ji se utar-jdnd, n. sovereign (name of several celebrated Hindu princes),
to sink in the opinion of another ; to be broken-hearted. a plant or tree {Crolon trigUum). s.
jl se mama, to kill, ji karnd and kond, a. to desire,
to wish for. ji hholke kuckh-k., a. to do with pleasure, y-f:i->- WJi^"^ jai-Jiatra, m. record of victory ;
cheerfully, ji ki amdn mdngni, a. to preface a dis- in law, the written and sealed award of the judge in
course with excuses, ji ke badaljl dend, a. to take up favour of either party, s.
the cause of another, ji ghat-jdnd, n. to detest, ji
lasdnd, a. to excite desire or love ; to fix or apply the CIaa*- 'sftiT jit, f. winning, victory, success.
mind, ji lagnd, a. to contract affection for any person
jit-patra, a favourable decree, s.
or thing, to hanker after, ji lend, a. to penetrate one's
thoughts ; to excite one's desire ; to kill, ji mdrnd, Ca-»- 'T'lfT, Wftjait or ^iT je^,m.name of a plant
a. to mortify one's desire, to displease, ji matldnd, to {Mschynomcne sesban) ; name of a musical mode. s.
be sick at the stomach, to feel nausea, ji mildnd, a.
to contract friendship, ji men and, n. to come into Ujcs- i(\J(\ jita, alive, jiteji, when alive, in
the mind, to occur to the recollection, ji men jal-
jdnd, n. to be tormented with envy or jealousy, ji one's lifetime;
n. to be over. (ior
s. jetd), over, more, above, jitd hand,
menji dnd, n. to be comforted, ji men ghar-k., n. to
be pleasant, agreeable, or acceptable, ji nikalnd, n. ljui>- »ftfn ji/a, m. mutual assistance in tillage,
to die ; to desire or love excessively; to fear exceed-
ingly, jihdrnd, n. to be discouraged, depressed ; to also allowing the use of a plough and bullocks instead
be deterred by cowardice, to lose heart, ji hat-jdnd, of paying wages in money or kind. h.
n. to detest, s.
li^ Wrn jetd, as much as, so much, jetd ki,
iSr »ft 3~h yes ; sir, master, you sir. h. though, although, s. [decision. A.
iS^ »r Je, pron. who, which, what. h. j<>!Cjj>- wtfTHR jlta-patr, m. a favourable
ij-- ^jai, as much as, as many as. h.
^\CL^x>- l(tTfJci5 jlt-dlu, arrowroot, h.
j-»- $i jai or '^JXfjaT/a, m. f. triumph, pro-
" motion, advancement, preferment, victory, bravo! i_*:a:>- ifhR j'ltab, m. life, existence, s.
huzza ! all hail, jai-jal-kdr, m. rejoicings, cheers,
triumph, exultation, jai-jai-kdr k., to huzza, t^ shout.
\j<x>- ^t^jaitra, m. a conqueror, a victor. 5.
jai-mdl, f. garland of victory, s. ^i.jL>.
victor, s.
^-A^^ jaitra-rath, m. a hero, a
jjk>- l[^ja,i, oats ; the grain was introduced
"into India by the British, h.
ijj<^ ^^ jaitri, victorious:
x2 -, triumphant, s.
3ua )

^i,Jl>- jii ail [\n.!. KJi

of Jj^-r"),
. noi^liI)ours. a.
K^^V^y- ^fw'^ jetik, as many, as much. s.
Ujkjo- wtlTfTf jltna, a. to win, to conquer, to
f^v>^ '^ftm jiran or atl<& jlrna. old ; di-
overcome, foTJitna, as much as, or, as many as. s. gested; withered, decayed; m. an old man. jtmi, f.
old age, decay ; digestion, jlntiitd, I", old age, infirmity,
decay, jirna-vastra, m. old, worn or tattered raiment, s.
m. a conqueror, a
CJi^lPr ^"^AA^jitrvant, tiJjjfcii^j^j^^ aft^fWTfoF jirna-vradhnak, m.
^ , , winner at play. s. a fragrant grass (Cyperus rolundus). s.
b^os- ■»< I (f^tjl jltivaiya, J
wJ^ ^(Wfjaisa, as, such as, like ; jaisa cha-
jjA»- ^irt;ai7i, a kind of weed (y.jaicht). hiye, as occasion may require, as it ought, sufficiently.
jaisd-taisd, as well as. jaisd kd talsd, precisely the
\juA:>- "sfifffTU jitiya, f. name of a Hindu fast, same, jaisd ki, as though, as when. s.
with sacrifice to and worsliip of Devi (jltiya hart), ob-
eerved b}' women who have lost several children, to jaiswar, ^ name of certain low-caste
preserve the remainder, s.
jaiswara,) tribes, h.
VjUJk»- j'ltera, 1 m. mutual assistance in tillage
(jijL>- jaiJi, an army, troops; enjoyment,
ljC^j»- jlfera, ) (y.jita). h.
pleasure, a.
tiLa>- IfZ jet, f. heap, accumulation, h.
SsJl.x»- ^^^''SS^jai-shahda, ra. a shout or song
of victory, the exclamation jai_;a/. s.
^j'^ "^ jeth, adj. best, eldest (brother where
there are several) ; m husband's elder brother ; name
of the second Hindu mouth (the full moon of which is cL*M.Ag- "^^ jexht, 1 eldest, chief, &c. (same
near jyeshthd) (May — June), jeth-ra'hjat, the liead r^^xLx>- "WS jeshth,} as jeth, q. v.). s.
of the " ryots " or cultivators in a village {\.jeshtlid). s.
I^Xj>». •^^T jetha, m. elder, first-born ; the l^JuL^ '^T jeshtha, f. one of the mansions
of the moon fthe eighteenth, Antarcs and two other
first and strongest tint obtained from kusum {Cartha- stars in Scorpio). «.
mus Ibictorius). s.

jj,^^ijt=- "^ZX^^ jetliani, f. the wife of a hus-

&jc>;a- j'ljha o[- jeriha, an oniamenl of gold and
jewels worn in the turban, p.
band's elder brother, s.

L^io- "ifZXI jcfhra, elder, first-born; hus- (_CJi5» j"'J''>^'j'i/^f}

dead bodies, a.
(p'- *'f^ ^^'frf)j carcases,a.
[a corpse ; adj. unclean,
band's elder brother. «.
&Si.x:>- jlfa,i\i. a (lend and piUic^fying carcase;
OijiS-. ^^sf jeth-raii/af, m. the head villager
who conducts the ordinary business thereof, k. a.
OJ^ *fi"oFT /7Avi {for jiviha or jibika), {. pen-
sion, livt'iihood, means of living, s.
Siij^hs*- '^'31 jethuiida, the share or right of
the eldest siii. //.
,J.j^ »T^ yV'/, m. a string or line of captives
chained together ; a string of buckets passed over the
C^^uo- "S^Mi jetlioul, m. the son of a hus- Persian wheel ; a jail or prison ; also jel-kMna, the
band's elder brother, s. same. /;. [the treble, p.

dibSjc^^^L£>- l^^^H^jethi-madhu, m. liquorice Ja»- irl^ji/, f. a high note or tone in music,

{Gl.ycirrhlza gJahra). s.
Ax>- "^"^ jell, a kind of pitchfork or rake
^^^0" "JT^JsT^nl^ or %%^^ jaijaimant'h "for collecting and h.
threshing-gruiind. adjusting the ears of com on a
" f. name of a rdgim, or musical mode. It.

^c^^?' %^ j'licln, a kind of weed wliich \-*^ 'SfJflT^ j'l-ntdr, capital, deserving death
oil. h.up with the spring crops, and \'ields a kind of (as a crime) ; mortifying one's desires. »
(jl»j>:>- ^HfJiT^ jai-inal or jaya-mal, f. necK-
;i«x>- 7'rt??//(7, fxccHent, elco-Miit, arable; pure lace or garland of victor}', s.
monej' of standard weight. j>d. a slender and beauti-
ful neck, jai/ad, slendcrness of the neck. a. jjl.»A»- ■Sf^qrn'JT or %Jn«Tja«wa«, victorious, s.
j^j^jo- ^fJlftr jaimmi, m. a celebrated saint
jitSJ^ '5ift>rC jidliar, whithersoever (v. jid-
har). h. and philosopher, founder of the Uttara-Mtmdnsd
school, s. [self s,

i.i^S^isi' llTi^'^or^'^ jaidhak(a\sojaidhak), Il»ji»- »riJiTrr jhnva, a. to oat, to feed one's

m. a kind of drum. s. [tory. s.
(jXl»J^ iT^tTJT^^ jni-manf/al, m. the royal
^^<^S^ IT'l^'^jtti-dhn'cwi, m. shout of vic- elephant. «.
jX»- IfTjer, m. the membj-ane in wliicli the [^jy>- '^'^j'ln, m. an old man (v.jtr7ia). s.
foetus is enveloped, the after-birth, secimdhics. h.
^j^,s>- ffrjjain, m. a Jaina, a follower of the
\jij>- fw^Xl heterodox sect so called from worshipping a number
loved, s. jri/fira, m. life, soul; (met.) be- of //;*, or divine teachers, as incarnations of the Deity :
they deny the authority of the Vedas, and disregard
the distinction of castes, s.
1;*?- 'Ttn i'lrri, 1
^ .
>m. oummin-seed. s.
(^a>- 9f\T:3(i j'ira/f,J Uj> lf\^lj'i7ui, n. to live ; m. living, life. 3.
( 333 )
^J-Ij^ 'STTTtft jnt/antl, f. a tree (u^xcfnjnome7ie ^^x>- fjrJtJ ynjmiih, brave, conrageous. «.
" aesftan); a flag, a banner, s [to wrinkle, /c yis-- yfS>- aftrsfl^ y?'':/!*', m. a kind of bird,
supposed to be a pheasant {y . jtvanjlv). s.
\J\jJSJjs»' ift'^U'^j jingurdna, a to corrugate, ^^
^JL>- ifftltft jf'I/'^t^y victorious, jabii, of or f^>iyk>- lj^W!{Jlv-dha7i,m. live stock ; wealth
in flocks and herds, s. [sure of land. /(.
" relating to the sect of Jains, q. v. s.
yts>- ift^ jvr,m. life, soul. lf\'^jiit,a sweetheart, i_fj»^ ^^T^ jewrt, f. a cord, a string, a mea-
a lover; interj. bravo! s.
ij'^As- n\^i\ jiivm
soul ; sweetheart, belovedor ; ^ijnj] jiyura,
annual wages m. life,
to washermen
_j*>- '^ffljyo, life, soul, (same ^sjiw). ji/o par and others, s.
ana, to come into extreme difliculty. jt/o chht Icalma, I.. ^ . _ . ., , .
to shew aversion, to abhor, jxjo sen uthna, to pass Vj'jjis" If^^ jorra or p',ora, m. cord, string ;
away from life. d. perquisites of village servants, h.
ij^\^ij>- l(im\'H jlvafu, ni. a drug for re-ani-
mating the dead ; life, existence. *. <J!jy*^
a worm. "^W^
h. jeivri orje,ort, f. a[articulation,
cord, string;s.

U'i^^As- sTi^IrHIs. jioTitmci, m. the vital princi-

ple or spirit, jjl^l«*^A5i- »f^^*"q I rj jtvasthan, ni. a joint, an
«. j'lV-an, f. the mother of living
jljfc4i\^>»- "^^V^XJlvadhar, m. (the recepta-
cle of life) the earth, s. [a village, h.
ufJkjys- IJ^cIofi y'itv;/,', m. a tree {Peniaptera
jl»jL>- '^'^^ jairvar, the head inhabitants of tomenlosa) ; a medicinal plant; an animal, a living
being, s.
j^y*^ '^'^IT.jewhr, a clan of rajputs. h.
j^^jk*- 'W^TF'T jai-ivau., victorious. .<;. 0^jtf>- afin^ehr y'lr/Zm, f. pension, livelihood, s.
ic^yy^>- jiva-JiOthi, a house or hospital for
tdilil^j^ ■jf^sTPiToF jivantali, m. a fowler, a
bird-catcher, s. "vermin, &c., such as may be seen at Surat. s.

ciJ/l>.nA9- sfi^tnrar ;h'-pMi!raA, m. a plant bear- Sy^ "^ft^^K jiio fldv, rc^uldte, bold. s.
ing seeds -which are used in rosaries, s. .l<fcX=» sflcfHTT _yu"-?n«/', capital (same as ;i-
mdr, q. v.) [the body. f.
CJifi^ "^fmi j'lwit, m. life exisitence. jiwit,
Av7/, m. duration of life. s.
jtJJk-c^jk*- ^^^^^f7^ j'lv-mmidir, (temple of life)
C^y^ ^fi'mf jin-at, living, alive ; spirited, ^j,A3- ifi'^'^ jiwan, m. lif'^, exi<ifnfp, liveli-
bold; victorious, j'lwat-pafi, f. a wife whose husband hood ;water ; a son. jiwan-birt, a stipend allowed to
is alive, jlwat-tokd, f. a woman whose children are the family of ai: old deceased servant, i'.
living, s.
Ov\=- z^JJJjjofi, f. light, splendour, s. ^^A5- "^ jyTiii ^r a^tt.'.'/'''^, hnvx- imit'., tlio
more so, whi-n, ap, as if. jijfrh kd tijun, precisi-ly the
same. //.
^yf^ W^fm^lj'trvita, living, alive. .<t.
[xJ3>^ 1^1^ jyotsna, f. moonlight, jyotsna- 13^A»- l(^^'^^ jhr.na, u. to liv,', be alivt. s.
prit/a, m. the chakor or Greek partridge, jiiotsnd- \.')fcjk>- '^'^'?fT jen'nn, h. to eat. .s.
vriksha, m. the tripod or tree of a lanipstand, a candle-
stick, s. [a night of lull moon. s.
jb^A5>- si^'^K jciri/nr or je,o?}ar, f. a treat,
feast, entertainment ; ffor jnunul, q. v.) land in con-
^*«j»Jc^ T^)^?^ jyotxm, f. a moonlight night, stant cultivation, s.

(ji5»jk»- l^\fw^jyoiuh,w. astronomy, astro- CL^iy>j>- l{^'^'^ jai-icunt, victorious, s.

logy, jyoiish-maii, luminous, radiant, s.
CIaJ^j^s- "W^"^ pii'ctnt, living, alive, s.
(.iLij^Ar?- 3lftftrE«fr jyotislih , m. a heavenly
body, a planet, a star. s. [ger- *• (_dJc6^j^;s- TftTPtTafi jiicantih, m. a fowler, a
bird-catcher, s.
j,i)Li3»i>- l^fKf^'W jyotishik, m. an astrolo-
ooL>^j.s- lf\'^f'in'3SljJ)r<i)itiJia,{. a parasite plant
J^y^ Tjftfrnft jyotishi, f. a star, a planet ; {Epidendron tesseloides, &c.); a plant {Menispermum
"m. an astronomer an astrologer. *. glabrum). s,

IxJ^As- l{\^fw^\j'lvtiya, f. (same asjttiya,q.Y.) ^Jiy^ irt^'fl'^ fm-avli, f. a free {Celtis

" orieiitalis); a Yi\a.nt{Men).ipermum ^Inbruvi); the Sam or
^ij^y> ^ Wtfftx^ jyvil-ratk, m. the pole-
star, s.
Saen tree {Mimosa albidu); yellow niyrobalan {Termi'
nalia chelnda). s.

ijiJS*Xs»- 'sftf^W^f jhrifesh, m. (lord of life) yX/^yi£>- »ft^^^ ;?t*«?yi», m. a kind of bird,
a name of Yama ; a husband, a lord ; a drug to revive supposed to be a pheasant ; tlie chakor or Greek
the dead. *. partridge. .<. [subsistence, s.

\JLpy^ ^f^F^n jvrltesha, adj. ruling life &ib^yx>- wt^'^lT^fTi pciinopai/d, m. n:-eans of
(applicable to objects of reverence or affection), s.
JbS^^^>. jT^^-jfHv j'irniKiushodhy m. :l
CL>yi^ W^jm-at, lively, spirited, bold. s. drug to revive the dead. s.
310 ) jV
^ (
^^A*- yfl'^nl jlvarii, f. jasmin, s. bW chdbu, (in comp.), chewing, a chewer. d.
4^^^ ift^yiil, living, alive; aliving being, s. Uj-btJlA^jU- ^^W^^IHHT chdbhat pdrna, a. to
craunch, to crush. /(.
Wt^nyU ji-hdrna, to be discouraged,
depressed from fear. {J^ ^Vf\ chdbi, f. a key. The word is in-
[ment. h.
elegant, and chiefly used in Bengal : it is apparently
jic^ '^[^ jehar, f. m. the name of an orna- of Portuguese origin, h.
jriri' *T^ j^har, f. a pile of pots filled with t— >**. ^TT chap, m. a bow ; also the refuse of
water and placed one over the other.in order to be carried
the jhar bert, after the leaves are beaten from it. chap-
on the head ; a ceremony preparative to marriage, in jarib, gross measurement of the lands on an estate, h.
which pots filled with water are piled over one ano-
ther, the whole crowned with a bowl of sharbat, and ^^bls-- chdpdti, f. a thin cake of fine bread, d.
the friends watch by it during the night, h,
<JiA;««^W '«llimz chdp-pat, m. a tree {Bucha-
^{_j>- "W^ jai-hau (Braj), you may or will nania latifolia). s.
go* h. [will go, will be. h.
(Jj>}^ ^TT? (?//a/)re,cakesof cow-dung,which,
(^(^ ^^ jai-hai (Braj), he, &c. may or when dry, are used as fuel. h.
(j^ ^""^ j^yh victorious, triumphant, s. jJ-?W ^T^T^ chapal, m. unsteadiness, s.
\xx>- %Tn jeyd, conquerable, fit to be con-
quer d, s. (^j*i^\»- chdplus, m. a flatterer, a wheedler. p.
^A^.jkjL>. Tf(^ jyeshtha, best, pre-eminent; ^^^\s>- chdplust, m. flattery, wheedling, p.
oldest, older, jyeshthdnsa, the eldest son's share, the
right of primogeniture ; m. the second Hindu month
lx>.l=«- chdpjid (v. chdnpnd), to join ; to
^May — June), jyeshthatd, f. seniority, pre-eminence. cram, 8ic. k. [ing-net. k.
jyeshtha-tdt, ni. a father's
s, elder brother, jyeshtha-
vama, m. a Brahman, tXx^.'v^ '^TTRt^f chdphand, m. a kind of fish-
^^^i-^^'d^ '''^ jy^H^^i f* the eighteenth lunar 3\s-- 'srnrr chdtur, clever, able, cunning, wise;
mansion comprising three stars, of which one is Scor- in comp.(from c/;a<«r)four. chdtur-varnya.m. the aggre-
gate of the four castes, chdtur-vaidya, m. a priest
pionis ; the middle finger. ». versed in the fourVedas. s,

jSU- ^TTR chdtar, m. a large net, a seine, h.

^cj)^\»- "^Tin^ chdturl, f. 1 cleverness, dex-
*Jjj"'.^ ^Itt^ chdturya, m.J terity, cunning. s.
— eke or chtm; called also jlm-i fdrsl or tiblrj- ^TifoF chdtah, m. name of a bird (C?/,-
jim-i'ajami (i.e. the Persian^™, the Arabs not having culus melanoleucos). s.
it in their language), the seventh letter of the Persian
alphabet and the eighth of the Hindustani. It sounds JUiU- ^Ti^T^ chdtwdl, m. a hollow made in
like ch in the English words *' cherry, cheek ". It is the ground to receive a burnt-offering; any hole in
sometimes permuted, 1st, into zh, as kazh for hack, the ground, s.
glass ; a pine-tree : 2nd, into z, as pizishk for plchishk,
a physician or apothecary. 3rd, into sh, as knshi for CL>U. "^Zchdt, f. longing, wish, relish, taste ;
kdch'i, habit, custom, "bonne bouche". chat lend, a. to lick
into j, made of glass : lastly,
and sometimes into s byor the
sh, Arabs it iskdch,
as kaj for changed
im, China, for chin, shatranj for chaturang, chess. In up. VII3I
reckoning by the abjad it represents three, the same ul»- chdtd, the vessel that receives the
asjim. h.p, juice of the sugar cane as it drops from the mill, h,
^ ^ cha, is the corresponding letter in the U3'v>. '^TT»!T chdtnd, to lick, to lap. h.
Devanagarl alphabet. In Sanskrit it is a symbol for
the God Shiva, a thief, a tortoise, &c. *.
(J>^ -mil chdti, f. a churn, h.
W" chd, f. tea. ckd-ddn, m. a teapot, p. \s>X>.
TV ^Ml chdcha, jxi. a father's brother,'
paternal uncle (Lat. patruue), h.
tibW chabuk, ra. active, alert; a horsewhip
(in this sense it is only found in the works of khusru,
j»-\>- '^^W^ chdchar, m. the pole round which
and it is probably Hindi), chdbuk-bdzl, f. whipping, they play at the festival of the holt ; a fair or assemblage
lash, chdbuk-dast, nimble, active, alert, quick, beau- of people collected after the holl. h. ■
tiful, chdbuk phatkdrnd, a. to crack a whip, chdbuk-
saivdr, m. a horse-breaker, a jockey ; a good rider ; a
horse-broker. cAa6u^-«a2/;ar8, f. jockeyship, &c. chdbuk 5J.U. ^\-<\
■■ brother's wife,chdchi,
aunt. f.
h. father's sister, or father's
mdrnd, a. to whip, to lash. p.
jioW chdbukl, f. activity, alertness, despatch, jtiW chddar, f. a sheet, tablecloth, mantle,
veil ; a cascade, chddar bichhdnd, a. to lay the cloth, h^
"patch, celerity, p.
.la- ^n^chdni, beautiful, pleasing, elegant, s,
\^\s^ ^T^tTT chdbnd, a. to chew, to masticate.
chdb chdb bdten karnt, a. to mince one's words, to speak .^^ ^Tt char, four, chdi- abru, m. a kind of
little and haughtily. «. dervise who shaves his eyebrows and whiskers, char-
djikh or chdr-dnkhen(v. chdr-chashm). chdr-ungal, m.
IbU- ckdbnd, a. to thrust in (a pin, nail,
&C.), to prick, d. palm (four inches). c/ior-Kn^/7,f. hand's breadth, chdr-
d.ina, m. iron armour, chdr-balhh, m. a thronet
( 311 )
couch, or sofa, char-bang, sensible, quick, Intollifrent,
alert, char-blsi, m. fourscore, char-para, divided into ijjj^ "*<i«ff chdrvi, f. a beautiful woman ,
four, four-pieced, c'nar-tak, brolteu (into four pieces). understanding,
dour, n. intellect; moonlight; light, splen-
chdr-tak, ambline, pace of a horse, char-talc chaliid,
to amble, chdr-jama, in. a Icind of saddle (witiiout a
tree), char-chashm, f. meeting, interview, the e3'es of 8jW chdra, m. remedy, cure, help, aid ; ex-
two people meeting, chdr-khdria, chequered ; m. a pedient, chdra-sdz or -gar, one who remedies, chdra-
kind of cloth, chdr-dlwdrl or -diwdlt, f. a court-yard, sdzl or -gurl, remedying, curing, &c. p.
inclosure. area, chdr-zdnu, a mode of sitting, as tai-
lors sit at work, chdr-zdtid haithnd, n. to squat, to sit ^V ^^* <'^t,dra, m. forage, fodder, food for
oriental fashion, with the legs crossed in front, chdr- cattle ; truss, sheaf, grass ; a young plant ; a bait for
sdl, a horse of four years old. chdr-su, a cross-road, fish, chdra ddlnd, a. to bait. h.
two roads crossing each other, chdr-shdna, tough,
hardy, char -zarb, sensible, intelligent, generally ^j^-j^ chdrydri, m. a sect of Musalnians
applied to slaves, chdr-khuntd, quadrangular, chdr- who venerate equally the four successors of Muham-
nia:ghz, m. a walnut ; an earthen ball with which chil- mad. The Shi'as apply tliis term to the Sunnis. p.
dren play, chdr-nazaren-k., an interview to take place
(v. chdr-chashm). chdron taraf and chdron or, the four cdbjU- char-yak, one of four, a fourth, p.
sides or quarters, ('. e. all around, on all sides, yj.
JV '^^ chdr, f. turf; a hurt, a wound, a
jU- char (v. chara), remedy, help, &c. char- knock ; a lever, chdr-parnd, to be necessary, h.
na-char, nolens volens. p.
jW char, pepper soup, commonly called by 4jf^'W chdfi, slander, calumny, backbiting.
chdj-l khdnd, to delight in calumny, &c. d.
Europeans " muUigatawnrj " which is a corruption of
its name in the Tamul language, d. t^_r*»U- '^re chds, f. ploughing, cultivation.
chds-k., a. to plough, h.
].W chara(JoT 8.1>- qv.), remedy, aid, «&c. ;>.
kW ^KT chard, m. forage, fodder ; bait for u*»W '^rei chdsd, m. a cultivator, a plough-
man, ahusbandman, h. [medicine, d.
fish ; a young plant, chard ddlnd, to bait. h.
jXwjW chdshu (for chdksu, q. v.), a kind of
iob .W chdr-paija, m. a quadruped, p.
(^A)jU- chdr-pdji, f. a bedstead, a bed. char- U**>W '^i^rit chdsnd, a. to plough, to till. A.
pd,t par parnd, a. to get sick ; a litter for carrying the
the sick. p. [roads, quadrivium. s. jJa»*i.> '^'^'r(\ chdsin, a pan in which the juice
" of the sugar-cane is boiled, h.
^'bX»- ■^cJK'qvi char-path, m. a meeting of
t<**^ ^IW^ chdsl, m. (v. chdsd') a plough-
UjW chdr-td (for chdr-tdr), a lute with four "man ; f. cultivation, tillage. /*.
strings, p.
lL»w»W chdsht or chdsht-gdh, f. the middle
ii>i>-,W chdr-chand, fourfold, quadruple, j)- hour between sunrise and the meridian ; also what is
eaten at that time, breakfast, a collation, chdsht-
8J>.1>- chdr-dah, fourteen, the full moon. ]). vavniz, morning prayer, p.

^li.W chdr-dahum, the fourteenth, the full j_^*«jI>. chdshni, f. Havour, relish, a mixture
moon. p. " of sweet and sour ; a specimen ; syrup, p.
C->\^>ii.ls>- chdr-cUhdt, an estate formed of ^^j^XAJuIiW chdshnigir, a taster, a servant whose
the land belonging to four villages, p. duty it is to watch over the kitchen of princes, and to
taste every dish brought to table as a secxirity against
e.xyZ»\»- chdr-shamba, Wednesday, p. poison — (Binning), p.
c_a5jI>- chdr-hab, an article of dress so called ; sW chdk, active, alert ; well, in good health ;
a kind of vest ; also a kind of mirror, p. erect, a horse ready to cover ; in spirits, chdk chau-
band, healthy and vigorous, t.
UijW ^TTIWT chdr-gund, fourfold, quadru-
ple, p.s. [fourth, p. jJ>U- chdku, m. a clasp-knife, a penknife, p.
*,W chdrum, chdruml or chdrumih, the uiJW chdfi, m. a narrow opening intentionally
^.W ^TjtlT chdran, m. a dancer or mimic, a left in clothes ; a rent, a slit, a fissure, chak-k., a. to
rend, to slit, to tear, to split, chdk-girebdn, with collar
kind of bard, a panegyrist, s. torn, afflicted, s.
jl>.\j.ls»- chdr-nd-chdr , certainly, inevitably,
v.i)U. ^ToF chdk, m. a potter's wheel ; a wheel
by force, right or wrong, nolens volens. p. of any kind ; rings of earth for forming a well ; a mill-
stone, mill. s.
\, W chdrrvn, m. a pony, quadruped, chdr-
wd-ddr, m. a groom, one who lets horses, p. LlLt,$U- chdkat, a kind of bracelet, d.
ui3\. jU- '^T^ToF chdrvdh, the head of a tribe S\s^ chdkar, m. a servant, attendant, j).
of atheists ; a sophist, a sceptic, an atheist s.
^L^U- chnhardn (pl-)> servants, chdhardn-
^^. .U- chdncdn,m.') the fourth ; more usually zamin, lands exempted from revenue dues, and appro-
^.j jW chdrwln, f. J chauihd, &c. h. servants, priatedp.to the maintenance of public officers and

^JJJ^ charoR, f. kernel of a nut. d. (^S\s^ chdkar I, f. service, attendance ; a grant

.W13 . .Vs»- chdr-o-nd-chdr, nolens volens,&c.jj. 'in a village for personal services, service laud. p.
( 312 )
^*~M»- chahau, m. the name of a medicine (a jN^V ^TftoRT chdiriikar, m. gold, s,
small black seed) for diseases of the eyes. p.
L— O W ^fil champ, f. „W
the lock of a gun ; the
stocks, the rack, champ charhdnd, a. to cock a gun ;
_jSU. chahu, in. a claspknife, a penknife, p. to punish or torment by squeezing the ear with the
lock of a gun. h.
u^U- 'gT;^^ chakhna, a. to enjoy, to re-
lish, to taste. *. [stone, h. VIxjU- ^nirn chdmpnd, a. to join ; to stuff,
fj^ ^TWt chakt, f. (v. chakJd), a mill- to cram, to thrust in, to press, h.

J V ^^ chal, f. habit, custom ; gait, pace. ^^^ "^TZ^l chdnpid, a. to press, to squeeze. //.
chal pakarnd, n. to prevail. chal-ckalnS, n. to behave.
chal-dhdl, f. manners, behaviour, breeding, politeness. ^y->
"fromW artisans
^trtf/m?? ?i,cesses h.levied or "squeezed "
and others,
chdl-milna, n. to smell a rat. s.

uV "^'C* chal, f. a colour in horses, roan ; ijj^"^ -Hi-qO chdnchari, a kind of inferior
grain, as mung or jawdr, h.
m. the thatch or roof of a house, h,
*J^^- ^TW^ f/'a«c/ia/y/a,m. unsteadiness, s.
^V ^Tq5T chula,m. motion, departure; (met.)
a lucky moment. *. '^V ^^ chdnd, m. the moon ; the crown of
the head ; a white spot in the forehead of cattle and
^U- cAa/a, 1 laborious, active, hard- many other things which are moon-like ; name of an
ornament ; a month ; a target (to shoot at), chdnd
ti)^U- chalak, J working, alert, fleet,
chhipdm'i, a to change
nimble, ingenious, clever, chdlak-dast, expert of hand. the new moon ; end ofasthe
the month,
moon, chdnd-rdt,
chdnd-ldrd, night of
a robe
chalak-dastt, expertness. p. made of flowering muslin, &c. chdnd-mdrnd, a. to fire
at a mark, chdnd ne kfiet kiyd, the moon has risen, s.
^^W chalaki, f. activity, alertness, nirable-
"ness, celerity ; boldness,
liWU- =qi^ chdndd, m. a common station of
p. [portation. p. the revenue survey; a subscription to raise a certain
j^^U- chaldn, invoice, bill of lading; trans- sum ; an assessment, quota, share, h,
(ji3'o|. chalish, f. exertion in battle ; manner, j^->- ^r?5 chdndra, lunar; m. the moon-
conduct ; a graceful gait. p.
gem ; a lunar month ; the light fortnight, s.
*^V ^^W^ chalak, laxative, s.
i^Vj'^^ ■^I'jiMiU chdndrdyan, m. an expia-
(iPV ^^^ chalan, m. a sieve, a strainer, s. tory fast; diminishing one's food by a mouthful every
day during the dark half of the month, and increasing
'^^- 'M 1(5*1chievous,1s. chcilna, a. to sift ; n. to be mis- it in like manner during the light half. s.

^^^'i^V "^^^T^TTnT chdndra-hhdgd, f. a river

j''4-^ V '^T^'I^^ chalan-har, a sifter, s. in the Panjab, the Chiuab. s.

(J'v ^^"^ chalni, f. a sieve, a srrainer. ,■?. tj"^^^- ■«ii»-<l*i« chdndramas, m. the con-
stellation Mriga shira ; stars in Orion.
*^ V ^^? chalah, f. the name of a fish (sort
of sprat. {Clupea cultrata, Buck), s. ■«<i<^*t chdndam, name of a clan of ?'a;-
puts. n.
iJV '^T^ chdli, roguish, wicked, mis-
"chievous. h. UJJU. ^t^»IT chdndna, m. light, chdndnd
pakh, m. the light fortnight of the moon. .s.
LTi'V ^T^t?T cltdrix, forty. chuUs-sutun,
a pavilion, palace, Sec, having forty {i.e. a great
many) pillars, s. l3'^ V '^T^^ chdndm, f. the moonbeams ;
name of a flower ; a white cloth spread over a carpet ;
any thing white and shining, chdndnl chauk. m. a
L^U- ^"^m chdUaa, m. a dimness of sight wide and public street or market, that of Delhi being
which is supposed to come on at forty years of age, celebrated in its way. chdndnl-rdt, f a moonliglit
and often to be removed on approaching the forty- night, chdndtil-karan, the practice of Brahmans, jcc.
eighth or fiftieth year ; the fortieth year of any era, of wounding themselves in order to extort alms or
or of the century ; an aggregate of forty, a period of payment of a debt, chdndnl kd mdrd-jdnd, n. to be
forty days ; a quarantine, s. affected with a disease, supposed to proceed from a
stroke of the moon (a horse), s.
(jl^— i^V s^T^t^^ chaUsrcdn, the fortieth;
hence a festival or ceremony held on the fortieth day 5 JjU- chdnda (v. chdndd), a revenue station. A.
after child-birth, death of a relation, &:c. s.
i^*^ V ^t^ c.'idndi, f. silver (pure), plate ;
the crown of the head. s. [port. A.
f^g^'^ •««IC^1*1 chdlisl, f, quarantine; a pe-
"riod of forty days' abstinence kept after the death of
a relation, child-birth, &:c. s. •^ V '^T^ chdnd or ^T^ chdnr, f. a prop, sup-
(•V ^^ chdm, m. hide, skin, leather, chdm (JiJo'^ graded
"M i<isic^ chdndul, m. an impure or f.
* ke dam chaldne, a. to stretch to the utmost a temporary caste, 3. Pariah, an outcaste. chdnddll,
authority (lit. to give currency to coins of leather). woman of the same tribe, s.
cham-chori, adulterous connection with another man's
■wife. s.
t^iJj^- ^«ir chd?ik,^m.. a stamp fixed on a
j*^ ■««i*i< chdmar, rn. the tail of the Bos o^-»- M'\«n\chdnkd,J stack or heap of grain,
gninniens, used to whisk off fliesi, &c. chamar-pusfipa, or a piece of cow-dung placed on the same to protect it
m. the betel-nut tree {Jreca fau/ei or catechu), s. from the evil eye. h.
( 313 )
>x->l>- ^T^^Tr/ia7jY7/a,m. a colour in horses, h. (.dlj^ fqj^ chibuk, f. the chin. h.
UJW chFinva (v. chandna), light, d. j_^xjks- chnhuhm, f. a puncture or wound with
" any sharp-pointed instrument, d.
Jylrv '^t^^ chahwal, m. rice (v. chawal). h.
jW ^TW chaw or chd,o, ni. eagerness, plea- f^x»' f^^"^ rhibil, 1 impolite, boyish, chi-
sure, taste ; a measure equal to four fingers ; a kind of
bamboo. cha,o-cltochla or cha,o-chox, fondness, endear- '^ky^ f^f^WT chibilldj b ilia- pan, hoy\shness.h.
ment, fondling, tenderness, love. h. b^)ar>. '^'^c5i*ti chabldnd, a. to chew slowly, s.
i^j%^ "vIN^l chawri, f. name of a place in (_^SSi^A»- ^<T»il5g1 chahni-haddi, f. cartilage,
Dehli ; a caravansarj-, a building for the accommodation grissel. h, [chew, &c. «.
of wayfarers, commonly called a " choultry." h. 13 ^^A»- vi'N«llr|T chabrvdnd, a. to cause to
(JjW '^T^T^ cfiarval, m. rice (cleared of the \y^A»- v<<jj:ji chabutrd, \Ta. a terrace or
husk, and not dressed), h.
5p»A=>- ^^WTTT: chabutara,) mound to sit and
jW ^Tf chah, f. desire, wish, love, liking, converse on ; a custom-house, a tribunal or court o(
affection, choice, want, appetite, chah-chit or c'lah o justice, a police-station, a guard-house; a market-
choz, love, affection, dalliance, h place ;a boundary-mark. h.
iW chah, m. a pit, a well, chain zanakh, f. ol^*>. ^>TTqT chubhd7id, a. to stick into, to
the dimple of the chin, chdh-kan, m. a well-digger, p. thrust into, to pierce, to goad, to stab, to prick. A.

\*U- ^^ rhahd, in. love, affection, will. h. til^jLTs- ^iWof! chabhak, f. sting, h.

^^UU- ^TfT^^ chdhd-chahi, f. the love ■"in

water, '5^«fi^
h. chubhki, a dip, a dive, a plunge
" of one's country, h.
tl*fcU. ^T^TT chdhat, f. desire, will, love. h. U^x^ ^>TtTT chuhhnd, n. to prick, to be stuck
or thrust into, to pierce, to penetrate ; to be pierced,
pricked, stabbed, s.
U&1>- chahira,'\ji tribe of rdjjmts, in Hi-
jj.J6W cliaJi/l, J sar. h. U»^jk»- ^>T^^ chubhond, a. (v. chvbhdnd) to
stick into, to stab, sting, lac h.
tiwbW ^^opc/m^oA, affectionate, friendly, h.
Ujbl>. ^T?»rr c/iahna, a. to love, to like, to Ujtfs- 'g^^ c/ifl/>e«a, m.1 parched grain, to
desire, to wish for, to demand, to choose, to need, to
^ja> '^^rft cluthem, f. J exercise the teeth
require, to pra}-, to approve, to ask, to attempt, to try, " with when more substantial food is not at hand. s.
to look, see, watch, observe, chdh-rahnaun, to keep on
the alert, to continue watching, h. e-A»- cluiji, left, the left linnd. chap o vast,
to the left and to the right, p.
JbW '■^V^chaho, either, choose, or, whether, h.
^bW chahi, of or relatino; toa well, chahi, f. ( «* ''grT chvp, silent; gratis, for nothing;
interj. silence ! (the word rah or raho being under-
' or clifihi-zam'in, land irrigated from wells, p. stood), chup-chdp, quite still ; silently, stealthily
JbU- ^li^l chahi or ^c-f»- ^^ chahi, f. a chttp-lagnl or chiipkl lagni, n. to be struck dumb. h.
snipe (Scolopax gallinago). h. u>. ^uUchappd, m. a hand-breadth, a «p;in.//.
VlJLfcW "qi^llTT chahitd, agreeable, desirable ; (OU*- chapdt, a slipper having a heel piece ;
m. a sweetheart, a beloved one. li. an English shoe or slipper, in contradistinction to the
Oriental shoe, &;c., whicli wants the heel piece, d.
jXJj&W ^T^lifl clidhxti, f. a mistress, a sweet-
'oIasj. '^milT chapdtd, m.^a thin cake of un-
" heart, h. [it behoves, it is necessary, h.
^3lJc»- ^trnr! chapdtl, f. J leavened bread, h.
^jkfcW ^rrf^c/<a/t2?/e(impers.v.),itis proper,
^^yW ^TT chdya or ^TTf cha,e, m. eagerness, (»»a;>-U»- ^Mi-mi chupd-chup, silent ; fur-
pleasure, taste. cha,e choz, affection, h.
tively, h.
scald bUs- '-^cmiHT chapdnd, a. to abash, to j)lace
fj>,As»- "^^ chdjiii, \ f. si one thing on another, to pile. h. [nous. A,
head. h.
(^/^!>- i^/^ ^^K^^ chd,in ju,in, J head u-». f^xRT chiptd, clammy, viscous, gliiti-
j^/W ^^ cha,m, m. name of a low class of U-c>. ^i|(JI chaptd, flattened, compressed,
Hindus ; the seed of tamarind ; scald head. h.
shallow ; level or even (as ground, &c.). s.
bU»- '^^T'TT chohand, a. to chew, to gnaw, to \31jU»- f^TTTRT chrptdnd, a. to sod, to turf,
masticate, chahd-chahd-ke hut harm, a. to speak with to apply patches, to stick, h,
Btudy or preparation ; also without reserve ; or haugh-
tily and scornfully, s. ISlju*- ■■<m7HI chaptdnd or chipidna, to flatten ;
to glue, to fasten, to cause to adhere, h.
^jU». r<<«fNc41 chibd,old or '^^sIN^ji chahd-
ola, also chibdwald, childish, puerile, h.
jb»Ji,*-»>- ^M^m'sT chopat-bdz, femina libidini
sapphictt indnjaats. chaf<at-hdzt, congressus tibidinosus
duarum mulierum. h. p.
<_j^Us«. '^m^chubdjiff. niastication,chewiiig.s.
( 314 )

\joL>- '«|l|(Sr|1 chapatna, ii. to be flattened, Ka ^MdkJ chuphd,

U5v? quiet, silent, mote.
also to stick, &c. h. [here. h. chupke, quietly, silently, with little noise, chupke-
kahnd, so speak in a whisper, or in a very low voice, h.
\JjU»- f'sJUiHT ehipatna, n. to stick, to ad-
\3K-s»- ^^*l«!T cfiapkdnd, a. to msike adhere,
^_^». ^mCj^I chaptiht, f. the name of an to stick on ; to compress ; to threaten, h.
insect, h.
^io>. ^TniTfT chaphun, f. a kind of vest, a
^Ls>- ^^3^ chaptl, f. congre^sns mulierum.. sort of coat, chapkan-ddr, m. a vest like a chapkan. h.
"cliapti larnd or khelnd, n. Uhidini sapphica indulgere. h,
UxJo- f^MohVfl r/ilpa/nid, n. to slick, to ad-
U-^l:>.t-A>- ^^^(m chuj)-chdp, silent, perfectly here ;to spread or sink (as ink on damp paper); to be
still, furtively, by stealth, h. [glutinous, s. compressed, cliipak jdnd, n. to be sold on account of
its sweetness ; to fall in love at first sight, h.
U^?" f%^f%^ chip-chipa, clammy, viscid,
U^^ ^1«li«lT chapaknd (also chipaknd), n.
j_^Ls»-(.— «tf»- ^^^^TfT chup-chupate, silenily, to collapse, h.
secretly, h.
\JL>-t— A»- ^HxJMUl chiip-chupaua, ti. to keep ^5uk>- chvpho, gratis, for nothing, d.
silence, to move quietly and secretly. /(. „^^Js- r^im^ chijypakh, m, a sparrowhawk. p.
\>\^^^ f^yf«(m«1T cliipchipdnd, n. to adhere, ia>. ^xroKt chuphi (fem. o{ chuphd), silent,
to cohere, h.
"also silence ; (in Dakh.) chupke, gratis, h.
cLJbl-^v' f^^r-«iqi^3 chipchipdhat, f. vis- ,_)-*»- chapal, tilthy, brutal, beastly, p.
cosity, glutinousness, stickiness, h.
Jj^ ^rq^ chappal, f. a h,slipper, -chappal
mdrnd, to beat with a slipper,
^j>- chippakhf tn. a sparrowhawk. ^.
fsnin chiprd, m. gum (of the eyes), h. ,Jjcj. 'q'TJ^S chapal, trembling, tremulous,
wavering, unsteady ; swift, e.xpeditious ; wanton, rest-
(_j<*lj^ ^tncj^ chaprds, f. a buckle, a breast- less, volatile ; adv. swiftly, s.
plate, clasp, badge, h.
^)u^ -^fM^I chapald, f. the goddess Lakshmi
f^y^ ^^TT^ chaprdsi, m. a messenger, or or fortune ; lightning; a whore, s.
"other servant, so called from his wearing a cfta/)rai. h. tLil»)^La» vm^iWch chapaldtmak, of a fickle
or inconstant nature, s.
f^^ji»- "^T^'ft chuparnauh, a. (Braj) to var-
nish, cover, smooth, anoint, h. [small pulse, h-
^^^Jjksj. chapal'pan, volatileness, agility, d.
^jjXs^ -^mO chapri, a puddle, also a kind of
Ulx»- ^Qc^rTl c'lapulatd, f. fickleness, incon-
iVJo- '^Hjl chuprd, plausible though false, h. stancy. «.
^tr3T chaprd, w. a kind of lac; clear Jjl^Jl^ chappal-send, the prickly pear (call-
ed in the north ndg-phani). d.
h. [brazen. A.

'SRTl^ chaprdnd, a. to falsify, to ^jf^jlU*. chapalgiri, a kind of lizard, d.

• ^\Vjv». -cJMil'gi chaprd,u, brazenfaced ; m. ^A>- '^WT chappan, m. a lid or cover of a
slippers, h. [eyes). A. pot (large), h.
Ujcs- 'gtrfTT chapnd, n. to be abashed, to be
lj&\Vjo- f^TTTT^ chiprdhd, bleai-ed (as the bashful in companj', to blush, to submit, to stoop, to
be crushed or squeezed, h.
•l»»-''.-A>. '^Md-md chopar-chapar, f. the noise
that a person's mouth makes when eating, h. \ja». f'^'^mi chipnd, n. to be concealed, h,
livAsj- vitri4»n chaparnd, n. to flee, to run
^xit>- "^m^ chapni, f. a lid,a cover,top (small) '
away ; to desist, to deny, h, "■ the knee-pan. chapm hhar pdnimen (or leke) dub mar-
O'Ls* ■^'Miqi chuvarvd, a. to varnish, to nd, (lit. to drown one's self in a saucerful of water) to
be greatly abashed, chapni chdtni, (to lick the pot-
anoint, to cover, to smooth, to palliate, h. lid) to be contented with a little, h.

i_s''jx>- xfMJI chapfi or f%^Tt chiprl, f. cakes ys>- ^TKf chappuy m. a paddle, an oar. chappu
of cow-dung. h. mdrnd, a. to row. h. [ban. h.

,_g':xs- ^V[r\ chvpri, f. oiled, greasy; smooth,

ijy^ '^:^t^ chapoti, f. an old worn-out tur-
plausible, cliuprl
cakes rich with bat, flattery,
clarified butter. soft words,
c/(«;jr' chnprl rot'i,
«'". theyam. h.
0**»V'»< *=»- 'hop 0 rdst, m. (lit. left and
right) unsteadiness, want of principle, carelessness, p.
if'^Jrr chapJiolish, f. crowding, want of
, t. Jl^Aa- '^rw^ andchaphdl,
with marshes mire. h.f. a place surrounded
fkjiqoR chippak, shallow ; m. f. name
of a bird, the goat-sucker, h. s^ fqrq^ chipp't, f. a patch on paper. /«.
Kjc.- ^q^T chovkd m. the goat-sucker; \j=r "^(^ chopp'i, f. kneading the limbs, h,
{Caprmulgut). h. \ssr ^"oft chuppi, f. silence, h.

( 315 ;

«J1a*^-^ ^!mz chapet, m. the palm of the hand

tp5"»^ Ji^- '^^ chatur, cunning, sly, shrewd, wise,
with the finfjers extended ; f. a sudden misfortune, risk ; knowing, expert ; four. *.
a slap, a blow. s.
Jx»- chair or chatra, m. an umbrella, p.
Ui-s»- ^^TITT chapeta, m. a slap, a blow. s.
l.Lx>- ^^7T chapeta, illegitimate ; m. a has. ^j^ ^nnCT telligent,
chatra cunning, a.or '^TRT chaturd, wise, in-
tard, or as we say in the vernacular " a bje blow ". h. ^Ji^ f%^ chitra, f. name of the fourteenth
f^TT chit, f. look, glance, sense; adj. mansion of the moon (Spica virgiriis); adj. varie-
gated, speckled. a\
supine, lying flat on the hack, chit-k., to throw (one's
adversary) on his back (a term in wrestling), to dis-
comfit, overcome in battle, h. lL^Ka*- chitrdng, m. a kind of snake ; a
plant (Plumbago zeylanica); yellow orpiment ; ver-
l1*s»- fqiT chit or f^W chitt, ra. f. intellect, milion, i. [(v. chaturtd). s.
mind, life, soul, heart, memory. chit-chd,e, pleasing to
the mind, what the heart desires, chit-chor, heart- (^-^Ui»- '^•m^ chaturd,l, f. cunningness, &c.
stealing or -alluring, chit dend, to pay attention.
chit-kantd, to make up one's mind, chit-land, to be Jx^Ji>- f^^f^^^ chitr-bichitr, of various
attentive, to apply to. cltit-lagan, amusing, pleasant, s. colours, s. [an epithet of FiiA _ «. «.

«J1«»- chit, (in Dakh. blotted, foul, stained. ^^Ji»- '^TH^ chatur-hhuj, having four arms;
chit-k. or chit-pit-k., to blot paper when writing; to
spoil a copy. d. ijF^^J»>- '*iA*iyi\ chatur-bhvjl, having four
"arms ; an epithet of Devi. s.
\;i*- f^in chita, a funeral pile, a heap of dried
wood on which dead bodies are burned, s.
"^nor^ ckuiur-hhadra, m. the four
of human pursuit (v. chatur-varga).
\jk»- f^Wl chittd, m. name of a medicinal plant
(Plumbago xeylanica). s. (^>-^^J,:i5»- f^^H^tiT^ chitr-hhojan, m. change
of diet, eating of unusual food. «.
VI>- f^^ chitta, m. application of a blister;
white; adj. lying down, reclining, h. \jb .!k>. fq^TTT^ chitra-p)ddd, f. the maind,
a small bird so called, s.
lLA^Us- fq^iftT cJtitta-hhog, m. conscious-
ness of pain or pleasure, attention of the mind to its \^Jis-- f%^xi^T chitra-padd,f.a. creeper ( Cissia
own sensations, s. pedata) ; a kind of metre. «.

3j^\I»- f^nnfinR chita-pind, offerings of \^ .Jks- fw^TlfJ^^T chitTa-parnikd,\f. » plant

cakes to the manes at the time of burning the corpse, s.
(i^ J^ V^:^m^ chitra-par7n, J {Hemio-
ti)j»»-\Jk»- f^riM^efi chitd-churak, m. a mark " nites curdifolia) ; Bengal bladder (Rubia vianjeth) s.
where a funeral pile has been, a mausoleum, a monu- 13, is- ^TmTT chaturtd, f. cuuniiiL', slvness
ment, s.
wisdom, knowledge, dexterity, s.
\>j\ls-- f^WTTtTT chitdrnd, m. to paint, s.
^>Ji^ ^H^ rhatiirth, the fourth, s. [day. s.
j^j .lis- f-'frilCt^llI' chitdrohan, ascending the
funeral pile (a widow) ; burning with the dead body
of a husband, s. t^>Ji^ '^TT^ chaturthi, f. the fourth lunar
(^.NJks- '^Ti^ chuturdusJi, fourteen, s.
;C,\l»- r^rilO chitdrt, m. a painter, d.
^J^^jX>- ^TtI^ chaturdashi, the fourteenth
l^lis>- r^rill^I chitdkhd, f. a funeral pile. s. "day of the moon's age. s.
\3ll>- f^in»1T chitdnd, a. to caution, to warn, Li)ti Jt». ^rff t «R chaturdik, the four sides, all
to apprise, to advise, to remind, t, around (v. chdron taraf tmA chdron or, under char), t,

i,',LJ\l^ fxdii^ chitdvg, supine (applied to j»**j^ '«nTTH chutur-asi'U , four-cornered, quad-
animated beings), h. [chitand), to caution, 8iC. s. rangular, s,
Ujljc*- f-MrlHHI chitdfOnd or chitdivnd, a. (see ^Li*Jk»- r<(-J5ll<^l chitra-shdld, f. a gallery of
pictures, a picture-room. 5. [painter. *.
ji.ljk-fc f%irra^ chitd,oni or chitdwrii, f. a
" token ; admonition, warning, s. ^Ji^ fr^^ITR chitra-kdr, m. a portrait-
<Jl*.>Oi»- chit-pit, stained, defiled, d. ^j}^Ji»- i'4-A<M\^ chitrti-hdri, f. jtortrait-
paiuting. s,
tJLoC-'sr chit-pat, a game at wrestling, d,
CL>Sjl>- i'^-A'^Z chitra-hut, m. a mountain
\^lLjijiSs- fwWJC^mH chitta-prasannatd, f. in Bandelkhand, the modern Compteh, and first habi-
happiness, gaiety, s. tation of Kama in his exile, s.

jjks- fq^ chitra, m. a picture ; painting, de- kI^Ss-- f^raTTI chitra-fjupta, m. a name of
•ineation, writing, &c.; a circular ornament, a sectarial Yama ; Yama'a registrar, said to record the good and
mark on the forehead ; the mirage, or fallacious ap- evil deeds of men : the recording angel, i
pearance of water on a sandy plain wlien heated by
the nun. chitr-sulu or -tan, a'gallery of pictures. «. ^Ji>- f^rSPJX chitra-f/ur,m.a portrait-painter, s.
316 ) \1.
%>.Sj^ f^^rfi^ cJiitr-gi^v or chitra-griva, b_jjk»- f%cn^ chitauna, 1 a. to see, to
BiX)tted neck ; the name of the king of the pigeons in
the Jkhldl-i Hindi, s. [(the colour), s. yy^%-
behold, r^
/j. rii *u chitaunaun, J look at, to
jjjk*. f%^^ chiiral, m. variegated or spotted
^'^%- f^^TTTJTT chitliarna, a. to tear to
jl«yX>- chatar-mdr, m. toadstool, mushroom, p. pieces ; to fill a paper with writing ; to abuse, rerile,
treat with indignity, h. [nance, h.
,^^Jy»- ^TTT^ ckatur-muhh, having four
faces ; an epithet of Brahma, s, ^L*^l^ fxjrt^j chiihat, f. reluctance, repug-

{^y^^^ ch)ttar-mul, m. name of a plant v^^^" f-'^'yiT chtthra, m. a rag, tatter, h.

{Plumbago zeylanica), called in Urdu chittd, q. v. d. bv^:^ f^yfi^l cliithariya, tattered, ragged,
clothed in rags. h.
^J'>- f%HT*lT chitarna, a. to paint, s.
^iJk>. chitrangi (explained by haft-rangi), (_!>■ f-'lrfl chitti, f. a sear, a spot, freckle, &c.;
"versatile, unsteady, deceitful, d. " a kind of serpent ; a kauri worn smooth with rubbing.
chittl-dar, speckled, chitll land, a. to scar. h.
jiwj»- f^fro^ chitrbii, f. the second division
of women (the first being called padminl, q. v.). «. jj>- chiitt, f. mildew or rot in cloth, chitti
khdnd, to become mildewed or rotten, as damp cloth, d.
l^lJOJks*. "^^rf^ cJiita-netra, f. a small bird, be;*- f^TTT rhhija, f. a funeral pile. s.
the maind. s. [colours, s.

S»-jJi>- f'tC-sjfclfxi-:! chitra-vichitra, of various ];JC>- f'tlrin cliitera, m. a person who paints
flowers, &iC. on wood, a painter, s.
\LJj%j^ ^(i^A chatur-varga, m. the four
objects of human pursuit, viz. dharma, artlia, kdma, ^^yjuij- f^Hiff chitainaiin, a. to see, to look
at, to behold, h.
and moksha (virtue, wealth, lust, and final beatitude),
q. V. s. [or castes of Hindus, s. &jC&- f%jiT cJihijn, m. a monument, or any
mark of the site of a funeral pile. s.
j^j J Jk». ^flT%^ c/iaAMri'ar«a, ra. the four classes
(JL*a- f^ chit, f. ra^r, scrap, f/t^7 nkharnciy
(ij.^lo- -M A r^^ chatU7-vhisha, the twenty-
fourth, s. [four. s. n. to splinter, or have small pieces knocked off (furni-
ture), chitt (corruptly for chU, q.v.), mind, &c. h.
I "^r'sj \~~. '^irf^^fiT chaiiirvinshati, twenty- •*iLo- ^T? r/i«f, (juickly, instantly; f. an ex-
j_fjj ,ji». Vfnif^ chatur-vedi, a Brahman coriation, asore, scab, chancre; the noise of breaking,
who has read (or professes to have read) the four snap, dial Itliasam, eating up the whole, licking the
Vedas. s. [a tent, pavilion, p. platter clean, chat de tubid, n. to snap short, to break.
cliat-k., a. to eat, to dissipate, to devour, cliaf-h.. to
ijj^ '^TT^ cliatn, f. a canopy, veil, a parasol; be dissipated or consumed, h.

'-Atv' "^j^^' chatur-yug, m. the aggregate U>- "^^ ckutta, m. (see c/to/I) a lock of hair
of the four tjugs or ages of the world, s, left on the top of the head. &c.
jX*. chittur, the buttocks, hips, thighs, d. \js^ f%^T chittci, white, fair ; m. a silver coin.
chittd ukhdrnd, n. to splinter, or knock small pieces off
bl^si^jVp^ chitaran bajana, to rejoice, to furniture, h.
evince pleasure, d.
a1. r.\^ v<rim^ chatush-pathf m. a place IjU- '^rgl chatta, m. a schoolboy, s.
where four roads meet. «. 'd>- chuttu, m. a frock-coat, a jacket, d.

t>.,-.n^"^ ^TiniJ^ chatush-jxid, m. or chatush- IbUs*- -<4^N^I chatia-hafta, m. the name of a

padl, f. a metre or stanza consisting of four pads or plaything, a kind of rattle or clapper, h.
lines, s. [ruped. s.
»Ji*>-ll>- ^il-*ii chatachat, m. reiterated
^Sj<Ls»- '-^A^il chatush-pada, ra, a quad- sound, s.

jKjio- f^r+IT chit-kar, m. a cry, a scream, s. l^lx*. chatafiha, m. (properly chataha) a

crash, an explosion, a smack (as in kissing), h.
\ jiOs- fqHofi^TT c/«'f-Aa&ra,1 piebald, spec-
(.diUs^ Mi\m chatuk, f. a crash, an explosion ;
^)uo- f^riciiT c/t?Y/a, J kled,spotted.s.
adj. intelligent, h.
JJi^ f^rw^ chittal or Jl^ "^Irtcji c//iia/, m.
the spotted deer (^Cervus axis), h. ^IjU- -^<!I«Ii' chataha, "1 m. a crash, &c. (v.
l^ilis- ^TTOT chatahha,) chaiakha)- h.
\:j^ f'^TTTT cliitna, n. to look, appear, seem. h.
loo- f^TRl chitna, n. to be painted, s. UlU^ xj.iltj^fi; chutalna, a. to wound. A.
,.,li»- ■<4<!H chotan or chattan, f. rocky
.'»!:>• fTC'^mTT chittarvan, kind-hearted, W V
amiable, s. [derangement, g. ground, a block of stone. A.
ljli&. '^<2HT chatdnd, a. to make lick, or lap
up; m. the ceremony of feeding a child for tlie firrt
f^H^-^ chitican, f. a sight, a look. /*.
( 317 )
Olis- '^TRT chut ana, a. to woiitul. h.
,^_f->»- ^i***) chut hi, f. a pinch, snapping of
c?*U». ^71^ cha1a,i, f. a mat. chaid,l H-
ing finjjers
chtth, or; fiiilodfliin
the hammer J^of aofgunan ;ornament
; name a mode of print
worn on
chhand, a. to mat, to spread a mat. h, the toes, chiitkl bharnd, or lend, a. to nip, to pinch ;to
throw out provoking insinuations, chufkiyon men
<iL*><JLo. 'qfT^? chat-pat, hastily, in a hurry, vrdnr, to put one off with a joke. //.
instantly, h.
f^-^>- f^tZWi chithi, f. sunshine, h.
V!6t-iL*r>. ^7^^7Tf/tfl.^7Ja/a, active, hasty ; stout;
meat dressed with little sauce or gravy, h. ^AO^'-^ionl5Jlc/ia//«/a,splendid,glittering.L
^)^ ^TcJT chuild, f. a lock of hair, a queue,
IJlJ^.cL**. ^iSMglHl chat-patana, n. to be agi- ?vc. (v. chatt). s.
tated, to flutter, to palpitate, to wince, h.
lii?- '-^liril chatnd, in. voracious (man), h.
cL^Jfclo.cLo- "cJdHil^i chat-patuhat, f. agita-
tion, flurry, flutter, palpitation. /( ^XAr>. -^Jinl chatnl, f. a kind of acid sauce (or
" marmalade) ; a voracious woman, h,
j_J'\>cLo. •ximi\ chat-pati, f. haste, hurry, Uyi»- ^T^T chatu,d, m. a kind of plaything;
quickness, agility, restlessness, h.
a sort of hawk. h. [up. h.
jJO>iLc»- "^TTfrm chat-patiya, active, quick, or, \ a. to cause to lick
li\^jir». ^T^TtTT chatwdnd,
alert ; hot with spice ; restless, fidgety. //.
U-^jU- ^Ttl^ chatoMd, m. a kind of dove. h.
jAis:^?' "^[Z^TJ chat-jha, m. name of a tree. h. it J
jyi»- ■'^i: chat or,ord, an epicure, h.
lii^v" chataJi'Jma, ti. (v. chatahna) to crack, \yi'i>- '4i\iJ chatord,
split, &c. h.
{^^j>s>- "^Zi^l chatohhd, m. (v. chatokhd).
{^j^=r "^zOi cJiatri, name of an liorb used as eub»- f^: chitta, an account of all the lands
fodder for cattle, h. [tree (v. chat-jlrd), h. of a village, h.

1>j>'.\JL^ '^Z^ftrt r]iat-~ira, ni. the name of a 6.j^ chutta, m. a cheroot or cigar, d.

,^sX**»<^L>.s^ "^Z^P^ chnt-mn,'\J. a school, l^isj- W7T chatihd, m. a tit-bit, dainties, h.

^U*>iJL<r>- xii^ii^ chat-sal, J academy, s. l^is- f^Z} chitthd, m. a memorandum of
i^^Xis- '^Z'SR chatah, m. a spfirrow; f. a hen- money paid, or the pay of servants of the state ; a
«parrow; a crash, a crack, a smack; intelligence, gau- rough note or account, journal or day book, chithd-
diness ; glitter, splendour, prime of life; adj. intelli- 'amalddri, a deed conveying a proprietary right, h.
ijent, quick, chata . sc, deceiving, chaiak se jcuid, to
pay with the fore top-sail. chatak-wa,l, f. quickness, h.
,--^>- f%Tt chitthi, f. a note, a letter; an
"order or demand, chithl-talab or talab-chitthi, f. a
Kji>- r«IJ<*T chithd, m. a kind of grass or summons, chitthi-pdti or -pattar, f. epistolary corre-
spondence, h.
grain ; mucus, slime, a place where dead bodies are
burnt. It. A>. r«(gl chittl, f. the hen of the little birds
"called amaduvades {Fringilla amandava). h.
Ki>- "M^ehl chathd, m. scarcity, chatha lagdnd,
a. to thirst, to wish. h. c^ ^f^ chatti, f. scarcity, want. h.
\,K.A^ f^ZehKI chithdrd, m. a speck, a scar. Ijus*. ^frm chutiyd, m. a spy to thieves, the
chitkurd lagdnd, a. to brand ; a clack with the tongue, head of a gang of thieves ; f. a lock of hair left on the
occasioned bj' an acrid taste, h. head when the rest is shaved. /(.

\JjKis- -«<<{'4K'n chathdrnd, a. to urge cattle Uis- ^fTxn chatiyd, m. a pupil, a scholar, s.
by the clacking noise made by drawing the tongue XAJc- ^f7TTT«lT chutiydnd, a. to wound, h.
from the palate, h. [from last). /;.
.Kju>. chattehdr, m. a Portuguese or half-
jj-.KjV ■«<<JflRTTt chathari, f. (verbal noun
caste ; an Anglo-Indian or Eurasian, d.
o%^»- ^ToFTtTT chatkdna, a. to crack (as a ^)oc;»- ^5<J^q5T chufild, wounded, bruised, h.
whip) ; to snap the fingers (in rejoicing), to snlit ; to
fire off a musket ; to irritate, h.
-s. "^f^chuchi, f. thefemale breast or bosom, s.
^)^ili>- ^575?^ chutkula, m. pleasantry, face-
Xsf?" ^RT chachd or chachchd, m. paternal
tiousness, wit, humour ; (see totkd ) conundrum, h.
uncle, father's brother, h.
\a*>':)Sjc- MZ'Sh^JTfT chufhuldsd, amusing, h. \J\s.T ^^'^ chuchdnd, n. to drop, to be
drenched with water, to be dripping wet with sweat,
water, &c. //. [wife. d.
uCis- ^ToB^T chatahna, "|n. to crackle (as
U^SCis- ^^T^^T chatakhnd, J charcoal or
wood on fire) ; to crack, as a whip ; to split, h.
fj,\^ chichdtn, ,f. aunt, father's brother's
s:?" '^^^ chachar (land) that after having
Uilis- -^l^chrU Qhathand, m. a slap, a box, a lain fallow has been cultivated (or ploughed) for one
blow. h.
year. h.
318 )
J^ ( ]^

^Jf^ '^'^1.1 chachra, m. the name of a tree. h. ^'^ "*"^*.s chudakkaVy m. a salacious person
j^ WWS chuchchar, m. large breasts, s. qtii coitu frequenti fruitur, h.

V ^^^ chudnd n. feminam siihigere. h.

U^'- ^^j^
nd, n. to scrawl, f'«R^%'^«n
to score, h. chichrhi khainch-
'^'j*^*' ^«5««i*ii chudwdnd (v. chudana). h.

dogs andPq-«js1
sheep). chichrl, f. a tick or louse (of ^^ij(^>- ^=n$ chudwdfi, f. the hire of pro-
/(. stitution, h.

bj\i^rv' ^^T5RR»TT chuchkdrna, a. to fondle, bj;\»- -«i(;^4(i chudmaiyd, m. (t. chudakkar)h.

to chirp to, to cheer by making the noise occasioned
by drawing in the breath with lips protruded, h. Ufcii*- ^RT chaddhd, m. the groin, a bubo;
ijy^^^^ •^•H«tn<\ chuchkdriff, blandishment.^. (in Dakh.) chaddd, the same. h.
j>- ^T; char, m. a ford, shoal ; an island in
^j^'v" ^^55 chachchal, m. large breasts, h. the current of a river, a sand-bank ; sound made by
tearing cloth, &c. ; a wag-tail. h.
j^^isTv" "N^f^^ chichundar, m. a musk-rat. h.
\sl^T f^f^n chichindd, m. the name of a j>- '^T.chu?', an imitative sound, h.
vegetable {Beta vulgaris), h. ["^)- ^t-
j>- '^ char, m. forage, pasture ; food ; adj.
o'jsT?' ^^^tTT chuchwdnd, n. (v. chuchd- going, removable; used in comp. as jal-char, that
which moves in the water, aquatic, s.
U,^^'?" '^■^^*TT chachornd,\2i. to suck (a j>- f^ chir, adj. long (time), a long time. s.
oji^"?" '•^■«CldHI chachornd, J dry substance
from which nothing can be obtained), h. \y>- chij'd, why ? how ? chird-ki, because
that, chard, pasturing, grazing, p.
\s>^'?' f^^3T chichondd (same as chichin-
dd). chichondd hand, to be still, motionless, d. \j>. ^^ chatTa, m. thunder, h,

ul^jfi^v" chuchuhdna, to sing, to whistle, to j>-^j>- "«fiW<. chardchar, moveable, locomo-

warble as birds, p. tive ;shaking, unsteady ; sky, atmosphere, heaven. «.

U^rs."?" "^nH^m chachahiyd, m. a whistler, h. f^j>- chirdghj \n. a lamp, light, chirdgh-
harhdnd or -thanda-k., a. to put out, to extinguish (a
iK^^ chichi,^, a woman's bosom, nipple, or lamp), chird^-ddn, m. a stand for a lamp, chirdgj^
"teat. d. [brother's wife, aunt. A. men battl parnd, an expression to denote that evening
sets in, that p.it grows dark, and that it is time to light
the lamp.
jt^v" ^nft chachchi or '^T^chachl, f. father's
bU^"?" f'cif'tJUFHTh. chichiydnd, n. to squeak, to
shriek, to bleat,
{')^]j>- chirdghdn, pi. lamps, a display of
lamps, a general illumination, p.

jA^^ ■'C-^li, chachlr, m. a line, stripe, score, h.

^v\fv' chirdgh-pd, rearing (a horse), p.
Lxjfi."?" '^^T^ chacherd, descended from or re- f^\f>- chirdghtf f. a present made to the
lated through a paternal uncle, as chacherd bhd,t, m. mulld for offering up oblations at the tomb of a saint;
a cousin, son of paternal uncle ; chacheri hahin, daugh- a grant of land bestowed for the same purpose ; alms
ter of paternal uncle, h. given to beggars who walk the streets at night, as the
class called «at«/j-6a«rf«; a present to soothsayers, p.
>■>- chakh, f. (scattering, dispersing) in
Hind, variance, rupture, quarrel, p. ]/?" ^^^"^ cha7'dk,Tn.an animal that grazes.*.
8oK»- chard-gdh, f. a pasture, a meadow, p,
fj^v" liCv" chakhd-chakhl, f. wrangling, j).
^\^v' chakhmdkh (v. chahmdh), f. a flint, p. fjy>- chardn, ■Mi.\'\ m. lea fallow, a meadow,
a salt marsh or meadow by the sea-shore, s.
ij^v' chakJie, begone, away, avaunt. p.
t^j>- chardn (v. charand), grazing, &c. p.
;^lki^ ^^TO chuddsjL lust, lasciviousness. h.
01^ "^(tV^ char and, a. to graze, to pasture, s.
Vm>1i^ "^^liTn chuddsd, m.1 desirous of copu-
^\j>- ^TRl churdnd, a. to steal, to filch, s.
^t*\^'^'^\V\ chuddsi,L} lating. A.
K>\j>- f^TT^ chirdnd, a. to cause to tear, to
U^k^sj- ^<^*TT chuddnd, a. viri amplexibus se split, h. [to emart. h,
submittere (miilier). h.
UU»- ^^^T charrdnd, n. to burst; to ache,
4<'-*'^i3^ '^^^ chudd,i, f. copulation, h.
'^W ^^T^ chirdnd, f. the smell of burning
jtJ*- chaddar, f. a sheet.a table-cloth, a cloth of leather, hair, &c. h.
more than one breadth. chaddar-anddzi,a, marriage cere-
mony among the Sikhs : when a man marries a widow
a sheet is thrown over the parties, chaddar bichhdnd, t/Jo]^ chirdndi, f. an alley, a bye-lane. d.
a. to lay the cloth, p. j^U». chirdyO, m. a rent, a fissure. d»
k ( 319 ) ^^
i\^ ^TR s.
charam or chard,fl, [am.divinity,
pasture- s. ij^isf-j^- f^rnfrq^t chir-jlvi, long-lived, c
^J>- ^^ churchd, m. f. talking over patst
j^j^s- f%^ni chirai/u, long-lived ; m. a deity, events, recapitulating former occurrences; inquiry,
investigation ; argument, report, discourse, considera-
iX)^\j>. chara,inda or charayanihiy grazing ; tion, careful perusal, attention to business, discussing,
m. a grazier, p. mentioning, prevalence ; prac-tising or cultivating
(science, &c.) ; adoration ; perfuming by smearing the
<^*W '^*-'l. chara,t, f. the price paid for pas- body with sandal-wood, he. s.
turage, or rent thereof, p. h.
wlj>- f^TWin chira,eta, m. a species of gen- u>-^ fx^fxigi chirchittd or chirchiita, m.
name of a species of grass, h,
tian so called (Gentiana chirayita). s.
«L>. f^XTO chiruyu, of long existence, s. J>y>- "M<"«i<. charchar, m. prating, chattering;
^-^J*" charh, fat, thick, gross, viscous, oily ; an imitative sound, h. ' [ing. A
also charab, an overmatch, charh-dast, active, inge- ]j^J>- "^<'*»*I charchard, talkative, chatter-
nious (met.)
; a thief, charh-zabdn, agreeable, con-
versable, entertaining, cliarb-ghizd. dainties, viands, p. j^jrr P^kP^ki chirchird, m. name of a medi-
cinal plant, said to be of sovereign virtue to one bitten
ub^ -q 4^s| I f^f charhana, a. to brace a drum. h. by a venomous reptile, or stung by a scorpion, &c.
(Achyranthes aspera); a child, h.
]j^j>- charbard, active, alert, expert, d.
\^\j>j>' charhardna, to practise plausibility, ^y>-j>- '^T^TT chu/chwd, crisp, acrid, h.
to speak smoothly, d.
^\j>-y>- xixi^TRT charchardnd or f^f^TRT
f^.Aj^.j>- '^^'f^H^nl charhard,egi, f. expert- chirchirana, n. to crackle (as wood in the fire), to sput-
ter, to chew with a crackling noise, to chide, h.
'ness, dexterity, activity, h.
UOj*- charabnd, to overcome, prevail, d. clAfcU*-^ f^f^m^ chirchirdhat, f. peevish-
(J, T*- charhiy f. fat, suet, grease, charbi-ddr, nes , h.
fat, not lean, charbl-kt jhillt, f. caul of fat covering
the bowels, p. ^jj>-j>' "^K-^CS churchurl,i. dregs, sediment, h.
VJb^ charaptd, a small or slight wound, d. tiU-j*- ^=§flir charchak, m. an arguer. s.

yUv" "^^-^^ charpar, m. (see charphar). h. Usj.^ 'xi-^rji charchnd, a. to consider, to re-
flect, to apprehend, to conceive, s.
]jlj>- "^T^TT charpard, Sicrid, hot (as pepper) ;
smart (in conversation), h. Kx^'js-- Mi.'«HI charachnd, to smear or plaster
the body with sandal-wood. s.
\j|.>^ ■«I'<MU'IT charpardnd, n. to smart, h.
iiLJ&U^.w>- ^TTTI^ charpardhat, f. smarting, i^^j>-
sound, as ^r^
of a carriage-wheel, im'tative
char-chun, &c.m.; idlean prattle. A.
pungency, h. [nious. h.
CL'-^'js*- '^K.MA charchait, m. a reasoiier, a
b J^ ^^fXTn charpariyd, active, inge- mentioner. s. [prater. *,
W.j>- charpuz (in Hindi char-puj), useless, ^)ul>-j»- ^i.'^t^&l charcheld, m. a chatterer, a
stupid, miserly, -wicked, mean. p.
^ jj. ^4^i|;i. charphar, m. activity, clever- 'j>- charkhj m. a wheel (particuliirly a
ness, quickness, h. [quick, h. potter's) ; the sky, the heavens ; the celestial globe, the
sphere ; fortune, chance, circular motion ; a cross-
Sj^.j^- ■•'JCmCT charphard, active, clever, bow, a bow in a very tense state ; a hyena, charkh
charhnd, n. to dress or adorn one's sell ; to turn, as in
C^f>- '^t churt or ^^ chart, f. nap, drowsi- a lathe, charkh-puja, a penitential ceremony observed
ness, nodding, h, by the lower orders of Hindus on the day when
the sun enters Aries, for the expiation of their own
0»=r ^r^H charit,\m. instituted or peculiar sins, or of those of other people who can afford to
pay well for it. They are suspyended, by an iron
3^ ^ft'^ charitr, J observance or conduct; hook passed through the skin of the back, to one end
story, adventures ; nature, temper, behaviour, dispo- of a lever, which is raised on the top of a high pole,
sition, conduct, carriage, quality, humour, use, cus- and whirled round by means of a rope fixed to the
tom, talent, s. other end. This penance is, of course, of great virtue,
but rather disagreeable to the flesh ; hence rich people
C^j>- f^tfrTH chir-tikta, m. a kind of prefer having it done by deputy, charkh-anddz, an ex-
gentian {Gentiana cherayta). s. pert archer, charlfhi dawwdr, m. the sky, the heavens,
the firmament, charjth-zan, m. spinner, cliarkh-zanl,
^J>j^ f^trs? chiratna, old, ancient, anti- f. a spinning-wheel, spinning. char]^marnd, n. to
circulate (as the blood), p.
quated, long-lasting, s.
Ma, 1
^js-. ■'ERrft charfi, m. one who does not fast. s. U-^ charkM, \m. a spinning-wheel, a reel ;
charhha,) adj. thin, weak, nag, jade,
CL)j>- "^rCZ charat, m. a wagtail, s.
garran. p.
\i^j>- fqR.^O'iHI chir-jlwnd, n. tp live long,
to be of a great age. *. Ji-j^ charkhflh aged and decrepit, rf.
( 320 ^,)

y^j>- charhh'i, f. a spinning-wheel ; a pulley . UJ^

dung. p.chirJan, filthy, dirty, slovenly ; ci.
"the instrument
cotton ; a globe with wliich
; a kind the seed is
of fireworks, separated from ;
a dumb waiter ; the pulley by which
from a well ; a round piece of G
^ water is raised
wood fixed over the top
^J>- ^^"TT churugnd or ^TT'IT churagna,
n. to gabble, to prattle, to chirp, h.
of a tent pole upon which the fly of the tent rests.
charkhi fanus, a kind of magic lantern, a revolving lan- ^j>- ^ charm, m. leather, a skin, a hide ; a
tern made of some transparent substance with pictures shield, charm-tarang, m. a wrinkle, a fold of the skin.
all round, p.
charm-kar or charinar, m. a shoemaker, a currier, or
worker in leather, cliann-may, made of leather, s.p.
Jjf- charz, m. a small species of bustard
{Otis Bengalensis). p.
j^;>-^TlTcAarfl??i, last, ultimate; west, western.
charamachal or charama-kslimahhrit, m. the ■western
I^^j>- "«<<.« charas or ^T^ chars, m. the exu- mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set. ».
dation ofthe flowers of hemp collected with the dew
and prepared for use as an intoxicating drug ; a lea- j^J^ ^K charmar s. (same as charm-kar)^ m.
thern bucket, an urn. h. a worker in leather,
{,j**j>- churs or churus, spite, envy» jealousy, d.
9^jt^ '^H^fTcjrr charm-chatha,'] „
^***j=>- '^*M\ charm, m. a hide, a skin. h. / y^ ._- , . -■ n- a bat. s.
i^^fj"^ ^R^^TT charm-chati, J
fJf^L*»j>- f^TWnft chira-sthayi, long-endur- \f*'j>- ^TT churmura, an imitative sound, h.
ing, long-lasting. $.
{j<j>- ^^ charman, m. skin, hide, bark,
^J**J>- chiirsi, spiteful, envious, d. &c. ; a shield; the hide upon which a student sits,
usually that of an antelope. *.
k.j>- chargh, m. a kind of hawk. f.
<^j>- chargliad, ni. a cricket, p. ^y^^ '-«IH|jc|ril charmanivatl (also charina-
vat'i), f. a river that runs across Bandelkhand into the
Ganges, the modern Chambal. s.
^^j>- cliuraghna, n. (properly churugna) to
prate, to prattle. /*.
(^J>- ^nff charmi, made of leather, s.
6J^j>- charghi7ia, wicked, villainous, p. »^j>- charmina, made of leather, charviina-
tiJj^ chirh, m. dirt, filth, ordure ; matter. doz,
sells m. a shoemaker,
shoes, p, charmlnafarosh, m. one who
chirk-alud, filthy, S:c. p.

^J>- ''^oF charah, m. leprosy ; name of ^j>-

feet '^(TJS or ^trT
of a verse ; shoescharan, m. grazing,
; feeding, the foot;charana-
a treatise on medicine ; applied also to the author, s. bharan, m. an ornament on the feet, charan-patit,
ulJ^ churuk, the chirping of little birds, d. prostrate, fallen at the feet, charan-patan, m. prostra-
tion, charan-seva, f. service, devotion, charanodak
(v. charandmrita). s. [ewes, &c.). s.
D^»- -q^odi cliarha,m. white-spotted (as from
a leprosy) ; a small wound, a scratch, p. Ixa- ^^tTT charna, n. to graze, to feed (as
slow. 5.
f^raird ckir-karl, dilatory, tedious, 13^ ^T«TT charna, m. half-tronsers. charna
charlidnii, a. to put on half-trousers, h.
0^j>- f^oFI^S chir-kal, m. a long period ;
always, eternally, chir-kal-se, long ago. s. 13^ f'tli.HI ch'rrna, n. to be torn, to split, h,
Oy«\3,?- '^TTI'RTT charan amrita, m. the wa-
CL^j'>- chirhat, dirt, filth, ordure, j)' ter with which an idol's or Brahman's feet have been
w ashed, charandmrita lend, to wash the feet of a guest
tiL»,i ^ f^o(i7 chirkut, m. a bit, piece, a rag. s. and sip the water. [lasting *.
'^^j>- '^<<*Z churkut, m. powder, h. i^j>- f^'inT chirantan, old, ancient, long-
U".s. ■«i<oh^i cliarkatUfXa. the person who cuts
forage for cattle, elephant-keeper's mate. s. iX^y>- f^(T3^ ch'irantl ov chirinfi, f. a woman,
"married or single, who continues to reside after ma-
IaJo^ f^ofif?^ chirkutiya, a tatterdema- turity in her father's house, a young woman, s.
lion, ragged, s. [slow. s.
^,=>-f^W\ chiraitji, "1 long-lived, a kind
^.Sj>- f^^f^^ chir-krlya, dilatory, tedious,
^i^jr- f^(XW^ chiranjio,) of benediction,
" May you live a long time ! " s.
i^j>- chirhan (v. chirk'), filth, &c. p.
'uC.a- f^oirqT chirakna, n. to have
stool, h.
a scanty
[wheel. &c. p. Vishnu; "NrWlf^
^jy^j>- H chiran-jivin, m. a crow;
adj. long-lived, i.
l^,=- ^^^ charhha, m. (v. charhha) a Sij^ charand, 1 m. a beast, quadruped.
8jj^ charanda, J charand o jiciraiid, m.
^'^'^j=r ch/irkha,u, a beast, quadruped, d. beasts and birds, p.
^.^i^ "^IX:^ charhhl, f. (v. charkhi). p.
Jj5J,e^ chirandul, a species of lark. d.
?Sj>- "^^^ chavht, ra. a leper, s.
uiJoyj^. q. v.) s. charanodak, m.
(same as
^JJ>■ ^K^ churkl, f. lock of hair. h.
UjT ( 321 ) Jt va-
_> If

(J,j>- '^Wil charm, f. a feeding-trough, h. U?" '^^T^'TT charpardnd, to smart, fo

palpitate, to (iutter, to tlirob. h.
i^j>- ^K'^'i charanni, f. a quarter of a rupl
{char dne). h. j^,j>-f^^'^^Schirpirdhat,f.eLCv\monv.h.
^^jy>- ^h-^\ chai-v,,a, m. a l;irge pot. h. yrj^ '^T^'S(hurchar,in.an imitative souml. A.
\31jj». Vii^cJHi charwana, a. (see charana). s- !;?■_;?■ r^sf^si chirchird, m. the name t)f a
plant [Achyraiithes aspera); cross, peevish, crabLud
UL^ r<CMHI chirn'ana, a. to cause to tear fretful, h. '
or to be torn. h. [shepherd. ».
jTjT ■^S'^siii cJi'ircliarund, n. to crack. //.
Jj?" ^^^ charrvaha, m. a grazier, a «-^^l;?-_;»- f^f^TT^
visliiiess, fretfulness. /(. chirchirdhat, f. })ee-
ij^^jjf- •^K'i\^ charwahi, f. wages of a J V»- ^T^; charar,\
shepherd paid in grain, s. [turage. *.
•■•■' ^Z^rharar,)
jy>- _' , " \^- an imitative sound, h.
(^f\jj:>- xix^T^ Mar «'a,i, f. price paid for pas-
^y>- f^^T chinid, n. to be vexed irritated,
y^jT ^f^^ charotar, a life-rent grant, h. provoked, to fret, h.
{Jj^j>- f^r^rt chiratiri, f. beseeching, beg- uJ'^jT (^hirandul, n\. a species of lark. d.
ging, requesting, h, t^i^g. s.
'-*jjr^ '^^T churujd or churivd, ra. a dish
jjj^ ^W charva7i, m. chewing, mastica- prepared from parched rice. s.
^_^^j>- r«lOf^^ chironji, f. nut of the C/i«-
>^y>- ^1^ I h(irh,h. I'll, vise; increase or augmen-
tation of rent.
" ronjia sapida (v. piyal), and the tree. /*.
V.jj»- charvaiya, \m. a grazier, a shepherd, ^j»- f^ chirk, f. abhorrence, abomination,
^.jy>- charwaiya,} a herdsman in general. 6^. dislike, vexation, provocation (v. chir). k.

jj-?jj»- chh'wel, m. the chaj-root or Indian blfc|^ ^^TT charhdnd, a. to make ascend.
madder, d. &c. ; to offer up (oblations) ; to string a bow, or to
brace a drum ; to raise, lift, advance, apjily, put, spread,
iSjf- ^rtt chati, f. unripe corn cut for the bend, dye (with colour;, pull, to draw oil, cock, fix (a
ba^'onet), run. ft.
food of cattle ; adj. moveable, locomotive ; trembling,
unsteady, s.
bUj^ r^ci»ll chirhdnd, a. (v. chirdnd). li.
imfj^ ^rrt churl, f. bangles or rings made of
glass, ^c, and worn on the wrist ; a kind of bracelet ; j^y>-'^mcharhdTV or charhd,o,m.ascent,r\^(',
a small well. s. acclivity, attack, rank, dignity ; flood-tide ; ofrerings
made to idols ; raising in price or rent. h.
(jy>- ^^ chnrri, f. dregs, refuse, h.
L^-^^-rr "^^i^, charlidyi,
ascent, acclivity, {'. (from
attack, assault, charhdnd)
rank, dignity, price
b ,»■ ^^ charya, f. perseverance in religious
austerities, due observance of all rites, s. paid for ascending, riding, embarking, kc. li".

j>- "^ char, ra. sound made by breaking a W^j> "^ ^^'^\charhbamid,i\. to fiiidan oppur-
branch, h, tunit}'. h.

jV ^^^ charhtd, increase of price, mak-

":»■ ^^ chur, f. vulva ; an imitative sound, h. ing of additional profit, settlement of revenue at a
j»- f^r\ chir, f. vexation, irritation ; aversion, progressively increasing price, charhtd pattd, a lease
antipathy, chir nikdlnd, a. to banter, h. for a term of years the rent progressively increasing.
charhtd limta, to be excelling, rising, &c. A.
\j»- f%TI chira, m. a spanow . s.
Jf^JrV "^^Ki charht'i, f. advantage, gain, rise. k.
•Jl'-.y chimin, peevish, fretful, d. (_f^y>- "««€<• h.charhke, avowedly, designedly,
^^JrT r^iiW chirand, a. to vex, irritate, mock,
provoke, offend, jeer. ^.
Uifcj>- -^crii charhnd, n. to ascend, to mount,
UV^ charana (Dakh. forl3ljfcj»-), to raise,&c. to advance, to attack, to embark, to board, to rise, to
climb, soar, spread, swell, ride ; to elapse, or pass over
}^]jrr chardjO, m. ascent, flood-tide. d. (as time) ; to be strung (a bowj ; to be braced (a drum) ;
to be offered up (a sacrifice;. cl<uriind utarnd, n. to
Ij^jr?" chardn-a, m. an offering (to an idol) ; hire, and dismiss ; coiigressus. h.
jewels, &c. presented by a betrothed damsel to her
intended, d. ljj&^ f'^'iT chirknd, n. to be vexed, fret,
take offence, h. [supercargo. A.
0^ b U5y jVjs- '^T^^ ^^^ or - •SRtTT
charhar-holnd or -karnd, a. to chatter, to prattle. /;. jli3JJbj^&. -^Grr^M^charhari-ddr, m. a passenger,
o VoV»- '^^^ftin charhariyd, ra. chatterer. /<. ^tovsj. ■tic'l^ chnrhnl, f. preparations for
•* battle, h. '
^ji;V f-MifMil chirpira, fiery, hot (as pej)- ^y&^'»- -^iti^l
per), acrid. A. over the heel ofch'irhaulvd,
the wearer, m.
h. a shoe rising up

^}}^y>- ^rS'^t clinrltwa.li, riding liigh. h. c?**?" ^Wt chuxsi, f. the juice of fruits, h.
\)\^j>- •q6«<T»TT charhicana, to cuiise to be i^J^ cha.sh, (in comp.) tasting, having the
raised. /;. riavour of, as namalc-chash, having the flavour of salt. p.
^^frT ckashati, m. decay, infirmity, s.
^y^j'»- -MdMl charivi, f. raising (rent, &c.). /t.
chasha h, f. a tasting, p.
L>^_a^^ -sld^m charwaiya, m. one who
ascends, mounts, &c., a rider, h.
'^^Qfi chashak, m. a vessel for drink-
ing spirits, a wine-glass, &c., any drinking vessel ;
^y>- '^^J\charhi,f. preparations for battle. /i. spirituous liquour. s.
jjl/jjfcjs- ^%(T charhait, m. (v. charhuit/d)
one who ascends, &c., also the same as ckarhaita. k. f*^^ chaslim, m. f. the eye; hope, expecta-
tion, dhu-chashin, fawn-eyed, soft-eyed (an epithet
\:J^j>' ^%in charhaita, m. a trooper who does e.Kpressive of beauty), chaslimi bud ddr, avaunt mali-
not ride his own horse, a rider, h. cious glances, chashm ba rdh hona, n. to wait for, to
expect, chashmi-blmdr, m. an eye that looks half-
closed (from modesty, an epithet applied to beauty).
"row. r«Ci1
s. c/<in or churi, a bird, a hen-spar- chashm. posht,{. turning away the eyes, affecting not to
see or hear a petitioner, &c., connivance, chashmi tar,
m. a moist eye, i.e. a weeper, chashm-tari, f. moist
sewing,f^frm chif'njd, m. f.aviary,
chiriyd-khdna, a bird;
h. a kind of eyes, full eyes, weeping. chashm-Midna. the socket of
the eye. chashmi khun-dlud, fiery eyes, eyes filled
l>^ f%f^^ chiriya, f. a hen-sparrow, s. with blood, murderous looks, chashm-ddsht, f. hope,
confidence. chashm-zaJchm, m. viewmj; with an evil
^jsJj*. ^5J churail, f. the ghost of a woman eye ; a misfortune, chashm-numd.i, f. reproof, chashm
0 chird^ dearly beloved, p.
■who died while pregnant ; a hag, fury ; a dirty woman,
slut, slattern, b. [a fowler, h.
^jLX^Z^ chashmak, f. winking, chashmah
j^.jf- f'^crtH'iX. chir't-mar, in. a birdcatcher, (called also aschdksu
ahsus, used and 'kishvitzaj),
a remedy in diseases ofthetheseedeyes.
of Cassia
ULi^ ^^TtTT chusdnd, a. to give or cause to
suck. h. »-J^ chashma, m. spectacles ; a fountain.
chashma.e haiwdn, the fountain of life or immortality.
jjL— ^ chaspdn, viscous, slimy, coherent, p. chashma,e hur, the fountain of light, the sun. p.

j/jjk;*— ^ chaspidagl, f. love, affection, at- ^,;ijk.ij». chashidan, to taste, to experience, p.

"tachment, coherence, p. 8t^.t.^>- chashida (in comp.), having tasted,
»Jjuu»»- c/ms/M<^a, joined to, stuck, adhered; encountered, or experienced, p.
addicted to, liking, fond of, attached, p.
lli»- chaghatta, m. the name of a Mughd
cl^<^>~^ (hust, active, fleet, ingenious ; narrow, tribe, of which is descended the house of Timur. t.
straight, tight, chust chaldk, active, alert, fleet, p.
Sx>- chitghd. ni. the small screech-owl. p.
\:i--»- cha.std, m. tripe, the straight guf, tlie
rectum, p. jia^ charfhar, m. a wall-eyed horse, p.
ll«-5- chusta, tight, fitting well (as clothes), p. b J»>- chagharha, m. revelry, p.

i^\'J,^y chistan, m. an enigma ; lit. chist an, ^y*s^ chughhal or chuahal-lihor , m. a tell-tale,
" what is that ?" p. a talebearer, backbiter, informer, chu^al-khorl, f. the
act of backbiting, p.
dkILw»>- chusta, m. runnet. p.
AAsf chughTi, f. talebearing, chughli-khana,
i^'*^ chiisfi, f. activity, alertness, fleetness. p. "a. to backbite, to tell tales, to inform, p.
Lil*-*- ^^oR c/irtsa^, f. pain, aching, throbbing aJis- chaft,\ ,
pain, a stitch (sharp lancinating pain), h.
aui*. V
chafta,) \ m- a prop, an arbour, p.
K— s»- -clUehl chasha, m. love, ardent desire, a
relish, habit, custom, h. "ist- chilf, f. a kind of screen used to keep
out the glare ; large blinds in front of a house. /.
,x*«=». '^I^gfei. chusakkar, m. one in the habit
of sucking, (met.) a tippler, s. iWUis* chuhdchdh, f. (v. chahdchak). t.
U5^-^ '^^ojr^T rhasakna or ^^?IT chusnhna,
n. to* throb, to ache. h. ^rs??" chahchaki, f. a kind of musical in-
"strument made of wood, used by the Murals. I.
^w**- ''^^ohl chuski, f. a mouthful of drink, s.
Ji^ chukhar, m. outlet of a fountain, t.
\xm*»- ^^EPfl chasnd, n. to burst or split (ns
tight clothes), h.
jl^S^- chakmdkf^f. the steel for striking fire
^fts- chahmak,} from a flint ; the lock
^— :». ^7B»0 chusnl, f. a child's coral, a stick of a gun. t.
" for a child to suck. s.
i^Tr ^Wt chassi, f. a species of itch peculiar '?l»a». chahmakt, f. a firelock, t.
.AJJia- chukandar, m. beet-root {Beta vul-
' be
to the palms ofbytheinsects,
occasioned hand and
h. soles of the feet, said to garis), p.
( 323
L±l> ^ojT cJiak, m. landed property, an estato, bl::x>. ^oRTTT^T chahtanu,a. to sod, to (urf. h.
a farm ; also a portion of land divided off. chak-
hanill, f. dfiinin}? or markinp: the boundaries of an L>.,I,;x». f^ofiTWi chikitsa, f. attendance of :i
estate, chak-bamr, collecting the rent of a chak.^ chak- physician on a patient; application of remedies, heal-
iiama, a register of a chak, also a grant for holding the ing, curing, s.
same, chak-tukra, a plot or parcel of a landed estate, s.
<-dL,,.::x>- f^fohWofi chikitsah, m. a physician, s.
tils- ^oF rhcik, in. a shepherd, a goatlierd. /«.
uiia- f^oF chik, f. a pain in the loins; a i^^ "^f^l^ chnhti, f. the hide of a rhino-
screen made of split bamboos, h. "ceros (of which shields are made); a patch of leather,
a slice, compressed, flattened, a patch ; the round of a
tils- r^^ chihh, m. a musk-rat. h. cheese ; a round plate of metal, &c. /*.

»^ f%^ chihha, f. a mouse, h. tg^<>' ^oRlrt chuktl, f. settlement, decree or

"sentence (of a court, &c.). h,
»^ ^r^ chahha, m. coaji;ulated milk ; a car-
riage-whe l, acircle, a circular lump of earth, a round iJLSs- chihat, sticky, adhesive, gummy, d.
sod of turf; adj. thick (as rfa/ij, Sjc). «.
chikkat, filthy, covered willi
l3U-^Ks»- '^C^iVZ'^T^ chahate jana, n. to be grease and dirt. h.
in astonishment or perplexity, d.
Ux>. f^^rjT chiktd,m. a kind of tosar cloth, h.
udJWK»- -cichMlcfi chakachak, f. the sound of
the stroke of a dagger, clashing of swords, p. l^J^x». f%oimc/i«7i_iAa,filthy, greasy ; m. an oil-
merchant, h.
J^l^3^K?»- -McH^ff*! chakachaundh, f. the state
of being dazzled ; radiance, h. <>■ r^lohil chihti, a sticky or clayey soil. h.
1*?- ^T^^ ckakhar, m. the roaring of a lion.
dent, h. chakchahd, shining, resplen-
KOk». f'cfflfiKl chihard or chihara, m. a kind
of antelope found on the banks of the Jumna ; a kind
of fiddle, chukard, customs duty. h. x(e|ix|c(n chahchakt, f a kind of dag-
U.\x>. f%cjiT^Tn chikdrndf n. to squeak, s. ger worn on the waist : " it also denotes a small knife,
one or two of which are often worn in the same sheath
ij6^ chikdra., m. a kind of antelope, the with a dagger, similar to the appendages to a High-
four-horned antelope (v. chikdra). h. landman's dirk." — (Binning.) adj. resplendent. //.
ij6^ chikctru, useless, worthless ; lit. of what
use ? " cui bono V p. (.jiii^^sT?" ^HT'S^'t chahchhundi, f a musk-
rat (Sorex carulescens, Shaw ; S. caruleus, Turf on), h.
(jTiOcj- f^efclTft chikdrl, f. an insect like a
musquito ; smut (obscenity), h. [ble. p. y^ -M^i; chahhar or^^^ chakra,Tn. a whoel;
a circle, or any thing revolving in a circle ; a whirl-
t^jS^ chikdri, useless, worthless, conteinpti- wind or whirlpool ; a weapon used principally by the
Sikhs, an iron ring which they throw with great dex-
^K»- chakdn, dropping, distilling. ]). terity. Itwas with this instrument (called sndarshana
chakra) that Ndrdyana cut off the head of tlie Asiir
fj^ "^W^ chakkdn, thick {bhang, &c.); Rdhu, when, after churning the ocean, the Sur.s (or
blot, blotted, smeared, h. gods) and Asurs fought for the amrita or nectar ; a
circular course, the lounge (in manege); (met.) a mis-
Uo>^ ^ofiHI chulidnd, a. to finish, complete,
pound scrape, perplexity,
interest, cliakkar
gliore ko chakkar bardtsh'i,
dend, com-h
to lounge
to settle ; to fix the price of. h.
horse, chahon chakkar men, on the four sides, on all
CL»5 K=». fw^smz chikd^vat, black clayey soil. k. sides. chakkar mdrnd, to wheel or whirl round.
chakra ddrl, m. a peacock; Vishnu, chakra-run, cinui-
J .Ocv ^oRici^ chalidwar, m. the name of a lar, ring-shaped, ckukra-vat, in rotation, revolving
disease in horses, h. like awheel, chakra-varti, m. an emperor, a sovereign
of the world; twelve princes beginning with Bliarat
uiJj\^ chahdivak, m. a lark. p. are especially considered Chakra-vartls ; a title of
Brahmans in Bengal, s.
^j*%^ ^^T^ chahdwl, f. a ring-worm. s.
(_^.p\^ ^oFT^ chukdft, f. (v. chuhautd),n task, jXs^ f^oFX; chikur, m. hair; lock of hair. s.
agreement, adjustment, decision. chukd.l deud, to
^Xs- '^^ chukr, m. sorrel ; sourness ; acid sea-
escape one's notice, to give one the slip, h, soning, s. [of pulse. //.
CLaS^ ^ftfiW chukit, timid, fearful, astonished. 5. Ki». ^«Fin chakra, m. a kind of dish miide
C*5o». -tf^lif chakkat, the loss of a chak, or
]S^ f^cFTT chikuvd, rashly criminal, inconsi-
whole plot of ground, by diluvion or inundation, h. derately guilty, spunishing or injuring others without
CLSs>-'WSflK chukat,a. settlement, a contract, h.
\IiC- chakattd, m. (v. chaghattd) name of a
Mughal family, t.
j^\S^ ^WWR chakrdkdi', circular, s.
fjf^J^ ^cliU^ chahrdni, f. woman servant. ^.\
\li^ ^^roFin chaktd, m. a scraping of the skin, b io» Tf^i^m chakarhdY, 2 m. revelry. chaKariTt
a scrape, a scar; a slice, &c. chaktd dend or lend, to
iscar. /(. machdnd, a. to revel, h.
A ( 324 ) ^
Jl^ iy X>- ^oFT^T^^ chahar-hardeshi, com- '-»J**- r-Hcuc^tiih. chikalna, a. to masticatr, to
chew (slowly),
■■ pound interest (Gladwin), h.
C^S-=r ^rjiiii chakrit, astonished, amazed, wXa- chakalna, to squeeze, to press upon. d.
timid, fearful, s.
'^♦Xs- -<i<4iHi chukmd, XT), a game at cards ; a
O;^ ■^frfoM chnhrika, f. wood sorrel {Oxa- boot, a stocking. A.
lis mnnodelpha) or {Rumex vesicarius). s.
w^.^x». rhakmak, 1 the steel for striking fire
y^S<>- chakar-makar, m. evasion, trick, sub-
terfuge, p. i-ii«Lil»- chakniak,) with, chakmak ha pat-
thar, a flint. <.
til^jjXs- 'x|jii«ll<*' chakrvah, m. name of a &*X». chakma, m. a boot, a stocking (v.
bird, the ruddy goose {Anus casarca). s. chakmd). h.

^J,j^y^ ^"Si^wt chnhravnrtl, a prince, a (^^Xj>. rhihnn, m. a particulnr mode of work-

ruler : in Bengal the word is corrupted into " chucker-
butty," or, still worse, " chokerbotty." i. ing flowers on muslin or other cloth, chikan-doz or
-gnr, m. one who performs chikan work, chikan-kari,
^(^jjj^ -cf^r^ chakra-vriddhi, compound the making of c/i('A-an. p.
"interest, s.
ij^ f%foir^ chikin, flat-nosed. *.
lj6^A»- chakariha, m. a good servant, a person
fit for (in want of) service ; one habituated to service, p. (^y^ r^IWI chikhan, 1 clean, polished ; beau-
VAX's, r^cfci^fl chihna, j-tiful (persons); bland,
ujy^ ^^ chvkri, a fractional divi>(ion of
land. h. 'oXs- fofc'f^lin c/'?7jAma,J soft, mild; unctuous,
greasy; incontinent, lewd, wanton, chikhnd-bdsan or
{jS^ "^Jjni chakrz, f. a round plate on which -ghard hanna, n. to be incontinent, incorrigible, deaf to
bread is rolled ; a whirligig or plaything ; (v. chakla) admonition, chiknd clidndd, beautiful, chikul jorii,
an assembly of singers, s. f. a slippery wife, chiknl siipurl, f. a kind of betel-uut,
prepared by boiling, chikni siirat. prosperous, atiluent,
\^iS>. -qjtt^T chakretha, having large eyes. h. flourishing, chiknl mitti, f. clay, potters' earth, s.
Vix». f^oSfTT chikna, m. oil, grease, s.
^j^ ^"ai^n chakrela, round, circular, s.
y^ chikkar, m. mud, mire, a swamp, clay, ^3So- ^fl|r»n chiikna, n. to have finished or
compost, d. completed, to be fixed ; to be agreed upon, adjusted, h.

•fXs* '^■^ chukkar, ra. a small tank or pit. h. cL-'Ux*. rM«*»ir<J chiknat, oiliness, fatness, h.

(j~i»- "^^fl chakkas, m. a perch for birds j»s-'JiCs. T^ofcHl-^ chahnd-chu?', m. scraps,
(partieuLirly falcons), roost, h. small pieces, atoms, filings, chaknd-chur-h., to be
dashed to pieces, chaktid-chur-k., to shatter to pieces. /(.
(j»x>. f^"^ chikkas, m. barley meal. 5.
dvoS\=>- chahndmn, m. a statement shewing
f^y,^^ ^^?l»ft chaksunl, f. the name of the boundaries of a chak, q. v. h. p.
a grass, h.
li^jio- r^fohHHI chihndnd, a. to cle;in, ro po-
L-5oj- cliiksa, ^ m. a kind of pulville or per- lish, to smooth, s.
&*~i>- chiksa,) fumed powder of many in-
gredients, d. [m. ophthalmia, s. C->jlix»- r^ oh H N (1 chikndmat, 1 f. a clayey,

{iSj>- ^^ chakshu, m. the eye. chnhshu-rog, cL>,\JlX>. f-<*ofitTm.i chikndrvat,j fiit, or loamy
soil. h.
(Ks- f^cif^ chikil, m. mud, mire. s. LiLJfcUx^ r^ohffl^^ chihiahnt, f. cleanness,
^)^i<>- TolicST chaJila, m. a brothel ; a kind of smoothness, polish ; greasiness ; beauty, s.
clotli m;.-Je of silk and cotton, h.
^JA^^ f%oF«^T^ chikna,i, f. fat of meat ;
"^S^ x^edoST chahlu, adj. wide, broad, round ; wantonness ; gloss, smoothness, polish. «.
m. a division of a country, containing several parga-
nas ; a round plate on which bread is rolled, chakle- IaaX*. rNcdPH^I chiknlyd, m. a beau, a spark. A.
dai: m. the governor of a province or county, chakle-
ddri, f. the government of a province or county, chakld- ^x». ^^ cAa A A w,m. a claspknife,a penknife, p.
fcft«rc/i, expenses of a chakla. chakla-nawls, the accoun-
tant of the revenues and charges oi -a. chakla. s. \^x». -c|«li<4l chakivd, m. name of a bird, the
ruddy goose or Brahmani duck (Anas casarca); whirl-
^k^>- chahla, m. a log of wood ; trunk of a
tree ; a block or mass. d. po l, s.
lj^)sX»- ^^^STTT chaJilana, a. to extend in ^^JS^ -slod'cjT^* chahwd,tn, a small class of
rdjputs in the district of Ghazipur. «.
breadth, to widen, k.
Uy^k- ^ot^HI chuhauta, m. a task, an agree-
t^ ^t^/^i^ ^«ii^T^ c/iaA/a,i, f. breadth, width, h. ment, an adjustment, a settlement in full. A.
A ( 325 ) %r

'j>y^ ^clft'^T chahoira or chakotarn, m. a UJi^ '^TqS^ chagalnd, a. to eat without ap-
fruit of the lime kind, a citron; pompelmoose, sliad- petite, h. [ment. h.
dock {Citrus dccumanus). h,
cL»j5o. chahot, delicious, savoury, d. ^^^ ■g'ln chugan, f. a plait or fold in a gar-
U-C>. '^TPTT chngna, n. to peck, to pick up
\jjX>. ^To^TT chahauta or chuhauta, m. fixed food with the beak, chug lend, a. to select, to choose, h.
rates of rent, money-rate, settlement, h. iS^y^ chigunagi, f. circumstance, manner.^;.
jy^ ^oKli chakor, m. the Bartavelle or
Greek partridjje (7V/rao rufus, Lin.; Perdix ru/a.Lath.), &3^^ c/iigiiva, how? of what kind? p.
said to be enamoured of the moon, and to eat fire at
the full moon. s. j^t»- ^fjxx. chagei'ff. a flower-pot (also changer,
q. V.) h.
uy^f- f"«lcfc"^<l ckikorcif restless, inconstant, h. ^y>■ "^^ dial, f. going, dispersion; variation,
departure from truth, failure in the performance of a
13,^\». f^^Ftr^ ckikornd. a. to peck. h. promise, or accomplishment of a prediction, chal-di'nd,
a, to march as an army ; to beguile, s.
i^jy^ '""lohlO chakori, f. (v. chakor). h.
iijya^ '46H<4iii chakwand, name of a com- ^}^ ^^ chul, f. itch, scratching, h.
mon weed bearing a long legume, and used as a pot-
herb, h.
^ys^ ch'd (contraction of jj>^), forty, p.
ySiSs^ ''^[07^ chakaunda, \m. a Jssj- ^^ clmll, m. a blear eye.
j^y^ ^«mT chahaunr or chakwanr,) species ^3^ f«r^ chill, m. the Bengal kite (Falcu
cheela). s.
of cassia {Cassia ohtusifolia), esteemed a remedy for
ringworms, s.
jjjj- ^qJ chain, m. water taken up in thepalm of
the hand for rinsing the mouth, s.
^yG>- -cfeiicll chahrci (f. of chaktva, q. v.),
a species of duck. f. ^ksj- chilla, m. the forty days of Lent, diirinjj
^^S^ ^^ chakh (for chakshu), m. the eye. s. which the religious fraternities in the east shut them-
selves up in their cells, or remain at home ; also th-;
lil^Xs- Tf^iffi chakhana, a. to cause to taste, holy place where/rt^7r* abide ; quarantine ; the periol
to give a specimen of. s, of forty days after child-bed, during which a woman
remainstine, p. unclean, chilld khainchnd, to keep quaran-
^.y^xsj. r^Jsfi^H chihhuran, m. a weed. /t.
I3^i^ f^r^XTT chiklmrna, a. to weed. h. >>■ f^^JI chilla,ra. the string of a bow ; gol 1
threads put in the border of a turban, chilld khainch-
nd, to bend a bow ; to prepare for battle, chilld char-
^-^^\^^ -iflfMIN^ chakhdchakhl, f. dis- hdrid, a. to bend a bow. h.
*■ cord. /i. [q. v. fc.
^K?»- ^^Wl chulld, blear-eyed. s.
»^^ f^yC chikhar, the husk of the chana,
li^J^*- '^^«n chakhnd, a. to rtlish, taste, s. ,_}.»-^)^ ^$51''^ chaldchal, \f. the bustle of
^W^^j- ^r^T"«lc<j1 chaldchali,) setting out on
j_j>^^^^ r*f<p|<c|||^ chikhurnjfifi, f. wages for
weeding, h. "a journey, &c., setting about anything; adj. tremu-
lous, unsteady ; moveable and stationary, s,
(Cj^^sT*. f^^ar^ chikhuri, f. a sqnirrel. A. /o^^ ^TcTR chalan, f. clearance ; remittance ;
an invoice, an announcement of despatch a pass or
^AX>. ^oir^ chaka,t, f. the name of a play- passport, chaldn-ddr, one who has charge of an in-
" thing, a whirligig; a duck, the female of cftaAwa, q. v. s. voice or despatch, s.
f_f>' ^^ chahki, f. a millstone, grinder ; a 13 ^^s>- '^'^[r{[ chuldnd,?L. (y. r/<2//<??irt_) to distil,
"handmill; the timber of a gunlock ; the kneepan ; to cause to drip, h,
a thunderbolt, chakkl-nama, a kind of song sung by
women at weddings while grinding a perfumed pow- b^k»- fxi^firfi chilldnd,n. to fcream,toshriek.A.
der, chakki-nawari, presentation of said powder to
the bride and bridegroom, s. i3^]L>- ^^T^l chaldnd, a. to impel, to set a-
going, to drive ; to fire a musket, to shoot at, to do, to
jikrj. ^T^ chuhki, f. deceit, fraud, chukh'i hasten, to forward, to send, to accustom, to act, to ad-
"dtnd, a. to deceive, to play tricks, h. vance, to throw, to thrust, to use, to walk. s.
fS^ r^l^^ chihkl, f. a rotten betel nut; adj.
j^^^- '^:^\^chald,u, going ; frail, inconstant,
"flat-nosed, s. [gle-eyed. s. fickle ; on the point of death, s.

l^'jioj. ^oJi'3f chakethd, with large eyes, gog- J ^^^^c/taZaw or c/taZa,o,ra.habit,custom.«.

^iijio- ckakidagi, f. a drop, distillation, j?- • ^U- ^^T^ chuldw, m. a kind of dish consist-
^iia5c>- chakidan, to drop, to trickle. ;?. ing of plain boiled rice. p.
l<^*f»- chahidu, dropped, distilled. ;;. ^j^s- ^^n^ chaldwd, m. motion, custom ;
Ul^»- ^TTTtTT chitgdna, a. to cause to peck. /t. going, s.

(_j-flx>- chuga.,1, f. pasturage, /i. , i^'\, ,*^U- chaldwan-dindani, invoice or

statemeut of re venue sent, h.p.
( 326 ) ^
li.^^U- chala,on'i, passinp:-,current(acoin). d. Jj^iU- chalghoza, m. a kind of nut, like the
pistachio, p.
cLj&^U- f^^l^J chillahat, f. cry, outcry, h.
tiii>- f^oTcF chilak, f. refulgence, glitter, h.
A^ Jj>.take, s.^^f%^^ chal-bichal, m. error, mis- diX\»- f%%oF clidih, f twitch, stitch, h.
l-fciijAs- ^^f^lRT chalbidhrd, restive, h. <.iU»- ^c5«f chaluk, m. the hand hollowed
as for holding a little water; a small pot, a gallipot;
viUs^Jfiijis- ^^f^VTI^ chalbidhrahat, f. a handful of water, s. [shine. //.
restiveness. a.
liCl:^ f^^off^ chUakna, n. to glitter, to
^luis* Mrf'^JcSI chulbula, restless, fidgetting ;
airy, gay. chulbuld-pan, m. gaiety. Ii. Jo-=r f^oSH chilam, m. f the part of a hukha
which contains the tobacco iand the charcoal ball. h.
^^LL- diuUndaffi, f. liveliness, airiness, d.
U^Ul»- '^^qST'TT chidhxdana, n. to be rest- ^^*^ f^onrr^ chUamchl, f. a wash-hand
"basin of metal, with a cover to it ; part of a hukl:a
less, to fidget (little used), h. fixed under the chilam. h.
cLJ6!i)oA»- '^^^^lf7 chulbulahat, gaiety,
airiness, h. [ting ; airy, gay. h. (0^'V*l)^ chil-mardan, m. the leather fixed
to the vacant part of the tree of a saddle, p.

ULls- ^^'^^^T cliulbidiya, restless, fidget- -^J^ fq'^tT chilman, f. (v. chilwari) a
screen, &c. ^.
s^\A=-- "^^TW.
m. a lizard, h.
chalpasa or f^^'Ri: chilpam,
(J^*- ^c5*T chalan, m. habit, custom, process,
course, conduct, behaviour ; ceremony ; currency ;
J'^^ "^r^^chal-pher, m. motion, h. adj. current, chalan chalnd, n. to behave, s.
«J1aU- '^[^ chalat, current, saleable, vendi- UJ»- ^55*n chalna, n. to go, to proceed, to
ble, s.
walk ; to go off, to pass (as coin), to blow, to flow, to
behave, to sail, to work, to answer, to succeed, to last,
CJ^ ^"^ chalit, current, usual ; shaking, to serve, to stand, chal nikabid, n. to turn out vicious,
trembling, gone, departed ; m. moveable or personal to exceed bounds, ckale-jdnd or chale-chalnd, n. to go
property, s. along, s. [vendible, saleable, s.
Uir»- '^^TTT chalta, m. the name of a tn e \ljy»' ^^^BT chalantd, passing, moveable;
{hlUenio Indica), producing an acid fruit ; going, mov-
ing, passable. chaUl chtz, f. a saleable commodity, bjiijAij. clialandari, f. a place where water
passable coin, &c. h,
is supplied gratis to travellers as an act of charity or
religious merit (called in Urdu pansdla, q. v.). d.
jd»- ^^^^ chalitr, m. (v. chariti-), conduct,
nature, &c. s.
^A»- ^q5^ chalni, f. a sieve; adj. current,
^jj^ chalitrt , gay, sportive, changeable, in- circulating (as coin); usual, i.
constant, affected, s. Jc* '^r^ chidlu, m. a handful, the palm of the
j^>- ^^«iT chaltu, land in cultivation, h. hand contracted «> as to hold water, chtdlii bhar pant
ftjklis. chilta, m. the lining of iron armour, p. men dub manid, to perish from drowning in a handful
of water, to be greatly abashed (v. cliapni bhar pdnl
men dub marnd). chuUu chuHu sadhnd, a. to get a
jjy»- ''^If^clicdti, cultivated lands; adj. mov- habit of drinking by gradual increase, chullu menullu
" ing, passing, h. hond, to be intoxicated with a mouthful, s.

Lll*5i v" v^o^Pm^ chal-chitt, fickle, inconstant ; Js^ ^'Sf^^ chaJo, interj. away, begone; come
m fickleness. chal-chittatd,i. fickleness, inconstancy. «. awaj'.
man. s.chain, m. the ceremony described under acha-
As^ '^^'^^ chidchid, m. wantonness, in-
Ijls^ t)<j5^T r/iohvd, f. a kind offish; the an-
constancy. 6'. [to titillate. «
chovy {Clupea cultrata). s.
^^^ij^ '=rc5'^c5T«TT chulchnlana, n. to itch, j^^Ji*. f^^T*T chilman, m. a shutter, h.
^^=!-(W f^^f^^T^Tc/ii/c/iZ/a/ia, n. to shriek,
to scream, to screech, h. ^JA^\».f'^^^^^ chilrvdfi, f. (v.chzk) mud,&c. h.
«^si ?■ '^^''^1=1 chalchalaw, m. preparation (^^ f^^T*l chilrvan, f. a screen for keeping
for journey or departure. «. out the glare, a Venetian blind, lattice, h.
13 Jo- ^Qi^fTT chalauna, m. a small stick with
As^ '^^^^'t chnlchuU, f. (v. chulchid). s.
which the spinning-wheel is turned, s.
Jji»- ^<^^^ chal-dal,m. the holy fig-tree. s.
\1»- chilra, m. Sunday ; adj. a few, some. d. b^ls- chalwaiyd, m. one who moves about a
great deal. d.
■po- fw^ chiUar,f. (v. chdhar)Q. louse, chil- sS^ chilla, m. (v. chilla) a bow-string; a
liir marnu, a. to louse. /(. period of forty days, ic. p. h.

\.it^ ;W fg^TT^ chUrali'i, lousy. //. y\J^ ^r^^TU chulhdrd, lascivious, lewd. h.
nV ( 827 ) ^

ij^^ '^^T^ chulha,l, f. lewd, libidinous ^-^(jrt chamhcli, f. a flower (Jasmi

"num grand'ijiurum). s.
(woman), li.

%^ f^f^c/«7«/i^a, splashy, muddy.slimy. <»>»^ "^^ rknmjh mountain ebony {Bauhi-

Ilia varit'iialii). s.
^JJ\^\>■ r^^^^ig chilfmdns, m. the flesh of \jL»»- 'M*m champd, m. the name of a tree
a kite (the eating likeof vhich is said to produce mad- bearing a fragrant yellow flower (Michelia ehampaca).
ness) ;screaming a kite. s.
cJiampd kali, f. a necklace each piece of which resem-
bles the unblown flowers of the champd. champd-keld,
\jjy^ f%^"tT»TT o/iilhorna, a. to peck. h. m. a small kind of plantain or banana, champd-tvali
Z^ f^ chiiri, f. a kind of dish made of f. the district of Champa or Bhagalpore (abounding iu
ebony trees), s.
"eggs; m. a blockhead, one who plays mischievoua
pranks, h.
Ui^cLoL^s*. '^rqz'^ri cliampat-hund or hojd-
As- ^Wt chuin, f. the support placed below no, n. to vanish, to disappear, to scamper off, to run
"astack of straw. &c. ; a fire-place, a chimney ; staddlea. h. away. h.
UaIs- chalipa, in. a cross, p. (j1I-^». ^^^(rqcf; champah, m. a kind of tree
bearing a yellow fragrant flower [Michelia ehampaca)
s^.sx^ "^^rrj^^ chakmdriya, sensitive, sen- a division of the jack -fruit, s.
sual, not having subdued the senses or passions, s.
jiotJLl-.^ 'i^iqoR^Iiff champalt-barjih^^^oHhi'.
^ chain, an easy air (in walking) ; prepared,
arranged, p.
i_S^*rr "^f^^^chavipa,!, J co-
"lour of the champd flower, t. e. gold-coloured, s.
parrot ; a plant from s.the
chimi, m. acloth
^ f^^of which and rope are made. whicli the
fibres coarse
yX^ ^J^ champu, f. a work inalternations of
Ls- "^^m chuma, m. (v. chuma) a kiss ; also same subject is continued through
prose and verse, s.
chumma. chumd-chdti, f. dalliance, h.

X^ ^^JTR chamar, m. a worker in leather, a j_yj-^ '^wft champi, orange-coloured, s.

shoe-maker, a tanner, a currier, chumar-kar, a man jKl»9- •■^*<i5TiTT: chamatkdr, m. amazement,
of low caste who works in hides and leather, s. splendour, astonishment, surprise, s.
.Kl»9- ■^mi^^ chamatkdr, f. name of a grass ;
^X,J\^ ''^ff^yft chamdyvn'if. the wifeq. v.of s. a haste, h.
lsXi>- ^W(X^ chamari, ) chamar,
LC>- chumdgh^a mace, a club; a baton ^c Ku^ '«^*<r*lO chamatkdri, astonishing,
surprising ; sagacious, acute, s.
jCs- chumak, J with an iron knob at the
end. f>. C^k:i^>. -.jHrhrf chamathrit, surprised, asto-
nished, s.
^^l»». chamdn, walking haughtily or grace IjU»- f-^HZ\ chimtd or chumtd, m. tongs, h.
fully ; giving one's self airs. p.
\3L»- -MMHl chumdnd, a. to cause to kiss. s. I3li».s- r^H<n«n chimtdnd, a. to niake adhere
or ding to. h. [cleave to. h
^,^1^ -^miR chamd,un or chamd,u, f. slip- U^ tii,v»rj. f^HT Tf •n chimat-rahnd, n. to
pers or shoes fixed to pattens, h.
tj>lv>- "^^nt^ chamd,i, copper-coloured, h. U^Cs- f^T^T chimatnd, n. to adhere, to cling
to. /(.

f^}-^ ^JIT'R chamdyan, a small clan of the

gfijar tribe in Panipat Bargar. h. \^x^ ^'^'^ chimthd, elastic, tough, h.
lx*». ^TffT chamhd, ra. a tribe of beggars who J.^ chumtl, f. an ant ; a nip or pinch, d.
cut or scarify their skin. s.
\ij%l^ f^»{7t'5irt7^ chimtl-kdtnd, a. to
j^ r, sphere, an orb, awheel, globe,
disk. p. pinch, h.
jX^s-- f^^T chhnhur, a kind of grass, h. ^^ chumach,\m. (properly s^) « ^^oo^^
cill»»- "^^cS chumbak, m. a kisser, a lecher; \^T chamchd,J a. \ad\e. chama ch-ho z a, nnme
**'ofa bird, the spoonbill, p. [m. a bat. h.
a ro'"-ue?a cheat; a loadstone; an extract (from ma ' •••s*?- ^M-^di'j chamcharaMk, lean, meagre ;
book^&c ) ; a general scholar, one who knows parts
a varietylance, s. of books ; the upper part or middle of a ba-
U^ f^f'^m chimchima, m. oil become
^yx^ ^^^ chambal, f. the name of a river in viscous by age. h.
grooves, fixed on the
Bandelkhand ; a log of wood with
banks of canals, and used m drawing water lor
irri- \3\^^*?- ^MxjHT^T chamchamdnd, n. to tingle,
gation, h. h. ^
to 'leep. to sparkle, to shine, to glitter, f.
l1> v\ <»^ ^JT^JTf^ chamchamdhut,
^x^'WS^chumban, m. kissing,embracing. s.
^ju^ 'g^ chamhu, m. a narrow-necked vessel
brightness, h.
. A.
for holding water, i. &^^^ chimchima,m. (v. chimchimd) oil,&c
( 328 )

BJ^T chamcha, m. a spoon, chavicha-hhar, ; jtilx»»- ^RHT^ chamgadar, m.'l a large bat,
a spoonful, rhnmcha-har-degi, one ■who intermeddles
j_^'iXC»»- ^J?TTT3^ chamgtidn, f. >■ the fljing
in every one's affairs : Scottice, " one who puts his

spoon in everybody's kail." p. h.
jSjSi^ ''^Tf^^'S chamgldar, w J fox ; in
y^ ^WC chamar, m. a flapper made of a Dakhani the form used is chamgadal. h.
cow's tail
niens. s. to drive away flies ; the tail of the hos grun-
^3^ '^WT^ (hammal, m.1 a mendicant's
C^yj^ ^WTTTrf chnmraivai (also chamra- ^)^ ^T^T chamla, m. \ cup, a begging-
wa/,)the perquisites of a chamar, q.v. h. ^^*^ ^T^ chamriy f. J dish. h.
C?^J*?" ^^^^'^^ chamar-bagli, f. a bittern, h. ,_)-»»- chumnial, m.^ a ring made of grass or
•^j^ ■^♦^v^ chamrakh, f. the apparatus of ^^%=r chumU, f. J twigs, placed under wa-
a spiiini;i;r-«heel; (met.) a lean woman, s. "ter-pots to kepp them in an upright position (called in
Urdu i////a and jana, q.v.). d.
f^J^T ^'^ chamri, f. the yak or hos grun- i^r*~r chaman, in. a bed in a garden, a par-
niens, of whose tail-hairs the cftaKn is usually made. s. terre, chaman-band, m. a gardener, chaman-bandi,
Pl^ "^HTl c/iamra, m. leather, a hide, a skin. art of gardening,
garden, chaman-baud'i-k.,
chamani-dahr, a. to laychaman-
terrestrial abode, out a
chamj-a-udhernd, -clihurand, -khainchnd, or nihdlnd, a. to zdr, a meaiiow. p.
flay. s. [hardy, h.
f^'LJx^r^ chamaniytan, m. a flower-bed. p.
\'j^ pq+iai chimra, tough, ductile, flexible,
i^'>=r chamatii, of or belonging to a flowcr-
UVl^ f'SFTTT^TT chimrana, n. to toughen, to " bed. p. [vision of an army. h.
grow tough, h. [flexibility, h-
y>:>- ^T chamu, f. an army ; a squadron, a di-
cilA^V.-v>- r^J^il^i chimrahat, f. toughness, 13»*>- "<(*i^TI chamota, m.\
t/-^[;*&- f'^JTTr^ chimra,l, f. power, rigour, :: ■•■ ^ ^ ■ ^a razor-strap, s.
flexibility, h. [as chimatna). h.
^ ^^ ^K(Z\ chamo fi, f.J
^^*>- f'hWf^ chim.arna, n. to adhere (same r^y^ ^RWJT chamukan, m. a tick or louse
infesting cattle, h.
ijj^ f^^ chimri, infrangible (a quill for Ua^>- ^7T chametd, m. box, thump, blow. 5.
instance), hard. h.
f^»- "^c^ chan or chin, m. a kind
cane. h.
of sugar-h.
^J*«^ ^^'H chamas, m. a vessel used at sacri-
fices for drinking the juice of the acid asclepias, a
kind of ladle or spoon; a plant commonly called ^J^ f^Rfchinn, m. a kind of grain {Panicmn
khetuapru (Mollugo pentaphylla). s.
lx>- ^TtjT or '^^ chana, m. gram, a kind of
[^..^ f^w?n chii?7isa, glutinous (as oil by long pulse, chick pea (Cirprarie^/num), fitches, vetches: on
keeping). //. (liis pulse horses are chiefly fed in India. It is alto
much used by people, and is grown in all parts of the
-^J^ ^IT"^ chaviah, f. glitter, splendour, East. Its Persian name is mukhud. s.
glare, chamak-tamak, f. splendour, refulgence. /;. U»- channa, m. (v. chandna) light, d.
<-^J-^ '^"T^ s. ckummdh (also chammak), m. a
loadstone, 'Jc^ ^^ chiinna, a. to gather, to pick, to
choose; to pick up food (as birds); to place in order,
to arrange ; to plait ; m. ascarides. darwdza chunna,
jO-»^ -«(*i«tu< chuvihar, m. (al^o chumkari), f. a. to close a door with bricks, h.
a sound with the lips by which dogs and hor?es are
called, h.
jU-- chinar or chunar, m. a poplar-tree, a
plane-tree. p.
^-L)^*-**- "M*i<*RiTT chu7nharna, a. to coax, to
speak kindly to, to sooth (by drawing in the breath D^wlrj. -clrfioM chanaka, m. (v. chanak). h.
with protruded lips). /;.
Jlls- chinal, m. a kind of high-heeled slip-
lio^ '^'?«FT«TT cliumhana, a. to cause to glit-
ter ;to provoke, make to start ; to wave, to brandish, per, d.
to brighten; to display, h. ^'j^ chunan, like that, such as that. p.
lj'utf>. ^RT«TT chunana, a. to cau«e to pick, to
^^^ ^JHJT'R' chnmhmv, m. "1 glitter, choose ; to array or dress one's self, Sic. chiind letidj
CL^^'L^ '^fleHjj<f chamhahat, f.j splendour, a. to plait (cloth) ; to kill by building a person into
much light; flourish h. a wall. Ii. [shadowj. d.
\3U>. chanana, a. to reflect or cast back (a
^^:S>^ "^Hd^AX ch'iinuhta, bright, brilliant, h.
\S-^ ^R«*qT c/tamakna, n. to glitter, to (jji»-^jli»- chunan-chunm, in this and that
shine, to flash, to glare, to startle ; to prosper ; to be manner; (met.) evasion, subterfuge, p.
angry, h.
^'a=»- chitna/ichi or chuna/i-hi, so that, in
such manner that, accordingly, p.
iS*^ '^nf^ cham/fl, f. glitter ; a spangle, d.
li. ( 329 ) .iJ^

cL>jli»- '*|tfl«|<J chunawat, f. a plait, act of \^^ ^^^ chanchal, unsteady, shaking,
plaiting, h. playful ; fickle, inconstant; restless, wanton ; perisha-
ble; m. a lecher, a libertine, chanchal-hriday, capii-
\i^ ''^(^\ chamha, m. a tribe of beggars who cious, fickle, false-hearted, s.
cut or scarify their skin. h.
y<^ "^"^^^ ckaiichuld, f. lightning, s.
jlfi^. chamhar, m. (v. chamai') a tanner. &c. ;
also an executioner, d. ^y^V" vj^qJT»TT c/tawcAa/a/m, n. to be playful,
wanton, or restless, s.
jXij>- chambar, a cover (sarposK) for the chilam
of a huMa. chambari-gardan, stocks, pillory, necklace, iJL*St*:^.^T ^^^^51^ chanchuldhat, f. restless-
ness, unsteadiness, wantonness, s.
handkerchief, dog's collar, p.
ijjxy»- chambart, round, circular, p. (_f -p^)^?" tjadc-Slf chanchald,!, f. 1 gaiety,
tiljus- ^oF chumbak, m. a magnet ; a quo- 'dij.ii?' ^^c5^»!T chanchal-pana, m. j wan-
tation, an extract, s. ton es . 5.
i^XxJc f^^off chimbtik, m. the chin. h.
bi^t?" ^^^(TT chanchalatd, f. perishableness ;
restlessness, fickleness, s.
^yxxsr ^^ c/iambal, Vv. chammaV), a beg-
u^v" '^'^^T chunchimd, m. Ascarides. h.
^Ljo- =^^T chambld,) gar's cup. h.
'jU^?" ^q^^T^ chanchandnd, n. to throb or
_j-i». ^ cJtnmhu, m. a narrow-necked vessel
for holding water, commonly called a goglet. h. shoot (as a boil, &c.) ; to make the noise that butter
does in a frying-pan. /(.
\xxy». '^%q5^ chavibeR, f. the name of a
flower {Jasminum grandiflorum). h. 0\-k:*?" fViff^T'JTT chinchindnd,n. to scream,
to squeak, to squall, h.
lxl>. '^mckampa, ^(same as champa)
a book. chancht,
is^ d.
a cloth wrapper or cover for
t— lt,'>-<- ^TToR champa//,} name of a tree and
its blossom {Michelia clampaca). champa-kalt, f. a
necklace resembling the buds of the champa flower. iJl*fi>lJ>^v' '^^1TT?7 chanchandhat, f. a throb,
champd-lcell, f. a species of plantain, champuk-barid, throbbing, a shooting pain. h.
of the colour of the champa flower, ■which is of a beau-
tiful yellow, h. [off, &c. h. , ,i^ ^'T^Tt't chunchuni, f. Ascarides. h.
tJI>A»^ champat (v. l3yb(JL*A*>>), to run dJ^»- chand, some, few (interrogatively), how
aj^ji»> ^^ champu, m. (v. chappu) a paddle, much? how often? when? chand dar cha7id,se\era.],
an oar. A. various, chand roza, of few days, transitory, hai-chand,
or har-chand-ki, although, nevertheless, notwithstand-
Cl^OLa- ^^lTc/iMWcr^,f. plaiting (cloths),plaits. h. ing, however, with all that, so much tlie more. p.

tlAJk> r«T»ff c^inf,'! f. reflection, consideration, iias»- ^^»^ chand (also chandd, m. the moon*
chand-mukh, -mukhl or -hadanl, moon-faced, i. e. beau-
ll^»- f%'?rTc/«'«/a,J thought, care, doubt, tiful as the moon. s.
anxiety, danger, peril, risk, chintd-par, thoughtful,
anxious, chintd-mani, f. m. a fabulous gem, supposed "iiJks. ^P^cha7)dd, m. assessment, contribution,
to yield to its possessor whatever he may think of.
chiiitd-wat, thinking, thoughtful, chintd-veshman, m. subscription, chandd uthdnd. to subscribe or contri-
council-house or room. s. bute, to get up a subscription, p. [ers. s.

^llljcj- f^^T«5iQ5 chintdkul, adj. disturbed in \^\:^ 'Wf^f^'mchanddliijd, a caste of sweep-

thought, distracted by an idea. s. ^^Icio*. chanddii, many, numbers, more, as
\j\:,jc>-f^^T^T chintana, a. to cause to study. 5. many as, how many soever, so much, so greatly, p.

vJL*Iix»- r«<0flff chintity thoughtful, anxious, iS3\^Jc^chandcmhi, US many, as much, what-

reflective, s. ever, so greatly ; how much soever, p.
iJ^Sj^s-- chanddiw, sundry, or miscellaneous;
^J\Jc»- "N"^fR chintan, m. study, reflection, s. a variety of petty taxes formerly levied by the Mogul
o>l^ f^fC'TT chintana, a. to study, to think, s. Government,
&:c. p. such as those on musicians, showmen,

Uja>- 'N'fnnn chintiya, f. reflection, considera- .^jc- ^»? chandar or chandra, m. the moon.
tion, thinking, s.
chavdra-rekhd or chandra-lekhd.f. a digit of the moon.
(-ILd?. ''^j^ chant, m. a miser, h. chandra-gol or chnndia-mandal. m. the orb or sphere of
the moon, chandra-mani, m. the moon gem. chandra-
Ss- "^^ chanchu, f. the beak of a bird. a.
C' ^ vanshi,m.a. descendant of the moon (v. chandra-hansl). s.
.^ chincha, m. tamarind stones, used by
l,L^a5-^»■5Tc/m«(/m,I)ilk); wiso,intelligent. h.
children for playing with. d.
j^T '^r^i: chnnchar, land left untilled for one,
lil.jo.=- ^J^TRT chandrdnd, n. to be withered
two, or three years, h. or dried up (a tree) ; to cease to grow h.
( 330 )

^^t^jSx>- M'^M^O chandra-hansi (for chan- U.iJ.». ^^in chundha, dim-sighted, blinkard ;
bad and crabbed (as a handwriting), h,
" dra vanshi), lit. descendants of the moon, name of a
race or dynasty of the Kskatriijas. s.
^JJc*- ^^qJT chundhla, m. a blinkard. h.
\S\^jSj^^ '^T^^mT
name of a river, cluindra-hha(ja,
the riienah, f. tlie
one of the five streams of {iikSiSJ^ •^'*\^V!{\ chundhlana, n. to be pur-
blind, to see dimly, h.
the Panjab. chandra-bliag, a mountain, part of the
Himalaj-a range,
tioned issaid from «.which the river above men-
to flow. i^-yi^ chande, a few, some; sometime, p.
(_jj.l>. "^T^ chiindl, f. a procuress, a bawd.
^^.jjtia>- ^^"^^TTT (■ho7idra-renu, m. a pla-
giarist, a poetical thief. 5. i^iisl*- chhidlff. a small piece, a fragment;
rags, a scrap of cloth, a tatter, chindi-chindt-k., to
Ll-> .i-jtXio. -eir^Tflri c/iandra-jot,f. moonshine; break or reduce into small pieces, d.
a blue light. ,v. [small cardamums. s.
biijLS*. vift^m chandiya, f. the crown of the
head s.
^^xxt^.^j^ ^»'5^>T^ difindi-a-sainhliava, f.
iji3jja»- ^r^bh" chandrak, m. tlie eye in a boo^ ^^^ chandaiyd, deep places, h.
peacock's tail ; a finger-nail. s.
^JJ>^Sxs^ M^^^ chanderl, 1 f. name of a
o, -> Jo- ^ f"'5!,* \ch(indri/id, f. nioonliglit, moon-
beams ;a small fish {Zeus oblongus). s. Jji^la- ^"^l^ f Aanc?eZ, J place. A.
1 -.>K Ai..^. ^T^ojTRT chandra-kanta or chan- jjjijsx*. ^^^ chandel, 1 m. the name of a
dra-l;dntd, m. a species of gem, supposed to be formed ^y>,\xs-^ xF^t^ chandil, > tribe of rajpTiU
of the congelation of the rays of the moon. s.
'^^s'xs-- ^r^^ chandela,) who claim descent
':k>j^x->- '^rpp^ r/iandrn-kala, f. a diL'it or from the moon (v. Elliott), s.
lunar crescent, parts. of the moon's orb or diameter; a
(J^.-^J'r^ ^^^ ckandeli, f. a fine species of
■ cotton fabric (made at Chandel). h.
d*Aij^Jc>- -qr^JlH chandra-gupta, m. the re-
gistrar ofYama's court, s. ^J>^J:^j^ chandm, so much, so many. p.
i^^j^^>^ ^v^TTflJ Chandra- grahan, m. a dJJ,Xys>.
p. a variety of petty taxes (v.
lunar eclipse. ,s. [podium album) .

JjJJs- '^'5^ chandril, m. a potherb (Cheno- l^^.tXx^ ■^»<C^T chandilia, silvery, vehite. h.
l^CjJjj^jca- 'S'^c^l'^l chandra-lehha, f. a digit '^j^ '^?I5 chfiJid, fierce, violeiit, passionate ,
of the moon ; a plant {Serratula anthelmintica). s. hot, warm ; pungent, acrid, s.
^Ai»- vj r^H I chandrama, m. the moon. s. ljjtf>. ^^ cfiandd, f. a name of the goddess
Durga, applied especially to her incarnation for the
jc-^'S.i^J^ •'C'^'kI chandra-mukht, moon- purpose of destroying the demon Mahes Asur; a paa-
faced, i.e. having a face beautiful as the moon. i. sionate or furious woman, s.

UjwVJca- -^rt^i^^} chandarna,Ti.(^v. chandrana).h. Jjoc* ^r3(!3c5 chandal, ^ m. an inferior caste

^'j,iXicj. ^»5[^T55T chandrw^wala, f. large car- (J'.3a&- ^^13Tc5 chnndal,) ofPIindus; a man
damu s. f. of the lowest of the mixed tribes, bom from a Sudra
father and BrahmanI mother ; (met.) a miser, a merci
less wretch, an outcast, s.
^JJ>J .l^is. ^^(7^'^^cllfl?^dropal, m. moon-gem. s.
;_^iij,.Ni.^ '=^^^ chaiidroday, m. an awning, /^'jJ^ -t^jj^lfc^bd chanddlin, f the female of
a cloth or sheet spread over the open courts of Hindu chandfil. s. [Bhangis. h.
houses, &;c. upon festival occasions; moon-rise; a IjJljo^ -M^ilfc'&^l chanddliydy a tribe of the
kind of collyrium. ?.

(j-j5«,(^l5- '^V^^'^^ chandra-vaUari, f. a kind Jjljsjc»- -«KIJN(^ chunddtval, m. the rear

guard! h. [fierceness. $,
of asclepias (a. ac!(/aj ; rue. s.
bjdo- ^JPTTT chandnid, f. warmth, pungency,
jli&jtijca- -cir^^rc. chandra-har, in. a sort of
neckl ace com posed of circular pieces of gold, silver.Stci. OlJsI^' ^r^jjctiT chandikd, f. a name of Durga
(v. chandd). s. [warm. g.
^6J^ xJn^c^T chandla, bald (v. chandra), m.
baldness, h.
ijljjixi^'^n^:^^ chotidwat, passionate, violent,
^^liJo- •^'^A chandnn, m. sandal wood or tree IjJoo- ^W\ chandavd, the shaft of a plough-
(Syrium myrtifolium or Santalum album), s. share, h.
lit^jks- chandna, m. (j.chandim) light, &c. d.
JjjJo. 'g^l^ chayidol, ra. (for chuncldival)
the rear -guard; a sort of sedan; the name of a bird,
jl^iXlsf chandan-har, an ornament worn on a species of the lark ; a plaything consisting of four
the head by vfomen : it is shaped like a half-moon. d. little earthen pots joined together, h.
^ji^Jcj- ^ff^ chandtva, m. a small canopy, an (^Jos- ^T!3^ chandi, f. a name of Durga (v.
awning; (in Dakh.) chandtva machhi, the pomflet fish. h. chandd). chandl-kusum, m. red oleander. <.
( 331 )

^j-^is^ ^^TTT^ chunrt, f. a mode of dyeing ^_jp^

"or harp,chavgt,
a harper,m. p.one who plays on the chang
"cloths,vious in which them
to dipping they are tieddye,
in the in different places pre-
so as to prevent the
parts tied from receiving the colour; also the cloths j^^ "^flK changer, f. a flower-pot, a tray. h.
dyed in this manner. /(.
iXr*^ ^r^n changera, m. a large basket ; a
.*«jtf». -€(4(4. chansuTy m. cress, cresses (Lepi- trough or tray. h.
dium sativum), h.
til-la. ^^«F chanah, f. the bursting of the i^jS^ -q^'O changerl, f. a small basket, h.
husk of a seed by exposure to the sun. h. fJjXjs>- xjg.^J5 change}, name of an herb which
grows amidst old buildings, the seed of which is used
<-diis»- xHyoK chanak, m. a kind of pulse (v. in medicine, and termed khahdji. h.
chana). chunk (v. shank), a conch shell, s.
Uioc^ T(r|o|;^T chanakna, n. to burst and fall j^jWi i-li*- chuidi-mitti ov-mati,^otieTS earth.A.
out (as a seed from the husk), h. \x^»- xf,^f»THT chanamiya, a tribe ofrdjputs. h.

3^^^ idv" chun-kha,u, m. a bird; a beggar, d. ^'y»- ^^TT chvnan, m. rumple, crease, h.
tlXl*- f%*FT chinag, f. ardor urince, h. Ujr>- ^^ chun7id, a. to gather (v. ll*").
ijJ^ cJiang, f. a claw; the hand expanded;
a kind of guitar, a harp ; fame, report ; a paper-kite ^j^^r*-
millet, '■^^m»T
h. chanman, a small species of
which they fly at niglit ; the name of a suit at cards
(v. tij). p. IJiyjw ^TT^TTTT chunwdna, a. to cause to
Uljj. ^^T chanrja, healthy, cured, sound. pick, choose, arrange, &c. (v. chunana). h.
changa banana, a. to correct, to punish, to put to right,
to chastise, hhald changa, in health and vigour ; per- Uyu»- '^Rtrr chanautd, m. (the same as chu'
fect, good. k. nautl, q. v.) the folding of the cloth called sari worn
by the women, h.
l^js*. f^^T chinga, m. a chicken, h,
^"yLs*. '^>(t3^ chunauti, f. a box for holding
^_^.lX;>. f«l H i IlO ch ingari, f a spark (of fire). A. ' the
used lime used out
to take to chew along with
the lime. s. betel ; a small spoon
JIXjLsj. cha7igal, m. (v. changal). p.
ij^j^ ''^r^Z\ chunauti, f. encouraging troops
a disorder, ^■^T^
h. chang-bd,o, m. the name of "in the time of battle, for which purpose there is an
officer in Indian armies; selecting from an army the
fittest men for a desperate enterprise. A practice
cLXc»- r«j^>i ckhigat, m. a shrimp or prawn, s. which formerly prevailed at Benares: on the 11th of
Jaith Shuklpaksh the inhabitants were wont to swim
T^^ 'q^ changar, m. a tray, a trough. /*. across the river, and, foniiing themseh'es into two
parties, to fight with swords, clubs, Stc. h.
VJj.^. f^W^T chinqra, m.1 , .
-' :' " ' ''' >-aprawn,shrmip. .s. jji^ '^^ chamvar, m. a kind of flapper to
ijj^^ f^^rt chingfh f.J drive away flies, s.
jX;*- changtd, m. a claw, a talon, p. ^»- fxi;^ chinh, m. (for f^^ chinha) a scar,
a mark, spot, stain; symbol, token, feature; signa
^y^>^ ''^^^•chvngal, a handful of any thing ture. cliinh charhdnd, to stigmatize, s.
dry, as cliullu denotes a handful of liquid, h.
U.Cl&- f^^JHTT chinagna, n. to throb, to .1^.=^ fvjJ^li: chinhdr, m. 1 an acquaint-
shoot (as a boil, &c.) ; to cry, to screech, h.
^CjlJk^s- f^li^Rt chinhdi'l, f. J ance ; ac-
k. quainta ceship, s.
(J^^ f^^*l^ chingnl, f. a chicken,
(JIa^^ f^J^TT chinhit, marked, known, s.
j^~r ^W^ changur, excellent, h.
^ f. scream, cla- liU^is- c/tm/<«'a«a,focausetobe i-ecognised. h.
j\^Jj^ f^Tf chivghar,
V,-l^£l5^ r«J^'ldl chinghara,) mour. cliin- js>- '^ffth. chuni,
" gram.
a small species of cliand or
ghdr-marna or chingharen mama, n. to scream. /;.

UylA^Ir:*- f^^T'5'lT chivgharnd, n. to scream, ijis- ^^ chnnn'i, f. a small ruby ; ascaridex. h.

to screech (applied properly to the elephant), h. bU^r*- ^T^^T^T chaniyddd, also chane,ddd,
Xs^ ^^^ chunyl, f. a tax gathered daily land under a crop of chand or gram. /(.
"from grain merchants, being as much grain as can be
taken up in a man's fist ; illegal abstraction of hand- ,^^^-^^-Z chay^etli , f. spices given to cattle,
fuls of market produce, chuugi-penth, a market held drugs for oxen. h.
on condition of giving a small portion of each sale-
able article to the zamlndar. h. iSxxs^ chiinda, selected, chosen, p.

tj^ f^^ or 'Nrti'^ chingi, f. a spark of (joo- chvnin, like this, such as this. -p.
"fir3 Cv. changdri^; a wicked dwarf, chingi jharna,
-chhutnd, or -nikalna, n. K) sparkle, h. y>- "^rhari, m. a back tooth ; ploughshare, h.
( 332 ) u^^

''^ chmi,, same as cltar, four, hut used jbj»- ^^^TT chau-bdr, 1m. a suniiner-
only in oomp. as chau-haghld, m. a kind of jacket, not
open?- under the arms, chait-bandl, f. giving a horse Wj^ '"O'lHI chati-bdrd,) house; an a--em-
new^ shoes {v. khol-handi); the fastenings of baggage. bly, court ; town-hall ; a shed, a police-station. //.
chau-hh'ir, on all sides, all round, chau-pdra, made of
four pieces, chaiipas, all around, on all sides, chau- {^^y^ ckubdn (v. chupdn), a shepherd, y;.
pds, all round, around, chau-pahal, four sides or four-
sided, a square bottle. chau-pnhlu or chau-pahra, chauhnchcha, m. (cor. of chah-hnch-
during four pahars, i.e. half the natural day, or twelve cAa,well.
or q. V.) p.
a vat, a cistern, a reservoir attached to a tank
hours chaii-pahra-dend, to break in a horse, by giving
a twelve hours' spell of it. chau-tah or chau-tahd, of
four folds, chnu-dh'ir, -dhir, -ras, -kudhan, -kudan, or ^^^^^ choh-chmi, f. the name of a medicine,
-khut, on all four sides, all around, chau-jugi, belong- China root {China smilax). p.
ing to the iouT juiTs or ages of the world: the terra is
used to denote " of vast antiquity." chau-goshl, f. an ^^**».iw>^^ chob-dasti, f. a staff, stick, jp.
animal whose ears are slit (particularly a horse: these
are generally taught to amble), chau-mahalla, of four j^iii Jy^ chob-ddr, m. a servant whose busi-
stories (a house), chau-mukhi, four-faced, chau-mekhd, ness is to announce the arrival of company, a mace-
tying the elbows behind, h. bearer, p.

^j- chu, such as, like, when ; how? p. jiy^ '^^T chnubar, stout, robust, bold. h.
tibj.*- chobak, f. a drumstick. /?.
^js- ^^f^ chavi, f. tlie pepper plant which
yields long pepper, s.
^^j>- "^^ chubh, ra. prickincr, puncture. A.
\j^ ^^n chaun-a, m. quadruped (particu- l^^». ^^ chobhd, ni. a nail ; a kind of vic-
larly oxen), a handbreadth. h. tuals given upon great occasions, marriages, &c.; prey ;
puncture, h.
'^^*- ■'Tl-sfi cho,n or '^^T chn,a, m. the name
of a perfume ; the pod, or skin of any kind of pulse ; U^ f*. '^^TiTT chuhhnd, n. to be stuck, or thrust
a windfall (fruit); name of a plant used as a potherb into ; to pierce, to be goaded or stabbed, to penetrate, h.
(Amaranthas oleaceus). h.
1^^ ^^ chaube (corrup. of chatur-vedi, q.
1*^*- chu,a (for chuha), a rat, a mouse. chu,e-
ddn, a mouse-trap. d. v.), m.applied
(now a Brahman
to the acquainted
deseenJ^ints with the though
of such, four f'edas
learned), s.
J .^v" ^^T^ ^/to»"'> \m. a mountain robber,
j_^^ c/iobi, wooden ; made of wood. p.
jl^^:s- ■'Tt^TTT cho,a>\j an outlaw moun-
taine r, abrigand, h. f^j^^»- ■'Usjl^ chaubh, twenty-four. s.
^'^^ ^=rr^T chnwala, m. a chair, sedan L-JO^>- ^^hn c/mufe wa , 1 a track of land
(cor. of chmipdld). h.
&«»jJ^'^«rt^I c/mMZ^Fsa,] containing twen-
^j^i}\y»~ ^^T^^^ c/iaii,alis or chawalts, for- ty-four villages, occupied by one tribe, s.
ty-four, s. (jO»r>- chobin, wooden, made of wood. p.
[^^^^ ^^rnr clm,an or '^^•T chii,dn, f. a u_.^».s.- xftTj chop, f. desire, wish, hope. /*.
reservoir, a cistern. chu,dn khd,i, f. a deep ditch with
water springing at the bottom, s. b^r^-^rn chnvpd, 1 m. four-footed, a
^^Tm: chaupdr, \
C5 °.?^ "sl'^M clio,an, f. dropping,dripping. //.
quadruped, s.
ui^;»- f^^HTT chin-ana, m. a place for the
c L mation of tlie dead. h. OO.^^ ^TJI^ chaupdh J
yb y^ ^TT? chaupdr (also chaupdr & chaii-
h]f^s^ 'W('^T^^ rlio,nna or chmi'ana, a. to cause pdl), m. a kind of summer-bouse or pavilion fgene-
to drip, to distil, to filter, to draw off. h. rally built jointly by several people, as a resting-
place common to them all) ; a quadruj>ed, an animal,
a beast, s.
(3i^»^ •^vtW) ch(ni,annl, f. a (silver) four
ana piece, a quarter rupi. h. ^)by^. ^^TITqST chaupdld, m. a litter, sedan, .s.
*^^»- 'W^'['^ chawaw, m. a report, slander, .v. ^b •>- chaupdn or chupdn, m. a cowherd, or
shepherd. c//ii/)«««, the office of shepherd, p.
^JA^»- -xO^Jlt^ chmnra,t, f, a tempest, hurri-
cane, commotion (q. d. wind blowing from four quar- (_^^b ,rs. -41 Ml^ chanpd,i, f. a sort of metre, a
ters), js. verse consisting of four long feet or short linea,
chierty used in Braj compositions, s.
^^\^»- ^^T^c7mw«,t,m. rcporter,backbiter. s.
(---'•£>- choh, f. wood ; a post ; a drumstick, a 6->}j_*s>- '^TTTTI chntpdya, m. an animal, a
beast, quadruped, p.
stick, a club, chob-kdrt or kdr-chohi, f. beating with a
stick ; a kind of embroidery, p.
^jk'y>- '^ti'^r^ chanpatri,']J.
:ri,|f. ia small tract,
Vj^ cliohfi, m. a stake, post. p.
f^.^~r ■4^y»l'l chavpatfi, J an essay, a pam
phlet, a pocket-book. s.
&^s>.^Jt»- ■Mt<sii^: chau-hachha, a kind of tax , J an
or levy of revenue on four specified things (v. Wil- IL(.) .»- ■4^14<J choupat, ruined, destroyt^d,
son j. ii.
levelled, plain, dumpat-k., to level, to destroy, h.
UJ*s>- ( 333 )

jf^^^ ^T ''^t^Kpar, f- the name of a game I c!->_ja- ^ c/w/, f. a hurt, a blow, damn^re;
played with long dice, also the cloth on which it is foil; spite, effort, attempt assiduity, desire, wish, ailn •
played ; also a summer-house (v. chaupar). s. tip ofhead
the and
toe. shoulders,
foldiiifr a blaiiltet.
the cliot par \-c..
a covering for
follows another, misfortunes come not single, chnt
'j{.^ ^Tl? chttpar, m. grease, h. bandhnd, a. to defend ; to bind up the edge of a sword,
&c. ; to restrain by magic, chot klulnd, to receive a
t/*i^ ^TTrt chupri, adj. f. oiled, greasy, blow, to be hurt ; to suffer loss. /*.
roll, f cakes cln'iprl bat, clarified
rich with f. flattery, soft words,
butter, h. chuprl
*-^>?'liar ^
mode of chut,
foldingm.a blanket
a crack, a noise,
or sheet, h. a pecu-
ll)^ TTtqijI chopna, a. to throw water from
a daur'i, q. v. /;. ^y^ ^^ decho^d,
pendent ofinterestm.; treacle,
iliscounlh. or premium in-
y^^y^ WIm^q&'I chau-pahia, m. a kind of
sedan (v. duiu-palc'i). h. y^ '^^ chottd, in. a thief h.
*JI->^ ^IT chut, f. ^'l(h'a. chTit-salamt, fees (^'^ ^tzi chotl, f a lock of hair left on the
paid by a bridegroom to the kazi on the morning after
his nuptials, chiit-mardnl, a strumpet, a harlot, s. "top of the head, the plait or tie of hair behind, a queue ;
top, summit ; a petticoat, chotl kd hond, to e.xcel, be
pre-eminent, or unrivalled, h.
)j^yz:- ^^TTTTT chant ara, m. a four-stringed
musical instrument, a guitar. *, bUj^ H\r<Il|I«n chotiyand, a. to seize by
the hair, also to wound, to hurt. h.

J\j*^^ ^iTT^ chautal or chautala, m. a mode

in music. m^^:>- ^t»T choj, m. subtleness, beauty, h.
<fri^" chuj, chujd, and chuja(^v. chuz, &c.). jp«
\^^ 'tf^riU chautara (v. chautara). k.
1^^^ ^Vift chojl, subtle, fine. h.
^j^y^ '<tf(^<lil chautarkd, m.
kind of tent. h.
a mitre; a
'^^^>- -^M't^l chochtd, m. playfulness, blan-
dishments, endearing arts and expressions, coquetry, fc.
syv*- ^TITt chautara, m. (v. chabutai'a) a
terrace or mound to sit and converse on, a tribunal, h. ij^^ ^^chuchl,{. (v. c/iJiwcAi) the breast,
"pap, &c. h.
j^y^ "^(WS chutar, m. the backside, buttock, \iS>-^j>- chau-haddd, \ the neighbourhood,
hip. chutar hajdna, n. to be overjoyed, chutar sakor-
nd, a. to loiter, to hang back, chutar se kdn gdnihnd,
to speak in parables, to use far-fetched expressions, h. ^_f^>s»^^^- chau-haddt,) environs ; surrouiid-
" ing country, d.

^J'o^^io^ '^W^^^n^ chauthi-khai,dli, by>- chaudd (for chaudah), fourteen, p.

a sum paid to the zamlnddr for the privilege of weigh-
ing the grain of the cultivators, h. ^jb^^ ^^T»0 chauddni, f. ^an orna-
^>^^ ^^ chauth, f. the fourth lunar day; \job^j5«- '^^if'T^T chauddniyd, m.j men.
the fourth part; a species of tribute, consisting of one (formed of four pearls) worn in the ears. h.
fourth the regular government assessment, demanded
by the Marhattds from the neighbouring princes. ^c.^y>. chaudrt (for chaudhari q. v.), head
Hindu and Musalman alike, as the price of forbearing man, &c. d. [of the moon. t.
to ravage their countries. This is the same as the
"blackmail" formerly levied by the Highland Scot- (^j^i^y>- 4^«*^ chaudan, f. the fourteenth day
tish chiefs on their more wealthy and less warlike
neighbours of the lowland? s. lJJy:«- ^^'JTT chodnd, a. to copulate, h.
I. - ^\ N . ~>. 'qt^'ir chau-datit, crossing their
^^"^^ chuth, m. covv-dung. h. teeth in fight (elephants) ; sturdy, robust, stout. *.

I^*r5- ■^'ivjr chauthd, the fourth,

the fourth place, fourth : (in Dakh.)
chanthe, in
chauthd, denotes
xSi^^jS" '^qJift chaudanti, f. boldness, s.
a kind of palaiiquiu. sometimes called a " dooly." s. i^^'^y>- '^f^^ chaud)vdn, the fourteenth, s.
l«-3^.^»,>- '^^ort^T c/toc?«;an.sa,whorish, libidi-
{jf-^^^^ '^T'Tr^ chauthdji, f. the fourth part, nous, addicted to fornication, h.
a quarter ; a fine equal to one-fourth of the revenue, s,
5iillfcii»r^ "^^f ^ chaudahdh, the fourteenth, s.
^_e^>y^'^^ chautht, f the fourth day; a '^^ chaudah, fourteen, s.
"ceremony performed on the fourth day after mar-
riage, i.
iii^»:>- ^V^ chaudhar, robust, active, vigo-
\x^y^ ^if^Tn chnuthiya, m. orie who re- rous, corpulent, h.
ceives the chauth ; a quartan ague ; name of a mea-
sure for grain nearly equal to a ser (q. v.). «. (_j^^J>ii»5>- ■'rrVTT^ chaudhardji, f. the busi-
'ness, office, or dignity of a c/iaurf/iari, q.v. h.

U>^ ^firm chutiya, m. a blockiiead. chu- I C^i]/>^y>- "^^XVHK chaudhardyat , a chau-

tiyd shah'ul, ni. a cully, a dupe, s, dharl's fees ot ofiice.
jt)^ -tflfllm ch(ncttya,f. a tjuartan (ague) 5. fj-Ai^^^ ^in5 chaudhari, m. the head man
of a trade; a village chief or headman; in Bengal, a
^j«x>^ '^Til^^ chauth, thirty-tour. 5. title of landholders siipei-ior to a ta'ulluk-udr, q. v. h
( 334 ) j^

chaudahivan, tlie u
teenth. s. l)3T' ^^^ churma, m. a kind of sweetmeat
made of sugar and crumbled bread, h.
jjt^^^ chaudher, all around, d. four-
(^i;j-=^^T«T churan or '^IfJ churna, m. powder,
dust ; a powder composed of medicines for promoting
Jjj!^^ ^^Tt55 chaudol,m. a kind of sedan digestion, aromatic powder, pounded sandal, &c. ;
with two poles, h.
fossil alkali, efflorescent salt, chfirva-kuiital, m. a
lock of hair, a curl, chunia-khand, m. pebble, gravel,
j^ ^^ chor, m. a thief, robber ; adj. sly, hardened fragments of earth or brick; limestone
hidden, false, treacherous, chor-hdlu, f. a quicksand. nodule, commonly called kankar. s.
chor-pahrd or -pahra, the scouts of an army, chor-ja-
haz, a pirate ship, a privateer, chor-chakdr, m. a thief.
clwr-khdna, m. bye-room, concealed drawer. c//or- "^^■^-^^T churna, a. to reduce to very small
darwdza, m. trapdoor, ckor-dhor, m. plaintiff and de- I)eices, or to atoms, s.
fendant ;all the parties of a law suit ; a thief and
what he has stolen, chor-rdh or -rasta, a secret path. <L>^ij^ '^W chaurang, m. a practice of tl.e
ckor-zamln, a quagmire, bog. cJwr-slrhl, f back-stairs. sword exercise ; cutting the four legs of an animal t (T
chor-lchirki, f. a back-door, a bye-door, chor-gall, f. a at one blow, chaurang kdtnd, a. to cut off the four
bye-road, back-lane. e/(or lagnd, n. to be injured, to legs of an animal at one blow, chaurang-mdrnd, a. to
damage, chor lagnd sham' ko, n. to waste a candle by lose the use of the limbs by illness ; to hamstring a
a thief being attached to it. chor-mahal, m. the apart- quadruped, s.
ments of the concubines of great men. chor-viamlurd,
m. a game played by children, chor-mahichnl, f hide "^j^ chvra, a small bit, a fragment, d.
and seek, chor-nimak, contraband salt (chiefly used in
{Jj^ ''^t^ chort, f. a theft, robbery, stealth.
cliori-chori, by stealth, clandestinely, s.
j^ 'JT chur, m. powder, filings, atoms ;
bruised, chur-chur, broken to atoms, chur rahnd, n. <^ji^ ^T^ c/m?i, f. a species of bread ricb
to sot. chur-k., a. to break into small pieces, chur with ghl ; a kind of bracelet, h.
hoiid, n. to be broken into small pieces ; to be ena-
moured of, to be in love ; to be tired, nashe men cliur jCjjjs- ^tr;^ chaurt, f. a summer-house, h.
hand, n. to be helplessly intoxicated, s.
•,>•>- ^? chnr, m. a silver or trold ornament
J3^ ^^ c/fowr, a large open space in a worn by the Hindu widows ; the ring fastened to ele-
forest ; an extensive tract of low land. h. phant's teeth, h.
j*s>- ^ft^ chor, m. a boddice, a jacket.
]j^^ '^TTT chuura, m. a terrace or mound to
sit and converse on ; the place where Hindu widows
are burnt ; also a kind of bean (v. chauld). h. j'j*- ^? cliur (also chur a and churl), a crest,
a top-knot, a ring, an amulet, the bracelet put on a
fil inss ; saw-dust : srrain bride at tlie time of marriage, chura-hhanddra, an
ij*^^ ^^TT cliura. allowance for the maintenance of the junior members
reduced to coarse particles, to be chucked into the
of a zamindiir's family, s.
mouth, s. [road, h.p,
iCiM»\jy>~ chau-rasta (v. chav-raha^, a cross- j'y^ ^fr? chaiir, spoiled, destroyed, h.
U"j5>- ^^ITT chaura, wide, broad. chaurachaJda,
^^\)^ '^T^ chaurasi, eighty-four ; a sub- extensive, spacious, h.
*■ division lages,of
s. a pargana, amounting to eighty-four vil-
U'jjs- '^Tt chura, f. a single lock of hair left
•^Kiwl chauraxi, f. morris bells on the crown of the head at the ceremony of tonsure :
{.s*^\y a peacock's crest ; any crest, plume, diadem ; head, to|),
"worn on the ankles by dancing girls, h. summit ; a kind of bracelet ; m. the rings fastened to
elephants' teeth ; a kind of ornament ; a kind of food
^'\)3^ '^ttT'IT chorcma, a. to steal. 5. made of parched rice, churd-mani, m. a jewel worn in
a crest, or a diadem ; the Guuja (Abrus precatorins).
i/ybj-?" '^^'^W chauranatvwe or ''^TT^ churd-wat, crested, having a lock of hair on the top of
chaurdnwe, ninety-four, s. the head. s.
oss-road ;
u\'Ji'i chau-ralia. ^^T^
the jui ^U:»^- x|^|(^| churala, f. a kind of grass {Ki/l-
iiiV^»~ chauralin, junction of Ihiga monocephala); adj. crested, having a lock of hsir
four roads ; the meeting of the boundaries of four vil- on the crown of the head. i.
lages, h.p.
a cr ,.,V,'»*>- ^Tl'^ chauran, m. f. breadth, width,
{m. extension, h.
Ot^i).?"?" ■**^*^5'^^ cho7'-pushpi, f. a kind of
"grass {Andropogon aciculatum). s. I3lj'»j»- ^Tlin chaurana, a. to increase in
tj^j^ chor-phara or -pahra, the vanguard breadth, to expand, to widen, h,
of an army ; (lit.) " the sly sentry." d.
^-^U-».>- ^ITT^ chaura,l, f. breadth, width,
O^J'^ ^^ra chauras, level, even. k. extension ; boasting. • chaura, i-mdrna or -karna, a. to
(^j*ijy>^ chauras, all around, on the four sides.c?. boast, to give one's self airs. h.

iS^^jyf^ "^XWi^ chaurasa,l, f. equality of iJij,i^jAS>~ ^3-«4IM<J chauT-'Chaupat, aban-

surface, evenness, h. doned, vicious, damaged, h.

ou<*jj.>. ^^^HT chaurasana, a. to level, h. j_fj'j.5- 'grt chur'i, f. bangles cr rings made
of glass, &c.. and worn on the wrist (v. churi). churl
iS^j3^ ^^Xift chaurasi, a granary above dur, drawers, or sleeves, made too long, 80 as to be
"ground, h. crumpled into plaits, h.

JJT ( 335 )
:»»- chnz, m. a young hawk, a hawk that has S^ ^t«R chohar, \m.
; 1m.
of wheat,
not hunted, p.
jp^.>- ^ojf^ choha r,J hran.
\jj:>- chuzd, a kite, (also v. chuza). p. vi^^ "^ToR^ clumhar, good, well, fine, ex-
cel ent. It.
l\y>. chuza, m. a cliickeii, a young bir.l.
clirtzn-huz, an old woman who keeps a young gallant,
an old woman fond of striplings, p. ^:>- ■^^TTT chauhara, m. a ring of two
pearls worn in each ear ; also a division of crop, the
^j^y>- ^W chaus, m. flour, powder ; land cultivator giving a fourth part to the zamlnd.ir. s.
four times tilled, h.

chausath, sixty-four. s. ^j'ji^:>- ^t3F3^ chauhafi, f. a bound, a spring;

^!L>»j>- ^^ a ring of pearls worn by men in the ears, cluiukafl
bharnd, a. to leap, to bound, chaickarl bhtdnu, n. to
j»*ys>- ^^t chausar, m. (v. chaupar) a kind forget one's bound, /. e. to be fascinated, to have one's
of game played with oblong dice ; also the cloth, &c. senses benumbed, diaukari mar baitlmd, n. to squat, h.
on which it is played, s.
f^j.S^S" ^ojr^ c/iiiuhas, Ciiuiious, watchful,
iJ;^y>- chausari, a female ornament worn alert, diligent, active, clever, intelligent; full weight. /».
round the neck. d.
U«» •rs- '^^RT chusna, a. to suck. s. ig'^y^' '^I'^Vt chaukast, f. diligence; four
"people employed together, or eating out of the same
U£;«»».>- ^ifw^ chausingha, a. raised mound dish or plate ; m. an assayer, an examiner. /*.
indicating where the boundaries offour villages meet./f.
^_^^\*^y>^ '^T^HT^ chaukasn,l, f. attention,
circumspection, watchfulness, caution, h.
^i-* ,.^^TB7Ttc/iM.sw,f.a child's coral.asucking-
' stick for children, s. iM%>- ^oR^: cluiuJda, an assemblage of the
*jui*^=>- '^tai chosln/a, sucknlile, any thing smaller divisions of a province, the jurisdiction of a
faiij-rldr, q. v. h.
&c. s. fruit) capable of being sucked, as a mango,
U^»:=- ■^oFTTT chukna, n. to blunder, to mis-
iS'^s>- chogha (v. UiJ), a kind of garment, d. take, depart from, err, miss, fail. ft.
lw»i>- ^«F^ chaukanna, cautious, ah-rt,
ci3^^ ^iS chuk, f. an error, inadvertency,
blunder, mistake, h. circumspect, sly, wary. h.

cdJy^- '^oF chuh, adj. sour, acid; m. a medi- jyi^s- '^'Ttt chaukor, | four-cornered,
cine made of boiled lemon-juice and pomegranates, s.
U^^^ '^^^ chau-kona, j square, or
^J^^'^X^ chaiik, m. a square, an open place quadrangular, s.
in a*city where the market is held, and where also the
chief of the police-office is stationed ; a market ; (accord- ^^ ^^ chohh, adj. sharp, pungent; also
inc to Gladwin it denotes) " a constant daily market, chukh, m. the name of a medicine, orris-root, orrice
or place of sale in towns, for all articles of wearing or iris root. h.
apparel and other second-hand goods, the commodi-
tie's here sold being, for the most part, not new ; or if Uiys- ^Wr chohha, pure, iiu adulterated, ge-
new coarse of their kind;" a court-yard ; a custom ata nuine, good, fine, sharp, pungent, keen ; clever, dex-
the marriage of Hindus and Musalnifuis ot making trous ;pleasing, delightful, beautiful ; ra. a station
square space of coloured meal, in which the bride and where four boundaries meet. h.
bridegroom are seated on chairs, &c. chmk-bhar na or
-puma, a. to form a square space of coloured meal, in , a station where four
which at marriages the bride and bridegroom which are seat- \^^^ ■^^T chmihha
h. [ness. h.
the boundaries meet.
ed on chairs, ice. cliauk-pattd, a seat on
people sit and eat in the ceremony above mentioned .
i chauk-mkds, a tax on all goods sold in thetax.chauk. chauk- ^^\^^ -^^t <^^^okha,i, f. purity, sharp-
mara, smuggling ; evading the market h.
iJL^^ -^^Z chaukhat, m. f. frame of a
' \^*5»- ^«FT cliuha or chaka, m. a kind of sorrel door. "thes.
■ adoor; upper and lower piece of • the frame of
{Rumex vesicarius) ; also rice, s,
\^o- ^^T chuha, m. a kind of earthen pot. h. \j3^$^-s. ^^7T rhaukhunta, square, h.
^^5^ ^^^ chaukhl or ^wt chohhl, adj.
! ^^ #T?|iT chauka, m. the space in which "f. sharp (tone in music), h.
1 Hindus dress their victuals ; a square slate of marble,
&c. ; the four front teeth ; the cube of a measure called
, f. aa chair, a stool ; guard,
j &a».v. h. ^^
"or watch ; the chauk'i
4t^ post where guard is stationed ; a cus
on the
tomhouse ; a police-station ; an ornament worn
1 ^±f\j^^ ■^toFT^m chohahag, seeds sown im- breast, chauki-ddr, m. a watchman, chauk i-dari,
mediatelV after a fall of rain. h. or hire of a watch-
I business of a watchman ; theto pay
mount guard, chaukt
man, chauki-d., to watch,
1 cJ^-fS" ^^7 chaukat, f. (v. chaukhat) frame mdnid, a. to smuggle, h.
I of a door, SiC. s.
cliau-hudhan, on all four sides, d. ^^ ^^^ chavihri, f. Piper chavya.
^^y>' birds broug ht
iLs- ^mr chogR , m. food of
I ij^'r'- ^^ chmikari, a measure of grain, chogd-ba
up from the crop ; food of birds in general,
''a quarter of a chautiyd, q. v. h. dalnd, a. to bill, to caress as doves by joining bills, h
336 )

y^o »:>- ^TIT^ chavgan, m. a plain, a desert, h. '»,:=- ^«5T chulha, m.^ . ,
^,'' *"" ?-a nre-place. $.
1^^^- chavgan, m. a game resembling u:
•what in Scotland they call "shinty," and in some parts ^^chul
i_S^:i^^^ kl, f.)
rj^.>- choli, f. a bodice, a waistcoat,
of Entjliind, "shinnoy," or "hockey," or "bandy,"
but played on horseback ; a^so tlie crooked stick or "the body of a gown, a jacket ; a small betel basket, s.
club used in playing the game, changan-gdh, shinty- Ucjs. ^J?T chuma, m. a kiss ; chuma-chdtl, f.
ground. cAn;/^r«??-irt2, a shinty player, cliaugdn-bazl,
the playing of shinty. This game has been improperly dalliance, kissing and toying, s.
described as "cricket," "golf," &c., to which it bears
no resemblance whatever It is simply the good old Q_^l«^.>- '^Jire chau-mds, lands tilled during
game of " shinty," played by mounted horsemen, the chau-indid, q. v. s.
each armed with a long stick like a shepherd's crook.
The players are divided into two parties, the object of L*»Ui^^ ^THnn chaU'mdm,\m. the space of
each being either to carry off the ball from the ad-
verse party, or to force it over a certain boundary- eurfU^j- ^IRTO: chau-mdsa,) four months,
line. /;. applied particularly to the rainj' season (from June to
September), s.
eolS^r*- ^TfTTTUl chavgcina, f(iiirfolcl, quad-
ruple, a. \x.„^yi^ ^TT^T chau-masyd, \a. ploughman
auu-<»j>- ^iTFi: chau-maaya,) hired for a
j3l5_j:s- ■'^TJlTrft^ cliaugarn, f. a straight {hiiJika term or season of four months, s,
pipe or) tube for smoking through, h.

\S^^»~ '€tt?T changadda, a place where the j^LS^^ ^^oBUfV^^ chumak paithar, m. a
boundaries of four villages meet. h. magnet (v. chumbak). s.
,^5C«jj>- xfi*i^ chau-muhh, m. a lamp-stand
^j>^^ chavgh'd,on all four sides, all around; with four partitions ; a name of Brahma, s.
m. environs, vicinity, p.
l^SCcjj^ ^JJ^T chau-mtdihd, adj. having fo.ir
\:iy^ ^XTTp chavgara, m. a rabbit, a hare. h.
burners (a lamp); m. a lamp-stand with four parti-
tiuiis; a kind oi paid, q. v. $.
\.>^»,>- '^Tnjn chauguna, fourfold, four times, s.
, ..jlLc^^ '^fl^'t chau-muhJn, f. a name of a
eJ^A^s>~ chau-gosha, a kind of oblong tray. p.
"Hindu goddess;
rudidksha the lobelia
{SccBvola seed ofor aEleuearpus
tree calledganiliiis).
iu Sanskrits.
L.i»»Sj.5>- '^T'TtftlT chau-goshiya, m. a turhi
horse ; a horse with slit ears, h.
^j:>-^TO«T chumun, m. act of kissing, s,
\j^^ '5^tin cJtau-ghara, m. a small box U^fcS.- iciHrii churnnd, a. to kiss. s.
with four partitions for holding betel leaf, nut, chu-
nam, and spices, which are chewed together, or for ^^ chun, such as, like; interrog. how?
perfumes, &c. ; also a wooden frame for holding four since, p.
when ? conj. because, inasmuch as. chun-kl, whereas,
chatties or pots. *.
J&,2^ ^r^ chul, f. a tenon, the part of joiners ,,.,s^ ^ETlfor ^fi3 chun, iii. flour, pulse coarsc-
work which fits into another (as a dove-tail); a piv()t
upon which a door turns as on a hinge ; an axle-tree ly ground ; lime. s.
worn rlittlen-ukharnd
out with labour, orh. -dh'di hond, n. to be tired,
U.?f" ^^H chainvan, fifty-four. h.
0^^ ^*n cliuna, n. to leak, to drop, to oozp,
(Jys- ^^ cliaul, the ceremony of tonsure, s. to be distilled, to be filtered ; to drop from the tree
when ripe (fruit), s.
^».s- ^^oH rhuld f. a crest (also chulat), name
of a tribe of Tagas. h. Ki,s>- '^RT chima, in. lime; chunam. chunu-
^,>. ^q5T clwld, m. (v. choli) ; a bodice, a paxni, f. a dancing girl, chund lagdnd, a to defame, s.
waistcoat, a jacket ; a garment worn by a bride at her '^Tii^ chundru, \xa. a lime-burner or
marriage; a small betel-basket; a country, the mo- ■■ ''^Wti cliundri,) worker in lime. .s.
dern Tanjore: the name is supposed to apply to a
part of Birbhum in Bengal, s.
chundn, like that,just as if, such as. p.
^..5^ '^qST rJiuida (also chaura), name of a
kind of bean much cultivated in India {DoUchos sinen- .=^ able,chuni t of n,
he chigu withoutp. like-
the Deity,
sis), h. [tn. a fireplace, d. ^,^^3jj^
ness, iucompar an epithe

^^=^ chula, also ch.ulu & chulya (for chulha), cliuiiiji or '^ chaump, f. wish,
(^_ji=- ^T
the front alacrity,
worn onfondness,
"desire, teeth, h,avidity ; a gold ornament
^J c^,r!.- ■^c5Tt chaida,!, f. a kind of vegeta-
" ble {Ainaranthus poUjgamus). h. pods in
JIj3j,5- ^Iricrt diauntuU, cotton
"which' the fibre is equal to one-fourth of the whole
\'j>^ ^c5TT chavlara, m."l a necklace offour produce, h.
^J•j!,^^^^■^r\ chaidart,i'.j strings, h.
cero- chauntard (v. chabvta
].:5j,5- ^"twTT to ra), a ter-
(•r J^^ ^qSoRH chaid-harma, m. the rac °or mound sit and converse on ; a custom-house ;
mony of tonsure, cutting off all the hair from the a police-office, h. ['"<=»• ''•
head of a*. child three years old, except one lock on the
J "i_jj^ ^.^ chuidru, the head man of a dis-
c:)^ ( 337 ) Jt_^

U^^ ^T'RT cfionthna, a. to scratch, to <-dbj.5- '^Nr chaunh, f. the act of starliii<r. k
claw. h.
^ -■?' ^«l»Hl
rouse up. /(.
chuunkana, a. to waktn, lo
fj^py»~ ^tC\9 chavntts, thirty-four. h.
U3^^ ^71 chuhta, in. a large ant. h. ^jX-Ji.^ ^^ihsillJrhaunhiia.u. to start, to h()<r-
y^»^ ^TToTT chontld, m. the ribbon with gle, to start up from sleep, chaunk-uthnd, n. to start up,
which hair is tied or braided at the end ; false hair to wince, chaunk-ptirnd or -and, n. to bounce up. h.
mixed with the real. h.
U^j-=>- ^T«RT chonhna, a. to prick, lo goad. h.
Ujbj.s>- ^T^ chuntna, ^a. to gather (a flow- ^\^y>- clninhi, when thnt, whereas, since, j).
\x^»s>- ^riT chu/iihna,} er) ; to claw, to
pinch, li. ^y:oJ>^:>■ '^^.'^ chauiihel,an untamed animal,
a boggier, a horse that starts, k.
i^*^ ^r^ chonti, f. the hair braicicil \h- y^y^- ^I^T chatnuja, m wheedling, chavga-
" hind ; a tuft of hair left at the top of the head when A:., a. to wheedle one out of money, h.
all the rest is shaved off; queue, top, apex, summit,
pinnacle ; an ornament worn on the head bj' women. IC>^ ^i]T ehonga, m. a funnel ; (in Dakh.)
chonti usvtdnpdr gliixna, n. to be very vain or aspirin}^. a sort of bread, h.
chcntl-kat, a slave, chonti kalwiind, to be a slave, to be
obedient, chonti kis'i Id lidlh men and, a. to have a
power over one, to subdue. It. ^)X->j.>- '•^I'ilQST chongJa, m. a joint of bam-
boos, used to send letters in. h.
je0j.5«- ^3^ chunti, f. a small ant. h.
^X-iti>- ^jft chuvgi, f. toll, tax, duty, a small
^»>~ ^iN" chonch, f. beak, bill ; a point, s. "pipe or tube. h.
\j^^S'~ chun chira, wrangling, altercation tS-^y>- ''^'hvi chaungi, f wheedling, chaiin-
(lit. when or how, and wherefore), p. "g«-6aj, m. a wheedler. c/ia«H^I- i<':: 7, f. sharping, ic. //.

*^^^ '^•H^X choiichln, m. playfulness (v. ^c*^Jj^.>.. chaunld,i, a species of plant (Pcr-
clioclild). h. tulaca qiuidrifica). d.

^y^{^^ chun-chun, the noise of birds, d. iOyff- chunu (for chana), lime, chunam. //.
«jijj>- chaunclia, the fourth reservoir to which l»j»rs- 'q^T chunma (for chuma), kissed, h.
water by the daiai (q. v.), for irrigation is raised, h.
jj,y>- ^^ chuni, f. pulse split or ground very
cIjV^^j- '^^fTT chunchahatf f. singing of " coarsely ; a spark, or small ruby, or other gem. h.
birds, h. [nipple. *.
\j^ 'qt^T chotra, m. a perfume ; the pod or
-^^j- ^t chUnchi, f. breast, bubby, dug, skin of any kind of pulse ; a wind-fall (fruit), h.

^S>y:>^ ■^'^ chundha, "I (also chundhla), \j^ ^^T chauwa, m. a quadruped (parti
cularly oxen) ; a handbreath. h.
^^Jr^^ 'artv^c/<0J<c?A/a,i dim, purblind,
dim-sighted, h.
ij^^^^ ^^t^}%chau-iva,u f. a tempest, a hur-
^"^^^ts- ^V^^lrjl chonhhalna, n. to be pur- "ricane (wind blowing from the four quarters), s.
blind, to see dimly, h.
j^-i^ kj^-^q cfiavn-an, fifiy-four. h.
^<^*^ ^^Wt chondhi, f. dimness, dulness Uijys- ^fTf»ITc//Mr?ia,^ n. to drop, to leak, to
"of sight. /(.
^^^>j»s>- chuivanaun,} ooze, to exude, s.
\JUfcjJ»j>- ^fvR'Rl chatrndhiyana, n. to be \jby£^ ^^1 chulia, m. a rat, a mouse, cjiohu,
confused, to be frightened out of one's senses, to be a small well, chuhe-dun, m. a mouse-trap, chtthe-mdr
amazed, to be dazzled, h.
or chuh-mdr.m. a sparrow-hawk,cormorant,a mouser. h.
^t\3..>- cJiondi, f. fraud, deceit, trick, d.
JJ..5- ^Y?T chonda, m. the head; hair braid-
Ifc » rs- ^^T tT chauhan, m. a caste of raj-
ed on the of top the head ; a kind of well where the
water is near tlie surface of the ground, h.
Jfcys- "-^T^^T rhauhat.tar, seventy-four. h.
,jOj.&> ''^ chaundu, m. a blockhead, h. lj>»:s- '^^gT chauhatia, m. a market where
four roads meet. s.
JjiiJ,i>- (■huiindol{\. chaudol), a sedan, s.
J)»s>- ^^ cJunranr or cltaunr, a flapper, s. •.>j.5^ ^^ ckuhar, m. the act of hunting by
deceiving game with a stalking horse. /'.
\ji^ 'ql^T chavnra, w. an apartment under | , ^^j rhuhr-a, in. a Hindu sw.eper (v
ground for grain, h
haldl-yhor), the lowest caste of village servants, h.
i^^j^^-^^t^rhoi/mnyf. an instrument fordriv-
a fly-flapper ; a police-station, where the "^^•llt^ ^^^'h^T chohar-nahluy ni. ilie
'ing away flies, s. lower jaw. /(.
kotwal or petty niigistrate resides,
of a ^•.■Jfc»:s- M?Tt chuhn, f. wife of a Jialal-Mo>
-J>j5^ '^I'^ff^ (haunsar, m. the name or sweeper, h.
ganre. the same as ch<Msar ; a garland of flow ers. s. 7.
^^ ( 338
chhdtt kd patthar, nuisance, pest, chhdtl kd jam (lit.
^litj^r^ ^T^^T chohla, ni. a large peg or pin. h. the destroyer of the heart), applied to a person or
thing the presence of which is unpleasant, a pest, a
Ijj6.r&-'^f »IT chuhna, a. to suck. s. nuisance. chhdtl kholke milnd, to meet frankly.
chhdtl gadrdnl, the swelling of the breast in young
^j^^c>- cJio,i, the pip of an orange, d. women, chhdtl lagdnd, a. to lament, to grieve.
n. {se) lagdnd,
to stalk, to strut,a. toh, fondle, chhdtt nikdlke chalnu.
^^>- ^^ chulil, f. a mouse, a she mouse or
"rat ; (in Dakh.) cliutvj, the Bame. h.
b^js- '^V'n choya, m. husk of grain, the scale — 1^.»- "SfrST chhaj, m. a basket or fan (for
winnowing corn), h.
of a fish ; a hole dug hi the sandy bed of a river which
has dried up, in which water is found, a rivulet, h.
lx9-\^5>- "S^TST^ s.chhajna,
befit, to become,
n. to thatch ; (o
ijj«:s- ^-^^ chOfll, land lying low and always
^.=^l^.>- "?[TS[ chhachh (in Dal<h. chhach),
butter-milk,also (same as chhdj) a winnowing basket. A
«0',.&- ^^clidi'i/a, pepper (Piper chnryti). s.
^;>- 'S c/iha, the aspirate form of ^^. s.h. ^^iil^j*- "2[T^T«T chhadan, m. a water-bag.
A^- chah, m. (for chah) a well, a pit. p. (Oii'..^j>- "Sfrf^TT chhadit, covered, concealed, s.
ft5»- c/ii, pron. inter, what? when joinojd to ^^.l^y■^:>- "Sn^ chhadan, m. the act of covering;
a covering, a screen, &:c. s.
another word the mute h is dropped, as chi-guna,m wnat
manner, how ? ;?.
J ^=^ "^T^ ch.hdr, f. ashes; a large clod of
»^- c/tf/, a termination aimexed to Persian earth; (for chhdr, q. v.) the bank of a river, hence
nouns (chiefly names of lifeless things) to form dimi- chhdr-chitlhl, a permit or pass over a river, h.
nutives, asku-cha, a small street, form ku. p.
X^ chihdr or chalidr, four, chuhar-pdya , a
quadruped, chahdr-chand, fourfold, chahdr-bdlish, m.
f^^ "SfJ chha, six. cJilia-dam, a very small
denomination of monej', hence any thing of little throne (Indian) with four cushions, chahdr-su, square,"
Value, chha-sdt, trick, cheat, juggle, chlia-kiir, a di- market-place, chahdr shamha,\feAncs<\>xy. The con-
vision ofcrops in which the zamlndargets only a sixth words, tracted
p. form chdr, q. v., is more usual in compound
part. s.
tjLbjl^.2>- chahar-tak or -tag, m. a gallop, j).
,„f^ ^^ rhaJi, a platform, a pier l.cail. //.
':^yxJiS'^\±s- "5R'2Rlcrr chhdr-chhahild, m. a
^^^^s>■ '^J^ clthap, f. stamp, print, <(i[)y, a fragrant moss.
seal; impression of a stamp or seal; the government
stamp on coins, papers, &c. ; an official stamp in ge- 'b^},,>- chahdr-dah, fnurtecn. p.
neral, h.
^^J^^ chahdr-dahum, the fourteenth, p.
blAjs- "Sfim chhapa, seetarial marks repre-
senting alotus, trident, &c., delineated on the body ^\(^^ chdhdrum, h. the fourth, p.
by the A'((/.s/i"«!)«s or worshippers of Vishnu; m. edi- "Sfl^ chhdru, m. the thrush (disease sc
tion, print, simI, &c. chhdpd-vidyd, f. the art of print-
ing. c/(//a/;e-j;)a/a, a printer. c/t/m/)e-Wi«««. a printing- called), a blister.
office, h.
Vl^a- "SfT? chhdr, f. a bank of a river; allu-
vium, land gained from a river, chhdr chitthl, f. per-
jX^l^^- "STTiii^ chhajyti, a coarse seal of cow- mit, pass; (in Dakh.j for jhdr, a tree. /*.
" dung and mud affixed to a pile of grain on the thresh-
ing-flo r to prevent its removal, h.
^)o■^^.^-v'■4.^ "Sfl^tJ^cM chhdr chhardd, m.
name of a medicinal herb. /*.
\x>\^s>- "STT'T'JTT chhapna, a. to print, to stamp, h.
LiJl^j*- "^Toir clihdh, m. ready prepared food
&>\^:>- rliliripa (v.f7//m^9a), amark,«tamp,&c./i. carried out by labourers and husbandmen when they
014:=^ WiT chhat, f. roof; adj. thin, feeble, proceed to their daily work, a luncheon ; (in Dakh.)
a cup, an euer. k. [of a well, &c. s.
emaciated, s,
^^A>- Win chhat a, in. a large umbrella, s. Lj A:>- ■^[leB^T clihdhnd, a. to clear the water
cL/^4^>" "SfTn chl;dfj, m. a he-goat. s.
J)\as^ ^J"^ chhcitra, a scholar, disciple, a
pupil, s. [parasol, s. K^Ia.=- "STtfr^fiT chhdyihd, f a she-goat. s.
ij}-As>- lSJlf\ chhuti, m. f. a small umbrella, a Jil^.5^ &jn^ chhdijal, i. a leatliern bottle
with a spout to it, a goat-skin ; ra. a goat. s.
^^y^^-"^"^ chhafi, f. Imast; dug. chhati-
bhar, breast high, chhdtl hhar-und, n. to weep, chhdtt s.
bhai-jdnd, n. to be chest-foundered, chhdtl par patthar f_S^^A==- "^TJft chhdgi, f. a she-goat.
rakhnd, a. to have patience. chhdtl par mung dalnd
(lit. to grind pulse on the breast), to do any thing in jl^.5- -51^5 chhdl, f. peel, skin, rind, bark.
presence of another person by which he is vexed. clihdl utdnid, to peel, to decorticate, h.
chhdtl phatni, one's heart to be broken with grief or *i)'j:.=- '50^ chhdld, m. a blister, a pustule,
Borrow ; to sympathise, chhdtl plpid, a. to regret, to
repent, to lament, chhdtl thokna, a. to encourage; to piu.i.le. h. [Dut. h.
assure.' chhdtl thaiKil hoi/d, to be pleased, overjoyed.
chhuti jaliid, to have the heartburn ; to lament. lj;Vf.>- Wf^^ chlidliyd, f. a kind of betel
^ ( 339 ) t-^

ii)^^ "STI'T chhan, f. a roof, a frame of i^^^^r^ "STT^ chhdfi, f. ashes, s.

bamboo for tliatching-. h.
^\^ f^^T^ chhihd,t, f. a crematory, h.
■?[T cJiliaii, f. shade, shadow ; reflection,
iiiiaf,a' chhun biinh, f. auspices, s. Ijl^j" "?[F^T chhdyd, f. shade, reflected image;
darkness, obscurity; m. apparition, spectre, shade;
I3l^=- "SrfJn chhana, a. to thatch, to shade, (met ) somewhat resembling ; a mode in music, chhd-
to roof, to spread, chhd-jcind, n. to spread, to lie, to yd-patli, m. ather, tlie firmament, chhdtjd-pdd, fixing
oversbadow. chlid-lena, a. to cloud, to overspread, the time by observing the shadow of an object, chha-
to darken, s. [decorate. /(. yd-taru, m. a large tree that gives shadow and shelter.
clihdyd-mitra, m. a parasol, s.
bl^ f^?TJTT chthaiHi, a. to embellish, to
'jl^r*- "Sl^T^ chhdydnat, m. name of a
rag or musical mode, s,
^^'bir/i/ian, chhan-^ m. search, in-
^/l^.5^ "51^* chhdfin, f. discoloration, s.
vestiga- '_'(^"^ "^^ chhah, f. beauty, splendour, bril-
tion, h.
biiiaii, liancy shajie,
; form, figure. chhab-ialchtl,f. handsome-
ness, chhabi-chhln, small in shape, deficient in splen-
dour, small, slender, s.
^^•=^ W^T chhanta, additional sowing of
seed among a growing crop of rice. /*.
a>^t?" chah-bacha, m. a vat, a cistern. /;.
viLol^j>- "^(Z chliaht, f, refuse, parings, &c. ; K*jk^r>- "iT^TTI chhabrd, m. a kind of basket. A.
selection, fashion of clothes, chhdnt-k., a. to vomit,
to disgorge, chhunt lend, a. to select, to choose, chlidiit- (j-jiA.^.5- "W^^ chhabbis, twenty-six. 5.
chliatdw, m. retrenchment, h.
^Ija^^ "SJTt^ chhabtld, handsome, comely,
m. a fop. s.
f^yb\^j»-'^Z^ chha/ita7i,{'.c\itt'n\g, slip, chip. /t.
Uj6^4.»- "iHT^T chhaiitna, a. to separate the (--A^js" "5^ chhaj), m. squash, plash, the sound
husk from grain by pounding it in a mortar ; to pare, of an object falling in water, chhap-chhap, the sound
to clip, to prune, to lop, to trim, to dress, to select ; occasioned by water when struck with the hand. /(.
to vomit, h. [net. h.
'jL^ f^tiT clih'qyd, close, hidden, concealed.
<^\^£- "2[t^ chhdnd, f. a tether, a trammel, a ' chhlpd-rahnd,
hand, secretly, n. h.to abscond, chhipd-chhip'i, under-
\s)\,^^ "^^ chhahdd, ra. share, part (among
fakirs), h. [fasten, to tie. h. ^1*4.=- ■^qTW[ chhapdkd,in, a splash.a squash ;
the sound produced by striking water, h.
'jjol^r- "5[T^'5TT chhandnd, a. to tether, to
\31j4j^ fS^TRT, "Sm"^ or "S^m^T, chhipdnd,
^jjjl^i- '?nT»n chhandnd, a. to vomit; to chhupdnd v>r chhapdnd, a. to conceal, to hide, h.
emit; to leave, to let go, to release, to abandon, to
lose. h.
\3Laj^ ■g"qT7fTo/'/irtp5na,a to cause to print. //.
^^i\^:^ WT^ chhdnan, m. chaff, h. ,L^»- ft^iTl"^ chhipdw or chhipd,o, m. con-
cealment, h.
Uil^.^- "1[TWF chhd/Did, a. to strain, to sift; to
search, to investigate, chhdn-hnd, a. to cull, to select,
citltdn-mdrnd, a. to search, to rummage, to explore, h. jj,.^.-s^ fotn^ff^ chhipdimni, f. clandestine
" cultivation of land. h. ,
f. shadow ; the re-
yl^^- "2[t^ chhdnw,
j_^^l>4> "5^^ chhapd'i, f. edition ; the price
\J'^'^ "Sn^T chhdnn-d, flection ofany ob- "of printing, the act of printing, h.
ject in a mirror, &c. jAAs- 'Sym.chhcijjpa?; m. thatched roof, chhap-
^\^£»~ "5[T5 chhd/lh,
chhdnh-bdnh,f. aus- par-bmul, m. a thatcher. chhappar-handl, f. thatching
^.^l^*^ "STT^lf chhd,on, or the price of thatching, h.
pices, s.
[six. s-
(_^}31aj- "S^T'I^ chhdnwe or chhdnawe, ninety- cLjIa^ j^ '^ipa:iTmZchhcipar-hhdt,']vci.2i bed-
chhnpar-hhat, J stead
\Xb ^Ia-9. "^T^TTI chhdn-hdrd, umbrageous, h. with a tester "^[oqjWZ
vi:^i'j^.^ and curtains, h. s.

^i^i^ f^T^ chihdnt,\f. a place for the burn- ijj.>^ W^ chhapri, f. a puddle, h.
^fi\s>^ f^T^ chihd,l, J ing of the dead. h. tjX^ chhaptih, a shock, dashing against an
object, collision ; a bruise or dent. d.
)jl^.5^ chhawa, m. an elephant aged from ten
to twenty years, d.
Kj;^ f^^ chh'qyhd, m. sprinkling, h.
13,1^ "STT^IT chhdwrtd, a. (v. chhdnd), to -gxioliT ^ chhaphdiid, a. to dasli or
thatch. See. h. liK^s^
throw water, h.
^^ fSTT^^ chhipkaU,]^^^ ^ j.^^^^j^ ^^^
^^^a chhdwn'i also rhhd,o?n, f. can-
tonments, barracks or huts for soldiers; thatching, the
act of thatching. A'. z2 J
^C^5- f5"^c|ft rhhiphi,
^>^'^».-5Ti|Y chhduiu f. discoloration, h. r/;/tfl7>Jt;a«, fiftv-six. /i.
'-r*4?' ( 340 )

Vxa^^ "^^^T rfi/i/rpnn, f'^mchhipna or "SF'TTT u^"*^^?" 'S<*1^^ chhattisi, f. an excessively

chtmpiin, II. to be concealed, to be liidden, to be absent, lewd woman (q. d. one who knows thirty-six posture*
to disappear, to lurk, chhip-jdiid, n. to retire, to with- in the way of copulation, and who pretends modesty;,
draw. /(. [stamped, h. a prude ; adj. prudish, h.
Ua^»- «m»tl rhhapna, n. to be printed or viL*^»- '57 chhut, but, except, save; (cont. of
131^^^^ «t*4 ^T«TT chhaprvana, a to have printed, chota, little, small : used in comp. as) chhut-bhaiya, n\.
to cause to be printed. /;. middling class of people, chhut-pand, m. childhoiod. h.

fj^^ 'ai^'l chhapai or "5^^ chhapn,t, m. >-A^ "i^TT chhatd, f. splendour, brillianry,
(i.e. consisting of six feet) a kind of measure in Hindi lustre, refulgence, a glorj'; assemblage, number; a
verse, h. straight or continuous mark or line, chhattd, the
sixth, chhittd, the rind or husk of a hard seed or of
fruit stones, s.
C*4?" ^nr cAAaf, f. a roof, a cloth stretched
across the roof of a room ; a platform, clihat-handnn,
-pdtnd, or -lagdnd, a. to ceil, to cover the inner roof ^f-^s- "^TTiTT chhatdhha, f. lightning, s.
of a building. *.
ness. h."STT^ chhutdpd, m. littleness, small
«J1*4?" f^ffchhitiff. (for hhiti), the earth, s.
lj^>. l^T chhattd, m. a honeycomb. A. iJ-Urr "37T^ chhutdn, \^ , .
r,. • ^ _^ ; M. leisure, time. h.
^^heap "S^WT chhattu?-, a h.covering placed on a ,30.^^. "giTTTi chhuturii,}
of winnowed corn.
i-db'J.^ ■grfair chhatdnh, f. the sixteenth part
of a ser about two ounces avoirdupois. $,
Ji^rT "iF^T chhattar or "^[^ chhotr, m. an um-
brella, chliatr-bhang, m. widowhood ; subversion of
dominion, loss of empire, deposition, &c. chhatr-pati jU^ si<fi=j chkatdw or chhatd,o, act of clear-
or -illidri, one entitled to carry an umbrella, i. e. a raja, ing rice from the husk. h.
prince, &c. ; a house set apart for the charitable enter-
tainment ofstrangers or guests : a shed, an open build- ^-fu^s». "IFTT^ chhuidyt, f. rescue, escape, k.
ing; a choultry or resting-place for travellers, &c. h.
uljuA^ ti<2M<!MI chhatpatdnn, n. to toss, to
tumble about, to flounder, h,
\j*^ "W^ chhatra, f, a kind of fennel {Ane-
tlium sowa), a pungent seed, coriander ; a mushroom ;
anise, s. [spread, h.
^^;-^%>- "WSV^ chhut-pan, "Im. childhood, in-
^j*^ f^nTTJTT chhitrana, a. to scatter, to li^%»- Wr^f^ chhut-pana,) fancy, s.

^^^pi^ f^^irnTT rhhitarna, n. to be scattered, i-ilj^*- chhatak (same aa chhatdnh, q. v.)

to be spread about, h.
oJi^ ^I4i chhuthd, diminutive, little, small,
^Jx^ "gf-^Uj^ chhafrim, a female of the less, younger, junior, least, s.
chhatri or military caste; adj. bearing a parasol. *.
jKj^ "W^WyXchhutkdr, 'I m. exemption,
^jjx^ 'SfTi' chhatri, f. a tester, or covering i.Kji^j*- "37«irrCT chhuthdrd,) liberty, libera-
of a bed, a small umbrella ; a small ornamented pa-
vilion generally built over a place of interment ; a tion.disengagement ; (in Dakh.)cMa/A'ar«,f.the same. h.
frame made of bamboos for pigeons to settle upon ;
the poop of a ship ; (for kshatriya) the second of the \Joa^>- ft4i4RT chhithdnd, a. to dissipate, to
four Hindu castes, s. disperse, to squirt, to scatter, to desert, h.

A^Jy^ fSHTT^ chhitri, f. a kind of small bas- 13Ki^ i^^cdMI chhuthdnd, a. to release, to
ket without lid or handle (generally applied to an old set at libet-ty. h,
worn-out basket), h.
\jQx^ "STcRTT chhuthard, m. deliverance, h.
j\j>:.'^»- "^JKJTR chhatnar, bunchy, flat. h.
lii^ fWi(^ chhitni, f. a basket (without a UC'^>- ft* <!<*♦{ I chhitahnd, n. to be scattered,
dissipated, to spread, chhitaknd chdndni kd, the diffu-
cover, like a tray). sion of moonlight, h.

j»j[^ ^HT! chhatwar, m. a house, a dwelling;

a bower, an arbour, s. (^x!i^s>- f^TcR^'t chliithant, f. a bolt. h.
^U^CaA:^ "SFT^^T chhat'lc/d, dissolute, s.
jjx^ "ST^R chhattur, an article placed npon
a heap of grain, such as a cate of cow-dung, &c., to
protect it from the evil eye, li. ^yy.^C!ij>-'S7^^ chhuthheB, C dissoluteness./t.
\ Xij^x^ chhitorna, a. to asperse, to sprinkle, d. ^joU- fSRTcR^ chhithi, f. sriMJl spot, speck.
■■ chhitkl ddltid, a. to splash, clihitki-dend, a. to flecker,
to spot, to mark with strokes or touches, chhilkl-k. or
} \i^x^ "^ur^XJ chhutahrd, defiled by touching, -la^diid, a. to spot, to speck, &c. /(.
foul, corrupt, polluted (applied to vessels, dishes, &c.)./(.

ehhitl-chhdn, IJa^s- "ggtn chhatnd, m. a kind of sieve ; n.

^Msj- fgiit chhlti, f. the earth,
to decay, to separate, to be pruned, to be picked out. h.
"covering the earth, prostrate on the ground, chhiti-
chhdn-Jivnd, to be dispersed or scattered, s.
UJ^4>- chhatnd, n. to be cut to a point and
jj«Ji*^>- "Sf'^'hr rhkitftis, thirty-six. s. obliquely (a lalum) ; to be cut aslant ; to be reduced J.
( 341 )

Ua^ ^ST^lchfiMlna, n. to beaclrirr,dis(;li:ncjod, y^'^T fSRFc^

chhichhti, f. the play of
rot rili of, to he let pi; to be let off or go ofTfa gun, "ducks and drakes,
and drakes, h. chhichhll khelna, a.toplay at ducks
&c.) ; to be left or abandoned ; to slip (from), to esiape,
to be liberated, to be loose, dishevelled (the hair); to
cease, to get loose, to leave, to remain, to slip away, to j4«-4?- -^^ ckhnchhU, f. the ])lay of a
be dismissed, h. [cast. Ii. ■■ dog or cat with game, &c. h.

^•y^=r fWZWt chltituivd, m. sowing browd- r^'^v" 'A^'^K chhuchhundar, m. 1 the

^*"^ v" «Hd>^0 chJmchhundarl, f. j musk-
ij^y^!>- "37^ chatirah, the i-ixtli. h. rat or shrew ; a mole ; a sort of squib let off from the
hand, rlihuchhundarl chhopid, to calumniate, to excite
J^y^>- "^tiA clihiituufi, f. a remission of wrath, s. [jure, to exorcise. A»
revenue on the part of government, h.
l?4?^^ Ofi^iili chhuchhivdnd, a. to con-
^■^>- "B[7 ill h (Ilk or "37 chhatth, f. the sixth
lunar day. .?. J5^ ^ fSTSftTT clihichhord, ^trifling, pue-
lji^s»- 'A.li} ililuitha, waspish, peevish, h. ^ji^s^"-?" fg^TT chhic/iJiord,} rile, airy. //.
l^jv^s- "STT cli/iiithd, the sixth, s. jiij^^'^?" «^(^<^ chhuchhundar, f. mole,
musk-rat {Surex carulescens, Shaw) ; squib, chhuchhun-
dar chhornd, a. to backbite, to calumniate, to excite
-^gX^'^!^< hhathi or "5^ chhattht, the sixth ; resentment, s.
f. a religious ceremony performed on the sixth day
lifter child-birth, chhathlka dudh yad dilund, a. to
correct. *. U^-^"Vv" M^M^^^\chahchahiyd,m.2i.wh\?'t\ev.h.

