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FE simulation of shear localization along granular soil–structure interfaces

using micro-polar elasto-plasticity

Article in Mechanics Research Communications · January 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2011.10.001


8 69

3 authors, including:

Babak Ebrahimian Mustafa I. Alsaleh

Shahid Beheshti University Caterpillar Inc.


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Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34

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Mechanics Research Communications

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FE simulation of shear localization along granular soil–structure interfaces using

micro-polar elasto-plasticity
Babak Ebrahimian a,∗ , Asadollah Noorzad a , Mustafa I. Alsaleh b
School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365/4563, 16 Azar Street, Enghelab Avenue, Tehran, Iran
R&D, Virtual Product Development Technology, Caterpillar Inc., Mossville, IL 61552, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents FE simulation of shear localization along the interface between cohesionless granular
Received 6 May 2011 soil layer and a rough surface of bounding structure under large shearing movement. The distribution and
Available online 12 October 2011 evolution of static and kinematic quantities are mainly focused regarding infinite layer of micro-polar
material under constant vertical pressure and free dilatancy, particularly with advanced large movement
Keywords: of bounding structure. The FE results demonstrate that the displacement magnitude of bounding structure
Soil–structure interface
has significant effect on the distribution and evolution of state variables and polar quantities in the
Micro-polar (Cosserat) continuum
granular soil layer.
Shear localization © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction interface, on the evolution and location of shear localization are

studied. Here, the effects of displacement magnitude, applied to the
In most numerical investigations of shear localization, using bounding structure, on the distribution and evolution of state vari-
micro-polar hypoplastic models, an oscillation is seen in the dis- ables and polar quantities are considered. This effort is done under
tributions of void ratio and stress components across the shear large movement of bounding structure parallel to the interface.
band (Tejchman and Gudehus, 2001; Huang and Bauer, 2003). This Smooth distributions of void ratio and shear stress components are
kind of oscillation is unrealistic and not consistent with the exper- obtained within the shear band, what the other previous numerical
imental results available in the literature. In such studies, the void investigations did not receive.
ratio corresponded to the stationary state is not unique. This ratio is
deformation mode dependent and can significantly exceed its crit-
2. Constitutive relations
ical value. However, it is experimentally evident that the void ratio
has its maximum quantity in the shear band but still with smooth
The kinematics of a micro-polar continuum is characterized
distribution (Kishida and Uesugi, 1987; Desrues et al., 1996).
by the macro-displacement field (ui ) and the micro-rotation (ωic )
Following the relevant studies already existed in the literature,
where, i = 1, 2, 3. In the continuum mechanics, the so-called velocity
the research presented here is the first numerical simulation which
gradient (L), is written as Lij = ∂u̇i /∂xj . L can be also represented as
addresses the distribution and evolution of state variables and polar
the sum of symmetric part, ε̇ij = 1/2(∂u̇i /∂xj + ∂u̇j /∂xi ), and skew
quantities, particularly under large shear deformation, within infi-
symmetric part, Wij = 1/2(∂u̇i /∂xj − ∂u̇j /∂xi ). Furthermore, Wij is
nite micro-polar elasto-plastic granular soil layer. The mechanical
also termed as macro-spin tensor and can be given by macro-spin
behavior of cohesionless granular soil is described using micro-
vector (ω̇k ) according to Wij = − ∈ ijk ω̇k . Cosserat spin tensor, corre-
polar Lade’s single hardening model. Lade’s model accounts for
sponding to micro-motion, is defined as Wijc = − ∈ ijk ω̇kc . It is noted
the dilatancy effects which is missing in many elasto-plastic mod-
els. The mentioned model can describe the formation of shear that Cosserat spin is not related to macro spin which is a rota-
bands, their thickness, spacing and the related scale effect due to tion of continuum. Cosserat strain rate (or rate of deformation) is
the presence of an internal length in the form of mean grain size read as the difference between macro-motion and micro-motion:
(Alsaleh et al., 2006). In this research, the effects of two different ε̇cij = ε̇ij + Wij − Wijc = ∂u̇i /∂xj + ∈ kij ω̇kc . Micro-curvature vector of
micro-polar kinematic boundary conditions, prescribed along the deformation or the gradient of particle rotation can be defined as
ij = ∂ωic /∂xj .
In this study, the Lade’s single hardening constitutive model
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 88911071; fax: +98 21 66403808. (Lade and Nelson, 1987; Kim and Lade, 1988; Lade and Kim, 1988),
E-mail addresses: bebrahimian@ut.ac.ir, ebrahimian.babak@gmail.com enhanced with Cosserat rotation and couple stress via internal
(B. Ebrahimian). length, is adopted to simulate the mechanical behavior of soil. The

