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1-3 The Living Room

The kinds of furniture, furnishings and the manner how they were arranged in the living room, offers that
feeling of grandeur and an inviting atmosphere. Furniture arrangement in the living room however, can
be developed to suit any particular choice a designer may be confronted.

Furnitures may vary from what will be presented depending upon the taste and preferences of the
individual user. In any furniture groupings, a minimum spacing distance should be considered and
established for convenience as to:

a. Space allocation
b. Lanes or pathways between furnitures arrangement.

Living Room Furniture Groupings

Living room furnitures are grouped into the following:

1. Primary Grouping - Chairs and sofa are grouped around a fire place (if there is)
2. Secondary Grouping.- Chairs and love seat are grouped at end of the room or at the center.
3. Reading Group - Chair, Ottoman, Lamp shades, etc.
4. Writing or Study Group Desk, lamp, one or two chairs, book cases.
5. Music Group - Piano bench, storage space
6. Game Group - Game tables and four chairs.

1-4 The Dining Room

Dining Room is the space or room where the family seat together, pray before meals, talk about the
family affairs and other matters.

Dining area should accommodate furnitures of either port- able or built in for eating, sitting, serving and
possible storage.

Planning Considerations:

a. Determine the number of persons to be seated.

b. Compute the required space occupied by the table.
c. Compute the space for the chairs. d. The space required behind the chairs..
e.The seating arrangement.
f. The size and type of furnitures.
g. Space for the storage of china glassware, silverware and linen.

Recommended Space Dimensions

1. Size of Place Setting- For greater freedom of move- ment, a minimum width of 50 centimeters is
acceptable. although 75 centimeters is desirable, but 60 centimeters width is adequate that could permit
45 centimeters wide chair at 15 centimeters apart.
2. For a Place Setting- Provide a minimum clearance of 35 centimeters, allow space for china,
glassware, silver and elbow extension.

Size of Table and Dining Area

The common width of dining table is 90 centimeters al- though the satisfactory width is 95 to 110
centimeters. If a 60 centimeters wide place setting table is seated at each end of the table, the minimum
recommended table lengths is presented in the following table.

Furniture Clearances
To provide ample space for convenient use of the dining area, the following minimum clearances from
the edge of the dining table is recommended.
1. 80 cm. for chair plus access thereto
2. 95 cm. for chair plus access and passage
3. 105 cm.- for serving from behind chair
4. 120 cm.- from table to base cabinets (in dining-kitchen)

1-5 Combined Living Dining Spaces

The combination of Living and Dining in a single room or space has the
following advantages:

1. Less space required, but could be used intensively.

2. Its function could be changed making it more flexible serviceable space.
3. Adoptable to varied furniture arrangements.
4. The room could be made more interesting.

1-6 Combined Dining Kitchen Area

This type of combination is most preferred by occupants more particularly small houses and apartments
due to the fol- lowing advantages:

1. It minimizes housekeeping chores.

2. Provides a space for the family's daily activities.
3. The kitchen provides a place for informal family break- fast, snacks or just serving tea or coffee to

1-7 The Bedroom

The size or area of a residential house could be visualized imaginarily by anyone based from the number
of bedrooms it has, and the size of room could be determined under the follow- ing considerations:

1. The likes and preferences of the owner whether large, medium or small room with or without comfort
2. The type and number of bed including other items that the owner would want to place inside the room.
Bedroom Furnitures

Single W-80
Twin W-100
Double W-135
Matrimonal W-1801
All length from 190 to 210 cm.

Large dressing 60x120
Small-o 75 x 75
Night small 35 x 45i
Medium night 45 x 45
Easy chair 75 x 90

Side b 45 X 45
Bench 45 x 60
Dressing table 45 X 45
Chair 48 X 45

Chest 80 X 120 CHEST 45 x 75
Small 46 X 90
End table 50 X 100
Desk 78 X 100 WITH CHAIR
Crb 75 x 100
Dresser 45 X 100 or 180

Single Occupancy Bedroom

Dormitory Type Bedroom
Double Occupancy Bedroom

1-8 The Kitchen

A kitchen is the place or area where:

1. Meals are prepared and cooked. 2. Foods are preserved.

3. Food and utensils are stored. 4. Place for eating.
5. Place for laundering. 6. Place for entertaining.
7. Place for child care.