L^'^?" ^^ chlnittt, f. discharge, leave of (•'^^»- "Sf^TT chha-ddm, m. a denoniiiiaiion

of money equal to six dams or two davij-is, being the
"absence, time, leisure, cessation, disengagement, inter- fourth part of a paisa. k.
mission, dismission, permission, freedom, h.
v\s^ f^[^«TT chkiddnd, a. to cause to pierce,
^:^ "STf chhajf bushy, a thicket, h. to perforate, i.

Vsr^v" "STWT ofchkajja,m.

ed branches a tree. h. gallery ; the expand- jt^.^"^ chhudi-a, mean y low, little, trifling, s.
jJ«4^ ^^3^ ;chhidra, m. flaw.
a hole, a vacuity, a
\jsH. v" chhichchd (v. ckhuc.hha), empty, &c. d. perforation fault, defect, s.

\'']sf^T f^C^ chkiclird, m. sink, slough (of a C^iis^ fgf^ chhidrit, perforated, pierced,
wound), skin, thin skin or pellicle. A.
having holes ur openings. *.*"
cW>!r^"^^ f3[^^ c///l^c/ira^7, lean, skinny. /t. »^y^>- m^ clilutdina, ^ m. disguise, mas-
O.KsS'o?" rlihachfidrna, to reprove, chide, d. ^^S^ •A.MkA chhadman, J querade ; trick,
li.K^^ v" "Sf^cRTTTTT clihuchhdrnd, a. to drive deceit, fraud, chhadma-tdpas, m. a religious hypocrits,
a false brother. *.
away contemptuously ; to set on or encourage a dog. /i.
U A^ij. C^^^\chhid?id, n. to be pierced, bored. .«»
\3joijC^?' chhuckhdrhd, to whistle, d.
lfcj.^>. "Sfm chhudhd, f. hunger. 6'.
LiTt?" 'm^'m^ chahchahd or -"^^-^^T chuhchu-
hd, deeply coloured. //. j^ "SJ^ clihar, f. spikenard ; shaft, pole,
pike, staff, flagstaff, flag. h.
L^'V?' chahchahd, m. the song of a bird,
especially the melody of the nightingale, chahcliahe
mdrnd, a. to sing (birds), p. \Arr "5^^ chharrd, ui. a small shot. h.
]j^'>- "Srn chhurd, ni. a large knife, an auypa*
^l^^rt?" 'sr^^^TT chahchahdt, 1 f. the tating knife ; a razor, chhurd-chhuri, f. snict^asnee,
fighting with knives ; at daggers drawn, s.
CpAfcljjsrtv" ■«I^"«J^I^<J chahchahdhat,} singing
or talking (of birds), p. h.
^i^J^T ^^'^'^ chhar-chhubi, f. jakes, a
ULtf^ •"^^■M^ltfl chuhchuhdnd, n. to glow
as a colour, to dye a deep colour, h.
privj-. /(.
i^j^ "^ chluird or "^sf^ chhardi, f. vonii*-
0^>^"V?' '^^Tj^Hi c/uihchahdnd, a. to sing (as ing, sickness, retchinjr. s.
a nightingalei, to whistle, to warble (as birds), p.h.
C->.Ot>,^ "Sff^oRlfr'? chka7'diJidrripi/ , m.
VvA^4v" f^rjil chhlc.hhrd, m. the prepuce, h. small cardamums (an anti-emetic), s.

ij'-^^^ "STSf?^ clihachhari, f. the root of a ^liJ^^j*- ■gft'?^ chharindd, alone, single, free,
certain tree (of the phapond^. h. not burdened (as a traveller).
Ki^^i^ 3ri^<*R»TT chhuchhkdrnd,a. to drive ijls>- chihrOy ni. face, visnge, cou»teniinco,
away contemptuously ; to set on or encourage a dog. h, air, description-rolL cftihra likhnd, a. to write a de-
"j^AsiziT fsra^T chh.ichhld, shallow, h. scription-roll (soldier's). chihra-Ukhdiid, a. to cn'is*.;
to takep. service aud horses, chihra-patti, a descriptive
nes , h. fgra^n^ ckhichhla,i, f. shallow-
U»-8j^»- chahra-junnd, to calumniate. d»
( 342 )
(Sj^r^ "ST^ chhuri, f. a knife, a ^r/.\\\)v\. i/**4?"
tion. h. ^^t chkakdjt, f. satiety, satisfae-
chhnrl tale dam lena, a. to be patient in difHculties.
chhuri katari, f. snickasnee, a fight with knives;
quarrel, s. j*4»- "2[^T chhakur, a division
the zamin-ddr gets one-sixth, h. of crops, when
)%»-'^ c/ihar, f. the pole of a spear; spike-
nard ;straw, stubble, pedule, stalk, k. J^4?" '^^ cliliakkar, f. a slap, blow, cuff. h.
1^4^ 1[3T chhard, m. an ornament made of IJ/M?" "5^fT chhakrdy m. a cart or car. h.
pearls worn in the ears. h.
15^4?" «i**?*'tT chhakrdnd, a. to slap, cuff. h.
IJ'^^Wff r/ihara, apart, alone, solitary, s.
cr^?" '^W^ chhikhan, m. sneezing, h.
^]j;'4»- "^T''^ chhurana, a. to set free, to fiee, ULj.>. T^'f^'^'^ chihiknd, a. warbling of the
to liberate, to extricate, to get rid of, to discbarge, to nightingale, &c. ; the sound of fire- works, h.
remove, to dismiss, to cause to be freed ; to separate,
to except. /(. ■*^t^ ^^^•TTc/ta/m/f«a,n.to whislle(birds)./t.
l_jlj^^ "STfl^T chhurdica, m. a libei-ator, de- '-^^>4?" ^**'<T clihaknd,n.to be content, satiated;
liverer, h. [charge, h. to be afflicted, harassed; to be astonished, chhak-j., to
be satisfied or satiated, h.
L^^V/^:*- "STfT^ chhurd,!, f. dismissal, dis-
(J^^ fsj^'T^t chkikum, f. a wand, a stick, h.
^J^^ f%T^"RT ckhirkdnd, a. to cause to
sprinkle, h. [sprinkling, h. t-Lok^
stout, h.^^^7 chahkait or chahkait h,hr aw uy,
J \j4^ 'tt^ohicf chhirhmv or chhirkd,o, m.
^^4^ ^^^'**ll chhirahna, a. to sprinkle. cl,<.^a- "2[7T clihag, m. a he-goat. s.
chhirak-kar-hechvd, to sprinkle water on stale or faded ijj^^ Wl^ chhagjt, f. a small she-goat. s.
vegetables or fruits to make them appear fresh ; to
puff off goods, h. JX^ ch/uif/al(v.ch/idfjal),a\eathern bottle.^/.

another tof^Tf^r^T'^n
sprinkle, h.chhirahrvdnd, a. to cause j_^.^4> "SPT^'^
•convolvulus (C. chhagli,
argenteus, f.or,a she-goat; a kind
more probably, of
C. pcs-
cnpra). s.
^'4?" rate"^f "IT cliharnd,
the husk from it. h. a. to beat rice to sepa- ^j^.^=r "SPT'T^ cJihagum, f. a child's coral, h.
13^^ fttS^T cJihinm, n. to i)0 vexed, touched, fS^rT" "5^ rhJtal, m. fraud, trick, deception,
excited, plagued, to fret, to take offence. /(. knaver}', artifice, evasion, excuse, subterfuge, pre-
tence; (in law) a misdemeanor; a legal quibble or
deceit, chhal-hal, chhal-chhidr, or chhal-chhidram, m.
Jj'ft?'let "^^^^'^T
free, chhurTvdnd,a.
off, or released, h. to cause to be set plot, stratagem, chhal chhidrl, deceitful, fraudulent. *•.
(J.-v»- '^^^ cliuhalov chahal, f. mention ; cheer,
ijjij^?' 'Wp'^ chhiiraufi, f. ransom, h. jollity, mirth, festivity, chuhal-puhal or chahal-pahal,
merriment, festivit}', good cheer, chuhal-k., a. to
t^'^v" ^^ cJihar'i, f. a switch, wand, cane, car
carol, &c. h.
"rod; a jirocession of the followers of Shah Madar.
chhari-dar, a mace-bearer, usher of the rod. h. p.
^j.^ chihol or cliihil, forty. cJiJhal-tah, f.
<jL>\^\yj^'>- chharyd-chkdt,so\\idiT\, alowe. d. coat of mail, chihal-mandr or -sutun (the forty towers or
pillars), a name given to the ruined city of Persejiolis :
^.j4?' ^slcjsi chharild, f. a kind of fraorant the term chihal sutun is now applied to any pavilion
moss, potters' earth, h. or palacei supported hy forty, i.e. a great number
j'- chil/al kadarni, {. walk, ramble; a custom
of pillars,
^icT ^^^T cha/ikd, m. a kind of fire-works; at the funerals of Musalmans of stepping back forty
the smarting of a wound by the application of medi- paces from the grave, and again advancing to it before
cine, chahkd lagdnd, a. to burn the skin slightly by reading the service over. p.
fomenting, h.
^y^^ ^?^ chahal, name of a strong kind of
0'4?- "^T^ chhahku, m. thesixth (at cards, &c.) ;
a cage with a net attached to it. chhakhd-pakkd rond,
soil ranking between rausll and ddnkar, q. v. k.
to weep very violently, chhakkd-panjd-k., a. to deceive,
to play tricks, s. ^^.»- •«<^qJI chahld or P^^^JI chihJd, m. nitid,
ooze, slime ; a splinter of wood, chihld vikalna, n. to
\3^i.iU-\S^ chhahd-chuk-k.^ to satiate, to fatigue, to be tired, chihld-k., a. to split to pieces, h.
gratify, to satisfy, d.
^^js- ^^^T chuhld, m. a large wooden peg,
a tent-pin. h.
of birds, h. f. singing or chirping
'^•^^ 'ifWT chhaJld, m. a ring of gold or sil-
ver worn for ornament on the finger and toes : in
l^K^^ "^^T*n chfihlidrnd (v. chahahnd), Dakh. it means a blister ; a pock or pustule, chhalle-
to whistle or sing as birds, k.
ddr, annular, h.
\y^^ "STofn'JTT chhakdnd or chhikdnd, a. to
pamper, to cloy, to satiate ; to chastise, h, ^^4=r "3^»nc//Aw/a«a,a. to cause to touch, k.
{j^^lr>- fWc?:i\ chhi/.u I, f. {v.fdrigli-hhfit- tfXi^)^^ "^^l* chhaldng, f. skipping, jump-
ing; a spring, skip, leap, chhaldngen vidnid, a. to
|fl/«/) a deed ofrclcise. h. spring, tojump. h.
',>^ "ST^T^T chhnlan-a, m. ignis fiituvs. ,^_^^ "^t^c^r rhuhll, comic, mirthful, k.
rhhah'iwd-tl., to mislead, to lead one a wild-goose ohase.
cliltairiwa-ho-jdtid, to elude one's search or pursuit. Ii. J^^ "5Wt chhalVi, f. skin, bark, rind, Ac. s.
lK^- J^*-^ ^'^^"''^^ rfuihol-j)ahal,a\so c/mhal-
jmhal, f. jollity, merriment, cheer, h. j_^4v' ^^ chhaR, "1 deceitful, fraudulent,
\y^ lsf^^[ chhaliyd,} betrayer, artful,
j^^r^ij^^ "^^fw^ ch/ial-cfihidra, m. plot, treacherous, false, perfidious ; m. a cheat, a deceiver. 4.
stratafjem. chhal-cliludrl, deceitful, fraudulent, s.
U^s- f5[HT chh'imd or"S[Jn chhamd, f. pardon,
muniuir. Ii.
"?[c5^^T«n chhalchhaldna, a. to quarter, forgiveness, absolution. chhimd-Jc, to par-
don, to excuse, s. [donable. s.

U^X^s^^?" 'S^rScST'TT chhulchhulana, a. to t-^J^U^*- rc^HlTil/T chhima-jog, vern'al, p:it-

make water slowly (as mares, &c. in heat), h.
UU^^"*^ v>,*i n*n^T clilutmchhamdnd, n. to
tlL-Jfc^^^?" "^^^cjl^i chhalchhalaliat, f. shine, to glitter ; to sound, h.
murmur, li. [q. v. h.
^^rT ■^'Tf chhamnd, a. to pardon, to for-
•i,^ fSf'pT cJiJt'dlar, in. the busk oi' c liana, give, s. [therless son. s.

tdil^ flow,"^qSoF clthalak, f. runniii<^ over, over- <^-I♦4r^ ^Hili chhamand, m. an orphan, a fa-
M^ f^^flST chhilka, m. crust, husk, peel, ^^4»- fW^, fW^ rhhin or "2[T!J, "SR chhnn, m,
a moment or instant clih'in hhar men, in a moment.
scale, rind, bark, skin, chhilka utdrnd, a. to blanch, to chhin-bidlians, m. fading, frail, passing away quickly, s.
I-et'l. h.
r^>^^ "5[«T chhon, ni. a sound made byh. the
bKJ^a- "S^oBoRTtTT chhalhana, a. to spill, s. falling of a drop of water upon a warm plate,
\:S1^ "S^^eRriT chhalakna, n. to be spilt, to
overflow, s. (^^ f^^ chhmna, cut, divided, chhinna-
sanshaya, free from doubt, confident, s.
USi.^a. r/ihiluhnd, n. to glitter to shine, rf.
chahun, four, chahun-or,\chinh).
on alls.
Uxl.is- "S^flJTJn chhidalma, a. to make water
slowly (as mares, &c. in heat), h.
f^j^ f«rj5 chihna, m. mark, spot, sign (v.
aio.^ rhhilha, m. (v. chhilka), crust, &c. h.
U^ "^^ chliannd, n. to be strained ; m. a
J^^ chilihivi, the fortieth, generally aj)plied sieve, a cloth through which any thing is sifted; the
cells formed by bees in their hives, h.
to the fortieth day after the decease of a parent, &c.,
which concludes the period of mourning among Mu- ^J^ fWWl chhinnn, f. a whore, a harlot; a
salnians. p.
tree [Menispermum glahrum). s,
Ul^>- "^^'JTT chhahid, a. to deceive, to cheat,
to evade, to make excuses ; m. tricking, deceiving. /;. uiJU^ "S^^TcF chhandk, m. the sound of a
drop of water falling on a hot plate, hissing; the
sound of the breaking of earthenware, k.
Ul^ f2[^'?n chhilnd, n. to be excoriated, to
be worn or rubbed away. h.
jjlx^s- f^fTT^ chhiitdl, f. a harlot, prostitute.
\Ju»- '5r?^«Tr chahalnd, n. to be fatigued, to chhhidl-pan or -pand, m. harlotry, prostitution, h.
grow tired, h.
^li^ f^r*TTQ5T chhinald, m. fornication, chhi-
lLXi^p- "Sf^T chhalang, f. skip, bound, &c. h. ndld-k., a. to whore, h. [pluck, h.
LlCJlAs- l^oS^fTT chhalangna, n. to skip, to UU^ r^rii^T chincind, a. to seize, snatch,
bound, h.
jLl^^. fS[^^ clihindiv or chhind,o, m. seizure.^.
jxll>. 75^'jO chhalnt, battered ; f. a sieve.
" chhalnt-k., a. to batter, h. LT^-^^e;^^ fs^^f^V^ chhin-hidhans, fading,
frail, passing away quickly, s.
•l4»- "l^W chkullu, boyish, silly, h.
ci^ci;^^ fg[^fH^ chhinna-bhinna, cut up,
K>\^A^ f^'^S^[V!{\ chhibvand, a. to cause to be destroyed, scattered, s.
skinned or excoriated, h.
cIaI^ ^^^"3" chihnit, marked, known or
jCj A^ "S^SR^t chhalori or f^^xf) chhilori distinguished ; measured, identified, chihnit-ndma, a
"or clihilaurl, f. a whitlow, blister, felon, h. specification of land with its boundaries, s. p.
^»iA»- "Sf^?^ r^/i^t/o/</a,1 boyish, puerile,
jlxl^ "ST^W chhantaw, m. detachment on
forage ; beating rice to clear it from the husk. h.
^1^5- "SF^^T chhuluhld, J finical, h.
\^\s^ fw^^SV childahd, splashy, muddy, ^All^>- l!iW^\ chkanta,i, f. cleaning or se-
sliuiy. '/. parating (grain, &;c.); the price paid for cleaning, h.

A,^c>- '^r?c5^ rhnhli, the wheel on which the 'Jaj:^ "SJTF?^! rliha7)tria, n. to grow thin; to
'"ro^)o revolves at the top of a well. A. diiuiuisii ; to be extracted or separated h.

b'^^ 'titiI<'<4Hl chhanUrnna, a. to

clean rice ; to cause to select, prune, lop, clip.rniie
to '^.j4?- "^^ chho,u, m. treacle, h.
cause to ftouch,
^TPTT h. chhu,ma (v. chhuland), to
all around. '^t^^
«. chahuh-chah, circunijfu-eiit,

131*4^^ st*iiHMI or -SR^RT^ chhanchhn- '^a lying-in

i^V "^^T^^ chhu,dhi, f. candle fr'ven to
naiid, m. to simmer ; to sound ; to smart, to pain. woman. ;*. ["ness. h
cX:^ IRJ chhavd, m. ineafJiire of verses J J^ "5^R chhvwan, m. resemblance, like-
(particularly applied to the metre of the Vedas) ; a
measure (in music); meaning, intention, purport, opi- V.^?" "^'^ cJiflop, m. a coat of paint, &c.
chhop-cliliap-k., a. to shuffle up; to plaister or repair a
nion ;w ish, desire ; adj. solitary, secret, private, s. wall, &c. h. [paint, dye. /(.

Ic^I^*- "if^ chhaiula, ni. (v. clihanda) a ^•^4?" "Sfl'^T chhopiia, a. to fill up, to shut,
share, h. [ing, deceiving, s. '—-'•4^ "^ chhut ov "^tH cJihof, f. defilement;
contamination, touch, chhut-lagna or parnd, to be in-
liOiiJ^*- "S^^^chhand-bandfTn, trick, cheat-
fectious (a<iisease) ; to infect a person by touch. /*.
(^uJJ^sj. ^^TiHiftH chhand-patan, in. a hy-
pocrite, false
a ascetic, s.
^^4?" 'WZr/i}iut,{'. remission, leaviuti ; remis-
sion of revenue ; striking offhand or playing loose in
0^'^(irr?' ^^^^ chahun-dish, circumjacent, fencing; radiance or splendour of jewels; reHection
all around, s.
of a mirror, &c. ; givin}; money off iiand or at will to
jugglers, ice. at entertainments, h.
UiiJ^ q»t;»ii chhnndiia, n. to be tied. h.
viJjiM^s- QfTjiTT clilinndog, m. a reciter or j^4»- ^[ItT rhhoia, liitle, small, less, younger,
chanter of the Sama Veda. s. &c. chhold-hara, varied, variegated, various, great
and small, high and low. h.
f^Si^^ ti^^ chliuiuri, deceitful. .<;.
Jw)li>-13*^4>- rhhoia didnd, m. name ofa climb-
^Jjii'^v' ^^^^T rhlnjina-ruha, f. name of ing phiut {O/jliioxylo?! serpentiiium) the root of which
a tree (Moiispenntim ghibriim). s. is said to be an excellent remedy for snake bites.
This root, dried and powdered, is applied externally to
tiij^ i^ftiroR or "sfiToF chhnnih, perishable, the bitten part, and a decoction of it is given to the
temporary, momentary, inconstant, uncertain, s. wounded person to drink, to the extent of a pint in
twenty-four hours — (Binning), d. [ness. Ii.
UOJ^*. '•gojnt^T or "SRcJiTHT clih(inhana, a. to
concentrate, to cause to strain, h.
j^-*lj"^4»- "Sftn^ chhotFi,}, f. smallness, little-
UlSJ;^ f^oBRT or f^fr|o|rF*n chhiiiJia/ia, a. to ^^?' «!6»ii dihnind, n. to escape, cease, get
cause to stop, to cause to seize, to cancel, to strike out. h. loose, leave,
mis ed, h. remain, slip away, to be discharged, dis-

tlLjb (SJ^ ■^'STf? or "SfTrgiT^ chkankahat, f.

concentration, ciiusing to strain. I).
tiy^'>4?' mission^•i'"'^
of rent or revenue, h. f. (v. chhut) re-
\Sl^ f^'Toir'i^T c/i/iitia/tnd, ii. to winnow, to
sift ; n. to go away offended ; to blow the nose. /(. ^T'^^v" ^^^ dihiahhd, empty, hollow; m.
conjuration, h. [empty. //.
Ul^xl^^ f^«R^RT cJilihikn-ana (v. chhinha-
na), to cause to be stopped, &c. h. ^Jh^^^?" ^«<?i clihuchhla, m. foolish, silly,
[\^^^ f^T^ chhhKjiill, ]^f. the little i^Ty^ "^F^
cithochho-k., a. to dihncliho,
fondle, h. f. a nurse; bosom.
^^J-^^14?" "SFlf^^ chhungUya, J finger. //.
L^T^^ picable,"S^
mean ; f. chhuchlil,
a pipe, tube. contemptible,
h. des-
^j^*- f'^^^ chlnnalu, m. a fornicator, a
whoremonger, h. [snatch. //.
beard,^■'^ chhaur,
the office m. shaving
of barber, s, of the head or
Ul^i^ fSf«T^«TT chliinwana, a. to cause to

or strain.'iJ"Jnnr[T
/(. chhonicana, a. to cause to sift j^4?" ^^ chhor, m. border ; edge ; end ; a
lowboat. chhaur, a large stack oijnwdr or bajrd, q v.,
collected for fodder ; walking a boundary, h.
\xi^jjj4»- fSR^rf^nirT chkhmaTveKhHia, f. a
plant, also called Ukiiidhi [Cissampelos hexandra). s. 'jyi^ '^^n chahord, a fine sort office, h.
]jy^ ^rt^ chhord (for chhokrd), a boy.
(^^ f-l^^s- "^T^ (}ihahha,i, f. shadiness. .s\ chhora-ehhori, boy and girl, children, h,
tiJl>J^ fSFTUcF or f^R^ chhineh, a little
while, s.
(^j^f' ^rtr^ir chhoran, m. abandoning, leav-
ing, h.
_j4»- "STf^ chham, f. beauty, splendour, h.
I3,j^ ^Tf^'TT chahornd, a. to transplant. //.
^d^ chhu, the act of blowing or exorcisin^^ on
uttering a prayer or incantation, d.
i^_j4=r "^^ r/fZ/c/-?, f, a girl. h.
c ^45 ) ^4r

chlior, m. release, deli-

J^4?- ^ ••,j4?' "^^fT chharvaii/d, m. a thatcher. fe.
verance, setting
)j3^ "SrtTT chhora, Ij^-t^v"
(Pliosiiij:^^^T chhiihdrd,
tlac/ylifera). h. m. date, date friii
free, omission,
3\j^^ "STtTT'T chhoraw, ^'
l>b.?^ ^TT^ chhorawa,^
ing. s.
leaving, spar- ulj^ "2[fT^ chhuhoiin, a. to wiiitewash. //,. |
<Ojl^^^ ti ^ I«1 "(J ch It ij h d ma t , f. touch, h.
Ujlj=^^ l^^fTT chhoraona, a. to set free, ^■k^^v" T^T?"^'! chhihattar, seventy-six. h.
deliver, dismiss, separate, except, h.
{^<^ ^^ chahi, f. warbling ; a snipe, /t.
tc^i^jj^ "Sftff^l^ chhor-chitthi, f. a deed
"of release, a pass, a permit ; a deed of divorce or aban- i_«,-*4?' ^^ chha,i, pulmonary consumption, s.
donment ofa betrothed girl. /*.

Ijj^^s- "^^T ckhorna, a. to let go, to emit ^Jk^ "^ chha,i, ai)olished; f. a thatched
fire, forgive, forsake, desert, loose, omit, pardon, re- "roof
hurt onwhen
a boat;
loaded,a stuffed
s. pad to prevent bullocks being
lease, shoot, fire (a gun), spare, abandon, abstain,
breathe ; resign, discharge, lay aside, h.
(C-4?- "^R chkai, f. mortality, frailty, destruc-
tion. cA^aecog (vul ) c//Aa,J ro^, consumption. «.
(_^jj^rr "STt^irt chhorautt, f. ransom, h.
V^^^v" '^''"^T chhokra, m. a boy. h. ^.,^ •?[ fAZ/e (for chha), six. A.

c5>S^ "SftflSTft chhokri, f. a girl. h. ^.^ "^ chhif interj. tush ! tut ! fye! h.
bk^ 'STT chhai/d, 1 ni. victim; shade.shadow;
(^■,'^^=r "^ohVf chhaukan, ra. a scrambler. //.
Ijk^.^a- ^oUT chhaukna, a. to scramble, h. Ia^ %Tn chha iyd,) a boy. s.
U^ ^f^^T chuhiyd, m. a little mouse, /i.
^J^^ "W^ chhuhi, f. a gnat. h.
J^^ chhaul, joy, merriment, d. ^i«iL,^^ f^TTT^IT chhii/dsath or "Sf^^ c7t«-
yasat/i, sixtj'-six. s.
*^3^ "S[t55T chhold, m. gram ; also one wjio «>l.v,^r* fe^TTlwl chhhjdiii, eighty-six. s.
cuts the standing sugar-cane. h.

U5^^ "SftoStTT chhohia, a. to peel, skin, exco- LT^^rr^t?" f^'^n^S^^ chhiydUs, foity-six. h.
riate ;to pare, to scrape, h. ninety-six
(_^yU^ fSRIrf^ clihiydnawwe,
(in Dakh. chhiyanaw). s.
jJ^»- "^toJrft chholni, f. a scraper. /*.
i^;^ chhola (v. chhold), gram, &c. h. L— *J^i>- ■^fl'T c/t/«;^ f. discoloration or spot on
the skin;
with fishing-rod;
his horn h. the act of a buffalo's pushing
^^-r Wt^W^^ chhauliyd, cheerful, happy, d.

fj^f^ Ht chahun, four, chahun-or, on all li-A^ "^'T'TT chhlpnd, a. to print cloths ; to
sides, chahun-cliakr or -dis, circumjacent, all around, s, push with the horn as a buffalo ; to draw up the rod
in fishing, h.
Ij^^ -gen chhund, a. to touch, to meddle
with, to feel. h. [mal. fi. i_srji4*- "Sf^'^ft chljii, m. cotton piinter or
"stamper ; a flapper or whisk to drive away flies, h
\j^^ "^tlT chhaund, m. young of any ani- •JLas- ^^^^ rhhetr, m. a geometrical figure ;
field, land, plantation ; a sacred or holy place, as Bana-
fondle. /(. "^^^T ^t:^T chhoiichld-h., a. to ras, &c. chhelr-phal, m. the measurement (or super-
ficial contents) of a field, or of a triangle, or other geo-
metrical figure, s.
,e^^^lr "WTWi chJionchhi, f. bodkin, case
for needles ; a small cup for children. //.
yuk^ "Sfiin: chhltar, m. brogue, shoe. h.
(JlJo^ss. "Sn'oF chhonh or "^^ rl.haunk, f. sea-
soning, relish, h. ^Jiy^=r "^^ chhetri (v. chhatri), a man of
the military caste, h.

ij^y^ cH^'^T chhonhan or "^HfitT chhawikan, uu^^a- "ST^J c/i/tl/, f. spot, chintz (v. c/t/mi.<)./!.
m. spices with which food is seasoned, h.

Uio»A»- "^efTrlT chhaunkna, a. to season. //. UaaAs- ■2rt7«TTc/i/«/na,a.to scatter,tosprinkle.//.

f. barracks, canton- U^^?" ■2r^»!'»n chhijnd, n. to decrease, to pine

iij^'r '^♦rt
ment. /«. chhaiuii,
away, drkha-dekhl k'lje jog, chhije kayd barhe rog,
they wlio merely imitate others in austerity, waste
ci^4^ "^trft chhoni, f. the earth. .?. away, and their diseases increase, h.

*^^^ "Sftf cMo/t, m. affection ; anger, s. \}^j^ ^OtHiT chh'ichhard, m. flesh tough as
leather, and uneatable, the skinny part of meat, chin-
\^^'=r "^ft^T chhohrd, m. a boy ; child, h. clihard-k., to tear to pieces, to flay. /(.

^fc^^s. -^t^ cMo/«, affectionate ; angry, s. j>A^s. ^chhed, m. a hole, a mouth, an open-
(j-^*^-:*. "^ chhuji, f. chalk. ^. in-- ; the denominator of a fraction, the divisor, s
:^r ( 346 )

\ ^.XA■>■ "^Tf f^if'C'J'i, m- a li'tle iiTsect destruc- ^A.^'s- "giThappiness,

chhem, f.s. welfare,
cr^ chhem-hushal, f.
tive to com : the disease occasioned bj' it. s. welfare,

^0J;^»- "S^t^T chhldd, thin, not close (said of a •^♦M?" ^f*^ chhemand, in. a fatherless son. ».
person or animal whose legs are much separated), also
applied to trees, crops of corn, &c., which are scattered {^Sl^x^ •ai}\^(\ chhemankari, f. a sort of
or straggling, h. kite I Falco ponticerianus). s.
(^Jok^a- "S^^oir chhedah, m. that which pene-
trates, any thing to bore a hole with. s. (_j».*^ "SftJrt clihimi,f. a pod, legume, husk. A.

j^.va^s- "Sftf'T cltliedan, in. act of piercing, bor-

(j^4^ ^^ *^''' "^^'Jlf chhin, wasted, emaciated,
decayed ; slight, slender. 5.
ing, ahole, an orifice ; (in criminal law) mutilation, the
cutting off of a limb, &ic. s.
I.!ji4?" ^'^ chhend, m. curd ; a small kind of
\>s^j^ tJfJtfl r/ihedna, a. to pierce, to bore. s. cj'mbal. /(.
Ux^ c/ihind, to bite, sting ; also same as
O^i- 'W^X.chhir, m. milk ; (for .sir) the lessee's chhunu, to touch, q. v. d.
own cultivation of a farm, &c. s.

^^4?" "Sf^'TT chherua, a. to have a bad di- lix^ "Sf^^ chhinnd, a. to pull, to tear, to
gestion, h. pluck, to rob, to snatch, chhind chhdni-k., a. to scram-
ble ;chhlii-leiid, a. to snatch up, to seize, to take posses-
sion of, to bereave, h.
consumption. '?jTtT
.? chhai-rog, ra. pulmonary
cloth, h."iftr clih'int, f chintz, spotted cotton
ijjy^^"^!^ chheri, f a she-q:oat. A.
jA.^.»- %^ chher, f. the act of irritating, vex- Ux.^> d,T<H cJilitiita, m. shot, spot, splash ;
ing, &c. (v. chherua). chher-chliar or chher-khdni, f. a field in which peas and linseed have been sown broad
stricture, animadversion ; the act of vexing, &c. /i. cast, cnhlntd mdniil, a. to sprinkle, h.

VjlA=- ^T{ chher a, m. touch, provocation, ex- UjiiA^ dlV'IT chhvitnd, a. to sprinkle, irri-
citement, h.
gate, h.
'6 j^^ "^^n chherna, a. to irritate, to vex, to «_-<JLJk^:»- "SfT?^ ch](iu'iih, sowing broad cast. h.
fret, to trouble, to abuse, to aggress, to stir up, to in-
ter uptto
; play on a musical instrument. Ii. Ui^^^ slO^HI chJniir/iiid, a. to throw out
water, s.
uil^s- %o|f chlieh, domesticated, tame (as a
bird or beast), h. Usj^?" tJ-MHT chhcnchna, a. to mince, to
iiack, to pound, h.
9.xAy>- "SitcfiT clihiha, m. a sling for carrying
baskets, S:c. (v. chh'inka). s. L^Xxx^ "S^'flR chhi/ih, f sneezing, sneeze,
clilt'ink-ldtnwdld, a sternutatory (medicine). A.
cl^yAj^'s. chhihtut, m. a wanderer, a vaga-
bond, d. [vent, restrain. /(. ^JXxx^"*^ '^'^chhenk,i\ sequestration of goods.
chhenk-lcnd, a. to confiscate, h.
ux>,^ "ifSRin chhekna, a. to stop, detain, pjc-
^^ojj^ "S^'flFT ch'ihhd, m. a network of strings
Cl^i^x^^- "^oirif^ rhhc>hnhti,f. indirect speech, to hang any thing in (as a burthen at either end of a
insinuation, double-entente, hint. s. pole), the cords of a bahangi, an ox muzzle. 5.

(J-^'f^ ^^q5 rfiahel or f%f 55 chihel, wet oozy jKj.j;^ ^oinw chhehJiuiv, m. sequestration of
land. h.
goods. //.
^jL^'s- "Sf^ chhrtil, 1 m. fop, beau, chhail- VjoJa,^=- "^ofi^f rhhenhnn, a. to detain, to pre-
vent, to stop, to retain, to bar, to restrain, a^est. h.
^4^ %[^T chhaild,) pan or chhaild-pan,
m. spruceness, foppishness, h.
Uxi^^ "sTaffTfT c/tlnnhnu, n. to sneeze. «.
Aj^»-'?[^ chhelu,m. a medicinal plant (^Cony- \jSj.^^ ^oR%TiT chhehhwaiyd, m. a con-
za anthelmintica). s. fiscator. h.

^)a^». chhela, m. a he-goat. d.

Ja^ clilt'vm, (in comp.) snatching, d.
j^iW^^?" %c5f%=fif«T'n chhail-chikniyd, m. a ^x^»- ^■rft chhem, f. (v. chhewni) a chisel,
coxcomb, fop, an exquisite, k. " punch, piercer, h

^U,v^^^^ r/i'At7c/i/t(7i67a,free,unrestrained. d. }^-r %^ chhew, m. a mark, a piece of wood

cut off. chhew mdnid, a. to line out, to mark. h.

} ^^^=f "S^^^S^ chh'ilan, f. parings, scrapings. A.

oixA^ "Sf^cS'^l chlulnd, a. to peel, to skin, to Ua^ %^T chheird, m. spaces, comma, & •. h.
or to pare,a. toto erase,
chhtl-chhdlk., to peel,
pare, to scrape,
&c. chhllnachh'ilnu
h. .»jk^ %^T chlicicar, m. cuticle, skin. A.
J»j;^ fSR^ rhkiyul or chhi,ul, a kii.d f
k>^ chheli, f. a she-goat. fZ. jungle tree (called also rfAa^, q. v.). h.
C 347 )

b^-j^s- "g^^ rlihen-na,t. a. to pierce, or to bleed (_5*^ '^^chet'i, f. a female servant, s.
a t(ir tree, to extract tarl ; to mark. s.
uLl^?" diechak, f. the small-pox. /;.
^»jk^ "if^'ft cJihewnl, f". a chisel, punch,
piercer. /(. [expedient, h. ^»- chikh, f. a scream, screech, &c. chlhh
mama, a. to scream, to screech, to cry. s.
,^_^^ '^f^'^ chahiye, becoming, necessary, U-sS^ chihJma, a. to roar, to scream, s.
^_5^ ^TT chuij, ni. an assemblage, a multi-
U'^^ c/ii(/o7i (r. chin), to gather, to glean, p.
"tude ; a heap, a mound of earth, s.
j4J^ ^^^ chibhar, land which remains *'^i?' chlda, selected, culled, gathered, p.
long moist. A.
jj^ 'TIt cJilr, in. rent, slit, strip; attire; the
JAA&" ^TI'? rinpar, f. rheum of the eyes. /«. act of tearing,
through troops, rending,
s. &c. ch'ir nikalnd, n. to break

U-A5J. 'q'TT^T cJicpna, a. to stick together. A. J^ ^frC chlr, f. cloth ; a sort of cloth foi
cIaa*. %(T (//c//!^, ni. the Hindu name of the women ; the pine tree {Pinus longifoUa). s.
twelfth month, the full moon of which is near c/j«7ra
(March — April). *. iJt^T ^^ c/iera, m. (v. chela) a slave, &c. .s.
«J1.A»- ^7T ch't, m. memory, remembrance, 1^^ ^^T ch'ira,
maidenhead m. incision,
; turban, cut,to wound,
chlrd utdrnd, deflower, slit
thought, perception, consciousness, circumspection, s. rd-band or chlrd-wdli, a virgin, s.
tl^A^. ^TW chyxit, fallen, dropped ; fallen ofF^ ui'^l^*- ^TT^ chera,i, f. slavery, servitude, s.
deviated strayed, s.
••!^?" ^^'*frtT cherciyata, f. Gentiana che-
rayta. s.
^»»- ^HT ch'iia, m. a leopard or panther
{Fdls jubata, Schreb. ; hunting-leopard. Pennant) ;
name of a medicinal plant {Plumbago zeijlanica). s. ^Jf>- '^T^T ch'irna, a. to rend, to tear, to
split, to cleave, to harrow, h.
ujk*. ■^ITT cliita, m. wish, desire, thought ;
understanding, wisdom ; painting. *. 3Jt:T ^^ cheru, name of a wild tribe in Mlr-
zapur, &c. h.
«^>- ^(TT chetd, m. an advisor, a monitor, .s.
t^?" (^^t^''(^> powerful ; rude, uncivil, p.
j^J^ %W chaitra, the twelfth Hindu month
(v. chait). s. 8^»- chlra, m. a turban; maidenhead (v.
chlrd). s. [ment.
tcLiiu,^TT'? ch'itar,
to sit down, m. rest.
to get hips, h.buttocks, chitar ^j5^»- ^fW clnri, f. the ends or hem of a gar-
^y^i^ ^W^ clntol, m. a certain animal of the iJ!j;'>- ^^t rheri, "If a slave-girl, a giil scr-
forest, some tliink the spotted deer (perhaps a leopard
or panther, or some other spotted animal) ; adj. ijji^ ^^ cfierl,} vant. s.
spotted, speckled, s. vJo.^a- ^^TTT cliiraita, m. the gentian plant
{Gentiana cheraijta). h.
^Jj^A^- '^ffiT chetan, in. reason, rationality,
caution; soul, self; intelligence, wisdom; adj. alive,
living, feeling. 5. }j}i>- ^'51 rherci, m. a servant, a slave, s.

UuA*. '^'JTT chetna, ;i. to remember, to think Lfjt'^ ^^ chert, f. a female servant (v. cher'i).
of, to advise, to reflect, to be aware, to recover the j^ chiz, f. thing, commodity. ^?.
senses, to be roused, chetand, f. action, s.
l1«.m>J^ chiz-hast, f. chattels, baggage, j). s.
lJuA»- ^"cT«TT chitna, a. to draw ; to paint ; (Cjjis- chi:c', something, a little, p.
to wish, think, or imagine, ft.
Cl*.»xa- rhisf (for chi-ast), what is it? j).
euukllj^ %?I'SI chaifani/a, m. soul, spirit, the
Deity considered as the essence of all being; reason, ^lJk.-->- chut-an, (lit. what is that?") m.
understanding, perception, the possession of the proper an enigma, a riddle, p.
use of the faculties; adj. in possession of the senses,
awake, sensitive, cautious, attentive, aware, perceiv- U^j;>. ^?T cheshtd, t\ application, endeavour,
ing ;an animal or sentient being, s, motion, exercise, search, appearance ; bodily act or
function, s,
jujls- chitn (v. chita), a medicinal plant, s.
uii.-»- '^oS chih, f. mud, slime (v. chikar). h.
[x^lxs-- ^^TTT chithna, to rend, to tear. h. cIaCjc^ ^oR7 chihat, f. a mixture of oil and
^^ ^K\ chaifi, the harvest of the month dust; adj. greasy or dusty (as cloth); a sort of clayey
soil. /(.
" chait, q. v. s.
tiLaa- '^ chet, m. a servant, a slave, s. jCa^ '^IsRSt chikti, f. a clayey soil. h.
eillo- Q<!<4i chetak, f. a miracle ; a decep- .C.-S- ^qR^ chl.har,\f. mud, slime, land that
tion, h. iCx::^ 'Srtoirf c/ii/i been recently irri-
Ihar,} has
^^Ls>- ^W chithx, f. a note, letter, billet, h.
gated. A.
( 848 ) ^
^Cs- ^^ chthh, f. (v. chtkh) a scream, &c. s. i\ju»- chend, m. a lock of hair left on the top
of the head. d.

j^'^sr ^'^^ ch'ikhur, in. a squirrel, h. Jjtijji*- chendul, m. a ball to play with. d.
UaJTas- ^^*n chihhna, a. to taste ; (y. chlkh-
nd). s. ^^x->- ^'?T chehra, young, little, h.
^yx>■ "^^ chil, f. a kite (Falco cheela, jy^f^jy>- xflciofctH, chln-hnpur, m. camphor, s.
Lath.), chil-jhapattd mama, to snatch, s. &AA»- chaina, an inferior kind of millet. //.
jj.jtf». %^ chail, land twice tilled. ^. ,^xxsr ^"^ chink, m. a mark, a token by
which any thing is known, s.
^)>Ar^ '^^T chaila, m. a ijillet of wood cut for
t)urning, &c. h.
l^iA». ^"^r^l chlnha, m. an acquaintance, s.
^»- ^^T chela, m. a slave brought up in the U^jo*- ^.^tfT chlnhnd, a. to know, to re-
house, a pupil, a disciple, a servant. *. cognise. .V
JUa- ^55^ cliilar, f. a large louse. A. ^j»^ijk». ^t^^ chinnhaun (v. chinhna). s.
dJ-j»- chelka, m. a slave disciple. A. ^jj>. ^Tf'^ (^/a/ii, f. sugar of a coarse kind (per-
aJ-xs- c/«Za, m. a thin cake made of rice-flour haps from chin, China), in opposition to vtitrl, sugar-
and cocoa-nut milk. d. candy, from misr, Egypt), h.
^^ist- chlnl, belonging to or produced in China,
^5j». 'gt^ chilh, f. (v. chtl) a kite. .s. " Chinese ; f. the face of a watch, p.
i»A». ^«fT chii'ur, m. the tattered dress of
j^i^ xfl<^j chilhar, J a mendicant, especially that of a Bauddha. s.

^.j>- -^^ chell (f. of chela), a female slave. *. ^^.^jtf*. ^^fT»T chlvariny ra. a Bauddha or
Jaina mendicant, s.
(j;^»- ^«T chain, m. ease, relief, repose, tran-
quillitj' ; a calm at sea ; denying a bet in gaming, im- )j'»jk»- -tflyi^i chl,ura or chyura, m. rice
posture cultivated
; land ; a low caste of Hindus, h. parched in a certain mode and eaten dry. «.
^j\s-- chin, f. fold, |)lait, wrinkle, clnn-nhru-h.
is'i^ "^^qS^ chewali or chejoll, f a kind of
or ch'ui hajah'm-hona, n. to frown, chhr jtar chin hona, "silk (cloth), h. [black ant. h.
n. to become wrinkled from fat. ch'in dabid, a. to
crease, chin lend, n. to crumple, chin manna, a. to Ij0»jtf»- -41 ^^T cht,unta or chyuhta, m. large
acquiesce or submit to blame or loss; root of chldan,
used in conip. denoting to collect, gather; as gnl- ^6»jk»- -^ddijl fAi,M/i.rt or chyuntl, f. a small
chln, one wlio culls flowers. suJihan-chin, one who "ant. chl.ontl (Dakh.) a nip or pinch with the nails of
gathers tales, an eaves-dropper, p. a thumb and linger, /*.
(j^ chill, ni. China, p. y.f^ chchia, a descriptive roll of a servant, p.
^J^». ^^ chin, m. a sort of grass {Panicuvi a^y '^t^ chthl or chihe, a subdivision of
miliaceum) ; a sort of cloth, s. "the giijar tribe, h.
lijkij- china, II. to ooze, to leak. d.
Uj.> ^tjt chi'iui, china, or chaina, m. millet
(Panlcum Ilaliciim). h. [and trees, h.

t-*i^ '^'T chchp, m. the acrid resin of fruits

,.^li.\^»- ■^tffn? chln-pishtha, m. minium «, he, commonly called ha,i muhmala and
or red-lead (brought in cakes or lumps from the hills fid,i hitfti, the sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the
on tlie north-west of Bengal), s.
eighth in Persian, and the ninth in Hindustani. It
does not occur in words purely Persian, nor is there
U^lJiJk^ '^''Zl'HT chlnthna, n. to be bruised by in Sanskrit any letter corresponding to it. Its sound is
being trod upon. h. much akin to our h in haul, only the aspiration is
\Juas^ ^T chainta, m. a black ant. h. stronger, and formed deep in the throat. In reckon-
ing by abjad it stands for eight. Being the initial
letter of huzur-navls, or Secretary of State, it is affixed
j^>jt>- "^Zi chlnth f small ant. h.
to royal grants as a mark of attestation by that officer./?.
Ajk^ ^^ chench, a kind of herb which springs J'o- Aa<m,a judge; a black crow (probably
up in uncultivated places during the rains, s from decisions being formed by augury from tliat
bird); the name of an Arab chief of the tribe of Ti.,},
'^^ -q"^ chehch-pench, m. brat.«, famed for his boundless liberality, whence ( met.) libe-
h. ral, generous, bountiful ; for example, a man of gieat
young ones.
liberality is styled " the l^dtim of the age." a.

to squeak, n,h
to grumble, karna,
to murmur,cheh-chen
"^MsffTT —\>- hajj, a pilgrim to Mecca, a.
^rtochatter. to chirp,
OU-W sities, hajat
a. (pi. of CLo- W), wants, neces-
c^r^ ^^ chciichl, f. a needle-case. h.
( ^-^ )
a bondsman, h/'izir-zrniiiia, f. the act of giving bail
•W hajih, m. a porter, a door-keeper; a for another ; a bail-bond, hdzir o iidzir, present an<l
clianiberlain, a privy-counsellor ; a curtain, a screen ; seeing (an epithet of (Uu\). hdzii-lwnd, n. to be at
the eyebrow, a. hand, to be read^', to coiisent. /;.

C>?-U- fiajot, f. necessity ; poverty ; liopr^, C->|^W hazirat, f. coniniiitiding or impri-

soning demons, &c. ; raising the devil, a.
wish, need, want, h'ljat-harar or -rmva, proihiciiifj ot
supplying; what is needed. hdjat raf /cnnia, .1. to ri'- A.
Heve one's necessities ; to go to the necessary. k(ij>it- jj^Lolr»-
ttiand, necessitous, indigent ; hoping, depending, hu- spirits, &c.haziiafi, t'. iliea commanding
; m. a conjuror, necromancer, a.of evil
jat-matidi, f. indigence, destitution, a.
^JJ^\s>' Jiaziran,\{\>\. of j.^W) people pre-
J>-1>- /m|?V, that which hinders or intervenes, a.
^J>J^o\s>' hazirin,) sent, or those who are
fc^^'^ I'^Pi "1- ^ Musalman who has ma<le or were present, a.
"the pilgrimage
to botli to Mecca,
the sacred haj'iMecca
places, i.e. ul haramain, a pilgrim
and Medina, a. ijgyoXs- haziri, f. breakfast, desert ; levee,
presence, audience, muster-roll ; an offering made to
^V>^,c^^ ha'fi-alnnnh, 1 twomock pil- a saint. }),dzirt khdnd, a. to breakfast, a.

«^,j>^^j.>-W ha'fi hewtduf, J grims who ivJa'.*- ha.ta, premises, an inclosurc ; a conrf-
perform a conspicuous part in the Muharrara festival.
Their tricks, antics, and conversation are very similar j'ard (in Anglo-Indian phraseology) a compound, a.
to tliose of "Symmie and his brither," the two mock Jajls»- hajiz, w. a guardian, governor, pre-
friars wlio generally appeared in the burlesque jia-
geants. ridiculing the Pope and priesthood of Rome, serverhaving
; a good memory ; one who has the whole
performed in Scotland about the time of the Reforma- l'iir,d)i, by heart ; the poetical name of a celebrated
tion— ' Hinning). N.B. The church of Rome herselfhad ))oet of Persia {Muhammad Shamsu-d-din of Slt'irdz).
for ages countenanced and encouraged these saturna- h'ifzi-daftar, keeper of the records in an office, o.
lia before the Reformation was thought of. In the
palmy days of Poperj' such mummeries were re- aJajls- hafiza, m. a retentive memory, a.
garded as utterly harmless ; but in the hands of the
reformers they of course became highly offensive, a. fS^>- haJihn, m. a ruler, a governor, a com-
mander, a master; pi. hdklmdn. a.
«il>- hadd, acrid, sharp, bitter, sour, ardent,
fiery, poignant, caustic, a.
«Jlv^ h(ih'iiiiunu,
with authority, a.
judicially, magisterially,
<^t>'»- hadis, new, just appearing. Aarf/.s
/<oj/<7, n. to appear, to emerge, to happen, a.
^-^y>- hahhm, of or belonging to a ruler ; f.
AJil>- hadlsa, m. a novelty, an event, an oc- ■"office of ruler, a magistracy, a.
cur ence a; misfortune, calamity, a,
Jl*- hal, m. state, condition ; business, affair;
^•»iW i^ar/?7f, "I ingenious, industrious, skilful, present time, present tense (in gram.); in revenue
language, the actual state of the collections ; exta.sy ;
^jols- hoiih, J penetrating, intelligent, ex- (pi. ahwdl). /irt/-o6a(/<, land under present cultivation
cel ing, a, (having formerly been waste), hdl-dkdr, present reve-
nue, hdl-bdkl, current balance. Jidl-chalani, present
jW A<7/r, hot, ardent ; difficult, lahorious. a. currency. hdl-dnd,-a. to be inspired, to be thrown into
ft^.W lansa, a slight wound or scratch, a. extasies. hdl-dn-ki, whereas, though, yet.however, even,
although, notwithstanding, hul l.u'd chalnd, n. to go, or
ti>**»\s» kdsid, envious ; m. an enemy, a. walk quickly, lidl-ml, this present year. a.

Li»W Tiasha, besides. hdsha lillah, intcrj. ^'vs* hald, HU instalment of revenue, /idid or
hdlan, now, at present, a.
God forbid, by no means. Ifcisha-ka and hdshd-la-ka,
far be it from thee, l^dshd-ka-llah, God preserve thee Cj^'.5^ /idldt, f. (pi. tl*JU-) present states
from it. a.
or conditions ; circumstances, cases, a.
a-iW hashh/a, m. a martrin, hmi, bonier;
a marginal note; people of inferior rank, attendants, cIajW hdlat, f. condition, circumstance, pos-
retirroe, troops ; facings of a military uniform, hdshi- ture of one's affairs ; case. a.
ya-gawdh, a witness to the execution of a deed (he
■writing his name on the Jfdskiya or margin), a. ^yto\^\s)' Idl-Iidsil, the actual produce or re-

^-o'.»- 7 o.:</V, Ml. produce; nrquiring; profit. ducing. venue a.

of a tract of land. Ml-MsU'i, actuallj' pro
corn; a tax, dut}', custom, revenue; hdsiii bdxdr, m.
collections or duties of a market, hasil zamhi, land
under cultivation and paying revenue, hdsili-zarb, j'_Ol»- Iml-ddr, a village officer next to the
patwdri, q. v. hdl-ddri, a tax formerly levied (in Ben-
tlie product of multiplication, hilsil-k., a. to acquire, gal) on marriages, a. p.
to get; to gain; to produce; to collect; to learn.
lidsili-knh'un, t-fiiW hdlif, one who makes oath or affida-
attained, a. in short, briefly, lu'isil Iwiid, to be got or vit, a. [viim). a.
cS^\>- Jja^ila, cultivated or cropped land. a. i j^\»- hdlim, m. cress, cresses {JOepidii<m safi-

jjO^^ l.hzir, present, ready, williiijr, content. jjlr> hall, modern, new ; present, now, soon;
hazir-hdsh, (be ready) a constant attendant, hazir- "current (coin) ; government assessment, a.
hdsht, f. constant attendance, hdzir-jawdb, pert, an-
swering wittily, hazir-jau'dbl. f. repartee ; readiness Asf ham, the second son of Noah, from whom
of reply, hdzir-rahnd, n. to attend, to wait on. hdzir- (according to the Musalmans) the Indians are de-
zdmin, m. bail, security for the appearance of another. scended, a.
( 350 )

i\<W hamidy m. one who praises (God), a. mistress,

a lover, sweetheart, a friend, a
(^^W hamiz, sour, bitter, salt. a. J^
^\J0^»■ Ijamil, m. a carrier, porter, bearer ; f. Lx5^ hatia, until, so that,' in such a manner,
and thus. ^attq-l-maJcdur, or -imkan, or -wus', to the
pref»nant (a woman). 1}dmiU matin, a commentary- best of one's ability, a.
rehearsing, or annexed to the text, hamili zaniin, the
bearer of the earth ; the personage among the Greeks ^ hajj, m. act of moving round, or going to
and Romans who held a similiar office was Atlas ;
among the Hindus it is Sheshndg, a great serpent, a. a place ; pilgrimage to Mecca. hajju-I-farz, the en-
joined pilgrimage to Mecca, wliicli should be per-
»UU- hamila, f. pregnant, fruitful (a tree), a. formed once in liis lifetime by every good Musalman.
amiru-l-hajj, the officer in charge of a caravan of pil-
^l». hami,m. a protector, a defender, a guar- grims, generally a man of high rank and dignity, a.
"dian. liaml bharna, a. to consent, to confirm, a. '-T-'W^ I'ij^i^h m- niodesty, bashfulness, shame;
6-^^ hamiya, a protectress ; a protective a veil, curtain ; night iijab uthnd, n. to be lost (the
body. a. sense of shame) ; to be removed (a screen). Iiijdb-
cliaslimi, sheep's eyed, hijdb-lc, a. to cover, hide, con-
tl*3ls» hanis, m. a perjurer, a. ceal; to shame, /i/yi/i /Ly/a;«7, n. to blush, a.

(_cjW harvi, containing, collecting, compre- L-^l:C^ hujjab (pi. of i_-»»-ls>-), porters, door-
hending; acollector, a. keepers, chamberlains, a.
kjU. lia,it, a wall, an inclosure. a.
53 W*" h'jO'bi, modest, veiled ; f. secrecy, a.
cLlJU- ha,ih, m. a vveavi r. a.
— 'sP' /a/;7rt7 (pi. of «,l»-), pilgrims to Mecca. «.
AjU- 7/a, ?7, restrainin<:,infcrvpi)in<x; m. (used
substantivel}') a shelter, defence, protection, a. _l:S* hnjjaj, a tyrant, oppressor, hajjnj b'ni
yiisnf, name of a notorious petty tyrant who wms ^a-
^_ .a. Luhhjf. lnve,affection : friendship, huhhu- vernoTof'Iidl'Arab, under 'Abdu-1-Malik, about ihe
l-watnn, love of one's country, a. year of our a;ra 6S5. a.
t_*s- hahh, f. a pill; a grain ; a I)Prry. a. J^ liijfi^i m. lit. prohibiting or separating;
L-^l-5>- huhab, m. a bubble, hvhah uthtia, n. Mecca, and the adjacent country, Arabia Petrsea. Ac-
cording to sonu- Miitborities Arabia is divided into five
to bubble, hiibdhl, of or resembling a bubble ; full of
bubbles, a. p;irts, Tilidiiia, Nnjil. Uijdz, ' Uruz, and Yaman : Hijdz
is tlie chain of n'.uuntains extending from Yaman to
Si/iia, and has this name as separating the territi>rie3
tjc,l>»- //?/?*a?q, a species of hustarfl. r/. of Ndjd and TUidnia. a.
\^!>- hahhaza, excellent ! bravo ! a.
V-f^ h(ijju>n, ni. a cii|)|/er, phlebotomist, sca-
ir^ys- hahs,m. retention, imprisonment; ]iii- rifier; abarber, a shaver, a.
son ; a prisoner ; a bank, mound, dam ; a tank, pond,
reservoir, hnhsn-l-haid , m. a retention of urine ; ;i Cl^'c'^s!^ htjainat, f cupping, scarifying,
strangury, habsu-n-nafas. suffocation, hahsi dam, m. shuving. hajumat-k., to shave, " faire la barbe." a.
ritiiining the breath, which some falctrs do as a reli-
gidus act for a very long time (this is esteemed a
n-.cans of prolonging life, on the very pliilosopliic
^<\sf^ hdjjamvti, a barber's wife. a.
principle, that every man has a predestined number
of inspirations to make, and the more slowly these ^Ijs*" hi'ijavfi, f. the profession of a cup|»< r
or barber, shaving, a.
are performed, the longer will be the period of his
existence) : an asthma, a.
(__*^ hdjdb, ni. interposing, secluding, ex-
liAs.. hahdsli (pi. Jitthshu))), an Abyssinian cluding, fencing round, a.
or Ethiopian, a.
cll'sf*' hujjat, an argument, proof, reason ;
^.i-^s" hahf^hrn, ^an Abyssinian woman, a altercation, disputation, controversy, a.

^■^xs" hahshini,) negress, a slave, a. iB^ '^w;jfl/I,a sound reasoner; a dis|)iiiaiioii3

e-Lxs- hahatiha or hahnshot, Ethiopia, people person, a sophist ; a wrangler, a caviller, a.
of Ethiopia; also people of Southern Arabia, a. jjC* hajar, m. a stone; hindrance, prohi-
bition :in law, annulment, liajaru-l-aswad, m. the
^Jlx>- hahsfn, Abyssinian or Ethiopian, a black stone in the temple of Mecca, hajarut-tls, the
■ Caffre, a negro, a slave, a. bezoar-stor.e. hajaru-d-dam, the blood-stone, hajaru-
l-Jcamar, tlie moonstone (Stleiiites). hajaru-l-yalmd,
Jj> habl, m. rope, cord, tendon ; a league, m. a calcareous stone used in medicine; jew's-stone,
alliance, compact, liablu-l- world, the jugular \ein. a. resembling an olive or acorn, found in Palestine {Hd-
mintholWius Judaicus). a.
(-_->^Jo- hubuh (pi. of c-'S^), pills, grains, a.
C^\^yi». huhuhat, vegetables, potherbs; ar- f^^j^ hajrutan, du. gold and silver, a.
ticles formerly furnished gratis to men in authorityi
1>j^ hujray m, a cell, closet, chamber. lmjra,e
consisting of sheep, milk, eggs, blankets, hides, So. a. khdss, a private closet, a.
*j>9- hahba, m. one berry, one grain, one seed ; aA^sf hajla, m. (vulg. hujla) the female par-
a particle, part ; a measure equal to two barleycorns ; tridge the
; ornamented chamber where the bride sits.
a pill, a. Uie curtain whicli hangs before her, the marriage bed. a.
( 351 ) V
begotten, a bastard; dJ generally used as a ti'rm of
j^ hdjm, thickness, bigness; cupping, sca- abuse, such as rogue, scoundrej, &:c. hardm-zddi, f. a
rifying, a. wicked woman, a strumpet, hnrfun zadagl, f. rascal-
iX-s- hadd, f. a boundary, limit ; an impedi-
ity, roguery, haram-zudiioi-k., a. to abuse, to ill treat.
hardm-mnghz, spinal marrow, fiardm-kdr, m. a torui-
ment; adefinition; a starting-post ; punishment agree- cator. hnrdm-kdrt, f forbidden acts (but partieularly
able to the laws of Muhammad, which fix the exact adultery and fornication). 1}.ardm ka mdl, good for
number of lashes, &c., to be inflicted for certain notiiing. hardm hhdnd, a. to receive the wages of ini-
crimes, h^add bdtidhnd, a. to bound, to terminate. quity, a.
hiodd-bast or hadd-bandi, the settlement and demarca-
tion of boundaries, hadd-bhar-k., a. to do one's best. ^]f- hnraml, m. a lobber, an assasMii, a
^addi shar', the extremity of the law, legal punish- 'rogue. Aara?n« /?i7/a, a bastard, a. [na. a.
ment. l}add-se-afzun, or -ziydd, or -ziijdda, beyond
bounds, excessively, hadd-k., a. to push any thing to i^Xr\f ^luramain, (dual) Mecca and Medi-
extremity; to go beyond bounds. Ijiadd mama, a.
to punish, a. t—^ harb, f. war, battle, harb-gdh, f. field
of battle, a.
il>^s>- hnddad, m. a blacksmith; a jailer, a.
^j>- hirha, m. a chameleon, a.
Cj,:>s>- hiddat, f. the edge of a sword ; passion,
vehemence, impetuosity, poignancy, virulence, a. !^j>- harha, m. anus, warlike apparatus, a.
CL^Ss>- hadas or hads, m. any thing existing f^js- harhi, relating to war, bellicose; (in
for the first time, recently happening, novelty, contin- law) an infidel, as being considered by the "true be-
gency, event, accident ; an accidental cause of impu- lievers" fair
a subject of hostility, a.
rity, according to Musalmiin traditions, whereby it be-
comes unlawful to commence or finish a pray&r with- \JLJj>- hirs^ m. |)I()ughing, sowing, culiiva-
out previously undergoing ablution, a. ting; a ploughsliare. a.
<^ji3c- kudus, m. novelt}^, invention, a. >^j>' haruja or harajat, a troop of camels ;
i^j^s- hudud (pi. of S>-), limits, confines, a thicket, shrubbery, a.
boundaries, ofhududi
boundaries shar'lya,
the four sides penal laws, hududi
of an estate, a. arba', jj>- hirz, m. an amulet, a charm; a fortifi-
cation, an asylum, a i^laee of refuge, custody, safe
c— O^iio*- hadis, m. a history, a tradition ; the keeping of goods or valuables, a.
traditional sayings of Muhammad, which now bear the
force of laws. Itadts-k., a. to forswear, to abjure, to {,j»>js- hirs, m. (v. harasat) care, &c. a.
renounce, a.
<^joj>- Mrs, f. desiring eageily; greediness,
«i^.t^r>- hadid, m. iron ; a hehnet. a. avidity ; ambition, avarice, a.

tkOJSs- hadika, an inclosed garden, a palm XsAjOjs- hlrsaha,^ greedy, avariciou'5, covet-
plantation ; name of a Persian poetical and mystical
work by Hakim Sandyt. a. i^j>- Ipt'si, J ous ; ambitious, a.
(_«J^ Jidif, m. a letter of the alphabet; a
jS»- hazar, m. caution, prudence ; fear. a. particle (in grammar) ; inverting, changing, turning
(as a coat); a crooked pen; writing diagonally; a
• Ji^s«- hazf, m. taking away, ejet-tiug, cut- margin, side ; a word ; the sunmiit of a mountain.
ting off a letter or syllable of a word, apocope, ^asf-k., Ziar/-a.«/(?;a, being just able to read, knowing the let-
a. to omit, contract, reject, a. ters, harf-dnd, n. the approach of infamy, to be in-
curred (infamy), harf-anddz, cunning, artful. l),arf-
j>- hurr, free, well-born, genteelly bom. anddzl, f. cunning, artifice, art. hnrf-baithdliid or -ja-
harr, being hot, warmth, boiling, a. mdnd, a. to compose for printing. l},arf par ungli
raklmd, a. to criticise. Ijiarf pakarnd, a. to censure, to
ClAjs^ hurras (pi. of L^ls-), husbandmen, a. criticise, harfi tardid, disjunctive conjunction, liarfi
tashbih, finite
the article,
adverb of similitude,
har/i iankir, the /jar/? fa'/;/", the
indefinite de-
_y»- hiraj (pi. of &»- j.-), troops of camels;
thickets, brakes, a. harfi shart, conditional conjunction, harfi salfih, a
consonant, hiarfi 'illat, a long vowel (i. e. alif, wdo, or
.— K>- harraj (for «f^), an auction, a sale. a. ye). harf-gtr,m.-ACT\t\c: it rather denotes the con-
temptible little vermin of criticism whose abilities
LL>yf- hararat, f. heat ; a burning fever ; extend no further than to detect an error of the press
warmth, zeal, feariiraii rf?ni,f. religious fervour, fana- or so, hence, adj. captious, liarf-glrl, {. criticism,
ticism, hararati gharizl, f. natural heat. a. captiousness. harf-ldnd, a to asperse, to defame, to
blot, to brand,
doubting, a. to blemish, ^arfo 1},ikdyat, i. disputing,
cII«»»>Ks^ hirasat, f. care, watching, guarding.
liirasat-k., a. to take care of, to govern, a. \ijs^Ksj>- harfan harfan, letter by letter, syl-
[^jo^f^ harraz, one who prepares ashes of al- lable by syllable, literal or literally, a.
kali; alime-burner, a maker of plaster or cement, a.
Cli^ harfdt, (pi. of (_ip-), letters, &c. a.
( i\j>' harraf, ingenious, clever; pleasant,
facetious, talkative, chatty, a. CL^^ hirfat, f. 'I trade, art, profession ; skill,
*Us»- huiam, uidawful, forbidden, sacred, sjjs- hiif'i, m. J ingenuity, cleverness, cun-
ning. a/iZi 7»)/a, men of skill, artists, a.
wrong, hardm ralchnd, a. to prohibit, to deem a thing
sacred or forbidden, hatdm-khor, m. one who lives C^Oj>- harahdt, (pi. of t^i^), movements,
on the wages of iniquity, haidm-zdda, unlawfully proceedings; the vowel-points, a.
( 352 )

^^u-5>- hussan or hassan, very good or veiy

%Z^^ harahat, motion, action, conduct, pro- beautiful, a.
cedure ;prevention, hindrance ; a short vowel, hara-
kat-lc, a. lit. to move ; generally it means to commit an
improper action, a. i» «...•>• hasah, m. pedigree, nobility ; C'n:i-
putation ; measure, proportion ; value ; way, mode or
'Ji^ harakati, m. an interrupter, a. manner ; religion, hasab-nasab, m. pedigree, a.

^A- haram, sacred, forbidden ; m. the sacred (._^.**.>- hash, agreeably, conformably, accord-
inclosure of the temple of Mecca ; f. a concubine, a ing to, in conformity with ; m. computing, reflectii g
wife, a daughter, the women's apartments, a seraglio upon, considering; quantity, measure, proporti<.ii,
(vulg. harem), a. value ; sufficiency ; number, hnsbu-l-imkdn, as far as
possible, hasbii-l hiikm, agreeably to orders, liaabn-
^J^^<'J^ hirman, m. repulse, disappointment, a. l-ma'mul, agreeably to custom, hasbi hdl or httsbi
■waki'a, agreeably to circumstances, as exigency may
d>.<p- hurmat, f. dignity, character ; chasti- require, hasbi dil-kfpfjdh, agreeably to one's desire, a.
ty, honour ; reverence, hurmat tnpid, a. to disgrace. 4^M*> hasad, f. envy, malice, emulation, am-
h^urmat denii, a. to bestow honour, to exalt; to lose
bition, hasad-pesha, envious, ambitious, a,
one's character, to incur disgrace, hnrmal-k., a. to
treat honourably and respectfully, l^urmai lend, a. to
violate, to ravish ; to disgrace, a. C^j*,.^ hasrni, f. regret, grief, desire, has-
rat-zada, struck with regret, woe-begone, afflicted, a.
jj ,>■ hurur, heat, warmth, a.
j^^»- hasan, good, beautiful, elegant; (often
uJjjs* huruf, (pi. of (— ip-) letters:, &c. ht- used as a man's name) the eldest of 'All's two sooe.
Hasan Maimandi, name of the vizir of Sultan Mahuiud
rufi hijd or hurfifi tahajji, the letters of the alphabet- of Ghazni. a.
an alphabet, a.

j>,»' harir, m. silk, silken cloth, a. ^j^-"^ Jntsn, m. beauty, elegance, goodness.
husiil ikhtiifdr, free-will. hus7ii iadb'ir, excellent ma-
ij>.y>- harira, ni. a kind of pap of milk and nagement, sound policy. Im.ivi khitdb, elegance of
flour, caudle, a. address, hiisyii khulk. a good dis| c^sition. htumii rd,c,
prudent counsel, sound judgment, husni 'ahd, good
faith, trustworthiness, l^usui zuiin, m. a good opinion,
i^j>.f>- hnr'irt, f. a very thin kind of paper, a. a favourable judgment, a.
i^^ljs*- 7ia?i5, covetous, greedy, gluttonous, a.
i5^*->- hasnd, envious, spiteful, malignant.
hitsi'id, envy, malice, spite, a,
(^^ j>- har'if, clever, cunning ; pleasant, fa-
; a rival, an enemy ; an associate, a partner
or opponent at plsty, a friend, a. ^^*-.>- hus'm, beautiful, elegant, a.
tj>->.js>- I'crlfl, cleveiness; rivalry, enmity, a. ^J^^*'^ husain, good, beautiful; a man's name,
the second of the two sons of 'All, who both suffered
martyrdom, a,
^_ ->- harim, m. a sacred place, a sanctuary ;
the enclosure of the temple of Mecca; a house or husaini, of or relating to husain; a
dwelling, a. species of grape, hnsainl-bulbnl (v biilbiil), a species
of bird of melody, husaini kabdb, a kind of stew. a. p.
^-^"f hizl), a portion of the JiU7-,a7i, being a
sixtieth part of the whole volume, a. (^[J^s^ husliash, ~1 m. the remains of life,
Mf- hnzm or hazam, vigilance, industry, stea- iJ^\JL»' hushaslia,) last breathings of a
diues?, caution, resolution, a. dying man. a.
jjl>- huzn, m. grief, sadness, affliction, a. {j^^iLsf hashshash, a forager, a grasscutii i-.
hashshdsh-bashshdsh (for hashshash), merry, hilarous. a.
^..f>- hazin, sad, afflicted, melancholy, jt*s>- hashar or hashr, m. a meeting, cong le-
grieved, doleful, a. gation, »ncourse ; the general resurrection of tlie
i4iy> hazini, f. grief, sadness, affliction, a. dead, tfaumu-l-hiashar, day of resurrection, a.
C^\JL»' Jiasharat (pi. of iJL>-), the buzzing
ly^s" hiss, m. sense, sentiment, feeling, imagi-
noise of a Ciowd ; reptiles, insects, animalcules. Ja-
nation sympathy,
; hissi bdtinl, internal sense, hissi shardtu-l-arz, reptiles, a. [sect. a.
sdliirt, external sense. liUsi mushtarik, common
sense, a.
ijL»- hashara or hasharat, a reptile, an in-
U-^V.—*- hisah. Til. computation, calculation,
i^.t.^- hnshri, violent and impetuous (a stal-
arithmetic, accounts. j^iVIft pdk-k., to clear accounts. lion), a.
hisdh-ddii, m an arithmetician. Yisdb raklind, a to
keep accounts of, to register, hhab raf-k., a. to settle saJl^- hdshfa, m. f/lans penis, a.
accounts, hisdh kitdb, m. accounts, hisub-k., a. to
calculate, hisdb land, a. to take accounts, hisdb-na- ^^■>- husliam, m. pomp, equipage, suite, o.
vls, m. an accountant, o.
l1^» L^- hashmut, f. state, dignity; equipage,
jlL-.*- hisabl, proper, accountable, accurate, retinue, train, parade, a.
just ; f. calculation ; m. an accountant, a.
yL»- hashu or hasho, m. stuffing a pillow,
(v»L<.^ hassas, possessed of the five senses ; cushion, bed, &c. ; also whatever they are stuffed with ;
m. (used substantively) an animal, a, people of the meanest condition ; small camels, hashw
ininlid or hasho minhd,!, subtraction, deduction ; the
j,l-*>- hitsam, i\ a sharp sword, a. quantity- deducted; (iu revenue language) rent-free. a.
) ^
\ta»- himr, m. an enclosure, a fence; a for-
( ^ ii>yas>- huzuz (pi. of la»-), pleasures, &c. a
titied place, a castle ; besieging, o.
Ll*B'^as^ hifdzat, f. memory; custody,
(_CjLa>' hisariy those who are besieged, a. guardianship, protection, hifdzat-k., a. to preserve, to
defend ; to repeat from memory ; to keep in memory, a.
OoLio*- hasanat, f. firmness, stability, dura-
bility, steadiuess; chastity, continence, a. «-Aft». hafsa, one of the wives of Muhammad, a.
lx.a>- hasbd, gravel, pebbles, a. laii»- hifz, m. memory ; custody, guardian-
ship, protection, hifzi mardtih, observing etiquette,
j*a»- hasr, m. a siege, blockade ; reckoning, attention to the rank, &c., of persons addressed, a.
counting, number, a. [tions. a.
Jis^ hajl, m. an assembly, council, congre.
(^ja^a^ /lisas (pi. of ifwo*-), shares, lots, por-
gation. a.
j^^-a*- kim, m. a castle, fortification, hisni ^ hahk, just, right, true; ra. the Deity;
itasln, an impregnable fortress; the title of a book of justice, rectitude ; lot, portion ; equity, hakk add-k., a.
Musalman traditions, a.
to render every one his due. hakku-s-su'l, m. the
wages of labour, recompense for trouble, hakku-llak,
^jyosf husul, m. acquisition ; profit, advan- the rights of God, punishment inflicted for religious
tage, produce, getting or attaining, a. offences, hakku-n-nds, the rights of man, punishment
&«a>- hissa, m. share, lot, portion, division. of crimes against society. 1},a1cku-n-ndzirin, something
left after a banquet for the servants or spectators.
iissa i hdkimt, the share of produce to which the king
or ruler is entitled, hhsa-ddr, a sharer, hissa-ddrt, l}ak^ ta'dlq, God is great, the Almighty. l^Mj<dlo
jalal, the Deity in all his splendour, hakki hawdla-
f. sharing, being entitled to a share; copartnership. ddr, the allowance of grain given to shajjtnas (q. v.),
^issa-rasad. an equal share, a proportional part, ^issa- generally at the rate of a seer (ser) and a-half to every
kashl, distribution of shares, ^issa i lidll, a plough- maund (man), hakk-ddr, proprietor. ]j.ukk liakk-k.,
man's share or wages in kind. a.
n. to be very hungry, hakki-zamlnddr'i, a zaninuiar's
hissait, a shareholder, a. proprietary right, ^akk-shinds, knowing and i erforni-
ing one's duty ; rendering to every one his due ; grate-
j<-a>- hafir, m. a mat for sitting on. a. ful, hakk-shindsl, gratitude, tiakki-kmiuiichdri, -sai/dii-
chdri or -thokddri, dues and fees to kamtns or village
jjpya>- hasin, strong ; fortified, a. servants, generally amounting to 3 per cent, hukk
men, with respect to. ]iakk-nd-]^akk, right or wrong.
J^ta>- huzzar (pi. of j^iU-), those present, hiakk-nd-shinds, ungrateful, undutiful. liakJc hund, u.
spectators, auditors, assistants, a. _, to die. a.
K^L^\*a>' hazanat or hizanat, the bringing up ^Jis^ ^a,fe;^an, really, truly, hahhd, hy God. a.
of children in the Musalman faith, a.
C^Iao- hilidrat, f. contempt, scorn, affront,
fta>- hazar, ni. residence, resting, remaining disgrace, vileness, baseness, a.
in a place, presence ; rest or repose (in opposition to i^^SLsf hahkdni, true, perfect, divine, a.
saj'ar, journeying, moving about), a.
O^j-o*- hazrat, f. presence; dignity; ma- Jjjlft*" haha,ik (pi. of 0>ajkg->.), truths, a.
jesty, highness, &c. (a title addressed to the great,
such as our words Excellency, Eminence, HoIines8,\c.). cLoJ^^Jj*- hakh-hhent, presents made to na-
tive officers in authority, a. h.
^azrat ^illi subhdni, m. his majesty, the shadow of
God, the king, ^azrat 'isd, Jesus Christ, c. eJSLs" hukna, m. a syringe, a squirt, a clyster-
pipe, a clyster, a glister, a.
jy^>- huzuVf m. presence, appearance, atten-
dance ; court, government ; the town or station at
which the chief authority is resident (the other towns Jj^fl>- huhuk (pi. of ^f»>), rights, duties, a
and places subject to the same authority are termed eSL^ hukha, m. the pipe, &c., in which to-
ghaibat) : used also in the sense of " your honour," bacco issmoked ; a grenade or bomb ; a box for hold-
" your highness." huzuri pur-tiur, his illustrious ma- ing jewels or drugs, ^ukka-barddr, the servant who
jesty, ^uzur-talab, being called to the presence, sum- prepares the ^u^^a. l^uJcke bdz, a jxx^gler; a grenadier.
moning attendance, liuzur-navis, a private secretary, a.
" hukka, although an Arabic word, signifies a pipe
only in India : no Arab would use it in this sense.
^jya>- huzurt, m. an attendant ; f. pre- The word signifies, in Arabia, Egypt, and Syria, a
sence ;adj. of or belonging to the court, royal, a.
small round box or casket." — Binning, a.
(,^>oJua>- haziZy low ; (substantively) the CL*JSL»- hakhli/at, f. right, share, proprietor-
lower extremity or surface of any thing; the foot of a ship, claim, property, a,
mountain ; (in astronomy) the lower apsis in an eccen-
tric orbit (opposed to auj, the zenith), a. _^j<ft>- hakir, contemptible; thin, lean; vile.
^lla>. hutavi, any thing brittle or dry, minute haktr-jdnnd, a. to contemn, to despise, a.
' or paltry ; worldly goods, a. i^jsis" /ia/«ri, contemptibleness; leanness, a.
i^-Jas*- hatah, firewood, hatib, very lean,
d/O^g^- Jiahthat, f. account, narration, rela-
thin, lank (like a stick), a.
tion, explanation ; truth, sincerity. Ifakikat-ndyna, a
)a>- huzz, m. pleasure, delight ; flavour, written statement of particulars, a.
taste ; good fortune, felicity, l}azzi na/sdni, sensual
pleasures, a. 'CSLiAs- hakihatan, really, truly, a.
^lAfl*- hahlki, real, true, certain, accurate,
^^>- hazr, m. prohibition, seclusion, forbid-
ding ;harshness, rudeness, a.
just, own. fiakii.i bhd,'i, a full brother, a.
2 A
( 3o4 )

t,dJl5>- 7///7.7;,rn.erasure,scratchinq;out. hakh-k., &>!>■ hulbti, fenugreek, tragacanth. a.

a. to erase, hakk-h., to be erased, a.
j_jXs»- htilubi, of or belonging to Aleppo, made
cilKs- hohkak, m. a cutter and polisher of in Aleppo (a mirror), a.
precious stones ; a lapidarj'. a. (JLa-Uo- hiliit (also hiltis), assafoetida. a.
^o^s>- hukham (pi. of ^l>-), governors, rulers,
commanders, magistrates, a. (— ftis- half, an oath, a vow. half-nama, an
affidavit, a declaration upon oath, halfi duru^, per-
,^^->- hukkami, a term applied to grants of jury, false-swearing, a.
' land made by the officers of government, a. Jji>- halk, 1m the wind-pipe, the throat.
C--'bK>- hihat/at (pi. of do^Ks-), tales, &c. a.
^^ai»- hulkum,} hulk par chliuri ackhna
CIa^Oo- JiiJiai/at, f. a liistoiy, romance, story, (explained by kdwish Jiond), to be menaced, a.
. tale, narration, hikdyat-k., to relate, a. ss^^- halka, m. a ring, a circle ; a loop, a but-
*>*»■ hnkm, m. order, command, flecree. per- ton-hole ;a kind of fireworks ; a knocker (of a door) ;
mission, htikm-uthaim or -nikdind, a. to draw at cards. a village circuit or boundary-line, hulka-ba-gosh, a
hnhm-middz, obedient to directions; an archer, one slave, a servant, i. e. one who wears a ring in his ear
who hits the mark (with an arrow, bullet, &c.). }f.ukm- as a badge of servitude, halka-ba-gvshi, f. servitude,
vdma, m. a written order, a. slavery, hatka-zan, one who knocks, a.

^s»- hakam, m. an umpire, a mediator, an ^_^i»- haUd, guttural letters, (e c ^ » j. _). a.

arbitrator, hikam, knowledge, science, wisdom, &c. a.
j,ys>- hihn, m. coolness, temperateness; mild-
Uxs«. huhama (pi. of ^»JkXs^), piiilosopliers, ness, affability, gravity. Ic-hilm, merciless, severe, a.
sages ; phj'sicians ; wise men in general, a.
iy.5»- haltra, m. a kind of sweetmeat made of
d.*^>- hilwiaf, f. wisdom, knowledge ; skill, flour, ghi, and sugar, hnlwd-sohan. m. name of a
cleverness ; philosophj', mystery ; principle, a. sweetmeat, halwd-machli'i, the pomflet fish, l^alwa
nikdind, a. to beat severely, a,
^^J^S-s' Inhmati, clever, philosophic, a.
^\y*». halrcan, m. a kid, a lamb. a.
i^_»So- huhnii, obedient to directions (gene-
■ rally applied to medicine), a. k^^^y^^ haln'ci,!, m. a confectioner; a maker or
vendor of halwd, q. v. ; name of a caste or tribe in the
OU^s- AwAjma^ (pi. irreg.),orders,rules. a. lower Du,ab. a.
dx^^ hukumat, f. dominion, sovereignty,
(^^}^^ hahvayan,
appellation of a caste f.ora tribe
in the lower wife;
Du,ab. the
government, jurisdiction, authority, hiikumali 'adl, a
just award, a decision by just arbitrament, a.
J^l>- hulul, m. descent; stopping or sojourn-
^^J^ hahhi, m. an erasing-knife. a. ing; entering or penetrating ; transmigration, a.

/^if^" halt'vii, a sage, philosopher ; a physi- 5^1s»> halrca (v. halwa), sweetmeat, a.
cian, adoctor, in the general sense of the term. o.
C>b^l>- halwiyat (pi.), svveetn)eats. a.
lO^^iSo- hahxmana, like a sage, wisely, a.
e\s- hiilla, m. a robe, a garment, a.
^J:>o- Jwhinn, f. the practice of medicine ;
d\s- holla (for havdii), assault, attack, h.
"adj. of or relating to men of wisdom, a.
^Js^' hall, m. solution, loosening, untying. ,^^5»- Indi, f. jewels, ornaments, a.
^.all-kdri, f. gilding, hall-k., a. to loosen, to solve, to
dissolve, discuss, to dilute, hall-hond, to be solved, jJ^ hullni, mild, affable, unassuming, tract-
overcome (as difficulties), a. able ;a kind of food dressed in the Mu^arram. a,
— .^Is*- hallaj, m. a comber,n carder of cotton, a. X*f- himar, m. a male ass; the wild ass.
ijy^s- haled, legal, legitin^ate, lawful, right; l^ammdr, an ass-driver, a.
Ca woman) laying aside mourning for the death of her (_f\^>- /?mari, asinine, stupid ; f. stupidity, a.
husband at the expiration of a hundred days (during
which time she is not by law allowed to marry). Jirddl- l1ajUs»- himaJiuty f. folly, stupidity, a.
khor, m. a person of the lowest caste, generally a
sweeper, or employed in the meanest and dirtiest occu-
pations, so called because every thing is lawful food to Jl»s- hammal, a porter, a carrier of burthens,
him. haldl-khori, f. the business or state of a sweeper, a palki-bearer. a.
&:c. ; a female sweeper, &c. haldl-k., a, to slav accord- b^y^s^ hamala or havialat, bearing, becoming
ing to the forms prescribed hy the Muhammadan reli-
gion to
; murder ; to marry, a. pregnant, hammdla, fem. (of l}.ammdl), a woman who
ioears burdens, itc. a.
&jiks»- halala, f. a woman married again with
ner first divorcer, after she had been divorced by her X^>- hummam, m. a warm-bath, a bagnio, a.
second husband, u.
U:l^>. hamama, stone parsley, Jamaica pep-
JL^^'^'S- hal(in-at,L sweetness; deliciousness.a.
4__J^- hiiluh, the city of Aleppo in Syiia. a. per, a.
(<o'-»j>- hammann, a bath or bagnio-keeper. <a.
( 356 )

'.W*- himayat, f. protection, defence, guar-
Jiova.vl, m. (pi. of «Jlo^ q. v.),
stomachs, &c. ; an animal of whose skin theythings
^\y make
dianship, patronage, countenance, himayat-lc, a. to
defend, to patronise, a. garments ; a pelican, a.

^i\^>- himayatl, deliverer, protector, a. '^':^\y^ hatmlcit, If. (|)l.()f «Jlj5-)

i^jUs»- h(mia,id (pi. of Si\av>.), praiseworthy '-^'^^ hawfdajat,) given in charge.arge, trusts,
qualities; laudable deeds or conduct, a, deposits, a. J^
^jUs»- hama,H, f. a sword-belt huno; from the j^i^\^ hairal-dar (for Jmimla-dar), m. a
shoulders ; a necklace of flowers ; a small hir,dn sus- military officer of inferior rank, vulg. havildar. a. p
pended to the neck as an amulet. ttamd,il-k., to
sling across the shoulders (a gun or sword), a. sji^>. haivula, m. charge, custody, care, ha-
wdle, in the charge or care of anj' one, &c. a.
S^s" havul, f. praise (of God), a.
j'ti&Jljs- hmcala-dar, one employed to pro-
j^>- havir, 1 red, of a red colour ; m. bitu- tect the grain before it is stored ; a steward or agent
employed for the management of a village, a
!^*5^ hamra,} men, naphtha, a.
jj\^ hatvall, f. environs, outskirts, suburbs.
^j^sf hnmh or humuli, ra. foolishness, stu-
pidity, inadvertency, a. "]iawdli,e sJiahr, environs of a city. a.

\i»s»- humalid (pi.), fools, stupid fellows, a. (O^ hut, f. fish ; the sign Pisces, a.

,_}>♦>- haml, m. a burden, a load, haml-h., h-ur, If. a virgin of paradise; a celes-
a. to load, to impute, to accuse, to ascribe; the fruit hun, J tial bride promised by Mu-
(of the womb), pregnancy ; fruit (of any kind), hamal, hammad to all good Musalmans in the next world ; a
the first sign of the zodiac, called Aries or the ram. a.
black-eyed nymph, a.
&.l»»- hanila, m. an attack, onset, storming,
an assault ; (fig.) concubitus. a.
8jj5>- hauza, m. a track, side, part, middle, a.
^s>i.^^5>• hausila or hatiscda, m. the stomach,
Jj-»s» humma, a fever (pi. hummayat). a. maw, crop ; (met.) resolution, desire, ambition, capa-
city, spirit. }}ausila-mand, ambitious, aspiring, o.
cll>x»s> haviiyat, f. ardour, impetuosity, zeal;
a nice sense of honour, a. [^y" hauz, ra. a reservoir, a pond, the basin
of a fountain, a tank, vat. a.
iiiX^^- Jiamld, ^praised; laudable, glorious.
{jy- haul, changing, returning ; passing by
iSx^s- hamida,) akhlaki haviida, praise- or over; detaining; power, strength ; deceit; a year,
worthy jkawa/, squinting, blind of an eye. a.
fications, a. disposition, ausafi-'fyamida, laudable quali-
jitX)^ hawaldar (for haival-dar, q. v.). a. p.
,_y-*>- hamil, m. a son of a whore, a bastard ;
a surety; herbs, sticks, &c., carried down by the A^__^ haweli, house, dwelling, habitation ;
stream, a.
' lands in the vicinity
were devoted of towns,
to the support the military
of the revenuesgarrison,
of whicha.
Us"- hinna, f. the tret? with which the Indians
stain their hands and feet {Lawsonia inermis). a. jj*- haiy, alive; a family, a tribe, haiy
"kaii/um, eternal, immortal, haiy Id-yamui, eternal
^^lis* hhina^i, of the colour of hinna. a. imperishable, a.
Us" haya, f. modesty, shame. Jiaya-dar,
modest, possessed of modesty, a.
\y^ haniara,
-j". . '_ \I m- the
. ^ throat,
. the gullet, the
■^ ' . ■ I windpipe, a. OIas^ hayat, f life, hayati taza, new life,
^j4^ honjara,) regeneration (used to express recovery from severe
illness), the pleasure derived from meeting with a
J.iajc- han^al, wild gourd, colocynth. a. friend, a.
1»s»- haivwa, Eve, the mother of mankind, a.
^Usi. hayati, existence, life. a.
ui-'ilas*- Jiawadis (pi. of &"iui^j>-),a, accidents, CLj'Xss" hiyazat, lit. accumulation ; (in law)
occurrences ; misfortunes, calamities, joint acquisition of an article (having no owner) by
OlSi^»s»- hawadisat, occurrences, misfor- two or more persons, a.
tunes, a.
CL*.jSi£- haisiynt, f. ubiquity, univei-sality ;
capacity, ability, merit ; conditional proposition, a.
ijS^ han-arl, m. having a white skin ; a
washerman, fuller; a friend, a companion ; an apostle,
tJos.- haidar, a lion, a man's name, hauhir-
a disciple or apostle (of Jesus Christ); a friend, asso- dhdd, Hyderabad, name of a city in the Deccan, and of
ciate, companion (of MuJ}ainmad). a.
anotherdar. a. "in Guzerat. h,aidari, of or belonging to Hai-
{^^^ hawaxs (pi. of &.Z\s>'), the senses.
astonished, con-
founded, disturbed,perplex
the five senses, out
a. of one's senses, hawdssi Jchamsa, ij\^ hairan,

^_^^»s^ hnirani, f. astonishment, perturbation,

yj^''^ hawashi (pi. of xA^W), followers, confusion or distraction of mind. a.
"attendants ; margins, borders, a.
( ^ )

(Ojks» hairiit, f. stupor, perturhation, asto- f^}> -i- hhatTm, f. a lafly, a matron, khatuni
nisliiiifnt. kiiirat-afzd, increasinjr one's amazement ; jannat, tlie queen of heaven (the title given to Fatima
astonishing, hairatzuda, struck with astonishment, a. the daughter of Muhammad), p.

^_^^jc»- huirafi, astonished, bewildered, a. ^Is*- khad, a kite; a falcon

{^^ ; an eagle, p.
A^->- hhadim, m. a servant, khadimu-t-tulaha,
\is>- haiy'tz, m. a place, part, a tract of ground; a public teacher, a professor (of a college), khadimi
a court-yard, an area. a. dargdh, a servant who takes care of a tomb (mosque,
(^^jO(^jia-»>- haisbais, f. perplexity, hesitation, ^c-j- a. [tombs, mosques, &c. d.
suspense, a perplexed business, a dilemma, a.
^j\*ii^ khadiman, pi. servants in charge of
{^jAfS" haiz, f. the menses, waladu-l-haiz, a ft/«5i>- khadima, a female servant, a.
term of reproach, a,
j^iili" hhadbuif f. service, serving, a.
ig^^ haiztf a wicked brat. a. [sure. a.
jU- khar, m. a thorn, spine, thistle, bramble;
<ua^ h'lta, m. a court, a place, an enclo- a spur, a cock's spur. l(hdr dnkhon kd, an eye-sore,
disagreeable, khdr-bundn, roots of thorns or brambles,
i^JLi»- haiff m. iniquity, violence, oppression; Jehar-bast or khar-bandi, a fence or hedge ; a stockade.
interj. ah ! alas! ^.aif hashad lei, 'twere a pity that, a, khar-pusUt, m. a porcupine {Hystr'u). khdr-khdr, dis-
quietude, khdr-ddr, troublesome, arduous, barbed,
iS-i^" haift, grief, sorrow, regret, a. thorny, khdr-kash, a woodcutter, khdr-kan, one who
digs or plucks up thorns, khdr o khas, m. sweepings,
^y^s^' hiyal{y\.oiiX^), tricks, stratagems, a. any thing vile. p.

*)ut». h'lla, ra. stratagem, deceit, pretence, \j^ khar a. a stone of extreme hardness ; a
trick, hila-bdz, artful, a cheat, hllabdzl, knavery, species of waved silk ; adj. flinty or hard, as a stone.
artfulness, hlla-saz or hlla-gar, a knave, " an artful Jihard-sang, a kind of marble, p.
dodger;" ^j/a-so«l, /iJZa-gar?, knavery, o.
mfj^ hharij. external, without, beyond, out-
jjjs»- hln, m. time, interval or period of time. cast, kharij-k., a. to exclude, khdrij-hvnd, to be ex-
yuii haydt, life-time. a. cluded, exempted, khdrij jam', land separated from
the revenue, and sold by the zamlndars ; it is here-
jjl^jks»- hainan, m. a brute or irrational ani- ditary, and consequently alienable by the holder of
mal, in contradistinction to insdn, a human being, a. it, whether by deed, gift, or otherwise, o.

C^'Jl^jL*- hahvanat, animals, living crea- &^j'>- kharija, m. the word at the bottom of
tures, a. a page, which is repeated at the beginning of the next,
an asterisk, a catch word. a.
jil»-s»- haircdni, brutal, beastly, a.
^.■*,.«jl>\^jl»- haiwanijjat, brutality ; in contra- {^ff'^j^
"a rebel ; kJiUrij'i, m. a seceder,whoa do
a sect of Muhammadans schismatic,
not reckon
dlstinctioa to insdnhjat, humanity, a. 'All among the legal successors of the prophet : they are
the mortal enemies of the Riifizis or Shi'as, who reject
C^^isf hayat or hai,uf, life, existence, a. Abu-bakr, ' Umar, and ' Usmdn, while Sunn'is consider
the lour as legal successors. Yet the Shi'as apply the
terra khariji to the Siinnls . a.

jj^ kharaz. a dish prepared of eggs. d.

the itch, the scab, the
mange, f.
iJl*-i khdri
i» hhari sht,} 'If. i
j_^«j,\^ kharishti, mangy, itchy, scabby, p.
^ khe, called M5,e mankuta or kha.e mu'jama,
the seventh letter of the Arabic, the ninth of the Per- [Jj'^ nominy, p. f. (for khryaii) meannes.'*, ig-
sian, and tenth of the Hindustani alphabets, has the
sound of the Greek x,'- it is a guttural letter, formed
by compression of the top of the throat near the ^^jl*- khdzin, a treasurer, custodier, a.
mouth, and contains a mixture of the sounds of A: and h :
it has no corresponding sound in the Englisli language, j^Jwl^-
away. p.khdi<tan (r. khez^, to rise up, to go
•but is expressed by the Scottish pionunciatiou of cA
in the word Auchtermuchty. In abjad it stands
for 600. a. p. s^Xm*"^ khdsta, (in comp.) risen, sprung up.^.
uiJl-^'i»- khdshdk. m. sweepings, chips, leaves,
'\s>- kha (v. kha,ida7i), in comp. chewing or shavings, rubbish, p.
gnawing; as, tuti,e shakar-kjui, the sugar-chewiug
parrot, p.
j^\i>- Mass, excellent, noble, pure, unmixed;
Jjl»- khutim, a ring worn on the fingers ; a particular, private, what is kept for the king's (or
seal. Midtimu-l-ainbiyd, the seal of prophets, i. e. Mu- master's) private use, own, proper, peculiar, single,
ham ad, a. gentle : in revenue language the term is applied to
lands the rents of which are not leased out, but col-
lected immediately by the officers of government, ap-
&^'i»- Miatima, m. conclusion, epilogue, finis, pointed for that sole purpose, khass-ajir, private or
«nd. khdtima band'i, f. a kind of workmanship, of domestic servants or slaves. khdss-le,o, land under
wlvich they make bows ; the ceiling of a roof. a. the management of the sovereign, khdss chela, the
( 357 )
head disciple in a monastery, tchass-hiil, a rent-free siijdh-k., a. to plunder and lay w.iste a country, to ili^-
^ja\ under the manaf^emont
tenure, khdss-mahdl. districts predate. hhdk-sho, m. a person in the mint who
washes the asl es to recover any particles of bullion
of government, khdss-tiavls, a private secretarv ; a
government clerk or accountant. Ichtiss-uavhi. of or which may have fallen ; the man wlio prepares earth
relating to government clerks or accountants. kli(7ss- for brick-making or pottery, kjidk-k., a. to wa'^te, to
ruin, to demolish, khdk men mildi,d, a. to destroy, to
zam'm, land of which
ty government, the revenueni. isa collected
khass-barddr. directly
servant who in a spoil, to demolish, khdk men milnd, n. to die, to
great man's retinue carries a firelock. Ichdss-la'alluJc, perish ; to be ruined, demolished. Ichdk ho jdna, n.
lands exclusively belonging to government, from the to moulder or pine away. a.
original proprietors having died without heirs, khdss
^awdss, attendants, domestics, ministers, properties, oU- khahd, ni. a plan, sketch, draft, outline,
qualities. }{hass-makul, m. private apartment, the
delineation, p. JU
apartments of married women (in opposition to khurd
nta^al, or apartments of the concubines); (met.) first- 8ii^iili>- khdk-tuda, a mark or butt of earth
married wife, khdss o 'am, noble and plebeian, a. for shooting at. p,
^^\Jo\^ hhassdn, pi. the noble ; persons of
high rank. a. [especially, in particular, a. ^jliW lj»- khah-ddn, m. a place whore rubbish
is placed ; also a sack, fitc. in which it is carried ;
«<fil^ khassat, special, private, khassatan, (met.) the world, p.

^jjiiXoU- khass-dan, m. a wallet, a port- JLJ^\s>' kJiakisfar, f. ashes ; calx of metals.

manteau, p. [culiarity. p. jchdkistar-hond.n. tohe calcined or reduced to ashes. p.

^^ol>- khassagi, f. excellence, nobility; j)e- ^/PL-5li- khdkistarl, ash-coloured, p.

s>tO^ hhassa, excellent, pure, noble, elegant,
^^^S\i^ khdhsln, f. a small weight u^^ed liy
good, charming, delightful, pretty, fine, virtuous; m.
"goldsmiths ; a kind of red bramble; a small red seed
fine more
cotton cloth,particularly
a. a king's meal ; a kind of used in medicine, chiefly as an eye-salve, p.

i^o^ khassi. excellent, noble, a. j_^l>- Main, dusty, terrestrial, eiirthen; a

Hindu mendicant who smears his body with the ashea
of cow-dun{> ; the name of a kind of arrow, khdkl
«JlAJk*tfl>- kJiassiyat, f. quality, peculiarily, in-
nate property, natural disposition, a. atidu, \u. au addled egg, wind egg; a term of re-
P'"*''*'"^'- P- [hammadanjakirs. p.
c^aV^Ij*- khatib, a preacher, a public speaker, a.
jjljkili*- Jihakiydn, pi. a deiiomination oi' jfJu-
Jo\s>' khatir, f. the heart, soul, inclination,
memory, (iropensity, account, sake, will, choice.
d/li- kJidn, an egg. hJuKjvia, ni. fried cigs,
khdiir-dzuidii, melancholy, dejected, sad. klidtir- a kind of dish made of eggs, an omelet, pancake, inc. p.
dsliijta, distressed, dispirited, agitated, khdtir-jam'.
collected, comforted, contented, tranquil, at ease; f. jjl>- kJidl, m. a mole on llie i'aco (bbifk and
satisfaction, assurance, encouragement, khdtir-jain'i, ornamental) ; an artifici;il spot made for ornament; a
f. comfort, confidence, khdtir-khudk, agreeable to maternal uncle, mother's brother, kndl-kldl, thick,
one's wishes, khdtir-ddri. encouragement, comfort, close, thickly spread ; little, scarce ; adv. occasionally,
now and then, a
gratification, satisfacti- n. klatir-dd.^lit, f. complaisance,
regard, khatir rakhnd, a. to conciliate, to encourage,
to comfort, to quiet, klidtir-k.. a. to fondle ; to be de- yV»' klid/d, f. mfitorial aunt, mother's sister.
sirous of pleasing ; to encourage, to comfort, khatir kldld kd ghar or kldld mdvid kd ghar, (lit. the house of
men rakhnd, a. to remember jdatir men lur.d, a. to re-
one's aunt) signifies a place of rest and security, a.
gard, to attend to. khuiir-iiisliun. imprinted on the
memory, by heart. klidtir-7iishi)i, fixed in the memory, i^T-s^ hhdldi'i, dfseended from or related to
by heart ; chosen, beloved, a. [mory. a.
the maternal
maternal aunt. aunt,
a. fchdtdli hhd't, a cousin, son of
^jis\^ Mafiran, willingly; by heart or nie-
i^f-*y^ khd!d,i,m. the husband of a mother's
t-fli^'s"- ^^af?/', seizing, snatching, removing.a. sister, (same as ]chdlu\ a,
^jls^ kJidflf occult, concealed, a.
(^Jl*- khnlis, pure, sincere ; m. a friend, a.
jjlili- khakdn, m. a king, emperor (the term &^aj\»' kldlisa, pure, sinc(MG ; m. the exche-
is generally applied to the sovereign of China and quer, or royal office for the collection and receipt of
Chinese Tartary). a. the revenues, and for the determination of causes re-
lating thereto; land held inmiediately from govern-
ment, khdlisa kachahri, the exchequer oflice. khdlisa
^li'li^ khahdnl, royal, imperial ; name
a most celebrated poet of Persia, a.
of sharlfa, the royal exchequer, a.

ti)l»- khdk, f. dust, earth, hhdh-hdzi, f. play- J^^ Mjulih, 'h« Cnator, the Deity, a.
ing with dust. Jchdk-phdiikiid, a. to wander, to stray. Jls* Main, maternal uncle, husband of a
khCik-tiida, m. a butt or mark of earth, for shooting
arrows at. khdk chhdiind, (lit. to sift the dust) ex- mother's sister, a.
presses excessive labour and exertion in fruitless
search, khdk ddlni, is used to express the concealing
of those things from the disclosure of which disgrace is>)l>- Mala, (v. Maid), f. a mother's sister, a.
may be expected, khdk-rob, m, a sweeper, a menial ser- j3li»- Mdl'i, empty, vacant ; pure, mere, only,
vant of the lowest caste, khdk-ruha. m. sweepings, khuk- unmixed; unoccupied, unemployed, khdli-hdth, empty-
zud, earth-born, made of dust, khdk-sdr. base, mean,
lowborn, a humble suppliant, khdk-sdri, f. meanness, handed,
Shawal ;pennyless. unarmed.
lit. the v;icant month,IJJdiPKili'nia. the month
so ci.llod from being
hiuiiility. ^aA- sir par ufdud, a. to lament, khdk the only month in wlikh no ksiival takes place, p.
( 358 )
J^ kham, raw, unripe, immature, kham-am- 4^beols»- kkdna-hdrl, a family house, p.
dani, gross receipts of revenue in rupees of sort, khdm-
pdru, a t rm of abuse, applied to a woman who has .jls»- khdrvar, m. the west, but often used by
been cohabited with before the a^e of maturity, khfim- poets for the east, also for the sun. p.
slmrwd, m. half boiled soup. Jrhdm-sliob, half- washed,
rinsed khdin-fah', foolish, dull, khdin-tab'l, stupidity, ^jljjlj>- khdwardn, the east and west ; the name
perversity. Ichdm-tama' . entertaining vain desires. Anwari.
of p. in Murdsdn, the birthplace of the poet
a district
]chd?n-ta)na'?, a depraved or vain desire. Ichdm-'akli, ra.
foily, weak understanding. Mjam-kdri, awkwardness,
unskilfulness. p.
i^j^\j>-hhdwari, solar, western ; also eastern, j)'
(jS^li- Mamush, silent, ^same as khd- j3jl=- khawind or khdrvand, m. lord, master,
j-l/o\s»- khamusht, f. silence, J mosh, kha- husband. Mawind-A-., to marry (a woman), p.
"moshl. p. [horses, p. eO^JOjli-
or master, khd/vinddna,
p. in the manner of a lord
(^yo\if khdmosh, silent ; m. a disease in
^^tyXs" khdmoshi, f. silence, taciturnity, p. j_5'iVj\i»- Mdrvindi, f. dominion, mastership, p.
&<cls»- khdma, m. a pen, a writing-reed. i_ Q i\'^ Mdjf, timid, pusillanimous, afraid, a.
]chdma-ddn, m. a pen-case, p,
^Is*" khd,m, a deceiver, a traitor, a.
1^^=^ khami, f. rawness, unripeness; loss. f.
eol^ khdya, m. a testicle ; an e^^i. hhdyn-
f^Ss- khan, m. lord, prince, a title principally barddr,a. cringing fellow, khdi/a- harddri-k., a. to cringe.
used by pathdns : in Persia this title is applied to a
prince or governor of a province, but in Hindustan it khdi/a chumdnd, a. to disregard, to be disobedient, to
signifies the lowest order of Mughal nobility, p. be stubborn, not to submit to obedience, khdtja salt-
land, a. to curry favour, khdya-kashlda, m. an eunuch. />.
LLf\:A\s- khanaiat (pi. of ioli-), houses, dwell-
ings, mansions, &c. p. [prime-minister, s. (j;iJols»- khdytdan, to gnaw, to chew. p.
Clj3Vis>- Jihahrixdt, f. wickedness, depravity.
^jL>Li-|jLs>- khdn-khandn, lord of lords, a khabdsati jibilll, innate depravity, a.

j\s>^\»- ]th~m-ddr, \ properly khdna-ddr. jljki- khnhhdz, ni. a baker, khahbdzi^ f. bak-
jloo'vi- kfiaa-dan,)
^g)^^'o- khdii-ddnj q. v. under hhana. f. ing, the business of a baker, a.

^^Si\s>' khdnddn, m. family, household, hhdn- c^aas>- hhnhs, m. malice, malignity, spiteful-
ddn k'l 'aldmat, f. armorial bearings, p. ness, pertld}', impurity, a.

^jUL-ili*. Mdnmmdn, m. a house-stewanl, j). ji^ Miaban,i'. tie%vs, advices, rumours, report,
fame, account, khubar basant kl puchhni, to ask after
j3l«L*jl5>- khdnsdmdm, f. the household de- the basant, q.v., expresses extreme ignorance or negli-
partment, iucluding all e.xpenditures on that score, p.
gence, khabari khizar'i. report, sudden news, guess-
ing what is to happen {Jchiznr (v. khu-dja khizar), was a
jlHJls"- hhdnhdh, 'jf. a monastery, a religious prophet, skilled in divination, and hence, when from
certain symptoms the public guess at the intentions of
eswio'^S- khdnakah, > establishment for holy government, &;:c., intelligence of such intentions, &c.,
8lX-)li- khdnagdh, J men. p. isc&Wedkhnhari
informed; m. an khizarl']. informer,khahar-ddr, careful,
a spy, a scout cautious;
; interj. have
^jr_)li- khangi, domestic; f. a prostitute, j)- a care ! khabar-ddrl, f caution, care ; informing. Itha-
bur rakhnd, n. to be informed, acquainted, khnbar-
j»)l5» khdnam, a lady, a woman of rank, a 'afar, intelligence, news, khabar-k. or dend, a. to ap-
' princess, p. prise, to inform, khabiir-gir, a spy, an informer; a
protector, a patron, khabar-url, f. spying, informing;
jjl*Sl=>- khnimidn, also khdn-o-mdn, m. house- aiding, protecting, khabar lend, a. to accommodate, to
hold furniture, domestic, every thing belonging to the allow,
into, to khabar give, bond,
to taken. care
to be of", to look after,
informed, a. to inquire
house. khdiimdn-Mardb, rviined, desolated, p.
id\^\s- khdnawdda, a family household ; the C^ji-s" kh'^^'cf, ^- wisdom, learning; expe-
mistress of a family ; adj. noble, of an ancient family, p. rience, experiment, trial, proof, a.
k-s- khf^ht, m. making a mistake ; madness,
eols"- hhdna, m. house, place, dwelling; a
insanity, a.
drawer, a partition, compartment ; department. Mdiia-
abdd, a benediction, meaning, may your house flourish.
Idmna-ba-dosh, (used substantively) a traveller, a pil-
Was- khf'bfi, erring ; mad, insane, a.
grim, a gypsey, rover, sojourner, khdna-bar-middz, a
prodigal, a spendthrift, khdna-parddzi, domestic ma- t^jui^ khuh'if, wicked, malignant, impure;
nagement, economy. Jdidria-jang, quarrelsome, a m. an evil spirit a.
brawler. Ichdna-jangi, f. domestic strife, civil war,
skirmish, duel, bickering, khdna-khdyia, cellular, khdiia- Olijuc^ Mi'i^mt^ (P'O things impure, a.
khardb. ruined, khdiia-khardbi, f. ruination, khdna-
khicdd. master of a house, khdna-ddr, m. family man. 1aa»- Mabifi, f. a malignant woman, a.
khdna ddil, f the stateof the master of a family, khdna-
ddmdd, a son-in-law, who lives in the house of his .xxi- Malir, knowing, wise, skilful, learned, a.
father-in-law. khdna-dost, fond of staying at home
(a term of abuse), khdnu-zdd, the child of a slave. <jJli- Jihiitako\Iih>ittah, m. a club, a stick, p.
As the last member of a compound khdna denotes place
or residence, as kutub-khdna, a book-house, library, p. \lii- Wiutlui, 111. a club; the penis, f.
( 359 )
*«>^ hJwdsha, m. fenr, alarm,
I^AS"- hhatm, m. ooncliisioii, seal, end ; (used doubt, question, apprehension, solicitude.
adjectively) done, finished, khatmu-'l-ambi yd or -mur-
sal/ii, tlie last of the prophets or apostles, Muhammad.
4irt/;«-t., to conclude. Ma/ w-/t., to be finished, a. ^S^ hhadam (pi. of .^li^), servants, domes-

tics, retinue, attendants, p.
j_5-»l5«- Jihatavn, a complete perusal of the (OUcXi- hhid'/nat (pi. of uL*/0i3i.), services,
"Jcur,an, from beginning to end. a. situations, appointments, p.
(J^ khatan, m. circumcision ; feast ; the
CL*kM- hhidmnf, f. servioo, employment,
nearest relations to a woman ; a son-in-law. a.
ofBce, appointment, duty, use; the royal presence.
fji^" hhutan, a district of Tartary famed for khidmat-k., a. to serve, to attend, to wait on ; (met.) to
musk ; also Tartary. p. satirize, to beat. khidmaZ-adr, m. a male domestic who
waits at table, a servant, khidmat-gdnil, a female do-
«jus»- Jthatna, m. circumcision, a. mestic, khidmaf-garl, f. attendance, ministry, a.
jjUJki- ikhatiyan, flax, lint, linen stuff, d. j\^S:UiS»- hhidmai-guzar, an attendant; adj.
forward, obliging, ready to serve, p.
dJls?" Jthijalat, f. bashfulness, shame, a.
^^'iX^>X5- hhidmat-guzan, f. service,
votedness, readiness to oblige or serve, p.
eCL-js?" khujista, happy, fortunate, auspicious,
blest, p.
^'cJc"- hhidmafi, of or belonging to service,
^y^ khajal, modest, bashful, ashamed, a.
one who is employed; an official, p.
d^^ hhijlat, f. shame (v. Jthijalat). khij-
lat tithanl, or -khdnl, n. to blush. Tchijlat-zada. struck i^S-ii^ hhidang, m. an arrow, the white
with shame, utterly' abashed, a. poplar tree ; a wood of which arrows are made. p.
^.'^ hhadiv or hhadev, a king, a mighty
^sS»-l«*' kfuicliaMmch, the sound of a spear or
battle-axe, or of treading in clay or mire. h. imonarch
Hind, theor sovereign
ruler, a great prince, p.a sovereign,
of India, khad'iv

jg" hhachchar, m. a mule. hJiachchar-han, a j^stupid.

Khar, m. an ass. Miar ha tashdid, very
mule driver, a muleteer, h.
stupid,p. yhari dasht'i, m. a wild ass, onager. Ichari
j^js^ hhachar-khachar,\vQ.. an imitative d<ijjdl,
dajjdl, the
tl ass of Dajjal (the latter was a notorious

y^y£^ khachar-Macha r, J sound, h.

i^i- khadcl, the cheek, the face. a. <-->i^ kharab, bad, depraved ; ruined, de-
populated, deserted, lost, miserable; spoiled, waste,
Iji- hhuda, m. God. hhuda-'parast, worship- worthless (as land unfit for cultivation,, khirdb-hdl
ping God. fihudd-tars, fearing God, virtuous, khuda- or khardb-ahivd!, ruined as to circumstances, khiirdb-
dad,(Deodatus) given or bestowed by God; an epithet khnsta, ruined,
miscall, a. desolated, kharab-karke kahitd, a. to
applied to part of the Mj'sore territory under Tippu-
Sultan. Mndd-lfhiidd I:ar!;e, with difficulty, by hook
or by crook, khiicld hdfiz, adieu, farewell, khitild-kare, CL^\S\^ hliarahai, f. a tavern, a brothel, a,
would to God. khiidd kijd kare, what will fate pro-
duce Ior what is the will of God I (an expression used j3vUi- hharahati, m. a haunter of lavei'iis
in doubtful circumstances), khiidd ke mare hond, to and brothels; a rake, a debauchee, a.
be unfortimate, to suffer by the decrees of fate. Idiu-
dd iia karda or -na kkicdsta, God forbid, p. *?)/*■ MjS'i'uha, m. devastation, ruin; adj. du-
praved, bad, ruined, desolated, a.
^iJo>- hhuddavi (pi. of ^ili>), domtstics, ser-
vants, ministers, a.
[J>\f^ hharaln, f. badness, depravity ; ruin,
S^^^si>- him da-wand, m. possesi^or, inapter, desolation, mischief; misery, affliction, a.
husband. Ishuddwandi ni'mat, (lit. beneficent master) Ul .»- hhciviata, rn. snoring, hliarrata mama,
a form of address to superiors, a patron ; rich, opulent./?.
to snore, to snort. Ji.
\iS>^\^.s^ hhudawandigar , God, the cieator
of the universe. ;;.
Trlf^ M.^f'^j or Tiharaj, m. tax, duty, rent,
(^fiWj'tii- hhiidcDvandiyf. lordship, soveroitrnfy, revenue,a. tribute,
lagdnd, to impose khirdj-gim'ir, a tributary,
a tax, to assess, a, kkii'dj
divinity, providence, p.
^J''\^.i- hJiuda.i, f. the Godhead, divinity; ijf\f^ hharcijl or hhiraji, (lands) paying rent,
the world. khudd,t rat, singing hymns and watching "taxable, subject to taxation, a.
all night, a religious feast kept by women. khvdd,i,
rahm, a kind of food given to the poor in completion li^i- kharad, f. a lathe, hharad charhna, n.
of a vow. khiiddj isliar nun and, used to express pride to be polished (as a clown by intercourse with the so-
from the accession of fortune, p. ciety of a citj^). a.

bluSi- hhiidaija, O God! O Lord ! ji. I3il,i»- hharadna, a. to turn in a lathe; (met.)
to worry, to torment, a.
\y^f^As£- h]ntda,e-taala, God the sn-
" preme, the Almighty, p. a. {j'^\j>- hharadi, m. a turner, a carpenter, a.
jjlOi,^s- h]nidaya(jdn, a great king ; a lord ^.,lwj^J>- khurasau, name of an extensive and
paramount, p. rich country to the north-east of Persia, p.
( 360 )

^^\jm\j>- Murasani, of or relating to Khura- ^^ khirad, f. intellect, sense,wisdom. khirad-

" san. khurdsdni ajwan, black henbaoe. p. afroz, illumining the intellect, name of a Hindustani
book, k^irad-mand or -war, wise, sagacious, khh-gd-
tyiy>- kharash, m. excoriation, scraping, mandl, or -wari, wisdom, sagacity, p.
scratching; (used in comp. a.a) dil-Jcharash, yfonnding
or irritating the heart, p, iS^ khurd, minute, small, little, khurd-sdl,
lLi»j^ kharashna, to scratch, excoriate, d, of tender age. p. [small, p.

sJm\^ khardsha, m. scales or filings of iron, j^s^i^ khiird-khdm, bruised, broken, ground
small debt. p.
Jij*- kJiardal, mustard ; mustard-seed. a.
^^i^Ji\^ kharashidan, to scratch, excoriate.;?. (^A««J^ khiradmand, wise, intelligent, p.
a. f. a turner's lathe, kkarrdt, a iii^kkurda, a fragment, scrap, particle ; small
coins, small change (of money); pedlars small or
trifling wares, p,
f^\^ khardtlf m. a turner; adj. turned, a.
a. ^fii^ khurdi. f. childhood, infancy, p.
{j^\f>' khardfin, m. an earth-worm.
O^^ hhurafdt (pi. of C^\j^), fables, SJbJj*" khar-zahra, m. rhododaphne or rose
tales, romances, ludicrous sayings, smut. a. bay {Nerium oleander), p,

>Jl^\jf Jjhurdfat, a fable, tale, romance, a. O^j*" khirs. m. a bear, khirs-hdzi, f. rude-
bear. ness,
a. romping, bear's play. Jtjiirs-bachcha, a young
2j>- Wirdm, f. pace, gait, stately gait. M/-
ram-k., n. to march, to pace. Jchush-Miirdm, walking
elegantly, p.
<»J>- khirsak, a kind of child's game, leap-
frog, blindman's buff. p.
jjUlp- khirdmdn, walking in a stately man- «jj»-Mz<rgaMrf.contented. satisfied, pleased.;;.
ner, moving gracefully, p. [gracefully, p.
^^:>J^\J>■ khirdmidan, to walk proudly or ^J,:^Jx.*^»J^
mirth, p. kJiursandi, f. content, plea.>!nrc,
8pp- kkarhiiza,
m. a musk-melon, a cu- cLXI**»^ kharsana, m. a rival ; a large stone, a.
^j^J>' Jtharhuza, cumber, p.
(iJui*^ khurshid or kJmrshaid, the sun. p.
25^ i»- kJiarpuza,
—j>- kharj (v. March), expenditure, &c. a. (>yOf>- khartum, m. the proboscis of an ele-
phant, a.
l^-i»- hharajndf to expend; to sell. a. h.
(_j^ Wuxrif, an old dotard, a.
hP'^^ — . ' >a wallet, saddle-bag. p. wi»- khurfa, m. that which is plucked from
a tree ; autumnal fruit, a, [racea). p.
f^XrT^ M.urjin,J
— i- kharch, m. expenditure, expense, price. »3js^ khurfa, m. purslain (Porttdaca ole-
hharch-ilchrdjdt, expenditure. Jcharch-hisab, a village
account. ]charchi Miairat, a charge for charitable en- C->il^ j t5»- hharkVddatS- contrary to ntiiMre;
dowments, kharchi mufassil, provincial charges, kharchi of unusual occurrence, a miracle ; pi. Jc]uirki 'ddat,
ndnkar, subsistence money for the zamindar of a miracles, marvels, a.
village, &c. }charch hona, a. to be expended, p.
ljtf»-^ hharachnd, a. to expend ; to sell. p. h. eJif^ khirka, m. a religious mendicant's habit,
made upa. of patches, khiria-posh, a mendicant, a dar-
^■^J^f^ M.(irchang, m. a crab (fish so called) ;
a kind of herb. p. »o^ khargdh, f a tent, pavilion, tabernacle;
the royal tent, court, or palace, p.
^j»- hharchu, prodigal, expensive, a.
fts^j^ kharcha, m. costs of law-suits, a. {^^j- hhargosh, m. a hare, a rabbit, p.
fe»if^ hMrchi, f. price of stupration ; pro- mJ- khurram, pleasant, delightful; cheerful,
pleased, khurram-dil, of a cheerful disposition, p.
"digal ; provision for a jovtmey. a.
{jy>-j>- khurchin, a wallet, bag. p. \i«J>- nix
dactylifera).m.p. a date (the fruit of the Phoe-
4jj,\i».jj». hhar-khdwind, m. master, owner, pos-
sessor (spoken contemptuously, like our vulgate, " a Ca-<-«p- Mmr-mast, athletic ; stupid, p,
man as keeps a donkey of his own") p.
i^J- hhirman, m. harvest; a barn. p.
cat), Mur-'khur
khar-kjuir-k., or
a. tokJiar-khar,
purr (like poorpurring
puss), p.(of a ^jiyoi- khar-mush, a large species of rat. p.
\f-^ khflrhhard, m. snoring, a Ip(</^ khar-muhra, m. the small shells called
li!'J^JT kharkhardnd, to snore loudly, h. kaufi {Cyprcea moneta). p.

n^t^j" kharkhasha, m. a tumult, crowd ; quar- ^Jt- khirraml, f. cheerfulness, p.

rel ingplea,
; litigation, p. ^utSOJ>- khar-nofs, vuKjnum penem habens. a.
361 )
3jr (

^'jj*"ingTihar-tvar, cH^MtL^ hhasasat(y.hhhsat\%i\n^ne^s,icc.a.

from 700 to 850 anlb weight,
ass-load,p. a measure vary-
8JjL»5»- cine), khisanda,
p. m. an infusion (in medi-
•rir*" hhxiruj, m. sally, egress ; exodus, a.
O^jf*" hhurus, m. a dunghill cock. p. ^^c\*^M.>- khuspidan, to sleep, slumber, p.
lAj^ M/^^osh, m. a crash, a loud noise, a Cl*.^>- khissat, f. stinginess, parsimony j vile-
tumult, a shout, clamour, p. ness, baseness, meanness, a.

^Liijj>' kharoshan, making a loud noise, p. V.I.A ■*.•»• khfist, wounded, sick (v. khas(a), p.
^jjjbtfjaj^ kharoshidan, to shout, make a ull2».»> khistak (for kkishtak),f. codpiece. /;.
noise, p.
jiw<«>- khastagi, f. a wound, a sore ; sickness;
CLo^ hhariyat, asininity, stupidity, p. fatigue, exhaustion, p.
JJ'j>- kharid, f. purchase, kharid-farokht or khasta, wounded; sick, infirm, hhasta-
kfiarid ofaroJcJU, buying and selling. Mjarld kd mol,
m. prime cost. p. 1f.dl, or -jdn, or -jigar, or -dil, grieved, afflicted. Jihasta-
h^dli, &c., grief, affliction, p.
jljj i*- kharldary m. a purchaser, buyer, p.
^j-jfc*'*' khas-khas (v. khns), grass, &c. p.
(Cjl^iJ^ hharidan, f. buying, purchasing,
jM*»- hhusar, m. a fathe -in-law. p.
tra£Bc, commerce ; demand, p.
j.J>- hhasar or Masr, m. damages, loss, in-
jjJJ'j*' hJiaridan, to buy, purchase, p. jury, fraud : depreciation in value, a.
\iS>,J>- kharidna, a. to purchase, to buy. p. h.
jj*^ fihusrau or hhusru, m. nnme of a cele-
8iiJj>- kharida, purchased, bought, p. brated king, Cyrus or Chosroes ; a king in general ;
name of a celebrated poet of Dihli. p.
(^S>^^ hharidl, purchasing ; of or relating
to buying, p. ij\jj*«s»- khusrawana, kiniily, princely, j)-
^W/*" iharita, m. a purse, packet, bag, mail ; (^^jj,^ khusrawi, belonging to a king, royal,
(letters are sent in India enclosed in small oblong bags,
imperial, p.
niversified according to the quality of the person to tiL^J*- khasah, rubbish, a species of trian-
whom sent, being more or less rich or embroidered
agreeably to their rank) ; (met.) a letter, a. gular thorns, caltrops, p.

'"•^./^ Sharif, f. autumn, the autumnal har-

u-^^— >■ khuiuf, m. an eclipse of the moon. a.
vest ;the first crop in the year, consisting chiefly of ^J*ou.^ khasis, penurious, sordid ; ignoble, a.
rice, which is sown in baisdkh and gathered in bha-
don. a. C'-'"-^ M'-^^^ f- ^ brick or tile, khisht-pciz
or -zan, a brickmaker. Jchishti-piruza or -flruza, tur-
quoise-coloured bricks, p. [piece, p,
\^..f^ M«'"^>f'g''Ownin harvest,autumnal.fl.
sj*)"-"^ khishtak, a ?mall brick, an arm-hole
J>' khnzz, f. a coarse kind of silk cloth, a.
(j)}*' khiznn or khazan, f. autumn, the fulling j_|-ii- kkishtl, made of brick. /).
of the leaves, p. [keeper, a.
^^yj»s»- ^ashk?iOKh,\m. the poppy-seed or
iS^^^ ibj^'^o.ncKi, m. a treasurer, a cash- khashTthasli, J plant. ^;.
ft3\i»- hJiazana, m. a treasury, magazine, gra-
nary, repository; treasure; the chamber of a gun. kha- dry, withernl. kJivs' ' -do-
hhiishk, Jchushk-damaghl, f. grief. khisIJc-siil,
tndgh. grieved.
zana-ddr, a musket with a chamber, fchazana.e 'dmira^ a general dearth, a dry year, a drou};lit. klriishk-sdli,
m. the royal treasury, a. f. drought,
or simpleton,sterility,
p. khuilik-vinghx. dry-brained, a fool
^_^U»- hhizanl, autumnal; fading, p.
&5w»- LTkhushka,
" m. boiled rice. ^?.
i^\^ khazajfi (pi. of w^), treasuries, a.
jiws»- khushhi, f. dryness, dearth occasioned
i__jS. khozaf, earthenware, crockery, a. by drought ; dry land ; high lands not flooded with
water, and upon which millet and other grains not
*f?.j»- hkdzlna, m. (v. Mazana) a treasury, a. requiring much moisture are cultivated ; adv. by land
(in opposition to tart, by water), p.
fjJ^- khasy f. the name of a grass, of the roots
of which tattis are made {Andropngon muricatttm) ; a
thistle, a weed in general ; a lettuce, khas-posh, co-
vered with thorns, khas o khdr or khas o khdshdk, m.
r, khashm, m. anger, jiassion, rage, fury.
l±ashm-dlud, deformed with rage. Jchashm-ndk or
]chashm-gin, passionate, angry, p.
litter of things, rubbish, stuffs, p.
ftu»- Mass, lettuce, khassu-l-himar, wild Mashin, rough, severe, rude. a.
lettuce, a, khnshnvd, contented, satisfied, p.
OjU-i- hJiharat, f. loss, damage ; perfidy, ^iijli*- kkusluiudi, f. satisfaction, pleasure,
content, p.
fraud i plunder, devastation, a.
( 'sm )
c.fL»- Mualiu , humiliation, humility, a. tL^Uoi- hJiitabat, >,f. ^Q-*-
preaching ; eJoquence,
rhetoric, a.
fJl^JJ>- Mvshunat, f. asperity, rigidiiess,
disdain, fierceness, indignation, a. JdUas.- kJinttaU a good writer or penman, a.

Jl.iai>- hhisal, \(ph of (JL*L»s-) habits, 4_j<^'aa5>- hhp1a,e (v. hhata), Cathay. hTiatag,
of or belonging to Cathay or China, a.
^Las- Mam/d,} good qualities, talents,
virtues, a, i_«Uai- Mt/tb or hhituh, m. maiTving, b' -
tIlJL.as«- kliaxlnt, f. habit, custom ; quality, trothing,a. contracting a marriage ; a thing, cause,
property, mode, talent, virtue, disposition, nature, a.
Mtas- hhasm, m. an enemy, antagonist, khasmi ImV- Ttliutuha (pi. of v^AJOai-), preachers, u.
janl, a mortal foe. khasam, a husband, khasam-mug, SMai- khutha, m. a sermon or oration d«'-
a widow, a woman whose husband is dead, khasam- livered after Divine service every Friday, in which
wdll, f. a woman whose husband is alive, or as the the preacher blesse' Muhammad, his successors, and
law hath it, a woman under coverture, a.
the reigning sovereign, a.
sjy^^ai- hJumimana, like a husband ; taking Ja>- hhnUir, m. recollection, cominir into the
care of, husbanding, housewifery, a. mind, thought, remembrance ; danger, risk, fortune.
jc^joj- hjuismi, f. enmity, hatred. khasmi,e Isbflt.ar-ndk, frightful, dangerous, a.
jam, enmity unto death, mortal enmity, a. \yai>' hJuiUa, 1m. danger, fear, risk, venture.
{^y,aj>- khusus, m. an affair, business, thing, siai- khatraj hhatra-raf'-h., a. to ease na-
particular; doing anything particular; adv. parti-
ture, kh'itra na-k., a. to make no bones of. khnfie
cula^l}^ a. men ddlnd, a. to endanger, to risk, to venture, a.

\jayaJ>- liJinmmn, particularly, especially, a. ^♦las»- hhatnii or MlHv^^} marshmallows. a.

\Z^*o^,£ih^ MrusTi.fnjaf, m. peculiarity, singu- .yas"- khntur, m. coming, passing, entering ;
laritj', attachment, friendship, a. occurring, recollection, remembrance, dignity, a.
dA/cy^i- khusuviat, f. enmity, strife, litiga- isAns^ hhilut (pi. of k/iutt), epistles, letters.
tion, contention, quarrelling, a. khatt-khiitilt. letters, epistolary correspondence, a.
igos- khisi, ni. a castrated animal (particu- ^sAa.s>- klxtuh, linear (demonstr.ilion, or
larly a goat) ; an eunuch, a. measurement), a.
^«>ijL.^ai>- hJi/isib, the pahn-trce. a. aJas»- Miftu, m. a boundary line; a region,
&>.«a»- kkiishf/i, m. a testicle, a. country, territory, a.

l.^VtOLS" krizah, 111. liiictiire ; tinging the i^s>- JflriUi, lineal, literal; a sjjear made at
nails and hair, but particularly the beard. Jchizabi the place called khatt in Arabia, a,
ahiul-lc, a. to shave the beard, a.
(_*-Ja»- Jihiifih, m. a preacher, a.
w«as»- Jiliizdv or hjiizr, xr.\me of a piophet,
commonly called Aiuiya khizr, see the word Idwuja. a. jc-ft^as^ hJiciUhi, f. the office of preacher, a.

^yO»- kJnizv' , liiiiiiility, humiliation, a.

jjJas- Ma fir, great, honourable, dignified, a,
ia^ Mat t, m. n letter, epi-tle ; a line, ptripe, ( Ss- Miff,\\'j}\X (of weight or morals), un.
dignified. kk"ff> m. a boot. a.
lineament ; writing, handwriting, chirography ; mous-
taches, beard ; name of a place in Arabia where ldi»- Mafa, f. a secret, a concealment, a.
ichatt areor manufactured, 'khaiti istimi,
iiikdind, n. to appear the equator.
(the beard), hhatt Ifli- Mwfa, angry, vexed, enraged, p.
bundiiu or hamidiid, a. to shave the beard. Matii jiidJ.
to.^.ii- Majjarlia, a band of plundering
the letter,
by trojiic ofkh'-tt'
sahz, the Jdintt-khiiU'tt,coTTeipondence
first appearance of a beard. Arabs, p.
khaUi-sliar'if, a royal order or firman, vulgarly called
tlie "Ilatv sherif." khatti sarU'm, the tropic of l1'°^ Mwft, sleep, the act of sleeping, p.
Cancer. Jchoiii 'ttmud, a perpendicular line. Muitt
k'ltubat, correspondence, hliritti mutmvdzi, a parallel a^h^ Miffat, f. lightness of weight, levity
line, kjuifti mustaiUr, a circular line, khatti viustcikim,
a ri"-ht line, khatti. mnnJiani, a curved line. a. of conduct, want of dignity, affront, disgrace, khiffat i-
rd,l, weakness of intellect, a.
Has- hhaia, f. a mistake, error, fault, crime.
khatd-bakhsh, m. a forgiver of errors, &:c. khntd-k , a. \:di- Mrijta or Mafta, mad, lunatic, d.
to err, to miss, khntd-h., to fail, to be deficient, a.
mail. p.Moftan, a vest worn
fJ::SL>- under a coat of
lias*- Mala, the country of Scythia beyond
the Imaus, Northern China, thence called Cathay by
Marco Polo and other early travellers, p. ^J:si- hhiftan (r Mm^p) to sleep, p.
u->Uai- Jihitah, ni. a title; conversation, a::ii^ Mvfta, asleep, sleeping ; pi. hhtftarjun,
speech, address, yhitdb-h., to address, accost, a. those asleep ; met. the dead. p.
( 3G3 ) Jii-
MofaJimi, m, palpitation, hysterics : jl;^^ hJutlhlud, m. a ring of gold or silver
(jlHitfliis described by native physicians as convulsions worn round the ankle with bells attached to it. a.
attended with faintinfj fits, weepinp:, deafness, palpita-
tion of the heart, and slight delirium." — Binning, a.
0.ij>- ItJiitld, m. eternity, paradise. Mallad
(used benedictively) may (God) extend or prolong.a.
jjlaai^ hhafalianiy subject to palpitation, a.
[^:^^ Hdllsli, m. and f. putting a stop to,
iJisLs- hhnfng'i, f. displeasure, anger, p. interruption, solicitude, suspicion, yhaligh nthand, a,
to reconcile; to e.xcite enmity, /j.
&flj»- hhafa, angry, enraged, vexed. ^;.
(^^Is* k/ialdx. m. a sincere fiiend. a.
ij^ ML'^f~^i '^ fiiT^ hand-writing (opposed to laii- Milt, m. one of the four humours of the
"jail) ; adj. secret, concealed, a. human body. Jchalt, confusion, mi.xture. khiltifdsid.
( ftAfli- Mu'flfi 'ight, of no weight or conse- canker of a sore ; cacocltymia. a.
quence, oflight character, immoral, undignified. IcJia-
slais>- Milta, m. conversation, companv.
f'lfi dd,ira, the
affronted, h. centre of a circle. Jchafif-h, to feel Wiulta, partnership, association, a.

eJltJih>' hJinfifa, trivial, petty. ¥hafifajara,im, ;j^ia)i»- hhdUin or khiilthi, water in which
dates have been steeped, mixed with that of raisins,
petty offences. Winf'ifa dnzd'i,suitpetty larcenya. or theft. and boiled together until they ferment and become
khaflfa mulcaddama, a trivial or case. spirituous : it is not a prohibited liquor, a,
aofls.- TiJnifya or hlwfyat, disguised, conceal-
ed. Mitfi/afan, secretly. Ithifya-nniua, m. one whose ^i- Mdl', strijipiiig, removing (from office).
business is to write intelligence secretl}'. Jchufija-na- khul', in its primitive sense, means to draw off or dig
vlsi, the office of secret intelligencer, a. up. In law it signifies agreement entered into for
the purpose of dissolving connubial connection, in
jj.5»- hhull, m. vinegar, khjll, a friend, a. lieu of a compensation paid by the wife to her hus-
band out of her property, a.
^s»- Main, m. vacancy, vacuity, ^hala-mala, CL**\s>' khiCat, m. and f. dress; a robe of
unfeigned friendship, a. honour, with which princes confer dignity on subjects.
L-->^Ji^ kJiilab, m. mire, clay, filth, p. It is given to a person invested with a new office, or
as a token of confirmation in that he holds. This
j_^^U- hhalufi (v. JiJialera), descended from a dress of honour is likewise presented by men of rank
maternal aunt, &c. a. to visitors of distinction, but it is generally in pieces,
and not made up : the number of pieces and their
(^j*o^k»- kkcilas, m. freedom, release ; adj. free, quality are in proportion to the rank of the persons
to whom the}' are presented : sometimes it is sent as
liberated, redeemed, done, oiit. Wialfis-patra. a deed
a present. "The khil'at is not necessarily a dress.
of release, khalds-k., a. to release. I'hahls Jinnd, n. to Sometimes arms, jewels, or other valuables are pre-
be freed, to emit ; to calve, to be brought to bed ; emis- sented, without any articles of attire, although in most
sio semini.i, semen emittere. a.
cases a turban and shawl form part of the gift." — Bin-
&^>i»- Jihidasa, also ItTiidmat, m. essence, the ning. khU'cila. pahrdnd or -dcnd, a. to invest with a robe
of honour,
best part of any thing; abstract, abridgment, conclu-
sion, inference, moral ; spacious, roomy : in Dakh. it t— ftii- hhalaf, m. a successor, an heir, a fa-
is vulgarly used for khalds, freedom, free, &:c. a. vourite son, posterity, descendants; (adjectively) de-
praved, corrupted. A:i«(/, breach of pro.nise. a.
^o>»- Jfhalafi, f. freedom, liberation, dis-
"charge ; m. a native sailor or artilleryman, a tent- Vals»- Mal'ifa (pi. ofiJlAi-), successors, princes,
pitcher ; vulgarly called by Europeans CAashce, a. caliphs. Irhalafan, successively, uinterruptedly, a.
(__j^)i5>- hhilaf, m. opposition, contradiction ; i^ls- khulk, m. n.iture, quality, good dispo-
sition ;custom, manner, a.
falsehood, lihUafi rd,e, against one's opinion or will.
Jchildfi shar' against law and justice, khildfi 'aU, con-
trary to reason, a. J^s* klmlh, f. creation, people, mankind.
Ai^^?^«''/«'''. God's creatures, a.
d^*:^ JihUafatS' the office of caliph, deputy- (jlali- M/ilJicm, worn-out garments, a.
ship, lieutenancy, &c. ; imperial dignity, monarch}';
more especially the succession of princes who ruled Cl^Ms- Milliat, f. the creation, people, popu-
at Damascus and Bagdad from the time of Muham- lace, the world, a.
mad to that of Hulagu Khan, a.

^^5- khalldk, (super, of khalh, used sub-

^iij«- MalJd, natural, innate; I'elating to the
"world or to mankind, a.
stantively) the Creator, the Almighty, a.
ClA^aii- MalJat/af, f. the creation, the uni-
J^^ khilal, ra. a toothpick ; middle; ruin, verse, the human race. a.
damage, defect, a.
\m>- hhahja (for halfja, q. v.), name of a
iJl^y^ khalalat, f. sincere friendship ; bits flower, cockscomb, h. [Stc. p,
of meat sticking between the teeth, c.
jJ^is*- khalgl (for kalf/Jn, q. v.), an aigrette,
^j^U»- hhuUanijA. of ^jJi- ), intimate friends, a.
^J.ls»- hhalal, ni. interruption, disturbance,
^J^ili- hluilajli (pi. of ^ii-), men, people, confusion, prejudice, damage, injury, ruin. Jchalali
the creation, created beings, a. da7ndgh, m. (lit. injury of the brain) madne.'s, melan-
d^Ai- khullatf f. friendship, a. confused, choly,a.khalal-damdgh. m.id, hare-brained, hot-headed,
Ji^ ( 3(54 )

^_^ls^ kholuU, a disturber, mischief-maker, a. j_ys:^ khamcln, a kind of lash or whip. d.

{J^^r Mulanjan, the root galangale. a. ii^^'^^^ Mk^im-khana, a wine-vault, a tavern, p.
cL^ii- khulang (for kulang, q. v.), a crane kkamr, m. wine in particular, and all
or heron, p.
strong liquors in general ; covering, hiding ; ferment-
ing, leavening, a,
y*- khulu, m. vacuity, empty space, a.
Cii'^ii' iJialrvat, also khilwat, f. retirement, i^j^ hhamrak (for kamivkh), name of a
fruit (Averrhoa carambola). h.
eolitude, privacy ; a closet, private apartment, private
conference, ikalwat-khana, m. a retirement, private
apartment. Jchilwat i sahtljt, complete and lavrful re- U^j^ hhamr-mahall, a branch of revenue
tirement, asthat of married folks, where there is no arising from
liquors, p. the sale of arrack and other spirituous
legal or natural impediment to the carnal act in mar- jr-
riage, khalwat-gah, f. a retirement, ihalwat-guzin or Ij^ khumrn, m. a small mat of palm leaves
kbalwat-nUhtn, retired; (met.) a hermit. IJtalwat o
jalwat meA, in private and in public, a. for kneeling on at prayers ; a small drum carried by
beggars ; a small earthen pot in which leaven is pre-
pared and kept. a.
^^li- kkalrvafl, a hermit ; a familiar friend,
intimate. ]chalwati rag, m. soft plaintive music, a. (j-^ khams, five (used only in Aral)ic
phrases), hhums, the one-fifth ; (in law) a double tithe,
(^jai^ kkuBs, m. purity, sincerity, candour, or 20 per cent, levied on the owners of land iu w hich
integrity, friendship, affection, a. there are valuable mines of metals, Uc. a.

&Ji>- khala, a rudder, helm ; trifles, idle talk ; khamsa, fivej an aggregate of five
pricker, goad ; a decree or written document signed poetical pieces, a.
by a judge, p.
ii^sS^^ hhum-hada, a tavern. ]).
SiijJi* khalida, punctured, pricked, stung. ;>.
U»>- ^7mm«a,a.(fromMaOT)to bend. to bow, d.
'j^ hhnlera, descended from or related to
a maternal aunt; as, Mialera bha.i, m. the son of a ma- (^j(^ ihcm 0 chavi, m. coquetry, the blan-
ternal aunt; ]chaleri bahin, f. the daughter of the dishments ofa mistress ; elegant, graceful, p.
same. a.
0*'_j*^ M«"'0*'A, silent, dumb ; pi. khavio-
&laAii^ kJinVitn, m. (cor. of khai^ta, q. v.) shan, the mute ones, the dead. p.
]<haUta,e tiifan, an exciter of disturbance, calumniator,
a mischief-making wicked person, a. {,J**i^ kbflmoslii, f. silence, muteness, p.
&ajJ.>- hhaVifa, ra. a sovereign, (vulg.) the »jU^ hhamhjaza, m. gaping, yawning,
caliph ; a successor, particularly applied to the suc- stretching, khamiyaza-hash, one who yawns, khami'
cessors of Muhammad; (in Hind.) cooks, tailors, &c. yaza khainchua,
faults or crimes, a.p.to receive the punishment of one's
are called khalifa; a fencing-master; a monitor (as
the elder boys at school become), a.
j^^iXx^s* hliavndcujl, f. crookedness, j}.
JJAli- khallh, kind, of good disposition, a.
f^^^k^ khavndanlf fit to be bent. p.
(Jjd*- khnlil, a sincere and intimate friend.
hhalllu-l-ldh, the friend of God, the patriarch Abra 8Ja^ hhaniida, awry, crooked, bent, kha-
ham, also styled al-Mtalil, the friend, a. mlda-Jcadd, bent in form or stature, p.

^ hham, twisted, crooked, coiled ; m. a coil, js^ hhamir, 1 m. leaven, whatever is used
fold, ply, curl, ringlet ; that part of a noose which en- Vjc»i- hhaniira,) to ferment, a.
circles the neck. Jiham andar Icham, twist within twist,
curling locks. M.am thonknd, bajditd. or -mania, a. to
strike the arms previous to wrestling, inc. kham-dai; i^j^ kA^vih-l, plain steel, i.e. steel devoid
twisted, curled, bent, crooked, p. oijauhar or " water," wliich the Orientals consider an
indispensible qualification to good steel; adj. lea-
vened, d.
J>- hJnim, m. a jar, an alembic, a still, 'khuvi
charhaiia, a to boil cloths preparatory to washing, p. ^^s»- Minn, m. the hold of a ship. a.
mar. m. sickness, headache, &c., I (_)*>u^s>- M«»«a*',m. the devil ; (met.) a wicked
the effects of drink ; intoxicating; languishing ai>- person, a. [ishuess. a
pearance of the eyes, the effect of love, or of drowsi-
ness, or drinking &:c. khumur-dlud or -aluda, intoxi- ^^\^ Jihannasij devilish, satanic ; f. devil-
cating (eyes), yhnmar-khana, m. a tavern, khumdr-
sh'ikam. f any thing to alleviate sickness arising from ^Ji- khunali, m. the quinsy, suflTocation ;
intoxication, such as tea, soda-water, &c jchtwimdr, m. strangulation, a.
a great drunkard, a.
kimrnh'i karna, to bleach clothes, d.
tijU»- khnynari, one who is drunk, a.
5>- khum,\m. a hermaphrodite; aa-
i^-»U>- Minman, consisting of or relating to
"the number five; a word of five letters; a sort of X-^-^->- Jihunsa,) phodel. a.
magic pentagon, a,
j^" whinger
M«»;«''>ni. a dagger, a poniard, (Seottice
ul»i- khunuiia, a. u-. twist, to curl, to coil. p. "). a.

( 3G5 )

XLji]^ JfJnrnstar, a petitioner, a wisher. /;.

{Jj^ kh^njarl, f. aJ^
modo of priiitin<r or
"staining silk (gulbadan, q. v.) ; a small tambourine, a. ^^'iMt\^ lihwadan (r. khrcali), io wish, desire p.
^\jji- khuitdan, smiling, laughing, p. iju*»\^>- kfm-axta, desired, wished. I'hnda na
khwdsta. God forbid, p.
Jj>ii- khaiidak, m. a ditch, fosse, moat. a.
J4i>ii- hMnda, m. laughter; a laughing- (^ly«- khatvas.^ (pi. of (^^jaVs*-), domestics;
stock, khanda-ru, of a smiling countenance. Miattda grandees, ministers of state ; properties, qualities ; a
ru,i, mirth, cheerfulness. Jchanda-zan or -zandit, one page; a favourite, khawdst o'awdinm, m. nobles and
who sets up a laugh, p. plebeians, khawdss-pura. the apartments allotted to
domestics, &c. a,
^JS>,i^j>s>' kMndidan, to smile, to laugh, p.
o j^ hhinzir, a wild boar, a hog, a swine, a. tj^ \s^ khajvasif m. the place where one si to
behind a great man upon an elephant, a.

jc^jis^ hMnzirl, hoggish ; f. a hog-sty. a. m'^ M?raw, m. a tray, hhrvan-posh, m.

tilitf* Munuh, cold, temperate, cool ; for- a cloth for covering a tray, a tray lid ; (root o{]{]mdn-
tuuate. p. dan in comp.) reading, reciting, p.
i^ khmuki, f. coldness, temperateness; 6^^^ khrvancha. m. a small tray. p.
"prosperity, p. [steed, p. t>j[j>- khndndy (in comp.) reading, reciting.
i.^JSs- hhinq, m. cream-coloured horse, a ]chwdnd-kar, a schoolmaster, one who teaches reading.;).
\L»' khmga, m. an athletic clown ; able- jjiijiy»- clare, kh)yandan,
p. to read, to recite, to de-
bodied, p.

U;>- hhiny^, m. melody, singing, hji^mya- 8ii3l^5>- hhnanda, read ; (adjectively) having
gar, m. musician, minstrel, singer, khuiiyd-garl, f. the knowledge of reading and writing, nd-khwdnda.
minstrelsy, p. ignoramus, one who cannot read. p.
•i- Mo, f. habit, custom, disposition, nature.
J^\*Ji\^ khrvan-saldr, ^ra. a house-steward
]cho-bo, f. habits, manners, kho-gar, -pizlr or -giri/ta,
accustomed, kho drdna, a. to habituate, to adopt a U)L«^^^ hJirvan-samdnj f^v.kJidn-sdmd?i).p.
habit, to introduce a custom, p.
iS*>\^ khwdnanda, a reader, repeater. ]).
>^\^ khivcih, in. sleep; a dream, hhmah-
'aluda or khwab-mk, sleepy, khwdb-dwar, sleep-pro- ij}^ Tihrvdni, f. (in corap.) reading, recita-
ducing, soporific (in medicine). hjiwdb-khiyat, m. tion, p.
spectre, phantom, delusion. Mwrt6-^/f-/f/i»«,a. todreara.
](hwdb-gdh, sleeping-apartments, bed-room. p.
{,jl^\^ khawdnin (pi. of ^^lj»-), lords, nobles./?.
»jjo^^M/.i"«^«^«> sleeping, asleep, drowsy.;?.
i\^ khrvdh, conj. either, or, whether; (in
(jy^y^ khanatin (Arab. pi. of ^^yli-) ladies.;?. comp.) wishing, desiring, as tarakki-khwdh, wishing in-
crease, daulat-khwdh, wishing prosperitj'. khdiir-
A>.\^ khrvaja, m. master ; a man of dis- khwdh, the desire of one's heart, khwdh ma khwuli or
tinction, arich merchant, a gentleman, a governor. khwdh na khwdh, willing or not, nolens voleiis ; certain-
Ickwdja-tdsh. a fellow-servant, companion. Jchwaja ly, positively, at all events, p.
jihizar, the name of a prophet skilled in divination,
and who is said to have discovered the water of life ;
hence he is considered as the saint of waters: theMu-
j^lfc^^s^ khrvdhdn, wishing, desirous, p.
^ammadans offer oblations to him of lamps, tlowers, &c., Jb\»»- khn-dhir or khmdhar, f. a sister, p.
placed on little rafts, and launched on the river, par- ;
ticularly onThursday evening in the month of bliddon i6\j*\js»- kJirvdhardna, sisterly, like a sister. /?.
and it is in his honour that the feast of Bera, q.v. is
held, khwdja-zada, m, young master, khiiidja-sard, (jiJbl**' khrvdhishf desire, wish, inclination;
m. an eunuch, p.
request, khwdhisk-rakhnd, or -karnd, a. to wish, to
; deserted, aban- desire, khwdhish-mand, desirous, solicitous, p.
i^^»- Min'cir., poor, distressedcontempti ble, ruined.
doned, ifriendless; wretched, SJofci**" Jihndhanda, he who asks or wishes;
Jchwdr ddshtan, to hold in contempt ; (in corap.) de-
vouring, iiC, as khun-Mwdr, bloodthirsty, a tyrant, p. a petitioner, asker. p.
L-^.^ khnh, good, excellent, well, beautiful,
^}^ a. j
(pi. of fj^j^), heretics,
pleasing, amiable. ]chub-ru, or -sural, beautiful, well-
favoured ; pi. hhubdn, the fair ones, the fair sex. p.
^\}s^ hhryarazm, a country to the east of
' the Caspian Sea, near the mouth of the Oxus, Cho- j^bai- Mvhdni, f. the name of a fruit, species
rasmia. p.
of the apricot; an apricot with the kernel of an
almond inserted, p.
Jj^^ M.aiva rih (pi. of JiJ^)a., contrary to
unusual things, miracles,
jlD*.*- hhuhtar, more beautiful. khubtai-in,
most excellent or most beautiful, p.
fjj\^ khnai'i, f. baseness, distress, p.
i\^i- Mmast, f. desire, wish, request. jJ^jjy^ hhub-ru,!, \f. beauty, comeliness
khwdst-gdr, m. candidate, competitor, bidder. Ichwdst- of face or form. p.
gdn, reqviost, petition, p. l,»*aitf>- khuh-surafi,) c
ti^Al )
.,^lx)»s- Irjnihhaldn, m. name of a seed of a \.^>-^j^ liJmrda-gniaj m.lchnngjng of money,
cooling- quality, p. [virtue, p.
(_j '^3^ Miip'diigi, f.u^y^J giving pieces of
ij}^ lihMl't, beauty, goodness, excellence, smaller value for one of a larger value, p. h.
&;s-5i- Jihoja, m. an eunuch, p. L^^jy^ Mmrdi, f. childhood, infancy, p,
d^ khocl, m. a helmet, a steel headpiece, p. \>j^j^ hhurdiya. m. a money-changer, p,
dy>- khud, pron. self, own. Jthud-aia, adorn- i>ju*)jy»- khursand, happy, contented ; adv.
ivirr one's self, proud. Itliud ha-Vhiid, of one's own accord. ment, &c. p. swiftly, quickly,
■with alacrity, khursandl, content-
Mmd hadmdat, j'ou, your worship, sir. Jchud-hln, self-
couceitod, proud, arrogant, presumptuous, khud-bint,
f. pride, khud-parasl, self-conceited, -parastt, self-con- {j^j^ hJiurish, f. eating and drinking, p.
ceit, khud-pasaiid, self-complacent, self-conceited.
khud-smia, an egotist, kjnid-dar, self-restraining, con- i^jMtjy>- hhurshaid or hhursliid, m. the sun. p.
tent, khud-raa. headstrong, opinionative. khud nikh-
sati, leaving a service of one's own accord, in which ftj^ khurram, pleasant, joyful, p.
case it is customary to deduct something from wages.
khud-ro, or -rusta, wild, any thing growing of itself t^)^ khurramt, joy, mirth, pleasure, p.
without being sown, khud-zii/fiti-kdr, injuring one's
self khtfd-sifa,i, laudation of one's self. khud-sar. StiJ*.^
family Jthuranda,
p. an eater; a gormandizer;
headstrong, obstinate. khud-gharaz, selfish, khud- (met.) children. khuranda.e bisyur, a numerous
Jarosh, an egotist, a braggart, khwl-kdsht, cultivating
one's own field, khud-kiii/i, one who follows his owu
pleasure, a libertine, khud-karda, made by one's self.
khud-kushl. suicide, khud-munda, a dervise, the disciple ^Jj_j5>- ]ih(in-arnuli,~\\}ni palace of king Bah>
of no saint or ptr. khud-numd, self-displaying; proud, «->.•»- khmcarna, J lani Gor in Babylonia,
vain. p. celebrated for its magnificence, p.

iJLfZt6^^ khud-kasht, cultivating one's own 5j^ hjmra, m. the leprosy ; that which eats
field, khudkd.iht zartiin, land cultivated by ryots re- or devours ; that which suffers or endures, p.
siding on the spot. p.
^li^ khud ha, selves, themselves, j)- ^jj5>- hhuri (in comp.), eating, devour-
ing, &c. p.
t_si^i. hhudi., f. selfishness, pride, vanity, p.
jj>- khir, adj. worthy, fit, proper; m. food; Sii^jy^ hhuzada or Muzada, m. "1 naturally
the sun ; (in comp.) devouring, as, mardtim-khur, man- j^^hy*- hhuzadi or hhuzadi, f. J beautiful,
devouring, i.e. a fierce warrior, khur o posh, food and unadorned ; or, as the poet hath it, " when unadorned
raiment, p. [ciously. p. adorned the most." p,

\f^ Jihura, worthy, suitable; eating vora- O**^ khush, pleased, delighted, excellent,
delicious, cheerful, amiable, healthy, elegant, good,
i^y^ khurab, dirty water, a floodgate, p. willing, glad, happy, content, merry, pleasant, sweet.
khush-ab, abounding in good water, moist, fresh.
dJl.^i- 'khirah, khush-tikhiar, of lucky stars, fortunate, khush-uslub,
daily food, eatables f.; one
meal,victuals, provisions,
one dose (of medicine). well-proportioned, neat, elegant in form, khu^h-atwar,
khurdki afydl, food of elephants; a tax formerly levied well-bred, khush-lkrdr, abounding in proaiisea.
iby the Mogul princes for that purpose, p. khush-Uhdn or khush-dwdz, tuncinX, melodious, khush-
ilhdni or khusli-duidzl, tunefulness, melody, khush'
tk\^ khuraki, f. daily allowance of food, umad, f. flattery, khush-dmadl, a flatterer, khusb-
"or money to purchase it, subsistence money, p. dhaiig, with a sweet voice, khush-dyand or -ayanda,
flattering (caresses); grateful, wholesome, amiable,
agreeable, pleasing, charming, khush-bdsh. free to
{Jiy^j^^ khurj'in, 1 m. a wallet, a portman- stay or depart, khusli-bo or khush-bu-dur, fragrant,
teau. p. odoriferous, khytsh-baydn, eloquent, khush-prakdr,
(jjyrTj^ Mmvch'in,] well-proportioned, well-shaped. kJiush-poshak, well-
3j^5» khurd, small, khurd-sal, young, khurd-
ma^all, m. the apartments of the concubines of great dressed, khush-tardsh, well-made, khush-tark'ib. elegant
men. p. in form, khusli-takr'ir , eloquent, khu^h-jauhar, of fine
water (steel, jewels), khush-chashm, sweet-eyed, khinh-
chhab, graceful, well-shaped or proportioned, khuih-
^ii. »5>- Jihurdaqi, f. small change of money, p. l).dl, happy, fortunate, in pleasant circumstances.
khush-khdl (lit. having a good mole), a mistress, a
^li.^s" hhurdan, to eat ; to drink; (mtt.) to sweetheart, khush-khdna, m. an aviary, khush-khibari.
suffer ; act of eating or drinlcing. p. f. glad tidings. khush-khirdm, of a graceful gait.
khush-kharld, f. paying ready mone^v, purchasing in
^i>.»5- hJiurdani, f. provisions, eatables, p. private sale. khmh-khaft, elegant writing. khush-
»ii. »i- hhurda (from hhirdan, q. v.), eaten ; khisdl, -khaslat, -khitlk, or -khu, affable, of good dispo-
sition, well-bred, khush-khiydr, a good liver, one who
afflicted ; having experienced, p. lives well, khush-khicdn, one who reads or sings
sweetly, khush-khuruk, one who lives well, khush-
2iij5s>- hhunla (from khird), small, minute; ddman, f. mother-in-law, wife's or husband's mother.
m. crumb, scrap ; a blemish ; small change of money, khush-dU, happy, pleased, khush-dimdgk. cheerful,
small coins or wares, khurda bechiid, to sell by retail, gay. khush-dahdn or -dahan, having a beautiful or
or in small quantities, khurda.e ambdn, crumbs in a pleasing mouth, khusli-zdyika, high-flavoured, grate-
wallet, khurda bin, m. a caviller, a criticiser. khurda ful to the taste, khiish-rang, pleasant in colour.
pakuriid, a. to criticise ; to buzz and cavil at minute khush-ra/tdr, graceful (in walking), khush-rau or -rav,
errors. khurda farosh, m. a retailer, a huckster. pleasant-paced. khush-ru, beautifuL khush-zahdn,
M!n(/a-i-., a. to change coin, khurda-glr a criticiser. ^. eloquent, plausible, kh^sk-zamzama, sweet or melo-
o-^ ( 367 )
dious in sinjjinjj. Jchush-saMira, a pleasant, humorous
fellow. khusli-saliJya, of a pleasant manner or raetliod. ui!^ hhuh (also viJy»- Mb^q)} ni« a ^og» a
wild bo;w. p.
ichu^h-saHlagl, pleasantness of method, khuih-sawdd.
of pleasant environs (a city), khu^h-idli', of good des-
tiny, fortunate, khush-iab', jocular, merry, khush- lij)>^ khu-ltarda, habitual or habituated, p.
if(/A'/, jocularity, pleasantness, khusli-zdliir, handsome.
ihush-'indn. tractable (a horse"), khush-fi'l, of proper
conduct, khusli-laild, well-shaped, of elegant stature
Jtf^ MkO(jir, m. the stuffing of a saddle, a
(a mistress), khush-kaf, well-shaped, nicely cut out. pad, a packsaddle. khog'ir-doz. m. a saddle-maker, p.
khush-Jciimush, of good texture or quality, khush-lc., to jy»- khol, m. a case, sheath, hollow (Hind.
•make glad, to please, to gratify, khush-gap, conversa- khol). h.
ble, pleasant, chatty, khush-girlstaii, to weep co-
piously, khush-go, eloquent, khush-giizrdit, one who
enjoys" life, khush-gawdr, sweet to the taste, easy of
1^^ y^ hjiolanjan, m. the herb galangal. p,
digestion, khush-maza, delicious, khush-ma'dsli, well-
fed, khush-tiislun, pleasantly seated. khitslt-yinfib, i^yi- M"'^iii- blood; murder, khun-ab or -aba y
fortunate, khush-ttnghma, of sweet melody, khusli- tears of blood. kJiun-dshdm, ferocious, cruel, khun-
nigdh, of pleasant aspect, khush-jiaivd, having a sweet afshdnl, bloodshed, murder, kiun-dluda, stained with
voice, khush-inimd, beautiful, neat, pretty, khufh-iiavls. blood, khun-bdr (raining blood), weeping blood (gene-
writing an elegant hand, khusli-nii/at, weil-disposed, rally spoken of the eyes of a lover), khnn-bahd, ra.
amiable. kJiusli-walt, happ^', pleased, delighted, khush the price of blood, fine or mulct of retaliation for
o-khurrnm, clieerful, gay. khusli-hazm, of easy diges- murder. kJiiiiiijigar'plnd
tion, khttsh-houd, to be pleased, to be satisfied, to self to death, khan chdtnd, or khdnd,
io be a. towith
stained workblood
rejoice, p. weapon), khun-chaknn, dropping blood, khuii-khardba,
m. bloody work, deeds of death, murder on either side.
1<Sj^5^ JfJmsha, interj. hail ! joy! bappy! how khun-khwdr, an animal that feeds on blood, a murderer.
fortunate! p. [of voice, p. Jthun-khwdrngl or khriii-khwdri, ferocity, bloodshed,
cruelty. Jshnn-khwdh, thirsting or wishing for blood.
(J,lii(^^ hhmh-Wiani, f. melody, sweetness khfin-ddr, bloods', sanguine, khfoi-rrz, a murderer
(lit. shedding blood), khun sir charnd, n. to be dis-
(^lju^y»- Muxli-hash, persons who enjoy tracted by assassinating a person. Muin sufaid-k., to
lauds rent-free, upon condition of serving the govern- be unkind, to be displeased, khraii siijdvaslidn, dra-
ment in a military capacity when called upon : the gons' blood, a kind of gum extracted from the Calamus
term is also extended to people of middling circum- draco, khuii-fishdn, one who sheds blood, a murderer.
stances, who do not cultivate their lands themselves, k^uii-k., a. to assassinate, to kill, khrtn-girifta, doomed
but hire servants to do it, while they hold other em to be slain,p, khun-iidb or -ndba, (same as khuii-db) tears
of blood,
ployments. p.

^f^y* Mush-bo, f. perfume, odour ; adj. odori- \^Xi^ khy.iuib,\h\ood, bloody water, tears
ferous, kkush- bo-ddr. aromatic, p. eoljji. khunaba,) mixed with blood, p.
^^f^jxZ»y>- khush-bo,i, f. sweet fragrance, p. &iiy>- Mmncha, m. a small tray, p*
jli»y>- hhttshtar, more pleasant, &c. j). ti^ hMiiii, m. a murderer, p.
jO.Li»y»- khushtrariH, most pleasant, &c. p. jj^j»i- khunin, bloody, blood-colourod. p.
S>,j^^js^ Mnish-hharid, an ofF-hand purchase, S>.^ khtred (also khav'id and hhrn-aid), m.
without advance or dispute, a very rare thing in a green field, a so\vn field ; green grass cut for cattle, p.
India, p.
ij^lf^khtvesk, pron.own ; self; m. akinsman j
\^f*»^ hhusli-roz, a day of festivity or di- a son in-law, a family. khwesh-Jcarabdt, kinsmen, re-
version at; festival, p. lations. ;;. [tive. p.
tij.lio J»- Mrveahnmand, a kinsman, a rela-
(^)^(^^ hhmh-guzran, happy, merry, p.
t_ftiJ.li.)*5^ hhweshamancri, f. consanguinity,
ASZi^ khuxh-fjuwar, pleasant, delicious, p. relationship, p.
(i»li^»5»- Jihusltiiud, pleased, contented, de-
lighted, p. j^jj^ly^ khmeahtan, self, own ; a relation, p,
(_jii»juij»5>- khushnudi, f. pleasure, delight, j). ij^.9^ M;yes/t7, f. relationship, affinity, p.
sJ^iif Jihosha, m. an ear of corn ; a bunch "_^ Minlie, interj. bravo, well done. p.
(of grapes, &c.) ; an ear-ring, a spike, khpsha-ckln, a
gleaner, p. ^bljji- hhiyalan, ra. a flower-bed. p.
Xis- h]iiyar,va. choice, election ; a cucumber;
i^y^ li^niahi, f. delight, pleasure, cheerful- a second rate land of two species, a.
"ness, gaiety, khushi khushl or khushl se, happily, with
pleasure, cheerfully, p.
j<j.5-.lji>- khii/ar-chamba?' (v. amaltds), the
cassia fistula, p.
^iia^»i- khoshidan, to grow dry, to fade,
■wither, p.
^ Ui- Miiiijar'i, f. a kind of violet, a.
i^y" Ml^iu^, confederating ; purposing, re-
solving, intending, considering, consulting, a. ^^>.^ij>■ Ml'i/arain, m. du. cucumbers (of two
kinds), the cucumber and musk melon, a.
, j»i- hhmf\ m. A-ai-. khiiif-raja, m. (fear i^ljp- khai>/dt, m. a tailor. Mkiydt, f. a
needle, a
aud hopL") suspense. Mau/-/i(7A-, frightful, terrifying, a.
^ ( 368 ) >\.

JU»- khiyal, m. imagination, fancy, thought, (^_yi\'AjJ>- kJiail-tdsh, a fellow-eoldier, a com-

consideration; phantom, delusion, vision; a kind of rade ; name of a famous athlete, p.
song, khiyali batil, foolish imagination. Jchiydl-
bdndhna, to rear a structure in the imagination ; castle- (_^A>- khaile, many, much, very. p.
building in the air. khiydl-bandi, castle-building. &*As»- khima or khaima, m. a tent, pavilion.
Icjiiydl-parast, a visionary, a castle-builder, jchiydl-
pa}-na, to pursue an object. Jchiydl puldw paJcdnd, a. yhima-doz, a tent-maker, hhaima-zadan, to pitch a
to indulge in vain speculations or absurd fancies, to tent, hhaima-zan, a pitcher of tents, a,
build castles in the air. khiydl-chhornd, a. to be out
of conceit with. Jckiydli Tdiildfaf, ambition, khiyali 8o«*^
ment. c-khima-gdhj
p. f. a camp, an encamps
fcham, a vain, ridiculous idea. Jcjiiydl-k,, to imagine,
to fancy, to look forward, a.
O^Us^ khiyaldt,{\\. of JU»-) imaginations.
Jchiydldti ld-td,il, ill-grounded expectation, a,
ifiljks«- khiyala, a phantom, an illusion, a.
j^ljp- khiyallf fanciful, capricious, fantas-
"tical. a.
li ddl, called ddl i muhmala, is the eighth
jui- khaibar, ra. name of town of Hijaz in letter in the Arabic, the tenth in the Persian, and the
Arabia Petraea, near which there is a pass between two eleventh in the Hindustani alphabets : its sound ia
ranges of mountains, and hence the name of several much softer and more dental than that of our d : in
similar places in various parts of the East, the famous reckoning by abjad it stands for four : in Persian it ia
Khyber pass at Peshawur among others. — (Binning.) a. sometimes permuted into t, as bat-tar for bad-tar,
worse ; in the classic period of the Persian language
ft^i^*' hhicha, poor land, and which produces dal seems to have been pronounced zdl, whenever a
only calldi, and of this but one crop per annum, a. vowel preceded, as giimbaz, a dome, for gtimhad ; iistdz,
a preceptor, for ustdd ; and in good Persian MSS.
jJloUi- khiyanat,
bez lem nt, a. f. perfidy, treachery, em- written four hundred years ago or upwards the ddl, thus
permuted, is generally marked with a dot, sdl. The
khair, good, best, well ; f. goodness, letter rfa/ (denoting ddda, "granted ") used formerly to
be affixed to zamiuddrl and other grants by the head
health, happiness, khairu-l-hashar, the best of men, native revenue officer under the British government io
the prophet Muhammad. khairu-7i-nisd, the best of Bengal, a. p.
women, Fdtima. khtiir-andesh, a well-wisher, a friend.
Jchair-bdd, may he prosper. Jchaii-khabar, news, intel- 4> ^ da, in Sanskrit added as a termination to
ligence. fchair-Mncdh, a friend, a well-wisher. Jdiair- a substantive, denotes giving, bestowing; as, from
ihwdhi, goodwill,
welfare, a. friendship. Miair o'dfiyat, f. health, sukh or sukha, pleasure, comes sukh-da or sukha da,
giving or bestowing pleasure (similar to the Persian
OKjp- M«""af, alms, deeds of charity; land dih or bakhsh, q.v. as ardm-dih from dram), s.
given in charity, principally to Musalmans: it is by I— ->iti dab, m. custom, manner, institution ;
custom hereditary and alienable, khairdl-zamln, land
given for charitable endowments (to Musalraan /o- situation, condition ; vehement, or forcible propulsion.
hirs). a. p. ddbi iu.1i.bat, m. good manners, civilization, a.

{^rih Mf'i^ati, intended for charitable pur- u->\»i rfa6, magnificence, pomp, ostentation, p.
" poses, given (or to be given) or received in charity, a. (— ^^»i dab, fear, dread ; awe reverence, d.
t^j^ hhiragi, f. darkness, wickedness, ma-
"lignity. p. j^bb <}NlO^ ddbdgni,^^, conflagration of
^jih kA"'a, dark; wicked, malignant, vain.
]ckira-rd,J, of dark or wicked intentions, p.
^bb ^^I'*i«3 ddbdnal,) a forest (v. ddvdgni). *,
ej\ii dabbat, a reptile, a beast of burden, dab-
%Z>i>>jis- Mairvjat. f. welfare, happiness, .v. batu-l-arz, the second beast mentioned in the Apoca-

J-i- khez, (in comp.) rising, leaping, bound- lypse. 0.

ing, galloping, capering; springing up (vegetation), p. C^\i^ ddbat, an imprecation, a curse, d.
^UJ»- khezan, ) rising, springing up (as U^b ^TT«TT ddbnd, a. to press down, to sup-
press, to snub, to squeeze, ddb-rakhnd, a. to conceal,
jcjjc»- hhezi, J flowers, &c.). p. to steal and conceal : to press, particularly with the
thighs, to retain by pressure, to grip (as moneys
fj^<^.\*j>- M.ezi(lan, to rise, spring up. p. dab-lend, a. to outgrow, h.
.j'r 1^ khaixhum, m. the nose, the cartilaginous (J,b ^T^ ddbi, f. a measure of about ten
part of it ; nasal letters ; the ridge or summit of a
mountain, a. handfuls (of autumn crop, &c.). h.

J.jLi>. khailf m. horsemen, cavalry; a body of C-^b ^Til ddt, m. liberality, bountifulnesa
men, a troop of horse, an army. a. (for ddfit) the tooth, s.
^)us»- kkaild, a woman having many moles (a
great beauty among the Arabs), a.
bb ^in data, 'X liberal, generous, a
^)ui- kheld, a playful, foolish (girl). Beld jbb^T!TTi:c?a<a7-,J giver, s.
pa.enchd, unsteady, foolish, inconsistent, unchaste (wo- jjb ^^ ddtr or ddtra, m. a kind of sickle, a
man), h. large knife, h.
( 309 ) Jb
Jiii ^K dcitri, ni. a donor, a giver, giving, s. Ufcii^ii ^TVTT dadhna, n. to burn. $.

^^'^^ ^Tfr«T datan, f. a toothhru-^h, or ratiier a j_^ii'j cfT^ dadl., f. paternal grandmother, h,
piece of wood for cleansing the teeth (Dakh. ddlun). s.
t^iib dadl, a plaintiff, a complainant. duiR-
6.^,yo ^TiT^ datavya, to be given, what may faryddl, a complainant, one suing for justice, p.
or ought to be given, s,
jb ddr, m. a dwelling, a mansion, seat, coun-
try habitation ; according to Gladwin, a single-roofed
j-^4i daj, m. darkness, a dark niglit. a. house, surrounded witli walls, with a door or entry, is
Ji»-lii dakhil, entering, penetrating, arriv- termed a bait or room : a manzil or tenement, on the
contrary, is a place composed of different rooms, such
ing ;taking possession ; entry in a book ; (adjectivelj') as a man may reside in with his family : a rfdr.or mansion,
entered, produced, ddlchil khdrij-k., a. to transfer pro-
perty (by taking out the name of the former pro- on the other hand, is a place consisting of various
prietor from the deed or register, and inserting that of rooms or tenements, with an open court. ddru-l-
the new), ddkhil-k., a. to cause to enter or arrive, to amdn, m. the house of safety, a country with which
place or fix in ; to produce, to include, to inserUdalchll there is peace, ddrii-l-bakd, the house of eternity, i. e.
hand, n. to enter, to arrive, to penetrate, to belong, to the next world, ddru-l-bawdr, m. the dwelling of per-
appertain, to be inserted. ddVhll-daftar , entered upon dition, hell, ddru-l-khi Id/at or ddru-s-saltanat, ddru-
the record. ddJchil-ddr, an occupant, ddkhil-ndma, a l-imdrat or ddru-l-l}ukumat, f the royal residence, the
warrant or deed of possession ; a conveyance, ddljiil seat of empire ; (met.) capital, metropolis, ddni-iharb
khdrij, erasure of an entry, a. (lit. the mansion of war), a country where the Miisal-
man religion does not prevail, ddru-s-saldm, house of
>i-U dahhUaAm. a receipt for money; a list, salvation, heaven, ddru-sh-shar' , a court of law or re-
ligion. ddru-sh-shafd or ddru-l-marz, m. an hospital.
i^i^yi^ dakhila,) or entry; a muster-roll ; a dam z-zarb, f. the mint, ddru-l-'addlat, a court of jus-
concern or business ; a connexion, a. tice, ddru-l-'ilm, a school or college, ddru-l-'iivaz,
house of retribution, ddru-l-fand, the frail house,
&«UJi.l;i dahjiil-nama, m. a warrant of pos- (met.) the world, daru-l-'kardr, house of rest, the
ses ion, a. grave, ddm-l-mukdf dt, house of retaliation, ddr o
dasta, house and family, a,
,_^ii3 dakhdi, contained, belonging to, in-
herent, included in. a. j'li dar, m. a gallows, a gibbet, an impaling
stake, ddr par khainchiid, a. to impale, ddr-kash, the
hangman ; (in comp.) it means possessing, a possessor,
o'j ^^ dad, m. a ringworm, herpes, dad-
mardan, m. a plant used to cure the ringworm {Cassia a lord, a master ; as, hissa-ddr, a partaker, db-ddr, adj.
alata). s. watery, resplendent; m. a person intrusted with the
charge of water for drinking, 'amal-ddr, a tax-
liO dad, C. a gift, giving; law, equity, jnstii-e ; gatherer, ddr-gtr, m. seizing (particularly thief-
revenge ; (in comp.) it denotes given, bestowed, as taking) ; tumult, conflict, ddr maddr, m. agreement,
stipulation, adjustment of a dispute, p.
khudd-dad, given by God. ddd beddd-k., a. to demand
justice, ddd-khwdh. m. a plaintiff, a petitioner of
justice, ddd-khwdhl, f. demanding justice, instituting jb ^t: dar, f. (v. dal), pulse, vetches. .■?.
a suit, ddd-dihish, f. liberality ; a present, ddd dent, jb ^T^ daru, m. wood, limber ; a sort of
a. to praise one's actions properly, ddd-ras, a re- pine {Pinus devadaru). s,
dresser of grievances, ddd-rasl, redress of grievances,
justice, ddd ko palumchnd, n. to arrive eit justice i to
obtain justice, dad-gar, m. administrator of justice. jb^T^/ar, |f. a wife; (in Dakh.) for
ddd-giistari, diffusion or administration of justice. ^ti ^m dard,i dark, jaw tooth, grinder. «.
ddd lent, a. to take vengeance, ddd milni, n. to obtain
redress, ddd o beddd, crying out for justice, ddd o |jb dara, p()s.*e.>!sor, sovereign ; Darius, p.
sitad, lit. giving and taking, traffic, p.
(j;vJ6iiy(i ^TTTVhr darddinn, dependent on a
Wii ^T^ dada, m. a paternal grandfather; wife, subject to her. p.
elder brother, h.
u.-'yti ddrdh, name of a Persian king, the
.^(i'ii dad-ar or dad-arvar, m. the distributor father of Darius, p.
of justice, an epithet of the Deity, p.
.tib ?n5<C dadur, m. a frog. s. ^JAJ\^ ddrdfl, f. (vulg. daryd,i) red silk
cloth; sovereignty ; adj. of or belonging to Darius, p.
\.iO ^^TT dadra, m. a kind of song. h.
«. jb ^T^iT ddruj, made of wood, wooden, s.
dddur). ^^'C^
s. dddurrva, m. a frog (same as ^As»^b ddr-chlni, f. cinnamon, s. p.
ii,b cfK^ ddrad, m. a sort of poison brought
jjii^-oii^ii ^^f *T dad-mardan, m. the name of from the country called Darad. s.
a plaut applied to cure the ringworm (Cassia alata). s.
^jti\ii dddan (r. dih), to give, to bestow, p. jii,b f[i^<^ ddridr or ^ftsj daridrya, m.
wretchedness, poverty, indigency, ddridr khednd (lit.
(^lilii dadrii, f. advances; money advanced to drive out povert3'), a superstitious or religious cere-
mony. The}' take a sieve or wiunowing-basket, and
" for
kind. thep. provision of goods or merchandise of any beating it in every corner of the house, exclaim, Ishwar
paitho, ddridr niklo ! " Enter, O God ! depart, (J Po-
• li'ii '^\\cladu, name of a famous ^ Air, born verty"! s. [fortunate, indigent, i.
in the state of Jaipur, and founder of a sect, dddu-
pantlu, {oWowers of dddt'i. h. (Cjti^b ^Tftrj^ ddridr'i, wretched, poor, un-
Silj dada, given, or having given; (used in iufcii^b ^T^ ddi-dliya, m. hardness, tirinness,
comp.) as tdb-ddda, inflamed, p. stability, s. o o
j\d ( 370 )

(^jt\ti das, m. a sickle, a scythe, p.

^JLnj\d ^T^^ daru-dri, f. a doll. s.
y^S^Sd (lar-madar, settlement of a quarrel, j). Willi ^TETT (/a»'a, m. a piece of wood sticking
out from a wall to support the thatch (or chhappar,
^ilii ^^^^^ darumay, made of wood, q.v.); a reaping-hook. h.
wooden, s.
j^-s<**b ^TOtJT dds-pur or ^T^TTC ddah-pur, m
^,b ^ifCoirT darilm, f. a daughter, dariha-
a fragrant grass {Cyperus rotundus). t
ddn. III. giving a daughter in marriage, s.
^lL*>lii ddstdn, f. a story, fable, tale. p. Jb
^j^ti ^R^ damn, m. the clearing nut plant
{Sliycliiios pntatoruni). s. &*^b fZa.sY/, ni. a reaping-hook (v. ddsd). h.

jb ^"l^THi
^^ fearful, da/ un , austere, iiiifeeling, horrible, ^***'4i <^i«1 ^iaii, f. a maid-servant. <ia.vt-
shocking ; m. horror, horribleness ; lead wort putra, m. the son of a slave-girl. A.
(Plumhai'O zeylanica). s.
*Ju*»b ^T^ ddsya, m. slavery, servitude, s.
liJib ^T^f^^n daru-nisha, f. a plant (Cwr-
cuma ziinthorrhizon). s. (_>iilii ^T^ ddi^h, m. a servant (v. dns). g.
• j^ti ^T^ darn, f. spirituous liquors ; gunpow- CL*~t*\ii ddsht,f. bringing up, breeding, taking
der- (Idnl-si.sd, (lit ) powder and lead, ammunition, care of, patronage ; service, p.
military stores, h.
^^pui*u ddshtan (r. ddr), to keep, to possess,
jjlii daru, f. medicine, daru darman, appli- to have, to place, to deposit, p. [province, s.
cation of medicine, daru lagtii, to take effect (medi-
cine), p, i^jX^\i^ ^n^^'f ddsherak, m. Malwa, the
iP^i^ dat, m. a well-wisher, one who prays
V.'jjjb <^\f!li,\ darura, m.^wine, spirituous li-
for the welfare of another ; a plaintiff; (me who insti-
^vj^lti^TC^ r/a/iin, f J quor. h. gates another to any thing, instigator, author, cause, a.
Ajlff'j.b daroghana, pay of a darogha. p.
aaS-b dd'iya, m. petition, phiint, desire, wisii ;
cause, source, a.
iS^jM daroghayi, f. superintendence ; the
■■ station of darogha, q. v. p. e,\Ci ddgh, m. spot, st;iin, mark, scar, a
»^j ,lii darogha, m. the head man of an office, freckle, a mark made by burning with a hot iron
the prefect of a town or village ; a superintendant of brand, stigma, cautery ; (adjectively) wounded, cauter
the police, &c. ; an overseer, p. ized, having many scars, ddgh bar hdld,e dd^, one
misfortune followmg another, ddgh charhdnd or la-
gSnd, a. to vilify, to defame, ddgh-ddr. spotted,
i^j.b ^f^oFT ddrvika,']f. a sort of collyrium marked, ddgh dend, a. to mark bv burning with a
ij_jj\ii <»T^ dnrvl,zon J from an infusion of hot iron, cauterize; to blemish, ddgh Idnd, a. to vilify.
the Curcuma %ant)iorrhi ; a sort of potherb, s. ddgh lagnd, n. to be damaged, dagh hond, to be
cauterized or scarred, p.
j^ii^j.b dar o viadar, reconciliation, settle- U^b ddghnd, a. to cauterize, to mark by
ment of a dispute or quarrel, p.
burning with a hot iron ; to fire (a gun, &c.). p. h.
^j'^^J^'^ ^T^^ft'JT daru-hari dra, f. a kind of
curcuma (C. zanlhurrhizon). s. [war. s. ^■\ii dnghl, spotted, stained, ddghl-k., a. to
"stain, to blemish, p.
(Cjb 5Trt <^/ari, f. a female slave taken in i-dJb ^T^ ddk, m. a donor, one who makes
jOjU darahi, (dual.) the two worlds, i.e. presents, especially to Brahmans ; a sacrificer, one
the present and future life. a. who pays the expenses of the ceremony and employs
the officiating priests, s.
dJj'b ^TToli darak, m. a tooth, a tusk. s.
* \m. a pomegranate, (^jLiib 5^Hj|lfi(irfl ddhshdyirii, f. pi. the twenty-
^yb ^iftT ddrim, r seven lunar mansions, considered as the daughters of
yb ^flfrg darhrih,} the tree or its fruit. Daksha and wives of the moon ; f the nymph and as-
(Punica granatum). darim-priya, m. the parrot, as being terism 7{o/i!H« ,• a plant (Croton pulyandrum). a.
fond of the pomegranate, ddrim-pushpak, m. a medi-
cinal plant {^Andersonia rohitaka). »'.
l^i (ji^\ii ^ifvysdJ^n ddkshi-kanthd, f. a place
to the north of India, in thecountry of VahlTk orBalkh.
Jbj]d ^J^ ddrh, f. a jaw-tooth, a grinder. ddkshi-kanthlya, produced or l)orn in Ddkshi-kanthd. s.
ddrh mdrnd, to gnash or grind the teeth in wrath, an-
guish, &c. h. *xi^b ^^ ddkshya, m. cleverness, dexte-
rity, ability, s.
VjbVb ^T^ darhd, m. a large tooth, a tusk. A.
,^b ^TO ddkh, f. a raisin, s.
Kfcj=b ^frSRT ddrhihd,^ f. beard ; tendril. (-L/b ^JT dag, m. spot, scar, &c. (v. ddgh). h.
^Jbjlii ^TC^ ^iar/ti, J t/ar/tl handnd or Ufb ^nffTddgnd, a. to cauterize, «&c. (v.
"mundnd, a. to shave (in Dakh. rfari). s.
ddghnd). h.
(,_>ilii ^« or ^^I rZas, m. a male slave,ddsatd, a ser-
vant ;a Sudra, or man of the fourth caste, f. Jb ^^ ddl, f. pulse, vetches, a kind of split
or ddsatwa, m. slavery, dds-dast, the female slave of pea. much used for food, as a soup used along with
boiled rice, what we call curry or mulligatawny ; a
a slave ; male and female slaves, a-.
( 371 ) u
sort /fH«, a. to refuse, to decline clownishly. ddUan chhu-
ki, n.oftograin
have [Paxpalum fiumentaceiim).
an advantage, dxil gaJnl
to avail, kuchh kis't
dal iiicn rdnd, a. to escape, to get rid of, to come off. ddmau-
I'dluhtu, " tliere is something wrong;" "there is a ddr, wide (as cloth), ddman dabd baithnd, to intrude
upon, ddman se lagnd, to depend upon, to claim pro-
flaw in the indenture;" lit. there is something black
in the dal, or pea soup. »". .,'^ to, depending on; de-
tection, ddman-gir, attached
manding justice, an accuser, daman glri, f. attach-
Jb dall, si<xtiificaiit, expressive, typical, a. ment, friendship, applyingfor justice, arraignment, p.
^b ^^T dala, f. colocynth. s. f. lightning:. 5-
(j^b ^f^f*! ddmini,
(j^b dalan, m. a hall, dar-dalan, m. an (^iii ?^fiT»ft ddmini,
outer hall. p. [mon. h.
^-eU ^JT«f^ ddmni, relating to the artemisia
jjjiilii dal-ckinl (for dar-chtni), f. cinna- " flower ; f. a string, a rope, especially for tying cattle. *,
j^b ^f^!^dalidr,m. (v. daridr) poverty, .s. &l«b ddmana, m. a skirt, &c. (v. daman), p.

(^.i>3\ii^f^"5^(Za/«Zri, m. (v.ddridi'i) poor. s. jf/ob ddmani, f. scrap of the shroud kept by

relations of thi deceased ; a saddle-cloth, furniture,
1*5b ^rf^HrfaZm.m. pomegranate (y.ddrim). s. housings ; an ornament worn on the forehead, p.
iJb dala, a jjoculiar kind of tenure (in the litijjii ddm-0-dad (v. dad-o-ddm), wild
Du.ab). h. beasts, quadrupeds in general, p.
J\J dam, m. a net, a snare ; a quadruped, p.
jd^o\(^ r^\H\(iX.ddmodai', m. a nameoi Ki'ishna;
^b ^TT dam, f. m. a rope, any kind of string, s. Yasoda, his foster-mother, having in vain passed the
folds of a rope round his body, whilst a child, to keep
(•b ^TT dain, m. price ; the name of a copper him in confinement, s.
coin ; in the dylni akbarl, and consequently in most
revenue accounts, the dam is considered to be the for-
j<oU ^'prl' ddml, f. an assessment, ddml lag-
tieth part of a rupi. The dam, or one-fortieth of a dnd, a. to assess, ddmi wasildt,groas assets of a village, h.
rupi, was divided into eight parts, called damrl. Two
damns make one pd.old, and two pa.olas one adheld,
or half a dam. Since the time of Akbar, however, the ij^ii ddml., m. a sportsman, a fowler, p.
dam has greatly fallen off in value, so that at present, &x«b ddmiyat, a contusion or wound sufficient
in Upper India, it is only one-twenty-fifth of a paisa, to make the blood appear but not to flow. a.
or one-sixteen-hundredth of a riipi. h.
j^ti ddma, may (it) be perpetual, ddma (jb ^T'Jf dd7i, m. charity, alms, act of giving
mulku-hu, may his kingdom be everlasting, a. or bestowing, gift; anj- thing demanded by law or
custom, as toll, &c. ; a religious rite, in which the
v<ib ^HT ddma, m. a rope, a string, a cord. ,<>. Brahmans pronounce a certain charm or incantation
over any thing, in the wish of a happj' futurity, and
iUib ddmdd, m. a son-in-!ave. p. give
flows itfrom
as a present to another
the temples of an person
elephant; the fluid ddn-
in rut. that '
j_^iilyob ddmddi, f. relationship of son-in- pati. m. a liberal or munificent man. ddn-paltar or
law, p. ddn-paira, m. a deed of conveyance, a deed of gift by
which land is conveyed to Brahmans. ddn-pattar-ddr
8l*»»l«b ^TTWT^ ddmasdh, name of a mer- a Brahman to whom lands have been assigned, dan-
chant, who, dying insolvent, his effects were divided pun, m. charit}', alms, ddn-dharma, m. almsgiving,
among his creditors in proportion to their claims, h. charity; the rules for making donations, ddn-shll,
liberal, munificent, dan-yogya, fit for, or meriting a
donation, s.
jJ&LjiUilii ^HT^T^^ ddmdsdhi, f. proportion-
ing, equal assessment, dividend (of a bankrupt's pro- (^b dan, in corap. denotes knowing, under-
perty) ;composition of a debt, k. standing, asTcadar-ddn, knowing the value or quality
jjUb ddmdn (v. daman), a skirt, &c. j). (of persons), nukta-ddn, subtle, penetrating, p.

(jii^xcb ^ft^ofi ddmbhik, hypocritical; m. j^^t^ dan, m. an afHxment ; a place, a stand ;

a hypocrite ; a kind of crane {Ardea nivea). s. generally used in comp. as kalam-ddn, a pen-case.
sham'-ddn, a candle-stick, chd-ddn, a tea-pot. p.
&js^\d'^Vl{^\ ddmchn, m. the phitforn) on which lib ddnd, wise, learned. ddnd,e dahr, wise,
a person is posted to protect crops. /(. the learned of the age. p.

(_fjb«b ddmddr'i, a I'ranch of revenue arising lib ^»TT ddiid, m. grain, corn, berry (for
from birdcatchers, pla3'ers, and musicians, p. ddna. p.). h.
ft*-eb dami'af, a wound causing the blood to
flow. a. (^<=0b ddiiu'i, f. wisdom, knowledge, p.
C>o\t> ^trT ddnt, m. a tooth, ddnt ungti
CL^.^^\>^ ^^fi^H ddm-lipta, m. a country, the kdtnd, a to bite the finger, is a term expressive of
modern district of Tamluk. s.
being surprised, amazed, or perplexed, ddnt bdjnd,
^^b ddmon, ni. a skirt of a garment; sheet chattering of the teeth, squabbling, sparring, wran-
gling, ddnt patlhar po ghaind (Dakh., explained by
{of a sail on ship-board) ; the foot or declivitj- of a hawas-k.), to aim at. to desire, dant par charhdnd, to
mouutain. ddinan pakarnd, a. to prevent, to oppose ;
to take protection, to take refuge, ddman phaildnd, a. detract from the virtues or praise of another, ddnt-
to beg, to petition, to desire, daman talc chhipdnd, to p'lsnd,
dabdnd a orto -kdtnd,
gnash tothestand
teeth,in toamaze,
grin, toddnt tale ungll-
be amazed, to
protect; to commit crimes secretly, daman jhdrkar
ulhiid, to lise quickly in displeasure, ddman jhatak wonder, ddnt-rakhnd or -bond kis'i par, to desire any
thing exceedingly ; to hate, ddnt-sahaldnd (Dakh.)
( 372 )
to ache (the teeth), dant ,b kd darrl, tooth-ache, dant ^U dauu\ rc. a stake, a uagcr ; a throw, oi
hafi roll khdiid, to be united in intimate Iriendship.
ddut katkdtdnd, a. to gnash the teetli duiil kachkach- cast of the dice (properly, dd,o or ddw). p.
und, to grin, to shew the teeth, ddut khatte-k., to dis-
hearten, to displease, dant kholiie, to disclose tlie ^b ^«T^ danuir of ddiiura, m. (see asur) a
teeth, to grin, ddnt-ldnd or -nikdliid, to teeth, to grow demon, a giant, a Titan, s.
(as teeth), ddnt lagnd, m. trismus or loeked-jaw.
ddiit-nikdbid. to laugh, to grin ; to express or confess ^j^yb ^RT«T ddhicdn, m. burning stubble,
inability &:c. ; a conflagration in a forest, s.
to l)ite theandground), helplessness, ddnton zum'in
to be reduced pakcirni (lit.
to extremities, to
suffer great pain, ddnton mdriid, a. to gnash the teeth (^jyb ^t^TT^ dd/iwan, f. a rope which fastens
(with anger), s. bullocks together when threshing (v. dauri). h,
^JlKl:6b <:ftriir<*(^fofr^ dantahUkil, f. quarrel. s. iob ddiin, m. a grain, seed, speck, pimple,
K-JCl^ib ^TTfThFT (lanl-iinha, the act of corn, ddna-hadatnd. a. to caress as birds do by join-
ing bills, ddiia budlawwal, billing, caressing as birds
taking a straw or a piece of grass in the teeth to depre- do by joining bills, ddna-handl, a cursory survey or
cate wrath, or as a token of complete submission, h. partial measurement or weighment to ascertain the
produce of each field. ddna panl, m. food, victuals.
ddtan). ^'^
s. dahtun, m. a tooth-brush (v ddna-ddr, granulated; having the appearance of being
granulated ; containing grain, ddna ddn-k., to mingle,
^hft danfi, f. tlie tooth of a saw or other confouud, or destroy, ddna-kesh, m. a kind of em-
broidered neckcloth, worn in cold weather over the
instrument, cog of a wheel; a rake; a harrow; a kind cloak, p.
of^sickle, ddntt-parnd, n. to be notched or indented
(as the edge of a sword), ddnti deiid, a. to insist ^b ^T!ft<ia7ii, charitable, liberal, bountiful. .«.
upon, ddntl lagnd, to have a locked jaw. s.
^^\i^ ddiii, f. place, pot; used in comp. as
(S^b ^3 dcmd, m. oppression, injustice, injury ;
tel-ddnl, f. an oil-pot (abstract form from dan, knowing)
fine, punishment, s.
in comp., ns.ghaib-ddni, knowledge of the mysterious, p.
\JJx«^A)\ti ^TT'TST danda menda, m. the fron-
'^jijr^ dd7ie-:dd, m. a miser, avaricious, d.
tier, or boundary between the lands of two pro-
prietors, h. Jjjob ddiiiza (also ddnizha), a lentil, p.
jAi\.i dandu, a ball for playing with ; also &job ^T«fN ddniya, worthy of having any
a bat for striking the same. d.
thing given, worthy or fit to be given, s.
iSjj^^'^ dandvnji, f. uiiscbief, wickedness, d. jb ?[T^ daw, m. a bill, or kind of hatchet
with a hooked point; vicissitude, turn, opportunity ;
tJJ.>b ■^'H dandi, f. a balance ; in. a rower, stake. wager, a stroke at a game ; a throw of the dice.ilc.
a waterman. «.
ddwidndhnd or -hadnd, a. to bet, wager, p. h.
lII*— 3b danist, f. knowledge, opinion, p.
jb ^TW ddv or ddva, m. a forest, a forest on
^JL-3b sidedanistun (r. dd7i), to know, to con- fire (Pers. ddw, v. ddnw, a wager, &c ) s.
r, p.
^:LJi\i^ ddnisfn, having known, knowingly. ]). j^b ?[T^(/a,M, m. an a])pellation of a fatheror
of an elder brother ; used by contraction for lialadeva,
the foster brother of Krishna, h.
^X:LJ>\ti ddnixtaf/iy^f. knowledge, science,
^Ji3b danish, J learning, p. jA^ dd,v, fraud, deceit, cheating. dd,o-glid,o,
feint or stratagem in war, &c. d.
^^L.i\i^ ddnuh jwanrfjiwitie, learned ; <ia;m7t-
Ub ^T^rddjvd, m. a male nurse ; the husband
jyLi\i^ danish-icar J mundi or -warif of a dd,l, q. v. h.
learning, wisdom, science. j>.
^o^l^b^ ^TTrfTtT ddvdgnij^m. the conflagra-
^b dd'fiah, 1 f. a small denomination of mo-
tilib dank, |ney, the si.Kth part ofadindr; a ^y>\J^l^^T^ ^'J\^ddvdnal,i tion of a forest
kindled by a tempest or some other cause. *.
dXJb dang,) weight, the fourth part of a
,ijAtidd,ud,the name of the prophet David, a.
drachm ; the sixth part of a city : it is used conven-
tionally as a sixth part in general, a. p.
jcJjb dd,udi, f. a shrub that l)ears a flower
cL^-ib ^TT dmig, a hill or precipice; the like camomile (Oirysanthemum Indlcum) ; a kind of
summit of a mountain, h. armour; coat of mail, so named from its being sup-
posed to have been originally made by D!l,ud, just aa
Job ddngar, a superannuated horned beast, we employ the terms Ferrara and Joe Manton. a.
(met.) a fool, idiot, h. {dela rdjputs. h.
jjb ddwar,m. a sovereign, a judge, God. ;;,
^X->\ti ^pft ddngi, a name given to the hun-
^/jjb ddnari, f. sovereignty, royalty, p.
jlxj\ J ddnanda, he that knows ; skilled, p.
(^,b ddwan (v. daman), m. a skirt, &c. d.
ylii 7^ ddnw, m. ambuscade, ambush, snare ;
power, opportunity; time, turn, vicissitude ; twisting ^.b ^^^ ddii-an, m. the process of threshing
of one another in wrestling, ddhw-baithnd, n. to lie in by means of bullocks, Sec. (v. ddwnd). h.
ambush, ddnw pakarnd, a. to wrestle.^ ddnw chaldim,
H. to take advantage of. ddnw chalua, n. to have the Ojb ^T^»TT (Idrvnd, a. to thresh, to tread; ra,
advantage, h. the act of treading out the grain (v. da,en). h.
ab ( 373 )

i\d ^T? r/rf/j, m. f. burninf;, ardour ; coni- ^■^}^ ^TTTSR ddyah or J^J^ dd,ik, m. a giver
bustioii, conflagration; morbid heat; cautorv. </«/'- (v. dd.l). s.
jwar, m. inflammatory fever, ddli dend. to light the
funeral pile, dah rakhnd, to grudge, ddh-sar, m. a ^'j> dd,h)), always, perpetual, permanent.
dd,imu-l-h,ihs, perpetually imprisoned. da,imu-l Ishamr,
root ofwhere
place dead grass
a fragrant bodies{Andruponon
are burnt. muric(itani),
d('ih-liarrin, mwoven
a sot, drunkard, dd.imu-l-muruz, alwa3's sick. a.
into screens and kept wet for excluding the heat, ddh-
karma, or -karana, or -kriyd, the act or ceremony of Uj\j dn,wuin, perpetuiilly, everlastingly, a.
burning u dead body. s.
\ifcU (laha, in. the ten days of the muharram, ^_«^b dd,i)n'i, If. perpetuity, ot'rnity. </a,i-
in which the tombs of htasan and ^iisain are carried *x^b dd.imiyatjj tin, adj. perpetual, ever-
about and thrown into the river, or other water (v.
lasting, a.
daha). p.
j^/b ^n? dd,en, the tying of a number of
til^b ^^ dahaky burning, inflammatory ; bullocks together for the purpose of treading out the
cauterizing, caustic; m. a plant (P/u/nia^o zeylanica). s. grain from the ear. h. [and left. h.

^j^frb ^fl'gVf dahan, m. burning, cauterizing, s. (^.^b^/b ^V^ m"^ dd,en-bd,en, on the right
Ufcb (>|^«^T dahna, a. to burn, to scorch, s. j^/b da,in, hill estates (v. du7i). n.
6^}C>ddya, H female attendant, a nurse, p,
Ui>lii ^Tfi5«n dahina or ^T^»n dahna, right
(not left). In Sanskrit dakshina signifies south or L-->4i <luhl), ni. state, eoiiislitution, condition,
right, because, according to the Hindiis, the earth, the custom, manner, property, quality; a bear, dubbi
navel of which corresponds to Hindustan, has its head asghnr, the lesser bear, dubbl akbur, the greater bear;
to the west, its feet to the east, the right side to the (met.) a fool. a.
south, and the left to the north ; or perhaps the term
has arisen from the position of eastern people in ado- j
bii ^T (Inbd, m. ambush, dahd indrnd, to
lie in wait. /;.
ration of the rising sun. In Arabic, the word shamdl
denotes north, or left, and this agrees with the manner
in which the Roman augurs determined the regions b;i f?^ dibd, m. (for d'vd) day, daylight, s.
of the heavens, according to Livy. It may be further
stated, that in the Gaelic dialects south and north are ^bii dii'drd (for do bnid), "la second time,
synonymous terms with right and left respectively, s. 8]bi dubura (for do-bdm),} over again, p.
j>**bti duhdsl (same as dobluinhiyd, (j-v.),
jJb^ii dak'i, shrewd, ingenious, penetrating, a.
^li ^m day or daya, m. paternal property, "an interpreter, a manager or factotum, d.
inheritance, ddya-bhdg or ddya-vibhdg, m. division of cbj dabbdgh, m. a currier, a tanner, a.
property amongst different heirs, s.
^bii f^TFofiT dihdhar (for divnhur), m. (lit.
f^^\ii'^[^ dd,l, f. a milk-nurse ; a midwife. the day- maker) the sun. s.
da.i pildj, f. a wet-nurse. dd,i jandj, f. a midwife.
dd,i ko sompnd, a. to put out to nurse. dd,i khild.i, a bbti ^TnT dabd/id, a. to press down ; to snulv,
dry nurse. dd,i-garl, f. midwifery', p. h. to chide, to keep under, to '..heck, curb, restrain, awe,
depress, suppress, diihd-lend, a. to encroach iipoti.
(^y^b ^T^rfoji, m. a giver, generally used in dahdmdnid, a. to overcome, to get the better of; to
composition, as, dukh-dd,l, giving or occasioning pain- s. crush to death, h.

bb ^^n daya, m. demand, claim, plaint, h. blL_^i3 ^'^'^TnT dab-dud, n. to advance. /(.
bb dayd, m. a male nurse, the husband of jbii ^«n^ dabdn', m. stn ngth, power, anlho-
a dd,i, q. v. p. h. rity ; pressure, crush, resignation, submissiveness.
diibdw mdinid, a. to stand in awe. h.
i^jy^}^}<^ ^^TT^inT day apa carta n, m. priva-
tion, forfeiture of property, s. U3U'(_5-bi> ^n^lT^'IT d(did,e ddlnd, a to keep
concealed, to hide (generally furtively). /(.
iib\ii ^rm^ ddydd, m. son ; kinsman, near or
remote; an heir. s.
JOjOii dubdada, ni. dignity, state, pomp. a.

• libb ^rm^^ dayddav, m. heir, kinsman, s. UtiJti cW^ dubdha, f. doubt, suspense, uncer-
tainty, adilemma, i.
t/ibb ^FTRft ddyddi, f. a daughter, an
heiress, s. [awarded, adjudged, s. jid did)ui\ f. the backside, posteriors ; pndcx ;
end, conclusion, a. [field, h.
Clob i^ftnr day it, condemned, sentenced ;
\jii ^TT dabrd, a marsh, a puddle; a small
W^ii ^^TSTl ddyajd or ^FifT dd,ejd, m. a
dowry, portion, nuptial present, s. Jid duhz, thick, coarse (as cloth), p.

ji^i^ddjr, encircling. dd,ir o m,ir, going; the ^Jc,^>Ci dublstdn, m. a school, dahistdni
circuit (judges, &c.)j absolute, invested with autho- mazdhib, " School of religious sects ;" the title of a cele
brated work in the Persian language : the author ol
rity, a. this singular and very interesting work is unknown,
but it has gener.illy been attributed to JIuhsin Fani,a
8yb dd,i>'a, m. a circle, a ring, circumference, native of Kashmir, who lived in the 17th century.
orbit; a tambourine; a monastery, dd.ira-ddr, the From its Tndianized style and idiom it is evidentlj
head of a monastery, the lord abbot, prior, fitc. a.
not the protluction of a'Persiau.— Binning, a.
( 374 ) LiJo^

fj^\l^i^ dahistanl, m. a student or scholar ; ^JL>ii '^'W\t$\da,bila, m. the name of a medicine;

adj. of or belonging to a school, p. a paddle, h. [unpolluted, divine. ».

ig*^'^ 5^^ LT'

dubsl, the per-centage allowed to s,xii^ r<^a«*i m. (for divyd) an oath ; adj. pure,
"government farmers on the revenue paid to govern- |^^x>ii ^^^TT dabehrd, a large ploughshare, h.
ment, being two in twenty, or ten per cent. h.
UoJii (^cfohMI dahkana, a. to snub, to check, t^^ii^^^T^rfrt&e/tri, a kind of light plough. /t.
to chide, to threaten, to awe, to daunt ; to conceal, to
hide. h. tiLOii "^ViZ dapat, f. a course, a gallop, h.
'-^.'^ ^^f?T du-jjattd, \ m. a kind of veil or a
S>>i^ ^"Sfttd abhor, f. a trap, a snare, h.
l^ioii ^sfoRHI dnhohna, n. to crouch, to be ^A Z^l du-patta,} piece of linen in which
awed, to lie in ambush, to sculk, to lusk, to set (a dog)' there are two breadths, dupatta tdnke sona, " to draw
to twinkle, dabak-and, -jdnd or -rahnd, n. to sneak, to the sheet (over one's head) and sleep," is used to ex-
skulk, dahak baithnd, n. to crouch, h. press a state of security, and also to denote resigning
one's self to die. dupatta hildnd or phirdnd, to hold
out a flag of truce, to offer to surrender (a fort), h.
ijj^i^ ^^W^dabaknt (v.dabhi), ambush, &c.c?.
bUbiif^MiJMI daptand,^. to put to the gallop./t.
^Oii ?|^o|i1 dahhi, f. ambush, crouching.
" dahkl murnd, to lie in ambush (a tiger, &c.). h. llx).;i ^TIT»TT dapatna, n. to gallop, to rush ;
a. to rebuke, to reprimand, h.
^y.*S^(^ ^%c5 dabkel, Ira. skulking, a
^jjXjii <^«T"*1^T dabkllaj skulker, h. l3'o>)ti ^tf^tiT^T dupdapdna, ^ a. or
^ti 5.^5T dubla, thin, lean, poor, barren, bSi^^_>:i 7^X(^^-3fiji{] dap-dap-kamd,) n. to
shine, h. [splendour, h.
weak, dubld-pd, m. leanness, emaciation, s.
tiLJsbOkJti ^^5<ri^ dapdapdhat, f. shining,
\yyJi^ <«lc:im\ dublapa, m. thinnesis,
Uu*^.ii HIHrfl dujyastd, pregnant, h.
Uo^^ii ^^STT'^IT dublapava, m. leanness, s.
^.li ^xj dapu, f. the anus (vulgar term), k.
i^f^'^i^i ^ZW^% dubla.,1, f.
IJ04> ^^^ dabna, n. to be snubbed, to crouch, b,<^.ti ^""T^ft'n du-pahriyd, m. a kind of
to shrink.to be pressed down, mowed down,togive way, flower {Pentapeles Phcenicea) ; adj. meridian, h.
to be awed ; to be concealed, dab-jdnd, n. to retire, to C^ii ^ dut, interj. away, begone, avaunt.
withdraw, to be mortified, dab-chalnd or -nikalnd. n.
to be awed, to be overpowered, dabmarnd, n. to be dut-dabak, reproof, reprimand, s.
crushed to death, dabe pd,on, with silent steps, softly,
CL^i ?iT dut or ?frT duti, f. light, splendour,
gently, h.
beauty ; spite, malice, s.
LL^-i-Jii ^W dabatig or dabing, 'I ill-br(;d, C^i> f^ diti, f. one of the wives of Kasyapa,
iClJii ^^r^T dabanfjci or dabinga,) brutish, and mother of the Dutyas, or infernal race, opposed
foolish, barbarous; m. a dolt, lout, clown, h. to the gods. s.