0093-6413/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34 29

enhancement has been conducted through second stress and devi- (Vardoulakis and Sulem, 1995). The third invariant of stress tensor
atoric stress invariants in order to incorporate the internal length. is computed as IIII = ( 11  22  33 −  33  12  21 ). Lade and Kim (1988)
This model is an elasto-plastic soil model with a single yield surface, developed a yield function based on the work-hardening and work-
expressed in terms of stress invariants. Lade’s model has a non- softening laws for frictional materials: fp = fp () − fP (WP ) = 0. Wp
linear elasticity function where non-associative flow rule and high is plastic work; and
non-linear plastic work-based hardening function are assumed.   I h
The model formulations are briefly discussed in the following; the fP = 1 − eq (5)
details are found in (Alsaleh et al., 2006). The model involves 11 IIII III Pa
parameters that can be determined by four compression tests, one
where h is material yield parameter that can be determined from
isotropic and three CD triaxial. The proposed following non-linear
experimental data obtained from two arbitrary failure points along
elasticity modulus, used in this work, is defined as
the hydrostatic axis; q = (˛L S)/(1 − (1 − ˛L )S) is model parameter,
 2  1 +   J   with the ranges of zero to one at hydrostatic condition and fail-
I I 2
E = ML Pa + 6 (1) ure, respectively (Lade and Kim, 1988); ˛L is material parameter
Pa 1 − 2 Pa2 m
(Lade and Kim, 1988); S = 1/ 1 ((II3 /IIII ) − 27)(II /Pa ) is stress level
where Pa is atmospheric pressure used to normalize stresses; with value ranges of zero to one at hydrostatic loading condition
II is first invariant of the stress tensor, II =  ii (i = 1, 2, and failure, respectively; 1 is failure criterion parameter (Lade and
3); ML and  are dimensionless material parameters which Kim, 1988); it is a dimensionless constant and can be determined
are determined by a series of simple experiments including upon triaxial compression test results. Lade’s yield surface takes
loading–unloading–reloading cycles (more details are seen in Lade the shape of an eye drop; each yield surface represents a contour
and Nelson (1987));  is constant Poisson’s ratio; J2 is second devi- for the plastic work:
atoric stress invariant which is given by  1 1/ L  W 1/ L
 fP =
D Pa
J2 = h3 [(11 − 22 )2 + (33 − 22 )2 + (11 − 33 )2 ]
where L = P/h and D = C/(27 1 + 3) L are constants; fP increases
 +  2  h4 2
only if plastic work (Wp ) increases. Now, plastic work is esti-
12 21
+ (m1 + m22 ) (2) mated during isotropic (hydrostatic) loading as WP = CPa (II /Pa )P . The
2 l2 parameters C and P can be estimated using the results of an isotropic
where h3 and h4 are balancing factors between couple stresses (mi ) compression test regarding the best fitting of WP = CPa (II /Pa )P with
and stresses ( ij ); l is internal length (equal to d50 , where d50 is the test results. During hardening regime, Eq. (6) is used to describe
mean grain size). The balancing factors depend on the contact dis- the non-linear hardening component. As the materials are failed or
tributions of soil grains and are assumed as one in the current study met the instability point, hardening regime is terminated and soft-
(Vardoulakis and Sulem, 1995). Plastic flow occurs when the state ening regime is started. It is an exponential function, expressed
of stress touches the yield criterion (fp ) causing the material to as fP = A exp(−B(WP /Pa )). The constants A and B should be esti-
undergo plastic deformations. The plastic strain increment is cal- mated once at failure, where S = q = 1.0, by A = (fP exp(BWP /Pa ))S=1
culated by the flow rule as ε̇Pij = ˙ p (∂gp /∂ij ). The plastic curvature and B = (b(∂fP /∂(WP /Pa ))/fP )S=1 when 0 ≤ b ≤ 1.0; b is material
constant that describes the concavity of softening part in the
increment of rotation can be given as ˙ P = ˙ p (∂gp /∂mi ).  ij is stress
i stress–strain curve.
components of stress tensor; mi is couple stress components of The proposed constitutive relations are not directly dependent
stress tensor; ˙ p is proportionality factor (a positive scalar); gp is on the initial void ratio while most model parameters such as
plastic potential function given as (Lade and Kim, 1988): modulus of elasticity and other shear strength parameters are sig-
 I  nificantly influenced by the initial void ratio. Therefore, the void
gp = 1 − + 2 (3) ratio effect is accounted implicitly within the model. In order to
study the effect of void distribution, the model parameters are
where 2 and are plastic potential parameters that can be esti- obtained at different densities, through which the effect of void
mated from experiments (Lade and Kim, 1988); the parameter ratio is mapped to the mechanical response of the material. This is
2 controls the intersection of plastic potential with hydro- one of the advantages of the proposed constitutive model.
static pressure axis; the exponent determines the curvature In 2D Cosserat continuum, the stress tensor is expressed as
of plastic potential in the principal stress space; the parameter T
−1.27 is weighting factor (Kim and Lade, 1988); m m1 m2
1 = 0.00155m {} = 11 22 33 12 21 (7)
is failure criterion parameter that can be determined from exper- l l
iments as shown in (Lade and Kim, 1988); III and IIII are second As described earlier, m1 and m2 are couple stress components; l is
and third stress invariants, respectively. The second stress invari- length scale (equal to d50 , where d50 is mean grain size). It should
ant was enhanced to incorporate the effects of couple stresses (m1 , be mentioned that stress tensor is non-symmetric due to the effect
m2 ) as of couple stresses. Strain matrix for 2D Cosserat continuum can be
m1 m2 given in a vector form as
III = h1 (12 21 − 11 22 − 11 33 − 22 33 ) + h2 (4)
l2 T
{ }={ 11 22 33 12 21 l1 l2 } (8)
where hr (r = 1, 2) is weighing coefficient for statics that depends
on the contact distributions of soil grains and here is assumed as where 1 and 2 are micro-curvatures. Similar to stress tensor, the
one. Vardoulakis and Sulem (1995) have applied an approach simi- objective strain vector is also non-symmetric and deviated from the
lar to ours, and modified the second stress invariant. The balancing classical one. The strain and curvature tensors are decomposed to
factors (h1 –h4 ), selected for this study, are based on the best rec- an elastic part denoted by a superscript ‘e’ and a plastic part denoted
ommended values previously tested and proposed by others in by a superscript ‘p’: ε̇ij = ε̇eij + ε̇Pij and ˙ ij = ˙ ije + ˙ ijP . As dealing with
the literature. This selection was based on the micro-mechanical stress and strain increments seem more convenient, the follow-
consideration of particle displacement and particle rotation includ- ing constitutive laws can be used: {} ˙ = [D]{ ˙ }; [D] is elasto-plastic
ing inter-particle slip and inter-particle shear in granular media stiffness matrix, derived from Cosserat continuum. This matrix is a
30 B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34