Planning Considerations:
A. Arrangement
B. Traffic
C. Storage
E. Materials
F. Lighting
G. Ventilation.
H. Safety and Accessibility

1-9 The Kitchen Work Center

The kitchen work centers are planned according to:

1. Their constituent parts.

2. Their proper functions.
3. Their ideal relationship to one another.

The Six Basic Work Centers in the Kitchen are:

1. The Sink
2. The Range
3. Mix
4. Serve
5. Refrigerator (functions related to storage center)
6. Oven if it is not an integral part of the range.

Type of Kitchen Floor Plan

The common types of kitchen floor plan are:

1. U-Shaped.
2. L-Shaped.
3. Corridor Shaped.

Advantages and Disadvantages

1. The U shaped type is the most compact area but has problem of the door on one side of the three
2. The L shaped type has the advantage of concentrating work area in one corner minimizing travel. The
longer travel to the extremities is one disadvantage of this type.

1-10 The Bathroom

In planning bathroom, the designer must know the various activities

commonly perform in the room such as:

1.Washing of hands, face and hair

2. Elimination and grooming
3.. Hand launsering and infant care
4. Often used as sressing room

Planning Considerations:

A. Convenience B. Arrangement
C. Illumination D. Ventilation
E. Sound Control F. Auxiliary Heat
G. Materials H. Storage
I. Mirror J. Drying Facilities
K. Accessibility

Bathroom Categories

Bathroom arrangements are classified into 4 categories.

1. The lavatory guest bath type.

2. The larger compartmental bath.
3. The conventional three fixtures bath.
4. The utility bath.

Bathroom Doors and Windows

Bathroom door could be as small as 55 to 60 centimeters, except for utility bathroom that requires no
less than 70 centi- meters wide, to permit passage of equipment as required. In general, bathroom wall
contain only one door.

Installing Doors and Openings

1. Door should not hit any person using the fixture.

2. Door must conceal or hide the toilet.
3. Door may be left open for ventilation in warm weather.
4. Normally, door panel swing into the bathroom. 5. To save space, sliding door is preferred.
6. Window shape and position is important for light and ventilation. For privacy, high window is

At Lavatory

1. Provide fixed mirror and cabinet above the lavatory.

2. A recessed shelf flush to the wall is preferable and maybe part of medicine cabinet.
3. Install receptacle for electric razor and hair dryer above.
4. Towel bar may be same level with shelf or lavatory top.

At Shower and Bath.

1. The showerhead is governed by the users height and preference.

2. Shower valve or mixing valve installed near the en- trance to shower.
3. Shower curtain rod- optional.
4. Combination soap and sponge, holder and grab bar. Use draining lip type that maybe installed at the
rear or sidewall opposite the showerhead.
5. Shower ventilation is necessary to remove steam.
1-11 Laundry Room

Laundering includes the collection and sorting of dirty clothes, pre-treating, washing, drying,
sprinkling and ironing. This requires a lot of stooping, lifting and carrying.


Calls for proper planning and distribution of the space and facilities including the placement and
location of the various laundering equipment


1. Laundering should not be done in any of the congested area of the house,
2. Passageway should be at least 1.20 meters wide.
3. If the laundry area adjoins the kitchen, a barrier of any type such as counter between the two
is necessary.

Equipment and Facilities

The laundry center must be accessible to both working area of the house and outdoor drying
area provided with:

1. Sorting table.
2. Heating surface and storage facilities for soiled clothes.
3. Washing supplies and basket.
4. Washing machine and dryer.
5. Ironing board.
6. Laundry tray with 30 centimeters deep for pre-washing soaking or stretching some items.

1-12 Closet

Designers and housewives describe storage or closet as a place for anything and
everything in its place. A modern closet is designed for the storage of particular clothing or
things of an individual or a group using the space.

Modern closets accommodate much more clothing and ma- terials if efficiently arranged.
It replaces piece of furniture pro- viding a greater amount of free uncluttered space in the room.
Much could be stored in a small space if properly planned but many closets usually have
unused and unusable space due to poor planning. An allowance of about 25% capacity is
incorpo- rated for the additional belongings. The saying goes that "It is better to have to much
space than not enough".
The Basic Elements of Closet Storage are:

1. Shelves
2. Drawers
3. Poles
4. Hooks
5. Special features

Closets are Classified into Two

1. The active closet 2. The inactive closet

Different Types of Closet

1. Clothes closet
2. Coat closet
3. Cleaning equipment closet
4. Bedroom linen and bedding closet
5. Central storage
6. Miscellaneous storage
7. Outdoor storage

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