\^y>^ ^^-^ r|'I dabochna, a. to conceal, to lOii ^ datta, given, presented ; m. the
hide (generally furtively), to strangle, h. name of a king ; a title or surname of a man of the
Yais or third caste, s.
j^d dabur, f. zephyr, the west wind. a.
(Oii^fW dniti, f. gift, donation, s.
(,,j*»^ii dabus, m. a club, a mace. a. p.
(j»»^4i r^4\Tl dabos, m. a flint, h. ^^'j\i phan^^TrW^ dattdfrnan, m. parents,
a youth s.or or-
who gives himself to adoptive
\***^id dabusa, m. the cabin of a ship, stern, a.
Ujtibii ^'^^^ duttd dend, -a. to drivi; away
\lu»y>d i^H"^ dabosna, to tope, to tipple, h. scornfully ; to deceive, to baulk, to cheat, h.
^Ol^ dabba, m. a leathern vessel for holding ijOi^ 51TR: du-tdra, m. a kind of shawl (v.
oil. h. dutdrd). s.

Ijuj'^ii ^rf^TiT diibashiya, m. (lit. the ' bi- 1315 J ^^^^^ dutdnd, a. to press down ; to snub,
lingual") an interpreter; also an agent in general, like to chide, to keep under, h.
the continental " commissaire." s.
cdl^ii ?>?oi; dubhuk, m. a famine, a scarcity, s. ^^^Jl3ii ^^t^TjejiH^ dattdnapakarman, u\
non-resumption of gifts, s.
(ii3 ^ du-be (for dwi-veda), a Brahman
learned in two of the four Vedas. s. LiJol:^.^^'^ ;^^Tl^«TcR datta-praddnik, m.
resumption of a gift. s.
IjOii ^^f^^^\ dabiyd, m. a measure of about ten
handful? (of corn, &c.). h, lyii ^TH^ datard, ') m. a large rake used fur
jX>(^ dabir, m. a writer, a secretary, a notary, p. ijiiH ^jn:: dataraj gathering high grass to-
getlier into acocklet
of the same kind. /(.: kilwd,i, q. v. is a small implement
{Sir.'^ ^^^ dabel, m. subject, person under
dominion, k.
,K5ii ^T{'m'^duthdr, m. reproof, s.
( '37o ) jtiiii

C\\>J>i cTrTeFTTfTT ihilhurvi, a. to re|)n)ve. s. j.d diiJili, :i (Iinunj or company; good for, ^
adapted to, diikJi, a daughter, p.
j^^Kiti ^IToJfnft dtitiiuri, f. a reproof, rei)ii- 2.i^ duhhhJi or dahhkh, smoke, a.
iiiand. .«.

jJO..^*ii ^"W^v;^ diittak-j)iitra, m. a son given ^^U*-ii dukhdn, smoke ; fumes of tobacco, a.
away by his natural to adoptive parents ; oneoftbe
twelve heirs acknowledged by the old Hindu law. s. fj^^sfd dukhdu'i, abounding in smoke, a.
VlJti ?frf *n datnd, n. to oppose, to confute, to Cl^i^ dukht, If. a daughter, a girl, a virgin.
fight. A. yks-ii dukhtar,] dxihhfar-ak, a little girl or
daughter, p.
j.,yii ^TT^^ dnfyran or ^riT«T dataun, m. a
tooth-brush (made of a twig), s. ^J.5>-4i dahhl, m. entrance ; access ; possibility
or practicability ; produce, income, receipt; intrusion,
{J^j^^ ^Wl^ da1o,i, f. land which has been interference, disturbance, molestation, dukhl puna, a.
lately cropped with the grain called bdj r a or jwar, q.v. h, to have access, dakhl-k., a. to meddle, to interrupt,
to take possession, a.
^»i n^frf'^I d'ttiija, f. the second lunar day
(v. duj). s. j\d^i^dakM-ddr,B. parrner,an accomplice.a./>.
eji>df^'mditya, m. a Titan, a demon (v. diti). s. li^i^ dahlima, a coffin, a tomb, a receptacle
for the dead. p. [nue. a.
U'li datta, m. a cork, a stopper, a plug. d.
oXid datana, a. (v. dabkana) to snub, &c. d. J^ti dukhul, entrance, access ; income, reve-
jJjk>-45 daJjliil, intimate, familiar; admitted,
Uj'ii ^TJTT datna, a. to oppose, &c. (same as
datnd, q. v.). h. allowed entrance ; m. a friend, a confidant a protegd,
one who claims protection or mercy ; (iu law) an occu-
pant, or the party in possession, a.
jj^^^ii f?fT^ dithwan, the ekadashi or ele-
venth day of the bright half of the month kdrtik, on liii dad, a rapacious animal, beast of prey,
which there is a festival dedicated to Vislfuu. h.
forest full of game. p.
0^^ li fij^Tff dithauna, m. a patch, an arti- liiii dadd, f. a maid-servant, a nurse, p. t.
ficial mole on the face. /;.

jOi5 disar, a mantle, an upper garment, a. j^di^ dadachhar, evil omen, misfortune, d.
\s>-i^ ^»n dijjd (for rfw/a), second, other, s. jiiti ^"^dadj-ic or ^^dadnt, m. cutaneous and
herpetic eruption, dadru-rogin, diseased by herpes. »,
jU-ii dajjdl, m. a liar, an impostor; anti- i^.iiii dadri, iinripi; corn, chiefly barley, h.
christ, a. [the river Tigris, a.
*Jj>-^ dijla or dajla, also dajlat, m. a lake; aJiiti dv-dihi, wavering, doubtful, p.
— ii ^ dach, a homestead (East Oude). h. V^^iiki ^^q5T*TT dadldnd, a. to chide, to snub. h.
Jiil«(^li dad 0 dam, a fierce rapacious animal
jWii du-chdr, a meeting, an interview, j;. (as a lion, tiger. &c.) ; a wild beast in general ; also a
C^ii ^f^ dvchit, 1 of two minds, waver- harmless animal, as a goat, sheep, &c. p.

b:»-ii ?f%^ duchitta,) ing, doubtful, one U>t>ii «j(f|jil dadord, m. a lamip (occasioned
whose mind is bent on two different cotirses, absent by the bite of an insect). //.
iu mind. s.
;fciiii ^N dadhi, m. sour, thick milk, coagu-
{^>li»-ii ^f^^^ duchitta^, f. suspense, ab- lated milk, dadhi kado, coagulated milk and clay
sence of mind, unsteadiness. «. [ways. h. thrown by people at each other in sport on a holiday
held in honour oi Krishna on his birth-day. s.
&L^i^ 5"^^: dii-challa, m. a roof sloping two ^liii f^V didhi, f. firmness, stability, s.
i^J^J dn-cliand, twice, double, p. Jtit^ ^f^ duddhi, f. a kind of medicinal root
co»>-ii du-choha, two poled (tent), p.
(v. duddh'i). s.
^-■>-i> ^ dachh, learned, scientific, able ; Asti^dV.xnxdudhdr, giving milk, a milch cow. s.
proper name of a most ancient sage, father-in-law of
Jlahadeva (v. daksha). s. [south, s. ^jUtiii du-dhdrd, two edged (sword), h.
j^As^ii ^f3«T dachchhin (for dakshina], m. the K-j.ij.>i5ii ^VtifeqcJiT dadhi-pvshpikd, f. a
U4>-ti ^fsm dachchhina, f. (for dahslmid) flower (Clitorca ternata). s.
reward to a Brahman for performing religious cere-
monies fee.
; s. J.^.Jtiiii ^ftniicSs. dadJii-phol, m. the elephant
or wood-apple,
j^.y!kA»-ii ^fs[rj1HH dachchhinayan, m. the
sun's progress from north to south, winter solstice, s. ^liii ^l'^ diiddht, f. name of a medicinal
"herb {Euphorbia hirtn and thywifolia). s.
^sj-ii ?f^ dachchJn, dexterous, capable, ^j,'-J^j^^i^i ^T»Tt (J a (I Ill/din, f. a medicinal
"able. Will qualified, s. plant, s.
>(3^ I 370 ) L^ji

^liii ^^^ dadlnch, the name of a Muni or U^^NiS 5lf*IHI d)aghima, m. length, t.
saint, who devoted himself to death, that the gods
miglit be armed with his bones in lieu of thunderbolts, <-^"^^iii TOcSTT dur-dlap, m. abusive or scar-
to destroy the demon Tdrak. s. rilous language, abuse, s. [ment, <.

Jjtfcii^i ?Vc5 dudhail, f. milch, giving milk. s. ,^^jii ^TTonr dur-dlabh, difficult of altain-
Jbiiii ^f^TTI^ dndryal, m. descent, pedigree, ^J^ljii 5TTQ5>n dur-dlahha, f a prickly plant,
the Jawasa (Hedysarum alhagi), s.
ancestors, paternal grandfather's family, h.
<3^i,i5 dar-amad, entrance; (in law) the re-
<_j(iJ diddi, f. a wicket, a small door. d.
turn of a process, ddr-dmad bar-amad, entrance and
jii dar, m. a door, a gate, dar-ba-dar, from egress, receipt and disbursement, p.
door to door, dar o dlwdr dekhni, expresses solitude
and anxious expectation ; prep, in, at, on, into, dar ^jljii daran, (in comp.) tearing, rending, p.
and, n. to come in. to arrive, to penetrate, dar pai e uVii ^tnrr darrand, n. to go straight and
jdn hond, n. to be desiroixs of the death of another, to
persecute to the uttermost, dar pai hond, n. to follow, quickly, toh.go OQ fearlessly and boldly ; adj. straight
to prosecute, to persecute, dar turat, in case, pro-
vided, should, suppose that. p.
o^ii ITRT durdnd, a. to conceal, to hide. h.
jfb dar from darldan, (in comp.) tearing,
rending, as mardum-dar, man-destroying, p. {J^\)'^ '«^0h^ daranti, f. a sickle. //.
ij>^ji^ durrdnt, m. the name of a tribe of
j^ ^ dar, m. price, rate, a number or quan- Pathdns or Afghans, inhabiting the country about
tity fixed as a standard, h, Kaiidhdr. They are said to have got this name from
d ^ dur, as the first member of a compound wearing pearls in the ear ; they are also called Abddl'is.p.
(like the Greek 8vs) denotes bad, evil, ill, unfortunate, ^-i3j\jii
difficult; as dur-bdchya or dur-bachan, m. scurrility, cutieut. "jT^oir
s. rf/amA, diuretic; solvent, dis-
abuse, dur-bal, weak, nerveless, faint, dur-balatd, f.
faintness, weakness, dur-jan, m. a bad man, an
enemy, dur-din, day of adversit^^. dur-vdm, m. in-
Oj^ti "^if^sH drdvikd, f. saliva, s,
famy, dur, (in Dakh.) an ornament worn in the ear. s. ^j|jii '^I'idkl.drdv-kar, m. a kind of borax, s.
jii durr, m. a pearl, durr-nfs/ian (scattering Jj\)'^
which"jrf^ drnvir,
terminates the m. the name
peninsula of thethecountrv
of India: coast of
pearls), eloquent,
priceless pearl, a.durr-rez, eloquent, durri
p. s.a Coromandel, or the country in which Tamulis i-poken
its northern limits appear to be between the twelfth
jii dur (contr. of dur), avaunt ! away ! be- and thirteenth degrees of north latitude : in a more
general sense it applies to four other countries, Kartidf,
\jii ^ dora, m. (cor. from dara) the higli- Gujjaral, Mahdraslitr, and Tilinga ; a native of Drduif ;
way ; f. a cave, a grotto ; a valley, p. a Brahman of Drdvif. s.
^i5 dara, or dira, a bell. p.
^j^j^cuma "JTf^TeR drdvirah,
zerumbet) ; black m. zedoary
salt s. {Cur-«,
U3Vi5 iiUWI dur-atvia, vile, wicked, bad ; m.
a rascal, a villain, s.
(jj^^ii ■5T^«T drdi'an, m. the clearing nut;
«^]jii durraj, m. the black partridge, a. ^|^(i du-rdhd, a road branching into two
different directions, p.
— ijii darraj, a hedgehog ; a malignant
whisperer, a. |Jfcj;ii dardhim also dardhim (pi. of^fcjii). a.
JjWljii dar-ijdra, a sublease of a farm. p. a. j^^ljii dard,i, f. contradiction, harzu dard,i,
f. chattering, idle talk, rfara.e i v. rfara), a bell. p.
iWKi5 <;«.i-qi<. dur-achar, 'l wicked, immo- d/Ai5 dirdf/at, knowledge, sense, science;
(CjU-|.ii?<MlO dur-acharij ral, irreligious, manner, mode ; quality, a.
profligate, one of infamous conduct, s.
case ; b}' dar
these 'in icild, at
presents, p. a. tins time ; in this
(^jiybiiVii 5TT^ dur-adharsh, m. white mus-
tard, s. [rent. h.
L_->,ii ^'f darh (cor. of dravya), m. prospe-
Xd ^tK darar, m. a crack, a fissure, rift, rity, wealth ; metal, substance, matter, s.

SjjJ^ii TCPd? dur-aroh, of difficult ascent ; jbjii darbdr, m. house, dwelling, court, hall
m. the palm-tree, the date-tree. s. [tree. s. of audience, darbdr bdndnd, (Dakh.) to fix or secure
the court ; to give a bribe, p.
\s>jj\jd tmO^l dxir-aroha, f the silk cotton-
(_5.lj.1i darhdri, of or belonging to the court ;
jljj daraz, long, tall, extended, daraz-dast, a courtier ; the elegant and polished language of the
long-handed (longi-mantu), (met.) oppressive, dardz- court, in contradistinction to bdzdri, q. v. p.
gosh. long-eared, an ass or a hare, dardz-dastl, f. op-
pression, tyranny, p.
^jbjji dar-bdn, m. a doorkeeper, porter, j).

(_^jVii darazi, f. extension, length. daraz~i,e, ^•ij'^ darhdnl, f. the office of doorkeeper, p.
'umr, length of life. p.
jJO,;5 dar-ba-dar, from door to door, a wan-
\jL>|.ii ^lUjI drakshd, f. a grape. 5. dering mendicant, a vagrant, p.
■r-j' ( 377 )

Jbii^ii ff^fir (lurhuddhi, silly, ignorant, s. ^j^ ?rWT dur-jar, indigestible, s.

jXii darhar, war, battle, contest, d.
i^ji^ ^■%«T
m. a bad man,dur-jan,
an enemy. bad,«. wicked, malicious ;
«J1a— ^jii dar-hast (for t?ar o ta.-*^, q. v.), all,
entire, p.
(^^^ujjs-jtj 5'5I«Tfn^ dur-janatdfi, f. or dur-
*JL<ji.i> dfir-hasta, bound, tied, fastened, p. janatwa, m. enmity, malignity, wickedness, villainy. 5.

ty>jii ?.^^ dur-bal, infirm, powerless, weak ; ss>-jt^ dnrja (properly daraja), m. step, stair,
thin, emaciated ; poor. s. gradation, degree, rank, station ; act (of a play) ;
a degree of a circle, darja ha darja, step by step,
\j!hj,^^^r^Tndur-balatd,f. \nfirm\ty , poverty, s. gradually, a. [invincible, s.

tjj^jti dar-band, a bar, bolt (of a door), p. (ej>j(i ?^'TI diir-jay, difficult to be overcome,
^_^^j.>Jli dar-bandi, f. a statement of the dif- ^e^J|^ darji (for da7'zV), a tailor, p. h.
ferent rates of a village ; also assessing the prices of
produce, p. iSxi)\>-j^ dar-hdlate-hi,\\n case that; on the
^.li ^ darbh, m. kusa, or sacrificial grass aixjJl>-jj> dar-hdle-ki, J supposition that. /;.a-
{Poa cynosuroides) \ a kind of reed {^Saccharum sponta-
neutn or ci/lindiicum). s. [lucky, s. sii\^ji^ dar-han'dla, a sublease or tenure, p. a.
AA^^s^jii ^T5'TI dur-bhagya, unfortunate, un- CLJy»-jd darhot, advance (Wilson s Gl.).
[s-.(b du-riiTiha, that which is the same on
jl^jii ^^J^ dur-bhao, m. bad disposition, ill-
temper ; bad behaviour, ill manners, s. both sides, not having a wrong side. p.

^sT^ .i5 durhhichh for diir-hhiksha, m. a scar- d*5»- jti darahht or dirakht, m, a tree. p.
city, afamine, s.
jjLii»-.(i darakh&han, shining, brilliant, p.
U^j«> ?!T^^^ darhahra or diirbahra, an in-
toxicating spirit drawn from rice. h. ^^J^jd darakhxham, 1 f. brilliancy,
(jiiT^^.^i ;JH^ dur-bhaksha, hard to eat. s- j5(^x-ii»-j4i dara hh^handagi, j splendour, p.
SJsLi^.ii darakhshanda, bright, shining; a
jji.X^^ mili^H^
ne, s. dur-bhiksha, m. scarcity, fa- shiner, p.

l^^jii ^JpTT dur-bhaga, f. a wife disliked by Lll.wj\y»-jii dar-khwdst, f. application, request,

her husband ; an ill-tempered woman. *. entreaty, proposal, desire, wish, demand, petition, ap-
peal, or petition of appeal, p.
iX^ijd ^f^JX^ dur-abhigrah, m. a tree dji dard, m. pain, affliction; pity, sympathy.
(Achyrantlies aspera). s.
dm-d-alud, overwhelmed in grief, dard-amez, piteous,
\^jC^>ji^ Elfw^T^ dur-abhigrnhd, f. cowach. s. feelingly, dard-dnd, to be affected with pity, &c.
dard-an'gez, pitiable,dardi
grieved, afflicted, exciting compassion,
zih, m. the pangs ofdard-ras,
uJ> ^ ^ darp, m. pride, arrogance, boast-
ing, s. [glass, s. throe. *dardi-sar, m. or dard-sarl, f. the head-ache ;
troutile, vexation, dard-sharih, sympathetical. dardi
shikam, m. colic, dardi farzandi, m. paternal affiec-
f^^.t'^ ^^ darpcm, m. a mirror, a looking- tion. dard-klidnd, to feel pity ; to suff"er the pangs of
^ijii dar-pai, following, in pursuit of, intent childbirth, dard-mand or dard-7idk, afflicted ; com-
upon. p. passionate, sympathizing, dard-mandi, f. affliction, p.
JkiS dm-d, f. sediment, dregs, lees. p.
jjijo ii5 dar-pesh, lit. in front, dar-pesh-hona,
to await (one), to come to pass. p.
\i^j^ dardd, iriterj. alas! woe's me! p.
Otii ^ f/rM<, quick, swift ; flown, escaped,
run away, drut-pad, m. a quick pace; adv. quickly, s. \dj^ ^^ dardd, f. a country bordering on
Kashmir ; m name of a tribe of barbarians. «.
(O.ii ?ft7T dur-it, sinful, wicked ; m. sin. s.
^/o^iijii dar-ddman, a skirt, ornament of a
jl>.(i ^^T du7--uttar, unanswerable, s. gown or robe. p.
mm ,^ duij, m. a little casket in which they de- h.
jdjCi ^T^ dardar, m. cinnabar,
posit gems. a.
,djii ^ft^daridr, poor, needy, wretched ; m.
,—jii darj, m. comprising, holding ; a closet, poverty, indigence, s. [ground, h.
a place for writing, or any thing written on, a volume.
darj-lc, a. to write, to copy, to enter, to fold. a. ];ii.ii ?[t<^ dardard, half pounded, coarsely
(OV)'^ d'irjat (pi. of ^?^ii), steps, de- I5,iy4> ^T"5in daridratd, f. poverty, indi-
grees, &c. a, gence, want, wretchf^dness. s. [or met with. s.
■^ '^Ti{
^ diir-jdt, inauspiciously
...born; (jii.iijtS ^^^ dur-dur.sh, difficult to he seen
improper; m. misfortune, calamity; disparity, im-
propriety, s. [outcast, s. cLui».i>.ii 7.^ dur-drishta, ill-seen, ill-exa-
mined looked at with an evil eye ; ni. bad luck, mis
fortune, s.
(O'^jJ) ^'iijfK dur-jati, vile, wicked, low,
C ^''^ )
•jiijii ^ clardru, "b'
m. cutaneous eruption, •».ii ^5r3F darsak, who or what shews, dis-
herpes, dardru-rogi, afflicted with herpes, s. plays, explains; an exhibitor, s.
{^\i^j^ ^ft^ daridri, poor, destitute, needy, s. i^lL-*,ii >J,«'5J<*s. dru-sallak, m. a tree (CA?'-
ronjia sapida).
Linijii ^W dur-dashd, f. calamity, misfor-
tune, s. [unconquerable, s. 1^;**')'^ ^'^'^ d»isan,m. sight, seeing, looking;
aspect, interview, appearance ; a shfistra, one of the six
jtiijii ^^ dur-dam, difficult to be subdued, philosophical systems ; visiting a sacred shrine, doi'-
san-pratibhu, m. a surety for appearance. darsan
j^i5;ii ^i^'^dur-din, m. a dark or cloudy day, dhari, beautiful. ,<s.
rainy weather, s.
^j**>J|^ ^^^ darmni, f. a bill of exchange
^kijii 5^^ dur-daiv, m. bad luck, misfortune. 5. payable at sight; offering, present; adj. handsome,
sightly, darsa: ijawdn, a beautiful youth, s.
8j",ii "^ drirh, firm, strong, immoveable ;
bulky, massive, drirh-hhakti, faithful, devoted, drirh- ^t^jjb^j*tijd dursain-hvndi, f. a bill of ex-
sauhrid, firm in friendship, constant, drirh-kdri, per- change, or money order, payable at sight, h.
severing, determined, drjrh-musliti, close-fisted, mi-
serly. ^r(r/i-w(i',f//rty, certain, confirmed, undoubted, s. *jju«ij45 <5|l*ll*4 darsaniya, beautiful, hand-
some ;visible, to be seen, darsanlya-mani, vain, con-
cl^'X^lj&ii'.ii "^^Prf^ drirha-bkakti. f. a faith- ceited, thinking one's self handsome. «.
ful mistress or wife. * [prove, s.
LiSjjii "^^ drishd, f. the eye (also drishi). s.
I3\jbjjii "ddHl drirhdna, a. to strengthen, to CLA-i»ji5 durusht, rough, hard, stiff, rigid ;
i^X-i\iyjjd "rfgl^ drirhang, firm-bodied, hard ; stem, morose, oppressive, fierce, p.
m. a diamond, i. [firm in battle, s.

Jfcjjlfc-'jti T3TIIV drirhat/udh, m. a hero, one jj^ii durushi't, f. severity, fierceness, p.

^^^joJ&j^L^ "ag^f^Tt drirh-handhinl, f. a ciLu2*jii 'EV drhhta, seen, visible, 8. drishta-
wdn or driahtawat, seeing, having seen.
" creeper [Echites Jrutescetis). s. [nut. ».
uiL*j^,ii "^fi? drishti or drislit, f. sight, vision;
^^.JsVjti rfrfiiic^ drirh-2)hal, m. the cocoa- eye. drishti-pdt or drishti-nlpdt, m. a look, a glance.
drisht kilt, m. an enigma, a riddle. «.
U^fcjjii T^T drirhatd, f. strength, firmness, s.
cIlA)ljuijjii '^^''^ dpshtdiii, m. an example,
Jb jjiLn,l6j-.ii ■?^^'5^ drirha-skandh, m. a sort illustration ; a parable, a simile, s.
of Mimusops. s.
C->p (-il.***j,ii Tf^^rrl drishti-kril , ni. a flower
%3y*>^'jjd rf<J«r^<*T
from the fibres drirh-sutrihd,
of which bowstrings f. a plant
are made. s. {Hibiscus iiiutdhilis). s.

lcJ,fcjj4i dd<3l\*1T drirh-lomd, having coarse ,^'>wJ.(3 Sft;? dnrhhtha, very bad, m<jst
wicked; m. great crime, extreme wickedness. *.
or stiff hair; m. a wild hog; bristles, s.
^iu.iS ^^r»T dar.shim, m. sight, interview. «.
J .*5 c^a?-^;, m. sewing ; a rag, a slip of cloth,
a long strip of cloth, a narrow shred ; a rent, split, or ij^ji^ ^fn^^ darshant, at sight (v. dursarfi). s,
fissure in a garment, &c. /). a. [knocker, p.
li^^Zijd d^flMH drisjiojmm, m, the white lotus
^jj .«i darzan, f. a needle, dar-zan, a door- {Nelumbium speciosum). s.
ijjj(i darzi, m. a tailor, darzln or darzini, ^jiluii "J^^ dris/n, f. the eye (also drishd). s.
a tailor's wife. fJ.
&j^jii T^ (/r/>//_?/a, visible, to be seen, beau-
;j*i,;i rfa7-s, m. reading, learning to read; a tiful ; m. (in aritlim.) a given quantity or number.
lecture, lesson, dars dena, a. to teach to read, dars diishya-twa, m. vision, sight. *.
lend, a. to read a lesson, a.
that. p.
C^.^tO.i^ dar-surat, in case that ; suppose
(^^li ^^ dars or ^T^ daras, m. seeing, sight ;
the conjunction of the sun and moon, or the day of
new moon. s. j^UJjii darafshdn, shining, splendid, p..
0**»jii durust, right, fit ; proper, just, true, d-tSjd durvfsha, a sword, p.
well, safe, sound, entire, straight, accurate, durust tji3.ii dark, m. understanding, knowledge,
rakhna, a. to admit, to allow, durust-k., a. to arrange, comprehending, (in law) a contingency, a possible
to adjust, to rectify, p. event, a.
«Jl**».ii ^fflH darsit, visible, apparent, shewn,
ti) jii "ffflir ^ir//i or (^?;?V/, m. the eye. drih-harn
displayed, seen. s. m. a snake (lit. whose eyes are his ears ; the snake
mf'Jt^-'.d duimst-gOjOne who speaks the truth. ^;. having no external ear). «.
^jii ^T^FT darha, ni. crack, crevice, cranny, h.
f"v^.t^ du-rasta, a double row or avenue (of
trees, kx..), one on each si(ie of the way. p. CL>%,d darnlmt (pi. of C/f,ii), steps for de-

^*x».ii duriisfi, f. refurni-alion, amendiiienl ; scending, descents, a.

" truth, rectitude, soundness, p. ,\^jL> dar-l.cir, ntcfssary, wiiutiiig. p.
t4,^ ( 379 )

^Ojii ^T«irT»n darhana, a. to cause to crack, >AJijti ^J^"^ dur-gandhy foetid; f. stink,
split, h. stench, dur-gandh ana, to stiuk. dur-gandht, ill-smell-
ing, s.
CLSj,^ darahat, descent, bottom, a.
,^ijii dar-g(tli (same as dur-gdh), a court. ;;.
Ji.O "5;fo|rf;55H dru-kiUm, in. a tree, a sort of cLv^ti ^^ durgliat, difficult of accomplish-
pine i^Pbms devadaru). s, ment, arduous, s.

liijii ^T'R'STT
be torn, darakiid,
to crack, h. n. to split, to rend, to jSji^ dar-g'ir, efficlive ; inflaming, p.
-^JJjii "^^/^ dur-lahli, difficult to be procured,
jUoji^ dar-kinar, on one side, apart, out of scarce, rare ; e.tcellent, eminent ; dear, beloved ; ra. a
the wa}', out of the question, p. plant, a sort of hedysarum. *.

^ji^ ^^BT du-rukha (from the Pers. du- l^A3jti ?^HT (h r-labhd, f. a sort of prickly
ruJcha, q. v.). h. nightshade. *.

Jl^ii ^^^^ darkhdl, a cattle enclosure, h. (^^-i»>3jii 5^"^^ dur-lukshan, m. an unlucky

mark, a mark or sign of evil omen. s.
le^j^ durlthl, an insect whose ravages are u^ii dar-ldnd, a. to comprise. ^?. k.
" very destructive to indigo, when the plant is young, h.
y^J\ii Tnj drifj, m. the e^'e, the vision, drig- jtji^ "JH drvm or druma, m. a tree; a tree of
of trees, ors. paradise, drum-nakh, m. a thorn or claw
gol or drig-mandal, m. a small circle within the great
circles of the armillary sphere, accompanying each
planetary orbit, s.
^j(i d'irtim,
named money, p. specie ; a small coin so
(v. dirham).
y^jd '^f( durga, impenetrable, impassable, in-
accessible, unattainable; in. a strong fort, a difficult Ujti ^T^TT darvid, ni, a kind of mat. h.
pass or defile, durga- karma, ra. difficult enterprise, s.

lijii H^T dvrfjd, f. llie goddess Durga, the

j^^^V-ejti "^^T^nr drum-dmuij, ra. lac, the animal
"dye, or disease of trees, s.
wife of Shiva, and mother of Kartikeya and Ganesha ;
also called Uma, BhavanT, and Parvati, a goddess of (jl«jii dariiuw, m. medicine, cure. p.
terrific and irascible temper, particularly worshipped
at the Durga-puja held in Bengal in the month of ^jjUjii dai'-mdndag'i, f. misery, distress,
Aswin ; (met.) a word ; name of a Hindu book con- "penury, misfortune, p.
taining the narration of the goddess Durga. s.
^^jjU.ii dar-mdndan, to be in distress, p.
I3ji5rf«-?r/^^d, capricious, whimsical (v. do).]). SJjUjJ dar-mdnda,
out remedy, p.
helpless, destitute, with-

(_f,0.i6ii^ijii ^nrfv^TK^ durgad]dhdri,\y^^ the

lifclcjii dar-inahd, ni. "I monthly wages, salary.
of a fort. s. ^nitq"^ durgadhyahsha,} governor
j^fcl<jii dar-mdhi, f. J dar-vidlid-ddr, one
" wlio receives monthly wages, p.
fjlj^y^j,^ S^T'^nror s.durgdshrayan, m. taking
refuge in a fortress, iJLA'Cjd ^flfiT dar-mati, silly, ignorant, simple,
a blockhead; also rf«r-7«a^J, f. folly, foolishness, s.
^ylSj^i S'TT'T^'O durgd-vavavii, f. the ninth
"of the light ^j-*«,ii ^^W durmu!^, m. a pounder, an instru-
dhatri. s. half of Kartik, sacred to Durga as Jagad- ment for pounding pavements with, a rammer, h.
sVSjii dargdh, f. a place, court ; threshold, ..^Xcjii <TH^ dur-rnuhh, foul-mouthed, scurri-
door ; a mosque, p.
lous ;Ugly, hideous, s.
CL^iji^ SnW dur-gat, poor, indigent, afflicted. 5. (^<,ii ddrmcni, m. drug, remedy, p.

L^o^ii ness,
"Z^f^ dnr-gati, f. hell ; poverty, mean- Ivojii W^TT dur-mand, sad, distressed, sor-
abjectness. *. rowful, s.

iuJ^iOjii ^f[it*I dur-viulga, dear, of an exorbi-

.^.'xxSjii durag-hansi, a tribe of rajputs. h. tant price ; m. dearness, any thing of high price, s,
J jojii dar-guzar, passing over, excusing, dar-
guKar-k., to excuse, overlook, to pass by. p. JtdbjMji^
drumumay). ■^.JRTTfVT
s. drum-vyddhi, m. lac (v.
I3j3^i3 dai'-guzarnaf n. to decline, to leave off,
to refrain from, to pass by, to excuse, p. ,^ii darmah (for ddr-viahd), pay, wages, d.
3pCL*i/.ii dar-gii-ift karnd, a. to catch ^IjWjii durmiydn, m. interval, middle j
seiee, to captivate, p. postpos. during, in the course of, before, in view, dar-
miyan dend, a. to employ as a mediator, p.
^ti ^fm durgavi, difficult of access, unattain- ^\.^<.i^ darmiyd)n, midmost; m. a mediator.^.
able deep,
; profound (v. durga). s,
Ufct^-^jiirant, s.SWr dur-incdld, dull, t-tupid, igno-
\^>ji^'Z^f{ff\durgaviaidjt depth, profundity s.
( :^6i) )
.yt^ji^ ■^^'^SR drumeshwar, m. (tlie lord of (__>i(jjii ^T^ darosh, m. an awl j a lancet, s.
trees) the palm tree. s.
^jjii darogh, m. a lie, falsehood ; false, dtt-
13.4> ?T»TT dui'na, n. to he hidden, concealed rogh-halfl, perjury, false-swearing, darogh-go, m. a
or absent ; to lurk, disappear, h. liar. 6/«ro^-^o,j, f. the telling of lies. p.

*l3jii ^y{XH dur-nam, m. infamy, bad namf, ^_^jj«i duroghi, false, lying; a liar. 7?.
obloquy, slander, dur-naml, infamous, s.
heart, darun,
bowels, p.in, within ; m. interior ; the
Uli.ti H'^'RT dur-nama, m. piles or liaemor-
rhoides. s. [end. ».
i^3j'^ V^ dron, m. a measure of rapacity,
kZ^j^ ?T»fr dvr-ant, ending ill, having a bad the same as an adhak ; a measure of four adhahs ; the
sixteenth part of a kfiari, or forty-eight gallons; a
t^JjiS darind or darand, 1 tearing ; rapa- weight of thirty-six sers, or about sixty-four pounds
avoirdupois ; name of the military preceptor of the
iSijd darindn or daranda,) cious, fidtce, Pandu princes ; a raven, the carrion crow. s.
ravenous (animal), p.

ikfS-^jiidirang, m. delay, hesitation ; late. p. *~^ (iUj*^ '5^''!r^«li dron-kak, ni. a raven, s.
Ix-^ti du-ranfja, of two colours, capricious, f^^ji^ ^ftlT<*^ drauniki, f. a vessel holding
fickle, p. a dron by measure, s.

jXj.ii dirangi, f, Ititeness, tardiness, p.

rntikh) the ^^^^^
capital ofd?-on mnhh, them.principal
a district; (also dron'i-
of four
hundred villages, s,
j^y^ii ^f^^R di(r-niivar, difficult to be
stopped, irresistible. *.
C^plant UJJ*^ '5f^^«n^H
(Hyperanthera moruuda).dravin-nashun,
s. in. a
•• J «5.T[ffa' ^
S3 dur-nitf ill-behaved, ' ill-eo-
verned, impolitic, m. (or dur-n'Ui, f.) misconduct, im- eOjjiJ daruna, m. the heart, p.
policy, s.
jjii diron, in. reapinnr, cutting corn at har- ^Xjjd da r Hill, interna.]; intrinsic, p.
vest, dirau-k., a. to reap. p.
'^^{j.-iJ'^ ^*u1»i<si dront-muhh, v.dron-mulh.
jj(i ^ dure or darw, in. prosperity, wealth,
substance, metal, matter, s. 8jjii "^(^ droh, m. spite, malice, hatred; in-
jur}*, wrong, mischief; rebellion, droh-chintan, m.
^Ul^-lJ.^5 ^fr^ dur-vachya, m. abuse, ill- injurious design, malice prepense. *.
omened speech, s.
Ci^l^^jii ^^\i drohat, m. a sort of metre,
Sjijjti darwaza, m. door, darrvaza tliohnn, the doliu, or stanza of Hindi poetry, t,
a. to knock at a door, darwaza Tna'm&r-k., a. to close
a door. p. [the city. p.
i^yji^ "^^ droldy ") spiteful, malicious,
^/j^j .(i durrvazi, ra. a warden, a keeper of ufcjjiious,'^f^Tn
rebellious, drohiT/a,)
s. inimical, mischiev-
^^L itJ darwan, m. a doorkeeper. ;?.
tfjji^ "Jeff darvi, f. a ladle or spoon, s.
C!^ <j -N linrnhnKj^ allj entire; the whole of
an estate, as opposed to a kismat, or share of it. p, ^jft-^bjjiiquisition o"5^11
fwealth,»T«T s.dravyarjun, m. gain, ac-

^^ws-jjti sQ'^^ dur-vachan, ni. abuse ; ill- O.jjii d'ir/veza, m. beggary, mendicancy, p.
omened speech, s,
lii. .<> darud, f. congratulation, benediction, (^ji^.jti durwesh, m. a dervise, beggar, a re-
ligious mendicant, p.
salutation, blessing. j9.
"wesh. p. darrveshana, like a darwesh, q. v. ;>.
.-'. -'-^ _ ?-m. a carpenter, p.
ii(ijj(3 darud-fjar,} ^iOjjii darweshi, f. life or state of a rfar-
^Xji.jii darud-hari, ^ f. carpentry, the
iO jjii "5;^ dravya, m. wealth, substance ; an
object in general; elementary things, as earth, water,
j^j^iii. .li daritd-cjari, J trade or art of a
fire, air, asther, time, space, soul and intellect ; a drug,
"carpenter, p. [mow. p. a medicament, dramja-sniichaya. in. accumulation of
...i>. ji3 dirudan (r. (^fVw or dirau), to reap, to wealth, dravya-wat or dravya-wan, rich, wealthy s.
(Omii^S^^ dur-vritt, vile, wicked, leading
a low or infamous life; a cheat, rogue, juggler, a i^.jjii du-'ivyu, double, two-faced, p.
blackguard, dur-vritti, f. disreputable life, degrading S.4> darOy also darra, m. a vtdley or glen
business, juggling, s. between hills, with a stream flowing or winding
through it ; a depth, a pass. p.
y.jii 'dfcj j dravir, m. a man of an out-ca.et
tribe, descended from a degraded Kshatri. s. Ujii ^/va (properly durru), m. a scourge, a.

^y..ii ■^[f^^ dravin, f. cue of the ratlins f^i^jijd

minded, ?I^^
s. dur-hrjday, bad-hearted, evil-
or female personifications of music. «.
Jbjd ( '^81 ) CLt-Miii

l^jii (hir-Iiam,iiU(;rryj Ii'gglf-flv-p'gt^ltJtlyj con- "^ji^.j^ daryuza, beggary, begging, p.

founded, dar-ham bar-ham, confused, p.
Ij^'ii darachna, n. to fit tiuht. d.
^j'^ durhnm or dirlium, m. motu^y ; a silver
coin, of wliich from twenty to twenty-five have at Uiji'ii ^'3'^^T
or torn, to crack,darahna,
h. n. to split, to be rent
diflerent times passed current for a dltidr, and the
hitter beiiip; nearl3' equal to a ducat or sequin, about
nine sliillir.f;;s of our money, it follows that the darham t^ji^ dvr/ii, f. (v. dulkt) a trot. d. [able. s.
is about five pence sterling. " The dhliam is said to
have originally been an uiistamped piece of silver, Jfc^'ii f^ dirh (for drirh, (j. v.), firm, immove-
shaped like a date stone. About fifty years after the
death of the prophet Muhammad it was altered into ^fcj'ii f^^KT dirkata, f. firmness, strength, s.
a round form and stamped. Its value in these days
I3lfcj'i5 fi5^*TT dirhana, a. to prove (the strength
is uncertain." — (Binning.) «. of a thing), to strengthen. *. [less. //,
^♦^.li dar-humi, f. confusion, disorder, p.
l3a/«Jfcj'ti ^^TI darh-mundd, shaven, l)eard-
j_^j45 <5<^1 darhi, f. the name of a fish, sort
"of carp (Cyprinus). h. \_{\. dara). h. J>J^'»i ^i^^^darhiyal,h^v'mga\onghear^\. h.
^j>.j(^ ^irr darera, m. hard, impetuous rain. //.
^jji^ "^^ dart, f. a cave, a grotto ; a valley
(^i5 5^^ duri, f. the two on dice, the deuce, p.
^^j'li dareldfin. a rush of water, a wator-fall. d.
(^jd dari, f. a small carpet ; a dialect of the (ijii duzd, m. a thief, robber, p.
Persian language, the origin and peculiarities of which
are variously defined by Persian lexicographers. Some 4_^iijii duzdi, f. the act of stealing, theft, rol)-
allege its distinctive mark to be when the form of the bery; stealth, p.
word is complete, without contraction, as in the words
bago iskkam, said to be Dari, whereas the forms go i^jijd duzdlda, stolen, pilfered, p.
and shikam are Pdrst. Others make it the dialect of
a certain district, comprehending Balkh, Bukhara, Mj(^
p. melancholy, grieved j black,
Badakhshan, Marw-Shah-Jahdn, and Bdmidn. The
name is by some said to be derived from dara, a valley
among hills, which corresponds with its origin in (^jtiii ^ or ^ das, ten. dason-disd, the ten
Badakhshan and the mountainous parts of Kandhdr.
Others assert that it was spoken at the court of the regions or quarters, dason-dwdr, the ten passages ibr
the actions of the faculties, viz. the ears, eyes, nos-
monarchs of the Kaianian dynasty, and derive the trils, mouth, penis, anus, and the crown of tlie head. s.
name from dar, a gate, or dargdh, a court, p.
(^jx>d f^ dis [for dish), If. side, quarter,
O ji5 dari/d, m. the sea ; any larpje river ; the
waters, daryd-bardr and daryd-barumad, lands re- l«Jii f^^ disd (for diaha),} point (of the
claimed from a river, daryd-burd and daryd-shikast, compass), disd-k., a. to travel, disd-jdtid or -phirnd, to
lands cut away by the encroachments of a river. go into the fields (for a privy), s.
daryd-kd-kaf, foam of the sea ; " meer-schaum." daryd.e
Tnaghrib, the western ocean, p, Imj45 ^T dasd (for dasha), f. condition, stale,
circumstances, s. [_doM(l). /,
zt»-bjii daryacha, m. a lake, a ditch, a pool. p.
•cl^^ibjii daryaft, f. conceivinjr, understand- liljjjii ^'?n^ dusdd, m. name of a low caste (v.
ing, daryaft-k., to understand, to perceive, p.
»jiJ64iL**ii ^:'?nttl^/M-sac^/*2/a, difficult,arduous. 5.
^^b,i5 darya,t, of or belongiiifr to the sea or
river, marine, daryd.t ddvil, a mer-man. daryd,i totd J^Ljii f^^T5I^ disa-sul, m. (v. dishd-shul\
an unlucky day, *. [ment. h.
(lit. the sea parrot), the flamingo, also called rdj-hdns. p.
^Jl***^3 das-sdla, decennial ; a decenni.il settle -
Ijjijii <;0'^T dariha or dareba, m. a stall (in a
market) where betel is sold. k. ^jM,>lM*ii ^^n^ damns, m. the tenth part. .<.
*a2j4i daitcha, m. a window, p.
jjtV.ii daridan, to tear, to rend. p. jjL*»t5
foreign f^TIT^
country, adisdtvar,
climate, s.m. (v. desdwar') a

tSijii darlda, torn, darida-dahan, plain- ^jj^\u*i f^flHT^ disdwari, f. a kind of betel
spoken, saying whatever comes uppermost, p. leaf; a kind of dove, foreign (goods), s.
,(j«J.<i ^^ dares, a road, margin, any line (^_jif-**»ti ^t^I^ dti-sparsh, difiicult or unplea-
very straight, h. sant to be touched; m. a jAant (Hedysariim alhagi),
,i> ,4^ ddregh or dlregh, m. a sigh, sorrow, du-sparshd, f, a prickly sort of nightshade, s.
repugnance, disinclination ; inter), alas ! darcgh-k., a. a^tjii^ dast, m. hand, cubit ; stool, purge,
to withhold, daregh khurdan, to grieve, to be afflicted, p. evacuation ; (in Dakh.) a shoulder of mutton, the fore-
^AJ.ii daregha or diregha, interj. alas! p. quarter of an animal, dast-afshthi, one who dances, or
moves the hands in dancing, &c. dast-dmoz, tame, fami-
liarized, tractable ; skilful, dexterous. dasUanddz, he
^jK> »ii ^^TTff drekhan, m. the regent of one- WHO commences a business ; an oppressor, dast-dwar,
third of a planetary sign, the Decanus of European purgative, effective (as medicine), dast-dwez, f sig-
astrology, s. nature, a note of hand, bond, title-deed, &c. dast ia
dast, from hand to hand, quick, expeditious : ready-
,o^i>^ .ii Hiff'il^ duryodhan, the elder of the money purchase, dast-biird, m. superiority, advan-
Kuru pritiCL'S, one of the heroes of the Maltubhurdta. s. tage, victory, dast barddr hond, xi. to leave business.
C-AMiJ ( 382 ;
to desert, to decline, dast-barddri, f. cessation, relin-
quishment, dast bar sar hand, n. to be unable to exe- B.xu»ii dasfn, m. a handle
r^H ; a pestle ; a qniie
cute one's intention, to be distressed, weak, poor, or of paper; a bundle consisting of twenty-four arrows;
wretched, dast hasta, with close hands (a token of a handful ; a skein of thread ; a division of an army, a
respect), dast ha sar hond, a. to salute in the eastern brigade, dasta-ddr, m. commander of a dasta. p.
manner by putting the hand to the head, dast ha
Tcabza, sword in hand, ready for battle, dast-hulccha, ,_^(i dast'i, f. a torch or link that is carried
m. cloth in which a small bundle is wrapped up. in the hands ; a kind of present or handsel given to
dast-hand, a string of pearls or precious stones used as native officials ; adj. of or relating to the hand, da-st'i
ornaments by women, dast-hos hond, dast-bosi-k., to muhar, the sign manual, p. [nister. p.
kiss hands, to salute, dast bai' hond, n. to become a
disciple, dast pandh, m. tongs, dast-chdlak, nimble- jUlifcrtii dastyar, an assistant, coadjutor, mi-
fingered, a thief, dast-chdldkl, f. a civil war, duel;
stealth, dast-khaft, m. signature ; a manuscript, chiro- ^s^ii ctiMl dus-tyaj, difficult to be relin-
graph}', dast-dardz, m. an oppressor, dast-dardzt, f. quished or parted with. s.
oppression, dast-ras, able, affording protection or aid.
dast-ras hand, n. to be able, to afford, dast-rasl, f. abi- lai^**(i duskhntt, m. (for dast-khatt) a signa-
lit\'. assistance, dast-shifd, successful in curing ture, daskhaiti khdss, the royal signature, p. a.
diseases (a physician), dast-talab, a beggar, dast-
farosh, m. a pedlar, dastfaroshl, f, peddling, dast- (j^i^ii
Jcudrat, power, ability, strength, dast-kdr, m. a handi- ture. p. daskhatti,
a. of or relating to a sio-na-
; dast-kdri, f. handicraft ; dex-
terity, dast-kash, a led horse ; a guide (of the blind) ; j**»i ?W^ dtissar, m. double stnkes nt dice,
a captive, a beggar, dast-girifta, one who is taken by &c., playing double or quits, h.
the hand ; a prot6g6. dast-glr, a patron, protector, "a
saint, dfist-giri, f. aid, help, assistance, support, pro- ijudii du.s/d {lor dusra), the second, h.
tection, dast-tdf, the first money received in the inorn-
iiig by dealers, dast-mdl, m. a handkerchief dast- ^^yM^ dusran,-A kind of trick in urotlinu'. (/.
nigar or -nigaran, needy, one in want, dast-o bagjud,
caressing, embracing, dast o girebdn hond, to be en- ^j^'iii'^'^X^daxurath (i'or daxlianit/i), w.wuo
gjiged in combat ; " to be at it tooth and nail." dast- of an ancient rdjd of Ayodhva or Oude, father of
ijnb, attainable, procurable, p. Rdi/ia, the latter being called ddsharatk. s.
U"ii3 ^^T dnstci, m. zinc, tutanag; lapis 'Jt**id
tenth, ^Wi
s. dasam or ^^ das/unn, m. the
cnlaminarls. h.

yClj^^ dasfm', in. a turban, dastar-hand, m. j»**»ii ?*.^nT du-savi, improper, unseasonable, s.
a servant whose business it is to make up the turban.
dastdr khwdn, a tablecloth. ;;. ^_^(^ ^Wt dasaml or ^^(hI dashanii, f. the
"tenth day of a lunar month, s.
^^\l>M^ dastan (for dastmi), a tale or romance;
(pi. of dast) the hands, p. "distress,p^^ni
O***"^ s. du-saviay, m. time of affliction,
eOu*»n3 dastana, ra. a glove, a gauntlet, p.
f^^ ^^ dasan or ^^nf dashan, m. a tooth, s.
^J^^JL*ii^ dafta7'-Mjvan, ni. (properly dastar- U«>i3 f^^ERT disna, n. to be seen, to appear ;
khivdn) a tablecloth ; strictly speaking, it is a round, a. to see. s.
piece of cloth or leather. Sic., spread on the ground, on
which the food is laid out, and around which the jj'^**»ii ^infT dasrvaii, the tenth, daswana, a
guests squat and fall to. There is no table in the case. p. tenth part (added to the revenue, &c.). s.

ijLx^i^ dastak, f. clapping of the hands, rap- \yy*id ^^rttl dasotai-a, Iten per cent.; a
ping at a door; pass, passport, summons ; com-
mission, p. [ture. p. ijiy^id ^^HT: dasotaraj tenth part. k.

jj^odA-Jii dast-kari, f. handiwork, maniifac- [^yM,^ ^^\Wl dasohha, m. moulting (of

birds), dasokhd jhdrnd, to moult, h.
a6'xu*)ii dastahana, a fee for serving a writ
or summons, or for a passport, &c. p. \t*»t^^jyMi^ ^UTT^irr dason-disa, the ten re-
gions or quarters of the world, s.
j^xl»**(i dastaki, f. a pocket-book, a tweezer-
ibility, jj'^uy*"^ ^■^rfRirr^ dasoii-dwai- (see das), s.
case ; a falconer's glove, p.
\^Siy*ii^'^T^iV![ dasavndha, 1m. a panegy-
»\xLj»ii dastgah, \ f. power,
^iX)j**»ti ^^frvt dasavndlii,) rist, a bard. /*.
,^X!;»*»i> dast-gah, J strength, p. mode.
«u**t5 ^^^
borne. 5.
du-sa/i, intolerable, difficult to be
->*>t> dastur, m. custom, fashion.
manner a minister, senator; model, regulation, a. p. U.^**»i5 ^^T dasohra or dasjiara, the tenth
of Jaith sliiikl paksli, which is the birthday of Gaiigd.
^y^x!i\.y,t*ti^ dasturu-l-' amal, m. a rule, regu- Whoever bathes in the Gangd on that day is purified
lation, model ; a body of instructions and tables for from ten sorts of sins ; the tenth of dsrn shiikf paksh,
tlie use of revenue officers under the native govern- on which, after the worship and religious ceremonies
ments, a. p. performed during nine nights (navardlri) they throw
the images of Devi into the river. Ou this day Rama
^jj,yjMii^ dasturi, f. perquisites paid to servants marched against Rdvana, on which account it is called
Vijai. Dasaml. The day is celebrated with great pomp
bj' one who sells to their master, a gratuity varying by Hindu princes, the weapons and instruments of
in amount in different places from one to three per war are hallowed, and, if war be intended, the cam-
cent. ; leave, licence, coag6. p. paign isthen opened, s.
( 38-3 )

i^^dr^JuiIr/si^ f. lliread ; the uiiwovr'ii tlireads \xLfi ffffT diishtd, f. a depraved woman, a
at the end of a piece of cloth. «. ^^i3
harlot, s. [^ity* ••
^J^■^ ^TPfJ (l(tsi/if, m. an enemy, a tliicf, an op- vjjj^^ ^?in dushtaiu, f, wickedness, depra-
■■ mode
pressor,of asubsistence,
violator, &c. s. dasyu-vritti, f. theft, dishonest
y^'^ ?^5KT diish'Chard, acting ill, behaving
wickedl}'. 5.
8^«Jki du-xera, a weight of two sers. p.
y-^^^ V^^li^I dusVa, in good circumstances, s. CL>j^t^ ^^tTTiT dush-chorit, misbehaving,
. doing or designing ill ; m. evil purpose or action, mis ■
(^ii ^^ dash, ten (v. das), s. conduct. .?.

ij^^^l^di^h, If. region, quarter, point (of •^j^^ ^Tyj dasharoth (see dasarath), s.
Lijii f<^^iT dish a, J the compass), s. <-I1a— .^ti <?^ifrrT dash-sat, a thousand, s.
w>ii ^T dosha, f. state, condition, circum-
J— .^-Mj^ti f^^[^^« dash-sahasra, a myriad, s.
stance ;period or time of life, ape. dashu-phal, m-
result of circumstances or of condition of life, dashd-
vishesh, m. peculiar circumstances or condition. «. (^f^j vciS^ii ^'2iri*nt'=Mt^«i dash-hamaja-
vynsnn, ten vices proceeding from kdma or desire :
viz. hunting, gambling, sleeping during the day, abu-
^jjUjii ^'^ind dasharn, m. a conntry in cen- siveness, lechery, drunkenness, dancing, singing, play-
tral Hindustfin, south-east of the A^indh^a mountain, s. ing, and hypocrisy. «.
0,L*»ii tJ^j|<5( dafhar>m, f. a river rising in the
Vindlna mountain, the Dosarene of the ancients. *. jL^d H'^^flfiT dush-har, difficult to be done. s.
^jljijii ^W? ddsharh, m. a country in the C^J^ii ^^^ITeT dushkrit, 1 m.sin,crime,wicked-
south of India, the kingdom of Yadu, or its people, s.
AjiJ^i^ ^■RR^ dushkarm,^ ness, evil-doing, s.
^ju»\!^i^ ^:^r?nT dti-skasan, ungovernable, in-
tractable. A\ jju^«jii ^oBiT^ dtish-hriti, I m. a criminal, an
^j>J^d i.
^efijff ^Zus/t/ia77«i,J evil-doer; adj.
^jJmXj^i^ f^T^I^ disha-shul, m. a sign in the
heavens, cimsulted on commencing a journe_y; the
quarters towards which it is considered unlucky to
JpJlid f;t3?i(j5 dvsh-hid, m. a low family or
travel on particular daj-s. s. race. (Y(«/(-/v«/7h, of a low family, s.
y^J^^ ^T^T du-shald, m. a pair of shawls, h.
,4>^-> ^'KI5 dushhJt, ni. pain in general, s.
f^^\.Zi^ ^'^TT^ dashansh, m. the tenth part. s.
JjLZid t^^mm dash-gram, m. a district often
i-ii>l-i>«> ^^f?fe(i dashdnik, m. a plant (^Ci-o- villages. «.
tnn jKihjandriini). s.
jOjlj^ti ^T^WT^ dashdvntdr, (he of the ten ^^XwJii ^^mu dash-gun, ten times, tenfold, .f.
incarnations) a name of Fishnu. s. ^zSXuii^ ^^^^''I dash-lahshan, m. an aggre-
gate of ten marks or attributes, s.
■xZ>L>'^J!mt dash-pur, m. a fragrant grass (Ct/-
piTus rutiuidus) ; a district, part of Malwa in Bandel- j,ZiJi ^^JT dasham, tenth (v. dasam), s.
khand. s.
Jl»^ii ^^nn^ dash-mdl, m. a collection of
' <^\xJiiLi'^^Tldush-i)rdp (also diish-jjrdpya), ten garlands, s,
diilicult of attainment, remote, unattainable, s.

{j^j^i^ r^wi^F dusJipfirsh (f. dusltjyarsha), fj.^1^ dushma?i, m. an enemy, dushmani

not to be touched, unpleasant to the touch ; m. a plant jdn'i, a deadly foe. dushman-kdm, a calamity (q. d. the
{Hedysarum aUiagi). s. wish of an enemj') ; adj. wretched, ruined, p.
" mity. p.
L^Ji,jJ^i^ ^xgoirfiT dush-prohriti, of a bad na- (^♦*oii dushviani, f. hatred, detestation, en-
ture or disposition, s.
Cl^^d dasht, m. a desert, forest; a plain, p. \^y^Z»i^ illfi^'^ dash-mul, m. a tonic prepared
from the roots of ten plants, s.
]j<Mid ^^r^ dashatrd, ten per cent. ; a tenth, s.
j<^^ ^^^ dashami, f. the tenth day of a
ij^ii dashti, wild, savage ; uncouth, p. "lunar fortnight ; the tenth and last stage of human
life ; the last ten years of a century; adj. very old. s.
*iLui»ii ^ dusht, bad, wicked, depraved, low,
vile ; enemj-. dusht-bha,o, innately bad. dusht-bhd.ota, i^»^i^ ^^H dashan, m. a tooth, s.
f. innate depravity, dushta-id, f. wickedness, badness. J^jJ^;^ dushndm, m. abuse, scurrility, pi.
diisht-chdri (f. dusht-chdrini), wicked, dusht-chetd,
malevolent ; stupid, dusht-mati, wicked, depraved. «. *Jui*t5 dashna, m. a poignard. p.
view. f^
J. d'lsliU f. (for drislit, q. v.) sight, .I^ti dushn-dr, difficult, arduous. ji.

LilfciiJOJi^ii f^V^'^V^S dishthandliak,ihe pledge ^j\^Z»:i dushn-dr'i, f. difficulty. ;;.

of real property, such as land, houses, &c. s. \,.jj*>ii ^^T.T dashahrd, ni. (see dusahrd). s.

u,-^ ( 384 )

j^ii diiftar, m. a book, journal, record, daftar-

ij,^^ ^W^ daxhl, f. tlii'ead (v. das'i). s. khdiia, m. an office, a counting-house, daftar kharch.
^ajLo 'Sl'^^du-sJnl, ill-beliavcd, reprobate. «. office charges, dtijtnr-ddr or daffar-nawls, a registrar,
a recorder, daftur-ddrl, &c., office of registrar, p.
^Luliii ^^^t^ dashlld, same as dasz/a, q.v. s.
i^J^id daftar-band,^ m. a man employed in
i^.dSxZid ^^f^^ dashendrnja, the ten oigans
of sense and action, viz. skin, eye, tongue, nose, ear, ijj^i^ diiftari, J preparing articles of
organ of speech, hand, foot, anus, and pudendum, s. stationery, and in ruling and binding office books, p.

IPii du'a, f. benediction, salutation, congratu- ^jS(d dafti, If. the boards of the binding <,f
lation, prajer, wish, imprecation. du'd,e khair. a t^xi*^^ ditftin,) a book, pasteboard, p.
prayer for one's welfare, du'd.e daulat, praying for
one's prosperity, benediction, du'd-k., or -mangni, a. Uw^«3 dufur kcdiya, tasteless victuals, a digh
to wish for, to pray for. du'd-go, one who is uttering in which much broth, vegetables, Ac, are mixed, to
a benediction, a well-wisher. du'd-go,i, f. the act of
blessing, a. make it go the further ; slops, wishwash. a.
wlfrj dua,iya, benediction, prayer, Sec. a. *5J duj'', m. repulsion, averting, preventing.
^^(i dawa, m. (v. ^J^i) claim, &c. a. daf'-ddr, m. an officer so called, whose rank corre-
sponds with that of our Serjeant, a.
O^^C-i^ darvat (pi. of C^^ti), prayers, con- C^\>tiid diifaat (pi. of &*iii), times, &c. a.
vocations, invitations, a,
UxitJ dafatan, often, all at once. a.
C^^J da'rvat, f. invitation, convocation ; a
feast, an entertainment ; pressing people to become e^fiJii dqf^a, time, a moment, one time, dafa
Musalmans; pretension, exorcism, invocation of the
ba duf'a, from time to time, repeatedly, a.
powers of darkness, a.
(3^4> dawatl, one who is invited, a guest, a. iuxjj daf'iya,
evil, &:c. a. a preventive means of averting

(J/^ii da7ca,^\\ a law-suit ; claim, pretension, ftiiii dajia, m. a smaller tambourine, p.

dawi-dar, or daw~- ^li dqftj, m. burial, hiding, concealing.

{j^i^ darri,} plaint,
ddr, a plaintiff, a claimant, da'wedari, a selfish mo- dafn-k., a. to bury, to hide, to conceal, a.
tive, prejudice, (io' u>j ^aia<, a plea of error, a. OUij dnfnana, a. to bury, to inter, a. h.
l^ii dar/ha, f. deceit, imposture, treachery.
daghd-bdz, a cheat, impostor, traitor. da,gha-bdzi, im-
sj^iH doflna, m. buried, or hidden treasure,
hoard, a.
position, p.
ISl^ti daghana, a. to cause to fire a gun ; to ^li dihh, m. teazing, trouble, &c. ; adj.
cause any thinpj to be marked, p. vexed, angrj-, fretful, peevish (v. dikkat). dikk-k., a.
to perplex, to plague, dikk-ddr, troublesome, te.»zing.
^>';^ii dagha,t, f. price paid for marking, p. dikk-ddri, f. trouble, vexation, a.

\£'SS'i ddghdagha, 'I m. alarm, disturbance, ^j(3 dah, a kind of cloth ; a darwesli's dress, p.
sb'^i^ dnghdagha,) tumult, a. "ki dahk,fever,
a hectic subtile,
a. minute, thin, tapi-ddkk, f.
,Jp;i dtighd, 111. vice, corruption, treachery,
depravity; luxuriant and entangled herbage; a villain, ^liJii dihuk, minute, intelligent; m. a shred ;
a pickjiDcket ; adj. false, deceitful; base (as coin). a chip, dakhlkt a corn grinder, a.
daghal-J'asal, treacher}', deceit, depravity, a. /iiSsii da]m,ik (pi. of e^i K subtleties;
'^i^ doghla (for dugla), a kind of quilted difficulties ; flour meal ; minutes, moments ; minutia.a.
under-garment. h.
^J>i,N ffilhfit f. abstrusity, difficulty, trouble,
APii dughli, treacherous, deceitful, a.
uneasiness, diligence, close application ; industry, ac-
curacy ;a subtile or minute thing, a.
Afi-ii daghVi, f. treachery, villainy, fraud, p.
lakk, m. an extensive and un-
UP'ii ddfjhria, n. to be fired off (as a gun) ; to cultivated0plain a.
^j S(i dakk
be marked, to be branded, p.
U5»Pii dagJudiya, m. an impostor, a. /^<^ daklk, difficult, abstruse ; fine, minute ;
m. flour, meal. a.
^lu^ii dfighiln, stained, spotted ; deceitful, p.
&fljk5\5 dahihi, m. a minute, a moment of lime ;
, id dof {or daff), m. a small tambourine./). any thing small, a subtle question, a trifling business.o.
JliiS dnfalir (pi. ofJ<Ji3), books, a. uiJii f^oF dthy m. quiirter, region, point (of
the compass), s.
^*ij dafah, m. he whose business is to play
"on the tambourine, p. ij6^Ci dakahin (pi. of ^^l>^), shops, a. p.
^^liti da fa, in, (pi. of &Jji(i q.v.) things J^ii du-kal, m. famine, scarcity, d.
buried or liidden, more particularly hidden or buried
treasures, a.
^J6ti dukdn or dukkdn, f. a shop. p.
»_^^ ( 385 ; ^>j

(J^J f^clfm^S dik-pnl, 1 III. tlie ten sup- I 3-^'^

shew. f^T^y^dil-lunv
/, or dlhlici,o, m. exhibition,
do.*-^' li f^ofiX[fir ^// /<-;>''' ^/, J porters or mas-
ters of ton sides ; i. e. Brahma, for upwards ; Ananta,
_5 '^4itif^??T"3i(//7,(A«,r<,conu'l y,fit to heshcvvn.//.
for do^^^■\vard ; /«(/;(7, for east ; Agni, for south-east;
Yavia, lor ^outli ; Nairrita, for south-west ; J'antna, Cj^^^iO r<^«sii5^ dihha,l, i\ < .\hibifion, shewinL'
for west ; r«//«, for north-west ; Kttvera, for north ; dikkd,i dend, to appear, to present itself, h.
f47/("«(i, for north-east. 4". (;«/sy7. /;.
V.jiS ^^TT dnkra, m. tlie fourth p;irt of a C'-^-Si> "^SWfi dithhit, afflicted, giieved,
tcViui cToFirt fZw/eri, f. a siinfflp. //. pained, s."* [pr7/.s (Elliot), h
cl^^iii f^fi^W dikhif, name of ii tri!)e of raj -
(lijii q^^ dalisha, a son of Brahwa, said to
have been born from the thumb of liis liglit liand, for Ij^JJ ?:^rST duhhrci, m. misforlunes, cala-
the purpose of peopling the world. DaksJia \< said to mit es, s.
have had sixtj' daughters, of whom twenty-soven are
represented as wives of the moon and hmar asterisms;
a scholar, a j^andlt, a c:ever man; adj. clever, able, b>^iifi^^QjT^f//A/(/awa,a.to shew, to exhibit,
dexterous, s. to denote, to direct, h.

;^^!^J^f^*?^Tf(///,7//a,i,f. shew,a])pearaMce
sliadliivar-dltwans-krit, m. a name of Shiva, from his diklddj dend, to appear, to be apparent. A.
having disturbed on some occasion a sacrifice prepared
by Daksha, to which he had not been invited, s. ij^ils^ii f^lS^TTT dihldama, m. show, pagean-
try, h.
^JLj^ T^'ZiTS da hsit in, right (not lefr); soutli,
southern, dakshin-purva, f. the south-east qtiarter. s. ^J^:i ^^^ dahhan or 7^f^x{ dahhliin (for
dakihhia). m. the south, hence the Deccan. s.
\xLSi^ ^^W dalishina, f. a present 1o Biah-
mans at a sacrifice, a fee ; donation to Brahmans ; per- (_^v^ii c[:f5S^ duhhin, suffering pain, afflicted,
sonified as a goddess, and said to be born from sick. s. [f. southerly wind. 4-,
KriJtnu's right side; a figure of Durgfi, in wliich the
right side is said to be advanced, s.
U^5;i ^f?3'?iT dalilihina or dahhna, southern ;
J^U-i-iii ^BjiinnoS dakshinachal, m. tlie U^S^i ^^^T duhhna, n. to ache, to pain, to
JIalay mountain, s. smart. rf/A7/(«7, n. to appear, to be seen s.

^^^'S^S^ ^f3JI[JTf'TT daksliwagai, m. one kind ^^U^ii ^f^^Rrf dukhliinayan (for ddhsh:-
of sacred fire, placed in the south, s. vdiinn). m. soutiiing. dakkhindi/an sftraj, the wintir
solstice, sun's southing, the period of the sun's being
,^X/«lxiii5 ^f^TTTR^ daltxidna-mukh, adj. in the southern hemisphere, southern declination, i.
turning the face southwards. «.
iJ^^^^W^"^ d(ihhni,d(ih}iani or '^fw^dahhim,
j^^'JCLiJ ^fslirnTlfr dahslnnayan, southing, ~ southern ; of or belonging to the Dercan or southern
inc. (v dakhhiajjan). s. [erly. s. India ; (generally things or persons from the south;.
daklinl iiudhm, horse mint. s.
(j;^JuiJii ^f^^^ dahshinen, southward, south-
be,^(i f^%^ dihltWiiiya, m. a spectaior. li.
e^zSi^ ^ftp?| dahshinya or ^fT^^r^q dakshi-
iihja, deserving a reward, s.
i^ii ^t^^ dukh'i, afflicted, in distress o;-
J.-^(^*i3 f^ofrSI^ dik-shul, m. an in-nuspicious "pain, sick, suffering (bodily or mentally), s.
planetary conjunction, s. [fied. i.
'Vk^^ ^tf^^T diihhii/a, in distiess or pain,
unfcjrtunate, poor, indigent, .s.
jJLiti ^'^^ doksin, capable, able, well-quali-
IjU^^ii ?:f^^i:T dtihhiyara, afflicted, in jiain,
{j'':^^ dihori, f. a wasp, a hornet, d. grieved, sick. s.
r^Ji'^,'^ dtil.li, ni. ache, pain ; labour.J'atigiie j >.^1i f^JT dif/, m. quarter, side, way, waids (ag
annoj'ance, distress. dKlihhhagin or dukh-bhagl, suf- uttar dig. northwards) ; the natives reckon ten digx oj
fering, having pain as his portion, diikh-bliarnd a. to diks (v. dik-pdl) ; point ^of the compass;, s.
labour, to toil, dnkh-hahul, distressful, abounding with
pain. rfi/A7( /)(7«rt, n. to be afflicted, duklih-jivl ,\W\ng eol^ii du-gnno, m. (for do-gaua) tivo pro-
in pain, dukh-chinna., afflicted, distressed, dukh-da'i, strations at prayer; (m tlie dialect of women) two inti-
diikh-danl, or f/«/i/(-rf«(/«A-,troublesome,vexatious. diikh-
da<rdlia, consumed with pain, distressed, diikli-sagar, mate I'eniiile friends, sworn sisters, p.
m. ocean of troubles, the world ; deep distress, dii/.li-
kar, causing pain, dukhlabhya, to be obtained with
(Jljbii d>;f-])a./, in. (v. dik-pdl) liie ten ^nar-
trouble, dnkli, kd maid afflicted, dukh kd liartd or dian deities of the quarters and points, s.
dukh-hartd, dispeller of grief, diikh-hamn. auodyue.
rf«A-/i-/;aH, removing pain. s. J^ii f^'^^V^ d ig-gaj , lit. elephants that support
the four quarters of the earth ; (m-t.) great, s.
i^fX^ii^ ^W\t\ .•////.■/(a/7,afflicl(d,pained,sick. .s
ll^^^ii ^^'^T ddfjJaga, shinino-, l)right. /;.
bUSti f^m^Jdilihdna,ii. to shew,lo display, h. ol^ciiii ^JT^^l^T dngdagdnd, n. to glow, to
13' ^'»> 5:131511 dulihana a. to inflict pain. s. gleam, to twinkle, h. 2c
( 386 ) J>i
Ul^tiiii f^f^TTRT dif)digana, n. to chatter (as j_^jLfJli f^D'-Jifij dig-vijoy, m. cubjucratinn
teeth), .f. ,^>
"of an extensive country, either in arms or contro-
versy, dig-vijay-hram, m. invasion, going fi)rth to
conquer the world, dig-rijayh a conqueror of the
liL^fclStii^ii ^Tj^T^?sparkling,
dagat), f. splendour, dagdugahat
twinkling (contr. dag-h.
(as of a star), world, a subjugator of vast territories, s.

^1^1^ dugdvgi, f. the cavity at the bottom ^bjLL/j fpr^Tfit dig-vyapt, spreading
through space, s.
"of the throat, d.
>ii f^xr\ dig hi,
^^d'^rqdagdlia, burnt, scorched, consumed. ,__^-^ii f^^rt dighl,'\t a large tank or resn-
dagdha-kdlc, m. a raven, or perhaps the carrion crow. s.
j_Jj f^Tjft diggi, voir, in form of an oh-
Jt(^i^ ^ry di/gdha, m. milk, dugdha-phen, "long quadrangle : corrupted by Europeans into diggy. s.
m. the Troth or skim of milk, syllabub, cream, diigdha- Ji^ dil, m. heart, mind, soul, dila, O lieart !
phenl, f. a small medicinal shrub, diigdha-td, f. milki-
ness, the nature of milk diigdiia-taliya, m. milk and rf(7-ar<?, beloved; an epithet of a sweetheart, dil dram.
mangoes, mango fool. s. m. (lit. heart-easing) a sweetheart, dil-dzdr, m. (lit.
heart-tormenting) a sweetheart, dil-dzurda, afflicted
Ui^ii ^\n dugdha, name of a tribe of inferior in heart or mind, dil-dsd, m. comfort, soothing, en-
Brahmans on the borders of Allahabad, h, couragement, consolation, dil-afgdr, broken-hearted.
dil-dgdh, wise, warj', wide-awake, dd-dwur or dil-
\x>J^i5 HfrUcFT dugdhiha, f. a sort of ascle- dwaruji, bold, resolute, valiant. -» <fi7-d«;es, transport-
pias {A. rosea); the Hindi derivative Diidhi is also ing, dilbdkhta, deluded in hearfoFlmnd. dil ba-
tornd, to dishearten, to deject, dil ba dil, mutual
applied to Euphorbia hirta and thymifolia. s.
love, interchange of hearts, dil bar, m. a sweetheart.
dil-bart, f. comfort, pacification, dil barhdnd, a to
♦-^ ^ ^ ^fHifT dmdhin,'] >mdky,havin^milk.s.
... , . ... hearten, to encourage, dil-bastagl, f. friendship, love,
anguisli, attachment, dil-basta, aflHicted ; attached,
j_^J&iiiii ^r^ diigd/il, J enamoured. rf(7-6a;!i, attractive, heart-stealing; (met.)
a son. dil bahldnd, a. to amuse, to divert, dil bahalnd,
U^ J^ii c^JIVHT dagadhna, a. to burn ; to tease, n. to be amused, diverted, dil pdnd, to find out what
to vex; to chide, to threaten, to upbraid, to revile, to is pleasing tu any one. ill I /jizir, grateful to the soul,
pester, s. amiable. </(/ pnr ArisJ A-e f//a//(a, n. to be obedient. dH-
pasaiid, agreeable to the heart, desirable, dil phervd,
OJjfcii.^ii ^frvfrTefTT dugdinniha, f. a rc^d sort
oi Apang {Acliyranthes aspera). s. to disincline, dil p'ichhe parnd, to forget one's sorrow.
dil-taftagi, burning of the heart, love, or any strong
emotion of the mind, dil-tafta, heart-burnt, distracted
Sii digar
another ;
(for d'lgar),
pi. digardn, others,
once more ; by love, &c. dil-tang, distressed, mournful, sad. dil-
tangi, distress, grief, sadness, dil tornd, to disappoint,
to mortifj'. dil-jaltid, to be moved or affected, dit-
jiii ^VTS dagar, a kettle-drum. h. j(im', collected in mind, at ease, dil-jo or -;«, one who
is desirous to please. dil-ju,i, a desire of pleasing.
VvSii ^TfT diigra, m. the highway, h. dil churdnd, a. to steal the heart of any one ; to abstain
from any thing, to be deterred and desist from an en-
Ki\'pd ^TRT dagrana, a. to propel, to roll. h. terprise, dil-chasp. beloved, pleasant. dil-chal or
-cliald, brave, resolute, generous; persevering, dil
lijpii ^T?ff dagarna, n. to disbelieve a true chalna, to deaWe. rfj7-cAn/?, f. bravery, resolution, dil-
testimony, h. chor, inattentive ; timid, dil-khardsh, (lit. heart -scratch-
ing) vexatious, dil-khasta, broken-hearted, sorely
J^-Jj f<Ji|5I<3i dlg-sul, m. an unlucky day grieved, dil-khwdh, m. desire, affection ; beloved.
for travelling in a particular direction, s. dil-khuih, glad, contented, dil-ddda, one who has
given away his heart, dil-ddr, m. a lover, a mistress,
^li ^n^ST dagla, m. a kind of quilted vest a sweetheart, dil-doz, heart-piercing, dil-dihi, cheer-
worn as armour or under armour, h. fulness, alacrity, dil dekhnd, to study one's temper.
dil dend, n. to lose one's heart, to be in love, dil-rubd,
JL»^ii f^ifiT digamhar, naked ; m. an order m. (lit. heart- ravishing), a sweetheart, dil rakhnd, to
of Hindu ascetics who go naked : they are worshippers possess one's heart, to gratify, dil-resh, afflicted ; m.
a sweetheart, dil-zada, struck in the heart. dil-M.~,
of Shiva ; an order of ascetics of the sect oi jains :
heart-pleasing, delightful, dil-sard, cold-hearted , iiT-
they either go naked or are clad in cloth dj'ed with differont, averse, dil-sitiuu. heart alluring, beautiful.
red chalk, s. dil-solhta, afflicted, dil-sqz, affecting, moving, dil-
\j\f^ii ^imrW^J dagmagana, m. to tremble, h. soz i khiitia-tardsh, an enemy under the semblance of
a friend, dil-shud, rejoiced at heart, cheerful, gaj-.
dil-shuda, one whose heart is gone, enamoured, dil-
f^ii^ '^V:^ dugati, Valso dugnna), twofold, shikasta, broken-hearted, sorely afflicted, dil-faroz,
Ijiii ^v;f^ dug(ina,j double, dugan, m. the (heart- enlightening) delightful, recreating. pTeasant,
refreshing, dil-fareb, heart-alluring, beautiful, cut
second tone in music, s. chanting, lovely^ dil-figdr, melancholy, mournful,
pensive ; an epithet of a sweetheart, dil kd phaphold
CL^i^ f^T'iT dig-unt, m. the horizon, s. phornd, a. to rip up old sores, to renew a half-forgotten
grief, dil-kash, (lit. heart-attracting) chosen, approved
j^i^ r^JlHIT. dig-antaVf m. the aerial space, of, beloved ;' pleasant. dil-kushd, heart-expanding,
the atmosphere, s. exhilirating. dil-guddz, "heart-melting. dil-gnrda,
courage, dil-garml, f. friendship, wai m-heartedness.
..^•^li f^^T*I digrvun, 1 m. a watchman, dil-lagdiid, to apply the mind, to act with earnestness.
dil-glr, melancholy, sad, low-spirited, afflicted, grieved.
y^a f^gr^ digwar, J guard, s. dil-lagnd, n. to apply to, to be attentive, dil-mdnnd
to follow the inclination of the heart {v. man-mdnUi).
d/Wji^fjti f^fr^inT dig-vibjmg, m. a quar- dil-mitrgh, m. a kind of arrow, dil men ddlnd, a. to
ter or point of tlie compasg. s put in one's mind (spoken of God), to inspire, dil
( 387 )
men J;liuh j'nid, n. to obtain n place in oiu-'s heart; to iXkA)»i dul-hmtd, turban, or the fine cloth of
mate friendship,
or mind, dilxuguuis^
possess one's heart, dil men glinr-k., to contract inti-
soothing impTessed
the mind, on the heart
which a turban is made up. p.

beloved ; an epltliet of a sweetheart, dil-ndwazi, f. ^j,-t.^'^ ^5^ dal-pushpt, f. a fragrant

blandishment. diJ-nilidd, any object on which the "plant {Pandanus odoratissimus).
heart is fixed, a beloved one. dil o jdn, heart and s.
soul ; tooth and nail, dil ojdn se, heartily, with heart ^^^ ^^W^ du-laiti, f. a kick or fling with the
and soul, dil o damagh, ra. ambition, pride, stateli- " two hind legs of a quadruped,
ness. dil hat-jand, n. to be averse, dill dil, a secret, du-lattt
wince, to kick with the two hind logs. h. mama, to
kept secret, p.
jjSjLi^\:^i^ daldd-peshgir, a bed-screen, p.
Jkioldf^Q5 (I'd, ah. small eminence ; the site of an
village, j;^5ii <^r^5f dalidr, m. \ poverty, want,
destitution, s.
Jii ^q5 del, m. a large army ; the leaf of a
Xij^i^ ^qS'^iTT dalidratd, f. J
tree ; a heap, a quantity, dal-wdl, commander of an poor, indigent.
army ; thickness, dal-ddr, fleshy, thick. $ Lfj<^i^
wretched, ^c5^
s. dalidri
\ji^ ^^ dal, m. wild rice. h.
^_}l^y duldul, m. a hedgehog; the name of the
^ii dalla, m. a lump, a piece, d. horse oi'All, the prophet's son-in-law ; (met.) fat. a.

'-^y^6*^i^'^^^T<^Wdaladha'k,T[\.se9^.m\imgYOW- JtiJii ^55^q5 daldal, f. a quagmire, a slough,

ing wild ; an aquatic plant (Pistia stratioites) ; a a bog. h.
plant commonly called Nagesar (Mesua ferrea) ; a tree
(Mimosa sirisl/a) ; a sort of jasmine (Jasmimim pu- ^iXJii ^c^^^JT daldala, quaggy, boggy, h.
hescens). s.
I^^ti3ti ^cS'icJRT d(ddaldnd, n. to shake, to
j^ii ^C^TT didar, m. love, affection, h. undulate. /(.

i^'^ii daUak,a. barber, a sharapooer, a waiter (-iL*ft'^^4i ^^5^^^ daldaldhat, f. tremor, h.

at a bath. a.
t_^i>,fci^ii ycJ<4<^Ti dalad-hriday, broken-
j^^iJ dallaki, of or relating to a barber, &c. hearted, cut to the heart, s.
te^hi dallaki, a razor, lit. the barber's sword, a. p.
^Jii3ii ^(jiclQjl daldid'i, swampy, quaggy, h.
\*t*'yii dilasa, m. comfort, consolation, jy.
^'j>'^ ^^fT dulard, double-stringed, twofold, of
Jtyii ^'^'^ dalal, name of a ti'ibe ofjats. h. two rows; m. a double-stringed necklace (also
fjyd dallal, m. a broker, a salesman, a. dulri, {.). h. [a leaf. s.

ij^ii daJal, m. looking (haughtily or amorous- \M*yJii^ ^^^?WT dal-stisd, f. the fibre or vein of
ly) through half-shut eyes ; looking with affected i.Jiiii did fin or dUfin, 1 , , ,.
anger (as lovers) ; cinadua libidine infamis. a. '-^. -^ -^ ya. dolphm. g.
(j^aJii dulfin or dVfhi,}
«J1*5 Jii dulolat or dilalat, f. dirpction, indica-
tion,, sign, token, argument, demonstration ; broker- /^i^ dalk (properly dUli), m. a mendicant's
age, a. [tween. a. habit, made of patches and shreds, dalh-posh, a men-
dicant or one who wears the dalk; ragged, clothed in
aJ^ii didlala, f. a procuress; an old go-be- rags, fl,
^^ti dallali, f. brokerage; the business of a ullJii ^oFqJ dalah, f. glitter, splendour, h.
broker, a. [spinosa). s.
(ObtdUti ^oSoifxn? dalak-pat, m. a folded
(J-o^ii ^TO^ daldmal, in. a tree {Vangueria petal or leaf. s.
UNi5 f^^T«TT dUana, a. to cause to give, to
occasion, to administer, to consign, to assign, to cause Uioii ^oF'JTT dalaknd, n. to glitter, to shine, k.
to yield, to cause to give up. It.
(^^1^ ^oFV^ dal-kosh, m. a sort of jasmine
O^iS <^<JJH1 duland, a. to agitate, to toss, to (Jasminum pubescens). s.
shake. .1. [cause to be ground, s. (ioii 5^ohl dulhi, f. a trot ; the movement
"of a dog. dulkljdnd or -chalnd, n. to trot (particularly
\^'^d ^^HT daland, a. to grind coarsely, to as a dog), h. [(v. dhan). h.
^^ti d<^N didaw, m. agitation, s.
U^^ ti ^'I'T'TT dalganjand, a kind of rice
jj^ii dildiiar, brave, intrepid, p.
fc^jj^ti dUdwari, f. intrepidity, bravery, p. U^J---* Jii t^cJH^J^ o|i^«^T dal inasal karnd,
a. to thrash, to crumple, h.

(^"ilii ^^^ dida,i, f. a kind of veil or co- s^di dulma, a tarantula, dalama, now cheese.^;.
vering, made of two breadths and used by females, h.
Js)^iirfa/a,?7(pI.of(_)Jii),proofs,arguments.a. ^^Ix^lii ^oSftT^Trf dzd/nii/dn, a small purse, h.
JiibJiJ ^^sn^^ dal-hddal, m. a mass of ^1^ ^c5«T dalon, m. the act of dividing into
two parts ; breaking, cleaving, s.
clouds ; a large army ; a large tent. s.
Ijjii ^«TT dabici, a. to grind coarsely, to
^c;\a!o dd-hazi, f. palpitation of the heart. ;>. split pulse, s.
u ( 388 )

uiJ.*J Jii ^f^Hfop 'al-nirmoli, \n. the B/ioj- ^^AAJii ^c^ri^ dalenti, f. a hand-mill. s.
patr tree,inthe
woollens and b;;rk of which
for kukka snakes,is used
s. for -wrapping O dam, m. blood, da mu-l-a kTiwa in , dragon a
blood [Staiguis draconis). a.
^^ dalv,m. a bucket, an urn ; the sign Aqua- ^1^ dam, m. breath, life; boasting; spring;
rius ;the hopper of a mill. a.
ambition ; cheerfulness ; a moment ; the stewing over
^\Jii f^^^^ dibvdll, m. an inhabitant of a slow fire, durri ulutnd, n. to breathe one's last ; to
"Dim or Dihll. dilll ke dilwdU. munh chiknd pet khali, relinquish one's usual habits, dam-d-dam, incessantly,
the inhabitants of Dihll appear to be opulunt, when in continually, dum-bdz, m. a wheedler, deceiver, dam-
fact thej' are starving (a proverb used to express the lidxi, f. wheedling, deceiving, dam i bdz-pasln, the
vanity and indigence prevalent in that city). Ji. last breath, the last moment, dnm hdndlind, n. to be
attentive, damba-khud silent, keeping one's breath
l3L5ii ^^T^tTT dalwana, a. to cause to be within himself, dam ba dam, iierpetually. dam-band,
coarsely ground, s. [give. h. an alembic, dam bharnd, n. to boast, dam-pukht, m.
a stew, a kind oi pnldw. dam piiillna, to breathe short.
dam phuhknd, to breathe, inspire, dam tdtnd, n. to die.
\i\y:i^ f^^STRT dilnmna, a. to en use to pay oi- dam jagnd, n. to speak, to talk, dam chnrdna, a. to
sJti S^ft^ duloh, ^a scimitar made of two feign death, dam charhnd, n. to pant, to respire, dam-
churd, m. the name of a kind of firework which burns
at intervals, dam chhornd, a. to breathe, to expire.
^yid'Z^^^dii-lohifj plates of steel joiii-.d
"together, h. diim-kham, edge or temper of a scimitar, &c. dam-ddr,
elastic, dam-dildsd or dayn o dildsd. ni. encourage-
b Jii f^Q5%m ddrvaiya, m. one who causes to ment, comfort, soothing, coaxing, davi ilend, a. to
give or to pay. h. wheedle, to coax, to inveigle, to deceive ; to leave to
simmer (a stew, &c.). dam-raftan, to expire, dam
riiknd, a. to suffocate, breatlie short, dam laklind, n. to
\j_^dr^'^^zn dalwciii/a, m. one who orrind.*. .«.•. be content with a little, dam-zadav, to breatlie, to
l^ii ^^T dnlha, m. a bridegroom, h. live or exist; to keep silence ; to hesitate, dam-zmi'i.
hesitation ; maintaining silence, dam sddhiid, a. to
UJii ^-^JX.} dal-hara, m. one whose busiiuss stop one's breath, when feigning death, or as some
is to sell grain, s. ascetics do, as religious exercise, for hours together
(v. habs i dam), dam-sdz, concordant, harmonious.
^. jVJti ^?TT«T dal-haranAf. a woman whose dam se idlnd, a. to turn off with a joke, dami sliamttlier,
m. the edge of a sword, dam-k., a. to Ijlow (as afire);
f^\^)d '^'^itt dal-hdn, J business is todeal to blow, as a conjuror when juggling or e.xorcising.
in grain, s. dum-kash, silent, dam-kashl, silence, dam khd-jdiid
or -rahnd, n. to be crestfallen, dam klidnd, n. to be de-
dalihan, {. any sort of pulse ceived ;to be silent ; to be dressed over a slow fire (a
^i3 ^f^?«7
which may be split, as ddl. s. stew, &c.). dam khainclnid, n. to be silent, dam lagiid,
n. to be desirous, dam lend, a. to take breath, to rest.
dam mdrnd, a. to speak ; to boast, dam ndk men dud.
^^^b p^^ dtdhun, 1 to be fatigued to death ; to gasp for life ; to be mucli
distressed, dami nakd, ready (as dinner, &c.). daii:-
f_j^d '^f^'^ dalhin, ^f. a bride, h. ■nikaliid, n. to die. dam hand, n. to be stewed, to be
'sjLAb ^"m didhajya,] left on the fire after cooling, as a puldw, &c. p.
3(i ^^^ dull, f. a clod of clay or mould. .<. i»i^ dum, f. tail, end, extremity, dum-ddr,
tailed, having a tail, dum dabdnd, a. to run away, to
"5ii f^^ dilll, f. the city of Delhi, th(! metro- put the tail Ijetween the legs, dum dabd-jditd or dum
" polls of Hindustan, called also Shdhjahun-dbdd. h. 'alavt-k., n. to run away, dum-kd-tdrd, a comet, dum
^d dill, apperlaining or belonging to tlie Idba-k., to wag the tail (as a dog or cat when pleased;.
dum men ghusrid, to take protection, p.
"heart ; hearty, sincere, p.
^li ^ dam, m. taming, subduing; self-com-
b3ii ^f^^ dalii/a, half-ground or coars( ly- mand, endurance of austerities ; subduing the senses
pounded grain ; split pulse, ground more finely than or passions, s.
ddl, q. V. s.
jUii dartiar, ruin, destruction, a.
L—'Jii f^'5^''? dil^P, the name of a kiii^r, whose i\<i dlmngh or damdc/h,m. the brain ; pride,
seat was Hastiiiapur or Delhi, one of Kama's ances-
tors, s.
haughtiness ; the organ of smell, dimdgh tdza-k., a.
to be ple:;sed. danidgh charhnd, to be proud with excess
tOtJ dde?-, intrepid, bold, brave ; insolent, im-
of wealtli. damdgh-k , a. to be vain, proud, 'naughty,
pudent, presumptuous p. or rather to act proudly, &c. damdgh hoiid, n. to be
vain, haughty, proud, a.
ioVjOii dilerana, bravely, heroically, p.
e.\f«i^ dumma , tears, from old age or sickness,
^jOii dileri, f. bravery, boldness, impudence, sap dripping from the vine in spring, a.
"daring, p. [i^Ecliites scholaris). s,
^Uti darndglfiy vain, frivolous, proud, p.
^S^ ^li ^^nf"!^ d(de-(jandhi, m. a plant \.o^^^ damdmd,^, , ,, ,
(VjkJii j«7i/, f. argument, proof, demonstration ; J-in. a kettledrum, j)'
au«UiJ damnmn,)
a guide, director, a.
AjJti daRh, argumentative ; a good arguer. a. ^U;i do man, powerful, terrible, fierce, p.

^^»t: dal'imn, n:ime of a clan of t/ujds ViuJ) ^i^T'^TT danidnn, n. to bend (with elas-
in Muradabiid (v. gaitr tagd). h. ticity), li.
( oS'i) )
^W.x«J d'liiijafi, f. a kind of fine cloth DaaJe
(-^'-<^ bine,ilii/iiuudlc,
p. 111. a bliiiiJcrljUi-s, a car- "at Damietta, dimity, a.
,4f<i3^H diunbh, m. arrogance, pride, boast, UA/«ii dam'if'i, rich, prosperous, wealthy,
ostiMif.itioii, hypocrisy, s. d.
^Sx-c^ damMbufi, f. blowing (as wind) ;
(C-^*>^ ^»>Tt (liimh/ii, proud, ostentatious; m. "blowing as a flower, sprouting, p.
"a hypocrite, an impostor, i. f^'^ii daviidan, to l)low, to expand ; to
break forth (as the dawn of day), p.
^x^i^ '^rtfjii f/ant /III tl, husibaiid and wife. s.
[^j^i^ (hiyncin, f. a crupper. ^;. JjjtoJ dam'ida, blown, expanded, vegetated;
broke forth (as the dawn of day), p.
ol*J-«;i ^^^TTiTT dnvuhmana, a. to shake (as
*x«;3 ^«I damya, subjected, tamed ; m. a steer,
t!ie branch of a tree), h.
a 3'oung bullock, s.
^'Sj^/oi^ damddVKl, m. a cavalier, (in fortifica-
tion) a mound, a raised battery, h. ^jii f^ dill, m. day. din ba-din, day by day.
din bharne expresses time spent in pain and trouble.
^j-oii i*\i\ damra, ni. gold, silver, riches, s. din parnd, a. to be unfortunate, din phirnd, n. to begin
to prosper (after adversity), diu-jyoiis, ra. sunshine,
^'1*1^ c{*<d1 damn, f. the eighth part of a daj'light. din charhdm'i, a. to commence any business
paisd, or very nearly three dams ; in the emperor Ak- late in the day ; to eat the bread of idleness, or earn
bar's time the damrl was rated one-eighth of a dam, one's wages without labour, din cliarlind, the day
or one-three-hundred-and-twentieth of a r«/j7. damrl being far advanced; the period of a womauV men-
kc tin tin Iwiid, n. to be ruined, demolished. /;. struation being protracted, din-dliaale or din /.;•.//(•,
in daylight, din-dii/d, daylight, din dhahid. n. to
'j^(j«*,i dimmas-liarna, to lay down turf, to grow late, to decline (the sun), din kdtnd, to pass
place the sods and pound them with a rammer, d. time with difficulty, din ko din, rat ko rat, iw jdnnd,
n. (lit. not to perceive th.it day is day, and that night
iZ^i^ dlmashk or damishk, Damascus in is night) to be totally absorbed in thought or business.
Syria, a. din khulnd, n. to begin to prosper after adversity, din
ganivdnd, a. to spend time carelessly, din mundna, n.
^ii/Oii qJ^qn damak, f. ardour, glitter ; ra a to grow late, to close the day. s.
t:imer, a subduer (of passions), s.
\ ^1^ "^^ danna, m. memhrum virile, h.
"S.-)^ ^^T da mil a, a iiillock, an eminence, h. \ 13^ du/ind, large, great, ample, d.
■^'--31^ ^^lot.MT damaliVd, n. to shine, h. CL^^Vii dana,at, f. meanness, baseness, a,
J-'A*^ ^oF^T damhala, m. a squirt, a fire- (3^1^ f^vjTtT^ dinatl, time of a plough's work-
engine ; a jack or crane (for raising weights), h. ing in theboure s, s. course of a single day; daily work of la-
^J^ii du7!}.)iitd, m. a boil, a swelling, a ftlon,
an imposthume, an abscess, a. ^.\<j.iCi f^^i>T dindrambh, m. morning, s.
ij^ii duitnnaJi, f. a small boil or swelling, a.
uIaJ'j^ f^'TT'^ dindnt, m. evening, close of
}s-c.^ datn-inadar, a kind of superstitious day. »•.
ceremony (v. Wilson's Glossary'), h.p. t^-^'^ii f^T^ dindyi, f. a tetter, ringworm, h.
_^*t5 dimti, the orbicular (iung of cattle, &c. a. JljJii dumbdl, \va. a tail ; the stern of a ves-
j_^r<J ^»T daman, lamiiitr, subduing; m'. a iJUiii dnmbdla,} sel ; the rudder; after, be-
hero ; a kind of flower {Artemisia), s. hind, dumhdla-ddr, tailed. sitdra,e dumbdla-ddr, a
comet, p. [bubo (v. dummui). p.
f^ii dam.o7i (Pers. cor. of damayanfi), the
heroine of a tale in the Mahabharata. s.p. j_|*)i dumhal, m. a lioil, an imposthume, a
Ixoii (JHHT damna, n. to glitter, to flash ; to auOii
tail. diimba,
p. m. a kind of sheep with a thick
bend with elasticity, to spring. Ii.

^^1^ '^'^ dumiinlia, li;ivintr two mouths ; m. L3ii damjid, fat, thick, corpulent, d.
name of a serpent, which lias two mouths (Jmpid-
^bcena). s. jJlOti ^"Rfdant, m. a toolh ; an elephant's tusk,
dant-pir or dant-shul, the toothache, dant-slidn, m. a
CL**j»yod '^^^W damn'nst, name of a low dentifrice composed chiefly of the powdered fruit of
tribe of raj-puts in the Benares district, h. the Chebulic myrobalan and green sulphate of iron.
danf-mdns, m. the gums, dant-mal, m. the tartar of
t^'^'Cii damivi, plethoric, bloody, a. the teeth, s.

s^d dama, m. pair of bellows; an asthma, p.

^J\l>^t,'i^['^^dantd>vu^,n harrow or rake. h.
^^ da ml, f. a kind of huhha, or instrument liujli^ii »»T<TT^ dimtdrvvd, m. a disease of
'fur smoking; adj. inflated, p. the teeth, ulceration of the gums. s.

^'"^ '^% lama'i, f. amount of assessment, h, ui3;O.CLOii «^nT1^ojr dant-pairak, m. a kind j

of jasmine {Jasminum pulicsccns), the petals resembling
Ulxo^ dimijht, Damietta (in Egyi>t). a. teeth in colour and shape, s.
lZ^^:) ( 300 )

^TtTTTEq' (lunt-pvxlLp, m. a plant, Jbjjii i^^TTT^ dovrJ-pal, m. a small kind of

fish [Cijprinus barbiger) i
the flower of which is compared to a tooth (Strychnos
potatorum), s. [('an elephant), s. C^Sii^ ^f^H dc/ndit, punished, fined. ,s.
ji>Li ^nR dantur, havings large tusks, tusked c-dJiJii ^^ojr dandnk, m. a sort of metre, a
stanza of which exceeds twenty-seven syllables. ».
^ ^\ib^{J^^'^fJfyiT^7{ dant-dhawan, m. a tree
jielding an astrinjyent resin {Mimosa catechu) ; a plant OcXiii^TIJoiiT r/(7Nc?r7Z'a, f. a country on the north-
(Mimusops elengi) ; a tooth-brush, or fibrous stick used east coast of the peninsula containing the forest dandak-
for cleaning the teeth, s. aranya, in which Kama dwelt, s. [bearer. *.
^^jJ^CLiOd ^nT5I3 dant-shath, m. elephant or
wood-apple ; common lime (Citrus acida) ; a plant ^^iJii ^5(!3'JT dandin, m. a staff or mace-
bearing an acid fruit {Averrhoa carnmbola). dant- b^Jii^^^Tn dandna,
shathd, f. wood sorrel {Ojralis monodelpha). s.
lJ^3oL>^^!5t^fn dandichnd,
vestigate. .5. }a. to inflict a
J4^ti ^"^ danthal, 1 the bare stalks of &q;/-a, penalty ; to in-
^J^IOti ^"(^T danthldj jrcar, &c. ; the roots euS JOii ^?!3»t1^ dandniyaA punishable, de-
of chana left in the ground after the crop is cut. h.
&lS>i^'^j^ dandya, J serving punish-
^li ^^ danfi, toothed, tusked ; m. an ele-
" of
phant. dantl-vij,s. m. a strong purgative nut, the fruit
the croton. lOj^Jii ^?I2«Jd dandn'af, f. a Hindu mode of
salutation, something like our military salute. ».
Jjpti ^^q5 dantel or ^^ dantnil, tusked. .9. j_f JOii ^T^^ daiidt, m. (v. dandi) a mendicant
^lopii ^^^ dantela, m. an elephant with " (who carries a staflQ ; also same as dasta, a handle ; the
large tusks, or a boar or any animal with prominent penis, h.
tusks, s.
j_fJOii dandi, f. a pole, staff, or post; the
yard of a sail ; the beam of a pair of scales, d.
sjpii '^^ dantya, dental (a class of letters), x.
liiii dand, enmity, hatred, d. b JOii dnndiya.
ment, d. (v. dandiya), a kind of gar-

i^d ^ diind or dundu, a kind of kettle-drum U^iiJOii dandichna, same as dandna, q. v.

(same as dundubhi). ».
;jiJii ^ damh, m. a gad fly ; a tooth ; the
sting of a snake. *.
liiii rfawf?, m. a rib, a tooth ; a weaver's
toothed instrument; adj. poor, destitute, stupid, p. Ok-lSii ^f^TiT damhit, bitten, stung, s.
jj]s>d'^'7^V^dandaru, m. a blister, a pimple. />. J^/ojjiJii ^5I5f^ dansk-mul, m. a plant {Hy-
peranthera morunga). s. [stinging. *.
^^li^Jii dandan, m. a tooth, dandan-fjir, bitiu-r
(horse), dandan misrl, f. a kind of sweetmeat, p.
(^^li ^^ dunshan, m. the act of biting or
eJ\sii^ dandana,m. the tooth of a saw, &c. /;.
fJ^i^ <f^ dahshi, f. a small gadfly, s.
^^;iJ(i ^T?>T^ dundubhi or dundubhi, m. a .*.
"kettle-drum. *. ^^1^ ^^ dansher, noxious, mischievous.
Kiii ^oirr dunha, m. a crumb, a scrap, h.
^liJii <(f<^chl dundka, m. a sugar-mill. A.
jSoii ff^oiit dinka); m. (lit. the day-maker)
the sun. s.
^^Wti ^^^ dundam, m. a kettle-drum. J!f.
r . ->
.UiiJii d<*iR dundumar, m. a sort of red ijJJ>i^ danfj, astonished ; careless, foolish, p.
worm. s. \-C3ii ^^ dnnga, m. wrangling, confusion,
mutiny, sedition, rebellion, dange-baz, mutinous,
KiKiSii <^^H1«1T dandunana, n. to enjoy one's turbulent, h. [division of an estate, h.
be contented and independent, to live
self, to h. at one's
ease. [light, d.
^iLiii ^TJf't dungani, f. a small fractional
Jl.JOii f^^f^T^ dm-dicale,m. broad lay- ^JS3i^ZJX\dungr^,{.'&co?Lrse kind of cloth. A.
^tiOii dandi, m. an enen)y, an adversary, d.
t:L*-X'.)4i ^TTlgr dangast, name of a clan of
rajputs in Ghazipur. h.
Xii^^lS dand, m. a stick, a staff; punish-
ment, castigation by amercement, or putting to death ; jXj^i ^^f^ danrjal, m. a kind of chair. A.
fine, penalty; a measure of time, or twenty-four ^y^i^dangal, m. a crowd, an assembly. ^. t.
minutes, dandd-davdl , f. single-stick, cudgelling.
daiid-tfimri. f. a' perforatedfullcopper vessel of given ca-
of water : after tilling by
bXiii ^l'^ dangaya, ) turbulent, mutinous,
pacity placed in a vessel
de"-rees it sinks, marking a certain portion of time. C1*JlG^ ^^ (/an5ra?7,J quarrelsome, /t.
dand-dliakka, f. a sort of drum, davd-niti, f. the
eystem of ethics taught by Chanyakya. s.
,^l^iif'^'JT1T7rr/«"/j-9«art, m. the length of day. s.
\sii^ danda, m. a post or stake ; the pole of or
Lerect. s. lfc<ijyii fi^^'VT ■?•
day-blindness. dinaundha, m. dj'sopia,
[animals). «.
a carriage, d.
standing ,i.i f?7ft (/fni, aged (generally applied to
^J^yjiJi ^?!3T^HTJI dandayaman,
JJ ( 3«1 )
^j,ii (lain, iiicuii, paltry, base. a. jii fs dtvi (prefixed in comp.), two. «.
\jjii ddinja, W the world (either as being near jii dau (in comp,), running, as nek-dau, run-
and present, or as woitliless) ; (met.) people, dttiii/d ning well. p. [dice, &c. p. s.
/)() iiltliie parnd, to be proud or haughty (Dakh.)-
i^jii ^^ du,d, m. the two or deuce at cards,
(tiiiiiid-dur, worldly, worldly-minded dunyu-dCtr'i, f.
ec'oiiomy. dunyd-talab, one who is eager in seeking
Iji5 darva, f. medicine, a remedy, datva-pizh',
tlie world
the good andthings of this therein
whatever world. is.du>i'n/d
a. wa wdjl-lia, susceptible of cure. a.
\ji> dhva, a lamp (v. diya^. d.
'■^ 7 "^ '[worldly, of the world, a. ^jti f^T diva, m. (v. diba), a day. s.
{jyipti dunyaici, j
cvx)ii danlyat, f. vice, meanness, defect, a. (^ijii dawabh, m. (pi. of ftJ^ii), animals,
quadrupeds, cattle, beasts, a.
»^ do, two. do-afaxha, double-distilled, s/ia-
rdbi </o-a<a.«/(a, double-distilled liquor, i.e. very strong. (--^^j5 duivah,\^ai. the country (we call the
do- or du-hdra, twice, do-bardbar, double, equal to
two. do-bhdshiyd, ra. an interpreter, do-pdra, halved. s^\jd durvaba,) Du,ab) between the Ganges
do-pdya, two-legged, a biped, i. e. a man. do- or dit- and Jamuna : the term may be applied to any flat re-
pattd, m. (two-breadthed) a kind of veil in which there gion lying between two rivers, p.
are two breadths, do-pattd tdnke sond, to draw the
sheet over one's head (either from security and care-
.il^ti smc dwapar, ra. the third yuga or age
lesness, or after death), do-pattd hildnd or phirdnd, n. of the Hindus, corresponding to the brazen age of the
to hold out a flag of truce, to offer to surrender (a Romans, and comprising 864,000 years (v. yuga) ;
fort), do-parld, double, of two folds, do-palkd, (m. doubt, uncertainty, s.
having two eyelids) a kind of pigeon ; a kind of stone
for a ring, dn-pahar, f. mid-day, noon, do-pahri, of O^jii dawat, f. an inkstand, ink. a.
noon, meridian, do-pahriyd or du-pahriyd, of noon,
meridian; m. a kind of flower (Pentapeies phoenicea). t^\j^ f^^nnr dlvatan, daily, diurnal, s.
do-piydza, m. a kind of stew (v. p 392). do-pnikar,
the sign Gemini. do-turd or du-tdrd, m. (double- i^jtii^S^i 3TT5J dwadas, twelve, s.
threaded) ; a kind of shawl ; a guitar with two strings.
do-tahl, f. (two-plied, double) ; cloths that are lined. ^AA>iiljti n^^ dtvadasi, f. the twelfth lunar
do-tuk, two-pieced ; clear, plain, clean, do-tuk hand, n. " day, reckoned from new or full moon. s.
to be adjusted, to be completed, do-jiyd, pregnant. (^ii^ .li ITr^^I droadash (v. dwadas), twelve, s,
do-ji se bond, n. to be pregnant, do-jlwd (v. do-jlyd).
do-chdr, f. interview. do- or du-chitid, wavering,
doubtful, in suspense, absent (in mind), do- or du- ^^^Uii flcj^ft dwadasKi, the twelfth day of
'"the lunar fortnight. *,
chitd,l, f. suspense, absence of mind, do- or du-challd,
m. a roof sloping two ways, do- or du-chand, twice,
double, do- or du-choba, two-poled (tent), do- kham- jS\j(i daiv-a-dan, 1 f. labour and fatigue,
md, m. a kind of ^^wMa-snake with two bends, such as
that of the gurguri, or hubble-bubble, do-ddml, f. (_^jii^jii darv-a-dau,i,J toil, trouble, p.
flowered muslin, the flowers worked with a needle,
do- or du-dila, wavering, doubtful, in suspense, absent
jl^jii dOjdr, m. (properly darvwdr) vertigo,
in mind, do- or du-dhdrd, adj. two-edged (sword), giddiness, a.
dd- or du-rdhd, m. a road dividing into two, leading
different ways, do- or du-rukhd, that which is the j\jii dawrvdr, round, charkhi darvwdr, the
same on both sides, not having a wrong side, do- or revolving heavens, a.
du-raggd, capricious, whimsical ; m. a mongrel, a per-
son of double breed, having good qualities on one side, j^jii ITK dwdr, m. or f a door, a gate, gate-
and bad on the other, so as not to be depended on, way, passage ; a means, an expedient, the medium or
do-rung, piebald, of two colours ; hypocrite, do- or way by which a thing is effected, dwdr-pdl, m, a
(fK-rano-a, capricious ; double-dealer, do-rangi, f. the doorkeeper, rfitjar-joa/i, f. the office of a doorkeeper, s.
property of having two colours, capriciousness, du-
plicity, hypocrisy, double-dealing, deceit ; of two co- j^jii ^^ s f. fire that breaks out
dandr,. in
lours, capricious, double-faced, do- or du-roya, double, woods, [o'' *•
two faced, do-zdnu bnithud, to sit in the Persian fashion,
namely, kneeling down and sitting back on the heels Ujti iTRT dn-drd, m. a door ; (prep.) by means
(V. chdr-zdnu buithnd and sari pd balthnd). do-sirhd,
tete-a-tete, do-sutd, m. a kind of cloth, the threads of
which are double, do- or du-serd, a weight of two sirs, ^UjtS ^HHift dwdrdbati, '\ f. name
do-zarbl or do-nali. double barrelled (a gun), do-tarfl,
mutual, on both sides, do-kdl, m. both worlds, do- Jj^jii irtn^ dirdrdvatl, Ufa Hiii-
^jljt> ^f<.oH dwdrihd or dirdrhd,} du holy
kasi, two-personed, fit for two persons, do-kuld, m,
irons on the feet of criminals ; a double padlock, do-
kohd. m. a camel, not the dromedary of this country, place on the bank of the Western sea, near the mouth
but the two-bunched animal {Camelus Bactrianus). of the gulf of Katch, once the capital of Krishna, and
do-gaiidl cJiitti, afomenter of quarrels ; a go-between, supposed to have been submerged by the sea. dwdrikd-
one who flatters both parties in a dispute (allusion to ndth, master of dwdrikd, an epithet of Krishna, s.
a game among children, who rub a tamarind seed on
one side till a mark is made, then throw it like a die: yUj^f^TT^ divd-rdtra m, or divd-is.dtri, f.
the caster wins if the mark turn up : the seed thus a day and night (Pers, shabdna-roz, q. v.).
prepared is called chittl, and if it be fraudulently
marked on both sides, so as always to win, it is called
^ipT drvdr -n-all-bhu j, rn. the
il(i-gandi). do-ghuriyd, m. the space of two-hours, do- ^^j^l a sort^T^f
Vak,jii of crane {Ardea nivea). s.
lurd, m. a double-stringed necklace, do- or du-lch and
(/()- or du-Uilil, f. a scimitar made of two plates of steel warder,
joined together, p. s. ^JJ_,^ ^rfr-^ dtvdrin,^^rr). a porter, a
^jJ\j:>'SK\dn-d}-i, J a doorkeeper, s.
( 302 )

id'\j) dvn-azcJah, twelve, dun- uzd ah j 111180}, bOjii ^f^XfT diib'nja, f a kind of green, grcs-
or -w«^. the twelve signs of the zodiac, p. green. s.

^iSj^ji dumazdahum, the twelfth. J). lju-.5jii "^V^^n dupaMd ov dupnatdj^Ypi^navA.. h.
L-.'jii fwfdirlp, m. a plant (^Mesxia ferrea). s.
^Jjijti dunazdald, a dozen. ^.
slw^^jiS do-aspa, quick, expeditious ; lit. <,^.jii fl"^"^ s.d/ci-puth, m. a place where two
roads meet.
havinfr fno horses, i. e. having one horse to relieve
anotlier, or having a relay of horses, p. liJ .li fl^T^ drvi-pad, two-footed ; m. a biped,
UU^Tjti do-nshhjana, m. (with two rooms) including gods, demons, men, and birds, s.
a kind of tent. />.
8j'a.)ji3 do-piyaza, a kind of rich rstew -J' made
j^^jii ftf^Tojn: divd-kar, m. the sun. s. witli butter, onions, and sundrj' other good things, p.

^^^\jii ?^TfT*T davagni, m. a wood on fire, C--jii ^ dut, m. an ambassador, messenger,

conflagration of a forest, s. a go-bet«cen, an angel who passes between God and
mortals, s.
JUjti do,dl^ f. a li-alher strap, a belt. r/o,aZ-
/)a, web-footed ; a fabulous race with legs like thongs,
•who are said to deceive and devour unwary travellers./). -?. '_ (double, doubled, bent, bending
J\j^ dhrdi (v. diwdr), a wall. d. sl!>.(i dotdh,. tlie body; a kind of cloth. 7).

^^jii f^l^ST diwdld, m. bankruptcy, insol- K!),i3 (jfricH duiiku, f. a female messenger,
vency, h, [Hindu festival, s.
a confidant, s.
^Ijii f^^T^'t divaU, f. (v. deicdU) name of a
r3\*_jii du,dU, f. (properly fZo,a/) a leather j3«ii ^^ dufi, f a female messenger, a confi-
" dant, 3 procuress, a go-between, a bawd ; (for dyuti)
"strap, a belt, dii/di hand, a sipdhl (having a leather refulgence, s.
belt), p.

i^^^]jii daii-dnb (Ar. [)l.of L_^^jii), wheels, p. l>!Jj(i ^filT^ dutiyd, "1 second, the second.
Jiii daivdni, m. perpeiiiiry, perseverinp; ; al- «JOjti f^;ji\''ldirittya,) dtvitlyd, f. (a second
self) a wife legally wedded according to the Vedic
ways, eternally. 'alq-d-dauam, continually, assi- rites ; the second day of a lunar fortnight, s.
duously, incessantlj'. dawnm baud 0 bast, perpetual
settlement, a. [noon. s.
\^\xijd f^lftm^J
plant {Cuiciinia divitiy dhhd,f.
zaniJiorrhiza). s. a sc'itam'iueous
dofcii^Uii f^'^THWl divd-madhyn, m. mid-day,
_. .li 73T dvj, f. the second lunar day. s.
j^^»;i dairaii, running, walking; fin^i. p.
jj,«4i flT^T diri-ja, (lit. twice-born) a man of
fii\)\»ii f^'RI divdndh, blind by day ; m. an any of the three first classes of Hindus, but particu-
owl. s.
larly aBrahman, whose investiture withthesacrifici.il
striiig is considered as a second birth, dwija-dus or
(itJUci i^^f^"?! divd-7iixh, m. day and night, s. dwija-seva/c, a man of the fourth or servile caste, a
Sudra, as being the servant of the dwija classes, s.
about, p.dawdn'idan, to cause to run, to drive
WjO ^*iT dujd, second, another, s.
u-Jjii ^^ dub, f. name of a grass (xigrostis
^.li fgiil d ici-jd, f, a plant (^Siphona/i finis
linearis), s, [child's kite. p. Iiidicus) ; gum olibanum. s.
jbjii dohdz, m. a kind of pigeon ; a sort of
^l=-.i3 fl'j^ Ili^ du-ijdti (v.dii-ijd),i\\\ce-hovu.s.
jjjbjii do-bdsi (for du-bhdnhiyd), an inter-
"preter. h. ^^'^J(i ffifrnft dtvi-jdyani, f. the sacrificial
" string worn by ttie first three castes, s,
Jjii ^I^T dobar, double, twofold, s.
J— .li ^»r^ dvj-har, ni. a man who marries
j^iii ^^ dubar, weak, lean, difficult. .9. a second wife, a bigamist, s.

y\"-^yj^.^'^ ^«fSM«s^ fZr/fc/'w-r//m.s3-M, unknown, j^IJ^jii fl"»r"7?Tt dwija-patnt, f. the wife of

insignificant, helpless, hiding through weakness, h. " a dwija, a Braliin pi woman. «.
^»-«J.ii ^tf^^^ do-bisivi, an allowance of b .i,j,.;i f^irftl-T dirija-priyd, f. the moon-
two biswas out of twenty, or ten per cent. It.
plant (Asclepias arida). s.
uLiA^j^i ^>T«F dubhah,i. a scarcity, a famine, s.
CL*— J^-.jti fllToiifp^ dwya-hutsit , ra. a tree
\jLi^\ AJ . li ^>Tlf^Tn do-bhdshiyd (vulg.c/o')c/.v7i), {Cordia myxa). s. [Brahman.
a man skilled in two tongues, an interpreter, s.
dici-janmd, twice-born, a
^U^.ii ^>T^'5T dobhaydn, (with two hands) Ias- ,ii ^*R.T dojhd, married to a second wife. s.
two-fisted, ambi-dextrous ; strong, s.
\jk»..ii ^jI^T f/o;ira,^ a kind of rice ^7.
^3ji> ^ dobe, m. the knowing two Veda^^ ;
" a title of Brahmans. s. 8jl>- . (5 ^tiT Tt doj'tra J dhdn). h.
( 393 )

.^ju>.jii ^»ft^ do-jiTva, pregnant, s. jji^ ^TT drno; the

for irrigation, h.
slings attached to a basket
B^nd ^W. (locha, the second reservoir to which

water is raiaed for the purpose of irrigation, h. jjd T^X. dor, land ploughed twice ; w hen
ploughed thrice it is called te.ur ; when four times,
&s»-j45 dauhot, a grove, orchard, nursery, a. chuwar (Ell), h. [cover), h.
«-IL*s«-.(i doljht, f. sewing, a si itch. p. I^jii ^TTT dattra, m, a large basket (without
f^j^s'-^ii dokhJan (r. doz), to stitch, to sew ; ^sV^jj"^ ^TT?HI dauratmija, xa. wickedness,
to pin, as with an arrow, p. depravity, s. [tance. p.
&I»-«(^ daklifn, stitched, fixed (the eye or J-
J3'^J3'^ dnr-a dur, very far, toJ a great dis-
sight), p.
liiiH dud, m. smoke, vapour, dudi dil ov dudi ^J^J^^ dxmran, m. time, age; fortune;, vicis-
situde; a revolution, period, a circle, cycle, daurdvi
Jam, a sigh, dud-dluda, smoky, p. sar, m. a swimming in the head. a.

• d^\djd dud-alud, smoked, perfumed; name ^J^.^^Jii dur-andesh, far-seeing, of deep re

of a town and river in India, p. flection, p. [thougnt. p.
^jUiijii dudinan, m. generation, race. p. ^j^,y>o\jjii dur-andesht, f. prudence, foie-
UtSjii ^^^ dodna, a. to deny. h. i^K^j^a ^Ti^T'TI danrhhagya, m. ill luck,
misfortune. .?. [pravity. s.
>iij^ i^V du.I/i, m. milk; the juice (or milk)
of certain bushes, dudh-ddhrri, living on milk, diidh n^sSs^j^d ^15^^ danrjanya, m. wickedness, de-
harhna, n. to be Aveaned. dudh-bhdft, f. same as diidlid-
bhdt'i, q. V. dudk-blidj, ni. foster brother, diidh pi- vijjii t;<rii durata, f. remoteness, distance, s.
h'nid, to suckle, dudli-pild.i, f. a wet-nurse, dudh-
haiidi, f. a vt'Soel for holding niiik. s. tj^jj'^ do-ruhJii, f. a kind of bow. p.
wiijti ?[VT dudlui, a kind of rice (v. dhan). h. (_j*»jjii ^^i;h do-raa, a mixture of two soils, h.

Ufciijii fl'VT dwidha, of two kinds, in two ways. s. KZ^ij^d fl^^ dwir-uhf, said twice, repeated.
dwir-uktl. f. repetition, s. [smell, «.
Usiiji^ dudha, m. lamp-black, p.
,.fc_v.lSjjii ^^Jrf^ daurgandld, f. foetor, bad
jJl^^Uiijti ^^HTIT^ dudhh-hliaU, f. a cere-
mony performed the fourth day after marriage, wherein ».^!jjji> bility,
^^"^ dmcrvali/a,
s, m.[_iiicum
dactylon). de-s.
the bride and bridegroom eat milk, boiled rice, ;ind
sugar, together. *■. [tures. s.
'_)jj4i ^% durvciy f, bent giass, the DHh (Pa-
Ll-'lfciijiJ f^VTW divl-dliafu, having two na-
<^'>jjjL) f§^^'^ drvi-iup, of two forms, s.
jlfriijii ^>nT cZitf/7/ar, 1 giving much milk, 5jj(i daiira, m. jjoing round, circulation
Afcci,^ ^xr^ dndlud,) milch, s. (particularly of the wine-cup), a.

jjjii do-ru, m. two-faced, a kind of small

^lijii ^Vt' dudhi, milky, containing milky drum played on both ends. p.
"juice; f. starch; name of several plants with milkj-
juice, as various species of Asclepias, Echites, Euplivr- (_/.j4i dtirl, f. distance, separation, p.
biii, ^c. Asclcpias rosea, &c. s.
{j-ibdod nfvm dudliiya, milky ; m. name of ^_£•,Jli
lands ^Tt:'^ dori, f. ah.chain or line with which
are measured,
several plants with milky juice (v. dud In), dudliiyd-
paltlicr, a white stone of which p.laster is made and
utensils are formed; tlie opal. h. j_5jj<i
a rope ^T^ daur'i,
wherewith f. aofbasket
a string cattle are(without lid) ;
bound together,
as in the case of a number of bullocks vhen threshing,
.jt^'^TL.dur,i. distance; adj. far, distant, rtmcte. or rather treading out the corn : it also denotes a kind
diir-andesh, provident, foreseeing, penetrating, saga- of sling-batkct used in irrigation, h.
cious, wise, prudent, dur-bdd, God forbid, dur bliiig-
vd, n. to abstain from, to abominate, to shun, dur-
CL:^^^^jiii "^i^^ dTui-hJnit, remote, far off. .<.
b'tn, m. a sp}' -glass, a telescope; having the quality
of shewing a distant object; tar-seeing; (met.) pru- OJ^^i^J^^ ^rtoFftT durl-krit, removed, dis-
dent, provident, ingenious. 'alVi dur-bin, far-seeing pel ed, s.
reason, solid judgment, dtn-pdr, God forbid (a female
phrase}, dur-dardz. f. far-distant, dftr-drish or dtir- Jji^ 0^ dutir, f. run, incursion, attack, as-
dnrsli'i, long-sighted, far-seeing; m. a learned man, a sault,endeavour,race,struggle,effort,career,milit(iryex-
teacher; a vulture, dur-drisbfi or dtir-darsha)!, lonjr. peditit n. rfrt;/r-f//((7yj, labour and fatigue, dfiur-dhuji-lc, to
sightedness, foresight, dura-stlia, remote, far off. use greit labour and exertion for the accomplishment
dur-Jc, to remove, to reject, dur-gdm'i, going far. dur- of any object ; to bustle, to toil. h.
vds'i (f. dur-vdsinl), residing in a distant country; out-
landish, dur-h., to be removed or dispelled, dur ho, Ujii ^^T daura, m. a large basket (without
be gone, avaunt, be off. s. p. lid) ; a highwayman (who robs on horseback), a.
j.«5 dmir, m. revolution (of time or of iuiy
body), circular motion ; the windlass or capstan of a bU'jii daurapa, a village runner or mes-
senger. //. [race, hurry. '«-
ship ; a species of argument, reasoning in a circle ; .-ige,
vicissitude, circuit, daur dcitir, m. prosperity, a.
<_^VjiiVv.ti ^^l^Ht duura-dauft, f. running,
( 394 )

cL)V"«i3 ^dloF daurak, m. a racer, q runner, h. aJ's^jiS do-shala, a kind of plaid made of two
shawls sewn together ; a single breadth of a shawl ia
UU'.Ji ^?T^ daurana, a. to caiist^ to run, to never worn by Indians, h. [animal. ».
drive, to impel, to actuate, to expedite,
J h.
>^.;»>3i^ fl"5ni dwi-shaph, m. a cloven-footed
UbV.'.J 5^?TfT dauraha, m. a messenger, a C^'Ijjii ^tnr dushit, calumniated, falsely ac-
courier, a guide, h.
cused (especially of adultery); contaminated, cor-
rupted, violated ; blamed, censured, s.
Uj'jii ^pTT daurna, n. to run, to gallop,
course, drive ; to assault, rush, invade ; to toil, daurna
dhupna, to run violently; to use great exertion, to iL^jjii ^^HTs. dushita, f. a girl who has been
toil. /;. [a messenger, h.
dXijii ?^^o)> dushak, ill, low, contemptible. *.
lfi>Vjii ^"VfTT dauraha, m. a harbinger, a guide,
o vj ^ ;^Tt dauft, f. a drawn game at chaupar. h. tiLSijii ^f^^ (Zo.N-Ai^,1 faulty, defective; bad,

jjii doz, (in comp.) sewing, piercing; as ^^^-jjii^tf^ doshin, J wicked, criminal. 8.
zar doz, an embroiderer; dll-doz, heart-piercing, p. JU-lijti doshmal, m. a towel used by
butchers, &c. p.
».Jj^ dozakh, m. hell; (met.) the belly, p.
j_^Jjii dozahJn, m. hellish ; the people of i^^^jii fflmd doshan, m. objection, blame.
duskan, blame, fault, defect, offence, dothin, faa.t]r. «.
"hell, i.e. the damned ; (met.) a glutton, p.
Sjjii c?o;ra, a kind of prickly plant; gum lac, Ubi»jii «{^mi doshna, a. to accuse, to blame. ».
a kind of wax for fixing handles on knives, Sec. p.
L^^j^ ^^ dosh-wat, \ ^,.^,_^, ,_^ .
JOjjii dozira, m. a kind of rice. p.
(^%*jjii f^^TT divas, m. a day. s.
^ J
, wicked, bad. $,
ij^j 5 ^t*l^ dosht,
(_>**. ii ^t^ f/o.f, m. crime, fault, blame, do.t
Iiniid, n. to be sick after childbirth, from neglect of ^_^jii -^"^ dushl, 1f. the secretion or
regimen, s. ^^JUjjii t^Mloht dushiha, > rheum of the eye. «.
ii'w>*>jii T^im^ dosad or dusad, m. a low caste ^_£)ju2jjii doshizafjt, f. virginity. ;>.
residing in and about Patna, whose business it is
to remove carcases, and to be executioners ; hog- S^jy^jii doshiza, f. a virgin. /;.
keepers, h. [crops a year. h.
ajj^jii dosh'ina,
or relating m. a shoulder-load;
to last night, p. adj. of,
^J>\jMjd ^m^ do-sahi, lands yielding two
•jii f^'FJIT? dn-i-saptdh, m. a fortnight, x. &^j<^ ^ dushya, reprehensible, vile, bad. s.
LlA*->54i dost, m. a friend, a sweetheart, dost- cj^ dogh, m. butter-milk. /?.
dar, m. (vulg. dosdar) a friend, a sweetheart, dost-
ddrl, f. (vulg. dosddri) friendship, love. p. alffjii doghla (properly daghul),z mongrel, p.
iolLrfjjiJ doxfana, friendly, like a friend, p.
^JJos]S'J^ diighla-bazi, f. horse exercise with
throwing the javelin, and which the Arabs call
|i>*»jii dosti, f. friendship, love, affection, p. " la'bu-l-jarid." p.

j-»jii ^t dusar, m. the second. 5. \jai^(^ do-fasli, land that produces two
crops in a year. p.
^ .*^jii ^m.\ dusra, the second, other; an equal,
a match, du^re, secondly, s.
uiJjii ^^ dok, m. a two-year-old foal. h.
^-^jti ^tntt do-sari, the ploughing of land uiijii cZa/i, m. a spindle, p.
twice ; also land twice ploughed ; when ploughed
three times it is called te-sari ; when four times,
chau-sari. h. ^jO.ii dukan, f. a shop, a workshop, duhan-
ddr, a shopkeeper, dukdn-dari, f. the keeping of a
shop. p. [keeper, p.
'J..-j.ii ^'^^T dosna, a. to accuse, to blame, s.
.»*»«4i ^t^ dosi, faulty, criminal, s. i^^j(^ duhani, f. shopkeeping ; m. a shop-
wj.ii ^t^^ ...
dosi, m.,
thick, sour milk: a I ^^ijii ^Vr f?oA;^, m. a crime, a fault, blame,
vice (see dosh). s.
Musalman milkman, h. 1 /■ _

an objector, s.
the shoulder ; a kind of lac (v. | ^J^ t^ dohhah, m.
doya); dosh,
^jj adv. last night p. | li^jti ^^RT dohhna, a. tO aCCUSe, to calum-
niate, to blame, s.
^jijii ^ dosh, m. (v. dos) crime, fault,
blame, blemish, defect, sin, offence ; disorder of the
humours or functions of the body. dosh-kalpa>i, m. ^^ijii ^W^ dohlti, a raised mound indicating
malicious, dosh-hond, to be sickdosh-grdh'i,
condemning. censorious,
after childbirth from
the junction of two boundaries, h.
neglect of regimen, s.
^^^:i'^^r^ dohln,2iX\ offender, a criminal, s.
sLf^ii ( 395 )
OOji dogdfia, 1 double, twofold ; ni. two ^j^-ojii du,amin (same >j^
as dy,am,),ihe second, j).
ajlij J dof/ana,j genuflexions in prayer, h. p. ^^ji5 dun, base, mean, ignoble, poor, vile.
dun-himmat, mean-spirited, of a base disposition, a.p.
^jojii^lTTTf dogara or dugcira, twice, double ;
a musket carrying two balls, h. (jji ^ daiin, f. fire, a flame, s.
/^li '^m. dotjur, name ofh, a marauding tribe ^^,Jli ^T don, a fractional division of an estate, h.
in the north-west of India,
^;j4i ^ dun, a valley (the etymology of the
^jii |IT55T ditfila,\^ sling-basket of large word is learnedly discussed in Elliot's Glossary), h.

e^^^i^ '^tT^\ dugla,) size, round and deep, IJji ^^Tl do7ia or ^i^T daund, m. the name
used for the ]iurposes of irrigation. Ii. of a flower (a species of Artemisia) ; southernwood. *.

^jiifl'inrr dici-gtm, twice, twofold, doubled. I3j^ ?j^ daund ov "^IW dona, m. a leaf folded
dwi-gnn'i-hlnit or dwi-gtim-hrit, doubled, increased, s. up in the shape of a cup for holding betel, flowers, or
boiled rice, \c. ; a basket or bucket made of large
b>j3 f^JHtn du-guna, double, two-fold. s. leaves. Ii.

JjtS c^ f/o/, ni. the mast of a ship. A. b.45 ^T dv.nd, double, twofold, h.
(Jjti f?«t</, state, condition ; statement of re- j^lJ5ii^»TT^^f?o-wa/i,two-barrelled (a gun).s.
venue items, a.
jj^ii^^ dol, ni. swinging; a festival on the l:f jii ^^T daunjd, m a scaffold, h.
fourteenth of Phalgun, the swinging of the juvenile
Krishna ; a litter, a swinging cot, a rf«//, a swing. iX>jt> l^f/?*v;«r/, "|m. a pair, a couple
dnl-mal, k., to wave, swing, undulate ; to hesitate. *.
female) ir^l"
; uniondirandwa,)
of the sexes, (especially
or coupling, male and
u_^^jti dulab, m. a wheel for drawing water chart, the ruddy goose, flying in couples. *.
with. p.
tXJjti ddv/iid, a runner, a racer, p.
Sj^jti ^t^T^J do-laira, a well having two
well-buckets and ropes, h. j>jii'^fjidon7-, m. name of a species of snake. /*.
jjl^^jti ^^^'RT«7 dolagamaii, swinging, Ux>jii ^r«F«TT donknd, n. to growl, h.
being swung ; perplexed, vacillating, s.
ClJjii dmdat, f. happiness, felicity, riches, i^ji^ ^f^ dohkt, f. h;!lows. h.
wealth ; fortune, prosperity, state, empire or king- l^Ojii ^TT^ dungrd or ^^M^daungrd,\ a
dom ; cause, occasion, effect, means, dauhit-khfnia,
m. (house of fortune) a pabice, a house (your house). »jf-.Oji dungra or daungra, J heavy
daulitl-khaiin.e khnss, a royal residence, tlie king's pa- shower. /(. [(v. do-nall). «.
1 ice. daulai-said, f house, palace (your house, being
a respectful mode of address), datilat-mand, wealth}',
rich, fortunate, a. ^_pjJ ^^^'^ do-null, two-barrelled (a gun)
i^^i^ ^W^ donon, the two, both, donon
'iJli'<^^S^ dolar, 1 double, of two rows, wakt milne, expresses the evening twilight, b.
Vf^ji> ^^TI dolara,} &c. h. j^ji cff35 do,u (v. donon), both, the two. h.
^^d ^i^fc^'cH doliha, f. a swing, s. ^__>jjbjjii f^^^T^ divodds, a king of Benares,
and founder of the Indian school of medicine, s.
Jj i dulam ( v.na(A),nonentity,nonexistence.r/.
J&iijjti fff^V dwi-vidh, of two kinds, in two
V3ji jUji> ^^T^Joir^^ dolmal-harna, a. to ways. s.
wave, to swing, to undulate, to hesitate. *.
Ifcjii ^^ dolid, m. a couplet (hhdkhd). s.
l^jii ^^T dulha, m. a bridegroom, k.
steer, ^^*T
s. dolid/i, m. a young bullock, a
(»pjii du,am, second; inferior, second sort. p.
\icmd ^W\ dtimaA the name of a leathern case j^^Jtjd ^Y^Tof dolid,o, the zamlndar's perqui-
site of milk from the cultivator's cows. h.
from Thibet into
in which they import tea
Garhwal, and Kama,on : it contains
about six pounds, h.
out for ^^[^\
justice,dolid,i or ^^^; andnlid,'i,
exclamation f. ci ying
oath, plaint (q.d.
twice alas), duha.l tihd,l-k., to make reiterated com
t-ILcojii ^(^Z do-mat, m. a mixture of two plaints, h.
soils, clay and sand. h.

j^j.<j^ ^Hti<^\X. domtikar, name of a subdi- l-kfi>ji ^f rTT dohtd, ni. a grandson (daughter's
son), son-in-law. *.
vision of the Brahman tribe, h.
»^jii ^f?"^ dmihiir, m. daughter's son. .?.
j^xo^d f^lS (Z/iu'-mM/iA,1 having two mouths ;
l^i«6ji cftfl^ do-nmnha,) m. a kind of ser- Cj^CJ&jti
s. dauhitrl., [^vilhf. both hands,
pent (Amphisbcena) (also dwimukh-ahi). dwi-mukh, f.
u leech, s.
jJJSjii ^'fWf do-haitar, m. a blow or slap
( e-98 )

jJbjii ^W\ doJit'i, f. a grand- daughter ;j^'-?.j^ ■^"Ej diregh, m. cnniily, aversion, .s.
" {d.iiii.'!iU'r's daughter), s. "enemy, s.
f^lji^ l^^'t diveshi, hostile, adverse ; m. wn
0Jt>y:> <ft?^ do/iad, m. wish, dr-'^ire. the loiig-
inn; of a prefrnant woman, dohad-ldlcshdv, foetus, em-
Lryo. flolnaldnvita or duhad-watl, a preguant woman e^JL:>j^ ivj dn-eshya, hateful, detestable, dve-
longing for any thing, s. slii/atd, f. aversion, detestableness. «.

Jimti'^t^dohar, m. a doulih; s'l.et ; a sheath ; *^«> duiimn or doynm,'] ,

P'-' -^ 1 ^l'« second, p.
the old bed of a river; land ^viohling two crops in a
ye:ir. f/o//«r, a sandj' sub-soil. h. (^j^jii duj cniiiii, )
LdljUj^j.^ f^oMlqqi^oir divyopapaduk, of
^j^ heavenly birth, divine, s.
m. a ^^?TT
distich. ddhrri,
Ii. <?on''de, twofold (v. [peat.
d.(dar) h.;
elji^ ff^ d'vi/a, divinp, celestial; beautiful,
I3ly»j J ^TT^IT duhrana, a. to double, to ru-
a mixture otan fiveordeal ; an oath.
ingredients, ghi,d'ivya-panchdmrit,m.
curds, milk, butter;
jKjfcjJ ^^^T^ doltraw, m. act of douhling,
repetition. /;. [woman, s. and sugar, divifn-dliaii?//, virtuous, agreeable, divyi-
ratiiii, m. the lamous gem cli'nduinuni. divya-ras, in.
quicksilver, divya-vastra, clothed in celestial rai-
\>ijbjd fl^^T dici-hridayti, f. a pregn:ir;t ment. 5.
^•.>j^ ^-^frSRl d(di(irika, f. the Prakrit niPtr.; 5i dill, ni. a villnpo. dih-hJiiida, the headman
called Dohfi, n stanza of four lines, containing thirteen
and eleven syllabic instants alternately, s. in a village: (in comp.) it signifies giving, occasioning;
as drum dih,blesome, p. giving ease or comfort, tasdi'-dih, trou-
^J^Jtjti ^^^^'^ dohdl-wati, for duhad-irafi,
V. doliiid. [to Brahmans. /i. ii ddh, ti'n. da/i-cJiand, tciifold, ten times.
ddh-rhaiidagt, f. tenfold (it is a word with which they
^J,j6_j^ ^"t^^'^f/t;/./!, servic(H laiids;; lands given retiiin a salutation), dah dar duiiyd, sattar dar akhi-
rat, a benediction of fakirs, meaning, charity will be
^^jii returned sevenfold in the next world (it is probably
duhhi ^"l^'^ (^0 //.«??,
(f dliinT), m. milking;
a milker, s. a milk-pail.
a corrupt Persian phrase, dah dar ditnyd sitan dar
dhhirat, "give in this world and receive in the next")
U&_jt> ^V^'JIT dohiut, a. to milk. s. — so says Hunter, and so copy his copyists; butin the
liitter case it must be written dih, not dah. It is much
^Sbj:^ ffT?^^ doll III, f. a vessel for holding
mere likely that the proverbial expression in question
milk ; a milking-pail. «.
is from the Persian " du)i dar duni.d, sad dar dkhirat."
l»>jj ^ffl[T dnltiija, m. a kind of fireplace, li. " ten in this world (is, or yielus; a huudred in the
next." dah yak, tenth part. p.
^'^^1^ ^"^ c./?/.z, f. dnality, separation or dis- J&ii ^f d'di, ni. very deep water; whirlpool,
[lersiDii, in opposition to unity, s.
a pool rr eddy in a river; abyss, kanwal-dah. a place
abounding with the lotus or water-lily. s.
i^:< u"|r i/iv//, tuc) (s:inic; ;.s f/o). S.
Ufri dalia, m. the ten days of the Blaharram ;
(^>b ,ii I'TlTf'^ dwayagni, m. u plant (^Plum- the models of the tombs oil}asau ai^d hiisain, or the
bago ziylanica). s.
model of a l)uildiug containing the tombs, which are
( A> .^'^tj rf/a;?, m. an island, a large por- carried about in pn'C''.--sion during those ten days.
tion of the earth, a clime, a region. This word is ap- On the tehth day. the tombs are buried, or in some
plied by the Hindus to seven imaginary divisions of places thrown into water; the building, if made of
the world, represented as seven concentric continents, cheap materials, shares the same fate; if costly, it is
carried back and deposited in the dargdh or karbuld.p.
si-parated from each other bj' circumambient oceans,
lleckoning from the central one, the}' are called Jambu, \i\^Li Vi\^\ dliahFi, an upper story of a house;
Kits, Plck.sh, Sfdmall, Krauiich, Safe, and Pitshkar. The
a terraced roof. h.
central Dwip, Jiniibii, or the known continent, is again
j)ortioned into ten divisions, likewise termed Dw'ips; (..^ylifc^ <i//a/>ri,f. a i)igeon-house, a dovecot, d,
viz. Kiirri, Cluindra Varun, Saumya, Niig, Kumarika, Ga-
biiastimav, Tdmrajiiini, Kaseru, and India s.
jl^j'j6i irWT^(//m-Wtfj,i, m. foster-brother, s.
-^,..i l^'?^ dn'ipi, m. an islandci-; a tiger, s. t-j^'lfcii XfJ'^ d/iap, f. a measure of length ; as
LL^Jji Ffl dtraif, m. douht, spparafion ; du- far as a man can run without taking breath ; accord-
plication, duality, or assertion of two principles, as ing to Elliot it signifies one quarter of a kos, or nearly
half a mile: it is also applied to a. ghat or passage;
spirit and matter (in philosophy), dwait-vddi, m. a
philosopher who asserts two principles, s. also, a large expanse of low ground, s.

(^JJ.ii dfnnd Iin, to run, flow; to make haste. ^. Olfc^ VTiT dh'if or ^Trt dhdtu, m. metal ; the
Sanskrit root or crude form of a word ; a mineral ; a
^_v.)»:> ^ dirnidh, m. douht, division into principle or humour of the body ; an organ of sense ;
two parts; adj. twofold, of two sorts, s. an elementary substance or property ; f. semen virile,
dhdtu-bhrit, promoting the animal secretions, dhdtu-
(^.5oLfcjK.),4j ^Vl<*<;ir dwaidJiikaran, m. sepa- vddi, m. an assayer, a mineralogist, s.
rating, s. [a double entendre, s. C^U:^ diliat, m. (Arab. pi. of dih) villages;
^ Jji 31^ dvyartli, oHwo meanings or senses, th'' country, as opposed to towns, p.
^ -'^^^^^ f^^H^tf^ din'e-sala,i, f. (v. diija- J^J6:> mim dliaiup, m. the alimentary juice
sald.l) a match for kindling a lamp. d. or chyle, s.
Ui ( 397 ; Vft>>
cils>-^,C!^'lfcJ VTaTTSnir dhatu-rajak, m. semen
virile, s.
vi .' ' ^Cj\j6t5 VTI^ dhdri, i'. a line, lineament ; a
small buttress, dhdrl-rh'ir, lined, striped ; name of a
plant used in dyt.'ing(Li//lirum/i n'icosum, Lin.; G:is-
\^^-J:j.y'.ifc3 VTffMfw|<*I (Ihdtri-piishpika, f. a lea (omentosa, Ruxb., pi. cur.) ; (in coiHi) ) bc'aring, hold-
tree [Grislea tonifutosa). s. [balan. s. ing, s.
oJ'jti VrfToirr (f/iatnha, f. emblick myro- j[Sb^yjrS dhnr, f. ^;i crowd, a muliitude;
^J3\ibi VTTt ill' at ft, f. a nurse (v. dha,e) ; a
Ij'li&ii VT5T (I/idrd,j fiilling of w;iter from
mother ; the earth ; emblick mj-robalan. s. above ; a robbsrj'. Ii.

j^KxZtCl.j\iby VI ri ^1 15( C dhatu-sJiekhar , m . green (^jjjV^J

(I I, (Iras), d/idi'ijs^
d. Courage, confidence (v.
vitriol. «.

l^jijWiO^^littJ VTTTojri^ll^l (Iltatu-kdsJus/i, n). uj' J» J rf'^TTflT dti/idnid, n. to roar (as a tiyer)./*.
red sulphate of iron. s. [inentosa). s
ulJ'jfcJ VT^ dhdl, f pomp, glory; renown,
fame; fear, terror; name of a troe {Biitefi fn)iidnsa);
j^^CUii WHWt cihdt/u, f. a tree {Grislca to- a post. A. [nietic. p.
,i,U__^lj63 VTTTJrrft;i!ift dhatu-vnirim, f.
borax, s. [a sulphuret of iron. s. t^iJ'^i ddlhl.k, ni. tiiti place of tens in aritli-
ji.^^ VI"^^ ;!:ia,}tar, m. a mongrel, h.

Jj>ylit:> VTTnr^ r///a/?<;>f//, 1:1. iliulk. a. \j.''~^^ VTeSTTT t?Aa/;ara,1 name of a small tribe
ot Ajira.dlidharay)
h. of rdjputs, in the
borax, s. VTTnW*? dhdtu-vuJIahh, m.
l^i'is^ tJT^T dIJilthd, m. a swing; name of a
tree {Buten frondosa). h.
j«^ « -1. \>i VTrl^T.^ dhahi-vair'i, m. snl phur. .s\
^'Ijbi VT2^ (lliafi, f. advnnring towards, or liUi VTTT uiuujd, m. a thread, dhdyd ddhid,
"confronting an euemj'. s. a. to quilt. /;.
<dX^\ii dhdchah, dread, avpr-ion. d. ^li>ii Vl'^T dhdld.^^ stream, a current; a
\i^\i>^ 'VTfT dlicidci, water falling from aSove, &J'>ii VT^: dhdhi,} kind of cess, about one
a wat.-rfall. s. dtid in tlie rupl, levied on villagers, h.
,lfi>^ y'Ttdhnr, f. a line, lineament; stream, J-fcii VTJT dhdin, m. a dwelling, a place, a
' liou?e. 4-.
<'iirrent ; edge of a sword, &c. ; sharpness, dhar par
mdiiid or dliar mdrnd, to contemn, to despise, s.
Ulfci VWT dhdmd, m. a large cane basket. //.
j^C) VR dhdr^ m. debt ; slight sprinkhng of
mill ; end, bound, limit, s. ^^'jtvi ^rnr^ dhdman, a species of gmss of a
good qn;ility, found iu the Bhatti territory, h.
j.p^ yjJX^dhar, a hollow tree inserted in the
moutli of wells to prevent their falling in. h.
f^^-^^ Vlf^'?! d/tdi/iin, m. a kind of serpent
(which is said to suck cows, and to be otherwise harm-
less); akind of wood ; a kind of bamboo. Ii.
,'.>^ ^'?[Ti; dulidr, m. a milker, s.
,xJjt:> 'VTfRl d/idmm, f. \>in, any tubular
>_-'•, Ifci V[\fm d lid n't , upheld, sustained, .s- vessel cf tlie body. s.
1.'^^ Vrn d/id/d, i'. stream, a current, dhdrh- C^j*Wj> VRTfT dlidm-wot, splendid, lumi-
sdr, m. a heavy shower, a large drop of rain. s. nous, illustrious, s.
^>-b.\>!> >nT^T5^ dhdr-bdchh, an even or ^jljk-o^JfcJ^ VrfH^R diiuiniiidn. ()d. of d /id nit),
general distribution of charges, rates, &c. s. name
'klaiul. of k a sect, followers of Pruufith, a Hindu re-
former who nourished in the 17th century in Buiidel-
b^^bfcti VK>IT^ dlidrdharnd, io winnow, h.
Kybj.lfc^ 'MR'vnCT dhar-dhurd, the boundary ^^U^ IJT^ d!:(i!u m. rice before it is separated
formed bj- a stream, h. from the husk. Of the dhdu there are many species,
for an account of whii'l. v. Ell Gloss, dlidn-kaci, tue
LdJj'jt^ VTT«ir dhdrak, m. a debtor, s. season for cutting rice. s.

s-:il*_.'«fi>4i'U7f^«jr'//;«/'"'V', virtuous, pious, just. 5. ^jUsi dahdn ovdi/idn, the month, an orifice, p.
(j.\jb> VTTTfl dJidnin, m. act of upholding, bear- \jl>ii \iTrrr dhdnd, n. lo run, to make haste,
ing, having, keeping, S:c. s. to toil and labour, to drudge ; to wors'.ip. *.
O.lfcii VTOTTT or V[\XJ{\ dlidrnd, a to uphold, \jl^i ^^JfT duhdrtd, a. to cau.-^e to milk. s.
to bear, support, keep, place, sustain ; to pour ^water);
to owe; f continuance in rectitude, keeping in the \JUi ^^TtH (i(///a«a, a.toburn, to.-ei on fire. s.
right way ; iortitude, firmness ; memory, s.
13'^i VT»TT d h and, ^ihe gond portion of a vil-
jij'j&i VR?!!^ dlidrni, f. any tubular vessel of jo'^ti\n»TU//<a««,/ lage, which is always
the body. s.
separated from the lest '^v. gond). h.
Ifci ( 308 )

Jjfc4iJli6(i vnVQ5 dhandhal, f. wrangling, sub- ^i4;&i ^?t| d'ilia,i, f. the figure ton; thfl
terfuge, trick, juggle, chicanery, s. tenth part ; the decimal place of figures in arithmetic. j&.

lJLAi6^^A:> VtV^'T^ dhandlLal-pana, m. ^Js\si^^ 7,"^%^ duhd'i, f. (v. di)Itd,i) crying

trickery, roguery, chicanery, subterfuge, h. out for justice; exclamation, oath, plaint. duha,i
tihd,l-k., to make reiterated complaints, h.
,_^tJJ'jbii ViV^^ dhandhli, ni. a wrangler;
adj. quarrelsome, h. ^jA^i \rn? dhd,e or dhd,i, f. a nurse th it
gives milk, a wet-nurse, s.
UfctiJljbii ViV»TTc?/ia«^A«a, a. to gormandize, h.
UjU(_^-«^\j&i VTT»JTrT*n dha,e mdrnd, n. to cry,
li-oUii VT^»n dhansna, a.to cough (a horse). /*• to groan. dha,e mar rond, n. to cry, to groan, to weep
bitterly, h.
^^^\ibli \riTC\ dhansl, f. a cough (ofa horse), h.
^J>\St>:>^^\ib:i VTW^ dhd,en dhd,en, f the re-
ciJLSJltoii VT'^TKR dhanushk, m. an archer, a port of a cannon heard at a distance ; a sound made
bowman. 5.
by burning any thing, h.
oJj'jtii VT'^xspT dhanushka, f. a tree {Achy- Vjjbi "V^T dhahhd, m. a stain on cloth. //.
ranthes aspera). s.
^^Uj&i dah-bdshi, m. a commander of ten
tiblfcii >n'?r6ir dhanuh, m. a bowman ; a watch, men ; a person having a place of trust ; a valet, p. i.
man armed with a bow ; name of a caste of hill i)eople
using bows and arrows, employed as archers, fowlers, ^)afiii >IW^ dhubld, m. a petticoat or any
house guards, and several menial occupations, both of loose garment for covering the legs. h.
the house and field, wherever they reside : the females
are especially in request as midwives. s. *_ji>i XT^ d/iap, m. noise, voice, sound, crack
(also same as dhappd). d.
.0\j&ii VTTT dhavgar, m. a caste whose busi-
ness is to dig the earth, h. Ujbi VmT dhappd, m. a stain on cloth; a slap,
box, thump, blow ; deception, h.
bylfcii vt%^T dhanwaiya, in. a thresher or
seller of rice, h, jljjb^ XTfTS dhapdr, m. running, a race, h
*!>li>5 dahdna, m. the bit of a bridle ; the lAAfe2> vfcpTr dhapiyd, a fourth part ofa hos ,
mouth of a water-bag; any thing which covers the supposed to be so named from dhdo, running, being
mouth, p. such a dist:ince as a man may run in a single race
without stopping to take breath, h.
^j.^fci3 >nrft dhdnt, f. a kind of rice in the CL^i Vff d/uit, f. a word used to encourage
husk ; a light green colour ; a good soil, fit for grain, s,
elephants, h. [burning, scorching, s.
iu3l>5 VT^ dhanya, m. corn, especially rice; ul*Jfci ^flTT dcthit, burnt, scorclifd. dahat^
coriander ; a measure equal to four sesamum seeds.
dlianya-ruj, m. barley, dhdnya-wat, abounding in Ki3>^ vjg"T dhuttd, m. trick, deception, diiutid
corn. s.
detii, a. to deceive, s.
.Uii xtm dliair, m. a plant used in dyeing;
Grislea tomentosa (v. dhdrl). s. 1^5 ^f^WT duhitd,^ f. a daughter, duhitn-

^j'-Jtti VITT dhawd, m. running ; over- Jla>^ ^^■ff dithitri, J pati, ni. a son-in-law,
a daughter's husband, s.
running an enemy's country, attack, assaulting ; a
stock, a store ; crowding together ; name of a tree. li.Kifc^ VjTofiTT^T dliathdrnd, a. to reprove, h.
dhdwd-mdrnd, n. to go expeditiously from a distant
place, to run on or about, s. K»ift5 VTrTT dhotnrd, m. the name ofa piiint
O.lfci VT^ dhdivat, running, going fast. {Datura, or thorn-apple). 5. [postor. s.

f//«7«»j/, gone, run awa}'; run to, advanced; purified,

cleansed, s.
b,yJ^i V^rlxm dhatui-hjd, a cheat, an im-
j^i^jkiSi'li 'Vnf\l\rW dliaiingar, ^ ignoble, spu-
tiiJjlfcti >n^«fi dhdn-cili, running, swift ; clean- SZm^^ V<fi^nC dhatmcjar, J lious. h.
ing, what cleanses, s. [fast. s.
^IxjU&ii VT^^ifT dlidivamdn, running, going fci \r3T dluij, f shape, form; attitude, pos-
tiire, figure, appearance, person, dhaj palatini, to
jljfcii VT^*! dhdman, ni. act of running, mo- change one's attitude in fencing, s.
tion ;deansing, purifying, s.
\jS?5 THTT dhajd, f a slip of cloth, a standard,
Ki^^^C) VT^'TT dhdwnd, n. to rang , to roam,
to rove ; to run, to run at, to attack ; to trudge ; to a flag ; a ship's pendant ; also the pole to which the
strip of cloth is attached ; m. attitude, posture, i.
worship, s. [shade, s.
\^.lj6i'VT^f*T«RTfZ/ta,o?«t7ia. f. a prickly night- (^.I^Ji J6i ^RHH dhaj-bhang, m. im potency, .s-.
jijlfc^i VT^^^ dhdjoni, f a creeping plant ^^ VttA dhajji, f. a slip of cloth or paper,
" {Hedysarum lagopodioides). s. " a shred, dhajjhjdn urand, a. to disgrace, to expow
one to infamy, dhajjiydn-k., a. to tear to piecet. k,
I'^Jt^ VT^ dhdh, f cry, noise, dhah mdrnd, n.
to cry, to groan. /'. .xJ'd Wt^ dhajv; f. (v. dhajji). h.
^Ls^^ V»Tt^ dkajild, well-lookinfr, persona- jO^i fVT«FTT dhirhar, m. (v. dhihkar). s.
ble, s. [,^0 frighten, d.
Joyfci f>Ro(rr^ dlilrl.al, m. the name of a
caste of people who work on bamboos, h.
U'jsr^'^ yj^Zfi^rr^ dhachJiachaua, a. to terrify,
A^>^ V^ dlt'irm, dharmu, or dhar am, m.
liSGs^'i V^«F«TT dhachahna, n. to give way, justice, virtue, righteousness, or those attributes
to sink (as a bog, slough, &c.). h. personified ; business, profession ; usage, practice,
manner, mode, observance of sects, castes, &c. ; duty,
jAs:?'jj&i >nranC dhadhachehhar (alsio dadh- especially that enjoined by the Vcdas. dharma-hhd-
achchhar), m. (lit. burnt letters). In Hindi versifica- gini, f. a virtuous and amiable wife, dharvia-
tion, certain words or letters, which are reckoned by
patra, m. glonierous fig-tree {Ficu.i glomerata).
poets to be unluck}'. Thus the Devauagari letters ha, dharma-piitra, a name of Yudhishthira. dharma-patnt, f.
ga, na, in the beginning of a verse, ra, sa.ja, in the
middle, and ka, ta,jha, in the end of a sentence are of a man's first wife and of the same caste, dharma-
this description, s. pradhdn, eminent in piety, dhanna-twa, m. moralitj',
piety ; inherent nature or property, dharma-chdrl,
UxfctiJbi >l>ni«n dhadhakna, n. to blaze, h. virtuous, moral, dliarma-clidrinl, f. a virtuous wife.
dharma-chinid, f. or dharma-clibitan, m. virtuous re-
J6i dahi; m. time, an age, custom, habit, flection, dharma-drohi, wicked, immoral, dliarma-
dhwajt, m. a hypocrite, a religious impostor, one wlio
mode, manner, solicitude ; the world ; atheism ; fortune, makes a livelihood by assumed devotion, dharma-rdj,
chance, adversity, danger, a.
m. a name of I'nma or Pluto, of Yudhishthha, also
of Arjuna; a king in general; a kingdom where jus-
J^i VC dhur, m. beginning ; limit, end ; extre- tice is administered, dharma-rdj-l:., to govt'rn justly.
mity, dhur se dhur tak, from beginning to end. dhar, dharam or dliarm-.tdld, or dharma-aliuld, a ]ilace where
side, direction ; a rope or line. h.
alms are distributed, dharma-rudh't, illegal, iinnioral.
dharma-sabhd, f. a tribunal, a court of justice.
\jti VTf dhara, f. (lit. holding or containing) dharma-sanhitd, f. a code of laws, as that of Maun, &c.
the earth, s. dharma-shdstra, a code of laws, any work on the suli-
ject. dharma-shll , devout, virtuous, dharma-kari/a, m.
^jfci ^^TT dukra, double, two-fold. h. an indispensable act of religion, dharma-kriyd, f.
righteous and legal conduct, religious act. dhaniin
Vfc^ fc^^^l dihra or dihura, m. an idol- kshetra, m. a plain near Dehli, tlie scene of the great
temple, s. battle between the Kurus and Pandus. dharmagni-
/iflH, m. observance of the law or religious institut'j-;.
^\ Jbi fV^T3Tf//m'q;,m.a potentate,a monarch.5. dharma-gija, knowing one's duty, conversant with
virtue, dharma-gydn, knowledge of duty or virtue.
V3|,ftii 5fTT«TT duhrana, a. to fold, to double, dhanna-mul, m. the foundation of law (the Yedas).
to repeat, h. dharma-mny, moral, righteous, dliarma-nibaudh, ni.
piety, practice of virtue, dharma-nibandkl, pious, holy,
practising virtue, dharma-nishpalti, f. duty, religious
\>\jt:>^ fVRT*n dhirmia, a. to threaten, /i. observance, discharge of duty, dliarma-wdn or dliiiniKi-
ULfci VTTTT dharana, a. to owe. .s-. «'o?(fem. dli(inna-iratl), virtuous, pious, just, dharmn-
vivuli, ni. legal marriage of five sorts, viz. Brdlnna,
CL>»\^i VTT^ dharaivat, land ascerlained Daiva, drsha, gdiidharha, prdjdpatya. dharma-vivt-chaji,
IK. judicial investigation, s.
and apportioned by estimate, not measured. /*.
d-'Ufj^^ V*TTiT dltarviat, 1 virtuous, just,
Uj^i >in^«TT dharawana, f. a woman
married a second time. h. U.jt'i V^^TiTT dhai^mntmn,) holy, pious. .<.
c^ J&5 J^dhrubfVa. thepole; adj. trup,right. s. y 1*^3 V^TTT^ dliarmatar, a charitable grant. .<r.
tV Jfci vm^ dhur-pad, m. burden of a song; U5l
a kind of song in the Hindi or Braj bhakhd dialects, s.
dharvui-parlkshd, f. ordeal by drawing lots or slips ol
(Ojfc^ VIT dhrit, jmssessed, held, dhriti, f. white and black paper,
^■y^j^^ s.
steadiness, firmness ; a stanza of four lines, of eighteen
syllables each, dhrlti-man or dhriti-mat, firm, steady.
dhrUdtma, calm, collected. «.
viadhihdr'i, Ira. a judge, :i
Xi^i VTjTT fMa/-^a.1 discount and conimis- (jSioJ&iU^i V^nflTIJ dhar- magistrate. .v\
iO^i VTfr: dharta,) sion. /*. madhyaksli,
\5jbi >rflT dkarta, m. a debtor, s.
bench, dharmasan,
justice, the'Wnni
^^Icyibi s. m. the seat ol'
jiwiljOjifci '*ntTT5 dhrita-rashtra, m. the
name of a king, the father of Durj'odhana and uncle A— 3te^5 VHT^^TR dhar m ami sar, m. con-
to the Pandu princes, s. forniity to law or virtue, practice of duty. i.

iJ^J"^ vftTt dharit?'i,^f. the land, the earth ; J3^\<^i V^TWHTT dliarmavatar, iii. an incar-
j3 Jfci Viff dharii, J dharti hapliul, m, nation ofDharma, the god of justice, used as a term -A
respect to high personages, s.
** a mushroom, a fungus or toadstool, s.
Iji^ijfci VCV^sf^n dhar-dhamahna, n. to ,^il<J&i Vf^? dharmishtha, very virtuous,
proceed with tumultuous rapidity ; to move with vio- inclined to the performance of duty. s.
ience : to rush. h. [light, h.
ji^*J>^ man), V^itH
h. dharm-cjour (v. gaur Brah-
^[jM^i VJj^rm. dhur-sanjh, f. dusk, twi-
( 400 )

,^<j6i VH<!T illinrman, m. a sort of tree ; a l^^^ '5?t'Ni dlairicliu, ni. tiie second hus-
kind of large snake (not poisonous), s. band of a Hindu widow among the lower classr.s. This
connection being contrary to the spirit of the Hindij
mor.^l institution, is formed without any particulav cereinouy,
LT^.^-yt^^ V^fT^ J^ -
or religious instruction, dharmopadeihak, m. a guru, except marking the bride's head with minium. /(.
or spirituous preceptor, s.
j^^ >r5 dhar, m. the body, carcase, trunk ;
<,.'Sb^ \flif dharnii, virtuous, reliscious. s. adj. (Dakh.)
sider, reflect.firm,
/;. strong, dhar j'lv ko larand, to con-
^ Jfc^ >RTEr dharan, f. a l)pp.m ; accent, tone;
the navel (or rather the umbilical vein, perhaps the Ijfcii VTf dhara, m. a party; a weighf. dharn
hdndhnu, a. to make up a standard to weiirh by. with
ii;>rta or cceliac artery, as it is said to pulsate), which
is supposed bj' the Hindu physicians to be occasionally bricks, or any thing else, as by having one weight (oi
removed from its place, and thus to occasion various a pound suppose), it is doubled, quadru;iled, and so
morbid symptoms. This is called dharan digni or vaf on, till the weight requisite is obtained, h.
tabid or -ukharna, and the cure is attempted by fric-
tion of the belly ; m. holding, possessing ; a female o\j^i \|f lefil dharalia, m. a crash, report of
breast. 5. a gun, explosion, h. [to palpitate, h.
\j.^:> vrmi dkama, a. to place, to j)Ut down ;
\JV;fi>^:> "VTfVTPTr dkar-dhamna, n. to llulter,
to give in charge ; to hold, to seize, to catch, to lay hold
of dliarnd-deiid or -haithitd, a mode of e.xtorting pay- UL-j^y,'ft>i ^1T^5>Iq5^ or V^'TiT^^T,
ment of a debt or compliance with any demand. See daliar-daliar-ja'nd or dlair-dhar-jalnd, n. to burn fu-
Asiat. Kes. vol. iv. art. 22 ; also Wilson's Glossary, s. riously, dliar-dhor rahnd, n. to flutter, to palpitate, h.
Uj&ii S^^rj duhariia, m. to be folded or (_iJ*.'fc^ VTolf dharah, f. palpitation ; fear. h.
doubled up. h.
Dji>i VToFT dharha, m. fear, doubt, suspense;
{LJj.>> vftm dharinf/a, a kind of rice. h. palpitation ; thunder. /;. [alarm. //.

^ Jt: ■^^Ilft dkarni, f. tlie earth ; pressing Uo'-fcii VTefiT'^T dharhana, a. to fi igliten, to
" into service, compelling to work, dhaml-dhar, m. \j.i\i:d V!^^'r{\ dharahna, n. to palpitate; to
a mountain; name of Sheshnag, a serpent who up- blaze. /(.
holds the earth ; and of Vishnu in the form of a tor-
toise and of a boar, dharn'i-sutd, f. rearth-boru) a
name of S'ttd, the wife of Rdma, having been turned l^",'fc.i >TT3T dharahha, m. tlie sound of hani-
up fioni the soil bv a plough, dlaiin-kand, m. an mering, k.c. ; frightening, alarming; a scarecrow;
escuKnt root or bulb. s. a crowd (also dharakkd). h.

(jjs:^ '<Rq'^ dharni, 1 m. a dun (v. dhar- ^^'ifcii dharijutti, peace of mind, comfort, d.
CL*i^jib> ^IT'^IT dhurnet,) no), h. ^^iSiS >rfWI dharuUa, m. the sound of hani-
moring. &c. ; frightening, alarming ; bullying, bra-
_j J6^ U dirru, m. (for dhruva) the pole (of the vado ;a scarecrow ; a crowd, h.
earth) the polar star. s.
^.^JJ>'iii^''-Tt^ dharaiii, ualsed, bare h.
ji^:> im dhruv, fixed, stable; true, right;
m. the polar star, the north pole, dhruv-tdrd, m. the Uj^Jtii VT^T dharu.d or VSm dhurna, m. llie
polar star. s. name of a bird, a kind of maiua or jay. h.

^jJfc^ W(\ dhruva, f. a plant (Iledi/xannii.

gatigeticum) ; a small tree, from the fibres of which ^^Ayjti^ VT^^ dkiirn-a,i„ t'ne pntrvm-i who
weighs grain, so named from dhnrl, a measure of five
bow-strings are made ; the first stanza of a song, re- sers, which is generally considered his perquisite ut
peated as a burden ; a virtuous woman, s. the harvest, h.
{>\jjSt^ VT.^IVIT dharivaua, a. to cause to be ^jjVfci Vit dh<ni, f. a line, p;irticulai-ly the
placed, s. black lines made on the lips with missl ; a weight ul
five sers, the quantity weighed at once. h.
j.-j)^i -i^Xf^dhruv-pad, m. a kind of song. x.
C->j Jsi dliarut, a trust, deposit, substitute ;
t^viiti f^T^dihurl,
ddr, doorkeeper, h.
f. threshold, door, dlhur'i-
a pawn or pledge, d. [guess, h.
i. J&> V^^«Bt dharauhi, ascertainment by
^J^>^ "ij^dhas, a kind of soil, sloping ground,
sterile sandy eminences, h.
.4>j jfc^ VTtf^ dharohar, f. a trust, a charge,
any thing given in charge, a deposit, h. 'wJiii VWT dhusxa, m. flannel, a kind of coarse
stuff made of shawl wool. h.
^jja>:> dahr'i, temporal, relating to time or
"fortune (v. dahr). a. ^l.-.fc.i imTTf fZ//fl.sa«,) m.aslough,bog,q^ag-
h. .LJ&i XfW:^ dhasarv, J mire, a swamp, h.
,_5^i V^ dhuri, f. an axle, a pole.
soil in low \j\ fc^ "inn^T dhasand, a. to cause to he
"grounds,^^ h.
^jtbi dahr'i, stiff clay
thrust into. h. [''""a fastaosa). i.
vJ^i dahriya, m. an athdst. a. ,.l«J&ii V^T dhustur, f. the thorn-upple (Da-
I3b/i vfC'm«n dkuriyana or dharhjana, a. USl-S!.i V^ojr^ dhamkna, n. to give way, to
to throw dust ; to winnow, sift, to separate the good
from the bad giaiu. s. sink (as n. (iTiajjinire or slough), h.
( 401 )

^«Jbi^ V^RT dhasam, m. a swamp, a quagmire, h. UiAXJb^ V«irQ;^ dhnhelna, a. to shove, to push,
LT*^ to jostle, dhakel-dcnd, a. to push, to precipitate, h.
^^*<J6^ >nT^ dhaxan, f. a quagmire; tiie state
of being thrust into. h. y^xfiii VoR^ dhahelu, m. one who pushes. //.
lju»fi>i V^tTT dliuxnh, n. to be pierced, stuck ulCfcA^fcii dhagdharjana, n. to shine, to
into, to be penetrated, to be thrust into, to sink, to glitter, d.
enter, h.
j^fciiVJTTS dhaofjnr,\m. a paramour, dliarj-
^***8^ dah-sani, belonging to ten years ; a
Ijr^ii VTTT dhagra, J gar-haz, f. an adul-
" years,
book ofp.accounts,
a. registers, &c., for the space of tens.
[^sers. tress. kdzt- or hakh-ihl-kd dhaggar, independent of
judge or general, a rig for the parson and squire (aa
l^wjbj «^^t(TT dahsera, m. a weight of ten expression of pride and independence), h.

(jSJbi dahash, stupified with amazement, \j}.^Cst>i yjTXt^r{\dhagolnd,n.to roll, to wallow, h.

striking with astonishment or consternation, a.
(jpfcii dahcKjfJi, heat, warmth, d. r^^
(jiJ&ti dihish, charity, bounty, liberality, p. ^J^ii ^q5 dahal, a quicksand, a quagmire, h.
LlA-iJtiS dahahat, f. fear, dread, dahshat- (Jjfcii duhal, ni. a kind of drum. p.
angez, horrible, hideous, dahshat- zada, panic-struck.
dahshat-nak, alarming.-dreadful. a. *^i da/da, ni. the ten (at cards), p.
^li^ii dihhan, m. a villager, headman of fj^i^ ^^T«T dahlan, name of a tribe of
a village, p. a. Jagas in the upper Du,ab. h.
j_^lH*ii dihhani, m. a villager, a husbandman; \j^i ^cJTTfT daJdand, a. to agitate, h.
f. agriculture, the profession of a husbandman, a. p. j^ii Vq5T^T dhuland, a. to cause to wash. h.
d^joUu&iJ dihJi diny at, \ rusticity, boorishness; ^f^^ii V^}% dhuld.,1, f. washing; price of
»-Jliij6ii dihhaniya, J husbandry, agricul- washing, h. [or peon. //.
ture, a.
d*.>>Jt»5 Vi^T^iT dh<ild,H, an armed attendant
tilfcii ^^ dohak, f. ardour, conflagration, h. liifcii ^^in dahalnd, n. to shake, tremble
to tear. A.
i-dljfcii 'hr«fr d/iJli, interj. expressing contempt
and aversion, reproach or menace; fie! shame! s.
Ol^tJ v^s^T^iT dhulwdnd, a. (v. dhuland)
Kfcii \r^ dhdhha, m. a shove, jolt, push. to get washed ; to cause to be washed, h.
dhakkd detia, a. to shove, to push. h. Afcii f^f^^ dihli, f a threshold, s.
;\xftii fv^K dliihhar, m. curse, anathema,
reproach ; disrespect, s. [to curse. «. (^Jfcii dihri, m. name of a city, the metropolis
"of Hindustfin (v. dilU), generally called by Musalraans
*J.K^ti f>r^T*TT dhikharna, a. to reproach, shdh-jalidn-dhdd, and by Europeans Delhi, p.

^.OJbii fv^Rt dhihhari, f. damnation, a ULifcii VTf^TiT«TT dhuliijdnd,a. (v. dharydnd). .v.
curse; adj. damued, cursed, s. Ljljfcii d'lithz, f. a portico, a threshold. dahViz
\3K>5 ^oFT'TT dahhana, a. to burn, to kindle ; kliundldtid, " treading the threshold " ; a ceremonial
to ruin, destroy, lose ; to cause to regret ; to heat visit paid by a young man about to be married, to tlie
(iron, &c.). h. parents of liis intended bride, p.

til^i^Xftii VoFV^F d/iafidhoh, ni. palpitation, iS'S.'kAsti^vtWZ\ dhidcndi or dhulaindi, f. tlie

second day of the hoU, on which it is the practice to
perturbation, apprehension. /*. [tate. /(. scatter a kind of tine red powder; the first day of the
\3oJ6J>xfcii>ro|rvi«liT«Tr dkahdhahuna, n. to palpi- month of Chait, in which they scatter ashes. «.
^ti dahum, tenth, the tenth (day), p.
i^d^iii VoRVoli^ dliuhdhuht or VoRVcS^ dhah-
"dhakl, f. consideration, reflection ; perturbation,anxiety,
apprehension ; an ornament worn on the breast, h. i^ji^»-\^,^'^m^W^dhaiJidch'iuhrl,f.
' tumult, bustle, h. noise,
bU-SjcLlfci VclRf^rRT dh(ili-rah-ja)ia or ^il^fcii WnVH dhnmddham, the sound of
dhak-hojdiid, to be confounded at a sudden disaster, h. stamping, thumping, h.

^jxfcii VohSMch^ dhuhar-puhar, f. palpi- jUfcii VHK dh(wua\ m. name of a chime, or

tation, agitation, h. time in music; the same as dhamdl, q. v. ; running
through tire on religious occasions (among Muhaiii-
trtxfcii Mohdl dhukari, f. a purse, h. raadan yaZ:7/.s). h,

K*^iAJ^43 ir^V^ dhakkam-dhakha, m. \.$Ufc4i >TJ?T^T dhamdhd, m. a kind of cannon

shoving and jostling, h. carried on an elephant, h.
U^ti ^oImTT duhakna, n. to burn, to be burnt, JU^ii VJ?T^ dhamdl, in. a species of music ; w
to be ruined, lost, destroyed ; to regret, h. kind of song which they sing during the saturnalia oi
the holt ; (also dhammdl), running through fire ou reli
J.jijb;i >J^^ dkahel, m. shove, push, thrust, h gious occasions (among MusalmanyaAZrci^. h
^:> ( 402
\^^d fvtf^l d/iimcha,m. a kind of tamarind.^. (_^^ »J^ duhnn, ni. milking, s.
\j^*i ^^ dahnd or ^f?«Tr dahina, right, the
l3l»J^LW*t> "^^^^tf^T^ dhamdhamana, a. to make
a noise (with the feet, by runniug about over-head), h. opposite of left. s.
ujj.jfc^^fcii VHVHT; dhamdhusar, corpulent, h. Ixfci (J^r|i dfihnd, n. to burn, to be burnt, s.
^li <i^HI duhnd, n. to be milked ; to milk
S^j^i^ duh-mai-dd, a kind of cart capable of
carrying ten men. p. (Gilc.). s.
/ji*^ii dliamas or dhammas, a kind of mallet Us>ii V^ dhvvnci, a. to comI», to card ; to
dhammas-k., to lay down turf, and pound the same beat, sir dhnnuu, to beat one's head with vexation,Scc. t,
with a mallet, h.
(J^KJ&li'jJ^^i 'VnTTf^oFR't dhanddhikuri, m, an
tiUfcii V*T«li dhamak, f. noise of footsteps heir, dtianddlakaiini , an heiress, s.
overhead, thumping; an echo; threat, threatening,
awe ; m. a blacksmith, h. ;jtxjkfrolj^&»i tnTTWr^ dhanddhyahsh, m. a
man of wealth, s.
K^ci VHoFT dhamhd, m. great heat ; threaten-
ing, chiding, thump, noise produced by the fall of a &-fc<ilifc>V»1I<Si r///^/?;a(//i2/''',wealthy,affluent. .s'.
heavy body. h.
^^ijlii;iVilTvfr(i7i«Ma/'</a,sei king for weal til,
UK^ii VnUT^ dhamhanh, a. to threaten, to " covetous, i. [of wealth, s,
chide, to snub, to cow, to daunt h.
^^.^Jjfcii V^I^*T dhandrjan, m. acquisition
•JL^K^J'ii VJTcRT^T dhamkdhat, f. threateniiiLr,
chidin;^. /(.
(_^jjjjUfcJ V^T^ dhanasri, f. name of a ?a-
giwi or musical mode. s.
Ui^ii VHo|r«n dhamahnd, n. to thiol), to
shoot (as the pain of a headache) ; to palpitate; to ,.^juu*iliftii >|^T^3 dhannd-seth, successful ;
thump ; to flash, to glimmer, h. [bing. h. true-speaking, h. [wealth, s.

^^li >WoB^ dharyiJn, f. threatening, snub- UiUi'.i inr^n dhandshd, f. the desire ■ f
^ JJlxfcii IRT^ dhandndh, blinded by wealth
^ji^ii lour, h. ^TOchlgT dhumkila, ra. a bright co-
or riches, purse-proud, s.
^k»fcii WT^T dhumld, blind, dim-sighted, s. (JLo.^^i "^T^I^? dhanu-pnt, m. a tree (7?m-
chanania latiJ'uUa). s.
^^i^i>d VJ^-^T^dliianldji, f, gloominess, h.
li«fcii tlH'Jn dhamnd, n. to be grieved, to be b J^ii VTrfinn dkan-priyd, f. a vegetable
amazed. It. (Ardisia soltinacea). s.

jvifcii >RWt dhanattar, opulent, powerful;

^^-i VlT^ dhamn'i, f. a vein, an artery, s. name of a physician iu the court of Indra. s.
of tam-
bourine, h. dhamohd, m. a kind
^_j*iii VjfloirT {x^'xSbJi
rice has V^rfspn
been cut. danthiyd,
h. a field on which

f^^V^ dhu?i, f. inclination, propensity, ap-

]>licati<)n, diligence, perseverance, ardour, ambition, ^jrTij^'^ dhanchirl,f. the hornbill (Bucerus);
assiduity ; pains in the bones, s. also called dhanes, gkaties, or ghan chiri. d.
tiJ^ii dhuiid, an attempt, d. sign ; a thought,
^i VTf dluni or vf?ri7//;//;/,f. musical sound. an idea. h.
^J&:> >I7T dh.in, m. fortune, prosperity, an ex- s.
pression ofpraise, thanks, riches, wealth, opulence ; adj . ,^^1^ >R^ dhanad, liberal, munificent,
fortunate; interj. well-done ! how fortunate ! dhan-pali-, \^^ dliandd (v. dhandhd), business, kc. d.
m. the god of riches, Kuvera. riiuiu-palr, m. an inven-
tory of property, dhan-prhja, fond of wealth, dkan- jjjfc^ d ilidud or dihand, one who is ;ible and
trishvu, f. covi'+ousiiess dlian-ddyl, liberal, munifi-
cent; m. a benefactor. f/Zirin-rfo;/), m. pride of wealth. willing to give or pay ; " a good man on change." p.
dhan-dand, m. fine, amercement, dhan-sampaiti, f.
accumulation of wealth, dhan-garbit, purse proud. J»^j^^^ d/iuridh,m. dim-sightedness; hazi-
dhan-lobh, m. desire of wealth, greediness. dhan- ness, h. [liberal, p.
mdnna, to thank, dlian-mad, proud of wealth, inflated.
SJJ^i dihanda, a giver; adj. generous,
dhan-vyay, m. expenditure, extravagance, dlian-hln,
poor, dhan-cdn, affluent, wealthy, s.
IfcJJ^S VVT dhandhd, m. business, employ-
...it^xc^dhami, m. a bow, the sign Sagitta- ment, work, avocation, occupation, h.
rius. i.
,li>.>j:fcJ -^mndhandhdr, m. solitary, loi ely. h.
(^^5 dtihan, m. mouth (v. dahmi). p.
^^fcii duhn, m. oil, ointment, a. ^j.^JtSJ^,:) ^VTT^ dhandhdri, f. solitude, lone-
•"iiness. h. _ _ C^^""^*- ''•
^,fci> »r?^ dahan, f. sultriness , conflagration ; ^)'j&jjjt> VVT^n dhandhdla, f. a procuress, a
m. burning, comoustiou; fire, Agni; the marking-nut | \3\ fc5j,j^j; XT^XJT^ dliuudhrand, n. tO be Gull,
pUnit; K-M\-\\ort (Plumbago ztjlanica, &c.) ; a gold _".
\ J\v,\A\ vs
coin, in value six rupis. 5.
( 403 )

w.Jbkiafi'ti ^^V^l (Ui(nidhl;u, m. a kind of drum. /«.

jlCfcii "^^fX. d/ucvf/ar, m. seasoning with which
(^^ anj' thing is fried, h.
JOJ^Aj■fi^i VVTcFTT dhundh-har , m. darkness,
mistiness, h.
vyXlitd >:nK^ dhunfjai-na, a. to season with
spices, h. [pression. h.
ifsi<\)^i^ X[yjW\dhandhIn, m. a small drum. h.
UU.;L^ii f^tJTT^ dhhifjana, m. clamour, op-
^ih^S^ixr^J dhandhla,m. deception, ty'ick. h.
j£lfti4> dJiiingar, m. a cowherd, d.
^^yxSt^\[V!^dhundhla, foijpry, misf}', dull, h,
^\^i V^THTT^ dhnnmcim, thankful ; interj.
U^JJjsi -^yj^l-ilJ dkaiidhldna, a. to trick, h. well-done ! bravo ! s.
(^f^'^SJJc'd V^Vf^J^ dhundhla,l, f. dimness, tX^^ii V^nr^ dhrm-mad, intoxicated with
cloudiness, h. [{Coceinella), s.
wealth, purse-proud, s.
.\<Jt>sjJti^ V!^Tt dhimdhuviar, m. an insect
UJkJ&ii y^dlninna,^. to card or comb (cotton);
^XJlJ^^jJ^^i ^^T dhundhela, knavish, h.
to beat one's head with vexation, s.
LlLj^JJ^ii dhandlat, coming; and returning
j<JjJ&ii Xim^X. dhnnmitar, 1 the name of a
without effecting one's purpose ; wandering about
uselessly, d. [clamation. d.
(^^iSbi V'T'fT^ dhaiinnfart,} physician in
KjcXJJfcii dhandora, m. (v. dhancfhora) a pro- the court of Indra ; adj. veealthy, rich ; powerful,
strong, s.
UJ^fcjJjtii dhandholna, a. (v. tutolna) to feel
or grope (for an object), d. [^^^^ V^IT^T dhnnanjaya or dhannn-jaya ,
m. conqueror of wealth; a name of Arjuna; fire, or
its deity; a tree [Peiitaptera arjuna). s.
^^\^CiJyi^yS'^'^'X^ dhanur-dhari,^m. an ar-
J^:^>J^^i VH^t: dhanur-dhar, J cher, one
armed with a bow ; a name of Arjimn. s, Uy ^fcii TJ^TT d/uui notci, ra. cross-beams that
sustain the supports of thatch, h.
\xjj^i^\m^l{ldlia7iu7--lata,f.lhe moon-plant, s. ly^J^l^ >r?^T dhaniva, m. an arid country, a
desert ; a firm spot, land. s.
'^\<ijjjt^ V?5H1^T dliamir-mala, f, a plant, from
the fibres of which bowstrings are made. .s.
ly^ii it^T dhunwa, m. smoke, vapour, s.
U*~jk^ti v^'PfT dhaiisna, n. (v. dhasnn) to be
pierced or penetrated, to be stuck into, thrust into ;
to sink, to enter, s. ^lyftii^R^R dhanwan, "[wealthy, possessed
CL^^^^'^^^'^dhanwant,} of substance. ."?.
^*~JJfciiV^TTr//(«?i-sM,m.thefork-tailed shrike, s.
a crystal 5f^"^^^
lens. s. dahnopal, m. the sun gem,
i^'xStd 'VR'^ dhanush, m. a bow. dhanush-
dhara, a ceremony in honour of Shiva, s.
^^Jyit>d'^'^dah7iauii,n. to burn, to be burnt, s.
\^\^i^Std V^t^l^T dhanu-skahha, f. a plant,
of the fibres of which bowstrings were formerly made
{Sanseviera zii/lanica). s. Jb^^ xr^'^lifK dhanmauian', v. dhanantar.

V^ilifcii xfdai dhanixhtlia, f. the twenty- ^j^^i V^

cotton is carded,dhuniv'i,
s. f. the l)ovv with which
fourth mansion of the moon, the dolphin ; it is figured
by a drum. s. j_f»jjtti V^ dhanwl, m. an archer; a name
of Arjuna ; a tree {Pentaptera arjuna) ; a wag, a wit,
i^iXyid >rT«Jf dhanvh, f. a bow. dhanuk-
a sharp or shrewd man. s.
dhdri, m. an archer, dhanulc hd,e, f tetanus, dhanuk-
dhar, m. armed with a bow, an epithet of Krishna,
dhanuk-dhavu, m. a ceremony in honour of Shiva, s. (yjL^_ JjSii V'^'^'^1^ dhanwayvas, in. a plant
{Hedyaarum alhagi). s.
tiAii>iiVf«T«S dhanik, pious; m. a creditor, s.
l^JJ6ii V^Tf T dhanha, m. a cultivator of rice ;
dJofcii V*Tefr dhannli, f. embroidery, lace, h. adj (of a country) in which rice is cultivated, s.

1^1^'^ V,'^'^(Z\ dhan-katl, f. the season for J .J>^tivf^?T^^t//iwn?7ia,o,m.paiiisinthebonep //.

"cutting rice. «. h,
^_^„^^i ; V^?^
ferer f. perfume, 'i,
a sort of dhav-liai m. a called
commonly a pil-
thief, chor. «,
,J^ f^i^'^^r^!!^ dhan-hat'i, f.a kind of cloth. //.
jLstd Vrf^^ tUianhar, a kind of stiff soil pro- jj>i3 ^^ dluini or V^ dhnvya, rich, wr;ilthy.
ducing rice {d'r.iin), which can be ploughed and sown "fortunate; an epithet of the Deity; m. owner, pro-
only in the event of sufficient rain falling, it also de- prietor, dhanya-hliag, happy destinies. *'.
notes afield wliich has been cropped with rice during
the previous season, h. [(cotton), s.
U^ti >I*T'^7fT dhunakna, a. to card or coml) ^d'^i^dliiin'i, f. (v. dhTm'i) ix.'rsevering, &c. .v.
^^it^ VTii^ dhain. f. a beam. //.
^C*jb4i VTTR (lliiimikh, m. a bow (v. dhanuh). .s\
UJJfcii vfJI^T dha yo, m. coriander seed {Co-
^oJbii Vr^^ dhfoiuhl, f. the bow with which riandrum sativum), dkaniye Jcl klinprl men punt pildui
"cotton is cleaned; adj inched, s. a. to harass, to disturb, to tantalize, s. h,
2 1)2
^JS>J ( 404
) y^^
Uiibi vfrRT dhiin'iya, a carder or comber (of Oybti>ftTTTf//io/a,fal6e,treacherous, perfidious.*.
cotton), s.
Uy>i5 dahutra, m. tithe, tenth part. ;p.s.
tdJUifiii ■^^TTaF dlidvyak, m. a plant bearing
a small pungent seed used as a condiment {Coriandrum jJ-^O^ti \n"Hf^55(iAaM<-*'/«7, ra. chrystal. s.
sativum), s.
j_iU>i>4> dhariymii, a Indy, mistress; also one ^Jybii Vtrf^ dliot'i, f. a cloth worn round the
•waist, passing between the legs and fastened behind ;
who has control ; same as mukhtdr. d. ni. a kind of falcon, the female of which is called
besaid, q v. s.
LLAjuJb(^ duhniyat, f. oil, ointment, fatness, a.
U-ybii Scnn dhwaja, f. (v. pnlaha) a flag,
(^^^-xJjfc^ Vt^TJT dhunes, m. the name of a bird banner, &c. dhwajl, a standard-bearer, s.
■with a very large bill (Buceros). s. .ytj v^ (//twr, f. dust. s.
j^iLoJ&ii VH^i. dhaneshwar, m. the god of
riches, Kuvera. s. j^(3 ^idhur, the twentieth part of a &w?m ;
also a kind of coarse grass, h.
j_j»J02ti dah-tnnii, five per cent. (lit. half of
.yfci \nT dhaur, m. a large kind of dove. h.
"ten, or ten halves), p. [bustible. s.
ikXiSbi^ ^?«f^ dahntya, fit to be burnt, com- ^ysti'^TT dhaura (v. dhatda), white. «.
2uC]bi^ V^ dkanya, fortunate ; interj. well ^y&iiV^TT dhora, m. the name of a medicine;
done ! (v. dhan). s. [a comber, s. adj. white h.
IjjoJfcii \r^^T dliuveha, m. a carder of cotton, Ujii\^jfi>i5 VTT?«TT dhura dena, a. to deceive,
to wheedle, to take in. h.
jl^ibii >r5T^R dhunihaWf m. pains in the
bones (v. dhun). h. C^.ytS V^ dhvrt, cunning, artful, crafty,
knavish, mischievous; a knave, a cheat, a gamester. $.
yfci '^ dkau, f. a kind of wood {Lythrum
/ruticosum, Lin. ; Grislea toinentosa, Rox. PI. Cor.), s.
li).y&> \n(K\ dhurtatci, f knavery, trickery, s.
^d xm dhava, m. a husband ; a tree ( Grislea
tomentom). s. [vfho are Musalmans. h. <jj3jjS>i> >^fffoFf//;«wrr/^,knfivish,dishonest. x.
\jibd >RT dhatva, m. a caste of palki-bearers {^Usii.yfcJ VJ^vihI dJmrdhain, m. a tall stout
fellow ; f. a firelock (without a chamber). /(.
\f^ii ift^ dho,a, m. a present of fruit, h.
{^■^.yH VT^*RT dhur-sanjha, m. evening, jr.
^^^^Jbii V^t dhu,an or dhuwan, m. smoke (v. (JLo.yb^ VT«R7 dhurkat, an advance of rent
dhunwd). s.
paid by villagers to the zamindar. h
jlfciiJ^ysii v^nVR dhun-ahdkar, a mass of
smoke; adj. smoky, s. ^j^d
VTW\ dhurkl, the twentieth part of a
(ji^^ysti teri^ dhwanhsh, m. any aquatic
bird feeding on fish, as a crane, a gull, &c. s.
ijj^^ tftrftu dhornni, f. tradition, s.
t-->jfc»i Vt^ c^/io6, m. washing, h. {jj^^ Vrt dhuri, f. an axletree, a strand of
a rope. *.
j^ybj >ftf^«T dhohin, f. a washerwoman, /t.
(J ^45 Vt^ dhobi, m. a washerman, h. ^Cj^fcii ^^(saiddhauri, a bull's hide cut into
two pieces to be a corruption of adhauri, q.v.). h.
(m^*itd Vl (Z/iiip, f. sunshine, sunlight, h.
^)uob.y&5 vft^l^T<^AMnya-fee/a,m.a species
u->yi>i ymdhup, f. a perfume burnt by Hindijs of jessamine, h.
at the time of worshipping, the aromatic vapour which
arises from the combustion of any fragrant g^ra .^b .ytti vfniTHWT^ dhuriya-maUar, m.
or resin, dhup-da-iii, f. a pot for keeping dhup. s. name of a musical mode (particularly sung in the be-
(— ^ Jfcii Vt^ dhop, f. a kind of sword ; race, ginning of the rains), h.

jiy&i \fl^ dhor, m. a sort of water-snake, s.

running; exertion. A.
cL^b »fc(i VXIT^ dhupang, w. turpentine, s. L«>»lb J Vtrn dhosa, m. a coarse kind of shawl, h.
liSj) L-^^ii vr^^^^ dhup-brikshf m. a species ^ti\»ckt*»^^ Vmvnft dhusa-dhasi, f. cram-
of pine {Pinus lovgifolia). s. "ming and stuffing h. [lour), s,
^K^J6ii >|i|<til(^T dhup-kald, m. the hot
j^^^ >nTT: dhusar, grey; m. grey (the co-
weather, s. [to perfume. *.
lJu->ybi>m»TT 'Ihiisna, a. to ram, to stuff; to
U). kfcti VTr|T dhupna, a. to smear with pitch, butt (as horned cattle), h. [idols, h.

^^ljJu0.yt:> V^f^TUt dhupeliyah, C the |)rickly ij}^i^\rt^d/Hik,f. salutation, bowing down to

heat. h.
l^ybi "U^oFT d/iuvka,f. the first stanza of a song,
.O^ti '^^tUdhaut, washed, cleaned, purified s. repeated as a burden, s.
y>3 C 405 ) y&i

bybi V^T dhuna, m. resin. «.

tfybj Vt?KI <?/ioAa, ^l name of a measure (v.
*^y>i5 Vt^: dhoka, I dabiya). h. Vjyt J "^xm dhonn, a. to wash, to cleanse, dho-
dhu-kar, having thoroughly washed and cleansed. ».
^ybJ VtcJTf dhokar, robust, athletic. A. ^jU^ib J >i^ dhunaii, m. smoke, vapour, s,
l^iyttS Vt?n dhohha, m. deceit, deception ; cll-oy&J (RfffTir dhwanit, sounded, making
disappointment; doubt, hesitation ; a scarecrow; any noise, s.
thinff ima"i"Hry, not real, a vapour resembling water
at a distance (I'V. mirage), dhokha dena, a. to deceive.
dhokhd-khami, to be deceived, h. jlliybJ'lU(fT55c?AaMw<aZ,rich,wealthy; strong,
stout ; bold ; vicious, mischievous, s.
Jyb^i V(gr dUd or Vfgy dlmli, f. dust. «. ^3lIiy^ J vfdIcSjl dhauntaU, f. riches ;
Jyb*i"^ dhaul, f. a thump, a rap, a slap; "strength, courage ; viciousness, mischievousness. «.
a kind of sugar-cane, dhaul-jarna, or -lagdna, or
-mama, a. to thump, dhaul-lagna, n. to suffer loss. //. <^y& J VflT dhaunj, f. contemplation, thought,
consideration, reflection. «.
Jytii V^ dhaval, white ; handso me, beauti-
ful; a tree (Cfrw/ea tomentosa); an inferior mode of U^jJfc J VTNn dhoncha, four and a half; a term
music, dhaval-p aksh, the fortnight of the moon's in- in use among surveyors, so poncha denotes five and a
crease. dhaval-mrUtikd, i. chalk, dhavah-krit, dlia- half. h.
vali-bhut, or dhavalit made white, s.
U^yb J \nNT dhondha, m. a small mound of
^^.ift[F5n <i</<S/a,|a species of rice grown earth ; (met), a potbelly, a large belly, h.
aJ^^ f^^I dihulajin the Benares district./t. Jt>s>»Sbj W^ dhundhar,{. fogginess,dulness. s.
^J6.> >ft^ dhaula, white, dhaulagir (for
dhavalagtri), m. name of a mountain, s. \jJc>S-'i^-^ VVtT dhundhard, foggy, dull,
gloomy, h, m. heavy rain,
U^^iS vtcjUHl dhavlana,a. to thump, to box, dhun-ltdr,
to slap. ^.
j^^^yb jjy&j ^^^W^ dhun- obscuringr the
} whole heaven;
ijf^'^jSt^'0^;^dhaula,l, f. whiteness. 5.
J,lfi.:> Jyti TJ^yVT^i^/iM^-f^/ia"*. dispersed, per- dhun-hdl,
ther, gloominess ; desolateness ; name gloomy wea-
"plexed. d. " [ing and slapping, h. of a game. s.
Uibii J *fci ■^^PJttJT dkaul-dhappd, m. thump-
tiiJyxi V^5^ dhulaft, m. poison, s.
for. d. dhundnd, a. (v. dhundhna) to seek
tiUsT J^Jfcii vf^J^T<5«lf dhuli-guchchhak, m.
festival, s.
the "red vegetabl e powder thrown about at the Holt j^lJy&J \(f^dhondl, f. a kind of grass which
"grows in rice-fields, and sometimes chokes the plant, h.
\JU5^Jb*i TJ^^rqrsn dhmUyana, a. to thump, to
box, to slap. h. mill. h.dhuhrd, the chimney of a sugar-
J^ysj caneVTT
b y& jjjy& s. I
or Jdust.
dhvTi-dhoya, a waslier of m, assault, attack,
refuse (j-J^fc(J ^^
threatening, h.
^y>5 WT dhum, 1. tumult, bustle ; fame,A. re- (j-jys J S^ dhwans, m. loss, destruction, s.
port, pomp, dhum.'dham, pomp and noise, &c.
L3y& J \^^ c?/mMn.sa,m.a large kettledrum, h.
*ybiVH c?/mm, m. smoke, vapour, dhum-
prabM, f. a division of hell, the hell of smoke, dkum- CIa— i_jJ6J li^ftnr dhwansit, lost, destroyed, s.
ketu, m. a comet, a falling star. «.

Ujfti^ vm dhurna, m. the name of a colour ^JvJ&J^l«.'>y>J ■V^'^nr^T dhauns dharalld, m.

blustering, bullying, tumult, the impetuous assault of
s. a crowd or body of men. h.
(like that of smoke) compounded of black and red.
A'ti^^ii) VroT*i dhum-dham,
f. pomp, pa- ^^^yb J S^^R f//t7yaftsa«,m.loss,deslruction. .s.
rade ;tumult, bustle, noise,
, ^.J6w^ jg^ dhwami, f. a mote in a sun-
L«yfcJ> wror dhumra, \tcv. tumult, bustle, up-
■■ beam ; adj. destructive, s.

^U^J V»»^ dhnmlaj roar, confusion ; adj. U— 3jfc>> vtfa^t dhannsiyd, the leader of a
smoke-coloured, purple-coloured, s. hue and cry, or posse comitatus. h,

^^y&J >ft rf/ta?<«, m. a weight of twenty sirs ; LiJoysJ^fcF

the asthma, h.
dhuvnk, f. breathing, panting;
conj. whether, h.
j^fcii VSf^ dhwan or SerfH dhwani, xn. sound ^ tib^fc J V^oir dhunak, m. resin, s.
the sound of a drum, dhtvan-modi, m. the humble bee.
dhwani-iHila, f. the v'lud or lute; a pipe, a fife, a
KJ.fc J V-3f;jdhvnfia (v.dhunrd), chimney,&c./i.
a bellows, ^Nmi
liioyij h. dhaunhnd, a. to blow with
f//tJi/(, m. a loud report, an explosion, d.
^fc^ ( 406 ) J^^
^j\>^i^ Vt^nrt dhaunhni, f. bellows, h. — .j<fc J "vfirw dhiraj or ^^ dhairj, m. steadi-
ness, firmness, patience, dhlrjawdn, patient, dhairj-
ly^J v^T dhunwd or dhurvan, m. smoke. kalif, steady, calm, assuming composure, s.
dliuntvSdIidr, much smoke ; smoky; beautiful, adorned, s.
ijj^- '*rW dhiri, f. the pupil of the eye. s.
ijiy^fct) V^TU dhnhn-ciia, m. a chimney; a b^ J V^ft^T dhiriyd, f. a daughter, h.
hole to let out smoke, s.

J y^'^^ >HlTr«TT dhuhwarana, a. to smoke, s. J^L> ^^ daher, m. a species of bird (Co-

racias). h.
y\ ^ ^ ^\T['^'^'[ dhohivula, a passage for smoke,
a chimney, i. [colour. A. Jjkfii J >rt? dh\r (v. dh'irh), pregnancy, &c. h.
jyi^J: ycfX dliunwar, of a blue or dark grey ly vj^xfcJ dhert kaurva,a large black crow. d.
j_i,y&J VVft f///Mwi, f, persevering; smoke; fumi- JjJfc J dihez, m. a dowry, a portion, every thing
gation by way of exorcising one possessed, or as a a wife carries with her to her husband, p.
medical application ; a fire liglited bj' a Hiudii ascetic, CL>^Z^^ Vi\t^ih dhi-shahti, f. an intellectual
over which he sits, imbibing the smoke, by way of
penance. It is i>ften practised by them, in tiie man- faculty or power of the understanding, s.

hencener ot'dliarna, to extort

(Uiuni deiiii, a. tocompliance with their: demands
dun, to importune to smoke. ; cdi*fcJ dah-yah, an allowance often per cent,
diiuiii-lagdiil, dhuni lend, a. to insi-st obstinately or of revenue (for the farmer), p. [jacuis). h.
persevere in a demand; to inhale smoke or undergo
funiigation as a penance, s. JvaS) J ^'?^ dahel, m. the name of a bird (Co-
Ijjfc J "'ft^J dJtoiva, washed, cleansed, s. y^^- Vi^ dheld, m. half a paisd. h.
\i> ^ ^"C^ dhuha (also dhu,a),m.a scarecrow. A. ^^Jsj ^^qJT duheld, diflacult, arduous. //.
j_^^yt J VT^ dho,i or dlni,i, f. pulse wliich has j»jjbj vhr J/«w, m. slowness, gentleness, h.
been soaked previous to boiling ; a mash. h.
l^J VNn dhimd, slow, lazy; gentle, mild,
jOii\_f jjj/yfc J Vt*^Tt^^nX//. dho,endi- or dho,-
endlu-dakdr, f. a sour belch.
temperate; abated, allayed, dhime-dhlme, gently,
softly, h.

^Ji"^"^ ddJii (vulgarly dliai), m. thick sour (jl^AfcJ Vl1»11r( dJiimdji, wise, intelligent, s.
milk. coagulated
.5. milk, dahl-wdid, m. a seller of sour
ness, f. slowness,
h. gentle-$.
[sible, wise.
^0 ift dh'i, f. a daughter; sense, intelligence;
"adj. (Beng.) famed, renowned, s. 0-»AfcJ vhnr dhimat (fem. dhimati), sen-
LfcJ ftnn dhiya, f. a daughter, s. j^jktoJ vhrt dhlmar, m. a fisherman ; name of
a caste of fishermen. «,
^Jl>^^L> WTR dlii/an, m. consideration, reflec-
tion, thought, advertency, meditation, especiall}- men- i^j\B>i^ \ihT <^Mi«, m. slowness, gentleness, h.
tal contemplation of the divinity, dliydn-yog, the prac-
tice of religious abstraction, s. (j;v^J V^ dhemi, f a cow, a milch cow, one
which calved not long since, s.
\3ljLis J mnTT dhyana or dhyanna, to think on,
adore, know. s.
&i,s'x}Jc>Jxf\f^^d/nndj-iya, in. an intellectual
organ,organ of perception,as the mind, the eye, ear,Stc.».
^^^\^J mi"!^ dJiyayiavn, ^(Braj) (v.
(_^jJaJfcu^ ^'f ^ diihchdlordahaindi, f. a vessel
^yjljkifc J lirRtn' dhyaivanavn,} dhyana). s. in which sour milk is kept. *.
^IjJ&J Wnr^ dhi/aiii, considerate, contem-
plative, religious, s. [on s. LL,C^i> J ift'T dlt'vuj, m. a paramour. A.

»j31jJ6 J iflT^rN dlnjaniya, adj. to be meditated ^^.^Jlifc^lCuj&J V^'mVPft dlunyd-dhdngi, f.