coupled stiffness matrix including the terms of stresses and couple It is assumed that the granular layer is initially homogeneous
stresses. Furthermore, each point in the plane strain condition has and isotropic. The relevant boundary conditions are:  ij = P0 I, e = e0
three degrees of freedom including two displacements (u1 and u2 ) and mi = 0; where, P0 = initial pressure (=100 kPa); e0 = initial void
and one rotation (ω3c ): U = { u1 u2 ω3c } . ratio (=0.6). The mentioned boundary conditions also imply that
the shear stresses and couple stresses are assumed as zero in the
initial state. For modeling the interaction between granular soil and
3. Finite element modeling bounding structure, it is assumed that the grains are captured by
the rough surface of bounding structure. It means that at the bot-
In this research, the present micro-polar Lade’s single harden- tom boundary (x2 = 0), the vertical displacement (u2 ) is zero, and the
ing model is implemented in a finite element program in order prescribed horizontal displacement (u1B ) is the same for bounding
to investigate the phenomenon of shear localization along granu- structure and bottom surface of granular layer. This assumption
lar soil–structure interfaces during large movement of bounding also implies that the possibility of relative displacement, resulted
structure. The numerical implementation of constitutive model from lower skin frictions, is not considered along the surface of
is not mainly concerned here. However, the numerical aspects bounding structure. In other words, full shearing of granular layer
are briefly described and for details (Alsaleh, 2004; Alshibli et al., is assumed along the rough surface of bounding structure. The bot-
2006) are suggested. In order to describe the displacements and tom surface of granular layer is horizontally moved by applying
Cosserat rotation within the element, a 4-noded isoparametric ele- a quasi-static displacement. In this research, two different micro-
ment with four integration points is used for plane strain condition polar kinematic boundary conditions (Cases I and II) are considered
(Alsaleh et al., 2006). Based on this type of element, a bi-linear for studying the effects of rotation resistance of soil particles along
shape function will be used. Here, the 4-noded element is chosen the interface (x2 = 0): Case I: free Cosserat rotation is assumed along
for minimizing any expected locking in the element (Belytschko the interface (x2 = 0) and modeled with zero couple stresses; Case
et al., 2000). The selective reduced integration technique is imple- II: constrained Cosserat rotation is assumed along the interface
mented to avoid the probable volumetric lock during softening (x2 = 0) and modeled with zero Cosserat rotations. The boundary
regime. Newton-Raphson iteration technique is applied to fulfill the condition with zero couple stress, along the interface (Case I), is in
static equilibrium equations; an updated Lagrange formulation is accordance with the presumption of classical continuum mechan-
employed in the calculations to consider large deformation, which ics. In fact, zero couple stress, along the interface, will occur when
may be important as long as shear localization takes place. Finite grain rotation (micro-rotation) and continuum rotation (macro-
element equations are obtained for discrete system based on the rotation) are equal. It is noted that also in case of zero Cosserat
virtual work equation, where geometric non-linearity is taken into rotation along the bottom and top surfaces of granular soil layer
account by Lagrangian description. The finite element implemen- (Case II), there is a plane in the middle of localized zone (or in
tation is performed using the non-linear finite element program the middle of layer) where the couple stresses are zero, i.e. the
ABAQUS. It should be mentioned that the element with material signs of couple stresses are switched in the plane. In other words,
rotation is not provided in this program. Therefore, a User Element zero couple stresses, prescribed along the interface, is one reason-
