Assessment Science

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NAME: ___________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ________________________

TEACHER-CONSULTANT: _________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________

SCIENCE 3rd Quarter

Written Works
I. Distance and Displacement
A. True or False. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.
_______1. Kilogram is a unit for distance.
_______2. The quantity 2 meters is a distance.
_______3. The quantity 2 kilometers is a displacement.
_______4. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a distance.
_______5. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a displacement.
_______6. Distance is the length of the entire path travelled by an object.
_______7. Displacement includes both distance and direction of the object’s position.
_______8. The displacement is equal to zero when an object’s initial and final position is the same.
_______9. The shortest distance between the initial and final position of the object is called
______10. The total distance travelled of an object from its initial position to a certain position and back
to its initial position is zero.
II. Speed and Velocity
B. Determine the following quantities whether it is speed or velocity. Write S if it is speed and write V if
it is velocity.
______1. 5 miles per second ______6. 12 miles per hour South
______2. 10 meters per hour East ______7. 9 miles per second Northeast
______3. 8 kilometers per hour ______8. 2 kilometers per hour
______4. 15 miles per hour ______9. 25 miles per hour
______5. 3 meters per second West ______10. 18 meters per second Southwest

III.Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the correct word/s from the box. Write your
answers on the space provided.

acceleration displacement position average

distance scalar constant deceleration

speedometer direction motion velocity

Motion is a change in (1.) _______________ with respect to a reference point. Distance and
displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration are ways to describe motion. Distance is a (2.)
____________ quantity having magnitude but no direction while (3.) ________________ is a vector quantity
having both magnitude and direction. (4.) _______________ speed refers to the total distance travelled
divided by the total time and (5.) __________ is displacement divided by total time of travel. A
(6.)__________measures instantaneous speed/velocity. (7.) ___________ motion refers to an object
moving with constant speed or constant velocity. (8.) _____________ is defined as the change in velocity in a
time interval. Acceleration may change in any of the following conditions: when the velocity changes, when
the (9.) ____________ of motion changes, or when both velocity and direction of motion changes. (10.)
_______________ is the opposite of acceleration where the velocity of an object decreases.

IV.Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the correct word/s from the box. Write your
answers on the space provided.
accelerating constant decelerating negative

positive slope slower speed

zero velocity faster displacement

A gradual change of the distance between dots in the ticker tape that gets smaller means the object
is slowing down which indicates that the object’s motion is (1.) _______________. If the distance between
dots gradually gets longer, it means the object is speeding up or (2.) _______________.
A ticker-tape chart can be converted into a motion graph. On a displacement-time graph, the slope
is equal to the (3.) _____________ of the object and the slope of a straight line is constant. Straight line
denotes (4.) _____________ velocities while curved line has changing slopes which denote acceleration. A
(5.) _________ slope indicates motion in the positive direction while a negative slope indicates motion in the
negative direction. A (6.) ___________slopes imply a state of rest. The (7.) __________ of the graph also
determines how fast or slow the motion is. A steeper slope indicates a (8.) ___________velocity while smaller
slope indicates slower velocity. Lastly, on a velocity-time graph, zero slopes indicate motion with (9.)
__________ velocity, a positive slope indicates an increase in velocity in the positive direction; and a (10.)
____________ slope indicates an increase in velocity in the negative direction.

Performance Tasks
I. Copy and complete the table by solving the missing values of the quantities.
Formula: Speed= distance
Balls Distance (m) Time (s) Speed (m/s)
1 10 5 2
2 20 5
3 30 5
4 40 5
5 50 5

II. Copy and complete the table by solving the missing values of the quantities.
Formula: Acceleration = final velocity – initial velocity
Balls Initial Velocity Final Velocity Time Acceleration
(m/s) (m/s) (s) (m/s2)
1 10 20 2 5
2 20 70 5
3 50 30 10
4 15 30 3
5 12 20 2

III.Skateboarding is an action sport and is considered as a recreational activity. Based on Figure 11,
determine the average speed and velocity of the skateboarder. Copy the table and fill in the needed

Distance Distanc Distance Total Total Average

(A to B) e (C to D) Distance Time Speed
(B to C)
100 m 3 min
Initial Final Displacement Total Average
Position Position Time Velocity
A D 3 min
IV.Draw the graph to represent the given verbal descriptions below. Number 1 is done for you.
1. The object is moving and is accelerating in a positive direction.

2. The object is moving and is decelerating in a positive direction.

3. The object is moving and is accelerating in a negative direction.
4. The object is moving and is decelerating in a negative direction.

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