"teasing, /i. [cuffs. A. 5.
\3jUfciJ ItfRTn dhyaTvana, to meditate, &c. s. ^JjL^'^SjJSbJ vn*T^ dhemjd-viushfi, f. fisti-
cL*jJ6 J dhU (v. dhith), bold, impudent, &c. d. X^fc J (fijiTC dahcngar, m. a vessel for carry-
^lidJ&ti V^ dhtda, f. a virgin, a maid. k. ing sour milk in (particularly at festivals), s. h.
|-.Clj& J vtnfT dlnngrd, m. a paramour, /t.
>fcj '^tT.dhir, gentle, patient, firm, resolute;
m. patience, slowness, deliberateness, forbearance ; yjkfti J Vrf dhenu, f. a milch cow. s.
resolution, firmness, s. [sedate, s.

i^J \f\TJ dhlrd, gentle, patient, deliberate, ^^yjb J <J^tfif dahnaun, n. to burn. s.
jjjsj^-^ dahyaic (past part.), burnt, s.
Ij^fcJ VTT dhera, squint-eyed. h.
^l^fc J >J^T«T dhvvdn, intelligent, wise. s.
KijJtd vt^rTT dhlraia, f. patience, firmness, 0»A&J' WJT dlinhvat, m the sixth note of
fortitude (also dhlralwa). s.
the gamut, s.
( 407 )

jyjjbj \J^t; (/M/i/i'K/-, 'I a fisherman, diuivari, i^J:Sjii^^J ^"^W^candlestick,

or stem of a lamp; dtp-briksha,
s. m. the stand
jy^-y ^C^X. d/uivar, J f.La^ fisherman's wife ;
a harpoon for catching fish. s. t— A^i^^.t— 0,_^ ^XTtnq dip-pushp, m. the cha m ] mc
{MicJielia champaca). s.
eUfcJ ^ dulnja, to be milked, railkable. s.
d*.O.i^ ^fn dlpta, luminous, radiant, dlpti,
c5*J^<irt,I, part. fein. given; gift; m.f. tlie f. light, lustre, s.
Deity, destiny, da'i lagnd, to be unfortunate. da,t-
iiiiiid, struck by the Deit^', accursed, s. ^^<^t_-^.w>
Bralimans ^^■'T^^ (lip-dan,
on the banks of rivers,land assignedriver
to deprecate to
i^J di, yester; as di-roz, yesterday; di-shab, encroachments; offering of a lamp to an idol. s.
3'esternight. p.
_,yfcJv_jOJ ^^£bI»I dip-dhwaj, m. lamp-
b J ^Tf] daya, f. a gift ; aflTection, tenderness, black, s. [of a lamp. *'.
sympathy, kindness, favour, dayd-stl or dayd-sh'il,
affectionate, dayd-kdr, dayd-krit, dayd-yukt, dayd-yut, l^5^t_>j J ^'hlf^T^T dlp-shikhd, f. the Hame
kind.coin passionate, benevolent. da^a-7HaK,charitable.«.
i-dbo.ii ^hloir dvpah, m. a light, a candle, a
'o J f^m diya, given (past part, of dena) ; m. lamp; an aromatic seed {Ligiisliciim ajwaen); a kind
a gift. h. of fireworks ; name of a r(7^'', or musical mode, sung at
noon in the hot weather; adj. making luminous, kin-
b J f^^\ diya, m. lamp. diya-sala,l, f. a match dling, inflaming, s.
for kindling a lamp. a. (JLSL>^i^^xif3f;^dip-kitt, m. lamp-black, soot. .s.
b-> *^XIT daiya, f. a mother ; the stand that
children run to in playing hide and seek. h.
^_^^i^^ ^^^f^^^ dip-kupi, "If. the wick of
jb J diyar, m. (pi. of .Ij) a country, region. 3j^^L_/0.ii ^'ttj^grtt dip-khori,) a lamp. s.
diydr-hakr, Mesopotomia. a. ^^.li ^q«T dlpan, adj. inflaming, light or
heat-exciting, tonic, stimulant, s.
Ijb J ^^^ de,ard, m. a white ant-hill, h,
U=b J f^^lT f/??/am, alluvion, an island formed ^Uu-o.:> ^xrtqST dip-nmld, "If. a I'ow
in the bed of a river, h. \^U»_^J ^fvmjf^'^J
an illumination, s. dlp-mdlikd,} of lamps,

Jb J ^^T^ dayal or ^i\\cf> dayalu, generous, C^O dii/af, f. the law of retaliation, when
liberal, gracious, kind, tender, compassionate, daydlu- a fine is paid for murder, wounding, or maiming (in
twa, m. tenderness, s. cases of murder it is exacted when the homicide is com-
mitted any other way than with sword, dagger, &c.). a.
Clob J diyanat, f. conscience, honesty, jus-
tice, piety, virtue, diydnat-ddr, honest, just, con- LLo.ii ^inr dayit, beloved, dear, desired, s.
scientious, diydnat-ddn, honesty, a.

j^^jbj ^^rRT»T daya-rva7i,^(iiho daya-wat, tl^J ^(T daiyat,'\in.a demon, an evil spirit,
aoJO.ii^m daitya, J a Titan, or giant, in Hindu
cH^^.b J ^'mTiT daya-yut, J day a-waiit), kind, consisthig .
"mythology dallya-yug,
of 12,UU0 an age
divinem.years, of the
or the sum demons,
of the
generous, humane, tender, s,
four yugs or ages of men. s.
\x>J deba, m. brocade, cloth of gold. p.
bi.\ii ^ftnTT duyita, f. the beloved one, a wife.
Bc>-\jJJ dehaja, ^ m. preface, exordium, in- dayitddhin, subject to a wife, hen-pecked, s.
a^bj J dihacka,) troduction, preamble of a !iljo.^ ?lfTTQ5T dyuiild, f. a plant (Hemionites
curdifoUa). s.
manuscript volume, which portion is generally illu-
mined, p. [longifvlia). s.
djub.ii ^ daitya, m. a demon (v. daiyat). s.
S^^^;^[^\dehdar, m. the mast tree (Uvaria
^i ^ d'lth, difhij^f. sight, view, looking,
IjO J ^WTT dehra, left, opposite of right, h.
^jX>,i^ dchah (v. deba), brocade, &c. p. ^_^^.^ "^ dithi, J glance, s.
li^ ^irr dejd or ^in daijd, m. a dowry, a
^jo.J ^^ dehi, f. a Hindu goddess, espe- portion which the wife brings to the husband in
cially Durgfi ; a queen, s. marriage ; presents made by the bride's family to the
bridegroom, chiefly with a view to secure a husband
of higher rank. h.
^o.ii ^^'^ daib'i, by chance, accidentally. i\
^.OiS ^TJ dip, m. a lamp ; an island ; the ^:^ii ^iT d(^u, m. part of a portion or dowry, h.
world, as supposed to consist of several islands. The j^Ci daijur, m. the night of conjunction of
a dark night, without moonlight;
Hindu philosophers say tliat the terrestrial globe con- sun and moon;
tains seven dips or islands, encompassed by seven seas, every thing black, p.
the whole land and water measuring 7,957,752 j/ojaHu*.*.
Brahmans ?,^"SnT
C^^f.'^i dlchhit,
; also for dlkshit, q. h. of Kanauji
a v.tribe yi
^U>,J ^"T^ dipan, f. a row of lamps; the
day of new moon in the mouth Aswin or Kartik, a spec-
festival with noctjirnal illuminations in honour of ;VP did, m. and f. sight, seeing, show, aar re-
tacle, did-hdzi, f. looking about one. taking
Kartikeya (commonly called dewdll or dlwali). n. connoitering. did uid did, m. interview, p
Sii ( 408 )
i.j^t}'^ derm, 1 , , .
}s>J dlddr, m. sight, look ; interview, see- . -^'
ing (aperson); an overseer or inspector, didar -March, a-OV.<i derma,) fold, ancient; wise, cunning, p.
chaiges for the support of an overseer, p.
^)jOj>_J der-pela, m. a swelled testicle, d.
jjljJ.ti d'ldaru, well-looking (fellow), per-
sonable, presentable, p. ,^'0 J derh (for ,fc-.b ji), one and a half. d.
^bjJJ dldbazl, f. looking about, recreation; (j>^,^ ^ ilex, m. country, tf^rritory, region.
amorous ogling, p. des-tydg, abandoning one's country (v. desk), $.
^b^.ii (rid-ban, a guard, vidette. p. ^wj J ^?T dex, a day (cor. of divax). d.
^L-.^ J ^¥T53 desakh, m. name of a ragini or
(j}^S>J dldbanl, f. watching, guarding, p. musical mode sung at noon in tlie spring, h,

^Sii^ d'ldaii (r. hin), to see; (met.) to en- jjL^ii ?^^T desawar or disaiour, m. a foreign
counter, to experience, to perceive in general, p. country, s.

^_^JJJ d'idan'i, fit to be looked at. ;>. (j-.j^^ii ^^(HCl desawar t or duawarl, m. a
kind of betel leaf ; a kind of dove. s.
5^.J dull, m. the eye ; a sight, a thing
seen ; a wanton or impudent eye ; (met.) impudence ;
" countrymen, ?^pn^
h. des-hha,i, m. a fellow-
dhoya d'lda, an eye void of shame, wanton, imptident.
dida rezl, f fatiguing to the eyes (as minute objects,
or -ban,d'lda
&c.). sight a.(ofto aconsider
thekholna, gun, &c.). dida od'ida-wan
maturely, ddnista,
jOw-J.J^]^r«in^r/e»-^ar, m. or deskart,f. name of
a ragini or musical mode sung la the morning, h.
knowingly, wittingly, purposely, dida o dil se, with
Ijw-f J ^^^TtTT disna, n. to look, to appear, s.
heart and soul, di'de iille plh'-Ic, (Dakli.) to be en-
raged:it is sometimes used in comp., denoting seen
or experienced, aajahan-dida, one who has seen the ^y\y^J^ <^*1«{T^ desn-al, name of a tribe of
world, p.
^a«r tagds. h.
(Jl^Jb^iJJ ^>nT didliif, f. a sunbeam, a ray of ^-O.ii ^^ rfm, of the same country, belong-
light ; light in general s. ing to a country, indigenous, local ; f. appearance, t.
jl^ dnh\ m. a temple where idols are wor-
shipped (inArab, a convent, a monastery), p. ^-^_ci ^^ d'lse, adj. like ; adv. likely, s.
/jlJ.ii ^^ desk, in. country, region, territory.
j>_^ der, f. delay, tardiness, slowness, der-jia, desh-dchdr, m. the custom of the country, desh-hhushd,
durable. der-pd,i, f. durability, der-gali, always, p. f. the language of the country, the vernacular dialect.
desh-tydg, m. abandoning one's country, emigration.
'J J ^ dera, m. a dwelling, a tent. h. desh-dliarm, m. the law or usage of the country, dexh-
tiikdld, m. bani.«hment, exile, desh-vyavahar or dush-
beohdr, m. local usage
^ J J ^^ d'liyh or dirtjha, long, dirfjhayu,
m. long life, dlrghayus, long-lived ; m. the silk-cotton
tree (Bombaa heptnphyllum). d'irgha-hans, of ancient fJi\J^,P \^JZ^ deshdtan, m. wandering
through the country. «.
family, d'lrgha-pad, long-footed, a heron, d'trgha-
paira", long-leaved; m. garlic. dhgha-patrdS- a sort of Ll*-fciU4i ^^rrftnrfiT deshddhipati, m. the
Eugenia, d'lrgha-patralc, m. garlic ; a thorny plant, a
kind of Bassia, growing in marshy places, dlrgha- ruler of a country, governor, king. s.
parna. long-leaved, Longifolium. dlrgha-paksha, m.
the fork-tailed shrike. dhgha-pallav, having long
^\^p ^^^ dexhdkh, m. a rdgi7n v. desdhh.
shoots; m. the sun-plant (Cro^o/ar/a ^'«n/f«). d'lrgha-
phal, m. a plant (Cassia ^stula). dlrgha-tanu, long-
jij\ M..>:> ^^ITnTT: deshdntar,'] m. a foreign
bodied, tall, d'ugha-jangal, m. a kind of fish, dlrgha-
ja7i^/ia, long-thighed ; m. a crane; a camel, dirgha- .j\-,.*. p ^^TT^t; deshdwar, j country. ."!.
jihwa or dlrgltu-jibhd, long-tongued ; m. a snake. (C. .U.j:» ^^H^T:t deskdwari, m. v. desdwari.
drishti or dlrgha-darshi, far-seeing, long-lived,
m. long life, dlrgha-jh-l, provident ; a wise v_^^"-\^ di-shuh, last night, p.
nian, a prophet, dirgha-ratra, m. a long night, a long
period, dlrgha-rogi, being long ill. dlrgha-siitra, or .K^i <^r«inT dexh-kdr, m. or desh-kdrl, f.
d'trgha-sutrt, dilatory, slow, tedious, dlrgha-sutrata, name of a rdgiiit v. deskdr.
f dilatoriness, tediousness. dirgha-swar, m. a long
vowel, a long-note, dlrgha-shakh, m. the Sal tree
(Skorea robusta). dlrghxi-kdl, ni. a long time, dirgha- ,J^P ^^</e.s7(z, ^belonging to a country,
kanlak or dirgha-Uandhar, m. a sort of crane (Ardea local, v. fZe.«. s.
nivea). dirglia-kesh, long-haired, dlrghn-kil, m. a tree &x^,;i 5^ dcslrja,)
(Alangiiim hexapelalum). dhgha-vifd, having a long
root ; m. a kind of Bilwii tree ; a sort of sensitive i^.:> J<?|Zi, f. a pot, a caldron, generally written
plant. dlrgha-muld,f. a creeper {Echites fiuhscens);
also dirglia-mftli,a plant {Hedysarum alliagi or Gange-
«.^-J> deghcha (dimin. of rfe^z^), asmall kettif,
ticum). d'lrgha nidid. f (long sleep) death, d'lrgha-
tiisliwds, m. a long or deep sigh, d'irgha-variia, m. a liioi ^^T rfi/fs/m, f.. sacrificing, offering:
lono- vowel, d'lrglm-vrint, m a plant [Bignmtia Iiidica). the initiatory mantra or incanta-
dlrgha-vrintlkd, L a plant {Mimosa hectandra). s. tion, s. ; receiving

JjJi d'l roz, yesterday, p. CL»iioi ^fWf dihshit, initiated ; performed

deii- «. [initiator, t.
^ J J deri, f. lateness, delay, slowness, (as the Diksha ceremony).
lagm, to be late, slow, &c. p.
jwio.ii ^frsjTT dihsntri, m. spiritual father,
ijX>y ( 409

v^xJi ^TsTi clcJilid, seen ; m. a sl<xlit. dehha- iJkA^ii ff^^TTT dvKitd, If. poverty, indi-
dekh'i, f. emuliitidii, competition, the looking at each (^^\llip <ft^]TT^ i//Aia/a,i,Jgence; humility, s.
other, or being witliin sight (of objects), s.

I3l^x>^ ^5^TJTT (IeJi/iand,a. to shew, exhibit, s. ^•^^^P ^f'Ri daimk, diurnal, daily, s.

jj-^l^So^^ ^^T^ dekhdji, f. appearance, shew- (_^^.^^H«fii dalniln, f. aday's hire or wages. $.
ing, s.
i^J^P deng'i, f. bounty, liberality, d.
C^P ^^ir dlhhit (v. dihliH). h.
^i^P ^q5 deh-hm, m. pecuniary transactions
Vii^5o.i ^^^T'lT dekkld>ia,n. to shew, to ex- upon interest, debts and credits, gambling. *.
hibit, s.
tense"^t^ dinauto give.
of denatin, (Braj),
*. third pers. sing, past
U^xJi ^^ITT dehlnid, a. to see, to look, be-
hold, to observe, to inspect, to experience, dekhnd- &-JJ.i ^•^ dainya, m. poverty, humbleness,
bhdlna, to see, to look at. s. meanness, covetousness. s.

ll^i^ ^'^»IT dikhnd, n. to look, to appear, ^>P dew, m. a demon, a sprite, a devil, p.
seem. s. [looker-on. «.
^Pa term
^ dew, m. ato god; a husband's brother;
V.^4^.^ ^^^TI dekhroaiyd, m. a spectator, applicable a Brahman, also to a man of the
Kayath class, dew-thdn, f. a temple, place of idols ;
tf>^i deg, f. a caldron, a pot. p. (met.) the rain. s.
^ikXGi dcg-ddn, m. a fireplace, a trivet, p. y.ii \^ daiv, divine, celestial; m. destiny,
9^^-i dencha, mA fate, da'w-chintd, f. fatalism, reliance on fate, daiv-
,, ,, chintak, m. a fatalist, daiva-gya, prophetic, acquainted
'' f. f-a pot, a small caldron, p. with fate ; m. an astrologer, daiva-gyd, a female for-
^^-a degchlj.l ^ ' tune-teller, daiv-lekhak, an astrologer, daiv-vdnt, f.
a voice from heaven, daiv-yug, m. an age of the gods. s.
Jjp digar, other, another ; again, p.
_j-iW(i deg-sho, m. a scullion, p. yiP ^'H" dayau or "^in" daiyau (Braj), gave,
given, past of denaun. s.
j<J^P dif/ri7vbiir or ^Jl^^ degambar (v. di- y>P cf^fqf divi, m. the blue jay. s.
gwnbar), naked, &c. s.
\y>P ^T dewd, m. a god, a deity ; a giver, a
I3jlv>.i ^^IHT'^T de-marnd, a. to dash on the liberal man ; f. a flower {Hibiscus mutabilis) ; a plant
ground, to throw, to stamp, h. {Marsilea quadrifolia). s.
til^.ii ^J^afi dirnali, f. the white ant. h. \^>P c[^^ dlwd, m. (v. diyd) a lamp. .?.
f^p ^■JT'^^", poor, needy, distressed; humble. C^^y>P ^^K daivdt, by chance, fatally, un-
din-dayal, merciful to the poor, din-handhu, the friend avoidably at
; length, s.
of the poor, and dina-ndth, master of the poor, are
epithets of the Deity. </Jh-c/m'<((«, distressed, dejected. yy>P ifiivdr, f. a wall ; the bridge of the nose. p.
dm-mnkh, downcast, of melancholy aspect, s.

f^P din, m. faith, religion, din-ddr, virtuous, j^yiP

special the
care genius isloci,"
a village placed or god under
(supposed to be
religious, a. a corruption of o^/'/i-war). p. [on a wall. p.
f^p dain, m. debt, dain-ddr, m. a debtor. ^jj^y^p diwdr-giri, f. tapestry or hangings
daini mu'ajjnl, a debt payable on demand, daini mu'
wajjal, a debt of which payment is deferred, a. iJL^\^p ^^JT?r detrdgat or daivdgat, f. sudden
misfortune, accident, s.
f^P ^«T dnhi, diurnal, daily ; m. poverty,
wretchedness, s.
{Jl^^P ^ofT^S dervdl, m. a giver, s.
f^p ^7\ den. m. (verb, noun) to give, giving. Jl^^.;i diwdl, f. a wall (same as di/vdr). p.
den-len, m. (giving and taking) traffic, pecuniary
transactions, debts and credit. «. ^\^> ^^^ dewdld, m. bankruptcy, h.
SXil\^P dnvdUhand, a soldier, p.
\s^p ^y{\ deva (also ^'^ri dind), a. to give, to
grant, to yield ; to allow, to permit ; to emit, let, resign ;
to cause, to produce, to lay (eggs); m. giving, dend i^^y>P
"f. barter,^''H(^%
traffic, dewd-la,l
s. or ^T^ den-d-le,t,
pdiid, profit and loss ; settling of one's affairs, dend-
lend (v. dtn-leii), traffic, \c. s.
Xy^P (tindr, m. the name of a coin, a ducat. iJ^^P ^^55^' dewdli (also dirvdU.), f. a HindQ
festival celebrated on the day of the new moon of Kdr-
dinar i surkh. gold coin ; according to Gladwin, the tik, when the Hindus, after bathing in the Ganges,
dinar is a silver coin, estimated at ten dams, or six- perform a shrdddha, and at night worship Lakshmi :
pence sterling of our money, reckoning the dam at the houses and streets are illuminated all night, and
one-fortieth of a rfipi. " The actual value of the dinar in Hindustan the night is universally spent in gaming, s.
is not known. It is at present merely a nominal or
imaginary coin. The Persian tiinidn, a gold coin worth iJ^^P dhvdli, f. a leather strap, a belt. k.
about ten shillings, is said to contain 10,00U dinars,
which would make the dinar somewhat less than one^ ic^ij^P ^Wr^deu'dlai or dcirdlaya, m. a temple
twentieth of a farthing." — (Binning.) p. "of idols ; the residence of the gods, heaven, s.
( 410 ;

U^^.^ ^Tff^^ (len-aUjja, a bankrupt, q. d. ; "ridibundu^^t^

ijiy^.'^ s). devatfi,
s. f. a sort of gnll {Lams
one who lias been fleeced or cleaned out at dewdl'i,
q ▼• «. [rfen; s.
(Jervale,l, ^.f. traffic (v.
j_j>y/i3 dc.o'i, a torch, a lamp. d.
^vJl»^5 ^^^1 /t^yi-
jjU^ti ^'^^T^ dev-daru, m. a species of pine
^^l^i dl.ran, m. a tribunal; a steward; the (Pimis devadaru): in Bengal it is usually applied to
collector-general of a province on the part of his ma- a medicinal tree ( Uvaria loiigifoliai ; and in the penin-
jesty (next in rank to the nazim), wliose business it sula to another tree {Erijtliruxijlon sideroxyloides). s.
is to superintend the lands and collections, and the
remittances of them to court, to grant sanads under ^^iii^ii ^"^^Tft dev-daiii, f. a creeper, com-
his seal (with the approbation of the ndzim), to zamln- monly called Hdt'ighosh, s.
dars, jdgirddrs, &c. The steward ol any man of
rank, as the title is now adopted by the principal ser- Cj>:>y>_i^ T^T^ dcva-datta, given by a deity :
vants of the zamlnddr, and those of English gentle- this is frequently a man's name among Hindiis, 'iand it
men, are also called dlwdn. The term is sometimes is curious to observe how names of the same y.or simi-
used to express the bags in which the records and lar import are found in various languages, such as
other papers are kept : it is also applied to a book or Alldh-baJihsh,
sched, &c. s. Khudd-ddd, Theodore, Diodati, Goti-
collection of poetical pieces of the species called ghdzat
and kafida, q.v., the rhymes of the different poems end-
ing successive!}' with every letter in the alphabet, di- ajol^ti^ii ^^VTHI dev-dhanya, m. a sort oi
wdni a'ld, m. a prime minister, wazlr. d'lwdni khdss, m. grain {Andropogon saccharatus). s.
privy-council chamber, d'lwdn-'kh.dna, a tribunal, an
office ; a court, hall, hall of audience, d'twdni 'dm, L^^i^,^ ^^>nT dev-dhup, ra. a fragrant
public hall of audience, p. resin (bdellium) used in incense, s. [ther. *,

(^>'^^ (Ufvana-pan, madness, insanity, p- h. j^ii ^e|X den-ar, m. husband's younger bro-
^^'^.1^ diivaaa:fu f. in>;iiiity, madness, p. (^\)^,(^ r^M<.]iifi dewrani, diwi-anl, or ^flTiTTf
dyordtn, f. husband's younger brother's wife. s.
*.)\y_^ duvann, mad, insane, inspired, p.
form. «.
L^J;^.*^ ^■^^rrt dev-rupi, godlike, of divine
^'oti (n/ram, the office of the king's dvvan,
and superintendenceof the administration of civil jus-
tice. ;;. [heaven, firmament, g. {Jjyij^ de,orl (for de,urhi), a gate, &c. d.
^l^^d ^^^ dev-path, m. the celestial path, (_)-j^.ii driiyuf, m. a contented cuckold, or one
who winks at the fornication of his female relatives
v:>-^.Oii f^qmti dei--pujd, f. the worship of from interested motives (also daiyus). a.
the gods, idolatry, s.
v^xwj^ii <f^TfMT deo-sabha, f. an assembly of
the gods. s. [mons. p.
^ihy>d ^^'W^iJ de.v-hallahh, m. a tree used
in dyeing {Rottleria tinctoria). s.
jjU«*^j deri'-stan, f. the habitation of de-
jj^^J^ii ^HWT dev-bhavan, m. the holy fig-
tree; paradise; a temple, s. ^jl^L*»y
of idols, i s.^^WR deva-sthan, f. tem pie, place

ulLs-^yii ^^Ti»r«F dev-pujak, a worshipper iytt^d ^^^ deva-srca, m. the property appli-
of the Deity, s.
cable to religious purposes, endowments, s,
ul^j^.ii fTlT dyut, m. gaming, playing with ^y>i^ ^Toir devak, divine, godlike, daivak,
dice, &c. dyiitddhikdri, the keeper of a gaming-house. an astrologer, an almanac maker, s.
dyut-purnimd, f. the day of full moon in Kdrtik, the
night of which is spent in games of chance, in honour td)^i dirvak, a weevil, a moth, the white ant. p.
of Lakskm'i. dyut-sabhd, f. a gaming-house or assera-
bl}'. rfyiif-A-ar, m. a gaming-house keeper, a gambler. 5. ..^iioyii ^oFT¥ dev-kashtha, m. a kind of
oy_ti ^^WT dejvtd, i\ a HindQ god, a deity, pine (Pinus devaddru). s. [cresses, h.
divinity ; a respectful address used towards Brah-
maus, such as "your holiness," "your godship." s. jJJoy,ti ^^eJTT'?^ dev-kandar, m. water-
jti)J>^P \a<0^H dev-kardam, m. a fragrant
jl3y_3 ^qnis dev-tar, in. a kind of grass
{Andropogon serratus). s. paste of «.sandal, agallochum, camphor, and saffron-

jj^p ^WiV^ dev-tuni, m. the holy fig-tree;

a tree of paradise, the tree of plenty ; anj- venerable {jS^j^ <«lf«sO dev-Mri, f. one of the female
personifications of the modes of music s.
and ancient tree, generally the place of assembling in
a village, s. [nature, s. a.
*— ^y.ii ^^efiyq dev-humm, m. cloves,
syy.^ ^Wt^ devativa, m. divinity, divine
AAijJ.tJ ^^eRp; f^er-AM/ii^, m. a natural spring, .f.
^\o^.i ^Tfft^ dev-firih, m. the tips of the
fingers, sacred to the gods. s.
■■ wife of^^^
^y.ti devah'i,
Vasudeva, and mother of Krishna,of Devaka,
the daughter s.
cL>y,i ^^3 d'licat, f. a lamp-stand, s. »j^^.;i s. dec-i/dya, divine, belonging to
a divinity,
jjl^V^ii ^^7T«T denhthan, f. the second day of
the moon o{ Kdrtik shitid paksh.on which Vishnu awakes
from his sleep of four months, s. t/j\j&.iJl^v?.ii ^^AT^^nr^ dev-gandhdri, f. on<>
"of the ragitils, or female personifications of music. *
( 411 )

cL.>^x>,y^ ^^optj devi-hott, m. a town, the

quirister. ^mtC^
^^}'^y>.^ s. (lev rj'iijan, ra. a celestial city of Van, probably Davicotta on the Coromandel

^ iyp f?^^? deva-grihn, a house or temple coast. 4-.

dedicated to a deity; a celestial or planetary sphere, s. ^o,^.ii ^"eli daivya, m. fate, fortune. 5.
^jS-fiCi ^fnXi dev-giri (also dev-giri), f. sJ!>P ^ deh, f. the body, deh durand, to con-
ceal or cover one's nakedness, deh samhhaliin, to keep
name of a musical note or ragin'i. s.
one's spirits, to be firm, to recover one's self, deli-
tytig, m. voluntary death, death in general, deh-chyut,
*^y.i dev-gandum (lit. devil's wheat), rye. p. detached from the body (as excrements or the spirit).
manac maker,daivagya,
e^yii %W^ s. an astrologer, an al- deh kshiiij, m. disease, sickness, deh-wat or deh-ivun,
corporeal, embodied, deh-yutid, f. death, s.

Jy.;i ^^ dcwaJ, ni. a temple where idols are eOii^</e/(», (Braj) 2d pers. sing, imper. of
worshippeil, a temple, a pagoda, s. denaitn, to give. «.
U)y>5 ^^ITT dec-luta, f. double jasmine, s. aJi dlh, ~\> a town or village,
... p.
fj^^^p ^^oU dev-loh, m. heaven, paradise, ^l^J^i dlh a,}
any of the celestial worlds. «.
Ol^.ii d'lhdt (pi. Arab.), villages ; the
^y.ii ^^c5T d'lvli, f. a small lamp. s. country, as opposed to cities, p.

"Jy.ii ^^ deirH, f. a fish scale; the scale j^/ilj ol.^_^ ^^TFmcft delidtma-vddl, m. a
'or scab of small pox ; a small lamp. /*. charvdk, a materialist, s.
^j*»*/«Oti^^Hra f/fi^-w«.s, m. the eighth month
of pregnancy, s. j^l^i dihdti, of or relating to a village "
villages, dlhutt-jam', the amount of revenue receiv
able at the dlh, from the several villages conip<is:nj;
(C^lj^ii ^sfTfTJir^ deva-nagari, f. the cha- sucheach.
in division,
p. after deducting the charges of collection
racter used by the Hindus in their sacred writings, s.

)jj^'j»^ti ^^^TTT^T dei\;na-marwa, m. the ys^p dih-ddr, a person appointed to atiach

name of a shrub {Ocyimtm). s. the harvest of villagers, that the revenue may be se-
cured, dih-ddr Idtarch, expenses of a dlh-ddr. p.
Cx;j«.).ti ^^f?|f§W dcv-nirniit, created (by
God;, natural, s.
(_5jli\^i dih-ddri, office of a vilLige keeper;
JJy.ii ^»i;^ dev-nnl, di,unal, or de,onal, a adj. of or relating to a village keeper, d'lhdar'i- salami,
kind of reed {Arundo Bengalensis), the stem of which a ta.x of one riipl annually, collected from every d'lh or
is used for writing, s. [the gods, atheism, s. village of a district, to defray the expenses of a dih-ddr
or person deputed on the part of him who has the
\sxi^_P ^wfjT^T dev-nitidd, f. contempt of charge of the collection, to hinder the cultivators from
carrying offp.their crops till they have paid up their
Lt}sx)^_:> ^ffp^cJT dev-nindah, a reviler of
the gods, an unbeliever, s.
L^i ^^TT dehrd, m. a temple where idols are
^j^^y>A %'A'A\^ dev-vani, f. the language of worshipped hy jains; a Hindii temple, s.
the gods, Sanskrit, s.

j!>jy,J devotar, land held rent-free in the name (3r?-^

"the lower dehl'i,
^^'^part f. the threshold of a door,
of the wooden frame of a door, or a
of Hindu deities, ostensibly for the provision of all the raised terrace in front of it. h.
necessaries of divine worship. — Gladwin, h.

^^^Jy>.|^ ^■'*1r^T*T devotthdn, f. a place of ^J^_Li t^^'^T dehin, "1 corporeal, embodied,
idols, a temple, s.
^^.P tl^ dehi, J living, s.
^l>ij^_i ^TI^ri'T devodyan, m. a sacred ^Ji ^^ s. daihau, (Braj) second plur. nor. of
grove, s. [blessing, s. denaun. [peasant, p.

jj^P ^'^'^T. dei'-var, m. a divine boon or -^_i d'lJn, of or belonging to the village, a
Ojj^.i ^^"3^ dev-vrat, m. vovp to a deity, s. i^p \^ deya, fit or proper to be given, s.
(j£.jjj^ii ^'^H'^ dev-vriksh, m. a tree
{Echiles scliolaris) ; a tree of heaven or paradise ; a
plant yieldiiig a fragrant resin {BdeUium). s.

'i%>P ^=r: ^/r//fa,divine,relatingto a divinity. 5.

|jty_i ^^?TT den-lira, m. a temple whei-e idols
are worshipped, s.
'6 ^ da, is the twelfth letter in the Hindu-
ij^P t^ daivi (v. daibi), fate, destiny ; stani alphabet. Its sound is very nearly that of our
own rfin did, done; and it differs from that oiddl from
adv. accidental!}', fatally, s. its being uttered by applying the tip of the tongue to
the roof of the mouth or palate. It is sometimes used
iJy>P ^Ti dev'i, f. (v. dchi) a goddess ; the instead of ddl, dahd for dand, a staff, and wlien not at
goddess Durga; a queen; a plant {Trigonella cornU the beginning of a word, it is frequently converted
citl(ila). s. into r, as tadd or tard, an island, ft.
( 412 ) jb\':^
i^^\3 TTT dab, f. the name of a grass (Poa UJiC 715^*71 (/aZw a, a. to tlirow down, to fling,
cynoanriiides). s. [cocoa-nut. h. to cast, to pour, to lay, to push, to set, to shake, to
submit, to throw, to thrust, to destroj^, to throw awav,
L-^'ii Tm dab, m. a sword-belt; an unripe to cause, to occasion, to produce, to excite. ddl-deiid,a.
to throw away, to cast, to occasion, h.
^Iji TRT daba?', m. a vfssel for washing
hands in ; a small round tank ; low ground where
j_J'3 ?T^ ddli, f a tray, or rather a couple
water settles, dabar-naini, having large eyes (epithet " of trays fastened by slings for carrying presents ; hence
applied to women ; dab«f in Panjabi signifies great), h. a present o( fruit, &c. ; a basket of fruit, &c. ; a branch
a bough, h.
<^>\3 j|«(c(i dabah, m. fresh water drawn
from a well. h. _/ei<i TWT dd.nar, m. pitch, resin ; a torch, h.
•^yS TTH dabh, m. name of a sacrificial grass i^^.i^^^VS
swiftness, h. "tiam ddnt-dapat, f. gallop,
(v. husha) ; a forest, h.
C^VS fnr dat, f. threatening, snubbing, brow- Ui>lj> ftriTT ddntnd, a. to snub, to threaten
beating, checking, h. (also dtiliid). h.

VJo'ii TTTTT ddtna, a. to snub, to check, to .^^J ?T7 </rt«?A, the refuse of harvest floors. A.
threaten, to browbeat (also dantnd, q. v.) h.
^J^^'"^ ^3^ ddnthal, m. pedicle, petiole,
j^iS ?K dar, f. a branch, a bough ; a rank, footstalk, h. [dicle, stalk, h,
row. ddr kl ddr, a succesion of ranks ; a band, troop, h.
jt^J^'iiJ TTT^ ddnthi. f. a straw, stubble, pc-
^yS hXtM darim, m. (v. ddrim) a pome-
jj^ji flT ddnd, high ground (opposed to
granate, h.
ddbar, low ground), h.
\J}3tIT.'^J ddrnd,a.. {v.ddlna) tothrow,&e.A. JO^J^?f/a«c?, m. retaliation, penalty, reventre,
.i>j\ii 'Sf'S dark, f. a jaw-tooth or grinder. fine, forfeit ; an oar; the back-bone ; a stick; aline.
dark- (or darken) -mdrna, to grind or gnash the teeth ddnd bliiinid, a. to pay a fine, or undergo a penalty.
from rage, despair, &c. s. ddnd Itiid, to fine, to amerce, s.
\SJ\iS ftn ddnddyXn. lan<lrn;uks; road, dditdd-
(.'fcjiji TT^ ddrhi, f. the beard, s. mendd, m. the frontier boundary between the lauds of
CL!i\'6 TT^ir ddk, f. a post (for the conveyance two proprietors, s.
of letters, also relay of horses or of palki-bearers). ddk-
cliaukl, a stage where a relay of horses is posted, ddk- UjO^Ji TTS^T ddndnd, a. to retaliate, to take
ghar, a post-office. /(. revenge, to fine, to punish, s.
^ jjl Ji ?T^ ddndi, m. a rower, a waterman, s.
to be ?ToF
with perpetual vomiting,h. ddk-hujnt,
constant vomiting, i^-J^ii ^h? dans, m. the sting of a reptile; a
large mosquito, s.
t-iJ^ti' '3'Tcir ddk, m. husband oia ddkini, q.v, s.
^lj> TRII ddkd, m. an attack by a gang of ijJolii ^oF ddnk, m. foil (under precious
armed robbers, daka-papia, -dend, or ddlnd, a. to rob. h. stones); the sting of a scorpion, s.

^SVS TraiU ddkard, m. name of a good kind jioljl ddhk'i, voracious, gluttonous ; m. a
of soil. /;.
glutton, d.
^^-i<i) TtfoinT ddhhi, f. same as ddkini, q. v. t.L^l3 TFT ddnrj, f. a stick, a club; the great-
eat height or summit of a mountain. K
Uii j) TFoF'JTT ddkiid, a. to vomit, h.
j^^lj! Tlf«F'Jrt ddkini, f. a female imp, a witch, SJS'Sl^TKddngnr, |thin, lean; m. a lean
whose evil e^-e causes children to pine and die: she is \Ji->\'S ^FTO ddngrdj beasf, a starveling,
said to consume their liver ; (met.) a termagant, s. superannuated horned cattle; the flowering stem of
radishes or mustard, h.
^l(i Tl'^ ddku, m. a robber, pirate. A.
J.JJ^ylii fi^TTt^S ddhwddol, or ddnwdhdul,
jjiii Tlofi^ c?aAi, gluttonous, voracious, h. m. wandering without house or home, ruined, desti-
tute, ddnwddoll, f. state of destitution, wandering
\jf\3T\fWVjddkiyd,m.arohher', a postman. /*. without' a home h. [whelp, h.
Cl^-^Iii Tl%W ddkoif, m. one of a gang of rob-
bers, commonly called a " dacoit." h. J »y^j) gi'-i^g ddmvru, m. a tiger's cub or

(2J^^(i> '3T%TI^ ddkaitl, f. robbery by gangs. A. ^J^^yS ddrvdn, left, b ft hand. d.

J^ti 'Sl^ ddl, f. a brunch, a bough ; a basket Jjjolj^j' ddwdndol (v. ddhwddol). d.
for raising water, ek ddl, of one piece, without join- i\'6 17? ddh, f. malice, spite, rancour, envy,
ing. /(.
jealousy, s.
uiAfc^ J) TT?^ ddhuk, m. a gallinule. a.
^^ti' TIqST ddld, m. a litter, a large branch, h.
JU TrfcJiT ddlim, m. a pomegranate (v. ^}it>\iS fT^^S ddhal, m. the name of a country,
ddj'ini). also Tripura. s.
^U' ( 413 )
Ui>lj i\i^l cjahna, n. to be malicious, to bjl^^^ jMiKWI daphdrna, u. to cry bitterly,
to blubber, to roar. //..
burn with spite; to be fuzed (as metal); to heat
metal, s.
^Jl^'(i' TtSl^'i daplidl'i (for dafdVi), ra. a kind
j^lJTT^ dah't, malicious, spiteful, envious, s. "oi fakir, who plays upon a musical instrument called
daf ; (met.) a chatterer, p.
^^b ^TRs. dayan (also da,en or dayin), f. a
witch, \>6 TJT dattd, m. a plug, spigot, a cork. h.
i^iS T^ dab, m. strength, power, authority ; bJ j> fii^] ditnd, a. to see ; to take aim, to
look at. s.
a kind of pocket ; the leather with which oil-pots are
made, dab-gar, m. a currier, h.
bj'ii' '37«n datnd, n. to stop, to stand still, h.
b j' TffT dahba, m. a leathern vessel for hold- l^<i) TJT dathd, m. a stalk, /t.
ing oil. h.
U^' j' f37*n dithnd, a. to see, &c. (v. ditnd). s.
\i'6 f?ai dibha, m. a small box. h.
\X>^d fsfzVJTJ dit/iiydrd, seeing, possessed
\3b<i' 3^T«TT dubdna, a. to cause to sink, to of vision, the opposite of blind, s.
immerse, to dip ; to demolish, ruin, destroy, h.
OiijJ f ?flBT dxidkd, a kind of disease in the
jbji ^T^ dubani, out of man's /;.depth, deep
(enough to drown in) ; m, drowning.
rice plant, h. [coward. //,

bbjoj) j<4 j^MT dabdabdnd, m. to be filled .(i 'ST dar, m. f. fear, dread, dar-poknd, a
with water or tears (an eye), ansu dabdabdnd, to be uU^jii ^T«K dardh, fearful, frightened, h.
on the point of shedding tears, h.
\y6 T^TT dahrd,\m. marshy land, a puddle, J\,'S dardhu, m. a coward ; adj. timid, d.

lj^/6 3^: dabmj a small pond (Scottice, ^\'6 ^TT^ dardlu, timid, fearing, s.
" a dub"), dabrd-dahra, m. a puddle, h.
b\.j) TT^RT dardnd, a. to frighten, to terrify;
adj. frightful, terrible. *.
tjTji "3^l!l dabrt, division of profits among .^1.5 TTHR dard,u, terrible, terrific, h.
the village community according to their respective
shares. /(. [handed, h.
b.l.ji TtT^«TT dardfvnd, a. to frighten, to
b^J f^^fC^n dibriydovT^^J dabrryd, left- terrify, dardwand, frightful, terrifying, tremendous, h.

sea-stock, U-^jii ?TTT darop, adj. afraid, h.

h. dabas, ni. provisions,
,w.>(i T^^ di.bsl, inundated land, or land bo.jii gl..Mr(T darapnci, n. to be afraid, h.
U> ».) . j> f<Ml«|iH1 durpohnd, a coward, /t.
"liable to be flooded, h.
\ij<i r^^} dubkd, m. fresh water drawn from \^(i' TT^ darahkd, m. terror, fright, /t.
a well ; adj. fat, corpulent, h.
bio li j«tcm dabaknd, n. to glitter, h. bjii' TTRT darnd, to fear, to be frightened. A.
b.jti ^^TT darwaiyd, fearful; (met.) a
coward, h.
<5oJ T^^ dubk'i, f. a dip, a dive. h. bb ,(j> ^fc^TiTT duriycind, 1a. to lead
'.. T^«n
jJ>'S ^ dubnd, n. to sink, be immersed, h.
UjJb.ii ■jfTJITcS^ c?«"''Va ^ewa,J about (as
ij3 TS dabbu, m. an iron spoon, h.
a horse), to lead in hand. A.
K>\^,'S toa«mMl dubwand, a. (v. dubdnd) to \jOk»JbV5 d^MIIJI darhmundd, having the beard
cause be sunk, drowned, or destroyed, h,
cropped, shaved, deprived of beard, i.
b*^L> 3^V«n dnbond or i'flHT duboiid, a. (same
as dubdnd). itdm dubond, to vilify, to disgrace, h. Jjifej' J) ?f«5lQ5 darhiyal, having a long beard, .f.
(^j*t6 T?I dax, m. the string by which scales
ljj«ifc)(i ?"<ft^T dubo-de7id, a. lo exhaust, to are suspended (or held in the hand) ; the threads of
ruin, to demolish ; to drown, to immerse, h. the warp at the end of a piece of cloth which arc left
unwoven ; the end of a piece of cloth, s.
«jj> dibba, m. a soldier's cartridge-box. d.
by-Jii ^^»n dosnd, a. to bite or sting (as a
fi'i^ fri^ dibbt, f. a cartouche-box, a small venomous animal). «.
""box of any kind. h. [cines, &c.). h.
K>y>*)3 i^t^\ dasauud, m. bedding, h.
boL> f%^^ dihiyd, f a small box (for medi-
(_Jii daf, a kind of tambourine (v. daf). d.
bubj JH4HT dapatnd, n. to call out, to shout j
to gallop:; to rebuke, h. ^\9J>
"the daf.dafdti
d. (for dafdti), one who plays on
IjJ daprd, a sort of musical instrument, d.
jiS dafnr, sail of a ship. d.
^.^ TIR daph, m. (for daf) a kind of musical (-i) ji foU duh, m. a b w with the fist. h.
instrument, a small drum. h.
( 414 ) jjj

jO(i T^T^dukdr, f. a belch, eructation, dahar oJO ^TqS'^T dulikd, f. a small bird resem'uling
lena, to belch, h. a wagtail. «. [gdtia). d.
13. oi Tc*>Kr|| dakarna, n . to belch ; to bellow, ^y<^d sc:c*i^TJTT dabnaland,, n. (v. cugma-
to low dalcdr-haithnd or -jdv,d, n. to embezzXe. h.
IxJti ?^»TT dulnd, n. to walk with a peculiar
\J9dSiS f^rTaJiT«TT dakdahana, m. (v. dagda- twisting of the body ; (a gait much affected by
gdnd), to shake, burn, &c. h. •women), h. [a lid), h.
'y^ f^RT dalira, m. a large basket (without
Xi\S'6 TcjrU'TT dakrana, n. to cry bitterly, h.
^SS Tefift^ duJtariya, f. old (woman), h. viyti f^^T'TT dalwand, a. (from dalna) to
cause to throw, &c. /(.
C^y:6 T^^tK dakaut, \ra. a caste of
j_J<i fcS^ dah,i'.a lump (of sugar,meat, &c.).A.
ljLJ^<i" 'tfofTifffiii dakautiya,} Hindiis de- ^i^ Tf^^ daliyd, m. a basket (without cover,
scended from a Brahman on the father's, and a Gwalin
on the mother's side. They subsist on alms, and are like a tray) ; a lump of meat, &c. h.
skilled in astrology. They are considered by all deceut
people as troublesome vagabonds, h.
J'l^Uii! Tf^^TfliT^ daliya-jhdr, (lit. the
brushing out of the basket) the conclusion of the sow-
^5j^<i dakor'i, f. a was^p, a hornet, d. ing season, h.
,$'6 dikfd, an attack, an onslaught, butting MiS f^^ dim, m. a dramatic entertainment
"with the horns (an animal), d. dramatic exhibition of battle or tumult. *.
CaaS jj ?%1T dahait, m. a robber, a pirate ^.jjciS frif di7nb, m. an egg; a chrysalis; the
(vulg. ducoit). h. \coity). h. bladder ; the spleen ; the uterus; any young animal, s.

fj^3 "5%?ft dakaifi, f. robbery (vulg. da- Kf«0 frPieRT dimhikd, f. a libidinous woman. .s.
KLfS ■JT dag, f. a pace, one step (measur(i). h. ,^f«j) f^^ dimbh, m. pride, vanity ; aiiv
young aniinal ; a fool, an idiot, a blockhead. 5.
^'i iprm dagga,
a rosinante, m. ah.lean long-legged horse,
a garran, l^f«ji f?»>?T dimbhd, f. an infant, s.
Ul^3 fgiliqT digana, a. to cause to shake, jyoi^ ^T^ damru, m. a small drum shaju'd
move. h. like an hour-glass, held in one hand and beaten wiih
the fingers, s.
Ul^^ii ^'fS'II^ dugdugdna, n. to sound a
kettle drum, to twinkle, h. ilOii T53 dand, m. the arm above the elbox^ ,
a kind of exercise, placing the hpnds on the ground,
3\^iyiiS ■^TTHT'TT dagdagdnd, n. to shake; to and then bending down so asalmo.st to touch the earth
burn brightly, to burn clear (charcoal), dagdagakar with the breast, dand-pel, one who exercises himsidf
at the dand. s. [.vftoewa). *.
pain pind, h.
draught, to"drink greedily, or a large quantity at a
Si6 ^^ dundu, m. a kind of snake (Amvlii-
J'6u\Xcfagar, f. a road, a path, a highway. /;. \s>'6 ^?!TF dandd, m. a staff, an ensign-staff;
the beam of a pair of scales, s.
\f'S ^TIT dagra, a kind of vessel, h.
\^\iiS ^TiTi^T dagrana, a. to propel, to roll. h. Vsi'S'^W^ dandd, a collector of market dues. h.
JW/ti f^JRITRT digar-jand, n, to go away. h. ^X\\si6 dandu-zam, name of a mode of tor-
" ture (v. Ell. Gl.). h.p. ^{Amphisbcena). ».
':>J>'6 ^TTTTTto roll.
the road, dagarnd,
/(. n. to travel, to walk on
^sYS '3^>T dunduhh, m. a kind of snake
ijJ-iS'6 HTT717T dagmag, adj. unsteady, tottei'- jOoj) f^f5^T dindir, m. cuttle-fish bone, con-
ing ; f. the act of shivering, tottering. /;. sidered to be congealed foam of the sea. *.
UIA^<^ ITiimiTn dagmagana, n. to shiver, to *JO(i" f^l^'Hdiridim, m. a niusicid instrument;
totter, to stagger, h. a kind of small drum or tabor; a plant bearing a
small fruit {Carissa carandas). s.
\j.td f^TTrlT dignd, n. to shrink, to go back, to
path ; to shake, to vi- \\y^'S f-^^TTT dand ward, a south wind. //.
relapse, to slide from the right to move, to slip to
brate, to tremble, to quaver,
stumble. /(. [tie. s. Ojjiii ^I!2^iT
also danddwat, dandwat
a Hindu or "^701^
obeisance, h.
Ai^ -Sf^ duli, f. a small turtle ; a female tur-
i$Si6 ^Tjst dandi, f a handle; the beam of
^<i ^^r/flZa, m. a large lump, a clod, a large "a pair of scales ; m. any one who bears a staff, a weigb-
basket, h. [swing, h. man ; a mendicant who carries a staff in his hand, pag-
dandl, f. a footpath, s.
\j*i)i* ^"RT duland, a. to move, to shake, to
f_^Si3 irilS^ dandi, f the tube of the corolla
(jJJo ^TcScJT (laJah, m. a sling, a basket, a "of the Nyctanthes arhortristis,vi\i\ch. is used for dye
ddH, carried on men's shoulders by means of a stick ing._ h.
and ropes, like the beam and strinfAS of a balance :
presents of fruit, sweetmeats, &c., are generally sent \>Si'S Tfe^T dandhid, m. a kind of garment
in this uiauntT ; glitter, h. for women ; a collector of market duties, h.
ciOJ ( -i^o )

j>3JJ> ?^"tT h. dancTir, f. a line, stripe, score,

lineam'.'iit. jl^J,)J slT't^i:
g )es about dor'ihar,
selling laces, thread, m.
&c a h.
pedlar «ho )
ciJoo T^ dcmh, m. the sting of a reptile or Wjj(i> s\r<q durii/a, m. a kind of lace. h. |
insect, inirticularly a scorpion, dank mama, to sting, h,
to beTt'?
now dor, name h.
extinct, of a race of 7-djputs, said |
K3Ji T^ dauKci, m. a double dram, a kettle-
drum ;the sound of the kettle-drum. h.
^jjii 'Str^ (/««.'■//!, f. a threshold,
'J' as much&c. (v.
Xiji^i dankarna, n. (v. daharna) to bellow, "dewrhi) ; adj. one and a half, or Chalf as (any
[the kettle-drum. s. quantity); raised one half higher(a tone in music), h.
jjg_ j_
cdJji TtoF doli, f. vomiting, h.
<_j-^\i!'>^ ^^T^ danka,t, f. wages of a beater of
^5o^ ^f^^ danliini, f. a wilch (v. dakinl). s. ^ijii>'?te|rT;T </o/n-a, old, ancient, an old man. //.
\J\jX>3 ^^^«n dankiydna, a. to sting (as a ^_5^3Jli ^oR^ dokri, f. old (woman), h.
reptUe). h.
bOjii' ^'toF'^T doknd, n. to vomit, h.
^)La5o3 j^lcjST danklld, armed with a sting, h. ^jii Tlofi^ doh.1, f. vomiting, k.
XJ J) ft^T. dingar, m. a fat raan ; a servant,
.>jj> dogar (for dongar), a mountain, d.
a slave, a rogue, a cheat, a low or depraved man. s.
Jjii TT^ del, m. a leathern bucket for draw-
\j\Sji6 T^f^TO </a«^R-a/-a, ^reciprocal assist- ing water ; a rich black soil. h.
« J^">5 T^^TT: danijirdra,) ance in tillage, h. (Jjj) dl(J5 daul,m. manner, method, mode;
shape, fashion, form; estimate of assets for the pur-
\'C) ?^ dtiivd, m. a large wooden spoon, h. farm. poseh.of assessments, daid-patta, the rent-roll of a
i_^.^ Tt^ dob, m. a dip, a dive, a plunge;
a dip (in dye or colouring), doh-dend, a. to dip in dye. h. jjiS Tt^T dold, m. a swing ; a kind of sedan :
a bier on which a corpse is carried f. a wife from an
i^^*'6 "5^ dith, m. a dip, a dive, immersion, h. interior family, married by a person of rank win)
b.^ ft^ dohd, m. a reservoir; fainting, h. gives a present to her parents, she ranks below vives
of equal family, but above concubines, dold dcud. a.
,».b-3 •g'^V^^dvhdcha7',\m. an island or to give a daughter to a superior by way of tribute ;
manner, coition, s.
\\i^S "SmVi dubaro, J bank left in the
channel of a river; any low ground liable to be Hooded./i. ^)J ji '5^T da aid, a limit, boundary, h.

\3b,0 "^T^ diibdnd,^ a. to sink or cause to ft>-jii Tt^^: (7t»/r/;o, m.'l a small bucket for
b»J.<i 3^»n dubond,) sink, to immerse, h. (c-^-jt^TT^^ dolc/ti, f J drawing water, h.
J« j J. j! TIc5Tt^ dol dol, m. roving, peram-
iS^^i^ lW%duhd,l,an unconditional bribe. /(. bulating, h.
Ujji) j«(H'( dubnd, n. to dive ; to be drowned ; UJ.J TI^S'JTT dolhd, to move, to shake, or bo
to be immersed ; to set, to sink ; to be absorbed in shaken ; to roam, ramble, rove ; to swing, s.
business or study ; to be destroyed, ruined, dil-dubnu,
a. to faint. A. aJjii ^qS: dula, m. manner; coition (a
phrase), h,
b_yJ.<i' ^^t*n dubond, a. to sink (v. dubdnd).
j_^_j3 Tt^rt doH, f. a kind of sedan, an in-
j^'6 'itX.dor,
a fillet of threadf. string, cord,
or cord tied roundthread,
the arm rope ; m./;.
or wrist. ferior sort of palanquin commonly called " a dooly." *.

*j(i" TtH dom, \m, a low caste of Hin-

V|_j<i" ^tn&C. dord,
sword, ; a ladlem.; a thread,
capsule (ofline;
poppy, tdge
&:c.). of
aiikha U'<«j J Tlfl^ dovird, J dus ; a caste of Mu-
kd dord, a blood-sliot eye, vessels distended with blood salmaus, the men of which are musicians, and the fe-
on the tunica conjunctiva of the eye (from intoxication males sing and dance in the company of females only
or other cause), dare ddlnd, a. to stitch a quilt; to • (V. domn'i). k.
utter a long-contiuued sound like the aniaduvade
(Fringilla Aniaiidnva), kis cititli iie dore dale i tiikre ■.{J'^3'^ ^TlM^il doman-panii, ra. the art
ho ho Idl lard hai. What female amaduvade uttered this practised by the Dovi caste, h. [called Dom. h.
prolonged strain i (at hearing which) the male has
fought so desperately, gardaii kd dord, a graceful ^<j^ TtW*{\ domni, f. a female of the caste
motion of the neck in dancing. /;.
^Jjjjj) TT^oP durah, m. a string, a fillet of W'j^ '^^ dauiijd, m. a scaffold, h.
thread, kc. (v. dor). \sit^ 'in dundd, m. a bullock with onlv one
horn. h. [cation by beat of drum. h.
i^j^i^ Ttrt dori, f. a string, cord, thread. //.
b^ijii'JTft.^ doritjd, m. striped muslin ; lace; ^jiyjjii i[i\ dondi or d| d^ dauhd'i, f. publ:-
a dog-keeper, h. ji^'Sifxdonr,
'; . •: ^ \eri. a ^kmd
■ ^ off snake,
, ,
^V^jOTtTTTT^vo/i-jro/a, m. a ropemaker./i. y.J nfU donrd, J
( 416 )

t^jii "itm donga, m. a spoon ; a canoe,* a llx)UJJ d 11| rtT dhaiipnci, a. to cover, to con-
trough. dZnga, deep. h. ceal, h.
jXj»jO TTTT dohgar, a mountain,
UJ' a hill. A. \^[SiS d\-m dkahcha, m. a frame, a plan. h.
<> . •.:
(jryOjO dongrt, a lull, a mountain, rf.
^jui\Si'6 dhans, a cough, a cold. d.
^J^j<i ^'ft dongi, f. (v. donga) a spoon, &c., wjlfcti "^W dhansa,h. m. calumny, undeserved
abuse, defamation,
" a small boat. ^.
(_3jii c?07?i, f. a boat or ship, a canoe, a coast- u>*M>lfc li''s\'^t{}dhansna,B.. to blame,to accuse./i.
ing vessel. "The word is commonly applied to all
vessels manned and commanded by natives, as ja/idz Ux)lfc j) Z\<^f{\dhankna, a. to cover, >^to shut. h.
is to all commanded by Europeans." — (Binning), d.
ijj^\sbii g-fiT dhang, f. a precipice, cliff. /*.
(^fcjii '^'t duht, alluvial formations, a mark Ifclfcii TT^ dhaha, m. the precipitous or high
"of village boundaries, h. [oar, a paddle, h. bank of a river, h.
j_^^j<i "it^dojl, f. a wooden spoon, ladle; an
v\Se>3 3KI dhaha, m. a net; the eaves of a (_f *U>(i Sl^ dha,i, two and a-half. h.
house, extending three or four cubits beyond the wall, i^.jSbiS T^ dhab, m. shape, form, manners,
so that people may sit under them. h. breeding, behaviour, mode, method, knack, knowledge,
fashion, st^'le, way, address, dexterity, art, position, h
oU&ii) 573T dhata, m. a handkerchief tied over
the head and over the ears. h.
|;J^ii ?^tT dhabra, turbid, h.
^^^\i>^ '^TS\ dhathi, f. rack, torment, tor- OJ^J fr^oin dhibha, m. protuberance. /*.
"ture ; a noose or gin fastened on a horse's nose. h.
lyj&ii" «£<s|'tilh. dhubu,a, m. a copper coin equal
to a paisd.
J^'S ^TCof cfhcir,
a heap corn. m. a declivity, shield, target;
^^^xSbiS dhabus, fat, corpulent. «?.
(^jtij^'d dVi^ d haras,
mind, confidence, animation,f. encouragement,
and m. firmness of
^)jafc(i) ^«(1(^T dhabild, well-made, graceful, h.
dharas handhana, a. to encourage, to comfort, to keep bLfciiL-Afci ?r^3"^*TT dhap-dhapana, a. to
in spirits, dharas dend, a. to animate, h. thump a drum (as children do), a.

(jj^'i^ (SifsW dharin, f. a female musician, h. ^j^3 S^TTT dhapnd, n. to be covered, con-
cealed, hidden ; m. a cover, covering, h.
i^j>Jyj\^'6 d\d¥i dharhas, m. (v. dharas.) h.
,.J6ylfc<i 2i1t«T dharhin, f.l i • , ^ \^i^3 ?7T dhatthd, m. a plug, a cork. h.
^ "^y :: J ■ ■ la kmd of musi-
fcy\fc4i g-lg'f dharhit ra. r . ^c^lAAfciii 'ferff^ dhithd^, f. forwardness, im-
V -: s: • ■ cian, a smger. rt. pudence, audacity, presumption, pertness. s.
i^j\^ii ?Tfi dhari, m. J
tillib j> 3T«F dhak, m. name of a tree {Butea U^jj^ 5 ^fr^ dhathiyd,^ If. a cord used in-
frondosa). h. Lii&ii ^frm dhatiyd,
I stead of a bridle. /t.
^^'S (jlchi dhaha, m. a thick wood oi dhak
trees ; a city or district, Dhacca or Dacca, k. 1^6 2^ dhatti,
lisr j) dhichcha, m. a blow of the head (from
J^<i ^T^ t/Aa/, m. declivity, slope ; f. shield, a fighting ram, Ric). <f.
target, h.
liifcii "S^ dhaddd (v. dhaddi). h.
'y\^3 dhala, m. a bough or branch of a tree. d.
\SiSS>3 i^i^\ dahdahd, flourishing, blossom-
J^ ferJl^(i"
by sale. ^^>ft^
h. dhal-hhol, complete trans- ing, green, fresh, pleasing. /*.
OUj^iJ) ^f^Trfl dahdahdnd, n. to flourish,
U5lfcj> ^1^'^ dhalna, a. to cast (metal in to blossom, h. [ground, h.
fusion) ; to pour out, to tilt, to spill ; (met.) to do mis-
chief, to mar. h
*^_fJJ6j! srt dhaddi, a term ap|)lied to low
y)\i>i^ ^?J (Ihalu, slant, slopinfj ; spoiling,
doing mischief, casting, &c. dhdlu bliur-k., a. to shift jtb3 ?fT dahar, a road, path, low lands
goods, &c. occasionally over shallows. Sec. h. flooded with water, h.

f^\y]\&3 ?rTc<5^ dhalwan, sloj)ing, declivitous; \^'S l^TT dahrd, m. a pond, a pool. h.
cast (ni'.'tal). h.
Lv>ii ^^^^T cjluir-kdwrva, m. a raven, s.
jJU&<i> ?7^^ c^halt, w. a warrior armed with
"a shield, a shield-bearer; f. a bough or branch, h. d. Us
^^^. Jfcii) ^^T dharkhd,']
_ >-m. a scarecrow, ,
^ J&iii d'C^l dharla, J
^^•S>'S '^'^ dhan, m. hedge, inclosure. h.
\>^^'6 ^'^ d/iaitn, a. to break, to knock down ^j'.>ij> ST^T dhanrd, m. the name of a bird, a
or raze a building, &:c. h. kind of niaind, q. v. /(•
( 417 )

j^\>fc3 tdd^K. dhirhor, name of an inferior Ulfcii "d 55 ill dhuind, n. to be poured out, to
tribe of aldrs in Benares, ibj
Jh. [pitfall, h. be spilt, to roll. h.
«JJifc<iJ ?^^ dahah, m. f. a cavern, abyss, a \3^^ii d<:4«JI'5n dhulwdnd, a. (v. dhuldna). h.
villbJJ ^-eir dhah, m. a weight, /i. (J1*>J^0 ^^TT dhalait, m. a person in the
uilfcJJ ?^ dhahk, m. the city or district of equipage of great men armed with sword and buckler;
Dhacca or iDacca ; covering or disappearance, h, a constable, a targeteer; "a peon who waits on the
person of a European in authority : he wears a silver
KftO T5 dhakka, m. f. a large or a double y><) — (Binning.)A.
badge,but his target has been laid aside."
drum. *.
^j^i^ T^rT^ dhalait I, of or relating to a
dhalait; f. situation o{ dhalait. h,
lend, dhahar,
a. to belch, f. /i.
(cor. for dakar, q. v.).
^j^S^iS h.CdnTdH^ dhimdhiml, f. a tam-
UKftiS ?^ 4 1*1 1 dahhana, a. to deceive, to
disappoint, to baulk, to tantalize ; to spoil, to throw
away uselessly, h, u>*ft>j) ^Tf^TJTT dJiamldnd, n. to roll. h.

Uj,i(Jilfcj> dhahal-dena, a. to dismiss a com- Ijjfcii 'Z^^ dhand, n. to be demolished, razed,

plaint; to reject a suit or claim, to quash, d. destroyed (v. dhahnd). h.
Ujfc jojfcii ^3^ dhundhnd, a. to seek, search
water. ToF^
/(. dhukli, f. a machine
[m. a lid, for raisingh.
a cover, for. dlimidhnd dhandhnd, to search for. h,

Uxfc ji (jchHi dhakna, a. to cover, to conceal ; \i\^S^6 ^(f^HI dhundhrcdnd, a. to cause

to seek. //,
Uxfc J* (johHi dhuknd, n. to enter, to penetrate ; \.^fc jw^ii ^^^T dhandhord, m. publication by
to take aim ; to have regard for, inclination to, to sym-
pathize. A. Cpol^)- *• beat of drum ; (in Dakh.) dhandord (for dhan^hora)
pitdna, to proclaim by beat of drum. h.
^^ii T^f>^\ dhahnty f. a lid, cover (of a
\>,^S^d ^^fXTTT dhandhoriyd, m. a pro-
JaxfciS ^offQj dkahel, m. a push, shove. clairaer, a public crier, h.
dhakel dend, to push, to precipitate, h.
,^-^yb3cj6(i> TSh^ dhand ho, i, the scum of the
\3lG^xfc(ii S^1cjSi|RT dhukki lagana, a. to sugar-cane juice when boiling, h.
take aim. A. [shove, h.
i^Jfcii ^ dhang, m. behaviour, manners,
oix^ii 7^c<SHI dhakelna, to push, thrust, breeding, gracefulness, mode, method, h.
_jU^<i ^^Wc?/taA:e/M,m.one who pushes,&c. /*. tilju^ii ^oF dhaneh, m. the name of a bird
cL^<i> f^ dhig, m. (v. rfi<jr) side, quarter, with a very large bill (Buceros), (v. dhanes). h.
near. s.
in a dhau,
river, deep
d. water, an eddy ; a deep pool
\tii'6- dhigar, a store, a heap. d.
^^(i ?51»TI dhaland, a. to cause to cast
\^'6 ^^n dhu,d,/(. m. a bank, a mound raised
as a boundary.
(metal), to cause to pour. h.
13^3 T^TRT dfaddnd, a. to cause to be car- I^ii" ^^t^ dho,d, m. fruit and flowers pre-
ried; to spill (water, &c.). h. sented byinferiors on festival days. h.
^\j^3 Z^^r^ dhawdnd, a. to cause to be cast
^Jf'^i3 Z^S^ dhula,l, f. act of carrying ; down, razed, or demolished, h.
price paid for carrying, or for transporting, h,
Ki^6 2^ dhotd, m, a child, h.
'•\Si'6 fe^'? dhillar, liizy, indolent, h.
j^Jjjfcii TT^S^ dhaluk, f. rolling, tilting, h. jy&j> ^It. dhor, m. cattle, h.
K)j&(i> d(^c)iT dhalka, m. blear-eyed ; spilling, h. ]j^i^ cflTT dhord, m. the tomb, carried about
\3\^j> (2c4«4iHT dkalkdnd, a. to tilt, to over- in mtiharram ; name of an insect very destructive to
chand, &c. h.
turn, to spill, to pour, to roll. h.
U53iJ6J» ^c^c|ir|| dhalakna, n. to roll, to be ljjyb<i 2TTI dhurrvd, m. a pea. h.
tilted, to be spilt ; to become loose (a girdle), h. {Jj^i^ Ttlft dhorl, f. eagerness, ardour, h.
\j^jjfc(j> ^^JTqTRT dhalmaldndy n. to move
W-}^'6 ^^ dhorhd, m. (v. dhord). h.
from side to side, to totter, h.
Ubii ^c5^T dhalna, n. to be cast (a metal); fj'j^3fj^(itdihorl(foTde,orhi),athresho\d.h.
to be poured out, to spill; to roll; to be inclined. jt**^'6 '^iStdhusar, m. a caste of Hindus, h.
din dUalnd, to decline (the day towards evening).
dhalh phirti chhdnw, (lit rolling and turning shade) uLlybii* Zt^ dhok, f. salutation, obeisance, h.
is applied to the changeable state of worldly concerns ; %^i^ f\^ dhokd, small stones of an inferior
^met ) to a peison of a capricious or unsteady temper, h. the Chanar quarrie*.
quality extracted from 2e h.
( 'tis )
^y^lii ^oFT dliuha, m. tapping or shoving, by Uib j) %7n dhaiyd, m. a measure of t;vc and a-
hal fieri, d/iu/ya fe^ar, desolated, h.
■way of calling the attention of one spoken to, dhuh'i
daii't, a. to peep ; to tap. h. lAAfcii dliepci, a large lump or clod of earth j
\jiy6(i> ^qJmTT dhohv-a, a. to drink, to tope. h. arable land ; adj. bulky, corpulent, d.

lis .i>ii* ^oRlfT dhulma, n. to shut, to close ; to ^xi^'6 "^Z dhi:liy 1 forward, impudent, fa-
st'^al on, to draw nigh, to approach ; to go into, to l^i>J>J) ^3T dhithcij miliar, presumptuous,
enter, h.
confident, tame, pert ; seen. s.
J^fisii ^^ dhol, m. a kettle-drum. h.
^y&3 "iX^ dhola, name of a famous lover in uJti ^^^'6 ^ ^»n dhd,i dend, a. to force an
invitation, by fixing
comes on table, h. one's self in a house till dinner
Hindustan ; a boy. h.

uii5.fti<i' "it^S^ dholah, '\ „ j^i^ '

"^dher, m. a h.heap ; a parcel; adj. ^much,
/-' •• ., - M. a small„ drum.
, ,
h. abundant, enough,
.^^1^ ^c5^T d/wlJn,)
(i^^a ^^fcfTtn dholkiya, va. a person that IX^i^ STT dherci, adj. squinting, squint-eyed. h.
plays on the dJiolalc. h. t^X^*^ ^^ dheri, f. a heap, also a sharer in
landed property, h. [cast. d.
(_^y6J) <flc5H dkolan, m. a friend, a swppt-
heart. h. [shape of a drum. h. jAi&<i dher (for dherh, q. v.), a pariah, an out-
U5»Jbj) ^qJTTT ditolna, m. a little amulet in the
^vjjbii "^ d/ierh, m. name of a tribe of workers
in leather ; a low caste of Hindus so called ; a crow. h.
^ybO S^ (Z/tSZi or ^^'t c?/«oZi, f. a bundle
"of one hundred betel leaves; m. a drummer, h. ^JiJ^a "^f^S dklrh, ra. pregnancy; a large
Ij3y6<i> S^fc^yi dhoUya, m. a drummer, /i. belly, h. [the ear. h.

\j^'S 2^t?T dhona, a. to take up, [and

takea half
away,h. ^^ji&'d ST^ dlierhi., f. an ornament worn in
to carry, h.
^•jJ&(ii 2Tt dher'i, f. (v. dher), a heap, &c. /t.
Ij2y6<i" ^¥^ dhonchd or ^NT dhauncha, four i.L^jJ6l> c^Aiy, a heap, a store, d.
JO^ifcO ;g^ r7/io?iJ (also dhondh), m. a capsule
or seed-vessel, especially of the poppy. /(. ,J>ifc<i> ness,
inattention, fdebiy,
caution, remissness;
foresight, dlill lazi-
>3J^fi><i 3^ dhundh, m. f. ^ seeking, a to give way, to 3ield. h.

^J»'^O^ii'S "SW^ dhundhan,m.j search, s. ^Afc(i s't^T dldld, loose, not tight; remiss;
lazy, inattentive, dilatory, h
'fjtiiJ^d t^T.d/'iJnd/uir,']m. strict search, ^Aifcji S^ dheln, m a lump of eaith, a clod-
^sy\Sc>dJbX)^3 ^^T^ \- inqiiiiy, que*t, a pellet made of clay for shooting at birds, dhela-
dhundh-cjkahdh, J investigation, s. chantli, f. the fourth day of the bright fortnight in
Bhddofi, a festival on which the Hindus pelt each other
Ufcjj»fcjj ^^m dhundhna or dhwidlina dlian- with clods. /*. [ness. h.
d//»«, a. to seel<, to search for, s.
j_/-f^fc(ji ^^^ dhild,i, f. remissness, loose-
UfcJO^frii ^^TIT dhuiidliiyd, m. name of a
kind of /aZ i/-, of the sect of Jains, h. ll)iii_^jjj> AAfc(i dhell dorl dend, to act re-
mis ly, d.
ijS>^tbiS ^Tt dhmidi, the pod of gram. h.
jj^fcti "S^Jdhen, f. a milch cow (for dhe^iu). h.
'';i\i>'6'-;i^'6 ^"^^ dhunr-dhdnr, m. search. 5.
^^j^Sx.k>d '^'^dhendas, m. a kind of gourd, h.
'viit^i^JSii) geJTJi dhunrhnd, a. (v. dhundhna),
to search, i. l^3.JaJtO 3"g"T dhendhd, m. pregnancy, a large
belly, h.
i.fX3^J6<i" dhong, fraud, trickery, deceit, c?. (wvijJfcii V^ dhenrds, m. a kind of gourd, h.
\jX-3yfc(i' dhonylud, fraudulent, deceitful. fZ.
8^fc<i) Ttf (Z/<o/i (also dhidi), elevated grounds ^J'j'xi.i:'6 ^tI' dheiirl, f. the capsule of the
in the midst of ravines, h. poppy (or of the cotton tree), a poppy head; an orna-
ment worn in the ear. h. [ing with. h.
U»ifcj> ^T dhuha, a scarecrow, a mound of
K^Aixi^^T dhenhd, m. a machine for pound-
earth (v. dhu,d). h.
.^Ijjfcji ^T<3T: dhiiihhdr, a kind of harrow,
K>ji_i&'S d^Md^l dhah-parnd, "1 n. to fall, consisting of a bundle of thorns tied together, and
drawn by bullocks. /(.
\j^'d ^1^ dhahn d, > to be de-
molished, ASJjJ6(3 "^"eji^ dhe7iMl, f. a mode of joining
I3j> e-^ii"^^«7T(//w//<?-;)flr««.J "breadths of cloth or of cutting out cloth ; a machine
to" tumble down (a house), to be razed, destroyed, h. for drawing water, being a lever sujjported on a long
post, having a bucket suspended to one end and a
^'i ^^ dhl,
'"subdivision a high
of the bank /i.of a river, dhe, a
Jdt tribe, weight of earth or stone to the other. /;.
( 419 )

>;-J6i ^^ dlienhi, f. (same as dlienhh). h. v-^(i) T?? dchiir, f. a volley, several muskets
discharged at once. h. [deorht). h.
♦A^fcti ^ dhe,u, ni. a wave. h.
ijjii^.i^ ¥?^ dchicri, f. threshold, &c. (v.
l^,jLfcJ) ^^ dheha, ni. a kind offalnr; a tribe
of juts. h. [ground; mounds, h
l^j^ii Tt^ (?/«/ia or ^T dheha, m. a rising
<4.;0JJ Tt7 d'lth, f. sight, a look, a glance,
vision d'tth-hand, enchanting the sight, preventing
the actseeing by conjuration
of enchanting ; a juggler,
the sight, &iC. h. d'lth-bandi, f. i zal, called dali mu'jama, is the ninth letter
of the Arabic alphabet, the eleventh Pers., and thir-
\yS ^TX de7-a,'\m. a dwelling, a tent; adj. teenth Hind. Its existence in Persian, except as a
iJ^^J^dera,) squint-eyed. h. substitute for ddl, q. v., appears very doubtful, nor
does it exist in the Sanskrit and Indian dialects thence h^
derived : it is pronounced by tlie Arabs like th in the
•j(i i^ der, f. (v. dark), a tooth, derefi English word tliou ; but in Hindustani its sound is not
mdrna, to gnash or grind the teeth from grief, rage, to be distinguished from that of xe, which is exactly
icc._ h. our own letter z. In reckoning by abjad it stands
for 700. /*.
^'•':>jS ^2" derli, one and a half, derh-parv,
three-eighths, derh-pauwd, a weight, three-eighths of
^\ti zahih, a sacrificer, a butcher, sa'dit-z-
a ser. derh int Ici masjid jud'i bandni, (lit. to make a xdbih, two bright stars in the left horn of Capricorn, a.
separate temple of a brick and a half) to withdraw,
from pride, from the society of others, derh bakdyan C->u zat, f. a mistress, possessor; the soul,
viiijdh bdgh men (lit. the gentleman is in his garden essence, substance, nature; the person viewed as the
consisting of a tree and a half) ; (the bakayan, Metia
sempervirens, is a tree of no use or estimation) ; applied body and soul, in opposition to badan, the material
to a person who assumes consequence without cause, h. body ; caste, zdt-jdnu, n to be outcast, zdt-denn. a.
to give up one's caste or relinquish the benefits of
one's religion by eating, &c. with a person of another
tZ^Jb'j^JS ^^Jlrl derh-gat, f. a kind of dance. Il, sect ; also to give caste, or receive into any sect as a
i^J^,tS ^IT deg, m. step, pace. h. member, zat Ice gun niJcdlnd, to act wickedlj', to shew
the nature of the beast, to exhibit the cloven foot.
zat-lena or -mdrnd, a. to deprive another of caste, by
Jjip Tt^Jf/i^, m. f. stature, body, size, bulkj touching his food, &c. h.
ploughed land. h.
^X^ zaii, 1 essential, natural, innate (op-
AjS ¥^ del, \
. :: ^ _ rm. a lump oir earth,
.1, 7
h. ^)J>l(i zcitila,) posed to sifafi, acquired or
:ib.;i S^ dela,) artificial), a.

(^j) T^ dai/i, m. wings of birds. 5. (__3\i zaf, m. sudden death, a.

S\i zakir, remembering, grateful, one who
^^3 YW^ dayan, m. a car or litter carried on remembers or praises God. a.
mea's shoulders ; a palki, a dooly ; fij'ing, flight, s.
(Jjfc^ii zahil, careless, forgetful, a.
'Oii t*TT dena,
a vicious ox. h. m. a log tied to the neck of
^lii za,ik, tasting, one who tastes, a.
L),j> %«TT daina, m. a branch, a bough, h.
iSoA'i^ za,ika, m. the sense of tasting, the
lL^.O Zt^ ding, m. boasting, gasconading,
e"li zabh, f. a sacrifice, slaughter,
palate, relish, taste, a.
dhig-mdnid, a. to make a boast, h.
zahh-h., n.
jCjJJ) 'S^Tft dingi, f. a boat, a feiiy-boat. to sacrifice; to kill (animals for food agreeably to the
Muhammadan law), to slaughter, a.
"d'lng'i-u'dld, a boatman, a ferryman, h.
U&vojJ ^^<jl deorJia, half as much again ; a ^ j zahih, sacrificed ; m. a saci'ifice. za^
mode of reckoning used to denote interest in kind or
bihu-l-ldh, the sacrifice of God ; a name of Isma'il (not
grain at the rate of fifty per cent. h. of Isaac), the son of Ibrahim (Abraham), a.
\3U>IV3 '5^TT»n deorhana, a. to take once and yls^i zakha,i>' (?!• of ijs^i), victuals, pro-
a half more ; to receive back the sum lent with fifty vision, treasures, stores, a.
per cent, interest, h.
J^-'^ zu'khr, 1 m. treasure, provisions, vie-
i^'jyij^ i^rt de,orhl, f. a threshold, a door, tj^h zaWfira,) tuals, stores, a.
"antechamber, deorh'i-ddr, a doorkeeper, h.
,(i zarr, 1 ,.,,, , \
Vji3 j^c;M dewald, "I also rfe,oZa, &c., mounds, -\ .~ _ >m. an atom, a little (v. zarra). a.
ioy.ii i^oS: dewala,) high ground, h. \ji^ zan'a,}
^d f\'^ dih, m. a haunt, a place, a dwell- C^\j':> zarrat (pi. of »ji), atoms, particles, a.
ing, village ; also the site of a deserted village, p. %\':> zarara, m. particles scattered from any
Uj Tt^ cjilia, m. a small b.ink or mound. Ji. thing pounding, a.
9 ( 420 )

c^i zira', m. a yard ; a cubit ; two bright i^-Oii zu/nh, m. u crime, sin, fault, a.
stars in the head of Gemini, a.
>— -J^j zuiiub (|)l. of v_<OJ), crimes, a.
Cm^jjii zirwat and zurwat, f. the summit, jii 2M, a lord, a master; (in conip.) implies
pinnacle; majesty, pomp. a.
possessed of or endowed with, as zu-l-jalal, glorious,
8,(3 zarra, m. an atom, a particle, a little. splendid, zti-l-janah, "the winged one," nanae of the
zarra-war, humble, lowly, a mere atom. a. horse of Hiisahi, the son of 'AH. zu-l-lca'da, and zu-l-
hijja (see zi-ka'da and zl-hijja). zii-ma'ni (probably
ijji^ zarrt, an atom, a small panicle, a. intended for zu-l-ma'nain) a pun, a joke, a double en-
tendre, xu7-/atar, name of 'yf/r« sword. zu-l-Jcurbq,
a kinsman, zii-l-nun, name of a celebrated saict and
&x^ ,(i zarVa, m. medium, means, zar'i'e (se), sufy. 5tt-/-,}-n/-«ain, lord of the two horns (i e of the
by means of, See. a. East and West), an epithet of Alexander the vireat.
zu-zanab, tailed (a comet), a.
ul*^jii zwriyat, f. race, lineage, off!»j)ring. a,
u-jl^ii zn'afy m. deadly venom, a, Jj'ji zawrviih, m. a taster, a.
ijJ zarvanib (pi. of u-^^ti), tiiils. a
y^S-ii zu'uf (pi. of u-S^^ii), poison?, a.
j^tJ zahan, m. the chin, the beard, chahi Jjjtj zauh, m. taste, delight, joy, pii;isnr(',
zaJcan, m. a dimple in the chin. a. voluptuousness, xauk se, with pleasure, willingly,
with all my heart, a.
0(i zaJia, m. vivacity, acuteness of genius,
penetration, zukd, m. the sun. a. ^/J(i ZU7VI (oh. pi. of ji^), lords, masters,
possessors, zawl-l-ikram, held in veneration, a.
Cl^joi zakawat, f. brightness of genius,
acuteness. a. L-^lfcii znhab, departure,
senses, &:c.). a,
failure (of one's

jj(i 5/7<?-, m. remembrance, memory, comme- »_Jfcii zahub, gold, the yolk of an e^^^. a.
moration, mention ; praise, fame, recital, rel.ition ;
recitin;^ the Kur an, repenting ttie names, attributes, jJjbJ zahlf m. forgetting, leaving, carelessly
and praises of God. zikr-k., to mention. abandoning, a.
jSii zakar, in. niembriwi iurile, male ; the (^JbJ zikn,m. understanding, memory, genius,
masculine gender, a.
ability, zilmi dakiJc, a subtle genius, a.
Sj^ii zukuru, m. the male sex. a. Jjfci za/iul, m. oblivion, forgetting, a,
^(i zakt, acute, ingenious; fiery, flaming. ^J^fci zahin, sagacious, ingenious, a.
" zaMi/u-l-mu''i, of a splendid genius, a.
^5 zuU, m. baseness, meanness, zill, m. ^_^(i 2^1 (obi. case of 'zu), a lord, a master ; (in
gentleness, ease. a. [sequiousness. a. comp.) possessed of, endowed with, M^-hosh, aeaaible,
zi-ruh, rational, spiritual, a.
OJ^*> zalalat, f. abjectnoss, baseness ; ob-
"S^i^"^ t''^0.?"f ^' ^he name of the last
(«^ii zulam, m. the cholic. a. month of the Muhammadan year, on the 10th day of
which month is the festival of bakar 'id, a.
(JIa)^ zullat or zillat, f. baseness, meanness,
(for zallat) error, blunder, a. kiStHf^i^ zi-ka'cla, the eleventh month of the
Muhammadan lunar year, consisting of thirty d.iys. a.
Jj5(i zalk, m. a prompt and ready or eloquent
tjugue. Ziar/a-s-z«/A:, lingualletter, as re, Za»j, »j«B. a. ^y>,i^ zail, m. the skirt of a garment, the truin
of a robe, tlie last, hinder, or supplementary part of
eiiJii zalih or zaliha, dtin. proii. that. a. any thing, the sequel, that which follows or is an-
nexad, as a list of particulars mentioned in a letter, a.
j_).5ii zalul, baseness, meanness, a.
^j^Jii ^a/i/, abject, submissive, mean, con-
temptible, wretched, base. a.
^d zamm, m. blame, reproach, accusation,
detraction, a.
. ^ re or 7a, called rae muhmala, and rue
oUii deeds
; (pi. oia. C^ijc'i^), crimes, mis-
qualities, pjiair maukuta, is the tenth letter in the Arabic, twelfth
in tlie Persian, and fourteenth in the Hindustani alpha-
ijci^ zimma, m. trust, charge, obligation, sub- bets. In reckoning by abjad it stands for 20U. Its
jection, duty, service, fidelity, lineage, zimma lerta, a. sound is that of ;■ as pronounced by the Scotch and
Irish; that is, it is much more marked than the En-
to take charge, to take care of, to take upon one's self. a. glish r. It is interchangeable with lam ; as dajra for
^cJ zimmt, an infidel (i.e. a person who is dujla, the river Tigris ; tarwar for talwdr, a sword.
In Hindi, besides lam it is also interchanged with r./ ;
"not a Musalmdii)
ment. 0. subject to a Muhammadan govern- as daraknd lor daraknd, to split. In almanacks it is
the astronomical character for the moon, and in dates
y»jyc2 zamvii, blameable, culpiblc a. it denotes the month rabi'u-l-awwal. a. h. p.
t,.^i^ zanab, a tail ; (in astiononiy) the tuil 1— -^\; ly^ rab, f. syrup, h.
-of the dragon, the descending node. a.
^''j>\ Vm'^ rabrl, f. a kind of food like pap. h.
( 421 )
rdj-gurn, m. the king's spiritual preceptor, rdj-lakshan,
ni. royal insignia, any natural mark indicatingroyalty.
UoJ^j rahita, conjunction, bond, connection, a.
rdjlekh, m. a royal letter or order, rdj-mdrg, in. a
^^y TRTir tahan or ravan (for ravana) : it royal road, one passable for horses and elephants, and
is said ttiat Vishnu having an inclination for war, occa- 40 cubits broad, rdj-mmidir, a (lalace, a ro^al resi-
sionnd a Brahman to curse Iiis two doorkeepers, Jaya dence, rdj niti, f the art
ZJof government, tlie duties
of a prince, both in peace and war; name of a woik
and Vijaqa, wishing that they might be born on earth on the art of government, rdj-wat, royal, kingly, rdj-
three times, after each time returning to their original
vansi or rdj-viinsya, of royal descent, a rdjput. rdj-
forms of porters to the deity. By this means Vishnu, viji, springing from a royal race s.
contrived to be nearly matched on earth, so as to liave
a good battle. They first appeared as Hiranyaksha ^I) ^TjT 7dJ, m. a mason, bricklayer, p.
and Hirnvyalcashipu, then as Ravnna and Kumbhakania,
and lastly as Shishtipal and Dantavaktra, in each of «?-ij THTT laja, m. a king, a prince. 5.
which characters they opposed the deity in different
avatars, s.
_,l.fc4il»-'j TT3nfVRT5T rajadhirdj, w. supreme
ruler of princes, king of kings, s.
Uo^j rahna, n. to toil, to labour, d.
ljol:> K TTiTlflT rajagija or rajagnya, f. a com-
^^K rapt, a currier's knife, d. mand from the sovereign, a royal farmdn. t.
Cj>\j TXH rat, f. night, rat thofi aitr sang
bahut is applied to express a hurry of business with
J *U-^ tTin'^i rajdyU, kingly, royal, s.
iittle time to perform it in, or as our vernacular haHi niond,
it, " the devil to pay and no pitch hot ;" also great ■.yrdj-/,att.
THrRfl" s.rcijavartj m. a kind of dia-
expense with a smallincome. banjo kiichh ban sake ja-
wdnt men; rat thor'i lini aur bahut hai sang, acquire
■whatever j'ou can in the season of youth, the task is ^j^-^\) TT3TT'^q5^ rajawaU, f. a line of kings,
arduous and the time short {ars longa. vita brevis: " a dynasty or royal genealogy, s.
Hippoc). rdton-rat, in the middle of the night, adhl- t<^'r'\ *-!"»! "45l1 rdj-hafisi, m. descenckmt
rat, midnight. *.
of a rdjd ; the name of a rdj-piit tribe, s.
\j]j TTHT rata, red ; dyed ; coloured, s.
^J^KtHT^^ rdj-hdha, the main channel, llu;
c-*!)\. ratib, m. daily allowance of food (to principal or common branch of a canal. «.
animals, particularly dogs and elephants); allowance,
portion, provision, a. jOu>-V TTjTT^ iTij-putr, a prince; a lishutii or
man of the military caste. *.
&jl>^ ratiha, m. salary, stipend, pay. ratiha
Mur. a stipendiary, a pensionary, a. ^jj<i»-\. Tjjm^ raj-put7'i, a princess, s.
eL.^-.^ TTsTTTJ raj-patf, m. a gem, said to l)e
J>\j TTf% ratri, 1 f. the night (v. rat), ratri- Virdt Des,
an inferior kind of diamond brought from
ijj>\ TT^ ratrlj c/mr, moving at night; m. a country in the iinrth-west o( India ; a tiara or royal
fillet ; f. a king's cushion, a throne, s.
"a goblin, a fiend; a thief, a robber; a guard, a patrol, s.
\:^\j TITT^ ratna, a. to dye (with colour), to (O o^ I, TTST^TfT / dj put, m. a descendn iit of a
stain ; to be strongly attached or in love (lit. stained rdjd ; the name of a celebrated military caste. *.
with the dye of love), s.
\j\i^i^\. TXW^TIT^ ruj-puiand, the counliy of
UbiiJyV X.r0Vl rataundha, m ninht bliud- the rdj puts. ». [in war. s,
ness, nyctalopia, s.
d. J^As-]^ trST'JTft raj-pufi, f. courage, prowess
j^\ rathor, strong, firm.
sovereignty. lj=^^A»-^ j^MMi^Jl raj-phord, m. a carbuncle or
— J TTSf ra'), m. govfirnment, large boil, generally rising on the back of the neck, and
kingdom, reign, sway; (in comp.) king, prince, raj- which commonly proves fatal. Tlie famous Hj-der Ali
bansl, descendant of a king ; a rajput tribe, raj-bhubm died ofthis carbuncle; and in 1 7 1 3Dr.Hamil ton obtained
or raj-bhavan, m. a royal residence, a palace. _ n/j- for the East-India Company a considerable grant from
bhorr, m. victuals placed' before idols at noon, rdj-pat the Emperor Furrokhseir as a reward for having curL-d
or ^pati, m. a Hindu title, prince, rdj-pntnt. f a queen. that prince ofthis dangerous malady."— (Binning.) h.
rdj-pdtt, a king's cushion,thethrone, ri.jtiink, the royal
ceremony of coronation.
ly^\j T1»W rdjatnm, m. sovereignty, king-
mark on the forehead, craft, s.
rdj tejas, m. majesty, kingly dignity, tdjjndhwa, m. [of a rdjd. s.
a rebel, one making war against a king, rdjjogya,
suitable for a king, princely, rdj-darshan, m. a levee, j»3-.^ TnrTT rcij-dhar, m. the prime minister
an audience, raj-rf'o/i, m. oppression ; rebellion, rdj-
f. the metropolis,
droh't, a rebel, a traitor. rdj-dand, m. punishment
ordered by the king; sceptre, rdj-dwdr, the gate of li^^l;
j,\Sbd^V TX^VT^ rdj-dhani,
seat of empire or of government, s. [sort. «.
a palace or royal residence, rdj-dhurd, f. royal state
or function, government, rdj-dliann, m. royal duty; T:T^U*g1 rdj-rdni, a queen, royal con-
the duties of the military caste, rdj dhan. m. royal
•l TTWH rd)ns, m. lu-^f, sensuality; adj.
revenue or right to property, rdj-rdj, m. kings of kii-.gs, 70;''/.'?,
an emperor, rdj-rog, a morl.al disease; consumption. (j-s -i, TTWH
relating to the quality of passion, s.
rdj-sahhd, f. a royal assembly, the royal court, rdj-
salld. f majesty, roval dignity- raj-sarp. m. the king- ^l^!-.* -^ XT^WR
the rdj-pill'--, also called rhiaxtiu iu, the
rdj pntdnd. h.
country of
serpent, a "boa. rdja-^iva, m. royal revenue or tax.
raj-sevak, a courtier, a royal attendant, rdj-shasan,
m. a royal edict, rdj-kdrj, m. royal duties, state ^Oy--^-^. TTiTH^ rm-mi/a or TTsTPT rajsu, m.
affairs, rdj-kul, m. a roval r.c-; a prince, raj-kuwur a sacrifice performed only by an universal monarch,
as in the case of
or rdj-htnwar, m. a king's sou, a prinCL-. raj-kanya, attended by his tributary princes.
YiuUiishthira and others, s.
f a princess, rdj-gddi, f. a king's cushion a throne.
4-22 )
c^ ( ^]^

y-^^ TTSnPT raj-kar, in. the royal tribute, j»s^jj rahim, compassionate, merciful, a.
king's taxes, s. [grass (Cyperus). s. ^j rdkh, ashes (same as rahh, q. v.). d.
■^ r^J '^"'**^'^ raj-kasheru, m. a fragrant C)^j TT«^ rad (also rac?/<), f. pus, matter, h.
*i*^]j TT»i<*l*f rcijakiya, royal, kingly. 5. \i>:>\j TT>IT rarf/ia, the name of Krishna
mistress, who is also called rddhtlca. t.
y^^]j ^T^nrN" raj-grlv, m. a flat fresh-water
fish. 4-. (/j^^'^ TrVRTT^ radhanagari, m. a
kind l; of silk cloth made at Radhanagar. #.
U!>-2j <i»t«li rajna, n.to shine, to be adorned, s.
(JjO— |j Olllc* rcij-nil, m. the emerald, s. j\) TR rur,\t wrangling, quarrel, fray, con-

]j-'j-.^ TTSnr^T raj-Kara, m. the country of j\) "^farj tention. h.

rajas; the rojal domains, s.
Cf)]; TTT^ ra7-i,']^f. a coarse kind of grass ; adj.
i^^j TJ1{\ raja, m. (v. raja) a king. .<r. ij'j\j TX^oarl,} quarrelsome, contentious. A.
>^j\) TT^ rarh, m. name of that portion of
'^y*ti'^^\j <iai^i«oh raj-hasah, m. a large Bengal which lies west of the Ganges, h.
fish {Cyprinus niloticus). s.

tj**>fi>-.]j n*t"^*S raj-hans, ni. a white goose (_^J'l)

^T^ rarh'i, a native of Bar h, a Biah-
from that place, h. [pen. d.
with red legs and bill ; the flamingo, s.
{Jyj rari, the sharp point of an arrow, or
client, ''"A
a. Sloping, asking, interceding; a j\j raz, m. a secret, a mystery, raz-posh, one
who conceals a secret, raz-poslii, the concealing of a
secret. ra=-«/ar, trusty, faithful, confident ; a mason, a
(_^]j TTSrt raji, f, a row, a line. 5. bricklayer, raxi nihujta, a hidden secret, rdz-niydz,
secrets of lovers, loving prattle, p.
jKfciiUs-^ TTWlftrWR rujyadhikar, m. go-
vernment of a kingdom ; right or title to a sove- JJij razih, m. sustainor, cherisher, affordintr
reignty, s. sustenance, a title of the Deity, s.

jj^^i^h f'ajeswar, 1 ^ fm. a sovereijin ^jj^j razi, of or relating to a secret, p. .

j^^^^l) rajeshwar,} * L prince, a loid, f^j^^j THT rm, m, the name of a Hindu festival
a governor, s. including songs and dances, celebrated in the month
of Kartik, in commemoration of the dances performed
j'^-i?"]j ^'^'5 rajendra, m. an emperor. 5. by KrisUtia and the Go})U. rds-dhari, a dancing-boy
who imitates the rds of Krishna, rds-ydtrd, i. the rus
_j::9-|; TTWh rajiv, m. a large fish (Cyprinus festival, rds, f. heap ; a sign of the zodiac, rds-chokr,
niloticvs). s. [prince, s. or rdsa-chakra, m. the zodiac (v. rdshi). s.

'>^^\) ^ii*ri'*4 raj-yogya, befitting a (,j**^ rnr ras, f. reins of a bridle; usury ; coin
separated from the chaff; adoption, rds-dtid, to be
*•**-]; ^tT5lT »«7>a, m. government, kingdom, agreeable, rds-bithdnd or -lend, a, to adopt a son. ;«*-
sovereignty, rajya-bhrashta or rajya-chyttt, deposed. nish'in, an adopted son. h.
fallen from royalty, rajya-bhrans, m. or rajya-chyuti,
f. deposal or loss of a kingdom, rajya-bharig, m. sub- i^\j ras, m. the head; a head of cattle {i.e.
version ofsovereignty, rajya-raksha, f. protection or one ox or one horse), rdsu-s-sarafdn, the summer sol-
defence of a kingdom, s.
stice, rdsu-l-jad'i, the winter solstice, rds fahat, a
horse of middling breed, rds Jcaldn, a horse of high
Us-^ M-««li rachna, n. to be afl'ected or im- caste, rdsu-l-mdl, the principal or capital stock, s.
bued with love, to be strongly attached. *.
d-wJ, rast, right, true, good, just, sincere ;
4*-^ TX^rachh, ra. apparatus, s. right (opposite of left); straight, even, level; actually,
certainly, rdst and, a. to regain one's temper, to be
[j^^l) TJ^^ rachhas, m. (for rakshas) a set to rights, rdst-bdz, faithful, to be depended on
demon, the name of the evil spirits of the Hindus, s. (lit. one who plays or acts fair), rdst-bdzl, f. fidelity.
rdst-mu'dmala, proper, just, of good actions, of uprifrht
^^LT^l; ^^i^^^"**!? rachhas-hyak, a sort of
devil's marriage, which consists in the violent seizure l7ftf>' ra^ta 1 °
conduct, p.
and rape of a girl after the destructi on of all her
relatives, s. iu***^)
[demon. *. .. , rasta,j
_ * \ta. a road, a street, p.
j_g-«4»-|j ^T?rir»f^ rachhasni, f. a female
ij*^)j rasti, f. truth, sincerity, fidelity, jus-
^_5-4a.]j XJW^ rachhusl, (fem. of rachhas) a " tice, loyalty, rectitude, p.
"she-devil; adj. devilish, demoniacal, s.
v**»|j rasikh, firm, durable, constant, rooted ;
—\j rah, wine; enjoying satisfaction, a. sincere, learned, a.

Cl/js-lj ruhat, f. quiet, repose, ease, tran- ^-^]j ^^n37/a.wa,f. a plant (il/f/?«o.sa octandra) ;
quil ity, o. another plant (the serpent Ophioxyl«n?); a sort of
perfume, s.
i^»-\j raJiila, a company travelling together
for mutual security, a caravan, a. ^**i\j rasii. m.a intitigoose ( Viverramnngo).p.
L^L) ( 423 )

t4**\) Ty^ 7'a.si, of middliijg breed (a horse); ^'lu"^ J ^'dlthri'i pnttd, the aloe plant, d.
"iniiifferetit, so so. h.

(^|j rrf^T rashi, m. a heap, a quantity ; a s^iuii

8L^>i^_J-^i L rd/fli(i.'<-f/(>ddu.,ilev'\\'ii
ot air-plant {Bnjnjivt epiga-a).
root,a species
of the zodiac ; a part and its divisor, or numerator and
deiioniiuator. rdslu-hhdg, iii. a fraction, rdslii-blmi;,
m. passage of a planet through a sigu of the zodiac. *}.x> ^^^^\j TT^^ «r^ rdkhaxl-beld, twilight,
time wlien evil spirits are abroad, h.
rdshi-cltukra, ni. the zodiac, rdshi-krit, heaped, piled.
rdslii-karan, m. heaping, piling, s.
[^\y T\W^1 rdlthnd, a. to k<e|), put. s.
y^\) ^? rashtra, m. a realm, a country. *•.
i^^'^^j TJWt rdhin, f. an amulet, or string
0;A^Ij TT%oFT rashtrika^ f. a prickly niglit- wliich Hindus tie round their arms on a certain fc."
shade {Sulanum jacquini). s. tival, held in the full moon of Srdvana or Sdwan, in
honour of Krishna, s.
Ci^\j rasliid, pious, faithful, orthodox, follow-
ing the right path. a. ^^^j TTT rdf/, m. a mode in music (six in
number, viz. Bhairav, Mdlav, Sdrang, Hiiidol, Vasatit,
ij**\ 1'ashl, m. one who bribes, a. Dipal; and Mi'gli), music, song, tune; anger, passion;
love, rdg chhdtid, n. to be in concert, rdg-rang, m.
ijo\j ruzi, satisfied, contented, agreed, pleased, music, rdg-sdgar, m. a song composed of many rdgs
willing, rdzl ha rizd, God willing, a. or musical modes. ?(7^i- maid, f. the name of a treatise
on music (nothing more tlian a collection of pictures,
exhibiting tiie traditional history of the primary and
ew)'j jo^j razi-nama, m. an acknowlodoniput subordinate modes and the subjects appropriated to
of a cause being finally settled, given by the plaintiff: each), s.
the defendant gives a sdfi ndma, a general release, a.
j^fc».cL/K T\T[^im rdcj-cliun, m. a tree yielding
if\\ 1(1 I, a slieplierd, a manager, a.
an astringent resin, the wood of which is used in dye-
kV ragh, m. a declivity, the lower part of a ing {Mimosa catechu'), s.
mountain ; the top of a hill ; a pleasant verdant mea- ^\ Tjn^J rdgnd, a. to begin to sing. s.
dow ; a villa, a summer-house, p.
^^K Trfnwt rdgini, f. a mode in music (wives
L— *^li raghib, willing, wishing; adj. desirous,
" of rdgs, thirty in number), s.
curious, a, [^Shi'a, q. v. a.
•A^^j t;T'^^ rdgluw, m. a sort offish, s.
ijojy rafizl, m. a heretic, particularly a
^y TFtt rdgi, f. a singer ; a libertine ; a
*i\j raji\ elevating, exalting; repelling; "lover; adj. passionate, s.
carrying off. a.
^1, rdgi, f. name of a grain conmioiily
c_JJl. rakih, m. a rival, an observer, a.
"called by Europeans
also called Natchenny
lachhnd and manru/i. (Cynosurus
d. coracanns);
J>\ rakivi, m. one who writes, a writer, ra-
Mmu-l-huruf, the writer of these letters, i.e. of this JK TTq5 rdl, f. resin ; the fragrant exudation
epistle, of this book, &c. a. ! of the Shorea rohusta ; pitch; saliva, s.
oh ^T«irf rakd, f. full moon, the day of full ^\j rdld, m. a kind of millet, d.
moon ; (in Dakh.) a cup made of the palmyra, s.
^y 7 dm, ol)edient ; m. a domestic, one who
c-oli rakib, m. a rider; adj. mounted (on receives orders, p.
a horse, ship, &c ). o.
*\j ^TT I dm or rdtna, m. a name common to
jSV rahtif an ornament woid b\' women, three incarnations of Vishnu, viz. 1. Parashu-rdma,
the son of the Muni Jamadagni, born at the com-
"also called sis-phul and suraj : its Arabic name is hirs, mencement of the second or Treta jug, for the pur-
and this ornament, under that name, has been fully
described by Mr. Lane in his well-known work on the pose of punishing tlie tyrannical kings of the Kshatrl
Modern Egyptians, d. race ; 2. Rdma-cliandra, the sou of Dasaratha, king of
Oude, born at the close of tlie second age to destroy
the demons who infested the earth, and especially
ij*^^j TraW rakas, ^m. demon, an evil
Rdvana, the king of Ceylon; 3. Bata-rdvia, the elder
brother of A''7^/("«, born at tlie end of the third age.
iy*L6\j T^'^^^ rakshas,] spirit; adj. demo- rdm-bhati, f. calling out for redress, com|ilaint. rani-
niacal. rdJcshas-hydh, m. a form of marriage, the vio-
lent seizure and rape of a girl after the repulse or kalidnl, the rdiiidi/ana ; a long story, rdm-dulidj, f,
destruction of her relatives, s. an asseveration of Rama, or the Deity, idm-dhaimsh^
the rainbow. )«w-r(7m, a Hindu form of salutation. «,

^^tSy TX^"^ ra/ishn.si, f. a female fiend, the j_5-ii-L'>Ul. T:TI?T'JT^ vdmdtKnuli, m. a kind of
"female of mA%s/irt«; adj. demoniacal. ruTcshast held, the
period between sunset and dark. s. * Hindu
Rama. ascetic,
s. followers of lidmdiiand ; believers in

f^y TT^ fdhh, f. ashes (of cow dung), s.

OjU^ TT»n rf rdmdvat, m. the system or
tenets of a sect of Hindu ascetics, s.
Ol^^^j TT^TfT rdJiliat, lands set apart for
grazing, h. seveni'i
.\3jUl TTJTT^fTK rdmdcaldr, m. the
incarnation of Vishnu, in the form of
(j^^j\ id/ilina, same as ^j^^>-^, q. v. s. q V. for the purpose of destroying the tyrant Havana s.

( 424 )

-^U^ THrnnir I'amayan or ramayana, f. an jjjicK T.IH*(tT rammun, m. a kind of goat. h.

Poemspoemon by
theVdlm'iki, containing
same subject the history
and under of Rama.
the same title
have been composed by other authors, s.
^JiJ ran, f. the thioh. ran tale dabdnd, to
press one under one's thigh ; to subdue ; to hare
:'-calling out for
tlL*^f«^ TPTHfiT ravihhuti, f. completely in one's power, ran se rdn bdndhnd, a. to
guard or watch diligently ; used in comp. in the sense
redress, complaint, s.
of driving, managing, as kdm-rdn, prosperous (lit.
U^jk<U TTH^ ramhhna, n. to low, to bellow, driving one's business, or desire), p.
cry out. s. [knife, h. uK XyfUl or TlffT randy m. a Hindu prince or
rdjd, in central India ; a tribe of raj-puts. K
^_ji«lj T}T^\ rainpi (v. ranpt),f. ashoemakei's
c/t/^1) ^T'RfH!^ 7'amhira,i, f. the name of a L^Jo\, T!t>f»TT rdmbhnd, n. to low, to bellow,
vegetable, ochra (Hibiscus esculentus). h. cry out. s. [scraping leather, i.

ij^^f»\) TTTfT^^ ram-ttilasi, f. a plant ( Ocy- te^\ Trrft rdmpi, f. an iron instrument for
"mum gratissimum). s.
Uai^... Xjifij
. rdnjhd,
_ . "]I m. an estimable per-
(j^\ TTTSTTi^ ramjam, f. a Hindu daneing-
" girl, a prostitute (vulg, Hum Johney). *. '-"'; ,-^ . I s°"> ^ sweetheart, s.
ii^jjs?!. TTr^»5 ramachandra, was son of U^^)j T^JK.'TT rdnjhnd.j
Dasharatha, and conqueror of Lanka or Ceylon. He
was the seventh avatar, when the deity descended fi>r 'jo^ rdndd, a carpenter's plane, d.
the purpose of destroying Ravana, who having (for his
devotion) a promise from Brahma that he should not (^^yp^y h. [off m.
TX^ft^ ,rdndparos,
bourhood neigh-p.
or away.
suffer death by any of the usual means, was become
the tyrant and pest of mankind. The Z)eya<a« came
in the shape of monkeys, as Ravana had gained no (jii3\. randan, to expel, to drive out, to drive
promise of safety from them ; hence Hanumdn was
Rama's general. Ramachandra's mother's name was
OjJk randnd, a. (Hind, form of randan) to
Kaiislifilya, his younger brother Bharata was son of expel, &c. p.
Kaikeyl, who was the cause of Rama's going to the
desert to perform devotions, on the banks of the Pam- tj'^y *Ji h1 rdndni, f. parsley, h.
pa-nadt, insisting that her son should reign the four-
teen j'ears that Rama employed in the devotion. It 8J>3I. rdnda, rejected, abandoned, p.
was while performing his devotion (or during his stay
in the forests) in company with Lalcshmana (his brother Ufcjj^
OVI^T rdndhndy
a. to cook, to dress
by Sumitra) that Ravana appeared as a beggar, while
he was absent hunting, and enticed av/ny S/iita, which
gave rise to the war detailed in the Ramayana. IjoJ&^iJl. ^TV*nn randhana!yd,a cook.a baker, s,
Skitd was daughter of Janaka Raja, who had promised
to give her to any person who could break a certain
bow, which was done by Ramachandra. When in the iiolj TT? rand, f. a widow ; a woman. 7'dnd kd
forest, he drew a circle round Sliitd, and foibade her sand, lit. "a widow's stallion," i.e. a gallant, or "ca-
to go beyond it, and left Lakshmaua to t.ike care of valiere scrviente," hence, a base, contemptible fellow, t.
her; but Lakskmana hearing some noise which alarmtd
him for his brother, left her to seek him : then it was \jolj TITT rdndd, barren ; fhe mnntro-fish
that Ravana appeared and enticed her out of the cir- without roes are so called. It is particularly applied
cle (gandl), and carried her off in his tiying chariot: to unproductive trees, such as the male palm, &c. s,
in the air he was opposed by the bird Jutdyii, whose
wings he cut and escaped. Rdmacliandra reigned in ^}s>\j TTTRl rdnddpd, m. widowhood, s.
Oudh (Ayodhya) before Christ I6U0. s.
lIXJK VJl rang, f. ^
f^fiJsjcV TIT^ZI^ ramhata,i, f. division of the ^7-^, _ Vpewter, tm. s.
crop between the landlord and tenant, h. \X-j\j TtTT rdnga, m.J
^_5'^lfi>i>el. TJfrvnt ram-dha,i, an asseveration 1-AjXJK tH'THU rdnghhard, m. a toyman, h.
on oath by Rdma (also rdm-duha,i). h.
ramchera, m. (lit. slave of ^jV Tro't or TJ^\ rant, f. a (Hindu) queen or
]/^\) TTT^m princess, s.
Rdma) a man's name, particularly that of a slave, s.
*y XJ^ raw or rd,o, a prince, a Hindii title.
H»»*V TJM^tKi'o.msar, m. the name of a wood; ra.o krishak, the headman of a village.
the name of a kind of reed. s.
OjV TJ^ rcnvat, m. a hero ; a sweeper (of
(ji,*^. 7-dmish, harmony, modujation ; hilarity, a particular caste), h.
mirth ; rest, ease, rdmish-gar, a musician, p.
^••^j TJ^Z\ rnrrfi, f. a kind of tent. h.
i.W'^O rdmkari,^ f. name of a ra-
1- gini or musical jU-.V ^H'f-^l^ rdwchdw, f. gaiety, amuse-
\j Tm<^(^^ rdmkaU, ment, merriment, mirth ; afTection, endearment, h.
mode. s.
AjiU\, TIHcF^ rdmheU, \A xymx rdivotd or rd,ord, \ (pron. in
/J. ^^IHCurC rdm-giri, m. Rama's mountain, .y T}"^^ rdwarau or rd,ordu,)
especially applied to a mountaiu called Kompte
a name Bhakha) yours, of you. /(.
or Chitr-ku(, in Bandelkhand, and also to another near raj.
Nagpore, called now Rdm-tek. i. d.
Jj^ ran-il, a soldier, military,
( 42.3 ;

uj!j T.I^UI ratvan, son of Visit ravd and

{^\) TW or Tn ra,e, m. a (TTindu) iirincr, a
Kailasl, was king of Lanla ; he carried away •S'/ii/a, and 'chief rd.e rdi/dn, m. a Hindu title (lit. the chief of
lost his kingdom to her husband Ramachaiidra, q. v. s. prince.s); the iliwiin of the khdiita or cliief trctsiirer :
according to Gladwin the rd,e rdydn is the principal
officer under the dlwdii of the provinces, who has the
'^Jj ''^w'"*^* rhubarb. ^>. immediate charge of the crown lands, and is the super-
intendant of the khdlisa. s.
(^jj^j ra/»i, m. an historian, the author of a
fable, romance, fiction, &c, a narrator, a,
{^^\ '<.i\ ) d,!, f. a species of (^sarson) mus-
,.,b,K raiviyan,\ , , . ^ . tard ;a kind of mustard-seed with very small grains
I _ .. ?-pl.historians,narrator8. j?.a. {Sinapis raviosa). rai-kd,l, broken to atoms. /*.
j^^jK raiviyln, J
fcj^tj 7-d,e or rd,i, f. wisdom, opinion, thought,
sV T^ raAw, m. Typhon, or the dragon that counsel, rd,l buland, exalted understanding, rd,i
is supposed to devour the sun or moon during an eclipse; zadan, to broach or express an opinion, a. p.
the ascending node, rahu-gras or rdhu-grah, m. an
eclipse, s. ^/\) <.i^M\ rd,iyd, m. chaff of wheat, bran. h.
l\j rah, f. road ; manner, rah-arvard, a pre- b/K TT^rn rd,iyd, m. species of mustard witli
sent brought by one who has been on a journey, rah large seeds. *.
handhna, to refuse admittance, to stop one's progress.
rah batdna, to discharge, dismiss; to guide, rah-bar, CJ^\jrdydt (pl.ofLlojj), standards, banners,
m. a guide, conductor, rah-bari, f. guidance, rah especially of an army in motion ; (met.) a camp. a.
par and, to find the road which had been lost ; to mend
one's manners, rdh-panid, to establish mutual confi- {^j^^i^^j TW^Vl rd,e-hdns, m. a kind of
dence, rdh chhornd, to give way. rdh-kharch, charges spear, h.
of the road, travelling expenses, rdh-ddr, m. a col-
lector of duties (on the road), rdh ddri, f. collection
of duties (on roads), rdh dikhdnd, a. to make one (Jj^u^l; TT^^^ rd,e-hel, f. a kind of flower, h.
wait for. rdh dekhnd or taknd, to expect, to wait for. (JlO.^ ruyat, f. a standard, a banner, a,
rdh dend, to give one access, rdh ddlnd, to establish a
custom, rdh rdh chalnd, to continue in one's usual ^Ci/\j
in sour milk. h. , m. pumpkins, &c., pickled
practice or mode of conduct, rdh raJchnd, to keep up
an intercourse, rdh-rav or -ran, a traveller, a way-
farer, rdh rawisk, f. manners, habits, customs, rdh- j\j rd,i), customary, current, usual, common.
zaii, m. a highwayman, rdb-zanl, f. highway- robbery. rd,iju-l-wa'kt, the fashion or custom of the time. a.
riih-sir, just, right, rdh Tcdtnd, to travel a road ; to quit
a path or take a short cut. rdh larnd, to contract aji-K /•a,//<«,m.fragrancc,perfume ; an odour, a.
friendship, rdh Jchotl karn'i, to linger on the road, rdh
^'itzur, m. road, way ; a traveller, rdh-gir, m. a travel- ^J^^/^J 7a,e//aw, gratis, gratuitous; in vain. ji.
ler, wayfarer, rdh lagjid. to follow one's own devices.
rdh lend, n. to go, to depart, rdli-mdr, a highway
robber, rdh-mdnid, a. to wayla}', to rob; to lay one ij^/^j ^'HWq^ rd,e-7nam, 'I m. a kind of
inder restraint, to ruin one's prospects in life, rdh
vlu^^^j IT^Tf^TTI rd,e-maniyd,j rice (in the
■lanid, the trace of a path being effaced, rdh ndpud, husk), h.
) walk about idly, to employ one's self unprofitable". ^\ ^T^^Tm,i^a,ni, chaff; mustard (v. b/l.).
fh-ndma, a road-book, rdh uikdlnd, to devise a new
lode of conduct, rdh-numd, m. a conductor, guide, L-^ ralih, m. a lord, protector, preserver; a
l«der. rdh-iiumd,i, f. leading, rdh-wdr, ambling, a
pte (in horsemanship), a gait generally taught to tdn- name of God. rabbu-l-'dlanun, God, preserver of the
g>is. rdhwdri, f. ambling (a horse), p. world, vanrahbu-l-'ibdd,
ts, a. God, the protector of his ser-
t->|i rakib, a monk, a Christian priest, p. L-^ I TfV rahi, m. (for ravi) the sun. s,
ji.jij rah-dar, an officer employed in collect- L-.'j rubh or rxib, m. juice, rob, syrup, riihhu-
injland duties, also a road patrol p.
s-sits, extract of liquorice, p. a.
(jr.lifc!. rdh-dd/i, an authorized branch of
re^nue, arising from duties collected from travellers
\jj 7ubd, (in comp.) ravishing, stealing; as
byhe officers of government stationed on the high dil-rubd, heart-ravishing, p.
ro:s for the protection of passengers. It was formerly
levd on goods passing and repassing the public roads. L-->1^ rabdb, a kind of violin, a rebeck, ribdb,
InJahar there were, in many districts, chaukts or (Ar. pi. of rubb) inspissated juices, p.
staanary guards, for the protection of the roads,
kn«n b}' the name of cliaukl rdhddrl, on account of (ib, rubdh'i, 1 , , ,_,
whh revenue was collected and paid into the nizdmat ; ^- '^
Vjob. _ }m. a player on the rabab. p.
in akhani, the term rdh-ddrl denotes a guide ; a
pas.ort, a warrant, a permit, rdh-ddrl Jc'i chitthi, a i»b. libdt, an hotel, an inn, a caravanserai;
pastort, a permit, p. [demon. 5.
a rope, a ligament (pi. ribdtdt). a.
ytlj T? rdhu, m. (v. 7dhu) name of a
^sbj ribdtl., an innkeeper, a.
j i^\j dhin, m. a mortgager, one who borrows "lines, a.
j on aledge or pawn. a. "^bj ruba'i, f. a quatrain, a stanza of four
Uifci, "f»TT rdhnd, a. to rouo;hen a millstone C-'lj^'o . rubd'iydt, quatrains (pl.of ruSa'i). a.
(by dging little pits in its surface with a small pick-
axe), i.
bbj rubdnd, to cause to toil or labour, d,
^^\j thi, ra. a traveller, wayfarer, p. j}Oj rabbdnl, divine, godly, a.
u, ( 4-2G )
lO'^^/Vj rubaytdan, to seize, to carry off. p. Oj ^TT or friT ritu (vulg. rwY), f. season, |]|
weather : the Hindus divide the year into six seasons, ' '
Xxi. xf^^V^ rabi-bar (for ravi-bar), m. Sun- viz. basant,g>ish')ia, varshd, sharad, hinia, and sliishira;
da.y. h. the menstrual evacuation, ritu-prdpta, fruitful, pro-
ductive in due season, ritti-sndn, m. bathing after
\^j T^rST rabda, fatigued, wearied, h. menstruation,
menstruation, s.ritu-mati, f. a woman during the
'•';>. XWS^ rabar, f. fatigue, fruitless labour, C^j TW rat, occupied or engaged in, intent on;
trudfiinp;. h.
m coition, copulation, s.
V;.), T^'S} rubra, fatigued, worn down. h. CL^j xfn rati, f. love ; venery, coition ; Venus
bl o. ter"fT»n rabrana, a. to fatigue, to cause (wife of Cupid, V. rrt/7). ra/f-^/i/a, f. copulation. *.
to run about uselessly. //-
woman, a^if^'q^
harlot. «. ratarthinl, f. a libidinous
l3"-j. ^1in rabtirna, n. to fatigue one's self,
to run about fruitlesslj'. h.
i^j^j TlfTy^f rat art hi, libidinous, lewd. a.
j_^Vj. i:^T^ rabri, f. thick milk ; a kind of
ponidge made of Indian corn. h. ^y'ij THT^ ratalu, m. a yam (^Dioscorea). s.
\j\3j iriTT?IT ratayia, n. to rut, to be lewd. 5.
laJj rabt, m. connection, friendship, practice,
habit, use, binding, a. 13 '.i. fttTTHT r it ana, a. to cause to empty, s.
«J . riib', m. fourth part, a quarter. riib' \«'6. ratuira, an attack, assault, more par;i-
maskun, the fourth part of the world, which is believed cularly a sudden inroad into an enemy's territory, d.
to be peopled, while the remaining three quarters are
supposed to be uuinhabitable." — (Binning.) a. ^'3. TfIT^"Jl^ rutayani,^. a whore, a harIot..v.
C^j rabba-na, interj. Oh! Our Lord! a. *Ai) riffhii, m. rank, dignity, degree, star,
step. a. [rejoicings at night. /(.
^^j riibub (pi. of rubb), syrups, a.
j^ jy . ruhudan (r. ruba), to rob, to carry off. p.
\.^Xj^\J^. xf^HHlJ rati- sat 7vara, f. a phit
(TriiiancUa coniiculata), perhaps considered as an
f^j mb'i, m. (v. rabi or j-avi') the sun. .«. aphrodisiac, s.
t_^jj. 7-ablb, m. a step-son, son by a former
husband, a. J,j.Gj TTTofi^ rat-hel, m. venery, coition. ;.

}}x>j X^^^X. rabi-har, m. Sunday. .«. (Ji^SOj rutghat, toil and trouble, d.
fijajj rahibfi, f. step-daughter, daugliter by a ^jj T7I«T ratlin or Tl*l rutna, m. a jewel, fern,
former husband, a. a precious stone ; the pupil of the eye. ratiirjnril
OT jatit. set with jewels. ra/wa-»/rty, gemmedmade
xx>. rabV, f. the spring ; the spring harvest, of gems. (7(/««-ifa/, having gems. $.
or grain sown in October and November and cut in
the spring months (March-April), as peas, wheat, ic. jUij TW^TTT rot liar, ni. red colour, /t.
rubVu-l-awwal, the third month, and rabi'ii-l-dkhir or
rabVu-s-saiil, the fourth month of the Muhammadan ji Ijj, <,iWI<*T. ratnakur, m. the ocean ; ajewei
year. The ninth and twelfth days of the former are mine. s. [gois. s.
festivals, a. [ing to the spring, vernal, a.
xjj. rabVi, produced in the spring, belong- ^jljo T:i5n^55^ raiyian-aU, f. a necklce of

Oj fCJ ripu, m. an enemy, ripu-ta, f. en- '^yfi-j^j TH'flrf ratun-jot, name of a)Iant ;
name of a medicine, said to be good for the ees. s.
niitj'. s. [slipperiness ; chase, h.
J&t^JO, Tirf^fv rat-nidhi, m. a wagtd. s.
cLo , Ttf? rapat, f. fatigue, hard labour ;
UJb , T^'TJ^T rapatna, n. to slip, to slide, h. ^**»l^i^j^.
a throne studdedXJ!{f^'^^W^
with jewels, ratna-singhdm,
s. m.
I3b J J T'TXMT^l raprapana, n.to gallop hard./;.
\'^i . T^TirTT rtipna, n. to be at bay, to stop. h. J.XO (^jj tRoir^^ ratnahundal, m. oral. s.
\ j; ^tf^^T rupahra, made of silver, s. ^"*cir^J ^^''^^^ latan-mMa, f. a neclace of
t^^)^^ ir. s.stones; name of a book in astrcomy; a
h .'^Vi'^rnpci,e (pl.forrM^?a^e,&c.), rupees. s.

U-1 , ^^T^m rupaya or "i^^^raT rvpaiya,^ w. a ru- {Jj4^ ^>j Tr^4»rrt rat na-manjarl, f. »me of
a Ho\\er, also the name ofoneof the thirty-f> images
&>J , ^frm rupiya or ^tj^^ rnpiyci,} pee, a sui>i)ortiiig the throne of king Bikrain. s.
well-known coin, nearly equal to two shillings, h.
O . VR rat, f. (contr. oirat, q. v.). rat-jaga, ^^^J^^.j\ TR^^ rutiia-vrlksli, m. oral. *.
watching all night on religious occasions (a female ^'a:!). TTTT^TTt rafniyafi, m. a kind crice. h.
cfruniony), vigil. rat-cmndbd, blindness at night, JsUJ, vl?"^!^^ ratirahi, f. an attat in the
S'i,ciali}pifi. rat aundli'njd or -andhld, blind at night,
r.// ijicn huiu'i, n. to be in fault, s. "iii"ht ; a foncubiue who comes at night.
yj J^J
( 427 )
south-west; on the Gth, I 1th, 2l8t, and 29th, in flie
*i)3y». TjflHn rataundha, m. blindness at west; on the 7th, 15th, and 22nd, in the north-west;
night, nyctalopia, s. on the 2nd, 10th, 17th, and 25th, in the north ; and on
the 8th, 23rd, and 30th, in the north-east : his influence
\j^S>^,T!^f^^Jrataundhi2/a,h\\ndBtTi\ght.s. on each day is especially exerted during nine gharls,
or three hours thirty-six minutes, at the close of that
^j Xyt rath, m. a car, a war-chariot, a four- <i7/( or lunar d.iy ; and in that interval it is unfortu-
wheeled carrianje (not used for baggage), a coach, nate to begin a journey towards the station of this
ralh-bdn or ralh-wan, in. a coachman, rath-hani or being, or in such a directiou as to place him on the
right hand. a.
rath-tvan'i, f. coachmansliip. rath-kdr, m a coachmaker.
rath-yatrCi, f. a procession of chariots, applied to the
procession of the car of Krishna as Jagantidth on the ^Is-j rijdla (for mzdla), mean, vile, base. a.
second of the light fortnight of Asharh. s.
^J^^j rajd,i (for razd,i, q. v.), a quilt, h.
ijJJ>[^. jyn'^rathd/ig, m. a wheel; tlie ruddy t— **-j rajah, m. the seventh month of the
goose (Anas casarca). s.
Muhammadan year: it is also called rojahu-l-murajjab,
or the sacred rajab (from rajaba, to fear, to reverence),
ti)^.?4^ ^'5iTnT rathrvan, m . a carriage-driver, s. because in the time of paganism it was unlawful to go
to war in that month, s.
l3^j4^j ^^^^^*T^ rathivam, f. the office of car-
riage-driv ng, s.
«Jl*>-j T»nT rajat, m. silver, s.
le^j T!^ rathl, m. the owner of a chariot,
c:,^j Tf»nT rajit, affected, moved, attracted,
a man riding in a carriage, a charioteer, s, excited, s.

^l. TIW\ rati, the Veniig of ihe Hindus, wife

oW — j ^WRT raj-jdiid, n. to be satisfied, h.
" of Kdmadeva (or Cupid), who was son of Vishnu and
Rukmini : he was consumed by the fiery rage of Mahd- j>-j rajaz, a species of metre or verse, a.
deva, for interrupting him in his devotions, and Rati,
disconsolate for the Joss of her husband, implored (j<*?-j T'T^ rajax, m. the second condition of
Mahddeva's nierc}', who promised that she should meet humanity (v. rajo-gun) ; dust, pollen ; menstruation.
him again in the house of Shambara rdjd, whither she rajas-wald, f. a woman during menstruation, s.
repaired and took service under the name of Mdijd-
vat'i : here, as she was one day cleaning a large fish, Cl*»>- J ra'/at
to earth or rij'at,
after death f a in
: the word return ; returning
its primitive sense
she discovered a cliild in its belly, which she imme-
diately knew to be her husband Cupid, or Kdmadeva, means restitution ; in law, it signifies a husband re-
whom (under the name of Pradyumna) the tyrant had turning to or receiving back his wife after divorce,
thrown into the ocean : he at first took Rati for his and restoring her to her former situation, a.
mother, but remembering the promise of Maltddeva,
he knew his wife, and the god of love was again united cdis-j T^ffcir rajah, m. a washerman, s.
to the goddess of pleasure : hence, however, Rati is
considered as both mother and wife of Kdmadeva. s.
if^j \'A^ rajala,
"a washerwoman, s. f. a washerman's wife, or
^j Tj(\ rati or T^ ruttl, f. a weight equal to
eight barleycorns ; fortune, rati ckamahil, to begin y^j rajul, m. a man (pi. rijdl). a.
to prosper, to flourish, s.
*>-, rajin, m. detestation, repulse, dejection;
stoning to death ; the punishment for adulter^', ac-
C^yi^j Tj(\Tf( rat'iwat, ") fortunate, prosj)er- cording to the Mul^ammadan law (founded on the
{JL^i^j Tjft^fnl raiiwant,) ous. s. Jewish law), a.

lii-Jj XZ rat, f. repetition, iteration, a.

i^j <-'»f»i^ rajni, f. night, rajm-char, a ritk-
viL»^^cL>j ratghat, f. labour and toil. d. " shas or goblin; a thief; a watchman, rajm-har, m.
the moon, rajnl-gandh, m. the tuberose {Puliavthes
tuberosa) rajni-miilth, m. beginning of night, evening.
UJ>j T7TI ratnd, a. to repeat, to iterate, to
order or demand repeatedly. 5. rajn'i-lidsa, f. a flower (Nyctanthes arbor trislis) which
blossoms at night and diflTuses a powerful scent after
sunset, s. [string. ».
--jT»Tra;, f. dust; menses; farina of flowers,
^in Dakh.) a bellyful, s.
^>-j TtSI f'djju, m. f. rope, cord, thread,
—J T3T raj (for rajas), u). the second of tlie
qualities incident to the state of humanity, the quality
U=U>j rsT^TTT rajwara, m. a kingdom, a
country under the control of a rdjd. s.
of passion or sensuality (v. rajo-gun). s.
-.. ^jT Ttju, Straight; also applied to moral ^fciiJL>^s- . T'sft^'^ys. rajo-handh, m. suppression
of menstruation,
rectitude, s.
c»>-j rttju, m. return, turning towards, ap-
_.. X^rajju,m. a rope, a cord, a lie, a string, s.
pearing; reference. r;/;5'-^., to appeal or have recourse
V*-. raja, f. hope, prayer, suppliuation, in- to side
to a higher
with, authority,
to submit, to rujii' laud, a.a. to turn towards,
terces ion, a.
i^^^s^j ^Wtnirr rojo-(jun, m. one of the three
Jl:>.j 7-ijdl, in. (pi. of (3i>j) men. rijulu-l- characters or dispositions assigned by the Hindus to the
ghaii.m. (by the Hindus called yoginl) an invisible being human mind : they are, 1. satiua, benevolence ; 2. raja
which moves in a circular orbit round the world : on love of sensual enjoyment, or of pleasure; 3. tana
the 1st, yth, 16th, and 2lth days of a lunar month his irascibility, or promptitude to the vindictive passions
station is in the east; on the 3rd, 11th, 18th, and "ZSth, these are all exhibited in the Hindu Trinity: in
in the south-east; on the 5th, 13th, 20th, and 28th, in
the south-east ; on the -Ith, 12th, 19th, and 27th, in the iama.
Brahma, s. raja prevails; in Vishnu, satwa ; &ud'\n Shiva
jrj ( 428 )

CL-aaJj*^ rajuliyat, f. virility, a. JjAs-j rak'ik,

real stuff, a. the best wine, pure wine ; the
^^»-j fcwn rijhana, a. to please; (met.) to
plague, to tease, to perplex. *.
{J^j rah'il, a journey, departure, a.
^j rahim,, merciful (an epithet of God,
yi^J ^'C^fc.MK i-ijhwar, "jhaving tlie qua- also applied to the prophet Muhammad), a.
y_}^j ftjiH^TS rijhwar, V lity of being
^•i^j ft'J^Tr rijhwaiya,] pleased, easily J'^Jcastle at chess ;
^j rukh, m. the cheek ; tlie
face, point, side, quarter, rukh phernd or hadalnu, a.
gratified, s. to be inattentive; to reject; to turn away from; to
be angry, to be displeased, rukh dead. a. to familiarize.
^j ^^ ruch or 5^1% ruchi, f. desire, wish, i-ukh raklmd. a to continue
avidity, s.desire of, or pleasure from, eating; light, friendly intercourse. rukh-L,friendship, to maintain
n. to attend to; to
lustre, pursue (a prey); to make for (a place), p.

^j '^■^T or fc^ richa, f. a peculiar sort of ^\=-j rukhain, m. alabaster, marble, sang i
prayer from the Veda, a magical invocation, s, rukhdm, alabaster stone, o.

w\^ <-m*1l rac/iana, a. to set to work, to l1*^j rakht, m. goods and chattels, property,
set a-going; to make, to do; to make merry; to stain apparatus, furniture, apparel, ralcht o matd'. personal
the hands, feet, &c. with Ifinnd or me.ndlli ; to cele- property, exclusive of cash or bullion, p.
brate, s, [hhina, q. v. s.
^^3vJ ^^T^ rachawat, staining with J^-'^j rukhmr, | m. the cheek, the air,
ij[^!>j ruJjhmraJ mien, complexion, p.
!>-j Tf%W rochit or rachita, done, made, or
written by, generally used in comp., as Vydia-racliita, [J^^j 'v/^.s/«,linhtiiiiig, splendour, effulgence;
composed by Fydsa. s. the name v^f Rustam's famous horse, q. v. p.
"n ess. p.rakhsh
^—*'^j \'^<^ rachah, m. a maker, a composer, a. an, shining, resplendent, p.
u»-j \M^\ rachna, n. to be made, to be pre- ^J^Z^j rahhshandagi, f. refulgence, briu-ht-
pared, to be set to work; to be employed, to be about
(a business); to stain, to colour; to love, to like ; to
keep time in music ; to penetrate ; to predestinate ; iSxlLst'j rahhshanda, flashing, shinin"--. «.
a. to make, to form, to compose ; f. creation, invention ;
created thing, work, workmanship, s. ^Sx^^j
glitter, p. rakhshulan, to flash, to sliinc, to
yy^j ^^^ ruchna, a. to excite desire ; n. to
be agreeable, to gratify, s. C'ng. s. CUto^-j ruhhsat, f. leave, license, corig^, dis-
mission, discharge, permission, indulgence, ru^sat
3Tj '-■^^1 rochwa, m. act of making or form- lend, to take one's leave, to depart, rukhsjl d. or k..
to dismiss, rukhsat-h., to be dismissed, to depart, a.
v^^-j T^BTT rachchha, f. protection, assistance,
patronage ; shadowing, safety, s. &>\Sjas-'j rahhmtana, m. a parting present, a.p.

(.ii^ivj TflScir rachchhak, m. a protector, a (J*^>-j rukhxatlyf.any thing given at purting.a.

keeper, a guard, a watchman, a redeemer, s. j^j rakham, name of a spi'cies of eagle, shaped
like a vulture, and of the size of a raven, a.
(j^j T^aCT rachchhan, m. (v. rachchha) act
of protecting, &c. s.
^j ruMian (v. rukh), the check, &c. d.
[j»-j raid, m. departing, travelling ; a man- 6^j rahhna, m. a fracture, a hole, a notch,
sion, a resting-place. r\l),l, f. a support for a book, a. a cleft, perforation, flaw. p. [ihe lips. s.
JU-j rihal, a kind of desk or slool on which Cij T^ rad, ni. a tooth. T^^ rad-chhad, m.
the hir,an is placed, a.
dj radd, m. rejection, repulsion, rci^istance,
CiAsfj rihlut, f. marching (particularly to the
other world) ; death, ri^lnt-h, n. to die. a, refutation ; (met.) vomiting, raddu-l-'ajz 'itlq s-sadr,
the antistrophe, repeating at the end of a verse the same
word with which it begins, or beginning another with
,t>-j rahm, ni. mercy, kindness, pity, rahm- the word which terminated the preceding ; a kind of
ashna, a friend to mercj'. rakm-a., pity or mercy (to rondeau radd-hadal, f argument, discussion, alttr-
affect one), rahm khdnd, to feel pity ral^m-dil, teu- cation, rarfiii ^rtwai, a replication or rejoinder, raddi
der-hearted, merciful, kind. a. salam, returning compliments, radd-numu, a deed of
abrogation. radd-Jc.. to reject, repel ; to refute.to oppose
j^j rihin or rihavi, the womb. a. (in arguingi ; to vomit, radd-li., to be rejected or re-
futed ;to be abrogated (a law), a.
^^U>\j rah man, merciful, forgiving (an epi-
thet of God), a. '<3j rida, f. a cloak or mantle (worn bv dcr-
vises) ; an upper garment of fine linen unsewed (nr
(^l.**-, rohinani, divine, a. sewed, if made of other cloth), reaching to the middle
of tlie leg; any kind of cloak put on wlien goiugout. a.
CLa»>-j ruhmat, f. pity, mercy, kindness, rah-
matii-l-ldh'alai-hi, the mercy of God be upon him ! a. lii, t:^ raddd, m. a layer of a wall, ilu? work
of a d.iy. h. [or Sltiou. s.
{j*>'j rahman (for rahman), merciful, gra-
jdj ^"5; riidr, m. name or form oi' Mahaihoa
( 42;) )

j^iSlji. ^^Tf rudrahsha, m. a tree (Eleo- \t*)j rasa, nrriving ; quick of apprehension,
r(tr/ii:s L;(iuitriis). S, [(v. durga). s. skilful, capable, clever, p.

tjh'J ^^'^^ rudrani, the wife of Mahadeva U<*j T^^n rossa, m. rope, cable, h.
(_^.iij ^"Jf radan, in. a tooth. 5. ij^^j •l^TfT^S rasdtal, m. the regions below,
i^'^j ^^ rudan, m. (v. rodan) weeping, pdtala. s.
crying ; a tear, tears, s.
JL*»j VfU^ rasdl, m. the sugar-cane, the
I2)j rnda, m. a row, a layer or line. d. mango tree {Mangifera Indica). s.

^ii. ^?r riddha, prosperous, thriving, s. CIJIm^j risdlat, f. mission, apostleship. a.

J&iij ^fS or ftf^ pddhi, f. name of a medi- LJIm*, TW^J^ rasdlsd, f. a tubular vessel of
cinal plant; increase, growth, prosperity; a name of the body, a nerve, a tendon, &c. s.
Parvatl. s.
sjitjij risdla,m. mission, sending a letter, &c.;
Jbii. ^IfrwrfJAa, obstructed, stopped, impeded. a book, an essay, a small tract; a troop of horse.
^1^ ^fvr: rudhir, in. the blood, s. risdla-dar, the commander of a troop of horse, risdla
darl, f. the command of a troop of horse, the rank or
(^t>j raddi, rejected ; m. rejected things, a. ofiice of a risdla-ddr. a.

(— fl^.ii, radif, f. a man riding behind another ^l**»j rassdm, m. a delineator, a.

on the same horse; the rhyming word oiAgkazal or
Jcas'ida, a. ^Lijj rasdn, (in comp.) conveying, bearing ;
as muzhda rasdn, conveying glad tidings, p.
«0(>, rad'iya, m. rejection, refutation; a doc-
trine directly opposing another. raddiya,i dlni mu- bL**j <«ir|( rasdyid, a. to solder, h.
salmdnl, '• Refutation of Mahomedanism." a.
\j raz, f. a vineyard; a battle; a castle, p. \3l**»j fnrnn risdjid or nisdnd, n. to be dis-
pleased, tobe angry, to be vexed, t.
\yjj '''^^^^^1 ^" epitliet of the Deity, the great {^^'***j T^nWT rasdnjan, m. a coUyrium
provider of daily bread, a.
prepared with s.the calx of brass or with the Ammonium
ij^\\ razzahi, f. an attribute of the Deity,
"providing daily bread, a. ^iijolw*. rasdindan, to send, to forward, p.
Jlhj rizal (properly rM«a/),mean,worthless. a. Jjl»*». T^TR^ rasdfval, m. a kind of dish
ijvjj rizal-pan,
'''i'^al-pan, \m,
\m. meanness, baseness, (rice and the juice of Bug^r-cane boiled together). «.
UJ\JJ ''izal-parta,} w orthlessness. a. h. (^j-^Im*. rnsd,t, f. access, entrance; wisdom,
quickness, apprehension, cleverness, skill, p.
aJhj rizala (properly riizala), worst, after the
best has been picked out, mean, vile. a.
(^^•*>*j TW^nr rasdynn, m. chemistry ; a modi-
cine composed of mercury, or other metals. «.
<JjJ '"'^^» ™* ^ood, wealth, a pension, allow-
ance, support, subsistence, daily bread, a.
ness ^^'nnT rasdyan, ni. slowness, niilil-
jt\) razm, m war, battle, combat, razm-gdh,
' f the field of battle, p.
i^}'***j T.flim'l rusdyani, m. a chemist. .«.
(wj T^ ra.'f, m. juice, humour, essence; ^Jujj. ras-bati, a poit-fiie (v. rasnut). s.
flavour, taste ; mercury or quicksilver ; a kind of grass
that overspreads fallow fields; (in rhetoric) expresses
tl^ passions which a composition describes or is cal- ^^^M,^xu»j T^^^vn^ ras-hhasman, \\\. calx or
culated to excite. These are stated to be nine, viz. oxide of mercury. *.
' . Sringar-ras. expressing love, or the intercourse be- t_ ■■ ^*-". ^TH"qxq ras-viisdin, m. a muruiti- of
tween and mutual feeling of lovers ; 2. Hdsya-ras, the
ludicrous style; i^. Karuiid-ras, the pathetic; 4. Bir- mercury formed by subliming in close vessels a mix-
ras, the heroic or epic, describing deeds of courage ture of sulphur, mercury, and common salt. s.
and martial prowess; 5. 7i<i«rf)-;ai, describing or ex-
citing rage or indignation ; 6. Bliaydnal-ras, the terri- », vast, free, secure, firm, steady, p.
ble, describing the fear and terrible apprehension of
the writer ; 7. Vihhatsa-ras, expressing aversion ; >*jriist, growth, increase; adj. courageous,
8. Shant-ras, expressing confidence and security ; hearty, bold. p.
9. Adbhut-ras, the marvellous, expressing astonish-
ment ; taste, of which are reckoned six, viz sweet,
sour, salt, bitter, acrid, a^trinirent. ras-gholna, to be-
lX«*j rasid, ra. road, a path (v. rw.s/a). p.
come friendly (Dakh.) ; perhaps it sliould be ris-
gholna, which would signify to dissolve one's wrath,
lAi^***j raatakhiz, m. the last day, the day
ras-nivritti, f. loss of taste, flavour, &c. s, of judgment or resurrection. rusta]c]^z, newly
sprung up. p.
\^j ras, (in oomp.) arriving, happening,
touching at. farydd-ras, one whom lamentation .lCl«*. rasta-fjdr, free, safe, liberated ; vir-
reaches, i.e. a protector, a preserver, p. tuous, generous, p.
i^j fCH ris, f anger, passion, vexation. $. ^^jlJi*«»j rasiagdn, f. salvation, liberation. 5.
^j ( 430 )
JL**; Tustdin, name of a celebrated warrior; (jw»*»j vasal, m. sending news, rvml, (pi. o^
* hence this term is applied to a hero in general : he rasid) prophets, messengers, angels. rasal rasu,il,
■was one of the twelve champions of Persia. His epistolary correspondence, a.
combat with Asfayidiydr is famous in the East : it
lasted two daj-s, and as the brazen body of his enemy (^**>) rusuti, a wen, an excrescence, d.
•was proof against his arrows, he at last killed him wkh
his mace. He was son of Zdl, who was son of Sam,
^j ?'a.sm, f. custom ; law; model, plan; a
sou of Narlmdn. He was general of KaUcdfis, and con- game among children, the laws of which are, that one
sidered bythe Persians descended from Mdmiln, sou puts a question to another, ■who is obliged to reply in
of Benjamin, son of Jacob. He overcame Afrdsiydb, words which do not contain either of the three letters
king of Turkistdn, who was joined by the Indians and re, sin, or mhn, which compose the word ra^m. If one
Tartars; nevertheless he fell into disgrace with his of these should be found in his answer, he is condemned,
master, principally on account of his rejecting the reli- as a penalty, to imitate the voice of any animal ■which
gion of Zoroaster, and it was upon this occasion he may be directed by the questioner, a.
killed KaHd,us's son Asfandiyar, above mentioned.
Ritstam himself is said to have been killed by the I.— ^-*». V^HQI rax-masa, wet with perfumed
•wound of an arrow in an engagement with Bahman essences or perspiration, s.
(or Artaxerxes Longinianus), son of Asfandiyar ; but
according to the Shdhndma, he was treacherously mur- lJL-v**j TinWRT rasmasana, n. to be wet
dered by his own bastard brother, p. with perfumed essences or perspiration, s.
i^^j rustuvn, f. valour, heroism; a<lj. of "J'
^w«»v-*) T^TJnft^T rasmasila, wet (little used)
"or resembling Rustam. p. (v. rasmasdnd). s.
j_jjL«*j rustanl, f. a vegetable, p. ^►**»j rasml, customary ; middling, second
^j^uuj rastan (r. rah), to escape, to be saved, p " sort ; usage, custom, a.

^Jk**». rustan (v. ru), to grow, to flourish, p. C^\xy*ij rasmiyat (pi. of ^ c-***>j), u^aires,
customs, &c. a.
isJujij rusta, m. a road, path, street, a row or [a ropedancer. a.
line of warehouses ; partic. saved, escaped, p.
i^'^j rasan, m. string, cord, rope, raaan-bdz,
&JkM4j 7-asta, m.a market-town; panic, grown, j^**ij T^^ rasiin, m. garlick s.
sprung up (vegetation), p.
li<*>j T?RT or T^PTT ramnd, f. the tongue, a
^tj»j rasad,i. slore of grain laid in for an army, woman's girdle, s.
&c., grain, provision, rasad-heslii, an increase of re-
venue, p. [creasing, p. llwi. ft^^HTT ris7id, n. to drop slowly, to be
^S*nj rasadi, progressively increasing or de- angry, to be vexed, h.

-C->UcWj "C^TVTIT ras-dhatu, m. quicksilver, s. \'xt*»j ^^«n rusnd, n. to be angry, displeased,

to have a misunderstanding with a friend, h.
\j*Mj TWU 7-tisra, m. rope, a cable, h. \yMj rnxira, disgrace, infamy ; adj. inf.imous,
s. ignominious, dishonoured, p.
7!'\)Lyj ^^^ ras-raj, m. quicksilver,
^jj***j V^(^ rasn, f. string, cord. h. ^^y*»j T^WJl^ raswad, exciting quarrels. 5.
.jJkju,**j^_^j T^ftn^ ras-sindur, m. a sort of j^\^**>. 4.4c||r| ras-wan, well-flavoured, taste-
artificial cinnabar, made with zinc, mercury, blue
vitriol, and nitre, fused together, and used as an escha- ful, applied to a composition, &c. .s.
rotic. s.
^A^t*». rtis7vd,l, f. ignominy, infamy, p,
cdi**jj ^ftlolf rasik, flavoured, tasteful; witty, 04**>i T^TT rasaut,^ {. (alsoras-wai), a kind
facetious ; m. a libertine, s.

^^K***j Tf^fnin^ raslha,i, f. cunningness, J^y^j T^'^I

ffom the root rasuth, J of collyrium,
of the Amonium anthorrhizum,extracted
Roxb. k.
"s^hrewdness, amourousness. s.
. »^ X»*>j Tl^ToR^T ras-kurpur or -kapur, m. J^».«>. T^fC^lf^ ras-wafi, tasteful, luscious, s.
corrosive white sublimate, or a muriate of mercury • ***». rusukhf in- 1 firmness, constancy,
similar to it, but perhaps milder; at least if we may
trust to the dose assigned by eastern physicians, as
stated in the Makhzanu-l-Adwiya, i e. from one and C^^ki^yjij rusukhiyat, f. J steadiness, steady
friendship, a,
three-quarters to three and a-half grains. To prepare
it, quicksilver is triturated with red bole (v. gerti),
marine salt, and a substance containing vitriolic acid. Jy>»j rasid, m. a messenger, an apostle ; the
The Bhdva Prakdsha orders alum ; the Mulchzaiiu-l- prophet Mul}amviad (pi. rasuldn). a.
Adwiya vitriol of zinc or copper ; but the Sukliabodha
directs sulphur ; and in the last case the mass is to Ay*»j rasull, f. mission, apostleship ; (in
be moistened with the juice of the bark of the Amrd "Dakh. same as rusull). a. d.
tree (Spondias mangifera). It is theu sublimed in close
earthen vessels, s.
*^**»j rusum (pi. of ^J)^ a fee, duties, taxes,
postage of letters, customs. rusSm-ddr, one who holds
\i^^>Mj XM^\ rasa-(jya,'L.ihe tongue,the palate.s, particular perquisites, rusumi chaudliari, fees and
perquisites of the headman of a village or of a trade.
6.iL^j T^ rasa-gya, acquainted with tastes, rusumi khazdna, fees charged at the public treasury on
or with the sentiments expressed in poetry ; a poet, an all receipts and payments, rusumi Miazdnchl, fees paid
alchymist, a physician, rasa-gya-td, f. poetical skill ; to the treasurer, riisumi h'tntivgo, a small fee to the
knowledge of flavours, alchymy. s. JcdnUngo levied on the revenue collections, a.
y^j ( -i-^l )
Ui^^^*rt, rusvmat (barbarous pi. of rnsum), ViZij T^T
girdle, i.
ruslind, f. the tongue, a woman's
customs. &c. a. C^*^- ''' |
C^»,tnj rishv'it, f. a bribe, rishivat hhir-
\lj^y*ij Tj^H rasont (\. rasaut), coUynuni, dan, to take a bribe, rishivat Mur, one who takes
om, bribes, rishivat khurJ, f. the taking of a bribe, rish-
i^^yMj X^%s.
r(iso,i, f. victuals; cook-ro
[of food. s. wat-dend, to bribe, rishwat-khdnd, to be bribed, lit.
kitchen, to swallow the bribe, a.

b/y*»j Wt^T raao^iya, ni. a cook, a dresser ij,y^j rishivatl, one who takes bribes, a.
V^-*, ixw^ri}!,ha, passionate, wrathful, s.
^^j. ^■q't rish'i, f. the wife of a rishi. s.
^j». jTfd rasi, humorous; impassioned, s.
,^jk^ ^^^ riKhhh, m. chief of the rishis. s.
"jt*. T^ rase, sofily, gently, h. iia^j rashid, sagacious, intelligent, wise ; ra.
a guide, a conductor, hdruna-r-rashld, the name of a
^j rmt rass'i, f. a string, a cord, a rope. s. celebrated Caliph of Baghdad, knowm to readers of the
Ixm*. lSwi\ rosiya, m. an epicure, one who Arabian Nights as Haruun al raschid. a,
enjoys life, a voluptuary', s,
(^jioloj rasas, m. tin, lead, rassds, a tinman,
I31ju*»j Tftl'JTfn rasij/and, n. to be moist, to be a worker in tin or lead. a.
juicy ; to commence ripening, to ooze. s.
loj razd or rizd,f. consent, acquiescence; per-
UIju*>j fTftrciRT ri:tiyand, n. to be vexed, to mission, leave, razd-patti, list of holydays, feasts, &c.,
be angry, to be provoked, s. in the course of the year, on which days public offices
are closed, razd-jo, one who seeks the gratification of
(^jLujj rasid, t. acKiiovvledgment of arrival, or another. razd-jo,i, the gratifying of another, razd-
receiving; a receipt, p. mand, acquiescing, consenting, permitting, willing.
raza-mandl, f. consent, acquiescence ; permission, a.
^Jii^*t»J rafidan, to arrive, to reach, p.
C^\*Oj razdjat, f. iicr. of sucking, a.
8JJLM*, rastda, arrived, at hand; used in comp.
as tnihnat-raslda.one to whom misfortune has arrived, p. ^jAL>^\tOsrazd%hhd,i,di.fosiev-hvoihev.a.h.
tuous, rakish. rasilci,
^)uu-*j T^ft^T «. juicy, luscious ; volup- ^Jf■\JOJ razd,i,
forter, a,p. f. a quilt, a headgear, a com-
•lijju**. IM'^ rasendra, m. quicksilver; the iJ^yOj rizrvdn, m. good pleasure ; paradise,
philosopher's stone, s. also the name of the porter of paradise, a.
wu*», r<R rasija, juicy ; m. blood, s. ^j,^yOj rizwdni, of or belonging to paradise, a.
(^j ^f«I or ftftl rishi, m. (also rikhi) a sage,
Ma- •,_ .^j ratb, moist, green, fresh, tender, ratbu-
saint There are several orders of rishis, as the
l-Usdn, fresh on people's tongues, i. e. frequently spoken
harshi, Devarshi, Rajarshi : the uncompounded name of with praise, a.
is especially applied to seven ancient sages, beginning
with Vashishtlia, and in astronomy to the seventh as-
terism of the Greater Bear. The rishi of a mantra or L-'^j rutabf m. (pi. ai-tab) ripe dates, a.
prayer in the Vedas is the sage by whom it was com- Ajfl-. ratal, m. a pound weight, consisting of
posed or recited, s. twelve ounces ; a cup of wine, a,
&L2j. rishta, m. a string, line ; series ; rela- C^i^j ratubat or rutubat, f. humidity, mois-
tionship, connection, kin. rishta-ddr, m. a relation, a ture; freshness (p\. rutuhdt). a.
kinsman, rishta-ddr'i, f. relationship, affinity. ;;.
bVs^ ridya (pi. of CaaS^^), subjects, tenants:
^^j T:5nT') rashtl, a bonus paid by the culti- it should properly be ra'dyd, hence the term Raya
" vator in considera of being allowed to reclaim applied to the Christian subjects of the Porte, a.
waste lauds. /(.
s. C^}S', ridyat, f. observation, respect, honour ;
«iLwi»j ^ rusht, angry, displeased, kindness, favour ; guarding, protecting, paying atten-
v^-^:':.3ei-^j ClHUS risht-pusht (for hrishta- tion ;remission, indulgence, ri'dyati Midtir-k., to pay
pushl), fat, corpulent, stout, s. regard
observe,to toanother's
take carefeelings,
of. a. to gratify, r i'dyat-k., to
cilLi»j ft?«F rishtak, m. the soap-berry plant
(Sapiiidus). s. ^>l^j ridyafi, ni. a favoured person, a pro-
" t^ge, a tenant to whom abatement of rent is made. a.
6^j rash,ha, dripping, drop, sweat, juice, a. c->S>, rah or ru'b, m. fear, terrifying, trem-
C>jLij rashad or rushd, m. rectitude, being in bling with fear. a.
the right way (spiritually), a.
i^j rad, m. thunder, fulraination. a.
i_i^ rashf, a drop ; sipping, a.
sJL^j ra'sha, m. the shaking palsy, a.
ijl^j rashk, m. malice, spite, envy, emula-
tion, jealousy, p. \JS-j ra^nd, moving gracefully ; beautiful,
lovely graceful, delicate, a.
^J^j rashlii, envious, spiteful, p.
4_^^lj^ ra'nd't, a. f graceful gait; beauty,
^.1. T;f53T rasJnni, in. a rtiy of light, s. loveliness, grace,
C 432 ) J,

OJ'aS^ ruunat, f. pride, haughtiness, a. ij nity,

raf'atf f. elevation, promotion, dig-
eminence, nobility, a.
(Jl>affj ralyat or ra^aiyat, f. a subject,
tenant ; (vulg. ryot.) ra'iyat-dzar, an oppressor. JJ.J, rifk, benevolence, kindness, courtesy r,
ra'iyat-parwar or ra'iyat-ndwdz, a cherisher of subjects.
a protector, ra'iyat-parwari, or -nawazi, protection, laij rufalio, (pi. of ^jJj), companions (more
cherishing of subjects, "ra'iyatwarifaisala, settlement especially in travelling), a,
of land rents made with the cultivators themselves,
without the intervention of any zemindar or landlord.
^j rnfu, m. darning, a darn, rqfu-chakhar,
commonly known as tberyotuary system." — Binning.?. mnking one's escape, stealing off. rafu chakkar mei*
a-jdna, to be lost in astonishment rafu-gar, m. a
ic*P'j ra'aiyatt, f. suhjectiun, teiiaiicy ; adj. darner, rdft-gari, f. the employment of darning,
" of or relating to a ra'iyat or tenaut. a. rafu-hond, to run away, to retire, a.
c-*P. raghh, m. ^strong desire, avidity ;
xySj rqfV, high, sublime, elevated, exalted.
iJl.*Affj raghhat, i.) wish, curiosity ; esteem, rafi'u-sh-shdn, a person of dignity, a nobleman of high
affection, pleasure, a. rank, rafi'u-l-kadar, of high estimation, a.

jfi'j raghm, m. looking down, shame, re- I— Q>^ rnfif, the Daurian lily (Ziilium dauri-
proach ;repugnance, abhorrence ; contempt, a. cuvi). a.

♦— ^j """^"ffi ^' shining, glittering; eating ^jJ) rajVi, m. a friend, ally, associate, com-
much ; kissing (a woman) with the tips of the lips : panion (especially in a journey), a.
sucking (the lips) when kissing ; sucking milk (a colt) ;
defending, preserving; favouring, serving; honour- "ij rakh, m. parchment, vellum, a.
ing ; swelling with moisture (herbage ; winking or
twinkling with the eye; moving tremulously; sewing L--»l5j 7-ikal> (pi. of auJ,), necks; slaves, a.
any garment in order to lengthen it. a,
^ 7v//a, m. mending (a garment), cementing i^jo'^j
wheel rahhas,^
of a watch, dancer,
a. a jumper; the balance-
broken friendship, quieting, pacifying, peace, tran-
quil ity, a. e'Jj riha (pi. of w^), notes, &c.; also a
species of handwriting, a.
cl*i\9. rafakat (vulg. rifakat), f. society,
companionship, friendship, a, wj. rahba, m. inclosure ; esplanade ; en-
virons, rakha-bandl, an account of all the lands, cuiti
t^j rafah, If. content, affluence, en- vated and otherwise, pertaining to a village, rakaha,
the neck ; a slave purchased with money, a.
Ll*AJt^j rafahiyat,) joyment of life, repose,
quiet, tranquillity, a. J. rikkat, f. thinness, minuteness, suo
tileness; affection ; pity, sympathy, tenderness; weep-
'tL*ij riift,coming
(in comp.) ing, a.
amad-raft, and going,going, motion, ruft-
ruft, sweeping, as
rub, a clean sweep ; a broom, p. i^ja), rah, m. a dance, a ball ; dancing, a.
Xiij raflar, f. gait, pace, walk. p. ambling, capering, skipping
{,jaij rahas, \i
about, dancing, a.
»^ 1-aft-guzasht or raft o guzasht,
past and gone. p. f^s^^^j rakasan,)
OU5,tion of epistles,
ruh'at (pi.
a. of *«^), notes; a collec-
iS^j '"'"ft^O'h ^' departure, p.
(Jii. raftan (r. rav), to depart, to go away, **J. ruk'a, m. a bit, a piece ; a note, epistle,
to depart this life. p. card. ruVa-wdr, paper fit for writing letters on. t.

{^X^j ruftan (r. ruh\ to sweep, to brush, p. Jjj raham, f. writing ; haiidvvntin<;, clmrac-
ter; a mode of arithmetical notation, chiefly taken
fh'*Sj raftam, fit to go, transient, p. from the initials of the Arabic words denoting the
numbers ; one character in the notation above de-
{^jj^Cl^j rvft 0 rub, clean sweeping; a scribed ;arithmetic ; manner, kind, method, sort ; a
broom, p.
royal edict, rakam-siwd.e, that which is in e.xcess of
a stipulated sum. rakam-k., to write, rakam-h., lo
ijjj rajta, gone, past, defunct, p. be written, a.
Wkij&Jki, rafta-rafta, going, in the act of go- ^fi, rakaml, written, committed or reduced
ing, by degrees, gradually, in process of time. p. "to writing, marked, a.
i^jaSj rifz or rafz, m. schism, heresy ; aban-
doning (particularly one's religion), a. y*a 7'aJ,u,
bleeding,a styptic,
a. any thing applied to stanch
tjoij rafzi, m. a heretic (v. raJizV). a.
i^^^j rukuh, m. expecting, watching, con-
xij raf, m. elevation, promotion, ascending; templating the stars, waiting, a.
finishing, completing, settling, deciding; repelling.
\^yij rukib, m. a rival, an enemy ; one who
raf daj'\
settling deciding,deciding
a dispute, settlmg,a finishing,
difference; raf i sharr,
getting rid watches, a guardian, a.
of a dispute ro/'-wama, a deed of compromise, raf-k.,
to remove, to decide a lawsuit. raf-h., to be .e ^jjj 7-alnli, sul>tile, minute, thin, fine. a.
moved, to be decided (a suit), a.
s^j raViDta, m. an epistle, note, letter, a

( 433 )
dt), rah, rage, indignation ; a row, a line ; \^j ^^ rilish^ m. a bear; a constellation. 5.
''for rag,) a vein, a nerve, p.
Liij t:^T raksha, f. 1 preservation, pro-
^% ^^ ruk, m. Stoppage, hindrance, rlk
(v. rig), one of the four Vedas. s. {^;^j ^^11 rahshan, m.J tection. rakshan,
adj. protecting, guarding. *. [kept. s.
L— >Oj rihah, f. a stirrup, rikah-dar, an atten-
dant wlien riding, a companion. rlkdbdawdl, a Cl^zSj TfW( rahshit, preserved protected,
stirrup leather, a. p.

L_-'o^ rihab, f. a dish, a plate, rikah-dar, i^j-J^j T^'^ rahshas, m. an evil spirit, s.
keeper of the dishes, p. i^dXLij T^off rahshak, m. a preserver, pro-
tector, s. [tected. s.
{J^j rikahi, f. a dish, a plate ; a kind of
ru/>? current inLakhnau. rikab't madiab, parasitiail. p. ^jl^xii. T^WI^ rakshyaman, preserved, pro-
Jo. rihaz, valuable fossils or mines, treasures iJL^jSj 7-ak'at, a genuflexion ; gesticulations,
buried in the earth. According to Gladwin, there are &c., performed when reading the hir,dn. a.
three legal terms which particularly belong to mines
and buried treasures, and which are employed for the jSj ^^ rtikma, m. the name of the brother-
use of distinction : ma'dati, the place in which the ore in-law of Krishna, and the son of Bhlshmaka. s.
or metal is naturally produced ; kanz, treasure, or the
property buried in the ground ; and rikdz, applied ^♦>, ^f<W»l^ ruhmini, f. the name of one of
equally to either — to ma'dan literally, and to kanz " Krishna's wives, and sister oi Rukma. s.
metaphorically. In all parts of Asia it is a common
practice to bury treasure : treasures are hidden in the fjij rukn, m. a pillar, a prop, aid, support;
ground on the commencement of a war or other trou- a grandee ; the feet of a verse (pi. arkdn). a.
bles, and it frequently happens that, the depositors
perishing, the treasure remains concealed, perhaps
for many years, till it be discovered by accident, and ijij '^oF'JT rukan, f. stopping, s.
at a time when no legal claimants are to be found, a.
^j ^^'TT rukna, n. to stop, rest, be inclosed ;
^Oj <««tiMi rukana, a. to cause to inclose, to hindered, prohibited, s.
surround, to stop, to hinder, s.
^yj n<AM^;, riding, mounted on ; perpetra-
jOj tj<*iq riihaw, ni. hindrance, prevention, s, tion (of a crime), rakub, any one mounted ; any
beast, &c. on which people ride, a,
C-Jjo^ ^«Ifn7 rukaivat, f. prevention, stop-
page, hindrance, delay, s.
fTj *'"^"'> bowing the head in humility and
y^j rahcLjiz (pi. ofjoj, q.v.), treasures, &c. a. reverence, as in prayer, or towards one of old age. a.

lH^ f^^rikta, empty, void, deprived of; m. b^S. ^^oR^^T rukwaiya, m. a preventer, s.
(also riktatd, f.) vanity, rikta-hasta, empty-handed, s.
OS. ToBTT rahat or T^ rakt or rakta, m. the ^j f^S^ T^ihi or rikhy m. a sage, a saint, s.
blood; adj. red. rakta-pd, f. a leech, rakta-pdt, m. l^ ^^ ruhha (for rukhd), plain, dry,
spilling of blood, rakta-chandan, m. red sandal-wood. stale (bread), s.
rakta-churn, m. red lead, rakta-dhdtu, m. red chalk
or red orpiment ; copper, rakta-lochan, red-eyed. 131^ T^TJTT rakhcmd, a. to give in charge,
rakta-may, bloody, consisting of blood, rakta-varn, of to cause to keep, put, place, rakhd-lend, a. to take in
red colour, rakta-hln, bloodless, s. charge, s.
J'jO. KikA^ raktdlu, m. a sort of yam (Dios- iJ^^^j '^^^ rukhd,!,, f. plainness, dryness
corea purpurea), s. (of bread, &c.) ; unkind looks, indifference, s.

j^^'^'i^j <-»\^<raktambar,
Idmbard, dressedwearing
m. any vagrant devotee in red.
red rak-
gar- Lii^Sj <<?!<*
protector, &c. rakhak
s. (for rakshak'), a keeper,
ments, s.
i^Y^j TW^ rakhan (for rakshan), m. keeping,
d^^i-loj T^^W rakta-pitt, m.l a painful charge, protection, preservation, s.

j_^.ul*^ I^fwt raht-fitfi, f. J and ilchy li^jj <lsfHI rakhnd, a. to keep, to put, to
place, to have, to hold, to possess, to lay, to set, to
" eruption supposed tofrom
bile ; hasmorrhages arise the
excess nose,
of blood and
rectum, station, to leave, to own, to stop, to save, to reserve.
and cuticle ; a plant used for the cure of this disease : raA-/i-c////orno, a. to place ; to keep; to have; to give in
in Dakh. it denotes the black or eating leprosy, s. charge, rakh-dend, a. to put down, to place; to keep,
to put by- rakh-lend, a. to take in charge, to take into
'^Jy'^^j T^«l^ rakt-korh, m. a kind of keeping or service, s.
leprosy in which the part affected is red. s.
jl^J^j. <<j(H^K rakhan-hdr, m. a watchman,
f^^j T^TT^ rakta-guhn,vi\. a disease, a hard a guard, h.
lump in the abdomen of the female after conception ;
a clot of blood, s.
U^^ ^^^TO rakliivdrd,^ m. a keeper, a
\^j>^j rakkas, an answer ; the north, d.
J^^4^ T^'^T^ rahhwdl, • guard ; a shep-
[J^j ^'^ ruhsh, harsh,
rugged, uneven, s.
unkind ; rough, hard, *^^^^j "U<<^1<31s. rukJiKdld,
or goatherd, herd, cowherd,

2 F

( 434 )

tj^^j TW^T^ rahhnali, f. keeping, giiard- UiJ.j6j JJT^'iWragediia, a. to pursue, to chase, i^.
"ing-, grazing cattle, tribute or fees paid to a chief for
protection of one's property ; " black mail." s. <jjfor''^^ridl, land that requires to be left fallow
a year or two in order to recover its vigour, h,
blj^ij <<sf<il^T rakhwana, a. to cause to keep.
rakhwd-lena, a. to take in charge, s. y>*^j <.c?irj( ralana, a. to mix, to pound to-
gether, h.
^JS^^J T^^ofT^ raAAwa,i, f. the price paid for o^ ^^T*TT ruldna, a. to make one cry or
keeping, &c. a. weep ; to vex, to displease, to afflict, s.

^_^j ft^^ rikhi,m. (for mAi),asage,asaint.s. UJj <Q)fii ralna, n. to be mixed, ground down.
rulna, to be rolled or planed, to be smoothened. h.
ic-4^ T^ ralihi, f. a tribute, or rather "black Mj raniy m. flight, elopement, ram-ihur, one
"mail," paid to a Sikh chief for protection; m. a pro- who takes to flight. ram-Jchurda, taken to flight.
tector, guardian ; grass which has been preserved for
cattle, cut down and dried, hay. s. ram rahnd, to elope, to remain concealed, ram-k., n.
to flee, to fly, to run away. p.
l>^ i;f^^T ralihrya, f. protection, keeping, s.
\iOj T?n ravia, f. a name of Lakshml, the wife
U^ T^XIT rakhaiya, m. a guardian, keeper, s. of Vishiiu, and goddess of prosperity, i.

<—^}j rahlb, a stirrup; a beast for riding upon, AjCj ravia, usury, increase, excess, a.
a companion in riding, p,
jl/C) rammaz, ni. a proposer of riddles, enig-
^Ajj rikebi, f. a dish, a plate, p. mas, &c. ; one who speaks mysteriously, a.
, u^ijS, rikhis, I _ I in. the chief of the jJU. rummal, m. a soothsayer, a fortune-teller,
prophet, conjuror, a.

arch-saint, s. L T.^^h^^ '^'" saints, an (JU, ruvial

chief, atowel,(forp. ru-mal), a pocket-handker-

^*^^ rahhel, ) jjUj rumman, the pomegranate, a.

." / ran assault, attack, d. OU. ^Jn«n raviana, a. to entice, to beguile, to
y-ii^j rakhela,j
take possession of. «.
Ujk^5j rakhelna, a. to assault, attack, d.
J^j rttmmam, resembling a pomegranate, a.
ciSjij rakih, fine, minute, subtile, thin. a.
CL*^y XjH'W nnnat, adj. pleasing, sporting, s.
cL/^ rag, f. a vein, a fibre. 7'ag utarna, n. to
be appeased ; to have a rupture, rag-dar, veined ; m. ^jf^j TW^Xl ramchera, in. a slave ; a name
cloth in which the threads are uneven, so tliat some frequently given to slaves, s.
appear like veins ; a wicked brat, rag-resha, m. every
vein, veins and fibres ; every thing, all. rag-zan, m. a J^^4^. TTfl^^
Tor the foot. h. rumjhol, a kind of ornament
surgeon, a bleeder, a phlebotomist. rag zanl, f. veni-
secton, phlebotomy, rag charknci, to be obstinate,
pettish, or proud, rag marnd, n. to lose virility, be- ^'i^imd^. XM^^V^ ramdu phattu, m. pi. the
come impotent, ragi gardan, pride, p. populace, the vulgar (comp. of two names peculiar to
tlie lowest ranks, as in English, Tom, Dick, and Harry,
Sx^^L/j ^JHc( rig-bed (v. rig-ved). s. or tag, rag, and bobtail). It.

Cl^.ij ragat (for rakat), the blood, d. I/Cj lamz, m. a wink, n(»d, sign; a riddle,
enigma, mj'sterious talking, ambiguous expression, a,
Pj TTf ragar, f. rubbing, attrition, h.
j^Lfli*, rctmnzcin, ni. the nanie of the ninth
1 Sj ^TTf rogara or ragra, m. quarrelling ; rub- Muliammadan month, during which those who profess
that religion are interdicted from eating, drinking,
bing, poishing; name of a coll^'rium. ragrii-jliagra,
m. quarrel, debate, discussion, h. and conjugal duty between tlie morning dawn and ap-
pearance of the stars at night : in short, this is their
livS. TTfiTT rugarna, n. to rub, to scour, to Lent. On the 27th of this month the l-ur,dn began to
fret, to e.Kcoriate, to grind, h. descend from heaven, and every prayer offered up on
that night (called lai/atii-l-ladr, q.v.) will be complied
with. Also prayers offered up on the 19th, 21st, and
^KL^^jrigistan(for regista?i),a sandy reg'ion.p. 23rd days of this month are supposed to be peculiarly
efficacious, a.
f^j ^»T rugna, bent, crooked, curbed ; dis-
eased, sick. «. [love with. «. j_^Ufl/o. ramazam, of or relating to the fast of
Vj^j <CT«n ragna, to be attached to, to be in ramazdn ; a name given to one born in that month,
called in Anglo-Indian, "Rum Johney." a.
Cy.i J ^Lfj '^J'MtiJ rig-ved, m. the first of the four /yoj ramak, m. the last breathy the departing
Vedas (v. ved or veda). s, soul or spirit, a,

^j TJl raghu, a sovereign of Oude, the great- (Uj rami, m. sand, ramal, geomancy, fore-
grandfather ofRdmd-chandra. raghu-bans (for raghu- telling byfigures, a.
vahsa), m. the race of Raghu; a poem by Kalldas. a.
i^ TJRJS raman, m. playing, sporting, dal-
i^j t?T^ ragedf f. pursuit, chase, h. liance, amorous sport, act of copulation, s.
( 435 )
'j"«) OfJTT rumna, a. to reap enjoyment, to (ji^^aij ranjidan, to be grieved or vexed, p.
copulate, s.
Stioiij ranjula, afflicted, vexed, ranjida-
'j^ TTnT ramtm, n. to turn; to roam, to go, Mu'ifir, afflicted in mind. p.
to range, to wander, h.
tiJj ri7}d, m. a reprobate, a drunkard, a de-
-loj T?m /•«??i?;a,1 ni.apark,a chase (for game), bauche , avagabond p. [brasure. *.
«>J^TfTl ravma, j a place to roam in. s. p. ^*^j V^ randa, m. a hole, a loophole, an em-
i6<j ^^raft ramm, also l.*1T[f)v ramaniya, plea- liiij randa, ] m. a plane (for smoothing
" ramaniyatd,
sant. agreeable; a beautifuls. or excellent woman. 8iiJi randa,} wood), p.
f. pleasantness,
&i\sij rindana, licentious, disorderly, p.
(.iUi*. T^TO^toR ramnik, pleasant, agreeable, s.
l3tV. ^^^ rundna, n. to be trod or trampled
&i>-«i TRTP? ramanya, m. sport, pleasure, dal- on. /(.
liance, s.
li^j randa, m. a hole, &c. (v. randa.) s.
jyOjrumuz {j^\. oijOj q.v.),'n'inks; enigmas. a.
jjfci^jj TtH randhra, m. a hole, a fissure, a
a-oj rama, a flock, a herd; a multitude, an chasm ; a fault, a defect, s.
army. p.
UiSiiJ. ^r(i rundhna or rundh-jand, n. to be
jjiiJL/c. rarriidan, to fly in terror, p. constrained, afflicted, surrounded, h. [tuals). s.
iSXfCj raniida, terrified, afflicted, alarmed, p. UfcJJ. ^T'TTT randhna, n. to be boiled (vic-
LdJjy*. T^T^ir ramyak, m. one of the minor ^jX>j rindl, f. trick, fraud, debauchery, p.
Dwipas, or divisions of the world, lying to the north
of Ilavrit. s. JO. ^;i3 rund, m. the trunk, the headless
^jb«j rarriim, carious, putrified, decayed, a. body. s.
33, T^ rand, m. the name of a tree, the
fjj ■^pSf .Wrt, m. borrowing, debt ; negative castor-oil plant, Palma Christi {Ricinus vulgaris), s.
quantity in algebra, rin-shodhan, m. discharge of a
debt, rin-grast, involved in debt, rin-mar, m. one \s>. X^ randa, f. a plant (^Salvinia cucuU
who does not. pay his debts, rin-mukti, f. or rin moksh,
m. discharge of a debt. ». lata) ; a widow, s.
bloj, T^IJTTT randapa,
(•n '^ '■'^'?> "!• battle, war. ran-bhumi, f. a
battle-field, ran-stamhh, m. a trophy, a pillar, ran- . jJjOj T^T""7ft randaparo, hood, p.
kdnil, desirous of battle, warlike, s. m. widow-
^^J33j TJ^^T^inT randapan, j
(^X.>'u.T?ErT^»TranaH^a?t, m.afield of battle, s. Ib^J^ij <,<!im^T randapana,} [or dress, s.
(_j*»bjjj <*i«JI^ ran-haSy m. the seraglio of a
raja, the female apartments, s. ^)U»ijs3. <4|if<l(^'l randsald, m. widows' weeds
l^Jl-Oj T552oS randak, m. a barren tree. s.
^.y>^J ' Tyr^yj ran-han, ra. a wilderness, s.
l^jjj T»>n ramhha, f. a courtesan, a harlot ; U.JOj T^'ST randu,a, m. a widower, s.
a plantain or banana, s. ^^j'JO. T?I2^ randl, f. a woman, a wench ; (in
Dakh.) a prostitute, randi-baz, a wencher, a whore,
j^ . ran), m. grief, affliction, anguish of mind, monger, randl-bdzi, f. whoredom, fornication, s.
offence, disgust, p.
b33. tft^^ randiyu, f. a widow, a woman, s,
CL'^j Tf^ff ranjit, moved, affected, s.
lY-^s rafijish, f. grief, affliction. ^;. jjj ra?«2; or?'?«i2:, m. rice. a.
iy*>s XJ^ rans, f. a ray, a sunbeam, s.
i^i^j ^^«K ranjak, what excites or affects ; <^iA3j t«ir ranA, m. a poor man, a miser ; adj.
what colours, &c. ; m. a colourist, a painter, a dyer ;
a stimulus, an inciter of affection, &c. ; biliary humour niggardly, avaricious, h.
en which vision depends; f priming-powder; the cLOj rang, m. colour; manner, method, hue,
touch-hole of a gun. ranjak uraita, a. to burn priming,
to flash in the pan. raujak pUand, a. to prime, ran- paint, rang titarnd, to become pale ; to be grieved,
jak-dan, m. priming-pan. s. rang ur-jdnd, to change colour, to be afraid, rang-dmez,
painted, gaudy ; variable, rang-dmezi, f. being varie-
gated, rang-ba-rang, of various hues or sorts, rang
^sSj T^»I ranjan, m. colouring, dyeing; af- bigarnd, changing the state or condition of any thing.
fecting, exciting passion ; red sandal or sapan wood ;
(in Dakh.) a large jar. s. [firm. p. ran^-6/ion^, spoiling of sport, rang-bhum, a. place of
amusement, theatre, palaestra, rang-charhnd, to be
elated with liquor, rang dekhnd, to look at or examine
.a^j ranjur or ranjwar, sick, afflicted, in- the state, condition, result, conclusion, or consequence
ijj^j ranjuri, f. sickness, grief, j). of any thing, rang-dhang, a brilliant or pleasing sight.
i.^ . rmija, sorrow, trouble, pain. p. rang rdtnd,
raliydn, to become'attaclieJ
merriment, to any
pleasure, mirth, one. society
pleasant rang-
of a lover, rang-rup, m. colour, form, appearance, rang-
iS'y^'.'^j ranjidatfi. f. affliction, p. rez, m. a dyer, one whose business is to dye. r««^«
436 )

rezl, f. dyeing, rangfak hojana, to grow pale (from fear,

astonishment), rang katna, to enjoj', to lead a life of jj ru, ni. face, surface; sake; cause, reason
pleasure, rang Ingana, to colour ; to excite a quarrel. ru-posh, hiding one's face, concealed, ru-dar, m. a
rang mama, to win (in gaming, an expression taken man of rank and dignity, ru-darl, f. rank, dignity;
from tlie game of chaiipur). rang-mahal or -mahall, an flattery, complaisance, ru-dend (Pers. ru-dddan), to
apartment dedicated to voluptuous enjoyment, p. occur, to appear or present itself, to happen, ru-se,
according to, by way of. ru-shinds, an acquaintance,
lLXo. T^ ranrf, m. dancing, actin<r, singing, one whose face is known, a cap acquaintance, rfi-
amusement, merriment, pleasure ; suit fat cards), rang- shindsl, f. intimac}-, acquaintance, ru-garddn, turning
bhuti, i. the day of full moon in the month Aswin, the away the face, deserting, abandoning, ru-gardan-k,,
night of which is devoted to Lakshmi, and spent in a. to turn away the face, to abandon ; to beat. p.
playing ancient chess, dancing, &c. rang-hhumi, f. a
field of battle ; a stage, a theatre, a place where dancing jj raWy (in comp.) going; as pesh-ran', pre-
is exhibited (also rang-ihdla, f.). s, ceding, going, or singing before another, raw-dena,
to copulate (used among women), p.
).l£j. rangara, a colourer, a dyer, d,
_5j ro,ing of(in
p. growing, as khud-ro, grow-
(JX.>.IC)j r«?«Y7a/-a«^, various,many-coloured,
of various kinds, p.
jj T^ raw or rava, m. a voice, sound. .5.
\J\jL>j ^^TJfT rangdna, a. to colour, to tinge, p.
jj Xf^ ravi, m. the sun. ravi-hdnt, in. the
cLjj^XJ. ^^t^? rangdwat, f. colour, colour- sun-stone, a sort of crystal, ravi-mdrg, m. the sun's
path, rdvi-mandal, m. the disc of the sun. s.
ing, p.h.
t_f 'IC). T^l^ rangd,i, f. the price paid for l_jj rawd, right, proper, accurate, rawd-ddr,
dyeing ; a certain space of time, during which a cloth an approver, chooser, consenter, one wlio judges or
is dyed. p. h. deems (a thingj right, raivd-ddshtan, to deem proper,
to allow or counteoance. p.
CLS^j rangat, f. colour, dye, tint. p.
i_5j T^ rawd, m. gold or silver filings ; a grain
^J<^j rangtard, m. a kind of orange (this or particle of sand, dust, gunpowder, &c. h.
name was given by Mulfammad Shah instead of sang-
taru, q, v.). p. [pleasure, s. u_>oij . rarvdtih (pi. of «_^1,, q-v.), neces-
saries of life, 8iC. h.

{^j^y^j X'^Vi rangras, m. delight, melody, tt'Jj '■«"■«/» f usage, custom, fasliion ; adj.
rcm-garhd, m. lines of intrench- customary',
of the country,current,
a. vendible, riwdju-l-mulk, custom

uXj. T^rfT rangnd, a. to colour, to dye. p. |1, . lavdrau, \ .

1 - -
r^j'*, raivuravi,) f'" go'ngj travelling, p.
^JA^3J X^^\ rang)vd,i, f. llie piice jiaid
for colouring (particularly for d^-eing). p.
(_^Uj J ^'3?TO ru.ds, f. inclination to weep. 5.
O^X-Jj T^^tn rangrcaiyd, m. a dyer. p.
\j*»\^tij TCt'3?T^ ro,dsd,, inclined to crj'i ve.xed,
tS-ij rangi, m. a dyer; f. chintz, the colour displeased, afflicted, s.
"of which will not stand washing ; a kind of cloth pe-
culiar to the city of Khairdbad. p. {^jai\^j rarvdjiz (pi. of {„jai\j), heretics, par-
ticu'aily Sh't.as. a.

^_^->J T^ rang'i, innpassioued, having pro- S^jj ni/idk, a portico, a gallery, a balcony, a.
"pensity or passion, s,
l^olO. rangit, a vulture having a white body i^^Jj ''^'"'^'^) ''^^) soul ; running, flowing ;
text ; reading, rawan-dsd, soul-refreshing, rawan-k.,
and yellow neck, commonly called "Pharaoh's a to set a-going; to despatch, to forward, to send; to
chicken." d. make current rawdn-h. (Pers. rawdn shudan) to de-
part, to set forth, p. [down. .v.
^^xCjj T'^'t^n rang'ild, gaudy, fine, showy,
airy, buxom ; m. a rake, a man of pleasure, yj. h.
r^^^jj <Ct^T ro,d/i, m. hair of the body, wool,
i^y^JLij rangln, coloured, gaudy, p. 131 *j. TCt^rfT rOjdnd, a. to make cry, to vex,
^jxLjtj ranglni, f. the state of being coloured, p. to displease, s. [I'lchos sinensis), h.

J^^cU ^*'I*^'^ rin-mdr, ra. one who does not {j^\\ T^TS rawd/is, m. a kind of bean (Do-
pay his debts, s. [raja. s.
3\jj rawdnagi, f. running, flowing ; pass-
ing, travelling, going, p.
L)^^^j ^'^"^'^ ranwds, m. the seraglio of a
8l-Jj3,TT!fT'!^^ ?'a«o<ia/t,m. prowess, valour, s. ijlj . raicdna, m. a pass, passport ; adj. des-
patched, departed, rawdna hand, n. to flow ; to be
(JJUJ ^^^"^ ran-van, m. a wilderness, s.
despatched, to be in motion, to go, to pass. p.
'"ii-'^ tf7 ranhat, ra. a wheel for raising j3^«j rawdrfi, f a course, proceeding, p.
water (same as rahat). h.
ij, , WWt rim, 1. , , , , , i_-IJj fl^T^ 7'0,a,2, f lamentation, s.
.=r--' •■ _ hndebtel; m. a debtor, 5. lOb^jj rirvdydt (pi. of lIoJjj^), histories,
narrations, a.
vjOj '^TOIIT riniya,)
V (

"3j ^^^''^yfft, f. a history, narrative, tale, ^jj mTTT rauta (v. ra,eta), pumpkins, &c. k.
fiction, fable, riwayati sahih, indubitable report ; a
title bestowed upon two different treatises on the stni- Z rof,\m.
Ojj TtTro/,1 m. thick bread; (met.) sweet-
nat or traditions of Muhammad, riwayati mash,liiir, cele- )fFered to Manumdn. s.
brated reports ; a work of considerable authority, a.
HJ ^^ I'otd,} meats of
<--->jM roh or rub, (in comp.) sweeping, p.
i^^^j^^^j ^'4l<s^'<j1 ruthd-rutlii,
"coolness, misunderstanding, s. f. mutual
8U ^j rohah, f. a fox. rohah-haz or rohah-washf
one who acts slily or deceitfully, rohdh-hazi, f. strata- Ij^j , ^Z«n 1-uthnd, II. to have a misunder-
gem, wile, trick, deceit, evasion, subterfuge ; spying ; standing with a friend, to be cool, to quarrel, s.
endeavouring to find out a secret; pumping a person
for that same purpose, p.
ij'^'^j WZ^ I'nt/mi, quarrelsome; f. the name
of a species of sensitive plant {Mimosa natans). s.
»iOjj ru-ha-rah, fit for business, adjusted, pre-
pared; reformed, returned from an erroneous course, jo.
lS^3J "^^ 'of^f ^' bread (in the general sense),
^j^jj ru-ha-ru, m. presence ; face to face, "any cake toasted on a gridiron, &c. without yeast:
before, p. our European loaf made with yeast is properly called
Jchaiuiri roll. s.
j»Jjj 7-u-ba-J{dr, ready for business, intent on ; _jj ^»T ruj, m. the name of an insect very
pi. ru-ha-kdrat, causes, S:c. brought to court, p. troublesome to birds, h.
{Jj^^j 7-w-fca-Aa/i,f.proceeding (of a cause)./?.
TJj ^^J> ('" Bengal) corrup. ofroz, a day. p.
ajjj rohak (for rohali), a fox, q.v. j)'
u-^jj ^^ ru}>, m. beauty ; shape, appear- Z^-^ 1^' ^ _ >-m. lamentation, k.
ance, face, picture, manner, mode, method ; silver, rup- yj=r^j Tt^T^ rojrd,]
ras, killed or calcined silver, rup-scigar, ocean of
beauty, rup-nidhan, receptacle or abode of beauty, s, I'ojh, m. the nil gd,o, or white-
footed Tt^
^=fjj antelope {Antilope picta). s.
u-Jj J roj), ni. the stalk of grass or corn when
growing, d. Ia>-jj ^*K,T rujhd, (an animal or bird more
particularly) much teased by the insect rSj, q. v. h.
bjj '^^ ruj)a, m. silver, s.
(.iU-«j t^-^ep rochak, a stomachic, something
Cl-Ojj "^fmi ropit, planted, raised, s. taken to excite appetite, s.
C*->-^jj *!.M»fW 7'up-jast, m. pewter, h. U».j . Tt^TTT rochand, m. a yellow pigment,
j^.-3j ^^ ropar, transplanted rice ; a rate in a supposed to be the concrete bile of the cow, used as a
lease for crops of rice raised by transplanting, h. medicine, a dye, and perfume, s.

db jj ^WSf! 7'opak, who or what plants, raises, ^jj W^ruchh, Stern; m. a violator, s.
&c. s. [raising, s.
_ .. 7-uIi, f. soul, spirit, ruhu-l-kuds, the holy
j^. »j Tt^TO ropan, m. the act of planting or spirit, the angel Gabriel, ruhu-l-ldh. the Spirit of God,
Jesus Christ, ruh cfzam, sulphuric acid (pi. arwdk). a.
^sb._jj ^xnn ropna, a. to transplant, s,
ruhanl, spiritual, a.
U^ . , TCt^»TT ropna, a. to defend, to obstruct, h.
tijJ rod or rud, m. a river ; the string of a
(jW._5 J ^^T^T»T ruproan, beautiful, handsome, s. musical instrument, p.

Li^?.J J ^^'^^ rupwati, a beautiful woman, s. 1(5. J 7-odd, m. a gut or sinew used as a bow-
b»i6(^»>jj ru-posh hona, n. to be concealed, string the
; branch of a creeper, p.
to hide one's face, to abscond, p. h. liljSjj 1-iiddd, m. account of circumstances,
narrative, rududi iajwlz or ru,edddi tujwlx, statement
i^^.jj ru-posht, f. hiding, absconding, p. of the investigation of a complaint or suit at law. p.
tl,*3y.jj ^'M<:(*fT ruptawant, well-shaped, ele- j6'.i-tijj
gant, beautiful, s. a river, rnd-khdna,
p. m. the bed or channel of

^■?.9 < ^Mj?c^T rupahla,\ silvered, made of

jiij. ^^^ raudro, fearful, terrific, wrathful;
m wrath, rage, heat, raudrald, f. fierceness, s.
WljJ ^"'^'^^ rupahnd,) silver, s.
iJ>3j '^'^ >^pi, beautiful, shapely ; (in comp.) ^jiij . "^"xiroddii, m.weeplng, crying, tears, s.
"'in form of, having the shape of. s.
Sii.j riida, a gut, an intestine, string of a bow
or of a musical instrument, p.
jjOjj ^'^•^:, ^■q^:, ''E'^^'T*., or ^qi|:, rupaya,
rupiya, rupiya, and rUpaiya, a rupi ; a well known coin
so called. The Calcutta sicca rupi is worth about two Jfcii.j TCtM rodht m. a bank, a shore, s.
shillings, and the silver of it better than English stan-
dard silver by 2^^. the ounce. By the regulations of
Government passed in May 1793, it should weigh j^fcii,. "([yfTj rodhcni, adj. impeding, obstruct-
ing ;m. an obstacle, the act of impeding, s.
179§ grains (troy weight), s.
, ?^ ror or '^ raur, f. noise, clamour, s.
(Ojj rurvat, friendly attention, kindliness ;
also gracefulness, beauty, splendour, d. Kj . rord, m. a blackguard, a profligate, d.
J^J ( 438 )
.... ;^T^ rmirav, formidable, terrific; m. one
{^j***jj roshan, bright, splendid, manifest, con-
of the divisions of hell. s. spicuous, roshan chatihi, f. a kind of serenade, with
pipes and small tabors, round the apartment of a great
man when he retires to rest : the same kind of music
,5j... t^^'^T rorohar (lit. with repeated used on other occasions, roshan-dan, m. a small bole
weeping), with difBculty, with labour and pain. s.
for admitting liglit. roshawdU, of an enlightened
mind. roshan-damSg]i, snuff. roi^an-m,e, of enlightened
\jm. iTTfT rord, ni. name of a caste of the/isAa^/'i understanding, rushan-zamir, enlightened (in mind).
or military class, h.
roslian-tab', of a bright genius, roshan 'alcl, of enlight-
ened mind, luminatroshan-k.,
or, p. to illumine, roshan-gar, an il-
U-. . T^ rora (or rora), m. a stone, a fragment
of stone or brick, bdt-^cd rofa, a stumbling-block (in
one's path), s. (^**i., Tt'^Tjr roshan, m.l
r. :. -^ ^ /-angry, passionate, a.
Jfcj-jj "^rurh, hard, stiff", rough, grim,cross. s. VJ-*>j}j Tj'R^ roshand, f.)
Jmj roz, m. a day. roz ba'-aish, a good day ^^jj roshand, light, splendour ; the name
(to you), roz-ba-roz, daily, constantly, roz-bih, for- Roxana. p.
of one of Alexander's queens, called by the Greeks
tunate days, happy times, prosperity, roz o shah, day
and night, always, constantly, rozi dad, day of retri-
bution, the last day. rozi shumar, day of reckoning. ,^^\x^jj roshnd,l, f. light, splendour; ink. p.
tozi maidan, day of battle ; (lit.) of the field, p.
iS^Jj roshnl, f. light, splendour, p,
*^l5-?J ^<^"^"^> daily, daily pay, a pension, the
c1a.Oj. 1-anzat or s^jj rauza, m. a garden, a
mausoleum, a shrine or tomb of a reputed saint, a.
J'^JJJ ^02;-^ar, m. service ; earning
world, time, age. rozgar-Tc., a. to serve ; to earn. p.
(^jj raughrin, m. grease, oil, boiled butter,
varnish, rauphani-balsdn, balsam, raugkani-talkh, m.
<-^J JjJ '''oz-gari, one who earns his daily
bread, roz-gare, for or during some time. p. oil of mustaroT^
ddgli, m. a vessel raug^an-josh, a kind in.
for boiling butter of dish, raugkan-
5w«t.j roz-marra, m. daily conversation, m. boiled butter. ra!/^an-/orojiA, m. an oil-merchant.
raugluin-kd-td, varnish, oil. p.
common discourse ; always, daily, p.
(.^Jj raxighani, greasy, oily ; buttery, p.
(jjjj rauzan, m. a hole, a window, p.
I s_jj ra,uf, forgiving, merciful, a.
»s^l3jj. roz-ndm.chaf'ym. a daily accouiit- <-dJjjj TteF roh, m. ready money, cash. s.
*Kil3jjj roz-nama, J book. p.
cdJji, ^Ctejrdrance, roA',
s. f. prevention, prohibition, hin-
5j.j roza, m. fast. Lent, roza-ddr, m. one
who fasts or keeps Lent. p.
<-^jj ^^ rvh, f. to boot, over and above, h.
ijjjj rozi, f. daily food or portion, rozi-dih,
one who bestows daily food. p.
dJy uiJtion,
jj Ct<*2*l^ roh-tok,
be-rok-tok, without let orchallenge,
hindrance. obstruc-
sjo :., rozina, m. daily pay. roztna-ddr, m.
one who receives daily wages, p.
]r3j '^^'^ rohar, f. "I ready money, cash;
(__j*jj. ^^ ros, m. anger, rage, ros-k., to be
angry, to be displeased, s. ^J Jj ^«Rf rohre, m.J prompt payment in
cash, rokar-bahl, a cash-book, s, [treasurer, t.
{_}**jj raws,f.(for ravisJhq.v.) an avenue,&c. p.
bj3,j ^oRfsTTT rokariyd, ra. a cash-keeper, a
.XkOjj ruspi, a courtesan, a harlot, p.
Ijuo.j rost a or rustdAm. a village; a peasant, ^ijj 'C'B^ rnhan, f. to boot (v. ruh). h.

^J^\^utJJ rostd,i, J a villager, p. f^i^y ^ofR ruhrm, f. an obstacle. ,<f.

li> . . ^oRfn roliud, a. to inolose, to surround, to
(_y«jji. ^^^ ro.sa/, 1 light soil of a good stop, to prevent, to detain, to interrupt, to prohibit. .$.
Aa«j, Tt^oS^ rosall, J quality. A.
•^j Tr«ff rohu, m. a preventer, s.
U-j.j tt^m ro.swa or ^^Pfn rumd, n. to be
angry, to be displeased, to have a misunderstanding ,A^j ■^^^ rukh, m. a tree, rukh charhd, m. a
with a friend, to quarrel, s. monkey (q. d. a climber of trees) ; adj. plain, unsea-
s'-ned (bread or food), s.

(jfc^jU**j j ^^^^"T ros-vdhan,angry , display-

ing wrath, s. ^^^j '^^ ruhhd, dry, plain ; rough, harsh,
unkind: simple, unseasoned, rukhd sukhd, plain,
blunt, harsh (words), s. [chisel, h.
(_^Jh ^^"^ ''"*'^' ^' scurf. S.
8lj>**»j. ru-stydh, black in the face ; (met.)
disgraced, unfortunate, criminal, p. (j^^J ^'^T^ rukhdn'i, f. a carpenter's
iilx«»jj, ru-siydhl, f. disgrace, criminality, p. ^J^\^^J^^^SJ\ruhhn,^, f. plainness, staleness,
roughness, dryness, unfriendliness, s

'^jj ravish, f. custom, fashion, institution, %^3) ^^^ ruhha.r, m. a kind of small tree ;
law, rule • an avenue, walk, passage, way. p. name of a class ofjogis or ascetics, h.
4.39 )

!.'6^?j K^?T ruhhra, m. a small tree. h. ^Jj ^^'^^'ona, m. (v. ratvd) gold-filings,&c. k,
{^•'■^^j ^^"T rulihan,io boot, over and above, h. ^Jf *^^'" ^'("^'^"ififit ni. a servant who attends
at the gate
articles that of
are the women'sh. apartments to purchase
i_c^3j ^^ ruhht, f. a squirrel, s.

v^V) TtT rog, m. sickness, disease, rog-hhu, ^Jj 'H"'!! rait //a, ni. bringing home a wife to
f. (the seat of disease) the body, rog-raj, m. (the king consummate a marriage, k. [plant, s.
of diseases) consumption, rog-shanli, I', cure or alle- ux)jj Ti^^ ruvipna, a. to plant, to trans-
viation of disease, rog-s/idnhtl; m. an alleviator of
sickness, a physician, rog-grasta, sick, diseased, rog-
•"^^jjj XiZ rout, f. trick, subterfuge, k.
lakshan, m. sj'mptom of disease, rog-liar or rog-huii,
curative; ni. a physician. 3.
(^-j^jj M7'fl'rort/^i,f.quarrelling,trickery.A.
Jyj tW roft, sick, ailinof ; lazy ; an L.o»j TTTTT rontnd, a. to deny. h.
^Ojj TtfJRT rogiya, invalid (fern, rogvii C5^"^JJ ^^ ronfi, f. trick, subterfuge, h.
\y^3j ^Wt^ rogil, and roglK). s.
^^^jj TrfTTT ronthjd, treacherous, h.
'^4_D tm\-^'[ rog'lla,] [alarm, h.
^j 1 ^q5T raula, m. noise, tunuxlt, sedition, f^^jj TT^ raundan, m. trampling, treading
under foot. s.

IJ^jj ^t^»n rolana, a. to cause to cry. s.

U^_jj Tn'^TfT ronndna, "la. (also rotidhna)
Ijjjj Tt^rfl rolna, a. to plane, to polish, to lii&jjj. ^■^TTT raund/md,) to trample, to
smooth, tread down, to ride over. h.
jisJcl khak rol-lena,
se letl thi tokhalJc,
motito rol.
: Saiidd says, A't
the earth of
which people picked out pearls, h.
Sui^jlj ran-(inda, a goer, a traveller, p.
<Jjj Ocjal foil, f. a mi.^ture of rice, turmeric, liiiiiOj. ^v»Ti riindhnd, a. to surround, to in-
"and alun% of which close (as with a hedge); to watch; n. to be restrained;
Oil tiie forehead of a they form h.the tilaJc (q. v.) marked
Hindu, to be confounded, astonished, s.

^j. rum, the Eastern Roman empire; the pre- (_jOOjj roudi, fraud, deceit ; villainy, d.
sent Turkish empire, Greece, Romelia, Asia iMinor. a.
/^jj rannali, f. beauty, elegance, splendour,
^<j T^ rom, m. down, small hair of the body. ornament, gaiety ; (met.) order, symmetry, raiaiak
lum-kup, m a pore of the skin, rom-hikdr, ra. horri- (ijzd hand, n. to be graced b}- the presence of any high
pilation (v.romanch). s. personage, as a king, &c. : it may also denote to grace
a place or person with a visit (as when a person of con-
JUjj rumal, m. a handkerchief, a towel, p. sequence honours a place with his presence), raunak-
ddr, possessed of splendour, beautiful, a.
jjlxjj runidli, m. a kind of pigeon ; a mode
"of ^>iC>j J <t'l<Jl rungtd, ni. the short hairs of the
theexercising the arms ; bya handkerchief
head ; a sodomite turning the mugdars over
worn about body, ritvgte khare hand, n. the standing of the hairs
the head, p, on end (from cold, fear, &c.). s.

-sfUjj <ImW romanch, m. horripilation, erec- i^JSL>jj

h. rongii, f. wrangling, trickery,
tion of the hair of the body, occasioned by extreme
delight, romdnchit, having the hair of the body erect;
delighted, enraptured, s. [the belly, s. cU^^Jjj ^^i junghat, f. dirt, filth. Ji.
jjjUjjj ■OhHc*! romawali, f. a line of hair on iOjjj ravanna, m. a pass, a permit, p.
CL*ifcj. Ttf^lT rohit, m. a species of fish {C'l-
ij^^j hMi^ rumtl, f. subterfuge, trick, wran- prinus rohita). s.

[j^^j <IH5l romas, ' >■ hairy, woolly, s.

t.ILJ6jj 'Tt^T rohat, f. weeping, crying, tears, h.
(j^y\ Tlf^ rohis, ^ m. a sort of grass; the

uiXojj ^H'«h raumak, "l m. a kind of (J^^jj

a deer M^'^ ranhish, anJ ass.rolri,
said to resemble *. a kind of fish ;
jj^/».. ^^lc^«li!J raum-lavan,} salt procured
from a salt lake near the town of Sambhar in the dis- uLXj&jj Ci^T rvhog, m. the name of a moun-
trict of Jainagar. s. tain, Adam's peak in Ceylon. «.
ij^jj 7umi, of or belonging to 7um (q. v.), a
" native of Eum or Turkey ; f. gum mastic, s. (J^Jj ^^^'^ /o/irtrt.m.name ofan ancient ra/'a. s.
j^fc«j ^f^JH ravhin, m. sandal wood. s.
^^j. T^t{ raivan, m.a lord, husband, lover, s.
d. L^^Jj ^^^'JI^ rohini, f, the name of the fourth
^jj run, down, fine wool. " mansion of the moon, figured by a wheeled carriage,
comprising Ahhbaran and four other stars in Taurus, s.
bj, ■^trfT ronci, n. to cry, to weep ; to be dis-
pleased, to be melancholy; adj. addicted to crying; &jLJ;jj6j . ^f^mTj rauhinei/o, m. an emerald, s.
m. lamentation, grief, ro-dend, n. to cry, to weep ; to
be displeased, to be filled with indignation, ronl sural, jibjj tt? 7-ohu, m. f. the name of a fish (Cy-
of a Sad countenance; f. a melancholy countenance. «. prinus denticulatus. Bach.), s.

^""^ij ( 440 )

(_j^. . 7^ T-M,?, f. cotton. rUft-dar, quilted ^jB>j rah-raw,

follower m. ap. traveller, a wayfarer ;
or sectary,
■with cotton, stuffed with cotton, h.

{J^jj ru,e (v, ru), face, surface, p. (jVjy&j rahrawdn, pi. followers, wanderers, p
(^-Sj ro,l, (in comp.) growing (v. ro). ^?. (_fj) J&J rahrawi, f. traversing the road. p.
b«. raviya,m. (for raviya,q.\.),custom,&c. p. y^J ^■^^''^^'■T^i ™* ^ ^^^^ ^ waggon, h.
*— ^.Jj '''oyat, f. shape, appearance ^ seeing ; i^^j rah-zan, f. a highwayman, a robber, p
aspect of the planets, a. [plant, p.
jij%; rahzanl, f. act of plundering, highway
lJ'^-^JJ '''^'^dayi, f. vegetation, growth of a ** robbery, p. [under foot. h.
(j-fc, T^^ rahas, m. trampling, treading
U'^-^JJ ^""'^^^^p. ^^ rOfidan, to grow, to vege-
tate (a plant),
(j-JSj T^ rahas, m. waggery, merriment ;
solitude, privacy ; copulation ; adj. secret, private,
U^-^Jj '"'^i^^y ^- brass, bell-metal. ro,m-tan, solitary (little used), s. [rejoice, s
a hero, an epithet of Isfandiydr, whose body was im-
penetrable toweapons, p.
^>*— ^ TF^nn rahasnd, n. to be pleased, to
U^'^Jj ^^ '''0,en, f. the hair on the arms, &c., «ju»fc. Tl^ rahasi/a, private, secret; m. a se-
bristle, pile, nap, down, ro.en hadalnd, n. to become cret, a mystery, s.
sleek and fat (a horse), to change his coat. s.
Ojj raviyUy m. custom, fashion, institution, {J^j T^^^ rahkal, "I m. a small cannon, a
law, rule, mode of procedure, p. ^Jv^ <^<*c4l rahkald,) swivel ; a cart. h.
^'•^3j ^^^1 rUjiha, m. a seller of cotton, h. jijXfcj rah-guzdr, m. a pass, a road ; a way-
farer, atraveller, p.
Ij rah, f. a road, path ; time or turn (i. e.
twice, three times, &c.). p. j'^^j 7'ah-guzar, an event, occurrence ; a
wayfarer, a traveller, p.
Ij&j raha, release,escape. raha-k., to release, p.
(jjjjXfcj rohfjuzayn, f. a passage, the highway;
fj^j rihan (pi. of i^j), pawns, pledges, a. m. a wayfarer, a traveller, p.
jlfe. T^T^ rahuw, m. stay, halt, delay, abode,
residence, continuance, h. UCfcj vdhgird, m. a traveller. rahfjird,i, f.
travelling, journeying, p.
^Jf\ib. raha,i, f. liberation, escape, relief, ac-
quittal, discharge, freedom, release, p. jAxjfcj rah-(Jir, m. a traveller, wayfarer, p.
^j ^^T rnhld, m. a kind of pulse {chaiid,
{j^^j <5i^H raha,is, "if. stay, delay, halt, Cicer arietinum). h. [wayman. p. h,
(jSoUij 'T^y^^raha,ish,) abode, residence, h. X^j T^TT^ rah-vidr, m. a robber, a high-
(jljjfcj rah-han, one who guards the way. p. f^j riJin or rahn, ra. a pledge, a pawn, any
(J^j ruhhan (pi. of l—a^^), monks, &c. a. thing given in security for a loan ; in the language of
the law, it means the detention of a thing, on account
j^^Uib. rah-ban'iyf. guardianship of the way. p. of a claim, which maj' be answered by means of that
thing, as in the case of debt, a,
Ai>j rah-har, m. a guide, a conductor, p.
(^j^j rah-hari, f. guidance, direction, shew- (^j T^ riihuv, f. manner, method, s.
ing the road. p.
Ufcj T?^ rohm, n. to stay, to stop, to re-
Lll>»fcj Tf^ rahit, destitute, deprived of, void main, to be, to exist, to last, to stand, to continue to
of. rahat, staying, remaining, s. live, to inhabit, to dwell, to escape, rahne-wald, an
inhabitant. 6-.
^bj T^fT rahie, in the presence of, during the »/cUi>. rah-?idma,m. a maj) or book of roads, p.
" existence of, notwithstanding, h.
cLoifcj Vt^ rahaht (v. rahat), a wheel, &c. h.
df^i^j T^rnTTK ruhte-jdte, before and be-
hindfin the presence or absence of. d. UJJ&j rah-numd, 1 onewhoshewstlie road,
ci-^ T^ rahat, f. a wheel for drawing water ^\^j rah-numd,e,j a guide, a conductor,
vith. " This wheel has a long string of pots, fast- a pilot, p.
ened together, laid over it, which pots continual!}'
(k'Sicend empty into the well or river and come up full.
Till' wheel itself is actei' upon by another horizontal ^JA^J rah-numd, I, f. guidance, pilotage, p.
whtul, which is turned by a bullock." — (Binning), h.
^y^j rah-namun
a conductor, p. , m. a guide, escort, pilot,
uj!. TFTT rahta, m. a spinning-wheel, h.
jl=- 5 . T^*n»n rah-jdna, n. to wait, to stay, ^jyJ^j rahnamunl, f. guidance, pilotage, p.
to delay, to desist, to give up. h.
jl^jj&j T^rl^K abiding;
rahanhdr, remainhig, [chased.
a dweller, h. *.
^^ J ^^"^'c^' h.rahchold, m. flattery, agreeable
\yb. T^5^ rahwd, m. a slave, one not pur-
( 441 )

y^. rohivar, m. ambling, smooth-going J.jk^ TWqJ rctal, 1 sandy, abounding in sand.
horse, a sound roadster, p.
'^^.j ^^T retaldj retal,
y-j f. sand, sandy
(^jJ\^j rahirds, a residence, also a resident, d. ground, s.

lJ^^^j T^WT^ rahrvdjl, f. house-rent. h. ^;jV , 7^rr»T ret an, m. semen virile, s.
^^^fc, rahun, any thing pawned, property yy'^_j ^H^l h.
retnd, a. to file, to [polisher,
polish, toh.
mortgag^ed. a. thrunib.