Subroutine (UEL) was written and tested thoroughly by the authors able choice for micro-polar boundary condition. This assumption
to describe the new element type with both translation and rota- is motivated by the fact that zero couple stresses are generally
tion degrees of freedom to solve the system of the finite element appeared in the middle of the shear band in cases where the shear
equations within micro-polar framework (Alsaleh, 2004; Alsaleh band can freely develop in the granular body (Huang and Bauer,
et al., 2006). All the internal state variables (stresses, plastic work, 2003). Here, constrained Cosserat rotation along the interface (Case
void ratio, etc.) are updated within the UEL using explicit forward II) is corresponded to the behavior of very rough surface of bound-
Euler integration scheme. Regarding rectangular co-ordinate sys- ing structure. Very rough surfaces can capture even small grains in
tem and assumed plane strain conditions, the kinematic quantities their boundary layers without occurring any sliding or rotating. The
are displacements (u1 and u2 ) and micro-rotation (Cosserat rota- condition of constrained Cosserat rotations along the interface was
tion, ω3c ), presented in Fig. 1(a). The non-zero static quantities are verified during shearing tests in Couette apparatus performed with
stress components ( 11 ,  22 ,  33 ,  12 ,  21 ) and couple stress com- steel rods and silo model tests with coins (Tejchman, 1989, 1997).
ponents (m1 , m2 ), shown in Fig. 1(a). It is sufficient to discretize a The lack of rotation and slip along very rough walls was also con-
small section of lateral infinite layer by finite elements due to the firmed by wall friction experiments (Tejchman, 1989; Tejchman
horizontal and vertical symmetry of the layer, shown in Fig. 1(b). and Wu, 1995). More importantly, in a continuum description, the
The Lade’s model parameters, calibrated for a dense silica sand, are assumption of vanishing rotation resistance should not be confused
given in Table 1 (Alsaleh, 2004). with the rolling of discrete grains along the interface. The latter
Particularly, a section with the initial height of h0 = 4 cm and is in the kinematics of a system of discrete grains with specific
the width of b = 10 cm is discretized by 4-noded elements, each of sizes (Bauer and Huang, 2004). However, in analyzing the discrete
which is 1.25 mm × 1.25 mm. The size of element is less than 5 × d50 grains, the rolling of a grain along the contact surface leads to the
(with d50 = 1 mm) to obtain mesh independent results (Tejchman relative displacement between grain center and bounding struc-
and Bauer, 1996). Here, special micro-polar boundary conditions ture. In the present continuum model it is assumed that no relative
are introduced across the sections (x1 = 0) and (x1 = b) in the lat- displacement takes place along the interface.
eral infinite layer (Bauer and Huang, 1999). In this regard, each
node on the left boundary (x1 = 0) and its corresponding on the
right (x1 = b) should have the same displacements and Cosserat 4. Numerical results
rotation. The prescribed lateral constraints also imply that in the
direction of bounding structure movement, arbitrary field quanti- 4.1. Free Cosserat rotations along the interface (m2 = 0)
ties ˚ are independent of co-ordinates, that is: ∂˚(x1 , x2 )/∂x1 = 0.
In the present study, the top surface of granular layer is assumed to In the first case, the rotation resistance of soil particles can
be fixed not to occur sliding and rotating. The vertical pressure (P0 ) be neglected along the interface and thus the couple stresses
is kept constant at the top surface of layer. However, the height of are assumed as zero; that is the soil particles are free to rotate.
layer can be changed as the result of dilatancy or contractancy of Together with zero rotation resistance of soil particles, prescribed
material under shearing. along the top surface of granular layer, the micro-polar boundary
B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34 31