^.yfcj T^%^ rahnaiyd, m. an inhabitant, i*^Ii^. Ilpsn retu,d, m. a file-man, a filer, a

a dweller or occupant, h.
iOj TfTt re fa, m. semen virile, s.
^jjiiJjbj rahldan, to escape, to be liberated, j^-
^.j Xl(\ rcti, f. sandy ground on the shore
of a river ; a file. s.
(^^j X^ ra,i, f. a churning-stafF; bran. h.
(jj Z re, m.T^a vocative particle used by way bbo. Tf7nTT»TT retiyd?id, a. to file, to polish. A.
(C, T^ '/i, f. J of disrespect or admiration, ^IJ, ^7T^^ retlld, sandy, gritty, s.
such as holla ! sirrah ! bravo ! O ! s.
l^ , T^ZJ rithd, m. the name of a fruit, soap-
wort, soap-nut {Sapindus saponaria). s.
^jj rai, name of the capital of Persian 'l7'dk
(Parthia) : there is another city of the name in Khu-
rasan (Bactriana). p. b,^ , ljl^r<JHT rithiyd, f. a small rithd, q. v. s.
cfj ff^'^!/) giving water to drink, a. ^3^j T?t*!^ rijh, f. choice, approbation, love,
desire, wish ; pleasing, satisfying, rijh pachand, a. to
b J riyd, m. hypocrisy, dissimulation, subter- conceal one's gratification, rijh pachafi, m. a person
who conceals his inclination, s.
fuge, evasion, affectation, a.
Obj ri,dt (pi. of Wj), f. the lungs, a. U^j T;tflnTT 1'ijhnd, n. to be pleased, to be
gratified, to be delighted. 3.
i:Xr*'^j riydhln (pi. of ^btfj), odoriferous
herbs, a. [dominion, a. j^^^ai, rejhwdr, m. (v. rijhwd?') pleased, s.
<JlAM*b . riydsat, f. government, command, '^^j Tt5 rlchh, m. a bear (f. rlchhnV). s.
^j rih, f. wind, odoiir, exhalation, a.
4^bj riydzin the(pi.
word (both pi. of
and 'LtO^J),
sing.) is gardens.
a favouriteThisof
title ^lag. rihdn, m. an odoriferous plant, sweet
numerous books on various subjects ; such as rauzatu- basil, tukhmi ril^an, m. the seed of Ocymum pilosum.
s-safa, the garden of "purity," name of a universal raikdn, favour, support ; a blade of corn. a.
history, a.
CLi^Ki, riydzat, f. abstinence, austerity, a. ^j,btf. ri/idni, of or relating to, or smelling of
rtkdn; m. a species of Arabic handwriting so called, a.
^xjo\>, riydzatl, m. a devotee, an ascetic, a.
35. 7-Vn, windy, flatulent, a.
ijo\ij riydzi, m. mathematics, the abstract
"sciences, a. i?j raikh, loose, relaxed ; straddling wide
with the thighs ; having a prolapsus anij m. a pro-
^^b , raiydn, juicy, sappy, flourishing, a. lapsus ani. a.
t^-fb , riyd,i, m. a hypocrite, sophist, a. ^j 7-i.kh,m. thin excrement in diarrhoea. 7'lkh
c_-4i rail), m. doubt, suspicion, scandal; ne- nikalnd, a term of abuse, p. [ter. p.
; fortune, he raib o riya, without dissimu-
lation, guileless, undisguised, a. {^X^j rekhtan (r. rez), to pour out, to scat-
ij>>U> . rebds, name of a sour plant, sorrel, p. &jkiij rekhta. scattered ; m. the Hindustani
language is called rcMita, being a mixed dialect ; a
f^.\ TTfi reph, m. the letter r with the in- Hindustani ode ; mortar, plaster, p.
herent short vowel, s.
the leader^^^^ raidas,
of a Hindu sect, 111.
s, name of a J'aJar,
CJ^s tiT 1'et, f. sand ; filings, s.

C^j ^d^ r'lt or "^flirule,riti, f. custom, j>, "^X. r'lr, m. noise, clamour, outcry, s.
rite, habit, regulation, observance, s. usage,
CLo, XK ret or TJil reta, m. sperma genitale bby.
T:WTTtRT 7~irifidnd, n. to cry (as a
; to murmur ; a. to importune, to beg earnestly, s.
(viri aut mulieris), seed in general, s.
l%>. ^i^ iirh, f. the backbone, h.
cLO, ret (v. reiit), snivel, snot. d.
li? , TTTT retd, m. sand ; filings, s. i^y.j Tfi^^ 7nrhi, f. a young mango, h.

li^ , T^i!T rild, empty, void, deprived of. s. y>, rez, (in comp.) pouring, scattering, drop-
ping, shedding, &c. ; asashk-rez, shedding tears; hhrai-
rez, shedding blood, a murderer; durr-rez, scatter-
(_^^ljo, \inf retd,t, f. price paid for filing or ing pearls, rez-k., a. to begin to speak or talk (as
polishing, h. young birds), p.
C 44-2 ; y^

(^ IjJ ,r<?zaw,soattenng,pourine,ncprl in comp.p. ^j T^T relet, m. a flood ; a line or string oi

animals; ru^ljing, rusli, pash, shove, ^.ssauit. h.
i^_)i'^ , rezisli, f. a running at tlie nose; a iiin-
iiing, flowing in small quantities, pouring, scattering.^.
Ol?.,C^^..j ^^^^ rel-pvl, \ f. abundance,
, Jj^ , 7'ezgi, a scrap, a bit, piece; small coin bustle, J'^j
tli^^ h. T^^qT relchhel,} plenty; crowd,
"(as quarter-rupi pieces, &c.). N.B. I have ventured
to make an alteration here, for which I have to apolo-
gize ifwrong. In Hunter, reza and rezgi are said to
denote " lour-rupi pieces," which most assuredly ^'■^.j ^5R7 /•eZ«a,a.toshove,topush,torush,A.
would be no small coin. I believe the author meant " a ^jlees,
rhn, f. pus,
rheum, p. matter, humour, dregs, dross,
fourth, or quarter-rupi piece," or, which is the same
thing, a four-a^a piece : finally, I never heard of a
Jour-rnpt piece in my life. — (D. F.) p.
(jf*^.j I'^ini, purulent, full of pus or matter, j;.
i\>, reza, m. a scrap, piece, bit ; small coin
(as quarter-rupi pieces, &c.) ; a kind of cock; children
(^.j TT rain, f. night, from the end of twilighi
employed in mason-work, &:c., who receive half, one- till daybreak, s. [dust. s.
third, &c., of a man's pay, reza khalt, fine-striped,
thin-lined, jexa-reza, m. scraps, pieces; adj. in pieces, {^..j W 1'en or TJ!l renu, f. sand, powder,
broken, "reza and rexgl are, as far as 1 can learn, cioOj XZ rent, m. (v. rahat) snivel, snot; a
used to signify small coin of any description, equiva-
lent to our word ' change.' " — (Binning.) p. wheel for drawing water with. h.

,_^. rezl, f. mercv, clemency; (in comp.) lii^ tzi rent a, m. snot, snivel, h.
scattering, shedding, p.
'^"j ^^^ rinchh, m. a bear (same as rich), s.
^j^>^ ris, f. equality, h.
Ijkfc jJl) , T.'Hl^ rvulhna, a. to dress (victuals),
U^^j ^^ f'^Sf f- anjrer, wrath, vexation, s. to cook. s.

jj •♦— ^ resvian, f. string, cord, thread, rope. j). t_fki.jo , t^^^ renxVi, f. a small melon, h.
i^J^j resh, m. a wound, a sore, pus, matter; ioki, T? rendu, f. dust (same as renu). s.
(in comp.) wounding, &c., as dil-resh, wounding the
heart, p.
3>i.) , tl rend, f. 1 Palma Christi (Rici-
;ji^ rixh, f. beard, rish hanq,na, to shave.
rtsli-khajid, laughing, risible, ridiculous. rlsli-Maridi, ^fJkio, t^ rendu m. > mis vulgaris), rend'i
f. risibility; a laughing-stock, a proverbial saying when
a man does any thing unworthy of his beard. /;. jJ^ . Tf re«7', m. J Aa <eZ, ra. castor-oil. *.
till) , t«F re7ik, f. braying (as an ass), h.
(J.^/lii.^ rlsha,il, having a long beard, p.
f»^ I reskam, m. silk (v. ahresham). p. lji<i>, ■CoB'«TI renkna or^CoR'fTT rahikna, n. to
bray ( as an ass), h, [creep, to plod. *.
j^^.j reshmi, ^^silken,
silken, wo
woven or made of
>^*^, reshmina,} silk. p. UxLj.j t^'lT ringnd or ^TTPTF rehgna, n. to
^JL>, resha, m. fibre, stringiness of a mango. ik^.j tn''!^ rengni, f. name of a medicinal
resha-ddr, fibrous, p. [thing, a. ' herb (v. bhat-kataiyd). h. [a ford. p.
Oj rev, fraud, deceit, stratagem; (in Dakh.)
^Ix) , raian, the prime or best part of any
^_)J^^. righal, dry, thin, lean. p. \y , ^;^ rewa, f. the Nerhudda or Narmada
river, which rises in the mountain Amrkut in the
,^>-J, T^ reJth, If. a line, mark, streak ; province of Gondwana, and falls into the sea below
Baroach. s.
'^,^jXJ^\ rekha,) writing; fate, destiny, s. Oy. T^tT rervat, name of an ancient raja,
^l^5o . T^»T rehhan, land beyond the reach who was the father-in-law of Balarama, s.
of river water, lu

<L^, reg, f. sand, regi-rarvan, movable ^^f>^ T^^

sion of the moon,
f. the twenty-seventh man-
renat'i,consisting of f Piscium and thirty-
sand, quicksand. reg-mdhtS.a. scink {Lacerta scincus). p. one other stars, and figured by a tabor; the name of
Balarama' s wife, daughter of Rewat. s.
jCjl^ , regari, a furrow (properly reghari). s.
Jii. jyxt. regar, m. (v. legar) black soil, &c. A. jt'.y , T:^Tt rewri, f. a kind of sweetmeat.
rewri Ice pher men parnd, n. to be involved in difficul-
ties (this alludes to a game on the principle of geo-
ti)\jJ^-J regi-raivan or reg-raivan, moving metrical progression, wherein one party bets that lie
sand ; name of a famous sandhill to the north of Kabul will eat one of these sweet cakes no many times doubled,
(v. Sir Alex. Burnes's Cabool, p. 157). p. and is confounded at finding tlie same amount to a
yX>.\ reg-zar, a sandy region, p. quantity far beyond his e.xpL-ctation) : the same term
also applies to a similar game founded on arithmetical
(jlL»io , reginlan, m. the region of sand, a progression, such as the well-known feat of gatliering
sandy place, a strand, p. up'a hundred stones, &c. (placed at the distance of
one yard asunder) in the space of an hour. h.
\jj^.A Ti^rrrt reghari, f. a furrow, s. lijy , reivand or rewandi chinl, f. rhubarb. ;;
( 443 )

*Jj ri,a, m. the lungs. gatn-r-ri,a, m. an ijyj zari, mentation,

f. crying,
weeping, p. sighing, groaning, la-
inflammation in the lungs, the peripneumony. a.
^ , T^ reh, f. (mittl) fossil alkali, used for cAj zagh, m. a crow, zaghi-ahi, a coot. p.
washing and making soap. h.
ci/|j zag, m. (v. zaj) copperas, vitriol, p.
j^, J!^ rehar, barren (soil or land), h.
Jij zaJ, old, decrepit, grey-haired (mail or
woman) ; the name of the father oiRustam, and son of
Sj^-J ^^^^ *'^^.''"' ™' ^ ^^®^» * sledge, h. Sam, son of Narlvmn. He was so called because he
came into the world with white hair, and a red coun-
^X^ , T."^^ rehla, m. a vetch, h. tenance; the former like that of an old man, the latter
y^-J^O ^^I^^J'^^^u-pehu, f. abundance, h. of golden hue. p.
ir-{(>j X^ rehif f. fossil alkali, s. ^^^j zan (for az-ati), from that, therefore, p.
(j«JOj i-a,is, m. a prince, a chief, head, prin- i^y\j zan-ki
cipal, president, commander, captain, pilot ; citizen, a. asmuch as. p. (for az-an-Jd), because that, in-
slxJh zdn-gah (or -gaK), from that time. p.
ylj zdnu, m. the knee, the lap. pi-
^j,]t zdm, m. an adulterer, a whoremonger, a
fornicator, a. [tress, a.
J ? ra, the fifteenth letter of the Hindustani
alphabet. Its sound differs from that of re by being »-il; zdniya, f. a whore, a strumpet, an adul-
uttered with the tip of the tongue turned up towards
the roof of the mouth. It differs very little in sound Wjh zdwiyn, m. an angle (in geometry) ; ,a
from the letter da, with which it is often interchanged, corner, a retired place, &c. a.
and in the Devanagari alphabet the same character re-
presents both. In reckoning by abjnd it counts to 2U0, i^iiV zcihid, m. a monk, a hermit, a recluse ;
the same as le. It is very rarely used as the first letter adj. religious, devout, a.
of a word, there being, so far as we have been able to
discover, only one solitary vocable under this class, viz.: *3^JJ6^J zdhiddna, devoutly, like a zdhid. p.
Vjyj rora, m. a stone, a fragment of stone or (^^liJfclj zd/iidi, f continence, devotion, leading
brink (v. roj-a). s. the life of a zahid or recluse, p, [ble. a.

*:^\j za,\cha, m. horoscope, astronomical ta-

OO^j za,id, redundant, superfluous. za,idu-l-
wasf, beyond description, a.

\ze, called zd,e7)iu'jama or za,e manTiuta, the ^^^i^j zd,ldan, to bring forth young, p.
eleventh letter of the Arabic, the thirteenth Persian,
and sixteenth in the Hindustani alphabets: its sound y\j zd,ir, visiting, a visitor, one who visits
is that of the English 2. In reckoning hy(tbjad\t stands holy places, a. ['"£• "•
for seven. In almanacks it stands for Saturday, and
for the sign Scorpion. In Persian poetry it is used with Jj\j zdjil, deficient, failing, perishing, vanish-
the vowel i for az, 2/ baski for az baski, inasmuch as.
This letter does not occur in the Sanskrit alphabet : 8jJL)Jj zdyanda, one who brings forth, p.
hence, in Indian dialects of Sanskrit origin, such as the liU: zahad or zuhdd, civet (perfume so
Hindi and Bengali, it is generally changed into_;, as
roj for roz, a daj'. jin for zin, a saddle, a. p. h. called), p. a.
(^bj zahdn or zvhdn, f. the tongue ; language
\] zu, (in comp.) born, descended, as m'lv-za,
born of a noble, a mirza. p. [alum. a. dialect, speech. 2a6a«-n!i;ar, eloquent, voluble, zabdi.^
awari, eloquence, zabdn-barhdna, n. to chatter, to
— ]j zaj, ra. copperas, vitriol, zaji svfaid,xn. prattle,
charhnd, zaban-hand'i, a written
n. to be public deposition,
; a. to learn zabdnzabdn
by heart, par
(iU zad, m. increase ; food, provisions, zaili par land, a. to speak, to say. zabdn pakarnd, a. to pre-
rah or «S</t ra^ila, m. way charges, provisions, a. vent one from speaking, to criticize, zabdn paJatna,
a. to equivocate, to retract, to eat one's words, zabdn
t^*] sad, m. ^ born (a son, a child); used in chaldnt, to give abuse, zabdn ddbnd, a. to hold one's
tongue, zabdn ddbke kalind, to detract in whispers.
SiiU zada, m. /• comp. as admi-zad, a man, zabdn-ddn, a poet, zahdn dardz, abuse. zabdn-dardzU
k., a. to give abuse, zahun-dend, a. to promise zaban
(^li^ zaili, f J one born of the human race. ddlnd, a. to ask, to put a question, zubdn-zad hand, n.
pari-zml, born of a pari or fairy, a beautiful woman. to be public, zabdn kdtnd, to grieve, to lament ; to in-
shah-zdda, a prince, shah-zddi, a princess, p. terrupt one's speech, zabdn kann, to speak foolishly,
or inconsiderately, zabdn khobid, to let the tongue
jj4i^cor/««(for^o,ic/fl?<),to bring forth young.p. loose, to speak out. zabdn men parnd. n. to be blamed.
zabdn /mr/ia, a. to promise, zabdn hildnd, a. io speak. p.
jij zar, m. desire, wii^h ; a groan, lamentation ;
afflicted, sar-zar or zdr-nalt, great grief or lamenta- i.'Aj>: zahana,
candle), p. m. flame (particularly of a
tion, aar-o nizar, emaciated (through grief), p.
}j zar, (in comp.) implies place, multitude,
as gul-zdr, m. a garden of roses, p. ^bj
from zaldn'i,
the tongue traditional,
or statement verbal ; by p.word j
of (any one),

( 444 p. battery
(3Jj zubd, m. (from zabad, to churn) tlie ^~^yjiy zad o hob, m. beating, assault and
i^ij zuhda, best of any thing; cream, but-
8^ zada, struck, affected by; arrayed, drawn
creamznhdat,} ter.princes,
or essence of zuhdatu-n-no^nan,
u. the up; used in comp., as dahshat-zada, panic-?truck.
saff-zada, drawn up in a row. p.
ji\ zabar, above, superior; the vowel-point jj zar, m. gold, riches, wealth, money, zar-
fatha or short a. zabar-dast, vigorous, violent, oppres- parast, venal, selfish, zari ja'farl, gold of the purest
sive, zahar-ilasti, f. violence, oppression ; violently, kind, zar-kharld, purchased (as a slave), zar-khez, rich
forcibly. zahar.dastl-Tc., a. to oppress, to force, zabar-k., (a country), producing gold and silver. zar-dar,
a. to oppress, zabar hona, n. to have the upper hand. p. wealthy, zar-doz. embroidered, zar-dozi, f. embroi-
dery, zari suikh, m. gold ; pure gold of a red colour,
<^j>\ zaharjad, m. a kind of emerald, a gold coin ; i anie of a suit in cards (v. iaj). zari sufaid,
chrysolite, a topaz, a beryl, jasper, p. a. m. silver; a suit in cards, zar-gar, m. a goldsmith.
?ar-gari, f. the business of a goldsmith ; a kind of dia-
i^y>\ zabari, violence, oppression, p. lect. sar?-^?i/, the yellow stamina of a rose, zari nakd,
ready money, cash, zar-nigdr, gilt. p.
i^>Ji\ zaba7'm, upper, superior, p.
{j^j zi-bas (for az-bas), in abundance, plen- CL«-^V|J zuidtuslit, "1 Zoroaster, the founder
tifully, zi-baski, inasmuch as. p. i^on^\j\ znrddusht,}
fire-worshippers, p.
of the sect of Magi or
.yj zabur, f. the psalms of David, a.
i^^j zabun, bad, ill, unlucky, wicked; a dupe, Cl^\jj ziraat, f. agriculture, husbandry,
sown field, tillage, cultivation, a,
a capture, p.

^jyj zaburii, f. vileness, infirmity, &c. p. *^jJ ^"'Af'^ ^^ zurafa, the giraffe, a.
(— 5'j.J zar-bnf, brocade, cloth of gold. p.
i_>A_>J zab'ib, currants ; adj. sweet, a.
(3^J zarbdfl, brocaded, embroidered, p.
U'b J zapdta, noise of a bird's wing. d.
Jjj zatal ({or jat al), f. chattering, talking CL^SJj' zarbaft, m. brocade, cloth of gold.;;.
much and foolishly, quibbling, tattle, zatal Iidiihid, (_^fl^J zar-bafti, made of cloth of gold. ]).
to quibble, h.
^j\ zard, yellow, pale, livid, zard pllak, rn.
_Wj zujaj, m. a glass, a cup. a. the name of a bird(v. p7/aA-). znrd-rang, yellow; (met.)
baslifui. zard-tii,!, f. bashlulness. zard-gosh, hypo-
critical, nialignaut. p.
j>-\ z'tjr, m. threatening; an impediment;
opposition, violence, a.
^Ijijj zard-alu, m. an apricot, p.
j^J zich (Jorjich), m. teazing. h.
1— -J^iijJ znrd-c/iob,
(Curcuma longa). p. f. yellow wood, turmeric
Vj zacha (torjacha), a lying-in woman, d.
Jj>J zuhal, the planet Saturn, a. Cl^XJ zardusht (v.zaratusht), Zoroaster. ^j.
uiJiy,J zurdahy f. a carrot; adj. yellowish, j}.
^_-|^^--J zahmat, f. disquietude, pain, trouble,
injury, sickness, aflaictiou. a.
CL»**>j4i,J zar-dost, fond of gold, venal, p.
^J*»^j zakmati, one who is afflicted or ibjj zarda,
" troubled, a. saffron, p. m. a kind of puldrv, dressed with

J.J zahh (for zakhm), a sore, an ulcer, p. iji^jj zardi, f yellowness, palennss (from
fear or sorrow); the yolk of an tgg; the jaundice, p.
j-^-j zaMiWrnr, raging, overflowing, full and
swelling (the ocean), a, ^j^^•'OJ\ menzar-zdmini, security for money pay-
t, p.a.
^■s-j zakham (for zwAam), acold,a catarrh, d.
j^j zakhm., m. a wound, sore, scar, cut. cjj z(ir\ sowing, a sown field, seedtime, a.
znkhm-rasa, a deep wound, zakhm Ichana, n. to be /ijj zorh, m. turning the eyes; (in Pers.)
wounded, zakhmi kail, a mortal wound, p.
hypocrisy, fraud ; detraction, zark-barlc, shining,
&*5>-j zakhmu, the bow or plectrum of a mu- glittering, splendid clothes, gaud}- apparel, a.
sical instrument, p. Sj\ z<tr-(jiir, a goldsmith, jeweller, p.
fO^j zahhtnl, wounded ; killed by a wound. 7;. {^Sj\ zor-Qori, business of a goldsmith, p.
dj zad, beating, striking, smiting, p. ti'vj,: ziirumbdd, zedoary, a Chinese root. p.
&3, ; zarna ^ . • ./ 1
ji-jjj zadagi, percussion, a blow; \\>ea in
7 _ m. arsenic, orpiment (perhaps
~comp., as dahshat-zadagi, being panic-struck, p. , i, i zariii, )■ corrupted , from
ir--->'> ,. apcreviKuv).. p.
jj(5j zadan (r. za7i), to strike, to bt;ii ; lo
raise a noise, p.
Irak or zirih, f. iron armour made with
jj,i5j zada7ii, worthy of being leaten. p. rings, xirah-posli, a man clad in iron armour, p
( 445 ) L^J

ijjj zari, f. any thing woven with gold Jjj zalal, m. erring, blundering; stumbling;
falling ; deficiency, loss, a,
thread, zar'i-bdf, a manufacturer in gold threads,
zar'i-hafi, the trade of gold-lace working, p. ^j zalu, f. a leech, p.
^j\ zarihy f. a niiling or lattice-work sur- &Jj zalla, m. victuals carried home by the
rounding atemple or tomb. a. guests from an entertainment, p. a.

f^>.jj zaiTin, golden, zarrin-murgh^ m. the lisi^ ~^'/?Ma( generally pronounced zulaikha\
name of a bird ; (met.) the sun. p. the name of Potiphar's wife: the loves of Yfisuf(Jo-
seph) and Zulaikhd form the subject of several Per-
*JJ' .J zarina, golden, made of gold. p. sian poems, p.

(JIa^J zhht, deformed, ugly, inhuman, j»tcj zamdm, f. a rein, a bridle, a.

hideous, zisht-kho, of imseemly habits, of a wicked
disposition. «islU-ru, ugly, ill-favoured, zishtgo, aa
^J<AJ zamdn, 1m. time, an age; the world ;
obscene speaker, p. s^\aj zamana,) fortune; the heavens; tense.
zamdna-sds, a turncoat, zamdna-sdzt-k., to practise
i^J zishti, f. ugliness, deformity ; (met.) flattery or olisequiousness, to turn witli the tide, za-
"evil, wickedness, p. mdna muwafik, fortunate, h.

u^jUsj zu'af, m. sudden death (by poison), a. J^j ^<*'"^"''> TO" a vice, nippers, forceps, h.
i^^^j zOifaran-, f. saffron (hence Ital. ^ji«^ zumurrud, m. an emerald, p.
zafferano). a.
(j?.<^j^ zumurrudin, of the colour of an eme-
^^\JiS'\ za'farani, f. a yellow colour, a. rald, p. [titude, a.
^s-j za'm or zu'm, f. thinking, presuming, ijicj zumra, m. a troop, a group, crowd, mul-
speaking from belief; vanity, arrogance, a.
l»J«J zamzam, m. the name of a well at Mecca,
jjlpj zughdl, charcoal, live coal. p. called also Hagar's well. a.

jjjsj zaghan, f. a kite ; a black sparrow, p. S'^j^j zamzama, m. singing ; a concert, a.

<^JS-\ zaghand, f. sally, flight, levity, p. ^Il«*/«J zamistdn, m. winter ; wisdom, p.
( Jlij zifaf, m. leading the bride home to j^ll«-j«J zamistdm, wintry, winterly, p.
her husband's house, a.
^J-c' zaman, m. (v.zamdn) time, fortune,&c. p.
^yj zaMum, a kind of thorny tree ; an in-
fernal tree (mentioned in the Kur,dn), the fruit of
j>.j^ zamharir, m. cold, intense cold, zam-
karirl, intensely cold. a.
which is said to be the heads of devils whereof the
damned shall eat. a. j^SsMJ zanii-ddr (for zaniin-ddr, q.v.). ji.
i^\ zak or zik, f. injuring, deceiving, dis- ^«j zamrn, f. the earth, ground, soil ; a re-
appointing, zak xithand, n. to be ashamed, zdk dena, gion, country; the ground of a picture, zamm-bos
a. to put to shame, a. hond, n. to make a profound bow. xamlnpar se hitclih
para pdnd. to be overjoyed at finding unexpectedl}' the
cot zahat, f. alms, a portion of a Musal- object of one's wishes, zamin pakaym, to persevere
obstinately in any design, to insist, zamln men gar-
miin's property
laid down in thegiven in charity
Kur.dn. a. agreeably to the rules jdnd, to be greatly ashamed, p.

(♦oj ziiham., m. rheum, defluxion, a cold. a. j\jajk«j zamin-ddr, a landlord, a landholder

(in reality a revenue farmer, or what, in Ireland, is
called a middleman). As the term zamln-ddr differs
C->_5 oj zakdwat,f. probity, purity,ingenuitv.a. widely in its signification from our ideas of a land-
O^^X zakrcat or zakawdt, pi. alms. a. lord, it may be proper to add, on the authority of
Gladwin, that under the Moghal government the term
was applied to a person who held a tract of land im-
iyj (pronounced) zakdt, alms (v. zakdf). a. mediately ofgovernment, on condition of paying the
rent of it. He was first in rank among the land-
ij zahi, pure, pious ; continent ; m. one holders. Ifa zamlnddr was unable to pay up the
who regularly pays the zakdt, q. v. a. amount of his engagements with government at the
end of the year, such a part of his zamhiddrl was sold
J:^ zaldzil (pi. of &h5j), earthquakes, com- as would discharge the balance. If he was dispos
; misfortunes, afflictions, a. sessed of the management of his zamhiddrl, he was
nevertheless exclusively responsible for all debts in-
curred byhim during his possession, unless a mortgage
J*!;)) zuldl, adj. pure, limpid, wholesome; m.
water which is pure, &c. a. was given on the zamhiddrl, or the money borrowed
applied to the payment of the revenue. Zumhiddrs,
^j'j ^<^^~'^^") n^' ^" earthquake, a. by the nature of their tenures, had no longer a right
to their lands than whilst they paid their revenues ;
(_a5j zulf, f. a curling lock, a ringlet, whis- and in case of failure, the sale of their land was a more
ker, zulfi pareshdn, dishevelled locks, zuiji tubdur, just and useful recompense to government than sub-
jecting them to corporeal punishment. Should they,
curling locks, zidfidardz, \onf!;\ocks. zulfi'amharln, however, at any time have been prevented fulfilling
perfumed (with ambergris) locks, p.
their engagements by unavoidable accidents rather
ij^j zulfi, f. a svvoid-knot ; the chain by than by their own mismanagement, equity would point
out what indulgence
account, p. they might be entitled to on that
which a door is fastened, p.
( 446 ) jjj

ej\.\dj>^j zamtn-darana, the allowance to a ^^^>^\ zhidan, m. a prison, a jail or gaol. p.

zamlndar when set aside, p.
j^^tJJj zindani, a prisoner, captive, p.
(i.ljju^j zamtn-darni, the wife of a zamlndar. eSi^^j zandaka, impiety, heresy, atheism, a.
^j}s'x^j zamin-dart, f. the office of a zaniin- f^Ssij zindagarii, f. life, living, existence, p.
" ddr; the sland
cribed, p. or estates held by him as above de- t^i^j zindagi, f. life, living, p.
j^A/o! zammi, of or relating to the earth, p. 8(^ zinda, alive, living, zinda-dil, alive at
heart, cheerful, zinda-k., to bring to life. p.
^\ zan, f. a woman, a wife, zan-k. or -lena,
to marry, zan-murid, hen-pecked, zan, from zadan,
in comp. denotes smiting, striking ; as rah-zan, a high-
^J^.'^j zandik or zindlh, an infidel, a fire-
worshipper, an atheist, one of a bad religion, a.
wayman, p.
tib; zanakA „ ,. ,
Uja zina, f. adultery, fornication, zina-zada, ^.^ >f. a little woman, p.
bastard. zina-Tcdr, m. an adulterer, a fornicator. «Soj zanka, J
zinakari, f. adultery, fornication, harlotry, a.
cL^J zang, m. rust ; the country of Zan-
^Oj zanabir (pi. ofj^JOj), hornets, bees. a. guebar, in Africa, zang lagnd, n. to become rusty, p.
Jjo'jj letszanabil
, a, (pi. of J^xij), baskets, wal- jlC>J zangar, m. verdigris, rust. p.

Ii-I3j zanaMa, a serpent ; also explained as ^ jijLCJ: zanga-zorl, f. strife, quarrelling, d.

band i Tcafan, the fastening of a winding-sheet, d. li^lCjj zang-alud, rusty, covered with rust. p.
jlij zunnar or zanar, f. a belt, the Brah- 4j5jlO: zangari, rusty, covered with verdi-
manical thread, a Hindu rosary(from Gr.^wi'apioj') g.a. gris, p.
jijjlJJ zanar-dar, a Brahman, one who wears e^^Ljj zangula, m. a bell, cymbal, p.
the thread, p. • iX-^\ zangi, m. an Ethiop, negro, p.
^^\ zanan (pi. o^zan), wives, women ; part.
(of zadan, in comp.) striking, p.
jl^J zi7ihar (v. z'lnhar), care, caution, &c. p.
*3l3j zanana, female, feminine, effi^minate, 8^\ zavya or zanyat, fornication, ibnu-z-
womanly ; m. female apartments, a seraglio, h. zanyati, a bastard, a.
jjljj zanani, of or relating to women, female, .:>-^jJ zarvajir (pi. of »^k), prohibition, for-
effeminate, p. bidden law.
things, zawdjiri shar'i, things prohibited by
the divine p.
"ixij zavibah, a flower, the jasmine, lily, iris.a.
jijj zawwur, a visitor, a pilgrim, a.
.^jjj zambu?', m. a hornet, a bee. a,
J^jJ zarcal, m. decline, misery, wretchedness.
ui3j^jjj zamburak, f. a small gun. p. zawdl-pizir, transitory, fading, a.
ij^j zambura, m. a hornet, large bee; the ^j\jj zoivcacl (pi. of *Jj\j), corners, angles.a.
point of a musical stringed instrument called in Hindi
keyigri; a small gun. zambur-chi, a insileer. a. .JfcljJ zanahir (pi. of ij^^j), flowers, orna-
ments, a.
^y■y*'>] zamb'd, f. a basket ; a purse, a wallet, p. I
^^^j zanjabil, f. dry ginger, a. bLj zarvayd (pi. of &^j|j), angles, corners, a.
1 a^j zinjif, f. fringe, border, edging, &c. p. OO^jJ zarva,id (pi. of ISi^^), additions, aufj-
mentations. a. [a husband, a.
^^^\ zan-jalab, a cuckold ; also a man who
is a pimp or pander to his own wife. p. -J..J saw;", m. couple, a pair, alike, a spouse,
^J^\ zan-jalabi, cuckoldom, &c. p. &:>-,: 2rflZ{;a or i«>jj zavjat, f. a wife. «.
^c^\ zanji, of or relating to Za7}j or Zangue- tS.j ^wcZ, quick, swift, soon, suddenly, zud-tar,
more speedily, very soon, zud-tarin, with all speed, p,
" into
bar, aArabia
countryandin Persia,
Africa from
a. which they import slaves
j.l sor, m. force, strength, power, vigour;
violence, effort, weight. zM-dzma, a tried athlete.
j<^'.zanjiy,^. a chain, fetters, zanjlr-zamini, zor-dwar, powerful, strong, zor-dend, a. to aid, to sup-
chain security, a number of persons binding them-
selves severally and jointly as security, p. port, to assist. zor-Jc, a. to compel; to exercise, zor-
mdrnd, a. to endeavour, p.
{_$j^\ zavjirt, one bound in chains ; (espe- falsehood, adulteration ;
lie, azaur,
a idol,
cially) one who is mad or insane, p. .jja false ni. an
zur,deity, m. going on a pilgrimage, a,

^^^.J^j zanjiriyan, pi. mad people, maniacs,

those in chains, p. lJjjJ ?■«»■*, f- a lie ; m. a liar. a.
^j zunaM, \m. the chin, the pit in iJjjJ ^^^'''^l^' ^ small ship, a skiif. a.
. \^jd\ za?iajihdan,) the chin. p. j^i^jj
dl, strength, p. , robust, powerful, zor'tnarim
447 )

t_^«t zori, f. force, strength (in comp.). ;;. d->j zaid, m. increasing, adding, augmenta-
tion ; a fictitious name employed in e.\oniplifyiii<; the
(J J.J zauzan or zuznn, name of an anciciii rules of Ai'abic {grammar, or cases in law, like our
citv in Kiiuzhtan. p. j once well known personages, John Nokes audTiioinas
Stiles, recently defunct, a.
&ijj ^^ff/rt (from I'tro-wTTo?), hyssop, a. (7.
j>j zcr, under, below ; the vowel-point called
^jjj zun, a fop, a beau ; adj. base. d. by the Arabians kasra. corresponding to i, in fit. zer-
(iiiddz. ni. the elotli, or carpet, which is spread under a
SJ zili, f, a bowstring; offspring, cliildbiith. India, zcr-hdr hond, to be iiulel)te<l, to undergo a
</rtrrfj s(7(, the pangs of childbirth ; interj. good! excel- great expense, zer hand, a niartingal. zer-dust, m. a
lent ! p. subject, a vassal; adj. powerless, under coi/imand.
zer-k., a. to overpower, to subdue, p.
3'j6j ztihhad (pi. of tiJfc^), religious men. a.
jlitj zihar, ni. a bladder ; the lower part of t lie j>J zlr, f. a fine soft sound, the smallest string
of a lute, &c., the treble, p.
belly ; mons veneris. mu,e zihar, m. pubes, pecten. p.
JJ^J ziilid, m. continence, devotion, abstineiici^. \j>j zlrd,
miiinm). s.
m. cummin-seed (^Cuminum cy-
zulid-kesh, devout, a. p.

jj^J>J&j zih-dan, m. the womb, matrix, j). y>,j zlr a, 1 because, because that, since,
6-^\j>\ zirahi,] on account of. p.
J \ zahr or zahar, m. poison, znhr-alud,
poisoned, zahr-dar, poisonous, zahri Mill or zahri dish. p.
lialdlial, va. deadly poison, zahar khand Jcisl par, to {^.j^j>.\ Z6r bii-ydn, m. name of a kind of
imitate an act unsuitable to one's state or condition,
to ape the condition of one's superiors, p. ^j^.j Z2r-bam, a pair of small kettle-drums, d.
ijibj zahra, m. bile, gall-bladder ; spirit, jfX«jr?J 2e?'-?awj?*i,a chamber uiidergi'ound.y;.
boldness, pluck, zahra ah hona, n. to be much dis-
tressed, tobe terrified, p. '-^j>j zlrak, ingenious, intelligent, sagacious,
penetrating, acute, p.
ijit>\ zuhra, f. the phi net Venus, a.
t_jy&j zahri, venomous, poisonous, j). ^yJ^.j zh'iiki, f. acuteness, intelligence, p.
^\ zihi, zahe, or zaJn, bravo ! well done ! ^J^Z*/«j>\ zer maslih, m. one or two pieces of
leather or pasteboard joined together, and commonly
admirable ! there ! lo ! behold ! p. painted or ornamented, placed on the knee -vvhen
writing, the paper being laid upon this support, p. a.
Jf<J^j zahir, reduced (by sickness), thin ; sad,
melancholy, low-spirited, a. [ i^^r^jt.j zirangi, f. the cantharides beetle, or
lib; ziyad, Spanish fly. d.
augmentation, surplus, ad-
1>j>\ zlra, m. (v. zira) cummin, s.
Otjbj ziyadot, dition ; adj. great, exces-
j_^tibj ziyadati, sive ; more, too much. {^j>.\ zerin, inferior, lower, lowermost, j)'
»iibj zlyada, ziyada-k., a. to augment. l1*.m..>j zist, f. life, living, existence, pi-
to increase , (met.) to take away whatever is on the («_flJ>J zaif, light or dipt money, current, but
dinner-table, ziydda-go, an intolerable babbler, a. not receivable at the public treasuries, a.

Ojbj ziyarat, f. pilgrimage, visiting, ziya-

raf-gah, a place to which pilgrimage is made. a. (jjw^J z'lstan (r. zV), to live, to exist, j).
^y>\ zil (v. zh"), the treble in music, p.
(jO.j ziyaji, m. loss, damage, deficiency, p. ^y>\ zail, removing, leaving off. a.
c-*Jj zeb, ornament, elegance, beauty, zeb
dead, to suit, to become ; (in comp.) adorning, as
^J^j Z171, m. a saddle, zin bandhnd, a. to
saddle, zln-posh, m. a cloth fastened over the saddle,
ajo-aw^ff-sei, throne-adorning, the name of a celebrated housing, zin-gar, ra. a saddler, p.
Great Mogul, p.

boj zeba, adorned, beautiful, p. f^j zain, ornament, honour, a.

t/^ljjj zebcLtl, f. beauty, gracefulness, p. (._>kjoj

wives, zainab,
a. name of one of BlttlKninnad's
(jtolx) t zebdfiah, f. ornament, elegance, ^j. CLki^\ zinat, f. ornament, beauty, elegancy
dress, decoration, a.
^jL?.j z'lbak, m. quicksilver, a.
»iiJu^ J zebanda, adorning, decorating, p. aJJ>J zma, m. a ladder, stairs, steps, p.
^^liJuJj zebidmiy to adorn, to decorate, p. jl^J zin/idr, m. care, caution, protection,
defence, ! patronage ; interj. take care ! beware '. on no
jj^ : zaiiun, m. an olive-tree. a. account p.

^ J ztj, m. astronomical tables, of which there j^\ zewar, m. jewels, ornaments (of gold^
are several in the Persian language ; a rnason's rule, a. silver, S:c.) ; (pi. zewardt). p.
( 448 ) <JL>\jj>

Jj^U«» sabih, former, preceding, formerly, of

yore, time past, sabiku-l-an'dm, former bounties.
sabiJcan, as formerly, agreeably to former practices, a.
sJU\jjt sabika, preceding, past, ancient; m
former friendship, previous intimacy, a.
J zhe, called zae fdrst or 'ajamt, the four-
teenth letter of the Persian alphabet, and seventeenth 0^^ ^TR^ sabal, m. an iron crow or lever, h.
Hindustani, has no corresponding character in the
Arabic or Sanskrit alphabets : its sound is that of « in ^^.U*» sahun, \ _
the English word pleasure, or of z in azure, or of the , _, >-m. (v. sabtm) soap. a.
French j in jour ; it is sometimes changed into j, as
pajmurda for pazhmurda. p. ^^^u*» sabun,}
lL>^\m M\Hty sahut, whole, entire, s.
j\j zhazh, m. idle, trifling or indecent speech ;
a kind of thistle, zhazh-kha.e, a trifler, one who speaks jkj^\j*» sabun-gar,
manufacturer, p. m. a soap-boiler or soap-
obscenely, p.

6j\j zhala, in. dew, hoar-frost, hail. p. w>U» ^TT sap, m. imprecation, curse, s.
SJOj zhinda, m. a patched garment, p. J^l^^J)\**t^^^'^JJX>isaparadh, faulty, offending.a.
Su^Jjj zholida, intricate, entangled. zhoUda- ^^\*M^^\^^.sapan, m. the name of a disorder
mu, entangled hair. p. in which the hair gradually falls off. h.

jjbj zhiyan, formidable, rapacious, terrible. i^\*n ^fT^T sapin, f. a female snake, s.
slieri zhiyan, a fierce lion, a ferocious tiger, p.
L)Im» ''Mm*fl sapna, a. to curse. «.
iol^U** uiifitfEl sapihalya, m. productiveness,
fruitful ness. *.

C^\**» ^TTiT sat, seven, sath panch-k., to be in

doubt, to be unable to decide what to do. sat samun-
(j*» sin, usually named slni muhmala or dar, the name of a game. s.

shil ghair manTcuta, the twelfth letter in the Arabic,
the fifteentli in the Persian, and eighteenth in the
^^fcjjUU** ^fTTin^t^ satarolian, m. a dog who
associates with (six) wolves, s,
Hindustani alphabets : its sound is that of the En-
glish s, or of the Sanskrit sa : in reckoning by ahjad (_j>l^jol**> sat-hha,i, (lit. the seven brothers)
its value is sixty : in almanacks it represents the
sun, and a sextile aspect of the planets. It is also a species of thrush so called from the birds being gre-
used as an abbreviation for the word saldm, saluta- garious, and frequently seven of them are found to-
tion, a. p. h. gether.— (Binning), d.

(_>*» ^ sa, prefixed to Sanskrit substantives, jL.oL»» ^ffi^T^ satisdr, dysenteric, afflicted
with dysentery, s.
denotes " with," *' possessed of," or " related to," as
sa-jiva, alive, sa-bal, powerful, sa-gotra, related to yL*» sdto (for sdton), the seven, sato muii
one family, su, as a prefix, corresponds to the ev of
the Greek (in opposition to dur, bvs, bad), and denotes sarahna, to praise or extol very much. d.
" goodness, facility, excellency, or excess ;" as su-paiith, ^\yU*> ^TT^ sattvdn, m. the seventh, s.
the good or right way. su-labh, easy of attainment, in
opposition to dur-labh, difficult in the attainment:
again, su-dur-labh denotes excessively difficult to jylw> ping
attain, s, knife, sdtur,
p. a knife, a butchers' chop-

(_>*» ^ m, in the Braj dialect, is used as a dJyl*** ^iPhcIi satwih, spontaneous, sincere.
postposition, denoting from, by, with, of, &c., asja-su, relating to or proceeding from the satwa quality; sin-
from or of whom ; it is also used sometimes for the cere, good, true, gentle, amiable, &c. s.
correl. so, he, she, it, they, .See. h.
l«i VI sa, added to a substantive denotes i^_^\jj» ^IT'^' satrvin, f, the seventh, s.
similitude, as kuttd, a dog hitta-sa, dog-like: as an ^'^ "Wi satli, with, together, along with ;
adjective adjunct it appears sometimes superfluous, m. a troop, compan}', society, sath is-Tce, along with
but generally intensive, as hara, large, bard-sd, largish, this, besides, moreover, sdtti uske, along with tliat,
cr very large (v. Hind. Gram. p. 108, c). kdld-sd, although, notwithstanding, sath dead, to join, toasj-o-
blackish, p. It. ciate with, sdlh-ivdld, a comr.^de, a companion, sdtln.u
sath, together with, along with. s.
^^lfct>jl**j WRVTtT sahadhan (v. savadhan),
attentive, cautious, s.
^.^Ln'^lfxC^ sat hin, t". a female companion •>•.
j^Mi 'flt^ sahar, m. an elk, or, more properlv
speaking, a large species of stag ; a leather of elks' ^.^"JLj^^.sa/'//i,m. a companion, comrade .
ally, associate, sdtht sath, together, in one company, .v.
or any kind of deers' hide for bedding, sdbar mantr,
m. a spell composed in colloquial language, s.
(jL* satl, the sixth (in Dakh.), {or sdtht. u.d.
y'.A*i '^V^T. sahar, m. a small anvil, h. (Obc^Lw ^T7T7 sdt-bdt, f. combining,
x^U*> suhi', tlie seventh, sabi'an, seventhly, leaguing, confederating, h.
in the seventh place. <i.
^'U*» TSIZ sath, sixty (in Dakh. sat), s.
( 441) )

^d>\t*» ?TTV xadh or KHT sadh//, adj. virtuous,

^_^'L*» ^ITtJ sath'i, m. a kind of rice pruducrd
"in the rains (so called because it ripens in sixty diiys
from the time of sowing), s. ,u
good, holy; m. a religious person, a saint, a mendi-
cant, sddlin, a merchant; {. desire, wish, iucliaatif»n.
sad/iu-sU, virtuous, righteous, .v.
ao^'Lj ^T^iT sathya, m. vice, villainy, s. ^j^lfciilAAj JU^nr.'iri ya.Uiaran, in common, com-
_.^«M» ?n*r s«/, m- preparation, harness, ac- mon, sdillidran-dluinn, m. universal duty, law common
coutrem nts, s. to all castes, s.

_.L*» saj, m.tlie teak-tree (Tectonagrandis). p. f.-^.^JL^^i^iVui'm^xj^ sadhu-pushp, m. a flower

[Ilihisatx mutahilis). s. [piety, s.
6»-\**» sajid, m. one who is prostrate in ado-
ration an
; adoi-er, a worshipper, a. Ujeti'v-j ^TVTTT sadhuia, f. goodness, honesty,

(JUfcii>*i ^TVW sadhaJt, completino', pt^rfect-

^^\u> TtX^m sa';an, m. a sweetheart, a lover. .«.
ing, finishing; who or what effects; holy; m. a de-
U»-U*> ^rnr^T "ajrm, a. to prepare, to dress, votee ;a practiser. s.
to decorate, to regulate ; n. to become, to fit, to suit. s.
^^fciiL** TTTU^ sadhan, m. the act or mi^ans of
^H^lwj FTVT};T mjha, rn. partnership, associa- accomplishing, effecting; practice, s.
tion. //. [ciate. h.
ufiijLo ^TVTJT sdd/uid, a. to familiarize gra-
^e-4*-'^**> ^*^ sajlii, m. a partner, an asso- dually to any habit; to teach, to learn, to rectif^v, to
use, to practise, to regulate, to pacify ; to settle, to
_'**> ^rr^ sack, true, real, cori'cct. s, determine, to accomplish, s.

Jj^U** sachal', ni. hiiina presented to the hride U*iil*»i ^rtlrfr sadhana, f. the act of fami-
the day of marriage ; wedding gifts of various kinds, t. liarizing byhabitude; solicitation, contrivance, devo-
tion ;practice, accomplishment, s.
(J1o>-Imi» sciJiaf, nn nrea or inclosod space, court,
quadrangle ; shore or coast ; tract of countr}-. a. ^fcti^Mj ^\| sadhu, pious, honest; m. a mer-
chant ;a kind of mendicant, s.
js-[t*> xahir, m. an enchanter, a niiigiriaii, a
necromancer (ftm, sahira). a. [mancy. a.
>jj^ti'-w» Tfnv^^ mdhu-vriksh, m. the Ka-
damb tree {Nauclea Cadamba). s.
j_j|j5»-u*i sahirl, f. enchantment, magic, necro-
,Jx»-Im» .sa/??7, m. the sea-shore, a, a^friiU** ^rnfl sddhya, practicable, easy ; m.
the twenty-second astronomical yiig. s.
C1*>"U«» sciMf, f. make, construction, manu-
facture; pretence, p. j\jjt ^T^ .sdr, best, excellent; m. the pith or
sap of trees, &c. ; strength, vigour; the essence or
jii^-lw* mJiJitagt, f. make, effort; art. /;. vital part of any thing, quintessence; value, worth:
manure ; iron ; the piece used in playing at cliuiipar.
^.;;5>-U*» sahhtan (r. suz), to make or form ; sur-varjit, pitliless, sapless, s.
to counterfeit, p.
jU*» sdr, a I'article denoting plenty, magnitude,
i^\iji sakJita, made, formed; countei-ftitrd, or similitude; as koh-sdr, a mountainous country;
false, surreptitious, p. 'ambar-sdr, full of ambergris ; shdh-sdr, like a kini; ;
sometimes used ior sar, the head, as nigun-sdr, inverted,
4>l»*> sad, f. desire, wish ; adj. (v. sadli). s. with the head undermost ; a camel ; the name of a black
bird of a musical note. p.
L^bU** sadat, lords (pi. of ^xut, q. v.). a.
jU*> ^TT! sdr, m. a cowhouse, s.
jp,«il**» sadaj, Indian spikenard, p.
\jM sdr (v. sd), like, resembling, d.
i«il**» W[^sadar, with respect, respectfully. .<;.
\j\a*» ^t;t sdrd, all, the whole;
brother, brother-in-law (v. sdld). s.
m. wife's;
^tiU** ST^TT sadra, m. a kind of song. h.
kLo sard, pure, excellent, sweet-smelling, nn-
ii.yZij^\**» TIVZ^ mdrishya, m. likeness, re-
semblance, s. defiled; as 'ambari sdrd, the most odoriferous amber-
gris, p.
#j*>il**> sadis, the sixth (f. sadisa^. a.
^j\\u» "^TXT^ sdrdrth, m. abridgment. .<.
l»*»il*»> sadisa or sadisan, sixthly, in the sixth
place, a. (j'JjUa) sdr-hdn, m. a camel-driver, p.
j^iiV**> sadagi, f. plainness, want of ornament, (_i,jL*» TTl^f sd7pi, f. the ninth lunar astei i~ui, x.
"artlessness, simplicity, openness, p.
l'i.lA*j TSTXin sdrta, f. strength,s.
sence, substance,
[tia!. es-s.
Sjluj sada, plain, white, unadorned, simple ;
artless, open, sincere, sada-d'il, nrtlcss, simple stupid. i^^ij\jjj ^T^^ sdrthak, profitable, substan-
sada-taurt, f. gentleness, afl'abilit}- ; simplicity, stu-
pidity, sada-kdr, m. a (kind of) jjoldsmiUi, a f)lain
worker in gold or silver, who makes articlt'S which 2g m. a charioteer, s.
^.^.'**> ^R'5j^ sdruihl,
are after ornamenti-d by other Ijands. siida-lauli, art-
\ii\tj» WT^T sdradd, f. a name of the goddess
less, simple, stupid (q. d. tabula rasa). sdda-waz'l,L
artlessness, sinii-lieity, stuj[udity. p. Saraswatl ; also a name of Diirgd. s.
( 450 )

^_j.»jl«> WlX.'^ saras, m. la species of heron, ^jj^tM "m^ sari, f. ^\

(the same as sari) cyvava ,
&c. ; it also denotes the single garment worn l>y
j*>,\.**» ^TT^ xai-a.n, f.J the Indian crane, females in Bengal, s.
"maie and female {Ardea antigone). s.
jl«** saz, m. arms, apparatus, accoutrements,
C^y*»\jji HRy H sco-asTvat, the people of the harness, furniture ; a musical instrument ; concord.
Saraswat country, or the north-west part of the pro- sdz-bdz,tT\m, dressj'; m. ornament, apparatus. «as-
vince of Delhi, s.
kdr proper, consonant, concordant, sdz-yardk, m. war-
like instruments, furniture, baggage, sdz, in comp.
/ij'-*'* sarih, a thief, a plunderer (pi. sarihln), denotes making,/;. effecting, as zinda-sdz, making alive,
from which, perhaps, the word " Saracen ;" as " Cos-
sack," from JcazzdJc. a.
O.L*> ^rrftolfT sarilia, f. a kind of bird {Tiirdus ^'jjj saza, partnership, companionship, d.
salica), but the name is applied also to the maind (Gra- tp'Sj** sazish,
federacy, p. combination, collusion, con-
cula religiosa). s.

i^Xt** TdTj^t^ aar-loh, m. steel. 5. ^J^'}^ui sazlshi, collusive, fraudulent, p.

^Im» TnT«TT sarna, a. to mend, to perforin, Sjjjl.** sazinda or sazanda, m. a maker, a
to complete, to make, to manure, s. musical performer, p.

8iiJjl*»» sarinda (v. sarangi), a fiddle, d. \'\^ sdzwar, agreeing, well-arranged, p.

ciXJjl*** ^nr^ sarang, m. name of a musical j^'X*** sazwar, accoutred, armed, p.
mode or rag ; a peacock ; a snake, a serpent ; a cloud ; ^'X*t» sazi, f. abstract form of sa;?, in compo-
the voice of a peacock ; a deer ; a woman ; water ; the sition, as zinda-sdzi, resuscitation, p.
name of a country ; a lamp ; the 711/mpliaa l< tus. sd-
rang ne sdrang gahyo, sdrang bolyo d,e ; jau sdraiig sd- (jjL*» TfTF^ sas or sasu, a mother-in-law. s.
rang kahe, sdrang mufih tain jd,e, a peacock seized a
snake; a cloud thundered; if the peacock utter his (_j*>L*> sas, m. a bug, a flea, a louse, p.
cr}', the snake will escape from his mouth (it is said to C1'**>1**> ^MVcT sdsti, f. (for shagti) command,
be a peculiarity of the peacock, that on hearing thunder
he utters a cry of pleasure, and dances for joy), s. correction, s.

I->j\>*> WTT^^ xarrnifji, f. a musical instru- (^**j'j-j ^1^»T sdsan, m. (for sJiusar/) order,
"ment like a fiddle. /(. command; a patent, a grant ; act of punishing, t.
lJu»»U*> ^I^HI sdsnd, a. to chasti>e, to admo-
\jX-'>X^ 'WRf^''^^ )surang'nja, m. a fiddler, h. nish (v. sdnsrid). s.
jj-**i 'WIW ■'<(iru, f. a kind of bird, a species of CL^sXtj* sd'at, f. a moment, minute, hour; a
blackbird or starling, h.
watch or clock, sd'at-sdz, a watchmaker, a.
C^»J.jm Wimif sar-vat, substantial, having
pith, substance, &c. s. i^ff'Lu* said, f. the arm from tlie wrist to the
elbow, the fore-arm. a.
^J\^J\**i sar-n-cDi, a. camel-driver; name of a frUo sd I, m. one who attempts or endea-
mountain south of SamarJcand. p.
"vours; a recommender; adj. earnest, eager, a.
monarch, ^T'^>?TT
s. mrva-bhaum, m. a univcrpal s\u» sdghar, m. a bowl, ciiji, goblet, snghar-
kash, one who drains his cup ; a regular toper, p.
<^LXi^jj\*^ ^'t^rfoFoir mrva-laukih, prevail-
ing throughout the universe, universally known, s.
and anussttghar'i,
of a horse,f. the
p. space between the tail
uibjjjjL»» tim««f<§^ mrv-var-nik, of eveiy
kind, belonging to every tribe, s. il**> sdh, f. the leg, the trunk of a tree, the
stalk of an herb. a.
(Cj\^ *\\C\ sari, f. cream ; a dress consisting
of one piece of cloth worn by Hindu women round )as\**» sdhit, falling, sdkit hond, n. to be de-
the body and passing over the head. s.
graded, a.
^jXm sari, passing, penetrating, pervading, ij^^-i^ sdlil, m. a cupbearer, a page, sdhiyd
flowing ; infecting, contagious, a " (poetic vocative), O cupbearer! a.

ji&j=L*» ^rre".«a/7nl, m. a wife's sister's husband, s. j^ljkj^wyo mkiijdn, (pi. of sa/.i), cupbearers, p.
i^j^^** ^\d\ sarin, m. the spring harvest, or o'v4*i VI 41 mIui, m. an era. sdkd-h., a. to esta-
"grain cut in the spring, h. blish an erasdke-bandh,
; (met.) to m.distinguish one's has
by heroic
actions, a king who
ij^j^^ ^rre' sarhe,\one half more ; this woi'd an era in consequence of his lame and worth. *.
i^f'^ ^TT save, J prefixed to any common joIjjj ^ToPK :dhdr, having form or shajie. s.
numeral denotes that the half of a unity is to be added
to such numeral, as sdrlie char, four and a half; when CL^^\t*i sdh'il, silent, quiet, at rest. a.
added to an aggregate number, it signifies that half
the aggregate is to be added, as sdrlie sau, 150, i. e. a L^'wj'-** WT^W sd/txiidt, before, in preseu'.-e,
hundred with half a hundred added, s. in sight ; as, like ; evidently, manifestly. $.
( 451 )

j<2Li'u*) T(]^\ sdkshi, witnessing, soeiiig, t_<»ij,j'./^ Wl^mH .U

sal-pushp, m. a shrub
{Hibiscus 7>ititabilts). s.
"attestinj^; an eyewitness, an evidence, s.
sjJlS^^^ M\^ sakshya, m. testimony, evi- ^j*»jJU*» Wl'^X'^ sal-ras, m. the resinous juice
dence, s. of the S.'il tree. s.

UJlwj '^iq5«i ■■idlsa, m. saisaparilla. h.

^^U<* sakin,va. an inhabitant; adj. quiet,
peaceable ; a quiescent letter, /. e. a consonant not ^_fJ<^\JJ» sdlistri, m. a farrier, d.
followed by a vowel, a.
udJJL*! sdli/t, going; m. a traveller; (met.) a
•L*> sahut, silent, quiescent, a. devotee ; a class of Miihammadans who observe the law
)/\. and lead a domestic life; (pi. sdllkdu). a.
0^\*n ^rni sakh, f. trust, credit, reputation. .s\
J.L.CJU** ^T^TR sdlagrdin, in. a schistous
,^l«M ^T^ sakh, f. season, time. h. stone, containing the impression of one or more
ammonites, conceived by the Hindus to represent
^i U*» ^T^ sakha (ior shakha), f. a branch Vishnu, s.
of a tree. s.
JU*» ^^ sdlam, good fertile land. h.
^^U*> ^^saMi,m.an evidence,a witness, s. Jl**> sdlim, safe, free, perfect, a.
OU^iU** ^T^sWlrf mhhyat, (for sahshat) evi-
dent, conspicuous; adv. before, in the presence of. 5. jjl**> '?rrQ5«T sdlaiij^TCi. meat, fowl, or fish,
U,1L*» WT^PTT sdlndjj dressed with spices and
lL/U*» ^HT sciij, 11). greens, edible vegetables, eaten with rice : the dish called (by Europeans) curry:
culinary herbs, sag-pat, m. greens; petty dues paid the curry used by the Hindus consist of vegetable
in kind to village officials, sag-pat hond, n. to become only. h.
soft. s.
Ijjlw* ^^«TT sdlnd, a. to perforate, to bore, to
S\*t» 4ii'K shfjar, m. the sea, the ocean, s. prick ; n. to ache, to be in pain, to smart, s.
^j^\m» sagmari, rice fields, cultivated ground, _yl**» ^T^ .>oZm, m. a kind ot red cloth (dyed
lands in full crop. d. with morinda). s.
•^L*> ^TTT sagu, sago, a tree of the palm
j^^L*» sdlird/-, by or according to the year. p.
species: a flour is made from this tree, which, formed
into bread, when fresh from the oven, eats like hot (^,fi>\^l»*> ^fQ5^^«T sdlivdhan, m. name of a
rolls : when hard, it requires beinaj soaked in water celebrated sovereign.
before it is used. Three of these trees are sufficient
to maintain a man a year.and an acre properlj' planted j>^\jM ^T^tTT sdlotar, \m. a farrier, a
will afford subsi^tente for one hundred for thaX time. //.
^_$y)yi\**t ^T^TTT^ sdlutarl,) horse - doctor.
^^yL*> mtjivaii (v. myun), teak. h. sdlotari, f. farrierj*. veterinary practice, s.

j_^^'u*) TTT'friT^ sagouti, f. meat, flesh, h. l^jttyi'.jji sdlus, m.^ hypocrisy, trick, subter-
r^y-*» Wl^m satjun or augaun, f. teak wood, ^Miy>\ui sdlusi, f. J fuge, fraud, p.
OT.\.TeQ {Tectuna grandis). h.
&5U** sdla, in comp. with any numeral denotes
jl«» ^^ sal, m. name of a common timber
so many years old ; as si-sdla, three years old. p.
tree (Shorea rnhtista, Rox. PI. Cor.), a thorn, spine;
perforation, bore, mortice, a hole made by driving a l^L*» sdllid, (l*ers. pi. of sdl) years, j).
pin into the ground, &c. ; a jackal ; f. a house, place ;
a school, s. jjl**>(_5l.^jl*** .uil/idje .so/, a course or series of
years, several years, p.
(jL*» sal, m. a year. .<a.li ai/nnda, next year.
soli hal. the present year, sdl-ltasil, j'earl\- produce. ^U*» ^1^ sail, f. sister-in-law, wife's sis-
sal'Jthitrda, old. sdl-girah, f. birthdaj', on every anni-
versary ofwliich an additional knot is tied on a string * ter, especially' younger sister, s.
kept for this jmrpose; sal gasht. old, in years, sdli ^U*» sdR, annual, relating to the year; f.
guzashta, last year, sul-hd-sdl, annuallj-. p. " land taken by the j'ear. p.
^L*» ^^T sola, m. a wife's brother, brother- jjUiU*) saliydn (irreg. pi.), years, p.
in-law (the term is used also in a grossly abusive
sense); (in comp. for slidid) it denotes house, place, as e6lj3U*> sdliydna, anininl ; m. a yearly salary,
pdth-sdld, a place for reading, a school, s. an annuity, sdliydna-ddr, an annuitant, s.
j^Im* salar, in. a chief, head, leader, princr, !i.^\Mi sdUna, annually, year by year. p.
captain, sdldri Icdfila, the chief of a caravan, leader of
a troop, p. *U«» TiW sdm, f. a ferule (same as sdmt). s.
Ajji ^W sdm or sdma-veda, m. the third
W^)'v**» salana, yearly, annual ; annually, p.
' Veda, the text of which is sung. .J.
»j31*»» sal'ihn, (in logic) a negative sentence, a. Aui sum, a celebrated hero in old Persian ro-
&juJ*.jy» sal'li/o, sage (Salvia), p. mance, father to Zdl, and grandfather to Rustam. p.
,_i^.Jl«» ^Tc^MiUfT sal-parm, f. a shrub (i?e- ^jo.jLI**> sdmni-ahras, a large and venomoii-
dysaritm gci,igflicum). s. kind of lizard, a.
o a '2
J*«> ^T»iT sh'Ka, f. piovisior.u, eatables of \ji-p^-uj TfJ^T^samh/ia?', m.nnme of a town ner.r
various sorts (also snnip as iumagri, q. v.). s. Ajmer.-
the ; .ilso s.a kind of salt extracted from a lake it
(^s-Ulw* ^Rlf»r«fr xamajik, iii. an assistiint
or spectator at an assembly, s. i^_AJi.<«i 'm'^ xamp, m. a snake, serpent. «.
^1*1*** sawan, m. furniture, apparatus, in- (_^ joL*i ^]^^^ sampan, f. a female snake. *.
struments, tools; measure, quantity; understanding, Clolwj ^rT sant (v. Klidnt), calm, tranquil, s.
reason, intellect ; custom, habit, mode, order, propor-
tion ; opulence, power; probity; a landmark. 4a- lJol**> ^ttTT -aitta, m. the sugar-cane. h.
manijangi, m. warlike apparatus, he sar o sc'inu'in,
destitute, indigent, helpless ; stupified, brainless ; im-
mense, boundless, endless (applied to affairs). ;;. ^^.jt^'lAjM '^^^^'^concilem nt, s. saiitwan, in. conciliation, re-

UJl/ol**> TTTU'RIT mmanya, f. a prostitute, a (j:)l**> ^ffTTft -va'/Ci, f. instead, stead, h.

girl conimoa to all. s.
ciLoL*) ^T7 sant, f. joiniiitr, sticking; con-
«uol«U*» ^TJTT^ samanya, couunon, oroneral, fedenicv, collusion ; a stick for threshing corn with, n
universal, sdmanya-lakshan, m. a generic character, s.
u„5U*> ^t7T-rt''f(7,m.asfick or whip with which
jX^\**»W!^Ui scnnhar, m. an elk (v. sabar). s. Hail. /('. are beaten at the time of fight ; a spur.
elephants h.
j^ju«Vm» ^T»>T^ samhhar, ni. llic name of a
town near Ajmir, in the vicinity of which is a lake ^Jl**j ^TO sai'ith, f. (v. sFait) joining, &c. h.
from which salt is extracted ; the salt itself, s. U^j!jl**» ^iT«TT ■mfithna, a. (v. sntana) to
apply; to join (thread), to snlice, to stick together,
chiromancy,^^fjcfi mmiidrih,
fortune-telling, the art of f. palm'stry,s.
physiognomy, kc. ■ h.
,^'j^ ■^n^.va/iy'A, f. evening (Dakh. sahj). s.
ja\m» VIHi. samar, m. a kind of salt (v. sam- l^ail*** Tri*fiJ sanj/ia, m.1 images of cinv-dun>:
h ar). s.
..^U*> Tn^ sa7ij/n, f.J made b} childie.:
^j<\*nWm^sa)nai'th,L ^ ability, "in the month asm, krishna paksh, to represent idols, s.
&x^jic\jji'W[ff^ sama7'thya, m.) power, s.
^'wu* THT^ . az/r/i, 1 true, proper, real, sanrh
^,^^L*» ^H'^fF aamarthif powerful, mighty, latflw* ^r^ .m)icha,j Jto anch hyalj), pun-
"able, capable, s.
gold fears not the flame. «.
ijSj*\ui saviirl, name of a magicinn, s:)id to ljtfl**» ^^1 sancha, m. a mould, a matrice. h.
have been contemporary with Moses ; adj. Samaritan, a,

Jt*L*» sauii', m. a hearer, a listener, a. Ol^*^.**> sunihat (pi. of a^Lj), events, oc-
cur ences, a.
«j«(el**> sawi'a, hearing, the ear. a. 5^\jm saniha, an evi nt, occurrence, a.
i^S^\ui ^HXft samagri, f. furniture, tools,
apparatus, articles, materials ; scenery, s. \d^\u» sahda, a limb, members of the body. <!.
U*l**» WR^T smtnia, m. front, facing, con- i^sAm* 5fnf%^ sannklhya, m. pr ximity,
fronting, samnd-k., to confront, to encounter, s. vicinity, s.

fAi«l»*» wm'^ savine, opposite, before, con- Ail*** ^rir sand or sai'ir, m. a bull ; a stallion ;
fronting, s. (met.) an impudent extravagant fellow, rdnd-kd-sdtiit.
(lit.) "a widow's bull," that most contemptible of male
U^*L*> ^TT^fTT ycinihna, m. the front, facing,
bipeds, commonly called " a kept man." s.
confronting, samhnd-k., to confront, to encounter. *.
ljol**» Tftrr sandd, m. name of an animal rt-
senibling the lizard (the oil of which is Baid to have
^^U*j ^i»^^ samhne^'\ before, in front, op- restorative powers). /;.
^^*Im> in^l^^ samhiy > posite, confront-
i^\m* ^HTJft saml, J ing. s. jj,jj^w^ ^IT?!^ sd7idnl or sdtlrnl, f. a female
camel, a dromedary, sdndnl-sawdr, one who rides on
^l**» sawt, sublime, exalted, a. a camel, h.

^Li* Ti\M\ samiy f. a ferule ; arable land. s. jiVui ^ts sdnr (v. sand), a bull, &c. s.
«aJUL«U*> ^fl't'or .vawi;??/a, m. proximity, s. ^i^\**> ^■Jfft sdhrnt (v. sdndni). h.
^jv**> san, like; m. likeness; sign ; similitude. (j<ol**i TJT^ .so/w, f- brciith, sigh, sans vlfi
sdn gumdn, m. understanding and imagination, p. leiil, to gasp in agony, sdns bharnd, to sigh, to regret,
sans rukiid, to be smothered or throttled, sdns rokiid
or sdns ruknd, a. to smother, to throttle, s.
^^Im» Tn'^san,£. a whetstone, a grindstone, p.s.
^jL*j wyj sanu, m. table-land, level ground on L-3l**» ^^T.sa//.sa, m. imagination, reflection,
the top of a mountain, s.
fancy, fear, apprehension, s.
U'v^^lwj W^fR^»TT san biijhmia, a. to make uL5.L-Jl**> '^\'^'[ft^ sd7isdr>k, worldly, of this
ona undersland by hints, h. world, s.
( l->3 )
Ia^U*» ^n?«n ■^<n/tsna,■.^. to gnub, to distress, (^,_j .*** '^'^'^
to threaten, s. Hindu montli,•iuiran,
the full m.
moontlii^'of ni.me
which of the Srnvavii
is near fourt'.j
ar a Aqiiihr. si'muin hare na bliudun sukltc (riourisji-
LdJ6U*» m"^ san/{, t\ fear; the asthma, s. iiig in summer ami not fading in autumn) is applie.l
to exprcs.s continuance in the same state or situation. .•..
udliU** ^tcir sank, f. a lump of sweetmeat,
particularly of jalebl. h.
l1*.>j\-*» W^5fT sarcant, brave, valiant ; a hero,
a warrior, s
.CImj •m'SfiX.saiiJia?', 1 f. a chain ; a kind of
j^.>jl*»i ^TTW'ifl' sanuitifi, f. l)ravery, heroism, a.
^Ss>\*n ^iciiCt sankri, /• female ornament ;
^^^^^J^\MJ Wwft suyungl (v. sangi). ft.
^ijL* ^ioR^ sankal, J a strait, a narrow
lane ; (met ) difficulty ; adj. tight, narrow.close, straight, ^jIm» ^T^qST sujoiila, dark, sallow (v,
strict, s. sunwld). [an innocent person. *.
►,^L*> ^^ aanhhu or smihho, m. a bridge ; 8U*» ^T? sail, m. a merchant, a shoj<keeper ;
a kind of wood (Slwrea robustd). " sdnkho, ' a bridge ' eoljfcl*** ^TfT^ sahaya, m. friendship, fellow-
is denoted as Bengali by Shakspear ; but this word is
commomy used in the Carnatic. " — (Binning.) h.
ship, alliance, succour, s.
^uCJ&\JUl» ^f^m sahitya, m. society, associa-
^Uk^xjlM> ^T''^ saiihhya, m. a system of tion, connexion, s.
philosophy so called, ascribed to Muni Eapila. s.
cLL3l**i ^TT sang, f. a spear or javelin all of (j^iiXtji ^T^^ sahas, m. violence; countgo,
spirit, valour, resolution, s.
iron ; adj. having all the members, s.
cfX->l-*» V[^ sang, m. disguise, niimickry, ^^^i&l**» ^^Ifft sdhnsi, violent ; resolute, uii-
acting; a scene, sdng-lc, a. to act foolishly, sang " daunted, determined, s. [cupine. h.
land, to imitate, to mimic, h.
JjbU*» ^ff ;55 sahil, m. a plumb-line ; a poi-
(j«X-3l**> 'Vnj\Ti sangus, "| f. a kind of fish, ^l»*> ^TT^tT sdhan, fern, of sah, q. v. s.
^^y^^^^u»^^\'T\'^sa7lgus,) skate, s. j6^\m» WTW^ff^K sahukar, m. a great mer-
chant ;a banker, s.
j^LjIa** ^hlT sanghar,
former husband, h.
m. a wife's son by a
(_^oy&l*»> iEn?«irrd sahukarl, f. traffic, trade,
commerce, exchange of money, s.
^C3l**> ^pft sang'i, f. a support on which
"the pole of a cart is propped, h. C^'O- *• (j»fcl**i ^rr?'^ sahul, ni. a plummet, h.
cl*xCil»*» ^jftw sangit, m. song, &c. (v. saw- i^->^ W^ scihi, f. a j)Oicuj)ine. s.
UJL** W^ sanna, a. to knead, to mix up ^<=l*** .-a,e or sa,i, (in comp.) rubbing, po-
flour, dough, earth, &c. h. lishing; diffusing; resembling. ;;.
U3L*» tiivii sanna, a. to whet, to impregnate, u;**> saya, in, siiade (v. saya). jj.
to stain, to soil. s.
^^ur.«* sayabdn, a canopy, the roof or fly of
!yl**> ^Hl sanwa, m. the name of a very small a tent ; a parasol, an umbrella, p.
grain {Panicum frumentaceum, Roxb.). s.
AX>Urt sa,ibat, f a female slave manumitted;
jj^yl*** ^t^T samvan, m. (v. sahwa). s. also a she-camel set at liberty under a vow. a.
Lll*A^yl*** samr-cliit, tranquil, without care or jjtiaJl*^ sa,ula7i, to rub, grind, polish. ^^.
anxiety, d.
^L»» m,ir, m. the whole; the remainder;
^y L-j ^T'^qST snnwla or sa,ohla, of a dark or going, walking, wandering; tax, duty levied on per-
sallow (complexion), s. sonal property, in opposition to tliat levied on land,
which is denominated mdl ; " land customs: duty levied
j_iL*» Wq^ .va«i, f. chaff or straw mixed with on transit of goods: this tax has lately been abo-
grain (particularly that from which oil has been ex- lished."— (B.) a.
pressed), asfood tor cattle, h.
lOU-yU*) sa,irjdt (barbarous pi. of oIm»),
«^lw* ^"3! .srtf?<, tractable ; m. a relative, s. taxes on personal property, transit duties, s.

_jL.» ^T^ san-aj, savage, wild ; m. sport, ^j^\ut sd,is, m. a groom, a horsekeeper. a,
game {i. e. wild animals for the chase), s.
^^^^{iji adjisi, f. the business of a groom, a.
^^'j&ii.'v*** TfflTvn^ ayafZ/m/j, careful, attentive,
cautious, s. ^l**> sd,il, m. one who asks, an interrogator,
questioner ; a beggar, a mendicant, a.
j_^Vi&iij\j>*» ^ITW^T^ savadhaiii, f. care, cau-
tion, s. [animals, s. &^\m» sd,hna, a term applied to camels, goal^,
&c. (v. pi. sawdjm)^ a,
ti)jl**> MNch snwah, m. a child, the young of
^/\jm Tgl^ sd,m, ni. lord, master, your wor-
;^v..\>^Uo ^^ejni^ savajios or savahash, m. ship; (met.) a faJnr ; the Deity; an imitative soujui
leisure, oppurtunity. s. (as of wiud). i.

( 454 )
JKjo,L*» vjii'SfiJ^ sayankal, m. eventide, even- {J'jXm* sabzl, f. greenness ; greens, culinary
ing, s. vegetables; an intoxicating potion made of bhang.
iO,l**» saya, m. shadow, shade, protection; an sabzl mand'i, f. a place where vegetables are sold. p.
apparition ; a petticoat, sdya-parwaida, brought up l3lx«Ju*i ^'m'^\^\ sab>'nbana,w, (v. stirsin-and)
in the shade, delicately reared, saija tale and, a. to to creep as a snake, &c. h. [family, a.
take protection, sdya kis'i kd pariid. to imitate the lafM* sibt^ m. a grandciiild ; progeny ; a tribe,
manner of another, sdya-ddr, shady ; a protector.
sdya hotid ki.u ko, a demon appearing to or possess-
ing any one. p. s.
^Jurt sab', seven ; sab^ saiyarn, the seven
planets, sub', the seventh part, a seventh, a.
i,^*** "^m sah, all, every, the whole, total (in-
flected plural sahhon). sab misrl ki Jiain daliydn fall J^f»«» sahah, m. a lesson, lecture, reading, a.
are pieces of sugar), is applied to the equality of state,
form, &c. .s«6 A:i/c///i, every thing, all. ir/6 ^o,7, every- CL»Qa««> sabhat, f. excelling, surpassing, pre-
body, every one, all. sab-khaivwd, omnivorous, one ceding, aggression, a.
who e;its all kind of food without exception, s.
ijXun subuh, light (either in weight or cha-
u*»j y.ahd, a couiilry in Arabia Fc-Iix, where racter), debased, unsteady, subuk-bdr, lightly bur
they suppose BalJcls, the queen who visited Solomon, dened, expeditus. subuk-pde, light of foot, a courier.
to have reigned, a. sitbiik-klwz, vigilant, alert, subiik-dasti, expedition.
subiik-dosh, light-hearted, subuk-raw, light of step,
bj\xu» sdhhaba, the forefinpfer. a. travelling quicklj'. subuk-ruh, of a cheerful spirit,
jovial, subuk-sdr, light-headed, contemptible, sitbuk-
(^j*jlju*» VrSfm suhas, f. perfume, fragrance, ser, soon satisfied. subuk-Tiiizdj , of a tickle temper,
odour, s. irresolute, p.

cIa**> siha (pi. of X^), lions, wild beasts, a. ^J'^^x^M sublia,!,,^ f. lightness, levity, fiivo-
lj^b.«i.sfl&a/;rtf, excelling, &c. (v. sabkat). a. iJUmi subhi, \ lousness ; rashness, folly;
jjU**) suhan (v. sahan), to morrow, d, " honour, subka,i,
^Jx^ p. J affront, indignity, dis-
L-i«>*** sahah, m. canse, reason, motive; re-
lationship, affinity, instrument; on account of, by (Jjlm* ^R'^ subul, powerful, forcible, snhbal,
reason of. a. a crow, an iron lever, s. [stitutions. a.

CL^xxiMi &ahal)iijat, f. cause, motive, a. ,J>Ju*> sabid (pi. of (Jjulm*), ways, means, iii-
(JI^xm* sii1)hat, f. reproach, slander, disgrace, jc^^)ju*» «<fc?i^ sabala,i, f. power, force,
injury, villainy ; the podex. a. strength, s. [ened. s,

fj'^^ .mhhan, m. praising, glorifying (God); Jbi^lxw* TRR"?^I su-bandh, well secured or fast-
a title of the Deity, sublidna-lldh, interj. O God ! O
holy God ! liakk subhdiia-hu, God the most holy ! a. ^Xm» snbu, m. a cup, a glass, an ewer, a jar,
a pitcher, p.
(^l^*** mhhani, divine, lelating to God. a.
Jijx**» ^wVcTT sahotar, everywhere, s.
e^^ suhha or sabJui, m. a rosary; a chaplet
for repeating prayers. sitbha-garddn, one who is ss^yXui sabucha, m. a pitcher, jar, ewer. p.
counting the beads. iaWja-^arrfa«?, the act of count-
ing the beads, a.
\)^Xu» ^'^T snburd, m. instrument uyn in mem.'
bri virilis forma, e corio concinnatum, quo mulieres libi-
«5^**» "WS^ ■'<(ibd or shalnl , m. sound, voice ; a diiioscB utiinlur. h.
song (among Ndnak-pa»fln.i, q. v.); a word, a noun. s.
(^j*i^x*n sahus, m. bran, chaff, sawdust, p.
Sxu* sabvd, m. a basket, p.
^A**> ^^T subh, good, pleasant, agreeable,
\jSXu» '^^;f^ sabdaici, m. the bowsprit of a happy, auspicious, s.
vessel, h. ■ [gent. .s.
l^ju** ^MT sabhd, f an assembly, meeting,
^^x**t T^f^ siihuddhi, wise, clever, intelli- company, sabhd-pati or sabhd-ndyak, m. the president
C^j^ .sabart, m. a hare, a rabbit, h. of an assembl}'. sahhd-sad, m. one of a company, an
assistant, an assessor, s.

fjj^ ff^'^ subarn, m. (v. sicvarna) gold. s. ^A-jl^ju*i ^>?Tg>T .■iubhasubli, m. good and
Jxut mbz, green, fresh ; grey -coloured (a evil, lucky and unlucky, s.
horse), sabz bdgh dikhdtid, a. to deceive, "abz dhumd,
m. a kind of pigeon, .sabz-rang, of black complexion. j^.«jI^>**> ^m^ sobl/a-sfid, one who sits or
«Q62-ro,s7/(/H, m. a kind of pigeon sabz-kadaw,\xi\foT- deliberates in an assembly, s.
tunate, unlucky, ill-omened, sabz liond, n. to flourish./).
ci3jju*» mbzak, m. the jay bird (^Coracias). p. jl^ju*> ^H'R suhhdv or mbhd,o, m. nature,
natural state, property, disposition; good disposition;
adj. well-disposed, of good disposition, s.
j^jjo,** sabzavar, name of several districts and
towns in Persia, p. ^::A.\j*i ;Hf>TfrT suhlutd, f. welfare, securitv. s.
5',Aa*j sabza, m. verdure; incipient beai-d, (iL»^«j TW7 subhat, m. a champion, a hero. s.
bloom ; a green stone worn in the ear as an ornament ;
the jav bird; the sweet basil {Ocijmum bas'ilicum). p. j^jixj^ 'a'i^'^subliadra, aui^picious, fortunate. 5.
■ioo )
4i^ (
\^4f**» ^f>nir 'iiihhih, one who presides at an j'i^^ V^^^ siiputra and ^"^ saputra, m. a
assembly <>r feast. «. good and dutiful si>n. i. [crtS5ia. s,

lC^-**» T(^rn suhhaga, f. wcll-fsivoured ; a Zx>*» Tl'^r^ siipatra, m. the leaf of the Laurus
« Oman who is loved by her husband, and is the mo- UlJu*» ^?nn saptamd, tlie seventh, s.
ther of a thriving family, s. [the whole. *.
»"i^^ ^ff^ saptanu, f. Uthe^***seventh //<Ai or
^^»^x^ W^ sahhoii (inflect, pi. of sab), all,
"lunar day. s. [sleep. J.
^^x^ •^^^^ xohlwy, fearful; timidly, .s'. »Jl*A!)yLi-j ^TTtff^TiT sujdotthit, risen from
iL^A-. ?T>rhTT suhlata, in. time, leisure, op- ^ •• ..-'r^-'t ..^ ^^f^^iT saptavimhati, twenty-
portunity, convenience, s. seven, s. [tlie twenty-seventh. *,
Ui^ju**ment iuWqiTT subhijata, f. politeness, refine- JkliJ^JuM* ^nif^^WrT»T mptavinshatitam,
manners, s.
ntial, faith- jILjm WJi^ sapath, f. an oath, an asseveration.
ajL^ju*> ^wi xnJihyn, trusted, confide
ful ;m. an assistant at an assembly, an assessor, s. supath, m. a good road ; good conduct, s.

j^^-s^^mber, early, soon, in good time. s. rA^WJ"^ supachchh (for supaksh), m. the
party which has justice on its side ; the fortunate half
Lou*. ^TT mbera, m. morning, the dawn of the month, i. e. from the new to the full moon. s.
of day. s.
A^^ ;fTXi^^ snpachchhi (for supaksln),
ijj<x^ ^^ sabcre, in the morning, early, "m. an advocate of the just cause, s.
"soon (more commonly sawere, q. v.). *.
way, path ; mode, Ci^^uMWlf^sapadi, ibis instant, immediately. *•.
Jju-*» sfibrl, f. a road,
manner; water distributed to thirsty travellers during Ju*» sipar, f. a shield, target, sipar-ddri f,
protecting, shielding, p.
the first ten days of the muharram. sabil-k., to obtam
money by borrowing or begging, a.
d. \j^ ftnrt i^ijyrd, f. a river near Ujjain. s.
CL^L«i sajmt, pure, clean,
^raffTFT supratishthd, f. consecra-
JiL^ ijtn^ supdtr, good, worthy ; a good or of a temple, &c. s.
able man ; a vessel of earthenware, <S:c. s.
Oj^ supurd or sipnrd, f. charge, keeping,
UU*» sapatd, a leap, bound, spring, d. care, trust; delivering or giving over (property).
supurd-nama, a deed of delivery, stipurd-k., a. to give
y.ju*> ^TTHTT supara, m. fjlans penis, h. in charge, to recominemi to one's care, to consign. ;;.
i^Xsm* Kiparish or suparish, f. a recom- \:ij^ ^^fT sapardd, ni. a musician attending
mendation, intercession, introduction, p.
on singing-women. *.

5jL*- sipHra ((ov sl-para), lit. thirty sec- (jf\i:>j ^ V^'^ sapardd,l, f. the corps of
tions, aportion of the hir,an. p. "musicians attending a dancing-girl. s.
4_cA-a*» vrji^ supdrl, f. betel-nut (Areca ca-
techu); glans penis, h. ^JliJ^ sipurdojjl, charging, consigning, p.
^ii^A**> sipurdan (r. sipdr), to give in charge,
;_^L-» sipds, f. praise, thanksgiving, p. to consign, to hand over. p.
s'ju** sipdh, f. (used in the pi.) soldiers, an
army, sipdh pJdrjani, implies a revolt or treachery ij^j^ svpurdl, f. the article, &c., given up. ;;.
in an army, sipah-gari, f. the military profession, p. U:^,jy-j wIt spardhd, f. envy, emulation,
Jblju*» sipdhi, m. a soldier, military, p. rivalry, s.

■ ft>j>-x*j ^q;^ spaj-d/u, envious, emulous, s.

^^\j^ sipd,i, f. a tripod, trivet, a three-
' legged stool or table, a trench, p. '"j^ sapiirz. III. tin: spleen, the milt. p.
tj^.i..» ^7j .wp< or sapta, seven, sapt-rikh h-
vourable. ^T(T^^
^^jX,j* s. suprasannu, well-pleased,
(for saptarshi), m. the seven principal stars in the con-
stel ation ofthe Bear, Charles's Wain. s.
C^j^ WH svpt, m. sleeping, asleep, numbed ; (,j^^**» wfi sparsh, m. touch, contact, s.
ra. sleep, s. (^^jXui'P:VCSfiT^'itiprahdsh,mamfost, public, s.
U),ja** mw^ sprihd, f desire, wish, spri/n,
iJ1aX«> ^nriT <itput, a good son (v. saputra). desirous, s.
j^jo-* ^nn? suptdh, 1 m. a week, the
U&li^ WJn^T saptdhdj eighth day after ,_^A**> iiipari, completed, concluded, p.
Any other day. s.
UVj'jk*** suprdnd, a. to catch, to arrest, d.
C-*J^ ^T^ ^optati, seventy, s. volved. saparn
UjA-j d, d, n. to be caught, to be in-
(y>t>JL**» ^m^ saptadas or saptadash,
■eventeea. s.
JERl spasht, evident, manifest, clear, s.
C^J ( 4.!iG ) IjLw*

jixxuj ^ti^ siijxiyh, m. a paitii^an, one of ^JSyy_JM

dawn), p.f. whiteness, light (of tl.c
the same party, supaksh, m. the party which has
iustice on its side; the fortunate half of the month, Ca**» ^rf sat, m. power, strength, essence;
i. K. from the new to the full moon, supakshi, an ad-
vocate of the just cause, s. soul; the principle of goodness,the true God, the all-per-
vading Spirit; touch; juice, sap; virtue, truth, sense;
iJ^Uui siplali, m. a small lizard, commonly adj. true, right, actual, good, virtuous; adv. actually. ».
to be found in houses, and which lives by catching
flies and insects, d. lI1**<j ftnr .v/7, white; the planet Venus, s.
Ju*** TTtrp^ s'tpallav, possessed of sprouts, CL^MiWH silt, m. a son, a male child; used in
shoots, twigs (v. pallav). 8. comp. as swdt'i-sut, a pearl (q. d., the issue of Arctu-
rus ; from a popular belief that in October, when the
,.w»**» WTT NV/y???, ^ m. a dream, sapn-dos/i, sun's longitude corresponds to that of Arcturus, drops
of rain falling into shells are converted into pearls), s.
Uuujj TCi'^l ■«i})nd,) m. polluth nocturna.
sapnd-hichdrl, m. an interpreter of dreams, s. XLmW^ anitd, m. power, strength; seven (in
cards) ; f. being, existence ; goodness, excellence. *.
^^ x'lpand, in. a kind of seed (v. hpand);
wild rue. p- "vi«i 'mn^iutd, f. a daughter, a female child, s.
^^.^ Slid, 1 taking, receiving, sa^at^, many,
ij^/^ sipundi, f. funii<:ation by wild rue. p.
liU*** sifdd,} numerous, p.
Cj> »^**i f^K xiipTd or ^^ sapur, m. a tractal)le
or dutiful son. s. [(a son), s. Sii'J*** altuda, taken, carried away ; (for istdda,
q. V.) set up, erected, placed, deposited, p.
(_j>'3jju-» WWi^'^opufa'i, f. being; good, &(>.
d. jCm» sitdr, m. a kind of guitar with three
^.ftjj-j sapuran, full, the full moon. strings, sitdr-buz, m. one who plays on the guitar, p,
^^A«i ^xit^JT xapola, ^ m. a young snake,
j'juu sattdr, ni. one who covers, sattdru-l-
\jj>;>x* ^TftfgS^T xnpoliyd,) just hatched, s. 'uyub, He who hideth sins (with the veil of forgiveness
and mercy I ; God. a.
ii_y,t xipnh fenntr. of sipah). sipah-adldr , m.
jVi**» ^TilTT siitdr, m. a carpenter, a wheel-
£ general, commander in-chief, p.
wright; time, opportuiiit}'. s. [a son. s
cr\'stal. s. 5ElBrfT«If sphdtlk, crystalline; m. ^^5jli**i VUl'^ silt art Id, desircus of luiving
ej.^,^ ^qsj .sy)//(i/, blown, opened, expanded ^jlS.'jl»*> siidicujdn (pi. of sitdra), stars, p.
s. iXLt* sitdra, m. a star; a kind of firework;
(as a flower) ; apparent, manifest, known,
name of a musical instrument with three strings, a
tjX-^Xut Win;**" sj)hntlh or sphatuk, m. crystal. guitar, sitdiu-pesliuiil, having a star in the fi)relifad
sphatik-tnay, made of crystal. ». (reckoned a fault in a horse), aildra-shiiias, sildraddn,
or sitdia-.i/iiiniiir, m. an astrologer or astronomer, si-
turu-sit'tiidii, the astrological art. p,
't^ju^ ^qi3^ ."tphntl, f. alum. .■<.
^Av^ sipoJn; in. the sphere, the celestial globe,
foi-tune, time, the world, p. ^/j'.i'j^ ^HK^ sutdri, f. an awl, a bodkin, s.
strings, sltd/t,
p. f. a rope, twisted with
„^A«j xi-pahar, m. 1 (com p. of si, three, and
si-pahrl, f. J puhar, a watch), after- b ,'jLfc> s)tdrit/d, f. m. one who plays on the
^.-j'jLmj ^TWnft sattdsi, eighty-seven, s.
^^jLwi <<ifO saphrl, f a small glistening fish,
commonly called puiilhi ; a sort of carp (Vi/primis (^IjLi*> sitdn, in comp. seizing, taking, as />•/*•//-
war-sitdn, one who seizes a country, p.
sophore). ' s. [or art. p.
(^'jLw* stdn, a termination denoting place,
^_ffSs^*J** sipfiJi'gar'i, f. the military pl•oi'es^i()n situation ; added to words ending in a vowel, as idndu-
A<ix>*j Wfi^ gapJud, bearing fruit, productive; stdti, the place or country of the Hindus; if the word
end with a consonant, istdn is employed, as gul-istdn,
(literally or figuratively) profitable, useful, suphal, a rose-garden, p.
bearing good fruit, fruitful, s.
ulL*> ^TtTT^ sutdnd, a. to tease, to ve.ic, to fret,
i,^ ^^MiVC^Z^i^plio'dh, m. a boil, a tumor, s. to trouble, to afflict, to interrupt, s.
C 3(1^-' T^S^ aphurti, f. throbbing, palpi-
j^iij'.j[*»> sitdndati, to seize, to take away. p.
ta ing, s.
uiJo*jL«j ftmr^ sifdnk, m. a kind of fish (Za-
(^j'^A-*** ^n!i«T suphen, m. cuttle-fish bone. s. certa sciiiciis). s. [seven, g,

betelnut. 'nf^T^^
h. mpiyari, f. the areca or (_5-y'jL*> WWVi''^ sattdnwe or sattdjiawe, n'mpty-
" -ii-'i
j_ilA«jziiig. sitdtn,
p. f. (abstract form of siid/i^
mped (v. aofcd), white, p.

Jjouu.* mpaida (J'or sitfaida), dawn of day. p. j^Mui ¥Tn"35 satcifH^ III. f. teuser, toimenlor. s.
IL* ( 457 )
hhakhd harm Icahin halm hldh huddhi bilds, .inh knu
l£J,Ia**> W\T^ starah, m. a praiser, a pane- hhukhan Satsait/ii kail Hi'idil Das, the poets, eacl; ,\c
gyrist, s. cording to liis capacity, have displayed the beiuitioso''
tlie Uraj-hlidshd, but B'thdi'i Das composed the Sut.Siii-
yd, which is the jewel of the wliole. 5.
yjliw* Tpr=[T^^ satfawan, fifty-seven. .<;.
jj-*jolL*) TETWTt^^ !<aiia,h, twenty-seven, s. j\x:;**j ^?^T .tnfldi; ra. revercn-^e, re.-pcct ;
hospitable treatment; doing good, a pious acti<>'i ; act
^jijlL*» .-.vra/w/i, f. praise, returning thanks. ^?. of regarding, rewarding, distinguisliing ; (lU-ng.)
JbSxLa ^cHH stabdha, stopped, blocked, shut burning the dead. s. [dead. 5.
up. s.
^tfjKXuj W^"^ SI it lid/ 'i, m. one who burns the
\^^iCL)^ ^(Tf>T^T saihhikhd, the twenty- ^xl^jj 5R?ifiA saf-harma, m. a good act, piety,
fifth mansion of the moon, containing 100 stars, the virtue; liospitality ; funeral obsequies, s.
chief of which is X Aqiiarii. s.
JUL** ^r?IT^ sat-patra, m. a virtuous person. .s\ b,>^^ ^fr'gs^ sathriyd, f. funeral obsequies,
virtue, charity- ; salutation, welcome, courtesy ; hos-
j1:a1^ 'r5^ S'lt-putra, m. a virtuous son. .s\ pitality, s.

.^'■^"-^ "^71^ sat -path, m. a good road ; correct ^,^xi:i«j TTiT^'^ safhhan, of seven divisions or
conduct or doctrine, s. stories (a house, &c ). s. p.

(^^jS,ji ITP?^^ sat-purusli, m. a worthy or r,)uk*** ^nr^TT satlard, sevenfold, of seven

spirited man. s. strings or rows (a necklace, &c.). h.

jJ^Juu** UrMic^ sat-phal, m. the pomegranate, s. 4_^';U/jj WiTl^S^ satlarl, f. a necklace of seven
strings, h.
Okjijuj ^fiT stut't, f. ni. praise, eulogy, s.
<.i)^)uu*» ^FTrf^ftcR satlok (for safT/aloha), the
^■<^ ftraf^f sit-chink, m. a sort offish (Xa- abode of Brahma, called also brahmd-loka, to which
birth, i.once translated are exempted from fur-
jj^JLj sitadan {{ov sitandan), to seize, &c. p.
JiL«*> sitam, m. tyranny, oppression, injury,
JLm ^^^^X. sattur,m. an enemy (for shatrii). s. violence, sitam-dtda, or -rastda, or -zada, or -hash,
♦A*** ^Wl! suttar, seventy, s. oppressed, injured, subjected to tyranny, sitam-kushta,
a mart^-r to tyranny, p.
JL*» mtr, m. concealing, covering, veiling,
suppressing ; privities, a. [tiful. d. JiMiTSW^ sattavi, best, excellent; most vene-
rable, most virtuous, s.
\jL*i sutra, adorned, ornamented, neat, beau- U*»UL*i ^riMIUI sutyndsd, m. a feast given in
\y^\ji..Mi ^T^TT^^^tT sattara-bahattara, old, the seventh month of pregnancy, s.
dei'iepit, doting; lit. seventy to seventy-two, which in
India is reckoned a very advanced age. s. h. jlX^Ju** sitani-gdj;^ m. a tyrant, an oppressor;
\j\^Mi WifTjm satrdnd, n.to be angry, vexed, h. X^Lm siiam-gar, \ adj. tyrannical, opprcs-
^^^.Jua sitiirdan, to shave, scrape, to pull jy%J^^ sitam-war,) sive. p.
out the hair. p.
^-^^ ,. sitam-qdri,']
_ _ „ tyr;inny, oppression,
\tJ j^ sHitrg, satuvf), or suturg, big, bulky,
corpulent ; quarrelsome, passionate, p. injury, violence, p.
^JjC^xm* s'ltam-gari,
iJLji "miX"^ satroh, seventeen, s. (__gj JLw» sitavi-ivarl,
^♦ju*> ^Tnft satmi, f. the seventh lunar day. s.
^\^jL*> 53 (T^^^f.^■fl^^a/<?^■a/^,the seventeenth, s.
(_^**> ww^ .suton (pi. of sut), sons. h.
^jju*j 1^ stri, f. a woman, a wife, strl-jit,
m. a henpecked husband, stri-dharm, m. duty of (Jw W*{ >^tan, m. the female bosom, breast.
women ; tiie menstrual excretion, stri-rujya, m. the stan-mukh, m. a nipple, s.
kingdom of women, a country placed by some in the
direction of Bhot. stri-ling, m. the feminine gender. ^jjLmj HW stavibli, m. a post, a pillar; hin-
strl-vas, m. subjection to women, s. drance, obstruction, s.
ijlf** ftnr^ sitrl or siitari, f. sweat, per-
^^jjJ*** str^cTTH^
uction a; styptic,stambhan,
s. m. stopping, ob-
'spiration. s. [nature of woman, s.
.,j> ju*» ^IIT strain, female, feminine ; m. the
lL-C:."*** ftnr^ sltang, m. palsy, numbness,
,Ai«*c:-^**> ^nr^a? mt-sath, sixty-seven, s. being chilled with cold. s.

Lf^(lwju»> ^rsrg! sat-sang, m. association with .<;.

the good. «.
^JJl*^ ftrffl'^ .-^.lamfi, palsied, numlied.
^Ln "^^ s'i1tn-a or satnri, m. the principle of
i/^LlA**» TS'^'^%'^atsa,l, "If. the name of a goodness or truth ; one of the three guna.s or proper-
ties of beings ; substance, tiling ; vigour, power, es-
\.'l^CL>'>^T^i^'^^ satsaii/d,j book written by sence ;a substantive noun. «.
Bllidrl-ial (an inhabitant of Go.aliyar), containing 700
uistichs or dohas, in hraj-blmkha or -bhds^d. Briij- y^M ^^ shiv, m. praise, panegyric, s.
( -i^ ;
ajutf ^r^ sattu, m. parched p:rnin, reduced to j^>*» fWT ■•^thh\ fir n, fixnd, permanent;
meal and made into a paste, sattu-khora, pesderastes, hard, solid ; cool, collected, constant, calm, tranquil,
peedkator, prtepostercB veneri addicliis. s. mild, settled; peace, stkir-chetd, firm, resolute, con-
stant, sthir-matl, steady, deliberate, s.
l«JUk> ^TfT^T satu,a or satuma, in. saine as .wi<i2 ;
adj. (applied to a kind of ginger), pulverable, free from j^^Ju*> ?nRT suth-a, good, nell, excellent,
threads or fibres, satu/i satikidnt, the entering of the beautiful, elegant, neat, adorned, h.
sun into Aiies, on which day the meal of parched grain
is distributed to the Brahmans. h. \^\j^^Lji f^CUTtfn sthiratma, firm, resolute,
steady, i.
L*j!yu*» ^rcTJUT satwnnsa, m. a child born in
the seventh month ; also an entertainment given to a j__^L**I^^Ju*» Wxf<i«i^1 suthrmahi, m. a fol-
woman by her parents in the seventh month of her cT" h.
lower of Suthrdsdh, a religious mendicant,
pregnancy, s. [mineral ; crystal, s.
(Jj^Lmj f^W\V^ dtopal, m. chalk or a similar j\j^xut 'W^U^ mthraiv, m. a heap of slain
(in battle), h. [neatness, elegance, h.
U^ju** ^^riT sattwata, f. purity, goodness, s. ^Aj^^Lui 5fr^^T^ siithra,i, f. goodness, beauty ;
j!>^**i ^cft^ stotra, w. praise, eulogiiun. s. l).^L*» fw<HI sthirta, f. stability, firmness ;
fortitude, s.
^^djL*i situdan (r. sita,e), to praise, jj.
2 jrjks*> situda, praised, laudable, situda-sifdt, jj^i*** ftni^ sHhal (v. shttal), cooled, cold,
possessed of laudable qualities, p. benumbed with fear. i.

• y^**) sator or siitu?', m. an animal, quadruped, (34j^ V^^ sthul, in. place, region, dry land ;
beast of burden, cattle, p. part (of a book), sthal-sima, m. a boundary, a land-
mark, s. [land. s.
jyL*i'^;r(T.satv)ar, quick, expeditious; quicklv. ^tf^J--* <*4c?>f siluiluj, terrene, f)roduced on
satwartd, f. quickness, speed, s.
(^;^i**> W^m .sut/ian, m. trousers, h.
'v^jk**i satora, annihilated, d.
iSy,j*» Utidkl satuka, base coin (Gladw.). h. yj^'iuimeat ^^RTTT satliwara,
given to a child-bed woman,a kind
h. of sweet-
sattjcufjun, m. the quality of J^^i**» ^BJ^ Sthul, fat, corpulent, large,
coarse, sthul-buddhi, stupid, dull, sthultd, f bulki-
^^yi>**> satun or sutun, also sHun, m. a pillar, ness. 5. [coarseness, s.
a column, a prop, chihal-situn, of forty pillars (a pa-
lace, iVC). p. &jJ^^lw* "5^eiT sthauhja, m. bulk, size,
ljk3yL*> ^Tff^'frr .SO iwania, good,virtuou.s, chaste, I3j(^lt*> ^^ur sthuna, f. the post or pillar of a
house, s.
honest, truthful; renowned, s.

{^yioji tirti-Mi itatohcha, seven and a half. h. U^Jui* "^(fipn sathii/a, m. a surgeon; a mark
in form of a cross, the four arms of which are bent
lyMi satoh or sninh, f. distress, affliction, un- at right angles, prefixed in vermilion by Hindus to
their account-books at the commencement of a new
easiness, indigence ; adj. melancholy, helpless, p.
year : the same figure is formed on the ground with
Hour at marriages and other ceremonies, h.
Sjjk**» ^TR' satva, m. goodness, &c. (v. y^).
C^bK^Ln Wlfmr sthapit, set up, established, _ jl^jLw* :pi§ sthuirj, m. firmness, stability,
firm, erected, s. fortitude, s.

^il^ju** ^ItR athapan, m. setting up, esta-

^Jm» "Wm sutya, true, perfect, accurate, s.
blishing, fixing, erecting, s. [ranging, s.
^ji*i "Wih satt, f. a woman who burns herself
Vjj>\^Ln ^T'TTT sthnpana, f. ordering, ar- on her husband's funeral pile ; adj. chaste, virtuous,
constant, satl-twa, m. virtue, chastity in a wife. *.
^JI^Ljj ^T^ sthaU, f. (v. thah) a tray, &c. s.
j^l^**j WT«T st/ian, m. place, situation, (X-j sail (also siti), post|). tVoin, with (the
abode ; a section, a chapter ; office, station, s. " same as se, q. v.). d.

jj,l^jLwi ^T^^ stha?n, linving place, abiding, UjLm* mitiya, power, strength, d.
permanent, s. [moveable. «. l»5lJujj ^TWrwi satyatma, m. a virtuous and
upright man. s.
jjl^L*» WF^T; sthan-ai-y firm, stationary, im-
uiJi^l^JLa ^'Rcjr xihayuh, stationary, firm, (^_^UljJ**j ^rmT'?!T^ safyanas, m. (a term of
steady, s. imprecation, signifying) depravation, destruction.
siiti/diids-jdnd or -hand, kisl kd, n. to be depraved,
j^l^L*) WT'ft stJiat/i, ptrady, firm, unchange- destroyed, ruined, &c. salydnds karnd kisl kd, a. to
able. sthayi-bhd,o, m. permanent condition. «. do mischief to
or ruined, s. another, to make ruin, to be destroyed
C-»^i**» fipiW siliH, steady, firm ; resolved,
decreed, established, sthiti, f. stay, being fixed or iM»\J\xLn ^rWRT^ft snfydnasl, depraved, bad,
stationary, s.
"destroyed, damaged ; name of a thorny plant, a kind
of thistle, the juice of which is of a yellow colour and
Ji^^^ ^Wf^ sathattar, seventy-seven, s. very acrid. It is used as a caustic, s.
( 459 ) s^

C1^1a1I**> ^ (^ Ifjtf satyaiirit, m. ooniin rcn, uX.Ju*> f^Z^'m sutitlTiu, a. to swallow by ouIms
and villi a noise. //.
trade, traffic (being a mixed practice of truth aiul lies).?.
U^.*> TflWfTT sati/ata, f. truth, int(^grily, virtue, s. fj.xui ^rl^ silted, f. foolish prattle, falsehood, h.
^ijxi^ Tfrw^ safirfJi, m. a fellow student, the (^^^ ^r?T^^h. safcifi, f. chattering nonsense,
jmpil of tlie same spiritual preceptor. *.
j^**>* xitez, contention, battle, combat, p. '-ixw* "WZm sdtvd, n. to join, to adhere, to
stick, to unite ; (in Dakh.) to cast away, h.
8Ja:^ siteza, m. controversy, altercation,
quarrelling, contention, battle, siteza-kho, quarrel- ,-^^^
"ness. "^s. sath, cunning; ignorant, s.
some, p. [cious witness, s.
(_j>1^jL*> ftr^T^ sithd,i, f. insipidity, tasteless-
i^^^iiL-ju*** ^TTRT'F^'^ satya-sakshi, m. a vera-
>J^ ^nr^oST satlld, powerful, strong, s. V,i^^L*» ^TTtTl sathord, m. a sweetmeat, con-
sisting ofmeal, sugar, ginger, spices, &c. (particularly
*Ju**> WAH snf7/om, indeed, verily, a particle given medicinally to childbed women, and distributed,
of interrogation and asseveration, s. as caudle is to gossips). It.

^_^^^*** fwzi sittid, f. dross, lees. A.

ui)^ijp-j ^TW^'^cF satyalok, m. (v. sailoli). s.
3Ujum> ^TrtRT^ Kdti/a vad, m. truth, speaking bU^i^j ^frm^T sathiydnd, n. to bo turned of
truly, s. [the truth, s. si.xty 3-ears, to be decrepit, or in one's dotage, s.
^jd\yi^M» Wmrn^^ mtya-vacU, one who speaks ^^«j W^ f>ati, i'. zetloary (^Curcuma zerumhet
"or Curcuma amada). s.

j\yylM ^ri1e(R safitrar, "If. a tomb, grave, i^*n ftrj^ s^ti, f. whistling, h.
'j\y^jM» ^TiT^^T^ satmar,} burnint:-grGund
the place where a widow has been burned, s.
; Ljjjj ^f^^T satiyd, f. a stick, s.

^^,^^i^ ^jq^^Trf satya-vaclian, m. a true Ujijui ^jm satiyd, f. a daughter, h.

statement, s.

sSIm* '^rm satya, true, sincere, lionest ; m. j_^u*»^_y**i t<<5l«<j') sail satl, joined, glued,
"stuck"together, crowded, h. [nexed. «.
truth ; an oath, satya or sati/a-i/na, the first Yug or
golden age, comprising 1,728,UU0 jears; the upper- |^J.^**i TS7\'3i\ safik, having a commentary an-
most of the seven worlds, the abode of Brahma, or
world of truth. «.
^Mi 'mj s/ij, m.f. shape, oi'nament, appear-
ance, preparation, saj-dar, well-shaped, handsome.
Ijjklwj ^r.'?T sdfeha, m. (v. satliiya). h, saj-dhnj, f. preparation and appearance, i.
tf-.Cjuu**» >ir«4^'l mtya-yucji m. the first of the V^** ^Wr ■'^'^'jjd, armed, accoutied, decorated;
four yugas or ages (v. yug or yuga) s. f. dress, decoration, armour, s.
IjUrt fw^ sittUf f. (v. bhutta) Indian corn. h. C^[^ ^nnfTT sajdii, of or belonging to the
same caste or kind, sujati, of a good tribe or species. «.
UbliLo '^C^{W^ satta-batta, m. an amour, com-
bination ;collusion, plot, cabal, intrigue, s. i\^ sajjdd, adoring, bowing the head and
<JL«**U***^T7l^T7.m/a.s«/,f. adhei ing together, h. body in adoration, a.

\ju**» ^TTr^lT sntnvd, a. to unite, to stick, to iC)^^^ sajjdda, m. a carpet or mat on which
make to adhere, h. MuTiammadmis kneel at prayers; an altar; a mosque, a,

13UJLj ^T'TTnn satpatdnd, n. to be con- jjl^i** ?T'3TT^

tel igent, s. siijdn, well-informed, wise, in-
founded, tobe surprised, s.
UjiiiJLv*** sat-dena, to throw away, to deem [>\^ ^'»il«ii si/jFii/d, a. to cause to swell, s.
a thing of no value, d.
b',r^ ^'3TT'5t[7 sajdiid, a. to cause to prepare, s.
'■^jLXL** m'Sn s/itak, f. an elastic rod, thick at
one end and tliin at the other, h. jlj^ T^l'^sajdn-, m. preparation, ornament, s.
Cljy^ '^'WmZ sajdivat, f. preparation; con-
(_g;oa**i ftl3'ofi"R^ dtkdn, fusiform, tapering, h. trivance, s. [ti&s, nature, a.
13K-U*> TI3'<*T'?fT sathmid, a. to baulk, to dis- bls'*^ stijdyd (pi. ofiUisi**), dispositions, quali-
appoint, to cause to disappear, h.
^_J<^[£^ W^l\ sajn,i, f. the price paid for
^^^^lui ^T<r=FT^ sathd,!., f. (explained vtdr- making belts or scabbards; preparation. 5.
charhdo) lowering and raising ; vanishing at the point as
a tapering body, disappearance, h.
jl4i^**» 'JH'ST^K
some. 5. p. saj-ddr, well-shaped, hand-
,.\.X)jt ?77oJiiT sutkun, f a rod. A.
IS^ sijda, n). tonobing the ground with ihe
lii.j.**» ^tToR^T mtaJmd, n. to run away, to forehe;id as an act of adoration or worsliip to (iod.
disappear, to flee. /:. xijda gah, f. the place of performing the .lijcla. a.
d^ ( 460 )

i^/*> TTinrsi .saj-dltaj, f. preparation and ^^"^ f^^nu sicha7ia, a. to irrigate, h

appearance. ■« ciLJsls::^ *i -q i $<f sachahat,'\{. also sachcha,t,
^e**^ ^ni^'t su-j(isi, renowned, illustrious, s. [^'^^ '^'^T.\sacha,i, j truth, veracity,
probity, authenticity, s.
jis^ «^7'', m. rhyme, metre, cadence, poesy.
saj'-go, an eloquent speaker, a. C*i-» cautious ; easy
Cl*^*^ Tfff^rf .wckit, attentive,
in mind ; free from anxiety, at leisure, s.
A^ s'.'illl, ni. a register, the decree of a
juiipe, written attestation of a notary, seal of a judge ^•^ sachich, really, verily, in fact. d.
'{sii^i'liim). sijil, the recording angel; adj. right, pro-
per, good, well-arranged, a. 4i>ol.>.^ ^pefi^M^ sachidanand, 1m. Brah-

J^ ^U^ i<ajal, watery, filled with or con- i^j\y^ '^(^'^'^{^sachchidanand,} ma, or

taining water. «. [more. h. the supreme Spirit, s.

"^^ ^jT^ sajlu, m. third brother of four or y^\j^

animate "W^TX^IX.
or inanimate,sachardchar,
s. all, whether
1^^ ^IT'l f^'ij'^ni or ^HsR f<fijjan, well-born,
respectable, good, virtuous ; m. f a sweetheart, a mis- (JLir^ H'-^dk suchah, cautious, reflective, s.
tres , arespectable person, s. [kind. 5.
Iax^** fl-«|ohHI -suchahna, n. to be astonished
,^ ^(Wr\ snjun., virtuous, good, respectable, or startled, s. [lity to move. s.

U^ W3T^T sajrm, ii. to be prepared; to fit, ^Js:^ WxJqJ s.tcJud, moveable, having the abi-
to become, to beseem; a. to dress, to ornament, to
^Cj.^ ^P'^iiT suchintd, f. due reflection, s.
adjust, to rectify, sajaiid, m. f. (same as sajan) a sweet-
heart, &c. 5.
^^ts^ TeT^tZi sachautl, f. veracity, sincerity ;
lj,:S*** ttiijr/a, n. to apj)ear, to be manifest, d. "the habit of speaking the truth, s.

lixsi" "SWmiJsiijanta, f. goodness, kindness, s. l^^ fw^J si (he h lid (^for sikshd), f. a sermon,
tuition ; learning, s. [teacher, s.
J.&i- sajanjal, spectacles, a mirror; adj.
til^s^^ ill^oF sichchhah, m. a preacher, a
pure, clear, o.
(Jl^j.si*** W^TT s/ichet, attentive, cautious, con-
lj\»j^ ^HfRT sajivana, a. (cans, of sajana) tented, happy, s.
to get prepared, to have rectified, s.
^.•^ svjud, an act of prostration with the CL^xs^ ^T^TT sachet, ^on one's guard, with
forehead touching the ground ; adoration, a.
deration, caution
attentive, alert, aware, cautious,or sensible,
rational. *.
b'^:^ fWHJ^T sijJiana, a. to tan, to boil,
to melt. s. [understand, h.
^-s^ sachich, true, veracious, d.
Vi'_A^ W^'^1 sujhana, a. to shew, to make
i>JL^JLx:^ l^Oi sachesht, active, making an
U^:^ siijhna, n. to appear (v. siijna). d. ellort." 5.
^^^ '^Wt ■•'"jjh 1 f. a kind of mine- u->l^^^ sahcih, a cloud ; quicksilver, a.
^■i,>^** ^"wsbrirt scijjimafi, > ral alkali, 7ia- ( 'i\^ sahdf or suhdf, m. consumption, a.
^^rs^^ j^ljt^^ sahhdn, name of an Arabian orator
of soda. sajj'inun,
s. J trum ; impure whose eloquence is said to have been unrivalled, a.

Ax:£^ xajjUthem,
or sij'fd, m. hard instones, j^** sihr, m.cnchanfnient, magic, sihr-hdz, a
made from and hardened hellfire,oronbricks
which magician, sitir-bdzl, enchantment. saJ^ar, m. dawn
are inscribed the names of men, with a catalogue of of day. a.
their sins. a.
i^Sj^ sahdr-gdh, the morning, the dawn. y?.
^lursi** TETiOorr sajila, well-shaped, beautiful,
handsome, s. i^^j^ sahar-gdhl,\ early , relating to the
«^i^ ^Tift^ sajiv, alive, endowed with life. s. Csj^ sahari, J dawn. p.
.^^ sahur, the meal which Musalmans make
sj<^ sapya, disposition, temper, nature, a. a little before dawn, during the month oi Ramuzan, to
enable them to fast till night, a.
>jj "W^ sar/i, true; m. truth; adv. indeed;
ill earnest, actually, sach-much, true, truly, s. L^-*** saMd, I f. liberality, genero-

€ ^f^ nachi, m. friendshij), mtimacy, con-

nexion, s.
C->jl;^ saMidirot,) sity.
C.<s^^ sakht, hard, strong; difficult; obdu-

>-j TT^ such, pure, undefiled, clear, s. rate; stingy; wretched, troublesome, violent, very
cruel, paioful, austere, rigid, severe; adv. very, ex-
ceedingly, violently, sakht-andaz, an archer, sakhl
*^*** "^(^ sarhcha, true, genuine, real, honest, siist kakna, to si.tak sharply or severely, to rebuke,
sincere ; m a truth-teller, s. sakht-gir, holdiug lust (an auimal of chase), a.p.
( 401 ;
^I^ siiHt'i, f. I);ii(lness ; obduracy; stingi- ijS*n s'tdrat, a species of iIk; lote tree, sidra-
"ness, indigence ; distri'ss. sakhtl /ro plwa (Dakh.), to tu-l-muntahq, a. tree in Paradise, tlie m.iuslou of til f
endure, to bear with patience, p. angel Gabriel, a.
5»sfiJ** siik/ini, 1 derision, ridicule, a ridi-
Jfcj'ji\«*> « c c su-drirh, solid, firm, very hard. s.
s->,j^ anhkiijia,) culous person ; a dnidgf,
or one who is pressed to labour witliout any remu-
neration, a.
^^^.S**i T(^'^f\ su-d(irsan or su-darsha?i,hA\n]-
some, good-looking ; m. the discus or missile weapon
of Krishna or J'isknu. s.
i^y^^ .tiiltJian, saMin}, or si/Mnv, ni. speech,
language ; thing, business, affair, siikhmi-piiiddz. (_jiji^*** fld^l sadrish, alike, rosenil)liiio-, sa-*.
eloquent. stMan-ta/cya, ni. a prop word, an expletive drishatd, f. likeness, s. [attained.
(as the wise men call it), siikhan-jdn, eloiiuent.
sukhan chin, an eavesdropper, a spy, an informer.
siikhan-dd)i, intelligent, elo(iuent ; m. a poet, stikhan- ^iii.St^ V[^^V{ su-dur-lahh,\eYy (i'l^cwXx. to b.>
di'dnCi, a. to ask, to question, to interrogate, sukhan- SjiXw* s';at(i (v. sidrat), a. a tree in Paradise.
sdz. an orator, a speechifier. siikhan-sanj, a weigher sidra-7tisJil>idn, the angels,
of words; a poet, a wise man ; adj. prudent, sukhan i
ghaibi, f. second sight, inspiration, siikhav-fnhm, in- euy*»L^*** *ir^*<i ^(iddsi/a, any person present at
telligent, quick of apprelieusion. siikhan-falniil, f. an assembly, spect.itor, &c. s.
intelligence, understanding, apprehension, siikh/ni-
go, an orator. sukhaii-war, eloquent, siikhaii-wari, J>J*iS*n ff^y!3fix. <it-dush-kar, very difficult, s.
eloquence, p.
CL^S*n TTsfw siid-goti, f. felicity or fortune ;
1^^ .s«^i, lil)eral, munificent, a. good conduct ; salvation, s.
0-«*» siichl, f. a wall, barriei', impediment, ditch,
rampart, an obstruction of any kind, an obstacle. j^.i^A^ 'W^'^sad-cjun, good, virtuous, eminent..s-.
saddi ramak, am.rejoinder, saddi dd'w'i,
the last remains a barthe
of life, to aagonies
claim. i\«jww> sud-mud (explained liu-ha-hu, q. v.),
of death, saddi Sikandar, Alexander's wall, saddi quite, perfectly, exactly, d.
rah, a bulwark, a barrier, a.
^S**» ^^ sadan, m. a place, house, mansion..-;,
J-»*» '?T^ sad, fresh, flourishing. 5.
tia*» ^ sad, an ode or poem. Zt. js3tia^ Tff^nl^ .m-danfi, f. the female elcphai.i
' of the south-west quarter, s.
\s*n iff^ sada, always, perpetually, sada- 8;X«*» sndda, m. (in medicine) an obstruction ;
phal, ra. a fabled fruit, eating of which confers long
life, &:c. ; a kind of lemon; adj. cOTistantly bearing scybala ; stoppage of the nose, coryza ; a threslihold. a.
fruit (epithet of a tree), the cocoa-nut tree; the
glomerous fig-tree; the jack {Artocarpus iutfisrifolia); ^St*» fWE sidh or siddha, accomplished,
the Bel {^sih, marmelos). sadd suhdaan, f. the name effected; celebrated, famous; valid (in law); demon-
of a bird ( Trogon dilerfus, Bvch. MSS.) ; name of a strated, proved iin logic); finished; m. a class of
flower {Hibiscus Phcciiiceus, the white variety) ; a demigods inhabiting Indra's heaven ; a saint, a holy
kind of fakir dressed like a woman, s. man. he who lias sutjjected to his will the eight ;.7VW/;;.v
(v. ashta-siddhi). an adept, a magician ; the '2ist of the
t_r'iJwM» sudah, m. the herb rue. a. j). astronomical i/oi,'.s ; adj. successful ; ready; conipletcil,
accomplished, siddha-dhdtu or siddlia-ras, ni. quick-
{,LJji\s**» ^f^ipjtT sada-hrat or soda-hart (for silver, siddha-ras, adj. mineral, metallic. siddiin-
saddvrat), m. alms, or food distributed daily to the sddhan, the performance of magical rites, the materials
poor, to travellers, &c. s. employed in akhj'mical processes, s.
\^\s*n ^T^TTTT sadatmn, good, virtuous, s, ,J6(^**» lirfe sidh or siddhi, f. success, accom-
plishment ofan object ; the entire completion of any
jli».\tXw» ^T^^TT sadachar, m. virtuotis con- undertaking, or attainment of any object ; prosperity,
duct, s. \_Shiva. s. success; the result or fruit of the adoration of tlie
gods, or of ascetic severities; the supposed acquire-
y^\s**i ^Tqlf^r^ sada-shiv, m. a name of ments of supernatural powers by the completion ot
CL^\s*n ^TTfrr Midagati, m. final happiness magical, mystical, or alchyniical rites and processes ;
accuracy, correctness, indisputable conclusion or
or emancipation ; the Supreme Spirit, s. position; validity (in lawj; one of the astronomical
j^\jju* stidda/l, with, along vith. d.
yogs. Jf^
s. xtidli or siuUii, f. menicrv, renieiii-
C->J\lW» WT^T^ sadanart, m. a wagtail, s. >j • ^ ^

brance, sensation, consciousness; notice, care, intelli-

i^^J-»*» ^T^Tp^ sadanavd, always happy. 5. gence ;adj. accurate, correct ; pure, unpolluted, be
sudh. beside one's self sudh-budh, f. sense, sensation,
C-J-jLv*** ^TI^iT sadavrat, m, alms (v. sa- perception, care, sudli-leiid, to take care of, to accom-
modate, tolook after, to inquire into. s.
\^Sj*i mn siidlia, m. nectar, ambrosia, the
jl^wV*** ^gT^ sad-hha.,0, m. a pure or holy honey of flowers. $.
nature ; good temper, amiability, goodness. «.
XiXstS^ lEnnT«TT sitdliarna, a. to adorn, to
Ji^M* "^C^WT. sad-uttar, m. proper or good adjust, to arrange, to mend. s.
leply. A. [profligate, s. \i\SiS**» ftnn^'TT sidharna, n. to go, to de
\>-\,,yu» ^HTT^R su-dui-achar, very wicked.
part, to set off. s.
( 4G2 ddlnd, to throw ashes on the head ; n. to lament, sir
iia*» ^BVTofi^ sudhahar, m. mooiiliglit, the paras fl-h., a. to protect, to aid. sir phirdnd, a. tolmjoiiv
in vain, sir phernd, n. to revolt from obedience, sir
ijJ>^\^S***Vi^JTS sud/iausUfj moon, being the pitna, n. to lament, sir tornd, a. to subdue, sir-charlui,
supposed repository of Sudha, the beverage of the proud, haughty, sir charhdna, to exalt, to assume, to be
Gods. s. [with. s. arrogant; to shew respect, xir cliarhke mnnid, to lay
the guilt of one's blood at the door of another, sir
,,\i>S**i ^TVt sudltan or suddhah, tog-ether, dharnd, to be obedient, sir duldnd or sir dhunnd, to
shake the head from affliction, sir-de-de-mdrnd, to be
ljl>iX«» ^TVT^T sadhana, a. to train animals ; desperate, sir-ddh, perfectly wet. sir se sirwdhe or
sir se sirwdk, the turban is for the head, or turbans
to perform, s. [cause to remember, s.
are like the head ; to express that without a chief the
people fall into ruin and confusion, sir se kafan bdndli-
Ulfcii-u* ^W»TT sudhana, a, to put in mind,' to ■nd, to engage in a desperate undertaking, giving up
dA)\j&tia*» r^-dl»?r siddhhnt or siddhanta, m. all regard to one's own safety, sir kdrhiid, n. to be-
come conspicuous. «ir-/ra<a, beheaded, sir kariid, to
result, consequence, truth established by demonstra-
begin, sir ko_ kadam-k., to go quickly but with re-
tion; a system of science, particularly' of geometry, spect, sir khiijdnd, to court punishment, sir ke bhal,
astronomy, &c., of which there are several in Sanskrit
of great antiquitj', as the Surya-siddlidnta, the Brah- headlong, sir ke zur, with all one's might, sir-girl,
the comb of a cock, crest of a bird, sir lagnd, to en-
ma-siddliditta, .\c. s.
dure hardship, sir mdrnd, to be at great pains, to J^
search diligently, sir mimddnd, to quit one's con-
jj3lfti\»*» ■ftr^T'^irt siddhantt, m. one ac- nexions and adopt a life of mendicity, sir-maild hoiid,
" quainted with the truths which are founded on de- to obedient,
be have the menses, s. sir niwdnd, n. to be humble, to
a of tlie Mimansa philosophy, s.

cL»jU&J-M» ftrVTR? sidhdrvat, f. candour, sim- «*» ^ •x'/r, m. an angel, one of the gods or
plic ty. 5. inhabitants of the celestial world ; tone, melody, ac-
tune. cent,
s. song, note ; a vowel, sur miland, a. to sing in
^^o^tX*** "W^riff sadharmi,
customs or laws. s.
observing the same
,**) ^ sar. nn arrow: a reed of which
\JJbSt*i ^ry^TTT siidliarna, n. to be correct, to
arrows are made (Sarcharnm sara, Roxb.) ; (for saras)
be mended, to be or seem right or good, to avail, to a pond, a tank, a lake. 5
succeed, s.

Ii<jbt5a*> sudh-munna, well-shaped, hand-

jM* sar, m. the head, .top, ])iiinacle, origin,
point, beginning, chief, principle; intention, end, aim,
some, d. [or disciplined, s. vill, love, desire, sar afrdz, exalted, sar-afgauda,
lljbtyw> W^^T^ sadhnd, n. to be fully instructed cast down, abashed, sar-anddz, warlike, intrepid ; a
kind of veil worn b}' women when the}' go abroad.
ly^l3uJ» W^jm sadhwd, f, a wife whose husband sar-hdz, intrepid, risking one's life or iiead. sar-bdzi,
intrepidity, recklessness of life, sar-basta, closed, shut,
is living, s. [wise man. s. hidden; inextricable; wearing a turban, sar-ba-sar,
all, the wliole, entirely, sar-liuland, eminent, glorious,
i^d-*n wft sudhi, m. a pandif, a learned or exalted. sar-bidaiidi,{. exahation. sr/r-ba-muhr, saAed.
^JiS*n siddlii, f. a species of hemp, the leaves sari-pd haitliiid, to sit backwards on the heels witli the
knees upwards, to squat, sar-pecli or sar-pesh, m. an
of which cause intoxication, d. (unament of gold, silver, or jewels, worn in front of
tlie turban, sur-tdj, a chief, sar-tez, sharp pointed.
iJiX>*»T(^saday, benevolent, compassionate, s.
sar-khud, independent, being one's own master, sar-
ijd>**> ^nft stidi, f. the light half of the lunar khush, cheerful, gay, merry; tipsy, sar-khushi, gaiet}*,
ice. sar-darakhti, a ta.x on trees, orchards, &c. sar-
month, i. e. from now to full moon. s. dard, m. headache, trouble, perplexity, sar-dnrdi,
vexation, sari-rdh, m. the high road, the higher jjart
b .W> ««^*4i sadyd or ^rf^^T sadiyci, f. the female of the road, sar-zada, depraved, ill-bred, sar-zutiiiii,
of the little bird called Amadavat ; m. a kind oT/nlir. h. f. the earth ; country, region ; limits, confines, sar-
Z(ir, mutinous, rebellious, disobedient, sar-zorl. f.
^^^S*n ^5^ mdesh, in front, before, near, mutiny, rebellion, disobedience, sur-zer, humbled.
proximate ; of the same country or place, s. sari sdl, tlie commencement of the year, sari shdm,
evening, earlv in the evening, sar-kob, m. superin-
20S**> ^U yiidi/a, that instant, then. s. tending, looking after; beating the head; overlooking,
overtopping, sar-guzdr, desperate, sar-guzasht, f. an
^.J*^ rT^ sadeh, bodily, in the body. s. event, accident transaction, account of circumstances.
sar-gardiiA\yi>^y drunk; proud, sar-^ arrff/w, distressed,
\Sm> WSJ tied d (v. .wra), rotten &c. h. humbled ; confounded, stupefied ; wandering, stray-
ing, sar-garddul, f. distress, confusion, amazement,
Jji!w ^^^ .•>7<-fZfl2</,1 well-shaped, pretty, stupefaction, sar-garm, intent on; attentive; inflamed
with love, sar-gurmi, f. application, attention ; love,
handsome, elegant, or being in love, sar-garoh or -guroh, m. the chief of
the troops, k.c., leader, commander; a chief of /ri^Zri,
^,.^^SiSJJt WS:^ m-dhah, graceful. sudaid- a provincial, sar-mast , intoxicated (with wine, lust,
power, &c.), sar-inastl, f. intoxication, sar-vmslik, a
deh'i, f. gracefulness of shape, handsomeness. 5. copy (for writing), sar-nigun, hanging the head,
abashed; vile; backward, topsy-turvy, upside down.
jn» ftr^ sir, m. the head, top. sir utJidte In sari iiau, anew, afresh, over again ; commencement.
fi(imdl hojiind, to be crushed in the commencement of sar-navisht,i. destiny, fortune, fate, sar 0 pd, ail, the
one's undertaking, sir nthdnd, a. to rebel, to rise up whole ; rn. a vest with which princes honour their sub-
against one. sir papoliid hhijd IJidiid, a. to sliew kind- jects (v.khit'at). sar-k., a. to make head, to accom
ness externally' and harbour enmit}' in one's breast, sir plish, to perform, to execute ; to obtain victory, p.
par charhdna, a. to 6j>oil (a child, kc.) ; to raise an in-
ferior above one's self; to shew respect, sir imi Jchdlc j**> sirr, m. a secret, a mystery, a.

( 4G3 )

\j**» sara, f. a caravanserai ; a liouse, a man- S<^jjji sardwad, perfect, complete, accom-
sion, siid or sara, (in comp.) singing, warblinfj, as plished ;master of
bulbuli iiristiiiisim, the warbling nightingale, p. at the summit), p. any art, &:c. ; chief (q. d. arrived
Li-j ^IXi sard,m. an earthen cover of a pot. .v.
a tree from which bows are {i\jMi ■ftrrf'rf slrdnd, n. to cool ; a. to make
u**> xara, m. cold ; to set afloat, to set off, to despatch, s.
made. a.
^L^i^**! S'lr-dfijdm, ni. iij)p:initus, utensils,
)t**» ftm sira, m. liead, end, extremity, s. furniture, goods and chattels, materials, ingredients ;
conclusion, end, accomplislinient. saranjdm-lc, to con-
\j**> W^T surd, f. spirituous liquor, s. clude, finish, prepare, saraiijdm-h., to be concluded. /).
\j**t surra, m. the sword-fish. d.
c_-0,jjU»*» sa/'a??rft/>, the island of Ceylon, a.s.
u^Lmj xardb or aurdh, ni. a vnpour resem-
bling the sea at a distance, formed by tlie ra_vs of the Lll>-iX_)L*) aar-avguxJit, tbe tip of the finger. ;^
sun or moon on a sandy j'lain, glare (Fr. mirage), a.
L-^l.**j 41 U^ ^cirdj) or srap, m. oiiising, an yy** ^TTR snrd,(/, m. a lid, or a shallow cup
used as such. i.
Imprecation, sardp dim'i, to curse, s.
bL»*> sardpd, m. the wiiole body, fio iire ; adv. i^j\y*i ^nrr^ofi sardwak (for ski-dwak), iTi.
name of a Hindu tiibe; tlie believers of the Jain re-
totally, from end to etid. sardpd tak, from head to
foot, f) ligion ;the lait^-. s.

iCiji\j**t sardpnrda, m. a royal tent, pavi-

^jL«* ^TTT^«T mrdwan, m. a harrow, h.
lion (vide also sar-parda). p.
^,jL**) "^"^M srdvan (for shrdvan), the month
\Jo\jjM ¥IT'T«TT sardpud, a. to curse, sardp- sdvan, q. v. s.
dend, to imprecate or invoke curses, s. sLau sardh {v. sard), Q kind of tree. a.
k1L>\jm» ftnjJT sirdt, cold, becomiiit:- cold. s. sUm* ^m^ sardli, f. praise, commendation. /<•
_Lm» sirdj, m. a candle, a Innip; the sun.
sirdju-d-daula, the lamp or sun of tlie state ; a man's f^\yn '^TTT^ sardhan, m. the act of praising. /«.
name; the nawwdh or viceroy' of Beiij^al, who in 1756
took Calcutta, and cause<i the deatii o( 131 English- UifcL«j ^TTTf^T sardhnd, a. to praise, to com-
men, by confining them in a close dungeon, bore this mend, to approve, to applaud, h.
high-sounding title. In some of the newspajiers and
chronicles of the day. at home, he figures under the
more Christian appellation of Sir lio>;er Dowler. a. {^^y** mrd,e, f. (v. sard) a man.-^ion, an inn.
sard,e dlgar, the next inn, i. e. the world to come. p.
--.'-»*» sari(i'i, m. a saddler; a groom, a. (^-^'.**» ^<T| sard,i, f. a small cover, s.
J\>-L>*> ftnT5IT^ sirdjdl, m. enlargement of
the vessels of the eye. s. tJL^\jM» sirdyat, f. contagion, ]^estilence. a.
uc»L**> rui^i^TTT sirdjnd, a. to create, produce, AafiK*** sard,e-cha, m. (v. sardch(t) a tent, &c. p.
form (Gilc). s.
jjJkJo|^ sardfidan, to sing, to play on an
ei»-U»*» sardcha, m. a tent, sur ounded with instrument, p. [singer. ;).
an inclosure ; an inner apartment, p.
SiiJjJ-*** sarcijiiida or sardi/anda, singing, a
j'liij*** aard-ddr, one who has charge of a ca- i^^ytt siirb or suruh, m. lead. p.
ravanserai, p. [ofHindiis. h.

^>tiy** Ul(^4) .'oddlit, m. the name of a trilie i^ju» '^^ sarh (for sarva), all, the whole, s.
\jjjM» "WW^ sarhadd (for sarcadd), always,
Jiiy\j**» "ZfTS srddh, m. funeral obsequies, con-
perpetually, at all times, s.
ancestors,sisting in ofl'ering
s. rice and fruits, &:c. to the manes of
y>y** ^TT^rT siirhiir, m. (v. saroba?' or saroi-ar)
ri.yf*^ sardzir, sloping (little used), p. a pond, an artificial tank. s.
jj^\jM» sa7dsar, all, the M'hole, entirely, p. i\j^y^ sar-ba-ruh, f. supply; travelling ex-
(^jui\jM» sardsart, f. the name of an orna- penses, or cash to pay them, sarbardh-kdr, a com-
missar^'of supplies, p.
ment worn on the head, going all round the head ;
Bummary. p. JsLj-uj sar-ba-rdln, f. the act of providing

^X.^j*n\j**i sn)-dslmagi, f. amazement, per- supplies for a journey, &c. ; direction, arrangement, p
"turbation, perplexity, p.
(j«j M» ^IT^^ siirba.s or sa7-busu (for sa rvasjca),
is,.^Xt*i\jiji xardslma, amazed, confounded, dis- m every thing, the whole property', s.
turbed distressed,
; p.

c.\j**i siirdgh, m. search, inquiry; sign, mark, f^<^ju» "P^JX^ sarb-cjalian, m. a total
eclipse, s. [m. nutmeg, s.
trace ; spying, swdgfi lend, a. to search, to seek, to
inquire for, to spy. p.
^y** ^(^ surabhi, fragrant, sweet-smelling;

( 464 )

Cjy*> ^ sarj), sarpa, or ^HT? sarap, m, a yfj*** ^^^ sarju, f. name of a river. ?.
serpent. sarpa-pJianaj or sarpa-mani, m. the snake- &*-:L*yA«» sar-chashma , m. a spring, a foun-
stone, a gem said to be found in the head of a snake. tain, a source or fountain-head. p.
sarpa-c/ihatra, m. a mushroom. _ sarpa-gaiidha, f. a
plant, perhaps the same as Ophioxylon. sarpa-haii, lLXo-^ sar-chang, repulse, rout ; labour,
m. (the snake-killer) an ichneumon, a mungoose. s. fatigue ; a kick. p.
iJlOyjj ^nr^fir sur-pati, m. a name of Indni,
ruler of the gods. s. c!-Jj»y«*» si?'- chop, disgust, aversion, d.
{Z^yM T(Xm{ sarpat,\m. a kind of reed, or C^a^jtM sar-hadd, f. boundary, extremity,
frontier, limit, confines, p.
1:j .**> ^TTtnn sarpata,} reed grass (Saccha- JJ*^
rum procerum, Rox.). s. •yj» surkh, red. surJih-liRda, m. the name of
a disorder, St. Anthony's firp. surkh-bed. f a kind of
sarpat- cane ; name of a medicinal plant, siirkhposh, dressed
tlLo^ myiZ sarpat, f. gallopinor.
driurna or -phenknu, to gallop off. sarpat- daurdna, to in red. snrkh-ru. honourable, "nulla culpa pallescens."
put one's horse to a gallop, h. surjch-ru,i, f. honour, character, fame, stirkh sufaid,
(red and white) fair. p.
j>,j^ TUJiTi svr-jmr, m. the city of the immor-
tals, Indra's capital, s.
\^j*ji sui'hha., m. grey colour in horses, p.
i^^\s"jiM suihhah, m. name of a bird (^Anax
5uVj**> mrparda, in. name of a Persian mu- ctisarca) ; also a species of lark, surkhab led par lagnd,
sical mode, supposed to have been published by Amir
Khusraw, oi Dilili. p. to do any thing expeditions!}', sir par surkhdb ka par
hond, n. to be proud }i.
ti^iyM sur-2)u}ija<ji, strength of fist, j)- l:is-jMi sarJthatt, m. an atrreement to hire ser-
vice; bill of sale, certificate of service performed, p.a.
i^y>.y** sorposh, m. a cover, a lid. p.
&5-.**» surkha, red tincture; a kind of pigeon ;
jy4>^ ftnTS^^T sir-phatauwar, wrangling; name of the son of Afrdsitjdh. p.
affectation of civility with internal hatred. *.

^'•j^yji sir-phon, i\ a headache, sar-phort, ik'y** sinMn, f redness; blood ; brick-dust. p.

labour in vain. d.
^yxhfjt^t sar-hhail, a general or commander
of an army or division, p. a.
^j*** snr-pech, a diadem ; a turban, an or-
nament in front of a turban p.
\y»-jM sai'-khaili, office of general, p.
Oy** ^JTcT xurat or snrt, f. consideration, re-
flection, memory, attention, caution, accuracy; copu ii>j**» sard, cold, damp, sard-h., a. to cool, to
lation, coition, s. pacify, said-ser, cool (place), sard-mihr, a co«l or
lukewarm friend, sard iniltrl, coolness in friendship, p,
CJjA*» ^Tjl sarat, the name of one of the six
seasons; comprising a^in and iar^iA-. s. i^jMi ^TT!^ sarad, f. name of one of the six
■ seasons (v. sarat). s. [melon, h
CLJj**i ^TIT mritM'. a river in general, a
lii;*** "W^ sarda, m. a kind of musk or water
\SjM>-^fTjf\ sarita,) stream. 5.
\3-«» &>\dj*M sardnha, m. the cold-bath. p.
^irTTT su7-ta, consiilerate, mindful, pru-
dent, intelligent ; accurate, s. jiiJj**> sar-dar, m. a chief, a head man. p.
^\3wM» sar-tabl, f. disobedience, p. ^^,i»5-M» sur-dari, f. chiefship. p.
Jj!y*» sartol, equal, a compeer, consort, d. CLkimi^jim sm-dast, the hand from the wrist
to the finger ends. p.
\^j**» sar-tez, headstrong, obstinate, p.
^jj ,**» ^HTlflcST surfila, considerate, prudent, a. ^^\jdj**» sar-dawal or sir-darval, f. reins of a
bridle, headstall, p. [tine. s.

cLjj**> ^IT7 sarat, m. a kind of lizard, a cha- {^^dj**i TTiyr^ sur-dhup, ra. resin, turpen-
melion. /(.
fj:L>j*M sardi, f. a cold, coldness, dampness;
tlie cold weather, p.
jj^^j.*** fWfZZtT^'^sir-thathauwai',\m. sa-
J »^^!> ,*** fFTT^^cS sir-thathauwal, J luta- ^^j^\,j*jj sariras, alike, the same. d.
tion (with displeasure), s. h.
eSZtjjui sar-rishta, m. an office, employment;
connexion, affinity ; a rope, thread, cord ; desire, p.
—^ "^fW sarjji, f. natron, alkali, s.
^j**» !>firj, m. a saddle, a.
j\i^ i.'jJli,jMi sar-rishta-dnr,\ch]ei' native reve-
^J>'J^ ^^^^ .v'/r;«?2, m. (v. sajati), a re- j\s'jJ^j**) sai'islttadar, J nue officer in a
spectable person. «. district ; supervisor of revenue matters, p.

\^yM ftrr^niT slrajna or ^«TI spjna, a. to }jj*n sari ru, f. the cephalic vein in the arm. p.
create, to produce, to form. s.
-*» sar-zad, happening,
to take place sar zad p.hon'c'i, to
; to be perpetrated,
\^ss>ju» fil^'^X.srijan-har, m. the Crcator.5.
( 405 ) ^

LiL«*^ sarashJi or siri.shh, m. a tear. p.

sur-zan, (lit.) striking the head, rebel-
^^]J^** lious, disobedient, p. * jr ^j\lyju» sai'atan, m. a crab ; tlje sign Cancer ;
a cancer; a disease incident to the feet of cattle, a.
ir^jj*** sar-zanish, f. reproof, rebuke, p.
iJAj'^ mr-zani, act of striking the head, dis- C1*S^**> snr'at, hasle. i>iir''.t.r^, quickly, a.
obedience, p.
^JS-j^ sarghana, m. a chief; a great per-
(^w-k*> fHpCW .tiris, m. the name of a species sonage; adj. abovementioiieJ, aforesaid, p.
of acaeiii {Mimosa seris). s. U^^^Y- *
1— >j*j* sarf or saraf, m. extravagance, a.
(^j»ij**» ^IXTfT suras, sweet, well-flavoured,
jij-y** snr-furaz, exalted, eminent, distir.-
(w.**» ^TT^ *a''«A',1 best, excellent, prime; guished (same as sar-afidz). p.

Ljy** ^^^1 sm-sa, J more, abundant, plenty- s. i^'Sj>yj» sar-farazi, f. exaltation, distinction,
J.**»^ sarsam, m. delirium, frenzy, a tumor, promotion (also sar-afrazT). p.
or inflammation of the brain ; adj. stupefied, p fSjM sulfa, a moth, caterpillar; a cough, p.
^jf-\uij**i TS[i:^\sarsayt, f. increase, abundance, sijjji sariha, m. plagiarism, theft, a.
'excellence, s. [fortunate, happy, p. ciJ-M* gnrak, a noose, a snare, d.
U***^ sar-sahz, fresh, verdant; prosperous,
0 -M» sirha (for s'lrka), vinegar, p.
(Cjju*»j**» sar-sahzl, f. verdure, greenness ;
prosperity, happiness, p. j^j*** saf-Jiar,{. the king's court; govenunenr ;
estate, property; a district comprehending sevor:i'.
pargaiuu ; m. a superintendant ; a title by wav of
j^j**» '^[^jPU.^'n'-sar, ^noise of a snake respect given to a person present or absent, such as
(O !.**>-«> ^T'^rnr sarsarat,) whencreeping./t. your highness, your honour, p.
ULwJwy* ^^^n:T^««^5a»««a,ln- to creep along, sar-liarl, i\ superintendence; adj.
belonging to the state, or to the government, p.
^\jjMj**»Tn:j(J:f'HTsursura.7ia,) to make the
noise a snake does when creeping. /;.
\3\S^ '^toBTTIT sarhana, a. to remove, to j)ut
iJL^\ J ,*jiM» on one side, to remove out of the way. h.
^ T(*.'^i}^i
\3 -J - siir.mrahat ■or mrmrahaf,
f. creeping (sensation), titillation; the noise of a snake ^J*
in creeping. Ii. S^J■^nTflSTT
ify** sarkarci, m. a reed (^Saccharuvi,
procerum, Roxh.). s. [tinous. p
^jaUjjm sarsari, easy, facile, careless, p.
^j£>i^ sur-kash, disobedient, rebellious, mu-
^jMij**» "^(TM^ sursuri, f. titillation ; an in- fJ^j*^ sar-knshl, f. disobedience, mutiny,
sect bred in grain, h.
"rebellion, revolt, p.
{JL^^ijijAU ^IT^TT saraarvaf, elegant, s.
Uij**> ^IT'5F'5TF sarakna, n. to be moved, to
j_^5**i.**<^n;S'cftAa'as'!v//i,f.theu'ifeof Brahn.a, move, to stir, to be set aside, to get out of the way. ii.
the goddess of speech and eloquence, the patroness of
music and the arts, and the inventress of the Sanskrit ljkij**> ^T^oF^ suruknd, a. (v. suruhnd) to
language, and of the Devanagari characters ; the river swallow by gulps, to sip. //.
commonly called Sarsuti. s.
\j)jSjMi ^r^eJf^T snihandd, m. (v. sarhard) a
^y*>jui ^TT^T sarson, f. a kind of mustard kind of reed, of which mats are made. s.
seed or plant {Sinapis dicliotoma, Roxb.). s.
sSyM s'lrht, m. vinegar. sirka-Jishdni, (lit.
K^JjsMiyji ftnc^n sirsing, rebellious, muti- scattering vinegar) reproach, sarcasm, p.
nous. .;.
l^i-M* '^^T sui-khd, a tall plant running up
i^jiM shish (v. sin's), the acacia, s. without a due proportion of leaves, h.
X^jM stusliar, full, brimful, redundant,
glutted ; intoxicated, p.
\,^^jt*i fmM^ sir-khap, resolute (soldier),
adventurous. «. h.
f^XJ^jMt snrshari, f. fulness, intoxication, p.
ig^j*** ftrC'S''Tt sir-hhap'i, f. resolution,
K^^^j**) '^'^ sarshnp, m. a sort of mustard "perseverance, enterprise. -5. /(.
{Sinapis dichotoma) ; a kind of poison, s.
^f*» fHTsF^ sirhi, f. a kind of reed of which
{^tnjui sai'isht, f. nature, temperament, con- "mats are made, reed-grass (the upper joint of Saccha-
stitution, disposition, conplexion ; intellect, p. rum procerum, Ruxh.); a sort of mat to keep off rain. h.

i^MijMi sirisJita, mixed, created, p. \>Lfy*i TIJ\ sar(i or sarf/a, | m. the heaven;

iJL^jjji "We srisht, created, made; f. also '^fs t^^d-^ ^^^flR sarg-lok, J the firma-
srhkii, the creation, the world, the universe, nature, ment ;the sky (properly swarga, q. v.). s.
natural property, srixhti /carta, the creator of the
universe, s,
ij^j*^ TfTfmf}^ sarg-patali, squint-eyed ;
\„.SiZijMi sarsluif, \n. nr.istaid sicd. ]>. "(an ox or cow) having one horn pointing upwards, and
the other downwards, s,
yLfj^ ( 466 ) j^

^HJ^fjjt sar-gashtagl, f. astonishment, af- &«Vi^ .s-crrwama, m. tiile, addresiJ, pii|)(m onp
'■ fliction. p. tion of a letter, p.
iC^j**i mr-oaskta, afflicted, astonished, at ^^fK>ju»surna,i,m.{y. surna- chi)?i\\\'^er,SLC.v,
a loss, wandering, perplexed, p. i• _ , _,^

X**> ^T^m .wr^-^«?/^, the gamut ; sol-fa-mg, *^ -> '_ ^

' 4l-mizatiou. s. ^U^-..sv7,--««yaw (v. ^.U];-.), apparatus,Ac./;.
^^ wriT^IT sargun, filled with or possessed ^^^'fJ**» saranjanii, means of support, p.
of all trood qualities, an epithet of the Deity. *. ' ", f • ___ o • i i »• „
^^ ^ , t^>-J,«»^TT^ SM7-a?2^, f. a mine, a hole cut in a
(^^jut snri-gosh, m. the ear. p. wall^ to ^break into a house, a gallery, subterraneous
passage; m. red colour; adj. red coloured, bay or
^^^ p. sargosh'i, f.
"tion. whispering, delibcra- chesuut (horse), surang-dhdtu, m. red chalic. *.

lL^-)^ '^^ sring, m. a precipice ; a horn. .<.

^j^Xm> .?ar^m,m. dung, especially cow-dung. j;.
A**» ^R^ 5a?-aZ, m. name of a fragrant wood iS^f** '^^ ^T.^^^9h horned, crested ; name
of a saint, s.
{Pinus longifoUa, Roxb.); a bird (Pavo bicalcarata) ;
adj. perpendicular, straight; plain, artless, honest,
simple, upright, s. J -M» ^ saw or sarva, all, the whole, sarva-
bhdfi, m. whole disposition, all one's thoughts and pur-
'^j**i ^TToH S(tr(ild, upriglit, tall, straight ; f. a poses, sarva-bhn/csha, omnivorous, all-devouring.
variety of the plant called Teorl. s. sarva-bhut, m. all the elements, all created things.
sarva-priya, universally beloved ; loving all. sarva-
jtju* Wf aram, in. f. fatigue, toil, pains, s. purnatd, f. entire completion, complete preparation.
sarva-tcjas, m. all-splendour, omninotence. sarva-
Jtju> saram, the ridge-pole of a house, d. tejomay, comprising or consisting ot all splendour or
power, sarva-jit, all-subduiiig, incomparable; ni. tlie
^yji sarma, m. winter ; the cold season, p. twenty-first year of the C3'cle. sarva-jagat, f. the uni-
verse, sarva-darshi, all-seeing, sarva-dukli kshay, m.
^JAJCJU> sarma,i, m. winter clothing ; adj. end of all pain, final emancipation, sarva-daiuan, all-
wintry, of or relating to the cold season, p. subduing, sarva-dhurt, f. the 2'2nd year of the cycle.
sarva-dlian, m. whole property' ; (in arith.) total of a
iO\<j'->i sarmdya, m. stock in tiiide, capital.^. sum in progression, sarva-rdtra, m. the whole night.
sarva-samtd, {. sameness or identity with all (hinj-s;
iy«^ sarmad, eternal everlasting, sarma- equanimity, equal regard for all. sarva-swdiiu, ni.
dan, eternally, for ever. a. master of all, universal monarch. sarvu-sali, all-
enduring; m. bdellium, snnm-kdri, m. the maker of
^jS^Cj*ti sarmadi, eternal, perpetual, divine, a. all things, sarva-kdl, m. all seasons or times, sarvu-
kdlin, of all times or seasons, sarva ga or sarva-gat,
l1a*~-«;*** sar-w.ast, dead drunk, p. all-pervading, omnipresent, sarva-gandh, m. a class
of four aromatics, or kakkol, cloves, agallochum, and
(^jw!y*> ininruighzan, m. trouble, vexation,
gum benjamin, sarva-gya, omniscient, sarva-gyald,
labour, perplexity, fatigue, p. \_plex). a. f. omniscience, sarva- lok, m. the universe, sarva-
may, universal, comprehensive, sarva-ndsh, m. uni-
/y^j*** sarmak, m. (v. surmti) orach {Atrl- versal destruction, sarva-vdm, m. a pronoun, sarvn-
vid or sarva-vedi, omniscient, all- wise, sarva lidr, vn.
,&^j*** ^nc*^^ sarmuhh, (cor. of sdmmuhh or total confiscation. *.
sanmukh, q. v.) before, in front, s.

^^sj^JMi sarmandal, name of a musical in- •jM sarv, m. the cypress tree, sarv-ladd, or
strument, d. sarv-anddm, or sarv-Tcdmat, of cypress stature; graceful
anil majestic, sarvi rawdn, moving majestically. /;.
jw«jM» surma, m. a collyrium (generally con-
sidered to be antimony, but \Aliat is used in India l.j«*» ^TT^ sarwd, m. a cup; wife's brother;
brother-in-law; adj. excelling, s.
is an ore of lead). surma-rdUda, wliose eyes are
stained with surma, surma-dun or surma-duin, a box,
&c., for holding surma, surma hona, n. to be reduced \jj**» '^^ surrvd, m. a ladle in form of u
to an impalpable powder, p. [ish. p. hand with which clarified butter is thrown iuto (lie
fire for a burnt offering, s.
^X<f*» mrmn,i, of the colour of .st/rmfl, grey-
\^\mju» ^TTTT sarvdtmd, m. the universal
^j**» ^TTT •wrfl»,1 f. an asylum, shelter, pro- spirit, all beings collectively, s.
y>jM* m.'i'i ffarna,} tection. s. }^^\^j^ ^RrfVlcRR sarvddltihdr, m. general
\jy^ ^^TfT sai'nd, n. to ho performed, to be control or superintendence, sarvddhikdrl, m. a. g^iwraX
carried on, to issue, to be ended. It. superintendant. s.

""jjut surna, m. a kind of pipe, a clarion, p. ^^'i. !..**»of all.

^^tT^»T snrvdrlham, for [to
all all.
; on;\
account «.
^^13^ surna-chl, m. a clarion (or a haut-
boy) player, p. ^JyJ\JyM ^tm^ sarvnsray, giving shelter
C-*^l3w«» ^RTFTmr snranagat, one who comos J^5 ,*n sarwnl, m. trousers, breeches, a.
for shelter, a refugee, saranugata-vatsal, merciful to
tlKise 4ho oomo for s:inctuary,an epithet (>f the Deit_v. s. ^^.>\^ jui^%T^ sarvdng,n\.i\\e wholebody. s.
( 167 ) ^^j^

L-^jj>*j V^M sarup, like, resemblinir ; with

ijj**» ;ftT^^ .laroh'i, f. a kind of scimitar. A.
form, with appearance ; m. (for stvaru/)) appearance,
a spectacle ; own or natural sliape or form; appear- blfc^ ftrCfTf|T xir/ia/idf ni. a pillow ; the
ance, identity, suru/t, beautiful, handsome, sarupaid, place where the head rests, wlien a person is asleep
f. likeness, resemblance, s. or dead ; the head of a bed or tomb. s.

{J,^y*» Mh}i\ sarvpi, in its own shape, as it lijb^ ^^T sarhna, m. the .<cale of a fish. h.
really appears, s.
tL^JJ^JJ*> snrliang, m. a general, commander/
captain, chief, overseer, a foot-soldier; adj. diu-
\ijj*n'^(ttin sa/ofa, 1m. a kind of scissors obedient, violent, rebellious, strong, p.
\3jjMi ^^t^T xaroira,} forcutting betel-nut. /<.
iPj*** ♦J^^^l siir/n, a kind of giass growing
(OUij -M* ftnctrTTfT sirotpat, m. redness and
inflammation of tlie eyes. s. "on neglected or uncultivated lands, h.
\jj^ ^TT^ mri, f the shaft of an arrow ; a
J>^f** ^^^ AY//?-aira,ever}'where,in all places, "reed of wiilch arrows are made. s.
at all times, s.
i,/jM»"ftn;^ .s'/ri (v. .«>), the head. s.
jj>^yjj**> ^'?ft>r5 sarvato-hhadra, every-
where auspicious; m. a temple or palace of a square ijy** '^ iii'i or shri, a tiame of Lahshvit the
form, with an entrance opposed to each point of the wife of Vishnu and goddess of prosperity ; beauty; it
compass, s. [means, assuredly. $. is written as a mark of respect, something like our
Master or Sir at the beginning of Hindu prc)per names
of person.s, as Sri Lallu Ldl, the author of the Prem
\^^jt*i '^^-VJ[ sarvathd, in all ways, by all Sdgar. s.
^jj**» W^m saroj, m. the lotus ; lit. the
^ake-born." s.
kJj**» sari, f. chiefship ; adj. good. p.
^.M> save, a term equivalent to our a or per,
«5j «M* aarod, m. a song, modulation, melody.^,
in such phrases as " how many rupees a yard," or "per
bj-w* ^T^T sarvada, always, at all times, s. yard?" sare gaz kai rupae i h.
^jiijyji sarodi, m. a singer, p. (_jj**» ftn?Fs2?7'i, mad, insane. //.
jj H»*> survr, ni. pleasure, joy, cheerfulness, a. {j^.j*** suryaiii, Syriac (tongue), a Syrian, a.
jjj*** sarn-ar, rn. a chief, principiil, leader; \-0 -M* sare-pa, \all, the whole; from top
name of a Muhan/madan saint, sartvari ku.inut, (chief
of the world or of creaturesj Muhamviad. p. »^\x>jt*» sare-pa,o,j to toe. p.

J, j**» ^T.W^ sarvar, m. a pond, a tank, a lake, {Z^iJjM '^V!^H s, S7-t-pati, Vishnu,
band of Laksfimi. the hus-
sarwar, adj. equal, s.

f^jjyj* sanvan, f. chiefsliip, leadership, p. jJ.^JO ^«*> xripfial (for shrt plied), a cocoa-nut.s.
CL'>j**i'^tjJ suraif or sarait, 1 f. a para-
^^JtiJJA^»'^^^ sarvas, sarvusvATn. the whole,
{^lj**> ^^fH'T siiraitin or saraitin,] mour, a
y)*>j.**i '^^^ sarrasira, J every thing, mistress, a concubine, s,
all substance or property, sarvasiva-dand, fined in all
one's property; m. (also .«onaA«'rt-/(a)'a») confiscation *^.j**^ ^T'ift sanjo or sorejav, m. shelter, pio-
of a whole property', s. tection, patronage, s.
{^^^yui Si.rosli, m. an angel; a voiee froni
heaven ; the seventeenth day of the solar month, p. j>.j*** suiir, m. a throne ; a cot or bedstead, n.

jO«*M* sarohar, m. business. ^^. j>.y*» "v^Xsarir, m. (for s.shar'ir') body, con-
stitution, sarir), corporeal,
^fjj j*» TfRlT saroq, sick, diseased, aarvofj,
all- pervading, s. lL/K^/ .A-j '^^TTT sri-ra(j, m. name of a musi-
cal mode or rag. appropriated to the afternoon in
winter. It proceeds from the womb of the earth. *.
^j^**j ^rrt^T sinvla, m. a kind of sweetmeat, h.
^^J u*> ^r^5[!T sraivan, m. the ear ; the act of (ji.>j**) si.rcsh, m. glue, starch, jk
hearing ; tiie twentj'-third mansion of the moon,
composed of the three principal stars in ^quila. s. ^xL>yi*i "Zi^ sreshih (for sreshtha), best,
most excellent, pre-eminent, s.
j^jj*»» ?r^»T saraunj, f a kind of seed. s.
*J .**> siiri', quick, nimbh?, ready. sorVit-t-
sarovar, m. a lake or large tuslr, ready, penetrating, sari'u-z-zawdl, soon passing
away ; lading, frail, a.
K> ,*** stireha, like, as, that, so (also much
i^j»j,^i^Z»^^j**» ^T'^fVTF aarvavshodi-ras,
m. the juice or infusion of a number of plants as used used as an expletive without any meaning, but con-
at a royal inauguration. 5. veying some slight emphasis), d.

(^,fc;Xi»jjj**» ^t^fVTnjr sarvaushadh7-ga7i, Wx>y*> ^t;T3T sarekhd, f. the ninth mansion

m. a class of certain principal drup;s, consisting of of the moon, consisting of five stars, probably in Can-
Mura, Valeriana, Jatamansi, Orris root, i:c. s. cer; cunning, sly. s.
8^ Sfl?'(7, cun-ent (ascoin); good; worthy, p. l^5o. ,*»» 9C)'<^T sarihha, like, resembling, so. h.
( 46S )

C^<^JJ**» "^^If sri-mat,*B?prosperous

>^ , fortunate, jU,.*** ^RTTIT; susar, m. a cook, a dre^.^er ci-.u
seller of provisions, h
weafthy, opulent. *. [sperity. 5.
dA-..**i sust, relaxed, lazy, nesxligent, slo\v ,
,^^c jiM '^ftT^ sri-mod, intoxication of pro-
..j rui sin-ln, f. the buttocks, the hips, the dilator}', languid, feeble, indolent, siist-i'tikdd, incre-
ent. ;). fickle, sust-paiiiiuu, un»teiidy to one's engage-
tliighs. p. [lum. s.

■^>,j^ T^fk^ sarcrv, m. patrojiage, shelter, a?y- u.w«i Hani sosta, cheap, easy to proeure. h.
jMi fws sir, f. madness, insanity, h. j^.lL..**» S(jstn(/l, f. cheapness, d. [to rest. s.
Iv*** ftrri sira, mad, insane, h. Ull-»**» ^ren^T sastand or 41UHT sustdnd, n.
h**» TerS\ sum, rotten, musty, stinking. It.
^TFTT^sas^aji, f. cheapness, h.
13K-^ fl^MT sarana, a. to cause to rot ; to
make ferment, to steep, h. snsfar. a strino- for makiii<r im io;es
move or dance, d.
d^^jm'^C^t^ sarahd, f. a disagreeable smell, h.
KJL*ii\jtM J\ZTtZ srirahat, f. rottenness, h. ^■i*-**j W^ siislh, well, healthy, susiluiid, \.
health. «. [resolute, s.
iiJfi>^7**» ^TTtf?'?^ siirahind, f. a disagrecfable j^L^t*i Trfw^ sii.sthir, firm, steady, stable;
smell, smell of putrid meat. h.
siisn, f. rehixation, laziness, negligence,
^)Jjj«-j f?r'3f%f^WT ■sir-hiliUa, mad, insane, h.
" dilatoriness ; cheapness, lowness of price, sustl lorna,
(^•i**> ^r?''? siirap, f. sipping or sucking up to break one's laziness,
sell cheap, p, to become active, suiti Lccliiid,
(as broth;, or the uoise made thereby, h.

^^. •.'**» irr^^^ sir-pan, n\. madness, insanity. A. j*««**» r^lf^IC sisir, f. one of the six soasnii-;. in-
cluding from the 1 1th of Paus to the 1 1th of Phiigiiu ;
U) '.'a** ^jT^HI surapiia, n. to sip. h. dew. s.
(.iJj**> ^rSflir sarah, f. the high road, a path. ,^Att T[W^s>isar or sasw,^ m. a fathtr-in-low,
sarakphansl, f. a noose, h.
!•.>.***» HHCI snsrn, J thefatlier of either
vjLh**» sarak, a giime bag (v. shihiir band) ; luisband or wife. s.
adj. drunk, intoxicated, d.
jK"**** ^nU^ s.isrdr, 1 f. father-in-law\ Inmse
li^V WTofRT snrnhna, n. to "-ulp at, to
swallow. //. JL,-A*j ^jrTqS .?!/sraZ, J or family. In Cal-
cutta, Vc, the term is jocosely applied to a j.iil or
i$'y** ^^^1 siifdiiln or ?13oh^ s?<r//i, f. act of prison, just as we call the pawnbroker's shop "the
mansion of mine uncle." *.
"suddenly slackening the string of a paper kite. ^i.
lj,0k.>»**» ^^ohKHI suskdrnri, n. to sibilate, to
^, ■•.•/*» ^TfrJ .sa ?*«??, f. rottenness, putrefaction. «. hiss (as a snake). It.
/o}**» ftrT5Ts/.?'a«, f- mad or insane (women)./;. U5w*«» fH*l<*>iT sisahiid, n. to sob. h.
\iyji >Ai^\ sarva, n. to rot ; to ferment, h.
X— * fFTH<*1 sishi, f sobbing, .v s'.-n/nn
^'■'uji f^ft sin. mad, insane (v. sir)-i). h. "bliarnd, to sob. h.
^jjui sirl, f, stairs, steps, a ladder, d. ss'n
m{HX( siisamay, m. a good[piv.ity.
{^j*>* Wfr^^ sariyaJ, rotten, stinking, h.
JLL«.-**» ^^^ni snsansliny, doubtfu!, nr,eer-
U**» saza, f (literally) one's desert ; fgenerally "tain. s. [able smell, h.
means) correction, punishment, retribution saza-dend
or -karna, lit. to give one his desert, generally used in
4iJJ/*ju««* ffTftnn^ sisiijd,lnd, a iltsagree-
the sense of " to punish, to castigate." p.
saza-n-ar, worthy, excellent, able, jc»-*»> wF?nTT siisli/ar, m. the moon (v. s isi). s.
applicable, meritorious, p. &jk..,M>** ^n^ stisj/a, m. fruit ; corn, gra.ss. g,
^ \^\t*» saza-wari, f. worthiness, excellence.;;.
^jl.t. •••...> ^pT^ sHshvpi, fist asleep, sushupti,
..Um) saza-war (v. saza-war), worthy, &c. p. f. deep slfep. s.

J.U**> sazatval, m. a tax-^^Jitherer, a land jWlii.«j f^lFt^TT sishtdchdr, m. humility,

steward, an officer employed at a monthly salary, to complaisance, obligingness, s.
collect the revenues of a district, the zamindar of
which has fallen in arrear. t. ^/,W'Jl1**> f^TFT^t^ sishtdclidri, obliging,
humble; f. a treat, a feast, s.
^,h**» sazawali, f the business of a sazarcal ;
" adj. relating to a sazawal. t. i^'xt^j^ fl^l^ sas/iaiik, fearful, doubtful, s.
(j--*> ^?nT sas (for shashi), m. the moon ; the d^^L^^ TT^cjr sashok, sorrowful, sad, sadly, n.
sky, the heavens, s. ajL^^ f^r^T sishya or shishya, m. a discip.le,
^nn sasa, m. a hare (Dakh. sassa). s. a scholar, a pupil, i.
( 4G9 UUj

,yyJiMi -^^ft^
tured. (if m-shll, polite,
good manners, well-disposed, good-na- | Cl>5>'i*A» mfahat,a. f. stupidity, foil}-, bufiToon-
ery ; insolence,

lldxi.«i "K^^m sii ghllatd, f. goodness of dis- Ll*a**> xaff, firm ; thick, close (a cloth), p.
position good nature, aifability. s. ul*fl«» soft, f. drinking a great deal without
\x*n sa'.h, f. a |Jaituim, a terrace, a flat roof; quenching thirst, sift, soft pitch, a.
surface, superficies, area. a.
&4^ sifttijut or siftdja, thu act of givinfj a
bill of exchange or letter of credit, the amount to be
^^^^*^ sdthi, supt'rticial, flat. a. payable, with interest, at a distant time and place: it
Axm) sdpir, f. a \\\\o, row, rank, series, linea- also denotes tiie delivery of propertv ti> another by
way of loin, and not by way of trust, in order that
ment: delineating, describing. sa<ar-ia«rf?, f. ruling, the other may deliver it to soiiie friend of his, aild the
lines for writing on. a. object of it is to avoid the dangers of the road. a.
C-> JiO*** sniwat, dominion, majesty, power, {^X^SMi sufian (v.sumb), to hore (a pearl, &c.)./J.
authorit}-, awfulness; force, violence, a. a^ySMt sufia, l)ored, pierced (a pearl), p.
(Oiilx-» madat, \. fdicity, happiness, good
fortune, sa'adat-niand, fortunate, prosperous, happy. ^^a**» safar, m. journey, voyage, travel, sa-
sa'ddat-viandl, f. prosperity, o. far-k., a. to travel ; (met.) to go, to depart, to retire,
to die. as-sitfar ivdnllatii-z-za/ar, travel produces ad-
vantage, a.
'iAiuM si'di/ut, labour expected from a half-
free servant; calumny, accusation: according to Glad-
win, by si'ai/at is meant work or labour of any kind. (Jj>-^^a**> .siijhrjnl or safarjil, a quince, a.
It is a principle of the Mtihammadan law that no per- tjSLMt stifia, 111. a tahleoloth, napkin; a large
son can remain pai tir.lly a slave, but that any circum-
stance, which in its nature establishes the emancipa- leathern bag for holding food, so formed as to serve
tion of a part, provides for, and necessarily induces, anus.
also forp. a table when spread out on the ground ; the
the eventful emancipation of the whole : and hencje
the rule, that a slave, partially emancipated, works out
the remainder ot his value at an ascertained rate. o. (^c^iu* safari, f. travelling provisions, safari
am, m. a guava {Psidlum pyri/erum). p.
jiitM* su'tcir, f. origamtm ; a woman that iJ.\aAJi safli, shedding, effusion (of blood), a.
loves a woman ; instnimentum in modiim virgte virilis,
covfectum ex serivo vel simili materia, quo, ad medium
corporis sibi alligato meretrices utuntur. a. (J-C-wi sjijf, or sifl, ra. meanness (of origin),
ignoble, inferior, a,
i2ju«> sud, m. felicity, prosperity, propitious-
ness. a. ^i\sun ■'^fliitfi, meanness, stinginess, p.
^oju-* s«\/I, the celebrated poet and moralist s^SLtJi sdfta (viilg. sij^a), ignoble, mean, con-
of Shiraz, author of the Gulistan, £■/- a. temptible; stingy, miserly ; envious, safla-ddn, ra, h
cup or plate to throw scraps, bones, &:c. on. a.
1^ j.\.K»ju^ sadiyat, state of felicity, a.
Ai»** sufli, infernal, lower, inferior, a.
jOiiJu** sa'dain (du.), two fortunate planets,
such as Jupiter and Venus, a. (_i^**» sufuf, m. a medicine taken dry and
unmixed, a powder (in opposition to an electuary), a.
ju*» sa'i, f. endeavour, attempt, effort, cn-
"terprise, purpose, a. SxSUn siifaid, safed, or svfld, white, safed-
^y.ftMi said, fortunate, happy, august, a. tuh'i, the white basil, safed muhammad, a kind of
esculent root [Fluggea leucopyrus). p.

yow» sa'ir, that portion of hell which is des- \s^Sijj» siifeda, m. white lead. p.
tined for idolaters, a.
j\SjSUh safedar, m. the name of a wood, the
C-'.Iam* sifdrat, f. making peace (between white poplar, p.
others) ; writing, collecting, or binding a book. a.
ii^jsun sufaida, the dawn of day j whiteness y
lytSsit** sfdrishy f. recommendation, intro- white lead ; hair powder, p.
duction, p. [troduction. s. ^^sJu^» sufaidt, f. whiteness ; leprosy, p.
&^X>(^\sun sifdrish-namaj m. a letter of in-
jfftM sofir, m. an envoy, ambassador, a.
ui3lft**) saffdh, m. a shedder of blood, a.
sJ^xSUn snf'ina, m. a t^hip, a vessel, boatj a
ili**» sajfdhz, the act of bloodshed, a. blank book, common-place book. a.
&j.A«*» Siijlk, foolish, stupid, ignorant, a.
J\i**> safdl, m. meanness of rank, depres-
sion; descent, fall. a. \iL*» sdhha, m. a water-carrifr; a cnp-hearer;
J\i**» sfdl, ni. earthenware J (in Hindi) the pelican, " so called from a tradition, which de-
poses that when on one occasion there befel a severe
glazed earthenware, p. drought at Mecca, a number of tliese Fagaoioiis birds
brought water in their large beaks for the relief of
^la**» sifaR, earthen, made of earthenware, p. tlie inhabitants of that sacred city." — (Binning), a.
- •^^,a^ sifdnat, f. the art of ship-building, a. \»\su*i stil/atva, a cold bath; a washing room. a.

( 470 )

aolE*** anhaya, m. a hath ; a drinking vessel, n. '^^jp^M* ^^TB^T saktu-phatd. f. a tree {Mi-
mosa suma). s.
,fl**» sahar, m. hell, or rather that portion of
it -which is allotted to the Magi or fire-worshippers i^'Sm* «*<* saktuh, m. a species of poison, s.
V. jahannam). a.
iiCS*n sakta, ra. a trance, an apoplexy, a
IsHao saliat, m. abuse, abusive language; an
error, blunder, mistake, defect ; any thing of a base pause, vacancj'. a.
or useless nature, merchandise of a perishable quality, ci-*>j*> floji? saliat, bad, vile ; m. a small tree
either spoiled or spoiling, sakt, lire; sparks struck
from a steel, sd^at hond, n. to die (applied to brute (Tropins aspera) ; a cart ; the name of a Hindu holiday. «,
animals) ; to miscarry, a.
uxuj «<*il mhtd, lean, thin, dry, emaciated.
**lj laijuJ sahti-nama, m. a casualty list of
«('A-<a, m. a fragment of an earthen vessel, a shard. ».
horses which have died iu the cavalry, a. p.
(_aHjy» .?«//, f. roof, ceiling, canopy; the sky; ^^^^^*^»T(^iZ\ suh'i, lean, thin, emaciated,
f. dried fish. s. [shame.
dry «.;
a platform, a.
iJtJiui sahjlf f. a beam, a rafter, a. ^jXm* ^'^^ sakuch, f. shiinking, awe, fear,
Cl^^a**» sahalat, sihaldt,\ bUr*** ^<3fi-<4l(f1T suhchdnd or ^<*-«n^i .va^w-
. ..suklai,
■ ■ chdna, a. to abash ; also n. to be abashed, to be afraid, s.
J/-scarlet cloth, p.

Ki^y^Lui sakmvnri/a, m. sciimmony (Hi])poc. Vx^"^ TToS'^lTT sukuchnd or 'fl<*-«(r(T sakuchnd,

n. to fear, to be afraid of, to be in awe of, to be
and Diosc. (TKafifioovia, dried juice exuding from the
root of Convolvulus scammonea). g. [cus). a. abashed, to apprehend, to be apprehensive, s.

j^suSiui sahankitr, m. a skink (^Lacerta scin- ^>,^x*ti ^oF^^ sukdev, m. the name of the son
of Vyasadeva : he was famed for liis sanctity, and he is
jt^uM saTnm, sick, infirm, weak. a. the narrator of the i?/«7^'-ava< pHrd«a, composed by his
father Vijdsd $.
til*** ^IsR suit (for skull), m. a parrot, s.
j^au suit (for sulth), m. repose, comfort. .X»*> ^"Si suJii- or sulrra, m. the planet Venus
sakh (for sanlch), m, a kind of conch, a shell, d. (the Fre3-a of the Saxons : hence sukr-bdr, Friday, i.e.
Fre^^a's s.day) ; {Sperma geuitalc). sukar, easy, practi
\x»j» suhka (for suka), dry (v. suhka). d.
C^\x«*> Mthat, f. silence; adj. silent, a. Sm» suliv, m. any intoxicating drink, wine ;
intoxication, sukkar, m. sugar, a.
K**i '^c^ixsnhar, m. dawn of day, morning, s.
jj .o.<*> ^r«in^1T snkdra?!, having a cause, ori- \S^M* '^'mT^ salad, small (not having room
ginating from a cause, s, enough), narrow, straight, «.
U-iSa*) ^TcRR^T sakdrna, a. to accept (a bill C->U5s**» salturuf,{'. agony, fainting, saltardti
of exchange, &c.). s. [ing- *• maiit, senselessness, the point of death, a,

t^iXwi ^o)itO SLihcti'i, f dawn of day, morn- l!)Lx**» ^TSirTTin xnln-dnd, n. to straiten, to
cLJ\>**» sahhah, m. a cutler, one who makes deprive of necessarj' room ; to cause to accept (a bill,
knives, a. &c.). s. [sun into a new sign. *.

iS^**» suhlcdhi, f. the Inisiness of a cutler, o. ul.*i^jX«* i^rgiTnT salndiit, f. entering of the

Joo** ^offT^S salad or siilial, adv. betimes, j2i|^x»»» sakrdiiti (v. tukrant or sanhrdnfi). s.
early in the morning ; dawn of day, morning, stikal,
m. goodness of seasons, plentj-, cheapness, abun- j_5room.
Aj^Mi s."^^S^::^ sakrd,t, f. smallness, want of
dance, s.
oX-j ^chrf su-hrit, well done, well per-
•^9M» suhhdn, m. a rudder, helm ; (pi. of
formed ;virtuous, pious ; properlj', abh' ; f. virtue, a
salc'in) inhabitants, a. [tired, h. goiid action ; moral merit, kindness, bounty, sukriti,
virtuous, good, benevolent, s.
UK/*) TToFT"?!! sahdnd, n. to be grieved, to feel
j_^oLmj siililid/n, m. a steersman (in Indian- ijil-«^**) ^oRHofi suharmak, inmsilive (verb,
" English orthography, " sea conny "). o. in grammar), s.
Aaaxm* sihbinaj, m. sagapenum, a kind of
ijS-*n ftloR't sikri, f. a staple (of a lock), h.
gum-resin (Gr. (rayantjvov, Hippoc. and Dioscor.). g,
b merit,
X-* ^^^T
s. siihriyd, f. a good action, moral
cH^Xwj '^ch'ff sahaf or sahti, f. ability, strength,
power; the energy of a deity; the female organ as
the counterpart of the phallic personification oi Sliiita, lj-,C*» ftohdHT siiharnd or sikurnd, n. to be
and worshijiped bj' a sect of Hindus, hence called shrunk, to slirink ; to draw in, to collect, to gather up,
Silktas. s. [disease), s. to constrain, to shrivel, to dwindle, s.

\:S*** fwwifl silitd, f. gravel or stone (the jXuj ^r«fi^ saltal, all, the whole, every. *•.
( 471 )
^jS>*^ "^r^ ■•^1/ Ida or sukal, white, sukal jxic/ich'i. jX**i ^^ suhh, m. ease, tranquillity, easy cir-
(for shnkla pnkshaX moonlight, the light half of the cumstances, content, happiness, pleasure, delight, sukh
month; a title of Bnihinaua. s. pdtid, a. to get ease, leisure, rest, &c. sukh-purvak,
easily, without difficulty, snkh-bhdg, m. happiness,
j^SJI^ 9I^1<4iA s/iJill-karm, m. soap (q. d. good fortune, sukh-hluigl, happy, ^ielighted. sukh
chain, m. ease, rest, leisure, tranquillity, sukh-ddn, m.
■wliitiMiinf;-, making white), s. the act of giving ease or comfort, sukh dd.i or sukh-
ijJ^**i ^ToB'SiT saliiil^a, ni. a kinsman, one of ^C»
ddi/ak, a giver of ease, a comforter, sukh-dhum or
siikh-bds, abode of happiness, sukh-sddhya, easy of
till' same family, s. accomplishment. sukhi-swahhd,o, m. a happy or con-
tented disposition, sukh-mmj, full of happiness, de-
jl»x**» ^oRjfT^ sukumar (v. sukrvdr), youthful, lightful, s.
tender, soft, delicate, feeble, s.
^x**> ftro s'tkh, m. a disciple, scholar, pupil ;
(^jjj ^foFff aakini, m. (v. sagun) an omen. s. a follower of Ndnak ; the people of the Punjab, s.
j^5i^**i mhin, m. a dwelling, sahn, the inmates
or inhabitants of a house, a. v^Xw* '^W\ sakha, m. a friend, a companion. .«;.
v^^*** f^l^J sikha, f. a lock of hnir on the crowr
Ixx**) ^TofTTTT sd/nia, n. to be able. s. of the head: a queue (v. choti); tlame of a lamp. s.
Ux**> fffofi'^T >•//-'««, n.to he toasted or parched, h. .^l^x*o Iff^^ sukharth, for the sake of ease,
U5L*> snJnia, n. (v. sulma) to become dry. c?. happiness, &c. sukhdrthl, seeking happiness, s.
LdlJux*** ^oFTPoF sakantuk, thorny, prickly, 51^**»I^Xm» ^T^T^T^ sukhasrvdd, m. well-fla-
troublesome, perilous; m. an aquatic plant {Vallis voured, delightful ; m. enjoyment, flavour. *.
neria). s.
^ ^x**i ^TOToTT sithlidld, easy, facile, s.
aS'm* sakanj, an ulcer on the lip, a fetid
breath, a. bl^Xw* ^^rfT siihhuna, a. to dry ; to cause
to evaporate, to emaciate, to cause to pine awav. s.
(j^jk^si^** snhanjrihin, f. oxymel ; lime-juice or Ij l^x**» ftraT»n siMawa, la. to teach;
other acid mixed with honey or sugar, p.

jSiXt*» sikaJidar (v. Iskandar), Alexander Ujl^^ ftTOT^fTT sikhawand,) (met.) toad-
the Great, p. [der. p. monisli, to chastise, s. [tion. s.

(jj^JXtji sikandari, of or relating to Alexan- (_j«=^^x**> f*T^T^ sikha.,1, f. teaching, instrue-

eo , jj\*») sikandariya,i\\e city of Alexandria.^?. J'a^x«i T^iWm^ suhhpdl, m. a kind ofpdlki. s.
Cl^^Vw) ^^ff sahliit, tranquil, happy, s.
JbS^^^i "^"^ sTiandh, m. the shoulder ; a sec-
tion, portion, division; a canto of a jroem, as of the >3,^x«*» «<?lrtc<5i Kithh-tala, m. a piece of lea-
Bhagavat or Mahdbhdrat, the trunk of a tree. s. ther placed on the sole within a shoe. s.
dJS>a*» sdhmia (pi. of ^^i l**»j, inliahitants. a. »^::^Xmj T^fWR Sdhhilica, m. friendship, s.
^Xmj ^ejfrft sakuni, m. one who understands ty^Xwj ^n^ siilt/iad, salubrious, pleasant,
omens ; a bird (from which an omen is inferred), s. conferring pleasure, s.
,Lx^ fl<*MR snkwar, delicate, feeble, s.
(__^ij.^X*** ^ra^TH sii/ih-das, m. a very supe-
rior and delicious kind of rice. *.
c-^^Xi-* ^oFt^ sahop, angry, displeased, s.
CLj^xm* suhut, f. silence, quietness, peace.
j^^j^Xw* V^^^t\ suhh-da7'san,m. a shrub,
sakiil, adj. silent, quiet, a. [esteem, s, the juice of which is given for the ear-ache {Crinum
Asiaticum and Zeijluniaiin). s.
_^x«* ^oh^xf sakoch, m. regard, respecf,
|.»x»*» H<*^0 «</eo7a,m. a small earthen vessel. /t. j^xm> ftr^'^ si/Jiar, m. three or more strings
tied together forming a support to hang any thing on ; '
the corda of a bahangl, in which the baskets rest ; top,
^j A»*» f(<*lCl sakort, f. a saucer, h. summit, peak, pinnacle, s.
\y-^i^ ^chldrfT sakopia, n. to shrink, to draw ^j^x**> f^WXI^ sihJiaran, m. a kind of dish
up (the limbs), to gather up, to shrivel, to tighten ; made of coagulated milk and sugar, s.
a. to contract, to draw up. s.
..)«Imj,A\wj sakh-sdwanA . ,
^^x**> siikun,; tranquillity,
(a consonant) he'mg quiet; ease, having
dwelling, noa. vowel ^Y / _ i^ palanqum. d.
^^Uah^\wj suhh-sawan,}
\j^^x**» 9l$lc^MT sulihldnd, a. (v. sukhund tf)
uI>3^Xm> sakunat,
residence, tranquillity-
t'. a. dwelling, habitation, dr}', Ric. s. [instruct. *.
iS<t*» sihha, m. a coining die ; an impression 0!l)-^5wj ftr^^T^n sihhldnd, a. (v. sikhdnd) to
on money ; sterling, current; stamped coin; name of
a weight equal (in Bengal) to 7 dwt. and 11 5511 ijlji^XMi ftr^fTTW^ sihhndwad, m. tuition,
graius. p. a. instruction, s.
( 472 ) ^U

^<1j -^^TiMalan, m. stumbling, slipping, ^y>^u» sngal, all, every, the wholi\ d.
tripping, .s- ^**> ^TTIT s'ligam, that which goes well, good,
ifi^^^ Tlfi\i*i srilihoday,m. realization easy, easily accomplished, practicable, accessible;
plain, intelligible, s. [omen. s.
"ocurrence of pleasure, s.
/I ^... ^f^^ sohJii, f. a friend, companion ^^X**» "Wn"^ sagiin, sufjun, or sugan, augury, an
"(female confidant, &c., to a woman); a liind oi fakir f^4M ^nTTTT sagun, endowed with properties,
M ho dresses like a woman, s.
qualities, &c. s.
te^^ W^ .vM^Ai, ^. at ease, happy, tran-
i^>S^ 'm\^ .oigand, ^f odour, fragrance;
U^SC** TTf^PIT mlihiya, ) quil, contented, com-
fortable, pleasant, s. JtSJxj*t ^mf^ sugtindhi,} adj. fragnmt,

OVaA^ ^T^mW suhhynt, celebrated, famou?. odoriferous, sugand-rue, name of a flower, sui'ond-
satia, perfumed, suitandhitd, f. fragrance, such as pro-
sukhi/dli, f. fame, celebrity, s. duced by the trituration of perfumes, s.

j_54^ ^^--^I
^or confidante, m^ sakhi-jan, f. a female friend y^x«i iHJn-M s/iguti-a, being of one family, re-
lated ,m. a distant kinsman, s. [flesh, h.
Ia^^c*** ^i^TsJil sulihechchhd, f. hope or
desire of happiness. «. ^_^»X**» ^TT'Trt .S'lgoti, f. animal food, uu'iit,
s. •.■a.L*j ^m siighiir, elegant, accompii-shed,
iia^5L> W^.s^iA/'v/a, m. friendship, beautiful, virtuous, s. [plishment. h.
\>\j\^^ suiihe uranu, a. to render hopeless,
to reduce to despair, d. [distress, s. ^jA- ^Ji^ ^Tip^ siighra,i, f elegancy, accom-
C^S.^ ^^TT snhct, narrow, strait ; f. want, f.-^g^ ^<4H saghan, thick (as a head of hair).s.
Ulil* -wkw^l sahetna, a. to tighten, to ^^jJlu TC^X^ ■'^"[/y'^'h "^* sound knowledge^
straiten, s. wisdom, sagacity

!^.C^?Ricn.s./A</«,m. akindofiron. L J^X^ -^^^ ,,,j^an, ] possessed of know-

U^ ^^^ up (the
vel, to gather snJ^eha,
limbs, n.
as atotortoise),
shrink, h.to shri- ^^'^ ^^ sugyanE, \ ledge, sagacious.
vfX-* sarj, m. a dog. s:igl-}>a~ari, a common ^^^..^.mh'^C^,'^ sagjjan'i,) wise, intelli':ont. s.
cur. sa<:-bncha, m. a pup, a whelp, sag-davi, f. run- ,J>**» sill, ni. a consumption, a hi ctii; fever, a.
ning about fruitlessly, s/ig-zuda, sou of a bitch srtffj-
shikarl or -/«.;«, a hunting dog. sag-lagl, f. flattery, J-Mj sal, m. a kind of grasshopper ; tlie mantis
servitude. /). or leaf insect, d.
ICuJ WW saga, m. kin, i-plntivo. rclatpd (of ^y**» fff^ sit. If. a Stone on which spices,
the same parents),full,own,as5fl^'^« W((7,7, own brother, s.
^L** fn^T .N/7«,J &c. are <iro(iiid, or knives
J^X-» sigaU thought, suspicion, word ; eim.ity,
calumny, bad-sigal, of evil thoughts, malevolent, p. sharpened ; a stone (in general), a rock. s. j

C^t\C*i ^mr^tT sagawatAi'. relationship, by '^^^ fff^rr sila. (for shila), gleanings of a corn- I
field, sila-hiir, m. a gleaner, h.
^flC-j TPTT^ Sfiga,i, J the same parent^
Clo-^k**> ftTofrftrW ■'^ilajtt, m. storax. s.
'consanguiuitv ; betrothing for marriage; second mar-
riage of a woman of low tribe siiguj-lc, a. to contract _^L*> silali, f. iirnis, weapons, implements of
a marriage, lo afBance, to betroth, s.
war, armour, sildhposh, one who is armed, sildh
I, - ^ I f^ TC^'ii surpjpt, secret, well liidden ; adv.
kh'iiin, an armoury or arsenal, sildh-diir, a sword- or
secreth', privily, sugupti, f closeness, secrecy. *. armour-bearer, an esquire. siliili-shor. a fen;in.i;-
master, a champion, a gladiator ; a breaker or trainer
of horses, a.
\::^eL^«j ^M^?flT sag-pahia, m. greens dress-
ed with pulse, s.
• ^L-* s/dlakh, m. a skinner (in Dakh.)
lL.Ca» sngnt, the same, alike ; similar, d.
walls, &c.an a.iron chisel used for breaking through
\t^ -WITJ sagra or sigra, every, the whole, s.
Q_yj.^L*i f^C^T^silaras,m. (v. silajit) storax. s.
jj^ faJlO sigrau (Braj.) for s?>-a, all, C«»*>^L«i salasat, f. facility, ductility, Business,
every, h.
gentleness ; perspicuity, clearness, a.
icf^^ui JfTX\ siigra'i, f name of a musical
'mode or ragint, sung in the afternoon, h.
jJ-«»^«* salasil, lightning darting to a great
distance; (pi. of 4i;.si7a) chains, a.
'\t^ Wn sngar or saggar, m. a cart. s.
j^w-X** sag-sar, name of an imaginary mon«ter, (j^^L*i .^Y//a^7/^ (pi. of (jViaL**), kings, ruh-rs.a.
with the head of a dog, the yellow face of a dragon, o^L*> fi^ilciii saldka, f. a rule, a ruler ; 9
the hair of a goat, the ears of an elephant, and blue
cye« ; (met.) an avaricious man. p. probe, s.
^L. ( 473
111. paltitation ; ppaco, safety. ^^yZ,^^ tiilah-shoi', a champion, gladiator ;
salum-k., to salute; to gne up, to desist, to refniin, liorse-breaker. a.
bid adieu, sah'tm-'alek (for s<tlamun 'uhiika), peact' be iL*) X^
salakh, f. the end of the month, or the
upon thee. saldm-'a/aikiim (tor siii(imun 'ulaikinn),
peace be upon vou : these are forms of salutation usid day of the new moon. a.
by one Mus;ilnian towards aiiotlicr. saldin-lena, a. to
return the salutation, a.
(^j-L** xuls (|)rojierly sal's), ensy,docile, gentle,
mild, ductile, a. [chain, a.
CLK,c'!k»*><(iIamnf, f. safety, salvation, recovery,
tranquillity, health, salamal-raw, an econorni.st. jjL<*L*» sa't^dl, limpid w;jter; waving like a
salanidt-iawl, f. economy, good management ; the
word is otten used adverbially, as " wiili Hniitrislun ^_).juuJjjj sahahil, s. pure running water;
vten sah'iiinit palnutchd" he arrived safe or sately (i.e. name of a ft>untain in Paradise ; adj. flowitig, limpid, a.
in safety I in India, a.
tiij>*J-w» salstilat, jjiercing, rankling, d.
, ,-<'iL*» sii/dmat'i, t". a kind of coarse cloth, h.
lJ!iLJ— i ^T^^^T?IT salsaldna, u. (v. sarsardna)
j^^L*» sii/nmi, f. salute; a pres-eiit given to a to creep as a snake, h.
"landlord for granting a lease, or a present given on
receiving an office ; a pavement of stones across the 0>— J-wJ salsdldftd, n. (v. khatohna) to pierce
bed of a watercourse ; an Irish bridge, a. (a thorn) ; to rankle; to offend ; to doubt, d.
IJ!iL*) ftr^T'JTT siland, a. to cause to sew, to CLjsi ^L«J.»*J s/lsildhnt, f. concatenation, salsa-
stitch, s.
Idhat, crawling, tickling, a.h.
<3!>Lw ^TqTRT suldnd, a. to cause to sleep ; to
kill, to murder, udd-dend, a. to kill, to murder. *. J^,J.*-L*» sibili haul, mi. a diabetes, a mor-
bid copiousness of urine, a.
^J^'y-**t f?r^T^ sila,i, f. the i)rice of sewing ; A^U** sihila, m. a chain, series, concatena-
seam, sewing, s. tion, succession, a.

^J^yK*^i ^T^T^^ S'ld'i, f. a net die, or piece of ^^Ajoi sulsali (^\. jlici/'l), continued rains, d.
wire for tingeing the eyelids with a collyriuii; ; also
used for depriving people of sight, which is effected jjlJoL** snitdn, m. a pi'ince, a soveieign, a
by drawing it while hot close over the eyes of the king, an absolute monarch, an emperor, a.
sufferer: a lead pencil. (\nT>a.V.\i.j aalaJ-dCir, sniped
.'as cloth) with narrow stripes, s. j_illa)ju* sultdni, belonging to a prince, sove-
i_>Xjjj gfilh, m. a nepative argument in logic; reign, princely, sultdin hiilhul, the royal bulbul, a
species of that bird (v. bulhnl) ; f. dignity or otiice of
plunder, salbi kiilli, general negation, sallii juz,t, 47(/?(7» ; a kind of broad cloth, a. [reignty. a.
special negation, a.
Cl.*J>lai**» saltanat, power, dominion, sove-
U"Jj_l**> ftr^^^T sil-hattd, m. tuo i. stones with
whicli spices, paint, &:c. are ground, (, fiL*> saldf, past, preceding, former (tiniis);
^jJ.**j ^T^H snUihli, easy, easily attained ; m. ancestors ; monej' advanced for merchandize, &:c. ;
a purse, a bag ; the past, former times, silj, brother-
salabh (for shalabh, q.v.) a locust, a grasshopper, s. in-law, husband of a wife's sister, a,
t_-*L*j f^I'^iT silpa (Jor ghUpa , q.v.), art, &c. ,<f. 1 flL*j siihif or »<^///", a small ship, a Ijark,
ciL'J^J«J ftr^'T? si!-j)(if, smooth, even, level, s. (evidently a corruption of "sloop"), d.
'^.**» siilfd,n). little l)alls of tobacco snmked
^^"^ f^^"s^ silapcln, f. a wash-hand in a hidka, without the intervention of a tile, h,
basin, ewer (v. chilamchl). h.
JU.AJJ silafc/il (v. silapcln), an ewer. //.
ui**j ^f^WT salita, f. a river, a stream, s.
X-i «c!5TJt m-hijj, affected with shame, bash- t^AL*> siJli, m. a thread, string; order, sei'ie.a,
train ; a road, a path. a.
ful, s. [disentangle, k.
(_Ci3JjLdi).**» sillt-hiin(li,an account of the dai'\'
U'^'*' ^^V'R.RT fi.ljhdna, a. to unravel, receipts of revenue made out at the end of the month,
to when the whole is added together, and formed into
one total, a. p.
U^rST** ^njW^T sulajJind, n. to be unravelled
or disentangled, h.
^JzS^*n T^'^TS sulakshan, '^(v.su-lacJJian),
^^s.''*** ^Tc?^^ sii-lachhan, m. (for su-lah-
shaiin) an auspicious mark ; beaut_v, excellence ; adj. ^^.^>^Mi V'^S^f^xa su-lahhhan,j an auspiciou'^
auspicious, s. [club, and bow), a. mark; adj. of good omen, auspicious, clearly distin-
guished bymarks, &:c. *.
J-»*) silah (v. sildh), arms, weapons (as sword,
^^.^x).**> svJaklihan, clever, expert, d.
{jfUyf^ut siliih-posh, one who is armed, a. p. iS^ ^TcJofi^ salJn, f. the root of the Xi/m-
" phaa lotus, s.
eol_>- Ju*» silah-kliatia, an armoury, an ar-
wnal.^a. p.
^^J^ ^^Johl sallalii, f. the gum oliDanum
tree {Boswellia thurifera). s.
Si ^Kui silah-dar, m. an armour-bearer, an
esquire, an armed attendant, a. lL"^L*> xolag, intimacy, friendship, d-
474 )
cILjICI**} .?■ h;nt, the place where the Hindus jj*.jj,**» saRs, easy, not abstruse, simple, salis-
burn tlu'ir (leml. d. [to kindle, s. navls,
comes writing
this worda sails
plain? orIt easy hand.in Hindi
is used " Pray and
U'jC).**! 'JETcJ'TTHT svlfjana, a. to light, to inflame, in the corrupt Persian of India, but I do not think it
is to be found in any real Persian composition, and
LX1**» ^T^T'^T svliif/na, n. to light, to be kin- I never yet met with any native u» it.
of Persia who under-
dled to
; burn without smoke or flame, s. stood it or had ever heard \of I do not think it
a legitimate Arabic or Persian word : perhaps it is
Xl**> salfjh sociable, attached, tame, doraesti- a corruption of salil." — (Binning). The forma salts
■ c.ted (as an animal), d. and sallsl, though not used in the Arabic language,
are undoubtedly from the root salisa, one of whose
^yi^ ^f^c5 salil, m. water; liquid in general, s. meanings
Moreover, is,the"heformswas easy
saldsat orare
given by
^)j^ salom, m. peace, safety ; saluting, sub- Golius as genuine Arabic words, in the sense of
mitting, cultivating, peace, friendship ; adj. free from "easy, &c.," "facility, &c." Finally, the Indians anti
f:iult or flaw, sallama, may he protect or preserve ; as, Persians have coined many Arabic words unknown to
.■.iillama hu Allah ta'alq, may God the Most High pre- the Arabs themselves. — (D. F.) a.
serve him (used in Arabic forms of prayer). siiUani,
m. a staircase, a ladder, a. je-J^J-** sallsl, f. facility, clearness, a.
J..^ ^^l;^^s/ll/u^n,m. a kind of coarse cloth, h. ^jSjJu** vm slesh, m. a pun, a double mean-
ing, an equivoque in writing or speaking, as in the
Aj^ .s-,7;w, (in the language of the law) a following lines, klkar pakar tar, jaman phulsa amila ;
contract of sale, causing an immediate payment of the sew kadam kachndr, plpal ratti tiina taj, (this seems to
a delay in the delivery of the be a catalogue of trees ; it also means) God has been
wares, a. admitting
price, and kind to you ; that which you desired is obtained ;
adore his footsteps ; silly woman ! leave not your
\cJ^M» salmn, name of a woman ; also the lover for a moment, s.
" name of a tribe and mountain in Arabia, a. &aj;L*i safiho, m. nature, genius, good dispo-
Uy**» ^^^JflT salna, n. to pierce, prick, per- sition, knack, knowledge, dexterity, address. saUTfa
forate ;m. a rivulet, h. shi'dr, of good disposition. saUka,*; giift o gii, m. po-
lite conversation. salika,e majlis, ra. good breeding.
Ajji ^r3 sallu, m. a thong, narrow slips of sahib-sal'ila. a man of taste and discernment, a well-
leather with which shoes are stitched, h. informed person, a.
i»jJ**» satim, pacific, mild, affable ; perfect,
Ju»» '^IWt Kallo, foolish (a woman), h.
healthy, sallviu-t-tah' , affable, mild, pacific, a.
\i\JL*t f^^:^^^l^^l .fihraiid, a. (cau3. oi silana) to
cause to be sewn. s. ^l^Au* .<r2</ai7«a«,Solomon,the son of David. a.

Xi\^*n ^T^^TTIT mbcana, a. (caus. form of j3l.»jJu*» sulabnani, of or belonging to Solo-

■■ raon ; m.
mon, a. an onyx ; f. the state or dignity of Solo-
suldnd) to cause to be put to sleep, s.

L-^A**i "^^Tf salil p, m. a litlle, very little, .v. ^♦JkL*» salimi, name of a species of cloth, a.
L-^^L*» sahvat, f. contentment, cheerfulness, *.*» samm, m. poison, venom, a.
felicity, a.
^ sum, m. a hoof, foot (of a horse, &c.). p.
lI) jL** suluh, m. road, way ; manner, mode ; j^Mi W\ sfnn, all, whole, entire ; similar, alike ;
intercourse; usage, treatment. su^«ft-A., a. to treat, to
proceed with. a. used as a prefix (in comp.) like the Latin con and the
Greek (ru/i or (tvv, as sani-bandh, con-nection, crvfir
L^Ju*» "^ToR dok (for all lok a, q. v.), a cou- ttKokt] or (rvv-8f(Tis. s.
plet, or stanza of two lines, s.
j,Mi '^^ sam, a tone, note (in music), h.
J^L*» ^oSt^ w,/o/, playful, wanton, s.
l»M» WU soma, m. time, season; plenty, abun-
,^lwj dance ; state, condition ; concord, harmony, union.
.v. salun, salted food; name of a samd-baiidhiid, to be in concert, s.
j»L/i ^^i'^T ■'fulona, salted, salt, seasoned, l»**» samri, ni. the heavens, the sky, the firma-
tasteful, beautiful, interesting ; dark-complexioned ; ment ;a canopy ; altitude, a.
imtl)rown ; (met.) intelligent, piquant (in opposition
to in.-iiiid or dull), s. iS^){^jji jmiTl samapt or samapta, also sama-
pit, accomplished ; finished, perfected. samdpti, f.
J»i**> 'W^'^tsoluno, f the full moon in Saivan, accomplishment, the whole, conclusion, end, finis, s.
at which time the ornament called Rakhl, q. v., is tied
round the wrist, s.
^^]~^'^ '5Hm»T samapan, m. conclusion, com-
pletion, samdpanna, finished, completed, s.
^,L*> ^Qft^ft saloni, seasoned, tasteful; beau-
O'lv^ samat or simat, f. a sign, mark, simat,
" liful (when applied to a mistress). «.
(pi. of simat) signs, marks (made by burning), a.
\m» ftrs't Sill, f. a whetstone, a hone; a
small kiln ; the grain and chaff on the threshing-floor \^M» ^WT3T samaj, m. multitude, number,
before winnowing, s.
\:^ ftt^S^ sill, f. the trunk of a tree; plank ;
z.assembly ; apparatus ; society, s.
Lo-U*»» sa7ndjat,f. deformity, shamefulness,
a large species of teal, commonly called the " whistling turpitude ; adulteration ; entreaty, humiliation (used
teal," from the sharp cry of this bird. h. adjectively) deformed, filthy, b;ise. a.
( 475
•l»**» «HI5t1 musicians that
samnji, f. jjU**» W^Jm saman, equal, adequate, similar,
attend to dancers, s. alike, akin, one, uniform, same; f. equality, level.
samiiii-jaiiiiiu, of equal age. saman-kalln, of the same
jU-U**> ^*4t-«<r^ samachar, m. information, period, s.
tradition, news, account of circumstances or health,
&c.; adj. equal in virtuous conduct, s. ^lv*>
state, W{\
s. sama/'i, m. (v. sama) time, season,
■ \.^j*>s(i)nnliat,i\ beneficence, liberality. «.
(jlv-» Wt'^T^ siimman, m. respect, homage, .s-.
.ilv-* Tmi^-<'nnadar, m. respect, reverence. .<. bl»**) ^T^n^T sammia, n. to be contained in (v.
^ilv** ^HTfv sdniadhi or samadh, f. thntomb amdnd). s. [ness, resemblance, equality, s.
of a jng^l, particularly where Hindus, from religious u)l»**i WWmn sa ma/lid or samdnata, f. like-
motives, submit to be buried alive; an exorcise of
austerity- nmon^jog'is. whereby tliey are supposed to &joU**> ^H|ri| sammdnijn, leepectable, ho-
acquire the power of suspending during: tlieir pleasure nourable, s.
the connection between their soul and body. *-.
^^,lfc:i>U^ ^HTVT^ samcuUian, m. religious jl»**» ^TTR samcuv, m. room, space. «.
meditation; promising, declaring; ease, comfort, con-
solation, reconciliation, adjustment, pacification, settle- (_5-jlv«*» saman'l, heavenly, celestial, a.
ment, the act of satisfying. 5.
^ji.^ ,V^A*> 44HT<4^I samdvesh, m. entrance. 5.
.l»**> Wi\X miliar, crop-ploughing, h. (_^-^lv*» ^T^TT^ siimdft, f. enduiance, patience,
C^.\^*j» W(^ smart, a follower of the law- firmness ; power, capability, s.
books, s. [ber or call to mind. ,s. \x.^MiVW(sumbd, m. a sponge staff, a ramrod, h.
(^.Ivi** WrT«fi smarak, what causes to remeni- i^\s^Mi icmr^ samhdd, m. conversation, intelli-
i, .lv*> mviariigli, m. a white mushroom gence, news of the day. s.
resembling an egg. p. «J1ax»**» ^W sambat, m. a year, an era. sain-
^___yil»**» W\^^ sanias, m. contraction, abridg- bat bdnilli it, to establish an era. to distinguish one's
ment composition of words. 5. self b}- illustrious actions, s.
W-^ui siniat, an order, a series, surnat, a JbSx^Mi ^'^f^ samhuddhi, f. tlie vocative case..y.
table covered with victuals, a. Si^Ju^M) TpTT^ samhandh, m. affinity, relation,
cV^**> sama, m. hearing, listening ; singing, relationship ; rhyme, metre ; the genitive or possessive
a song; extasy occasioned by hearing singing, parti- case in grammar, s.
cularly among darweshes when lieariug hymns ; the Jbi>AX»**> Tkw^ samhandlu, ni. relation ; son
sense of hearing, a.
"or daughter's father-in-law; adj. related to, connected
(Jl/plv** samaat, f. hearing, a. with, belonging, s.

5-l»jj» sama'i, what has been heard, tradi- ^i^^x-^Mi '^^^[^^ savihvdlian, comfort, sooth-
ing, encouragement ; calling, addressing ; vocative, s,
"tional ; (in gram.) irregular, h.
^Iv-* sumak, m. sumach {Rhus coriaria) ; .(^^»^ W^samhhii, m. a parent, a progenitor, s.
porphyry, the hardest species of marble, a.
Uijl^x»v«j ^HTT^n siimbhdrnd,^ -d. to snpport,
w^^-L?^"**** si''>nak-jjalan., a vessel for boiling
rice: it consists of two pots, one fitting into the other, Ki^\Ax^***'^'^'^'^ stnnhlutlnd,) to })rop, to
the inner pot being perforated full ol small holes : sustain, to assist, to help; to shield, to protect, to stop,
when the rice is boiled, this inner vessel is lifted out, to retain, to check, s.
leaving the water strained off in the exterior pot. p.
j^^l^x»**» ^WTMUT sfimbhdsliim, m. conversa-
\x^\^j*» "^fl^^fn samakhi/a, f. fame, reputa- tion, discourse, i.
tion, s. [brated, notorioas. s.
.''.,^jkv-i ^JT>TT=r sam-bhd,o, of like nature or
O^J^^'v>*» HHT^trnr scnvakhyat, famed, cele- property ; equability, sameness, s.
(Jl^Slv-i ^WTTrT samaijat, arrived ; met, en-
countered, united. samdgaii, f. arrival ; meeting, C-Jj^-^f**** ^Hlf^'rf sambhdi'it, possible. 5.
union ; similar condition or progress. «. \J.Ia****) ^Hl^in sainbhdicTid, f. probal)ility ;
^U**» ^WTW samagam, m. union, association, fitness, competency; considering, reflecting; the
intercourse, meeting, s. sense of the potential mood. i.

Xj^y^j,*** sammu-l-far,\m. arsenic; (lit.) jtj^.^^- Wim savibhram, m. esteem, respect,

awe, vaiuc «•
X^\^ samviu-l-khar,} poison for mice or
rats, ratsbane, o. VjJiAAv** ^vr5*f: ymbhabid, m. to be sup-
ported, to be propped or erected ; to stand, to stop, to
^Jl**** ^nn^ samalu, m. the name of a plant be firm, to recover one's self from a fall, &c. «.
(also called mc,orl ; Vitex trifulia and negundo). h.
^l«**j^J1T^ samali, f. a collection of flowi rs, j^Av-* it>r^ sambhtiv, possibk- ; fit, ri^lif,
proper; m. capacity, appropriateness; possibility,
a nosegay. s. compatibility, s.
( 476 )

lI1.a.v>^ TrfwTTT sammit, like, simiLr ; of equal

^j>-^vi*> ^^"ST^ snvihhojan, m. a meal measure ; measured, s.
trikon together, a convivial party, s.
cL/;.^x»^ 7T>TtJT samb/ioff, m. enjoyment, lJU«J W^l ■■^'nnfci or xnmata, f. equality, simi-
coition .1. [ist. s. larity, similitude, parallelism, resemblance, compa-
rison, parity, s. [duction, birth. *.
S .^A*«j ^iftJfl" sa/nbhogt, sensual ; a sensiial-
CIaAAv-* ^HTrHfw snmutpatti, f. origin, pro-
^»^x.^Mi Wfi'^f^ snm-hhumi, f. even ground. .*;.
^^.Jkiv-* '<4*<rM^ aafnufpanna, horn, produced, s.
C-OL^«> ^TTrf^ff sinnpadit, attained, accom-
j)lisheJ, gotten, s. ^^-S^Mi HiTrU^ samutsav, m. festivity, s.
ijiJl>lx»^ ^m^op sampadak, m. one who >JiA»*** f^WZ l^imat, f. act of ColleCling, con-
attains or accomplishes. «. densing or constringing; tone, elasticity*, h.
UoL»«> fHHiJWI siinmnd. n. to he concentrated,
j^iiL^juj ^'TT^'T sai)i])~idun,
iiig, accomplishing, s. in.' iraining, att;iin- to shrink, shiiat-jana, n. to shrivel, to shrink, k.

CL^Xyji ^a^rT sumpat or ^fp" sampatti, f. f^^*** T^'f^mmnjh, f. comprehension, under-

standing, knowledge, opinion, thought, s.
affluence, wealth, prosperity, success; a sort of medi-
cinal root. s.
Ul^sT**^ TTJ^SBJTiT samjliana, a. to make com-
t-lLa^**> ^^ mnqmt, m. the closely '-hiiltinp; prehend, to explain, to convince, to describe, to in-
form, to satisfy, to undeceive, to warn, to admonisb,
of any cavity' ; a box with its lid shut ; a casket, s. to instruct, to apologise, s.
(^^«m4 ^n^ samjjad, 1 f. wealih, pro-
l^lj^j^*** ^RflR.'RT samjhaica (v. samjhaut'i),
\3Jk«M> ^THT^T sanipada, J sperity ; advance- explaining, f^c. s.
ment, e.xcellence ; a necklace of pearls, i. (i.j'.^^s:^**' ^nrsfij^'^l samjha,ish, f. tampei-ing
with, subornation, instructing in false evidence, h.
d^>}jX„*u TCWtlf samprapta, attained, obtained.
samprdpti f. obtaining, acquisition, s. U^rS^*** ■^^S^TTT snmajhnd, a. to coniprehend,
to understand ; to suppose, think, conceive, deem,
C-^«**> ^HTfT i^aiupruti, now, at this present fancy, perceive; to come to an understanding with. *.
time, s.
.1..^.:^*** ^R*K31^
considerate, s.
saniajhn-ar, jirudent, wise,
f^i^jXy^ "^Vk^T^ samprtidan,m.
the dative case in grammar, s.
gift, donation ;
J^iv^j^^ "^HV^tif^ i^omjhantt,f. act of expiai.i-
^J;\yJ^^ ^H^m sanipradutj or sumpradaya, ing. convincing or giving confidence, s.
m. traditional doctrine handed down from one teacher
^js^ ^JT^ samiicJid, full, complete, s.
to another, s. ['wg- accoinplisliing. s.
Os:*^ ^J^fs^TT samuchit, quite right, fit, in
f^i>'^\>MjS^ ^TT^vnr samprosadhd/i, m. effeot- a proper manner, s.
^^,^i*<j^*** ^U^|*1 savjprasthan, m. setting
out uu a journey, s. ic^*^ ^^WTflf samvcJichay, m. assemblage
"collection; conjunction of words or sentences. *.
Ld^w^«.s> ^sijoff sfn/ipark, m. mixture, contact,
union, copulation, s.
^JAs^^*i W^T\ S(ii))iida,e or samudai/n, ag-
gregate, quantity, number; adj. together, collected, s.
CL^i.x^**t ??irtrT samprlt, well pleased, de-
jS^M* "^[fT^ xainudr or anviudra, m. the sea,
lighted, sampr'iti, f. affection, delight, s. ocean. samudra-phen or snmudra-kaph, m. (lit. the
froth of the ocean) the dorsal scale or bone of the
(^♦**' '^Vi'Sl-'^iiwpdnn or sampatina , perfect ,cojn- cuttle-fish (Srpia officinalis), samudra-tat i r samudra-
plete, endowed with; accomplishc'd, obtained; pro- tir, m. the sea-coast, samudra-lavan, m. sea-salt, sa-
sperous, thriving, s. mudra-vahni, m. submarine fire, s,
^^j^^^ ^r^ sampurn or sampurno, perfect, j^ji^v^ ^14^1^ sumudrdrn, m. a shark ; a
full, finished, all, the whole, sampuniald, f. fulness, fabulous large fish, perhaps intended for the whale, s.
cunipletiou. s,
CL*.^*^ Win sumat, friendiv, well or kindly fJLJi\^S^***'^^ff^^y^scululdrullt,m.i\^ese?i-s\\oro•,
adv. as far as the sea. 4-.
disposed, sitmati, f. friendship, benevolence; good
ct)nscieuce. s. Ijol. J.V-* ^Hrilffl samudi'dntd, f. a shrub (Zfe-
dysanim alhagi) ; the cotton plant ; a gramineous
CL^ui ^JTflT samiti, f. sameness, likeness, s.
plant (Trigonella cornicitlata). s.
LI>«*** samt, f. a way, path, a part, side,
quarter, towards, samtu-r-rus, the point of the heavens
^iyMjS^t*i H^^^\tS sinmidr-sohh, m. name
of a medicine (Cotivolvns argenteus). s.
directly over head, called in astronomy the zenith,
siviat, a. mark (made especially by burning), a. ^Jl».S^Mt'^^^^sam■dargh^,\mpa.rtial,eqlla\]y
"viewing both sides, s.
CL^^iM "^[JfTK sammat, assented or agreed to,
concurred in ; conformable to; m. opinion, sentiment. uL). ;>-»*** '^J^f^fcir mmudrik, f. palmistry, for-
samniati, f wish, desire; agreement, assent, appro- tune-tel ing ;the art of physiognomy, samudrik-
bation ;opinion, sentiment, .s. bidya, f the art of palmistry, s. \
( 477 )
^j^^^Mi ^^r^ch^ samudrikl, m. a fortune- sesame,
m. a fox. .vm,<f??re, iho grain
"teller (by means of palmistry) ; a physiognomist, s.
a^jS^jM ^nif^n? sumudriya, marine, oceanic, s. V*'>*^**> '^(fmsiyn, m. an exercise among A^^iiitic
poets, w)iercin one writes or speaks an imperfect verse
«^S kX^M> ^T»R^55 sam-duhJi, sympathizing, shar- or stanza, wliich is to be filled up by another, s.
ing another's pain (Pers. ham-dard). s.
^J\L^JJt ^5tT«T S)/i(is/ian, or sams/tdn m. a
^d,^*** suvi-dinn, very corpulent, p. cemetery, a place where dead bodies are burned, a
burning ground, samshdn-bdsi, (living in the savishdn)
j^^y**** sam-diir, the sea, a large river, d. an epithet of Maliddeva. s.
tS^^M ^filV samidh, f. fuel ; especially pieces x^ah sum , m. hearing; the ear. a,
of wood prepared for burning in the ceremony of the
homa, q. v. a-. cLL»*« sanik, m. height, d. pih, profundity.
ij>/cJfciX»**> ^WVlfiT^rRT samodli-milmra, m. sa7)iak, a fish on which the earth is supposed to rest ;
a fish in general ; the sign Pisces, az samak tu samdk,
the mutual embracing of two samdli'is, q. v. s. from the a.bottom of the abyss to the pinnacle of
^^j^**» T^MVm samdhan
mother-in-law. s. ov saiiidhin, f- child's
^\^**i J{t-^T3 somtmihli, facing, in fiont. savi-
mukhhi, before, in front of. s.
^S^*ji "^W^sumdht, m. child's father-in-law;
"(in Dakh.) are
children the relationship
married to between two persons
each other; whose
relationship ^Sk^*j» ^IW1T\j snmvivfjdhn, fascinated, be-
such ns held between the parents of a liusband and wildered, stupified. s.
wife. s. [of a child's father-in-law. *.
^**> '^^^:^ sim/iil, dirty, nui'My, filthy, s.
b'jkJtt3u,A*i^T?Tftj'<llVll samdhiyinia, in. thei'ainily
>♦**» ^ilcji ■■^iniiln, a crop that, after having
^Ji}>..^Mi ^^T samuduy, m. Msient, rise (us of been checked, has recovered. //.
the sun, &c.). i. [m. remembrance, s.
^J^*J* soman, m. jasmine, lily of the valley. ^;.
j^Mo'^imsa7>io7-,m. war, battle, cuiiflict. sumir,
(^j»**» fSH^ simian, m. .vheat; the plant dhn-
,^**> mmar, m. evening con vorsations; night,
turd (q. v. J ; a flower in general : adj. of good disposi-
darlsness; time; a vestibule; an adventure befalling tion, fair, handsome, s.
any one. sumur, narration ; a small lake, a,
(^j^*n sa7nn, buMer, giease, fallow, a.
cll.0 ,v*» ^nrfUff sumarpit, made over, con-
signed, s. (j^jji**** ^TT^^ siimanjas, proper, right, fit ;
m. propriety, fitness, s.
^^_J%*^»'^^'^i^ samarpan, m. act of entrusting
or giving (a. thing) in charge to another. $. i^x»M> samand. m. a horse of noble breed, a
steed ; bay (colour of a horse), p.
d^j^jM smriti, f. recollection, memory; a
bo<iy of laws, such as those compiled by Manu. s,
jSx.^*n ^'J^TthesamMndar,
(v. samudra) ocean, s. m. (also samniidar')
r^j^**» ^H'^ suinarth, ni. strength, power;
adj. strong, capable, samarthatd, f. power, ability, s. jd>l^**t samanddv, m. a sahiniander. a. p.
(^^\^**> ^nr^ofi sivnarthah, ni. aloe wood ^^^^Ji~^^M'^^f^T:l^ samuiidin-p/ial, ni. name
(Amyris agallocha). s. of a medicine. «. [foam of the sea. «.

^.^ij»**» m\^ samarthr, strong, powerful, s. ;j^^^ ,.i.i.»«> ^Nt^i.TS'^T sci)inmdar-p/i('n, m.

(il>-j*^ ^nroiT^ samarjad, correct in conduct. 5. L^ yM.sx^Mi samundar-soh (^\ . samiulr-sukh') s.
i^j***> "^TM membrance
smaran or ^nT^*T
(continual theme), sumran, f. m.
mentioning; re-
a small j'..^) .iXL»iwJ savmiidar-hhar (corrup. of sam-
mti-l-fur), arsenic; ratsbane, a.
rosary, s.
is'x^*^ sfivnnundh, m. (v. samhandh) con-
Xij^**i immi sunwrna or sunrinm, a. to i-e- nection, s. [auspicious, s.
member, to keep in memory; to mention, s,
^y\x^J^ ^^Wc5 ^yynavfjal, very fortunate or
bered. WTO^tl
s, smarantya, fit to 1)6 lemem- J6yk.»*jj ^W^^^ sumnnohar, very agreeable,
pleasing, charming, s.
C^jj^*n samrut (v. samar^A), strength, &c', d.
^.^Mi W^ scnno, m. season, time. s.
jL.^Mi .<!«w.<?ar, a family ; household; tribe,
tamsdr Jcarnd, to live, to domesticate one's self; to pro- l1jL***» samn-at (pi. of l-v>*>), the heavens,
vide for self and family, d. [whole, s. skies (properly samdwdt). s,
'_r^ (■'« MHiid sumast or samasta, all, the ii\»^**» ^^T^ samvad, m. communication of in-
tLf .-*♦*»> ^^rj mimarg, m. association, rela- telligence, information, news. s.
tion, s.
C^^^jM ^^rT samvat, \m. a year, gene-
V3 N» sumsum, f. the noise of moist .*~i«v*> i^^T^T. samvafsar,) ncrally used in
wood when burning, simmering, h. Hindu chronological dates. «.
( 478 )

f_fjjJiy^**i ^4W0 samvatsari, f. annual cere- c.^aA«>

^j**» "W^i mn, m. narne of a plant. (Crotolarin
mony, s. [plete. s. juncen);
tomentosa). a kind
s. of flax or hemp; a tree {PentapUra
W«***» ^H-^l samucha, y^entire, whole, cora-
^j*u ^ san (v. sani), a prefix like the Latin
tijv-* ^*H\<i, sujnmod, m. pleasure, delight. ,f. con, or the Greek <jvv.
.^v-» saviur, m. a weasel, a marten, a sable ; f^jt** shin, m. an age, period of life; a tooth ;
fur, sable skin. a. thelife.
nib ofa. a pen. san, a year, slnn o sal, age, period
iku*y^u» samosa, m. a kind of small pastry of
minced meat of a triangular form ; a shawl or nand- U-j Sana, m. the plant senna, a.
kerchief, &c., doubled diagonally to throw over the
shoulders, samosa-uiaraki, a species of tart. p. U«» suna (for sona), gold. d.
j»y\**» samum, f. a hot pestilential wind (com- U— ' W^ sunna, a. to hear, to listen ; m. a
monly called the simoom), a, c^'pher. s.
^^y^t** saiiiun, fat; (pi. of ^^v**) butter, a. Uu*» W^^ sauna, n. to be impregnated, stained,
soiled, to be kneaded, mixed up (as dough, earth, &ic.).h.
I3^v-* '^WtiTT ■-■'nnona, a. to cool warm water
by mixing cold water with it. *. [ber. s. ^^ljLi*> W^J^ sininbh, m, a mountain, part of
the ranges of Southern India, «.
8^v*» '^? stimuli, m. assemblage, heap, num-
5»v>*» ^Twfr? snnimoli, m. ignorance, folly, be- (JLo'j**> X^mr sunapat, f. stillness, dreari-
guilement, stupefaction, s. [tured. s. ness, s. [ning or end. s.
<JL>i>y^**» ^rwftf^W xamviohit, beguiled, enrap- [^U*** t* »{ Irt «T sanatan, eternal, without begin-
li5l^»**> samhahia, a. (v. samhhalna) to sup- ^ll**» ^PTT^ sanath, having a master or hus-
port, ke. s. band ;accompanied by a master or husband, sanatha,
f. a woman whose husband is living, s.
i^**» saml, m. a namesake, a.
l3\.lMi '^T3JZ\ sannatd or sunnatd, m. the roar-
jjt**** H*h\ suvima,i, the pipe of a drill ing of the waves ; rumbling noise made by wind and
"plough, generally made of a hollow bamboo. A. rain at a distance, h.

ij¥**» "fWI same or W{ samai, I m. time, sea- J^Xui ^TT ^nnar, m. a goldsmith, s.
l.x»-i ^wm samahja, J son, fit or
proper time, leisure, opportunity, s. (J .V_i_j*» ^Ti=nft»Ts?'«a77H,"l f. a goldsmith's
1 W^x^sami'p, proximate, near, at hand. s. (ijlj-Mj ^r?I'R"J^.s«?jarwi,j wife. s.
(CjU*»» ^nrn^ suiidrt (or sunari), clever, skil-
^ffl^'TTTT saniipata, f. proximity, conti- ful, h. [goldsmith. «.
guity, s.
j_c,lju*i TFRTT^ snndri, f. the business of a
^-jyw* ^»fl''Ttsflmipi,f. proximity, nearness, s.
'^ '^Ix-^ ^HIT samet, with, along with, to- jj-.li*** XHR^ sii-ndrl, a good, handsome
gether with. s. woman; adj. clever, s.

^j^.t^x^ ^TT? samet, f an astringent, a medi- ^_5'jlju** W^TTt sundr'i, clever, alert, skilful, h.
cine used by women ad constringendam vuhmm. s. ^*»lju« ^^[^J^^ sanndsi, m. (v. sanydsi) name
\xxx^jji ^TOTTfT sametna, a. to constringe, to "of a class of devotees, s. |
compress, to cause to shrivel or shrink ; to collect to-
gether, to amass ; to fold up fa carpet), h. ^l«lju*» sana-makkt, m. senna of Mecca, a.
j[C»**» ^W^ samir, m. wind, air. s. j^ljuu sinan, f. the sharp point (of a spear,
arrow, needle, &c.). a.
.j<v>*» XH^ suvieru, m. the sacred mountain
Sumeru, allegorically represented as composed of gold j^llwj ^T*I snail, m. bathing, ablution, s.
and gems. It is supposed by the Hindus to be the UIxm* ^nTT»n svndnd, a. to cause to hear, to
residence of the gods, as Olympus was 'i ith the Greeks. inform, to advise, to tell, to bid, to warn. s.
In astronomical works it denotes the north pole. s.
c:il..»«*) iTT^cF samyak, all, wholly ; properly, 2ujljuyu ^ffhT snaniya, ablutionary. s.
fitly, s. [an equation, j.
jj,j'ju^ U*iNti1 sund,oni, f. tidings of any one
having died abroad, s.
^iov-j ■^nftoFTTII sarriikaran, m. (in algebra)
Ax»**) Tm"^ sumel, suitable, affable, of pleasing ^_JU*M sandy, f. the senna plant, h.
manners, i. [leisure, opportunity, s.
^ju*» sumbul, m. spikenard (to which tlie
(^v»*> X'T sameii or samain, m. time, season, locks of a mistress are compared), sumhuli hindl, ni.
the spikenard (Valeriana jatamansi, Roxh.). sumbnh
(j^v»» samin, fat, plump, well-fed. a. lihatd.i. Angelica, p.

^^ Wl sun, insensible, without sensation, J-joau sumbul, m. a flower (especially of an

palsied. 5«K-A-(jrne-M'a/a, a narcotic medicine, s. odoriferous plant), a.
( 479 )
jl^^jfj-* sMm&MZ-^/ia^',m.arsenic,orpiment. d. .^'ilkH i[Z santh, depraved ; miserly, i.
aJijuu*» suinbula, m. the si^n Virr/o. a. X.M* sanj, in comp. denotes one who weighs
iu*i^jju*) sambosa, ni. (v. savwsa). p. or examines ; as, iiagkina-sanj or tardiia-sanj, a inea
surer of sounds, i.e. a musician ; sitUluiti-saiij. :i weigher
UUxLrfJ T^(V(T^*{\ sambhdlna, a. to support, to of word*, i.e. an orator, sinj, adj. elected, chosen ; m.
a choice, swy, m. the red (6er) jujube tree. p.
u[ hold, to stop, to restrain, s.

^.^i**» TEHT^^t sunhahri, f. name of a dis- L^^^i^ sanjab, m. ermine, the grey squirrel
(v. next word), p.
ease {elephantiasis), s.
( i\^^ sanj of, f. border (tacked to the outer
C-jLJuu* ^rlMH siinpat or '?rf^''niT sannijmt, m. part of a garment), flouncing, p.
the name of a disease in wliich the body is seized with
universal chilliness, deliquium (it is explained by the ^y^ir sanjafi, adorned with a border
Hindu physicians to be that in which the three hu-
mours, bile, phlegm, and atrabilis, are corrupted), s. (cloths), p.

Ij'ujuM* CS^i^ "^TT^ xanjiiht, joined, compounded,

catches sampara,
snakes, d. m. one who charms and connected ; endowed with, possessed of. s.

<l.^iJ'jMi(m(sa7npat,f.(\. <J1aX»**») prosper! ty..s\ ^^*** Tkv(t{ sanjam, m. restraint, forbearance;

soberness, abstinence from particular food on certain
\J".Ul*»> samparndj n. to become captive, d.
days. s.
^,jju-> ^Tft^ST sampola, 1 m. a young
j-*;S^ W^iKi sunjami, sober, temperate, nl;-
ljjju**> iff^^^Tfl snmpolii/a, J snake, s. stemious ; a saint, a sage, one who subdues his pas-
sions. «. [of tree. .v.
\f-f^^'*** ^^TT sampera, m. a snake -kt^eper, one
who charms and catches snakes, s. Urf*** «»l«n sanjana, m. (v. saha']na) a species
dl.*i*** svnnut, f. (lit. a religious ceremony <LS^^^ ^xftiT mnjog, m. junction, adherenci-,
association ; accident, event, cliance. s.
necessary to be performed ; q. d. that which is con-
stantly repeated or performed) : it denotes, first, cir-
cumcision, hence suti/mt-k., a. to circumcise : it is also ^^^4^ ^^T«T sanjogan, f. wife of a saii-
applied to denote the traditions of Muhammad, ordi-
jogj, q. V. s.
nance, sminati mu'alfTfad, a rule or command which
must be obe^yed literally and inimediatel}'. sanat, f. ^^^*** ^WT^.wwy'o^i, m. an ascetic who docs
the repetition of the same course of the sun, with its not observe a vow of continence, but has a family, s.
concomitant changes ; a year. a.
cll^>**» ^l^fiT saimaii,f. reverence, obeisance. 6\ bj^^*** 'H'sff^'qT sunjorvana, a. to prepare. .>•.
l^:^*** TfT«SJ sanjha, f. evening; a particuhii
i_l-x»*) Wit sant, m. a kind of ascetic, a saint; prayer said in the forenoon, at noon, and in the even-
.ulj. pious, virtuous, devout. 5.

['^jjj ^rfTl sant a, depraved ; miserly. //. U^^i*** ^«B7!T sanjiina, m. (v. saliajna) a
species of tree. s. [ness. p.
<_j'ii**> ^^^!i^T^ santap, m. heat, burning heat;
sorrow, pain, affliction, misery, repentance, s. ^Sxir**' sa/ijidagt, f. gravity, consideratc-
^J}zj^**i '^'*KV^ ffititapfit^aCk ,sorro\v 1 ul ,ii ffl icted. s. i^i^^*^ sa}iji<lan, to weigh (lit. or fig.), p.
j^'cImj ^nTTH santan, m. race, lineage ; pro- StiOktSt*** sunj'ida, weighty, grave, considerate .
geny, oflVpring, children, s, ■weighed, p. [ing to life. s.

iJL^xiy**! "^TfiH s(i7it(ipta, distressed, afflicted. ^<t. ^^^x^*** ^^'^\:^l^ sanjlvan, m. animating, biiiig-
vT.-'-'^"' ^^ffT santati or .<antof, f. race, &c. jj,^:^*" ^»fN^'^ sa7ijlvant, that which vivi-
(v. sanidn). .s. [content, delighted, s. fies. saj(;7i'«?iZ 6i(7i/a, art of vivifying, s.

viL,.^.:.j><^ ^^F santttsht, satisfied, p-mtifit d, Xt^*** W^X sdvchar, m. entrance, pcnetiatioii ;
beginning, commencement ; the entering of the planets
UlJiM> ^H'TT sanicnia, f. palliation, consolation, into a new sign ; diflicult progress ; a gem supposed
act of appeasing, santana-lc, a. to appease, to still, to be in llie litiid of a serpent, s.
to quiet, to lull, to comfort.
Ojlsf*** ^'^ifX'RT stihchariha, f. a female mes-
(^j^\^m santitosh,^. ^ fra.continence.con-
senger, abawd, a go-between. *.
^yxj^i santokk,) L tent, joy, delight, O^"*** "^[fwit sanchii, collected, hoarded up. .v.
patience, satiety, satisfaction, santokh-lc, to be con-
tent, to be patient, i. Ui^ ^f^ril sanchita, f. a plant {Salvinia
cucuHaia). s.
ij^y^*** ^♦flVq'^ saniokhi (for santoshi), pa-
tient, contented, consoled, gratified, s. :•///,•<
sound, noise, d.
^jk*i* ^r»?T siinte, adv. instead, stead. //. (J.^*** sanchal,
jju*** "Wifi santi, ni. a succedaneum. h. *— *^4^^ ^^'T sanchhepf abridged, short, a.

|--» ( 480 )

j^^^.^*^ ^'3.""T?r s/nuhJiepan, m. an abriJg' iJL!jJc>Sj.^7^'^4J'^Zsundka7vaf, m. smell, per-

ment. conciseness, brevity, s. fume, odour, scent, an earthy smell, s,
i^^!tS^*^ W^^ sandhab (forsai/idhav), m. the
i^**^ H'M^ sanchai, m. heap, quantity, num-
"ber; purse, capital, stock, store, saving, heaping up, name of a kind of salt, rock salt. s. {_sindh). $.
hoard, saiicliuy't, who collects, gathers, hoards up. s. ^^j-jji fw^ shidhv, m. the ocean, &c. (v.
(XJua sanadj f. signsirure, a deeil, the seal of a
magistrate ; a patent grant or charter, from a man in ljk>Ja*»»^\in.s^«(//\?/a, f. twilight, either morn-
authority ; a prop, an}- thing on which one leans or is ing or evening, a period of time, forenoon, afternoon,
supported; relation, connexion, sanad-wdr, in con- or mid-day ; religious abstraction ; meditation, repeti-
formity with the charter (v. Wilson), a. tion of mantras (q. v.), sipping water, iic, to be per-
formed bythe three first classes of Hindus, at particular
liJu** sii?}d, insensiliilily ; stupidity; a swoon; and stated periods in tlie course of every day, espe-
adj. insensible, stupid; lifeless, d. cially at sunrise, sunset, and also, though less essen-
tially, at noon, siindliija-samay, m. evening twiliglit.
^^\S^ sinddn, f. an nnvil ; the iion on wliich swuiliyahdl, m. twiliglit. s. [charters, a.
the knocker of a door strikes, p.
(_$'i3Ju*» mrnui'i, held by written deeds or
^_^' 0_i iJ**i sonad-diicanl, a grant, or writii;:^
for holdingp. land, being that by which all znm'nuldils
(-0^i**> ^^^^\ Kundes, "j m. a message, news,
are held.
L^^>j.«j ^r«T'?'T .<andem, > tidings, informa-
j4\i**» f^t^i^indur, m. (also midJtr) red lead. .s\ ^*-;_vl«j '^^^^ mndexu, J tion (properly mv-
desh, &c.). a. [messenger, s.
ji^Jlm> ?T»5T i'vndnr, beautiful, fair, handsome,
good, virtuous, s. *i-.^0.>*»» ^fn^^O sandcxl or sandeshi, m. a

V^jk**j ^f^'^T simidra, f. sound sleep, a. ^^^kui ^T^^ sandeh, m. suspicion, doul)r,
apprehension, hesitation, anxiety, s.
\j.t>i«*i^rgTfIT sj/«fZa7Y;/a, 'I f. beauty,
suspicious, W^'^
s. soTideIn, doubtful, scrupulous,
(^'^3j^J.Mi'^T^TK[^su7ida)-ta,t,) goodness, s.
^^jJlt.Sxui Wf^^iti sandarshan, m. looking, pre- yxMi WJ^ !<a7id, m. a Pi;nuch. sniid, the trunk
senting, s. or proboscis of an elephant. «.

j (_j*jjjOa**> sii7idaros, m. sandarak or sanda- \Sx>M mii\ saTida, strong, fat, stout; hardened
excrement, sci/hala. h.
racha ; a resin supposed to be produced by the Juiii-
perus communis, but now proved to exude from a
species of thuia {Tliuia articulala, Vahl.). a. p. (^^^i**i ^4jj|7T sail das, m. a necessary, a
water-closet (opening into the streets), a sink. /(.
^ji^Jm) W^Xi sundari, f. a iair or handsome
l*A>iJJ»«** ^4jd IH i sandasa, m. large pincers, s.
woman, beaut}', goodness, virtue, a small timber tree
{Heritiera viinor). s.
j^*>lja«j Tn!3T?fl .w?((/a.vl,ni. {vnr.oi sanyasi ;
{^tXy*n xt(7idus, brocade, silk wrought with "a caste of Hindu ascetics, s.
gold or silver, a.
\f .. _ T. tongs, sma 1
^^*iS'xt*> stDidiisl., made of brocade, brocaded. fl.
pmcers. s.
J6tili^j.«> TRf^Tq sandigd/i, doubted, questioned,
doubtful, s.
^ ._-
*ujl»*> ic^^ sanrsi, > j
^3Ju*» simdi/a, m. the hump on the back of a
jjCJou'j f?ni5T widu?; m. rcd-lcad, minium, s. camel, bullock, \c. d. [sion. s.
\.,^«j ftTf^TT fiinduia, ni. a box for rouge or
paint, h. [allf J', a lane. d. U-Ju*» i(W sansii, m. dread, doubt, apprchcii-
(_^..u>j.**i sajidori, f. a narrow passage ; nu .L.i>*> ^^K mhsa7-, m. the world, the uni-
^^M> f^"^ sindino or sindh, m. sea, ocean ;
TFTffW^ simsa);m. a kindof ornament. //.
the Indus; the name of a district, the countrj' along
the Indus or Sindh ; name of a musical mode or rrigijii.
sliidliu-pnslip.m. a conch, sinditu-lavan, m. rock-salt. s. LdJ.L-l-j ^^TfT:«Ii .ww-sa?-?^,^
ww-sa?-?^,^ worldly, of this
^Ja*** ^rPfvT niiridhi, m. union, junction ; U,l«j ^^"P^
(CjL-JL«j ^^"P^ .sr/?;.va?i,
.sr/?;.vari, JJ world,
W( s.
peace, pacification ; a crack ; a hole. s. ^vj^Tfl .wnsa7i, void, still, silent,
dreary, lonely, desolate, s.
JbS'iMi ^fflfy sannidhi, f. proximity, s.
^^S^yx-^ '^i'^l'TJT xnvdJum, m, s|iying, prying (^ .;^i**) ^?q^ m7ispa7-sh, m. touching, con-
into secrets, sandhan put.a, a. to trace, to discover, s.
,L tact, laying hold of, perception, s.
,'jtji**> ^f%VT«T sannidhan, m. proximity, s. J'^l^'x^ tm}'^ .<a7l<tlian, m. sliiijic, form,
make, fabrication ; a place where four roads meet ; a
Vi'^iiJ— TP^'T^lT wndltana, , m.1
.... pickle, acid vicinity, a neighbourhood, s.
i'.J&;iJ-*» TT^^TTfi savdhaniy f. J preparation of
the hel and dther fruits. /;. j^'xMi •^^TR.
ment. /(. su7)sar, m. the name of an orna-

( 481 ) dJuu-

i±/^*j» ^^ sansarg, m. union, proximity, (^^^Joji ^f^joh^ sanni/tarsh, m. proximity, s.

contact, mefamiliarity,
nt, s, meeting, interview ; sexual attach- ^j^J>Ju^ A^tt^as sanharshan, m. attracting,
drawing ; as. name of Balardma, the elder brother of
j/^*-jk**) irwff mnsavfji, familiar, acquainted,
"friendly, sociable, an acquaintance, s.
j^;Xl*** Wtff^ sankram, m. going, moving, tra-
J^^'xm Tfi'^TK •'!07tshar, '"• completing,accom- velling; the passage of a planet through the zodiac. *.
plishing, perfecting ; an essential and purificatory rite
among the Hindus ; purification, consecration, s. K^xJ^S^a** «vsjti sankshep, m. abridgement,
OtXyJu** ^^TT sa/iskpt, wrought, made, arti- abbreviation, conciseness, compression, s.
ficially produced ; excellent, best ; decorated, orna- ^xIm* sankal, m. a chain, d.
mented; the Sanskrit language, the language of the
gods, being supposed
fallible rules, s. a perfect tongue, formed by in- J.xi*«» ^^ sankal, m. collection, quantity;
addition (in arithm.). s.
t/ljol!)iwi*»» ^^rilHti'nf)' mnshritamiyayi,
following or imitating the Sanskrit, or language of J-xIm* ^ciKjj sankul, crowded, confused, filled
the gods. s.
so as to be impervious, s.
jkM^JMi'W^^l^sajixgar, productive, fertile, s. »--*«ol**» ^W^ sankalp, m. volition, resolve;
ljljujk**> ^il^^T^ or ^W*rRT sansanana, n.
the act of promising, or vowing religiously, san-
to jingle, to ring; to faint; to simmer, h. kaip-k. (v. sankaljiiid.) s.
clLJfcU^Xxj ^UfT1^7 sansajiahat, f. an imi-
^^jJowXuj ^ejT^T'RT sankalpna, a. to give alms
tative sound; ringing, jingling; simmering; fainting. «.
(by making a religious tow), to vow. s.
_^«*.lw> scnixati, ni. apprehension (v. sansai). s.
(JIaJxI*** ^clif^nT sankalit, heaped, piled ;
3y.Jyij» WaWSl or TfTt^TI^ san-sutr, m. pack- added ; m. addition, s. [addition. 3
thread, s.
^Kju*> ^cR^«T sankalan, m. contact, junction ;
j<«-i*^ VWH sansai, 1 in. apprehension, fear,
^JL)aJ» ^^Tl sanshai,) douht, uncertainty. IxxIm* ftl'»T'«fi«n sinakna, a. to blow the nose. h.
" samhayapanna, affected with doubt, hesitating; doubt-
ful, uncertain, sanshayatmd, m. a sceptic, sanshaydlu, — ^5JLw> H'sii'^ sankoch, m. shame, bashfulness,
doubting, sceptical, sanshayan, dubious, uncertain. «. reserve, diffidence ; shutting, closing, contraction ; a
skate {Rata sancura). s.
i.dJa**» fpf^T^sinakfTO. blowing the nose, snot. h.
i^^jJm* ^<*1-«JH sankochan, m. the act of
cIIj*** irm sank, 'I fear, terror, doubt, sus- shrinking, astringing, causing to shrink, s.
oou*» ^flifT sanka, f.j picion. s.
^-»-^5w*» ^oift^ sankochi, bashful, reserved,
Jiyxui '^'{dk\Al.sunhatar, m. a kind of snake, k. diflident. s.
j\^ju.k)^e|rTT sankar, f. a sign, nod, wink,
beckoning, s. ^$Jw»*» ^^ sankk, m. a conch which the Hin-
diJs blow ; a kind of ornament, a shell, s.
13.Kjl»> ^B-cRR'^n sanharna, a. to beckon, to
nod, to wink, or make a signal, s. ,^\lu» ^T^ sanhk, simple, artless, dapol sankhj
promising much and performing nothing, h.
KJlSja** "^CWZ sanhat, narrow, contracted ; m.
vexation, misfortune, pang, agony, pain, anguish, saii-
kat chmtth, name of a Hindu holyday in the month of Ai>l^xi**> 5ff?ST?^'^ savkhuhtdl, name of a me-
Mdglt, sacred to Ganesha. s. dicinal plant {Andropogon aciculatum ?). s.

tj^*J-**» ^f^«^^ sankhint, f. a description of

O^'**** ^oRf^W sanhuchit, unblown, un-
opened ;abashed, s. woman (the worst of all, very devils in look and
nature), s.
, t-sT"""**** ^op^ isanlicJa, f. a skate, s. [x^ylui Tft^J sankhya, f. a number, a nu-
J XIm» ^"Iji^ sanhar, m. mixing, blending; meral ;counting the numbers, one, two, three, &c.
a sankhiyd, m. a kind of poison, arsenic, s.
mixed or degraded caste proceeding from the promis-
cuous intercourse of the four castes, s.
Kyx^^ui ^^mTT sankhyata, f. number, nume-
O^^XI-*) TffWiT sankrat, 1 f. the sun's en- ration, counting, s.
LL*iUxiLw» 5H^Tf'tT sanhranti,) tering into a drfiAXJLu* ^ffifirT sanket, m. engagement, agree-
new sign. s. ment ; sign, gesture, sanket-slhdn, m. a place of
assignation, s.
CL^^Slui ^^vfl- aanJtrant, past, gone, trans
ferred from one to another; entered (into a new sigi ^JijSs^M iCo^'^'^ mnkirttan, m. celebrating,
of the zodiac), s. praising, honour, glorification, s.
i_^Kxl**» sanhranti, f. (v. sanhrat.) s.
jjjjkx;**> ^on't^ mnhirna, crowded, confused, s,
( 482 ) ^L^

\t_^'--'^ ^T\ sang, m. a stone ; weight, sangi J L«xj;**» sangsar, m. one who stones (to death),
a slinger. p.
fls/v«. a millstone, sangi.basrt, zmc. sang-tardsh, m. [death, p.
a stonecutter, sang-tara, m. a kind of orange, sang- f. the act of stonintr to
taul, equal iu -vveiKl't. sangi-jiraJiat, a species of stea- (_Cjl*»xi4** sangsari
tites, sangi khdrii. Hint, saiig-ddna, m. the gizzard.
saiig-dil, hard-hearted, sang-reza and sang-rezi, m. jLXl«* mngistan, m. a stony country, p.
gravel, sangi-sulabndni, m. agate, onyx, sangi-sumak,
porph3-ry. sang-ldkh, stonj', rocky, sangi mamna, m. .0.>~.Ca*> ^^K sangskar, m. idea, notion,
the gravel, the stone. sangi marmar, m. marble.
impression, s. [horned beasts, d.
sangi mihidtls, the loadstone, sangi-musq, a black
stone so called, sangi-yasham, m. a kind of jasper or
agate, s. ^•£LmJCJl*** sing-singott, a general term for
i,fJ.jMi W\ >'fi»g, in the company of, along with ; *,-xL«j Tffn^T^ sangsi, f. pincers, forceps, s.
m. association, companj', union, meeting, joining. «. ^j^yL>^l^ sangsho,i, f. washing rice, &c. be-
i^Jj^jM .sing (for sing^, a horn. d. fore dressing, p.

\flui f^"^'] .sviga, m. trumpet (of horn). 5.

^^^.^JLj** sang-kup'i, f. name of a plant used
in medicine (Volkemeria inermis). d.
\L^^ fWfiXX. s'lngar, ornament, dress, em-
bellishment, decoration, singdr-ras, m. one of the jjj*n ^TT sangam, m. coition ; meeting, con-
nine rasas (v. ras). s.
flux, union ; planetary conjunction, s.
Uj'-^A**i ftr^TTlTT singarna, a. to dress, to
decorate, to embellish, s. liuJ^^ij;*** sungun lena, a. to act the spy. h.

Aitj.iJMi fw^KxJX. siiigar-har, m. the weep- f^>_^^^M» 5ffjfl^»f

cealment, s. sangopan, ni. hiding, con-
ing nyctanthes (Nycianlhcs arbor tristis). s.
JyU**» f^S^nrt singautl, f. a polishing-tool
business ■ftT'^lftTn
is to dress ansirigariga,
idol. s. in. one whose
"made of horn ; an ornament of metal on the horns of
a bullock, s. [a quantit}-. «.
jjijXLw* sung-pnsli, 111. a tortoise, a ,^Xl**» W^ sangh, m. flock, number; a heap,
.).lLC**» snvg-jmsht,
' f, ' turtle, p. ,^.Cl**> fw^ singh, m. a lion ; the sign Leo ; a
iyySS**i sang-post, J
name or title common among the Hindus and Sikhs.
d.*.CL**i ^Iri snvgot or ^fw sangati, f. meet- singh-parni, f. a plant (Justicia adhenatoda). siiigh-
ing, union, association, intercourse, coition ; collection, puciihi, f. a plant (Hedysarum lagopodiuides). singh-
congregation, company, society ; a place -where the keshar, m. a lion's mane ; a plant (Mimusops elengi).
Sihlis celebrate their religious ceremonies, sangtit, m. singh-nud, m. war-cry, war-whoop, singh-iiadak, m. the
friendship, acquaintance ; union, meeting; adj. right, roar or yelp of a lion ; war-cry. singli-nddakd, f. He-
proper, well. s. dysarum alhugi. s.
\^Sj*h sangtara, ^ m. a kind of orangef the Cjy^i^ '^"^X^ .sangkat, m. companionship,
society, assemblage, s. [a friend, s,
iySj^i sangtara,} name of which was
changed by Muhammad Shah into rangtara, on account jjl^.C;«i ^'mTI^ sanghaUf m. a companion,
of its beautiful colour, h.
jl^Xlwj ^R sanghctr, ra. destruction, loss ;
^^Xlwi ^ii^ savgati, m. f. companion, com- the destruction of the world ; making away, killing,
" rade. s. .< murdering; adj. killed, s.

ui3jl^ir"*"^ sang-Mwai-ahAa species of bird, X>.\^L.a*i ^RtTT sangharna, a. to kill, to

^ \^^kxu» gang-khivara, J called make awaj- with. s.
by the
Arabs Jcatd. p.
\j',^iil«j flfftrrfT singhara, m. trapa nutans;
XLw* ^TT sangar, m. lines, entrenchment; water chestnut or water caltrops ; a handkerchief folded
war, battle ; misfortune, calamity ; promise, agree- diagonally, s.
ment. «.
i^u»\.^jMi fH^I^H singhasan, m. a throne.
singhdsan hattisi, name of a Hindi work of fiction, s.
|.LC*«* ^■^rnr sang ram, m. battle, war. s.
sXl*** WJ^ sangrah or sangraha, vn. a com- Ki\.^^S*n "^VJ^ sunghana, a. to cause 10 smell,
to inhale. «. [fume. ».
pilation, an abridgment ; quantity, collection, s,
cL^.l,^£;**> ^Tef? sunghawat, f. odour, per-
^.Xj>*> ^^^ sangrahan, m. collecting,
compiling, s.
.^j^ts..^ f^^^t^singh-paur, I m. the royal
j^JbjXjuu) ^XT^ml' sangraJiam, m. name of a J^A^^J-j "fef ^itoS singh-paul, > gate or en-
disorder, an irregular state of the bowels, costiveness
alternately with a diarrhoea, s.
j\jS^^li*i f^'^'^TT.singh-dwar,) trance to a
palace ; that on which is placed the efSgy of the lion. *■
lv.Cl**> ftrTsT siiigra, m. a powder-horn. s.
CL^^fC^ ^^ri sanghat, compact, close, col-
^'•:kJ.A*i ftblTt si/ign, f. a small powder-horn lected, sanghati, f. assemblage, heap, union; com-
for priming, s. pactness, sanghattd, f. compactness, approximation, s.
t,i.>Ou*> ( 483 )

U^C**» ^_j»*LA*«i ?r?TTW santiyas,

\yj» m. abandonment of
the text '^^(TT sanghita,
of the Vedas; f. an arrangement
a compeudiuni, a collection of
of all worldly things, s.
laws, &c. s. [bark ; Ceylon. »•.
j^^Iaa*** ^^T^^ sunnyasl, m. a Brahman of
jj^xj;*rf* ftr^cS s'mghal, m. tin, brass; cassia "the fourth order, a religious mendicant, s.
jA^;»**> fpr^^ sivghan'i, f". a lioness, s. lLaAAm) w^fiw .sunit, well-behaved, politic ; m.
U^Cl*»» ^fTnn sanghiya, m. a companion, s. (.ilso sun'iti, f ) propriet}' of behaviour, good conduct,
policy, s.
ij^ sang'i (v. sangm), stony, heavy, p. j^*** '^'^'^X^amchar, m. Saturn ; Saturday, s.
iS^ ^W'^ '><^»ff~h uniting with, attached, lust-
"ful; ni. a companion, an accomplice, s. )j^^
m. name^rft^n aan'icliara,
of a mountain near to unlucky
Go,aliyar. (fellow)
s. ;
Ui!l**» ffffipn singiya, m. a kind of poison, s.
CL*>-J^y**i tiMrh sa/'tyuhf, joined, united with. g.
IxCl*» ^T savgya, f. a noun ; a metaphor,
*^**> w^tf sanyam, m. piety, abstinence, for-
an idiomatical phrase, s. bear nce, s.

d.o^xlw> ^Tf^'iT sang'it, ni. music, singing, a con- ^^-a«* wmH\ sahyavn, abstinent, temperate, s.
cert ;the exhibition of song, dancing, and music, as
a public entertainment; the art of dancing and music. (j^^Ajj sanln (for scmgiii) a bayonet, d.
a kind of dance,names. of a book on music, saiigit-nacli, '-^Jj^t^ ^«Tl'^«ir sunilah, m. the blue shrike,
the emerald or sapphire, s.
^jOU«*» snrigin, stony, heavy, weighty; solid,
cL/^Ai*M ^xftn sahyog, m. accident, chance
thick ; f. a bayonet ; " from the Turkish s'dng'd, a event ; union, association, s.
spear, bayonet. The Persians call this weapon sar-
naiza, but never sangln." — (B.) p. ,^y**» ^^ snek or saneh, m. friendship, love,
^jlCi**> minfini, f. a load ; solidity, p. affection ; oil. sneh-wdn, affectionate, s.

j^X_iL*> ^^'"rl xavlagna, joined, adherent, s. ^_^-^**» ^^'^ lover,

"tionate, friend, snefnmistress,
or sanehi,
s. kind, affec-
j^UJu*> ^THT«T sahvian, \i\. respect, esteem,
reverence, s. [spectful. «. ^«*» ^ sau, a hundred, sau sir ka lioim, im-
plies excessive perseverance or ob.stinacy (lit. possess-
ing one hundred heads, of which if one be cut off, the
j^Ulwj ^iTliri' sauman'i, adj. polite, civil; re- others still remain), s.
,^^\u* '^^'^ sanmukh, opposite, confronting, s. ^**» su (for su), (in comp.) good, as su-dhcil,
llx-^j ^T^ sauna, n. to be impregnated ; be neat, elegant, su-daiil, beautiful or well-shaped, s.
stained, soiled, smeared, or defiled; to be kneaded,
y^ ftr^ siva, m. Shiva, the Deity in the cha-
mixed up (as Hour, dough, earth, &c.). Ii.
racter of the destroj-er. s.
Ui*»» ^T^ sunna, a. to hear, to listen ; ni. a
y*> SU, f. a side, direction, part ; towards, in
dot, cipher, s. the direction of. p.

C^\^x>M sanwat, n. (pi. of &>ja») years ; old yui "^ SO, correl. pron. that same. so,i or so-
coin current at a depreciated rate after a certain num- la, that very. h.
ber of years ; rupls, of old date which still pass at a
discount, commonly called sunaut rupees, in opposi- yn ^^ sav, m. a dead body. h.
tion to siccci rupees, a.
y*i SO (v. soil), with, from. d.
\j.\yxut wmi^l mmmrna, a. to proj^are, to
dress, to decorate, to adjust, to adorn, to arrange, to \yn^^^\ sava, w'\i\\ a quarter, a quarter more,
as sawd tin, three and a quarter, h.
accomplish, h.
|^j*> ^^T so,a, m. fennel {Anethum S07va,
_ya*> svnnh, happening, an occurrence, a. Roxb.). s.

I3j^i**> ^^R^T sanwarna, n. to be dressed, to \yn Ti^T siifC/ or TfT^T swra, m. a parrot, a
be decorated, to be prepared, to suit, to prosper, &c. h. parroquet ; a needle with which gunny -bags are sewed,
a packing-needle ; an awn of corn. *.
,.>//> sanun or sunun, m. (pi. of 6J>u») years.
1^**) fjpfofT sIva, f. a name of the goddess Par-
sanun, tooth-powder, dentrifice. a. vatl (q. v.). s.

<JI.aJium 'Sf^f^'iT sannihit, near, at hand. s. \yji siiva, more, better; besides, except,
\j^l*n ^R^TT simahra, golden, made of gold. s. without ; beyond or past (an object) ; over and above, a.

^^y^ sawabih. (pi. of a^Lw) past events, a.

^M sunnt, lawful ; m. an orthodox Muham-
" madan, who reveres equally the four successors of ciJjl^ij^ ^THlf^cp sivabhavik, natural, pe-
Muhammad, and hence called also chdr-yurl (the Turks culiar, inherent, i.
are suirnis, the Persians are slu'as, q. v.). a.
C^\^tji ^Tfir sirati, f. the star Arcturus, the
fifteenth mansion of the moon. s.
UjuA* ^rfm sanhja, m. a kind of tasai' cloth, h.
( 484 }
I yiJi L^y.
C>-.'i^^>*» ^TflTHrT xirati-.sut, the issue of J^^ siiu-al, m. interrogatory, question, pro-
Arcturus ; a pearl (V siit). s. [prove, h. position, request, suivdl k., to ask, to question, to beg
or solicit alms: pi. swtfrt'rt^ a. [deva. *
\i^\^t*> fi'^'^'^^^ san-arhna, a. to test, to try, to
*:^\yM fiH^^ Simula, m. a temple of Maha-
^L«» ^1^ .'orad or "^^V^ saivad, m. relish,
flavour, taste, svt'eetness, pleasure, s.
jjl^ suival'i,
who sings m. a(a. questioner;
the marsiya v.). a. the person
i\y*t T^T^ swndu, sweet, savoury, dainty,
agreeable, desired, s.
tyA\y*i ^^^f^^ sn-aniitiva, m. mastery, supe-
ii1j>*» saivad, in. [)lackcning, soot, smoke; riority, sovereignty, s.
environs ; reading ; ability, a.
i^^y*> ^TH^ siram'i, m. master, owner, lord,
"proprietor; a husband, a lover; a prince, a monarch;
ij}^\y*t ^T^ srvctdak,']^ delicious, relishing, the Divine Being; a spiritual preceptor; the Daw^i
Jii^^-* ^T^^ "ivadal, J of high flavour, s. master, are
jfaklrs so called, s. swdm'i-droh, ra. injuring one**
euJLfc:>^^ ^ifyr^IW srvMliipatya, m. supreme
sway, sovereignty, s. ^y** ^T^ swan, m. a dog, a hound, s.

•Kfcii^^-j ^Tf>TcRK sn-adhikar, m. own or pe- \i\y*» ^^TVTf sun'dna, a. to cause to sleep, s.
culiar office or station, s. ^\y>t fwrnn siwand or siivdna, m. verge,
limit, boundary, s.
jjjj&ii\^ •^V<i\^sn-adhin, independent, being
one's own master ; absolute, despotic ; a neuter verb. s.
J\y*» saivdnih (pi. of ftsiV**>), accidents, oc-
currences, incidents, events. sawdvUf-nigdr or sa-
Vijaiii^.*** ^TV():m^ swadlnnata,~\J. indepen- wdniha-nigdr, a news-writer, intelligencer ; an officer
^fctiW*n ^T>fl«T^ swadhiiii, J dence, li- stationed by the Mogul government in distant pro-
** berty. s, vinces, to transmit weekly to court an account of all
public transactions, such as the and collections of reve-
nues, the management of lands, the state of the
iji)\y^ ''^U^ swad'i, ra. a taster, s. a.
country (barbarous plur. sawdnilidt).
^y*i sawar, in. a rider; mounted (on ahorse,
carriage, ship, or any thing else) ; cavalry, a trooper ; cLtJ^^-* ^^T sawdng or ^TH stvdiuj, m.
(met.) drunk, tipsy, sawdr-kdr, a good rider, a jockey. mimicry, acting, s.imitation, disguise, sham, awdiig-
Idnd, to imitate,
scuvur-kdrl, f. good riding, jockeyship. p.
.L**i ^^t: so,ar, m. the chamber of a puer-
peral woman, s. ^XJi\y ^ a^r^Tft
"an actor, s.
mimic, sawdiKji or ^Tift svany'i, m.
.\yM fa^jR .mtar, m. green vegetation, at the io\y*i siwdna, m. verge, limit (v. siwdna). s.
octaujia).of pools or other water 'J'allisncria spiralis at
^jAy^ ^^^ samd,i, m. a title of the raja of
"Jaipur; a quarter more; as sawd.t-lin, three and a
j\yM W^T.^u,a)-, ni. a hog, a wild boar. s. quarter, s. [philis. d.
aa:>-\.^**» W^t'SJ sivarqjija, m. final felicity, s. disease, sy-
t_$-\y>i saird,l, f. the venereal
Wl"^ snarth, having one's own ob- except, besides, beyond, over
^.]^**i ; mundane affairs, desire, &c. ; selfishness,
ject m. s. and abovesin-d,e,
(jAya (v. siwd). a.

LiJ>AJj\»**> '^if^'Sfi srvarilii/i, answering its ob- b^»-j ^m^T s(tn-di/d, a ^quarter added. ».
ject, expressing its own or literal meaning ; succeeding
in one's purpose; effective, successful, useful. «. J\y^ >awd,im (pi. of &^l«»), flocks, lierds:
' according to Gladwin the term is understood to imply
"ing. ^T^ swartlii, selfish, self-gratify- camels, oxen, goats, and other animals which subsist
*. ; where-
for the greater part of the year onin pasturepasture, and are
fore, ifthey live but half the year
ij^y** ?T^nft m,ari, f. a sow (v. sii/ir). s. fed for the other lialf upon forage, they do not fall
under the description of sawd,im. a.
ij^y** saivari, f. riding, equipage, suite, p.
fy)]^AUi JT^Tf i>u,as, m. a kind of rice. h. (__^b^«. TfRrf( su-hds, m. a pleasant dwelling ;
f. fragrance, perfume. «.
cyi\y*i ^T^T^ suvds, m. a pleasant or respect- •wsm suhar, impure, alloyed (silver), h.
able dwelling, an agreeable smell, s.
j^r m. good and pure
/^^ y*i ^T^ .s?ra.s, "1 m. respiration, breath, ^ J^*K» ^TTfT subaran,
gold ; adj. golden, made of gold. s.
\j^\^j^-^m}!in-aM,} life. s.
su-bas, ra. a pleasant dwelling. .«.
,_i1fcMj sufvaf, m. death, a mortal disease (es- ^J^^y^ ^^
pecially among cattle), a. splendour; orna-
\^y^ irt^J sobhd, f. beauty,ishmen t, s.
ment, dress, decoration, embell
LiJ^yjj ^sirvali, m. rubbing the teeth ; a den-
triflce. a. [t'on. s. , m. auspicious-
e^ip-^i^^ ^hTT"I saubhdtjya
astronomical yog. S(M
ness, good fortune; the fourth
iZ^\y*t ^inrr sroayat, m. welcome, saluta- bhdgya-wdn, fortunate, s.
<-r»y** ( 48-5

y^^ ^^\W^^ sohhatv OT- ^HTW stvahfia/r, m. iW.xiyM wtfiT^^^^T^ savt i//d-dah,^f. malice of
nature, natural property or disposition; eustoni; prac-
tice, fashion, habit, temper, disposilion. subliuw, m. » ItilxJ^ ^nTTnrrTT'^ sa u t hjd-ddh ,J a rival
good disposition, j^ood nature; adj. well-disposed. 5. wife, i. e, " malice of the most virulent quality." The
following verse contains undeniable truth, kalie haitt
j^U^.l^^*.* ^>??TnTnT suhhayuman, beautiful, is 'dlam men bihtar hai maul, wulekin na lio sdmhue iiske
splendid, conspicuous, adorning, s, stiut, " they have said that in this world it is better to
die at once than to endure the presence of a rival
wife." — Binning, s.
1*^^^*** "P^'ii^'rilsohhna., n. to become, to befit, .^f.
Jt^:>yj» ^nfH stvabhumi, f. own land, native y^y** ^ff^T sautela, belonging or related to
country', s. [nowing corn with. s. saut, of one father by diflerent mothers, as saulela-
blid,i, step-brother, sauteld-haliiu, step-sister, s.
^^y** ^S^ »up, m. a kind of basket for win-
UjuL)^**> WrCW^ supahena, m. name of a bird, (^\^yM Wfr'tirW sutinids, ni. the last month
of pregnancy, s.
a swallow {Hirundo apus batassia, Buck.), s.
y^.y*» ¥mHA supara, m. glans penis, h. ^yti'^siij ov'^xi soj,L swelling, rising, s.
\»-y*» ^»TT sujd, m. a borer, a gimlet, an
^jjOy^i ^TTT^ supari, f. betel-nut. s. auger, an awl. s.
(j'oy*» ^tTTR nopan, f. a ladder, a scale. 5. i^Ty** ^nr^ sujcin, f. swelling, sivujan, m.
a distant kinsman, s.
^2;ly** ^TT srvapna, in. sleeping, dreaming.
swapna-hichdr , m. interpretation of dreams, swapna-
bichdrl, m. an interpreter of dreams, swapna-dosh, m. \l>-y*» ^nT»TT suj/id, n. to swell, to rise. s.
nocturnal pollution, s.
{js^-yu sujnd, n. to be known or perceived, d.
^y^\y*> ^ifi^ sTi-phal, of good fruit, useful, s. 6Sys>-yn ^T5r^ sni/Jani/a, m. kindness, good-
nes , s.
^X^yji Trfinntt supiyarl, f. betel-nut for
chewing, s.
^>-^**i'Wi^siijh, f. sight, percej)ii()n. s.
CJyji ^nr sut^ m. thread, yarn ; a silver ^»'y*i WW. sojh, f. straightness, liirectness. h.
thread ; a stamen (in botany), a tendril ; a bard ; a
charioteer ; a carpenter, sut-huntl, needlework, s, l^^ ^*fn sojhd, straight, direct, h.
C^yui ^(T savt, f. rival ('wife), contemporary ^x^t^ui jfi^'\ .^itjhnd, a. to be visible, to be
wife (one wife is saut to another). *. seen, to appear, to seem, to be able to see. h.

C^y*t'^tn{ sot, m. f.^a spring, a fountain, a ^^»-yn'^[^ suji, m. a tailor; f. a needle. *.

o^ ,^_e^y** W^ suji, f. meal, floiir (ground
arm ^"^fTT
(of theSGta,
sea), m.sola,J m. jet d'eau,; sleep.
sleeping a rivulet,
* an
"coarse); the " simola" of the Italians. /;.
j5^**> ^T^ mtra, m. a thread ; a rule, a pre- _^**» ^t^ such, m. consideration, reflection,
cept, s. thought, meditation, s.
til!)**** ^ri«h' sutak, m. uncleanness produced
by the birth of a child or a miscarriage, s. ^y*> ''^^ saiich, m. washing, ablution (paiti-
cularl}- the private parts) on going to the necessary. »-.
OJ^ ^friofii sutiha, f. a woman recently de-
liver d, s. jW^A*> W^'^lX-^uvichar,
consideriition. 5. w. deliberate or due
J.])^ ^RTT^ siital, m. hell, or a place three
stages under the surface of the earth, s.
CL^sry* ^f^lT su-chit, thoughtless, easy, at
leisure ; careful, attentive, occupied, s.
"^yui ^fl^F sutld, m. reins of a carriage ;
the little skin that rises backwards near the nails, at tiis"-.*** 'W^^ sitc/iaJt, m. a teacher, an instruo-
the end of the fingers, h, tor; a needle (for shuchak), a spy, an informer, s.

Aj^*u ^rf(^1 sutl'i, f. String, twine. 5. ^j»-y*i ^q-qri suvoc/ian, m. cloquencc, ele-
gant diction, s.
t^y*^ ^rfH f. (v. saut) a rival wife. 5.
\j^»Mi Tn^^rfT soc/i)id, II. to consider, to )nedi-
\jjy*t HrlHl sutnd, n. to sleep, s. tate, to advert, s.

J^y** ^TT^ sna-tantr, independent, abso- ,^!>-y*i W^ S7vnclicJih or saivarltclth, pure,

lute. *. [absoluteness, s. clean, clear, transparent. sivachchhatd, f. purity,
transparency, s. [line, slender; shiill. s,
'j;\jj^>*» ^'ri^lTT s)ratantraia,f. independence,
^^tMi 'W^^ snchhavt or suclihina, subtile,
^y*i "^"^ soth, f swelling, rising, s.
^^^y*i Wl^ti mthan, f. drawers, h. Ijk^^f^ »*u ^"^rKKT .'<U(lih(imtd or suchhviutd, f.
subtileness, minuteness; shrillness, s.
iS^y^'^^^ suthm, f. (Iniwcrs; nn edible
" r">ot [Dioscorca fasciculafa, Rvxb.). h. (3..'i^=>-»*u '^'^r^.^jia(.lihund,;\ccor(\'m\: to one's
own opiriiui or inclination, unrestrained, uncontrolled ;
fj,y*» VWt sutl, n;ude of cotton thread, s. selt-willeU. s.
^ ( 486 )
{^^y** 1^ suchl, f. a needle, s, jy*i ^x swar, m. tone, voice ; a vowel, s.
jy^TfJisur, m. a hero; the sun; (contr. of
a work), s."^^"^ suchl-pati; m. an index (to surdas, q. v.); (cor. of shula) tenesmus,
C^_j**» soM.t, burnt ; a i-evoke at cards, p. jr>* TitX saur, solar ; name of a fish. s.
j_jpi-_5**> soMitafjt,^ burning; vexation, lieart- \jy^ ^T sura, m. (same as sur) a hero, &c. s.
" burning, p.
'--^ir** ■^a'K'rat, avarice, greediness, d.
ij^^ sohhtan, (r. soz) to burn, somtanl, Jhy** ^^^'^Tf^ sivaratri, m. a festiv
ft to be burnt, p. [m. a slow-match, tinder, p. jy^ al held on
the fourteenth of the dark fortnight in
Mi-yji soMta, burnt, sohhta-dil, heart-burnt; P/.«/,.««a (February-March), in honour of month of
versary ot the birth of linga or phallus, the anid-
dy^ sud, m. profit, interest, gain, usury, sud- s.
batta, profit and loss, sud-khor, an usurer, p. ^jy^ surakh, ra. a hole, orifice, passage, j).
\dyj» sauda, m. melancholy ; love; ambition ;
desire, concupiscence ; madness ; atrabilis. a. \j\jyjj saurmia, |to be helpless, to
•tJ^ sauda, m. trade, traffic; 13^4^?!^^ saxirae-jana,} be beyond pa-
marketino-. tience or endurance, d.
sauda suh/f, m. traffic, barter. ;;. °
_/b^ sauddgar, m. a merchant. saudR-qari, >^jy*» -^fXH saurahh, m. fragrance, saffron, s,
f. merchandise, p. J ^
(^bj**» sauda,!, mad, insane, melancholy, a. j^jy*» ^■I'jV sur-h~ir, m. a champion, a hero.*.
O,^ surat, a chapter of the hir,an, of
j^dy^ sud-Mor, m. a usurer, a publican.;?. which there are 114. saurat, sovereign
power des-
i^j^i^dyn- sud-h]wri, f. borrowed money. «. .P"*'^'"- «■ [rfAd..-, heroic. '.
J^r^ b,_j^ ^TffT surta, f. valour, heroism, sinta-
of theM-Hindus,
(for shMra)
the fourth or
4^jr« ^rtT7 sorath, f. name of a musical
j^y^T^r^sodar, \m. (for sahodar, q. v.) mode or r«^.,«F. s. [_bhakha). s
]j:>3**j^qTT.so(Zflra,/ born of the same mo-
ther, uterine ; m. an own brother, s. ^jr** ^'^ i^ortha, m. name of a metre (in
^y^ m:^ suraj or ^7^ surj (for surya), m.
<j)\)'^y^'^^:^ sMraniAt a female of the the sun. surj-sankranti, f the sun's entrance into
ijj^y^ ^ift sudrani. J sudr caste, s. new sign. suraj-g„han or sunja-grahan. m. eclipse
the suu. surj-ma,id(,/, m. the orb or disc of the sun. of
,^dy4> sud-7nand, profitable, advantao-eou*?
Ll.*«U,y*i ^hm surjast, m. sunset, s.
beneficial, p.^ [ableness. p.
ijSJ^dyjt sudmandl, f. advantage, profit-
^^^^ suraj-viukhl or suraj-
^^CiyM Sudan (r. sa,e) to wear, to rub. p. sunflower (//,//«H//iH5 ammus); a kind of fan.
i^iy^ suda, rubbed, dissolved ; m. a powder, p. *^'^3^ji*** ?^^ surjodoy, m. sunrise, s.
^^i^^ ^ sodh, f discharge L>^''i)r*' "^V^
rection, search, inquiry, collation, (of
debt) : cor- surdas, name of a Hindi
poet and singer who was blind ; hence a blind man is
called sfirdds. s.
Jb^^^ ^f^ suvidh, of a good kind, in a good
or easy way, easily, s. ^jy^ ^^ sKurij, m. the sky, tlie first heaven
Ui^«, w (of tlie Hindus), swarg-urohan, ascending to lieaven
simple, artless,
s. proper, true; straight;
r sioarga-gaman, m. going to heaven, swarga-lok m

t^Asb:^^^ ^m% sudhr,,l, f. simplicity, artless- paradise, s. o > •

l1*Sj^ ^^fir stvar-gati, f. going to heaven,
^ji>:>'^ W>^ swadharma, m. the peculiar future felicit}', death, s.
duty appropriate to each of the four classes of Hindus •
such as prayuigof a Brahman, fighting of a soldier, &c.5.' fjjy^ 5^jflf^ swargiya, ^r^ sn-arfjya, or
swarg'i, celestial, s. fdise. a
Ui^i_a«» ^"Ht^T sodhim, a. to pay, to disch
(a debt), to liquidate ; to collate; to refine metals. ° s. ^^l)^*** '^^I'^ swar-loh, m. heaven, para-
ij^y** sud'i, (money) borrowed at interest, p.
home. s.^^1^ swadesh, m. native country
^jy^ "^^ surma, |bold, brave, surma-
(J^j^^ ^pit surman, J j(?a»?, m. bravery, s.
^}^,'Sy>i■^^^ sv-daid,^. j'"t).y^ sur-mar, brave, valiant, d.
well-shaped, ele- (_>** •'^■ji*^ m<HWsaur-mas, m. a solar month.*.
ij^'6y*» T^l^ su-dhal,} gant. s. h.
;r** *"'i'«''
Ifur.an. a. (pi- of 2j y-»), chapters of the Jy^jy* ^JT<5R mr-malar or sur-mallar, m.
name of a musical mode or rag iid. h.
x^ luM

( 487 )

^^^y** ^5$ swarna, m. fjold. sTcarna-jmshju, ^_^ jJa^j^-j 41fi^9 xusnndes, m. good tidings, g.
f. the Caxsia fistula ; a medicinal sort of moon-plant.
su'iinni-cliiira, m. the blue jjay. r- swanid-gairik, m. a i^y*i SOS/a, f. a bluisji colour, jj.
kind of &**iy*> ^W, sum, m. gasping, panting, s.
cinal ochre, jfolden oclire.
kind of moon-plant, said swaniu-ksli'in,
to be brought f.from
a medi-
Himalava mountain, s.
i^y*> ff^ susi, f. a kind of cloth, h.
^^Jy^ ^^^ siivani, of oood tribe, of «roo(l L-^lff-^ riosityscaigtcit,
, p. f. a raiity, present, cu-
colour, bright; m. gold; a sort of sandal -wood ; a red
chaiK- or oclire. suvarna-ganit, m. (in arith.) allegation
medial, s. [same class or kind. s.
fj^S'yui !<aughati, given as a present or me-
morial, fit for a present, (hence) rare. p.
(j',y** ^^«n .<(n'n?-)i, like, resembling; of the
jiy*» xufnr, m. and f. the notch of an arrow
(oi^ ^RTJ sincji, in. an edible tuberous root or needle, p. [Venus ; Friday, s.
{Arum campamdatum, Roxb.), s.
LdJjj-* WSS suk, m. (for shufira) liic planet
^Isij^jjo xHranjan, f. name of a medicine
{Hermadacti/lus, GoL). a. uL)^ ^eF sok, m. the holes in a bedstead
through which the strings for bracing it pass. h.
cib,^ ^ijoir .warnak, golden, of gold. s.
i^j.yut ^hm snvi-riip, m. own or natural ijL}y^ ^"^op
tion, s. goJ{, ra. affliction, grief, lamenta-
shape, fora», appearance, or identity ; similar, like. s.
ijy** sura, m. a tale, story, foible, a chapter Oy*> ^raRT ■■iulici, dry, withered (v. suhlia). s.
of the l-ur,an (of which there are 114). a. Oj*o jrsfil suJiu, m. a quarter of a rupT piece. //.
jO.y^i ^ftiTTT sauriyar, sizeable. A. _.0^ ^«JfT§ sirakarj, m. own business or
tluty. s.
the sun. s."Wni^ siiryodaya, m. the rising of ^_j*.K5**> WS^^sukaf, m. leisure, opportunity, s.
iOjy*i ^^ surya, m. the sun. surya-grahan, \j6y*i 5^W sura Jit ci, eloquent, s.
an eclipse of the sun. sfiri/a-bansl, of the solar race ;
the name of a tribe of K^hatrii/as, who claim their Uo^«j WWiZl sukta, lean, weak. s.
descent from the sun (v. suraj). s.
V i^t'^i-^ T^W^straki/tiinih, m.own family, .v.
'.y^isoz, m. burning; vexation, heart-burning ;
ardour; a stanza ofavuirsii/a or elegiac poem, soz- jiy^i.ficfiXsukar, m. a hog, a wild boar; the
guddz, ni. burning and melting ; an impassioned style hog-deer, saukar, m. saukart, f. hoggish, swinish, s.
in poetry, soz-iicik, burning, ardent, p.
C^Jiy*) ^Wi^ sH-aLrit, done or made by one's
uL)^^«> sozaJi, m. a gonorrhoe;!, clap. p. self, self-perforraed. s.
jj^jy*> sozan (v. soz), burning, &ic. p. ^Sy*> ^iw^^ suvikra7n, m. prowess, valour, s.
(^\y*i sozlsh, f. burning, solicitude, pain, J^Syui ^'^ suhshma, little, small, minute,
vexation, p. fine, subtle. s!7/cs/»Ha/«, f. fineness, subtlety, sukslimn-
biuldhi, shrewd, acute ; f. mental acumen, sukshma
^^jynsuzatijf, a needle; pricker (of a gun), p. darshl, sharp-sighted, acute, s.
fS-^jy** sozandagt, f. a conflagration, p. i)^y*t ^TofiQS s>cahul, m. own family or race. s.
8.3J:,**> sozaiida, m. burning, kindling, a j^byyj in^H satiJian, f. a rival wife. h.
burner, p. t*}ywj ^oRffT.^'i/i'«o, n. to dry, to become dry. s.
jj,j«*»» soznl, f. a kind of coverlet, p. bljj •**> ^<*H1^ stiuhanajm, m. rivalry be-
tween wives of the same husband, li.
,..L^>', fc«j sozld/in, to burn (in a transitive or
intr.insitive sense), p.
\^y^ TToB^T suhva, m. a kind of vetch, h.
(_j*jft^ .<ys, m. liquorice {Glycyrrhiza). a.
\^y*» "^^Jsuhha, dry ; m. dry tobacco eaten
with betel-leaf; a consumption, atrophy; the croup
(_j*>«**> ^^ .<r/.s-, m. a porpoise (Delphinus). s.
in children, sukha-dlidn, rice burnt up by tiie sun's
CL^**i,Mi ^ftcT sfrtisti, a foimula of benedic- ravs sukhd-lagnd (Dakh.), to be hungry, to be lean or
tion or approbation, so be it, it is well, amen, &;c. emaciated, s. [sumption, atrophy, s.
swasti vdcban, m. a religious rite preparatory to an\'
important observance, in which the Brahmans strew ^'■■A^^yji ^^"SFTt sulili-chhari, f. a con-
boiled rice on the ground, and invoke the blessings of
the gods on the ceremonies about to commence. A^y^ sTMam, abstracted (Sec. (v. suchham). s.
swasti-mdn, happy, auspicious, s,
Ijv^^^ Vlk(A\ suhhna, n. to dry, to evaporate,
j^-»i-i»**» ^^Hr<C susmar, m. a porpoise (^Del- to fall away, to pine away, to shrivel, to wither, s.
phinus). s.p.
S'lrb. S.
^^juiya sosan, f. a lily. a. li^^^ ^"^^rlT soJiJmd, a. to soak up, to ab-
\xtMyM sosna, to bear, to endure, d.
^Jy^» -^^ja^suhi, f. a quarter of a rii|)T piece, s.
L^y** ( 488 )

&Myu» "^(W^ snakiya, m.|own, belonging ^JyM ^n»T son, m. name of a river ; name of
a flower, a kind of jasmine (Bignonia indica). t.
^y** ^W\m swakiya, f. J or relating to
one's self. s. [tion. p. s. f>)yt*'W^ sunu, m. a son. s.
<dJ'y*» ^EftT sog, m. affliction, grief, lamenta- ^^yt» "wt son, f. an oath, an asseveration.
khudd ki son, a phrase equivalent to " I swear bv
\^y^ VJX\ suf/d, in. a parroquet. s. God." h.

i^yn saugand, f. an oath, an asseveration.

taugand-khdnd or -Ichurdan, to make oath, to swear, s. (jy>* m^ son, postp. from, with (v. se). h.
\>y^ ^VfT sand, n. to sleep; (met.) to die;
f^ii>^y*i)S^yu> smigandd-saugandi, f. mutual m. gold, sone kd nawdld, an expensive banquet, a
delicious morsel, s.
asseveration upon oath. p.

JidJ^^j** ^itv su-gandh or ^JT*V saugandh, \>yM ^H^n siind, empty, deserted ; the follow-
f. perfume, fragrance (also saugandhya) ; adj. fragrant. ing lines contain a "jeude mots" on the various
sugandh-sand, impregnated iivith perfume, s, meanings of sond and sma : — Sond lene pi gaye, sund
kargaye des ; sond mild, na pi phbe, rupd hogaye kes,
f^y** ^'j*ul sauguni, a hundred-fold. s. my love went to earn gold, and left the country deso-
late :I could not sleep (or he found gold), my love re-
j'yy** sogirar, grievous, afflicting, p. turned not, my hair became silver, s.

^J\^%yj» sogwdrtff. affliction, grief, sorrow, p. {^\iy*i'^^T;^ jtwandsh,m.. self-destruction, s.

U^^ ^T«TT sompnd or ^XTffr saumpnd, a.
^^j^;H\il'),<(o^i,afflicted,grieved,sorrowful.j?.5. to deliver over, to commit any thing to the care or
C^ixiyji ^^fir swagydti, f. kindred, kin; charge of another, s. lanisum). h.
m. a kinsman, s.
'^y** '0^ siu'iph, f. anise seed (Pimpmella
&i\Myn sogycina, m. mourning clothes, p.
li:jj**i T^nu suntnd, ^a. to strip leaves of
Oy** ^55 -^ul, m,f. cholic; a trident, pike,
dart, the point of a spear ; a thorn ; compassion, ten- \x^y*»
a sword,
AM«^Awa, J vegetables; to draw

\jyn ?T^ sul, m. situation, condition, h. <^^y** ^ sunt, f. silence, sunt bhamd, 1 1
be sUeut.m silence,
h. sunt-mdrnd, to maintain silence, U
(^^y*» '^f^'^X^ savilds, wanton, sportive, ft.
i_^^**> ^"57 s/valp, very small, very few', s. ^^y** wtz\ sontd, m. a club, mace, pestle.
sonte-harddr, a mace-bearer; a person in the retinue
dly^ ^55? >^olah, sixteen, s. of the great, armed with a short curved club, gene-
rally covered with silver, h^
^i^^P^ji*) ^^^"^t solahwdn, the sixteenth, s.
ulii^ sontdnd, a kind of sweetmeat, d,
^L,**> "^"^ sull, f. an impaling stake; a name
of Mahadeva. sidl-dend or -charhdnd, to impale, s. ^JO^ ^T7 sontlt, f. dry ginger ; (met.) a
miser, sontli ki si nds le rahnd, n. to endure, to wait
*^**j W^ .Slim, III. a miser (Ar. shum, q. v.). h. patiently, to suffer, sonth ki nds na lend, to be verv
^yui ^^\^^ som or so7na, m. the moon ; the covetous, s.
moon-plant (Asclepias acida); Monday; a mountain
or mountainous range so called. *orat(idr,m. Monday, s. ^''\)i^y^^^^^V^ ^onthurd,e, hard, miserly,
a ludicrous expression, q. d. chief of misers), h.

_^.^y^ ^"^tf^
{Saccharum som-patra,
ci/lindricutn). s. m. a sort of grass ^J'H?*** nes , s^^^^^
. saundarj, m. beauty, comeli-
'^JtPfy^ ^"'^^^ som-tlrth, m. a place of pil- \i)Siyn TSfyiJ so/idhd, m. a composition of
grimage inthe west of India, s.
fragrant substances used for washing the hair; smell-
^\j<y^ ^ft^RHT som-rdj or som-rdji, m. black ing like that of a new earthen vessel when wetted, or
from parching of pulse, s.
cumin-seed {Serratula anthelminiica, Roxb.). s.
vii^lfciiJj*** WhfT^ sondhdhat, f. fragrance .
L^XcyM Wt^"^ saumik, lunar, s. a smell like that of new earth, s.
C->lJw«5**i soviandt, m. an idol ; name of a
celebrated idol temple in Guzerat. s. p. UJbi^j^**) ^rN[«n sondhnd, a. to rub cloth in
mud, preparatory to washing ; to mix, to smear, h.
^Ky^yji ^Hfnn^ soma-nath, m. the god Ma-
hadeva. s. ^Siyti
"new earth, wf^s. sondhe, fragrant, smelling like
J'jjty** ^»T^K som-war, m. Monday, s.
C^j^yji "^Wit sum-rvaf, lunar, like the ^_JiM^u> ^^steepsoi'idl,
washermen f. theh. wash
their cloth, in whioh
moon. s.
Si^Mj ^j suhd, f. proboscis of an elephant, s.
jjy*» ^«T ,s?/?z, empty, vacant ; silent, dreary;
(in arith.) a cypher, or what in school phraseology is ^ii>yui
in coru.W2T h.ffuildd, rn. a weevil, or small insect
called " an ought." s.
( 489 ) '^

9JOy*i :ff3oK» siiiklha, m. haddlt-clotl), or (jfiij**! ^ft^ sohan, f. a file ; a whetstone, p

** on the back of a
pillow uiidur 11 siiddle ; theuyhump
\j^y*i Wt^m sohna. n. to become, to beseem
camel, bullock, Sic. /*. a. to weed. s.
Jb3oy^ ^ suildh (v. su/id). s.
^^y*> ^^ soh'i, before, in front, h.
L)^ l^'^T munrii, m. soot, or any thing of a
black colour, s.
<S^y** ^*'">^ f a needle, su'i ha senhal, a
bubble. su,i ke ndke se khudu,l ko iiikdlnu, applied to
iJj^y*'^^ .s'jlrtn, m. a distiller and vender express the performance of things apparently impos-
of spirituous liquors, s. sible, su.i-gal, (lit. needle-melter) a very acid kind
of lemon so called, as it is said that if a needle be
^^ass^ t_fji yjt sunfi-miishakhkhasi, a tax on thrust into it, it will melt away. s.
"the vendors of spirituous liquors, s.a. ij^y** ¥t^.vo,i, that very, he himself, &c. h.
^^J^y** W^ suns (sms), a porpoise, s.
towards, su,e,
p. f (or su) side, path, quarter,
jL<»J^**> saunsa?', family (wife and children) ;
tribes, saunsdri, a housewife, d. [«Mm). k.
^./y** «^Mi suyiya, pointed (as a needle), s.
i..JOy*» saunf, f. aniseed (Pimpinella ani- \y,yt* ^4^\ sawaiya, a quarter more. h.
K^S-iy** saung,m. (v. sawang), mimicry,&c. d. y,yM T^Tcn sawaiya, ra. a sleeper, s.
\X-iy*» ^JTT xufigd, m. the clitoris, h.
(J1.0^**> '^dt swet (for shivet), white, s.
Jo^j*> '^Tmx.m-anaga?-, m. one's own or native ^ai^ ^^arr swechchha, f. wilfulness, follow-
town, citj', or country. *.
ing one's own inclination, s. .
]S^y*iWTxj sungra, m. a buffalo calf. h.
'V.^*** "^^swed, m. heat, sweat, perspiration, s.
^Cjiy^i ^ sungh, f. smell, inhaling, s. IJJ^MJ suwaida, black, blackish, a.
\^^y*» if^l sungha, staunch (as a dog) ; -,^y*t *s<;»l srvedaj or swaidaj, engendered
(used substantively) a person employed in Mahratta by heat (as insects), s.
armies, who is said to be able to detect liiddea trea-
sure or grain by the smell of the earth, s. j>,y** W^ sawer, early, in good time. s.
^Lj^**> ^ff smujhan, f. any thing to smeli \ji.yn ^RTT sarvera, m. morning, the dawn
or to snuff; the act of smelling, s. of day. «.

Mx^^y^iWlf^sunghna., a. to smell, to inhale. 5. ^^j>yn '^{JM swairan, m. an adulterer, s.

^j>_yj» #f^^ stvairvii, f. an adulteress, a
(J^f^y** ^tnrt mnghni, f. snufF. s. wanton woman, s.

f^^^y** ^fft^lhlri sonoghan, m. sign, signal, iJj>.y** ^^T sanere, early m the moriung. s.
hint, symbol. /;.
^y** ^H^ sonh, f. an oath, sonh dena, a. to iCjiytj ^ift swair'i, uncontrolled, self-willed, s.
adjure, sonh dalnd, a. to conjure, sonh khilana, a. to ^^L:> yti ^^^\ suveslii, well-dressed, deco-
adjure, to swear, to administer an oath. h. "rated. s. [agreeing, promise, s.

\j^y*» '^IT^TT .so?2a/Ma,1 golden, sonahla pa- j6^ yji *s1<*l'C stvikar, m. avowal, consent,

'i^yu H\Ht<^[ sonahla,) ni, m. gilding, s. jX^yti ^^^^;^X srvayambar or swayamvar, m.

a girl's selecting a husband for herself. *.
{jTt^y** "Wt^ sonhm, before, in front of. s.
U3»**> ^f^^T soiiiyci, m. one who separates \yL^yn ^^^^^JJ swayamhard or swayamvara,
f. a girl choosing her husband, s.
gold from ashes, &c. in the mint. s.
^^y>t ^TI»T swayamhhu, m. Brahma, the
dSiy** 51^ sunya, m. a dot, a cipher, s. self-existent, s.

CJjtyn ''^RV^ swavritti, f. own or peculiar (^T>.y** "^ sawain, vermicelli, s.

duty or occupation, s.
i-lyn "W^ savya, left, left hand ; south,
lyM ^^ soil, f. oinament, dress, decoration, s. southern; reverse, contrary, backward, s.
\iiy*i TfT^T suha, red, crimson ; m. name of a Sm* si, three, si-handt, m. a militia soldier
musical mode, or rcig. suhd-kusumhha, red as the dye employed in collecting revenues, si-paya, m. a tripod,
of safflower. h. trivet, si-paliar, afternoon, si-pahal, trilateral, si-
chand, thrice, si-dara, three-doored (room, &c.) si-
li*>^y*) '#i'5T7TT soliaga, m. borax, s. sala, triennial, si-sliash, three sixes (at dice), si-karrar,
three times as much, si-goslia, a triangle, si-yak, three
^\iiy*» saltan, m. a file. p. aces (at dice), p.

^^y** ^f ♦? sohan, pleasing ; m. a lover, a l.^ suhd, ra. an obscure star in the constella-
friend, s. tion of tlie Greater Bear. a. [charming, s.

f^y*» ^it^'^sohan, m. f. a kind of sweetmeat. //. I'jl.^ 5B^rIT suhdtd, agreeable, pleasant,
( 4'jo ; r
).L^j* ^r?T^ Sahara, m. hope, dependence, uV-»*» ^^^|r|i sahrana, ^rf^r«TT A'a/ijVana, or
assistance, aid, association, concord, gentleness, sa- sihrdnd, n. to thrill, to have the hairs stand on end ;
hard-k., a. to abet. «. a. to tire, to harass, to tease, to titillate, to stroke, to
\** rub gently, h.
^,La*» ^T^^ saharth, synonymous, having
the same meaning, s.
jAj^ f^^TT'35 s)h7-a.,u, tiresome, tedious. /*.
ljjl*-«j W^KHT suharna, a, to trail, to drag. h.
^^jlw^ fl^l^NH sahi-awan, f. titillation. h.
tiJ^l.^ ^^TT suhag, m. suspiciousness, good i^^y^ ^^^ sxihriday, good-hearted, s.
fortune ; such ornaments as are worn by married wo-
men while their husbands are alive ; (met.) afFections of l3w-**> f*<^*,r|l si liar 7m, n. to shiver, to shake
a husband, caress, act of endearment, suhdg-pitdra or with cold ; to scrape, h. [g^d. k.
-pnru, m. a casket of jewels presented by the bridegroom
to his bride, suhag-lahar, f. a cool refreshing breeze, s. ^ri(**» ^^»TT suharna, n. to trail, to be drag-
ISlj-u* ^^WI suhaga, m. borax, s.
ijjY** ^ipO(Cypriniis
small carp Mihr'i, chrysopareius,
f. the name Bitch.),
of a fish,
s. the
^J^^•^r**» TI'i^TiM suhagan, f. a woman beloved
bv her husband ; a favourite wife ; a married woman
whose husband is alive, s.
[j-^Y** W^ snhas, m. tlie month Agrahayan
(Nov. -Dec.) ; the ■winter season ; strength, power, s.
J y-j TH^^ .s- ;///«/, m. Thread (or cakes) ^— ^ '^'^'Wlsahasa, quickly, rashly. .«.
^U^ ^^T^'t siiJiali, fj fried in butter, h. j^L.^^ ^fW^T sahmJi, patient, enduring. .-?.
O*.^ ^^T^T suha7ia, agreeable, pleasant ; n. j*>^^ ^^9 .stiJiasr or sahasra, a thousand.
to be agreeable, to please, to be liked or approved of. Ii. sahasruksh, thousand-eyed, Argus-eyed, all-perceiving.
sahasra-jiig, m. a period of a thousand ages, sahasra
daiit, m. asort of sheat fish {Silurus pelorius). s.
mode. ^'^Ml
h. sahana, m. name of a musical
sahasri, m. commander of a
^^\*** W^V^ xaluLyU, tolerable, endurable, sa-
hu,o, bearing, endurance, s. [refreshing, s.
&x— ^ ^^^ saha.<i/a, m. the month Paush
<ji\>*» ^^'^^ suhawan, agreeable, charming, (Dec. -Jan.). s.
bjl^ ^?7^^T mhaivana, n. to be agreeable^ f^JL^ TSf^W .s«A/*"/;«Ji, patient, enduring, sa-
to please, to be liked or approved of; adj. agreeable, hishnutd, i. patience, resignation, s.
pleasant, charming, s.
joL^ fl'^ofiR sahahar, m. a fragrant sort of
<_5-«^L,**» '^^^^\\saha,i, 1 m. an aider, a helper, mango ; assistance, s.
^J^\^ ^?R saha,e.) an assistant, s.
lij.\x^ '^^^^^^XJ{^ sahuharita, f. co-operaticH),
assistance, s. [associate, helper. *
(^^^^ W^IT^ salai/ or sa/iciyrtA f. aid, help,
^^L,«j TT^T^; aaJia'i or saha,e, r assistance, ^.\xjj*> V^ohlO sahahar'i, m. an a!^^islant,
^^j*>>*j>*> ^^TTtT sahagaynan, m. going witli,
'^}~<^ ^^TJTfTT saJinj/ata, J friendship, s,
<JL1j^>*j ^T^tToF sahafjaJi, m. a snccoiirer, an accompanying ; a woman's burning herself on the fu.
neral pile with her deceased husband, s.
aider, an assistant, an all\-. s.
^y.,J*» mhl, easy, not difficult, simple, soft. a.
^^y'_^_**» ^^Tti^Tif saha,e-n-an, befriended,
assisted, accompanied, s. i^-k** fl^^'T suhld, m. a kind of song. h.
iJL^Y'** ^?7r suhit, accompanied by, in com- Ij^^j^ fl^cJUT saldana, a. to stroke, to rub
pany with, together with, along with. s. gently, to tickle, khdya sahldnd, to flatter, h.

y^-X^ W^t^ xaluitifa, m. suffeiance, endurance; ■.i:-^!^^^ fl^cjU^i sahlahat, f. gentle rubbing,
association, union, s. stroking, titillation. /;.
^^ Mi^ suhaj, easy, not difBcult ; adv. jt^ sahm., m. an arrow ; the transverse beam
of a house ; a lot, a portion, share ; the segment of a
easily. sa!iaj-subhdva-hi, with natural ease. s.
circle, segment ; a versed sine. a.
lisiT** ^^»r»n suhojrta, m. a tree which sup-
plies tlie place of horse-radish (Guilaiidina morunga, j^^ sahm, saham or sahim, m. terror, fciir,
Lin., Hyperanthera morunga, Itoxb.). s. ■ dread ; gravity, venerableness. sahm-ndk or snlitn-
gln, frightful ; horrible, territic. p.
^Jy^■:*^ ^^x||0 S(?/tac/iari,^m. a companion,
^J•-^Y^ sahtnan, frightened, p.
.^t*^ ^Tf^T sahachar, J an attendant, .s.
13'..^^ .•<ah!nana,a. to frighten, to terrify, p. h.
"(Jaiite. s.Wi^-^Cl sahachari, f. a wife ; a confi-
^^J*^ Vi'^HKMl .suhaviaran, m. concremation,
a widow's burning herself witli the corpse of lier hua
\,Y** f'S^^I sihra, m. a chaplet, a garland, band. ,?.
wreath (worn on the head by a bridegroom and bride
at the marriage ceremonyl. h. My^,^ sahamna,n. to fear, to be alarmed, p./i.
C 49] )
-^j^^^iT sahn7i, patient, enduring, suffering, OiSlju** siyadat, f. dominion, rule, sove-

bearinj;^; in. endurance, s. [support. *. reignty, reignine;, governing, a.
VJy-j ^*TT salma, n. to bear, to endure, to jlxw* saiyar, m. a wanderer, a person taking
the air, or travelling for amusement ; wandering,
tdUy-j sahnah, f. (properly sahnak) a plat(^, moving, a.
dish, &c. rt.
j\iMi f^^J1X. siynr or ^R '^yiir, m. a jackal, s.
J^js^ ^^tToFlXsa/w?t-A'n/-,1 sufferable, bear- 'iXxtJiSdiyara, m. a planet (pi. saiynragan). a.
jl^i^ ^I^^TT sahan-hdr, J able, tolerable, s. tJl^uAxMi slycisat, f. government, administra-
_j^ ,w//?7 or sahw, f. an error, mistake, fault, tion of justice ; punishment, pain, chastisement, pangi
inadvertency, sahwi Jialam^ r sVip of the pen. sn/iwi agony, sii/iisat men Iwnd, n. to be in pain. a.
kaiib, an error of the copyist, sahuuii-l-titsun viin al- ^Ixwj siyalt, m. arithmetic or enumeration by
lisaii, a man's fall is from the tongue, a.
the Arabic alphabet, accounts, a.
\^^ sahwun, erroneously, inadvertently, a. CL^JJlx*** siyahat, f. conflict, contest; driving,
(^j^\^^ ^^TO sah-vam, dvvelling with stimulating, urging onward, counting, a.
(another), sah-vdsi, fellow resident, s.
JljL»** saiyyal, flowing rapidly like a torrent, a.
saliavt'i, f. a kind of door- JljLi*> ftt^T^ siyal, m. a jackal, s.
" frame, ^^rt
i^yi(^ h.
jiy^ ^r^l^^ m/iodar, descended from one o^.^lju** ^T55T^«irT syala poka, m. a bar-
nacle (Bang.), h.
mother, as sahodar-hlui'i, full brother, s.
JL^ 'B^^ sahol, m. a plummet, h. UOo J'ju<j fw H Ic5 oRHRT siyul kanta, m. "jackal's
thorn," the prickly poppy {Argemone Mexlcana). h.
fJL^y,^ sd/tulat (also sahuliyai), f. facility, &)Iju*» saiyala, m. a torrent, a.
ease, smoothness, plainness, a.
*lju*> ^TEITH sydm, m. a name of a bird ; an
^•^ su/iull, slow, lazy. a. epitliet of Krishna ; name of a musical mode or id-
giiii ; adj. dark, or dark blue, sijdm chirl, name oi a
J ..^ ^f %T?T sahwaiya, ra. a sufferer, s. bird. s.

fcic*** ^^ sain, an emphatic particle ; cer- \<\x**i ^tfTOT sydmu, m. name of a bird ; f.
"tainh-, undoubtedlj', it is true, verj' well ! h, (black) an epithet of the goddess Kali. s.
tci(*^ sahi, straight ; f. a cypress-tree, sahi U*lju*> ^xnTWl sydmatd, f. blackness, s.
"saldmat, safe and sound, sahl-^add, tall and graceful
as the cypress-troe. p. (jlju*) TSTW^ saydn or ftl'm^ siydn, m. cunning,
shrewdness, sydnpan or siydnpan, m. cunning, art. p,
\^lj^^ ^f?^lT«lT sakiyarna, a. to arrange, h.
^^lju*> ^T»T '^ydii, f. name of a bird. h.
U^'lr'*** ^^imi sahejna, a. to try ; to adjust ;
to provide, h. Glx»*i ^T^ yydnd, ftnn^T siydnd, or ^^CrTnT
saijand, cunning, artful, clever; prudent; grown up,
,Jaj>*» suhail, m. the star Canopus. a. p. mature. /;.
m. cunnmg,
^Ix,^ suhaila, a kind of descriptive or eulo- c— *il*wj WT^TT syanap,
gistic song. d.
^yx^ suhaili, of or relating to Canopus; a W^-li)^** ^rRTT«T sydn-pan,
"man's name aniuari suhaU'i, (lit. rays of Canopus) Ijo.jjlju** ^im'^^ •'^ydn-parid, ) ness.
art, //.
name of a celebrated version of Pilpay's fables, written
in Persian by Hiisain Vd'iz. p.
8j"^L*>i ^T^ sydwarh, small heaps of grain
set apart for the poor. h. [ris lunulata). p.
i^^iic*** *^t<^ saheli, f. female companions in
(jUjijUo siydwashdn, m. maiden-hair {Pte-
"a seraglio, handrpaids, concubines, s.
sUuo slydh, black. siydk-baJihf, unfortunate.
»JL^ "W^sahya, adj. to be borne or suffered, s, sii/dh-posh, clad in black, shjdh-tdlu, black-mouthed
fjMi ^ sa,l, f. a wire-chain, h. (ahorse); abusive, one whose curses prevail, sii/dh-
chashm, black-e3-ed, unkind, siydli-d'il, black hearted,
j>*» si, thirty. sl,tim, thirtieth, p. malevolent, siydh-ru. black-faced, unlucky, dis,i;rnced.
synh-rox, of a dark day, unfortunate, siydh rozi, siydlf
^*) 5H se, postpos. from, with, out of, since, Idli', of unlucky destin3'. siydh-UV.i'l, bad luck, ad-
"to, through, than. h. verse fortune, siydli-fdm, black, siydli-lealam-k., a. to
delineate, s'ujdh-kdr, wicked, tyrannical, siydh-kdsa,
^*i '^ se and ^si, inflected forms ofsa, q.v. h. a sordid wretch, siydh-k., to take an account of. siydh-
mast, dead drunk, p.
^.^TSsai, one hundred; f. success, s.
IfiiljLw* slydlid, m. an account-book or written
_.lju*> saiyah, m. a traveller, a pilgrim, a. account, a list, inventory, p.

-Ia**> siyahat,^^. travelling, a journey, ^.i./«'jfclx»*» shjdh-dmdant, a running treasury

account of the collections, as received day by day £rom
'\xt*i saiydhl, J voyage, pilgrimage, a. the respective renters, p.
Um> ( 4U-2 )
(jj^>j>8lju«> $iyah-gosh, m. name of an animal ^4^xwi
^17 *.seth, m. a wholesale merchant, a
{Felts caracal, Gmel. ; Persian lynx, Penn,). p.
Olii^^sU*** siyah maujudat, an account of ^x»*i ^ftrbeen
s'lth, f. dregs
the daily receipts, remittances, and disbursements, a. p. that has chewed, s. of betel, or any thing

^Ixk* siyahi, f. blackness, ink, blacking, j). ^-AA**! w\zi sitha, insipid, tasteless, weak,
pale, pithless, sickly, s.
v_ ,' //^ seh. m. an apple, sehi Samarkand, the
apple of Samarkand, famed for its excellency, sehi (ij4^^ ^^3^ sethan, a whisk, a kind of brush ;
ghkh-^ah, the chin, p. female of a seth, q. v h.
u..***** ^fhTsip, f. a shell ; a kind of mango, h,
^■^^4^ ^5»n sitlind, m. 'I lascivious songs
8j',xa*» si-para, m. a section of the kur,an j_5»4^A**»
"at weddings,tO(jr|t
h. sithni, f. J sung by women
(Arab, juz), one out of the 30 sections into which the
whole book is divided. This is a division quite inde-
pendent ofthe sHras or chapters of the work, of which ^^■^u«*> '^ti\ sithi, f. (v. sitli). s.
there are in all 114, of great inequality in length, p.
j^jOu** ^ft^ f. whistling, slti-bdz, a whistler.
,3t»x«j *»1mc!5 sipal, s. a fragment of earthen- "sltl-hajdnd, a. to whistle, slti-bandhnd, or -^lim Ao/ia,
ware, h. or -hhaind, n.
senseless, h. to be distracted, confounded, to become

j34a^ ^AtK^ s'vphal, m. the name of a fruit

{Cratava or jEgle marmelos). s. ^j-**» ?r5f sej, f. a bed, bedding ; a layer of
straw for a horse, sej-hand, m. a cord for fastening
■ y^XiK* ^TJt sipl, f. a shell, h. bedding to the bedstead. *.
^ftn sit, f. cold, chilness ; dew, wet-
^s**> ^fhrf si;', m. a species of euphorbia, the
ness, moistness.
the dewy season, s'lt-jwar,
s. m. ague, sit-kdl, winter, milky hedge-plant (Euphorbia neriijolia, Roxb. or miti-
quorum). s.
1aXw> WX set, white, set-dip, the white island,
or a minor division of the world so called, and sup-
U^^i*** tt1l»1l s'ljnd, n. to exude, to filtrate, to
sweat ; to seethe, to boil, to dissolve or become soft by
posed byWilford to be Britain, s. boiling ; to be received (as money), liquidated (as a
kUh ^IT setu or set, m. a bridge, setu-handh debt), h.
(v. set-bandk). s.
(j0^ ^^*i sechan, m. sprinkling, aspersion, s.
uuu»> tilni si^a, name of the wife of Rama and
daughter of Janaka Raja (v. ranjac/ian(ira). sita-phal, U^^** TrNffTT s'lchid, a. to water, to irrigate. «.
m. the custard-apple (Annona sqiuimosa). s. !>**» Sikh, f. a spit, a skewer, p.
C.^ljju*t ^FI^ sitart, affected with cold,
being numbed with cold. s. b^>u iiikh-pd, rearing (a horse); a rearer, p.

cf,X)'Juu** tflfih^ sitang, m. palsy, chilness. 8. .s. - silihcha, m. a skewer, a small spit. p.
^j^Vjjju*) sit-buyi, f. the palsy, d. l-.>IjoVaj^*** slhJiiyd kahdb, m. meat roasted
on a spit. p.
• ••
setu-handh or sef-bandh,
the ridge of rocks extending from the south extremity S^jui saiyid, m. a lord, a prince: the title is
of the Coromandel coast towards the island of Ceylon, assumed by all those Musalmans who are or pretend
supposed to have been formed by Hanuman at the to be descendants of the prophet Muhamimtd through
command of Kama as a bridge for the passage of his
his son-in-law and successor 'All, and his daugiiter
forces. Our seamen call it Adam's bridge, s. Fdtima. saiyidu-l-andm (the prince of men and ol all
living creatures) ; saiyidu-l-bashar (the prince of mor-
(^JL^ ^"1 rt «i sit-ras, m. the flux, dysentery, s. tals); saiyidu-l-mursalln or -ambiyd (the head of the
apostles, or prophets), are epithets of Muhammad, a.
jjjou** «')rt(5 stial, cool, cold ; stupefied, be-
numbed (with fear, &c.). sttal-pati, f. a kind of fine eS^Sxt** sed-khdna, m. a necessary, a privy
cool mat. sital-chini, f. allspice (Myrtus pimenta). s.
(for sih^at-kJidna, q. v.). a. p.
i)uJu*» flfrioSI sitla, f. small-pox. s. ii^\\S*)>n saiyid-zdda, the son or descendant
\jkiiju*> ulricj&ifl sitalata, f. coolness, s. of a saiyid. a. p.

JJkJu*> %Tr*TT f>ait.nd or setnd, to take care of, ^Sx*ji ^^■JfT sednd, a. to stupe, to foment, h.
to keep carefully, to husband, h. j&iiju*> ^ftVi«ZA, straight; opposite; accurate, s,
^JjMi TSt^ slth, m. boiled rice, or rice sowins, \iii\iMt ^rhn sidhd, straight, right direct ; op-
or gruel, s. posite ;simple ; fair, candid ; m. provisions, victuals
(undressed), forage, sidhd karnd, to straighten: in
j^jl^jijurt %V{HK saithawd?-, name of an agri- Dakh. the word means right, in opposition to left, aa
cultural tribe located near Benares, h. sldhi faraf, to the right side or hand. s.

j5-**> ^ftift siti, f. the plant magnolia, h. ^JAlbSxu* '^fhn^.sMZ/ia,i,l f. straightness; sim-
^uurf* sett, postp. (v. se) from, &c. d. j.!&iijj**i T^txft sidhl, J plicity; candour s.
( 493 )

jw» ser, full, satiated, tired, wj-o/m or -hona, ^.j^xxui m,isi, f. the oflice of a groom cr
n. to be distressed, tired of life, ser-chashm, con- "horsekeeper (v. sa,'is). p.
tented, p.
(ji.x«*» %R se.s7i (for shesha), remainder, end ;
j^ ira: ser, m. name of a weight of nearly
the king of the serpent race : a large thousand-headed
snake, at once the couch and canopy of Vishnu, and
two pounds avoirdupois : the Calcutta factor}' ser the upholder of the world, which rests on one of his
weighs I lb. 13 oz. i;!86drs. avoirdupois, and the ba- heads, s.
zaar ser 2 lb. 0 oz. 13-853 drs. s.
j<**> ^rt^ .sir, damp, raw, cool. h. ,_^L»»jjiju»»
the sleeper onf^MMI^ sesh-sa,i
the serpent sesjia (['or sheslia-sha,i),
or ananta, an epithet
j^Mi Wtr «r, m. husbandry, agriculture; lands of Vishnu, s.
in a village cultivated by the hereditary proprietors :
hence first-rate land. s. vi/ljk-iju*» Hi(*{IJ| sesh-nag, the serpent sesha,
and the king of Pdtdl, q. v. s.
jo*> sir, w. garlic, water-mint. p.
jc»*» sair, f. perambulation, taking the air; L °^/^ saif, m. a sword, saif-bdn, m. a rocket
which has a sword attached to its tail, saif-saban,
perusal (of a book) ; amusement, moving about, sair-k., one whose curses prevail, sif, bank, margin, shore, a.
a. to take the air, to travel ; to read, to peruse , to view
or contemplate a beautiful landscape scene from an ^Juut saifi, f. cursing, imprecation, a.
eminence, sair-gah, f. passage, pass, thoroughfare, a.
j^ siynr (pi. of >L,fja*»), virtues, morals, ji^JUij ^loiil, sikar (for shlhai'), small rain. s.
qualities, dispositions, a. (./;xju*> *l1ohO sikri, f. a wire chain, s.
]^j*-»*» ^fin sira, cool ; m. a kind of sweetmeat IjSC^ %ojr?T anihara or saikra, m. a hundred ;
made of meal and sugar, h. [ing. P- a hundred per cent. s.

i^V^ serab, moist, succulent; fresh, bloom- ,^x**» ^fl^ s'lhh, f. admonition, instructioa^
lesson, learning, study, s. [pendix. t.
«^\^cu» seraha, a kind of food composed of
curds and garlic, p. [lence. p. ,^xju*> ^ sekh, f. (for sesh) the end ; an ap-
^_j|^ju*> serahi, freshness, humidity, succu- jj^^xw* ^^T*T sekhran, m. a kind of food. s.
lJ^5Cu*> ^ft^«TT tiikhna, a. to learn, to acquire. 5.
'31^\**» ^rn«TT serana, a. to set afloat ; to dee-
patch ; to cool (v. strand), h. i,\XxM» ^I'IR: sigara, thick cloth, k.
C^fM* slrat, f. disposition, temperament, na- J-**» ^^ sel, m. a spear; (in Dakh.) name
ture, qualities, conauct, manners, a. of a fish, a species of carp. *.
ti)A**» TftT«ir sirak, f. cool, coolness, h. Ja**> iH"^ sil, m. (for shila) nature, qunlity,
disposition; good conduct or disposition, steady ob-
\>,jCM» %^^ sem,a, m. the head and foot servance of law and morals; complaisance, civility,
benevolence, humanity, politeness, generosity, dnkhon
parts of a bed frame. *. men sll hond, n. to be polite, generous, itc. s.
J^_JV**» ser,}!, m. a sail (evidently a corruption Jju*>^ft^ Sll, f cold, dampness, s.
of the English word, but universally used bj' lascars
or Indian seamen. — B.) ^yx**i sail, f. flowing ; a current, a torrent,
flood ; walking or going about for amusement, a.
^ej"*** ■'ieri, f satiety, repleteness. p,
1';ju*» ^^'31 sira, m. a channel through which jjjbj»%^ sail (for shall), m. a mouiituin. .<.
fields are watered ; overflowing field. *. ^)a**i ^l^n sila, damp, cool, moist, .s.
i>'-':x*^ ^ft^ s'lrhi, f. a ladder, stair, step. h. '!^<Xmh'W^ seld, m. a kind of sheet constituting
a part of dress, especially worn, and given in presents
id\XiMSizdah, thirteen, sizda hum, thirteenth. p. in the Dakhin ; a royal tiger, h.
i)»jLJu»> sfljW, m. a groom, a horsekeeper. p. (--.>^)ou*» saildb, abounding with water, a flood,
torrent, or inundation, a. p.
iju,f*t* ^^ f'es, m. (for sheshd) name of a ser-
pent who supports the earth ; end. s. (j,^JUk» saildbl, f. a flood, a torrent, deluge;
land watered by inundations, a. p.
(^**> ^^^ m, m. the head ; a freckle, flame,
spike (Beng.). sls-charlidna, to exalt, to amuse, to be j_^^L**> saildm, fond of walking, or going
arrogant, sts-phul, m. an ornament for tlie head worn about for amusement, fond of perambulation, &c. a. h.
by females, s.

\-»x**» 9l?ri sisa (also slsak'), m. lead, s. ^^^L**»

virtuous, s'lbvan,
benevolent,of a s.good di.^position,
.-<,ju*> Irar scsar, m. the gripe of a bow ;
name of a play at cards, h.
Axw* %^ seh, f a necklace (of threads) worn
4 f\jk*--»**» sesnag (v. seahnafj). s. "hy fallrs, a s.ish,
discoloration in the a face,
h. a tetter, a mole, a

^.«a**» jC\'9i xison or sixo, m. a kind of wood, i\tMtseri, f a blow with the edge of the open
or name of a tree {Dalbergia sissu, Roxb.). s. ' hand, a slap, a cuff. p.
uk-» ( 494
) Ul-»
Uljun ^f^iJT seliya, m. tabby, puss. A. (Jjjju^ ^^ i'emhal, 1 the silk cotton
^XiM sii/um, the third: this word is apt to be ,34^j-*»> ^^^ semhhal, J tree. s.
confounded with si-um, the thirtieth, p.
d «!>>»<* ^ .s^en^, gratis, of no expense, h.
j^iMi t'lm, ni. silver, slm-andud, covered over (j»jJljjuu*»%irtic<jl« saintalis, forty-seven, s.
with silver, sim-parast, venal, selfish, sim-har, with
a bosom like silver, slm-tan, with a body fair as sil- jljJju**lEnrR saihta,o, m. arrangement. A.
ver, s'lm-giin, silver-coloured, p.
(JLaXcO^Ixm* ^rnriT sent-met, gratis, free of
,,Ju*> 1R»T sem, m. f. the flat bean ; leprosy pro- cost. h.
ducing discoloration of the skin. s.
\-»x-j sima, m. the forehead, face, countenance, Ujjjurt ^^W^ sentna or"^^ saintna, a. to
aspect, similitude, p, adjust, to put to rights. /*.

Tffhn svna, f. limit, restriction, boundary. ^yxut sdintl, f. a dart, a javelin, d.

stmd-sandhi, m. the meeting of two boundaries, slvia-
vriksha, m. a tree serving as boundary mark. s. (^j^v!.'v..**>'^»ifi')« saiiifis, thirty-seven, s.
l^^uxw* ^TTT sentha, m.^ a kind of reed (of
water. p.simab, m. quicksilver, q.d. silvei-
^c-4-^J^^ ^rt 5't/iif/il, f.J wliich morhas or
^j\^Xu» simabt, of the colour of quicksilver, p. stools are made), reed grass (Saccharum sara, Roxb.). h,

Ia«ju*> ,«.i?«ia, the glanders (disease in horses). </. Wf^sinch, watering fields, irrigation, h.

eoUxwj simana, bordering, relating to boun- ^f\^\^^ sincha-sicha,i, artificial irrigation

daries, s. of land. .?. [irrigation. «.
cv»am» shnurgh, m. (lit. of the size of thirty i^A:^^ '■hT-^T^ sincha,i, f. the price paid for
birds) a fabulous bird that haunts the mountain Tfof,
q. V. ; a griffin (v. 'ankd). p. li^^ ^'^■'fTT sihchna, a. to irrigate, to water, s.
jj,»ju*) WV^ semal, m. a coarse kind of cotton, 1^4^ ^^^^ sincJn, f. the season of watering
or the tree producing it (Banibax heptaphyllam). s. fields, &c. s. [mis madraspatanus). h.
^♦Ju*i Sinn, \ „ tiJa**> ^ send, f. name of a vegetable (Cucu-
rr >-niade or silver, p.
(;_;^*ju*» s'lmtn,) jj^ijLM** VZX sendur, m. red lead, minium. 5.
\...»A<*> simiyci, m. alchyniy ; magic, enchant- l> .s? tXi,»**» send-kachriya, m. (v. send), h.
ment, necromancy ; poetry, rhetoric, p.
l3(^oJu*» sendna, to water, to irrigate, to draw
^^^yMi^[^ sen, m. a hawk, a falcon, s. water, d. [by thieves, s.
f^jyn ^Tf sin, a large metal tray or salver.
The word is probably a corruption of the Arabic name >,XJj»Mj "W^ send/i, m. a hole made in a wall
of the same utensil, namely finiyya. The Persians lfc^jL**> ^T sendku, m. rock salt. s.
call it majmu'a.
Ijj6jjju-j W*fm sendhna, a. to mine, to dig. s.
^JJ^*Ji TR seti (for se), from, with, by. h.
^Sxxui ^[^V^ saindhav or send hav, produced
(^**t ^H»T sam, f. a wink, sign, token, hint, or born in Sindh ; m. a horse; rock- salt; (v.
a signaL sain-k., a. to beckon. «. seiidUd). s.

(^**> Wi'^ srnjfin oi- ^m .sa///, m. slee]), repose, s. J&^^jo*** ^hrt sendhi, f. the juice of the wild
^j|wi W^ sain or sen, date- tree (Phoenix sylvestiis, Roxb.). k.
}i. an army. s.
\JJ^ W^TT .se//a also sainya,] U^jjk^ ^nfiTT sendldya, m. poison ; a thief
making a sendh, q. v., a housebreaker; name of a
Uju** %tn .*.e/m, ni. an officer who collects the jMahratta tribe (probably so named as originating on
revenue in a village ; a commander of an army, h, the banks of the river >.Vi»rf/i). h.
ua*u ^^n -fe/ja (v. servna), to hatch eggs, JJjLwi send, m. the milk-plant or spurge
to bri:-.g forth chickens, &c. s. (Euphorbia), of which there are many species, d.
U>*<j ^^'?IT .v»?a, a. to sew, to stitch : in the dJojuuj WSS senk, m. toasting, fomentation.
conj. part, we meet with the form si-sa-kar, "having senk sank k., to toast or warm. h.
sewn up." It is doubtful whether sand be in use i;i
the sense of sewing, i. ijiW.ui ^% sink, f. the culm of the grass
d^yjou-j "W^X^ftf ticna-pati, a general, the com- {Andropogon muricatum) of which brooms are made. k.
mander of an army ; m. a title given to prime minis-
ters, particularly a title of the rdju of Berar. s. OsIjlwj '^"^T sviha, m. a groove. //.
XJo-*» ^YofiT sihkur, m. the flower of the sink,
^jLMiUju*) %7ItIt^ snina-salni, f. mutual q. V. sliikur, m. beard, h. [dred. h,
" tokens, signs, hints, or signals, s. [army. s.
^j^\lu*i^^l{\'^ senani,m. the commander of an \jiCa-j ^oFTT sehkvci or "^fniTF sainkra, hun-
( ^i>-^ )
UxJokM) ^oF«TT senhnci, a. to tonsf, to vvnim ^yjMt siwmn, the third, thirdly, p.
before, or with, any thing hot; to foment, to incubate
(eggs). /(. C.'^ U*^*** ^^^ .si/yv/?2, m. sewing, a seam, sevnn,
m. act of serving, s.
^JjX,^ ^"fofillT sinkhja, striped, h.
b^A**> ^g^T sewiia, a. to brood, to rear, to sit,
v*,^'^>"» T^i\ sing, m. a horn. s. to incubate, to hatch ; to attend on, to serve. «.
^.CIjui* ^Vn singa, m. a horn (musical), s,
l^lj^x«> ^[Tr syuntha, m. tongs, h.
S^x**t^TX^saihgar,m. the bean ofsa?ni,q.v. /t.
43^ju*» i^^^simam, f. the frenum of the pre-
^X^jm* ^Trft sengi-i, f. a pod, siliqua (par- "puce. s.
ticularly the siliqua of the radish). /*. ["roni. s.
{ji.^3t*** '^' sewa,m, f. vermicelli, maca-
\'jk^jaj» fiTii? s'lngra, m. a powder-horn. s. «-**» siyah (for siydk), black. N.B. For its
JL^ Jl^Jjuo singhafi-mahall, a tax or toll various compounds look under siydh. p.
raised'bn horned cattle, h, «-**> ^^ sik or sell, m. a hedgehog, h.
iS^^if** ^n't 6m<yi, f. name of a kind of fish ^-^j^^ ^T^^RT sehathna, a. to whisk, h.
"(Silurus pungentissi77ius. Buck.); a small horn (musi-
cal) ;a cup for cupping, slngl lagdnd, a. to cup. s.
UJT^ %f ^ saiharan, f. sufferance, s.
\jXJXui W^TITJJ singiya, m. a kind of poison. 5.
(.^/4Ji**> ti^^rft saiharm, m. sufferer. 5.
iJoy^Mi xeuiciyciii, m. macaroni, vermicelli, d,
iXI^*** ti?<js sehu7id,m. a species of Euphorbia,
.^JkXwi ^T^ xihh, m. a hedgehog, s. or, indeed, a general name for plants of that kind. «.
ssxu* sina, m. the breast, sina-afgar ov figar, ^_j-^JU*> ^^ selii, a porcupine, hedgehog, h.
wounded in the bosom, afflicted, grieved in heart, slim-
hdz, the name of a bird, slna-basta, locked up in the
heart, a secret, slna-hand, m. stays, bodice, slna-chdk *AA«> si,2<m (properly j«i(_j**» sl-um), the thir-
or -resh, torn or wounded in heart, slna-zan or -kob, tieth (from si, thirty). I have frequently observed
one who beats his breast at the festival of the Muhar- that the ordinal of si is formed by the more explicit
ram. ahm-zam, f beating the breast, stna-zor, robust, mode of employing b'lst 0 dahuin, probably to avoid its
proud of strength, sina-zori, f. strength, robustness, being mistaken for siyutn or siwum, the third, s.
force ; pride of power, sina-sokhta or -soz, tormented
or distressed in mind, sina-sdf, one whose bosom is
pure, disinterested. stna-ko7idl, the nightmare, p.

f^^^^Mi^'^^T senhu,a, m. a tetter, s.

(J^ s'lni, f. a salver, tray, trough, p.
^jujuoj §T?| sainya, f. an army. s.
ij^ sliin, called shmi mu'javia or slani man-
^JUrt ^^ seyv, m. a kind of sweetmeat, h. Mta, is the thirteenth letter of the Arabic, the six-
teenth ofthe Persian, and the nineteenth of the Hin-
^Xui setv, w. an apple (v. seb). p. dustani alphabets. Its sound is that of sh in English,
or ch (as cheval) in French, and of ic (as scimia) in Ita-
^^ W^ sev, \f. service, worship, attend- lian :in reckoning by abjad its value is 30U : it is
used as an abbreviation for the word shamdl, the
\^x**» ^TcfT se7va,j ance on a superior, s. North.
.i^ju*j '^RIT sewar, m. (v. shvai-) vegetation, T^ ska (or first sibilant) of the Sanskrit
&c. s, [purified with siwdr, q. v. s.
generally represents the Persian and Arabic shin;
but the Sanskrit letter sha is very frequently changed
^Jj\^am ^WR^ sercar'i, f. sugar that has been into *ZK in Hindustani; as sarir, the body [ior sharir).
Again, the Sanskrit sha (or second sibilant) is gene-
j_^^A**> ^l(\ sewt'i, f. a white rose {Rosa rally changed into kh, as khat (for shut), six.
" glandulifera, Roxb.), s.
iJL>^xt*i sewat, extremity, summit, d. \mi sha (for shad), joyful, glad. p.
\y>*n ^J«Jil sewra, m. half-baked earthenware; i^\^ shabb, ni. a young man under thirty-
also used for sevra. h. four years of age. a.
JIPj»ju*> svyurghal, an assignment of land for [j^\>\Z» sliabash, interj. (for (^btil^) bravo!
charitable purposes ; a grant of land revenue without excellent ! rest you merry, p.
any stipulation of military service or other conditions.ja.
^^jj»\>\**i shdbdshi, f. praise, applause, p.
|j'^ju*> ^c(Si sewra, m. trojMs o^spera. s.
(j^jIm* shdbash, cont. from (^bl/i, q. v. p.
lj^-**»^I^TFsey/a,a mendicant ofthe Jain sect. A.
ciJ»Ju*»^r^oFse«"«A,m. a servant, a worshipper.*. (_3l»>.s7mii,likeness,resemblance(for s/tflJiA).^/,

^j^^yiMi '^t^^^K}^^ servaka,t, f. service. 5. L_->l*o ^^ slidjo, m. oath, affirmation by oath

or ordeal ; curse, imprecation, shdp-grasia, suffering
under a curse. 5.
^J^_**i TTi^'^ siii-li, m. name of a caste
"whose business
trees, &:c. a is to draw juice from the date or tdf C*;l^ 5nf^(T shdpit, sworn, cursed, s.

( 496 ) dLJU.

j\tbd^\^ ^xftifTt shdpoddhdr, m. deliverance >^^ W^ shdstr or shdstra, an order or

from a curse, s. command ; Hindu religious books, Hindu law, scrip-
ture: Hindu sciences, or scientific works, especially
d-^JiiL^ STTTSF shatak, m.^ such as are considered to be of divine origin or autho-
.; ^ I a petticoat, s. rity, shdstrag or >hdstra-gya, versed in the Shastras,
^J\*^ ^nrr .«/ia/t, f. J painy. s. skilled
to law. ins.law and religion, shastra-viruddh, contrary
«jl^Lm» ^(IM shdthya, m. wickedness, vil-
«;.Li» shakh, f. a bough, branch (of a tree) ; ^j\j:Jj»\^ ^jnw^ shdstrdrth, m. argument,
debate, dispute, discussion, discourse. *.
stalk of corn or a flower, &c. ; a horn, shakh-dar.
branchy, horned, sheikh dar shakh, branched out, or j\^JLn\Z» ^%4Mf(I<. shdstrdnusdr, m. con-
diffused, shdkhi za'fardn (lit. a twig of saffron) is ap- formity to sacred ordinances, s.
plied to a proud person, who estimates too highly his
own worth, shakh sham is applied to various reports,
calumnies, or complaints, p. CLojJLm\J^ ^I^"|^
clared in a sacred work. shdstr
*. ohta, said or de-

6S^Im» shdkhcha, va. a small branch, a twig. p. ^JJL*>\^ ^ii\*^ shdstrl, skilled in Hindii law
or religious books, shdstri achchkar, the Devanagari
ftAfiii^i-Li* shakh-dahana, m. a small powder- character; lit. the character of the shdstr. shdstriya,
flask for priming, p. [den. p. scriptural, authorized by the sacred institutes. *.
jL<»5-lii» slidkh-sdr, f. (full of branches), a gar- ^Jt*»\^ l^|iti«i shdsan, m. an order, an edict ;
a deed, a written contract ; governing, ruling, shdsan-
(Jy»-li» shdkhulf m. name of a grain {Ct/tisus patra, m. a plate of copper, a stone or sheet of paper,
cajan). p. &c. on which an edict or grant is inscribed, s.

ii»-\^ shakha, m. the pillory, a yoke. p. ^ ^(i«l1«? shdsaniya, to be governed

or directed, s. [punishment. ».
C)\m» shad, pleased, delighted, cheerful, exult-
ing, shdd-khwar, voluptuous ; f. an adulteress, a &Xu>\Zi 5n^ shdsya, punishable, deserving
strumpet, shdd-dil, cheerful, delighted, happy, shdd-
kam, joyous, happy, contented, shad-kdmi, f. gladness, (^l*»>
urinal, shdsh,
p. urine, shdsh-ddn, bladder,
happiness ; delight, content, p.
{^\i)\^ shadah, fresh, verdant, moist, plea- jji^jurtLS* shdshldan, to make water, p.
sant, agreeable, succulent, p.
yo\Jl» shdtir, wanton ; clever, sly ; (substan-
jj,Ulii* shddahi, freshness, moisture, &c. p. tivel}') a chess-player ; an expert player in general ; a
messenger, a.
^^i\u» shaddn (v. shad), pleased, &c. p.
jSXtM shd'ir, m. a poet. a.
^Uiili shdd-mdri, pleased, delighted, joyful, p.
^^^U» shd'iri, f. poesy, poetry, poetic com-
j^Ui^.^ shdd-mdnl, f. pleasure, delight, joy. p. positions, a. [diligent, busy. a.
iii\Jit shdda, glad, cheerful ; m. wine. p. Ji-Uj shdghil, attentive, occupied, employed,
(^^•iilM* shddi, f. pleasure, delight ; marriage, «iL^ shdji, deprecating, interceding; (sub.)
festivity, rejoicing, shddt-marg, f. an easy death, death a patron, an advocate, a.
from joy ; dying easily, or from joy. p.
i^\>:>\*jt shddiycit, fees paid at marriages, j). j_^Li» shdjii, n. prop. ; one of the chiefs of
the four principal sects of the Muhammadan religion ;
eobtSU** shddiydna, relating to marriage or adj. following the sect of 5/ia/r». a.
rejoicings, shddiydna hajdnd, a. to triumph, p. wliS* shdffa, m. a bougie, a pessary, a sup-
h\Zi shazz, uncommon, miraculous, wonder- pository, a.
ful ;irregular adv. seldom, a.
fj^ shaft, healing, salutarj'-, one who heal-
\Zi shd?' (v. shdrak), a starling, p. eth. shafi.i ^.akiki, an epithet of the Deity, a.

_jl(2» shdrih, m. a commentator; a guard ^jli» shakh, 1 difficult, perplexing, trouble-

placed over fields, against birds, &c. o. &5Lm* shdhha,} some. a.
cj^.^ shdri', f. a high road. sharVidm, m. ciJLS* 5n«F shdk, m. a potherb or vegetable;
a public road, a highway, a. one of the seven Dwipas or divisions of the world ; an
era, especiallj' that of Salivahaua, commencing 76 or
\\Z» shdrih, m.the sun. a. 78 years after the Christian era. *.

iJjX^ shdrah,^ m. a species of starling famed CL*}li^ ^rras shdkta, m. a worshipper of the
female principle, s.
•jlw* sharo, J for its talkativeness, p.
.V^ shdhir, grateful, praising, thanking, a.
iji^jiX^'^T^flM shdi'17-ik, bodily, corporeal. s.
,^\Zi ^W^ s]idhal,f. a mixture of sesamura
tS->**i^'^nf^ i^hdsiiff. a command, an order; seed, fruits, ghi, barle}', coarse sugar 5iC., used in ob-
eoverning, ruling; punishment, s. lations to the gods, s
( 497 )
uU'J. JbU«J

^JJ^gX^\^ ^ToSwrt^ shakamhhari, f. a city %^AZ» shdvi-gdh, f. evening, eventide, p.

supposed to be the modern Sfimbhar in Ajraere. sha-
kambharhja, in. a salt brought from a lake in the ^U*» shdmil, together; with, along with ;
vicinity of Sanibhar. s. adj. united, confederated ; communicating, compre-
hending, shdmili hdl, connected from circumstances,
^j5l«> ^cKfO shahtii, f. a female divinity of of similar circumstances. s/ion/i/-Af., a. to blend, a.
an inferior character, attendant especially on Shiva
and Durga. s. [a tree. s. Li->>/ol«*» shdmddt (pi. of al«l^), purtnership,
affairs in common, a.
^\*** ^nWf skafihd, f. a branch, the branch of
i/cLi* shdmma, m. the sense of smoliing. a.
,c4i^ ^^ shakki, m. a tree. s.
j^\-2* shdml, f. supper, the evening meal ;
r^Li* shaki, m. a complainer, a backbiter; "adj. Sj'rian, relating to Syria or Damascus, a. p.
"adj. lamenting, querulous, a, iolx«\-M* shdmiydiia, m. a canopy, awning, p.
tJylji* shagird, m. a scholar, disciple, appren-
tice ;a servant, shagird-pesha, m. a servant, shagirdi blXJ^lji* ^TPR^ 0'lHl shdml lagdnd, a. to
rashid, m. a complete scholar, an apt scholar, p. shoe 'with iron. h. [grindstone, s.
^Ji>I\J^ shagirdi, f. learning, studying, ap- ^^J*» ^TTO shdn, m. a touchstone ; a whet or
"prentlceship. p. ^jlji* shdn, f. business, affair; dignity, state,
,JLi» ^qJ shal, f. a shawl ; m. name of a condition, degree ; constitution, nature, disposition.
common timber-tree (Shorea robusta, Roxb.), a thorn ; shdn-ddr, a person of state and dignity, or man of
a jackal; a kind of hsh [Ophiocephalus uralil). slial- rank. a. [these, those p.
bdb, m. shawl cloths, shal-baf, m. a shawl-weaver, i.
f^\Ji»shd)i, m. a honeycomb; (fores/ta«) they,
Jlji» ^tIqJ shali, m. rice ; especially applied
to a white rice growing in deep water, and a red sort
d*^l-* ^linT shdnt, calm, tranquil, pacified,
requiring only a moist soil. *. appeased, hushed, allayed ; meek, humble, shdnti,
f. quiet, stoicism ; rest, repose, remission, alleviation, s.
^^u^ ^ric^l A7<a/a (more commonly saZa), in 8(ypLi> shdnzdah, sixteen, p.
comp. a house, a hall, place, &c., as path-shala, a read-
ing-ro m ;sliastra-shald, a storehouse for arms or j^iypLi* shdnzdahum, the sixteenth, p.
weapons, i. [^sarum gangeticum). s.
ioLS* shdna, m. a comb, a crest; the shoulder.
ji^L^ ^^'T'lff shalparni, f. a shrub {^Hedy- shdna-ddn, a comb-case, shdna-sar, the bird called
hudhud or hoopoe, p. [berty. d.
AJli» ^IT^R^ shalmali, the silk-cotton tree
"(Bombax heptaphyllum). s. j_^l«*» shdnt, of age, arrived at the age of pu-
i^\^^^ ^f^S^T^ shalivahan or s^ivdhan, sIm> shah, m. a king; a title assumed by
a sovereign whose capital was Pratisthan in the Dek- fakirs ; the king (in chess) ; (in comp.) royal, noble ;
han, and who founded the Saka era. s.
excellent, first-rate, shdh-bdz, m. a royal falcon, shdh-
balut m. chesnut. shdh-khurdl, f. a kind of sweetmeats
jjl^ \U<i>) shdli, ra. a weaver of shawls and used on great occasions, shdh-tir, m. a beam, shdhi-
"similar articles; rice, paddy; adj. made of shawl, s.p khdwar, m. the sun. shdh-rdh, f. the highway, shah
zddagi, f. the period of the minority of a prince ;
^\Zt sham, f. evening; m. Syria, also the city youthful folly, foolish pride, shdh-zdda, m. a prince
of Damascus, sham ke murde ko kab tak ro,iye is ap- (generally means the prince royal), shdh-zddl, a prin-
plied to express a circumstance which is likely to be cess, shdh-gdm, adj. pleasant-paced (a horse) ; name
a subject of regret for life. The expression is taken of a particular pace ot a horse, shdhi-gardun, m. the
from the custom among the relatives of a person who sun. shdh-ndma, f. a celebrated epic poem, contain-
dies, of venting loud lamentations while the corpse re- ing ahistory of the kings of Persia, written by Fir-
mains in the house : if he die in the morning it is soon dausi about the year of Christ lOUO. shdlii viashrilj!
removed, but if towards evening, it remains till next for a king.nlmroz,
or shdhi p. m. the sun. skdh-wdr, princely, fit
morning, in which case the mourners are apt to be
overtaken by sleep, p.
yi\ sU* shdh-dlu, m. a cherry, p.
(•Ij2» ^rw sham, a name of Krishna, s. aJlfcliS* shdh-dna, royal, princely ; a kind of
Ul^ 5ITHT shamd, m. the little bird generally dress worn by a bridegroom, p.
called sama ; name of a grain {Panicum colonum or j^li> shdh-par, the largest feather in a wing. p.
ffumentaceum). s. [cum colonum). p.
iJi[M^ shdh-tara, m. Oldenlandia hijlora. p.
• l/e\-i shdmdkh, m. name of a grain (^Pani-
ii*liS* shdhid, m. a witness ; (in Pers.) a sweet-
tdix«lji» sn^«R shdmbuk, m. a bivalve shell, s. heart; afemale friend, a beloved object, shdhidi hdl^
a witness of facts. iAa/iidt-roz, m. the sun. a.
«JI.vcl«i> shamat, f. bad fortune ; adversity.
shamit, rejoicing or laughing at another's misfortime. a. ^^JJfcl.2* shdhidi, f. evidence, testimony, at-
testation, a. [good rider, p.
^li» shdmati, adj. unfortunate, a.
vc\ji» shdmikh, high, elevated; proud, a. j\y**5l^ slidh-sarvdr, an expert horseman, a
i\jLJJb\Z» shdhanshdh, m. king of kings, an
dLcli l^ll^^ shdmuk, m. a kind of helix, of emperor, a title adopted by the old kings of Persia
the shell of which lime is made (Beng.). s. shdhanshdhi falak, m. the sun. p
,fcu, ( 498 )

"rial. s/ia.ha)isha/d,f. empire; adj. impe- <^iJS-\j^ shab-chirdjhak, a glow-woira, a
p. fire-fly (lit. the little night-lamp), p.
\^\^ shahwa, 1 royal, noble, worthy of a
Ja':^*** shab-khcz, one who rises at night tor
the purpose of praying ; adj. pious, devout, p.
.\^''^ s/iahvdr,) king; a fine pearl. ;;.
^'Jj shald, f. royalty, reign, sovereignty ; SxZiJjC^shubd, m. a sound in general, a word, a
declinable word, as a noun or pronoun (v. sabd).
"a follower of the sect of 'All : adj. royal, p.
shabd-chor, ra. a plagiary, shabd-shdstr, etymology,
^jjj&ljj skdJnti, ra. a royal white falcon, p. the science of grammatical inflection, shabdbedhi.xa.
one who has the skill of shooting an arrow, &:c. upoa
j^bl.2l» shdyan, legal, worthy, suitable, agree- an unseen person on hearing a sound made by him.
able, p. word. s. sounding, sonorous, shabd-yoni, f. a radical
ssi^M shd,iba, doubt, suspicion, a.
J>SiJi* shabdez, a horse of a dark rusty colour,
liJ^Li* shdyad, possibly, probably, may be so, a horse of noble breed, name of a famous horse be-
perchance, perhaps, p. longing toKai Khusrd, an ancient Persian king. j».

^H^y^ shayastafji, f. affability, fitness, apti- cLOja^ shab-deg, f. a dish composed of

fire. p.
"tude, convincing, p. meat and turnips left to boil gently all night on th'i
^Jx^}J^ shdyastan (r. shay), to be fit or
becoming, to suit. p. ji-Z* shibr, a span, a palm. a.
f.').,j,\\^t shhyasta, worthy, honourable, suit- (.fXjJu** sliab-rang, black, dusky, obscure, p.
able, proper, well-bred, polite, shayasta-mizaj , affable,
mild, good-tempered, p. [distressed, a. jjli**Jui» shabisfdn, la bed, a bedchamber, a
xi\Z» shd,t, divulged, published, diffused ;
jJ,IjL*juI» shabistdni,) king's bedchamber, p.
AXj^ shab\ fulness, satiety, a.
/jp^ shd,ik, full of desire, lascivious, a.
I, ■»*« shab, f. night, shah-hds/i, one who a'i'i ..t» shabi kadr, the night of power, the
stays all night, a lodger, sliab-bdshi, f. staying all 27th oi Ramazdti, on which the A:ur,a»< is said to have
night, nightly lodging, shab ba-khair, good night, descended from heaven, p. a.
salutation at night, shabi bardt, f. the fourteenth day
of the month Sha'ban, on which the Musalmans make <^XxZi shabah (pi. of iioul>), nets, &o. a.
offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the
manes) of deceased relations (v. bardt). shab-beddr, O.OJui* shibhdrnd, to make a whizzing noise
Waking, or watching all night, sleepless, shab-bedari, like that of a switch, d.
f. nocturnal vigil, shab-pura, m. a bird of night (as
a bat, owl, &c.). shabi /fir or shabi tdrlfc, a dark night.
shab-khwdbl, f. night-clothes, shab-khi'm, m. a night .^kjjj shab-kor, night-blind, p.
attack. shah-}chum, f. robbery at night, shab-khezi,
rising at night (to pray). shab-gard, a watchman. ^Jj^.Sm shab-kori, f. the night-blindness, p.
shab-gardi, f. watching at night, shabi mdh, f. light
night, moonlight, shab o roz, night and day. p. nLf^ shabaka, ra. a net, a lattice, a reticulated
veil. a.
>,_ '^ shabb, m. alum. a.
\fM» shabd, a noeturnal attack, d. j^U^ljui* fihabhiydn, f. (pi.) Venetian blinds, d.
<^ljy^ shabdb, m. youth, prime of life. a. 81CJIj shab-gdh, f. night-place to keep any
thing in; night-time. p.
Jjjljui* shabd-roz, night and day, i.e. always, p.
t^..^\iZ»shaba-shab, in the night-time, durino- \^x^ shab-gaz, (lit. night-stinger) a flea. p.
the night, p.
(JI^^LXjJ* shabgasht, f a bridal procession,
^lf.1 shubcin, m. a shepherd, pastor, p. headed by the bridegroom, perambulating the town
with lights, music, &:c. on the night previous to th<
J .yU^S* sliabdn-roz, night and day, the civil performance of the marriage ceremony. — (Binning.) //.
day of twenty-four hours (vv^6r]ii(pov). p.
»l£jlf«i» shabdn-gah,\f. the evening; a lodg- ^^^xi* shab-gun, dark as night, black, p.
i^CJlfi^ shabdn-gah, J ing-place for the -fj^ shab-gir, m. a cricket ; a nightingale,
night, a fold for cattle, p. or any animal that sings at night; a servant that
vorks or travels in the night-time; early dawn. p.
s})\xZ» shabdna, nocturnal, by night, shabdua-
Juui* shab-nam, f. night moisture, dew ; m. a
roz, the civil day of twenty-four hours, p.
kind of cloth ; very fine muslin or gauza p.
i^Sb\xJ^ shabdhatjf. shmlnrity ,resenMa.nce.a.
y)J^ shabu, an agate, a jar, a saddle-cloth, p.
^i—^^ shab-bo, m. (or guli shab-bo) the eo^ shibh or shabah, an image, resemblance,
Polianthes tuberosa. p.
similitude, a.
i^^i_^ shab-cJiirdgh, lit. the night-lamp, a
carbuncle, a brilliant gem ; a glow-worm, a fire fly. p. &xZi ahiba or shaboy an agate, a bead, a coral, p.

( 499 )

/^Ju«> '5nT sinihh, happy, well, fortunate, aus-

picious, beautiful ; m. good, happiness ; one of the
diijZi ^iTxn^ shut-pad, "If. a centipede,
astrological yegs. shubh-phal, * m. happy result. {^S^i^'^imr^ shat-padz, ) Junius. s.
shubh-shU, of a good disposition,^ simbh-har, propitious,
producing good, shuhh-karma, ni. virtuous act, repu- jJ^lZi ^ffj shatadru or
Sutlej river in the Panjab. s f^iT"? shitadru, the
table occupation. shiibh-lag!ia,an auspicious moment.*.

j\>-\.^xZt '5T^^K shubliachar, virtuous, s. i^jS!:>^ ^cTcST? sliat-lahsh, ni. a hundred

lakhs, ten millions, s. [ragus racemosus). s.
^s^\^^ "^"^W^ lihuhliashuhh, happy and
unfortunate, good and evil. s.
j_J^*LL ^W^^ shai-7nu!i, f. a plant (Aspa-
Jl^jui* 5r*TT^ A7i2/Z)//a«£jr, handsome,elegant ; JiJ^ skutur, m. a camel, shntur-bdn, a camel-
f. a handsome woman, s.
driver (or keeper), shuturi be mahdr, incorrigible,
wild, refractory, shutur-sawar, mounted on a camel.
^S^x^ ^>T^^ shuhh-danti, f. the female shuturi sdlik, the camel of the prophet Salih (v. kur.an,
e.ephant of the north-west quarter, s. surat 7). shutur-ghainza, wickedness, deceit, shutur-
iatdr, a string of camels; a series, line, row, &c.
t^xi* 5I>I shubhra, white, shining; m. white skutiir-khia, bearing malice (for which the camel is
(the colour), shubhra-krit, the 36th jear of the Indian remarkable), sliutur-gdm, a camel-step, shutur-gdw,
cycle, s. the cameleopard. shutur-vmrgh, m. an ostrich.
shutur-ndl, f. a small gun carried on a camel, p.
\,L^i^'^l^Tl shvbJiag, fortunate, propitious, s.
JiZi ^ shatru, m. an enemy, shatru-bhdv,
jiJ^xZt 5W|fT: shubhaiikar, auspicious, con- like an enemy, as bad as an enemy, s.
ferring happiness, s. [tainty. a.
s-^*^ shuhha, m. doubt, suspicion, uncer- ^Jx>j* ^i^fii shati-utd, f. enmity, malignity. 5.

WJOii* shahina, stale, last night's, p. ^^JyM f^firnsT shiti-ratna, m. a sapphire, s.

eouw^ shabih, alike, resembling ; f. a picture, i^L-Im> fl^lfri^Keli shiti-sdrah, m. a sort of
likeness, resemblance, a. [archers, h, ebony {Diospyros glutinosa). s.
\jj^ ^jtqr shappa, m. a butt or mark for {jji*t* shutu?^, f. a kind of kettledrum ; a
colour so called, p.
uL*i<<^ ^ shapta, cursed, anathematized ;
m. a sort of grass {Saccharum cylindricum). t. t:r^»*** 5liT^ shat-gun, a hundredfold, s.
JjJ^ shatm, m. contempt, contumely, re-
^^^■^ ^'T'l shapatk, m. an oatli, confirmation proach, outrage, injury, villainy, abuse not amounting
of the truth by oath or ordeal ; an imprecation, a
curse, s, to slander (pi. shutum). a.

^^yJ*» ^nnvt shat-vedhl, m. a sort of dock

■^^ ^ I (for shab-2)ara), a night- or sorrel {Oxalis monadelpha or Runiex vesicarius). s.
ciJ wuj* shapparak }■
■^ ^^ flyer, a bat. p. J^X^ f^lfvrQi shithil, loose, lax, flaccid,
Ij^ shaj^para J ' ^shapatk, q.v.). s. llabb}', languid, inert. shWiil-bal, weakened, relaxed.
shitiiiltd, f looseness, relaxation, s.
iM-^ ^'^nr shapan, m. an oath, &c. (same as
(^j^J^ ^pfrt f. a small fish (^Cyprinus \1^ shatta, distinct, divided, various, a.
taphore). s.
cLui> ^Z shat, six (used in compound words
CL*^t ^ shai, m. a hundred, shat-sahasra, from the Sanskrit) (v. khat). s.
m. a hundred thousand, shat-varsh, m. a century, s.
UuS* shita, m. winter, the cold season, a. 4i.jJu» '^T^^ shat-pad. \m. a bee (lit.
lXi2* shatta, distinct, different, various, a. i^j^^ "^Z^^M shat- char an,} six-footed), s.
\jLi> shatta, ingenious, clever, cunning, d. i^jtiJxMi ^Z^ shat-ras, six tastes (v. khat-
ras). s.
t_->VLi» shitab, m. haste, quickness; adj.
quick, speedy ; quickly, expeditiously, soon, shitab- JLJJLjJ^ HZ^I IW shat-shdstr (v. khat-shdsir).s.
bdz, hasty, expeditious, p.
^^Sl^ MZ«k\ti shat-hon, m. a hexagon;
^bljbi* shitaban, hastening, hurrying, p. Indra's thunderbolt, s.

j_jUj2* shitabi, quick, hastily ; f. speed, p. ,^^ ^ shoth, wicked, depraved, perverse.
shathatd, f wickedness, depravitj-. s.
lUVxi) shitalna, a. to actuate, to urge on,
incite, d. Jit* shajj, a wound or personal injuiy short
Li^lJiuS* shitalang, m, the ankle, p. of destroying life. a.

sljui* shcittah (for j^ua^ shatidh ?) meretri-

cious, lewd, obscene. This word occurs in the Guli ^'^shijdj(\)\. ofjM or m^), (v.Wilson). o.
Bakawall, p. 157, 1. 4. a. h.
f\^ shiijd', brave, intrepid, bold, a,
\jL^Jli ^wftr^T shat-bhishd, f. the twenty- ij^j.cX'-*^ shnja'at (also shvjaati), f. bravery,
fiftn lunar mansion, containing 100 stars, s. valour, a.
2 k2
( 600 )

j^ shajar, 1m. a tree, a plant, shajratu- Jbx!^ '^'^ shuddhi, f. piiriiy, purification ; ii>
nocence dStabHshed by ordeal or trial; acquittal, s.
i^** shajratj l-hukm,J^the tree of judgment,
a fabulous tree which is said to have given unerring ^^J>^ 5r^ifT s. shuddhata,
correctness, purity, cleanness,
decisions on knotty points of dispute, a.
euiljj^ shajar-namaAvn. a list of saints or tiO>^ shadid, difficult ; afflicting ; violent,
strong, intrepid, a.
ij^ shajara, J holy predecessors, 'i>*«' WS shad (for shat), in comp. six. s.
given to disciples (in the manner of a genealogical
table), a. ciX3<ijl W3^ shad-anga, the six principal
*2^ shaja\ bravery, intrepidity,
^' ft ' A
a. Ir-
parts of the body, viz. two hands, two feet, the head,
and the waist : it also denotes the six supplementary
parts of the Vedas ; adj. having six parts or members. «.
U:i^ shiija'a, 1 (pi. of *^^) the brave, the
kinds, s."^fvi shad-vidh, in six ways, of six
^Uj^ shuj'an,) warlike, a.
Ui^^pzn shajya, f. a bed, a couch, a sofa. «.
d^.M^j sJ^ ■^fr^flT shad-vinshjiti,iwe\\iY-9\x. s.
*ws?*' shaj'i, brave, intrepid, a. jKiJL>jS^ ■Rfi^lfifrn? shad-vinshatitam, the

twenty-sixth, s.
Jn 5rf% shuchi, white, clean, pure, shuchitd,
f. purity,
A shuchi-mani, m. crystal, s. f*» ^ shar, m. a sort of reed or grass (Sac-
charum sara) ; an arrow, s. [nancy, o.
(jp\l^ skahna,i,\ f. superintendence, po- jt*» sharr, f. wickedness, depravity, nialig
* shahnagi, J lice. a. p. J^ f^ shir or shira, m. the head. s.
ed^ shahna, ra. a viceroy, lieutenant, repre- \j^ shird or shird, m. purchase, sale, traffic.
sentativea; peon or servant of a tax-gatherer, a. shard, an eruption of pimples on the skin. a.
vS> shakh, hard ground, top of a hill, peak of \jZ* f^iTl shird, any vessel of a tubular form,
^ a mountain, p. as a vein, a nerve, a gut. s.

{^jai^ shakh?, ni-a person, body, individual, a. L-->J^ shardh, f. wine, spirituous liquor, sha-
rabi partukali or -partiigdll, port wine, sharaban ta-
cIl>_jL_as(?*' shuhhfiyaty f. nobility, rank, hu- liurd, nectar, shaiab-khana, m. a tavern, shardb-zada,
manity, a. overcome with wine, sltardb-fch^r, a winebibber. a.
6Ji» shud, was, became, went. p.
j^^j^ ^[Kl'Tt^ shard-hor, soused, dripping
,yZ> shadd, force, runniner to battle ; the mark wet. h. [adj. intoxicated, a.
tashdld, reduplication of a letter, a. {J^jut shardhi, m. a drunkard, a winebibber;
lii-S» shadda,m. the banners which are carried
(JL>\j^ ^if? shardti, f. a sort of bird {Tur-
with the ta'ziya, in the MuljMrram. a. dus ginginiaiius). s.
^ljjM> shidad, strong, violent, vehement, a. \>\j^ I^ITITI shardtd, m. sound, noise, voice, h.
iijc\>^ shud-amad, custom, usage, p. J&iLi^ ^^ xhrdddhuy faithful, believing; m.
A>\ju^ shada,id (pi. of iS>_S^), adversities, (v. srdddha) funeral obsequies, &c. t.
troubles, tribulations, disagreeable events a.
j\j^ shardr, m. a spark of fire. a.
(2^(W shud-bud, so so, indifferently, p. C^\jZ» shardrat, f. vice, wickedness, de-
i^S^ shiddat, f. violence, force, vehemence ; pravity, villainy, a.
adversity, aflfliction, difficulty, a. 8.Lw* shardra, a spark of fire, flash, gleam, a.
Xt^ shudkar, m. ground tilled and sown ;
a person whose business it is to examine the state of i^^\j^ "i^jtlJWfi shardsan, m. a bow. s.
ihe harvest ; survey, valuation, p. (JL/j\j^ shardfat, f. nobility, a.
^dJlt shudan (r. shav), to be, to become, p. CLS^JI* shardkat, f. partnership, a.
^itW shudani, probable; f. a possible event JU^ f^IT.!^ shirdl, veiny, tendinous, s.
or occurrence, p.
i)\j^ ^ITTc^ shardU, f. a bird (the same as
ji^mS^ shadd 0 madd, emphasis, energy ; "shardti, q. v.). s.
reading emphatically with due stress on the proper
syllable, a. lLo^j^ ^rnJT shrdnt, wearied, fatigued;
calmed, tranquil, shranti, f. weariness, s.
IdJ^ shuda, become, past, gone. p.
JbS^ WS xhuddka, accurate, correct ; pure, jU<*» ^im sliardo, m. a lid or cover; a shal-
low cup or dish, a platter, s.
clean, unpolluted ; alone, singular, unique shuddha-
mati, of pure and sincere purpose, guileless ; intelli- uLJjLi* ^^o|r shrdvak, ra. the lay votary of
gent, s. a Buddha or Jina. t.
( '^1 )

-jj^-i> ^T^TiJ shrdvan, m. the month Savan {.^jZi shnrnfj m. nobility, eminence, rank,
(July-August). *. [in Savan. s. excellency', a. [deea. a.
ir» wwi* shurnfd (pi. of l_R) »«S*) nobles, gran-
{j,}^j^ 'ZtmiS^ shravant, f. the day of full moon
laj]^ ,<thara,it (pi. of &iaJ.-i»), agreements, [^■^ jui shnrfif-bfihhsh, confernng honour.a.^.
stipulations ; signs, marks, a. c-jUs^ sharaf-lldh, honoured, exalted, a. p.
^^Li» shara,in (pi. of ^^b -i>), arteries, a. /jij*>* shaj'h, m. the east ; rising, a.
shuj-b, drink,
and drink, a.
drinking, akl o shtirb, *
^^J*** sharhl, eastern, oriental, yra.
4-dJL(i> shirh, m. com])any, society, partner
(Jl^OjM* sharhat, m. sherbet, beverage, drink;
the dose of a medicine, sharhat-dar, m. a servant who ship ; paganism, infidelity (i. e. ascribing plurality to
the Deity), a. [sociates. a.
has charge of the water, wine, &c., a butler, a.
Oj*> shurahd (pi. of i.:il> -2*), partners, asso-
ii>j^ sharbati, f. a kind of lime or lemon;
" name of a colour, a.
iZ^jut shirkat, f. going partners ; partner-
0^j^ 53T*T sfiarabh, m. a fabulous animal, ship society, a.
supposed to have eight legs and to inhabit the snowy
mountains, s. \^j^ ^rtm sharhard, m. clayed or candied
sugar ; gravel (the disease), s.
C^jjjt ysnt slij-ut, heard, understood; m. sacred
science, holy writ shrtiti, f. the Vedas. «. jli^ ^PTTq5 shrigdl, m. a jackal, s.
JoO-ii* ^|<r°(il^ sharat-hdl, m. the autumnal (J/*» ^R^ sharal, upright, honest,
f. honesty, s.
season, sharat-kdlln, autumnal. (.
CJyii ^IT7 sharat, m. a lizard, a chameleon ; ^y*» ^TT shram, m. fatigue, toil, pain. s.
safflower, the plant. ». »ju> sharm, f. bashfulness, modesty, sliiiiup.
sharm-ndk, bashful, modest. ;>.
_^ ^HTT sharju, f. the Serju river, s.
U-j^ shirjd (also 8j -i shirza), the ery- \*jZt 5r*§T sharmmd, happy, glad ; m. a name
common to Brahmans. s. [fatigue, s.
sipelas. *. [allowance, pay, rate. t.
<frj^ sharh, f. explanation, commentary ; C->.l«jji» ^snn^ shramdrtta, overcome with
4i-i> ^p^ shurad, f. the season of autumn, or j^a^Ujjy* sharvm-sharmi, modestly, j).
the sultry season ; the two months succeeding the
rains, fluctuating from August to November, s. \i\iCju» sharmdnd, n. to be abasbtd, to feel
shame, to be ashamed- p. h.
^^Ii&5i3^ <i|^MI*i shraddadhdn, adj. trust-
ing, believing, venerating, s. jAiCjut $harm-d,u,
XSiiJ^ ^15 shraddhd, f. respect, reverence ; ii^yoj^ sharrri'Zada, bashful, ashamed, mo-
faith, belief; wish, desire; purity, shraddhd-jukta y.*^ju» sharm-sdr, dest, abashed, p.
or shraddhanwh, believing, faithful, shraddha-rahit,
unbelieving, shraddhd-krit, done with faith, shraddhd- ;jjX««m[> sharm-fjvi,
may or shraddhd-wdn, full of faith, believing, trust-
ing, s. ^\-*««-»» sharm sdri,^f. bashfulness, modes-
Jl^Ji-i» '^rST^ shraddhalu, believing, faith- ^xi^jM* sharm(jvn, J ty; shame, disgrace. |;.
ful ;desirous ; f. a pregnant woman longing for any
tiling. *. {^^f^ ^HTT^ shar-mall, m. a small bird, con-
sidered as a variety of the Salic or Maina (Turdus go-
. .^ skarar, sparks of fire ; malice, a. salica). s.
Jj wi> sharza, raging, fierce, roaring, p. (^/c^ iSimxn shramun, m. an ascetic, one de-
voted to religious meditation for the purpose of ob-
\>j^ shart, f. condition, agreement, stipu- taining final emancipation, s.
lation ;wager ; sign, mark, signal, skart-bari, f. ad-
vantage, success, profit, succeeding in one's under- ^JJk^ewii* .s/iarwo«f/a<7l,f. bashfulnessjshame.;^.
taking, us kdvi se kuchh shart-bart hu,i, did you get
any thing by that transaction I a. »!>JL«-i2».«/ia7'waw(Zo,bashful,m()dest,ashamtd./>.
el:>j^ shurta, favourable, agreeable (wind), p. i^SxAjMi shai-mhidi, f the basliful tree, a
species of acacia (Mimosa pudica). d.
t^j^ sharti, conditional ; f. a lottery, a.
c.j^ shar', m. the precepts of Muham77iad, i^J*» '^I'Tt shraml, wearying, tiring ; under-
law, equity ; a high road. a. " going fatigue ; laborious, s

^jM* shart, conformable to the shar , law- "^■^j^ shannlld, bashful^ modest, p.
"ful, religious; f. trousers, a. j^.ji» ^PTfT s/iaraji (v. saran), m. a house^
shelter, asvlum ; a protector. sharan-drtht, unfor-
L!l\;gj"' shar'iyat,
of the Icur.dn. a.
law, justice ; the laws tunate, suing lor protection, sharan-ugut. one who
comes for protection or rt-fuge. s.
( 502 )

AaCJw^ 3I^q5 shrinhhal, m. a belt or chain ^^jf^j*n ^ftnr shriras, m. turpentine, x.

worn round a man's body ; a chain or fetter in
general, s. LiT* {jj>,j^ ^irt^ sharlri, corporeal, relating to
the body, s, [sirisa). p,
\2jJiJ*» sr^ shrincj, m. a horn, a peak, shringi,
f. a sort of sheat fish {Silurus singio). s.
(jiJ^ f^rrt'^ shirtsh, a kind of tree {Acacia
jlCJy^ 5IirnC shringar, m. love ; copulation ; ,^LL>^j^ ^5CS shreshth, best, most excellent,
red lead. s. pre-eminent,
excellence, s.oldest, senior, shreshthata, f. superiority,
t/.lCJ .^ 31'^n^ shringari, feeling or relating
to the passion s.of love ; stained ■with red lead ; m. dress,
CL^iOjAH sharVat, f. the laws oi 3Iuhammad ;
decoration, law, justice, equity, a,

^^jijtn 51^ sAn'n^i,horned,crested, peaked, s. v_ij wi» shar'if, noble, eminent, excellent,
illustrious ; a title given to the rulers of Mecca, a.
aJo.M> ^TIPI sharanya, to be protected, mise-
rable, helpless; m. a protection; a protector; a shel- &so.j^ sharifa, m. a custard-apple {^Annona
ter, ahouse, s.
squamosa), a.
mJM fijrrt shiro, in comp. for fi^R: shira, head. cdb wS» sharik, m. a partner, a friend, a.
shiro-ratna, m. or shiro-manl, f. a gem -vTorn in a crest
or on the top of the head, shiro-rog, m. disease of <JL>'%\ju» ^1*1 n shrimat (fern. shrimatV),
the head. *. [breeches, p.
wealthy, prosperous, illustrious, beautiful *.
J|« -i» sharroal (for shalwar), trousers,
,^^J^ Taftn^ shri-muhh, m. the seventh
(Ojjj^ '^sftlT *.shrot, m. the ear; the current year of the Indian cycle. *.
of a stream.
(j^.j*** ^roft slirern, f. a line, row, range, s.
\!>j -iSj ^jsftfn shrota, m. a hearer.
j^^jLjbjc^ ^T^fWHl shrl-hastim, f. the sun-
eojj -io ''5ftTl^
be listened to. «.shrotavya, adj. to be heard, to " flower (Heliotropium indicum). s.
s^J^ ^^: shreya, m. good fortune, final
^jj^j^ ^^^ sharvari, f. night; a woman. «.
happiness, s.
fourth lunar'^f^FT shravishthd,
asterism. s. f. the twenty- (J1.».M<^ sjiast, f. aim ; a large fishing-hook
(not used in angling with the hand, but left attached
cj -^ shuru, m. begining, commencement. to a strong line which is fastened to the shore) ; the
handle of a bow ; a thumb-stall (used to defend the
shurv'dt, pi. commencements, a. thumb in pulling the string of a bow), p.
i^^f** '^R^ shrawan (v. sravan), the ear, &c. (Jl«...»» shist,f. assessment on land, the balance
ahravanendriya, the organ of hearing, the ear. «.
of dues uncollected, h,
I3j -iSj '^RTin shravana, f. the twenty-third
lunar asterism, represented by three footsteps. «. Ji^Zi 51^ tsJiast?' or shastra, ra. a weapon in
general, a sword, a scimitar, shastra-dliart, possessed
8^ sharah, m. desire, appetite, avidity, of weapons, shastra-kdr, m. an armourer, s.
gluttony, a.
^^\x^\Jx*^Z» ^it^iM^itt shasirabhyds, m.
8-i* f^; .s/^Vfl, m. the head, shira-pira, f. military exercise. «.
head-ache, shira-kapdll. m. a devotee carrying a hu-
man skull as his emblem, s. ^^pLJi» shustan (r. shu) to wash. p.
^jL^ shustam,&t or ready for being washed./>.
i^j**» "^ prosperity
fortune, shi'i (v. ;sri),
beauty,a name of three
lustre ; the Lahshnn;
shust 0 shu, m. washino' or cleans-
of life ; love, dutj', and wealth, s.
ing. p. [shusta guft-gu, pure language, f,
i^,.J*» shiryan or sliaryan, f. an artery, a.
&JLmm> shusta, washed ; dres!?c'd, prepared.
^y^^Jl> "^TB^ shri-phal, m. a fruit-tree
(^gle marwelos). s. BJ...^^ ^TBI shasya, m. corn, grain in general.
shasya-bhakshak , graminivorous, s.
\JL^t>'^jZi "^"VjlT shrz-jut, 1 illustrious, for-
(iji» "^"^ shush, in. the lungs ; the noise made
C^^-ufj^ ^'t^ shri-jukta,} tunate. s. by a person setting on a dog (Gil.), dardi shush, the
peripneumony. shush-k., to set dogs on by calUcg
^^^JJ^ Tjft'^^ shrl-chah-a, m. a magical situs li. p. h.
diagram ; the circle of the globe or earth, s.
iJuZi shash or shish, six. shash o pa7)J (sixes
jij^ ^rtr sharir, m. the body of any ani- and fives), confusion, perplexity, p.
mated being. shartr-handhaJc, m. a hostage, sharlr-
sanskdr, purification of the body by various ceremonies (i^ f^5I shi^hu, m. the young of man or
at conception, birth, initiation, death, &;c. s.
animal ; a pupil, s.
jly*» sharir, viciouF, wicked, a.
J J;^^ f^I^"^^ shishvpdl, m. tlie sovereign
\LJ\^J^ ^lh:i7I .''Jtrt-rag, m. the third of of a country in the central part of India cr Clihedi,
the musical modes. « sluin b}' Kris!}tia. s.
( 503 )

fs\!^rf!\!^hhliuta, f. childhood, pupihige. .<?. J^ $hua\ f. light, splendour, lustre, ihe

rays of the sun, sunshine, a.
■Rf^.s/^yy.s^^i, sixty, s.
f^IF s/ilshtn, obedient, docile, ordered, ^_^C-lx.i* shtiai, radiant, full of rays. a.
disciplined, shishta-aabhd, f. a council of state, an
assembly of chief officers. shishta-sanMchar,m. history ^"*»>''* shi b, a pass through mountains, a.
of eminent persons, s,
^^Ujw> sha'bhn,daym.is the
the fourteenth eighth Aral)i!m month :
a festival(called barat, q. v.) : on
jl»-lXi«I> f'S(f^l'W\n sfI isht achate well-behaved, tliis day an angel is supposed to examine a record, on
m. (v. siahtdckdr) humility, complaisance, good man- which is written the names of the living, a.
ners, &c. s.
okxi.j^ f^IFFTT shishtata, f. good behaviour, S*^**» shu'bad, "1 sleight of hand, juggling:,
urbanity, civility, docility, s. S jox^ shu'bada,) conjuration, shti'bada-
baz, a juggler, conjuror, a.
jjL^i f^f^ iihifhi)-, cold, chilly, shishir-half
m. the cold season, from Jan. to March, s. &aaw> shtiba, a small water-channel, a cleft
^^^Z^LZi ^l^rw^l shasliasthali, f. the Doab, on a mountain, especially where water stands, shi'ba,
a path through mountains, a.
the country between the Ganges and Jumna rivers, s.
jx^ shi'r, m. poetry. .s/ii'r-^??;a?ji,f. reading
,^"it.^ mw shashtha, the sixth. 5. or studying poetry, a.
iJjiiJO&;l^^*** shish-khana banduk,\a. rifle-
\jM shu'ara (pi. ofjff'ljS*), poets, a.
LfXla.>iolijr***** shish-khana tufang, J gun
(so called from its commonly having six grooves in ^j****
star, shi'ra,
a. excelling in poetry ; the day-
the barrel, p.

jS.t^ shash-dar, m. a cube, a die ; adj. won- iSj^ shi'rl, poetic, relating to poetry, a.
derful ;confounded, perplexed, p.
iA*Mt shnla, m. fame, blaze, light, flash.
(jIXz^^ ^5I«(r shashaky ra. a hare or rabbit. 5.
shii'la-afslian or shii'la-fishan, dispersing or scattering
i^LZi f^7T«ir shishnk, m. a porpoise, a fish flames. sJiu'la-bdr, raining fire or flames, shti'/ii-ildr,
resembling a porpoise, s. shu'la-zan, or shu'la-war, flaming, resplendent, brilliant.
shu'la-rukh. having resplendent cheeks, a.
'jjXJL^ 'St^'SR shushh, dry, dried, shushkata, f. j^«**» shu ur, m. wisdom, intelligence, know-
dryness s. ledge, good management, a.
IjjoijLji) 'JT^cirTTj'UT i^hnshharna, n. to encou- ^j\kZ» shaghal or shighal, m. a jackal, nhaghal-
rage or stimulate a dog to the chase by the sound Jchor, (lit. a jackal eater) a term applied to a gang of
shttsli. Ii. [to the chase, h. freebooters on the Oude frontier, p.
^}i.jLZj ^T^lsfiTirt shushkari, f. impelling a dog shaghab, noise, tumult. j>.

^^\AJLj:li "^f^t^Wl shashi-lekha, f. a digit of ^^*^ shughl, m. occupation, employment, a.

the moon. s.
la*** shifd(Jor shifa,a), f. recovery from sick-
'ihnslinm, the sixth, p. ness, convalescence ; medicine, remedj', cure, sliifd
hhdna or ddrtt-xh-shifd, a hospital, a lazaretto, a.
shash-maht, half-yearly ; the half-
\early accounts of a village, p.
cl*5-lttji ahnfaat, f. deprecation, intercession,
recommendation, entreaty, a.
^J^^ '^[^ shasht, m. the moon, s, (__j;fl**» shaffaf, transparent, clear,very thin. a.
d.x.LZi f^r^T shishya, m. a disciple, scholar,
^j,\sM» shaffaf I, f. transj)arency, clearness, a.
pupil, s.
■-'Q"' shafat, m. the mouth, the lip. a.
c3-«aj*» shast, sixty (properly shast). p.
^\jJu^ shaftalu, m. a peach ; the colour of
_lla«» diattah, meretricious, lascivious, ob-
the flower of the peach-tree, p,
scene, a.
&«fl*jl> shvf'a, m. any possession coveted.
I^j^^i~^ shatranj, f. chess, shotranj-baz, a ]iaM-i shiif'a, right of pre-emption in favour of a person
chess-plaj'er. shall anj-hilzl, f. chess-plaj'. a. whose possessions adjoin to a land olTered for sale, a,

-:^.laji* shotranj'i, ni. a man who excels in ^flj*> shafaJijf. evening, twilight; the hori-
chess ; f. a kind of spotted carpet, shatravjl-baf, m. a zon ; condolence, sympathy, kindness ; fear. a.
carpet-weaver, a.
C^fiflji* shafhat or shafahat, f. condolence,
Xm sli'iar, m. an under garment; mark, clemencj', compassion, mercy ; kindness, affection,
si^^nal, sign ; habit, custom ; in comp. it denotes dis- commiseration.
condolence, a. S3 mpathy. shafakat-ndma, a letter dt
tinction, habit, &c., as kaiam-shi'dr, distinguished for
j^eterosity. a. iSloJ^ shafala, of or resembling the evening,
* twilight, a.
^.\jut* shiari, customary, habitual, a.
( 504 ) iuaXm*

ff^Of% shaft', advocate, patron ; possessing a Kl^^ti "^^shukti,

shell, a cockle, s.
f. a pearl oyster; a small
nght of pre-emption founded on contiguity. shafVi
jar, the occupant of ground which is simply in the
neighbourhood of another estate, shafi'i khallt, the jjl»:3Ci» ^fwrnr shuktimdn, m. one of the
occupant of ground in actual contact, or intermixed seven principal mountains of India, s.
with another estate (the right of pre-emption is
stronger in the latter than in the former case), a. iJL'^C^ ^I«FT shahat, m. a cart. s.
\jaa^ shafVd, m. a kind of Persian charactor »-^5^ \[<^^i «li I shakatikd, f. a small cart, a
or handwriting, a. [fectionate. a. toy-cart. s.

^JiS^^ shaf'ik, merciful, compassionate ; af- JxZt shukr, m. thanks, gratitude, shtikr-guzar,
•Jlt shahk or shihh, m. trouble, labour, sus- grateful, shukr-guzari, f gratitude, shtikri ni'mat, an
acknowledgment of favour, shakr, f, vulva, coitus, a.
pense; dawn of day; a fissure, crack, rent; a large
division of a country. shaJck hond, n. to be torn, to be J^ shakar or shakkar, f. sugar, shahar
split, rent, &c. shilfTii, the half, one side ; trouble, bhata or shakar-pdra, m. a kind of sweetmeat made of
diflSculty ; (met.) a brother, a friend, o. rice, butter, and sugar, shakar-khand. smiling sweetly,
speaking gently with a smile of love ; charming,
^'lii» shahakul, a wild carrot, p. gracious, amiable, shakar-rez, scattering sugar, melli-
fluous, shakar-farosh, a seller of sugar ; (met.) a mis-
CJ'j^-iL^ shahdrvat, f. misery, disgrace, po- tress, shakar-^u/tar, speaking agreeably, eloquent.
verty, villany. a. shakar-lab, sugar-lipped, p.
^liLi* shakd,ik, ro. a tulip. shahd,ihu-n-
nu'man or shaka,i^i nu'mdni, the anemone ; (pL of ^J** ^rai shahra, a name of Indra. shahra-
thaJclia, q. v.) cracks, &c. a. dhanus, m. Indra's bow, the rainbow, shakra-bhubhavd,
f. colocynth (Cucumis coloquintida). shakra-gop, m. a
.^^.2^ s/nhk-ddr, m. an officer appointed to red insect (Coccinella, or lady-bird). *.
collect the revenue from a certain division of land ;
adj. perplexing, uncertain, a. p. yCi» '^^shukra orshuhr, m. the planet Venus ;
semen virile, shukr-war, m. Friday, s.
t_^Ug^ shikk-daii, f. the business of a shikk- VyCi* shukran, tliankfully, gratefully, a.
dar, perplexity, uncertainty, a. p.

jyLt» vices,shuhuk (pi. of ^J^), fissures, cre- ^^^\jC^ ^({M^M shakrdshan, m. a medicinal
plant ( fVrightea antidysenterica). t.
8tc. a.
&Aj^ shukha, m. a royal order, a letter (espe- ^^S^ shukran, m. gratitude, thanksgiving, a.
cially from a superior), a. [vicious, a. &i\^iu» shukrdna, m. a fee paid by piaintiflTor
defendant on the cause being decided in his favour, a.
jjL2* shaki, wretched, miserable; villanous,
Jkb iCi» shakar-pdra, m. a kind of sweetmeat
ftixLi* skahtka, m. a crack or fissure ; the (v. under shakar). p.
temples of the head. a.
iJX^ shahk, m. doubt, suspense, uncertainty. fj\lu*jC^ shakaristdn, a plantation of sugar,
a sugar-chest, sugar-refinery, p.
thikk, an upper garment, ihukk, division, schism,
difficulty, trouble, o. ^SJ^ shakar-kand, m. sweet potatoes (^Con-
volvulus batatas), p.
tiL^ ^cF shaka, m. a sovereign who gives
his name to an era, especially applied to Salivahana ;
a particular caste, the followers or descendants of .IjiCi* ^rai^R shnkr-wdr, m. Friday, s.
Salivahana. s. if^ shikra, m. a hawk, falcon {Falco). p.
(.di^ ^o(f shuk, m. a parrot, s. jcXi» shakari, f. a kind of phdlsa so called
jK-i* shikar, m. hunting, chase ; prey, game ; [Grewia Asiatica). p.
plunder ; perquisites, shikdr-baz, m. a sportsman. &1> i^ shakarina, a kind of confection, p.
shikar-hand, m. cords, &c. for tying game in, or to be
tied to a horse's saddle, shikdr-gdh, f. place for hunt- C-.-'"^^t shikast, f. deficiency, loss, defeat ; adj.
ing in. p.
broken, odd, uneven, unpaired, shikast-kj^rda, broken
off, interrupted, defeated, p.
fK^j^^ shikar chi, m. a sportsman, p.
J^.\^ shikdrty relating to hunting, &c. ; XjLJCS* shikastagl, f. defeat, &c. p.
"m. a fowler, a sportsman, p. ^'i^XZi shikastan (r. shikan), to break, p.
I jK-^ shihdf, a fissure, crack, crevice, p. 8S.^J^ shikasta, m. broken, dispersed; a kind
^kjKi^ shihdftan (r. shikdf), to split, to of writing, shikasla-bdl, broken-winged, distressed,
wretched, shikasta-bdll, f distress, wretchedness,
break, to rend. p. [accusation, a.
affliction, shikasta-pd, infirm, reduced. shikasta-1}dl,
C^i^iJ^ shikdyat, f. lamentation, complaint, distressed, shikasta-hdll, f. state of indigence or dis-
tress, shikasta-khdtir, distressed in mind, afflicted,
CS^ ^ra» shakta, able, capable, strong. offended, shikasta dil, distressed, afflicted, shikastan
shakiata, f. ability, shakti, f. ability, power, strength ; dm, f. distress, affliction, shihasta-wa'da, (broken en-
the energy or active power of a deity, personified as gagements) faithless, p.
his wife, such as Gauri. the wife of Shiva ; Lakshmt,
the wife of Vishnu, shakti-man, powerful. shakli-Uin,
l-lCi* ft[I^ shikshd, f. learning, study, shik-
powerless, s. thd-shakti, f. dexterity, skill. «
( 505 ) ^

%fE5?T shlhshit, ^Sskilful,

j^ clever; dis- (^^ujLj^ shaheha,}, f. patience, exerting pa-
ciplined, docile, studied. yJ3. tience, toleration, long endurance, p.
c!)ivC^ f:^&f4 shikshak, a learner, a teacher, s. ^SxxiS^ shihehidan, to be patient, p.
CL*flSC^ shikift, m. wonder, astonishment, p. ljux/jl> ^^TTT shakyata, f. possibility, s.
*iaJCi» shiihufta, flourishing, expanded, p.

cLa3 ,jiL^ jl^'SfftZ shuk-klt, m. a caterpillar, s. y-Jji'.***

»i Va shafnia,)
, , ,' y well-shaped, handsome, a.
iJLij s/tafil, f. shiipe, form, pfRgy, appearance,
semblance, mode, shakl-navis, m. a portrait-painter, a. s^if-^Tm"^ shafti/a, possible, practicable, s.
jlC*** shagar,
eatable, p. a jackal, shigdr, any thing
^Ji^ 5nB shufil or shuhluy white, shuklata,
f. whitfiiess. shukla-paksha^ the light fortnight of the
lunar month, from new to full moon, shukla-kanthak, I jlCi* skignf, m. split, rent, fissure, crack,
m. a kind of gallinule or water-hen. s. crevice; (in comp.) splitting, rending, p.
0^** ^Rr^ s/iu/nd, m. a fislu shahul-gand, jlXji* shigdl or shigdl, a jackal, p.
m. a kind of fish, the gilt-head, shakul-arbhak, m. a
Sort of gilt-head {Sparits emarginatus). s. 1 '^fJ^ shigarf or shigrnf, rare, fine, good,
beautiful, excellent, glorious, great, p.
JxZt shi/uirn or shihm, m. the belly ; a clause
or paragraph in a composition, shikam-banda or shi- LlI,ofl C!m slugift or shihift, m. wonder, asto-
kam-)inrwar, an epicure, glutton, p. nishment, p. [astonishment, p.
^-♦k^ sltiktinti, subordinate, dependent, in- ^ifl>vi» shiguftagi, f. expansion, delight,
" chid I'd. p.
^^psiX^ shigvjtan, to blossom, expand (a
^J>'■^ "^W^ shakun, m. any lucky or auspi- flower), tienceshigiftan,
, p. to be amazed ; also to have pa-
cious mark or omen, skakuni, m. a bird; one of the
astronomical periods called karans. s.
iCSlCj^ shigyfta, expanded, blown (as a
l^/^ shikan, f. shrinking, shrivelling, con- flower), shigufta hond, n. to be blown (a flower) ; to
stringing; a curl, ply, fold, furrow; (in com p.) it de- be delighted, p.
notes breaking, overthrowing, &c. ; as dushman-shikan,
foe-breaking, overthrowing the enemy, p, 1^^^ shugun, m. an auspicious omen. p.
Uxmj shakna, n. to doubt, to fear, to bci per-
turbed, d. ^j>iu» shuguni, "Im a diviner, a soothsayer,
\jJSmj shugunii/d,) an augur, p.
«>a^^ shikanja, m. the rack or torture; stocks W^X^ shagufa, m. a flower, a bud. shngufa
(for the legs) ; boards iu which binders press books ;
a press ; rack, torment, torture, p. [^'^S' ^' P- land, to bud, to put forth j'oung shoots ; to producs
something new and wonderful, p.
ii>^ shikunt, f. (abstract o{ shikan), break- (..^Xji» shugun, m. augury, omen. p.
yli shnhnu, 1m. complaining, upbraiding. \-J^£«i> shvguniyn, m. a diviner, an augur, p.
iylj* shahvd,) shakwa-nama, a letter of jjji* shal, a species of stained leather ; one
complaint, a.
who can take nothing in his hands (from sickness),
siSJ^ shikvfa or shukufa, a flower, p. paralytic, having the hand luxated, p- a.

i^L^ shahoh, shikoh, or shukuh, f. dignity, ^L*» f^^ shila, f. a stone, a rock ; a flat stone
state, pomp, grandeur, magnificence, ddra-shikok, in on which condiments are ground with a muller. *.
pomp like Darius, p.
L_-*-i.?.^Li» r^li^mnj shild-pushp, m. storax or
benzoin, s.
iS^ shahwa,'\ , . , . ,.
-^ ,j_ _ Vcomplamt, upbraidmg. a.
^Sm* sJiuliva,) tj^s>-'!:)^ f^^STWi^ shild-jatu or Hljl^lfwH shild-
jit, m. bitumen, red chalk, s.
\^f^ r^lSI shiklia, f. point, top, crest; a lock
of hair on the crown of the head; flame, shikhdwal, C->Vfci^/i> f^foSIVlB shild-dhatu, m. chalk,
crested, pointed, i. red chalk ; an aluminous earth of a white colour, s.

j4^ f^W^shikha?', m. the top of a mountain (wj^Li» ftjI^STTT? shild-ras, m. incense, ben-
or hill, peak, point, end. «. jamin or olibanum. s.
yj.^Cj^ f^nsrt shikhri, crested, pointed, s.
^^Li* shaldk, flagellation ; coitus, a.
^A^^ f^n^t shikhi, crested, having a lock
^^ ^l^W[shaldhd,f.a thin slip of bamboo,
"of hair on the top of the head ; m. a peacock. *.
serving, when tipped with sulphur, for a match; a
,Ci» shakki, doubtful, perplexing, shakki- ruler ; a fibrous stick used as a brush or penciL «.
" mizaj, undetermined, wavering, hesitating, a.
i":^^ "^rnn Maghd, f. praise, flattery, s.
I *>^ shciheh or A7i7"Ae6,patience,endurance.jt).
rable. s.
■gixq shldghya, praiseworthy, ven;i
LjX-^ shalicba, patient, long-suffering, p.
( iOQ )

j.^A*. ,->/ii(f>iar, ni. counting, computing, num-
^^LSl» r^lc^Tq? shila-may, made of stone, s.
bering, reckoning; used (in comp.) as silara-skumar
star-counting, watchful, p.
K5.^LSl) f^I^TT5^ shila-valka, f. a medicinal

substance said to be of cooling and lithonthriptic pro- )^j\ui shinnari, f, counting, &c. ; a rosary.^.
perties, commonly called Silabak ; a sort of lichen or
moss. s. (Jl»j*» shavial or shimal, m. the north; the
^^,^Li» shalayln, disgustingly importunate. 7?. north wind; the left hand, shimdl-ru, facing the
north, shimdl-numd, the mariner's compass, a.
,4jJ-2* ^T^^ shalabh, m. a grasshopper, a
locust, s. ^lv>** shimali, northern, a.
&/«l»-*» shamama, a perfumed pastile. a.
ijruJ-^ 5l(jiMT«f shalhln, vice in a horse, h.
t-*i^ f^T^ .</;?7;), m. any manual or mecha-
^3^^-* shama,il (pi. of JW«*), excellences,
virtues, talents, abilities ; northerly winds, or regionf
nical art. shilp-kdr or shilpi, an artisan. sliUp-karm, of the north, a.
m. handicraft. sZ/j/p-j'/rfi/a, f. art, manual skill, shilpi-
slu'istra. m. a treatise on works of art. shilpi-shdla, f.
a workshop, s.
J l>v-» l^ltilc^l shamhali, f. the chaste tree
{Fitex negundo).. h.
(J^-^ ftflfwrt nhilphl, f. a drug commonly uiJ^Av^ ^refoF shamhuh, m. a bivalve shell ;
called Lalidimsipi, described as sweet and cooling, and a conch shell ; a snail, s.
bearing seeds of tonic and restorative properties, s,
&xj^shamha, a day of the week ; Saturday, p.
ici^ f^'^ft shiljn, an artist or artisan ;
belonging to a mechanical profession, s. j.^K^^ ^IT>TXR shumbha-pur, m. a city and
district, perhaps the s.modern Sambhalpur in the dis-
trict of Gondwana.
^liLi> shilfak, a dispute with one upon false
grounds ; litigation, tumult, p. lL««**> ^iftriT sham it, pacified, quiet, calm. s.

^'UkL2» shiltahl, quarrelsome, litigious, p. jv-* shiivaVy name in ofthe one

the Hitsnin of Yazid^s
JJ^ shaikh, a round (of musketry, &c.), a generals, who slew plains of Karhala,
and hence the word now signifies vile, inlamous, &c. a.
discharge ; sperma viri ; vulva, a.
^^6\ZJ sltildl (v. siri). mad, insane, d. ^ii-»^s/tMTOMrrfo^i, counting, enumeration, jt;.
reckon, shuimirdan
p. (r. shutnar), to count,
^.iLi* shalgham. m. a turnip, p.
A!^ sholnh, If. a round, a discharge (of
iL>j^^ shiwiurda, counted, numbered, p.
uLlLl shalak,) fire-arms); a blow; coitus, a.
(j«v*» shams, m. the sun. shamsn-d-din, the
t-iiij^ ^I^oh shallah, m. a plant (^Bignonia sun of the true faith, shamsu-d-daula, the sun of the
indica). s. state (men's names), a. [rosary, t.
^li^ ^r^cfi^ shallahl, f. the gum olibanum sham,sa, m. little tassels affixed to a
shanm, solar, sliamsi hamari, (solar
"tree {Boswellia
olibanum. s. thurifera). shallak'i-drav, m. incense>
'and lunar): a perquisite taken by the officers of go-
.^ Jui* shilrcar or shabvar, m. trousers. ^). vernment, being the difference between the pay for
a lunar and solar month; a monthly period of three
i^JiJ^ Woff sJiIoJi, m. a verse, a stanza. 5. or four daj-s, during which the female attendants in
the women's apartments have leave of absence, a.
\^»L1 ^I^cffT shaluha, m. a child's bib. h. i\Z*^ shavishcid, m. the box-tree {jMcninsh^ ;
Vjiol^ ^^IttT sharitci, 1m. a canvas sack, &c. (met.) applied to the form of a mistress, p.

iCjAjl ^^^TT*. shnlitaj in which baggage is ^j\..'l»wi) ^Jl^«T shmashaii, ra. a cemetery.
fastened previously to being loaded on cattle. /;. shmashdn-wdsl, a goblin, a sprite abiding iu ceme-
teries, s.
L^iLj^L^ '^5'n shleshma, m. the phlegmatic jciv*» shavisher or shimshir, f. a scimitar,
humour in the body. s. sword, shamsher-baz, a sword-player, a gladiator,
shamsher-bdzi,f. the use of the sword, sliamsher-baliddur
Xlt^^AJ^ ^"^ISK shalyoddhar, m. extraction (ironically), a useless, worthless fellow, shamsher-zan,
of foreign substances from the body. *. a swordsman, p.

jL*»'-j2ji-jJ^^ ^■^tJ'?!!^ sludija-shastra, m. that *^M» shavi , f. a lamp, a candle ; wax. sham'-
part of surgery which treats of the extraction of ex- ddti, m. a candlestick, sham'-.^dz, a chandler, a ci-idle-
traneous substances lodged in the body. s. maker. a.sham'-rukh or shavi'-ru, ruddy, Tudiant, resplcii-
J^ ^ sham, m. quiet of mind, stoicism, in-
difference : abstract meditation on God ; final happi- if^ sham'i, of or relating to a candle,
nes . 5. "waxen, sham'i-rang, flame-colour, a.
\^ shuma (pi. of tu, sec. pers. pron.), you. p. i\^ shamla, m. the end of a turban or
kamar-hmid, sometimes tucked into the folds nnd
OiU^ shamatat, f. rejoicing at the calamity sometimes left flying loose ; a kind of shawl for tying
or misfortunes of another, a. round the waist, a.

( 507 )

/j)vi» ^nTT shaman, in. kilHii<r animals for LdiXi* "^CT xhanhii, m. the trunk of a lopped
sacrifice, immolation ; mental tranquillity, calmness, s. tree ; a jiivclin, a pin, a stake ; the gnomon of a dial ;
the scale fish {Raia sankur), s.
fj^ shaman, an idol or image ; idolatry ; OJkwi* ^^ shanha, f. fear, apprehension
an idol-temple ; an idolater, p.
doubt, shanka-may , fearful, shanka-hin, free froir.
x^ shamma, m. an atom, a particle, a little ; doubt or fear. s.
perfume, odour; habit, custom, a.
CLSsJ^ "^f^ shankit, alarmed ; doubtful, s.
ic**^ ^^shaml, tranquil, pacific; f. a legunu;
J^^^ ^IH^ shanhar, a name of 3fahddeva ;
"or pod; a trees. {Acacia sutna) ; a shrub {Serratula aii-
thelmintica). a celebrated teacher of the Vedanta philosophy, s.

«3Uvi» shamiyana, a kind of canopy, p. \SjJ1* ^UTT shanhai-a, m. name of a musical

mode or rdgirfi. s.
f^JjJ ^^ 5Ih1 M -ii shamt-patrl, f. a sort of
sensitive plant {Mimosa ptidica). s. y^LxLJo ^fU^PTT^ shankarabharan, m.
name of a musical mode. s.

jAvSj ^'^KUtna.sharnir,
Mimosa s. m. a small variety of th(! _rjU»-^^*Jui» slianknrachdrj (for shanhara-
chdrya), name of a Hindu ascetic, celebrated for having
,*x»M> shamim, 1 , „ eradicated the sect of Jains, s.
&»Av>*)»shamtma,) > odour, perfume, a.
j_5'jW\iLljdl» shanhardchari, the followers of
Shankardchdrj , q. v. s.
^^ ^PS shan, m. hemp {Cannabis sativa) ;
Bengal San, a plant from which a kind of hemp is ^£^XJLw> shankari, a name of Parvatt. s.
prepared {Crotolaria juncea, S^c.). s.
/o^ 5fffH shani, m. the planet Saturn, shani- ^^^ W^^ shankoch, m. a scate fish. s.
wdr, m. Saturday, s. .^Xi^ ^[T^ shankh, ra. a conch, a shell; a
large number, ten or a hundred billions, s.
Uj*> shina or shana, swimming, p.
jJl*k»-U-«» shinaHht. f. knowledge, under- ^^x-lZi J^lP^'ril shankhini, f. a description of
standing, p. [recognise, p. " woman, described as tall with long hair, neither thin
nor stout, of irascible disposition and strong passions, s.
j^pL>-lJui» shinakhtan (r. shinas), to know, to i^JjSJi shang, amorously playful, beautiful,
^j*»ljui» shinas, (in comp.) knowing, intelli- elegant, handsome ; a thief, a robber, p.
gent, intimate with ; as JfaJcJc-shinds, knowing what is
right ; upright, conscientious, p. (_-5;>w*» shangarf, m. cinnabar, vermilion, p.
U«»Uj*> shinasa, one who knows, p. ^jJii shifiau, 1 hearing, a hearer. sha?iu, the
fcAuiK^Zt shinasa,i, f. acquaintance, know- lyxZi shinarvd,) cypress, wild plum-tree. p.
ledge, p.
j^y*-*** ^f»r^T^ sha7ii-wdr, m. Saturday. 5.
^*t\jjj» shinasi, f. (in comp.) knowing, p. k^JOM) shinid, hearing, listening, p.
jjUm* shinarvar, a swimmer, p. jjtSAlii shimdan (v. shinau), to hear, listen, p.
;c, j^Jui* shinawarl, f. act of swimming, p. iSxu^ shinida, heard, perceived, p.
s'JJ* shinah (v. sAina), swimming, p. >j^ 5nrt^ shanir, m. a rock or small island
in the midst of the river Sone; an island enclosed by
^Ux.2* shamhall, f. the chaste tree (Vitex the branches of the Sarju where it falls into the
negundo). d. Ganges, s. [Saturn, s.
&jju^ shamba, m. Saturday, /j. js.'" "'*■''' 5H'4I^ shanaishchar, m. the planet
jO axu> ^rftrftni shani-pi'iya, m. the emerald
or sapphire. «. ,^^f^^'!^jirr^shanai-shanai,s\o\vly, tardily, s.
«JUu»» sham , base, abominable, shocking,
^j^ix.^ 31^(0 shuntht, f. dry ginger. 5. adulterous, a.

hjoIm* shanta, turpitude, abomination, a.

^U«* ^^ shund, m. an elephant's trunk, s,
jjjj T{np shand, m. a bull at liberty, s. Ajj^^r^ .'{/«m?/a,m. empty ,void ; m. acypher.^.
L^j>^ f^V^TTI sh ins2)d,a tree (Dalbergia sisu). s. ^Zt sho or shu, (in comp.) washing, shan,
a husband, p.

flax of the ^|IU^'4
or string madem.from
theit;fibre or
cordage, y^"^ shav, m. a dead body, a corpse, s.
twine, s.
^ f^^ shhi or shiva, m. the Deity in the
(,I1>^M> shun at, baseness, brutality, turpitude, character of the destroyer, s.
crime, a.
\mJlt r^Hi shivd, f. the goddess Durgd, the
jlSxS* shunkar, m. a falcon, p. consort of Shiva, s.
( i>0» ) (JJ_5-^

fj^y^ sharvan (pi. of ?)^), liigli roads, a. j^ W^ .v/i^//v/7', m. a burbarian inhabiting

the mountainous districts of India, and wearing the
cjt>\J^ V3IU shn'as, m. breath, breathing, s. feathers of the peacock, &c.,-as decorations, s.
ij\fui shawifdl, m. the tenth month of the \j^M»shurn, iifjreoment, convention, mixture, a.
Muhnmmndan j'ear, on the first day of which the fes-
tival of Bairdm or 'id is celebrated, being the first day y^jy^ fS|t«f^Tf% shiva-rdtri, m. a festival held
after the Musulmdn Lent, and on this day it is ciis- on the fourteenth of the dark fortnight in the moDtii
toniary to make presents, &:c. a. of Phalguna (Feb. -March) (v. niva-rdtri). s,
^)1»^ f^I^T^l shivala, 1 m. a temple of U.^*«> shorbd, m. broth, soup. j).

V^y!^f^^^'^^shivalay,) Shiva, s. t^jy*» "^f^ shurp, m. a winnowing basket, s.

f^\y*i ''3T*T s/ncciti, m. a dog. shwana,f. a bitch.*. 13.^*»» ^Rril shuratd, f. heroism, prowess, s.
(_^fti^ shob, m. washing, p.
fusion, p.
t^JiijyMi shorUh, f. tumult, insurrection, con-
W»<^ l^fMT shobhd, f. light, lustre, splendour,
beauty. #. f^jy^ WJS'</iuraji,m. an esculent root (Arum
campanulatum) ; a plant {Bignonia indica). s.
^^\A^yi» ^Vii^H shobhanjan, m. a tree, the
Sajbtd or Sahajna (HyperanUieramorunga) ofwhicli the i.tZ* shora, marshy, barren ground ; m. nitre,
blossoms and leaves are esculent and the root used as saltpetre, shora-gar, m. a manufacturer of saltpetre.
horse-radish, besides various medicinal uses. s.
shore kd tezdb or 'araki shorn, nitric acid. p.
(JIa^ami ^[f>in( shobhit , beautified, decorated. s. CL^,jy*» shoriyat, saline qualify, p.
A^yi, ^ftHin»T shohhamdn, fair, splendid, j^iij ,yi» shoridan, to be distracted, &c. p.
radiant, s.
SiVjfcM* shorida, disturbed, mad, desperately
j^AJ 5^ ^^«T ahobhan, beautiful, handsome, in love ; faint, dejected, xhorlda-hal, mad, &c. *ho-
rtda-khdtir, dejected, melancholy, p.
auspicious ; m. the fifth Yog. $. [nares. s.
eO" .yi» ^tj sham-ya, m. valour, heroism, s.
{jj^M^ f^H^Vt shiv-puri, f. the city of Be-
3J^ fsff^ slncitra, m. whiteness of the skin, ^^i)\utJ*» "^"wr^ni slifiv-sddhan, m. a mysti-
cal ceremony performed with a dead body. s.
vitiligo, shwitrl, affected with vitiligo, s.

shoiha-f/hna, j**»y*» ■'35R ,'ih7vasur, m. a father-in-law, a

^^ ^^ shoth, m. swelling, ■wife's or husband's father, s.
removing swellings, shotha-ghnl, f, hog-weed {Boer-
havia diffusa), s.
%y**y** '"Sra sinvashru, f. a mother-in-law. s.
_y^ ^fr^ shauch, m. purification, ablution ; &Z*jZ* shosha, m. an ingot; chips, rubbish,
purity, cleanness. ». filth ; a particle, a part ; a lock of hair left on the top
of the head. p.
C^>- eil ^f^lT shochit, sorrowful, afflicted, s.
^*(i» .s.'iniih. m. desire, inclination, love ;
•^ shohh, mischievous, playful, saucy, brisk, gaiety, cheerfulness; curiosity. shatiJc-sauJc, m. plea-
clieerful, sly, humorous, wanton; strong, insolent, sure.delight, gratification, a,
presumptuous, sholh-chashm or dlda, of a wanton look,
lewd, impudent, p. ijy^ slitiulii, loving, cheerful, desirous, a.
i-^ shokhi, f. mischief, humour, sauciness, i\j^^^ aJxnilv), intent upon, desirous ; lasci-
vious; m. a fancier, amateur, a.
' &c., coquetry, p. [servile caste, s.
.i^J^ 5r5 ahudra, m. a nian of the fourth or aoiJyS* sfiankiya, m. the part of an epistle
which follows the complimental address, a.
^J,|^^ ^"5^ shudri, f the wife of a Shudra. s. ti3»j^ 5ft«If shok, m. sorrow, grief, shok'
Cj^jfciijj^ fi^RVTfT shiv-dhdtu, m. the milk bhang, m. dissipating sorrow, s.
stone, opal or chalcedony, s.
CL^^ shaukat f. state, dignity, magni-
Ldifciiy^ ^ftVcir shodhak, what cleanses, puri-
ficence, majest}'. shaukalu-l-ba'ir, a thistle, a.
fies (in
; arith.) the subtrahend, s.
j^ii»^ l^riMH shodhan, m. cleaning, purifying, iJU>^^ ^chiq^ shukd-putt, m. a gem, per-
haps amber, s.
correcting; (in arith.) subtraction; payment, acquit-
tance green
; vitriol, s. OjKj^ ^ftosrl shokdrtta, pained, affected
by sorrow, s.
j^ W: shur, m. a hero ; a boar. s.
yy^ ipfi^ shukar, m. a hog. s.
j^ shor,m. cry, noise, outcry ; adj salt, very
bitter, shor-angez, exciting tumults. shor-baMt, un- M^y^ JT^shukshma, minute, small,subtile.«.
fortunate, wretched, infamous, shor-bor, very wet.
ground, barren land, shor- cLoS uL) J!j ^<* flht? shuk-kit, m. a caterpillar, s,
shor-zamtn, f salsuginous
pttsht, quarrelsome, noisy, shor-shar, shor-sharr, shor-
shardba or shor-shcighab, m. noise, tumult, disturbance, ^6^ ^ft^ ahohh, m. drying ; intumescence ;
bustle, clamour, p. pulmonary consumption* *.

( 509 )

^^j^ ^ft^'ff shokhan, m. suction, sucking, efu^ shahy m. a king ; check (atchoss") ; in conip
moans great, large, excelling, &c. shah-zor, stout,
drying up. s.
gallant, strong, brave, heroic, shah-zorl; f. valour,
heroism, shah-sawdr, a good rider, a jockey, a horse-
J^^ ^q5 shut, m. a pike, a dart ; a sharp pain, breaker, shah-mdt, check- mate. p.
cholic, gout. ftc. ; an astrological Yog. shul-shatru, m.
the castor-oil s. plaut {Ricinus communis), shul-hat, m.
assafcetida. {^Vf^ shihab or shahah, m. bright stars, fall-
ing stars ; twinkling, shining ; red ; flame, a.
^ »ii» ^;55T ■'^hola, m. JEschynoviene paludosa ii^ji* shahad, m. evidences, witnesses, a.
{Roj:b.), the wood of which, being very light and spongy,
is used by fishermen for floating their nets : a variety Oiiljji> shahddat, f. evidence, t-testimony;
of toys, such as artificial birds and flowers, are made martyrdom, a.
of it : garlands of these flowers are used in marriage
ceremonies : when charred it answers the purpose of C^\^ shahdmat, f. generosity, bravery, a.
tinder, h.
e^\^ A'/m/m/m, royal, princely (clothes,&c.).p.
^^ shuld, m. a brick-kiln. d. ^L^ shah-bdld, m. the companion of a bride-
*5yi> shola, m. a dish consisting of rice and gro m, p.h.
pulse boiled together, and given to sick persons, p.
jtJJoyij shah-bandar, m. a royal or free port ;
^y^ 5J^ shuli, suffering sharp pain, having the principal officer at a sea-port. p.
the cholic, &c s.
tijJJa*-M» shah-bandari, f. the office or situa-
j^yM shum, black ; unfortunate, unhappy, dis- tion of shah-bandar, p. [wing. f.
graceful, vile ; miser, niggard shum-tab', ill-tempered.
*Aum- Wa)K,unlucky,bad (omen), shum-mizdj, stiagya- j^>J*» shah-par, m. strongest feather in a bird's
f^X^JLshomari, lazy, indolent j also laziness, ij^ shahtara, m. Oldenlandia bijiora. p.
indolence, d.
C^yk^ shahtut, a mulberry, p.

vT^^ • '_ J-ug]y,miserly, avaricious, a. ^joyi> shahtlr, m. a beam. p.

f^jAy^ shumri, f. J Jl^V*** shah-chdl, f. a term used at chess when
iSyoy^ shumri, f. a kind of fried food. h.
the king only can move. p. h.
iX^ shahd, m. honey (cor. shahat, sahat, or
^y^ shumt, 1 f. stinginess, niggardli-
shat). shahad-makkht, f. a bee. p.
iiZ^j^y^ sfiumiyat,J ness. a.
\s^ shuhadd (pi. of jJk^), martyrs, a.
^^J^ ^ftlB shon, m. the Sone river, which falls
into the Ganges above Patna ; a flower {Bignonia in- \Si^ "^"^^ shuhdd,m.Si rake, prodigal, debau-
dica) ; a red sort of sugar-cane. *. chee, blackguard, scoundrel, vagabond, sliuhdd-shi-
kasta, ruined and wretched, h,
OJ^ ^ftmr shonit, red, crimson, purple;
m. blood, saffron, s. ^^\s^ 5I?^'TfT dissoluteness,
ness, debauchery, shuhdd-pan, h. raking, rakish-
Jjjli^ ^fiUfft^^S shonitopal, m. a ruby. s. yJ^ shahr, m. a lunar month, a.
ui3jo»-ii ^r^jeii shamidik, m. a distiller and j^ shahr, m. a city, shahr-dshob, a disturber
vender of spirituous liquors, s. of the peace of a city, a mistress; a kind of verses}
shahr-pandh, f. wall or entrenchments round a town.
shahr-purd, m. suburbs, shahr-khabrd, m. a quidnunc,
i^JO j-i»5^?^oli^ shaundiB, f. a female keeper an intelligencer, shahr-ddr, m. a birdcatcher, a hunts-
"of a tavern or dram-shop. s. man. shahr-,gharib, m. a stranger, a traveller, p.

uh<^}*^ T^TI^ shon-ratna, m. a ruby. s. CL^j^ shuhrat, f. renown, fame; divulging,

celebrating, o.
ejj>^ "^^shunya, enipty, void; m. the air,
sky, ether ; a vacuum ; a cypher, shunyata, f. vacuity,
vanity, unreality. shunya-vadl, ni. an atheist, a
•^^ shah-rukh, 1 m. a term used at chess.
Bauddha. s.
\i>'j^ shah-rukhd, J According to Hyde it
j^y^ shauhar, m. a husband, p. simply denotes a check to the king with a castle or
rook (as we call it). I have recently examined this
(j^ shou (in comp.) washing, p. subject, however, and I find that it means a diverj>ent
check on the part of the knight, or any inferior piece,
^-^< ajS> ^BSH shivet, white ; ra. white (the co- at once attacking the king and the castle (which latter
lour) ;the planet Venus ; the sixth of the fabulous is the best piece on the Oriental board) ; such a coup
mountains encircling the globe ; one of the minor generally leads to victory, p.
dwipas, or divisions of the world, shwet-dwlp, called
also chandra-dwlp. shwet-dhdtu, m. chalk; the milk- 'dJj^ shahrag, f. the great vein in the arm. p.
stone, opal or chalcedony, shwet-sarp.m. atree {Tapia
cratava) ; a white snake, shwet-hasti, m. a white ele- C^Z^j^ shahr-gasht, a marriage procession;
a patrol, p.
phant, s.