Fig. 1. Modeling plane strain infinite granular layer under constant vertical pressure in contact with rigid moving structure: (a) kinematic and static quantities of micro-polar
material under plane strain condition and (b) initially undeformed finite element mesh with assumed boundary conditions.

Table 1
Lade’s model parameters for dense silica sand.

Elastic properties Failure criterion Plastic potential Yield criterion Hardening/softening

ML , ,  m, 1 , a , 2 h, ˛L law C, P, b

292.6, 0.25, 0.13 0.37, 84.1, 0.0 2.2, −3.06 0.95, 0.3 0.00007, 2.6, 1.0

conditions are non-symmetric. In contrast with non-polar (clas- 1997), while outside the shear band, the values are nearly zero.
sical) continuum, the horizontal displacement field (u1 /h0 ) is These results are in accordance with the experimental observations
non-linear from the beginning of shearing, shown in Fig. 2(a). The (Kishida and Uesugi, 1987; Tejchman, 1997; Oda and Kazama, 1998;
finding is confirmed by the experimental observations (Garga and Oda et al., 2004) as well as DEM simulations (Bardet, 1994; Iwashita
Infante Sedano, 2002) as well as other numerical studies (Tejchman and Oda, 1998). The values of Cosserat rotation increase as the nor-
and Bauer, 1996). Void ratios (e) have the largest values in the malized horizontal displacement of bounding structure increases.
interface for different values of bounding structure displacement The distribution of 21 ∗ across the granular layer height is given in