<JJ.'0^ Wr% shwetaik, m. gigantic swal-

low-wort {Asclepias gigantea) with white flowers. «. ^jji^ shah-ra
depreciated wd,
money, made king's p.
(lit.)of "leather, currency,"
( oio ;

ij^ shuhra, m. fame, rumour, report, repu-

C^jSjJ^ ^frTT^ shltdrtta, chilled, suffering
tation. shuhra,e afdk, renowned, a. from cold. s. [gem, crystal. «,

jr^ adj. of or belong-

(^j^ shahrl, m. a citizen; ^^j^MiSjJlt ^wr^W^J shitdshman,m. the moon-
ing to the city. p.
i^j>*i^JjJ^ ^wt^I shitdhsu, m. camphor, s.
jb^^ shahnjar, m. a prince, a king. p. (J-^H^ ^ff^ shital, cool, cold, benumbed ;
m. or shitaltd, f. cold, coldness, s.
^^j\:>^j^^ shahy-yari, f. royalty, sovereignty, j?.
tJL^j^ shahrryat, f. peopling, cultivating, p. ^i^^^^rt*"
flaccidity. ^1 f'Ms. <:M slia ithilya, m. looseness, laxity,
8iilL.«> shahzada, a prince, p.
*i*i*»» ^tW shaitya, m. cold, coldness, s.
^j^\y^ shahzadt, a princess, p.
^j-<*» shaikh (vulg. shekh), m. a venerable old
^^J* shahld, having dark grey eyes, with a
shade of red. a. J:-
man ; a chief, a prelate ; a title taken by the descend-
ants of tlie prophet, and given to those who become
proselytes to Muhammadanism. a.
(^^11^ shahndyt, a clarion, a hautboy, p.
sLlJyi* shahanshdh,\a. great king, an em- j^^.ij^'^ shehhan-pur, m. a town inhabited by
descendants of the prophet, a. h.
e^^S^M shahanshah, J peror. p.
^\.Lj,^shahanshd}ii,f. sovereignty, empire. p. ^^C** shaikhuhhat, "I age. a.
y^^ shaikhukkiyat, J
j\k^ shah-war, worthy of a king, regal ; the
most precious kind of pearl, p.
i^^C** shelthi ora. shaihJn, f. boasting, bragging,
C^y^ shahwat, f. concupiscence, lust, de-
sire, appetite, shahwat-angez, lust-exciting, lascivious. 4i>x<i» shaid, deceit, hypocrisy, shed or shld,
skahwat-parast, addicted to lasciviousness. a. the sun ; clear, shining, p.
^^y^ shakwati, lascivious, lustful, a. ^JoiM> shaidd, mad ; deeply in love. p.
j3^^ shuhud (pi. of <^fclit»), evidences, testi- jXui sher, ra. a tiger, a lion, sheri dhi, ra. an
monies ;adj. manifested, a.
alligator, sheri
only fit to be Tcdl'i,at,(the
looked effigy of asheri
a braggart, tiger)gardun,
a person
jyt^ shuhur (pi. of^^^), months, a.
the sun ; the sign Leo. h.
^j^^shahi, f. royalty; adj. royal, kingly, p.
j*u» shir, m. milk, shir-khurda, a suckling.
OJL^ shahld, killed ; (sub.) a martyr (any shlr-ddr, milk, giving much milk, shlr-shakar, a kind
Muhammadan killed in battle is so called), shahld of silk cloth ; affection, shir-garm, milk-warm, luke-
hond, n to be killed ; (met.) to fall desperately in love, a, warm, shlr-mdl, f. bread made with milk, shlr-vtast,
a fine plump suckling, p.
^J*» shut, f. a thing, an object, a.
iilxi* shaiyad, an impostor, a cheat, a. JlJuSi* sh'irdz, a city in the south of Persia,
Hdfiz. p as the birthplace of the poets Sa'di and
jj^laljuS* shaydtln (pi. of ^jUaXii*), devils,
demons, a. [gish. s. 8J^ Ji^ shirdza, m. the stitching of the back
JljL^ ^tn^ shaydlu, sleepy, slothful, slug- of a book ; sewing buttonholes, shirdza-bandi, f. the
binding of a book. p.
uiAiU-iii ^T^«F shyalak, m. a wife's brother. 5. jcjUa^ shlrdzl, of or relating to Shiraz, a
native of that place, p.
^3\jJlj ^■^T^5«^ft shydlki, f. a wife's sister, s.
io\jiJ^ sherdna, fierce as a tiger or lion. p.
^Ijui* "^W shyam or shyama, black or dark
blue ; m. a sacred fig-tree at Prayag or Allahabad.
shydmatd, f. blackness, shydm-bhds, black as jet. 5. CL^-ls- Jui> shir-khi-'f^'^t} a species of manna, p.
\^\xm» ^HT shyama, f. a small singing bird {^jxJti ^^ shlrsha, m. the head, shlrshu"
■with black plumage, commonly called shamd. s. chlied, m. decapitating, s. [cayed. g.

tdJl/oVjuSj ^i4l«1loh shydmdft, m. a kind of grain, (.yJ;*** ^f^ shirnd, thin, small; wasted, de-
called also ianwan {Panicumfrumeniaceum or colonum). s,
^J^jX^ ^^^Kl shirnatd, f. emaciation, wither-
^y^^i^ ^5^H^ shydmal, black or dark blue. 5. ing, s.
^^jkM> sheh, m. a descent, declivity ; adv. jijul* sherni, f. a lioness, a tigress, p. h.
under, below, p.
ji^x.2* shlnii, f. (cor. of shirlnV) sweetmeats,
oJ'^-^..^ ^fhKrf^oRT shlphalikd, f. a flower &c. offered in memory, of saints, &c. p.
{Nyctanthes arbor-tristis). s.
VjjL(i» shirrvd, m. broth, soup. d.
<_--^\^ ^H shit, cold, chilly ; m. cold, numb-
ness, frigidity ; cold weather, or the rainy, dewy, and i,iJ^ shira, m. syrup, juice of fruit, new
cold season, sh'itafd, f. coldness, shit-kdl, m. cold wine, must. shlra,e remand, gamboge. shtra,e J9H^
seaBon. shit-har, removing cold. s. the sap of existence essence of life, p.
I ) ^^

AxZi shilam, birdlime, cement, d.

\Jji^ shin, f. part of a ship ; adj. milky, p.
ijji^ sheri, f. boldness, fierceness ; adj. of ^^iyx«i ^5ifl*T sh'il wan, of good or amiable
disposition, well-conducted. *.
or relating to a tiger or lion. p.
-O jui* slihln, sweet ; pleasant, gentle, affable ; [j^ W^^ shai/an, m. sleep j a bed, a couch j
copulation, s.
f. beauty, splendour, sh'ir'in-zahdn, eloquent, sweet-
spoken, affable, sh'irln-znbdni, f. eloquence, afTability.
ihir'm-tab' , of gentle manners or mild disposition, p. (jj^ s/i'vi, a kind of large tray. d.
p. (j^-i» xhain, disgrace, shame, shin, a miser.
fj>,jf:^ shirlni, f. sweetness ; eloquence,
shaiyin, shameful, a.
i^-^ ^ f:hesh, m. remainder, leavings, rest,
yJlt ^ shaiv, m. a worshipper of Shiva. $.
balance ; end ; the serpent Shesh-ndg. shesh-rdtri, f.
the last watch of the uight. shesh-kal, the last term,
time of death, s. Jl^A^ ^^^ shaival, m. an aquatic plant
{f'allisneria octandra). s. ftion. a,
(jijbi* sliish, m. lead (in Urdu sisa). d.
^Jyi:^ ^^^ shewan or shvvan, grief lamenta-
»^Ju«>j\..C'...i^ ^mmv^l sheshdvastha, f. the last
state or condition of life. s. i^^ sheicii, m. business, trade, profession ;
manner, habit, custom ; amorous looks, shewa-ddr,
^^-^',^^JiJui^ ^■q^f shesha-sha,'i (sesh-sd,'i),he an artist, a tradesman ; expert, skilful, clever, p.
who sleeps on the serpent Sheska, J'isknu. s. bom* shiya, \ .
-»^jlmj 5[f^ shishdvi, f. a kind of wood
{Dalbergia sissoo, Rosb.), the Indian rosewood, s.
~ ^ f the neighing of a horse. ».
a*^>«* shihn,) o o /
;j^A^ ^^^ shyen, m. a hawk, shycjii, f the
kL/bj^jijJj ■5T^''7T'T shesli-ndr/, m. the serpent female hawk, «.
Shes]ia, king of the lower regions (v. stsh-ndg). s.
sidslia, ui. glass, a botlle, a glass.
shtsha-bdshd, verj' delicate, tender. shlsha-gar,ii glass-
maker, shlslia-gail, f. glass-making, shisha-mahall,
a glazed palace or house, an apartment fitted up with
mirrors, p.

^Sju2» shhin, f. a small glass, a phial, p.

{,ja called sad i viuhmala or sddi ghair man-
^Uajui* ahaitdn, m. the devil, Satan, shaitdn Mta, the fourteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the
seventeenth Persian, and the twentieth Hindustani.
kl ant, the devil's guts, or any thing long and winding Strictly speaking, this letter is purely Arabian or Semi-
(as a lane), h.
tic, but in a few Persian words it has, in modern times,
^Uax«» iihaitd/n, devilish, diabolical, a. been substituted for the original L>» sin, to distinguish
such words from others of a different signification, as
sad originally sad, one hundred, and sJtast originally
^j^.'iUt.t^ shaitanat f. devifs tricks, wicked- shast, sixty (to prevent their being confounded with
sad, a wall, and shast, an aimj : it has no corresponding
efjcu^ sin a, m. a follower of the sect of iL/i, a letter in the Sanskrit alphabet, and in Persia and
India its pronunciation is hardly distinguishable from
sectary (see Sale's Koran, Prelim. Disc, sect 8). a. that of sin ; but among the Arabs its sound is stronger
than that of the latter, and with a mixture of «•. I ii
ifjJ^ shiya'i, of or belonging to the sect of reckoning by abjad its value is ninety. It is used as an
'AU, a Shiyaite. a. abbreviation for sa/ar, the name of the second month
in the Arabian kalendar. Also, being the initial of the
ijSixZi shefta, distracted, mad, enamoured, p. title siiba-ddr, q. v., it is usually affixed by him as a
cation. toa. zamindari grants, as a mark of authentica-
jC^ '^\^X.slu}iar,m. thin rain or rain driven
by wind. s.
j>\^ sdbir, patient, enduring, a.
^ioLiii ^WT. shehhar, m. a garland of flowers
worn on the crown of the head ; a crest, s. (jr^u»> sdhiri, f. patience, endurance, a.
,.r>^ sahun, 1 , ^ .
juo ^IT sln<j]ira or shighnr, expeditious,
hasty, fast; adv. soon, quick, speedily; m.
1 _,_ >ni. soap; hence Gr. SaTTCdi/. flf.
parallax. shlghrata, f. quickness, slughra-gdmi, ^ylo sahun,)
swift-going, s. ,J~y>^^ sabuni, m. a soapmaker; f. a mi.xuuc
of almonds, honey, and oil of sesame, a species of
Jju^ ^ft^ ^'fill, m. nature, quality, disposition, sweetmeat, a. p.
good conduct or disposition, observance of the laws
and morals; adj. well-disposed, well-behaved, s. \^ sahib, m. a lord, master, companion;
adj. possessed of, endowed with, &c. sdhibi ikhtiyar,
Ajui> ^^ shail, mountainous, rocky, moun- possessed of free election, or option, sdl^ibi akhldk,
taine r m.
; a mountain ; bitumen, storax ; a sort of possessed of good morals or of good manners, sdhibi
coUyrium. s. tdj, possessed of the crown, a king, sdhibi takhi, pos-
sessor of the throne, a king, sdhibi tamkanat, pos-
p. sessed ofdignity : it is also used in composition without
^^^US* shUan, a tablecloth,
( 312 ) ^
the ixafat, as sahih-jamal, beautiful, sahib-lchana, mas- 1j»\x^ sabdkat, f. beauty, gracefulness, a.
ter of the house, sdhib-dil or sal).ih-vazar, intelligent,
a man of worth and sanctity, sdhib-kamal, perfect, iXx>o sabbdcih, m, a dyer, one whose busiuese
excellent, sdhibi murauwat, (in law) a gentlemen (lit. ^ is to dye. a.
man of politeness), a.
^Lo sabdh or subdn, to-morrow, d.
^U>.L« sahiban (Pers. pi. of t-»-l^), mas- "breeze, a.
ters, gentlemen, &c. sahiban i 'all shdn, the gentlemen (_j>ljLid sabdfi, of or relating to a gentle
of high dignity, generally applied to the Honourable
E. I. Company, or their European servants in India, a.

/^lyt— *>-lo sdhib-hiran, m. an invincible ^-o subh, f. morning, dawn, subh-khezd or

-kheziyd. a set of thieves who rise early in the morn-
hero, a great emperor ; lit. lord of the auspicious con- ing and steal before people are awake, subh-dam,
junction, ie.
. one who was born under a peculiarly dawn of day. subhi sddik, dawn of day. sublfi kd^ili,
favourable aspect of the planets, as was the case with
Timur or Taimur (vulgarly called Tamerlane), who is the false dawn, just before daybreak, tublj.-gdh or
accordingly called sdhib-Jcirdii b}' his biographers. One -gahdn, the early dawn, subl^-gdhi, of or relating to
of the emperors of Delhi, Shdh-jakdn had also the title ^ the early dawn. a.
of sdhib-Jcirdni sa7ii, the second lord of the conjunc-
tion, a. [of a sdlfib-Jcirdn. a. \^^ subhan, in the morning, at dawn. a.
-^>o suhih-hiram, the state or dignity jXtO sabr, f. patience, endurance, sabr-k., a.
to wait, sabir, a species of aloes, a.
2Uc>-lo saJiiba, f. a lady, mistress, o. _.^fo sabuh, the dawn of day ; a morning
^_x»-\.o sahibi, f. rule, command, lordship ; draught ; wine which is drunk in the morning, a.
"a kind of grape so called, ^dhibl-k., a. to lord, to
rule, to govern, a. fP"^^ sabuhi, a wine-bottle, a morning
"draught. subUhi-kash, one who takes his morning
ji\jO sadir, produced, derived, happened, draught, or as the Scotch have it still more literallr
" his morn." a.
arrived, passed, issued, sadir-kona or -shudan, n. to
be produced, derived, emerged, issued, &c. a.
j^j»o sabur, patient, mild, enduring, a.
^iil>e sddik, true, just, sincere, sddihu-l-ha id , 8,^x0 sabura, m. (v. \j*-*** sabura). a.
speaking truth, sincere of speech, a.
^jjyx^e saburt, f. patience, forbearance, a.
^'iiL« sddiM, f sincerity, truthfulness, a.
ig^ sabi, m. a boy, a youth, a minor, a.
cXjO so.', the bat for playiny: at changan, or
horse shinty; a dry measure of four miidds, each mudd ^J^iJkjO subydn or sibydn,^\. hoys, youths, a.
being equal to one and one-third rati : according to
Wilson it is a grain measure of about seven to eight ^jkrftfsaftti^, beautiful ; of a finecomplexion. a.
pounds, a. i-xKto subit/a, f. a damsel, a girl, child ; a
&iiplo saiku, lightning, a thunderbolt, a. daughter, a.
(_jlo saf, clean, clear, pure, candid, inno- (»^l^* sihdb (pi. of (_-As»-l-o), companions, a.
cent, sdf-dil, of a pure heart, sdf-dili, f. purity of CLol^^ sahdbat, f. society, companionship;
heart or mind. a.
the companions of Muhammad, a. [serts. a.
ill^ safi, f. clearness, purity ; sincerity, can-
dour; afilter, or cloth through which drinks, medi- ^j\^ Sahara or sahdri (pi. of U^*), de-
cines, he are strained ; a dishclout or cloth for wiping
I j'..^ sdhhdf, m. a bookbinder, a bookseller,
with; adj. pure, clean, &c. {v.sdf). sdf'i-ndma or sdfl- a librarian, a. [leaves, books, a.
Ichatt, m. a general release, discharge from an obliga-
tion (v. rdzl-ndma under rdzi). a.
( io\^ sahd,if (pi. of AflJ^^^ sufilfa'), pages,
J\-o salih, good, apt, fit, proper ; m. a man
of probity and honour ; a sedate steady person (oppo- \_^'^ sahb, "1 (pi. of e-*^l^), companions,
site to enthusiast) ; name of a patriarch, a.
j^l*^ suhbdn,) friends, associates, a.
^^^>o .sa/?Afl2?, justly, uprightly, a. kI^x^ suhbat, f. companionship, society ;
a^Lo sdliha, f. (of Jl»fl), virtuous, chaste, a. an assembly, a fair ; coition ; discourse, suhbat-bardr^
an acquaintance. siihhat-bardrt, being acquainted,
ClrJxUo sdmit, silent, inanimate, irrational, a. acquaintance, suhbat-ddri, f keeping company with,
associating, acquaintance, a.
x>\jO sdni', m. creator, framer, artificer, a. ^Asi^ suhbati, a companion, a comrade, a.
C-*jl^5a,ifc,right,straight; hitting the mark. a. Cj^ sihhat, f. health, entireness, perfeciion,
^Sl^ sdfim, one who fasts ; (adjectively) integrity, accuracy, sikhat-khdna, m. a necessary, a.
thirsty. sd,imu-d-dahr, one who fasts always, a. L^ sahrd, m. a desert, a plain. sahrd-?iishiny
Ixo sabd, f. a gentle breeze ; an easterly m. a hermit living in the desert, salfra-naward or
breeze, a morning breeze, a. sahrd-gard, wandering in the desert, a.

_lxo uibdh, f. the morning, dawn of day; ^j^\j^ s(ihrd,i, jwild, desert; relating to
name of a bird, sabdhii-l-khair or sahdh-kum bi-l-Vhalr b/U^ sahrd,iyd,) the desert, a.
(morning salutation), good day, good morning to you.
'alq-s-sabd}i, on or in the morning, a. i^ sahra (for \j^), a desert, &c. a.
( 513 )

^j^ sa/ix, m. a court viird, an area; a laro^e Us»-1^

clearly, a.saraJiatan, publicly, evidently
cup or goblet ; a small dish or plate, a kind of cloth, a.
uiii^ sahnah, f. (v. i^nhvah) a plare, dish. n. ^_^\/>^ surdht, a goblet, a jut;, a long-ner;ked
A.^ sahlh, accurate, j«-t, pure, perfiicf, "flask, surahl-bardar, the carrier of the flask or gob.et.
surdhi'idar, shaped in the form o! a siirciJfl (a pearl), a.
entire, sound, certain, sahlh-k., a. to sign, to correct,
to rectify, a. [letter, a. )o\j^ sirat, f. a road ; the bridge over the
bottomless pit, across which good Moslems expect to
dSLx^ sahifuy 111. a book, a loaf, a page, a pass into Paradise, sirutii-l-uiustakim, the right way,
tj^ sakhra, name of a jinn or demon ; a «'. e. the Mu1j.ammadan religion, surat, a long sword, a.
rock. a. \^^\j>o sartaf, m. a banker, a nioney-cliaiiger,
an officer employed to ascertain the value of different
li^ sad, hundred, sad-pa or sad-paya, a cen- currencies, vulgarly called a shroff; hence, according
tipede, sad-mani, being a hundred vians (vulgarly to Gladwin, the Anglo-Indian term shroffing, wliich
" maunds ") in weight, p. signifies •' the examining, sorting, and weighing the
various kinds of rupis, to fix each to its distinct species,
\s>o sadOff. sound, tone, echo, voice, noise, a. discard the refuse, and .settle the bdtta upon all, ac-
cording to the price of the day, in order to establish
C^j\<X>o sadarat, f. the office of prime mi- the value in standard or sicca rupis." a.
nister or of chief justice, a
eS^^jO suda m. vertigo, megrim, headache, a. sJ\j^ surrafd, m the place where bankers
transact their business, a bank, an exchange, a.
^^Jwo sadnh, a marriage settlement made by {^jto sarrafi, f. banking, money-changing, a.
the husband on the wife. a.
yOjtO sursar, f. a cold boisterous wind. a.
\,£t^\,^^o sadahat, f. pj'.icerity, friendship, a.
c.yO saVf f. the epilepsy, the falling sickness ;
\lSj>i).jO sad-barg, rr. (lit. a hundred leaves), a mode, a species, a. [mixed, a,
a kind of flower (Ro.vi glanduUfera, Roxb.). p.
(_j-o sir/, merely, only, alone, pure, uii-
jJiXo sad-dur, iW. hundred gates, the title of
one of the books o' the Parsls. p. u-i.-^ 5flr/", changed or expended; m. ex-
; orthographical and etj'mological parts
jiJmO sadr, f. the breast; exaltation, pre-emi- of grammar ; dexterity ; increase, gain ; changing,
turning, converting; vicissitudes of fortune, sarf o
nence chief,
; sup''p(ne; government, sadri a'zam, the nah,w, f. etymology and syntax, grammar in general.
prime minister, sadri sudur, the chief judge, the sarf-hond or -shudaii, to be squandered or expended, a,
lord chancellor, sadr dlwant 'adCdat, the supreme
court of justice, 'he Company's chief civil court in iiyo sarfa or surfa, f. expense ; pj-ofusion,
India, sadr fan- dart 'adalat, the chief criminal court profit, surplus, redundancy, addition ; the twelfth
(v. Wilson's G^'ssary). a. mansion of the moon, a star in the tail of Leo. a.
^jS^ sad-rfinj, (lit. the hundred vexations)
the game of ' ness (so called), p.
jj-o sarfi, m. an etymologist, a grammarian ;
"adj. grammatical, a. [silver), a.
j^^wijiiwO sadr-nishin, one who holds the first ijjo surra, m. a purse (filled with gold or
dignity, or sits in the highest place ; a prime minister,
president <. fan assembly, a.jh [pearl, a. ^ ~o saiih, apparent, palpable, evident, a.
{^S*o f'ldaf, f. a shell, a pearl, mother of
^jjO sarihan, clearly, openly, plainly, a.
^iJwO sidh, m. truth, veracity, sincerity, a.
j>.yo sarir, grating, scratching sound of a
eiii^o iudha, m. alms; propitiatory offerings; pen, or of a door on rusty hinges, a.
voluijtary alms in contradistinction to those enjoined
by l«w. sadTxC-jdna or -hona, n. to become a sacrifice
L-.«^ sa'b, hard, difiicult, arduous, rough,
for the welfare, &c. of another; to become entirely troublesome, disagreeable, disobedient, stubborn,
de"oted to another, sadhe-k. to sacrifice one's selffor perverse, a.
the salvation of another, a.
d..Oyuo suvhat, f. difficulty, trouble, a,
lttti^.*o sadma, xn. a blow, a stroke of fortune, Ci%x*o mud, m. ascent, surmounting, a.
adversity, collision, an adventure, a.
8yi^ sa'na, a kind of sparrow with a red
.^j«yo sad-ivar, an aggregate or company of head, a sort of waterfowl, a.
a hundred, p. [he. a.
jU-d si^ar (pi. ofjiJoo), small, sighar o
jji^o sudur, (pi ofjti.^) breasts; ministers, kibdr, the small and great, the populace at large, a
^.;iyo sarfwA,1 true, faithful, a sincere friend. a.
jk>o sighar, smallness, minuteness,
^^.t>»o sadik, J siddik, a faithful witness of
the truth, an epithet applied to Joseph, &c. o. \y>^ sughara (pi. of^jJwfl), the small, the in-
feriors, a. [of a syllogism, a.
iji^^o sadi, a century, a centenary, p.
CL^>-\j*o sarahat, f. being pure op genuine ; Isf^ si'gtra, less, least ; m. the minor term
ivnlpableness ; purcness; adj, pure, u)iadulterated. a. jXM saglar, slender,
sinn, offender age. a.
inferior, junior, saghir-.

( 514 ) Uio

C^>-o saldt, prayer, especially cne of the

ijjjJi.*o saglnrh f- i»fancy, clillilhood. a. five stated prayers enjoined on good Musalmans in
^_JU) sajf, f. senvs, order, line, rank, filo, the course of the twenty-four hours; the first chapter
of the lcur,dn. a.
cf^ ofsaff-bandhnd,
TOW, a mat. saff-ard, a marshallor
dra,l, the act of marshalling troops,
troops, saf-
draw up in ranks, saffijang, f. the ranks of war, the — y^>o saldJ), f. peace, concord, treaty ; recti-
field of battle, saff-saff, in militarj' order, in battle- tude, integrity; advice, counsel; adj. advisable, a.
array, snff-dar, a rank-breaker, a valiant warrior.
saff-dari jang, the disperser of the ranks of war, a title lILaAs-^Lo mldhiyat, f. virtue, chastity, in-
frequently given to a successful commander, a. tegrity, a.
lio safa, f. purity, cleanness ; pleasure, con- v_^lo salb, f. crucifixion; burning; teasing,
tent, safdan sdf (smack smooth), without a trace or fretting, vexing, sulb, the loins, offspring, a.
vestige, a.
olio sifat (pi. of QQ^), good qualities, a. i^^Lo sulhi, descended from, begotten by. a.
\tO sulh, f. peace, reconciliation, treaty, truce,
^Vio sifall, artificial, acquired (applied to
qualities not innate), a. concord, sulhi ikhtiydri, a voluntary reconciliation.
sultti Jcahrl, compulsory composition. sulhi kuU, f.
LiJlio saffdk (for uiJU.A*» sajfak, q.v.). a. perfect reconciliation, definitive treaty, sullf-ndma, a
treaty of peace, a.
\j6\^ srfahan, Ispahan in Persia, p.
l*^ sulahd (pi. of JUc), the pious, the just;
jiljfclao sifnham, a native of, or relatinoj to men of wisdom or counsel, a.
Ispahan, parda.eii/a^ani, a species of melody peculiar
to Ispahan, said to resemble the Scottish melodies, p. &s^ snlha (also sulhat), m. friendship, a.
f^Aojo ?fiffi,l, f. purity, cleanness. safa,i ^x)wO suVum, a contraction (added often to
batdiii, to reject a petition without ceremony, to re- the name of ilfwi^ammnrf), formed from the abbrevia-
fuse flatly, a.
tion of the words sallq-l-ldh 'alaihi wa sallam, the
C^&jO sifat, f. praise; quality, attribute; blessing and peace of God be with him. a.
manner, description ; a noun adjective ; like, resem- O^^Lo sahvdt (pi. of i^^), prayers, bene-
bling, a. dictions, a.
t.^^ safha, m. a pnge, surface, face. a. B^^o saldt, f, prayer, benediction; compas-
sion, or mercy of God, a.
jio safar or safaru-l-muzafftir, m. the se-
cond month of tlic Muhammadan year. On the 20th
AtO sila, m. conjunction, connection; a j)re-
day of this month is held the festival of &/7-o-<an, in sent. sila.e rihm, intercourse with relatives within the
commemoration of the junction of the head and body
of Husain. The 28th and the last days of this month forbidden degree. J^arfi sila, a conjunctive particle, a.
are reckoned unfortunate ; the former on account of
^lo salld (3rd pers. pret. used precatively),
Hasan's being poisoned by his wife ; the latter, be-
cause destructive vegetables are supposed to be pro- may he bless, or may he be gracious ; as, sallq-l-ldh
duced on that day. sifr, m. a cipher, a. them. ora. 'alaihim, may God be gracious unto him or
\sbo safrd, m. bile, yellow, a.
i«-»Ao sal'ib, hard, three-cornered ; m. a cru-
(^AjSi,o sfl//-awi,1 bilious. safra,i-mizdj, of cifix, across, a. [deaf and dumb. a.
(^\fijO safra,l, J a bilious constitution, a. j^ snmm (pi. of *o\), deaf, surnmim bukm,
CjJbe safrvat, purity, cleanness, a. <JL*^*n samf, f. silence, siminat, adverse for-
tune, samut, silent, a.
i^^SL^o svfuf (pi. of k— ft-o), ranks, lines, a.
S^^ samad, a lord, a master of a family; the
^l^io sifahdn (for Ispahan or lafahdn, q. v.),
a city of Persia, formerly the capital of that empire, p. Most High ; perpetual, eternal, a.

f^\sbe sJfahdm, a native of Sifahdn or Is- (oiiX*-^ samaddn, 1

.. 7 - everlasting, eternal, dl-
pahan, p. f^\S\jO san)aad)ii, >
^y^^^o savHidi,,. J\ vine. a.
ijo saf'i, pure, just, righteous ; the name
"of a Persian dynasty that reigned from 1503 to 1736, J^tA^jO samsdm, f. a sharp sword, a.
founded a. by Shdh Isnid'il safl, and overturned by Nadir
k^ samagh, cum. samaghi hamdmd, gura
jfSLM safir, f. sound, wliistling, a hijsing noise, ammoniac, samaghi 'arabi, gum arabic. a.
blowing, singing (as a bird) ; a sapphire, a.
CLJy^ samut, silent, a.
^\iSi>o snfil d.(for fas'il), an entrenchment, j»x^*o samlm, 1 ...
fortification, V" ' >• pure, unmixed, sujcere. a.
^Lo said, voice, invitation, information, an- ^^x^^o samiml,)
nunciation, sild (for sila, q. v.), conjunction, &c. a. liJ.iiU,^ sanddul (pi. of <^.,^i*tf), kings, princes,
chiefs, &c. a.
CLo"!^ saldbat, f. firmness, hardness, seve-
rity ;majesty, awe, dignity, a. jV.'^U-osanat?i/i(pl.of|j^JJ-o),boxes,trunks.a.
Uo ( 515 ) ^
«,\x)0 Sana or sanna', industrious, dexterous, jyo sw; a trumpet, a clarion, moar or
suwar (pi. of sural), figures, forms, a.
very skilful, suntia' (pi. of sdni'), artificers, workmen, a.
«JI.*5-lLo sinaat, f. art, trade, profession, a. C^jytO sural, f. form, face, countenance, ap-
pearance, portrait ; manner ; condition, state, dar
xJVxo sana^i'^ arts, contrivances ; miracles, a. sural or dar surate-ki, in casi-, [irovided that, surat-
dshnd, an acquaintance, saruti hdl, f. a written state-
y^Sx>o sandal, m. sandal-wood. a. ment of facts, siirat-hardm, plausible, whose appear
ance promises much more than events will justify
l*<»^Jjuo sandaldxa,^ m. a flat stone on specious, superficial, fair without and foul within.
sural ndma, a written account of an estate or transac*
U'^JJLo sandalauta,)
ground, h, a.
which sandal-wood is ^ tion. a.
^jyo surutan, apparently, extrinsically. a.
f^'^i^jua sandalani, a dealer in sandal-wood. a.
i^^j^to surat-band,\m.2i painter or statuary,
jJiiJuo sandali, of the colour of sandal-wood ;
"made of sandal-wood ; f. a kind of chair; name of a j^->jyO siirat-gar j a maker of effigies.
city of Kashmir ; m. a sort of eunuch ; one whose surat-bandl or surat-garl, f. the art or profession of
parts of generation have been entirely extracted, a. painting or statuary, a. p.
IjJjLO sanduh, f. and ra. a box, a trunk, a
chest, sanduki turbat, a sarcophagus, a. \Jjy^ surl, exterior, apparent, a.
■■^^yo svf. m. wool, and applied to silk,
^jSytO sanduk-cha, ra.l a small box, a cas- thread, and cotton, a.

^^jjsxo sandukcht, f.J ket. a. {^yo svf I, wise, pious, intelligent ; m. a

sufi, or one of a peculiar sect of Musalman devotees
jJjiXxo sayiduka, a coffer, a casket, a bier. a. (so calledj, who are said to be freethinkers or pan-
theists on matters of religion : outwardl}' they con-
^ti^XiO 5awrf«H, likeabox (applied to a tomb, form to the vulgar creed, but are looked upon with
" or to the scabbard of a sword made in that form), a. great suspicion by the more orthodox, a,
*lo sa?i or smi, creation, work, action, pre-
f^\j}yo sufiydn,
sect of sufts. a. pi. religious brethren of the
paration, sin', clever-handed, a,

(Jli*»'i"<^ sail at, f. profession, trade, art; iJL^yO saulat, f. violence, fury, impetuosity, a.
mystery, miracle, san'at-gar, an artist, o.
^yo mum, m. fasting, a fast ; one who fasts ;
L °'*-^ sivf, species, kind, sort. a. a Christian church ; silent, saum saldt, f. fasting and
^juo sanam, m. an idol ; a mistress, lover, prayer, a.
■weetheart ; the name of a game among children :
one says tanam d.i, the idol or sweetheart is come ; ^yO sauvm , "I m. a monastery, a cloister,
and asks whence i in which dress is she clothed .' what B^xtoyo saxima^a,) a cell, a hermitage, a.
does she eat ? &c. ; with whatever letter the answer to
the first question begins, those to the others must Ia^-o sahbd, a kind of red wine. a.
begin with the same, otherwise the person failing is
condemned, b}' way of penalty, to imitate the voice ,Ja^*c sahil, the neigh (of a horse), a,
of Bome animal, as a cock or ass, &c. a.
iljto saiydd, m. a hunter, a fowler, a.
ajli-^xo sanani-kJidna,\m, an idol tenj- ^i^\jo sart/ddt, f. hunting, fowling, shoot-
8cP*xo sanam-kada, J pie. a. p. ing, &c. a.
*lxo siydm, fasting, shahri siydm,\he month
J^xo sanaubar, m. fir, pine, any cone-bearing
tree. a. of fasting, i.e. ramazdn. a. [up. a.

L^\yO sarvdb, m. (hitting the mark) recti- ^j\j^ siijdii, m. keeping, preserving, laying
tude ;a virtuous action, a happy issue, success, a. (JLolxo siydnat, f. defence, guarding, keep-
^m^yo savh, m. side, tract, way. a. ing, preserving, support, a.
CL^t-yo sit, fame, renown, celebrity, a.
C^\jiiyO siibajdt (pi. of eJyo), provinces, a.
iXxo said, f. game, prey, animal pursued,
6^yo suba, m. a province, one of the large
divisions of the Mogul empire, such as Bengal, Bahar, fished for, &c. said-anddz, or -bdz, or -gar. a sports-
&c. ; a governor (term peculiar to Hindustan^, a. man, said-anddzi , the pursuit of game, the chase, &:c. a.

j\i^5^yo suba-ddr, m. the chief (or lieutenant) \^^j**o sairiij\ 1m. a bankerormoney-changer;
of a province ; a military officer among Indian troops,
whose rank corresponds to that of captain, a. p. i^r^to soifoj'i,) an examinerof coins, jewels,
"and precious stones; a deceiver, a cheat (v. sarrdf). a.
f^jidsjyo svba-ddri, the office of lieutenant kxto suyyigh, m. a liar, an inventor of fic-
tions, a.
of a province ; viceroyalty. si'tha-dari abwiib, taxes
imposed by the suba-dar in addition to tlie fixed
rates, suba-dari parwdna, an order issued by a siiba- i-kxto fighn, m. a mould (for casting metal) ;
dari. a. p. a word declinable and derivative ; the mood of a verb,
conjugation, derivation ; trade, )irofession; a form oi
C^yO sat/t, f. sound, voire, clamour, noi'e, words used in marriage ceremonies and other occa-
calling for help, shout, shriek of distress, a. sions, such as the adoption of children, &c. a.
«_JUO ( 516 )
the day), 'idit-z-zuhd, f name of a festival celebrated
(.jjudsaz/*, summer, especially MayandJurie. on the ll'th ol zi-hijj, when an animal is sacririced ia
saiyif, the summer rains, a. commemoration of Abraham's sacrifice of his son
and According
not Isaac to the Sunnl
that Abraham was sect
aboutit to
Aixo saihal, m. scouring, polishing, clear-
Some Shi'as maintain, like us, that it was Isaac, a
ing, furbishing;
a polisher, the polishing
an armourer, a, instrument, sa'ikal-gar,

Aa>/« saihali, scoured, polished, a. ti)'.^ zahhak, name of a Persian king famed
for his cruelty and oppression.
[JI^jo sin (for chm), the empire of China, a. cL*/clsfc* zakhdmat, f. being great, thick, and
bulky, h.
^JLO fun, relating to China, Chinese ; a fine
" kind of porcelain, a. iXo zidd, f. contrary, opposite, zidd-k., to
a. oppose, to spite, to contradict, a.
^^^^A*o saihun, Mount Sion.
i^S^o ziddi, perverse, contradictory, naughiy
and unmanageable (as a child), a.

^o.j-o ziddain (dual of <^*o), opposites, any

two things that are totall3' opposed to each other, as
east and west &c. a.

^jo 2ra<i, called zadimu'jama or zadiwanlvtn, jtO zurr, 111. loss, dninage, injury, distress, a.
the fifteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the eigh-
teenth Persian, and the twent3-rirst in Hindustani : ^'yO zirab, m. fighting, fencing, conquer-
this letter is purely Arabic, andU*is said to have a ing; coiens. zarrab, a coiner, mint-master, a.
mixed sound of d, th, and w, only to be acquired from
natives of Arabia Proper ; but in Persia and India its <-^yO zarb, f. a blow ; violence ; multiplica-
sound is the same as that of ze : in reckoning by abjad tion in arithmetic; mode fof speech), form, species;
it stands for 8UU.
striking; stamping, coining mone}', struck, zarhu-l-
masal, f. a proverb, daru-z zarb, f. the mint ortioe.
kjlo zabit, m. a governor, ruler, master, pos- zarb-zabdni, the multiplication table, a.
sessor, zabitu-l-kull, omnipotent (God), ruler of all. a-
C>b-o zarbdt (pi. of iOj-o), blows, a.
t ^>>lo zahitagi, being according to law or
"rule. a. p. &ijtOzarba or 2rar6a/,ablovv,one single blow. a.
ftlajlo zab'ita, m. canon, ordinance, law, rule, jjto zarar, m. injury, damage, detriment,
regulation ; a list, a catalogue, a. loss, ruin ; afl9iction, anguish, a.
\,^Xs>\jO zahik, satirist, mocker ; name of a
\^^j,o zuruh (pi. of ^j^f q. v.), modes of
poet. a.
speech, &c. a.
'^X'O zarib, beating, bruising, striking,
stamping, coining, a. j%jtO zariir, necessary, expedient, unavoid-
able, pur-zarur, highly necessary. ja,e zarSr or jd'
jLo zall, straying ; m. a prevaricator, a. zariir, a place of necessity, a privy, ja-zarur phlrnd,
to pay a visit to the necessary, a.
^^\.o zamin, m. a surety, a sponsor, secu-
rity, bail, hdzir-zamin, security for personal appear- Oj«vO zarurat, f. force, violence, compul-
ance. TnaZ- zamin, security for the discharge of a debt. a. sion, constraint; want, indigence, necessity, bi-z za-
^ rurat, necessarily, by compulsion, a.
j\ii^\*6 zamin-dar, one who has bail or se- 13.J-0 zuturatun, necessarily, per force, a.
curity, aperson bailed, a. p.

^J<^ zaminl, f. surety, bail, zamini habul (^,j y^o zai-uri, necessary, a thing needful, a.
karna, to admit as bail. a.
needful, zaruriyat
necessaries, (pi.
requisites, ofa. zarur'i), things
xj\^ za,i', lost, destroyed, perished, fruitless,
abortive. zd,i' lama, to lose, to destroy, to apply,
(labour, &c.) to no purpose, a. j>,yO zarlv, blind (made so, not born so), a.
laxo zabt, m. government, direction.discipline ; i__axo za'f or zu'f, m. infirmity, weakness,
confiscation of property; regulation, check, control. imbecility of mind or bodj-. a.
zabt karna, to confiscate, sequestrate, to take posses-
gion, to rule over, to watch, to preserve, to restrain, to \sm rM*«/a(pl. of L-a**^), weak persons, a.
control, zabt o rabt, rules and regulations, a.
yji^*^ zaif, weak, infirm, impotent, ema-
^la*o zabtt, ra. a confiscator; f. confiscation, ciated, feeble,cumstances,frail,
a. old. za'lf-^dl, distressed in cir-
"sequestration ; adj. seized, confiscated, a.
j^^ zajur, melancholy, peevish, fretful, a. ijoM zalfi, weakness, exhaustion, a.
\^ ztiha, 1m. breakfast-time, that part of m. an error, fault, vice, ruin,
^y^ zall, ^
J^.o zalal,
\^^ zxihu,} the day, about half-way be- perdition, a.
"tween sunrise and meridian {i. e. the brightest part of
( 517 )

;tU ziV or zilu, f. a sl'le, part ; a disfriot, a

'^iivision (in newspaper ;a
phraseology caHcd a zillalO the
column (in the pa«e of a book); (in Hindus an) 1»
art of speakin- with double meaning, so that the chain
of both cosenses
urse, a. be uninterrui)ted through the dis-
\s io,e or (a, called tao muhmahi or ta,e ghn^r
.Lv*U zilu-dar, m. an officor who hns tlie
manMta, the sixteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet,
the nineteenth Persian, and twenty-second Hindu-
f. the stani. This letter is purely Arabic or Semitic, but it
charge of the revenues of a zila'. zila'-darl, is sometimes introduced in certain Persian words
ofHce^or situation of zila'-ddr. a. p.
which were originally written with te, as tabarzad for
JLo zalal, m. an error, crime, a. tiiharzad, sugar-candy. It has no corresponding cha-
racter in Sanskrit, and in Arabic its genuine sound
^o zamm, m. contraction, conjunction, in- is stronger and harsher than that of the te. In reckon-
' corporation; the mark or primitive yowel pesh, or ing by abjad, it stands for 9, and in almanacks for the
short u, like our u in push. a. sign Capricorn. [lent. a.
iU^ zamad, f. a !)andage or fillet for binding L_j'^ tab, sweet, agreeable, good,, pure, excel-
the head or a wound ; a plaster, or embrocation, a.
/y>^ tdbik, corresponding, agreeing with. a.
jl^ (iti la%v)
zimar,as debts, any thing disputed or
uncertain, &c. o. J^ tarim, m. any building of a circular form
with an arched or cupola roof ; the vault of heaven, p.
^^l^ zamaii, 1 m. the being security or
c:^l^ zanmnatj surety for another, za- ^j\1j tari, happening, intervening,evideiit. a.
^ mdnat-nama, a deed of suretiship. a. Qjrtll* tas, m. brocade; a cup, goblet, bowl,
l3Uo zamanan, by way of security, a.
the vessel in which water is cooled, a.

ju*»Ui» tdsn, m. a kind of drum, tdsa-nawdz,

clJlv« zamanat, m.| suretiship, a bail-
J bond. a. one who plays on the tdsa. liisa-nnwazl, f. beating the
aJUxJ zamana, f. tasa, q. v. a. [t^n- «•

(pi. of jA^o), personal pro- Olp\i? tadt (pi. of el^ff-U^), acts of devo- f
&c. a.r
nouns, zoma,i
C^lia td'at, f. devotion, obedience, obse-
^^ zimn, m. the cover of a letter ; the con- quiousness, o. [calumniator, o.
tents any thing comprebended, contained, ip. or in-
serted, subject, an idea, conception; suretish an
^^\1» td'in, m. an asperser, a slanderer, a
^ obligation ; aid, favour, a.
\\^J, zimnan, comprehensively, by the bye. a. ^J^^ taun, plague, pcstil n; e.
^lia tdghl, violent, refractory; m. an insur-
8^ 2:awima,tlie short vowel m; the whiskers, a. "gent, a leader of rebels, a.
jX^ zamir, f. the mind, heart, thought, re- Jli? tdjih, overflowing (pond or cistern^ ;
ce, conception, idea, compre-
"flection, sense, conscien u.
; personal pronoun,
hensionthe a. (met.) dead drunk, full of liquor,

j^h-vo zamlrdJi, sweet basil, p. jll? tdk, ra. an arched building, cupola ; ;odda
recess in a wall, a window ; unique, singular
fjjk^ zaniir i, pronominal ; of or relating to (not even); fold, ply. t/iki azrak. the azure vault of
the mind. a. heaven, talc par rakhna, a. to refuse, to disobey ; to
neo-lect. to abandon (to lay on the shelf), t'lhjujt, m.
&»Av<9 zanima, an addition, augmentation, a. the game of odd or even, do-iak, two-iold. si-tak,
three- fold. taJc hond, to be accomplished, to be su-
^J^^ zamin, in. a sponsor a surety, a. perior, o.p.
\^ ziivaM- ligl^t, splendour, brilliancy, CU'^ tdhat, f. strength, power, force, pa-
\jbtf ziya, J resplendence, a. tience, ability. idk"i *« •?«?■■ '"'"°' *^° ^^ '•''''^^^' f^'^^'^'
powerless, a.
io\y6 zawabit (pi. of ftJa^Ui), laws,riiles,&c. a. &J'll9 tdkcha, m. (dim. oUdk) a little recess,
C^\x>o zhjafat, f a feast, a banquet , convi- a niche ; a small window, a.
vial entertainment ; hospitality ; invitation, a.
&j\i» tdha, a single garment or piece of cloth. ;?,
^juuo zaigham, ) m. a lion ; adj. biting, tear- "urine, a.
^,^>x^ zaighami,) ing, devouring, a. J^ tdhl, wall-eyed (a horse) ; f. froth of
CJu^ zaif, liospita ble, convivial ; m. a
stranger, a guest, a. e.J^ tdhiya, a fillet, especially one worn
head-dress; a balcony, a cornice, a pent-
"under thehouse, a. p.
J^ zifan or2ra»/art,pl.gue8ts,strangers.a.p.
•ii^ zik, m. anguisli, vexation, melancholy, c_J'^ /a/i&, asking, demanding.interrogating;
^%ffliction, anxiety, doubt, oppression of spirit or any- g nya,worl.
ilm,. searchin e, ed.
lly-niind 1<Vih;'ilma-

'in. an inquirer after knowledg a student,
thine that tortures the mind, hippishness. ^ifru-n-tia ; or tdlibu-l-'
fas. m. the asthma. zalTf or zaiylTf, contracted, narrow a.
(met.) a narrow-hearted miser, o. jll? tdlih, wicked, villanou?.
( 518 )

f^^ tali\ rising (as the sun), arising, appear-
ing; m. fortune, prosperity; destiny (good or bad) ;
Jj^ iabal, rn. a drum, a tambourine,
bdz or -zan, a drummer a,

the dawn. td!i'-azmd,i, m. trying one's fortune. taW- /^J^ tahlak, m. a bundle of papers, a.
shinds, an astrologer, a fortune-teller, tdli'-mand, for-
tunate; wealth}'. fa/i'-?na/ic?j, f. fortune, prosperity; cdlifW tablah, f, a little drum. a.
wealth, tdli'-war, fortunate; wealthy, a, Axio tabia, m. a small tambourine; a large
ia^U^talut, king Saul, so called by the 3Iit- wooden dish in which fruits are exposed for sale. a.
hammadans. a.
OUllj .(a7raa^,1 statutes,laws; doubtful words, &^^ tabancha, a slap, blow, cuff", p.
jjUlla taman, J without certainty, a. \__^iy-' tabib, m. a physician, a.
x<uo tami\ covetous, greedy, desirous, a. ^-x.jIj tabibi, f. the business of a physician,
"adj. of or relating to the healing art. a.
sjtxiUs tamta, avarice, greediness, a.
•^ySa tabikhi cooked, dressed, a.
(_)*ij^U3 t(i,us, m. a peacock (raci)?). a. (JLa^joI? tabVat, f. disposition, temperament,
ujj fUa ta,usi, f. a kind of ornamental hand- constitution, essence, property. tabVat-sh'mds, m. a
" td.usi,
writing; physician, a.
the adj. of orthrone,
peacock relatingi.e.tothethethrone
of thetakht
em- i
perors ofDelhi, which was adorned with jewels, so as ^jajJa tabiyi, natural, innate, intrinsic, ^ihni
to resemble a peacock's tail. a. "tabVl, natural science, in opposition to 'ilmi ilalii,
divinity or metaphysics, a.
j^U^ tahir, pure, unsullied, chaste, a.
^buJa tabild (for tawila), a stable, d.
jiuo ta,ir, flying; m. a bird. ia,ir-khana,
an aviary, a. ^jUis tapdn (for tapdn), palpitating, p.
i^J^-^ topish (for tapish), heat, agitation, p.
*_i)u3 .^a,?/", circumambulating, night patrole;
a vision in a dream ; vile thoughts or suggestions of
Satan ; a city in Hijdz. a. iS>Mo tap'ida (for tapida), agitated, heated. p.
&SJUS ta,ifa, m. people, nation, tribe, a troop, Jlsr iiliul, spleen, the milt, tiihdl, a disease
in the spleen, a. [of Tripoli, a.
a band (particularly of musicians and dancing women),
suit, equipage, a. [the science of physic, a. f^jA>\jh iardbalus (also tardbalus), the city
u.*W tibb, f. medicine, magic, 'ilmu-t-tibh, m^j^ iarrahf m. an architect, tarrdhi, f.
architecture, a.
CLoUla Uibabai, f. the practice of physic, a,
^y*!^ tobbaJth, m. a cook. a. Jyo iarrdr, m. a pickpocket, a cutpurse. a.
jxZi\i!h tabashir, f. the sugar of the bamboo, a. f>j'yo iarrdray m. quickness, expedition.
farrdra hharnd, a. to stretch out or bound (as a horse
^Ifk? tohdJi, m. a vessel for kneading dough at full speed), iarrdra-zabdn, chattering, eternal clack.a.
in. a.
{Jy)o tarrdri, f. quickness, fluency, a.
ll> (_^l*i' tabaki kuttd, a sponger, o. It. jUi? iirdz or turdz, m. lace, fringe, era-
ftflSUia tabdnja, 1. , , ,, broidery, &.C., any ornament on the border of a gar-
ment; (in comp.) adorning, as debdja-tirdx, a coni-
., *. , , )-m. aslap, box, or blow. «. poier of prefaces or exordiums (which are generally
&i:UL> tabancha,) i ' ' / written in the most highly ornamented style;, a.
xjVaJo Icihd.t (pi. ofCL^x^), natures, &c. a.
jjy^ tirdzu, a balance, a pair of scales, p.
«5JjJa tabarzad, sugar-candy, conserve of
roses ; fine hard white sugar, p. ^j"}^ tirdzi, f. abstr. (oitirdz^ adorning, a.p.

X^ tab\ f. nature, genius, temperament, C^yjh tardn-at, f. freshnes*, verdure, a.

L-^i^ tarab, f. cheerfulness, mirth, hilarity,
quality, disposition, tah'-zdd, original invention, a.
joj'. tarab-angez, exciting mirth or joy. hazmi tarab,
i^Mo tub'i, natural, constituiional. a. a festive assembly, a.

tab'iyat, f. nature, temperature, con- — JO tarh or tarah, f. mannei-, mode ; posi-

etitutiou, health, property, essence, a. tion, establishment; ejection, throwing, trirati-dar,
beautiful, well-shaped, tarah-ddrl, beauty, elegance, a.
Jjjl? tabah, m. a cover; a plate, a tray, a
dish ; a leaf, a disk ; gold leaf, tinfoil, &c. ; story of a JjJo tarz, f. form, manner, fashion, a.
house, a platform ; consecutive, one thing following u-JjIj iarf or tarnf, f. direction ; side, mar-
another, a.
gin, corner, quarter, extremity; towards, inrfi savi,
the other side, "pars altera;" a defendant; an
»»^"^ tabakcha, a small plate or tray. a. p. enemy ; (met.) a wife, tartif-ddr, m. a partisan, a
follower, a sectary', an assistant, a subordinate officer
^j'-'jSMo tabahrl, a small box. d. of revenue and police; ad j partial, prejudiced, yiraf'
dart, f. following, partiality, \c. o. [^yc. a.
iSms fablta, m. a story, floor, stage, degree^
ciasj irder, rank, shelf, a.
(j^XiiyoturfuhiVdiv, the twinkling of an
) ^
^J^ ( 510
a. p. C^^"^ talan'at,t grace, beauty, elegance, a.
ipj^ fM'foo'h rareness, wonderfulness.
turfa , wonde rful, stran ge, any thing ij'^tilajva, m. night watch, rounds, picket.a.
new, rare, or agreeable, a. 4_^^!ikii> tila,'i, ^golden, made of gold, or
Jji^ Urrftl, m. trefoil, clover, a. iob^Us tilayana,) covered with gold. p.
tarfain (du. of taraf), both sides, iO^Us tilaya, m. night walch, rounds, picket.a
both parties, a. (._Jl? talah, f. pay, wages, salary ; desire,
wish, inquiry, demand, request; application, sending
ll> turra,m. an ornament worn in the turban ; for; (incomp.) seeking, searching; as aram-talab, ease-
seeking, an epicure, talabk., to seek for, to demand,
a ringlet, a curl ; a nosegay ; a plume of feathers, a. to require, to summon, a. [dents, a.

jL)_Jh tar'ik, f. way, road ; manner, custom, \x\\s tulaha (pi. of t-J^), lit. seekers ; stu-
fashion ; rite, religion, profession, a.
aJlxll* talhana, m. daily pay to constables, &c.,
Ci^.J^ tarlhat, f.iway, path; manner, paid by those they guard, &c. a. p. [tion. a. h.
ajbi tarUa, m. J mode; religion , sect;
talah-chithi, f. a summons, cita-
the better sort of people, ahli ianha, people devoted
to religion, generally means the sect of siifis. a. J\sxi^ ialah-dar, desirous ; asking, inquiring ;
C-A^ tamt, tassot, or tissat, a small cup, a m. one who receives pay ; one who searches for any
thing, talab-dart, f. search, inquiry, a. p.
bowl. a.

Q.^.y. tasht, m. (Pers. l1^) a large basin, jlCIia talah-gar, desirous; a searcher, a. p.
ewer, or cup. tasht az bam hona or parna, the secret
g, wishing, in-
quiring, a.p. ari, f. desirin
to be divulged, a. ^JS^ talab-g
m. victuals; eating, taani-
^\j^ ta'dm,
a tureen-spoon for serving out &«ljjJl» talab-ndma, a summons, citation, a.
' bahhsh, a ladle,
broth, &c. a.
^,J^9 tilsaiii, or tilasm, or talism, m. a talis-
otia turn, \ra. food, bait, dinner, provi- man ; anyo. thing to
marvel, cause astonishment, wonder,
i^^f^ tu'ma,) si sions, a.
Li^U-Ji^ tilasmdt, talismans, spells, a.
^mia tan,m.
^3 tan, hhr
m. bbime, disapprobation, reviling; , lU^Jia ft7flsma<i,1 . , . i-^„„- „
chiding ; striking a "
chiding ; striking with a spear. Jr*^^^ ■• _ ' Vmagical, talismanic. a.
w^ tana,in. taunting, reproach, ignominy, ^♦-Jl? tilismt, J
disgrace, aspersion, ta'na-zan, a reproacher, taunter,
asperser. ta'na-zani. f. taunting, reproaching, a. iZ^f^ tal" at,') aspect, countenance, appear-
\j^ tughra, in. the royal titles prefixed to s^ ance. khmh-ta
tata, ofJpleasant countenance,
i'a, of auspi-
/. cious aspect,
public papers ; a sort of writing.
, per- i__ft\l? talf, m. a gift, a present, a.
*aii9 tughyan, m. rebellion, sedition[i^g-
verseness, insolence, o. °" Uiia talf a or talf an, gratis, a.
jLila tughyani, f. excess, a flood, overflow- ^]^ talk (for JlU3), m. talc, mica. p.
JiL tijl, m. an infant, a young animal, a. dl> talh, m. divorce, repudiation, a.
aj^Ul? tijlana, infantine, childish, a. p. t^ tulu, m. rising (as the sun, &c.). a.
iuoJi^ tart a (also tali at), the vanguard or
J^ 'i^' )f. infancy, childhood, a.
fli» tufuliyat,) sentinel,an advanced
apicket, a. post, the forlorn hope; a epy,

a glutton; one
Jj,6U ;?//«?7, f. a parasite, of 8^\^ tamacha (for tamancha), a slap, &c. p.
who uninvited accompanies one the guests to a
feast ; (used as a preposition) by means of, through
the merits or agency of. a.
tU? tammd\ covetous, wishful, extremely
greedy, a.
Uala tufaiH, parasitical, a. liJiX^ tamancha, ra. a pistol; a slap, blow,
Jis tall, dew; being bedewed (the earth), a. "box, thump, &c. tamdncha-jarna, or -lagand, or -marna,
se munh Idl rakhna, to con-
•^tila, m. gold; gold fringe; an ointment, give
a. to ceal slap. ' tamdnche
one'sapoverty from pride or high spirit, a.
liniment, embrocation, tila-bafi, f. gold tissue, tila-
sdz or tila-kar, m. a gilder,
trade of a gilder, p.
tila-kart. gilding, the tI.A*iU3 tamanhjat, f. rest, repose, tranquil-
lil'y a [nificence, grandeur, p.

■j^Us taldh, f. divorce, repudiation (for fur- jVU^U tumturdk (vul. tumtard.k), ra. mag-
ther explanation, v. \rilson's Glossary), a. xj^ tain or tama\ f. avarice, desire, co-
t::...a^^^frt/aAa^eloquence,glibnessoftongue.a. vetousness, greediness, avidity, o.

Sj"^ tUarva, m. (v. tilawa). a. 8.^^ tamancha, a pistol, j^. ^

( «20 )

l-^U1j tanah, f. a tent rope; a measure for d>^y^ .?"/«'^«,

boisterous, a. Stormy ; (met.) quarrelsome,
measuring land, formerly made of rope. a.
Jya tauJi, m. a collar ; ^
jlil? tamidz, facetiou>*, jocose, jocund, ludi-
crous, playful, mirthful, a. , a necklace, chain, a
to faiiJ:i tozanj'ir, irons, a.manacles.
manacle, tauki-zanjir-\.,
{^jjs timub, a tent rope. a.
Oy^ t.ul, m. length ; adj. long, tall, extensive,
j^fii* lamhur, in. a Turkish guitar with six ^ lasting long. a.
wires or strings (^renin.) ; a drum (in Hindustan), a.
^ya tulan, lengthwise, by length, a.
^Ij^jJj^/a/rtfeMmwi, a player on Xhetamhur.a.
Li^y* tuldnt, lengthy, long, prolix ; f. pro-
5j»jkjki> famhura, m. a small kind of guitar lixity, a, \_{Solanum nigrum), a.
(v. tamhur). a.

^la tanz, f. mirth, joking, pleasantry ; ridi- U^ -y* t}il'^dun, m. fox's grapes, nightshade
culing, sneering, taunting, a. jUy^ tumdr, m. a book, a volume, a roll, an
account-book, a story, jam'i tumar, the produce, or
collection of a land recorded in Government books.
Vjlb 'anzan, tauntingly, sneeringly. a.
tumar-navls, an accountant, a.
(^j-ji? tanas, great darkness, a.
ijy^ tu,i or to, t, afeast, an entertainment, a.p.
tCyh:yk> fantnna, m. sound, fame; rumour;
pomp, dignity, state, a. ^y>.ys tawil, long, tall, prolix, a.
(^X:**^ f<^nin, humming, buzzing, a. ftb.ya tan'ila, m. a long rope with which cattle
are tied, a tether, foot-band, fetter ; hence, a stable, a
stall, a.
f^^^ tirvasl (for tircasV) a kind of carpet, p.
u_iiy» tamaf, f. turning, encompassing, pil- *— ^j V^ t.aharat, f. purity, cleanliness, sanctity ;
grimage, a. ablution, ceremonial purification, a.

CL^\yio iawalat, prolonging, prolixity, a. j^ tuhr, m. purification, cleanline.s*, purity, a.

(_^1^ tun-a,if, f, (pi. of dijlL) troops, jy^ .(«''«'■. purifying.cleansing. shurdbiinhur,

bands (particularly of dancing girls) ; tribes, nations. a purifying draught (from the fountain of Paradise), a.
mulu/ai-t-tawa,if, the kings of the Gentiles ; generally
applied to the princes who succeeded Alexander the ^^ tai, m. rolling up, folding, tai-k., a. lo
Great in Persia, also applied to the petty sovereigns "fold, to roll up; to constrain; to abridge ; to travel,
who succeeded the Arabs in Spain, &c. a. to pass over, to traverse, a.

^.y^ tMbq, m.,the name of a tree in Para- j\xh taiydr, flying, fleet (horse or arrow); a
dise, whose fruit is said to be most delicious ; adj. ex- winged animal in general ; quicksilver, a.
cellent, sweet, a.
tij^* taiydri, readiness, promptness, a. p.
jy>o law; m. mode, manner; condition, state.
tur, m. a mountain, particularly Mount Sinai, a. i—^ iaiyih, good, sweet, agreeable, tlbf m.
perfume, odour; essence, a.
(,j*»yo tusi, name of a city in Persia, the birth-
OloLb tuiyibdt (pi. of AJk^l*), good works,
place ofthe poet Firdausi. p.
&c. ; pleasures, a.
^jis Imi, f. a colour so called; a kind of
jmrple ; adj. of or belonging to the city of tus in j^ iair, m, flying ; a bird (v. id,ir). a.
Persia, a.
birds, tairdn
Cjlr^ a. or taiynran, flight; (pi. ofjJkla)
\i>^ tola, m. (for \3* J) a pF.rrot. h.
\j,]j^ tairdni, belonging to birds, volatile, a.
jjsjla juti, f. a parrol, a panoquet. tul'i he
se honth mal dalna, lit. to rub or twist one's parrot-like ;ji-l» taish, m. levity, folly, anger, passion, a.
lips, is used by way of an affectionate or friendly ad-
monition, p.
jlxus tltu, also titnn-a or tipnn, a kind of
oia.i? pttiya, report, tale, slander, p. h. water-fowl, a species of the bird called Icata. p. a.

e.^ tail obeying, obedience, a. ^—^^ t.fi^f, a phantom, spectre, apparition, a

ghost a.
Uji» tail (in, willingly; tfni'an ira harhnn ^J^ii> tin, earth, clay, mud, loam. a.
willingly or unwillingly, nolens volens. a. CIaJjo? tinat, f. a piece of clay ; nature, tem-
<— J*!? .(om/", m. surrounding, f>erimibulatino- ; perament, disposition, genius, had-ttnat, of a wicked
pilgrimage,the procession round the disposition, a.
temple of Mecca.a.
^la,b tvfaii, m. fin inundiition or deluge; (_^Ai> thii, earthy, made of clay. a.
Jh(> universal deluge; a hurricane, a storm of wind and
rain (anaj. to Gr. TV(f)cov) ; (met.) a quarrelsome per- j^^ I'^y^^ (pl- of ri^)> birds, a.
ioM. ^u/a« k-na. (Dakh.) to defame, to calumniate, a. Kjjy^ Puy^T^i ro- a dealer in birds, a.
\s> ( 521 )
tJL>-Jjb znhnat, f. darkness, obscurity, a.
,_fUi3 zulml, unjust, addicted to tyranny. «
C^^^J^ zulvnyat, f. oppression, tyranny, a.
b zo,e or za, called sa,e mujavia or za,e
pyji zaluvi, cruel, most oppressive, tyran-
manh'ita, the seventeenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, "ical- a. [a cloud, a.
the twentieth Persian, and twentj'-third Hindustani. *ii3 zulla, m. a covering, any thing shady,
Tiiis letter is purely Arabic, and has not an}' corre-
sponding character in the Sanskrit : in reckoning b}'
abjad it stands for 9U0. Joiji zaUl, shady, affording shelter, a.
IJl^ zania, being very thirsty, a.
^Ub zal'iin, m. a tyrant ; adj. tynmnical, Iiar-
barous, cruel, oppressive; (met.) applied by the poets
to a beloved person or mistress, zdlim-giiddz, a de-
fjia zann, m. suspicion, jealousy, opinion,
stroyer of oppressors, an epithet applied to a king who thought, idea. a.
maintains justice and good order a.
^^^^^>^ zunun, m. suspecting, thinking, sup-
: of zann) suspicions, thoughts, opinions, a.
^e^^ zal'nin, f. tyranny, oppressioo. a. j).
J>lii> zahir, ajiparent, manifest; in. the out- ^ib zannl, supposed, suspected, a.
ward or external appearance, in opposition to bdtin
(the intrinsic), zahir-h'in, one who looks only to the j\^ zl/iar, m. a formula of repudiation, or
exterior, zdhir o bdtin, outwardly and inwardly, ap- saying what is tantamount to and has the effect of re-
pearance, and inward qualities, a.
gular divorce, as " You are my mother," or " I sucked
Ul&Ui ^ahira or zahiran, evidently, apparent, the same breast as j-ou ; " a penance is requisite to do
away the effect of such a speech, a.
to all appearance, ostensibly, a.
^^Jb^ iahirl, external, apparent, a. j^ zuhr, m. mid-day, or a little time after
the sun has passed the meridian, when it is most
sultry, a.
ic^ zohi, m. a deer, a chevril, a gazelle, a.
Cl^\)b zarafut, f. beauty ; politeness, ele- j^ zahr, f. the hack; the external part. a.
gance, gallantry ; wit, humour, jocularity, a. j^^ znhnr, m. appearing, arising, apparettcy,
guhur vieii dnd, to come to pass, to present itself a
\^^yo zarf, ni. a vase, vessel ; adj. inge-
nious ;in gram, an adverb, zarfi xamdn, adverb of jXjjp zaiiir, m. an assistant, associate, ally ; a
time, zarfi makdn. adverb of place, a.
poetical name of a Persian poet of Faryab, hence
called fahlr Farydbi, a.
{j,j^ ?.(^i''fl, f. a kind of sweetmeat, a. d.
(_-Jjjii> zuruf, (pi. of (__J;ii) vessels ; adverbs,
&c. a. [jocose, elegant in conversation, a.

\.Jl>)o ^ayl/", ingenious, polite, gallant ; vvitty,

»3la>jJi> zarifana, ingeniously ; jocosely, aj).
Jub zofur,m. victory. zafar-iuima,n\. a con-
gratulator}- letter on the occasion of a victory : it is
c '<7z», called 'aini muhmala or ^aini ghair
also the title of several works ; one on morality, attri- manluta, the eighteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet,
buted to Buzurjmihr.the vizier of Naushirwan; another the twenty-first Persian, and twenty-fourth Hin-
is a complete history of the life and conquests of Ti- dustani. Tliis letter is peculiarlj' Arabic or Semitic,
and has no analogous sound m Sanskrit. It is of the
niur (Tamerlane), bj' 'All, of Yazd. The latter work
was translated into French, and thence done into class oi'j;uttural letters, being formed in the lower
English, a. part of the throat, by a compression of the fauces
stronger ami deeper than that used in the formation
of the lunma, or initi-il alif. Its sound has been com-
SM^JiB zafar-talii/ii, m. a kind of stiletto or pared by Meninski to the voice of a calf calling its
dirk; a long sharp iron prong, a. p. mother, which is a pure absurdity. In reckoning by
abjad it stands for 7U. In Persian words introduced
yyo zill, m. shadow. zUlu-l-lah, the shadow into Arabic it is sometimes substituted for alij, as
of God. ziUu-l-ldh fi-l aizi, the shadow of God upon la'l for Idl. On the other hand the 'ain of Arabic
earth (epithets a|)plied to a king, emperor, &c.). zillu- words introduced into Hindustani is, by the common
hu, his shadow zillu-humd idu.), the shndow of them people, sounded like alif.
both, zilln-hum, their shadow ; employed in Arabic
phrases of benediction, as ddma-ziltu-hu, -zillu-humd li^le- 'ahid, ni. an adorer, a' votary ; a wor-
or -zillu-hiim, may his or their shadow be prolonged ; shipper ofGod ; a recluse, a.
meaning, in plain English, may he or they long pro-
sper, a.
olc- 'ahir, passing over, a passenger, a.
^^Ub zalam, m. darkness, zallam, a great
oppressor, an atrocious tyrant, a. -J^S^'aj, ivory, takhti 'aj, an ivory throne, a.
Jub ziilm, m. oppression, injustice, extortion ; yf^^ 'njiz, impotent, weak, exhausted, de-
jected, hopeless a.
a heavier assessment than people can bear. a.
Ip 'ajizana, weikly, hopelessly, a. p.
C'l.Jii znlnidf, t'. darknes.-;, regions of dark-
ness; adark place where the water of immortality is ajizi, f. submissiveness, humility ;
said to be. a.
supplication, 'ajizt-k., to implore humbly.
( 522 )
y=>-^j^'a']'il, one who is hasteninofj fleetinsT ; wli-j^jialc^ ^dshur-hhdna , a temporary kind of
adj. transitor}', agile, a. house for the celebration of the Muharram festival ; a
house for tlie reception of the banners, &:c., used in
ilp 'Fid {])]. of Oils-), customs, &c. ; name the Mu}}arram procession, a. p.
of an ancient and sinful Arab tribe, to wliom the
prophet Hud was sent. a. MtoKS- 'dsim, virtuous, chaste, protected, safe.
abu 'dsim (father of safet}'), i. e. barley broth, a,
C^Li^S-'adot, f. haf)it, custom, usatje. 'adat
karvn, a. to adopt a habit, to introduce a custom, to
accustom, a. [a catamite, a.
f^jO^S' 'dsi, disobedient, criminal, rebellious ;
" m. and f. a rebel, a sinner, a.
Jl^ [noble, a.
(_i^'.ff- 'adati, customary, habitual; m. (met.) jo'S' dti?-, odoriferous, benevolent, generous,
Jj'ff- 'adil, just, upright, sincere, a. C^fllslp 'dtifat, kindness, benevolence, affec-
tion, a. [of. a.
(_^ii^ 'adi, passing; superseding; trans-
gressing; unjust, wicked; accustomed, addicted; m. iHslP- ''dtila, vain, useless; void or destitute
an enemy, 'ddi-k., to addict, a. C^f^!\S' djjyat, f. health, safety, hhair o
'dfiyat, safe and sound, a.
ji^S- 'azir,
the scar of amaking
wound, excuses
a. ; m. an apologist;
/^S- 'dhk, disobedient, rebellious, a.
jiff- 'dr, f. bashfulness, modesty ; reproach, l1*-jIp 'dhibat, f. the end, conclusion ; suc-
disgrace, ignominy, shame, a. cess; adv. finally, at last, 'dkibaf-aiidesh, reflecting on
the end, prudent, prescient, looking into futurity.
f^jujS' 'ai'as, f. a bride (v. 'arus). a. d. 'dlibatul-amr, in fine, finally, a.

j^jlff- ''driz, m. the cheek ; an accident ; a U- JI-SIp- ""dkarkarhd, m. the herb pellitory. a.
muster-master, also the general of an army. a.
^yi'S■ ''dhU, wise, sensible ; m. a sage. a.
or revenues,''driz-ndma,
o. p. particulars of receipts
^^^Ip- ^dkildn, pi. the wise, the sages, a. p.
mXS' 'driza, m. any thing necessary to be f^\S' 'dkili, wisdom, intelligence, a.
done, an accident, an event ; an obstacle, impediment;
sickness, a. [ventitious, casual, a. aj^l^ 'akildna, prudently, wisely, a. p.
u-fiil5''a^t/*,assiduous,diligent. ^dhifdnika'ha,
those who are assiduous in their attendance at the
ij^J^ ^drizl, accidental, not inherent; ad-
temple of Mecca, a.
1— a ij\S' 'drif, a.wise, sagacious, ingenious; m.
holy man.
I Ji\S' ^dlam, m. the world, the universe, time,
iolj-lff- ''drifdna, wisely, acutely, piously, p. a. ' state, condition ; people, mankind in general, 'dlami-
bald, or 'idwl, or -alwi, the heavens, tlie people of the
{j}S' 'dri, naked, free from, void of. a. heavens, 'd/ami i(/?j, the earth, 'd/ami^a/i, the world
of absence, a future state ; the world of spirits, 'dlam-
glr, conquering the universe ; the name or title ol
C-O ,*^ ^driyat, f. borrowing any thing which Aurang-zeb. 'dlami sural, the visible or external
is itself to be returned: it differs from Tcarz, inasmuch
as in the latter term it is not understood that the iden- world, 'dlami via'ni, the spiritual or invisible world, a.
tical articles are returned, but simply their equivalent ;
when a man borrows an umbrella it is 'driyat (pro- JIp "dliui, sage, intelligent, learned, 'dlimi
vided always the said man return the said article), ghaib, prescient, conversant with what is hidden, a.
when he borrows a shilling it is Tcarz (v. tidhar). a.
U Jiff- 'dlam-drd, world-adorning, a. p.
tclj-^ "'driyufi, that which is borrowed, not sun. a. p.
J.jil JIP' ""dlam-afroz, world-illumining ; the
' intrinsic, 'driyati mu,e, false hair, borrowed locks, a,
^j\s- 'nzim, applying the mind to an under- ajljlff- "dlimdna, wisely, like a sage. a. p.
taking, intending, determining, a,
sljjijlp' 'dlam-pandh, the asylum of the world,
a king, &c. a.p.
(^_yi^S' ^dsft, a patrol, a night-watch, a.
JIj^^ "dshir, m. ^, , , l-.'1:lJIp ''dlam-tdb, that which warms or
■^^ I., ,-ashii'at,
. c illumines the world ; the sun. a. p.
C^MiS- f. Jh"^ tenth, a.
/i^^S' 'dshih, a lover, an inamorato, a. iwCj'p ^dlatn-gard, ^world traversing, a
ij»l»5'^ 'dla7n-naward,J great traveller, a.p.
j^ULijlp' ^dshikdn, pi. the lovers, a.
iolL^'.^ 'dshikdna, in the manner of a lover, a. "this world,
^_JlP a. worldly, mundane, existing in
fiSi^^S- ''dshika, f. an inamorato, a.
^^IxJlP 'dlamiydn, m. people of this world,
^Lij'^ 'dshiki^f. being in love; love-making, men, mankind in general, a.
"amorousness, a.
^Iff- 'a/t, high, sublime, eminent, grand.
\ .^'vP 'dshurd, in. the first ten days of the "'all-tabdr, of high or noble lineage, 'dll-jdh or 'a/f
Mu^arrain. a. shdn, of high rank or dignity (although these two terms
( 5:23 ) u 4i^
are nearly synonymous, .\s^ yet, according to Morier, the
former is by far the liiglier title). 'Sti mah'im, of high jyS- ubur, m. passing, crossing (a river) ; a
ford or pass. a.
station, of illustrious rank : the word is much used in
composition, particularly in letters from inferiors.
'ali-hazrat, 'dli-jdh, 'all-jntiab or '('ill-hidr, &c. all j^^ obliar, the narcissus, jasmine, a.
denote high in rank, station, &c. 'idl-Midnddn, of a
minded,family, 'dl'i-fitrat, or a.-vianish, or -himmat, high-
magnanimous, {Jj-X^^ 'obhari, of or relating to the tiarcissus.a.
^^^ASi ?//;«?V/, :i slave, servant ; devotee, a.
mXs- ''amm, common, public, plebeian ; the jAAff- uhir, ambergris, saffron, or any other
vulgar, the common people. }didss o 'dmm, high and grateful perfume ; a kind of powder used at the
low, peculiar and popular, a. saturnalia of the /lo/i. a.
Ijcxs- ^dmira,a. royal, imperial ; abundant, rich,
{jj>^ ^ubiri, of or resembling saflron. a.
^Iff- 'amil, m. an agent, a siiperintend;int of L_^l::ff' ^itdb, m. reproach, rebuke, anger, dis-
jileasure. a.
the finances, collector of the revenues ; a ruler,
governor, a,
jjli^ ''italt, the manumission of a slave, a.
»xljl<i\£. dmil-nama, a warrant or power (JLaJI^T Vya/fl^, haste, speed ; anticipation, a.
froni Government, authorizing a person to take pos-
session ofany thing; a power of attorney, a. p. u_^lsi 'ajd,ib, wonders, curiosities. ^aja,ib
0 ghardyib, wonders, curiosities, strange things.
i^\S- dviila, one word that governs another 'ajd,ibu-l-mnl{hlulcdt, the wonders of the creation, a,
(ill gram.), a.
(OljolrsP ^ajd,ibat (additional pi. of ihe pre-
j^ls- 'dmili, the harvest year. a. ceding), wonders, &c. a. p.
f^\^ 'ami, blind, ignorant, a.
»_.*jsP '«;'«&, wonderful, rare, &c. 'njb, m.
pride, haughtiness, a. [wretchedness. «-.
^_^\S' 'awwt,gene2-al, common; relatingto the
"common people, ignorant, vulgar, a.
j^'ajz, m. weakness, impotence, submission,
iJj'^S- 'd,id, turning towards, happening, re-
ferring to, coming back, being restored (as money lL*!^ ^ajlat, f. haste, speed, velocity, a.
lent, &c.), returning, a. [darweshes. a.
""ajavi, m. ;barbarians,
; Persians all people
countries not Arabian ; Persia,nota,
\i^ 'aba, a kind of cloak or habit worn by
ii'-AP 'ihdd (pi. ofSi.S') servants, slaves, ''ihadu- i^^^ ^ajami, Persian, Iiarliarian. a,
l-ldh, servants of God. 'ubbdd (pi. of 'dbid), holy men.
<!^>^s^ 'iijiiba
a wonder, a. (vulg. 'ajuha), wonderful, m.
C-JtiW 'ihddat, f. divine worship, adoration.
'ibddat-gdh, a place of worship, a.
j3^'a5- 'ibddati, a worshipper, an adorer, J^:sP 'ajuz, the winter solstice, a.
(JjST ''ajuJ, hasty, quick, expeditious, a.
Ojlfff- ''ibdrat, f. style (in writing), spercli,
a word, dialect, idiom ; a trope, or figure ; a phrase. c-*A^ ^(ij'ih,a. woiidcriul,
astonishing, surprising, rare,
'ibdrati ranghi, the flowery or metaphorical style of
writing peculiar to the later Persian and Indian chro-
niclers, a. tj^rsP \ij'vi, plaster, paste, a.
CL^^SS' "'(idrihif, f. a court of justice; jiij^tice,
(_>oUff' \ihhdx, m. a man's name ; name of a law, equity, 'addlai-paiidh, asylum of justice, a.
plant, marvel of Peru {Mirabilis jalapa). a.
i^j<J^\S^ \iddlutairi, (dual) the two courts of
^_^>*t'^''ahbdsl, name of a flower; adj. red. a. justice, i. e. the civil and the criminal, a.
lIaaC- "abaf!, vain, idle, absurd, trifling, pro- Cj>^\sS' \idd7Vot, f. enmity, hatred, strife, a.
fitles ;adv. in vain, uselessly, a.
SiS- \ibd, m. a servant (of God), a devotee; C-^c^ff- ''iddcit, the time of probation which a
a slave, a. divorced woman must wait before she can be re-
mar ied, a.
C1^,S^ ubdti/af, servitude, slavery, a.
i^S&- ^adad, m. number, adadi auwal, a
prime number 'adadi sah'ili, a whole number, a unit.
ij];^ 'ib/ain, ^Hebraic, the Hebrew 'adadi zutl or adadi mutlalc, a cardinal number, a.
6jJi\jXS' ^ibrdniyn, J language, a.
^^^SS' ''adadi, numeral, numerical, a.
O^aP' ihrat, f. an example, warning; (met.)
fear, 'abirat, f. weeping ; grief, a. (J.^5- ^udl, m. justice, equity, ^adl-k., a. to
administer justice, a.
• .. ,., _ ^exemplary, a. p.
W' — >j^ ibtat-mnna, J (•i3^ adam, m. non-existence, non-entity
nothing, privation ; cessation, discontinuance, 'adami
i^j^^ 'ibii, Hebrew, Hel>raic. a. sabut, the want of proof or confirmation, a.
*-^.-^^ iibudv/ai, f. servitude, devotion, jjj.5- \ida7i, f. Eden, Paradise; name of a
subjection, reverence, a. town in the south of Arabia, Aden. a.
( 524 ) ^JS^
ySS' 'aclu, m. an enemy, a foe. a. I <— J;^son or'M?y,
thing known (thecalled
is generally nameor known)
by which a per-
; equivalent
^jjj^ ''udul, m. declining, refusinof^ disobey- to our terms, "commonly called," "alias" Sic, as
ing, 'uduli-hukmi, disobedience to a positive order, ahahri shdh-jahdn-dbad 'urf Dihll, " the city of slidlt-
receding, deserting, returning; (pi. of 'at2<7; just men. a. jahdn-dbdd, commonly called Dihli or Dilli." a.

^y>,'^ \id'il, alike, equal

a distributor of justice, a.
; ju<t, equitable ; ni. {SjS- ''uvafd,; judges,
(pi. ofmagistrates,
I '*JS') thea. ingeniou>-, the

V.-S^ ""ar/lm, destitute, deprived, not to be C^\iiS- "arafdt, name of a sacred hill, some
found, 'adimu-l-mi^dl, incomparable, a. twelve miles from Mecca, where the pilgrims halt. a.

u-.>'3^ ^azah, m. pain, misfortune, torment, f^S- ^irfan, wisdom, knowledge, a.

martyrdom, punishment, a.
iijS' \trafa, a vigil, a wake (of a festival).
jiki-ff- ''izar, tilso ""uzar, the face, the cheeks, a. 'irfa, diligent inquiry, knowledge, a.

ji^C' ''uzr, m. pxcus;^, apology, ''uzr-khwah, lAf" urft, a.notorious, public; name of a Per-
* sian poet.
one who begs pardon of another, 'uzr-kliwahi, f. an
apology, an excuse, a.
\S' arah, m. juice, essence, spirit,sap (hence
i'i^jS' \iraha, a kind of cart (v. araba); (in our word "arrack"); the root of any thing; sweat;
Dakh.) a magazine for military stones, t. 'arak-gir,
lantchi, q. av.)skullcap
a. ; part of a l),ukka (same as clii-

iK^^p' 'urdbchl, the driver of an 'araha. t.

«-j.P ^uruj, m. ascent, rising, a.
^^Persia ''iraJi, namewhichof is divided
and Arabia, a territory
into two between
portions, (^•^ 'arus, f. m. bride,a spouse in general, a.
viz. 'iraki 'arah, the ancient Babylonia or Chaldea, and aS'^t^i^S' 'arusana, like a bride, a.
'iralfi 'ajam, comprehending Media, 'irdkln or 'irdkain,
the two 'Irdks, the cities of Basra and Kufa. a.
t^*i^ 'ar'usl, nuptial; f. a marriage feast, a.
j_^Ufr ''iraki, produced in or belonging to i^jS'
Medina, ^aruz, f. versification
with their ; m. a.Mecca and
adjacent territory,
'Irdk (especially applied to the breed of horses from
that country) ; m. a Parthian, a. (^j^ ufl, 1 naked, stripped, bare,depriTed

^ora,iz, f. (pi.a. of e>ja>S-) letters, peti-
representations, U^.j^ ^uryan,} or void of. a.
j_^b^ ^nil/am, f. nakedness, nudity, a.
L-.^ ^arab, m. Arabia; an Arabian, a. i^^ljS' \triz, large, wise, expanded, a.
j^by^- 'a-rbani, a kind of musicians, d.
AdO^jf- ^urizu, a petition, memorial, a.
»<A^^ ""arbada,
antipathy, a. m. a conflict, dispute, battle, ^ excellent,
^izz, m. glorious,
glory, dignity, grandeur; adj. rare,

^jlL-Ojff- ""arabistan,
also a province of Persia the land p.
so called, of the Arab.", JC- ^azza, (lit.) he or it was or is gluiious,"
or " may he be glorified," used only in Arabic phrases,
as 'uzza tva jalla. He is honoured and glorified, i.e.
i^j^ aiabi, m. I of or belonging to Arabia; God, the Alniiglity. ,'uxza-smuhti (for 'azza-ismuhii),
glorious is His name. a.
aJL>^ ai'iiblya, f,) the Arabic language, &c. a.
Up 'o^a, condolence, lamenting. ^aza-dar,i)ue
(w^ ''urs, m. oblations, offerings to a saint ; who is in mourning, 'uzd-khdna, the house of mourn-
a marriage feast, 'irs, m. a spouse, a.
ing, a.
{^^ 'arsh, m. a roof; a throne ; the ninth
heaven, where the throne of God is. 'arsh se lefarsh
jJxUp- ^azaziL,
a kind of bird so name
called, of a.a devil or fallen angel ;
tak, from the highest of the heavens to the earth (lit.
to the carpet under foot), a.
L-^IP ^azab, an unmarried person, a.
i^S- ""arsa, m. a plain ; an area, a court; a
chessboard ; space of time (as do ghari ke 'arse men, in Oj^ ""izzat, f. grandeur, power,
spect, glory, a. [angel honour,
of death, re-a.
the space of two g/inm) ; time, while, interval, is 'arse
men, in this interval, in the mean time. a.
(J'-'^bj^ \>?a,i/ or ''izra,il, the name of the
(^v9^ ^arz, f. a petition, request ; breadth ; a J^ ^azl, m. removal from office, a.
militarj' muster, 'arz-ddsht, f. a written petition. C^'S" uzlat, f. retinment (fiom office, &c.),
'arz-bigi, the person wlio presents all petitions either dismissal, discharge, o.
written or by word of mouth, 'arz-ddr, broad, 'araz,
f. an accident, any tiling that befals one, disease,
^ sickness ; a muster of troops, a. ^j]\S- \zla(l, m. a hermit, a recluse, a. p.

\-(^^V;rran, in breadth, ^arazan, accidentally; "Jjc- 'azll, f. retirement, abdication, a.

by chance, a.
^jS' ""azin,
design,a. intention, purpose, reso-
f^ojP' ''urzl, f. a petition, memorial, request,
"representation, letter (from an inferior), a. K^ 'azmat, f. design, the decree of God. a.
( )
JJ^JS- 'azxz, dear, excellent, beloved, prcoiotis; j\*a^ 'axm)'j m. an oil-niaker or -])iesser a.
m. a worthy or pious personage ; a great man, a saint ;
a title of tlie king of Egypt, ^'a.^ SjV.aff' 'tiMra, m. exprt's^cd juice; dregs after
the juice is expressed, a.

i^y.'f' 'aztzl, r. greatness, sanctity, friendship, jj^\*A^ \isnfir (pi. ofj^.oP), spairows, a.
respect, a. C'^'c- «•
>»*«r>g- 'amby
ment, a. m. a tendon, a nerve, a liga-
C^,JS- 'nzmat, f. (v. ^) dcsip;n, purpose,
^'LS' 'asakir (pi. ofjCj^), armies, troops, a. j^aS' 'tisr or 'usr, m. time, age. 'asar or 'asr,
the time of prayer before sunset, o.
.-^ 'asar or V/.s/r, difficult, used only in Ara-
over.bic phrases,
a. as 'asaru-l-'ubur, difficult to cross or pass jSbaS' 'uxfu7', m. saffron
thamus tinctorius). a.
in the flower (Car-

C^y^ 'usrat, f. difficulty, distress, a. j^SLt^S' 'usfur, ni. a sparrow, a.

watch, 'asas
a. (pi. of^jrtlP'), the patrol, the night (-lA*-aP 'istmit (properly 'asmat), f. defence,
protection (especially from sin), hence chastity, ho-
nour, integrity, continence, a.
S.^^S' 'askar, m. an army, force, troop, a.
6.jafi 'asa, a handkerchief tied round the head
f^S^^^^S-'askari, m. a soldier; adj. military,
of or relating to an army. a. (by women) when going to bed. d.

J— C' 'asal, m. honey (of bees or of dates), a. yU*aP 'isyan, m. sin, transgre!;sion, r^bol-
lion, opposition, a.
{ZS- 'isfia, f. the first watch of the night ; the
prayers said when going to rest, 'isha-namaz or -salaU
SjoS' 'azd or \izud, the arm (from the shoulder
evening praj'ers. 'ashd, m. supping, supper, treating to the elbow), 'azadud-daida, the arm of the state;
witli a supper, a. a man's name. a.

/j'J:,^ 'usiishak (pi. of iZi\p), lovers, a. iXmoS' 'azala, m. a tendon, a muscle, a.

e^LS' 'ushba, m. sarsaparilla. a. ya^ 'azo, or 'azv, or 'ipr, m. a member, a
joint, a.
j^S' 'ushr, the tenth part, a tithe, 'ushri
shar'l, the tenths or tithes prescribed by divine law. llaP ^ata, f. a gift, present, favour. ^atd-hakhsK
'ushri 'ashtr, the tenth of a tenth, used indefinitely to liberal. 'a1d-k., to bestow freel}'. a.
denote a very small part. a.
jlla^ ^ attar, jn. a perfumer or druggist ;
name of a celebrated Persian poet. a.
jLS' ''askar or ij.LS' 'ashara, ten. a.
C^\jLS' ''asharat (pi. of w^), tens. a. i.Uaff' \tdrid, the planet ^».iercury; quick-
silver, a,
<Z->JL£' 'ishrat or ^ashrat, f. society, pleasant
and familiar conversation ; pleasure, delight, enjoy-
^^^JaS'^a_1tar^, relating to a druggist; f. the
ment, a. 'islirat-faza, one who increases mirth or enjoy- business of perfumer or druggist, a.

sS^jLS' ^ishrat-khana, m.^ a house of plea- ya.ff' 'atr or ^itr, m. perfume, fragrance,
essence, ottar (of roses, &c.). 'atr-ddn, a perfume-box.
i^^3jl^ 'ishrat-gah, f. J sure or enter- 'atr-vud'i, f. the act of rubbing or applying perfume a.
t.<iiument. a. p.

%JLS' 'nsliara, m. a decade, tlie name of the C->bjia5^ ^itriyat, pi. perfumes, scents, a.
first ten days of the Muliarram (v. dahd). a. CL^j^S- ''atriyat or'' iti-iyaf, fragrance, odour,
perfume, a.
Jj-i^ 'ishJ{,m. love, 'ishl-haz, a man of gal-
lantry. 'ishJc-bdzi, f. amorous toying, love-making. -neezing, a sneeze, a.
'ishhpechd, m. the name of a flower Xipomoca quamodit),
American jasmine. 'ishJc-peclidii. ivv. 'ishk hai, an ex- ft-Jaff- ''atsan,
clamation ofpraise ; excellent ! well done ! bravo ! a
jjiiaS' ''atash, f. thii'st. ''atish, thirsty, a.
^3^^^ 'ishhi, relating to love, a lover, a.
■jl^.Kg' 'atshan, m. 'I very thirsty, burning
IjjLS' 'ashtira,
Muharram. a. m. the first ten dnys of the \jilaff' 'nfsha, f. J with thirst or desire, a.
,_oUc 'atf, m. favour, affection, kindness,
lyLS' 'ishrva, 'ashira, or 'uxhnut, m. an ob-
scure, concealed, dangerous affair ; the beginning of a present, bounty ; connecting, joining, harji 'atf, a
copulative conjunction, a.
darkness at night ; a fire seen from a distance at night ;
(met. but most used in Persian and Hindi), coquetry,
(JL*i»laff' 'vti'fat, inclination ; affection, fa-
ogling, blandishments, amourous playfuhiess. 'ishwa- vour, kindness, a,
gar, a coquette, 'ishwa-garl, coquetrj'. a.
J-ia^ 'izam (pi. of Jaff-), bones; (pi. of
j^^^S' 'askir, the tenth part. a.
'azlm) the great, uzdm or 'uzzam, adj. gioat. o.
V-ofr 'asa, m. a club, stick, staff, mace. a.
^iafr 'azm, m. a bone, 'izm or 'uzvi, great-
j^ii^'lroff- 'asd-bardar, m. a mace-bearer, a. p. ness, magnificence ; pomp, pride, a.
r ( 526 )
<^V,V»c 'azamat or ^azmat, f. greatness, mag- ^Uff' 'uhald (pi. of JJl^), the wise, the pru-
nificence, mag:nitude, aggrandizement, a. CJS' prudently, a.
dent, 'aklan, adv. reasonably,
\ .^hS' '(ipna, supreme, the very greatest. liaJii^'aZZ- »/«?«(/, \vise,sensible,intelligent.a.|i
wizarati 'iizmq,
minister, a. the dignity of grand wazir, or prime
(_/ Jjjiiff' 'aJdniandi,f- \visdom,sound sense, a.p.
^iaC' 'azvn, great, hijrh in dignity, large. CL*i^^^ 'ahl-want or ' akl-wantd, wise. d.
'azimu-sh-shdn, of high station, rank, or dignity, a.
^^>^ 'ahli, reasonable, rational, judicious, a.
iJ^,\sS' 'afarit (pi. of C-O^ac-), horrible c:^^yi^ 'akubcit, f. punishment, torment, chas-
demons or giants, a. [nence. a. tisement, torture, 'akubati dozakh. damnation, a.
u-JVftC- 'afaf, abstaining ; chastity, conti- Jyifi-'oM/, wise, sagacious, 'uhul (pl.of^jA^),
d^.sflP' 'ijffat, f. purity, chastity, continence, sciences, minds, understandings, a.
virtue, abstinence, modesty, a.
SJoflff- 'ahida or 'aliidat, ra. faith, belief, a
c:,^jfl^ 'ifi'it, m. any thing frightful or hor- fundamental article of religion ; fidelity, 'akidat-
viand, faithful, a.
rible ;a giant, demon, spectre, og^e. a.
ijJiff- 'aJnk, m. a cornelian, a red gem. a.
^jiafiS- '0/5, m. gall (both the tree and the nut).rt.
e_fl5-i ftp' 'uf-'af or 'vf-itf, the barking of a j^.'ixs^ 'ahlku-l-bahr, Mocha stone, a.
dog; an imitative sound like our bow-wow. a.
e.SjSiS' 'akiha, m. the hair upon new-born
•AC- 'afu, m. absolution, forgiveness, a. infants ; the sixth day after childbirth, or a feast
given on that day. a.
xLj^^^BS- 'ofu-pesha, forgiving, merciful, a.p.
^jJiff- 'ahhuy m. barren, having no children, a.
iJlA^^aP- 'vfusat, astringency, constipation ;
bitterness, a.
e^xSL^ ^ahhna, f. barren, a woman past child-
bearing, a.
C-»3jflP 't/funat, f. corruption, infection, stink
(especially of a dead carcase), a.
(j-xc- 'aks, m. reflection ; inversion ; a shadow
or reflected image ; the contrary, opposite ; spite,
^Ji^ 'of a, (usedbenedictively) as 'afa-l-ldku-
'an-hu, may God have had mercy upon him ! a. opposition, a.
^^ 'aid, m. glory, sublimity, exaltation, su-
( ajLftff^ '"/?/» temperate, abstinent, a. periority; adj. most high or glorious, a.
isSLiSiS' 'ajifa, a chaste, modest woman, a.
^"^ 'ildj, m. a remedy, cure, medicine, a,
i_>lHff' 'uhab, m. an eagle, 'ikab, m. chas-
tisement, a. [religious tenets, a. iS»-'^ 'aldhida (for 'alaihida), separate,
apart, a.
4X>IH^ 'aka,id (pi. of SJoJic-), articles of faith,
X^s'^ 'aldkagi, connection, attachment, a.p.
u-aHc- 'alidb, behind, after, in the rear, in pur-
suit ;m. the rear, the heel, 'akab-k., a. to follov^. a. Bj'^ 'aldha or 'ildka, m. relation, connection,
interest; pretension, right; commerce, correspondence,
)_xfl^ 'uliba, m. end, conclusion, accomplish- communication, 'alaka-band or 'Uaka-band, a lace-
"ment ; the future or next world, a. maker, a tape- maker, 'ildka-bandi, the business of
lace-making ; also lace-work in general, 'aldka-ddr,
tiiiff- 'ahcl,m. a knot ; the marriage knot, mar- the person who becomes responsible for the payment
riage ;a compact, agreement ; a collar, a necklace ; of village rates, &c. 'aldka-mand, connected, de-
a bulse, a string (of pearls, &c.). 'akd-bandl, the con- pendent, responsible, a.
cluding of any contract, more especially the tying of
the marriage-knot. a. A^^sff- 'alldm, omniscient, God. 'alldmu-I-
ghuyub, acquainted with things invisible ; an epithet
IdSS' 'ulida, m. a knot, matrimony ; an ex- of the Almighty, a.
crescence (especially at the joints, or where bones have
been broken); a node; an impediment in speech; iJl*/e^lp 'aldmat, a mark, badge, sign, token^
perplexed affairs, entangled things, confused words.
'ukda-kusha, one who solves difficulties, a. emblem, device, a coat of arms, 'aldmati dast-khatt. a
mark in place of a signature, a.
Ji^ 'akr, a marriage portion or dower, a. &/«^^ 'ullr'nna, wise, learned. 'alldma,e 'ast;
the most learned of the time. a.
L--»jfl^ 'ahrahj-m. a scorpion ; the sign Scorpio ;
(met.) a quarrelsome person; (in Dakh.) the baud of
a watch, a. sjc'^ '(ddma (same as 'aldmat), a mark, &c. a.
\».jJaJP' 'akarharha, m. the name of a medi- &jj^ 'aldriiya, openly, publicly, a.
cine, the herb pellitory. a. 8j^^ 'aldrva, besides, in addition, a.
Ja& 'akl, f. wisdom, opinion, sense, under- CL^S- 'illat, f. cause, pretence ; filth, dirt ;
standing, 'akl-thijna, to be astonished, 'akl kharachria, disease, weakness, karfi 'illat, the interchangeable
to act awisely, lit to to expend lettcis, alif, wdw, and ye ; all material substances are
rdiid to consider, think, one's
a. wisdom, 'akl dau- said to have f.ur causes ; 'illati suri, formal causef
527 ) J^
i. e. that form in which its essence consists ; 'illati
ghfi,*, final cause, or purpose for which it was made ; (Jj^A^ 'ahl, weak, sick, indisposed, a.
'illati fa' ifi, efficient cause (as the maker, if the work
of man) ; 'illati mdddl, material cause, or the matter jtAs- 'alhn, wise, learned, knowing, a.
of which the thing is made. a.
^aIp- 'alaihi, on hiin, 1 used in Arabic
L-Jig- 'alaf, m. grass, hay, food for cattle, a.
^Jklff- 'alal/iim, on them, J phrases, as 'alai-
hi-s-saldm, on him be peace, may he rest in peace, a.
yj^ 'alaf-zar, pasturage, a meadow, a. p.
jj_ja1C' a. the seventh heaven; adj. high,
AfliP- 'ulafa (for 'ulufa)y salary, daily pay. d.
vlff' 'alaky m. hanging, suspending, adhering,
i,">q'.c. 'alakatf suspension, a. ^ 'umin, m. an uncle, father's brother
'amm-zdda, paternal uncle's son. a.
^Ic- 'Hal
tences, &c. (pi.
a. of t^Ap-), infirmities, pre- ^Ufr 'mad, a prop, a pillar, support, 'imddu-
d-daula, the support of the state ; a man's name. a.
Jiff- 'ilm, m. science, knowledge, 'ilmi a.wid, C-s^U^ 'imdrdt (pi. of O. US'), buildings, a.
the knowledge of the names, i. e. of the attributes of
God. 'ilmi ildhl, theology, 'ilmu-l-yalin, certain C-^l»fr 'imdrat, a public edifice, a building ;
knowledge, demonstration, 'ilmi tasawwuf, tl e a habitation ; a fortification, a.
mystic or contemplative science ; the doctrines of the
tufis 'ilmi tashrlk, anatomy, 'ilmi tatvdrikh, histor}-, (CjUs- 'amdri, f. the litter in which |)eople
chronology. 'iJmi hikmat, philosophy, ph3'sics. 'ilmi asitJiauda.
on an elephant
a. : when it has no canopy it is called
rakam, or -ghiibclr, or -]}isdb, arithmetic, 'ilmi rii/tizl,
the uKithematical sciences, 'ilmi sihar, magic, 'ilmi
shi'r, poetry, versification, scansion, 'ilmi tab7i, Jl^ff- 'ummdl (pi. of jj^lp-), agents, &c. a.
natural philosophy, 'ilmi 'arfix, poetry, versification.
V7m«^fc/i, jurisprudence, 'ilmi kaldm, scholastic theo- ikici^ 'imdma or 'amani.a, a turban, a tiara, a.
logy', 'ilmi-baydn, or -baldgl/at, or -ma'dni, the ex-
planatory science, i. e. rhetoric, oratory, eloquence.
jjl^C- 'umdn, the soutliern coast of Arabia.
'ilmi klmiyd, alchemy, 'ilmi musiki, music, 'ilmi niijicm, fco/iri 'umdn, the sea between Ethiopia and India, um-
astronomy, astrology, 'ilmi handasa, geometry, 'ilm mdii, the high sea, the main ocean : " I think this must
ofazl, knowledge and virtue, a.
be a mistake : bahri 'umdn is the common name of tne
Persian Gulf. I never heard it applied to the south-
jjifr '(dam., m. a spear; standard, banner, ern Indian ocean ; 'umdn generally signifies the coast
ensign ; sign, mark ; (in gram.) a proper name. a. of the Persian gulf." — (Binning.) a.

U^ ^idntna (pi. of jjlp-), the learned, a. 1^^ 'amd, wilful, a legal term analogous to
the " malicium " of Roman law : thus, kail, " slaughter,
j\djxj^'alarn-barda7'y a standard-bearer, a. p. bloodshed ; " kutli 'amd, " wilful murder. " — (Bin
ning.) a.
(^ji^^ 'ilm-khrvdn, a student, studious, a. p.
\'x%S' 'amdan, deliberately, purposely, a.
i^4isjp 'alam-ddr, a standard-bearer, a. p.
sj\s^s- 'umddna, like a noble or grandee, a p.
jj^ii-Jp 'ilm-dan, learned, wise. a. p.
C^S^ 'umdat, a support, pillar, prop, 'inn-
ic^ 'dml, scientific, doctrinal, a. datu-l-khawdss, a prime minister, 'timdatii-l-mulk, the
pillar of the state, a title bestowed on ofiicers of high
rank. a. [ousness. a.
^ 'vlu or 'flZw, m. an eminence, height,
sublimity, a. [subsistence monej'. a.
j/i\*S- 'umdag't, f. greatness, kf. ; suinptu-
»i^ 'ulufa, m. stipend, salary, daily pay, iS^ 'umda, great, noble ; m. a grandee, a
support, a pillar, a prop, confidence, reliance, trust, a.
j^y^ '■ulum (pi. of J^)» sciences, a.
(j^ 'ulnn, lofty, sublime ; celestial, a. yfi-'umr, f age, lifetime, period of life. 'umaVy
the name of the second in succession from Maliammad.
tj»lc- 'alan-i, a descendant or follower oi'Ali 'umr-dardz, of long life. a.
the son-in-law of Muhammad, a.
(iJj jj*^ ^ Ulnar ma zaid, Umar and Zaid,two
Ac- ''all, a mail's name ; the name of 31u- celebrated gentlemen of straw, like our " John Nokes
the fourthson-in-law: he was, according
khalifa or successor to the but
of Miihiammad, Siiiinis,
the and Thomas Styles," who figure largely in Muham-
madan legal and scholastic discussions, a.
S/ii'ai make him the direct successor, not acknowledg-
ing the other three caliphs, 'ali Id kamdn, lit. the bow Ij^ 'umra, m. pilgrimaij^e to Mecca ; visit-
of 'Alii the rainbow, a. ing a wife while in the house of her parents, a,

\\S' ""aid, on, upon, above, about : this word /y^ 'umuh, m. depth, profundity, a.
" is used onlv in Arabic phrases, as 'alq-l-asar, instantly ;
'alq-t-tahkik, according to truth, verily ; 'alq-l-khusus, ^y^ 'amal, m. action, operation, work, prac-
in particular ; alq-d dawdm, perpetually; 'alq-s-saJ^ar, tice, effect, dominion, territory, 'amal-ddr, m. one
or 'alq.-t-sabdh, in the morning, 'aid hdza-l-kiyds, in who has command ; a collector, 'amal-ddri, a collec-
like manner, in a similar way. a. torship. 'amal-ndma. an order, a warrant ; a code of
instructions, amal men land, to carry into effect.
8>3>^^ "idahkla or 'alaihlda, separate, apart, a. 'amal-k. to act or operate a
J^ ( 528 )

y^ 'amalan, in fact, indeed, truly, a. liofi- 'ind, near, before, with, about, in, accord-
ing to, ic. 'iiida-l-ba'z, according to some, 'inda-t-
iu^ J.,»C- 'amal-patta, 1 m.a decdgraiitino^ takkik, in truth, certainly, 'inda-l-ldh, with or before
God. 'iiida-l-wusul, on the arrival, when it happens,
i^LblwijJs^ 'amal-dasiah, authority to col- in such an event, 'inda-l-wakt, in time, in the criti-
cal juncture, a.
iiju*» J.«S> 'amal-sunad, lect rents or reve-
^^JUi^jkP 'andallh, f. a nightingale. (
AAO^y^ ^amal-nama, J nue dues, a.p.h.
^JL^^d^ 'indiyat (pi. of ftJJJ>P-), opinions,
.Iji J^ 'amal-guza?'f a collector of re- tenets, absurdities, fables, a. [trust, a.
venue, a.p.
iO^ioP 'indiya, m. one's peculiarjyopinion or
aUff' 'amala (pi. of (J-^l^), agent.-^, officers,
j*aJS' 'unsu7' or 'unsar, a primary element, a.
subordinates, 'imla, work ; wages, hire, a,
A^ \iviaU, aitificial, practical, hikmati f^.joJS' 'iinsuri, elementary; name of a Per-
sian poet cotemporary with Firdausi. a.
revenue natural
in kind.or practical
a. philosophy ; f. payment ot
3— J^ 'unsal or 'nnml, a sea leek, a squill, a.
&J-»^ 'amaliyat, practice (pi. 'amariyat). a. (j\^ixff' 'unfurcan, m. the beginning (of any
thing); vigour; the flower of youth, a.
y^ 'ammu, m. a paternal uncle a.
^^uS' 'rmJd, m. the phcenix, a fabulous bird,
i^y^ 'amud, m. a perpendicular (in geome- called by the Persians slmurgh. q, v ; adj. (met.) rare,
wonderful, curious, a.
try), 'amudu-s-siihh, the spreading light of the dawn. a.
0^.»t 'nmudan, perpendic ularly. a. t,^jB^' un-har'ib ,u(.ar, soon, shorily , nearly , a.
ft^^ 'amum, common, general, universal, a. C^^yjJ^ 'ankahut, f. a spider, a.

U^^P- 'amuman, commonly, generally, a, ^jlykP 'unrvan or 'inwan (vulg. 'anwan), m.

the ornamented title-page of a book ; that whereby
any thing is known ; that which is understood by any
^^& 'arnih, deep, profound, a. thing; mode, manner, a.
^.y.^^ \j7)fim, full, complete; universal, a.
(j^is- 'invin, iti I potent, weak, frail, a.
^C- 'an, from, witli, afte, , on, concerning,
above, before, 'an-larlbi-z-zaman, in a little time, t_^|^ 'uwalib (pi. of (J^*A5\p), end*, conse-
soon a. quences; posterity, a.
Uff' 'ana, f. distress, labour, trouble, a. ^^ 'anavim (pi. of &*lp), the vulgar, the
populace, 'awdmvi wet Jdiawass, plebeians and nobles,
( jIaC- 'unnnh, the jujube tree and fruit, a. p. the people at large, 'atvdmmu-n-nas, the common
people, the populace at large, a.
(3 lip 'nnnah't, of a carnation colour, a. p.
^y^^^|S''ulcamil (pi. o^ tXi^^S'^, (in gram.) words
li'jkff- 'inad, m. obstinacy, ]>everseness, resist- wliich govern others, a. [fects ; faults, vices, a.
ance, stubbornness, a.
t_-».>^jP 'an-a,ib (pi. of *Jo'i^), blemishes, di-
yo'JS' 'anasir (j)I. of -o.J.ff'), elements, a. li^P- 'vd, m. " ood, timbrr ; a staff, a stick ;
the wood aloes. " In the DakhanT dialect this wokI
^Uc- 'inan, f. reins, a bridle, a. usually signifies ' gum benzoin ; ' while ' lignum aloes '
C^bU^ 'inayat (pi of Cl«o.l>ff-), favours, is commonly called agar." — (Binning), a.
gifts, presents, a. ijC' 'atid, ni. reluming; a man of abilirifs,
experience, and prudence, a.
C.^yj^ 'inayat, f. favour, gift, present, o.
\y*ti^^ 'ud siiz, a censer in which they bum
^_^iP- 'innh, the grape, hintu-l-'inah, the aloes wood. a. p. [heaven, a. p.
daughter of the grape — wine, 'inabu-s-sa'lab, black,
nightshade, a. ^ji>*p' 'udi, rdating to aloes wood, 'xtdi-takhi,'
jfiff' 'ambar, m. ambergris, a rich perfume, n. h^ 'auz, 111. refuge, asylum, fleeing to God
for protection, a.
jb JoP 'aynhuT-har, odoriferous, fragrant, n.p.
jfcC' 'ur, naked, monocular, one-eyed. a.
n^jXJS- 'anibarcha, an ornament for the neck
iuU of 'ambar ; a smelling-bottle, a.p. C^K^ 'aurat (pi. of tl^^C-), in Hind., wo-
men ;in Arab., pudenda, a. p. h.
ijjyy^ 'arnhar'i, 1 of or re>:embling ambergris C->.*P 'aurat, f. this word in Hind, denotes
simply a woman or a wife ; but in Arabic and Persian
^ jXiS- 'amharin, ) (as to smell or colour). a./>. it denotes the particular parts of man or woman which
«jj.jjkP 'amharina, a kind of perfume, a. p. are concealed through modesty. "Are tlie words
'aurat and 'aurat ever used in Persian in the sense of
' women i' I think not. In the corrupt and vitiated^
JJS' 'antar, a famous Arabian liero, who^e Persian of India they are so, l)ut I do not think any
exploits form the theme of a well-known Arabic native of Per.sia would use the words, except in thi
Arabic sense. " — (Binning), o. \
j^ ( 629 )

iyOj^ 'aui'atana, like a woman, a. h. JJkC- 'id, f. a solemnity, festival, holy dayj
Easter, 'tdi-azhd or ''idi liiibdn, a festival held in com-
{^^ *iwaz, m. reward, retril)ution, return, memoration oiAbraham's oll'ering up his son Isaao
any thing substituted for another, exchange, ready (or Ishmael according to the Muiiammadans;. a.
money, hard cash, recompense; adv. instead, for. a.
^^AaC- 'idi, a present, which it is usual to
aider, 'aun,
a. m. aid, assistance; a defender, an make on the day of 'Jrf, an Easter gift. a.
jL--j>^ 'tsa, Jesus, our Lord. a.
iJ^ 'ahd, m. contract, compact, obligation,
promise, treat}' ; time, season, conjuncture, reign (of j^^^.— jkP 'tsa/i'i (also 'i,vrt,z). Christian, a.
a king, prince, &c); an oath, a vow; a mand;ite, will,
or testament ; lifetime, a. (jij^ 'aish, m. pleasure, delight, 'aish-fjah or

-mahaU, place or house of enjoyment, 'aish-o-jainh,
j\jS^ 'u/id-dar, an officer who oii<Tnges to joy and delight, excessive pleasure, a.
coHect the revenue of a district for a small per-
centage, a. p. (jjP- '«in, m. the eye, sight; the very essence
or best part of a thing ; a fountain ; the sun ; money,
gold, &c. ; adj. very, exact, intrinsic, real, just, 'ainu-
^Jx^S^ 'ahd-shikan, a promise breaker, n. p. /-Afl/r, brimstone, 'ain ivaJct par, in the very nick of
time, at the precise moment, a. [the sight, a.
^jX^Xf^ 'ahd-shikanl, f. a breach of contmct,
" breach of faith, a. i^XiP' 'ainak, f. spectacles, glasses to assist
&>c\JS.^ 'ahd-nama, m. a letter of agreement ; (j;ua^ 'ainain (du. of ^J;^^), the two eyes. a.
articles of peace or capitulation ; a diploma, a. p.
&jua& 'aimya, relating to the eye. a.
iS^ 'iifida, m. a commission, an obligation,
an agreement ; business, office, post (vul. Imdda). 'uhda- l-^^aC- 'i/yub (pi. ofi_-*J^), vices,defects,&c.a.
hara, one who acquits himself of any task or commis-
•lon. 'uhda-hara-h., to acquit one's self of an obliga- /ifiP 'aiyuh, the blight star Capella. a.
tion, 'uhda-baruj, f. completing an agreement, being
able to perform anj- work, 'uhda-bajull, f. an agree-
ment to pay a debt by regular instalments, 'ulida-ddr
or 'ithde-ddr, intrusted with a business, holding a com-
■a mission, an officer, a.
Oiib^ 'it/ddaf, f. visiting (of the sick), a.
c ghain, called ghaini mujama or ghaini
&15b U'j.^ 'i//a.^an-I)i-l-lah, interj. m;iv God maiiMfa, the nineteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet,
avert or lorbid. a. the twenty-second Persian, and the twenty-fifth Hin-
dijstiini. This letter is Arabic or Persian, but has no
corresponding sound or character in the Sanskrit or
Xtp- 'o?/aror'/?/a7*,m.a mark,proof, test, stand-
anj' of the native dialects of India. It is one of the
ard, assay, touch, 'iydri danish, the criterion of know- guttural letters, its sound being that of an aspirated g
ledge ;name of the Persian version of Pilpay's fables resembling the Northumberland r. The Musalmanj
made by Abii-l-fazl, translated into Hindustani under of India generally sound this letter correctly ; but by
the title oi Khirad Afioz. a. [knave, a.
most of the Hindus, especially in Bengal, it is sounded
like g hard in go, as guldm for ^tildvt, a slave, lu
jLjL-g- 'aiyar, cunning, sly, shrewd ; m. a reckoning by abjad it stands for 1000.
Uo ,\jkP 'aiTjar-pajia, mA sh'ness, knavery. ji\s- ghahir, left, lasting, remaining, a.
Jj^ 'aiyarag-i, f. J a. h. p. ^^3^ „_ ^ *3l^ ghat a, m. a slave, h.
t^\^ 'aiyarm, f. a cunning or artful wo- ,Ci\S' ghndir, m. a cheat ; adj. deceitful, a.
SjlxP 'aiyara, f. a sly or cunning woman, o. jiff- gtfif, in. a cavern, a j)it ; a deep gash or
wound, t/dri ghdr, a companion in a cave or prison,
(_5 .UP 'aiyari, f. cunningness, artfulness ; an i.e. an intimate friend, ^drr, m. a deceiver, a.
artful woman, a.
Ojlff- gharat, rajjinc, plunder, devastation.
^_jilAP 'a ??/as/i, jovial, luxurious, a. ghdrat-k.. to plunder, devastate, lay waste, ^drat-ghol,
m.sudden loss or destruction; suddenly or unexpectedly
^i^-j^ 'aiyanlil, f. joviality, luxuriousness. a. lost, ghdiat-gar, a plunderer, an oppressor, a.
jljkff- 'iyal, m. family, children, domestics. (•jiff- ghariw, a debtor so helpless as to be the
'iydl-ddr, a man •who is burdened with a large family. subject of zakdl, or alms. a.

^Lp- 'ayaii, clear, manifest, public, conspi-

cuous, visible a. ^^^>JS' ghariliun, m. agaric (Gr. wyaptKov). a.
l\\S' ghaza, m. red colour with which women
l^OlP '(lib, ni. fault, defect, a vice, blemish, paint their face. p.
sin, disgrace, infamy, 'a'ib-jn, one who seeks for faults.
'aib-chin, one who carefully collects trifling errors. icjlff- ghazi, m. a conqueror, a hero, particu-
'aib-chini, culimg of errors, what is vulgarly called larly so if he has fought against and slain one or more
criticism, 'aib-go, a slanderer, a calumniator, 'aib-glr, intidels. gi(7;? 7>.«)y/, a hero ; (met.) a horse, ghdzl
one who seizes
defame, a. npon another's faults, 'aib-lagdvd, to m'n/dn, name «f a saint, who, according to some autho-
Mahmud ghuznaivi : a fes-
was nephew of Sultan ion
isheld in commemorat of him at the begin
uing ot May. a.
^c^ip 'aih'i, vicious, faulty, infamous, a.
2 M
( 530 )
{6l>j\p (jhaziyana, bravely, heroically, a. t_-*>-«-^ ghap-cliup, silent, noiseless, d.
djuolg' ghashiya, a saddle-cloth or cover; a ^■i^ ghupka, (v. ghap), noise of a blow. d.
porter's burden, a. p. cLa^ ghat, the noise of gulping or swallow-
Jl^ ghajir, one who pardons, a. ing ; a troop, band, or gang. d.
^yi\s- ghafil, senseless, stiij)i(l, iipatlietic, neg- IaP ghattu, a corn on the foot ; a cork or
ligent, indolent, impnifleiit, careless, thoughtless, not stopper of a bottle, d.
on one's guard. ^rT/f /-;;<;■, attacking unawares, a,
<^L^^iJLS' ghat -pat, hand to hand, coiigression,
^ilp ghajilan, imprudently, carelessly, a. shock, conflict, encountering, congressus. h.
Ailg- ghaJJU, f. inattention, negligence, a. ux-iff- ghatakna, to coo (as doves), h.
>■ ghach, m. slapping, clapping;
Jiff- glial, (in comp.) rolling, wallowing; a
cavern in which they keep cattle ; a bee hive. p. Wr ghachd, sonnvi congressux in
u.pjlff' ghalih, overcoming, excelling, ghalih - coitu ; the sound <>l
hond, n. to overcome, a.

\i!t\& ghalihan,c\\\e^y , principjilly, apparently. ^'^^ ghachaghach walking in mire ; th<'

"^^S- ghorhaha, sound of striking witli
probably, most likely, upon the whole, a.
a spear or sword. //.
^Ip ghali, dear, precious ; f. a carpet, ta-
"pestry. a. p. UJ_^^ t' ghichpirli hulna, n. to speak thick, h.
*^l^ ghalicha, m. a small carpet, p. yf^ ghdchu, m. a hole made in the grouml
^_>a*lg- ghaviiz, abstruse, difficult, obscure, a.
jc* ghorln, f.J by boys for phiying at tij)-
Uilff- ghanta, imperious, forward, a. "cat. ^nc//!7;j(7)rt, m. name of a game, tipcat, h.
^^Ip ghani, rich, wealthy, independent, a. 1^ ghad, a thump, blow. d.
• •l^ ghawir, powerful ; considerate, a. jit^g ghadar, a cavern, a j)it. d.

i^\^ ghay (pi. of C^.lff-), ends, extremities, a. y^ ghaddar, fraudulent, sly ; a cheat, a.
t.«o\^ ghu,ib, absent, concealed, invisible, 6S-\^
of bk)ws.ghad-a-ghjd,
d. thumping; a successioi*
vanished ; the third person (in gram.). ^d,ib-baz, m.
a conjuror, a. ids' ghiiditd, m. a hard lump formed in the
&3U>\^ gha,ibnna, in absence, invisibly, a. flesh, a glandular swelling, a.

C^>}s- ghayat, adv. very, extremely, chiefly ; )<^ ghadr, m. perfidy, fraud, villan\ , in-
f. the end, extremity, excess; a standard, flag; ordure. gratitude noise,
; bustle, a.
'ilmi ghayat, mathematics, a. j>,<yS' gJitidtr, fraudulent, perfidious ; name of
lajlff- gha,it, m. excrement, dung. a. a festival celebrated by the Slii'as (v. Wilson's Gl). a,
\_^c. ghibb, f. a tertian ague, visiting every it^ff- ghizh, f. aliment, diet, provision, food
alternate day. a. [day. n. (pi. nghziya). a.

U^ ghibban, seldom, rarely ; every second d^^Ji«P' gjiizayat, f. aliment, provision, a.

US- gharra, white, bright, splendid, illus-
.\jj> ghvbar, f. dust; vapour; clouds of du>-t,
trious, noble, a. [sun. p-
impurity, foulness; (met.) vexation, affliction, per-
plexity, phuhdr-dluda or -aluil, covered with dust.
^tibdri khdtir, affliction, disturbance in mind. a. \jS- ghurh (for ghu7-ra\ white, blight ; the
8jU^ ghubara, m. a bomb, a shell, or mortar *— 'W^ ghiirab, a crow, raven, rook, or jack-
daw ; a kind of Arab ship vulgarly called a grab. a.
for throwing shells, p.
CL>,\sS'ghabawat,f.inadvertenoj, Stupidity, a. 'hSS' gharava, m. a large sack. a.

t— aAaP ghflbghab, m. a dewlap, a double chin. j|r^ gliurraz, frowning, haughty, brave, a.
chdhi ghahghah, a pit in the chin. p. ^j'^p' gharrazi, f. haughtiness, bravery, a.
t^P gliohn, m. fraud, deceit ; loss (of money,
&c.). ghahni fdhish, a gross fraud, applied especially (J-^J^ gharazil, the devil, Satan, a.
to the forced sale of a property far below its value. LL*xi|.g- gharamat, debt ; a mulct, a fine. a.
ghaban, m. weakness in mind, mistake, forgetftilness ;
adj. weak in mind, liable to deception, a. (j^P gharan or gharran, rapacious, fierce, f,.
\i\S' ghurrana, n. to frown, h.
^^ghab't, weak in minj, forgetful, negligent,
"'imprudent, a. [g'nfi. boasting, a. ^-^'>\J> ghara,ih, l(|'l- '^^ ^ft'j^) ''•""p '"■

L^gkap, the sound made by a blow; brng- C^\jj\Ji- gharn,ibat,} wonderful evenis,
t^^\jS'ghop7ighap,sonumcongressus in coitu.h. strange things, a.
( 531 )
«_-'jC' gharh, m. the setting
of the sun, the dJ^jJ^jS- ghar'ibana, fit for the poor, humbly, a.
west. a. Vj [strangers, a.
*.0^ ghariba, f. of c-.0_^, q. v. a.
b^ ghuraha (pi of \^.^), the poor, or the
^.jo .ff- ghar'ihi,
"poverty, a. f. humility, wretchedness,
JV^ gLirhal, f. a sieve ; a riddle, a.
Cl^jjff- gkurhat, f. travellino^, beiiifj far from yS' ghariz, nature; meekness, gentleness, a.j).
one's country and friends, exile ; wretchedness, a.
i^y>..^ ghflvizi, innate, natural, a.
^S- gharln, western, occidental, a. "jiS-gharik, m. a drowning person ; adj. im-
<tS~i\S' ghurzantj, m. a bound, jump. p. mersed, drowned. ghariJc-db, deep, out of man's depth.
rage, ghartki rahmat, overwhelmed with mercy, drowned in
the grace of God. a.
^< gharsh,
"^^ _ ']I mdignalion,
. . an^rer, rac'e
\J^^ gharslLO,, ^jP gharin, a wood, forest, or thicket, fre-
passion (also ghurrisli). ]). quented bylions, p.
i^fi" gharshi, y!.^ gharetv or gklrm, m. noise, tumult ; a
[^J> flho'o^i f- design, view, wish, intention, mob ; a gurgling noise in the throat, growling, p.
end, business, ineaninjf, need, occasion, use, want, in-
terestedness, selfishness, hatred, spite ; adv. in short,
in a word, in fine, pharaz-dshnu. interested, ^karaz- one whoghoriman,
i^^y}.^ a present, p.a gift, ghh'vvcni,
laments or exclaims,
dliid or -dmcz, selfish, interested, designing, ^araz-
hdwld, a slave to one's passions, gharaz-mmid, self-
interested, desirous, wishing for. gharuz-mandl, f. K>^^^ gharap-hur to sink, to
nd, to cause [drowned,
immerse, d. d.
desire, selfishness, a.

!o\toS' gharazana, selfishly, malevolently, a.]). L3.J&L-.^3 gharap-hona, to sink, to be

&»-v^ gharachcha (explained by cL>b), a
^Ojff-^a7*aci,selfish,interested,designing.a./<. thicket, clump, &c. d.

S-^ ghurghur, noise, uproar, tumult; (a man) \'S' ghaza, m. making war (against infidels).
muttering with rage. p. ghazd-safd. war, plunder, devastation, o.
ij^j^ gharghara, m. gargling, a. JU^ ghizal or ghazal, m. a young deer, a
fawn, a gazelle; the sun; a delicate young person, a.
(J^f- ghttrfish, f. reproof, intimidation,
threatening.bulljing (particularly that of a coward who
affects bravery), p. [a parlour, p. ajhg'
a. or glmzala, m. a young deei', a
«i^ gjvarfa, an upper apartment, a window, \S' ghazalS- an ode, a short poem or amatory
i5 1^ ghnry, m. drowning, sinking ; adj. sonnet. ^azal-}{hwd>i, a repeater of odes. a.
drowned, immersed, sunk. o.
(JUmP- ghassol, m. one who^ business it is to
wash the bodies of the dead. a.
(«i.^\i\C'f;^a/'/(-ai, deep water, a whirlpool, a. p.
ijjr- gharhl, f. flooded lands, inundation, a. e]\^^ ghamla, m. dirty water with which any
thing has been washed; bathing, a.
UK^ ghurkana, a. to frighten, to terrify, d.
m. a bath, bagnio,bathing,
^y^ghusl,m. a.
ablution, ghusl-khana ,
'oOjg- glmrakna, n. to be afraid, frightened. d<
^j ^ ghiirhi, fear, dread, aversion, d. fJi.S' ghash, ni. stupor, fainting, ghash-dna,
OT phash-parnd, to faint, a.
SiiJjP- gharanda, ghuranda, or ghnrrayida,
roaring, fierce, rapacious, p. JL^Ls, ghoshuvDiham, intrepid, headstrong, a.
L.-'jj^ ghuruh, m. setting (of the sun, &c.) ; ^JlS' ghashl, fainting, being stupefied, a.
the west, ghurub hona, n. to be set (the sun or moon,
&c.). a. [vain-glory, vanity, a.
Cl^ytS, ghashyat, a swoon, a fainting-fit. a.
. .jg- ghurur or gharur, m. pride, haughtiness, t—soP ghasab, m. violence, injustice, force,
oppression, ravishing, plunder, a.
t_5jj t^ ghururi, f. haughtiness, pi ide. a. h.
IS, gharra, haughty, proud ; misled, deceived ; ^j^-aP^y^MW (pi. of ^^-aP),}'Oung branclu^s.a
cross ; m. pride, a. ik^a^ ghussa, m. strangulation, suffocation ;
(met.) anxiety, grief; (in Hind.) anger, passion.
iA ghurra, ni. the first day of the moon; a £husse, in anger, angry, ^tisse se bliut Iwjurid, to rage
fast, fasting ; whiteness, brightness ; a white spot in like a fiend, ghussa-vdk or ghussa-war, passionate, o.
the forehead of a horse ; the forehead, a.
i^joS- ghazab, m. violence, oppression, in-
t__o,jff- ghar'ih, m. a foreigner, a stranger ; adj. justice, compulsion, passion, rage, vengeance, anger;
poor; mild, humble; rare, wonderful, strange, gharih- adj. angry. ^axa6-a/wrfa, oppressive ; luUofiage. a.
varwar, cherisher of the poor, gharib-iiidr, f. oppres-
sion of the poor, gharib-nawdz, courteous lo strangers, "C^ ghazaban, angrily, in a rage. a.
kind to the poor, hospitable, a. a.
^J^■^'^ ghazaban, angry,
O A, o
^-L^ ghazahi, f. violence, anger; adj. ^J^
attend ghilman, m. in(pi.
on the virtuous of *^)
Paradise. boys w!
angry, a.
y^ ghulu, transgressing; excess, rebellion, a.
v^j.-^ ghuzruf, m. gristle, a.
&5y^ ghalula, a small ball, a pellet, p.
JcJS'ghazanfar, a lion, a champion, a hero. a.
•lip ghaffiir, forgiving (the Deity), a. s^ ghalla, m. the produce of the enrth ; grain,
C(!rn. ^a//a-</aH, m. a granary, ghulla-farosh, a. gntin-
Jip. ghnfar, \m. pardon, remission of sins, merchant, a monopolist of grain, ghalla-faroslil, mo-
nopoly of grain, a,
^JiS' ghvfran,) forgiveness, a.
sub- jjud^- ghalayan, boiling over, fermenting, a.
• ri^ gkfjfif thick, close (as cloth),
stantial, a. SJaj^ ghaleta, m. a blow, a thump, d.

Ji^ ghafal, m. ) carelessness, negligence, lajJff- ghaliz, dirty, filthy, gross, rude. a.
«JL*Jii> ghajiat, f. J inadvertency, neglect. ijjjff- ghulel, f. a pellet-bow. ghuld-haz, m. a
^aflat-zada, struck with carelessness. Ickicdht ghaflat pelleter (with a bow), ghulel-bdzi, f pelleting, p.
OT^aflat ka ]chwab, sheer apathy or indifTerence. a.
m. a pellet, p.
j^ ghafur, clement, forgiving, merciful, o. eiLjiC' ghulela,.
%\^ ghtdela,'
jSi^ ghaflr, all, many, numerous, a.
^^srir^ ghulekhi, m. a pelleter. p.
jp ghul, m. noi>e, tumult, ghul-g hupara,
m.clamour.disturbance. ghul-ghadr.noise and tumult. ;j. _,l^lp ghuleivaj [aho ghalewaz and ghale-
wdzli), a species of bird, a kite. p.
Afi- ^I'/Z, m. hatred, malice, perfidy, fraud,
trick, envy, ^il o ghish, f. apprehension, objection. jfi' gham, m. grief, gham-aluda, grieved.
beghil 0 ghish, without hesitation, boldly, frankly, a. gham-khivdr, devouring sorrow, i. e. afflicted, sad ; con-
doling, pitying; an intimate friend, gham-khu'dragi
lL»^^ ghilazat, f. thickness, spis^itude, or ghdm-khudrl, f. afflictiDn ; real friendship; com-
coarseness, hardness, roughness ; roughness of man- miseration, sympathy. gham-Mmral;, a lieron. gkam-
; Hind.) filth, a.
ners (in d'tda, one who has felt sorrow, gham-rushln, one to
whom sorrow has come, gham-zada, grieved, gham-
, i"^ ghilaf, m. a case, a cover, a sheath ; zadagi, f. grief, gham-kash, one who endureth
the prepuce, a. sorrow, gjxaui kanid, to bemoan, to sorrow, gh/am
khdnd, to suffer grief; also to devour one's grief, i. e.
i^'^ ghiJala, ra. an under waistcoat, a. to have patience, gham-jidk, and gham-gin, discon-
solate, sorrowful, a.
fj^ ghiildm, m. (in Pcrs. and Hind.) a male
slave ; (in Arab.) a boy or youth ; a young man at jW' ghaviviaz, m. an informer, a talebearer, a.
maturity, ghulam-para, pneronim amoribus deditus ;
^nUim-gardish, m. a shed for servants to sit under, a. t/jU^ ghnmviazi, f. talebearing, a.
lyS' ghmnza, m, a wink, an amorous glance,
^^ ghvlam'i, f. slavery, servitude, a. coquetry, ogling, p. a.
eit^i- ghalaba, m. superiority, conquest, as-
sault, strength; prevalency, predominancy, a. ^^ gham'i, ) , „ ,
^ . _ J-sad, sorrowful, p.
^^Xi^ ghaltan (same as ^j^Joip', q. v.).
(^jiy^ff- ghamm.tn,)
f^ghan, a heavy stone for pressing oil, &c. ;
,_X^^ ghalchagi, a strolling life. p.
(in Hindi) dead drunk. ;;.
ij^ ghalclw, a vagabond, a strolling fellow;
a rustic, a villager, a. Mis' ghana, f. riches, wealth. ghina,f. a song. a.
lal^ ghaJat, m. an error, a mistake ; adj. ^L^ ghanajm (pi. of d**xi^) spoils, prey,
wrong, erroneous, ghalatu-l-'dmm, m. a popular mis- plunder; enemies, plunderers, a. [ture. p.
take, a vuljrar error. gJuihit-kdr, delusive, gbfllat-
kdrt, f, deception, ghalat-go, a false relater. gkulat- XS" gh."n.h '' ^^'i'lk, an amorous glance or ges-
go,i, f. relating falsehoods, ghalat-navls, an erroneous
writer, a.
s-^ ghvncha, ni. a bud. ghnncha-dahan, with
a mouth like a rosebud, a mistress, p.
^Uaip- ghaltan f rolling, wallowing, ghaltan-
pechan, wallowing, rolling, floundering, p. IS^ ghuJida, m. a fbp, a ridiculous fellow, p.
^^Uaip ghaltani, f. act of rolling, weltering, \j\jJuS> ghvvghunana, n. to mutter, to griiiiil)le;
to buzz, to hum. a.
" wallowing, floundering, p. [bard. a.
&la\p ghalta, m. a leathern sheath over a scab- JiS- ghjnim, ghanam, or ghunm, carryiii<^f off
(as plunder). ^anajH, sheep, cattle, a flock : this term
Ja)^ gtalati, f. a mistake, error, a. corresponds to the old Gaelic word creach, which
denotes either the act of carrying off cattle, or the
^sAxiS- ghaltldan, to roll, to wallow, p. cattle carried off. Tlie Americans seem to use the
word plunder in the sense of stock or property, a.
C^'^iiS' ness
ghilzat, f.,filthiness,a.
is.'xS' ghunna, m. a sound throuoh the nose,
iSji^S- ghulghuUj, m. noise, tumult ; a kind of the buzzing of flies; quiescent, nasal (tlie letter 7jwh). a.
( 533 )
^J^ ghant,
lent, a. indppendent ; rich, wealthy, opu- Xip ghiyar, providing for one's dependanta,
any piece of dress which distinguishes a class, aa a
soldier's uniform, &c. a.
,»jj^ ghanirn, m. an enemy, a plunderer, a.
(^_^U^ ghiya^, diving, studying deeply, a.
ClA*jJi^ ghnnimat, f. plunder : abundance,
pood fortune, affluence, a. f_ ^tc- ghaib, latent, concealed, absent, invisi-
ble, mysterious, 'alami gkaib, the other world, ghaib-
i^jo\^ ghaiimias, in. a diver (for pearls, &c.) a. rfuH, skilled in discovering mysteries, a prophet, diviner,
omniscient, a. [sence. a. p.
ij°^^ ^cnvrrasi, f. diving for pearls, a.
eoljuP ghaibana, invisibly, in one's ab-
(jJi<\^ ghaivamiz (pi. of ao^l^), intricate
questions, a. j^^UjkC-
woman, ghailuni,
a. p. f. a strumpet, an impudent
CJ^C^^ ghot-ghat, puzzled, confounded, h. OooP ghaibat, f. l)eing invisible, absence.
\JL^^ ghaus, in. a title of Mvhammadan .gATfea^slander, detraction, any thing secretly whispered
saints, whose ardour of devotion, according to vulgar of an absent person ; parts of a district or tract of
tradition, is such, that in the act of worship their country, away from the station where the chief autho-
head and limbs fall asunder, o. rity resides, in contradistinction to huzur, q. v. a.
lIajo^ ghausiyat, saintsliip, devoteeism. a. ^^AA^^^^^jp-ghdibghalela bona, to be lost. d.
9-^ ghuch, a horned ram used to fight. }i. ^c^jp
" divine, ghaibi,
a. absent, invisible, &c., heavenly,
j^ghtnir, in. reflection, consideration, me-
ditation, ^haur-parddkht, f. attendance on. a. fS' ghair, other, different ; foreign ; (sub.)
a stranger ; adv. except, unless ; in comp. it denotes
8j^ ghura, m. unripe grapes, or dates ; a negation or the absence of a thing, as ^air-hidzir, ab-
colour in pigeons, p.
sent ; ghair-hdxiri, f. absence ; ghair-zalik. besides.
ghair-mu'aiyan, unstable ; ghair-dbdd, devoid of culti-
breaks ghur'i, f. a poison
the moment kind isofput porcelain,
into it. p. which vation ; ffhair band o bast, unsettled ; ghair-dasdi,
exempt from imposts ; ghalr-jam', rent-free ; ghair-
l\^ ghuza (also ghozha), a pod of cotton, f. Tcabul, not agreeing to; ghair-kharch, extra or miscel-
laneous, expenses ; ghair^hirdj, rent-free lands ; ghair-
)o^ghot, in. immersion, dive; consideration. wdki', a false statement, ghair-mashrut. unconditio-
^hot-vianiu, to disappear, ghot men ana, to faint, a. nal (v. Wilson's Glossary), a.

wl^^ia »^ ghotam-ghata, m. a game in which j]jt^ gkair-az, except, besides, other than, ji.
swimmers dip one another under the water, a. p. <-^^ ghairat, f. modesty, bashful ness, Im-
nour, courage ; jealousy, enmity, emulation, a nice
\h^ ghota, m. dipping, diving; a dip, a sense of honour, ghairat-viand, emulous, jealous, ii
dive, ahota-baz, a diver. ghota-]chor, a diver, any
thing that dips, or is dipped; a sort of firework so
called, ^ota-khori, f. dipping, being dipped, ghota- ij^ ghairu-hu, ~jmore, besides that, or
dend, a. to dip, to plunge under water, ^hota-khilnd. ^^ ghairu-ha, \ those ; in addition to
to be dipped ; to dive ; to be deceived ; to travel in a
nijrj' road ; to stray, to wander, to lose one's way. a. ^ib^ ghairu-hum,] that, &c. ; wa-ghairu-
hu (generally
forth, a. pronounced wagkaira, et cetera, and so
Ip^ ghaugha, m. noise, disturbance, uproar,
clamour, p.

f_ffi\S'^ ghavgha,l, noisy; m. a disturber, p. IjiP' ghair'iyat, jealousy, strangeness, a.

j»jkP ghayur, jealous in point of honour or of
vi)^ ghuk, m. a frog, a toad ; a butt for love ; an epithet of the Diety. a.
archers, p.

^^JP■ ghiil (\\i\g. ghol), m. an imaginary spe- \^j^ ghpy iiri, f. jea 1o u sy . v.
cies of sylvan demons, of different shapes and colours,
supposed to devour men and animals (from which our
European loup-garou, or man-wolf, seems to be bor-
rowed), ghili-baydham, a demon that haunts the woods
or deserts, a.

JjP- ghol, ID. a crowd, a troop, a gang, ghol

lid ^ol, a dense crowd, h. (_j fe or fa, the twentieth letter of the
Arabic alphabet, the twenty-third in the Persian, and
i^^S^i^ gholidajig, ^turbulent, seditious, the twenty-sixth in the Hindustani. This letten
cL^^iJ^ff- gholudaiig,) vicious; stout, fat, exists not in Sanskrit, nor in any of the modern dia-
lects of India thence derived ; and in words froni the
round, p. Persian or Arabic the Indians frequently changey into
forjulez, a field of melons. Prefixed
ic^^ ghawncht, f. a hole in a path (such as ph, as pdlez
pto orArabic words (with the short a aa fa) it denotes,
"those made by the feet of animals), h. and, then, afterwards, asfa-kott, and that is all, merely,
only. Its sound is precisely that of the English/, lo
\^\iS' ghiyas, listening to complaiiits, redress- reciioning by ubjad it stands for eighty.
ing wrongs, assistance, redress, succours, ^iydsu-l-
isldm, the succourer of the faith, a. 2^ fatih, one who oj)ens, a conqueror, a.

( 534 )
&^ fatiha, f- commencement, exordium ; ^y^^ fazil, excellent, learned, virtuous;
the first chapter of the Jcur.an, which being repeated abundant, fdziltar, more excellent, a.
•when praying for the souls of the dead, the word jO^vS fatima, f. the daughter of the prophet
comes to mean prayers offered up in the name of saints,
&c., and, vulgarly, oblations made to saints, k.c. khair MuJ^ammad, and the wife of the caliph 'All. a.
kl fdtika, at prayer offered up for the welfare of an_,
one. a. C.*-.»l?\s fatimh/at, f. the Fatimite dynasty,
which reigned in Egypt from AD. 908 to 1171. a.
ft-^ fqjir, xa. \z fornicator, an adulterer, a
j-ff-lj fail, making, doing, acting; m. an
ij»'^faj{ra, f.J sinner; adj. sinful, unchaste.rt. agent; the p.nrticiple active; the nominative, ^iii
iju>-^ faJiish, obscene, indecent, impudent, haliki, the true agent, God. fd'ili muJihtar, master of
one's own actions ; a free agent, a.
shameful, enormous, gross, a. [nable. a.

eJLs*-^ fcihisha, f. a harlot ; any thing abomi-

". .: _^ ' *f.J^ effective, efficient,
DMS'^faillya a.
&jc^\j fcikhta, f. a dove; name of a colour.
fakhfa-vr-jiina, n. to be confounded, to faint, mih din iJ^^As-^ faUiijaf, f. agency; the quality or
paye jo khulil khan fiiMifa urate the, the days of khalil nature of agent, or noun of agency, a,
Icha'i'-'' prosperity (or splendour) are gone. p.
^j^faki f. the notch of an arrow, arrow, a.
^::s-\sfaJiJiUi,i, f. dove-colour, p.
bS^ fahn, m. poverty, necessity, want; (in
Js'^ fahjnr, excellent, precious, honourable ; Pers. and in Hindi) a fast, fasting (from want, not as
m. a boaster, an egotist, a. a religious duty), fdhi-kash, one who fasts, a faster ;
famished. Jdlfa khainclind or fdloti mama, to starve.
C->jS-\J yo^ira^,^ excel lent, ihitatifakliira, fdlfa-mast,
tres , a. one who is starving, but conceals his dis-
nour, a.
ij>-'^ fahhira, j a splendid robe of ho-
s.^^ fahUia (aho fahihat), frmt. a.
J^jd^ fad-zahr, the bezoar stone, p. [Jri fal, f. an omen, augury, presage; en-
chantment, a.
\'Ci^fa,iza, verily then, in that case. a.
^ far, a rat, a mouse, a. yj^ fdltu, spare, surplus, remainder, h.
l^sfjifa r-hhatti ( for fari^h- kJiat ti ,q.v.).a.h. % fdlij, m. the pal?y (particularly hemi-
jy> As fats or pars, one of the southern pro-
vinces of Persia, ancient Parthia. p. plegia), a.
Ol*! fdliz {Corfalez, q. v.). p. d.
fvj.li faris, m. a horseman, a rider, a ca- s^^ falsa (in Urdu LJ'^^.), a shrub bearing
valier, a. a berry, when ripe, of a dark purple colour, containing
two or three small stones {Gnwia asialica). h. d.
i^t*^ farsi also farsiyat, and farsii/a, f. the
"Persian language; adj. Persian, p. 8ii%3\9 fdluda (or puludii), smooth, clear; a
kind of flummery or sweetmeat, p.
c.}i farigh, free, at leisure, ceasing from
labour; absolved, discharged; contented. fdrighu-I- 'j^^ fdlez {or j)dlez), f. a field of melons, p.
hal or fdiighn-l-hul, independent, contented, farigh
hond, to have done with any thing, to be at leisure, a. Jifdm, joined to nouns of colour, implies a
' tendency to such colour ; as siyah-fdm, blackish, p.
eoliai-cj^ jTirigh-hhattana, m. a fee given
(_^y\9 fanus, f. a shade (to keep the wind
for writing n fdrigli-'khaHi. a.p, from a candle), a lantern, fdiiu.ii Ichii/dt or fdniisi Jch!-
iaj..c.j^ fariffh-kJwIti, f. a written deed of ydll, or charkhl fdiiiis, a lantern which revolves by
the smoke of the candle within, and has on the side of
■■ release, or full acquittance, a. it figures of various animals; a magic lantern, a.
v. .\s farvh (or tiryahifaruk), the best sort
of treacle or theriaca. a. fji^fdm, frail, transitory, inconstant, perish-
able, jahdni fdni, this transitory world, a.
jSo'^fazahr, (y.fdd-zakr) hezoar. p. i>\>^fd,ida, m. profit, gain, advantage, utility.
S^^faskl, m. Vvicious, perverse, depraved, fd,ida-mand, profitable, gratified, edified, o.
lS*j*^fasida, f. J corrupt, a. y>^fd,iz, overtaking, reaching, obtaining, a,
^yJifasili, m. \a fornicator, an adulterer or a.
/^ fd,ikf superior, paramount,
»Ji>^^ fasilia, f. J adultress ; a sinner, a \ij fa-bihd, interj. excellent! bravo! very
worthless fellow ; an unchaste woman, one unworthy well, so be it. o.
of credit as a witness in a court of law. p.
^ fatd, m. a youth; young (animals), a.
(^"^fash, apparent, manifest, known, a. ^^i:i\:^ futddagi, f. a fall, act of falling, p
\J^^ fashara, a species of ivy ; m. bryony, a.
(^til:i fntddan (for uftddan), to fall, &c. p.
ft)^\s fapla, m. separation ; space, interme-
diate space, a. iii\:ijfutdda, fallen, prostrate, v.
e ( 535
) V
x} fafh, f. an aperture, opening; victory, J^ fahh', m. glory, nobility, ornament,
grace; boasting, egotism, pride, ostentation, fahh n
triumph, conquest, fath-pech, a mode of tying the t-tiijjdr, the chief of the merchants; a title given to
turban, fath-maitd, victorious, fath-ndma, m. des- an eniiuent niercliant or banker, a.
patches announcing victory ; a bulletin, fath-aishdn,
a victorious standard (opened only in battle), fatli-
tiasib, victorious, of victorious fortune. fatJf-ydb, vic- i^J^ fakhri, f. a kind of grape so called, a.
torious, a. s^jdfakhnya, m. boasting, vain glory, a.
t^ fatha, m. the vowel point zahar, or short \s)fida, f. sacrifice, consecration, redemption,
a (so called by the Arabs) ; the beard, a. devoting one's self to save another, ransom, exchange,
cartel, a.
i^Sps fitrah, ni. cords fastened to a saddle
behind, meant for hanging game to ; saddle straps, p. ^_^^\^ Jiddfi, courageous, valiant; a volun-
teer in any desperate undertaking, a.
"^fatak, m. a rupture, or hernia, a. iLL^sifadak, name ofa town near Khaibar. a.
\sci fatha, f. ]mte?itio7'e riina {mulier). a.
^jjSsJidfi'i, devoted, a devoted servant, sub-
8^ Jitna, ni. calamity; sedition; perfidy; ject or vassal, a.
sin; temptation, seduction, fitna-angez, a fomenter
of disturbances, &c. fitna-angezi, f causing disturb-
iJLo^ji^ Jidwiyat, devotedness, allegiance, a.
ances, &c. fitna-jo, quarrelsome, seditious, gulifitna, J far or farr, m. state, pomp, dignity,
a species of mimosa or acacia, bearing flowers and splendour, glory, lustre, beauty, grace, p,
having a powerful scent, o.
\J fara, back, behind, again, above, on,
Cifitni, a disli of rice and milk of a thicker over, towards, p.
consistency than khir, q. v. d.
C^\jS furdt, the river Euplinitcs. a.
OjiJ/a^MW«^ f- liberality, generosity, a. ^\y fai-dkh, aniple, abundant, large, cheaji,
-,yi futuh, f. (pi. of ^), victories ; (met.) wide, plentiful ; (in Dakh.) a joke, a jest, pleasantry.
fariikh-ru, cheerful, merry, p. a. [rating. /).
abundance, easy circumstances, income received gra-
tuitously, a.
.^ly fardkkur, fit, corresponding, quad-
C^\s-y:i fuiuhat, (barbarous pi. of xi) vic- i>-U fardkhl, f. abundance, cheapness;
tories, a. [sleeves, a. ■■ prosperity, happiness ; a girth, p.

,^yi fatuhi, f. a kind of jacket without liii\y furdda \(pl. of ^), alone, single, soli-
^d\jSfutdddj tary, one by one. a.
j'yS futur (Hind.)
(commonly fitur), m. weakness,
quarrelling, mutiny, insubordina-
infirmity; \Ji firdr, flight, running away. a.
tion, rebellion, a.

^J.y»Jitur^, a rebel, a mutineer, a. h. ^yji jirdr'i, a person who has absconded, a.

•Si farctz, m. ascent, acclivity; adj. high,
b .v^ faturiya, dispersed, ruined, undone ; aloft, exalted ; (in comp.) exalting, elevating. /or«*-
(Hind.) exciting quarrels, a. /f., to open (a door;, p.

^yi fatwa, 111. a judicial decree, judgment, ^'\S fardzi, f. highness, exaltation, p.
" sentence delivered by a Jcazt. a.
(^j^\jS fafds, a species of the Aito tree, a.
aiipfatila, m. a match, a wick, fatila-soz, C^Mi\j3 Jirdsat,f. physiognomy; penetration,
m. a candlestick, a.
sagacity, understanding, acuteness. a.
.d fajar or fajr, f morning, dawn of day, (>i\i farrdsh, m. a servant whose business it
early, barifajar, very early, "multo mane." a. is to spread the carpets, &c.. a sweeper, firdsli, spread-
ing, firdsli-khdiia or fardsh-khuna, m. the room where
A-s?/M;MZ,m. a radish; the heel; adj. thick, a. carpets, &c. are kept. a.

.Jfajur, adulterous, wicked, fujur, wicked- ^^\j3farrdshl,(. the spieadingof carpets,&c.,

ness, lust, adultery, o. [indecently, a. the business of a farrdsh. a.

{J:Xd fuhhash, salacious, obscene, talking kS^Jirdgh, cessation from labour, repose, rest,
leisure ; happiness, competency, a.
(^^^/«^'^'^''''"> '• [obscenity (in word or
a. C^\j fardgjmt^i. leisure, rejjose; abundance,
Ji^fuhsh, m. i <leed); ribaldry, bawdry, ease, happiness, competency, a.
\^fahwa,m. style, contents, signification, distinction.
sense, meaning. fahwd,e kaldm, signification, sense, "^jfirak, m. distance, separation,
separated, one doomed
absence, firdlf-zada,
to a absent,
scope', meaning, spirit (of a speech or composition), o.
faMl, a noose, snare ; the chase, p.
^j\^ jirdki, separated, absent, a.
^fatllhh, snoring; weakness m the legs. a. \j^3fardmarz, the keeper ofa citadel, p.

9 ( -536 )

*^l)y farzana, wise, intelligent, excellent,

lA* V fo^amush, "1 forgotten, faramosh-hai^ distinguished ; applied to a pawn at chess, that which
^^yc\^ faramosh, J or -gar, unmindful, for- has reached the last square on the board, and thereby
getful, p. become promoted to the rank oi farzin, q. v. p.

^^ycfji fardmoshi, f. forgetful ness. p. C^jji farznnd, m. a child, son, or daughter.

farzandi rashtd, a good, intelligent child, p.
ijiyAjS faramin (Arab. pi. of ^^UJ), orders,
commands, mandates, precepts, p.
of a child, f.
p. childhood, the rank or
\i\jS farrana, n. to snort or sneeze (a horse);
to come quickly, h.
{jjj^farzl, If. the wazir or minister (which
{^y^ fi>'oi')va)i, miK.h, abundant, copious, suf- l^jy/arzlnj we in Europe call queen) at
ficient, opulent, p. chess, farztn-hand, m. a term used at chess for -which
■we have no equivalent, p.
(J^y^ fiiuivani, f. abundance, opulence, p.
i^j^ji faraSf m. a horse; the knight in chess.
^1^ faraham, m. collection ; contraction ; furs, Persia, the Persians, a.
adj. collected, gathered, p.
^jiilju*y Jiristadan, to send. Jiristada, one
{^jai\^ fara,iz (pi. of a^o^ J), tbe knowledge sent ; an ambassador, a legate, an envoy, p.
of dividing inheritances agreeably to law. a.
>oS farhih, fat, stout, corpulent, p. ^j> farsakh, j m. a parasang (or measure
^ei(^^ favhihi, f. fatness, strength, p. cfXi-y
league, farsanfj,\
p. of about 18,000 feet), a

CL->^^ fartut, old and decrepid. p.

Hy**^ farsnda, worn out, obliterated, p.
fr^ f"''^,h ^' cheerfulness, delight, ploa>ure,
joy. farjyt. pudendum turn maris turn femlnce. a. {j^jS farsh, m. spreading, carpeting, bedding;
a cushion, mat, carpet, &c. farsh-furush, the carpets, a.
j^y farjam, m. end, conclusion, issue; hap-
piness, prosperity ; utility, p. ^U!lw»^ firishtaijan, angels, &c. f.
—ji far ah, joy hi\, pleased, satisfied, cheerfdl.a. d^^jS Jiri^hta, m. an angel, an apostle, pro-
phet, missionary, p.
\>-ji farahan, gladly, cheerfully, a.
^^jiji Jarshi, f. a kind of Juihha; a large
f^\»'jS J'urhan, joyful, glad, happy, a. "Jfukka which stands on the ground, in contradistinction
to smaller implements which may be carried in the
CLks^jS farJiat, f. delight, pleasure, cheerful- hand." — (Binning.) a.
ness, joy, amusement, farhat-asar, pleasant, happy.
faih'ifii-l-HM, pleasant to look at; the name of a kite, CL^^jS fursat, f. leisure, freedom, ease, con-
lilt I'oudiclierry eagle {Falco ponlicerianus). a. venience, opportunity, relief, rest. a.

\j^Ji fi^rz, m. a divine command, a duty, the

^ji farrukh, happy, i'oriunate. p. omission of which is considered as a mortal sin; an
j^^,^i farruhli-siyar, name of one of the obligation, farz-k , a. to consider as a positive in-
emperors of Delhi, A.D. 1713, iVc. p. dispensable duty, to grant, to admit, to suppose lor
tial, a. sake, farz-h., to be incumbent or essen-
8(^is»-j5 farkhimda, luippy, fortunate, far-
l^nda-tdlt , fortunate ; of happy destiny, p.
i^ fard, f. a sheet (of j)aper), a Ptatenienr, ^ *oy farzan, hypothetically ; for instance, a.
list, roll, verse, piece; an individual; one; sinple; J'-^^i farzTil, m. the hammer of a flint-lock
odd. fardi-kasht, a statement of the peasant's culti- (Gilchrist calls this an Arabic or Persian word, but I
vation, fardi tashkhts, a settlement record, a. never met with an Arab or Persian who understood
it. Ill the former language this part of a gun-lock is
\iijS farda, to-morrow ; (nirt.) the day of tiinied viislit, and in Persian kasliluk) — (Binning.) ii.
; resurrection (to express the rapidity and certainty of
} its approach). fardd,e kiyamat, f. the great day of ^jSfarzt, hypothetically assumed, a.
judgment, p. [morial. a.
CL>.y/C>ji faj'zlyat, hypothesis, assumption, a.
CL^S.;Sis»-Lij> fardi-hahihat, a manifesto or me-
i3^_/r/r/, superfluity, abundance; a hill top. a.
J*y*>iijition, a. fard-san-al, a petition or applica-
e.jifar', f, a bough, a branch (of a tree, par-
ticularly the top branches), a.
i^jtij^jfijirdaus, m. a garden, paradise, a.

^-rtjtii firdausi, n. name of a cehhnited' ^^y

kings Jir^ann,
of Egypt Pharaoh, a title
about the time of common to the
Moses, as that of
"poet of Tub, in Persia, about A.D. 1000. p. Ptolemy was in the time of the Romans ; (met.) any
cruel tyrant, a.
^$iS fm-d'i, f. a roll, catalogue, a.
C^Kip^ fardiyat (pi. of d^ or <_f45;i), cata- ^^S-jSjii-'aian, f. haughtiness, tyranny, a.
logues, statements, details, o. [lence. p.
cloak, f'lrghul,
p. f. a wrapper, a great coat,
J^-iVji J'ai-~n7iagi, f. wisdom, science, excel-
( 537 ) jj3

\:>\^^ farfarana, to snort (as a horse or other ^jfJifjS fa7'ozdn, luminous, resplendent, p.
animal), h.
i^jjS farosh, (in comp.) selling, as hahrd-
farosh, a seller of sweetmeats, &c. p.
^Ji fttTli, m. difference, distance, distinction,
dispersion ; the head, the top of any tiling, summit ;
adj. distant, separate, distinct; iuteij. away! aside! a. (^^yfarush (pi. of (_ji^), carpets, a.
f^Jiy furlian, m. the hur,an (as distinguishing iSx^^jSfaroshanda, selling, one who sells./).
or separating truth from falsehood.) o.
^_^^jS farosJiiy f. (v.farosh) selling, p.
d^5^ furJiat, f. distance, separation, distinc- 9}yfiru (pi. of cy), heads, tops ; branches;
tion bereavement,
; absence, a. chiefs of tribes or families, a.
^^\s>j3fa7Jiaddn, m. two stars near the pole, f3j>f(^rogh, m. illumination, light,6plendour.j:).
in the constellation of the lesser bear. a.

eJjSjirha, m. a religious or philosophic sect; (Jwlj^j^

neglect, p. faro-guzdshtan, to pretermit, to
a tribe, troop, company, society, a.
l«j furma (also fa7ma,e), (in comp.) com- ^^^Xjc^y faro-mdndagi (also fai-o-mdnl'), f.
manding, performing, p. "helplessness, weakness, dejection, p.
exhausted, faro-vidndan,
p. to lag behind, to be
jo^r* fai'man, m. a mandate, command,
order; a royal patent: according to Gladwin it denotes
a grant, decree, patent, or command of the emperor; iiij\/«jj9faro'mdnda, dejected, tired, depressed,
a royal commission, or mandate. In Bengal the term fatigued, weak, helpless, p. [mean, ignoble, p.
is used for a patent to trade duty free. By way of
eminence it means the charter which the Company ^\<jji faro-mdya, worthless, low, sordid,
obtained from the emperor Farrukh-siyar, granting
them a libertj' of trading, and other privileges, far- i\s>S farhdd, name of a celebrated Persian
man-barddr . subject to orders, obedient, fariuan-bar-
daii, f. obedience, subjection, farmdii-dili, one who statuary, anwho,
through to please
immense his mistress
mountain, p. Shlr'in, dug
issues orders ; a king, a ruler, farman-dihl, f. autho-
rity, sovereign power, furwun-rawd, a king, a sove- \L>^Ji farhang, f. wisdom, understanding;
reign./an«an-/-aitJa,(, f. kingly power, sovereignty, p. a dictionary, a vocabularj', a glossarj'. p.
U'-«J farmana, a. to ordei', to command ; iib li farydd, f. complaint, exclamation, la-
when put in the mouth of kings and superiors, it may
signify to say, to do, to accomplish, j), mentation, cryfor help, farydd-ras, one who attends
to a complaint, a defender, farydd-rasi, f. redress ol
grievances, p.
^^JlAicS farvia,ish, f. an order (particularly
for goods, &c.), commission, any thing commissioned, (^dhji fa7-yddl, m. a complainant, a plaintiff,
pleasure, will, commands, p. one who sues for justice, p.

^jLi\'«jS farmdjishl, particularly ordered or \.^,yfareb, f. deceit, trick, deception, fraud.

bespoken (any thing) ; excellent, p. fareb-dmez or fareb-kdr, fraudulent, deceitful, fareb-
Jchurda, deceived, imposed upon ; (in comp.) cheating,
f^^d^*ji farmudan {y. farmd,e)^ to order, jj. deceiving, alluring ; as, marduvi-fareb, betraying m>.n.
fareb-khdnd, to be imposed upon, fartb-d,, to impose
{.^JJijS farang, Europe, the country of the upon another, p.
Franks, p.
^.jiforebd, ^a deceiver; adj. falla-
^S^jifaravgi, m. (from Vr. franc) a Frank,
iSxx^jS farebanda,) cious, deceitful, p.
"a European in general ; adj. European, p.
i^CLSJ>^ farangistdn, m. Europe, j). ^^Syxi^farebandagi, f. fraud, deceitful ness.^?.
f^^ firm, f. a dish resembling hasty pudding ^c^,^ f<^rehi, m. a cheat, an impostor; f. (in
"comp.) deceiving, p,
made of ground rice and milk. p.
• J faro (before a word beginning with a ^y>d^ji farld-buti, f. a kind of medicinal
" herb (Metdspermum Mrsuium). h.
vowel, farod), down, below, under, faro-tan, humble,
depressed, faro-tam, f. humility, submissiveness. p. ^^mi^jSfarldun, name of an ancient king of
Persia, famed for his virtues, p.
y^jh farotar, lower down. p.
».,a>ifariza, a divine positive command, a.
CLt»-jjS farokJif, f. sale, farohht-h., a. to
sell. ](har'id-farokht, buying and selling, traffic, p.
^j'JSii^^ fareftan (r.fareb), to deceive, p.
f^s>'^jS faroh/iian {v. farosfi), to sell ; {v.fa- i^^jS farefta, dcjccived ; enamoured, p.
roz), to inflame, to kindle, to illumine, p.
j_j^ i fartk, m. a troop, squadron, corps.
ioi-j J farohhta, sold; kindled, illuminated. i^,
farikain, du. both parties. far'iTri awwal, the first
party. farlU sdnl, the defendant party in a law suit. a.
2i, J farod, m. descending, alighting, stop-
ping ; adv. down, beneath, farod-gdh, f. a halting- \js fazd, (in comp.) increasing, augmtnting,
piace. p.
as jdri-fazd, increasing one's life or spirit, p.
.•j9 faroz, (in comp.) kindling, inflaming, p. jk
ijjifizud (for afzud), incrciisr, &c.
( 538 )

,jx.a5 fafd, f. breastworks, entrenchmetit,

i^^'S fizul^ m. the hammer of a flint lock. d. ramparts (vulg. safll). a.
f^^'j fazun (v. afzun), increasing, &;c. ;). \tas faza, an open space, an extensive open
Sl^i fiisnd, m. depravity,iniqiiity,wickedness,
violence, war, horror, mutiny, sedition, rebellion, a.
field, arena, area, pur-faza, spacious, o.
«3uaJ fuzala, m. remains, remainder, a.
(j-i*— jfaxadi, quarrelsome, vicious, mutinous;
m. an incendiary; a rebel, a. p. ^y^y*a>faza,il (pi. of (-l*ijuai), virtues, excel-
^^\^i ftsaii or fa san, H vvlietstone. p. lencies, learning, merits, a.
i^>\.,^fasana, tale, fiction, narrative, p. \j-tai fazl, m. excellence, virtue; increase,
gain ; gift, reward, favour, a.
^^ faah, Easter, the passover. a.
'j'^ fuzala (pi. of J-oli), learned and good
d^ <^ fushat, liberty, satisfaction; (lit.) men. a. [ing, refuse, a.
■width, room, space, a. lUstofifuzla, m. remainder, redundancy ; leav-
^.^ fashh, m. violation (as of an agreement),
dissolving (a marriage) ; dislocation, a. \jyQi fazul, exuberant, excessive, redundant ;
a busy-body, a mischief-maker, faziil kharch, extra-
^i^jj.^ fasurdagi, f. congelation, p. vagant, profuse, fazul-go, a prolix speaker, one who
talks much ; a boaster, an egotist, a.
li^j^fasurda or fisitrda, congealed, fasurda-
d'd, cold-hearted, fasurda-bayan, one whose words are ^^yoJ fazuli, f. exuberance, redundance, mis-
destitute of force or meaning, p. "chief-making ; m. an intermeddler, one who acts aa
agent without any authority, fazul'i bai', the saleoi
"L^fish, m. adultery, obscenity, impudence, another's property without consent, a.
iniquity, sin, falsehood, a. [is ! p.
^-toJ fazVi, ignominious, infamous, a.
<^jtiy^fasos (for afsos), interj. alas! pity it
^y^fusun, incantation ; fraud, deceit, p. kZ^'^^ fazlhat, f. disgrace, ignominy, in-
famy, fazi^al-k., to disgrace, defame, a.
K'>y^ fusmia, an enchanter, a deceiver, p.
XJLs fashar, scattering, fishar, compressing, j_^^r^^ fuzihati, disgraceful, infamous, a.
piercing, p. \JLAxjoi fazilat, f. excellence, perfection ;
virtue, knowledge, learning, a.
f^^J^ f shall, (in comp.) strewing, scattering,
shedding ; as atash-fishan, scattering fire. p. ya^ fatr or fitr, m. breaking (a fast) ; com-
mencing, broaching ; the festival held on breaking
iSi^^jLsJishanda, strewed, scattered, p. Lent, which is also called 'idu-l-filr. a.
fj,\zJfishanl, f. (in comp.) strewing, &c. p. CL.>yas Jitrat, f.l wisdom, sagacity; nature,
l^jLi fishurda, squeezed, compressed, p. ijai fitra, m. J creation, form; deceit,
l!L*s>- ^joi fasahat, f. eloquence, pure language, trick ; alms given on the 'Idu-l-fitr. fitrat lurana, a.
elegance of style, a. (vulg.) to practise tricks or stratagems, a.

d\->£xi fassad, ni. a surgeon, phlebotomist. a. fJ,yaS ftrati, sagacious, cunning, a.

iji^^^ioi fassad'i, f. surgery, phlebotomy, a. tJL^'xVii fitnat, understanding, sagacity, a.

S^ai fasd, f. opening a vein, bleeding, phle- JUi fal (pi. of (J*5), works, actions,
botomy, fasd kholna, a. to bleed, a. doings, a.

^^fasl, f. a section, article, chapter; time, (Jje fil, m. action, work, operation ; a verb.
season, crop, harvest, a. fi'li 'abas, lost labour, an absurd undertaking, fi'li
laziml, a verb neuter, fi'li muta'addi, a verb active or
l,.^^^^y^ fasli kharif, the autumnal har- ^ causal, bi-l-fi'l, in fact, in reality, actually, presently, a.
vest of rice, millet, &c. a.
iUi flan, in fact, indeed. Jilan iva haulan,
9Ly.i.^y^fasli rahi, (lit.) the season of spring: in deed and word. a.
it also denotes the first or early harvest of the year. a.
eXfii fa'ala (pi. of J^^J), agents, &c. fi'la,
A^ fasli, name of an aera instituted some a single deed or action, a.
'three hundred years tigo by the emperor Akbar. It
then agreed " itli tlic Hijra ; but as the Fasli years are ^\iti fighan, m.
solar, it falls behind the latter a?ra at the rate of three plaintinter),
; alas lamentation,
I p. clamour, com-
years per century, a.
JUj A^ /a.vZi sal, the revenue year : of this j^ojfi faghfur, m. the emperor of China, p.
there are diflferent epochs in various parts of India, a.p. ^ fdk, astonished, dismayed, h.
^^ fafih, eloquent, sweet or pure (in lan- ^<ii^ fikdan, loss, want, deprivation, a.
guage or writings), a.
J>i falir or fukr, m. poverty ; a life of poverty
with resignation and content, o.
• <^^'j'('f^l>'''>f- eloquence, purity of style, a.
( 539 ) Oy

\Si fiihara (pi. oi jSii), the poor; religions

mendicants, darwcshes. a. C^'^ filizzat, mines, ores, metal*, a.
(jJi fals or Jih, a small coin, an obolus.
ijoj fihra, m. a line, a sentence,J" fihra-bandi., falas, indigence, want. a.
f. arrangement, eloquence, a.
(JL^a .As fjlsafaf, f. philosophy, a.
jasjfahat (pvopev\\ fa-hiU or fa-hat), merely,
simply, only, solely, no more. a. ^jLAsfalsafi, a philosopher, a.
esu filih, f. knowledge of religion and law; ^i^fljil, f. pepper, a.
theology, jurisprudence, a. L^s fiilah, m. till; heavens, the sky, the fir-
mament fate,
; fortune, falak ko khabar na honi kiu
j*.2.5 faVir, in. a betrgiir, a dervise; a man who
leads what is called a holy life : there is a great variety ke (lit. a thing being unknown to one's stars), im-
plies great inattention and ignorance. Jalaku-l-uflak,
of them: they are always in the character of persons the primum mobile, empyrean heaven, falak-zada,
collecting alms, and are frequently known to subject
themselves voluntarily to extreme torture, in the hopes oppressed by late or fortune, planet-struck, falak-
sair, extremely swift, a.
of appeasing an offended deit}'. They are in general
a worthless set of villains, who, to obtain money from '" fortune, a.
the credulous natives, put on the appearance of extreme (Xii falak'i, heavenly, relating to fate or
sanctity, under the cloak of which they commit the
greatest excesses ; adj. poor, indigent, a. Ji falavi, m. a small silver coin current in
f^\jM faklrdn, land bestowed on falnrs. a. p. ' Southern India, and called by Europeans " a fanam :"
twelve fanams make a rupee, and from 4U to 45 fanams,
s^]j^ faliirana, in the manner o£a fahi7\ a. p. a pagoda or hun. d.

ijfj^fakirnif^f. a poor woman, a female (^j»i^ fulJis, in. (pi. of (^j-ij) sn)all coins, a
paisd : money in a general sense, a.
Vj^ fakira, J devotee, a. h.
(jfjJiKi/aAm,f.devoteeism,poverty, humility. a. WjJi
wick ; a m.
wick (per met. offor
composed fat'ila)
paper match
inscribed with
euaj faTiih, a man conversant with religion m3'stic words, by inhaling the smoke of which demons
are expelled from those possessed ; a cord of twisted
and law ; a theologian, a lawyer, a. thread sewn between the two folds of the hem of a
garment to strengthen it. fallta-dar, a matchlock ;
(.^Sifakk, the under and upper jaw. a. any thing that has a match or wick ; cloth hemmed
with a cord or fall ta. a.
Jys fihr, f. and m. thought, reflection, consi-
deration, counsel, advice ; solicitude, a. jti fam, m. the mouth, fami mi da, the
orifice of the stomach, a.
C^SiJikratf thought ; the subject of thought
or care. a.
j^ fann (also^t//<), m. science; skill, saga-
city, stratagem, art. fan-fareb, m. art and cunning.
,yx*Si Jikr-mandA thoughtful, sorrowful, fan-farebl, artful, cunning, o.
ijy^ Jikri, J pensive, anxious, a. p. \^ fana, f. mortality, frailty, death, a.
^^d^i^ fikandan, to cast down, to thiow away. fj^^ finjan, m. a porcelain dish ; a coffee-
fikandanl, fit to be thro^vn awaj-. fikanda, cast or cup, such as the Arabs, Persians, and Turks use. It
thrown down. p. is veryand,
small, beingof scarcely
shell, instead a saucer,larger
rests than half ancasee^'fr-
in a small of
silver or other metal called zarf. — (Binning), p.
jljCi/i'/yar, lame, crippled, wounded; afflicted,
confused, distracted, dil-figar, heart-afflicting, p. i^faud, fraud, dtccit, trifles, vain words, p.
^^JLs figayi (y. o^an), 'overthrowing, p. jjjai fimduli, f. a filbert nut ; a ball or
_^ falah, f. prospeiity, happiness, safety, bullet ; a finger tip. fiindiik hand, staining the tips of
refuge, a. the fingers so as to resemble the filbert-nut. a.

{^Sji fand'h fraudulent, deceiiful. p.

i^'f'^ falakhan or falahhun {pXso fulajihaii),
f. a sling for throwing stones, p. [phers. a.
i^^funun (pi. of (^), arts, sciences, a,
*i**»!i)J falasifat (pi. of ( •^*JjJ), pliiloso- *^ fu, m. valerian; the mouth, a.
^•io>i falatun (TrAaTwi/), Plato, a. a\^ fuirad, m. the heart, a.
C^i'^ f/ilahof, r. an evil, a disgrace ; a mis- ij\^fa/r?vdra, ra. a fountain, a jet, drain, a
fortune, adversity. falakaU-falak, the frowns of for- spring, a.
tune the
; evils of destiny, a.
sS\^ fawdkih, m. (pi. of *^lJ) fruits, a.
^'^falakati, unfortunate, a.
S^\^fan-a,id(]A. of 8^\fl), gains, advantages,
j^^ fulan, m. such a one or thing, fulan or profits, benefits, a. [be interred, o,
falanl, f. (met.) pudendum muliehre. a.
C^^faut, f. death. f(Uit-Ii07ia, n. to die; to
eJ*:^ fulana, ni. such a one, &c. JaJaaa, m.
penis virilis. a. e3^ fitta or fOta, a cloth which they wrap
round the middle when f;oing to bathe, /ota is some-
"^filizz, m. ore, metal ; dross, scoria, a. times used improperly for Joia, q. v. p.

( 540 ) J

^yi faiiti, adj. (lead; property of one who c^ ~ y^'3/"?*> f- liberality, benevolence, a.
dies intestate and without legal heirs (which escheats
to the sovereign!, fauti firdrt, adj. killed and miss- SJJJ fita, ra. ribbon, tape (Port.^^a). Poit.
ing ; property of persons dying intestate or abscond-
ing, fauti-ndma, a list of the killed ; annual bills of [j,j*^ firm (Dakh. for ^j)j), a kind of pud-
mortality, a. ding, d.

^^ fauj, f. an army, a multitude, a. JjL^ y^ros;, victorious, happy, fortunate.

flroz-asar, firoz-hakht, also ftroz-mand, victorious,
.lJo>-ji fauj-dar, an officer of the police so conquering, prosperous, firoz-mandi, f. victory, pro-
called, a magistrate, a. p. sperit}'. p.

fjys»- ^ fauj-dari, the office of favj-dar. ijjjjj flroza, m. a turquoise stone, used as
a talisman for bringing the wearer good luck. p.
fauj-darl 'addlat, chief criminal court, a. p.
j^ fur, name of a raja of lianuj, slain by i_g\^ji£ firozi, f. victory, good fortune, p.
Alexander the Great, Porus. p. (J><ajL5 faisal, m. decision, decree, determina-
tion ;division, separation, faital-k., a. to settle, to
j^ fiiur, rn. celerity, haste. Ji-l-faur, imme- decide, to adjust, a.
diately, instantly, a. [rectly. a.
SJ^\i^y^AJ3 faisal-namOf a decree, an award ;
\j^ fnuran, quickly, siiddenly, instantly, di- an instrument
settled, a. p. denoting that a cause has been finally
j^ fauz, victory, advantage, fruition, a.
luo^ fota, m. a bag ; the testicle ; tax, re- iLaJ^ faisala, m. a decree, settlement, a.
venue, a purse, fota-ddr (vulg. pota-dar), a banker ; {^jaJ^ faiz, m. plent)', abundance; grace,
a person who inspects the different coins, and deter-
mines their rate of exchange, fota-dan, f. ban-ker- favour, bounty, faizi 'dmm, ra. general abundance i
ship, banking, tlie office of fota-ddr. Jote bahdduri ke, adj. liberal, profuse, faiz-halchsh or faiz-rasdn, one who
the testicles, p. bestows favours ; liberal, munificent, a.

fj\jOJJ fui/azan, overflowing, redundancy, a.

^}i >,*fon-fal ov fufal, the betel-nut. a.
^^fauh, m. superiority, excellence, altitude, ^y^ fil, m. an elephant, fil-hdn, m. an ele-
phant-driver (or-feeder), fil-khdiia, a place for ele-
loftiness ; prep, over, above, a.
phants, an elephant stable. fU-danddn, m. ivory, fil-
mut\gk, m. a turkey, fil-nislnn, one who rides on au
;3'jy fauTiantf superior ; dotted above, as elephant. In chess /i/ originally denoted the rook;
some letters are, such as te, &c. a. at present it is applied to the piece which we absurdly
call the bishop, a. p. [having elephantiasis. /).
CL^s^ favTiiyat , f. preference, pre-eminence,
superiority, excellence, a.
UIaj fil-pa, having a swelling in one's leg,
^y ^ fulad, f. (same as piilad), steel, p. >o\Axi fll-paya, m. a pillar, a prop ; the up-
right post over the mouth of a well. p.
^'^y ^ fuladi, made of steel ; f. a pikestaff, f. ^^UJui yi/-;;a,i, f. elephantiasis, p.
cI^Mjjy? Jihrtst, f. an inventory, list, index,
table of contents, schedule, &c. p. aJ lig'^ fil-kfiana, m. elephant stables, p.
^^ fahm, ra. understanding, intellect, com- \.^y.Aii failsnf f. (Gr. (piKoaocpoi^ a philo-
prehension, fahm-ddr, acute, intelligent ; (in comp.) sopher; intelligent, knowing; (met.) in EQnd. cun-
perceiving, discerning, ^c, tcz-fahm, of a quick capa- ning, artful, g.
city, sukhan-fahm, understanding a speech or dis-
course, a. p.
(j«jiJjLiya?7/M.9,'( Phklip.thekingofMacedoii,
(ji^.'v^ fahviayish, f. causing to understand, i^jn^S^ failhus,) father of Alexander, a.
instruction, explanation, p.
[kjki flU,, belonging to an elephant, a.
t^sJj^Y^ fahmid, f. understanding, p.
\^ fl-ma, in that which, as to what, fimd-
bad, as to the future, henceforth. Jt-na-bain, as to
^Sx^^ fahmidarfi, f. comprehension, p. what there is between (us, &c.). a.
^3.x».^ fahmidan, to understand, p.
J^ fuyul (pi. of Jji), elephants, a.
iX^^j fahmida, understood, p.
.^ fi-lii, in him, it, or that. a.
^^ fa him, learned, intelligent, a.
IjJlJ fi-ha, in her, it, or that, a,
^j. ft, in, into, among, of, to, with, for, by,
concerning ; each (or for each), per ; as ft man, per j,^ fl-him, in or among them. a.
maund, &c. fi-l-bad'iha, readilj', quickly, extempore.
fi-l-junda, upon the whole, fi-l-lidl, now, immediately,
on the spot or instant, directly, fi-l-hallkat, really,
truly, in effect, in fact, fi-l-faur, now, in short, imme-
diately, directly, ^-^masa/, allegorically. fi-Ji-jidri wa-
i-iatarj, in hell flames, /-/-wa^j', in reality, in fact. a. /» haf called haf hnrnithnt, the twenty-first
'^_>iljJ ya/j/a^, liberal, generous, profuse, co- letter of the Arabic alphabet, tlie twenty-fourth Per-
sian, and twenty-seventh Hindustani : its sound it
pious, munificent, benevolent, a. harder than that of leaf (the following letter;, bein({
( 541 )
tormed deep in the throat, by the pressure of the root
of the tongue apfiiinst it, and has been compared to the Jwoli* liaml, m. a courier, an express, a mes
cawing of a raven : in reckoning by nbjail it stands for senger, a postman
on, bound to. a. (Anglo-Indian, cossld) ; adj. resolved
one hundred. "The people of Soutlu'rn India gene-
rally sound this letter erroneously like kh ; the Per- ,^S*o^ hdsidi, f. situation of courier, &c.;
sians confound it with ^, sounding either letter as k
or^ indiscriminate!}'." — (Binning.) a. adj. of or relating to a courier, a.

\5 lia, the cawiiip: of a rook or crow, ha-ha- h., j*a\i hdsir, insufficient, <lefeetive, impotent
the caw like a crow. a. deficient, failing. Tcusiru-l-baijan, whose meaning is
defective, inexplicable, a.
^IIJJ ha-aii, a title among the Tartars, equi-
valent to Emperor or supreme ruler : it is sometimes ijoKs hdzi, til. a Muhammadan judge, civil,
applied to the emperor of China : it must not be con- "criminal, and ecclesiastic. h'lzhju-l-Jcuzut, the supreme
lounded with the inferior title khan, as is generally
done by our writers on Tartary, &:c. p. judge, a.
iUisDJ hdtibat (or hatiba), all, every one. a.
u^la lah, f. a l:ir<je dish used for kneading
dough and other pu«in)scs; m. a measure of length, ftA>li' hdtibatan, generally, universally, a. J^"
Yit. the distance from the middle to the extremities of
jhKi hdtir, a mule. t.
a bow. kab i kausain, two cubits' length, a,
«l>\i' hatt, cutting, rescinding; adj. peremp-
<— 1^15 hab, the case of a watch, d.
tory, decisive, explicit. kdti'u-t-tariJc, a robber, a high-
wayman, a. [^basit, the vast desert, u.
(^jta^lif habiz, seizing, taking ; in. an astiiii-
gent; a receiver, possessor; occupant. Tcabizu-l-arwdh, cli ha, a plain, a desert; level ground, hai
the seizer of souls, the angel of death, a.
l.y^\j ha Ida, m. basis, groundwork ; rule,
^JJlj> hahil, possible, capable, skilful, suffi- custom, Institution ; the rules of grammar. «.
cient, able, worthy, clever, a
u-ilJ> hqf, m. or huhi haf, the mountain of
Ab'j habila, f. a skilful woman, a midwife, a. hdf, supposed to surround the world, and bound the
extreme horizon : it rests on the stone sakhrat, an
entire emerald, the reflection from which occasions
,\>^ labili, If. possibility, skill, suffi- the azure colour of the sky, according to the poets :
Kl^A^KshabiRyut,] ciency, capability, fit- the kohi Tcdf is the abode of the devs and jinn (or genii j,
nes , a. and also of the parts or fairii-s; the famous shnur^,
or great griffin, is also an iuhabitaut of the same inter-
y>^ hahu, m. power, command, authority, esting region, a.
opportunity, possession, will, hibu-pand, to get the ftiilJJ hdjila, m. a body of travellers, a caravan.
opportunitj'. Mbu-parast, tyrannical, h'lbu-parasti, Tfafila-basln or kufila-sdldi; m. the leader or chief of
f. tyranny. kdbu-chaland,a.. to exercise one's power, t, a caravan. It may be observed that the term bdshi is
Turkish, and denotes chief, head, as ar-bdshi, chief of
ic^y>^ habnchl, despotic, tyrannical, t. the troops, ix-c: kdjila-bdshi, thereiore, does not denote
the abstract feminine noun, viz. "chieftainship of a ca-
Jjoljf habll, Cain, the eldest-born of Eve ravan," as we have seen it stated in some dictionary, a.
(properly ka,ht, q. v.). hdbtl tva hdbll, Cain and Abel. a.
&*j\jl hafiya, m. rhyme, cadence, metre, the
^15 Mtil, killing, mortal, deadly ; m. a last letter in a verse, to which all the other distichs
murderer ; homicide, a. [the Omnipotent, a. rhyme : in poems which terminate in a double rliyme,
jiili hadir, potent, powerful, capable, skilful j the penult syllable is kdfiya, the last being called rad'if.
Mfiya tang hond, to be very poor or distressed, a.
(_j(ilii hazif, a false accuser, a slanderer, a.
jlji hah, dry, lean, thin, feeble ; dispiopor-
tionately tall. a.
8., jljl karura, m. a flask, glass; a urinal
(sent to physicians for inspection), a. li'ljj ha-ha, the note of a crow ; an imitative
sound, like our word cuckoo, a.
^•j\i* harun, supposed to be the same as
Korah, whom the Muhammadans describe as the cousin «jj'\j* hdhida, m. cardamoms, a,
of Moses : on account of his riches and avarice his JIVJJ hokum, ra. a fine kind of ermine, a.
name is proverbially applied to all misers : they add
that it was on account of his refusal to pay Moses a
tithe of his possessions for the public use, the earth Jljl hdl, m. a word, a saying ; loquacious-
opened and swallowed him up. a. \Jkur,dn. a. ness; boasting, egotism. Idlmdrnd, to be very loqua
cious ; to rebuke, to reproach. Ml maldl, m. alterca
^jXi hai-i, m. a reader, especially of the tion, wrangling. kdla-Udhu ta'dla, " God the Most
High hath said,"
tations from a phrasea. generally prefixed to quo-
tlie Jcur,dn.
;15 haz, m. a duck or goose, t.
U_JIJ> hdlib, m. a mould, model, form; bust,
i'Xs kaza, a long rein for leading horses, hdza- figure; the body. a.
ddr, a groom, d.
ic^^ I'dlibi, cast in a mould, iiiiide on a
w-i'j hasrm, dividing; m. a distiibutor. ha- "mould, moulded, a.
sivm-larzak, distributor of daily bread, i. e. God. a.

^Ij" hull, f. a carpet, tapestry, p.

(j^l'i hash, f. the eyebrow
melon, &c.), a piece. /.
; a bit, a slice (of e^Xi hdlicha, m. a small carpet, p.
( 542 )

ijruli' TiaUn, f. a carpet, tapestry, p. ^J^Xj^jXi TiaharistdTif^f. a burying-ground, a

lHa/o'j* kdmat, f. stature, shape, form, fiorure, trSj^ hahar-^dh, J cemetery, a. p.
body. Jcadd o Mmat, f. stature and size, general ap- ^j<*-5 Tiabs or habas, m. lighting or getting
pearance, a. [Arabic lexicon, a.
fire from another, striking, or asking fire ; learning,
(^jtjyc^j hamus, m. the ocean ; the name of an teaching; a firebrand, a match, any tiling for kindling
fire with; adj. quick, expeditious, a.
jj^j ha/i, the sound uttered by a duck, i^a/i-
Jcan-k., to quack as a dtfck. A. {^jA^habz, f. contraction; costiveness; a re-
ceipt; tax, tribute. 7cabzu-l-wusul, {. a receipt, ac-
cH-olJJ hanit, obedient to God, devout; silent, a. knowledgment, a.
A>15 hanV , contented, satisfied, a. euif? habza, m. a grasp ; a handle ; the gripe
of a sword, a.
canon ;Tianun, m. orrule,
a dulcimer harp. regulation, statute,
Tcdniin-go, m. an officer (JLaXjajj habziyat, f. seizure, costiveness. a.
in each district, acquainted with its customs, the na-
ture of the tenures of the land, &c. Jc(inun-go,l, f. the ^jJ liabl, m, the anterior part, the front ; adj.
office of a kdiiilu-go. g. first, anterior ; adv. before. Icabl az an-ki, before
that, anteaqiiam. labl az in, before now, heretofore, a.
jfii^J /ifa/i?r,opprissive; subduing-jirinniphing. a.
8J&15 Tiahira, f. a conqus'ies;^, victrix. ol ha- jjjj h'bal, power ; plenty; presence; on the
part of, in respect of. h.ibl or htbul, pudendum viri
liira, grand Cairo, q. d. Augusta or Victoria, a. velfaminte ; (,pl. oflcahll), tribes, &c. a.
Si 3 hd,id, m. a leader, a general ; the star in edjJ kibla, m. any thing opposite ; that part
the tail of the Lesser Boar. a. to which Musalmdns turn their face when at prayer ;
hence the word means Mecca, an altar, temple; wor-
ship father.
; i:ihla,e haunain, the Vibla of botli worlds
13^ 8^ ^5 hd,iza haivh, a. to tie up a horse's (applied to Muhammad), kibla-gdh, the place turned to
head b^' passing the bridle to his tail, to prevent his
biting, &:c. while being rubbed down. a.p. when at praj'er ; generally means a father ; a patron
or protector. t:ibla,e 'alum {Jcibla of tlie world), a title
applied to oriental monarchs. liblamnud, lit. that
;cjj'j kd,izl, f. a bridle used whilst cleaning which shews where the Jcibla is situated ; a complex
a horse, a bit. o. •
mathematical instrument, wrongly supposed to be the
mariners' compa.ss ; but in reality it is an astrolabe
,_}j'j tid,il, acquiescing, iigreeing, giving up a which was used for finding the bearing of jMecca be-
point; adj. subdued, confuted. Tca,il-k., to confute, to fore the compass was known to the Arabs : of course
convince, to convict. l('i,U hona, n. to acquiesce, to the term is now applied to the European compass, a.
acknowledge, to 3ield. a.
jti\S kd,im, erect, perpendicular ; firm, fixed, j^jjj kubu?' (pi. of_^), tombs, a.
durable ; attentive, persevering. M,imu-n-iiar, fixed
■^. »jj ..
hibur, "1Miolsters
, , - pistols,
lur . , a.
quicksilver ((' e. fixed by fire). Idjm-mizdj, of a set-
tled temper. l<d,im-mdkdm, a viceroy, lieutenant, vice- ij*^ liabura,}
gerent, a.
(JjaJ hibul or hubul, m. consent, favourable
reception, concession, approbation, assent; adj. ap-
a-^li* hd,9ma,
pendicular lineerect,
; a rightperpendicular
angle, a. ; m. a per- proved, consented, labul-surat, ofa pleasant figure,
handsome, well-favoured. Jcabul-k., a. to assent, allow,
confess, consent, to own, to promise, kabul huiid, to
j_^\i" M,ivn, firmness, durability, a. be acceptable ; to be agreed on. a.
(jo'j kd,in (v. J-Joli'), Cain, the first-born of
Eve : the Arabs have changed the word into l-dhtl, pro- 'oJ«jj> halniJiid, a. to agree, to consent, to
bably because it rliymes with Iid/>1/, Abel ; or the assent, to accept, to choose, a. h.
change may have resulted from tlie ignorance of a
copyist; for if the diacritical points, a< often happens,
be omitted, the two forms kd.hi and Idbil become ^«jJ>,
"boiled lahul'i,
together, f. aa, kind of food, rice and piiNe
nearly the same a.
CL^yX! hubuliyat, f. a Avritfcn agreement, a.
t *5 hahb, m. the s^ound ofa falling sword, /i.
&x! hubba, m. a vault, an arch, a dome; a
'jj' Jiohd, f. a garment (quilted), a jacket; a small ornament shaped like a pine-apple on the top
kind of long gown, l-aba, name of a village near of a flagstafl' or spire, a. [ugly> shameful, a.
Mad'ina,a fur
pustln, in Arabia
clmik. ;p.the
a. earth, ground, soil, irabd.e ^sXJ hahlh, vile, detestable, deformed, bad,
lI^o-Uj huhdhat, f. villany, deformity, dis-
honesty, baseness, evil, ill, wrong, inconvenience, a. (J.*ji* Itabil, m. a species, kind ; family, tribe,
kindred, progeny, a. [a wife. n.
if3\ji* kabciln,
written m. contract,
agreement, a deed,a bill
of sale. aa. bond, iXyss hubila (also hab'ild), m. a family, a tribe ;
^y^^ hahdjil (p\. of AxiJ), family (wife and Jl:i' hitdlf battle, slaughter, fighting, hnitdl,
children, &c.) ; tribes, a. a slayer, a murderer. Taittdl (pi. ol "katil), murderers, a.
A^ huhk or kabh, baseness, deformity, a. ^y^ hitl, m. slaughter, homicide, murder.
katli 'dmm, m a general massacre. Jcatli 'amd, wilful
murder, katli-khatd, killing by mistake, latl-k., a.
.AJ hahar, f. a grave, a tomb. Tiahar-kan, a to kill, to execute ; to murder, katl-gah, place of exe-
gravedigger. a. cution or of slaughter, a.
( 543 )
^^ ha da. M^^ Itudunt, m. arrival, coming near. a.
«to hat la ' \m. a slice, fragment, h. jl^ hadtr, pow<?rful ; the Almighty, a.
Oiii huhyn, ancient, old. Ttadimu-l-aiyaviy
Jxi* hat'il, ni.1 killed, murdered, or be- ancient ofmorial, da^'S ; times of old ; adv. from time imme-
&)uci* hat'ila, f. / headed, a.
ij^ hahhagi, f. whoredom, fornication, a. ^^^S> ladiml, old, aged, former, ancient.
" descent,
ludlmT ra'n/af,
a. an occupant of land by hereditary
s^ kahha, m. a coutrh ; f. an old woman
(subject to coughing) ; a whore, a prostitute (accus- 4__J,.iJ h/zf, accusing one falsely of unnatural
tomed to notify her profession by coughing, Gol.) ;
adj. unchaste, a. crimes or adultery, a.

las? hiJit, m. faminp, dearth, liahi-znda, ^l^y^^Ji liarahadin,^f. an antidote, a panacea,

afflicted or visited with famine. Jcajftsdl or -sail, a fj>_^[>\js haraha^in,} an effectual remcily (a
season of dearth or famine, a. term used in medicine), a.
liJ Jiadd, m. stature, htdd-awar hidd-dar, or
<J1a^1J' harahat, f. kin, vicinity, relationship,
Tcadd-kash, tall, of commanding stature. Mdd-Mam-k., affinity, propinquity, a.
a. to bow down. a. [cedciice. a.

(JL^ic\>}^ hidamat, f. priority, execlleiicp, pre- (j^\^ harabati, related, relative, a.

-,^3 htdah, m. a goblet, glass, bowl ; a satire iJ^ji liarnha, m. a flagon, a.
or lampoon, a.
^j;o\J' thing
harainu, f. a carbine
between a pistol ; a weapon having
and a blunderbuss, some-a
jSi hadr or hadar, f. worth, value, price ; short, wide, bell-mouthed barrel. It is used with one
hand, like a pistol, and is a favourite firearm among
quantitynity,; destiny, fate.
yadr-dan.a.^n^i Tcadr-ha'khsh,
appreciator, sourcethe ofworth
knowing dig- the Turkish and Arab horsemen and irregular cavalry.
of (a person), kadr-dfuil, f appreciation of another's The Turks originally borrowed the weapon, as well as
merit ; patronise, l-adr-shmds, knowing the worth of its name, from the Genoese.
(a person;, a. [tence. a.
C^AJfki?a,rit, f. pronunciation, reading (more
C^j^ hudratf f. power, authority ; omnipo- especially of the 7fM;dn). a.

< IjiiJ* hudrati, ^yj karrdd, a monkey-keeper, a.

duced b}' man; f.adj. divine, not
a mushroom; made orTcudratl
a toadstool. pro-
rang, white ; natural colour (not staiued or dyed), a. j\j> Tiardr,m.. rest, tranquillity, quietness ; firm-
ness, stability ; ratification, agreement, engagement ;
i^jtiSS huds, m. holiness, sanctity; Jerusalem ; waiting, patience, hirdr-ddd, an engagement, con-
the angel Gabriel ; adj. hoi}', pure. a. tract, agreement. Icardr-ivaki't, accurately, posi-
tively, a. [to. a.
iyM(^jiiSi haddasa sin-a-hu, may he (the Al-
mighty) sanctify his sepulchre ! (a phrase added when ^J^3 karm'l, firm, stable; ratified, agreed
speaking of a holy or great man deceased.) As these
words are generally written without vowels, it is un-
airfoLS liurdza, a small particle (of gold or sil-
certain whether they are not to be read in a passive ver); what falls off in filing, a.
sense, as Jcuddisa sirru-hu, may his tomb be sanctified ;
the latter reading, however, is very doubtful, a. 091.5 hiri'at, a carat, the twenty-fourth part of
an ounce, or, according to Gladwin, the one-twentieth
of an ounce, a.
^j^ss liudsi, holy ; m. the angel Gabriel, a.
s^xt^si Jntdsii/a, celestial, holy. a.
( i\^ Mraf, ' revi habere cum covjuge.'''' n.
j^s-jj/jrtrffl^rtw, care, injunction, prohibition.^?. Jjlji* hardhar, grumbling of the guts, hor-
borygmi. a.
^liJs laddvi, m. a pace, a step, a footstep; the
sole of the foot. Jcadam-bdz, fleet, 'kadam ha-Tcadam, ^^J h'rdn, m. conjunction of l he planets ; pro-
step by step, gently, "kadam-bas, one who kisses the pinquity, contiguity; a period of 10, 20, .tO, 40, 80, or
feet of a superior ; one who pajs respect. Jcadam-bosi, 120 years. Jcirdii-lc., to acconii)lish something wonder-
f. kissing the feet, obeisance. Ifadum-chinmid, a. to ful. Jcirdiiu-s-sa'daiii, the conjunction of the two for-
kiss the feet ; to leave the company of another, to bid tunate planets Jupiter and Venus ; the name of a
adieu. Tcadam-chhiuie, to touch or embrace one's feet. celebrated poem by Amir Kbusru, of Dihli. sdhlbi
ladam-ranja-farmand or -kiinid, to take the trouble Tyirdn, prosperous, mighty (lit. one who has been born
of visiting (another), to condescend to visit or wait under a fortunate junctiou of two or more planets; a
upon (spoken of a superior towards an inferior). Tcadani- title of honour), a.
laatid, to take protection ; to walk well (a horse).
hidam-lene, to acknowledge the superiority of another
(either in good or evil qualities : most frequently in ^^1.3 hiir,dn, m. the book eonlaiiiiiig tlie pre-
the latter), a. cept.«, &c. of Muhammad, hiir.dii ntlidnd (lit. to rai.»e
up the lur.uH), to swear. kur,dn par lidth dliariia, to
lay the hand on the hir,dii, to swear, kiir/in kd jama
^s'i hidom, palia7ind, to swear excessive!}', a.
eternity (Gol ).m. a. a man excelling in virtue;
^j}J! hitr,dm, of or relating to ilic hir,dn.
U>^j hudama (pi. of f^.^^J), the ancients, a.
dydti hir,dnt,
mulld, verses quoted
a Muhammadan from
officer whotheadministers
kiir.dn. kiir,dn'i-
oat lis
{^^<^ huddus or haddus, pure, holy , blessed, a . taken on the kur,dn. a.
( 544 )
)f ^

J-^ J karan-al, m. tlie advanced guard of an Uy> harna, a kind of French horn. a.
army ; a sentinel, a picquet ; a gamekeeper, t.
ij^^Ji harna,!, f. a trumpet (of horn), a.
^ .^J> harawaR, f. skirmishing (of outposts),
"a running fight, t. ^*A^5 harambik, an alembic, a still, a.
^y^^ haranful, m. (Gr. KupvScpvWoq), a
j^lJ' harUfincumstances, a. (pi of &JjJ»), connections, cir- clove, g. [a coral, t.

^.^^ kurb, m. propinquity, kindred, a. (Jjji haraul, m. (for hararval, q.v.). kuj-ul,

^jb ji' kurban, ^yj> liarauU, f. a picquet, grand guard ;

a quiver, a. m. a sacrifice, victim, oblation ; hunting, t.

^bJ' hurbam, devoted, sacrificed, a. i—^,^ harib, near, neighbouring, nigh, alrao.sl,
about, akin ; a relative or near relation, a.
jJIaJJ kurbat,\i. nearness, proximity ; rela-
uOji hariba or hariban, near, close upon. a.
y^i^ kurba, J tioiiship, affinity, a.
j^yfy9 hirh-jawar, near neighbourhood, a. ajo^' kariba
lative, a. or haribat, f. a near female re-
0>J hirrat, joy, gladness. 1iurratu-l-'ain,
a coldness (i. e. a lustre or cheerfulness) of the eye. a. ij^js Tiui-aish, a noble tribe of Arab.s, of
whom Muhammad's grandfather was chief, a.
&s».jS harha, m. a wound, a pimple, sore,ulcer.o. "tribe, a.
ij^..^ liui'uis/n, of or relating to the liuvaish
(_^j5 liitrs, m. an orb, a pellet, a ball of
paste, a disc (of the sun or moon), a round loaf of
bread, a. ^J>.^ Itar'in, conjoined, contiguous, connected ;
(in comp.) joined
honourable, by, of
possessed or honour,
possessed a.of, as 'izzul-lcay'in,
{^jaS larz, m. a loan, debt, money borrowed
at interest, karzi l}as(nta, money lent without interest, ajo Jj harlna, m. similarity, likeness ; sym-
and repaid at the pleasure of the borrower. Icarz-
Ithivali, a dun, a creditor. Icarz-ddr, a debtor, jcarz- metry ;cause, context, connection, tenour. a,
(larl, f. being in debt. Icarz dend, a. to lend, har;^
rakhnd, a. to owe. Tcarz lend, a. to borrow, a, lOji karya, m. a village or parish, a.

ji* haz, m. silk (particularly raw silk), j).

ft-ifi* hurza (v. {^^), a loan, debt, &c. a. i kazal-basht or Mzil-bdsin, w. a kind
i^^ liarzi, m. a debtor, a borrower ; adj.
be Mughal soldier : theof Tcazal-bdshls
the descendants the captives aregiven
to Shaikhto
"borrowed, got as a loan. a.
Haidar hy Tamerlane : they wore the red caps as-
is»j' ^t/?'.( m. cutting; amputation; a piece, a sumed by those captives as a mark of distinction
little, a mouthful ; an ear-ring. a. and are considered as the best troops of tlie Persian
armies, t. [oath. a.
charta). liirtas,
g. m. paper (Gr. x"P'''*}^> ^^^' oL^ hisumat, f. the administration of an
s^jS hiro, m. a lot (which among the Arabs C-JjLJj hasawat, f. hardness of heart, grief,
was drawn by shooting arrows) ; a wager, wagering, anguish, pain, chagrin, a. [revenge, n.
drawing lots, seeking one's fortune by opening a w«j kasnr, m. violence, con)pulsion, retaliation,
book, &c. hur'a-andds, a caster or drawer of a lot. a.
'i, .5 hirli, m. an embargo ; confiscation, the la— 5 kist, f portion, instalment; tax. ^/.s(-
act of seizing, attacking, seizure ; inclosure, hindrance, bandl, f. an agreement for a stated payment of a sum
prevention of access ; " an order issued to the inhabi- of money, to be discharged at several times; settle-
tants of a place to keep themselves within doors, ment of the revenues or taxes by instalment, hust,
while the wives and female establishment of a prince name of a plant (Costus arahicus). a.
or grandee travel through that part of the countr3'." —
(Binning), h.
^»— J* kism or kasm, f. kind, species, sort; par!,
\!:J harhara, m. the name of a bird (Ardca division; in law it denotes the equal partition of co-
habitation which a husband is required by law to make
Virgo), the demoiselle crane, a. among his wives when he has a plurality of them. a.

^yJ hurl'i, confiscated. Imrlfi parnmia, a jt^ kasam, f. an oath, kasam-dildnd or

"warrant issued to sequester a property, h. -khildnd, a. to administer an oath. Tcasam hhdnd, a. to
take an oath, to swear, a.
UJ Jiinniz, m. crimson; kermes. Mrmizi
farangi, cochineal (hence Chermes or Kermes). a. l1**— iJ kismat, f. fate, fortune, lot; share,
distribution, portion; a division, particularly of in-
^jf.'^.'i kirmizl, ofa.
a !«tarlet or crimson colour; heritancewhen
: any part of the pargana is transferred
scarlet cloth, [cuckold, S:c. u. from one zamindar to another, each part is called n
Jrismat pargana. a.
iVt^^Ji hurrum-sah, a term of abuse, pini]),
^^Ji ham, m. conjunction of the planets ; a ^»— i* kasami, sworn, kasavii hond, n. to be
"sworn, to be upon oath. a.
space of ten years, or any multiple thereof up to 120;
u. born, a &Ji»«J) kasamlya, upon oath ; swearing, u.
( S4S )

{j^*^ hasis or hii^sh, a presbytor, a priest, a. 8;iJua.V haslda, m. a poem, a long ode,
ceeding a hundred couplets, or rather more. a.
^^ fiastm, beautiful, handsome, a.
La5 Jtaza, f. fate, destiny; death, fatality
jZ^ hishr or hishr, in. peel, skin, bark, husk, praying at the appointed time; administration of ju8
shell, crust, a. [(from horror), a. tice, jurisdiction, mandate, judgment, decree; saying
a pra3'er after the time ajipointed for it is passed.
ij>,j*.^ hisharira, the hair standing on end Jcazd 0 Indar, f. fate, predestination. kazd,e hdjat, at
i3jLi JiashJta, m. a mark made by the Hindiis tending to tlie calls of nature. lazd,e 'umrl, repeating
the prayers to make up for liaving omitted prayers in
on the forehead, with sandal, &c. h.
the former part of one's life. Tcazdrd or kazd-kdr, ac-
cidentally, bychance, providentiall}'. hizd-k., to make
up for a former omission of a religious duty ; as, for
(ji^^' kishmisJi, dried grai)es or currants, p. example, to fast after the Ramazdn on account of not
^J*zJ lashun, a body of troops, a brigade, having fasted then. a.
a division, an army. t.

l-azdt, f.huzat (pi. of stain,
a. judges, justices.
UaJ* kissa (for &-aJ>), a tale, a story, &c. a. vice, disgrace,
L-p^LaJ* kassab, m. a butcher, a. \j\aafi hazard, accidentally, by chance, a. p.
ej\^ Jtasaba, m. a handkerchief tied round
^La5 liazzak, \m. a robber, a ruffian, a
the head (worn by women principally), a.
i^K^e^Jiazzak,) brigand, Cossack, t.
^^Lai* hassabh f. the trade of a butcher, a.
jil*ai liazzdJti, robbery, brigandage, t.
(^^Lai' hasas or Msas, m. the law of retalia-
tion, as an eye for an eye, &c. : this word is used in
contradistinction to diyat, q. v. a, jol-iai hazd-hdr, by chance, accidentally, a. p.

fjA^ ]iasa,i, m. a butcher; adj. cruel, hard- C^^\*Q.i Ticizdwat, the office of judge, a. d.
hearted, a.
bLai' kazd>/d (pi. of ^A-ai), disputes, quar-
rels, a. [slender branches, a.
tJol*ai' kasa,id, 1(pl. of J^iJuoi*) odes of
0^^^l*aJ> hasa,ida.t,j greater length than
^Ijoai* hizbdn (pi. of c-^J^^aij, long and
the ^azal. a. \..^Xjcl9 liozib, m. a rod, a long slender branch ;
a small sword ; penis, a.
^l^aiJ hasa^ini, a butcher's wife. a. h.
L^^g hasah, a town, a large village; a kalani
*Jyflj liazlya or haziya, m. declaration, pro-
or reed ; a fine species of linen cloth made in Egypt ; position, determination ; history, narrative ; death ;
a woman's head-gear. a. natura faminee, vulva; a syllogism (in logic); (in Hin.
C^U*aJi hasbat (pi. o^hasha), small towns, a. and Per.) a quarrel, wrangle. Ttazlya-duUdl, one who
excites quarrel, kazhja mol-lcnd, to take on one's self
s-XjclS hasha, m. a small town (particularly tlie quarrel of another, to interfere without cause in
when inhabited by decent people or families of some the disputes of others, a.
rank); a township, including both the town and all the
iands attached to it. a. lai* hot or katt, m, cutting transversely,
making a pen; adj. sufficient. fa-Tcatt or fa-lat, only,
Sjos hasd, m. desire, wish, inclination, ma- merely, alone, &c. Jcat-zan, m. a stamp ; a pin or peg
on which pens are cut. Jcat-lagdnd, a. to mend a pen. a.
chination, conspiracy, project, purpose. Tcasdi musam-
mam, fixed resolution, firm intention, a.
jliaj* ha1a7' or kitar, f. a line, string (of ani-
mals, as of camels, &c.), rank, order, series, row. a.
\j^' hasda or hasdon, voluntarily, inten-
tionally, purposely, expressly, a.

j^i kasr, m. diminution, defect; evening twi- cUa'i kutta (pi. of ^'^), robbers, &c. a.
light (q.d. defect of light) ; an edifice, a palace, a e><^A!hittama, f. a strumpet, an adulteress, a.
building, an elegant villa, a.
e-*la5 hitb, m. the iron spindle or axis on
(^jA^ Msas (pi. of «.xa5), tales, stories, &c. a. which a millstone turns ; the polar star, the north
the janub'i,
arctic orthe antarctic
north pole ; aorprince,
south chief;
pole. aTftitbi
^_ Q ^'i Tiasf, m. the wind breaking, dashing
to pieces (a ship) ; blowing with a loud noise (wind),
thundering. Tfasif, adj. weak, broken, split, a. or degree of rank among religious mendicants. l~iitb
heaven, a mariner's
a. compass, hithi satnd, the axis of
\yai husur, m. error, sin, fault, defect, omis-
sion, want, failure ; the allowance or premium on the .k'j Jmtr, m. a diameter of a circle, katr,
exchange of
discount, a. rup'is, in contradistinction to hatta, or dropping, falling in. a.
C->Uia5 hatrat (pi. of ij^), drops, hat rati
{jyyoi kusufi, defect, error, failure, a. h. shabnam, dew-drops, a.
8^ hissa, m. a tale, a story, narration ; (met.
fJ^J^ hitrdn or hatrdn, m. (Gr. Keipia or kc-
in Hind '^ a quarrel, a dispute. Tcissn-khwayi. a story- hpiov) tar, liquid pitch (for wheels), a. g.
teller, iissa-lcdtah, or l-ism innkhlusar, or al-lissn, in
short, in one word ; to cut sliort a long story, lissa
ijas hatra, m. a drop, hatra-zan or hatra
kotah-karna, to settle a dispute, a. zandn, trotting about ; running to and fro hastily. ••
*kiJ ( 3« ) ^

jtkJ liaf, f. shape, foi-m, cut (of a coat, &c) ; BM-ilialha, ni. a plough. hulba-rani,(, plou.fxli-
ing, driving the plough, a.
Begtnent, portion, section, di\'ision. Jcafi rah, getting
over a journey. Jcat'i rihm, breaking off all connexion f^^ huluhi, Cordial, hearty, sincere, a.
with one's relatives, kafi tarlk, highway robbery.
ifcat'i nazar, independent of, disregarding, besides, lay- vLaIs hillat, f. littleness, penury, scarcity,
ing out of the question, kaf karna, to pass or tra- want, indigence, paucity, a.
verse (a road, &c.). kaf hand, to be passed or per-
formed, (ajourney, &c.). a.
(jljulj haltabu7i, m. a pimp, a wittol, a mean
Ula5 hafa or hafaij, never, not at all. a. scoundrel ; a contented or conniving cuckold, a.

^i^s hit'a, m. a section, division ; a strophe. jj,ljukb kaltahdni, the state or conduct of a
kit'a-band, a kind of verse, in which the meaning of pimp. a. p.
the first verse of each stanza is completed in the last. a.
^jrCdi hdlatain, a public warm-bath ; hence,
jutlaj' lafa or Am.('«, a plot of ground, a. adj. common to all, hackneyed ; a (cup) used by
every one who comes ; a common woman or prosti-
^nV>9 hafl,
sure, a. verily, truly ; f. a tailor's mea- tute. MtrmeHasan
tain. Give says, cup
not that na which
d'ljo wuhis hackneyed
piydlajo ho among
the multitude, a.
tc»1i]> htmir, m. the thin pellicle on a date-
stone ; name of the dog which accompanied the seven *^15 huhtim, m. a sea ; the Red Sea or Ara-
sleepers, iiakir o kitmir, minutely, exactly, to the bian Gulf: it strictly denotes the town of Clysma io
point, a. Egypt, near the head of the Arabian Gulf.

j^Wi hitn, hitun or hittun, cotton, a. C^\^r^ hirajdf (barbarous pi. of s^,
q. v.). a. p.
^Aii luini, made of cotton, a.
e_>x3 lio'h, m. a cavern, a pit, a furrow, a !s^^?^ kWacha, m. a small furt; a redoubt, a. p.
cup ; a hidden meaning of a speech, a.
eu*b Ml' a (properly j^«Z'«), m. a fort, a palace
j^ la'r, m. a gulf, an abyss, the bottom of a or royal residence, kil'a-ddr, commandant of a gar-
rison, kira-ddrl, f. the command of a garrison; the
well, &c.). ka'ri darija, the depth of a river; the sea. a. office, emoluments, &:c. of a kU'a-ddi: a.
tijjtii luiud, sitting down ; remaining in one
place, a. ^tlj hahii, f. tin. hala'l,i. httshta, calx of
'"tin, putty, kaia'l khiiliid, n. the removal of one's dis-
guise, so that his real qualities appear, kala'i-gar, a
lai* hifa, f. the hack of (he head, nape of tlie tinner of pots, kala'l-gan, f. the i)usiness of tinning
neck ; adv. secretly, behind one's back. a.
^Uloj kaftan, m. a robe of honour, t. pots. a.
^ij half I, f a small huMa snake; a cup with
I M^a TiafasJ] . . , ** a cover (pec. in which ice is moulded), a.
... >m. a cage, a lattice, net-work. o.
{^j£,S^Tiafas,} /jlh halak, m. disquietude, commotion, anx-
iety, a. [of an elephant, h.
^yKs hiji (vulg. hdaf), m. a lock, a bolt. a.
ijjSSs hilhdr'i, f. shrieking, roaring; the voice
i^SJ JmhiU!^, 'Itlie phoenix, an imaginary ^Jib hulhiil, f. the noise made by water in
(j*>ajii? hilnus,) bird. a. the neck of a bottle, when pouring out, gurgling, kil-
kil, a species of plant producing a grain that is hard,
lisis hafiz, a measure of about 641bs. ; also a black, and odoriferous, a
measure of surface of about 144 cubits square, a.
eiJiiJj liulhula, m. a kind ofhuhka. a.
A)J hul, m. reading of the sura or chapter of
Jii hilum, m. (by Hindiis f.) a reed ; a pm j
the knr,an entitled kul huiva-l-lah, which is done by
■way of benediction over fruits and sweetmeats pre- a mode of writing characters, handwriting; f. a sec-
sented to the guests at the conclusion of the religious tion or paragraph of a chapter in a book ; cuttings of
annual feasts held in commemoration of ancestors and trees, &c. for planting; a kind of fireworks, kalam-
other relatives. Hence it comes to signify conclusion. hand-k., a. to take down, to write, kalum-bandl, f. sig-
Tenl hn-chukd, it is all over, kid huwa-l-lah parhnd, to nature, signing an agreement, kalam-tards/i, m. a
grumble (the guts) ; to be excessively hungry (v. under penknife, ^(//amjari /jc»ia, lev)'ing of forces, kalam
antri). a. dan, m. an inkstand, kalam-rau, m. empire, sove-
reignty, jurisdiction, kalam-kdr, an engraver, kulam-
1^^*:^ hull ah, m. the hood put on a hawk to kdri, f. workmanship; a species of flowered calico or
blind him ; drawing and relaxing the string of a bow chintz, knlam-k., to cut. kalam-kashl, f. writing,
repeatedly before discharging the arrow, a. kalam-lagdnd, to plant slips or cuttings, ek-kalam or
yak kalam, utterly, entirely, altogether, a.
W^* luiciha, m. a staple, hinge, link, hook. a.
_!i)j lallach, 1 shrewd, malicious; wretched,
^l^ kahnah, a Calmuc Tartar, p.
^^S-^ hihnakani, a female Calmuc : some-
(^"a^hallaxhj friendless; cunning; ad- ' times these are armed, and serve as a body-guard to
dicted todrinking, a drunkard, t. princesses, p.
■J'-^ hilman, the upper part of the beard or
4_^)j' hilh, m. the hea?!, mind, soul, under- moustaches trimmed on each side so as to resenibla
g; marrow ; adj. inverted ; adu.terated.
^alh-k., a. to turn over, to invert, to turn. a. pencL's a. i.

( 547 )

^^y<^ halamun (v. hu-kalamun), a chameleon./;. j^ humbur, "la lark; a crest on a bird's
«V5 hulma, m. sausage, or any food stuffed \^ humburdfj head. a.

into the intestines of animals, haggis, black pudding, a. lijj Jia7id, m. sugar, sugar-candy, a.
icJJ halamt, written, committed to writing; JjbSJJ handhar, name of a country to the west
"tapering (like a Jcalam). Tcalaml-k., to write (a letter); of the Indus. ;;. [chandelier, shade, a.
crystallized (saltpetre, 8tc.). a.
Jj.tioi ha^idil, f. a candle ; lamp, lantern,
A^ kulinj (properly holinj), the cholic. a.g.
O^ hmut, f. devotion, piety, a.
jjjjj lialandar, m. a kind of monk, who de- --yj hanuj, hanoj, or hanaiij, name of a cele-
serts the world, wife, friends, &c., and travels about
with shaven head and beard ; the fly of a tent. a. brated ancient city of India, situated on the Ganges, p.

\j<^As lialandara, m. a kind of silk cloth ; hyj hunut, f. despair, despairing, a.

the fly of a tent. a. SS^^ hawa,id (pi. of 8^5), rules, military
exercise, kawa'id-gdh, parade, place for drill, &c. o.
jCjiXiii' tialandari, f. a kind of tent (having Ji^i hamwal, m. a kind of musician, a singer;
a fly to it), life or profession of a '^alandar. a. a story-teller ; adj. speaking, conversing, a,
L-,^_jli hdvh (pi. of «_-As), hearts, kernels, a.
(_^Iy hawwalm, a female singer, &c. a. h.
aJi hidla, the summit of a mountain, a.
Jt\^s Tiatmm, m. justice, equity, hiwam, that
jJ5 liull, m. a slave, a labourer, porter, a on which any tiling rests or in which it consists, es-
sence, syrup, a.
" cooley. t.
f^XSs ttalii/afi, m. (Dakh. hiUyaTi) a small and ^^\^ kiwdmi, ropy, syrupy, thick, a.
simple kind of lyuTcka or tobacco-pipe for smoking ij\:>\^ Jiawdnm (pi. of ^^ylS), rules, regula-
through water : the Persians pronounce it kaiiyun. p. tions, ordinances, statutes, a.
(JjJi halil, little, small, moderate, a few, Ll^^ hut, f. food, aliment, livelihood, sub-
rare. kaUl o kafir, small and great, a. sistence, victuals, a.
eub laliya, m. the name of a dish of l)roiled C->y Tiuwn-at, f. power, virtue, authority,
flesh, &c. ; also a kind of soap ashes, a. faculty, strength, vigour, kmvwati akhiza, strength
of mind, kuwwati bdsi.ra, sight, kuivivati hdli, lust.
j<-»5 Tiimar, m. dice or any game of hazard. kmvwati jdziba, power of attraction, allurement, knw-
Jcimar-baz or Tcimdrl, a gambler, kimar-bdzi, f. tvati hdfizd, ineiiiory. kawwati dfiji,ii, power of expul-
gambling, a. [doves, a. sion, kuwwati (HI, strength of mind, hianvati zutii/a,
natural virtue or power, kuwwati sdmi'a, hearing.
kuwwati shdnima, smelling, kuwwati mdsika, power
(jXJs hamarl (pi. of lSj^^s), female turtle-
of retention, kuwwati mi'da, strength of stomach.
^jiljj hnnash, m. breeding, manners; trifles. kuwwati mumaiyiza. distributive power, discrimination.
household furniture, kimash, name of a suit at cards kuwwati lidzima, digestion, a. [box h.
(v. taj). a. [twig. t.
jj^_j5 kuti, f. a small box, a snuff-box, a pill-
(T^^ hoincht, f. a horsewhip; a bamboo — y ioj, also hoch, a horned fighing ram. p.
j^ kamar, m. the moon. a. jjS hor, f. a new rope of fine cotton ; a chain
of elephants ; edging, twist, tape. k:or-khdna, an
ijjfi liumri, f. ring-dove, liamari, lunar, re- armory, a wardrobe, a.
lating to the moon. a.
ic-=rjy^ horclii, m. a keeper of a wardrobe, a.
s.^L^ himhnvia, m. a jug, a pitcher ; a scent-
bottle ; a vessel in which the red mixture is contained i korvid,\m. a kind of
with which they play at the Iwli festival ; a round
U.y kormd, "j m. a kind of dish, a savoury
shade or lantern, a. ji' horma,} stew. u.
(j*»y liaus, f. a bow ; m. the sign of the
{^^}ax^ hamls, m. a shirt; henre, Fr. chemise. Archer [Sagittarius). Jcausi kuzah, f. the rainbow, a.
It. camicia. Port, camisa, Hind, and Beng. kanitj. a.
{^y> hush, a word used in checking or in-
Olii' Imvat, f. the walls of a tent, or canvas timidating dogs ; a bird, more especially a hawk or
inclosure, with which a sort of court-yard is formed falcon, kush bdz, a sportsman, a fowler, kuah-khdiia.
in camp, a screen, a. [lamps, a. an aviary, kushbegi, the chief falconer or keeper of
hawks, t.
J-^iUS lanadil (pi. of Jj.^ioi*), candles,
(^_j**yjj5 huhius (huhnus, huknus, or hdmus),
Sjljjj Tiannara, a slaughter-house, shambles ; m. the name of a bird, phcenix. p.
a row of iron hooks on which a butcher suspends his
joints of meat. a. jyi haul, m. a word, saying; agreement,
promise, consent, contract ; a kind of song. kauU
{Ji^S^Ss hina'at or liana' at, f. contentment, bird, the betel of contract, a ceremony gone through
tranquillity; abstinence, a. as a ratification of an agreement, kaul-ndma, m. a
>J3 Mnnah or hannal), hemp, cannabis, a. WTitten agreement. XflH/ o fi'l, in. word and deed.
Jcaul-kardr or kaul o kardr, m. an agreement, a.
Jy .^
(. 548 )

a ji? hir, m. a pitch, a kind of bitumen flowing

x!y MiV' hulinj, or ^^wZw^y', the cholic, from some mountains. tJr-rfar, besmeared with pitch.
griping pain in the bowels, a. g. kir-gun, of the colour of pitch, a.
]^ haun, of or relating to an agreement ; ,j**jjJ
"land held under a Mul or stipulated tenure, a. name hais (commonly
of a famous lover, a.called had majnun),

^yi liauvi, f. tribe, sect, caste, a people, na- i»^" Brat, m. a carat, the twenty-fourth
' tion, family, haum o Jthwesh, pi. in. friends and rela- part of an lounce, a weight of four grains ; four bar-
tives, a. ' [same tribe, &;c. a. eycorns, a.

C^x<^ liaum'iyat, f. connection, being of tbe jtoSi liaisar, m. Caesar, an emperor; the
general name for the Greek or Turkish emperor. /.
^j^lavi, strong, solid, powerful, vigorous.
"jcaw'i-huzu or Jcaiol-bc'd . strong armed. Tcawi-pai, j,yo^ a. m. southernwood [Artemis
sinewy, a.kaiv'i-jussa or laiv'i-hailcal, robust, strong-
< Qis Idf, a funnel.
jl.»^/y lo,emak, a kind of bread made A\SLxi ¥tfal,\ , 1 ,. •
flour, white of eggs, and onions fried in gJi'i. d. . *:. rthe cephalic vem. g.
JiAJ Ufal, }
\^ lahhar, very powerful, a conqueror, a
subduer, an avenger; adj. imperious, avenging, a.
Jjk5 h'll, m. a word, speech, saying, ktl o hal,
m. conversation, controversy, altercation, a.
j^ hahr, m. severity, chastisement, liydmat, rage, in-
dignation, vengeance, judgment. Jcahri is
aJ^UJJ hailiih, m. slefping at mid-day, a
applied both in panegyric and satire to denote great meridian nap. a. [ture. a.
disturbance. " Ttahri danvesh bar jdni danvesit," the
rage of the poor man affects only liimself. i.e. no one m. na-
regards it. a. ^ htiyim, true; standing, erect;
C**AJ' liimat, f. price, value, worth, a.
\a^ lahkara, retiring, retreating back, re-
iJl^ liuhhara, trograde motion, a.
j^' hhnatly valuable, high-priced, costly. J.
&*jJ5 Mnw, m. minced meat. Jftma-pulaw, a
kind _of disli. a.
laughing loudly and inde- j^ haiticin, f. scissars ; an oblique or
IjAiji* lahkuha
S-(fyS lahlaha,, cently. TiahMlia-mnrna, to ■■ St. Andrew's cross ; the cross beams of the roof of a
cottage, kaiiiclil-k., to prune trees, or cut the rider
laugh heartily.
kaiiirhi bdndhnd, to bind or fasten an unskilful
t. a. on his horse, u.
t^ halnvti, m. coffee, hahwa-dan, a [po

^ lai, f. vomiting, a frequent vomiting. i5^' liuyud (pi. of 0J;5), fetters, &c. haid-
kuyfid-k., to imprison, a.
"hai jidlab, the cholera morbus. Jcai lane-wala, (in
medicine) an emetic, a.
hniyum, permanent, stable, lasting; eter-
nal, an epithet of the Deity,
comparing ;
^J>i'^i liyas, ni. measuring, thought,
judgment, opinion; supposition, guess,
kiyds-k., to guess, to estimate, a.
CU*<^J haiyumiyat, permanency, stability, a.
theory, a syllogism,
CiljJ kiyasan, by guess, hypothetically. a.
^j^\j3 liyhd, analogical, regular; imagi-
"nary, conjectural, a.

&iljj' Iiiyafa, m. appearance, likeness, air,

manner, mode, representation. Jciyafa-shinSs, a phy- or hafi 'arabt, the
ij) haf, called kci/i tazinction to the letter gdf,
Biognomist.a. Jciydfa-shindsl. the science of phy-
Arabian kdf (in contradisti
called kSfi 'ajaml, i.e. Persian kdf). It is the twenty-
second letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-fifth
Aj3 liiyam, m. standing erect, resurrection ; Persian, and twenty-eighth Hindustani. It is sounded
' stability ; attention ; residence, settlement, a. like our k or c hard, and corresponds to the ka of the
Sanskrit. In reckoning by abjad it counts twenty.
C^\xs Uyamat, f. the general resurrection, Affixed to the end of Persian words it iorms dimmu-
tives or expressions of contempt; as, mardak, a little
the "last day ; (met.) calamity ; excessively great.a. man. or one ot no value; tijlak, a little child: this
kiydmat-h, a. to oppress ; to do any thing wonderful,
also is an expression of endearment ; as, mumak, dear
a. little mother.
^\ji hhjami, f. stability, steadiness,
jiijj" Idtar, a guitar (Gr. KiBapa). g. Ld3 cS ka, the corresponding letter in the De-
vanan-ari alphabet. Added as a termination a tofather,
J>j5 hiid, f. a fetter, imprisonment ; an obli- skrit^ words it denotes agency; as, janak,
gation, compact; an obstacle. laid-Wn"i m- a iTomjaii, producing, s.
, kaid-h. or -rahna, to be
a. to imprison
prison. d,Jcaid-k.,
imprisone t^ ha, prefixed to Arabic words denotes like,
resembling; a.8,ka-l-nakshji-l-iiajar, like an engraving
iijS^ haicU, m. a prisoner, a captive, a. on stone.
( 549 )
uU ^

LdJ oF ha, oF lin, or liFT /.■«, pivfixttl to San- CL>^^0>^ WfZWZ hat-hut, f. clippings, chips
skrit words denotes had, vile, little, or contemptible; (v. kill), s. [&c A.
as, Ica-putr, ii b:id son ; kit-path (lit. a had road), aber-
ration, heresy; ku-puntsk, a vile man, a coward, s. ^^^ oiiTT^ hatan, act of cutting or clipping,
^ oRT /.«, postpos, siion of the gonitivo casfi ; U3o oRTT^ hattta, a. to cut, to clip ; to bite ;
oC beloniiinn; to; an adjective termination, as kftth-kii to reap ; to saw ; to stop, to stay ; to waste, to spend,
phoril, a wooden horse, from kath, wood. h.
to pass away (the time); to pass (a road); to inter-
^ cjiT Aa {hhahha), whom, what, which? h. rupt, to intercept ; to sliame, to make ashamed, kat-
daliid, to cut ott", to amputate, s.
J^ hahir, qreat, grniul, illustrious, a.
J^ etiH^ hnhar, a mixed soil of clay and y & '^17 hdtu, ID. cutttT ; ad', corrosive, s.
sand, suitable to any crop except rice. h.
^^ oRT^ hath, ni. wood, timber, stock; a
scabbard, kath-putli, f. a puppet, a toy kdth-chahdnu,
ij^^ g?lf^^ //a&i.f, If. an earth with which a. (lit. to chew woodj to fare liardly. kdth kd ulli'i, m.
a sad blockhead ; adj. impenetrable, stupid. kdth-
(liJ^ cn(yq kabish,) earthenware is var- kabdr, wooden articles, kdth kl bhambo, i. a sad block-
nished. A. head (woman). kdth-kird, a bug. kdth men pdnw
dend, to be imprisoned, to be in the stocks, kdth-men-
(.ib^ hahuh, f. a pigeon-house. ^. dak, a toad, kdth hond, a. to pine away ; to be petri-
fied with astonishment. «.
A;\^ habul, the capital of Afghanistan, for-
merly a province of the Mogul empire, p. V^1$ oRTTTI hcithrd, m. a wooden pot. 5.
\,>^ hahiiU, f. a kind of pea (that came from
cruelt\'. s. hdthinya, m. difficulty, hard-
"Kabul), kabull mittl, f. Armenian bole. p.
/yJO^ hahus, m. the nightmare ; modus cer- j^^1^ ojiT7^ latin, f. body; scabbard; shape;
tus coeundi. a. "wood, timber; appearance, person; a saddle, s.

LiJy^ habuk, a pigeon-house, p.

j_/w;3o kdteri, name of Satan's wife. d.
^,jo^ cRTWT^ haberi, name of a river, the J^ ^RTST hdj, ^ 111. business, occupation, a
Cavery. s.
U-^^ oRTiTT hdjdj work, an action, affair, s.
(^jo\^ habin, a marriage portion, or settlement
which a husband must pay his wife if he divorces her J»-\^ ^TsT^ hajal, m. lamp-black (with
on insufficient grounds, p. [course, s. which the eyelids are painted), kdjal kl koVirl, a place
from going into which, or an afFair the being engaged
,AjOD gKIT^vi ha-path, m. a wrong road, bad in which,racter, s. brii.gs disgrace or suspicion on one's cha-
soAJoo cfilM^ ha-iKithya, m. vice, fraud, dis-
honesty, s. ^^^ hctjaii, m. (v. haran) account, cause, s-
«>-0 kdju, m. the cashew nut. d.
t>^j\^ chm^'? ka-purush, m. a coward, a
mean wretch, contemptible man. s. ^^ cITTift lafi, busy, employed, hdje, by
\x>^ hajma (v. hampna), to tremble, &c. d. "reason of, for the sake of. k.

.y>^ JmpTir (v. haftir), camphor, d. ^^ flRT^ hcic'ii, m. glass, alkaline ashes, any
salt of potash or soda in a glassy or crystalline state ;
jVa^o ojrnBcS kaphal, m. a bitter seed. s. crystal, ornaments of crystal, quartz ; a disease of
C->^ Aai (for kdt), the spur of a cock. d. the eyes, kdch-laian, m. black salt, a medicinal salt,
prepared by calcining fossil salt and the fruit of the
emblic myrobalan together, and used as a tonic ape-
^_^'jK hatib, m. an amanuensis, a copier, a rient. A«c/(-77ia/,m. black salt or soda. kdch-ma7ii, m.
writer, a clerk, o.
crystal, quartz, s.
_o\^ kdtibi, f. a kind of short-sleeved gar- W^ oFT'^ hdchd, unripe, raw ; simple, un-
"ment; name of a Persian poet, katib'i samur an ho- knowing, uninstructed. h.
norary furred robe. a.
^s^^ oRTSf kdchh, m. a cloth worn round the
3% cFlri< hdtar, timid, gentle, cowardly ;
hips, passing between the legs and tucked in behind ;
irresolute, confused, distressed, perplexed ; m. a large the upper part of the thigh, s.
kind offish (Cyprinus catla); timidity, agitation, s.
Ias- 0 hdrhlia (the same as kdchh, q. v.). d.
cil!>^ cBirricK hdtik (also kdrtik),m. name of
the seventh Hindii month (Oct.-Nov.), the full moon i.-^-r^ «JiTSr»T hdchhan, f. a female gardener, s.
of which is near krittikd, or the Pleiades, s.
'j3\^ cTTrr^ hdtna, a. to spin, to wrap round, s. U^'i^ «»n"?RT hdchhnd, to bind or tie up the
kdchh, to cover the nakedness, s.
CJ^ ojn? h,dt, f. a cut, incision, execution ;
{'i^s^^'mW^I hdchhnd, a. to skim, to gather, h.
spur of a cock ; scum ; virulence, kai-k., a. to wound,
to cut. kat-kut.t clippings, chips, scraps, kat-kut-k., ^RTiS^'t hdchhni, f. (v. kdchh) a cloth,
a. to clip, to cut out ; to deduct, kut-kl'dnd, a. to bite. s. ,J^^
" ^(._ X. [cultivates and sells potherbs. *.
t_i3o^ kdtak, hard, severe, difficult, d.
c^^ cRTSft hdchh'i, m. a gardener, who
( 550 )
>■% Jidchi, f. milk pottage, p. i,o hard, f. a knife, hard dar ustvkhjvan
rasld, the knife has reached the bone, i. e. he is re-
duced to the last extremity, p.
^% kakhf m. an upper story, a gallery, bal-
cony, tower, battlements, a palace, a villa, p.
^jli*»*jO hdristdn, the seat of action, p,
bo oRT^ kadd, m. slime, mud, mire, alluvial
deposit, s. [distressed, irresolute, s. jju*«jjiS hdristdni, f. workmanship, p. d.
j>\> oJTT^T; kddar, timid, timorous, agitated, Uv'**!;^ '^T^TTT!! hd?'shdpa?i, m. a wei<^ht of
silver equal to sixteen pans of kauris; a weight of
copper equal to eighty Tattis; a weight of shells equal
ijAjd^ W(^XJ% kddard,i,'\{. timidity, timo- to eighty kauris ; a husbandman, s.
4_^iiO ofiT^Trt kadari, J rousness. s.
ciL*>jO ^Tif^ hdrshah, m. a husbandman.
jiio «BT^ kddau, m. slime, mud, mire. s. kdrshik, m. a husbandman ; a weight, s.
t_-'iio kdzlb, false; (sub.) a liar. a. uiJjO oni<oii hdrak, an agent ; acting, doing ;
m. action (especially in grammar) ; case (in gram.), s.
j6 hdr, m. business, an action, affair, work,
profession, labour, &c. kdr-dzmuda, experienced in
affairs, practised, kdr-amad, kdr-amada or kdr-dma- j>j^ ^T^^i: hdruhar, m. an artist, an arti-
ficer ;an agent. *.
danl, useful, profitable, what may be turned to account.
kdr-bdr, m. business, avocation, kdr-bdri, a trader ; a ciUjD ^Tf^^ kdrmik, worked, embroidered
transactor of business, a manager or officer, kdr-bar- kdrmuk, m. a bow. s.
ddr'i, who
one undertaking
carries ona the business, kdr-parddz,
business a manager,
kdr-parddx.i,f. com-
pleting abusiness, kar-chob, m. embroidery ; an em- j^jO WJMhdran, m. cause, motive, principle,
broiderer, kdr-chobl, embroidered, kdr-khdna, m. a account, reason, occasion, action, agency, means, s.
workshop, manufactory ; an arsenal, dockyard, or any
place where public works are carried on ; (met.) a great IfijO hdranja, m. the cock or spout of a cis-
tern, barrel, &c. ; mouth of a water channel, d.
work;i;;itort. /car-Wi(7»a-rfar, a steward, butler. '/(«?•-
dd?-, an agent, especially of government kdr-ddn, Si^^o hdranda or hdrindu, adj. laborious ;
versed, skilled, expert kdr-ddnl, experience, skill.
kdr-dlda, one who has seen service, expert, kdr-rawd, working ; m. a manager, an agent or officer, p.
useful, fit for use. kdr-rawd,i, f. usefulness; carrying
on of a business, occupation, management, conduct. tdbjO ^T^^ftTf^ hdrimih, compassionate, ten-
der, kind. *.
kur-zdr, f battle, war, conflict, kdr-sdz. m. the Deity.
kdrfarmd, an emperor, minister, commander, superin-
tendant. kdr-kun, a director, manager, an officer whose f^^j^ hdrwdn, m. a caravan, a large body of
business it is to keep records, kdr-gdh or -gah, a work- travellers, merchants, or pilgrims, united for mutual
shop, manufactory, kdr-ndma, a record of affairs, his- protection on the journey, kdrwdn-sard or -sard.e,
tory, kdr-gar, effectual, active (as a medicine), p. a caravanserai, a public building for the reception of
caravans, p. [caravan, p. t.
jO ^T^ kdru, m. an artisan, a mechanic, s.
\j6 hard, name of a tree (JVehera Tetran- u^ • tjl?j^ hurawdn-hdshi, ra. the chief of a
dra). d.
•-ib'jjjO hdraimnak, a crane, a heron, p.
'^TO hard, m. a black snake ; adj. black.
black salt; muriate of soda. s.
^^IjjO kdraivdnl, of or belonging to a cara-
van ; one of those forming a caravan, p.

^Ii\j0 ■^TTT^T^ kdrdgdr, m. a gaol, a prison, s. j^jjO hdr 0 hdr, \ business, occupation,
eO^OjO ^T^Tt^ hdrta-hirya, m. a king, ^^jjO hdr 0 hard, J profession, p.
also called Arjun, a celebrated hero distinct from the
Pandu prince ; one of the Jain Chakravartts, or rulers
of the world, s.
ijO hdrih, hating, detesting, loathing, a.
i^Ji hdri, effectual, kdri zahhn or zahhmi
L>"^J^ ^^^ karpds, f. the cotton plant kdrl, a deep wound, a mortal wound, p.
(Gossypeum) ; cotton cloth, &c. kdrpdsl, made of cot-
ton. s. [gence. s. (^o «filO hdr'i, as a termination, denotes
agency, as adhi-kdri, a ruler, s.
&ju^j0 ^T^TPI kdrpanya, m. poverty, indi-
i^iji oRTfff^ hdrtik (v. kdtili), a HindQ (^o "^nrt hurt, f. the dish called curry. (This
word is perhaps borrowed from the English name of
month, corresponding to our October or November, s. the dish, as that name is said to be a corruption of
kaliya, a kind of stew, in some respects different from
y^y^j^ ^f^WtW^ Jidrtikotsav, m. the day a curry. — B.). h,
of full moon in the month Kartik, a festival, s.
j>.j^ hdrez, a canal, an aqueduct, p.
(^j>*yj9 kdrtus, m. (corrup. of cartouch) a
carl ridge, e. k_^ .0 kdrezi, of or belonging to a canal j
(land) irrigated from a canal, p.
—ji ^T^ hdrj or sFR'ST kdraj, m. an action,
an affiiir, work, business, profession, cause, origin, y^..j^ kdrl-gar, m. a workman j a good work-
motive, object, kdrj-clnntd, f. cautiou, prndence, con- man, p. [ship. p.
sideration, kdrj-siddhi, f. accomplishment, success,
attainment of an object. «. j_^.G , \> hdri-gari, f. masterly work, workman-
v^^^ w kdr-khdnajdt, pi. workshoDS, &c.p. iO .0 '^T^ hdrya, m. cause, business (v. kdrj). s.

( 0.-A ) ^^

\j^ cPTTT I^ara, m. a young buffalo; (in Dakli.) I {j^^ ^T^ hash, f. cough ; m. a kind of grass
a decoction, a sick man's beverage, h.
j iOliSjO s.
(v. kas)hdslidna, m. a house, dwelling, p.
6j^ liarna, a. to extract, to bring out (v.
karhna). d.
^j.l^o Iidshdin, of or relating U) the city of
Kdshan ; a fine kind of velvet, p.
Jbj^ ofrre" Jidrli, m. mcmhnim virile, h.
\it>j^ oRT^ liarhd, m. a decoction (v. kard). h. ;_jijj0 hdshtaii (r. kdr), to sow, to cultivate, j}.
(as a ,aJo^O oJTlF hdshtha, m. wood, timi)er. hdsh-
Uij=^ Wr^"^ kdrhfid, n. to draw forth out, to
sword), to draw, to draw off, to skin, to take tlia-kiill, m. the woodpecker, kdshth'i-k'it, m. an in-
extricate; to draw lines or figures, to delineate, to sect or worm fiund in decayed wood. s.
work flowers on cloth. It.
t^LXAlZi^ c^iyofi hdsJttliuh, in. aloe wood or
ijj^ kdr'i, f. a single straw, a blade of grass, d. agallochum. s.
cLju-^,_j-v\^ hdfi-hasput, clay (v, kachrd). d.
^lJ!Ji oirre't lidslitlii, of wood, wooden, s.
{^jj6 s^TS f'da, f. a kind of grass of which ropo JtZX l/ds/i^ar, a city of Chinese Tartary. p.
sponlaneum); m. a cough, kas-
m. (Saccharum
is made
swds, asthma, s. u_i^^ l.dsliif, m. a detector, a discoverer, a.
(^jJi has, m. a cup, a goblet, a bowl. a.
ifZi^ hdshhe or kdshhi, may it happen .' G(«d
send ! would that ! p.
{__jJ^ lida, m. a very small copper coin (calud
bv Europeans "cash"), current, until within late f. Benares, the sacred city
^K cST^^ lidsht,
in Southern India. Eighty kas (or " cash ")
years, one "of the Hindus, s.
made i'aiiam, and twelve fanams a rupee, d.

JLj\^ -mWl^ hdsdlu, m. an esculent root, a ^^ lidzim, m. one who restrains, hdzbuv-l-
sort of yam. s. ghniz, one who restrains his anger o.

i^^^^j^^ /idsih, m. i>n artist, a tradesman, a. dS-^ hdghnz, m. \->2i'^ev\ letter; charter, hd-
gh(rz-bal,a, office allowance for stationery, p.
.x**i^-^-[-^'^Iidsh'i or /{dsibi, m. a weaver, a.h.
he (^iy>^ lidghazi, f. a kind of lime; a paper
CL***i^ l.d.-^f, f. (iihiinution, loss, damage,
ham o ka.\t, without loss or damage, p. "cafe; m. a stationer or vender of paper; a paper
maiuifacturer ; a writer; adj. delicate, soft, thin. p.
C>u-j\^ oBiH I'dsf, m. name of a plant, Chara (^.wVff-\^ lid^azin, made of paper, p.
(Bruce, M.S.). /;.
i^ hdfir, m. an infidel, one who denies the
Jr^^ Idstdii. (v. hdh.), to lessen, diminish. ;?. existence of a God ; (met.) a mistress, sweetheart, a.
^J^ hd-1(nn, f. diminution, loss, damage; a.
" a plant, p. djy^ hdfirdna, like an infidel,
\xLJi ojn^T hdsfi/d, a sickle, h. ^jSi lidjiri, of or relating to an infidel ; a
negro; an African Caffre orCoffery; f. infidelity;
i^«j\^ I.dsid, worthless, deficient in quantity unbelief kdfirl mivrli, a kind of pepper, kdfirl wdla,
or quality, not selling or passing current, a. a term applied to negroes in general, a.

jJ^j^^ hdsiru-l-hajar, m. (lit.) the stone- Ji\^ fidjil, a sponsoi-, a surety or bail. a.
bre.iker, the plant saxifrage, a. jJ^ Jidfur, m. camphor, hdfur hond, to run
^^A^\^ oBT^TJI kdsa-(jhna, removing cough, away, to disappear, to scamper off, to vanish, a.
pectoral, kcisa-ghm, f a sort of prickly nightshade pure, white.
{Solanum jacquini). s. ijj^^ lidfuri, camphorated,
sham'i kdfirl, a candle made of camphorated wax. a.
ij^t**^ efilWHt hds-viard, m. a plant (Cassia a tribe,
or Senna esculenta). s. ej^ hdffa or hofa, m. the whole;
a multitude, kdfa.e andm, all mankind, a.
^Z»\x>J^ oFHT^lfl^Rl Jids-udshim, f. a thorny
^ kdfi, sufficient, sufficing, enough, a.
" plant used as a remedy for the cough, s.
Li)^ huh, m. biscuit; bran ; the pupil of the
jXmj^ kdsm, f. endive (Clchorium eiidivi(i). ]>.
eye ; adj small, minute, p.
HJ^ kdsa, m. a cup, a goblet, a plate, bowl.
kasa rahab ka, the t^V '^TeF hdh, m. a crow, hdk-pachh or
kasa.e chini, porcelain, chinaware.
chest or body of a fiddle, i:c. kasa.e sar, the skull. kdk-paksh, m. feather of a crow ; tresses, s.
kdsa-les, m. a sycophant, a lickspittle. kasa-lesi,
sycophancy, a. ^^ cRl^ hdhd, m. (in Pers.) elder brother;
a slave
nal (belonging
uncle, p. h. to one's father) ; (in Hind.) a pater-
^^ hds'i (for hdsJn), the city of Benares, s.
(j.^^^^ ^finrhr hdsls, m. green vitriol, green \jjfcii.Jai^ oKrsjr^^«n hdk-handhyd, f. a woman
sulphate of iron. s. [that ! p. that bears only one child, s.

lj!:X 'idsh vv hdsh-hi, int. would to God Jj^ji^ oFToTTl^ Ao//-7ve///,m. a kind of ebony. s.
uL3\^ ( 552 )
patic flavour in the m<mth : it is much used medi-
l-fjK^ ha]iatu,a, ^ihe cockatoo, a species of cinally, kdle-haran, of the colour of a snake kaie-
bdl, m. the pubes. kdle-kos, a great distance, s.
UiiaOO kdkdtu,a,j large parrot well known
in India, h. ^O kald, in. silk cloths, and, in general, any
kind of liousehold furniture. kdld,e bad ba-rtshi khd-
^Sj*ii^^ hdhadaingi, flowers of the ink nut. d. wind, let bad things be returned to their proprietor, p-

O^o hakrez, m. the name of a colour, ap- ^J.).^0 oRT^T^TW^ kdldpatti, f. the act of calk-
proaching topurple, p. ing a ship or boat, h

(jO ,$0 hdkrezi, purple-coloured, p. ^^;^.^o ofiTi^ST^TJT hdldpcm, m. blackness, s. J^

U'.^o chlohTT kdkra, m. a kind of leather, h. ji^o cffT^rPT^ hdld-tjuru, m. a black kind of
aloe wood or agallochum. i.
^JL**»|j|i o ^TcFllfwn^ hdkra-singi, f. name of
"a medicine, s. j^3!i)& cRT^lfflT kdldntar, m. interval, process
of tune. s. [used as a purgative, s.
^Jjo kdkul, f. a curl, lock, ringlet ; a tuft of
hair left on the top of the head. p. (_^*i)o ^Ti^T^^'t^ hdldnjanl, f. a small shrub
jjJo hdlbud, m. the human body ; the heart ;
Oy>o kdklut, desire, avarice, avidity, d.
a model, figure, form. p.
jj^l^o hdhlutt, avaricious, greedy, d.
uLIJiaIo ofiT'^cifJTafi kdlpnih, feigned, forged,
itJ<^^ cRToFHW kdk-madgu, m. a water-hen, factitious ; m. a hypocrite, kdlpniktd, f. hypocrisy, s.
a gallinule. s.
SX^%-^^^C^kdl-chaki-a,ra. acycle,a period, s.
dj^% ofiToFJrf hdk-mard, m. the colocynth or
bitter apple, s. [plant, d. ;_>*i^i^o '^f^'^^kdlidds, one of the nine poeis
or gems of Vikramaditya's court, and author of Sacun-
(C^o kdh-mari, the cocculus indicus or its tala, Raghuvansa, Nalodaya, SiC. s.
(^0 «EleRI[![ kdkan, m. a leprosy with black and j^^jj^ cRToSTlf^ lidl-rdtri, ra. a particular
red spots, considered incurable, s. night, the 7th of the 7th month of the 77th year,
after which a man is considered exempt from atteutiou
to the usual ordinances, s.
1^9 'Sfjfwflft kdkhii, five gandas, or twenty
** cowries, h.
•LJo eRT^^K/mZ-sar, m. the black antelope. .«.
(J»So ofiigRt^ hakol, m. a poisonous substance
of a black colour, possibly the berry of the cocculus L--J.*Jd oRT^^^ hal-sarp, m. the black and
indicus ; a division of hell. s. most deadly variety of the cobra {Coluber naga). s.
i\S^ eFTsfit^^ hdkoll, f. a sweet and cooling 3yJi^ ofil^w^ hdl-sutr, m. one of the twenty-
drug used for allaying fever, removing phlegm, &c. : it one hells, s.
is said to be a root brought from Nepal or Morang. s.
(-iJJo ■SFTqUoH hdlcih, f. blackness; one of the
expressions of quantity' (corresponding to our a, b,x,y,
tf^"^^ 'oFT^»r«Ft hdhunjlii, f. a ranunculus. /'*. &c) in Bija Ganita or algebra ; freckle, mark, spot. s.
^$0 ojn?3 kdkh, f. the armpit. kdJih-ald,i, f.
apainful suppurating tumour in the armpit (v. ]canJch).s. (.dllo "anf^5«F hdlik, m. Idackness, lampblack,
the soot which collects under pots, &:c., a fault or flaw
^io flRTolft kdJd, f. a maternal aunt. p. h. in gold ; ink, blacking ; a line of hair extending to the
navel ; a small bird commonly called Sydm, the cur-
ti_f \^ oRTT Jidrj or 1^0 oRTTT Aa^a, m. a ciow. s. lew, kaluk, dark. s. d.
ii.^0 hdgad, m. (corrup. for hdghaz) paper. ^>. K^o oRTf^oFT kdlikd, f. the goddess Kali, q. v.
(J^ oITT^ ^a/, m. time; a name of Yama or adj. periodical, kdlikd vriddhi, periodical interest, s.
Jam, the regent of the dead ; death, angel of death ; sea- u-ax.^^ w eGT^^m kdla-kshep, m. misspending
son, age ; dearth, famine, calamity; (met.) a snake.
of time ; passing one's days in sorrow, s.
kal-biWnid, -katna, or -ganwdnd, a. to waste one's time,
to spend time, kdl has hona, to be in the hands of death ;
to be seized by fate, kdl-panid, the coming on of a cLj^xJo '^T^oR? hdlkut, m. the poison of a
snake, s.
famine. /«7/-fi?/(on», m. death, dying, kdl prahhdt, m.
the sultry se.ison, autumn. kdl-kJiep. m. the spending,
^xJo '^Tq5^ hdlahlij m. freckle, mark, spot. ,s-.
of time, the enduring of sufFerii g-. j.
^A^!o WT^^^qS kdlJdl, a confused sound, a
(J^ oBTqS hdl (for hal), to-morrow (bhdshd). s. tumult (v. kdlkil). h.
^^ oFT^T hdld, black, dark ; name of a snake ;
m. time ; name of Krishna, kdld hdl, m. the lower J^^^xC5o oRT^Ti^y; Jidl-fjandh, m. a kind of
part of tlie belly, the pubes. kdld hdl a/md samajhnd, cobra di capello. s [and purgative salt. s.
to despise one exceedingly, kdld chor, an unknown
person, kdld ddna, name of a purgative seed (Convol- (j^5Jo oRT^^^mi kdl-lavan, m. a factitious
vulus 7iU?). kdld zira or kdldj'ird, m. seeds of the
Nigella Iiidica, Roxh. kald miiiih kaind, to break off (_yj
J o^iT^f«T^T¥
substance, A-s.aZ-«fr?/as, m.a fragrant
all connection with another; to disgrace; to copulate;
to expel, kdld namak, m. a kind of rock-salt impreg-
nated with sulphur and bitumen, which leaves an he- VJo oRT^TT hdhiid, m. suspicion, calumny, h.
( 553 )

lxij.J^ of.TcS^ftl'F.T hal-7)icshilid f. Bengal Ux«K oUTJ^f^T hdmp7id, to tremble (v. ^^ »)■ 8,
nKukii'i- ; l.huk Tioi'i. s. ji.\«0 hd)n-ddr, a man of business, an agent,
ci-JV^ 'Sd'^^H'^^ lial-mc'i/n, f. a plant [Serra- a steward, manager, h p.
" tula or Coiii/za unllalmiiitica); Bengal madder (Kul/ia ^^J^S<^ l(dm-ddii, f. stewardship, agency, h.p.
tiianjclli). a.

js^ o ofiToS^R Lalanjar, ni. a name of S/iitia ; jj;\J&ti^o ^(*iy«i I/dm-d/ienii, name of a cow,
a rink in Baiidelkliimd, tlie modern Callinger, or the beloufiing to India, that grants everv tiling requested
adjaoeiit country ; an assembly of religious mendicants, of her; a cow that gives much milk. s.
Callinger being one of their meeting places. *.
^.iij40 oRIH^^T lidmdew (for hdnia-deva), the
^lia!^ oMf^'5?fi' lioli/uri, f. a name of the Hindu Cupid. He was son of Vishnu and Rukmini,
river Jamuna (properly, k(ili-nadl). $. and husband of Ilati (or Venus). Having offended
Mahddeva, he was destroyed by the Hanie from the
\yi^ hahrd, a. rivor, wateicuu se, channel or ej'es of the angry deity. He was, however, born
canal, d. again as Pradyumna, son of Krishna, but was imme-
diately seized by Sambara (whom it had been fore-
3\^ oKT^ kdti, f. black ; the Hecate of the told he would destroy), and thrown into the ocean,
■ Hindu*, and wife of Shiva, to whom human sacrifices where he was swallowed by a fish, wliich, being caught,
are offered; the Nile; ink. kdl'i bun, m. the name of was presented to Samhara, and happened to be given
to Rati to clean. Rati took out the infant and reared
a plant, kd't tiihl. f. basil (Oci/niiim sanctum or basUi-
c'.ini). kiill iiri or kallmitli, f. black lead, kali mirich, him till he was able to destroy Sambara (v. under rati). $.
f. black pepper, s.
_V<«o flinTn"3T hninrd), m. sundius. h.
y^ eJTTcS't lidU, "1 m. the nauK of a serpent
\jl5K ^fc5^T kdHyd,] with a hundred and ten ^j'-oo kdm-rdn, fortunate, successful, p.
hoods, which was vanquished and killed by Krhkiia ; jj,^.*0 hdm-rdni, f. foitune, prosperity, feli-
adj. black (comple.xion). s. city, success, p.
^^Xi})^ ofiT^S^NW^ hdri-hhumif f. a rich black j (—-Jj .-eo oPTf^'CI hdmriip, m. a district lying
":ol, vegetable mould, s. east of Bengal, now part of Assam ; adj. pleasing,
8iij3o oFT^T^^ kali-dah, m. the name of a beautiful
kdmrdpin, ; pleasing,
assuming beautiful;
every shape at will,
a native kdmrup't ots,
of Kamrup.
whirlpool in the river Jamuna in which the serpent
Kail lived, s.
(_5y«o "Saim^ hdfuarl or hdmri, f. a blanket, s.
«*jJo opT^^fX Jid'esar, 1m. name of a cLi««o oF'Rsi; hdvnik, ciipidinou>!, desirous,
lustful. .5. [general, s.
jyL>^^ 'W.T^'^IX. hdlesJavar,) drug-, s. _0^o c|iTRoFT»T hdmlidj, work, busines^s in
^j^.lo '^T^^iT lidlin, timely, seasonable, s.
.K<o hd)n-hdr,\oi\e who accomplishes what-
y^^ oFTqS^^'?; hdliliar, f. a buck, a stag. h.
^o oFTH lidm, m. desire, wish, intention ; the yXio^ hdm-gdr,} ever he wishes; powerful,
' god of love, Cupid ; (for karm) business, action, deed, an absolute monarch; a hunting-bird which infallibly
work, employment; packet, mail, post-bag. kam ahd, secures its prey. p.
B. to come into use, to be wanted, to be of service ; to
be smitten, to be slain in the field. ka7n tamdm-k., a. S^% oRTS^oii^ hdmuld, a libidinous woman. .5.
to accomplish, to finish ; to kill, to make away with, j
kdm tamdni h., to be finished, killed, made away witli, Sr
J.j_Cc\^ ^
ojfR^f^ hdm-keU, f. amorous dal-
kdvi chaldnd, a. to carry on business, kdm rtikhnd, to liance, coition, s.
make use of. kdm-kdj, business, occupation, kdm- i
kdji, laborious, active, alert ; a manager or super- I ,J.*o kdmil, perfect, complete ; learned, ac-
inteudant. kdm kel, f. amorous dalliance, coition, kdm
mvn Idnd, to employ, to use. kdi7i nikdlnd, a. ti> carry complished, entire, kamil-'aiydr, of perfect standard
or assay (a coin), a. [struction of bile. s.
into eft'ect, to accomplish one's desire. *.
l»D liuvi, ni. the palate; desire. ^?. ^o '^H^ kdmald, f. jaundice, excess or ob-
&U0 kdmila (fern, oi kdmil), perfect, &c. a.
yUo "SRimTXfidmdtu?;
tracted with lust. s. libidinous, lustful, dis-
\ici kdmili, ^f. perfection, complete-
^'^o lidindtl, a mason, a builder, d. Cl>oA/«o hdmiUyat,) ness. a.

jUo cRWTTT hdmdi'i, m. a mineral substance ^<K cBifk'JT lidmm, an amorous man, an
used in medicine, a kind of pj'rites. s. [vious. s. uxorious husband ; a woman, a beautiful woman ;
the ruddy goose ; a pigeon, a sparrow ; a boy dressed
(0.^.^,0 wnTf^ hcnndrt, lustful, lovesick, lasci- in female attire, who dances in the season ofthehoU. s.
^a^^jc^ efrfHTzfF lidiudrtln, a person vvlio lj^\^c{nJRT/.o?«?ia,f. desire, wish,inclination. 5.
"carries baskets filled with Ganges water to distant
places, s. [ful. s.
^^ oFlfn^'^ kdnnm, a lovely and beautiful
" woman ; libidinous, lustful. «.
,teSi^^^ oFllTP^T hdvidndh, blind by lust, lust-
i^^ oRljfi^ hdmod, m. 1 name of a musical
j^^^ «irTih'3T kdmhoj, m. a country in the
north of India, Camboge, Cambay, or Kambach ; a
horse of the Camboge breed, s.
byc\^ oRTJft^ lidmodd, f.J * mode or rdginij
sung in the night. «,
( 554 ) U

ti)i>»*o o|rrR^o!r hamoduk, m. ohlation of i_-*^0 ^ixf kamp, mud thrown up and de
water to deceased friends, &c., exclusive of those for posited by watercourses or rivers, h.
■whom it is directed by law. s.
U-Oo '^t^iIT kav}pna,-n. to shiver, to trcn)b]&^
oo Iiannm (v. kammun), cumin seed. d. to quake, to shake, s [(v. kd,e-phal). i.

^0 WR't havfi, libidinous, lustful (J.^j;.>\S ■^T'^fTT;^ kmi-phol, m. name of a iVuit

■" sioned, fond ; busy, s, impas- *-Loo cRTtT kaiif, pleasing, agreeable, beauti-
^o oirnTt liamu f. a lump of gold, a nugget. //. .^ decoration. *,
ful; m. a husband. Arawii, f. splendour,
L_'U-o\S ham-yah, prosperous, happy, success- ll^O oFT'irF hanta, f. wife, beloved, a lovely
ful, one who attains what he wishes, p. woman ; beaut}', splendour, light, s.
U_)o oFl^T kaiita, m. a thorn, spine; a fork ;
,31a* 0 hain-yahi, f. prosperity, happiness, p.
the pricker of a musket ; small (goldsmithi') scales ;
Ji^^ ojnJTftjW hamayitri, libidinous, lustful, a spur; a type; a fishing-hook; a fish-bone; the
desirous, s. tongue of a balance ; a kind of firework (v. hdthi
kdntd). kdntd sd 7iikal jdnd, to be freed from distress
Wk<0 cjiiwj kamya, agreeable, desiral)le, or injury. kdntonor par
amiable, kdvnja-dan, an acceptable or desirable gift. thorns), to extol exaltghas'itnd
one above(lit.histomerits
drag (used
kdmya-karm, m. a supererogatory work. s. by a person who from humility disclaims the praises
bestowed on him), kdnte bone, to pre|)are distress or
j^O cpT»T han, m. the ear ; one blind of an misfortune for one's self, kdntd-mtiliarrir, a clerk em-
eye. kdn ametnd, to pull the ears, to chastise, kdn ployed to note and register weighments. s.
hharnd or kdn bhar-dend, to excite dissension by tale- V^iJo oBTTT kahtha, near, proximate, s.
bearing, kdn bhar ko sunnd (Dakh.), to hear atten-
tively, kdn par jun va chalnd, to be very negligent.
kdn par rakhnd, a. to remember ; n. to abstain, kdn ^f o eRTil't ka7i)i, f. a kind of pickle (or
par hdth dharnd, to refuse, to deny, kdn pakarnd, to "vinegar) made by steeping rice in water and letting
the liquor ferment, which is kept for use sometimes
confess inferiority, kdn phutnd, n. to be deaf, kdn
phornd, to make a noise, kdnph&nknd, a. to tell tales, twentj' years, s.
to excite quarrels ; to tutor, kdn-jhukdnd, a. to desire
to hear, kdn dharnd, a. to hear, to attend ; n. to be ,£\> «BT'^ kanck, raw ; m. a disorder in which
attentive. kd7i dahdkar chale jdnd, to run away, kdn the intestinum rectum is prolapsed ; a prolapsus ani.
dahdnd or buchiydnd, to turn back the ears, as a horse kd7ich 7iikdl»d, ani procide7ilia. h.
does when preparing to bite, kdn de su7ind,'a.. to hear
attentively, kdn dend, give ear, to hear, to be atten- jj^O ofri^ Isanch, m. glass (v. kadi), s.
tive. kdn-sald,i, f. name of an insect, kdn kd parda,
the tympanum, kdn kdind, to get the better of, to liio "^V^ kahcka, raw (v. kdckd). h.
surpass, to overcome, to outwit, kdn khirolnt (Dukh.),
to scratch the ear. kdn khare hond, to be alarmed. (Cj.x^o kdnch-kun, f. cowage (^Dulicko.s
kdn kholiid or kdn khol dend, (lit. to open one's ears) pruriens). d.
to inform; to make acquainted with, to warn, to
caution. /rt7w-/og-7)(7, to get into one's confidence, kdn j^iio cliT^'^ kdnckati, m. gold; adj. (also
malnd, to admonish, to punish, to chastise. kd7i nietnd kdnchan-7mnj) golden, made of gold. s.
(for kdn ametnd), to pull the ears, &c. kdn-mnil, m.
ear-wax. kdn-mail-wdld, a person whose employment l^j^O kdnchhu, f. desire, wish, inclination, .v.
is to pick or clean the ears, kdn men ungli de-rahnd, .^0 kdncln, a kind of marriage ceremony, d.
to stop one's ears, to turn a deaf ear to what is said.
kdn men but mdrnd, to pretend not to hear, kdn men
parnd, n. to be heard (a speech). kd7i men tel ddlnd, JJO kdnd, a wall, an embankment, d.
to pretend not to hear, kdii men tel ddlke so rahnd, to
be inattentive or negligent, kdn men ddlnd or kulnid, \j)3^ oFTf^T kdridd, m. an onion. 5.
to whisper, to tell, kdn na Inland, to be silent, kdnon- • ooo ofii^ft kdiido, m. mud, slime, s.
kdn kalind, a. to whisper, kan hildnd, n. to acquiesce
in. kdn hone, to understand, comprehend, to be
warned, or take example, s. jtiJ^ oFT^ kdndu, m. a sugar-boiler; a triltc
whose business it is to fry corn, prepare sweetmeats,
&C. s.
^^o Iia7i, f. a mine or quarry; (for /./-a?*)
since that, for that, kdn-kan, a mine-digger, p.
Uj.;\^ oRTVT kdndkd, m. the shoulder, kdndkd
hildnd, to shrug up the shoulders, kdndha dend, a. to
^jO W['^
kdn-k., a. tokan, f. to
shame; modesty, shame,
be ashamed, respect.a.
kdn chhornd, assist ; to carry away the dead. s. [tect. s.
to act impudently. kd7i na md7ind or jia-k., to treat
with disrespect ; m. a husband, h. UjbJJ^ olfN*!! kdndhnd, a. to assist, to pro-
^jO kan (for kahan), where ? whither ? d. i^^ oBT^ knnd, m. a section, part, division ;
sport, exhibition, s.
^O flFT kan, the sound or cry made by a
crow, kdn-kdn-k., to make a noise like the crows, h.
^ Jo\^ o|iT?^'t/.'awc?/i,f purslain (Portulaca).k..
'oo flRTOT kana, blind of one eye, one-eyed ; jji!x3\^ kdiidur, a coward; pusillanimous, d.
(fruit, nuts, &c.) whose kernel is rotten, or which has
no kernel ; foolish, stupid. kd7id-lidti-k., to consult, ^3^^ oETl^ hdnd'i, f. a rafter; a sentence ol
to advise, to whisper, kdnd phusi, f. whispering.
hand tlrt, f. the name of a grass, kdnd-kdnl-k., to tlie Vedas ; yoke of a plough or vehicle, s.
whisper, kdni kauri, a cowry with a hole in it. s. Vi- ;^ eSlfqT kdnrnd, a. to tread, to tra!nj)le. h.
L--0 0 kavip, misfortune or evil luck, kamp-
vidnid, evil luck to befall or happen, d. i^>^ ofi'm kdiiii, m. f. a species of grass (Sac-
chartim spuntaneum) ; also bell-metal, &.c. (v. kdnsd). s.
J ( 55d ) X
\— ")\^ "Jfiim lid/i.'^a., III. bfll-iiictiil, wliitp copper jOjO hdiv-hdir, diligent investigation, strict
research, scrutiny, pains, toil. p.
or brass, queen's metal, any amalyum of zinc and
copper, i-.
JjlS kdival, \{y. gaskt) surrounding, per-
*— 3\^ oRTW: ha/'isa, m. a cup, bowl, glass, jjjO kdiraU,) ambulating, patrolling; fees
goblet ; bell-metal, kdnsa-gar, one who makes cups,
bowls, &c. /,(7?ioYi;,'-ar/,f. the business of cup-making, s. " paid for protection of property ; black mail. d.
-CJ.D lidwul-qdr, 1 , • i j
«Ji— j\^ "cdJT^ /m/'tsi/o , m. bell-niPtal (v. fiaiisd). ^,^-r ^ }-a patrol, a sentmel. a.
k(insya-kur, m. a brazier, a pewterer, a worker in white
or bell metal, kansya-ml, m. blue vitriol, considered jUjUjO hdwali-()dr,)
as coUyriuin. s.
^6.JjO hdwal pattl, a commitment to jail. d.
ij^ "^"SfJi/idnkar, m. a jiodule of limestone, s.
4^jo tion
kdiv'i, f. digging,
(from kdwldan). p. excavating, investiga-
\JlG^ cirt^ hanhshd, f. desire, wish, inclina-
tion, s.
kiLOjD lidivit (v. cLo^), wood-apple, &c. d.
&C^ han-hi (for ki-dn-Jn), for he who. p. ajjo oFT'il kdrya, m. a poem, a poetical com-
^Oo eiri^ hdnkh, f. the ar:npit. s. position, kdvya-chaur, m. a plagiarist. *.
l^0\^ o(rt^ hdnkhd, m. straining (when at 8 0 fidh, f. grass, straw, kdh-gil, straw and
stool, kc). /(. mud nii.xed to plaster walls with. p.

U^^ cFTWrJT hdnhhnd, a. to grunt, h. bj8o kdh-ruhd, yellow amber, p.

^/,X-jl^ ojitzft hdmjri, f. a chafing-dish. A. ijiJbO lidkhh, f. diminution, emaciation, care,
anxiet}'. p.
^^-3d ofiTTJT hdhqan, m.^nanie of a plant or
jjl-iL>J60 hdkhashun, the milky way. p.
^J\^ ofim'^^ hdiifjm, f. J its seed {Pani- ^fcO kdJdl, slow, indolent, lazy, languid, sick,
" cum Italicum). s.
tard}'. kdhil-mizaj, indolent, a.
^^'^ oRT'?l''fT kdiian, m. a forest, desert, wood. x.
^^ eRT^ hank, m. one of the names of ^fcO "SUT^ hdJda, mischievous, s.
Krixhna ; a husband, h. ^0 kahild, ailing, sick, indisposed, a.
<o\^ ha-anna-hu , as if he (or it) was, as it L_>-io.^fco ofiT?^Tq'°T hdhld-pnshp, m. thorn
were. a.
\_Krhhia, h. apple {Datura metel). s.
ofiU^C hdjihar, one of the names of
_l^fcO hdhildffi, indolence, &c. (v. Jid/iiri).d.
mode oRT^Tl
or rdgini;hdnhrd,
a kind of rn. name of h.a musical
nightingale, aj^ito Idliildna, slowly, lazily, a.
^jX hdni, mineral, relating to mines, p. ljjjji\^ Juiliilpuhd, m. ^ indolence, hmguor,
(30 oRT?n^ Aa«i, f. a woman blind of one eye. s. Ai>^ luihUi, f. J sloth, sickiu'ss, tar-
^j}6 kdni (for kahdni), a story, a tale. d. dines , a.

jio ^TR^ /ta?«i, f. resentment, sj)ite. h. ^ib^ ofrr?l!T hdhmi, m. an aggregate number
consisting of sixteen pans, or 1280 kauris, s.
^.Cj\^ cRTS^cingT kdnyakuhj, m. the ancient
name of Kanauj. s.
^^O lidliin, ni. prophet, piiest; ;i sootlisiiycr,
conjuror, sorcerer, augur, an astrologer, a.
«o /^a/r, digging, excavating, investigating, p. afco kdlni, m. the name of a vegetable, the
\jjji]j^ «in^1^*TT hdivd-dend, a. to ring or seed of which is good for a cold, a lettuce (Lactuca
sativa). p.
lounge (a horse) ; to trick, to sham. h.
t^iJUo kdrcdk, long, awkward ; hollow, yto cRT^ kdhu (in the BraJ dialect, inH. of
empty ; cracked, useless, p. ko,u), any one, some one or something, h.

p. hdld, f. greenness, name of a dish ; adj.

^\^^ kdwdki, f. length ; hollowness.
"of or n lating to straw or grass, p.
JJ ^ cdN'^. kdn-ar f. the baskets in which the ^^ Wl% hdhe (infl. of hyd), why, what.
Hindus carry about the Ganges water, h.
■■ kdhe ko, why, wherefore, h.
j^% kdwar, a stick or bamboo carried on the JiiafcO hdhida, diminished, wasted, kdlndav,
shoulder, to the ends of which are suspended boxes,
baskets, &c., called in Urdu balia^igl, q. v. kdwar wdld, to waste, diminish, p.
the person who carries baggage, &:c., in this manner,

commonly called by Europeans in the Carnatic " a i_f^ ofiT^ f. the green scum on the surface of
cowrv-coolev," in Urdu bahangl-wald or bahangl- i^t.ngnant podls, or the green mould that sticks to
barddr. — Binning, d. walls and pavements, scum, fur, paste; (in Dakh.)
green, raw, or unripe fruit, h. [son. «.
(^^^ luDv'ish, f, digging, research j medita-
ting, reflecting, menacing, p. b^ oirrar Itdyd, f. the body, appearance, per-
( 556 ) ^
pdld, made on the ground, and the other on the other :
j_iy,l^O ha(ja-j)uti, f. the cajeput, from whence one boy, shouting kahaddi, kabaddl, passes the line
is prepared the well-knowa oil. The word is origi- and endeavours to touch one of those on the opposite
nally Malay. side : if he is able to do this and to return to his own
party, the boj' that was so touched is supposed to be
Js^o oRTHific* or oinyMicji ka,ephal, m. name slain, tliat is, he retires from the game ; but if the boy
of a medicine, an aromatic bark {Fragaria vesca) (As. who made the assault be seized and unable to return,
Kes. vol. vi. p. 38U). s. he dies, or retires in the same manner: the assault is
thus made from the two sides alternately, and that
party is victorious of which some remain after all theif
f^y oFnT'T hayuth, m. name of a tribe of
Hindus, proceeding from a Kshatriya father and a opponents are slain, h.
Sudra mother, and generally employed as clerks or
copyists, s. jio hihr or hubr, m. grandeur^ pride, dignity.
kahar, capers (fruit or berry), a.
jiy W\'^T. hayar, timid, timorous, a coward, s.
•JO ha,h\ nnme ofa bird, the Indian thrush, Ufj «li<f U Afl^j-a.giey.dirty white,variegated.s.
also called sat b,hd,i. h. \Si huhard (pi. ofj«-y), the great, grandees,
&c. a.
i^^L^^WlW^ Jio,i/asth,m. the Supreme Being;
a caste of Hindus (same as kayath). s. i kidird, m. the major of a syllogism, a.
cibo ofrnTofi Tidyah, bodily, personal, s. b Jki kibriyd, m. grandeur, magnificence ;
^o ka,ild (for hdliila), sick, ailing, d. pride ; a name of God. a.
C>U.)o hd,inat (pi. of woo), all things C^jij liibr\f,m. sulphur; fine gold or silver.
existing ; £ the world, universe, beings, creatures, a- kibr'iti ahmar, the philosopher's stone, a.
jo.o olTR haya, m. the body (v. kayo). .«, iP..r^ liibrifi, of or i-elating to sulphur, a.
\^^ ^W^ hob, when ? hah-tah, -talak, -lag, or jjo ^'
eF^f kubar,
m. a hump (on the back), s.
-ta.m, till vehen ? how long ? kab-se, since what time i
\vji ^T^TT Jaibrd, liump-backed, crooked, s.
kab-kab, when? kab-kd, -he, or -k'l, of what time?
kab-lo, till when ? how long ? s.
(.dJaS habh, m. name of a bird of the partridge
kind, kabki dari, m. a beautiful species of partridge.
t— *5 oRfq' /«//«■ or ^ofc, m. (for kavi) a poet. kabk-ruftdr, moving gracefully, p.
^7/6, a hump (on the back), s.
Us oim hiibhd, hump-backed, s. (Jjki kubal, difficult, severe, d.
L-^ljO kahab, m. a roast, meat cut into slices Jbj.Jjki ofisFH habandh, m. a headless trunk
and then roasted or fried on skewers, kabdb-k., a. to (still retaining a little life, so as to have the power of
burn, to roast, kabdb bond, to burn ; to be enraged ; moving;, s.
(met.) to be desperately in love. p.
3yS kabutar, m. a pigeon, habutar-bdz or
^x>-{^^\m liubab-chini, f. cubebs (^Piper kabutar-bdn, a pigeon-fancier; one who rears pigeons
and bets upon their flight, &c. kabiitar-haclia, m. a
" cubeba); jungle cloves, p. young pigeon ; an unripe poppy-head wrapped up in
jjUi kabdba, m. cubebs {Piper cubeba). a. pease-meal and fried in butter or oil. kabutar-jhar,
name of a plant [Jiisliria nasitta). p.
f^\x) habdbi, fit to be roasted ; roasting ;
iO\s>ji^i!i kabutar-Mdna,xn. a pigeon-house, p.
" m. one who roasts ; a vendor of kahdbs. p.
Ji>Ui kabdda, m. a bow, not very strong, for i%i.S Itnbvd, m. azure, blue; a kind of willow;
practising with. p. a sort of blue sheepskin : a heron, p.

Am hibar (pi. ofj^t), grandees, nobles, men ^ii»jo habudi, blue, azure, cerulean, habudi-
distinguished for wealth, knowledge, or sanctity. rang, azure-coloured, p. fa bad wife, s,
kabbdr or kubbdi; very great, a.
Wjl^ji ^>n^T liu-bhdrjd (for ku-bhdryd), f.
VVjj «ir^'5 habdr or kibdr, m. a door, a gate. s.
jl^jp op>?T^ hu-hhdw, m. ill-treatment, ill-
d^iS "Sfifwtf habit, m."l asort of verse used by temper, evil disposition, s.
\lo'3sfwST kabitd, f. J the Hindus, poetry, y^iS ofiiT habhu, 1 ever, some time or other.
a poem (applied to compositions in the Hindi or Braj
dialects), s. (^»^jj cii>T hahhun, \ hablii kabhi, sometimes,

^^'^•Sfifmn% kabitd,i, f. poetry, &c. s. ^_A-i oRH^ kabln, J now and then, at times.
"kabhi ke, of some time, some time ago. kablu na ka-
cLoiAaJa?, a kind of delicate dish. d. bbi, some time or other, h.

l^oF^n kubjd, hump-backed, crooked, s. jM kab'ir, large, immense, great, full-grown,

senior ; name of a famous jaklr and saint, who flou-
C^ habid, m. the liver, the heart, a. rished about the close of the tifteenth century, katiir
panthl, m. the followers oi Kablr. kablr kd ultd, traas'
i^Jji^ ^
oR^rt habaddi, f. a game among boy position, a.
who divid^ themselves into two parties, one of which i ./--^ U.h^r- tliP rind nf vvpaltb (v hirfirX
takes its station on one Bide of a line or ridge called ' J^*? ^^T kuber, the Uoa 01 weaitn ( V. HUier).
>7 ) ^/

-^j^ ^flr^ kapitth, m. the elephant or wood

^w-.Juo oR^'hTT hahl'iar, 1 (for hnvtshwar), a apple (Fcroiiia elephantium or Cralceva valanga). s.
j^*-AJii ■5R'5ff''^T hahhwar,) fiist-rate poot, lit.
prince of pofts : the Arabs and Persians have a simi- i-iL*AS "^XfZ kapat, desi<;ning, insincere ; f.
lar term, malikii-sh-shu'ara. s. spite, adulteration, trick, deceit, subterfuge, kapatta,
f. deceitfuinesa. kapat-rupdhdrl, a hypocrite, kapat-
*-<*aj5 kahisa, m. intercalary. ?o/a haJ'isa, lekln/a, m. a forged document, kapat-vush, m. disguise.
leap-3'ear. a. kapat-vcsld, disguised ; m. a hypocrite, s.

j^^xij "Sa^f^T. halmliwar or kahishaj-, m. '^^Z\ hapati, insincere, false, hypo-

{for kav'ishwar), an eminent poet (v. kab'isar). s. "critic, adulterated, s.
^xjuo kahViuj, a kind of x^iltl |:);irsley, and
V^; oStl^ hapclta, in. a kind of jacket, h.
a deadly poison, p.
j.^ "^V^hopar, m. (v. hapar) cloth, &;c. s.
ij^ hahtri (for fiuhJnn'), at ;uiv lime. f/. {^J^y^yS oJ»T3RTJT^ hit-paramarsli, m. bad ad-
t_-*S "ofi^ liapi, m. nn ape, a monkey, s. vice, s. [gauze, h.
U) oFtilT kiippn, in. a large Ic'cillieni vessel for Jyc>iy>i ct;'q^'VT<5 hapar-dhul, m. a kind of
holding oil, glil, &c. kupprl lurhna, the decease of a
kiny, \c. kuppd hand, to become very fat. s. {^jxS "^tr^^ hii-purush, m. a vile man, a
poltroon, s.
J>J^ oF'TT'^ kti-patr, unfit, incapable. 5. cLfSjif o!iti^o57 hapar-kut, pounded up with
cL>^xS 'ofi'tnz hapat, m. a shutter, a door, the rags (clay for making crucibles, &c.). s.
panel of a door. s.
j^ oRxr? kapar or hapar, m. cloth, hapar-
^VXJ^Li Aa2?a/i-/f/<7aw, a snaffle bridle, h.p. chhdn-k., a. to strain, kapar clilian, impalpable (pow
der) ; deep (consultation) ; thoroughly sifted (intelli-
jUS cRTn^ hapar, gence, &c.). s.
nium fate,
; destiny, m.
s. (v. hupal') skull, cra-
\'-'\iJ cjfqri ha2)ra, m. cloth ; clothes, dress,
i^Xp cF'TR't kaparl, shrewd, sly; m. a caste habit, kaprd-orhnd or -pahannd, to put on clothes.
in Bengal who sell greens, &c. h. kaprofi se hand, n. to have the menses, kapre, pi. dress
apparel, kapre rtmgnd, to become a fakir, kapre kc
jliol dend,5. to give an alarm. — {Gilcli.) kapre-wapre
carries aefi'TTrt
skull inhapari,
his hand aandtitle of of
a chain Shiva, who
them round
his neck ; a cavesson or noseband for a horse, arrih
J.^ v^ hapar-pliul, a silk cloth worked
kapdr'i, pain of half tlie head {hemicrania); an areca
nut having two kernels, or rather one of those kernels with gold and silver flowers, worn as a head-dress bj
which are convex on one side and flat on tlie otiier, females, d.
wliere it was in contact with its fellow : these nuts,
from the doctrine of signatures, are said to be a re- ^_}^i>y.Jf "SSTrr^ kaparcUdil, m. gauze, h.
medy for the ht'viicrania. s.
l^'^-ai oFHTofiVrr hapar-hofha, m. a tent. s.
(__yjUi ofi"qra Jia])as, f. cotton (undressed) ;
the cotton plant {Gossypium herbaceum). s. jt-^i t_-^^ ofiti«RT?^ haji-ha])}, f. shivering, trem-
^m»\m kapasi, made o{ cotton (a garment), s. bling, quaking, perturbation, s.

^JljO optn^ hapal, in. the head, forehead ; a (J^^fHo? hapil, m. name of a Hindu sage. .■?.
skull or cranium ; fate, destiny, kapdl phutnd, to be ^Lj efifiJ^T hapila, f. a brown-coloured cow. s,
unfortunate, kapdl khulnd, to h.ive a favourable turn
of fortune, s, U^j oifTRT hapna, n. to shiver, to tremble, to
quake; adj. trembling, s,
^Li oFTn^S^ hapctR, a tilh? of Shiva (v. ha-
" pdr'i). kapdll dsttv, an attitude of fall) s in worship, C^^^i W^K hapot, m. a pigeon or dove,
standing Hindus:
among on theirwhen
heads, kapdl'ibody
a dead kriyd, a ceremony
is burning and especially the spotted-necked pigeon, s.
nearly' reduced to ashes, the nearest relative breaks
the skull with the stroke of a bamboo and pours melted C->«JiJ «}r^fl hapTd or oRTJK huput, m. a de-
butter into the cavity: hence kapdll kriyd-k., to think generate or villainous son. s.
intensely, to beat or cudgel one's brains. «.
^.J>5 cRTirr't ha2Mti, f. degeneracy (in a son), s.
JLj '^''TT^^ hapulz, ni. name of a caste (in
"Beng.) (v. kapdll). h. j^-i^ofiTn:
a flower. hapur,
*. m. camphor; also name of
[a medicine, h.
Cl^ iS cjrfqfT hvpit,hice\\''v(], nv\ <.; v y . s.
JlS '^'^^ kapvir or otTQ'^ hujnttr, m. a bad, ^.^.^xyw^TW^'^hajnir-hachari, f. name of
undutiful, and wicked son. s.
s. hapwl, m. a kind of betel-lea
so called,oBYTJ
(_jj^S f
^iji cR'q'^j hii-patli, (lit. bad road, or the
wrung vay) deviation, aberration, heresy. ktipath- J.aS eStn^ hapol, m. the cheek, hupol-
}.(linl. M kked. going in a bad or v\ri r.g road. * gendud, a small circular pillow to rest the cheek up(,n..«.
4/ ( 538 )
,^ "^gvfi kaph, m. phlegm; watery froth \>\J)S o|iri<T^T katrana, a. to cause to clip, to
or foam. kaph-nashan, anti-phlegmatic. kaphi, cut out ; to leave the high road, stealing away by by-
paths, to go round about, to shrink, to go aidewaji.
phlegmatic, s.
katrdkar chalnd, to desert one's companion, s,
-jp oirxft hapi, m. a monkey; a pulley or
■ block, kuppt, f. a vial, a akin, a leather bottle, s. (^^\^ WflTT^ katra,i, f. price paid for cut-
ting out ; adv. sideways, s.
«Jl»i «inr hat or kit, where ? whither ? why ?
how ? how many ? how much ? s. «}Ji^^jJo katar-hhed, fraud, guile, deceit, d.
\jk> cBWT kutta, m. a dog ; the scear of a gua- CL^^JiS oinrT^^mT katar-he,ont, m. cutting
lock. the part which is acted upon by the trigger; a out ; (met.) meditation, consultation, anxiety, t.
hand-vice, kuitd mutyd, a toadstool or fungus, tazi
i.ulta, a greyhound, h. l^jiS WifT!^ katran, f. parings, clippings, ku-
tran, that which is gnawed or bitten off by the teeth, s.
l-j foiT^ hitta, how many ? how much ?
wliiit quantity l s. u,1j cFTR^T katarna, a. to clip, to cut (as
with scissors), to cut out, to pare, kutarnd, a. to cut
[.^Xi^ kitah, f. a book, writing, despatches, with the teeth, s.
scripture, a letter, kitdbi ilahi or kitdbl majld, the
holy book, the kur,an. kitdb-farosh, a bookseller. ijiji^ oFTITrft katarni, f. scissors, s.
As the book, to jSt/SXiov, it is applied to the Old Tes-
tament of the Jews, the New Testament of the jJiS 'cfiH'^ hutru, m. a puppy (in Bengal,
Christians, and the 7air,dn of the Muhammadwis: from the custom of calling dogs by this sound), h.
hence Jews and Christians, as well as Muluxmmadans,
are styled " aldi kitdb" "the people of the book," the
^JiS oFri^ kuiru, m. one who cuts or bites, s.
rest of mankind being classed as pagans, a.
^— li chr^l kutsa, f. reproach, contempt, cen-
sure, s.
C-oU'^ hilahnt, f. I writing, inscription, a
e-i^jS hitrthii, m. J motto; title-page; in
law, a written engagement whereby a slave is entitled »Jl*--Jo oEfRnf/j?^f.«'<,despicable,contemptible.s.
to emancipate himself either by labour or money; an ( aiS hat if or hitf, ra. the shoulder-blades, a.
epitaph, a.
t-dJuo hitah, some, several, a few. d.
j^IjO hUahi, of or belonging to a book ;
" iience a Jew or Christian (v. kitdh), for Miihammadans
i^'iS hutuh (for kutah, q.v.), a pestle, &c. p.
admit that these are possessed of scriptural authority, Kjo 41141 hutha, m. a short stick with which
though inferior to the kur,dn ; of the shape of a book, bhang is ground, h. [earth, h.
j. e. rectangular or oblong, kitdbl chaprd, a long or
oval face. a.
J-ii cjr^^ hattal, f. a lump of stone, brick, or
^l!o oFTTKT hatara, m. a kind of sugar-cane. h. ^)ok> oiiiTc^l hatla, m. a slice ; adj. rank, ran-
^jCafhatfan, m. a kind of cloth, linen (it is cid, musty, flabby, s. h.
said to be rent by exposure to the moonlight, and
hence is represented by oriental poets as enamoured ^l^ii hitman, concealment, concealing, a.
of the moon. Aa/aH, linseed, a.
lioj feinT«n hitna, how many ? how much ?
j^US o|f^T«T liuttan, m. a knife, a dagger what number? kitne-ek, a few, some, kitnd-hi, how
(Beng.). s. [to spin. s. many (or much) soever, s.
UUj ofiTTRT katana, a. to get spun, to cause Uli oFfnTT hatna, n. to be spun. s.

^jf\j5 WHTi% kaia,l, m. spinning; the price ^JuO oiriTrl^ /w^/m,I, f. spitming. 5.
* paid for spinning. *. [^khdna, a library, a.
J^yO hutwal, m. a kind of police-officer; a
v_^!k$ hvtuh (pi. of (-->lj^), books, kutub- minor sort of magistrate (v. koiwdl). p.
UaJO httnhiya, f. a small book. a. ])JS.) hi/twati, f the office oi hutivah p.
{^^>M Win kuiap or ^TTI h/tup, in. the i_ii3*iS oFHITfoir hutiniak, m. weakness of the
eighth hour or portion of the day, about noon. s.
eyes in infants, i.
\^ h'lt-Mudd, m. (for had-khvda) master
of a family, a married man; a viceroy or locum Jj6yO olflTf^ hituhal, m.f eagerness, desire,
tenens. p. curiosity ; show, spectacle, entertainment, sport, pas-
time, festivity, kutuhnll, sportive, fond of sport, s.
(_^>Lvi^ hat-ljjuida^t, f. marriage; ofBce of
,Ajj oF'VT hutli^ ni. the a'^tringent vegetable
"viceroy. kat-'khudd,i-k., io xn&ny. p.
extract which the natives eat with betel-leaf. It is
^TT^ s. hulru,
^13cutter, m. a puppy, hatru, m. a the produce of a species oi mimosa (chadira). Catechu,
Tt-rra japonica. h. [tion, narrative. G.

^y^cFrfi:! katra, ni. parings, clippings, s. l^JO ofi'^IT hatha, f. a story, tale, fable, rela-
^^J>\::^ oT'^lf'T hutrnp'i, sonievvliere or other, s. CU^^wf^mi hathit, told, related. *.
551) )
4 (

iJX£;SwT<SS! hotluik or katthah (also hatJiih), Lo^Jo oK^TTTT hdUisa, inclined to bite. ."?.
1:1. a story teller ; a kind of singer; one who reads C^^\yi ktita-suhht, m. a very dog. h. p.
the Puranas in public s.
(jtiUi eim'^ hatahsih, m. ogling, a leer, a
glance, a side look. s.
^^i/flS^R Jiuflum, m. the act of sayinjz or tell-
ing, s. ["-elate, s. jlJO oFTT^/.v//a/, flood, spring tide (Beng.). h.
ll^j/ ^^^ hathna, a. to tell, to say, to Ij'ai oRTRT lidtana, to cause to cut, or bite. s.
'^■^i^\flW^'^f{athopakatha7i,m.con- jlJO WZm Itatani, m. a kind of flowering on
versation, dialogue, narration, s. cloths ; cutting, reaping, harvest, h.

i\jS oFTT^ hatah, m. a shallow boiler for oil

^ hate (probably an abbrev. of ^J^ "they or butter, &c. 5.
an expletive,
say"), used
" much answering
in the Dakhani to " so,d.thus, that," &c.,
ij^\jS '3SZ\\kuta,i, f. harvest. //.
bl!o oFTTTl kutaya, m. Sulunum jacquini,
J^ Wfi\ kutt'i, f. (fern, of kuttu) a bitch, h.
G:i^^ "firiTT httiya or Imttiya, f. a little bitch, h. {jniid.). h.

ing tra- ^^AJoi eiiT^VT kat-handhan, m. a wooden

\jxi^ ojTTTtTn hafira, m. a gum resembl
urens of Br clog or ring with which an elephant is fastened, s.
gacanth, obtained from the Slercidia
Koxb. : the name is also given to the real gum traga-
canth, obtained from the Astragalus verus. h. {^^^ <^i^i5 Itat-phal, m. a small tree found
in tlie north-west of Hindustan, the bark and seeds of
hh-eh (for kitne-ek), some, few. d. which are used in medicine and as aromatics : the
fruit is also eaten : the common name is kdyaphal, ».
^I'j^ /ti-ta,m (for lie-ta,in), to, up to, &c. d. cfif^tT hat it, m. vent, sale. h.
iJl/ -SfiZ kilt, m. name of a medicine {Costus WZHT hdtvta, f. pungency, sharpness;
/irabicus). s. testiuess, irritability.
^ olif^ hait or hat, f. the reins, the loins,
the waist, katl-kehan or hat kehrl, having a waist
jij cJiZsT hutaj, m. a medicinal plant (Echi-
elegant as the lion's (epithet of a handsome woman), s. ^tes antidysei'terica): the seeds are used as a vermi-
fuge, s. [horse), h,
tiL*^ oF7 hat, m. black colour to mark cliiniz J M oB^ hattar, inclined or addicted to bite (a
with, kitt, m. a kind of sour dish ; excrement, dirt. /;.
♦-0 «P3T hutar, cruel, relentless; (sub.) a
iS^'^Z hatu, m. pungency, pungent taste ; a caitiff s.
flower (M;c/;f //a champaca); adj. pungent, fierce, hot, ,iS ofTtt^ hutir, m. a cottage, a hut. s.
impetuous. *. [louse, h.
\jjj ofiSTT katru, also hatra, m. a market,
Uv^ oR^T katta, robust, able-bodied ; m. a large
suburbs, the market-town belonging to a fort. h.
U/c|f7T hata, f. killing, slaughter, haia-h., to 13 .j6 hatttrna, m. a species of fish. d.
slaughter, s.

\j{ katta, a bundle, a file of papers, a bunch, U^jlIIa-j ofi7Zl^«TT kat- I'ahjih, n. to be cut, to
be cut oflf, intercepted, divided, separated, or stopped
a handful, a faggot or bundle of sticks, a parcel, d.
up (as a road by being infested with thieves, &:c.;. h,

^^ katachh, m. (for katdksh, q.v.) ogling,

f_^jJo "aC^ katt n, the horizontal beamto which
a leer, glance, or side look. «. the bullocks are attached in a sugar-mill : it also de-
notes land recovered from large rivers, h.
Xi^SfiZK hatar, m. a dagger having a broad
tdlJO oRJefi katak, m. f. an army. s.
straight blade ; the hilt comes up on either side of the
wrist, while it is grasped by a crossbar in the centre ;
a polecat, h. [horse, s.h. Ooi hatha, a peck or seizure with the i)eak.
katkd bliarnd, to peck with the beak, to bite with the
\j^ •li^JR kutar, m. an impatient little teeth, d.
y ^ - s.
,US ofiZR huttar, m. copulation, iJLSjS oR'aFT hutkut, m. nil>bling, itching
scratching (in Dakh.) kat-kat, an imitative sound, a
\SjS oFTTTT hatara, m. name of a medicinal click, a tick, ■yr tick-tick. /*. [teeth, d.
plant (globe thistle, Echinops echinatus, Roxb.). h. hat-katana, to gnash or grind the
\\j^ hatara, the aloe plant, d.
^\^ ^^ijS hatuhtl-hhana, to experience grief,
trouble, or vexation, d.
"katdr). -SfZV^
^Jj:J^ hatar'i, f. a small dagger (v.
h. l.-alus-
jij^^WZ^T. hathar, 1 ui. railings,
^J Xj^ oRTTfnn hatarhja, m. a kind of silk liCo c(i<r<5h^ hutharu,) trade, palings, en-
cloth, with stripes in the form of daggers. /.. closure (for kath-ghard, q. v.). h.
( 5G0 ) ^
*ii\^jS oBTofifSf Itntharayij, ] f. the ftbifni
of metal,"^^"^
h. hatori, f. a small bowl or cup

^_0^^' -seZ^^lfi hathale'i'i, J nut {Guilan-

"(ibia bonducceUa, Lin. ; Ccssalpinia bonduccella, Roxh.). s. j_^^^ <*^«n kutiisi, f. smut, obscenity. A.
axjij ejiT^.TTT hathatm,m. a picture (on wood); J^ ^T^^ /ir/?o/, m. a man of a degraded
pliin, scheme, sketch ; adj. shrewd, cunning. /;.
tribe, a CItanddl : a plant, (perhaps cowage, Dolichos
prurienis). s.
li'^^Ji efKi^yiTn katkliana, a. to bite. h.
vi^Xo efij^fTT h(ttliha7ia, inclined to bite. h. -4^ ^i7 AaM, ra. (contraction of kath, wood).
kath-handhan or -handan, m. a wooden ring with which
^x> "^Z^ liiitlii, f. a ^mi ; estrangement the feet of elephants are fastened, kath-birukt, f. a
•• from, or desertion of, friends, h. toad, kath-hel, the wood-apple (Fcroiiia elepl/antiim).
kath-bela, m. name of a Hower (Jasmhmm vniltijlorum).
, >Ji> cB3"5^ hutlii, f. name of a mc dicine. s. kajh-phord, a woodpecker (Piciis). kath-gulub, m. a
kind of rose {Rosa chinensis). kath-maxta, very stout
is^xxji etxjshl"^: hatliina, a sub-lease, or under- and lutty. katli-hansl, affected or forced smiles (with
fnrni katklna-ddr, an under-farmer of revenue, a iuternal displeasure), s.
sub-tenant (Glad.), h.
^^ ^TT hattha, m. a land-measure (the
]j^L:{-^SVJ.-\hat-cjhara,^ m. a wooden cage twentieth part of a blgha); a corn-measure, contain-
katgar, J «'' railing.a balustrade. «. ing five seis. h.
^J.j3 ojif?^ /«<??'/, crooked, bent, perverse, l.f,JO WZ^ liataha, snapping, inclined to bite. s.
dishonest ; cruel, ruthless, kutil-ta, f. crookedness ;
guile, dishonesty, s.
j-t-^J cFTR hnthdi', m. an axe; (in Dakh.)
k:.t!idr (for katdr), a dagger, s.
jjjo "SfiZH hittuvi, 1 m. kin, family, tribe,
\ y '■'ofi^y ' )■ '
L—'VJ hitumb.j caste, relatives, s.
(jKj'^J.i '^jnf^ AM//to;7,1 f. an earthen vase
^^>«j> cp^f'S'ST kutumbin,^ m. householder, Jy^"^ "^ZT^ kuthaU,) prepared for melt-
, -J-^JJ eh^y^ hiitumhi, \ paterfamilias, hu- ing gold, silver, &c. ; a crucible, h,

, c*-*3 oFTirl" Jnduvn, J tuvihim, f. the uiJ^Jo cF^m katltaku, m. a bird, the wood-
"wife of a householder, a matron, s. picker, s.
fj^i l(aivi(iram, m. a ruft, a float, commonly j^i «B7fT kathar, m. a wooden cage in
called a " catamaran." The word is originally Tamul, which w ild beasts are kept ; also a kind of fruit (v
and signifies in that language " tied logs." d. kathal); adj. hard. s.

w.M.«Jo^ hottnasta
bodied, very powerful (v.
and fuithmasta),
lusty, d. strong- j^ "WZT. kilt /tar, m. the post round which the
string of the churning-stick winds, s.

-^,j*j '^^■^ /i'?/?/(-/ »,lm. a piuip, a pander; a l^Jo TfT^i:! hcithara, m. a wooden cage; a
\jji "S^Z"^}
o fiutn a, J mischief-maker, s. railing, a palisade, s.

UJo oJiT?IT haiiia, n. to lie cut ; to pass or be Ij^JO ^TTT hathra, 1m. a tub, a tray, a plate,
spent (as time) ; to be bashful, abashed, to be inter-
ruiited ; to die of wounds, s. IV^JO off^fT hathra,) a trough ; a young
male buffalo, s.
\j\'xj!i "SiiZ^V^ hvtiHipa, m. pimping, s.
^fj^Ji "^Z^ hatlin, f. a small tub, trough, s.
(_^l>Ji) '^iZ^T^ hvpuix, m. the name of a bird
(Coracias). Ii. 1.^X^Jo <*<j*i<\ lidtlighara, ra. a wooden cage;
U'jJj oRTfTTiT Initva7ia,n. a railing, a palisade, s.
o • 'to entice,'
to seduce, '
to inveigle, to wheedle, to coax. «.
^y^^ «Jt7^ hatkal, m. name of a fruit and
tree ; the jack-tree and fruit {Artocarpus integrifolia,
^-A'j.'j3 "^Z^T^Jiytva,!, f. the wages of a pimp..<t. Roxb.). s. [</a.?. s.
[.^^'xji "SfiZ^kutiimb , m. tribe, family, kindred. .s.
jj^j(5 efifr^ hatltiU, m. Momordica charan-
cLaJ^Jq oE3^ hatannat, m. a \i\nri\,(^Bignonia
indica). s. [the grain, harvest, s. ^i^jij '3(Z'^^ hathia, m. a wooden ornament,
or a charm put on a child's neck. s.
^jt> eR?r}^ katni, f. the season for cutting
i..^J^i eFfyJT hathin, difficulty, obscure, pain-
r>jk$^ oF^Tj't hitni or huttan'i, f. a bawd, a pro- ful, troublesome; acute; hard, solid; unkind, severe.
"* curess, a go-between, s. [to be cut. s. katliintd, f. hardness, severity, difficulty kathin-hriday
or kathindntahkaran, hard-hearted, s.
ISUiS ^^T»n hutnana (v. hatana), to cause
l.Ji oR71T:T hatorii,\m. a brass bowl, a cup, _^^ oiifT^^ hnthbijar, m. a plant wor-
shipped bythe Hindus, commonly called Tulsi {Ocy
»..ii cFSiT*. Ii'itora,) goblt.t,&c. of metal, /t. mum sanctum, or sacred basil), i.
4^ ( 561 ) ^S

.jjk^jo eBJ^^ hathandar, m. dropsy, tympany, \Z^->\^ hajdchit, perhajjs, should, sometime
hardness of the stomach, s, [with), s. or other, s.

ij^ ^sftrrft Juithini, f. chalk (for writing IJlrc hijuna, a. to cause to rot, to waste, d.

i^y^ "^S^tTt kathauii, f. a tub, a plate, a Sjl* hajatva, m. a camel's saddle ; a kind of
trencher, platter, s. camel's litter in which females travel, p.
j^^jkS oji^^/nz-Mawr, wrong place,mi6placed. 5. K* '^iiRT kajra, m. lampblack used for paint-
ing the eyes, s,
.^^JO efiT^ kathor, ") cruel, relentless, severe,
J^^jO oW^qS kathol,) callous; hard, solid, s. UU-c oRWUTl hajrara, black (eyes) without
painting, t. [black. &c. s,
\!>j^^jO «5Trtin kathorata, f. hardness,firmness ;
cruelty, relentlessness. *. ^j jbt otrSTT^ kajarrva, m. (v. hajra) lamp-
i-disi hojak, f. the iron instrument used in
^-i;^ "SfSTmi kathii/a, m. a trencher, a platter; driving elephants, p.
a snare, a trap, trepan, t.
^JJ "Sf!"^ kuti, f. a cottage, haft, f. (v. hati) (Jjs- "^S^S:^ hajjal,^m. lampblack, soot, col-
"the reins, loins, &c. «. ^)^ ^Tif^ST kaj la, J lyrium prepared from
^J^ sSfTm hatiya, f. a fishing-hook, kataiya,
coarse grass growing on fields left fallow, h, '^fi^'^Z^ hajlauti, f. a pot for keeping
j(^ eRTt^ kuttr, m. a small house, a hovel, s. kajjal ; an iron instrument like snuffers, used to re-
ceive smoke, prepare and keep lampblack, s.
\jJi katera, railings, palings; a balustrade, d.
(.;/uJj& <*'»T^1w^ liujli-han, m. a forest fre-
\jj^ "SfiTt^ hafira, 1 thorny; active, brave (a quented byelephants, s.
^Jojii «E7^55T Aa/i/a,J soldier); akind of plant, s.
'u:£ hijna, n. to be rotten or putrescent ; to
*jj> cdi*! kate,o or cRT^ kute,o, f. a bad habit. /*. wear out, to decay, d.

C^^ kasafat, f. density, fulness, repletion, a. ^t kaji, f. crookedness, crossness, p.

O-i^ kasrat, f. abundance, excess ; practice. 3^ ■gr^ J/ach, m. rawness, simplicity; waterin
6n-itasra< or Jcasrat-se, in plentj', abundantly', nume- which rice has been washed, h.
rously, kasrat-k., to practise, to exercise oue's self. a.
J^ ^i^ JiiicJi, m. and f. bosom, breasts, bub-
j_^jD kasrat'i, usual, practised, familiar, a. d. bies. kach, m. hairs, s,
eJui ^«:?/> "•• a crowd, multitude, a. \& e|m hachcha, unripe, crude ; raw, un-
j^ ,kiisir, many, nuicli, abundant, fruitful, baked ;silly, unknowing, green, inexperienced, false ;
clay-built, slight, kachd-pan, m. rawness, crudity. /(.
copious, numerous, excessive, kasiru-l-'iydl, having
a numerous family, a.
\s^ 'se^nj.kacha)- (^wharkhdr) moist land, &c./i.
{^jM hnsif, thick, dense, opaque, hafiful- ils: kachd-hach, debate, altercation, d.
aukdt, bad times, dirty weather ; miserable, a.

^Hi3T huj, the planet Mars; Tuesday, s. bl^il^ hachcha hhand, to become angry, d.
S^^ oF^^ kuchayra, m. a nipple, s.
Jt kaj, crooked, wry ; (met.) perverse, cross.
^ kaj-dghand, -aghanda, -agand, or -aganda, a cuirass Jl^ oE'efToJ hi-chdl, f. misbehaviour, miscon-
quilted with silk, kaj-hdz, one who plays false, fraudu-
lent, kdj-bahs, one who reasons absurdly, kaj-balfsj, " ' ' [root {Arum colocasia). h.
f. absurd reasoning, knj-chashm, squint-eyed, kaj- Jlsi efi^oJ hachdlu, in. name of an esculent
Jchulk, ill-tempered, kaj-ddr marez, evasion, subter-
fuge, putting off. kaj-raw, one who walks obliquel}-;
unprincipled, kaj-rawl, walking obliquely ; unprin- \^ eR^^'t hu-chdli, of ill-behaviour. ».
cipled conduct, depravity, kaj-tah', cross-tempered.
kaj-fahm, stupid, misunderstanding, perverting a mean- ^j^^^:^ ^vfi^ kachchdji, f. rawness ; indi-
ing, kaj-kulah, a beau (lit. wearing the cap awry). gestion, surfeit, h.
kaj-mizdj, cross, ill-tempered ; stupid, kaj-nazar, en-
vious, malignant looks, kaj-nihdd, of a crooked dispo-
sition, perverse, kaj-nazar, scowling (" lumine torvo ") ; ^y "^BWW^ kach-bach, m. pi. breed, offspring,
met. envious, malignant, p. family, brats, children. //.

Ijf kiija, where? whither? how? az-huja, A^ eti-ifH'^ kach-pach, f. crowd; infants,
whence ? har-kujd, everywhere, p. brats, kkh-pich, f. mud, mire, &c. ; adj. close, thick,
"^ together, h. [iades. /;.
C-*'"^ ofisTTfiT hu-jati or hu-jat, base, of mean 2o
eztractiun or bad caste; one who has lost his caste, s. \x^j 'dbtm?-^m hich-pachiyd, m. the Fle-
) 4/
v/ '( 562 .1,
!•; J "^^^^ ^'"ch-jxin, m. rawness; sinipli- i^vof a ^'"'""^'^
snake, (for
d. kenchli), the slough or skin
fitj, want of experience, h

,sr e|i-e(< Itiirliar, censorious, detracting. 5. [^^^ '=VH^ kuchl'i, f. the canine teeth. A.
1^ cjrfn kdchra, m. the raw hharbuza or ^J ^T^T^ kach-mach, gibberish, babble,
musk-melon ; clay, kichra (v. Icichfd). h, nonsense, unintelligible language, h.

Usi hachrci, m. rubbish, dirt, sweepings, c?. j^ W^X. kachumar, m. a kind of pickle.
kachumar kar ddlnd, to cut to pieces.
Oyb^^s: r<#-^ ^fn ■«( I. 'f^»TT kichar-pichar hona,
to be very wet. h. J^y^ ^S^^X. kachnar, If. a tree, the flowers
Jl3 i <*-q,iiQ5 kachnal,) of which are a deli-
ijjs^ «jr^ kachari, ^m. name of a fruit cate vegetable {Bauhinia variegatd). s.
b;^ "Sfi^ftm kachariy a, J (Cucumis ma-
draapatanus). h.
^J•\y^ (h-^friyj kii-chandan, m. red sanders
(Pterocarpus santalinus) ; saffron or logwood, t.
\'js^ fifi^TT kichra, m. the gummy substance
that oozes from the eye. kachrd, an unripe melon of ^ «jrir hachchu (also kachu) m. name of a
a very small size. s.
plant (Arum colocasia), h.

\^r':s fsfi^TRT kichrana,n. to have a gummy CL>1^ kachnat, vexation, abhorrence, dis-
running at the eyes, to be blear-eyed. *.
like, d. [gata. t.
tilsT oh'-<4c|i kachak, f. pain (of a wound) ;
limp. h. [sprain, to twist, h. y^^ qi-^'^K hachu,ar, m. Bauhinia varie-
L3i^_si hachwana, to be grieved or vexed, to
\^'6^ oF^sfiTfTT hachkana, a. to strain, to be tired or disgusted with (a person), d.
S& oRWsRW /i;^^///^^^, m. debate, altercation.A.
^^^\^ od-qctt^ kuchwahsi,
** of surface in land measure, h.
a minute division
U'visTv" r<+-«j r^^'JTT JnchJiicJtana, a. to grind
for gnash) the teeth, kachkachand, n. to swarm, to be
very abundant ; to be gritty, h. jy^ 0(1 -q^ huchw, m. the name of a drug
[Curcuma recUnata or zerumhet, Roxb.). «.
iJL^{^^ cw^^ofi^^ hachhachahat, f. the act
of debating, &:c. h. lJj^ cp'^^ hachaurl, f a dish made of
wheaten flour and pulse, h.

Vfxs? "^.^RfTl kachhara, m. tortoise-shell, s.

y*>j^ ^"^HK hachuviar, m. a kind of pickles.
Uxsr eji^oRTTT IwcJiahnri, n. to strain, to sprain, kachumar kar-ddlnd, to cut to pieces, h.
to twist; to limp ; to pain, to ache. h. MS- hacha (v. kachd). kacha amdani, gross
{j^>^ hadiliul, f. a cup or bowl (generally a import, the payment made by a zaminddr of his rent
to government, h.p.
beggar's) ; a wallet; a miscellany, an olla podrida, a
commonplace book, p
,^^ ofT^ Jiochh (also kachhu), m. a tortoi>.e ;
the privities (Gilch.). s.
\jl^ i^/mf/<-/i7/a?irt,t()suffer grief or vexation. fZ.
^kA_^ <*-«Joh<jSl hachkela, m. a kind of plan- ^< W^ hnchh (in Braj. hachhu), any, some,
tain which is eaten boiled, as a vegetable, s. something, little, whatever, kuchh aur, something
else, kuchh aur gdnd, to give a false explanation.
^)w^ oF^l^JT Inichla, m. a voraic nut (^Strych- kuchh ek, some few or little, kuchh turn ne para pdyd,
nos mix vomica), kachld, m. clay. h. have you found a treasure ? (lit. have you found any
thing that has been dropped i) an expression addressed
to one who seems inordinately pleased witiiout ap-
^.'^ij-^ '^^cS^'TT huchal-dena, 1 a. to parent cause, kuchh turn iie kkwdb dekhd, what ! have
^'^•^tJ^ «I)^^TF55«TT kuchal-dalna, J bruise, j'ou dreamt this, or seen a vision i (an expression used
&c. ; to overlay, h. [crush, h. to a person who relates improbabilities ; also to depict
the astonishment of the speaker at any unexpected
act of another), kuchh se kuchh, from one state to
VjJ.^ 'o(i-<(rfl*n kuchalna, a. to bruise, to another, from this to that, kuchh se kuchh hond, to be
•y ^ entirely changed, kuchh L se, kuchh us se, what with
^ Jijc 'oh-c|(^rr luichlon, a kind of salt, said to this, what witii that, kuchh kd kuchh, something 1)e-
promote digestion, li. sides, in a different manner, on the contrary; pro-
gression, advancement, kuchh na kuchh, some at least,
some thing or other, kuchh nahin, it is nothing.
^^ cjr^^St? hach-lohu, ra. bloody ichor kuchh ho, whatever may happen, come what may.
discliarged along with purulent matter, h. bahut kuchh, a great deal. h.

j-fcjU: efi'^ofl^ hach-lohi, \ untemper- .l^s: o|r?[T^ kachhar, moist and low land bj a,
ljjfc^i^ gr^^f^T Jiach-lohiya, f.J ed iron. s. river ; alluvial formation. A.
^ ( 603 )
ii5 h(i(hl, f, examination, search, inquiry,
13.1^^ ■^^t;«TT hachharna, a. to wasli, to
rinse, s. [turtle, s. trouble, l.ibour, endeavour. Icadd o h'lwishti. ieaxch,
inquiry, examination, application, a.
f_^(^<^ cjr^^ hachchhap, m. a tortoise, a
\^ "^(""T hada, when? atJwhat
j.^ time? 5.
ifj^ oh-«l^rt hachahri or kachhari (vul.
cutcherry), f. a hall of justice, town-house, court, a (_-^\_0 efi^'ifq hadapi, 1 at some time or
public office for the receipt of the revenue, Sec. h.
C^\si ofi^r^rt kaddchitj other ; perad-
venture, s.
i".i:l l^<- oK^c^M^ hachli-lampat, m. a liber-
tine ;adj. lewd, dissolute, lecherous, h.
j\!>-\^ <Hfi^\MiK kad-dchdr,xv\cked, profligate. 5.
U^^ «ireRT hachhna, n. to be washed or j\^j clT^TT huddr, m. a pickaxe, mattock,
rinsed, h.
spade, hoe. t,
U^Tfc oir^g^ kachhnci, m. a kind of breeches, \j\^ foRt^TTT kidard, m. name of a musical
which cover very little of the thigh. «. mode or rugini, sung in the midnight of summer. $.

(_^^s- oF'idt«l1 hachlmi, f. a smaller kind of C^H^S:^^ r<*J|<s(*inT hiddr-hasanty m. name

' breeches (than the preceding), s. of a musical mode, s, [hoe. «.

y^ e|r^ hachhu (v. kuchli), any, some, &c. A. (_^\jj <*(^ll!l huddri, f. (v. kuddU), a small
^^^^ -<4i^<4T hachhwa, low land. A. jO^^ii efi^iejj^ kad-dkd?', ill-shaped, ugly. s.
i-p»A^ oir2[^ kachhu,a, m. a tortoise, a turtle.
J\.iJ oF^fcJ Awf^aZ or kudddl, m. a hoe, a pick-
kachhu,a-dabar, uneven-bottomed (a river deep and
shallow alternately), s. axe, a spade, kudddl, m. mountain ebon)' {Bauhinia
variegata). s. [pickaxe. *.
8 \y^ o|ra[^TT hnchhwara, ground culti-
vated b}' gardeners or kachhis, q. v. h.
ij^i^ <*c^l55l kiiddli, f. a small mattock ; a
A^iii kuddtn, which (of the two) ? who ?
\ic)\y^ oiref^T^ knclihn-aha or kachwaha, m. what ? of what kind or sort ? p.
a tribe of raj-puts, claiming descent from Kus, the son
of Rdmachandra : the ra;ai of Jainagar are of this 0\iii oB^fiT kuddnd, a. to dandle ; to cause
family, h.
to leap; (met.) to provoke, s.
ijy^ "<*^^'t kachhautl, f. a cloth worn biiii oF^rm kuddyd, m. a kind of dove. h.
" between the legs to conceal the privities. *.

je4» "^"^ lifchchhl, m. a horse (with a hol- y\iM kad-hdnu, f. the mistress of a family, p.
of theback)
Sind from the province
or Indus river, h.of Kachh, on the banks \\i^i^ kad-khuddf m. the father of a family,
a married man. p.
(jjy^ kachhen (for kachahrt),2iti office,&c.(Z.
f^A^^^ had-khiidd.i. f. establishing a fa-
^.Si kachi or hochchi (v. kacK), raw, &:c. mily ;marriage. Jcad-Jchudd,l-Jc., to marry, p.
'Jcachcln-khurSj, the raw or tumid itch. d.
U* esf^^ kuchiya, m. the lobe of the ear ji^ had}' or hadir, muddy, obscure, kadar,
being turbid or muddy (water); (met.) being distressed
{Gil.), lachiya, ni. a reaping-hook or sickle, h. or perplexed in mind. a.

UU^f ofif^T^T^T hachiyana, n. to be frightened, jtiJ «li^ kadar, m. a white sort o{ mimosa, s.
to draw back, to shrink, h.
Ij^ii ipi^^l kudrd, m. a pickaxe, s.
e'.bli<: ofifg^nfT kachiyahat, f. abhorrence. A. \j\ji^ oJi^t:t^T kudrdnd, n. to frisk, to leap,
|>s: eR^TT hachera, m. the name of a tribe, h. to caper, h. C^y^- *■

ijj^ hacheri (v. kachahrV), an office, c?. cL>j^ji oR'sf? ku-drishti, f. weak sight, evil
^)^-si eh'^^T kuchela, kachela, or kachaildf ill- eOjiiJ cB^^ hadarya, avaricious, miserly, s.
clad ; old, dirty, or tattered (clothes), t.
U) tio "SF^oir^T kudaknd, n. to frisk, to leap,
JV^ kahhdl, m. an oculist, kahdl, a col- to bound, to hop on one foot. h.
lyrium. a.
Jt^oF^ huddal, m. mountain ebony. «.
J^ /jmA/, m. a coliyrium or antimony re- Jji flli^ kadal, m. f. 1 the plantain or
duced to a fine powder, a.
(jfJJ^4<^cjS'* hadlak, m. ^ banana (tree or
Si "^ had, when? at what time? s.
lii had, m. a house, a retreat, a den. p. ^j/^^
" pientum. s. A-arZ/I, f. J leaf) {Musa sa-
( 564 ) \/
jtSi "Sf!^ kadam, 1 m. the name of a tree 0\^ kar) at (pi. of iy), tim<s, &c. karrat-
marrdt, repeatedly, many times and oft. a,
u.^J>5 «li^ kadamb,} {Navclea or-ientalis).
kadamh-pushpl, f. a plant, the flowers of which resem-
ble those of the kadamb, commonly called mundlrl. s.
CJ\^ fefinrT khat, m. a savage, a tribe of
mountaineers or highlanders living by the chase ; the
CIrrhadae of the ancients, s. [assault, a.
^;i.i «li^*T kadan, m. a killer, destroyer;
the act of killing, destroying. *.
j]^ karrar, attacking violently ; reiterated
^^^ hudan, side, direction ; adv. towards, d. y^ ^IRTKT karara, hard, stiff, rigid, s.
»,^ hadu or haddu, m. a pumpkin or pumpion \j\S karara, m. the shore, coast, d.
{Cucurhita lagenaria); memhrum virile, p.

^\dJ ^^T«n kudwana, a. to cause to \ji\f oRXI«Fq5 karakul, the name of a bird ;
a kind of heron or curlew, s.
dandle. «.

sy\i^iM hadu-dana,ra.. the name of a disease, J^ oB^^ karal, m. resin, pitch ; adj. great,
in which the body is covered with pustules like the large, lofty, formidable, s.
seeds of the kadu plant; intestinal worms {Tania cu-
curbitiiia). p, JS kiram (pi of jr>^), noble, &c. kuranif
great, high in rank or authority, venerable ; in. mag-
C^jj^S hadurat, f. foulness, impurity (in nitude, dignity, authority, a.
wfiter, &c.) ; (met.) perturbation, depression of spirits,
affliction, resentment, a.
OUlp karamdt (pi. of iJL^\ji), miracles;
jji-j . J3 haddu-kash, m. a kind of instrument deeds of excellence (v. mu'jizal), a,
for cutting and cleaning pumpkins, &c. p.
y haramat, f. generosity, magnificence,
i^^ huda, in. (in coinp.) a place, a house, nobleness, excellence ; a miracle performed by pious
individuals not prophetically inspired : a miracle
i< c ; as atash-kada, a fire-temple ; mai-kada, a tavern, p.
wrought by a prophet is termed mu'jiza, q. v. o.
Jt^Sf^MXhidhar, where .^ whither.'^ in what (j^jJDA^Airamtm/m^jfeirt, recording angeis.fl.
direction ? kidhar-se, whence ? from what quarter ? /(.

j^u5J^M6?/<a?2. side, direction; adv. towards.^. ^^S karan (per metath. for kanar^, m. a
shore, coast, margin, bank, side, boundary, p.
ftiSi^i W^ liadliu, "1 ever, some time or other : liy «Kl*iT karrana, n. to be hard or stiff.
i>^ W^ hadJii,} the forms hadhun and karana, a. to cause to be done or made, to actuate,
"kadhin also occur. *. to effect, s.

l»^_t^aR^^T kadlma, m. an iron crow; a liy fsR^T^TI hlrana, m. grocery; a. to adjust;

Tpum^ik'm {Cucurbita pepo). h. to sift, to separate by turning round in a 'wiuuowing
fan (diff'ei ing from phataknd). s.
.y 1^5 hadewar', m. a gardener, j).
L-^J^J e5'3^^?<-rt'/<fl^,ill-shaped,ill-mannered./t. cLo|»j '^iT^TT kar ant, m. a saw. s.
jJ^Li "gilftfT kranti or krant, f. ascending,
kudhangl, <*<jn ku-dhang,
f. rudeness. /;. unmannerly, ill-hred. surmounting ; declination of a heavenly body ; the
sun's course on the ecliptic; the ecliptic, or the space
j_^^3>J kazzab, m. an enormous liar. a. of the heaveus included within the tropics (also krdnil-
mandal) ; the torrid zone ; lustre, splendour, s.
dD^jj ha-zalih, like that, in that manner, a.
jxiy eR^t'iT't karantt, m. a sawyer, s.
<^iSj hazh or kizh, m. lying; a lie. a.
y.y4^\S haranjna, 1 (v. karakna) to sigh, to
j> oRT kai; m. the hand ; m. f. tribute, duty, \j^\p haransna,} groan from pain. d.
custom, fee, tax. s.
S oF^ hum, name of an ancient sovereign of aj^yi karana, m. (for kanara, v. karari). -p.
northern India, also the name of Lis territor}'. kuru
or uttara-kuru, the most northerly of the four viaha- ^\,5 "^l^krarii, m. a clerk, a writer: the
dw'ipas, or principal divisions of the known world. term is generally applied to native clerks, or those of
kuru bansl, of the race of Kuru. kuru-kshetra, the mixed breed, in the service of Europeans, h.
country near Delhi, where the great battle was fought
between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. s.
fsRT^ kiraw, m. a small pea {Pisum
jyarvense). s.
jj har, deaf; m. purpose; power, strength ;
felicity, kar ofar, ovkarr ofarr, pomp and pride, p. j^WJ oRTT^ Aa?a,o, a term applied by some in-
ferior tribes to concubinage generally, but more espe-
\^ W^ hara or cftl karra, hard, adulterated, cially to the marriage of a widow with the brother of
bad (as coin), s. [whom 1 p. a deceased husband, h,

1^ kira (dat. and ace. of ki^, whom .'* to C^i>\S karahat, f. dislike, disgust, aversion, a.
( oG5 )
ljj^^;5 Art/«//fli'rtw,iinwiIlii)gIy,withaveisioii.a.
\y>.$ «R^ hnrp'ir, m. camphor. lim-pTo-tnity
\si>\S aRtT^^T karahna, n. to sigh, to utter m. camphor liniment, karpi'ir-mani.m. a white mine-
ral used medicinally, s. "
ah! (from pain); to groan, h.
<j}j^.J oirqToir s.luipurah, m. zedoary (^Cur-
cuma zernmhet).
fc\i^7Fnft karahi, f. a flat vessel of iron,
"brass, or earth, in which food is boiled or fried, ka-
rahi chStm'i, to lick the pot (from indigence or extreme C^ oRTT livit or hri/n, made, done, composed,
avarice)^ hence Koine hardhl chdti, aiipliod as a reproach perfect ; f fruit, consequence ; the Sat-jug, or golden
to a bridegroom if it rain on liis wedding procession.
harahi-lena, a species of ordeal, in which oil is made age. s.
boiling hot in the vessel above described; a small piece ^S harrat, f. one time, one assault, do
of gold, as a ring, is put in if, and tlie suspected person karrat, twice ; si karrat, thrice, a.
is to take it out: if he do this without injury to his
hand, he is pronounced innocent, s. ^S hurtd, m. a large lunic, upper garment,
frock, shirt, p.
CI.*jLfcKiAflra//?^rtf,f.tlisagreeableness, disgust,
abhorrence, aversion, hatred, abomination, a.
^S cfiffT hart a, "1 m. an author, doer, cre-
l^^-py hara,(ja, m. the oval-leafed rosebay joS cfirtlC kartdr,} ator ; nominative (in
{Neriiim antidi/se7itericum), a plant whose seeds are gram.); a proprietor, master, a husband, s.
used in medicine as a tonic or febrifuge. In UrdQ it
is called india-jau, q. v. d.
^j"iS oSlTT^ hritdrth, m. the granting of a
supplication, the fulfilment of one's wishes ; adj. suc-
[y>\S ■^RTRq? karayal, m. rosin or resin, h. cessful .having obtained one's purpose, or accomplished
one's designs, kritdrlhatd, f. success, s.
io}ji lih-aya, m. hire, fare, rent, kiraya clin-
Idnd, to let any thing the use of which is in moving, ^y^yotXlfl^ karidi, If. the name of a
as a horse, cart, &c. hirilya-ddr, a tenant, one who
hires any thing, kirdya-k , to let. kiraya lend, to Jbp o5ii:fn;5t, kartdll,) musical inslrumcnt,
hire, to rent. a.
"a kind of small cymbal: the word may also mean
beating time vith the hands, i.
t— ->j> karb or karah, vexation, affliction, a.
t_.3.>oF^'q'^fl7-^«&,m. action, business; skill, s.
Ojj eF^ Jnirba, hump-backed, crooked; (in
Dakh.) a kind of sheep having much wool. s. jiji ejTW kariri, a doer, a maker, an agent. 8,
C^S kiirbat, f. affliction, distress, grief, a. M,J)f eff^ hritrhn, made, factitious, artifi-
cial, kritrim-putr, m. an adopted son. kritrim-mitr,
j^^vOji ^^^K harhiidar, m. mountain ebony ; an acquired friend, s.
blue barleria. s.
shears, '<*dO
x. kartari, f. a pair of scissors or
\j^ ^3S^X^ karbura, f. trumpet-flower (JBig-
non'ia suaveohns) ; a sort of basil {Ocymum gratissimutn).s, KjjS g;f^,T hiritikd or hrittikd, f. the third
mansiim of the moon ; the Pleiades, s,
^ji harbala, name of a place in 'Irak, where
Hitsain the son of 'All suffered martyrdom, and where
lirs tomb is still visited by pilgrims, a. f^Lj^ Wini krita(/h7ta\ ungrateful, neg-
^^^S harbald,i, of or relating to Karbala. ^AJliji ingrate. hritiKjln
- vours, an oFrlTJ^ s. n,] of \'a-
iectful[titude. s.
\Jj,n>^ eR^^ karburak, ra. zedoary (v. kar-
piirak). fj^\j.j.^3j^ ^liTrait hrita'jhv(it(i,i, f. ingra-
^S <*<«rl karbl, f. the stalk of juwar or 'favours, 'anr^
^Jj3 s. kritagya, grateful, mindful of
"bdjrd {Holcus sorgum and spicaius). h.
b ,3 ofiTn Jiripd or kirpd, f. favour, kindness, \j^S3jS (JHsJfll kritagyatd, f. gratitude. .«.
pity, compassion, kripdsindhit, ocean of grace or
mercy kripd may, compassionate, kripd-nidhdn, the j3i^oRT:iT^ ^ar-<flZ, m. the palm of the hand. .<t.
abode of mere}' or kindness, kripd-hin, unfeeling, i. ^p hurtom^ a kindof shirt or short jacket, tf.
(vjl>ji ^W karpaSf m. cotton, karpdsi, f. J^ oFTTTiT
O siness. kartut or kirtut, f. action busi-
the cotton tree. s. s.

JL\ i' eE'Tr^ hripaln or kii-pdl, compassionate, &^, Jj-S oFfl^ hartovya, proper to be done,
liberal, obliging, kind, benevolent, propitious, s. n"ecessary,
propriety, practicable,
s. kartavyatd, £ practicability. j
A> ji oR"m^ kr/ijmti, m. a sword, a scimitar,
a sacrificial knife, s.
loj^ hnia, m. a kind of tunic,[Ikhos
hiflorus.) ^.r
*. j
jacket, p.
fjop karpdn, m. an eruptive cutaneous dis-
order to which children are subject, d. j
1^^/ oRT'q^ ha-tlil, f. a kind of vetch (Do-
^ S imtn krrpan or kirpan, miserly, hri- j.J^ a waistcoat for women or jacket
ktirfi, f.p. 1
}Mntd, f. stinginess, s. :or soldiers, ;

( 566 ) oS,/

(Jy "^Hft near

and placed hart'i,
the f. the skin
mother, of her
to make a calf
give stuffed
milk, h iCi^ karda,
action, fact ; indone,
comp. accomplished;
it means one who m.
has adone,
kar-karda, one who has done business ; experienced, p.
^^ f^frnn kirtiya, m. a dancer, a singing- t/^'^^VJTTft
boy, s. [golden age. s. kardhavirif^f^ ^ crirdle,
cL^.Oyi eiirt^'i hrit-yug^ ni. the first or
jS kuruj, the moulting of fowls, d. ^^^yo kardhanl, J ^o°«' '=°^<^°'»' '•
]jj^ ^rtlR^t
harrd, stiff, hard, harsh. *.
^^ fcn-q hirch or kirich, f. a sword, especial- {„j^^ e5<« ku-ras, bad-juiced, of bad essence ;
ly a straight one to thrust with ; a splinter, malay. m. bad taste ; spirituous or vinous liquors. «.
jy>-y ^i^ karchur, m. a plant {^Curcuma
reclinata). s, j_JO o fj^^ kursdn kd patti (explained by
" kamar-sar or Tcamar-sdl, q. v.). d.
^j^^ «F^ToF karchurah, m. zedoary (Cur-
cuma zerumbet), s. [ladle, h. C**^ «j<«n kursat, m. a kind of coarse
sugar, h.
y^Ji «ir^ karchhd, m. a large spoon, a I:;***/ ^WTTT krisata, f. (for krishatd), small-
ness, thinness, leanness. *.
(Jl^jS efi^T^S karchhal or cF^I^S ktirchhal,
f. a bound, spring, jump. h.
I— i-Mi^Aws?//",! m. cotton, &c. put into an
<34»-p «Ii"§(j5 karchhul, f. an iron spoon; a
sword made of soft iron. /i. I— menstruous
i^^ ku7-sv.f,} inkstand ; a cloth used by
women ; a pessary, a.

(J^r '^^'^ harchhanlji. an iron skimmer.^. ^Ji kursl, f. a chair, a stool, a seat ; a throne;
ic^S <'rs(T karchht, f. a spoon ; a skein (a "the eighth heaven, the throne of God ; the name of a
place within about fourteen miles of Lakhnau, the
"ringlet), h. inhabitants of wiiich are said to be foojisli or mad.
kursl kd hai, he is from hirst, i.e. he is mad or foolish
jSJ^^s^fi cR^ai"^ kui'u-chhetra, m. the country (this is precisely what the ancient Greeks used to
near Dihli, the scene of the great battle fought be- say with regard to the Thracian .\bdera and its citi-
tween the Kauravas and Pdndavas, s. zens), hirsi-ndma, a genealogical tree. Icursi-nishin,
established in office, enthroned, a,
Cjc-^ karahht, austere, rigid, insensible, of
no feeling, p.
"dried <^<*\\
t^y for fuel.kurs'i,
s. f. small lumps of cow-dung

ijl*»Ji "^rf^ krishi, f. husbandry, agriculture. 5.

^/ofif a, P' ^'^'''''' aus (^^ "^^ krish, small, thin, minute, s.
lip m. mud, mire, clay. s.
^j^Ji <*m<u krishdn, m. a husbandman, a
IJ^ oRT^ karda, m. exchange, balance made ploughman. *. [a slender shape, s.
to make up a deficiency in coin, or the difference be-
tween the price of new things and old given in ex- j_^Lu^ <*^ii^O hrishdngi, f. a woman with
change, h.
(J.^^***^ <*mf,(<5 harxh-phal, m. beleric myro-
\^^ hirdar or karddr, m. action, labour, deed, balan {Terminalia belerica). s.
art, business, manner, conduct, p. [ize. h,
Uc-iy cti^ini krishatd, f. slenderness.thinness. s.
O^StijS '3!ixf^'^'f{} kai'-dikhldna, a. to real- fj^X^Ji ^^ karshak or oRMcli hrishak, m. a
.liii,} l(ird(jdr or kirdigdr, m. God the creator. cultivator of the soil. t.
Providence, p.
&^Ji kirishma, m. ogling, an amorous look
^dS sR^ hardam, m. mud, mire, clay. s. or gesture, blandishment, a wink, a glance, p.
jjiijS ojr^^ ^arc/an, m. grumbling of the bowels,
(j^y ^fW krishn or krishna, black ; dark
borborj-gmi. s. [form. p. blue ; m. name of a Hindu incarnation (v. kishan).
krishn-pachh or -paksk, m. the dark half of the lunar
^^tiji hardan (r. kuri), to do, to act, to per- month, darkness, krishna-phal, m. a fruit, the Co-
rinda. krishna-ta, f. blackness, krishna-tdmar, m. a
CJiiy ofiTpiT krklant, m. derivative from a kind of sandal wood of a dusky copper hue. krishna-
verb ; name of a treatise on syntax, f, jatd, f. the Indian spikenard, krishna-jirak, m.
i\,i^S Jiardani, fit to be done, practicable, Calonji, a plant with a small black seed (Nigella
feasible, p. indica). krishtia-rharan, m. nameof a plant (Poi'ncjana
pulcherrima). krishna-shdr or -sdrang, m. the black
antelope, krishna-lavan, m. a factitious salt, a muriate
\jj:>^ kardord, a string tied round the waist, of soda. A'r/i/ina/o/i, m. the loadstone, s.
to which a langofi is fastened; a kind of chain of
gold or silver worn round the waist by men. d.
i_^;^y «fi^^ karshan, m. ploughing, tiliino-j
drawing attracting, s. [Kriikna. s.
^d^Tf!^ krudha, f. anger, passion, hruddha,
angry, s. ^jLt\!xZiji ^^if^nr hrishndshrit, devoted to
(^d^\sZ»J> "^Wnj^
a river, possibly kr/slma-nadl,
the Kistna in Deccan. f, name of |JjSJi -smuX harketar, m. a kind of gem. s.
>^-^ hary, m. a rhinoceros. P'
;j*»^jljoi»^ ^anT^ro krishnavas, in. the holy
fig-tree. s. Iji^ ^iTTr(»7 h.hargadd, m. a string worn round
the waist,
\!>jlju2»j5 cfiQ!n<4 rt R hrishnnvatar, m. the in-
carnation ofthe god Visfinu in the form of Krishna, s. jjtii^ karfjadan, ra. a rhinoceros, p.
{j>^y harffas, m. a vulture, a kind of arrow, p.
^J^S'^f^J!f\ harshini, f. a medicinal sort of
" moon-plant ; the bit of a bridle, s,
in thekargah,
ground inm.which
a weaver's shopp. ; the hole
his feet play.
^y^Ji ojlT^ft^ kar-sftotJi, m. 09dematous
swelling of the hands, s.
i^^y "h^'i^^ har^ahan, m. protection, s.
Ld)^ cR^ ka)-}i, m. a crab; the sign Cancer, s. Jji ^^^ haril, m. a sprout, a shoot, h.
D.S oR^T harha, m. a psan, a war-song. A. t^^ W^^ hurul, m. a curl or lock of hair,
lio^ oRT<*Ml karkana,a. to strain, to sprain, especially on the forehead, s.
to break, h.
lylJp a|)<c:5M^l karhtgu,d, uxorious, s.
i>^LSj> o|f^7 hurliuty f. sweepings, rubbish. A.
13^)^ eB^^^T har-ldnd, a. to effect, to settle ;
iJL^S oB%7 harhat, m. a crab ; the sign (cor. of killdnd or chilldna) to shriek, h.
Cancer ; a kind of bird (the Numidian crane), s.
j^> o|f^ hnrm or hurma, m. tortoise, a turtle j
the name of the second Hindu incarnation, s.
.^'S r<*<r<*3l' kirkift, f. a mote, or particle of
"dust, fallen into the eye. h.
/•;> WT hravi, m. order, method, progress, s.
>S '^TjSf^ karkach, m. a kind of salt, sea mS oB^ hnrm, koram., or harma, m. busi-
salt made by evaporation, ft. ness, action, proceeding ; fortune, fate, destiny, laram.
bhdg, m. fuliilling of destiny; suffering the conse-
^f karkar, (properly the past conj. part, of quences of actions, whether good or bad ; accusative
karna, " to do," and signif3ing " having done.") It is case; Hindu worship, devotion ; name of a bird, kartn-
much employed in the Dakhani dialect in the sense clryut, dismissed from office, karm dusht, immoral,
of " as, that, because ;" and also " named or called ;" disreputable, karm-siddhi, f success, accomplishnu-iit.
and sometimes as a mere conjunctive expletive, karm-slniddli, m. approved occupation, karm-slitir or
having no particular meaning. With the infinitive kann-shil, assiduous, laborious, persevering, kurm-
of a verb it will give the sense of " intentionallj'," the kdr, a worker; a blacksmith, kann-karuk, a worker;
verb being afterwards repeated iu its proper mood the accusative case, karm-kdnd, m. the body of reli-
or tense : for example, viain ixe phorndkarkar nain gious ceremonies commanded by Hindu law or custom.
phord, " I did not break this intentionally ; so, main karm-vifdk, m. the consequences of actions. kai-7n yng,
lis kuite ko chhond-karkar chhor-diyd, " 1 purposely m. the kali or present age of the world, s.
did let that dog loose." — (Binning).
Ay cSfJT hrjmi or J^fs{ hravii, m. a worm, an
Ii\i cKT^ep^T harhara, m. 1 ad coin ; name of
a bird (Numidian crane), kirkird, gritty, sandy, i. insect ; lac, the red dj-e. krimi-dantak, m. toolh-ache
from deca3'. krimi-glnta, vermifuge; m. a shrub, com-
monly called Bairang [Erici/be paniculata). Iriini-
\j\^ S fafJif^sij^] kirkird7id, n. to be gritty, to har, vermifuge, s. [silkworm, p.
■;rate. /(. [f. cracking, h.
*Ji kirm, Ki. a woim. hinni pila, m. the
<lLA^\Sji ■<*<■«*<! ^<J hirhrrahat or harkardhat,
*y karam or hurm, m. liberality, kindness,
graciousness, benignity, excellence, a.
{jSy =!i<<*0h. kurhur'i, f. belly fretting, gripes
in a horse,
j*p karavi or haram hi hhdji, a cabbage
if£ harhara, m. laughing immoderately, a. (v. karamb). p.

[j^y ofiTcfi^ horhas, piercing, harsh, obdu- ^cJsil*^ oF^lvff harmd-dharnn, devout,
rate, violent, sharp, s.
"virtuous; fortunate; accidental, s.
\jJiJi "S^TyfiKl harhasd, fa termagant, a scold. s. M,yjS^[<S hii'viani gandum, m. veriiiicelli
jjii.} eR%^ harhash, violent, hard, harsh, {Giich.). p.
unkind, unfeeling, miserly, s. {ira). (.^A*ji haramb, m. a cabbage, cauliflower, p.
jix^S «F^^^ huru-hshefra (v. huru-chhe- jcS oFfJi»l hrimij, m. agallochum. hrhiijdy
f. lac, a red dye. s.
^'d^ji «FToimi^ harak-ndth, a kind of fowl,
the bones of which are said to be black, h.
jj'.l^ji <*<H-«JIT.^ haramchdri, m. an inferior
officer to collect the revenue from a certain division of
y>jS har-ko (for har-har), having done, or
made (conj. part, of karnd). d. [&c. /(. a village ; the village accountant, s.

l^^^^ harhhd, m. (v. harhhd) war-song, ^iJ^^S '^a^'^ harvihli'thci, active, diligent, s.
568 ) ^/
r/ (
udx«^ Mrmak, m. the fire-fly ; (dim. of
Tcirm) a small fly. p. [tive case. s.
j»»v'l3^ ring, s. «FX!JT^r|fTT ka7"ndlanhar, ra. an ear-

ti),K^ oR^oEiCcfi kaj'm-karak, m. the accusa- L— A^ haramh, cabbage, cauliflower, p.

y^f-y karam-kalla, m. a cabbage, a cauli- uJ;> kai'amhd, a dish prepared of cal)bage. p.
flower, p.
^^SxxiJi ofi^^Vrl harna-hedhan or -vedhan,
'"ji ofO?^
'jimQs hrir
ttjimil, having worms, wormy. m. tlie act of piercing or boring the ears, karna-ve-
Tcrimild, f. a fruitful woman. «. d/iam, f. an instrument for piercing the ear. s.

j_^«;j "^T^rt^ hrimi, affected with worms, s. j^f W^Vf^karn-pur, m. the capital of Karna,
the ancient Bhaugalpore. s,
j_^'^ ?PiM\ krimi, m. worjii, insect ; lac. s.
"works;"^Tiff karnii, «. relating
fortunate. to work, doing jJ^^-litr ''"^"'ScJ
{Ophiocepludus karn-phal,
kurrawey). s. m. a kind offishs,

^^Ji f^jff hirml, f. the palas tree. 5. ^y <«<^ haranj, m. a plant (Galedupa ar-
^_^e;j ^TJff kurml, m. a tribe of husband- laJ^ kararjjd, m. name of a tree {^Dalhergia
"men ; also Jcumbl. k. arborea). d. [ing- *•
io^i^i*«j> onHf'^ii karmendriyn, m. an organ
of action : five are reckoned, hand, foot, larynx, organ jjti>3p jftft^ri krandan, m. weeping, lament-
of generation, and anus. 5. ftable h
J^^CiJJ "^"^^^^pilot,
m. a supercargo, karan-dhdr
or helmsman, or a. liarn-dhdr,
f>^^y "qrCH^ karmewa, m. name of a vege-
f^^ <*<r( haran, m. making, doing; cause, J^i 'ohlL4!Jcorundum),
mantinus /nnvnid, h.
m. corundum stone (^Ada-
instrument ; accomplishing an action ; an astrological
division of time, of which there are eleven, seven
moveable and four fixed, and two of them are equal i^L^Jj^ efT^' kurano, ^' ^ species of deer. .s.
to a lunar day ; the hypothenuse of a triangle ; the
diameter or diagonal of a square, parallelogram, 5ic.,
a secant. «. 1*^^ hcirnam,
ramcJidri). d. m. a village accountant (v. /ta-

^^jj fcft^U kiran, f. the sunbeams, the rays j^^y <*^«1^R hai'anhdr, doer, maker. 5.
of the sun. kiran-may, radiant, bright, s.
^3ji Wf^'jf^ hariihfi, f. a disease of the uterus,
(jji ^i^ itarn or karna, m. the ear; helm " prolapsus or polypus uteri, s.
of a ship or boat. Tcarn-pak, m. inflammation of the
outer ear. Tcarn-pali, f. a garland or string of jewels jip W^Jt'iryn, f. action, business; a trowel j
pendent from the ear. Tcarn-pratindh, m. a disease of (in arith.) a surd or irrational quantity ; m. one of the
the ear, suppression of the excretion of wax. larii- seven mountains which divide tlie universe. «.
phul or Tcaran-phul , m. a kind of earring, karn-jaltiia
or Icarn-Tcitt, f. a small centipede {Julus cornifvx). larri-
darpan, m. an earring. Jcarn-srdv, m. discharge of ^\j Jl^ c|i<,^qi<5l /;fl?v/e-/t,'a/a,m.makcr,(loer. .«.
ichorous matter through the ear. Jca)n-slifd, m. ear-
ache, karn-guth, m. ear-wax. kam-Iatilcd, f. the lobe jjjj fcJT^ kirau, m. a hollow tooth; endive;
of the ear. karn-madgur, m. a sort of sheat-fish (5/- adj. broken, rugged, tattered, h.
lurus mtitus), karn-vuiknt, m. an earring, karn-mal,
m. ear-wax. karn-mul, a parotis, or swelling' near jy /luru (v- j^ kurv), name of an ancient
the ear. s. [^ani put on a cap. «. king of Delhi, s.

^^^i "gRfl haron, m. lace cut into small pieces \^jy oFC^T haru,d, m. an earthen pipkin, a
pot with a spout. karu,d chauth, the name of a Hindu
^y '^jy{\ karna, a. to do, to make, to per- holy day, celebrated in the month of Kdrtlk. s.
form, to effect, to act, to avail, to set, thrust, use,
<^°j,'"«- *• [_{Citrus). h. \jy karird (for harrvd, q. v.), bitter, &c. d.
^^ «*i«li karna, m. name of a kind of citron
li^ ■^T^^nr karuna, f. tenderness, compassion, \^iy oFT^RT harn-drd,'\m. a paddle, a rud-
Jlj .3 oFT^T^ harwdl, J der. h.
raerc3'. karund-nidhdn, the asylum or abode of mercy
(an epithet of God), karundtmak or karund-matj , com- i\y karrvdra, the bucket for raising water
passionate, tender. *. from a well. h.
Uji karna, a kind of trumpet, p.
jj^.ji f<*<cil'T hiricdn, f. a sword, s.
Ci-jUp ojn§T7 karndt, ^the country called
Uljij^ eFT^'TI karwdnd, to cause to make,
&c. s. [wdnsi, q. v. h.
(-dJj'Vij} oF^TTToF karndtak,} the Carnatic, in
the south of India : the name was anciently applied
to the central districts of the Peninsula, including |,^\j .) harwdnsi, the twentieth part of a his
Mysore, s.
ijL)Ji\jy karrvdnah, m. name of a bird, com-
j_y V3ji oF^nZ^ karndfi, f. name of a racjmi. s. monly called the stone curlew, or bastard floriken. a
5m ) ^/
4/ (

^j\X>jS hai'ruhiyan,\a rank of angels, the 8ji hurra, ra. a colt, a young camel, harrai
a&c.timep. or
a. turn, as yak-karra, once ; do-karra, twice,
(j^^jjj haruh'm, J cherubim, a.
C-J_jy oji^'lj hi-7-u]), deformed, misshapen ; m. "t^ kura, m. a globe, any tiling spherical.
(or hirup-ta, f.) ugliness, ku-riipi, ill-shaped, ugl}'. s. kxira,i dtash, the region of fire; hira.i db, of water.
kura,i arz, the terrestrial globe, kura,i bad, region of
t-l^jijj oRThT karot, m. a saw. s. wind. kura,i Jchdk, the globe of earth, a. p.

(OjjS fwn^ lihivat, f. action, deed, doing, s. ^Ji karhan or kurhan, with difficulty, re-
luctantly, unwillingly, a.
cl->jjj oRT^ karwat, f. sideways, sleeping on
the side, kanuat lend, to turn (in bed). Tcarwat-k., to
turn over.
., / <*<^lfT: karhana,)
eJiXibJi , , H. the loins, h.
JC'iijJi "^tV krodh, m. anger, passion, resent-
ment, krodh-may , angrj', passionate, hrodh-varjit, free ijjS "gni kray, m. buying, purchase,
bikray, m. buying and selling, traffic, t.
from anger, mild, krodh-vas, passionate, violent, s.

^^^S '^tV'T hrodhan, 1 angry, passio- ^j^ ■gn? kurri, f. gristle, cartilage. ^.
i^^^i^jjj ■*tV^T«T hrodhwan, \ nate, wrath - ^J^^ kura'i, spherical, globular, a.
i>ii^jS "^tvt hrodhi, J ful ; also kro- \>^jS fwmi krii/a, f. deed, an act, a religious act,
" dhin. krodhaud, f. a passionate woman, a vixen. «. obsequies ; a verb ; (also kiriyd) an oath. s.

jjS "3!^ A-rS;", cruel, pitiless, hard-hearted, CJ\^Ji kiryat, f. a plant {Juaticia paniculata)
savage, terrible, krurata, f. cruelty, krur-drish, evil- used in medicine, &c., forming the basis of the well-
eyed, mischievous, krur-karma, fierce, cruel, krur- known tincture called the Drogue amere, d.
koskth, torpid or costive bowels, s.
f^j*^..f frf>MlofiH hriya-harm, m. performance
jjji <*0< ^rt7-or,^ name of an aggregate num- of obsequies. «.
JYjS oirctf /taror, J her amounting to one
hundred Idks, or ten millions, vulgarly called crore. Jl)_ji ^^Tq5 kuryal, f. the state of a bird sit-
ting at ease and in security, trimming its wings with
karoT-pati, possessor of a karor (pi rupl^), karor khukh, its beak : hence, ease, security, hope, confluence of
m. a liar. s.
success, kurydl men ghuleid lagiid, to be disappointed,
or fall into misfortune, in the moment of security, or
when sure of success, h.
]jjjj^ karora, ^j^. a. tax-gatherer, an
i^Jj^Wtr^ karonj inspector, an overseer, h. Lij\x>S harlpak, name of a plant, the leaves
of which are used in cookery, h,
(^jjj "^t^I krosh, m. a measure of distance,
a kos, q. v.
Cl/jji "sftTT krit, bought, purchased, s,
td3« S 'c|iK<lc(i kuruvah, m. the crimson ama-
ranth ; a purple species of Barleria : also ayellowkind.s. C^S
bad "SF^fiT
manners, hu-iiti
i. or ku-r'it, m. misconduct,

JjjS oF^f^^ kiiru-vill, m. a ruby. s. tJlOyi kret, f. a furrow, d.

^jj5 oR^fV^ ku7-u-vilv, CL^S Wtl^ korait, 1m. a snake (of a very
Ijjj -i kirolnd or kirulna, a. to scrape. (Z. Ijo^ efiTfTT haraita,} venomous kind), h.
jj^jjj W^ kraunch, m. one of the DwTpas or
divisions of the world, s. KhS "^Hl kr'ita, 1 m. a son bought from
^jXii,^ alflsfi krtiakfj his parents and
.VjjS '^■^f^ kuru-vindy m. a ruby. s. adopted. «.
^k^it.y <*Ofc|T haraunda or harondci, m. name <^L^S roiiO« hhiU m. a crest, a diadem, s.
of a fruit, the Corinda {Carissa carandas). s,
,-> ,J oirrl^ kar'ir, m. the shoot of a bam
ji«j> <*0h^ karonlf f. milk that sticks to the boo ; a thorny plant growing in deserts and fed upon
bottom of a pot after boiling, h. by camels (Ctipparis aphylla). s.

8,ji karoh, m. a Aos, a measure of distance \rt.$ «ft<<-l karera, hard, stiff, vehement. 5.
nearly equal to two miles, but varying in every part
of the country, p. \j^.ji "SK^TT krira, f. play, game, sport, pas-
time, krlra-raln, m. copulation, krird-tvat, sportive, s.
J .y eK^I^. haravir or karrvir, m. the name \>S kuriz, the moulting of birds, kuriz-k.,
of a fiower {Oleander or Nerium odorum), s. to moult, p.
8j3 karh and kiirh, f. aversion, abomination,
detestation, abhorrence ; trouble, molestation, a. iOjS 'o»i\ch^ karekar, abreast, even with. h.
jjjji oRT^^ karil, m. the name of a plant
8jj eFTf A«?'A or Tiurah, a circularinclosure. A. (Capparis). $.
^/ ( 070 )

^jj oJfTcST harela, m. the nanae of a vege- y r ^soiisi»ti kurhurdnd, to cluck (a lay
table {Momordica charantia) ; (Dakh.) a kind of fire-
work, s.
ing hen); to speak angrily, to murmur.
kirkifanS, to
gnash the teeth from rage, karkardna, to give sucb
a sound as oil or butter when boiling, h.
UIj^^ ^TqRT kurelnd, a. to poke, to thrust, k.
^-j karim, bountiful, magnificent, bene-
uSp «tis<*rjT karaknd, n. to cracki to crackle j
to thunder, kuraknd (same as kurkurand, q. v.) h,
volent, gracious, liberal. Tcarimu-n-nafs, generous of
disposition, a.
v^jfJ «tis<aT karkhd, m. commemoration,
U^^ harimd (voc. poetic), O gracious (God). mention ; encouraging the soldiers in time of battle,
karhnan, adv. kindly, graciously. a.p. by pointing out the good effects of steadiness and
valour, extolling the actions of former heroes, &c. ; I
■war-song. h. \
wood. "gj^ftnT
s. krimij, m. the aguru, or aloe
an officer ofts^art
in Indianharkhait, m. business
armies whose a kind itofis bard,
to en-
i^^^j-^ karimi, f. grace, bounty, &;c. a.p. courage the soldiers by the exhortations called karkha ;
a species of Indian Tyrtaeus. h. Trace, a
*-^^-i harih, detestable, abominable, filthy,
dirty. Jcarlh-manzar, ugly, of detestable aspect, ia- l/«p cfti*!! kvrmd, m. tribe, caste, family,
rihu-s-saut, possessed of an execrable voice, a.
iOsd^S fiaiqff^Ti hriyendriya, m. an organ t/ti^siji efc!i*<'«ri«{l kurum-chodi, f. incest, s.
of action, v. Tcarmendriya. s. [tinctorius. h. ^ji ctisrfi karnd, a. to perforate, to pierce, h.
yWS har, f. the seedof safflower (^Carthamus \>y kurnd (v. kurhnd'), to grieve, &c. d.
y fws kir, m. a worm, hir-lihdya, worm- 'Jr ^T^^ harrvd, bitter ; strong, virulent ;
eaten ; marked with small-pox, pitted, spotted, h, hard-hearted ; brave, karwd tel, oil made from sesa-
raum-seed, bitter oil. karwd-k., to give or expend
unwillingly. karwd-hond, to be enraged, karwe
Vy "^iTT hard, hard, stiff; arch, sly, knowing, kasele din, hard and cruel times. *.
penetrating, harsh, sharp, cruel, obdurate ; m. a ring
worn on the wrists, ankles, 8:c., a ringlet, bracelet ; the cufcijji ejrs^rr^ karwdhat, f. pungency,
handle of a door, or any thing in form of a ring. s.
bitterness ; (in Dakh.) are used the forms karwdt,
karwds, and kgrwdgi, bitterness, &c. *.
\i\'y kurdpd, m. anguish, grief, pain. d.
f^)y kardpan, hardness, stifl^ness. d. Jjy
also ''I sis karor
karor. s. (v. karor), ten millions ;
b'b **?'?^ ^^T^T^f ^- the perpendicular bank
of a river, &c, a precipice, declivity, h. ]j3jj karord (v. karord), a tax-gatberer,&c.5.
iJj\y kurdri, f. an axe, a bill-hook. d. t/jjr* '<* 2WT kapvl, f. stubble, h.
li'Vji kardkd (v. hardkd), a crash, &c. d. ^ji fofi^^l kirhd, worm-eaten ; weevil-eaten. .<r.
%\y «tisi«oi kardkd, m. the crash made by bl;^jp kurhdpd (also hurhdpan), vexation,
breaking any thing ; a rigid fast (in which nothing of
food or drink has entered the mouth), h. grief, rf.
IJU&ip «*rfl»|I kurkdnd, a. to vex, to afflict, to
yyy «»isiqis kardkar,m. successive crashes, h. grieve, to trouble, to anger, s.
\j\j3 kardwd, care, charge, trust, d. (.dijfcjp one Oh kurhak,]£. grief, sorrow, la
l\y onsl^ kardh, m. a shallow iron boiler (in
which sugar, &c. is boiled), s. [ing pan. s. U^y ^^'i kurlian, J mentation. «.
tJJ&jj «(id«1l kurhnd, n. to grieve, to mourn,
^Vji cftsi^l kardhi, f. a small boiler, a fry- to lament, to pine. s.
iOp kurta, m. (for knrta) a coat, a jacket, d. Ijjfcp e(i<^r|T karhnd, n. to be extracted, drawn,
pulled out ; to escape, rise, slip, issue, spring ; to be
J^ kurfi, a trough or vessel for animals to drawn or painted, h.
drink out of. d.

ly&jp «fi^'3TT karhu,d, m. a loan, a debt; a pre-

{^yijif «*^«.'=<H kararbun,m. name of a plant. ^. mium on a loan ; a deduction from the simi lent. h.

i^ji cfi^ot) harak, f. a crash, a crack ; thun-

der : agility, karak daurnd, to gallop, to go at full iP>y «(i^'^1 karlii, f. a dish consisting of the
speed (a horse), kuruk, i. clucking (a hen), h. "meal of pulsek. {Ghana or Cicer arietinum), dressed with
sour mUk.

%'y 'SBT^ karkd, m. paean, song of triumph./*. ^J'y ojfrt kafi, f. a rafter, a beam, a fetter,
op karkd, m. bank of a river, shore, preci- a ring, a staple. /(.
pice, steep bank. d.
Ji huz (for ki-az), since from, as from. j7.
)yj/ cfiTsfiTT karkard, hard, stiff, strong, s. ^jLAy hazdk (Jovliazzak, q. v.) a robber, &c. a
!/ ( 571 )

^f\jf kazakl, f. highway robbery, d. iZ^*--S kishat, f. the case (or bag) barbers,
surgeons, &c. keep their tools in ; a piece of leather
uL)p kazak (for kazkak), an iron kook. p.d. worn by a bhishll or water-man on his left hip, on
which he rests the bag containing water, kishal-ndma,
m. a book containing the histories of barbers, sur-
j> kazh, crooked (pame as ^o;, q. v.). p.
geons, &c., and directions for their practice. The
bhisht'is have also such a book. a. p.
j,iiy kazh-dum, m. a scorpion, a dragon ;
(ht of a crooked tail), p.
;_^f— J kasbinn^,^ f. a kept mistress, a strum-
K^^ hazhak, kind of hook or crook, an iron (jjx-J kasbm, J pet, a hailot. d.
hook with which they regulate the motions of an ele-
phant, p. l}^*""* kas-hhard, m. a worker in bell-metal, h.
inflect, whom.^ j^^— S kashi, m. an artisan, a craftsman , f. a
(j«S ftlPff Ms, inter, pron. "prostitute, an artiste, a.
■which? what? lis-tarah, what manner? how? Jcis-
kadar, how much ? to what degree or extent ? Jcis-l-is,
which (used interrogatively, and expressive of much, ^J\^LJ> knstuwdn, a kind of horse-cloth, p.
many, various). Ms-liye, why ? wherefore ? s.
\j^KJi W^J kasturd, f. an oyster, h.
fjS efi^ kas, m. strength, power ; assay ; the
decoction of a colouring substance, s. ^j^L^
substance "^r^^ kasturt,
so called) ; also a f.
kindmusk (the s. animal
of plant,
lyS has, m. a man, a person, one, any one. t-iLu-i kast (v. kasht), m. want, penury, &c. s.
Teas 0 Jcob, family, dependants (Gilc). Jcas o ndJcas,
ever^'body, noble and plebeian, gentle and simple, p. j^ kasar or kasr, m. loss, affliction, breach;
the short vowel i ; rout, putting to flight, kasri ihdti,
loss of honour, a.
l^jtS kits, m. (Gr. Kva-og) vulva, kusmurana,
to play the strumpet, p.
\j^ khrd, Chosroes (v. J5 »— > )• a. p.
V— J "^TRT kasa, tight, straitened, h. C^\j^ kasardt (pi. of t>l>Ji), lo.«ses, &c. a.
5l*-i liasad, not current, not in demand or
use, flat sale or bad market, penury, indigence, a. C->U-«5 ■^iKHfl kusardt, f. health, welfare, s.
IjJi kasra or kasrat (v. kasar), affliction,
jL-5 "^fmVLkasar, m. a kind of sweetmeat, h. flight or rout (of an enemj') ; the short vowel i. a.
.L<-> kasar, a brazier, maker of brass pots and L;*-^ kasra, the title of the king of Peisia
utensils, d.
"(hence the Greek forms Cyrus, Chosroes); an em-
peror, kisjci or kisrl seems to have the same signifi-
ijX*Ji fsjPffTTfi' kisarl, f. a kind of pulse (La- cation, but generally applied to Nmishirwdn the Just,
thyrus sativus). h. [an eclipse, a. who lived in the time of Justinian, p.

(J1a5Lm> hasafat, f. sediment ; obscuration, 6^**,mS kvsista, broken, abrupt, kvs'tstagi,

breach, interruption, p.
^L«> kasida, astringent, bitter, d,
^Iw kasdla (for kasala), sick, indisposed, a. ,la-*i^ kis-tarak, how? in what manner.'^ k.a.
&^Lm> kasala, m. heaviness, slowness j sick- i— J^iow-J kis-taraf, whither.'* in what direc-
tion ? h. a.
ness, grief, aflBiction, distress, o.
cL1*«5 <*«eft hasak, f. pain, stitch, affliction. //.
^^\^fwWf'^ kisdn, m. a husbandman, plough-
man, peasant, farmer. Jcasdn (pi. oiJcas), persons, Sics.p. LL«x«-i oR^'^nT kaskiit, m. bell-metal, s.
bl**.) oirWiTT hasdnd, a. to cause to try, prove, U-X-.i<*«<*JH I /^fls/iosa, gritty, sandy (bread).//.
or assay; to cause to tighten; n. to be spoiled (curds,
&c.) by standing in a metal vessel, s. (_5.fl«-Xwi W^'W(^ kaskasd,e, tied up, ready. /<.
Ux— i ofi«ch»lT kasaknd, n. to suffer pain, to
»\*Ji oR^rra Jiasa,o, m. astringency. h. be painful. It, C^
\jL-i kasmvd, a handkerchief tied round the Jw.i kasgar, m. a plasterer ; potter, a. p.
head on going to bed. d.
J— J "ohfJcJ kiisal (for kushaV), f. health and
cL>jL<-3 <**iiq<j kasdn-at ,\f. proving, tighten- prosperity, safetj' ; well, happy. «.
cLJ&1*«> cjrOT^ kasdhat, J ing, astringency ; ,J-«-j kasal, m. laxness, slowness, indolence ;
an astringent, h. cowardice ; sickness, relaxation ; non emUUre i/i coitu.
kasil, cowardly, slothful, a.
bU-i on?Tm kasdyd, ready, tied up. h.
O^L-^ kusaldt (v. knsaltd), health, &c. 5.
jj'^L-i onnr^ ^050,?, m. a butcherj adj. cruel,
hard-hearted (for Tcasa,l, q.v.). a. h. ^^L.,) kasldn, ~\ lazy, languid, sick, re-
.^iju*^ kasal-mand, > laxed, cowardly, sloth-
\_ '-5 kasb or kasah, m. trade, profession,
employment ; gain, acquisition (by labour), a. , (JJ^.JLS hasal-7idk,} ful, impotent, a. p.
572 )
Ch^ (
UL-3 oir^c5fn fnisalta, f. health and prospe- _^jfw5 c<m^ haaeru, m. a root so called {Cy-
rity, welfare in general. «. penis lubernsiis, Jf'illd.). s.
.,,^ AHH knsum, ni. a flower with which (J-A-.J c^i^l^ fia.sis, m. martial vitriol (Sul-
cloths are dyed red, bastard saffron, safflower {Car- phasferri). h.
thamus tinclorius) ; the menstrual discharge j oph-
thalmia, s. t— ot«>»> /w.^z/", impure; thick, dreary, unplea-
sant. Icas'ifu-l-aukdt, miserable, having dreary times
;^l»*«i c^ MAT an kusumanjan, m. calx of of it. a. [strong, vigorous, s.
brass, used as coUyrium. s.
>i— J '^'^T^fhasela, astringent. oJT^ft^ hasila,
^\j^^c;' hris-viarani, a strumpet, a harlot, p.h' (j£j hash, (in comp.) drawing, pulling, car-
\jL*»*-J cF^T'nrRT hasmasana, to move, to dureth rying,
affliction, p.
bearing, enduring, as mi^nat-Jcask, one 'who en-
shake, li.
(jij huxh, (in comp.) destroying, subduing,
i^^i clt^nr kasmi, m. rack, torment, torture, h. killing, as dev-Jcush, the giant-killer, p.
Ix-.) <*'*4 *TT kasna, a. to tighten, to tie; to i^JiS eiTR hash, m. the touchstone; assay; the
assay, to try, to prove, examine ; to fry in melted decoction of a colouring substance. ».
butter ; m. a bundle, a wallet, h.

^x^ W^P^kusumbh (v.kusum),a flower,&c.s. (jij "W^ hush or kusha, m. the name of a
grass deemed highly sacred among the Hindus {Poa
^.AxxJi olRT»>n husumhha, ra. the dye of cynosuruides). s,
safflower (Cnrf/iamMS tinctorius) ; met. an infusion of l<ij husha, (in comp.) opening, dii-playins:,
bhang (Cannahis sativa) used for intoxication, s.
expanding, solving, loosening, conquering, as dil-
hislia, expanding the heart ; kisbwar-kushd, conquering
^_^jJo*i oF'^TWl't liusumbhl, cloths dyed with kingdoms or dominions, p.
" safflower. s.
SizS hushad, opening, loosening or untying,
^j^ hasoiul, a species of bell-metal, d, expansion ; cheerfulness, p.
cL^JwJ cfTF]^ h\i-sang, m. bad company. «. ^^\zS hushadagi, f. an aperture, expansion,
"opening of heart, joy, latitude, p.
xL-i^^F^nrl kisna,iy f. husbandry, agricul-
"ture. «. [some. h. iiLi.5 hushdda, opened, uncovered, expanded,
loosened ; wide, ample, extensive, displayed, revealed,
»i»i^fcF^ AwM (inflec. of ho, I or kuckh), any, free; cheerful, frank kuslidda-peshthii, of an open
countenance, gay, cheerful. kusliSda-dil, open-hearted,
^a*»»\ »— J kis-waste, on what account .'* why ? generous. hisl<ddii-rtl,e, of an open countenance, gay,
" for what cause or reason ? A. a. cheerful, hisl/dda-rau, epithet of a horse that walks
wide or straddles behind, p.
\j\yj^ dknmm Jiaswana, a. (from kasana) to
cause to be tightened, s. XLS '^TT hshar, m. a salt, black salt; ashes;
borax, borate of soda, alkali ; a cautery. Jcshdi-ras, m,
j^ »M*5 oF^K ku-swapna, m. a bad dream, a salt or alkaline flavour. kshdr-Tcarm, m. appl3'ing
nightmare, unsound sleep. *. caustic alkali to proud flesh, &c. Jc.shdr-mriltikd, f.
saline soil, impure sulphate of soda Tcshdr-vriksh, m.
C^y^ liiswat, f. dress, appearance, robe, any tree yielding potash, as the plantain, &c. s.
habit ; met. figure, form, manner, a,
^^u*\zS ^^II^H kushasan, m. a mat made of
,JyJi eh^^n kasaufi, f. a touchstone, assay, the hisha grass, s.
"proof s. [arithmetic), a. ( JLii kashshqf, m. a discoverer, solver,
j^Ji husur, m. (pi. of jJ^) fractions (in explainer ; adj. very clear or explicit, a.

L_ift— J kusvf, ra. an eclipse of the sun. a. (jtiLij kasha-hash (also kasha-kashi), f.
attraction, allurement ; contention, struggle, difficulty,
^\\.,r-^ dh^t^ kasaundi, f. a kind of pickle ; distraction, perplexity, crowding, mutual pulling, pe-
name of a plant {Cassia sophera). h. nury, distress, p.

to whom .^ (dat. or j^Lij hashan, drawing, bearing, enduring, p.

^^f^ kise, whom?
"ace. of /taun). Arisl (inflec. of Ao,i), any, some. s. CLiOLii VSjIff hshaiit, patient, enduring.
kshdnti, f. patience, forbearance. ».
^^ kase, some one, any one. kase-ki, that
"person who, whosoever, p. [terest. s, CJjULS efiMH<J hashawut, f. an astringent, s.
iiJu-i cR^H ku-sid, m. usury, loan with in- ,ji-).^J-i hnshaijish, f. apertuie, opening, clear-
ness, serenit}'. p.
^Jju-S ojT^rt^T kusida, m. a money-lender
(also Aujirf.i"). s. 6j\^ oB^lT? kashaya, m. astringency. s,
\_ju-S ojra^T hasera,m. a brazier or pewterer. s. husht, killing, slaughter, p.
C^ ( 573 )

iZ/^ kisht, f. check (a well-known term at (ji-i.5 kaxhish, f. attraction, allurement; diffi-
chess) ; m. a sown field, growing crop. p. culty, contention, dispute ; a sweep or dash in writing,
stroke ofp.the pen. kushish, killing, manslaughter,

CUli ft^ hshiti, f. the earth; h^ss, destruc-

tion the end of the world. Jcshili-pa!, m. a king. i. I a-ii hashaf, m. a tortoise, the sign Cancer, p.
I azS hash/, m. an opening, a manifestation,
fjfJjJLi '^;^ kshatri (for hshuirUja), a man revelation, declaration, solution, explanation, a,
of the second or military caste, i.

Ji^jkL{ kisht-zar, a sown field beginning to ijt-^ hashj'i, revealed, expounded, ur^ a.
look present
green. wicked
Jcisht-zar-i (JlJi.»3 kushh, a palace, mansion, kashak, a
this world,d'lv, p.
the devil's cornfield, i. e.
line or stripe, p.

jKliS kisht-kary a peasant, husbandman, p. tilij kashh, barley broth ; a kind of dish made
of wheat, butter, and meat, all stewed together, a. d.
^^Klii kisht-kart, f. husbandry, agricul-
ture, p.
i^^tv^' kashahchi-bashi, m. a watch-
^^\h^ kushtagdn, the killed or slain, applied man, guard, porter, t.
poetically to those desperately in love. p.
J»x,ij hashhul or kashkol, a beggar, a beg-
^JiJ:S kishtan, (r. har) to sow, to till, to cul- gar's cup or wallet (v. kachktil). p.
tivate, p. health, hap-
^y^ eP^T^ ^iiiih'u, m.
^JLL,^ hushtan, (r. hush), to slay, to kill;
ra. slaying, killing, p. C^*^J^ oR^IqSTiT kushalat, f. >fare, pros-
piness, wel-
^Jxtj kushtum, worthy of death, p. ■^r^I^^TTT kushalta, f.
J Oj l1* ■ »> kisht-o-har, sowing, tillage, p. ^^IcjS'SfH kushal-chhem, f. perity .safe-
ty, s.
ejL^ hushta, killed, slain ; a preparation of ^Lij *5ic41 hushala, happy, well, right, s.
mercury, p.
\^^ ^5T^ kushali, auspicious, happy, s.
^xtS liushtt, f. wrestling, kushti-baz or -gar,
jtZS '^^ hsham, able, fit; m. fitness, s.
or -gir, a wrestler, p.

^wlS kishti, f. a ship, vessel, bark, boat ; U-io "^TT kshama, f. patience, forbearance.
kshamd-wdn or -jukt, patient, enduring, s.
a tray ; a beggar's plate or pot. p.
U^ "Cjrr kshma, f. the earth, kshmd-bhrit or
^^^iXJ:S kishtJ-ban, m. the master of a vessel, -pati, m. a king, kshmd-tal, m. tlie surface of the
earth, s.
familiarly called, the skipper; a pilot, p.
•iJl^i oF^TRU kvshmdnd, m. a pumpkin, a
<lL*Z.i "WS hasht, m. want, penury, affliction, gourd ; a drug ; a certain rite performed as penance. *.
vehemence, violence, acuteness (of pain), agon}\ Icashti,
f. test, trial ^jiL^i hhlnnish, f. raisins, a small kind of
trouble ; (in ;Dakh.)
pain, trouble.
kusht (for Tcasht-'kar,
kushth), m.giving
leprosy,pain s.or
stoncless raisin, commonly called by Europeans the
Sultana raisin, p. [tress, p,
^'JJlS "SfiWkushtJi, m. leprosy; a plant (^Costus
speciosiis). hishth-nashan, m. white mustard ; a sort of (jt>-»-i-3 hashmahash, f. want, penury, dis-
yam. kiishth-ndshini, f. a plant {Psoralia corylifolia), s.
\^tS ^^W^^kshamna, a. to pardon, to forgive, s.
^..^xtSwi^ hushth'i, leprous ; a leper. ,«. jc»^ "^T^JTI^ licishvur, the country or valley
of Cashmere, to the north of India, p.
V-IS "grg^ haslifi, sufFerin<^ a painful and
tedious labour (a woman), afflicted. *.
^JJ^^^lS ka.shmin'n,\f. a Cashmerian woman,
^1j<^JLj hdshvann,) a dancing-girl. p. h.
jS.tS "53^ hshudr, small, little, mean, low,
poor, avaricious. Tcshudrata, f. smallness, meanness.
^j^^zS hushnfiri, of or heluiiging to Cash-
Ishudr-buddhi, simple, silly. Jcshudr-rog, m. a minor mere, aCashmerian ; the language of Cashmere, p.
disease, s.

\^SZS '^^ hshudha, f. hunger, kshudhart or jj-ij

He isfV^'T hislian,
considered theeighth
as the Hinduavatargod Krishna.
or incarnation
Ishudhit, hungry, s.
of tlie deity. He was the younger brother of the
the third Rama (or Balardma), and an incarnation of
jt£ "ST hshur, m. a razor ; a horse's hoof. s. Vishnu. His parents were Vasudeva and Devakl, but
he was brought up in the house of Nanda and Yasodd,
C^\J:S kusharat, f. (v. kushal) health, wel- to conceal him from the tyrant Kansa, to whom it had
fare, happiness, s. been predicted that the eighth-born child of this family
would destroy him. In the family of iVa«<fa he passed
his life among the gopas and gopis. During his cliiid-
iSj^ "^rt lishuri, f. a knife, s.
( 574 )
liood he slew the serpent Kaliya, and many giants
and monsters Afterward he put the tyrant Kansa \Lfj.ytJi ^■^ hshetrag or hshetragya, clever,
to death, protected Yiidhishthira, and kindled the war skilful ; a husbandman ; the soul, the emanation of
deseribed in the Mahdhhdrata. He is the Apollo of
by^ Captain Wilford to
tl)e divinit}' residing in the body. s.
the Hindus, and is supposedcr
have lived about 1300 years before Christ, s. i^xiLi '^ hshed, ra. sorrowing, moaning. «.
..JLi ^TH lislian, m. an instant, a measure of
^SxtS hashidagl, f. displeasure, p.
time equal to four minutes. Icshandntar, a moment
afterwards, ishan-mdtr, momentary, but for a mo- ^JS^^ hashidan, to draw, extend, prolong, p.
ment, [by the touchstone, s.
ISi^t^ kashida, m. a kind of needle-work;
-^<iS "SRWfS hashan, m. touch or test of gold adj. reserved, sullen, supercilious. Tcashlda-ahru,
^J:S hashan, hashn, or kashin, large, copious, having long eyebrows. Jcashlda-khdiir, displeased,
ample, much, numerous, p- distressed, or distracted in mind, kash'ida-ru, having
a long or wrinkled face. Icashlda-bdld, Jcashtda-Jcadd,
or kashlda-kdmat, of a tall stature, tall. p.
ts'xtS Imxhancla, a slayer, a murderer, p.
^ftr oF kshanik, 1 momentary, tran- j,tS ^1t hshir, m. water; milk, hshir-spha-
ishant, J sient, s. t'lTc,
from m.thea Himalaya
milky crystal,
used opal. Tcshlr-lakol'tkd,
as a drug. *. £ a root
j^-li "E^^ kshant,
jjixii hishniz, m. coriander {Coriandrum j^<i5 ojrjTC hasheru, m. a kind of grass
sativum), p.
(Scirpus Tcysoor) ; a root (Cyperus tuberosus) ; one of the
divisions of Jamftu-dwijja. s.
^^.15 ofi^Tt hashauti, f. a touchstone, s.
i^i-i liushud, opening, openness, j). djjf^ seashshirod,
of the seven ra. the
surrounding sea of milk,
the world. *. one
jiiyLi "T^tf kshaiidr, m. honey ; a flower (.^^cii TiflO kshiri, milky, yielding milk ; ra.
(Miclielia clinmpaca). s.
a sort of mimusops. <,
^li^-ij kushudan (r. kushd,e), to open; to
reduce (a fortress), to subdue or conquer, p. ^yxLi c(i^|1(^ ku-shtl, ill-behaved, wicked.
lushlltd, f. misconduct, bad disposition, s.
.y^fw^tKf//'</ioi; m. a child, a son ; a youth,
a lad under fifteen, a minor, i. ^xi-S '^ hshem, happy, well, prosperous;
m. welfare, eternal happiness ; term of civil address
to a Vaisya. Ishem-Jcar, propitious, conferring happi-
.^.15 'EjtT hshaur,
head or beard, s.
m. the shading of the ness. kshem-wdn, happy, prosperous. *,

.^tS /iisJinrir, m. a climate, country, region. ^^^^\ZS '^t^hshln, thin, feeble, slender, wasted,
lisliwar-l-iislid, a subduer of regions, p. destroyed, poor, kshhitd, f. slendemess, thinness,
decay. kshin-shaJcti, feeble, impotent, kshin-wdn,
wasted, decayed. «. [sumptive. «.
Vyi-i fofT^ft^ hiahora, young, infantine, s.
kJ^,J:S T^f^:^ kshaurik, m. a barber, s. ^xii T^ hshayi, wasting, decaying, con-
^K»^ '^^^ kshau7-i, f. a razor. 5. {^..j^ ha'b, m. the heel, the ankle ; a cube. a.
j^^^ T^TJf hxhauni, f. the earth, s. CIaAjO ha'baty f. a cube, a die or play-bone ;
K»vl5 T^f^ojrr kshaviha, f. a kind of rice. s. any kind of square building, hence the temple of
Blecca. a.
^S "^JTI kshay, m. loss, waste, destruction ; ^j^jUjo ha'baiain, du. the two sacred temples,
"consumption, decay; (in alg.) negative quantity. Jcshay- Mecca and Jerusalem ; any game with two dice. a.
rog, m. consumption,
consumptive. 'kshay-rogi
Ishay sampad, f. total(fem.
loss, Tcshay-rogini),
ruin. Jcshay-
Ms, m. a consumptive cough. Icshay-Jcdl, m. the end aojo haba, m. a square building, the temple
of the world. Jcshay-ndshint, f. a plant (Celtis orien- of Mecca, a.
talis). kshay-vdyu, m. a wind that is to blow at the
end of the world, s. \Jcash). p. ^_,qS huf (v. hufu), family, caste, tribe, a.
±S knshi or knslu (in comp,), (v. hush and <^Ja haf, f. foam, froth, spittle, scum. p.
c-^xij cfi^qxi hashyapa, m. a deified sage, \^jo haff, f. the hand, the palm, haffi pa,
the son of Marichi, and father of the immortals; a the sole of the foot, kaffi dast, the palm of the hand ;
kind of deer. s. met. a level and desert plain, a.

f^-^i^ '^'^ kshep, m. throwing, casting ; (in C^AaS hafa,at, resemblance; similarity of
arithm.) addendum, s. condition in persons about to be married, a.
^^Jjk-li ^^?!r kshepan, m. throwing, casting. 5. \sS hvffar (pi. of .io), infidels, idolaters, a.
Juii ^ kshetr, m. a field ; a sacred spot, a C^Xs^kafarat, f.1 penitence, penance, atone*
place of pilgrimage ; a wife ; a plane figure (in geom.),
I a diagram. Jcshetr-tlma, f. the boundaries of a field. «. 8j\i5 kafara, m. J ment, expiation for sin. a.
uT (
75 ) ^

k^\so kofaf, m. pittance, daily bread ; adj. ^aS In/fu, m. tribe, caste, family, brotherhood;
equal, adequate, a. adj. alike, equal, resembling, a.

Cl^Jlfti hafalat, f. pledge, pawn, security, j^sS hafur, an infidel, hufur, infidelity, a.
responsibility. Tcafalat-nama, a bail-bond. a.
sStS Am^o, smuggling (especially of opium), a.
tl<o,lfl> hifayat, f. sufficiency, enough, abun-
dance, plenty, surplus ; economy', thrift, hifayat-
(Jjifli haftl, m. a security, ransomer, surety,
shi'ar, economical, thrifty. Icifdyat-karnd, a. to save, hostage, bail (meaning the person), a.
to answer, to serve, to do, to content one's self. a.
t-iij fofifoir kilii, m. the blue jay. s.
jSJilfli kifayait, f. abundance, plenty, suffi-
ciency; adj. thrifty; cheap, purchased for less than
oj oTeirT kaha, m. a paternal uncle, h.
its value, a.
<2LSS cjrs? hithkut, m. a cock, any male bird.
»5>laS lufaya (v. hifayat), sufficiency, &c. a, hukkut-vrat, m. a religious observance (worship of
Shiva) held by women in Bhadon for the sake of ob-
Cl>So kqft, a rupture, a split ; kvft, a sprain, taining offspring, s.
bruise, p. [cracked, p.
(_^^ <*a<i1 hikhuti, f. a hen. s.
fCsS kufta, sprained, bruised, hafia, split, Sj ^^^ kukur, kukkur, or huhar, m. a dogj
Xiso Jiaftar, a hyena, an animal between the a kshatriya. s.
wolf and the dog, common in Syria, p. [snake, p.
»yo e|[o|i*i kn-harm or ku-ka7-via,m. wicked-
kafclta, m. a spoon ; the hood of a ness, sin, depravity, misconduct, ku-karm-kdri, wicked,
depraved, s.
hufcha, a kind of jacket, d.
\j>/cSS oFoRTsrin hulair-muta, m. a mushroom,
Jo kvfr, m, paganism, infidelity, incredulity, a toadstool, s. [ly, a malefactor, s.
ingratitude. Tmfr-go, a blasphemer. Icufr-goii, blas-
phemy, a.
j_^x$ "^"^iff kti-kay-mt, one who acts wicked-
jjijfl5 kufran, ingratitude, being ungrateful \d^jj>S eff^rrt'^ hahrondn or "epeiiOj^K hu-
to one's benefactor, hcfraiii ni'mat, unthankfulness krondd, m. name of a plant and fruit (Celsid). s.
for past favours or benefits, a.

^^VJL**^ hiifrislan, the country of infidels, a \^S^ "^S^ kukkuri, f. a bitch, s.

mountainous region to the north-east of Kabul, a. p. ijSS oiietiO kakrt, f. (v. kakhri) the armpit. 5.

t^fi^ hvfr'i, a pagan, a Cafl^re, generally b^xi ^f^PTT hu-kriya, f. a crime, a sin. 5.
applied to a barbarous race inhabiting the south-east
coast of Africa, a p. \'yS ^TcFfT kuhra, m. a cock, a male bird. s.
liJo kafsh, f. a shoe, a slipper (high-heeled [Jy^ ojioh^l hakri, f. a kind of cucumber
(Ciicumis titilissimus, Roxb.). s.
and shod with iron), kafsh-doz or Jcafsh-gar, a shoe-
maker, p.
^jjSS 4ehd^ hukr'i, f. a hen, a female bird. 5.
cdlo) knfk or hafah, froth, scum, spittle ;
f^^Sj oiraj kakshy ni. the armpit, the side or
stained part (of the palm of the hand), p. flank, s,

jSso kaf-gir, m. a skimmer, a spoon, a ladle (jSio ciif^ hikshi, m. the belly, tho abdomen, s.
(generally perforated like a colander), p.

jjii kafal, the buttocks, the haunches, the [Zm "efmr hahsha, f the end of the lower
garment, which, after the cloth is carried round the
crupper of a horse, a kind of cloth used instead of a
saddle, p, body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waist-
band ;a woman's girdle, s,
^^fl5 kafan, m. a shroud (coffin), hafan
phdrke boliid expresses the impossibility of remaining \JiS "SftW^J IiaJoia, m. la ring worn on the
silent on the sight of something wonderful, ka/an-
dafan, burial, funeral, a.
fj*j W^fvfft hahii, f. J wrist, a bracelet, s.

Vilifli hafnana, a. to shroud, to dress for the l3j^5o efio|h1<.«TT hakorna, a. to scrape (the
earth as fowls do), to hollow, to excavate, h,
grave, a. h.
(.di3j5o cFoti^loh kukunak, m. weakness of the
j^^jsS kafan-choi; (lit. a shroud-stealer) a eyes in infants, s.
caitiff, rufBan, villain, miscreant, p. h.
\j^ ohch^T^l ha-kalira, m. the alphabet, s.
jXfti kafni, f. a dress worn by fakirs (for a
" ■*ry).
full description of which v. Qanoon Islam, p. 80, Glos-
(C^^So eir^Tft hakhri, f. the armpit j sorenesa
a. of the armpit, s.
( 57G ) ^

a painful sup- XijC^

sweetmeat,oh y Ih.
MC^IT: kaUd-par9i'ar,m.a kind of
purating tumour
"in the armpit, s. [infamy, s. jU-^ eF^T^T^ kuldckar, m. practice or ob-
servance peculiar to a family, s.
C^\x^ oE^lTfrT ku-khyati, f. evil report,
_,>> kulah, smiling bitterly, grinning, a.
^li^io o|rf%^^^ kakhi,ali, f. a bundle of -;.^ kuldkh (for kuldh), surly, grinning,
"sheayes of corn given as perquisites to reapers and sulky, a.
village servants, h.

UIaxS fopfoirm^ kikiyana, n. to shriek, to .^ edt^H. haldr, m. a distiller; a seller of

scream, h. [corner, architrave, h, spirituous liquors, a tavern-keeper; a toddy-drawer;
a man who extracts the jviice of the palmyra and date
trees, h. {oiTcaldr. h.
JS'sarj^hagar or haggar, in. the edge, border,
^ kal, scald-headed, bald. p. j.M^Li oFc5Tfc«T kalarin or kalurni, f. female
^J^ kull, all, universal ; m. sum, amount, (?,^"^rc5Trt haldrt, m. a tavern-keeper, h.
totality, hull-jam' or -Jcdmil, sum total, the full *«»^ kalasa, a well where travellers drink
amount. Tcull-ralcba, the whole contents or area of a
village and its lauds, a. (more especially pilgrims to Mecca), p.

Ji eF^S kill or hula, ra. family, pedigree, race, c^ kaldgh or kulugh, a crow, rook, raven, p.
relations, household. Jcula-devl, f. the family goddess ;
any female deity worshipped in particular by a family aJLi^/c!^ kaldgh- j)esha, m. a jackdaw, p.
through successive generations, s.
Bj^^ kaldghcka, m. a little rook, a magpie./*.
^ o|i^ hal, ra. to-morrow, yesterday, kal-kl
bat, news of yesterday, something that happened very J^ «F^q5 kuldl, m. a potter, p. s.
lately. " In the Dakhani dialect Jcal is used only in
the sense of yesterday. To morrow is expressed by J^ kaldl, m. (v. haldr'), a distiller, &c.
iaban or subdn." — (Binning), s, kaldl-jam', duty on spirituous liquors. Icaldl-iJiflna, a
liquor-shop or distillery, d.
i^ oF^ kal, f. ease, tranquillity, peace, relief,
quiet, rest ; a trap, a machine, a lock ; the trigger of i^^ kaldVi, m. a vintner, tavern-keeper, d.
a gun; for {kali), a bud, an unblown flower blossom.
Jcal kd adml, an autoiriaton, a puppet ;_ (met.) a very *^ kaldvi, m. a word, speech, discourse,
weak person, an upstart, kal kd ghora, a very well- talk, conversation. kaldviu-l-ldh, the word of God,
trained and obedient horse. Tcal-makal, trouble, un- which among Musalmans means of course the hir,dn. a.
easiness. *. L^iy- '•

J^ fW^ kil, certainly, indeed, verily, proba- ^^'^ haldri, large, great, big, elder, p.
J^ "^fi^ hall or kal, ra. the name of the fourth \j>*:^ hald7id, to mix together, to be confused, d.
period of the Hindus (v. Jcalijug) ; f. a bud ; quicklime.*. l3^oFgT«n halldnd, n. to burn, to be in-
^ kalla, m. a cabbage ; the head, kalla flamed (as the skin by rubbing pepper, &c. on it).
kildiid, a. to winnow j to strike with the fist, kaldnd,
pd,echa, m. name of a dish, the head and feet, kalld-
l(]iushk, lantern-jawed; (met.) treacherous, cunning, a. to parch grain, h.
malicious; noise, tumult, kalld-kdr, noisy, tumul-
tuous, kalld-thalld, pomp and splendour, p. (JLa^^Ij lirw kldnt, wearied, exhausted, de-
pressed, lldnt-mand, low-spirited, languid. Jcldnti,
^w oU^ kala, f. the sixteenth part of the
f. fatigue, weariness, s.
moon, a digit ; a minute, the sixtieth part of a degree ;
.:j^U luddn-tar, the elder, the greater, p.
over portion
head and; art, trick,
heels, craft, kald-bdz'i,
tumbling, juggling,f. turning
kald na
badnd, a. to disobey, to decline, not to succeed, kald J"!^ "^"^X^ kuldnck, f. a bound, spring, leap,
na lagnd, not to have an advantage, not to avail, s.
jump, bounce, kuldnch mdrnd, to bound, to skip, h,
^)6 cRWT kulla, m. gargling, rinsing the
mouth, h. ^'^S kuldn'i, f. greatness, seniority, p.

'^ hiilla (v. kulak), a cap, hat, &c. ;;. d. (Oy^)i^ oF^T^ kaldnwat, 1m. a minstrel, a
L_>^)^ kiluh (pi. of 1--^]^), dogs, kullab, a CLOj"^ '^^1'^f*ff kaldwajit,) kind of singer
or musician. /(. [well-born. «.
pot-hook, kalldb, a keeper of dogs. a.

^tilS oF^TW^^ halabattun, 1 m. gold CL^'im*:^ ^3fi^X^'Rf Jiuldwant, of a noble race,

iy^{ kuldma, m. a ball of thread ; the stirrups
^yl^^k^ cFqS'R'^ kalabattun, J thread, a
silver thread. /(. on the neck of an elephant ; the elephant's neck. p.

iJ^ilo kalaha, m. a clew, a hank, skein, a i":^ kuldh, m. a cap, hat, tiara, crown, p.
reel, a wheel (for winding thread on), p. (-d^^^'SFcTT^'ir haldhah, m. a musical instru-
ment, s. [&c. s
u->^ oFoSTT halaj}, ra. assemblage, multi-
tude ;a grammar ot the Sanskrit languajje. )>. J*^ *;5T?^ kuldhal (v. holdhal), noise,
:^ ( 577 ) Ji^

jj'^^ '^^^ hnla,'i, f. the wrist, h. ^^ ^oSfqi Inddttha, f. a blue stone used as
collyj iuni and astringent, s.
^J^y^ eS^T^ kala,i, f. pulse, leguminous
seeds in gL-neral. s.
,_y4JJ3 <*^m\ kvlth'i, f. name of a grain, M;i-
"dras horse-gram {Doliclios biflorus). $.
w^ oKqSHIT halaya, a kind of long bean,
very nutritious, used as food for horses, h. u)5 m^szi liulta, f. an unchaste woman, a
prostitute, s.
v_-J5 kalb, m. a dog, a hound, a.
y^^\_^ oF^WV hil-badhu, f. a virtuous woman j_^ ^^Jrt hdti, f. red ai'senio. s.
of a noble family. *. ^4^(J^ ^oSftr^n kal-jUdia, malignant, ill-
omened, one whose curses prevail, s,
^Jo^ eFcT^^JT hulbula, vermicular, peristaltic, h.
O^XjJb ctirA^eilHI fitilbulana. n. to itch ; to lL^^ cir%^ k(dl-jug (for hali-yuga), ra. the
name of one of the four Hindu periods or ages (v.
fidget, to writlie (as a worm or snake under torture); yugit); the fourth, or present period, which is the
to grumble or rumble (the bowels). Ii.
worst of all, like the iron age of the classical writers.
The celebrated French astronomer, Mr. Bailly, sup-
<iLJ&^jJS ofi^cjQil^'i s.hulbulahat, f. peristaltic
or vermicular motion, poses the kali-jug to have commenced 31U2 years be-
fore Christ, the number of its years is 432,0UU : at the
expiration of which the world is to be destroj-ed. s.
j^\^ '^f'^^S hid-bor, one who disgraces his
family, s. [one's family, s.
^jij^ «ir^>r?=rt kaljahwan, tawny, sallow
lij'^JS qjicJaTldHT hul-borna, a, to disgrace complexioned. h.
aoK Indba, m. a house, hut, closet, cottage.
kulba.e ihzdn, an afflicted or distressed family, p. ^^^xk^ Judjibi (for kaljibha, q. v.) malignant,
(— -«J3 <*5jq kahip, m. a kind of dye for the '^' [cipal, stock in trade, h,
hair ; a kind of starch called mdndl, q. v. It. ^sr «i!^^ hidcha or kulcha, m. capital, prin-
(--aK cF5cr kulpo, ni. a shastra or sncred work, «^ kulcha, m. (v. kuRcha) a kind of bread. ^;.
one of the six vedfntgas ; a day and night of Brahma,
amounting to a period of 4,320,000,000 solar years of
mortals (this period, according to the Hindus, measures
^ cFl^^S^ hu-lachchhan, m. misconduct,
the duration of tlie present world, and a period of equal bad temper ; an ugly visage, s.
duration will pass during its annihilation) : the word
hali)a also denotes the destruction of the world; pro- U^sfi c|,(^T9d^II hulachchhana, ill-tempered,
priety, fitness; alternative, doubt; resolution, pur- ill-favoured, ill-omened, s.
pose; one of the trees oi swarga, or Indra's paradise.
Icalpa-ksliaya or kalpaiita, m. the end of the world, s, m. one who
L^JJ'^ efi^S^^ kida-droln,
"brings disgrace or reproach on his family, s.
,jVjJ& ep^xiTf^S kul-pdli, f. a chaste woman, s.
(-iJJLK ofi^HToTgr hd-palak, nourishing a (^^•^ eFc5^ htd-dhann, m. observance pe-
culiar to a family, s.
family. .?. [tress, s,
I3ljj> ok^MT^T kalpana, a. to grieve, to dis- ijy},d^ «*(«5^Tt A?/Z-^m,f.thefamily goddess.s.
J^ cfi^ hala?', a kind of fullers' earth, h.
'^j^ «l?<j^^8f kalpa-brichh, 'jm. one of ji^'^'^X^kallaVf barren, sterile (land); salt (as
S^ eir^riT^ kalpa-taru, > the fabii- food), h.
f^JiSj^xa W^l^^ kalpa-vrihsha,] lous trees
of Indra's heaven, or swarga, said to j'ield whatever (H»K ojt^^ kalas or kalash, m. a dome, cu-
may be desired, s. [ficial. s. pola, spire, or the ornament on the top of a dome, a
pinnacle; a water-pot. lalas-sthapaii-k., a. to make
C' \:" <*fcijrf kalpit, made, arranged, arti- an offering of a jar of water to any deity ; five twigs
of the following sacred trees are previously placed in
lII.aJ^ ^^TjfiT kul-pati, m. head of a family, s. it, viz. the ashwattlui ijirus religiosa), the rata (fan

U-JS ohQbMHI halapna, n. to be grieved or Indica),

mosa the udumbar
albida), and the (ficits
dmra orglomerata), the sham'i
mango tree. s. {vii-
vexed. /;.
L-K efiQj^n kahd, m. a pinnacle (v. kalas). s.
\JuK oh^ffl kalpna, m. a scheme, a contri-
vance; aforgerj', an imitation, s. \j^)^ kalshd, depraved, vicious ; m. an enemy..v.
_,^>K eh^qxM hul-jmj (for kul-pujya), m. a clay. s.a water-pot or jar, usually
"made of bakedkahi,{.
family priest; object of adoration or reverence in a
family (a household god), s.
(^ji3^ efi^^ kalash, m. a dome, &c. (v. kalas).
^JJ^^ «*^ ti \U5 hidtaran, m. a youth who is CL^Z^ fpif^fT klishit^ afflicted, distressed,
a credit to his family, s.
<jL^f^klisht J wearied, s.
Ji^ cR^5^ kalatr, f. a wife. s.
LlJ^ ^F^l^T kalshird, black-headed; m.
fjxli kulatian, evil, bad, wicked, d. man. s.

& ( )

^^ kalgln, f. an ornament on the turban, t.

ea.'iinoss. «'«c?*''<*55
h. hnl-mahd, f. trouble,
[writhe, un-k.
s.J^ kalaf, m. a padlock ; attention ; a pim-
ple or spot on the face. a. \>^^ oFq5'^q5T«TT halmaldnd, n. to fidget, to

Lll>fiK kidfat, f. Irouble, vexation, distress, a. 6^ hnlima (vulg. h(dma), m. a word, speech
sa3ing ; part of speech ; the Mul^ammadan confession of
faith ^a/wf Zv M»^/J, f the fore-finper. kalima parhna,
ciUS k'dh, f. a reed, a pen. p. to repeat the Muhammadan confession of faith, kali-
ma,e hakk, the speaking of the truth (in evidence, &c.\o.
cil« fofi^'oR hilah, f. sj>lendour, lustre (of a
gem), h, ^-»« cJicShI kalirii, f. Convolvolus rejiens, used
LiXb eFf^cR halik, m. a curlew, s. " as an esculent vegetable, s.
\ya kilna, n. to groan, to lament, d.
<jiW* «l>^ ^aZ/i, m. sediment, dregs; dirt, fillli,
car- wax ; sin, fraud ; the beleric myrobalan ; adj. sin- (_)iiUK oF^rTT^T Imlndsh, m. a reprobate, an
ful, wicked, s. outcast, s. [poisoned weapon, s.

lijl/OjoJS hilkar-marna, to make a loud noise, d. A^ .V

"^^5^ halavj, a\ animal struck with a
(CjOJ* foh«*Kl kilkdrtff. chatterino-, snarling, A^ «fi'55^ hidanj, cutting behind in walking
grinning; a shout of joy. kilkdri murna, n. to express
pleasure by any sound or cry. *. (a horse), h.

j^-iiJS cR^^^ ku-lahshan, m. same as ku- ^J^ -JciS^H Itdanjan, m. a plant {Alpiuia
lachchhan, q. v. galaiiga or Galanga major) ; a seed {Nigella saliva), s.

fJl^Jb ehc^ohc^ kalkal, m. wrangling, quarrel- edij^iS cS^^ Judinih, m. calumny, nccusaiion,
ling, the buz of a crowd. /*. refloitiun, suspicion, scandal, spot, obloquy, s.

'^S!a 'ftfi'^folfQjT kilhild, m. the kingfisher C1*xl)S oScjfUW halankit, calumniated, de-
famed, s.
{Halcyon) : peevishness, fretfulness, anger ; f a sound
expressing joy. Jculkula, m. gargling, h.
^Jb cRiqJ^ Judanhi (fern, halanhhn), stained,
^^^JiJi kulkulldn, m. one entrusted with the "blemished, disgraced ; liable to reproach; (also cor. of
■whole ceremony of a house ; a factotum or major lain, q. v.). i. [crane, a heron, p.
domo. a.
(^L^-K hidimg, m. a fowl of a large breed, a
3^k3Ji fofi'^ftir^ST'TT Jdlhildna, n. to be fretful,
to snap, to snarl, to be peevish, to squabble, s. <tS^ <*f^^ haling, ni. the febrifuge nut-
plant {Ceesalpinia or Guilatidina hondnccUa) ; the name
of a country, especially applied to a district on the
Ijo\^J^ r<*c:jr<*<Ji<**l<5T kilkil-kdntd, m. a Coromandel coast between Cuttack and Madras, s.
game among boys. One boj', having drawn several
fines upon a stone, hides it, and the others repeating ICJS cuf^^T hitlinga, f. a plant, commoidy
the words hilkil-hdtitd, run about searching for it.
Whoever finds the stone has a right to strike the boy called Ivor'i, the bark of which is used a purgative. ».
who hid it three times with his fingers on the back of
the hand. h. [violent laughter, h. "(fish), d.
ls%'^ l:}^^ halingan-machki, the whiting
A^ oR^5ofic5^ kulkuli, f. itch ; (in Dakh.)
\ iCliS Jinlnngrd, a water-melon, d.
j^Ji kalkam, lamp-black (applied medi-
cinal y to the eyes), d. ^_j« fsF^Tnft h'dni, f. a tick (insect that pesters
dogs, &:c.). h.
CL*^^ foil c^ rah r^ri JiU-hinchit, m. wanton j\yi ojr^^K hulwdr, m. a distiller, a vender
or amorous pastime, or gestures, s. [with. d. of spirituous liquors (v. kaldr). s.

^jS kalki, a kind of instrument for smoking \yb huII-vHir, with or according to the whole
(assessment, &c.). a. k. [family. 3.
/Jj^ oF^Jeift kalhi, m. the name of the lenih
(^Ui^ oT^J^T^ kidti-dn, nobly born, of a good
' will
incarnation which is of
the appearance yeta to come. The
Brahni;iii, who deity
is to
be born in the town of Sambal, and in the family of {^^\y>^ f^^'^^ hihvci,i, a small rake used
Vishnu Sluiniid. He will ride on horseback, and put for gathering grass together into a cocklet. /(.
to death all the wicked, s.
Kiyi «Fc53T kalutdj of black complexion;
\XJi oft^in halgd, m. the name of a flower, tawny. ».
cockscomb (.(^OTarani/iMs); prince's feather, h.
.^J^ ofil^S^T halor, m. and f a heif. -r. //.
«JLJ^.J^ halgat, an axe, a pickaxe, d.
^yl^ hiduJih, m. a clod of eaitli. kuluhh,
clods, ap. slinger. hdukh-kub, a mallet for breaking
^}^kal(/i{f or hal^i,q.v.), Sin ornament, &c.d.
0$ ^.qSHT knlmd, m. a sausage, h.
^^^)^ tft^^ halof, f wantonness', friskiness,
tS^^ kalimat, f. (v haliina). a. play, gambol, kallol, m. joy, happiness, pleasur.^ s.
X ( 579 ) ^

Uy^ "^f!^!^^ habval, f. misfortune, calamity, s. lIajJS

■whole, hidUyai,
a. all; universality, totality, the
CLoyb <*<jm»tr hularvant, also hularvanta, pure,
of noble descent, of a good family, s. ^4^ oi»(5*iT kaleja, m. the liver (v. kalejo).
noble oPqJcJ.ii')
descent, hulaivanti,
s. f. chaste, of pure or ^J^ ^cilsfi hiUjan, m. the name of a drug
(the root of Piper betel), s.
i^*^ obcjt»ft kalaunjt, f. the name of a small
blackisli pyramid-shaped seed, used medicinally (.V£- ij^, hiUjan, galangale (Gladwin), h.
^f//a Indica, Hoxb.). h.
»^ o|ic4ll /m^;/a,m. the liver; (met.) courage,
'jJyS kalaunda, diffident, bashful, d. spirit, magnanimity, kaleja ulatnd, to be fatigued with
cii-oyS kalwet, a stag, a male antelope, d. excessive vomiting, kaleja phatiid, to be disturbed
with grief or jealousy, kaleja thandhd-k., to obtaiu
&« halla, m. the head ; the jaws or cheeks. one's wish, to get ease, kaleja thandhd hoiid, to be quite
kalla-pur-bad, an empty head (lit. full of wind), kalla- at ease, kaleja jaliid kisJ-kd, to suffer sorrow, to mourn.
kaleja kdmpnd, to be afraid, to suffer cold, kaleje par
zan, a boaster, "kalla-zan'i, f. boasting, p. samp phirnd, to suffer jealousy or env_v. kaleje se logd-
•^ <*q55 kalah, m. quarrel, strife, kahth-kar rakhnd, or -lend, to caress, embrace, love exceedingly.
kaleje men ddl-rakhnd, to love or ebteem exceedingl}'. h.
or -kail, quarrelsomewoman,
(a man), 'kalah-kdr'mi or kalah-i. V
Tcart, a quarrelsome a scold or termagant,
&^ kuUcha, a kind of bread, biscuit, ]/p.
&Js /(w/rt/< (v, /nilah), a cap, tiara, &c. kulah- i^i« ^ hied, m. wetness, moisture, s.
dar, an absolute sovereign, kulah-dari, f. sovereignty.
hilak-shrijra, succession to the property of a religious tXjJj katid or kilid, f. a key. p.
person (from kulah, the cap worn hy J^aklrs). p.
^ W^ halh (v. kal), to-morow, yesterday. .«. J^jijJS kalle-daTciz, talkative, abusive, halle-
darazl, f. abuse ; reviling, d.
lj^«oF^^UAa/a/(ara, quarrelsome, violent, s. (j-Jj> cir%¥ kales (for klesho), m. sickness,
pain, trouble, vexation, affliction, torment ; (Hind.)
V|'l^ oR^T3T Indhara, m. 1 an axe, a hatchet ; quarrel, contention, s. [church, g.

(jj'^K ofi^^TTt ft«<.AO kalisa, m. (Gr. eKKAt](Tia^ a Christian

tenure {v. Wilson),huUian,
s. f J a kind of landh.
(j£jJ3 ^fl^ Jileshf m. pain, affliction, anguish ;
•■'^o oR^^f hulhar or huWiar, m. a kind of care, trouble, s.
H^ efi^Tf^ kulhara, ni. a kind of cup or OmikX) ^ififnr bleshit, pained, distressed, s.
earthen vessel larger than hilhiyd, q. v. h.
^xb karim, one who speaks to another, a
\j^iJi kvlah-shcijara, succession and pro- familiar, musa Tcalimu-l-ldh, Moses the speaker with
perty of a saint, fakir, &c. p. a. God. a.

^PS hullu-hum, all of iheni, the whole, a.

U:^ ^^fhr hulin, noble, of respectable de-
scent, well born, gentle, s.
le^ «Fc5^ Italalii, f. a scold, a termagant. 5.
Ijuii eF^'J^T hiUna, m. a kind of pickles, h.
U^ edc^f^^I hdhiya, f a cup, a small round
vessel, kidliiyd men gvr pTiornd, lit. to break sugar in ^-^Uuki^ eJl^lHI^ kulind,!,^ f. nobility, respcct-
a small cup, to do a work with few hands which requires
many, kulhiyd lagdnd, cupping, s. UUaK eR^jhriTTAw/i/'^a, J ability of descent,

Ai fofi^^ hilH, f. a key, a bolt, hulli, f. gar- gentilit}'. s.

"gling or rinsing the mouth, washing the mouth, h. ^J^K "^N hltv, m. the neuter gender ; an eu-
nuch ;adj. weak, impotent ; idle, slothful, s.
Ai Inilli, f. total sum, the whole; adj. uni-
*Aj.i^ ofi^^ hale,u, ni. a light moi'ning meal,
"versal, total, all, every, a. also the same as kahwd, s.
Ai efi^^ ludi, f. a bud, an unblown flower,
\*aK "gr^^T kalerva, m. cold meat, stale vic-
"blossom : quicklime; the kal-yug or kal-jug, q. v., the tuals, aluncheon, s.
fourth age of the Hindus, s.
OUi^ kidVnjat (pi. of iJL^S^), every thiutr ; jy^ 'W^'^X hcdewur, m. the body. s.
the whole (poetic) works of an author; as, kulUydti
Siiitda, the whole of the poems. Sec. of Saudd. a. i-i^Ki)^ fi^ hhiivyn, m. impotence, unmanli-
ness ; the neuter gender, s.
^^LK cir^irTO halyan, m. welfare, prosperity ; s.^ W^ hrdya, m. the dawn or break of day ;
name of a rdg sung at night; a leguminous shrub
adv. yesterday, tomorrow; adj. healthy, recovered
(Glycine debitis) ; adj. happy, fortunate, kalydn-vachaii,
m. good wishes, s. from "sickness ; deaf and dumb, s.

UUi^ olir<ji^H1 haliyana, n. to blossom, to 0^ hdfiya (v. hulUyat), totality; adj. gene-
bloom, s. [picious. s. ral, universal, a.

^j.\)^W^U:JSi halydnl, happy, prosperous, aus- '

J ftfW 1dm, what .^O which
D .-) .^ how ? a-,

( 580 )

S liam, liow mucli? liow innny? a. tj-jl^S ^Jrn^s. kumari, f. a daughter, &c. (v.
^AflTO, deficient, less, little ; (this word is
much used as first member of a compound, generally (JI^Milv eir»rraH" kamasut, m. a journeyma::, a

denoting- negation or inferiority), kam-ikhtilut, un- servant, a workman, earner, h.
social, lam-dzdr, of little injury. Tcam-asbdb or Aam-
biza'cil, of few poods or means, poor. Jcnm-asl. low (Jl»j hamal, m. jx rft ction, < xcellence ; com-
bred, vile. Jcam-bakht, unfortunate ('reproachfullj'), pletion, conclusion ; punctuality, a. [cies. a.
a rascal, villain, wretcli. lam-baJcht'i . f. unfortunate-
ness, adversity, misfortune him-bar, a division of the
suits at cards (v. tdj). Jram-bahd, of little value. Jcam- C^^V havialaf, (pi.) perfections, exceHcn-
besh, more or less. Jcam-pd, of short duration. Jcam-
pdya, in a mean condition, of low dej;ree. kam-jiir,at, l1*)\-»> kamalat, "1 perfection, &c. (v. ha-
cowardly. Tcam-chal, slow paced (a horse), liunt chor LlAjJl»i kamaliyat,} mnl). a. d.
(for lam cl>or),n skulker, kain-harahit, indolent, lazy.
knm-kausila, unaspiring, unambitious, poor-sjiirited.
kam-khfircb, parsimonious, stingy, kam-khfirck bdld- ^j'-V
abru, hamnn, f. a eyebrows
with arched Iiow ; (epithet
a spring, human-
of a mistress).
nishhi. applied to things of good quality purchased kamdn charhnd, to be strung or drawn tight (a bov;);
cheaply, kam-kharchl, parsimony, kam-lcharcbl men (Dakh.) to be victorious, kamduddr, an archer, one
atd gild, expresses an expense being unavoidably in- armed with a bow. knmdn-ddn, a bow case, kaiiidn-
curred by a person who is already in poverty (if too
much water be mixed inadvertently with flour of which sdz, a bow maker, an archer, kamdn-kasli, an archer ;
bread is to be made, the paste becomes so thin as to adj. dealing destruction, as abru,e kamdn-kash, e^'e-
render it necessary to add more flour. The phrase brows (shooting tlie arrows of love), kamdni kaiydiii,
the Kaianian bow, i. e, a strong bow, such as the
Bupposes this accident to happen to a person who has
not the means of procuring more), kam-khirad . un- Persiaps used under the Kaianian dynasty, kamdn-
gar, one who makes holes, p.
wise, ignorant, kam-khor or kam-khur, abstemious,
eating little (particularly applied to a horse), kam-
Jshordk or kam-Wlurdk, abstemious, eating little, knm- I3'.»j ^HT<ll hfiniatia, a. to earn ; to work, to
gai, low bred, of low caste, kam-eihn, forgetful ; with- perform, to perpetrate, to commit ; to clean (leather,
out abilities, kam-rdh, slow, without bottom (a horse). or a privy), h.
Team-rang, of a pale or faint colour, kam-rau, slow
paced (a horse), kam-xadmil-k.. to affect extraordinary IJUi kamana, a. to lessen, to abate, p. k.
humility, kam-zor, weak, [lowerless. kaiii-ziydd,
more or less, kam-sdl, j oung, of tender years, kam- 8~^\^ hamattclui, m. a little bow; ihe bow of
sufra, one whose table is scantily furnished, kam se a fiddle ; a steel spring, p.
kam, very little, kam-shdn, humble, mild, affable, un-
assuming kam-sharr, well disposed, of good disposi- eol»i kamana, the plectrum, or bow, of any
tions. A-n77j-«/iarA, low wages, kumshau

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