(Fig. 2(b)). The result is also confirmed by the experiments of Fig. 2(d). The profile of 21 ∗ is more non-uniform across the layer

Desrues et al. (1996). Here, a smooth distribution of void ratio with height as bounding structure displacement increases (Fig. 2(d)).
no oscillation is obtained in the shear band for all magnitudes of Here, the magnitude of bounding structure displacement has strong
normalized horizontal displacement of bounding structure, oppos- influence on the distributions of 21 ∗ .

ing to (Tejchman and Gudehus, 2001; Huang and Bauer, 2003). It Fig. 3 shows the evolution of normalized normal stresses
can be concluded that the volume of soil body increases in the shear ∗ ,  ∗ ,  ∗ ), normalized shear stresses ( ∗ ,  ∗ ) and void
(11 22 33 12 21
band as a result of pronounced dilation for shearing under constant ratio (e) presented in different positions across the height.
normal pressure; it is also seen in the experimental observations Normal stress curves are started from isotropic states, that is
(Kishida and Uesugi, 1987). According to Fig. 2(c), the Cosserat rota- ∗ =  ∗ =  ∗ = −1. Furthermore, in the shear band, x /h = 0.00,
11 22 33 2 0
tions have their significant values in the shear band (Tejchman, normal stresses (11 ∗ ,  ∗ ,  ∗ ) go towards the stationary state,
22 33

Fig. 2. Distributions of (a) u1 /h0 , (b) e, (c) ω3c and (d) 21

across x2 /d50 under P0 = 100 kPa for different U1B /h0 (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm and zero interface couple stresses).
32 B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Fig. 3. Evolutions of (a), (b) 11 , 22 , 33 , (c) 12 , 21 and (d) e at different x2 /h0 under P0 = 100 kPa (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm and zero interface couple stresses).

∗ =  ∗ =  ∗ = −1. It is noted that softening is more pronounced

11 provided by Tatsuoka et al. (1991) and DEM-simulations (Bardet
22 33
for the elements, located inside the shear band comparing with and Proubet, 1992).
those located outside (Fig. 3(a) and (b)). The evolution of 12∗ is the
∗ is different depending on the
same for all elements, while that of 21 4.2. Constrained Cosserat rotations along the interface (ω3c = 0)
position of elements, across the height, shown in Fig. 3(c). Normal-
ized shear stresses, first increase steeply up to their peak values and Here, constrained Cosserat rotation along the interface is stud-
then they decrease gradually. For large displacements of bounding ied (Case II). This case is corresponded to the behavior of very
structure, they tend towards a stationary value which depends rough surface of bounding structure. The distribution of quanti-
on the assumed stress limit condition. This pattern is confirmed ties across the height of sheared layer is strongly affected by the
by experimental observations (Kishida and Uesugi, 1987) and interface behavior between granular layer and bounding struc-
qualitatively fits with other numerical studies (Huang and Bauer, ture, confirmed here. According to Tejchman (1997), the interface
2003). According to Fig. 3(d), at the beginning of bounding struc- behaviors are significantly affected by the boundary conditions of
ture displacement, all void ratio curves decrease slightly and then entire system. The higher void ratio values are obtained within the
increase. It means that the materials first become denser and then shear band; they have extremely lower values outside the shear
show dilatancy as the deformation increases. Void ratios increase band (Fig. 5(a)). These results correspond to experimental obser-
sharply inside the shear band (x2 /h0 = 0.00) and tend towards a vations (Kishida and Uesugi, 1987; Oda and Kazama, 1998). In this
stationary value of ec = 0.84; however, outside the shear band they study, void ratio is distributed smoothly in the shear band which is
decrease slightly and then become almost constant with continu- more realistic unlike the results already published in the literature
ous shearing. This indicates that the material, after its peak state, (Tejchman and Gudehus, 2001; Huang and Bauer, 2003). The shear
behaves as a rigid body outside the shear band with continuous band can be characterized by the appearance of Cosserat rotation
shearing (Tejchman and Gudehus, 2001; Huang and Bauer, 2003). (Fig. 5(b)). This indicates that polar effects in granular materials
Here, the contour plot of void ratio is given along with deformed are significant when shear localization appears as also detected in
configuration of granular layer (Fig. 4). The brighter zones, in the experiments (Oda and Iwashita, 2000; Garga and Infante Sedano,
plot, are of higher void ratios or where failure may start. The defor- 2002) and in previous numerical simulations (Tejchman, 1997;
mations are obviously localized in the soil near bounding structure Garga and Infante Sedano, 2002). It is found that the maximum
surface. The predicted thickness of shear band is about 13 d50 . It values of ω3c are lower for ω3c = 0, comparing with m2 = 0.
should be mentioned that the magnitude of horizontal displace- The 11∗ and 33 ∗ profiles are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b),
ment has no significant effect on the thickness of shear band. The respectively. As the horizontal displacement of bounding structure
shear band thickness is in accordance with the experimental results increases, the distribution of normalized normal stresses (11∗ , ∗ )
(Oda et al., 2004). The boundary conditions of infinite extended become more non-uniform across the height. So far, the distri-
granular layer, assumed here, are completely different from those butions of normal and shear stresses have not been obtained by
of experiments. Therefore, no quantitative comparison would be elasto-plastic Cosserat model, regarding infinite sheared layer in
possible. Despite using totally different constitutive model, the contact with bounding structure under large shearing movement.
numerical results, obtained in this study, are qualitatively similar to The normalized stresses |11 ∗ | and | ∗ | have their minimum val-
those of Tejchman and Bauer (1996). However, the results, gained ues in the middle of layer excluding u1B /h0 = 0.125, where they
here, are slightly higher than those of experimental measurements occur at the boundaries. The normalized normal stresses (11 ∗ , ∗ )
B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34 33

Fig. 4. Deformed shape of granular layer under P0 = 100 kPa along with contour plot of void ratio (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm, u1B = 4.50 h0 and zero interface couple stresses).

Fig. 5. Distributions of (a) e and (b) ω3c across x2 /d50 under P0 = 100 kPa for different U1B /h0 (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm and zero interface Cosserat rotations).

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Fig. 6. Distributions of (a), (b) 11 , 22 , 33 , (c) 12 and (d) 21 across x2 /d50 under P0 = 100 kPa for different U1B /h0 (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm and zero interface Cosserat rotations).

approach to −1 in the middle of shear band under large shearing. At ∗ ) varies (Fig. 6(d)). Therefore, the stress ten-
vertical shear stress (21
∗ =  ∗ =  ∗ = −1 is obtained.
the limit state, the condition of 11 sor also becomes non-symmetric in case of initial isotropic stress
22 33
∗ ) is constant across the
The normalized horizontal shear stress (12 state. Here, the magnitude of bounding structure displacement
height; needed for equilibrium (Fig. 6(c)); however, normalized has strong influence on the distributions of 21 ∗ . The maximum

Fig. 7. Deformed shape of granular layer under P0 = 100 kPa along with contour plot of void ratio (e0 = 0.6, d50 = 1 mm, u1B = 4.50 h0 and zero interface Cosserat rotations).
34 B. Ebrahimian et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 39 (2012) 28–34

values of |21∗ | are slightly higher for m = 0, comparing with obtained in this study, conducting numerous finite element anal-
those for ω3 = 0. In this research, stress components are also uni- yses. It should be mentioned that the FE results have been
formly distributed in the shear band, opposing to what obtained verified qualitatively by experimental observations as well as
in Tejchman and Gudehus (2001) and Huang and Bauer (2003). No other numerical studies.
oscillation is observed in the distribution of normalized stresses
within the shear band.
The contour plot of void ratio and deformed configuration of References
granular layer are presented in Fig. 7. According to this figure, the
Alsaleh, M., 2004. Numerical modeling for strain localization in granular materi-
deformation for large shearing is localized in the narrow zone in the als using Cosserat theory enhanced with microfabric properties. Ph.D. Thesis.
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